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1. Are grades important?

Discuss whether grades are necessary in order

to keep students on track with learning.
2. Peer pressure is more beneficial than harmful.
3. Global warming is a figment of our imagination.
4. Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to
develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?
5. Academic qualification ensures success in life? (Academic qualifications
are commonly felt to give a person the best chance of success in life.
How far is this true?)
6. Schools Don’t Prepare Young People for Life in the Real World
7. Advertisements do more harm than good. (Is having widespread
advertising good for a society?)
8. Economic Development vs the Environment. (Is the economic
development of developing countries more important than protecting
the environment?)
9. English language spelling reform.( Should we change the way words in
the English language are spelled, to make them more like the way
they are spoken?)
10. Balance in the media. (Should news broadcasters be required to be
balanced and impartial in their reporting of events?)
11. Biodiversity and Endangered Species. (Should we be trying to prevent
species becoming extinct? If so, why?)
12. Genetically Modified Food. (Are there environmental, moral, or health
issues associated with genetically modified food? Should it be
13. Globalization: Marginalization of the Poor. (Has the rise and spread of
trans-national companies exacerbated global economic inequalities?)
14. 'Contemporary Values are not in Consonance with Indian
15. Internet, brings more harm than good

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