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FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIG™ pW 47 TE U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTive Laboratory Report Caso: Number: 7—5°7L -97F-4, Specimens: Examination requested by: Date received: Examination requested: Result of exasination: Examination ty: pa a 3 c 7 f a tStbavw y | TBC > | Gp eg Kina nop the ono t i FO Sounisae oF Mm Yy a IDE TFTA Be and ¢ #59 9K wm aq Thal Te Foe au ] b seme ~ ss BAS Cagis ll, Kipp he Sa { Fig ret LL, Bh Ah a Psrrujw Y vit x FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION wae { U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laboratory Report Case: Res BRBKID Number: 757EOUS Speciaeno: : TsTeollonte Tow sheets of the Inova henteriting of Say to be placed on file. 5 Ge Examination requested by: Cleveland Date received:1-Qh-36 Jup 1:30 PL | Examination requested: Doounent “ (Result, of exaaination Exanination ty: QS or CC: Cineinnats Chicago 1 Ey Je Conneliey, Chicago Bte Fund Louteville Detroit Nashville Mew York : i ee m 7~U26.-4 Bee Dae - * oy I =a / qrseral Buceax of Inestig..umt It 7 : BLS, Bepartment of Fustice we rate a July 21, 1936. Director, re the periods indicated: Federal Bureau of Investigation, } Washington, D. c. j Z 395" t =3/ er Fiviae ® ahh or > vestigation «| 6s : < ee JUL 22 1936 =m. 3! U.S. LEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 3S Reference is made to Buresu LeqeeeN' GATED A ° cle fs cae Ll, 1935, and april 28, 1936 (7-574 S FILE c There are transi: herewith additional lists which were furnished by the#Federe] Laboratories, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pemsylvania, ‘Tompoon submachine gus in the following States during’ , ‘lecting sales of 2 24 193 State From To Alabama 192i August 20, 1920, arizona 1921: duly 20, i928 Golorado ieel July 23, 1928 Delaware 1921 Oetober 20, 1920 Dist. of Columbia 1921 Jamary 10, 1928 Georgia 1921 October 22, 1928 Taaho reel July 8, 1939 Indiene ioc otober 8, 2008 Tow 1921 ‘July 14, ozs Kansas 1921 February 14, 1929 Kentuky 1021 Jemuary 26, 1029 ped H Louisana - (except lee. July 24, 1028 ON dl New Orleans) os 7 Maine See Deore a MLL A) ‘Lend sel 1, 1989 : se Stee Teel Seyteuber 20, 1928 P Ae Minnesota reel May 27, 1929 — Mississippi 1921 March Je, 1934 Montana 1921 September 23, 1931 Be Nebraska 1921 February 10,1930 copes seocbon! \@ ato mares 1° a” \

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