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To my wonderful parents,
Mary and Errol McCutcheon


Marc McCutcheon is a writer and lexicographer who lives in South Portland, Maine,
with his wife, Deanna, and two children, Kara and Matthew.
His most recent books include Damn, Why Didn’t I Write That; The Girl Named Pluto;
Descriptionary; Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in the 1800s; and The Compass in Your
Nose & Other Astonishing Facts About Humans.

Roget’s Superthesaurus. Copyright 姝 2003 by Marc McCutcheon. Manufactured in the United States of
America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by Writer’s Digest Books,
an imprint of FⳭW Publications, Inc., 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236. (800)289-0963.
Third edition.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McCutcheon, Mark
Roget’s superthesaurus / by Marc McCutcheon—3d ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-58297-253-2 (alk. paper) ISBN 1-58297-254-0 (pbk.: alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58297-652-5 (EPUB)
1. English language—Synonyms and antonyms. 2. English language—Terms and phrases. I. Title.
PE1591.M416 2003
423⬘.12—dc22 2003057647

Edited by Kelly Nickell and Michelle Ruberg

Designed by Angela Wilcox
Cover by Brian Roeth
Production coordinated by Robin Richie

Welcome to the updated and expanded edition of

Roget’s Superthesaurus.
You now hold in your hands what we feel is the most
innovative and useful thesaurus on the market. It has
been carefully crafted to provide:
. . . a comprehensive bank of synonyms to help you avoid repeti-
tiveness and improve word accuracy. For example, did the
man walk, squelch, or slog through the mud? As every profes-
sional writer knows, the right synonym choice is crucial in
adding power, depth, and pizzaz to compositions.
. . . a reverse dictionary component (WORD FIND) to show
you the exact word when you know what a thing is but not
what the thing is called.
Beyond the need to locate synonyms for, say, CAT (kitty,
feline, tabby, etc.) you’ll sometimes need to know words used
to accurately describe a cat. For instance, what do you call
that white patch under a cat’s neck? (Locket.) The white
patches on the feet? (Mittens, gloves.) The reflective eye
layer that glows in the dark? (Tapetum.) A mating cry? (Cat-
erwaul.) One who loves cats? (Ailurophile.) This exclusive
reverse dictionary component will, once and for all, stop you
from calling something a ‘‘doohickey’’ or a ‘‘thingamajig.’’
Astonishingly, it’s the one extremely useful component that
other thesauri have overlooked over the years, and only Su-
perthesaurus has it. Just look under a main subject word
(CAT) to find listed underneath in WORD FIND all related
or descriptive terms (caterwaul, mittens, queen, ruff, etc.)
. . . a built-in vocabulary book. Throughout the thesaurus, vo-
cabulary words are CAPITALIZED, given a pronunciation
key, and sampled in a sentence. No need to buy a separate
vocabulary builder. Superthesaurus highlights hundreds of
sharp words to help you bushwack your way out of the wilder-
ness of Tarzan-like communication and into the vernacular
of the world’s greatest wordsmiths. Once again, no other the-
saurus has this component. It’s a Superthesaurus exclusive.
. . . quotations that double as synonyms. Many entries through-
out Superthesaurus have them. For example, you may want
to call MOUNTAINS hills or peaks, but if you really want to
impress, why not quote Lord Byron and call them the ‘‘Palaces
of Nature’’? You’ll find such quotes immediately following the
normal list of synonyms.
. . . antonyms. For when you need the opposite of a synonym.
For example, an antonym of ATTRACTIVE would be Repulsive.
Antonyms are always listed at the very end of an entry.
Superthesaurus is arranged alphabetically. It has no space-wast-
ing index to make itself look bigger than it really is. To find the
word you want, simply turn to its order in the alphabet. Typi-
cally, you’ll make just one reference stop instead of two or three,
as is necessary in indexed formats.
Unlike most other thesauri, Superthesaurus includes many ‘‘mi-
nor’’ words as head entries. That way annoying cross references
are greatly reduced. When you encounter a ‘‘minor’’ word, at
least two or three synonyms are given in the hope that one of
those words will be the one you need. That way you again side-
step the need for a time-consuming cross-reference.
Usages are divided by separate entries for adjective [a.], adverb
[adv.], noun [n.], pronoun [pron.], verb [v.], and preposition
[prep.] Separate senses within each part of speech are clearly
delineated by number, by brief definition or definitive word, or,
occasionally, when meanings are closely-related, by a simple
semi-colon between word lists. Slang or informal words are de-
lineated by a simple [*] asterisk.
Use Superthesaurus to sharpen your writing in letters, reports,
articles, novels, and poetry. Use it to beef up your vocabulary,
locate a quotation, or help you fill out that challenging cross-
word puzzle. The longer you use Superthesaurus the more you’ll
appreciate its extra features.
If you need synonyms, any old thesaurus will do. If you want to
become a word master, turn to the one source that puts it all
together: Superthesaurus.

aback (taken) adv. startled, taken unawares, abbreviation n. shortening, condensation,
surprised, confused, *thrown off guard. abridgement, contraction, reduction, sum-
abaft a. aft, astern, rearward, behind, back. mary, synopsis, brief, abstract, short version,
abandon n. unrestraint, carelessness, free-spirit- short form.
edness, spontaneity, wildness, wantonness, WORD FIND
intemperance, impulsiveness, devil-may- ABCs: fundamentals, rudiments, basics,
care attitude. ANT. restraint, reserve, restric- simple elements
tion, self-consciousness. AC: alternating current; air conditioning
abandon v. leave, desert, discard, forsake, quit, A.D.: anno Domini; in the year of the Lord
dump, *turn one’s back on, cast off, reject, a.k.a: also known as
relinquish, discontinue, renounce, lay aside, anon: anonymous
*leave in the lurch, *cut one’s losses, *throw ASAP: as soon as possible
in the towel, strand, drop, give up, *wash aux.: auxiliary
one’s hands of, *deep six, ditch. ANT. stick AWOL: absent without leave
with, take up, continue, adopt. B.A.: Bachelor of Arts
abandoned a. 1. DESERTED given up, forgotten, B.C.: before Christ
left behind, rejected, stranded, forsaken, blvd.: boulevard
cast off, cast aside, discarded, destitute, for- B.S.: Bachelor of Science
gotten, scorned, desolate, friendless. 2. UN- BTU: British thermal unit
RESTRAINED unreserved, uncontrolled, disso- BYOB: bring your own booze
lute, wild, loose, immoral, wicked, CB: Citizens Band
shameless, licentious, lewd, wanton. ANT. 1. C: Celsius, centigrade
used, adopted, taken up, befriended. 2. re- c: copyright
strained, reserved, moral, seemly. Cdr.: Commander
abase v. humble, humiliate, degrade, *prostrate CEO: chief executive officer
oneself, deflate, *put down, debase, vitiate, chm.: chairman
devalue. ANT. honor, *puff up. cl.: centiliter
ABASHED a. [uh BASHED] embarrassed, ill cm.: centimeter
at ease. Mary spoke unabashedly about contra- c/o: care of
ceptives. SYN. embarrassed, ashamed, humili- co.: company
ated, red-faced, disconcerted, discomfitted, COD: cash on delivery
mortified, chagrined, disgraced. ANT. reas- Col.: Colonel
sured, relaxed, cool. corp.: corporation
ABATE v. [uh BATE] to subside, lessen, re- CPA: certified public accountant
duce. The pain from a stubbed toe will gradu- CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation
ally abate. SYN. subside, lessen, reduce, cu.: cubic
weaken, slacken, diminish, decrease, wane, DA: district attorney
dwindle, decline, let up, taper off. ANT. grow, DC: direct current
expand, intensify, surge. D.D.: Doctor of Divinity
abattoir n. slaughterhouse, butchery. D.D.S.: Doctor of Dental Science
abbey n. monastery, cloister, friary, convent, DOA: dead on arrival
nunnery, ministry. Dr.: Doctor
WORD FIND DST: daylight-saving time
area restricted to members: cloister d.t.’s: delirium tremens
governed by prior or prioress: priory EEG: electroencephalogram
orders: Benedictine, Dominican, Francis- e.g.: exempli gratia; for example
can, Jesuit, Paulist, Trappist EKG: electrocardiogram
resident: monk, friar, nun ERA: earned run average
superior or head: abbot, abbess ESP: extrasensory perception
abbreviate v. shorten, abridge, condense, cut, Esq.: Esquire
reduce, contract, curtail, clip, compress, et al: et alia; and others
synopsize. ANT. expand, broaden, enlarge. etc.: etcetera; and so forth

Roget’s Superthesaurus 1

F: Fahrenheit TKO: technical knockout

FM: frequency modulation UFO: unidentified flying object
f.o.b.: freight on board VIP: very important person
FYI: for your information viz.: videlicet, that is to say, namely
g: gram VP: vice president
GIGO: garbage in, garbage out ABDICATE v. [AB duh KATE] to relinquish,
GOP: Grand Old Party surrender or give up one’s power, office or
HMS: His/Her Majesty’s Ship responsibilities. The king abdicated in 1452.
Hon.: Honorable SYN. relinquish, step down, retire, resign, re-
hq.: headquarters nounce, yield, surrender, quit, abandon, re-
ibid: ibidem; in the same place pudiate, give up, withdraw. ANT. usurp, as-
i.e.: id est; that is sume power, take charge.
IQ: intelligence quotient abdomen n. stomach, belly, gut, midsection,
ISBN: International Standard Book Num- paunch, tummy, *breadbasket, *spare tire,
ber *middle-aged spread.
kg: kilogram abdominal a. intestinal, visceral, duodenal.
km: kilometer abduct v. kidnap, steal away, make off with,
l: liter seize, grab, spirit away, snatch, *shanghai.
lb.: pound aberrant a. abnormal, deviant, deviating, un-
L.P.N.: licensed practical nurse usual, anomolous, irregular, atypical, uncon-
Ltd.: limited ventional, odd, freakish, weird, errant, pecu-
M.A.: Master of Arts liar, *off the beaten track. ANT. normal,
MC: master of ceremonies usual, typical, *par for the course.
M.D.: Doctor of Medicine ABERRATION n. [AB uh RAY shun] some-
mg: milligram thing atypical, unusual or unexpected; a de-
ml: milliliter viation from the norm. A blizzard in Texas
mm: millimeter is an aberration of local weather patterns. SYN.
MO: modus operandi; method of operation deviation, abnormality, irregularity, quirk,
MP: Military Police freak, nonconformity, departure, oddity,
mph: miles per hour anomaly, peculiarity, eccentricity, *oddball.
ms.: manuscript ANT. norm, average, mean.
M.S.: Master of Science ABET v. [uh BET] to incite, encourage or sup-
M.S.W.: Master of Social Work port, especially in the performance of a
N/A: not applicable wrongdoing. She was arrested for aiding and
oz.: ounce abetting a drug smuggler. SYN. incite, encour-
PA: public address (system) age, support, sanction, conspire, goad, spur,
PC: personal computer egg on, endorse, promote, help, inflame.
Ph.D.: Doctor of Philosophy ANT. discourage, prevent, prohibit, undermine.
p.m.: post meridiem; afternoon abettor n. assistant, co-conspirator, inciter, in-
pp.: pages stigator, confederate, accomplice, accessory,
pro tem: pro tempore, for the time being *partner in crime.
P.S.: postscript abeyance n. suspension, cessation, inaction, in-
PX: post exchange termission, pause, latency, remission, dor-
RBI: runs batted in mancy, quiescence. ANT. continuance, contin-
RFD: Rural Free Delivery uation, prolongation.
RIP: rest in peace ABHOR v. [ab HOR] to hate, detest or be dis-
R.N.: registered nurse gusted by. We abhor bigots. SYN. hate, detest,
rpm: revolutions per minute loathe, despise, view with horror, scorn,
RSVP: respondez s’il vous plait, please an- shrink from, be sickened by, feel disgust for.
swer ANT. love, cherish, embrace.
Rx: pharmaceutical prescription abhorrent a. loathsome, detestable, despicable,
SASE: self-addressed stamped envelope disgusting, abominable, horrible, sickening,
SOS: save our ship/souls nauseating, hateful, repulsive, offensive, re-
TBA: to be announced pugnant, heinous. ANT. nice, attractive, good,
TGIF: thank God it’s Friday commendable, admirable.

2 Roget’s Superthesaurus

abide v. 1. TO WAIT FOR await, stand fast, stay, matters of thought and conduct, to be inde-
remain, bide. 2. TOLERATE put up with, with- pendent is to be abnormal.’’—Ambrose
stand, *hang in there, bear, accept, submit Bierce. ANT. normal, usual, standard. SEE EC-
to, stomach. 3. RESIDE dwell, stay, live, CENTRIC, NEUROTIC, PSYCHOTIC
lodge. abnormality n. aberration, anomaly, deviation,
abide by v. comply, obey, observe, respect, con- peculiarity, oddity, freak, deformity, malfor-
form to, adhere to. mation, irregularity, eccentricity, mutant,
abiding a. enduring, lasting, everlasting, eter- singularity.
nal, unchanging, permanent, indestructible, aboard a. on board, on deck, topside, in,
durable. ANT. short-lived, impermanent, tran- boarded, consigned.
sient. abode n. residence, home, living quarters, habi-
ability n. capability, faculty, facility, power, tation, habitat, dwelling, domicile, lodging,
skill, talent, prowess, flair, competence, ap- roof over one’s head, *pad, *digs, nest.
titude, capacity, knack, know-how, exper- WORD FIND
tise, dexterity, proficiency, finesse, mind for, animal: den, lair, hutch, warren, sty, burrow,
eye for, native ability, eye-hand coordina- diggings.
tion. ANT. inability, incompetence, ineptitude, bird: nest, roost, aerie, aviary, cote.
inadequacy. abolish v. end, destroy, eliminate, eradicate,
ABJECT a. [AB ject] the absolute worst or stop, annul, quash, extinguish, defeat, ter-
most miserable. They live in abject poverty. minate, repeal, stamp out, uproot, do away
SYN. miserable, wretched, stark, hopeless, with, abrogate. ANT. institute, establish,
pitiful, pathetic, degrading, squalid, hum- adopt.
bling, destitute. abolition n. ending, annulment, moratorium,
abjure v. give up, renounce, forswear, recant, abrogation, repeal, elimination, eradication,
retract, disclaim, take back, renege, dis- termination, dissolution.
avow, withdraw. ANT. uphold, swear by, abolitionist n. opponent, subversive, activist,
maintain. advocate, propagator.
ablate v. erode, wear away, melt, vaporize, A-bomb n. atomic bomb, thermonuclear bomb,
evaporate, remove. *physics package. SEE NUCLEAR BOMB
ablaze a. blazing, flaming, on fire, aflame, burn- ABOMINABLE a. [uh BOM un uh bul] loath-
ing, *going up in smoke, consumed by some, nasty. The crossbow was an abominable
flames, roaring, crackling. ANT. extinguished. invention. SYN. nasty, vile, loathsome, ab-
horrent, heinous, despicable, atrocious,
able a. capable, habile, skillful, talented, com-
hateful, execrable, awful, horrible, deplor-
petent, qualified, practiced, expert, deft,
able, repulsive, disgusting. ANT. admirable,
adroit, masterful. ANT. incompetent, ineffec-
nice, commendable.
tual, weak, unskilled, unable.
Abominable Snowman n. yeti, beast, creature.
able-bodied a. healthy, fit, strong, robust, capa-
ble, sound, in fine fettle, strapping. ANT. in- abominate v. loathe, despise, hate.
firm. abomination n. 1. SOURCE OF LOATHING anath-
abloom a. flowering, in flower, blooming. ema, bête noir. 2. LOATHING aversion, ab-
ablution n. washing, cleansing, bath, scrubbing, horrence, hatred, disgust, repugnance, de-
purification, decontamination, showering. testation.
ably adv. capably, competently, deftly, expertly, aboriginal a. indigenous, native, endemic, first,
adroitly. original, primitive.
abnegate v. give up, forgo, abstain, renounce, aborigine n. native, first inhabitant, indigene,
abdicate, refrain, forbear. ANT. indulge, binge, primitive, settler, original, *bushman.
imbibe. WORD FIND
abnegation n. self-denial, renunciation, absti- AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINE
nence, abdication, relinquishment. weapon: boomerang, waddy, nulla, woo-
abnormal a. atypical, irregular, odd, unusual, mera, blowpipe
aberrant, deviant, unnatural, unexpected, wilderness: outback
unconventional, weird, eccentric, queer, abort v. 1. MISCARRY expel. 2. FAIL fall short,
offbeat, extraordinary, anomalous, strange, miss, go awry. 3. CANCEL cut short, termi-
mutant. ‘‘Not conforming to standard. In nate, *scrub, *axe, *ditch, *can, *deep-six.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 3

abortion n. 1. MISCARRIAGE feticide, termina- abrasive n. abradent, scourer, scraper, polisher,

tion, aborticide, dilation and evacuation, burnisher, buffer.
expulsion, infanticide. ‘‘The direct murder WORD FIND
of the innocent.’’—Pope Pius XI. ‘‘If men course corundum: emery
could get pregnant, abortion would be a sac- dark, granular mineral used in grinding, pol-
rament.’’—Florynce R. Kennedy. 2. FAILURE ishing: aluminum oxide, corundum
incompletion, defeat, disaster, blunder, jewelry and metal polisher made of ferric ox-
monstrosity. ide: rouge
abortive a. unsuccessful, fruitless, futile, useless, knife-sharpening stone: whetstone
vain, unproductive, ineffectual, failing. ANT. manicuring stick: emery board
successful, fruitful, effective. metal-polishing limestone: rottenstone
abound v. teem, overflow, flood, *be knee-deep polishing powder made of chert or lime-
in, jam with, pack with, be abundant with, stone: tripoli
proliferate, swell, swarm. rough carpenter’s paper: sandpaper
about prep. 1. ENCIRCLING on every side, all rough file used on wood: rasp
around, enveloping, encompassing, sur- volcanic rock used for scouring, smoothing:
rounding. 2. APPROXIMATELY almost, nearly, pumice
close to, more or less, roughly. 3. REFERRING abreast a./adv. beside, side by side, aside,
TO concerning, in reference to, regarding, *cheek to jowel. ANT. single file.
relative to, as respects, dealing with, touch- ABRIDGE v. [uh BRIJ] to shorten, reduce or
ing on. lessen. To bring down costs, the new dictionary
about adv. 1. IN THE REVERSE DIRECTION back- will be abridged and printed in paperback. SYN.
wards, around, opposite direction. 2. HERE contract, shorten, condense, decrease, re-
AND THERE hither and thither, helter-skelter, duce, cut, abbreviate, diminish, *boil down,
far and wide. curtail. ANT. expand, broaden, enlarge.
about-face n. reversal, turnaround, volte-face, abridgement n. condensation, reduction, sum-
change of heart, *flip-flop, *backpedaling, mary, digest, abstract, brief, synopsis, out-
*a 180, recantation. line. ANT. enlargement, expansion.
above adv. 1. OVERHEAD up, skyward, higher up, abroach a. opened, broached, let out.
over, atop, heavenward. 2. GREATER more, abroad a./adv. overseas, out of the country,
larger, over and above. 3. SUPERIOR higher, away, traveling, touring. ANT. at home.
greater, outranking, surpassing. ABROGATE v. [AB roh gayt] to abolish or
aboveboard a. open, forthright, honest, in plain annul. The board decided to abrogate the old
view, *on the table, straightforward, frank, rule. SYN. abolish, cancel, repeal, annul, re-
candid, plain, direct, square, *on the up and voke, rescind, terminate, eliminate, quash,
up. ANT. underhand, under the table, dishonest, do away with, *scrub.
sneaky. abrupt a. 1. SUDDEN unexpected, surprising, un-
above suspicion a. irreproachable, inculpable, foreseen, swift, precipitate, unanticipated.
scrupulous, chaste, *having clean hands, in- 2. CURT gruff, brusque, brisk, discourteous,
nocent, pure. rude. 3. STEEP sheer, precipitous. ANT. 1. an-
abracadabra n. hocus-pocus, spell, incantation, ticipated, expected. 2. courteous, polite, gra-
charm, chant, invocation, mumbo jumbo, cious.
gibberish. abscess n. swelling, fester, boil, pimple, carbun-
abrade v. scrape, chafe, grate, rub, erode, scuff, cle, ulcer, pustule.
grind, scour, wear. abscission n. cutting, separation, removal. SEE
abrasion n. 1. SCRATCH scrape, chafe, excoria- OPERATION, SURGERY
tion. 2. FRICTION scratching, scraping, wear- ABSCOND v. [ab SKOND] to flee secretly
ing away, erosion, chafing. and go into hiding. His plan was to abscond
abrasive a. 1. ANNOYING irritating, cutting, with the smuggled goods as quickly as possible.
nasty, saber-tongued, acid-tongued, galling, SYN. flee, take flight, depart, withdraw, de-
hurtful, biting, sarcastic. 2. SCRAPING camp, retreat, escape, go into hiding, *va-
scratching, chafing, grating, eroding, grind- moose, *skedaddle, clear out, skip town,
ing, grating, scouring, wearing, rough, *make tracks, *scram, *fly the coop, *cut
coarse, rasping. ANT. 1. conciliatory, soothing. and run, *split, *beat feet, *duck out, *make
2. smooth. oneself scarce, *give the slip.

4 Roget’s Superthesaurus

absence n. 1. NONATTENDANCE AWOL, nonap- absorbent a. bibulous, pervious, permeable, po-

pearance, truancy. 2. LACKING dearth, need, rous, spongelike, retentive, *thirsty.
want, privation, void, vacuum. ANT. 1. at- absorbing a. engrossing, arresting, enthralling,
tendance, presence. 2. fulfillment, abundance. riveting, spellbinding, fascinating, interest-
absent a. 1. AWAY elsewhere, gone, out, truant, ing, mesmerizing. ANT. tedious, dull.
AWOL, on leave, *playing hooky. 2. PREOC- absorption n. 1. ASSIMILATION consumption, os-
CUPIED absent-minded, *out to lunch, ab- mosis, retention, digestion, soaking up. 2.
stracted, daydreaming, *off in space, *out of ENGROSSMENT fascination, interest, captiva-
it. ANT. 1. present, here, attending. 2. atten- tion, riveting, enthrallment, spellbinding.
tive, alert, on one’s toes. ABSTAIN v. [ub STANE] to voluntarily hold
absentee n. *no-show, truant, malingerer. back, to refrain from or go without. Everyone
absenteeism n. absence, truancy, desertion, is trying to abstain from smoking. SYN. refrain,
malingering, shirking, *skipping, *calling in desist, eschew, go without, forebear, *swear
sick. off, shun, spurn, *stay on the wagon, deny
absently adv. inattentively, absent-mindedly. oneself. ANT. indulge, imbibe.
absent without leave a. AWOL, truant. abstainer n. teetotaler, *health nut, ascetic. ‘‘A
absent-minded a. inattentive, scatterbrained, weak person who yields to the temptation
*out to lunch, dreamy, oblivious, daydream- of denying himself a pleasure.’’—Ambrose
ing, lost, forgetful, abstracted, preoccupied, Bierce.
absorbed, remote, *spacey, *head in the ABSTEMIOUS a. [ab STEEM ee us] eating
clouds, distrait. ANT. attentive, alert, sharp, and drinking in moderation, abstaining
focused. from drink, practicing restraint. Sylvester
absolute a. 1. TOTAL utter, complete, perfect, Graham of graham cracker fame was noted for
pure, unadulterated, consummate, outright, his clean-living, abstemious lifestyle. SYN. tem-
entire, undiluted, unmitigated. 2. DEFINITE perate, moderate, self-restraining, teetota-
positive, unquestionable, certain, actual, ex- ling, sober, abstinent, ascetic, self-denying.
act, undeniable, unequivocal, indisputable. abstention n. abstaining, abstinence, refrain-
3. AUTHORITARIAN dictatorial, tyrannical, ing.
despotic, autocratic, totalitarian, iron- ABSTINENCE n. [AB stuh nunce] abstain-
handed. ANT. 1. incomplete, imperfect. 2. in- ing, voluntary self-denial, the swearing off
definite, questionable, uncertain. 3. demo- of unhealthy food and drink. Longevity and
cratic. abstinence often go hand in hand. SYN. abstain-
absolutely adv. 1. TOTALLY utterly, completely, ing, self-restraint, teetotalism, sobriety,
perfectly, entirely. 2. DEFINITELY positively, chastity, temperance, forbearing, self-de-
unquestionably, certainly, undeniably, *no nial, self-abnegation, asceticism, celibacy,
ifs, ands or buts, *no two ways about it, moderation. ‘‘The beginning of saintli-
surely, precisely, conclusively. ness.’’—Moses Luzzato. ANT. indulgence, ex-
absolution n. forgiveness, remission, pardon, travagance, *pigging out.
clearance, acquittal, amnesty. ABSTRACT a. [AB STRACT] not easily
ABSOLVE v. [ab ZOLV] to free from blame, identified or defined, not based on the con-
guilt or responsibility. They have been ab- crete, abstruse, theoretical, nonrepresenta-
solved of their sins. SYN. acquit, exonerate, tional. His notions of the universe were wildly
forgive, pardon, vindicate, remit, free, clear, abstract and difficult to envision. SYN. nonrep-
exculpate, excuse. ANT. charge, accuse, resentational, theoretical, conceptual, abs-
blame, condemn. truse, indefinite, incomprehensible, general,
absorb v. 1. DRINK UP suck, assimilate, blot, sop nonspecific, amorphous, symbolic, recon-
up, sponge, osmose, consume. 2. ENGROSS dite. ANT. specific, clear, concrete.
fascinate, interest, mesmerize, grip, rivet, abstract n. 1. CONDENSATION brief, abridge-
enthrall, spellbind, comprehend, assimilate, ment, synopsis, summary. 2. ART nonrepre-
understand. ANT. 1. spit out, spew, discharge, sentational art form, amorphous art form,
repel. 2. bore, confuse, tire. geometrical art form. ‘‘A product of the un-
absorbed a. 1. ASSIMILATED blotted, consumed, talented, sold by the unprincipled to the ut-
taken in, *sucked up. 2. ENGROSSED inter- terly bewildered.’’—Al Capp. SEE ART
ested, fascinated, riveted, mesmerized, cap- abstract v. 1. TAKE AWAY remove, extract, de-
tivated, spellbound, immersed, involved, fo- tach, separate. 2. SUMMARIZE synopsize, ab-
cused, rapt. ANT. bored, restless, unfocused. breviate, condense, abridge.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 5

abstracted a. lost in thought, lost in reverie, abusive a. 1. HARMFUL injurious, cruel, brutal,
preoccupied, daydreaming, brooding, ab- hurtful, exploitive, dominating, ruthless,
sent-minded, withdrawn, in a trance, *off in rough, disrespectful. 2. VERBALLY ABUSIVE of-
space, remote, inattentive, *out to lunch. fensive, insulting, vile, nasty, denigrating,
ANT. alert, attentive, sharp. gross, obscene, disparaging, critical, ridicul-
abstraction n. absent-mindedness, preoccupa- ing, maligning, upbraiding, cutting. ANT. 1.
tion, reverie, daydreaming, withdrawal, helpful, kind, nurturing. 2. sweet, *honey-
brooding, reflecting, mulling. tongued, flattering.
ABSTRUSE a. [ab STROOS] difficult to un- abut v. border on, lean on, adjoin, end on, con-
derstand. Einstein’s abstruse theories confound join, juxtapose.
all but the brightest scholars. SYN. recondite, abutment n. junction, juxtaposition, connec-
deep, incomprehensible, complex, inscruta- tion, conjunction.
ble, undecipherable, profound, unfathom- abutter n. neighbor.
able, *clear as mud, arcane, esoteric, cere- abuzz a. buzzing, chattering, babbling, busy,
bral. ANT. clear, simple, obvious, *child’s play. jumping, hopping, active, animated, spir-
absurd a. ridiculous, ludicrous, laughable, silly, ited, astir, kinetic, restless, bustling. ANT. si-
preposterous, foolish, outrageous, asinine, lent, lifeless.
idiotic, loony, stupid, crazy, nonsense. ANT. abysmal a. 1. UNFATHOMABLE immeasurable,
serious, weighty. deep, bottomless, vast, abyssal, immense. 2.
absurdity n. joke, foolishness, nonsense, idiocy, DESPAIRINGLY BAD wretched, awful, pitiful,
*bullshit, *bunk, *fiddle faddle, *hogwash, the lowest, depressing, miserable. ANT. 1. fi-
piffle, *rubbish, *tripe, drivel, twiddle-twad- nite, measurable. 2. impressive, commendable,
dle. favorable.
abundance n. lots, plenty, loads, piles, slew, abyss n. depth, chasm, void, fissure, the deep,
hoard, *scads, *tons, *oodles, plethora, sur- gulf, hole, bottomless pit.
plus, bounty, *miser’s hoard, profusion, abyssal a. unfathomable, abysmal, deep, im-
enough, bountiful, overflowing, wealth. measurable, bottomless. ANT. shallow.
ANT. scarcity, dearth, paucity. AC n. 1. AIR CONDITIONING. 2. ALTERNATING
abundant a. plentiful, bountiful, copious, pro- CURRENT.
fuse, abounding, more than enough, immea- academia n. academe, scholarly world, school,
surable, inexaustible, teeming, overflowing. college, groves of academe, ivy halls, aca-
ANT. scarce, scant, rare, sparse. demic community. SEE COLLEGE, EDUCATION,
abuse n. 1. MISTREATMENT maltreatment, ill- UNIVERSITY
treatment, injury, harm, assault, cruelty, tor- academic a. 1. SCHOLARLY scholastic, collegiate,
ment, brutality, molestation, exploitation, university, professorial, studious, bookish,
terrorizing, *stepping on, torturing, beating, erudite, learned, cultured. 2. THEORETICAL
thrashing, battery. 2. INSULTING OR HARSH hypothetical, conjectural, speculative, sup-
LANGUAGE belittlement, degradation, deni- positional, immaterial, moot. ANT. 1. real
gration, deprecation, tongue-lashing, defa- world, rough-and-tumble, practical. 2. accessi-
mation, maligning, invective, criticism, up- ble, understandable, meaningful. SEE COLLEGE,
braiding, dressing-down, ridicule, SCHOOL, TEACHER
vilification, put-downs, verbal abuse. ANT. academic n. scholar, student, teacher, professor,
1. care, kindness. 2. sweet talk, compliments, pupil, educator, tutor, doctor.
flattery. academics n. studies, courses, school work.
abuse v. 1. MISTREAT maltreat, ill-treat, injure, academy n. 1. SCHOOL private school, institute,
exploit, harm, assault, disrespect, terrorize, institution, secondary school, prep school,
molest, brutalize, manhandle, *step on, finishing school. 2. ASSOCIATION fellowship,
strong-arm, torture, beat, thrash, rape. 2. institution, atheneum, club.
little, degrade, denigrate, deprecate, tongue- a capella a./adv. choral, voices only, without
lash, defame, malign, criticize, upbraid, dress instruments.
down, ridicule, vilify, put down, insult, *dis, ACCEDE v. [ak SEED] to agree or consent to.
*dig, *dump on, *bad-mouth, *trash. ANT. Peer pressure forced the last holdout to accede.
1. coddle, respect, nurture, pamper, dote on. SYN. 1. CONSENT agree, concede, submit to,
2. sweet talk, flatter, compliment. give in, give assent, yield, acquiesce, *cave

6 Roget’s Superthesaurus

in. 2. ATTAIN assume, enter upon, inherit. ANT. 1. unobtainable, out of reach, unavail-
accelerant n. catalyst. able. 2. closed, unfriendly, unapproachable. 3.
accelerate v. speed up, race, hasten, step up, abstruse, cerebral, complex, difficult.
*put the pedal to the metal, *floor it, *gun accession n. succession, assumption, inaugura-
it, *squeal out, *burn rubber, *red line, tion, attaining, assuming office, ascending
*peel out. ANT. decelerate, slow down, wind the throne, coming to power.
down, brake, stop. accessorize v. supplement, add on, ornament,
acceleration n. speeding up, increasing veloc- adorn, attach, equip, trim, accent.
ity, *stepping on it, quickening. ANT. decel- accessory n. 1. EXTRA add-on, attachment,
erating, slowing, braking. adornment, peripheral, accent, supplement,
accelerator n. throttle, gas pedal. trimming, equipment, gear, appendage,
accent n. 1. EMPHASIS stress, significance. 2. EM- trapping. 2. ACCOMPLICE confederate, confi-
PHASIS OF PRONUNCIATION stress, accentua- dante, cohort, associate, *partner in crime,
tion, delivery, attack, inflection, articula- co-conspirator, helper, assistant.
tion, enunciation, rhythm, tone. 3. accident n. 1. CHANCE fluke, serendipity, luck,
REGIONAL SPEAKING MANNER brogue, burr, fortuity, circumstance, happenstance, twist
drawl, twang, dialect. 4. EMBELLISHMENT or- of fate. ‘‘An inevitable occurrence due to
nament, dressing, touch. the action of immutable natural laws.’’—
accent v. accentuate, highlight, underscore, Ambrose Bierce. 2. MISHAP mistake, blun-
underline, spotlight, emphasize, point up, der, misfortune, calamity, casualty, misad-
punctuate. ANT. downplay, ignore, hide. venture, disaster, catastrophe, wreck,
accentuate v. SEE ACCENT *crack-up, *pile-up, *fender-bender, colli-
accept v. 1. TAKE receive, get, welcome, ac- sion, *rear-ender, *T-bone, *sideswiping,
quire, obtain. 2. SUBMIT TO allow, tolerate, crash, rollover. ‘‘A condition in which pres-
take in stride, endure, capitulate, stand for. ence of mind is good, but absence of body
3. BELIEVE IN adopt, acknowledge, agree, better.’’—Foolish Dictionary.
concur, confirm, *swallow, *buy, recognize, accidental a. chance, fortuitous, serendipitous,
affirm, *take as gospel. ANT. 1. reject, give, random, freak, unforeseen, unintentional,
refuse. 2. reject, refuse, oppose. 3. disbelieve, haphazard, unwitting, *flukey, inadvertent,
reject. unpremeditated. ANT. planned, intended, pre-
acceptable a. adequate, good enough, worthy, meditated.
satisfactory, suitable, respectable, fair, pass- accidentally a. fortuitously, randomly, unwit-
able, tolerable, okay, *up to snuff, *passes tingly, haphazardly, by chance, uninten-
muster. ANT. unacceptable, subpar, objection- tionally, by some fluke. ANT. intentionally,
able, poor. planned, by design.
acceptance n. acknowledgement, approval, accident-prone a. clumsy, *klutzy, inept, *two
adoption, assent, recognition, agreement, left feet, bungling, bumbling, attention-
*the okay, *the green light, *the go-ahead. seeking, neurotic, having a death wish, *all
ANT. rejection, refusal, disagreement. thumbs. ANT. coordinated, nimble.
accepted a. 1. RECEIVED taken, acquired, wel- acclaim n. applause, acclamation, ovation,
comed. 2. AGREED UPON acknowledged, ap- cheers, praise, bravos, kudos, approval, adu-
proved, recognized, endorsed, believed in, lation, honor, plaudits. ANT. boos, hisses,
affirmed, sanctioned, upheld, authorized, jeers, heckles, catcalls, *razzing, *Bronx
accredited, conventional, normal, standard. cheers.
ANT. 2. rejected, refused, unconventional. acclaim v. applaud, cheer, approve, *give
access n. entry, entree, admission, passage, thumbs up to, extol, praise, *sing the praises
pathway, approach, ingress, admittance, of, laud, hail, shout, bravo. ANT. *razz, *give
doorway. SEE ENTRANCE a Bronx cheer, boo, hiss, reject, disapprove.
accessible a. 1. OBTAINABLE reachable, attain- acclaimed a. applauded, cheered, praised, ap-
able, available, at hand, handy, approach- proved, extolled, hailed, lauded. ANT. re-
able. 2. FRIENDLY AND OPEN approachable, jected, jeered, booed, *razzed.
available, obliging, familiar, sociable, genial, acclamation n. applause, ovation, cheers, whis-
gracious, *having an open door policy. 3. tles, plaudits, bravos. SEE ACCLAIM
EASY TO UNDERSTAND comprehensible, sim- ACCLIMATE v. [ACK luh mate] to adapt,
ple, lucid, uncomplicated, unsophisticated. adjust or accustom (oneself) to a different

Roget’s Superthesaurus 7

environment or situation. Lowlanders have a accomplish v. achieve, effect, bring to fruition,

difficult time acclimating themselves to the thin- fulfill, complete, consummate, attain, bring
ner air supply found at high altitudes. SYN. ac- about, perform, *pull it off, effectuate, pro-
custom, adapt, adjust, habituate, get used to, duce, execute, score, realize, engineer, make
inure, naturalize, familiarize, fit in, condi- happen, *cut the mustard, *nail it. ANT. fail,
tion, harden. fall short, *blow, *choke.
acclimatize v. SEE ACCLIMATE accomplished a. 1. ACHIEVED completed, ful-
ACCOLADE n. [AK uh LADE] an award or filled, consummated, attained, brought
honor. The dance troupe is winning accolades about, finished, performed, executed, real-
from critics nationwide. SYN. honor, recogni- ized, *pulled off, *nailed, brought to fru-
tion, tribute, praise, acclaim, applause, exal- ition, produced. 2. SKILLED proficient, tal-
tation, kudos, credit, award, prize. ented, expert, practiced, adept, perfected,
accommodate v. 1. OBLIGE aid, assist, help, per- masterly, *crack, *crackerjack, deft, experi-
form a kindness, serve, furnish, do a favor, enced, learned, polished. ANT. 1. uncom-
grant, indulge, lend a hand. 2. HOUSE lodge, pleted, unfulfilled, failed, *blown, fallen short.
quarter, put up, board, furnish a room, shel- 2. unskilled, unseasoned, amateur, *green,
ter, entertain, take in. 3. ADAPT accustom, *rough around the edges.
adjust, bend, conform, acclimate, reconcile, accomplishment n. achievement, fulfillment,
modify, fit, tailor. realization, deed, fait accompli, execution,
accommodating a. obliging, helpful, pleasing, attainment, completion, consummation,
gracious, considerate, hospitable, benevo- feat, coup, effort, performance, success. ANT.
lent, charitable, cooperative, sympathetic. failure, defeat, *flop, *washout, debacle.
ANT. disobliging, unsympathetic, cold-hearted, ACCORD n. [uh CORD] harmony, mutual
ungracious. understanding. They ended their hostilities and
accommodation n. 1. ASSISTANCE aid, favor, reached accord. SYN. harmony, agreement,
service, grant, kindness, nicety, courtesy, concurrence, concert, unison, unity, accor-
help. 2. LODGING room, quarters, housing, dance, rapport, mutual understanding, con-
*digs, bed and breakfast, boarding, furnish- cordance, *a meeting of the minds, consen-
ing, suite, berth, bed, shelter, flat, arrange- sus. ANT. discord, friction, disagreement,
ments. 3. ADAPTATION adjustment, habitua- dissidence.
tion, acclimatization, modification, change, accord v. 1. CONCEDE grant, bestow, accede,
fitting, conformation, reconciliation. ANT. allow, give, acquiesce. 2. HARMONIZE agree,
1. rejection, turning away, hindrance. 3. mal- concur, correspond, match up, *see eye to
adjustment, rigidity. eye, *sing from the same hymnal, jibe.
accompanied a. escorted, paired, tended, chap- accordant a. in agreement, agreeing, congru-
eroned, shown around, guarded, protected. ous, harmonious, matching. ANT. opposing,
accompaniment n. backup, harmony, back- divergent.
ground, instrument, rhythm player, *side- accordingly adv. 1. FITTINGLY properly, corres-
kick. pondingly. 2. THEREFORE hence, conse-
accompany v. go with, escort, pair, tend, chap- quently, thus, so, subsequently, whereupon,
erone, show around, protect, guide, usher, as a result.
be one’s sidekick, *hang out with, consort, according to prep. 1. IN ACCORDANCE WITH in
keep company, *shadow, *tag along, join. line with. 2. PER à la, as stated by, on the
ACCOMPLICE n. [uh COM pliss] one who authority of, as reported by.
accompanies or assists another in a wrongful ACCORDING TO HOYLE Sl. according to
act; a partner in crime. Machine Gun Willy the ultimate authority, according to the guy
and two accomplices robbed the bank. SYN. as- who wrote the rule book, an idiom derived
sociate, colleague, ally, cohort, collaborator, from card game expert Edmond Hoyle. We
confederate, accessory, abettor, co-conspira- are proceeding correctly, according to Hoyle.
tor, henchman, partner in crime, right-hand SYN. according to rule, *by the book, *by the
man, consort, *gun moll. ‘‘One associated numbers, correct, indisputable, according to
with another in crime, having guilty knowl- the highest authority, gospel.
edge and complicity, as an attorney who de- accordion n. concertina, *squeezebox, melo-
fends a criminal, knowing him guilty.’’— deon, *groanbox, *windbox, *stomach
Ambrose Bierce. SEE CRIME, CRIMINAL Steinway.

8 Roget’s Superthesaurus

ACCOST v. [uh COST] approach or greet ag- decreasing value of asset over time: depreci-
gressively. Sally was accosted by an ambitious ation
salesman. SYN. assail, greet, approach, *hit discrepancy corrections: reconciling
on, confront, assault, annoy, hail, intrude, ease of converting assets to cash: liquidity
address, call, buttonhole, solicit. employee pay: payroll
account n. 1. CHRONICLE explanation, report, enter a transaction: log
story, description, narrative, statement, de- entry of earnings not yet received or of ex-
tailing, *blow-by-blow, *play-by-play, run- penses not yet paid: accrual
down, version. 2. FINANCIAL RECORD bal- examination of accounts: audit
ance, ledger, books, credits and debits, examiner of accounts: auditor
computation, reckoning, accrual, profit and expenses greater than income: negative cash
loss statement, register, invoice, tab, calcu- flow
lation. SEE BANK 3. WORTH importance, expenses less than income: positive cash
value, weight, consequence, significance, flow
merit. head accountant of business or government:
account v. 1. RECKON add up, calculate, balance controller, comptroller
the books. 2. ANSWER FOR explain, give a rea- increasing value of asset over time: apprecia-
son for, justify, rationalize. 3. CONSIDER hold, tion
regard, deem, estimate, judge, believe, rate, items and property of value: assets
view. losing money: in the red
account of, on prep. because of, since, for the making money or realizing net profit: in the
sake of, by virtue of. black
account, on no prep. under no circumstances, money owed to creditors: accounts payable,
for no reason, never. liabilities, outstanding accounts
account, take into prep. consider, allow for, money to be received: accounts receivable
think about. month by month budget: rolling budget
accountability n. responsibility. SEE ACCOUNT- net profit or loss: bottom line
payout: disbursement
accountable a. responsible, liable, beholden, profit and loss statement: P & L
project income and expenses for the year:
answerable, obligated, duty-bound, culpa-
ble, held to blame. ANT. excused, exempt, *let
pure profit: net
off the hook.
record-keeping method having equal credit
accountant n. bookkeeper, auditor, CPA, certi-
for each debit: double-entry accounting
fied public accountant, controller, comp- records: books
troller, bank examiner, clerk, *number revenues before costs are deducted: gross
cruncher, *bean counter, *pencil pusher, state-licensed accountant: CPA, certified
*desk jockey, actuary. SEE ACCOUNTING, public accountant
total assets minus liabilities: net worth
accounting n. 1. RECORDING AND INTERPRETING uncollectable debt: write-off
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS bookkeeping, balanc- value of assets beyond what is owed on
ing the books, reckoning, crediting and deb- them: equity
iting, auditing, computing, calculating, re- withdrawal of funds by business owner: draw
cording. 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT account, accoutre v. dress, equip, outfit, gear up.
balance sheet, ledger, spreadsheet, accrual, accoutrement n. trappings, outfit, clothes,
budget, invoice. dress, equipment, gear, attire, habiliment.
WORD FIND accredit v. 1. AUTHORIZE certify, sanction, rec-
account book: ledger, daybook, journal ognize, license, qualify, approve, legitimize,
annual accounting period: calendar year, fis- endorse, validate, warrant, vouch for. 2. AT-
cal year TRIBUTE credit, ascribe, assign, charge.
cheating on records to hide profits: cooking accretion n. growth, accumulation, augmen-
the books tation, addition, enlargement, expansion,
collection of assets after business closes: liq- increase. ANT. shrinkage, dispersement, scat-
uidation tering.
computer program organizing financial data accrual n. growth, accumulation, amassing, in-
into rows and columns: spreadsheet crease.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 9
Accrue–Achilles’ Heel

accrue v. accumulate, add up, grow, amass, in- ace n. expert, champion, master, star, hero,
crease, collect, expand, pile up, compound. *crack hand, *crackerjack, *hotshot, *pis-
acculturation n. naturalization, assimilation, tol, *whiz, *whiz kid. ANT. loser, benchwar-
nationalization, culture shock. mer, second-stringer.
accumulate v. heap, collect, pile up, gather, ac- ace v. hit it, nail it, score, execute, succeed, hit
crete, expand, aggregate, stack up, grow, ac- the bullseye, defeat, *smoke the competi-
crue, swell, amass, assemble. ANT. throw off, tion. ANT. *blow it, *choke, lose.
shed, shuck, disperse, scatter. acedia n. apathy, ennui, indifference, despair.
accumulation n. collection, heap, pile, gather- ace in the hole n. hold out, card up one’s sleeve,
ing, accretion, assembly, aggregation, ag- secret weapon, reserve.
glomeration, conglomeration, mass, growth, acephalous a. 1. HEADLESS. 2. LEADERLESS.
accrual, swelling, hoard, stockpile. ANT. dis- acerbate v. 1. EMBITTER sour, poison, gall. 2.
persal, disbursement, shedding, scattering. EXASPERATE aggravate, ruffle, annoy, disturb,
accuracy n. precision, correctness, exactness, *rattle one’s cage, perturb, provoke.
fidelity, factualness, veracity, truth, meticu- ACERBIC a. [uh SUR bick] anything sour,
lousness, perfection. ANT. inaccuracy, impre- bitter or sharp. She was an insulting, acerbic-
cision, slackness. tongued witch. SYN. sour, bitter, harsh, sharp,
accurate a. correct, precise, right, error-free, astringent, acidic, acrid, tart, caustic. ANT.
unerring, perfect, exact, actual, factual, *on sweet, honeyed, nectarous, saccharine.
the button, *on target, *on the money, *on acerbity a. 1. SOURNESS bitterness, astringency,
the mark, flawless, veracious, faultless, me- sharpness, harshness, tartness, acidity, acrid-
ticulous, faithful. ANT. incorrect, wrong, ity, pungency. 2. NASTINESS irritability, an-
flawed, imperfect, inaccurate. noyance, sharpness, sourness, bitterness,
accurately adv. correctly, precisely, rightly, per- brusqueness, rancor, sarcasm, venom, acri-
fectly, flawlessly, exactly, actually, factually, mony, ill humor, grouchiness. ANT. 1. sweet-
meticulously. ANT. inaccurately, incorrectly, ness, nectarous. 2. sweetness, friendliness,
wrongly. good humor.
accursed a. cursed, condemned, damned, ill-
aces a. great, excellent, wonderful, top-notch,
fated, doomed, bedeviled, hexed, ruined,
fabulous. ANT. horrible, inferior, dreadful.
undone, stricken, *done for. ANT. blessed.
ache n. pain, twinge, pang, soreness, stitch,
accusation n. charge, *rap, blame, implication,
indictment, insinuation, allegation, com- spasm, throb, discomfort, hurt, pounding,
plaint, citation, smear, inculpation, recrimi- stabbing, smarting, burning, pinching.
nation. ache v. 1. HURT throb, pound, pang, twinge,
accusatory a. accusing, finger-pointing, blam- pain, spasm, stab, sear, smart, suffer, agonize.
ing. ANT. recriminatory. 2. SYMPATHIZE pity. 3. YEARN FOR long for,
accuse v. charge, blame, indict, implicate, cite, hunger, crave, need, pine for.
finger-point, prosecute, inculpate, impeach, achievable a. doable, attainable, reachable, ob-
recriminate, impute, *hang on, *finger for, tainable, feasible. ANT. impossible, unthink-
*pin on. able.
accused n. defendant, suspect, alleged perpetra- achieve v. accomplish, realize, do, attain, com-
tor. SEE COURT, CRIME, LAW plete, bring about, effect, produce, carry off,
accuser n. incriminator, prosecutor, *fink, succeed, consummate, actualize, follow
*stool pigeon, *tattletale, *rat, informer, through, engineer, *pull off, *swing, score,
plaintiff, adversary. win one. ANT. fail, fall short, *blow it, *choke,
accustom v. familiarize, habituate, acquaint, quit.
adapt, get used to. achievement n. accomplishment, attainment,
accustomed a. 1. USUAL customary, characteris- production, success, score, exploit, feat, ful-
tic, conventional, established, familiar, fillment, realization, acquirement, consum-
fixed, set, everyday, general, routine, tradi- mation, *master stroke, coup, masterpiece,
tional. 2. USED TO habituated, familiarized, creation, triumph, conquest, *feather in
acclimated, acquainted with, naturalized, one’s cap.
adapted, in the habit of, toughened, sea- ACHILLES’ HEEL n. [uh KILL eez HEEL] a
soned. ANT. 1. unusual, uncharacteristic, un- metaphor used to illustrate a vulnerability
conventional. 2. unaccustomed to, unfamiliar or a mortal weakness, from the myth of
with, unseasoned, green. Achilles, whose body was immunized from

10 Roget’s Superthesaurus

harm everywhere but on his heel. Nobody is nod at, recognize, greet, salute, hail. ANT. 1.
all-powerful; even dictators have at least one deny, refuse, refute. 3. ignore, overlook, pass
Achilles’ heel. SYN. weakness, vulnerability, over, snub.
*soft underbelly, susceptibility, frailty, fra- acknowledgement n. 1. ADMISSION avowal, rec-
gility, chink in the armor, deficiency, fail- ognition, acceptance, granting, concession,
ing, handicap. ANT. omnipotence, strength, acquiescence, declaration, profession, con-
immortality. fession. 2. THANK YOU recompense, reward,
acid n. corrosive, astringent, chemical. ANT. al- repayment, remittance, expression of grati-
kali. tude. 3. RESPONSE notice, address, nod, rec-
WORD FIND ognition, greeting, salute, hailing, bow,
ant irritant: formic acid curtsy, reply. ANT. 1. denial, refusal, refuta-
aspirin: acetylsalicylic acid tion. 3. ignoring, oversight, snub.
corrosive used in explosives: sulfuric acid, ACME n. [ACK me] the very highest; the
oil of vitriol peak. The award was the acme of his career.
mild antiseptic: boric acid SYN. summit, pinnacle, peak, high point, ze-
milk-derived: lactic acid nith, crown, apex, top, apogee, greatest,
odoriferous corrosive poison used in explo- best, supremacy. ANT. lowest, valley, pit, bot-
sives, antiseptics: phenol tom.
protein-forming: amino acids acne n. pimples, *zits, blackheads, pustules, fa-
stomach acid: hydrochloric acid cial eruption, skin inflammation, blemishes,
urine-derived: uric acid pockmarks, *pizza-face, rosacea.
vinegar ingredient: acetic acid acolyte n. altar boy, assistant, attendant,
vitamin C: ascorbic acid helper, aid.
white poison in insecticides: arsenic acid acorn n. oak nut, fruit.
acid n. Sl. LSD, *blotter, *blue cheer, *blue acoustic a. sound, sound properties, hearing,
heaven, *California sunshine, *D, *dot, auditory, phonic, audio, aural.
*electric Kool Aid, *flash, *green dragon, acoustics n. sound qualities, echoes, noise
*orange sunshine, *purple haze, *travel properties, sound transmission, sound fre-
agent, *wedding bells, *yellows. SEE DRUG, quencies.
acid a. 1. OF TASTE sour, bitter, tart, astringent,
absorbs all sound, produces no echoes: an-
harsh, sharp, biting, acerbic, vinegary. 2. ILL-
boom produced by object moving faster
tic, *saber-tongued, venomous, nasty, cut-
than sound: sonic boom
ting, vitriolic, biting, stinging, snide, sar-
donic, acerbic, scathing. ANT. 1. sweet, harmonious sound: consonance
sugary, honey. 2. good-humored, sweet, kind, hearing tester: audiometer
warm, flattering. high frequency sound above human hearing:
acidhead n. Sl. *junkie. SEE ADDICT ultrasound
acidity n. sourness, bitterness, acerbity, sharp- inharmonious sound: dissonance
ness, harshness, astringency, causticity. less than speed of sound: subsonic
ACID TEST n. [ASS id test] a test of value, lowest sound audible to ear: threshold fre-
quality or genuineness, a metaphor evolved quency
from the jeweler’s nitric acid test to deter- noise made from blend of all audible fre-
mine the authenticity of gold. The voluntary quencies: white noise
adoption of expensive, double-hulled tankers prolonged sound caused by vibration or re-
has long served as an acid test of the oil indus- flection: resonance
try’s sincerity concerning environmentalism. quality of sound: timbre
SYN. trial, proving ground, analysis, proof, rebounding sound wave: echo
verification, substantion. speed of sound: sonic, 741 mph
acidulous a. sour, tart, harsh, citric. SEE ACID unit of noise intensity level: decibel
acknowledge v. 1. ADMIT recognize, own up to, acquaint v. 1. MAKE AWARE inform, advise, en-
accept, grant, concede, acquiesce, declare, lighten, familiarize, let know, notify, ap-
profess. 2. THANK recompense, reward, re- prise, divulge, clue in. 2. MEET introduce,
pay, requite. 3. RESPOND TO notice, address, make conversant, familiarize.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 11

acquaintance n. 1. ACQUIRED KNOWLEDGE famil- acre n. 160 square rods, 43,560 square feet, 405
iarity, understanding, experience, aware- hectare, acreage, parcel, plot, real estate.
ness, conversance, enlightenment, cogni- acreage n. parcel, plot, holding, land, real es-
zance. 2. ASSOCIATE colleague, neighbor, tate, property, expanse.
peer, co-worker. ‘‘A person whom we know ACRID a. [AK rid] sharp or bitter in taste or
well enough to borrow from, but not well smell, or in one’s speech. We opened the jar
enough to lend to.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ANT. and immediately smelled something acrid. SYN.
1. ignorance, inexperience. 2. complete 1. TASTE OR SMELL bitter, sharp, irritating,
stranger. harsh, pungent, sour, acid, acerbic, stinging,
acquainted a. 1. AWARE informed, advised, en- caustic, stinking, foul-smelling, biting. 2.
lightened, familiarized, apprised of, familiar SPEECH sarcastic, sardonic, caustic, biting,
with, aware of, *clued in, versed in. ANT. acid, saber-tongued, venomous, cutting,
unaware, *clueless. snide. ANT. 1. sweet, mild. 2. sweet, flattering,
ACQUIESCE v. [AK we ESS] to yield, give in good-humored.
or assent without enthusiasm. The dictator ACRIMONIOUS a. [AK ri MO nee us] bitter,
acquiesced only after the Bush administration nasty, spiteful. The divorcing couple survived
rattled its saber. SYN. consent, defer, yield, an acrimonious session in court. SYN. bitter,
assent, comply, accede, accept, *buckle un- biting, caustic, nasty, spiteful, sarcastic, sar-
der, *cave in, give in, agree, capitulate, con- donic, sharp, vitriolic, venomous, acerbic,
cur, abide by, come around, submit, *fall in snarling, snide. ANT. sweet, kind, civil.
line. ANT. resist, fight, challenge, rebuff, make acrimony n. bitterness, nastiness, causticity,
a stand. vitriol, spite, sarcasm, asperity, harshness.
acquiescence n. yielding, compliance, accep- ANT. sweetness, civility, kindness.
tance, consenting, *buckling under, capitu- acrobat n. gymnast, tumbler, aerialist, tightrope
lation, submission, concurring, *caving in, walker, stuntman, stuntwoman, circus per-
deferring, assenting, subservience, servility. former, trapeze artist, contortionist.
ANT. resistance, making a stand, rebellion. acrobatics n. gymnastics, tumbling, somersault-
acquire v. get, obtain, gain, procure, buy, pur- ing, flipping, balancing.
chase, earn, catch, *get one’s hands on, *get acronym n. abbreviation.
hold of, *land, net, *snag, *scare up, secure. acrophobia n. fear of heights. SEE PHOBIA
ANT. give away, sell, lose, relinquish.
acropolis n. high city, elevated city, citadel.
acquired immune deficiency syndrome n.
famous Greek temple of: Parthenon
AIDS, sexually transmitted disease (STD),
across a. crosswise, crossways, transversely,
crisscross, astride.
acquirement n. skill, ability, education, capa-
across prep. 1. OVER opposite to, to the other
bility, knowledge, accomplishment. side, beyond, in front of. 2. INTO CONTACT
acquisition n. attainment, procurement, ac- WITH upon, into.
quirement, securing, purchase, gain, take- across-the-board a. 1. WIN, PLACE AND SHOW 2.
over, gift, proceed, grant, obtainment. ALL everything, comprehensive, sweeping,
acquisitive a. greedy, materialistic, grasping, all-inclusive, blanket, total, complete. ANT.
avaricious, grabby, hoarding, rapacious, limited, partial.
*gold-digging. ANT. generous, unselfish. acrostic n. word puzzle, wordplay, word game.
ACQUIT v. [uh KWIT] to release, free or clear act n. 1. DEED action, execution, performance,
one from a responsibility or charge. Lizzie task, turn, endeavor, undertaking, measure,
Borden was acquitted of murder charges against accomplishment, step, exploit, feat. 2. DE-
her father and stepmother, but a cloud of suspi- CREE enactment, ruling, bill, edict, measure,
cion continues to hang over her name. SYN. 1. law, ordinance, amendment, mandate, proc-
RELEASE, clear, free, excuse, exonerate, ab- lamation, judgment, resolution. 3. FALSE BE-
solve, pardon, forgive, relieve, exempt, let HAVIOR affectation, pose, *false front, pre-
off, exculpate. 2. BEHAVE conduct, act, com- tense, make-believe, put-on, posturing,
port, bear. ANT. 1. convict, condemn, damn. sham, performance, *Oscar performance,
acquittal n. discharge, release, clearance, exon- airs, feigning. 4. STAGE ROUTINE bit,
eration, pardon, reprieve, exculpation, abso- *schtick, sketch. 5. PART OF A PLAY scene,
lution, liberation. act one, act two, epilogue, prologue.

12 Roget’s Superthesaurus

act v. 1. DO perform, execute, get involved, SYN. involvement, action, acting, commit-
spring into action, carry out, achieve, begin, ment, militancy, advocacy, picketing, strik-
*jump in, undertake, function, move, pro- ing, boycotting, taking responsibility, influ-
ceed. ‘‘Genius is the ability to act wisely encing, effecting change. ANT. apathy,
without precedent—the power to do the passivity, ignoring, indifference.
right thing the first time.’’—Elbert Hub- activist n. doer, *a mover and shaker, *light-
bard. 2. BEHAVE conduct oneself, comport, ning rod, *spark, champion, advocate, *in-
deport, carry oneself, perform, be like. 3. fluence peddler, logroller, enthusiast, mili-
PERFORM IN AN ENTERTAINMENT portray, per- tant, man of deeds, *catalyst for change.
sonify, impersonate, mimic, role-play, char- activity n. 1. ACTION movement, commotion,
acterize, enact, *ham it up, play a part, star, motion, bustle, hustle. 2. LIVELINESS energy,
burlesque. vivacity, vigor, alertness, briskness. 3. PAS-
acting n. PERFORMANCE IN AN ENTERTAINMENT TIME pursuit, recreation, venture, game,
depiction, method acting, characterization, hobby. ANT. 1. inactivity, stillness, inertia. 2.
impersonation, mimicry, dramatization, sloth, tiredness, exhaustion.
portrayal, rendition, *hamming it up, mime, act of God n. natural disaster, unforeseen
pantomime, theatrics. ‘‘Acting is honesty. If event, accident, freak accident.
you can fake that, you’ve got it made.’’— actor n. 1. DOER perpetrator, participant, activ-
George Burns. ‘‘To seem natural rather than ist, executor, mover, agent, operative. 2.
to be natural.’’—Alan Milne. THESPIAN performer, player, actress, star,
acting v. PRETENDING bluffing, faking, feigning, character, entertainer, mimic, mime, movie
putting up a false front, playing make-be- idol, matinee idol, impersonator, artist,
lieve, posing, putting up a facade, affecting. leading man, leading lady. ‘‘A musician who
acting a. SUBSTITUTING surrogate, functioning, plays on a homemade instrument—him-
operating, alternate, temporary, deputy, in- self.’’—Helen Hayes.
terim, provisional, pro tem, adjutant. ANT. WORD FIND
permanent. group: cast, company (stock company), en-
action n. 1. ACTIVITY motion, movement, func- semble, repertory, troupe
tioning, performance, working, energy, improvisation: ad lib
commotion. 2. ACT deed, move, effort, en- main role: lead
terprise, exercise, exploit. ‘‘Deeds are better minor role: bit player, cameo, extra, spear
things than words are, Actions mightier carrier, walk on
than boastings.’’—Longfellow. ‘‘Well done monologue performer: monologist
natural, realistic: method actor
is better than well said.’’—Ben Franklin. 3.
negotiates contracts, finds work: agent
EFFECT influence. 4. LEGAL ACTION lawsuit,
overacting or bad acting: ham, mugger
suit, claim, case. 5. COMBAT battle, hostilit- publicizes: press agent, publicist
ies, gunfire, enemy fire, fighting. 6. EXCITE- secondary role: supporting actor
MENT movement, slam-bang entertainment.
silent performer: mime, pantomime
activate v. start, begin, initiate, stimulate, substitute: stand-in, understudy
spark, actuate, prompt, goad, prod, set in traveling: barnstormer
motion, ignite, impel, *flip the switch, ener- typecast: character actor
gize, motivate. ANT. stop, turn off, extinguish, veteran: trouper
active a. 1. BUSY moving, functioning, working, actress n. leading lady, starlet, diva, prima
industrious, on the go, commotive, kinetic, donna, ingenue. SEE ACTOR, MOVIE, TELEVI-
stirring, astir, restless, bustling. 2. ENERGETIC SION, THEATER
lively, agile, quick, spry, vital, spirited, actual a. real, authentic, factual, true, bona
hearty, nimble, vigorous, sprightly, alert, fide, existing, concrete, genuine, tangible,
frisky, animated. 3. PARTICIPATING func- certain, veritable, de facto. ANT. false, imagi-
tional, acting, operative. ANT. 1. inactive, nary, fictitious, unreal, nonexistent.
static, stationary. 2. dead, slow, tired, para- actuality n. reality, fact, truth, verity, material-
lyzed. 3. inactive. ity.
ACTIVISM n. [AKT uh vizm] taking direct actualize v. make real, bring about, realize, ef-
action to bring about political or social fectualize, produce, engineer, accomplish,
change. Voting is activism in its simplest form. reach.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 13

actually adv. really, in fact, in reality, truth- adaptable a. adjustable, modifiable, convert-
fully, truly, genuinely, literally, in actuality, ible, alterable, changeable, transformable,
de facto, as a matter of fact. variable, flexible, pliable. ANT. invariable,
actuary n. statistician, accountant, insurance rigid, unbending.
professional. adaptation n. adjustment, modification, alter-
actuate v. put into motion, activate, start, ig- ation, change, transformation, variation, as-
nite, effectuate, motivate, impel, goad, similation, conformation, accommodation,
prompt, stimulate, initiate, *put into gear, hardening, retrofit, tempering, acclimation,
*get rolling, spur, rouse. ANT. stop, extin- evolution, metamorphosis.
guish, deter, *throw a wrench in the works. adapter n. connector, plug, fitting.
act up v. misbehave, act out, raise hell, *sow adaptive a. adjusting, modifying, altering, flexi-
one’s wild oats, rebel, *kick, *throw a tan- ble, hearty, robust.
trum, carry on. add v. 1. ADD ON affix, attach, append, tack on,
acuity n. acuteness, sharpness, keenness, adjoin, suffix, annex. 2. INCREASE augment,
shrewdness. supplement, enlarge, lengthen, amplify,
ACUMEN n. [AK yuh mun] mental sharpness, boost, raise, heighten, *beef up, build on. 3.
accurate and quick judgment. Frank lacks the TOTAL sum up, calculate, compute, figure,
acumen needed to succeed in the stock market. tally, reckon, enumerate, count. ANT. 1. sub-
SYN. sharpness, shrewdness, quickness, intel- tract, remove. 2. subtract, decrease, reduce.
ligence, perceptiveness, keenness, insight, addendum n. addition, appendix, supplement,
judgment, astuteness, discernment, acuity, attachment, adjunct, codicil, extension,
smarts, sagacity, wisdom. ANT. ignorance, augmentation.
dullness, stupidity, naivete. addict n. *junkie, *fiend, *dopehead, *head,
acute a. 1. SHARP pointed, needle-like. 2. KEEN *freak, *acidhead, *meth head, *cokehead,
sharp, shrewd, quick, smart, astute, percep- user, *mainliner, *speed freak, *pothead,
tive, bright, discerning. 3. SENSITIVE re- *space cadet, enthusiast, devotee, nut, ad-
ceptive, responsive, perceptive. 4. SEVERE se- herent, buff, hound, zealot. SEE DRUG
rious, critical, crucial, vital, important, addicted a. hooked, dependent, devoted,
grave, momentous, urgent, dangerous, in- attached, obsessed, disposed to, in the habit,
tense. 5. SHRILL high, piercing. ANT. 1. dull, *stuck on, zealous about, *nuts about.
addiction n. habit, dependency, *monkey,
blunt. 2. dull, obtuse, slow, stupid. 3. insensi-
*monkey on one’s back, craving, enslave-
tive, imperceptive. 4. mild, unimportant, insig-
ment, obsession, habituation, alcoholism.
nificant. 5. low, bass.
addictive a. habit-forming, enslaving, hooking.
A.D. adv. anno Domini, in the year of the Lord.
add insult to injury v. aggravate, exacerbate,
ADAGE n. [ADD ij] an old saying illustrating worsen, *add fuel to the fire, heighten, pro-
some universal truth. ‘‘Charity begins at voke.
home’’ and ‘‘Honesty is the best policy’’ are addition n. 1. TALLYING summation, calcula-
popular adages. SYN. saying, proverb, apho- tion, tabulation, reckoning, computation,
rism, axiom, folk wisdom, motto, maxim, counting. 2. AUGMENTATION addendum,
platitude, precept, truism, cliche. add-on, attachment, extension, increase,
ADAMANT a. [AD uh mant] not giving in or supplement, adjunct, annex.
yielding, stubborn. LBJ was adamant about additional a. more, extra, added, supplemen-
not being typed as a Southerner, because that tary, further, over and above, increased.
meant political handicaps. SYN. unyielding, ANT. fewer, scant, none.
unrelenting, stubborn, inflexible, unbend- additive n. agent, enhancing agent, preserva-
ing, rigid, intractable, obdurate, immovable, tive.
firm, resolute, fixed, uncompromising, de- addled a. muddled, befuddled, confused,
termined. ANT. flexible, yielding, acquiescing. *numb, mixed up, *out to lunch, *foggy,
adapt v. adjust, modify, assimilate, conform, *dim, *out of it, bewildered, disoriented.
suit, reform, acculturate, fit, alter, change, ANT. perceptive, clear-headed.
accommodate, orient, bend, acclimate, at- add-on n. supplement, accessory, peripheral,
tune, convert, harden, temper, habituate, augmentation.
evolve, reinvent, retrofit, *change one’s address n. 1. SPEECH oration, lecture, talk, salu-
spots. tation, letter. 2. MAILING ADDRESS R.F.D.,

14 Roget’s Superthesaurus
Address–Ad Lib

route, street number, P.O. box, destination. taxes would continue to rise ad infinitum. SYN.
3. LOCATION residence, place, home, quar- forever, endlessly, continuously, on and on,
ters, domicile. neverending, perpetually, relentlessly, un-
address v. 1. DIRECT speak to, greet, approach, limitedly.
salute, acknowledge, write to. 2. HANDLE adios interj. farewell, adieu, au revoir. SEE GOOD-
consider, deal with, confront, undertake, fo- BYE
cus on, take up, engage in. adipose n. fat.
adduce v. cite, prove, provide, illustrate, point adjacent a. abutting, juxtaposed, near, close,
out, show, affirm, name. adjoining, next to, aside, beside, neighbor-
ADEPT a. [a DEPT] highly skilled or profi- ing, contiguous, alongside, bordering, proxi-
cient. The project was finished quickly in her mate, meeting. ANT. distant, remote.
adept hands. SYN. skilled, deft, adroit, expert, adjective n. modifier, qualifier.
masterful, proficient, capable, practiced, adjoin v. 1. ABUT touch, be contiguous to,
dexterous, sharp, competent, *crack, unite, contact, connect, impinge on, border,
*crackerjack, savvy, talented. ANT. unskilled, verge. 2. JOIN affix, unite, connect, link.
incompetent, fumbling, bumbling. adjoining a. abutting, adjacent, touching, con-
adequacy n. enough, sufficiency, capability, tacting, neighboring, connecting, border-
competence. ing, contiguous, verging. ANT. separate,
adequate a. sufficient, enough, suitable, accept- apart.
able, satisfactory, respectable, ample, tolera- adjourn v. 1. RECESS rest, pause, close, delay,
ble, okay, admissible, not bad, fair, able. suspend, put off, hold. 2. MOVE transfer.
ANT. inadequate, unsatisfactory, intolerable, adjournment n. recess, rest, pause, break, delay,
insufficient, lacking. intermission, suspension, postponement.
adequately adv. sufficiently, acceptably, satis- ADJUDICATE v. [uh JOO di KATE] to judge
factorily, suitably, capably, amply. ANT. inad- and settle a case. A ‘‘kangaroo court’’ is a
equately, insufficiently. court in which a case is adjudicated dishonestly
adhere v. 1. STICK affix, cling, stay, attach, hold or incompetently. SYN. judge, adjudge, try,
fast, cement, fasten, cleave, cohere. 2. STAY hear, decide, process, arbitrate, mediate, de-
WITH OR BE DEVOTED TO support, observe, fol- termine, settle, sit in judgment, referee.
low, abide by, respect, maintain, practice, be adjudication n. judgment, decision, determina-
attached, keep to, be faithful. ANT. 1. sepa- tion, settlement.
rate, come unglued, repel. 2. stray, condemn, adjunct n. supplement, auxiliary, subordinate,
ignore, detract. addition, extra, associate, aid, assistant.
ADHERENT n. [ad HEER ent] a supporter or adjure v. command, charge, entreat, order, re-
follower of a cause or belief. The speaker has quire, obligate.
been an adherent of conservative politics for adjust v. conform, fit, alter, change, accommo-
years. SYN. follower, supporter, disciple, be- date, bend, suit, accustom, *doctor, adapt,
liever, advocate, backer, fan, devotee, ob- modify, straighten, tune, fine-tune, *fiddle
server, ally, *card-carrying member. ANT. de- with, calibrate, square, rectify, tweak, ser-
tractor, opponent, enemy of, critic of. vice, balance.
adhesion n. sticking, stickiness, adherence, at- adjustable a. adaptable, alterable, pliable, con-
tachment, cling, holding fast, hold. formable, accommodating, modifiable,
adhesive n. glue, tape, velcro, cement, paste, changeable, serviceable, flexible, tractable.
*stickum, binder, gum, mortar, resin, plas- adjustment n. 1. CONFORMATION fitting, alter-
ter. ation, change, accommodation, adaption,
AD HOC a. [ADD HOK] for a specific pur- bending, retrofit, *doctoring, modification,
pose, as a committee, impromptu. An emer- calibration, tune up, sizing, rectification,
gency ad hoc committee was formed. SYN. spec- squaring. 2. SETTLEMENT claim, liability,
ified, specific, provisional, special, compensation, reimbursement, remunera-
impromptu. tion.
adieu interj. goodbye, farewell, au revoir, adios, adjutant n. assistant, aid, helper, administrative
sayonara, arrivederci, auf Wiedersehen, *see assistant, staff officer.
ya, *toodleloo, *toodles. SEE GOODBYE ad lib n. improvisation, extemporization, in-
AD INFINITUM adv. [add in fuh NITE um] vention, *offhand remark, impulse.
forever, endlessly. The Congressman said ad lib v. improvise, extemporize, *wing it, *fake

Roget’s Superthesaurus 15
Ad Lib–Ado

it, invent, *play it by ear, speak impromptu, honor, put on a pedestal, hail. ANT. loathe,
speak off the top of one’s head, fabricate, despise, look down on, disrespect.
vamp. admirer n. fan, devotee, follower, disciple, sup-
AD LIB a. [ADD LIB] improvised, unre- porter.
hearsed. The act was performed completely ad admissible a. acceptable, permissible, allowed,
lib. SYN. improvisational, unrehearsed, *off passable, legitimate, legal, lawful, okay, tol-
the cuff, *on the spur of the moment, ex- erable, proper, suitable. ANT. inadmissible, il-
temporaneously, impulsively. ANT. re- legal, intolerable.
hearsed, studied. admission n. 1. ENTRANCE entry, passage, ac-
ad man n. copywriter, huckster, *BS artist. cess. 2. DOOR CHARGE cover charge, ticket,
admeasure v. apportion. entrance fee, gate. 3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OR
administer v. 1. GOVERN manage, administrate, CONFESSION admitting, granting, profession,
head, direct, oversee, officiate, superintend, *owning up, *fessing up, revelation, affirma-
supervise, conduct, regulate, rule, operate, tion, disclosure, divulgence, testimony, de-
control. 2. GIVE OUT dispense, mete out, de- position. ANT. 1. blockage, barring, impedi-
liver, apply, distribute, provide, give. 3. HELP ment. 2. concealment, cover-up, secret,
serve, lend a hand. confidentiality.
administration n. 1. GOVERNING overseeing, admit v. 1. LET IN accept, let pass, grant access,
commanding, policy-making, application, check, grant, okay, permit, *give the nod
execution, legislation, regulation, superin- to. 2. CONFESS acknowledge, concede, grant,
tendence, supervision, management. 2. *own up, *fess up, *come clean, reveal, dis-
MANAGEMENT leadership, government, bu- close, divulge, confide, *sing, *spill the
reaucracy, bureau, cabinet, headquarters, beans, *bare one’s soul, testify. ANT. 1. block,
governing body, executive branch, board, bar, refuse. 2. withhold, keep secret, hide,
command, *front office, legislature, estab- deny.
lishment, ministry, board of directors, de- admittance n. entrance, entry, permission, pass,
partment, *brass, *the powers that be. 3. passage.
DISPENSATION delivery, application, giving. admittedly adv. confessedly, honestly, truth-
4. TERM OF POWER reign, dynasty, *run, in- fully, frankly.
cumbency, tenure. admix v. intermix, blend, combine, mingle.
administrator n. manager, supervisor, superin- admixture n. blend, combination, mixture,
tendent, executive, executor, CEO (chief compound, melange.
executive officer), bureaucrat, official, di- ADMONISH v. [ad MON ish] to caution or
rector, overseer, governor, head, chair, advise, often scoldingly. He was admonished
leader, *paper shuffler. for drinking and driving. SYN. 1. CAUTION
admirable a. model, praiseworthy, enviable, ex- warn, forewarn, advise, exhort. 2. REPROVE
cellent, honorable, respectable, commend- rebuke, berate, scold, *tell off, *come down
able, wonderful, ideal, great, exceptional, on, *call on the carpet, *take to task, chas-
revered, laudable, superior. ANT. despicable, tise, reproach. 3. REMIND apprise, inform,
low, rotten. warn. ANT. 2. commend, compliment, reward.
admiral n. commander. ‘‘That part of the war- admonition n. 1. CAUTION warning, forewarn-
ship which does the talking while the figure- ing, advice, apprisal, counsel. 2. REPROVAL
head does the thinking.’’—Ambrose Bierce. scolding, *dressing down, *talking to, repri-
SEE NAVAL OFFICER mand, upbraiding, *slap on the wrist, re-
admiration n. esteem, adoration, reverence, ap- monstrance, rebuke, reproach. ANT. 2. com-
proval, regard, idolizing, applause, praise, mendation, reward, compliment.
awe, respect, veneration, glorification, fond- AD NAUSEAM adv. [AD NAWZ e um] to
ness, *foot-kissing, worship. ‘‘A very short- the point of illness or disgust. He went on
lived passion, that immediately decays upon about his accomplishments ad nauseum. SYN.
growing familiar with its object.’’—Joseph to a sickening degree, to nauseating ex-
Addison. ‘‘The daughter of ignorance.’’— tremes, to the point of queasiness, too much,
Benjamin Franklin. ANT. disgust, despising, more than one can stomach.
loathing, disrespect. ado n. trouble, fuss, excitement, running
admire v. regard, esteem, look up to, respect, around, *to-do, bother, travail, hubbub,
revere, idolize, praise, worship, model after, confusion.

16 Roget’s Superthesaurus

adobe n. clay, brick. *crack, sharp, talented, experienced, mas-

adolescence n. puberty, pubescence, youth, terful, practiced, proficient, nimble, astute.
teen years, *awkward years, minor, immatu- ANT. maladroit, bumbling, fumbling, *dim.
rity, junior high years, high school age. ‘‘A adulate v. flatter, *apple polish, gush, admire,
kind of emotional seasickness. Both are praise, worship, *kiss feet, *brown-nose,
funny, but only in retrospect.’’—Arthur fawn, *fall all over. ANT. disrespect, ignore,
Koestler. insult.
adolescent n. teenager, teen, *teenybopper, adulation n. flattery, *feet-kissing, *apple-pol-
youth, sophomore, junior, minor, youngster, ishing, *brown-nosing, worshipping, fawn-
*bobbysoxer, *sweet sixteen, juvenile. ‘‘One ing, exaltation, sycophancy, blarney, toady-
who has reached the age of dissent.’’—Har- ing, blandishment, slavishness, adoration.
old Leslie. adult a. 1. GROWN-UP, mature, aged, seasoned,
Adonis n. *hunk, *beefcake, *dreamboat, of age, developed, ripe, at the age of consent,
*stud, Greek god, *God’s gift to women, of legal age. 2. (Pertaining to explicitly sex-
*heartbreaker, *lady-killer. ual material) PORNOGRAPHIC x-rated,
adopt v. 1. TAKE IN ANOTHER’S CHILD take under graphic, dirty, blue, obscene. ANT. childlike,
one’s wing, take in, foster, surrogate, immature, juvenile, youthful.
mother, father, raise. 2. SELECT OR TAKE UP adult n. grown-up, mature person, *big person,
choose, appropriate, employ, take, espouse, man, woman, lady, gentleman, elder, au-
assume, take on, opt, use. 3. VOTE IN select, thority figure. ‘‘An obsolete child.’’—Theo-
approve, back, support, sanction, ratify. ANT. dore Geisel.
1. orphan, disown, shun. 2. reject, shun, re- ADULTERATE v. [uh DULL tuh RATE] to
fuse. make impure, to spoil or contaminate. The
adorable a. charming, cunning, cute, appealing, once pristine waters off Alaska have been adul-
captivating, cuddly, lovely, lovable, sweet, terated with spilled oil. SYN. spoil, debase, cor-
precious, darling, irresistible, *huggable. rupt, defile, contaminate, ruin, devalue, poi-
ANT. gross, disgusting, repulsive, monstrous.
son, denature, pollute, degrade, taint, water
adoration n. love, praise, devotion, worship, down, depreciate. ANT. purify, concentrate.
veneration, affection, exaltation, reverence, adulterer n. adulteress, *cheat, philanderer,
hero worship, idolization, adulation, admi- fornicator, *Casanova, *skirt-chaser, *wolf,
ration, infatuation. ANT. revulsion, repulsion, *womanizer.
despising, disgust. adultery n. infidelity, unfaithfulness, sex,
*sleeping around, promiscuity, affair, forni-
adore v. admire, love, worship, hero-worship,
cation, *cheating, *stepping out, *swinging,
idolize, respect, venerate, honor, look up to,
*fooling around, *playing around, *hanky-
praise, revere, glorify, esteem, *carry a torch
panky. ‘‘The application of democracy to
for, be taken with, deify, *put on a pedestal,
love.’’—H.L. Mencken.
*dig, *groove on, adulate, cherish. ANT. advance n. 1. FORWARD MOVEMENT progression,
loathe, disrespect, despise, *spit on. progress, headway. 2. PROGRESSION progress,
adorn v. ornament, don, bedeck, dress, deco- improvement, innovation, breakthrough,
rate, embellish, beautify, trim, festoon, gar- development, discovery. 3. FLIRTATION over-
nish, spruce up, emblazon. ture, *move, offer, proposal, invitation. 4.
adornment n. ornament, decoration, dressing, PAYMENT loan, wages, prepayment, front, re-
embellishment, bauble, trinket, trimming, tainer, deposit.
spangle, garnish, trapping, frills, finery, frip- advance v. 1. BRING FORWARD progress, move
pery, doodad. ahead, propel, push, come, go, make head-
adrenalin n. epinephrine, stress hormone, way, proceed, forge ahead, continue, gain
*fight or flight hormone. ground, promote. 2. ASCEND IN RANK pro-
adrift a. drifting, free-floating, directionless, mote, step up, *climb up the corporate lad-
wandering, unanchored, at the wind’s will, der, move up. 3. HELP hasten, quicken, aid,
astray, aimless, afloat, derelict, loose. ANT. assist, further, forward, facilitate, back. 4.
anchored, grounded, stable. PROPOSE suggest, put forward, submit, prof-
ADROIT a. [uh DROYT] mentally or physi- fer, recommend. 5. PREPAY deposit, retain,
cally skilled. Donatello was an adroit sculptor. loan, front. ANT. 1. stop, reverse, go back. 2.
SYN. skillful, deft, dexterous, expert, clever, demote, step down. 3. impede, detract, block.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 17

advanced a. 1. AHEAD, SUPERIOR forward, be- adverb n. modifier.

yond, higher, cutting edge, leading edge, ADVERSARY n. [ADD ver ser ee] an oppo-
progressive, ahead of the times, liberal, nent or enemy. The two adversaries squared
avant-garde, precocious, *light years ahead, off in the ring. SYN. opponent, enemy, foe,
developed. 2. GETTING ON IN YEARS aged, rival, protagonist, contestant, antagonist,
venerable, seasoned, experienced. SEE OLD competitor. ANT. friend, partner, ally.
ANT. 1. behind, backwards, slow, obsolete. 2. ADVERSE a. [ad VURS] unfavorable or
young, green. harmful. The game was cancelled due to ad-
advance man n. publicist, press agent. verse weather conditions. SYN. unfavorable,
advancement n. 1. PROMOTION move up, gradu- harmful, bad, negative, unpropitious, oppos-
ation, rise. 2. PROGRESS breakthrough, inno- ing, unfortunate, hostile, injurious, conflict-
vation, development. ing, detrimental. ANT. favorable, positive,
advantage n. 1. SUPERIORITY edge, *leg up, *up- propitious, beneficial.
per hand, head start, help, assistance, aid, ADVERSITY n. [ad VUR sit ee] hardship, un-
favor, leverage, *ace in the hole, odds. 2. favorable conditions. He overcame great ad-
BENEFIT gain, profit, blessing, boon, asset.
versity to succeed in his profession. SYN. hard-
ANT. 1. disadvantage, liability, handicap,
ship, misfortune, trouble, ill-fortune, bad
luck, calamity, difficulty, distress, suffering,
advantage, take v. use, impose upon, *step on.
advantageous a. favorable, opportune, profit- setbacks, disaster, hard times. ANT. good for-
able, beneficial, auspicious, expedient, pro- tune, ease.
pitious, fortunate, for the best. ANT. unfavor- advertise v. publicize, promote, sell, pitch, plug,
able, inopportune, harmful. ballyhoo, hype, tout, push, puff, herald, pro-
advection n. transference. claim, publish, broadcast.
ADVENT n. [ADD vent] the coming or ar- advertisement n. ad, advert, commercial, plug,
rival of. The advent of television in the 1920s blurb, spot, broadside, notice, flyer, hand-
was met with skepticism, even by its inventor. bill, classified ad, display ad, placard, circu-
SYN. 1. COMING arrival, appearance, forth- lar. ‘‘Legalized lying.’’—H.G. Wells. ‘‘The
coming, onset, beginning. 2. THE COMING OF rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.’’—
CHRIST Second Coming, Incarnation. ANT. George Orwell.
end, demise, death. SEE CHURCH, RELIGION advertising n. promotion, publicity, pitching,
adventure n. thrill-seeking, venture, escapade, ballyhoo, selling, heralding, puffery, touting,
expedition, quest, enterprise, geste, dare, drumming up, hyping, pushing, proclaim-
risk, danger, hazard, peril, exploration, out- ing. ‘‘The science of arresting the human
ing, exploit, undertaking, mission, safari, intelligence long enough to get money from
trek, hunt, odyssey, voyage, *armchair ad- it.’’—Stephen Leacock. ‘‘The art of making
venture, *cliffhanger. ‘‘Something you seek whole lies out of half truths.’’—Edgar
for pleasure, or even for profit, like a gold Shoaff.
rush or invading a country . . . the thing you WORD FIND
will to occur.’’—Katherine Anne Porter. accounts, handles advertising: account ex-
adventurer n. 1. THRILL-SEEKER explorer, soldier ecutive
of fortune, hero, heroine, risk-taker, *hired ad company: agency
gun, daredevil, voyager, wanderer, swash- addresses of potential customers: mailing list
buckler, pioneer, knight, trailblazer, pirate, ad run in selected locale: spot ad
Don Quixote, romantic, *armchair adven- aggressive style of selling: hard sell
turer. ‘‘An outlaw . . . Adventure must start
ambitious presentation: dog and pony show
with running away from home.’’—William
Bolitho. 2. SPECULATOR gold-digger, inves- award for radio and TV advertising excel-
tor, opportunist, fortune hunter, gambler, lence: Clio
entrepreneur, *wide-eyed dreamer. ANT. 1. catchy phrase or lyric: hook, jingle, slogan
homebody, stick-in-the-mud, *killjoy, milque- consumer group serving as guinea pigs: test
toast, Nervous Nellie. market
adventuresome a. venturesome, risk-taking, editorial-like newspaper ad: advertorial
thrill-seeking, adventurous, daring, fool- dishonest touting of high-priced item after
hardy, opportunistic, bold, enterprising. advertising low-priced item: bait and
ANT. cautious, prudent. switch

18 Roget’s Superthesaurus

expansion of ad campaign beyond test mar- citizens’ welfare. SYN. supporter, proponent,
ket: rollout pleader, defender, abettor, espouser, cham-
free item, inducement to buy: premium pion, activist, propagator, backer, ally, ac-
good word in: plug tivist, lawyer. ANT. detractor, opponent, critic.
graphic design, art head: art director ADVOCATE v. [ADD vuh kate] To support
hand-distributed ad: handbill a cause or a person. She advocates equal rights.
hidden ‘‘buy’’ messages in advertising: sub- SYN. support, propagate, defend, back, plead
liminal advertising for, promote, champion, espouse, speak for,
hinged ad boards worn over shoulders: sand- uphold, endorse, stand up for. ANT. fight
wich board against, criticize, oppose.
hyperbole: hype, puffery, ballyhoo adz n. tool, ax, implement.
illustrated ad in paper or magazine: display AEGIS n. [EE jis] sponsorship or protection.
ad The new emission regulations were presented
mail advertising: direct mail under the aegis of city authorities. SYN. spon-
multimedia sales effort: campaign sorship, auspices, protection, patronage.
New York cluster of large ad agencies: Madi- aerial a. 1. AIRBORNE airy, atmospheric, by air,
son Avenue by aircraft, skyward, heavenward, aloft, up,
plant in audiences to help sell: shill up and away, supernal. 2. UNREAL imaginary,
pre-ad that arouses interest in upcoming ethereal, intangible, fanciful, visionary. 3.
product: teaser n. ANTENNA. ANT. 1. grounded, by land. 2.
posting ads on public structures without per- down-to-earth.
mission: sniping aerie n. [AIR ee] nest, perch, lookout, home.
presentation: pitch aerobics n. cardiovascular exercise, wind exer-
print publicity: ink cises, conditioning, calisthenics, *dancer-
promotional material given to media: press cize, gymnastics, *workout.
kit aeronautics n. aircraft design, aircraft construc-
public relations: PR tion, aircraft navigation.
recommendation, affirmation of product’s aesthete n. dilettante, connoisseur, art lover.
quality by consumer: testimonial AESTHETIC a. [es THET ik] pertaining to
royalty paid to performer each time ad runs: beauty and that which is pleasing to the eye.
residual Mark made an aesthetic appraisal of the archi-
telephone advertising: telemarketing tecture. SYN. beauty, beautiful, artistic, pleas-
trademark design: logo ing to the eye, gorgeous. ANT. ugly, unattrac-
writer of ads: copywriter tive.
SEE RADIO, TELEVISION AFFABLE a. [AF uh bul] easy going and nice
advice n. counsel, tip, direction, opinion, word to talk to. She was an affable woman who fit
to the wise, schooling, guidance, admoni- in well with any social group. SYN. friendly,
tion, recommendation, suggestion, hint. easy-going, nice, amiable, sociable, good-
‘‘Like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it natured, warm, approachable, *chummy,
dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into, *buddy-buddy, congenial, benign. ANT. cold,
the mind.’’—Coleridge. ‘‘Always a confes- stand-offish, nasty.
sion.’’—Emile Herzog. affair n. 1. MATTER happening, activity, doing,
advisable a. recommended, wise, good advice, business, thing, operation, concern, occur-
good counsel. rence, event, incident. 2. SOCIAL FUNCTION
advise v. 1. COUNSEL recommend, tip, direct, *to-do, gala, black-tie affair, function, party,
guide, admonish, suggest, hint, give a word dinner, celebration, get-together, soiree. 3.
to the wise, exhort, point out, forewarn, ad- LOVE AFFAIR affaire d’ amour, affaire de coeur,
vocate. 2. NOTIFY inform, let know, educate, liaison, tryst, *fling, romance, rendezvous,
fill in, clue in. intimacy, sexual relationship, *thing, adul-
advisement n. consideration. tery.
advisory n. report, warning, notice, forewarn- affect v. 1. INFLUENCE sway, change, act on,
ing, caution. evoke, impress, stir, impact upon. 2. TOUCH
ADVOCATE n. [ADD vuh ket] one who THE EMOTIONS move, melt one’s heart, warm
speaks for or supports a cause or another per- one’s heart, pluck at the heartstrings, dis-
son. The senator was an advocate for senior turb, perturb, touch a nerve, stir, *cut to the

Roget’s Superthesaurus 19

quick, *hit home. 3. ASSUME make a pre- bent, predilection, affection, leaning, par-
tense, feign, fake, put on, *B.S., adopt, tiality, fancy, penchant. ANT. 1. dissimilarity.
*sham, pose, posture. 2. repulsion, aversion.
AFFECTATION n. [AF ek TAY shun] phony affirm v. assert, declare, firm up, confirm, vali-
or unnatural behavior, often displayed in an date, uphold, proclaim, attest, profess, insist,
attempt to impress. His cultured speech was *swear to, vouch.
only an affectation. SYN. pretense, preten- affirmation n. assertion, declaration, confirma-
tiousness, fraud, airs, show, performance, tion, validation, avowal, word, swearing,
display, *going Hollywood, act, pose, pos- oath, profession.
ture, mannerism, studied manner, *Oscar AFFIRMATIVE ACTION n. a policy which
performance. attempts to prevent discrimination of mi-
affected a. 1. INFLUENCED impressed, swayed, norities, as in employment, through hiring
changed, acted upon, stirred, impacted quotas or other means. Affirmative action has
upon. 2. TOUCHED perturbed, moved, stirred, opened the employment door for many African
impressed, distressed, heartened, warmed, Americans. SYN. fair treatment, balanced
agitated. 3. ARTIFICIAL phony, fake, assumed, treatment, quota system, fair hiring prac-
contrived, show-off, counterfeit, preten- tices, anti-discrimination program, equal
tious, studied, unnatural, feigned, precious, opportunity, reverse discrimination. SEE
mannered, *full of it, *Hollywood. ANT. 1. GOVERNMENT, POLITICS
unchanged, untouched. 2. unmoved, unaf- affix v. 1. ATTACH stick, fasten, bind, fix, con-
fected. 3. real, authentic, true, down to earth, nect, staple. 2. ADD append, annex, tack on.
sincere. ANT. 1. detach, unfasten, remove. 2. subtract.
affection n. love, warmth, tenderness, friend- afflict v. plague, distress, trouble, bother, prey
ship, feeling, devotion, *soft spot, solici- on, hurt, harm, pester, beset, burden, mo-
tude, fondness, regard, attachment, close lest, agitate, torment, torture, injure,
feelings. ANT. hatred, loathing, disgust, cold- weaken. ANT. relieve.
ness. affliction n. hardship, pain, trouble, illness, suf-
affectionate a. warm, loving, tender, giving, so- fering, burden, plague, curse, handicap,
licitous, devoted, friendly, *touchy-feely, scourge, *cross to bear, torment, torture,
*lovey-dovey, sensuous, doting, fond, feel- misfortune, adversity, calamity. ANT. bless-
ing, demonstrative. ANT. cold, cool, unde- ing, godsend, gift.
affluence n. riches, abundance, wealth, opu-
monstrative, aloof.
lence, plenty, prosperity, luxury, fortune.
AFFIDAVIT n. [af uh DAY vit] a written
ANT. poverty, destitution, lack.
statement made under oath. His statements
AFFLUENT a. [AFF loo unt] wealthy, opu-
to the media contradicted his affidavit. SYN.
lent. The affluent residents of Beverly Hills are
sworn statement, testimony, written testi- rich in material belongings. SYN. rich, wealthy,
mony, sworn report, declaration, deposition. prosperous, opulent, well-to-do, well-off,
affiliate n. member, associate, relation, ally, fel- moneyed, *loaded, *well-heeled, *flush,
low, peer, brother, sister, counterpart, sub- *fat, *filthy rich, *rolling in dough, abun-
sidiary, subdivision, branch, part. dant, plentiful, bountiful. ANT. impoverished,
affiliate v. associate, connect, network, join, destitute, *poor as Job’s turkey.
unite, incorporate, connect, band, *team up affront n. insult, offense, slight, put-down, dig,
with. ANT. disband, break up, scatter. disrespect, *crack, *shot, *swipe, injury,
affiliation n. association, connection, alliance, denigration, barb, slur. ANT. compliment, flat-
network, membership, relationship, union, tery.
incorporation, partnership. AFFRONT v. [uh FRUNT] to insult or offend.
AFFINITY n. [uh FIN uh tee] attraction, lik- He was sorely affronted. SYN. insult, offend,
ing. Also, a close relationship or similarity injure, hurt, irritate, annoy, gall, rile, dis-
between things. Children have a natural affin- please, provoke, pique, slight. ANT. compli-
ity for junk food. There was a peculiar affinity ment, flatter, adulate.
between Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun. SYN. 1. aficionado n. devotee, connoisseur, follower,
RELATIONSHIP connection, resemblance, fanatic, enthusiast, *nut. SEE FAN
likeness, kinship, compatibility, similarity. afield adv. off the beaten track, out of bounds,
2. LIKING, ATTRACTION fondness, inclination, away, astray.

20 Roget’s Superthesaurus

afloat adv. floating, adrift, offshore, at sea, on point, year, maturity, majority, minority,
the water. adulthood, declining years, youth, adoles-
afoot a./adv. about, up and about, astir. cence, infancy, middle age. ‘‘It takes about
afraid a. scared, frightened, fearful, terrified, ten years to get used to how old you are.’’—
panic-stricken, alarmed, apprehensive, anx- Unknown. ‘‘[Something that] doesn’t mat-
ious, shocked, frozen, rattled, startled, leery, ter unless you’re a cheese.’’—Billie Burke.
jumpy, *wide-eyed with fear, shaky, quiver- SEE TIME
ing, *chicken, *sweating bullets, *spooked, age v. mature, ripen, develop, grow older, sea-
*scared stiff, faint-hearted, paralyzed, *sau- son, weather, mellow, slow down, waste
cer-eyed, horrified. ANT. courageous, cool, away. ‘‘To take in sail.’’—Emerson. SEE OLD,
calm, fearless. SEE FEAR OLD AGE, OLD-FACED
afresh adv. anew, again, once more. aged a. elderly, old, venerable, advanced, ma-
African a. Negro, Negroid, black, Nigerian, tured, past one’s prime, vintage, seasoned,
Egyptian, Algerian, Libyan, Sudanese, Ethi- weathered, ripened, ageless, *long in the
opian, Ugandan, Kenyan, Tanzanian, An- tooth, *one foot in the grave, old as Methu-
golan, Zambian, Botswanian, South Afri- selah, worn, decrepit, decayed, deteriorated.
can, Namibian, Bantu, Gabunese, ANT. fresh, green, unseasoned. SEE ANTIQUE,
Moroccan, Tunisian, Senegalese, Ghana- OLD, OLD-FACED
ian, Bushman, Pygmy, Masai, Zulu. ageless a. eternal, infinite, perpetual, timeless.
WORD FIND agency n. 1. ORGANIZATION department, office,
bushman: Qung
bureau, company, corporation, firm, con-
dance: juba
cern, operation. 2. POWER auspices, action,
desert: Sahara, Kalahari, Libyan
garment: tobe, kaross, haik operation, means, influence, work, activity,
gold region: Rand medium.
grassland: veldt AGENDA n. [uh JEN da] a list of things to
house: tembe be done. What’s on your agenda today? SYN.
hut: kraal, tembe schedule, list, program, itinerary, calendar,
language: Bantu, Hamite, Swahili, Hausa docket, planning, lineup.
tableland: karoo agent n. 1. DOER actor, executor, functionary,
tree: cola, baobab, baku, sassy, moli, kola, mover. 2. REPRESENTATIVE assignee, dele-
bumbo, gamdeboo gate, deputy, advocate, proxy, middleman,
village: dorp, stad, kraal broker, go-between, proctor, salesman, en-
wind: simoom, simoon voy, handler. 3. FORCE power, instrument,
wood: ebony, teak cause, mechanism, means.
aft a. astern, abaft, back. ANT. fore, front. AGENT PROVOCATEUR n. [a zahn pro
after a. 1. LATER afterward, thereafter, follow- vok uh TUR] an agitator or instigator; one
ing, subsequent. 2. BEHIND preceded by, in who tries to provoke others into action and
back of, following. get them in trouble. SYN. agitator, instigator,
after prep. in pursuit of, looking for, in search goad, troublemaker, rabble-rouser, spark, in-
of. cendiary. ANT. peacemeaker.
afterbirth n. placenta, membranes. agglomeration n. heap, jumble, mass, pile,
afterlife n. heaven, hereafter, eternity, bliss,
gathering, collection, cluster.
*the great beyond, immortality. SEE HEAVEN
aftermath n. consequence, aftereffect, result, agglutinate v. join, attach, adhere, glue, stick.
outcome, effect, fallout, repercussions, *rip- aggrandize v. enlarge, extend, expand, blow up,
ples, wake, by-product. exaggerate, increase, inflate, puff up. ANT.
again adv. once more, repeatedly, anew. minimalize, shrink, deflate.
against prep. opposite to, contrary to. aggravate v. 1. MAKE WORSE worsen, exacerbate,
agape a. or adv. 1. OPEN gaping, wide open. 2. intensify, heighten, deepen, *add fuel to the
STATE OF AMAZEMENT dumbstruck, flabber- fire, *fan the flames, *rub it in. 2. ANNOY
gasted, astonished, saucer-eyed, goggle- irritate, *bug, exasperate, vex, provoke, in-
eyed, bug-eyed, wonderstruck. flame, rile, irk, ruffle, *rub the wrong way,
age n. 1. PERIOD OF TIME generation, duration, *miff, *yank one’s chain, *rattle one’s cage,
lifetime, era, epoch, period, century, millen- *piss off. ANT. 1. lessen, relieve, mitigate. 2.
ium, cycle, span. 2. STAGE season, phase, calm, humor, pacify.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 21

aggravation n. 1. WORSENING exacerbation, in- agitation n. 1. SHAKING OR MIXING stirring,

tensification, deepening, inflammation, churning, turbulence, bouncing, distur-
magnifying, deepening. 2. ANNOYANCE irri- bance, tossing, turning. 2. EMOTIONAL DIS-
tation, vexation, exasperation, inflamma- TURBANCE arousal, excitement, inflamma-
tion, *pain, *pain in the ass, hassle, nui- tion, stirring, jolt, turmoil, upheaval,
sance, *headache, *thorn in one’s side, commotion, provocation, rabble-rousing.
bother. ANT. 1. improvement, lessening, reliev- ANT. 2. becalming, quieting, pacifying.
ing. 2. pleasure, delight. agitator n. rabble-rouser, firebrand, *mover and
aggregate n. composite, total, mass, cluster, shaker, rebel, provocateur, incendiary, anar-
mix, blend, assembly, sum total, whole. chist, inciter, troublemaker, instigator,
aggress v. attack, *jump on, initiate. spark.
aggression n. 1. ASSAULT attack, offensive, raid, aglow a. radiant, shining. ANT. dull, pale.
invasion, blitzkrieg. 2. HOSTILITY offensive- agnate a. akin. SEE RELATED
ness, violence, belligerence, combativeness, agnomen n. SEE NICKNAME
pugnaciousness, fight. ‘‘An innate, indepen- AGNOSTIC n. [ag NOS tik] one who believes
dent, instinctual disposition in man . . . it that it is impossible to know whether or not
constitutes the most powerful obstacle to God exists. Agnostics believe nothing beyond
culture.’’—Sigmund Freud. the material world can be known by the human
aggressive a. 1. HOSTILE belligerent, combative, mind. SYN. disbeliever, freethinker, skeptic,
offensive, violent, pugnacious, nasty, quar- cynic, doubter, doubting Thomas, philoso-
relsome, militant. 2. BOLD OR COMPETITIVE pher, thinker, atheist. ‘‘One who doesn’t
enterprising, *go-getting, *high octane, am- know whether God exists, but is afraid to say
bitious, assertive, persistent, pushy, vigor- so loudly in case God might hear him.’’—
ous, obnoxious, domineering, forceful, *bal- Eugene Brussell. ANT. believer, faithful one.
lsy. ANT. 1. passive, peaceful, mild. 2. passive, SEE RELIGION, ATHEIST
lazy, ineffectual, laid-back, timid. agnosticism n. freethinking, disbelief, faithless-
aggressor n. attacker, initiator, invader, raider, ness, doubting, closed-mindedness, skepti-
trespasser, assailant, provoker, offender, in- cism, atheism. ‘‘Simply means that a man
stigator. shall not say he knows or believes that for
aggrieve v. distress, wrong, disturb, hurt, injure, which he has no grounds for professing to
offend, slight, trouble, wound. believe.’’—Thomas Huxley. ANT. faith, be-
aggrieved a. wronged, offended, distressed, dis- lief, devoutness. SEE RELIGION
turbed, injured, hurt, afflicted, wounded, de- agog a. eager, excited, anxious, enthusiastic,
pressed, troubled. ANT. comforted, assisted, expectant. ANT. apathetic, indifferent.
relieved. agonize v. suffer, bleed, struggle, worry, fret,
aghast a. terrified, horrified, horror-struck, dis- torture oneself, stew, lose sleep over, brood
mayed, appalled, stunned, shocked, agape. over, *sweat bullets, writhe, stay awake
ANT. unperturbed, undisturbed. nights, grapple.
AGILE a. [AJ il] nimble and quick. The agile agony n. suffering, pain, torture, distress, tor-
basketball player darted past the defense to score ment, misery, struggle, affliction, sorrow,
the winning basket. SYN. nimble, quick, spry, discomfort, dolor. ANT. bliss, euphoria, plea-
deft, keen, brisk, light-footed, dexterous, sure.
sprightly, active, lithe, lively, supple. ANT. agrarian a. agricultural, pastoral, rural, rustic.
clumsy, ponderous, oafish. ANT. urban, citified. SEE AGRICULTURE, FARM,
agility n. nimbleness, quickness, keenness, FARMING
sharpness, light-footedness, dexterity, agree v. concur, accord, accede, be of one mind,
sprightliness, suppleness, liveliness, adroit- come to terms, consent, grant, fall in line,
ness. ANT. clumsiness, slowness, oafishness. side with, *see eye to eye, *square with, har-
aging n. maturing, growing, seasoning, senes- monize, correspond, coincide, jibe. ANT. dis-
cent, declining, mellowing, getting old, agree, differ, oppose.
wearing out, wilting. SEE AGE agreeable a. 1. CONSENTING conforming, com-
agitate v. 1. SHAKE OR MIX stir, move, churn, plying, amenable, in accord, accepting. 2.
make turbulent, bounce, disturb, toss. 2. DIS- PLEASING acceptable, good, likable, to one’s
TURB EMOTIONALLY shake up, stir, arouse, in- liking, unobjectionable, appealing, felici-
flame, ignite, wind up, jolt, fluster, excite, tous, pleasurable. ANT. 1. dissenting. 2. dis-
incite. ANT. 2. becalm, quiet, pacify. agreeable, unacceptable.

22 Roget’s Superthesaurus

agreement n. 1. WRITTEN OR ORAL CONTRACT airborne a. aloft, in flight, flying, in the clouds,
understanding, contract, bargain, deal, cov- *in the wild blue yonder. ANT. grounded.
enant, pact, arrangement. 2. HARMONY, AC- air conditioner n. AC, air, cooler, fan, blower.
CORD conformity, compromise, correspon- aircraft n. airplane, jet, balloon, helicopter, di-
dence, accordance, consensus, accession, rigible, blimp, lighter-than-air craft, airship,
understanding, compatibility, uniformity, airliner, zeppelin, *chopper, *egg beater, fly-
*meeting of the minds. ing machine, *whirlibird, flying saucer,
agriculture n. farming, crop-raising, husbandry, UFO, ultralight, Learjet, Cessna Citation,
cultivation, agronomy, agribusiness. SEE Rockwell Sabreliner, Grumman Gulfstream,
FARM, FARMING Concorde, SST, Airbus, Boeing 707-757,
aground a. ashore, beached, stuck fast, stran- Douglas DC-10.
ahead a. in front, foremost, before, forward, ad- air hole causing sudden drop: air pocket
vanced, leading, fronting, preceding, outdis- air traffic jam: stack
tancing. ANT. behind, rearward, back. air washed behind: backwash, prop wash,
aid n. assistance, help, service, support, benefit, slipstream
helping hand, contribution, benevolence, altitude measuring device: altimeter
kindness, welfare. approach to airport: approach, glidepath
aid v. assist, help, serve, support, benefit, con- automatic flying system: autopilot
tribute, pitch in, lend a hand, oblige, abet. boom after exceeding speed of sound: sonic
aide n. assistant, adjutant, *right-hand man, boom
aide-de-camp. broadside wind hazard: crosswind
aide-de-camp n. assistant, officer, secretary, cargo, baggage and passengers: payload
*right-hand man, aide. climbing stunt turn of 180 degrees: chan-
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome, delle
disease, disorder, immunological disorder, cockpit: cabin
immune failure, sickness, illness, sexually course: flight path
transmitted disease, STD. cover over motor: cowling
crash-land in water: ditch
dangerous wind condition: wind shear
virus causing: HIV, human immunodeficie-
detracted landing gear and flaps: flying clean
ncy virus; HTLV, human T-cell lympho-
distance required for safe landing: rollout
cytotropic virus. SEE MEDICINE, DISEASE
disturbed air: turbulence
ail v. trouble, pain, distress, bother, upset, af-
double-winged craft: biplane
flict, hurt. drive on ground: taxi
ailing a. ill, aching, afflicted. SEE SICK exhaust trail in sky: contrail
ailment n. illness, malady, affliction. SEE SICK- falling out of sky due to low air speed: stall
faster than speed of sound: supersonic, hy-
aim n. intention, target, goal, object, purpose. personic
aim v. 1. POINT direct, draw a bead on, level, flap on trailing edge of wing: aileron, airfoil
train, zero in on, measure, eye. 2. DIRECT flap that slows aircraft or increases rate of
ONE’S EFFORTS shoot for, go for, try for, plan, descent: spoiler
intend, aspire. flashing white lights on wingtips: strobes
aimless a. purposeless, pointless, drifting, stray- flight data recorder: black box
ing, wandering, desultory, haphazard. ANT. fluid-based controls: hydraulics
focused, directed. green identification light on right side: star-
air n. 1. gas, atmosphere, oxygen, nitrogen, board light
ozone, sky, aerospace. 2. BEARING manner, high-speed wind stream: jet stream
attitude, deportment, appearance, aura. 3. ice accumulation: icing
AFFECTATION pose, posture, pretense, man- international flight route: corridor
ner, haughtiness. SEE ATMOSPHERE, WIND late-night flight: redeye
air v. 1. AERATE ventilate, let out, expose, dry, light, single-seat aircraft: ultralight
cool, freshen. 2. ANNOUNCE PUBLICLY publi- long body portion: fuselage
cize, confess, profess. 3. BROADCAST trans- loss of engine combustion during flight:
mit, televise. flameout

Roget’s Superthesaurus 23
Air Force–Air Strike

lowest possible speed before stalling: critical gravity suit: anti-g suit
speed group: echelon, escadrille, squadron, wing
maximum altitude according to weather information gathering: reconnaissance
conditions: ceiling landing, wish to land, code: pancake
motorless plane: glider missile fired, code: fox away
navigation computer system: inertial navi- one aircraft flight: sortie
gation system, loran over land, code: feet dry
nose forced up or down by wind: pitching over water, code: feet wet
opposing wind during flight: headwind radar confusers comprised of metal foil,
oxygen deprivation over 12,500 feet: hyp- strips dropped from air: chaff
oxia reduced visibility, code: popeye
perfect landing: three-point landing suspected carrier of nuclear weapons, code:
physics behind flight: aerodynamics purple
pitch and roll display: artificial horizon target position in relation to aircraft: clock
radio landing aid: microwave landing system code position
raise air pressure: pressurize UFO assumed to be enemy: bogey
rapid, uncontrolled descent: dive, spin unmanned reconnaissance craft: drone
red light on left side of craft: port light SEE AIRCRAFT, AIRPORT , ROCKET , MISSILE,
roll and yaw caused by wind gust: Dutch roll NAVY
rollover stunt: barrel roll airhead n. Sl. idiot, dolt. SEE MORON
sideways motion caused by wind: crabbing airplane SEE AIRCRAFT
speedometer: air speed indicator airport n. airfield, airstrip, jetport, air base,
stunt flying exhibition: barnstorming aerodrome, landing strip, runway.
tail flap controlling up and down movement WORD FIND
of craft: elevator ascent area beyond runway: clearway
tail flap that turns craft: rudder baggage conveyor: baggage carousel
triangular wing: delta wing barrier, wall that shields passengers from jet
turn: bank exhaust: blast fence
UFO: bogey centerline landing, takeoff strip: runway
unmanned, radio-controlled craft: drone control center: control tower
vertical stabilizer at tail: fin driveway leading on or off runway: taxiway
workshop, shelter: hangar glassed-in enclosure in control tower: cab
SEE AIR FORCE, AIRPORT, BALLOON, DIRIGIBLE, ground traffic directors: marshallers
ROCKET, SATELLITE, SPACESHIP guide lights leading to airport: approach
Air Force n. air defense, air power, strategic air lights, sequence flashers; barrette
command; A-4 Skyhawk, A-6 Intruder, A- loading and refueling area: apron
7 Corsair, A-10 Thunderbolt, AC-130 Her- luggage carrier, assistant: skycap
cules, B-52 Stratofortress, C-5A Galaxy, C- maintenance and aircraft shelter: hangar
141 Starlifter, F-4 Phantom, F-14 Tomcat, maintenance crew: ground crew
F-15 Eagle, F-16 air combat fighter, F-101 off-runway waiting area: holding bay
Voodoo, F-105 Thunderchief, KC-135 Stra- overseeing agency: FAA, Federal Aviation
totanker, B-2 Stealth Bomber, F-117A Administration
Stealth Fighter, P-3 Orion, Harrier. pilot’s weather and route info center: flight
WORD FIND service center
air attack: air strike, bombing run, dog fight, radio-guided landing system: microwave
strafing landing system
airborne early warning system: AWACS tower personnel: air traffic controller
altitude code for thousands of feet: angels turnoff lanes off runway: rollout lanes
bombing over large area: carpet bombing wind direction indicator: wind sock
distress call: mayday airs SEE AIR
electronic jamming: music air sickness n. motion sickness, nausea, dizzi-
emergency takeoff: scramble ness, vertigo.
enemy shot down, code: splashed air strike n. bombing, bombing run, strafing,
fire upon enemy aircraft: engage carpet bombing, air assault.

24 Roget’s Superthesaurus

airtight a. 1. SEALED TIGHT hermetic, imperme- for a cure-all medicine and an elixir to in-
able. 2. INVULNERABLE, impregnable, flaw- crease lifespan. Any seemingly magical pro-
less, sound. cess. The investors quickly bailed out when they
airy a. 1. BREEZY windy, ventilated, open. 2. AT learned the company was something on a par
HIGH ALTITUDE lofty. 3. LIGHT delicate, gossa- with alchemy. SYN. pseudo science, psuedo
mer, diaphanous, thin, ethereal, vaporous, chemistry, magic, transmutation, sorcery,
sheer. ANT. 1. stifling. 2. sturdy, solid. wizardry, black magic, black arts, witchcraft.
aisle n. walkway, lane, corridor, passageway, alcohol n. liquor, spirits, *booze, *firewater,
nave. *joy juice, *the sauce, *John Barleycorn,
ajar a. open, unlatched. ANT. shut, sealed. *hard stuff, intoxicant, solvent. SEE BEER,
a.k.a. also known as, alias. COCKTAIL, DRINK, MOONSHINE, WINE
akin a. 1. RELATED kin, kindred, agnate. 2. SIMI- alcoholic a. fermented, intoxicating, spiritous,
LAR like, resembling, analogous, identical, distilled, inebriative, hard. ANT. non-alco-
germane. holic, soft.
a la mode a. fashionable, in fashion, in style, alcoholic n. *lush, drunk, *boozer, *rummy,
stylish, chic, *hip, in vogue, *in. SEE FASH- *souse, *sot, *wino, problem drinker, *rum
ION, STYLE hound, *bar fly, substance abuser.
ALACRITY n. [uh LAK ri tee] eager willing- alcoholism n. alcohol dependence, addiction,
ness. He accepted his nomination for beauty problem drinking, drunkenness, alcohol
contest judge with great alacrity. SYN. eager- habit, substance abuse.
ness, willingness, enthusiasm, readiness, fer- alcove n. recess, nook, niche, bower, bay.
vor, quickness. ANT. hesitance, reservation, ale n. beer, lager, stout.
reluctance. alert a. on guard, watchful, ready, vigilant, on
alarm n. 1. FEAR shock, terror, horror, astonish- one’s toes, keen, wide-awake, wary, atten-
ment, anxiety, panic, trepidation, fight or tive, *on the ball, *with it, sharp, active,
flight response, apprehension, distress. 2. lively. ANT. asleep, *out to lunch, comatose.
ALERT siren, bell, horn, whistle, tocsin, call alert n. alarm, signal, warning, tocsin.
to arms, alarum, blast. ANT. 1. calm, noncha- alert v. warn, signal, inform, notify.
lance, reassurance. alfresco a. outdoors, in fresh air.
alarm v. 1. FRIGHTEN shock, scare, terrify, hor- algebra n. math, mathematics, equations, arith-
rify, astonish, panic, distress, startle. 2. metic. SEE MATHEMATICS
ALERT warn, arouse, caution, signal. ANT. alias n. a.k.a. (also known as), assumed name.
calm, reassure, soothe. SEE PEN NAME
ALARMIST n. [uh LARM ist] one who over- alibi n. explanation, defense, plea, excuse,
reacts to a situation and spreads alarm need- *cover story, pretext.
lessly. Those who believe the world will end alien a. 1. FOREIGN strange, odd, unfamiliar, ex-
soon are generally brushed off as alarmists. SYN. otic, outlandish. ANT. ordinary, familiar.
prophet/voice of doom, scaremonger, alien n. 1. FOREIGNER immigrant, illegal alien,
Chicken Little, Cassandra. outsider, refugee, stranger, noncitizen. 2. EX-
ALBATROSS (around one’s neck) n. [AL ba TRATERRESTRIAL spaceman, space creature,
tross] used metaphorically to symbolize a *little green man, otherworldy creature.
burden of guilt or disgrace; from the alba- ANT. native, citizen, local.
tross that brought bad luck after it was shot ALIENATE v. [AY lee uh NAYT] to estrange;
and hung around the Mariner’s neck in to cause another to withdraw; to turn one
‘‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’’ Water- off. His crude fat jokes would always alienate
gate was Richard Nixon’s albatross. SYN. bur- the overweight people in the audience. SYN. es-
den, disgrace, cross to bear, millstone, mis- trange, distance, separate, come between,
ery, woe, load. *turn off, turn away, disengage, shut out, ig-
albeit conj. even though, although. nore. ANT. unite.
album n. anthology, folder, scrapbook, note- alienation n. estrangement, distance, remote-
book, miscellany. ness, withdrawal, disaffection, separation,
alchemist n. pseudo scientist, magician. dissociation, isolation.
ALCHEMY n. [AL kem ee] the medieval alight v. settle, land, light.
pseudo sciences involving the transmuta- align v. true, aline, line up, level, make flush.
tion of ordinary metal into gold, the search alignment n. positioning, straightening, lining

Roget’s Superthesaurus 25

up, adjustment, evening, sighting, calibra- mitigate, allay, soften, diminish, slake, as-
tion, fine-tuning. suage. ANT. exacerbate, intensify, aggravate.
alike a. like, similar, identical, comparable, alley n. passage, lane, cul-de-sac, deadend,
kindred, corresponding, mirror images. ANT. walkway.
unlike, disparate, contrasting. alliance n. 1. UNION joining, association, affilia-
alimony n. support payment, child support, al- tion, partnership, coalition, confederacy,
lowance. ‘‘Disinterest, compounded annu- league, federation, consortium. 2. AGREE-
ally.’’—Walter McDonald. ‘‘Buying oats for MENT pact, friendship, treaty, covenant, un-
a dead horse.’’—Arthur Baer. derstanding, deal, contract.
alive a. 1. LIVING vital, animate, existing, *alive allied a. joined, associated, affiliated, federated,
and kicking, organic. 2. LIVELY alert, vigor- confederate, cooperative, unionized, united,
ous, vivacious, animated, spirited, bubbly, amalgamated. ANT. independent, sole.
energetic, vibrant, bustling. ANT. 1. dead, in- alligator n. *gator, reptile, beast, el lagarto
animate, nonfunctioning. 2. sluggish, lethargic, (Spanish), crocodilian.
slothlike. WORD FIND
all n. total, totality, whole, entirety, everything, related: crocodile, caiman
*bag and baggage. all-nighter n. *redeye, *graveyard shift/duty.
all a. whole, entire, complete, every, each, each ALLOCATE v. [AL uh KATE] to allot or dis-
and every. ANT. some, none, incomplete. tribute. The board will allocate funds to help
all-around a. versatile, multifaceted, complete, us meet the budget. SYN. allot, distribute,
diverse, inclusive, comprehensive. ANT. ex- mete, dole out, assign, designate, earmark,
clusive, incomplete. ration, appropriate, set aside.
ALLAY v. [uh LAY] to quiet, lessen or relieve. allocation n. distribution, ration, allotment.
The babysitter hoped a bedtime story would al- all-or-nothing a. uncompromising, unyielding.
ANT. accomodating.
lay the child’s fear of the dark. SYN. reduce,
quiet, lessen, abate, alleviate, mitigate, ease, allot v. assign, apportion, mete. SEE ALLOCATE
slake, put to rest, sooth, assauge. ANT. mag- allotment n. portion, distribution, share, part,
nify, intensify, heighten. cut, parcel, measure, allocation, ration.
allegation n. assertion, accusation, charge, in- all-out a. total, maximum, complete, no holds
crimination, claim, statement, complaint, barred. ANT. half-hearted. SEE THOROUGH
allow v. 1. PERMIT let, tolerate, put up with,
indictment, insinuation.
grant, approve of, *give the green light to,
ALLEGE v. [uh LEJ] to make an assertion, par-
authorize, *give the go-ahead. 2. ADMIT ac-
ticularly without proof. We allege that Ralph
knowledge, concede, acquiesce. 3. ALLOT al-
took the last cookie. SYN. assert, accuse,
locate, give, set aside, plan for. ANT. 1. for-
charge, incriminate, claim, state, complain,
bid, prohibit, refuse. 2. deny, reject.
indict, declare, insinuate, affirm, attest, pur-
alloy n. mixture, blend, amalgam, amalgam-
ation, compound, union.
allegiance n. loyalty, devotion, support, obedi- WORD FIND
ence, fidelity. ANT. disloyalty, disobedience, carbon and iron: steel
betrayal. copper and tin: bronze, pewter
allegory n. parable, fable, moral, myth, story, copper and zinc: brass
tale. lead and tin: pewter
allergen n. irritant, immune trigger, antigen, allowance n. share, allotment, pay, support, ra-
foreign substance, pollen, dust mite, dander, tion, appropriation, subsidy, stipend, recom-
ragweed. pense, contribution, percentage, earnings.
allergic a. immune sensitive, sensitive, suscep- all-purpose a. multitalented, multifaceted. ANT.
tible, hypersensitive, averse to. limited, specialized. SEE VERSATILE
allergy n. sensitivity, susceptibility, hypersensi- all right a. 1. SEE OKAY 2. SEE INTACT, WELL
tivity, immune defense, hay fever, aversion. allude v. refer to, hint, suggest, imply, mention
SEE MEDICINE in a roundabout way, make an allusion to,
WORD FIND *dance around.
extreme alergic reation: anaphylaxis allure n. attraction, magnetism, charm, appeal,
red blotches: hives sex appeal, fascination, temptation.
alleviate v. lighten, lessen, reduce, relieve, ease, allure v. attract, entice, fascinate, bait, charm,

26 Roget’s Superthesaurus

seduce, tempt, captivate, beguile, lure, tan- also adv. in addition, and, furthermore, plus, as
talize. well, *to boot, moreover.
alluring a. attractive, charming, seductive, en- altar n. platform, table, shrine.
ticing, fascinating, tempting, bewitching, altar boy n. attendant, acolyte.
captivating, beguiling, irresistible, tantaliz- alter v. change, modify, fit, adjust, reform, shift,
ing, magnetic. ANT. repulsive, repelling, nau- adapt, revise, correct, amend. ANT. maintain,
seating. keep.
ALLUSION n. [a LOO zhun] an indirect refer- alteration n. change, modification, fitting, ad-
ence, an implication. He made an allusion to justment, shift, adaptation, revision, correc-
Dickens when he said, ‘‘It was the best of times, tion, amendment.
it was the worst of times.’’ SYN. reference, altercation n. quarrel, fight, argument, dispute,
mention, implication, hint, suggestion, ca- wrangle, *row, bickering, *tiff, squabble,
sual remark, inference. *run-in, *words, falling out. ANT. peace, har-
ally n. associate, partner, confederate, helper, mony. SEE FIGHT
collaborator, colleague, affiliate, friend. ANT. ALTER EGO n. [ALL ter EE go] another side
enemy, foe, adversary. of one’s personality. Also, a close friend or
almanac n. publication, annual, forecaster, cal- companion. Everyone has an alter ego; Hitler
endar, yearbook. liked dogs. SYN. 1. DARK SIDE, private side,
Almighty, the n. the Supreme Being, Creator, id, counterpart, doppelgänger. 2. SIDEKICK,
the all-powerful. SEE GOD *buddy, pal, companion, comrade, chum,
almighty a. omnipotent, invincible, invulnera- confidante, soul mate.
ble, all-powerful, supreme. ANT. powerless, alternate n. backup, second, stand-in, double,
ineffectual. substitute, surrogate.
almond n. nut, kernel. alternate v. take turns, rotate, switch off,
almost adv. nearly, just about, approaching, change, reciprocate, vacillate.
close to, well-nigh, virtually, verging, practi- alternative n. choice, option, backup, pick, se-
cally. lection, replacement, substitute.
alms n. charity, handout, assistance, contribu- alternator n. generator.
tion, donation, benefaction, welfare, dole, although conj. albeit, in spite of, notwithstand-
aid. SEE CHARITY ing, granting that, even though, regardless
aloft a. airborne, flying, skyward, high. of.
alone a. 1. LONE solitary, isolated, friendless, altitude n. height. SEE ELEVATION
separate, unaccompanied, abandoned, altogether adv. completely, wholly, totally, all
alienated, solo, desolate, lonesome, *solitary told, in toto, utterly, entirely, absolutely.
as an oyster. SEE SOLITUDE 2. PEERLESS unique, ALTRUISM n. [AL troo IZ um] unselfish con-
without equal, unparalleled, unsurpassed, cern for others, humanitarianism without
incomparable, singular. ANT. 1. mobbed, selfish gain. Anonymous donation is a rare
crowded, grouped. 2. ordinary, common, form of altruism. SYN. selflessness, humani-
*dime a dozen. tarianism, benevolence, kindness, philan-
along prep. beside, over the length of, along- thropy, charity, big-heartedness, magna-
side, parallel with. nimity, humaneness. ‘‘Disregarding one’s
ALOOF a. [uh LOOF] distant or remote. He own cause.’’—Eugene Brussell. ANT. selfish-
was strangely quiet and aloof, like a lone wolf. ness, greediness, piggishness.
SYN. distant, remote, reserved, *at arm’s altruistic a. selfless, unselfish, humanitarian,
length, cool, standoffish, chilly, *stuck up, benevolent, kind, giving, philanthropic,
unapproachable, closed, unfriendly, unso- charitable, big-hearted, magnanimous, hu-
ciable, cold, frosty, detached. ANT. friendly, mane. ANT. selfish, self-centered, greedy, cold-
warm, open. hearted.
aloud adv. audible, loudly, intelligibly, dis- always adv. forever, everlasting, perpetually, re-
tinctly. ANT. inaudibly, silently. lentlessly, unremittingly, infinitely, eter-
alpine a. lofty, alpestrine, high. SEE MOUNTAIN- nally, unceasingly, constantly. ANT. never,
OUS temporarily.
already adv. by now, before now, previously, amalgam n. mixture, blend, combination,
beforehand. amalgamation, alloy, compound.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 27

amalgamate v. mix, blend, combine, com- spirit, initiative, enterprise, will, motiva-
pound, consolidate, fuse, merge, integrate, tion, *get up and go, hunger. ‘‘The wings of
unite. ANT. separate, divide, diffuse, disperse. great actions.’’—Johann Goethe. ‘‘Nets to
amalgamation n. SEE AMALGAM catch the wind.’’—John Webster. 2. GOAL
amass v. lump, pile, heap, accumulate, gather, aspiration, aim, target, dream, desire, wish.
assemble, collect, compile, save, acquire, ANT. laziness, apathy, sloth.
*squirrel away, stockpile, hoard. ANT. dis- ambitious a. 1. ENTERPRISING aspiring, deter-
perse, scatter. mined, hard-driving, *go-getting, aggres-
amateur n. nonprofessional, dabbler, dilet- sive, hungry, motivated, hard-working,
tante, neophyte, tyro, novice, rookie, lay- striving, eager, avid, zealous, emulous, goal-
man, *bush-leaguer, *lightweight. ‘‘A pub- oriented, *high octane, industrious. 2. DE-
lic nuisance who confounds his ambition MANDING formidable, difficult, lofty, taxing,
with his ability.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ANT. prodigious. ANT. 1. lazy, slothful, inert. 2. un-
professional, master, virtuoso. demanding, simple, humble.
amateurish a. unprofessional, unskilled, inex- AMBIVALENT a. [am BIV uh lent] having
perienced, bumbling, fumbling, incompe- mixed or contrasting attitudes. Many people
tent, inept, unpolished, rough, *bush- have ambivalent feelings about abortion. SYN.
league, second-rate, insipid, hackneyed. mixed, conflicting, contradictory, wavering,
ANT. professional, skilled, polished. vacillating, undecided, confused, of two
amatory a. sexual, loving, passionate, lustful, minds, indecisive. ANT. certain, concrete, *no
amorous, erotic, romantic, sensual, ardent, two ways about it, settled.
rapturous. ANT. indifferent, cool, turned off. amble v. stroll, saunter, shuffle, ramble, *mo-
amaze v. astonish, stun, fascinate, flabbergast, sey, *sashay. SEE WALK
dumbfound, shock, *blow one away, jolt, ambrosia n. food of the gods, food fit for a king,
electrify, *curl one’s hair, surprise, *bowl epicurean delight, delicacy, heavenly
one over, *wow. spread, gastronomical delight, pièce de résis-
amazement n. astonishment, fascination, tance.
shock, wonder, surprise, bewilderment, dis- ambrosial a. fit for the gods, delectable, mouth-
belief, awe, wide-eyed wonderment. watering, heavenly, savory, delicious, tasty,
amazing a. astonishing, fascinating, stunning, toothsome, divine, sweet-smelling, fragrant,
shocking, wonderful, surprising, bewilder- aromatic. ANT. distasteful, disgusting.
ing, prodigious, awesome, unbelievable, ambulance n. rescue vehicle, emergency vehi-
astounding, incredible, marvelous. ANT. *ho- cle, medical transport, *meat wagon.
hum, boring, nothing special. ambulate v. move about, walk, get about, step,
ambassador n. diplomat, representative, emis- *hoof, range, amble.
sary, delegate, consul, goodwill ambassador, ambush n. ambuscade, surprise attack, *booby
envoy, agent. SEE POLITICS, GOVERNMENT trap, assault, mugging, hiding place, cover,
amber a. gold. SEE YELLOW blind.
ambidextrous a. two-handed, switch hitting; ambush v. attack, jump, assault, surprise,
adroit, skillful. *bushwack, waylay.
ambience n. atmosphere, air, milieu, environ- AMELIORATE v. [uh MEEL yuh RATE] to
ment, climate, setting, surroundings, aura, make better. We could ameliorate environ-
mood. mental degradation by limiting population. SYN.
ambient a. surrounding, encircling, enveloping, improve, make better, mend, amend, cor-
encompassing. rect, upgrade, fix, rectify, relieve. ANT. exac-
AMBIGUOUS a. [am BIG yoo us] having two erbate, aggravate, worsen.
or more meanings or interpretations, un- AMENABLE a. [uh MEN uh bul] willing, re-
clear, confusing. Politicians often make ambig- sponsive or agreeable. He was amenable to
uous statements in order not to offend anyone. change. SYN. open, acquiescent, cooperative,
SYN. unclear, vague, equivocal, hazy, *clear obedient, tractable, pliable. ANT. unwilling,
as mud, indefinite, uncertain, obscure, du- closed-minded, disagreeable.
plicitous, dubious, questionable, left- amend v. 1. IMPROVE better, correct, fix, mend,
handed, muddled. ANT. clear, unequivocal, ameliorate. 2. CHANGE revise, correct, edit,
certain. alter, revise, transform. ANT. worsen, dam-
ambition n. 1. DRIVE determination, striving, age, corrupt.

28 Roget’s Superthesaurus

amendment n. 1. IMPROVEMENT betterment, gun’s bullet-storage receptacle: clip, maga-

amelioration, upgrade, correction, reform, zine
revision. 2. ADDITION modification, attach- one shot: round
ment, addendum, supplement, adjunct, stockpile of ammo: munitions dump
rider. wagon that carries ammunition: caisson
amends n. apology, redress, recompense, atone- SEE BOMB, BULLET , GUN, MISSILE, NUCLEAR
ment, restitution, reparation. BOMB, WAR, WEAPON
amenity n. 1. PLEASANTNESS agreeableness, ci- amnesia n. memory loss, fugue, forgetfulness.
vility, courtesy, geniality, politeness, man- AMNESTY n. [AM nes tee] a pardon, often
ners. 2. COMFORT nicety, extra, frill, luxury, of a political nature. The war resistors were
convenience, pleasantry, refinement, crea- granted amnesty. SYN. pardon, forgiveness,
ture comfort, facility. ANT. 1. unpleasantness, absolution, exemption, excusing, clemency,
rudeness, nastiness. 2. discomfort, bare neces- lenience, immunity. ‘‘The state’s magna-
sity. nimity to those offenders whom it would be
America n. United States, U.S., land of oppor- too expensive to punish.’’—Ambrose
tunity, New World, country, nation, land Bierce. ANT. damnation, sentencing, condem-
mass. nation.
AMIABLE a. [AY mee uh bul] friendly, good- among prep. amidst, amid, in, between, in the
natured. The dolphin has always been seen as a middle of.
fun-loving, amiable sort. SYN. friendly, good- AMOROUS a. [AM uh rus] loving, especially
natured, congenial, sociable, agreeable, out- in a physical or sexual way. Feeling amorous,
going, amicable, affable, approachable, the couple retired to the bedroom. SYN. loving,
good-humored, likable, cordial, warm. ANT. sexual, romantic, seductive, passionate,
cold, unfriendly, antisocial. *turned on, *in the mood, *horny, *hot,
AMICABLE a. [AM i kuh buhl] characterized lustful, erotic, carnal, affectionate, *touchy-
by goodwill. They came to an amicable agree- feely, demonstrative, sensuous, tender. ANT.
ment. SYN. friendly, peaceable, affable, easy- *turned off, repulsed.
going, gracious, congenial, neighborly, be- AMORPHOUS a. [uh MOR fus] shapeless,
nign, amiable, harmonious. ANT. unfriendly, without form. Abstract art is sometimes com-
nasty, aggressive. pletely amorphous. SYN. shapeless, vague,
amid prep. amidst, among. formless, undefined, nondescript, character-
amigo n. friend, *pal, *buddy, chum, sidekick, less, nebulous. ANT. defined, outlined, specific,
companion, alter ego, soul mate, crony, *bo- distinct.
som buddy. SEE FRIEND amount n. 1. AGGREGATE total, sum, bottom
Amish n. Anabaptist sect, people, group. line, *whole shebang. 2. QUANTITY number,
amiss a. wrong, improper, awry, incorrect, mis- total, count, mass, volume, measure.
taken, out of place, *screwy, faulty, askew, amour n. affair, fling, tryst, relationship, dalli-
inappropriate. ANT. right, correct, okay. ance, romance, liaison.
amity n. friendship, goodwill, peace, harmony, amphetamine n. drug, stimulant, analeptic,
accord, brotherhood, fellowship, under- *bennies, *crank, crystal, *dexies, *pep
standing, concord. ANT. hostility, antagonism, pills, *speed, *STP, *tabs, *truck drivers,
discord. *uppers. SEE DRUG
ammunition n. *ammo, ordnance, shot, bullets, amphitheater n. theater, coliseum, gallery. SEE
shells, munitions, arms, materiel, explosives, ARENA
grenades, canisters. ample a. 1. LARGE spacious, capacious, commo-
WORD FIND dious, huge, immense, extensive, roomy. 2.
bullet-holding belt worn over shoulder: ban- ABUNDANT sufficient, plenty, enough, copi-
dolier, cartridge belt ous, lavish, bountiful, more than adequate.
cartridge with no projectile: blank ANT. 1. tiny, cramped, restricted. 2. inade-
case of projectiles fired from cannon: canis- quate, insufficient, small.
ter amplify v. increase, heighten, intensify, en-
cast-iron balls: grapeshot large, magnify, strengthen, augment,
dangerous fragments of: shrapnel *crank, *beef up, turn up, boost. ANT. de-
glowing trail across sky, produces: tracer crease, diminish, turn down.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 29

amputate v. cut off, remove, sever, dismember, ANARCHY n. [AN ar kee] chaos, disorder;
excise, lop off. SEE OPERATION absence of government. The riots brought
amuck adv. berserk, wild, violent. widespread looting and anarchy. SYN. chaos,
amulet n. charm, talisman, good luck piece, fe- disorder, confusion, lawlessness, rioting, tur-
tish. moil, mayhem, bedlam, revolution, vio-
amuse v. occupy, entertain, interest, divert, be- lence, collapse of authority. ANT. order, law
guile, distract, regale, engross, tickle, cheer. and order, organization.
ANT. bore, put to sleep, weary, cloy, depress. anathema n. 1. THE DAMNED the accursed, the
amusement n. entertainment, diversion, plea- condemned, pariah, outcast, heretic, villain.
sure, pastime, distraction, enjoyment, fun, 2. CURSE ban, excommunication, denuncia-
sport, game, play, merriment, *laughs, *jol- tion, proscription, imprecation, damnation,
lies. ‘‘A metaphysical trick to deceive our condemnation. ANT. 1. the blessed. 2. bless-
anguish.’’—Jean De Menasce. ing.
amusing a. 1. OCCUPYING absorbing, engrossing, anatomy n. structure, skeleton, framework,
entertaining, diverting, distracting, beguil- composition.
ing, cheering. 2. FUNNY hilarious, tickling, ancestor n. 1. FOREBEAR forefather, father, pro-
comical, silly, foolish, ludicrous, zany, side- genitor, elder, procreator. 2. PREDECESSOR
splitting, whimsical, droll, jocular, *a precursor, forerunner, originator, prototype,
scream. ANT. 1. boring, somnolent, dull. 2. antecedent, ascendant. ANT. 1. offspring, de-
depressing, grim, sad. scendant, progeny. 2. successor.
ANACHRONISM n. [a NAK ruh niz em] a ancestry n. lineage, heredity, background, fam-
person, idea or thing placed in the wrong ily tree, stock, pedigree, parentage, heritage,
historical period, as a telephone in the history, blood, roots, progenitors, forefa-
1700s. Also any thing or person considered thers. ‘‘A lamp to posterity.’’—Sallust.
outdated. A television appearing in a Victorian anchor n. mooring, grapnel, hook, support, se-
novel would be an obvious anachronism. SYN. curity, stability, hold, safeguard.
misfit, incongruity, *square peg in a round WORD FIND
hole, *fish out of water, oversight, mistake, heaviest, released from the bow: bower
goof. hoist: cat, weigh
analgesic n. pain reliever, anesthetic, numbing hoisting rig: capstan, windlass
agent, painkiller, opiate. light anchor used to free ship run aground:
analogous a. comparable, similar, correspond- kedge
ing, like, congruous, equivalent, akin, cog- prongs: flukes
round, flukeless type: mushroom anchor
nate, homologous. ANT. dissimilar, different,
small: kedge, grapnel, killick
opposite. stone: killick
ANALOGY n. [uh NAL uh jee] A comparison SEE SHIP
between two similar or dissimilar things. anchor v. moor, secure, fix, cat. ANT. weigh an-
There is an analogy between self-confidence chor, release.
and speaking ability. SYN. comparison, simi- anchorage n. mooring, landing, pier, dock,
larity, resemblance, semblance, likeness, re- port, wharf, harbor.
lationship, kinship, correlation, correspon- anchorman n. anchorwoman, anchor person,
dence. ANT. difference, dissimilarity. newscaster, broadcaster, news coordinator.
analysis n. examination, dissection, investiga- SEE TELEVISION
tion, study, breakdown, test, assay, evalua- ancient a. old, aged, venerable, primitive, pri-
tion, review, interpretation. mordial, antiquated, prehistoric, antedilu-
analytical a. investigative, inquisitive, evalua- vian, primeval, timeworn, immemorial, out-
tive, critical. moded, fossilized, archaic, *old as the hills,
analyze v. examine, dissect, investigate, study, early. ANT. new, fresh, young, contemporary.
break down, test, assay, evaluate, review, in- SEE AGE, OLD, OLD AGE
terpret. ancillary a. subordinate, auxiliary, helper, ser-
anarchist n. rebel, revolutionary, radical, rab- vant, adjunct, accessory, supplementary.
ble-rouser, nihilist, insurrectionist, terrorist, ANT. principal, main, prime.
agitator, ‘‘[One who] may want his neighbor androgen n. hormone, steroid, testosterone, an-
to be governed, but he himself doesn’t want drosterone, masculinizing hormone. SEE MED-
to be governed.’’—George Bernard Shaw. ICINE

30 Roget’s Superthesaurus

ANDROGYNOUS a. [an DRAW juh nus] ‘‘Momentary insanity.’’—Horace. ‘‘A wind

having male and female characteristics. which blows out the lamp of the mind.’’—
Many rock stars dress in an androgynous man- Robert Ingersoll. ANT. glee, calm, affection,
ner. SYN. unisexual, bisexual, hermaphro- goodwill. SEE ANGRY
dite, epicene, cross-sexual. ANT. female, or anger v. enrage, infuriate, irritate, annoy, out-
male. rage, incense, *get one’s dander up, rankle,
WORD FIND *rattle one’s cage, *yank one’s chain, embit-
person with these qualities: androgyne ter, chafe, *burn one up, rile, bristle, antago-
android n. robot, automaton. nize, *raise one’s hackles, blow up, *stir up,
anecdotal a. illustrative, characterizing, inci- gall, *piss off, *bend out of shape, *get a rise
dental, limited in scope. out of, madden, *make blood boil, inflame,
anecdote n. vignette, story, tale, character *make one hot under the collar, *miff,
sketch, narrative, illustration, account, inci- *steam, *tee off, *tick off, displease, irk, *get
dent. on one’s nerves, nettle, provoke. ANT. please,
anemia n. iron deficiency, chlorosis, iron-poor tickle, pacify, placate.
blood, listlessness, weakness, feebleness, fa- angina n. angina pectoris, pain, suffocating
tigue, languor. pain, crushing pain. SEE HEART
anemic a. weak, pale, pallid, wan, colorless, fee- angioplasty n. artery-widening procedure, cath-
ble, listless, fatigued, run-down, weary, iron- eterization, procedure, surgical repair. SEE
deficient. ANT. robust. OPERATION
anesthesia n. numbness, insentience, analgesia, angle n. 1. BEND curve, crook, knee, vertex, el-
loss of feeling. bow, acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle,
anesthetic n. analgesic, painkiller, opiate, reflex angle. 2. POINT OF VIEW perspective,
ether, Procaine, soporific. viewpoint, position, standpoint, slant.
anew adv. again, once more, afresh. angler n. SEE FISHERMAN
angel n. 1. HEAVENLY BEING cherub, guardian angry a. mad, enraged, infuriated, *pissed, irri-
angel, spirit, archangel, seraph, divine mes- tated, annoyed, incensed, *spitting mad,
senger, fallen angel, spiritual being, immor- bitter, *boiling, *stewing, burning, bristling,
*gone ballistic, raging, *bent out of shape,
tal; Gabriel, Raphael. ‘‘The dispensers and
enflamed, *hot under the collar, *miffed,
administrators of the Divine beneficence to-
*steamed, *teed off, *ticked off, displeased,
ward us. . . .’’—John Calvin. 2. WONDERFUL
provoked, *hot, irked, indignant, irate,
PERSON sweetheart, saint, dear, darling,
galled, nettled, cross, vexed, wrathful, fum-
honey, doll. 3. FINANCIER backer, supporter,
ing, *mad as a hornet, *mad as a wet hen,
*sugar daddy, underwriter, *meal ticket,
*having a fit, *having a hissy fit, *having a
benefactor, patron. ANT. 1. devil, demon. 2.
conniption fit, *having a hemorrhage, livid,
jerk, devil, bastard. *blowing a gasket, *blowing a fuse, *in a
angel dust n. Sl. phencyclidine, PCP, drug, hal- snit, *having a cow, *spitting tacks, *seeing
lucinogen, anesthetic, narcotic, *crystal, red, *popping one’s cork, rabid, venomous,
*magic dust, *star dust, *angel hair, *cadil- volcanic, fiery, explosive, peeved, *hot and
lac, *monkey dust, *ozone, *purple rain. SEE bothered, *huffy, *in a lather, *sore, *in a
tizzy, *bellowing fire and brimstone, *full of
angelic a. saintly, heavenly, spiritual, righteous, piss and vinegar, berserk, frenzied, snarling
seraphic, cherubic, virtuous, chaste, divine, mad, *throwing a nutty. ANT. pleased, gleeful,
beautiful, lovely, holy, ethereal, radiant. euphoric, placated.
ANT. devilish, demonic, dark. WORD FIND
anger n. rage, fury, irritation, annoyance, out- Facial expressions and body language:
rage, indignation, ire, wrath, resentment, scorching look; piercing look; keep-your-
temper, venom, *dander, huff, petulance, mouth-shut look; eyes narrowed with
vexation, passion, animosity, rankling, spit- contempt; level stare; glower; scowl;
ting rage, murderous rage, *slow burn, pi- withering glare; warning look; eyes blaz-
que, snarling rage, bitterness, gall, spleen, ing murderously; eyes sharpening; sneer;
virulence, ill feelings, infuriation, *piss and frown; snarl; smouldering eyes; lips curl-
vinegar, *burning, *stew, *conniption fit, ing with disgust; spasm of irritation cross-
soreness, umbrage. ‘‘[Anger] boils at differ- ing one’s face; stony expression; face flus-
ent degrees.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. hing with indignation; eyes bulging from

Roget’s Superthesaurus 31

their sockets; face turning red, then pur- mammal, critter, varmint, pet, beast of bur-
ple; veins in neck standing out in livid den, game, stock, denizen of the forest, ver-
ridges; crazed look; unyielding jaw; stick- tebrate, invertebrate, quadruped, herbivore,
ing out chin defiantly; looking about wil- carnivore, ungulate, vermin, scavenger.
dly; eyes raking the room; predatory ex- ‘‘Agreeable friends—they ask no questions,
pression; lips contorted grotesquely; they pass no criticisms.’’—George Eliot.
smiling maliciously; face lit with bitter ‘‘Man in a stage of arrested development.’’—
triumph; teeth gritted; lips pursed with Christian Morgenstern. SEE INDIVIDUAL ANI-
suppressed fury; face pinched, tight; arro- MALS 2. BRUTISH HUMAN pig, *Neanderthal,
gantly impassive; rolling one’s eyes; knit- hoodlum, beast. See chart, page 33.
ted brow; gesticulating furiously; nostrils animal magnetism n. charisma, presence, aura,
flaring; vein throbbing at temple; veins hypnotic attraction, charm, sex appeal. SEE
in neck swelling dangerously; stomach SEX
knotting; throwing up hands with dis- animate a. 1. ALIVE living, breathing, vital. 2.
gusted resignation; bunch fists; stalk out; ACTIVE animated, dynamic, vigorous, lively.
storm out. ANT. 1. dead, lifeless. 2. sluggish, dispirited.
Speech, voice tone: grind out the words be- animate v. enliven, breathe life into, vitalize,
tween clenched teeth; stammer with activate, invigorate, stimulate, quicken.
rage; spit out the words with contempt; ANIMATED a. [AN uh may tid] full of life;
spew out the words with malicious glee; lively. After breaking the ice, the party-goers
mutter peevishly under one’s breath; quickly became animated and then drunk. SYN.
speak with grave deliberation; speak lively, full of life, vigorous, lifelike, gay, en-
with brutal detachment; speak with bit- ergetic, spirited, active, vivacious, ener-
ter resentment; taunt; sputter; splutter; gized, dynamic, uninhibited. ANT. stiff, life-
scream in exasperation; mock in a snivel- less, wooden, dead.
ing singsong; sibilate; sniff; snort; speak animation SEE SPIRIT, MOTION PICTURE
in ragged bursts; speak in strangled tones; ANIMOSITY n. [AN uh MOSS ih tee] feel-
gibber; croak; clip one’s words; maunder ings of hatred or hostility. It’s normal to feel
into one’s shirt; speak in stentorian bel- a certain amount of animosity toward the tax
lows; jeer; hoot; speak in grudging tones; collector. SYN. hatred, hostility, enmity, an-
voice rising hysterically; voice thick with tagonism, bitterness, ill will, dislike, hard
insinuation; voice tinged with menace; feelings, animus, resentment. ANT. love, af-
voice rising an octave; voice degenerat- fection.
ing to a guttural rasp; voice ascending to
animus n. hatred, ill will. SEE ANIMOSITY
a murderous falsetto; voice growing
annals n. chronicles, history, accounts, annu-
husky/hoarse; voice dripping with spite;
als, history, records, archives, registers.
snap, hiss, fume, bark, boom, cry, growl,
grumble, huff, pant, roar, shriek, thun- annex n. addition, new wing, addendum, at-
der, wail, yammer, blurt. tachment.
ANGST n. [ANGKST] a feeling of anxiety, annex v. add, attach, append, join, incorporate,
especially that accompanied by unhappi- connect, merge, unite. ANT. detach, discon-
ness. Fortieth birthdays often fill people with nect.
angst. SYN. anxiety, apprehension, nervous- ANNIHILATE v. [uh NIY uh layt] to destroy
ness, uneasiness, dread, misgiving, forebod- utterly. The dictator threatened to annihilate
ing, free-floating anxiety, blues, depression, the rebellious town. SYN. destroy, demolish,
sadness. ANT. tranquility, peace, calm. obliterate, crush, kill, wipe out, decimate,
anguish n. distress, suffering, agony, pain, grief, exterminate, liquidate, nullify *wipe off the
misery, torment, woe, dolor, sorrow. ANT. map. SEE WAR
joy, euphoria, pleasure. annihilation n. demolition. SEE DESTRUCTION
angular a. 1. BENT crooked, bending, elbowed, anniversary n. commemoration. SEE HOLIDAY
doglegged, cornered. 2. RAWBONED gaunt, ANNOTATE v. [AN o tayt] to add notes or
bony, lean, spindly, lanky, spare, scrawny, comments. Authors sometimes annotate edi-
anorexic, skeletonlike. ANT. 1. straight, flat. tions of their books to add clarity. SYN. com-
2. fat, fleshy, beefy, plump. mentate, notate, intepret, footnote, ex-
animal n. 1. LIVING ORGANISM beast, creature, pound, elucidate, gloss.

32 Roget’s Superthesaurus

animal (continued)

Animal Group Male Female Young

antelope herd buck doe kid
ass herd/drove jack jenny colt/foal
badger cete boar sow cub
bear sloth boar sow cub
bee swarm/hive drone queen
buffalo herd bull cow calf
camel herd/flock bull cow foal/calf
cattle herd/drove bull cow calf/heifer
deer herd buck/stag doe fawn
dog pack hound bitch puppy/whelp
elephant herd bull cow calf
elk gang bull cow calf
ferret business dog bitch
fish school/shoal
fox skulk vix vixen cub
frog army/colony tadpole
goat herd/tribe billy nanny kid
goose gaggle/skein gander goose gosling
horse herd/stable stallion mare colt/foal/filly
kangaroo troop joey
leopard leap leopard leopardess cub
lion pride lion lioness cub
monkey troop/tribe
moose bull cow calf
mouse nest
mule span/barren/rake
otter dog bitch
ox herd/drove/yoke
pheasant bouquet/covey
pig litter/herd boar sow piglet/farrow/shote
rabbit nest buck doe bunny
rhino crash
seal herd/pod cub
sheep drove/flock ram ewe lamb
sparrow host
squirrel dray
tiger tiger tigress cub
toad knot
turtle bale
whale gam/pod bull cow calf
wolf pack/rout dog bitch cub/pup/whelp

annotation n. note, footnote, commentary, ex- broadcast, heralding, voicing, trumpeting,

planation, elucidation. statement, notification.
announce v. proclaim, declare, broadcast, her- announcer n. emcee, broadcaster, reporter,
ald, voice, trumpet, state, publish, notify, *deejay, newscaster, anchor man/woman,
annunciate. *voice-over, herald, trumpeter, crier.
announcement n. proclamation, declaration, annoy v. irritate, pester, bother, disturb, *bug,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 33

*get under one’s skin, *get on one’s nerves, ANTAGONIZE v. [an TAG uh niyz] to rile
vex, chafe, nettle, ruffle, gall, irk. another; to offend or make angry. Husbands
annual a. yearly, perennial. and wives who antagonize one another often
annuity n. payment, allowance. end up in divorce court. SYN. offend, rile, re-
ANNUL v. [uh NUL] to nullifty, withdraw or pel, alienate, *piss off, oppose, rankle, *rat-
invalidate. The board voted to annul several tle one’s cage, *yank one’s chain, irritate, fill
outdated regulations. SYN. nullify, withdraw, with hostility, anger, estrange. ANT. befriend,
invalidate, abolish, cancel, eliminate, void, smooth things over, soothe.
rescind, declare null and void, repeal. ANT. ante n. wager, stake, bet.
ratify. antebellum a. pre-Civil War, pre-war, before
annulment n. invalidation, nullification, can- the war, early nineteenth century, histori-
cellation, voiding, elimination, abolish- cal.
ment, repeal. ANTECEDENT n. [AN ti SEED unt] what
anoint v. consecrate, bless, make holy, rub oil came before or previously. The buckboard
on, smear with oil. was an antecedent of the Model T. SYN. fore-
ANOMALOUS a. [uh NOM uh lus] strange, runner, precursor, predecessor, ancestor.
out of place. An anomalous July snowstorm ANT. descendant, successor.
surprised us all. SYN. deviating, abnormal, ir- antecedent a. previous, prior, precursory, pre-
regular, inconsistent, strange, odd, out of ceding, former, first. ANT. posterior, subse-
place, unexpected, atypical, quirky. ANT. quent, later.
normal, typical, usual. antechamber n. hall, foyer, lobby.
ANOMALY n. [uh NOM uh lee] an abnormal- antedate v. precede, predate, antecede.
ity or irregularity. A snowstorm in Florida is ANTEDILUVIAN a. [an ti duh LOO ve un]
an anomaly. SYN. abnormality, irregularity, very old or antiquated; predating the bibli-
exception to the rule, quirk, oddity, devia- cal flood. Few were interested in the politician’s
tion, rarity, departure from the norm. ANT. antediluvian ideas. SYN. old, ancient, pre-
the norm, regularity, same old thing. flood, B.C., prehistoric, antiquated, early, pri-
anonymous a. nameless, unknown, unsigned, mordial, primitive, Paleolithic, archaic, out-
unidentified, incognito, secret, pseudony- dated, outmoded, passé. ANT. modern, late.
mous, uncredited. ANT. named, showcased, antenna n. 1. INSECT APPENDAGE feeler, sense
organ. 2. SIGNAL RECEIVER aerial, *rabbit
anorexia nervosa n. eating disorder, dieting dis-
order, loss of appetite, neurosis, sickness,
anterior a. 1. FORE front, forward. 2. PREVIOUS
food aversion. SEE BULIMIA
before, prior, antecedent. ANT. 1. back, aft.
anorexic a. malnourished, emaciated, thin.
2. after, following.
answer n. 1. REPLY acknowledgement, response,
anthem n. hymn, psalm composition, song,
counter, rejoinder, *comeback, retort, reac-
tion, feedback. 2. SOLUTION explanation, song of praise.
resolution. anthology n. collection, treasury, compilation,
answer v. 1. REPLY acknowledge, respond, miscellany, omnibus, compendium, album,
counter, rejoin, *come back, retort, react, digest.
give feedback. 2. SOLVE explain, resolve. 3. antibiotic n. medicine, cure, treatment, medi-
BE ACCOUNTABLE own up to, be held respon- cation, remedy, preparation, drug, wonder
sible, pay for, atone for, rectify. 4. SERVE drug, pill; amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythro-
measure up, suffice, qualify, satisfy, pass mycin, penicillin, streptomycin, sulfa drug,
muster. sulfonamide, tetracycline. SEE DRUG, MEDI-
answerable a. liable, responsible, accountable. CINE
ANT. unaccountable. antic(s) n. foolishness, tricks, pranks, jokes,
antagonism n. hostility, enmity, opposition, shenanigans, stunts, tomfoolery, romps.
friction, animosity, discord, rancor, clash- anticipate v. expect, look forward to, foresee,
ing, ill will, rivalry. ANT. friendliness, agree- predict, forecast, envision, apprehend.
ment, harmony. anticipation n. expectation, apprehension, pre-
antagonist n. opponent, adversary, foe, enemy, conception, foresight, dread, prospect, con-
rival, disputant. ANT. friend, colleague, advo- templation, foreknowledge.
cate. anticlimax n. letdown, disappointment, much

34 Roget’s Superthesaurus

ado about nothing, *dud, *bomb, disillu- antagonistic, depraved, indifferent, rebel-
sionment, bathos, *comedown, fizzle. lious, destructive, troublesome, cruel. ANT.
antidepressant n. psychoactive medication, 1. friendly, warm, gregarious, outgoing. 2.
drug, mood enhancer, psychotropic medi- friendly, kind, caring, benevolent.
cine, therapeutic drug, *happy pill; amitrip- ANTITHESIS n. [an TITH uh sis] opposite,
tyline, imipramine, Prozac. in contrast. Love is the antithesis of hate. SYN.
antidote n. 1. ANTIVENIN antitoxin, neutralizer, opposite, contrast, reverse, converse, in-
counteracting agent. 2. CURE remedy, neu- verse, contradiction, contrary.
tralizer, medicine, vaccine, curative, correc- antithetical a. reverse, converse. ANT. alike. SEE
antipasto n. appetizer. antitoxin n. antivenin, remedy. SEE ANTIDOTE
ANTIPATHY n. [an TIP uh thee] an acute antsy a. Sl. fidgety, restless, nervous, impatient,
dislike, aversion. He feels a certain antipathy apprehensive, anxious, edgy, ill at ease, *on
toward telephone solicitors. SYN. aversion, dis- pins and needles. ANT. calm, composed.
like, hatred, antagonism, animosity, revul- anus n. rectum, *butthole, *where the sun
sion, loathing, distaste, abhorrence, enmity, don’t shine.
repugnance. ANT. liking, attraction, appeal, anxiety n. nervousness, tension, angst, appre-
affection. hension, jitters, *shakes, *pins and needles,
ANTIQUATED a. [ANT i kwayt ed] obso- uneasiness, *butterflies, foreboding, misgiv-
lete, out of date. With the introduction of the ing, worry, concern, uncertainty, *heebie-
automobile, the horse and buggy became anti- jeebies, free-floating anxiety. ‘‘The essence
quated. SYN. obsolete, out of date, outmoded, of conscience.’’—Freud. ANT. calm, relax-
old-fashioned, demode, dated, archaic, ation, tranquility, ease. SEE FEAR
passé, bygone, fossilized, venerable, old- anxious a. 1. NERVOUS tense, apprehensive, jit-
world, seasoned, primordial, antediluvian. tery, shaky, *on pins and needles, uneasy,
ANT. new, modern, *cutting edge, fresh. SEE
*sweating bullets, disquieted, fearful, edgy,
*uptight, jumpy, *strung out, overwrought,
antique n. relic, curio, collectible, heirloom, ar- *unglued, *wired, *worked up, ill at ease.
tifact, antiquity, *hand-me-down, museum WORD FIND
piece. ‘‘Remnants of history which have ca- Facial expressions and body language: wide-
sually escaped the shipwrecks of time.’’— eyed, blinking nervously, smiling spastic-
Francis Bacon. ‘‘Glorified scrap.’’—Max ally, forcing a smile, lip-twitching, pac-
Gralnick. ing, throat-clearing, gulping, swallowing
a lump in the throat, face paling, nails
dug into palms, palms sweating, stomach
antiquity n. 1. PREHISTORY yore, olden days,
knotting, stomach clenching and flutter-
dark ages. 2. SEE ANTIQUE
ing, fidgeting, finger-drumming, sweat-
anti-Semite n. Jew-hater, bigot, chauvinist, ing, hyperventilating, spasms crossing
Nazi. the face, swallowing dryly, teeth-grind-
ANTI-SEMITISM n. [an te SEM i tiz um] ha- ing/gnashing/clamping, toes curling
tred toward or prejudice against Jews or Ju- tightly in one’s shoes, hand-wringing,
daism. The Nazis in World War II strongly clasping and unclasping hands, strug-
advocated anti-Semitism, with horrifying re- gling to control one’s voice, voice
sults. SYN. fascism, Nazism, Jew-hating, anti- strained/constricted/quavering/stran-
Jewish sentiment, chauvinism, bigotry, prej- gled/rising an octave, adrenalin coursing
udice. ‘‘A noxious weed.’’—William How- through arteries, butterflies in stomach,
ard Taft. ‘‘The swollen envy of pigmy nausea, jitters, heart palpitations.
minds.’’—Mark Twain. SEE FRIGHTENED
antiseptic n. germicide, disinfectant, sterilizing 2. EAGER *itching, impatient, *raring to go,
agent, alcohol, iodine, chlorine. intent, fervent, desirous. ANT. 1. relaxed,
antiseptic a. sterile, disinfected, clean, sanitary. calm, cool, at ease. 2. apathetic, indiffer-
ANT. septic, contaminated, infected. ent.
antisocial a. 1. UNSOCIABLE aloof, misanthropic, anyhow adv. anyway, nonetheless, in any case,
unfriendly, reclusive, withdrawn, uncom- regardless.
municative, hermitic, solitary. 2. HOSTILE anyone pron. anybody, one, everybody.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 35

apace adv. swiftly, quickly, rapidly. SEE FAST APOCALYPSE n. [uh POK uh lips] destruc-
apart a. 1. IN PIECES OR TO PIECES disassembled, tion on a mass scale, as a holocaust; the
dismantled, piecemeal, asunder, disassoci- prophecy of such. Many await the apocalypse
ated, scattered. 2. SEPARATE by itself, alone, foretold by the Bible. SYN. mass destruction,
independent, individual, singly, isolated. 3. devastation, holocaust, end of the world,
APART FROM besides, with the exception of, Armageddon, catastrophe, annihilation,
save for, excluding. ANT. 1. together. 2. decimation, disaster, *act of God, cata-
among, amidst, together. clysm.
APARTHEID n. [uh PART hiyt] any practice apocalyptic a. prophetic, revelatory, oracular,
of racial segregation, but especially that in prescient.
South Africa. A policy of apartheid separates APOCRYPHAL a. [uh POK ruh ful] question-
blacks from whites. SYN. segregation, separa- able, unsubstantiated, or suspected to be un-
tion, discrimination, racism, division. ANT. true or inauthentic. Of the mass of UFO data
integration. gathered, much is apocryphal. SYN. question-
apartment n. flat, room, duplex, rental unit, able, unsubstantiated, inauthentic, counter-
walk-up, efficiency apartment, place, *pad, feit, fictitious, doubtful, dubious, spurious,
*digs, tenement, suite. untrue, unproved, erroneous. ANT. true, sub-
apathetic a. uninterested, indifferent, uncaring, stantiated, authentic.
unmoved, listless, unconcerned, impassive, apologetic a. sorry, regretful, remorseful, con-
cool, dispassionate, phlegmatic, unsympa- trite, *on one’s knees, conciliatory, pros-
thetic, removed. ANT. passionate, caring, in- trate, penitent, sheepish. ANT. stubborn, self-
terested. righteous, defensive.
APATHY n. [AP uh thee] disinterest, indiffer- apologize v. beg one’s pardon, express regrets,
ence. To bring about change in government is retract, make amends, *crawl back on one’s
to first overcome voter apathy. SYN. indiffer- hands and knees, atone, beg for forgiveness,
ence, disinterest, uninvolvement, dispas- *eat crow, *eat humble pie, humble oneself.
sion, impassivity, languor, unconcern, de- apology n. regrets, remorse, plea, prostration,
tachment, coolness. ‘‘The worst sin toward retraction, amends, atonement, *eating
our fellow creatures. . . .’’—George Bernard crow, *eating humble pie, repentance, ac-
Shaw. ANT. passion, interest, concern, involve- knowledgement, defense. ‘‘[T]he foundation
ment. for a future offense.’’—Ambrose Bierce.
ape n. primate, simian, gorilla, chimpanzee, apostate n. renegade, defector, deserter, here-
orangutan, gibbon, monkey. ‘‘What an ugly tic.
beast . . . and how like us.’’—Cicero. SEE apostle n. missionary, advocate, champion,
ANIMAL evangelist, proponent, preacher, witness,
ape v. mimic, imitate, mock, parody, copy. messenger, follower, disciple.
aperture n. opening, hole, gap, slot, orifice, apothecary n. Brit. druggist, pharmacist, chem-
stoma, crack. ist.
apex n. top, peak, tip, zenith, summit, pinnacle, apotheosis n. glorification, deification, immor-
vertex, acme, crown, height. ANT. bottom, talization.
trough, rock-bottom, depth, nadir. apotheosize v. glorify.
aphorism n. saying, proverb, maxim, axiom, appall v. dismay, horrify, shock, stun, discon-
adage, epigram, dictum. ‘‘Portable wis- cert, astound, frighten, take aback, harrow,
dom.’’—William Alger. disgust, sicken.
aphrodisiac a. seductive, titillating, arousing, appalling a. dismaying, horrifying, shocking,
erotic, sexy. ANT. repulsive. stunning, disconcerting, astounding, fright-
aphrodisiac n. *love potion, eyringo, *Spanish ening, ghastly, dreadful, harrowing, disgust-
fly, oysters. ing, sickening, upsetting. ANT. wonderful,
APLOMB n. [uh PLOM] confidence, poise. pleasing, agreeable.
She addressed the audience with great aplomb. apparatus n. device, equipment, appliance, ma-
SYN. confidence, poise, self-assurance, com- chine, tackle, mechanism, gadget, contrap-
posure, savoir faire, equanimity, sangfroid, tion, tool, *doohickey, *gizmo, outfit, in-
air. ANT. anxiety, self-consciousness, insecu- struments, contrivance, *thingamajig,
rity. *whatsis.

