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Edition I
© 2010 Year of Youth
Distribution of this manual is encouraged with reference to Year of Youth. Not all materials contained within
are proprietary materials of Year of Youth, and should therefore be cited when referred to.

For your convenience, this document has been embedded with clickable links in the Table of Contents and
throughout the document to help ease its navigation.
i. Fight for the ideal...
ii. Revolution is more than politics...
iii. Loyalty...
iv. Win votes first...
v. Bait out the enemy...
vi. Use deception and surprise...
vii. Fear...
viii. Humor and Ridicule...
ix. Never alienate support...
x. Frame the issues...
xi. Remain fluid...
xii. Reward support...
xiii. Know your opponent...
xiv. Divide and conquer...
xv. Work hard, fast, and deliberately...
xvi. The Heavens are on your side, Hell backs the opposition...

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
I: I N T R O D U C T I O N
To my fellow revolutionaries,
Welcome. Inside this manual you may find some of the most controversial
information to ever be presented into the greater movement for liberty. Without a
shadow of doubt, it lives up to the hype.

Before we press forward, however, I must ask of you to take a sincere breath and ask
yourself, “Am I ready?” I’m sure you are; I’m sure you are more than ready to dive right
in, but I must reiterate my opening comment:

What is contained within may shock and downright appall you.

And that’s fine by me. To be honest, I hope it does at least shock you. Freedom lovers
everywhere need this information, regardless of whether or not it fits within their
“comfort zone.”

But why would such information be so unnerving? Please, allow me to explain:

There has been a consistent trend in human history, one that is notable by even the
laziest of historians, philosophers, political-scientists, psychologists, and sociologists.
That trend, my friends, has been cyclical: It is a trend of people fighting, many times
with their very lives, for freedom only to see their progress taken away.

To the opposite end, however, we do have to take a quick step back and understand
why our movement has never been fully manifest in society. Coercive economic
systems, totalitarian political constructs, and “soft tyranny” always seem to rear their
ugly head despite this fight.


Is it due to mere happenstance and luck? No, not to the slightest of degree.

You see, there has always been resistance to the movement for freedom. Yes, indeed,
there are those who may advocate socialism and freedom as one-in-the-same, but the
result, as history has shown, has been quite the opposite.

More importantly, however, is that such resistance to freedom always has a strategy;
these people leading that charge “know the game,” so to speak.

Knowing the game is entirely what this manual is all about.

Large scale social change has never been the result of mere chance; it has been the
direct result of purposeful human action. Their side has played the game, on the

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
offensive, and the other side, our side, has been on the defense. Sometimes we gain a
small victory, most of the time, however, we witness historical catastrophes such as a
communist Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and so on.

They’ve been playing the game, winning, and now it is due time for us to understand
their tactics.

Yes, their tactics. And that is precisely why this manual will be so, extremely,

You do not have to agree with these tactics, not to the slightest of degrees. As well, do
know that these ideas are not our own (That’s the BIG disclaimer—don’t send us emails
about how Year of Youth is “communist!” It’s their strategies we’re talking about here.)

What is so important to understand, however, is that these are the tactics that
historically, practically, and unequivocally win.

Wrestle with that before you press forward. Mull it over for a bit...

Do you want to win? Do you want to accomplish large scale social change? Of course
you do, that’s why you’ve read this far.

The message of localism and liberty is beautiful. You owe it to the philosophy to
know how to win.

Here’s my final note, and it would be wise to comprehend it before we press on:

There is a distinct, clear, and discernable difference between tactics and ideas.

Just because you love freedom, you love localism, you love everything about being the
best person you can be, does not mean you cannot take a page, or two, out of the
enemies’ playbooks.

In fact, I encourage it. Take these pages out of our enemies’ playbooks.

Use them and use them well.

The Heavens are on our side, Hell backs our opponent.

Yours in the fight!

