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PART I! ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT OF TEST DATA 11 INTRODUCTION ‘This document provides the main supporting information to the designers’ manual on grouted and mechanical strengthening and repair of tubular siee! offshore structures which forms Part | of this report. The Joint Industry Repairs Research Project, which led to this designers’ manual, involved a substantial testing programme, the results of which are provided in individual test reports contained within Volumes Ill and IV (in the microfiches with this report), The purpose of this partis to provide details of how the basic test data has been interpreted to provide the design guidance given in Part | This part also contains the database from the Joint Industry Repairs Research Project and from earlier projects for the UK Department of Energy, Conoco and Occidental, the results of which have been made available for the preparation of the designers’ manual. This database is provided for two reasons. Firstly, the data may be used to support the use of the design equations given in Part I in submission for statutory and other approvals. Secondly, it is recognised that certain repairs or strengthening schemes may require experimental investigations and the availablity of the general database permits further studies to be carried out and results interpreted with the benefit of @ significantly larger database; this leads to increased confidence in the results obtained and reduced statistical penalties for using a single or small number of tests to support a design. The terms used in this part are defined in Section 3 of Part I, Throughout this document the distinction between a clamp and a connection is maintained. A clamp is distinct from a connection in that It Is used to repair or strengthen a tubular joint within an existing structure by providing an alternative parallel load path, whilst a connection is a device for joining concentric tubular members together, A clamp will contain two or more connections and one or more joints, whilst a connection is an individual item. -87-

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