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7:00 p.m. October 19, 2010
Aqua Water Community Room,
415 Old Austin Hwy.

1. Call to Order – Ed Skarnulis, President

2. Approval of 9/21/10 meeting minutes – Sue Lane McCulley, Secretary
a. Approval of 10/8/10 Special Called Meeting minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report – Bill Haschke, Treasurer
4. Road Committee Report - John Clark, Chair
5. Architectural Control Committee Report – Tom Arcy, Chair
a. Update on the contacts with homeowners out of compliance
b. Approval of ACC request to proceed with engagement of attorney to take
necessary legal action.
6. Old Business
a. Approval of Final Edits on By-Laws – Sue Lane
b. Website Updating Request by Tom Arcy to update ACC Board info – Bill
c. Update on foreclosure notices - Bill
7. New Business
a. Slater , Kennon & Jameson have asked the Treasurer to sign a document
which has been approved by the Board, making Adam Pugh a trustee for
the POA, regarding foreclosures.
b. Emails from Briar Forest residents. Request for speed bumps or humps.
c. Preparation of General Membership meeting agenda for 2011. Current
1. Update on the payment of dues process and collections
2. ACC Board Listing, vacancies, terms of office, and
election process
3. PFPOA Board vacancies, terms of office, and
nomination/election of new board members.
4. Fire Hydrant presentation by John

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