36 Roget’s Superthesaurus

apparel n. clothing, attire, garments, dress, out- WORD FIND

fit, garb, costume, accoutrement, raiment, bread, toast or cracker with spread: canape
*duds, *threads, *getup. SEE CLOTHING dough casing filled with minced meat or
apparent a. 1. EVIDENT visible, manifest, clear, vegetables: dim sum
obvious, plain, conspicuous, out front, open, drink, alcoholic: aperitif
unconcealed. 2. SEEMING ostensible, proba- herring fillet rolled up on pickle or onion:
ble, evident, possible, presumable, outward. rollmops
ANT. 1. unclear, vague, hidden. 2. doubtful, Italian marinated vegetables, sliced meats:
uncertain. antipasto
apparition n. ghost, specter, spirit, phantom, raw vegetables served with dip: crudités.
spook, manifestation, poltergeist, wraith, SEE FOOD
presence, hallucination, mirage. SEE GHOST appetizing a. appealing, mouth-watering, de-
appeal n. 1. PETITION entreaty, plea, request, im- lectable, savory, delicious, palatable, invit-
ploration, supplication, application, call. 2. ing, tantalizing, toothsome, luscious, tempt-
ATTRACTION charm, allure, charisma, sex ap- ing, ambrosian. ANT. nauseating, sickening,
peal, glamour, *je ne sais quoi, *it. repulsive.
appeal v. 1. REQUEST plead, entreat, implore, applaud v. 1. CLAP cheer, give a hand, give a
ask, beseech, request, solicit, beg, petition. standing ovation, hurrah, whistle. 2. AC-
2. ATTRACT interest, tempt, entice, fasci- CLAIM laud, hail, praise, sing the praises of,
nate. ANT. 2. repel, repulse, disgust. commend, cheer, extol, compliment, give a
appear v. 1. COME INTO VIEW show, emerge, pat on the back. ANT. 1. boo, hiss, *give a
loom, materialize, issue, surface, present, ar- Bronx cheer. 2. pan, *give thumbs down,
rive, turn up, *meet the light of day. 2. SEEM knock.
look, be obvious. ANT. 1. disappear, vanish. applause n. clapping, ovation, cheers, hurrahs,
appearance n. 1. SHOWING presentation, emerg- bravos, whistles, encores, praise, acclaim,
ing, arrival, materialization, manifestation, plaudits, kudos, tribute, approval. ‘‘Often
coming. 2. OUTWARD APPEARANCE facade, less a blessing than a snare.’’—Edward
image, impression, illusion, semblance, ex- Young. ANT. boos, hisses, rejection, denigra-
terior, guise. 3. LOOK form, shape, demeanor, tion, disapproval.
countenance, air, character, mien, features, apple n. pome, pippin, fruit, codling.
bearing, aspect. WORD FIND
apple of one’s eye: sweetheart, angel, honey,
APPEASE v. [uh PEEZ] to pacify or placate.
love, cherished one.
We tried to appease the angry bear with a bucket
apple-pie order: shipshape, neat, good, or-
of blueberries. SYN. pacify, placate, quiet, sat-
derly, just so.
isfy, assuage, relieve, alleviate, soothe, mol-
bright green and crisp: Granny Smith
lify, subdue, smooth over, defuse, conciliate. dark red winter apple: Winesap
ANT. aggravate, exacerbate, antagonize.
late fall variety: Jonathan
appellation n. name, title, designation, label, red: McIntosh, Red Delicious, Rome
*moniker, *handle. (Beauty)
append v. add, affix, attach, adjoin, annex, tack red winter: Baldwin
on. ANT. subtract, remove. rough-skinned and mottled winter apple:
appendage n. adjunct, attachment, limb, mem- russet
ber, extremity, offshoot, branch, tail, arm, Russian: Astrachan
tentacle. wild: crab
appendix n. addition, supplement, addendum, yellowish red winter variety: Northern Spy
appendage, codicil, postscript, epilogue, in- yellow, large, with red streaks: Gravenstein
dex, outgrowth. apple-polisher n. Sl. *brownnose, toady. SEE
appertain v. belong. SEE PERTAIN FLATTERER
appetite n. hunger, craving, desire, taste, raven- applesauce n. Sl. hokum, baloney. SEE NONSENSE
ousness, sweet tooth, thirst, hankering, pen- appliance n. mechanism, apparatus, machine,
chant, yen, passion, yearning. ANT. revul- instrument, contrivance, gadget, *gizmo,
sion, repulsion, distaste. modern convenience, contraption.
appetizer n. tidbit, snack, starter, hors d’oeuvre, applicable a. pertinent, relevant, germane, fit-
finger food, dip, cold cuts, kickshaw, olives, ting, suited, apposite, appropriate, usable.
anchovies. ANT. inapplicable, irrelevant, impertinent.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 37

applicant n. candidate, job seeker. jail. 2. UNDERSTAND perceive, comprehend,

application n. 1. UTILIZATION employment, use. see, *get the picture, recognize, know, grasp.
2. REMEDY dressing, ointment, poultice, apprehensible a. understandable, comprehensi-
salve, balm, lotion, medication. 3. REQUEST ble.
solicitation, inquiry, petition, appeal, form, apprehension n. 1. ARREST capture, seizure, in-
resume. 4. DILIGENCE attention, *stick-to- carceration, jailing, *collaring, *nabbing. 2.
itiveness, zeal, devotion. 5. RELEVANCE perti- UNDERSTANDING perception, comprehen-
nence, aptness, suitability. sion, recognition, grasping. 3. ANXIETY fore-
apply v. 1. UTILIZE use, employ, implement. 2. boding, dread, angst, fear, uneasiness, mis-
DRESS spread on, put on, administer, smear. giving. ANT. 3. confidence, tranquility,
3. DEVOTE dedicate, concentrate, *buckle reassurance.
down, *put one’s nose to the grindstone, APPREHENSIVE a. [AP ri HEN siv] anxious
persevere, *give one’s all, be diligent, *focus about the future. He was apprehensive about
one’s energies. 4. REQUEST petition, appeal, his final exams. SYN. anxious, uneasy, ner-
solicit, requisition. 5. PERTAIN fit, suit, re- vous, *edgy, dreading, fearful, full of misgiv-
late, refer. ing, filled with foreboding, distressed, *up-
appoint v. 1. DESIGNATE name, nominate, se- tight. ANT. confident, cocksure, assured,
lect, choose, assign, install, commission, fix, worry-free.
set. 2. FURNISH equip, accoutre, outfit, ar- apprentice n. trainee, learner, beginner, nov-
range. ice, *rookie, *greenhorn, student, amateur,
appointment n. 1. DESIGNATION naming, nomi- neophyte, pupil. ANT. teacher, mentor, mas-
nation, selection, assignment, installation, ter, guru.
placement, job, office, position, *gig. 2. EN- apprise v. notify, inform, fill in, brief, tell, ad-
GAGEMENT assignment, rendezvous, meet-
ing, date, tryst. 3. FURNISHING equipment, approach n. 1. METHOD procedure, modus ope-
accoutrement, outfit, accessory, fitting, randi, way, course. 2. COMING NEAR advance,
trapping. drawing near. 3. ACCESS way, entry, passage,
apportion v. allot, divide, distribute, dole out, course, drive, route, road, pathway.
allocate, mete. approach v. 1. NEAR come, draw near, close in,
apposite a. relevant, apt, fitting, appropriate, advance, loom, gain on, converge. 2. AP-
apropos, befitting, proper, suited. ANT. inap- PROXIMATE compare, come close, near, re-
propriate, irrelevant. semble, match up to, be like, equal. 3. PRO-
appraisal n. evaluation, valuation, assessment,
POSE recommend, make overtures to, offer,
rating, estimate.
bring up, suggest, present. 4. SET ABOUT start,
appraise v. evaluate, valuate, assess, rate, esti-
begin, get the ball rolling, tackle. ANT. 1.
mate, measure, judge, put a value on.
withdraw, depart. 4. finish up, conclude, close.
appreciable a. perceptible, significant, substan-
tial, measurable, discernible. ANT. negligible, approachable a. open, accessible, friendly,
insignificant. warm. ANT. reserved, uncommunicative, dis-
appreciate v. 1. ENJOY esteem, value, prize, re- tant.
gard, respect, like, cherish. 2. BE THANKFUL approbation n. approval, sanction, commenda-
FOR be obliged, be grateful, give thanks, ac-
knowledge, credit. 3. GROW IN VALUE in- appropriate v. take, confiscate, seize, steal, ex-
crease, gain, compound, enhance, inflate. propriate, impound, claim, assume, com-
ANT. 1. overlook, disregard, ignore. 2. depreci- mandeer, *pirate, pilfer, pocket.
ate, decrease, deflate, lose. appropriate a. proper, fitting, suitable, correct,
appreciation n. 1. ENJOYMENT esteem, regard, apt, befitting, becoming, seemly, right, apro-
respect, liking, prizing, cherishing, affection. pos, *politically correct. ANT. inappropriate,
2. THANKS gratefulness, gratitude, acknowl- improper, incorrect.
edgement, thankfulness, credit. 3. GROWTH appropriation n. 1. ALLOTMENT allocation,
IN VALUE increase, compounding, inflation, funds, stipend, allowance. 2. SEIZURE cap-
escalation. ANT. 1. disrespect, disregard. 2. ture, confiscation, impounding, stealing,
ungratefulness. 3. depreciation, loss, deflation. *pirating, commandeering.
apprehend v. 1. ARREST catch, capture, *nab, approval n. 1. ESTEEM regard, favor, liking, re-
*collar, take into custody, seize, incarcerate, spect, acceptance, good opinion, blessing,

38 Roget’s Superthesaurus

honor. 2. SANCTION consent, support, en- ARBITRARY a. [AR bi trer ee] random, dis-
dorsement, imprimatur, approbation, *the cretionary, capricious. He didn’t go by any set
okay, *the nod, *the green light, permis- rules; his decision was arbitrary. SYN. random,
sion, authorization. ANT. 1. disapproval, re- discretionary, capricious, dictatorial, whim-
jection, disrespect. 2. denial, refusal, rejection. sical, fanciful, unscientific, autocratic, per-
approve v. 1. ESTEEM regard, favor, like, respect, sonal. ANT. objective, by set rules, scientific.
accept, bless, honor. 2. SANCTION consent, ARBITRATE v. [AR bi TRATE] to decide or
support, endorse, authorize, permit, allow, settle. An authority will be brought in to arbi-
ratify. ANT. 1. disapprove, disrespect. 2. deny, trate the dispute. SYN. decide, settle, mediate,
refuse, reject. reconcile, negotiate, judge, moderate, adju-
approximate v. approach, come close, near, dicate, referee, umpire.
equal, match, parallel, resemble. arbitrator n. judge, middleman. SEE ARBITER
approximate a. about, near, close, around, arbor n. bower, pergola, trellis.
rough, estimated, in the neighborhood, in arboreal a. treelike, arborescent.
round numbers, well-nigh. ANT. exact, pre- arboretum n. conservatory, greenhouse, hot-
cise. house, nursery, vinery.
approximately adv. about, close to, nearly, ap- arc n. semicircle, curve, arch.
proaching, roughly, estimated, *guesti- arcade n. gallery, cloister, walkway, passageway,
mated, virtually, in round numbers, well- piazza, archway.
nigh, more or less, around. ANT. exactly, pre- ARCANE a. [ar KANE] mysterious, secret.
cisely. Much of the universe remains arcane.
appurtenance n. adjunct, accessory. SYN. mysterious, secret, hidden, esoteric,
April n. ‘‘Love’s spring.’’—Shakespeare. enigmatic, incomprehensible, occult, recon-
apron n. pinafore, garment, bib, smock, cover- dite, abstruse. ANT. known, knowable, com-
all. prehensible.
APROPOS adv. [AP ruh PO] timely; also, fit- arch n. 1. VAULT ogive, dome. 2. CURVATURE
ting or appropriate. His speech was particu- arc, bow, parabola, bend, crescent.
larly apropos for the occasion. SYN. timely, op- arch v. bend, curve, bow, flex, round.
portune, fitting, befitting, appropriate, arch a. main, chief, principal, top, primary,
relevant, apt, suitable, germane, pertinent. highest, greatest, foremost. ANT. least, small-
ANT. untimely, inopportune, irrelevant. est, minor.
apt a. 1. SUITED appropriate, fitting, relevant, ARCHAIC a. [ar KAY ik] ancient, antiquated.
germane, apropos. 2. LIKELY inclined, prone, The crossbow is an archaic weapon. SYN. an-
quick, liable, disposed. 3. CLEVER quick, cient, antiquated, obsolete, from an earlier
bright, adept. SEE INTELLIGENT ANT. 1. inap- time, outmoded, old-fashioned, passé, old-
propriate, irrelevant. 2. unlikely. 3. slow, dull. world, antediluvian. ANT. modern, fresh,
aptitude n. ability, talent, flair, knack, gift, *cutting edge, new.
skill, capability, faculty, intelligence, profi- archbishop n. chief bishop.
ciency. archenemy n. 1. Satan, the Devil. 2. CHIEF EN-
aqua n. water, liquid, solution. EMY adversary, nemesis, bête noire.
aquamarine n. bluish green. archeologist n. historian, anthropologist.
aquarium n. tank, fishbowl. archeology n. history, anthropology. ‘‘Frozen
aquatic a. marine, lacustrine, fluvial. history.’’—Gregory Mason.
aqueduct n. conduit, pipe, channel, trough, wa- archer n. bowman.
tercourse, race. archetype n. model, prototype, original, tem-
aqueous a. watery. ANT. dry. plate, example, exemplar, precursor, mold,
arable a. plowable, tillable, fertile. ANT. barren, classic.
desolate, sterile. archipelago n. chain of islands.
ARBITER n. [AR bi tur] one who judges or architect n. draftsman, designer, builder, cre-
mediates. The arbiter negotiated a settlement ator, engineer, planner.
between the two conflicting parties. SYN. judge, architecture n. drafting, designing, building de-
mediator, arbitrator, umpire, referee, inter- sign. ‘‘The flowering of geometry.’’—Ralph
mediary, go-between, negotiator, authority, Waldo Emerson. ‘‘Frozen music.’’—Johann
expert, specialist. Goethe.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 39

WORD FIND ARDUOUS a. [AR joo us] extremely difficult.

borrowed style of motherland: colonial Mowing a golf course is an arduous task. SYN.
British and American highly ornamental difficult, hard, taxing, demanding, labori-
style of nineteenth century: Victorian ous, burdensome, grueling, back-breaking,
classical Greek and Roman forms revived: trying, strenuous, Herculean, exhausting.
Greek Revival, neoclassical, Renais- ANT. easy, simple, *a snap.
sance area n. 1. EXPANSE stretch, range, breadth,
classical orders of Hellenic Greece and Im- space. 2. REGION territory, district, section,
perial Rome: Corinthian, Doric, Ionic, locality, tract, stretch, ward, division, lot,
Tuscan, Composite sector, belt, quarter, zone. 3. REALM sphere,
domes, round arches and columns of early dominion, province, field.
Greece: Byzantine arena n. 1. stadium, coliseum, amphitheater,
eighteenth-century style derived from clas- stage, ring, hippodrome. 2. DOMINION field,
sical, Renaissance and Baroque: Geor- area, realm, province.
gian argot n. jargon, lingo, cant, idiom, vocabulary,
elaborately decorative European style from vernacular, parlance, slang.
1550-1700s: baroque argue v. 1. PLEAD contend, maintain, hold, as-
exposed beams style of sixteenth century sert, expostulate, evince, insist. 2. QUARREL
Britain: Tudor fight, bicker, debate, haggle, quibble, *hash
florid ornamentation, eighteenth-century out, *lock horns, altercate, squabble, *have
France: rococo a row, *mix it up, wrangle. ANT. agree, con-
French Gothic form with flaming tracery, cur, assent. SEE ANGRY, WORD FIND
fifteenth century: flamboyant style argument n. 1. CONTENTION plea, assertion,
futuristic chevron and zigzag style of the proof, pros and cons, evidence, support, rea-
1930s: art deco soning, defense, line of reasoning, grounds,
Gothic revived: Gothic Revival case. 2. QUARRELING disagreement, fight, dis-
Italian, classically derived, fourteenth pute, debate, altercation, *row, *tiff, *spat,
through sixteenth centuries: Renais- uproar, squabble, imbroglio. ‘‘The longest
sance distance between two points of view.’’—
Mediterranean style characterized by horse- Dan Bennett. ANT. agreement, accord, con-
shoe arches, domes, tunnel vaults, geo- cord. SEE FIGHT
metrical ornaments: Islamic style argumentative a. quarrelsome, combative,
pointed arches, rib vaulting, flying but- cranky, contentious, polemical, scrappy, ag-
tresses, twelfth through fifteenth centu- onistic, eristic, belligerent, pugnacious,
ries: Gothic style touchy, irritable, opinionated. ANT. agree-
retro style: revival able, passive, conciliatory.
Spanish, eleventh-fourteenth centuries’ aria n. song, air, melody, solo, vocal piece. SEE
style featuring elaborate stucco work and OPERA
Arabesque designs: Moorish arid a. 1. DRY dried-up, parched, barren, dusty,
SEE BRIDGE , BUILDING , CASTLE , CATHEDRAL, sterile, bone-dry, desertlike, desiccated. 2.
CHURCH, HOUSE DULL boring, lifeless, tedious, drab, lacklus-
archives n. records, chronicles, annals, histori- ter, uninteresting. ANT. 1. wet, fertile, humid.
cal documents, memorabilia. 2. lively, colorful, interesting.
archivist n. librarian, curator, record-keeper. arise v. 1. STAND UP get up, rise. 2. ASCEND
arctic a. frigid, cold, freezing, polar, boreal. ANT. move upward, climb, rise. 3. EMANATE origi-
warm, temperate, tropical. nate, spring, issue, well up, occur, stem from,
ARDENT a. [AR dent] passionate, highly en- crop up. ANT. 1. recline, lie down. 2. descend,
thusiastic. Bill is an ardent fan of the Celtics. drop.
SYN. passionate, enthusiastic, devoted, in- aristocracy n. nobility, noblesse, peerage, gen-
tense, zealous, fervent, feverish, torrid, ve- tility, privileged class, gentry, elite, *upper
hement. ANT. apathetic, cool, dispassionate. crust. ‘‘The rich, the beautiful and well
ardor n. 1. PASSION warmth, love, sensuality, born.’’—John Quincy Adams. ANT. peas-
desire. 2. EAGERNESS zeal, enthusiasm, devo- antry, bourgeoisie, commoners.
tion, fervor, intensity. ANT. coldness, indiffer- aristocrat n. nobleman, high-born, noble-
ence, apathy. woman, peer, patrician, blue blood, lord,

40 Roget’s Superthesaurus

duke, snob. ‘‘Fellows that wear downy hats shoulder: ailette, pauldron
and clean shirts—guilty of education and thigh: cuisse, tasset
suspected of bank accounts.’’—Ambrose trunk: tasset
Bierce. ANT. peasant, commoner, bourgeois. SEE AMMUNITION, BOMB, BULLET, GUN, MISSILE,
high-born. He claimed aristocratic lineage, an armory n. arsenal, depot, drill hall.
assertion at odds with his rough appearance. arms n. weapons, armaments, ordnance, muni-
SYN. of noble birth, blue-blooded, well-born, tions, armor, ammunition. SEE AMMUNITION,
genteel, pedigreed, mannerly, civil, worldly, BOMB, BULLET, GUN, MISSILE, NUCLEAR BOMB,
sophisticated, gracious, gentlemanly, WAR, WEAPON
courtly, chivalrous, gallant, cultivated, re- arm’s length, at adv. at a distance, aloof, un-
fined, classy, snobbish, haughty, *snotty, friendly.
hoity-toity, affected, pretentious. ANT. bour- arms, up in a. in an uproar, hostile, prepared
geois, lower-class, common. for war.
arithmetic n. math, mathematics, addition, army n. 1. HORDE legion, mass, multitude,
subtraction, multiplication, division, fig- throng, swarm. 2. ARMED FORCES troops, in-
ures, calculation. fantry, soldiers, division, battalion, ground
ark n. boat; refuge, shelter. forces. ‘‘A body of men assembled to rectify
arm n. 1. LIMB extremity, forearm. 2. BRANCH the mistakes of the diplomats.’’—Josephus
extension, offshoot, appendage, projection. Daniels.
arm v. equip, furnish, issue, outfit, accoutre, WORD FIND
provide, fit out, load. ANT. disarm. absent without leave: AWOL
armada n. fleet, squadron, argosy, flotilla, navy, bursts from antiaircraft guns: flak
convoy, flight. clandestine movement: ratline
Armageddon n. end of the world, final battle, collective term for ammo, guns, explosives:
final battleground, apocalypse, holocaust, ordnance
war, conflict, showdown between good and combat fatigue: shell shock
evil, struggle, confrontation, devastion, ca- discharge for physical or mental problem:
tasrophe. section eight
armaments SEE ARMS drab camp uniform: fatigues
armchair n. easy chair, rocking chair, recliner. eating facility: mess
SEE CHAIR emergency call-up troops: reserves
armed a. outfitted, equipped, accoutred, fitted enemy ground to be won: bridgehead
out, *armed to the teeth, *bristling with enemy role during NATO exercise: orange
arms, loaded, fortified, supplied, *packing a forces
rod. ANT. disarmed, unarmed. finishing off defeated enemy: mopping up
armistice n. truce, cease-fire, peace. form up and come to attention: fall in
armoire n. cabinet, wardrobe. fortification, small, of concrete or sandbags:
armor n. protective covering, shield, sheathing, pillbox
mail. friendly role during NATO exercise: blue
WORD FIND forces
SUIT OF ARMOR hiding material: camouflage
arm, from elbow to shoulder: brassard i.d. piece on chain: dogtag
armpit plate: pallette infantryman, slang: grunt
back and breast plate: cuirass items: materiel
bearer: armiger, squire jeep: hum-vee
chain: mail kilometer, slang: click
foot: solleret largest unit: army group
hand: gauntlet liberty that ends at midnight: Cinderella lib-
head: basinet, beaver, visor, armet, sconce, erty
helmet lowest grade soldier: buck private
jacket or tunic: jupon medal for wounds received: Purple Heart
joint: gusset mess hall duty: K.P. (kitchen police)
leg, knee to ankle: greave military store: PX, post exchange
neck: gorget missing in action: MIA

Roget’s Superthesaurus 41

movement of troops: deployment GUN, MARINES, NAVY, NUCLEAR BOMB, WAR,

multilanguage message to return captured WEAPON
soldier, with reward: blood chit aroma n. scent, odor, smell, fragrance, bouquet,
negotiator sent behind enemy lines: parli- savor. SEE ODOR
mentaire aromatic a. fragrant, odoriferous, redolent,
passing safely through minefield: breaching pungent, savory, scented, spicy. ANT. un-
phonetic alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, scented, stinky.
Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, around prep. about, close to, near, approxi-
Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Os- mately.
car, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, arouse v. rouse, enliven, stimulate, awaken,
Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X- stir, inflame, excite, fire up, shake up, dis-
ray, Yankee, Zulu. turb, incite, provoke. ANT. put to sleep, lull,
ranks, in ascending order: (enlisted men) pacify.
Private E-1, Private E-2, Private First- ARRAIGN v. [uh RANE] to bring before a
Class E-3; (noncommissioned officers) court and accuse one of a crime. The court
Corporal E-4, Sergeant E-5, Staff Ser- will arraign the suspected murderer today. SYN.
geant E-6, Platoon Sergeant E-7, Master accuse, call to account, charge, indict, in-
Sergeant E-8, First Sergeant E-8, Ser- criminate, serve a summons, blame, *point
geant Major E-9, Command Major Ser- the finger at. ANT. exonerate, absolve, acquit.
geant E-9, Sergeant Major of the Army arrange v. 1. PUT IN ORDER organize, straighten,
E-9; (warrant officers) Warrant Officer, position, rearrange, sort, classify, alphabet-
grade one; Chief Warrant Officer, grade ize, systematize. 2. PLAN devise, scheme, de-
two; Chief Warrant Officer, grade three; sign, make preparations, map out, draw up.
Chief Warrant Officer, grade four; (com- 3. SETTLE resolve, straighten out, determine,
missioned officers) Second Lieutenant, come to terms. ANT. 1. mix up, jumble, mess
First Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieu- up, disorder.
tenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier Gen- arrangement n. 1. ORDER organization, system,
eral, Major General, Lieutenant Gen- positioning, classification, lineup, configu-
eral, Four Star General, Five Star ration, design. 2. PLAN scheme, design, prep-
General of the Army aration, provision, *game plan. 3. MUSICAL
recruit training facility: boot camp COMPOSITION score, chart.
request for fire: call for fire, all available arrant a. notorious, flagrant, out-and-out, glar-
shelter, lodging: billet, barracks ing, unmitigated. ANT. inconspicuous.
shield from enemy: defilade array n. 1. GROUPING arrangement, alignment,
shore foothold: beachhead lineup, order, muster, marshaling, congrega-
simultaneous fire at target from multiple tion, collection. 2. FINERY clothing, attire,
guns: salvo dress, garments, *getup, *threads. ANT. 1.
subdivision of a unit: echelon disarray, disorder, mess.
sweeping line of gunfire: enfilade arrest n. apprehension, capture, taking into
tank, armored group: armored division custody, *collar, *bust.
temporary ammo storage: munitions dump WORD FIND
trial for crime: court-martial book in which arrests are recorded at police
unit separated from larger group: detach- station: blotter
ment photo taken of suspect: mug shot
units, in ascending order of size: unit (at reading of rights, rule: Miranda rule
least two soldiers), squad (10), platoon record of a criminal’s arrests and convic-
(4 squads), company (2 platoons), bat- tions: rap sheet
talion (2 companies), group (2 battal- SEE DETECTIVE, POLICE, COURT, CRIME, LAW
ions), brigade (2 groups), division (3 bri- arrest v. 1. TAKE INTO CUSTODY apprehend, cap-
gades), corps (2 divisions), field army (2 ture, seize, *collar, *bust. 2. HALT stop,
corps) check, obstruct, delay, slow. 3. FIX hold,
vulnerable troops at high risk: cannon fod- seize, absorb, engross.
der arrival n. 1. COMING landing, entrance, appear-
SEE AIR FORCE, AMMUNITION , BOMB, BULLET, ance, homecoming, advent. 2. NEWCOMER

42 Roget’s Superthesaurus

visitor, traveler, tourist. ANT. 1. departure, dark realism, early twentieth century: ash-
exit. 2. native, local. can school
arrive v. 1. COME appear, show up, enter, disem- emotion and color, focus on: expressionism
bark, land, take place, occur, happen. 2. experimental or unorthodox: avant-garde
SUCCEED attain, reach the top, *make good. geometrical and curvilinear style of the
ANT. 1. depart, leave, exit. 2. fail, *blow it, 1920-1930s: art deco
lose. graphic, optical effects: op art
arrogance n. conceit, imperiousness, haughti- hallucinatory, dreamlike, subconscious im-
ness, overconfidence, snobbery, hauteur, agery: surrealism
hubris, airs, cockiness, insolence, swagger- idyllic nature scenes, France, nineteenth
ing pomposity, egotism, presumption, con- century: Barbizon School
descension. ANT. modesty, humility. modern, minimalist style, graffiti, cartoons:
arrogant a. conceited, imperious, cocky, inso- new wave
lent, superior, pompous, swaggering, egotis- Monet’s vague outline style: impressionism
tical, haughty, presumptuous, condescend- nonrepresentational: abstract
ing, overbearing, hoity-toity, self- nonrepresentational style that focuses on
important, supercilious, *high and mighty. emotion and the act of painting itself:
ANT. modest, self-effacing, humble. abstract expressionism
arrow n. shaft, bolt, dart, projectile, missile. nonschooled: folk art
WORD FIND points or tiny dots creating a whole: pointil-
barb: fluke lism
bowstring notch: nock realistic, photographic: photorealism, hyp-
case: quiver erealism, tromp l’oeil, magic realism,
crossbow: bolt representational
feather, put on: fletch rich ornamentation, curved lines, sixteenth
feather: vane through eighteenth century: baroque
like an arrow: sagittal traditional forms: academic art
maker: fletcher Warhol’s (Andy) bigger-than-life depic-
user: archer, bowman tions of everyday objects: pop art
arroyo n. gully, gulch, stream bed, creek bed, SEE DRAWING, PAINTING, SCULPTURE
trench. artery n. channel, vein, blood vessel, canal.
arsenal n. armory, stockpile, munitions dump, artful a. 1. CLEVER adroit, skillful, ingenious. 2.
depot, magazine, cache. SEE AMMUNITION, CUNNING sly, crafty, shrewd, wily. ANT. 1.
WAR, WEAPON unskilled, inept. 2. artless, naive.
arson n. fire-setting, *torching, pyromania. article n. 1. STORY piece, news release, report,
art n. 1. CREATIVITY craft, artistry, craftsman- write-up, feature. 2. ITEM object, thing, bit,
ship, handiwork, workmanship, finesse, piece, *thingamajig.
knack, flair. 2. CUNNING slyness, artfulness, articulate v. express, enunciate, voice, pro-
artifice, craftiness. 3. WORKS OF ART paint- nounce, utter, make clear, elucidate.
ing, sculpture, depiction, abstract, simula- ARTICULATE a. [ar TIK yuh lut] expressive,
tion, representation, illustration. ‘‘By means eloquent, well-spoken. The talk show host
of appearances . . . the illusion of a loftier was an articulate woman. SYN. expressive, el-
reality.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘An in- oquent, well-spoken, intelligible, lucid,
stant arrested in eternity.’’—James Hu- smooth-talking, fluent, facile. ANT. inarticu-
neker. ‘‘[T]he shadow of humanity.’’— late, tongue-tied, stammering, mumbled.
Henry James. ‘‘[A] sublime excrement.’’— ARTIFICE n. [ART uh fis] ingenuity or clev-
George Moore. erness; also, cunning, trickery. He succeeded
WORD FIND in fooling us through artifice. SYN. ingenuity,
SCHOOLS AND STYLES cleverness, inventiveness, skillfulness, wile,
absurd: dada ruse, trickery, contrivance, cunning, crafti-
aggressive painting method: action painting ness, duplicity, machination, guile, artful-
cubed and other geometrically distorted ness, deceit, finesse. ANT. honesty, artlessness,
forms: cubism naivete.
cursive, flowing lines, swirling motifs style, artificial a. 1. UNNATURAL man-made, syn-
late nineteenth century: art nouveau thetic, fake, ersatz, counterfeit, imitation,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 43

manufactured, *bogus. 2. AFFECTED man- chagrined, humbled, *red-faced, guilty, con-

nered, forced, phony, unnatural, theatrical, scious-stricken, sheepish, abashed, dis-
feigned, *put on, pretentious, contrived. graced, flustered, shamefaced. ANT. proud,
ANT. 1. natural, organic, authentic. 2. sincere, high and mighty, arrogant.
genuine, real. ashen a. pale, pallid, gray, wan, white, sallow,
artillery n. gunnery, cannons, howitzer. SEE cadaverous. ANT. rosy, ruddy.
WEAPONS ashes n. cinders, soot, embers.
artisan n. SEE ARTIST asinine a. stupid, moronic, idiotic, sophomoric,
artist n. 1. EXPERT master, *pro, virtuoso, talent. silly, absurd, foolish. ANT. brilliant, wise.
2. ARTISAN craftsman, painter, portraitist, ask v. 1. QUESTION query, pose a question, inter-
sculptor, technician, designer. ‘‘An exhibi- rogate, quiz. 2. REQUEST appeal, solicit, ex-
tionist by profession.’’—Vincent van Gogh. press a desire for. 3. INVITE summon, request,
ANT. 1. amateur, tyro. SEE ART, DRAWING, call upon.
PAINTING, SCULPTURE askance adv. 1. SIDEWAYS obliquely, sidelong,
artistic a. aesthetic, artful, tasteful, graceful, or- askew. 2. SUSPICIOUSLY OR DISAPPROVINGLY
namental, decorative, stylish, pleasing to disdainfully, dubiously, skeptically. ANT. 1.
the eye, brilliant, masterful. ANT. crude, straight-on, directly. 2. respectfully, confi-
gross, unattractive, tasteless. dently.
artistry n. quality, skill, talent, virtuosity, cre- askew a. awry, aslant, sidelong, crooked. ANT.
ativity, flair, style, finesse, touch, feel, ge- straight.
nius. asleep a. slumbering, *snoozing, *catching
ARTLESS a. [ART less] unskilled, uncultured, some ZZZs, *catching forty winks, napping,
simple, naive. The man was as artless as a dozing, *comatose, hibernating, dormant.
child. SYN. 1. UNSKILLED untalented, un- ANT. awake, alert.
schooled, inartistic. 2. CRUDE plain, simple, aspect n. 1. LOOK air, mien, bearing, manner.
primitive, natural. 3. NAIVE simple, ingenu- 2. FEATURE facet, side, angle, point, element,
ous, innocent, guileless, unsophisticated, view.
childlike, genuine, direct, natural. ANT. 1. aspen n. poplar tree.
artful, skilled, talented, schooled. 2. artful, so- asperity n. harshness, roughness, sharpness,
phisticated, worldly. 3. sophisticated, self-con- nastiness, ill temper, venom, irritability,
scious, insincere, unnatural. crossness, hostility, acrimony, surliness, iras-
arty a. pretentious, *artsy-fartsy, highbrow, af- cibility. ANT. mildness, softness, good cheer.
fected, assuming. ANT. down-to-earth, unaf- aspersion n. disparagement, slander, abuse, def-
fected. amation, innuendo, smear, slur, vilification,
ascend v. rise, arise, climb, surmount, scale, lev- blot, denigration, mud-slinging, calumny.
itate, soar, escalate. ANT. descend, drop, fall. asphalt n. bitumen, tar, pavement.
ascendancy n. supremacy, control, domination, asphyxiate v. suffocate, smother, choke, stran-
power, preeminence. gle, throttle.
ascension n. scaling. SEE ASCENT aspirant n. contender, applicant. SEE CANDI-
ascent n. 1. CLIMB rise, ascension, progression. DATE
2. UPWARD SLOPE acclivity, upgrade, eleva- ASPIRATION n. [as puh RAY shun] a drive
tion, incline, gradient. ANT. 1. descent, fall, for or goal of some achievement; an ambi-
drop. 2. declivity, descent. tion. He had an aspiration of being a profes-
ascertain v. learn, verify, find out, determine, sional baseball player. SYN. ambition, goal,
certify, *pin down, establish, uncover, dis- drive, want, desire, dream, hope, longing,
cover. hunger, wish, aim, scheme. ‘‘The desire of
ascetic n. abstainer, celibate, religious fanatic, the moth for the star.’’—Shelley.
monk, anchorite. aspire v. strive for, desire, try for, wish for, hope
ascetic a. austere, abstinent, abstemious, self- for, hunger for, thirst for, shoot for, aim for.
denying, strict, puritanical. ANT. hedonistic, ass n. 1. DONKEY burro, jackass, jenny, jack,
self-gratifying, indulgent. beast of burden. SEE ANIMAL 2. BUTTOCKS
ascribe v. attribute, credit, assign, charge, con- rear, rump, *buns, *butt. 3. FOOL idiot,
nect, associate, link. *boob, jerk, clown, *nincompoop, *dolt.
ashamed a. embarrassed, humiliated, mortified, assail v. attack, assault, accost, jump on, lay

44 Roget’s Superthesaurus

into, set upon, *rip into, *light into, im- assertive a. outspoken, direct, forthright, for-
pugn. ward, unreserved, uninhibited, blunt, brash,
assailant n. attacker, assaulter, accoster, mo- confident, assured, aggressive. ANT. shy, re-
lester, mugger, aggressor, adversary, enemy, served, inhibited.
foe. assess v. 1. IMPOSE levy, tax, dun, fine, charge.
assassin n. killer, slayer, executioner, *hit man, 2. EVALUATE appraise, measure, estimate,
*liquidator, sniper, gunman, *trigger man. judge, consider, weigh.
SEE MURDERER assessment n. 1. DUNNAGE charge, tax. 2. EVAL-
assassinate v. kill, slay, execute, gun down, UATION appraisal, estimate.
*hit, *liquidate. SEE MURDER asset n. 1. VALUABLE resource, possession, prop-
assassination n. killing, slaying, execution, erty, cash, inventory. 2. QUALITY strength,
*hit, *liquidation. ‘‘The extreme form of gift, blessing, advantage. ANT. 1. liability. 2.
censorship.’’—George Bernard Shaw. SEE liability, handicap, disadvantage.
MURDER ASSIDUOUS a. [uh SID yoo us] hard-work-
assault n. 1. PHYSICAL OR VERBAL ATTACK of- ing, diligent, devoted. The governor has al-
fense, affront, insult, beating, pounding, ways had an assiduous striving for success. SYN.
pummeling, mugging, molestation, rape, hard-working, diligent, devoted, persistent,
battery, violence. 2. RAID siege, blitz, storm- constant, persevering, tenacious, unremit-
ing, foray, offensive, invasion. ting, tireless, attentive, earnest. ANT. casual,
assualt v. attack, charge, storm, strike, beat, hit, lax, lazy, laid-back.
abuse, pound, pummel, mug, molest, rape, assign v. 1. DESIGNATE appoint, name, choose,
commit battery, jump, punch, strongarm, as- commission, nominate, charge, entrust,
sail, insult, offend, verbally attack. cast. 2. ALLOCATE allot, distribute, consign,
assay n. examination, test, analysis, probe, in- give, dispense, dole out. 3. ATTRIBUTE as-
vestigation, assessment. cribe, credit, charge with.
assay v. examine, test, analyze, probe, investi- assignment n. task, duty, job, lesson, home-
gate, assess. work.
ASSIMILATE v. [uh SIM uh LATE] to ab-
assemblage n. group, assembly, collection, clus-
sorb, digest. Also, to adjust, integrate. The
ter, aggregation, congregation.
new math is difficult to assimilate. It takes time
assemble v. 1. PUT TOGETHER fit, piece, connect,
to assimilate in another country. SYN. 1. AB-
construct, compile, puzzle out, compose,
SORB digest, metabolize, incorporate, master,
throw together. 2. GATHER amass, congre-
comprehend, take in. 2. ADJUST integrate,
gate, muster, band, convene, meet. ANT. 1.
adapt, acclimatize, fit in, homogenize, *do
disassemble, disconnect, dismantle. 2. scatter,
as the natives do, *go native, naturalize.
disband, disperse.
ANT. 1. regurgitate, reject. 2. reject, maladapt,
assembly n. 1. FITTING TOGETHER connection, separate.
construction, compilation, piecing together. assist v. help, aid, support, lend a hand, accom-
2. GATHERING mass, congregation, muster- modate, attend, serve, contribute, collabo-
ing, band, meeting, convention, crowd, rate. ANT. hinder, hamper.
multitude, mob. ANT. 1. disassembly, discon- assistance n. help, aid, support, a hand, accom-
nection. 2. scattering, disbanding, dispersal. modation, service, contribution, collabora-
assent n. agreement, concurrence, consent, ac- tion. ANT. hindrance, obstruction.
ceptance, accord, approval. ANT. disagree- assistant n. helper, aide, deputy, attendant,
ment, dissent. supporter, collaborator, contributor, ad-
assent v. agree, concur, accept, consent, con- junct, aide-de-camp, gal Friday, right-hand
cede, approve, grant, acquiesce, go along. man, *gopher.
ANT. dissent, disagree. associate n. colleague, co-worker, peer, partner,
assert v. state, declare, affirm, announce, aver, teammate, affiliate, ally, companion, con-
pronounce, claim, profess, attest, say. ANT. federate, consort, accomplice, friend, fellow.
deny, controvert. associate v. 1. THINK OF TOGETHER link, identify,
assertion n. statement, declaration, affirma- correlate, group, affiliate, relate, pair. 2. MIN-
tion, pronouncement, profession, proclama- GLE WITH hang out, hobnob, befriend, frater-
tion, averment, claim, avowal. ANT. denial, nize, consort, run with. ANT. 1. disassociate,
disavowal. separate. 2. shun, estrange, alienate.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 45

association n. 1. GROUP society, club, organiza- asteroid n. celestial body, planetoid, moonlet,
tion, fraternity, corporation, confederation, cosmic debris, meteor.
league, alliance, union, partnership. 2. asthma n. respiratory disease, chronic wheeze,
FRIENDSHIP fellowship, relationship, affilia- chronic cough, obstructive pulmonary dis-
tion, fraternization, companionship, alli- ease.
ance. 3. LINKING TOGETHER correlation, pair- astonish v. amaze, surprise, astound, shock,
ing, lumping together, relationship, flabbergast, dumbfound, startle, take aback,
connection, juxtaposition. *bowl over, stupefy.
assorted a. diverse, varied, different, miscella- astonishing a. amazing, astounding, surprising,
neous, sundry, mixed. ANT. same, matching, shocking, breathtaking, dumbfounding,
identical, uniform. awesome, *eye-popping, startling, dazzling,
assortment n. miscellany, mixture, diversity, bewildering, extraordinary. ANT. humdrum,
variety, potpourri, melange, jumble, mixed expected.
bag. astonishment n. amazement, surprise, shock,
ASSUAGE v. [uh SWAYJ] to relieve or awe, bewilderment, wonder, stupefaction,
soothe. To assuage his appetite, he ate some marvel.
popcorn. SYN. relieve, soothe, ease, alleviate, astound v. astonish, amaze, bewilder, shock,
mitigate, allay, pacify, calm, mollify, lessen, surprise, flabbergast, dumbfound, startle,
lull, *take the edge off. ANT. aggravate, exac- take aback, *bowl over, stupefy, boggle, ren-
erbate, intensify. der speechless, electrify, stagger, confound,
assume v. 1. TAKE ON take up, adopt, acquire, *blow one’s mind.
undertake, tackle, take upon one’s shoul- astounding a. astonishing, amazing, bewilder-
ders, commit to. 2. SEIZE take, appropriate, ing, shocking, surprising, startling, *eye-
usurp, commandeer. 3. FEIGN pretend, simu- popping, stupefying, mind-boggling, electri-
late, affect, put on, sham, *fake. 4. PRESUME fying, staggering, confounding, *mind-
suppose, take for granted, believe, hypothe- blowing, wondrous. ANT. *ho-hum, boring,
size, imagine, think, guess, speculate, infer, ordinary.
suspect. ANT. 1. throw off, abandon, renounce astray a. adrift, off course, lost, afield, wrong,
2. return, defer. 3. know, be certain. *off the mark, *off in left field. ANT. *right-
assumed a. 1. FICTITIOUS pretend, make-be- on, accurate, *on the mark.
lieve, sham, false, bogus, feigned, fake,
astringent a. biting, harsh, sharp, cutting,
phony. 2. SUPPOSED presumed, tacit, in-
acerbic, severe, rough, acrid. ANT. mild, soft.
ferred, hypothesized. ANT. 1. real, true. 2.
astrology n. horoscopy, reading of the stars,
divination. ‘‘The excellent foppery of the
assuming a. presumptuous, arrogant, overconfi-
dent, self-important, imperious, egotistic,
conceited, *nervy, vain.
assumption n. supposition, presumption, infer- birth, zodiacal sign rising in the east at time
ence, hypothesis, guess, theory, belief, of one’s: ascent
given, hunch, suspicion. chart of positions of planets, stars, relation-
assurance n. 1. CONFIDENCE security, sureness, ship to birth: horoscope
courage, boldness, self-assurance, convic- constellations and signs: Aries (The Ram);
tion, *guts, pluck. 2. PROMISE OR PLEDGE Taurus (The Bull); Gemini (The
guarantee, vow, oath, word, warranty. ANT. Twins); Cancer (The Crab); Leo (The
1. insecurity, doubt, uncertainty. Lion); Virgo (The Virgin); Libra (The
assure v. convince, reassure, guarantee, affirm, Balance); Scorpio (The Scorpion); Sagi-
encourage, certify, pledge, secure, insure, ttarius (The Archer); Capricorn (The
ensure. Goat); Aquarius (The Water Bearer);
assured a. 1. GUARANTEED sure, certain, secure. Pisces (The Fishes)
2. CONFIDENT self-assured, self-possessed, diagram: scheme
bold, assertive, poised, unflinching, unhesi- legendary astrologer: Merlin
tating, cocksure, brassy. ANT. 1. uncertain, one of twelve sectors in celestial sphere:
unsure, gamble. 2. insecure, timid, self-doubt- house
ing. pathway of planets, divided into twelve as-
astern a. aft, abaft, rearward. ANT. fore, front. trological signs: zodiac

46 Roget’s Superthesaurus

table of positions of stars and planets at spe- of a higher power. SYN. disbelief, denial, skep-
cific times: ephemeris ticism, rejection of God, impiety, rational-
transitional period from one zodiac sign to ism, freethinking, agnosticism, nihilism, ir-
another: cusp reverence. ‘‘The vice of a few intelligent
astronaut n. spaceman, cosmonaut, sailor of people.’’—Voltaire.
the stars. atheist n. nonbeliever, agnostic, skeptic, free
astronomer n. stargazer, cosmologist, astro- thinker, infidel, *doubting Thomas, hea-
physicist. then. ‘‘A man who has no invisible means
astronomy n. stargazing, cosmology, astrophys- of support.’’—John Buchan. ‘‘A man who
ics. believes himself an accident.’’—Francis
WORD FIND Thompson. ‘‘An orphaned heart.’’—Jean
Paul Richter. ANT. believer, the faithful. SEE
eclipse, or passage of one celestial body in
front of another: occultation
athlete n. *jock, competitor, sportsman, cham-
great circle spanning horizons: meridian pion. SEE SPORT
location of celestial object in sky: azimuth, athletic a. strong, fit, skilled, muscular, meso-
declination, right ascension morphic, sthenic, strapping, vigorous, ro-
path of sun on celestial sphere: ecliptic bust, hardy, staunch, brawny, stout, wiry,
point of sky directly overhead: zenith supple, coordinated. ANT. weak, feeble, sed-
star motion unrelated to earth’s rotation: entary, asthenic.
proper motion WORD FIND
table showing future positions of celestial competition combo of five track and field
objects: ephemeris events: pentathlon
unit of distance, by speed of light: light year, competition combo of skiing and rifle-ds-
5,880,000,000,000 miles; parsec, 3.26 hooting: biathlon
light years competition combo of swimming, biking
unit of distance, equal to that from the earth and long-distance running: triathalon,
to the sun: astronomical unit, *iron man contest
92,900,000 miles competition combo of ten track and field
events: decathlon
atmosphere n. 1. AMBIENCE aura, surroundings,
air, *vibes, feeling, environment. 2. SKY air,
ASTUTE a. [uh STOOT] clever, sharp or cun- heavens, smog, biosphere.
ning. The successful businessman must have WORD FIND
an astute mind. SYN. clever, sharp, cunning, ion-rich layer, reflects radio waves, in ther-
crafty, shrewd, wily, quick, keen, intelligent, mosphere: ionosphere
sagacious, brilliant, bright, *on the ball. layer of oxygen in stratosphere, protects
ANT. dumb, naive, retarded, slow, obtuse. earth from ultraviolet radiation: ozone
asunder a. apart, separate, in pieces. layer
asylum n. 1. SANCTUARY refuge, shelter, haven, rising column of warm air: thermal
safe harbor, hospice. 2. HOSPITAL psychiatric stratum from 0-10 miles up: troposphere
hospital, sanitarium, mental institution, in- stratum from 10-30 miles up: stratosphere
sane asylum, *nut house, *booby hatch, stratum from 30-50 miles up: mesosphere
*laughing academy, *loony bin, *madhouse. stratum from 50-300 miles up: thermosphere
ASYMMETRICAL a. [a si MET ri kul] un- stratum from 300 miles to space: exosphere
trapping of solar radiation and heat by car-
even, unbalanced, or lacking correspon-
bon dioxide buildup: greenhouse effect
dence between two sides. He described the SEE AIR, RAIN, SNOW, WEATHER, WIND
shape as asymmetrical, that is, a little different atoll n. coral island.
on each side. SYN. uneven, unbalanced, lack- atom n. particle, jot, bit, iota, scintilla, shred,
ing correspondence, lacking coordination, bit. ‘‘A specter threatening us with annihila-
contrasting, not proportionate, not uniform, tion.’’—Max Born. SEE SCIENCE
disproportional, unequal. ANT. symmetrical, atomic a. SEE NUCLEAR
corresponding, matching. atomic bomb n. SEE NUCLEAR BOMB
ATHEISM n. [A thee iz um] disbelief in God. atomize v. separate, disintegrate, vaporize,
Atheism is the disbelief or denial of the existence spray, pulverize.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 47

ATONE v. [uh TONE] to make up for a bad lay low. 2. flatter, compliment, praise. 3. pro-
deed; to make amends. Atone for your sins. crastinate, avoid.
SYN. amend, make amends, redeem, do pen- attacker n. assailant, aggressor, offender.
ance, repent, confess, expiate, make repara- attain v. achieve, accomplish, get, procure, se-
tions, shrive. cure, acquire, obtain, realize, fulfill, *make
atonement n. amends, reparations, redemption, it, win. ANT. fail, lose, fall short.
expiation, penance, restitution, compensa- attainment n. achievement, accomplishment,
tion, redress. ‘‘The blood of Jesus getting, procurement, securing, acquire-
Christ . . .’’—Bible, John 1:7. ment, obtaining, realization, fulfillment,
atrium n. court. winning, success, coup, skill.
atrocious a. evil, brutal, appalling, cruel, bad, attempt n. try, endeavor, shot, *crack, under-
monstrous, unspeakable, vicious, despicable, taking, *stab, *the old college try, venture,
horrible, abominable, heinous, outrageous. bid.
ANT. good, pleasant, lovely, benevolent. attempt v. try, endeavor, make an effort, under-
ATROCITY n. [uh TRAW suh tee] a cruelty, take, take a shot at it, *take a crack at it,
brutality or outrageous thing or act. The *take a stab at it, *give it the old college
drive-by shooting is an atrocity that originated try, venture, make a bid for it, strive.
during prohibition. SYN. cruelty, brutality, attend v. 1. LOOK AFTER minister to, serve, tend,
outrage, monstrosity, unspeakable act, hor- take care of, nurse, assist, doctor. 2. TO BE
ror, savagery, barbarity, crime, abomination. PRESENT appear, show up, go to, turn up. 3.
ANT. kindness, good deed. ACCOMPANY come with, go hand in hand,
atrophy n. degeneration, wasting, deteriora- escort, be associated with.
tion, withering, emaciation, decline, weak- attendance n. 1. PRESENCE appearance. 2. TURN-
ening. OUT crowd, house, audience.
atrophy v. degenerate, waste, deteriorate, attendant n. servant, aide, assistant, orderly,
wither, emaciate, decline, weaken. steward, valet, consort, escort.
attach v. 1. FASTEN tie, stick, secure, bind, link, attention n. 1. CONCENTRATION mindfulness,
hook, affix, connect, tack, pin. 2. AFFILIATE consciousness, awareness, heed, notice,
join, associate, enlist. 3. ASCRIBE attribute, thoughtfulness, regard. 2. OBSERVATION no-
assign, accredit, apply, place. ANT. 1. detach, tice, recognition, regard, consideration,
loosen, free. 2. drop out, quit, dissociate. 3. scrutiny. ANT. 1. absent-mindedness, abstrac-
take, deflect. tion, inattention. 2. oversight, disregard.
attaché n. consul, envoy, aide. SEE DIPLOMAT attention deficit disorder n. ADD, learning dis-
attachment n. 1. FASTENING tying, connection, order, short attention span, hyperactivity.
joining. 2. DEVOTION regard, affection, attentions n. consideration, courtesy, devotion,
crush, affinity, bond, esteem, fondness, love. civility, care, respect, service.
3. ACCESSORY appendage, appurtenance, fix- attentive a. 1. MINDFUL observant, alert, con-
ture, addition, extension, supplement. ANT. scious, aware, sharp, thoughtful, noticing,
1. detachment, separation. 2. repulsion, aver- keen, heedful, watchful. 2. CONSIDERATE
sion. thoughtful, gracious, courteous, solicitous,
attack n. 1. ASSAULT offensive, raid, invasion, accommodating, gallant. ANT. 1. neglectful,
siege, ambush, blitz, aggression, strike, in- unobservant, heedless. 2. inconsiderate, rude,
cursion, onslaught. 2. ONSET OR RECURRENCE negligent.
OF AN ILLNESS bout, relapse, throe, seizure, attenuate v. thin, dilute, weaken, rarefy, dilute,
convulsion, spell, turn for the worse. lessen, decrease, water down, diminish. ANT.
attack v. 1. ASSAULT strike, jump on, raid, be- fortify, strengthen, intensify.
siege, invade, ambush, assail, pounce on, attest v. bear witness, certify, verify, confirm,
molest, set upon, take the offensive, aggress, substantiate, support, bear out, testify, war-
mug. 2. VERBALLY ASSAULT *rip into, *tear rant, vouch for, pledge, affirm, swear, au-
apart, criticize, abuse, malign, bash, defame, thenticate. ANT. refute, deny, belie.
scold, *rake over the coals, damn, censure, attic n. garret, loft, dormer, clerestory, storage
*dis, *jump down one’s throat, impugn, room.
*bad-mouth, denounce, revile. 3. TO BEGIN attire n. dress, clothing, apparel, garb, costume,
WORK ON tackle, dive into, undertake, *jump raiment, *duds, *togs, outfit, garments,
into with both feet. ANT. 1. retreat, defend, *threads.

48 Roget’s Superthesaurus

attire v. dress, clothe, garb, deck out, fit out, bold, daring, plucky, *ballsy, courageous,
outfit, *doll up, costume, accoutre. dauntless, stalwart, unflinching, *gutsy, ad-
attitude n. 1. OUTLOOK mind, disposition, frame venturous, intrepid. 2. SHAMELESS, brazen,
of mind, temperament, feeling, view, per- outrageous, cheeky, brassy, impertinent,
spective, *mindset, demeanor, bias. 2. POS- rude, forward, insolent, saucy, *ballsy. ANT.
TURE stance, manner, bearing, pose, mien, 1. cowardly, fearful, timid. 2. deferential, po-
carriage, air. lite.
attitude problem n. *hair across the ass, *chip audacity n. 1. COURAGE bravery, daring, nerve,
on one’s shoulder. pluck, backbone, *guts, *spine, grit, derring-
attorney n. counselor, legal representative, do, mettle, boldness. 2. SHAMELESSNESS
DA, barrister, solicitor, *ambulance chaser. brashness, impudence, effrontery, *gall,
SEE LAWYER, LAW, COURT *nerve, *cheek, arrogance, impertinence,
attract v. 1. DRAW pull, magnetize. 2. ALLURE brass, presumption. ANT. 1. cowardice, fear,
lure, invite, tempt, interest, charm, capti- spinelessness. 2. courtesy, decorum, propriety.
vate, fascinate, beguile, bewitch, *turn on, audible a. perceptible, hearable, discernible, in-
*spellbind. ANT. 1. repel, repulse. 2. repel, telligible, clear. ANT. inaudible, silent, unin-
repulse, turn off. telligible.
attraction n. appeal, temptation, magnetism, audience n. spectators, crowd, onlookers, view-
affinity, pull, charm, interest, allure, be- ers, house, fans, patrons, turnout, market.
witchment, fascination, enticement, audit n. examination, accounting, review, in-
*chemistry, charisma. ANT. repellant, repul- vestigation.
sion, aversion. audition n. tryout, trial, hearing, *open mike.
attractive a. appealing, charming, enticing, auditor n. accountant, inspector, analyst, book-
*nice, beautiful, handsome, winning, fasci- keeper.
nating, magnetic, charismatic, tempting, al- auditorium n. assembly room, hall, concert
luring, bewitching, fetching, cute, adorable, hall, gallery, theater, ampitheater, play-
pretty, stunning, sexy, comely, *easy on the house, lecture hall.
eyes. ANT. repulsive, repellant, ugly. auger n. bore, tool. SEE TOOL
attribute n. quality, characteristic, trait, fea- augment v. enlarge, add, increase, extend, en-
ture, distinction, quirk, facet, virtue. hance, broaden, thicken, maximize, build
attribute v. assign, ascribe, credit, charge with, up, amplify, strengthen, boost. ANT. de-
blame, impute, account for. crease, reduce, attenuate.
ATTRITION n. [uh TRISH un] a wearing augur n. prophet, seer, oracle, prognosticator,
away or reduction, loss by natural means. diviner, fortune-teller, psychic.
The company lost more employees by attrition augur v. predict, prophesy, divine, forecast,
than by forced layoffs. SYN. weakening, ero- bode, portend, herald, presage, forewarn.
sion, reduction, decimation, disintegration, augury n. 1. PREDICTION prophesy, divination,
diminution, dwindling, decline. ANT. forecast, forewarning, soothsaying, forecast-
buildup, reinforcement, fortification. ing. 2. OMEN portent, sign, harbinger, her-
attune v. adapt, adjust, harmonize, acclimate, ald, forewarning.
assimilate. AUGUST a. [aw GUST] awe-inspiring, mag-
atypical a. unusual, uncommon, untypical, odd, nificent, worthy of great respect. Visitors
irregular, abnormal. ANT. typical, usual. grew silent as they entered the august cathedral.
AU COURANT a. [o koo RAHN] well-in- SYN. grand, magnificent, glorious, imposing,
formed, up-to-date. On the latest fashion, she sublime, noble, stately, dignified, regal, su-
was always au courant. SYN. informed, up- preme, eminent, lofty, distinguished. ANT.
to-date, current, *hip, enlightened, aware, lowly, pedestrian, humble.
*up to speed. ANT. behind the times. au naturel a. nude, naked, undressed, un-
auction n. sale, vendue, sell-off. clothed, unadorned, natural. ANT. clothed.
auburn a. reddish-brown, golden-brown, nut au pair n. domestic servant, nanny, house-
brown, chestnut brown, henna. keeper, baby-sitter.
AUDACIOUS a. [aw DAY shus] brave, bold. aura n. ambience, atmosphere, mood, feeling,
Also, not affected by shame or a sense of *vibes, air, spirit, nimbus, emanation.
propriety. The soldiers made an audacious aurora n. aurora australis (southern lights), au-
foray into enemy territory. SYN. 1. BRAVE, rora borealis (northern lights).

Roget’s Superthesaurus 49

auspices n. sponsorship, patronage, aegis, sanc- reliable, trustworthy, scholarly. ANT. ques-
tion, assistance, authority, guidance, protec- tionable, frivolous, unsubstantiated.
tion, supervision. authorities n. the powers that be, City Hall,
AUSPICIOUS a. [aw SPISH us] favorable, of officials, government, officialdom, *the law.
positive conditions or character. The econ- authority n. 1. POWER jurisdiction, rule, license,
omy is improving; it is an auspicious time for charge, control, command, dominion, ad-
opening a new business. SYN. favorable, propi- ministration, influence. ‘‘A halter.’’—Ade-
tious, positive, felicitous, fortunate, timely, lard of Bath. ‘‘Tyranny unless tempered by
opportune, promising, good, lucky, rosy, freedom.’’—Stefan Zweig. 2. EXPERT special-
golden. ANT. unfavorable, untimely, unfortu- ist, professional, scholar, connoisseur,
nate, ominous. *walking encyclopedia, trusted source.
AUSTERE a. [aw STEER] severe, stern or authorize v. permit, give the okay, empower,
plain in appearance, character, etc. Also, entitle, license, allow, sanction, *give the
self-denying, strict. The prison’s austere fa- green light, warrant, commission.
cade was chillingly bleak. SYN. 1. SEVERE, stern, autobahn n. expressway, highway, superhigh-
harsh, grim, stiff, cold, forbidding, rigid, seri- way, road, drive.
ous, sober, solemn, plain, unadorned. 2. AS- autocracy n. dictatorship, despotism, totalitari-
CETIC, self-denying, strict, abstemious, stark. anism.
ANT. 1. bright, cheery, sunny, warm, frivolous, autocrat n. dictator, tyrant, despot, authoritar-
ornate. 2. indulgent, extravagant. ian, overlord, *iron-fisted ruler.
authentic a. genuine, real, bona fide, true, ac- autograph n. signature, name, inscription,
tual, simon-pure, *kosher, certified, *the *John Hancock, *John Henry, X.
real McCoy, *honest-to-goodness, legiti- automated a. servo-mechanized, mechanized,
mate. ANT. bogus, phony, fake, spurious. computerized, programmed, automatic, mo-
authenticate v. validate, certify, confirm, war- torized, self propelled, robotic.
rant, guarantee, attest, vouch, affirm, sub- automatic a. 1. SELF-OPERATING mechanical,
stantiate, corroborate, document. ANT. in- self-propelling, self regulating, self-pro-
validate, falsify, discredit. grammed, servo-mechanized, automated. 2.
author n. 1. WRITER novelist, playwright, story- INVOLUNTARY unconscious, reflex, unpre-
teller, screenwriter, poet, bard, historian, meditated, spontaneous. ANT. 1. manual, la-
chronicler, biographer, dramatist, journalist, bor-intensive. 2. voluntary, conscious.
*hack, wordsmith. ‘‘A person who you can automaton SEE ROBOT
silence by shutting his book.’’—Max Gral- automobile n. car, vehicle, sedan, *wheels, sta-
nik. SEE BOOK, NOVELIST 2. ORIGINATOR cre- tion wagon, hatchback, compact, subcom-
ator, architect, designer, father, founder. pact, *bucket of bolts, *clunker, *junker,
WORD FIND *lemon, *gas-guzzler, transport, fastback,
best-selling author with staying power: *flivver, convertible, *lowrider, *horseless
brand-name author carriage, roadster, town car, *crate, coupe,
multiple books, author of: polygraph *hot rod, *jalopy, van, minivan, SUV (sport
pen name: pseudonym, nom de plume, allo- utility vehicle).
nym, ananym, anonym WORD FIND
publicizes author and books: publicist book listing prices of used cars: blue book
sells author’s books, handles contracts: liter- brake components: brake drum, brake shoes,
ary agent brake lining
writes a book for someone else who may or brakes, non-skid: anti-lock brakes
may not take credit: ghost writer bump absorbers: shock absorbers, suspension
authoritarian n. dictator, tyrant, despot, disci- system, leaf springs, springs, torsion bars
plinarian, martinet. cables used to recharge dead battery: jumper
authoritarian a. dictatorial, tyrannical, repres- cables
sive, totalitarian, strict, dogmatic, rigid, des- chauffeur-driven: limousine
potic, imperious, autocratic, domineering. convertible: *ragtop
ANT. libertarian, permissive, liberal, demo- cutting tool used in a car accident: Jaws of
cratic. Life
authoritative a. official, validated, authentic, dashboard warning lights: idiot lights, haz-
true, genuine, documented, sound, certified, ard lights

50 Roget’s Superthesaurus

divider between engine and passenger com- avail n. use, usefulness, benefit, help, aid, ad-
partment: firewall vantage, profit.
DUI: driving under the influence avail v. utilize, help, assist, aid, serve.
DWI: driving while intoxicated available a. handy, ready, accessible, on hand,
electrochemical power unit: battery at hand, obtainable, on tap, free, at one’s
engages and disengages engine from trans- disposal. ANT. unavailable, out.
mission: clutch avalanche n. 1. SNOWSLIDE landslide. 2. INUN-
engine speed gauge: tachometer DATION cataclysm, deluge, flood, torrent,
explosion of fuel in exhaust system: backfire barrage.
frame: chassis WORD FIND
funeral car: hearse air current produced by: avalanche wind
gearbox: transmission overhang of ice and snow, known for start-
gears shifted manually: manual transmission ing avalanches: cornice
inflatable impact bag: air bag SEE MOUNTAIN, MOUNTAIN CLIMBING
license plate customized with owner’s name AVANTE-GARDE n. [uh vahnt GARD]
or pet word: vanity plate those involved in innovation or new tech-
lifter used to raise car to change tire: jack niques, especially in the arts. They were on
mechanic’s rolling board used for underbody the cutting edge of a new science; they were the
work: creeper avant garde. SYN. vanguard, *cutting edge,
mileage meter: odometer groundbreakers, innovators, pioneers, trail-
OUI: operating under the influence blazers, experimenters, inventors, new
pedal for manual transmission: clutch school.
police: squad car, cruiser, patrol car, prowl AVARICE n. [AV ur is] unhealthy desire for
car wealth, greed. Her avarice compelled her to
radar detector: *fuzzbuster hobnob with wealthy bachelors. SYN. greed, cu-
shifting to low gear to help slow car: down- pidity, acquisitiveness, covetousness, rapac-
shift ity, gluttony, miserliness, ‘‘A mere madness,
skidding over sheet of water: hydroplaning to live like a wretch, and die rich.’’—Robert
speed automator: cruise control Burton. ‘‘The spur of industry.’’—David
starting car without key: *hotwiring Hume. ANT. generosity, benevolence, charity.
sway reducer: sway bar AVARICIOUS a. [AV ur ISH us] greedy. He
tailpipe afterburner, burns harmful gases: ca- was after her money; he was avaricious. SYN.
talytic converter greedy, covetous, acquisitive, rapacious, pig-
tire rotation for proper wear: balancing gish, hoarding, predatory, *tight, selfish,
used car in perfect condition: cherry *gold-digging, gluttonous. ANT. generous,
wheel-locking clamp used to stop parking giving, beneficent.
scofflaws: Denver boot avenge v. revenge, retaliate, take vengeance,
wheel shaft: axle *pay back, *get even, punish, vindicate,
SEE ACCIDENT, DRIVE, MOTOR, ROAD, TRUCK wreak vengeance. ANT. forgive, excuse, over-
AUTONOMOUS a. [aw TON uh mus] acting look.
independently. It was an autonomous island avenue n. 1. ROAD roadway, drive, lane, boule-
government, free of the mainland’s dictates. vard, highway, thoroughfare, promenade,
SYN. independent, self-governing, self-rul- street, parkway, artery, expressway. 2. WAY
ing, self-reliant, sovereign. ANT. dependent, means, route, path, course.
subject, overruled, occupied. average n. norm, par, standard, mean.
autonomy n. independence, sovereignty, self- average a. ordinary, typical, usual, common,
rule, self-reliance, home rule, freedom. ANT. standard, *garden variety, middling, inter-
dependence, subjugation. mediate, fair, moderate, median, run-of-the-
autumn n. fall, harvest time, Indian summer. mill, so-so, everyday. ANT. exceptional, above
‘‘A second spring when every leaf ’s a par, extraordinary.
flower.’’—Albert Camus. averse a. loath, ill-disposed, opposed, hostile,
auxiliary a. 1. SUPPORTING assisting, aiding, ad- unfavorable, disinclined, hesitant, unwill-
juvant, helping, contributing. 2. SUBSIDIARY ing, against. ANT. agreeable, willing, eager.
subordinate, supplementary, accessory, ad- AVERSION n. [uh VUR zhun] an intense dis-
ditional, secondary, reserve. ANT. 2. main, like or repugnance. I have an aversion to pick-
primary. led beets. SYN. dislike, repugnance, loathing,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 51
Avert–Ax to Grind

antipathy, revulsion, disgust, hostility, ha- away a. gone, removed, off, absent, out, abroad,
tred, detestation. ANT. liking, attraction, fond- remote.
ness. awe n. wonder, fear, reverence, astonishment,
avert v. 1. TURN AWAY shift, turn aside. 2. PRE- amazement, stupefaction, veneration, re-
VENT ward off, avoid, thwart, deter, pre- spect, worship, admiration, shock. ANT. dis-
clude, forestall, nip in the bud. ANT. 1. in- respect, disregard, apathy, indifference.
vite. 2. cause, exacerbate. awesome a. impressive, overwhelming, intim-
aviator n. pilot, flyer, airman, ace, aviatrix. idating, moving, formidable, astonishing,
avid a. 1. EAGER enthusiastic, fervent, ardent, amazing, *eye-popping, breathtaking, won-
flaming, rabid, fanatical, burning, zealous. 2. derful, wondrous, stunning, *mind-blowing,
DESIROUS greedy, avaricious, rapacious, cov- stupefying, excellent, *bad, *cool, *dyna-
etous, voracious. ANT. 1. lukewarm, blasé, mite, *gnarly, *gone, immense, super, *rip-
bored. 2. indifferent, uninterested. ping, *out of this world, *unreal. ANT. unim-
avocation n. hobby, pastime, interest, pursuit, pressive, *ho-hum, *lame, *lightweight, *bush
sideline, work; profession. league, trivial.
awful a. horrible, bad, ugly, dreadful, terrible,
avoid v. evade, dodge, steer clear of, bypass,
atrocious, unpleasant, horrendous, ghastly,
elude, sidestep, hedge, duck, shirk, avert, es-
despicable, inferior, contemptible, rotten,
chew, shun, *give the slip, refrain. ANT. em-
*crappy, appalling, frightful, terrifying. ANT.
brace, meet head on, confront, invite. good, nice, pleasing.
avoidance n. evasion, dodging, bypassing, side- awkward a. 1. CLUMSY bumbling, oafish, un-
stepping, hedging, shirking, ducking out, graceful, bungling, ungainly, maladroit, in-
averting, eschewing, shunning, refraining. ept, *klutzy, blundering. 2. UNWIELDY cum-
avow v. declare, admit, acknowledge, avouch, bersome, bulky, ponderous. 3.
aver, confess, profess, announce, swear. ANT. UNCOMFORTABLE embarrassing, inappropri-
disavow, deny. ate, untimely, thorny, delicate, trying, tick-
avowal n. declaration, admission, acknowl- lish. ANT. 1. coordinated, graceful. 2. handy,
edgement, confession, profession, an- convenient. 3. appropriate, relaxing, smooth.
nouncement, assertion, affirmation. ANT. awning n. canopy, canvas, shelter, sunshade,
disavowal, denial. marquee.
await v. wait for, anticipate. awry a. 1. CROOKED askew, oblique, aslant. 2.
awake a. 1. CONSCIOUS active, alert, wakeful, AMISS wrong, off course, astray, askew. ANT.
astir, wide-eyed, *bright-eyed and bushy- 1. straight, even. 2. right, good, correct.
tailed, up. 2. ALERT watchful, attentive, ax n. broadax, hatchet, pickax, maul, toma-
sharp, circumspect, vigilant, observant. ANT. hawk.
1. asleep, unconscious, comatose. 2. inatten- axiom n. maxim, truth, truism, principle, dic-
tive, dull, off guard. tum, precept.
awaken v. wake, rouse, get up, stimulate, acti- axiomatic a. self-evident, unquestionable, cer-
vate. tain, understood, acknowledged, known, ab-
awakening n. revival, rousing, invigoration, solute, fundamental. ANT. questionable, dubi-
stimulation, realization, consciousness, re- ous, in question.
axis n. 1. PIVOT spindle, shaft, hinge. 2. ALIGN-
MENT alliance, coalition, league, union.
award n. prize, citation, medal, trophy, honor, axle n. spindle, rod, bar, shaft, axis, arbor.
reward, decoration, compensation. ax to grind (having an) wanting or going after
award v. bestow, present, grant, confer, endow, something for self-serving reasons, not for
compensate. the unselfish reasons sometimes presented;
aware a. conscious, cognizant, in touch, know- a hidden motive. His support of the project
ing, mindful, *wise to, wary, sharp, apprised, appeard to be civil-minded; in reality he had
awake, enlightened, *know the score, an ax to grind. SYN. motive, hidden motive,
versed, *hip, *with it, *plugged in, motivation, agenda, hidden agenda, score to
grounded, au courant. ANT. unaware, igno- settle, purpose, reason, incentive, driving
rant, *out to lunch, unconscious. force.

52 Roget’s Superthesaurus

babble n. prattle, babel, gibberish, spluttering, babyish a. childish, infantile, juvenile, imma-
mumbling, blabbing, jabber, burble, blub- ture. ANT. mature.
bering, drivel. baby-sit v. tend, watch, sit, care for, *keep an
babble v. prattle, blab, gibber, *yak, jabber, bur- eye on, mind, look after, act as guardian.
ble, blather, murmur, sputter, mutter, gush, baby-sitter n. sitter, nanny, governess, guard-
splutter, blat, prate, gurgle. ian.
babe in the woods n. easy mark, sucker, dupe, bacchanal n. SEE ORGY, PARTY
innocent. bachelor n. single, stag, playboy, man about
babel n. confusion, tumult, clamor. town. ‘‘A man who is footloose and fiancé
baby n. 1. INFANT newborn, babe, neonate, free.’’—F.G. Kernan.
*bambino, papoose, tot, nursling, nipper, back n. backside, posterior, spine, tail end,
toddler. ‘‘It is all gut and squall.’’—Charles hind, rear, stern, rump. SEE ASS
Brown. ‘‘An inestimable blessing and back v. 1. SUPPORT assist, sponsor, *go to bat
bother.’’—Mark Twain. 2. SNIVELER whiner, for, abet, boost, stand behind, promote, en-
crybaby, *wimp. dorse. 2. REVERSE go backwards, backtrack,
WORD FIND return, turn tail, rebound, regress, recoil.
abandoned and found: foundling ANT. 1. undermine, reject, denounce. 2. prog-
ailment: croup ress, advance.
bathtub: bathinette back a. 1. REAR hind, end, posterior. 2. DISTANT
bed: cradle, bassinet remote, faraway, outermost, rural, secluded.
bounce on one’s knee or swing up and down 3. PAST earlier, previous, dated, bygone. ANT.
in one’s arms: dandle 1. front, anterior, head. 3. future, upcoming.
breastfeeder, hired: wet nurse back and forth adv. to and fro, from side to
carriage: buggy, pram, stroller, perambulator side, vacillating.
chewy toy: teething ring, pacifier backbite v. slander, malign, *backstab, defame,
contented, happy cry: crow vilify, gossip, smear, *badmouth, *dump on,
cry loudly: squall *tell tales out of school.
cry weakly: whimper, mewl backbone n. 1. SPINE spinal column, vertebrae.
dead at birth: stillborn 2. FOUNDATION mainstay, basis. 3. COURAGE
diaper irritation: diaper rash strength, character, mettle, *guts, grit,
embryo implant: test-tube baby spunk, fortitude, pluck, resolve. ANT. 3. ti-
foreskin removal from male: circumcision midity, cowardice, spinelessness.
illegitimate: love child, bastard backbreaking a. strenuous, arduous, taxing, la-
multiple: twins, triplets, quadruplets, quin- borious, crippling, crushing, bankrupting,
tuplets, sextuplets exhausting. ANT. light, easy, *child’s play.
murder of: infanticide back down v. give in, cave in, concede, submit,
outfit: layette *wimp out, acquiesce, surrender. ANT. hold
premature infant: preemie one’s ground, stand firm.
rubber soother: pacifier backer n. supporter, sponsor, promoter,
soft spot on head: fontanelle booster, underwriter, angel, financer, advo-
song: lullaby cate, benefactor, patron, investor.
talk: babble, coo, gurgle backfire v. explode, report, discharge, boom,
tooth eruption: teething bang, pop, misfire, go awry, flop, reverse,
walking: toddling blow up in one’s face, boomerang, miscarry,
whine and whimper: pule *bomb. ANT. *go off without a hitch, work.
SEE BIRTH, CHILD, CHILDREN, PREGNANCY background n. 1. DISTANCE backdrop, horizon,
baby v. spoil, indulge, dote on, pamper, coddle, offing. 2. EXPERIENCE upbringing, environ-
mollycoddle, overprotect, shelter, smother. ment, grounding, family, past, education,
baby a. small, wee, miniature, tiny, young, circumstances. ANT. 1. foreground.
teensy, pocket-sized. ANT. large, mature. backhanded a. equivocal, ambiguous, left-
baby boom n. population explosion, birth spurt, handed, underhanded, sarcastic. ANT.
birthrate bulge. straightforward, clear, definite.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 53

backhoe n. excavator, *digger, earth mover, good, virtuous. 3. fresh, preserved. 4. pleasant,
heavy machinery. favorable, good. 5. harmless, trivial, light. 6.
backing n. support, sponsorship, help, aid, assis- correct, accurate. 7. good, proud, glorious.
tance, boost, advocacy, patronage, encour- bad blood n. hard feelings, enmity, hostility,
agement, endorsement. ANT. detraction, un- bitterness, resentment, ill will, malevolence,
dermining. hatred, venom, unfriendliness. ANT. friendli-
BACKLASH n. [BAK lash] a negative reac- ness, good will, amity.
tion to a previous action. Ignoring the needs bad breath n. halitosis, *dragon breath.
of one’s constituency always results in voter badge n. 1. emblem, shield, medal, medallion,
backlash. SYN. repercussion, reaction, back- insignia, symbol, sign.
fire, retaliation, response, recoil, impact, ef- badger v. bother, nag, harass, pester, bug, nee-
fect, consequence, wake, backwash. dle, hassle, plague, hound, annoy, provoke,
backlog n. accumulation, reserve, excess, stock, peeve, *ride.
hoard. badlands n. wasteland, eroded land, desert,
backpedal v. retract, take back, recant, retreat, *devil’s backyard, *devil’s sandbox, barren
renege, back down. land.
backslide v. slip, slide, sin, relapse, deviate, go badly adv. inadequately, poorly, unacceptably,
astray, lapse, leave the straight and narrow, abominably, awfully, unsatisfactorily, defi-
leave the path of righteousness. ciently, slipshod, below par, wrong, ineptly,
backstab v. backbite, attack, smear, slander, terribly. ANT. excellently, perfectly, superbly.
*sell down the river, betray, *play Judas, baffle v. 1. CONFUSE perplex, muddle, stump,
*doublecross. confound, throw, befuddle, daze, delude,
back talk n. lip, sass, mouth, guff, insolence. mix up, puzzle. 2. THWART hinder, check,
backup n. auxiliary, extra, substitute, alternate. foil, obstruct, impede, bar, frustrate.
backward a. 1. TOWARD THE REAR rearward, in baffling a. inscrutable, perplexing. ANT. explain-
reverse, behind. 2. IN REVERSE upside-down, able, decipherable.
inside-out, wrong, *bassackwards. 3. SHY bag n. sack, pouch, pack, satchel, tote, carryall,
hesitant, reticent, bashful, reserved, timid, haversack, gunny-bag, duffel, valise, suit-
demure. 4. RETARDED slow, behind, simple, case, portmanteau, briefcase.
inept, stupid, rustic, impeded, laggard, dull. bag v. snare, capture, catch, take, trap, kill,
ANT. 3. confident, bold, forward. 4. advanced, seize.
quick, brilliant. bagatelle n. trifle.
backwoodsman n. rustic, yokel, *hillbilly, baggage n. luggage, bags, suitcases, valises,
*hick, *hayseed. trunks, things, paraphernalia, effects, gear.
bacteria n. microorganisms, germs, microbes, baggy a. sagging, droopy, puffy, limp, unpressed,
pathogens, *bugs, bacilli, virus, microscopic loose, slack, fat, billowing. ANT. smooth,
agents, streptococci, streptobacilli. tight, pressed, tailored.
bad a. 1. BELOW STANDARD inadequate, poor, bagpipe n. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT
*lousy, *crappy, substandard, unacceptable, bail n. bond, security, deposit, surety, guaran-
awful, faulty, unsatisfactory, *cheesy, slip- tee, warranty; release. SEE COURT, LAW
shod, deficient, inferior, below par, worth- bailiff n. court attendant, court official, officer.
less, shoddy. 2. WICKED immoral, evil, cor- SEE COURT, LAW
rupt, vile, sinful, demonic, satanic, BAILIWICK n. [BAL i wik] one’s area of spe-
diabolical, mischievous, mean. ‘‘All that cial interest or expertise. My personal baili-
proceeds from weakness.’’—Friedrich Nietz- wick is paleontology. SYN. interest, authority,
sche. 3. SPOILED rotten, putrid, decayed, field, sphere, jurisdiction, realm, domain,
tainted, moldy. 4. UNPLEASANT unfavorable, territory, area of expertise, department,
unfortunate, terrible, revolting, awful, beat.
dreadful, disagreeable, horrible, distressing, bait n. lure, allurement, attraction, bribe, en-
dire, tragic, negative. 5. SEVERE powerful, de- ticement, *come-on, inducement.
structive, serious, dangerous, grave, horrible. bait v. 1. LURE attract, entice, bribe, induce,
6. INCORRECT erroneous, inaccurate. 7. seduce, tantalize, tempt, draw, interest. 2.
SORRY low, down, distressed, troubled, GOAD tease, pick on, harass, rile, provoke,
gloomy, melancholy, depressed, remorseful. annoy, irk, hector, badger, *ride. ANT. 1. re-
ANT. 1. excellent, good, superior. 2. moral, pel, repulse. 2. pacify, please, mollify.

54 Roget’s Superthesaurus

bake v. roast, cook, broil, heat. female dancer: ballerina, prima ballerina
bakery n. bread shop, cake shop, pastry shop, jump and land in same position: saute
bagel shop. jump straight in the air with quick changes
balance n. 1. EQUILIBRIUM parity, equity, equal- of leg position: entrechat
ization, symmetry, correspondence, equi- jump with legs clung together: soubresaut
poise, equality. 2. MENTAL STABILITY compo- knee-bend: plié
sure, self-control, poise, *cool head, leap from one foot to the other: jeté
stability. ANT. 1. imbalance, inequality. 2. in- male dancer: danseur
stability, irrationality. mincing steps on tiptoes: pas de bourrée
balance v. 1. TO MAKE EQUAL equalize, counter- posturing on one leg: arabesque
poise, stabilize, level, counteract, equili- practice: barre work
brate, steady, match, offset, *walk a fine practice room bar: barre
line, *level the playing field. 2. COMPARE running steps: pas couru
consider, differentiate, weigh, contrast, secondary, non-principal dancer: coryphee
evaluate. 3. ACCOUNT square, debit, credit, shoes: toe shoes, ballet shoes
tally, audit, compute, calculate, sum up. sliding on soles of feet: glissading
balcony n. 1. PORCH platform, terrace, deck, solo: pas seul
overhang, veranda, portico. 2. GALLERY loge, spin in which head is held still, then turned
upper deck, mezzanine, *peanut gallery, after body: spotting
cheap seats. split performed in midair: pas ciseaux, grand
bald a. 1. HAIRLESS bare, glabrous, shaven, écart
*head like a cueball, *skinheaded, *chrome- step: pas
domed. 2. UNADORNED plain, stark, austere, steps performed on tiptoes: temps de point,
bare, barren. 3. FRANK blunt, outright, di- en pointe
rect, overt, out-and-out, baldfaced, flagrant, whirlaround: pirouette
glaring. ANT. 1. hairy, furry, woolly, hirsute. balloon n. aerostat, lighter-than-air craft.
2. ornate, decorated, embellished. 3. indirect, WORD FIND
disguised, subtle. altitude-measuring device: altimeter
balderdash n. bunk, rot, poppycock. SEE NON- anchor line: tether, dragrope, mooring line
SENSE ascent/descent speed-measuring device: var-
bale n. bundle, packet, bunch, parcel. iometer
baleful a. harmful, sinister, threatening, evil, basket: gondola
ominous, deadly, injurious, pernicious, bottom sleeve, where hot air is blown in:
wicked, hazardous, malignant. ANT. harm- appendix, mouth
less, innocuous, benign. broadest portion: equator
balk v. 1. FRUSTRATE thwart, foil, hinder, im- burner’s lighter: sparker
pede, prevent, check, retard. 2. HESITATE re- gas: hot air, helium, hydrogen
coil, refuse, object, demur, draw back, shy ground crew: chase crew
away from, flinch, stop short. ANT. 1. facili- ground director of balloon activity: balloon-
tate, clear, help. 2. proceed, progress, *jump meister
in. high-speed launch used in windy condi-
balky a. stubborn, contrary, resisting, resistant, tions: blastoff
obstinate, mulish, intractable, ornery, un- interior of bag: envelope
ruly. ANT. cooperative, tractable. pilot, passenger: aeronaut
ball n. 1. ORB sphere, globe, spheroid, apple, propane gas heater: burner
round, bullet. 2. DANCE prom, masque, shin- rate of descent: sink
dig, hoedown, *hop. weights, sandbags, used to control altitude:
ballad n. song, love song, folk song. SEE SONG ballast
ballet n. dance, toe dancing, choreography, balloon v. inflate, swell, expand, bloat, puff out,
adagio. dilate, billow. ANT. deflate, contract, shrink.
WORD FIND ballot n. ticket, slate, vote, poll. ‘‘The rightful
admirer of: balletomane and peaceful successors of bullets.’’—Abra-
attire: tutu, tights, leotard ham Lincoln.
director: impresario ballpark n. stadium.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 55

ballyhoo n. uproar, talk, hype, *hot air, puffery, passage, individual instrumental: lick, riff
promotion, *spiel, babble, pitch, *BS, performing exceptionally well or in a
hoopla. groove: *cooking
balm n. salve, remedy, cure, comfort, soothing playdate or job: gig
agent, curative. ANT. irritant, abrasive. publicizes, promotes: publicist, promoter
balmy a. 1. MILD fair, gentle, pleasant, temper- road, set-up crew-member: *roadie
ate, tranquil, calm, soothing. 2. CRAZY in- seating, unreserved audience: festival seat-
sane, foolish, *nuts, *cuckoo, daft, *crack- ing
ers, eccentric, weird. ANT. 1. stormy, session followed by break: set
blustery, inclement. 2. sane, normal, stable. singer, lead: frontman
baloney n. *crap, rot, bunk. SEE NONSENSE skills, slang for musician’s: *chops
bamboo n. cane, grass, reed. speakers: amplifiers, amps, PA system
bamboozle v. trick, cheat, hoodwink, deceive, subgroup of instruments: section
dupe, confuse, buffalo, swindle, take, de- unrehearsed, impromptu performance: jam
fraud, pull the wool over one’s eyes, con. SEE MUSIC, MUSICIAN, RECORDING
ban n. prohibition, embargo, proscription, in- 3. STRIP swath, strap, tie, ribbon, sash, cord,
terdiction, boycott, taboo, restriction, fillet, thong.
*blacklisting, stoppage, injunction. ANT. ap- bandage n. gauze, swath, dressing, compress,
proval, sanction, allowance. *Bandaid.
ban v. prohibit, restrict, stop, banish, boycott, bandanna n. handkerchief, neckerchief, ker-
forbid, disallow, bar, exclude, outlaw, close, chief.
*blackball. ANT. allow, sanction, approve, le- bandit n. thief, robber, crook, desperado, out-
galize. law, brigand, *mugger, hoodlum, thug, bur-
BANAL a. [buh NAL; BANE ul] dull, over- glar, highwayman, hold-up man.
used, common. The dialogue was too predict- bandleader n. conductor, *frontman, bandmas-
able and tired; it was banal. SYN. dull, over- ter.
used, common, tired, trite, hackneyed, bandy v. exchange, give-and-take, pass back
insipid, stale, vapid, lackluster, hum-drum, and forth, *ping pong, circulate, pass along.
clichéd, platitudinous, flat, inane, unorigi- BANE n. [BANE] harm, destruction. A wolf-
nal. ANT. original, rich, deep, fresh, provoca- pack is the bane of the deer yard. SYN. death,
tive. ruin, evil, downfall, scourge, plague, de-
banality n. cliché, platitude, triteness, com- struction, curse, undoing, poison. ANT. bless-
monplace, bromide. ing, good.
band n. 1. GROUP gang, association, company, bang n. 1. NOISE boom, thump, crack, report,
assembly, mob, crush, throng, bunch, troop, eruption, clang, crash, burst, explosion, pop,
posse, tribe, pack. 2. MUSICAL GROUP ensem- thud, peal, salvo, slam, clap, shot. 2. BLOW
ble, combo, trio, quartet, quintet, pentad, hit, whack, slam, thwack, rap, smack, belt,
sextet, septet, octet, nonet, orchestra. punch, clout. 3. THRILL Sl. *kick, *jollies,
WORD FIND *charge.
advisor: manager bang v. 1. MAKE NOISE boom, peal, explode,
amateur band: garage band thump, crack, clang, slam, thud, sound, pop,
bandstand, concave: band shell clap. 2. STRIKE hit, whack, slam, pop, shoot,
books shows: agent, booking agent clap, punch, clout, smack, rap, beat, pum-
circuit of shows: tour mel.
confidence on stage: stage presence banish v. exile, expel, eject, remove, ban, pro-
effects, amplifier: echo, reverb, tremolo scribe, excommunicate, deport, outlaw, dis-
fan of: *groupie miss, oust, relegate, drum out. ANT. adopt,
hit song or nonoriginal song performed by: invite, embrace.
cover banister n. handrail, railing, balustrade.
improvisational session: jam session banjo n. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
improvise or make up song on spot: jam bank n. 1. financial institution, savings and
main act: headliner loan, S&L, lending institution, thrift, trust
mistake or muffed note: clam company, treasury, credit union, Federal Re-
nightclub entrance fee to pay for: cover serve Bank, mortgage company. ‘‘A place
charge where they lend you an umbrella in fair

56 Roget’s Superthesaurus
Bankrupt–Baptism of Fire

weather and ask for it back when it begins signature authorizing payment of check: en-
to rain.’’—Robert Frost. dorsement
WORD FIND storage space for customer’s valuables: safe
assets pledged as security for a loan: collat- deposit box
eral teller’s small window: wicket
ATM: automated teller machine value of business, home or other investment
ATM access code: pin (personal identifica- after all debts are subtracted: equity
tion) number vault, personal: safe deposit box
bad check-writing: kiting withdrawal in excess of funds in account:
CD: certficate of deposit overdraft
check guaranteed by bank to be covered: SEE MONEY, SECURITIES
certified check 2. EMBANKMENT slope, hill, ledge, mound,
checking account that earns interest on un- levee. 3. ROW tier, course, string, line,
used funds: NOW (negotiable order of array, series.
withdrawal) account bankrupt a. insolvent, *gone belly up, ruined,
check returned due to insufficient funds: wiped out, broke, *busted, penniless, in the
bounced check red. ANT. solvent, profiting, flourishing, in the
clerk: teller black.
conceal large sums of illegally gained money WORD FIND
by depositing in several small accounts: bankruptcy procedure/code section: Chap-
launder ter Eleven
deposit of third party made to assure fulfill- bankruptcy n. insolvency. SEE BANKRUPT
ment of contract: escrow banner n. flag, pennant, ensign, streamer, stan-
document such as draft, deed or bond: in- dard, pennon, bunting, colors.
banner a. successful, outstanding, leading, ex-
ceptional, foremost, record, red-letter. ANT.
fail to pay off a loan: default
unsuccessful, mediocre.
failure to pay loan on time: delinquency
banquet n. feast, dinner, meal, roast, *spread,
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-
bantam n. feisty runt, little spitfire, little scrap-
federal banking system and clearinghouse: per, whippersnapper, swaggerer, *strutting
Federal Reserve System half-pint, *cock of the walk.
interest rate charged on loans to member banter n. teasing, ribbing, jesting, joking, josh-
banks by Federal Reserve Bank: discount ing, repartee, badinage, ridicule, kidding,
rate persiflage, raillery.
loan payment, large initial: down payment banter v. tease, rib, jest, joke, josh, ridicule, kid,
loan payment that is larger than all the oth- *ride.
ers: balloon payment baptism n. initiation, purification, sacrament,
lowest interest rate at a given time: prime ritual, rite, christening, sprinkling, annoint-
rate ing, immersion, consecration. ‘‘The vehicle
messenger/*gopher: runner to heaven, the public agent of the Kingdom,
office or central bank where bankers meet the gift of adoption.’’—Saint Basil.
to settle balances: clearinghouse WORD FIND
one percent of loan paid up front: point basin: baptistery, font, laver
order to bank to refuse payment on a check cloth: chrisom
drawn: stop payment immersion, by: holobaptism
panicked withdrawals on fear of bank clo- robe: chrisom
sure: bank run water: laver
payment, order for: draft, money order BAPTISM OF FIRE n. a first or initial experi-
payment for use of credit or funds: interest ence that proves to be an ordeal. The new
pay off loan in one large installment instead recruits were sent immediately to the front,
of many smaller ones: commute where they survived a baptism of fire. SYN. or-
record book of deposits and withdrawals: deal, trying experience, trial by fire, night-
passbook, bankbook mare, initiation, rite of passage, hell, hard-
seriousness, payment establishing borrow- ship, test of courage, introduction, entrance,
er’s: earnest money hazing, rude introduction.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 57

baptize v. initiate, purify, annoint, cleanse, im- decorated. 3. hidden, covered up, camouflaged.
merse, christen, indoctrinate, consecrate, bare bones a. basic, essential, unadorned, core,
sanctify, sprinkle. SEE CHURCH, RELIGION simple, no-frills.
bar n. 1. RAIL OR ROD stick, strip, stake, pole, barefaced a. shameless, brazen, bold, frank, au-
shaft, crosspiece, boom, spar, paling. 2. IM- dacious, rude, bumptious, outspoken, inso-
PEDIMENT barrier, obstruction, obstacle, con- lent, impudent. ANT. reserved, polite, respect-
straint, block, snag, restraint, barricade, re- ful.
striction, stumbling block. 3. PUB saloon, barely adv. hardly, scarcely, just, slightly,
tavern, gin mill, cocktail lounge, *watering merely.
hole, lounge, beer garden, dramshop. 4. LE- bargain n. 1. AGREEMENT understanding,
GAL SYSTEM lawyers, attorneys, counselors, pledge, contract, deal, arrangement, prom-
bar association, solicitors, barristers, judi- ise, covenant. ‘‘A transaction in which each
ciary, legal fraternity. 5. BAND stripe, strip, participant thinks he has cheated the
striation, ribbon, score, line. other.’’—Anon. 2. GOOD DEAL steal, good
bar v. 1. STOP impede, obstruct, prohibit, hin- value, a bon marche. ‘‘Something you can’t
der, block, barricade, restrict, restrain, pre- use at a price you can’t resist.’’—Franklin
vent, constrain, interdict. 2. BOLT secure, Jones.
lock, seal, close, latch. 3. EXCLUDE prohibit, bargain v. negotiate, dicker, haggle, come to
ostracize, ban, banish, blackball, blacklist, terms, deal, higgle, promise, contract, trade,
segregate, spurn, boycott, shut out, freeze barter.
out. ANT. 1. facilitate, aid, abet. 2. unlock, barge n. flatboat, scow, freight carrier.
open, free. 3. include, welcome, embrace. bark n. 1. WOOF yip, yelp, howl, yawp, bowwow,
barb n. insult, dig, cutting remark, putdown, bay, arf, growl. 2. COVERING skin, husk, peel-
affront, criticism. ing, hide, shell, pod.
barbarian n. savage, *animal, clod, ignoramus, bark v. 1. WOOF yip, yelp, howl, yawp, yap, bow-
Neanderthal, philistine, lout, primitive, wow, bay, arf, growl. 2. SHOUT bellow, hol-
caveman, lowbrow, redneck, *pig, brute, ler, yell, snap, growl, bluster, roar, snarl,
ruffian, hooligan, dolt, Hun. thunder.
barbaric a. savage, animalistic, ignorant, clod- BAR MITZVAH n. [bar MITZ vuh] a cere-
mony recognizing the entrance of a 13-year-
dish, primitive, brutish, cruel, lowbrow,
old Jewish boy into the adult world of moral
rough, doltish, uncultured, vulgar, wild, ill-
responsibilities. The bar mitzvah is the Jewish
mannered. ANT. civilized, cultured, refined.
boy’s great rite of passage into adulthood. SYN.
barbarity n. barbarism, savagery, ignorance,
ceremony, initiation, rite of passage, confir-
cloddishness, brutality, cruelty, roughness,
mation, coming of age, celebration, service,
vulgarity, wildness, ruthlessness, brutish-
ness. ANT. civility, nicety, refinement. barmy a. eccentric, odd, peculiar, daft, *batty.
barbarous a. savage, animalistic, coarse, igno- ANT. normal, conventional, sane.
rant, inhuman, primitive, uncivilized, brut- barn n. byre, cowbarn, stables, stalls, shed.
ish, uncouth, rude, wild, rough, doltish, un- WORD FIND
cultured, vulgar, ill-mannered, vicious, barn and other farm buildings, collectively:
philistine. ANT. civilized, refined, humane, farmstead
cultured. erection of: barnraising
barbecue v. flame broil, roast, rotisserie, grill, fodder storage building next to: silo
sear, cook out, dry, smoke. grain storage building: granary
barber n. hair stylist, hairdresser, beautician, upper portion where hay is stored: hayloft
haircutter, coiffeur. SEE FARM, ANIMAL
barbiturate n. drug, sedative, depressant, barnacle n. crustacean, parasite, limpet, marine
*downer. creature, shell.
bare a. 1. UNCLOTHED naked, nude, stripped, in barnstorm v. tour.
the buff, exposed, *in one’s birthday suit, barometer n. instrument, gauge, indicator, ma-
disrobed. 2. PLAIN barren, stark, spare, aus- nometer.
tere, Spartan, unfinished, unadorned, baron n. nobleman, aristocrat, lord.
empty. 3. UNDISGUISED bald, plain, stark, un- baroque a. ornate, elaborate, florid, embel-
varnished, glaring, straightforward, flagrant. lished, busy, overworked, rococo, ostenta-
ANT. 1. clothed, dressed. 2. ornate, elaborate, tious, fanciful. ANT. plain, stark, austere.

58 Roget’s Superthesaurus

barracks n. quarters, housing, building. athletic competition. ‘‘The greatest conver-

barrage n. 1. SUSTAINED ATTACK bombardment, sation piece ever invented in America.’’—
shelling, salvo, battery, volley, assault, enfi- Bruce Catton. ‘‘An island of surety in a
lade, onslaught, hail, fusillade, wall of fire, changing world.’’—William Veek.
rain of fire. 2. PROFUSION deluge, inunda- WORD FIND
tion, rain, mass, plethora, torrent. (common abbreviations)
barrel n. cask, keg, hogshead, drum, firkin, ves- AAA: the minor league from which big
sel, butt, container, cylinder. league players are drawn
WORD FIND AA: the second-tier minor league. Also
maker: cooper known as a bush league
part: stave A: the third-tier minor league. Also known
stopper: bung as a bush league
barren a. 1. DESOLATE sterile, empty, bare, de- AB: at bat
pleted, void, unproductive, arid, stark. 2. AL: American League
CHILDLESS infertile, sterile, infecund, un- BA: batting average
bearing. 3. DULL boring, uninteresting, stale, BB: base on balls/walks
uninspiring. ANT. 1. fertile, lush, rich, fruitful. DP: double play
2. fertile, fecund. 3. interesting, inspiring. DH: designated hitter
barricade n. barrier, roadblock, blockade, bar, E: error
impediment, rampart, bulwark, obstruction. ERA: earned run average
barricade v. bar, block, clog, impede, shut off, FP: fielding percentage
fortify, obstruct, secure, defend. G: game
barrier n. 1. PHYSICAL OBSTRUCTION bar, obsta- H: hit
cle, barricade, impediment, check, road- HR: homerun
block, wall, rampart, bulwark, fortification, IP: innings pitched
boom, palisade. 2. HANDICAP limitation, im- K: strikeout
MVP: most valuable player
pediment, hindrance, difficulty, obstacle,
NL: National League
stumbling block, hurdle, obstacle.
R: run
barrio n. Spanish quarter, Spanish district, ur-
RBI: runs batted in
ban district, community, neighborhood, sec-
SB: stolen base
SHO: shutout
barrister n. (primarily British) attorney, coun- SO: strikeout
selor. SEE LAWYER SS: shortstop
barrow n. handcart, pushcart, wheelbarrow, 2B: double
handbarrow. 3B: triple
bartender n. barkeep, barmaid, *mixmaster. TP: triple play
barter v. trade, exchange, swap, deal, do busi- WP: winning pitcher
ness. ambidextrous hitter: switch hitter
base n. 1. FOUNDATION support, bottom, stand, base: bag
pedestal, bed, foot, ground structure. 2. BA- baseball, slang for: apple, horsehide
SIS essence, core, foundation, source, back- bat, illegal: corked bat
bone, root, fundamental, heart, principle. 3. bat’s heavy warmup weight: donut
HEADQUARTERS center, station, home, post, batting fourth in the lineup: batting cleanup
camp. bench area for players, enclosed: dugout
base v. ground, derive, build, establish, rest, batter’s grip, improves: pine tar
construct. batter’s spot: batter’s box
base a. 1. INFERIOR lowly, cheap, impure, de- British game: rounders
based. 2. CONTEMPTIBLE low, mean, ignoble, catch, spectacular: circus catch, shoestring
dishonorable, indecent, disgraceful, despica- catch
ble, sordid, degenerate, unprincipled, incor- championship, league: pennant; World Se-
rigible, disreputable, slavish, wretched, ser- ries
vile, menial, cringing. ANT. 1. superior, pure. dirt track skirting outfield wall: warning
2. noble, virtuous, principled. track
baseball n. ball, sport, game, national pastime, double play started by the shortstop (6) who

Roget’s Superthesaurus 59

throws to the second baseman (4), who pitch thrown deceptively slow: change-up
completes the play to the first baseman pitcher, closing: closer, reliever, stopper
(3): 6-4-3 double play pitcher, illegal motion made by: balk
drawing of players from schools and minor pitcher, lefthanded: southpaw
leagues: draft pitcher, team’s best: ace
fantasy baseball based on statistics: Rotis- pitcher who uses clever pitches instead of
serie League speed: finesse pitcher
fastball, slang: *fireball, *hummer, *smoke pitcher’s warmup area: bullpen
fan’s fanciful game of: Rotisserie League player making game-losing error: goat
Baseball player not currently under contract and free
first-year player: rookie to change teams: free agent
flyball, high infield: pop up players’ nickname: boys of summer
flyball, short: blooper rectangles batter stands in at bat: batter’s
fly balls, practice catching: shag flies box
grounder, bouncing: chopper screen, protective: backstop
hit ball that bounces into stands: ground signal, secret: sign
rule double sign, no pepper: stenciled sign warning play-
hit often used as sacrifice to move runner ers not to play games of pepper, the in-
on, very short infield: bunt field batting and fielding drill that some-
hit that causes an out but moves an on-base times damages the playing field
runner along: sacrifice statistical rundown in newspaper: boxscore
hitter who can be counted on in critical sit- strike criteria, full swing: break the wrists
uations: clutch hitter strikeout, to: fan, *whiff
hitter who substitute hits for pitcher: desig- strikes, to be called out on: go down looking
nated hitter substitute runner: pinch runner
hit, weak: nubber, squibber, Texas Leaguer throwing arm, powerful: *bazooka, *shotgun
homerun driving in a total of four runs:
baseless a. unsubstantiated, unfounded,
grand slam
groundless, unwarranted, flimsy.
homerun: four-bagger
bash n. Sl. celebration, *wing-ding, spree. SEE
homerun, to hit a: go downtown; air it out
illegally alter ball or bat: doctor
bash v. smash, whack, hit, strike, slam, punch,
locker room, office, etc.: clubhouse *clobber, crush, *bop.
minor leagues: AAA AA, A, farm system, bashful a. shy, timid, shrinking, embarrassed,
bush leagues blushing, modest, backward, demure, self-
mishandled ball: bobbled; error conscious, withdrawn, sheepish, retiring,
out-of-play ball: foul coy. ANT. brash, confident, swaggering, loud.
partial swing of bat not counting as strike: basic n. fundamental, rudiment, essential, nuts
check swing and bolts.
perform badly, especially in a tense situa- basic a. fundamental, rudimentary, essential,
tion: choke primary, vital, elementary, key, necessary.
pitch a fastball: *blow it by, *blow smoke, ANT. nonessential, superfluous, extra.
*throw a fireball, *put some mustard on basin n. washbowl, sink, vessel, tub, font.
it basis n. base, foundation, support, root, ground-
pitch, curving or altering trajectory: break- ing, nucleus, source, center.
ing ball, curveball, forkball, knuckleball, bask v. 1. WARM ONESELF IN THE SUN *catch
screwball, sinker, slider, spitball, split- some rays, sunbathe. 2. LUXURIATE revel, de-
fingered fastball light in, wallow, eat up.
pitch, deceptively slow: off-speed pitch basket n. container, receptacle, hamper, wick-
pitch hitting batter, intentionally wild: erwork, creel, pannier, scuttle.
beanball basketball n. *hoops, *brownball, *B-ball, ball,
pitch intentionally thrown for a ball outside: sport, game, athletic competition.
pitchout WORD FIND
pitch nearly hitting batter intentionally: blocked shot, illegally: goaltending
brushback pitch block out opponent to get a better angle at
pitch, slow and easy to hit: lollipop a rebound: box out

60 Roget’s Superthesaurus

boundary line at end of court: baseline slamming the ball through the hoop: dunk,
defense, player-to-player: man-to-man de- slam-dunk
fense two-on-one defensive strategy: double team
defense, area: zone defense violation in which player hits opponent’s
defense, slang: D arm: *hack
fiberglass stop: backboard, glass violation, offensive player standing too long
failure to move ball out of backcourt within in free throw lane: three-second viola-
ten seconds: backcourt violation tion
fake a shot: pump fake violation: foul
fall-away shot: fade away jumper violation, dribbling: double-dribble, travel-
footrace to basket: fast break ing, *walking
forecourt of the defense: backcourt violation, running into a stationary oppo-
free throw lane for a close shot, dribble nent while dribbling: charging, offensive
down the: drive the lane foul
free throw granted at free throw line for a violation in which ball is turned over in
foul: foul shot, free throw dribbler’s hand: palming
guarding opponents aggressively from the SEE ATHLETE, SPORT(S)
moment the ball is inbounded: full court bastard n. 1. ILLEGITIMATE CHILD *love child,
press, trapping misbegot. 2. SCOUNDREL, jerk, son of a bitch,
hitting shots consistently: *having a hot cad, rascal.
hand, * in a zone, *on fire, *heating up, bastardize v. debase, defile, degrade, adulterate,
*in a groove corrupt, ruin, spoil.
leaping ability, measure of: hang time baste v. moisten, moisturize, soak, wet, saturate,
long range shot: *Hail Mary, *prayer, *from bathe.
downtown, *bomb, three-pointer BASTION n. [BAS chun] a stronghold or for-
mid-air catch followed by a slam-dunk: tified place. Harvard, a bastion of higher edu-
alley-oop cation. The marksmen took refuge behind the
missing a lot of shots: cold, ice cold bastion. SYN. stronghold, fortification, for-
net shot, nothing but: swish tress, citadel, rampart, bulwark, refuge, gar-
pass resulting in a score: assist rison, facilities.
player, large and powerful and adept at re- bat n. club, stick, staff, racket, cudgel, blud-
bounding: power forward geon, baton, shillelagh, *lumber, trun-
player, largest, plays the posts and rebounds:
bat v. 1. hit, smack, whack, swing at. 2. wink,
players covering the corner areas: forwards
blink, flutter.
players, usually smaller, who play the perim-
eter and bring up the ball and feed to BAT MITZVAH n. [baht MITZ vuh] cere-
teammates: guards, point guard mony that recognizes the entrance of a
possession, head-to-head leap for ball that twelve- or thirteen-year-old Jewish girl into
determines: jump shot adulthood. Her family gathered together to cel-
post near basket: low post ebrate her bat mitzvah. SYN. ceremony, rite
post near foul line: high post of passage, confirmation, service, initiation,
ratio of shots taken and scored: field goal coming of age, celebration. SEE BAR MITZVAH,
percentage RELIGION
rebounding, aggressive: *crashing the batch n. lot, bunch, cluster, assortment, group,
boards pack, aggregate, collection, quantity.
screen or legal block: pick bath n. wash, soak, cleansing, ablution, rinse,
screen play: pick and roll sponge bath, tub, shower, wash-up, steep,
shot, close, off-the-backboard: layup sauna.
shot, jumping: jump shot, *J bathe v. wash, soak, cleanse, clean, rinse,
shot, one-handed arc: hook shot sponge off, freshen up, scrub, douche, lave,
shot, poor: *air ball, *brick shower, steep.
shot, roll-in from very close range: finger- bathing suit n. swimming trunks, shorts, swim-
roll suit, bikini, *cutoffs, T-strap, maillot, *jams,
shot that misses everything including rim one-piece, leotard, string bikini.
and backboard: *air ball bathos n. sentimentality, triteness, insipidness,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 61

mush, *schmaltz, mawkishness, melodrama, ledge or shelf of sand deposited by sea over
bleeding heart, wishy-washyness. time: berm
bathroom n. restroom, toilet, men’s room, la- marine vegetation washed ashore: wrack
dies’ room, *john, *head, latrine, wash- mineral in beach sand: garnet, feldspar,
room, commode, necessary, water closet, quartz
*can, outhouse, privy, *loo, lavatory, pow- narrow arm of land extending into water:
der room. spit
baton n. stick, bat, staff, rod, club, wand, scep- pillowlike object, egg-casing of skate: mer-
ter, truncheon, mace. maid’s purse
battalion n. unit, body, subdivision, massing, receding tide: ebb tide
assembly, battle group. ridge of coral or rock skirting shore: barrier
batter v. beat, pound, strike, pummel, *sock, reef
thrash, smash, wallop, dash, demolish, man- ripples in sand left by swash: swashmarks
gle, break, shatter, crush. sand bar connecting two land masses: tom-
battery n. 1. ELECTRICAL STORAGE UNIT dry cell, bolo
storage cell. 2. ASSAULT beating, mugging, sea spray: spindrift
thrashing. 3. SERIES array, line, string. 4. shells: abalone, baby bonnet, clam, cockle,
GUNNERY artillery. conch, cone, cowrie, horn, limpet, mus-
battle n. war, skirmish, conflict, clash, scuffle, sel, nautilus, oyster, periwinkle, razor,
engagement, combat, fray, encounter, as- scallop, triton, wentletrap
sault, fight, *run-in, tussle, confrontation, shelter/bathhouse: cabana
squabble. SEE WAR, AMMUNITION small beach between two cliffs: pocket
battle v. fight, clash, skirmish, war, engage, beach
confront, squabble. small rock island at head of promontory:
battlement n. SEE CASTLE stack
battleship n. warship, naval vessel, battle- waves: plunger, spiller, comber, train, gray-
wagon, fighting ship, *tin can, cruiser, de- beards, eagre, tidal bore
stroyer. wave’s shallow sweep up beach: swash
bauble n. trinket, trifle, knickknack, gewgaw, SEE OCEAN, WAVE
ornament, bagatelle. BEACHHEAD n. [BEECH hed] shoreline
bawdy a. indecent, lewd, coarse, improper, ob- captured in enemy territory, used as a base
scene, raunchy, dirty, indelicate, lascivious, for a larger attack. The term is frequently
licentious, ribald. ANT. clean, proper, chaste. used as a metaphor for any initial establish-
bawl v. 1. SHOUT yell, bellow, holler, bark, ment or opening base of operations. The
thunder, cry, howl. 2. CRY wail, weep, blub- company quickly established a beachhead over-
ber, sob, snivel, whimper, squall. seas and has been gaining customers rapidly.
bawl out v. Sl. SEE SCOLD SYN. territory, enemy territory, base, base of
bay n. 1. bight, cove, inlet, gulf, estuary, strait, operations, staging area, position, footing,
lagoon, harbor. 2. alcove, niche, nook. ground, foothold, post, entrance, threshold.
bay v. bark, howl, yelp, bellow. beacon n. signal light, warning light, smoke sig-
bayou n. tributary, stream, body of water, creek, nal, guide, lighthouse, bonfire.
river, branch, waterway. bead n. droplet, drop, pearl, spheroid, pellet,
bazaar n. marketplace, shop, fair, flea market, pill.
rummage sale, street market. beak n. bill. SEE NOSE
beach n. shore, strand, coast, seaside, littoral. beam n. 1. SUPPORT girder, brace, rafter, boom,
WORD FIND crosspiece, joist, stud, board, two-by-four. 2.
arm of land connecting two land masses: LIGHT ray, shaft, stream, swath, streak.
isthmus, tombolo beam v. 1. TRANSMIT emit, flash, broadcast. 2.
channel, small: rill RADIATE glow, shine, glisten. 3. SMILE
cross-current swimming hazard: riptide BROADLY grin, take on a cheerful glow, radi-
debris, cargo washed ashore from lost ship: ate. SEE SMILE
flotsam and jetsam bear n. 1. BRUIN ursus, grizzly, mammal, brown
embankment or headland: bluff, promon- bear, black bear, polar bear. 2. PESSIMIST
tory conservative, *gloomy gus, prophet of
harbor-protecting structure extending into doom, Cassandra, naysayer, *killjoy, *wor-
water: jetty rywart, realist. ANT. 2. bull, optimist.

62 Roget’s Superthesaurus

bear v. 1. HOLD UP support, brace, buttress, up- cuff, *whomp, *slug, *belt, box, *whale on,
hold, sustain, shoulder. 2. CARRY convey, punch. 2. MOLD fashion, forge, shape. 3. DE-
bring, lug, tote, haul, move. 3. TOLERATE en- FEAT win over, vanquish, rout, best, subdue,
dure, suffer, stomach, stand, withstand, put *kick butt, outstrip, outdistance, prevail
up with, abide. 4. PRODUCE YOUNG give birth over, *smoke the competition, *leave the
to, produce, beget, yield, reproduce, bring competition in one’s wake, lick, top. 4. PUL-
forth. SATE throb, palpitate, vibrate, thump. 5.
bearable a. tolerable, endurable. ANT. unbear- WHIP stir, mix.
able. beat a. tired, exhausted, enervated. ANT. ener-
beard n. whiskers, stubble, five o’clock shadow, gized, invigorated.
bristles, *rat’s nest. beaten a. licked, vanquished, discouraged, de-
WORD FIND moralized. ANT. encouraged, heartened.
anchorlike, short, pointy fringe extending beatific a. blissful, serene, angelic, heavenly.
up to bottom lip: anchor ANT. fiendish, villainous, diabolical.
curly, thick, square-cut: Trojan beard beatitude n. blessedness, happiness, bliss, seren-
ducktail-like: ducktail beard ity, saintliness, peace.
forked: swallowtail beard beatnik n. free spirit, nonconformist, Bohe-
goatlike chin tuft: goatee, satyric tuft mian, *a stray from the herd, *hippie,
long tuft extending beneath lower lip, worn *flower child, deviant.
by Napoleon III: Imperial beau n. boyfriend, lover, suitor, swain, sweet-
medium, no mustache: Lincolnesque heart, fiancé.
pointed, short, no sideburns: Van Dyke beaut n. Sl. *lulu.
rounded: aureole beautician n. hairdresser, manicurist, coiffurist.
sideburns, bushy, shaped: muttonchops beautiful a. 1. ATTRACTIVE pretty, handsome,
slender, pointed: stiletto becoming, comely, fair, lovely, good-look-
spade shaped: spade beard, Shenandoah ing, *nice, gorgeous, captivating. 2. EXCEL-
Spanish style, pointed, medium length: Cá- LENT great, fantastic, superb, splendid. ANT.
diz 1. ugly, unattractive, homely, repulsive. 2.
square-cut, long: tile awful, terrible, rotten.
tuft of hair under bottom lip: barbiche beautiful people n. society people, upper crust,
twisted or twined: screw beard the well-to-do, the wealthy class, the upper
SEE MUSTACHE class, high society, fashionable society, *the
bearing n. manner, carriage, air, posture, mien, in crowd.
attitude, demeanor, presence, comport- beautify v. dress up, decorate, fix up, adorn,
ment. primp, make up, *gussie up, enhance, glam-
bearings n. orientation, location. orize. ANT. deface, spoil.
BEARISH a. [BAIR ish] pessimistic, particu- beauty n. 1. ATTRACTIVENESS prettiness, come-
larly when concerning the stock market. He liness, fairness, loveliness, good looks, ap-
sold off his stocks because he was feeling particu- peal, pulchritude, allure, charm. ‘‘A fading
larly bearish. SYN. pessimistic, cautious, con- flower.’’—Bible. ‘‘Silent eloquence.’’—
servative, gloomy, skeptical, uneasy, nega- French proverb. ‘‘God’s handwriting.’’—
tive, doubtful, lacking confidence. ANT. Emerson. ‘‘The power by which a woman
bullish. charms a lover and terrifies a husband.’’—
beast n. animal, creature, savage, brute, swine. Ambrose Bierce. 2. BELLE goddess, *babe,
SEE BARBARIAN, MONSTER *fox, *looker, *knockout, sex symbol, en-
beastly a. savage, brutish, barbaric, heathen, chantress, siren, *vision, *dreamboat, *doll,
wild, uncivilized, primitive, fiendish, mon- Venus. ANT. 1. ugliness, repulsiveness, plain-
strous, vile, boorish, feral, coarse, disagree- ness. 2. hag, Quasimodo, dog, eyesore.
able, nasty. ANT. humane, civilized, cultured, beckon v. summon, call, signal, wave, hail, in-
refined. vite, motion.
beat n. 1. CADENCE rhythm, pulse, pulsation, becloud v. confuse, muddle, obfuscate, darken,
meter. 2. CIRCUIT walk, rounds, route, pre- veil, obscure, shroud, mask, bewilder, make
cinct. unclear. ANT. clear up, clarify.
beat v. 1. BATTER pound, strike, hammer, bang, becoming a. 1. SUITABLE appropriate, proper,
pummel, thrash, *thump, hit, smack, flog, fitting, befitting, seemly, comme il faut,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 63
Bed–Behavior Modification

right, correct. 2. ATTRACTIVE comely, flat- beforehand adv. earlier, previously, sooner,
tering, pretty, beautiful. ANT. 1. unsuitable, prior to.
inappropriate, unbefitting. 2. unflattering, un- befriend v. make friends, *get chummy with,
attractive. get acquainted, get to know, help, stand up
bed n. 1. BUNK mattress, *sack, cot, berth, ham- for, take under one’s wing. ANT. reject, shun.
mock, pallet. ‘‘The heaven upon earth to befuddle v. confuse, muddle, mix up, confound,
the weary head.’’—Thomas Hood. 2. LAYER perplex, fluster, stupefy, boggle, rattle. ANT.
stratum, seam, deposit. clear one’s mind, sober.
bed and breakfast n. inn, B&B, guest house, beg v. 1. PANHANDLE scrounge, *cadge, *bum
lodging, accomodations. off from, solicit, *sponge off. 2. ASK FOR be-
bedazzle v. bewilder, confuse, daze, dazzle, over- seech, implore, plead, petition, solicit, en-
whelm, blind. treat.
bedding n. bedclothes, blankets, sheets, covers, beget v. bear, father, create, generate, engen-
quilts, coverlets. der, propagate, reproduce, sire, bring forth,
bedevil v. plague, torment, frustrate, annoy, effect, give rise to.
torture, *bug, irritate. beggar n. panhandler, *moocher, *bum, men-
bedlam n. confusion, uproar, pandemonium, dicant, tramp, parasite, *sponger, leech,
turmoil, noise, chaos, hubbub, madness, pauper, derelict, loafer, scamp, fakir. ‘‘The
madhouse, hullabaloo. only free man in the universe.’’—Charles
bed of roses n. comfort, luxury, paradise. Lamb.
bedraggled a. wet, dirty, limp, sopping, filthy, begin v. 1. START commence, set in motion,
soggy, disheveled, drenched, unkempt, launch, initiate, arise, happen, go ahead,
soiled, sodden, muddy. ANT. dry, clean, neat. embark, open, get the ball rolling. 2. COME
bedridden a. laid up, infirm, disabled, prostrate, INTO BEING start, commence, arise, flower,
incapacitated, invalid, ill, sick, crippled, ail- crop up, issue, sprout, originate, inaugurate,
ing, *flat on one’s back. spring, get under way, found. ANT. end, con-
bedroom n. chamber, bedchamber, boudoir, clude, stop.
bed-sitter. beginner n. novice, tyro, virgin, neophyte,
bed-wetting n. enuresis, incontinence. *greenhorn, *rookie, *tenderfoot, amateur,
bee n. bumblebee, honey bee, killer bee, drone, trainee, apprentice. ANT. veteran, old hand,
worker, Queen bee. ‘‘Nature’s confec- expert.
tioner.’’—John Cleveland.
beginning n. 1. INITIATION onset, start, com-
beef n. Sl. complaint, gripe, grouse.
mencement, opening, launching, debut,
beefy a. brawny, fleshy, burly, strong, powerful,
outset, genesis, inception. ‘‘A quarter of the
strapping, Herculian, robust, solid, hulklike,
journey.’’—Henry Bohn. 2. ORIGIN source,
husky. ANT. skinny, anorexic.
root, fountain, seed, germ. ANT. 1. ending,
beehive n. hive, beegum, skep, colony, apiary.
beer n. ale, lager, malt, bitter, *suds, *stout, closing, conclusion, finale.
*cold one, *brew, *brewski, pilsner, pint. begrudge v. resent, envy, hold against, be jeal-
‘‘That which drowns all care.’’—Robert ous, stint.
Herrick. beguile v. 1. TRICK mislead, cheat, bamboozle,
WORD FIND dupe, *burn, *rope in, deceive, delude. 2.
cask: keg, puncheon, tun CHARM enchant, bewitch, captivate, delight,

cup/glass: mug, stein, toby, schooner amuse, divert, distract. ANT. 2. bore.
foam: head, froth, bead behave v. 1. ACT conduct, deport, comport,
ingredients: hops, malt (mash), yeast perform, function. 2. MIND shape up, *mind
manufacturer: brewery one’s manners, *mind one’s Ps and Qs,
mixed with ginger ale: shandygaff *keep one’s nose clean, smarten up, be good.
spiced: flip behavior n. 1. CONDUCT deportment, comport-
SEE ALCOHOL, DRINK, MOONSHINE, WINE ment, demeanor, manner, bearing, ways, et-
befall v. happen, occur, come to pass. iquette. ‘‘The finest of the fine arts.’’—Em-
befitting a. appropriate, suitable, seemly, right. erson. ‘‘No truer index to intelligence.’’—
ANT. inappropriate, improper. Ibn Gabirol. 2. ACTION performance, func-
before prep. previous to, preceding, prior to, tioning, operation, reaction, response.
ahead of. behavior modification n. therapy, retraining,

64 Roget’s Superthesaurus

psychotherapy, conditioning, reinforce- to, trust, suspect, *take as gospel, suppose,

ment, reward system, aversion therapy, assume, guess, surmise. ANT. disbelieve, doubt.
change, desensitization. believer n. adherent, devotee, follower, apostle,
behead v. decapitate, decollate, guillotine, exe- disciple, zealot.
cute. belittle v. disparage, depreciate, put down, di-
BEHEMOTH n. [bi HEE muth] anything gi- minish, degrade, deride, malign, *take down
gantic. We saw whales and other behemoths of a peg, *knock, discredit. ANT. build up, ag-
the sea. SYN. giant, monster, colossus, mam- grandize, put on a pedestal.
moth, leviathan, titan, Goliath, whale, hip- bell n. campana, carillon, chimes, dinger. ‘‘The
popotamus. publicity of God.’’—R.L. Bruckberger. ‘‘The
behest n. order, command, bidding, request, music bordering nearest heaven.’’—Charles
word, edict, demand, urging, decree, say-so, Lamb.
desire. WORD FIND
behind n. buttocks, backside, *ass, rump, *tush, clapper: tongue
bottom, stern. ring by striking with hammer: chime
behind adv. back, in back of, rearward, trailing, ringer: sexton
aft. sound: clang, dong, ting, tinkle, tintinabula-
behold v. look at, regard, observe, notice, view, tion, ring, knell, peal, toll, reverberation
watch, *feast your eyes on, consider, scruti- tower: belfry
nize, examine, gaze upon. ANT. ignore, over- BELLICOSE a. [BEL i KOSE] belligerent,
look, disregard. quarrelsome, warlike. He was eager to fight;
beholden a. obligated, indebted, owing. ANT. he was a notoriously bellicose man. SYN. bellig-
freed, unbound. erent, quarrelsome, warlike, hostile, pugna-
behoove v. benefit, befit, be worthwhile, suit, cious, aggressive, combative, volatile, con-
be incumbent upon. tentious, peppery. ANT. peaceful, passive.
being n. 1. ENTITY creature, organism, person,
BELLIGERENT a. [buh LIJ ur unt] quarrel-
soul, spirit. 2. EXISTENCE reality, life. ANT. 2.
some, hostile, quick to fight. Belligerent inner
city gangs started the riot. SYN. bellicose, pug-
belabor v. dwell on, go on about, *beat a dead
nacious, quarrelsome, militant, war-mon-
horse, pound, hammer home, rehash, re-
gering, warlike, hostile, aggressive, combat-
peat, overwork.
ive, volatile, contentious, peppery. ANT.
belated a. tardy, overdue, late, delayed, past
peaceful, passive, pacific.
due. ANT. timely, prompt.
belch v. 1. BURP eruct. 2. EMIT spew, discharge, bellow v. roar, shout, holler, thunder, squall,
spout, erupt, disgorge, expel. boom, bark, bawl, howl, bluster.
BELEAGUER v. [be LEE gur] to besiege or BELLWETHER n. [BEL WETH er] a leader,
harass. He will beleaguer her until she finally any thing or person used as an indicator.
gives in. SYN. besiege, harass, beset, plague, IBM has long reigned as a bellwether among
pester, annoy, badger, bother, hound, hec- computer companies. SYN. leader, pacesetter,
tor, persecute, victimize, close in on. pilot, standard-bearer, guide, *the one to
belfry n. bell tower. watch, model, role model, indicator, *ba-
belie v. misrepresent, disguise, falsify, defy, ne- rometer.
gate, contradict, twist, conceal. belly n. abdomen, stomach, tummy, *gut,
belief n. conviction, certainty, faith, trust, as- *spare tire, paunch, *middle-age spread,
sumption, presumption, acceptance, confi- potbelly, *breadbasket.
dence, credence, hope, feeling, guess, under- bellybutton n. navel, umbilicus.
standing, notion, judgment, position, belonging n. relationship, camaraderie, com-
hypothesis, credo, dogma. ‘‘The most com- munity, kinship, familiarity. ANT. alienation,
plete of all distinctions between man and anomie, rejection.
the lower animals.’’—Charles Darwin. belongings n. things, possessions, stuff, personal
believable a. convincing, plausible, credible, effects, worldly goods, chattel.
reliable, acceptable. ANT. unbelievable, far- beloved a. loved, dearest, cherished, adored,
fetched. darling, precious, worshipped, revered,
believe v. accept, hold, maintain, presume, treasured, esteemed. ANT. hated, detested, dis-
know, have faith, swear by, give credence tained.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 65

below adv. beneath, down, under, low, under- benevolent organization. SYN. kind, charita-
neath. ble, generous, humane, good, altruistic,
belt n. band, sash, girdle, strap, cord, thong, compassionate, sympathetic, philanthropic,
cinch, cummerbund. benign, giving, beneficent. ANT. mean, self-
belt v. hit, smack, wallop, thrash, beat, whip. ish, cold-hearted, malicious, misanthropic.
SEE BEAT BENIGN a. [bi NINE] 1. kindly 2. advanta-
bemoan v. grieve, lament, mourn, bewail, de- geous 3. harmless. 1. Uncle Harry’s bark is
plore, rue, cry over. worse than his bite; he’s really quite benign. 2.
bemuse v. confuse, puzzle, bewilder, befuddle, The weather turned out to be rather benign for
disconcert, addle, confound, daze, mix up, the tournament. 3. John’s tumor was found to
muddle, stupefy. be benign. SYN. 1. kindly, benevolent, merci-
bench n. 1. SEAT settee, pew, bleacher. 2. ful, sympathetic, genial, gracious, good-
COURT judiciary, bar, tribunal. hearted, altruistic, compassionate. 2. benefi-
BENCHMARK n. [BENCH mark] that which cial, favorable, propitious, auspicious,
becomes a standard to measure against. healthful, helpful, fortunate. 3. harmless,
Their new computer quickly became the bench- slight, curable, superficial, innocuous, in-
mark for the industry. SYN. standard, model, consequential. ANT. 1. mean, selfish, mali-
gauge, measure, yardstick, bellwether, cious, misanthropic. 2. harmful, inopportune,
touchstone, exemplar, high water mark. unfortunate. 3. malignant, severe.
bend v. 1. CURVE crook, twist, arc, flex, bow, bent n. propensity, penchant, inclination, lean-
curl, coil, snake. 2. GIVE IN yield, acquiesce, ing, proclivity, liking, predilection, ability,
*cave in, bow down, capitulate, surrender. flair, fondness, aptitude.
beneath prep. under, below, underneath. bent a. crooked, curved, twisted, bowed, con-
BENEDICT ARNOLD n. any traitorous per- torted, warped, hooked, doubled over. ANT.
son, so named after the famous American straight.
Revolution general. He became a Benedict bent on a. determined, bound, intent, fixed.
Arnold, switching sides at the last minute. SYN. bequeath v. leave, will, consign, hand over, be-
stow, impart, endow, give.
traitor, double-crosser, betrayer, Judas,
BEQUEST n. [bi KWEST] something given to
snake in the grass, quisling, Brutus, turn-
someone in a will. She received a bequest of
coat, backstabber.
$1000. SYN. inheritance, gift, endowment,
benediction n. blessing, invocation, prayer,
bequeathal, legacy, estate, dower.
grace, benison, consecration. ANT. curse,
berate v. scold, upbraid, rebuke, dress down,
damning, malediction.
reproach, tongue-lash, *bawl out, *give one
benefactor n. patron, supporter, financier, un- hell, *jump down one’s throat, vituperate,
derwriter, donor, angel, philanthropist, con- *rake over the coals.
tributor. bereavement n. loss, deprivation, grief, sorrow,
beneficial a. helpful, advantageous, rewarding, heartache, mourning.
valuable, good, favorable, propitious, useful, bereft a. bereaved, left desolate, deprived, lorn,
gainful. ANT. harmful, useless. lonely, destitute, wanting, lacking. ANT. ful-
beneficiary n. recipient, heir, heiress. filled, satisfied, consoled.
benefit n. gain, good, profit, help, favor, ser- berry n. fruit, crop.
vice, reward, worth, avail, *perk. ANT. loss, WORD FIND
harm. amber, apricot-flavored: cloudberry
benefit v. gain, profit, help, favor, serve, re- aphrodisiac, alleged: myrtle
ward, advance, do good. ANT. harm, disfavor, blueberry-like: bilberry, Juneberry
impair. bears, scarlet berries eaten by: bearberries
benevolence n. kindness, goodwill, charity, hu- blackish: huckleberry (whortleberry), black-
manitarianism, goodness, altruism, generos- berry, black raspberry
ity, compassion, sympathy. ‘‘One of the dis- blackish or dark red: boysenberry
tinguishing characteristics of man. It is the blue: blueberry
path of duty.’’—Mencius. ANT. meanness, ill bog: cranberries
will, cold-heartedness, misanthropy. candles, gray, aromatic berries used for: bay-
BENEVOLENT a. [buh NEV uh lunt] kindly, berry
doing good, charitable. The United Way is a large pink, red, white or yellow: gooseberry

66 Roget’s Superthesaurus

minty breath freshener: wintergreen WORD FIND

orange, red or black: barberry bet one’s winnings from a previous race on
poisonous: pokeweed berry another: parlay
purplish-black: elderberry horseracing bet choosing first and second
purplish, red, black or white: mulberry place finishers, not necessarily in correct
raspberry-like: boysenberry, blackberry, order: quiniela
mulberry horseracing bet choosing first and second
red: boysenberry place finishers: perfecta
red and sweet: strawberry horseracing bet choosing first, second and
red, tart: cranberry, currant third-place finishers: trifecta
tart, black: currant horseracing bet choosing winners in two
berserk a. deranged, violent, crazed, mad, races: daily double
amuck, insane, maniacal, frenzied, murder- horseracing bet in which winnings are
ous. ANT. serene, calm, rational. shared: pari-mutuel
beseech v. implore, plead, beg, solicit, pray, en- bête noire n. enemy, trouble, *bad news, adver-
treat, urge, press, supplicate. sary, devil, black beast, antagonist, Typhoid
beset v. plague, harass, hound, torment, badger, Mary, Mary Mallon, plague, curse, bane.
bother, surround, *bug, hassle, besiege, vic- betray v. 1. BREAK FAITH turn traitor, deceive,
timize, vex, beleaguer. *pull a Judas, sell out, stab in the back, *sell
beside prep. next to, close to, adjacent to, down the river, *two-time, *double-cross,
alongside, abreast of, bordering, by. *fink, *rat on. 2. REVEAL give away, show,
besides adv. in addition, as well, moreover,
disclose, tell on, unmask, divulge, expose.
plus, also.
ANT. 1. be loyal, be faithful. 2. hide, cover up.
besiege v. 1. SURROUND hem in, encircle, en-
betrayal n. treachery, disloyalty, breech of
close, close in on, crowd, lay siege to. 2. HA-
faith, double-crossing, duplicity, treason,
RASS beleaguer, badger, plague, torment, be-
set, overwhelm, hound, pressure. *Judas kiss, perfidy. ANT. faithfulness, loyalty.
besmirch v. soil, sully, dishonor, taint, tarnish, betrayer n. traitor, Judas, conspirator.
smear, muddy, disgrace. ANT. glorify, honor. betrothal n. engagement, vow, pledge to marry.
best n. winner, *cream of the crop, creme de better v. improve, enrich, advance, promote,
la creme, the finest, *top dog, *blue ribbon upgrade.
winner, *the tops, paragon, the champion. better a. finer, superior, surpassing, topping,
ANT. the worst, also-ran, loser.
first-rate, preeminent, peerless, supreme, ex-
best v. beat, outdo, defeat, outdistance, out- celling. ANT. worse, inferior, lower.
class, conquer, win over, dominate, *wipe betterment n. improvement, enrichment, ad-
the floor with, prevail, *thrash. ANT. lose, vancement, promotion, upgrading.
*choke. between prep. amidst, among, within, in the
best a. finest, utmost, *topflight, *top drawer, thick, intermediate.
unsurpassed, superior, greatest, select, first- beverage n. drink, refreshment, pop, liquid, ale,
rate, choice, preeminent, peerless, un- cooler, liquor, draft.
equaled, nonpareil, supreme, tops. ANT. bevy n. group, flock, bunch, band, knot, gaggle,
worst, lowest. covey, pack, crowd, clique, party, throng.
bestial a. animalistic, wild, untamed, savage, bewail v. bemoan, lament, mourn, wail, cry, de-
fierce, primitive, unrefined, feral, base, bar- plore, grieve, weep, rue, pine for. ANT. shriek
baric, brutish, inhumane, monstrous. ANT. with joy, celebrate, rejoice.
humane, civilized, civil. beware v. be wary, be careful, watch, stay on
bestow v. present, give, endow, bequeath, con- guard, heed, be on the lookout, stay on one’s
fer, award, consign, donate. toes.
best-seller n. hit, hot seller, favorite, *mover, bewilder v. confuse, puzzle, befuddle, confound,
*hot item, a top ten, #1, winner, success, perplex, mystify, baffle, befog, strike dumb,
chart-buster, record-breaker. ‘‘A book set adrift, disorient, disconcert. ANT. inform,
which somehow sold well simply because it clarify.
was selling well.’’ Daniel Boorstin. SEE BOOK, bewilderment n. confusion, puzzlement, befud-
NOVEL dlement, perplexity, mystification, baffle-
bet n. wager, stake, gamble, parlay, *long shot, ment, *discombobulation. ANT. understand-
risk, proposition, chance. ing, clear-headedness, lucidity.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 67

bewitching a. enchanting, charming, beguiling, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther, 1 Mac-

spellbinding, mesmerizing, captivating, fas- cabees, 2 Maccabees, Job, Psalms, Prov-
cinating, seductive, enticing, hypnotizing, erbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wis-
alluring. ANT. repulsive, dull. dom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Isaiah,
beyond prep. past, yonder, inaccessible, unat- Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch, Ezek-
tainable. iel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah,
bias n. partiality, inclination, preference, preju- Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
dice, bent, predilection, leaning, proclivity, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
one-sidedness, *mind-set, favoritism, big- New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke,
otry. ANT. impartiality, fairness, objectivity. John, Acts of the Apostles, Romans, 1
bias v. influence, sway, prejudice, indoctrinate, Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians,
brainwash, twist, slant. Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1
BIBLE n. 1. HOLY SCRIPTURES the Good Book, Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timo-
Word of God, Gospel, Old Testament, New thy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, He-
Testament. ‘‘That great medicine chest of brews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John,
humanity.’’—Heinrich Heine. ‘‘The book of 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation
books, the storehouse and magazine of life bicker v. squabble, fight, quarrel, wrangle, spar,
and comfort.’’—George Herbert. ‘‘A win- debate, haggle, argue. ANT. agree, concur.
dow in this prison world, through which we bicycle n. bike, two-wheeler, *wheels, veloci-
may look into eternity.’’—Timothy Dwight. pede.
‘‘God’s chart for you to steer by.’’—Henry WORD FIND
Ward Beecher. ‘‘Obscene stories . . . volup- forerunner with giant front wheel, small rear
tuous debaucheries . . . cruel and torturous wheel: ordinary
executions . . . unrelenting vindictiveness four-wheeler: quadricycle
with which more than half of is filled . . . one-wheeler: unicycle
it would be more consistent that we call it reclining position, ridden in: recumbent bi-
the word of a demon than the word of God. cycle
It is a history of wickedness that has served
rugged, off-road: mountain bike
to corrupt and brutalize mankind.’’—
safety bar: *sissy bar
Thomas Paine. 2. GUIDEBOOK manual, text,
seat: saddle
handbook, vade mecum, authority. SEE
three-wheel passenger vehicle: pedicab, tri-
(Books of the Bible) two-seater: tandem, bicycle built for two
Apocrypha: Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 bid n. 1. OFFER proffer, tender, proposition, sub-
Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Eccle- mission, proposal. 2. ATTEMPT try, effort, en-
siasticus, Baruch, 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras, Ad- deavor, crack.
ditions to Esther, Prayer of Azariah, Su- bid v. 1. OFFER proffer, tender, proposition, pro-
sanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of pose, submit. 2. COMMAND call, order, re-
Manassess quest, instruct, ask, charge.
Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Num- bidding n. command, request, order, charge, di-
bers, Deuteronomy rection, behest, mandate, dictate, demand,
Prophets: Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Sam- injunction, invitation.
uel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, bide v. wait, stay, continue, remain, linger,
Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jo- dwell, *sit tight.
nah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zepha- big a. 1. LARGE huge, sizable, immense, gigantic,
niah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi prodigious, ample, substantial, vast, *heavy-
Writings: Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of duty, colossal, *Brobdingnagian, massive,
Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, voluminous, hulking, gargantuan. 2. IMPOR-
Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 TANT weighty, consequential, powerful,
Chronicles, 2 Chronicles prominent, eminent, significant, *major
Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, league, momentous, *big-time, paramount,
Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, major. ANT. 1. small, tiny, pint-sized. 2. insig-
Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 nificant, trivial, *small potatoes.
Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, bigamy n. polygamy, group marriage.

68 Roget’s Superthesaurus

big-hearted a. kind, generous, giving, benevo- shot in which ball first strikes cushion: bri-
lent, noble, compassionate, gracious, forgiv- cole
ing, altruistic, magnanimous, sweet. ANT. shot in which cue ball is bounced off cush-
cold-hearted, mean, malevolent, selfish. ion or strikes two balls in succession:
BIGOT n. [BIG ut] one who has little or no carom
tolerance for people outside his or her race, shot in which cue is held perpendicularly:
religion, political party, sexual orientation, massé
etc. He was a narrow-minded bigot. SYN. rac- stick: cue
ist, sexist, chauvinist, *Archie Bunker, white ball: cue ball
zealot, fanatic, Nazi, anti-Semite. ‘‘He who billow v. swell, surge, undulate, wave, roll, puff
will not reason.’’—William Drummond. ‘‘A up, balloon. ANT. flatten, collapse, deflate.
blind man with sight.’’—Max Gralnik. bind n. *fix, quandary, predicament, dilemma,
BIGOTRY n. [BIG uh tree] intolerance for *pickle.
those who are different or have different bind v. 1. TIE fasten, secure, wrap, rope, gird,
ideas, narrow-mindedness. Archie Bunker lash, strap, truss, bundle, join. 2. OBLIGATE
was famous for his numerous racist and sexist require, restrict, confine, prescribe, compel,
remarks; he represented the epitome of bigotry. force. ANT. 1. untie, unbind, unravel, loose.
SYN. intolerance, narrow-mindedness, prej- binge n. spree, bender, fling, tear, orgy.
udice, closed-mindedness, unfairness, bias, binoculars n. field glasses, magnification, mag-
racism, sexism, chauvinism, provincialism, nifying lenses.
discrimination. ‘‘The disease of ignorance, biodegrade v. degrade, break down, decompose,
of morbid minds.’’—Thomas Jefferson. ANT. disintegrate, dilute.
tolerance, open-mindedness, fairness. biography n. life story, bio, autobiography,
big shot n. *big wheel, *big cheese, *VIP, *big- memoirs, profile, life experiences. ‘‘Dra-
wig, *big gun, high muck-a-muck, some- matic constructions.’’—Katherine An-
body, *heavy-hitter, *biggest toad in the thony. ‘‘A heroic poem.’’—Thomas Carlyle.
puddle. ANT. nobody, *bush-leaguer, *second ‘‘A region bounded on the north by history,
banana, *lightweight. on the south by fiction, on the east by obitu-
bigwig n. SEE BIG SHOT ary, and on the west by tedium,’’—Philip
bike n. bicycle, *wheels, *ten-speed, tandem, Guedalla. SEE BOOK
velocipede, dandy, mountain bike. SEE BICY- biologist n. life scientist, ecologist, cytologist,
biochemist, geneticist, botanist. SEE SCIEN-
bikini n. thong, two-piece. SEE BATHING SUIT
biology n. life science, life processes. SEE SCI-
bilateral a. reciprocal, mutual, two-sided. ANT.
biopsy n. tissue sampling, excision, tissue re-
bilge n. Sl. hogwash, rubbish, rot. SEE NONSENSE
bilk v. swindle, cheat, defraud, *fleece, *rip-off,
bird n. fowl, feathered friend, Anseriformes,
rook, *gyp, *take. Charadriiformes, Columbiformes, Falconi-
bill n. 1. CHARGE invoice, debt, account, tab, formes, Galliformes, Passeriformes, Psittaci-
*score, *bad news, check, statement. 2. PRO- formes. ‘‘Dame Nature’s minstrels.’’—Gavin
GRAM list, schedule, roster, docket, agenda.
Douglas. ‘‘The merry minstrels of the
3. ANNOUNCEMENT handbill, circular, adver- morn.’’—James Thomson.
tisement, bulletin. 4. PIECE OF LEGISLATION WORD FIND
act, draft, measure, proposal. SEE GOVERN- bare spots on underbelly used to warm eggs:
MENT, POLITICS 5. BEAK neb. brood spots
bill v. charge, tally, invoice, debit, put on one’s beak that curves or hooks: aquiline
tab. bird of prey: raptor
billboard n. ad, advertisement, panel ad, no- cage/enclosure: aviary
tice. calls/songs: trill; cheep; chirp; pipe; warble;
billet n. quarters, lodging, barracks. coo; whistle; caw; chirrup; chip; chatter;
billiards n. pool. chitter; squawk; twitter; mewl; cluck;
WORD FIND croak; peep; honk; quack; cackle; trum-
ball’s recoil after impact: draw pet, ululate; sweet, plaintive call; mourn-
miss: scratch ful note; high, lisping note; rasping note;

Roget’s Superthesaurus 69

cheery, lilting melody; discordant breathing/relaxation technique: Lamaze

screams of jays; forlorn hooting of an method
owl; liquid ululation of a loon; shrill flut- contractions: labor
ing; piccolo note; caroling notes; exuber- dead, infant delivered: stillbirth
ant song; wheedling voice; discordant delivery assistant: midwife
rasp of a starling delivery through mother’s abdominal wall:
claw: talon Caesarian section, C-section
collar of hair or feathers: ruff feet or buttocks-first presentation: breech
crest on fowl: comb presentation
domination order: pecking order membranes covering head during delivery:
earliest known: Archaeopteryx caul
eggs, group of: clutch peaceful, low-key delivery method: Leboyer
eggs, to sit on: brood delivery
expert on: ornithologist profession: obstetrics
eyelike spot in peacock tail: ocellus spontaneous abortion: miscarriage
falcons used as hunters, sport: falconry uterine muscular action: contractions
feathers, shedding: molting vaginal incision, creates more room for pas-
fleshy neck component on turkey: wattle sage of baby’s head: episiotomy
flying: flitting, darting, soaring, swooping, SEE BABY, PREGNANCY
banking, diving, spiraling, wheeling, birth control n. contraception, planned parent-
wheeling in intricate chandelles, rising hood, abortion. ‘‘Copulation without popu-
on a thermal lation.’’—Anon. ‘‘Sin against nature.’’—
grooming: preening Pope Pius XI. ‘‘Premature murder.’’
group of: flock; bevy (quail), charm (fin- —Tertullian.
ches), chattering (starlings), colony WORD FIND
(gulls), convocation (eagles), covey Catholic-approved: rhythm method, absti-
(grouse), exaltation (larks), fall (wood- nence
prophylactic: contraceptive, condom, dia-
cock), flight (doves or swallows), gaggle
phragm, sponge, IUD (intrauterine de-
(geese), herd (swans), host (sparrows),
vice), *the pill, *Norplant, spermicide.
murder (crows), murmuration (star-
sterilization, female: tubal ligation
lings), muster (peacocks), nye (pheas-
sterilization, male: vasectomy
ants), parliament (owls), rookery (sea SEE CONTRACEPTIVE.
birds), siege (herons), skein (flying birth defect n. congenital defect, congenital
geese), team (ducks) malformation, deformity, abnormality, con-
migratory route: flyway genital deficiency, disability, mutation.
mythical: phoenix, roc birthmark n. nevus, mole, blemish, spot, port
nest: aerie wine stain, beauty mark.
plumage that is soft and fluffy: down birthright n. right, privilege.
referring to: avian biscuit n. bread, roll, muffin, scone, cracker,
reservation: sanctuary popover.
second stomach: gizzard, craw, crop bisexual a. *swinging both ways, *AC-DC, an-
throat patch: gorget drogynous, hermaphroditic.
wingless: apterous bishop n. cleric, priest, high priest, clergyman,
young bird: chick, fledgling, nestling deacon. SEE CHURCH, CLERGY, RELIGION
birth n. 1. CHILDBIRTH delivery, bearing, partu- bison n. buffalo, bovine mammal, quadruped,
rition, labor, childbearing, blessed event, herbivore, animal.
whelping, emergence. ‘‘The sudden opening bistro n. bar, tavern, nightclub, saloon, lounge,
of a window through which you look out drinking establishment.
upon a stupendous prospect. . . .’’ —William bit n. 1. PIECE fragment, fraction, portion, parti-
Dixon. 2. INCEPTION genesis, beginning, cle, section, snippet, segment. 2. MOMENT
start, debut, emergence, onset, origin, devel- second, minute, jiffy, flash, *quick as a wink,
opment. time, spell, instant.
WORD FIND bitch n. Sl. complainer, *witch, nag, *rotten
anesthesia used locally to ease mother’s egg, *stinker, grumbler, nit-picker, whiner,
pain: epidural critic, shrew, spitfire.