Jared Fuller
Executive Director
Year of Youth

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
i. Fight for the ideal, but remember what is real
................................................................................................................................. 6
ii. Revolution is war, utilize all tactics that do not betray the ideal
................................................................................................................................. 7
iii. Loyalty to the ideal emboldens your support, betraying it will weaken your
................................................................................................................................. 9
iv. Win votes first, hearts and minds are important, but they come later
................................................................................................................................. 10
v. Bait out the enemy, his footing weakens when he strikes out
................................................................................................................................. 10
vi. Use deception and surprise to strike your opponent where and when he least
................................................................................................................................. 11
vii. It is better to be feared in the eyes of your opponents than loved; utilize fear and
confusion to keep your opponent terrified
................................................................................................................................. 12
viii. Humor and ridicule are potent weapons
................................................................................................................................. 13
ix. Do not alienate potential support, reach out to the entire community
................................................................................................................................. 13
x. Frame issues to appeal to the world view of each market
................................................................................................................................. 15
xi. Remain fluid in your strategy; routine becomes stale, tired, and predictable
................................................................................................................................. 16
xii. Reward the loyalty of your support base, keep morale high
................................................................................................................................. 17
xiii. Know your opponent, know yourself, know the issues, and know the answers
................................................................................................................................. 17
xiv. Divide and conquer, build strong community teams that know the terrain
................................................................................................................................. 19
xv. Work hard, fast, and deliberately, the mission is time sensitive
................................................................................................................................. 20
xvi. The Heavens are on your side, Hell backs the opponent
................................................................................................................................. 21

Special note*
As you can see, there are clickable links on the page numbers that will take you to the
page listed with the respective content. In short if something is underlined that
means it is clickable and will redirect you to the Table of Contents, or this page, so
you can easily navigate the document. Isn’t technology fun! :-)

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
I. Fight for the ideal, but remember what is real
"Tactics mean doing what you can with what you have."
-Saul Alinsky, Marxist Organizer

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the
noise before defeat.”
-Sun Tzu, Chinese General and Author

"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism,” Alinsky taught. “They cut their hair,
put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."
-Saul Alinsky, Marxist Organizer


Pragmatism is key to victory in revolution. Advocates of liberty must be willing to work

inside of the political system, if they so seek to change it. Those who wish to champion
radical change must do so by way of the system they live in, not the one that they wish
to live in.

Reality can be a pesky thing, but one cannot reach the ideal by ignoring what is real.

If one is bothered by the system or society one lives in, instead of yearning for
something better, s/he should work to change it. Youth revolutionaries will have to start
this movement from scratch, the revolution will have to start at home.

Taking over a campus, a local community, or a town is much more practical and
achievable than gunning for the highest executive office in the land. One should focus
on their immediate community, this is one's world, and this is where legislation most
directly affects them.


This is not to advocate the intentional manipulation of the individual, but realize: Most
voters will go to the polls uninformed. Most are not passionate about what they are
doing; they are voting out of habit and societal encouragement. They merely glimpse at
issues, and they vote with their party.

Most voters not only throw their vote away, but do so at the risk of abdicating yet more
of their liberty. The popular message that "all should vote", without regard to their level
of issue familiarity, has been detrimental to localism, and to liberty.

If the uninformed are going to continue to participate in the democratic process, youth
revolutionaries will need to engineer innovative methods that ensure that this
participation is beneficial to their ideals.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org

You can't win everyone's heart and mind. This is a fact of politics.

Barry Goldwater, though heavily reverred by many libertarian-minded Republicans, was

obliterated in the 1964 Presidential Election. Ron Paul, also heavily adored, was
obliterated in 2008.

Their message, however right, did not equate victory.

To win elections, one doesn't need to be right. They just need more votes than the
opponent. The key to this is organizing.

Create a brand, an appeal, and a reason for a voter to get behind the revolution's
candidate. Canvass, campaign, and drive voters to the polls. It's simple, and its the only
realistic way to win elections. This is the world we live in, like it or not, this is how
elections are won.

II. Revolution is war, utilize all tactics that do not betray the
"Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed."
-Mao Zedong, Communist Revolutionary

"In the practical art of war, the best thing of all is to take the enemy's country whole and
intact; to shatter and destroy it is not so good. So, too, it is better to recapture an army
entire than to destroy it, to capture a regiment, a detachment or a company entire than
to destroy them."
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"Never doubt that a small group of dedicated people can change the world. Indeed, it is
the only thing that ever has."
-Margaret Mead, Cultural Anthropoligist


As of this writing, the United States of America is at war. This war is not being fought in
a sea of sand, or in some faraway desert. This war involves no tanks, no bombs, no
planes, and there are no bloody skirmishes in the streets. America is in an ideological
war... the outcome will determine the future of this nation, the fate of liberty, and quite
possibly the fate of the rest of the globe.

