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Alison Blackshaw

From : David Gilbert

Sent : 18 September 2002 11 53
To: Alastan Campbell, David Bradshaw, James
Subject . RE Iraq Dossier
Yes, we're working with the FCO and MOD to make sure as many people as possible can access the dossier

-----Original Message-----
From : Felicity Hatfield On Behalf Of Alastair Campbell
Sent : 17 September 2002 18 16
To : David Gilbert, Alastatr Campbell, Anne Shevas, David Bradshaw, James Humphreys
Subject : RE- Iraq Dossier

Are you ok on all this yet?

----- Original Message-----

From : David Gtlbert
Sent : 13 September 2002 16 29
To : Alastau Campbell, Anne Shevas, David Bradshaw, James Humphreys
Subject: Iraq Dossier

After our experiences of handling the Bin-Laden A11141111OWdocument last year we're
much better placed to handle the huge demand we'll probably receive for the Iraq dossier
when its published on the 24th

Over 1 million people downloaded the Bin-Laden document and the massive influx of
visitors to the website gave us a great opportunity to set out our position on the subject .

This time around we are confident the websde will be able to cope with even more visitors
without causing problems and we can also take advantage of our 14,000+ registered
users to e-mail the dossier to them directly

Ideally, the earlier we can be involved in arrangements for the launch of the dossier the
better as we may need to do some preparatory work on the site first

Anne - can we arrange to talk next week about this?




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