70 Roget’s Superthesaurus

bitch v. Sl. complain, nag, *beef, *bellyache, bright, hopeful. 5. auspicious, favorable. 6.
*crab, gripe, grouch, *kick up a fuss, *raise good, angelic, saintly.
a big stink. blackball v. ostracize, ban, exclude, blacklist,
bitchy a. Sl. complaining, fault-finding, nag- bar, snub, reject, proscribe. ANT. enlist, wel-
ging, catty, back-stabbing, malicious, vin- come, embrace.
dictive, critical, crabby, negative, *whiny, blacken v. 1. DARKEN smudge, black, begrime.
fussy, picky, grouchy. ANT. sweet, kind, 2. DEFAME slander, smear, tarnish, drag
warm. through the mud, *knock, libel, *badmouth.
bite n. mouthful, morsel, spoonful, chunk, ANT. 1. lighten, brighten. 2. glorify, honor, re-
snack, nosh. spect.
bite v. nip, chew, champ, chomp, gnaw, black eye n. bad name, bad reputation, dis-
munch, nibble, snap, sink one’s teeth into, honor, brand, smear, stigma.
hold, clamp. blackguard n. villain, scoundrel, rogue.
biting a. 1. CAUSTIC bitter, cutting, penetrating, blacklist v. boycott, shut out, penalize, banish,
piercing, stinging. 2. SARCASTIC cutting, reject, ban, ostracize, blackball, snub.
caustic, nasty, bitter, stinging, acerbic, black magic n. necromancy, sorcery, witch-
scathing, sharp. ANT. 1. gentle, balmy, sooth- craft, demon worship, devil worship, Satan-
ing. ism.
bitter a. 1. ACRID tart, sour, harsh, acidic, vine- blackmail n. extortion, hush money, *the
gary, acerbic. 2. GRIEVOUS distressing, heart- squeeze, milking, bleeding.
breaking, wretched, sorrowful, painful, sad, blackmail v. extort, *put the squeeze on, *milk,
disturbing, cruel. 3. SEVERE piercing, harsh, *bleed, *shake down.
cutting, penetrating, stinging, sharp. 4. RE- BLACK MARKET n. any market where
SENTFUL hostile, sarcastic, nasty, begrudging,
goods or services are bought and sold ille-
spiteful, contemptuous, cynical, peevish, gally. They bought them illegally through the
malevolent. ANT. 1. sweet, honeyed. 2. black market. SYN. underground, under-
happy, joyous. 3. mild, gentle. 4. friendly, ground market, bootleg market, underworld
warm, charitable, forgiving. market.
bivouac n. encampment, stopover, camp, black out v. lose consciousness, swoon, pass
campsite. out. SEE FAINT
bladder n. sac, bag, pouch, pocket.
bizarre a. weird, strange, odd, outlandish, un-
blade n. cutting edge, knife, cutter, razor, scal-
usual, peculiar, freaky, wild, unconven-
tional, extraordinary, *way out, *off the
blah a. Sl. bland, *humdrum, dull, *dull as dish-
wall, fantastic, grotesque, nightmarish, sur-
water, stale, insipid, tedious, flat, monoto-
real. ANT. ordinary, normal, everyday. nous. ANT. electrifying, original, colorful, spir-
blab v. 1. TELL A SECRET *spill the beans, *let ited.
the cat out of the bag, divulge, let slip, blurt blame n. 1. CONDEMNATION accusation, attribu-
out, *squeal, *open one’s mouth, *let one’s tion, incrimination, imputation, impeach-
tongue flap, reveal, disclose, tell all, tattle. ment, complaint, recrimination. 2. RESPON-
2. CHATTER prattle, *yak, gab, talk. SIBILITY onus, liability, fault, guilt,
blabbermouth n. *bigmouth, tattletale, in- culpability, accountability.
former, *snitch, *squealer, *whistleblower, blame v. accuse, condemn, *point the finger
*fink, *rat. at, fault, charge, hold responsible, *pin on,
black a. 1. COLOR ink, jet, raven, carbon, gun- attribute, indict, impute, censure, rap.
metal, pitch, sable, ebony, tar, soot, coal, blameless a. innocent, *clean, inculpable,
coffee, pepper. 2. DARK inky, unlit, shadowy, above suspicion, above reproach, virtuous,
murky, dusky, gloomy. 3. AFRICAN AMERI- unimpeachable, faultless, spotless. ANT.
CAN, negro, colored, African, Afro-Ameri- guilty, at fault, culpable.
can, Negroid. 4. BLEAK gloomy, dismal, grim, blanch v. whiten, bleach, fade, wash out, pale.
dreary, somber, forlorn, mournful, funereal. bland a. dull, lackluster, uninteresting, insipid,
5. THREATENING ominous, foreboding, for- flat, *blah, mediocre, vapid, unstimulating,
bidding, menacing. 6. EVIL wicked, diaboli- plain. ANT. stimulating, exciting, rich.
cal, satanic, nefarious. ANT. 1. white, snowy. blank n. nothing, zero, void, nil, emptiness,
2. sunny, bright, illuminated. 4. cheerful, space.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 71

blank a. 1. CLEAR empty, vacant, white, un- grim, dreary, gloomy, dismal, mournful, dis-
marked, untouched, clean, barren, unused. heartening, cheerless, black, somber. ANT. 1.
2. EXPRESSIONLESS lifeless, dull, vacuous, va- lush, overgrown. 2. cheery, sunny, bright,
cant, dead, glassy, indifferent, deadpan, apa- hopeful.
thetic. ANT. 1. filled, marked, used. 2. lively, bleed v. hemorrhage, ooze, gush, trickle, run,
thoughtful. spurt, flow.
blanket n. cover, coverlet, quilt, comforter, af- BLEEDING HEART n. one who is given to
ghan, spread, bedding. excessive sympathy and may be over-eager
blanket v. cover, bury, carpet, envelope, en- to help. The bleeding hearts in Washington
close, overlay. wanted to start a new welfare program. SYN.
blare v. blast, roar, blow, trumpet, peal, clamor, sentimental fool, liberal, *softy, sympa-
bellow, resound. thizer, sucker for a sob story, soft touch.
blarney n. 1. FLATTERY apple-polishing, whee- blemish n. flaw, fault, mark, defect, stain, spot,
dling, fawning, cajolery, *sweet talk, *snow blotch, mole, disfigurement, imperfection,
job. 2. *BUNK *balderdash. SEE NONSENSE deformity, freckle, speckle, birthmark.
blasé a. nonchalant, unmoved, apathetic, blend n. mixture, combination, compound,
jaded, bored, sophisticated, lukewarm, un- composite, amalgam, concoction, fusion.
fazed, cloyed, weary, sated, casual. ANT. en- blend v. mix, combine, compound, amalgam-
thusiastic, eager. ate, mingle, stir in, merge, meld, alloy,
blasphemous a. irreverent, irreligious, sacrile- scramble. ANT. separate, divide.
gious, impious, profane, disrespectful, un- blender n. food processor, mixer, chopping ma-
godly. ANT. reverent, religious, pious. chine, liquefier, labor-saving device, appli-
BLASPHEMY n. [BLAS fuh mee] any show ance.
of disrespect toward the divine, irreverence. bless v. hallow, consecrate, sanctify, ordain,
Cursing God for your misfortune is blasphemy. anoint, exalt, glorify, canonize, declare holy.
ANT. curse, damn.
SYN. irreverence, sacrilege, profanity, disre-
spect, impiety, desecration, cursing, de- blessed a. 1. SACRED holy, consecrated, re-
nouncing. ‘‘Denying the being or provi- deemed, sacrosanct, hallowed, sainted,
dence of God. . . .’’—William Blackstone. saved, beatified. 2. FAVORED gifted, fortu-
ANT. reverence, piety, respect.
nate, lucky. ANT. 1. unholy, cursed, con-
blast n. boom, surge, roar, explosion, burst,
blessing n. 1. SANCTIFICATION invocation,
crack, blowup, bang, detonation, eruption,
benediction, prayer, grace, dedication. 2. FA-
gust, shock wave. SEE WIND
VOR good fortune, luck, godsend, benefit,
blast v. explode, blowup, raze, detonate, level,
gift, boon, good. ANT. 1. curse, condemna-
annihilate, demolish, boom, burst, roar,
tion. 2. misfortune, adversity, bad luck.
blight n. affliction, plague, curse, scourge, in-
blastoff n. launch, liftoff, ignition, firing. fliction, pestilence, calamity, bane, curse.
BLATANT a. [BLAYT unt] loud, glaring or blight v. ruin, damage, destroy, afflict, devas-
conspicuous. Wearing Bermuda shorts to the tate, cripple, kill, wither, frustrate, inflict.
board meeting shows a blatant disregard for blimp n. airship, dirigible, zeppelin.
dress codes. SYN. loud, glaring, conspicuous, WORD FIND
obvious, obnoxious, brazen, flagrant, showy, balloon portion: gas bag
flashy, prominent, plain, boisterous, overt, gas: helium
naked, baldfaced. ANT. subtle, quiet, unobtru- ground crew: riggers
sive. inner airbags inflated or deflated as a ballast
blather n. drivel, foolishness, claptrap, twaddle, control: ballonets
*bull. SEE NONSENSE mooring post on ground: mast
blaze n. fire, flames, conflagration. SEE FIRE passenger/crew compartment: car, gondola
blaze v. flame, flash, flare, flicker, radiate. SEE rigid, cigar-shaped dirigible: zeppelin
BURN weights hung from car: ballast bags
bleach v. whiten, blanch, lighten, fade, wash SEE BALLOON, AIRCRAFT
out, insolate. blind a. 1. SIGHTLESS unsighted, *blind as a
bleak a. 1. DESOLATE bare, barren, unsheltered, mole, *blind as a bat, *blind as a post, stone-
treeless, desert, stark, raw. 2. DEPRESSING blind, groping. 2. IGNORANT dense, stupid,

72 Roget’s Superthesaurus

unaware, heedless, unseeing, *thick, obtuse, bloodbath n. massacre, holocaust, murder,

myopic, shortsighted, unperceptive. ANT. 1. slaughter, carnage.
seeing, sighted. 2. sharp, understanding, per- blood, in cold a. cruelly, intentionally, indiffer-
ceptive. ently, unfeelingly.
blinding a. dazzling, bright, glaring, brilliant. bloodcurdling a. terrifying, horrifying, fright-
ANT. gloomy, dark. ening, bone-chilling, spine-chilling, hair-
blindness n. sightlessness, impaired vision, raising. ANT. reassuring, emboldening.
glaucoma, color blindness, astigmatism, cat- bloodless a. pallid, wan, pale, colorless, dead,
aracts, myopia, tunnel vision, typhlosis. SEE anemic. ANT. florid, robust, lively.
EYE bloodline n. pedigree, line of descent, ancestry.
blink v. 1. WINK bat, flutter. 2. TWINKLE glim- bloodshed n. bloodletting, slaughter, massacre,
mer, sparkle, scintillate, shimmer. carnage, gore, bloodbath, murder, butchery.
blip n. 1. OBJECT SEEN ON RADAR signal, spot, bloodthirsty a. homicidal, murderous, savage,
trace, reflection. 2. ANOMALY departure, ab- barbaric, brutal, ruthless, sadistic, cruel, in-
normality, oddity. human, *psycho. SEE INSANE, VIOLENT
bliss n. rapture, joy, contentment, happiness, blood vessel n. vein, artery, capillary, arteriole.
elation, euphoria, ecstasy, delight, heaven, bloom n. blossom, flower, floret, efflorescence.
blister n. swelling, patch, bubble, bleb, pimple, bloom v. blossom, flower, flourish, flare, de-
boil, canker, ulcer. velop, thrive, come of age, germinate, bear
BLITHE a. [BLĪTHE] cheerful and carefree. fruit. ANT. wither, die.
She was frequently in blithe spirits on Sunday. blooper n. Sl. mistake, *goof, blunder, *boo-
SYN. cheerful, carefree, sunny, lighthearted,
boo, gaffe, *muff, slip, *boner, *screwup.
buoyant, airy, jovial, merry, cheery, gleeful, blossom n. bloom, flower, floret, posy, bud. SEE
playful. ANT. miserable, depressed, black,
downhearted. SEE HAPPY
blossom v. bloom, flower, effloresce, flourish,
blitz n. attack, onslaught, blitzkrieg, charge,
flare, develop, come of age, germinate, bear
raid, strike, offensive, bombardment.
blizzard n. snowstorm, northeaster, blow, gale,
blot n. spot, smudge, stain, smear, streak, blem-
snow squall, blast, whiteout.
bloat v. balloon, swell, dilate, billow, inflate,
expand, puff. ANT. contract, deflate, shrivel. blot v. splotch, spot, smudge, stain, soil, smear,
blob n. mass, daub, glov, lump, globule, ball, streak, blemish.
clump. blotch n. spot, splotch, blot.
bloc n. alliance, group, affiliation, faction, ca- blouse n. pullover, slipover, garment. SEE SHIRT
bal, ring, coalition, partnership. blow n. 1. WIND gale, tempest, blast, gust,
block n. 1. MASS chunk, hunk, brick, lump, bar, squall, whirlwind. 2. HIT punch, smack, slug,
cube, square, cake. 2. OBSTRUCTION obstacle, shot, bash, knock, rap, swat, slap, jolt, clout.
impediment, bar, snag, stop, barrier, hin- 3. MISFORTUNE reversal, shock, tragedy, up-
drance. set, calamity, catastrophe. ANT. 2. caress. 3.
block v. obstruct, impede, bar, stop, hinder, blessing.
close off, occlude, interfere with, intercept, blow v. 1. MOVE AIR bluster, puff, gust, squall,
stymie, thwart, barricade, arrest, dam. ANT. huff, whiffle, rush, swirl, flow, waft, exhale,
open, free, clear, facilitate. breathe. 2. SOUND toot, trumpet, pipe, honk,
blockade n. barricade, barrier, obstruction, whistle. 3. FAIL *choke, lose, miss, *goof,
stop, bar, closure, hindrance, roadblock. *screw up, muff, bungle.
blockhead n. idiot, ignoramus, *Charlie blow away v. 1. kill, gun down. SEE MURDER 2.
Brown, *chowderhead. SEE MORON STUN *throw for a loop, impress, fill with
blond a. golden-haired, flaxen-haired, sandy- awe.
haired, platinum, peroxide-blond, *tow- blow up v. 1. INFLATE fill, expand, pump up,
headed, strawberry-blond. SEE HAIR swell. 2. EXPLODE burst, detonate, rupture,
blood n. 1. LIFE-FLUID hemoglobin, gore, plasma. erupt, pop, demolish. ANT. 1. deflate.
‘‘A very special kind of sap.’’—Johann blue a. COLOR sky-blue, cobalt, azure, ultrama-
Goethe. 2. KINSHIP kindred, ancestry, pedi- rine, indigo, slate, navy, aquamarine, tur-
gree, extraction, lineage, relatives. quoise, lapis lazuli, royal, powder, electric,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 73

robin’s egg. 2. MOOD down, melancholy, de- ‘‘Notice to be careful.’’—Edgar Howe. ANT.
pressed, sad, despondent, downhearted, blanch, pale.
down in the dumps. bluster n. boasting, bluff, bragging, braggado-
blueblooded a. aristocratic, noble, upper class, cio, swaggering, bullying, bravado, crowing,
classy. ANT. common. strutting, ranting, gasconade.
blue collar n. *working stiff, *nine-to-fiver, la- bluster v. boast, bluff, brag, swagger, strut,
borer. bully, crow, rant, show off, intimidate,
blue collar a. wage-earning, working class, storm.
clock-punching, laboring, proletariat, hard- blustery a. windy, gusty. ANT. still, calm.
working, factory-working, assembly-line, board n. 1. PLANK two-by-four, beam, slat, stick,
unskilled, common, lower class, middle lumber, timber, clapboard, slat, panel. 2.
class. ANT. white collar, upper class. COMMITTEE directors, council, trustees, ad-
blueprint n. 1. ARCHITECTURAL PLAN architec- visers, cabinet. 3. ROOM AND BOARD keep,
tural rendering, draft, plan, design, layout, provisions, meals.
scheme. 2. GENERAL PLAN plan, scheme, de- board v. 1. GO ABOARD get on, enter, embark.
sign, masterplan, game plan, schedule, time- 2. ACCOMMODATE feed, lodge, house, quar-
table. ter. 3. COVER WITH WOOD sheathe, panel, en-
blue ribbon n. first prize, first place, award, dec- close. ANT. 1. disembark, deplane, detrain,
oration, recognition, honor. leave.
blues n. depression, sadness, downheartedness, boardroom n. meeting room, conference room.
discouragement, low spirits, *blahs, *blue boardwalk n. walkway, promenade, sidewalk.
funk, doldrums, heavy-heartedness, boast n. bragging, bluster, vainglory, bravado,
*dumps, dejection, unhappiness, bad mood, gasconade, braggadocio, *hot air, vaunt.
black mood. ANT. happiness, glee, joy, eupho- boast v. brag, *toot one’s own horn, crow, blus-
ria. ter, show off, puff, *pat oneself on the back,
bluff n. bank, cliff, promontory, headland, swagger, strut, gasconade, gloat, flaunt,
ridge, hill, precipice, palisade, scarp. 2. *blow. ANT. eat humble pie, downplay.
SHAM *four-flushing, *bull, deception,
boastful a. bragging, blustering, vaunting,
*humbug. pompous, vain, arrogant, conceited, *full of
bluff v. 1. MISLEAD deceive, delude, *bamboo- hot air, vainglorious, strutting, swaggering.
ANT. humble, modest, self-effacing.
zle, dupe, fake, *bullshit, shuck and jive.
boat n. vessel, watercraft, tub, ship, motorboat,
bluff a. frank, blunt, rough, coarse, gruff,
sailboat, jet ski.
straightforward, abrupt. ANT. subtle, round-
about, mealy-mouthed.
air-propelled: airboat
blunder n. mistake, *goof, fumble, *boo-boo,
double-hulled sailboat: catamaran
*muff, gaffe, *flubup.
emergency vessel: lifeboat
blunder v. *goof, fumble, botch, *muff, *flub, fishing: trawler, dragger, longliner, dogger,
*drop the ball, err, *screw up, bungle, mis- smack, whaler, sportfisherman
step, miscalculate. flat-bottomed carrier: barge, scow
blunt v. make dull, deaden, flatten, soften. flat-bottomed, pole-propelled: punt, ark
blunt a. 1. DULL rounded, unpointed. 2. FRANK flat-bottomed vessel used in construction on
candid, upfront, plainspoken, point-blank, water: pontoon
straightforward, abrupt, brusque, gruff, curt, gondolier’s song: barcarole
terse, direct, bluff. ANT. 1. sharp, pointed. 2. house on water: houseboat
soft-pedaling, mealy-mouthed, subtle, gentle, Italian: gondola, vaporetto
euphemistic. log, hollowed out: dugout, pirogue
blur n. stain, blot, haze, blotch, smear. motorboat, small: runabout
blur v. 1. SMUDGE smear, stain, splotch. 2. DIM narrow-hulled racing boat rowed by as many
cloud, obfuscate, obscure, shadow, veil, as eight: shell
shroud. ANT. 2. clarify, sharpen, define. narrow, racing boat rowed by one, two or
blurt v. blab, tattle, blabber, gush, spout, let four rowers: scull
slip. old: hulk
blush v. flush, redden, color, glow, turn scarlet, Oriental, flat-bottomed river and coast boat:
bloom. ‘‘Virtue’s color.’’—English proverb. sampan, junk

74 Roget’s Superthesaurus

pleasure cruiser: cabin cruiser, yacht spirit, vagabond. ‘‘A person who works to
race/event: regatta live but does not live to work.’’—Heathcote
racing boat: cigarette boat, hydrofoil Williams.
rowboat: canoe, kayak, dinghy, shell, dory, boil n. blister, swelling, furuncle, pustule, bleb,
gig, skiff, umiak (eskimo) abscess, carbuncle, pimple, fester, sore.
service craft: tender boil v. 1. COOK steam, parboil, seethe, churn,
shuttle of passengers, freight: ferry bubble, simmer, stew, steep, heat, brew. 2.
steam-propelled: paddle steamer, steamboat RAGE fume, seethe, rave, burn, storm.
triple-hulled sailboat: trimaran boisterous a. rough, rambunctious, rowdy,
SEE NAVY, SAIL, SHIP, SUBMARINE loud, raucous, wild, obstreperous, vocifer-
bob v. wobble, bounce, waver, quiver. ous, turbulent, uproarious, unrestrained, un-
bodacious a. prodigious, big, bold, audacious. ruly. ANT. quiet, laid-back, calm, restrained.
body n. 1. PHYSIQUE figure, frame, build, form, bold a. 1. DARING brave, fearless, courageous,
flesh and bones, *bag of bones, anatomy, undaunted, adventurous, audacious, confi-
torso, trunk. ‘‘A pair of pincers set over a dent, plucky, intrepid, lionhearted, *ballsy.
bellows and a stewpan, the whole fixed upon 2. BRAZEN insolent, *saucy, *brassy,
stilts.’’—Samuel Butler. ‘‘A machine which *cheeky, fresh, forward, impudent, brash,
winds its own springs.’’—Julien Mettrie. ‘‘A rude, *gutsy, *ballsy. 3. PRONOUNCED strik-
cell state in which every cell is a citizen.’’— ing, loud, bright, flashy, conspicuous, promi-
Rudolf Virchow. 2. CORPSE cadaver, carcass, nent, vivid, colorful, eye-catching. ANT. 1.
corpus delecti, mummy, skeleton, *dead cowardly, meek, timid. 2. courteous, polite,
meat, *stiff, remains, carrion. 3. MASS group, shy, deferential. 3. understated, subtle, weak,
collection, union, bulk, bunch, majority, pale.
crowd, throng. 4. MAIN PIECE chassis, fuse- bolster v. prop up, reinforce, support,
lage, frame, assembly. strengthen, fortify, buttress, shoulder, brace,
bodybuilding n. weight training, resistance shore up. ANT. undermine, weaken.
training, body sculpting, working out, bulk- bolt n. 1. FASTENER bar, lock, latch, rod, catch,
ing up, toning up, *pumping iron. pin, peg, screw, spike, coupling. SEE NAIL,
bodyguard n. escort, guardian, security guard, SCREW 2. LIGHTNING flash, stroke, thunder-
protector, *muscle. bolt, shaft, chain. SEE LIGHTNING, STORM,
body language n. nonverbal communication, THUNDER
nonverbal signaling. bolt v. dart, spring, dash out, rush, flee, make
boffo n. Sl. successful, great, blockbusting, rec- a break for it, jump, leap, scoot, *hotfoot,
ord-breaking. ANT. lackluster. *skedaddle.
bog n. marsh, quag, mire, fen, swamp, quagmire, bomb n. 1. EXPLOSIVE charge, shell, missile,
slough, morass. mine, grenade, projectile, depth charge,
bog down v. mire, get stuck, sink, impede, slow, atom bomb, hydrogen bomb, *physics pack-
stall. age, torpedo, incendiary, blockbuster, war-
bogeyman n. boogeyman, boogieman, ghost, head, dud, *egg.
specter, hob-goblin, goblin. SEE MONSTER WORD FIND
boggle the mind v. flabbergast, astonish, stag- 15,000-pound bomb: BLU-82; [daisy cutter]
ger, amaze, stun, stupefy, *blow one away, 21,500-pound behomoth, [mother of all
*blow one’s mind, dumbfound, *knock bombs]: MOAB (Massive Ordnance Air
one’s socks off, frighten. Blast bomb)
bogus a. fake, counterfeit, phony, *sham, artifi- antipersonnel mine with fanning fragmen-
cial, imitation, fraudulent, ersatz, spurious, tation: claymore mine
pseudo. ANT. genuine, real, authentic. boom: report
BOHEMIAN n. [bo HEEM ee un] a noncon- caves and tunnels, high pressure bombs used
formist who is involved in writing or art; a to flush out: thermobaric bomb
writer or artist who lives unconventionally. explosive chemical used in bombs: TNT,
We lived like bohemians, with no permanent trinitrotoluene, nitroglycerin
home and no source of income outside of our explosive portion of bomb, missile, etc.:
art. SYN. gypsy, artist, dilettante, poet, warhead
writer, dropout, *hippie, *beatnik, *flower fire-starting bomb: incendiary bomb
child, panhandler, nonconformist, *free fragmenting, shrapnel-producing bomb:

Roget’s Superthesaurus 75

fragmentation bomb, antipersonnel bondage n. servitude, slavery, serfdom, subjec-

bomb tion, subjugation, enslavement, captivity,
fuel detonated in midair: fuel-air bomb bonds, shackles. ANT. freedom, liberty, eman-
gasoline-filled bottle stuffed with rag: Molo- cipation.
tov cocktail bonds n. ties, shackles, fetters, manacles,
guided bomb: smart bomb chains, reins, yoke, handcuffs, bindings.
hole: crater bone n. ossicle, marrow, cartilage, skull, mandi-
intense bombing: saturation bombing, car- ble, vertebrae, rib, humerus, femur, tibia,
pet bombing sternum, clavicle. SEE SKELETON
jelled gas incendiary: napalm boner n. Sl. mistake, goof, error, blunder.
lead pipe containing home-made charge: bones, feel in one’s v. Sl. sense, perceive, ex-
pipe bomb pect, have a gut feeling.
multiple bombs released from canister: clus- bones, make no v. Sl. admit, confess, own up,
ter bomb level.
penetrate earth and concrete, designed to: bone up n. Sl. study, brush up, read up, cram.
bunker buster, GBU-28 Penetrator bonus n. extra, premium, reward, gift, fringe
puttylike substance holding charge: plastic benefit, *perk, tip, *gravy, recompense, div-
explosive idend.
smoke-producing: smoke bomb BON VIVANT n. [BON vee VAHN] one
stink-producing: stink bomb who has cultured tastes and enjoys the finer
timed charge: time bomb things in life, especially good food, drink,
unguided: dumb bomb etc. He was a bon vivant who loved fine wines.
SEE AIR FORCE, ARMY, MISSILE, NUCLEAR BOMB, SYN. gourmet, connoisseur, epicure, gour-
WAR, WEAPON 2. FLOP failure, fiasco, disaster, mand, cognoscente, aficionado, enthusiast,
*turkey, *dog, loser, *washout. ANT. 2. suc- dilettante.
cess, triumph, hit. bony a. skinny, scrawny, anorexic, malnour-
bomb v. 1. Sl. FAIL flop, fizzle, wash out, *die. ished, rawboned, lean, gaunt, emaciated,
2. BOMBARD shell, blow up, assault, blitz, angular. ANT. fat, brawny, blubbery.
pepper, barrage, strafe, *drop the big one, boob n. Sl. idiot, dolt, moron, imbecile, fool,
*blow to smithereens, *blow to kingdom *dumb-dumb, clown, buffoon, laughing-
come, *bomb back to the stone age, level, stock.
blast. boo boo n. Sl. 1. MISTAKE error, blunder,
bombast n. grandiloquence, rodomontade, *screw-up, *boner, *goof, oversight, gaffe,
bluster, hot air, pomposity, pretentiousness. slip, misstep. 2. INJURY, scratch, cut, lacer-
BOMBASTIC a. [bom BAS tik] pompous, ation, sore, bruise, black and blue mark.
high-sounding speech or writing. He tried too booby trap n. pitfall, deadfall, ambush, blind,
hard to make an impression; his speech was mousetrap, trip wire, trigger.
wordy and bombastic. SYN. pompous, high- book n. volume, hardcover, softcover, paper-
sounding, grandiloquent, grandiose, flaunt- back, novel, work, opus, tome, publication,
ing, pretentious, turgid, euphuistic, inflated, best-seller, booklet, pamphlet, treatise,
fustian, windy, flamboyant, flowery. ANT. manual, manuscript, log, record, diary, jour-
understated, restrained, subtle. nal, register, ledger, classic, text. ‘‘A garden
bomber n. terrorist, revolutionary, demolition carried in the pocket.’’—Arabian proverb.
expert, bombardier, subversive, radical, ar- ‘‘For company the best friends. . . .’’—Rich-
sonist, extortionist. ard Whitlock. ‘‘. . . Portable pieces of
bona fide a. genuine, authentic, legitimate, thought.’’—Susan Sontag. ‘‘The true uni-
real. ANT. counterfeit. versity.’’—Thomas Carlyle. ‘‘The compasses
bonanza n. windfall, gold mine, *cash cow, and telescopes and sextants and charts
treasure trove, rich vein. which other men have prepared to help us
bond n. 1. ALLEGIANCE tie, relationship, loyalty, navigate the dangerous seas of human
connection, attachment, affinity. 2. GUAR- life.’’—Jesse L. Bennet.
ANTEE warranty, contract, security, pledge, WORD FIND
covenant, agreement. alphabetical/page-number guide to words
bond v. attach, tie, bind, connect, fasten, stick, and terms: index
join, fuse, weld. avoider of: bibliophobe

76 Roget’s Superthesaurus

back list of sources, related works: bibliogra- rumble, crash, bang, blow up, backfire, pop,
phy explode. 2. INCREASE grow, expand, prosper,
back: spine thrive, spurt, mushroom, *go great guns,
blank page: flyleaf grow exponentially, flourish. ANT. 2. recede,
book published at author’s expense: vanity decline.
book boom box n. Sl. radio, tape player, CD player,
burner or destroyer of: biblioclast audio system, stereo, *ghetto blaster,
burning or destruction of: biblioclasm *ghetto box.
category: genre booming a. thriving, growing, profiting, pros-
collecting passion: bibliomania pering, flourishing, *going great guns, in-
compilation of various works: anthology creasing, increasing exponentially, explod-
condensed or shortened: abridged ing, shooting up, mushrooming. ANT.
end comment: epilogue declining.
hardcover republished in paperback: reprint boon n. blessing, windfall, benefit, god-send,
inscription, front: dedication gift, manna from heaven.
introduction: foreword boondocks n. *boonies, *sticks, *North Over-
ISBN: International Standard Book Num- shoe, *East Jesus, backwater, bush country,
ber tall timbers, *the rhubarbs, outback, back-
jacket description: flap copy, blurbs woods, hinterland, wilderness, nowhere, un-
large, illustrated book: coffee table book organized territory, jungle.
large paperback: trade paperback boondoggle n. waste, *golden fleece, pork, gov-
literary works: belles lettres ernment pork, frivolity, extravagance,
logo of publisher: colophon *money down a rathole, white elephant,
lover of: bibliophile reckless spending, conspicuous consump-
overstocked book: remainder tion.
printed before 1500 A.D.: incunabula boor n. clod, lout, oaf, churl, clodhopper, *ya-
review or recommendation on jacket: blurb hoo, yokel, bumpkin, rustic.
stealer of books: biblioklept boorish a. ill-mannered, rude, awkward, un-
strange (subject matter): curiosa couth, unrefined, uncultured, churlish,
title page: frontispiece cloddish, vulgar, rustic, coarse, insensitive,
vocabulary list: glossary tactless, offensive. ANT. refined, sophisticated,
voracious reader of: bookworm, bibliobibuli cultured.
SEE AUTHOR, NOVEL, NOVELIST, WRITER boost n. 1. PUSH UP lift, elevation, hand up. 2.
book v. 1. MAKE RESERVATION reserve, book pas- INCREASE raise, hike, expansion, upgrade,
sage, arrange for, assign, register. 2. PROCESS gain. 3. PROMOTION support, encourage-
FOR A CRIME, charge, press charges. ment, assistance, backing, fostering, ad-
booking n. 1. PLAY DATE gig, engagement, per- vancement, plug. ANT. 2. decrease, cutback.
formance date, tour date. 2. RESERVATION 3. disparagement, undermining, knock.
registration, arrangement, retainer. boost v. 1. RAISE push up, hoist, lift, elevate.
bookish a. studious, academic, scholarly, well- 2. INCREASE heighten, raise, hike, jack up,
read, introverted, book-loving, owlish, enlarge, inflate. 3. PROMOTE support, ad-
learned, intellectual, pedantic, *bookworm- vance, further, plug, foster, advocate. ANT.
ish. ANT. illiterate, oafish. 1. lower, drop. 2. decrease, lower. 3. under-
bookkeeping n. record-keeping, accounting, mine, disparage, knock.
auditing, entering. booster shot n. SEE IMMUNIZATION
booklet n. pamphlet, brochure, folder, circular. boot n. shoe, overshoe, footwear, clodhopper,
bookworm n. reader, book lover, bibliophile, *boondockers, *stompers.
bibliomaniac, bibliobibuli, bibliolater. WORD FIND
boom n. 1. THUD thunder, report, crack, roar, ankle-high boot worn horseback-riding:
rumble, crash, bang, shot, fulmination, can- jodhpur
nonade, peal, burst, explosion, detonation. Eskimo boot made from hide: mukluk
2. INCREASE growth, expansion, upturn, hiking boot with ridged sole: wafflestomper
prosperity, growth, spurt, bull market. ANT. leather, above the knee in front, below the
2. recession, depression, decline. knee in back: Wellington
boom v. 1. THUD thunder, report, crack, roar, military: combat boot, jackboot

Roget’s Superthesaurus 77

old fashioned woman’s boot laced up the born v. delivered, brought into the world,
front: granny brought into existence, cast, hatched, cre-
rubber/waterproof: galosh ated.
tooled leather, square or pointed toes: cow- born a. inherent, natural, innate. ANT. learned,
boy boot acquired.
wading boot: hip boot, wader born-again a. reborn, renewed, restored, con-
western tooled leather: cowboy boot verted, saved. ANT. damned.
white, calf-high, worn with mini skirt in the borough n. town, community, municipality,
1960s: go-go boot burg, township, village, quarter.
work shoe, heavy: brogan borrow v. 1. TAKE TEMPORARILY use, take a loan,
obtain, scrounge, *mooch, *hit up, *bum,
booth n. stall, stand, kiosk, shed, enclosure, cu- *sponge. 2. ADOPT FOR ONE’S OWN USE appro-
bicle, compartment. priate, imitate, steal, plagiarize, copy, pirate,
bootlegger n. runner, *rum runner, smuggler,
use. ANT. 1. lend, give, return. 2. originate,
illegal distiller, black marketer, pirate,
moonshiner, dealer.
bootlicker n. *kiss-up, *brownnose, sycophant, bosom n. 1. BREAST chest, bust. 2. HEART emo-
toady, *apple polisher, *yes-man, *foot- tions, soul, spirit, core, depths, inside.
kisser, *back-patter, stooge. boss n. leader, chief, head, master, headmaster,
booty n. loot, spoils, plunder, prize, winnings, supervisor, foreman, superintendent, over-
*haul, goods, property, gain. seer, CEO (chief executive officer), task-
booze n. Sl. liquor, alcohol, spirits, drink, *fire- master, *head honcho, *big cheese, *whip,
water, *hard stuff. SEE ALCOHOL, BEER, DRINK, employer, director, executive, manager, ad-
MOONSHINE, WINE ministrator, lord and master, *big enchilada,
bordello n. brothel, house of prostitution, *chief cook and bottle washer, governor,
*whorehouse, *cathouse, *house of ill re- mayor, vice president, president, prince,
pute, bagnio. princess, king, queen, drill sergeant, sarge,
border n. margin, edge, side, line, verge, fringe, commander, captain, general, first in com-
rim, brink, boundary, outer limit, perimeter, mand, dean, chancellor, godfather, highest
periphery, borderland. authority, ruler, despot, dictator, tyrant,
borderline a. indefinite, doubtful, marginal, bully, dominator, dominatrix, *pit bull,
unclear, vague, halfway, ambiguous, equivo- *alpha male, slave-driver, faultfinder, nag,
cal, unclassifiable, one way or the other. *biggest toad in the puddle. ‘‘[One who] ex-
ANT. absolute, decisive. ists to make sensible exceptions to general
bore n. *drag, *yawn, tiresome person, *pill, rules.’’—Elting Morrison. ANT. employee,
*wet blanket, *stick in the mud, soporific. subordinate, underling. SEE WORK, JOB
‘‘A fellow talking who can change the sub- boss v. command, control, direct, manage, ad-
ject back to his topic . . . faster than you ministrate, supervise, lead, run, press, lord
can change it back to yours.’’—Lawrence over, domineer, dictate, throw one’s weight
Peter. around, tyrannize. ANT. submit, follow, jump
bore v. 1. DRILL tunnel, burrow, tap, punch, on command.
drive, sink, gouge out, auger, mine, ream. 2.
bossy a. domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical,
TIRE weary, put to sleep, fatigue, tax, cloy,
pushy, commanding, authoritarian, iron-
annoy. ANT. 2. excite, stimulate.
boredom n. tedium, ennui, monotony, apathy, handed, high-handed, strict, controlling,
dullness, doldrums, jadedness, indifference, overpowering, bitchy, despotic, imperious.
ANT. subordinate, subservient, servile.
weariness, humdrum, flatness. ‘‘What hap-
pens when we lose contact with the uni- botch v. bungle, *screw up, spoil, ruin, *goof,
verse.’’—John Ciardi. ANT. excitement, stim- muff, foul up, fumble, flub, louse up.
ulation. bother n. annoyance, irritation, burden, trou-
boring a. tedious, tiresome, *dull as dishwater, ble, aggravation, inconvenience, pother,
*dull as paint drying, soporific, somnolent, *pain, *headache, *pain in the ass, diffi-
wearisome, dull, monotonous, humdrum, culty, nuisance.
unstimulating, uninteresting, prosaic, mun- bother v. 1. ANNOY harass, trouble, pester, dis-
dane, *ho-hum, stale, routine. ANT. exciting, turb, irritate, agitate, burden, vex, aggra-
stimulating. vate, distress, put out, irk, harry. 2. TAKE THE

78 Roget’s Superthesaurus

TROUBLE inconvenience oneself, take pains, ample, copious, prolific, lavish, bounteous,
*go out of one’s way, worry about. fat, teeming, *jam-packed, *dime a dozen,
bothersome a. annoying, troublesome, irksome, luxuriant. ANT. spare, scant, sparse, lean.
disturbing, aggravating, burdensome, incon- bounty n. gift, reward, present, bonus, benefit,
venient, difficult, vexatious, irritating. ANT. largess, premium, allowance.
welcome, agreeable, desirable. bounty hunter n. fugitive hunter, criminal
bottle n. container, decanter, jug, glass, vessel, hunter.
vial, carafe, flask, flagon, jar, phial. bouquet n. 1. BUNCH cluster, posy, spray, gar-
bottleneck n. obstacle, blockage, jam, hin- land, nosegay. 2. SCENT aroma, fragrance, es-
drance, snag, congestion, obstruction, sence, perfume, trace, breath, smell. SEE
*tight squeeze, barrier, clog, impediment. FLOWER
bottom n. 1. BASE foundation, bed, seat, foot- BOURGEOIS a. [boor ZHWAW] of the mid-
ing, floor, ground, nadir. 2. ROOT basis, core, dle-class, boring, conventional and materi-
essence, gist, source, origin. 3. REAR but- alistic. He described himself as a Bohemian; he
tocks, *fanny, butt, rump, seat, derriere, abhorred our bourgeois ways. SYN. middle-
*tush, *buns, *stern. class, working-class, proletarian, conven-
bottomless a. unfathomable, immeasureable, tional, capitalistic, common, rigid, boring,
abysmal, infinite, limitless, vast. ANT. finite. *square, *politically correct, materialistic,
botulism n. food poisoning, contamination, ill- conservative, traditional, respectable, un-
ness. cultured, philistine. ANT. Bohemian, uncon-
boudoir n. sitting room, dressing room, bed- ventional, nonconforming.
room, private room. bout n. 1. MATCH contest, battle, struggle,
bough n. limb, branch. round, go, competition. 2. PERIOD spell,
bouillon n. broth, flavoring, soup base, stock, course, round, turn, shift, term, stint.
consommé. boutique n. shop, gift store, department, booth,
boulder n. rock, rock mass, stone, glacial er- concession, franchise, business.
ratic. bow n. 1. BEND curtsy, genuflection, nod. 2.
boulevard n. avenue, parkway, concourse. SEE PROW.
STREET bow v. 1. BEND stoop, curtsy, genuflect, nod,
bounce v. 1. SPRING BACK rebound, bob, bound, salaam, kneel. 2. SUBMIT yield, give in, *cave
recoil, jump, hop, carom, ricochet. 2. in, *knuckle under, concede, defer, *kow-
JOUNCE jolt, shake. tow, acquiesce, surrender, lay down. ANT. 2.
bouncer n. Sl. security personnel, guard, *mus- fight, dominate, resist.
cle, *enforcer, ejector. bowel movement n. defecation, b.m., dis-
bound v. 1. JUMP leap, bounce, spring, vault, charge, excretion, evacuation, *number
gambol, bounce, hop. 2. RESTRICT restrain, two, diarrhea, *crap.
limit, confine, enclose, circumscribe, de- bowels n. 1. INTESTINES guts, entrails, viscera,
marcate. innards, insides. 2. INTERIOR depth, core, in-
bound a. 1. TIED fastened, wrapped, secured, sides, heart, innermost part.
trussed. 2. DESTINED certain, doomed, fated, bowl n. dish, receptacle, saucer, basin, vessel,
headed, sure, ordained, assured, determined. tureen, boat, urn.
3. OBLIGATED pledged, required, liable, com- bowling n. tenpins, candlepins, duckpins, ke-
pelled. ANT. 1. unsecured, unfastened. 2. un- gling, skittles, bocci.
sure, indefinite, unconfirmed. 3. released, freed WORD FIND
from obligation. area most likely to yield strike: pocket
boundary n. border, borderline, line, frontier, body movement of bowler after shot: body
verge, periphery, edge, rim, margin, brink, English
hem, limit, confines, outer limit, bounds, bowler: kegler
perimeter, demarcation. central pin: kingpin, headpin
boundless a. limitless, endless, infinite, immea- curving shot: hook
surable, vast, inexaustable, unbounded, per- gutter, in the: gutter ball
petual, innumerable, everlasting. ANT. lim- knock down ten with one shot: strike, mark
ited, finite. knock down ten with two shots: spare, mark
bounteous SEE BOUNTIFUL one game: string
bountiful a. generous, plentiful, abundant, pin-setting machine: pinsetter

Roget’s Superthesaurus 79

shot that leaves a gap between pins: split win by points: decision
spin imparted on the ball: English win not agreed on by all officials: split deci-
unit of game, 1/10th: frame sion
wide split: goalposts, mule ears, bedposts boy n. lad, youth, youngster, sprig, junior,
box n. carton, container, crate, receptacle, case, sprout, *little shaver, *nipper. ‘‘One who
package, bin, chest, trunk, canister, coffer. has a wolf in his stomach.’’—German prov-
box v. fight, spar, fisticuff, tussle, punch, cuff, erb. ‘‘Of all the wild beasts, the most un-
jab, sock, hit, strike, slug, deliver blows, manageable.’’—Plato.
pound, clout, pummel, *whale, beat, *mix BOYCOTT v. [BOY kot] to refuse, usually as
it up. a group, to buy a product or deal with a per-
boxer n. fighter, prizefighter, pugilist. son or company, as a protest against some
boxing n. pugilism, fighting, sparring, fisticuffs. action. They agreed to boycott the tuna com-
WORD FIND pany until dolphin-safe nets were used. SYN.
black eye: mouse *blackball, blacklist, shun, reject, refuse,
crossover punch: cross ban, ostracize, shut out, spurn, proscribe,
dazed: punch drunk strike, eschew, avoid, embargo.
ear deformation: cauliflower ear boyfriend n. sweetheart, *honey, beau, *steady,
exchange punches: mix it up suitor, lover, date, *boy toy, swain, flame,
hold, embrace: clinch *main squeeze.
illegal blow: rabbit punch, below the belt, bra n. brassiere, support cups, lingerie, under-
low blow, kidney punch, head butt wear, padded bra, *peek-a-boo bra, *falsies.
inning: round brace n. support, prop, reinforcement, strut,
jab and cross: one-two punch stay, buttress, truss, stanchion.
movement: bob and weave, dance, foot- brace v. reinforce, strengthen, support, prop,
work, on one’s bicycle bolster, tighten, shore up, fortify.
powerful punch: haymaker, Sunday punch bracelet n. band, chain, bangle, armlet, jewelry,
practice partner: sparring partner ornament.
practice with partner: spar
bracing a. invigorating, stimulating, exhilarat-
practice with self: shadow box
ing, refreshing, energizing, restorative. ANT.
punching bag: speedbag, heavy bag, crazy
tiring, soporific, draining.
brackish a. salty, saline, briny.
punch with less than full strength: pull a
brag v. boast, gloat, *blow one’s own horn,
crow, vaunt, swagger, strut, flaunt, puff,
quick, straight punch: jab
ring floor: canvas, apron *talk big, *shovel it, *blowhard. ANT. down-
stamina program: roadwork play, *hide one’s light under a bushel basket,
sweeping hook: roundhouse be modest.
tie: draw braggart n. bragger, boaster, *blowhard, *wind-
trainer, assistant: cornerman, cut man, han- bag, *gasbag, *bag of wind, show-off, egotist,
dler blusterer, braggadocio, peacock, trumpeter.
upswinging punch: uppercut, bolo punch braid v. plait, weave, twine, interlace, knot.
varied punches delivered quickly: combina- brain n. 1. SMART PERSON genius, intellectual,
tion, flurry scholar, savant, wizard, prodigy, thinker,
wait of eight seconds after knockdown: mastermind, Einstein, *egghead, sage, wit,
mandatory eight-count, standing eight- mental giant. 2. MIND *gray matter, *think-
count ing cap, *bean, encephalon, *noodle, *up-
weight and measurements of opponents: tale per story. ‘‘An apparatus with which we
of the tape think that we think.’’—Ambrose Bierce.
weight division, lightest to heaviest: fly- ‘‘An invention of the universe in order to
weight, bantamweight, featherweight, study itself.’’—Anon.
lightweight, welterweight, middle- WORD FIND
weight, light heavyweight, heavyweight, abnormally small brain: microencephalon
cruiserweight ancient portion, regulates hunger, thirst,
win by injuring, disabling opponent: knock- fighting, sex: limbic system, reptilian
out, technical knockout, TKO brain

80 Roget’s Superthesaurus

base, regulates breathing and circulation: brash a. 1. RECKLESS rash, impetuous, hasty,
medulla oblongata mindless, incautious, headlong, foolhardy,
body temperature and blood pressure regula- unwary, impulsive. 2. PUSHY bold, cocky, im-
tor: hypothalamus pudent, nervy, rude, cheeky, forward, flip,
connector of right and left hemispheres: cor- brazen. ANT. 1. thoughtful, cautious, wary. 2.
pus callosum courteous, reserved, respectful, kind.
egg-shaped patch controlling speech mus- brass tacks n. essentials, basics, *nitty gritty.
cles: Broca’s area brassy a. bold, brazen, loud, impudent, inso-
exam of brain waves: electroenchephalo- lent, arrogant, cheeky, nervy, cocky, brash,
gram (EEG). forward, shameless, bullish, loudmouthed.
heat, cold, pain, pressure sensor: thalamus ANT. shy, retiring, respectful, timid.
inflammation: encephalitis, meningitis brat n. imp, *holy terror, spoiled child, *enfant
left or right side: hemisphere terrible, *punk.
muscular coordinator in back of skull: cere- bravado a. bluff, bluster, swaggering, strutting,
bellum cockiness, *show, *crowing, bombast, mus-
nerve cell: neuron cle-flexing, macho posturing. ANT. timidity,
outer brain area controlling perception, rea- mousiness, cowering.
soning, memory: cerebrum brave v. face, defy, dare, confront, challenge,
outer layer: cortex, dura mater *stand up to.
seizure disease caused by electrical distur- brave a. courageous, bold, fearless, valiant, li-
bances: epilepsy onhearted, dauntless, heroic, plucky, *gutsy,
superhuman right-brain functioning: idiot *ballsy, intrepid, daring, spunky, manly,
savant syndrome foolhardy, macho. ANT. timid, mousy, cow-
ANT. 1. idiot, moron, imbecile. SEE INTELLI-
ardly, fainthearted, *chicken.
bravery n. courage, fearlessness, boldness,
brainstorm v. problem-solve, *put heads to- *guts, *balls, daring, spunk, valor, pluck,
gether, think, create, invent, plan, share heroism, intrepidness, manliness, mettle.
ideas, analyze, deliberate, focus on, *rack
‘‘Falling but not yielding.’’—Latin proverb.
brains, ponder, conceive, conceptualize,
‘‘Fear sneering at itself.’’—Maxwell Boden-
dream, conjure up.
heim. ANT. timidity, cowardice, mousiness,
brain trust n. advisors, experts, authorities, ad-
visory board, *best and the brighest, panel,
brawl n. fight, tussle, *scrap, donnybrook,
council, scholars, cabinet.
brainwash v. indoctrinate, program, convert, *rumble, *slugfest, imbroglio, uproar, row,
influence, persuade, condition, train. fracas, quarrel, altercation, melee, riot,
brainy a. brilliant. SEE CLEVER, INTELLIGENT, *free-for-all.
brawn n. muscles, strength, huskiness, *beefi-
braise v. cook, brown. ness, robustness, power, might.
brake n. restraint, curb, constraint, check, con- brawny a. muscular, herculean, beefy, burly,
trol. sinewy, powerful, strapping, rugged, husky,
brake v. stop, slow, decelerate, halt, curb. solid, stout. ANT. frail, powerless, weak.
bramble n. shrub, bush, brush, thorn bush, BRAZEN a. [BRAY zun] nervy, especially in
prickles, nettles, blackberry, raspberry. a disrespectful way; impudent. A brazen
bran n. husk, fiber. heckler ruined the show with his rude com-
branch n. 1. LIMB bough, arm, twig, offshoot. ments. SYN. bold, brassy, impudent, nervy,
2. UNIT division, subdivision, department, shameless, audacious, cheeky, brash, cocky,
bureau, wing, affiliate, arm, chapter, office. loudmouthed, frank, forward, *ballsy. ANT.
3. TRIBUTARY channel, feeder, stream. quiet, shy, reserved.
branch v. fork, spread, divide, bifurcate, di- breach n. 1. OPENING hole, break, crack, fissure,
verge, grow. gap, cleft. 2. VIOLATION nonobservance,
brand n. make, trade name, line, variety, trade- transgression, infringement, noncompli-
mark. ance, infraction, contravention. 3. ALIEN-
brand v. 1. MARK sear, burn in, label. 2. STIGMA- ATION split, separation, falling-out, schism,
TIZE mark, disgrace, taint, *give a black eye. friction, estrangement, parting of the ways.
brandish v. wave, exhibit, shake, show, flour- breadth n. 1. WIDTH broadness, span. 2. RANGE
ish, hold menacingly, flaunt, wield, swing. extent, scope, span, area.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 81

breadwinner n. wage earner, *one who brings development, schooling, rearing, condition-
home the bacon, *clockpuncher, income ing, manners, refinement. ‘‘Concealing how
producer. much we think of ourselves and how little
break n. 1. FRACTURE crack, rupture, tear, split, we think of the other person.’’—Mark
fissure, collapse, rift, breach, rent. 2. PAUSE Twain.
recess, breather, intermission, lull, letup, breeze n. 1. GENTLE WIND zephyr, breath, whiff,
rest, hiatus, respite. GOOD FORTUNE opportu- sough, draft, waft. SEE WIND 2. *CINCH *snap,
nity, shot, opening, stroke of luck, chance. *nothing, *duck soup.
break v. 1. FRACTURE crack, rupture, tear, split, breezy a. 1. WINDY blustery, drafty, gusty, airy,
shatter, collapse, breach, fall apart, bust, windswept, fresh. 2. LIGHTHEARTED easygo-
burst, snap, pop, smash, pulverize, splinter, ing, casual, sprightly, lively, playful, spirited,
demolish, total, disintegrate, mangle. 2. brisk, animated, vivacious, effervescent.
WEAKEN impair, undermine, diminish, de- ANT. 1. still, dead calm, becalmed. 2. de-
grade, incapacitate, cripple. 3. PAUSE rest, pressed, morose, spiritless.
recess, take a breather, suspend, stop. ANT. BREVITY n. [BREV i tee] briefness, concise-
1. repair, mend, fix. 2. strengthen, fortify. 3. ness. The speech was too long; the audience
resume, begin. begged for brevity. SYN. briefness, shortness,
breakable a. fragile, delicate, flimsy, brittle. conciseness, succinctness, terseness, com-
ANT. sturdy. pactness, pithiness, economy, pointedness.
breakdown n. 1. FAILURE malfunction, collapse, ANT. long-windedness, wordiness, lengthiness.
short circuit, disruption, mishap. 2. ITEMIZA- brew v. 1. STEEP boil, ferment, cook, stew,
TION analysis, list, categorization. seethe. 2. DEVISE concoct, invent, cook up,
breakthrough n. progress, advance, discovery, contrive, hatch, formulate, engineer.
innovation, invention, leap forward, find- brewery n. distillery. SEE ALCOHOL, BEER, DRINK
ing. bribe n. payoff, *hush money, graft, *kickback,
breakup n. separation, disintegration, rift, split, *boodle, sop, baksheesh, *grease, induce-
disbanding, dissolution. ment, incentive. SEE MONEY
breast n. 1. CHEST bosom, bust, mammary bribe v. pay off, buy off, *grease the palm, sub-
gland, *tit, *boob, teat, udder. 2. HEART orn, corrupt, entice.
soul, core, inner self, spirit, psyche. bric-a-brac n. knickknacks, trinkets, baubles,
gewgaws, bibelots, virtu.
breath n. whiff, puff, air, respiration, sigh,
brick n. block, stone, *soldier, clinker.
wheeze, whisper, gasp, inhalation, exhala-
bridge n. span, overpass, arch, viaduct, foot-
tion, aspiration.
bridge, catwalk, connector, link, connec-
breathe v. inhale, exhale, respire, draw a
tion, tie, bond.
breath, gasp, pant, wheeze, huff, blow, WORD FIND
heave, suck, snore, snort, sniff, hyperventi- arched roadway over a valley: viaduct
late. cable and girder-supported: bridle-chord
breather n. break, recess, pause, rest, respite, bridge, suspension bridge
time out. dual beams or trusses that project beyond
breathless a. short of breath, out of breath, their supports, are connected: cantilever
shortwinded, winded, asthmatic, gasping, bridge
wheezing, choking, panting, puffing, suffer- enclosure used in water for repair of: coffer-
ing from apnea, suffering from dyspnea. dam
breathtaking a. electrifying, awe-inspiring, fear of: gephyrophobia
shocking, exciting, stunning, astounding, float-supported: pontoon bridge
heart-stopping, thrilling, hair-raising, mov- opens and closes for boat traffic: drawbridge,
ing. ANT. boring, anticipated, run-of-the-mill, bascule, swing bridge, lift bridge
ho-hum. protective railing or wall: balustrade, para-
breed n. strain, variety, type, class, genus, race, pet
kind, line, species. railroad bridge framework: trestle
breed v. 1. REPRODUCE procreate, propagate, support: pier, pile, abutment
bear young, beget, generate, hatch, produce, bridge v. span, cross, traverse, connect, link,
engender. 2. TO CAUSE bring about, lead to, join, unite.
produce, foster, create, effect, spawn. bridle n. restraint, rein, halter, bit, leash, har-
breeding n. cultivation, training, upbringing, ness, muzzle, check, curb.

82 Roget’s Superthesaurus

bridle v. restrain, check, hold back, curb, har- *peppy. 2. BRACING invigorating, cool,
ness, arrest, inhibit, muzzle. chilly, nippy, biting, exhilarating, stimulat-
brief n. summary, synopsis, condensation, out- ing. ANT. 1. slow, torpid, lethargic, dull. 2.
line, sketch, precis, abridgement. somnolent, sleepy, tiring.
brief v. inform, fill in, summarize, outline. bristle v. get angry, seethe, *see red, *raise
brief a. 1. SHORT-LIVED short, fleeting, quick, one’s hackles, *get one’s dander up, flare,
fast, short-term, instantaneous, momentary, *boil, get indignant, *snap.
swift, transitory. 2. SHORT, CONCISE *short brittle a. fragile, crisp, delicate, breakable, frail,
and sweet, succinct, abbreviated, to the crumbly. ANT. solid, rock-hard, unbreakable.
point, condensed, summarized, compressed, BROACH v. [BROACH] to introduce a topic
pithy. ANT. 1. long, prolonged, time-consum- or start a discussion. It is time to broach the
ing. 2. long-winded, wordy, time-consuming. subject with Ken. SYN. introduce, start, begin,
briefing n. rundown, outlining, summary, *low- open, bring up, launch, put forth.
down, instruction, orientation. broad a. 1. WIDE vast, voluminous, capacious,
brigade n. troop, unit, group, outfit, company, deep, fat, expansive, ample, commodious,
battalion, contingent, legion. SEE MILITARY sweeping, large, immense. 2. EXTENSIVE
brigand n. bandit, outlaw, robber, desperado, comprehensive, blanket, sweeping, univer-
pirate. sal, general, far-reaching, compendious,
bright a. 1. LIGHT shining, brilliant, blinding, catholic, widespread. 3. OBVIOUS apparent,
glowing, luminous, radiant, dazzling, blaz- clear, plain, explicit, straightforward. ANT.
ing, glaring, intense, incandescent, vivid, 1. narrow, tight. 2. limited, specific, confined.
sparkling, resplendent, effulgent. 2. SMART 3. unapparent, veiled.
intelligent, clever, sharp, quick, witty, broadcast v. transmit, *beam, put on the air,
brainy, brilliant, astute. 3. HOPEFUL promis- *air, televise, telecast, relay, radio, cable,
ing, cheering, golden, rosy, encouraging, spread, disseminate, scatter, announce, re-
auspicious, sunny. 4. CHEERFUL lively, viva- port.
cious, happy, sprightly, merry, lighthearted, broaden v. widen, enlarge, expand, deepen, ex-
joyous, blithe. ANT. 1. dark, dim, gloomy, tend, increase, augment, supplement. ANT.
narrow, reduce.
black. 2. stupid, moronic, retarded, bovine,
broad-minded a. liberal-minded, open-minded,
dull. 3. dark, black, grim, hopeless. 4. grim,
tolerant, fair, impartial, unprejudiced, unbi-
morose, depressed.
ased, undogmatic, catholic, free-thinking,
brighten v. 1. LIGHTEN illuminate, intensify,
accepting, open. ANT. close-minded, narrow-
furbish, shine, polish, perk up. 2. CHEER UP
minded, bigoted, dogmatic.
lift spirits, perk up, enliven, hearten, buoy, brochure n. pamphlet, booklet, folder, circular,
uplift, gladden. ANT. 1. darken, blacken, tone leaflet, flier, throwaway.
down. 2. depress, sadden, make glum. brogue n. accent, twang, drawl.
brilliant a. 1. BRIGHT shining, incandescent, broil v. flame-broil, sear, grill, barbecue, heat,
blinding, radiant, glowing, dazzling, blazing, cook, roast, burn, singe.
intense, resplendent, scintillating, spar- broke a. penniless, poor, impoverished, bank-
kling, vivid. 2. SMART intelligent, clever, rupt, insolvent, destitute, ruined. ANT.
sharp, quick, witty, brainy, astute, inge- wealthy, affluent, rich, *rolling in dough.
nious, wise, scholarly. ANT. 1. dull, dark, tar- broken a. 1. BUSTED fractured, ruptured, shat-
nished, grimy. 2. dull, slow, *bovine, stupid, tered, splintered, torn apart, pulverized,
dim-witted. damaged, smashed, mangled. 2. NOT WORK-
brim n. rim, edge, verge, lip, margin, brink. ING nonfunctioning, broken down, in disre-
brine n. salt water, sea water, saline solution, pair, out of order, *on the blink, *on the
souse. fritz, *busted, *kaput, *dead. 3. DEFEATED
bring v. 1. CONVEY carry, bear, transport, take, beaten, crushed, vanquished, disheartened,
retrieve, fetch, deliver. 2. EFFECT cause, humbled, fallen. ANT. 1. whole, intact. 2.
make, produce, prompt, start, institute, in- functioning, running, *humming. 3. invincible,
duce, force, compel. indomitable, triumphant.
brink n. verge, edge, borderline, threshold, broken-hearted a. heartbroken, grief-stricken,
limit, brim, line. mournful, forlorn, despairing, dejected, in-
brisk a. 1. QUICK swift, energetic, lively, consolable, desolate, crushed. ANT. euphoric,
sprightly, vigorous, bustling, hustling, elated, joyous.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 83

broker n. agent, dealer, intermediary, negotia- brush v. 1. SWEEP scrub, whisk, wash, wipe, buff,
tor, go-between, middle-man. paint, scuff, dust off. 2. TOUCH sweep, stroke,
bromide n. platitude, trite saying, cliché. scrape, glance, graze, caress, tickle.
brooch n. pin, clip, ornament, breastpin, clasp. brush-off n. *cold shoulder, *kiss-off, snub, re-
brood n. offspring, young, hatchlings, clutch, jection, slight, rebuff, dismissal.
litter, spawn, children. brush up v. study, bone up, *cram.
brood v. worry, agonize, fret, ruminate, deliber- BRUSQUE a. [BRUSK] blunt or rough in
ate, *stew over, mope, muse, meditate, manner. The clerk was always discourteous
think over. and brusque. SYN. blunt, rough, abrupt, curt,
brook n. stream, creek, *crick, rill, runnel, trib- gruff, short, bluff, terse, discourteous, snippy,
utary, branch. sharp, rude. ANT. courteous, considerate, gra-
brook v. take, stand for, tolerate, abide, bear, cious.
put up with, condone. brutal a. 1. VICIOUS savage, cruel, cold, bar-
broom n. sweeper. baric, inhuman, ferocious, heartless, blood-
broth n. stock, bouillon, flavoring, soup. thirsty, brutish, ruthless, harsh, hellish, piti-
brothel n. bordello, *whorehouse, *cathouse, less. 2. HARSH rigorous, tortuous, trying,
house of ill repute, *crib, *joy house, mas- merciless, hard, painful. ANT. kind, caring,
sage parlor, house of prostitution, bagnio, humane, gentle.
bawdyhouse, *sporting house. brutality n. viciousness, savagery, cruelty, cold-
brotherhood n. fellowship, fraternity, comrade- ness, barbarism, ferocity, inhumanity, heart-
ship, kinship. ‘‘All for one and one for lessness, brutishness, harshness. ANT. kind-
all.’’—Alexandre Dumas. ness, caring, humaneness, gentility.
BROUHAHA n. [BROO ha ha] an uproar. brute n. beast, savage, barbarian, monster, ani-
The scandalous findings caused a brouhaha at mal, fiend, *Neanderthal, caveman, ogre,
city hall. SYN. uproar, hubbub, commotion, swine, devil.
wrangle, stir, clamor, *to-do, ruckus, upset, bubble n. globule, droplet, sphere, burble,
disturbance, hullabaloo, rumpus, sensation. spheroid, orb, bead, bleb.
browbeat v. intimidate, bully, cow, badger, ter- bubble v. boil, percolate, simmer, seethe, effer-
rorize, harass, threaten, domineer, *bull- vesce, burble, froth, foam, fizz, popple.
doze, tyrannize, hector. buccaneer n. pirate, corsair, privateer.
brown a. auburn, chestnut, chocolate, sorrel, buck n. stag, deer.
coffee, brunette, fawn, ochre, umber, ma- bucket n. pail, vessel, cask, can, scuttle, pot,
hogany, cocoa, dun, tan, beige, cinnamon, pitcher, container, holder.
ginger, rust, nutbrown, bister, sepia, henna, buckle n. clasp, clip, fastener, snap, hitch, hasp.
earth, fox. buckle v. 1. CLASP clip, fasten, snap on, hitch.
brown-nose v. Sl. *kiss up, *suck up, bootlick, 2. BEND contort, warp, crimp, bulge, break,
toady, fawn, flatter, kowtow, truckle, curry collapse, cave in, crumple, give way. ANT. 1.
favor with. unbuckle, unfasten, release. 2. straighten.
browse v. glance, skim, scan, flip through, pe- buckle down v. apply oneself, get serious, *put
ruse, skip over. one’s nose to the grindstone.
bruise n. contusion, black and blue mark, ec- BUCOLIC a. [byoo KOL ik] of rural or pastoral
chymosis, discoloration, blemish, wound, life; rustic. We admired a bucolic panorama of
*hickey. rolling hills, grazing cows and old stone walls.
bruise v. contuse, jam, wound, bump, discolor, SYN. rustic, rural, countrified, pastoral,
injure, mark, mar. agrarian, Arcadian. ANT. urban, citified, met-
bruiser n. bully, fighter, boxer, hulk. ropolitan.
brunette a. dark-haired, brown-haired, black- bud v. sprout, open, bloom, flower, blossom,
haired. shoot. SEE FLOWER
brunt n. blow, impact, shock, force, full force. buddy n. pal, chum, friend, comrade, compan-
brush n. 1. BROOM whisk, besom, duster. 2. ion, sidekick, crony, alter ego, *bro.
TOUCH sweep, stroke, scrape. 3. CONFRONTA- budge v. 1. MOVE inch, shift, stir, roll, dislodge,
TION clash, encounter, run-in, skirmish, tus- push, propel, nudge. 2. BEND give in, acqui-
sle. 4. BUSH scrub, thicket, undergrowth, esce, yield.
shrubs, coppice, brake, bramble, brier, budget n. financial plan, appropriation, esti-
bracken. mate, overhead, expenses. ‘‘A mathematical

84 Roget’s Superthesaurus

confirmation of your suspicions.’’—A.A. nonopening window: deadlight

Latimer. SEE MONEY, BANK outside corner: quoin
budget v. apportion, allocate, estimate, ration, rooftop safety wall: parapet
allow. round, domed: rotunda
buff n. devotee, enthusiast, fanatic, expert, shelflike projection: cornice
connoisseur, *bug, *freak, nut. support: joist, beam, girder, pier, buttress,
buff v. clean, shine, polish, rub, burnish, flying buttress
smooth. window design, arrangement: fenestration
buffalo n. bison, animal, mammal, quadriped, wing: annex, ell, bay
buffer n. cushion, pad, shock absorber, guard. HOUSE
buffet n. sideboard, counter, credenza, shelf, bulge n. bump, swelling, protuberance, lump,
salad bar, cold table, smorgasbord. hump, prominence, outgrowth. ANT. hollow,
buffet v. pummel, beat, cuff, strike, slug, slap, hole.
drub, knock, punch, smack, wallop, pound, bulge v. swell, protrude, distend, puff, balloon,
*hit up-side the head. stick out. ANT. contract, shrivel.
buffoon n. clown, fool, jester, joker, prankster, bulimia n. eating disorder, bulimarexia, bulimia
comedian, harlequin, *boob, bozo, zany, nervosa, compulsive eating. SEE ANOREXIA
merry-andrew. bulk n. 1. SIZE mass, volume, amount, magni-
bug n. 1. INSECT vermin, pest. 2. FLAW defect, tude, body, extent. 2. BIGGEST PART main,
fault, imperfection. majority, most, lion’s share, preponderance,
bug v. 1. BOTHER annoy, irritate, irk, pester, better part.
vex, nettle, badger, plague, disturb. 2. WIRE- bulky a. massive, unwieldy, cumbersome, huge,
TAP eavesdrop, spy. ponderous, prodigious, mammoth, sizable,
build n. physique, shape, figure, body. unmanageable, hulking, voluminous. ANT.
build v. 1. CONSTRUCT erect, put together, as- small, wieldy, manageable, pocket-sized.
semble, raise, fabricate, *knock together, bull n. 1. ANIMAL Taurus, bullock, male, steer,
engineer, contrive, *throw up. 2. ESTABLISH ox. 2. Sl. UNTRUTH *bilge, *blarney, *balo-
start, set up, initiate, institute, found, create. ney, bushwa, *BS, *hogwash, lies, bunk,
3. FORM shape, mold, model, fashion, create. *hokum, *horsefeathers, *malarkey, *rot,
4. INTENSIFY compound, escalate, mount, *rubbish, nonsense.
amplify, magnify, grow, swell. ANT. 1. disas- bull v. charge, drive, thrust, press, bulldoze,
semble, demolish, raze. 4. decrease, decre-
bulldozer n. earthmover, grader, plow, heavy
building n. structure, edifice, construction,
erection, high rise, *skyscraper, superstruc-
bullet n. shot, ball, shell, cartridge, trajectile,
ture, framework.
slug, *lead, pellet, missile.
arches, series of: arcade WORD FIND
brickwork laid in checkered pattern: check- bulletproof garment: bulletproof vest
erwork, basketweave bulletproof shield: mantelet
brickwork with alternating courses of bricks cartridge with no projectile: blank
laid sideways (stretchers) and head-ways container: cartridge
(headers): English bond covering: jacket
brickwork with every other brick laid head- diameter: caliber
ways (header): Flemish bond glowing, military: tracer
concrete embedded with steel mesh, bars: pointed: spitzer
reinforced concrete receptacle: clip, magazine
face: facade shotgun pellets: birdshot, buckshot
gallery between two main stories: mezzanine shotgun projectiles used in riots to stun, not
inscribed stone: cornerstone kill: baton rounds
inscription on: epigraph soft, expands when it hits, causing severe
material: brick, mortar, concrete, reinforced damage: dumdum
concrete, stone, wood, adobe trajectory deviation: drift
monstrous ornament: gargoyle, grotesque SEE AMMUNITION, GUN

Roget’s Superthesaurus 85

bulletin n. report, flash, statement, announce- *goat-roper, clodhopper, yahoo, *cider

ment, notification, communication, dis- squeezer, farmer.
patch, publication. bumptious a. arrogant, conceited, pushy, for-
bullfight n. corrida, spectacle. ward, overbearing, cocky, haughty, pre-
WORD FIND sumptuous. ANT. bashful, diffident, retiring.
assistant on horseback, lances bull’s neck: bumpy a. rough, jolting, lumpy, jerky, jarring,
picador rugged, *washboard, corrugated, *spine-
assisting team: cuadrilla shattering, *kidney-crushing, choppy,
barbed dart: banderilla *chuckholed, *potholed. ANT. smooth, silky,
cheer: olé graded.
fighter: matador, torero bunch n. group, cluster, collection, lot, mass,
matador’s emergency shelter: burladero clump, quantity, assortment, bundle, host,
picador’s lance: pic multitude, heap, batch, throng, swarm,
red cape waved: capa number, galaxy, *mess, *oodles.
wave of red cloth: capeador bundle n. 1. MASS bunch, lot, cluster, heap,
bullheaded a. headstrong, stubborn, mulish, group, pile, batch, collection. 2. PACKAGE
obstinate. ANT. compromising, yielding, irreso- parcel, packet, box, carton, sheaf, bale,
lute. stack, roll.
bullion n. ingot, bar, plate; gold, silver. bungalow n. cottage. SEE HOUSE
bullish a. optimistic, confident, believing, bungle v. botch, *screw up, *muff, *blow it,
hopeful, sure, assured, steady, unflinching, *goof, mess up, blunder, fumble, misstep,
cocksure, rising, gowing, escalating, climb- miscalculate, *drop the ball. ANT. succeed,
ing, ascending, surging, increasing, gaining, *pull it off, *score.
inflating, trending upward. ANT. bearish, pes- bungling a. inept, incompetent, clumsy, blun-
simistic, falling. dering, maladroit. ANT. adroit, nimble, able.
bully n. tyrant, thug, tormentor, terrorizer, bunk n. 1. BED cot, berth. 2. Sl. NONSENSE *ma-
bruiser, ruffian, rowdy, *browbeater, *dink, larky, *baloney, *hokum, *rubbish, twaddle.
swaggerer, oppressor, aggressor, intimidator, SEE BULL, NONSENSE
*human T-Rex, dictator, *biggest toad in buoy n. float, marker, beacon, bell.
the puddle. SEE BOSS WORD FIND
bully v. domineer, tyrannize, torment, *lord mooring: dolphin
over, threaten, oppress, dictate, *call the type: can, nun, bell, whistle
shots, intimidate, hector, browbeat. buoy v. uplift, boost, raise, lift, hearten.
bulwark n. fortification, rampart, earthwork, buoyant a. cheerful, lighthearted, resilient,
bank, wall, reinforcement, barrier, defense, blithe, optimistic, sprightly, mirthful, san-
stronghold, bastion, protection. guine, carefree, jaunty. ANT. depressed, som-
bum n. loafer, idler, derelict, panhandler, ber, down.
drunk, hobo, vagrant, ne’er-do-well, beggar, burden n. load, weight, cross to bear, obliga-
tramp, transient. tion, stress, millstone, albatross, onus, strain,
bumbling a. blundering, stumbling, bungling, hardship, responsibility, encumbrance, af-
clumsy, uncoordinated. ANT. coordinated, or- fliction, workload, incubus.
dered, graceful. burden v. load, weigh down, saddle with, en-
bummer n. Sl. *downer, bad experience, disap- cumber, strain, obligate, bog down, hamper,
pointment, disaster, *pain in the ass, misfor- oppress, tax, yoke. ANT. unburden, lighten,
tune, *drag. free.
bump n. 1. COLLISION crash, thud, thump, bureau n. 1. DRESSER chest of drawers, chest,
scrape, tap, jolt, blow, jostle, knock, side- chiffonier, highboy. 2. DEPARTMENT divi-
swiping, *fenderbender, impact, crack, sion, branch, agency, office, commission.
nudge. 2. SWELLING lump, bulge, welt, knob, BUREAUCRACY n. [byoo ROK ruh see] any
gnarl, nodule, protuberance, dent, *ding. form of government administration, espe-
bump v. 1. HIT thump, collide with, run into, cially that which is inefficient and bound by
butt, scrape, tap, jar, bang, graze, sideswipe, its own red tape. A bureaucracy requires a
jostle, smash into, bang. 2. DISPLACE depose, contract submitted in quadruplicate when a
replace, remove, dislodge. handshake would do. SYN. government ad-
bumpkin n. hick, *hayseed, yokel, rustic, ministration, civil service, officialdom, *the

86 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Establishment, *powers that be, city hall, burst n. explosion, outburst, blowout, eruption,
the system, the authorities, *Big Brother. discharge, outpouring, spurt.
‘‘A giant mechanism operated by pyg- burst v. pop, explode, crack open, rupture, fly
mies.’’—Honore de Balzac. ‘‘The anony- apart, blow up, shatter, rip, bust, split, erupt,
mous ‘they,’ the enigmatic ‘they’ who are in disintegrate.
charge.’’—Joseph Heller. bury v. 1. INTER entomb, inhume, sepulcher,
bureaucrat n. government official, civil ser- lay to rest. 2. EMBED sink, submerge, implant,
vant, administrator, politician, clerk, public engulf. 3. COVER conceal, hide, cache, stash,
servant, pencil-pusher, *desk-jockey, *red secrete. ANT. 1. exhume, dig up. 3. expose,
tape dispenser. air.
BURGEON v. [BUR jun] grow, proliferate. bus n. transport, public transportation, motor
The deficit is burgeoning out of control. SYN. vehicle, passenger vehicle, motor coach, jit-
grow, proliferate, flourish, develop, sprout, ney, mass transit vehicle.
thrive, mushroom, bud, spread, multiply, ex- bush n. 1. SHRUB hedge, plant, thicket, brier,
pand. ANT. dwindle, diminish. bramble, undergrowth, scrub. 2. BACKCOUN-
burglar n. thief, cat burglar, crook, mugger, TRY woods, jungle, the wild, outback.
prowler, *picklock, robber, housebreaker. bushed a. exhausted, spent, *pooped. ANT. en-
burial n. interment, inhumation, funeral, en- ergetic, peppy. SEE TIRED
tombment, last rites, *deep six. SEE CEMETERY bush-league a. second-rate, *minor league,
burlesque n. parody, satire, caricature, farce, *small potatoes. ANT. first-rate, big league, big
lampoon, travesty, *send-up, spoof, vaude- time. SEE INFERIOR
ville, comedy, *schtick, skits, striptease. business n. 1. OCCUPATION profession, trade,
burly a. big, heavy, muscular, strong, beefy, job, career, vocation, calling, work, liveli-
brawny, stout, hefty, hulking, rugged, thick- hood, *racket, pursuit. 2. COMMERCE indus-
set. ANT. skinny, anorexic, slight. try, trade, enterprise, manufacturing, mer-
burn v. 1. BE ON FIRE OR SET FIRE incinerate, ig- chandising, buying and selling,
nite, torch, blaze, flame, light, smolder, kin- mercantilism, marketing. ‘‘The art of ex-
dle, reduce to ashes, rage, go up in smoke, tracting money from another man’s pocket
consume, cremate, deflagrate, combust, without resorting to violence.’’—Max Am-
singe, sear, broil, char, scorch, brand, cau- sterdam. ‘‘Riding a bicycle. Either you keep
terize. 2. CONSUME use up, expend, squander. moving or you fall down.’’—John Wright.
3. CHEAT swindle, bilk, take, *rip off. ANT.
3. RESPONSIBILITY concern, department,
1. extinguish, quench. 2. conserve, save.
province, affair, duty, interest, subject, mat-
burning a. 1. FLAMING blazing, on fire, raging,
ter. 4. FIRM company, corporation, concern,
aflame, fiery, ignited, smouldering, smoking.
enterprise, market, store, factory, office, or-
2. SERIOUS dire, crucial, compelling, impor-
ganization, conglomerate, mill.
tant, critical, crucial, vital, urgent, pressing.
3. FERVENT feverish, passionate, frenzied, ar- businesslike a. methodical, efficient, orga-
dent, enthusiastic. ANT. 1. extinguished, out, nized, orderly, systematic, professional, in-
quenched. 2. insignificant, trivial. 3. apathetic, dustrious. ANT. disorganized, slipshod, unpro-
cool, unconcerned. fessional.
burnish v. polish, smooth, brighten, furbish, businessman/woman n. merchant, trader, in-
buff, shine, gloss, rub. dustrialist, entrepreneur, tycoon, capitalist,
burnout n. exhaustion, dissipation, weariness, investor, employer.
combat fatigue, defeat, sapping, *running bust n. chest, bosom, breast.
out of steam, expiration, disillusionment, bustle n. activity, commotion, hubbub, hurly-
disenchantment, breakdown. burly, uproar, tumult, flurry, stir, *comings
burn out v. tire, fatigue, *run out of steam, be- and goings, to-do, pother. ANT. stillness,
come drained, *stress out, become jaded, calm, peace.
*get sick of. busy a. 1. ACTIVE bustling, full, *buzzing,
burp v. belch. *humming, *popping, *hopping, jumping,
burrow n. hole, tunnel, warren, dugout, dig- *on the go, lively. 2. ENGAGED preoccupied,
gings, den, lair. employed, unavailable, working, active, in-
burrow v. dig, excavate, tunnel, hollow out, volved, tied down, tied up. ANT. 1. idle, still,
furrow. quiet. 2. free, at leisure, lazing around.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 87

busybody n. meddler, pry, gossip, snoop, blab- buttress v. reinforce, strengthen, fortify, bol-
bermouth, *buttinski. ster, shore up, prop up.
butcher v. 1. SLAUGHTER dress, clean, cure, buxom a. full-figured, *busty, shapely, plump,
pack, smoke. 2. KILL slaughter, murder, mas- voluptuous. ANT. skinny, bony, *flat.
sacre, slay. 3. BUNGLE botch, make a mess of, buy v. 1. PURCHASE acquire, bargain for, pay
*screw up, ruin. for, procure, make a deal, bid, corner, shop,
butler n. servant, *help, food server, staff. market. 2. BRIBE corrupt, *pay off.
butt/buttocks n. bottom, seat, rump, *tush, buzz n. hum, drone, whir, hiss, whizz.
*ass, derriere, *fanny, *stern, backside, glu- bygone a. former, past, previous, gone by,
teus maximus. olden, erstwhile, defunct, forgotten, lost.
butt n. subject, target, victim, scapegoat. ANT. present, current, in the here and now.
butt v. ram, horn, thrust, strike, drive, batter,
bypass v. go around, avoid, detour around, side-
collide, jab, jam.
butterflies n. anxiety, tension, nerves, jitters, step, circumvent.
unease, nervousness, nausea, *shakes, *cold byproduct n. outgrowth, offshoot, spin-off, side
sweat, nervous anticipation. effect.
button n. 1. FASTENER clasp, stud. 2. PUSHBUT- bystander n. observer, onlooker, witness, eye-
TON switch, toggle, on/off, power switch, witness, spectator, passerby.
tuner, adjustor, knob, dial. byte n. eight bits, sixteen bits, unit.
buttress n. support, prop, brace, reinforcement, byword n. proverb, adage, motto, maxim, slo-
abutment, stanchion, shore, beam, pier, gan, saying, catchword, watchword, dictum,
arch. truth, principle.

88 Roget’s Superthesaurus

cab n. taxi, cabriolet, hack, hansom. cadre n. nucleus, core, infrastructure, frame-
cabal n. 1. FACTION junta, camarilla, clique, work.
ring, band. 2. CONSPIRACY plot, intrigue, cafe n. coffeehouse, bar, bistro. SEE RESTAURANT
scheme. cafeteria n. lunchroom, lunch counter, com-
cabalistic a. occult, secret, hidden, clandestine, missary. SEE RESTAURANT
esoteric, mystic, mysterious, conspiratorial, cage n. enclosure, jail, pound, lockup, pen,
underground. ANT. overt, open. coop, confinement, prison, trap.
cabana n. shelter, bathhouse. cage v. confine, trap, enclose, pen, imprison,
cabaret n. nightclub, boite, dinner theater, impound, coop up, shut up, lock up. ANT.
cafe, supper club, honky-tonk, disco. free, release.
cabin n. 1. COTTAGE shack, loghouse, camp, CAGEY a. [KAY jee] tricky, not easily caught
hovel, hut, lodge, chalet, shanty, bungalow. or fooled. A fox is a cagey animal. SYN. tricky,
2. COMPARTMENT quarters, stateroom, room, sly, cunning, wary, leery, shrewd, wily, cau-
chamber. tious, crafty, careful. ANT. unwary, trusting,
cabinet n. 1. CUPBOARD commode, bureau, naive.
chest, chiffonier, chifforobe, box, case, file, cahoots n. Sl. partnership, league, collusion, al-
etagere, console. 2. ADMINISTRATION advis- liance, conspiracy.
ers, council, ministry, board, *brain trust. CAJOLE v. [kuh JOHL] to persuade with flat-
cabinetmaker n. craftsman, woodworker, arti- tery, coax. She cajoled him for hours; he finally
san, furniture maker, carpenter. gave in. SYN. persuade, coax, wheedle,
cabin fever n. claustrophobia, winter blues, *sweet talk, blandish, pander to, *butter up,
SAD (seasonal affective disorder), restless- flatter, stroke, *kiss up, beguile, inveigle.
ness, distress, *climbing the walls, tempo- cajolery n. palaver, persuasion, coaxing. SEE
rary insanity, neurosis, *going psycho. FLATTERY
cable n. 1. WIRE cord, line, rope, chain. 2. OVER- cake n. 1. BAR block, lump, brick, slab, cube.
SEAS TELEGRAM wire, cablegram. 2. LOAF batter cake, layer cake, torte, pastry,
cache n. stockpile, hoard, stash, supply, store, flan, madeleine, cupcake.
*nest egg, respository, reserve, hiding place cakewalk n. *a snap, *breeze, *child’s play,
provisions. *cinch, *no-brainer, *piece of cake.
cackle v. chuckle, chortle. SEE LAUGH calamitous a. disastrous, catastrophic, ruinous,
CACOPHONOUS a. [kuh KOF uh nus] devastating, cataclysmic, grievous, fatal,
harsh-sounding, jarring, especially designat- tragic, dire. ANT. blessed, beneficial, favorable.
ing incongruent sounds heard over one an- calamity n. disaster, catastrophe, devastation,
other. No one could tell whether the cacopho- cataclysm, fatality, misery, blow, adversity,
nous heavy-metal band was in tune or not. SYN. ruination, misfortune. ‘‘A mighty level-
harsh-sounding, jarring, dissonant, discor- ler.’’—Edmund Burke. ‘‘The test of integ-
dant, strident, inharmonious, unmelodious, rity.’’—Samuel Richardson. ANT. blessing,
grating, raucous, noisy. ANT. euphonic, har- good fortune, boon.
monious, melodious. calculate v. compute, figure, reckon, add up,
cactus n. desert plant, saguaro, cholla, prickly sum up, count, evaluate, surmise, judge,
pear, cereus, mescal. SEE DESERT forecast.
cad n. scoundrel, bounder, heel, rogue, rat, ras- calculating a. shrewd, scheming, crafty, design-
cal, lout, scamp, knave, bastard, *dink. ing, manipulative, plotting, artful, wily,
cadaver n. corpse, body, *stiff, carcass, remains, sharp. ANT. artless, naive.
mummy. calculation n. computation, figuring, counting,
cadaverous a. pale, ghastly, gaunt, haggard, reckoning, summation, evaluation, estima-
pallid, ashen, deathly, emaciated, chalky, tion, mathematics, arithmetic.
ghostly, bloodless, having the pallor of calculator n. computer, adding machine,
death. ANT. rosy, ruddy, glowing. *number cruncher.
cadence n. modulation, meter, rhythm, beat, caldron n. boiler. SEE KETTLE
measure, pulse, tempo, flow, swing. caliber n. 1. QUALITY value, worth, character,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 89

ability, virtue, distinction. 2. DIAMETER bore, comradeship, conviviality, esprit de corps,

gauge. fraternization, loyalty, *buddy-buddy atmo-
CALIBRATE v. [KAL uh brayt] to adjust; to sphere. ANT. hostility, antagonism, coldness.
check for accuracy. The inspector came to cal- SEE FRIENDSHIP
ibrate the meat scales. SYN. adjust, check, cor- camcorder n. videocassette recorder, camera.
rect, fix, test, regulate, measure, align, tune, camel n. dromedary, beast of burden, quadru-
fine-tune, balance, synchronize. ped, ruminant.
calisthenics n. exercises, workout, aerobics. camera n. 35mm, *Polaroid, video camera,
call n. 1. SHOUT exclamation, yell, whoop, an- camcorder, *Brownie, *Kodak, *Nikon.
nouncement, outcry. 2. SUMMONS request, WORD FIND
convocation, appeal, draft. 3. INVITATION flash receptacle: hot shoe
solicitation, bidding. 3. ANIMAL CRY hoot, focusing system: range finder, viewfinder
shriek, bleat, low, bellow, trumpet, ulula- lens for shooting tiny objects: macro lens
tion. SEE BIRD, SHOUT lens producing haze or color effect: filter
call v. 1. SHOUT exclaim, announce, yell, cry, lightmeasuring device: light meter, exposure
holler, hail, whoop. 2. SUMMON request, meter, photometer
convoke, muster, convene, direct. 3. NAME light producer: flash
designate, label, title, term, christen, dub. 4. long-distance lens: telephoto lens, zoom
VISIT drop in, ring. lens
call girl n. *hooker, *streetwalker. SEE PROSTI- opening, amount of: aperture
opens and closes when shot is taken: shutter
calling n. vocation, metier, occupation, profes- stand: tripod, highhat
sion, trade, job, business, pursuit, line, forte, wide field of view lens: wide-angle lens, fish-
passion, *thing, *bag, *racket. eye, bugeye
call off v. cancel, postpone, *scrub, abort, *kill.
camisole n. negligee, undergarment. SEE LIN-
CALLOUS a. [KAL us] unfeeling, having no
pity. The callous rioters looted neighborhood
camouflage n. disguise, concealment, facade,
stores. SYN. unfeeling, pitiless, merciless,
cover-up, cryptic coloration, blind, dissimu-
cold, uncaring, heartless, insensitive, hard-
lation, front, masquerade, veil, shroud,
boiled, indifferent, cruel, cold-blooded. ANT. mimicry.
sympathetic, caring, thoughtful. camouflage v. disguise, conceal, cover up, mas-
CALLOW a. [KAL oh] inexperienced, imma- querade, obscure, obfuscate, shroud, veil,
ture. Some sixteen-year-olds are too callow to hide, simulate, mimic. ANT. expose, reveal,
be trusted behind the wheel. SYN. inexperi- display.
enced, immature, unseasoned, naive, unso- camp n. 1. ENCAMPMENT bivouac, cantonment,
phisticated, childish, juvenile, sophomoric, shelter. 2. GROUP faction, clique, sect, party,
uninitiated, green, unfledged. ANT. mature, circle.
experienced, worldly. camp v. bivouac, encamp, pitch a tent, rough
calm a. 1. STILL motionless, tranquil, quiet, un- it, lodge, sleep out.
disturbed, halcyon, windless, smooth, campaign n. 1. OPERATIONS offensive, strategy,
placid, serene. 2. RELAXED unperturbed, battle plan. 2. DRIVE crusade, movement,
cool, collected, unruffled, unexcited, sedate, project, push.
tranquil, dispassionate, composed, staid, un- campaign v. electioneer, run, solicit votes, can-
flappable, placid. ANT. 1. turbulent, rough, vass, crusade, lobby, barnstorm.
disturbed. 2. nervous, anxious, frenzied, pan- camper n. recreational vehicle, RV, *tin can,
icky. mobile home, *Winnebago.
calumny n. slander, defamation, malicious campus n. grounds, yard, quad, dorm, alma
statement, libel, smear, mud-slinging, mater. SEE SCHOOL, COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY
smirch, false accusation, aspersion, slur. campy a. affected, effeminate, artificial, osten-
ANT. praise, compliment, acclaim. tatious, garish, posturing, flaunting, out-
CAMARADERIE n. [kah muh RAH duh ree] landish, theatrical, *faggy. ANT. straight-
friendliness and rapport. The camaraderie be- laced, understated, serious.
tween the team’s players was obvious. SYN. fel- can n. container, receptacle, vessel, tin.
lowship, rapport, friendliness, companion- canal n. waterway, conduit, channel, race, aq-
ship, bonhomie, brotherhood, friendship, ueduct, passage, trench, culvert, duct, tube.

90 Roget’s Superthesaurus

cancel v. 1. CALL OFF stop, revoke, *kill, break WORD FIND

off, void, annul, discontinue, rescind, coun- case of projectiles: canister
termand, abort. 2. OFFSET counter, neutral- cast iron balls: grapeshot
ize, counterbalance, make up for, nullify. continuous firing: cannonade, barrage, salvo
cancer n. carcinoma, tumor, malignancy, sar- gunner: cannoneer
coma, malignant neoplasm, growth. kick: recoil
WORD FIND shipboard antiaircraft guns: pompom
blood/marrow: leukemia SEE ARMY, GUN, WEAPON
breast removal: mastectomy canny a. shrewd, clever, cautious, careful, ca-
cause, substance: carcinogen gey, wiley, sly, smart, streetwise, worldly,
deadly form: malignant wary, crafty, sagacious. ANT. naive, careless,
harmless form: benign unsophisticated, dim-witted.
mass: tumor, neoplasm, growth canoe n. boat, dugout, pirogue, bongo, kayak.
medical branch: oncology WORD FIND
removable: resectable air chambers: sponsons
skin: melanoma, basal cell tumor angled stroke used to avoid fatigue on long
spread of: metastasis excursions: Canadian stroke
treatment: chemotherapy, radiation apparel and equipment of canoeist: duffle
tumor removal: lumpectomy braking stroke: jam stroke
SEE OPERATION, DISEASE carrying canoe over land between water
candid a. open, honest, frank, up-front, bodies: portaging
straightforward, blunt, direct, sincere, four- deviate from course or float sideways: yaw
square, heart-to-heart. ANT. mealy-mouthed, distance above water line to gunwales: free-
insincere, indirect. board, draw, draft
candidate n. nominee, aspirant, contender, of- left side facing forward: port
fice-seeker, party favorite, hopeful, entrant, line used to tie or tow: painter
*dark horse. SEE GOVERNMENT, POLITICS, ELEC- right side facing forward: starboard
side edges, upper: gunwales (pronounced
candle n. taper, rush, torch, glim.
underside strip: keel
burning center: wick
holder: sconce, candelabra, chandelier, gir-
andole, menorah CAN OF WORMS n. a complex or trouble-
lighter: taper some problem. He opened up a can of worms
maker: chandler when he made the ‘‘no new taxes’’ pledge. SYN.
material: wax, carnauba, tallow problem, difficulty, complexity, Pandora’s
wick’s end: snuff box, complication, trouble, Gordian knot,
CANDOR n. [KAN dur] truthfulness, frank- entanglement, snarl, knot, predicament,
ness. In all candor, Mary, you have dragon quandary, quagmire, hot water.
breath. SYN. truthfulness, frankness, honesty, canon n. law, decree, doctrine, principle,
straightforwardness, bluntness, outspoken- dogma, edict, statute. SEE LAW
ness, openness, directness, forthrightness, canopy n. awning, cover, sunshade, baldachin,
plain-speaking. ANT. deception, indirectness, tilt, tarp.
duplicity, *doublespeak. cant n. 1. INSINCERITY piety, *lip service, hypoc-
candy n. sweet, confection, bonbon, kiss, loz- risy, pretense, sanctimony. 2. JARGON argot,
enge, taffy, caramel, toffee, jellybean, jaw- lingo, dialect, slang, vernacular, patter.
breaker, fudge, drop, wafer, lollipop, nougat, cant v. tilt, angle, overturn, slant, lean, tip, in-
praline, sweetmeat, brittle, cotton candy, cline.
peanut brittle, mint, sucker, gumball, choc- cantankerous a. bad-tempered, ornery, crabby,
olate bar, penny candy. touchy, surly, grouchy, irritable, conten-
cane n. stick, walking stick, staff, crook, rod. tious, grumpy, crotchety, testy, cranky, bear-
canker n. lesion, sore, ulcer, blister, cold sore. ish. ANT. cheerful, easygoing, good-humored.
cannibal n. man-eater, headhunter, savage, canteen n. flask, bottle, jug.
barbarian, carnivore. canter v. lope, saunter, amble, trot, gallop.
cannon n. gun, howitzer, mortar, heavy artil- canvas n. duck, tent cloth, sailcloth, coarse
lery, ordnance, *Big Bertha, *Long Tom. cloth, fabric, cotton, hemp, flax.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 91

canvass v. analyze, poll, examine, solicit, sur- up, give in, yield, surrender, acquiesce, ac-
vey, study, investigate, discuss, electioneer. cede, come to terms, submit, bow, cave in,
canyon n. valley, gorge, gulch, ravine, gully, knuckle under. ANT. stand firm, stand one’s
box canyon, chasm, pass. ground, fight.
cap n. hat, headgear, beret, beanie, tam-o’- caprice n. whim, impulse, notion, vagary,
shanter. SEE HAT whimsy, eccentricity, fancy, fickleness.
cap v. top, crown, surpass, beat, transcend, CAPRICIOUS a. [kuh PRISH us] subject to
eclipse, defeat. change on a whim, unpredictable. Fred is
capability a. ability, know-how, capacity, profi- always changing his mind; he is as capricious as
ciency, wherewithal, aptitude, *the right the wind. SYN. fickle, whimsical, unpredict-
stuff, means, power, skill, mind, talent. able, unstable, frivolous, impulsive, incon-
capable a. able, competent, skilled, trained, apt, sistent, indecisive, wayward, flighty, crotch-
adept, learned, proficient, deft, adept, equal ety, quirky, *any way the wind blows. ANT.
to, expert, masterly, adroit, talented, *hav- constant, stable, predictable.
ing the right stuff. ANT. incapable, incompe- capsize v. overturn, tip, upset, *turn turtle, roll
tent, inept. over, keel over.
capacious a. spacious, roomy, commodious, vo-
capsule n. pill, tablet, pellet, ampule, wafer.
luminous, big, ample. ANT. tiny, cramped.
capacity n. 1. VOLUME proportions, size, dimen- captain n. cap’n, master, skipper, boss, chief,
sions, magnitude, range, contents, space, manager, head, commanding officer, leader,
limit, room. 2. ABILITY capability, means, *old man.
power, competence, faculty, aptitude, *the caption n. heading, title, subtitle, legend, in-
right stuff, mind, talent, skill, proficiency. scription.
3. POSITION role, responsibility, function. captivate v. attract, charm, fascinate, spellbind,
cape n. 1. MANTLE cloak, wrap, poncho, shawl, enamor, enchant, enthrall, bewitch, mes-
capote, pelisse. 2. PENINSULA headland, merize, hypnotize, *knock/sweep off one’s
point, promontory. feet. ANT. repel, repulse, turn off.
caper n. prank, escapade, *high jinx, *shenani- captive n. prisoner, internee, convict, hostage.
gans. captive a. imprisoned, confined, held, bound,
caper v. jump, skip, gambol, prance, romp, frisk, obliged. ANT. liberated, emancipated, free.
hop, leap about. captivity n. imprisonment, incarceration, re-
capital n. 1. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT principal city. straint, bondage, custody, detention.
2. WEALTH funds, moneys, stock, savings, capture n. apprehension, seizure, landing,
assets, resources, venture capital, invest- *bagging, catch, taking, acquisition, net-
ment capital. ‘‘That part of wealth which ting, recovery, taking into custody, trapping,
is devoted to obtaining further wealth.’’— cornering. ANT. release, liberation.
Alfred Marshall. 1. SEE GOVERNMENT, POLI- capture v. catch, apprehend, seize, *bag, *nab,
*collar, land, snare, net, corner, trap,
CAPITALISM n. [KAP i tuh LIZ um] free en- *round up. ANT. release, liberate.
terprise, business and the pursuit of wealth car n. sedan, coupe, roadster, *clunker. SEE AU-
by private citizens for private gain. Capital-
ism is the economic engine that drives America.
caravan n. train, cavalcade, procession, com-
SYN. free enterprise, free market, commer-
pany, motorcade, column.
cialism, mercantilism, *dog eat dog, laissez-
faire, private ownership, market economy, carbuncle n. boil, infection, furuncle, canker,
private investment. ‘‘The unequal sharing of sore.
blessings. . . . ’’—Winston Churchill. ANT. carcass n. corpse, cadaver, body, remains, car-
socialism, communism. SEE GOVERNMENT rion, *roadkill, *dead meat.
capitalist n. investor, entrepreneur, financier, carcinogen n. cancer-causing agent, cancer-
tycoon, businessman. causing substance, tumor-forming agent,
capitalize on v. take advantage of, cash in on, mutagen, toxin, health hazard, poison,
exploit, profit by, utilize. killer, deadly chemical.
CAPITULATE v. [kuh PICH yoo LATE] to CARCINOGENIC a. [kar sin uh JEN ik] per-
give up, give in, yield. The opposing side taining to any substance or source that
agreed to capitulate on several points. SYN. give causes cancer. Radiation is highly carcinogenic.

92 Roget’s Superthesaurus
Cardiac Arrest–Carp

SYN. cancer-causing, tumor-forming, muta- caregiver n. attendant, custodian, parent,

genic, malignant, deadly, unhealthy, haz- mother, father, nurse, babysitter, sister,
ardous, toxic, pernicious. ANT. benign, harm- caretaker, nanny, au pair.
less, healthly. careless a. unattentive, heedless, reckless, lax,
cardiac arrest n. heart failure, heart attack, unwary, slipshod, sloppy, slapdash, indis-
heart stoppage, coronary thrombosis, myo- creet, remiss, neglectful, absentminded,
cardial infarction. hasty, thoughtless, imprudent, casual, off-
cardinal a. principal, main, chief, utmost, cen- hand, rash, unconcerned, lackadaisical. ANT.
tral, prime, foremost, fundamental. ANT. in- careful, attentive, cautious, meticulous, rigor-
significant, unimportant. ous.
cards n. playing cards, tarot cards. ‘‘The Devil’s caress v. stroke, touch, fondle, pet, pat, brush,
books.’’—English proverb. graze, rub, snuggle, cuddle.
WORD FIND caretaker n. custodian, superintendent, super-
authority: Hoyle visor, janitor, curator, warden, conservator,
card pile remaining after deal: talon, stock maintenance man.
card with value determined before game:
careworn a. haggard, tired, exhausted, worried,
wild card
anxious, troubled, heavy-hearted. ANT.
cheat: sharper, card shark, blackleg
game: bridge, baccarat, monte, whist, black- fresh, carefree, light-hearted.
jack, crazy eights, concentration, war, cargo n. freight, load, shipment, payload, con-
three-card monte, old maid, poker, pi- signment, lading.
nochle, canasta, solitaire, gin, rummy, CARICATURE n. [KAR uh kuh chur] an ex-
gin rummy, hearts, cribbage, slapjack, ca- aggerated portrait or depiction of someone
sino, euchre or something, usually for satirical effect.
jack, queen or king: face card Gross caricatures of politicians frequently ap-
outranking suit, card: trump card pear in editorial cartoons. SYN. cartoon, por-
same suit group: flush trait, sketch, depiction, exaggeration, par-
tie-breaking game: rubber match ody, satire, spoof, farce, takeoff, send-up,
care n. 1. CAREFULNESS caution, regard, consid- lampoon, travesty, mockery, imitation, *ap-
eration, thought, diligence, pains, prudence, ing, humorous distortion. ‘‘The most pene-
conscientiousness, mindfulness, exactitude, trating of criticisms.’’—Aldous Huxley.
vigilance. 2. CONCERN worry, anxiety, ‘‘Exaggeration of a fact.’’—Robert Zwickey.
bother, trouble, burden, problem, tribula- CARNAGE n. [KAR nij] bloody slaughter.
tion, distress. 3. CUSTODY charge, protec- The young soldiers were appalled by the carnage
tion, supervision, safekeeping, administra- of war. SYN. slaughter, bloodshed, massacre,
tion, guidance, tutelage, keep. ANT. 1. bloodbath, butchery, holocaust, decimation,
carelessness, negligence. gore, mass murder, annihilation.
care v. 1. BE CONCERNED mind, worry, fret, take CARNAL a. [KAR nul] of bodily, not spiritual,
pains. 2. REGARD love, hold dear, prize, cher- pleasure, sensual. He fought his carnal desires.
ish. SYN. sensual, sexual, of the flesh, bodily, ani-
careen v. tip, tilt, lurch, totter, pitch, swerve, mal, voluptuous, lustful, corporal, lascivious,
sway, lean. prurient, erotic, wanton. ANT. spiritual,
career n. profession, occupation, vocation, life- moral, godly.
work, job, pursuit, work, livelihood, metier,
carnival n. festival, fair, gala, celebration, jam-
business, field, *thing.
carefree a. happy-go-lucky, insouciant, foot- boree, fiesta, jubilee, Mardis Gras, *carny.
loose, lighthearted, untroubled, breezy, carnivore n. meat-eater, flesh-eater, predator,
*laid-back, blasé, blithe, devil-may-care, carrion-feeder.
cheerful. ANT. troubled, careworn, burdened. carnivorous a. flesh-eating, meat-eating, pred-
careful a. 1. CAUTIOUS wary, circumspect, atory. ANT. herbivorous.
heedful, vigilant, leery, guarded, prudent, carol n. melody, tune. SEE SONG
alert, attentive. 2. METICULOUS painstaking, carom v. rebound, glance, bounce, ricochet.
thorough, fussy, scrupulous, demanding, carouse v. drink, party, frolic, wassail, make
conscientious, rigorous, fastidious, punctili- merry, cut loose, revel, *tie one on. ANT.
ous, attentive. ANT. 1. careless, reckless, negli- sober up, *swear off.
gent. 2. careless, slipshod, sloppy. carp v. complain, find-fault, nag, *bitch, scold,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 93
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome–Cast

nitpick, *moan and groan, knock, belittle, carton n. box, package, crate, container, case.
cavil, criticize. ANT. praise, compliment. cartoon n. caricature, drawing, sketch, line
carpal tunnel syndrome n. sensorimotor disor- drawing, animated feature, funny, comic
der, repetitive motion disorder/injury. strip, parody, joke. SEE CARICATURE
carpenter n. woodwright, cabinetmaker, wood- cartwheel n. handspring. SEE GYMNASTICS
worker, builder, joiner, contractor, subcon- carve v. cut, slice, hew, incise, chisel, sculpt,
tractor. form, fashion, whittle, chip.
carpentry n. woodworking, construction, Casanova n.*womanizer, Don Juan, *lady-
building. killer, *heartbreaker, *Romeo, *skirt-
WORD FIND chaser, *stud, Lothario, wolf, sex addict.
aligned, fitted perfectly: true, plumb cascade n. waterfall, shower, cataract, falls, del-
cutting and sizing of lumber before use: mill- uge, watercourse, torrent, *stairstep. SEE
work RIVER
drive nails at an angle: toenail cascade v. fall, tumble, plummet, plunge, spill,
frame supporter for worker: scaffold flood, rush, gush, descend, spew, *stairstep.
grooves, cut: dado, rabbet case n. 1. EXAMPLE instance, sample, occur-
joint: miter, mortise rence, affair, matter, event, illustration, situ-
nail length, designation: penny ation, circumstance. 2. SUBJECT client, pa-
out of vertical alignment: out-of-plumb tient, illness. 3. LAWSUIT suit, action, claim,
sawing stand: sawhorse litigation. 4. BOX holder, receptacle, con-
tools: saw, plane, miter box, chisel, bevel, tainer, package, carton, casing, covering,
level, adze, sander sheathing, jacket.
cash n. money, currency, coins, change, legal
carpet n. rug, mat, Oriental, Persian, area rug,
tender, *dough, *scratch, *bread, liquid
bearskin, moquette, runner, shag, Wilton.
carriage n. 1. VEHICLE coach, rig, buggy, wagon,
cabriolet, brougham, surrey, hansom, lan- cashier n. teller, counter person, bursar, clerk.
dau, phaeton, stagecoach, calash, buck- casing n. covering, wrapper, sheath, jacket,
board. 2. POSTURE bearing, demeanor, pose, skin, hull.
posture, comportment, mien, cast, attitude. casino n. gambling hall, gaming house.
carrier n. disease host, Typhoid Mary, vector. cask n. barrel, keg, hogshead, firkin, vat, kilder-
carry v. 1. CONVEY transport, lug, haul, tote, kin, vessel, tun, butt.
bear, bring, transfer, *schlep. 2. SUPPORT casket n. coffin, sarcophagus, box, pall. SEE CEM-
hold up, shoulder, bear, sustain, buttress.
car sickness n. motion sickness. CASSANDRA n. [kuh SAN druh] one who
cart n. wagon, truck, handcart, dray, wheelbar- foretells doom or spreads alarm but is disre-
row. garded, after the mythological character of
cart v. haul, carry, lug, transport, convey, truck. the same name. The economist warned of a
CARTE BLANCHE n. [KART BLANSH] a stock market crash but was regarded as just an-
granting of power, freedom or authority to other Cassandra. SYN. alarmist, *Chicken
do as one wishes. His bosses gave him carte Little, voice of doom, prophet of doom,
blanche to run the department as he saw fit. scaremonger, seer, prognosticator, fortune-
SYN. free rein, license, freedom, authority, teller. ‘‘One who is always building dun-
power, blank check, sanction, free hand, geons in the air.’’—John Galsworthy.
permission, discretion. casserole n. dish, terrine, concoction, mix, mé-
CARTEL n. [kar TEL] an association of busi- lange, medley, potpourri, stew, ragout, mish-
nesses that works together to control pro- mash.
duction and pricing of products. Also, an cassette n. tape, recording medium, cartridge.
association of nations working toward a cast n. 1. THROW pitch, toss, shot, fling, heave,
common goal. The oil cartel cut production sling, hurl. 2. MOLD form, model, impression,
and caused oil prices to rise worldwide. SYN. shape. 3. PERSONAE company, troupe, dra-
association, trust, monopoly, syndicate, matis personae, actors, actresses, players,
bloc, partnership, coalition, group, board, performers, repertory, characters. 4. APPEAR-
affiliation, consortium. ANCE complexion, aspect, look, shade, air,
cartography n. map-making, chart-making, semblance.
mapping, topography. cast v. 1. THROW fling, hurl, pitch, heave,

94 Roget’s Superthesaurus

*chuck, toss, sling, launch, let fly. 2. SPREAD small tower above main structure: turret
scatter, shed, broadcast, disperse, strew, sunny family room: solar
sprinkle. 3. EMIT radiate, project, send out. timber tower: brattice
4. CHOOSE pick, assign, select, *typecast. 5. tower/structure protecting a drawbridge:
MOLD form, shape, set. barbican, gatehouse
castaway n. outcast, pariah, *reject, waif, stray, trench around: moat
derelict, exile, vagabond, leper. turret that overhangs: bartizan
caste n. class, group, position, station, rank, sta- underground prison: dungeon
tus, place, clan, grade, social order. waste receptacle: cess pit
CASTIGATE v. [KAS tuh GATE] to criticize yard area within outer walls: ward, bailey,
harshly or punish. The dictator liked to casti- courtyard
gate his underlings in public. SYN. punish, criti- CASTLE IN THE AIR/CASTLE IN SPAIN
cize, chastise, scold, rebuke, discipline, re- n. something unrealistic; a fantasy; a day-
proach, admonish, *take to task, reprimand, dream. Ned had big dreams and was frequently
berate, bawl out, blister, *rake over the accused of building castles in Spain. SYN. fan-
coals, lambaste, tongue-lash. ANT. praise, tasy, dream, daydream, unrealistic goal, chi-
compliment, laud. mera, flight of fancy, lofty aspiration, *pipe
castle n. fortress, citadel, stronghold, keep, dream, wish, wishful thinking.
manor, chateau, mansion, alcazar. castrate v. emasculate, geld, neuter, *fix, steril-
WORD FIND ize, effeminize, eunuchize, debilitate,
attack on: siege weaken.
bottlery: buttery casual a. 1. CHANCE accidental, random, seren-
bridge spanning moat: drawbridge dipitous, fortuitous, *flukey, unexpected. 2.
candle storeoom: chandlery RELAXED nonchalant, cool, blasé, uncon-
castle used as a prison: bastille cerned, carefree, apathetic, devil-may-care,
circular turret with a conical roof: pepper- *laid-back, indifferent. 3. NONDRESSY infor-
box turret mal, sporty, for-play. ANT. 1. planned, prede-
crossbow storage room: ballistraria termined, arranged. 2. intense, serious,
domestic official in charge of supplies: *meaning business. 3. formal, dressy.
chamberlain, seneschal, steward casualty n. victim, fatality, dead, loss.
door, huge, grated: portcullis cat n. feline, kitty, kitten, tomcat, pussy, gri-
doorman: usher malkin, carnivore, pet, quadruped, ratter,
fort surrounded by fortified village: castel- alley cat, tabby, mouser, Abyssinian, Ameri-
lum can Bobtail, American Curl, American
gateway, minor: postern Wirehair, Balinese, Bengal, Birman, Bom-
governor of: castellan bay, Chartreux, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex,
holes or slits through which archers shoot: Egyptian Mau, Exotic, Havana Brown, Hi-
archeria, arrow loops, loopholes, balis- malayan, Korat, LaPerm, Maine Coon, Nor-
traria, murder holes wegian Forest Cat, Oceicat, Oriental, Rag-
knight’s practice yard: tiltyard doll, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold, Selkirk
lady of: chatelaine Rex, Siamese, Siberian, Somali, Sphynx,
lights: rushlights Tonkinese, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van.
main inner tower, keep: donjon ‘‘A pygmy lion.’’—Oliver Herford.
mass of earth: bastion, rampart WORD FIND
mobile tower used by attackers to reach cas- black and white: piebald
tle defenders: belfry blue gray to slate gray coloring: blue
notched parapet: battlement bred from long line of its own kind: purebred
notches, solid area between: merlon breeding female: queen
notch in parapet: crenel castrated male: gib
outer wall ringing castle: curtain wall domesticated cat living in the wild: feral
owner: lord father: sire
privy: garderobe frill around head in longhaired breed: ruff
roof wall: parapet hairball: furball
seating platform of lord: dais intoxicant: catnip
siege engine used against: catapult, mangon, ‘‘kneading’’ of paws on human’s stomach:
trebuchet milk treading

Roget’s Superthesaurus 95

long-bodied, long-limbed: rangy come upon. 3. COME DOWN WITH AN ILLNESS

lover of: ailurophile contract, get, develop, break out with, be
mating cry: caterwaul infected by, fall ill with. 4. UNDERSTAND
mixed breed: mongrel, moggie comprehend, see, grasp, get, follow, per-
mother: dam ceive.
neutering of female: spaying catching a. contagious, infectious, communica-
newborn kitten group: litter ble, spreading, epidemic, pandemic. ANT.
patches of white on feet: mittens, gloves noncommunicable.
paw soles: pads CATCH-22 n. [KACH twen tee TOO] a no-
phobic: ailurophobe win situation. The government’s contradictory
pinkish gray coloring: lilac, lavender regulations frequently put people in Catch-22
sexually receptive period of female: heat situations. SYN. no-win situation, lose-lose
short-legged: cobby situation, paradox, contradiction, quagmire,
sneer of male as it smells urine of sexually quandary, dilemma, Gordion knot, horns of
receptive female: flehmen response a dilemma.
striped: tabby, tiger catchword n. byword, watchword, buzz word,
thin, long tail: whip motto, slogan, shiboleth.
tortoiseshell and white coloring: calico categorical a. absolute, direct, unequivocal,
trace colorings: ghost markings positive, unqualified, explicit, express, total,
whiskers: vibrissae unconditional, without exceptions. ANT.
white marking from forehead to nose: blaze conditional, qualified.
white or colored patch under neck: locket categorize v. classify, designate, sort, group, la-
white undercoat with dark tips: chinchilla bel, assign, name, catalog.
cataclysm n. upheaval, disaster, eruption, ca- category n. class, classification, division, vari-
tastrophe, calamity, devastation, debacle. ety, type, kind, sort, order, grade, denomina-
catalog n. list, file, inventory, directory, index. tion, genre.
catalog v. list, classify, index, inventory, file. cater v. 1. PROVIDE furnish, serve, provision,
CATALYST n. [KAT uh list] one that makes feed. 2. INDULGE humor, gratify, serve, wait
something happen, gets something started on, pamper, spoil, baby, pander.
or hastens a process. Martin Luther King was caterwaul v. howl, yowl, mewl, screech, wail,
a catalyst for change. SYN. stimulus, motiva- meow, squall, cry, whine.
tor, *spark, *sparkplug, spur, *mover and CATHARSIS n. [kuh THAR sis] a purifica-
shaker, activist, agitator, *whip. tion or cleansing of the soul; release from
catapult n. launcher, siege engine, slingshot, mental turmoil. Venting tensions in a self-help
sling, trebuchet. group provided Ellen with the catharsis she
catastrophe n. disaster, misfortune, calamity, longed for. SYN. purification, cleansing, re-
cataclysm, ruin, debacle, devastation, trag- lease, relief, renewal, expurgation, replen-
edy, mishap, blow, hardship, misadventure. ishment of spirit, rebirth, fresh start, wiping
CATBIRD SEAT (IN THE) n. a high, com- clean.
manding position; a position of power. The cathedral n. basilica, chapel. SEE CHURCH
author was enjoying his position in the catbird CATHOLIC a. [KATH uh lik] universal, gen-
seat as his third book hit the bestseller lists. SYN. eral. His tastes were catholic; in other words,
high perch, lofty perch, position of power, his tastes were broad. SYN. universal, general,
throne, commanding position, high place, broad, all-inclusive, comprehensive, liberal,
position of influence, seat of power, height. all-encompassing, ecumenical, global. ANT.
catcall n. shout, whistle, hiss, boo, *Bronx limited, narrow, sectarian.
cheer, *raspberry, jeer, heckle, hoot. CAT scan n. computerized axial tomogrpahy
catch n. 1. CAPTURE snatch, seizure, trap, grab, scan, image, cross-sectional view, body scan,
snare, grasp. 2. CLASP latch, clip, fastener, brain scan, diagnostic procedure.
lock, hook and eye. 3. TAKE haul, prize, cattle n. livestock, cows, bulls, steers, farm ani-
plunder, booty, spoils. 4. DRAWBACK hitch, mals, ruminants, herbivores, herd.
trick, gimmick, snag. catty a. malicious, spiteful, mean, vicious,
catch v. 1. APPREHEND capture, seize, snatch, nasty, malevolent, back-biting, back-stab-
grasp, grip, nab, net, snare, clutch, trap, bag. bing, *bitchy, malignant, venomous. ANT.
2. DISCOVER surprise, *nail, expose, detect, kind, warm, friendly.

96 Roget’s Superthesaurus

catwalk n. walkway, platform, bridge. come, *wake-up call, forewarning, portent,

Caucasian n. Caucasoid, Indo-European, white omen, illustration, message.
race, white man, white woman cautious a. wary, careful, heedful, circumspect,
caucus n. meeting, assembly, convention, con- prudent, discreet, guarded, on guard, alert,
ference, gathering, session, conclave. on one’s toes, vigilant, chary. ANT. rash,
cauldron n. caldron, vessel, pot, boiler. SEE reckless, imprudent.
KETTLE cavalcade n. procession, parade, column, train,
caulk v. seal, stop up, putty, weatherstrip. line, caravan.
cause n. 1. DETERMINANT agent, reason, root, CAVALIER a. [kav uh LEER] arrogant; indif-
antecedent, motive, source, origin, mover, ferent to important matters. The coach took
occasion, stimulus, mainspring. 2. IDEAL a cavalier attitude toward the rules of good
principle, end, objective, enterprise, goal, sportsmanship. SYN. arrogant, haughty, indif-
purpose. ferent, casual, supercilious, devil-may-care,
cause v. effect, induce, bring about, produce, lofty, curt, cocky, disdainful. ANT. obliging,
incite, provoke, generate, breed, motivate, caring, conscientious.
give rise to, precipitate. cavalry n. combat troops, armored division,
CAUSE CÉLÈBRE n. [KOHZ say LEB ruh] a mounted troops.
controversial or widely discussed issue. The cave n. cavern, grotto, tunnel, hole, *yawning
O.J. Simpson murder trial was the cause célèbre chasm, hollow, cavity, underground cham-
of the twentieth century. SYN. controversy, ber, subterranean passage, catacomb.
controversial issue, celebrated case, affair, WORD FIND
bone of contention, debate, moot point, war carved out from this rock: limestone
of words, uproar, fuss, *hot potato, scandal, crawl space: crawl, crouchway
political football, outrage, shocker, grist for dripping water and mineral formation: drip-
the gossip mill. stone
CAUSTIC a. [KAW stik] biting, burning or entrance area exposed to daylight: twilight
corrosive, as acid. Wear gloves when handling zone
caustic substances. She was a caustic-tongued explorer: spelunker
witch. SYN. corrosive, burning, biting, acid, exploring: spelunking
geological area with many caves, sinkholes:
astringent, erosive, sharp, stinging, sarcastic,
sardonic, bitter, scathing, cutting, vitriolic,
high, narrow passage: canyon
excoriating, acid-tongued, saber-tongued.
iciclelike formation hanging from roof: sta-
ANT. soothing, sweet, honey-tongued, smooth.
cauterize v. burn, sear, char, singe. iciclelike formation on floor: stalagmite
caution n. 1. WARINESS care, prudence, heed, inhabitant: troglodyte, troglobite, trogloph-
vigilance, discretion, guardedness, circum- ile
spection, alertness. ‘‘The eldest child of wis- joined stalactite and stalagmite: column
dom.’’—Victor Hugo. ‘‘What we call cow- large chamber: gallery
ardice in others.’’—Oscar Wilde. 2. pool of water edged with calcite: gour
WARNING admonition, caveat, advisement, study of: speleology
*red flag, *word to the wise, advisory. ANT. tiny, thin stalactite: soda straw
1. rashness, recklessness. underwater passage: sump, syphon
caution v. warn, admonish, advise, alert, fore- vertical shaft: chimney, pitch
warn, *raise a red flag, counsel, *better safe CAVEAT n. [KAV ee at] warning. The accoun-
than sorry, *stay on one’s toes, *watch one’s tant gave us a strong caveat about filing our
step, *look before one leaps, *sleep with one taxes accurately. SYN. warning, caution, no-
eye open. tice, forewarning, admonition, advisory, ad-
CAUTIONARY TALE n. [KAW shun air ee visement, *word to the wise.
tayl] an event, occurence or story that is cave-in n. collapse, toppling, breakdown, rup-
used to illustrate a particular hazard; a warn- ture, burst, avalanche, landslide.
ing. The shipping industry offers many caution- caveman n. cavewoman, primitive human,
ary tales about single-hulled oil tankers and Stone Age man, prehistoric man, cave
shallow waters. SYN. warning, admonition, dweller, human, hominid, Cro-Magnon
caution, caution light, red flag, advisory, man, Neanderthal, troglodyte, anthropoid,
*word to the wise, caveat, sign of things to hominoid, Homo Erectus, *missing link.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 97

WORD FIND celebrity n. 1. FAMOUS PERSON star, superstar,

earliest to latest pre-human: Ardipithecus *somebody, *bigwig, notable, idol, *celeb,
ramidus, Australopithecus anamensis, *big name, personage, personality, VIP, sex
Australopithecus afarensis, Australopi- symbol. ‘‘Someone who is known for being
thecus africanus, Australopithecus ro- known.’’—Studs Terkel. ‘‘A person who
bustus, Australopithecus boisei, Homo works hard all his life to become well
rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Homo ergas- known, then wears dark glasses to avoid be-
ter, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergen- ing recognized.’’—Fred Allen. 2. FAME re-
sis, Archaic Homo sapiens, Homo nean- nown, notoriety, stardom, eminence, promi-
derthalensis, Cro-Magnon, Homo nence, distinction, note. ANT. 1. nobody,
sapiens. *bush leaguer, unknown. 2. oblivion, obscu-
famous afarensis skeleton, nickname: Lucy rity.
SEE HUMAN celerity n. speed, quickness, alacrity, haste, dis-
cavernous a. hollow, yawning, deep-set, patch, expedition, swiftness. ANT. slowness,
sunken, abysmal, enormous, huge, gaping, *snail’s pace, leisureliness.
roomy, commodious, chambered. ANT. celestial a. 1. HEAVENLY divine, sublime, super-
cramped, claustrophobic, tiny, confined. nal, angelic, ethereal, blessed, eternal, su-
cavil v. quibble, object, find-fault, *nitpick, pernatural. 2. ASTRAL astronomical, univer-
carp, criticize, pick. sal, heavenly, extraterrestrial, stellar, sky,
cavity n. hole, hollow, pit, cleft, chamber, crev- planetary, galactic. ANT. 1. earthy, mundane,
ice, fissue, pocket, niche. secular. 2. terrestrial.
cavort v. frolic, prance, romp, *carry on, *cut CELIBATE a. [SELL uh but] abstaining from
up, act up, leap about, horseplay, gambol, sex. With sexually transmitted diseases running
frisk, caper. rampant, many singles choose to remain celi-
cay n. island, sandbank, coral reef. bate. SYN. abstinent, continent, upright, vir-
cease v. end, stop, discontinue, desist, halt, re- tuous, pure, untouched, virginal, maiden,
frain, finish, conclude, quit. single, unwed, chaste. ANT. promiscuous,
cease-fire n. truce, armistice, suspension of hos- wanton, sexual.
tilities. cell n. 1. UNIT germ, microorganism, bacterium.
ceaseless a. unending, relentless, incessant, 2. SMALL ROOM compartment, chamber,
neverending, perpetual, constant, nonstop, vault, keep, cloister, coop, booth, lockup.
continuous, unremitting. ANT. ending, fleet- cellar n. basement, downstairs, vault.
ing, finite, limited. cement v. join, unite, bond, glue, mortar, bind,
cede v. surrender, give up, yield, abdicate, seal, fix.
*hand over, grant, relinquish, transfer, re- cemetery n. graveyard, necropolis, memorial
sign. grounds, burial ground, churchyard, golgo-
ceiling n. 1. TOPSIDE roof, plafond, rafters. 2. tha, *bone yard, *city of the dead. ‘‘The last
MAXIMUM limit, restriction, highest point. resort.’’—Anon. ‘‘The country home I
celebrate v. 1. COMMEMORATE observe, honor, need.’’—Mark Twain.
memorialize, remember, ceremonialize, sol- WORD FIND
emnize. 2. *PARTY *paint the town red, ashes of cremated body: cremains
*whoop it up, *raise the roof, *go out on the burial place, vault: tomb
town, *go out with a bang, *have a blowout, burial site, unit: plot
splurge, revel, carouse, *live it up. 3. PRAISE empty tomb, marker for one whose remains
honor, extol, laud, pay homage to, acclaim, are elsewhere: cenotaph
worship, hail, pay tribute to, exalt. grave robber: ghoul
celebrated a. famous, renowned, eminent, gunfighter’s, American West: Boot Hill
prominent, noted, illustrious, acclaimed, incinerator: crematory
popular, lionized, great. ANT. obscure, little- inscription on gravestone: epitaph
known, unknown. large cemetery: necropolis
celebration n. 1. COMMEMORATION observance, memorial building, place: shrine
ceremony, honoring, memorial, remem- mound of earth over grave: barrow
brance, anniversary. 2. PARTY *blowout, fi- mourning statues: weepers
esta, gala, jubilee, *bash, *wingding, festi- pauper’s: Potter’s field
val, spree, frolic, *blast, *rumpus, revelry. preparation facility for the dead: mortuary

98 Roget’s Superthesaurus

RIP: rest in peace corn, rye, rice, bran, Corn Flakes, Rice Kris-
sarcophagus, elaborately carved: solium pies, bran flakes, Cocoa Puffs, oatmeal, fa-
sculpted representation of the dead on a rina, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Cocoa Kris-
monument: effigy pies, Cheerios, Life, Grapenuts, Alpha Bits,
sculptural depiction of the crucifixion: Cal- Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, Boo-Berry,
vary Corn Pops, Raisin Bran, Oat Bran, Total,
stone: headstone, tombstone, gravestone, Special K, Chex, Cream of Wheat, Frosted
monument, memorial Flakes, mush, porridge, Wheaties, Trix,
tomb housing: mausoleum Shredded Wheat.
underground vaults: catacombs, crypt, cu- CEREBRAL a. [suh REE brul] of or appealing
biculum to the intellect. His philosophy reveals some
urn or vault for bones: ossuary advanced thinking; it’s very cerebral. SYN. in-
urn vault: cinerarium tellectual, intelligent, brainy, erudite, schol-
vault: sepulcher arly, smart, analytical, thoughtful, deep, re-
condite, abstruse.
censor n. bowdlerizer, arbiter of good taste, ex- ceremonial a. ritual, formal, ceremonious. ANT.
purgator, inspector, Mrs. Grundy, guardian informal, unstructured. SEE CEREMONIOUS
of morals, prude. ‘‘A man who knows more ceremonious a. ceremonial, polite, proper, for-
than he thinks you ought to.’’—Laurence J. mal, solemn, stately, punctilious, rigid, prim,
Peter. courtly, starchy, dignified, decorous. ANT. in-
censor v. prohibit, squelch, cut, edit out, formal, casual, *laid-back.
ceremony n. 1. RITUAL observation, rite, ser-
abridge, clean up, delete, sanitize, bowdler-
vice, function, formality, solemnity, custom,
ize, restrict, inspect, expurgate, review,
observance. ‘‘The wine of human experi-
ence.’’—Morris Cohen. 2. ETIQUETTE proto-
censorship n. expurgation, *cleaning up, purifi-
col, punctilio, formality, decorum, propri-
cation, suppression, removal, editing, purg-
ety, prescription. ANT. 2. informality.
ing, sanitizing, deletion.
certain a. 1. SURE positive, cocksure, con-
censure n. disapproval, condemnation, repre- vinced, undoubting, assured, satisfied. 2. UN-
hension, rebuke, admonition, criticism, ob- QUESTIONABLE doubtless, *beyond a shadow
jection, remonstrance, reproof. ANT. ap- of a doubt, indubitable, definite, indisput-
proval, blessing, praise. able, incontestable, unequivocal, incontro-
censure v. disapprove, condemn, rebuke, ad- vertible, firm, unambiguous. ANT. 1. uncer-
monish, criticize, object, remonstrate, de- tain, unsure, doubting. 2. questionable,
nounce, reproach, reprimand. ANT. approve, doubtful, *up in the air.
bless, praise. certainty n. 1. CONVICTION authority, certitude,
census n. head count, population tally, enu- confidence, assurance, infallibility. 2. FACT
meration, demographics, statistics, stats, de- truth, reality, *sure thing, *sure bet, actual-
mography, poll. ity, *lock. ANT. 1. doubt, skepticism. 2. uncer-
center n. middle point, middle, median, focal tainty, fantasy, unknown.
point, dead center, bull’s-eye, midst, hub, certificate n. document, documentation, in-
pivot, core, heart, nucleus, inside, pith. strument, voucher, warrant, license, permit,
center v. concentrate, focus, converge, direct, certification, testimonial, credential, di-
join, unify, fix. ploma.
central a. 1. INNERMOST middle, interior, me- certify v. vouch, verify, notarize, attest, assure,
dian, inner, nuclear. 2. VITAL key, indispens- guarantee, validate, accredit, authenticate,
able, main, prime, dominant, chief, ruling, confirm, depose.
fundamental. ANT. 1. outermost, peripheral. cesarean section n. C-section, surgical birth,
2. peripheral, incidental, marginal. surgical delivery, incision.
centralize v. concentrate, converge, focus, con- cessation n. stop, termination, ending, stop-
solidate, unify, amalgamate, join. ANT. de- page, letup, ceasing, halt, pause, suspension,
centralize, disperse. discontinuance, close. ANT. continuation,
centrist n. moderate, middle-of-the-road, in- persistence.
between, compromising. cesspool n. sewer, cesspit, sump, cloaca, septic
cereal n. breakfast food, grain, wheat, oats, tank.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 99
C’est la Vié–Chancy

C’EST LA VIÉ [say lah VEE] that’s life, such make demands, tax. 2. PROVOKE dare, give
is life. Our team lost again; oh well, c’est la an ultimatum, *throw down the gauntlet,
vié SYN. that’s life, such is life, oh well, that’s threaten, gage, defy, summon, beard, make
how the cookie crumbles, what can you do?, a stand, face off, cross, stare down. 3. QUES-
that’s reality. TION contest, dispute, object, take excep-
chafe v. 1. RUB wear, erode, scrape, abrade, rasp, tion, disagree.
scour, shred. 2. IRRITATE *rub the wrong chamber n. room, bedroom, boudoir, parlor, sit-
way, annoy, irk, rankle, vex, gall, harass, ting room.
nag, aggravate. chambermaid n. domestic, cleaning lady, maid.
chaff n. waste, garbage, refuse, rubbish, trash, champagne n. *bubbly. SEE WINE
discards, remains, wastrel, dross. champion n. 1. VICTOR winner, titleholder,
CHAGRIN n. [shuh GRIN] annoyed embar- *champ, *top dog, conqueror, vanquisher,
rassment. To my chagrin, I discovered that I *number one, medalist. 2. SUPPORTER
had left my wallet at home. SYN. embarrass- backer, advocate, upholder, friend, abettor,
ment, mortification, humiliation, shame, defender. ANT. 1. loser, *also-ran, *poor
distress, disgruntlement, dismay, annoy- sport. 2. opponent, detractor.
ance, unease, discomfiture, discomposure, champion v. support, defend, fight for, stand up
frustration. ANT. pride, satisfaction. for, advocate, back, uphold, espouse, take up
chain n. 1. LINKS cable, fetter, shackle, irons, the cause. ANT. oppose, counter, reject.
manacle, mail. 2. SERIES course, string, train, championship n. competition, playoffs, con-
line, succession, sequence. test, showdown, meet, title match, crown,
chain v. tie, shackle, fetter, secure, tether, *winner takes all, tournament, sporting
hitch. event, elimination, crowning achievement.
chain reaction n. domino effect, ripples in a WORD FIND
pond, cause and effect. auto: Indianapolis 500
chair n. 1. SEAT stool, bench, rocker, easy chair, baseball: World Series; pennant
straight-backed chair. basketball: championship; Final Four
WORD FIND boxing: title fight
football: Super Bowl
armless, leather-made, with steel frame: Bar-
golf: Masters
celona chair
hockey: Stanley Cup
bench: settee, settle horse racing: Triple Crown; Kentucky
folding canvas chair: director’s chair Derby, Belmont Stakes, Preakness,
high-backed with side wings: wing chair Breeder’s Cup
king’s: throne soccer: World Cup
reclining: recliner tennis: Wimbledon
sling, canvas: butterfly chair, sling chair chance n. 1. LUCK fortuity, fortune, serendipity,
spindle-backed, wooden: Windsor chair fate, destiny, *wheel of fortune, providence,
suspended on poles and carried: sedan *toss of the dice. ‘‘A nickname for Provi-
tabletopped arm for writing, chair with: tab- dence.’’—Nicolas Chamfort. ‘‘The instru-
let chair ment of Providence.’’—Horace Walpole. 2.
wicker, with rounded back: basket chair POSSIBILITY odds, likelihood, probability,
SEE COUCH prospect, *long shot. 3. RISK gamble, *toss
2. SEAT OF AUTHORITY office, appointment, of the dice, *crap shoot, jeopardy, hazard.
fellowship. 4. OPPORTUNITY shot, try, opening, occasion,
chairman n. chairperson, director, principal, turn.
leader, chair, speaker, presiding officer, pres- chance v. 1. RISK gamble, *roll the dice, take a
ident, moderator, chief, master of ceremon- shot, wager, *go out on a limb, *tempt fate,
ies. hazard, speculate, try one’s luck. 2. HAPPEN
chalice n. goblet, vessel. SEE CUP occur, transpire, come to pass, befall.
chalkboard n. blackboard, board, slate, panel. chance a. fortuitous, accidental, casual, ran-
challenge n. 1. DIFFICULTY obstacle, trial, test, dom, lucky, inadvertent, unplanned. ANT.
*hurdle, problem. 2. PROVOCATION dare, ul- planned, designed, arranged.
timatum, *throwing down the gauntlet, chancy a. risky, uncertain, *iffy, dicey, specula-
threat, summons, bid. tive, *a roll of the dice, dangerous. ANT. cer-
challenge v. 1. PRODUCE DIFFICULTY test, try, tain, guaranteed, assured.

100 Roget’s Superthesaurus


change n. 1. ALTERATION modification, trans- would never be found out.’’—Thomas Ma-

formation, variation, conversion, metamor- caulay. 2. INTEGRITY reputation, standing,
phosis, shift, remodeling, reformation, adap- position, repute, distinction, honor, status.
tion, mutation, *about-face, *chameleon, ‘‘Moral order seen through the medium of
transmutation, refinement, flux, vicissitude. an individual nature.’’—Ralph Waldo Em-
‘‘What people fear most.’’—Fyodor Dostoy- erson. ‘‘Mastery over your thoughts and ac-
evski. ‘‘The unknown.’’—Eleanor Roose- tions.’’—Mohandas Gandhi. ‘‘What God
velt. ‘‘Truths being in and out of favor.’’— and the angels know of us.’’—Horace Mann.
Robert Frost. 2. SOMETHING DIFFERENT nov- 3. ODD PERSON eccentric, oddball, nut, *odd
elty, variation, switch, change of pace. duck, personality, *weirdo, *fruitcake,
change v. 1. ALTER modify, transform, vary, *original. 4. ROLE impersonation, portrayal,
convert, metamorphose, shift, remodel, re- part. 5. WRITTEN SYMBOL cipher, mark, figure,
invent, reform, adapt, mutate, transmogrify, letter.
*do an about-face. 2. SUBSTITUTE transfer, characteristic n. attribute, trait, feature, qual-
exchange, switch, alternate, swap, trade, re- ity, peculiarity, aspect, mark, distinction, in-
place, interchange. dividuality, earmark, idiosyncrasy.
changeable a. variable, alternating, erratic, ir- characteristic a. typical, representative, indica-
regular, chameleon, protean, capricious, tive, distinguishing, illustrative, idiosyn-
fickle, labile, mercurial, inconsistent, muta- cratic, marked, peculiar, individual. ANT.
ble, transformable, shifting, volatile, *blows atypical, anomalous.
hot and cold. ANT. steady, invariable, regular, characterize v. 1. PORTRAY describe, represent,
stable. depict, sketch. 2. DISTINGUISH specify, de-
channel n. conduit, course, strait, waterway, fine, style, brand, stamp.
groove, runnel, culvert, trough, run, canal, charade n. pretense, fiction, lie, travesty, act.
chase, furrow, rut, trench, sluiceway, flume. charge n. 1. FEE debit, *damage, bill, cost,
channel v. route, direct, guide, send, funnel, amount, price. 2. CARE custody, burden,
lead, siphon. duty, trust, onus, obligation, ward. 3. ACCU-
chant n. song, plainsong, recitation, psalm, SATION allegation, indictment, citation. 4.
canticle, hymn, Gregorian chant. SEE SONG ATTACK offensive, *blitz, assault, raid. 5. OR-
chant v. singsong, intone, vocalize, speak in a DER command, directive, demand, instruc-
monotone, utter, recite. tion, mandate, behest, bidding.
chaos n. disorder, confusion, upheaval, turmoil, charge v. 1. BILL levy, debit, *ring up, demand
disarray, anarchy, jumble, unrest, mess, payment. 2. DEBIT ONE’S CREDIT ACCOUNT
commotion, pandemonium, disorganiza- take on account, put on one’s tab, incur a
tion, bedlam, turbulence. ANT. order, organi- debt, buy on credit. 3. BURDEN load, weigh,
zation, regularity, tranquility. tax, saddle, entrust. 4. ACCUSE allege, indict,
chaotic a. disordered, confused, in disarray, impute, blame, incriminate, *point the fin-
jumbled, messy, turbulent, out of control, ger at, impeach. 5. ATTACK raid, blitz, as-
topsy-turvy, tumultuous, anarchic, disorga- sault, storm, rush, assail. 6. ORDER command,
nized, random, stormy. ANT. ordered, orga- direct, demand, instruct, mandate, bid.
nized, systematic. CHARISMA n. [kuh RIZ muh] personal mag-
chaperone n. escort, overseer, guardian, protec- netism or charm that inspires others to fol-
tor, babysitter. low one’s lead. John F. Kennedy had great cha-
chaperone v. escort, accompany, attend, pro- risma. SYN. charm, magnetism, appeal,
tect, babysit, supervise, safeguard, keep an confidence, *star power, presence, domi-
eye on. nance, *it, *pizzazz, sex appeal, power, voice
chaplain n. clergyman, minister, priest, rabbi, of authority, poise, *je na sais quoi, an inde-
reverend, parson, padre. scribable something, allure, *the lure of a
chapter n. division, section, episode, part, por- Svengali.
tion, phase, period. charismatic a. charming, powerful, magnetic,
char v. scorch, sear. SEE BURN hypnotic, mesmerizing, dominant, appeal-
character n. 1. PERSONALITY nature, makeup, ing, *larger than life, authoritative, confi-
individuality, temperament, constitution, dent, poised.
appearance, type, sort, kind, qualities. charitable a. 1. GENEROUS giving, benevolent,
‘‘[W]hat (a man) would do if he knew he philanthropic, freehanded, humanitarian,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 101


magnanimous, bighearted. 2. KIND forgiving, chase v. 1. PURSUE follow, track, trail, go after,
lenient, humane, benevolent, sympathetic, shadow, *bird-dog. 2. CHASE OFF oust, drive
bighearted, soft, merciful, easy. ANT. 1. away, shoo, evict, throw out.
cheap, stingy, tightfisted, selfish. 2. mean, chasm n. abyss, gorge, canyon, void, crevasse,
cruel, thoughtless, intolerant. gap, gulch, fissure, ravine, rift, bottomless
charity n. 1. GENEROSITY benevolence, philan- pit, crater. SEE CANYON, CAVE, HOLE
thropy, freehandedness, humanitarianism, CHASTE a. [CHAYST] virtuous, pure or
magnanimity, altruism, softheartedness. 2. moral. She was a somewhat puritanical woman
ALMS contribution, welfare, donation, assis- and chose to remain chaste. SYN. virtuous,
tance, aid, benefaction, dole, endowment. pure, moral, untouched, clean, *squeaky-
‘‘The spice of riches.’’—Hebrew proverb. ‘‘A clean, decent, abstinent, celibate, modest,
debt of honor.’’—Immanuel Kant. ‘‘Doing righteous, immaculate, uncorrupted, vir-
good for good-for-nothing people.’’—Eliza- ginal. ANT. immoral, dirty, lewd, wanton,
beth Barrett Browning. 3. KINDNESS forgive- sleazy, promiscuous.
ness, tolerance, lenience, benevolence, sym- chasten v. 1. PUNISH chastise, castigate, correct,
pathy, mercy, softheartedness, compassion. admonish, discipline, scold, penalize. 2. RE-
ANT. 1. cheapness, stinginess, miserliness. 3. FINE purify, cleanse, purge.
meanness, cruelty, intolerance. CHASTISE v. [chas TIZE] to punish or disci-
charlatan n. quack, fake, mountebank, *rip-off pline. He was chastised for being foulmouthed.
artist, imposter, con artist, fraud, swindler. SYN. punish, discipline, scold, condemn, cas-
charm n. 1. APPEAL attractiveness, allure, grace, tigate, admonish, beat, chasten *rake over
magnetism, charisma, enchantment, fasci- the coals, *jump down one’s throat, *lay
nation, *it, *je ne sais quoi, *pizzazz. ‘‘A into, thrash, ream, spank, whip, *call on the
glow within . . . that casts a most becoming carpet. ANT. reward, bless.
light on others.’’—John Mason Brown. ‘‘A chastity n. virtue, morality, purity, decency, ab-
way of getting the answer ‘yes’ without ask- stinence, celibacy, righteousness, modesty,
ing any clear question.’’—Albert Camus 2. virginity, innocence. ‘‘A monkish and evan-
SPELL OR LUCKY PIECE incantation, magic, sor-
gelical superstition.’’—Percy Bysshe Shel-
cery, amulet, talisman, good-luck piece, fe- ley. ANT. promiscuity, nymphomania, adul-
tish. tery, lewdness. SEE VIRGINITY
charm v. enchant, enamor, fascinate, attract, chat v. talk, converse, gab, jaw, *chew the fat,
allure, please, bewitch, captivate, mesmer- gossip, *shoot the breeze, *rap, palaver,
ize, hypnotize, win over, beguile, *sweep off chitchat, prattle, *schmooze.
one’s feet, spellbind. ANT. repel, repulse, turn chateau n. manor, palace, stronghold. SEE CAS-
off, disgust.
charming a. attractive, appealing, alluring,
chattels n. belongings, personal possessions,
magnetic, charismatic, enchanting, beguil-
*things, *stuff, personal effects.
ing, bewitching, fascinating, winsome, cap-
chatter v. prattle, *gibber-jabber, jabber, bab-
tivating, smooth, irresistible. ANT. repellant,
ble, blab, chitchat, cackle, palaver, prate.
repulsive, disgusting, gross.
charred a. scorched, seared, burned, blackened,
singed, carbonized. chatterbox n. talker, *windbag, gossip, blabber-
chart n. map, graph, diagram, outline, blue- mouth, *motor mouth.
print, layout, plot, table, scheme. CHAUVINISM a. [SHO vin izm] blind loy-
chart v. map, outline, plot, diagram, draft, plan, alty to one’s own kind, race, sex, etc., with
draw up, design, graph, scheme. disdain for those who are different. The sexes
charter n. agreement, contract, franchise, earn unequal pay partly due to male chauvin-
treaty, covenant, sanction, authority, li- ism. SYN. jingoism, supremacy, male domi-
cense, permit. nance, female dominance, blind patriotism,
charter v. hire, lease, rent, reserve, commission, provincialism, racism, sexism, narrow-
employ. mindedness, ethnocentrism, prejudice, bias,
chary a. 1. CAREFUL cautious, wary, guarded, bigotry, intolerance, homophobia, national-
mindful, circumspect, suspicious, leery. 2. ism. ANT. liberality, broad-mindedness.
SPARING cheap, tight, miserly, niggardly, fru- chauvinist n. jingoist, supremacist, blind pa-
gal, stingy. ANT. 1. imprudent, rash, reckless. triot, provincialist, racist, sexist, nationalist,
2. generous, freehanded. bigot, *male chauvinist pig, ethnocentrist.

102 Roget’s Superthesaurus


cheap a. 1. LOW-PRICED inexpensive, bargain- raspberry, hiss. 2. depression, downhearted-

priced, reasonable, marked-down, cut-rate, ness.
economical, *rock-bottom, *dirt-cheap, cheerful a. lighthearted, happy, joyful, blithe,
dime-a-dozen. 2. POOR QUALITY worthless, buoyant, sunny, optimistic, sanguine, jo-
inferior, shoddy, *chintzy, *cheesy, tacky, cund, roseate, gay, carefree, debonair. ANT.
*two-bit, *crappy, *schlock, shabby, com- depressed, gloomy, downhearted, glum.
mon. 3. STINGY tight, penny-pinching, mi- cheerless a. gloomy, glum, depressed, dark,
serly, niggardly, stinting, grudging. 4. CON- black, grim, melancholy, funereal, bleak,
TEMPTIBLE despicable, low, sordid, vulgar, dismal, dreary, somber, forlorn, despairing.
base. ANT. 1. expensive, priceless, steep, exor- ANT. cheerful, sunny, lighthearted.
bitant 2. superior, select, sterling quality. 3. cheese n. pressed curds, American, Swiss, Brie,
generous, giving. 4. admirable, noble. Edam, Gouda, Limburger, Jack, Parmesan,
cheapen v. depreciate, degrade, lower, down- Gruyere, cream, mysost, cottage, cheddar.
grade, diminish. ‘‘Milk’s leap toward immortality.’’—Clifton
cheapskate n. Sl. penny-pincher, tightwad, mi- Fadiman.
ser, niggard, *nickel-squeezer. chef n. cook, culinary artist, *chief cook and
cheat n. 1. SWINDLE *rip-off, con, fleecing, bottle washer, cuisinier.
sham, deception, *fast shuffle, fraud, flim- chemise n. shift. SEE DRESS, LINGERIE
flam, *dirty pool, trick. 2. SWINDLER *rip- cherish v. love, adore, hold dear, care for, re-
off artist, con, sham artist, chiseler, sharper, vere, fancy, hold in high esteem, admire,
flimflam man, crook, rogue, imposter, fraud. like, worship, prize, idolize, foster, protect,
cheat v. defraud, swindle, *rip off, con, burn, treasure. ANT. despise, reject, hate.
bilk, sucker, *rook, screw, fleece, *bamboo- chest n. 1. THORAX breast, bosom, pectorals. 2.
zle, gouge, *soak, snooker, finagle, double- BOX trunk, crate, casket, cabinet.

cross. chew v. masticate, chomp, champ, grind,

check n. 1. RESTRAINT stop, block, obstacle, crunch, munch, nibble, gnaw.
limitation, control, damper, curb. 2. EXAMI- chew out v. Sl. reprimand, berate. SEE SCOLD
NATION inspection, review, inquiry, investi-
chic a. stylish, elegant, fashionable, smart,
gation, *look-see. *snazzy, current, swank, dapper, chichi, *in,
check v. 1. RESTRAIN stop, block, obstruct, sophisticated. ANT. dowdy, unstylish.
limit, control, dampen, curb, constrain, foil, CHICANERY n. [shi KAY nuh ree] decep-
harness. 2. EXAMINE inspect, review, inquire, tion, trickery. A con artist uses all manner of
investigate, look into, *eyeball, scrutinize. chicanery to separate you from your money.
SYN. deception, trickery, deceit, fraud, sub-
3. AGREE correspond, conform.
terfuge, double-dealing, underhandedness,
checkered a. 1. PLAID tattersall, tartan. 2. VAR-
dishonesty, cheating, duping, sophistry.
IED diversified, irregular, patchwork, motley.
chichi a. ostentatious. SEE CHIC
ANT. 2. consistent.
chicken n. 1. FOWL hen, biddy, rooster. 2.
check out v. investigate, look into, probe, scru- *SCAREDY CAT *wimp, *wuss, sissy.
tinize, inspect, *eyeball. chide v. reprove, scold, *dress down, upbraid,
cheek n. jowl, chop, jaw. rebuke, reproach, admonish, tell off, give a
WORD FIND good talking to, criticize, take to task.
descriptive: high cheek bones, rawboned, chief n. head, boss, leader, *top dog, *big
apple cheeks, sunken, pouchy. cheese, president, director, supervisor, mas-
cheek by jowl a. close, crowded, intimate, side- ter, ringleader, captain, commander, *big-
by-side, familiar. gest toad in the puddle, honcho, *cock of
cheeky a. impudent, insolent, saucy, imperti- the walk. ANT. subordinate, underling.
nent, brazen, bold, brash, audacious, *nervy, chief a. main, principal, leading, prime, great-
*ballsy, forward. ANT. timid, shy, mousy. est, biggest, supreme, paramount, ruling,
cheer n. 1. HURRAH acclamation, shout of ap- cardinal. ANT. least, smallest.
proval, *yay, rah, applause, bravo. 2. CHEER- chiefly adv. mainly, principally, primarily, first
FULNESS high spirits, gladness, gayness, hap- and foremost, above all, largely, mostly. ANT.
piness, joyfulness, optimism, joviality, lastly.
jubilance, buoyancy. ‘‘A kind of daylight in child n. 1. YOUNGSTER juvenile, kid, youth, tod-
the mind.’’—Joseph Addison. ANT. 1. boo, dler, tyke, nipper, *little shaver, lad, lass,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 103


tadpole, adolescent, *teenybopper, moppet, gallant, valiant, brave, courteous, courtly,

brat, *rug rat, *munchkin. ‘‘An ever-bub- heroic, lionhearted, quixotic, gentlemanly.
bling fountain in the world of humanity.’’— ANT. dishonorable, cowardly, brutish, barbaric.
Friedrich Froebel. 2. INNOCENT naif, babe in chivalry n. honor, courage, nobility, gallantry,
the woods. valor, knight-errantry, bravery, courtesy,
childbirth SEE BABY, BIRTH, PREGNANCY courtliness, heroism, lionheartedness. ANT.
childhood n. youth, boyhood, girlhood, school cowardice, dishonor, rudeness, discourtesy.
days, puberty, adolescence. ‘‘A garden of god chock-full a. packed, chock-a-block, overflow-
. . . each day a festival radiant with laughter ing, brimming, stuffed, crammed, bursting,
and play.’’—Micah Lebensohn. ‘‘That won- filled to capacity, *jam-packed. ANT. empty,
derful time when all you need to lose weight barren, devoid.
is to bathe.’’—Anon. choice n. selection, preference, choosing, elec-
childish a. immature, sophomoric, babyish, ad- tion, determination, vote, decision, druth-
olescent, infantile, juvenile, naive, callow, ers, volition, option, desire, pick, wish.
unsophisticated. ANT. mature, adult, grown- choice a. best, superior, excellent, select, first-
up. rate, cream-of-the-crop, vintage, prime.
chill n. cold, frigidity, iciness, rawness, brisk- ANT. poor, fair, ordinary, inferior.
ness, frostiness, nip, shivers. choke v. 1. STRANGLE throttle, garrote, asphyxi-
chilly a. 1. COLD freezing, frigid, raw, biting, icy, ate, suffocate, smother, stifle, wring. 2. CLOG
brisk, frosty, shivery, anesthetizing, wintry, obstruct, block, close off, occlude, dam, seal,
nippy, arctic. 2. UNFRIENDLY cold, icy, aloof, shut, constrict, restrict. ANT. 2. unclog, free,
cool, hostile, frigid, unsociable. ANT. 1. hot, open.
*roasting, muggy. 2. friendly, warm, conge- choleric a. quick-tempered, irritable, angry,
nial. hotheaded, irascible, touchy, grouchy,
chime v. ring, peal, toll, knell, sound, tinkle, *short-fused, testy. ANT. easy-going, mild-
jingle, tintinnabulate. SEE BELL mannered, imperturbable.
CHIMERA n. [kye MEER uh] something im- chomp v. bite, chew, crunch.
possible or fanciful, after the monster of choose v. select, pick, elect, wish for, desire,
Greek mythology. Hank’s desire to be presi- opt for, decide on, determine, prefer, want,
dent was just a chimera. SYN. fancy, dream, single out, call for, fancy, appoint.
impossibility, daydream, whim, *castle in choosy a. picky, fussy, finicky, particular, selec-
the air, *pie in the sky, *fool’s paradise, tive, persnickety, fastidious, exacting, over-
*pipe dream, fantasy, illusion, delusion. particular, discriminating. ANT. undiscrimi-
chimney n. smokestack, flue. nating, *easy.
china n. dishes, tableware, porcelain, crockery. chop n. blow, whack, swipe, knock, *wallop,
chink n. opening, slit, fissure, crack, crevice, *plug, smack, hit.
cleft, hole, gap, rift. chop v. cut, hew, lop, hack, fell, split, cleave,
chintzy a. 1. SHABBY tacky, cheap, sleazy, slash, slice, dice, mince, rend, sever.
frowzy, *schlock. 2. STINGY cheap, miserly, choppy a. rough, stormy, wavy, violent, bumpy,
tight, stinting. ANT. 1. elegant, classy, stylish. turbulent, frothy, wild. ANT. calm, serene,
2. generous. glassy.
chip n. fragment, piece, bit, shard, scrap, sliver, chore n. task, job, duty, burden, work, responsi-
shred, flake, dent, mark, nick, scratch, bility, charge, bother, *drag, *pain. ANT.
break, crack, flaw, fault. pleasure, recreation, entertainment.
chip v. fragment, nick, crack, crumble, break chortle v. chuckle, snort, snicker, snigger, crow,
off, sliver, fracture, splinter, scratch, flake. laugh with glee, guffaw, crackle, giggle. SEE
chipper a. cheerful, buoyant, high-spirited, LAUGH
cheery, sunny, bright, vivacious, zippy, chorus n. 1. CHOIR chorale group, glee club,
lively, sprightly, gay, jaunty. ANT. grim, ensemble, choristers. SEE MUSIC 2. AGREE-
glum, slothful, melancholy. MENT unison, harmony, concert.
chirp v. tweet, chip, peep, trill, warble, twitter. christen v. baptize, name, designate, dub, title.
SEE BIRD chronic a. long-term, recurrent, perpetual, con-
chisel v. cut, gouge, carve, engrave, sculpt, tool, stant, habitual, prolonged, protracted, lin-
incise. gering, persistent, stubborn, unabating, con-
chivalrous a. honorable, courageous, noble, tinual. ANT. short-term, temporary.

104 Roget’s Superthesaurus


chronicle n. history, narrative, accounting, rec- cup: chalice

ord, annals, archive, chronology, register, district: parish
log, calendar, journal, diary. SEE BOOK division, difference of opinion: schism
chronological a. in order, ordered, sequential, faith/denomination: (Christian) Roman
consecutive, successive, serial, dated. ANT. Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Presby-
random, unorganized, haphazard. terian, Lutheran, Mormon, Episcopalian,
chubby a. plump, rotund, portly, pudgy, stout, Unitarian, Baptist, Eastern Orthodox,
fleshy, *roly-poly, round, *zaftig, tubby, Pentecostal, Church of the Nazarene,
flabby, full-figured, *porky. ANT. skinny, an- Seventh Day Adventists, Unification
orexic, bony. SEE FAT Church; Orthodox Judaism; Islam;
chuck v. throw, toss, hurl, heave, pitch, fling, Hindu; Buddhist
discard, *eighty-six, dump, junk, abandon, gallery above side aisle: triforium
get rid of. governing body: classis
chuckle v. chortle, laugh, snicker, snigger, gig- grave digger: sexton
gle, smile, cluck. SEE LAUGH high-ranking clergy: prelate
chum n. friend, buddy, pal, *bro, companion, house of clergyman: parsonage, rectory
comrade, crony, *sidekick, alter ego, *ho- Italian cathedral: duomo
meboy, *main man, *pardner. Jewish house of worship: synagogue
chummy a. friendly, companionable, *palsy- jurisdiction of archbishop: archdiocese
walsy, affectionate, *buddy-buddy, intimate, jurisdiction of bishop: diocese
inseparable, thick, *kissy-huggy, familiar. land/property: glebe
ANT. hostile, distant, alienated, estranged. laws of: canon
chump n. fool, dupe, idiot, *sucker, dope, patsy. lay authority: elder
chunk n. hunk, piece, lump, clump, mass, por- light-admitting upper wall: clerestory
tion, wad, slab, wedge. members: congregation, fold, flock, Ecclesia
chunky a. thick, stocky, thickset, *built like a Moslem: mosque
fireplug, stubby, squat, stout, chubby, pudgy. mosque tower: minaret
ANT. skinny, anorexic, *built like linguine, nunnery: convent
*like a beanpole, willowy. SEE FAT office, endowed: benefice
church n. chapel, cathedral, house of worship, outreach church supported by larger church:
temple, synagogue, basilica, meeting house, mission
mosque, tabernacle, the Lord’s house, preaching platform: pulpit
bethel, abbey, sanctuary, denomination, reading stand: lectern, ambo
sect, faith, affiliation. ‘‘God between four repository for sacrements: ambry
walls.’’—Victor Hugo. ‘‘A hospital for sin- rite: baptism, benediction, communion,
ners.’’—L.L. Nash. ‘‘Wherever one hand mass
meets another helpfully.’’—John Ruskin. semicircular projection and vaulted roof
WORD FIND area at east end behind altar: apse
altar area reserved for clergy: chancel, sanc- storage room for altar vessels: sacristy
tuary, presbytery storage room for clergy and choir’s robes:
balcony for choir: choir loft vestry
baptism basin: font study of architecture, decoration: ecclesiol-
baptism room/section: baptistery ogy
bell ringer: sexton table or raised platform: altar
bell tower: belfry tower: steeple, spire, belfry
bench: pew underground vault/burial place: crypt
bishop’s church: cathedral vestibule: narthex, galilee porch
Buddhist: pagoda west-side chapel: galilee
central portion/ main area for congregation: window, arched: lancet window
nave window, large, round, stained glass: cather-
collection/revenue: tithe, benefice ine wheel, rose window, marigold win-
confession booth in the Catholic church: dow
confessional yard, enclosed: parvis
council of bishops: synod SEE CLERGY, MONASTERY, RELIGION
crucifixion sculptures: Calvary churchman n. SEE CLERGY

Roget’s Superthesaurus 105


churlish a. surly, mean, grouchy, boorish, SYN. roundabout, indirect, circular, mean-
loutish, crude, cantankerous, thorny, dering, rambling, *long way, *far afield, lab-
cranky, cross, huffy, grumpy, dour, sullen, yrinthine, devious, *off the beaten path.
ill-tempered. ANT. nice, pleasant, civil. ANT. direct, straight.
churn v. stir, agitate, shake, seethe, whip, circular n. advertisement, flier, handbill, insert,
heave, swirl, whisk, beat. brochure, leaflet, announcement, letter.
chute n. waterfall, rapids, trough, passage, slide, circular a. 1. ROUND spherical, spheroid, disk-
channel, gutter, runway, flume. like, globular, oval. 2. CIRCUITOUS round-
CHUTZPAH n. [HOOTS puh] nerve, brass, about.
fearlessness. It takes a lot of chutzpah to cut in circulate v. 1. CIRCLE revolve, mill, move
line. SYN. nerve, brass, gall, *balls, audacity, around, wander, tour, course, make the
boldness, backbone, spine, cheek, brazen- rounds. 2. DISTRIBUTE spread, pass out, dis-
ness, arrogance. ANT. cowardice, mousiness, perse, disseminate, publicize, announce.
spinelessness. circulation n. 1. FLOW movement, coursing, cir-
cider n. juice, *squeezings, beverage, drink, re- cling, rotation, round, tour, revolution. 2.
freshment. DISTRIBUTION dissemination, transmission,
cigar n. stogie, toby, Havana, *smoke, corona, spread.
cheroot, panatella, *weed, perfecto. circumcise v. excise, remove, cut.
cigarette n. *smoke, *coffin nail, *butt, circumference n. girth, perimeter, periphery,
*cancer stick, *gasper, *fag, *Kent, *Pall ambit, outline, compass, circuit.
Mall, *Salem, *Kool, *Winston, *Camel, CIRCUMLOCUTION n. [SUR kum loh
*Marlboro, *Chesterfield. ‘‘Killers that KYOO shun] an overly wordy or indirect
travel in packs.’’—Mary S. Ott. way of saying something. Circumlocution is
cinch n. Sl. breeze, snap, *walk on the beach, the tendency to use ten words when one would
*child’s play, *piece of cake, *duck soup, do. SYN. periphrasis, long-windedness, pro-
no sweat. ANT. *killer, *ballbuster, Herculean lixity, rambling, verbosity, redundancy,
task. wordiness, repetition, roundaboutness,
cinders n. embers, coals, clinkers, slag, ashes. *beating around the bush, digression. ANT.
cinema n. film theater, the movies. SEE MOVIE directness, brevity, conciseness.
cipher n. 1. ZERO nothing, naught, nil, *zip, CIRCUMSCRIBE v. [SUR kum SKRIBE] to
*goose egg. 2. CODE cryptography, puzzle, draw a line around, to set limits. Points of
mystery, problem. ANT. 1. infinity interest on the map were circumscribed. SYN. 1.
circa a. about, approximately, roughly. ANT. ENCLOSE circle, encircle, surround, outline,
precisely, exactly. encompass. 2. BIND confine, limit, restrict,
circadian rhythm n. biorhythm, cycles, body restrain, prohibit, check, hem in, curb, im-
clock. pede, demarcate.
circle n. 1. RING loop, oval, disc, orb, round, CIRCUMSPECT a. [SUR kum SPEKT] cau-
compass, hoop, halo, wheel, orbit, sphere, tious, careful. John is always circumspect
globe, circuit, coil, circlet, crown. 2. CYCLE around skunks. SYN. cautious, careful, wary,
revolution, series, period, progression, mindful, chary, leery, apprehensive,
round. 3. ASSOCIATES group, coterie, crowd, guarded, prudent, vigilant, heedful, scrupu-
clique, fraternity, sorority, gang, assembly. lous, judicious. ANT. careless, reckless, rash.
4. SPHERE OF INTEREST domain, realm, range, circumstance n. situation, case, instance, occa-
field, province, dominion, bailiwick. sion, incidence, occurrence, matter, epi-
circle v. go around, circumnavigate, encircle, sode, condition, contingency, concern,
surround, ring, encompass, circumscribe, place, time.
wheel, roll, loop, pivot, reel. circumstances n. course of events, turn of
circuit n. 1. COURSE path, route, cycle, lap, pass, events, situation, predicament, attending
round, tour, run. 2. CIRCLING revolution, or- factors, condition, state of affairs.
bit. 3. BOUNDARY periphery, border, perime- CIRCUMSTANTIAL a. [ser kum STAN
ter, margin, fringe, confines, brink. shul] incidental; largely insignificant. Also,
CIRCUITOUS a. [sur KYOO i tus] round- referring to evidence that may be used in a
about or indirect. Much to my irritation, the court case only to infer, not prove, guilt. The
cabbie took a circuitous route to the airport. evidence against the accused was weak and

106 Roget’s Superthesaurus


mostly circumstantial. SYN. incidental, indi- city hall n. municipal building, town hall, mu-
rect, secondary, insignificant, unimportant, nicipal government, city center, municipal
trivial, inconclusive, open to interpretation, center, administrative building, courthouse.
conjectural, speculative, extraneous, pre- civic a. municipal, civil, metropolitan, urban,
sumed. ANT. conclusive. community, communal, public.
CIRCUMVENT v. [SER kum vent] to get civil a. 1. CIVIC municipal, community, com-
around or avoid. The thief was able to circum- munal, public, urban, metropolitan, civil-
vent punishment through legal loopholes. SYN. ian. 2. POLITE courteous, well-mannered,
get around, dodge, bypass, avoid, elude, proper, civilized, obliging, gracious, urbane,
shun, skirt, sidestep, thwart, stymie, out- genteel, refined, diplomatic. ANT. 2. rude,
flank, foil, contravene, outwit. unrefined, barbaric, beastly.
circus n. *big top, hippodrome, spectacle, tent civilization n. 1. SOCIAL ORGANIZATION culture,
show, exhibition, performance, extrava- refinement, sophistication, education, civil-
ganza. ity, acculturation, polish, breeding, taming,
WORD FIND socialization. ‘‘Restrictions, standards, cour-
arena: ring tesy, indirect methods, justice, reason.’’—
procession: caravan, cavalcade Jose Ortega y Gasset. ‘‘To convert a man, a
subordinate show: sideshow beast of prey, into a tame and civilized ani-
swing: trapeze mal, a domestic animal.’’—Friedrich Nietz-
worker/laborer: rouster, roustabout sche. ‘‘A concerted effort to remedy the
cistern n. tank, reservoir, vat. blunders and check the practical joking of
citadel n. fortress, fort, stronghold, safehold, God.’’—Henry Louis Mencken. ‘‘A series of
bastion, tower, refuge. SEE CASTLE victories over nature.’’—William Harvey.
citation n. 1. SUMMONS subpoena, warrant, ‘‘The lamb’s skin in which barbarism mas-
charge, call. 2. CITING quoting, quotation, querades.’’—Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 2. HU-
quote, reference, passage, excerpt, source, MANITY society. ANT. 1. wildness, wilderness,
extract, text. 3. HONORABLE MENTION acco- savagery, barbarism, laws of the jungle. SEE SO-
lade, recognition, commendation, award, CIETY
reward, kudos. civilized a. cultured, refined, sophisticated, ed-
cite v. 1. SUMMON subpoena, put out a warrant, ucated, civil, acculturated, polished, bred,
charge, call. 2. QUOTE reference, note, ex- tamed, humane, socialized, socially orga-
cerpt, extract, refer to, provide a source. nized, urbane. ‘‘To have some quality of
citizen n. inhabitant, native, resident, subject, consideration for all who cross our path.’’—
national, denizen, freeman, taxpayer, bur- Agnes Repplier. ANT. wild, raw, crude, sav-
gher, cosmopolite, *just another brick in the age, barbaric.
wall, *John/Jane Q. Public. ‘‘The most im- civil liberties n. rights, freedoms, God-given
portant office.’’—Louis Brandeis. rights, freedom of speech, freedom of reli-
city n. metropolis, municipality, megalopolis, gion.
town, *burg, downtown, suburb, urban com- civil rights n. freedoms, civil liberties, constitu-
plex, boomtown, community, asphalt jun- tional rights.
gle, urban sprawl, capital, borough. ‘‘A herd- clad a. dressed, clothed, attired.
ing region.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ‘‘A human claim v. 1. DEMAND take, seek, petition, *have
zoo.’’—Desmond Morris. ‘‘A stone for- dibs on, exact, expropriate, attach. 2. AS-
est.’’—John Priestly. ‘‘The centre of a thou- SERT maintain, insist, allege, proclaim, de-
sand trades.’’—William Cowper. ‘‘Millions clare, hold, profess, defend, contend.
of people being lonesome together.’’— clairvoyant a. psychic, perceptive, telepathic,
Henry Thoreau. extrasensory, prescient, prophetic, second-
WORD FIND sighted. ANT. insensitive, unreceptive.
districts: ward, business district, residential clam n. mollusk, quahog, cherrystone, little-
district, ghetto, slums, tenement district, neck, steamer.
inner city, *skid row, *red light district, clamber v. climb, scale, *crab, climb with all
tenderloin, hell’s kitchen, Chinatown, fours, scrabble, ascend, crawl, shinny. SEE
Little Italy, barrio, greenbelt MOUNTAIN CLIMBING
official: alderman, councilor, mayor clammy a. damp, moist, dank, cold, slimy, mu-
SEE NEW YORK cous, sticky, pasty, sweaty. ANT. dry, arid.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 107


clamor n. 1. uproar, outcry, racket, hullabaloo, jangle, bang. 3. MISMATCH contrast, don’t go
ballyhoo, hue and cry, babel, shouting, din, with, are ill-suited together. ANT. 1. agree,
noise, hubbub, tumult, chaos, bedlam, com- harmonize, correspond.
motion, pandemonium, upheaval, brou- clasp n. catch, hook, snap, fastener, clip,
haha, disruption. ANT. silence, tranquility, se- buckle, hasp, pin.
renity, peace. clasp v. grasp, grip, embrace, hold, clutch,
clamor v. cry out, demand, *put up a fuss, call clench, squeeze.
out, shout, *raise the roof, bellow, howl, class n. 1. SORT kind, category, type, group,
yell, insist. caste, genus, grade, species, stripe, variety,
clamorous a. noisy, loud, confused, uproarious, breed, division, ilk, order. 2. SOCIAL RANK
tumultuous, chaotic, disruptive, deafening, position, stratum, status, sect, birth, lineage,
ear-piercing, vociferous. ANT. quiet, silent, extraction, place, echelon, hierarchy, pedi-
peaceful. gree, caste, station, rank, standing. 3. BODY
clamp n. vise, hold, grip, clasp, bracket, clip. OF STUDENTS study group. 4. COURSE subject,
clan n. tribe, family, dynasty, group, clique, cir- period, lesson, curriculum. 5. Sl. HIGH STYLE
cle, coterie, band, fraternity, society, gang, elegance, excellence, quality, flair, polish,
ring. SEE FAMILY distinction, fineness, refinement.
CLANDESTINE a. [klan DES tin] secret or class v. SEE CLASSIFY
undercover, an activity associated with il- classic n. model, standard, example, master-
licit activities. The clandestine meeting took piece, paragon, exemplar, chef-d’oeuvre,
place in an abandoned shipyard. SYN. secret, ideal, paradigm, archetype, magnum opus.
undercover, hidden, concealed, surrepti- classic a. 1. EXCELLENT first-class, model, exem-
tious, *cloak and dagger, *hush-hush, co- plary, superior, extraordinary, quintessen-
vert, underground, furtive, underhanded, tial, finest, best, vintage, standard, ideal. 2.
sneaky, conspiratory, back room. ANT. pub- TRADITIONAL established, conventional,
lic, aboveboard, open. tried-and-true, regular, standard, prototypi-
clang v. ring, clank, reverberate, resound, peal, cal. ANT. 1. inferior, second-rate, poor. 2. radi-
bong, toll, gong, chime. cal, *new wave, avant-garde.
clannish a. cliquish, insular, provincial, snob- classical a. SEE CLASSIC
bish, selective, sectarian, parochial, narrow, classification n. 1. ARRANGEMENT division,
tribal, exclusive, class conscious, caste con- grouping, categorization, cataloging, order-
scious. ANT. friendly, open, broad-minded, ac- ing, grading, sorting, *pigeonholing, typing,
cepting, worldly. labeling, assignment. 2. CATEGORY division,
clap n. explosion, crack, thunder, peal, bang, group, class, variety, order, grade, type.
shot, burst, report. classified a. confidential, secret, top secret, pri-
clap v. applaud, give a hand, cheer, slap, strike, vate, restricted. ANT. overt, public, open.
rap, whack, slam. classify v. categorize, arrange, group, catalog,
CLAPTRAP n. [KLAP TRAP] pretentious order, grade, sort, *pigeonhole, type, label,
writing or talk designed to win attention. assign, organize, rank, systemize.
That all men are unfeeling Neanderthals is fem- classy a. first-class, fine, elegant, superior, ex-
inist claptrap. SYN. bombast, hogwash, grand- cellent, high-class, polished, smart, stylish,
standing, fustian, pretentiousness, insincer- chic, swanky, fashionable. ANT. low-class,
ity, speciousness, sensationalism, platitude, cheap, chintzy, *slummy.
inflation, sophistry, *bunk, *bilge, twaddle. clatter v. rattle, crack, smash, clank, clang, jan-
clarify v. elucidate, clear up, make plain, ex- gle.
plain, show, define, illuminate, simplify, clause n. article, provision, term, specification,
*shed light on, interpret. ANT. confuse, mud- condition, part, section, paragraph, sen-
dle, obfuscate, *make clear as mud. tence, passage, *catch.
clarity n. clearness, lucidity, plainness, intelli- claw n. talon, nail, pincer, hook, spur, nipper.
gibility, comprehensibility, explicitness, leg- claw v. scratch, rip, tear, pierce, lacerate, hook,
ibility, simplicity, transparency, purity. ANT. slash, dig, puncture, gouge, gash.
obscurity, haze, fog, fuzziness, distortion. clay n. earth, dirt, loam, mud, soil, sod.
clash v. 1. CONFLICT disagree, argue, fight, quar- clean v. wash, cleanse, launder, scrub, bathe,
rel, *butt heads, wrangle, feud, scuffle, *lock freshen up, scour, purify, disinfect, sterilize,
horns, tussle. 2. CRASH clatter, clang, rattle, deterge, swab, spruce up, shampoo, dust,

108 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sanitize, decontaminate. ANT. soil, dirty, be- clearly adv. obviously, plainly, apparently, un-
grime, pollute, mess. questionably, unmistakably, incontrovert-
clean a. 1. NOT DIRTY spotless, washed, fresh, ibly, conspicuously, undoubtedly, transpar-
*spic and span, unsoiled, immaculate, ently, positively, overtly, indubitably. ANT.
*clean as a whistle, laundered, *squeaky questionably, doubtfully, unclearly, debatably.
clean, scrubbed, antiseptic, scoured, sani- cleavage n. cleft, fissure, gap, chasm, rift, valley.
tary, bright, sparkling, pure, disinfected, cleave v. 1. STICK adhere, cling, cohere, hold
sterile, clear, unpolluted. 2. VIRTUOUS up- fast, be faithful, be true. 2. SPLIT divide,
right, moral, pure, chaste, sinless, innocent, chop, carve, sever, slice, part, rend, rip, cut.
decent, wholesome, respectable, lily-white. cleft n. opening, crack, crevice, break, gap,
3. FAIR sportsmanlike, honest, aboveboard, chink, fissure, slit, schism, split, rift.
respectable, by the rules. 4. TRIM plain, un- CLEMENCY n. [KLEM un see] forgiveness,
cluttered, simple, sharp. 5. COMPLETE thor- lenience, mercy. The crook was granted clem-
ough, entire, whole, clear-cut. ANT. 1. dirty, ency in exchange for information. SYN. forgive-
filthy, grubby, unsanitary, grimy. 2. immoral, ness, lenience, mercy, mildness, compas-
filthy, indecent. 3. unfair, unsportsmanlike, sion, charity, amnesty, sympathy, softening,
*below-the-belt. 4. busy, ornate, cluttered. 5. quarter, mitigation, easing, softheartedness.
incomplete, uncertain. ANT. vindictiveness, cruel and unusual punish-
clean-cut a. neat, trim, groomed, tidy, clean- ment, strictness, harshness, heavy-handedness.
shaven, conservative, military, Ivy-League, clench v. grip, grasp, hold firm, clutch, clasp,
*preppy, old-fashioned, *square, button- hold, constrict, close. ANT. loosen, release.
down, traditional, *dressed for success. ANT. clergy n. ecclesiastics, men of the cloth, minis-
sloppy, unkempt. try, priesthood, churchmen, holy order,
cleanse v. SEE CLEAN prelacy, pastorate, presbytery, rabbinate. SEE
clear v. 1. CLEAN wipe, tidy, sweep, free, empty,
open, rid, remove, liberate, disentangle. 2. clergyman n. ecclesiastic, minister, priest,
EXONERATE liberate, free, *let off the hook,
rabbi, preacher, canon, cleric, *dominie,
release, find innocent, absolve, exculpate, reverend, curate, father, pastor, parson, prel-
acquit, vindicate, *restore one’s good name. ate, chaplain, bishop, cardinal, rector, vicar,
3. PASS OVER miss, *make, steer clear of, hur- man of the cloth, deacon, evangelist, theo-
logian, shepherd, pontiff, man/woman of
dle, vault. 4. CLEAR UP clarify, illuminate, ex-
God. ‘‘Ambassadors for Christ.’’—Bible. ‘‘A
plain, elucidate. ANT. 1. mess up, soil, tangle.
human Sunday.’’—Samuel Butler.
2. find guilty, incriminate. 3. hit, catch. 4. ob-
fuscate, confuse, muddle.
abbey’s superior female: abbess
clear a. 1. APPARENT understandable, clear-cut, abbey’s superior male: abbot
obvious, perspicuous, crystal-clear, plain, lu- assists priest or minister with candles, offer-
cid, transparent, incontrovertible, evident, ings: acolyte, altar boy
comprehensible, explicit, unmistakable. 2. bishop-assisting priest who oversees a terri-
UNOBSTRUCTED open, free, unblocked, un-
tory: archdeacon
clogged, unhindered, unobstructed, empty. bishop, highest ranking: archbishop
3. TRANSPARENT crystal, glassy, see-through, cape, short, worn by pope, cardinal and
diaphanous, pellucid, translucent, limpid. bishop: mozzetta
ANT. 1. unclear, hazy, foggy, fuzzy, incompre- cathedral superior: dean
hensible. 2. obstructed, blocked, hindered, collar worn by priest: clerical collar
jammed. 3. opaque, cloudy, fuzzy. council of: synod
clearance n. authorization, sanction, *okay, deacon’s wide-sleeved tunic worn over alb:
*go, *green light, go-ahead. dalmatic
clear-cut a. clear, definite, distinct, unques- England, parish priest in: vicar
tionable, unmistakable, explicit, obvious, garment, general term: vestment
express. hat, squarish, with three or four projections,
clearheaded a. rational, of sound mind, lucid, Roman Catholic: biretta
alert, sharp, sober, keen, wide-awake, sane, hat worn by bishop: miter
level-headed, sensible, composed. ANT. mud- high-ranking minister who oversees a dio-
dled, confused, hazy, irrational. cese: bishop

Roget’s Superthesaurus 109


Hindu’s spiritual teacher: guru clientele n. clients, customers, patrons, follow-

house of: rectory, parsonage, manse ing, trade, business, regulars, market.
Jewish minister: rabbi cliff n. precipice, bluff, scarp, escarpment, over-
long open cloak worn by bishop: cope look, overhang, ledge, headland, promon-
Lutheran, Baptist or Pentecostal minister: tory, peak, summit, palisade, crag. SEE MOUN-
pastor TAIN
monk/friar’s robe: frock cliffhanger n. serial, *nail-biter, melodrama,
mosque official who calls faithful to prayer episode, thriller.
from minaret: muezzin climate n. 1. WEATHER clime, temperature, me-
mosque’s prayer leader: imam teorological conditions. 2. ATMOSPHERE air,
Muslim authority: ayatollah ambience, feel, tone, undertone, sense, aura,
pope: pontiff spirit, character, mood, disposition.
pope’s assistant, second-highest in Catholic climax n. culmination, highest point, peak,
hierarchy: cardinal acme, pinnacle, crest, zenith, maximum,
pope’s office: papacy summit, critical mass, apex, turning point,
pope’s palace home: Vatican
climacteric. ANT. anticlimax, low, nadir. SEE
robe, long and white, worn by priest for
Mass: alb
Roman Catholic’s highest-ranking: pope climb v. ascend, scale, mount, clamber, shinny,
salary: prebend *climb hand over hand, rise, swarm, esca-
school for: seminary lade, scramble up, descend. SEE MOUNTAIN
sleeveless mantle worn by priest at commu- CLIMBING

nion: chasuble clime n. SEE CLIMATE

square cloth worn by priest over shoulders: clinch v. 1. FASTEN secure, fix, make fast, set,
amice attach, bolt. 2. WIN CONCLUSIVELY OR SETTLE
strip one of power due to unethical behav- finish off, close, culminate, confirm, decide,
ior: defrock put all doubts to rest, sew up, cap, *put on
synagogue’s prayer leader/singer: cantor ice.
vestment, full-length, usually black, worn by clincher n. crowning blow, finisher, closer,
priest: cassock deathblow, culmination, capper, *coup de
waist cord of alb: cincture grace, settler, finishing touch.
white, wide-sleeved, knee or hip-length gar- cling v. stick, adhere, hold, clasp, cleave to, co-
ment: surplice here, embrace, be attached to, cherish. ANT.
SEE CHURCH, RELIGION release, let go, repel.
clerical a. ecclesiastical, churchly, ministerial, clinic n. dispensary, infirmary, sick bay, hospi-
priestly, pastoral, religious. ANT. secular, lay. tal, outpatient ward. SEE MEDICINE, HOSPITAL
clerk n. salesman/woman, cashier, teller, office clinical a. scientific, analytic, objective, de-
worker, bookkeeper, *desk jockey. SEE OFFICE tached, impersonal, dispassionate, unemo-
WORKER tional. ANT. personal, subjective, involved.
clever a. intelligent, adroit, bright, ingenious, clink v. jingle, jangle, tinkle, ring, tink.
smart, dexterous, shrewd, quick, witty, fac- clip n. fastener, clasp, holder, pin, hasp.
ile, *brainy, versatile, sharp, savvy, inven-
clip v. 1. ATTACH fasten, pin, couple, hook,
tive, capable, handy, resourceful, imagina-
grip. 2. CUT snip, crop, trim, bob, shorten,
tive. ANT. stupid, bovine, dull, moronic.
cliché n. banality, trite remark, bromide, *ches- shave, shear, scissor, *buzz, prune, mow.
tnut, old saw, *old line, *tired line, hack- 3. REDUCE shorten, curtail, abridge. ANT. 3.
neyed expression, platitude, *old story, ste- lengthen, increase.
reotype. ‘‘Only something well said in the CLIQUE n. [KLIK] an exclusive group or circle
first place.’’—William Granger. of people, sometimes of a snobbish nature.
clichéd a. trite, hackneyed, tired, worn out, ste- High school is notorious for its cliques. SYN. co-
reotyped. ANT. fresh, new, imaginative. terie, group, crowd, in crowd, circle, band,
click v. 1. TICK clack, snap, clink, chink, rattle. clan, set, gang, faction, bunch, crew, pack.
2. WORK TOGETHER SUCCESSFULLY come to- cloak n. 1. CAPE mantle, wrap, dolman, over-
gether, fit, fall into place. coat, robe, pelisse, capote. 2. DISGUISE cover,
client n. customer, patron, consumer, buyer, mask, masquerade, guise, concealment,
*regular. front, pretext.