The mission is to capture the nation, whole and intact. The mission is revolution. Bear in
mind the audacity of the task, and know that that the undertaking is of great
significance. It requires utmost dedication from those who have a passion for liberty.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
Your enemy, and most voters, do not share your passion. You must find ways around

This is not politics-as-usual, the Machiavellian approach of radical leaders in the past
will not suffice. This is an ideological, peaceful, revolution, based upon ideas that cannot
be compromised, for doing so would result in an instant defeat.


Revolution is not a time for disillusionment. There are some, many, who think that it is
too late to wage war against a statist agenda in the United States; such is not the case.
As long as democracy still functions on the local level, it is possible to change the
system from within.

It can be done from the ground up.

However, becoming a political atheist is not going to make the monster go away. The
power of the federal government is growing exponentially. Tyranny is at the gates, and
ignorant bliss will not scare it away. The monster spares no one and eventually, its
wrath will be felt by all, even those who wish to pretend it is not there.

Each apathetic liberty lover, is at least one less voice, one less pair of boots on the
ground. Apathy is the opposite of vigilance, apathy betrays the ideal of self-governence.


"Opportunities multiply as they are seized."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Are you running to win? Or are you running to "keep spreading the message?"

If you're opting for the latter, but hoping for the former... don't bother.

Stop reading right now and resume your daily routine.

If you aren't running to win, the enemy has already achieved victory. Winning in politics
requires more than hearts…it requires votes. It requires that you have more votes than
your opponents. The only way to obtain those votes is to work tirelessly and endlessly in
your campaign.

You can only put your heart into something so much if you believe you are going to win.
Otherwise, you have no chance. If you don't believe in it, then no one else will. You
must generate a "win psychology".

If revolution is to be won, the revolutionaries will need every vote that they can get... so
as to obtain as many offices as possible. Nothing less will suffice.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
The message will spread with every office attained, and multiply. Would you rather win
over the support of one internet troll? ...or would you prefer to win an office and win over
hundreds or thousands of voters? Which do you think will more effectively spread the
message of liberty?

With each election, the message of liberty will spread exponentially. Youth
revolutionaries should be constantly identifying, recruiting, training, and campaigning.

Elections are the battlegrounds in this grand war for America's soul.

III. Loyalty to the ideal emboldens your support, betraying it

will weaken your support
"The key will be for you and your grassroots activists to aggressively make politicians
pay a price for their failure and to pay attention to their constituents (you and your
group). Every year, every session of the legislature, you must return pushing for your
principles. And every election, you must cause pain to as many politicians as possible;
starting with those who claim to support your cause, but vote and act in opposition."
-Mike Rothfeld, Political Strategist

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the
middle is always evil."
-Ayn Rand


In war, each side of the conflict has an ideal that they fight for.

Do not stray from that ideal.

While it is true that one must work within the system as it is, and explore every avenue
of attack available... it doesn't mean that compromise is permissible. Compromise, bi-
partisanship, complacency... these are the errors which have paved the road to tyranny.

A strong record speaks of strong, principled character; make sure that you are well-
versed in your positions, and stick to them. Elections will be lost... liberty will not win
them all right away.

Sticking to a losing cause because you believe in it solidifies your credibility, and builds
integrity. Straying from your principles will both dishearten and disenchant your base of
support. It could even weaken the momentum of the movement as a whole.

Avoid attrition of the ideal at all costs; stay faithful to your goals.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
IV. Win votes first; hearts and minds are important, but they
come later

Voters are not the enemy. Thinking in the context of war, voters are simply civilians in a
contested land. Some will be sympathetic to our cause, some will be hostile, some
apathetic, and some will be completely oblivious.

For long term victory, we must win over their hearts and minds... but in the short-run,
looking at specific elections... we just need to win their votes. Get the revolutionary
candidate into office, and then you can worry about idealogical conversion.


