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Disease Project

Epidemiologists are health professionals who study of the distribution of

diseases in populations and of factors that influence the occurrence of disease.
They attempt to determine who is prone to a particular
disease; where risk of the disease is highest; when the
disease is most likely to occur and its trends over time;
what exposure its victims have in common; how much the risk is increased
through exposure; and how many cases of the disease could be avoided by
eliminating the exposure.
Your job as an epidemiologist is to prepare an information sheet or brochure on
a specific disease. It needs to include the following items:

Disease Project Rubric

Category Scoring Criteria Points Teacher
Introduction An introduction that provides a brief description of the 10
disease. The introduction should also include
information about the scientists who discovered the
disease and the time period in which the discovery was
made. .
Physical Describe the physical symptoms associated with this 20
Symptoms disease – what are the initial signs and symptoms of the
disease; do new symptoms develop; are there specific
tests for the disease; what is the prognosis; are certain
individuals more susceptible? Can the disease come
Cause of Disease Explain what causes the disease – bacteria, virus, fungi, 10
or protist. Give the genus and species or viral name.
Transmission Explain how the disease is transmitted - person to person, 10
direct or indirect contact, etc.
Treatment Explain methods used to relieve symptoms - be sure to 10
consider all aspects of treatment including medication,
rest, etc. Is this disease curable? How is this disease
treated? Are there alternative medicines?
Prevention How can you prevent this disease? Is there a vaccine for 10
the disease? If yes, what type of vaccine is it? What is the
recommended schedule of vaccination for this disease?
Are booster shots required? Are there any side effects?
Work Sited Your information should come from at least three 10
different sources - books, the Internet, newspaper, etc.
Sources should be properly cited using the MLA style.
Creativity Does this project format display any form of creativity? 10
Appearance & This project is due ******. 10

Helpful websites:
Center for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/
World Health Organization http://www.who.int/topics/infectious_diseases/en/

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