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Region Location Primary Function Specific Icons/Keys for

of the Activities/Proce Map

Brain sses Amanda Kue
Cerebrum Most superior part of Voluntary actions and Mike Kelsey
the brain, makes up thinking, has four Hour 5
most of it different lobes
Frontal It’s located under It is responsible for • Problem Solving •
Lobe forehead area controlling things like • Reasoning
reasoning, planning, • Speech Production
judgment, emotions, and (Broca’s Area)
movement. It is also the • Movement
largest of the four lobes.
Parietal It’s located at the top It is responsible for the • Taste •
Lobe and back of the head nerves on the skin and • Bodily Sensations
processes information (ex. Touch)
such as temperature and
Temporal It’s located above the They have several • Language •
Lobe ears different functions, some Understanding
of which are hearing and
speech perception
Occipital Located above the The main function of the • Vision •
Lobe cerebellum at the back occipital lobe is to process
of the head the information it receives
from the eyes.
Cerebellu Between the brain It controls things such as • Balance •
m stem under the posture, coordination, • Muscle Coordination
occipital lobe balance • Movement
It is also responsible for
learned physical skills like
riding a bike
Brain At the bottom of the It is responsible for • Blood Pressure •
Stem brain, under the controlling the things we Regulation (Medulla
cerebrum and need for survival; such Oblongata)
cerebellum has our heartbeat, body • Sleeping and waking
temperature, sleep, and • Hearing (Midbrain)
waste removal. • Breathing

Limbic Just under the It plays a large role in our • Long-term Memory • Long-term = circle
System cerebrum, above the emotions, as well as in (Hippocampus) • Happiness = Smiley
brainstem and under our memories, includes • Happiness face
the cerebral cortex the Hypothalamus, (Amygdala) • Hunger/thirst =
Hippocampus, Pituitary • Hunger/Thirst square
Gland, and the Amygdala (Hypothalamus) • Smell = Triangle
• Smell (Olfactory

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