Outreach and involvement into the community will be the crucial key to attracting new
voters and convincing disillusioned supporters of the establishment, to support the
Youth Liberty Movement.

Canvassing, activism, registration drives, and participation with pre-existing political

organizations will all be necessary practices to ensuring victory.


It doesn't matter how many voters know that theft is wrong, thieves keep winning

Why is that? Organization.

Politicians advance their agendas and their worldviews by understanding the real nature
of the system. The system doesn't put those who advocate liberty into office, it puts
those who drove the most people to the polls into office.

Educating citizens on the issues is a good thing, advocating the philosophy of liberty
can only help us, but it doesn't win elections.

V. Bait out the enemy, his footing weakens when he strikes

"The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the
opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself."
-Sun Tzu

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
An enemy opens himself to attack when he strikes out. Feign weakness, allow your
opposition to believe you are vulnerable. This can involve releasing "inside documents"
on purpose, or having controled leaks.

They may be ruthless tactics, but they work.

Give them false hope. Give them false targets to strike.

You can lay political traps for opposition utilizing this tactic. When the enemy moves in
close, they provide opportunities for you to counter-strike them. STRIKE, anything less
leaves your opponent with the lead.

However, if you carry it out right, you can and will seize a very valuable opportunity.

VI. Use deception and surprise to strike your opponent where

he least expects
“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength,
evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak,
that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are
united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between
them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.”
- Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
-Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Political Revolutionary


“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable;
when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the
enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.
Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush them.”
- Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

Sun Tzu’s advice is one that is certainly apt to the nature of politics and revolution.

Give the enemy something to chew on, but never let them taste your real move until it
hits them. The effect will be much greater in this instance, always.


In the past, youth efforts have been looked down upon, belittled, and marginalized. This
works to our advantage. When you challenge the establishment, you will be written off
as "another useless youth campaign." They will be expecting untrained, unseasoned

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
Equipping yourself with the weapons of pragmatism and guile, you will not just scare the
establishment... you will decapitate it.

Youth sells with the public, through outreach and organizing, youth will sell big.

Opponents of youth revolutionaries will scoff at the very notion of your challenge to their
power, when they finally realize that you are a legitimate threat, they will try to engage
you... too late.

Your youth will act as a veil to the threat you pose to the establishment.

VII. It is better to be feared in the eyes of your opponents

than loved
“Always remember the first rule of power tactics: Power is not only what you have but
what the enemy thinks you have”
-Saul Alinsky, Marxist Organizer

"Don't fire all your ammunition at once."

-Morton Blackwell, Conservative Political Strategist


As previously illustrated, if an opponent knows where and when you plan to strike them,
it allows time to brace for impact. It allows time to prepare, and even develop a counter-

Fear stems from the unknown, the best way to instill fear into an opponent, then, is to
deprive them of information on your activities.

This is especially hard to do with a growing number of core-team members. Since we

can not always hide what we do so well, we must make sure to act upon such activities
with as much force and swiftness as humanly possible.

So, even if they do see it coming, it will come with such great force that any plan to stop
it will backfire.


As said before, it is easier to strike an enemy if you've baited him into attack. Playing on
an opponent's fears can help to stir their emotions, and throw them into an emotional
state of chaos. Like a scared or wounded animal, often people will lash out at percieved

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
Instill fear, not adoration, into your opponents minds. Also keep in mind that their
intentions are not the same as yours—you are in the right, they are in the wrong. Do not
be afraid of the enemy.

VIII. Humor and ridicule are potent weapons

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule.
Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
-Saul Alinsky, Marxist organizer

Humor, even at its ribald base, often provides the most incisive of social commentaries.
It has the power to highlight points in ways that cut-and-dry truth-telling cannot; it also
has the power to diffuse adverse situations, making light of would-be disasters.

Jon Stewart, for instance, enjoys a far greater following amongst young viewers than
mainstream partisan puppets such as Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann. Last year, the
charismatic host thoroughly humiliated mainstream investment strategist Jim Cramer,
forcing seclusion and an eventual apology delivered in a later taping of Mad Money.
While Stewart clearly maintains biases that preclude him from launching a full-scale
assault on the political establishment, he clearly possesses the power to destroy the
credibility of any candidate or sitting politician.

