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€ Nasal

polyps are polypoidal masses arising mainly from the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. € They are form from recurrent, localized swellings of the nasal or sinus mucosa. € They appear as smooth, pale tumors and usually edematous.

frequently develop in people who have allergic rhinitis. € They are freely moveable and nontender. € The most common site in the nose is the middle meatus (between the middle and inferior turbinates).
€ Most

€ The

tendency to manifest multiple polyps is referred to as ´polyposisµ. € Exposure to some forms of chromium can cause nasal polyps and associated diseases. € They are also linked to salicylate sensitivity.

enters the nose through two nostrils separated by nasal septum. € The nasal septum is composed of cartilage and bone. € Nasal cavity walls are composed of bone covered with mucous membrane.
€ Air

On the lateral walls of each nasal cavity are three projections (the superior, middle, and inferior turbinate bones) or the ´conchaeµ, meaning shell-shaped structures. The turbinate bones increase the area of mucous membrane over which air passes. The paranasal sinuses are airfilled cavities, lined with mucous membrane, in facial bones surrounding the nasal cavities.



€ Chronic rhinosinusitis € Asthma € Aspirin intolerance € Cystic fibrosis € Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis Nasal mucous membrane is swollen, edematous and congested

Nasal mucous membranes becomes thickened by connective tissues

Turbinates are pale and edematous

The posterior ends of the inferior turinates become enlarged Obstruction into the nasopharynx

Nasal block






block € sinusitis €Anosmia (loss of smell) €headache

€ Corticosteriods € Antihistamines € Antibiotics € Polypectomy € Endoscopic

sinus surgery

€ Always

blow the nose with the mouth open slightly and with both nostrils open if you have colds, to prevent excessive pressure and forcing of infected matter into the Eustachian tubes. crowds, covers nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing. adequate fluids and vitamin C.

€ Avoid

€ Take

€ Avoid domestic animals and do

touch them.


€ Use nonallergenic cosmetics. € Avoid wool bleeding.

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