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Swara Yoga

Swara is more than the air which flows from the nostrils; it is the flow of
prana, a very subtle and vital aspect of the breath. Our sages recognized
that the breath is man’s most valuable treasure without which he cannot
exist. Traditionally, it is a closely guarded science taught directly by Guru
to disciple.

The three Swaras: one Swara flows through the left nostril, another
flows through the right nostril, and the third flows from both the nostrils
together. The different Swaras influence us in various ways by stimulating
different energy centres and nervous system. In Swara yoga, mind is
known as chitta, life force as prana, and spirit as atma.

According to Swara shastras, by analysis of the breath, deeper

understanding of the cosmos in unfolded and the wisdom revealed within
the Vedas can be realized.

Breathing not only maintains the physical body, it is a direct medium for
the evolution of consciousness. There are three main nadis: ida, pingala
and sushumna nadi. According to Swara Yoga, the body is storehouse of
vital energy. When the awareness is absorbed in the breath, in its
movement, in its sound, it becomes a vehicle to attain higher experiences.
The breath goes out, makes the sound ‘Hum’ and comes in producing the
sound ‘So’. We make the sound ‘Hum-So’ 21, 600 times every 24 hours.
The repetition of mantra is known as Ajapa japa. Mantra is made out of
two roots: ‘man’ which means contemplation and ‘tra’ which means to
liberate. When the transcendental sound of breath is repeatedly
perceived, the conscious becomes liberated from finite mind. The root
‘man’ also means reflection (manana). Manana brings liberation. Swara is
key to our health.

The famous guru Goraknath, the greatest exponent of hatha yoga said
that by doing hatha yoga they are not merely purifying the physical body
but bringing balance between the 2 forces in the body known as sun and
moon, Ha represent sun and Tha, the moon so ha and tha represent
pingala and and ida, the solar and lunar forces.

Hatha yoga increases the capacity of all naris,

vayus and chakras. By incorporating Swara
Yoga, a balance of naris and awakening of
sushuna can take place.

Yoga is the method by which restless mind is

calmed and the energy is directed into
constructive channels.

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