You want this power, the enemy has it.

IX. Do not alienate potential support, reach out to the entire

"Diplomacy: the art of restraining power."
-Henry Kissinger, US Diplomat

“The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend.”

-Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States

"I have come not to make war on the Italians, but to aid the Italians against Rome."
-Hannibal, Carthaginian Military Commander


Both the left and the right try to claim the legacy of liberty as their own.

How and why is this?

When one studies history, one realizes that it is far too simplistic to merely place things
arbitrarily on the "left" or on the "right"... but society persists in doing so. Many modern
political historians assert that Nazism was a left-wing movement, rather than a right-

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
wing one—this is just one example of the futility in trying to place issues and politicians
firmly on one side of a liberal-conservative paradigm.

The paradigm is flawed, and outdated; it cannot be applied to the advocacy of liberty.

You could call Thomas Jefferson a Classical Liberal, a Paleoconservative, a

Libertarian... and none of those titles would wholly encapsulate the life and philosophy
of such an individual.


Democrats are no more the enemy than Republicans; advocates of liberty can be found
on the left, just as well as the right.

The common thread is liberty. If they believe in it and fight for it, care not for their
partisan ties—you can use them to your advantage.

Waging a revolution will require the building of a coalition that is neither left or right in
nature. The paradigm of liberty versus statism is the paradigm youth liberty advocates
will reinject into the American political system; this victory will be achieved by reaching
out to all who seek liberation from statism. Such chains come in many forms; taxes,
fines, war, and restriction of individual rights.

Youth liberty advocates should actively participate in all political forums within there
community, regardless of party affiliation. Revolutionaries should strive to establish
allies in all political circles, this will maximize the number of channels on which the
message of liberty will travel, and the number of minds it will awaken.

If you maximize your alliances, you will minimize the number of opponents and
challenges that you will have to face. Work to grow in size in force at all times.


Winning voters over to the cause of liberty is crucial, not just for an individual election,
but for the ideals of freedom fighters. If libertarians win someone over in one election,
they have likely won them over for life... these individuals will continue to participate in
the political process, even if they were apathetic prior to that time.

Voting becomes habit, much like brushing teeth or wheeling garbage bins to the curb
every Wednesday night. Make this habit conducive to liberty.


Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
Overt violence is certainly not the best approach to campaigning and would probably
not reflect well upon one's reputation in the media. We can't storm Washington D.C.
with rifles, nor would we want to resort to this, ever.

Don't punch your opponent, shake his hand.

That said, one must observe how battles are waged upon the fields of politics. Hostility
in situations where one needs to be civil will only alienate. Politicking is a process that is
very open to public scrutiny, one wrong move can result in a frenzy of media attack-
dogs and bad press.

The media must be on your side, with you framing the issues.

In a world of mass media and instant news, controversy is king... make sure you aren't
on the bad end of it. If it so happens you do end up being on the bad end because some
mass-media outlet targets you, then make sure you are prepared with a civilized

Revolutionaries should be so ruthless in their approach that opponents will be unable to

tell just how cunning they are. Civil behavior will lull opponents into believing that you
are weak and unprepared to fight dirty...exploit this.

X. Frame issues that appeal to the world view of each market

“Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting
strangers who don't”
-Seth Godin, "All Marketers Are Liars"


Politicking is still marketing. You're selling an idea to an audience.

The voting demographics are diverse and varied in their opinions, and in their outlook
on the world. When you approach specific markets you need to be aware of what their
worldview is. Tell voters why they want your candidate elected. How is it going to benefit
them? Sell those benefits.

Issues should be framed to the worldview that will be most appealing to a specific

Remember, many of those on the "left" also support liberty issues that pertain directly to
social freedoms. Libertarians have failed to exploit this commonality; doing so in the
future will bring new blood into the movement.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
While "grouping" people may seem antithetical to the seminal belief that individuals, not
collectives, represent natural primacy, realize that we are not seeking to further
collectivization. We are seeking to win.

When appealing to conservative bases, candidates should advocate sound monetary

policy, a free market, and rights to defense. While one’s philosophy may be consistent
with liberty, merging the concepts alone fails to achieve the desired results.

