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Question # 1
To what extent do you find
what you do interesting?

The desire to do something

because you find it deeply
satisfying and personally
challenging inspires the highest
levels of creativity, whether it's in
the arts, sciences, or business.

Teresa Amabile

When curiosity is guiding discoveries and

learning, people are more likely to experience
a sense of astonishment and sincere surprise,
which forms the impetus for the quick
absorption of new material and skills, thereby
contributing to building their competence.


Gary Hamel

Human capabilities
Level 6: Passion

Get large meaning out of work.

Level 5: Creativity

Come up with new ideas.

Level 4: Initiative

Do things before being asked.

Level 3: Intellect

Bring best practices to work.

Level 2: Diligence

Work hard.

Level 1: Obedience

Do what you are told.


Enjoyment based intrinsic motivation, i.e.

how a person feels when working

on a task, is the strongest and most
pervasive driver.
Survey of 684 open-source developers by Karim Lakhani and Bob Wolf.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 23.

Frederick Herzberg's 2-factor theory, which focuses on the idea

that the factors that determine job dissatisfaction ("hygiene
factors") are completely separate from those that determine
true satisfaction ("motivators"). Insufficient financial
compensation, for example, falls into the former camp. But
having sufficient compensation will not lead to passion for a job;
it just takes away the dissatisfaction.
Motivation, according to the theory, is determined not by

material incentives, but rather by interesting

recognition, and personal growth.



In a now classical experiment (see Deci, 1975), college

students were either paid or not paid to work for a
certain time on an interesting puzzle.
Those in the no-reward condition played with the
puzzle significantly more in a later unrewarded freetime period than paid subjects, and also reported a
greater interest in the task.

Generation Y expects to work in

communities of mutual interest and
passion, not structured hierarchies.

Consequently, people management

strategies will have to change so that
they look more like Facebook and less
like the pyramid structures that we
are used to.

Vineet Nayar


Have conversations with staff about

their likes and dislikes of their current work.
their strengths and how to dedicate more of
their time on things they love.

Studies show that people who are intrinsically

motivated, i.e. motivated by, for example,
satisfying own curiosity, learning new skills and/or
having fun, are 3 times more engaged than
people who are motivated primarily by extrinsic
rewards such as money.

Further inspiration

Question # 2
To what extent is what
you do meaningful?

Motivation is the act or process of

providing a motive that causes a
person to take some action.

3 factors lead to better performance and personal satisfaction

# 1: Purpose
What is meaningful.
# 2: Mastery
The urge to get better.
# 3: Autonomy
The desire to be self directed.

Herzbergs theory of motivation suggests you need to

ask yourself, for example, these questions:
Is this work meaningful to me?
Will I have an opportunity for recognition
and achievement?
Am I going to learn new things?

Further inspiration

Question # 3
To what extent is what
you do needed?

Professional satisfaction

What you find interesting

What people need

What you are really good at


Further inspiration

Question # 4
To what extent do you
set goals for what you
want to achieve?

When people set goals for themselves,

healthy things usually happen.
But goals imposed by others, for example sales
targets, quarterly returns, standardized testscores,
can sometimes have dangerous side effects.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 50.

On his theory y, Douglas Mcgregor notes

that if people are committed to a goal,
they will seek responsibility.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 195. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1065405301

Lockes goal setting theory hypothesizes

that by establishing goals, individuals are
motivated to take action to achieve those

Goal setting has a positive

effect on student motivation.


Studies show that to think and produce creatively,

people must forget about pleasing an audience, or
pleasing critics, or winning prizes, or earning
royalties. All such thoughts stifle creativity.
Instead they must focus fully on the product they
are trying to create, as if creating it for its own sake.

Goal setting increases extrinsic motivation.

However, it can harm intrinsic motivation by
engaging people in a task for its own sake.

Setting goals is an effective method to track

Too much emphasis on performance goals
may encourage unethical or unnecessarily
risky behavior.

Sears set sales goals for its auto repair staff

of $147 per hour.
This goal prompted staff to overcharge for
work and to complete unnecessary repairs.

Goals may promote competition rather

than cooperation and ultimately lower
overall performance.

Further inspiration


Question # 5
To what extent are you free
to do what you want to do?

3 factors lead to better performance and personal satisfaction

# 1: Purpose
What is meaningful.
# 2: Mastery
The urge to get better.
# 3: Autonomy
The desire to be self directed.

When a person can do a task in his/her own

way, i.e. decide herself/himself how
she/he wants to do the task, she/he will be
more motivated to do the task.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 63.

Hundred of studies show that when people are free to

do something, they
become more creative,
solve problems better,
perform better,
have more positive emotions, and
have a better psychological and physical wellness.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 63. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1065405301

To support a person in becoming more autonomously

motivated, you need to
find out how the person sees the situation,
provide the person with choices to decide from,
helping her/him try new ways,
encouraging her/him to take initiative,
provide her/him with a meaningful rationale.

Further inspiration

Question # 6
To what extent do you
give and/or receive
useful information?

Teresa Amabile found out that when people

get specific, meaningful information about
their work, they become more motivated.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 67.

Question # 7
To what extent do you give
and/or receive feedback?

Feedback is great motivation.


Herzbergs approach suggests that individuals

have desires behind hygienes such as salary,
and that motivators such as recognition for
achievement are very important to them.

We should praise effort and strategy rather than

praising intelligence.

When we praise, for example, a child's effort on

learning something, the kid will understand that
effort will lead to mastery and growth and will
take on new tasks to progress further.
Research by Carol Dweck.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 178.

Further inspiration

Question # 8
What kind of work and
living environments do you
need to do your best work?

Dont ask How can you motivate other

people?. Instead, ask How can you
create the conditions within which
people will motivate themselves?
http://youtu.be/VGrcets0E6I 13:25.

Further inspiration

Question # 9
How often do you ask
people questions?

Lead with questions, not with answers.

Advice by Jim Collins.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 198.

Further inspiration

Question # 10
How easy is it for you to
speak up when you see
a problem?

Build red flag mechanisms.

In other words, make it easy for people to
speak up when they identify a problem.
Advice by Jim Collins.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 198.

Question # 11
To what extent do you
give and/or receive
unexpected rewards?

The highest levels of creativity were produced

by people who received a reward as a kind of
bonus, an unexpected reward.
Research by Teresa Amabile.
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 66.

B. F. Skinner proposed that individuals

are motivated when their behaviors
are reinforced.

When you're talking about rote simple tasks,

using rewards can be effective.
Richard Ryan


B. F. Skinner found that he could motivate a rat

to complete the boring task of negotiating a
maze by
providing the right incentive - corn at
the mazes center.
punishing the rat with an electric shock
each time it took a wrong turn.

Over time, Skinners rats became bored with corn and

began to ignore the electric shocks.
In our experience, a similar phenomenon often prevents
organizations from sustaining higher performance:
structures and processes that initially reinforce or
condition the new behavior do not guarantee that
it will endure.

As far back as 1911, Frederick Taylor and his

scientific management associate described
money as the most important factor in

motivating the industrial workers

to achieve greater productivity.

We are all motivated by both intrinsic

and extrinsic factors in all our decisions.


Be careful

Offering money can be counterproductive.

A study in Sweden, which has a purely voluntary blood

donation system, showed that womens contributions
decreased when they were offered payments.
Donating blood is a way for people to signal that they
are the kind willing to sacrifice for the good
of others; offering money spoiled that effect.

Number of parents picking up their children late


Further inspiration

Question # 12
How often do you
evaluate yourself?

Were you better today than you

were yesterday? Why / why not?
Daniel H. Pink: Drive, p. 154.

Further inspiration


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