110 Roget’s Superthesaurus


cloak v. cover, conceal, hide, mask, disguise, thick. 6. STINGY tight, miserly, tight-fisted,
veil. ANT. uncover, reveal, unmask. niggardly, *penny-pinching, penurious.
cloak and dagger a. intrguing, mysterious, ANT. 1. far, distant, remote. 2. loose, roomy,
melodramatic, dealing in espionage. commodious. 3. unfamiliar, distant, cool. 4.
clobber v. punch, pound, beat, wallop, pummel, dissimilar, opposite, contrasting. 5. airy,
hit, strike, belt, drub, thrash, *slug, *sock. breezy, fresh. 6. generous, free-spending, ex-
clock n. timepiece, chronometer, timer, watch, travagant.
hourglass. close call n. narrow escape, near miss, *close
clod n. dolt, moron, idiot, simpleton, dunce, shave, *squeaker, photofinish, *heart stop-
halfwit, ignoramus, oaf, nitwit, blockhead, per, *white-knuckler, cliffhanger.
*chowderhead. closefisted a. tightfisted, tight, cheap, stingy,
clodhopper n. hick, yokel, bumpkin, hayseed, miserly, niggardly, penny-pinching, parsi-
rustic, farmer, hillbilly, *cider squeezer. monious, penurious. ANT. generous, giving,
clog n. blockage, obstacle, jam, congestion, openhanded.
stoppage, barrier, occlusion, encumbrance, close-minded a. narrow-minded, intolerant,
clot, bottleneck. blind, unreceptive. ANT. broad-minded.
clog v. block, obstruct, jam, congest, stop, bar, closemouthed a. uncommunicative, taciturn,
occlude, encumber, clot, close, choke, fill, quiet, reserved, laconic, tight-lipped, reti-
impede, stuff, cram, gum up. ANT. open, free, cent, retiring, secretive, mute. ANT. talkative,
clear. loquacious.
cloister n. 1. SECLUDED REFUGE asylum, retreat, closet n. storeroom, cupboard, locker, compart-
sanctuary, haven, monastery, abbey, con- ment, wardrobe, cubbyhole.
vent. 2. COVERED WALKWAY colonnade, ar- close shave n. SEE CLOSE CALL
cade, courtyard, ambulatory, promenade, closure n. conclusion, capping, ending, tying
archway, gallery. up loose ends, finality, completion, finish-
CLOISTERED a. [KLOIS terd] secluded, shel- ing.
tered. Monks enjoy a cloistered lifestyle. SYN. clot n. grume, embolism, lump, mass, coagula-
secluded, sheltered, reclusive, solitary, se- tion, occlusion.
questered, hidden, shielded, remote, aloof, clot v. coagulate, congeal, set, thicken, clog,
segregated, hermitic, insular. ANT. public, coalesce, solidify. ANT. thin, liquefy, flow.
conspicuous. cloth n. fabric, textile, material, weave, dry
clone n. double, match, twin, copy, replica, du- goods.
plicate. clothe v. dress, attire, fit out, garb, don, vest,
close n. ending, finale, finish, completion, put on, outfit, deck out, doll up, tog, cos-
windup, culmination. tume, caparison, adorn. ANT. strip, undress.
close v. 1. SHUT seal, lock, secure, bolt, bar, clothes n. pl. SEE CLOTHING
shutter. 2. COMPLETE finish, *wind down, clothing n. apparel, dress, attire, garb, wear,
*call it a day, end, cease, finalize, *put to garments, habiliments, wardrobe, getup,
bed, fold up, terminate, stop, discontinue, duds, *threads, *rags, costume, finery, outfit,
shut down. 3. JOIN unite, merge, fuse, cou- vestment, tog, *civvies. ‘‘Two-thirds of
ple, connect. ANT. 1. open, broach. 2. begin, beauty.’’—Welsh proverb. SEE BOOT, COAT,
start, open. 3. separate, divide. DRESS, HAT, JACKET, PANTS, SHIRT, SHOE, SKIRT,
close a. 1. NEAR proximate, at hand, handy, SWEATER
next to, immediate, *under one’s nose, cloud n. vapor, mist, fog, haze, steam, puff, veil,
*within shouting distance, bordering, nigh, billow, overcast, gloom, nebula. ‘‘The only
in close proximity, approaching, contiguous, birds that never sleep.’’—Victor Hugo.
neighboring. 2. DENSE cramped, thick, com- WORD FIND
pact, packed, congested, crowded, solid, aircraft trail: contrail
confined, narrow, stuffed. 3. INTIMATE boiling, billowing or breastlike, severe thun-
friendly, familiar, chummy, inseparable, derstorm: mammatocumulus
*buddy-buddy, attached, *thick with, *cosy bulging: billowing
with. 4. SIMILAR comparable, alike, like, cauliflowerlike, fair-weather cloud: cumu-
much the same, analogous, near, akin. 5. lus, stratocumulus
OPPRESSIVE humid, stuffy, airless, muggy, un- circle around sun or moon: halo
ventilated, heavy, stifling, suffocating, continuous, layered, low: stratus

Roget’s Superthesaurus 111


descriptive: buttermilk sky clumsy a. 1. KLUTZY oafish, inept, ungainly,

feathery tuft: cirrus, mare’s tail bumbling, maladroit, awkward, gauche,
fleecy cumulus cloud: woolpack, sheep, alto- graceless, fumbling, *all thumbs, *having
cumulus two left feet, cloddish, butterfingered, blun-
gray, thick and shapeless rain cloud: nimbo- dering, lumbering, uncoordinated. 2. UN-
stratus WIELDY awkward, cumbersome, bulky, un-
horsetail-like cirrus cloud: mare’s tail manageable, ponderous. ANT. 1. coordinated,
mass broken off by wind: rack graceful, nimble, adroit. 2. handy.
rain-producing: nimbus cluster n. bunch, clump, mass, group, body,
referring to: nubilous crowd, assembly, knot, collection, congrega-
ripples or bands: cirrocumulus, mackeral sky tion.
study of: nephology clutch v. grasp, snatch, seize, grip, grab, catch,
swift-moving, dark storm patch: scud nab, snare, clench, hold, squeeze. ANT. re-
thunder and lightning: thunderhead lease, drop.
thunderhead’s anvil-shaped top: incus clutches n. power, control, grip, hands, rule,
veils, thin and white, covering most of sky: possession, custody.
cirrostratus clutter n. mess, disorder, jumble, litter, trash,
wisp trailing from rain cloud: virga disarray, hodgepodge, chaos. ANT. order,
neatness, tidiness.
cloud v. befog, darken, obscure, veil, dim,
clutter v. mess, disorder, jumble, litter, *trash,
cloak, blind, muddle. ANT. clear, illuminate.
strew about, scatter. ANT. neaten, order, ar-
cloudy a. 1. OVERCAST gray, dreary, dismal,
range, clean.
hazy, murky, partly sunny, nubulous, lowery,
coach n. 1. TRAINER teacher, tutor, instructor,
lowering, turbid, leaden, misty, foggy,
mentor, *whip, taskmaster, drillmaster, ath-
murky. 2. OBSCURE vague, indistinct, blurry,
letic director. 2. CARRIAGE stage, brougham,
nebulous, fuzzy, unclear, hazy, confused,
muddled, mysterious. ANT. 1. clear, sunny, landau, phaeton, coupe, buggy.
bright, radiant. 2. clear, distinct, certain. coach v. train, teach, tutor, instruct, *whip into
clout n. 1. BLOW rap, hit, whack, clip, *sock. 2. shape, drill, direct, guide, school, cram.
INFLUENCE power, weight, *pull.
coachman n. driver, jehu, hack, whip.
cloverleaf n. interchange, overpass, on-off coagulate v. clot, curdle, mass, lump, congeal,
ramp. ‘‘Our national flower . . . the concrete gel, thicken, set, condense, cake. ANT. thin,
cloverleaf.’’—Lewis Mumford. SEE STREET liquefy.
clown n. buffoon, jester, joker, merry-andrew, COALESCE v. [KOH uh LES] to come to-
comic, *cutup, prankster, zany, mime, harle- gether or merge as one, fuse. The two factions
quin, card, wit. SEE CIRCUS will coalesce in order to fight a common enemy.
CLOY v. [KLOY] to make sick of something SYN. come together, merge, unite, fuse, weld,
from having too much. Try to eat a pound of consolidate, blend, cohere, integrate, incor-
chocolate and it will soon cloy. SYN. sicken, porate, combine, mingle. ANT. divide, frag-
satiate, surfeit, displease, nauseate, glut, ment, split, separate.
sate, overdo, gag, weary, pall. ANT. entice, COALITION n. [KOH uh LISH un] an alli-
tantalize. ance or union. The coalition of environmental-
club n. 1. STICK bat, cudgel, billy, mace, trun- ists will be lobbying for cleaner air. SYN. alli-
cheon, blackjack, bludgeon, shillelagh. 2. ance, union, association, confederacy,
ASSOCIATION organization, society, frater- faction, league, bloc, partnership, cartel,
nity, sorority, clique, affiliation, coterie, alli- consolidation, cooperative, merger.
ance, lodge, order. coarse a. 1. ROUGH gritty, scratchy, grainy,
club v. hit, strike, bat, batter, cudgel, baste, harsh, unpolished, bumpy, bristly, unre-
beat, clout, blackjack, slug. fined. 2. INFERIOR poor, second-rate, shoddy,
clue n. hint, tip, tipoff, *lead, sign, telltale, in- common, mediocre. 3. VULGAR unrefined,
kling, inference, pointer, implication, *dead crude, rough-hewn, crass, uncouth, offen-
giveaway, evidence, suggestion, trace, mark. sive, uncultured, earthy, foulmouthed, ill-
clump n. 1. CLUSTER aggregation, bunch, mannered, churlish, impolite. ANT. 1.
group, lump, mass, clod, thicket, bushes. 2. smooth, polished, refined. 2. superior, first-
THUMP clomp, stomp, bump, bang, thud, rate, high quality. 3. refined, cultured, polite,
*thunk. gentlemanly, well-mannered.

112 Roget’s Superthesaurus


coast n. shore, beach, strand, seaboard, seaside, rock cocaine: *crack

littoral. SEE BEACH rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana ciga-
coast v. glide, slide, skim, glissade, drift, roll. rette: *woolie
coast guard n. marine patrol, marine rescue. transporting or smuggling: trafficking
coat n. 1. FUR pelt, fleece, wool, hide, pelage, under the influence: *chalked up
fell. 2. COATING covering, finish, layer, lami- utensil: coke spoon
nation. 3. OVERCOAT jacket, wrap, tog, top- SEE DRUG, NARCOTIC
coat, windbreaker. cock n. rooster, cockerel.
WORD FIND cock v. prick, raise, stick up.
classic with black velvet collar: chesterfield cockeyed a. 1. CROOKED askance, askew, lop-
formal: tails, tuxedo sided, cross-eyed, awry, off-center. 2. RIDICU-
full-length: maxi LOUS silly, foolish, preposterous, stupid, ab-
large overcoat: greatcoat surd, whacky, *cockamamie, insane, *nuts.
long, loose with wide sleeves cut in one ANT. 1. straight, centered. 2. sane, rational.
piece with shoulders: raglan cockpit n. cabin, flight deck.
long raincoat or overcoat with several pock- cocksure a. confident, self-assured, unblinking,
ets, belt: trenchcoat unflinching, sure, positive, certain, cocky,
midlength: midi arrogant, overconfident, full of oneself, ego-
raincoat: slicker, trenchcoat tistical, bloated, swaggering, strutting, over-
sportcoat: blazer bearing, smug, brash. ANT. unsure, uncertain,
toggle-buttoning: toggle coat, duffel coat timid, mousy, shy, tentative.
waterproof coat with drawstring hood: sta- cocktail n. mixed drink, beverage, aperitif. SEE
woman’s long coat with large pockets: duster WORD FIND
woolen, plaid and short: mackinaw bourbon, bitters, soda, sugar: old-fashioned
SEE JACKET bourbon, boiling water, sugar, cloves, cinna-
coax v. cajole, wheedle, persuade, talk into, mon: hot toddy
lure, press, *rope in, beg, *butter up, beguile, bourbon, mint leaves, syrup: mint julep
blandish, play up to, con, sweet talk, invei- gin, cherry brandy, lemon, club soda, pow-
gle. dered sugar: Singapore sling
cocaine n. narcotic, drug, *coke, *snow, gin, club soda, lime and ice: gin rickey
*crack, *Bernice, *blow, *Doctor White, gin, cream, crème de cacao, nutmeg garnish:
*freebase, controlled substance, *snort, Alexander
*crystal, local anesthetic, *ice, *nose candy, gin, grenadine, cream: pink lady
*poison, *speedball, *stuff, *sugar, *white gin, rum, tequila, vodka: Long Island iced
lady, *wings, *Bolivian marching powder, tea
*foo-foo dust, *happy dust, *joy powder, gin, rum, scotch, white crème de cacao, light
*Peruvian, *paradise, *stardust, *white cream: Barbary Coast
horse, *witch, *mojo, *gift of the sun god. gin, vermouth, olive: martini
WORD FIND glass: cocktail glass, cooler, delmonico,
cigarette laced with cocaine: *coolie, highball, shot glass, snifter, wine glass
*woola Irish whiskey, hot coffee, whipped cream:
cocaine and heroin: *Belushi Irish coffee
dose: line Kahlúa, cream: sombrero
high: *buzz, *rush peach schnapps, vodka, pineapple juice,
inhale burning fumes of: freebase cranberry juice: sex on the beach
inhale through nostrils: snort, blow, toke, red wine, fruit juice and brandy: sangria
toot rum, orange juice, sour mix, grenadine:
injectable cocaine: *soda shark bite
intravenous mix of cocaine and heroin or rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream: pina
amphetamine: *speedball colada
marijuana and cocaine inside a cigar: *blunt rum, sweet and sour: Daiquiri
numbness caused by: *freeze rum, vodka, brandy, bourbon, lime: tidal
pipe: crack pipe wave
purify: freebase Scotch, drambuie: rusty nail

Roget’s Superthesaurus 113


Scotch, vermouth, cherry garnish: Rob Roy Elbert Hubbard. SEE CEMETERY, FUNERAL,
sloe gin, Southern Comfort, orange juice: DEATH
slow comfortable screw COGENT a. [KOH junt] strongly convincing.
sloe gin, sweet and sour, soda, cherry gar- His argument was cogent. SYN. convincing,
nish: sloe gin fizz compelling, persuasive, effective, forceful,
tequila, orange juice, grenadine: tequila sun- powerful, meaningful, conclusive, sound,
rise potent, weighty. ANT. unconvincing, ineffec-
tequila, sweet and sour, rim of glass frosted tive, weak.
with salt: Margarita cogitate v. ponder, consider, meditate, weigh,
vodka, beef bouillon: bull shot think over, contemplate, deliberate.
vodka, Kahlúa: black Russian cognate a. alike, akin, associated, related, kin-
vodka, orange juice, Galliano: Harvey Wall- dred, common, generic, affiliated, con-
banger nected. ANT. unlike, unrelated, different.
vodka, orange juice: screwdriver COGNIZANT a. [KOG ni zunt] aware; con-
vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, lime juice: scious. Are you cognizant of the deteriorating
cosmopolitan environment? SYN. aware, conscious, in-
vodka, triple sec curacao, lime juice: Kami- formed, familiar, knowing, acquainted with,
kaze enlightened, mindful, apprised, in the know,
vodka, worcestershire sauce, tomato juice: understanding. ANT. ignorant, unaware,
Bloody Mary oblivious.
whiskey, ginger ale: highball cohere v. 1. STICK adhere, cling, attach, bind,
whiskey, sweet and sour, cherry: whiskey hold, unite, join. 2. AGREE harmonize, corre-
sour spond, concur, coincide.
whiskey, vermouth with cherry: Manhattan coherence a. agreement, consistency, harmony,
cocky a. SEE COCKSURE correspondence, concurrence, congruity,
coddle v. pamper, mollycoddle, baby, indulge, unity, cohesion, accord. ANT. incoherence, in-
spoil, cater to, cosset, dote on. consistency.
code n. 1. SECRET WRITING cipher, cryptograph, COHERENT a. [ko HEER unt] intelligible;
cryptogram. 2. LAWS regulations, standards, making sense. He’d had a few drinks but he
rules, canon, ethics, system, charter. was still coherent. SYN. intelligible, rational,
codicil n. appendix, addendum, rider. logical, lucid, articulate, understandable,
codify v. classify, order, group, catalog, file, or- comprehensible. ANT. incoherent, unintelligi-
ganize, arrange. ble, confusing, nonsensical.
COERCE v. [koh URS] to force one to do cohort n. associate, colleague, companion,
something by intimidation or threats. Your sidekick, supporter, buddy, pal, chum, ac-
peers can coerce you to do things you know are complice, ally, comrade.
wrong. SYN. force, compel, persuade, bully, coiffure n. hairdo, *do, cut, permanent, trim.
impel, strong-arm, pressure, railroad, con- SEE HAIR
strain, impel, scare, make, cow, intimidate, coil n. ring, helix, circle, spiral, vortex, loop,
*twist one’s arm. convolution, corkscrew, curlicue, braid.
coercion n. force, pressure, duress, bullying, coil v. wind, spiral, twist, turn, loop, twirl, cork-
persuasion, strong-arm tactics, railroading, screw, snake, twine, convolute, sinuate.
constraint, scare tactics, intimidation, coin n. piece, specie, copper, change, money,
threats, menacing, *heat, *arm-twisting. legal tender, coinage, *pin money. SEE
coffee n. espresso, cafe au lait, cafe noir, cap- MONEY
puccino, *mud, *machine oil, brew, *bat- coin v. devise, invent, make up, create, con-
tery acid, *joe, *java, *pick-me-up, *decaf, ceive, originate, think up, dream up, fabri-
mocha, *crude, *blackstrap, *paint re- cate, compose, mint, neologize.
mover. ‘‘Break fluid.’’—R.R. Anderson. coincide v. agree, equal, synchronize, square,
coffer n. chest, strongbox, safe, vault. accord, dovetail, fit, correspond, harmonize,
coffers n. treasury, funds, finances, capital, jibe, match, be synonymous, be concurrent.
means, assets, reserves. SEE MONEY, BANK ANT. disagree, differ.
coffin n. casket, pine box, catafalque, sarcopha- coincidence n. happenstance, chance, fluke,
gus, pall, *wooden overcoat. ‘‘An ornamen- fortuity, accident, serendipity, synchronic-
tal . . . box which no one cares to open.’’— ity, *fickle finger of fate.

114 Roget’s Superthesaurus


coincidental a. chance, accidental, fortuitous, break down, succumb, wilt, be stricken, lose
fluky, serendipitous, lucky, casual, circum- consciousness, slump over, swoon.
stantial. ANT. deliberate, planned. collar v. nab, seize, catch, capture, nail, appre-
coitus n. sexual intercourse, copulation, forni- hend, bring into custody. SEE ARREST
cation, mating, consummation, congress, collate v. sort, order, group, arrange, juxtapose.
*nookie, heterosexual union, *roll in the collateral n. security, insurance, warranty,
hay. ‘‘Making the beast with two backs.’’— surety, pledge, guarantee, bond.
Shakespeare. SEE SEX collateral a. secondary, ancillary, subordinate,
cold n. virus, *bug, cough, runny nose, *sniffles, indirect, supporting, corroborating, parallel,
fever, coryza, nasal congestion. ‘‘An ailment incidental, supplementary. ANT. primary,
cured in two weeks with a doctor’s care, and fundamental.
in fourteen days without it.’’—C.C. Furnas. colleague n. associate, co-worker, confederate,
cold a. 1. CHILLY frigid, wintry, icy, freezing, cohort, collaborator, partner, confrere,
arctic, nippy, cool, raw, biting, brisk, bitter, *partner in crime, compatriot, peer, team-
numbing, *anesthetizing, below zero, frosty, mate.
piercing, stinging, algid, hyperboreal, gelid, collect v. 1. ACCUMULATE OR ASSEMBLE gather,
drafty, Siberian, bone-chilling, *teeth-chat- harvest, reap, amass, hoard, save, round up,
tering cold. 2. UNFRIENDLY OR ALOOF icy, dis- pile up, squirrel away, compile, congregate,
tant, frosty, stony, apathetic, unsociable, flock, group, muster, convene, meet, cluster.
unfeeling, remote, unapproachable, closed. 2. OBTAIN acquire, solicit, raise, *pass the
3. COLD-BLOODED uncaring, unfeeling, cruel, hat, get. 3. PICK UP get, fetch, gather, take
mean, icy, cool, stony, insensitive, heartless, away. 4. PULL ONESELF TOGETHER gather one’s
distant, soulless, brutal, callous, ruthless, wits, calm down, *get it together, regain
merciless. ANT. 1. hot, sweltering. 2. warm, one’s composure, relax.
friendly, open. 3. sympathetic, humane, merci- collected a. composed, calm, cool, levelheaded,
ful. unruffled, unperturbed, self-possessed,
cold-blooded a. SEE COLD poised, unflappable, placid, at ease, noncha-
cold feet n. Sl. fear, anxiety, second thoughts, lant. ANT. agitated, nervous, flustered, per-
reservations, timidity. turbed, ill-at-ease.
cold shoulder n. coldness, snub, brush-off, a collection n. 1. ACCUMULATION cumulation,
frosting, dismisssal, disregard, aloofness.
mass, group, assortment, assembly, pile,
cold sore n. blister, herpes, canker sore, ulcer-
gathering, stockpile, store, hoard, cluster,
congregation, aggregation, compilation, an-
cold war n. *war of words, hostilities, rivalry,
thology, hodgepodge. 2. OFFERING tithe, of-
one upsmanship, idle threats, tension, ma-
fertory, contribution, alms.
cho posturing, antagonism.
coldhearted a. SEE COLD collective n. cooperative, co-op, company.
coliseum n. arena, stadium, ampitheater, bowl, collective a. combined, composite, aggregate,
theater. mutual, corporate, common, cumulative,
collaborate v. work together, cooperate, team compound, joint, unified. ANT. individual,
up, conspire, collude, join forces, coauthor. separate.
collaborator n. contributor, partner, coworker, college n. university, school, academy, institu-
colleague, *partner in crime, coauthor, con- tion, institute of higher learning, seminary,
federate, quisling. alma mater, *halls of ivy, vocational school,
collage n. composition, assemblage. polytechnic, graduate school, campus.
collapse n. 1. CAVE-IN fall, cataclysm, toppling, ‘‘[Where one] may learn the ‘principles’ of
breakdown, failure, foundering, buckling, salesmanship from a Ph.D. who has never
crash, undoing, downfall, disintegration. 2. sold anything, or the ‘principles’ of market-
FALLING ILL breakdown, fainting, succumb- ing from a Ph.D. who has never marketed
ing, seizure, prostration, loss of conscious- anything.’’—Abraham Flexner. ‘‘A place
ness. where pebbles are polished and diamonds
collapse v. 1. CAVE IN fall, crumple, crumble, are dimmed.’’—Robert Ingersoll.
topple, break, give way, give out, fail, WORD FIND
founder, buckle, slump, fold up, *collapse advanced degree: postgraduate degree, mas-
like a house of cards. 2. FALL ILL keel over, ter’s, doctorate

Roget’s Superthesaurus 115


advanced studies after graduation: postgrad- complicity, *cahoots, deceit, racket,

uate work scheme, fraud.
agricultural college: cow college colony n. 1. SETTLEMENT community, outpost,
brotherhood: fraternity dependency, province, possession, territory.
charge for instruction: tuition 2. GROUP community, band, flock.
course: major, minor, elective color n. 1. HUE tint, shade, tinge, cast, tone,
dining hall: refectory coloring, pigment, dye, paint, stain. 2. COM-
exams: midterms, finals PLEXION color, tone, bloom, blush, flush, rud-
general knowledge studies: liberal arts diness, rosiness, glow.
girl: coed color v. 1. PAINT dye, tint, tinge, stain, suffuse,
graduate: alumnus cast, daub, wash, blazon, imbue. 2. BLUSH
graduates: alumni redden, glow, flush, bloom, brighten, burn,
graduate ‘‘with great praise’’ or honors: flame, turn crimson.
magna cum laude colored a. distorted, influenced, biased, partial,
graduate ‘‘with highest praise’’ or highest exaggerated, jaundiced, prejudiced, misrep-
honors: summa cum laude resented, affected. ANT. unbiased, objective.
graduation ceremony: commencement colorful a. 1. BRIGHTLY OR VARIOUSLY COLORED
grounds: campus, quad, quadrangle vivid, vibrant, multihued, chromatic, strik-
half year: semester ing, showy, gaudy, pavonine, iridescent,
housing: dorm, dormitory rainbowlike, florid, loud, kaleidoscopic,
leave of absence, professor’s: sabbatical screaming, variegated, graphic, eye-catch-
official: dean, regent, provost, registrar ing, picturesque, psychedelic. 2. INTEREST-
permanence of position granted to professor: ING unusual, dynamic, eccentric, distinctive,
tenure unique, offbeat, glamorous, extravagant.
president: chancellor, prexy ANT. 1. achromatic, pallid, lackluster. 2. dull,
relating to: collegiate
drab, nondescript, *ho-hum, *as distinctive as
sisterhood: sorority
a plain brown wrapper, *as distinctive as a brick
student: freshman, *frosh; sophomore; jun-
in the wall.
ior; senior
teacher: professor colorless a. 1. ACHROMATIC blanched, pale, pal-
treasurer: bursar lid, lackluster, bleached, washed-out, neu-
tral, faded, dull, gray, transparent. 2. UNIN-
TERESTING dull, drab, nondescript, *ho-hum,
collegiate a. collegial, academic, scholarly,
learned, bookish, university. *as distinctive as a plain brown wrapper,
collide v. 1. CRASH INTO bump, meet head-on, lifeless, vapid, *as eye-catching as a brick
smash, plow into, bang, hit, sideswipe, *t- in the wall. ANT. 1. chromatic, vivid, vibrant,
bone. 2. DISAGREE clash, conflict, oppose. pavonine. 2. colorful, distinctive, glamorous.
collision n. crash, *smashup, *fenderbender, colors n. flag, banner, standard, insignia, badge.
impact, bump, accident, *crack-up, blow, colossal a. huge, gigantic, gargantuan, massive,
jolt, pileup, wreck. titanic, monstrous, towering, immense,
cologne n. perfume, fragrance, scent, toilet wa- monumental, Brobdingnagian, enormous,
ter. *humongus, awe-inspiring, mammoth, her-
COLLOQUIAL a. [kuh LOH kwee ul] desig- culian, prodigious, staggering, mighty, com-
nating informal or conversational speech, manding. ANT. microscopic, tiny, pocket-sized,
writing, etc. A relaxed, colloquial form of writ- pint-sized, insignificant, Lilliputian.
ing is often best. SYN. conversational, infor- colossus n. giant, titan, monster, leviathan, be-
mal, everyday, *street, chatty, casual, famil- hemoth, mammoth, mountain, Gargantua,
iar, vernacular, folksy, homey, simple, Goliath, Cyclops, Hercules, Samson, God-
unaffected, unstudied. ANT. formal, literary, zilla. ANT. midget, dwarf, *shrimp, *pip-
pedantic. squeak. SEE MONSTER, STATUE, WHALE
colloquy n. talk, conversation, dialogue, discus- colt n. foal, yearling. SEE HORSE, ROOKIE
sion, chat, discourse, council, conference. coltish a. frisky, frolicsome, playful, gamboling,
COLLUSION n. [kuh LOO zhun] a conspir- spirited, romping, perky. ANT. lethargic, sloth-
acy. Fred worked in collusion with the drug car- ful.
tel to smuggle narcotics. SYN. conspiracy, se- column n. 1. PILLAR support, pilaster, post, pier,
cret agreement, intrigue, *dirty dealings, upright, shaft, pylon.

116 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND appear, make an appearance, arrive, pop in,

base: plinth, pedestal roll in, turn up, *blow in, drop in, material-
classical orders: Ionic, Doric, Corinthian, ize, check in. 3. TAKE PLACE occur, arrive,
Composite, Tuscan happen, fall, arise, ensue, transpire, come to
eight columns, having: octastyle pass. ANT. 1. go, leave, depart.
five columns, having: pentastyle comeback n. 1. REVIVAL resurgence, rebirth, re-
four columns, having: tetrastyle turn, recovery, rally. 2. SNAPPY REPLY retort,
man-figure column: atlas rejoinder, riposte, repartee, witticism, esprit
porch, columned: portico de l’escalier, answer.
series of: colonnade comedian n. comic, comedienne, joker, clown,
six columns, having: hexastyle humorist, funnyman, wit, entertainer, buf-
ten columns, having: decastyle foon, jester, *zany, cutup, *card, *top ba-
top: capital nana. ANT. straight man.
two columns, having: distyle comedy n. 1. FARCE burlesque, vaudeville, slap-
woman-figure column: caryatid stick, parody, satire, lampoon, travesty,
SEE ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING comedy of errors, comedy of manners, send-
2. LINE row, file, formation, string, proces- up, takeoff, sitcom, *schtick, *bit, skit,
sion, train. *stand-up. 2. HUMOR joking, jesting, silli-
coma n. unconsciousness, stupor, catalepsy, ness, hilarity, gags, buffoonery, cutting up,
oblivion, deep sleep. SEE SLEEP parody, satire, drollery, *poking fun, slap-
comatose a. unconscious, cataleptic, stuporous, stick, physical comedy, black comedy, *one-
insensate, *out of it, lifeless, unresponsive, liners. ‘‘A funny way of being serious.’’—
inert, sluggish. ANT. conscious, alert, cogni- Peter Ustinov. ‘‘The very last alternative to
zant. despair.’’—Franklin Marcus. ANT. 1. tragedy.
comb v. 1. SEARCH seek, look over thoroughly, 2. solemnity, seriousness, gloom.
rake, scour, *beat the bushes, 2. DRESS HAIR comely a. attractive, beautiful, fair, lovely,
fix, arrange, brush, style, smooth, unsnarl. pretty, handsome, pleasing, *nice, good-
combat v. fight, struggle, contend, battle, op- looking, cute, bonny, winsome, fine. ANT.
pose, contest, war, clash, skirmish. ANT. ugly, repulsive, plain, homely.
make peace, pacify, surrender, cooperate. come-on n. Sl. inducement, enticement. SEE
combatant n. fighter, warrior, soldier, con- LURE
tender, battler, assailant, enemy, foe, antag- comet n. celestial body, *iceball, orbital debris,
onist. ANT. peacemaker, dove. *cosmic wanderer, *stellar nomad, *ethe-
combative a. contentious, antagonistic, pugna- real snowball.
cious, belligerent, aggressive, quarrelsome, WORD FIND
militant, hawkish, hostile. ANT. peaceful, icy center: nucleus
passive, deferential. mistaken for a: meteor, fireball
combination n. 1. MIXTURE mix, amalgam, nucleus and coma: head
amalgamation, blending, aggregation, con- orbital point farthest from sun: aphelion
glomeration, assemblage, joining, union, orbital point nearest to sun: perihelion
compound, composite, consolidation. 2. AS- surrounding gas and particles, envelope:
SOCIATION alliance, union, affiliation, coali- coma
tion, league, faction, federation, partner- trailing particles: tail
ship, bloc. vast repository of: Oort Cloud
combine v. 1. MIX join, unite, amalgamate, SEE ASTRONOMY, SPACE
blend, aggregate, conglomerate, assemble, come upon vi. meet, encounter, chance, come
compound, consolidate, merge, wed, min- across, bump into.
gle. ANT. separate, divide. comeuppance n. punishment, retribution, just
combustible a. flammable, inflammable, ignit- deserts, discipline.
able, burnable, explosive, incendiary. ANT. come up with vi. invent, create, think up, origi-
safe, calming, diffusing. nate, produce, propose, suggest, put forth.
combustion n. burning, ignition, flame, kin- comfort n. 1. WELL-BEING ease, peace, tranquil-
dling, incineration, blazing, oxidation. ity, happiness, coziness, creature comforts,
come v. 1. APPROACH near, draw near, close in, satisfaction, luxury, contentment. ‘‘That
move toward, advance. 2. SHOW UP show, stealthy thing that enters the house as a

Roget’s Superthesaurus 117


guest, and then becomes a host, and then a wide, expansive, dominating, prominent,
master.’’—Kahlil Gibran. 2. SOLACE conso- far-reaching, towering.
lation, relief, reassurance, sympathy, com- commandment n. edict, law. SEE COMMAND
miseration, cheer, support, succor, lift, alle- commemorate v. honor, memorialize, remem-
viation, help. ANT. 1. discomfort, agony, pain. ber, observe, salute, pay tribute, immortal-
2. aggravation. ize, solemnize, celebrate. ANT. dishonor, ne-
comfort v. console, soothe, reassure, unburden, glect, ignore.
support, uphold, alleviate, hearten, bolster, commence v. begin, start, initiate, launch,
cheer, mitigate, solace, relieve, salve, glad- open. ANT. end, terminate.
den, assuage. ANT. aggravate, trouble, burden. commencement n. 1. BEGINNING start, outset,
comfortable a. 1. FEELING GOOD at ease, at onset, opening, genesis, dawn, inauguration.
peace, tranquil, cozy, satisfied, content, 2. GRADUATION CEREMONIES graduation. ANT.
carefree, untroubled, serene, *in a bed of 1. ending, termination.
roses, *in clover, satisfactory, agreeable, re- WORD FIND
laxed, pleasant. 2. WELL-OFF FINANCIALLY address: valedictory
prosperous, well-to-do, wealthy, sufficient, square, flat hat: mortarboard
ample. ANT. 1. uncomfortable, miserable,
troubled. 2. broke, poor, destitute, squalid. commend v. 1. RECOMMEND extol, laud, praise,
comforter n. quilt, bedcover. acclaim, endorse, acclaim, applaud, compli-
comic n. SEE COMEDIAN ment. 2. ENTRUST turn over, assign, relegate,
comical a. funny, hilarious, laughable, humor- consign, confer, confide, transfer. ANT. 1.
ous, whimsical, jocular, zany, amusing, slap- disparage, smear, criticize.
commendable a. praiseworthy, laudable, meri-
stick, farcical, loony, droll, rich, side-split-
torious, admirable, exemplary, noble, esti-
ting, wacky, witty, ludicrous. ANT. tragic,
mable, excellent. ANT. contemptible, despica-
solemn, serious, grave.
ble, rotten.
coming n. advent, arrival, emergence, nearing,
commendation n. recommendation, praise, ac-
approach, forthcoming.
claim, approval, kudos, rave, *pat on the
coming a. approaching, advancing, forthcom-
back, *good word, plaudit, *points, tribute,
ing, nearing, impending, imminient, next, award, *thumbs up. ANT. criticism, disparage-
at hand, anticipated, on the horizon, in the ment, demotion.
offing. ANT. distant, retreating, far-off. COMMENSURATE a. [kuh MEN sur it]
command n. 1. ORDER imperative, charge, dic- equal; proportionate. The pay scale is com-
tate, directive, prescription, ultimatum, fiat, mensurate with experience. SYN. equal, pro-
injunction, behest, word. 2. CONTROL rule, portionate, coextensive, corresponding, par-
power, authority, leadership, government, allel, coinciding, to scale, appropriate,
dominion, influence, supremacy, say-so, di- relative, in accord, fitting, compatible. ANT.
rection, upper hand. SEE LAW disproportionate, divergent, inconsistent.
command v. 1. ORDER demand, charge, dictate, comment n. remark, commentary, observation,
direct, make, prescribe, decree, require, bid, statement, utterance, mention, *crack, crit-
enjoin, summon, *give the word, exact, icism, word, opinion.
compel, warrant, give an ultimatum. 2. CON- comment v. remark, observe, state, utter, men-
TROL rule, govern, oversee, direct, supervise, tion, *make a crack, criticize, critique, say a
lead, direct, dominate, dictate, run, head, word or two, opine, touch on, make note,
master, reign. expound, mention, point out.
commandeer v. appropriate, expropriate, con- commentary n. comment, analysis, remark, ob-
fiscate, usurp, hijack, seize, take. servation, exposition, criticism, critique, in-
commander n. leader, captain, chief, boss, terpretation, review, opinion.
head, *head honcho, commanding officer, commentator n. reporter, analyst, reviewer,
*CO, *brass, skipper, superior, *biggest toad critic, pundit, interpreter, observer, editori-
in the puddle, *Sir, *Ma’am. ANT. subordi- alist.
nate, underling, follower, toady, *kiss-up. commerce n. business, trade, marketing, ex-
commanding a. 1. AUTHORITATIVE powerful, in change, buying and selling, merchandising,
charge, dictatorial, dominating, ruling, con- *wheeling and dealing, industry, mercantil-
trolling, supervisory, governing, imposing, ism, traffic. ‘‘The great civilizer.’’—Robert
impressive, imperious. 2. OVERLOOKING Ingersoll. SEE BUSINESS

118 Roget’s Superthesaurus


commercial n. advertisement, ad. SEE ADVER- ANT. 1. extraordinary, uncommon, rare. 2.

TISEMENT, ADVERTISING private, individual. 3. advanced, complex. 4.
commercial a. 1. MERCANTILE business, trade, superior, refined, high-class.
marketing, exchanging, profit-making, mer- commonly adv. usually, as a rule, generally, reg-
chandising, industrial, entrepreneurial, re- ularly, routinely, normally, ordinarily, on
tail, wholesale. 2. MARKETABLE salable, in average, habitually. ANT. rarely, seldom,
demand, *hot. *once in a blue moon.
commingle v. mingle, blend. SEE MIX commonplace a. SEE COMMON
COMMISERATE v. [kuh MIZ uh RATE] to common sense n. good sense, savvy, sound
pity or feel sorry for. Twins turning forty com- judgment, native intelligence, *horse sense,
miserate together. SYN. pity, feel sorry for, prudence, acumen, levelheadedness, in-
sympathize, condole, share one’s sorrow, stinct, wisdom, experience. ‘‘The shortest
grieve with, console, ache for, bleed for, line between two points.’’—Ralph Waldo
comfort. Emerson ‘‘Genius dressed in its working
commission n. 1. AUTHORIZATION relegation, clothes.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. ANT. stu-
entrusting, power, authority, charge, trust, pidity, ignorance, rashness.
vesting. 2. BOARD committee, delegation, commotion n. turmoil, hubbub, stir, uproar, ag-
council, agency. 3. COMPENSATION fee, itation, to-do, bustle, flurry, excitement,
share, cut, remuneration, royalty, payment, hurly-burly, turbulence, ruckus, disquiet,
allowance, stipend. rumpus, chaos. ANT. peace, tranquility, seren-
commission v. appoint, assign, delegate, autho- ity, stillness.
rize, order, enlist, consign, charge, engage, communal a. common, shared, mutual, com-
invest, hire, contract for. munity, collective, joint, public, shared, co-
commit v. 1. PERPETRATE do, effect, execute, operative. ANT. private, individual.
perform, *pull off, enact, transact, carry out. commune n. cooperative, collective, *kibbutz,
2. ENTRUST charge, vest, appoint, delegate, community.
relegate, engage, consign. 3. INCARCERATE commune v. 1. TALK converse, confide, confer
imprison, place in custody, confine, institu- with, discuss, communicate, speak inti-
tionalize, hospitalize. 4. PLEDGE devote, obli- mately with. 2. PONDER think, meditate, re-
gate, bind, swear, give one’s word, dedicate, flect, contemplate, muse.
communicable a. contagious, infectious, catch-
commitment n. pledge, promise, dedication,
ing, transmittable, spreadable. ANT. non-
vow, promise, undertaking, charge, obliga-
transmittable, incommunicable.
tion, responsibility, liability.
communicate v. convey, transmit, disclose, im-
committee n. board, council, panel, commis-
sion, task force, cabinet, steering commit- part, pass on, interface, reveal, touch base,
tee, ad hoc committee. ‘‘A thing which tell, report, announce, proclaim, converse,
takes a week to do what one good man can express, correspond, inform, broadcast, en-
do in an hour.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ‘‘An ar- lighten, inform, relate.
rangement enabling one to share the blame communication n. 1. CONVEYANCE correspon-
with others.’’—Franklin P. Jones. dence, contact, interchange, disclosure, ex-
commode n. potty, *john. SEE TOILET change, transmission, intercourse, expres-
commodious a. spacious, roomy, capacious, sion, interface, interplay, interaction. 2.
large, ample, vast, extensive. ANT. cramped, CORRESPONDENCE communique, report, dis-
tight, small. patch, news, message, bulletin.
commodity n. product, article, goods, item, communicative a. talkative, open, forthright,
thing, merchandise, property, object, ware. expressive, loquacious, expansive, unre-
common a. 1. ORDINARY commonplace, aver- served, candid, *gabby, voluble. ANT. closed,
age, everyday, usual, typical, standard, rou- taciturn, reserved.
tine, regular, general, stock, *run-of-the- communion n. 1. INTIMACY sharing, rapport,
mill, universal, familiar, prevailing, wide- exchange, give and take, disclosure, close-
spread. 2. COMMUNITY communal, collec- ness, communication, harmony, fellowship,
tive, shared, public, mutual. 3. BASIC simple, union, oneness. 2. SACRAMENT Holy Com-
rudimentary. 4. LOW sleazy, base, vile, mean, munion, Mass, Eucharist, breaking of bread.
cheap, inferior, coarse, second-rate, vulgar. ANT. 1. alienation, distance.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 119


communiqué n. report, bulletin, announce- OR SIMILARITIES contrasting, inspection, siz-

ment, communication, message, dispatch. ing up, correlation, differentiation, match-
communism n. collectivism, Bolshevism, ing, weighing, measurement, scrutiny, study.
Marxism, Leninism, socialism. ‘‘What is 2. RESEMBLANCE correspondence, approxi-
thine is mine, and all of mine is thine.’’— mation, relation, similarity, likeness, con-
Plautus. ‘‘Abolition of private property.’’— nection, affinity. 3. LIKENING equating, iden-
Communist Manifesto. ANT. capitalism. SEE tification with, matching, parallel, analogy.
GOVERNMENT, POLITICS compartment n. cell, unit, cubicle, room, cap-
community n. neighborhood, borough, suburb, sule, bay, stall, booth, nook, cubbyhole, pi-
bedroom community, hamlet, district, pub- geonhole, niche, receptacle, slot, section,
lic, people, residents, citizenry, population, division, category.
group. compassion n. sympathy, empathy, feeling,
commute v. 1. CHARGE substitute, alter, modify, heart, pity, mercy, love, charity, ruth, grace,
reverse, adjust, mitigate, soften. 2. TRAVEL commiseration, concern, kindness. ANT. in-
shuttle, drive, carpool, bus. difference, cold-bloodedness, disregard.
compact n. agreement, contract, treaty, bond, compassionate a. sympathetic, feeling, kind-
bargain, deal, understanding, arrangement, hearted, merciful, loving, charitable, con-
pact, covenant. cerned, magnanimous, humane, tender, soft,
compact v. pack, condense, compress, concen- clement. ANT. indifferent, cold-blooded, un-
trate, consolidate, squeeze together, con- feeling.
tract, cram. ANT. loosen, expand, blow up. compatible a. congruous, harmonious, sympa-
compact a. 1. DENSE solid, compressed, pressed, thetic, agreeable, simpatico, congenial, ac-
thick, close, firm, tight-knit, impermeable. cordant, *in sync with, *on the same wave-
2. SMALL portable, tiny, handy. 3. SHORT length, in rapport, consistent. ANT.
concise, brief, succinct, pithy, condensed, incompatible, incongruous.
abridged. ANT. 1. loose. 2. large, ponderous. COMPEL v. [kum PEL] to force. Conscience
3. elongated, prolonged, expanded. compels one to file a tax return honestly. SYN.
companion n. friend, partner, sidekick, com- force, make, drive, oblige, insist, coerce,
rade, confederate, colleague, fellow, alter constrain, press, require, command, necessi-
ego, chum, buddy, associate, escort, mate, tate, bully.
counterpart, double. SEE FRIEND
COMPENDIUM n. [kum PEN dee um] a sum-
companionable a. friendly, warm, easy-going,
mary. We were provided with a compendium
congenial, sociable, good-natured, *buddy-
of the most salient points. SYN. summary, ab-
buddy, outgoing, gregarious, agreeable,
stract, abridgement, synopsis, brief, digest,
clubby, jolly. ANT. nasty, aloof, cold, antago-
precis, syllabus, condensation.
nistic, unfriendly.
company n. 1. COMPANIONSHIP friendship, fel- compensate v. 1. REMUNERATE reimburse, rec-
lowship, *chumminess, society, presence. 2. ompense, pay, repay, make restitution, re-
VISITOR guest, caller, friends over. 3. GROUP
fund, *make good. 2. OFFSET neutralize,
band, party, troupe, throng, gathering, as- counterbalance, counteract, countervail,
sembly, entourage. 4. FIRM corporation, balance, equalize, cancel out.
business, concern, establishment, partner- compensation n. remuneration, reimburse-
ship, enterprise, outfit. ment, recompense, pay, repayment, restitu-
comparable a. similar, alike, akin, near, corres- tion, refund, allowance, recoupment, sti-
ponding, approaching, analogous, cognate, pend, *take, consideration, benefit,
parallel, close, equal, on a par with. ANT. settlement, reward, wages, salary.
dissimilar, different, *like apples and oranges. compete v. vie, contend, contest, go up against,
compare v. 1. EXAMINE FOR DIFFERENCES OR SIMI- rival, take on, combat, tussle, spar, *lock
LARITIES contrast, weigh, inspect, size up, horns, face off, *match wits, grapple, battle,
correlate, match, relate, stack up against, *go head to head.
scrutinize, differentiate. 2. RESEMBLE corre- competence n. adequacy, ability, capability,
spond, take after, approximate, equal, *hold proficiency, skill, *know-how, *the right
a candle to. 3. LIKEN equate, identify with, stuff, *what it takes, expertise, mastery,
match, tie. adroitness, finesse, fitness. ANT. incompe-
comparison n. 1. EXAMINATION OF DIFFERENCES tence, inadequacy, inability.

120 Roget’s Superthesaurus


competent a. adequate, able, capable, profi- clincher, balance, supplement, rest, remain-
cient, skillful, expert, masterly, adroit, fit, der. 2. TOTAL aggregate, the entirety, sum,
qualified, sufficient, equal, *on the ball, *the works, *the whole shooting match.
sharp, *up to snuff. ANT. incompetent, inade- complement v. round out, complete, crown,
quate, unable, lacking. consummate, supplement, clinch, perfect.
competition n. 1. CONTEST match, bout, rivalry, complementary a. completing, crowning, fin-
contention, championship, clash, encoun- ishing, filling, consummating, perfecting,
ter, engagement, meet, tournament, trial, fulfilling, corresponding, reciprocal, paral-
one-on-one, emulation, struggle, *dog-eat- lel. ANT. contradictory.
dog, battle, conflict, dogfight, tug-of-war, complete v. finish, conclude, fulfill, end, real-
battle royal, free-for-all, fight to the death, ize, *wrap up, accomplish, actualize, close,
*one-upmanship, fight for supremacy, *wind up, *call it a day, finalize, crown, *put
*jockeying for position. 2. OPPOSITION rival, to bed. ANT. start, begin, break ground.
competitor, challenger, opponent, con- complete a. 1. WHOLE entire, full, total, all, in-
tender, adversary. tact, plenary, uncut, unabridged, undivided,
competitive a. rivaling, aggressive, striving, integral. 2. THOROUGH absolute, total, per-
*high-octane, ambitious, combative, feisty, fect, dyed-in-the-wool, utter, outright, un-
*cutthroat, *dog-eat-dog, *go-getting, qualified, full-fledged, unmitigated. 3. FIN-
*tough as nails, grueling, Olympian, advers- ISHED done, concluded, fulfilled, ended,
arial. realized, *wrapped up, *polished off, accom-
competitor n. contender, rival, opposition, ad- plished.
versary, challenger, competition, opponent, completion n. finish, conclusion, fulfillment,
contestant. end, realization, *wrapping up, accomplish-
compilation n. 1. COLLECTION assembly, assem- ment, closing, *winding up, finalization,
blage, accumulation, assortment, anthology. crowning, consummation. ANT. start, begin-
2. COMPILING gathering, collecting, assem- ning.
bling, accumulating, consolidating. complex a. complicated, intricate, difficult,
compile v. gather, accumulate, assemble, amass, knotty, convoluted, tangled, unfathomable,
consolidate, congregate, group, organize, inscrutable, manifold, perplexing, Gordian,
anthologize, order. labyrinthine, undecipherable, cryptic, abs-
COMPLACENT a. [kum PLAY sunt] to be truse, involved. ANT. simple, easy, clear.
satisfied with oneself to the point of smug- complexion n. 1. SKIN COLORING tone, cast, hue,
ness. The former Olympian had grown so com- tinge, tint, pigmentation.
placent that he neglected to practice. SYN. satis- WORD FIND
fied, self-satisfied, smug, contented, at ease, aged: leathery, lined like an old boot, parch-
pleased with oneself, self-assured, uncon- mentlike, like scalded milk, liver-spot-
cerned, untroubled, *full of oneself, secure. ted, age-spotted, cadaverous, gaunt,
ANT. insecure, troubled, uneasy, unsatisfied. craggy, furrowed, mottled, withered,
complain v. gripe, grumble, *bitch, protest, pendulous, rosaceous, moled, weather-
crab, *kick, *piss and moan, *raise a fuss, beaten, raw-boned
gripe, *beef, *bellyache, nag, carp, find brown/black: ebony, pitch, brown as the
fault, pick, grouse, whine, *squawk. ANT. Congo/Mississippi/Rio Grande, honey,
praise, compliment, laud. golden brown, leathery, lentil, mahog-
complaint n. 1. GRIEVANCE *beef, criticism, any, dark as a mill pond, molasses, russet,
gripe, protest, stink, cavil, grumble, prob- mottled, nutbrown, obsidian, olive, ra-
lem, grouse, charge, objection. 2. MALADY ven, raisin, tawny, tarnished penny,
illness, disorder, ailment, affliction, disease, weathered acorn, tanned
pain. healthy: peaches and cream, apple-cheeked,
complaisant a. agreeable, obliging, pleasing, so- scrubbed, rosy, glowing, ruddy, pink,
licitous, gracious, accommodating, deferen- blushing
tial, conciliatory, compliant. ANT. disagree- pink/red: scarlet, crimson, burned, rosy, lob-
able, contrary, difficult. ster
complement n. 1. *ROUNDING-OFF crown, finish- sickly: cadaverous, leaden, ashen, ghastly,
ing touch, consummation, completion, pale, pallid, wan, blanched, pasty,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 121


chalky, jaundiced, sallow, flushed, comport v. behave, conduct, act, carry, bear,
clammy acquit, deport.
white: alabaster, lily-white, ivory, milky, compose v. 1. CONSTITUTE make up, comprise,
creamy, beige, fair form, be part of. 2. CREATE write, invent,
2. CHARACTER aspect, appearance, quality, author, formulate, devise, fashion, make,
look, bearing, cast. produce. 3. CALM tranquilize, collect, sim-
complexity n. complication, intricacy, involve- mer down, cool down, *chill, *get it to-
ment, entanglement, knot, Gordian knot, gether, contain, allay. ANT. 3. *lose it, break
perplexity, maze, labyrinth, convolution. down.
ANT. simplicity, clarity. composed a. tranquil, calm, collected, cool,
compliance n. yielding, assent, conforming, *together, levelheaded, nonchalant, self-
obedience, observation, acquiescence, def- possessed, unruffled, unperturbed, serene.
erence, complaisance. ANT. noncompliance, ANT. nervous, distraught, catatonic, tense.
disobedience. composite n. combination, mixture, consolida-
complicate v. entangle, *mess up, convolute, tion, blend, amalgam, compound, synthesis,
confuse, make complex, snarl, bedevil, *add fusion.
fuel to the fire, confound, involve, embran- composite a. combined, consolidated, mingled,
gle. ANT. simplify, clarify. blended, melded. ANT. separated, segregated.
complicated a. complex, intricate, involved, composition n. 1. CREATION synthesis, inven-
entangled, knotty, difficult, convoluted, tion, fabrication, formulation, devising,
perplexing, elaborate, manifold, labyrin- making. 2. WRITING opus, essay, paper, work,
thine, abstruse, problematic, recondite, creation, piece, draft, exposition, disserta-
deep, incomprehensible. ANT. simple, easy, tion, thesis, arrangement. 3. STRUCTURE ar-
straightforward. rangement, organization, formulation, con-
complication n. problem, difficulty, complex- stitution, form, makeup, content, fabric.
ity, knot, hitch, snag, entanglement, obsta- compost n. organic matter, humus, decayed
cle, stumbling block, *fly in the ointment. matter, fertilizer.
COMPLICITY n. [kum PLIS i tee] participa- composure n. tranquility, calm, cool, self-pos-
tion as an accomplice in a wrongdoing. session, serenity, equanimity, poise, *head,
There was apparent complicity between the un- aplomb, presence of mind, equilibrium. ANT.
hampered drug runners and town officials. SYN. nervousness, anxiety, panic.
conspiracy, collusion, collaboration, part-
compound n. composite, blend, mixture, com-
nership, confederacy, abetment, machina-
bination, amalgam, consolidation, concoc-
tion, intrigue, *backdoor arrangement.
tion, synthesis.
compliment n. praise, tribute, *good word, *pat
compound v. combine, consolidate, blend, mix,
on the back, commendation, flattery, ac-
amalgamate, concoct, synthesize, fuse.
claim, kudos, *posy, homage, blandishment.
ANT. insult, disparagement.
compound a. combined, composite, complex,
compliment v. praise, pay tribute to, *pat on manifold, synthesized, conglomerate, multi-
the back, commend, flatter, puff up, *give a form. ANT. simple, pure, elemental.
posy, *take one’s hat off to, cheer, laud, sa- comprehend v. understand, get, grasp, realize,
lute, *stroke, *slather, *kiss up. SEE FLATTER see, fathom, apprehend, catch, recognize,
complimentary a. 1. FLATTERING laudatory, appreciate, *get the picture, discern.
commendatory, congratulatory, favorable, comprehension n. understanding, grasp, real-
approving, cajoling, *apple polishing. 2. ization, apprehension, recognition, percep-
FREE gratis, on the house, gratuitous. ANT. 1. tion, cognizance, discernment.
insulting, critical, disparaging. comprehensive a. all-inclusive, extensive, ex-
comply v. yield, assent, conform, obey, observe, haustive, thorough, complete, encyclopedic,
acquiesce, defer, respect, abide by, adhere, sweeping, *across the board, in depth, um-
follow. ANT. disobey, disregard. brella. ANT. limited, narrow, exclusive.
component n. part, element, ingredient, con- compress v. compact, pack, condense, press,
stituent, fundamental, unit, factor. contract, constrict, squeeze, shrink, wring,
component a. constituent, fundamental, basic, squash, shorten, reduce. ANT. expand, stretch,
essential, composing, integral. ANT. unneces- enlarge.
sary, superfluous. comprise v. include, contain, consist of, make

122 Roget’s Superthesaurus


up, form, compose, constitute, incorporate, calculating, rows and columns program:
embody. spreadsheet
compromise n. concession, *give-and-take, California manufacturing mecca: Silicon
agreement, conciliation, deal, *happy me- Valley
dium, trade-off, *middle ground, balance, CD, write data or music on to: burn
accommodation, golden mean. ‘‘Simply CD-Rom tray: caddy
changing the question to fit the answer.’’— chip: microprocessor, integrated circuit
Merrit Malloy. Clarkeı́s mad computer in 2001, Arthur C.:
compromise v. 1. GIVE AND TAKE strike a deal, Hal
trade off, bargain, find the middle ground, clean up hard drive: defrag (defragmenta-
strike a balance, accommodate, find a happy tion)
medium, make concessions, agree, *give clicker, hand: mouse
your shirt but keep your pants, *split the communication between, means of: proto-
difference. 2. ENDANGER jeopardize, imperil, col
expose, implicate, discredit. compaction, data: compression
COMPULSION n. [kum PUL shun] a strong copies of files to safeguard from accidental
drive or force, a compelling impulse. He had loss, make multiple: back up
a strange compulsion to giggle at the funeral. CPU: Central Processing Unit
SYN. drive, force, pressure, constraint, coer- device enabling communication with other
cion, need, urge, urgency, obsession, desire, computers over phone lines: modem
impulse. (MOdulator, DEModulator)
compulsive a. compelling, obsessive, uncon- device enabling computer to read, write info
trollable, irresistible, urgent, crazed. on disks: disk drive
COMPULSORY a. [kum PUL suh ree] manda- devices, physical: hardware
tory, required. The tests are compulsory; no disrupting prank or criminal program that
one can skip them. SYN. mandatory, required, infects other computers: virus, worm
obligatory, requisite, imperative, forced, document-creating programs: word proces-
nonelective. ANT. voluntary, elective, op- sor; desktop publishing
tional. drafting and blueprint creation system:
COMPUNCTION n. [kum PUNK shun] the CAD (Computer Aided Design)
uncomfortable feeling caused by guilt, con- easy to use: user-friendly
engineering process of deciphering how
science. He felt no compunction over his
something works by taking it apart: re-
crimes; he had no conscience. SYN. guilt, con-
verse engineering
science, qualm, uneasiness, misgiving, re-
enthusiast: hacker, *chiphead, *geek
gret, self-reproach, shame, pangs of guilt,
EPROM: erasable memory chip
contrition, remorse, penitence, twinge. execute program: run
computation n. calculation, reckoning, estima- failure and freeze-up: crashed; down
tion, figuring, tallying, account. flaw in software or hardware: bug
compute v. calculate, reckon, figure, tally, ac- giant computer serving multiple users:
count, count, add, subtract, sum, determine, mainframe
work out, measure, total. GIGO: garbage in, garbage out
computer n. calculator, data processor, micro- handheld computer, battery-powered: PDA
processor, PC, laptop, *number cruncher, (Personal Digital Assistant), Palm Pi-
adding machine, *micro, supercomputer, lot姠, organizer
mainframe, workstation, PDA, notebook, injury from repetitive keyboard work: carpal
Apple姠, Macintosh姠, *Mac, IBM姠, Com- tunnel syndrome
paq姠. instructions: program
WORD FIND Internet, connected to the: online
AI: artificial intelligence keyboard and monitor portion: terminal
auxiliary device: peripheral language/program: AGOL, BASIC, C, CO-
aversion: cyberphobia BOL, FORTRAN, JAVA, PASCAL,
blinking symbol showing where next char- PROLOG
acter will appear on screen: cursor linkage of several computers: network
bps: bits per second logic that recognizes partial truths, com-
byte: eight bits of memory space puter: fuzzy logic

Roget’s Superthesaurus 123


mail sent from one computer user to an- transfer data to memory: store
other: e-mail virus protection program: anti-virus; vac-
main circuit board: motherboard cine; antidote; *DDT
MP3 format, digitize CDs to: rip virus type: strain
MS-DOS: Microsoft Disk Operating System SEE INTERNET, ONLINE
multiple things at once, doing: multitasking comrade n. friend, companion, partner, pal,
network, company: intranet buddy, associate, sidekick, confederate,
network, international: the Internet, World chum, colleague, co-worker, confrere. ANT.
Wide Web stranger, enemy.
operating systems: Linux; Windows; Macin- con v. Sl. *rip off, cheat, swindle, defraud, trick,
tosh, MS-Dos, Unix deceive, bamboozle.
options to choose on screen: menu conceal v. hide, cover, secrete, cloak, obscure,
paper printout: hard copy disguise, stash, lie low, camouflage, shield.
paper propelling device: tractor feed ANT. display, show, spotlight.
plugged in, where on the computer devices concealment n. covering, hiding, cover-up, dis-
are: port guising, shielding, camouflaging, front, se-
portable computer, small: laptop, notebook, cretion, hiding place, hideaway, blind,
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), orga- shield, cover, refuge.
nizer concede v. admit, grant, yield, acknowledge,
printout, long paper: *wallpaper acquiesce, avow, confess, yield, *cave in,
programs: software fold, come around, give up. ANT. fight, deny,
RAM, memory chip group or: random ac- reject, refute.
cess memory CONCEIT a. [kun SEET] an overblown sense
read-only memory chip: ROM of one’s positive attributes, egotism. His
restart computer: reboot swaggering conceit was sickening. SYN. ego-
science fiction involving computer culture: tism, pride, vanity, bigheadedness, arro-
cyberpunk gance, vainglory, self-love, immodesty, nar-
screen, TV-like: monitor cissism, swagger, self-worship, self-
screen imagery designed to protect monitor importance. ANT. modesty, self-effacement,
from permanently burned-in images, humility. ‘‘God’s gift to little men.’’—Bruce
moving: screen saver Barton. ‘‘The quicksand of success.’’
secret opening designed into program to —Arnold Glasow.
allow access at later date: trap door conceited a. egotistical, proud, vain, bigheaded,
software designed to boost performance of arrogant, vainglorious, *full of oneself, *in
an application: plug-in love with oneself, puffed up, immodest, nar-
software shared free by all: freeware cissistic, swaggering, strutting, self-worship-
software supplied free with one’s computer: ping, self-important. ANT. modest, self-effac-
bundled software ing, humble.
software not ready for general sale, test: beta conceivable a. imaginable, possible, thinkable,
test software comprehensible, credible, believable. ANT.
speech recognition technology: voice recog- inconceivable, impossible.
nition, speech recognition conceive v. 1. FORM develop, create, think up,
start up computer: boot up invent, concoct, dream up, devise, origi-
stick-like controller used with games in nate, fabricate, hatch, *cook up, imagine. 2.
place of mouse: joystick UNDERSTAND comprehend, apprehend, see,
storage area, data: memory, cache, hard disk imagine, grasp, realize, follow.
storage area, temporary data: clipboard concentrate v. 1. THINK center, focus, *rack
storage medium, data: disk, diskette, floppy one’s brains, study, fix one’s attention to-
disk, cartridge, CD-ROM, Zip disk ward, consider, absorb oneself in, engross
superimposed screen within a screen: win- oneself in, ponder, scrutinze, *zero in on. 2.
dow COLLECT, GATHER assemble, amass, intensify,
transfer data from your computer to anoth- focus, converge, consolidate, congregate,
er’s: upload center, cluster. ANT. 2. spread out, scatter.
transfer data from another computer to concentration n. 1. THINKING centering, focus,
yours: download study, fixation, consideration, absorption,

124 Roget’s Superthesaurus


engrossment, pondering, scrutiny, atten- A concise letter to the editor is always best. SYN.
tion, single-mindedness. 2. COLLECTION, brief, to the point, succinct, short, pithy,
GATHERING assemblage, mass, intensifica- pointed, terse, compact, summary, *boiled
tion, focus, converging, consolidation, con- down, *in a nutshell, crisp, laconic. ANT.
gregation, centralization, cluster, agglomer- long-winded, wordy, verbose, rambling.
ate. ANT. 1. diversion, absentmindedness, conclave n. secret meeting, council, synod,
mind-wandering. 2. spread, scattering, dis- meeting, session, congress, assembly, *pow-
persal. wow.
concept n. idea, thought, notion, conceptual- conclude v. 1. END close, finish, terminate,
ization, *brainchild, conviction, view, im- complete, wind up, *wrap up, stop, consum-
age, impression, theory, hypothesis. mate, *knock off, *call it a day, break off.
conception n. 1. BEGINNING origination, birth, 2. INFER deduce, reason, decide, assume, sur-
genesis, inception, start, formation, germi- mise, presume, suppose, reckon, figure. 3.
nation, dawn. 2. IDEA thought, notion, con- SETTLE resolve, come to terms, work out, de-
ceptualization, conviction, view, image, im- cide. ANT. 1. start, open, commence.
pression, theory, hypothesis. conclusion n. 1. ENDING closing, finish, termi-
concern n. 1. AFFAIR care, business, matter, in- nation, completion, winding up, *wrap up,
terest, department, job, worry, responsibil- stopping, consummation, finale, denoue-
ity. 2. WORRY trouble, anxiety, unease, dis- ment. 2. INFERENCE deduction, reckoning,
quiet, apprehension, distress. 3. BUSINESS supposition, figuring, presumption, assump-
ESTABLISHMENT company, firm, outfit, house. tion, judgment. 3. SETTLEMENT resolution,
concern v. 1. BEAR ON deal with, regard, in- coming to terms, agreement, understanding.
volve, pertain to, touch, relate to, affect, in- ANT. 1. start, opening, commencement.
terest. 2. WORRY trouble, make anxious, put conclusive a. decisive, final, settled, determin-
ill-at-ease, disquiet, distress, disturb, bother, ing, convincing, definitive, incontestable,
pain. clinching, unmistakable, undeniable, abso-
concerned a. 1. INVOLVED WITH interested, ac- lute, resolving, irrefutable, *litmus test. ANT.
tive, caring, attentive, solicitous, con- inconclusive, *iffy, questionable, uncertain.
nected, mixed up in. 2. WORRIED anxious, concoct v. compound, invent, devise, create,
troubled, ill-at-ease, disquieted, distressed, *whip up, formulate, hatch, fabricate, *slap
disturbed, bothered, pained, uneasy. ANT. 1. together, prepare, think up, dream up.
disinterested, detached, removed. 2. indiffer- concoction n. compound, mixture, invention,
ent, nonchalant, untroubled. creation, formulation, fabrication, brew,
concerning prep. regarding, about, with refer- preparation, contrivance, medley, synthesis.
ence to. concomitant a. attendant, accompanying, asso-
concert n. 1. AGREEMENT harmony, concord, ciative, accessory, supplementary, auxiliary.
accord, union, unison, league, cooperation, CONCORD n. [KON kawrd] harmony, peace-
collaboration. 2. SHOW recital, *jam, gig, ful relations. The former enemies have now
performance, symphony, philharmonic. lived in concord for thirty years. SYN. harmony,
ANT. 1. disunity, disagreement, discord. peace, agreement, accord, friendship, unity,
concerted a. united, joined, joint, cooperative, goodwill, understanding, rapport. ANT. dis-
collaborative, interactive, combined, mu- cord, disagreement, conflict.
tual. ANT. individual. concourse n. 1. CONGREGATION throng, conflu-
concession n. yielding, granting, giving-in, ence, convergence, mob, gathering, flock,
conceding, capitulation, compromise, as- assemblage, multitude, crush. 2. PASSAGE
sent, acknowledgement, trade-off, allow- mall, walkway, promenade, boulevard, es-
ance, permit, right. planade, path.
CONCILIATORY a. [kun SIL ee uh tor ee] concrete a. 1. REAL actual, material, definite,
willing to make peace, placatory. The war- solid, substantial, factual, physical, tangible.
ring gangs were largely conciliatory after the ri- 2. SPECIFIC distinct, explicit, particular, pre-
ots. SYN. placatory, placative, appeasing, pa- cise, express. ANT. 1. abstract, theoretical. 2.
cific, peacemaking, reconciling, mollifying, general, vague.
yielding, amicable, accommodating, defer- concubine n. mistress, *live-in lover, kept
ential. ANT. bellicose, aggressive, belligerent. woman, odalisque.
CONCISE a. [kun SISE] brief and to the point. CONCUR v. [kun KUR] to agree; to arrive at

Roget’s Superthesaurus 125


a mutual understanding. The opposition made STATE situation, order, circumstance, stage,
such perfect sense that Ben had no choice but to predicament, position, *lay of the land. 3.
concur. SYN. agree, assent, go along, accord, HEALTH fitness, shape, constitution, state. 4.
correspond, see eye to eye, echo, coincide, AILMENT malady, illness. SEE DISEASE
cooperate, synchronize, be in step with, con- condition v. get fit, train, prepare, get in shape,
sent, harmonize, accede. ANT. disagree, differ. build up, work out.
concurrent a. 1. HAPPENING TOGETHER coincid- conditional a. subject to, dependent, contin-
ing, parallel, synchronized, coincident, si- gent, limited, relative, provisional, quali-
multaneous. 2. IN AGREEMENT in accordance, fied, *with strings attached, tentative. ANT.
harmonizing, consistent, corresponding, in unconditional, unrestricted.
rapport, compatible. ANT. 2. in disagreement, condolence n. sympathy, commiseration, con-
differing, contradictory. solation, compassion, pity, comfort, support,
concussion n. shaking, agitation, jolt, blow, solace.
shock, jarring, impact, bang, bump, pound- condom n. contraceptive, prophylactic, *rub-
ing, buffeting. ber, *protection, *raincoat.
condemn v. 1. CRITICIZE censure, denounce, de- CONDONE v. [kun DOHN] to overlook or
cry, reprove, deprecate, vilify, rebuke, disap- forgive a negative action. The church does
prove, disparage, pass judgment on. 2. DOOM not condone infidelity. SYN. overlook, forgive,
sentence, damn, convict, adjudge, punish, pardon, *look the other way, ignore, excuse,
*send up the river. ANT. 1. praise, commend, let go, make allowances for, wink at. ANT.
laud. 2. liberate, absolve. condemn, damn, denounce.
condemnation n. criticism, censure, disap- CONDUCIVE a. [kun DOO siv] leading to or
proval, remonstration, deprecation, rebuke, promoting. Rain pattering on the roof is condu-
reproach, denunciation, judgment, sentenc- cive to good sleep. SYN. leading to, promoting,
ing, damning, punishment. ANT. praise, ap- contributing, instrumental, helpful, ancil-
proval, absolution. lary, tending, favorable. ANT. adverse,
condensation n. 1. ABRIDGEMENT reduction, counter, deleterious.
compression, consolidation, summary, brief, conduct n. 1. BEHAVIOR manner, comportment,
synopsis, outline, digest. 2. LIQUEFACTION bearing, demeanor, ways. 2. MANAGEMENT
dew, moisture, precipitation, *sweating. administration, direction, supervision, rule,
condense v. abridge, reduce, compress, shorten, organization, regulation, leadership.
consolidate, summarize, synopsize, outline,
conduct v. 1. BEHAVE deport, demean, act, bear,
contract, boil down, concentrate, curtail,
acquit. 2. MANAGE administer, direct, super-
encapsulate. ANT. expand, lengthen, enlarge.
vise, rule, organize, regulate, execute, han-
CONDESCEND v. [KON di send] to lower
dle. 3. LEAD guide, escort, show the way,
oneself to the level of another with lesser
usher, marshal.
status. Also, to talk down to someone. Our
conductor n. leader, director, guide, manager,
teacher was willing to condescend and take the
advice of students. He fancied himself a big shot marshal, supervisor, usher, maestro.
and spoke condescendingly to everyone. SYN. 1. conduit n. pipe, tube, channel, duct, drain,
descend, humble oneself, bend, *come sewer, canal, course, passage, trough, race.
down off one’s high horse, vouchsafe, deign, confection n. sweet, candy, comfit, dainty.
stoop, lower oneself, yield. 2. talk down to, confederacy n. alliance, league, union, federa-
patronize, talk down one’s nose, regard with tion, coalition, bloc.
hauteur. confederate n. ally, associate, accomplice, col-
condescending a. superior, arrogant, *high and league, abettor, collaborator, partner, co-
mighty, patronizing, lofty, snobbish, dis- conspirator, cohort. ANT. adversary, foe.
dainful, lordly, pretentious, *snooty, confederation n. SEE CONFEDERACY
haughty, imperious. ANT. down-to-earth, un- confer v. 1. GIVE bestow, grant, present, award.
pretentious, unassuming. 2. HAVE A CONFERENCE talk, discuss, speak,
condiment n. seasoning, flavoring, spice, sauce, parley, consult, deliberate, *powwow.
relish, mustard, catsup, ketchup, horserad- conference n. talk, discussion, meeting, consul-
ish, salsa. tation, seminar, dialogue, *powwow, con-
condition n. 1. PROVISION stipulation, qualifica- vention, *bull session, symposium. ‘‘A gath-
tion, proviso, consideration, requirement. 2. ering of important people who singly can do

126 Roget’s Superthesaurus


nothing, but together can decide that noth- affirmation, corroboration, support, sanc-
ing can be done.’’—Fred Allen. tion, nod, okay. ANT. question, contradiction,
confess v. admit, acknowledge, reveal, disclose, repudiation.
allow, *own up, *come clean, *fess up, level, confirmed a. 1. SUBSTANTIATED validated,
divulge, *open up, *spill it. ANT. deny, cover proven, verified, authenticated, corrobo-
up, keep secret. rated. 2. ESTABLISHED deep-rooted, *dyed-
confession n. admission, acknowledgement, in-the-wool, deep-seated, habitual, chronic,
revelation, disclosure, allowance, leveling, inveterate, ingrained. ANT. 1. unconfirmed,
declaration, profession, avowal. ‘‘A medi- unsupported, questionable. 2. new, sometimes.
cine to the erring.’’—Cicero. confiscate v. seize, appropriate, take, impound,
confidant n. confidante, friend, intimate, bo- expropriate, preempt, sequester, comman-
som buddy, companion, lover, alter ego, deer, usurp.
counselor, therapist. SEE FRIEND conflagration n. fire, blaze, inferno, firestorm,
confide v. 1. SHARE INTIMATE INFORMATION con- holocaust, wildfire, hellfire.
fess, disclose, divulge, share feelings, reveal, conflict n. 1. FIGHT battle, war, clash, combat,
*unload, intimate, *get off one’s chest. 2. struggle, contest, tussle. 2. DISAGREEMENT
ENTRUST charge, consign, relegate, trust, clash, contention, discord, dissension, hos-
commit, assign. tility, argument, opposition, dispute, con-
confidence n. 1. BELIEF trust, reliance, sureness, frontation. ANT. 1. peace, amity. 2. agree-
faith, dependence, assurance. 2. SELF-CONFI- ment, accord.
DENCE self-esteem, self-assurance, courage, conflict v. 1. FIGHT battle, wage war, clash,
self-reliance, heart, faith in oneself, mental combat, struggle, contest, tussle. 2. DISAGREE
toughness, pluck, backbone, spine, nerve. clash, contend, oppose, differ, *lock horns,
ANT. 1. uncertainty, doubt. 2. insecurity, diffi-
square off, be at odds with, spar. ANT. 1. set-
dence, self-doubt. tle, conciliate. 2. agree, harmonize.
confidence game n. con game, swindle, *rip- conflicting a. contradictory, contrary, inconsis-
off, trick. tent, incompatible, discrepant. ANT. corres-
confident a. self-confident, self-assured, cocky, ponding, congruous.
plucky, bold, dauntless, faithful, sure, secure, confluence n. 1. CONVERGENCE juncture, meet-
certain, positive, convinced, presumptuous. ing, union. 2. CROWD throng, gathering, as-
ANT. insecure, unsure, diffident.
conform v. 1. MAKE THE SAME correspond,
confidential a. secret, private, privy, classified,
match, be like, harmonize, fit, jibe, assimi-
*off the record, *between you, me and the
late. 2. ADAPT adjust, accommodate, inte-
bedpost, personal, restricted. ANT. public,
grate, suit, follow, fall into line, *go with
the flow, comply, *do as the Romans do,
configuration n. arrangement, outline, con- *swim with the stream. ANT. 2. deviate,
tour, form, conformation, structure, figure, *march to the beat of a different drummer, dif-
build, shape. fer.
confine v. enclose, restrict, shut in, imprison, conformation n. shape, build, form, structure,
restrain, limit, keep, jail, coop up, incarcer- figure, configuration.
ate, intern, hold, detain, bound, quarantine. conformist n. follower, *yes man, *sheep, *one
ANT. free, liberate, release. of the herd, *brick in a wall, emulator. ANT.
confinement n. restriction, shutting in, impris- nonconformist, rebel, free spirit.
onment, enclosure, keeping, incarceration, conformity n. 1. AGREEMENT correspondence,
holding, detainment, bounding, quarantine, harmony, affinity, congruity, accord, like-
detention, captivity. ANT. freedom, libera- ness, similarity. ‘‘The herd-fear.’’—E. Stan-
tion, release. ley Jones. 2. COMPLIANCE obedience, obser-
confirm v. 1. STRENGTHEN firm up, establish, vance, assent, yielding, acquiescence,
buttress, reinforce. 2. VALIDATE ratify, prove, submission. ANT. 1. disagreement, incongru-
establish, attest, substantiate, vouch, sanc- ity, difference. 2. noncompliance, disobedi-
tion, authenticate, affirm. ANT. 1. weaken, ence, rebellion.
contradict. 2. disprove, question, contradict. confound v. confuse, puzzle, mix up, bewilder,
confirmation n. validation, ratification, proof, perplex, mystify, flabbergast, nonplus, daze,
verification, authentication, substantiation, muddle, dumbfound. ANT. clarify.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 127


confront v. face, oppose, stand up to, challenge, congregate v. gather, mass, cluster, collect,
cross, encounter, *go up against, meet, dare, flock, group, crowd together, muster, con-
defy, beard, brave. ANT. avoid, back away vene, throng, concentrate. ANT. scatter, dis-
from, retreat from, dodge. perse.
confrontation n. meeting, challenge, encoun- congregation n. assembly, group, mass, cluster,
ter, crossing of paths, showdown, face-off, collection, flock, crowd, throng, gathering,
set-to, contest, dare, defiance, fight. ANT. parishioners.
avoidance. congress n. assembly, council, association, con-
confuse v. 1. BEWILDER mix up, perplex, throw ference, delegation, legislature, legislative
off, baffle, mystify, muddle, bemuse, puzzle, body, government, committee, caucus, ses-
confound. 2. DISORDER jumble, mix up, mess sion, Parliament, Senate, House of Repre-
up, disarrange, discombobulate, disarray, sentatives, Capitol Hill. ‘‘The great com-
*foul up, mingle, blend. ANT. 1. clarify, ex- manding theatre . . .’’—Thomas Jefferson.
plain. 2. straighten, order. WORD FIND
confusion n. 1. BEWILDERMENT perplexity, baf- assistant party leader in House or Senate:
flement, mystification, puzzlement, disori- whip
entation, fog, daze, befuddlement. 2. DISOR- break: recess
DER jumble, mess, disarray, disorganization, committee that sets rules for debate on bills:
tangle, upheaval, labyrinth, muddle, *snafu, Rules Committee
anarchy, chaos, bedlam, pandemonium. debate’s time-limiting process: cloture
ANT. 1. lucidity, clarity. 2. order, organization, influencing of member by special interest
tidiness. group: lobbying
confute v. disprove, refute, invalidate, *shoot House of Commons: lower legislative house
full of holes, negate, contradict, rebut, dis- of British Parliament
credit. House of Lords: upper legislative house of
congeal v. solidify, thicken, jell, set, stiffen, co- British Parliament
agulate, clot, curdle. House: U.S. House of Representatives
CONGENIAL a. [kun JEEN yul] friendly, kill or remove a bill from consideration: ta-
compatible, having similar tastes. The party ble a bill
atmosphere was low-key but congenial. SYN. legislative house: chamber
friendly, compatible, agreeable, suitable, meeting of House and Senate: joint session
pleasant, cordial, kindred, companionable, member: congressman, senator, representa-
convivial, sociable, like-minded, sympa- tive, legislator, statesman
thetic, affable, harmonious, *en rapport. messenger/*gofer of: page
ANT. hostile, incompatible, disagreeable. minimum member attendance necessary to
CONGENITAL a. [kun JEN i tul] existing at transact business: quorum
birth. The baby had a congenital heart defect. newly elected member: freshman
SYN. inborn, natal, natural, connate, inher- official controlling access, maintaining or-
ent, innate, intrinsic, hereditary, in the der: sergeant at arms
blood, genetic. ANT. acquired. presides in House of Representatives:
congested a. overcrowded, clogged, blocked, Speaker of the House
overfilled, stuffed up, plugged, occluded, presides in Senate after Vice President: pres-
jammed, glutted, packed, choked. ANT. ident pro tempore
clear. proposed legislation: bill
congestion n. overcrowding, clogging, block- Senate: upper legislative body of U.S. Con-
age, stuffiness, plug, cramming, jam, occlu- gress
sion, repletion, fullness, bottleneck. speaking and work area of: floor
conglomerate n. composite, aggregate, hodge- speech, long-winded: filibuster
podge, chain, multinational, partnership, transcript of daily debates, votes, House and
company, trust, firm. Senate: Congressional Record
conglomerate a. clustered, massed, amassed, SEE ELECTION, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS
combined, aggregate, mixed, composite. congressman n. senator, representative, legisla-
ANT. divided, separate. tor, statesman, politician. ‘‘[One] who votes
congratulate v. felicitate, hail, commend, sa- for all appropriations and against all
lute, applaud, toast. taxes.’’—Henry Ashurst.

128 Roget’s Superthesaurus


congruent a. corresponding, in agreement, har- conquer v. vanquish, defeat, overcome, over-

monious, parallel, consonant. ANT. incongru- power, overthrow, subdue, master, beat,
ent, disagreeing. dominate, win, triumph. ANT. surrender,
conifer n. evergreen, coniferous tree, pine, lose, fall, bow.
spruce, fir. conqueror n. victor, winner, champion, master,
CONJECTURE n. [kun JEK chur] a guess or vanquisher, subduer, conquistador. ANT.
inference made from incomplete informa- loser, victim, the defeated.
tion. The evidence was comprised of little more conquest n. victory, triumph, win, defeat, dom-
than conjecture. SYN. guess, guesswork, infer- ination, overthrow, coup, subjugation, sub-
ence, deduction, supposition, surmise, as- jection, occupation, spoils, plunder, booty,
sumption, speculation, theory, hypothesis, winnings. SEE WAR
inkling, *shot in the dark. ANT. fact, cer- conscience n. moral judgment, principles, *lit-
tainty. tle voice, scruples, ethics, standards, integ-
conjecture v. guess, infer, deduce, assume, sup- rity, sense of right and wrong, superego.
pose, surmise, speculate, theorize, hypothe- ‘‘That inner tribunal.’’—Anton Boisen.
size, gather. ‘‘One’s soul companion.’’—Evelyn Brenzel.
conjugal a. matrimonial, connubial, nuptial, ‘‘The muzzle of the will.’’—Elbert Hubbard.
marital, wedded. ANT. unmarried, single. ‘‘A thousand witnesses.’’—Richard Tav-
conjunction n. combination, union, alliance, erner. ANT. indifference, cold-bloodedness.
juxtaposition, connection, meeting, merger, conscientious a. 1. MORAL principled, ethical,
joining. virtuous, upright, honest, scrupulous, good,
conjure v. summon, call upon, beckon, raise, upstanding, honorable. 2. CAREFUL thor-
invoke, make magic, cast a spell, bewitch. ough, painstaking, particular, responsible,
conjurer n. sorcerer, illusionist, sorceress. SEE attentive, exacting, thoughtful, diligent,
MAGICIAN meticulous. ANT. 1. immoral, unprincipled,
connect v. join, link, unite, tie, bind, couple, unscrupulous. 2. slack, slipshod, careless.
attach, wed, merge, hitch, cohere, yoke. conscious a. 1. AWAKE AND AWARE alert, per-
ANT. disconnect, detach, separate.
ceiving, sentient, cognizant, responsive, rec-
connection n. 1. LINK tie, coupling, bond, junc- ognizing, apprehending, mindful, knowing,
ture, union, association, relationship, mar- apprised, *on the ball. 2. DELIBERATE in-
riage, network, attachment. 2. ASSOCIATE tended, intentional, calculated, willful, pre-
friend, relative, kin, sibling, acquaintance,
meditated, designed, on purpose. ANT. 1. un-
contact, go-between, agent.
conscious, dead, oblivious. 2. accidental,
CONNIVE v. [kuh NIVE] to conspire in a
unplanned, inadvertent.
wrongdoing or at least look the other way.
consciousness n. awareness, alertness,
They connive to get what they want. SYN. con-
spire, scheme, collude, plot, *be in cahoots thoughts, cognizance, familiarity, recogni-
with, look the other way, intrigue, finagle, tion, knowledge, perception, mind, mind-
have a hand in, cabal, cooperate. fulness, concern, heed. ANT. unconscious-
CONNOISSEUR n. [KON uh SUR] an ex- ness, oblivion, ignorance.
pert, especially on the fine arts or in matters conscript n. draftee, recruit, enrollee, soldier.
of taste. The expert wine taster is truly a con- CONSECRATE v. [KON suh KRATE] to
noisseur. SYN. expert, authority, cogno- make or declare sacred or holy. Fans gathered
scente, aesthete, afficianado, buff, dilet- to consecrate the shrine of Elvis Presley. SYN.
tante, virtuoso, judge, specialist, devotee, sanctify, exalt, honor, hallow, bless, devote,
epicure, gourmet, critic, maven, *nut, freak. dedicate, anoint. ANT. desecrate, defile, revile.
connotation n. inference, allusion, implication, consecutive a. successive, sequential, serial,
suggestion, sense, undercurrent, meaning, progressive, orderly, in order, in turn, fol-
reference, nuance, hint. lowing, succeeding. ANT. random, irregular.
connote v. suggest, convey, denote, imply, in- CONSENSUS n. [kun SEN sus] an opinion
fer, hint at, mean, indicate, designate, sig- held in common, agreement. The committee
nify, allude to. finally reached a consensus. SYN. agreement,
connubial a. conjugal, marital, matrimonial, unanimity, concord, accord, unison, har-
nuptial, wedded, married, spousal. ANT. un- mony, concordance, single-mindedness.
wedded, single. ANT. disagreement, dissension, discord.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 129


consent n. permission, approval, assent, okay, inspect, ruminate, note. ANT. ignore, forget,
nod, *go-ahead, acceptance, agreement, nevermind.
*say-so, sanction, allowance. ANT. dissent, considerable a. 1. LARGE sizable, big, substan-
refusal, veto. tial, appreciable, respectable, tidy, exten-
consent v. agree, permit, approve, allow, grant, sive, great. 2. IMPORTANT significant, note-
accept, sanction, *give the green light, worthy, momentous, weighty, distinguished,
*give the nod, okay, assent, acquiesce. ANT. consequential, substantial, respectable. ANT.
refuse, veto, object. 1. small. 2. insignificant, trivial.
consequence n. 1. RESULT outcome, effect, up- considerate a. thoughtful, kind, benevolent,
shot, aftermath, fallout, repercussion, reac- conscientious, respectful, accommodating,
tion, reverberation, wake. 2. DISTINCTION polite, solicitous, magnanimous, gracious,
status, influence, stature, standing, emi- tactful. ANT. inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless.
nence, rank, prestige, notability, power. consideration n. 1. THOUGHT study, regard, at-
ANT. 1. cause, source. 2. insignificance, unim- tention, reflection, contemplation, analysis,
portance. review, examination. 2. THOUGHTFULNESS
consequential a. important, significant, kindness, benevolence, respect, accommo-
weighty, notable, substantial, momentous, dation, courtesy, solicitude, tact. 3. FACTOR
serious, far-reaching, considerable, *heavy. concern, issue, extent, problem, point. 4.
ANT. inconsequential, insignificant, trivial. COMPENSATION recompense, fee, payment,
consequently adv. therefore, hence, thus, so, remuneration, reward. ANT. 2. thoughtless-
accordingly, ergo. ness, rudeness, carelessness.
conservancy n. conservation, preservation, consign v. hand over, deliver, entrust, commit,
land trust. convey, transfer, remit, deposit, assign.
conservation n. preservation, protection, safe- consignment n. assignment, entrusting, deliv-
guarding, management, saving, supervision, ery, transferal, trust, conveyance, remit-
maintenance, husbandry, environmental- tance, deposit.
ism, reservation, safe-keeping, care. ANT. consistency n. agreement, harmony, corre-
squandering, waste. spondence, coherence, compatibility, con-
conservationist n. environmentalist, preserva- sonance, similarity, uniformity, congruity.
tionist, activist, *green, *tree hugger. ANT. inconsistence, incongruity, disagreement.
conservative n. traditionalist, right-winger, consistent a. 1. IN AGREEMENT harmonious, cor-
diehard, champion of the status quo, moder- responding, coherent, compatible, similar,
ate, obstructionist, *stick-in-the-mud. ‘‘A uniform, homogenous, accordant. 2. UN-
man who believes nothing should be done CHANGING steady, constant, regular, undevi-
for the first time.’’—Alfred Wiggam. ating. ANT. 1. inconsistent, incompatible. 2.
CONSERVATIVE a. [kun SURV uh tiv] fa- changing, inconsistent.
voring traditional, nonprogressive ways; consist of vi. comprise, include.
moderate. He doesn’t like change; his politics consolation n. solace, comfort, sympathy, com-
are conservative. SYN. 1. TRADITIONAL right- passion, condolence, succor, relief, support,
wing, rightist, conventional, die-hard, un- pity, alleviation. ANT. grief, discouragement.
changing, stable, old line, hidebound, op- console v. comfort, solace, sympathize, con-
posed to change, unprogressive. 2. CAUTIOUS dole, soothe, relieve, support, pity, alleviate,
moderate, safe, middle-of-the-road, careful. cheer, commiserate. ANT. grieve, distress, dis-
ANT. 1. radical, liberal, progressive. hearten, depress.
conservator n. curator, caretaker, custodian, consolidate v. combine, merge, unite, amal-
restorer, guardian, keeper. gamate, strengthen, band, concentrate,
conservatory n. 1. GREENHOUSE botanical gar- unify, league, mass, firm up. ANT. separate,
den, arboretum, nursery, hothouse. 2. disband, weaken.
SCHOOL institute, academy, school of fine consonant a. in agreement, harmonious, accor-
arts. dant, corresponding, consistent, congruent,
conserve v. preserve, save, protect, keep, guard, parallel, coherent. ANT. disagreeing, discor-
safeguard, maintain, husband, sustain. ANT. dant, incongruent.
squander, exhaust, denude. consort n. partner, companion, husband, wife,
consider v. ponder, heed, regard, study, think spouse, mate, associate, friend.
about, deliberate, contemplate, mull over, consort v. associate, fraternize, keep company

130 Roget’s Superthesaurus


with, *hang out with, mingle, mix with, Hercules: Hercules

*run with, *chum with. herdsmen: Bootes
consortium n. partnership, association, alli- hunting dogs: Canes Venacti
ance, league. lion, little: Leo Minor
CONSPICUOUS a. [kun SPIK yoo us] atten- lizard: Lacerta
tion-grabbing, striking. A stretch limousine is lynx: Lynx
conspicuous in rural America. SYN. attention- lyre: Lyra
grabbing, striking, noticeable, obvious, out- northern crown: Corona Borealis
standing, prominent, unusual, overt, arrest- Pegasus: Pegasus
ing, distinguished, glaring, flagrant, loud, Perseus: Perseus
*sticking out like a sore thumb. ANT. incon- sea serpent: Hydra
spicuous, hidden, indistinct. serpent bearer: Ophiuchus
CONSPIRACY n. [kun SPEER uh see] a work- serpent: Serpens
ing together in secret to commit a wrongdo- shield: Scutum
ing, a plotting. Some believe the assassination swan: Cygnus
of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy to remove triangle: Triangulum
the president from power. SYN. plotting, plot, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE
scheme, intrigue, connivance, collusion, ca- air pump: Antlia
bal, treachery, machination, foul play, web, altar: Ara
*wire-pulling. bird of paradise: Apus
conspirator n. schemer, plotter, accomplice, centaur: Centaurus
engineer, collaborator, colluder, *wire-pul- chameleon: Chameleon
ler, subversive, traitor, *backstabber, be- clock: Horologium
trayer. compasses: Circinus
conspire v. plot, scheme, intrigue, connive, crane: Grus
collude, machinate, engineer, collaborate. crow: Corvus
constable n. police officer, officer of the law, cup: Crater
peace officer, *cop, sheriff. SEE POLICE dog, greater: Canis Major
constant a. 1. UNCHANGING steady, regular, in- dog, lesser: Canis Minor
variable, firm, permanent, solid, fixed, sta- dove: Columba
ble. 2. PERPETUAL endless, never ending, re- flying fish: Volans
lentless, continual, nonstop, unremitting, furnace: Fornax
sustained, incessant, persistent. 3. FAITHFUL hare: Lepus
loyal, steadfast, devoted, tried-and-true. hunter: Orion
ANT. 1. variable, unstable. 2. intermittent, oc- Indian: Indus
casional, sporadic. 3. disloyal, unfaithful, keel: Carina
fickle. mariner’s compass: Pyxis
constellation n. 1. GATHERING cluster, collec- microscope: Microscopium
tion, array, assemblage, group, body. 2. A net: Reticulum
FORMATION OF STARS configuration, asterism. octant: Octans
WORD FIND painter: Pictor
Andromeda: Andromeda Phoenix: Phoenix
arrow: Sagitta poop deck: Puppis
bear, great: Ursa Major, Big Dipper river: Eridanus
bear, little: Ursa Minor, Little Dipper sail: Vela
Berenice’s Hair: Coma Berenices sculptor: Sculptor
Cassiopeia: Cassiopeia sculptor’s tool: Caelum
Cepheus: Cepheus sextant: Sextans
charioteer: Auriga southern cross: Crux
dolphin: Delphinius southern crown: Corona Australis
dragon: Draco southern fish: Piscis Austrinus
filly: Equuleus southern fly: Musca
fox: Vulpecula southern triangle: Triangulum Australe
giraffe: Camelopardallis square: Norma

Roget’s Superthesaurus 131


swordfish: Dorado RESTRICTION limitation, restraint, check,

table: Mensa curb, control, repression, inhibition, con-
telescope: Telescopium finement. 3. UNEASE inhibition, reticence,
toucan: Tucana reserve, shyness, diffidence, bashfulness,
unicorn: Monoceros self-consciousness, restraint.
water snake: Hydrus constrict v. 1. NARROW squeeze, bind, tighten,
whale: Cetus shrink, contract, clamp, cramp, compress,
wolf: Lupus pinch, strangle, choke. 2. LIMIT restrict, hold
ZODIAC in, impede, arrest, block, curb. ANT. 1. ex-
archer: Sagittarius pand, widen, loosen. 2. free, liberate.
bull: Taurus constriction n. narrowing, contraction, squeez-
crab: Cancer ing, strangulation, compression, stricture,
fishes: Pisces clamping, cramping, pinching, clenching,
goat: Capricornus choking, stenosis, bottleneck. ANT. opening,
lion: Leo loosening.
ram: Aries construct v. build, assemble, put together,
scales: Libra erect, *throw up, *slap together, fabricate,
scorpion: Scorpius engineer, raise, frame, fashion, form. ANT.
twins: Gemini raze, demolish, tear down.
virgin: Virgo construction n. 1. CONSTRUCTION building,
water bearer: Aquarius erection, assembling, fabrication, raising,
CONSTERNATION n. [kon stur NA shun] framing, putting up, fashioning, manufac-
dismay or shock that leaves one feeling turing, formation. 2. BUILDING structure,
helpless or confused. The sudden collision framework, assembly. 3. EXPLANATION inter-
filled him with consternation. SYN. dismay, pretation, rendition, translation, reading.
shock, fear, anxiety, panic, bewilderment, constructive a. helpful, useful, beneficial, prac-
confusion, alarm, stupefaction, horror, ter- tical, valuable, positive, effective. ANT. hurt-
ror. ANT. composure, calm, presence of mind. ful, negative.
constipation n. irregularity, sluggish bowels, construe v. explain, interpret, translate, spell
straining at stool. out, infer, define, read, understand.
constituency n. electorate, voting body, resi- consultant n. expert, authority, professional,
dents, voters, district. SEE POLITICS, ELECTION, *pro, advisor, counsel, mentor, guide, spe-
GOVERNMENT cialist, master, maven, veteran.
constituent n. 1. COMPONENT part, element, consulate n. embassy.
unit, ingredient, rudiment. 2. VOTER elector, consult v. refer to, check with, confer, inquire,
balloter, citizen. seek advice, discuss, talk, deliberate, ask,
constitute v. 1. COMPRISE form, make up, con- *pick one’s brains, compare notes.
sist of, incorporate, integrate, compose. 2. consultation n. conference, meeting, discus-
APPOINT name, empower, authorize, install, sion, talk, conversation, deliberation, coun-
nominate, deputize. 3. ESTABLISH create, in- cil, *powwow, parley, hearing, session.
stitute, develop, set up, originate, found. consume v. 1. INGEST eat, drink, swallow, de-
constitution n. charter, code, law, rules, canon, vour, guzzle, absorb, down, *gobble, *wolf,
Bill of Rights. ‘‘A means of assuring that de- *scarf, *polish off. 2. EXPEND use up, deplete,
positories of power cannot misemploy it.’’— exhaust, spend, waste, squander, drain, frit-
John Stuart Mill. ter away, finish. 3. DESTROY level, raze, de-
constitutional a. lawful, legal, statutory, char- molish, annihilate, wreck, ruin, devastate,
tered, prescribed. ANT. unconstitutional, im- lay to waste. 4. ENGROSS absorb, engage, ar-
proper, illegal. rest, preoccupy, fix, fascinate, rivet. ANT. 2.
constrain v. 1. FORCE compel, drive, press, co- save, collect, hoard.
erce, oblige, make, impel, pressure, prevail consumer n. buyer, customer, purchaser, end-
upon. 2. RESTRAIN confine, curb, restrict, user, patron, shopper.
check, limit, shut in, bar, hold down, incar- consummate v. complete, perfect, fulfill,
cerate, imprison. achieve, finish, crown, effectuate, *put the
constraint n. 1. FORCE pressure, obligation, finishing touch on, cap, clinch, realize.
compulsion, coercion, duress, necessity. 2. CONSUMMATE a. [kun SUM it] supremely

132 Roget’s Superthesaurus


accomplished, complete. He is at the top of contempt n. 1. DISDAIN scorn, repugnance, dis-

his field, a consummate violinist. SYN. accom- gust, disrespect, disregard, derision, revul-
plished, skilled, supreme, superior, best, ulti- sion, abhorrence. 2. DISGRACE shame, dis-
mate, unsurpassed, superlative, masterful, honor, humiliation, disrepute. ANT. respect,
excellent, complete, thorough, inimitable, esteem, honor.
peerless. ANT. *run-of-the-mill, mediocre, am- contemptible a. despicable, shameful, low, de-
ateurish. testable, wretched, abhorrent, wicked,
consummation n. completion, perfecting, ful- mean, loathsome, disgusting, ignominious,
fillment, finishing, crowning, *finishing shabby, cheap, repugnant. ANT. honorable,
touch, cap, realization, attainment. respectable, admirable.
consumption n. use, expenditure, utilization, contemptuous a. disdainful, scornful, disre-
depletion, loss, devouring, exhaustion, re- spectful, arrogant, sneering, insolent, insult-
duction, exploitation. ANT. conservation, ing, derisive, *high and mighty, supercil-
ious, condescending, haughty. ANT.
complimentary, deferential, respectful.
contact n. 1. TOUCHING meeting, connection,
contend v. 1. MAINTAIN assert, claim, hold,
union, contingence, proximity, junction, state, declare, argue, insist, prescribe. 2. VIE
collision. 2. CONNECTION acquaintance. struggle, strive, contest, battle, wrestle, tus-
contact v. 1. TOUCH meet, graze, impinge, sle, fight, scuffle, clash.
strike, brush. 2. COMMUNICATE WITH get in contender n. contestant, competitor, rival.
touch with, call, seek, reach, look up, find, content n. 1. MEANING intent, essence, signifi-
approach. cance, idea. 2. SATISFACTION happiness,
contagious a. communicable, catching, trans- pleasure, comfort, fulfillment, gratification,
mittable, transmissible, spreading, infec- delight, contentment.
tious, epidemic, endemic. ANT. noninfec- content v. satisfy, please, comfort, delight, grat-
tious. ify, gladden, cheer. ANT. discontent, trouble,
contain v. 1. HOLD accommodate, carry, re- upset.
ceive, have a capacity for. 2. COMPRISE in- content a. satisfied, happy, pleased, comfort-
clude, consist of, involve, embody, incorpo- able, at ease, carefree, fulfilled, complacent,
rate. 3. KEEP IN CHECK hold in, restrain, serene. ANT. discontented, miserable, troubled.
control, suppress, repress, stifle. contention n. 1. DISPUTE argument, disagree-
contaminate v. pollute, adulterate, spoil, taint, ment, debate, controversy, squabble, alter-
sully, corrupt, defile, poison, degrade, be- cation, fight, wrangling, *beef, *bone to
foul. ANT. purify, cleanse, sterilize. pick, quarrel. 2. STRIVING struggle, contest,
contamination n. pollution, adulteration, spoil- battle, fight. 3. ASSERTION point, stand,
age, corruption, defilement, degradation, claim, opinion, belief, view, plea. ANT. 1.
poisoning, fouling, taint, impurity. agreement, accord, harmony.
contemplate v. 1. LOOK AT watch, gaze at, be- CONTENTIOUS a. [kun TEN shus] quarrel-
some. He couldn’t get along with anyone; he
hold, survey, eye, consider, regard, scruti-
was contentious. SYN. quarrelsome, belliger-
nize. 2. THINK ABOUT ponder, mull over,
ent, testy, disputatious, argumentative,
brood over, meditate, reflect, ruminate,
combative, nasty, disagreeable, *short-
dwell on, *chew on, consider, *turn over in fused, petulant, antagonistic. ANT. easygoing,
one’s mind. accommodating, placatory, peaceable.
contemplative a. thoughtful, intent, introspec- contentment n. satisfaction, happiness, plea-
tive, absorbed, pensive, meditative, reflec- sure, comfort, ease, fulfillment, compla-
tive, ruminative, musing, rapt. ANT. thought- cency, serenity, tranquility. ‘‘The only
less, blank, vacuous. riches, the only quietness . . . ’’—George
contemporary a. 1. MODERN present-day, up-to- Pettie. ‘‘Natural wealth.’’—Plato. ANT. dis-
date, here and now, current, late, *hot, new, content, dissatisfaction, misery.
*cutting edge, recent, now, *fresh as today, contest n. competition, match, struggle, rivalry,
extant. 2. COEXISTING coincident, attending, battle, challenge, meet, round, duel, trial,
simultaneous, synchronous, concurrent, of war, marathon, tourney.
the same time. ANT. 1. old, yesterday, histori- contest v. argue, debate, dispute, challenge, op-
cal, past, ancient. pose, call into question, object to, conflict,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 133


contend, vie, fight, scrap, square off, battle. smuggled, taboo, trafficked. ANT. legal, al-
ANT. acquiesce, cave in, give in, surrender. lowed, lawful.
contestant n. contender, competitor, combat- contraceptive n. birth control device, condom,
ant, opponent, rival, adversary, challenger. diaphragm, IUD, Norplant, *the pill, pro-
context n. frame of reference, framework, rela- phylactic, sponge, shield, spermicide, *rub-
tionship, connection, substance, circum- ber, *protection. SEE CONDOM
stances, meaning. contract n. agreement, arrangement, under-
contiguous a. touching, meeting, contacting, standing, deal, covenant, pact, transaction,
connecting, next to, abutting, adjoining, compact, bond, gentleman’s agreement, ob-
nearby, proximate, adjacent, close. ANT. dis- ligation, pledge, legal document.
tant, removed, remote. contract v. 1. COMPRESS reduce, narrow,
continence n. self-restraint, moderation, self- squeeze, shorten, tighten, condense, recede,
control, forbearance, refraining, abstinence, constrict, cramp, wither. 2. MAKE AN AGREE-
virtue, chastity. ANT. incontinence, indul- MENT agree, bargain, come to terms, bound,
gence, excess. *hammer out a deal, put in writing, pledge,
contingency n. possibility, emergency, eventu- promise, guarantee, covenant. ANT. 1. ex-
ality, chance occurrence, accident, fortuity, pand, swell. 2. renege, back out.
uncertainty, happening, probability. contraction n. compression, reduction, narrow-
CONTINGENT a. [kun TIN junt] depen- ing, squeezing, shortening, tightening, con-
dent, subject to. When we schedule the outing densing, recession, cramping, withering,
is contingent upon the weather. SYN. depen- shrinkage. ANT. expansion, swelling, enlarge-
dent, subject to, conditional, hinging on, ment.
controlled by, incidental to, provisory. contradict v. differ, deny, controvert, refute,
continual a. never ending, perpetual, unend- counter, *fly in the face of, negate, gainsay,
ing, incessant, relentless, unceasing, con- repudiate, belie, cancel out. ANT. agree, cor-
stant, nonstop, eternal, unremitting, roborate, correspond.
around-the-clock. ANT. finite, ending, spo- contradiction n. differing, denial, refutation,
radic, intermittent. disagreement, negation, confliction, dis-
continuance n. persistence, prolongation, pro- crepancy, gainsay, inconsistency. ANT. agree-
traction, perpetuation, duration. ment, corroboration, correspondence.
continue v. 1. KEEP ON persist, carry on, perse- contradictory a. differing, conflicting, incon-
vere, extend, maintain, sustain, press on, sistent, contrary, discrepant, disagreeing, in-
prolong, progress, remain, abide. 2. RESUME congruous, antithetical, at variance. ANT.
carry on, restart, begin again, pick up where consistent, agreeing, corresponding.
one left off, proceed, renew. ANT. stop, end, contraption n. device, machine, contrivance,
cease. gadget, rig, mechanism, appliance, widget,
continuity n. continuance, continuation, per- *doohickey, *thingamajig, *Rube Goldberg
sistence, prolongation, protraction, perpetu- device.
ation, endurance, constancy, extension. contrary a. 1. OPPOSITE contradictory, antithet-
ANT. interruption, stoppage, intermittence. ical, reverse, different, counter, incompati-
continuous a. constant, never ending, perpet- ble, incongruous, inimical, conflicting. 2.
ual, unbroken, connected, uninterrupted, DISAGREEABLE cantankerous, antagonistic,
unremitting, incessant, nonstop, infinite, hostile, inimical, averse, antipathetic, at
protracted. ANT. intermittent, broken. odds. ANT. 1. identical, consistent. 2. agree-
contort v. twist, turn, wrench, distort, screw up, able, accommodating.
warp, knot, convolute, gnarl, torture, mis- contrast n. difference, dissimilarity, opposition,
shape. ANT. straighten, smooth. variation, differentiation, disparity, antithe-
contorted a. twisted, turned, wrenched, dis- sis, polarity, distinction, divergence. ANT.
torted, bent, warped, convoluted, knotted, likeness, similarity, mirror image.
gnarled, misshapen, tortured. ANT. straight. contrast v. 1. COMPARE differentiate, discrimi-
contour n. outline, profile, shape, form, figure, nate, set off, distinguish, weigh. 2. DIFFER
lines, curves, silhouette. vary, oppose, diverge, contradict, mismatch,
contraband a. illegal, black-market, bootleg, conflict.
unlawful, illicit, *hot, forbidden, prohibited, contravene v. 1. OPPOSE go against, contradict,

134 Roget’s Superthesaurus


reject, repudiate, disagree, gainsay. 2. VIO- spittle or ink replace the . . . cannon ball.’’—
LATE cross, disobey, infract, transgress. Ambrose Bierce.
contribute v. give, provide, donate, bestow, fur- controvert v. oppose, argue, dispute, deny,
nish, supply, grant, dispense, help, hand out, gainsay, refute, rebut, challenge, contest,
*chip in, *pitch in. debate. ANT. agree, affirm, go along.
contribution n. donation, gift, handout, help- contusion n. bruise, black-and-blue mark, dis-
ing hand, offering, present, charity, input, coloration, injury, bump, *mulberry patch.
benefaction, bestowal. CONUNDRUM n. [kuh NUN drum] a prob-
CONTRITE a. [kun TRITE] feeling or show- lem without an apparent solution; a puzzle;
ing remorse, guilt. He was obviously contrite; a mystery. Solving the world’s population prob-
he apologized ten times. SYN. remorseful, lem is a political conundrum. SYN. problem,
guilty, repentant, regretful, penitent, sorry, puzzle, mystery, enigma, riddle, brainteaser,
apologetic, compunctious, rueful, troubled, *mind-boggler, *hard nut to crack,
ashamed, conscience-stricken. ANT. indiffer- *stumper, question mark, mystery.
ent, unrepentant, proud. convalesce v. recuperate, recover, rehabilitate,
contrition n. remorse, repentance, regret, guilt, restore, revive, get better.
sorrow, compunction, shame, penitence, convalescence n. recuperation, recovery, reha-
self-reproach, ruth, qualms. ANT. indiffer- bilitation, restoration, revival, rejuvena-
ence, apathy, pride. tion, cure, return to health, strengthening.
contrivance n. 1. DEVICE gadget, creation, ap- ‘‘That part that makes the illness worth
pliance, mechanism, machine, contraption, while.’’—George Bernard Shaw.
implement, invention, *Rube Goldberg de- convene v. convoke, summon, round up, call
vice. 2. DESIGN scheme, invention, artifice, up, assemble, gather, congregate, meet, mus-
fabrication, machination, ingenuity, trick. ter, rally, get together.
contrive v. 1. DEVISE invent, create, improvise, convenience n. 1. SERVICE usefulness, utility,
*rig, design, construct, fabricate, *throw to- suitability, benefit, expedience, handiness.
gether. 2. DESIGN plan, plot, scheme, con- 2. APPLIANCE OR SERVICE time-saver, acces-
nive, engineer, swing, conspire, machinate, sory, comfort, luxury, amenity, facility, help,
finagle, formulate. *life-saver. 3. SPARE TIME free moment, lei-
CONTRIVED a. [kun TRIVED] overly sure, chance, opportunity. ANT. 2. inconve-
planned or designed, with a forced or unnat- nience, trouble, bother, *a pain.
ural effect. The unlikely coincidences in the plot
convenient a. 1. SERVICEABLE handy, accommo-
made the story seem contrived. SYN. forced,
dating, useful, advantageous, beneficial,
unnatural, unspontaneous, labored, phony,
conducive, helpful, timesaving. 2. NEARBY at
manipulated, fake, affected, artificial,
hand, accessible, central, adjacent, handy,
strained. ANT. natural, spontaneous, artless.
control n. command, power, rule, order, direc- next-door, close, proximate. ANT. 1. inconve-
tion, mastery, management, supervision, nient, troublesome, unsuitable. 2. remote, dis-
regulation, government, *upper hand, *the tant, inaccessible.
whip, influence, jurisdiction, dominion. convent n. nunnery, abbey, cloister. SEE
control v. command, rule, order, direct, master,
manage, supervise, run, regulate, govern, in- convention n. 1. MEETING assembly, gathering,
fluence, dominate, guide, *hold sway over, caucus, council, *powwow, congress, convo-
lead, quarterback, reign, call the shots, dic- cation. 2. CUSTOM practice, code, habit, tra-
tate, preside over, *be in the driver’s seat, dition, orthodoxy, etiquette, law.
*rule with an iron hand, manipulate. conventional a. 1. CUSTOMARY usual, tradi-
controversial a. debatable, moot, arguable, po- tional, normal, accepted, regular, standard,
lemical, contestable, questionable, suspect, orthodox, routine, prevailing. 2. COMMON
controvertible, disputable, at issue, unset- unoriginal, everyday, run-of-the-mill, con-
tled. ANT. unquestionable, indisputable, un- forming, pedestrian, trite, prosaic, undistin-
equivocal. guished, humdrum. ANT. unconventional, un-
controversy n. debate, argument, dispute, issue, orthodox, radical, avant-garde, original.
disagreement, moot point, war of words, converge v. meet, come together, join, inter-
brouhaha, fuss, flak, quarrel, wrangling, po- sect, merge, unite, mingle, connect. ANT.
lemics, embattlement. ‘‘A battle in which separate, divide.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 135


conversant a. familiar, knowledgeable, ac- into, prevail upon, *sell, *make one see the
quainted with, au courant, informed, up-to- light, *bring around.
date, versed, learned, experienced, au fait, convincing a. persuasive, incontrovertible,
abreast. *hip. ANT. unfamiliar, unacquainted solid, satisfying, plausible, powerful, credi-
with, ignorant, oblivious. ble, conclusive, sound. ANT. unconvincing,
conversation n. talk, dialogue, discourse, dis- questionable, dubious.
cussion, exchange, communication, chat, CONVIVIAL a. [kun VIV ee ul] fond of the
colloquy, interlocution, conference, inter- party life, festive. A convivial mob poured into
course, gab, *rap, palaver, tête-à-tête, give- the bar. SYN. festive, jovial, sociable, fun-
and-take, *small talk. ‘‘The image of the loving, merry-making, gregarious, jolly,
mind. As the man is, so is his talk.’’—Pubi- cheerful, *back-slapping, lively, genial. ANT.
lius Syrus. ‘‘Our account of ourselves.’’— grim, sober, solemn, reserved, antisocial.
Ralph Waldo Emerson. convocation n. assembly, gathering, conven-
conversationalist n. talker, *blabbermouth, tion, congregation, get-together, confer-
communicator, *bag of wind, *bigmouth, ence, meeting, council.
*blowhard, *motormouth, *windbag, *yak- convoke v. summon, call together, muster, as-
ker. semble, gather.
converse n. opposite, reverse, antithesis, ob- convolution n. coil, loop, twisting, whorl, roll,
verse. spiral, helix, curlicue.
converse v. talk, discuss, communicate, chat, convoy n. escort, guard, attendant, accompani-
hold a dialogue, confer, discourse, gab, ment, protection, defense, contingent, secu-
*chew the fat, *rap, *shoot the breeze, con- rity.
fabulate, commune, *schmooze, *flap one’s convoy v. escort, guard, accompany, attend,
chops, *jibber-jabber, *yack. protect, defend, shield, secure, guide, shep-
conversion n. change, changeover, transforma- herd, chaperon.
tion, transmutation, switch, metamorphosis, convulsion n. spasm, seizure, fit, throe, parox-
reversal, remodeling, modification, *about- ysm, tremor, twitch, tic, *spaz, *the shakes.
face, *turnaround, adaptation. cook n. chef, baker, chef de cuisine, short-order
convert n. proselyte, novitiate, neophyte, cate- cook, sous-chef.
chumen. cook v. bake, broil, roast, fry, stir fry, deep fry,
convert v. change, transform, transmutate, braise, boil, steam, simmer, fricasee, frizzle,
switch, metamorphose, reverse, remodel, heat, barbecue, grill, sear, blacken, stew,
brown, fold, microwave, *nuke, poach, cod-
modify, *do an about-face, *do a turn-
dle, parboil, sauté. ‘‘[Cooking] An art; a no-
around, adapt.
ble science.’’—Robert Burton. SEE FOOD
convertible n. *ragtop, *breezer, SEE AUTOMO-
cookie n. wafer, gingerbread man, confection,
sugar cookie, snickerdoodle, pinwheel, pea-
convey v. 1. TRANSPORT carry, conduct, trans- nut butter cookie, molasses cookie, truffle,
fer, bring, send, move, transmit, forward, de- biscotti, snap, macaroon, fig bar, chocolate
liver, bear, haul. 2. COMMUNICATE tell, re- chip cookie, *Oreo, sugar cookie.
late, pass along, disclose, reveal, send. cool v. 1. CHILL refrigerate, freeze, frost. 2. COOL
conveyance n. transport, transfer, carrying, IT Sl. simmer down, calm down, moderate,
transmission, movement, carriage, commu- dampen, soften, temper, *chill, *take it
nication, vehicle. easy, *don’t sweat it. ANT. 1. heat, warm. 2.
convict n. criminal, outlaw, prisoner, malefac- go crazy, *have a nutty, *throw a fit, rage.
tor, felon, *jailbird, lawbreaker, *con, in- cool a. 1. CHILLY cold, nippy, wintry, brisk,
mate. frosty. 2. CALM collected, composed, re-
convict v. find guilty, imprison, *send up the laxed, self-possessed, sedate, tranquil, non-
river, sentence, damn, condemn. chalant, unflappable, laid-back. 3. UN-
conviction n. 1. BELIEF faith, opinion, senti- FRIENDLY aloof, distant, icy, frigid, remote,
ment, tenet, dogma, view, principle, persua- standoffish, unapproachable, frosty, supe-
sion, doctrine. 2. ASSURANCE certainty, con- rior. 4. Sl. EXCELLENT great, *neat, *nifty,
fidence, surety, fervor, earnestness. ANT. 2. *groovy, *rad, *funky, awesome, *bad,
uncertainty, doubt. *bitchen, *boss, *def, *fresh, *hot. ANT. 1.
convince v. prove, sway, persuade, satisfy, *talk hot, *roasting. 2. agitated, ruffled, *bent out

136 Roget’s Superthesaurus


of shape, *unglued. 3. warm, friendly. 4. *un- cordial a. warm, friendly, hearty, sociable, ge-
cool, no good, bad. nial, affable, amiable, gracious, hearty,
coop n. pen, cage, fold, enclosure, hutch. heartfelt. ANT. cold, distant, unsociable.
cooperate v. comply with, go along, work with, core n. center, nucleus, heart, kernel, root,
accommodate, aid, collaborate, pull to- *meat, crux, essence, bottom line, *nitty-
gether, *play ball, pool resources, help, con- gritty, gist.
tribute, further. ANT. oppose, undermine. cork n. plug, stopper.
cooperation n. collaboration, assistance, help, corner n. 1. BEND crook, angle, convergence,
give-and-take, concert, complicity, compli- intersection, junction, juncture. 2. PREDICA-
ance, participation, *playing ball, pooling of MENT *pickle, *jam, *squeeze, tight spot, im-
resources, accommodation. ANT. opposition, passe.
undermining, autonomy. CORNERSTONE n. [KORN ur stohn] a cru-
coordinate v. organize, arrange, order, group, cial or vital element. Freedom of choice is the
systematize, integrate, mesh, synchronize, cornerstone of democracy. SYN. keystone,
classify, sort, regulate. linchpin, anchor, mainspring, base, key ele-
cop n. Sl. police officer, peace officer, officer of ment, mainstay, pillar, main ingredient,
the law, policeman, policewoman, lawman, foundation, essential, upholder, main sup-
*John Law, *flatfoot, patrolman, patrol- port, indispensable component, strength.
woman, sheriff, deputy, *the man, *fuzz. SEE cornucopia n. abundance, riches, wealth.
POLICE, COURT corner v. trap, back into, catch, bring to bay.
cope v. manage, weather, endure, contend, suf- corny a. trite, banal, stupid, stereotyped, hack-
fer, get by, face, *cut it, *hack it, deal with, neyed, sentimental, sappy, insipid, mushy,
handle. unsophisticated, *hokey. ANT. sophisticated,
COPIOUS a. [KOH pee us] abundant, abound- original, powerful.
ing, plentiful. We prepared a copious spread corollary n. deduction, inference, result, out-
of food for Thanksgiving. SYN. abundant, come, consequence, end, aftereffect, upshot,
plentiful, plenty, ample, bounteous, over- precipitate.
flowing, lavish, replete, generous, liberal,
coroner n. medical examiner, investigator,
fat. ANT. scant, sparse, meager.
public officer, doctor, physician.
copout v. Sl. quit, back down, withdraw, *blow
corporal a. bodily, physical, material, carnal.
off, *worm out, renege, skip, *chicken out,
corporate a. united, combined, joint, allied,
*tap dance.
collective, incorporated, common, associ-
copse n. thicket, grove, wood, scrub, coppice,
ated. ANT. individual, single.
copulate v. have sexual intercourse, make love, corps n. unit, crew, team, force, band, division,
mate, fornicate, *fool around, sleep to- troupe, regiment, battalion, company,
gether, breed, *go all the way. SEE SEX squadron, outfit.
copy n. duplicate, reproduction, replica, imita- corpse n. body, cadaver, *stiff, carcass, remains,
tion, facsimile, *carbon copy, likeness, rep- corpus delecti, bones, the deceased. ‘‘A hu-
resentation, counterfeit. ANT. original, man been.’’—Kay Goodman. ‘‘[L]ike the
model. cover of an old book, its contents torn out,
copy v. 1. DUPLICATE reproduce, replicate, imi- and stript of its lettering and gilding . . . yet
tate, clone, simulate, represent. 2. IMITATE the work itself shall not be lost, for it will
ape, emulate, pattern, model, mimic, simu- appear once more in a new and more beauti-
late, act like, mirror, impersonate, embody, ful edition.’’—Ben Franklin.
mock. corpulent a. fat, obese, plump, chubby, fleshy,
copycat n. imitator, mimic, impersonator. beefy, rotund, tubby, stout, portly, roly-poly,
coquet v. flirt, tease, toy with, wink at, strut, blubbery. ANT. skinny, anorexic, bony.
vamp, titillate, dally, philander. corral n. pen, enclosure.
coquette n. flirt, tease, vamp, hussy, heart- correct v. 1. RECTIFY set right, redress, amend,
breaker. ‘‘A woman without any heart, who fix, adjust, better, mend, revise, improve, re-
makes a fool out of a man that hasn’t got form, doctor. 2. CHASTISE reprimand, scold,
any head.’’—Madame Deluzy. reprove, admonish, dress down, censure, re-
cord n. line, rope, twine, string, cordage, cable, buke, discipline. ANT. 1. hurt, complicate. 2.
wire, binding. praise, compliment, approve.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 137


correct a. 1. ACCURATE exact, *right, true, pre- pollute, taint, abase, adulterate, infect, ruin,
cise, *on the button, *on the nose, *on the defile, degrade, debauch, taint.
money, unmistaken, flawless. 2. PROPER suit- corrupt a. 1. DISHONEST deceitful, unethical,
able, fitting, appropriate, befitting, seemly, unprincipled, unscrupulous, crooked, un-
*politically correct, *kosher, acceptable. trustworthy, shady, underhanded, venal, de-
ANT. 1. incorrect, wrong, inaccurate. 2. im- ceptive. 2. IMMORAL depraved, perverted,
proper, inappropriate. degenerate, low, evil, rotten, debased,
correction n. rectification, modification, ad- warped, unprincipled. 3. IMPURE contami-
justment, amendment, improvement, right- nated, adulterated, unclean, tainted, defiled,
ing, reparation, change. polluted, infected. ANT. 1. honest, honorable,
corrective a. remedial, rectifying, counter, re- scrupulous. 2. moral, virtuous, upright. 3.
parative, curative, healing, therapeutic. pure, clean, unaltered.
ANT. hurtful, imparing, damaging. corruption n. 1. DISHONESTY deceit, deception,
correlate v. equate, relate, compare, contrast, underhandedness, deception, crookedness,
parallel, correspond, connect. *shadiness, fraud, unscrupulousness. 2. IM-
correspond v. 1. AGREE harmonize, conform, be MORALITY depravity, perversion, evil, degen-
consistent, be compatible, match, go to- eration, baseness, decadence, wickedness,
gether, coincide, concur, jibe, fit. 2. COMMU- impurity, turpitude, iniquity. 3. CONTAMINA-
NICATE BY LETTER write, *drop a line, keep in TION adulteration, tainting, defilement, pol-
touch. ANT. 1. clash, disagree, differ. lution, infection. ANT. 1. honesty, scruples.
correspondence n. 1. AGREEMENT harmony, 2. morality, virtue. 3. purity.
conformity, consistency, compatibility, cosign v. endorse, pledge.
match, coinciding, accordance, congruity. cortege n. train, retinue, entourage, escort, at-
2. COMMUNICATION letters, *faxes, messages, tendants, procession, court.
mail, dispatches. ANT. 1. disagreement, incon- cosmetic a. beautifying, enhancing, corrective,
gruity. superficial.
correspondent n. reporter, newsman, news- cosmetics n. makeup, beautifiers, preparations,
woman, journalist, broadcaster, stringer, for- *war paint, lip gloss, lipstick, eye shadow,
rouge, blusher, mascara, eyebrow pencil,
eign correspondent.
face powder, *face. ‘‘Crease paint.’’—Ray-
corresponding a. equivalent, parallel, analo-
mond Cvikota.
gous, correlative, reciprocal, alike, match-
cosmic a. 1. OF SPACE interstellar, universal, in-
ing, synonymous, complementary, conform-
terplanetary, galactic. 2. LIMITLESS infinite,
ing, consistent. ANT. counter, against, unlike,
vast, neverending, immense, grandiose,
measureless. ANT. 2. microscopic, finite, lim-
corridor n. hall, passageway, walkway, gallery, ited, infinitesimal. SEE SPACE, UNIVERSE
aisle. cosmopolitan a. worldly, international, global,
CORROBORATE v. [kuh ROB uh RATE] to universal, metropolitan, sophisticated, cul-
confirm or support the information given by tured, cultivated, urbane, unprovincial. ANT.
another. Several witnesses came forward to provincial, small-town, insular.
corroborate the defendant’s alibi. SYN. confirm, cosmos n. universe, space, *great beyond, mac-
support, attest to, verify, certify, authenti- rocosm, all creation, arc of heaven, creation.
cate, prove, substantiate, validate, ‘‘Something for every age to investigate.’’—
strengthen. ANT. contradict, refute. Seneca. ‘‘All that is or ever was or ever will
corrode v. dissolve, wear, deteriorate, waste, be.’’—Carl Sagan. SEE CONSTELLATION,
rust, gnaw away, eat away, erode, oxidize. MOON, PLANET, SPACE, STAR, UNIVERSE
corrosion n. wear, oxidation, rust, deteriora- cosset v. pamper, fondle, coddle, pet.
tion, decay, erosion, disintegration, frag- cost n. 1. EXPENSE charge, price, value, worth,
mentation, degeneration, decomposition. amount, expenditure, payment, outlay, bill.
corrosive a. erosive, caustic, acidic, biting, SEE MONEY 2. LOSS injury, harm, forfeit, ex-
mordant, scathing, cutting, acerbic, wasting, pense, detriment, damage, sacrifice, price.
consuming. cost-effective a. economical, practical, worth-
corrugated a. ridged, crinkled, wrinkled, while, profitable. ANT. excessive, worthless.
creased, ribbed, furrowed, pleated, fluted, costly a. 1. EXPENSIVE high-priced, steep, exor-
rough. ANT. smooth, flat. bitant, dear, pricey, excessive, *stiff. 2. SAC-
corrupt v. demoralize, pervert, debase, spoil, RIFICING painful, injurious, harmful, ruinous.

138 Roget’s Superthesaurus


3. VALUABLE precious, priceless, luxurious, counter a. contrary, opposite, contrasting, anti-

sumptuous, opulent, exquisite, grand, lavish. thetical, inverse. ANT. corresponding, alike,
ANT. 1. cheap, bargain-priced, economical. 2. analogous, consistent.
painless, harmless. 3. worthless, cheap. counteract v. neutralize, offset, negate, annul,
costume n. outfit, clothing, apparel, garb, at- oppose, check, cancel.
tire, dress, ensemble, *getup, raiment, vest- counterfeit n. imitation, copy, reproduction,
ments, guise. forgery, fake, sham, fraud, phony, replica.
coterie n. group, circle, clique, set, club, associ- ANT. original, model, *real McCoy, genuine
ation, crew, band. article.
cotillion n. ball, dance. counterfeit a. *bogus, fake, phony, imitation,
cottage n. house, cabin, shanty, bungalow, sham, fraudulent, *fishy, not genuine, *not
shack, chalet, camp. SEE HOUSE kosher, forged, spurious, pseudo. ANT. real,
couch n. sofa, divan, davenport, lounge. actual, authentic, genuine.
couch v. express, voice, phrase, frame. countermand n. cancel, override, revoke, re-
couch potato n. Sl. slug, sloth, drone, *goof-off, peal, recall, rescind, retract, reverse, over-
lie-abed, *lazy-bones, shirker, piker, slacker, rule.
*sofa spud. counterpart n. equivalent, match, correspon-
cougar n. mountain lion, puma, panther. dent, twin, correlate, duplicate, copy, paral-
cough v. hack, *bark, gasp, rasp, wheeze, hem, lel, mate, analogue, peer.
hawk, whoop, clear throat. countless a. innumerable, infinite, multitudi-
council n. meeting, assembly, conference, nous, untold, *umpteen, limitless, legion,
*powwow, convention, gathering, convoca- incalculable, many. ANT. few, finite.
tion, session, caucus, congress. countrified a. rural, rustic, agrarian, pastoral,
counsel n. 1. ADVICE guidance, instruction, di- *down-home, simple. ANT. citified, urban,
rection, consultation, recommendation,
*word to the wise, suggestion, opinion,
country n. 1. NATION motherland, fatherland,
warning. 2. ATTORNEY lawyer, legal repre-
land, commonwealth, state, union, realm,
sentative, counselor, advocate, barrister, so-
republic. 2. RURAL AREA backwoods, *boon-
ies, *the sticks, woodlands, wilds, farmland,
counsel v. advise, guide, instruct, direct, rec-
*cow country, outback, bush.
ommend, *give a word to the wise, suggest,
warn, steer, prompt, advocate. COUP n. [KOO] a brilliant maneuver or vic-
counselor n. advisor, attorney, lawyer, advo- tory, a masterstroke. Also, a coup d’etat. The
cate, guide, instructor, teacher, mentor, chess match ended with an unexpected coup by
confidant. the challenger. SYN. masterstroke, maneuver,
count n. total, sum, tally, number, outcome, achievement, accomplishment, stroke, ex-
calculation, score, *bottom line. ploit, coup d’etat, action, move, stunt, feat.
count v. 1. ENUMERATE tally, number, total, add COUP DE GRACE n. [KOO de GRAHS] a
up, tick off, sum, calculate, compute. 2. CON- deathblow, a finishing blow. A resounding
SIDER regard, deem, esteem, rate. 3. INCLUDE slam dunk was the coup de grace. SYN. death-
take into account, number among. 4. MAT- blow, finishing blow, finishing stroke, mor-
TER carry weight, rate, *cut ice. tal blow, the clincher, knockout punch.
countenance n. 1. APPEARANCE aspect, face, ex- COUP D’ETAT n. [koo day TAH] a violent
pression, features, look, mien, visage, cast, overthrow of a government or ruler. The un-
air, semblance. 2. APPROVAL support, accep- rest was followed by a coup d’etat and the assas-
tance, sanction, encouragement, blessing, sination of the dictator. SYN. overthrow,
backing. change of government, coup, power grab,
countenance v. approve, condone, allow, per- revolution, uprising, takeover, power play.
mit, put up with, stand for, tolerate, support, couple n. pair, duo, twosome, brace.
back, sanction. ANT. disapprove, reject, pro- couple v. joint, link, unite, pair, attach, con-
hibit. nect, yoke, hitch. ANT. uncouple, detach, dis-
counter n. stand, table, shelf, display case, connect.
*checkout counter. coupon n. refund, rebate, certificate, scrip, dis-
counter v. counteract, answer, respond, retali- count slip.
ate, return, come back, oppose, check, neu- courage n. bravery, fearlessness, valor, lion-
tralize, offset. heartedness, *guts, nerve, *balls, boldness,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 139


dauntlessness, derring-do, self-assurance, disposition of case by negotiating guilty plea

daring, pluck, backbone, *spine. ‘‘[L]ies for lesser charge: plea bargaining
halfway between rashness and coward- fail to appear after posting bail: jump bail
ice.’’—Cervantes. ‘‘Being scared to death— faulty trial that is voided: mistrial
and saddling up anyway.’’—John Wayne. filer of court action: plaintiff, petitioner
‘‘Grace under pressure.’’—Ernest Heming- general jurisdiction court: superior court
way. ‘‘Fear holding on a minute longer.’’— hearing of charges, entering of plea by ac-
George Patton. ANT. cowardice, mousiness, cused: arraignment
*wimpiness, faintheartedness. hears appeals from lower court decisions:
courageous a. brave, fearless, valorous, valiant, court of appeals
lionhearted, *gutsy, nervy, *ballsy, daunt- higher court that reviews lower court deci-
less, bold, daring, plucky, stout, manly, *ma- sions: appellate court
cho, gallant, intrepid, *gritty, hardy, stout- highest: Supreme Court
hearted. ANT. cowardly, spineless, fearful, inquiry, judicial: inquest
*wimpy. intermediary who settles cases out of court:
courier n. messenger, carrier, emissary, runner, mediator
envoy, *gofer. judge’s private room: chambers
course n. 1. PROGRESSION way, advance, pro- jury, citizen’s obligation to serve on: jury
ceeding, passage, flow. 2. ROUTE path, trail, duty
way, channel, run, track. 3. PROCEDURE jury member: juror
mode, plan, scheme, policy. 4. CLASS curric- jury member’s verdict, surveying each: poll-
ulum, subject, program, lessons. ing the jury
course v. run, flow, traverse, race, rush, surge, jury’s decision: verdict
speed, tumble. jury selection process: impaneling
court n. 1. COURTYARD enclosure, quadrangle, jury spokesman: foreman
plaza, square, patio, atrium. 2. ATTENDANTS jury, trial without: bench trial
entourage, staff, retinue, cortege. 3. COURT jury, twelve-member: petit jury, jury
OF LAW court of justice, judiciary, bench, bar,
jury, 12-23 members, evaluates accusations,
forum, tribunal, municipal building, hall of returns indictments: grand jury
justice. jury unable to reach consensus: hung jury
WORD FIND jury, unethical contact with by lawyer: jury
action: suit tampering
lawyer: counsel, attorney, barrister (BRIT.),
appearance before judge without formal
solicitor (BRIT.), advocate
trial: hearing
lawyer provided by government for the poor:
arrest order for failure to appear: bench war-
public defender
lawyer’s assistant: paralegal
blatant show of disrespect for court rules: local criminal and civil court: municipal
contempt of court court
bond forfeited if accused fails to show up for location/jurisdiction: venue
court: bail loss claimed by plaintiff: damages
calendar of cases: docket lowest court, holds sessions at different
court order: injunction places: circuit court
court system: judiciary lying while under oath: perjury
DA: district attorney, prosecutor military court proceedings: court-martial
damages awarded beyond plaintiff’s loss to minor claims court: small claims court
punish defendant: punitive damages, ex- officer/guard who maintains order in court-
emplary damages, double damages room: bailiff
decision: judgment order to appear in court: subpoena, sum-
decision won without proceedings, for fail- mons
ure of one party to show: default judg- order to arrest someone: warrant
ment order to restrict comments about case out-
defendant’s suit against plaintiff: counter- side court: gag order
suit, counterclaim order to search a location for evidence:
defending party in a court action: defendant search warrant

140 Roget’s Superthesaurus


party to a lawsuit: litigant court-martial n. military court, military trial,

pledge to tell nothing but the truth: oath military tribunal.
present or argue a case in court: plead courtship n. dating, wining and dining, woo-
private suit: civil action ing, engagement, pair bonding.
punishment handed down by judge: sen- cove n. bay, inlet, harbor, anchorage, bight, es-
tence tuary, lagoon.
questioning of opposing party witness by COVENANT n. [KUV uh nunt] a contract or
lawyer: cross examination binding agreement. They made a covenant to
retrial from lower court to higher: appeal perform their duties on time. SYN. agreement,
ruling, plea for: motion contract, compact, pact, pledge, promise,
seat of judge: bench trust, commitment, arrangement, concor-
seat of witness while testifying: witness dat.
stand, witness box cover n. 1. COVERING coverup, wrapping, sheet,
similar earlier case used as model in later blanket, tarpaulin, canopy, sheath, folder,
case: precedent spread, canvas, binding. 2. SHELTER refuge,
simulated trial by law students: moot court retreat, haven, sanctuary, hiding place, pro-
suit filed on behalf of a group: class action tection.
suit cover v. 1. WRAP encase, enshroud, overspread,
suspend proceedings: adjourn, recess overlay, envelop, cloak, dress, coat. 2. HIDE
suspension of sentencing: stay conceal, shield, veil, screen, cloak, bury,
sworn statement: affidavit camouflage, secrete, disguise. 3. INCLUDE en-
transcribes court proceedings word-for- compass, incorporate, contain, deal with,
word: court reporter, stenographer comprise, embrace, embody. 4. TRAVERSE
unsanctioned court that ignores appropriate cross, pass through, range over. 5. REPORT
legal procedures: kangaroo court detail, recount, chronicle, tell. ANT. 1. un-
will and estate processing court: probate cover, unwrap, expose. 2. expose, reveal,
court, surrogate court show.
witness who is absolutely vital: material wit- COVERT a. [KOH vurt] secret, covered up.
ness No one was permitted to discuss the covert mili-
witness who is biased against opponent: hos- tary action. SYN. covered, covered up, secret,
tile witness hidden, undercover, clandestine, under-
witness’s pretrial statement given while un- ground, concealed, cloaked, camouflaged,
der oath: deposition *under wraps, *hush-hush, surreptitious.
written statement charging one with crime: ANT. open, overt, up-front.
indictment cover-up n. concealment, disguising, masking,
SEE LAW camouflage, placing under wraps, burial,
court v. woo, pursue, keep company with, date, evasion, closeting, smoothing-over.
take out, curry favor with, pander to, flatter, COVET v. [KUH vit] to wish for or desire,
blandish, cajole, fawn over, *brown-nose, especially that of another’s. Do not covet thy
*kiss up to. ANT. reject, shun, avoid. neighbor’s wife. SYN. desire, wish for, want,
courteous a. polite, well-mannered, civil, man- long for, hunger for, crave, yearn for, lust
nerly, respectful, considerate, gracious, re- after, itch for, fancy. ANT. reject, ignore,
fined, gentlemanly, cultivated, formal, lady- spurn.
like. ANT. rude, impolite, ill-mannered. covetous a. desirous, avaricious, greedy, acquis-
courtesan n. prostitute, mistress, harlot, kept itive, lustful, rapacious, yearning, longing,
woman, concubine. grasping, grabby, envious. ANT. generous,
courtesy n. politeness, good manners, civility, sharing, benevolent.
respect, consideration, graciousness, refine- covey n. flock, party, band, bevy, group, cluster,
ment, gentleness, formality, tact. ‘‘The art clique.
of choosing among one’s real thoughts.’’— cow n. bovine, ruminant, bull, heifer, calf,
Abel Stevens. ANT. rudeness, discourtesy, in- *bossy.
formality. WORD FIND
courtly a. dignified, refined, polite, mannerly, barn: byre, stable
stately, cultivated, gentlemanly, polished, beef breeds: Angus, Beefalo, Belted Gallo-
well-bred, proper, elegant, respectful, suave. way, Brahman, Charbray, Hereford,
ANT. rude, unrefined, rough, ill-mannered. Texas Longhorn

Roget’s Superthesaurus 141


chew cud: ruminate rides behind herd: drag rider

cornstalks, hay, straw food: fodder rides wide of herd and rounds up wandering
dairy breeds: Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Hol- cattle: outrider
stein, Jersey rifle: Winchester
dehorned animal: pollard rope: lariat, lasso
diseases: hoof-and-mouth disease, mastitis, sack for personal belongings: war bag
scours staple: frijoles, beans, jerky
hairy portion of tail: switch steal cattle: rustle
milk gland: udder string of horses assigned to rider: mount
moo: low unbranded cow: maverick
neck fold on some breeds: dewlap unbroken horse: bronco
regurgitated food that is rechewed: cud SEE COW, HORSE
stomachs: abomasum, omasum, reticulum, cower v. cringe, shrink, flinch, quail, blench,
rumen wince, tremble, kowtow, grovel, skulk. ANT.
cow v. intimidate, bully, unnerve, frighten, strut, swagger, tower over.
daunt, threaten, buffalo, bully, terrorize, cowrite v. collaborate, coauthor.
browbeat. ANT. fortify, embolden, puff up. COY a. [KOY] shy or affectedly shy, demure.
coward n. *gutless wonder, *scaredy-cat, With men, she was always coy. SYN. shy, de-
*baby, *chicken, *wimp, *wuss, milque- mure, modest, retiring, bashful, shrinking,
toast, poltroon, dastard, *invertebrate, diffident, blushing, sheepish, self-conscious,
*sissy, *mouse. ‘‘One who in a perilous *playing hard-to-get, coquettish. ANT. bold,
emergency thinks with his legs.’’—Ambrose aggressive, forward, cheeky.
Bierce. ‘‘A man in whom the instinct of self- coyote n. canine, carnivore, scavenger, ani-
preservation acts normally.’’—Sultana Zor- mal, mammal, quadruped, ominvore, coy
aya. ANT. daredevil, hero, *macho man. dog.
cowardice n. timidity, fearfulness, fainthearted- cozy a. snug, comfy, cushy, warm, snuggled, se-
ness, *wimpiness, *mousiness, pusillanim- cure, safe, intimate. ANT. uncomfortable, inse-
ity, timorousness, *chicken-heartedness, cure.
*cold feet. ‘‘To know what is right and not crabby a. *bitchy, surly, irritable, *cranky,
do it.’’—Confucius ANT. bravery, fearless- snappish, cross, petulant, grouchy, testy,
ness, *guts, *balls, daring. moody, *touchy, ANT. sweet, pleasant, good-
cowardly a. fearful, timid, frightened, faint- humored.
hearted, *babyish, *chicken, *wimpy, crack n. 1. SNAP clap, crackle, pop, slap, bang,
*mousy, dastardly, craven, *gutless, spine- thunder, boom, report. 2. FRACTURE break,
less, timorous, shrinking, *yellow. ANT. split, cut, fragment, splinter, tear, rent, cleft,
brave, courageous, *gutsy, daring. fissure, rupture. 3. HIT blow, clout, clip,
cowboy n. cowpuncher, bronco, cowpoke, whack, pound, bang. 4. REMARK comment,
rancher, *buckaroo, drover, *vaquero, cat- observation, wisecrack, witticism, quip,
tle herder, *gaucho. *zinger, bon mot, *dig.
WORD FIND crack n. Sl. rock cocaine. SEE COCAINE
breaker of wild horses: bronc buster crack v. 1. SNAP clap, crackle, pop, slap, bang,
calf: dogie thunder, boom. 2. FRACTURE break, split,
capture of wandering cattle: roundup cut, fragment, splinter, shatter, smash, tear,
cattle identification mark: brand cleave. 3. HIT strike, clip, whack, clout. 4.
competition: rodeo LOSE COMPOSURE *lose it, go crazy, *bug out,
food wagon on the range: chuck wagon have a nervous breakdown, *go to pieces. 5.
foreman: trail boss SOLVE OR BREAK, AS A CODE decipher, decode,
hat: Stetson work out, figure out.
herd horses: wrangle crack a. *crackerjack, first-rate, superior, ace,
horse herder: wrangler expert, proficient, master. ANT. inferior, me-
leather breeches: chaps, chaparejos, leggins diocre, sceond-rate.
pistol: Colt 45 crackdown n. attack, assault, stop, restraint,
ranch company: outfit storming, strike.
rides alongside herd: flank rider, swing rider cracked a. fissured, broken, shattered, split.
rides at front of herd: point rider cracker n. Sl. hacker. SEE COMPUTER

142 Roget’s Superthesaurus


crackerjack a. SEE CRACK dark, iffy proposition, *spin of the roulette

crackle n. snap, pop, sizzle, crepitation. wheel.
crackpot n. eccentric, *nut, *birdbrain, crack- crash n. 1. BANG clatter, clangor, racket, din,
brain, crank, *screwball. blast, crack, thunder, boom. 2. COLLISION
crack-up n. collision, accident, wreck. SEE ACCI- smashup, wreck, impact, crack-up, pileup,
DENT accident, *wipeout, crunch, bump, *fender-
cradle n. birthplace, origin, source, fountain, bender, *rear-ending, *T-bone, *sideswipe.
beginning, wellspring. 3. BANKRUPTCY financial collapse, failure,
craft n. 1. SKILL expertise, artistry, facility, ruination.
mastery, dexterity, ability, knack, know- crash v. 1. BANG clatter, clang, explode, blast,
how. 2. CUNNING artfulness, deceit, crafti- crack, thunder, boom. 2. SMASH impact,
ness, shrewdness, slyness, artifice, guile, wreck, shatter, total, crack up, disintegrate,
trickery, ruse. 3. TRADE handiwork, job, collide, bump, jolt, blindside, tumble, *go
line, business, vocation. ANT. 1. incompe- end over end, *go ass over teakettle, *plow
tency, clumsiness, inability. 2. honesty, na- into, ditch, *go down in flames. 3. GO BANK-
iveté. RUPT fail, collapse, *go belly up.
craftsman n. artisan, artist, artificer, techni- CRASS a. [KRASS] ignorant and insensitive,
cian, smith, talent, *wiz. indelicate. We were mortified by his crass
craftsmanship n. artistry, handiwork, detail jokes. SYN. ignorant, stupid, insensitive, un-
work. feeling, coarse, vulgar, boorish, uncouth,
crafty a. cunning, shrewd, sly, *foxy, wily, art- rough, lowbrow, gross, unrefined, philistine,
ful, deceitful, underhanded, sharp, design- crude. ANT. sensitive, refined, delicate.
ing, scheming, *slippery. ANT. honest, naive, crate n. box, case, carton, container, recepta-
artless. cle.
craggy a. steep, rugged, rocky, jagged, stony, crater n. pit, craterlet, hole, caldera, cavity, de-
precipitous, scraggy. pression, impact center, meteorite impres-
cram v. 1. STUFF fill, crowd, press, compress, sion.
ram, squeeze, pack, load, choke, condense. crave v. 1. DESIRE long for, yearn for, hunger
2. STUDY *burn the midnight oil, read up, for, want, covet, thirst for, lust after, ache
*bone up, *hit the books. for, need, require. 2. BEG implore, beseech,
cramp n. contraction, spasm, *charlie horse, plead for, entreat, solicit, supplicate, pray
kink, crick, twinge, stitch, knot. for. ANT. 1. detest, loathe, spurn, reject.
cramp v. restrict, restrain, confine, hinder, craven a. cowardly, fearful, dastardly, timid,
hamper, constrict, check, limit, impede, timorous, yellow, fainthearted, *chicken,
clamp, stymie, inhibit. *wimpy, gutless, spineless, pusillanimous.
crane n. hoist, lift, boom, davit, heavy machin- ANT. brave, courageous, fearless, daring.
ery, derrick. craving n. desire, longing, yearning, want,
cranium n. skull, braincase. need, hunger, thirst, hankering, *yen, lust.
crank n. eccentric, *crackpot, character, *nut. crawl v. creep, go on all fours, *belly, worm,
cranky a. irritable, ill-tempered, grouchy, surly, inch, wriggle, drag, *go at a snail’s pace,
moody, ugly, *ornery, grumpy, grouchy, writhe, grovel.
*like a bear, testy, ill-humored, choleric. craze n. fad, mania, rage, *latest thing, fashion,
ANT. sweet, pleasant, good-humored. trend, passion.
cranny n. opening, crevice, fissure, cavity, gap, crazed a. SEE CRAZY
chink, cleft, furrow. crazy a. 1. MENTALLY UNSTABLE insane, de-
crap n. Sl. 1. EXCREMENT feces, dropping, stool, ranged, *off one’s hinges, *one hinge short
BM, dung, poop, manure, fertilizer, cow of a nuthouse door, demented, psychotic,
chip, guano. 2. JUNK trash, garbage, refuse, *nuts, cracked, *out of one’s mind, daft,
schlock. 3. NONSENSE *bull, applesauce, ab- *touched, *out to lunch, *moonstruck, ma-
surdity, bunk, *horsefeathers, *hogwash, niacal, mad, *flipped out, flaky, wacky, loco,
*poppycock, *bilge, *claptrap. *potty, *psycho, *loony, buggy, *mad as a
crappy a. Sl. POOR lousy, worthless, sub-par, in- March hare, *off the wall, *mental, berserk,
ferior, junk, trashy, terrible, useless, cheap, hysterical, *gone around the bend, *off
shoddy. one’s trolley. SEE NEUROSIS, NEUROTIC, PSY-
crapshoot n. risk, risky business, *shot in the CHOSIS 2. NOT SENSIBLE impractical, *goofy,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 143


*out of one’s gourd, unrealistic, ludicrous, credibility n. believability, reliability, trustwor-

*cockamamie, *harebrained, fantastical, ab- thiness, soundness, integrity, plausibility,
surd, ridiculous, foolish, silly, unsound, irra- dependability. ANT. implausibility, question-
tional. 3. ARDENT fond, mad, devoted, wild, ability.
zealous, enthusiastic, passionate. ANT. 1. credibility gap n. discrepancy, disparity, 2 plus
sane, stable, levelheaded, lucid, rational. 2. 2 not adding up to 4, inconsistency, ques-
sensible, realistic, practical. 3. cool, indifferent, tion.
apathetic. credible a. believable, reliable, trustworthy,
creak v. squeak, grate, rasp, groan, squeal, sound, plausible, dependable, honest, solid,
screech, squawk. conceivable, likely. ANT. incredible, unbeliev-
creampuff n. weakling, *wimp, mouse, sissy, able, doubtful.
*woos, *woosy, *fairy, *wus, *wussy. credit n. 1. BELIEF trust, faith, honesty, credibil-
crease n. fold, ridge, pleat, wrinkle, crimp, crin- ity. 2. RECOGNITION acclaim, praise, tribute,
kle, rumple. notice, commendation, pat on the back,
crease v. fold, pleat, wrinkle, crimp, crinkle, *Brownie points, acknowledgement. 3. DEBT
rumple, pucker. on account, deferred payment, charge, time,
create v. originate, make, think up, develop, installment plan. ‘‘Imaginary riches.’’—
invent, design, author, compose, produce, Thomas Peacock. ANT. 1. disbelief, mistrust.
spawn, give rise to, found, formulate, dream 2. blame, disapproval. 3. cash.
up, establish, innovate, fabricate, coin, credit v. 1. BELIEVE trust, accept, *buy, have
*hatch, launch, start, conceive. faith in, trust, *take stock in. 2. ASSIGN TO
creation n. 1. CONCEPTION birth, genesis, incep- recognize, accredit, attribute, ascribe, ac-
tion, origination, nativity, generation, es- knowledge. ANT. 1. disbelieve, distrust.
tablishment, formation. 2. INVENTION work, creditable a. commendable, laudatory, merito-
handiwork, brainchild, production, piece, rious, praiseworthy, worthy, respectable, ex-
innovation. 3. HEAVEN AND EARTH universe, emplary, honorable. ANT. unworthy, disgrace-
life, cosmos, world, nature. ‘‘The shaping of ful, despicable.
an indifferent matter into a world of credit union n. thrift institution, lending insti-
value.’’—J.E. Boodin. tution, cooperative.
creative a. inventive, artistic, imaginative, re- credo n. belief, creed, tenet, principles, code.
sourceful, clever, ingenious, original, inno- credulous a. gullible, naive, trusting, believing,
vative, gifted, visionary, inspired, Prometh- *born yesterday, unsuspecting, unsophisti-
ean. ANT. unoriginal, mindless, sterile, stale, cated, *thick, green. ANT. incredulous, suspi-
unimaginative. cious, disbelieving, wary, cynical.
creativity n. inventiveness, originality, re- creed n. faith, religion, belief, ideology, princi-
sourcefulness, cleverness, inspiration, vi- ples, persuasion, tenet, doctrine, conviction,
sion, ingenuity, genius, fertility, fecundity, dogma.
talent. ‘‘Discontent translated into art.’’— creek n. stream, brook, crik, rill, run, rivulet,
Eric Hoffer. ANT. sterility, barrenness, mind- runnel, spring.
lessness, infertility. creep n. Sl. jerk, *dink, *geek, *goon, *sleaze-
creator n. inventor, maker, architect, God, fa- bag, *scumbag, weirdo, *slimeball, pervert.
ther, originator, mastermind, founder, de- creep v. crawl, worm, snake, writhe, move
signer. stealthily, *belly, wriggle, *crab, grovel,
creature n. beast, animal, *critter, *varmint, slink, skulk, steal, sneak.
living being, mammal, vertebrate, man. SEE creeps, the n. Sl. *heebie-jeebies, fear, repug-
ANIMAL, MONSTER nance, *the willies, *the horrors, *the
credence n. acceptance, belief, trust, credibil- jumps.
ity, reliance, faith, confidence, assurance, creepy a. scary, gruesome, spine-tingling, hair-
credit, stock. ANT. disbelief, doubt, distrust. raising, horrible, disturbing, nightmarish,
credentials n. references, qualifications, docu- eerie, revolting, sinister, weird, macabre,
ments, authorization, testimonial, certifi- chilling, *skin-crawling. ANT. normal, reas-
cate, license, letter of reference, diploma, ti- suring.
tle, papers. cremate v. incinerate, burn, reduce to ashes.
credenza n. sideboard, buffet, case, shelf, cup- cremation n. incineration, burning, reducing to
board, bookcase. ashes.