Voters are not philosophers, which is precisely why Ron Paul failed to generate
significant support when it actually mattered. Remember who you're talking with when
you pitch a liberty candidate to that individual... what issues are important to them?

XI. Remain fluid in your strategy, routine becomes stale,

tired, and predictable
"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it
becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a
teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend."
-Bruce Lee, Martial Artist

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity
to do things you think you could not do before."
-Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff for the Obama Administration


When conditions change, you must be able to adapt your strategy. Often times new
dangers will present new opportunities for you to exploit. When crisis hits, don't panic,
look for ways to use the conditions to your advantage.

That goes for when catastrophe strikes your plans as well. You must be prepared for
anything, even if that means you organize for victory, but have a plan of action when
danger arises.


If you continue to utilize the same tactics over and over, your opponents will be able to
read you like a book—hey, kind of like this manual! In addition, acting in a predictable
manner takes away all sense of uncertainty; this diminishes the sense of fear you wish
to instill into your statist opponents.

Let your opponent's imagination run wild, hide your intentions, conceal your goals. If an
opponent doesn't know where to strike, he will surely miss. An opponent can become
preoccupied with trying to defend against your unknown plans, this makes them weak
and easier to engage.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org

A tired routine not only allows opponents to read you, but it makes work tedious for
activists. Waging revolution shouldn't be a boring process, don't go out of your way to
make it one. Youth are active and full of ideas, be open to suggestions from your

XII. Reward the loyalty of your support base, keep morale

"A well-run movement takes care of its own."
-Morton Blackwell, Conservative Political Strategist

"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for
doing it."
-Andrew Carnegie


Remember, as a youth revolutionary, you are waging a theoretical war.

Leaders in the movement need not forget: your volunteers are your boots on the
ground; they are your loyal troops.

Treat them as you would a brother-in-arms, reward them for their successes, correct
and assist them when they fail.

Do not let morale slip as a result of complacency, do not forget to share in the spoils of
victory or success. Be there to support your allies in times of distress. Low morale
spawns additional anxieties, it can even lead to attrition in membership.

When trying to build an army, the last thing one wants is to have bleeding troop levels.

Again, maximize your alliances, minimize your list of enemies. Building strong
communities is the heart and soul of localism; strong communities cannot form without
strong bonds of allegiance to one another. Let the revolution start with your team.

XIII. Know your opponent, know yourself, know the issues,

and know the answers
“Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without
-Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

"He whom the ancients called an expert in battle gained victory where victory was easily

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
gained...His victories in battle were unerring. Unerring means that he acts where victory
is certain, and conquers an enemy that has already lost.
-Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"


A revolutionary should always know what his own skills and weakness are before
entering into a battle. One should hone strengths and neutralize weaknesses.

If you're lacking knowledge on a particular subject or issue, study it; determine how to
apply a liberty-based solution to the issue. Find an ally that will help you turn this
weakness into a strength. If you're an expert on an issue, highlight this expertise during
your campaign.


Become an expert on the government structure and election process of the community
in which you are operating.

Learn which issues are pressing in that community, learn your opponent's positions on
those issues. Learn which politicians are popular, and which ones are unpopular.

When building an issue platform, consider how to frame your solutions; frame them in
such a way that they will alleviate local concerns, and anxieties of the citizenry (while
also promoting liberty).

The message of liberty, in its full form, is one that the average voter will be unfamiliar
with. In a paradigm of left versus right, the concept will likely seem foreign, and difficult
to grasp for many. Find innovative ways to frame liberty in a favorable light.


In addition to knowing your own positions inside and out, a successful candidate will
need to learn the ins and outs of the office they seek, and their opponents. Those who
seek to wage revolution in their local community should identify positions of vulnerability
within the bureaucracy.

Target offices whose incumbents are weak, challenge those whom you know can
be defeated.

A battlefield must be taken bit-by-bit, starting at the points that will be easiest to capture.
Some offices will be more difficult to capture than others, develop long-term strategies
to undermine popular statists, chip at their agenda whenever the opportunity arises.


Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
For those who seek to turn the nation away from its current course, know that it cannot
be done in a day; it cannot be won by a sole individual or in one election cycle.

