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Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,

Incorporated, P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI
Information Sheet: John and Jane Doe, Husband and Wife
Current Stage: Bank filed for Summary Judgment in Unlawful Detainer Case
1.         Initial Lender:
2.         CEO:
3.         CA Business License?
4.         If Yes, Obtained When?
5.         Subsequent Lender:
6.         Date of Assignment:
7.         Parties (who to who):
8.         Date of Assignment:
9.         CA Business License?
10.     If Yes, Obtained When?

11.     Initial Trustee:
12.     CA Business License?
13.     If Yes, Obtained When?

14.     Initial Beneficiary:
15.     Date of Assignment:
16.     Name(s) of Assignment:
17.     Name of Assignor:
18.     Date of Assignment:
19.     CA Business License?
20.     If Yes, Obtained When?

21.     Subsequent Beneficiary:
22.     CEO:
23.     Date of Assignment:
24.     Name(s) of Assignment:
25.     Name of Assignor:
26.     Date of Assignment:
27.     CA Business License?
28.     If Yes, Obtained When?

29.     Current Beneficiary:
30.     CEO:
31.     Date of Assignment:
32.     Name(s) of Assignment:
33.     Name of Assignor:
34.     CA Business License?
35.     If Yes, Obtained When?
36.     Subsequent Trustee:
37.     CA Business License?
38.     If Yes, Obtained When?
39.     Date of Assignment:
40.     Name(s) of Assignment:
41.     Name of Assignor:

42.     Current Trustee:
43.     CEO:
44.     Date of Assignment:
45.     Name(s) of Assignment:
46.     Name of Assignor:
47.     Date of Assignment:
48.     CA Business License?
49.     If Yes, Obtained When?

50.     Deed of Trust Instrument No.:

(Security Instrument)
51.     Date of Instrument:
52.     Date Recorded:
53.     Date Notarized:
54.     Instrument No.:
55.     Name of Recording Jurisdiction:
56.     Full Legal Description of Property:
57.     Parcel ID Number (APN):
58.     Street Address:

59.     Promissory Note:
60.     Amount of Loan:
61.     Amount of Note:
62.     Date of Note:
63.     Date Note Due:
64.     Loan No.:
65.     Account No.:
66.  Notice of Default Loan Number:
67.     Escrow No.:
68.     MIN:
69.     Name of Borrower:

70.     Notice of Default Instrument No.::

71.     Date of Notice:
72.     Date Recorded:
73.     Who Requested:
74.     Who Returned to:
75.     Entities Listed:
76.     Individuals and who they signed for:
77.     Notary Name:
78.     Notary Number:
79.     Commission Expires:

80.     Substitution of Trustee Instrument No.:

81.     Who Requested:
82.     Who Returned to:
83.     Entities Listed
84.     Individuals and who they signed for:
85.     Notary Name:
86.     Notary Number:
87.     Commission Expiration:

88.     Notice of Trustee’s Sale Instrument No.:

89.     Date of Notice:
90.     Date Recorded:
91.     Who Requested:
92.     Who Returned to:
93.     Entities Listed:
94.     Individuals and who they signed for:
95.     Trustee Sale Officer:
96.     Trustee’s Company:
97.     APN #:

98.     Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale Instrument No.:

99.     Date of Sale:
100. Date of Document:
101. Date Recorded:
102. Where Recorded:
103. Where Notarized:
104. Notary Name & Num:
105. Commission Expires:
106. State Authorized:
107. Was the Grantee the Beneficiary:
108. Amount Claimed:
109. Amount Bid:
110. Who Requested:
111. Who Returned to:
112. Entities Listed:
113. Individuals and who they signed for:
eet: John and Jane Doe, Husband and Wife
d for Summary Judgment in Unlawful Detainer Case

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