144 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Crème de la Crème–Critical

WORD FIND criminal a. 1. ILLEGAL unlawful, illicit, feloni-

remains: cremains ous, illegitimate, *shady, crooked, larce-
CRÈME DE LA CRÈME n. [KREM deh la nous, homicidal. SEE COURT, LAW 2. VILLAIN-
KREM] literally, cream of the cream; the OUS wicked, evil, nefarious, degenerate,
best of the best. Also, people of high society. corrupt, errant. ANT. 1. legal, legitimate. 2.
The benefit dinner attrracted the crème de la pure, unblemished.
crème of Washington society. SYN. best of the crimp n. fold, pinch, press, crease, pleat, wrin-
best, cream of the crop, the best and bright- kle.
est, the finest, the elite, pick of the litter, cringe v. shrink, flinch, cower, wince, quail,
upper class, *upper crust, aristocracy. ANT. blench, recoil, grovel, quiver, crouch, bow
the dregs, refuse. and scrape. ANT. stand tall, strut, swagger.
CRESCENDO n. [kruh SHEN doh] an in- crinkle v. wrinkle, crumple, crimple, pucker,
crease in intensity, or the climax of such an crease, crimp, fold, twist, crackle, rustle.
increase. The music warmed to a fever pitch ANT. smooth, straighten, press.
and ended with a powerful crescendo. SYN. in- crinoline n. hoop skirt, petticoat.
crease, escalation, surge, upsurge, intensifi- cripple v. disable, handicap, incapacitate, para-
cation, broadening, building, rise, ascen- lyze, maim, debilitate, immobilize, ham-
sion, progression, climb, elevation, climax, string, *sideline, *bench, impair, weaken.
culmination, peak, pinnacle, crest, summit, ANT. invigorate, strengthen, fortify.
apex, zenith, boiling point, critical mass, ex- crisis n. turning point, emergency, trouble,
plosion. ANT. decrescendo, dissipation, de- *moment of truth, *point of no return,
crease, softening. crossroad, catastrophe, disaster, *zero hour,
crescent n. half-moon, demilune, meniscus, predicament, exigency, *crunch, *pickle,
sickle. SEE MOON strait, *critical mass. ‘‘God’s call to us to
crest n. 1. COMB tuft, cockscomb, topknot, reach a new level of humanity.’’—Samuel
plume, mane. 2. TOP summit, crown, ridge, Miller.
peak, pinnacle, head, apex. crisp a. 1. BRITTLE crunchy, crumbly, friable,
crestfallen a. disappointed, dejected, down, de- firm, fresh. 2. CHILLY invigorating, bracing,
pressed, discouraged, downhearted, dispir- brisk, refreshing, nippy. 3. SHORT pithy, suc-
ited, sad, melancholy, low. ANT. joyful, eu- cinct, brief, terse, sharp, blunt, pointed. 4.
phoric, *up. NEAT tidy, trim, clean, smart, *snappy,
cretin n. idiot, imbecile, moron, *retard. spruce. ANT. 1. soft, withered. 2. hot. 3. dull,
crevasse n. fissure, chasm, opening, cleavage, wordy, verbose. 4. sloppy, slovenly.
cleft, crevice. crisscross v. intersect, overlap, cross.
crevice n. fissure, crack, gap, cleft, cranny, rent, CRITERION n. [kri TEER ee un] something
split, groove, fracture, slit, gash, crevasse, on which a judgment can be based, a test or
chasm, opening. standard. When hiring an employee, our most
crew n. group, band, team, company, squad, important criterion is sales ability. SYN. stan-
troupe, mob, gang, party, set, bunch, posse, dard, test, rule, measure, guideline, barome-
clique. ter, gauge, scale, yardstick, guidepost, touch-
crew cut n. *buzz cut, *buzzer, *skinner, mili- stone.
tary haircut, butch cut, *flattop. critic n. 1. REVIEWER analyst, judge, expositor,
crib v. Sl. cheat, copy, plagiarize, lift. connoisseur, authority, expert, arbiter, com-
crib death n. sudden infant death syndrome mentator. ‘‘A legless man who teaches run-
(SIDS). ning.’’—Channing Pollack. ‘‘Brushers of
crime n. lawlessness, wrongdoing, offense, mal- noblemen’s clothes.’’—George Herbert 2.
feasance, malefaction, antisocial behavior, FAULTFINDER complainer, *nitpicker, *nag-
transgression, corruption, felony, misde- ger, carper, censor, detractor, quibbler, be-
meanor. SEE COURT, LAW littler, attacker.
criminal n. lawbreaker, outlaw, felon, convict, critical a. 1. FAULTFINDING cutting, censorious,
crook, *hood, larcenist, culprit, desperado, carping, *nitpicking, derogatory, disparag-
mafioso, scofflaw, recidivist. ‘‘A person with ing, captious, unflattering, severe, quib-
predatory instincts who has not sufficient bling, disapproving. 2. EXACTING particular,
capital to form a corporation.’’—Howard judicial, discerning, discriminating, fussy,
Scott. precise, finicky, demanding, hairsplitting. 3.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 145

Critical Mass–Cross the Rubicon

CRUCIAL decisive, serious, grave, important, 2. CRIMINAL felon, thief, swindler, robber,
momentous, significant, pivotal, dire, cli- embezzler, burglar, *con.
macteric, vital, urgent. ANT. 1. approving, ac- crooked a. 1. BENT curved, hooked, bowed,
cepting, complimentary. 2. undiscerning, un- angled, twisted, awry, tortuous, warped, mis-
particular, *easy. 3. trivial, insignificant. shapen, skewed, serpentine, lopsided, devi-
CRITICAL MASS n. [KRIT uh kuhl MASS] ating, zigzag. 2. DISHONEST corrupt, deceit-
a critical stage; a crisis point; the point at ful, shady, fraudulent, shifty, underhanded,
which something momentous will happen. tricky, designing, crafty. ANT. 1. straight,
So named after the minimum mass of fis- level, aligned. 2. honest, honorable, above-
sionable material needed to sustain a nu- board, trustworthy.
clear reaction. Some believe that worldwide crop n. harvest, yield, production, produce.
environmental damage is approaching critical crop v. cut, trim, clip, chop, snip, shear,
mass. SYN. critical point, moment of truth, shorten, pare, lop, prune, mow.
irreversible momentum, point of collapse, cross n. 1. CRUCIFIX crux, rood. ‘‘Ladders that
crisis, point of no return, moment of truth, lead to heaven.’’—Samuel Smiles.
climax, turning point, high noon, explosion. WORD FIND
criticism n. 1. ANALYSIS critique, assessment, cross-bearer: crucifer
review, judgment, evaluation, examination, cross-shaped: cruciate, cruciform
appraisal, commentary. ‘‘The avocation of cross with circle behind crossbeam: Celtic
assessing the failures of better men.’’—Nel- cross
son Algren. ‘‘A disinterested endeavor to cross with v-shaped ends: Maltese cross
learn and propagate the best that is known Egyptian cross with loop on top: ankh, an-
and thought in the world.’’—Mathew Ar- sate cross
nold. ‘‘Growing important and formidable horizontal beam: transom
at very small expense.’’—Samuel Johnson. 2. CROSS TO BEAR, BURDEN weight, suffering,
2. DISAPPROVAL faultfinding, disparagement, adversity, load, albatross, affliction, misfor-
belittling, censure, carping, diatribe, *nit- tune, pain.
picking, quibbling, *knock, *slam, pan, cross v. 1. TRAVERSE span, pass over, extend, go
*swipe, *Bronx cheer, brickbats. ANT. 2. ap- across, bridge, ply, ford. 2. INTERSECT con-
proval, compliment, praise, raves. verge, meet, join, bisect, crisscross, entwine.
criticize v. 1. ANALYZE critique, assess, review, 3. MIX mingle, blend, crossbreed, hybridize,
judge, evaluate, examine, appraise, dissect, fuse. 4. HINDER oppose, thwart, frustrate, foil,
comment on. 2. FINDFAULT disapprove, cen- check, deny, impede, stymie, interfere with.
sure, disparage, belittle, *nitpick, quibble, ANT. 4. help, aid, assist.
*knock, *slam, *pan, *swipe, bash, blast, cross a. angry, irritable, crabby, testy, touchy,
*trash, scathe, *roast, attack, *let have it annoyed, surly, snappy, *pissed, *put out,
with both barrels, ridicule, scarify. ANT. 2. peeved, ill-tempered, mad, *full of piss and
approve, laud, praise, applaud, cheer. vinegar, waspish, choleric. ANT. happy,
critique n. analysis, review, assessment, com- cheerful, good-humored.
mentary, write-up, report, *pan, *slam, crossbreed n. hybrid, mongrel, mixed breed.
*trashing, rave. cross-examine v. question, interrogate, *pump,
critter n. creature, animal, beast. *give the third degree, *put on the hotseat,
croak n. utterance, hoarse tone. *grill, *go over with a fine-tooth comb,
crochet n. needlework, weaving. scrutinize.
crock n. vessel, pot. cross-eye n. strabismus, walleye, exotropia.
crocodile tears n. false show of emotion, put- crossing n. crossway, passage, bridge, crossroad,
on, Academy Award performance, Holly- junction.
wood performance. crossroads n. 1. INTERSECTION crossing. 2.
croissant n. roll, puff, pastry. TURNING POINT critical point, climax, high
Cro-Magnon n. Homo Sapien, human, homi- noon, moment of truth, the Rubicon.
nid, caveman, cavewoman, Paleolithic man. CROSS THE RUBICON v. to make an im-
crony n. friend, companion, comrade, ally, pal, portant or life-changing decision; to take a
*chum, *buddy, *sidekick, colleague, ac- consequential action that will forever
complice. change things for better or worse; Julius
crook n. 1. BEND curve, hook, bow, angle, turn. Caesar’s decision to lead his troops across

146 Roget’s Superthesaurus


the Rubicon in 49 B.C. was considered an act crude a. 1. ROUGH OR UNREFINED IN MANNER
of war. The company crossed the Rubicon after coarse, earthy, *gross, tactless, unpolished,
deciding to abandon its personal computer line uncouth, crass, vulgar, ignorant, churlish. 2.
and make toasters instead. SYN. *jump in with RAW OR UNFINISHED rough, natural, green,
both feet, leave a crossroads, commit, affect unrefined, ungraded, unpolished, rough-
change, resolve, take a stand, choose one’s hewn, primitive, unprocessed. ANT. 1. re-
fate, seal one’s fate, bind oneself. fined, cultured, polished, civilized. 2. refined,
crotch n. 1. junction, fork. 2. groin. finished, polished.
crotchety a. grouchy, irritable, cross, touchy, cruel a. vicious, ferocious, inhuman, inhu-
cantankerous, surly, *ornery, testy, peevish, mane, mean, savage, brutal, merciless, bar-
cranky, eccentric. ANT. pleasant, good-hu- barous, sadistic, cold-blooded, heartless,
mored, sweet. bestial, bloodthirsty, ruthless. ANT. kind, be-
crouch v. bend, stoop, bow, hunker down, nevolent, compassionate.
*scooch down, hunch, cower, cringe. cruelty n. viciousness, ferocity, inhumanity,
crow n. raven, rook, jackdaw. meanness, savagery, brutality, barbarity, sa-
crow v. brag, boast, bluster, strut, *toot one’s dism, cold-bloodedness, heartlessness, besti-
own horn, exult, gloat, vaunt. ANT. mini- ality, ruthlessness. ANT. kindness, compas-
mize, be humble, *eat crow. sion, benevolence.
crowbar n. wrecking bar, pinch bar, lever, pry cruet n. vessel, decanter. SEE BOTTLE
bar, tire iron. cruise v. sail, navigate, travel, voyage, rove,
crowd n. 1. THRONG crush, flood, multitude, wander, journey, drift.
horde, mass, confluence, pack, press, *ev- cruiser n. patrol car, squad car, prowl car. SEE
erybody and his brother, mob, gathering. POLICE
‘‘The collective wisdom of individual igno- crumb n. fragment, bit, tidbit, morsel, sliver,
rance.’’—Thomas Carlyle. 2. GROUP circle, scrap, shred, speck, splinter.
set, clique, clan, coterie, bunch, gang, fac- crumble v. break apart, fall to pieces, disinte-
tion, crew. grate, fragment, crack, fritter, powder, shred,
crowd v. throng, press, congest, cluster, mass, decay.
surge, swarm, pile, squeeze, jam, crush, hud- crumbly a. friable, brittle, insubstantial, fragile.
dle, squash, *squish, *stand cheek by jowl, ANT. solid.
jostle, elbow, mob. ANT. disperse, scatter, thin crummy a. lousy, poor, cheap, shabby, *crappy,
out. subpar, inferior. ANT. quality.
crowded a. thronged, congested, massed, crumple v. 1. RUMPLE wrinkle, pucker, crinkle,
swarming, squeezed together, jammed, crease. 2. FALL APART collapse, give way,
crushed, huddled, squashed, *squished, buckle, topple, fall to pieces, cave in.
mobbed, standing room only, *wall to wall, crunch v. grind, munch, chew, chomp, masti-
*sardined, teeming, *standing cheek by cate, gnaw, champ.
jowl, *breathing down each other’s necks. crunch-time n. showdown, critical moment,
ANT. empty, deserted. critical mass, high noon, *do or die time,
crown n. 1. TOP crest, head, pinnacle, zenith, *sink or swim time.
summit, apex, culmination, tip, vertex. 2. crunchy a. crisp, crackling, chewy, brittle.
TIARA coronet, diadem, circlet. 3. ROYALTY crusade n. campaign, movement, cause, drive,
sovereignty, monarchy, the throne. ANT. 1. mission, expedition, march, push, battle.
bottom, base. crusader n. champion, campaigner, reformer,
crown v. cap, complete, perfect, finish, com- visionary, *mover and shaker, fighter,
plete, fulfill, climax, top off. *voice for change.
crucial a. critical, vital, essential, decisive, piv- crush n. infatuation, *puppy love, fancy, pas-
otal, central, dire, pressing, climactic, mo- sion, fondness, liking, *the hots.
mentous, life-threatening, important. ANT. crush v. 1. MASH squash, press, compress,
unimportant, insignificant, trivial, incidental. squeeze, pulverize, crunch, powder, *squish,
crucify v. torture, torment, hang, nail to a grind, granulate, trample. 2. DEFEAT over-
cross, rack, excrutiate, persecute, brutalize, power, overwhelm, vanquish, obliterate, hu-
harrow. miliate, *blow away, subdue, conquer,
crud n. *crap, filth, muck, matter, rot, decay, squelch, beat down. ANT. 2. surrender, lose,
incrustation. bow down.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 147


crust n. coating, shell, skin, hull, rind, layer, hidden, enigmatic, secret, mystic, occult,
border, caking, encrustation. vague, obscure, ambiguous, arcane, esoteric,
crustacean n. arthropod, sea creature, marine veiled. ANT. clear, open, straightforward.
animal, lobster, crab, prawn, shrimp. crystal a. clear, transparent, limpid, pellucid.
crusty a. surly, sour, testy, cranky, crabby, gruff, ANT. murky, cloudy.
peevish, irascible, ill-tempered, bearish, cub n. baby, youth, young.
grouchy. ANT. easygoing, good-natured, pleas- cubby hole n. compartment, niche, pigeon
ant. hole, nook.
crutch n. prop, support, staff, walking aid. cubicle n. compartment, chamber, stall, box,
crux n. core, essence, heart, meat, *meat and cell, booth, bay, cabin, room, berth.
potatoes, nitty-gritty, gist, root, nub, basis. cuckoo a. crazy, stupid, out of one’s mind,
cry n. 1. WEEPING bawling, wailing, whimper- nutty, *flaky. ANT. sane.
ing, sobbing, sniveling, blubbering, howl- cuddle v. snuggle, hug, embrace, nestle, nuzzle,
ing, bewailing, lament. 2. SHOUT yell, excla- curl up, clasp, pet, caress, fondle, squeeze.
mation, call, holler, outcry, utterance, cuddy n. cabin, galley, room, closet, cupboard.
scream, squawk, shriek, yelp, bellow. 3. cudgel n. club, bat, bludgeon, stick, shillelagh.
PLEADING appeal, entreaty, supplication, im- cue n. signal, sign, intimation, tip, tip-off, hint,
ploration, plea, *cri de coeur, request, prompt, indication, nod, wink.
prayer. cuff v. slap, buffet, hit, strike, box, clout.
cry v. weep, bawl, wail, whimper, sob, snivel, cuisine n. food, fare, cookery, cooking, dishes,
squall, blubber, howl, burst into tears, break menu, *grub, *eats, table style.
down, mewl, pule, *boohoo, moan, dissolve cul-de-sac n. deadend, alley, impasse, blind
into tears, convulse with tears, choke up, alley, trap.
shed tears, blink back tears. culinary a. cooking, kitchen.
WORD FIND cull v. choose, select, pick, single out, glean,
body language: curls into a fetal position; opt for, winnow, garner, collect, sift, sort
clenching-lurching-knotting stomach; out.
throat closing spastically; throat raw; culminate v. [KULL muh NATE] to come to
swallows lump in throat; nostrils dilate; the conclusion or peak, to climax. The derby
chest grows heavy; gulps air spastically; will culminate with the awarding of prizes. SYN.
chokes; splutters; screws knuckles into peak, climax, conclude, finish, end, com-
eye sockets plete, perfect, crown, cap, top off, *come to
face: snarl of agony, grimace, scarlet, swol- a head. ANT. open, begin, commence, *get the
len, puffy, contorts grotesquely, twists in ball rolling.
anguish, pouts, tremulous, bottom lip culmination n. conclusion, peak, climax, fin-
curls, eyes take on wounded look, fea- ish, end, completion, crowning, cap, con-
tures stricken, eyes transfixed with shock summation, apex, height, zenith, pinnacle.
and grief, eyes brim with tears ANT. beginning, opening, commencement.
voice: quavers, cracks, shrill, constricts, rises CULPABLE a. [KUL puh bul] responsible for
hysterically, rises an octave, strangled, a wrongdoing, to blame. She was culpable in
takes on a hitch, raw with agony, speaks the car accident. SYN. responsible, blamewor-
in ragged bursts thy, to blame, accountable, guilty, at fault,
SEE GRIEVE, MOURN, SCREAM, TEARS liable, amiss, in the wrong, sinful. ANT. inno-
2. SHOUT yell, exclaim, holler, call, utter, cent, blameless.
sing out, bellow, hail, crow, scream, yelp, culprit n. offender, guilty party, wrongdoer,
vociferate, squawk malefactor, miscreant, evildoer, criminal,
crybaby n. whiner, bellyacher, *wimp, *wuss, felon, rascal, sinner, *bad guy.
complainer, moaner, *bitcher, grumbler, cult n. followers, following, believers, school,
malcontent, griper. affiliation, clique, band, sect, faction, faith,
crypt n. tomb, vault, chamber, mausoleum, idolization, devotees, disciples, *under-
grave, catacomb, sepulcher, burial place, os- ground.
CRYPTIC a. [KRIP tic] mysterious, hidden. plow, till, fertilize, dress, hoe, rake, manure,
The customer was dissatisfied with the cryptic tend, sow, nurture, foster, plant, farm. 2. DE-
message from the psychic. SYN. mysterious, VELOP enrich, educate, train, improve,

148 Roget’s Superthesaurus


school, enlighten, discipline, refine, civilize. cupidity a. greed, avarice, acquisitiveness, rapa-
3. SEEK THE FRIENDSHIP OF befriend, court, in- ciousness, graspingness, covetousness, want,
gratiate, *get on one’s good side, *suck up hunger. ANT. unselfishness, generosity.
to, *kiss up to, *brownnose, *get cozy with, cupola n. dome, belfry.
*play up to, promote, foster. ANT. 1. sterilize, cur n. scoundrel, knave, cad, villain, black-
pollute. 2. retard, stunt. 3. alienate, distance, guard, *dog, *scumbag, wretch, rogue,
slight. *snake, *weasel.
cultivation n. 1. FARMING agriculture, crop- curator n. custodian, keeper, conservator, care-
raising, agronomy, gardening, husbandry, taker, steward, manager, administrative di-
tillage. 2. DEVELOPMENT education, training, rector, guardian.
schooling, enlightenment, discipline, re- curb n. restriction, check, restraint, control,
finement, scholarship, erudition, culture. bar, hindrance, stop, brake, bridle, damper.
culture n. 1. EDUCATION AND SOCIAL GROWTH curb v. restrict, check, restrain, control, bar,
advancement, development, refinement, hinder, stop, brake, bridle, dampen, slow,
elevation, improvement, training, accom- limit, inhibit. ANT. push, facilitate, help.
plishment, erudition, enlightenment, gen- curdle v. congeal, coagulate, clot, clabber,
tility, urbanity, manners, polish, civility. thicken, solidify, spoil, ferment, sour. ANT.
‘‘The best that has been said and thought thin, liquefy.
in the world.’’—Mathew Arnold. ‘‘The de- cure n. remedy, antidote, corrective, medicine,
veloping of an avid hunger for knowledge cure-all, panacea, treatment, regimen,
and beauty.’’—Jesse Bennet. 2. INSTITU- *quick fix, elixir, prescription, nostrum. SEE
TIONS AND BELIEFS civilization, the arts, cus- MEDICINE
toms, folkways, mores, convention, life- cure v. remedy, correct, treat, medicate, fix,
style. ANT. 1. regression, degeneration, heal, restore, alleviate, relieve, repair, doc-
decline. tor, rehabilitate.
cultured a. cultivated, refined, polished, cure-all n. panacea, elixir, catholicon, nostrum,
learned, educated, civilized, enlightened, patent medicine.
accomplished, well-bred, erudite, genteel, curfew n. *lights out, prohibition, ban, restric-
high-class. ANT. regressive, primitive, uncul- tion.
tured, illiterate. curiosity n. 1. INQUISITIVENESS interest, con-
culture shock n. alienation, anxiety, confu- cern, *nosiness, questioning, prying, *thirst
sion, *stranger in a strange land. ANT. assimi- for knowledge. ‘‘To eat of the forbidden
lation. fruit.’’—Robert Burton. ‘‘The lust of the
mind.’’—Thomas Hobbes. ‘‘The mother of
culvert n. sewer, drain, conduit, channel, pipe,
science.’’—Charles Singer. ‘‘A peep-hole in
waterway, gutter, gully, ditch.
the brain.’’—Elbert Hubbard. 2. CURIO nov-
cumbersome a. heavy, clumsy, awkward,
elty, oddity, rarity, conversation piece, objet
bulky, unmanageable, unwieldy, hefty,
d’art, bibelot, wonder, marvel. ANT. indiffer-
ponderous, massive, incommodious. ANT. ence, apathy.
light, compact. curious a. 1. INQUISITIVE interested, concerned,
cummerbund n. sash, band. *nosy, questioning, prying, *thirsty for
cunnilingus n. oral sex, *head, foreplay, *69. knowledge, inquiring, snooping, wondering,
SEE SEX inquisitorial. 2. ODD strange, rare, novel, pe-
cunning n. ‘‘A sinister or crooked wisdom.’’— culiar, exotic, quaint, weird, unique, mar-
Frances Bacon. velous, queer, unusual. ANT. 1. indifferent,
cunning a. 1. CRAFTY shrewd, wily, artful, ca- apathetic, unconcerned. 2. common, ordinary,
gey, sharp, deceptive, guileful, foxy, sly, usual, everyday.
slick, *streetwise. 2. INGENIOUS imaginative, curl n. curve, loop, coil, wave, turn, roll, twist,
clever, skillful, inventive, dexterous, intelli- swirl, whorl, convolution, spiral, corkscrew,
gent, masterly, resourceful. ANT. 1. artless, ringlet, curlicue.
naive, honest. 2. stupid, unimaginative, mo- curl v. curve, coil, twist, bend, loop, wind, turn,
ronic. snake, meander.
cup n. glass, goblet, mug, tumbler, chalice, CURMUDGEON n. [kur MUJ un] a grouchy
demitasse, stein, vessel. or ill-tempered person. The prickly, old cur-
cupboard n. cabinet, shelf, closet. mudgeon wouldn’t let us walk through his yard

Roget’s Superthesaurus 149


without yelling at us. SYN. grouch, *grump, curve v. bend, arc, bow, turn, veer, twist, hook,
*bear, *grizzly bear, crab, malcontent, loop, spiral, coil, swerve, curl, crook.
*grumbler, *miserable bastard, *sorehead, cushion n. pillow, pad, bolster, mat, buffer,
*grouser. fender.
currency n. money, cash, legal tender, medium cushion v. absorb, dampen, soften, check, pro-
of exchange, coins, bills. SEE MONEY tect, muffle, deaden, pillow, stifle.
current n. flow, course, stream, rush, run, tide, cushy a. Sl. easy, *comfy, pleasant, agreeable.
river, flux, draft. ANT. difficult, rough, disagreeable.
current a. contemporary, present, now, pres- cuspidor n. spittoon, receptacle, vessel.
ent-day, modern, up-to-date, in vogue, prev- cuss v. swear, curse.
alent, in progress, fashionable, *cutting custodian n. caretaker, guardian, conservator,
edge, *leading edge. ANT. past, bygone, his- janitor, keeper, maintenance man, steward,
torical, old, dated. *super, watchman, curator.
curriculum n. study program, studies, courses,
custody n. 1. GUARDIANSHIP keeping, safekeep-
classes, lessons, subjects.
CURRY FAVOR v. to try to win someone ing, care, protection, wardship, holding,
over through flattery. I was sickened by his watch, supervision. 2. CONFINEMENT incar-
attempts to curry favor with the governor. SYN. ceration, imprisonment, detention, jail, ar-
flatter, fawn over, stroke, *kiss up to, rest, restraint.
*brownnose, *bootlick, praise, *fall all over, custom n. 1. PRACTICE habit, convention, rule,
toady to, *butter up, court, *sweet-talk, fashion, mode, routine, way, law, *right
blarney, pander to, cajole, win over, *suck thing to do. ‘‘The plague of wise men and
up to. the idol of fools.’’—Thomas Fuller. ‘‘The
curse n. 1. JINX spell, *evil eye, evil, *whammy, great guide to human life.’’—David Hume.
voodoo, charm, incantation, execration, 2. TAX levy, toll, tariff.
anathema, damnation, malediction. 2. customary a. usual, conventional, accustomed,
SWEARING oath, profanity, expletive, *gutter established, set, routine, regular, accepted,
word, *cuss word, *dirty word, *four-letter habitual, fashionable, normal, traditional,
word, obscenity. ANT. 1. blessing, benediction. orthodox. ANT. unusual, offbeat, unfamiliar,
cursed a. 1. JINXED doomed, star-crossed, be- untried.
deviled, ill-fated, plagued, damned, stricken, customer n. patron, shopper, buyer, consumer,
blighted. 2. HATEFUL detestable, loathsome, browser, prospect, client.
damnable, execrable, wicked, evil, abomi- cut n. 1. INCISION gash, laceration, slash, slit,
nable, fiendish. ANT. 1. blessed, favored. 2. nick, tear, slice, wound, opening, kerf. 2.
commendable, honorable. REDUCTION decrease, diminution, cutback,
cursor n. indicator, marker, pointer, positioner. decrement, excision, lowering. 3. SHARE per-
CURSORY a. [KUR suh ree] quick and super- centage, *piece of the pie, slice, allowance,
ficial; unthorough. She made a cursory inspec- allotment, quota, kickback. 3. INSULT *put-
tion and moved on. SYN. quick, hasty, superfi- down, offense, *dig.
cial, casual, perfunctory, hurried, slight, cut v. 1. INCISE gash, lacerate, slash, slit, nick,
desultory, unmethodical, fleeting, shallow. tear, slice, wound, open, sever, carve, split,
ANT. thorough, comprehensive, in-depth.
shear, rip, hack, dice, section, lay open,
CURT a. [KURT] brief to the point of rude- lance, pierce, scotch. 2. CUT DOWN OR TRIM
ness; brusque. He gave a curt introduction and
fell, crop, mow, lop off, truncate, harvest,
left. SYN. abrupt, terse, rude, snappy, short,
prune, clip, chop. 3. REDUCE decrease, di-
short and sweet, gruff, unceremonious,
minish, cut back, downsize, excise, lower,
sharp, laconic, impolite. ANT. courteous, po-
lessen, crop, pare, trim, shave. 4. INSULT
lite, loquacious, long-winded, fawning.
curtail v. shorten, cut, abbreviate, abridge, slight, snub, affront, spurn, *give the cold
downsize, boil down, trim, reduce, diminish. shoulder, shun.
ANT. lengthen, draw out, expand. cut and dried a. 1. SETTLED fixed, set, prepared.
curtain n. drape, shade, blind, valance, por- 2. ROUTINE unoriginal, ordinary.
tiere, veil, cover, backdrop. cutback n. decrease, belt-tightening, reversal,
curvaceous a. shapely, voluptuous, *built, stat- curtailment, decline, reduction, lowering,
uesque, full-figured, zaftig, buxom. ANT. an- abatement.
orexic, *built like linguine, bony. cute a. adorable, attractive, cunning, pretty,

150 Roget’s Superthesaurus


darling, cherubic, charming, sweet, *cute as *infobahn, virtual community, data bank,
a bug’s ear, *dollfaced. virtual library, global village, online com-
cutlery n. knives, cutting tools, utensils, carv- munication medium. SEE INTERNET
ing set, table instruments, tableware. cyborg n. android, cybernetic organism, *six-
cutlet n. chop, slice, cut, patty. million-dollar man.
CUT THE GORDIAN KNOT v. to find a cycle n. progression, sequence, succession, rota-
quick solution to a deeply entangled prob- tion, round, series.
lem. Somebody had to find a way to cut the cyclone n. tornado, twister, hurricane, wind-
Gordian knot of Congressional gridlock. SYN. storm, whirlwind, monsoon.
solve, untangle, *cut through red tape, ex- cylinder n. chamber, drum, tube, pipe, barrel.
tricate, free, clear, unsnarl, unravel, crack, cylindrical a. round, tubular, circular, terete.
work out, resolve, straighten out, *get to the cynic n. skeptic, nonbeliever, *doubting
bottom of. Thomas, scoffer, realist, pessimist, naysayer,
cutthroat a. ruthless, *dog-eat-dog, merciless, killjoy, misanthrope. ‘‘A man who tells you
*every man for himself, pitiless, *hard as the truth about your own motives.’’—Russel
nails. ANT. compassionate, merciful, benevo- Green. ‘‘A man who, when he smells flow-
lent. ers, looks around for a coffin.’’—H.L. Men-
cutting a. insulting, biting, sarcastic, scathing, cken. ANT. optimist, *Pollyanna, believer.
sharp, sardonic, nasty, mean, caustic, ven- CYNICAL a. [SIN ik ul] mistrusting and look-
omous, acerbic, vicious, malevolent. ANT. ing for hidden motives in others. Frank said
complimentary, flattering, kind. he wanted to raise money for charity, but Mary
CUTTING EDGE n. the forefront; the most was cynical. SYN. skeptical, unbelieving,
advanced. The technology was on the cutting doubting, questioning, scoffing, pessimistic,
edge. SYN. forefront, vanguard, avant-garde, negative, naysaying, misanthropic, sneering,
leading edge, point, fore, front line, new sardonic, mocking, distrustful, suspicious.
wave, incoming tide of innovation. ANT. trusting, optimistic, positive.
CYBERSPACE n. [SY bur SPAYS] the collec- cynicism n. ‘‘A euphemism for realism. Seeing
tive data and communication network of in- things as they really are, instead of the way
terconnected computers. More and more peo- we’d like them to be.’’—Harry Ruby. ‘‘Ideal-
ple are turning to cyberspace for research ism gone sour.’’—Will Herberg. SEE CYNICAL
purposes. SYN. computer network, communi- cynosure n. focal point, center of attention.
cation network, communication web, In- cyst n. vesicle, sac, blister, bleb.
ternet, World Wide Web (WWW), *infor- czar n. autocrat, tsar, ruler, emperor, monarch,
mation superhighway, electronic highway, overlord, king.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 151


dab n. bit, touch, drop, pat, smidgen, speck, damage v. injure, harm, destroy, break, hurt,
dollop, pinch, soup̧con. depreciate, wreck, ruin, impair, cripple, de-
dab v. daub, touch, smear, smudge, pat, tap. face, weaken, incapacitate, mar, mutilate,
dabble v. *play around, *mess around, toy with, ravage, vandalize.
*fiddle with, putter, tinker, dillydally, trifle. damages n. cost, expenses, compensation, pen-
dabbler n. amateur, hobbyist, tinkerer, dilet- alty, reimbursement, amends.
tante, novice, putterer, layman, nonprofes- damn v. condemn, criticize, doom, slam, de-
sional. ANT. master, expert, professional. nounce, attack, curse, disparage, censure,
dad n. *daddy, father, *pop, *papa, *old man, excoriate, pan, swear at, objurgate, blast.
parent, governor, protector. ANT. praise, commend, give one’s blessings.
daffy a. *nutty, crazy, foolish, silly, *loony, damnation n. ‘‘Everlasting fire.’’—Bible. ‘‘Ever-
clownish, *goofy, daft, *nuttier than a fruit- lasting torments.’’—John Sergieff.
cake. ANT. rational, sane. damned a. detestable, cursed, infernal, *darned,
daft a. *nutty, *loony, idiotic. SEE CRAZY loathsome, *dang, confounded, *blasted,
dagger n. knife, dirk, bodkin, stiletto, poniard, rotten, revolting. ANT. blessed, fortunate, fa-
Bowie knife, switchblade, bayonet. vored.
WORD FIND damp a. wet, moist, dank, humid, clammy,
Arabian, double-edged, curved blade: jam- misty, drizzly, soggy. ANT. dry, arid.
biya dampen v. 1. MOISTEN wet, sprinkle, spray,
handle: hilt, haft, grip, dudgeon rinse, humidify. 2. DEPRESS deaden, muffle,
Irish/Scottish, double-edged: skean lower, lessen, check, cool, diminish, moder-
knob at butt end: pommel ate, chill, mute. ANT. 1. dry, dehydrate. 2.
Medieval: anlace, bodkin, misericord, ron- enliven, intensify, increase.
del, swordbreaker damsel n. maiden, girl, woman, lass.
slide projections at the hilt: quillons dance n. ballroom dance, capering, ballet,
daily a. or adv. everyday, day in and day out, waltz, polka, square dance, *shindig, hop,
quotidian, circadian, per diem. prom. ‘‘Poetry of the foot.’’—John Dryden.
dainty a. 1. DELICATE exquisite, charming, fine, WORD FIND
fragile, precious, lovely, elegant, refined, bend backwards under pole: limbo
graceful. 2. DISCRIMINATING fussy, finicky, Bohemian, lively: polka
particular, fastidious, *persnickety, choosy, Brazilian, dips, leaps: samba
Brazilian, like samba: bossa nova
refined, overrefined. ANT. 1. rough, ugly,
Brazilian, sensual coupling: lambada
ponderous, *built like a brick shithouse, junky.
Caribbean, like rhumba: beguine
2. unparticular, easy to please. classical ballroom: waltz
dais n. podium, platform, rostrum, stage. country and western swinging two-step:
dale n. dell, glen. SEE VALLEY Texas two-step
dalliance n. flirtation, coquetry, *cow eyes, Cuban: rhumba, conga, mambo
*making eyes at, love affair, affair, *fling, death dance: danse macrabre
*fooling around, relationship, *hanky- French, high-kicking, skirt-lifting: cancan
panky. glissade backwards: moonwalk
dally v. dawdle, waste time, *drag feet, lag, put group single file procession, three steps and
off, idle, delay, procrastinate, *fiddle and kick: conga
diddle, dillydally, shilly-shally. ANT. hurry, Hawaiian: hula
rush, *get a move on. Italian, whirling folk dance: tarantella
dam n. bank, dike, levee, wall, barrage, obstruc- Latin American quickstep and shuffle: cha-
tion, check, barrier. cha
dam v. block, obstruct, check, close, bar, im- Latin American, with stylized posturing:
pede, stop, slow, restrict. ANT. release, free. tango
damage n. destruction, injury, loss, harm, legs scissoring in opposite directions: split
breakage, hurt, depreciation, deterioration, lively folk dance: jig
wreckage, spoilage, impairment, disfigure- lively French dance, eighteenth century: co-
ment. tillion

152 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Dance–Dark Horse

Middle Eastern female solo, stomach undu- danger n. peril, threat, hazard, menace, endan-
lations: belly dance germent, *thin ice, jeopardy, vulnerability,
modern jazz: jazz dance *storm clouds on the horizon, pitfall, ticking
Negro, nineteenth century: Juba bomb, *powder keg, *critical mass, *be-
1920s: Charleston tween Scylla and Charybdis, *sword of Da-
1930s-1940s, hopping: shag mocles. ‘‘The spur of all great minds.’’—
1930s, jitterbuglike: Lindy hop George Chapman. ANT. safety, security.
1940s, acrobatic somersaults, splits: jitterbug dangerous a. perilous, threatening, hazardous,
1960s, Chubby Checker: twist unsafe, menacing, jeopardous, risky, precari-
1970s, hip-touching: bump ous, chancy, *touch and go, *ticklish, un-
1980s, prostrate movements: breakdance healthy, dire, *hanging over one’s head like
1990s, running in position: running man the sword of Damocles, reaching critical
Oriental head motions: sundari mass, *between Scylla and Charybdis. ANT.
Polish: polonaise safe, secure, protected.
Russian dance, squatting, arms folded: cos- dangle v. hang, drag, droop, flap, depend,
sack swing, wave, flutter.
sailor’s: hornpipe dank a. damp, wet, chilly, clammy, moist,
Scottish, lively folk dance: reel slimy, dewy, muggy, humid. ANT. dry, arid,
secret, all-night dance party: *rave parched.
sexually explicit: 1. freak dancing, booty dapper a. neat, trim, smart, dashing, swank,
dancing, dirty dancing, grinding, jack- stylish, well-groomed, spruce, natty, *spiffy.
ing, freaking, the nasty. 2. sexually ex- ANT. sloppy, unkempt, disheveled.
plicit dance moves, line of dancers per- dappled a. mottled, spotted, speckled, stippled,
forming: freak train SEE RAP flecked, piebald, variegated, parti-colored.
shaking of body part: shimmy ANT. uniform, solid.
solo male dance around Sombrero: Mexican dare v. 1. VENTURE gamble, risk, brave, hazard,
hat dance face, brook, adventure, *run the gauntlet,
Spanish: flamenco, fandango, bolero, tango have the nerve. 2. DEFY challenge, beard,
spin: pirouette face, oppose, square off, mock, throw down
square dance: quadrille, hoedown the gauntlet, look in the eye, provoke, con-
square dance steps: California twirl, clover- front, taunt. ANT. 1. pass, beg off, retreat. 2.
leaf, Dixie chain, do-si-do, promenade, run away, retreat, knuckle under, *blink.
sashay. daredevil n. thrill-seeker, adventurer, show-off,
stately eighteenth-century dance: minuet *hotdog, swashbuckler, stuntman, ace, fool.
steps: choreography daring a. adventurous, brave, bold, venture-
tap steps: soft shoe, falling off the log, dig, some, plucky, *gutsy, *ballsy, nervy, coura-
brush, chug, coffee grinder geous, fearless, intrepid, reckless, rash, *hav-
two-step, ballroom: fox-trot ing icewater in one’s veins. ANT. fearful,
wooden shoes dance: clog afraid, *chicken, *mousy, timid, cautious,
SEE BALLET *wimpy.
dance v. caper, step, *trip the light fantastic, dark n. nightfall, evening, dusk, twilight, mid-
*boogie, *cut a rug, swing, step, prance, night.
*disco, *beat feet, twist, shimmy, strut, dark a. 1. BLACK aphotic, dim, dusky, gloomy,
prance, sway, hop, *get down, *shake your unlit, nebulous, inky, shadowy, somber,
booty, rock, wiggle one’s hips, jig, skip, leap, gauzy, murky. 2. COMPLEXION swarthy, eb-
gambol, romp, *slink, contort, flex, undu- ony, black. 3. DREARY dismal, bleak, gloomy,
late, careen, shuffle, *hoof, clomp, *jockey, stygian, depressing, somber, grim, morbid. 4.
*pose, *posture, thrust, quiver, dip, gyrate, WICKED evil, satanic, sinister, hellish, infer-
convulse, glissade. nal. ANT. light, bright, sunny. SEE BLACK, COM-
dancer n. danseuse, ballerina, danseur, *hoofer, PLEXION
terpsichorean. DARK HORSE n. a relative unknown who is
dandle v. bounce on knee, toss up and down. deemed unlikely to win; an underdog. The
dandruff n. scurf, flakes. dark horse candidate staged a surprising victory.
dandy a. great, excellent, wonderful, swell, ter- SYN. sleeper, unknown, underdog, longshot,
rific. ANT. terrible, awful, ghastly. poor bet, outside shot, upsetter, also-ran,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 153


write-in, unexpected winner, *David (Goli- the dauntless captain ordered a raid on the en-
ath), giant slayer. ANT. favorite, frontrunner. emy camp. SYN. fearless, bold, brave, un-
darling n. sweetheart, *honey, *honeybunch, afraid, courageous, intrepid, valorous, stout-
love, beloved, *pet, *sweetie, precious, dear, hearted, unflinching, resolute. ANT. fearful,
*apple of one’s eye. afraid, timid, irresolute.
darn interj. damn, damnation, *dang, *darna- davenport n. sofa, couch, convertible.
tion. dawdle v. delay, procrastinate, waste time,
dart v. flit, dash, rush, bolt, scurry, shoot, spurt, dally, *drag one’s feet, *fiddle and diddle,
scoot, bound, run, race, fly, tear, speed. loiter, *poke, piddle, shilly-shally, fritter.
dash n. 1. RACE run, sprint. 2. A LITTLE trace, bit, ANT. hurry, rush, *beat feet, *get a move on.

smidgen, sprinkle, hint, pinch, taste, drop. dawn n. 1. DAYBREAK sunrise, sunup, morning,
dash v. 1. RUN sprint, race, bolt, speed, zip, rush, aurora, cockcrow, first light, wee hours,
dart, bound, charge, shoot, scoot, scamper, *holy light of dawn. ‘‘The time when men of
reason go to bed.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘That
tear. 2. SMASH break, hit, strike, shatter,
single hour of the twenty-four, when crime
throw, hurl, slam, fling, sling, splash. 3.
ceases, debauchery is exhausted, and even
FRUSTRATE confound, discourage, dampen,
desolation finds a shelter.’’—Benjamin Dis-
thwart, circumvent, foil, ruin, spoil, dis- raeli. 2. BEGINNING start, rise, advent, open-
hearten. ANT. 3. encourage, aid. ing, coming, emergence, birth, onset. ANT.
dashboard n. instrument panel, control panel, 1. sunset, dusk, twilight. 2. close, end, dusk.
indicator panel. day n. light of day, sunup to sundown, twenty-
dashing a. elegant, debonair, splendid, jaunty, four hours. ‘‘Each day is a little life.’’—Ar-
stylish, dapper, swank, chic, fashionable, thur Schopenhauer. ‘‘A miniature Eter-
sharp, flamboyant, rakish. ANT. awkward, nity.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2. PERIOD
dull, bumbling. time, heyday, age, epoch.
dastardly a. cowardly, fainthearted, timid, cra- daybook n. journal, diary, log, record.
ven, mean, base, low, rotten. ANT. coura- daybreak n. dawn, sunrise, morning, first light,
geous, brave, noble. sun-up, *crack of dawn, daylight, *first
data n. information, report, facts, figures, evi- scimitar of light, cock’s crowing.
dence, measurements, statistics, numbers, daycare n. babysitter, nursery school, pre-
document, *readout. school, supervision, child care center, tot
data bank n. data base. watch center, kindergarten.
data processor n. computer, calculator, *num- daydream n. fantasy, reverie, *castle in the air,
ber cruncher, word processor. SEE COMPUTER figment of the imagination, musing, visual-
date n. 1. APPOINTMENT engagement, tryst, ization, fancy, imagining, pipe dream,
meeting. 2. ESCORT companion, partner, *woolgathering.
lover, *pickup. daze n. stupor, bewilderment, shock, trance,
dated a. out-of-date, obsolete, antiquated, confusion, *lala land, befuddlement.
passé, old-fashioned, outmoded, old hat, an- daze v. confuse, bewilder, shock, befuddle, stu-
pefy, stun, perplex, addle, numb, confound,
tediluvian, prehistoric. ANT. current, *cutting
muddle, dumbfound.
edge, *leading edge, modern, contemporary.
dazzle v. amaze, blind, overwhelm, astonish,
daub v. coat, cover, smear, smudge, plaster, dab,
bewilder, confuse, awe, *bowl over, daze,
paint, splatter, spot, stain. *blow away, dumbfound.
daughter n. girl, offspring, young, child, *chip dazzling a. brilliant, blinding, sparkling, glitter-
off the old block. ‘‘The object of a pleasure ing, flashy, shining, radiant, resplendent,
something like the love between the angels ablaze, prismatic, meteoric. ANT. muted,
to her father.’’— Richard Steele. ‘‘An em- dark, gloomy, dull.
barrassing and ticklish possession.’’ deacon n. cleric, clergyman, deaconess, assis-
—Meander. tant.
daunt v. intimidate, scare, frighten, unnerve, deactivate v. shut off, shut down, stop, discon-
threaten, faze, discourage, dismay, cow, nect, decommission, remove.
dispirit, overawe. ANT. encourage, embolden. dead a. 1. LIFELESS deceased, expired, passed
DAUNTLESS a. [DAWNT less] fearless; away, departed, perished, extinct, still, de-
bold. Although his troops were outnumbered, funct, resting in peace, *pushing up daisies,

154 Roget’s Superthesaurus


late, stiff, *gone to meet one’s maker, *out seller, marketer, wholesaler, retailer, mer-
of one’s misery, *kaput, *gone belly up, chant, trader, monger, vendor, jobber, ped-
*down for the count, *crowbait, *buzzard dler, trafficker; (drugs) *pusher, *bagman,
bait, *stone cold, *worm food, *dead as a *candy man, connection, holder.
coffin nail, *carrion, lost, *on ice. 2. UNRE- dealership n. franchise, outlet, store, shop, mar-
SPONSIVE flat, apathetic, wooden, paralyzed, ket, concession, chain store.
numb, emotionless, frigid, unfeeling, insen- dealings n. relations, transactions, business, ar-
sible, insensate, cool, lukewarm. 3. INOPERA- rangements, trade, commerce, exchange.
TIVE not working, out of order, *on the dean n. senior, elder statesman, ranking mem-
blink. 4. ENDED extinguished, snuffed out, ber, elder, veteran, headmaster, preceptor,
terminated, squelched, quenched, smoth- administrator.
ered, finished. 5. UNPRODUCTIVE exhausted, dear n. darling, sweetheart, angel, saint.
unprofitable, sterile, stagnant, useless, bar- dear a. 1. BELOVED precious, loved, treasured,
ren, spent, worn out. 6. TOTAL complete, ut- cherished, favored, darling, prized, admired,
ter, entire, out-and-out, absolute, sure, *near to one’s heart. 2. EXPENSIVE costly,
downright. 7. BORING dull, tiresome, te- *pricey, *steep, exorbitant, extravagant.
dious, stale, bland, *blah, vapid. ANT. 1. ANT. 1. loathed, despised. 2. cheap, reasonable.
alive, lively, animate. 2. lively, spirited, re- DEARTH n. [DURTH] scarcity, lack. A dearth
sponsive. 3. operating, working. 4. growing. 5. of funds has kept me from vacationing in
productive, fruitful, fertile. 6. partial, uncer- Hawaii. SYN. scarcity, lack, deficiency, insuf-
tain. 7. lively, interesting, engrossing, riveting. ficiency, want, shortage, paucity, inade-
SEE DEATH, DIE quacy, scantiness, stint, need. ANT. suffi-
deadbeat n. debtor, loafer, *bum, freeloader, ciency, abundance, plenty.
parasite, sloth, slug, layabout. death n. demise, end, dying, decease, passing,
deaden v. dampen, dull, numb, muffle, mute, expiration, parting, termination, release,
blunt, check, moderate, diminish, suppress, rest, extinction, mortality, in extremis,
dim, tone down, stifle. ANT. amplify, enliven, *curtains, *lights out, *last roundup, *finis,
turn up. *grim reaper, *show stopper, afterlife, fatal-
dead end n. cul de sac, impasse. ity, oblivion, repose. ‘‘When the soul shall
deadline n. time limit, zero hour, due date, emerge from its sheath.’’—Marcus Aurelius.
term, cutoff. ‘‘A black camel, which kneels at the gates of
deadlock n. stalemate, impasse, *Catch 22, all.’’—Abd-El-Kader. ‘‘An eternal night.’’—
standstill, gridlock, standoff, *Gordian Algernon Swinburne. ‘‘The undiscovered
knot, *logjam, *hung jury. country.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The grand per-
deadly a. fatal, lethal, deathly, mortal, malig- haps.’’—Robert Browning. ‘‘A pale
nant, toxic, killing, dangerous, virulent, horse.’’—Bible. ‘‘The port where all may ref-
death-dealing, pernicious, baneful. ANT. uge find.’’—William Alexander.
harmless, benign, innocuous. WORD FIND
dead-on a. accurate, precise, exact, on the after death, occurring: posthumous
mark, *hitting the bullseye, to the point. DOA: dead on arrival
ANT. off the mark, imprecise. fear of: necrophobia, thanatophobia
deadpan a. expressionless, blank, *poker-faced, gurgle at last breath: death rattle
stony, wooden, unreadable. herald of: banshee
deaf a. hearing-impaired, hard of hearing, un- investigation of: inquest, autopsy, postmor-
hearing, *deaf as a post, *stone deaf. tem
deafening a. ear-splitting, noisy. SEE LOUD march: dirge
deal n. arrangement, understanding, contract, mercy killing: euthanasia
transaction, compact, bargain. notice: obituary, necrology
deal v. 1. DISTRIBUTE dole out, allocate, allot, omen: knell
mete out, hand out, dispense, apportion. 2. reminder or symbol of: memento mori,
DEAL WITH attend to, reckon with, concern, death’s head
take care of, cope, face, treat, manage, han- study of: thanatology
dle. 3. BARGAIN dicker, negotiate, trade, buy watch: vigil
and sell, do business, barter, give and take. SEE AFTERLIFE, CEMETERY, CORPSE, DEAD, DIE, FU-
dealer n. salesman, salesperson, broker, buyer, NERAL, HEAVEN, IMMORTALITY

Roget’s Superthesaurus 155


deathless a. eternal. SEE IMMORTAL debris n. rubble, trash, ruins, rubbish, scraps,
deathly a. horrible, dreadful, terrible, appalling, fragments, remains, junk, litter, waste,
macabre, ghastly. *crap, wreckage, flotsam and jetsam, shards.
DEBACLE n. [di BAH kul] a disaster or sud- debt n. obligation, liability, bill, debit, arrears,
den collapse. Thousands lost money in the deficit, pledge, due, burden, *red ink. ‘‘The
stock market debacle. SYN. disaster, collapse, slavery of the free.’’—Publilius Syrus. ‘‘A
overthrow, catastrophe, ruin, breakdown, trap which a man sets and baits himself, and
rout, washout, downfall, bankruptcy, devas- then deliberately gets into.’’—Josh Billings.
tation. ANT. success. debug v. troubleshoot, fix, work the bugs out
debase v. degrade, lower, devalue, adulterate, of.
pollute, corrupt, cheapen, depreciate, defile, debunk v. disprove, expose, refute, unmask,
demean, disgrace. ANT. elevate, raise. ridicule, deflate.
debatable a. undecided, questionable, moot, debut n. premiere, *coming out, first time out,
controversial, dubious, disputable, doubtful,
introduction, launch, entrance, open,
unsettled, contestable, *the jury’s out. ANT.
opener, inauguration. ANT. farewell, swan
settled, certain, decided.
debate n. argument, dispute, war of words, con-
tention, wrangle, controversy, contest, de- debutante n. young lady, young woman, inge-
liberation, disagreement, forensic. ‘‘Feud for nue, maiden, deb.
thought.’’—Cynthia Scott. ‘‘The shortest decadence n. deterioration, decay, debasement,
cut between two minds.’’—Kahlil Gibran. corruption, decline, regression, degenera-
debate v. argue, dispute, *wage a war of words, tion, downfall, degradation, fall. ANT.
contend, wrangle, controvert, contest, dis- growth, progression, revitalization.
agree, deliberate, bicker, *hash out, *lock DECADENT a. [DEK uh dunt] decaying or
horns, rebut. deteriorating, in morals, art or other institu-
DEBAUCHERY n. [di BAW chuh ree] excess, tion. A decadent lifestyle led to their downfall.
wild living, indulgence. The rowdiness and SYN. decaying, deteriorating, declining, cor-
debauchery of the party earned the fraternity rupt, degraded, *gone to hell, *gone to the
a suspension from campus. SYN. indulgence, dogs, degenerating, on the wane, *on the
excess, profligacy, over-indulgence, whor- way out, *circling the drain, debauched.
ing, immoderation, womanizing, carousal, ANT. growing, progressing, vital, vigorous.
dissipation, intemperance, *fast living, rev- decal n. sticker, picture, design, emblem.
elry. ANT. chastity, clean-living, moderation, decamp v. bolt, flee, escape, *head for the hills,
abstinence, celibacy. depart, break camp, *make tracks, *hightail
debenture n. certificate of debt, voucher, bond, it.
I.O.U. decanter n. vessel, bottle, pitcher, carafe, flask,
DEBILITATE v. [di BIL i TATE] to weaken container, glass, cruet.
or handicap. The illness will debilitate her to decapitate v. behead, decollate, guillotine, ax.
the point that she can no longer work. SYN. decay n. rot, spoilage, decomposition, decline,
weaken, handicap, enervate, enfeeble, crip- disintegration, putrefaction, deterioration,
ple, fatigue, exhaust, disable, prostrate, devi- degeneration, decrepitude. ANT. growth,
talize. ANT. strengthen, invigorate. vigor.
debility n. weakness, infirmity, enfeeblement, decay v. decline, deteriorate, degenerate, atro-
handicap, enervation, prostration, languor, phy, waste away, wane, rot, decompose, pu-
frailty, asthenia. ANT. strength, power, vigor.
trefy, wither, disintegrate. ANT. grow, thrive.
DEBONAIR a. [deb uh NARE] friendly, gra-
cious and suave. The prince was charming and deceased a. passed on, departed, *pushing up
debonair. SYN. friendly, gracious, suave, daisies. SEE DEAD
charming, jaunty, genial, pleasant, urbane, deceit n. dishonesty, deception, fraud, trickery,
nonchalant, refined, genteel, gentlemanly. cheating, double-dealing, *BS, craft, *funny
ANT. coarse, crude, rude, unrefined, un- business, underhandedness, chicanery. ‘‘The
friendly. smiler with the knife under the cloak.’’—
debrief v. 1. QUESTION interrogate, gather intel- Geoffrey Chaucer. ‘‘That glib and oily
ligence, query, probe, quiz, examine, in- art.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. honesty, truthful-
quire. 2. SILENCE censor, hush up, still, muz- ness, fairness.
zle, restrain, mute. deceitful a. dishonest, deceptive, fraudulent,

156 Roget’s Superthesaurus


double-dealing, *full of it, crafty, under- deck v. outfit, adorn, decorate, clothe, trim, or-
handed, treacherous, duplicitous, insincere, nament, festoon, array, embellish, beautify.
artful, shifty. ANT. honest, truthful, straightfor- declassify v. open, publicize.
ward. declaration n. statement, assertion, announce-
deceive v. mislead, delude, trick, hoodwink, ment, communication, utterance, affirma-
*pull the wool over one’s eyes, dupe, de- tion, proclamation, attestation, testimony.
fraud, *buffalo, *con, burn, *screw, beguile, declare v. state, assert, announce, communi-
*BS. cate, utter, affirm, proclaim, attest, testify,
decency n. propriety, respectability, righteous- profess, avow.
ness, seemliness, modesty, appropriateness, decline v. 1. REFUSE turn down, reject, forgo,
goodness, good manners, decorum. ANT. in- spurn, pass on, demur, *turn thumbs down.
decency, impropriety. 2. WANE degenerate, deteriorate, lessen,
decent a. 1. RESPECTABLE righteous, seemly, weaken, diminish, ebb, peter out, die out,
proper, moral, correct, modest, appropriate, slump, decay, sink, backslide. 3. SLOPE slant,
good, fitting, virtuous, prudent. 2. ADE- incline, pitch. ANT. 1. accept, take. 2. grow,
QUATE sufficient, passable, tolerable, wax, rise.
enough, satisfactory, ample, standard, rea- decode v. decipher, translate, solve, interpret,
sonable. 3. KIND generous, obliging, figure out, work out, puzzle out, decrypt,
thoughtful, gracious, accommodating. ANT. read, employ cryptography. ANT. encrypt.
1. improper, inappropriate. 2. inadequate, in- decommission v. withdraw, *mothball, deacti-
sufficient, poor. 3. selfish, coldhearted, incon- vate, retire, drydock.
siderate. decompose v. rot, putrefy, biodegrade. SEE DE-
deception n. lie, fraud, trick, chicane, deceit, CAY
hoax, sham, subterfuge, artifice, treachery, decontaminate v. clean, purify, sterilize, disin-
ruse, imposture, sleight of hand, con. fect, autoclave, sanitize, wash, purge, flush,
deceptive a. dishonest, misleading, fraudulent, distill.
tricky, deceitful, treacherous, bogus, spuri- decor n. decoration, scheme, style, layout, de-
ous, fallacious, shifty. ANT. honest, truthful, sign, embellishment, furnishings.
straightforward. decorate v. adorn, ornament, beautify, embel-
decide v. settle, determine, choose, opt, judge, lish, festoon, dress, trim, deck, garnish, *do
commit oneself, elect, guess, rule, make up up, *jazz up.
one’s mind, *fish or cut bait, resolve. ANT. decoration n. 1. ADORNMENT ornament, embel-
vacillate, waver, *ride the fence, hem and haw, lishment, festoon, dressing, trim, garnish,
waffle. frill, embroidery. 2. MEDAL award, honor, ci-
decided a. definite, certain, absolute, unequivo- tation, emblem, badge, purple heart, ribbon.
cal, clear, express, sure, unmistakable, set- decorative a. ornamental, beautifying, embel-
tled, undeniable, positive, emphatic. ANT. lishing, *dressy, garnishing. ANT. plain.
dubious, doubtful, uncertain. decorous a. proper, appropriate, fitting, man-
decimate v. slaughter, massacre, destroy, oblit- nerly, conventional, correct, refined, digni-
erate, wipe out, annihilate. fied, comme il faut, suitable, civilized. ANT.
decipher v. figure out, read, decode, make out, misbehaving, rowdy, improper.
solve, interpret, work out, understand, DECORUM n. [di KOR um] proper manners,
crack, unravel, puzzle out. propriety. The children were told to behave
decision n. 1. SETTLING determination, choice, with decorum. SYN. propriety, respectability,
judgment, election, guess, conclusion, reso- conformity, civility, etiquette, good man-
lution, preference, *roll of the dice. 2. VER- ners, good taste, dignity, grace, protocol.
DICT judgment, ruling, finding, decree, sen- ANT. bad manners, impropriety, incivility.
tence. ANT. vacillation, wavering, waffling, decoy n. lure, bait, enticement, *plant, *shill,
indecision. magnet, seduction, pitfall, phony, trap, fake,
decisive a. conclusive, certain, firm, absolute, facade.
unqualified, unmistakable, convincing, un- decrease n. lessening, lowering, shrinkage, re-
deniable, final, clinching, crucial, critical. duction, decline, weakening, lightening,
ANT. inconclusive, questionable, inconsequen- contraction, depreciation, drop. ANT. in-
tial. crease, growth, expansion.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 157


decrease v. lessen, diminish, lower, shrink, re- booming, rumbling, resonant. ANT. 1. shal-
duce, decline, weaken, lighten, contract, de- low, superficial. 2. trivial, simple, shallow. 3.
preciate, dwindle, plummet, drop, sink. ANT. distracted. 4. light, weak, diluted. 5. high,
increase, grow, expand, burgeon. shrill.
decree n. order, act, mandate, command, rul- deep-seated a. deep-rooted, ingrained, *dyed in
ing, edict, ordinance, injunction, fiat, stat- the wool, inherent. ANT. learned, acquired,
ute, command, dictum. extrinsic.
decree v. order, mandate, command, rule, or- deer n. ruminant, whitetail, elk, caribou, buck,
dain, enact, proclaim, dictate, prescribe, re- doe, roe, quadruped.
quire. WORD FIND
decrepit a. broken down, weakened, deterio- bellowing cry: bell
rated, old, worn, dilapidated, antiquated, branch of antler: point
rickety, withered, enfeebled. ANT. strong, ro- feeding area: yard
bust, powerful. female: doe, hind
decriminalize v. legalize, legitimize, sanction. like a: cervine
decry v. disparage, belittle, deflate, detract, male adult: stag, buck, hart
deprecate, criticize, *slam, rap, condemn, meat: venison
censure, denounce. ANT. praise, compliment. odiferous secretion: musk
dedicated a. committed, devoted, determined, pair of antlers: rack
wholehearted, staunch, goal-oriented. ANT. sexual period: rut
disloyal, indifferent, halfhearted. soft covering of antler: velvet
dedication n. commitment, devotion, determi- tail: flag
nation, wholeheartedness, single-minded- track or trail of: slot
ness, earnestness, resolve, tenacity, goal-ori- young: fawn
entation. deface v. mar, deform, sully, blemish, disfigure,
deduce v. infer, gather, figure, conclude, rea- spoil, damage, soil, mutilate, vandalize,
son, assume, judge, presume, *have a hunch, scratch.
reckon, surmise. de facto a. actual, real, in fact, in reality.
defamation n. slander, denigration, smear, slur,
deduct v. subtract, take off, decrease, remove,
mud-slinging, blot, innuendo, libel, dispar-
withdraw, reduce, cut, write off. ANT. add,
agement, character assassination, calumny.
defamatory a. slanderous, libelous, denigrating,
deduction n. 1. INFERENCE conclusion, line of
derogatory, disparaging, scandalous, insult-
reasoning, assumption, judgment, presump-
ing, calumnious, smearing, injurious. ANT.
tion, hunch, reckoning, finding, under-
flattering, complimentary, honoring.
standing. 2. WRITE-OFF expense, subtraction, DEFAME v. [di FAME] to put down, especially
exemption, allowance, discount, reduction. in a libelous or slanderous way. He proceeded
deed n. ACT feat, exploit, enterprise, work, to defame every politician in office. SYN. slan-
achievement, accomplishment, turn, stunt. der, libel, smear, put down, mud-sling,
‘‘Something attempted, something blacken, scandalize, malign, disgrace, dis-
done.’’—Longfellow. 2. CONTRACT legal parage, insult, smirch, denigrate. ANT. flat-
document, conveyance, proof of ownership, ter, compliment, honor.
certificate, title. defang v. *take the teeth out of, *take the bite
deem v. judge, consider, believe, think, hold, out of, emasculate, weaken, undermine, cas-
suppose, daresay, regard, understand, imag- trate, defuse, disarm.
ine, fancy. default v. shirk, *welsh, fail, *stiff, *skip out,
deep a. 1. OF GREAT DEPTH far-reaching, bottom- *run out on, dodge. ANT. pay in full, satisfy.
less, cavernous, low, abysmal, unfathom- defeat n. loss, beating, rout, slaughter, debacle,
able, immeasurable, subterranean. 2. PRO- blow, whipping, thrashing, *skunking, hu-
FOUND abstruse, mysterious, unfathomable, miliation, knockout, licking, *Waterloo, re-
philosophical, complicated, abstract, ar- versal, *drubbing, fall, upset, downfall. ANT.
cane, intense. 3. ENGROSSED absorbed, pre- win, victory, triumph.
occupied, wrapped up, concentrated, im- defeat v. vanquish, beat, conquer, subdue, win
mersed, lost. 4. STRONG intense, dark, rich, over, overthrow, best, lick, whip, rout,
heavy, full, powerful. 5. BASS low, guttural, slaughter, unseat, trounce, *smoke, prevail

158 Roget’s Superthesaurus


over, triumph over, *shellac, *skunk, *mop *throwing down the gauntlet, disregard,
the floor with, humiliate, prostrate, domi- contempt. ANT. conformance, acquiescence,
nate, eclipse, overshadow, tower over, *take deference.
the wind out of one’s sails. ANT. lose, knuckle defiant a. rebellious, disobedient, resistant, op-
under, concede. posing, challenging, insolent, revolting,
defeatism n. resignation, passive acceptance, *throwing down the gauntlet, fractious, un-
giving up, pessimism. ruly. ANT. conforming, obedient, acquiescent.
defect n. imperfection, flaw, failing, mistake, deficiency n. imperfection, lack, shortcoming,
deficiency, drawback, *bug, irregularity, er- insufficiency, inadequacy, failing, flaw, de-
ror, shortcoming, weakness, chink. ANT. fect, weakness, drawback. ANT. sufficiency,
strength. adequacy, perfection.
defect v. leave, desert, change allegiance, turn deficient a. imperfect, lacking, insufficient, in-
traitor, abandon, renounce, reject, forsake. adequate, failing, flawed, defective, weak,
ANT. embrace, uphold, remain. substandard, wanting, *below par, incom-
defective a. imperfect, flawed, irregular, defi- plete, faulty. ANT. sufficient, flawless, perfect.
cient, faulty, lacking, marred, unsound, in- deficit n. shortage, shortfall, lack, loss, red ink.
operative, *out of commission. ANT. perfect, defile v. dirty, befoul, tarnish, pollute, taint,
sound, intact. sully, corrupt, smear, besmirch, soil, con-
defend v. 1. PROTECT fight for, guard, fend off, taminate, degrade. ANT. purify, cleanse.
withstand, hold at bay, shield, secure, ward define v. explain, spell out, describe, outline,
off, preserve. 2. SUPPORT advocate, back, up- delineate, map out, detail, characterize, la-
hold, stick up for, stand behind, *go to bat bel, illustrate, construe.
for, plead, justify. ANT. offend, attack, let definite a. 1. CERTAIN positive, sure, absolute,
down one’s guard. fixed, assured, guaranteed, settled, decided.
defendant n. accused, suspect, prisoner, party, 2. EXACT clear, unambiguous, explicit, spe-
litigant. cific, precise, unmistakable, express, con-
defense n. 1. PROTECTION guard, shield, fortifi- crete. ANT. 1. uncertain, iffy, indefinite. 2. un-
cation, shelter, screen, bulwark, stronghold, clear, ambiguous, vague.
armament. 2. JUSTIFICATION explanation, definitely adv. absolutely, positively, surely,
excuse, stand, argument, plea, story, apolo- certainly, doubtless, without question, indu-
gia, support. ANT. 1. offense, aggression. bitably, categorically, *no ifs, ands or buts.
defenseless a. powerless, vulnerable, unpro- ANT. maybe, possibly, uncertainly.
tected, unguarded, unarmed, helpless, weak, definition n. meaning, elucidation, explana-
impotent, exposed, open to attack. ANT. tion, characterization, description. ‘‘The en-
guarded, fortified, defended. closing of a wilderness of ideas within a wall
defer v. 1. DELAY postpone, put off, hold off, of words.’’—Samuel Butler.
suspend, *put on the back burner, procrasti- DEFINITIVE a. [di FIN uh tiv] defining abso-
nate, stall, table. 2. COMPLY submit, yield, lutely, conclusive. The definitive Hall of
acquiesce, accede, capitulate, give in, as- Famer is Babe Ruth. SYN. absolute, precise,
sent, agree. ANT. 1. expedite, rush. 2. disagree, actual, decisive, thorough, consummate,
stand one’s ground. conclusive, complete, exact, clear-cut, per-
DEFERENCE n. [DEF ur uns] yielding to an- fect. ANT. questionable, debatable, inexact.
other’s will, usually out of respect or cour- deflate v. 1. COLLAPSE contract, deplete, shrink,
tesy. In deference to her mother’s wishes, the empty, exhaust, flatten, puncture. 2. HUMBLE
teenager was home by midnight. SYN. submis- *take the wind out of one’s sails, put down,
sion, regard, consideration, respect, *take down a peg, humiliate, *puncture
thoughtfulness, yielding, compliance, cour- one’s aura of invincibility, mortify. ANT. 1.
tesy, obeisance. ANT. opposition, rebellion, inflate, fill, swell. 2. puff up, hearten, flatter.
disrespect. deflect v. turn aside, swerve, bounce off, di-
deferential a. respectful, submissive, compliant, verge, divert, veer, twist, hook, ricochet, de-
courteous, considerate, obedient, obeisant, viate.
acquiescent, regardful, reverential. ANT. dis- deforestation n. clearcutting, denuding, desert-
respectful, disobedient, rude. ification.
defiance n. rebellion, disobedience, resistance, deformed a. misshapen, malformed, disfigured,
opposition, challenge, insolence, revolt, grotesque, distorted, misproportioned, bent

Roget’s Superthesaurus 159


out of shape, twisted, warped, contorted, un- bachelor’s: undergraduate degree

natural, hunchbacked, gnarled. ANT. well- between bachelor’s and doctorate: master’s
formed, flawless. degree
deformity n. malformation, disfigurement, dis- B.S.: Bachelor of Science
tortion, contortion, abnormality, birth de- ceremonies surrounding handing out of:
fect, hunchback, club foot, hump, harelip. commencement
defraud v. cheat, swindle, dupe, *rip off, fleece, C.E.: Civil Engineer
bamboozle, bilk, rook, *con, take for a ride, D.D.S.: Doctor of Dental Science
*sucker. D.Th.: Doctor of Theology
defray v. cover cost, pay. graduating with great honor or praise:
defrost v. thaw, warm, de-ice. magna cum laude
DEFT a. [DEFT] skillful. The deft carpenter graduating with highest praise: summa cum
made a built-in cabinet for my bathroom. SYN. laude
dexterous, handy, adroit, adept, clever, pro- graduating with honors: cum laude
ficient, *crackerjack, ingenious, facile. ANT. highest degree: doctorate, Ph.D.
unskilled, inept, bumbling. LL.D.: Doctor of Laws
DEFUNCT a. [di FUNGKT] no longer in exis- M.A.: Master of Arts
tence. The company that made horse-drawn M.B.A.: Master of Business Administration
carriages is defunct. SYN. nonexistent, dead, master’s and doctorate: postgraduate degree
extinct, deceased, obsolete, no more, gone, M.D.: Doctor of Medicine
bygone, *kaput, out of business. ANT. exist- Ph.D.: Doctor of Philosophy
ing, thriving, living, operating. recognition of achievement, not schooling:
defuse v. disarm, take the teeth out of, mollify,
honorary degree
calm, quiet, defang.
Sc.D.: Doctor of Science
defy v. rebel, resist, challenge, flout, disregard,
S.J.D.: Doctor of Judicial Science
oppose, brave, frustrate, ignore, fly in the
face of, dare, *thumb one’s nose at. ANT.
obey, comply, acquiesce. dehydrate v. dry, desiccate.
degenerate n. deviant, pervert, wretch, *pig, deify v. worship, revere, exalt, put on a pedes-
deviate, *lowlife, fiend, psychopath, *psy- tal, idealize, idolize, lionize, elevate.
cho, *sleazebag. deign v. deem worthy, see fit, stoop, conde-
degenerate v. deteriorate, degrade, rot, decay, scend.
fail, sink, regress, decline, fall, backslide, deity n. god, goddess, supreme being, idol. SEE
slip, *go to the dogs. GOD

degenerate a. deteriorated, degraded, de- déjà vu n. familiarity, past-life experience, rec-

bauched, dissolute, corrupt, debased, deca- ognition, acquaintence, knowledge, *past
dent, failing, sinking, regressive. ANT. up- life echo, memory, recall, remembrance.
right, honorable. dejected a. depressed, disheartened, saddened,
degrade v. lower, debase, corrupt, diminish, de- low, dispirited, *bummed, melancholy,
mean, abase, humiliate, disgrace, shame, downhearted, heavyhearted, blue, disconso-
dishonor, downgrade, discredit. ANT. honor, late, *down in the mouth. ANT. cheerful,
put on a pedestal, worship. happy, euphoric.
degrading a. debasing, lowering, corrupting, di- delay n. postponement, deferment, detention,
minishing, downgrading, humiliating, dis- stall, hindrance, impediment, procrastina-
graceful, shameful, cheapening, demeaning. tion, suspension, prolongation, hold, stop.
ANT. uplifting, honorable, dignifying. ANT. rush.
degree n. 1. STEP notch, grade, point, rung, tier, delay v. postpone, put off, defer, detain, stall,
stage, rank, peg. 2. LEVEL intensity, extent, hinder, impede, procrastinate, suspend, pro-
magnitude, capacity. 3. ACADEMIC TITLE di- long, hold, stop, wait. ANT. expedite, rush,
ploma, certificate, sheepskin, credentials, hurry.
shingle, testimonial. delectable a. delightful, pleasing, pleasurable,
WORD FIND enjoyable, satisfying, delicious, tasty,
approved to confer degrees: accredited *scrumptious, heavenly, luscious, savory,
B.A.: Bachelor of Arts ambrosial, toothsome. ANT. disgusting, nause-
baccalaureate: bachelor’s degree ating.

160 Roget’s Superthesaurus


delegate n. representative, deputy, spokesper- delightful a. pleasing, gratifying, thrilling, glad-

son, agent, appointee, proxy, envoy, inter- dening, charming, joyful, enjoyable, happy,
mediary. agreeable, delectable, thrilling, enchanting.
delegate v. appoint, commission, deputize, au- ANT. miserable, depressing, unpleasant.
thorize, charge, commission, empower, delineate v. 1. OUTLINE sketch, draft, draw, dia-
nominate, assign, give. gram, rough out. 2. PORTRAY depict, de-
delete v. strike out, omit, cancel, erase, scratch, scribe, define, characterize, limn, detail.
remove, eliminate, exclude, expunge, drop. delinquency n. offense, misdeed, wrongdoing,
ANT. include, insert, add. infraction, transgression, violation, miscon-
DELETERIOUS a. [DEL i TEER ee us] harm- duct, dereliction, negligence. SEE LAW,
ful, destructive. Rock salt is deleterious to a COURT
car’s paint. SYN. harmful, injurious, hurtful, delinquent n. criminal, lawbreaker, outlaw,
pernicious, bad, noxious, detrimental, de- malefactor, offender, miscreant, culprit,
structive, damaging, malignant. ANT. benefi- scamp, rascal, *hood.
cial, helpful, advantageous. delinquent a. lawbreaking, criminal, irresponsi-
deliberate v. think about, reflect, ponder, con- ble, derelict, remiss, neglectful, faulty, slack,
sider, weigh, muse, cogitate, turn over, rumi- negligent. ANT. responsible, trustworthy, law-
nate, mull, contemplate. abiding.
deliberate a. intentional, willful, designed, on delirious a. confused, incoherent, disordered,
purpose, premeditated, meant, calculated, muddled, hallucinating, irrational, raving,
planned, conscious, knowing. ANT. acciden- *out of it, bewildered, deranged, babbling.
tal, unintentional, rash, impulsive. ANT. rational, lucid, clearheaded.

deliberation n. thought, contemplation, con- delirium n. confusion, incoherence, bewilder-

sideration, circumspection, study, debate, ment, hallucinations, ranting and raving,
reflection, forethought, pondering, weigh- derangement, temporary insanity, muddled
ing. ANT. thoughtlessness, carelessness, impul- mind, delirium tremens.
siveness. deliver v. 1. TRANSFER carry, convey, transport,
delicatessan n. deli, shop, *takeout. bring, send, transmit, forward, surrender. 2.
FREE liberate, save, rescue, emancipate, re-
delicacy n. 1. FRAILTY OR FINENESS fragility, ten-
lease. 3. THROW send, discharge, pitch,
derness, lightness, daintiness, airiness, ex-
shoot, toss, launch, fire. ANT. 2. enslave,
quisiteness. 2. GOURMET FOOD tidbit, dainty,
appetizer, morsel, goody, rarity, treat, bonne
deliverance n. rescue, emancipation, libera-
bouche, caviar. 3. SENSITIVITY consideration,
tion, freeing, saving, salvation, release.
tact, grace, subtlety, finesse, diplomacy. ANT.
delivery n. transfer, transport, transmittal,
1. toughness, durability, sturdiness. 3. insensi-
transmission, forwarding, consignment, dis-
tivity, thoughtlessness, roughness. tribution, shipment.
delicate a. 1. FRAIL fragile, fine, tender, light, delivery room n. birthing room.
dainty, airy, exquisite, diaphanous, slight. 2. dell n. vale. SEE VALLEY
SENSITIVE considerate, tactful, graceful, sub-
delta n. deposit, accumulation, sediment, for-
tle, diplomatic, discreet, careful. 3. DIFFI- mation, mass, heap, pile, build-up, wash.
CULT *sticky, *ticklish, precarious, critical, DELUDE v. [du LOOD] to deceive or fool. She
sensitive, tenuous. ANT. 1. tough, durable, liked to delude herself into thinking she could
sturdy. 2. insensitive, inconsiderate, rude. sing for a living. SYN. deceive, mislead, fool,
delicious a. tasty, delightful, *lip-smacking *lead down the garden path, *hoodwink,
good, appetizing, delectable, luscious, dupe, misrepresent, beguile, *sucker, brain-
scrumptious, ambrosial, mouth-watering, wash, kid.
heavenly, *fit for a king, *yummy, tooth- deluge n. flood, inundation, torrent, downpour,
some. ANT. nauseating, gross, unappetizing. cloudburst, spate, cataract, ocean, sea, *rain
delight n. pleasure, joy, happiness, gratification, of biblical proportion, avalanche.
enjoyment, thrill, glee, felicity. ANT. misery, deluge v. flood, inundate, drench, drown,
disgust. swamp, flush, overflow, submerge, immerse,
delight v. please, make happy, gratify, thrill, overwhelm, overrun, engulf, *snow under.
gladden, charm, *tickle, enchant, fill with DELUSION n. [di LOO zshun] a belief that is
joy, cheer. ANT. depress, *piss off, anger. unsupported by the facts. Mary was suffering

Roget’s Superthesaurus 161


from the delusion that Mike was in love with of equal opportunity for all. A democracy at-
her. SYN. fancy, illusion, mirage, vision, self- tempts to assure fair treatment for all. SYN. gov-
deception, misconception, fantasy, *pipe ernment by and for the people, republic,
dream, *fool’s paradise, figment of the imag- representative government, constitutional
ination, paranoia, megalomania, delusions government, commonwealth. ‘‘Govern-
of grandeur, folie à deux. ment by amateurs.’’—Maxwell Anderson.
delve v. search, dig, unearth, investigate, ex- ‘‘Gives every man the right to be his own
plore, fish around for. oppressor.’’—James Lowell. ‘‘. . . mob
deluxe a. superior, luxurious, first-rate, first- rule.’’—Polybius. SEE GOVERNMENT, POLITICS
class, select, sumptuous, choice, elegant, DEMOCRATIC a. [dem uh KRAT ik] repre-
grand, rich, elite, *posh. ANT. cheap, *cut- senting the common people, especially with
rate, run of the mill. issues of equality. A democratic government is
DEMAGOGUE n. [DEM uh GAWG] a leader a fair and just government. SYN. equal, com-
who panders to the emotions of the masses mon, populist, popular, self-governing, con-
in order to win them over. He knew how to stitutional, egalitarian, libertarian, repre-
push the voters’ buttons; he was a rabble-rouser sentative, of and for the people, tolerant,
and a demagogue. SYN. rabble-rouser, *grand- fair-minded. ANT. dictatorial, authoritarian,
stander, agitator, inciter, opportunist, trou- despotic, autocratic, intolerant.
blemaker, instigator, *firebrand, mounte- demography n. population studies, census-tak-
bank. ‘‘[One who] appeals to passions and ing, consumer studies.
prejudices rather than to reason.’’—James demolish v. destroy, wreck, raze, level, annihi-
Fenimore Cooper. ‘‘One who tells you what late, ruin, *trash, obliterate, tear down, fell,
you want to hear. A statesman tells you wipe out, smash. ANT. build, create.
what you need to hear.’’—Max Rafferty. demolition n. destruction, wreckage, razing,
demand n. requirement, bid, call, order, charge, leveling, *trashing, annihilation, oblitera-
request, command, petition, ultimatum, in- tion, smashing, tearing down.
junction, appeal. demon n. devil, fiend, satan, imp, monster,
demand v. order, insist on, press, ask, bid, com- ogre, savage, evil spirit, ghoul, goblin, puck,
pel, requisition, exact, command, necessi- supernatural being, *fallen angel. SEE MON-
tate, require, urge, summon, implore. STER
demanding a. laborious, consuming, time-con- demonic a. demoniac, fiendish, possessed, hell-
suming, hard, back-breaking, difficult,
ish, frenzied, bedeviled, bewitched, devilish,
painstaking, arduous, rough, burdensome.
diabolical, satanic, monstrous. ANT. angelic,
ANT. easy, effortless.
demean v. lower, debase, humble, degrade, de-
demonize v. blacken.
preciate, *take down a peg, disgrace, humili-
ate, demote, shame. ANT. elevate, *put on a demonstrate v. 1. SHOW illustrate, exhibit, ex-
pedestal, idolize, honor. plain, describe, *walk one through, set
demeanor n. behavior, manner, deportment, forth. 2. MAKE EVIDENT prove, establish, sub-
conduct, comportment, bearing, disposi- stantiate, corroborate, evince, authenticate,
tion, attitude, air, actions. validate, verify, document. 3. PROTEST
demented a. insane, crazy, psychotic, deranged, picket, rally, strike, march, parade.
maniacal, unstable, *flipped out, hysterical, demonstration n. 1. SHOW illustration, exhibi-
mad, schizophrenic, irrational, *nuts. ANT. tion, explanation, description, *walk
sane, rational, stable. SEE CRAZY, NEUROTIC through, presentation. 2. EVIDENCE proof,
demise n. death, passing, end, expiration, substantiation, corroboration, authentica-
downfall, termination, *lights out, fall. ANT. tion, validation, verification, documenta-
birth, beginning. SEE DEATH tion. 3. PROTEST picketing, rally, strike,
dementia n. senility, Alzheimer’s Disease, com- march, parade, *sit-in.
promised intellect, failing intellect, failing demonstrative a. affectionate, *touchy-feely,
congnitive abilities, mental disturbance, expressive, outpouring, emotional, gushing,
mental deterioration, insanity, madness, expansive, warm, unrestrained, open. ANT.
psychosis. reserved, restrained, distant, cold, uptight.
DEMOCRACY n. [de MOK ru see] a govern- demonstrator n. protester, striker, objector,
ment by and for the people. Also, a system conscientious objector, marcher, dissenter,

162 Roget’s Superthesaurus


voice of dissent, boycotter, malcontent, ri- impenetrable. 2. STUPID dumb, bovine, dull,
oter. *lamebrained, *brain-drained, *slow on the
DEMORALIZE v. [di MOR uh lize] to sap uptake, thick, *dense as a post. ANT. 1. po-
one’s morale or confidence. It will utterly de- rous, sparse, thin. 2. smart, sharp, quick. SEE
moralize the team if they suffer one more loss. MORONIC, STUPID
SYN. deflate, dishearten, discourage, sap, density n. thickness, solidity, mass, volume, po-
*take the wind out of one’s sails, *take the rousness, inpenetrability.
fight out of, *take the starch out of, crush, dent n. indentation, hollow, concavity, dint,
undermine, shake one’s confidence, dispirit. *ding, dimple, depression, furrow, notch,
ANT. encourage, hearten, puff up. scratch.
demote v. lower, degrade, downgrade, *bust, dentures n. false teeth, *choppers, partial.
*bench. denude v. expose, lay bare. SEE STRIP
demur v. object, take exception, disagree, dis- denunciation n. condemnation, censure, criti-
sent, protest, remonstrate, refute. ANT. agree, cism, fulmination, disapproval, castigation,
concur, acquiesce. indictment, vilification, reprobration, ha-
DEMURE a. [di MYOOR] quiet, reserved or rangue. ANT. praise, compliment, advocation.
shy. Also, affecting shyness. She was demure deny v. 1. REFUSE turn down, reject, veto, say
in church but boisterous among friends. SYN. no, turn thumbs down, prohibit, disallow.
quiet, reserved, sedate, shy, low-keyed, mod- 2. CONTROVERT dispute, gainsay, contradict,
est, coy, bashful, blushing, unassuming, self- disclaim, forswear, refute, repudiate. ANT. 1.
effacing, timid, retiring. ANT. loudmouthed, allow, *give the green light, okay, pass. 2. con-
bold, brash, aggressive. cede, affirm.
demystify v. clarify, clear up, explain, make deodorant n. antiperspirant, *roll on, *b.o.
plain. stick, body spray, deodorizer.
den n. 1. LAIR hole, cave, burrow, diggings, tun- depart v. 1. LEAVE go, set out, be off, run along,
nel, retreat, nest. 2. STUDY library, sanctu- *hit the road, *split, exit, embark, *shove
ary, cloister, retreat. off, *scram, *beat it, pull out, evacuate. 2.
denial n. rejection, refusal, dismissal, negation, DIVERGE digress, deviate, veer, stray, wander,
veto, no, turndown, refutation, repudiation, swerve. ANT. 1. come, arrive. 2. *stay on the
prohibition, declination, contradiction, dis- straight and narrow, abide.
allowance. ANT. acceptance, affirmation, ap- departed a. gone, passed, bygone, dead, de-
proval. ceased, former. ANT. present, living.
denigrate v. belittle, defame, calumniate, *bad- department n. division, section, office, branch,
mouth, vilify, malign, put down, slander, as- unit, subdivision, bureau, sector, district,
sail, criticize, *give a black eye. ANT. honor, precinct.
flatter, compliment. department store n. retail store, mart, empo-
DENIZEN n. [DEN i zun] an inhabitant. The rium. SEE STORE
denizens of Alaska know how to stay warm. departure n. 1. LEAVING going, setting out, run-
SYN. inhabitant, resident, native, dweller, ning along, exit, leavetaking, withdrawal,
citizen, occupant. exodus, embarkation, parting, adieu, with-
denomination n. 1. NAME designation, title, ap- drawal. 2. DIVERGENCE digression, deviation,
pellation, label, moniker, *handle, class, veering, straying, wandering. ANT. 1. com-
group, classification, category, type, head- ing, arrival.
ing. 2. SECT faith, church, school, persua- depend v. 1. RELY ON bank on, trust, count, bet
sion, affiliation. on, *pin one’s faith on, turn to. 2. BE DETER-
denote v. mean, designate, signify, indicate, MINED BY hinge on, be subject to, hang on,
symbolize, tag, represent, connote, stand for, be contingent on.
suggest. dependable a. reliable, bankable, trustworthy,
denouement n. resolution, end, close. steady, unfailing, responsible, tried-and-
denounce v. condemn, censure, criticize, at- true, *good as one’s word, loyal, staunch,
tack, proscribe, disparage, impugn, castigate, steadfast. ANT. unreliable, irresponsible.
decry, vilify, damn, stigmatize. ANT. honor, dependence n. reliance, faith, confidence, be-
praise, laud. lief, stock, trust, expectation, need, addic-
dense a. 1. THICK compressed, compact, solid, tion, dependency.
firm, tight, concentrated, crowded, packed, dependent a. 1. RELIANT helpless, defenseless,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 163


vulnerable, clinging, *tied to mother’s DEPRECATE v. [DEP ruh KATE] to express

apron strings, needful, addicted. 2. DETER- one’s disapproval toward; to speak out
MINED BY hinging on, subject to, hanging on, against. The radio host liked to deprecate envi-
contingent on. ANT. 1. autonomous, self-reli- ronmental extremists. SYN. put down, belittle,
ant, independent. condemn, *slam, disparage, mudsling, disap-
depict v. describe, portray, detail, outline, prove, frown on, reproach, censure, rail
sketch, characterize, limn, represent, paint, against. ANT. approve of, praise, extol, laud.
show, delineate, narrate, tell. depreciate v. 1. LOSE VALUE cheapen, down-
deplete v. use up, exhaust, run out, consume, grade, drop, deflate, diminish, shrink,
empty, drain, spend, bleed, bankrupt, finish, soften, depress, devalue, decay, wane, fall,
expend. ANT. restock, replenish, fill. ebb. 2. BELITTLE diminish, put down, dispar-
DEPLORABLE a. [di PLOR uh bul] bad, age, denigrate, deprecate, ridicule, underes-
wretched or grievous. The boy’s bedroom was timate, minimize, find fault, slight. ANT. 1.
in a deplorable state. SYN. bad, wretched, appreciate, increase, grow, boom. 2. value, es-
grievous, disgraceful, shameful, abominable, teem, appreciate.
lamentable, despicable, pitiable, reprehensi- depreciation n. devaluation, downgrade, drop,
ble, depressing, scandalous. ANT. agreeable, fall, deflation, shrinkage, depression, *bear
pleasing, acceptable. market, decay, waning, slump, loss, reduc-
deplore v. 1. EXPRESS OR FEEL SORROW lament, tion.
grieve, weep, mourn, sorrow, bemoan, rue, depress v. 1. SADDEN dishearten, distress, *bum
bewail. 2. DISAPPROVE OF censure, condemn, out, burden, deject, lower spirits, discourage,
criticize, abhor, hate, object to, reject, de- *suck the wind from one’s sails, dispirit,
cry. weigh down, demoralize, weary, enervate. 2.
deploy v. spread, distribute, station, position, DEVALUE cheapen, degrade, diminish,
spread out, arrange, use, utilize. weaken, depreciate, lower, lessen. 3. PUSH
deport v. expel, banish, exile, extradite, cast DOWN press down, level, lower, step on. ANT.
out, expatriate, *kick out, *give the boot, 1. cheer, hearten, buoy. 2. appreciate,
ostracize. heighten. 3. pull.
deportment n. behavior, conduct, carriage, de- depressant n. drug, *downer, tranquilizer, seda-
meanor, actions, manner, mien, bearing, air,
tive, soporific, mood altering medication.
depressed a. 1. DOWNHEARTED melancholy,
DEPOSE v. [di POZ] to remove from a position
*blue, *bummed out, *down in the dumps,
of power. They are planning to have the presi-
disconsolate, dejected, unhappy, low, woe-
dent deposed. SYN. remove, oust, *kick out,
dismiss, impeach, unseat, *unhorse, eject, begone, dispirited, down, sad, glum, suicidal,
*can, drum out, dethrone, overthrow, *send sullen, *down in the mouth, in the dol-
packing, *ride out on a rail. ANT. install, seat, drums, despondent, miserable, heavy-heart-
empower. ed, hopeless, in a black mood, carrying the
deposit n. installment, down payment, security, weight of the world, gloomy, empty. 2. IM-
POVERISHED poor, suffering hard times, in a
pledge, warranty, collateral.
deposition n. testimony, written statement, recession. ANT. 1. happy, euphoric, elated. 2.
sworn statement, affidavit. booming, prospering.
depot n. 1. STATION terminal. 2. WAREHOUSE depressing a. disheartening, discouraging, sad,
storehouse, repository, station, armory, mag- dispiriting, hopeless, dismal, black, gloomy,
azine, storage installation. cheerless, dreary, bleak, disappointing. ANT.
depraved a. corrupt, debased, immoral, wicked, uplifting, cheering.
bad, perverted, vile, shameless, *dirty, depression n. 1. DOWNHEARTEDNESS melancho-
warped, evil, low, lecherous, sinful, nasty, lia, blues, dejection, unhappiness, sadness,
iniquitous, debauched. ANT. virtuous, chaste, doldrums, *blahs, *blue funk, sorrow,
moral, clean-living. heavyheartedness, despair, gloom, affective
depravity n. corruption, wickedness, perver- disorder, mood disorder, depressive neurosis,
sion, immorality, vileness, shamelessness, depressive psychosis, manic-depression,
evil, lechery, sin, nastiness, debauchery, de- malaise, hopelessness, postpartum depres-
basement, vice, degeneracy. ANT. virtue, mo- sion, seasonal affective disorder (SAD),
rality, clean-living, holiness. withdrawal. 2. ECONOMIC DECLINE recession,

164 Roget’s Superthesaurus


slowdown, downturn. 3. HOLLOW dent, im- derisive a. ridiculing, sarcastic, disdainful,

pression, indentation, recess, concavity. mocking, taunting, *smart-alecky, jeering,
ANT. 1. euphoria, happiness, joy, bliss. 3. insulting, *razzing, disrespectful. ANT. re-
boom, good times. spectful.
WORD FIND derivation n. origin, source, root, beginning,
childbirth, following: postpartum depres- inception, wellspring, ancestry.
sion derivative a. borrowed, copied, unoriginal, imi-
medication: antidepressants tative, derived, rehashed, uninventive, sec-
radical treatment: electroshock therapy ondary, warmed-over, *lifted. ANT. original,
winter blues treated with light therapy: sea- new, inventive.
sonal affective disorder (SAD) derive v. draw, gain, obtain, extract, get,
deprivation n. loss, privation, need, want, hard- gather, reap, receive.
ship, withholding, dispossession. derive from vi. come from, descend, originate,
deprive v. keep from, take away, divest, strip, stem from, arise, emanate, spring from.
withhold, deny, shut out, remove, dispos- DERNIER CRI n. [DAIR nee ay CREE] the
sess, cut off, confiscate. latest thing, the last word, hip. In the 90s, a
depth n. 1. LOWNESS deepness, bottom, draft, ponytail worn by a man was dernier cri. SYN.
drop, pitch. 2. PROFOUNDNESS wisdom, in- the latest cry, the latest thing, the latest
sight, perception, astuteness. ANT. 1. height, fashion, the last word, the in thing, all the
shallowness. 2. shallowness, superficiality. rage, mode, fad, look, in vogue. ANT. out,
deputy n. assistant, representative, agent, dele- passé, outmoded.
gate, appointee, aide, surrogate, proxy, sub- DEROGATORY a. [di ROG uh TOHR ee]
stitute, *second-in-command, emissary, en- disparaging or disapproving. Her derogatory
voy. comments robbed me of my self esteem. SYN.
deranged a. irrational, insane, crazy, unstable, disparaging, disapproving, belittling, depre-
*off the wall, *nuts, demented, psychotic, catory, censorious, critical, perjorative, un-
berserk, mad, lunatic, *out of one’s mind, flattering, detracting, disdainful, contemp-
*flipped, *schizo. ANT. rational, sane, lucid, tuous. ANT. flattering, complimentary,
stable. SEE CRAZY, NEUROTIC approving.
derelict n. vagrant, outcast, *bum, hobo, tramp, derriere n. seat, backside, rear, *tush, rump,
beggar, *ne’er-do-well, *good-for-nothing, posterior, bottom haunches, *fanny, *ass,
pariah. *bum, *can, *keister, *stern. SEE BUTTOCKS
derelict a. neglectful, delinquent, remiss, irre- derring-do n. valor, daring, courage. SEE BRAV-
sponsible, lazy, slack, careless, lax, shiftless, ERY
laggard. ANT. responsible, conscientious, duti- descend v. go down, drop, fall, decline, lower,
ful. plunge, plummet, submerge, dip, sink, slope,
DERIDE v. [di RIDE] to laugh at; ridicule. Citi- rappel. ANT. ascend, go up, rise.
zens of the nineteenth century would often de- descendant n. offspring, progeny, child, seed,
ride the automobile. SYN. laugh at, ridicule, offshoot, scion, son, daughter, grandchild,
scoff, jeer, mock, taunt, make fun of, heckle, heir. ANT. ancestor, forebear, parent.
kid, *rib, *razz, *roast. ANT. take seriously, descent n. 1. MOVING DOWN fall, drop, lowering,
respect, esteem. sinking, tumble, plunge, plummet, dive, de-
DE RIGUEUR a. [de ree GUHR] necessary or cline. 2. SLOPE grade, incline, declivity, gra-
proper; required by the rules of etiquette. dient, slant. 3. LINEAGE ancestry, forefathers,
Hats were de rigueur for the first half of the pedigree, family tree, roots, parentage, gene-
century. SYN. necessary, called for, fashion- alogy. ANT. 1. ascent, rise.
able, compulsory, a must, proper, right, cor- describe v. illustrate, portray, paint a mental
rect, required, fitting, comme il faut. ANT. picture, show, detail, explain, depict, chron-
unnecessary, demode. icle, illuminate, relate, sketch, specify, limn.
DERISION n. [duh RI szhun] contemptuous description n. portrayal, depiction, detailing,
ridicule. Her radical ideas were met by wide- chronicle, sketch, explanation, illumina-
spread derision. SYN. ridicule, scoffing, disre- tion, specification, characterization, elabo-
spect, *dig, insult, mockery, sneering, scorn, ration, report, *blow by blow, rundown.
satire, contempt, jeer, lampoon, laughing- DESECRATE v. [DES uh krate] to abuse or
stock, *Bronx cheer. ANT. respect, esteem. disrespect that which is sacred. The hoodlums

Roget’s Superthesaurus 165


descrated the shrine by covering it with grafitti. semidesert plain: steppe

SYN. profane, defile, abuse, violate, commit valley that is flat and arid: bolson
sacrilege, pervert, dishonor, debase, degrade, desert v. abandon, leave behind, forsake, leave,
blaspheme, contaminate. ANT. worship, give up, *walk, *leave high and dry, strand,
honor, consecrate. quit, maroon, vacate, jilt, defect, renounce,
desegregate v. integrate, open, bring together, *bail out, *leave in the lurch. ANT. remain,
give equal access, unite, commingle, com- stay, stick with.
bine, unify, join hands, associate. deserted a. empty, abandoned, desolate, soli-
desensitize v. numb, anesthetize, deaden, dull, tary, barren, derelict, lonely, uninhabited,
enervate. *godforsaken, vacant, forlorn. ANT. crowded,
desert n. wasteland, barrens, *parched Eden, mobbed, inhabited.
*Devil’s backyard, badlands, flats, dunes, deserter n. traitor, defector, fugitive, truant,
*desiccated landscape, *neglected plot in renegade, runaway, refugee, escapee, dere-
God’s garden, no man’s land, dustbowl, *Eu- lict, turncoat, *AWOL.
clidian plane, *scorched plain, *thirsty ter- desertion n. abandonment, flight, defection,
rain, wilderness, Sahara, Gobi, Kalahari, turning one’s back on, forsaking, *washing
Mojave. ‘‘The sea-like, pathless, limitless hands of, resignation.
waste.’’—Longfellow. ‘‘An old man in a dry deserts n. retribution, payback, punishment,
season.’’—T.S. Eliot. ‘‘A wild of sand.’’— reward, comeuppance, revenge, penalty,
Addison. recompense, due.
WORD FIND deserve v. earn, merit, be entitled to, due, *get
ancient desert mountain reduced to eroded what is coming, warrant, expect to get,
nubbin: inselberg should be given.
characterized by mesas, gulleys, channels, deserving a. meritorious, worthy, due, com-
erosion: badlands mendable, laudable, praiseworthy.
dried-up river bed: arroyo DESHABILLE n. ALSO, DISHABILLE
dune, crescent-shaped: barchan [DAYS ab ee yay] in a state of undress or
dune, huge, whalelike: whaleback partial undress; also, in one’s night clothes.
dune, long or elongated: seif dune, sword
She lounged around the breakfast table in desha-
bille. SYN. undress, partial dress, in a state of
dune, pyramidlike: pyramid
sloppiness, informal dress, partially covered.
dune, ridged or wavy: transverse dune
desiccate v. dry, dehydrate, drain, deplete,
dune, starlike: star
dusty whirlwind of small size and duration:
design n. 1. COMPOSITION draft, arrangement,
dust devil
fertile area, fed by spring: oasis motif, plan, pattern, scheme, depiction,
mosaic-like ground of colorful, polished idea, sketch, outline, conception, blueprint,
pebbles: desert pavement, gibber plain, diagram, model. 2. INTENTION purpose, ob-
reg jective, aim, goal, plan, *game plan, target,
mountain that is eroded and flattened on project. 3. SCHEME plot, intrigue, machina-
top: mesa, butte tion, plan.
nomadic Arab: Bedouin design v. 1. COMPOSE draft, arrange, plan, pat-
optical illusion: mirage tern, invent, contrive, create, sketch, out-
pertaining to: eremic line, conceive, blueprint, diagram, model,
plain that becomes temporary lake after *cook up, fashion. 2. INTEND purpose, aim,
rain: playa plan, aspire to, mean.
plants: barrel cactus, century plant, cereus, designate v. 1. INDICATE specify, signify, point
cholla, creosote bush, ironwood, Joshua out, denote, assign, connote, mark, name.
tree, mesquite, ocotillo, prickly pear cac- 2. NAME entitle, christen, dub, label, denom-
tus, sagebrush, saguaro inate, nickname, baptize. 3. APPOINT elect,
rain that evaporates before hitting ground: name, nominate, choose, select, assign.
phantom rain designation n. 1. NAME title, label, appellation,
salty plain left by evaporation of lake: salt moniker, tag, nickname, honorific. 2. AP-
flat POINTMENT delegation, nomination, selec-
sandy area of the Sahara: erg tion, assignment.

166 Roget’s Superthesaurus


designing a. conniving, plotting, crafty, con- compelling. ANT. 1. careful, cautious, pru-
spiring, tricky, scheming, double-dealing, dent, rational. 2. hopeful, optimistic. 3. trivial,
artful, calculating, foxy, Machiavellian. minor, casual.
ANT. innocent, artless, open. desperation n. 1. DESPAIR hopelessness, futility,
desirable a. 1. AROUSING DESIRE attractive, se- despondency, depression, melancholy, de-
ductive, fetching, enticing, alluring, tanta- jection, discouragement, gloom. 2. RECK-
lizing, sexy, tempting, *hot. 2. WORTHWHILE LESSNESS carelessness, frenzy, foolhardiness,
beneficial, good, pleasing, agreeable, prefer- rashness, impetuosity, daring, imprudence.
able, profitable, advantageous. ANT. 1. repul- ANT. 1. hope, optimism. 2. caution, wariness,
sive, repellant. 2. undesirable, worthless, use- prudence.
less. despicable a. contemptible, vile, loathsome,
desire n. want, longing, hunger, thirst, need, shameful, disgraceful, awful, beastly, sicken-
*hankering, ache, wish, appetite, passion, ing, base, abhorrent, cheap, rotten, unfor-
lust, libido, fervor, urge, yearning, mania, givable, detestable. ANT. honorable, praise-
itch. ‘‘The warm beast . . . that lies curled worthy, laudable.
up in our loins and stretches itself with a despise v. disdain, hate, loathe, abhor, scorn,
fierce gentleness.’’—Albert Camus. ‘‘A per- spurn, look down on, revile, execrate, de-
petual rack.’’—Robert Burton. ANT. aver- test, *can’t stand. ANT. admire, respect, like.
sion, revulsion. despite prep. in spite of, regardless of, notwith-
desire v. want, long for, hunger for, thirst after, standing.
crave, need, *hanker for, ache for, covet, DESPONDENT a. [di SPON dunt] deeply de-
wish for, lust after, yearn for. pressed, filled with despair. Alice was despon-
desist v. stop, cease, discontinue, refrain, halt, dent after her mother died. SYN. depressed, de-
end, conclude, quit, suspend, hold, arrest. spairing, miserable, downhearted, incon-
ANT. go, continue, persist. solable, melancholy, forlorn, sorrowful, dis-
desk n. table, workspace, rolltop, ambo, escri- heartened, glum, *bummed out, heartbro-
toire, lecturn, secretary, tambour desk. ken, *down in the dumps, suicidal. ANT. eu-
desolate a. 1. BARREN abandoned, forsaken, de- phoric, joyful, optimistic, buoyant, cheerful.
serted, lonely, uninhabited, isolated, soli- DESPOT n. [DES put] an absolute ruler, an
tary, empty, bleak, remote, *godforsaken, autocrat. The despot completely oppressed the
citizenry. SYN. autocrat, tyrant, dictator,
stark. 2. FORLORN wretched, bereft, aban-
*strong man, *Hitler, oppressor, lord, mas-
doned, friendless, forsaken, lonesome,
ter, authoritarian.
alone, isolated, estranged, despondent, mis-
desposition n. absolute power, autocracy, tyr-
erable, downhearted. ANT. 1. crowded, inhab-
anny, dictatorship, oppression, authoritari-
ited, mobbed. 2. happy, cheerful, befriended.
anism, rule with an iron fist.
despair n. hopelessness, depression, dejection, destination n. goal, stop, journey’s end, objec-
despondency, desperation, discouragement, tive, station, terminal, end of the line, port
melancholy, gloom, resignation, anguish, of call.
misery. ANT. hope, euphoria, happiness. destiny n. fate, lot, destination, future, design,
despair v. lose hope, to feel defeat, resign, lose doom, predestination, serendipity, fortune,
faith, lose heart, despond. ‘‘An epitome of karma, *wheel of fortune. ‘‘A tyrant’s au-
hell.’’—Robert Burton. ‘‘The worst poi- thority for crime and a fool’s excuse for fail-
son.’’—Heinrich Heine. ANT. hope, look up, ure.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘Not a thing to be
think positive. waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.’’—
desperado n. outlaw, criminal, thug, bandit, William Jennings Bryan. ‘‘An invention of
gunman, lawbreaker, highwayman. the cowardly and the resigned.’’—Ignazio
desperate a. 1. RECKLESS careless, dangerous, Silone.
frantic, headlong, foolhardy, rash, out of DESTITUTE a. [DES ti TOOT] profoundly
control, *on a crash course, frenzied, death- poor, impoverished. The destitute man had
defying. 2. DESPAIRING hopeless, beyond lived on the street. SYN. poor, penniless, indi-
help, *at the end of one’s rope, *back to the gent, impoverished, broke, *down and out,
wall, incurable, irretrievable, futile, *sunk, *dirt poor, lacking, bankrupt, homeless, ru-
lost, critical, grave. 3. EXTREME critical, ined, *wiped out. ANT. rich, wealthy, *rolling
grave, serious, crucial, urgent, acute, drastic, in dough.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 167


destroy v. demolish, annihilate, wreck, devas- was an extended period of detente. SYN. relax-
tate, wipe out, *total, raze, extirpate, ruin, ation, cooling off, easing, peace, quietude,
ravage, obliterate, eradicate, *cream, level, relief, tranquility, harmony, softening, sus-
waste, quash, *gut, *nuke, crush. ANT. cre- pension of hostilities, quiescence, accord,
ate, build, preserve. truce, amity. ANT. hostility, cold war, war, an-
destruction n. wreckage, demolition, annihila- imosity.
tion, ruins, devastation, ravaging, liquida- detention n. holding, retention, restraint, ar-
tion, havoc, extinction, eradication, slaugh- rest, confinement, duress, delaying, incar-
ter, decimation. ANT. building, creation, ceration, custody, internment. ANT. freedom,
preservation. liberation.
destructive a. injurious, pernicious, harmful, deter v. prevent, stop, scare off, inhibit, check,
ravaging, ruinous, catastrophic, fatal, dam- dissuade, curb, hinder, bar, stall, cool, daunt,
aging, deleterious, disastrous, malevolent, dampen, preclude, discourage. ANT. encour-
noxious. ANT. creative, constructive, preserv- age, speed, facilitate.
ing. detergent n. soap, cleaner, cleanser, scouring
DESULTORY a. [DES ul TOHR ee] moving powder, solvent, degreaser.
from one thing to another randomly or hap- deteriorate v. decay, degenerate, fall apart,
hazardly. She examined the shoes in a desultory crumble, degrade, decline, *go downhill,
fashion. SYN. random, haphazard, unmeth- *go to the dogs, corrode, rot, decompose,
odical, disconnected, rambling, aimless, ir- depreciate. ANT. improve, grow, strengthen.
regular, chaotic, unsystematic, erratic. ANT. determination n. 1. RESOLUTENESS persever-
methodical, planned. ance, steadfastness, fortitude, resolve, tenac-
detach v. disconnect, separate, sever, loose, un- ity, *backbone, drive, willpower, grit, *stiff
hitch, uncouple, divide, free, remove. ANT. upper lip, persistence, single-mindedness,
attach, fasten. mettle, stick-to-itiveness, indomitability. 2.
detached a. 1. DISCONNECTED separated, re- DECISION conclusion, ascertainment, find-
moved, severed, unfastened, unconnected, ing, judgment, settlement, resolution, ver-
unhitched, loose, apart. 2. DISINTERESTED re- dict, opinion.
moved, remote, objective, impartial, aloof, determine v. 1. DECIDE conclude, ascertain,
dispassionate, neutral, unbiased. ANT. 1. find, judge, settle, resolve, confirm, verify,
attached, fastened, connected. 2. interested, bi- *nail down, *sew up, establish. 2. AFFECT
ased, partial. THE COURSE OF decide, influence, control, di-
detachment a. objectivity, aloofness, uncon- rect, govern, regulate, shape.
cern, impartiality, indifference, remoteness, determined a. resolute, steadfast, purposeful,
neutrality, isolation. ANT. interest, partiality, firm, *hell-bent, fixed, intent, tenacious,
bias. driven, single-minded, settled, stalwart,
detail n. particular, item, point, fact, feature, dogged. ANT. waffling, wavering, lukewarm.
specific, component, part, *nuts and bolts, DETERRENT n. [de TUR unt] something
aspect, element, minutiae. that blocks or hinders. A neighborhood watch
detain v. hold, stop, slow, arrest, restrain, delay, program proved a useful deterrent to crime. SYN.
impede, confine, keep, retard. ANT. free, lib- check, curb, obstacle, stumbling block, bar,
erate, speed. defense, impediment, hindrance, discour-
detect v. notice, spot, find, discover, uncover, agement, restraint.
sense, catch, espy, sleuth, *sniff out, ferret detest v. hate, loathe, despise, abhor, dislike,
out, discern, unmask, *stumble on. ANT. execrate, *feel sick at the sight of, reject.
miss, overlook, ignore. ANT. like, admire, love.
detection n. discovery, spotting, notice, find- detestable a. hateful, despicable, loathsome,
ing, uncovering, sensing, revelation, expo- abhorrent, abominable, sickening, execra-
sure, espial, ferreting out, *sniffing out. ble, revolting, obnoxious, beastly, disgust-
detective n. sleuth, private investigator (P.I.), ing, contemptible. ANT. admirable, likable.
*private eye, *dick, operative, *gumshoe, dethrone v. remove from power, depose, un-
hawkshaw, undercover agent, secret agent, seat, oust, kick out, impeach, disbar, un-
shadow, *tail, *G-man, *snoop. SEE POLICE horse, expel.
DETENTE n. [day TAHNT] an easing of hos- detonate v. explode, set off, discharge, blow up,
tilities between nations. Following the treaty fire, touch off.

168 Roget’s Superthesaurus


detonation n. explosion, discharge, blow-up, weirdo, one-of-a-kind, oddball, deviate, rad-

firing, boom, pop, roar. ical, pervert.
detour n. bypass, *go-around, alternate route, deviate v. diverge, turn aside, veer, depart,
deviation. stray, drift, wander, swerve, part, meander,
detract v. lessen, diminish, take away from, un- err, detour, digress. ANT. follow the straight
dermine, minimize, devaluate, depreciate. and narrow, stay on course.
ANT. enhance, increase, add to. device n. 1. INSTRUMENT apparatus, contriv-
DETRIMENTAL a. [det ruh MEN tul] caus- ance, tool, appliance, mechanism, rig, ma-
ing harm. Neglecting to wax your car is detri- chine, gadget, *contraption, outfit, gear,
mental to its finish. SYN. harmful, injurious, *thingamajig. 2. SCHEME plan, contrivance,
damaging, deleterious, bad, disadvanta- design, ploy, ruse, trick, artifice, gimmick,
geous, inimical, destructive, pernicious. deus ex machina, stunt, machination.
ANT. beneficial, advantageous. devil n. 1. SATAN Lucifer, Prince of Darkness,
detritus n. fragments, bits and pieces, grains, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, archfiend, el di-
debris. ablo, Lord of the Flies, the Serpent, *Old
DEUS EX MACHINA n. [DEE us eks MAK Harry, *Old Scratch, *the Deuce, *the
i nuh] literally, god from a machine. Divine Dickens, the Adversary, fallen angel. ‘‘A
intervention as a means to solve a difficult liar, and the father of it.’’—Bible. ‘‘The most
problem. So named after the unsatisfying diligent preacher of all others; he is never
practice of bringing in a deity to intervene out of his diocese.’’—Hugh Latimer. 2. BAD
in some Roman and Greek dramas, now re- PERSON, SPIRIT OR CREATURE demon, fiend,
garded as a hallmark of lazy writing. The au- imp, ogre, savage, brute, rogue, hellion, evil-
thor helped his hero win the battle by creating doer, beast, villain, scoundrel, brat. SEE RELI-
an unlikely tornado, an obvious deus ex mach- GION
ina. SYN. god in the machine, divine inter- devil and the deep blue sea, between the be-
vention, contrivance, happy coincidence, tween a rock and a hard place, no choice,
device. *Catch-22, Hobson’s choice.
devalue v. lower, degrade, lessen, cheapen, re- devilish a. fiendish, villainous, beastly, hellish,
duce. evil, diabolical, brutish, mischievous, de-
devastate v. lay waste, ruin, destroy, demolish, monic, impish, troublemaking, naughty,
wipe out, *total, level, desolate, ravage, raze, wicked, infernal, cruel, sinister. ANT. angelic,
gut, *trash, *blow away, ransack, pillage.
saintly, good, virtuous.
devastation n. waste, ruin, destruction, havoc,
devil-may-care a. careless, reckless, happy-go-
desolation, ravaging, demolition, wreckage,
lucky, foolhardy, rash, nonchalant, cavalier,
annihilation, *trashing.
heedless, casual. ANT. cautious, careful.
develop v. 1. EXPAND grow, enlarge, elaborate,
evolve, advance, mature, flourish, progress, DEVIL’S ADVOCATE n. one who argues for
fill out, blossom, bear fruit, enrich, broaden, but doesn’t necessarily agree with the un-
flesh out, amplify. 2. GENERATE begin, start, popular side of an issue in order to illustrate
commence, originate, establish, arise, break, all perspectives. Talk show hosts often play
transpire, unfold. 3. CONTRACT acquire. ANT. the devil’s advocate for argument’s sake. SYN.
1. die, shrivel, regress, shrink, degrade. pleader, apologist, mediator, medium, dev-
development n. 1. GROWTH expansion, enlarge- il’s counsel, defender, devil’s champion,
ment, elaboration, evolution, advancement, devil’s surrogate, polemicist.
maturation, progress, filling out, flowering, devious a. deceptive, roundabout, crafty,
blossoming, enrichment, broadening, flesh- tricky, wily, guileful, sly, treacherous,
ing out, amplification. 2. HAPPENING event, crooked, dishonest, evasive, underhanded,
occurrence, circumstance, change, issue, re- scheming, shifty. ANT. honest, aboveboard,
sult, advance. ANT. 1. decline, regression, straightforward.
shriveling, withering, death. devise v. invent, conceive, form, contrive, for-
developer n. real estate developer, builder, real mulate, *cook up, create, *whip up, plot,
estate investor, enterpriser, businessman, scheme, concoct, construct, shape.
businesswoman, magnate, land baron, ty- devoid a. empty, lacking, destitute, vacuous,
coon. depleted, denuded, stripped, vacant, bare,
deviant n. nonconformist, rebel, original, wanting, barren. ANT. full, replete.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 169


devote v. dedicate, give, pledge, commit, vow, diameter n. breadth, width, caliber.
consign, apply, direct. diametrical a. opposite, contrary, conflicting,
devoted a. dedicated, faithful, true, committed, converse, reverse, antithetical, different.
loyal, staunch, zealous, dutiful, devout, con- ANT. alike, similar, matching.
stant, earnest, steadfast. ANT. indifferent, dis- diaphanous a. transparent, sheer, *see-through,
loyal. translucent, thin, flimsy, gauzy, delicate,
devotee n. fan, fanatic, enthusiast, aficionado, chiffon. ANT. opaque, thick.
buff, lover, supporter, addict, *nut, adher- diarrhea n. loose stool, *Montezuma’s revenge,
ent, *hound, *fiend. dysentery, trots, flux, *Aztec two-step, runs,
devotion n. dedication, commitment, adher- gastrointestinal distress.
ence, allegiance, devoutness, faithfulness, diary n. journal, chronicle, account, log, rec-
loyalty, fidelity, steadfastness, piety, zeal, ord, daybook. ‘‘The lavatory of litera-
reverence. ANT. indifference, apathy, disloy- ture.’’—Elbert Hubbard.
alty. DIATRIBE n. [DI uh tribe] a bitter denuncia-
devour v. swallow up, eat, consume, gobble up, tion or criticism. The talk show host launched
wolf, gulp, stuff, gorge, bolt, *polish off, guz- into a scathing diatribe. SYN. invective, criti-
zle, gormandize, dispatch. cism, denunciation, harangue, castigation,
devout a. pious, religious, believing, faithful, tirade, abuse, vituperation, *tongue-lashing,
reverent, worshipping, earnest, holy, ortho- rebuke.
dox, zealous, ardent, heartfelt, sincere. ANT. dibs n. rights, claim.
atheistic, agnostic, unbelieving. dice n. *bones, *rollers, die, cube.
dew n. moisture, condensation, water droplets. dicey a. risky, chancy, hazardous, a gamble,
WORD FIND ticklish, *iffy.
frozen: rime, frost DICHOTOMY n. [di KOT uh me] a division
dewy-eyed a. innocent, childlike, naive. ANT. of two distinctly different or opposite parts,
worldly, experienced. groups, opinions, etc. There was a dichotomy
dexterity n. skill, adroitness, deftness, clever- of opinions between the races. SYN. division,
ness, expertise, know-how, knack, touch, split, subdivision, disagreement, difference
aptitude, facility, nimbleness, finesse. ANT. of opinion, opposition, break, separation,
ineptitude, clumsiness. rift, splintering, segmentation.
dexterous a. skillful, adroit, deft, clever, expert, dicker v. haggle, bargain, negotiate, *hash out
handy, adept, nimble, proficient, savvy, a deal, higgle, quibble, *talk down, barter.
clever, facile. ANT. clumsy, inept, uncoordi- dictate n. directive, rule, order, direction, com-
nated. mand, mandate, law, ordinance, decree, bid-
diabetes n. metabolic disorder, illness, disease, ding, dictum, requirement.
insulin insufficiency. SEE DISEASE, MEDICINE dictate v. 1. PRESCRIBE order, command, direct,
diabolic a. satanic, hellish, devilish, infernal, rule, charge, lay down the law, demand, en-
fiendish, evil, demonic, wicked, villainous, join, *call the shots, impose, ordain. 2. READ
Mephistophelean, malevolent, vicious, ALOUD compose, utter, draft, record.
cruel, beastly. ANT. heavenly, saintly, benevo- dictator n. tyrant, despot, autocrat, authoritar-
lent, angelic. ian, *Hitler, totalitarian, oppressor, over-
diagnosis n. identification, conclusion, deter- lord, *lord and master, strongman, czar,
mination, hunch, opinion, analysis, edu- taskmaster. ‘‘Jealous gods monopolizing
cated guess. ‘‘One of the commonest dis- power, destroying all rivals, compelling ex-
eases.’’—Karl Kraus. clusive loyalty.’’—Walter Lippmann. ‘‘Rul-
diagram n. drawing, chart, illustration, outline, ers who always look good until the last ten
graphic, draft, representation, graph, figure. minutes.’’—Jan Masaryk. SEE GOVERNMENT
dialect n. speech, local tongue, provincialism, dictatorial a. tyrannical, despotic, autocratic,
vernacular, patois, idiom, lingo, argot, slang, authoritarian, *Hitleresque, totalitarian,
cant, colloquialism, accent, pidgin. oppressive, overbearing, ironhanded, lordly,
dialogue n. talk, discussion, conversation, ver- high-handed, absolute, *whip-cracking, im-
bal exchange, interlocution, confabulation, perious, domineering. ANT. democratic, lib-
communication, conference, tête-à-tête, eral, tolerant.
*rap session, discourse, *powwow, *heart- diction n. vocabulary, wording, articulation,
to-heart. enunciation, expression, eloquence, usage,

170 Roget’s Superthesaurus


pronunciation, phraseology, language, in- dispute, contention, clash, controversy, dis-

flection, elocution. sension, conflict, debate, quarrel, opposi-
dictionary n. lexicon, glossary, word book, ref- tion, contradiction. ANT. 1. similarity, like-
erence book, vocabulary. ‘‘The most inter- ness, correspondence, mirror image. 2.
esting book in our language.’’—Albert agreement, concurrence, accord.
Nock. different a. 1. DISSIMILAR distinct, contrasting,
dictum n. 1. PRONOUNCEMENT dictate, declara- antithetical, opposite, asymmetrical, unlike,
tion, assertion, decree, command, edict, or- variant, *like night and day, divergent,
der. 2. SAYING maxim, adage, proverb, tru- clashing, disparate, incompatible. 2. SEPA-
ism, axiom, aphorism. RATE distinct, delineated, differentiated, sin-
DIDACTIC a. [dye DAK tik] instructional or gular, individual, another, exclusive. 3. VAR-
educational, especially involving morals. IOUS several, sundry, assorted, diverse,
Also, overly preachy or instructional; pe- numerous, miscellaneous, mixed. ANT. 1. the
dantic. The audience was asleep after the sena- same, alike, resembling, matching. 2. together,
tor’s didactic speech. SYN. instructional, edu- whole.
cational, informative, enlightening, differentiate v. distinguish, set apart, make a
expository, edifying, moralizing, pedantic, distinction, contrast, separate, characterize.
preachy, homiletic, pedagogic, sermonizing. difficult a. 1. HARD laborious, arduous, de-
die v. 1. PERISH expire, pass away, decease, manding, strenuous, tough, *Herculean,
succumb, depart, drop dead, *croak, *kick back-breaking, wearisome, burdensome,
the bucket, *buy the farm, *cash in one’s *Sisyphean, formidable. 2. COMPLICATED ab-
chips, *bite the dust, *kick off, *give up struse, intricate, perplexing, recondite, hard,
the ghost, *go belly up, *slip one’s cable, *brain-draining, complex, knotty, enig-
*permanently change one’s address, *meet matic, unfathomable, problematic. 3. UN-
one’s Maker, meet one’s fate, meet one’s MANAGEABLE intractable, obstinate, unac-
end, *bow out. ‘‘Go the way of all commodating, hard to please, unruly,
earth.’’—Bible. SEE DEAD, DEATH 2. DWIN- refractory, trying, stubborn, *a pain, fussy.
DLE wane, ebb, fade, weaken, abate, de-
ANT. 1. easy, simple, *a snap, *child’s play.
cline, subside, slacken, *fizzle out, *peter 2. simple, uncomplicated, obvious. 3. easy to
out, recede, diminish.
please, easygoing, accommodating.
diehard n. *bitter-ender, zealot, fanatic, ultra-
difficulty n. problem, complication, pain,
conservative, reactionary, stick-in-the-mud.
struggle, trouble, bother, trial, *hard row to
die-hard a. tough, tenacious, resistant, stub-
hoe, dilemma, hardship, obstacle, *fix, snag,
born, strong, clinging, defiant, recalcitrant,
headstrong, immovable, firm, rigid, unchan- impasse, quagmire, hassle, *tough sledding,
ging. ANT. weak-willed. plight, mess, *hot water, *deep water,
diet n. 1. DAILY FOOD INTAKE food and drink, straits, *hornet’s nest, *Gordian knot, *can
sustenance, nourishment, nutrition, vict- of worms, deadlock, gridlock, *pickle.
uals, foodstuffs, provisions, fare. 2. FOOD ‘‘God’s errands and trainers, and only
ABSTINENCE abstinence, fasting, regimen,
through them can one come to the fullness
regime, *weight-watching, calorie count- of manhood.’’—Henry Ward Beecher. ‘‘A
ing. ‘‘A system of starving yourself to death harsh nurse who roughly rocks her foster-
so you can live a little longer.’’—Jan Mur- children into strength and athletic propor-
ray. tion.’’—William Jennings Bryan.
differ v. 1. CONTRAST vary, stand apart, clash, DIFFIDENT a. [DIF i dunt] lacking confi-
diverge, be distinguished from, deviate from. dence, timid. She became diffident with people
2. DISAGREE clash, oppose, dispute, conflict, in authority. SYN. timid, shy, bashful, hesi-
be at variance, take issue, contend, contra- tant, unassertive, unsure of oneself, shrink-
dict, *lock horns. ANT. 1. resemble, corre- ing, timorous, modest, unassuming, inse-
spond, match. 2. agree, concur, accede, *see cure, reluctant, fainthearted. ANT.
eye to eye. self-confident, bold, assertive.
difference n. 1. DISSIMILARITY contrast, antithe- diffuse a. 1. SPREAD OUT dispersed, scattered,
sis, variance, opposition, distinction, asym- strewn, disseminated, extensive, prevalent,
metry, differentiation, inconformity, unlike- distributed, circulated. 2. WORDY long-
ness, deviation. 2. DISAGREEMENT argument, winded, verbose, profuse, rambling, prolix,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 171


loquacious, discursive. ANT. 1. concentrated, DILATE v. [DI layt] to widen or make wider.
focused. 2. brief, terse, pithy. The pupils of the eyes dilate when viewing an
diffusion n. spreading, dispersal, scattering, dis- attractive member of the opposite sex. SYN.
semination, distribution, circulation, propa- widen, expand, enlarge, broaden, extend,
gation. swell, grow, distend. ANT. contract, shrink,
dig n. insult, crack, knock, cutting remark, constrict.
wisecrack, *slap in the face, taunt, jeer, *low dilatory a. procrastinating, delaying, putting
blow, barb. ANT. compliment, praise. off, dallying, tardy, postponing, lagging, be-
dig v. excavate, hollow out, shovel, spade, hind, shilly-shallying. ANT. on time, prompt,
delve, hoe, scoop out, till, unearth, dredge, timely.
quarry, sift, root out, mine, exhume, *back- dilemma n. difficulty, predicament, bind, quan-
hoe. dary, plight, impasse, *pickle, *box, *fix,
digest n. summary, synopsis, abridgement, ab- *Catch-22, puzzle, hard choice, problem,
stract, condensation, pre cis. Hobson’s choice.
digest v. 1. ABSORB FOOD assimilate, break DILETTANTE n. [DIL i TAHNT] one who
down, consume, eat, dissolve. 2. UNDER- dabbles in or has an amateur’s knowledge of
STAND comprehend, absorb, take in, get, the arts. She painted only as a hobby; she was
grasp, mull over, reflect, ponder, assimilate. a dilettante. SYN. dabbler, amateur, hobbyist,
dignified a. self-respecting, poised, distin- layman, nonprofessional, trifler, putterer,
guished, stately, noble, regal, lofty, classy, tyro, *lightweight. ANT. professional, master,
refined, solemn, formal, imperious, *distin- expert.
gué, decorous. ANT. undignified, goofy, fool- diligence n. perseverance, persistence, relent-
ish, sophomoric. lessness, hard work, industry, care, plugging,
dignify v. elevate, exalt, honor, uplift, aggran- assiduity, effort, application, doggedness,
dize, ennoble, raise, solemnize, add a bit of pains, earnestness, discipline. ANT. laziness,
class. ANT. demean, degrade, lower. slackness.
dignitary n. *VIP, official, *bigwig, *bigshot, DILIGENT a. [DIL uh junt] hard-working or
personage, *name, somebody, celebrity, industrious, careful and meticulous. A dili-
*high muck-a-muck, star, lion. ANT. nobody, gent work force will make our company thrive.
*lightweight, *Joe Blow. SYN. hard-working, industrious, careful, me-
dignity n. self-respect, poise, nobility, stateli- ticulous, painstaking, sedulous, assiduous,
ness, courtliness, honor, stature, loftiness, dogged, persistent, busy, unrelenting, stead-
solemnity, class, formality, pride, presence. fast, plugging, tireless, active, toiling. ANT.
‘‘The quality that enables a man who says lazy, laggard, sluggish, slack.
nothing, does nothing and knows nothing dillydally v. waste time, procrastinate, vacil-
to command . . . respect.’’—John W. Raper. late, dawdle, trifle, lag, loiter.
ANT. sheepishness, goofiness, cringing servi- dilute v. thin, water down, reduce, weaken, di-
tude. minish, rarefy, attenuate, *cut, adulterate,
DIGRESS v. [di GRESS] to depart or stray moderate. ANT. concentrate, enrich,
from the main subject at hand. The speech strengthen.
was long-winded; the speaker liked to digress. dim a. 1. POORLY LIT faint, dusky, gauzy, gloomy,
SYN. stray, depart, ramble, drift, wander, di- shadowy, gray, blurry, indistinct, vague,
vagate, deviate, *go off on a tangent, get murky, fuzzy, subdued. 2. DIM-WITTED stupid,
sidetracked, rove, *beat around the bush. bovine, slow, dense, *thick, *dumb as a
digression n. straying, departure, rambling, post. ANT. 1. bright, blinding, brilliant. 2.
drifting, wandering, divagation, deviation, smart, intelligent, bright.
roving, aside, detour. dimension n. size, extent, range, scope, magni-
DILAPIDATED a. [di LAP i dayt ud] falling tude, proportion, scale, measure, measure-
apart; decaying. The dilapidated building was ment, span.
nearly 200 years old. SYN. falling apart, bro- diminish v. lessen, reduce, decrease, lower,
ken down, in disrepair, crumbling, tumble- shrink, dwindle, wane, ebb, weaken, fade,
down, decaying, falling down, *on its last depreciate, slacken, abate. ANT. grow, en-
legs, in ruins, worn out, run-down, rickety, large, expand.
deteriorated, *shot. ANT. sound, solid, intact, diminution n. lessening, reduction, decrease,
*good as new. lowering, shrinkage, decline, weakening,

172 Roget’s Superthesaurus


depreciation, slackening, abatement. ANT. wet, plunge, sink. 2. DECLINE decrease, slip,
growth, expansion, enlargement. drop off, descend, droop, plummet, plunge.
diminutive a. tiny, small, little, miniature, diploma n. certificate, sheepskin, degree,
pint-sized, minute, petite, *teeny, Lillipu- parchment, document.
tian, *baby, microscopic, puny. ANT. huge, DIPLOMACY n. [di PLOH muh see] the form-
gigantic, enormous. ing and maintaining of good relationships
dimple n. indentation, depression. and the skills it requires. The ambassador
dimwit n. idiot, simpleton, dunce. SEE MORON used a subtle form of diplomacy to smooth things
din n. noise, uproar, cacophony, racket, clamor, over with the dictator. SYN. people skills, tact,
commotion, tumult, *hubbub, *hurly-burly, tactfulness, statesmanship, politics, *glad-
babel, bedlam, clangor. ANT. silence, peace, handing, judiciousness, grace, sensitivity,
stillness. prudence, charm, mediation. ‘‘The art of
dine v. eat, sup, lunch, feast, break bread, ban- saying ‘Nice Doggie’ till you can find a
quet, feed, *pig out. ANT. fast. rock.’’—Wynn Catlin. SEE DIPLOMATIC, POLI-
diner n. cafe, eatery, lunch counter. SEE RESTAU- TICS
RANT diplomat n. ambassador, statesman, envoy,
dinghy n. rowboat. SEE BOAT consul, representative, politician, negotia-
dingy a. grimy, dirty, sooty, smoky, soiled, drab, tor, mediator, go-between, minister, emis-
smudgy, shabby, tarnished, dim, faded, sary, attaché. ‘‘A man who says ‘perhaps’
smeared. ANT. sparkling, brilliant, clean, when he means no.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ‘‘A
bright. person who can tell you to go to hell in such
dinky a. small, tiny, wee, insignificant, trivial. a way that you actually look forward to the
ANT. gargantuan. trip.’’—Caskie Stinnett. ‘‘An honest man
dinner n. meal, supper, repast, feast, banquet. sent abroad to lie for his country.’’—Henry
dinosaur n. 1. SAURIAN sauropod, *terrible liz- Wooton.
ard, prehistoric creature, theropod. diplomatic a. tactful, discreet, gracious,
WORD FIND smooth, conciliatory, sensitive, prudent,
aquatic: mosasaur politic, suave, subtle, artful. ‘‘The art of let-
armored, spiked: ankylosaurus ting someone have your way.’’—Daniele
bony fringe found on heads of some species: Vare. ANT. rude, tactless, uncivil, indelicate,
frill blunt.
death: extinction dipstick n. rod, measuring stick.
duck-billed: hadrosaur, trachodon dire a. 1. TERRIBLE disastrous, horrible, calami-
era: Mesozoic tous, dreadful, fearful, appalling, grievous,
evidence of, geological: fossil distressing, shocking, catastrophic. 2. UR-
giraffe-like giant: brachiosaurus GENT critical, pressing, crucial, exigent. ANT.
large herbivore: brontosaurus, apatosaurus, 1. wonderful, fortuitous. 2. trivial, unimpor-
diplodocus, iguanodon tant.
longest herbivore: supersaurus, seismosaurus direct v. 1. CONDUCT manage, orchestrate,
meat-eating, ferocious: tyrannosaurus rex, guide, control, *head up, oversee, supervise,
allosaurus *quarterback, *call the shots, *be in the
period: Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous driver’s seat, boss. 2. AIM point, guide, train,
plate-backed: stegosaurus indicate, target, steer, orient, show, usher.
sickle-like claw used for slahing, swift and 3. ADDRESS focus, devote, fix, funnel, aim.
small and famous for: velociraptor ANT. 1. follow, obey.
skull crest, known for long: parasaurolophus direct a. 1. STRAIGHTFORWARD frank, honest,
slashing: utahraptor explicit, forthright, point-blank, blunt,
tallest herbivore: ultrasaurus open, unequivocal, candid. 2. UNDEVIATING
three-horned, beaklike mouth: triceratops straight, unswerving, true, *as the crow flies,
winged: pterodactyl *in a beeline. 3. IMMEDIATE unimpeded,
2. RELIC antique, artifact, fossil, outmoded firsthand, face-to-face. ANT. 1. indirect,
article. mealy-mouthed, roundabout. 2. roundabout,
diorama n. scene, display, three-dimensional deviating, circuitous. 3. second-hand, indirect.
representation, exhibit. direction n. 1. MANAGEMENT orchestration,
dip v. 1. DUNK immerse, duck, lower, submerge, guidance, control, supervision, leadership,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 173


administration, care, command. 2. POINT OF out of action, handicap, prostrate, paralyze,

THE COMPASS course, way, orientation, bear- disarm. ANT. enable, strengthen.
ing, heading, route, tack, trajectory. 3. IN- disabled a. crippled, impaired, incapacitated,
STRUCTION guidance, advice, specifications, lame, injured, weakened, *out of action,
prescription, guidelines, recipe. 4. ORDER handicapped, prostrate, paralyzed, bedrid-
command, charge, instruction. den, confined to a wheelchair, paraplegic,
directive n. order, command, mandate, instruc- quadraplegic. ANT. sound, strong, fit, condi-
tion, direction, charge, ruling, injunction, tioned, powerful.
ordinance. disadvantage n. drawback, liability, handicap,
directly adv. 1. STRAIGHT *as the crow flies, weakness, impediment, detriment, hurdle,
*in a beeline, undeviatingly, *spang. 2. IM- stumbling block, limitation, failing, minus,
MEDIATELY without delay, promptly, at once, burden. ANT. advantage, plus, benefit.
*first thing, pronto, speedily, straightaway. disadvantaged a. underprivileged, handi-
ANT. 1. indirectly, roundabout, circuitously. 2. capped, deprived, unequal, impoverished,
eventually, later. poor. ANT. advantaged, lucky, privileged.
director n. leader, orchestrator, manager, over- disadvantageous a. unfavorable, detrimental,
seer, administrator, supervisor, head, *whip, injurious, deleterious, inopportune, adverse,
*kingpin, executive, foreman, overlord, harmful, detracting, unlucky. ANT. favorable,
*biggest toad in the puddle, general, quar- opportune.
terback, captain, boss. DISAFFECTED a. [dis uh FEK tid] no longer
directorate n. board, staff. feeling loyalty or affection for someone or
direful a. SEE DIRE something; alienated. Government betrayed
dirge n. funeral hymn, epicedium, threnody, la- him and he became disaffected. SYN. alienated,
ment, elegy, death march, mass. estranged, discontented, disloyal, un-
dirigible n. balloon, zeppelin. SEE BLIMP friendly, separated, hostile, dissatisfied, dis-
dirt n. 1. SOIL filth, grime, mud, muck, dust, gruntled. ANT. affectionate, loyal, contented.
dung, mire, ooze, loam, earth, residue, *crap, disagree v. differ, be at odds, dissent, conflict,
*crud, *gunk, *gook, clay. 2. OBSCENITY por- contradict, contest, contend, argue, clash,
nography, filth, smut, indecency. 3. GOSSIP oppose, take issue, dispute, see things differ-
rumor, scandal, scoop, talk, exposé, muck, ently. ANT. agree, concur, correspond.
*keyhole journalism. disagreeable a. 1. UNPLEASANT offensive, repug-
dirty v. soil, stain, muddy, besmirch, mess, spot, nant, objectionable, repellant, distasteful,
begrime, foul, pollute, smudge, smatter, de- disgusting, repulsive, obnoxious, odious,
file. negative, unwanted. 2. QUARRELSOME
dirty a. 1. SOILED filthy, unclean, grimy, grouchy, bad-tempered, contentious, con-
*grungy, stained, spotted, begrimed, un- trary, petulant, standoffish, cross, peevish,
sightly, squalid, messy, foul, greasy, grubby, surly, irritable, nasty, churlish. ANT. 1. pleas-
polluted, muddy, smudged, *scuzzy, *gross, ant, welcome, nice. 2. easygoing, pleasant,
unsanitary. 2. OBSCENE pornographic, X- good-humored.
rated, filthy, smutty, indecent, prurient, disagreement n. dispute, difference of opinion,
blue, risqué, off-color, ribald, *raunchy, dissent, contention, argument, quarrel, con-
*raw, explicit, scatological. 3. UNFAIR un- troversy, division, squabble, discord, opposi-
sportsmanlike, dishonorable, dishonest, tion, spat, falling-out. ANT. agreement, ac-
low, *cheap, rotten, mean, below-the-belt. cord, harmony.
ANT. 1. clean, sanitary, spotless, sparkling. 2. disallow v. reject, veto, prohibit, deny, pro-
wholesome, clean, G-rated. 3. fair, sportsman- scribe.
like, clean. disappear v. vanish, fade, go away, dissolve, re-
dirty old man n. lecher, *sleazebag, *dirty old cede, evaporate, *vamoose, *go south, eva-
goat, satyr, pedophile. nesce, leave no trace, *fade into the wood-
disability n. handicap, incapacity, infirmity, work, dematerialize, vaporize, wane, cease,
defect, weakness, restriction, malady, injury, pass, escape, depart, hide. ANT. appear, mate-
impairment, paralysis, affliction. rialize, show.
disable v. cripple, impair, incapacitate, lame, disappoint v. let down, sadden, deflate, *dash
hamstring, damage, weaken, debilitate, *put one’s hopes, *burst one’s bubble, fall short,

174 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fail, disillusion, displease, disenchant, frus- out of, *wash one’s hands of, recant, retract.
trate, dishearten. ANT. live up to expectations, ANT. admit, own up.
hearten, encourage, fulfill, satisfy. disband v. break up, dissolve, fold, separate.
disappointed a. let down, saddened, deflated, disbelief n. doubt, incredulity, questioning,
disillusioned, disenchanted, displeased, un- skepticism, rejection, distrust, dissent. ANT.
fulfilled, unsatisfied, frustrated, disheart- belief, faith, credulity.
ened. ANT. satisfied, fulfilled, happy. disburse v. pay out, expend, outlay, spend,
disappointment n. letdown, disillusionment, *shell out, dole out, allocate, mete out.
disenchantment, displeasure, unfulfillment, discard v. throw out, reject, toss, dismiss, *can,
frustration, dissatisfaction, dud, *bitter pill scrap, dump, eject, junk, jettison, *eighty-
to swallow, *bust, *drag, *bummer, setback, six, *scratch, shed. ANT. keep, retain.
failure, rude awakening, washout, blow. discern v. perceive, detect, apprehend, sense,
‘‘The bankruptcy of a soul that expends too see, notice, ascertain, observe, make out,
much in hope and expectation.’’—Eric Hof- spot, distinguish. ANT. miss, overlook.
fer. ‘‘The nurse of wisdom.’’—Boyle Roche. DISCERNING a. [di SUR ning] perceptive
ANT. satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness. and sharp. She was discerning with her fashion
disapproval n. rejection, disfavor, censure, dis- choices. SYN. perceptive, sharp, sagacious,
like, disparagement, detraction, displeasure, discriminating, astute, hawk-eyed, critical,
deprecation, dissatisfaction, *thumbs down, shrewd, judicious, intelligent, wise, mindful.
animadversion, *boo, *hiss, *Bronx cheer, ANT. unperceptive, unobservant, mindless.
*raspberry. ANT. approval, favor, acceptance. discharge n. 1. RELEASE liberation, pardon, ac-
disapprove v. reject, frown on, disfavor, cen- quittal, setting free. 2. DISMISSAL *the axe,
sure, dislike, disparage, condemn, criticize, *the boot, *sack, *walking papers, *pink
take a dim view of, object to, *nix, *give slip, ejection, ouster, *the gate, firing, layoff.
thumbs down, dismiss, deprecate, denounce. 3. DETONATION firing, shot, explosion. 4. EM-
ANT. approve, accept, embrace, praise. MISION expulsion, ejection, exudation, ex-
disarm v. disable, weaken, take the teeth out cretion, flow, seepage, oozing. ANT. 1. cap-
of, *defang, neutralize, mollify, charm, con- ture, holding, incarceration.
ciliate, pacify, win over. discharge v. 1. RELEASE set free, liberate, let go,
DISARMING a. [dis ARM ing] winning one emancipate, dismiss, acquit, pardon. 2. DIS-
over by charm or removing hostility. A dis- MISS fire, lay off, *sack, *give the boot, *give
arming smile mollified his ire. SYN. winning, walking papers, *give the axe, *give pink
charming, winsome, appealing, irresistible, slip, *show the gate/door, eject, oust, *can,
appeasing, ingratiating, likable, pleasing, relieve of duties, excuse. 3. DETONATE fire,
agreeable, conciliatory. ANT. offensive, ob- shoot, explode, set off. 4. EMIT eject, exude,
noxious, irritating. excrete, flow, gush, seep, ooze, spew. ANT. 1.
disarrange v. mix up, disorder, scramble, muss, capture, hold, incarcerate.
mess, jumble, ruffle. disciple n. follower, believer, devotee, sup-
disarray n. disorder, disarrangement, mess, porter, apostle, adherent, proselyte, pupil.
jumble, confusion, tangle, *shambles, chaos, disciplinarian n. authoritarian, tyrant, marti-
dishevelment, hodgepodge, clutter. net, taskmaster, *whipcracker, drill ser-
disaster n. catastrophe, misfortune, calamity, geant, bully.
accident, tragedy, debacle, adversity, *act of discipline n. 1. FORTITUDE training, drilling,
God, cataclysm, ruin, blow, hardship, re- willpower, self-control, mental toughness,
verse, holocaust. regimen, practice, self-regulation, firmness,
disaster area n. area of devastation, storm cen- diligence, mettle, earnestness, iron will,
ter, crisis zone, war zone, flood zone, desola- *grit, *moxie, commitment. 2. PUNISHMENT
tion, path of destruction. penalty, consequence, correction, castiga-
disastrous a. catastrophic, calamitous, unfortu- tion, reprimand. 3. BRANCH OF STUDY spe-
nate, tragic, cataclysmic, ruinous, dire, dev- cialty, field, subject, curriculum, course.
astating, desolating, adverse. ANT. fortuitous, ANT. 1. laziness, sloth. 2. reward.
wonderous, lucky. discipline v. 1. TRAIN drill, harden, self-regu-
disavow v. abjure, disown, repudiate, deny, dis- late, test one’s mettle, commit, *bite the
claim, reject, gainsay, contradict, *weasel bullet, toughen, control, exercise, *whip

Roget’s Superthesaurus 175

Disc Jockey–Discrepancy

into shape, practice. 2. PUNISH penalize, cor- *knock off, finish, quit, *call it quits, desist,
rect, castigate, reprimand, *call on the car- suspend, hold off. ANT. resume, start.
pet. ANT. 1. let oneself go, slip, neglect. 2. re- DISCORD n. [DIS kord] disagreement; con-
ward. flict. The new proposal was met with discord.
disc jockey n. dj, deejay, announcer, radio per- SYN. disagreement, dissension, conflict, vari-
sonality. ance, disunity, disharmony, contention,
disclaim v. deny, repudiate, denounce, disown, clashing, difference of opinion, dissonance.
disavow, abjure, forswear, reject, renounce. ‘‘A sleepless hag who never dies.’’—John
ANT. admit, acknowledge, own up. Wolcott. ANT. accord, harmony, agreement.
DISCLAIMER n. [dis KLAYM ur] a denial of discordant a. conflicting, dissonant, unharmo-
responsibility or refusal to accept responsi- nious, incongruous, contrary, inimical,
bility. To protect itself from lawsuits stemming harsh, jarring, sour, strident, incompatible.
from falls, the company placed a disclaimer on ANT. harmonious, euphonious, compatible.
every ladder it made. SYN. disavowal, denial, discourage v. 1. DISHEARTEN dispirit, demor-
retraction, repudiation. alize, dampen one’s spirits, unnerve, *throw
disclose v. reveal, tell, divulge, let slip, make cold water on, daunt, intimidate, cow, *dash
known, *spill the beans, confess, impart, ex- one’s hopes, *take the wind out of one’s
pose, *bare one’s soul. ANT. hide, cover up, sails. 2. DETER dissuade, hinder, impede, re-
withhold. strain, curb. ANT. 1. encourage, hearten, em-
disclosure n. revelation, confession, exposé, bolden.
admission, divulgence, declaration, publica- discouraging a. demoralizing, disheartening,
tion. hopeless, daunting, dismaying, dissuasive,
disco n. discotheque, club, nightclub, dance dispiriting, deflating, intimidating. ANT. en-
hall, cabaret. couraging, heartening, uplifting.
discolor v. stain, bleach, fade, spot, wash, tinge, discourse n. dialogue, speech, conversation,
weather. talk, discussion, communication, chat, lec-
discomfit v. thwart, foil, frustrate, defeat, dis- ture, colloquy, *confab, address.
concert, fluster, distress, perplex, faze, unset- discourteous a. rude, inconsiderate, impolite,
tle, discompose, ruffle. ill-mannered, uncivil, brusque, ungracious,
indelicate, cavalier, fresh, boorish. ANT. po-
discomfort n. uneasiness, distress, pain, anxi-
lite, courteous, civil.
ety, irritation, soreness, ache, suffering, mal-
discover v. find, uncover, discern, detect, learn,
aise, annoyance. ANT. ease, pleasure.
espy, unearth, notice, come across, realize,
DISCONCERTED a. [DIS kun SERT ed] per-
bring to light, spot, descry. ANT. miss, over-
turbed, disturbed, ruffled. He saw the police-
look, pass over.
man and was disconcerted. SYN. perturbed,
discovery n. finding, uncovering, detection,
disturbed, ruffled, uncomfortable, uneasy, unearthing, strike, espial, breakthrough.
flabbergasted, anxious, upset, taken aback, discredit v. 1. DAMAGE ONE’S REPUTATION dis-
confused, rattled, shaken up, flustered. ANT. grace, dishonor, detract, defame, disparage,
calm, composed, at ease. censure, degrade, tear down, depreciate, de-
disconnect v. detach, unhook, uncouple, sepa- mean. 2. CAST DOUBT ON refute, disprove,
rate, disengage, undo, unlink, loose, sever, discount, disbelieve, question, challenge, re-
break off. ANT. connect, attach, engage. ject, scoff. ANT. 1. praise, honor, laud. 2.
disconsolate a. inconsolable, depressed, de- credit, verify, support.
jected, suicidal, cheerless, downhearted, DISCREET a. [dis KREET] unobtrusive and
heartbroken, forlorn, desolate, melancholy, tactful, properly reserved. If you must burp,
gloomy, hopeless, crushed. ANT. euphoric, please be discreet. SYN. tactful, unobtrusive,
joyous, happy. reserved, proper, judicious, diplomatic, re-
discontent n. dissatisfaction, unhappiness, un- strained, prudent, modest, quiet, low-pro-
easiness, displeasure, disquiet, unfulfillment, filed, circumspect, careful, sensitive. ANT. in-
vexation, wanting, dysphoria, restlessness. discreet, insensitive, tactless, obtrusive,
‘‘The first step of progress.’’—Thomas Edi- conspicuous.
son. ‘‘A perverse and fretful disposition.’’— discrepancy n. inconsistency, variance, differ-
Cicero. ANT. contentment, satisfaction, ease. ence, incongruity, conflict, error, diver-
discontinue v. stop, end, cease, terminate, gence, disparity. ANT. consistency, agreement.

176 Roget’s Superthesaurus


discrete a. distinct, individual, separate, differ- bone: osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rickets

ent, independent, detached. ANT. indistinct, brain and nervous system: Alzheimer’s,
ambiguous, combined. aphasia, apoplexy (stroke), encephalitis,
discretion n. 1. PRUDENCE judgment, diplo- epilepsy, Huntington’s chorea, hydro-
macy, sagacity, tact, common sense, circum- cephalus, meningitis, multiple sclerosis
spection, caution, consideration, maturity, (MS), Parkinson’s disease, wet brain
wisdom. ‘‘That honorable stop.’’—Shake- bubonic plague: Black Death
speare. ‘‘Leaving a few things unsaid.’’—El- cat: FAIDS, Feline Acquired Immune Defi-
bert Hubbard. 2. FREEDOM OF CHOICE voli- ciency Syndrome
tion, will, liberty, choice, inclination, cause of: virus, germ, contagion, microbe,
preference. bacillus, pathogen
discriminate v. 1. SHOW PREJUDICE favor, show circulatory: aneurysm, arteriosclerosis, ath-
bias, treat unfairly. 2. DISTINGUISH differenti- erosclerosis, hypertension, ischemia, pe-
ate, separate, contrast, compare, tell the dif- ripheral vascular disease, phlebitis,
ference, judge, draw a distinction, discern, thrombosis
segregate. contagious: chicken pox, diptheria, measles,
discriminating a. selective, choosy, picky, fussy, tuberculosis, plague, whooping cough
judicious, critical, particular, finicky, astute, deficiency: scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, rickets
discerning. ANT. undiscriminating, unparticu- digestive: appendicitis, cirrhosis of the liver,
lar. colitis, Crohn’s disease, diabetes, diver-
discrimination n. prejudice, bias, favoritism, ticulitis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, gall-
bigotry, inequity, racism, sexism, chauvin- stones, hepatitis, hiatal hernia, jaundice,
ism. pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, typhoid fever
discursive a. rambling, digressive, excursive, dog: distemper, heartworm, mange, rabies
wandering, roving, circumlocutory, rhap- ear: tinnitus, vertigo
sodic, prolix. ANT. succinct, direct, to the eye: cataract, conjunctivitis, detached ret-
point. ina, glaucoma, lazy eye, pinkeye, retinitis
discuss v. talk over, deliberate, converse, con- pigmentosa, strabismus, stye, trachoma
fabulate, *hash over, *kick around, argue, flu: influenza, grippe
dissert, debate, confer, review. food poisoning: botulism, salmonella, trichi-
discussion n. talk, deliberation, conversation, nosis
confabulation, conference, debate, argu- German measles: rubella
ment, consultation, *powwow, parley, *rap germ destroyer: antibiotic, antibody
session, *bull session, seminar, symposium. gums: gingivitis, periodontal disease, pyor-
DISDAIN n. [dis DANE] scorn or contempt. I rhea
felt nothing but disdain for the man. SYN. scorn, heart: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, athletic
contempt, hatred, disgust, dislike, detesta- heart syndrome, cardiac arrest, conges-
tion, loathing, abhorrence, haughtiness, tive heart failure, coronary artery disease,
*snottiness, snobbishness. ANT. admiration, heart attack, heart murmur, ischemic
respect. heart disease, mitral valve prolapse, myo-
disdain v. despise, loathe, hate, hold in con- cardial infarction, pericarditis, rheu-
tempt, abhor, sicken at the sight of, spurn, matic heart disease, tachycardia
reject, look down one’s nose at. ANT. admire, identification: diagnosis
respect. imagined: hypochondriasis
disease n. sickness, illness, affliction, ailment, immune dysfunction: AIDS, Acquired Im-
malady, disorder, ill health, condition, syn- mune Deficiency Syndrome
drome, *bug, debility, infection, virus, infir- joints: arthritis, gout, rheumatism
mity, pathology, plague. ‘‘The taxes laid kissing disease: mononucleosis
upon this wretched life.’’—Lord Chester- livestock: anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease,
field. ‘‘Death’s servant.’’—Francis Rous. listeriosis, mange, mastitis
‘‘Fear made manifest on the body.’’—Mary lockjaw: tetanus
Baker Eddy. lungs, breathing: apnea, asthma, black lung
WORD FIND disease, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, dys-
blood: anemia, hemophilia, leukemia, per- pnea, emphysema, pleurisy, pneumonia,
nicious anemia, sickle-cell anemia tuberculosis

Roget’s Superthesaurus 177


mononucleosis, form of: Epstein-Barr syn- annoyed, put out, discontented, grouchy, ir-
drome ritable, dissatisfied, disappointed, sulky.
muscles: muscular dystrophy, myasthenia ANT. contented, satisfied, happy.
gravis, tendinitis, myopathy disguise n. cover-up, costume, mask, charade,
nose: rhinitis, sinusitis camouflage, facade, guise, getup, pretense,
origin: etiology masquerade, cloak, veil, incognito.
peculiar to or found in only one region: en- disguise v. cover up, mask, camouflage, put up a
demic facade, masquerade, cloak, veil, counterfeit,
predicted outcome: prognosis dissemble, put on a false front, feign. ANT.
recurring: chronic expose, reveal, unmask.
sexually transmitted: venereal disease, her- disgust n. revulsion, repulsion, distaste, loath-
pes, AIDS, gonorrhea (*clap), genital ing, abhorrence, aversion, dislike, nausea,
warts, chlamydia, syphilis. repugnance, detestation. ANT. liking, delight.
skin: carbuncle, dermatitis, eczema, hives, disgust v. revolt, repel, sicken, nauseate, *make
impetigo, lupus, psoriasis, rosacea, sca- one sick, offend, repulse, *turn one’s stom-
bies, vitiligo ach, *turn off, *gross out, appall. ANT. de-
spine, curvature of: scoliosis light, attract, charm.
spreading: contagious disgusting a. repugnant, loathsome, revolting,
spreading rapidly: epidemic repellant, sickening, nauseating, *stomach-
strep throat, related to: rheumatic fever, turning, repulsive, *gross, offensive, dis-
scarlet fever tasteful, noisome, nasty, vulgar, vile, foul.
swollen salivary glands: mumps ANT. delightful, attractive, charming, appetiz-
tick, transmitted by: Lyme disease, Rocky ing.
Mountain spotted fever dish n. plate, platter, bowl, vessel, saucer, uten-
tropical: malaria, sprue, dengue fever, lep- sil.
rosy, yellow fever dishearten v. discourage, dispirit, dampen,
warning symptom: prodrome *take the wind out of one’s sails, *shake up,
widespread: pandemic daunt, unnerve, *take the starch out of,
crush, *put a wet blanket on, *pour cold
disembowel v. eviscerate, gut, draw. water on, dash, deject. ANT. encourage,
disenchanted a. disillusioned, undeceived, hearten, embolden.
seeing the real world, disabused, cynical,
disheveled a. in disarray, unkempt, sloppy,
worldly-wise. ANT. spellbound, naive, en-
messy, slovenly, rumpled, wrinkled, bedrag-
gled, *grubby, mussed, blowzy, uncombed.
disengage v. detach, release, free, unfasten, ex-
ANT. neat, *put together, sharp, groomed.
tricate, remove, loose, disconnect.
disfigure v. deface, mar, scar, deform, mutilate, dishonest a. untruthful, deceitful, insincere,
blemish, maim, distort. fraudulent, shady, corrupt, untrustworthy,
disgorge v. vomit, discharge, spew, empty. SEE false, misleading, shifty, treacherous, disin-
genuous, crooked, two-faced. ANT. honest,
disgrace n. dishonor, shame, blot, degradation, trustworthy, straightforward.
odium, humiliation, *black eye, discredit, dishonesty n. lies, improbability, untruthful-
obloquy, defamation, scandal, opprobrium, ness, deceit, deception, lying, fraud, prevari-
ignominy, disrepute. ‘‘To stumble twice cation, insincerity, duplicity, mendacity,
against the same stone.’’—Cicero. ANT. falsehoods, disingenuousness.
honor, credit, grace. dishonor n. disgrace, shame, embarrassment,
disgrace v. dishonor, shame, blot, degrade, hu- humiliation, discredit, degradation, igno-
miliate, *give a black eye, discredit, spoil, miny, opprobrium, obloquy, scandal, odium,
defame, scandalize, smear, taint, embarrass. *fall from grace, smear, blot, *black eye.
ANT. honor, credit, glorify. ANT. honor, esteem, admiration.
disgraceful a. dishonorable, shameful, degrad- dishonor v. disgrace, shame, discredit, degrade,
ing, humiliating, discrediting, defaming, scandalize, smear, blot, *give a black eye,
scandalizing, embarrassing, ignominious, besmirch, tarnish, *drag through the mud.
odious. ANT. honorable, reputable, admirable. DISILLUSION v. [dis i LOO szhun] to remove
disgruntled a. angry, cross, unhappy, peeved, faulty perceptions and see things as they

178 Roget’s Superthesaurus


really are. Children eventually become disillu- discompose, unnerve, shake, fluster, rattle,
sioned with Santa Claus. SYN. disenchant, dis- consternate.
abuse, disappoint, enlighten, *bring down dismember v. amputate, cut up, mutilate, chop
to earth, *burst one’s bubble, open one’s up, cut into pieces, mangle.
eyes, *clue in, shatter illusions. ANT. en- dismiss v. 1. LET GO send away, discharge, re-
chant, spellbind, deceive. lease, turn out, expel, rid, excuse, dispense
disinclined a. unwilling, reluctant, loath, with, free, banish, clear, oust, evict. 2. FIRE
averse, indisposed, opposed, resistant, hesi- lay off, *give the axe, *give the boot, *give
tant. ANT. willing, eager. walking papers, *send packing, *show the
disinfect v. sterilize, sanitize, purify, cleanse, door, *give pink slip, terminate, *can,
decontaminate, antisepticize, *zap. *sack, set adrift, *bounce. 3. PUT OUT OF
disingenuous a. insincere, deceitful, lying, art- ONE’S MIND dispel, disregard, banish, *pooh-
ful, false, uncandid, dishonest, crooked, un- pooh.
derhanded, two-faced. ANT. sincere, honest, dismissal n. discharge, release, expulsion, oust-
*real. ing, eviction, *walking papers, layoff, *sack,
disintegrate v. fall apart, crumble, shatter, *pink slip, removal.
break up, atomize, pulverize, turn to dust, disobedience n. rebellion, noncompliance, de-
decompose, decay, erode. fiance, insubordination, transgression, re-
disinterested a. indifferent, apathetic, uncon- volt, recalcitrance, contumacy, insubmis-
cerned, dispassionate, uninvolved, impar- sion. ‘‘The rarest and the most courageous
tial, unprejudiced, unbiased, neutral. ANT. of the virtues, is seldom distinguished from
concerned, biased, prejudiced, involved, riv- neglect, the laziest and most common of the
eted. vices.’’—George Bernard Shaw.
disjointed a. disconnected, loose, displaced, in- disobedient v. rebellious, noncompliant, defi-
coherent, disordered, disorganized, discon- ant, insubordinate, unruly, recalcitrant, in-
tinuous, broken, separated, rambling, submissive, fractious, contrary, stubborn,
choppy. ANT. connected, coherent. mischievous. ANT. obedient, compliant, duti-
disk n. 1. plate. 2. diskette, floppy disk, mag- ful.
netic disk, CD. disobey v. defy, rebel, revolt, reject, transgress,
dislike n. hatred, abhorrence, loathing, scorn,
oppose, flout, contradict, *thumb one’s nose
detestation, distaste, disapproval, aversion,
at, disregard, overstep, resist. ANT. obey,
antipathy, repugnance, repulsion. ANT. ap-
comply, *knuckle under, abide by.
proval, acceptance, love.
disorder n. 1. DISARRAY jumble, confusion,
dislike v. hate, abhor, loathe, *get turned off
by, despise, deplore, scorn, *turn up one’s mess, disarrangement, clutter, disorganiza-
nose at, disapprove, *look down on, frown tion, untidiness, chaos, muddle. 2. DISTUR-
BANCE commotion, upset, agitation, unrest,
upon, detest. ANT. like, fancy, love.
dislocate v. pull out of alignment, displace, dis- chaos, turbulence, imbroglio, clamor, rum-
lodge. pus, *hullabaloo, fracas, anarchy, ferment,
disloyal a. unfaithful, traitorous, treacherous, discord. 3. AFFLICTION ailment, malady, in-
back-stabbing, two-faced, treasonous, per- firmity, sickness, illness, disease, syndrome.
fidious, double-crossing, *like a snake in the ANT. 1. order, organization, arrangement. 2.

grass. ANT. faithful, true, loyal. peace, calm, tranquility.

dismal a. dreary, gloomy, bleak, depressing, disorder v. mix up, mess, disarrange, jumble,
cheerless, grim, black, desolate, melancholy, confuse, shuffle, clutter, disorganize, mud-
forlorn, miserable, somber. ANT. cheerful, dle, disturb, scatter, muss up. ANT. order, ar-
sunny, uplifting, bright. range, neaten.
dismantle v. disassemble, take apart, strip, disorderly a. 1. IRREGULAR messy, disarranged,
break apart, break down, tear down, demol- jumbled, confused, shuffled, cluttered,
ish, level. mixed up, disorganized, muddled, scram-
dismay n. consternation, horror, discomposure, bled, scattered. 2. UNRULY disruptive, un-
fright, apprehension, terror, discourage- manageable, riotous, *out-of-line, unlawful,
ment, trepidation, *cold feet, alarm, dread. rowdy, uncontrollable, wayward, obstreper-
dismay v. daunt, dishearten, trouble, frighten, ous. ANT. 1. orderly, arranged, organized. 2.
disconcert, appall, intimidate, horrify, cow, orderly, well-behaved, peaceful.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 179


disoriented a. lost, confused, mixed-up, dazed, without, relinquish. 2. forgo, waive, for-
muddled, bewildered. swear.
disown v. repudiate, reject, renounce, disclaim, disperse v. scatter, distribute, strew, dissemi-
forsake, disavow, cast off, divorce oneself nate, spread, broadcast, sow, circulate, dif-
from, disinherit. ANT. claim, accept, admit, fuse, disband, dissipate.
adopt. dispirited a. dejected, depressed, downhearted,
DISPARAGE v. [di SPAIR ij] to belittle, put melancholy, blue, glum, discouraged, *down
down. The coach disparaged the team after yet in the dumps, disheartened, despondent,
another loss. SYN. belittle, put down, criti- disconsolate. ANT. cheerful, euphoric, happy.
cize, deprecate, denigrate, depreciate, de- displace v. 1. MOVE dislocate, shift, dislodge,
flate, defame, malign, *dump on, ridicule, unsettle, transfer, dispossess, relocate, dis-
discredit. ANT. praise, commend, laud. turb, force out, uproot. 2. SUPPLANT replace,
disparate a. different, dissimilar, distinct, con- supersede, succeed, crowd out, take over,
trasting, unequal, uneven, inconsistent. usurp.
ANT. comparable. display n. exhibit, exhibition, presentation, ad-
DISPARITY n. [dis PAIR uh tee] a gap or state vertisement, exposition, layout, spread,
of inequality, difference. There is often a dis- staging, panorama.
parity between thoughts and deeds. SYN. gap, display v. exhibit, show, present, showcase, ad-
inequality, difference, incongruity, discrep- vertise, lay out, stage, flaunt, demonstrate,
ancy, imbalance, disproportion, inconsis- parade, spotlight. ANT. hide, conceal, camou-
tency. ANT. equality, correspondence, consis- flage.
tency. displease v. annoy, offend, anger, irritate, dis-
dispassionate a. unfeeling, unemotional, calm, turb, irk, disappoint, bother, upset, dissat-
detached, indifferent, neutral, disinterested, isfy, disgruntle, *piss off, repulse, pall, insult.
unprejudiced, unbiased, objective, judicial, ANT. delight, satisfy, *tickle.
impartial. ANT. passionate, involved, inter- displeasure n. annoyance, dissatisfaction,
ested, biased. anger, irritation, disappointment, disgrun-
dispatch n. 1. MESSAGE communication, com- tlement, dislike, distaste, unhappiness. ANT.
munique, news, report, bulletin, flash, note. delight, satisfaction, happiness.
2. SPEED promptness, swiftness, alacrity, ce- disposal n. 1. THROWING OUT discarding, dump-
lerity, quickness, haste, expedition. ANT. 2. ing, junking, dispatching, scrapping, re-
sloth, sluggishness. moval. 2. ORDER placement, distribution,
dispatch v. 1. SEND OFF consign, forward, issue, array, arrangement, disposition, grouping. 3.
transmit, speed, express, post. 2. EXPEDITE SETTLEMENT conclusion, dispensation, deter-
hurry, dash off, quicken, push, dispose of, mination, transfer, end. 4. POWER liberty,
*zip off. 3. KILL slay, execute, murder, assas- authority, control, direction.
sinate, put to death, *waste. SEE KILL, MURDER dispose v. 1. THROW OUT discard, dump, toss,
dispel v. dispense with, rid, scatter, drive away, scrap, junk, *can, *chuck, *eighty-six. 2.
dismiss, banish, oust, eject, rout, disperse, SETTLE determine, decide, end, finish up.
remove, dispose of. disposed a. inclined, apt, willing, prone, liable,
dispensable a. unnecessary, disposable, nones- predisposed, likely. ANT. indisposed, unlikely.
sential, inessential, expendable, superfluous. disposition n. 1. TEMPERAMENT temper, nature,
ANT. indispensable. mood, humor, frame of mind, outlook, char-
dispensary n. medical supply office, infirmary, acter, *mind-set, tendency, proclivity, bent.
clinic. 2. ORDER placement, distribution, arrange-
dispensation n. 1. DISTRIBUTION apportion- ment, grouping, array.
ment, allocation, disbursement, allotment, dispossess v. divest, deprive, expropriate, strip,
assignment, consignment. 2. SHARE allot- confiscate, oust, expel, eject.
ment, quota, portion, consignment, alloca- disproportionate a. unequal, unbalanced, lop-
tion. 3. ADMINISTRATION management, regu- sided, inordinate, uneven. ANT. equal, pro-
lation, direction, operation, supervision. portionate.
dispense v. give out, distribute, allocate, appor- disprove v. debunk, invalidate, refute, confute,
tion, dole out, assign, mete out, supply, dis- negate, expose, controvert, belie, *shoot
perse, parcel out. holes in, discredit. ANT. prove, validate.
dispense with v. 1. dispose of, get rid of, do disputable a. debatable, arguable, dubious,

180 Roget’s Superthesaurus


moot, questionable, controversial, open to disruptive a. interrupting, upsetting, disturb-

argument, unsettled. ANT. indisputable, set- ing, unsettling, agitating, disconcerting, dis-
tled, unquestionable. tracting, *discombobulating, trouble-mak-
dispute n. argument, debate, controversy, dis- ing. ANT. calming, quieting.
agreement, conflict, altercation, difference dissatisfactory a. unsatisfactory.
of opinion, contest, *beef, wrangle, dissen- dissatisfied a. displeased, unfulfilled, unhappy,
sion, *fuss, *bone of contention, row, im- discontented, disappointed, critical, dis-
broglio. ANT. agreement. gruntled, malcontented, frustrated, disaf-
dispute v. argue, debate, disagree, conflict, con- fected. ANT. satisfied, pleased, content.
test, contend, controvert, *lock horns, dissect v. cut up, separate, examine, analyze,
wrangle, quarrel, doubt, controvert, bicker, inspect, scrutinize, explore, study, *go over
quibble. ANT. agree, concur, *find common with fine-tooth comb.
ground. dissemble v. disguise, hide, cover up, mask, dis-
disqualify v. turn down, shut out, reject, debar, simulate, conceal, feign, *put on a front,
eliminate, remove, declare ineligible. cloak, camouflage. ANT. reveal, show, expose.
disquiet n. restlessness, anxiety, worry, trouble, DISSEMINATE v. [di SEM uh NATE] to dis-
distress, unrest, unease, angst, fretfulness. tribute, spread or scatter. The head office will
ANT. serenity, tranquility, calm. disseminate the new information. SYN. distrib-
disquiet v. trouble, disturb, bother, disrupt, dis- ute, spread, scatter, disperse, broadcast,
tress, worry, fret, shake up, fluster, discom- propagate, promulgate, circulate, sow, dif-
pose, rattle. ANT. calm, compose, relax. fuse.
disregard v. ignore, nevermind, skip, overlook, DISSENSION n. [di SEN shun] disagreement,
forget, omit, *pay no mind, *turn a deaf ear, difference of opinion. There was dissension
slight. ANT. heed, notice, consider. over the issue. SYN. discord, disagreement,
disrepair n. deterioration, decay, dilapidation, difference of opinion, contention, conflict,
ruin, wreckage. strife, dissent, argument, variance, friction,
disreputable a. dishonorable, disgraceful, low, *flak. ANT. accord, agreement, harmony.
shady, cheap, unprincipled, shameful, scan- dissent n. disagreement, difference of opinion,
dalous, sordid, ignominious, ignoble, unsa- contention, conflict, dissension, argument,
vory. ANT. respectable, honorable, classy, no- dispute, discord, schism, nonconformity, op-
ble. position. ANT. agreement, accord, concur-
disrespect n. irreverence, incivility, disregard, rence.
discourtesy, impoliteness, rudeness, imperti- dissent v. disagree, contradict, differ, argue, dis-
nence, insolence, impudence, flippancy, pute, oppose, vary, reject, contend, protest.
lèse-majesté. ANT. respect, reverence, civility, ANT. agree, concur, assent.
deference. DISSERTATION n. [DIS ur TAY shun] a
disrespect v. disregard, insult, offend, look long report or treatise on a subject, based on
down on, disparage, *walk on, take advan- one’s own research, often a requirement of
tage of, *dis, *dump on, slight, *badmouth, a doctorate. She gave her dissertation on the
*ride, *trash, regard superciliously, regard mating practices of turtles. SYN. thesis, trea-
with hauteur, ignore, dismiss, *turn up one’s tise, report, paper, discourse, study, compo-
nose at, snub, rebuff, minimize, underesti- sition, disquisition, essay, exposition.
mate, regard with disdain. ANT. respect, *kiss disservice n. wrong, harm, injustice, injury, dis-
up to, honor. favor, damage.
disrespectful a. irreverent, uncivil, discourte- DISSIDENT n. [DIS uh dent] one who dis-
ous, impolite, rude, impertinent, insolent, agrees; a dissenter. A number of dissidents pro-
impudent, flippant, contemptuous, insult- tested the action wih a demonstration. SYN. dis-
ing, *smart-alecky, *out of line, ill-man- senter, protestor, nonconformist, objector,
nered. ANT. respectful, civil, reverent, deferen- separatist, rebel, opposition.
tial. dissident a. disagreeing, differing, dissenting.
disrobe v. undress, strip, bare, *peel, slip out of, ANT. assenting, agreeing, concurring
*shuck, uncover, shed, *drop one’s drawers. dissimilar a. unlike, different, distinct, diver-
disrupt v. interrupt, upset, disturb, disorder, un- gent, opposite, contrasting, antithetical, dis-
settle, agitate, *discombobulate, interfere parate, *like night and day. ANT. like, similar,
with, break up, disorganize, disconcert. matched.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 181


dissimulate v. hide, conceal. SEE DISSEMBLE distasteful a. disgusting, repulsive, revolting,

DISSIPATE v. [DIS uh PATE] to scatter, thin abhorrent, repellent, offensive, unsavory,
out, dispel, disappear, exhaust. The snow fi- unappetizing, obnoxious, unpalatable, dis-
nally began to dissipate. SYN. scatter, thin out, agreeable, tasteless, *gross, nauseating. ANT.
disperse, dispel, disappear, dissolve, exhaust, appealing, savory, attractive, pleasing.
ebb, deplete, disintegrate, vanish. ANT. con- distended a. bloated, swollen, inflated, en-
serve, save, concentrate. larged, turgid, expanded, bulging, puffed
dissociate v. separate, part, disconnect, detach, out, ballooned, blown up. ANT. shriveled,
segregate, break off, divorce, estrange, dis- sunken, deflated.
tance. distill v. extract, purify, boil down, decoct, re-
dissolute a. abandoned, immoral, debauched, fine, ferment, concentrate, separate, con-
unrestrained, intemperate, depraved, unbri- dense, press out, brew, vaporize.
dled, perverted, lecherous, licentious, wan- distillation n. essence, distillate, concentrate.
ton. ANT. virtuous, moral, restrained, absti- distinct a. 1. CLEAR obvious, plain, clear-cut,
nent. unambiguous, defined, unmistakable, spe-
dissolution n. dissolving, disintegration, decay, cific, explicit, manifest. 2. SEPARATE individ-
decomposition, death, end, passing, termi- ual, unlike, different, unassociated, de-
nation, demise, extinction, collapse, disap- tached, sole, disparate, discrete. ANT. 1.
pearance. unclear, vague, fuzzy. 2. associated, joined,
dissolve v. 1. MELT diffuse, liquefy, deliquesce, linked.
thaw. 2. END terminate, close, finish, break distinction n. 1. DIFFERENTIATION discrimina-
up, discontinue, disband, disperse, evapo- tion, distinguishment, difference, peculiar-
rate. 3. ANNUL void, cancel, invalidate, nul- ity, feature, mark, characteristic, earmark. 2.
lify, rescind, repeal. 4. VANISH fade, disap- RECOGNITION honor, eminence, achieve-
pear, blur, dematerialize. ANT. 1. thicken, ment, credit, prominence, repute, merit,
congeal, harden. 2. begin, start, open. 3. vali- prestige, renown, consequence.
date. 4. materialize, appear. distinctive a. unique, distinguishing, character-
dissonant a. 1. INHARMONIOUS harsh, discor- istic, singular, different, peculiar, individual,
dant, cacophonous, jarring, grating, raucous, special, idiosyncratic, unusual. ANT. com-
sour, strident. 2. DISAGREEING incompatible, mon, ordinary, nondescript.
discordant, incongruous, clashing, diver- distinguish v. 1. SEE THE DIFFERENCE differenti-
gent, opposing, at variance. ANT. 1. harmoni- ate, discriminate, separate, judge, tell apart,
ous, euphonious, melodious. 2. agreeing, com- ascertain, characterize, classify. 2. DISCERN
patible, consonant. make out, perceive, see, notice, detect, ob-
DISSUADE v. [dis WADE] to discourage or serve, apprehend, catch, spot, recognize.
talk out of. I would dissuade any family mem- distinguished a. 1. EMINENT renowned, famous,
ber from bungee-jumping. SYN. discourage, prominent, acclaimed, notable, illustrious,
talk out of, deter, advise against, disincline, celebrated, excellent. 2. DIGNIFIED stately,
*throw cold water on, persuade not to, stop. elegant, grand, magnificent, august,
ANT. talk into, persuade to, encourage. princely, lordly, imposing, *distingue. ANT.
distance n. 1. SPACE span, length, remoteness, 1. unknown, ordinary, pedestrian. 2. undigni-
range, area, expanse, interval, stretch, fied, undistinguished, lowly.
sweep, spread, width, remove, horizon, far distort v. 1. MISSHAPE contort, deform, twist,
reaches, extent. 2. COLDNESS reserve, aloof- warp, gnarl, wrench, screw, knot, disfigure.
ness, unfriendliness, stiffness. ANT. 2. 2. MISREPRESENT misconstrue, falsify, lie,
warmth, closeness, intimacy. misinterpret, alter, twist, slant, pervert,
distant a. 1. FAR far off, remote, removed, afar, stretch, varnish, embellish.
away, yonder, far-flung, outlying, out of distortion n. misrepresentation, lie, misinter-
range, outback, isolated. 2. COLD reserved, pretation, alteration, stretch, embellish-
aloof, unfriendly, *at arm’s length, stiff, ment, falsification, exaggeration, perver-
cool, frigid, formal, withdrawn. ANT. 1. close, sion, *BS, fabrication, embroidery. ANT.
near, at hand. 2. warm, close, intimate, truth, accuracy.
friendly. distract v. 1. DIVERT sidetrack, draw away, catch
distaste n. dislike, aversion, repulsion, revul- one’s attention, entertain. 2. BEWILDER con-
sion, abhorrence, disgust, repugnance, disin- fuse, perplex, befuddle, fluster, discompose,
clination, displeasure. ANT. liking, attraction. confound, trouble, unsettle.