The struggle before champions of liberty is one that they must commit their lives to,
much like the founding fathers before them. Lives, fortunes…. and sacred honor.

Victory will require youth revolutionaries to give all of themselves to the cause. Even
when liberty is obtained, our society will need to remain ever vigilant. The trappings of
tyranny are strong, more so when masked behind the temptations of decadence.

Governments cannot give to people without first taking away. The threat of statists will
remain ever-present for many years to come, do not become complacent after victories.
Know that there are always more statists seeking power in your community.


In an information war controversy is bound to arise, whether or not one seeks it. Your
actions will at all times be in the eyes of the public, and your enemies will be watching
closely for you to make mistakes, just as your team should be watching them. When
unwanted controversy does arise, there are several ways one can deal with it:

 Ignore it. Act like it never happened and make sure you never back-track on the
issue either.
 Trivialize it. Laugh at the accusations, make people realize how plain “silly” it is
that such a topic even comes up—but always point the blame at the accuser,
never the voter.
 Meet and Deflect. Meet the controversy, capture it, contain it, and then move
directly on to the next point, keeping the agenda in your hands.
 Apologize. But be sincere; empathy is not the best tool ever, but if you mean it,
people can see it, and also understand that you may have been wronged in the
process. Always, however, move on.

XIV. Divide and conquer, build strong community teams that

know the terrain
"Every crag and gnarled tree and lonely valley has its own strange and graceful legend
attached to it."
-Douglas Hyde


During the 20th century, great conflict took place in China. The struggle between
Chinese Nationalists led by Chang Kai-Shek and the Communist Red Army, led by Mao
Zedong, resulted in a communist victory. Recognizing their material weaknesses, the
communists defeated the nationalists by shying away from traditional warfare, instead

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
favoring guerrilla-style tactics like those used by the Spanish Guerrillas in the
Napoleonic Wars.

Utilizing fear and uncertainty, the Communists remained elusive; they were
everywhere, and they were nowhere. Mao utilized fear, uncertainty... he remained fluid.

The way that Mao generated this political climate in China was not by reaching into
large cities, but small, local, agrarian communities. The communists lived among the
people, they operated in a much more subversive, unconventional manner.

Their struggle became not the struggle of a massive, state-run army, but a struggle of
the people.

These communities adopted the communists, both in physical support, and in ideology.
Kai-Shek's army, a much more conventional force, was helpless against this wraith-like
force. Eventually, the nationalists had to flee China entirely.

Communism is diametrically opposed to a free society (ask a fellow communist: How

can a free society exist without private property? They will result to one answer, force).

However, the tactics that the communists utilized to defeat the Chinese Nationalists,
are, like so many kinds of politically technology, philosophically neutral. Expanding upon
the notion that youth revolutionaries should become experts in their communities, Mao's
tactics can be emulated.

Youth revolutionaries will be anywhere, and everywhere. Statists will not know where
and when challengers will arise to take their offices.

XV. Work hard, fast, and deliberately, the mission is time

"As the sun and the moon go through their courses, time does not go along with people.
Therefore, sages do not value huge jewels as much as they value a little time. Time is
hard to find and easy to lose."
- Huainanzi, China, Second Century BC

"A good plan violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week."
-General George S. Patton, US Army, Second World War


Amid the unrelenting assaults on our economic and personal liberty, our time is
not our own....again, youth revolutionaries are not operating in the world they
desire to live in, they are operating in the world as it actually is.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
As such, we do not set the schedule, we do not set the deadlines. Bear in mind that
preoccupation with one issue, event, opponent, or situation for more time than
warranted will only hinder the mission.

One should not permit to becoming bogged down in red tape. Don't let a campaign
become political quicksand.

As well, a win is not a win until the polls close. And, even then, there are many more
battles ahead.

People often refer to a given candidate’s “political machine.” You must have this
machine, ready to operate with the simple turn of one key.

Why? Because the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

A victory today only guarantees a battle tomorrow.

Be prepared to win, or be unprepared to fail.

