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Catcher in the Rye Extensions

Chapters 8-16

You must do at least 15 points worth of extensions today. You may do 20 points or
more for extra credit, however quality is more important than quantity. For some items
you are to focus on chapters 8-16; for others you should include the entire book.

A) (10 points) Find five instances in the book where Holden shows compassion towards an
underdog. Copy the text showing how Holden has taken the underdog’s side, include the page
number where the instance takes place.

B) Open-ended Quote/ Response Chart (10 points) Record 10 significant quotes from chapters 8-
16 and interpret them: Why do they strike you? What do they mean to you? What in your own
experiences is similar or different?

Quote from text (including page number) Your response (answers to some or all of the
above questions.

C) Explaining Symbolism (6 points) Explain what each of the following symbols might mean:
1) ducks in winter
2) Holden’s grey hair
3) Holden’s gimpy (damaged) fist
4) The Natural History Museum pgs 121-122
5) Seesaw pg 122
6) Suitcases (nice one or expensive ones)

D) (10 points) Summarize Holden’s attitude towards sex using quotes from the book. Then write at
least a page about how you or your peers view sexual relations.

E) (8 points) Draw any scene from Chapters 8-16 in as much detail as possible. Write a quote from
the book that helps explain the scene.

F) (15 points) Make a illustrated map or timeline of the places Holden has been since he decide to
leave Pencey. (For example show Holden walking to the train; being on the train; etc.) Label each
location with the most important thing that happened at each place.

G) (20 Points) Make a illustrated map or timeline of the places Holden has been since the beginning
of the novel; include a label for each location that explains the most important thing that happened
at each place. (For example show Holden watching the football game; visiting Old Spencer; etc.)

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