182 Roget’s Superthesaurus


distraction n. diversion, amusement, entertain- absent-minded, empty-headed, dotty, ec-

ment, beguilement, interruption, divertisse- centric, silly. ANT. sensible.
ment, interference, annoyance. ditto n. the same, likewise, the above, the afore-
distraught a. anxious, upset, worried, agitated, mentioned.
disturbed, troubled, perturbed, overwrought, ditty n. song, tune, composition, number.
crazed, frantic, *out of one’s mind, harassed. diva n. prima donna, lead singer, vocalist. SEE
ANT. calm, composed, relaxed, tranquil. OPERA
distress n. pain, suffering, anxiety, anguish, dif- dive n. 1. PLUNGE drop, vault, *header, nose-
ficulty, strain, unhappiness, sorrow, discom- dive, descent, swoop, leap, submergence,
fort, agony, angst, torture. immersion, bellyflop, cannonball, half twist,
distress v. upset, worry, trouble, strain, disturb, full twist, jackknife, gainer, half gainer,
bother, burden, aggrieve, pain, plague, hurt, swan dive, backflip. 2. Sl. *DUMP hole, bar,
tax, torment, harass. ANT. comfort, console, honky-tonk, tavern.
soothe, relieve. dive v. plunge, drop, plummet, vault, *do a
distress signal n. SOS, Mayday, flare. header, nosedive, pitch, descend, submerge.
distribute v. 1. APPORTION allot, parcel out, al- diver n. scuba diver, skin diver, *frogman.
locate, prorate, issue, ration, deliver, mete, diverge v. 1. SEPARATE come apart, spread, de-
divide, *dole out, disseminate, *divvy, dis- part, deviate, divide, split, branch off. 2. DIF-
pense, spread. 2. CLASSIFY arrange, group, or- FER disagree, vary, conflict, oppose, be at
der. ANT. 1. collect, gather, concentrate. odds. ANT. 1. converge. 2. agree.
distribution n. 1. APPORTIONMENT allotment, divergence n. 1. SEPARATION split, fork,
allocation, parcel, division, rationing, branching, parting, deviation, division, di-
spreading, delivery, propagation, scattering. gression. 2. DIFFERENCE disagreement, con-
2. CLASSIFICATION arrangement, grouping, flict, variance, odds, incongruity. ANT. 1.
order. convergence. 2. agreement.
distributor n. dealer, wholesaler, merchandiser, diverse a. 1. DIFFERENT unlike, disparate, dis-
trader, jobber, merchant, outlet, warehouse, tinct, dissimilar, varied, discrete. 2. MULTI-
salesman, franchise. FORM diversified, sundry, varied, manifold,
district n. area, region, precinct, section, quar- multifarious, assorted. ANT. 1. similar, like,
ter, zone, locale, communinty, parish, ward. identical.
district attorney n. DA, prosecution officer, diversify v. vary, branch out, expand, varie-
lawyer, SEE LAW gate, assort, modify.
distrust n. mistrust, disbelief, doubt, suspicion, diversion n. entertainment, amusement, dis-
wariness, leeriness, incredulity, misgiving, traction, pastime, divertissement, fun, plea-
skepticism. ANT. trust, belief, faith. sure, frolic, sport.
distrust v. mistrust, disbelieve, question, doubt, diversity n. variety, difference, assortment,
suspect, be wary of, be leery of, have reserva- multiplicity, heterogeneity, miscellany,
tions about. ANT. trust, believe, have faith in. medley. ANT. sameness, homogeneity.
distrustful a. doubting, questioning, skeptical, divert v. 1. TURN ASIDE change course, deflect,
cynical, suspicious, disbelieving, leery, wary, sidetrack, avert, swerve. 2. DISTRACT OR
incredulous. ANT. trusting, gullible. AMUSE entertain, draw, absorb, regale, be-
disturb v. 1. BOTHER trouble, disquiet, disrupt, guile.
distress, ruffle, interrupt, annoy, plague, irri- diverting a. distracting, amusing, entertaining,
tate, discommode, perturb, *hassle, *bug, absorbing, beguiling, engrossing, magnetic.
intrude upon. 2. DISARRANGE disorder, disor- ANT. unstimulating, boring, tedious, tiresome.
ganize, jumble, mix up, upset, unsettle. divest v. strip, dispossess, deprive, confiscate,
disturbance n. disruption, commotion, inter- relieve of, seize, remove, bare, denude.
ruption, interference, upset, tumult, annoy- divide v. 1. SEPARATE sever, cleave, part, split,
ance, agitation, perturbation, bother, up- cut, rend, halve, quarter, bisect, sunder, dis-
roar, rumpus. join, disconnect, segregate, section. 2. AP-
ditch n. trench, channel, gully, excavation, PORTION distribute, share, allocate, mete out,
trough, gutter, cut, waterway, dike, moat. dole, dispense, *divvy up, portion, ration,
ditch v. Sl. dump, junk, discard, abandon, un- deal. 3. CLASSIFY group, categorize, label,
load, get rid of, desert. sort, arrange. ANT. 1. join, unite, fuse.
ditsy a. *bubbleheaded, foolish, scatterbrained, divination n. prophecy, soothsaying, augury,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 183


prognostication, fortune-telling, foretelling, whirling, giddy, groggy, bewildered, con-

premonition, forecast, presentiment. fused. 2. SCATTERBRAINED silly, flighty, frivo-
WORD FIND lous, harebrained, foolish, giddy. ANT. 1. so-
by animal droppings: scatomancy ber, balanced, steady. 2. poised, intelligent,
by bird actions: auspice thoughtful, rational.
by celestial positions: astrology DNA n. deoxyribonucleic acid. The two-stran-
by choosing random passage in book, espe- ded chain component in the nuclei of cells
cially the Bible: bibliomancy that makes up genes and chromosomes. The
by communication with the dead: necro- detective traced the accused to the crime scene
mancy with DNA fingerprinting. SYN. nucleic acid,
by dirt figures: geomancy nucleotide chains, double helix, code of life,
genetic code. SEE SCIENCE
by divining rod: rhabdomancy
do v. 1. PERFORM execute, carry out, complete,
by dreams: oneiromancy
undertake, see to it, make, cause, bring
by entrails of animals: haruspicy about, produce, fulfill, engineer, *swing, ef-
by flight patterns of birds: ornithomancy fect. 2. COMPLETE fulfill, accomplish, dis-
by lots: sortilege patch, clinch, consummate, dispose of. 3.
by numbers: numerology SUFFICE serve, pass muster, be adequate, mea-
by shapes of melting wax: ceromancy sure up, suit, meet one’s needs. 4. ACT be-
by water: hydromancy have, conduct, comport, deport, operate. 5.
divine v. foretell, predict, prophesy, forecast, TRAVEL THROUGH visit, cover, tour, pass
foresee, prognosticate, surmise, guess, infer, through, explore, experience.
portend. SEE PROPHECY DOCILE a. [DOS ul] easy to train and handle,
divine a. godlike, holy, sacred, omnipotent, tractable. The poodle is considerably more doc-
omnipresent, omniscient, heavenly, deified, ile than the coyote. SYN. tractable, malleable,
supreme, sanctified, perfect, celestial, an- trainable, pliant, manageable, obedient,
gelic, superhuman. ANT. earthly, mortal. gentle, accommodating, submissive, compli-
divinity n. god, God, deity, goddess. SEE GOD ant, obliging, meek. ANT. defiant, stubborn,
division n. 1. PART section, segment, unit, de- vicious, untrainable, *unbreakable.
partment, branch, sector, subdivision, com- dock n. pier, wharf, landing, quay, marina, slip,
ponent, piece, cut, chunk. 2. DISAGREEMENT berth.
difference of opinion, variance, discord, dis- docket n. agenda, calendar, program, schedule,
sension, dissent, rift, feud, argument. ANT. ticket.
2. agreement, unity, accord. doctor n. physician, medical practitioner,
divisive a. [di VIY siv] causing disgreement or M.D., general practitioner, osteopath, ho-
discord. The meeting was tense and divisive. meopath, medic, intern, specialist, resident,
SYN. negative, fault-finding, dissenting, sow-
medicine man, healer, *doc, *pill pusher,
ing the seeds of dissension, at odds, alienat- *bones, *sawbones, *quack, witch doctor.
ing, disaffecting, discordant, hostile, nasty, ‘‘An angel when he comes to cure, a devil
disrupting, segregating. ANT. uniting. when he asks for pay.’’—English proverb.
‘‘Death’s pilot-fish.’’—G.D. Prentice. ‘‘The
divorce n. disunion, separation, *split, breakup,
flower of our civilization.’’—Robert Louis
dissolution, annulment, parting. ‘‘A hash
made of domestic scraps.’’—Ed Wynn.
‘‘Holy deadlock.’’—A.P. Herbert. ambulance attendant: paramedic, emer-
divorce v. 1. SEPARATE dissociate, split, sever, gency medical technician (EMT)
part, detach. 2. END MARRIAGE dissolve, anesthesia administrator: anesthetist, anes-
annul, split up, break up. thesiologist
divulge v. reveal, disclose, make known, con- animals: veterinarian
fess, confide, tell, let slip, impart, expose, association: American Medical Association,
*spill the beans, *spill one’s guts, blab, leak. AMA
ANT. keep secret, conceal, hide. bone, joint and muscle specialist: orthope-
divvy up vt. apportion. SEE DIVIDE dist
dizzy a. 1. UNSTEADY light-headed, vertiginous, children’s: pediatrician
off balance, reeling, wobbly, *punch-drunk, digestive system: gastroenterologist

184 Roget’s Superthesaurus


disease authority: pathologist weak, infirm, decrepit, shaky, tottering,

drug authority: pharmacologist shuffling, quivering, *dotty. ANT. hale, ro-
ear, nose and throat specialist: otolaryngolo- bust, fit.
gist dodge n. stratagem, subterfuge, sidestep, eva-
epidemic authority: epidemiologist sion, escape, ruse, feint, trick, maneuver,
eye: ophthalmologist ploy.
feeling patient’s body with hands to aid di- dodge v. avoid, evade, sidestep, elude, escape,
agnosis: palpation *give the slip, duck, get around, *weasel out
foot: podiatrist of, swerve, parry, skirt, bob and weave. ANT.
heart: cardiologist encounter, meet, confront.
hormone specialist: endocrinologist doer n. *go-getter, *mover and shaker, activist,
knee hammer: percussor risk-taker, enterpriser.
listening for body sounds through stetho- doff v. remove, take off, shed, strip, shuck, dis-
scope: auscultation robe, undress.
manipulator of bones and spine: chiroprac- dog n. canine, hound, *mutt, mongrel, cur,
tor *pooch, puppy, bitch, *flea bag, tyke,
medical examiner: coroner *man’s best friend. ‘‘The one absolutely un-
mental disorders: psychiatrist selfish friend.’’—George Vest. ‘‘A liberal.
national health chief: Surgeon General He wants to please everyone.’’—William
nervous system: neurologist Kunstler. ‘‘The god of frolic.’’—Henry Ward
newborns: neonatologist Beecher.
oath of: Hippocratic oath WORD FIND
prayer, cures by: faith healer Australian wild dog: dingo
pregnancy and birth: obstetrician back portion between shoulder blades: with-
radiology: radiologist ers
rectum, anus: proctologist bark: bay, howl, yelp
skin: dermatologist breeds: Afghan, Airedale, Alaskan mala-
tapping chest, back, abdomen, aid in diag- mute, Alsatian, basset hound, beagle,
nosis: percussion Belgian sheep dog, bloodhound, border
trainee: intern terrier, borzoi, Boston terrier, boxer,
tumor specialist: oncologist bulldog, bull mastiff, bull terrier, Chesa-
urinary tract, kidneys, prostate: urologist peake Bay retriever, Chihuahua, chow,
women’s reproductive system: gynecologist cocker spaniel, collie, dachshund, Dal-
SEE DISEASE, HOSPITAL, MEDICINE, NURSE, OPER- matian, deerhound, Doberman pinscher,
ATION, SURGERY elkhound, English setter, English
doctor v. 1. MEND fix, treat, repair, attend, springer spaniel, English toy spaniel, fox-
nurse, medicate, *patch up. 2. ALTER tamper hound, fox terrier, German shepherd,
with, falsify, change, distort, adulterate. golden retriever, Great Dane, Great Pyr-
doctrinaire a. obstinate, dogmatic, impractical, enees, greyhound, griffon, harrier, hound
unrealistic, rigid, speculative, authoritarian, dog, husky, Irish setter, Irish wolfhound,
inflexible. ANT. practical, flexible, open- Labrador retriever, Lhasa apso, Maltese,
minded. mastiff, Mexican hairless, miniature poo-
doctrine n. principle, belief, conviction, pre- dle, Newfoundland, Norwegian elk-
cept, opinion, convention, tenet, dictum, hound, Old English sheepdog, Peking-
dogma, creed, gospel. ese, pointer, Pomeranian, poodle, pug,
document n. paper, record, certificate, form, re- rat terrier, retriever, Rottweiler, Russian
port, instrument, testimony, contract, writ. wolfhound, Saint Bernard, Saluki, Sa-
document v. support, verify, authenticate, sub- moyed, schnauzer, Scottish terrier, set-
stantiate, prove. ter, Shih tzu, Skye terrier, spaniel, spitz,
documentary n. film, docudrama, investigative springer spaniel, staghound, Sussex span-
report, travelogue, account, cinema verité, iel, terrier, toy poodle, toy spaniel, water
narrative, newsreel, short subject. SEE MOVIE spaniel, Welsh collie, Welsh corgi, whip-
dodder v. shake, tremble, totter, falter, shuffle, pet, wirehaired terrier, wolfhound, York-
quiver, potter. shire terrier
doddering a. feebleminded, senile, faltering, bristling neck and back hairs: hackles

Roget’s Superthesaurus 185


cheeks, lower: chops tail, twisted: screwtail

chest hairs or coloration: apron top dog: alpha
chest, lower: brisket worm parasite: heartworm
chin hairs: beard dog-eat-dog a. vicious, voracious, brutal, ag-
claw, vestigial: dewclaw gressive, competitive, cutthroat, ruthless,
coat, black or dark brown: sable brother against brother. ANT. merciful, com-
coat, glossiness of: bloom passionate.
coat, gray or black on white: badger-marked DOGGED a. [DOG id] tenacious and stub-
coat, gray or streaked with gray: grizzle born, unwilling to give up. In spite of over-
coat, multicolored: parti-colored whelming odds, she continued on doggedly. SYN.
coat, patchy or spotted with two or more stubborn, tenacious, willful, persistent, ob-
colors: pied stinate, mulish, determined intent, stead-
coat, reddish brown or purplish brown: liver fast, resolute, plodding, unflagging, perse-
coat, streaked or spotted: brindle vering. ANT. yielding, compromising,
coat, white with black spots: harlequin irresolute.
coat, yellowish blond dogleg n. bend, turn.
coat, yellowish-brown: fawn DOGMA n. [DAWG muh] beliefs and princi-
disease: distemper, rabies, mange ples. My own religious dogma is not unlike oth-
domed or rounded skull: apple head ers. SYN. beliefs, principles, doctrine, con-
ears that are loose and dangling: lop ears viction, creed, gospel, teachings, credo,
father: sire tenet, article of faith, view, opinion. ‘‘A
fear of: cynophobia hard substance which forms in a soft
female: bitch brain.’’—Elbert Hubbard.
foot cushions: pads DOGMATIC a. [dawg MAT ik] stubbornly
fringe around neck: frill, ruff clinging to one’s own beliefs and refusing to
fringe on tail, back of legs: feather consider those of others; overpositive. Our
hell’s guardian: Cerberus minister is too dogmatic to consider other views.
history: cynology SYN. overpositive, closed-minded, opinion-
house: kennel ated, doctrinaire, biased, authoritarian, nar-
light-colored streak on head: blaze row-minded, emphatic, prejudiced, fanati-
lineage, especially from same breed: pedi- cal, imperious, dictatorial. ANT. liberal-
gree minded, open-minded, tolerant, receptive.
long-legged, slight: racy do-gooder n. idealist, bleeding heart, philan-
lover of: philocynic thropist, humanitarian, *Dudley Do-right,
low to the ground, thickset: cloddy boy scout, good Samaritan, altruist.
mating period, female: heat doings n. actions, deeds, acts, exploits, affairs,
mixed breed: mongrel events, *goings-on, happenings, transac-
mother: dam tions.
mouth, nose and jaws: muzzle doldrums n. listlessness, depression, *blahs,
muzzle that is dark on some breeds: mask malaise, boredom, *blues, *dumps, *blue
muzzle that is sharply pointed: snipy funk, slump, torpor, tedium, stagnation,
nose of more than one color: butterfly nose slump.
ovaries, remove: spay dole n. welfare, charity, handouts, gift, alms,
puppies, unweaned: whelps subsidy, food stamps, relief.
range over field looking for game: quarter doleful a. mournful, melancholy, grief-stricken,
sagging back: swayback downhearted, depressed, melancholy, sor-
sculpted tufts left on sheared dog, esp. poo- rowful, dejected, disconsolate, sad, *down in
dle: pompon the dumps, forlorn, woebegone. ANT. cheer-
short-bodied: cobby ful, euphoric, happy.
shoulders, highest part of: withers dole out v. distribute, hand out, allocate, dis-
tail, bushy: brush pense, mete, allot, parcel, divide, share.
tail, curled: ringtail dollar n. buck, bill, one, currency, note, green-
tail, cut short: bobtail, docked tail back, *simoleon. SEE CURRENCY, MONEY
tail, feathery: plume dollop n. lump, mass, blob, portion, modicum,
tail, straight, stiff: whip quantity.

186 Roget’s Superthesaurus


dolly n. handtruck, car, cart, carrier, transport. top position, supremacy, mastery, upper
dolorous a. sad, sorrowful, painful, grievous, hand, preeminence, superiority, command,
heartrending, miserable, woebegone, alpha position, tyrrany. ANT. submission, sub-
wretched, anguished, lamentable, pitiable. servience.
ANT. cheerful, happy, upbeat. domineer v. SEE DOMINATE
dolphin n. cetacean, marine mammal, bottle- domineering a. overbearing, oppressive, high-
nose, sea creature. handed, *ironhanded, bossy, controlling,
WORD FIND lordly, high and mighty, tyrannical, imperi-
look-alike: porpoise ous, pushy, authoritarian, bullying, *whip-
dolt n. dullard, simpleton, blockhead, dunce, cracking. ANT. submissive, deferential, cring-
*airhead, idiot, *dimwit, *chowderhead, ig- ing.
noramus, *nitwit, *lunkhead, numskull, dominion n. rule, realm, domain, sovereignty,
moron. ANT. genius, *Rhodes scholar, *rocket authority, jurisdiction, command, reign,
scientist. control, supremacy.
domain n. territory, realm, sphere, area, terrain, donate v. give, contribute, pledge, *chip in,
bailiwick, province, dominion, estate, em- grant, confer, bestow, bequeath, make a gift
pire, concern, kingdom, turf. of.
dome n. roof, cupola, hemisphere, vault, ro- donation n. contribution, gift, pledge, present,
tunda, onion dome, stupa, geodesic dome. alms, aid, relief, handout, grant, offering,
domestic n. servant, maid, butler, cook, *live- benefaction.
in. done a. finished, completed, accomplished, ful-
domestic a. 1. HOUSEHOLD home, residential, filled, concluded, realized, terminated, exe-
family, private. 2. NATIVE indigenous, home- cuted, consummated, ended. ANT. unfin-
grown, homemade. ANT. 1. public. 2. foreign. ished, unfulfilled, *up in the air.
domesticate v. tame, break, train, housebreak, done for a. doomed, *had it, beaten, defeated,
gentle, *bust, master, subdue, civilize. ruined, finished, *sunk, *washed up, ex-
domesticity n. home life, homemaking, family hausted, tired, dead. ANT. saved, rescued, re-
life. vived.
domicile n. home, residence, house, abode, donkey n. ass, mule, burro, jackass, jenny, beast
dwelling, habitation, castle, *roof over one’s of burden, jack, cuddy, dickey, quadruped.
head, *pad, living quarters, apartment, WORD FIND
condo. cry: bray, hee haw
dominance n. leadership, rule, control, over- Don Juan n. *ladies’ man, Lothario, Casanova,
powering, power, top dog position, top of *lady-killer, Romeo, *make-out artist,
the pecking order, high rank, supremacy, *wolf, stud, *skirt-chaser, *smooth opera-
upper hand, preeminence, superiority, leg tor, playboy.
up, command. ANT. submission. donnybrook n. brawl, free-for-all, fight, fray,
dominant a. ruling, controlling, supreme, *hav- fracas, melee, fisticuffs, riot, *rumble.
ing the upper hand, reigning, prevailing, donor n. contributor, benefactor, supporter,
preeminent, *in the driver’s seat, authorita- giver, backer, patron, grantor, subscriber,
tive, domineering, presiding, lordly, overrul- *angel.
ing, superior, ascendant, uppermost, pro- do-nothing n. *bum, idler, loafer, sloth, malin-
ponderant, predominant, paramount, gerer, moocher, lazybones, *goof-off, lag-
foremost. ANT. subordinate, inferior, submis- gard, shirker, *couch potato, goldbricker,
sive, deferential. slacker. ANT. go-getter.
dominate v. rule, control, *have the upper donut n. SEE DOUGHNUT
hand, reign, prevail, preside, lord over, gov- doodad n. thingamajig, doohickey, whatzit,
ern, master, tyrannize, overshadow, com- thingamabob, *goofus, whatchamacallit,
mand, overrule, predominate, eclipse, *rule gizmo, widget, doomajigger, gadget,
the roost, *run the show, *call the shots, *whangdoodle, widget.
dictate, subdue, overpower, bully, cow, loom doohickey n. SEE DOODAD
over, dwarf, rule with an iron hand, *stand doom n. disaster, ruin, condemnation, death,
head and shoulders above. ANT. submit, extinction, Last Judgment, downfall, de-
cringe, defer. struction, tragedy, damnation, annihilation,
domination n. leadership, rule, control, power, bane.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 187


doom v. condemn, damn, consign to death, *dead ringer, *spitting image, clone, coun-
destine to ruin, sentence. terpart, match, mate, stand-in.
doomed a. condemned, damned, sentenced to double a. paired, twin, two-sided, dual, twofold,
death, consigned to ruin, destined for de- binary, duplex, duple. ANT. single, lone, only.
struction, done for, kaput, *had it, *washed double back v. backtrack, retrace steps, return,
up. ANT. saved, revived, rescued. backpedal.
doomsayer n. Cassandra, *Chicken Little, DOUBLE-BLIND n. [dub ul BLIYND] a med-
gloomy Gus, alarmist, voice of doom, ical study or test in which neither the re-
prophet of doom, pessimist. searchers nor the subjects know who is re-
door n. entrance, passage, exit, opening, hatch, ceiving placebos and who is receiving real
gate, portal, access. medicine, employed to assure objectivity.
doorbell n. chime, ringer, buzzer. To attain maximum credibility, most medical
doozy n. Sl. *dilly, *humdinger, exception, researchers must use double-blinds. SYN. trial,
*beaut, *corker, *dandy, *killer, *lollapa- clinical trial, test, study, assay, examination,
looza, *lulu, *ripsnorter, *something. acid test, double-check, confirmation,
dope n. Sl. 1. DRUG narcotic, *fairy powder, opi- check.
ate, *weed, *pot, *reefer, *mojo, *hokus, double-cross v. betray, stab in the back, double
*stuff, *junk, heroin, cocaine, *happy dust, deal, two-time, cheat, be duplicitous, *sell
hash, *smoke. SEE COCAINE, DRUG, MARI- down the river.
JUANA 2. IDIOT dolt, *dummy, *nitwit, double-dealing n. treachery, duplicity, betrayal,
*birdbrain, moron, *retard, dunce, blither- disloyalty, two-timing, double-crossing, de-
ing idiot, *chowderhead, *numbskull, *a ceit, infidelity, perfidy, backstabbing, cheat-
regular Einstein. 3. FACTUAL INFORMATION ing.
scoop, skinny, news, *score, *poop, *low- DOUBLE ENTENDRE n. [DUB ul on TON
down, inside information. druh] a word or statement having two mean-
dope v. drug, dose, sedate, knock out, *spike, ings, a risqué ambiguity. The comedian
anesthetize, *slip a Mickey Finn. couldn’t be as frank as he wanted, so he used
dopey a. stupid, idiotic, moronic, retarded, silly, a lot of double entendres. SYN. ambiguity, dou-
mindless. ANT. brilliant, intelligent, thoughtful. ble meaning, play on words, innuendo,
DORMANT a. [DOOR munt] inactive, equivocation, equivoque, tergiversation,
asleep. The dormant volcano had not erupted pun.
for 1,000 years. SYN. inactive, asleep, quiet, DOUBLE-STANDARD n. [dub ul STAN
resting, still, becalmed, latent, inert, passive, duhd] a social code or rule that is followed
hibernating, quiescent, torpid. ANT. active, unfarily or without equal measure between
alive, awake. sexes, races, groups, etc. It’s okay for a woman
dormer n. window, lucarne, gable, projection. to wear a man’s suit at work; it is not okay for
dormitory n. dorm room, hall, quarters, house, a man to wear a dress a double standard. SYN.
living quarters, sleeping quarters. contrasting principles, social code, two sets
dose n. measure, portion, amount, quantity, al- of rules, *a rule for Jack but not for Jill, con-
lotment, *shot. tradictory standard.
dossier n. file, record, profile, report, history. doubt n. uncertainty, question, hesitation, mis-
dot n. point, spot, speck, period, mark, mote, trust, indecision, misgiving, skepticism, sus-
iota. picion, lack of faith, lack of conviction,
dotage n. second childhood, senility, decrepi- qualm, apprehension, irresolution, dubiety,
tude, old age, feeblemindedness. question mark. ANT. certainty, faith, confi-
dote on v. lavish attention on, indulge, spoil, dence, trust.
wait on, coddle, make of, fuss over, treasure, doubt v. question, be uncertain, hesitate, mis-
prize, hold dear. ANT. neglect, ignore, abuse. trust, suspect, lack faith, lack conviction,
doting a. lavish, indulgent, spoiling, coddling, misgive, waver, *smell a rat, be dubious, har-
demonstrative, devoted, adoring, lovesick, bor suspicion, be skeptical, disbelieve. ‘‘The
pampering. ANT. neglectful, abusive. beacon of the wise.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. be-
dotty a. crazy, *loony, *nuts, mentally unbal- lieve, trust, accept.
anced, eccentric, *goofy, *touched in the doubter n. skeptic, disbeliever, doubting
head, demented. ANT. sane. Thomas, questioner, cynic, scoffer, free-
double n. duplicate, twin, replica, look-alike, thinker, iconoclast.

188 Roget’s Superthesaurus


doubtful a. 1. QUESTIONABLE dubious, unclear, thunderstorm. ANT. 1. *rise to the top, ascen-
hazy, uncertain, unsure, debatable, incon- sion.
clusive, ambiguous, clouded, undetermined, downgrade v. devalue, minimize, reduce, de-
problematic. 2. UNLIKELY improbable, far- mote, bring down a notch, degrade, make
fetched. 3. DISBELIEVING suspicious, distrust- light of, downplay.
ful, hesitant, unsure, uncertain, questioning, downhearted a. sad, unhappy, dejected, misera-
skeptical, wavering, irresolute. ANT. 1. cer- ble, depressed, melancholy, blue, *down in
tain, sure, clear. 2. likely, probable. 3. believ- the mouth, *down in the dumps, hopeless,
ing, convinced. disheartened, discouraged. ANT. up, cheerful,
doubting Thomas n. skeptic, cynic, questioner, euphoric, hopeful, optimistic.
*one from Missouri, scoffer, disbeliever. downhill a. descending, sloping. ANT. ascend-
doughnut n. donut, *sinker, cruller, cake, oli- ing.
cook (oil cake). downplay v. minimize, play down, make light
DOUR a. [DOUR] sullen, gloomy. The unsmil- of, downgrade, devalue, lessen.
ing, dour clerk was terribly unhelpful. SYN. sul- downpour n. rain storm, rainfall, deluge, cloud-
len, gloomy, morose, surly, glum, sour, stern, burst, gullywasher, torrent, *cats and dogs,
hard, grim, severe, forbidding, harsh, ill-hu- preciptation, *rain of biblical proportion.
mored. ANT. cheerful, good-humored, beam- downright a. total, complete, absolute, out and
ing. out, thorough, categorical, outright, unqual-
douse v. 1. IMMERSE wet, drench, submerge, ified, utter, unmitigated, sheer. ANT. partial,
sink, plunge, splash, soak, duck, dunk, sprin- qualified, semi.
kle, saturate, slosh, rinse. 2. EXTINGUISH put downsize v. reduce, cut, pare, shrink, decrease,
out. *cut the fat, trim, lay off.
dove n. pacifist, peacemaker, lamb. down to earth a. realistic, sensible, no-non-
dovetail v. fit, join, mortise, intersect, inter- sense, reasonable, practical, sober, plainspo-
lock, correspond, jibe. ken, pragmatic, earthy, levelheaded, matter-
dowdy a. shabby, sloppy, frumpy, bedraggled, of-fact, *real, natural, true. ANT. unrealistic,
slovenly, wrinkled, frowzy, unkempt, messy, fantastic, impractical, pretentious.
unstylish, unfashionable, disheveled, downtrodden a. oppressed, subjugated, domi-
*dressed in a potato sack. ANT. chic, smart, nated, tyrannized, abused, cowed, trampled
put together, *dressed to the nines, sharp. upon, mistreated, afflicted, *jackbooted,
down a. 1. DEPRESSED unhappy, melancholy, helpless, persecuted. ANT. uplifted, aided,
miserable, downhearted, blue, dejected, dis- well-treated.
consolate, low, disheartened, dispirited. 2. downturn n. decline, drop, dip, slide, slump,
BELOW earthward, groundward, floor level, depression, reversal, *bear market.
to the bottom, under, underneath, nether, downy a. fluffy, soft, feathery, velvety, fleecy,
at the foot of, sub. ANT. 1. up, cheerful, eu- silky, fuzzy. ANT. rough, coarse, hard.
phoric, high. 2. up, skyward, above. doze v. nap, sleep, snooze, *nod off, slumber,
down-and-out a. broke, penniless, bankrupt, drowse, *catch forty winks, catnap.
destitute, impoverished, *in the poorhouse, drab a. dull, lackluster, *blah, colorless, boring,
*on the streets, *on the skids, derelict. ANT. dreary, faded, somber, dingy. ANT. colorful,
*on the rise, rich, successful, *on top. bright, vivid.
downbeat a. pessimistic, negative, depressive, DRACONIAN a. [dray KO nee un] harsh or
cheerless, unhappy, dispirited. ANT. upbeat, severe, especially concerning a law or code;
optimistic. named after the code of Draco, from 621 B.C.
downcast a. dejected, sad, unhappy, miserable, Some favor taking Draconian measures to fight
depressed, melancholy, blue, *down in the crime. SYN. harsh, severe, strict, cruel, ex-
mouth, *down in the dumps, disheartened, treme, rough, brutal, serious, dire, iron-
discouraged. ANT. up, cheerful, happy. handed, drastic, punitive. ANT. slight, light,
downer n. *bummer, depressing experience, inconsequential, petty.
*drag, *bad scene. draft n. 1. WIND breeze, current, puff, whiff,
downfall n. 1. RUIN collapse, crash, debacle, breath, waft, sigh, sough. 2. MILITARY CON-
breakdown, undoing, overthrow, destruc- SCRIPTION induction, selection, lottery, re-
tion, comeuppance, defeat. 2. DOWNPOUR cruitment, registration, call of duty. 3. OUT-
cloudburst, rain shower, torrent, deluge, LINE OR PICTURE rough, blueprint, sketch,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 189


overview, formulation, skeleton, drawing. tempt, seduce, captivate, mesmerize, pull in,
draft v. 1. CONSCRIPT induct, recruit, register, bring forth. 5. ELICIT induce. 6. DEDUCE ex-
select, call up, enlist. 2. ROUGH IN sketch, tract, formulate, derive, infer, conclude,
outline, delineate, formulate, compose, gather. ANT. 1. push, shove. 4. repel, repulse.
fashion, shape. drawback n. disadvantage, weakness, snag,
drag v. 1. HAUL pull, lug, tow, hale, trail. 2. hitch, hindrance, liability, flaw, handicap,
PROGRESS SLOWLY *go at a snail’s pace, crawl, impediment, failing, shortcoming. ANT. ad-
lag, plod, poke along, inch along. 3. PRO- vantage, bonus.
TRACT extend, prolong, draw out. ANT. 1. drawbridge n. bascule bridge. SEE BRIDGE
push, shove. 2. rush, fly, speed. 3. shorten. drawing n. 1. PICTURE illustration, sketch, dia-
dragnet n. search, manhunt, all points bulletin, gram, design, outline, pen and ink, depic-
tracking, chase, pursuit. tion, portrayal, study, work of art, figure,
dragon n. monster, firedrake, serpent. SEE MON- caricature, draft. 2. LOTTERY selection.
STER drawl n. accent, twang.
dragonfly n. insect, bug, *darning needle, drawn a. haggard, gaunt, worn, exhausted, fa-
*devil’s darning needle, *mosquito hawk. tigued, unhealthy, pale, taut, tense. ANT.
drag queen n. cross-dresser, female imperson- rested, refreshed, glowing.
ator. dread n. fear, trepidation, horror, apprehen-
drain n. outlet, conduit, channel, pipe, sewer, sion, qualm, misgiving, dismay, angst, anxi-
watercourse, plumbing. ety, *the creeps, awe, *the willies, *heebie-
drain v. 1. DRAW empty, bleed, pump out, with- jeebies.
draw, remove, siphon, tap, broach, milk, re- dread v. fear, shudder at the thought of, antici-
lease, discharge, filter, flush. 2. USE UP ex- pate with horror, shrink, worry, apprehend,
haust, expend, suck dry, consume, deplete, *have cold feet, blanch at the thought of.
tax, sap, bleed dry. ANT. fill, replenish. ANT. look forward to.
drama n. play, show, screenplay, production, dreadful a. terrible, unpleasant, horrible,
melodrama, dramatic arts, tragedy, story, frightful, appalling, distressing, grievous,
narrative, *tearjerker, dramatization, stage- awful, ghastly, hideous, shocking. ANT. won-
craft, theatrics. ‘‘A slice of life artistically derful, marvelous, fantastic.
put on the boards.’’—Jean Jullien. dreadlocks n. braids, locks, dreads, Rastafarian,
dramatic a. intense, exciting, emotional, strik- haircut. SEE HAIR
ing, vivid, melodramatic, climactic, moving, dream n. 1. SLEEP VISIONS OR REVERIE daydream,
tense, histrionic, suspenseful, electrifying, hallucination, *REM sleep, hypnogogic im-
gripping, riveting. ANT. blah, *ho-hum, pro- agery, nightmare, night terrors, incubus,
saic. fantasy, figment of the imagination, vision.
dramatization n. drama, larger than life presen- ‘‘The ghost of a shadow.’’—Joseph Devlin.
tation, show, entertainment, melodrama, ‘‘Children of an idle brain.’’—Shakespeare.
adaptation. ‘‘The imaginary gratification of unconscious
dramatize v. play up, emphasize, exaggerate, wishes.’’—Sigmund Freud. ‘‘You eat, in
sensationalize, embellish, *lay it on thick, dreams, the custard of the day.’’—Alexan-
amplify, intensify, *ham it up. ANT. play der Pope. SEE SLEEP 2. ASPIRATION goal, ambi-
down, understate. tion, *pipe dream, flight of fancy, aim, wish,
drape n. curtain, window dressing, hanging, desire, *castle in the air, *castle in Spain,
tapestry, valance, shade, blind, drapery. fantasy. 3. PLEASURE delight.
drastic a. extreme, severe, dire, strong, harsh, dream v. fantasize, daydream, imagine, muse,
exorbitant, radical, intensive, extensive, ex- fancy, envisage, visualize, conjure up, hallu-
travagant, draconian. ANT. slight, petty, mod- cinate, conceive, lose oneself in reverie.
est. dreamer n. visionary, fantast, daydreamer, cas-
draw n. 1. TIE stalemate, *photo finish. 2. AT- tle-builder. ‘‘One who can only find his way
TRACTION pull, magnetism. by moonlight, and his punishment is that
draw v. 1. PULL TOWARD attract, haul, tow, drag, he sees the dawn before the rest of the
lug, hale, trail, attract. 2. SKETCH depict, world.’’—Oscar Wilde.
portray, outline, trace, delineate, compose, dream up vt. think up, concoct, *cook up, de-
paint, caricature, draft, fashion, rough out. vise, invent, hatch, imagine.
3. DISPLACE 4. ATTRACT allure, entice, lure, dreary a. gloomy, dismal, bleak, gray, cheerless,

190 Roget’s Superthesaurus


depressing, drab, colorless, somber, mourn- shapeless, long: Mother Hubbard

ful, funereal. ANT. sunny, bright, cheerful. shirtlike, buttoned top, with full or straight
dredge v. clean, deepen, widen, dig up, unearth. skirt: shirtwaist dress
dregs n. 1. SEDIMENT residue, grounds, dross, de- short evening dress: cocktail dress
posits, settlings, lees. 2. RIFFRAFF scum, re- short-skirted dress of 1960s, 1980s: mini-
fuse, losers, *bums. dress
drench v. wet, soak, saturate, sop, drown, im- snug and narrow with slashed back: sheath
merse, submerge, wash, slosh, flood. straight-cut, no waistline: chemise, sack
dress n. 1. CLOTHING outfit, garb, attire, ap- strapless or halter-style: sundress
parel, costume, habit, habiliment, ensemble, wraparound: wrap
raiment, vestments, *togs, *duds. ‘‘The soul SEE SKIRT
of a man.’’—Shakespeare. 2. WOMAN’S GAR- dress v. 1. CLOTHE garb, attire, vest, deck out,
MENT frock, gown, evening dress, skirt, shift, outfit, slip into, wear, clad, don, costume.
ensemble, formal, wraparound. 2. DECORATE trim, embellish, adorn, garnish,
WORD FIND beautify, festoon, deck. ANT. 1. strip, un-
African chemise with bell-shaped sleeves: dress, disrobe.
dashiki dresser n. 1. CHEST OF DRAWERS bureau, chiffo-
African, long, flowing: seloso nier. 2. PERSON fashion plate, *clotheshorse,
African shift: Ethiopian shirtdress dandy.
ankle-length dress popular in late 1960s: dressing-down n. scolding, reprimand, upbraid-
maxi ing, *tongue-lashing, castigation, censure,
bell-shaped dress with tight bodice: dirndl *bawling-out, reproach, talking to.
black ankle-length dress with high neckline, dressy a. fashionable, chic, stylish, formal,
ruffled sleeves: granny dress *dressed to the nines, smart, sharp, classy,
bloused-top dress: blouson elegant, flashy, *dressed to kill, *hot. ANT.
bubble-shaped dress of the 1950s: bubble informal, casual, simple.
dress dribble v. trickle, weep, run, drip, leak, ooze,
calf-length dress introduced in the 1960s: drizzle, seep, drivel, slobber, drool.
midi drift n. 1. HEAP pile, mound, hill, mass, deposit,
chemise: shift bank, dune, accumulation. 2. FLOW current,
child’s sleeveless dress with bib-top apron: course, movement, bearing, direction,
pinafore trend. 3. MEANING gist, intention, purport,
full, puffed: bouffant tenor, essence, sense.
full, triangular: tent dress drift v. 1. HEAP pile up, mound, mass, deposit,
glittery, beaded, sequined: diamante bank, accumulate. 2. WANDER float, waft,
Hawaiian: muumuu meander, stray, rove, ramble, be borne along
Hindu, wrapped and draped: sari by the current/tide/wind.
Indian fringed and beaded: buckskin drifter n. wanderer, vagabond, transient, va-
Japanese wraparound with sash: yukata, ki- grant, nomad, hobo, tramp, derelict.
mono drill n. practice, exercise, training, discipline,
kiltlike dress with wrap skirt: kiltie regimen, repetition, dry run, warm up.
knitted: sweater dress drill v. practice, exercise, train, discipline, test,
loose-fitting gown: peignoir warm up, ground.
1920s dress with short skirt and long torso: drink n. liquid, beverage, refreshment, thirst
flapper quencher, soda, soft drink, *pop, punch,
poor European dress with puffed sleeves, nectar of the gods, swallow, sip, swig, taste,
drawstring neckline: peasant dress *hit, *booze, liquor, shot, nip, *slug, pota-
pregnant, for women who are: maternity tion, *hard stuff, *rot gut, firewater, draft,
dress quaff, jigger, *snort, *pull. ‘‘The social lubri-
robelike, full-length, embroidered around cant.’’—Edward Strecker. SEE COCKTAIL, LI-
Roman-inspired, one shoulder bare: toga drink v. swallow, sip, down, guzzle, *chug-a-
rump protrusion of the nineteenth century: lug, swig, quaff, *take a hit, *take a shot,
bustle have a taste, quench one’s thirst, gulp, im-
sack: chemise bibe, drain, swill, *wet one’s whistle, wash

Roget’s Superthesaurus 191


down, tipple, *bend the elbow, *gargle, slump, *keel over, collapse. 2. ABANDON
*have a nip. give up, let go, dismiss, discontinue, cease,
drinkable a. potable, palatable. ANT. undrink- end, quit, desert, *write off, forsake, *scrub,
able. leave. 3. DECREASE decline, fall, lower, re-
drip v. dribble, trickle, leak, drop, weep, seep, duce, depreciate, tumble, slump, diminish,
sprinkle, splash, run. slacken. ANT. 1. rise, ascend, elevate. 2. take
drive n. 1. RIDE spin, *cruise, tour, whirl, joy- up, adopt. 3. increase, appreciate, rise.
ride, outing, jaunt, *Sunday drive, road trip, drop in the bucket n. *spit in the sea, pittance,
journey, excursion. 2. CRUSADE campaign, trivial amount, miniscule amount, mite,
cause, push, appeal. 3. DETERMINATION get- *small change, *small potatoes, speck.
up-and-go, aggressiveness, ambition, mo- drop off v. deliver, deposit, unload, leave.
mentum, vigor, energy, hustle, enterprise, drop off n. descent, precipice, cliff, slope, hole,
*head of steam, self-motivation. decrease, fall.
drive v. 1. OPERATE A VEHICLE steer, control, pi- drop out vi. quit, abandon, *turn one’s back
lot, ride, *cruise, tour, *take a spin, take a on, abandon, withdraw, forsake, leave.
road trip, tool down the highway, motor, droppings n. dung, excrement, manure, guano,
wheel, speed, travel, *burn up the highway. *crap.
2. PUSH propel, urge, force, press, goad, spur, drought n. dry spell, dehydration, aridity,
move, shove, induce, pressure, compel, dearth, shortage, scarcity, want, insuffi-
prod. 3. HIT throw, strike, ram, shoot, hurl, ciency.
thrust. drove n. flock, herd, mass, body.
drivel n. nonsense, *hogwash, twaddle, foolish- drown v. 1. GO UNDER AND PERISH submerge, as-
ness, falderal, gibberish, babble, *rot, *hum- phyxiate, suffocate, sink, flood, inundate,
bug, balderdash, bull, blather. engulf, swamp. 2. OVERWHELM overpower,
drivel v. slobber, drool, dribble, slaver, salivate. overcome, stifle, smother, suppress.
driver n. motorist, commuter, jehu, whip, drowsy a. sleepy, tired, dozy, half asleep, *out
coachman, chauffeur, operator. of it, lethargic, drifting off, groggy, somno-
driving a. forceful, powerful, pounding, intense. lent, listless, sluggish. ANT. alert, awake, en-
drizzle n. mist, sprinkle, fog, rain, spray, mois-
ergetic, wide-eyed.
drub v. thrash, hit, beat, whip, wallop, pound,
drizzle v. rain, mist, sprinkle, wet, moisten.
club, cane, lash, switch.
DROLL a. [DROLE] amusing in an odd way.
drudge v. work hard, toil, labor, *break one’s
His droll sense of humor tickled us. SYN. amus-
back, *do the dirty work, slave away, *keep
ing, comical, entertaining, whimsical,
nose to the grindstone, plod, grind, sweat.
quaint, humorous, eccentric, queer, pecu-
liar, jocular. drudgery n. menial labor, chore, slave labor,
drone v. buzz, hum, purr, whirr, murmur, hiss, toil, backbreaking work, manual labor,
bombilate, thrum, intone. *daily grind, taskwork.
drool v. dribble, slobber, drivel, slaver, salivate, drug n. medicine, narcotic, remedy, cure, opi-
foam at the mouth. ate, dope, pharmaceutical, prescription, pill,
drool n. saliva, spittle, spit, slaver, slobber, substance, chemical, treatment, panacea,
drivel, expectoration, sputum, *loogie. physic, preparation, controlled substance.
droop v. sag, hang down, slouch, loll, slump, WORD FIND
bend, dangle, wither, wilt, languish, bow, addict: *junkie, *hophead, *dope fiend,
settle, stoop, flag. *druggie, *space cadet, *burnout
drop n. 1. DROPLET globule, bead, teardrop, addict’s alternative to heroin: methadone
pearl, speck, pinch, splash, dewdrop, drip, *angel dust: PCP
blob, driblet, smidgen, trace, dab. 2. FALL cocaine that is smoked: crack
pitch, descent, slope, precipice, plunge, *crank: methamphetamine
chasm, hole. 3. DECLINE decrease, fall, down- crack mixed with heroin: *eightball
swing, lowering, tumble, slump, reduction, dance party favorite: ecstasy (methylenedi-
fall-off, depreciation. ANT. 2. ascent, rise. 3. oxymethamphetamine; MDMA)
increase, rise, elevation. depressant, muscle-relaxer: barbituate,
drop v. 1. FALL dive, plunge, descend, plummet, *downer
pitch, tumble, *nose-dive, go down, topple, ether-purified cocaine: *freebase

192 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hallucinogen: LSD, DMT (Dimethyltrypta- *ho hum, wearisome, *dull as dishwater,

mine), *ecstasy, mescaline, peyote, *psy- insipid, monotonous, sterile. 3. DROLL hu-
chedelic, *STP morous, sarcastic, satirical, deadpan. ANT.
*ice: methamphetamine in smokable form 1. wet, moist, saturated. 2. interesting, fasci-
inject a drug, to: mainline nating.
laughing gas: nitrous oxide dual a. double, twofold, twin, duplex, binary,
LSD: lysergic acid diethylamide, *California matched. ANT. single, lone.
sunshine, *acid dub v. name, christen, label, title, designate,
mix of cocaine, amphetamine and heroin: term, nickname, tag, style, confer, denomi-
*speedball nate, baptize, knight.
mood-altering: psychotropic drug DUBIOUS a. [DOO bee us] doubtful or caus-
muscle-building hormone: anabolic steroid ing doubt, questionable, uncertain. I was du-
narcotic: heroin bious about her chances of winning the lottery.
opium-derived: opiate SYN. doubtful, questionable, uncertain,
painkiller: analgesic, codeine, Demerol, equivocal, indefinite, unclear, unsure, dis-
morphine, Percodan putable, suspect, debatable, moot. ANT. cer-
painkiller, abused: Oxycontin; oxycodone tain, sure, indisputable.
hydrochloride duck v. 1. LOWER bow, crouch, stoop, dip, dou-
poppy-plant, derived from: opium ble over, drop, bob, bend, hunker down. 2.
rape drug rendering unconscious: GHB EVADE dodge, sidestep, elude, avoid, parry,
(Gamma hydroxybutrate) swerve, shun, steer clear. 3. IMMERSE sub-
sex drive arouser: aphrodisiac merge, dunk, dip, plunge, sink. ANT. 1. rise,
sleep-inducing: hypnotic, soporific, tran- straighten. 2. meet, confront.
quilizer, sedative, Quaalude, Seconal duck soup n. Sl. child’s play, *a snap, *a breeze,
*smack: heroin cakewalk, *piece of cake, *turkey shoot,
stimulant: amphetamine, Dexedrine, *walkover.
*speed, *upper duct n. conduit, pipe, channel, passage, tube,
tranquilizer: sedative, Valium airway, chimney, smokestack, funnel.
vomiting, causes: emetic dud n. failure, bomb, lemon, bust, loser, *dog,
SEE COCAINE , CURE, HEROIN , OPIUM, MARI- washout, fizzle, *flop, disappointment. ANT.
JUANA, MEDICINE, NARCOTIC success, *cocker, winner.
druggist n. pharmacist, apothecary, chemist. dude n. Sl. 1. GUY man, *buddy, friend, *bro’.
BRIT. 2. AN OVERDRESSED MAN dandy, fop, Beau
drum n. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Brummel, coxcomb, fashion plate, *pea-
drunk a. intoxicated, inebriated, under the in- cock, clotheshorse.
fluence, *three sheets to the wind, *stiff, duds n. SEE CLOTHING
*crocked, *polluted, *tipsy, *loaded, due n. compensation, payment, recompense,
*loaded for bear, *plastered, *lit up like a *what is coming, rightful claim, reward,
Christmas tree, *feeling no pain, *anesthe- *comeuppance, *just deserts.
tized, *sloshed, *hammered, *high, *buzzed, due a. 1. OWED in arrears, payable, unpaid, out-
besotted, soused, *pickled, *lit, *tanked, standing, unsatisfied, not met, mature. 2. AP-
*stewed to the gills, *bombed, *blitzed, POINTED TO ARRIVE expected, scheduled, an-
*smashed, *blotto, *drunk as a lord. ANT. ticipated, slated, booked. 3. FITTING
sober, clearheaded. appropriate, deserved, merited, justified,
drunk(ard) n. alcoholic, *lush, problem entitled, warranted. ANT. 1. paid, satisfied. 2.
drinker, *boozer, inebriate, *wino, *rummy, unscheduled, unexpected. 3. undue, inappro-
barfly, *sot, dipsomaniac, *alchy, *booze- priate.
hound. ‘‘Like a whiskey bottle, all neck and due to prep. attributable, because of, account-
belly and no head.’’—Austin O’Malley. ‘‘A able.
person who tries to pull himself out of trou- duel n. combat, contest, fight to the death,
ble with a corkscrew.’’—Edward Baldwin. clash, engagement, shootout, challenge,
dry a. 1. DEHYDRATED dessicated, waterless, joust.
arid, parched, thirsty, droughty, evapo- dues n. membership fee, charge, obligation,
rated, anhydrous, withered. 2. DULL boring, levy, toll, assessment, payment, tax.
uninteresting, prosaic, tedious, flat, blah, duff n. rump, rear. SEE BUTTOCKS

Roget’s Superthesaurus 193


dulcet a. melodious, pleasing, pleasant, sweet, *pigpen, *pigsty, slum, *rathole, *toilet,
agreeable. ANT. discordant. *sewer hole.
dull a. 1. STUPID slow, unintelligent, *thick, dump v. throw out, drop, get rid of, cast off,
dense, bovine, retarded, obtuse, doltish, empty, *deep six, chuck, scrap, unload,
*dumb as a post, dim-witted, half-witted, ig- junk, ditch, discard. ANT. load, fill.
norant. 2. BORING tedious, *ho-hum, blah, dumpling n. doughball.
uninteresting, prosaic, dry, tiresome, bland, WORD FIND
vapid, *dull as dishwater, humdrum, stale, Chinese: wonton, dim sum
lackluster, soporific. 3. SUBDUED quiet, Italian: gnocchi
muted, deadened, faded, softened, muffled. Yiddish: matzo ball
4. UNSHARPENED blunt, unhoned, edgeless. dumps n. Sl. blues, depression, blahs, doldrums.
ANT. 1. sharp, intelligent, quick-witted, bright. dumpy a. stout, *built like a fireplug, short,
2. exciting, stimulating, colorful, dramatic. 3. thickset.
overstated, overdone, flashy, loud. 4. sharp, dunce n. idiot, moron, dolt, *nitwit, *half-wit,
honed. *lamebrain, *airhead, simpleton, ignora-
dullard n. dolt, dunce, *retard, idiot, *dope, mus, *retard, *chowderhead, numskull.
*blockhead, *chowderhead, *meathead, dune n. hill, ridge, sand pile, sand drift, hillock,
*nitwit, imbecile, *half-wit. ANT. genius, mound, barrow, knoll, hummock. SEE DESERT
*brain, *Rhodes scholar. dung n. excrement, droppings, feces, scat, ma-
dumb a. 1. STUPID unintelligent, slow, *thick, nure, muck, guano, *cow chips, *cow pies,
dense, bovine, moronic, retarded, obtuse, *crap, *poop.
doltish, dim-witted, *dumb as a post, igno- WORD FIND
rant, uneducated, unenlightened, dull, dunghill: midden
*having the IQ of a woodchuck, *having study of: scatology
the IQ of a pork rind, brainless, cretinoid, dungarees n. pants, trousers, jeans, overalls,
*dead from the neck up, *down a quart, denims.
*half-baked, *pea-brained, *three bricks dungeon n. prison, keep, hold, donjon, enclo-
shy of a load, illiterate, vacuous, *not ex- sure, chamber, confine, oubliette, strong-
actly a Rhodes scholar, *not exactly Ein- hold. SEE CASTLE
stein. 2. UNABLE TO SPEAK mute, speech- dunk v. dip, sink, immerse, submerge, duck,
less, still, mum, silent, voiceless, tongue- soak, souse, sop.
tied. ANT. 1. smart, intelligent, bright, bril- duo n. duet, pair, team.
liant. 2. loquacious, verbose, *motor- dupe n. victim, *easy mark, *chump, gull,
mouthed, talkative. *sucker, *patsy, *pushover, dummy, fall guy,
dumbbell n. moron, imbecile, idiot, *retard, *sap, pawn, *babe in the woods. ANT. *no-
dullard, ignoramus, harebrain, halfwit, nit- body’s fool, quick study.
wit, *pinhead, *airhead, *bubblehead. dupe v. *put one over on, trick, fool, take in,
dumbfound v. stun, nonplus, strike dumb, flab- delude, *pull the wool over one’s eyes, *rope
bergast, astound, take aback, stagger, para- in, deceive, cheat, *snooker, *buffalo,
lyze, render speechless, stupefy. *snow.
dumbstruck a. shocked, stunned, nonplused, duplex a. two, double, twofold, paired, dual,
flabbergasted, astonished, astounded, ren- twin, coupled, duple.
dered speechless, *blown away. ANT. taking duplicate n. copy, reproduction, carbon copy,
it in stride. match, counterpart, mate, mirror image, fac-
dummy n. 1. FIGURE mannequin, straw man, simile, clone, twin, dead ringer. ANT. origi-
scarecrow, model, puppet, muppet, doll, fig- nal.
ure. 2. MOCK-UP model, imitation, substitute, duplicate v. copy, reproduce, replicate, clone,
copy, representation. 3. IDIOT *lamebrain, *run off, match, double, counterfeit, paral-
*airhead, simpleton, dolt, *nitwit, *dimwit, lel, ditto.
ignoramus, dunce, moron, *chowderhead, duplicitous a. deceptive, deceitful, shady, dou-
numskull. ANT. 3. genius, *brain, *Rhodes ble-dealing, treacherous, two-faced, two-
scholar, *rocket scientist. timing, back-stabbing, dishonest.
dump n. 1. REFUSE YARD junkyard, landfill, dum- DUPLICITY n. [doo PLIS i tee] deceptive-
psite, hazardous waste site, scrap heap, rub- ness, the act of double-dealing or being two-
bish heap. 2. RUNDOWN, MESSY PLACE hole, faced. Shady politicians are skilled in the art

194 Roget’s Superthesaurus


of duplicity. SYN. deceptiveness, deception, habitation, lodging, abode, homestead,

double-dealing, being two-faced, guile, quarters, diggings, castle, *pad, den. SEE
treachery, backstabbing, *two-timing, de- HOUSE
ceit, disloyalty, artifice, hypocrisy, dishon- dwindle v. diminish, decline, decrease, lessen,
esty, *Judas kiss. ANT. honesty, loyalty, art- fade, wane, shrink, ebb, waste away, slacken,
lessness, straightforwardness. die down, drop, decay. ANT. increase, grow,
durable a. lasting, tough, rugged, sturdy, endur- expand.
ing, strong, permanent, sound, stout, stable, dye n. color, tint, pigment, tinge, stain.
solid. ANT. fragile, flimsy, cheap, shoddy. DYED-IN-THE-WOOL a. through and
duration n. period, time, age, span, term, run, through, to the very core, deep-down. The
stretch, era, lifetime extent, continuation, senator had consistently shown himself to be a
course. dyed-in-the-wool conservative. SYN. through
duress n. coercion, constraint, threat, pressure, and through, to the core, deep-down, out
force, arm-twisting, compulsion. ANT. free and out, complete, utter, absolute, true, gen-
will. uine, full-fledged. ANT. partial, superficial.
dusk n. twilight, sundown, sunset, gloom, dying a. 1. EXPIRING perishing, fading, declin-
nightfall, gloaming, evening, moonrise. ing, *going downhill, *circling the drain,
dusky a. dark, dim, gauzy, murky, gloomy, *at death’s door, moribund, doomed, slip-
veiled, twilight, swarthy, gray, shadowy, un- ping away, not long for this world, *one foot
lit, somber. ANT. sunny, bright, radiant. in the grave. ‘‘The last gasp.’’—Bible. ‘‘A
dust n. particles, lint, grit, ashes, powder, soot, great leap in the dark.’’—Thomas Hobbes.
particulate, scales, fragments. ‘‘That dreadful season.’’—Joseph Addison.
dusty a. dirty, sandy, granular, *linty, sooty, ‘‘A natural appointment from which there
powdery, undusted. ANT. dusted, clean, pol- is no hope of escape.’’—Jonathan Miller. 2.
ished. DISAPPEARING passing, declining, becoming
dutiful a. conscientious, diligent, obedient, de- extinct, receding, going out. ANT. 2. thriving,
voted, regardful, accommodating, obliging, flourishing, rejuvenating.
faithful. ANT. lazy, slack, negligent. dynamic a. active, energetic, vital, vigorous,
duty n. 1. RESPONSIBILITY charge, task, commis- forceful, aggressive, alive, powerful, spirited,
sion, obligation, trust, requirement, func- effective, potent, driving, compelling. ANT.
tion, assignment, job, burden. 2. TAX cus- lifeless, dead, ineffectual, weak.
toms, excise, levy, tariff, toll, impost, dynamite n. explosive, TNT, nitroglycerin,
assessment. blasting material.
DVD n. compact disk, digital video disk, video dynamo n. generator, *go-getter, *bundle of
storage medium. energy, *live wire, *spark plug, work horse,
dwarf n. midget, runt, pygmy, gnome, *shrimp, *ball of fire, hard worker, mover and shaker.
Lilliputian, *squirt, bantam, elf, *peewee, dynasty n. lineage, ascendancy, regency, rule,
*half-pint, *micro. ANT. giant, colossus. house, command, crown, regime, empire,
dwarf v. eclipse, overshadow, outshine, stand succession.
head and shoulders above, tower above, ex- dysfunctional a. nonfunctioning, malfunction-
cel, dominate, stunt. ing, impaired, abnormal, unhealthy, aber-
dwell v. 1. LIVE reside, inhabit, stay, abide, rant. ANT. well adjusted, *together.
*crash, keep house, quarter, lodge, *roost, dyslexia n. learning disorder, reading disorder,
*bunk, take shelter, domicile. 2. LINGER learning impairment, comprehension disor-
OVER think about, pause, harp on, ponder. der.
dwelling n. home, house, residence, domicile, dyslexic a. learning-impaired.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 195


each a. every, all, respective, any, individual. earmark v. set aside, reserve, designate, slot,
ANT. none. allocate, assign, hold, tag, label.
each adv. apiece, per, individually, a person, *a earn v. 1. MAKE MONEY net, *clear, gross, profit,
head, *a shot. take in, take home, pull in, gain, realize, col-
eager a. enthusiastic, anxious, *champing at lect, get, draw. 2. DESERVE merit, be entitled
the bit, desirous, itching, *gung ho, agog, to, warrant, achieve, be worthy of.
impatient, *rarin’ to go, fervent, ardent, EARNEST a. [UR nist] serious, sincere, no-
hungry, intent, zealous. ANT. apathetic, indif- nonsense, determined. The team made an
ferent, lukewarm. earnest attempt at the prize. SYN. serious, sin-
eagle n. raptor, bird of prey, Falconiforme. cere, no-nonsense, determined, heartfelt,
WORD FIND wholehearted, devoted, resolute, intent,
group of: convocation *meaning business, ardent, fervent, diligent.
hooked beak, describing: aquiline ANT. halfhearted, frivolous, insincere, apa-
nest: aerie thetic.
SEE BIRD earnings n. pay, wages, salary, net, gross, *take-
eagle-eyed a. sharp-eyed, hawk-eyed, keen- home, income, profit, compensation, pro-
eyed, perceptive, observant. ANT. dull-eyed, ceeds, gain, return, receipts.
unobservant. earring n. earbob, ornament, jewelry, bauble,
ear n. hearing organ, auditory organ. ‘‘The road jewel, ear clasp, girandole, *fishing lure (sar-
to the heart.’’—Voltaire. ‘‘The gates to the castic).
mind.’’—Moses Ibn Ezra. earsplitting a. deafening, loud, shrill. ANT.
WORD FIND muted, quiet.
balance, inner organ of: labyrinth earth n. 1. GROUND soil, land, dirt, clay, loam,
bones of: anvil (incus), hammer (malleus), humus, turf, mud, terra firma. 2. PLANET
stirrup (stapes); ossicles world, globe, sphere, biosphere, Gaea, ter-
deformity: cauliflower ear rene, orb, terra, terra firma, *spaceship
doctor: otologist Earth, vale. ‘‘One voice in the cosmic
earache: otalgia
fugue.’’—Carl Sagan. ‘‘The frozen echo of
eardrum: tympanic membrane
the silent voice of God.’’—S.M. Hageman.
external portion: auricle, pinna
‘‘Footstool of our God’’ Isaac Watts. ‘‘A
hereditary disorder causing progressive deaf-
spot, a grain, an atom.’’—John Milton.
ness: otosclerosis
instrument: otoscope WORD FIND
nerve: auditory nerve center of, pertaining to: geocentric
nerve deafness: sensorineural deafness green earth color: terre verte
ringing in: tinnitus inhabitant: earthling, tellurian
spiral inner cavity: cochlea outermost shell: crust, lithosphere
study of: otology personification of: Gaea
swimmer’s ear: otitis externa pertaining to: terrene
vestigial point: Darwin’s tubercle shape: oblate spheroid
wax: cerumen study of its shape, size: geodesy
whirling, dizzy sensation due to inner ear study of its structure: tectonics, geology
impairment: vertigo subsurface: asthenosphere, mantle, core
early a. 1. NEAR THE BEGINNING preceding, prior, earthling n. tellurian, inhabitant of earth, hu-
initial, young, aboriginal, primal, primeval, man being, terra, man, woman, child of
primitive, antediluvian, maiden, original, earth.
starting, ancient. 2. TOO SOON premature, earthly a. terrestrial, terrene, worldly, *down to
ahead of time, beforehand, preceding, ad- earth, physical, mundane, global, physical,
vanced, immature, precocious. ANT. 1. re- corporeal, mortal, temporal. ANT. spiritual,
cent, modern, latter. 2. late, tardy. ethereal, otherworldly, divine, heavenly.
earmark n. characteristic, feature, mark, hall- earthquake n. tremor, temblor, quake, seism,
mark, trait, quality, signature, peculiarity, *earthshake, shock, convulsion, upheaval,
trademark, stamp. cataclysm, *wake-up call.

196 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND 2. burdensome, hard, troubled. 3. strict, harsh,

center of: epicenter stern.
continental dynamics causing: plate tecton- easygoing a. placid, careless, undemanding, re-
ics laxed, lenient, gentle, tolerant, permissive,
following tremor: aftershock lax, informal, *happy-go-lucky, *devil-may-
fracture in rock strata, origination of quake: care, laid-back. ANT. *uptight, intense, stern,
fault severe, harsh.
ground waves causing initial roar: primary eat v. 1. INGEST FOOD consume, dine, feast, de-
waves, compressional waves vour, lunch, break bread, sup, *chow down,
ground waves causing side-to-side shaking: gorge, scoff, *put on a feedbag, gobble, wolf,
Love waves nibble, nosh, bolt. 2. CORRODE erode, dis-
magnitude scale: Richter scale, Mercalli in- solve, wear away, rot, decay, disintegrate,
tensity scale waste.
pertaining to: seismic eating disorder n. dieting disorder, anorexia
preceding tremor: foreshock nervosa, bulimia, binging and purging, neu-
recorder of earth’s vibrations: seismograph rosis, sickness, mental illness. SEE ANOREXIA,
sea wave caused by: tsunami BULIMIA
study of: seismology eavesdrop v. listen in, pry, spy, wiretap, *bug,
SEE VOLCANO *snoop, bend an ear.
earthmover n. bulldozer, grader, backhoe, ebb v. recede, decline, fall back, diminish, sub-
steam shovel, excavator, heavy machinery. side, decrease, wane, retreat, fade, flag,
earthy a. folksy, uninhibited, down-home, un- abate, withdraw. ANT. grow, increase, build,
sophisticated, coarse, *down to earth, *real, wax.
crude, *hard-boiled, unrefined, lusty, ribald, EBULLIENT a. [i BUL yunt] boiling or bub-
rough, gross. ANT. sophisticated, refined, bling over with excitement. The crowd was
dainty, prissy. absolutely ebullient with the hometown’s vic-
ease n. 1. COMFORT well-being, peace, rest, con- tory. SYN. exuberant, bubbling over with ex-
tentment, *peace of mind, relaxation, tran- citement, exhilarated, high-spirited, electri-
quility, relief, serenity, leisure. 2. EASINESS fied, effervescent, elated, enthusiastic,
facility, readiness, effortlessness, freedom, *a irrepressible, *going nuts, zestful, wild. ANT.
snap, *child’s play, *duck soup, *a walk on subdued, sedate, apathetic, somber.
the beach, a breeze, *a cinch. ANT. 1. dis- eccentric n. *nut, character, queer duck, origi-
comfort, pain, difficulty. 2. difficulty, hardship. nal, oddball, *weirdo, nonconformist,
ease v. alleviate, lessen, relieve, moderate, *ding-a-ling, crank, loner, individual, free
comfort, mitigate, diminish, assuage, spirit, one-of-a-kind, *flake.
lighten, simplify, mollify, quiet, smooth. eccentric a. odd, peculiar, weird, *nutty, queer,
ANT. aggravate, worsen. off-center, flaky, unconventional, idiosyn-
easel n. stand, support, tripod, frame. cratic, *off the wall, deviant, *kinky, differ-
easement n. right of way, access right. ent, *daft, *potty, irregular, nonconforming.
easily adv. 1. EFFORTLESSLY with ease, readily, ANT. normal, conventional, ordinary. SEE
handily, without difficulty, trouble free, CRAZY
swimmingly, facilely, dexterously. 2. BY FAR eccentricity n. quirk, peculiarity, oddity, idio-
*hands down, far and away, decidedly, un- syncracy, abnormality, foible, idiocrasy, cu-
questionably, clearly. ANT. 1. arduously, la- riousity, irregularity, singularity, *kink.
boriously, with difficulty. 2. barely, hardly. ecclesiastical a. churchly, religious, ministerial,
easy a. 1. NOT HARD effortless, simple, slight, parochial, pastoral, clerical. ANT. lay, secu-
light, uncomplicated, painless, *cinchy, lar, mundane.
*child’s play, *a snap, *piece of cake, *noth- ECHELON n. [ESH uh lon] any one level in
ing to it, *duck soup. 2. FREE FROM TROUBLE a multi-level group. It was the upper echelon’s
OR PAIN relaxed, carefree, untroubled, tran- responsibility to devise new strategies. SYN.
quil, peaceful, serene, comfortable, luxuri- level, hierarchy, rank, class, position, place,
ous, undemanding, secure, pleasant. 3. EASY- tier, order.
GOING relaxed, lenient, gentle, tolerant, soft, echo n. answer, reverberation, rebound, reflec-
mild, permissive, moderate, lax, informal, tion, reply, replication, repercussion, repeti-
benign. ANT. 1. difficult, arduous, laborious. tion, parroting. ‘‘Something that always has

Roget’s Superthesaurus 197


the last word.’’—German proverb. ‘‘The exports and imports, difference in worth be-
shadow of a sound.’’—Horace Smith. tween: balance of trade
ECLECTIC a. [i KLEK tik] selecting the best gauge of fluctuating prices of common con-
from various sources, that which has been sumer goods: consumer price index
selected from diverse sources. Fran’s taste in GNP: gross national product
music is eclectic. SYN. selective, comprehen- government incentives to big business re-
sive, wide-ranging, assorted, broad, diverse, sulting in benefit to all: trickle-down
liberal, multifaceted, catholic, heteroge- theory
nous. ANT. limited, narrow, specialized. group working together to control produc-
eclipse n. occultation, shadowing, obliteration, tion and prices, common: cartel
obscuring, darkening, penumbra. SEE AS- inability to pay one’s debts: insolvency
TRONOMY inflation causing shortages, runaway: hyper-
eclipse v. 1. BLOCK obscure, cover, darken, hide, inflation
conceal, dim, veil, overshadow. 2. OUTSHINE imports exceeding exports, condition of:
exceed, surpass, overpower, overshadow, trade deficit
outdo, transcend, stand head and shoulders luxuries, money left over for: discretionary
above, dwarf. income
ecology n. environemental science, study of manufacturing industry, heavy: smokestack
flora and fauna, habitat science, life science. industry
economical a. 1. FRUGAL conservative, thrifty, medieval economic system of lords and vas-
economizing, efficient, *penny-wise, tight, sals: feudalism
prudent, saving, scrimping. 2. INEXPENSIVE money to work with: capital
cheap, *dirt cheap, cost-effective, reason- monopolies, laws preventing formation of:
able, budget, low-priced. ANT. 1. wasteful, antitrust laws
extravagant. 2. expensive, costly, dear. price supports, government: subsidies
economize v. save, be frugal, *tighten one’s reducing taxes to spur production, invest-
belt, pinch pennies, conserve, scrimp, cut ment and growth, theory of: supply-side
corners, stint, cut back. ANT. waste, squan- economics
der. selling goods below cost to drive competi-
economy n. 1. THRIFT saving, frugality, conserv- tion out of business: dumping
ing, austerity, prudence, skimping, penny- services than production of goods, economy
pinching. ‘‘To pitch your scale of living one based more on: service economy
degree below your means.’’—Henry Taylor. supplies exceeding demand: buyer’s market
‘‘The art of making the most of life.’’— system of collectively-owned or state-owned
George Benard Shaw. 2. NATIONAL, STATE production facilities controlling distribu-
OR REGIONAL INCOME MANAGEMENT finances, tion, economic: communism
production, GNP, gross national product, system of privately-owned businesses de-
spending, distribution of wealth. ANT. 1. ex- signed for profit-making, economic: cap-
travagance, wastefulness, spending. italism, free enterprise system
WORD FIND tariffs and regulations used by nation to
ban of import or export product: embargo, limit imports: trade barriers
sanction ups and downs of some businesses, expected:
buying for want and status instead of need: business cycle
conspicuous consumption zero growth and rising unemployment, pe-
collective annual value of all goods, ser- riod of: recession, slump
vices, etc, of nation: GNP, gross national ecosystem n. habitat, environment, ecological
product community.
debt owed by federal government: national ecstasy n. rapture, euphoria, bliss, elation,
debt transport, exaltation, ebullience, heaven,
decline, sharp and prologned economic: de- joy, exhilaration, seventh heaven. ANT. mis-
pression ery, depression, gloom.
demand exceeding supply: seller’s market ecstatic a. rapturous, euphoric, elated, blissful,
drop in prices due to a reduction of the transported, exalted, ebullient, in heaven,
money supply: deflation in seventh heaven, overjoyed, thrilled. ANT.
expansion, economic: boom miserable, depressed, down.

198 Roget’s Superthesaurus


eddy n. current, vortex, countercurrent, whirl- educational a. informative, instructional, en-

pool, swirl. lightening, academic, edifying, illuminat-
edema n. fluid, swelling, accumulation, water ing, scholastic, didactic.
retention. educator n. teacher, instructor, tutor, mentor,
Eden n. garden, paradise, utopia, heaven on trainer, coach, professor.
earth, garden of Adam and Eve. educe v. evoke, bring out, draw forth, elicit.
edge n. 1. MARGIN border, boundary, verge, out- eerie a. weird, unsettling, creepy, macabre, un-
line, perimeter, skirt, rim, fringe, periphery, natural, spooky, bizarre, strange, unearthly,
limit, brink. 2. ADVANTAGE leg up, handi- uncanny, frightening, mysterious.
cap, head start, upper hand. efface v. erase, obliterate, rub out, cancel, wipe
edgy a. nervous, on edge, tense, uptight, anx- out, fade, expunge, eradicate.
ious, *wired, jumpy, jittery, *keyed up, rest- effect n. 1. RESULT consequence, upshot, reac-
less, ill at ease, *a bundle of nerves. ANT. tion, response, aftermath, end, fallout, wake,
calm, tranquil, relaxed. repercussion. 2. INFLUENCE impact, force,
edible a. palatable, consumable, fit to eat, co- weight, power, clout, efficacy.
mestible, digestible, esculent. ANT. inedible, effect v. bring about, cause, actualize, produce,
disgusting, rotten, *not fit for human consump- achieve, make, create, generate, accom-
tion. plish.
edict n. decree, command, proclamation, law, effective a. 1. PRODUCTIVE successful, compel-
fiat, manifesto, enactment, ruling, act, regu- ling, sufficient, forceful, efficacious, useful,
lation, ordinance. SEE LAW powerful, persuasive. 2. OPERATIVE func-
edification n. enlightenment, education, im- tional, serviceable, in effect, active. ANT. in-
provement, betterment, learning, uplifting, effectual, ineffective, impotent, inadequate.
instruction, guidance, teaching. effects n. belongings, possessions, goods,
edifice n. building, structure, skyscraper, tower, things, property, stuff, chattels.
construction, highrise. SEE BUILDING effeminate a. feminine, unmanly, soft, ladylike,
edit v. revise, correct, *blue pencil, refine, womanish, emasculate, *limp-wristed, deli-
check, rewrite, polish, proofread, redact, cate, *queer, sissyish. ANT. masculine, virile,
doctor, cut, delete, condense, *clean up. macho, manly.
editor n. reviser, redactor, rewriter, copy editor. effervescence n. 1. FIZZ bubbles, foam, froth,
‘‘A bit of sandpaper applied to all forms of carbonation. 2. VIVACITY high spirits, exu-
originality.’’—Elbert Hubbard. berance, vitality, liveliness, *zip, spirit,
edition n. issue, copy, number, printing, vol- buoyancy, animation, ebullience. ANT. 1.
ume. flatness. 2. lifelessness, listlessness, torpor.
editorial n. essay, opinion piece, think piece, effervescent a. 1. FIZZY bubbly, foaming, frothy,
article, commentary. carbonated. 2. VIVACIOUS spirited, exuber-
educate v. teach, instruct, train, enlighten, ant, vital, lively, *zippy, buoyant, animated,
school, edify, tutor, coach, cultivate, *show ebullient. ANT. 1. flat. 2. dead, lifeless, listless.
the ropes, inform, *drum into. effete a. 1. BARREN unproductive, fruitless, ster-
educated a. trained, enlightened, schooled, ile. 2. SPENT worn out, exhausted, used up,
learned, literate, cultivated, erudite, schol- *burned out, enervated, weak. ANT. fertile,
arly, refined, well-read, well-grounded, vital, vigorous.
knowledgeable. ANT. ignorant, naive, illiter- EFFICACY n. [EF uh kuh see] the capacity to
ate. bring about the desired end, effectiveness.
education n. training, enlightenment, school- The efficacy of the space agency will be tested
ing, learning, edification, erudition, scholar- with the new mission. SYN. effectiveness,
ship, literacy, book-learning, instruction, power, productiveness, capacity, compe-
study, grounding, cultivation. ‘‘A compan- tency, potency, vigor, proficiency, capabil-
ion which no misfortune can depress.’’—Jo- ity, efficiency.
seph Addison. ‘‘A better safeguard of liberty efficient a. effective, effectual, potent, produc-
than a standing army.’’—Edward Everett. tive, capable, causative, proficient, dy-
‘‘Character development.’’—William O’- namic, economical, workmanlike, able. ANT.
Shea. ‘‘A chest of tools.’’—Herbert Kauf- inefficient, ineffectual, wasteful.
man. ‘‘All the minds of past ages.’’—Ber- effigy n. likeness, dummy, figure, representa-
nard de Fontenelle. tion, image, mock-up.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 199


effort n. 1. EXERTION strain, output, work, trou- overconfidence. ‘‘The anesthetic given by a
ble, application, muscle, toil, pain, *elbow kindly nature to relieve the pain of being a
grease, stress, sweat. 2. ATTEMPT try, en- damned fool.’’—Bellamy Brooks. ‘‘A case of
deavor, venture, *go. 3. ACHIEVEMENT feat, mistaken nonentity.’’—Barbara Stanwyck.
creation, accomplishment. egotist n. egoist, boaster, selfish pig, narcissist,
effortless a. easy, simple, *no sweat, *piece of braggart, peacock, *swellhead, egomaniac.
cake, *child’s play, facile, *a snap, cinchy, ‘‘A self-made man who worships his cre-
no problem, *duck soup. ANT. arduous, labo- ator.’’—John Bright.
rious, backbreaking. egotistic a. self-centered, selfish, self-absorbed,
EFFRONTERY n. [i FRUN tuh ree] audacity, conceited, narcissistic, arrogant, vainglori-
insulting gall. I can’t believe he had the effron- ous, self-worshipping, vain, smug, overcon-
tery to cut in line. SYN. audacity, impudence, fident, *puffed up, *swellheaded. ANT. mod-
boldness, nerve, gall, cheek, insolence, pre- est, humble, unpretentious.
sumption, arrogance, brass, impertinence, EGREGIOUS a. [i GREE jus] extremely bad
rudeness, *chutzpah. ANT. deference, timidity, or outrageous. Murder is an egregious sin. SYN.
respect. bad, outrageous, flagrant, blatant, extreme,
effulgent a. radiant, glowing, luminous, bril- atrocious, monstrous, shocking, grievous,
liant, resplendent, shining, dazzling, bright. glaring, striking, baldfaced, appalling. ANT.
ANT. dim, dull, dark. minor, trivial, petty.
EFFUSIVE a. [i FYOO siv] gushing or highly egress n. doorway, outlet. SEE EXIT
demonstrative of one’s emotions. It made me ejaculate v. discharge, climax, have an orgasm,
uncomfortable to see him so effusive. SYN. *come.
gushing, demonstrative, unrestrained, pro- ejaculation n. release, emission.
fuse, expansive, lavish, extravagant, over- eject v. throw out, expel, oust, *kick out, *give
flowing, unreserved. ANT. reserved, re- the boot, evict, ditch, banish, *send pack-
strained, taciturn. ing, *show the door, *bounce, *give walking
EGALITARIAN a. [i GAL uh TARE ee un] papers.
believing in equality for everyone. The ejection n. expulsion, ouster, removal, dis-
constitution ensures an egalitarian govern- missal, exile, *the boot, discharge, banish-
ment. SYN. equal, liberal, fair-minded, ment, eviction, ostracism.
democratic, just, unbiased, unprejudiced,
elaborate v. develop, work out, detail, flesh out,
equitable. ANT. unfair, inequitable, preju-
fashion, add to, enlarge, amplify, refine, ex-
diced, biased.
egg n. ovum, embryo, roe, spawn.
elaborate a. complicated, complex, intricate,
detailed, comprehensive, painstaking, thor-
crumbed and buttered: shirred eggs
ough, involved, sophisticated, multifaceted,
laid at same time: clutch
shape: ovoid, ovate, oval ornate, busy, showy, extravagant. ANT. sim-
tester: candler ple, plain, unadorned, stark.
white: albumen élan n. enthusiasm, spirit, vigor, dash, ardor,
yolk: vitellus verve, vivacity, panache, flair, zest.
egghead n. Sl. intellectual, *brain, genius, elapse v. go by, pass, transpire, expire, inter-
*walking encyclopedia, *know-it-all. ANT. vene, slip by, lapse.
ignoramus, moron. elastic a. flexible, resilient, supple, adaptable,
egg on v. urge, incite, prod, encourage, spur, springy, pliant, accommodating, yielding,
push, prompt, goad, rally. ANT. discourage. buoyant. ANT. inflexible, rigid, stiff.
ego n. self, psyche, self-esteem, self-image, self- elated a. happy, ecstatic, euphoric, delighted,
respect. excited, in high spirits, *in seventh heaven,
egocentric a. self-centered, selfish, egotistic, exultant, *flying, exhilarated, gleeful, joyful,
self-absorbed, wrapped up in oneself, narcis- *tickled. ANT. miserable, down, depressed,
sistic, vainglorious, conceited. ANT. giving, *bummed.
other-directed, self-effacing. elation n. happiness, joy, euphoria, delight, ex-
egotism n. self-centeredness, selfishness, ego- citement, high spirits, glee, exhilaration, ex-
ism, self-absorption, conceit, narcissism, altation, rapture, *cloud nine, ecstasy. ANT.
vainglory, arrogance, self-worship, vanity, misery, depression, blues.

200 Roget’s Superthesaurus


elbow v. push, shove, jostle, shoulder, bump, person not on ballot, but written in by voter:
bulldoze, nudge, crowd. write-in
elbow grease n. effort, muscle, *oomph, strain, poll public opinion or solicit votes: canvass
sweat, stress, toil, back, strength. popular candidate’s trickle-down benefit to
elder n. senior, old-timer, veteran, superior, weaker party member: coattail effect
forefather, ancestor, matriarch, patriarch, preliminary, nominating election: primary
*old fogey, *geezer, retiree, graybeard, dow- principles of candidate or party: platform
ager. proposal of action, to be voted on: proposi-
WORD FIND tion, referendum
sixty, or between sixty and seventy: sexage- random vote poll: straw poll
narian report of voting trends: poll, returns, exit
seventy, or between seventy and eighty: sep- poll
tuagenarian shake hands and smile: glad-hand
eighty, or between eighty and ninety: octo- speak from town to town: barnstorm, stump
genarian state representatives chosen to elect presi-
ninety, or between ninety and one hundred: dent and vice president: electoral college
nonagenarian voting enrollment: registration
one hundred-year-old: centenarian SEE CONGRESS, ELECTIONEERING, POLITICS
elder a. older, senior, superior, higher ranking. electioneering n. campaigning, canvassing, so-
ANT. younger, junior. liciting votes, *stumping, *barnstorming,
elderly a. aged, venerable, seasoned, ancient, promoting. ‘‘A war in which everybody
*long in the tooth, mature, *over the hill, shoots from the lip.’’—Raymond Moley.
experienced, senescent, advanced in years, elective a. chosen, optional, electoral, discre-
weathered, vintage. ANT. youthful, young, tionary, voluntary. ANT. required.
immature, *green. SEE OLD, OLD AGE, OLD- electricity n. current, power, AC, DC, voltage,
spark, charge, *juice.
elect v. select, choose, pick, opt for, appoint, WORD FIND
vote for, settle on, nominate, single out, cast atom: electron
one’s ballot. cell that converts light to electricity: photo-
election n. selection, choosing, choice, voting, voltaic cell
vote-casting, determination, preference, ap- current regulator: rheostat
pointment, designation, nomination, refer- drop in voltage through power line: brown-
endum. out
earth or other large body to which circuit is
connected to prevent noise interference:
aid to candidate, solicits votes: electioneer
assembly every four years to elect presiden- ground
tial candidate: national convention generator: dynamo
attack on opposing candidate: mudslinging, material capable of carrying current with lit-
smear campaign tle resistance: conductor
candidate list: ballot, ticket particle, electrified: ion
convention representatives from one state: poor conductor and a poor insulator: semi-
delegation conductor
cross-party vote: crossover vote restrictor of current’s flow: insulator
desires and dictates of voters expressed stores electrical charge: capacitor
through vote: mandate unit of: amp, ampere, ohm, volt, watt, joule
district of voters: constituency zero resistance of current: superconductivity
district, smallest voting unit: precinct SEE ELECTRONICS, EXCITEMENT
fund-raising, fund-distributing committee: electrify v. thrill, shock, startle, stun, excite,
political action committee (PAC) dazzle, stir, daze, jolt, *give one a charge,
mail-in vote: absentee ballot stagger, *take one’s breath away. ANT. bore.
majority (large) of votes, victory: landslide electronics n. integrated circuitry, transistors,
meeting of party to choose candidate: cau- chips, solid state components. SEE COMPUTER,
meeting to generate enthusiasm for candi- elegance n. fineness, refinement, grace, opu-
date: rally lence, luxuriousness, high style, beauty,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 201


grandeur, class, tastefulness, sophistication, ELICIT v. [i LIS it] to bring out or draw forth.
poshness, polish. He tried to elicit a response from the speaker.
elegant a. fine, refined, graceful, opulent, luxu- SYN. draw, bring out, evoke, extract, wrest,
rious, high-styled, stylish, beautiful, grand, cause, exact, call forth, wring, *arm-twist,
classy, tasteful, sophisticated, posh, cul- *pump, extort.
tured, fashionable, polished. ANT. coarse, eligible a. qualified, worthy, suitable, appro-
crude, unrefined, tacky. priate, desirable, fitting, acceptable. ANT. in-
elegiac a. sad, sorrowful, mournful, plaintive. eligible, disqualified.
ANT. uplifting, inspiring, happy. eliminate v. get rid of, remove, discard, cut, re-
elegy n. dirge, lamentation, lament, funeral ject, omit, drop, kill, eject, oust, shut out,
song, requiem. expel, exclude. ANT. include, get.
element n. component, ingredient, constituent, elimination n. removal, discard, cut, rejection,
unit, facet, bit, feature, piece, portion, sec- omission, dropping, killing, ejection, ouster,
tion, item, factor. expulsion, exclusion. ANT. inclusion.
elementary a. basic, simple, fundamental, ru- elite n. the best, the greatest, *upper crust, aris-
dimentary, easy, *child’s play, uncompli- tocracy, *crème de la crème, high society,
cated, primary, introductory, plain, abece- gentry, blue bloods, nobility, clique, *haut
darian. ANT. complicated, advanced, monde, pick. ANT. the dregs, working class,
difficult. lower class.
elephant n. pachyderm, herbivore, quadruped, elitist n. snob, highbrow, oligarch, social
mammal. ‘‘A mouse built to government climber, *snoot, *stuffed shirt, egotist.
specifications.’’—Robert Heinlein. elixir n. potion, curative, mixture, compound,
WORD FIND panacea, cure-all, miracle drug, nostrum, ca-
call: trumpet, bellow tholicon, solution, substance.
driver/keeper: mahout elliptical a. oval, egg-shaped, ovoid.
extinct: mammoth, mastadon elocution n. public speaking, speech, oratory,
female: cow articulation, recitation, declamation, rheto-
male: bull ric, delivery, eloquence, enunciation, dic-
male’s violent and sexual frenzy: musth, rut tion. SEE ELOQUENCE, SPEECH
nose: trunk, snout elongate v. lengthen, extend, stretch, protract,
rider’s seat: howdah let out, prolong. ANT. shorten, shrink, curtail.
run towards: charge elongated a. lengthened, extended, stretched,
solitary, vicious outcast: rogue protracted, let out, prolonged, prolate, ob-
tooth: tusk long. ANT. shortened, contracted, curtailed.
tusk: ivory elope v. run off, abscond, run away with, slip
young: calf off.
elephantine a. mammoth, gargantuan, jumbo. eloquence n. persuasiveness, fluency, forceful-
ANT. tiny, puny, wee. SEE HUGE ness, expressiveness, rhetoric, command of
elevate v. 1. RAISE lift, uplift, hoist, escalate, language, way with words, elocution, ora-
hike up, jack up, heighten. 2. PROMOTE ad- tory, articulation. ‘‘A gift of the mind,
vance, raise, enhance, improve, upgrade, which makes us master of the heart and
boost, heighten, aggrandize, exalt. ANT. spirit of others.’’—Jean de La Bruyere.
lower, drop, degrade. ‘‘What one thinks he has after a cock-
elevated a. lofty, exalted, noble, grand, emi- tail.’’—Warren Goldberg. ‘‘The gift of mak-
nent, high, upstanding, distinguished, admi- ing any color appear white.’’—Ambrose
rable, *put on a pedestal. ANT. lowly, inferior, Bierce.
humble. ELOQUENT a. [EL uh KWUNT] persuasive
elevation n. height, altitude, eminence, high by means of one’s speech, having a way with
ground, prominence, rise, hill, mountain, words, articulate. There are many eloquent
lift. speakers in Washington. SYN. persuasive, ar-
elevator n. lift, hoist. ticulate, fluent, forceful, having a way with
elf n. gnome, fairy, hob, pixy, imp, brownie, words, expressive, having a command of the
sprite, dwarf, leprechaun. language, silver-tongued, smooth, stirring,
elfin a. mischievous, prankish, impish, playful, cogent, vivid, pointed. ANT. inarticulate,
sprightly, small, fleeting. tongue-tied, stumbling.

202 Roget’s Superthesaurus


elucidate v. clarify, make clear, explain, illus- embarrassing a. disconcerting, humiliating,

trate, illuminate, *shed light on, simplify, awkward, mortifying, uncomfortable, dis-
spell out, interpret. ANT. obfuscate, confuse, comfiting, shaming, discomposing, ticklish,
muddy. touchy, undignifying.
elude v. avoid, evade, escape, *give the slip, embarrassment n. humiliation, shame, chagrin,
dodge, *lose, *throw off the scent, get away, discomposure, mortification, discomfort,
circumvent, baffle, thwart, foil. ANT. con- self-consciousness, *egg on one’s face, un-
front, meet, face. easiness, pudency.
elusive a. evasive, slippery, shifty, hard to WORD FIND
catch, fleeting, eely, baffling, cagey, puz- descriptive: cheeks burn; color deeply; toes
zling, wily. ANT. comprehensible, easy to grasp, curl in one’s shoes; feel hot and foolish;
within reach. feel the blood rush to one’s face; squirm/
EMACIATED a. [i MAY shee ay ted] lean and wriggle with embarrassment; eyes range
scrawny, as from starvation. Many deer be- the floor, searching desperately for a hole
come emaciated through the winter. SYN. lean, to crawl into; eyelids bat self-con-
thin, scrawny, wasted, malnourished, an- sciously; cringe inwardly; smile sheep-
orexic, bony, skinny, skeletal, gaunt, raw-
ishly; splutter with embarrassment; stam-
boned, drawn, wizened, hollow-eyed. ANT.
mer self-consciously; ears flush scarlet
beefy, plump, fat, obese.
e-mail n. electronic mail, online mail, online embarrassed smiling: dry grins
correspondence, E-message, instant mes- embarrassing occurrence: contretemps
sage. SEE COMPUTER, INTERNET embassy n. ambassador’s office, diplomatic mis-
emanate v. issue, proceed, spring, arise, appear, sion, foreign office, consulate, chancellery,
exude, come forth, originate, flow, dis- chancellory, diplomatic corps.
charge. embattle v. equip, arm, prepare for battle.
emanation n. emission, discharge, issue, emerg- embed v. fix, place, insert, bury, enclose, im-
ing, emergence, effusion. plant, surround, root, plant, deposit.
EMANCIPATE v. [i MAN suh pate] to free. embellish v. enhance, adorn, ornament, deco-
Lincoln wished to emancipate the slaves. SYN. rate, garnish, elaborate, beautify, touch up,
free, liberate, release, deliver, loose, un- fix up, embroider, play up, exaggerate, over-
chain, unburden, enfranchise, manumit, state.
save, rescue. ANT. enslave, fetter, subjugate. EMBELLISHMENT n. [em BEL ish ment]
emancipation n. freedom, liberation, release, something added to increase interest or
delivery, manumission, enfranchisement. beauty, as an ornament, musical passage,
ANT. enslavement, subjugation. etc. Also, an exaggeration or bit of fiction,
EMASCULATE v. [i MASS kyuh late] to cas- sometimes used to make one’s experiences
trate or weaken; to take away a man’s more interesting to others. His stories were
strength. Kryptonite had the power to emascu- always full of questionable embellishments. SYN.
late Superman. SYN. castrate, weaken, effemi- enhancement, ornamentation, adornment,
nate, debilitate, enervate, render ineffec- decoration, beautification, embroidery, ex-
tual, soften, *take the teeth out of. ANT. aggeration, enrichment.
strengthen, invigorate. embers n. ashes, coals, cinders, clinkers, sparks.
EMBARGO n. [em BAR go] a government- SEE FIRE
imposed prohibition on the shipment or re-
EMBEZZLE v. [em BEZ ul] to steal, especially
ceipt of foreign commercial freight. The
when in a position of trust, to commit fraud.
president imposed an embargo on French wine.
To embezzle company funds and get caught
SYN. prohibition, restriction, ban, blockage,
proscription, stoppage, restaint, check, in- means certain jail time. SYN. steal, defraud,
terdiction. misappropriate, cheat, defalcate, purloin,
embark v. 1. BOARD get on. 2. COMMENCE set *have one’s hand in the till, filch, swindle,
out, start, venture, undertake, take up, peculate, *cook the books.
broach, launch, enter, initiate. embittered a. bitter, resentful, hostile, disaf-
embarrass v. disconcert, make ill-at-ease, fected, sour, disillusioned, spiteful, cynical,
make self-conscious, abash, shame, mor- irritated, sore, rankled.
tify, chagrin, fluster, discompose, fluster, emblazon v. ornament, color, paint, decorate,
faze. embellish.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 203


emblem n. symbol, badge, design, representa- importance, prominency, distinction, great-

tion, crest, trademark, coat of arms, colors, ness, repute, celebrity, station, loftiness. 2.
insignia, mark, attribute, image. HILL rise, elevation, height, prominence,
emblematic a. symbolic, representative. peak, summit, ridge, high ground.
embodiment n. representation, personification, EMINENT a. [EM uh nunt] high-ranking and
incarnation, materialization, manifestation, distinguished, noteworthy. An eminent au-
realization, incorporation, exemplification. thority on economics predicted a downturn.
embody v. represent, personify, incarnate, SYN. high-ranking, distinguished, notewor-
manifest, realize, stand for, incorporate, ma- thy, famous, renowned, exalted, excellent,
terialize, substantiate, symbolize. esteemed, celebrated, prominent, illustri-
embolden v. encourage, hearten, buoy, reas- ous, outstanding, great, dominant. ANT. lit-
sure, puff up, invigorate, boost, psych up, tle-known, obscure, undistinguished.
*give pep talk. ANT. frighten, cow, unnerve. emir n. prince, governor, leader, chieftain,
emboss v. mold, carve, set in relief, raise, im- commander.
press, imprint. emissary n. representative, messenger, agent,
embrace v. 1. HUG squeeze, hold, clasp, enfold, ambassador, envoy, go-between, courier,
clinch, grab, envelop, cuddle, snuggle, *bear deputy, attaché.
hug. 2. ENCOMPASS take in, include, cover, emission n. discharge, emanation, expulsion,
embody, comprehend, incorporate. 3. ejection, issuance, diffusion, transmission,
ADOPT take up, espouse, welcome, accept, outpouring, leaking.
seize. ANT. 2. exclude, omit. 3. reject, spurn, emit v. discharge, emanate, expel, eject, issue,
shun. diffuse, outpour, leak, exhale, secrete, ex-
EMBROIDER v. [em BROY dur] to exaggerate ude, excrete, leak.
or embellish by stretching the truth, to add emollient n. balm, salve, lotion, ointment, leni-
untruthful details. Some tabloids embroider tive.
the truth. SYN. exaggerate, embellish, stretch emollient a. soothing, softening, relieving, as-
the truth, fib, varnish, aggrandize, puff up, suasive, healing, palliative. ANT. abrasive,
overstate, *hype, *blow out of proportion, hurful.
*make a mountain out of a molehill, fabri- emote v. act, overact, dramatize, express, *ham
cate, invent. it up.
emotion n. feeling, state of mind, sentiment,
embroil v. disturb, entangle, trouble, mix up,
passion, gut reaction, sensation, heart,
involve, snarl, muddle, set at odds, rouse,
*fan the flames.
emotional a. 1. FEELING sensitive, passionate,
embryonic a. rudimentary, elementary, begin-
reactive, sentimental, sympathetic, ardent,
ning, immature, undeveloped, initial, fetal.
susceptible, excitable, fervent, fiery, histri-
ANT. advanced, mature, latter.
onic, temperamental. 2. MOVING soul-stir-
emend v. improve, correct, right, fix, edit, re- ring, touching, poignant, heartrending,
dact, revise. heartfelt, disturbing. ANT. 1. apathetic, un-
emerge v. appear, arise, issue, come forth, sur- feeling, impassive.
face, materialize, crop up, come out, spring, emotionless a. apathetic, cold, numb, unfeel-
originate, emanate. ing, indifferent, stony, stoical, insensate,
emergency n. crisis, exigency, trouble, urgency, dispassionate, heartless, matter-of-fact.
plight, contingency, pinch, *pickle, bind, empathize v. identify with, relate to, under-
difficulty, clutch. stand, comprehend, sympathize, stand in
emergency room n. ER, trauma center, critical one’s shoes, *be on the same wavelength.
care facility, triage room, medical crisis unit, EMPATHY n. [EM puh thee] understanding
intensive care unit (ICU). SEE HOSPITAL, or sharing of another’s feelings, thoughts,
MEDICINE etc. As a basketball official, I have a certain
emergent a. new, developing, on the horizon, amount of empathy for baseball umpires. SYN.
hatching, coming into view, rising, emerg- understanding, sympathy, accord, compre-
ing. ANT. declining, *yesterday’s news. hension, rapport, communion, affinity, fel-
emigre n. emigrant, defector, expatriate, fugi- low feeling.
tive. emperor n. ruler, sovereign, monarch, czar, dic-
eminence n. 1. POSITION rank, fame, standing, tator, empress.

204 Roget’s Superthesaurus


emphasis n. stress, accent, underscoring, im- empty a. 1. VACANT void, hollow, bare, vacu-
portance, force, weight, significance, promi- ous, barren, desolate, blank, deserted, aban-
nence, highlight, attention. doned, devoid, stark, evacuated. 2. MEAN-
emphasize v. stress, accent, underscore, high- INGLESS purposeless, hollow, futile,
light, accentuate, play up, spotlight, punctu- ineffective, idle, worthless, cheap, insub-
ate, italicize, bring to the fore. ANT. down- stantial, vapid, vain. ANT. 1. full, crowded,
play, play down, soften. replete. 2. meaningful, fruitful, effective.
EMPHATIC a. [em FAT ik] done with em- empty-headed a. brainless, witless, *brain-
phasis. He gave an emphatic denial of any drained, ignorant. ANT. bright, sharp. SEE STU-
wrongdoing. SYN. insistent, forceful, impas- PID
sioned, passionate, vigorous, pointed, EMULATE v. [EM yoo layt] to imitate, espe-
stressed, strong, earnest, compelling, strik- cially in order to do as well as or better than
ing, vehement. ANT. vague, halfhearted. another. All the rookie basketball players
empire n. dominion, realm, rule, kingdom, do- tended to emulate the top scorer. SYN. imitate,
main, sovereignty, territory. copy, *take after, use as a role model, model
EMPIRICAL a. [em PIR i kul] based on obser- after, ape, mimic; challenge, contend, com-
pete with, vie, match.
vation or experience, not theory. The empiri-
emulsion n. suspension.
cal evidence backed the scientists’ claims. SYN. enable v. empower, capacitate, allow, endow,
experiential, experimental, observed, prac- authorize, invest, qualify, warrant, sanction,
tical, pragmatic, firsthand, factual, verifi- permit, license. ANT. hinder, block, prevent.
able, provable. enabler n. facilitator, helper, aid, assistant, con-
emplacement n. position, mounting, site, tributor, cooperator, accomplice, abettor,
placement. partner in crime.
employ v. 1. MAKE USE OF use, practice, utilize, enact v. legislate, pass, ratify, sanction, decree,
apply, put to use. 2. ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF effectuate, institute, establish, order, ordain.
contract for, retain, hire. ANT. veto, repeal, reject, table.
employee n. worker, personnel, staffer, hired enamel n. coating, finish, protective layer,
hand, jobholder, wage earner, *company paint, lacquer, varnish, glaze.
man/woman, *working stiff, *slave. ENAMORED a. [i NAM urd] in love,
employer n. boss, manager, owner, proprietor, charmed. She is enamored with Hawaii. SYN.
chief executive officer (CEO), director, in love, charmed, captivated, infatuated, en-
contractor, *big cheese, overseer, *front of- thralled, bewitched, entranced, taken, smit-
fice, corporation, company, firm. tened, fascinated, *stuck on. ANT. repelled,
employment n. 1. USE utilization, application, adverse to.
operation, usage, exercise. 2. WORK job, po- encampment n. camp, campsite, bivouac, stop-
sition, occupation, employ, business, trade, over, rest area, base.
field, profession, vocation, situation. encapsulate v. 1. summarize, epitomize, con-
WORD FIND dense. 2. encase, enclose, wrap, box, pack,
employing more workers than is necessary: envelop.
featherbedding enchant v. mesmerize, bewitch, spellbind,
favoritism in which family members and charm, captivate, cast a spell on, *sweep off
friends are hired first: nepotism feet, allure, entrance, hypnotize, beguile.
enchanting a. mesmerizing, bewitching, spell-
emporium n. marketplace, store, trade center,
binding, charming, captivating, alluring,
mart, bazaar, mall. entrancing, hypnotic, beguiling, enthrall-
EMPOWER v. [em POW ur] to give or invest ing.
with power, legal or otherwise, to enable. enchantress n. seductress, sorceress, witch,
Giving children a good education will empower charmer, siren, *femme fatale, *Circe.
them to succeed. SYN. enable, authorize, vest, encircle v. encompass, surround, circle, circum-
permit, warrant, allow, entrust, validate, scribe, band, ring, girdle, envelop, hoop,
commission, accredit. wreath.
empress n. ruler, queen, regina. enclose v. 1. SHUT IN surround, *hem in, pen,
emptiness n. void, vacuity, vacuum, nothing- confine, imprison, encompass, fence off, cir-
ness, space, vacancy, desolation, blankness, cumscribe, corral. 2. INSERT enter, put in,
hole. include, add.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 205


encode v. encrypt, cryptograph, cipher, cypher, end v. stop, finish, cease, wrap up, conclude,
make secret. close, terminate, wind down, consummate,
encore n. reprise, return, curtain call, standing expire, discontinue, desist, drop. ANT. start,
ovation, command performance, recall. begin, open.
encompass v. 1. SURROUND circle, encircle, cir- endanger v. imperil, jeopardize, expose, tempt
cumscribe, ring, envelop. 2. INCLUDE con- fate, put at risk, compromise, hazard, ven-
tain, comprehend, embody, comprise, take ture, threaten. ANT. safeguard, protect, de-
in, cover, embrace. ANT. 2. exclude, omit. fend.
encounter n. meeting, confrontation, conjunc- endangered a. imperiled, facing extinction,
tion, brush. jeopardized, at risk, threatened. ANT. secure.
encounter v. meet, confront, come face to face, endearing a. lovable, charming, captivating,
happen upon, chance upon, cross paths, see, winning, adorable, sweet, dear, cuddly. ANT.
accost, face, bump into. repulsive.
encourage v. hearten, embolden, spur, inspire, endeavor n. attempt, effort, try, striving, ven-
rally, reassure, root for, *buck up, *psyche ture, enterprise, undertaking, trial, *shot,
up, foster, steel, fortify, support, cheer, buoy, crack, *whack, exertion.
*give a shot in the arm. ANT. discourage, dis- endeavor v. attempt, try, strive, venture, make
hearten, *take the wind out of one’s sails, de- an effort, struggle, tackle, undertake, essay,
flate. labor, *have a go, *take a crack at.
encouragement n. support, assurance, help, endemic a. local, regional, localized, restricted
buoying, heartening, *bucking up, boost, re- to, confined to, peculiar to. ANT. unconfined,
assurance, *shot in the arm, *pep talk, stim- international.
ulus, lift, inspiration, cheer, fortitude, ending n. finish, closing, close, completion, fi-
*psyching up, backing. ANT. discouragement, nale, denouement, resolution, outcome,
disheartening, deflation. curtains, termination, windup, last gasp, fi-
ENCROACH v. [en KROCH] to intrude or nal word.
trespass, to move into another’s domain. endless a. interminable, neverending, eternal,
Humans continue to encroach upon wildlife infinite, forever, unending, ceaseless, per-
habitat. SYN. intrude, trespass, invade, in- petual, continuous, incessant, relentless,
fringe, *horn in, usurp, *make inroads, in- *Sisyphean, everlasting. ANT. finite, limited,
terlope, impose upon, overstep the bounds,
endorphin n. hormone, natural painkiller, opi-
encumber v. burden, weigh down, hinder, im-
pede, obstruct, hold up, cramp, saddle, op-
endorse v. sanction, approve, recommend, sup-
press, hamper, handicap. ANT. free, facilitate,
port, back, back up, vouch for, certify, advo-
encumbrance n. burden, weight, hindrance, cate, stand behind, warrant, *give one’s
impediment, obstruction, saddle, handicap, stamp of approval. ANT. reject, repudiate.
millstone, cross. endorsement n. sanction, approval, recommen-
encyclopedia n. reference work, tome, cyclope- dation, support, backing, certification, ad-
dia, lexicon, glossary, fact book, book of vocacy, warranty, *stamp of approval, au-
knowledge, education book, volume. thorization, okay.
encyclopedic a. broad, extensive, comprehen- endow v. provide, grant, fund, contribute,
sive, complete, diverse, wide-ranging, cath- equip, bestow, bequeath, enrich, favor, fur-
olic, general, exhaustive, thorough. ANT. nish, supply, appoint, vest. ANT. divest, de-
limited, specific, narrow. prive.
end n. 1. LIMIT terminus, borderline, extremity, endowment n. 1. GIFT grant, contribution, be-
boundary, edge, extent, tip, point, pale. 2. stowal, bequest, funding, donation, provi-
FINISH completion, conclusion, close, stop, sion, subsidy, benefaction. 2. ATTRIBUTE nat-
cessation, finale, finis, termination, expira- ural gift, genius, quality, talent, asset,
tion, windup, consummation. 3. PURPOSE aptitude.
aim, intention, object, reason, point, objec- endurance n. stamina, fortitude, perseverance,
tive, motivation. 4. RESULT outcome, conse- grit, *guts, *stick-to-itiveness, backbone,
quence, effect, upshot. ANT. 2. start, begin- staying power, tenacity, *starch, *moxie,
ning, opening. SEE DEATH *heart, strength, hardiness.

206 Roget’s Superthesaurus


endure v. 1. BEAR hold out, live through, with- engagement n. 1. BETROTHAL pledge, promise,
stand, tolerate, *stick it out, brave, suffer, commitment, plight, troth. ‘‘In war, a battle.
weather, stand, *ride out, take it, *go In love, the salubrious calm that precedes
through the mill, *hang in, brook. 2. CON- the hostilities.’’—Gideon Wurdz. 2. AP-
TINUE persist, last, abide, perdure, sustain, go POINTMENT date, meeting, commitment,
on, outlast, survive, prevail. ANT. 1. give out, tryst. 3. BATTLE encounter, combat, conflict,
cave in, collapse, quit. 2. peter out, die, end. confrontation, skirmish, action.
enemy n. foe, adversary, antagonist, opponent, engaging a. charming, pleasing, attractive,
rival, villain, contestant, hostile party, con- magnetic, agreeable, sweet, appealing, win-
tender, nemesis, archenemy, *bad guy. ning, likable, fetching, captivating, pleas-
‘‘[One who] strengthens our nerves and ant. ANT. unattractive, repellant, unappealing.
sharpens our skill.’’—Edmund Burke. ‘‘An ENGENDER v. [en JEN dur] to bring about;
injured friend.’’—Thomas Jefferson. cause. Understanding will engender peace. SYN.
energetic a. vigorous, peppy, active, lively, in- produce, bring about, cause, give rise to, ef-
dustrious, *zippy, tireless, spirited, full of fect, arouse, stimulate, generate, create,
vim and vigor, *bright-eyed and bushy- spawn, breed.
tailed, vibrant, sprightly, *high octane. ANT. engine n. motor, turbine, dynamo, power plant,
tired, slothful, lethargic. powerhouse, *workhorse, generator, mecha-
energize v. activate, invigorate, stimulate, nism. SEE MOTOR
spark, enliven, electrify, pep up, refresh, engineer n. builder, manager, architect, de-
turn on, *pump up. ANT. exhaust, sap, tire. signer, planner, inventor, operator, tinkerer,
energy n. power, force, steam, strength, juice, troubleshooter, innovator.
vigor, zip,*get-up-and- go, vitality, pep, zest, engineer v. plan, devise, scheme, arrange,
verve, life, punch. swing, set up, direct, *rig, mastermind, *call
ENERVATE v. [EN ur vate] to weaken or de- the shots, finagle, concoct.
bilitate. Smoking tends to enervate the immune engorged a. congested, full, filled, swollen, dis-
system. SYN. weaken, debilitate, sap, enfee- tended, bloated. ANT. empty.
ble, tire, exhaust, wear out, prostrate, fa- engrave v. etch, cut, incise, carve, inscribe,
tigue, devitalize. ANT. fortify, strengthen, in- scratch, chisel, imprint, ingrain.
vigorate. engross v. absorb, occupy, rivet, fascinate, in-
enfeeble v. weaken, deplete, enervate, debili- volve, engage, captivate, enthrall, grip,
tate, deplete, sap, emasculate, fatigue, ex- spellbind.
haust, diminish, *take the starch out of. engrossed a. absorbed, rapt, lost in, riveted, in-
enfilade n. barrage, gunfire, rake, sweeping fire. volved, engaged, captivated, enthralled,
enfold v. embrace, wrap. deep in, *wrapped up in, gripped, fascinated.
enforce v. compel, impose, press, make, crack ANT. distracted.
down, coerce, implement, oblige, *clamp engrossing a. absorbing, riveting, involving,
down, prosecute, *strong-arm, bully. engaging, captivating, enthralling, gripping,
enforcement n. compulsion, imposition, press, fascinating, occupying. ANT. boring, dull,
crackdown, coercion, implementation, obli- tiresome.
gation, prosecution, *strong-arm tactics, engulf v. surround, swallow up, overwhelm,
bullying, control, duress. overflow, envelop, enclose, deluge, sub-
engage v. 1. CONTRACT FOR employ, hire, enlist, merge, inundate, bury.
commission, sign on, retain, enroll, secure, enhance v. augment, better, improve,
appoint, charter. 2. ENGROSS occupy, capti- strengthen, embellish, complement, raise,
vate, absorb, hold, grip, rivet, arrest, inter- increase, beautify, aggrandize, magnify. ANT.
est, preoccupy, fascinate. 3. PLEDGE promise, diminish, strip, weaken.
bind, commit, obligate, contract, betroth, ENIGMA n. [ih NIG muh] a riddle, mystery
affiance. or puzzle. The origin of the universe remains
engaged a. 1. BETROTHED pledged, spoken for, an enigma. SYN. riddle, mystery, puzzle, co-
affianced, committed, plighted, bound. 2. nundrum, question, secret, perplexity,
BUSY occupied, working, involved, em- *tough nut to crack, *mind-boggler, un-
ployed, preocccupied, *tied up, operating, known.
diverted. ANT. 1. single, unattached. 2. idle, enigmatic a. mysterious, puzzling, perplexing,
free. questionable, unknown, mind-boggling,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 207


baffling, incomprehensible, unfathomable, spite, bitterness, loathing, venom, malice,

inscrutable, bewildering, unexplainable. *bad blood. ANT. love, adoration, affection.
ANT. known, obvious, clear, plain. ENNUI n. [AN WEE] boredom and the list-
enjoin v. 1. COMMAND impose, order, dictate, lessness that accompanies it. The students
prescribe, demand, ordain, decree, charge. suffered from a severe case of ennui. SYN. bore-
2. PROHIBIT forbid, ban, proscribe, outlaw, dom, listlessness, restlessness, languor, wea-
interdict. ANT. 2. allow, permit. riness, lassitude, malaise, blahs, tedium, dol-
enjoy v. take pleasure in, delight in, relish, ap- drums. ANT. excitement.
preciate, revel in, savor, luxuriate in, *eat enormity n. 1. WICKEDNESS outrageousness,
up, *get a kick out of. evil, monstrousness, atrocity, viciousness,
enjoyable a. delightful, satisfying, fun, pleasing, ferocity, savagery, ruthlessness. 2. HUGENESS
pleasant, amusing, entertaining, delicious, largeness, vastness, size, bulk, greatness,
gratifying, *a lot of laughs, wonderful. ANT. magnitude, prodigiousness. ANT. 1. morality,
miserable, rotten, unpleasant. goodness, virtue. 2. smallness, triviality.
enjoyment n. pleasure, delight, fun, amuse- enormous a. huge, gigantic, stupendous, im-
ment, relish, happiness, entertainment, mense, vast, gargantuan, mammoth, Brob-
gratification, satisfaction, *laughs, diver- dingnagian, prodigious, massive, astronomi-
sion, gusto, recreation, delectation. cal, colossal, titanic, monstrous, towering.
enlarge v. increase, expand, extend, spread, ANT. tiny, pint-sized, pocket-sized, diminutive.
augment, magnify, broaden, lengthen, enough a. sufficient, ample, plenty, adequate,
stretch, inflate, grow, swell, blow up, branch acceptable, satisfactory, abundant. ANT.
out, snowball. ANT. shrink, diminish, lessen, short, wanting, scant, deficient.
decrease. enquire v. look into, explore, query. SEE INQUIRE
enlargement n. increase, expansion, extension, enquiry n. inquest, probe. SEE INQUIRY
spreading, augmentation, magnification, enrage v. incense, anger, infuriate, inflame,
broadening, lengthening, stretch, inflation, *piss off, madden, *make blood boil, *burn
growth, swelling, snowballing. ANT. shrink- up, *tee off *get Irish up, rile. SEE ANGER,
age, decrease, lessening. ANGRY
ENLIGHTEN v. [en LITE un] to inform or enraged a. furious, incensed, irate, angry, infu-
instruct. Obedience school will enlighten you riated, inflamed, mad, *gone ballistic,
and your dog. SYN. inform, instruct, fill in, *pissed, *boiling. ANT. pleased, delighted,
teach, edify, make one aware, apprise, happy.
school, illuminate, indoctrinate, ground, enrich v. enhance, add, upgrade, improve, en-
*open one’s eyes. ANT. *put one in the dark, dow, cultivate, embellish, aggrandize,
cloud, obfuscate, mystify. *sweeten, refine, *beef up. ANT. degenerate,
enlightened a. informed, aware, learned, edu- cheapen, impoverish.
cated, knowledgeable, apprised, grounded, enroll v. register, record, enter, enlist, sign up,
knowing, open-minded, cultivated, *hip. join, matriculate, admit.
ANT. uninformed, *in the dark, ignorant. ensconce v. settle, fix, curl up, nestle, seat,
enlist v. sign up, enroll, draft, recruit, induct, place, conceal, shelter, hide, cover.
conscript, join, volunteer, muster, register, ensemble n. 1. UNIT collection, group, whole,
engage. aggregate. 2. OUTFIT *getup, suit, coordi-
enliven v. stimulate, spark, animate, *jump- nates. 3. ENTERTAINMENT GROUP trio, quar-
start, excite, invigorate, charge up, electrify, tet, group, orchestra, band, troupe, com-
energize, vitalize, inflame, kindle. ANT. pany, repertory.
dampen, extinguish, quiet. enshrine v. cherish, sanctify, exalt, consecrate,
en masse adv. together, as a body, in a group, hallow, deify, revere, immortalize, glorify.
jointly, as one, ensemble. ANT. individually, enshroud v. shroud, cover, veil, conceal, cloak,
separately. mask.
enmesh v. entangle, catch, snarl, trap, knot, ensign n. flag, standard, banner, pennant,
engage. streamer, insignia.
ENMITY n. [EN muh tee] hatred, deep hostil- enslave v. subjugate, dominate, control, en-
ity. There was obvious enmity between the di- thrall, indenture, subject, yoke, fetter, mas-
vorcing couple. SYN. hatred, hostility, antago- ter, *jackboot into submission, coerce, sub-
nism, animosity, malevolence, acrimony, due.

208 Roget’s Superthesaurus


ensnare v. snare, catch, trap, bag, snag, net, relish, exuberance, verve, spirit, elan. ‘‘En-
entrap, entangle, take in. ergy that boils over and runs down the side
ensue v. follow, succeed, result, come to pass, of the pot.’’—Arnold Glasow. ‘‘A distemper
come out of, derive, spring from. of youth.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘Fire under
ensuing a. following, succeeding, resulting, control.’’—Norman Vincent Peale. ‘‘The
subsequent, consequent, next, after. ANT. great hill-climber.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ANT.
preceeding, prior, earlier. apathy, indifference, passivity.
ensure v. assure, make sure, guarantee, warrant, enthusiast n. zealot, fan, devotee, aficionado,
insure, certify, secure, safeguard, confirm. fanatic, disciple, addict, buff, *freak, *nut,
entail v. involve, necessitate, require, call for, *bug.
occasion, include, contain, incorporate. enthusiastic a. eager, keen, fervent, interested,
entangle v. enmesh, tangle, snarl, entrap, in- zealous, passionate, ardent, exuberant, spir-
volve, embroil, mix up, rope in, intertwine, ited, wholehearted, avid, hot, rabid. ANT. ap-
trap, catch up, *suck in. athetic, indifferent, halfhearted.
entanglement n. knot, snare, difficulty, prob- entice v. tempt, lure, tantalize, allure, inveigle,
lem, quandary, predicament, embroilment, seduce, bait, draw, attract, persuade, cajole,
web, mess, involvement, mix-up. coax.
entente n. understanding, agreement, accord, entire a. total, whole, complete, full, aggregate,
rapprochement, settlement, arrangement, all, thorough, undivided, uncut, intact, un-
conciliation. mitigated, uncompromised. ANT. partial, in-
enter v. 1. COME OR GO IN gain entree, make complete.
an entrance, infiltrate, intrude, set foot in, entitle v. authorize, allow, qualify, license, war-
penetrate, *burst in, *breeze in, trespass. rant, empower, enable, sanction.
2. BEGIN start, commence, set out, launch. entitlement program n. benefit program, gov-
3. JOIN enlist in, enroll, embark on, sign up. ernment benefit, government assistance, so-
4. RECORD register, log in, sign up, post, in- cial security, relief program, welfare pro-
scribe. ANT. 1. exit, leave. gram, social program, *safety net. SEE
enterprise n. 1. UNDERTAKING venture, project, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS
job, campaign, adventure, concern, scheme, entity n. being, thing, it, individual, soul, unit,
operation, task, endeavor, cause, business, existence, life, object, creature, essence.
crusade. 2. EFFORT initiative, drive, determi- entomb v. bury, inter, sepulcher, inhume, *lay
nation, ambition, gumption, intensity, ag- to rest.
gressiveness, industry, boldness, hustle. ANT. entourage n. attendants, train, followers, reti-
2. sloth, laziness. nue, staff, court, cortege, escort, bodyguards,
enterprising a. ambitious, industrious, aggres- *toadies.
sive, bold, venturesome, audacious, earnest, entrails n. intestine, viscera, internal organs,
resourceful, driving, hustling, inventive, en- guts, bowels, innards, vitals.
ergetic. ANT. lazy, indolent, slothful, passive. entrance n. 1. DOORWAY ingress, portal, access,
entertain v. 1. AMUSE interest, divert, engross, gate, inlet, porch, vestibule, foyer, portico,
engage, absorb, rivet, beguile, *wow, pique, threshold. 2. ADMISSION admittance, ingress,
stimulate, enthrall. 2. TO SHOW HOSPITALITY passage, entry, approach, access.
TO receive, host, accommodate, *wine and entrance v. captivate, bewitch, charm, hypno-
dine, feed, treat, regale, fete, have guests, tize, mesmerize, spellbind, enchant, en-
give a party. 3. CONSIDER think about, pon- thrall, allure.
der, contemplate, muse over, deliberate, entrant n. competitor, contestant, entry,
mind, weigh, heed. player, opponent.
entertainment n. amusement, diversion, recre- entrap v. lure, allure, tempt, entice, *suck in,
ation, fun, distraction, *ball, *laughs, enjoy- *set up, *lead on, trap, bait, inveigle, impli-
ment, merrymaking, pastime, divertisse- cate, incriminate, nail.
ment, good time, *high time. entreat v. implore, beseech, beg, plead, peti-
enthrall v. captivate, hold spellbound, charm, tion, appeal, supplicate, pray.
fascinate, rivet, beguile, bewitch, mesmer- entreaty n. plea, appeal, supplication, solicita-
ize, entrance, thrill, hypnotize, transfix. tion, prayer, bid, cry, request, petition, im-
enthusiasm n. eagerness, keenness, feeling, fer- ploration.
vor, interest, zeal, passion, vivacity, ardor, entrée n. 1. ADMITTANCE access. SEE ENTRY 2.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 209


DISH main course, meal, supper, dinner, environmentalist n. conservationist, ecologist,

pièce de résistance. naturalist, *tree hugger.
entrenched a. fixed, secured, established, deep- environs n. surroundings, environment, vicin-
rooted, deep-seated, embedded, ingrained, ity, neighborhood, territory, outskirts, sub-
ensconced, dug in, grounded, settled. ANT. urbs.
capricious, changeable, inconstant, temporary. envisage v. visualize, conceive of, see, imagine,
ENTREPRENEUR n. [on truh pruh NUR] envision, conceptualize, picture, fancy,
one who starts and runs her own business. think of.
Several entrepreneurs moved in to revitalize the ENVOY n. [ON voy] a representative or mes-
downtown district. SYN. businessman/woman, senger. The United States sent a special envoy
industrialist, go-getter, producer, promoter, to its embassy in Iran. SYN. representative,
impresario, undertaker, enterpriser, devel- messenger, agent, emissary, courier, dele-
oper, capitalist, tycoon, venture capitalist, gate, diplomat, ambassador, attaché, minis-
magnate, employer. ter.
ENTROPY n. [EN truh pee] the ongoing dete- envy n. covetousness, jealousy, grudgingness,
rioration of everything, but especially sys- rivalry, *green-eyed monster, resentment,
tems and societies. The delapidated camp was spite, lusting, wanting, longing, greed. ‘‘The
a prime example of entropy at work. SYN. dete- sincerest form of flattery.’’—John C. Col-
rioration, degeneration, regression, worsen- lins. ‘‘The green sickness.’’—Shakespeare.
ing, going from bad to worse, slipping away, ‘‘Self-made hurts.’’—Shaikh Saadi. ‘‘The
falling apart, decline, disintegration, decay, tax which all distinction must pay.’’—Emer-
transformation. son.
entrust v. commit, confide, turn over, consign, envy v. covet, begrudge, grudge, resent, be
charge, vest, assign, delegate, invest, hand green with envy, be jealous of, lust after,
over, authorize. want, desire, *eat one’s heart out, *drool
entry n. 1. ENTRANCE access, door, ingress, in- over.
let, passageway, portal, opening, gate, foyer, eon n. age, eternity, ages, years.
approach. 2. ADMITTANCE admission, access, EPHEMERAL a. [i FEM ur al] lasting only a
entre e, intrusion, trespass. short time. Fads are usually ephemeral. SYN.
entwine v. braid, intertwine, wind. SEE TWIST short-lived, transient, brief, fleeting, tempo-
enumerate v. count off, list, number, tally, rary, transitory, of short duration, evanes-
cent, momentary, *gone in a heartbeat. ANT.
itemize, calculate, sum, compute, inventory,
long-lived, permanent, everlasting.
name, run down, tick off.
epic a. huge, grand, legendary, mythical, exag-
ENUNCIATE v. [e NUN see ayt] to pro-
gerated, fabulous, Homeric, heroic, majes-
nounce clearly. She enunciated each word with
tic, sublime. ANT. small, insignificant, short-
great care. SYN. pronounce, articulate, form lived, modest.
words, express, utter, intone, voice, mouth, epicure n. gourmet, epicurian, gourmand, gas-
accentuate, modulate, frame each word tronome, connoisseur, glutton, bon vivant,
carefully, inflect. hedonist.
envelop v. enclose, encase, surround, engulf, epidemic n. spread, contagion, infection, dis-
enfold, contain, sheathe, wrap, shroud, ease, plague, pestilence, endemic, pan-
overlay. demic.
envelope n. wrapper, cover, case, jacket, epidemic a. spreading, contagious, infectious,
sheath, casing, skin, shell, hull, mailer, *jiffy catching, widespread, endemic, pandemic,
bag. rampant, rife, prevalent. ANT. local, limited,
envious a. covetous, jealous, resentful, begrud- confined.
ging, yearning, *drooling over, green with epigram n. observation, witticism, aphorism,
envy, emulous, discontent. ANT. contented, quip, adage, slogan, bon mot, pun, motto,
satisfied, fulfilled. saying. ‘‘A light vessel carrying a heavy
environment n. surroundings, habitat, setting, load.’’—Jacob Klatzkin. ‘‘A dash of wit and a
environs, milieu, domain, terrain, turf, jigger of wisdom, flavored with surprise.’’—
neighborhood, territory, *stomping Elbert Hubbard.
grounds, world, atmosphere, climate, ele- epilepsy n. seizure disorder, catalepsy, convul-
ment, medium. sions, fits, neurological disorder.

210 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND common footing, *on a level playing field.

major seizure and loss of consciousness: ANT. unequal, uneven, dissimilar, disparate.
grand mal equality n. parity, par, sameness, equivalence,
medication: Dilantin likeness, evenness, balance, uniformity, fair-
momentary unconsciousness without con- ness. ‘‘The centre and circumference of all
vulsions: petite mal democracy.’’—Herman Melville. ANT. in-
symptom of impending seizure: aura equality, disparity, unfairness, injustice.
epilogue n. afterword, conclusion, last word, posure, calm. He handled the crisis with equa-
follow-up, postscript, addendum, swan song, nimity. SYN. composure, calmness, sangfroid,
coda. SEE BOOK serenity, nonchalance, coolness, placidity,
EPIPHANY n. a great revelatory experience aplomb, tranquility, poise, presence of mind.
or insight; an illumination of a truth. I expe- ANT. hysteria, panic.
rienced a great epiphany the first time I equate v. liken, associate, compare, relate, par-
meditated; this was a great way to seek spiri- allel.
tual bliss. SYN. insight, revelation, realiza- EQUILIBRIUM n. [EE kwuh LIB ree um] bal-
tion, illumination, grasp, understanding; ap- ance, stability, composure. The disaster chal-
pearance, manifestation. lenged her equilibrium. SYN. balance, stability,
episode n. incident, event, occurrence, hap- equanimity, calmness, levelheadedness,
pening, occasion, experience, action, in- poise, sangfroid, composure, aplomb. ANT.
stallment, chapter, part. instability.
episodic a. intermittent, sporadic, segmented, equip v. outfit, furnish, rig, supply, gird, fit out,
irregular, sequential. ANT. frequent, recur- accoutre, arm, gear, appoint, *heel, provi-
rent, regular. sion.
epistle n. communication, message, composi- equipment n. gear, apparatus, accessories, fur-
tion, missive. SEE LETTER nishings, supplies, contrivances, tools, rig-
epitaph n. inscription, memorial, legend, com- ging, trappings, appliances, fittings, tackle,
memoration, hic jacet, *last word. ‘‘An in- machinery, paraphernalia.
scription showing that virtues acquired by EQUITABLE a. [EK wi tuh bul] fair, just. The
death have a retroactive effect.’’—Ambrose mediator helped the two sides reach an equitable
Bierce. agreement. SYN. fair, just, equal, impartial,
epithet n. nickname, name, label, pet name,
square, evenhanded, proportionate, honest,
appellation, designation, tag, sobriquet.
*even Stephen, unbiased, rightful, proper.
EPITOME n. [i PIT uh mee] the perfect repre-
ANT. inequitable, unfair, unjust, partial.
sentation of something. Michael Jordan is the
equity n. fairness, justice, impartiality, even-
epitome of a great athlete. SYN. representation,
archetype, example, embodiment, typifica- handedness, honesty, fair play, objectivity,
tion, ultimate, quintessence, *last word, neutrality, rightness.
model. equivalent n. equal, counterpart, same, twin,
epitomize v. typify, represent, exemplify, em- match, mirror image, double, fellow, peer,
body. *carbon copy.
epoch n. era, period, time, age, span, interval. equivalent a. equal, same, alike, synonymous,
equable a. even, steady, uniform, unvarying, tantamount, analogous, identical, even,
consistent, regular, unchanging, constant, commensurate, *six of one, half dozen of an-
stable, serene, tranquil. ANT. unequal, fluctu- other, correlative, comparable. ANT. un-
ating. equal, differing.
equal n. peer, counterpart, equivalent, com- equivocal a. ambiguous, vague, duplicitous, un-
peer, coequal, double, fellow, match, alter certain, indefinite, unclear, misleading, eva-
ego. sive, undecided, hazy, indeterminate. ANT.
equal v. match, accord with, line up with, align, definite, clear, plain.
correspond, parallel, *stack up against, mir- EQUIVOCATE v. [i KWIV uh kate] to use
ror. vague or ambiguous language, usually to
equal a. even, same, identical, balanced, uni- evade. The politician would equivocate to avoid
form, alike, commensurate, parallel, *even the tough questions. SYN. hedge, evade, waffle,
Stephen, level, matching, comparable, *on hem and haw, dodge, *weasel out, *beat

Roget’s Superthesaurus 211


around the bush, *cloud the issue, double- materials, sexually explicit art/literature,
talk, mince words, sidestep, *dance around adult materials.
the issue, *perform a verbal hatdance eroticism n. sexual excitement, arousal, stimu-
around. lation, titillation, *horniness, erotomania.
ER n. emergency room, trauma center, critical err v. make a mistake, miscalculate, misjudge,
care facility, triage room, medical crisis unit, misstep, *slip up, blunder, *goof, *blow it,
intensive care unit. SEE HOSPITAL, MEDICINE *muff, go astray, misconstrue, misunder-
era n. period, time, age, epoch, days, interval, stand.
span. SEE TIME errand n. task, mission, chore, trip, jaunt, *run.
eradicate v. annihilate, uproot, erase, remove, errant a. wrong, deviant, erring, astray, *off the
eliminate, extirpate, exterminate, destroy, straight and narrow, wayward, wandering.
expunge, abolish, do away with, obliterate. ANT. right, straight, on course.
erase v. rub off, expunge, remove, wipe out, de- erratic a. straying, inconsistent, deviating, ec-
lete, efface, strike, obliterate, nullify, centric, irregular, unpredictable, unreliable,
scratch, blue-pencil, wash out. shifting, peculiar, wayward. ANT. consistent,
erect v. construct, build, assemble, *slap to- predictable, unchanging.
gether, fabricate, raise, frame, pitch, put up, ERRONEOUS a. [i RO nee us] mistaken,
devise, form. wrong. The theory of green cheese on the moon
erect a. upright, straight up, standing, perpen- is erroneous. SYN. mistaken, wrong, incor-
dicular, vertical. ANT. flaccid, flat, horizontal. rect, false, amiss, in error, inaccurate, *all
erection n. 1. CONSTRUCTION building, assem- wet, fallacious, unfounded, misguided,
bly, fabrication, framework, formation, faulty. ANT. correct, right, accurate.
structure, edifice. 2. TUMESCENCE *hard-on. error n. mistake, inaccuracy, miscalculation,
wrong, erratum, blunder, flub, *slip-up,
ergo adv. consequently, therefore, thus, accord- boner, blooper, lapse, gaffe, wrongdoing,
ingly. *howler, *boo-boo, misconception. ‘‘The
ERGONOMICS n. [ur go NOM iks] the sci- best teachers.’’—James A. Froude.
ence of designing spaces and equipment that ersatz a. substitute, artificial, synthetic, fake,
facilitiate human comfort and productivity, simulated, man-made, imitation, *bogus,
especially for work. An ergonomic study counterfeit. ANT. genuine, real, actual, *the
showed that back problems decreased when
real McCoy.
chairs were adjusted to the proper height. SYN.
erstwhile a. former, bygone, past, late.
design science, efficiency science, science of
productivity and design, streamlining, in-
highly educated, learned. The college town
jury-proofing, accident-proofing.
was a bastion of erudite professors. SYN. edu-
erode v. wear away, corrode, waste, gnaw, con-
cated, scholarly, learned, intellectual, well-
sume, eat away, abrade, disintegrate, deteri-
orate. read, well-schooled, pedantic, highbrow,
EROGENOUS a. [i ROJ uh nus] pertaining to brainy, literate, well-versed, bookish. ANT.
parts of the body that can be aroused by sex- uneducated, ignorant, illiterate, unschooled.
ual stimulation. Erogenous zones are rich in erudition n. learning, scholarship, schooling,
nerve endings. SYN. erotogenic, erotic, sex- knowledge, book learning, refinement, wis-
ual, amatory, sensuous, sensual, *hot, rous- dom, brains, education, higher education,
ing, X-rated, libidinal, carnal. pedantry, literacy.
Eros n. 1. GOD OF LOVE son of Aphrodite. 2. erupt v. burst forth, explode, blow up, dis-
LOVE sex drive, libido, sexual urge, *urge to charge, spout, rupture, gush, eject, emit,
merge, desire, yearning, hunger, eroticism. vent, spew, belch. SEE VOLCANO
erosion n. wear, deterioration, corrosion, disin- eruption n. ejection, explosion, blowup, out-
tegration, destruction, attrition, abrasion, burst, upheaval, expulsion, cataclysm, blast,
wasting. detonation, gushing, outpouring, surge, par-
erotic a. amatory, sexual, carnal, lusty, sensual, oxysm. SEE VOLCANO
erogenous, romantic, libidinous, arousing, escalate v. increase, rise, mount, climb, inten-
amorous, *hot, fleshly, *blue, titillating, sify, heighten, grow, enlarge, deepen,
spicey, *kinky, lascivious, passionate. worsen. ANT. decrease, shrink, lessen.
erotica n. pornography, sexual imagery, X-rated escapade n. prank, adventure, antic, caper,

212 Roget’s Superthesaurus


practical joke, stunt, tomfoolery, high jinks, group spirit or group loyalty, common bond
*shenanigans. between members of a group. Good compa-
escape n. getaway, fast break, flight, evasion, nies foster a certain esprit de corps. SYN. group
*the slip, breakout, extrication, dodging, de- spirit, common bond, group loyalty, solidar-
parture, desertion, *disappearing act. ity, team morale, camaraderie, fellowship,
escape v. get away, break out, extricate, loose, fraternity.
liberate, break, bolt, *fly the coop, cut loose, essay n. 1. COMPOSITION article, paper, dis-
elude, dodge, abscond, elope, *take on the course, treatise, theme, think piece, edito-
lam, skip, flee, decamp, disappear. rial, exposition, study, thesis. ‘‘A loose sally
escapee n. fugitive, runaway, refugee, evacuee. of the mind.’’—Samuel Johnson. SEE WRIT-
ESCHEW v. [es CHOO] stay away from, avoid, ING 2. TRY attempt, endeavor, bid, trial,
shun. He has chosen to eschew smoking for *shot, *whack, venture.
health reasons. SYN. avoid, shun, forego, ab- essay v. try, attempt, endeavor, bid, venture,
stain, swear off, forswear, renounce, give up, *take a shot, *take a whack, *take a stab at.
shy away from, refrain from, *turn up one’s essence n. 1. HEART soul, core, kernel, distillate,
nose at. ANT. take up, indulge in, embrace. marrow, root, spirit, *meat, *nitty-gritty,
escort n. attendant, chaperon, guardian, ac- gist, nature, quintessence, crux. 2. CONCEN-
companiment, companion, body guard, TRATE distillate, distillation, extract, elixir.
guide, protector, retinue, cortege, entou- essential n. necessity, must, fundamental, basic,
rage, convoy. prerequisite, requirement, rudiment, corner-
escort v. accompany, attend, protect, guide, stone, indispensable element. ANT. nonessen-
usher, chaperone, guard, conduct, look tial, extra.
after, convoy, defend. essential a. fundamental, important, vital, cru-
escrow n. pledge, collateral, security, account, cial, basic, prime, cardinal, necessary, ele-
insurance, surety, guarantee, bond, deed. mentary, indispensable, requisite. ANT. inci-
Eskimo n. Innuit, Alaskan, Aleut, Yuit. dental, unessential, peripheral, superfluous.
WORD FIND establish v. 1. SET UP found, institute, create,
boat: umiak, oomiac, kayak make, organize, build, construct, erect, en-
boot: mukluk act, install, place, originate. 2. PROVE dem-
dog: husky, malamute onstrate, substantiate, verify, authenticate,
hooded jacket: anorak, parka show, validate, corroborate.
house: igloo, topek establishment n. 1. FOUNDING formation, insti-
sledge: komatik tuting, creation, organization, construction,
esophagus n. gullet, food tube, throat. origin. 2. INSTITUTION business, enterprise,
ESOTERIC a. [ES uh TER ik] understood by concern, foundation, firm, company, corpo-
only a few, hard to understand. Einstein’s ration, association.
theories are esoteric. SYN. abstruse, arcane, re- estate n. 1. ASSETS property, holdings, re-
condite, profound, deep, obscure, inscruta- sources, wealth, fortune, belongings, posses-
ble, mysterious, incomprehensible, occult. sions. 2. MANOR acreage, holdings, domin-
ANT. understandable, simple, obvious. ion, domain, residence, plantation.
especially adv. specifically, particularly, exclu- esteem n. regard, respect, admiration, approval,
sively, expressly, principally, specially, repute, liking, affection, veneration, rever-
chiefly. ence. ANT. disrespect, contempt, disdain.
espionage n. spying, intelligence, undercover esteem v. regard highly, respect, look up to, ad-
work, surveillance, shadowing, tailing, wire- mire, idolize, value, prize, appreciate, revere,
tapping, *cloak and dagger, secret service. venerate. ANT. disrespect, disdain, scorn.
esplanade n. walk, walkway, promenade, ave- estimable a. worthy, respectable, admirable, de-
nue, road, sidewalk, lane, mall. serving, esteemed, honorable, reputable,
ESPOUSE v. [e SPOUZ] to support or take up. valued, exemplary, revered. ANT. disre-
The group claims to espouse environmentalism, spected, disregarded, scorned, disliked.
but the president holds stock in an oil company. estimate n. guess, *guesstimate, calculation,
SYN. take up, support, advocate, adopt, abet, rough figure, educated guess, *ballpark fig-
champion, embrace, back, stand up for, up- ure, projection, evaluation, judgment.
hold, advance. ANT. reject, detract, spurn. estimate v. guess, *guesstimate, calculate, give
ESPRIT DE CORPS n. [es SPREE de COHR] a rough figure, give an educated guess, *give

Roget’s Superthesaurus 213


a ballpark figure, project, evaluate, judge, control, selective reproduction, study, sci-
reckon, appraise, gauge, suppose. ence, school, movement. SEE SCIENCE
ESTRANGED a. [e STRANJD] alienated, re- eulogize v. praise, extol, laud, pay tribute,
moved from the friendship of others. The honor, celebrate, extol, pay homage to, glo-
worker quit and soon became estranged from rify. ANT. damn, condemn, defame.
his colleagues. SYN. alienated, removed, dis- eulogy n. praise, encomium, tribute, homage,
sociated, separated, at odds, distant, disaf- panegyric, laudation, extolment, honor, ac-
fected, *turned off, hostile, *at arm’s length. clamation. ‘‘Praise that is too much and too
estuary n. mouth, outlet, waterway, drain, arm, late.’’—Anon. ANT. damning, condemnation,
tidewater, tideway. defamation.
etch v. engrave, carve, burn into, eat into, im- EUPHEMISM n. [YOO fuh miz um] a polite
press, inscribe, ingrain, corrode. word or phrase used in place of an offensive
eternal a. endless, neverending, everlasting, word or phrase. ‘‘Heck’’ is a euphemism for
unending, ageless, infinite, timeless, perpet- ‘‘hell.’’ SYN. polite word, delicacy, pretense,
ual, enduring, interminable, undying, im- *prudism, *nice-nellyism, substitution, mild
mortal. ANT. finite, fleeting, ephemeral, tempo- word, *weasel word. ANT. crude term, crass
rary. term, *gutter word.
eternity n. forever, infinity, immortality, world euphonious a. harmonious, melodious, mellif-
without end, timelessness, afterlife. ‘‘Where luous, pleasing. ANT. discordant.
there is no where and no when.’’—Arthur EUPHORIA n. [yoo FOR ee uh] high spirits,
Schopenhauer. ‘‘The sum of all sums.’’—Lu- elation. Spring always brings on a curious eu-
cretius. phoria. SYN. high spirits, happiness, joy, glee,
ETHEREAL a. [i THIR ee ul] otherworldly, elation, ecstasy, bliss, jubilation, rapture,
celestial or heavenly. Also, light, airy and *seventh heaven. ANT. misery, depression,
delicate. His musical compositions were haunt- unhappiness.
ing and ethereal. SYN. otherworldly, celestial, EUTHANASIA n. [yoo than AY szhuh]
heavenly, divine, unearthly, sublime, super- mercy killing. Euthanasia proponents allow for
nal, light, airy, delicate, gossamer, exquisite, suicide as a permanent treatment for misery.
tenuous. ANT. earthly, mundane, heavy, pon- SYN. mercy killing, assisted suicide, *putting
derous. out of misery, *putting to sleep, *pulling the
ethical a. right, moral, righteous, fair, just, hon- plug, easing of death, *playing God.
est, good, honorable, upright, pure, consci- WORD FIND
entious, square, decent, noble, correct. ANT. advocate, pioneer: Dr. Jack Kevorkian
unethical, immoral, dishonest, dishonorable, doctor-assisted suicide: patholysis
corrupt. SEE SUICIDE
ethics n. principles, values, standards, morality, evacuate v. 1. LEAVE withdraw, vacate, aban-
moral code, integrity, honesty, honor, *Ten don, *run for the hills, hightail, clear out,
Commandments, *Golden Rule, mores, *skedaddle, *bail out, decamp. 2. EMPTY dis-
conscience, decency. ‘‘The obligations of charge, remove, void, excrete, eliminate.
morality.’’—Lajos Kossuh. ‘‘The doctrine of evade v. elude, dodge, sidestep, avoid, escape,
manners.’’—Maunder. *give the slip, bypass, duck, *steer clear of,
ethnic a. cultural, racial, tribal, folk. *shake off, shirk, circumvent. ANT. confront,
etiquette n. manners, courtesy, civility, polite- face, meet.
ness, decorum, proper conduct, propriety, evaluate v. appraise, assess, size up, judge,
formalities, protocol, social graces. ‘‘Behav- grade, estimate, measure, assay, gauge, de-
ing yourself a little better than is absolutely termine, rate, weigh.
essential.’’—Will Cuppy. evaluation n. appraisal, assessment, judgment,
EUGENICS n. [yoo JEN iks] the study or sci- grading, estimate, measurement, assay,
ence of improving the human population gauging, determination, rating, ranking.
through selective breeding. Eugenics advo- evanescent a. transient, fleeting, ephemeral,
cates fear the human population is deteriorating vanishing. ANT. permenant, solid.
due to unchecked breeding. SYN. hereditary evangelism n. preaching the gospel, proselytiz-
control, selective breeding, selective steril- ing, *bible thumping, *spreading the word,
ization, genetic purification, reproductive testifying, bearing witness.

214 Roget’s Superthesaurus


evangelist n. preacher, revivalist, minister, mis- evidence n. proof, substantiation, confirma-

sionary, crusader for God. SEE RELIGION tion, documentation, corroboration, testi-
evaporate v. vaporize, dehydrate, dry up, dissi- mony, support, verification, indication,
pate, desiccate, vanish, disappear, disperse, grounds, *smoking gun, clue.
evanesce. WORD FIND
evasion n. avoidance, dodge, elusion, escape, hiding of: suppression of evidence
subterfuge, circumvention, shirking, equiv- inconclusive, indirect or inferred: circum-
ocation, *song and dance. ANT. confronta- stantial evidence
tion, meeting. physical evidence displayed in court: exhibit
evasive a. deceitful, elusive, slippery, equivocal, what someone other than the witness has
shifty, hedging, tricky, shuffling, dissem- said: hearsay
bling, misleading, dodging, prevaricative.
ANT. direct, forthright, straightforward.
evident a. obvious, clear, plain, manifest, ex-
press, visible, *plain as the nose on one’s
even v. equalize, balance, level, align, square,
face, apparent, incontestable, palpable, con-
make flush, smooth, straighten.
spicuous, *open and shut. ANT. hidden, un-
even a. 1. LEVEL, UNIFORM flat, straight, smooth, certain, obscure, unknown.
plumb, balanced, plane, flush, proportional. evidently adv. apparently, ostensibly, seem-
2. EQUAL same, balanced, fifty-fifty, on a par, ingly, as far as one can tell, doubtless, to all
parallel, fair, identical, uniform, *even Ste- appearances.
phen. 3. CALM tranquil, serene, peaceful, evil n. badness, immorality, sinfulness, inde-
even-tempered, placid, steady, stable. ANT. cency, criminality, wickedness, villainy, di-
1. uneven, crooked, unbalanced. 2. unequal, abolism, iniquity, viciousness, vileness, law-
disparate. 3. unstable, excitable. lessness, cruelty, misfortune, ruin, affliction,
even-handed a. fair, impartial, just, equitable. harm, woe, catastrophe, disaster. ‘‘Whatever
ANT. biased, one-sided. springs from weakness.’’—Nietzsche. ‘‘Good
evening n. nightfall, twilight, dusk, sundown, tortured by its own hunger and thirst.’’—
sunset, eve, eventide, gloaming. Kahil Gibran. ANT. morality, goodness, righ-
event n. happening, occurrence, incident, epi- teousness.
sode, affair, circumstance, situation, matter, evil a. immoral, bad, wicked, depraved, de-
experience, phenomenon. monic, sinful, villainous, heinous, mali-
even-tempered a. easy going, calm, relaxed, cious, iniquitous, atrocious, foul, black,
type B, cool. ANT. anxious, hot-headed. damnable, nefarious, malevolent. ANT. good,
eventful a. busy, active, lively, exciting, mo- moral, righteous, virtuous.
mentous, outstanding. ANT. uneventful, slow. evildoer n. criminal, devil, sociopath, psycho-
eventual a. ultimate, future, final, destined, path, felon, *Hitler, murderer, sinner, law-
coming, ensuing, inevitable, concluding, breaker, gangster, servant of Satan, gang-
succeeding, resultant, consequent, immi- banger.
nent. ANT. avoidable, escapable, preventable. evince v. show, indicate, disclose, prove, dis-
eventually adv. ultimately, in the future, fi-
eviscerate v. disembowel, gut, clean.
nally, inevitably, sooner or later, in the long
evoke v. summon, call forth, conjure up, ex-
run, consequently, in the end.
tract, elicit, invite, cause, stimulate, rouse,
everlasting a. eternal, agelong, unending, en- awaken.
during, infinite, immortal, timeless, undy- evolution n. *survival of the fittest, phylogeny,
ing, never ending, unremitting, intermina- development, progression, succession, trans-
ble. ANT. temporary, ephemeral, fleeting, formation, change, growth, mutation, adap-
finite. tation, social Darwinism, metamorphosis.
everyday a. 1. DAILY diurnal, circadian. 2. ROU- ‘‘The preservation of favored races in the
TINE regular, ordinary, commonplace, cus- struggle for life.’’—Herbert Spencer. ‘‘Men
tomary, usual, run-of-the-mill, household, risen out of the mire.’’—Don Marquis.
stock, workaday, *garden variety, normal. ‘‘Natural selection.’’—Charles Darwin.
ANT. special, rare, occasional. evolve v. develop, progress, transform, grow,
evict v. eject, remove, throw out, *show the mutate, metamorphose, *reinvent oneself,
door, expel, oust, kick out, dispossess. advance, emerge, adapt.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 215


EXACERBATE v. [ek ZAS ur bate] to make example n. sample, specimen, sampling, in-
worse, aggravate. Lashing out will only exacer- stance, exemplar, model, paradigm, stereo-
bate the situation. SYN. make worse, aggra- type. ‘‘The best sermon.’’—Ben Franklin.
vate, intensify, worsen, inflame, *fan the EXASPERATE v. [eg ZAS puh RATE] to irri-
flames, provoke, deepen, *rub salt into the tate profoundly. Husband and wife tend to ex-
wound, *add insult to injury, heighten. ANT. asperate each other in divorce court. SYN. irri-
mitigate, mollify, soften, ease. tate, annoy, ruffle, upset, madden, provoke,
exact v. insist on, demand, require, compel, *get under one’s skin, infuriate, rile, irk,
force, extort, extract, wring, *put the *push one’s buttons, peeve, needle, vex,
squeeze on. rankle, *rattle one’s cage, *pull one’s chain.
exact a. 1. PRECISE accurate, *on the button, ANT. mollify, pacify.
*on the money, correct, true, *on the mark, excavate v. dig out, hollow out, unearth, bur-
faithful, *right on, *dead on, *bullseye, per- row, dredge, scoop, tunnel, backhoe, chan-
fect, literal. 2. CAREFUL rigorous, meticulous, nel, hoe, shovel out.
exacting, painstaking, punctilious, methodi- excavation n. pit, hollow, mine, ditch. SEE HOLE
cal. ANT. 1. inexact, inaccurate, approximate, excavator n. earth mover, *digger, backhoe.
rough. 2. careless. exceed v. surpass, best, pass, transcend, eclipse,
EXACTING a. [ig ZAK ting] extremely de- top, outdo, excel, outshine, overshadow,
manding. Defusing a bomb is an exacting task. outrank, outdistance, overwhelm, *go above
SYN. demanding, strict, difficult, meticulous, and beyond.
rigorous, painstaking, hard, particular, fas- exceedingly adv. extremely, very, exception-
tidious, strenuous, burdensome, trying. ally, especially, greatly, highly, vastly, enor-
exaggerate v. amplify, overstate, hyperbolize, mously.
*make a mountain out of a mole hill, *play excel v. surpass, transcend, best, eclipse, top,
up, embellish, *lay it on thick, color, em- outdo, excel, outshine, overshadow, out-
broider, *stretch the truth, puff, magnify, rank, outdistance, trump, *smoke the com-
*blow out of proportion. ANT. understate, petition.
play down, minimize. excellence n. superiority, greatness, supremacy,
exaggeration n. amplification, overstatement, distinction, fineness, quality, eminence,
hype, hyperbole, embellishment, coloring, merit, virtue, perfection. ANT. inferiority, im-
perfection, mediocrity.
embroidery, *a stretch, magnification, tall
excellent a. superior, great, supreme, superla-
tale, *fish story, *tempest in a teapot. ‘‘A
tive, fine, exceptional, first-rate, peerless,
branch of lying.’’—Baltasar Gracian.
world-class, capital, *premium, champion,
EXALT v. [eg ZAWLT] to raise up, honor or
superb, *top-drawer, transcendent, *tops,
glorify. Americans tend to exalt sports figures outstanding, *bang-up, *bad, *A-1, awe-
and movie stars. SYN. raise up, honor, glorify, some, super, *bitchin’, brilliant, *spot-on.
*put on a pedestal, elevate, extol, praise, ac- *def. ANT. inferior, poor, mediocre, *crappy.
claim, revere, idolize, pay tribute to, wor- except v. leave out, omit, exclude, pass over,
ship. ANT. condemn, put down, ridicule. eliminate, overlook, reject, remove, bar.
exalted a. raised up, glorified, *put on a pedes- exception n. 1. OMISSION exclusion, barring, ex-
tal, elevated, extolled, praised, esteemed, pulsion, rejection. 2. IRREGULARITY anomaly,
acclaimed, venerated, idolized, revered. special case, exemption, departure, oddity,
ANT. condemned, put down, ridiculed, belittled. deviation, rarity, quirk. 3. OBJECTION com-
examination n. exam, test, inspection, analysis, plaint, challenge, reservation.
scrutiny, study, investigation, checkup, exceptional a. irregular, anomalous, extraordi-
probe, review, survey, *once-over, assess- nary, atypical, outstanding, unusual, special,
ment, quiz, questionnaire. abnormal, singular, rare, remarkable, freak-
examine v. 1. LOOK OVER, TEST check out, in- ish, unique. ANT. normal, typical, common,
spect, analyze, scrutinize, study, investigate, everyday.
probe, review, survey, *perform a once-over, excerpt n. passage, section, cut, selection, part,
*eyeball, assess, scan, peruse, appraise, *size extract, citation, clip, scene, bit.
up. 2. QUIZ grill, question, interrogate, cross- excess n. 1. SURPLUS glut, overabundance, su-
examine, *pump, *give the third degree, perabundance, overkill, fat, redundancy,
catechize. surfeit, superfluity, overrun, *too much of

216 Roget’s Superthesaurus


a good thing, plethora. 2. OVERINDULGENCE oust, eject, evict, throw out, omit, rule out,
extravagance, indulgence, immoderation, refuse. ANT. include, welcome, invite.
intemperance, lack of restraint, exorbitance. exclusive a. 1. RESTRICTED selective, closed,
ANT. 1. dearth, shortage, lack. 2. moderation, *snobbish, discriminating, preferential,
abstinence. privileged, clannish, segregated, cliquish,
excessive a. overdone, extreme, too much, in- undemocratic. 2. HIGH-PRICED posh, luxuri-
ordinate, immoderate, extravagant, exorbi- ous, *ritzy, expensive, swank, fashionable,
tant, overmuch, undue, superfluous, redun- chic. 3. SOLE single, individual, only, com-
dant. ANT. moderate, reasonable, called-for. plete, entire, total. ANT. 1. open, public, un-
exchange n. trade, barter, swap, transaction, re- restricted, democratic. 2. modest, cheap, *cut-
ciprocation, interchange, truck, commuta- rate, pedestrian. 3. shared, limited.
tion, quid pro quo, substitution, alternate. excommunicate v. exclude, censure, bar, shut
exchange v. trade, barter, swap, transact, recip- out, blackball, reject, ostracize, freeze out,
rocate, interchange, *give and take, com- *kick out, cut off, ban, deny, close the door
mute, substitute, alternate, bandy. on, banish.
excise n. toll, duty, tax. excoriate v. 1. STRIP OFF scratch off, rub off,
excise v. remove, cut out, exscind, extirpate. abrade, chafe, flay. 2. DENOUNCE attack, cen-
excitable a. emotional, high-strung, tempera- sure, vilify, criticize, condemn, reproach,
mental, fiery, volatile, hotheaded, *high oc- upbraid, chastise.
tane, explosive, passionate, skittish, tempes- excrement n. feces, dung, waste, manure,
tuous, hot-blooded. ANT. unflappable, stools, *squat, droppings, guano, fecal mat-
imperturbable, tranquil. ter, excreta, bowel movement.
excite v. arouse, stir, stimulate, *spark, *turn excrete v. discharge, eliminate, defecate, evac-
on, thrill, provoke, inspire, electrify, in- uate, void, expel, exude, eject, pass.
flame, whet, titillate, incite, agitate, fluster, excruciating a. unbearable, agonizing, tortuous,
*charge up, impassion. ANT. bore, tranquilize, painful, insufferable, consuming, unendur-
calm. able, *teeth-gritting, *wincing, paralyzing,
excited a. aroused, stirred, stimulated, *turned debilitating, racking, stabbing. ANT. sooth-
on, thrilled, provoked, electrified, *fired up, ing. SEE PAIN, PAINFUL
agitated, enthusiastic, energized, keyed up, exculpate v. absolve, forgive, clear, exonerate,
impassioned, *hyper, *wired, electrified, acquit, vindicate, pardon, liberate. ANT. in-
*adrenalized, titillated, *charged up, flus- dict, condemn, convict.
tered, frenzied, agog, *sparked, *hot, fre- excursion n. trip, journey, jaunt, outing, tour,
netic. ANT. sedate, tranquil, bored, comatose. expedition, junket, cruise, trek, side trip,
excitement n. agitation, stimulation, furor, ride, drive, hike, run.
arousal, electricity, passion, enthusiasm, en- excusable a. forgivable, condonable, pardon-
ergy, titillation, sensation, frenzy, tizzy, fe- able, allowable, venial, understandable, ex-
ver, commotion, ferment, *fireworks, flurry, tenuating, justifiable, reasonable, justified.
*kicks, perturbation, tumult, *hubbub, ANT. inexcusable, unforgivable, indefensible.
*hullabaloo, *white heat, *to-do, *hoopla. excuse n. defense, justification, explanation,
ANT. somnolence, dormancy, boredom, stagna- reason, rationalization, grounds, alibi, *song
tion. and dance, extenuation, *cover story,
exciting a. arousing, agitating, stirring, stimu- *whitewash, plea.
lating, thrilling, electrifying, energizing, in- excuse v. pardon, forgive, absolve, condone,
flaming, titillating, *adrenalizing, *hair-rai- overlook, make allowances for, exonerate,
sing, invigorating, exhilarating, acquit, reprieve, exempt, spare, liberate, *let
breathtaking, *spine-tingling, sensational. go, extenuate.
ANT. somnolent, boring, dull. execrable a. detestable, abominable, contempt-
exclaim v. cry out, ejaculate, shout, burst out, ible, horrible, deplorable, revolting, loath-
cry, blurt, holler, clamor, interject. some, sickening, odious, atrocious, despica-
exclamation n. cry, outburst, ejaculation, ble. ANT. great, superb, fabulous, first-rate.
shout, clamor, yell, interjection. execute v. 1. PERFORM do, carry out, follow out,
exclude v. shut out, keep out, bar, reject, debar, discharge, accomplish, fulfill, achieve, ef-
*blackball, forbid, prohibit, ostracize, expel, fect, effectuate, complete. 2. PUT TO DEATH

Roget’s Superthesaurus 217


kill, murder, assassinate, hang, behead, elec- George Santayana. 2. USE execution, appli-
trocute, lynch. cation, employment, utilization, practice.
execution n. 1. PERFORMANCE OF A DUTY imple- exercise v. 1. WORK OUT perform aerobics, per-
mentation, discharge, accomplishment, ful- form calisthenics, train, drill, warm up,
fillment, achievement, completion, con- *pump iron. 2. USE apply, employ, utilize,
summation. 2. PUTTING TO DEATH death practice, execute, perform, exert.
penalty, capital punishment, killing, hang- exert v. 1. USE exercise, employ, utilize, apply,
ing, beheading, lethal injection, electrocu- employ. 2. APPLY GREAT EFFORT push, drive,
tion, slaying, lynching, gassing, guillotining. strain, struggle, *go all out, *dig deep, *bust
3. STYLE manner, technique, touch, perform- a gut, strive, *pour it on, *pop a vein.
ance. exertion n. effort, exercise, work, strain, labor,
executive n. manager, administrator, chief ex- application, *muscle, pains, *elbow grease,
ecutive officer (CEO), supervisor, director, toil, energy, struggle. ANT. inertia, sloth, rest,
head, *top brass, officer, *big wheel, relaxation.
*higher-up, boss, *white-collar worker, *big exfoliate v. flake off, scale off, peel.
exhale v. breathe, respire, blow. SEE BREATHE
cheese, *big toad in the puddle. ‘‘[One] who
exhaust n. discharge, fumes, gas, smoke, carbon
isn’t worried about his own career but rather monoxide, steam, outflow, outpouring, ef-
the careers of those who work for him.’’— fluvium.
Henry Burns. ‘‘One who can delegate all the exhaust v. 1. TIRE drain, fatigue, wear out, sap,
responsibility, shift all the blame, and ap- *tucker out, *poop, enervate, *bush, tax,
propriate all the credit.’’—Bobby Vinton. fag, *wear one’s battery down, overtire. 2.
WORD FIND DEPLETE use up, empty, drain, consume,
recruiter: headhunter spend, clean out, expend, *blow, bankrupt.
executive a. administrative, managerial, deci- ANT. 1. energize, refresh, invigorate, revive. 2.
sion-making, directorial, authoritative, su- restore, stock up, conserve.
pervisory. ANT. menial, servile. exhausted a. 1. TIRED drained, fatigued, worn
exemplar n. model, archetype, pattern, ideal, out, sapped, *tuckered out, *pooped, ener-
example, paradigm, standard, prototype, vated, *bushed, fagged out, overtired,
paragon, exemplification. *trashed out, *wiped out, *beat, *dead, run-
EXEMPLARY a. [eg ZEM pluh ree] serving as down, *out of juice, *dog-tired. 2. DEPLETED
a model worth copying. The exemplary stu- used up, emptied, drained, consumed, spent,
dent received a full scholarship to college. SYN. cleaned out, *blown, bankrupt, expended.
model, worthy, admirable, ideal, praisewor- ANT. 1. refreshed, invigorated, *charged up,
thy, illustrative, laudable, superior, com- energized. 2. restored, replenished, restocked,
mendable, outstanding, classic, prototypi- conserved.
cal. ANT. awful, poor, lousy, substandard. exhaustion n. weariness, fatigue, collapse,
EXEMPLIFY v. [eg ZEM pluh FYE] to serve as tiredness, enervation, *burnout, prostra-
a good example. Youths often think that ath- tion, *physical bankruptcy, weakness, sleep-
letes exemplify only good characteristics. SYN. iness, faintness, dissipation. ANT. energy,
epitomize, typify, represent, illustrate, dem- *get-up-and-go, pep.
onstrate, symbolize, stand for, personify, em- EXHAUSTIVE a. [ex ZAWS tiv] thorough,
body. painstaking. The detectives made an exhaus-
tive search of the crime scene. SYN. thorough,
exempt a. free from, excused, immune, unrest-
painstaking, comprehensive, in-depth, com-
ricted, discharged, privileged, unrestrained,
plete, extensive, intensive, all-inclusive,
excluded, spared from, absolved, *off the sweeping, encyclopedic. ANT. perfunctory,
hook. ANT. bound, liable, subject to. superficial, cursory.
exercise n. 1. WORKOUT aerobics, calisthenics, exhibit n. exhibition, showing, display, presen-
training, warm-up, gymnastics, drill, isomet- tation, exposition.
rics, regimen, bodybuilding, dancercise, exhibit v. show, display, present, expose, dem-
push-up, sit-up, exertion, curls, extensions, onstrate, air, showcase, feature, illustrate,
pull-up, jumping jacks, skipjacks, crunch, parade.
*pumping iron, weightlifting. ‘‘A modern exhibition n. exhibit, showing, display, presen-
superstition, invented by people who ate too tation, exposition, demonstration, specta-
much, and had nothing to think about.’’— cle, showcasing.