XVI. The Heavens are on your side, Hell backs the opponent

Union organizer Saul Alinsky posited several ideas in his political organization
manifesto "Rules for Radicals" that are as relevant today as they were during the last

In fact, when studying the successes experienced by the Obama Campaign, one can
see just how many plays were taken out of Alinsky's book. One of the most noteworthy
being the polarization of enemies: "Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize
it," Alinsky said.

This has been done by leaders throughout the ages; one cannot mobilize a force
without convincing that force of the enemy's threat to their interests.


These tactics can be a double edged sword, as the Obama administration has painfully
discovered. The Obama Administration foolishly went after Glenn Beck, Fox News, and
Rush Limbaugh, only emboldening their opposition.

Be careful to analyze a situation before utilizing some of these tactics...if employed in

the wrong place, at the wrong time, or against the wrong person, the backlash may be
detrimental. Your opponent may actually have hell backing them (in Obama's case, Hell
was the Tea Party movement...result? Republican Scott Brown takes Ted Kennedy's

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
The last thing you want is hell unleashed upon your campaign or your political agenda.

Make sure your forces are energized, mobilized, and ready to push for your ideals
before you polarize your enemy.

Polarization has much use to any smart strategist...but again, it should always be
employed with tact. Sometimes enemies can be made into allies, it is only after this
route is deemed impossible that a strategist should employ this tactic.

Overt statists are not likely to be awakened to liberty, but moderates might.


It is important for activists and volunteers to believe in the worthiness of the cause. If
one can convince their base of followers that the cause is just, and that the cause of the
enemy is evil, the support base will follow you to the very gates of Hell.

Having a large support group and having them go to Hell and back with you will only
bring you closer to your goals.

Hell, so says Dante, “is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral

Let’s ride.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
BAM! And so it ends, no less crazy than it began.

We sincerely hope that you wrestled with the tactics explained and discussed in the
document. One thing is for certain, our opponents have!

We’re embarking into unchartered territory with this movement and we want to have
nothing less than the best by our side, as our equipment in the fight.

By now, we’re almost certain that you are disturbed by some of the knowledge in this
manual. As well, we’re probably even more convinced that you were thinking up counter
arguments the whole time to our case, trying to say “but it’s not right!”

Of course it’s not, but that’s the world we live in. The ideas of freedom are right. And, as
we see it, as long as you’re not treading on someone else’s freedom in the process,
then all is fair play.

Really, how could it not be fair? How could simply being a more effective advocate be
detrimental to the cause? There’s no contradiction, there’s no abandonment of
principle—all there is, though, is a sincere appreciation of knowing how to win.

As I stated in the introduction, localism and liberty are beautiful—they are the backbone
of any good society.

Don’t serve these beauties an injustice by ignoring how to implement them.

The philosophy is beautiful; it is just, it is right.

You owe to your philosophy to know how to win, and win you must.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org
Craig Dixon is Vice-President and National Field
Director for Year of Youth. Craig graduated from
Appalachian State University with his Bachelor Degree
of Science and Journalism.

Craig helped found a Young Americans for Liberty

chapter while attending college, and was a key North
Carolina organizer for Ron Paul’s presidential bid in

Craig has also served as the Mid-West Field Representative for the Leadership
Institute, as well as an intern in their campus outreach division.

Year of Youth extends a special thank you to Craig for his hard work on this manual and
we look forward to more, amazing publications and activism coming from Craig.

Jared Fuller called by his peers as “dad,” for his

relentless dedication to fostering more liberty, Year of
Youth is Jared’s brainchild and personal baby.

Jared is the President of the Board and Executive

Director to Year of Youth.

Jared has worked on many local, state, and national

campaigns from a general volunteer, all the way to
volunteer coordinator.

In his college career, he graduated valedictorian from

San Juan College with his Associate of Arts degree where he later transferred to Wake
Forest University to finish his double-major of political-science and philosophy.

Jared founded the first Young Americans for Liberty chapter in the U.S., and organized
Congressman Paul’s first ever visit to a college campus outside election season, where
he turned out over 1,300 people to the event.

Jared currently serves as Southern Director to Students For Liberty as well as North
Carolina Chairman to Young Americans for Liberty, in addition to his responsibilities to
Year of Youth.

Year of Youth
contact@yearofyouth.org ~ www.yearofyouth.org

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