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Author : Spanu Dumitru Viorel ,


My First Conjecture . The Strong Formulation

Prima Conjectura . Forma tare .

Suma primelor n numere prime , ridicate fiecare dintre

ele la puterea k , nu este egala cu un numar natural ridicat
la puterea k .

n ≥ 2

n este numar natural

k ≥ 2

k este numar natural

Scrisa concentrat Forma Tare a Primei Conjecturi arata asa :


∑ pjk ≠ pqk

unde pj sunt primele n numere prime ,

iar pq este un numar natural .
I kindly invite the great matemathicians
Alain Connes , Gerd Faltings , Terence Tao ,
Grigori Perelman , Andrew Wiles , Alan
Baker , Wendelin Werner , Elon Lindenstrauss ,
Ngo Bao Chau , Stanislas Smirnov , Cedric ,
Villani and other great mathematicians to
try to prove this conjecture .

According to the theory developed by the

great mathematicians Gregory Chaitin and
Andrey Kolmogorov , this conjecture can
not be proven .

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