218 Roget’s Superthesaurus


exhibitionism n. attention-seeking behavior, exorcise v. expel, purge, remove, cast out, ban-
exposing oneself, indecent exposure, *flash- ish, free from evil spirits.
ing, compulsion, psychosexual disorder, exorcism n. ceremony, purging, expulsion, re-
neurosis. moval, banishment, casting out, ritual, in-
exhilarate v. cheer, excite, gladden, enliven, cantation.
stimulate, elate, animate, delight, *perk up, exotic a. foreign, alien, outlandish, unfamiliar,
thrill, invigorate, uplift. ANT. depress, sad- strange, peculiar, weird, unusual, different,
den, *bum out. extraordinary, imported, colorful. ANT. na-
exhort v. urge, admonish, prod, persuade, egg, tive, ordinary, familiar.
prompt, caution, warn, goad, prevail upon, expand v. 1. ENLARGE grow, magnify, inflate,
recommend, advise. widen, swell, distend, bloat, increase, fatten,
exhume v. dig up, disinter, unearth, resurrect. broaden, puff up. 2. ELABORATE detail, draw
exigency n. urgency, demand, pressing need, out, develop, expound upon, *flesh out.
crisis, requirement, imperative, necessity, ANT. 1. shrink, contract, condense. 2. con-
emergency, dire circumstance, *pickle, *hot dense, shorten.
water. expanse n. area, space, immensity, extent,
exile n. 1. BANISHMENT deportation, expatria- plain, stretch, sweep, range, radius, territory,
tion, expulsion, uprooting, separation, os- reach.
tracism, relegation. 2. BANISHED PERSON out- expansion n. enlargement, extension, increase,
cast, expatriate, refugee, deportee, pariah, growth, development, magnification,
displaced person. ‘‘One who serves his coun- spread, heightening, widening, broadening,
try by residing abroad, yet is not an ambassa- lengthening. ANT. contraction, downsizing,
dor.’’—Ambrose Bierce. decrease.
exile v. banish, deport, expatriate, expel, ostra- expansionism n. growth, development, prog-
cize, uproot, separate, relegate, oust, dis- ress.
place. expansive a. 1. EXTENDED extensive, sweeping,
exist v. be, live, endure, breathe, survive, sub- broad, comprehensive, spacious, inclusive,
sist, abide, remain. voluminous, large. 2. FRIENDLY open, de-
existence n. being, life, subsistence, presence, monstrative, sympathetic, generous, free,
reality, actuality. ‘‘. . . a party, you join after outgoing, unrestrained, effusive, talkative,
unrestrained. ANT. 1. confined, restricted,
it’s started and you leave before it’s fin-
cramped. 2. inhibited, reserved, restrained.
ished.’’—Elsa Maxwell. ‘‘A series of foot-
expatriate n. outcast, displaced person, refugee.
notes to a vast, obscure, unfinished master-
piece.’’—Vladimir Nabokov.
expect v. 1. ANTICIPATE look for, count on, fore-
exit n. 1. DOORWAY egress, outlet, passage, es- see, bargain for, envisage, look forward to,
cape-way. 2. DEPARTURE leaving, with- assume, presume, predict, imagine. 2. WANT
drawal, egress, leave-taking, exodus, parting, require, call for, demand, count on.
farewell, goodbye, adieu. expectant a. anticipating, awaiting, anxious,
exodus n. departure, going forth, flight, emigra- watching, *on tenterhooks, *with bated
tion, hegira, migration, fleeing, retreat, breath, apprehensive, *on pins and needles.
withdrawal. expectation n. anticipation, outlook, prospect,
EXONERATE v. [egg ZAWN ur rate] to free belief, hope, fear, supposition, presumption,
from charges or show that one is blameless. likelihood, assumption, forecast.
The jury elected to exonerate the defendant on expecting a. *with child, *in a family way. SEE
all counts. SYN. acquit, clear, free, vindicate, PREGNANT
absolve, excuse, exculpate, dismiss, let go. expectorate v. SEE SPIT
ANT. convict, condemn, find guilty. expediency n. suitability, appropriateness,
EXORBITANT a. [eg ZORB uh tunt] exces- properness, usefulness, convenience, utility,
sive or unreasonable. The prices for homes in advantage, effectiveness, opportunism.
Beverly Hills are exorbitant. SYN. excessive, EXPEDIENT a. [ek SPEE dee unt] serving
unreasonable, extravagant, outrageous, in- one’s immediate needs, useful. It would be
ordinate, out-of-line, unwarranted, dispro- expedient to study if you want to pass the test.
portionate, extreme, *stiff, preposterous, lu- SYN. useful, advantageous, practical, self-
dicrous. ANT. reasonable, modest, moderate. serving, prudent, profitable, fitting, sensible,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 219


proper, worthwhile, desirable. ANT. impracti- event, ordeal, happening, adventure, en-
cal, useless, futile. counter, incident, episode. ANT. 1. inexperi-
expedient n. resource, makeshift, contrivance, ence, naiveté.
means, measure, instrument, resort, device, experience v. feel, undergo, encounter, taste,
scheme, stopgap. meet, sample, perceive, know, suffer, see,
EXPEDITE v. [EK spi DITE] to speed up or smell, hear, absorb.
facilitate a process or action. I’m going to ex- experienced a. practiced, accomplished, sea-
pedite delivery by mailing the package first class. soned, weathered, *battle-scarred, initiated,
SYN. speed up, facilitate, accelerate, hurry, knowing, knowledgeable, worldly-wise,
quicken, hasten, precipitate, rush, *grease hardened, veteran, *been through the
the wheels, advance, dispatch. ANT. slow, wringer, *been there, tested, mature. ANT.
bog down, hinder. inexperienced, green, unseasoned, naive, un-
expedition n. journey, voyage, trip, mission, initiated.
march, tour, excursion, trek, campaign, ex- experiment n. test, trial, investigation, analysis,
ploration, crusade, safari, junket, enterprise. examination, assay, probe, inquiry, research,
expeditious a. quick, fast, speedy, prompt, effi- trial and error, try, study, *double-blind
cient, swift, rapid, brisk, fleet, punctual, in- study. ‘‘A hard teacher because she gives the
stant. ANT. slow, leisurely, slothful. test first, the lesson afterwards.’’—Vernon
expel v. throw out, remove, banish, exile, dis- Law. SEE SCIENCE
pel, eject, evict, get rid of, *bounce, oust, experiment v. test, try, investigate, analyze, ex-
deport, *give the boot, *show the door,
amine, assess, assay, prove, probe, inquire,
*give walking papers, expatriate. ANT. invite,
research, study, weigh, explore, scrutinize.
admit, welcome.
experimental a. trial, speculative, unproven,
expend v. use, consume, spend, exhaust, empty,
hypthothetical, conjectural, tentative, pi-
drain, *blow, squander, dissipate, disburse,
lot, theoretical, exploratory, test, develop-
*shell out, deplete, *fritter away. ANT. con-
serve, save. mental. ANT. proven, tested.
expendable a. dispensable, unimportant, re- expert n. authority, specialist, professional,
placeable, nonessential, spendable, extrane- master, virtuoso, connoisseur, scholar,
ous, superfluous, crucial, essential, impor- *whiz, veteran, *crackerjack, journeyman,
tant. *guru, *shark, *old hand, *know-it-all,
expenditure n. expense, outlay, spending, pay- *maven. ‘‘A man who has made all the mis-
ment, disbursement, outgo, cost, charge, takes which can be made in a very narrow
overhead, investment, consumption, use. field.’’—Niels Bohr. ‘‘The one who predicts
ANT. income, receivable.
the job will take the longest and cost the
expense n. cost, outlay, price, charge, amount, most.’’—Arthur Bloch. ANT. amateur, begin-
payment, price tag, *out of pocket cost, ex- ner, layman, apprentice.
penditure, fee, burden, *bottom line, over- expert a. experienced, knowledgeable, *crack,
head. proficient, masterful, schooled, practiced,
expensive a. costly, high-priced, *pricey, exor- virtuoso, dexterous, skilled, *whiz-bang,
bitant, dear, steep, *sky-high, stiff, unrea- *ace. ANT. inexperienced, unschooled, lay.
sonable, outrageous. ANT. cheap, low-priced, expertise n. knowledge, know-how, skill, prow-
cut-rate, economical. ess, authority, proficiency, finesse, *knack,
experience n. 1. FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE expo- mastery, specialization.
sure, familiarity, practice, understanding, expiration n. ending, closing, termination,
participation, empiricism, involvement, death, cessation, passing, demise, finish, de-
seasoning, encountering, worldliness, wis- parture, conclusion, *last gasp.
dom. ‘‘A good school, but the fees are expire v. 1. RUN OUT OR DIE lapse, end, close,
high.’’—Heinrich Heine. ‘‘The stern lights cease, discontinue, *kick the bucket, pass
of a ship, which illumine only the track it away, terminate. SEE DIE 2. EXHALE respire.
has passed.’’—Samuel Taylor Coleridge SEE BREATHE
‘‘The fruit of the tree of errors.’’—Portu- explain v. clarify, clear up, illustrate, explicate,
guese proverb. ‘‘The name everyone gives elucidate, expound, interpret, define, *make
to their mistakes.’’—Oscar Wilde. 2. AFFAIR plain, spell out, describe, account for, justify.

220 Roget’s Superthesaurus


explanation n. clarification, illustration, expli- export v. transport, ship, trade, sell abroad, ship
cation, elucidation, exposition, interpreta- overseas.
tion, definition, description, account, justi- exposé n. disclosure, uncovering, revelation,
fication, answer, rationalization. exposure, *kiss-and-tell, muckraking, expla-
expletive n. curse, swear word, cuss word, *bad nation.
word, vulgarity, obscenity, profanity, oath. expose v. 1. UNCOVER bare, reveal, show, dis-
EXPLICIT a. [eks PLIS it] clearly expressed, close, unmask, *let the cat out of the bag,
directly stated or shown. The movie has ex- exhibit, unveil, air, divulge. 2. LEAVE UNPRO-
plicit sex scenes. SYN. clear, direct, unambigu- TECTED lay open, endanger, jeopardize, im-
ous, definite, candid, exact, graphic, forth- peril, tempt fate, leave vulnerable, make de-
right, specific, frank, distinct, unequivocal, fenseless. ANT. 1. cover up, hide, conceal. 2.
plain, straightforward. ANT. indirect, vague, block, camouflage, protect.
ambiguous. exposition n. explanation, commentary, expli-
explode v. 1. BLOW UP pop, burst, detonate, cation, description, account, treatise, study,
*blow, discharge, erupt, fulminate, blast, discourse, essay, exegesis, overview, elucida-
bang, thunder, burst into flames. 2. DIS- tion.
CREDIT debunk, expose, refute, invalidate, expostulate v. reason, remonstrate, argue, ad-
*shoot down, belie, puncture. vise, dissuade, admonish, plead, correct.
exploit n. feat, deed, act, achievement, accom- exposure n. uncovering, airing, disclosure, rev-
plishment, coup, stunt, adventure, maneu- elation, unmasking, exposé, unveiling,
ver. showing, exhibition, baring, divulging.
EXPLOIT v. [EK sploit] to make use of or take EXPOUND v. [eks POUND] to set forth detail
advantage of. He liked to exploit the talents of by detail, explain. She will expound her con-
the younger members. SYN. make use of, take servative views on the news. SYN. detail, ex-
advantage of, use, profit from, utilize, capi- plain, describe, set forth, state, express, elu-
talize on, *milk, *cash in on, abuse, *walk cidate, spell out, illustrate, define, delineate,
on, impose upon, employ. comment on.
exploitation n. using, taking advantage, *milk- express v. communicate, articulate, say, verbal-
ing, *bleeding, utilization.
ize, enunciate, convey, put across, put into
exploration n. investigation, probe, *look-see,
words, declare, voice, tell, pronounce, state.
search, inspection, survey, canvass, exami-
express a. 1. EXPLICIT clear, certain, plain, di-
nation, inquiry, scrutiny, reconnaissance,
rect, precise, distinct, obvious, specific, ex-
explore v. investigate, probe, look into, search act. 2. FAST quick, swift, fleet, prompt. ANT.
out, inspect, scrutinize, survey, canvass, 1. vague, ambiguous, indirect. 2. slow, slug-
range over, examine, research, *blaze a trail. gish.
explorer n. trailblazer, investigator, searcher, expression n. 1. COMMUNICATION articulation,
adventurer, researcher, probe, surveyor, verbalization, enunciation, conveyance,
map-maker, cartographer. declaration, voicing, pronouncement, state-
explosion n. blowup, detonation, blast, boom, ment, utterance, elucidation, formulation,
outburst, eruption, pop, crack, fulmination, phrasing, wording. 2. TERM phrase, word, id-
roar, report, concussion, percussion, shot, iom, saying, metaphor, simile. 3. LOOK face,
upheaval. countenance, aspect, visage, cast, mien,
explosive n. bomb, dynamite, TNT, charge, *mug.
gunpowder, nitroglycerine, warhead, blast- expressionless a. deadpan, poker-faced, blank,
ing cap, cordite, dunnite, fuel-air explosive, wooden, stony, vacuous, inscrutable, va-
Molotov cocktail, napalm, petard, plastic cant, apathetic, *shark-eyed, unreadable.
explosive. SEE AMMUNITION, BOMB, MISSILE, ANT. animated, spirited, lively.
NUCLEAR BOMB, WAR, WEAPON expressive a. indicative, telling, eloquent,
explosive a. volatile, charged, *at the boiling meaningful, evocative, revealing, vivid,
point, inflammable, fulminant, reaching pregnant, descriptive, pointed, graphic. ANT.
critical mass, volcanic, eruptive, dangerous, nondescript, empty, meaningless.
perilous. ANT. stable, relaxed. expressly adv. 1. PARTICULARLY purposely, pre-
exponent n. spokesman, representative, propo- cisely, strictly, exactly, especially, specifi-
nent, interpreter, explainer, advocate, cally. 2. EXPLICITLY clearly, plainly, unam-
champion, expounder. biguously, definitely, pointedly,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 221


unequivocally, categorically. ANT. 1. gener- exterior a. external, outside, outer, extrinsic,

ally. 2. implicitly, indirectly, vaguely. extraneous, superficial, foreign, surface, out-
expressway n. highway, freeway, beltway, turn- ward. ANT. internal, inner, intrinsic.
pike, causeway, interstate, autobahn. exterminate v. destroy, kill, wipe out, eradicate,
expulsion n. discharge, exile, banishment, ejec- annihilate, eliminate, abolish, slaughter,
tion, eviction, ouster, *the boot, *history, decimate, extirpate, massacre, extinguish.
expatriation, deportment, removal, exclu- external a. outer, extrinsic, outside, outward,
sion. ANT. inclusion, welcoming, receiving. surface, superficial, exterior, foreign, extra-
expunge v. erase, blot out, delete, obliterate, neous. ANT. internal, intrinsic.
efface, wipe out, cut, cancel, omit, extirpate, extinct a. died out, dead, defunct, obsolete,
remove, eradicate. nonexistent, vanished, vanquished, gone,
expurgate v. censor, remove, expunge, cut, wiped out, nonextant, *fossilized, *dead and
bowdlerize, clean up, sanitize, purge, soften. forgotten, *history, outmoded. ANT. living,
exquisite a. delicate, lovely, fine, elegant, beau- existing, thriving.
tiful, dainty, precious, rare, consummate, su- extinction n. dying out, death, downfall, de-
perlative, splendid, ethereal, fragile. ANT. struction, annihilation, termination, *fossil-
*clunky, rough, coarse, bulky, ponderous. ization, obsolescence, disappearance, pass-
extant a. existing, living, alive, surviving, ing.
around, present, current, remaining. ANT. extinguish v. 1. QUENCH douse, snuff out, put
extinct, defunct, dead, gone. out, smother, *douse. 2. DESTROY abolish,
extemporaneous a. unrehearsed, offhand, un- end, stifle, annihilate, quash, eliminate, ex-
prepared, unpremeditated, impromptu, terminate, extirpate, eradicate, wipe out.
spontaneous, ad lib, *off the cuff, *spur of extirpate v. exterminate, destroy, eradicate,
the moment, *on the spot. ANT. rehearsed, obliterate, annihilate, abolish, uproot, elim-
prepared, premeditated. inate, root out, remove.
extemporize v. improvise, ad-lib, *perform off- EXTOL v. [eks TOLE] to praise highly, laud.
hand, *wing it, *play it by ear, *make up as Society tends to extol its athletes. SYN. praise,
one goes along, *do off the cuff. laud, acclaim, glorify, cheer, commend, ex-
extend v. 1. STRETCH elongate, enlarge, expand, alt, celebrate, applaud, honor, *sing the
spread, lengthen, draw out, prolong, pro- praises of. ANT. put down, disparage, discredit,
tract, unfurl, increase, continue. 2. OFFER ac- condemn.
cord, grant, proffer, tender, present, submit,
extort v. extract, blackmail, coerce, *strong-
put forth. ANT. 1. contract, shorten, shrink.
arm, wrest, wring, *bleed, *milk, fleece,
2. withdraw, rescind.
cheat, *put the screws to, squeeze, *arm-
extension n. enlargement, lengthening, pro-
twist, bully.
traction, elongation, expansion, spread, pro-
EXTORTION n. [eks TOR shun] the illegal
longation, unfurling, increase, addition,
augmentation, annex, attachment. ANT. means of getting money from one through
contraction, shortening, shrinkage. intimidation, blackmail, etc. The extortion
extensive a. broad, far-reaching, comprehen- ring threatened local businesses with arson. SYN.
sive, expansive, considerable, vast, sweep- blackmail, strong-arming, *arm-twisting,
ing, large-scale, widespread, out-and-out, extraction, *bleeding, *milking, *the
wholesale, thorough, lengthy, protracted. squeeze, bullying, wringing, shakedown,
ANT. limited, restricted, small-scale. graft, hush money. SEE CRIME
extent n. size, area, degree, magnitude, mea- extra n. accessory, spare, bonus, supplement.
sure, proportions, range, expanse, amount, extra a. additional, surplus, excess, more, acces-
sweep, dimensions, scope. sory, extraneous, spare, superfluous, over.
EXTENUATE v. [ek STEN yoo ate] to lessen, ANT. enough, sufficient, lacking.
mitigate or provide an excuse for a wrongdo- extract n. 1. EXCERPT clipping, quotation, cita-
ing. Mental illness is sometimes used in law to tion, abstract, passage. 2. DISTILLATION con-
extenuate guilt. SYN. lessen, mitigate, justify, centrate, distillate, essence, juice.
soften, attenuate, moderate, diminish, palli- extract v. remove, withdraw, pull, pluck, yank,
ate, qualify, make allowances for. extirpate, glean, pry, wrench, cull, reap, de-
exterior n. surface, face, facade, outside, shell, rive, wrest.
skin, appearance. ANT. interior, inside. extradite v. turn over, transfer, return.

222 Roget’s Superthesaurus


EXTRANEOUS a. [ek STRAY nee us] ines- margin, brink. 2. APPENDAGE limb, leg, arm,
sential, unnecessary. We ditched our extrane- hand, foot.
ous gear to lighten the load. SYN. inessential, extricate v. free, get out of, extract, liberate,
unnecessary, irrelevant, extra, superfluous, release, *get out from under, *wriggle out
incidental, peripheral, needless, immaterial. of, disentangle, relieve, save. ANT. entangle,
ANT. essential, relevant, needed. involve, embroil.
extraordinary a. unusual, exceptional, remark- extrinsic a. outer, outside, exterior, external,
able, uncommon, rare, striking, singular, extraneous, foreign. ANT. intrinsic, essential.
strange, odd, phenomenal, outstanding, extrovert n. outgoing person, socializer, *life of
marvelous, unprecedented, wondrous. ANT. the party, gregarious person, *party animal,
ordinary, usual, common. exhibitionist, *mixer. ANT. introvert, loner,
EXTRAPOLATE v. [ek STRAP uh late] to introspective person.
infer or draw conclusions from what is extroverted a. outgoing, social, sociable,
known. Although it is not known for sure, friendly, congenial, amicable, approachable,
many scientists extrapolate that life exists on unreserved, cordial, party-loving, person-
other worlds. SYN. infer, conclude, deduce, able, people-loving. ANT. introverted, aloof,
*put two and two together, figure, guess, hy- reserved.
pothesize, postulate, theorize, assume, pre- extrude v. expel, push out, eject, force out.
sume, *make an educated guess. exuberance n. 1. HIGH SPIRITS liveliness, vital-
extrasensory perception n. ESP, psychic pow- ity, enthusiasm, ebullience, buoyancy, effer-
ers, *third eye, telepathy, clairvoyance, tel- vescence, zest, energy, vigor, bounce. 2.
esthesia. ABUNDANCE luxuriance, lushness, profusion,
extraterrestrial n. alien, space being, *E.T., un- lavishness, affluence, plenitude, richness.
earthly visitor, *little green man, *visitor ANT. 1. depression, dullness, apathy, listless-
from another planet. ness, low spirits. 2. scarcity, shortage.
extravagance n. indulgence, excessiveness, lav- exuberant a. 1. HIGH-SPIRITED lively, vital, en-
ishness, wastefulness, excess, immoderation, thusiastic, ebullient, buoyant, effervescent,
prodigality, frill, *overkill, superfluity, prof- effusive, zestful, energetic, vigorous, *full of
ligacy, exorbitance, *conspicuous consump- bounce. 2. ABUNDANT luxurious, lush, pro-
tion. ‘‘The way the other fellow spends his fuse, lavish, affluent, rich, flush, plentiful.
money.’’—Harry Thompson. ANT. thrift, ANT. 1. down, dispirited, *blue, listless. 2.
moderation, restraint, frugality. short, scarce.
extravagant a. indulgent, excessive, lavish, exude v. emit, discharge, secrete, emanate,
wasteful, immoderate, prodigal, superfluous, ooze, sweat, issue, well forth, excrete,
profligate, exorbitant, conspicuous, ultra, trickle.
unrestrained, spendthrift, ostentatious, ex- exult v. rejoice, jubilate, glory, celebrate, revel,
treme. ANT. moderate, restrained, thrifty, rea- *jump for joy, be joyful, make merry, crow.
sonable. EXULTANT a. [eg ZULT unt] jubilant, joy-
extreme n. outer limit, height, extremity, end, ful, or jumping for joy. The exultant party-
ultimate, maximum, ceiling, utmost, top, goers sang for hours. SYN. jubilant, joyful, tri-
peak. umphant, ecstatic, elated, gleeful, rejoicing,
extreme a. drastic, beyond reason, excessive, euphoric, overjoyed, transported, happy.
utmost, severe, extraordinary, great, immod- ANT. miserable, depressed, downhearted.
erate, extravagant, outrageous, imprudent, exultation n. jubilation, rejoicing, joy, triumph,
radical, overkill, undue. ANT. conventional, ecstasy, elation, glee, euphoria, happiness,
normal, conservative, moderate. exhilaration. ANT. misery, depression, dejec-
extremely adv. very, exceedingly, quite, excep- tion.
tionally, excessively, greatly, immensely, eye n. optical organ, eyeball, *peeper, orb, ocu-
highly, markedly, severely, intensely, inor- lus, *winker, *baby blue. ‘‘The pulse of the
dinately. soul; as physicians judge the heart by the
extremist n. radical, fanatic, zealot, ultra, revo- pulse, so we by the eye.’’—Thomas Adams.
lutionist, immoderate, *hard-liner. ‘‘The traitor of the heart.’’—Thomas Wyatt.
extremity n. 1. LIMIT edge, tip, boundary, outer ‘‘Windows of the soul.’’—Guillaume Du
limit, periphery, border, verge, terminus, Bartas. ‘‘Sentinels.’’—Cicero.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 223


WORD FIND light sensitivity: photophobia

blackened, bruised: shiner, mouse nerve to brain: optic nerve
blindness caused by loss of retina’s rods: reti- Oriental skin fold: epicanthus
nitis pigmentosa peripheral distortion: astigmatism
blue eye, brown eye, having one of each: pertaining to: ocular
helerochroma iridis pressure build-up causing visual defects,
bulging, protruding: exophthalmic blindness: glaucoma
cavity: orbit, socket pupil contraction: myosis
close-up vision: nearsightedness, myopia seeing double: diplopia
clouding of lens: cataract sunken: deep-set, cavernous
color confusion: color blindness transparent outer membrane: cornea
color detectors, nerve cells: cones velvety and dark: sloe-eyed
colored portioned surrounding pupil: iris white of: sclera
corneal incisions that correct nearsighted- eye v. look at, study, scrutinize, gaze at, *eye-
ness: radial keratotomy ball, scan, ogle, *give the once-over, regard,
crossed inwardly, one eye: esotropia, strabis- view.
mus eyeball v. SEE EYE
crossed outward, one eye: exotropia eyebrow n. brow, bree, *ceja.
crossed outward, one eye or both: walleyed WORD FIND
cross-eyed, family of disorders: strabismus bushy, prominent: beetle-browed, caterpil-
dark spot that responds to light, dark: pupil lar eyebrows
descriptive, shapes: almond, banjo, beady, eye-catching a. noticeable, diverting, bold.
bug, button, close-set, crescent, cue ball, ANT. inconspicuous.
deep-set, birdlike, fishy, goggle, hooded, eyeglasses n. glasses, spectacles, *specs, lenses,
lenticular, owlish, pop, rheumy, saucer, *eyes.
slanty, sloe, squinty, sunken, wide-set WORD FIND
discharge: rheum circular, frameless glasses that pinch in place
distance vision: farsightedness, hyperopia over nose: pince-nez
doctor: ophthalmologist, oculist fake, nonprescription fashion glasses: planos
eyelid liner, inner: conjunctiva fancy, upscale: designer glasses
feeling, showing deep: soulful granny glasses worn on middle of nose: Ben
flashes of light, seeing: photopsia, scintilla- Franklins
tion handle, held with a: lorgnette
floating specks before: floaters (dead blood heavy, dark brown frames: horn-rimmed
cells) lenses divided for near and far sight: bifocals
fluid between cornea and lens: aqueous hu- mottled brown frames: tortoiseshell glasses
mor reading glasses with half-lenses for peering
focusing body: lens over: half-glasses
inflammation causing reddening of eyeball: single lens hung from ribbon worn around
pinkeye neck: monocle
inflammation of conjunctiva: conjunctivitis eyesight n. SEE VISION
inflammation on lid: sty eyesore n. ugliness, sight, fright, mess, pollu-
innermost layer where light rays are focused: tion, monstrosity, pigsty, dump.
retina eyewash n. hogwash, *bull, flattery, bunk. SEE
instrument: orthoscope NONSENSE
iris that is light-colored: walleye eyewitness n. bystander, observer, spectator,
jelly behind lens: vitreous humor onlooker, passerby, watcher.

224 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fable n. myth, tale, parable, legend, allegory, uniform, olive green: khaki
story, yarn, fiction, old wives’ tale, moral, uniforms, twilled fabric for: cavalry twill,
fantasy. chino
fabled a. mythical, legendary, famous, storied, wool, combed and smoothed: worsted
fanciful, fictitious, make-believe, fantastic. wool: fleece
fabric n. 1. CLOTH material, textile, fiber, wool, goat: cashmere
weave, dry goods, stuff. wool, nubby type used in suits: tweed
WORD FIND wool, soft and brushed: flannel
canvas: duckcloth, sailcloth wool, unprocessed: virgin wool
crinkled: crepe, seersucker wrinkle-resistant, man-made: polyester
decorated with many small, colorful print 2. MAKEUP substance, structure, framework,
designs: calico constitution, texture.
drape, upholstery fabric of glazed cotton: fabricate v. 1. MAKE manufacture, construct, as-
chintz semble, piece together, create, produce,
dress fabric used in evening wear: faille fashion, devise. 2. LIE prevaricate, *fudge,
edging preventing raveling: selvage invent, make up, concoct, hatch, fib, con-
filling: weft trive.
fuzzy surface: nap fabrication n. lie, concoction, invention, fib,
gingham, light: chambray prevarication, falsehood, *fish story, *cock
glossy: satin, etoile and bull story, *tall tale, web. ANT. truth,
goathair, angora: mohair fact.
heavy, floral-patterned with metallic
fabulous a. 1. INCREDIBLE OR GREAT astounding,
threads: brocade
wonderful, excellent, *out-of-this-world, su-
heavy, used in tablecloths: damask
per, *primo, marvelous, amazing, excep-
holes, full of: fishnet
tional, superb, *aces, fantastic. 2. MYTHICAL
hunting jacket fabric: mackinaw
legendary, fictitious, fabled, imaginary, fan-
jeans: denim, dungaree
tastic, make-believe, fanciful. SEE MONSTER
leather, soft and napped: suede
ANT. 1. ordinary, run-of-the-mill, routine, ev-
leather, soft, goat: chamois
eryday. 2. actual, real, factual.
lustrous, tightly woven: broadcloth
man-made fiber known as artifical silk: FACADE n. [fuh SAHD] the front or face of
rayon a person, place or thing, often with the im-
metallic yarn fabric used in evening dresses: plication of hiding something negative be-
lamé hind it. His smiling face was just a facade; we
pile, thick and soft: velveteen knew he was really quite angry inside. SYN.
plush, velvet, corduroy: pile front, false front, face, mask, guise, veneer,
puckered: plisse show, *window dressing, *put-on, pretense,
quantity of, fifteen to twenty yards: bolt disguise, appearance.
rib, as of corduroy: wale face n. 1. VISAGE countenance, features, physi-
rabbit, goat: angora ognomy, *mug, *puss, front, profile, *kisser,
raised design or bumpy surface on: blister head. ‘‘The portrait of the mind.’’—Samuel
sample of: swatch Coleridge. ‘‘The shorthand of the mind. ’’—
Scottish, handwoven: Harris tweed Jeremy Collier. ‘‘A book where men may
silk, woven: tricot read strange matters.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The
sheer: gauze, organza, batiste, voile, chiffon, title page which heralds the contents of the
gossamer human volume.’’—William Matthews. ‘‘Of-
sheets, bed: muslin, percale tentimes the true index of the heart.’’—
shiny, imitation silk: poplin James Howell. SEE EXPRESSION, EYE, FROWN,
shiny, rustling: taffeta MOUTH, NOSE, OLD-FACED, SMILE 2. FRONT ex-
stretchy, synthetic: spandex terior, surface, appearance, mask, sem-
suit: tweed, serge blance, disguise, facade.
towel, robes: terry cloth face v. confront, meet, brave, encounter, beard,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 225

Face the Music–Failure

withstand, bear, *fly in the face of, acknowl- factory n. manufactory, manufacturing facility,
edge, *meet head-on, brook, *bite the bul- plant, mill, shop, firm, machine shop, works,
let. foundry, assembly line.
face the music v. face up to it, look square in factual a. true, actual, realistic, literal, authen-
the eye, bite the bullet, grin and bear it, take tic, faithful, correct, exact, sound, valid,
one’s lumps, take one’s medicine, pay the credible, legitimate, certain, unquestion-
piper. able. ANT. untrue, false, fictitious, fanciful,
facelift n. cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery. made up.
facet n. aspect, side, point, angle, surface, fea- faculty n. 1. ABILITY capability, skill, aptitude,
ture, plane, side, detail, part, cut. talent, facility, capacity, gift, knack, flair,
FACETIOUS a. [fuh SEE shus] jocular, flip- instinct. 2. TEACHERS staff, instructors, aca-
pant, tongue-in-cheek. She was being face- demics, professors, body.
tious when she said I should run for president. fad n. craze, vogue, mania, rage, *in thing,
SYN. jocular, flippant, funny, humorous, trend, fashion, *dernier cri, whim, furor,
playful, joking, kidding, tongue-in-cheek, mode.
not serious, *joshing, jesting, *wise, *pull- fade v. 1. LOSE COLOR pale, dim, wane, wash
ing one’s leg. ANT. serious, grave, sober. out, blanch. 2. DWINDLE disappear, vanish,
facile a. 1. EASY simple, *cinchy, *a snap, slacken, wither, waste away, diminish, de-
*child’s play, *a breeze, effortless. 2. FLUENT cline, recede, ebb, wane, languish, die out.
quick, ready, adroit, dexterous, smooth, su- ANT. 1. brighten, make vivid. 2. grow, in-
perficial, glib. ANT. 1. difficult, hard, labori- crease, brighten.
ous. 2. awkward, halting. fail v. 1. NOT SUCCEED *blow it, *fall short, slip
FACILITATE v. [fuh SIL uh tate] to simplify, up, lose, go wrong, flop, *go down in flames,
make easier. To facilitate mailing, please in- *choke, fizzle, *take a dive, go awry, miss,
clude a self-addressed stamped envelope. SYN. *bomb, *fall flat on one’s face, flunk, *lay
simplify, ease, expedite, help, quicken, fur- an egg, run aground, *strike out, *come a
ther, aid, smooth, speed up, *grease the cropper. 2. WEAKEN deteriorate, dwindle, die
wheels, advance. ANT. hinder, complicate, away, wane, *collapse of one’s own weight,
hamper, burden. sink, fade, *be on one’s last legs, *circle the
facility n. 1. ABILITY skill, ease, dexterity, drain, decline, sicken. 3. DEFAULT back out,
adroitness, efficiency, fluency, proficiency, neglect, forsake, renege, let down, desert,
effortlessness, aptitude, knack. 2. ACCOMMO- slight, disregard, *abort, faulter, miscarry,
DATION convenience, resource, means, ap- ignore. 4. GO BANKRUPT crash, close, *lose
pliance, building, room, office. one’s shirt, *go belly up, *file for chapter
facsimile n. copy, reproduction, replica, dupli- eleven, *go broke, fold, go out of business,
cate, likeness, carbon copy, *Xerox, double, *drown in a sea of red ink. ANT. 1. succeed,
clone, twin, *ditto, fax. win, achieve, triumph. 2. grow stronger, flour-
fact n. truth, reality, datum, certainty, actual- ish, thrive. 3. carry out, follow through. 4.
ity, verity, gospel, law, scripture, particular, flourish, thrive, profit.
detail, specific, element, item. failing n. fault, defect, weakness, imperfection,
FACTION n. [FAK shun] a group sharing a flaw, shortcoming, peccadillo, deficiency.
common cause, especially one within a ANT. strength, strong point.
larger group or body. The liberal faction is failsafe a. foolproof, guaranteed, covered, pro-
working for stronger environmental controls. tected, safeguarded, secure, supplied with a
SYN. group, bloc, clique, circle, part, sect, safety net, supplied with an escape.
subdivision, side, camp, sector, pressure failure n. 1. NONSUCCESS *washout, *bomb, fi-
group, splinter group, coalition. asco, disappointment, defeat, *Edsel, stum-
factious a. conflicting, quarrelsome, discor- ble, botch, fumble, slip, miscarriage, mishap,
dant, contentious, partisan, dissentious, di- *strikeout, abortion, misadventure, dud,
visive, warring, at odds, hostile, at logger- loss, bust, *dog, *turkey, debacle. ‘‘A school
heads. ANT. agreeing, consonant, harmonious. in which the truth always grows strong.’’—
factor n. determinant, element, influence, Henry Ward Beecher. ‘‘Not the falling
cause, component, agent, means, instru- down, but the staying down.’’—Mary Pick-
ment, circumstance, point, consideration, ford. ‘‘The highway to success.’’—John
aspect. Keats. 2. LOSER *down-and-outer, *also-ran,

226 Roget’s Superthesaurus


flop, stiff, incompetent, *has-been, washout. precedes all outward instruction.’’—Henry

3. WEAKENING deterioration, dwindling, fad- Amiel. ‘‘The response of our spirits to beck-
ing, decline, loss. ANT. 1. success, achieve- onings of the eternal.’’—George Buttrick.
ment, triumph. 2. winner, success, champion. ‘‘The soul riding at anchor.’’—Josh Billings.
3. strengthening, flourishing, thriving, growth. ‘‘A bridge across the gulf of death.’’—Ed-
faint v. pass out, black out, collapse, lose con- ward Young. ‘‘God felt by the heart, not by
sciousness, keel over, crumple, drop, swoon. reason.’’—Blaise Pascal. 2. RELIGIOUS BELIEF
faint a. 1. INDISTINCT vague, dim, pale, obscure, religion, persuasion, church, denomination,
faded, soft, unclear, low, weak, ill-defined, sect, doctrine, creed, dogma, teaching. SEE
distant. 2. WEAK *woozy, lightheaded, dizzy, RELIGION
drooping, limp, feeble, enervated. ANT. 1. faithful a. 1. LOYAL true, true-blue, trustworthy,
distinct, sharp, defined. 2. strong, invigorated, devoted, allegiant, steadfast, staunch, patri-
energetic. otic, *tried and true, honorable, semper fi-
fainthearted a. timid, cowardly, *wimpy, *yel- delis. 2. ACCURATE exact, reliable, correct,
low, afraid, meek, spineless, *afraid of one’s literal, true, actual, perfect, authentic, pre-
own shadow, mousy. ANT. brave, courageous, cise. ANT. 1. disloyal, treacherous, backstab-
bold. bing. 2. inaccurate, inexact, rough.
fair a. 1. JUST evenhanded, equitable, unpreju- fake n. phony, sham, counterfeit, fraud, imita-
diced, impartial, unbiased, *square, honest, tion, imposture, hoax, *humbug, *three-
clean, scrupulous. 2. SUNNY bright, cloud- dollar bill, forgery, fabrication, imposter, po-
less, clear, clement, pleasant, mild. 3. MEDIO- seur, mountebank, charlatan. ANT. *genuine
CRE adequate, intermediate, okay, satisfac- article, *real McCoy.
tory, good enough, *so-so, *not bad, fake v. feign, counterfeit, falsify, sham, *put on,
tolerable, *comme ci, comme ca. 4. ATTRAC- fabricate, pose, imitate, pretend, dissemble,
TIVE beautiful, good-looking, comely, hand- affect, bluff.
some, pulchritudinous, lovely, pretty. 5. fake a. counterfeit, phony, false, sham, fraudu-
LIGHT-COMPLEXIONED blonde, pale, peaches lent, *fakey, imitation, spurious, bogus,
and cream, towheaded, alabaster, white. make-believe, pseudo. ANT. real, genuine, au-
ANT. 1. unfair, one-sided, prejudiced, unjust, thentic.
crooked. 2. stormy, cloudy, overcast, rainy. 3. fakir n. beggar, ascetic, dervish.
excellent, superior, poor, inferior. 4. ugly, falderal n. nonsense, gibberish, blather, *gob-
homely. 5. dark, swarthy, black. bledegook, *crap.
fairly adv. 1. SOMEWHAT passably, moderately, fall n. 1. DROP plunge, tumble, descent, dive,
sort of, tolerably, more or less. 2. EQUITABLY spill, *header, *nose dive, plummet. 2. DE-
justly, impartially, evenly, honestly, legiti- CLINE decrease, drop, slump, reduction, dip,
mately. ANT. 1. completely, entirely. 2. un- depreciation, lowering, recession, lessening.
fairly, unjustly, dishonestly. 3. DEFEAT ruin, failure, downfall, collapse,
fairness n. justice, equity, evenhandedness, im- destruction, submission. 4. AUTUMN harvest
partiality, honor, integrity, honesty, righ- time, October. SEE AUTUMN, OCTOBER, NO-
teousness, *fair shake, *level playing field, VEMBER ANT. 1. ascent, elevation. 2. increase,
equitableness. ANT. unfairness, injustice, im- growth, appreciation. 3. victory, ascent, win.
partiality. fall v. 1. DROP plunge, tumble, descend, dive,
fairy n. elf, pixie, nymph, leprechaun, brownie, spill, topple, plummet, *do a header, *nose-
gnome, sprite, dwarf, imp, puck, gremlin, dive, cascade, trip, pitch, stumble, sprawl,
sandman, Tinkerbell. flop. 2. DECLINE decrease, drop, slump, re-
FAIT ACCOMPLI n. [fay tuh kon PLEE] an duce, dip, depreciate, lower, recede, lessen.
irreversible act, truth or accomplishment; a 3. BE RUINED OR DEFEATED succumb, be de-
done deed. There was nothing that could be stroyed, fail, collapse, submit, capitulate,
done; it was a fait accompli. SYN. done deed, surrender, be overthrown. ANT. 1. ascend,
irreversible act, irreversible truth, irrevers- rise, elevate. 2. increase, grow, appreciate. 3.
ible accomplishment, certainty, reality, grim win, ascend, be victorious.
reality, cold, hard facts. FALLACIOUS a. [fuh LAY shus] based on fal-
faith n. 1. BELIEF conviction, trust, confidence, lacy, erroneous, false. His statements about
certainty, sureness, credence, reliance, green cheese on the moon were fallacious. SYN.
hope, dependence. ‘‘It is an instinct, for it erroneous, incorrect, false, untrue, faulty,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 227


wrong, deceiving, unfounded, mistaken, familiar a. 1. WELL-KNOWN acquainted, accus-

spurious, invalid. ANT. true, valid, substanti- tomed, recognizable, intimate, *old hat,
ated. common, everyday, habitual, routine, ordi-
FALLACY n. [FAL uh see] a mistaken belief, nary, stock. 2. KNOWLEDGEABLE conversant
false notion. The belief that the moon is made with, informed, versed, aware of, apprised
of green cheese is a fallacy. SYN. mistake, mis- of, *up on, savvy, cognizant, au courant. 3.
conception, error, false notion, illusion, de- FRIENDLY intimate, informal, close, relaxed,
lusion, untruth, falsehood, sophistry, misap- neighborly, *free and easy, *buddy-buddy,
prehension, misinterpretation. ANT. truth, cozy, genial, natural, at home. 4. BOLD
fact, certainty. over-familiar, presumptuous, forward, disre-
fall guy n. patsy, dupe, scapegoat, victim, *goat, spectful, taking liberties, impudent. ANT. 1.
whipping boy. unfamiliar, foreign, alien, extraordinary. 2. ig-
fallible a. imperfect, human, liable to make norant, unaware, oblivious. 3. formal, shy,
mistakes, faulty, unreliable, errant, mortal, aloof, stiff. 4. respectful, reserved, reticent.
defective, deficient. ANT. perfect, *goof- familiarity n. KNOWLEDGE acquaintance, associ-
proof, unerring, infallible. ation, intimacy, closeness, firsthand knowl-
falling-out n. disagreement, fight, quarrel. SEE
edge, conversance, understanding, cogni-
zance, awareness, feel. ‘‘A magician that is
fallout n. 1. CONSEQUENCE backlash, reaction,
cruel to beauty, but kind to ugliness.’’—Ou-
repercussion, aftermath, result, wake, effect.
2. RAIN OF RADIOACTIVE PARTICLES settling, ida 2. FRIENDLINESS informality, neighborli-
*rainout, contamination. SEE NUCLEAR BOMB ness, intimacy, closeness, naturalness.
fallow a. inactive, idle, dormant, resting, inert, familiarize v. acquaint, get to know, enlighten,
uncultivated, barren, neglected, unused, un- accustom, make conversant, inform, school,
developed. ANT. productive, active, cultivated. *get a feel for, *get a handle on, acclimatize,
false a. 1. UNTRUE wrong, erroneous, inaccu- habituate.
rate, mistaken, fabricated, *full of hot air, family n. 1. CLAN household, kin, tribe, kinfolk,
*all wet, in error, bogus, fallacious, dishon- relatives, relations, *blood, brethren, sib-
est, fictitious, unfounded, spurious, invalid, lings, generation, dynasty, offspring, chil-
misleading. 2. IMITATION fake, artificial, dren, brood, kids, ancestry, bloodline, fore-
counterfeit, phony, ersatz, bogus, simulated, bears, lineage, pedigree. ‘‘One of nature’s
mock, sham, forged, pseudo. ANT. 1. true, masterpieces.’’—George Santayana. ‘‘The
factual, accurate. 2. real, genuine, authentic. miniature commonwealth upon whose in-
falsehood n. lie, untruth, fib, fiction, fabrica- tegrity the safety of the larger common-
tion, distortion, *whopper, prevarication, wealth depends.’’—Felix Adler. ‘‘The we of
canard, *tall tale, perjury, fraud, *hogwash. me.’’—Carson McCullers. ‘‘The first and es-
ANT. truth, fact, reality. sential cell of human society.’’—Pope John
false teeth n. dentures, implants, *choppers, XXIII. ‘‘The nucleus of civilization.’’—Will
partial. Durant. 2. CLASS genus, classification, divi-
falsify v. forge, fake, distort, misrepresent, adul- sion, group, order, kind, species, type.
terate, doctor, alter, misstate, dissemble, family tree n. genealogical chart, ancestral tree,
stretch, embroider. lineage, pedigree, bloodline.
falter v. 1. HESITATE waver, vacillate, flinch, famine n. starvation, hunger, shortage, scarcity,
oscillate, hang back. 2. STAMMER stumble,
privation, want.
stutter, speak haltingly. 3. STUMBLE totter,
famished a. starving, hungry, deprived, raven-
stagger, shamble, reel, teeter, dodder.
fame n. renown, celebrity, prominence, notori- ous, *hungry enough to eat a horse. ANT.
ety, recognition, distinction, stardom, emi- satiated.
nence, standing, repute, greatness, acclaim. famous a. well-known, prominent, renowned,
‘‘Vanity.’’—Marcus Aurelius. ‘‘Wind.’’— celebrated, famed, eminent, notable, illus-
Thomas Coryate. ‘‘The perfume of heroic trious, glamourized, distinguished, exalted,
deeds.’’—Plato. ‘‘Footprints on the sands of glorified, acclaimed, recognized, notorious.
time.’’—Longfellow. ‘‘A host of expendable ANT. obscure, anonymous, unknown.
sycophants, a lack of privacy and the alien- fan n. enthusiast, devotee, *hound, *nut, *bug,
ation of old friends.’’—Morton Da Costa. *fiend, aficionado, addict, *freak, buff, fa-
ANT. obscurity, anonymity, oblivion. natic, rooter.

228 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fan n. blower, cooler, wind machine, ventila- fantasy n. imagination, imagining, visualiza-
tor, air conditioner. tion, envisioning, dream, daydream, inven-
fanatic n. zealot, extremist, radical, enthusiast, tion, *flight of fancy, *castle in the air, rev-
devotee, follower, militant, bigot, disciple, erie, whimsy, conception, hallucination,
nut. ‘‘The gadflies that keep society from be- chimera, *fool’s paradise. ANT. reality, real
ing too complacent.’’—Abraham Flexner. world.
‘‘The Devil’s plaything.’’—Armenian prov- far a. distant, remote, removed, far-off, far-
erb. ‘‘A lunatic with a hobby.’’—Leonard flung, out-of-the-way, outlying. ANT. near,
Levinson. close, at hand.
fanatical a. zealous, extreme, radical, devoted, farce n. 1. COMEDY slapstick, burlesque, lam-
militant, rabid, single-minded, monomani- poon, satire, parody, *knee-slapper, absur-
acal, obsessive, fervent, dogmatic. ANT. mod- dity, low comedy, travesty, silliness. 2. AB-
erate, reasonable, open-minded. SURDITY mockery, pretense, travesty.
FANATICISM a. [fuh NAT uh siz um] exces- FARCICAL a. [FARS i kul] absurd, laughable,
sive enthusiasm or zeal. Her fanaticism led ridiculous. The solemn affair turned farcical
her into performing terrorist acts. SYN. zeal, when the speaker’s pants fell down. SYN. ab-
overenthusiasm, fervor, obsession, mono- surd, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, comi-
mania, single-mindedness, devotion, pas- cal, funny, foolish, preposterous, droll,
sion, dogmatism, bigotry, militantism. goofy. ANT. serious, solemn, grave, deep.
‘‘False fire of an overheated mind.’’—Wil- fare n. 1. FOOD diet, menu, victuals, rations,
liam Cowper. ANT. moderation, apathy, indif- table, edibles, spread, *munchies. 2. CHARGE
ference. FOR TRANSPORTATION fee, price, passage, toll,
fanciful a. imaginary, whimsical, unreal, made- token.
up, romantic, capricious, fantastic, dreamy, farewell n. goodbye, *see you later, *take care,
fairy-tale, chimerical, illusory, flighty, *so long, adios, cheerio, adieu, auf Wieder-
quaint. ANT. reality-based, real, down-to- sehen, bon voyage, *toodle-oo, *toodles, sa-
earth, prosaic. yonara, ciao, ta-ta, hasta la vista, arrive-
fancy n. 1. IMAGINATION fantasy, creation, illu- derci, au revoir, Godspeed.
sion, visualization, whimsy, whim, concep- farfetched a. unlikely, doubtful, improbable,
tion, notion, vision, idea, picture, dream, remote, strained, implausible, unbelievable,
daydream, figment, chimera, hallucination.
*hard to swallow, *stretching things, forced.
2. LIKING fondness, *yen, desire, partiality,
ANT. plausible, believable, likely.
hankering, penchant, taste.
far-flung a. widespread, far-reaching, wide-
fancy a. fine, *done up, elegant, prime, extrav-
ranging, remote, distant. ANT. close, nearby,
agant, deluxe, ornate, embellished, frilly,
close at hand.
special, showy, lavish, rich, elaborate, dec-
farm n. farmstead, plantation, ranch, grange,
orated. ANT. plain, ordinary, simple.
fanfare n. *hoopla, *ballyhoo, buildup, trum- barnyard, homestead, pasture, vineyard, or-
peting, show, to-do, fuss, display, pomp, chard, acreage, tillage, croft, hacienda,
commotion, ruckus. patch, garden. ‘‘An irregular patch of net-
fang n. tooth, incisor, canine tooth. tles, bound by short term notes, containing
fanny n. Sl. butt, ass, gluteus maximus, poste- a fool and his wife who didn’t know enough
rior, rump, seat, *tushy, buttocks. to stay in the city.’’—S.J. Perelman.
fantasize v. envision, dream up, daydream, WORD FIND
imagine, visualize, picture, invent, *take a animal-raising: pastoral farming
flight of fancy, muse, *build castles in the animal used for pulling: draft animal
air, moon, *trip. barren, as a field left unplanted: fallow
fantastic a. 1. EXCELLENT wonderful, great, su- changing crop type grown in field periodi-
per, awesome, sensational, marvelous, first- cally: crop rotation
class, *primo, *out of this world. 2. STRANGE channel cut into soil: furrow
weird, grotesque, odd, quaint, imaginary, chicken house: coop
outlandish, *out of this world, exotic, pecu- corn storage structure: corncrib
liar, freakish, queer, Kafkaesque, nightmar- cover crop and fodder: alfalfa
ish, hallucinatory, incredible. ANT. 1. terri- cow barn: byre
ble, bad, lousy, awful. 2. normal, down to crops sold for money, not used as feed: cash
earth, ordinary, prosaic. crops

Roget’s Superthesaurus 229


crop such as grass planted to prevent soil stumps of crops left after harvest: stubble
erosion: cover crop subsistence farm, small: croft
cutting edge of moldboard plow: plowshare tenant farmer who works for a share of the
cylindrical storage building for fodder: silo crop: sharecropper
descriptive: rolling patchwork; regiment of unplowed strip of land at end of furrows:
corn; pastoral quilting; stubble fields of headland
Autumn; Irish green fields; weathered, wedge-shaped plow of yesterday: moldboard
swayback barn; plodding draft animals; plow
rooting pigs; hens scratching in the dirt SEE BARN, RANCH
farming: husbandry farm v. cultivate, grow, sow, plow, till, raise
farming to feed family only with crops: sub- crops, plant, practice husbandry, work the
sistence farming soil, *scratch out a meager existence, gar-
feed for livestock: fodder den, homestead, ranch.
fertilizer: manure, compost, fish meal, bone farmer n. agriculturist, cultivator, planter,
meal grower, agrarian, agronomist, granger, sod-
fodder that has been stored: silage buster, rustic, *hayseed, *clodhopper, gar-
grain storage building: granary dener, sharecropper, rancher, husbandman.
grazing land for animals: pasture ‘‘The staunchest soldiers.’’—Cato. ‘‘A
harvesting machine that cuts, threshes, handy man with a sense of humus.’’—Ed-
cleans, bags grain: combine ward B. White.
hay cutter: mower, sickle, scythe farming n. husbandry, agriculture, agronomy,
hayfork: pitchfork cultivation, crop-raising, sharecropping,
hay grass, most common in United States: harvesting, agribusiness, growing, tillage,
timothy working the land, homesteading, ranch-
hay pile (long) left to dry in field: windrow ing. ‘‘The first and most precious of all the
hay pile shaped like cone: haycock arts.’’—Thomas Jefferson. ‘‘A school of
horse enclosure: corral patience: you can’t hurry the crops or
implement having spikes or disks for break- make an ox in two days.’’—Emile C.
ing clods, refining soil: harrow Alain.
implement having teeth, pulled by tractor far-out a. Sl. wild, *cool, *groovy, weird, *rad
to gather loose hay: rake *deep.
implement that breaks up soil, uproots far-reaching a. extensive, wide-ranging, wide-
weeds: cultivator spread, broad, sweeping, pervasive. ANT. lim-
irrigation, farming without: dry farming ited, restricted, small scale.
laborer: farm hand, migrant worker, bracero farsighted a. foresighted, prescient, wise,
natural farming without man-made pesti- shrewd, judicious, perceptive, provident,
cides, fertilizers: organic farming thoughtful. ANT. shortsighted, nearsighted,
pesticide spraying, especially by air: crop myopic, tunnel-visioned.
dusting fart n. gas, flatulence, *barking spider, *ill
plant, scatter seeds: sow wind, *call of the wood duck.
rig that compresses and ties hay into blocks: fart v. pass gas, *cut one, *rip one, *let her rip,
baler *cut the cheese, *break wind.
rig that separates seeds, grains from straw: fascinate v. spellbind, bewitch, charm, fix, at-
thresher tract, transfix, entrance, captivate, beguile,
rig that spreads manure, lime, other ma- enthrall, engross, hypnotize.
terial: spreader fascinating a. spellbinding, bewitching, charm-
rotary blades for breaking up soil: tiller ing, attractive, transfixing, entrancing, cap-
separated husks of grain: chaff tivating, beguiling, eye-popping, enthrall-
separate seeds, grains from straw: thresh ing, engrossing, hypnotizing, riveting. ANT.
shelf plowed into hill to prevent water run- boring, dull, prosaic.
off: terrace fascination n. attraction, spellbinding, charm,
silo that is horizontal: bunker silo bewitchment, captivation, trance, magne-
sowing grass to be used as pasture: ley farm- tism, enchantment, enthrallment.
ing fascism n. totalitarianism, nationalism. SEE DIC-
spread seeds: broadcast TATORSHIP, GOVERNMENT

230 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fascist n. Nazi, nationalist. unfashionable, old-fashioned, outmoded, dated,

fashion n. style, mode, vogue, rage, dernier cri, *out.
trend, look, taste, fad, *latest thing, furor, fast v. abstain, go hungry, refrain, starve, diet.
way, craze, manner, design, cut. ‘‘What one fast a. 1. QUICK rapid, swift, fleet, speedy,
wears himself; what is unfashionable is hasty, *snappy, *flying, *quicker than
what other people wear.’’—Oscar Wilde. greased lightning, *breakneck, *in a
‘‘Something that goes out of style as soon heartbeat, *lickety-split, expeditious, in-
as most people have one.’’—Sylvia Bremer. stantaneous, brisk, supersonic, hypersonic,
‘‘Beautiful things which always become meteoric. 2. FIXED firm, stuck, unmovable,
ugly with time.’’—Jean Cocteau. ‘‘A despot fastened, tight, secure, permanent,
whom the wise ridicule and obey.’’—Am- staunch, inextricable, steady, fortified. 3.
brose Bierce. WILD reckless, dissipated, loose, promiscu-
WORD FIND ous, immoral, devil-may-care, lascivious,
calico dresses with long sleeves: prairie look licentious, intemperate, unrestrained.
cowboy shirts, jeans, string ties, tooled- ANT. 1. slow, leisurely, sluggish, slothlike. 2.
leather belts, Stetson: cowboy look movable, temporary, insecure. 3. moral,
dashikis, selosos, bubas, Afros: African- chaste, virtuous, celibate.
American fast adv. 1. QUICKLY rapidly, swiftly, speedily,
1890-1910: leg-o-mutton sleeves, choker hastily, expeditiously, instantly, briskly, *in
collars, pompadour hair: Gibson Girl a flash, *in a heartbeat, *in short order, su-
full skirts, hoop earrings, shawls: gypsy personically, hypersonically. 2. FIRMLY
historical fashion brought back: retro, vin- fixedly, securely, tight, solidly, steadfastly.
tage ANT. 1. slowly, slothfully, leisurely. 2. loosely,
Ivy League, upper-crust sweaters, chinos, insecurely.
cords, oxfords, loafers: preppy look fasten v. attach, secure, affix, hook, tie, join,
long torso dresses, ropes of pearls, 1920s: couple, bind, lock, close, hitch, buckle, link,
flapper look nail, weld, solder, rivet, cement. ANT. unfas-
male and female combined: androgynous ten, detach, disconnect.
mod 1960s, miniskirts, polka dot shirts with fastener n. holder, buckle, pin, latch, velcro,
white collars, bell-bottoms: Carnaby button, snap, catch, bolt, weld, rivet, lock,
mod 1960s, platform shoes, newsboy hats, clasp.
faded dresses: funky FASTIDIOUS a. [fa STID ee us] discriminat-
mohawks, spiked hair, black leather jackets, ing, meticulous, picky. Also, overly dainty
slitted skirts, safety pins, torn clothes: and easily disgusted. He was neat and fastidi-
punk ous; he was always picking lint from his cloth-
nation, of a: ethnic ing. SYN. discriminating, meticulous, picky,
ruffled necks, wrists for both sexes, 1960s critical, fussy, finicky, hypercritical, dainty,
and 1970s: dandy overparticular, easily disgusted, squeamish,
Scottish kilt like skirts, knee-socks, tam-o- *persnickety. ANT. undiscriminating, uncriti-
shanter: kiltie look cal, slack, sloppy.
tailored business or professional’s clothes: fat n. adipose tissue, bulk, chubbiness, blubber,
Brooks Brothers obsesity, excess, *winter storage, flesh,
uncoordinated 1970s look, baggy pants, *spare tire, *middle-aged spread, excess,
challis skirts: Annie Hall look beef, lard, grease.
unkempt, long hair, tank tops, tie-dyed fat a. 1. OVERWEIGHT obese, corpulent,
shirts, jeans, miniskirts, love beads: hip- chubby, plump, rotund, stout, portly,
pie, Grateful Dead look flabby, *porky, pudgy, fleshy, meaty, swol-
fashion v. make, form, shape, create, devise, len, beefy, heavyset, elephantine, blubbery,
contrive, construct, forge, sculpt, *throw to- lumpy, tubby, potbellied, paunchy, walrus-
gether, *slap together, fabricate, mold. SEE like, roly-poly, *blimpy, thickset, full-fig-
CLOTHING, DRESS ured, big-boned, *wide load. 2. RICH afflu-
fashionable a. stylish, modish, in vogue, smart, ent, prosperous, well-to-do, moneyed,
chic, *on the cutting edge, *hot, trendset- *well-heeled, comfortable, profitable,
ting, *hip, mod, *all the rage, *happening, wealthy. ANT. 1. skinny, anorexic, bony,
swank, a la mode, chi-chi, *in, *with it. ANT. lean. 2. poor, poverty-stricken.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 231


fatal a. deadly, lethal, mortal, destructive, kill- faucet n. spigot, valve, cock, tap.
ing, disastrous, terminal, calamitous, ruin- fault n. 1. DEFECT imperfect, flaw, shortcoming,
ous, death-dealing, catastrophic, pernicious. weakness, failing, *bug, blemish, stain. ‘‘The
ANT. harmless, benign. greatest . . . is to be conscious of none.’’—
fatalism n. whatever will be will be, resigna- Thomas Carlyle. 2. MISTAKE error, slipup,
tion, predestination, leaving it to the fates. lapse, blunder, *goof, blame, wrongdoing, li-
fatality n. death, casualty, victim, dead. ability, guilt, responsibility. ANT. 1. virtue,
fate n. destiny, providence, fortune, kismet, lot, strength. 2. credit.
future, *wheel of fortune, end, predetermi- fault v. blame, criticize, reproach, reprove, im-
nation, *the stars, luck, *lady luck, doom, pugn, accuse, *wag one’s finger at, shame.
God’s will, karma, *handwriting on the faultfinder n. critic, nagger, nag, carper, cav-
wall. ‘‘What must be shall be.’’—Seneca. iler, *nitpicker, quibbler, Momus, *hair-
‘‘The gunman that all gunmen dread.’’— splitter, *rag, *bellyacher, censor, grumbler,
Don Marquis. *backseat driver.
fated a. destined, predetermined, preordained, faultfinding a. critical, picky, nit-picking, cap-
doomed, predestined, in the stars, star- tious, quibbling, *hairsplitting, caviling, hy-
crossed, foreordained, dictated by karma or percritical, overcritical. ANT. easygoing, for-
kismet. ANT. up to chance, undetermined, un- giving, tolerant.
decided. faultless a. flawless, perfect, impeccable, im-
fateful a. momentous, crucial, critical, impor- maculate, clean, spotless, pure, ideal, un-
tant, decisive, portentious, apocalyptic, pro- blemished, blameless, above reproach, inno-
phetic, deadly, lethal, fatal. cent. ANT. faulty, flawed, imperfect.
father n. 1. MALE PARENT dad, daddy, papa, faulty a. imperfect, flawed, defective, deficient,
pappy, pop, pa, *old man, parent, sire, head impaired, lacking, incorrect, wrong, un-
of the household, protector, forefather, pro- sound, malfunctioning. ANT. perfect, flaw-
genitor, forebear. ‘‘A man who expects his less, sound.
faux a. fake, artificial, synthetic, imitation,
son to be as good a man as he meant to
mock, ersatz, counterfeit, unnatural. ANT.
be.’’—Franklin Clark. ‘‘He who brings up,
genuine, real.
not he who begets, is the father.’’—Bible.
FAUX PAS n. [foh PAH] a social blunder, a
‘‘One . . . is more than a hundred school-
mistake in etiquette. Forgetting the host’s
masters.’’—George Herbert. 2. FOUNDER in- name at a party is a faux pas. SYN. social blun-
ventor, originator, author, architect, cre- der, misstep, mistake, error, goof, impropri-
ator, sire, initiator, maker, producer. ety, gaffe, indiscretion, transgression, lapse,
father v. sire, produce, beget, generate, procre- offense, misconduct, slip.
ate, engender, conceive, originate, create, favor n. 1. GOOD TURN service, courtesy, help,
invent, found. aid, accommodation, assistance, consider-
fatherhood n. paternity, parenthood. ation, kindness, good deed, dispensation. 2.
fatherland n. motherland, old country, home- APPROVAL esteem, goodwill, liking, regard,
land, native land. approbation, backing, grace, patronage.
fathom v. 1. UNDERSTAND comprehend, *get to ANT. 2. disfavor, ill will, disapproval.
the bottom of, grasp, get, sense, probe, inter- favor v. like, support, back, endorse, advocate,
pret, figure out, penetrate. 2. SOUND plumb, prefer, regard highly, fancy, *go for, sanc-
measure. tion, pick, commend, indulge, pamper. ANT.
fatigue n. tiredness, exhaustion, weariness, las- dislike, disfavor, frown upon, reject.
situde, listlessness, enervation, *burn-out, favorable a. 1. APPROVING commending,
lethargy, malaise, weakness, languor. ANT. friendly, good, kind, sympathetic, compli-
energy, vigor, strength. mentary, affirmative, enthusiastic. 2. HELP-
fatigue v. tire, exhaust, wear out, enervate, FUL advantageous, beneficial, profitable,
*burn out, weaken, *poop, drain, wipe out, useful, auspicious, propitious, fortunate,
tucker out, deplete, debilitate, *bush. convenient, timely, opportune, lucky. ANT.
fatty a. adipose, blubbery, lardy, tallowy, mar- 1. disapproving, negative, unfriendly. 2. unfa-
bled, greasy, oily. ANT. lean. vorable, adverse, untimely.
fatuous a. stupid, silly, foolish, asinine, inane, favorite n. preference, choice, selection, *num-
moronic, *lamebrained, vacuous, idiotic, ber one, *apple of one’s eye, pet, darling,
imbecilic. ANT. brilliant, smart, wise. ideal, dearest, idol, *pick of the litter.

232 Roget’s Superthesaurus


favorite a. best-liked, preferred, pet, dear, WORD FIND

choice, beloved, popular, selected, ideal, Body reactions/language: hackles rise; small
*fair-haired, dearest. ANT. disliked, un- hairs at the back of the neck stir; prick-
wanted. ling sensation up spine; skin crawling;
favoritism n. partiality, bias, prejudice, discrim- icy chill down spine; skin blossoming
ination, one-sidedness, preferential treat- with goosebumps; quaking knees; throat
ment, unfairness, partisanship, nepotism. closes spastically; gulp; swallow dryly;
FAWN v. [FAWN] to flatter, cater to and gen- swallow a lump in throat; knot constrict-
erally fall all over someone in order to ing throat; breath raw in one’s throat;
please. Mary always fawns over the boss. SYN. shudder; heart fluttering/pounding/pal-
cringe, flatter, *kiss up to, *bootlick, pitating/hammering/performing flip-
*brownnose, toady, grovel, kowtow, bow flops; breath quickens; blood pounds in
and scrape, *apple polish, truckle to. one’s throat; trap door (sensation) open-
fawning a. servile, sycophantic, deferential, ing in pit of belly; nauseating spurts of
slavish, groveling, subservient, cringing, adrenalin coursing through veins; gasp;
flattering, *brownnosing, kowtowing, sub- gulp air furiously; feel paralyzed; feel
missive, obsequious. ANT. forthright, domi- strangely semipresent or disembodied, as
neering. if in a dream; events appearing in slow
fax n. facsimile, copy, transmission, reproduc- motion; wring hands; sweat bullets;
tion, duplicate, document, image, electronic break out in cold sweat; skin turns
message. clammy; stomach knots/clenches/shriv-
fax v. copy, transmit, send, relay, deliver, for- els/lurches; recoil in shock; reel; jumpy;
ward, convey. feel weak and shaky from adrenalin
faze v. disturb, disconcert, bother, perturb, up- Facial expressions: gape pop-eyed, stare sau-
set, rattle, embarrass, discompose, daunt, cer-eyed with terror, stare catatonically,
discomfit, *shake up, unnerve. face ashen, face stricken, eyes take on a
fear n. fright, terror, apprehension, foreboding, hunted look, nostrils dilate, face pales,
dread, alarm, anxiety, angst, panic, trepida- blood drains from face, eyes dart mania-
tion, nervousness, *butterflies, *the shakes, cally, eyes widen in alarm, eyes trans-
*cold feet, creeps, *chills, *cold sweat, fixed, eyes watch with numbed horror,
*sweating bullets, awe, uneasiness, dismay, eyes watch with fascinated horror, peer
jitters, horror, cowardice, phobia, night- wild-eyed, eyes blink with incredulity,
mare, *feeling of impending doom. ‘‘Na- lips form a silent O.
ture’s warning signal to get busy.’’—Henry Voice: becomes high and hysterical, stran-
Link. ‘‘The soul’s signal for rallying.’’— gled cry, desperate, shrill with horror,
Henry Ward Beecher. ‘‘A slinking cat I find hoarse shriek, mute, gargling scream,
beneath the lilacs of my mind.’’—Sophie guttural scream, raw, constricted,
Tunnel. SEE FEARFUL, PHOBIA strained, cracking, quavering, rises an
fear v. be afraid of, dread, apprehend, shudder octave. SEE ANXIETY
at the thought of, be scared, *sweat bullets fearless a. courageous, bold, unafraid, brave,
over, *get the shakes over, *get cold feet, undaunted, unflinching, daring, valorous,
feel alarm, *break out in a cold sweat, have stouthearted, bodacious, gutsy, confident,
qualms, cower, have butterflies, *break out heroic, intrepid, spunky, *ballsy. ANT. afraid,
in goosebumps, get jitters. frightened, spineless, mousy, cowardly.
fearful a. 1. AFRAID frightened, scared, terrified, feasible a. doable, possible, workable, attain-
apprehensive, dreading, alarmed, anxious, able, achievable, practicable, viable, reach-
frantic, panicky, discomposed, nervous, able, realistic. ANT. impossible, unworkable,
shaking, awed, uneasy, dismayed, intimi- impractical.
dated, timorous, skittish, jittery, horrified, feast n. banquet, meal, spread, celebration, re-
phobic, *sweating bullets. 2. FRIGHTENING past, dinner, supper, festival, eating and
terrifying, scary, frightful, dreadful, alarm- drinking, *feed.
ing, horrifying, chilling, nightmarish, dis- feast v. banquet, eat, dine, wine and dine, in-
tressing, creepy, shocking, horrible, *hair- dulge, partake, gorge, gormandize, regale,
raising, bloodcurdling, formidable, *adre- *stuff oneself, *pig out.
nalizing, *heart-pounding, paralyzing. feat n. accomplishment, deed, act, exploit,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 233


achievement, stunt, adventure, venture, tri- observation, criticism, fallout, reverbera-

umph, coup. tion, echo, assessment, *pulse of the nation,
feather n. plume, plumage, penna, quill, down, barometer of public sentiment, *vibes.
eider. feel n. flair, knack, aptitude, ability, faculty,
feathery a. downy, fluffy, soft, ticklish, gossa- gift, talent, hang.
mer, ethereal. ANT. prickly, hard, sharp. feel v. 1. TOUCH handle, finger, caress, palpate,
feature n. 1. CHARACTERISTIC aspect, compo- stroke, fondle, grasp, squeeze, probe, grope,
nent, element, point, item, quality, attri- run hands over. 2. SENSE experience, per-
bute, highlight, mark, trait, hallmark, prop- ceive, comprehend, know, understand, dis-
erty. 2. MAIN SHOW headliner, highlight, cern, notice, apprehend, detect, enjoy, suf-
drawing card, special attraction. fer.
feature v. showcase, highlight, emphasize, spot- feeling n. 1. SENSATION experience, perception,
light, star, stress, play up, headline, give comprehension, understanding, conscious-
prominence to, underscore. ness, awareness, impression, response, reac-
featureless a. nondescript, plain, unadorned, tion, emotion, sentiment. 2. EMOTION pas-
stark, minimalist, bland. ANT. just, detailed, sion, sensitivity, sympathy, depth, ardor,
busy. fervor, enthusiasm, zest, soul, heart, spirit,
febrile a. feverish, hot, flushed. tenderness. ‘‘The emotion which drives the
February n. ‘‘The most serious charge which intelligence forward in spite of obstacles.’’—
can be brought against New England.’’—Jo- Henry Bergson. ‘‘The unconscious conver-
seph Krutch. sion of instinctual impulses.’’—Carl Jung. 3.
feces n. excrement, dung, stools, *crap. OPINION point of view, idea, sentiment, im-
feckless a. ineffective, futile, meaningless, pression, sense, inclination, conviction, be-
worthless, purposeless. ANT. purposeful. lief, evaluation, outlook, conception.
FECUND a. [FEE kund] fertile and productive. feelings n. emotions, sensibilities, passions, ego,
A photograph of a fecund farmscape accompa- impulses, susceptibilities, sentiments, sym-
nied the article. SYN. fertile, productive, fruit- pathies, soul, spirit, drives, *plucking of
ful, prolific, bounteous, rich, generating, heartstrings, instincts.
teeming, potent. ANT. sterile, barren, impo- feet n. hooves, paws, pads, *dogs.
tent. FEIGN v. [FANE] to make up, invent or fake.
Fed n. Sl. government official, bureaucrat, poli- Though he had never cared for his uncle, Joe
tician, government regulator, government decided to feign sympathy for him at the funeral.
administrator, officeholder, government au- SYN. make up, invent, fake, simulate, affect,
pretend, assume, pose, bluff, *put on an act,
federation n. confederacy, union, league, alli-
sham, dissemble.
ance, partnership, amalgamation, syndicate,
feint n. fake, diversion, sham, bluff, ruse, sub-
fraternity, association.
terfuge, pretense, bait, snare, ploy, dodge,
fee n. charge, price, commission, payment, toll,
move, maneuver.
due, bill, cost, expense, percentage, consid-
eration, remuneration, compensation. feisty a. spirited, spunky, lively, *high octane,
feeble a. weak, ineffective, frail, enervated, im- fiery, courageous, hot-blooded, excitable,
potent, *wimpy, lame, powerless, fragile, in- *full of it, strong-hearted, tough, touchy.
ANT. dispirited, meek.
adequate, ineffectual, debilitated, sickly,
slight, faint, meager. ANT. powerful, potent, felicitous a. appropriate, apt, fitting, suitable,
strong, effective. apropos, pertinent, relevant, timely. ANT. in-
feebleminded a. mentally retarded, slow, dull- appropriate.
witted, imbecilic, stupid, dumb, moronic, felicity n. 1. HAPPINESS bliss, joy, rapture, ec-
*weak in the head, subnormal, *airheaded, stasy, contentment. 2. APPROPRIATENESS.
bovine. ANT. brilliant, *brainy, intelligent. feline a. catlike, predatory, stealthy, sleek,
feed n. food, fodder, ensilage, silage, forage, pas- graceful, slinky, sly, sneaky. SEE CAT
turage, vittles, *grub, provisions. fell v. knock down, cut down, level, raze, hew,
feed v. nourish, fuel, fill, sustain, provide, mow, prostrate. ANT. raise.
*wine and dine, serve, provision, foster, ca- fellatio n. oral sex.
ter, maintain, give, *stuff, cram. SEE EAT fellow n. 1. MAN guy, person, boy, human,
feedback n. response, answer, evaluation, reply, *chap, *dude, gentleman, individual,

234 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*hombre. 2. PEER equal, companion, associ- protective cup on weapon: guard

ate, compatriot, counterpart, friend, col- protective glove: gauntlet
league, confrere, mate, twin, match. protective jacket: fencing jacket, underplas-
fellowship n. companionship, friendship, asso- tron
ciation, comradeship, fraternity, camarade- readiness stance: on guard
rie, togetherness, brotherhood, communion. run toward opponent with arm extended:
‘‘The ability to unite.’’—Berl Katznelson. fleché
felon n. criminal, larcenist, lawbreaker, con- score: hit
vict, outlaw, malefactor, miscreant, *hood, taking of opponent’s blade, method of:
gangster, mafioso, crook, recidivist. croisé
FELONIOUS a. [fuh LOW nee us] evil, term: touché
wicked, designating serious criminal behav- weapon: epee, foil, saber, rapier
ior. Armed robbery is a felonious act. SYN. evil, SEE FEND OFF
wicked, base, criminal, larcenous, villain- fend off v. defend, parry, resist, ward off, dodge,
ous, vicious, corrupt, lawbreaking, illegal, repel, deflect, divert, shield from, keep at
immoral. ANT. virtuous, law-abiding, moral, bay, protect, evade, repulse.
upstanding. feng shui n. [literally, (wind/water)] geomancy,
felony n. crime, serious crime, offense, atrocity, Chinese geomancy, furniture arranging, en-
evil, sin, violation, murder, rape, arson, as- vironmental balancing, interior design, nat-
sault, robbery. SEE LAW, POLICE, COURT ural alignment, Chinese art, space design,
female n. girl, woman, lady, *she, femme, gal, harmonizing, placement, layout modifica-
matron, sister. tion, orientation, natural order.
feminine a. female, womanly, girlish, ladylike, WORD FIND
soft, gentle, genteel, effeminate. ANT. mascu- analysis methods: Eight House Theory; Fly-
line, manly, macho. ing School Theory
femme fatale n. deadly woman, siren, seduc- compass used to determine flow of cosmic
tress. energy or Chi, wooden: luo pan
fence n. enclosure, barrier, barricade, boundary, divination related to, ancient Chinese sys-
wall, rail, paling, palisade, hedge. tem of: I Ching
WORD FIND elements, five: water, wood, fire, earth,
cattle-enclosing: barbed wire fence metal
fish-catching fence made of stakes: weir energy force: Chi, Chı́i, cosmic breath
post and rail: post and rail fence energy forces, opposing: Yin (negative),
screen of wood strips: lattice Yang (positive)
stake fence: picket fence, paling master or teacher of: Sifu; Shifu
stake fence used for defense: palisade measuring stick showing lucky measure-
sunken, in ditch: ha-ha ments: Feng Shui ruler
wire mesh: chain-link fence, *Cyclone octogonal amulet comprised of eight sec-
fence tions or trigrams: pakua
woven work of twigs, branches: wattle fence octogonal mirror reflecting Chi: Bagua
zigzagging rail fence: Virginia fence, worm practitioner: geomancer
fence, snake fence feral a. wild, untamed, undomesticated, fierce.
fence v. 1. ENCLOSE surround, pen, confine, en- ANT. tamed.
circle, separate, bound, corral, wall, hem. 2. ferment n. agitation, excitement, commotion,
FIGHT WITH SABERS OR FOILS duel, parry, en- uproar, turmoil, turbulence, stir, tumult,
gage in swordplay. hubbub, disruption, to-do. ANT. peace, calm,
WORD FIND serenity.
deflect opponent’s weapon: parry ferment v. agitate, excite, disturb, shake, stir,
faked movement to throw off opponent: churn, provoke, foment, incite, inflame,
feint *bring to a head, seethe, rouse. ANT. soothe,
forward thrust and jump: lunge quiet, calm.
grazing blow down opponent’s blade: coulé ferocious a. savage, fierce, violent, cruel, wild,
jump and lunge: balestra beastly, brutish, predatory, bloodthirsty,
leap: volt brutal, rapacious, vicious, barbarous, merci-
offensive move made after parry: riposte less. ANT. humane, gentle, mild, tame.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 235


ferocity a. savagery, fierceness, violence, cru- gamy, reeking. ANT. fresh, floral, sweet. SEE
elty, wildness, beastliness, brutality, blood- ODOR, SCENT, SMELL
thirstiness, rapaciousness, viciousness, bar- fetish n. erotic fixation, obsession, idée fixe,
barity. ANT. gentleness, passivity. *turn-on, mania, preoccupation.
ferret out v. search out, sniff out, root out, dig fetter n. restraint, check, shackle, chain, bind-
up, unearth, track down, chase down, hunt ing, bond, irons, trammel, handcuffs, hob-
down, discover, probe, smoke out. ble, manacle.
ferry n. boat, raft, barge, vessel, transport. fetter v. restrain, check, shackle, chain, bind,
ferry v. carry, convey, cross, transport, *lug, put in irons, trammel, manacle, handcuff,
ship, deliver, shuttle, pilot. restrict, hold. ANT. free, loose, liberate.
fertile a. productive, fecund, fruitful, reproduc- fettle n. condition, shape, form, state, order,
tive, generative, potent, yielding, rich, fitness.
teeming, prolific, bountiful. ANT. sterile, bar- fetus n. developing infant, unborn young.
ren, impotent, unproductive. feud n. fight, quarrel, conflict, combat, alterca-
fertility n. fecundity, potency, virility. tion, squabble, argument, contention, row,
fertilize v. enrich, dress, compost, manure, ger- hostility, *falling-out. ANT. peace, accord,
minate, inseminate, impregnate. harmony.
fertilizer n. soil enhancer, enrichment, dress- feud v. fight, quarrel, combat, squabble, con-
ing, compost, plant food, bone meal, ma- tend, clash, war, *lock horns, wrangle, dis-
nure, humus, muck, dung, green manure. pute.
FERVENT a. [FUR vunt] passionate, intense, fever n. temperature, pyrexia, heat, glow, flush.
heated. Because of her impoverished childhood,
Jamie had a fervent desire to succeed. SYN. pas- feverish a. 1. RUNNING A TEMPERATURE warm,
sionate, intense, heated, ardent, fervid, hot, fiery, *burning up, flushed, clammy,
burning, hot, earnest, raging, eager, flaming, sweaty, delirious. 2. EXCITED agitated,
zealous, feverish, fierce, spirited. ANT. cool, heated, passionate, frenetic, restless, fervid,
lukewarm, apathetic, dispassionate. worked up, frantic, ardent, frenzied. ANT. 1.
cool, chilled, normal. 2. calm, cool, lukewarm.
fervor n. passion, intensity, heat, ardor,
few n. some, a number, a handful, several, a
warmth, fire, fever, eagerness, zeal, enthusi-
asm, gusto, spirit, zest, vigor. ANT. apathy,
few a. not many, scant, scarce, rare, negligible,
indifference, coolness.
skimpy, sparse, thin, meager, limited, infre-
fester v. 1. SUPPURATE ulcerate, drain, run, pu-
quent. ANT. many, innumberable, countless.
trefy, become inflamed. 2. RANKLE rile, irk,
fiancé n. fiancée, wife-to-be, husband-to-be,
annoy, irritate, gall, inflame, embitter.
betrothed, future mate, sweetheart, bride-
festival n. celebration, feast, rite, observation, to-be, groom-to-be, *future ball and chain.
carnival, commemoration, fair, gala, jubilee, SEE MARRIAGE, WEDDING
fiesta. fiasco n. failure, *turkey, disaster, *flop,
festive a. celebratory, merry, gay, mirthful, *bomb, *dud, debacle, catastrophe, abor-
sportive, jolly, cheery, jubilant, light- tion, miscarriage, *washout, farce, *joke.
hearted. ANT. gloomy, dreary, somber. ANT. success, hit, triumph.
festivity n. merrymaking, celebration, gaiety, fiat n. decree, command, act. SEE ORDER
play, fun, revelry, party, mirth, jollity, ca- fib n. lie, white lie, half-truth, untruth, false-
rousal, sport, entertainment. hood, fabrication, *cock-and-bull story, pre-
festoon v. adorn, decorate, deck, garland, trim, varication, *whopper, *crock. ANT. truth,
wreathe, ornament. fact.
fetch v. 1. GET bring, retrieve, deliver, tote, fib v. lie, tell a white lie, falsify, fabricate, pre-
convey, obtain, transport, lug, grab. 2. SELL varicate, *tell a whopper, *stretch the truth,
FOR bring in, realize. fudge.
fetching a. attractive, charming, captivating, fiber n. strand, thread, filament, hair, string,
alluring, beautiful, winsome, fascinating, fibril.
tantalizing, entrancing, enticing, lovely. FICKLE a. [FIK ul] liable to change one’s loy-
ANT. repulsive, unattractive, ugly. alties or affections, capricious. Mary went
fetid a. stinking, putrid, *stinky, malodorous, through four boyfriends last month; she is very
foul, rank, rancid, smelly, rotten, tainted, fickle. SYN. capricious, changeable, unstable,

236 Roget’s Superthesaurus


inconstant, whimsical, variable, unpredict- field trip n. outing, excursion, expedition, jun-
able, impulsive, *blowing hot and cold, vac- ket, jaunt, day trip, sightseeing tour.
illating, flighty, volatile. ANT. stable, con- fiend n. devil, demon, evil spirit, Satan, Luci-
stant, faithful, steady. fer, beast, monster, ogre, villain, savage, bar-
fiction n. story, fabrication, lie, yarn, tale, in- barian, scoundrel, sadist, *bad actor, *bas-
vention, fantasy. ‘‘The world of our dreams tard, *creep. ANT. angel, saint.
come true.’’—Courtney Cooper. ‘‘Imagining fiendish a. evil, satanic, diabolical, demonic,
based on facts.’’—Margaret Banning. ‘‘Fact monstrous, beastly, villainous, savage, bar-
distorted into truth.’’—Edward Albee. ANT. barous, sadistic, *creepy, brutish. ANT. an-
nonfiction, truth, fact. SEE NOVEL, STORY gelic, saintly.
fictitious a. made up, imaginary, fabricated, fierce a. savage, wild, cruel, violent, ferocious,
concocted, untrue, unreal, *bogus, created, intense, furious, untamed, horrible, tempes-
fanciful, fantastic, feigned, phony. ANT. real, tuous, unbridled, vehement. ANT. mild,
factual, true. tame, gentle.
fiddle v. fuss with, toy, diddle, tinker, adjust, fiery a. passionate, burning, ardent, *hot, fer-
finger, mess with, play. vid, peppery, hot-blooded, blazing, feverish,
FIDELITY n. [fi DEL i tee] faithfulness; loy- angry, impassioned, excitable, high-strung,
alty. She questioned her husband’s fidelity after volatile. ANT. cool, calm, lukewarm, dispas-
he stayed out all night. SYN. faithfulness, loy- sionate.
alty, devotion, allegiance, constancy, dedi- fight n. battle, combat, clash, brawl, wrangle,
cation, fealty, reliability, integrity. ANT. infi- bout, war, *scrap, fray, skirmish, encounter,
delity, faithlessness, disloyalty. scuffle, tussle, row, *fisticuffs, rumble, *free-
fidget v. squirm, wiggle, twitch, twiddle, fret, for-all, donnybrook, altercation, set-to, dis-
jiggle, jitter, *get antsy, jump, *worm about. pute.
fiduciary n. trustee, trusteeship, agent, deposi- fight v. 1. PHYSICALLY COMBAT battle, clash,
tary. brawl, wrangle, war, skirmish, rumble, con-
field n. 1. MEADOW pasture, grassland, plain, test, wrestle, altercate, assault, spar, box,
green, clearing, glebe, range. *mix it up, *lock horns, tussle, *exchange
WORD FIND blows, *slug it out, *go at it tooth and nail.
descriptive: Audubonesque tableau of birds 2. OPPOSE BY ARGUMENT argue, contradict,
and flowers, tawny tussocks of fall, softly-
dispute, contest, defy, *make a stand
flowered like a Monet canvas, profusion
against, squabble, resist, protest, repulse,
of flowers, mèlange of colors, soft
heather meadow, sea of crested wheat,
fighter n. battler, scrapper, warrior, combatant,
bluegrass meadow, golden alpine
meadow, thatchy undergrowth, verdant, boxer, pugilist, wrestler, brawler, soldier, ag-
Irish green field, broad sweep, wildflower gressor, bruiser, bully, antagonist, con-
meadow, sprays of daisies and buttercups, tender.
the lush grasses of a miller’s dreams figment n. fantasy, imagining, fancy, fiction,
grasses: bluegrass, bunch grass, salt grass, creation, invention, daydream, product of
foxtail, buffalo grass, crab grass, deer the imagination, fabrication, delusion. ANT.
grass, fescue, orchard grass, June grass, reality, truth, fact.
red top, river grass, ribbon grass, cattail FIGURATIVE a. [FIG yur uh tiv] based on
grasslands of Eurasia: steppes figures of speech, symbols, etc.; not literal;
heather or other small shrubs: heath metaphorical. ‘‘The show blew my mind’’ is a
marshy area covered with heather, bracken: figurative statement; my brain is actually still
moor intact. SYN. metaphorical, symbolic, not lit-
midwest plain: prairie eral, illustrative, allegorical, representative,
plain of South America: pampas emblematic, pictorial. ANT. literal, exact.
Siberian: tundra figure n. 1. FORM outline, shape, configuration,
South African grassland: veld, veldt cast, structure, conformation. 2. PHYSIQUE
tropical/subtropical grassland: savanna build, body, frame, shape. 3. ILLUSTRATION
2. SPECIALTY line, profession, province, picture, diagram, drawing, depiction,
realm, domain, area, sphere, territory, baili- sketch, pattern, design. 4. PROMINENT PER-
wick. SON celebrity, notable, personage, man,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 237


woman, character. 5. NUMBER numeral, soiled, begrimed. 2. OBSCENE indecent,

digit. nasty, pornographic, *smutty, *raunchy,
figure v. 1. CALCULATE compute, reckon, add lewd. ANT. 1. clean, spotless, fresh, sanitary.
up, sum, tally, count. 2. THINK reckon, be- 2. decent, *squeaky-clean, pure, wholesome.
lieve, suppose, guess, reason, judge. FINAGLE v. [fuh NA gul] arrange, maneuver
figure of speech n. expression, metaphor, sim- or manipulate to get something. Joe tried to
ile, imagery, trope. finagle his way into the game without tickets.
FIGUREHEAD n. [FIG yur hed] one with the SYN. arrange, maneuver, manipulate, wan-
appearance or rank of someone in charge, gle, trick, deceive, engineer, machinate, ne-
but who in reality has no power. The presi- gotiate, contrive.
dent is just a figurehead; the real leadership final a. last, end, concluding, closing, finishing,
comes from his cabinet members. SYN. straw ultimate, terminal, completing, extreme,
man, *front, *puppet, nominal head, decisive, definitive. ANT. first, opening, begin-
*dummy, dupe, token. ning.
figurine n. statuette, sculpture, knickknack. finale n. end, close, finish, cap, conclusion, ter-
filch v. steal, pilfer, lift, shoplift, swipe, *pinch, mination, completion, culmination, con-
thieve, purloin, *power, *rip off, rob, misap- summation, swan song, windup, finis. ANT.
propriate. opening, beginning, start.
file n. record, documents, data, folder, dossier, finalize v. conclude, complete, close, cap, wind
information, cabinet, repository, directory, up, terminate, consummate, culminate,
index. *sew up loose ends, *put on ice, *clinch.
file v. 1. ORDER catalog, categorize, classify, al- finance n. money management, banking, in-
phabetize, organize, sort, index. 2. APPLY pe- vestment, economics, fiscal matters.
tition, register, make an application. 3. finance v. pay for, back, underwrite, bankroll,
SMOOTH grind, rasp, abrade, grate. subsidize, capitalize, support.
filibuster n. speech, tirade, dissertation, mono- financial a. fiscal, monetary, pecuniary, eco-
logue, exhortation, discourse, delaying tac- nomic, money.
tic. financier n. banker, investor, venture capital-
filigree n. ornamentation, tracery, delicate ist, underwriter, tycoon, *fat cat, *angel,
lines, flourish. treasurer, merchant, *sugar daddy.
fill v. load, pack, cram, crowd, *top off, stuff, find v. discover, stumble upon, come upon,
stock, replenish, squeeze in, glut, pad, heap, chance upon, uncover, spot, ferret out, see,
inflate, feed, gorge, saturate, pervade, suf- locate, ascertain, espy, discern, sight, detect.
fuse. ANT. empty, drain, deplete. ANT. lose, misplace, lose sight of, overlook.
film n. 1. COATING layer, sheet, membrane, cov- finding n. judgment, conclusion, discovery, de-
ering, scum, veil, cloud, haze, mistiness, cision, verdict.
blur, fog. 2. MOVIE *flick, picture, cinema. fine n. penalty, assessment, amercement, for-
SEE MOTION PICTURE, MOVIE feit, punishment, damages, *slap on the
filmy a. veiled, hazy, cloudy, misty, foggy, wrist.
blurred, milky, murky, gauzy. ANT. clear, fine a. 1. SUPERIOR excellent, very good, A-1,
transparent, sharp. the best, first-class, first-rate, choice, prime,
filter n. strainer, sieve, purifier, clarifier, screen, select, exceptional, great, supreme, refined.
sifter. 2. IN GOOD HEALTH well, okay, satisfactory. 3.
filter v. strain, filtrate, screen, sift, clarify, pu- DELICATE light, gossamer, diaphanous, airy,
rify, refine, stream, trickle, leak, drain, ef- fragile, dainty, flimsy, refined, exquisite. 4.
fuse. THIN slender, slight, narrow. 5. GROUND
filth n. 1. DIRT muck, grubbiness, mud, scum, powdered, pulverized, refined. 6. SUBTLE
pollution, sewage, sludge, mire, *crap, slight, minute. ANT. 1. poor, inferior, medio-
*crud, grime, nastiness, slime, foulness, cre. 2. sick, ill, *under the weather. 3. heavy,
dung, excrement. 2. OBSCENITY indecency, coarse, ponderous. 4. fat, broad, wide. 5.
nastiness, pornography, smut, *raunch. ANT. coarse, unrefined. 6. huge.
2. decency, wholesomeness, purity. fine v. levy, penalize, punish, charge, assess,
filthy a. 1. DIRTY mucky, grubby, muddy, amerce.
scummy, polluted, gross, *sludgy, *crappy, FINESSE n. [fi NES] delicate skill or maneu-
*cruddy, grimy, nasty, slimy, foul, stinking, vering. He pitched the ball with great finesse.

238 Roget’s Superthesaurus


SYN. skill, adroitness, delicacy, know-how, firesetting compulsion: pyromania

acumen, subtlety, sophistication, savvy, forecasting the future by peering into flames:
knack, shrewdness, savoir faire. ANT. clumsi- pyromancy
ness, incompetence, bumbling, awkwardness. god: Vulcan
fine-tune v. adjust, calibrate, balance, tweak, intense, widespread fire caused by nuclear
align, set, attune. detonation: firestorm
finger n. digit, pointer, thumb, forefinger, ring strip of land cleared to stop fire spread: fire-
finger. break
finger v. touch, handle, squeeze, feel, palpate, wall designed to withstand intense heat and
poke. flames: fire wall
finicky a. fussy, picky, overparticular, exacting, worshipper: pyrolater
dainty, meticulous, choosy, fastidious, anal 2. ENTHUSIASM energy, drive, vigor, zeal, fer-
retentive, *persnickety, *hard to please. vor, intensity, ardor, passion, verve, gusto,
ANT. easy, careless, sloppy. vehemence. 3. GUNFIRE round, barrage,
finish n. 1. ENDING close, closing, completion, shelling, salvo, fusillade, volley, strafing.
finale, termination, windup, fulfillment, ANT. 2. apathy, indifference, dispassion.
consummation, culmination, finis, death, fire v. 1. SHOOT discharge, shell, pull the trig-
*curtains, cap, climax. 2. COATING surface, ger, let off, detonate. 2. ROUSE arouse, ex-
shine, polish, refinement, patina, veneer, cite, inflame, spark, stir, incite, electrify, in-
varnish, luster. 3. REFINEMENT elegance, spire, quicken, galvanize. 3. DISCHARGE FROM
grace, polish, cultivation, sauvity, genteel- DUTIES *pink slip, lay off, dismiss, *give
ness. ANT. 1. beginning, start, opening. 3. walking papers, *can, *show the door, *axe,
coarseness, roughness, crudity. *let go, give notice, *sack. ANT. 1. cease fire.
finish v. 1. COMPLETE end, close, finalize, stop, 2. dampen, discourage. 3. hire.
terminate, wind up, fulfill, consummate, fire alarm n. smoke alarm, heat sensor, early
culminate, die, cap off, *sew up loose ends. warning system, emergency alarm.
2. DEPLETE use up, exhaust, *knock off, con- firearm n. gun, pistol, revolver, rifle, *shooting
sume, expend, dispose of, drain, dispatch. iron, carbine, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun,
ANT. 1. start, begin, open. 2. refill, conserve, assault rifle, *street sweeper, Uzi, *Saturday
restock, replenish. night special, *heat, derringer, six-shooter,
FINITE a. [FI nite] limited, as distinguished .357 Magnum., .45, .38, .22, muzzleloader,
from infinite. Natural resources on earth are musket, blunderbuss, flintlock. SEE GUN
finite; they won’t last forever. SYN. limited, fireball n. meteor, bolide. SEE METEOR
measureable, confined, bounded, countable, firebrand n. agitator, rabble-rouser, instigator,
terminable, delimited, fixed, ephemeral, agent provocateur, troublemaker, rebel, rev-
ending, exhaustable. ANT. infinite, boundless, olutionist, anarchist, *sparkplug.
interminable, endless. firecracker n. squib, *cherry bomb, petard,
fink n. Sl. informer, *rat, *tattletale, *snake, *noisemaker. SEE FIREWORKS
*weasel, *bastard. fireplace n. hearth, chimney, stove, grate, fire-
fire n. 1. FLAME blaze, conflagration, inferno, side, blaze, inglenook.
flare, sparks, embers, combustion, wildfire, fireproof a. fire resistant, flameproof, incom-
bonfire, holocaust. ‘‘The symbol of civiliza- bustible, unburnable, nonflammable. ANT.
tion.’’—Joseph Hertz. ‘‘God’s unfailing combustible, flammable, incendiary, explosive.
charity.’’—John Oxenham. ‘‘The most tol- firestorm n. 1. CONFLAGRATION fallout. SEE FIRE
erable third party.’’—Thoreau. 2. CONTROVERSY protest, outburst, war, hos-
WORD FIND tilties, riot, outcry, outbreak, uproar, hue
building that is a fire hazard: firetrap and cry.
causing fire: incendiary fireworks n. pyrotechnics, incendiary devices,
door designed to withstand intense heat and rockets, feux d’artifice.
flames: fire door WORD FIND
fear of fire: pyrophobia arsenic sulfide used in: realgar
firesetter with criminal intentions: arsonist, child’s spark-maker: sparkler
incendiary hisses and sputters: fizgig, squib
firesetter with mental problems: pyroma- pinwheellike: catherine wheel
niac, firebug rotating display: girandole

Roget’s Superthesaurus 239


small rockets: bottle rockets gear box: tackle box

spiral, rises in a: tourbillion gear: tackle
star: star shell illegal fishing: poaching
tube ejecting balls of fire: Roman candle line with several hooks at intervals across
firm n. company, corporation, business, enter- stream: trotline
prise, concern, outfit, institution, house, or- net drawn shut by two boats: purse seine
ganization, conglomeration. net that hangs from floats on surface: seine,
firm a. 1. HARD solid, stiff, rigid, compressed, gill net
compact, unyielding, stony, inflexible, set. rippled water showing where fish is rising to
2. FIXED stationary, unmovable, stable, im- bait: rise
movable, secure, immobile, anchored, snarled line on reel caused by overrun: back-
sturdy, tight, unshakable, solid, rooted. 3. lash, *bird’s nest
CONSTANT, RESOLUTE consistent, enduring, spear: harpoon, gaff
steady, staunch, unshakable, fixed, persever- taking of bait by fish: strike
ing, unwavering, true, steadfast. ANT. 1. soft, up and down motion imparted on bait to
loose. 2. unstable, mobile, movable. 3. waver- lure fish: jigging
ing, unsteady, irresolute. weight: sinker
firmament n. sky, heavens, vault, arch, *wild fishwife n. bitch, scold, witch, hag, *battleax,
blue yonder, ether, infinity. nag, crab, complainer, grumbler.
first a. 1. EARLIEST original, beginning, front, fishy a. suspicious, doubtful, shady, unbeliev-
opening, maiden, initial, premiere, preced-
able, incredible, shady, questionable, dubi-
ing, prior, antecedent, primal, primeval, ru-
ous, slippery, not kosher. ANT. plausible, be-
dimentary, elementary. 2. HIGHEST princi-
lievable, credible.
pal, chief, head, main, foremost, supreme,
FISSION n. [FISH un] the splitting of an atom
greatest, top, preeminent, dominant, capi-
and its conversion to energy; nuclear fission.
tal, outstanding, ranking. 3. BASIC funda-
Fission is what makes an atom go boom. SYN.
mental, rudimentary, primary, elementary,
splitting, dividing, scission, parting, cleav-
beginning. ANT. 1. last, latest, end, subse-
quent. 2. lowest, least, smallest. 3. advanced. age, nuclear fission, splitting the atom, atom
first-class a. best, superior, greatest, fine, excel- smashing, atomic reaction. ANT. fusion. SEE
lent, superb, supreme, A-1, tops, *top-
drawer, topnotch, *primo, peerless. ANT. in- fissure n. cleft, crack, groove, crevice, crevasse,
ferior, second-class, *bottom of the barrel. crack, chasm, fracture, fault, rift, slit.
first-rate a. SEE FIRST-CLASS fit n. seizure, convulsion, paroxysm, spasm, at-
fiscal a. financial, monetary, budgetary, reve- tack, *spaz, throe, bout, conniption, out-
nue, money, spending and taxation. SEE burst, spell, frenzy.
MONEY fit v. correspond, accord, jibe, harmonize,
fish v. 1. ANGLE troll, cast, flycast, trawl, seine, match, conform, agree, *dovetail, interlock,
chum. 2. SEARCH rummage, hunt, pick mesh.
through. fit a. 1. SUITABLE fitting, apt, proper, seemly,
fisherman n. angler, fisher, piscator, *gill-net- right, correct, appropriate, befitting, deco-
ter, lobsterman, aquaculturist. rous, germane. 2. IN SHAPE healthy, well, ro-
fishing n. angling, casting, trolling, trawling. bust, strong, hardy, hale, vigorous, hearty,
‘‘That solitary vice.’’—Lord Byron. strapping. ANT. 1. unsuitable, inappropriate.
WORD FIND 2. sickly, weak, out of shape.
artificial bait: lure, jig, spinner, fly, nymph fitful a. intermittent, irregular, spasmodic, rest-
bait: earthworm, night crawler, mayfly, less, sporadic, erratic, unstable, spotty, fluc-
nymph, baitfish, chum, herring, squid tuating, random. ANT. regular, constant,
basket used by fisherman: creel steady.
chair in sport-fishing boat: fighting chair fitness n. good health, healthiness, robustness,
dragging a line near surface behind boat: aerobic fitness, endurance, energy, cardio-
trolling vascular fitness, strength, vigor, stamina,
drag net along bottom: trawl *steam, *juice, *zip, heartiness, vitality,
fence that corrals fish: weir *staying power, *pep, *get up and go. ANT.
floating signal ball: bobber sickness, weakness. SEE EXERCISE

240 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fitting n. fixture, part, accessory, component, WORD FIND

attachment, *doohickey. decorative cloth in the colors of a flag: bun-
fitting a. proper, suitable, befitting, correct, ap- ting
propriate, decorous, becoming, fit, comme il military unit’s: guidon
faut, right, seemly, *politically correct. ANT. pirate’s skull and crossbones: Jolly Roger
improper, unsuitable, incorrect. pole: staff, shaft
fix n. predicament, mess, jam, *stew, difficulty, signaling pennant used on boats: burgee
plight, *hot water, *pickle, *between a rock flag v. weaken, wilt, tire, become limp, lan-
and a hard place. guish, wilt, droop, fade, wane, ebb, sink, di-
fix v. 1. REPAIR mend, patch up, doctor, remedy, minish, die. ANT. strengthen, invigorate, ener-
restore, recondition, tune up, overhaul, ad- gize.
just, correct. 2. ATTACH affix, secure, con- flagellate v. flog, lash. SEE WHIP
nect, fasten, plant, tie, couple, link, lock, FLAGRANT a. [FLA grunt] outrageous or
implant, cement, nail. 3. DETERMINE set, de- glaring. He was ejected from the game after
cide, establish, settle. ANT. 1. break, bust. 2. committing his second flagrant foul. SYN. outra-
detach, loosen, remove. geous, glaring, blatant, audacious, shame-
fixate v. focus, direct, lock on to, obsess, attach, less, brazen, undisguised, gross, conspicuous,
become attached. barefaced, flaunted, disgraceful, egregious,
FIXATION n. [fiks A shun] a neurotic preoc- extreme. ANT. inconspicuous, subtle, slight,
cupation with someone or something; an sneaky.
obsession. He has a fixation with blue-eyed flagship n. leader, chief, mother ship, bell-
blondes. SYN. obsession, preoccupation, wether, queen, crown jewel, king.
monomania, mania, fetish, fascination, flail v. strike, thrash, flog. SEE BEAT
*thing, complex, crush, infatuation, com- flair n. 1. KNACK talent, aptitude, ability, ge-
pulsion, idée fixe. nius, propensity, bent, feel, gift, faculty. 2.
fixed a. 1. FIRMLY ATTACHED unmovable, se- TASTE style, panache, dash.
cured, anchored, firm, stable, solid, rooted, flak n. criticism, disapproval, opposition, cen-
tight, made fast. 2. ESTABLISHED set, settled, sure. SEE CRITICISM
unchangeable, decided, constant, steady,
flake n. scale, bit, fleck, chip, sliver, peel, shav-
unvarying, firm, inflexible. ANT. 1. detached,
ing, sheet.
loosened. 2. changeable, varying.
flake v. scale, peel, shave, exfoliate, chip, shed.
fixture n. fitting, part, accessory, component,
FLAMBOYANT a. [flam BOY unt] showy or
attachment, appurtenance, *doohickey, de-
ornate, loud. She wore flamboyant costumes to
vice, contrivance.
fizz n. effervescence, carbonation, bubbles. draw attention to herself. SYN. showy, ornate,
fizzle v. fail, *flop, *bomb, die, miscarry, fall loud, colorful, flashy, florid, gaudy, dazzling,
short, *lay an egg, *sputter and die, come ostentatious, garish, wild, theatrical,
to nothing. ANT. succeed, triumph, *score. splashy, extravagant, glamorous. ANT. quiet,
flabbergasted a. surprised, amazed, astonished, understated, modest, plain, inconspicuous,
taken aback, dumbfounded, astounded, dull.
struck dumb, rendered speechless, shocked, flame n. 1. FIRE flare, blaze, light, *tongue,
staggered, *bowled over, *blown away, con- flash. SEE FIRE 2. LOVER sweetheart, girlfriend,
founded. ANT. nonchalant, calm, cool, unper- boyfriend.
turbed. flame v. burn, blaze, flare up, kindle, flash,
flabby a. flaccid, soft, limp, blubbery, *doughy, spark, flicker, glow, sparkle.
slack, droopy, fat, baggy, untoned, sagging, flammable a. combustible, inflammable, incen-
pendulous. ANT. firm, toned, rigid, *rock- diary, igneous, explosive. ANT. fireproof, non-
hard. flammable.
flaccid a. SEE FLABBY flap n. 1. FOLD cover, tab, wing, tail, fly, skirt.
flag n. banner, standard, ensign, colors, pen- 2. CONTROVERSY agitation, commotion,
nant, *Old Glory, *Stars and Stripes, brouhaha, to-do, fuss, hullabaloo, *tempest.
*Union Jack, streamer, banderole, bunting. flap v. slap, whack, flutter, smack, swat, lash,
‘‘The emblem of our unity, our power, our whip.
thought and purpose as a nation.’’—Wood- flare v. 1. FLAME blaze, flash, flicker, glow, scin-
row Wilson. ‘‘The trademark of a nation.’’— tillate, sparkle, ignite, spark, glare. 2. BURST
Leonard Levinson. OUT erupt, explode, blow up, pop. 3. WIDEN

Roget’s Superthesaurus 241


broaden, spread, expand, dilate, splay. ANT. flattery n. praise, compliment, adulation, trib-
2. die down, dampen, cool. 3. contract, nar- ute, eulogy, blarney, inflation, applause, syc-
row. ophancy, blandishment, *brownnosing,
flare-up n. outbreak, outburst, explosion, rise, *apple polishing, toadyism, *honeyed
blowup, disruption, convulsion, epidemic, words, *snow job, gush, smarm, bootlicking,
uprising, spurt, gush. fawning, cajolery. ‘‘Something nice some-
flash n. 1. FLARE streak, burst, blaze, glint, one tells you about yourself that you wish
flame, radiance, strobe, coruscation, illumi- were true.’’—Frank Malester.
nation, spark, scintillation, glow, discharge, flatulence n. gas, wind, bloating.
explosion. 2. INSTANT second, *heartbeat, flatulent a. 1. GASSY windy. 2. PRETENTIOUS
*blink of an eye, jiffy. pompous, windy, long-winded, bombastic,
flash v. strobe, blink, fulgurate, flicker, flare, verbose.
shine, scintillate, glow, glint, shimmer. flaunt v. show off, strut, display, parade, wave,
flashback n. memory, recurrence, remem- flash, exhibit, spotlight, swagger, peacock,
brance, reliving, reminiscence, echo, recol- broadcast, advertise, vaunt. ANT. hide, cover
lection, recall, ghost from the past, *head up, conceal.
trip. flavor n. 1. TASTE savor, sapor, tincture, pi-
flasher n. Sl. exhibitionist, pervert, *sicko, quancy, tang, zing, seasoning, spiciness, salt-
*dirty old man. iness, sweetness, sourness, tartness. 2. ES-
flash point n. moment of truth, critical mass, SENCE character, quality, nature, spirit, feel.
zero hour. flavor v. season, spice, *liven up, salt, lace, in-
flashy a. showy, loud, flamboyant, gaudy, os- fuse.
tentatious, garish, glaring, blinding, glitzy, flaw n. defect, imperfection, fault, deformity,
glittery, pretentious. ANT. quiet, plain, under- blemish, failing, weakness, pitfall, short-
stated, modest, sober. coming, chink.
flask n. bottle, container, flagon, phial, vial, flawless a. faultless, defect-free. ANT. faulty,
canteen. flawed. SEE PERFECT
flat a. 1. LEVEL even, flush, horizontal, plane, fledgling n. beginner, *rookie, *greenhorn,
smooth, lying down, recumbent, supine, *tenderfoot, freshman, *tyro, novice, neo-
prostrate, prone. 2. ABSOLUTE unequivocal, phyte.
unqualified, positive, definite, direct, flee v. run away, escape, bolt, *cut and run,
plain, clear. 3. TASTELESS, DULL insipid, *make a quick exit, take off, decamp, *split,
stale, bland, dull, boring, flavorless, lack- *beat feet, *fly the coop, *make a getaway,
luster, blah, spiritless, drab, uninteresting. *make tracks, *blow, *skeddadle, *va-
ANT. 1. uneven, rough, bumpy, round. 2. moose, *scram.
equivocal, qualified. 3. interesting, tasty, ef- fleece v. cheat, *rip off, swindle, rook, *flim-
fervescent. flam, *take to the cleaners, *soak, *chisel,
flatten v. 1. LEVEL plane, smooth, spread out, con, hustle.
lie flat. 2. KNOCK DOWN squash, crush, fleet n. flotilla, armada, squadron, convoy,
*steamroll, prostrate. navy. SEE NAVY
flatter v. compliment, praise, puff up, adulate, fleet a. fast, swift, quick, rapid, speedy, mercu-
laud, extoll, inflate, *brownnose, *kiss up rial, hasty, expeditious, meteoric, nimble.
to, *apple polish, toady, cajole, fawn, *suck ANT. slow, plodding, slothful, dragging.
up to, *lay it on thick, *lay it on with a fleeting a. transient, brief, ephemeral, tempo-
trowel, *butter up, *massage one’s ego, rary, quick, short-lived, momentary, *flash
*stroke, blandish, gush, *sweet talk. in the pan, *here today gone tomorrow, me-
flatterer n. complimenter, booster, trumpeter, teoric. ANT. enduring, lasting, permanent.
sycophant, *yes-man, *brownnose, *sweet flesh n. 1. MEAT body tissue, muscle, fat, beef,
talker, *apple polisher, toady, *lickspittle, brawn. 2. BODY material person, human,
bootlicker. ‘‘Like cats, [they] lick and then man, woman, physical nature. ANT. 2. soul,
scratch.’’—German proverb. ‘‘One who says spirit.
things to your face that he would not say fleshy a. fat, plump, beefy, obese, blubbery, cor-
behind your back.’’—G. Millington. ‘‘A pulent, chubby, chunky, *tubby, meaty, por-
friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be cine, portly, stout, paunchy, *jelly-bellied,
so.’’—Aristotle. pulpy. ANT. skinny, anorexic, bony, rawboned.

242 Roget’s Superthesaurus


flex v. bend, crook, stretch, contract, tense. toy, trifle, dally, vamp, *make eyes at, *wink
flexible a. 1. PLIABLE bendable, pliant, elastic, at, *make a pass at, *hit on.
supple, springy, ductile, malleable, rubbery, flirtatious a. teasing, enticing, tantalizing, pro-
willowy, lithe, limber. 2. ADAPTABLE yield- vocative, coquettish, *on the make, *come-
ing, adjustable, manageable, compliant, hither, alluring, *on the prowl, *making
docile, tractable, amenable. ANT. 1. rigid, eyes at, inviting. ANT. aloof, cold.
stiff, inflexible. 2. rigid, obstinate. flit v. dart, hop, flutter, hover, whisk, skim, fly,
flick v. snap, flip, tap, brush. flitter, race, hurry, flap, wing.
flicker v. waver, flutter, dance, quiver, glim- float v. bob, buoy, levitate, hover, be borne
mer, glint, scintillate, flash, shimmer, flare, along by current, ride, raft, drift, swim, waft,
flame. sail. ANT. sink, go under, submerge.
flier n. flyer, pilot, airman, aviator, aviatrix, flock n. congregation, drove, pack, herd, group,
navigator. SEE AIRCRAFT gang, assemblage, band, swarm, colony,
flight n. soaring, air travel, hovering, gliding, mass, throng, multitude. SEE ANIMAL
planing, flying, aeronautics, volitation. flog v. whip, thrash, lash, flagellate, horsewhip,
flighty a. frivolous, capricious, irresponsible, beat, strap, flail, cane, flay, hide, tan.
fickle, impulsive, scatterbrained, whimsical, flood n. deluge, inundation, torrent, overflow,
harebrained, giddy, *airheaded, *ditzy, un- outpouring, gush, rush, surge, wave, tsu-
stable. ANT. stable, rational, thoughtful. nami, downpour, cloudburst, gullywasher,
flimflam v. cheat, swindle, *rip off, *con, de- *rain of biblical proportion, cataclysm.
ceive, trick, delude. flood v. deluge, inundate, overflow, gush, rush,
flimsy a. 1. FRAGILE frail, easily broken, thin, surge, overwhelm, drown, engulf, submerge,
delicate, slight, shoddy, unsubstantial, ethe- swamp, flush, drench, saturate.
real, diaphanous, gossamer, rickety, cheap. floor n. 1. BOTTOM footing, base, flooring,
2. INADEQUATE ineffectual, feeble, weak, planking, parquet, linoleum, rug, carpeting,
lame, shallow, unconvincing, trivial, poor, walkway. 2. STORY level, flight, tier, deck.
incredible, implausable. ANT. 1. solid, strong, floor v. flabbergast, astound, stun, stagger,
*like the Rock of Gibraltar. 2. credible, solid, shock, throw, nonplus, dumbfound, aston-
convincing, plausible. ish, confound.
flinch v. recoil, wince, cringe, shrink, jump, flop n. failure, *bomb, *dud, *dog, loser, *tur-
cower, quail, start, blench, jerk, blink. key, disaster, *bust, fiasco, *clunker,
fling v. throw, pitch, cast, hurl, toss, sling, *lemon, *lead balloon, *laugher. ANT. suc-
heave, flip, *chuck. cess, hit, triumph, winner.
flinty a. hard, firm, stony, inflexible, rigid, un- flop v. 1. FALL plop, collapse, flounder, *belly-
merciful, coldhearted, hardened, heartless, flop, tumble, topple, *plunk down, *fall flat
unsympathetic. ANT. soft, warmhearted, sym- on one’s face. 2. FAIL *bomb, *go over like
pathetic. a lead balloon, *wash out, fizzle, *lay an egg,
flip n. somersault. fold, *sputter and die. ANT. 2. succeed, tri-
flip v. toss, flick, throw, pitch, spin, snap. umph, win.
flip-flop n. reversal, about-face, change, turn- florid a. ornate, showy, gaudy, ostentatious,
around, change of heart, *fence-hopping. flamboyant, flowery, elaborate, embellished,
flip out v. Sl. *go mental, *go berserk, *go bal- overdecorated, high-flown, garish, ara-
listic, *go nuts, *lose it, *freak out, *flip besque, rococo, baroque, ruddy, rosy, pink.
one’s lid. ANT. plain, simple, austere, stark, unadorned.
flip side n. reverse side, obverse, back, opposite flotilla n. fleet, armada, argosy, group, unit,
side, other side of the coin, *B-side. squadrons, vessels.
FLIPPANT a. [FLIP unt] disrespectful, irrever- flotsam n. wreckage, debris, cargo, odds and
ent. Tom was sent to the principal’s office for ends, castoffs, junk, jetsam.
being flippant. SYN. disrespectful, irreverent, flounder v. struggle, stumble, blunder, wallow,
impudent, impertinent, insolent, brash, fumble, flop, thrash, stammer, stutter, falter,
fresh, cheeky, *flip, *wise, cocky, rude, *flub one’s lines.
sassy. ANT. respectful, reverent, polite. flourish n. 1. DECORATION embellishment, or-
flirt n. tease, coquette, hussy, wolf, vamp, namentation, garnish, adornment, frill,
heartbreaker, *game-player. curlicue. 2. BRANDISHING wave, show,
flirt v. tease, lead on, entice, coquet, tantalize, flaunting, exhibition, display.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 243


flourish v. grow, thrive, prosper, blossom, native flowers of a region: flora

flower, fatten, boom, burgeon, increase, petals, collective term: corolla
wax, succeed, *go great guns, expand, mush- science of growing: horticulture
room. ANT. wither, die, shrivel, fail. sepals, or protective leaves of a flower: calyx
flout v. jeer, scoff, mock, scorn, ridicule, jeer spike, dense: spadix, spike
at, spurn, insult, deride, taunt, *make fun spot of different color in center of some
of. ANT. respect, honor, revere. types: eye
flow n. current, course, gush, stream, drift, sun, follows the: heliotropic, phototropic
river, outpouring, spill, issuance, discharge, SEE FIELD
emanation, flux, trickle, progression, ebb, fluctuate v. vary, waver, oscillate, vacillate,
tide. *run hot and cold, change, *seesaw, *yo-yo,
flow v. course, gush, stream, drift, issue, dis- alternate, shift, rise and fall.
charge, emanate, spout, trickle, progress, flue n. pipe, channel, duct, vent, passage, tube,
surge, run, roll, spew, ooze, ebb, proceed, airway.
cascade, well, spill. fluent a. flowing, smooth, easy, loose, fluid, ar-
flower n. bloom, blossom, ornamental, flow- ticulate, eloquent, smooth-talking, prac-
eret, floret, bud, annual, perennial, spray, ticed, effortless, glib, natural, *silver-
posy, nosegay, bouquet. ‘‘Heaven’s master- tongued. ANT. halting, floundering, tongue-
piece.’’—Dorothy Parker. ‘‘The sweetest tied.
thing God ever made, and forgot to put a fluff n. down, fleece, fuzz, eiderdown, wool.
soul into.’’—Henry Ward Beecher. fluffy a. downy, feathery, soft, fleecy, flossy,
WORD FIND woolly, silky. ANT. flat, hard.
bloom, blossom: effloresce fluid n. liquid, water, juice, aqua.
bouquet worn on shoulder: corsage fluid a. 1. LIQUID liquefied, watery, flowing,
descriptive: teardrop petals, ruffles and lace, streaming, pouring, running, juicy, wet. 2.
spikes like kitten tails, irridescent, radi- FLEXIBLE adaptable, unfixed, changeable, in-
ant, creamy, flaming, blazing, dotting definite, adjustable. ANT. 1. solid. 2. fixed.
fields like fallen confetti, elegant profu- fluke n. stroke of luck, good fortune, windfall,
sion, heady perfumes of Spring *one in a million, *lucky strike, break, for-
female organ that becomes fruit: pistil tuity, godsend, serendipity, accident, fate.
grains of male germ cells: pollen flume n. chute, channel, run.
male organ: stamen flunk v. SEE FAIL
names: African violet, amaryllis, aster, aza- flunky n. lackey, servant, footman, toady, *yes
lea, baby’s breath, begonia, black-eyed man.
Susan, bleeding heart, bluebell, butter- flurry n. 1. SUDDEN GUST OF WIND, SNOW OR RAIN
cup, camellia, candytuft, carnation, cat’s shower, dusting, squall. SEE RAIN, SNOW 2.
paw, Chinese lantern, chrysanthemum, COMMOTION stir, bustle, fluster, *to-do,
cockscomb, columbine, cornflower, cow- *ado, squall, turmoil, hubbub, ferment.
slip, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, flush v. 1. BLUSH redden, color, glow, turn crim-
dogwood, forget-me-not, forsythia, fox- son, *burn, bloom, *turn rosy, *turn ruddy.
glove, foxtail, fuchsia, gardenia, gentian, 2. WASH OUT flood, rinse, drench, irrigate,
geranium, gladiolus, goldenrod, heather, spray, douche, douse. ANT. 1. blanch, whiten.
hibiscus, hollyhock, honeysuckle, hya- flush a. 1. FLAT level, square, plane, plumb,
cinth, impatiens, Indian paintbrush, iris, straight. 2. ABUNDANT plentiful, affluent,
jack-in-the-pulpit, jonquil, lady’s slipper, rich, wealthy, well-supplied, well-to-do.
larkspur, lilac, lily, lily of the valley, lo- ANT. 1. uneven, out of plumb. 2. poor, desti-
tus, lupine, magnolia, mallow, marigold, tute, lacking.
mayflower, mimosa, morning glory, nar- flushed a. red, pink, ruddy, florid, glowing,
cissus, oleander, orchid, pansy, peony, aglow, blushing, red-faced, burning, scarlet-
petunia, phlox, poinsetta, poppy, prim- faced, blooming, feverish. ANT. pale,
rose, Queen Anne’s lace, rhododendron, blanched, white.
rose, snapdragon, sunflower, sweet alys- fluster n. confusion, befuddlement, agitation,
sum, sweet William, tulip, Venus flytrap, nervousness, turmoil, *discombobulation,
viola, violet, water lily, wolfbane, yucca, bewilderment, disturbance, excitement,
zinnia commotion. ANT. calm, composure, peace.

244 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fluster v. confuse, bewilder, perturb, befuddle, enough to curdle, as thick as New En-
agitate, *discombobulate, disturb, *rattle, gland clam chowder, thick enough to
excite, stir, ruffle, disquiet. ANT. calm, quiet, eat/shovel, creeping, dank, cloaking,
compose. shrouds, sheets of fog like the sails of
flute n. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Spanish galleons, ghosting over the wa-
fluting n. channels. SEE GROOVE ter, wisps, fingers of fog clutching at ship
flutter v. flap, wave, beat, quiver, shake, sway, riggings, soul-dampening
swing, shudder, tremble, bat, oscillate, wag, freezing fog that deposits frost: rime
dance, flit, fly. ice crystals, containing: pogonip
flux n. flow, current, course, stream, run, move- surrounded by and prevented from sailing:
ment, tide, passage, surge, change, unrest, fogbound
fluctuation. ANT. stagnation, inertia, stasis. 2. MUDDLE confusion, daze, bewilderment,
fly v. 1. SOAR take wing, take flight, glide, flit, haze, stupor, disorientation, perplexity, mys-
hover, jet, float, *ride the thermals, *wing, tification.
climb, dive, swoop, *hedgehop, waft, be foggy a. SEE FOG
borne along by the wind, scud, barnstorm. foghorn n. siren, guide, diaphone fog signal,
SEE AIRCRAFT, BIRD 2. SPEED AWAY rush, hurry, warning signal.
*hightail, hustle, scoot, *make a mad dash, FOIBLE n. [FOY bul] a minor weakness or
*go like the wind, scurry, *go off like a shot, fault. Reporters regularly expose the foibles of
*put the pedal to the metal, *beat feet. 3. those in the public eye. SYN. weakness, fault,
FLEE escape, *make a getaway, skedaddle, shortcoming, deficiency, Achilles’ heel,
*cut and run, *split, *vamoose, *scram, flaw, failing, frailty, imperfection, quirk,
*head for the hills, *blow. vice, chink. ANT. asset, strength, strong point.
fly-by-night a. unstable, unreliable, disreputa- foil n. contrast, complement, antithesis, back-
ble, unprofessional, untrustworthy, unde- ground.
pendable, short-lived. ANT. reputable, estab- foil v. thwart, frustrate, balk, check, baffle, im-
lished. pede, outsmart, circumvent, stymie, pre-
flying saucer n. unidentified flying object, vent, checkmate, stop, outwit, counter,
UFO, bogey, spaceship, extraterrestrial ves- hamstring, spoil, *throw up a roadblock.
ANT. aid, assist, abet, advance.
foist v. palm off, sneak in, fob, pass off, *pull a
foam n. froth, lather, suds, scum, fizz, bubbles,
fast one.
spume, effervescence, spindrift, head.
fold n. crease, pleat, tuck, crimp, gather, dog-
foam v. froth, lather, fizz, bubble, spume, effer-
ear, overlap, layer, drape.
vesce, ferment, cream.
fold v. 1. CREASE pleat, plait, tuck, crimp,
foamy a. frothy, lathery, fizzy, bubbly, efferves-
gather, double over, dog-ear, overlap, drape,
cent, spumy, soapy, sudsy, creamy. ANT. flat,
hem, enclose, envelop, wrap. 2. GO OUT OF
uncarbonated. BUSINESS fail, close, go bankrupt, *go belly
focus n. focal point, center, target, hub, heart, up, become insolvent.
spotlight, bull’s eye, nucleus. folder n. file, binder, wrapper, envelope,
focus v. center on, center, zero in on, pinpoint, sheath, covering.
direct, fix, concentrate, *hone in on, spot- foliage n. leaves, leafage, greenery, umbrage. SEE
light, clear up, sharpen. TREE, FOREST, JUNGLE
fodder n. feed, silage, food, hay, straw. folklore n. myths, legends, fables, custom, tra-
foe n. enemy, adversary, rival, opponent, antag- dition, superstition.
onist, *bad guy, combatant, competitor. folks n. kin, relatives, parents, flesh and blood,
ANT. friend, ally, *soul mate. family.
fog n. 1. MIST haze, cloud, brume, sea smoke, folksy a. *down-to-earth, friendly, informal,
vapor, *pea soup, murk, smog, gloom. unassuming, rustic, natural, down-home, ca-
WORD FIND sual, unpretentious, simple, easygoing,
cooling point below which fog forms: dew corny. ANT. sophisticated, pretentious,
point *la-di-da.
dense mass of: fog bank follow v. 1. COME AFTER ensue, succeed, sup-
descriptive: diaphanous, gossamer, nubilous, plant, supersede, proceed, replace, take the
ethereal, veils, gauzy, sea’s breath, thick place of, result, issue, emanate. 2. TRAIL stay

Roget’s Superthesaurus 245


behind, *bring up the rear, shadow, tail, foolhardy a. reckless, rash, foolish, risk-taking,
track, *dog, hunt down, chase, pursue, go bold, Icarian, daring, stupid, impetuous,
after. 3. ABIDE BY obey, conform to, heed, daredevil, imprudent, irrational, insane, ad-
regard, mind, comply with, do what is told, venturesome. ANT. cautious, careful, wary.
emulate, copy, imitate. ANT. 1. precede, ante- foolish a. stupid, idiotic, asinine, ignorant, im-
date. 2. trailblaze, head up, lead. 3. disregard, prudent, moronic, imbecilic, harebrained,
ignore. clownish, oafish, *cockamamy, daft, unwise,
follower n. disciple, fan, adherent, apostle, par- silly, *nuts, ill-advised, *half-baked, fatuous,
tisan, pupil, devotee, member, proponent, ludicrous, *screwy, childish. ANT. wise,
patron, votary, proselyte, henchman. ANT. thoughtful, smart, rational, sensible.
leader, mentor, detractor. foolproof a. failsafe, *goofproof, *idiot-proof.
following n. fans, supporters, patrons, devotees, ANT. tricky, difficult.
adherents, coterie, entourage, retinue, train. foot n. 1. EXTREMITY hoof, pad, paw, *dog. 2.
following a. afterward, successive, subsequent, BASE bottom, foundation, floor, pedestal.
next, ensuing, coming, *in the wake of, *on ANT. 2. crown, head.
the horizon. ANT. preceding. football n. sport.
folly n. foolishness, silliness, nonsense, crazi- WORD FIND
ness, lunacy, absurdity, wackiness, senseless- ball, slang for: pigskin
ness, idiocy, fatuity. ‘‘A vigorous plant, ball snapper: center
which sheds abundant seed.’’—Isaac D’Is- center of defensive line: nose guard, nose
raeli. ANT. good sense, intelligence, wisdom, tackle
*wise move. defends against passes and runs into the
foment v. instigate, incite, stir up, agitate, backfield: defensive back, safety, corner-
spark, fire, excite, arouse, provoke, spur, egg back
on, galvanize, *fan the flames. ANT. extin- defensive backfield: secondary
guish, suppress, dampen, check. defensive players just behind linemen: line-
fond a. affectionate, loving, attached, tender, backers
doting, close, warm, adoring, caring, de- downing of ball in offense’s end zone, two
voted, *sweet on, enamored. ANT. hostile, points to defense: safety
hating, uncaring, cool. encroaching into opposing team’s side be-
fondle v. stroke, caress, pat, pet, embrace, rub, fore ball is snapped: offside, encroach-
hug, hold, massage, squeeze. ment
font n. source, origin, wellspring, genesis, root, extra point kick after touchdown: conver-
seed. sion
food n. nourishment, sustenance, foodstuffs, faking a handoff and running with ball hid-
*eats, victuals, *chow, *grub, edibles, co- den behind hip: bootleg
mestibles, cuisine, fare, *vittles, ration, pro- faking a handoff to running back, who pre-
visions, subsistence, meal, meat and pota- tends to run with ball hidden in arms,
toes, fodder, feed. ‘‘The first enjoyment of then passing: play-action pass
life.’’—Lin Yutang. field: gridiron
food poisoning n. salmonella, ptomaine poi- five back defense: nickel defense
soning. foul in which player without ball is hit from
fool n. idiot, blockhead, ignoramus, moron, im- behind: clipping
becile, ninny, nincompoop, simpleton, nit- imaginary line where ball is down: line of
wit, harebrain, clown, ass, buffoon, *dinga- scrimmage
ling, *lunkhead, dupe, dunce, sap, oaf. ‘‘One kickoff in which ball lands in receiving
who does not suspect himself.’’—José Or- team’s end zone: touchback
tega y Gasset. ‘‘The whetstone of the kickoff to opposing side: punt
wits.’’—Shakespeare. kick that is low and tumbling, employed to
fool v. deceive, kid, trick, cheat, hoodwink, force fumble: onside kick
*pull the wool over one’s eyes, mislead, know-it-all fan who criticizes players: arm-
dupe, *sucker, *scam, *take in, *bamboozle. chair quarterback, Monday morning
fool around v. 1. WASTE TIME *horse around, quarterback
fritter, *hang out, putter, diddle. 2. MAKE lateral pass or handoff followed by surprise
LOVE *make out. pass: flea-flicker

246 Roget’s Superthesaurus


line-drive pass: bullet forbid v. prohibit, proscribe, disallow, ban, out-

line-of-scrimmage player: lineman law, enjoin, restrict, veto, make off limits,
long pass requiring small miracle to be taboo, interdict, stop. ANT. allow, permit, ap-
caught: Hail Mary, prayer prove.
offensive alignment in which quarterback forbidden a. prohibited, proscribed, banned,
takes snap standing several yards back outlawed, verboten, restricted, off limits, ve-
from center: shotgun toed, taboo, disallowed. ANT. allowed, permit-
offensive back behind or near quarterback: ted, approved of.
fullback, halfback running back forbidden fruit n. SEE TABOO
passes, hands off, runs, calls plays: quarter- forbidding a. threatening, ominous, dangerous,
back frightening, scary, uninviting, foreboding,
pass that imparts spin on ball and keeps it sinister, disagreeable, unfriendly. ANT. invit-
from tumbling: spiral, bullet ing, friendly, alluring.
play change called out at line of scrimmage: force n. 1. POWER strength, vigor, might, en-
audible ergy, velocity, momentum, pressure, horse-
quarterback’s eluding of tacklers: scrambling power, *muscle, drive, pull, weight, stress,
run and handoff to player running in oppo- potency, impetus. ‘‘The blind wild beast.’’—
site direction: reverse Alfred Lord Tennyson. 2. COERCION com-
score: touchdown pulsion, constraint, duress, bullying, arm-
sideways or backwards pass: lateral twisting, violence. 3. MILITARY POWER army,
six back defense: dime defense navy, air power, troops, infantry, division,
slamming ball down in end zone after scor- squadron, regiment. ANT. 1. impotence,
ing touchdown: spike weakness.
surprise run by quarterback: quarterback force v. coerce, compel, oblige, arm-twist,
sneak strong-arm, constrain, pressure, press, make,
surprise rush: blitz *railroad, exact, push, drive, necessitate,
tackle with arm swung into opponent’s neck wrest, *put the screws to.
or head: clothesline forced a. 1. COERCED involuntary, obligatory,
tailback, halfback and fullback form a line compulsory, enforced, unwilling, cons-
behind quarterback: I formation trained, pressured. 2. NOT SPONTANEOUS
footing n. foot, foothold, foundation, establish- strained, constrained, stiff, labored, con-
ment, position, toehold, basis, beachhead, trived, unnatural, artificial, insincere, af-
bridgehead, vantage. fected, self-conscious, studied. ANT. 1. volun-
footloose a. free, unrestricted, fancy-free, unen- tary, willing, unforced. 2. spontaneous,
cumbered, unattached, roving, untethered, natural, genuine.
liberated, uninhibited. ANT. restricted, forceful a. powerful, effective, vigorous, dy-
bound, shackled. namic, potent, mighty, strong, robust, ener-
footprint n. track, footmark, impression, tread. getic, commanding, persuasive. ANT. ineffec-
fop n. dandy, clotheshorse, dude, coxcomb, tual, impotent, weak.
peacock, popinjay, fashion plate, Beau fore a. front, first, forward, head, leading. ANT.
Brummel, poseur, *pretty boy. rear, last.
for prep. 1. IN THE INTEREST OF, on behalf of. 2. forebear n. forefather, progenitor. SEE ANCES-
IN FAVOR OF, in support of. TOR
forage v. search, look for, hunt, sniff out, scav- foreboding n. portent, bad feeling, omen, pre-
enge, rummage, explore, root out, seek, raid, monition, uneasiness, warning, prophecy,
plunder. foreshadowing, *gut feeling, apprehension,
foray v. raid, plunder, pillage, ransack, loot, *handwriting on the wall, *bad vibes, fore-
ravage, attack, invade, maraud, asault. warning.
forbear v. refrain, avoid, resist temptation, ab- forecast n. prediction, prophecy, divination,
stain, lay off, desist, shun, eschew, go with- prognostication, augury, projection, *read-
out, hold back, forgo, endure, tolerate, bear. ing of the cards, prognosis, conjecture,
forbearance n. restraint, self-control, absti- guess.
nence, refraining, avoidance, desistance, forecast v. predict, foresee, prophesy, foretell,
tolerance, patience, mercy. ‘‘To forgive an divine, *read in the cards, augur, prognosti-
enemy who has been shorn of power.’’—El- cate, project, presage, envision, conjecture,
bert Hubbard. ANT. impatience, intolerance. guess, estimate.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 247


forefather n. forbear, progenitor, forerunner, thickly treed: bosky

predecessor. SEE ANCESTOR top of trees: canopy, crowns
forefront n. front, head, *cutting edge, van- trees of a forest region: sylva
guard, fore. ANT. rear, background. tropical woods receiving heavy rainfall: rain
foregoing a. previous, former, aforesaid, preced- forest
ing, prior, late, earlier. ANT. following, ensu- wind-toppled trees and branches: wind-
ing. throw, windfall, deadfall
foreign a. 1. NONDOMESTIC alien, exotic, unfa- SEE JUNGLE, TREE
miliar, imported, faraway, distant, outland- foretell v. predict, forecast, prophesy, foresee,
ish, unknown, nonnative, strange, overseas. divine, augur, presage, prognosticate, antici-
2. UNCHARACTERISTIC aberrant, unnatural, pate, forebode, portend, warn.
abnormal, inconsistent, incompatible, unre- forethought n. planning, foresight, prudence,
lated, extraneous. ANT. 1. domestic, native, anticipation, farsightedness, preparedness,
indigenous. 2. characteristic, compatible, natu- precaution, provision. ANT. afterthought.
ral. forever adv. always, everlastingly, endlessly,
foreigner n. alien, nonnative, immigrant, out- eternally, incessantly, continually, unceas-
sider, stranger. ANT. native. ingly, for all time, interminably, *till hell
foreman n. boss, crew chief, overseer, supervi- freezes over. ANT. never.
sor, superintendent, spokesman, chair, fore- foreword n. preface, introduction, prologue.
person. ANT. epilogue.
foremost a. chief, first, leading, head, principal, forfeit n. penalty, fine, forfeiture, damages, fee,
primary, preeminent, main, paramount, su- loss.
preme, first, uppermost. ANT. bottom, least, forfeit v. lose, surrender, give up, relinquish,
lowest. sacrifice, yield.
forensic a. arguable, controversial, debatable, forge v. 1. FORM make, manufacture, shape, fab-
moot, judicial. ANT. certain, incontrovertible. ricate, mold, contrive, fashion, hammer out,
foreplay n. fondling, warm-up, sexual activity, cast, devise, invent. 2. COUNTERFEIT copy,
heavy petting, cuddling, lovemaking. SEE SEX falsify, trace, reproduce, imitate, simulate.
forerunner n. 1. PREDECESSOR precursor, ances- forgery n. fake, counterfeit, fraud, copy, imita-
tor, forebear, forefather, prototype, pioneer. tion, simulation, falsification, sham.
2. HERALD announcer, harbinger, usher, forget v. 1. *DRAW A BLANK slip one’s mind,
messenger, portent, omen. overlook. 2. LET PASS nevermind, disregard,
foresee v. anticipate, predict, prophesy, prog- ignore, write off, skip, drop. ANT. 1. remem-
nosticate, foretell, divine, envision, forecast, ber, recall. 2. regard, consider.
presage, augur. forgetful a. absentminded, amnesic, abstracted,
foresight n. farsightedness, vision, anticipation, distracted, *out to lunch, oblivious, inatten-
foreknowledge, precognition, forethought, tive, daydreaming, heedless, mindless, ab-
preconception, prudence, preparedness, pre- sent. ANT. attentive, alert, focused.
caution, prophecy. ANT. hindsight, unpre- forgive v. pardon, excuse, absolve, overlook,
paredness. condone, *wipe the slate clean, *let off the
forest n. woods, woodland, timberland, weald, hook, *let bygones be bygones, exculpate,
stand, grove, bush, copse, coppice, wilder- acquit. ANT. condemn, convict, damn.
ness, wild, trees, habitat, *regiment of trees. forgiveness n. pardon, excusing, forbearance,
WORD FIND absolution, amnesty, reprieve, dispensation,
ancient, uncut: old-growth forest, virgin for- mercy, exoneration, clemency, acquittal.
est ‘‘The fragrance the violet sheds on the heel
cleared area littered with logging debris: that has crushed it.’’—Mark Twain. ‘‘Man’s
slash deepest need and highest achievement.’’—
evergreen oak thicket: chaparral Horace Bushnell. ‘‘The sweetest re-
grassy clearing in: glade venge.’’—Isaac Friedmann. ANT. condemna-
ground or floor material: litter, duff, mor tion, conviction, revenge.
leaf-shedding trees: deciduous forgo v. do without, give up, relinquish, abstain
logging, denuding method: clear-cutting from, renounce, eschew, refrain from, for-
non-leaf-shedding trees: coniferous swear, pass up, quit. ANT. take up, keep, in-
pertaining to trees: arboreal dulge in.

248 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fork n. branching, division, split, divergence, Heavyweight Champion. SYN. intimidating,

bifurcation, parting. dreadful, frightening, scary, feared, awe-
FORLORN a. [for LORN] miserable and with- some, difficult, hard, overwhelming, insur-
out hope. After the funeral she was grim and mountable, powerful, indomitable, stagger-
forlorn. SYN. miserable, hopeless, wretched, ing, tough, huge. ANT. weak, manageable,
woebegone, pitiful, pathetic, abandoned, tiny, insignificant.
bereft, desolate, dismal, inconsolable, de- formless a. shapeless, amorphous, asymmetri-
spairing, lonesome, deserted. ANT. cheerful, cal. ANT. distinct, specific, defined.
happy, euphoric. formula n. recipe, prescription, specifications,
form n. 1. SHAPE configuration, contour, sil- method, blueprint, code, system, principle,
houette, outline, profile, cast, structure, fig- creed.
ure, conformation, design, frame. 2. BODY fornicate v. have sexual intercourse, have an
anatomy, figure, build, frame, physique, affair, commit adultery, *sleep around, phi-
shape. 3. MOLD cast, frame, model. 4. TYPE lander, *cheat. SEE SEX
kind, sort, variety, class, genus, species, or- fornication n. intercourse, copulation, sex,
der. 5. PROCEDURE way, ceremony, formality, adultery. SEE SEX
ritual, custom, decorum, motions, formula, forsake v. abandon, leave behind, renounce,
protocol, method, mode, format. 6. DOCU- give up, quit, discard, forswear, reject, de-
MENT application, sheet, questionnaire. sert, disown, disavow, repudiate, *spurn,
form v. 1. SHAPE mold, cast, frame, design, *wash one’s hands of, *kiss off. ANT. em-
make, produce, construct, build, fabricate, brace, take up.
*hammer out, fashion, manufacture, invent, forswear v. renounce, disavow, deny, repudi-
create, concoct. 2. ORGANIZE found, estab- ate.
lish, start, incept. 3. MATERIALIZE arise, ap- fort n. fortress, fortification, stronghold, cita-
pear, *take shape, crystallize, come into be- del, garrison, defense, army post, battle-
ing. 4. COMPRISE compose, constitute, make ment. SEE CASTLE
up. FORTE n. [FOR tay] something one does par-
formal a. 1. CEREMONIAL decorous, orderly, cus- ticularly well or excels at. I’m not much of a
tomary, proper, conventional, methodical, tennis player; basketball is more my forte. SYN.
ritualistic, systematic, official, prescribed, specialty, strong point, strength, *bag, *cup
correct, *by-the-book. 2. STIFF stuffy, of tea, *thing, proficiency, skill, area of ex-
*starched, prim, ceremonious, stilted, strait- pertise, bent, talent, aptitude, *long suit,
laced, punctilious, rigid, proper, self-con- metier. ANT. weakness, foible.
scious. ANT. 1. spontaneous, unconventional, forthcoming a. upcoming, *on the horizon, ap-
uncustomary. 2. informal, relaxed, casual. proaching, imminent, impending, prospec-
formality n. 1. CONVENTION form, tradition, ob- tive, expected, pending, awaited. ANT. dis-
servance, protocol, practice, decorum, offi- tant, past.
ciality, *red tape. 2. PROPRIETY etiquette, forthright a. direct, straightforward, frank,
ceremony, decorum. ANT. 2. informality. blunt, candid, honest, plain, unambiguous,
format n. arrangement, layout, system, shape, undisguised, heart-to-heart, *up front, bald.
size, form, setup, configuration, organiza- ANT. indirect, dishonest, ambiguous, disguised,
tion, scheme, method, formula, plan. *sugar-coated.
formation n. creation, establishment, develop- forthwith adv. immediately, at once, now, di-
ment, genesis, generation, production, con- rectly, without delay, tout de suite, *pronto,
struction, manufacture, crystallization, evo- this instant, speedily. ANT. eventually, gradu-
lution, structure, composition. ally, slowly, later.
former a. previous, prior, earlier, aforemen- fortification n. fort, fortress, stronghold, cita-
tioned, first, past, antecedent, preceding, del, garrison, defense, army post, battle-
bygone. ANT. later, following, ensuing. ment, earthwork, outwork, palisade, bas-
formfitting a. snug, body-hugging. ANT. baggy, tion, bulwark, rampart. SEE CASTLE
loose. SEE TIGHT fortify v. 1. STRENGTHEN reinforce, brace, bul-
FORMIDABLE a. [FOR muh duh bul] an in- wark, secure, harden, shore up, steel, tem-
timidating thing or person that is difficult per, buttress, build up, arm, shield, gird. 2.
to face, surmount or overcome. The rookie REASSURE encourage, hearten, embolden,
boxer met his formidable opponent—the World empower, strengthen, invigorate, *buck up.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 249


3. ENRICH, enhance, improve. ANT. 1. dirty, *gross, disgraceful, repulsive, revolt-

weaken, strip down, expose, soften. 2. demor- ing, nasty, malodorous, rank, filthy, putrid,
alize, undermine, discourage. spoiled, polluted. 2. INDECENT obscene, vul-
FORTITUDE n. [FORT uh tood] courage and gar, indelicate, nasty, course, smutty, *raun-
strength in the face of adversity. Intestinal chy, lewd, scatological, dirty, offensive. 3.
fortitude allowed him to press on, despite the WICKED abominable, evil, villainous, mon-
death of his wife. SYN. strength, courage, strous, hellish, abhorrent, heinous, atro-
heart, grit, endurance, mettle, backbone, cious. ANT. 1. attractive, appealing, clean,
*guts, resoluteness, bravery, tenacity, pluck, pure. 2. wholesome, clean, *G-rated. 3.
hardiness, *stick-to-itiveness. ANT. weak- moral, good, virtuous.
ness, cowardice, spinelessness, mousiness. foul play n. SEE MURDER
fortress n. stronghold, fort, citadel, defense, found v. establish, organize, originate, develop,
castle, garrison, safeguard, refuge. start, create, launch, institute.
FORTUITOUS a. [for TOO uh tus] occurring foundation n. 1. BASE basis, groundwork, bed-
by chance, accidental. A fortuitous discovery rock, footing, underpinning, substructure,
led to the invention. SYN. chance, accidental, support, rudiment, fundamental, root,
serendipitous, casual, random, *fluky, un- grounds. 2. FINANCING ORGANIZATION insti-
foreseen, unintentional, haphazard, lucky, tution, establishment, charity, endowment.
providential. ANT. planned, *mapped out, ar- founder n. originator, creator, organizer, father,
ranged. designer, architect, establisher.
fortunate a. lucky, blessed, happy, fortuitous, founder v. 1. TAKE ON WATER AND SINK go down,
felicitous, propitious, favored, providential, capsize, swamp, wallow, lurch, submerge,
advantageous, opportune, timely. ANT. un- run aground, shipwreck. 2. COLLAPSE fall,
fortunate, unlucky, untimely. break down, fail, stumble, trip, go under, fal-
fortune n. 1. RICHES wealth, affluence, money, ter, bog down.
assets, treasure, estate, *miser’s hoard. 2. fountain n. 1. SPOUT jet, fount, spray, gush, gey-
CHANCE luck, fate, destiny, providence, ser-
ser, font, spring. 2. SOURCE origin, well-
endipity, fortuity, *wheel of fortune, hap- spring, birthplace, root, beginning.
penstance, *toss of the dice. ‘‘A tide in the fountainhead n. spring, source.
affairs of men.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘That arrant foxy a. sly, wily, crafty, cunning, shrewd, tricky,
whore.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘Like glass, the
artful, sharp, devious, deceitful, scheming,
brighter the glitter, the more easily bro-
crazy, vulpine. ANT. artless, stupid, naive.
ken.’’—Pubilius Syrus.
foyer n. hall, lobby, entrance, reception area,
fortuneteller n. seer, soothsayer, augur, crystal
receiving area, waiting room, vestibule, an-
ball gazer, diviner, palm reader, tarot reader,
prophet, prognosticator, astrologer, psychic,
fracas n. fight, brawl, quarrel, wrangle, argu-
forward a. bold, presumptuous, brazen, pushy, ment, *scrap, row, melee, ruckus, uproar,
insolent, brash, impudent, cheeky, auda- scuffle, free-for-all, fistfight, donnybrook, al-
cious, *nervy, *ballsy, fresh, pert. ANT. back- tercation, *rumble.
wards, shy, reserved, deferential. fraction n. part, fragment, division, segment,
fossil n. remains, specimen, relic, impression, piece, slice, portion.
mineralized bone, remnant. FRACTIOUS a. [FRAK shus] unruly, trouble-
foster v. 1. ADVANCE further, promote, feed, making, irritable. The fractious mob de-
nurture, cultivate, boost, support, help, manded a recount. SYN. unruly, troublemak-
stimulate. 2. REAR bring up, raise, care for, ing, rebellious, irritable, cross, peevish,
parent, mother, father, nurture, nurse, sus- insubordinate, touchy, unmanageable, *or-
tain, shelter. ANT. 1. hinder, hamper, under- nery, petulant, huffy. ANT. agreeable, peace-
mine. ful, docile, easygoing.
foul n. infraction, violation. fracture n. crack, cleft, rent, split, fissure, rup-
foul v. 1. MAKE DIRTY soil, defile, taint, pollute, ture, breach, cleavage, slit, gash, chasm, cut.
dirty, stain, smear, contaminate. 2. ENTAN- fracture v. crack, split, break, shatter, rupture,
GLE catch, snarl, tangle, ensnare. ANT. 1. cut, breach, rend, cleave.
clean, wash. 2. untangle. fragile a. delicate, frail, breakable, brittle,
foul a. 1. DISGUSTING loathsome, stinking, flimsy, fine, frangible, flimsy, dainty, tender,

250 Roget’s Superthesaurus


unsubstantial. ANT. unbreakable, sturdy, fraternity n. brotherhood, brotherliness, fel-

strong. lowship, kinship, camaraderie, comrade-
fragment n. part, fraction, segment, piece, por- ship, society, club, *frat, order, house, clan.
tion, slice, splinter, chip, shard, sliver, snip- WORD FIND
pet, bit, shaving. rite: rush, initiation, hazing
fragmentary a. incomplete, partial, piecemeal, fraternize v. associate with, hang out with, rub
broken, disconnected, choppy, separate, shoulders with, socialize with, mingle with,
fractional, imperfect, sketchy. ANT. com- *hobnob, run with, cosort with.
plete, whole. fraud n. 1. DECEIT deception, trickery, cheating,
fragrance n. scent, sweet smell, perfume, swindle, *flimflam, ruse, *rip-off, con, ex-
aroma, odor, incense, bouquet, essence, red- tortion, scam, racket, hoax, double-dealing.
olence. ANT. stink, stench, reek. SEE ODOR 2. CHEAT imposter, deceiver, *con artist,
fragrant a. sweet-smelling, aromatic, savory, *rip-off artist, swindler, crook, charlatan,
redolent, spicy, balmy, heady, floral, intox- *shark, mountebank. ANT. 1. honesty, trust-
icating, ambrosial, tangy. ANT. *stinky, mal- worthiness, integrity. 2. *honest John, *Dudley
odorous, foul, fetid, noxious. Do-right.
frail a. fragile, delicate, weak, dainty, flimsy, fraudulent a. deceptive, deceitful, tricky,
slight, breakable, feeble, decrepit, infirm, cheating, dishonest, crooked, criminal, ille-
sickly, wispy. ANT. strong, robust, sturdy. gal, bogus, shifty, treacherous, shady, *sham.
frailty n. weakness, failing, shortcoming, ANT. honest, moral, trustworthy.
*chink in one’s armor, *Achilles heel, defi- fraught a. loaded, filled, charged, full of, teem-
ciency, fallibility, foible, susceptibility. ANT. ing with, laden, pregnant, replete. ANT.
strength, virtue. empty, devoid of.
frame n. 1. FRAMEWORK support, substructure, fray n. fight, quarrel, brawl, *rumble, wrangle,
skeleton, underpinning, scaffolding, con- melee, skirmish, battle, war, squabble, row,
struction, mounting, staging, armature, scuffle, clash.
rack. 2. PICTURE FRAME mounting, casing, ed- fray v. shred, ravel, unravel, come apart, tear,
ging. 3. PHYSIQUE build, body, figure, shape, tatter, rip.
anatomy. frazzle v. stress out, exhaust, wear out, drain.
frame v. 1. BUILD construct, assemble, set up, freak n. abnormality, anomaly, weirdo, aberra-
stage, shape, fashion, form, erect, fabricate. tion, mutant, *geek, monster, monstrosity,
2. COMPOSE conceive, create, concoct, de- deformity, curiosity, oddity, *oddball. SEE
vise, contrive, put into words, articulate. MONSTER
frame of mind n. state of mind, disposition. SEE freak v. Sl. *freak out, *flip out, *wig out, *go
MOOD ballistic, *lose it.
franchise n. 1. RIGHT due, privilege, authority, freak a. anomalous, aberrant, weird, abnormal,
vote, prerogative. 2. DEALERSHIP distributor- unusual, irregular, atypical, extraordinary.
ship, chain store, enterprise, business, part- ANT. normal, typical, usual.
nership, retail establishment, outfit, store, freakish a. abnormal, anomalous, weird, aber-
shop, business. rant, unusual, irregular, quirky, atypical, ex-
frank a. honest, straightforward, candid, open, traordinary, strange, outlandish, bizarre.
*straight from the heart, direct, blunt, plain, ANT. normal, regular, usual.
explicit, outspoken, unequivocal, unambig- freak out v. Sl. go crazy, *go nuts, *go bananas,
uous, sincere, forthright. ANT. indirect, *go ballistic, *lose one’s mind, *see things,
mealymouthed, insincere, euphemistic, dis- hallucinate, *flip out, *wig out.
guised. free a. 1. UNRESTRICTED liberated, at liberty,
frankfurter n. hot dog, wiener, *weenie, *dog, emancipated, footloose, independent, au-
frank, *footlong, sausage. tonomous, self-governing, unrestrained,
frantic a. frenzied, wild, excited, distraught, loose, unconfined, sovereign. 2. COSTING
*unglued, agitated, *at wit’s end, overex- NOTHING gratis, *on the house, complimen-
cited, beside oneself, crazy, berserk, *gone tary, no charge. 3. UNOCCUPIED clear, open,
ballistic, raving, maniacal, *out of one’s available, vacant, unused, empty, unen-
mind, furious, *freaked out, *wigged out. gaged. 4. GENEROUS lavish, liberal, open-
ANT. calm, composed, serene, self-possessed, handed, giving, munificent. ANT. 1. re-
cool. stricted, enslaved, dependent, imprisoned. 2.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 251


costing, *dear, expensive. 3. occupied, busy. imaginative, creative, new, unconventional,

4. cheap, stingy, *tight. novel, untried, *cutting edge. 5. REFRESHING
free v. liberate, release, loose, let go, emanci- cool, clean, bracing, pure, invigorating. 6.
pate, unshackle, discharge, deliver, *spring, INEXPERIENCED raw, green, untried, new, un-
clear, extricate, unburden, disencumber, ab- trained, *wet behind the ears. 7. SASSY rude,
solve. ANT. imprison, enslave, shackle, con- smart-alecky, cheeky, flippant, disrespectful,
fine, restrict. *smartass, impudent, bold, *nervy, ballsy.
freedom n. liberty, independence, autonomy, ANT. 1. old, worn, dated, stale. 3. tired, ex-
sovereignty, self-government, emancipa- hausted, weary. 4. trite, hackneyed, clichéd.
tion, free will, license, carte blanche, privi- 5. stale, musty, polluted. 6. experienced, tried,
lege, *free reign, immunity, exemption, lati- veteran. 7. polite, shy, quiet, deferential.
tude, range, unrestraint. ‘‘Room to freshman n. student, *frosh, beginner, novice,
enlarge.’’—C.A. Bartol. ‘‘The right to be *greenhorn, *rookie.
wrong, not the right to do wrong.’’—John fret v. worry, brood, agonize, stew, mope, an-
Diefenbaker. ANT. slavery, bondage, restric- guish, fuss, lose sleep over, chafe, *work
tion, confinement. oneself up, *give oneself an ulcer, *eat one’s
free-for-all n. fight, brawl, melee, *rumble, heart out, fume. ANT. relax, ignore.
fray, donnybrook. fretful a. discontented, irritable, annoyed, pee-
freelance a. independent, non-staff, on one’s vish, cross, grouchy, cranky, touchy, testy,
own, unaffiliated, free agent, autonomous, *ornery, grumbling, anxious, whiny. ANT. re-
self-employed, at large, self-directed. ANT. laxed, cheerful, good-humored, unperturbed.
associated, staff. friable a. crumbly, fragile, powdery, brittle.
free spirit n. maverick, nonconformist, bohe- friction n. 1. ABRASION rubbing, erosion, attri-
mian, eccentric. tion, grinding, scraping, chafing, rasping,
freeway n. expressway, highway, superhighway, wearing. 2. DISAGREEMENT discord, conflict,
interstate, parkway, beltway, artery, road, opposition, animosity, antagonism, dispute,
autobahn. clash, hostility, strife. ANT. 2. agreement, ac-
free-wheeling a. free, unrestrained, unrestric- cord, harmony.
friend n. confidant, pal, *buddy, companion,
ted, uninhibited, unfettered. ANT. restrained.
sidekick, alter ego, chum, playmate, *soul
mate, *bro, crony, amigo. ‘‘A person with
freezer n. ice box, ice chest, cooler, refrigerator.
whom you dare to be yourself.’’—Frank
freezing a. frigid, icy, cold, arctic, chilling,
Crane. ‘‘The medicine of life.’’—Bible.
numbing, anesthetizing, *bone-chilling, bit-
‘‘The best mirror.’’—George Herbert. ‘‘One
ing, frosty, wintry, raw. ANT. hot, sweltering.
who walks in when the rest of the world
freight n. cargo, shipment, load, lading, ton-
walks out.’’—Walter Winchell. ANT. enemy,
adversary, stranger.
frenetic a. frenzied, wild, overexcited. SEE FRAN- friendly a. sociable, amiable, warm, approach-
able, amicable, *buddy-buddy, companion-
frenzy n. mania, madness, delerium, hysteria, able, neighborly, affectionate, hospitable,
fit, furor, outburst, rage, tantrum, spell, agi- *chummy, outgoing, intimate, close, famil-
tation, paroxysm, derangement. ANT. stabil- iar. ANT. hostile, distant, cool, aloof, standoff-
ity, composure, calmness, equanimity. ish.
frequent a. numerous, regular, habitual, recur- friendship n. companionship, comradeship, fel-
rent, common, continual, daily, everyday, lowship, camaraderie, neighborliness, rela-
incessant, periodic, usual, often. ANT. sel- tionship, intimacy, amity, affection, rapport,
dom, rare, infrequent. affinity, pact, tie. ‘‘To feel as one while re-
frequent v. attend regularly, visit often, haunt, maining two.’’—Anne Swetchine. ‘‘The
*hang out at, patronize. wine of life.’’—Edward Young. ‘‘A holy
fresh a. 1. NEW up-to-date, *hot, current, mod- tie.’’—John Dryden. ANT. hostility, distance,
ern, newborn, recent, bright, sparkling, un- coolness.
used, *hot off the presses, untouched, ver- fright n. fear, terror, alarm, apprehension,
nal, *spring-fresh. 2. ADDITIONAL new, more, scare, panic, trepidation, horror, shock, awe,
further. 3. VIGOROUS energetic, lively, vital, *the creeps, *the willies, dread. ANT. cour-
bright-eyed, rested, revived, full of vim and age, calm, composure. SEE ANXIETY, FEAR, FEAR-
vigor, vibrant, alert, bouncing. 4. ORIGINAL FUL

252 Roget’s Superthesaurus


frighten v. scare, terrify, panic, shock, fill with front a. fore, lead, first, forward, topmost, ante-
dread, petrify, awe, *adrenalize, horrify, un- rior. ANT. back, posterior, end.
nerve, *send chills down spine, spook, frontier n. 1. BORDERLAND boundary, far
alarm, startle, intimidate, *curdle one’s reaches, perimeter, limit, verge. 2. UNCIVI-
blood, *paralyze. ANT. encourage, embolden, LIZED TERRITORY outskirts, remote region, far
reassure. reaches, outland, hinterland, outpost, no-
frightening a. scary, terrifying, shocking, dread- man’s-land.
ful, petrifying, awesome, *adrenalizing, un- frost n. frozen condensation, frozen dew, rime,
nerving, chilling, *spooky, alarming, star- ice, snow, hoarfrost, ice crystals.
tling, intimidating, *bloodcurdling, frosting n. icing, spread, topping, glaze.
*paralyzing, traumatic, horrifying. ANT. en- frosty a. 1. FREEZING hoary, rimy, icy, frigid, fro-
couraging, reassuring, heartening. zen, cold, raw, nippy, bone-chilling, anes-
frigid a. 1. FREEZING icy, cold, arctic, frosty, win- thetizing. 2. UNFRIENDLY cool, icy, aloof, dis-
try, hyperborean, *anesthetizing, biting, bit- tant, remote. ANT. 1. hot, sweltering. 2.
ter, brisk, Siberian, polar, glacial, gelid. 2. friendly, warm.
STIFF formal, cold, icy, cool, distant, remote, froth n. bubbles, foam, fizz, spume, suds, spray,
aloof, austere, unsociable. 3. UNRESPONSIVE head, lather, effervescence, spindrift, scum.
lifeless, unfeeling, passionless, inhibited, frothy a. 1. BUBBLY foamy, fizzy, spumous, effer-
passive, cold, chilly, frosty. ANT. 1. hot, swel- vescent, *scummy, lathery, soapy. 2. TRI-
FLING light, worthless, trivial, frivolous, shal-
tering, warm. 2. warm, friendly, sociable. 3.
passionate, *hot-blooded, orgasmic. low, foolish. ANT. 1. flat, uncarbonated. 2.
frill n. ornament, trimming, decoration, extra, important, deep, serious.
luxury, ruffle, extravagance, superfluity, em- frown v. 1. SCOWL glower, *give a dirty look,
bellishment, frippery. glare, *shoot daggers, *scorch with one’s
eyes, *narrow eyes with contempt, lower,
fringe n. 1. DECORATIVE EDGING border, margin,
gloom. SEE ANGRY 2. FROWN UPON *look
trimming, ruff, hem, skirting, flounce. 2.
down on, dislike, object to, disapprove of,
BORDER margin, outskirts, edge, periphery,
*take a dim view of, discourage. ANT. 1.
verge, perimeter.
smile, grin. 2. approve of, accept, like.
frisk v. 1. FROLIC gambol, romp, cavort, prance,
frozen a. icy, frigid, cold, chilled, iced, cooled,
dance, play, wiggle. 2. Sl. SEARCH shake
solidified, wintry, glacial, numb, arctic. ANT.
down, inspect. thawed, melted. SEE COLD, SNOW
frisky a. lively, playful, spirited, frolicsome, FRUGAL a. [FROO gul] careful not to be
zippy, active, kittenish, *peppy, coltish, wasteful, thrifty. He’s so frugal he manages to
spry. ANT. lifeless, dead, comatose. pay for everything in cash. SYN. thrifty, eco-
fritter v. waste, squander, *blow, spend, dissi- nomical, unwasteful, conserving, sparing,
pate, throw away, lavish, *piss away. ANT. saving, penny-pinching, stingy, scrimping,
save, conserve. *nickel-squeezing, parsimonious, tight. ANT.
frivolous a. trivial, trifling, silly, impractical, extravagant, wasteful, lavish, spending.
petty, unimportant, foolish, extravagant, fruit n. 1. PRODUCE drupe, harvest, crop. 2. RE-
shallow, *piddling, pointless, worthless, un- WARD return, yield, profit, benefit, result,
necessary. ANT. important, vital, necessary. consequence, outcome.
frock n. tunic, robe, gown, garment. fruitful a. fertile, productive, rich, prolific,
frog n. amphibian, bullfrog, toad. profitable, bounteous, advantageous, gain-
frolic n. fun, play, sport, romping, merriment, ful, worthwhile, successful. ANT. fruitless,
antics, mirth, joking, game-playing, gaiety, worthless, unproductive.
amusement, tomfoolery. FRUITION n. [froo ISH un] a fulfillment, a
frolic v. play, romp, make merry, have fun, bearing of fruit. A number of her investments
joke, *cut up, *cut loose, *whoop it up, play have come to fruition. SYN. fulfillment, real-
games, frisk, gambol, cavort, *raise hell, ization, consummation, maturity, achieve-
*fool around. ment, ripeness, attainment. ANT. incomple-
front n. 1. FORE face, facade, head, exterior, an- tion, nonfulfillment.
terior, foreground, top, obverse, beginning. fruitless a. futile, vain, useless, unproductive,
2. PRETENSE facade, mask, false front, look, worthless, unsuccessful, unrewarding, point-
air, demeanor, expression, countenance, less, barren, infertile. ANT. fruitful, produc-
guise, exterior. ANT. 1. rear, back. tive, worthwhile.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 253


frumpy a. dowdy, frumpish, dull, plain, unfash- fulminate v. denounce, denunciate, censure,
ionable, colorless, slovenly, shabby, wrin- criticize, damn, curse, shout down, *knock,
kled, *as fashionable as a potato sack/burlap condemn, remonstrate, thunder, swear at,
bag. ANT. fashionable, stylish, chic. revile.
frustrate v. thwart, foil, check, balk, circum- fumble v. grope, mishandle, bungle, *drop the
vent, hamstring, cripple, short-circuit, ar- ball, *flub, botch, blunder, muff, flounder,
rest, stymie, defeat, discourage, baffle, ob- bobble, mess up.
struct, impede, inhibit, exasperate. ANT. fume n. smoke, exhaust, gas, steam, vapor, ef-
advance, promote, encourage, abet. fluvium, exhalation, pollution, reek, smog,
frustration n. defeat, circumvention, discour- stench, miasma.
agement, obstruction, check, nonfulfill- fume v. rage, rant, rave, seethe, boil, blow up,
ment, failure, disappointment, miscarriage, explode, bluster, *get steamed, *blow one’s
bafflement, dissatisfaction, thwarting. ANT. stack, *fly off the handle, *go ballistic.
success, advancement, encouragement, fulfill- fumigate v. disinfect, *smoke out, poison, sani-
ment. tize, sterilize.
fry v. brown, singe, pan fry, sizzle, deep fry, sear, fun n. amusement, entertainment, enjoyment,
sauté, French fry, stir fry, blacken. pleasure, diversion, play, sport, good time,
frying pan n. pan, skillet, wok, spider, fry pan. romping, *blast, frolic, recreation, merri-
fuddy-duddy n. *square. ment, pastime, jollity, *jollies. ANT. misery,
fuel n. combustible, gas, oil, propellant, wood, torture, agony, monotony.
kindling, coal. function n. 1. ROLE job, use, purpose, duty, task,
fuel v. charge, stoke, fire, fan, *tank up, feed, business, occupation, employment, respon-
nourish. ANT. extinguish, quench, dampen. sibility, activity, concern. 2. AFFAIR cere-
fugitive n. runaway, exile, absconder, escapee, mony, gala, social, formal, *get-together, re-
refugee, truant, renegade, deserter, outlaw. ception, party.
fugitive a. fleeing, runaway, escaped, wanted,
function v. act, work, serve, operate, perform,
evading. ANT. caught, captured.
fulfill v. complete, satisfy, realize, achieve, con-
functional a. working, operative, serviceable,
summate, carry out, accomplish, bring to
performing, practical, useful. ANT. impracti-
fruition, perfect, meet, make good, perform,
cal, ineffective, *for show.
effect. ANT. *fall short, *miss the mark, fail.
fulfillment n. completion, satisfaction, realiza- fund n. reserve, savings, treasury, capital, nest
tion, achievement, consummation, accom- egg, account, endowment, stock, mutual
plishment, fruition, perfection, culmina- fund, *stash, hoard, pool, *kitty. SEE BANK,
tion, attainment. ANT. failure, miscarriage,
incompletion. fund v. pay for, finance, bankroll, endow, back,
full a. 1. FILLED glutted, gorged, sated, brim- capitalize, grant, subsidize, contribute, un-
ming, crammed, stuffed, *chock-full, burst- derwrite, *pick up the check.
ing, stocked, crowded, teeming, replete, fundamental n. basic, essential, element, rudi-
chockablock, saturated, overflowing, bulg- ment, principle, foundation, ABCs, corner-
ing. 2. COMPLETE whole, entire, thorough, stone, *nitty-gritty, heart, nucleus. ANT. ex-
comprehensive, exhaustive, maximum, to- tra, peripheral, supplement.
tal, integral. ANT. 1. empty, barren, vacant, fundamental a. basic, essential, primary, ele-
hungry, starving. 2. incomplete, partial. mentary, rudimentary, principal, underly-
full-blooded a. purebred, thoroughbred, un- ing, cardinal, chief, indispensable, integral,
mixed. ANT. mongrel, half-breed, mutt. foundational. ANT. secondary, peripheral,
full-bodied a. rich, concentrated, strong, undi- auxiliary.
luted. ANT. weak, diluted. fundraiser n. pledge drive, telethon, charity
full-fledged a. developed, trained, schooled, event, charity ball, philanthropic enterprise.
skilled, qualified, experienced. ANT. unquali- funds n. money, cash, capital, currency, fi-
fied, *green, inexperienced. nances, means, *dough, *bread, reserve,
full-grown a. adult, fully developed, ripe. ANT. assets, resources, nest egg, *loot, *piggy
immature, young. SEE MATURE bank, *stash. SEE MONEY, BANK
fully adv. 1. COMPLETELY totally, entirely, com- funeral n. obsequies, exequies, burial, inhuma-
prehensively, wholly. 2. ADEQUATELY suffi- tion, interment, entombment, last rites, ser-
ciently, amply. vices, cremation. ‘‘The last bedtime

254 Roget’s Superthesaurus


story.’’—Leonard Levinson. ‘‘A consolation fierce, wild, ferocious, stormy, turbulent,

to the living than of any service to the raging, vicious, savage. ANT. 1. calm, unper-
dead.’’—Saint Augustine. turbed, pleased. 2. mild, meek, weak.
WORD FIND furlough n. leave, leave of absence, vacation,
announcement: obituary layoff.
automobile/coach that carries coffin to cem- furnace n. heater, burner, stove, warmer, oil
etery: hearse burner, forge blast furnace, incinerator,
bell toll signaling death: knell smelter, kiln.
bugle call at military funeral: taps furnish v. supply, equip, provide, stock, outfit,
burial at sea: deep six provision, fit, turn out, rig, appoint, accou-
burial cloth or sheet: shroud, winding sheet ter, give.
Catholic Mass for: Requiem Mass furnishings n. gear, trappings, appointments,
churchyard gateway sheltering coffin at ser- decor, fittings, equipment, accessories.
vice: lich gate furniture n. furnishings, seating, cabinetry,
coffin carriers: pallbearers shelving, tables, chairs. Armchair, armoire,
euphemism, burying: lay to rest buffet, bureau, cabinet, Canadian rocker,
friends, relatives of deceased: bereaved, card table, chaise lounge, chest, chest of
mourners drawers, chiffonier, china cabinet, com-
mourn aloud by weeping, wailing, etc.: la- mode, console, couch, credenza, daybed, di-
ment van, etagereı́, hassock, highboy, loveseat,
pile of wood on which corpse is burned: pyre lowboy, ottoman, recliner, rocking chair,
praise for deceased: eulogy roll-top desk, secretary, settee, sideboard,
prayer for deceased: requiescat side chair, sleigh bed, slipper chair, Tam-
procession: cortege, death march bour desk, vitrine, wardrobe, windsor chair,
RIP: rest in peace wing chair.
song of lament: dirge, elegy, requiem, thren- WORD FIND
undertaker: mortician American colonies to 1776, style of: Colo-
watch or viewing of the deceased, often with nial
arcs, sleek lines, geometric shapes, 1920s
festivities: wake, vigil
and ’30s style featuring: Art Deco
bulge or convex shape on chest or com-
funereal a. somber, depressing, black, gray,
mode: bombe
grim, mournful, sepulchral, dreary, doleful,
cabinetmaker of 1700s, famous: Hepple-
dismal, grave, lugubrious, gloomy, melan-
choly. ANT. cheerful, euphoric, bright, upbeat. carved foot, craneı́s claw, or dragonı́s claw
fungus n. thallophyte, mold, mildew, mush- element: ball-and-claw foot
room, parasite. column supporting a rail, turned: baluster
funk n. depression, blues, blue funk, melan- contrasting wood insert: marquetry
choly, doldrums. couch or sofa with no exposed wood, over-
funnel v. channel, direct, conduct, siphon, stuffed: Chesterfield
pour, filter, focus, conduct. curved lines, 1875 style featuring slightly:
funny a. 1. HUMOROUS comical, hilarious, Art Nouveau
laughable, *side-splitting, amusing, *a curved wood element: bentwood
scream, droll, absurd, riotous, hysterical, lu- eagle heads and talons, lion heads and claws,
dicrous, ridiculous, farcical, silly, jocular, and satyrsı́ masks, 1700s style featuring:
*tickling. 2. PECULIAR strange, odd, weird, Georgian
bizarre, unusual, outlandish, abnormal, *off- folding, portable furniture: campaign furni-
beat, different, queer. ANT. 1. serious, grave, ture
grim, morbid. 2. ordinary, normal, usual. goat-like legs, introduced in 17th century:
furious a. 1. ANGRY enraged, infuriated, out- cabriole
raged, irate, *beside oneself, *boiling, gothic revival: Neo Gothic
*pissed, *on the warpath, fuming, mad, in- Greek, Roman or Egyptian styling revivals
flamed, incensed, livid, *up in arms, *spit- of late 1700s: Neoclassical
ting tacks, *bent out of shape, rabid, heavily carved, massive style of second half
*ripped. 2. VIOLENT overpowering, intense, of 1500s England: Elizabethan

Roget’s Superthesaurus 255


heavy, massive and richly decorated style: furthermore adv. in addition, additionally,
Baroque also, moreover, what’s more, too.
hinged panel which can be raised on a table: FURTIVE a. [FUR tiv] secret, sneaky. He shot
drop leaf a furtive glance at his desk partner’s notes. SYN.
inserted wood, grain, mother of pearl, or secret, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, co-
other material of contrasting appear- vert, clandestine, sly, wary, hidden, under-
ance: inlay hand, conspiratorial, skulking, concealed,
local or rural design stylings: Provincial shifty. ANT. open, overt, aboveboard.
medieval style, heavy: gothic fury n. anger, rage, wrath, furor, frenzy, indig-
mosaic of wood in geometric patterns: par- nation, madness, fire, ire, tantrum, fit, dud-
quetry geon, storm, squall, tempest, hot blood, huff,
motifs of animals, mythological creatures, rampage, fierceness. ANT. calm, serenity,
garlands of flowers, early 1600s style fea- tranquility, indifference.
turing carved: Louis XIV fuse v. merge, meld, smelt, combine, blend,
Napoleonı́s style decorated with bees, compound, unite, integrate, commingle,
crowns, laurel leaves and mythological weld, alloy, consolidate. ANT. divide, sepa-
figures: Empire rate, split.
oak, simple rectilinear style made mostly of: fusion n. union, amalgamation, coalescence,
Mission melding, blend, mixture, consolidation,
painted ornamentation, contrasting ve- compound, merger, combination, coalition.
neers, and inlays, 1700s style featuring: ANT. separation, division, splitting.
Sheraton fusillade n. enfilade, salvo, volley, broadside,
plain, blocky, German style, 19th century: burst of fire.
Biedermeier fuss n. bother, ado, fluster, pother, trouble, tur-
plain, simple style of the late 19th century: moil, disturbance, agitation, stir, fretting,
Arts and Crafts flutter.
plain, simple style sometimes featuring fussy a. particular, picky, choosy, meticulous,
chrome and glass and mass produced in persnickety, discriminating, finicky, fastidi-
20th century: yle ous, dainty, hard-to-please, nit-picking.
rococo style of mid-18th century, delicate: ANT. *easy, careless.
fustian a. bombastic, pompous, pretentious, ex-
scrollwork on rich woods, style featuring
travagant, grandiose, lofty. ANT. understated,
highly ornate: Rococo
serpentine arms, cabriole legs, rounded
futile a. vain, useless, hopeless, fruitless, inef-
frames and walnut veneers, style featur-
fective, unproductive, for naught, pointless,
ing: Queen Anne
sleek and polished style of 1930s: Moderne unavailing, idle, *on a wild goose chase.
ANT. fruitful, productive, worthwhile.
unadorned, practical style built by Shakers:
Shaker futility n. uselessness, pointlessness, emptiness,
veneer and inlay, style following American worthlessness, ineffectiveness, frivolous-
Revolution featuring brass feet: Federal ness.
furor n. uproar, craze, excitement, frenzy, com- futon n. mattress, bed, couch, sofa.
motion, rage, outburst, mania, disturbance, future n. tomorrow, offing, time to come, here-
*ado, *to-do, ruckus, *big stink. ANT. apa- after, *down the road, *over the horizon,
thy, indifference, dispassion. prospect, fate, destiny. ‘‘The shape of things
furrow n. channel, groove, rut, trench, ditch, to come.’’—H.G. Wells. ‘‘That period of
cut, trough, track, line, seam, crease, wrin- time in which our affairs prosper, our friends
kle. are true and our happiness is assured.’’—
furry a. hairy, woolly, shaggy, bushy, downy. Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘The past returning
ANT. bald, hairless. through another gate.’’—Arnold Glasgow.
further v. advance, forward, assist, foster, facili- future a. coming, expected, prospective, antici-
tate, promote, aid, contribute to, abet. ANT. pated, imminent, impending, next, *on the
hamper, hinder, thwart. horizon, forthcoming, approaching, sched-
further a. additional, more, added, supplemen- uled, eventual, projected, succeeding, subse-
tary, other, new. ANT. fewer, scant. quent. ANT. past, former, bygone.

256 Roget’s Superthesaurus


futuristic a. visionary, cutting edge, innova- fuzzy a. 1. HAIRY furry, fluffy, downy, woolly,
tive, ahead of one’s time, on the horizon, up napped, linty, frizzy. 2. UNCLEAR blurry,
and coming, of tomorrow, ground breaking, vague, cloudy, dim, hazy, obscure, misty, out
pioneering. ANT. antiquated, old fashioned. of focus. ANT. 1. smooth, hairless. 2. clear,
fuzz n. hair, fur, fluff, down, wool, nap, lint. focused, sharp.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 257


gab n. chatter, talk, jabber, conversation, bab- gait n. stride, walk, step, carriage, motion, run,
ble, *chitchat, *tongue-wagging, *rap, prat- tread, pace, gallop, canter.
tle, palaver, gossip. WORD FIND
gab v. chatter, talk, jabber, converse, babble, descriptive: limp; hobble; lumber; plod;
*yak, *chitchat, *rap, prattle, *jaw, *shoot stagger; shuffle; totter; traipse; trudge;
the breeze, gossip. shamble; pert wiggle; military gait;
gabby a. talkative, loquacious, windy, garru- goose-stepping; portly waddle; long, fluid
lous, long-winded, voluble, wordy, verbose, stride; bowlegged stride; grace of a port-
*motor-mouthed, blabbermouthed, chatty, euse; loose-boned gait; willowy gait;
babbling. ANT. reserved, taciturn, quiet, mute. strut; swagger; feline grace; voluptuous
gadabout n. wanderer, fun-seeker, rambler, sway; mincing steps; authoritative gait
roamer, playboy. SEE WALK
gadfly n. *pain in the neck, irritant. SEE PEST gala n. celebration, festival, bash, fiesta, party,
gadget n. contraption, *widget, apparatus, ap- jubilee, *blowout, *blast, *wingding, *shin-
pliance, device, mechanism, instrument, dig.
tool, *gizmo, contrivance, *doohickey, galaxy n. *island universe, star cluster, star sys-
*thingamajig, machine, *Rube Goldberg tem, Milky Way, Andromeda. SEE ASTRON-
gadgetry n. mechanism, contraptions, works, STAR
appliances, instrumentation, machinery, gale n. wind, gust, squall, blow, blast, breeze,
*bells and whistles, robotics, peripherals, tempest, northeaster, hurricane, cyclone,
*Rube Goldberg devices. tornado. SEE WIND
gaffe n. blunder, goof, mistake, *boner, faux gall n. *nerve, brass, *chutzpah, *balls, impu-
pas, *boo-boo, slip, misstep, indiscretion, dence, insolence, brashness, sauciness,
lapse, transgression, pecadillo, error. *cheek, audacity, *guts, effrontery. ANT. ti-
gag n. joke, practical joke, prank, trick, wise- midity, deference, mousiness, shyness.
crack, caper, jest, *leg-pulling.
gall v. irritate, annoy, *rub the wrong way, ran-
gag v. 1. CHOKE retch, heave, gasp, upchuck,
kle, vex, irk, agitate, peeve, *piss off, pro-
vomit, puke. 2. SILENCE muzzle, shut up, cen-
voke, inflame, chafe, nettle. ANT. please, de-
sor, squelch, hush, muffle, suppress, *put a
lid on.
gaiety n. happiness, cheer, mirth, joy, high spir- gallant a. 1. BRAVE daring, courageous, valor-
its, elation, revelry, merriment, lightheart- ous, heroic, chivalrous, noble, valiant, lion-
edness, glee, joie de vivre, festivity, jollity, hearted, intrepid, dauntless, high spirited,
gladness, hilarity, jubilation, buoyancy. ANT. knightly. 2. POLITE gracious, courteous, no-
somberness, depression, downheartedness, mel- ble, mannerly, courtly, gentlemanly, kindly,
ancholy. well-bred, attentive, considerate. ANT. 1.
gain n. profit, increase, proceeds, growth, earn- cowardly, timid, mousy. 2. rude, impolite, dis-
ings, yield, winnings, advancement, im- courteous, coarse, crude.
provement, enrichment, progress, headway. gallantry n. 1. BRAVERY daring, courage, valor,
ANT. loss, decline. heroism, chivalry, nobility, dauntlessness,
gain v. profit, increase, grow, earn, yield, ac- fearlessness, *derring-do, intrepidity. 2. PO-
quire, attain, get, advance, improve, enrich, LITENESS graciousness, courtesy, suavity,
progress, win, make headway. ANT. lose, de- tact, nobility, manners, gentleness, kind-
cline, fall. ness, courtliness, attentiveness, duty. ‘‘To
gainful a. profitable, productive, worthwhile, remember one is a gentleman in spite of
rewarding, remunerative, paying, lucrative, one’s birth and training.’’—Elbert Hubbard.
fruitful, beneficial. ANT. unprofitable, unre- ANT. 1. cowardice, mousiness, timidity. 2.
warding. rudeness, crudeness, discourtesy.
gainsay v. deny, contradict, controvert, dis- gallery n. 1. WALKWAY passage, hall, corridor,
pute, refute, oppose, negate, disagree, repu- veranda, porch, arcade, loggia, colonnade.
diate. ANT. affirm, uphold, *own up. 2. BALCONY bleachers, grandstand. 3. EXHIBIT

258 Roget’s Superthesaurus


art museum, exhibition hall, showplace, squad, herd, company, clique, crowd, crew,
showroom, salon. troop, coterie, club, ring, league, frater-
galling a. annoying, irritating, nettlesome, vex- nity, *boys in the hood, juvenile delin-
ing, aggravating, chafing, rankling, irksome, quents.
peeving, exasperating. ANT. pleasing, delight- gangling a. lanky, tall, thin, awkward, skinny,
ful. spindly, rangy, loosely built. ANT. husky,
gallop v. run, race, sprint, hurdle, dash, bolt, stout, brawny, obese.
*hightail, canter, lope, rack, trot, *clippety- gangrene n. decay, rot, putrefaction, wasting
clop. SEE HORSE away.
GALVANIZE v. [GAL vuh nize] to stimulate gangster n. mobster, Mafioso, criminal, *sol-
or rouse into action, to jolt. The plight of the dier, thug, hoodlum, *hood, racketeer,
spotted owl galvanized the environmental move- *goon, crook, godfather, *consigliere, hit
ment. SYN. stimulate, rouse, stir, spur, goad, man, gunman, tough. SEE CRIME
excite, *fire, *spark, energize, electrify, jolt, gap n. opening, break, hole, aperture, breach,
wake up, vitalize, invigorate. ANT. dampen, cleft, separation, rent, crevice, chasm, space,
inhibit, deaden, *pull the plug. crack, fissure, hiatus, lacuna, void, interrup-
gambit n. maneuver, action, move, play, tactic, tion.
strategy, plan, ploy, stratagem, ruse, trick. gape v. gawk, look saucer-eyed, stare, ogle, stare
gamble n. bet, wager, stake, speculation, at goggle-eyed,*rubberneck, peer, stare
chance, risk, *shot in the dark, *outside openmouthed, stare in astonishment.
chance, *long shot, *toss of the dice, *a ride garage n. 1. SHELTER, car barn, stall, building,
on the wheel of fortune, *flier. hangar, car port. 2. REPAIR FACILITY, shop.
gamble v. bet, wager, chance, speculate, risk, garb n. clothes, clothing, apparel, outfit, dress,
*take a shot in the dark, *toss the dice, wear, vestments, costume, attire, gear,
*take a flier, *spin the wheel of fortune, try *duds, *threads.
one’s luck, *shoot the works, *go for broke, garb v. dress, clothe, outfit, attire, fit out, ap-
hazard, prospect, *play the ponies, *play the parel, clad, deck, vest, array.
numbers. garbage n. waste, refuse, scraps, leavings, re-
gambler n. wagerer, risk-taker. mains, rubbish, trash, offal, *slop, dregs,
gambling n. ‘‘The sure way of getting nothing *crap.
for something.’’—Wilson Mizner. ‘‘This ty- garble v. confuse, mix up, distort, jumble, slur,
rant vice.’’—David Garrick. mumble, misrepresent, twist, misstate, mis-
gambol v. frolic, frisk, caper, romp, cavort, understand.
bounce, prance, spring, rollick, sport, dance garden n. vegetable garden, flower garden, herb
about, leap about. garden, plot, bed, patch, nursery. ‘‘The
game n. 1. CONTEST match, competition, tour- richer realm.’’—Alice Brown. ‘‘The purest
nament, tourney, meet, showdown, round, of human pleasures.’’—Francis Bacon. ‘‘The
bout, test of skill. 2. AMUSEMENT entertain- best place to seek God . . . you can dig for
ment, pastime, diversion, play, sport, recre- Him there.’’—George Bernard Shaw.
ation, fun, merriment, romp, clowning, test WORD FIND
of skill. cultivation science: horticulture
game a. brave, courageous, bold, dauntless, enclosed garden: garth
fearless, plucky, *gutsy, daring, spirited, ea- fertilizer: bone meal, manure, compost
ger, enthusiastic, willing. ANT. unwilling, first: Eden
*chicken, afraid. glass container, small garden in: terrarium
gamely adv. bravely, courageously, boldly, greenhouse display: conservatory
dauntlessly, fearlessly, pluckily, eagerly, en- greenhouse-like box, small: cold frame
thusiastically, willingly. ANT. unwillingly, Japanese teahouse, bonsai, water: tea gar-
timidly, cowardly. den, Japanese garden
gamut n. range, extent, sweep, scope, area, pest: aphid, cutworm, borer, Japanese bee-
reach, compass, spectrum. tle, slug
gamy a. strong-smelling, strong-tasting, tain- pleasure ground or garden on an estate:
ted, ripe, foul, stinky, dirty, wild, reeking, pleasance
malodorous, spoiled, rank. ANT. ambrosial. protective organic cover of straw, leaves,
gang n. group, band, pack, mob, tribe, party, peat moss: mulch

Roget’s Superthesaurus 259

Gargantuan–Gauntlet, Run the

rock: rock garden, rockery gash n. cut, slice, slash, slit, tear, rent, split,
section: bed, plot laceration, incision, wound.
sheltered from elements: greenhouse, hot- gash v. cut, slice, slash, slit, tear, rent, split,
house lacerate, incise, wound, rend, hack, hew.
shrubs sculpted into shapes of animals, ob- gasket n. seal, packing.
jects: topiary gasoline n. SEE GAS 2.
skill for growing: green thumb gasp n. heave, pant, sharp intake of air, huff,
soil: humus, loam gulp.
soilless growing method using nutrient-rich gasp v. heave, pant, huff, inhale sharply, gulp.
solution: hydroponics gassy a. flatulent, bloated.
tool: hoe, trowel, rake, sprinkler gastronomy n. ecpicurism.
tree and shrub: arbor, arboretum gate n. entry, entrance, door, opening, gateway,
wartime garden grown to boost food produc- portal, access, egress, ingress, turnstile.
tion: victory garden gatekeeper n. sentry, guard, monitor, watch-
watering: irrigation man, custodian.
gargantuan a. gigantic, huge, colossal, enor- gather v. 1. MASS amass, collect, accumulate,
mous, immense, monstrous, Brobdingnag- assemble, reap, harvest, muster, garner,
ian, Herculean, mammoth, stupendous, glean, stockpile, hoard. 2. INFER assume,
towering, massive, elephantine, prodigious, guess, surmise, reckon, deduce, presume,
*humongous. ANT. tiny, *pint-sized, minia- conclude, judge. ANT. 1. disperse, scatter.
ture, Lilliputian. gathering n. congregation, assembly, collec-
tion, crowd, mass, throng, bunch, concen-
garish a. flashy, showy, gaudy, glaring, loud, os-
tration, gang, band, meeting, convention,
tentatious, cheap, blatant, ornate, tawdry,
muster, conference, convocation, council,
glittering, bright. ANT. subtle, understated,
plain, modest, conservative.
GAUCHE a. [GO/SH] tactless, lacking social
garland n. wreath, festoon, laurel, crown, coro-
grace. Telling the queen a dirty joke is consid-
ered gauche. SYN. tactless, clumsy, boorish,
garlic n. herb, clove, bulb, seasoning. uncultured, uncouth, ill-mannered, crude,
garment(s) n. clothing, attire, outfit, dress, cos- unrefined, cloddish, crass, unsophisticated,
tume, vestment, apparel, wear, *duds, ignorant, graceless. ANT. gracious, refined,
*threads, *getup, uniform, *rags. cultured, suave.
garner v. collect, reap, harvest, store, gather, gaudy a. showy, flashy, cheap, garish, ostenta-
assemble, *squirrel away, amass, accumu- tious, loud, tacky, tasteless, eye-catching,
late. tawdry, glaring, pretentious. ANT. tasteful,
garnish n. embellishment, adornment, orna- understated, modest, conservative.
ment, decoration, dressing, enhancement, gauge n. measure, standard, yardstick, criterion,
trimming. test, touchstone, barometer, indicator,
garnish v. embellish, adorn, ornament, deco- benchmark, guideline.
rate, dress, enhance, bedeck, trim. gauge v. measure, evaluate, appraise, assess, es-
garrison n. fort, fortification, military post, timate, guess, calculate, judge, weigh, quan-
command post, fortress, stronghold, troop tify, figure, compute, calibrate.
station. GAUNT a. [GAWNT] emaciated and hollow-
GARRULOUS a. [GAR uh lus] talkative. eyed, as if from starvation, old age, sickness,
They’re a garrulous family; they’ll talk your ear etc. The old man looked gaunt on his death bed.
off. SYN. talkative, loquacious, long-winded, SYN. emaciated, thin, haggard, hollow-eyed,
windy, verbose, *motor-mouthed, *loose- bony, sickly, cadaverous, spindly, rawboned,
lipped, babbling, windy, effusive, wordy, wasted, scrawny, skeletal, drawn, *like
glib. ANT. quiet, reserved, taciturn. death warmed over, anorexic. ANT. strap-
gas n. 1. VAPOR fume, air, exhalation, steam, ping, robust, well-fed, fat.
smoke, effluvium, miasma, oxygen, carbon GAUNTLET, RUN THE v.[GONT lit] an
dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane, pro- outmoded form of punishment in which a
pane, hydrogen, nitrogen. 2. GASOLINE fuel, soldier was forced to run between two lines
petrol, flammable liquid, propellant, com- of men, who would hit him with clubs, knot-
bustible, gasahol. ted ropes, etc., as he passed. In modern use,

260 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Gauntlet, Throw Down the–Generation

any multidirectional ordeal, punishment carved in relief: cameo

criticism, etc. Politicians with unpopular ideas cutting device: lap
are forced to run the gantlet of public opinion. diamond look-alike: zircon
SYN. face one’s punishment, take potshots, engraving: glyptics
be a target, be a whipping boy, face criticsm, expert, cutter, polisher, dealer: lapidary
*run an emotional minefield. fake: paste, rhinestone
[GONT lit] to challenge another, as to a imperfectly transparent gem: loupe
fight or debate. She questioned his credibility iridescent: pearl, moonstone, opal, cat’s eye
and thus officially threw down the gauntlet. SYN. green: emerald, beryl, aquamarine, jade, per-
challenge, dare, invite to debate, invite to idot
do battle, contest, start trouble, defy, invite magnifying glass used by jeweler: loupe
for a face-off, provoke, confront, accost, oblong shape, cut in: baguette
stand up to. ANT. back off, acquiesce. plane or individual cut: facet, culet, bezel,
gauzy a. sheer, diaphanous, *see-through, bezil
transparent, gossamer, filmy, hazy, unsub- purple: amethyst
stantial, translucent. ANT. opaque, heavy, red: ruby, garnet, carnelian, sard, avena
thick. setting, groove and flange: bezel
gavel n. mallet. study of: gemology
gawk v. gape, stare in astonishment, stare sau- transparent: diamond
cer-eyed, ogle, look goggle-eyed, *rubber- weight: carat, karat
neck. yellow: topaz
gawky a. clumsy, ungainly, awkward, oafish, SEE JEWELRY
graceless, bumbling, bungling, cloddish, gender n. sex, classification.
maladroit, uncoordinated. ANT. coordinated, genealogy n. descent, pedigree, lineage, family
graceful. tree, ancestry, blood line, extraction, par-
gay a. 1. HAPPY joyous, joyful, cheerful, sunny, entage.
festive, merry, mirthful, jolly, in high spirits, general a. 1. COMMON popular, regular, conven-
gleeful, vivacious, lighthearted, buoyant, tional, routine, normal, everyday, familiar,
animated, effervescent. 2. BRIGHT brilliant, usual, prevalent, accepted, widespread. 2.
vivid, intense, showy, flashy, colorful. 3. HO- COMPREHENSIVE universal, all-inclusive,
MOSEXUAL lesbian. catholic, blanket, sweeping, extensive,
gaze v. stare, peer, ogle, eye, *eyeball, look, broad, worldwide. 3. INEXACT approximate,
scrutinize, inspect, watch, survey, scan, re- vague, unspecific, ill-defined, indefinite.
gard, study, admire, glare, *scorch with ANT. 1. uncommon, irregular, unconventional.
one’s eyes. 2. exclusive, restricted. 3. exact, specific, de-
gazebo n. summerhouse, shelter, structure, fined.
bandstand, platform. generality n. generalization, loose statement,
gear n. 1. EQUIPMENT apparatus, rigging, acces- broad statement, sweeping statement, ab-
sories, tools, implements, paraphernalia, straction.
outfit, kit, trappings, accoutrement, *stuff, generalize v. speculate, hypothesize, make
effects. 2. MACHINE PART cog, toothed wheel, sweeping statement, make broad statement,
sprocket, flywheel, cam. 3. CLOTHING ap- *paint with a broad brush.
parel, outfit, attire, costume, *togs, *duds. generally adv. 1. COMMONLY regularly, conven-
geek n. Sl. freak, goon, weirdo, mutant, odd- tionally, usually, routinely, normally, typi-
ball, one who belongs in a carnival side- cally, ordinarily. 2. MAINLY mostly, for the
show. most part, chiefly, ordinarily, on the whole,
geisha n. companion, hostess. as a rule. ANT. 1. rarely, seldom, irregularly.
geld v. castrate, neuter, sterilize, emasculate, al- generate v. produce, create, start, give rise to,
ter, *fix. invent, fashion, make, cause, initiate, origi-
gem n. jewel, precious stone, semiprecious nate, spawn, father, mother, found, give
stone, *rock, *ice, bauble. birth to, beget.
WORD FIND generation n. 1. CREATION production, forma-
blue: sapphire, aquamarine, turquoise, hya- tion, invention, inception, fashioning, mak-
cinth ing, initiation, origination, spawning,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 261


founding, genesis. 2. AGE period, era, epoch, GENRE n. [ZHAHN ruh] a type, kind or cate-
eon, day, span. gory. Stephen King writes primarily within the
generator n. dynamo, alternator. horror genre. SYN. type, kind, category, class,
generic a. general, universal, common, compre- sort, classification, school, variety, style, ge-
hensive. ANT. specific. nus.
generous a. 1. GIVING charitable, unselfish, big- GENTEEL a. [jen TEEL] refined and polite.
hearted, openhanded, lavish, munificent, Also, affectedly refined. He never burped out
beneficent, benevolent, philanthropic, lib- loud; he was too genteel for that. SYN. refined,
eral, unstinting. 2. PLENTIFUL bounteous, polite, cultured, respectable, mannerly,
abundant, copious, ample, rich, lavish, lib- civil, courtly, behaved, gentlemanly, lady-
eral, overflowing. ANT. 1. cheap, stingy, like, formal, prudish, pretentious, *la-di-da,
*tight. 2. scanty, spare, meager. *highfalutin, affected, pompous, *stuffy,
genesis n. origin, beginning, birth, creation, in- hoity-toity. ANT. unrefined, coarse, crude, un-
ception, start, generation, formation, dawn, cultured, rude, earthy, *down-home.
commencement. ANT. death, finish. gentile n. non-Jew, goy.
gentility n. refinement, politeness, manners, ci-
genial a. cheerful, friendly, amiable, warm,
vility, courtliness, courtesy, polish, sophisti-
sympathetic, cordial, sunny, pleasant, agree-
cation, culture, respectability, nobility. ANT.
able, good-natured, nice, convivial, socia-
coarseness, vulgarity.
ble. ANT. unfriendly, moody, standoffish, gentle a. 1. SOFT light, delicate, calm, quiet,
grouchy. easy, tender, slight, mellow, faint, temper-
genie n. jinni, supernatural being, spirit, wizard, ate. 2. KINDLY agreeable, mild, docile,
conjurer. tender, soft, quiet, placid, peaceful, meek,
genitals n. sexual organs, genitalia, reproduc- serene, tame. ANT. 1. rough, hard, violent. 2.
tive organs, pudendum, privates, private violent, vicious, rough.
parts. MALE: penis, phallus, *tool, testicles, gentleman n. 1. MAN fellow, *guy, chap, *dude.
testes, gonads. FEMALE: vagina, vulva, la- 2. REFINED MAN OR RICH MAN patrician, lord,
bia, clitoris. aristocrat, nobleman, *gent, *blue-blood,
genius n. 1. MENTAL GIANT *brain, *whiz, intel- courtier. ‘‘To speak as the common people
lectual, *wunderkind, prodigy, savant, *Edi- do, to think as wise men do.’’—Roger
son, master, *Einstein, expert, virtuoso, Ascham.
*egghead, *rocket scientist. 2. GREAT ABIL- gentlemanly a. genteel, mannerly, courtly, re-
ITY OR INTELLECT talent, gift, facility, knack, fined, polite, courteous, gallant, civil, hon-
endowment, brilliance, intelligence, astute- orable, cultivated, noble.
ness, acumen, understanding, insight, cre- gentry n. aristocracy, upper class, *upper crust,
ativity, imagination, aptitiude, brains, nobility, gentlefolk, elite.
smarts, flair, wisdom, ingenuity, propensity, genuine a. 1. REAL authentic, legitimate, *the
grasp, inventiveness. ‘‘Nothing more than real McCoy, bona fide, certified, actual,
our common faculties refined to a greater honest, true, unadulterated. 2. SINCERE hon-
intensity.’’—Benjamin Haydon. ‘‘Nothing est, frank, ingenuous, forthright, heartfelt,
but labor and diligence.’’—William Ho- unaffected, earnest, natural. ANT. 1. counter-
garth. ‘‘Perseverance in disguise.’’—Henry feit, fake, bogus. 2. insincere, affected, disin-
Austin. ‘‘Originality, the opening of new genuous.
genus n. class, classification, sort, kind, type,
frontiers.’’—Arthur Koestler. ANT. 1. moron,
category, order.
imbecile, ignoramus, idiot. germ n. 1. MICROBE microorganism, *bug, virus,
GENOCIDE n. [JEN uh SIYD] the extermina- bacterium, bacillus, pathogen, infectious
tion or attempted extermination of an en- agent, rhinovirus, retrovirus, streptococcus,
tire ethnic group, originally of the Jews by spirochete. 2. SOURCE root, beginning, ori-
Nazi Germany, but now any mass ethnic ex- gin, seed, embryo, fountainhead, spark.
termination. Ethnic cleansing is a form of GERMANE a. [jur MANE] relevant, perti-
genocide. SYN. mass extermination, ethnic nent. Your comment is not germane to the sub-
cleansing, holocaust, annihilation, eradica- ject at hand. SYN. relevant, pertinent, related,
tion, ethnic elimination, massacre, slaugh- appropriate, applicable, to the point, apro-
ter, bloodbath, mass murder, decimation, pos, related, material, apt. ANT. irrelevant,
carnage. SEE MURDER immaterial, unrelated.

262 Roget’s Superthesaurus


germicide n. antiseptic, germ killer, disinfec- gibberish n. babble, gibber, *gobbledegook,

tant, antibiotic, fumigant, bactericide. mumbo jumbo, jabber, chatter, nonsense,
germinate v. sprout, bud, flower, grow, develop, twaddle, drivel, blather, prattle, jargon.
spring up, shoot, generate. gibe v. taunt, jeer, mock, scoff, ridicule, tease,
gerontology n. geriatics, study of aging. *ride, deride, make fun of, sneer at, heckle,
gestation n. pregnancy, incubation, matura- *razz, rib.
tion, development. giddy a. 1. DIZZY light-headed, *woozy, reeling,
gesticulate v. SEE GESTURE unsteady, faint, vertiginous. 2. FLIGHTY friv-
gesture v. gesticulate, motion, signal, wave, olous, fickle, *bubbleheaded, capricious,
pantomime, mime, express with hands, *use silly, *airheaded, scatterbrained, *ditzy.
body language, *use body English, sign. ANT. 1. steady, strong, energetic. 2. level-
get v. 1. OBTAIN acquire, attain, come by, se- headed, sober, stable, serious.
cure, net, take, *bag, gain, receive, seize, gift n. 1. PRESENT gratuity, donation, giveaway,
earn, win, procure, reap, harvest, gather, contribution, offering, token, gesture, favor,
achieve. 2. UNDERSTAND comprehend, grasp, benefaction, bonus, grant, tip. 2. TALENT
see, follow, fathom, take in, apprehend. 3. natural ability, knack, faculty, aptitude, en-
BE AFFLICTED WITH catch, *come down with, dowment, flair, bent, genius.
contract. gifted a. talented, endowed, skilled, expert, ac-
geyser n. spout, fountain, jet, blast, gusher, complished, masterly, proficient, adept, in-
thermal spring. genious, intelligent, blessed. ANT. dense, in-
ghastly a. 1. FRIGHTFUL horrible, hideous, ept, slow.
gruesome, shocking, dreadful, horrendous, gig n. show, performance, play date, engage-
appalling, revolting, macabre, grisly. 2. ment, job, appearance, concert, recital.
CADAVEROUS ghostly, pale, haggard,
gigantic a. huge, big, titanic, gargantuan, colos-
blanched, corpselike, deathly, ashen. ANT. sal, *whopping, Brobdingnagian, Hercu-
1. lovely. lean, enormous, stupendous, towering, pro-
ghetto n. slum, inner city, rundown quarter, digious. ANT. tiny, microscopic, Lilliputian.
public housing district. giggle v. laugh, titter, snigger, chuckle, snicker,
ghost n. spirit, specter, apparition, phantom, *teehee, chortle, cackle.
gigolo n. escort, lover, *pro, *professional, par-
*spook, phantasm, poltergeist, wraith, dop-
amour, paid date, lady-killer, paid compan-
pelgänger, shade, shadow. ‘‘The outward
ion, *sex machine, Lothario, Don Juan,
and visible sign of an inward fear.’’—Am-
Cassanova, love buddy.
brose Bierce.
gild v. embellish, decorate, gloss over, embroi-
ghostly a. spectral, phantom, spiritual, phan-
der, dress up, enhance, touch up, garnish,
tasmic, spooky, spiritual, haunted, un- whitewash, sugarcoat.
earthly, wraithlike, supernatural, ghastly, gimcrack n. knickknack, bauble, gew gaw, trin-
eerie, illusory. ket, doodad, novelty, whatnot, bagatelle.
ghoul n. evil spirit, demon, graverobber, fiend, gimmick n. device, scheme, catch, subterfuge,
devil, bogeyman, goblin, creep, vampire, artifice, wrinkle, ruse, ploy, trick, contriv-
monster. ance, *dodge.
ghoulish a. monstrous, hideous, fiendish, gingerly adv. delicately, lightly, carefully, cau-
vampiric, gruesome, diabolical, necrophilic, tiously, gently, warily, guardedly, discreetly,
cold-blooded, horrible. charily, timidly. ANT. recklessly, boldly,
GI n. government issue, soldier, member of the rashly.
service, marine, army man, army woman, gingivitis n. gum inflammation, gum disease,
sailor, *grunt, *dogface, *leatherneck. SEE bleeding gums.
AIR FORCE, ARMY, NAVY gird v. encircle, surround, enclose, circum-
giant n. titan, Gargantua, colossus, behemoth, scribe, band, encompass, secure, reinforce,
*whopper, *bruiser, hulk, Goliath, Brobdin- fortify.
gnagian, Amazon, Cyclops, ogre, giantess. girder n. beam, joist, timber, support.
ANT. midget, dwarf, *shrimp, *Lilliputian. girdle n. corset, undergarment, truss.
giant a. huge, gigantic, gargantuan, mammoth, girl n. female, lass, lassie, maiden, miss, *filly,
colossal, enormous, prodigious, Brobding- damsel, wench, *chick, *babe, *dame, ma-
nagian, titanic, Herculean, elephantine, demoiselle, debutante, belle, tomboy, *mu-
towering. ANT. tiny, microscopic, *Lilliputian. chacha. ‘‘Innocence playing in the mud,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 263


beauty standing on its head, and mother- WILLING eager. ANT. 1. sad, depressed, un-
hood dragging a doll by the foot.’’—Allan happy. 2. miserable, awful, terrible. 3. unwill-
Beck. ing, reluctant.
gist n. essence, substance, main point, pith, gladden v. cheer, make happy, hearten, please,
crux, heart, core, point, drift, thrust, *bot- brighten, delight, *tickle pink, *raise one’s
tom line. spirits, elate. ANT. *bring down, *bum out,
give v. 1. CONTRIBUTE, BESTOW donate, present, depress.
hand over, confer, award, dispense, deliver, gladiator n. swordsman, fighter, combatant.
transmit, provide, *fork over, convey, *shell glamorous a. fascinating, charismatic, alluring,
out, entrust. 2. IMPART express, communi- captivating, charming, magnetic, bewitch-
cate, send, deliver, offer, announce, state. 3. ing, enchanting, dazzling, provocative. ANT.
CONCEDE yield, bend, surrender, relinquish. humdrum, prosaic, every day.
4. COLLAPSE buckle, cave in, fall. glamour n. allure, charm, appeal, fascination,
give-and-take n. compromise, cooperation, rec- *razzle-dazzle, charisma, magnetism, attract-
iprocity, *mutual back-scratching, inter- ion, bewitchment, *star power.
change, trade-off, collaboration, exchange, glance n. look, glimpse, peek, peep, gander,
swap. *once-over.
gizmo n. device, appliance, mechanism, tool, glance v. 1. LOOK glimpse, peer, peek, peep,
gadget, thingamajig, thingamabob, contrap- view, observe, *get a load of, *take a gander,
tion, widget, machine, *Rube Goldberg de- *give a once-over, eye, *eyeball. 2. GRAZE
vice. sideswipe, brush, carom, kiss, ricochet, skim,
glacial a. icy, snowy, frozen, gelid, frigid, frosty, bounce off, touch.
arctic, polar, wintry. ANT. tropical, warm, gland n. organ, secreting organ, lymph gland,
sunny. thymus, thyroid, parotid, adrenal gland,
WORD FIND sweat gland, pituitary gland, liver, pancreas.
glare v. 1. SHINE flash, gleam, blaze, dazzle,
altering of land mass by glacier: glaciation
light, radiate, blind, flame, glow. 2. SCOWL
boulder pushed far from its native land by:
frown, *stare down, glower, lower, *scorch
glacial erratic
with one’s eyes, *look at piercingly, *stare
bowl-like gouge carved out of mountain side
icily. SEE ANGRY
by glacier: cirque
glaring a. 1. BRIGHT blinding, dazzling, brilliant,
breaking away of large chunks from head of intense, overpowering, shining, harsh,
glacier: calving flashy, blazing. 2. FLAGRANT obvious, con-
cave in a glacier: glaciere spicuous, blatant, extreme, open, overt,
chunks of glacier floating in ocean: iceberg prominent, undisguised. ANT. 1. dim, sub-
epoch: pleistocene dued. 2. subtle, covert, negligible, inconspicu-
expert: glaciologist ous.
form: glaciate glass n. cup, tumbler, goblet, mug, chalice, bea-
gravel and rocks deposited by: drift, till, ker, pony.
drumlin, esker, kame, moraine glasses n. *specs, spectacles, corrective lenses,
mountain peak surrounded by: nunatak lenses. SEE EYE GLASSES
period of cold in which glaciers grow and glassy a. 1. TRANSPARENT clear, crystal, glossy,
expand: ice age vitreous, lucid, smooth, slick. 2. EXPRESSION-
pinnacle of ice on: serac LESS glazed, lifeless, vacuous, empty, dazed,
scratches, grooves left on bedrock by passing deadpan, fixed. ANT. 1. opaque, clouded. 2.
glacier: striations expressive.
snow that gradually becomes glacial ice: glaze n. varnish, lacquer, gloss, coat, finish, pa-
neve, firn tina, luster.
study of: glaciology glaze v. varnish, lacquer, gloss, coat, finish, pol-
SEE SNOW, WINTER ish, paint.
glacier n. ice mass, snow mass, ice cap, snow gleam n. flash, beam, light, brilliance, sparkle,
pack. glimmer, glow, twinkle, scintillation, shim-
glad a. 1. HAPPY delighted, *tickled, *tickled to mer.
death, *tickled pink, pleased, thrilled, grati- gleam v. shine, beam, flash, light, radiate, spar-
fied, cheerful, joyous, upbeat. 2. DELIGHTFUL kle, glimmer, glow, twinkle, scintillate,
happy, pleasing, gratifying, cheering. 3. shimmer.

264 Roget’s Superthesaurus


glean v. collect, gather, harvest, reap, cull, take dejection, unhappiness, desolation,
in, extract. heavy-heartedness. ANT. 1. brightness, sun-
glee n. joy, gaiety, happiness, merriment, exul- niness, light, radiance. 2. happiness, cheer-
tation, elation, verve, mirth, gladness, jubi- fulness, joy.
lation, felicity. ANT. depression, misery, mel- gloomy a. 1. DARK dim, murky, shadowy, dis-
ancholy. mal, obscure, dusky, gauzy, black, cloudy,
gleeful a. joyous, gay, happy, merry, exultant, dreary, somber. 2. SAD depressed, depressing,
elated, mirthful, glad, jubilant, exhilarated, hopeless, dismal, melancholy, woeful, glum,
blithe. ANT. depressed, miserable, melancholy. sorrowful, dejected, unhappy, desolated,
GLIB a. [GLIB] spoken or given too easily, joyless, heavyhearted, despondent, satur-
too offhandedly or too superficially to be nine, black, bleak, funereal. ANT. 1. bright,
taken seriously, as a piece of advice. His light, radiant, sunny. 2. happy, elated, eu-
glib response to Marcia’s earnest question left phoric, bright.
her unsatisfied. SYN. facile, superficial, shal- glorify v. 1. EXALT honor, idolize, revere, wor-
low, smooth-tongued, quick, ready, slick, ship, deify, elevate, venerate, immortalize,
smooth-talking, fluent, fast-talking, volu- beatify, sanctify. 2. PRAISE extol, celebrate,
ble. ANT. thoughtful, sincere, deep, profound. honor, *put on a pedestal, *talk up, *sing
glide v. slide, glissade, float, skim, plane, waft, the praises of, hail, acclaim, celebrate, flat-
coast, drift, skate, slip, flow, wing. ter, lionize. ANT. degrade, condemn, dishonor,
glimmer v. gleam, glow, flicker, sparkle, glare, disgrace.
coruscate, beam, glitter, twinkle, scintillate, glorious a. divine, splendid, magnificent, won-
flash. derful, grand, marvelous, superb, excellent,
glimpse n. look, peek, peep, glance, fleeting heavenly, sublime, spectacular, resplendent.
look, flash. ANT. lowly, humble, modest, plain.
glimpse v. catch a peek, peep, look, glance, see, glory n. 1. HONOR admiration, fame, renown,
eye, *eyeball, spot, *get a load of, take in, celebrity, praise, acclaim, esteem, adoration,
spy. veneration, prestige, notoriety. ‘‘Goads and
glint n. sparkle, gleam, flash, glitter. spurs to virtue.’’—Francis Bacon. ‘‘A torch
glisten v. shine, sparkle, flash, glimmer, shim- to kindle the noble mind.’’—Silius Italicus.
mer, gleam, glint, scintillate, glitter. 2. BEAUTY splendor, magnificence, radiance,
glitch n. Sl. error, malfunction, *bug, snag, grandeur, resplendence, majesty, brilliance.
*snafu. ANT. 1. dishonor, degradation, disgrace. 2. ug-
glitter n. sparkle, glint, glimmer, gleam, sheen, liness.
shine, brilliance, radiance, scintillation, lus-
gloss n. shine, luster, sheen, shimmer, glow,
ter, twinkle.
gleam, polish, brilliance.
glitter v. sparkle, glint, glimmer, gleam, shine,
gloss v. 1. SHINE make lustrous, polish, buff, rub,
radiate, scintillate, twinkle, coruscate.
glitz n. showiness, ostenation, gaudiness, gar- burnish, varnish. 2. SMOOTH OVER cover up,
ishness. mask, disguise, *sugarcoat, soft-pedal,
gloaming n. dusk, twilight, nightfall, sundown. *whitewash, doctor.
gloat v. crow, exult, strut, brag, vaunt, triumph, glossary n. lexicon, word list, nomenclature,
*rub it in, boast, *lord over, *take malicious vocabulary, dictionary.
pleasure in. ANT. downplay, deprecate. glossy a. shiny, lustrous, shimmering, gleaming,
glob n. lump, chunk, hunk, mass, blob, globule, glowing, polished, burnished, sleek, silky,
drop, ball, gob. glassy. ANT. dull, tarnished.
global a. worldwide, international, interconti- glow n. radiance, light, gleam, brightness, glim-
nental, universal, planetary, pandemic, mer, shine, luminosity, illumination, incan-
widespread, extensive, far-reaching. ANT. lo- descence, effulgence, phosphorescence. SEE
cal, regional, confined. BLUSH
globe n. sphere, orb, spheroid, earth, planet, glow v. radiate, light, gleam, glimmer, shine,
world, ball, *spaceship Earth, biosphere. illuminate, incandesce, shimmer, glare. SEE
gloom n. 1. DARKNESS dimness, murk, shadow, BLUSH
obscurity, shade, dusk, blackness, cloudi- glower v. frown, scowl, glare, lower, stare
ness. 2. SADNESS depression, hopelessness, blackly, *shoot a dirty look, *scorch with
melancholy, despair, woe, grief, sorrow, one’s eyes. SEE ANGRY

Roget’s Superthesaurus 265


glowing a. 1. RADIANT aglow, luminous. 2. COL- goal n. aim, ambition, end, purpose, objective,
ORED red, ruddy, rosy, flushed, florid, radi- target, design, intention, destination.
ant, aglow, blooming. 3. ENTHUSIASTIC com- goat n. scapegoat, *fall guy, whipping boy, butt,
plimentary, laudatory, favorable. ANT. 1. *patsy.
dull, dim. 2. pale, blanched, pallid. 3. negative, gobble v. bolt, wolf, gulp, stuff, cram, choke
unenthusiastic, critical. down, devour, *shovel, gorge, *suck up,
glue n. cement, paste, fixative, adhesive, swallow whole.
*stickum, mucilage. gobbledygook n. gibberish, jargon, cant, *offi-
glum a. sullen, gloomy, morose, down, low, cialese, claptrap, legalese, nonsense, *bunk,
dispirited, long-faced, sulky, dismal, cheer- *rot, *bafflegab.
less, lugubrious, sad. ANT. cheerful, happy, go-between n. intermediary, middleman, me-
joyous, elated. dium, second, arbitrator, mediator, agent,
glut n. excess, surplus, overabundance, super- broker, referee.
fluity, surfeit, surplus, flood, inundation, goblin n. spirit, bogeyman, *spook, hobgoblin,
overflow, plethora, repletion. ANT. dearth, imp, elf, puck, gnome, kobold.
scarcity, lack, shortage. God/god n. 1. GOD Supreme Being, Father in
glut v. fill, flood, surfeit, sate, satiate, inundate, Heaven, Heavenly Father, the Almighty,
clog, choke, oversupply, stuff, congest, over- the All-Powerful, the All-Wise, the All-
load. Merciful, the All-Seeing, Lord of Lords,
glutton n. *pig, *hog, gourmand, *garbage King of Kings, the Creator, Brahma, Allah,
disposal, eater, epicure, *garbage gut, Adonai, Lord, Jehovah, Holy Spirit, the
*chow hound, overeater. ‘‘One who digs Man Upstairs. ‘‘Love.’’—The Bible. ‘‘A su-
his grave with his teeth.’’—French prov- perior reasoning power . . . revealed in the
erb. incomprehensible universe.’’—Albert Ein-
gluttonous a. voracious, gourmandizing, insa- stein. ‘‘Conscience.’’—Mohandas Gandhi.
tiable, ravenous, *piggish, *hoggish. ‘‘A light that is never darkened.’’—Francis
gnarled a. knotted, knotty, twisted, contorted, Quarles. ‘‘A mighty fortress.’’—Martin Lu-
tortured, crooked, distorted, arthritic, wrin- ther. ‘‘Personified incomprehensibility.’’—
kled. ANT. smooth. George Lichtenberg. ‘‘That which has no
gnash v. grind, grit, grate, rasp, clamp. definition.’’—Joseph Albo. ‘‘A vengeful,
pitiless, and almighty fiend.’’—Percy Bysshe
gnaw v. 1. MUNCH nibble, chew, bite, champ,
Shelley. ‘‘An infantile fantasy . . . necessary
eat away. 2. BOTHER nag, *eat at, trouble,
when men did not know what lightning
worry, plague, torment.
was.’’—Edward Anhalt. ‘‘A gaseous verte-
gnome n. fairy, elf, dwarf, troll, pixie, lepre-
brate.’’—Ernst Haeckel. 2. DEITY goddess,
chaun, imp.
divinity, spirit, idol. ANT. 1. the Devil, Satan,
go n. 1. ENERGY animation, drive, vigor, zest, Lucifer, Prince of Darkness. 2. mortal, physical
pep, life, force. 2. TRY attempt, whirl, stab, being.
shot, crack. WORD FIND
go v. 1. PROCEED advance, begin, move, start, appearance of: theophany
set out, get the ball rolling, travel, make belief in god other than that of Jewish,
headway, progress. 2. LEAVE depart, retire, Christian or Muslim faith: paganism
run, *split, *scram, decamp, withdraw, slip cry of praise to God: hosanna
away, *hit the road, vamoose, quit, *shove disbelief in: atheism
off, *beat it, *blow. 3. FUNCTION perform, disbeliever: atheist
run, work, operate, act. 4. PASS elapse, slip half god, half human: demigod
away, transpire, expire. 5. EXTEND lead, Hindu deity on earth: avatar
stretch, span, reach. ANT. 1. stop, stay, human traits imagined in: anthropomor-
freeze. 2. remain, stay. phism
goad n. stimulus, spur, prod, inducement, impe- humans created by God not evolved, belief
tus, catalyst, urge, motive, incentive, *kick that: creationism
in the pants, *swift kick. Latin: Deus
goad v. stimulate, spur, prod, induce, urge, one, belief in more than: polytheism
motivate, impel, incite, spark, egg on, co- one, belief in only: monotheism
erce, prompt, *kickstart, provoke. questioner of God’s existence: agnostic

266 Roget’s Superthesaurus


questioning of God’s existence: agnosticism ball position after coming to rest: lie
Son of God: Jesus Christ closely cropped green around hole: putting
study of: theology green
universe and its natural laws are God, belief club: baffy, blade, brassie, chipping iron,
that: pantheism cleek, iron, mashie, niblick, putter,
SEE CHURCH, MYTHICAL DEITIES, RELIGION driver, wood, wedge, spoon
God-fearing a. pious, devout, faithful, devoted, curving drive: hook, slice
reverent, holy, religious. ANT. atheistic, god- curving fairway: dogleg
less, heathen. extra shot allowed in casual game: Mulligan
godforsaken a. desolate, forlorn, lonely, aban- fee to play: greens fee
doned, wretched, cheerless, forgotten, con- flagstick: pin
demned. ANT. lush, hospitable. grounds: fairway, green, links, course
godless a. atheistic, heathen, impious, pagan, hole made in one stroke: ace, hole in one
sacrilegious, blasphemous, freethinking, ag- lockers, club building: clubhouse
nostic, wicked, unholy. ANT. pious, devout, long grass area: rough
God-fearing. par, scoring one stroke over: bogey
godly a. religious, God-fearing, devout, pious, par, scoring one stroke under: birdie
righteous, holy, spiritual, reverent, born- par, scoring three strokes under: albatross,
again, saintly, good, moral. ANT. godless, double eagle
sinful, atheistic, blasphemous, sacrilegious. par, scoring two strokes over: double bogey
godsend n. blessing, gift, windfall, miracle,
par, scoring two strokes under: eagle
manna, benediction, boon.
plug that ball sits on: tee
Godspeed n. good luck, good fortune, success,
poor golfer: duffer, hacker
God’s blessings, prosperity, God’s favor.
gofer n. Sl. errand boy, errand girl, *go getter, sand hazard: sand trap, bunker; *beach
gal Friday, man Friday, *grunt. shots: drive, putt, chip shot, loft, pitch,
gold n. 1. COLOR yellow, gilt, straw, tawny, hook, slice
flaxen, blond, honey, auric. 2. METAL pre- shouted warning: fore!
cious metal, nugget. ‘‘The touchstone turf hacked out by club: divot
whereby to try men.’’—Thomas Fuller. gone a. departed, left, removed, away, absent,
WORD FIND vanished, missing, extinct, *AWOL, out,
bar: ingot, bullion off, lost, used up, consumed, finished. ANT.
fool’s: pyrite present, arrived, here.
of gold: aurous gonzo a. Sl. strange, odd, bizarre, weird, *far
glacial deposit: placer mine out, experimental, unconventional. ANT.
overlay: gild, gilt straight-laced, conventional.
weight: carat good n. 1. ADVANTAGE benefit, welfare, profit,
goldbrick v. Sl. shirk, loaf, *goof off, malinger. gain, interest, well-being. 2. VIRTUE good-
gold digger n. user, parasite, bloodsucker, leech, ness, morality, value, worth, uprightness.
sponge, opportunist, exploiter. good a. 1. SATISFACTORY adequate, acceptable,
golden a. 1. SEE GOLD 2. ADVANTAGEOUS best, worthy, OK, all right, fine, excellent, first-
opportune, favorable, auspicious, timely, rate, choice, super, great, commendable,
propitious, providential, rosy. ANT. 2. black, prime, marvelous, select, sufficient, benefi-
unfavorable. cial, reputable, recommended, effective. 2.
gold mine n. bonanza, mother lode, Eldorado, MORAL virtuous, righteous, wholesome, hon-
*cash cow, *goose that layed the golden orable, upright, conscientious, exemplary,
egg. respectable, noble, chaste. 3. KIND humane,
golf n. sport, pastime. ‘‘A plague invented by benevolent, sympathetic, compassionate,
the Calvinistic Scots as a punishment for giving, charitable, merciful, altruistic. 4.
man’s sins.’’—James Reston. ‘‘A good walk WELL-BEHAVED mannerly, respectful, polite,
spoiled.’’—Mark Twain. considerate. 5. UNSPOILED fresh, uncontami-
WORD FIND nated, untainted, fit, sound. 6. SKILLED able,
aid: caddy proficient, competent, accomplished, adept,
average number of shots deemed necessary capable, talented. 7. GENUINE authentic,
for each hole: par real, bona fide, valid, true, sound, *kosher.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 267


8. CONSIDERABLE big, large, sizable, respect- gorge v. bolt, stuff, cram, wolf, swallow whole,
able, substantial, extensive. ANT. 1. unsatis- gulp, gobble, devour, *shovel in, overeat, sa-
factory, bad, poor, second-rate. 2. immoral, tiate, glut.
sinful, wicked. 3. cruel, mean, vicious. 4. gorgeous a. beautiful, magnificent, splendid,
rude, impolite, unruly. 5. spoiled, tainted. 6. sumptuous, attractive, stunning, lovely, rav-
unskilled, bad, inadequate. 7. fake, counterfeit, ishing, exquisite, luxurious, resplendent.
phony. 8. scant, trivial, piddling. ANT. repulsive, hideous, plain. SEE GOOD-LOOK-
goodbye interj. farewell, bye-bye, *so long, ING
Godspeed, *toodle-oo, *toodles, *ta-ta, gorilla n. 1. GREAT APE beast, primate, mammal,
adieu, adios, ciao, sayonara, hasta la vista, simian, *King Kong, *Mighty Joe Young. 2.
arrivederci, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen, see THUG beast, bruiser, goon, hoodlum, brute,
you later, *later, *see you later alligator, animal.
vaya con dios, aloha, shalom. gormandize v. devour, gorge, *pig out, overeat,
good-humored a. SEE GOOD-NATURED stuff, gobble, wolf.
good-looking a. attractive, beautiful, hand- gospel n. fact, truth, God’s word, simple truth,
some, pretty, cute, comely, lovely, becom- reality, actuality, chapter and verse, *what’s
ing, fair, *nice, *foxy, *bonny. ANT. ugly, what.
repulsive. gory a. bloody, bloodstained, sanguinary, mur-
good-natured a. easygoing, cheerful, amiable, derous, savage, horrible.
genial, pleasant, good-humored, agreeable, gossamer a. delicate, diaphanous, airy, fine,
nice, even-tempered, complaisant, kindly. feathery, cobwebby. ANT. strong, solid, well-
ANT. grouchy, touchy, standoffish. built.
goodness n. virtue, excellence, righteousness, gossip n. 1. RUMORS hearsay, chatter, talk, scan-
uprightness, morality, integrity, kindness, dal, *dirt, *lowdown, *scuttlebutt, report,
wholesomeness, benevolence. ANT. badness, mudslinging, *grapevine, *small talk, *buzz.
wickedness, evil. ‘‘Foul whisperings.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘Mur-
goods n. 1. PERSONAL PROPERTY belongings, der by language.’’—Roland Barthes. 2. RU-
possessions, things, stuff, effects. 2. MER- MORMONGER tattler, tattletale, *big mouth,
CHANDISE wares, stock, inventory, com- *blabbermouth, busybody, snoop, prattler
modities. gouge n. groove, channel, hole, scratch, furrow,
goodwill n. benevolence, kindliness, altruism, score, gash, excavation, striation.
favor, friendliness, humanitarianism, gra- gouge v. scratch, scrape, excavate, dig, scoop
ciousness, goodness. ANT. ill will, hostility. out.
goody-goody a. straight-laced, upright, politi- gourmet n. epicure, epicurean, gastronome,
cally correct, nice, pious, moral, prudish, connoisseur, bon vivant, gourmand. ‘‘Just a
prissy, Victorian, Puritan, no-nonsense. glutton with brains.’’—Philip Haberman.
ANT. wild, rowdy, immoral. govern v. 1. RULE administer, direct, supervise,
gooey a. sticky, *gloppy, tacky, viscous, gelati- manage, oversee, dictate, run, reign, order,
nous, gummy. ANT. dry. occupy the throne, regulate, *lay down the
goof v. Sl. bungle, mess up, blunder, fail, *screw law, hold sway, *pull the strings, exercise
up, miscalculate. authority. 2. HOLD IN CHECK curb, inhibit,
goofy a. Sl. silly, foolish, stupid, sophomoric, bridle, restrain, control, arrest, regulate.
childish, *nerdy, *ditzy, *daffy, dopey. ANT. government n. regulation, administration, gov-
serious, respected. erning body, control, *Big Brother, Wash-
goon n. *geek, *bozo, clown, *boob, *dork, ington, *Uncle Sam, the state, *powers that
*goober, lummox, freak, moron, *throw- be, management, supervision, guidance, bu-
back, *Neanderthal. reaucracy, rule, command, reign, authority,
GORDIAN KNOT n. SEE CUT THE GORDIAN leadership, dictatorship, regime, senate,
KNOT congress, ministry. ‘‘The biggest organized
gore n. bloodshed, slaughter, carnage. SEE MUR- social effort for dealing with social prob-
DER lems.’’—Felix Frankfurter. ‘‘The people.’’—
gore v. pierce, puncture, stab, impale, gouge, John Quincy Adams. ‘‘The Santa Claus of
horn, hook. something-for-nothing and something-for-
gorge n. canyon, chasm, pass, valley, gap, ra- everyone.’’—Barry Goldwater. ‘‘A kind of
vine, gully, defile. gangsterism.’’—Frank Lloyd Wright.

268 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND graceful a. 1. HAVING GOOD FORM fluid, coordi-

absence of: anarchy nated, poised, dexterous, agile, refined,
authoritarian: totalitarianism adroit, nimble, lissome, lithesome, supple,
autonomy: sovereignty *graceful as a porteuse, smooth, balanced,
betrayal of: treason elegant. 2. CHARMING appealing, attractive,
citizens in authority: commonwealth, de- elegant, mannerly, cultivated, winsome,
mocracy, republic tactful, urbane. ANT. 1. clumsy, awkward. 2.
clergy, headed by: hierocracy, theocracy, rude, obnoxious, boorish, unrefined.
hagiarchy gracious a. kind, courteous, hospitable, cordial,
dictated by one ruler or small group: dicta- polite, benevolent, accommodating, consid-
torship, despotism, tyranny erate, well-mannered, friendly, affable,
experts, by: technocracy charitable. ANT. ungracious, rude, inconsider-
female: matriarchy, gynarchy, gynecocracy ate.
king’s: monarchy grade n. 1. SLOPE incline, gradient, slant, rise,
male lineage, handed down through: patri- pitch, ascent, descent. 2. RANK status, stand-
archy ing, position, class, station, stage, incre-
Medieval system of lords and vassals: feudal- ment, rating, mark.
ism grade v. 1. RANK rate, evaluate, classify, sort,
military, by: stratocracy, martial law brand, order, label. 2. LEVEL flatten, smooth.
oppressive, one-party system: fascism gradient n. grade, slope, incline, slant, rise,
preserving cultural diversity: pluralism pitch, ascent, descent.
privileged class, by: aristocracy, oligarchy, gradual a. progressive, successive, slow, incre-
plutocracy mental, piecemeal, step-by-step, bit-by-bit,
secret police, controlled by: police state leisurely, measured, steady, by degrees. ANT.
seizure of: coup d’etat abrupt, sudden, instantaneous.
self-governing: autonomous graduate n. alumnus, alumna, grad, bachelor.
without: acracy graduate v. 1. COMPLETE SCHOOL receive a di-
SEE CONGRESS, ELECTION, POLITICS ploma, receive a degree, complete one’s edu-
governor n. ruler, regulator, director, adminis- cation. 2. GRADE measure, calibrate, mark
trator, supervisor, head, bureaucrat, magis- off.
trate. graduation n. commencement, advancement.
gown n. dress, frock, robe, negligee. SEE COLLEGE, SCHOOL
grab v. snatch, seize, clutch, grasp, pluck, catch, graffiti n. slogans, graphics, defacement, graf-
capture, bag, nab, take, latch on to, get one’s fita, epigrams, obscenities, scribbles, cere-
hands on. mony, inscriptions, sophomoric, philoso-
grace n. 1. BEAUTY AND CHARM loveliness, at- phy, epithets, doodles.
tractiveness, elegance, appeal, pulchritude. graft n. 1. TRANSPLANT implant, scion, splice,
2. GOOD FORM fluidity, symmetry, finesse, slip. 2. CORRUPTION spoils, *take, *payola,
ease, *poetry in motion, form, agility, dex- bribe, *hush money, *skimming, kickback,
terity, poise, refinement, coordination. 3. boodle.
MANNERS thoughtfulness, savoir faire, deco- graft v. implant, transplant, splice, insert, affix.
rum, tact, charm, cultivation, etiquette. 4. grain n. 1. SEED kernel, grist, cereal, wheat, oats,
MERCY forgiveness, clemency, leniency, barley, rice, rye, millet. 2. PARTICLE granule,
compassion, reprieve, quarter, good will. 5. bit, speck, fleck, mote, dot. 3. TEXTURE sur-
PRAYER benediction, thanksgiving, request face, weave.
for blessings. 6. GOD’S FAVOR love, virtue, di- grammar n. composition, language, language
vine influence, holiness. ‘‘The outward ex- rules, syntax, semantics.
pression of the inward harmony of the grand a. 1. MAGNIFICENT impressive, great, ma-
soul.’’—William Hazlitt. ANT. 1. ugliness, re- jestic, imposing, striking, glorious, splendid,
pulsiveness. 2. clumsiness, awkwardness. 3. excellent, superb, ambitious, marvelous,
boorishness, rudeness, bad manners. 4. con- sumptuous, monumental, stately, august,
demnation, damnation, ill will. awesome, huge, palatial, lofty. 2. MAIN prin-
grace v. decorate, adorn, beautify, bedeck, or- ciple, head, chief, leading, supreme, preemi-
nament, enhance, garnish, dignify, honor, nent. 3. EXCELLENT great, good, superb, fabu-
distinguish. lous, first-rate. ANT. 1. lowly, pedestrian,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 269


paltry, modest. 2. secondary, lesser, minor. 3. grass, cane, crab grass, darnel, eelgrass, fes-
poor, lousy, second-rate. cue, foxtail, hay, horsetail, lemon grass, mil-
grandeur n. magnificence, greatness, splendor, let, oat, orchard grass, redtop, ribbon grass,
majesty, glory, resplendence, vastness, au- rice, rush, rye, sedge, sorghum, timothy,
gustness, beauty, distinction, eminence. wheat, witch grass. ‘‘The hair of the
ANT. insignificance, modesty. earth.’’—Thomas Dekker.
using big words to try to impress, bombastic. clump: hassock, tussock, tuft
Many politicians are grandiloquent but have lit- decaying matter beneath: thatch
tle to say. SYN. bombastic, pompous, preten- dried: hay
tious, high-flown, fustian, *windy, inflated, hay: timothy
verbose, magnific, turgid, rhetorical. ANT. individual: blade, spear, shoot, leaf
plainspoken, *folksy, simple, unpretentious. new growth: fog
grandiose a. grand, magnificent, impressive, SEE FIELD
imposing, extravagant, ambitious, cosmic, grassland n. meadow, field, prairie, pasture,
epic, homeric, pompous, theatrical, *highfa- range, pampas, campo, savanna, plain,
lutin. ANT. down to earth, modest, humble. steppe, veldt.
grandstand n. bleachers, seating, stands, deck- GRASS ROOTS n. the common people, ordi-
ing, box seats. nary taxpayers. The movement began among
grandstand v. showoff, *hot dog, *showboat, the grass roots of America. SYN. common peo-
play to the crowd. ple, taxpayers, the masses, middle class, rank
grant n. gift, contribution, donation, present, and file, *little guys, hoi polloi, electorate,
endowment, award, bestowal, charity, Middle America.
scholarship. grate v. 1. SHRED grind, rasp, fray, mince,
grant v. 1. GIVE confer, transfer, bestow, award, abrade, grit, file. 2. IRRITATE *rub the wrong
impart, present, contribute, donate. 2. CON- way, annoy, *get on one’s nerves, irk, nettle,
CEDE acknowledge, admit, accede, yield, go
peeve, fret.
along with. ANT. refuse, deny. grateful a. thankful, appreciative, indebted, be-
grape n. berry, fruit. holden, obliged, much obliged. ANT. ungrate-
ful, unappreciative.
graphic a. vivid, clear, lifelike, striking, picto-
gratification n. satisfaction, enjoyment, plea-
rial, picturesque, realistic, explicit, descrip-
sure, fulfillment, contentment, delight, hap-
tive, effective, expressive. ANT. vague, ob-
piness, reward, gratuity.
gratify v. please, satisfy, fulfill, content, make
graphics n. pictorials, pictures, drawings, art,
happy, delight, gladden, favor, oblige, in-
imagery, illustrations, visuals, representa-
dulge. ANT. displease, dissatisfy, disappoint.
gratifying a. pleasing, satisfying, fulfilling, con-
grapple v.1. STRUGGLE wrestle, scuffle, battle, tenting, delightful, gladdening, rewarding,
tussle, combat, *lock horns, confront, fight. enjoyable. ANT. displeasing, disappointing.
2. GRIP hold, seize, clutch, snatch, squeeze, grating n. framework, grille, grid, latticework,
catch. grate.
grasp n. 1. GRIP hold, clutch, clasp. 2. COMPRE- grating a. 1. HARSH rasping, jarring, grinding,
HENSION understanding, perception, mas- strident, scraping, screeching, piercing. 2.
tery, knowledge, cognition. IRRITATING annoying, irksome, nettlesome,
grasp v. 1. GRIP grab, hold, clutch, clasp, catch, vexatious, exasperating, abrasive. ANT. 1.
snatch, clinch, grapple, nab. 2. COMPREHEND fluid, melodious, pleasing. 2. pleasing, agree-
understand, get, see, sense, follow, appre- able.
hend, appreciate. ANT. 1. loose, release, let gratis a. free, complimentary, *on the house,
go. no charge, gratuitous. ANT. for a fee, costing
grasping a. avaricious, greedy, acquisitive, hun- extra.
gry, covetous, rapacious, miserly, *grabby, gratitude n. appreciation, thankfulness, grate-
venal, desirous. ANT. generous, giving. fulness, thanks, acknowledgement, recogni-
grass n. lawn, turf, sward, pasture, meadow, al- tion, sense of obligation. ‘‘The exchequer of
falfa, barley, Bermuda grass, bluegrass, the poor.’’—Shakespeare.
broomcorn, buckwheat, bulrush, bunch GRATUITOUS a. [gruh TOO i tus] uncalled

270 Roget’s Superthesaurus


for or unjustified, also, given freely or with- strong, pronounced, extraordinary, consid-
out charge. Movies today are filled with gratu- erable, powerful. 3. IMPORTANT significant,
itous violence. SYN. 1. UNCALLED FOR unjusti- momentous, consequential, influential, crit-
fied, unnecessary, unwarranted, needless, ical. 4. CELEBRATED eminent, illustrious,
superfluous, inessential, unprovoked, base- famed, distinguished, esteemed, prominent,
less. 2. FREE gratis, complimentary, *on the exalted, noted, renowned, heroic. 5. EXCEL-
house. ANT. 1. necessary, relevant, justified, LENT superb, super, fantastic, exceptional,
warranted. awesome, first-rate, outstanding, terrific,
gratuity n. gift, tip, present, fee, extra, *perk, wonderful, *crack, *aces, proficient, skilled.
lagniappe, recompense, bonus, offering, vail, ANT. 1. small, lesser, tiny, miniscule. 2. mild,
cumshaw. minor, light, weak. 3. insignificant, unimpor-
grave n. tomb, resting place, crypt, vault, sepul- tant, inconsequential. 4. obscure, unknown,
cher, burial pit, mausoleum, catacomb, ordinary. 5. mediocre, terrible, lousy, awful.
God’s acre, burial grounds, barrow. ‘‘The last greed n. avarice, *grabbiness, acquisitiveness,
inn of all travelers.’’—William Davenant. covetousness, gluttony, rapaciousness, insa-
‘‘The footprints of angels.’’—Longfellow. tiability, graspingness, cupidity, want, hun-
‘‘The threshold of eternity.’’—Robert ger. ANT. generosity, charity.
Southey. SEE CEMETERY, COFFIN, FUNERAL, greedy a. avaricious, covetous, *grabby, *pig-
gish, *hoggish, acquisitive, gluttonous, rapa-
grave a. 1. SERIOUS important, momentous,
cious, insatiable, grasping, hungry, selfish,
weighty, critical, crucial, *life and death, vi-
stingy. ANT. generous, giving, charitable.
tal, pivotal, urgent, ominous, grievous, dan-
gerous, threatening. 2. SOLEMN grim, som- green a. 1. COLOR aquamarine, emerald, grass,
ber, dignified, serious, sedate, gloomy, sober, kelly, pea, lime, beryl, sap, apple, moss, sea
subdued, staid, dour, quiet, saturnine. ANT. green. 2. YOUNG AND GROWING youthful,
1. trivial, unimportant, insignificant, inconse- blooming, budding, developing, vigorous,
quential. 2. cheerful, beaming, silly, merry. robust, fresh, spreading, flourishing, bur-
graveyard n. necropolis, *boneyard. SEE CEME- geoning, verdant. 3. INEXPERIENCED unsea-
TERY soned, untried, *wet behind the ears, naive,
gravitate v. be drawn to, be attracted, head to- new, untrained, ignorant, raw. ANT. 2. with-
ward, converge, incline, fall, settle, sink. ered, wilted, dying. 3. experienced, veteran,
gravity n. 1. GRAVITATION pull, attraction, pres- seasoned, mature.
sure, force, weight. 2. SERIOUSNESS impor- greenhorn n. newcomer, tenderfoot, novice,
tance, weightiness, consequence, magni- amateur, *babe in the woods, neophyte, be-
tude, significance, urgency, import, ginner, tyro, rookie, pup. ANT. veteran, *old
enormity. ANT. 1. repulsion. 2. insignificance, hand.
triviality, frivolity. greenhouse effect n. global warming, trapped
gravy n. drippings, natural juices, sauce. heat.
gray a. 1. SILVERY ash, leaden, pearly, smoky, greet v. welcome, hail, receive, salute, meet,
gunmetal, battleship gray, stone, slate, dove- wave to, usher in, address, recognize.
colored, salt and pepper, grizzled. 2. OVER- greeting n. salutation, acknowledgement, re-
CAST gloomy, dismal, dim, dreary, somber.
spects, hello, hail, nod, welcome, *how do,
ANT. 2. bright, sunny.
salute, bow, reception.
graze v. 1. TOUCH scrape, brush, glance, kiss, GREGARIOUS a. [gri GAIR ee us] outgoing
skim, skin, scratch. 2. FEED forage, browse,
and sociable, liking the company of others.
crop, munch, pasture.
Gregarious partygoers. SYN. sociable, outgo-
grease n. fat, oil, lard, tallow, drippings, lubri-
cant. ing, friendly, social, extroverted, compan-
grease v. lubricate, oil. ionable, affable, genial, *chummy, folksy.
greasy a. oily, fatty, buttery, lardy, oleaginous, ANT. introverted, reclusive, aloof.
slick, slippery, waxy, unctuous, smeared. gridlock n. jam, entanglement, Gordian knot,
great a. 1. LARGE big, huge, grand, immense, obstruction, logjam, block, congestion,
prodigious, gigantic, massive, tremendous, squeeze, clog, bottleneck, impasse, dead
stupendous, enormous, gargantuan, exten- end, constipation.
sive, boundless, voluminous, countless, ex- grief n. sorrow, sadness, heartache, anguish,
treme, prolonged, numerous. 2. INTENSE woe, misery, bereavement, desolation,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 271


mourning, melancholy, agony, despair, de- gripe n. complaint, *beef, grumble, protest,
spondency. ‘‘An iron chain.’’—Stephen grouch, grievance, pain, grouse.
Vincent Benet. ANT. joy, euphoria, happiness. gripe v. complain, *beef, grumble, protest,
grief-stricken a. sad, heartsick, anguished, grouch, grouse, nag, whine, cry, bellyache.
heavyhearted, devastated, despairing, heart- grisly a. terrifying, horrible, ghastly, frightful,
broken, desolate, melancholy, miserable, hideous, dreadful, gruesome, sickening,
despondent. ANT. happy, joyful, cheerful. shocking, macabre, gory. ANT. pleasant,
grievance n. complaint, gripe, wrong, injustice, heartwarming, lovely.
injury, hardship, *axe to grind, *stink, ob- grit n. 1. DIRT sand, dust, soot, particles, pow-
jection, *beef, *bone to pick. der. 2. COURAGE perseverance, toughness,
grieve v. 1. MOURN lament, ache, sorrow, rue, pluck, determination, tenacity, mettle,
bewail, bemoan, *eat one’s heart out, weep, backbone, heart, fortitude, *guts, *moxie.
cry, shed tears, be heartsick. 2. AFFLICT WITH ANT. 2. cowardice, weakness, mousiness.
GRIEF aggrieve, hurt, sadden, pain, break gritty a. 1. DIRTY sandy, dusty, sooty, granular,
one’s heart, wound, crush. ANT. 1. rejoice, powdery. 2. COURAGEOUS persevering,
revel, *party. 2. cheer, hearten. tough, plucky, determined, tenacious,
grievous a. serious, severe, harmful, appalling, *gutsy, steadfast, resolute, game, mettle-
atrocious, deplorable, egregious, flagrant, some. ANT. 1. clean. 2. cowardly, weak,
heinous, intolerable, outrageous, monstrous, mousy.
grave, distressing, sad, sorrowful. ANT. harm- grizzled a. gray, salt and pepper, silvery.
less, trivial, insignificant. groan n. moan, grumble, whine, complaint,
grift n. swindle, *con game, confidence game, mutter, gripe, howl, murmur, lament, whim-
*rip-off, extortion, sting, scam, *racket, hus- per.
tle, fraud. groan v. moan, grumble, whine, complain,
grill v. 1. BROIL sear, flame-broil, barbecue, fry, mutter, gripe, howl, murmur, lament, whim-
cook. 2. QUESTION cross-examine, quiz, in- per.
terrogate, pump, *give the third degree. grocery store n. market, supermarket, food
grim a. gloomy, harsh, severe, stern, sullen, mart, Mom and Pop store, convenience
somber, hard, morose, surly, miserable, dour, store, franchise.
menacing, bleak, hopeless, forbidding, sinis- groggy a. dazed, *dopey, dizzy, *punch-drunk,
ter, horrible, ghastly, gruesome, resolute, de- *punchy, shaky, sluggish, stupefied,
termined. ANT. bright, cheerful, pleasant. numbed, sleepy, *out of it, woozy, reeling,
grimace n. pained expression, wry face, face, confused. ANT. lucid, alert, steady.
twisted face, scowl, frown, glare, look of dis- groin n. crotch.
taste. groom n. bridegroom, husband, spouse, partner.
grime n. dirt, soot, grit, smudge, filth, soil, mud, groom v. 1. CLEAN UP tidy, neaten, prepare,
dust, *crud, *gook. dress, freshen up, brush, comb, curry, primp,
grimy a. dirty, filthy, *grungy, sooty, smudged, *fix up, preen, tend to one’s toilette. 2.
soiled, muddy, *cruddy, befouled, begrimed, TRAIN prepare, educate.
dingy. ANT. clean, spotless, bright, unsoiled. groove n. 1. CHANNEL score, rut, furrow, canal,
grin v. smile, beam, smirk, simper, *grin like a cut, striation, scratch, flute, trench, inden-
Cheshire cat. SEE SMILE, TEETH tation, line. 2. RUT habit, routine, custom,
grind n. drudgery, tedium, treadmill, routine, *same old thing.
rut, chore. groovy a. Sl. *cool, excellent, great, *neat,
grind v. 1. PULVERIZE crush, mash, grit, grate, *far-out, wonderful.
rasp, powder, mill, granulate, triturate, grope v. feel about, finger, seek blindly, paw,
crush, disintegrate. 2. SHARPEN hone, probe, fumble, fish for, poke around, grab-
smooth, whet, polish, burnish. 3. GNASH ble.
grit, grate, rasp, crunch. gross a. 1. DISGUSTING, INDELICATE vulgar, foul,
grip n. 1. HOLD clasp, clutch, clench, grasp. 2. crude, indecent, obscene, *out of the gutter,
COMPREHENSION understanding, perception, *barnyard, unseemly, tasteless, offensive. 2.
mastery, grasp. 3. CONTROL mastery, com- TOTAL whole, aggregate, comprehensive, all,
mand. before taxes. 3. FLAGRANT blatant, obvious,
grip v. grasp, hold, clasp, clutch, clench, glaring, apparent, outrageous, egregious,
squeeze. shocking, heinous, plain, shameful. 4. OBESE

272 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fat, overweight, big, corpulent, stout, burly, cower, *suck up to, wheedle, cower, *apple-
*blubbery. ANT. 1. seemly, tasteful, decent. 2. polish, kneel before, worm. ANT. defy, chal-
net, after taxes, take-home. 3. subtle, minor. lenge, dominate.
4. skinny, anorexic. grow v. 1. DEVELOP spread, increase, enlarge,
grotesque a. strange, ridiculous, fantastic, bi- expand, lengthen, double, flourish, thrive,
zarre, freakish, odd, incongruous, distorted, mature, burgeon, progress, sprout, spring up,
weird, peculiar, fanciful, surrealistic, mis- germinate, blossom, mushroom. 2. PRODUCE
shapen, ugly, *gross, deformed, monstrous. cultivate, raise, generate, nurture, propa-
ANT. normal, ordinary, realistic. gate. ANT. 1. die, wither, shrink.
grotto n. cavern. SEE CAVE growl v. snarl, grumble, rumble, gnarl, howl,
grouch n. complainer, faultfinder, grumbler, *give a throaty warning, roar, bark, make a
nag, whiner, crab, curmudgeon, *sourpuss, guttural noise.
*bear, *grump. grown-up a. mature, adult, full-grown, of age.
grouch v. complain, find fault, grumble, nag, ANT. immature, childish.
whine, crab, *grump, sulk, gripe, grouse, bel- growth n. 1. DEVELOPMENT spread, increase,
lyache, growl. expansion, lengthening, branching out, ma-
grouchy a. *grumpy, grumbling, complaining, turing, burgeoning, progress, germination,
whining, crabby, sulky, surly, testy, cross, blossoming, blooming, evolution. 2. TUMOR
cantankerous, *like a bear. ANT. good-hu- mass, lump, cancer.
mored, easygoing, agreeable. grub v. dig, root, poke, probe, forage, unearth,
ground n. earth, soil, land, terra firma, turf, search, hunt, ferret about, dig, delve, uproot.
sand, terrain, real estate. grubby a. messy, dirty, grimy, soiled, unclean,
ground v. teach, educate, train, base, familiar- filthy, *grungy, foul, begrimed, slovenly,
ize, prime, instruct, indoctrinate. *scuzzy, squalid. ANT. clean, tidy, fresh.
groundbreaking a. pioneering, spearheading, grudge n. resentment, grievance, malice, spite,
trendsetting, innovating, cutting edge, trail- hard feelings, bitterness, *bone to pick, ill
blazing. ANT. old fashioned, obsolete. will, *axe to grind, rancor. ANT. good will,
groundless a. baseless, unjustified, unwar-
grudge v. begrudge, resent, mind, envy, hold
ranted, idle, unsupported, conjectural, gra-
tuitous, unfounded. ANT. substantiated, cor-
grueling a. exhausting, trying, arduous, back-
roborated, verrified.
breaking, hard, taxing, draining, strenuous,
grounds n. 1. AREA land, estate, holding, lot,
laborious, fatiguing, demanding, punishing.
acreage, terrain, property, tract, surround-
ANT. easy, effortless, *no sweat.
ings. 2. BASIS base, foundation, rationale,
gruesome a. grisly, horrifying, repulsive, dis-
premise, reason, argument, cause, motive.
gusting, hideous, frightful, ghastly, revolt-
groundswell n. wave, tsunami, force to be reck- ing, repellant, appalling, monstrous, hor-
oned with, surge, upsurge, uprising, rush, rific, repugnant. ANT. lovely, charming,
sweep, landslide, avalanche. delightful.
groundwork n. preparation, foundation, foot- gruff a. 1. RUDE brusque, surly, blunt, grouchy,
ing, underpinning, infrastructure, funda- grumpy, abrupt, rough, curt, sour, bearish,
mentals, preliminaries, base, planning. nasty, short. 2. HOARSE throaty, harsh,
group n. 1. ASSEMBLAGE body, mass, collection, croaking, husky, rough, gutteral. ANT. 1. ge-
party, bunch, band, crowd, gang, pack, crew, nial, polite, sweet. 2. resonant, smooth.
congregation, herd, flock, throng, aggrega- grumble v. complain, groan, gripe, bellyache,
tion. 2. CLASS classification, variety, cate- fuss, grouch, growl, squawk, snarl.
gory, division, branch, set, circle. grump n. complainer, whiner, *one who isn’t
group v. classify, categorize, divide, sort, assign, happy unless he is miserable, curmudgeon,
grade, systematize, arrange, bunch. griper, grouch, *crab, sulker, *sourpuss.
grouse v. grumble, complain. SEE GROUCH grumpy v. grouchy, surly, crabby, bearish, cross,
grove n. stand, orchard, wood, copse, coppice, cranky, peevish, cantankerous, testy,
thicket, boscage. moody, irritable, touchy. ANT. cheerful,
grovel v. *bow and scrape, kowtow, cringe, beg, happy, good-humored.
*kiss up, *brownnose, toady, *fall all over, grungy a. grimy, dirty, dingy, messy, *scuzzy,
demean oneself, fawn, *bootlick, *kiss feet, foul. ANT. clean.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 273


guarantee n. warranty, pledge, assurance, bond, GUILE n. [GILE] slyness, craftiness, artfulness.
promise, contract, word of honor, covenant, He managed a passing grade through pure guile;
surety, security, oath. he used crib notes. SYN. slyness, craftiness,
guarantee v. warrant, promise, pledge, assure, artfulness, cunning, trickery, artifice, deceit,
*give one’s word of honor, back, certify, duplicity, fraud, dishonesty, treachery. ANT.
*stand behind, vouch for, ensure, insure, honesty, naivete, candor.
protect, contract, underwrite. guileless a. open, honest, frank, candid, naive,
guarantor n. warrantor, sponsor, backer, in- innocent, artless, ingenuous, sincere, truth-
surer, bondsman, underwriter. ful, unsophisticated. ANT. sly, crafty, artful.
guard n. security officer, protector, guardian, guilt n. 1. BLAME culpability, culpa, reprehensi-
watchman, sentinel, sentry, lookout, escort, bility, criminality, guiltiness, crime, sin,
custodian, warder, cordon. wrongdoing, liability, 2. REMORSE regret,
guard v. watch, protect, defend, attend, cover, shame, conscience, contrition, disgrace,
shield, lookout, secure, safeguard, place un- self-reproach, penitence, compunction.
der surveillance, screen, escort, *ride shot- ‘‘The avenging fiend that follows us behind
gun, patrol.
with whips and stings.’’—Nicholas Rowe.
guarded a. wary, cautious, circumspect, careful,
ANT. 1. innocence, *clean hands, clear con-
mindful, leery, watchful, apprehensive, sus-
picious, reserved, discreet. ANT. careless,
reckless, rash. guilty a. 1. TO BLAME culpable, responsible,
guerrilla n. bushfighter, resistance, soldier, blameworthy, at fault, wrong, reprehensible,
freedom fighter, warrior, mercenary, soldier *caught red-handed, in flagrante delicto,
of fortune, volunteer soldier, mujahadeen. sinful, liable. 2. REMORSEFUL regretful,
guess n. estimate, *guesstimate, conjecture, hy- ashamed, conscience-stricken, contrite, dis-
pothesis, calculation, presumption, specula- graced, compunctious, sorry, sheepish,
tion, assumption, supposition, *shot in the hangdog. ANT. 1. innocent, faultless, blame-
dark, *ballpark figure, reckoning, hunch. less. 2. proud, remorseless.
guess v. estimate, *guesstimate, calculate, hy- guinea pig n. test subject, victim, testee, exami-
pothesize, conjecture, presume, speculate, nee, cavy, rodent, lab animal, *pharmaceu-
assume, suppose, *take a shot in the dark, tical pincushion.
*give a ballpark figure, reckon, figure, de- guise n. appearance, semblance, aspect, cover,
duce, infer, theorize, gather, imagine. facade, disguise, form, mode, pretense, garb,
guest n. visitor, company, caller, roomer, dress, costume.
renter, boarder, lodger, client, customer. guitar n. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT
‘‘[Those who] are often welcomest when gulch n. channel, ravine, trench, gulley, wash,
they are gone.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘A nuisance ditch, arroyo, cut.
after three days.’’—Plautus. gulf n. 1. INLET bay, estuary, harbor, cove,
guffaw n. roar, howl, burst of laughter. SEE sound. 2. CHASM abyss, gap, rift, cleft, void,
LAUGH canyon, breach, hollow.
guidance n. counseling, counsel, advice, direc- GULLIBLE a. [GULL uh bul] easily fooled,
tion, instruction, word to the wise, sugges- credulous. Gullible people believe anything told
tion, recommendation, leadership, naviga- them by the media. SYN. credulous, naive, eas-
tion. ily fooled, trusting, innocent, unsophisti-
guide n. leader, director, captain, pilot, naviga-
cated, unsuspicious, *born yesterday, green,
tor, escort, chaperon, mentor, guru, teacher,
*wet behind the ears. ANT. wary, skeptical,
example, exemplar, model, beacon, land-
wise, suspicious.
mark, lodestar.
guidebook n. manual, guide, field guide, hand- gully n. ditch, ravine, culvert, channel, trench,
book, reference book, how-to book, itiner- gutter, watercourse, gorge, valley, gulch.
ary, tome, volume, vade mecum, bible. gulp v. swallow, bolt, wolf, gobble, choke down,
guild n. society, association, union, fraternity, guzzle, swill, *chugalug, swig, quaff.
sorority, federation, league, club, group, gummy a. sticky, gooey, viscid, tacky.
company, alliance, coalition, brotherhood. gumption n. courage, boldness, initiative,
guideline n. direction, guide, instruction, indi- *starch, resourcefulness, enterprise, *get up
cation, rule, code, mark, marker, clue, key, and go, hustle, drive.
signal. gun n. firearm, revolver, pistol, *six-shooter,

274 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*shooting iron, rifle, carbine, shotgun, *pea- gush n. outpouring, flow, spurt, cascade, flood,
shooter, *Saturday night special, *.38 spe- rush, flush, surge, stream, spill, jet, dis-
cial, *.45, *equalizer, *rod, *piece, *en- charge.
forcer, *heater, *roscoe. ‘‘[That which] gush v. 1. POUR OUT flow, spurt, cascade, flood,
makes men equal, a citizen’s musket fires as rush, flush, surge, stream, spill, jet, spew. 2.
well as a nobleman’s.’’—Heinriche Heine. EXAGGERATE *lay it on thick, *get carried
WORD FIND away, be effusive, blather, bubble over, over-
ammunition receptacle: clip, magazine, cyl- state, *carry on. ANT. 2. understate, restrain
inder oneself.
antique: blunderbuss, breechloader, Colt gust n. wind, rush, blow, burst, breeze, surge,
six-shooter, flintlock, Gatling gun, mus- squall, gale, blast, puff, draft. SEE WIND
ket, muzzle loader gusto n. enjoyment, appreciation, zest, relish,
attack rifle: assault rifle exhilaration, enthusiasm, delight, pleasure,
back explosion: backfire passion, ardor. ANT. apathy, indifference.
barrel end: muzzle gut n. stomach, belly, abdomen, *tummy, in-
barrel portion receiving bullet: chamber nards, intestines, bowels, *spare tire, *beer
bead: sight gut, *middle-aged spread, paunch.
bore: caliber, gauge gut v. eviscerate, clean out, disembowel, dress,
brush: swab decimate.
butt: stock gut a. instinctual, intuitive, inner, internal, vis-
case: holster ceral, deep, heartfelt, emotional. ANT. fact-
cock: hammer based, literal, unemotional.
colored finish on metal parts: blueing gutless a. cowardly, timid, fearful, mousy,
gunfire: fusillade, enfilade, volley, salvo *wimpy, fainthearted, spineless, *chicken,
handle: grip *yellow, *lily-livered, weak. ANT. brave, cou-
knife mounting: bayonet rageous, *gutsy, *ballsy.
locking mechanism: safety guts n. Sl. courage, bravery, backbone, pluck,
manufacturer: Colt, Magnum, Luger, Win- nerve, *balls, heart, spunk, daring, boldness,
chester, Smith and Wesson, Beretta, *spine, *grit, *moxie, fortitude. ANT. cow-
Remington, Uzi ardice, timidity, faintheartedness.
plug placed in muzzle for safety: tampion
gutsy a. Sl. courageous, brave, plucky, *nervy,
quieting attachment: silencer, suppressor
*ballsy, spunky, daring, bold, *gritty, in-
rear portion: breech
trepid, game. ANT. cowardly, fainthearted,
recoil after firing: kick
revolver’s ability to shoot without first cock-
gutter n. channel, trough, trench, ditch, con-
ing hammer: double-action
duit, drain, culvert, sewer, canal, water-
revolving cartridge holder: cylinder
trigger needing only slight pull: hair trigger course, runnel, gully.
single-shot pistol: derringer guttural a. throaty, harsh, rasping, hoarse, gruff,
sliding rod that pushes cartridge into firing *whiskey-voiced, croaking, deep, glottal,
chamber: bolt gravelly, thick. ANT. high-pitched, shrill, so-
WAR, WEAPON guy n. man, fellow, gentleman, chap, *dude,
gunfire n. gunshot, discharge, shot, detonation, person, teen, boy, lad, *bro, *buddy.
enfilade, gunplay, fusillade, backfire, volley, guzzle v. swill, swig, *chug-a-lug, *down, quaff,
salvo. tipple, *knock back, gulp, drain, *polish off,
gung ho a. Sl. enthusiastic, eager, *fired up, *choke down.
ardent, fanatical. ANT. blasé, nonchalant, gym n. gymnasium, workout facility, court, in-
jaded. door sport facility, fitness center, weight
gunman n. killer, triggerman, assassin. SEE MUR- room, basketball court, arena, hall, audito-
gurgle v. burble, babble, murmur, tinkle, ripple, gymnastics n. athletics, acrobatics, vaulting,
bubble. calisthenics, exercises, somersaults, hand-
guru n. advisor, mentor, teacher, guide, leader, stands, headstands, handsprings, floor exer-
master, maharishi, swami, spiritual leader. cises, pommel horse, the vault, parallel bars,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 275


uneven bars, balance beam, rings, tumbling, WORD FIND

aerobics. known for: fortunetelling
gyp v. *rip-off, cheat, swindle, defraud, bilk, language of: Romany
trick, bamboozle, hoodwink, rook, *gull. gyrate v. revolve, spin, twirl, whirl, rotate, cir-
gypsy n. wanderer, nomad, roamer, vagrant, cle, wheel, gyre, pirouette, spiral.
vagabond, migrant, drifter, rover, gadabout,

276 Roget’s Superthesaurus


habit n. routine, custom, practice, tendency, hair n. locks, mane, tress, down, *mop, fur,
convention, way, rut, pattern, mode, pro- strand, tuft, curls, fuzz, fringe, bristle, whisk-
clivity, manner, mannerism, inclination. ‘‘A ers. ‘‘The only thing that will really prevent
cable. We weave a thread of it everyday, and baldness.’’—Drew Berkowitz.
at last we cannot break it.’’—Horace Mann. WORD FIND
habitat n. natural environment, home, terrain, African-American, puffy, 1960s, 1970s:
haunt, natural element, *stomping grounds, Afro
biosphere, range, domain, realm, natural arrange: coif, set, style, perm
surroundings, dwelling. auburn dye: henna
habitation n. home, dwelling, lodging, resi- back comb: tease
dence, domicile, abode, quarters, house, bald crown surrounded by ring of fringe:
chambers, roost, place, *pad, shelter. SEE tonsure
HOUSE bald: glabrous
habitual a. routine, usual, customary, estab- baldness, common: male pattern baldness
lished, fixed, set, hardened, inveterate, regu- band: filet, snood
lar, everyday, accustomed, chronic, repeti- beehive-like style of 1950s, 1960s: beehive
tious, persistent, ingrained, rooted. ANT. bowl-like: Beatle cut, *Moe
irregular, unusual, infrequent. braided rows close to head: cornrows
habituated a. inurred, used to, accustomed, fa- braid: plait, cue, cueue, pigtail, tress, fish-
miliar, acclimated, seasoned, adapted, hard- bone braid, French braid
ened, conditioned. ANT. unfamiliar, new. colors: ash, ash blond, auburn, black, bleach
hacienda n. estate, plantation, house, mansion, blond, blond, blue-gray, brown, brunet,
ranch. carrot, chestnut, cinnamon, coal black,
hack v. chop, slice, axe, cleave, slash, cut, cocoa, copper, dusky, fair-haired, fiery,
sever, hew, gash, lop off, shear, fell. flaxen, frosted, ginger, golden, gray, griz-
hacker n. computer programmer, computer zled, hoary, honey, jet-black, nutbrown,
nerd, *cracker, *cyber punk, *internaut, nutmeg, peroxide blond, platinum
*computer crackerjack, *computer wiz, blond, polished wood, premature gray,
computer prodigy, encryption expert, *com- raven, russet, rust, sable, salt and pepper,
puter brain. SEE COMPUTER, INTERNET silver, snowy, strawberry blond, tawny,
HACKNEYED a. [HAK need] commonplace; technicolor (dyed, punk), titian, tow-
dull from overuse, trite. Clichés are hackneyed headed, violent red, washed out, white
expressions. SYN. commonplace, trite, banal, curl: ringlet, corkscrew
pedestrian, unimaginative, unoriginal, curled-ends style with bangs: flip
stock, overworked, tired, shopworn, inane, curl pressed against face with saliva: spit curl
threadbare, clichéd, stale. ANT. fresh, origi- curly like a poodle: poodle cut
nal, imaginative. cut short: crop
hag n. witch, crone, harridan, ogress, virago, Dorothy Hamill style of 1970s: wedge
demon, enchantress, beldam, battle-ax, ducktail-like style of 1950s: ducktail
shrew. fake: toupee, *rug, wig, implant
HAGGARD a. [HAG urd] having a wild-eyed, forehead fringe: bangs
drawn or gaunt appearance from exhaus- graying, premature: poliosis
tion, sickness, etc. SYN. wild-eyed, wild, hairy, abnormally: hirsute, hirsutism
drawn, gaunt, wasted, drained, unruly, ex- high sweep of hair combed back from fore-
hausted, careworn, run-down, hollow- head: pompadour
cheeked, emaciated, ghastly, mad, insane. Jamaican braids: dreadlocks, Rastafarian
ANT. fresh, rested, vigorous. dreadlocks, dreads
haggle v. argue, bargain, wrangle, dicker, hig- knot: chignon, bob, bun
gle, deal, *drive a hard bargain, chaffer, bar- mass, tangled or bushy: shock
ter, *hash out a deal, quibble. matted, tangled hairs: elflocks
hail v. greet, wave to, call to, hello, accost, sa- neck hairs: hackles
lute, welcome, *tip one’s hat to, nod to, flag point of hair tapering to forehead: widow’s
down, signal. peak

Roget’s Superthesaurus 277


puffed-out mass, style: bouffant halitosis n. bad breath, *dragon breath, foul
punk: mohawk, porcupine, spiked, shaved, breath, *garbage breath, offensive breath.
dyed hall n. hallway, corridor, passageway, entrance,
remove: epilate, depilate, bob foyer, vestibule, gallery.
remover: depilatory, electrolysis HALLMARK n. [HALL mark] an identifying
roll: bun, chignon characteristic or telltale sign. The hallmark
shaved trails in a slanted or sculpted buzz of a sluggish economy is a drop in interest rates.
cut: *fade, *gumby SYN. characteristic, telltale sign, identifying
short haircut for men: buzz, flattop, crew cut, mark, sign, symbol, indicator, badge, ear-
butch, *fade mark, index.
short haircut for women: bob hallowed a. holy, sacred, venerated, revered,
short on sides, nearly shoulder-length in sanctified, worshipped, honored, conse-
back: mullet crated, blessed, beatified, divine.
standing cone ending in ponytail: empire hallucination n. vision, illusion, hypnogogic
cone image, delusion, fantasy, figment of the
stick-up tuft: cowlick imagination, apparition, delirium, mirage,
straight-cut style with bangs: page boy phantasmagoria.
textures: billowing, bouncy, bristly, bushy, WORD FIND
coarse, cornsilk, crimped, crinkly, doll- alcoholic’s: delirium tremens
ish, downy, eiderdown, fine (baby fine), amputee’s false perception of limb: phantom
fleecy, flowing, flyaway, frazzled, frizzy, limb pain
fuzzy, greasy, kinky, knotted, lacquered, crossed senses: synesthesia
listless, lustrous, luxurious, matted, induces: hallucinogen
nappy, oily, rat’s nest, rigid, ropey, sat-
odor: phantosmia
iny, shaggy, shocked, silky, snarled,
halo n. nimbus, aureole, glory, ring, circle, radi-
stringy (like twine), thatched, wispy,
withered, wizened, woolly.
halt n. stop, end, close, termination, pause,
waves style: marcel
freeze, stay, recess, standstill, break, discon-
hairdresser n. hair stylist, barber, coiffeur,
beautician. tinuance.
hairless a. SEE BALD, HAIR halt v. stop, end, close, terminate, pause, freeze,
hairsplitting n. nitpicking, pettiness, quibbling, stay, recess, stand still, take a break, discon-
caviling, fault-finding. tinue, cease and desist, suspend.
hair-raising a. bloodcurdling, breathtaking, halting a. hesitant, *jerky, unsteady, discon-
frightening, terrifying, hackle-raising, spine- nected, stuttering, stammering, faltering,
tingling, electrifying, shocking, chilling, stumbling, tentative, clumsy. ANT. assured,
horrifying. ANT. reassuring, encouraging, em- decisive, unfaltering.
boldening. halve v. divide, split, cut in two, bisect.
hairy a. hirsute, shaggy. SEE HAIR hamlet n. small town, crossroads. SEE VILLAGE
halcyon a. calm, peaceful, tranquil, serene, un- hammer n. beetle, clawhammer, sledge, maul,
troubled. ANT. agitated, turbulent. mallet, gavel, ball-peen hammer.
hale a. vigorous, sound, healthy, robust, fit, hammer v. pound, beat, batter, bang, hit, pum-
hearty, spry, hardy, well, *in the pink, *full mel, drive, tap, strike, nail, *clobber, fash-
of vim and vigor, *in fine fettle. ANT. sickly, ion, form, forge.
weak, frail, failing. hamper v. impede, hinder, handicap, ham-
half-baked a. stupid, sophomoric, harebrained, string, slow, inhibit, encumber, obstruct,
premature, crude, impractical, *birdbrained, frustrate, retard, restrict, hobble, curb. ANT.
idiotic, imbecilic, uninspired, moronic, help, assist, facilitate.
dumb. ANT. practical, brilliant, well-formu- hamstring v. cripple, handicap, hobble. SEE DIS-
lated. ABLE
halfhearted a. unenthusiastic, lukewarm, blasé, hamstrung a. crippled, handicapped. SEE DISA-
indifferent, apathetic, dispassionate, cool, BLED
perfunctory, tepid, spiritless. ANT. enthusias- hand n. 1. FIST palm, *mitt, *paw, *duke. 2.
tic, eager, ardent, wholehearted. HELPER worker, employee, laborer, aide, as-
half-wit n. dimwit, nitwit, *pea brain. SEE MO- sistant, help. 3. HELP assistance, aid, lift, sup-
RON port, boost.

278 Roget’s Superthesaurus


handbook n. manual, guide, how-to book, ref- away from home, club, club house, retreat,
erence book, field guide, bible. meeting place.
handicap n. disability, impediment, encum- hang-up n. Sl. problem, inhibition, difficulty,
brance, disadvantage, impairment, limita- quirk, disturbance, preoccupation, phobia,
tion, millstone, difficulty, burden, restric- fear.
tion, stumbling block. hankering n. desire, craving, yearning, want,
handicap v. disable, impede, hamstring, cripple, thirst, itch, yen, ache, longing, *fire in one’s
encumber, impair, limit, burden, restrict, in- belly, drive.
hibit, weigh down, hamper. hanky-panky n. Sl. 1. TRICKERY *funny busi-
handkerchief n. kerchief, bandanna, necker- ness. 2. AFFFAIR *fooling around, romance,
chief, hanky, *snot rag. fling, liaison, dalliance, *thing, amour. SEE
handle n. grip, haft, hilt, butt, knob, holder, MISCHIEF
crank, stock, pull. haphazard a. unmethodical, unorganized, slap-
handle v. 1. TOUCH feel, examine, finger, poke, dash, uncoordinated, aimless, casual, *willy-
hold, fondle, stroke, caress, rub, palpate. 2. nilly, indiscriminate, *hit or miss, careless,
MANAGE take care of, direct, supervise, over- random, arbitrary. ANT. planned, organized,
see, govern, control, administer, deal with, designed.
steer. hapless a. unfortunate, cursed, unlucky, star-
hand-me-down a. passed down, second-hand, crossed, jinxed, hopeless, luckless, wretched,
used, previously-owned, old. ANT. new, lat- woeful. ANT. fortunate, lucky.
est. happen v. occur, take place, befall, transpire,
hand out vt. distribute, dispense, disburse, deal materialize, come about, come to pass, de-
out, parcel, mete, give out, deliver. velop, ensue, spring, pass, result, arise.
handsome a. 1. ATTRACTIVE good-looking, happening n. event, occurrence, incident, ex-
*hunky, comely, fine, fair, manly, dignified, perience, occasion, episode, incidence, af-
gorgeous, majestic, statuesque, *foxy, lus- fair, circumstance.
cious, macho, beautiful. 2. GENEROUS liberal, happiness n. joy, gladness, contentment, bliss,
considerable, abundant, princely, magnani- delight, jubilation, pleasure, cheer, high
mous, ample. ANT. 1. ugly, repulsive, *gross.
spirits, peace of mind, elation, rapture, eu-
2. meager, small, niggardly.
phoria, *seventh heaven, exuberance, felic-
handwriting n. script, penmanship, calligraphy,
ity, ecstasy. ‘‘It is all within yourself, in your
chirography, *hen scratching, manuscript,
way of thinking.’’—Marcus Aurelius.
scribbling, hand.
‘‘[Something that] makes up in height for
poor: cacography what it lacks in length.’’—Robert Frost.
slip of the pen: lapsus calami ‘‘Tranquility and occupation.’’—Thomas
study of: graphology Jefferson. ‘‘Freedom from suffering.’’—Ar-
style: cursive, block lettering thur Schopenhauer. ‘‘The mastery of pas-
time and word-saving: shorthand sions.’’—Alfred Lord Tennyson. ‘‘Good
handy a. 1. CONVENIENT accessible, close at friends, good books and a sleepy con-
hand, nearby, at one’s fingertips, within science.’’—Mark Twain. ANT. misery, depres-
reach. 2. DEXTEROUS deft, clever, adroit, sion, melancholia.
skilled, adept, proficient, masterful, *crack- happy a. 1. GLAD joyful, content, blissful, de-
erjack. ANT. 1. inconvenient, inaccessible. 2. lighted, jubilant, pleased, cheerful, in high
unskilled, inept, clumsy. spirits, at peace, elated, euphoric, in *sev-
hang v. 1. SUSPEND dangle, drape, depend, stick, enth heaven, exuberant, ecstatic, gleeful,
pin, affix, sling, fall, swing, be pendent. 2. *tickled pink, *walking on air, chipper,
EXECUTE lynch, *string up, *send to the gal- overjoyed, *high. 2. FORTUNATE lucky, felic-
lows, *invite to a necktie party, gibbet, itous, auspicious, opportune, favorable, pro-
noose. pitious, timely. ANT. 1. depressed, miserable,
hangdog a. shamefaced, cringing, crestfallen, downhearted, suicidal, sad, glum. 2. inauspi-
cowering, browbeaten, abject, miserable, cious, inopportune, unlucky.
wretched, conscience-stricken. ANT. saintly, happy-go-lucky a. carefree, untroubled, *devil-
triumphant, innocent. may-care, lighthearted, casual, easy, easygo-
hangout n. haunt, stomping ground, home ing, nonchalant, insouciant, *living the life

Roget’s Superthesaurus 279

Hara Kiri–Harm

of Riley, unconcerned. ANT. stressed, wor- steadfast, stubborn, inveterate, die-hard, un-
ried, anxious, careful, concerned. wavering. ANT. 2. pliant, unresistant, waf-
hara kiri n. ritual suicide, disembowelment. fling.
harangue n. tirade, diatribe, exhortation, lec- harden v. 1. STIFFEN solidify, thicken, set,
ture, *chewing-out, speech, sermon. toughen, indurate, compact, cement, tem-
harangue v. exhort, *chew out, lecture, spout per, steel, freeze, petrify. 2. ACCUSTOM
off, rant, sermonize, preach, declaim, rant strengthen, steel, inure, season, case harden,
and rave, go on about, *get on one’s soap- toughen, acclimatize, gird, callous. ANT. 1.
box. soften, weaken, thin.
harass v. disturb, trouble, torment, pester, hard-hearted a. cold, callous, cruel, merciless,
plague, bother, *bug, badger, distress, worry, pitiless, unsympathetic, unfeeling, *cold-
*pull one’s chain, *rattle one’s cage, irritate, hearted, inhuman, uncaring, *icewater in
attack, intimidate, persecute, hound, harry, one’s veins. ANT. compassionate, sympathetic,
vex, ride, beset. warmhearted.
HARBINGER n. [HAR binj ur] a sign of hard-line a. uncompromising, unyielding, ada-
things to come, a forerunner, herald. April mant, firm, intractable, hardcore, unbend-
rain is a harbinger of May flowers. SYN. sign ing. ANT. submitting, yielding.
of things to come, forerunner, herald, pre- hardly adv. scarcely, barely, just, rarely, only.
cursor, omen, usher, messenger, premoni- hard-nosed a. hardheaded, stubborn, bull-
tion, portent, signal. headed, mulish, pigheaded, obstinate,
harbor n. 1. ANCHORAGE port, dock, pier, moor- tough, uncompromising, indomitable. ANT.
ing, wharves, landing, bay, inlet, cove. 2. flexible, open-minded.
HAVEN refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary,
hardship n. adversity, misfortune, suffering, pri-
port, port in a storm. vation, burden, affliction, *hard knock,
harbor v. 1. SHELTER house, lodge, quarter, trial, tribulation, bad luck, grief, infelicity,
berth, hide, protect, secrete, conceal, cover, trouble, hard times, disaster, catastrophe,
shield, guard. 2. TO ENTERTAIN IN THE MIND rigor, travail. ANT. good fortune, blessing,
hold, maintain, believe, cling to, foster, boon.
imagine, indulge, nurse. hardware n. 1. TOOLS metalware, equipment,
hard a. 1. FIRM rigid, stiff, rock-solid, stony, in- gear, utensils, cutlery, implements, machin-
flexible, concrete, set, compacted, like iron, ery, applicances. 2. COMPUTER COMPONENTS
like steel, unyielding, impregnable. 2. DIFFI- microprocessor, peripherals, keyboard, mo-
CULT arduous, demanding, tough, laborious,
dem, monitor. SEE COMPUTER
burdensome, exhausting, strenuous, back-
hardy a. robust, vigorous, strong, tough, rugged,
breaking, rigorous, painstaking, Herculean,
powerful, strapping, fit, healthy, *tough as
*murder, draining. 3. COMPLICATED com-
nails, hearty, hale, sound, in good shape.
plex, knotty, involved, incomprehensible,
ANT. weak, sickly, frail.
perplexing, bewildering, thorny. 4. STRONG
powerful, severe, heavy. 5. UNFEELING cal- harebrained a. stupid, reckless, rash, foolish, id-
lous, unfriendly, hostile, cold, merciless, iotic, imbecilic, silly, half-witted, brainless,
harsh, cruel, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, un- scatterbrained. ANT. smart, *brainy, sensible.
sympathetic, pitiless, ruthless, unrelenting. harem n. seraglio.
6. HARSH rough, severe, trying, intolerable, WORD FIND
unbearable, torturous, insufferable, difficult, male attendant: eunuch
bad. ANT. 1. soft, pliable, flexible. 2, 3. easy, slave woman: odalisque
simple, effortless. 4. weak, light. 5. warm, harlot n. whore, prostitute, strumpet, hussy,
sympathetic, compassionate. 6. soft, easy, slut, tramp, loose woman, wench, trollop,
mild. streetwalker, *hooker, lady of the evening.
hard-and-fast a. set, invariable, strict, binding, harm n. injury, hurt, damage, destruction, ad-
unalterable, exacting, unbending, inflexi- versity, waste, wrong, detriment, abuse, loss,
ble, incontrovertible. ANT. flexible, variable, ruin. ANT. help, good, benefit.
changeable. harm v. hurt, injure, damage, wound, cripple,
hard-boiled a. SEE HARD, TOUGH maim, molest, impair, destroy, wrong, abuse,
hard-core a. 1. ABSOLUTE express, unqualified. ruin, misuse, wreck, spoil. ANT. help, benefit,
2. FIRM unyielding, resistant, rigid, staunch, do good.

280 Roget’s Superthesaurus


harmful a. injurious, hurtful, damaging, de- potpourri, mishmash, medley, miscellany,

structive, detrimental, wounding, crippling, muddle.
abusive, adverse, noxious, deleterious, inim- hashish n. narcotic, cannabis, cannabis resin,
ical, pernicious, ruinous, disastrous. ANT. hash. SEE DRUG, NARCOTIC, MARIJUANA
beneficial, helpful, harmless. hassle n. Sl. problem, difficulty, bother, *pain,
harmless a. benign, innocuous, safe, innocent, dispute, squabble, argument, disagreement,
unoffensive, powerless, impotent, *a pussy- tussle.
cat, gentle, *defanged. ANT. harmful, deleteri- hassle v. bother, harass, *give a hard time,
ous, noxious, injurious. annoy, plague, pester, *bug, hound, harry.
harmonica n. mouth organ, SEE MUSICAL INSTRU- haste n. speed, swiftness, quickness, fleetness,
MENT dispatch, celerity, hurry, hustle, rapidity,
harmonious a. compatible, agreeable, in rap- rush, velocity, promptness. ANT. slowness,
port, peaceable, amicable, friendly, in ac- sluggishness, delay.
cord, congenial, in tune, simpatico, like- hasten v. hurry, rush, speed, race, *step on it,
minded, unified, blending. ANT. discordant, *get a move on, go quickly, scurry, *ride like
clashing, incompatible. the wind, hustle, fly, accelerate, expedite,
harmonize v. correspond, agree, unify, get in sprint, *get the lead out, *beat feet. ANT.
tune, attune, blend, coincide, *be of one slow, delay, *drag one’s feet, procrastinate.
mind, jibe with, accommodate, accord, inte- hasty a. quick, fast, swift, rushed, fleet, rapid,
grate. ANT. disagree, clash. expeditious, abrupt, prompt, *on the dou-
harmony n. agreement, correspondence, unifi- ble, *pronto, brisk, instantaneous, *quick as
cation, blending, accord, integration, con- a wink, *in a heartbeat, brief, rash, impetu-
currence, rapport, consonance, rapproche- ous, reckless. ANT. slow, leisurely, careful.
ment, coordination, compatibility. ANT. hat n. cap, chapeau, headgear, headdress, *lid.
discord, dissonance, disagreement. SEE MUSIC WORD FIND
harp n. lyre. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT Australian cowboy hat with brim turned up
harpsichord n. clavichord. SEE MUSICAL INSTRU- on one side: bush hat
bejeweled, decorated skullcap for evening
harried a. pressured, stressed, troubled, *at wit’s wear, weddings: Juliet
end, beset, agitated, put-upon, overtaxed, beret with pompom in the middle: tam, tam-
plagued, harassed. ANT. relaxed, calm, un-
bowler: derby
box: bandbox
HARROWING a. [HAIR o wing] frightening,
brimless, round, small hat of 1920s: pillbox
distressing. The child found the roller coaster
collapsible opera hat: gibus
ride a harrowing experience. SYN. frightening,
cowboy: Stetson, ten-gallon hat
distressing, upsetting, traumatic, disturbing,
Crockett’s, Davy: coonskin cap
terrifying, bloodcurdling, hair-raising, tor- derby: bowler
menting. ANT. soothing, pacifying, tranquiliz- French Foreign Legion cap with havelock:
ing, relaxing. kepi, Legionnaire’s
harry v. torment, harass, worry, agitate, beset, graduate’s square with tassel: mortarboard
trouble, plague, pester, pressure, annoy, high-domed hat worn by English police:
bother, *stress out, nag, bug, weary. bobby
harsh a. 1. ROUGH coarse, jagged, craggy, rug- high-domed hat worn by polo players:
ged, sharp, unpleasant, grinding, jarring, dis- chukka
cordant, grating, clashing. 2. SEVERE cruel, Jewish embroidered skullcap: yarmulka
unfeeling, hard, tough, merciless, stern, bru- knitted winter hat: watch cap
tal, hard-boiled, unbending, cold-blooded. knitted winter hat with a long tail some-
ANT. 1. smooth, pleasant, melodious, musical. times fitted with pompom: stocking cap
2. soft, mild, easy, gentle. marching band’s tall hat with feather cock-
harvest n. gathering, reaping, return, yield, ade: shako
crop, fruit, profit, product. Mexican broad hat made of straw or felt:
harvest v. reap, gather, pick, collect, amass, sombrero
glean. pancakelike cap: beret, tam
hash n. mixture, hodgepodge, mess, jumble, pith helmet: topee

Roget’s Superthesaurus 281


scarf wound around head: turban HAUGHTY a. [HAWT ee] arrogant and dis-
Scottish Highland Military’s creased cloth dainful of others, high and mighty. She had
cap with badge and black ribbons: glen- a haughty way of peering down her nose at us.
garry SYN. arrogant, disdainful, high and mighty,
seventeenth-century tall black hat, silver snobbish, lordly, condescending, patroniz-
buckle: Puritan ing, stuck-up, self-important, vain, con-
Sherlock Holmes’s tweed hat: deerstalker ceited, imperious, superior, *hoity-toity, su-
snap-brim hat with low, flat crown: porkpie percilious, *sniffy, *above it all. ANT.
snap-brim hat with puffed crown: newsboy modest, humble, down to earth, folksy.
soft, domelike hat pulled down over fore- haul v. pull, drag, tow, draw, lug, move, carry,
head, for women: cloche truck, transport, convey, cart, take.
soft, felt hat creased down middle of crown: haunt n. purlieu, hangout, stomping gound,
fedora, homburg gathering place.
soft hat that can be crushed, carried in haunt v. 1. FREQUENT hang out at. 2. TROUBLE
pocket: crusher worry, torment, plague, disquiet, disturb. 3.
stovepipelike hat with tall crown, silky fin- *SPOOK inhabit, appear, possess, manifest,
ish: top hat terrorize, materialize, scare.
straw hat, man’s: Panama haunting a. unforgettable, spooky, ethereal, su-
straw hat with oval crown: boater, picture pernatural.
hat HAUTEUR n. [ho TUR] haughtiness, arro-
straw, parasol-like hat worn by Chinese: gance. He regarded us with his usual hauteur.
coolie SYN. haughtiness, arrogance, disdain, snob-
straw, yellow and broad: leghorn
bishness, condescension, pride, self-impor-
tall, fur hat worn by British army: busby
tance, imperiousness, superiority, presump-
three-cornered: tricorne
Turkish hat shaped like truncated cone, tuousness, conceit, airs. ANT. modesty,
decorated with tassel: fez folksiness.
World War II folding dress cap, olive or have v. 1. BE IN POSSESSION possess, hold, own,
khaki-colored: garrison cap retain, keep, enjoy. 2. EXPERIENCE endure,
suffer, entertain, bear, undergo, know.
hatch v. create, concoct, bring forth, devise, haven n. refuge, asylum, safe harbor, sanctuary,
design, produce, *cook up, conceive, in- shelter, sanctum, port in a storm, retreat,
vent, originate, formulate, *dream up. hideaway.
hate n. loathing, dislike, abhorrence, detesta- havoc n. destruction, devastation, ruin, disas-
tion, odium, aversion, scorn, disgust, con- ter, catastrophe, demolition, waste, chaos,
tempt, venom, repugnance, enmity, hostil- desolation, shambles, calamity.
ity, animosity, malice. ANT. love, liking, hawk n. 1. RAPTOR bird of prey. 2. WARMONGER.
affection. hawker n. peddler, huckster, street vendor,
hate v. loathe, dislike, abhor, detest, scorn, re- salesman, pitchman.
gard with disgust, regard with contempt, feel hayseed n. Sl. yokel, bumpkin, hick, clodhop-
hostile toward, despise, be sickened by, per, rustic, farmer, hillbilly, hobnail, *rube,
abominate, shrink from, disdain, have an *goat-roper, *Bubba, *Arky, *Clem, *Okie,
aversion to. ANT. love, like, admire. *brush ape. ANT. *city slicker, sophisticate,
hateful a. loathsome, detestable, despicable, cosmopolitan.
abhorrent, abominable, odious, nasty, mean, haywire a. Sl. crazy, confused, *bonkers, ber-
damnable, repugnant, foul, heinous, mali- serk, amok, disordered, *out of kilter, *out
cious. ANT. loving, nice, wonderful. of whack, *psycho, out of order. ANT. func-
hatred n. loathing, dislike, abhorrence, detesta- tioning, normal.
tion, odium, aversion, scorn, disgust, con- hazard n. danger, threat, peril, risk, jeopardy,
tempt, venom, repugnance, enmity, hostil- pitfall, *thin ice, *house of cards, insecurity,
ity, animosity, malice. ‘‘Self-punish- endangerment, cause for alarm, quicksand.
ment.’’—Hosea Ballou. ‘‘Burning down your hazard v. risk, chance, venture, wager, gamble,
own house to get rid of a rat.’’—Harry Emer- stake, dare, attempt, try, *go out on a limb,
son Fosdick. ‘‘The coward’s revenge.’’— *go for broke.
George Bernard Shaw. ANT. love, affection, hazardous a. dangerous, threatening, perilous,
friendliness. imperiling, endangering, life-threatening,

282 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Hazardous Waste–Heart

risky, unsafe, chancy, menacing, *hairy, doctor, nurse, revive, renew, medicate, reju-
*dicey, precarious. ANT. safe, secure, harm- venate.
less. healer n. physician, shaman, medicine man. SEE
hazardous waste n. toxic waste, pollution, nu- DOCTOR
clear waste, *toxic soup, poison, contami- health n. fitness, soundness, well-being, vital-
nated materials, pathogenic materials. ity, strength, vigor, hardiness, shape, condi-
haze n. vapor, fog, smog, smoke, mist, murk. tion. ‘‘To eat what you don’t want, drink
haze v. persecute, humiliate, tease, test, initi- what you don’t like and do what you’d
ate. rather not.’’—Mark Twain.
hazy a. 1. CLOUDY foggy, misty, murky, nebu- healthy a. 1. GOOD FOR YOU salubrious, health-
lous, dim, gauzy, steamy, smoky, veiled, ful, wholesome, salutary, beneficial, nutri-
blurred, filmy, fuzzy. 2. VAGUE obscure, in- tious, nourishing, invigorating, restorative,
definite, confused, indistinct, dim, muddled, sustaining, energizing. 2. IN GOOD SHAPE fit,
unintelligible, nebulous. ANT. 1. clear, strong, sound, well, vital, vigorous, hardy,
sunny. 2. clear, distinct, lucid. hearty, *bright-eyed, robust, hale, trim, *in
head n. 1. SKULL cranium, brain, noggin, *bel- the pink, *in fine fettle, lusty, lively, ener-
fry, *noodle, *bean, dome. ‘‘The palace of getic. ANT. 1. unhealthy, noxious, pernicious,
the soul.’’—Lord Byron. ‘‘The dupe of the deleterious. 2. failing, sickly, diseased, weak.
heart.’’—La Rochefoucauld. 2. CROWN top, heap n. pile, mound, stack, mass, bank, accu-
summit, peak, tip, apex, acme, pinnacle, mulation, clump, load, agglomeration,
cap, crest, vertex, height. 3. LEADER boss, stockpile, jumble, bunch, abundance, *lots,
chief, president, director, CEO, com- plenty.
mander, ringleader, principal, chairman, heap v. pile, mound, stack, amass, bank, accu-
*big cheese, *biggest toad in the puddle, mulate, clump, load, gather, group, cluster.
*top dog, captain, ruler. ANT. 2. foot, base. hear v. listen, heed, pay attention to, receive,
3. follower, underling. hearken.
head v. lead, direct, command, boss, preside, hearing n. interview, audience, inquiry, day in
chair, captain, run, rule, control, govern, su- court, inquisition, inquest, review, trial, pre-
pervise, oversee. sentation.
headache n. 1. migraine. 2. DIFFICULTY *pain, hearsay n. rumor, gossip, *grapevine report,
*pain in the neck, trouble, bother, annoy- scuttlebutt, word of mouth, talk, second-
ance, nuisance, problem. hand information, *talk of the town.
heart n. 1. BLOOD-PUMPING ORGAN muscle,
headhunting n. recruiting, talent search.
*pump, *ticker.
heading n. 1. TITLE caption, headline, line. 2.
COURSE bearing, direction.
angina drug used to widen blood vessels: ni-
headline n. caption, heading, title, banner,
screamer. SEE NEWSPAPER artery, large: aorta
headlong a. reckless, dangerous, incautious, artery-repairing procedure: angioplasty, by-
rash, foolhardy, breakneck, impetuous, un- pass
controlled, at full tilt, ungoverned. ANT. cau- chest pain from lack of blood flow: angina
tious, careful, prudent. pectoris
headquarters n. HQ, command post, nerve damage to heart muscle due to insufficient
center, home office, main office, base, cen- blood supply: heart attack, myocardial
ter of operations. infarction
headstrong a. stubborn, self-willed, pigheaded, decreased blood flow to: ischemia
bullheaded, willful, obstinate, mulish, un- defect sign: murmur
yielding, wayward, defiant, intractable. ANT. device used to regulate heartbeat: pace-
docile, obedient, yielding. maker
headway n. advance, improvement, procession. drug used to strengthen heartbeat: digitalis
SEE PROGRESS enlarged heart caused by strenuous exercise:
heady a. intoxicating, stimulating, powerful, athletic heart syndrome
inebriating, exhilarating, exciting, arousing. fluttering or pounding beat: palpitation
heal v. cure, make well, mend, restore, remedy, inflammation: pericarditis
repair, treat, recover, alleviate, patch up, fix, occluded arteries: atherosclerosis

Roget’s Superthesaurus 283


out-of-control heart contractions: fibrilla- mournful, touching, moving, grievous, an-

tion guishing, saddening, excruciating, soul-stir-
pertaining to: cardiac ring. ANT. heartwarming.
pumping failure or weakening: congestive heartsick a. sad, mournful, grieving, nostalgic,
heart failure despondent, disappointed, inconsolable, de-
rapid heartbeat: tachycardia spairing, depressed, blue, down, lost. ANT.
readout of electrical impulses: electrocardio- euphoric, gleeful.
gram (EKG) heartwarming a. loving, affectionate, sweet,
rhythm disturbance: arrhythmia heartfelt, heartening, joyous. ANT. heartrend-
stoppage: cardiac arrest ing, chilling, unpleasant.
study of: cardiology hearty a. 1. WARM friendly, genial, cordial, af-
2. CENTRAL CORE nucleus, pith, center, ker- fectionate, jovial, enthusiastic, whole-
nel, essence, crux, seat, hub. 3. EMOTIONS hearted, passionate, unrestrained, effusive.
compassion, love, sympathy, feeling, pas- 2. STRONG healthy, robust, hardy, vigorous,
sion, soul, humanity, sensitivity, affection, sturdy, energetic, stout, *in fine fettle. ANT.
pity. ‘‘The tabernacle of the human intel- 1. cool, reserved, restrained, half-hearted. 2.
lect.’’—Moses Maimonides. ‘‘The organ frail, feeble, weak, sickly.
that sees better than the eye.’’—Yiddish heat n. 1. HIGH TEMPERATURE warmth, hotness,
proverb. ‘‘A free and fetterless thing—a fever, fire, torridity, sultriness. 2. ANGER pas-
wave of the ocean, a bird on the wing.’’— sion, rage, ardor, zeal, fervor, intensity, ex-
Longfellow. 4. COURAGE *guts, bravery, citement, vehemence. ANT. 1. coldness, fri-
spirit, *spunk, valor, grit, nerve, backbone, gidity. 2. indifference, apathy, coolness.
mettle, fortitude. ANT. 2. periphery, outskirts, heated a. passionate, hot, raging, angry, ardent,
edge. 3. coldness, hatred, indifference. 4. cow- fervent, intense, excited, vehement, vio-
ardice, timidity. lent, fiery, volcanic. ANT. cool, calm, mild.
heartache n. heartbreak, anguish, grief, sorrow, heathen n. pagan, non-Christian, non-Jew,
misery, sadness, despair, broken heart, non-Muslim, infidel, nonbeliever, atheist,
agony, heartsickness, desolation, woe, suf- idolater, agnostic, skeptic. ANT. believer,
fering, melancholy. Christian, Jew, Muslim.
heart attack n. SEE HEART
heave v. 1. RAISE, THROW hurl, cast, toss, hoist,
heartbreak n. grief, anguish. SEE HEARTACHE
lift, fling, shoot, fire, pitch, chuck. 2. VOMIT
heartbreaking a. sad, pitiful, heart-wrenching,
throw up, puke, *ralph, disgorge, discharge,
heartrending, painful, agonizing, disap-
*upchuck, spew, spit up, *blow chunks.
pointing, tragic, grievous, poignant, bitter,
unendurable, crushing, devastating. ANT. heaven n. 1. HEREAFTER paradise, afterworld,
cheering, heartening. bliss, kingdom of God, glory, providence,
heartbroken a. sad, disappointed, crushed, dev- ecstasy, utopia, *Shangri-la, *happy hunt-
astated, heartsick, desolate, dejected, miser- ing ground, nirvana, city of light, Elysium,
able, disheartened, despondent, depressed, transport, happiness. ‘‘To be one with
crestfallen. ANT. cheered, heartened, buoyed. God.’’—Confucious. ‘‘Fulfilled desire.’’—
heartburn n. reflux, pyrosis. Edward Fitzgerald. 2. SKY cosmos, universe,
hearten v. encourage, cheer up, embolden, firmament, celestial sphere, *the wild blue
buoy, raise one’s spirits, fortify, *give a shot yonder. ANT. 1. hell, Hades, purgatory, tor-
in the arm, boost up, buck up, comfort. ANT. ment. SEE GOD
discourage, dishearten, *take the wind out of heavenly a. blissful, glorious, divine, beautiful,
one’s sails. holy, sublime, wonderful, extramundane,
heartfelt a. sincere, feeling, real, deep, genuine, spiritual, beatific, ethereal. ANT. hellish, hor-
serious, ardent, fervent, honest, impas- rible, demonic.
sioned, profound. ANT. insincere, phony, heavy a. 1. HEFTY weighty, burdensome, over-
feigned. weight, unmanageable, ponderous, substan-
heartless a. cold, cruel, brutal, inhuman, cal- tial, massive, huge, titanic, obese. SEE FAT 2.
lous, merciless, pitiless, unfeeling, *thick- INTENSE great, large, strong, abundant, ex-
skinned, uncaring, mean, insensitive, hard. treme, powerful, overwhelming, violent,
ANT. compassionate, sympathetic, feeling. rough, deep, extensive, prolonged, pro-
heartrending a. painful, distressing, agonizing, found. 3. SERIOUS profound, grave, weighty,

284 Roget’s Superthesaurus


important, critical, vital, crucial. 4. BURDEN- sickening, despicable, grisly. ANT. saintly, an-
SOME oppressive, distressing, hard, harsh, gelic, good, moral.
onerous, intolerable, harsh. ANT. 1. light, heir n. heiress, inheritor, beneficiary, recipient,
weightless, featherlike. 2. light, mild, weak, successor, heir apparent, heir presumptive.
brief. 3. trivial, unimportant, petty. 4. easy, heirloom n. hand-me-down, cherished posses-
light, tolerable. sion, legacy, inheritance, bequest.
heckle v. harass, annoy, hassle, pester, *wise heist n. Sl. holdup, *stickup. SEE ROBBERY
off, jeer, bait, taunt, tease, *ride, bother, helicopter n. aircraft, *chopper, *eggbeater,
*give a hard time, *bug. *whirlybird, *copter, autogyro.
hectic a. feverish, confused, rushed, chaotic, hell n. Hades, Gehenna, nether world, abyss,
frenzied, frenetic, excited, wild, riotous, furi- fire and brimstone, inferno, underworld,
ous, tumultuous. ANT. relaxed, calm, tranquil. Pandemonium, Abaddon, abode of the
hector v. bully, browbeat, pester, bait, badger, damned, limbo, eternal punishment, abode
bother, torment, threaten, intimidate, of the dead, abode of Satan, infernal regions,
harry, plague, menace, dominate. purgatory, pit, perdition, torment, depths.
hedge n. bush, hedgerow, boundary, shrubbery, ‘‘Where their worms die not, and the fire is
windbreak, fence, barrier. not quenched.’’—Bible. ‘‘A vast, unbot-
hedge v. avoid, lessen, evade, dodge, sidestep, tom’d, boundless pit.’’—Robert Burns. ‘‘A
equivocate, *stonewall, *hem and haw, brimstone sea of boiling fire.’’—Francis
temporize, *pass the buck, *waffle, duck. Quarles. ‘‘Every man is his own.’’—Henry
HEDONIST n. [HEE dun ist] a pleasure- Louis Mencken. ‘‘God’s penitentiary.’’—
seeker, one who indulges. He partied every Charles Jaynes. ANT. heaven, paradise, bliss.
Saturday night; he was a dyed-in-the-wool he- WORD FIND
donist. SYN. pleasure-seeker, bon vivant, in- halfway to: purgatory, limbo
dulger, *party animal, profligate, glutton, hell-bent a. determined, driven, reckless, ob-
voluptuary, epicure, gourmand, debauchee. sessed, resolute, bound and determined, sin-
ANT. prude, Puritan, bluenose.
gle-minded. ANT. wavering, unsure.
heed n. attention, mind, notice, consideration, hellion n. troublemaker, rascal, *rowdy, devil,
regard, thought. rogue.
heed v. mind, regard, pay attention to, con- hellish a. infernal, satanic, demonic, diabolical,
fiendish, horrible, black, evil, wicked, sty-
sider, take notice, note, follow, hear, look
gian, terrible, cruel, pitiless. ANT. heavenly,
heedless a. inattentive, unmindful, careless,
helm n. wheel, driver’s seat, tiller, control, lead-
unobservant, thoughtless, reckless, rash,
ership, seat of power.
negligent, disregardful. ANT. attentive, mind-
helmet n. headgear, head protector, hard hat.
ful, observant.
help n. assistance, aid, hand, succor, support,
hefty a. heavy, weighty, large, massive, power- boost, contribution, lift, service, guidance.
ful, bulky, gigantic, ample, husky, brawny, help v. 1. ASSIST aid, lend a hand, support,
rugged, muscular. ANT. puny, weak, wispy. boost, contribute, lift, serve, guide, accom-
heifer n. calf, yearling. modate, do a favor, succor, abet, *pitch in,
height n. 1. ALTITUDE elevation, tallness, high- oblige, *go to bat for, *stick up for, back,
ness, loftiness. 2. TOP, CLIMAX crest, crown- promote, rescue, save, extricate, *throw a
ing point, acme, zenith, high point, limit, lifeline. 2. IMPROVE alleviate, ameliorate,
peak, summit, pinnacle, apex, culmination. mitigate, relieve, remedy, cure, allay, better,
heighten v. increase, intensify, enlarge, mag- benefit. ANT. 1. hinder, hamper, *throw up a
nify, amplify, raise, lift, elevate, augment, roadblock. 2. make worse, aggravate.
strengthen, extend. ANT. lower, lessen, helper n. assistant, aide, hand, helpmate,
shorten. *right-hand man, *gofer, laborer, hand-
HEINOUS a. [HAY nus] evil or wicked to the maid, henchman, subordinate, girl/man Fri-
extreme, abominable. The heinous war crimes day, colleague, partner.
will never be forgotten. SYN. evil, wicked, helpful a. useful, beneficial, constructive, ac-
abominable, atrocious, hellish, monstrous, commodating, of service, valuable, condu-
loathsome, ghastly, horrid, shocking, un- cive, invaluable, profitable, practical. ANT.
speakable, revolting, outrageous, damnable, harmful, useless, worthless.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 285


helpless a. powerless, impotent, useless, inade- who is afraid to run away.’’—English prov-
quate, incompetent, incapable, weak, vul- erb. ‘‘The shortest lived profession on
nerable, defenseless, infirm, dependent, earth.’’—Will Rogers. ‘‘One who thinks
spineless, lost. ANT. capable, independent, slower than a coward.’’—William Rotsler.
powerful. heroic a. brave, courageous, fearless, bold, no-
helter-skelter a. disorderly, arbitrary, confused, ble, gallant, valiant, lionhearted, manly,
random, haphazard, hurried, pell-mell, hit- *gutsy, *bigger than life, virile, gritty, altru-
or-miss, jumbled, chaotic. ANT. orderly, ar- istic, exalted, epic. ANT. cowardly, faint-
ranged. hearted, dastardly.
hem n. edge, border, edging, skirt, trim, fringe, heroin n. narcotic, drug, *horse, *snow,
verge, ruff. *smack, *Big H, *black pearl, *Charley,
hemorrhage v. bleed, shed blood. *DOA, *Hazel, *joy powder, *junk, *Mexi-
henchman n. follower, helper, underling, aide, can brown, *mojo, *parachute, *poppy,
flunky, bodyguard, subordinate, *yes-man, *scag, *sweet Jesus, *the beast, *white
hatchet man, advisor, attendant. nurse, *wings, *witch.
hen-peck v. nag, *ride, dominate, *bug, pester, WORD FIND
*pick on. cocaine and heroin mixed: *Belushi, *goof-
ball, *speedball, *snowball
herald n. messenger, usher, forerunner, harbin-
crack and heroin: *moonrock
ger, precursor, omen, sign, indication, por-
inject into someone else: *give wings
tent, symptom. lethal dose: *hot load
herald v. usher in, announce, foretell, harbin- low purity heroin: flea powder
ger, portend, trumpet, precede, presage, marijuana and heroin mixture: *atom bomb
broadcast. marijuana, heroin and cocaine mixture: *el
herbicide n. poison, defoliant, weed killer. diablo
Herculean a. powerful, courageous, strong, PCP and heroin mixed: *whack
mighty, formidable, tough, brawny, muscu- SEE DRUN, NARCOTIC
lar, *built, gigantic, colossal, heroic, labori- heroism n. bravery, courageousness, fearless-
ous, arduous, hard, rough, backbreaking, ness, boldness, nobility, gallantry, valiance,
strenuous. ANT. puny, weak, easy. valor, manliness, *gutsiness, virility, grit, al-
herd n. drove, flock, bunch, drift, mass, swarm, truism. ‘‘Unbounded courage and compas-
mob, bevy, crush, crowd, throng, horde. sion joined.’’—Joseph Addison. ‘‘Endurance
hereditary a. inborn, inherited, congenital, ge- for one moment more.’’—George Kennan.
netic, inbred, ancestral, innate, inherent. ‘‘It is always either doing or dying.’’—Ros-
ANT. acquired, learned. well Hitchcock.
heresy n. apostasy, unorthodoxy, nonconfor- hesitant a. reluctant, irresolute, faltering, unde-
mity, freethinking, blasphemy, heterodoxy, cided, balking, tentative, wavering, halting,
infidelity, dissension, atheism, agnosticism. unsure, stalling, dallying. ANT. decided, firm,
‘‘Only another word for freedom of confident.
thought.’’—Graham Greene. ‘‘Experiments hesitate v. pause, hem and haw, falter, balk,
in man’s unsatisfied search for truth.’’— waver, stall, wait, *dillydally, *waffle,
H.G. Wells. dither, hang back, pussyfoot, *drag one’s
heretical a. unorthodox, infidelic, noncon- feet.
forming, unbelieving, freethinking, hetero-
us] made up of dissimilar elements, different,
dox, impious, schismatic, heathen. ANT. or- incongruous. America is known for its hetero-
thodox, faithful. geneous society. SYN. dissimilar, different, in-
heritage n. legacy, inheritance, ancestry, tradi- congruous, diverse, motley, varied, mixed,
tion, birthright, lot. ‘‘Scriptures . . . which miscellaneous, disparate, unrelated. ANT. ho-
have been absorbed into our blood.’’—Sho- mogeneous, like, same, uniform.
lom Asch. heterosexual a. *straight. ANT. gay, homosexual.
hermit n. recluse, solitary, loner, *lone wolf, hex n. curse, spell, jinx, whammy, evil eye.
anchorite, misanthrope. HIATUS n. [hi AYE tus] a break, gap or rest,
hero n. heroine, champion, idol, conqueror, often in one’s work. SYN. break, interrup-
victor, star, role model, principal, public fig- tion, lapse, discontinuity, interim, gap,
ure, lion, protagonist, leading man. ‘‘One pause, blank, rest, suspension, time out.

286 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hibernate v. winter, sleep, hole up, lie low, lie learned, cultivated, bookish, cultured. ANT.
dormant. lowbrow, unread, uncultured.
hick n. yokel, *hayseed, farmer, rustic, bump- high-class a. superior, first-rate, best, supreme,
kin, *hillbilly, *rube, clodhopper, *Okie, *tops, upper-class, *upper-crust, top-flight,
*Arky, *Clem. select, deluxe, quality, plush. ANT. low-class,
hidden a. concealed, covered, covert, secret, ordinary, mediocre.
under wraps, cloaked, clandestine, veiled, highfalutin a. pretentious, high-flown. SEE
undercover, secreted, indiscernible, obscure, POMPOUS
latent, occult, cryptic, invisible. ANT. open, high-flown a. high-sounding, bombastic, gran-
exposed, *in the spotlight, overt. diloquent, lofty, grandiose, pretentious,
hide v. conceal, secrete, cover, *put under stilted, inflated, extravagant, turgid, showy,
wraps, cloak, veil, obscure, lie low, cache, flowery. ANT. folksy, down to earth, plain.
shield, mask, camouflage, disguise, *drop high-handed a. overbearing, domineering, im-
out of sight, *hole up. ANT. expose, reveal, perious, tyrannical, dictatorial, arbitrary,
show. oppressive, ironhanded, authoritarian. ANT.
hideous a. horrible, dreadful, appalling, terri- cooperating, helpful, just.
ble, ugly, awful, monstrous, grotesque, sick- highlight n. high point, memorable part, fea-
ening, repulsive, gruesome, frightful, ture, focus, focal point, peak, climax, best
ghastly, grisly, repugnant, macabre. ANT. part.
lovely, beautiful, attractive. highlight v. spotlight, underline, underscore,
HIERARCHY n. [HYE uh RAHR kee] an or- feature, play up, headline, punctuate, accen-
der of rank, pecking order. He was second in tuate, emphasize, stress. ANT. downplay, ob-
command in the company hierarchy. SYN. or- scure.
der, pecking order, ranking, grouping, strata, high-minded a. ethical, moral, principled, hon-
*chain of command, *ladder, caste system. orable, noble, upright, conscientious, virtu-
high a. 1. LOFTY tall, towering, soaring, steep, ous, honest, righteous. ANT. unethical, im-
sky-high, *cloud-kissing, *cloud-piercing, moral, unprincipled.
elevated, skyward, alpine, vertiginous. 2. IM- high society n. cultured class, upper class, upper
PORTANT powerful, superior, prominent, ex-
crust, moneyed class, beau monde, *jet set,
society, haut monde, privileged class, *beau-
cellent, exalted, ranking, eminent, chief,
tiful peple, aristocracy, elite, crème de la
leading, uppermost. 3. EXTREME excessive,
crème, glitterati.
great, intensified, dear, expensive, exorbi-
high-strung a. nervous, tense, uptight, wound
tant, extravagant, costly, *steep. 4. HIGH-
up, *hyper, *wired, edgy, skittish, jumpy,
PITCHED soprano, shrill, treble, piercing. 5.
excitable, taut, temperamental, snappy.
HAPPY euphoric, elated, ecstatic, joyful,
ANT. calm, relaxed, placid.
cheerful, exuberant, rhapsodic. 6. UNDER THE highway n. road, street, freeway, drive, park-
way, turnpike, expressway, thoroughfare,
the influence, intoxicated, *stoned, *flying, boulevard, *main drag, causeway, autobahn,
*hammered, *baked, *blitzed, *coked out, toll road, beltway. SEE AUTOMOBILE
delirious, *fried, *hopped up, *out of it, hijack v. seize control, commandeer, steal,
*tripping, *wired, *spaced out. ANT. 1. low, *hold up, skyjack, *carjack.
short. 2. low, insignificant, piddling. 3. modest, hijacker n. robber, skyjacker, *carjacker, kid-
low, cheap. 4. low, bass. 5. low, depressed, napper, abductor.
*down in the dumps. 6. sober, lucid, clear- hike n. walk, journey, walkabout, ramble, trek,
headed. march, tramp, odyssey.
high and mighty a. lordly, arrogant, presumptu- hike v. walk, journey, ramble, backpack, trek,
ous. SEE HAUGHTY march, tramp, rove, *hoof it, range.
highbrow n. longhair, thinker, *egghead, hilarious a. funny, side-splitting, *hysterical,
scholar. ‘‘The kind of person who looks at a humorous, *a riot, *a scream, uproarious,
sausage and thinks of Picasso.’’—Alan Her- amusing, merry, boisterous, gay, jolly, mirth-
bert. ‘‘A person educated beyond his intelli- ful, gleeful, noisy. ANT. grim, grave, sad, de-
gence.’’—Brander Mathews. SEE INTELLEC- pressing.
TUAL hill n. elevation, rise, knoll, hillock, hummock,
highbrow a. erudite, scholarly, intellectual, knob, hump, bluff, gradient, slope, highland,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 287


prominence, mound, tor, dune. ANT. crater, authentic, true, recorded, verifiable, chroni-
canyon, hollow, valley. cled, past, bygone, former. ANT. mythical, fic-
WORD FIND titious, made-up, contemporary, modern.
hilly: rolling, tumulose history n. 1. CHRONICLE record, documenta-
land between hills: intervale tion, account, annals, saga, chronology,
SEE MOUNTAIN memories, diary, memoirs. ‘‘The witness of
hillbilly n. *hayseed, *Clem, clodhopper. SEE the times . . . the messenger of antiquity.’’—
HICK Cicero. ‘‘A voice forever sounding across
hillock n. SEE HILL the centuries the laws of right and
hinder v. obstruct, block, impede, slow, stop, wrong.’’—James Froude. ‘‘A sort of mask,
prevent, check, deter, thwart, frustrate, richly colored.’’—John Quincy Adams.
hamper, interfere, foil, forestall, stand in the ‘‘The great dust heap.’’—Augustine Birrell.
way, *hamstring. ANT. help, enable, facilitate, ‘‘A fraud agreed upon.’’—Napoleon I. ‘‘That
free. terrible mill in which sawdust rejoins saw-
hindrance n. impediment, obstruction, en- dust.’’—Edith Sitwell. 2. THE PAST yester-
cumbrance, stumbling block, obstacle, re- year, bygone era, *good old days, *water un-
striction, restraint, constraint, snag, handi- der the bridge, antiquity.
cap. HISTRIONIC a. [HISS tree AWN ik] theatri-
hindsight n. retrospect, *Monday morning cal, overly dramatic. His histrionic show of
quarterbacking, experience, wisdom, knowl- temper made him the center of attention. SYN.
edge, seasoned perception, looking back. theatrical, dramatic, melodramatic, over-
Hinduism n. SEE RELIGION played, overacted, affected, stagy, thespian,
hinge v. depend, be contingent, rest, hang, re- forced, unnatural, *put-on. ANT. natural, un-
volve. affected, understated.
histrionics n. theatrics, melodramatics, dra-
hint n. 1. CLUE indication, tip, *tip-off, sugges-
matics, show, acting, affectation, display,
tion, telltale, implication, allusion, sign,
playacting, performing.
lead, innuendo, intimation. 2. TRACE tinge,
hit n. 1. BLOW strike, knock, bump, impact,
touch, suggestion, taste, sprinkling.
smack, whack, tap, rap, thump, *conk, cuff,
hint v. give a clue, suggest, indicate, intimate,
punch, slap, swat. 2. SUCCESS triumph, win-
imply, indicate, allude to, insinuate, *put a
ner, *smash, sensation, best-seller, sellout.
bug in one’s ear, infer, tip, cue. hit v. strike, knock, bump, smack, whack, tap,
hinterland n. backcountry, outback, *boonies, rap, thump, *conk, cuff, punch, slap, swat,
*sticks, remote region, wilderness, frontier, belt, bang, wallop, sock, pound, bash, beat,
wilds, bush country. bop, slug.
hip a. Sl. *with it, sophisticated, *in the know, hitch n. problem, snag, impediment, hin-
aware, stylish, savvy, au courant, worldly- drance, stumbling block, *snafu, catch, diffi-
wise, experienced, astute, *cool. ANT. igno- culty, *glitch, bug, complication.
rant, *out of it, unaware. hitch v. join, connect, fasten, link, bind, at-
hip hop n. rap, black urban music, *gangsta rap. tach, harness, couple, yoke, unite.
SEE RAP hitchhike v. *thumb a ride.
hippie n. nonconformist, *long-hair, *freak, hit man n. Sl. *triggerman, *hired gun, assassin.
free spirit, Bohemian, *Deadhead, flower SEE KILLER, MURDERER
child, beatnik, deviant, *60s dropout. hit-or-miss a. random, haphazard, careless, in-
hire v. employ, engage, enlist, take on, commis- accurate, luck of the draw, trial and error,
sion, secure, appoint, delegate, put to work, casual. ANT. precise, accurate.
retain, contract for, rent, charter, lease. ANT. hoard n. stockpile, store, cache, supply, reserve,
fire, let go, *pink slip. stash, *nest egg, collection, accumulation.
Hispanic a. Spanish, Latino, Hispano. hoard v. stockpile, store, cache, put away,
historic a. momentous, consequential, impor- *squirrel away, amass, stash, hide, save, col-
tant, notable, significant, unforgettable, fa- lect, accumulate. ANT. squander, waste,
mous, celebrated, renowned, outstanding, spend.
extraordinary. ANT. unimportant, insignifi- hoarse a. husky, throaty, rough, harsh, rasping,
cant, inconsequential, obscure. gravelly, croaking, *whiskey-voiced,
historical a. documented, factual, real, actual, scratchy, roupy, guttural, ragged.

288 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hoary a. 1. WHITE OR GRAY salt and pepper, griz- hodgepodge n. mixture, miscellany, jumble,
zled, snowy-haired. 2. OLD elderly, ancient, melange, potpourri, medley, patchwork,
aged, venerable. *goulash, mess, *mishmash, hash, *mixed
hoax n. prank, trick, *put-on, *fake-out, joke, bag.
*spoof, ruse, fraud, deception, *crock, hoe n. garden implement, tool, weeder, cultiva-
*humbug. tor, digger.
hoax v. trick, *put on, *fake out, deceive, *con, hog n. 1. PIG swine, *oinker, shoat, piglet, sow,
*hoodwink, fool, delude, *pull the wool boar. 2. GLUTTON gourmand.
over one’s eyes, *sucker, dupe. hog v. Sl. be greedy, take all, monopolize.
hobble v. 1. LIMP hitch, shamble, falter, dodder, hogwash n. *BS, *baloney, balderdash, *bilge.
walk lamely, stumble, stagger, *shortleg. 2. SEE NONSENSE
RESTRICT fetter, hinder, hamper, *ham- hoi polloi n. the common people, the masses,
string, cripple, impede, handicap, inhibit. commoners, rank and file, the working class,
hobby n. pastime, avocation, diversion, side- the crowd, citizenry, plebians, proletariat,
line, *thing, leisure time activity, pursuit, *Middle America. ANT. aristocracy, high soci-
play, *bag, fun, *cup of tea. ety, upper class.
hobgoblin n. bogey, bugbear, apparition, evil hoist v. raise, lift, pull up, elevate, raise aloft,
spirit, *spook, puck, elf, imp, fairy. jack up, erect.
hobo n. tramp, *bum, transient, drifter, va- hokey a. SEE CORNY
grant, derelict, *stiff, migrant worker, rover. hold n. influence, grip, control, sway, pull, ef-
hock v. pawn. fect, *clout.
hockey n. ice hockey, field hockey, sport. hold v. 1. GRIP clutch, grasp, clasp, clench,
WORD FIND carry, embrace, squeeze, palm, cradle, han-
ICE HOCKEY dle, wield. 2. POSSESS have, retain, keep,
avoid being scored against while short- own, secure, maintain, contain. 3. BELIEVE
handed: kill a penalty maintain, think, feel, reckon, view, deem,
bumping opponent away from play: check, assume, surmise, espouse, swear by. 4. CHECK
body check restrain, restrict, suspend, postpone. 5. PER-
cup: Stanley SIST continue, last, endure, stay, remain. 6.
disk: puck SUPPORT uphold, bear, shoulder.
drop of puck by referee between two players: hold up n. 1. ARMED ROBBERY *stickup, heist. 2.
face-off DELAY gridlock, red tape, wait, pause, stop-
fake a move to shake off opponent: deke page, bottleneck, congestion. SEE CRIME
free shot on goal: penalty shot hole n. 1. OPENING space, aperture, gap, orifice,
goaltender: goalie vent, cavity, rift, slot, break, puncture, per-
hard, driving shot: slapshot foration, excavation, hollow, crater, pit,
holding crook of opponent’s stick to stop dugout, well, burrow. 2. PREDICAMENT *box,
movement: hooking *pickle, jam, dilemma, fix, spot, bind,
illegally striking opponent with stick: slash- plight, *hot water, *tight squeeze.
ing, spearing, high sticking holiday n. celebration, festival, commemora-
illegal shot from behind center red line: ic- tion, fiesta, jubilee, holy day, observance,
ing anniversary, vacation, day off, day of rest,
penalty situation in which team has a one- long weekend. ‘‘Overrated disturbances of
man advantage: power play routine.’’—Edward Lucas.
positions: center, forwards, wings, backline, HOLIER-THAN-THOU a. acting as if one
defensemen is more virtuous than another, self-righ-
rectangle in front of goal: crease teous. We were sickened by his hypocritical,
roughness penalty, excessive: roughing holier-than-thou judgments. SYN. sanctimo-
three goals scored by one player in a single nious, self-righteous, pious, self-satisfied,
game: hat trick smug, snobbish, *squeaky clean, judg-
vehicle that restores ice surface: Zamboni mental.
hocus-pocus n. magic, trickery, legerdemain, holiness n. sanctity, sacredness, godliness, di-
sleight-of-hand, prestidigitation, hoax, con- vinity, blessedness, grace, saintliness, piety,
juring, deception, incantation, *abraca- virtue. ‘‘A sweet, pleasant, charming, se-
dabra, mumbo jumbo, gibberish. rene, calm nature.’’—Jonathan Edwards. ‘‘A

Roget’s Superthesaurus 289


fire whose outgoing warmth pervades the on looks. 2. SIMPLE plain, unpretentious, un-
universe.’’—Plotinus. ANT. sinfulness, sin. sophisticated, homey, modest, folksy, infor-
HOLISTIC a. [ho LIS tik] encompassing an mal, comfortable. ANT. 1. beautiful, pretty,
entire integrated system, as opposed to an handsome. 2. pretentious, sophisticated,
individual part. Holistic medicine seeks to look showy.
at the entire mind/body connection in addition homemade a. homespun. ANT. storebought.
to the disease site. SYN. complete, whole, one, homemaker n. housewife, house husband,
comprehensive, entire, total, integral, uni- housekeeper, mother, domestic, household
versal, full, integrated, systemic, multi-di- manager, domestic manager.
mensional. ANT. partial, individual. homesick a. nostalgic, wistful, heartsick, long-
holler v. yell, bellow, thunder. SEE SHOUT ing, yearning, pining, lonely for home,
hollow n. depression, concavity, indentation, alienated, estranged.
cavity, dent, dimple, sink, bowl. SEE HOLE homespun a. plain, unpretentious, homemade,
hollow a. 1. EMPTY vacant, void, unfilled. 2. homely, simple, unsophisticated, folksy,
CONCAVE deep-set, indented, sunken, cav- simple, down-home, modest, informal. ANT.
ernous. 3. MEANINGLESS empty, vain, futile, sophisticated, pretentious, refined.
worthless, useless, insincere. ANT. 1. full, homestead n. farm house.
teeming, replete. 2. convex. 3. meaningful, im- homey a. comfortable, cozy, relaxed, familiar,
portant, profound. informal, folksy, domestic, intimate,
holocaust n. destruction, annihilation, geno- friendly, unpretentious. ANT. sophisticated,
cide, mass killing, massacre, carnage, exter- formal.
mination, catastrophe, disaster, devastation, homicidal a. murderous, bloodthirsty, violent,
conflagration, firestorm, inferno. maniacal. ANT. pacifistic, peaceful.
holy a. godly, divine, sacred, hallowed, sacro- homicide n. murder, killing, manslaughter,
sanct, consecrated, blessed, saintly, virtuous, slaughter, slaying, assassination, *hit, shoot-
religious, righteous, pious, faithful, spiritual. ing. SEE MURDER
ANT. ungodly, unholy, profane, diabolical, de- homily n. sermon, lecture, lesson.
monic. hominid n. hominoid, human ancestor, Homo
HOMAGE n. [xfí(H) ÄM - ij] something sapien, primate.
done, said or given to honor or show re- HOMOGENEOUS a. [HO mo JEE nee us]
spect for another. We paid homage to the made of like or similar elements. A nation
president with our salute. SYN. honor, re- with only one ethnic group is a homogeneous
spect, tribute, exaltation, esteem, admira- society. SYN. similar, like, identical, kindred,
tion, reverence, allegiance, obeisance, def- uniform, consistent, unmixed, the same.
erence, recognition. ANT. heterogeneous, dissimilar.
home n. 1. RESIDENCE house, domicile, abode, homosexual n. gay man, gay woman, lesbian,
habitation, dwelling, quarters, place, castle, invert, bisexual, transsexual. ANT. heterosex-
lodging, roost, *diggings, *pad. ‘‘Where we ual.
love.’’—Oliver Wendell Homes. ‘‘A place homosexual a. gay, lesbian, *queer, bisexual,
where you can scratch any place you transsexual, inverted.
itch.’’—Henry Ainsley. ‘‘The abode of the hone v. sharpen, file, whet, grind.
heart.’’—Elbert Hubbard. 2. HOME BASE OR honest a. 1. TRUTHFUL trustworthy, upstanding,
ORIGIN birthplace, native land, fatherland, scrupulous, moral, ethical, veracious, repu-
habitat. SEE HOUSE table, straight, *on the level, honorable,
homebody n. introvert, *house cat, *stick in aboveboard, conscientious, principled, cred-
the mud, *couch potato. ANT. extrovert. ible, believable. 2. CANDID frank, direct,
homeboy n. Sl. friend, buddy, neighbor, ac- straightforward, forthright, sincere, genu-
quaintance, *homie, *brother, *sister. ine, real, outspoken, outright, blunt. ANT. 1.
homegrown a. native, homespun, homemade. dishonest, deceitful, disreputable. 2. indirect,
ANT. foreign. insincere.
homeless a. destitute, *down-and-out, vagrant, honesty n. 1. TRUTHFULNESS veracity, integrity,
displaced, derelict, evicted, dispossessed, ex- trustworthiness, scrupulousness, probity,
iled, forsaken, impoverished. ANT. affluent, principle, morality, virtue, conscientious-
well-off, comfortable. ness, credibility. ‘‘The ability to resist small
homely a. 1. UGLY plain, unattractive, *short temptations.’’—John Ciardi. 2. CANDOR

290 Roget’s Superthesaurus


frankness, directness, straightforwardness, belief, fancy. ‘‘The poor man’s bread.’’—

forthrightness, sincerity, outspokenness, George Herbert. ‘‘Eating the air on promise
bluntness. ANT. 1. dishonesty, deceit, decep- of supply.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. hopelessness,
tion. 2. indirectness, insincerity. despair, pessimism.
honeyed a. sweetened, sugarcoated, candied, hope v. have faith, trust, be optimistic, expect,
syrupy, flattering, smooth-tongued, ingrati- wish, desire, want, aspire, dream, anticipate,
ating, cajoling. believe, fancy, look forward to, count on.
honk v. beep, toot, blast, blare, blow, sound. ANT. despair, doubt.
honor n. 1. REGARD respect, esteem, admira- hopeful a. 1. OPTIMISITC *keeping the faith,
tion, veneration, reverence, dignity, glory, looking forward to, anticipating, expectant,
deference, homage, exaltation, recogni- confident, sanguine. 2. PROMISING encourag-
tion, approval. 2. INTEGRITY character, hon- ing, bright, favorable, heartening, reassur-
esty, morality, virtue, principles, decency, ing, auspicious, propitious. ANT. 1. pessimis-
righteousness, rectitude, nobility, dignity. tic, hopeless. 2. black, bleak, hopeless,
‘‘The moral conscience of the great.’’— foreboding.
William D’Avenant. ‘‘The morality of su- hopeless a. 1. FUTILE lost, desperate, irrevoca-
perior men.’’—Henry Louis Mencken. ‘‘A ble, bleak, discouraging, vain, foreboding,
mistress all mankind pursue.’’—Paul incurable, threatening, grave, unobtain-
Whitehead. ANT. 1. dishonor, shame, dis- able, impossible. 2. DESPAIRING desperate,
grace, 2. dishonor, dishonesty, immorality, demoralized, lost, disconsolate, miserable,
perfidy, treachery. heartbroken, depressed, suicidal, *broken,
honorable a. virtuous, scrupulous, honest, dispirited. ANT. 1. hopeful, bright, promis-
moral, ethical, principled, decent, righteous, ing. 2. hopeful, optimistic, confident, encour-
noble, trustworthy, upright, good. ANT. dis- aged.
honorable, disreputable, dishonest. horde n. crowd, mass, throng, multitude, mob,
honorary a. honorific, titular, in name only. pack, swarm, bunch, gang, group, band,
ANT. actual, earned.
hood n. punk, thug. SEE HOODLUM horizon n. skyline, vista, purview, field of vi-
hoodlum n. *hood, criminal, thug, ruffian, sion, limit, range, offing, azimuth.
gangster, mobster, *tough, *goon, *hooli- horizontal a. flat, level, flush, plane, straight,
gan, *punk, rowdy, troublemaker. supine, prone, recumbent. ANT. vertical, up-
hoodwink v. dupe, mislead, deceive, confuse, right.
trick, *pull the wool over one’s eyes, delude,
horn n. 1. OUTGROWTH tusk, antler, spike,
cheat, fool, bamboozle.
hook n. 1. GRAPPLE grapnel, crook, catch, hasp.
horny a. Sl. *hot, lustful, *turned on, amorous,
2. BEND crook, dogleg, curve, angle, loop,
passionate, lascivious, erotic, goatish, fever-
arc, hairpin turn.
hook v. hitch, catch, gaff, grab, seize, snag, se- ish, salacious, libidinous, sex-crazed, randy,
cure, fasten, couple. *hot as a three-dollar pistol. ANT. turned off,
hooked a. Sl. *having a monkey on one’s back. frigid.
horoscope n. 1. celestial positioning. 2. DIA-
GRAM chart, forecast, astrological forecast.
hooker n. Sl. whore, lady of the evening, street-
walker. SEE PROSTITUTE horrendous a. SEE HORRIBLE
hooligan n. rowdy, *punk, *tough. SEE HOOD- horrible a. horrendous, terrible, awful, frightful,
LUM horrid, appalling, dreadful, horrifying,
hoopla n. Sl. excitement, to-do, fuss, fireworks, abominable, hideous, ghastly, shocking,
brouhaha, bustle, furor, ballyhoo. gruesome, disgusting, terrifying, repulsive,
hoot v. jeer, shout in disapproval, scorn, catcall, atrocious. ANT. wonderful, lovely, charming,
deride, boo, *razz, howl, mock, scoff at. delightful.
hop v. jump, leap, bound, hurdle, vault, spring, horrid a. SEE HORRIBLE
bounce, skip, dance, romp, caper, prance, horrify v. dismay, shock, frighten, terrify, ap-
gambol. pall, scare, *curdle one’s blood, *curl one’s
hope n. optimism, faith, confidence, trust, ex- hair, *scare the daylights out of, *make
pectation, wish, desire, want, aspiration, one’s skin crawl, *send chills up one’s spine,
dream, anticipation, expectancy, prospect, sicken, nauseate, disgust, revolt, fill with

Roget’s Superthesaurus 291


morbid fascination, paralyze, petrify. ANT. command to turn right: gee

calm, soothe, reassure. cry of: neigh, whinny, snort
horror n. fear, terror, fright, dread, trepidation, disease: staggers, distemper, loco, spavin,
dismay, revulsion, repulsion, disgust, loath- heaves
ing, abhorrence, aversion. equipment: appointments, breastplate, bri-
hors d’oeuvre n. tidbit, finger sandwich, can- dle, bit, cheek straps, crownpiece,
ape. SEE APPETIZER throatlatch, headband, blinder, caves-
horse n. equine, steed, mount, nag, pony, son, reins, saddle, halter, hackamore
*bronc, stallion, mare, *plug, *crowbait. feeding trough: manger
WORD FIND female under age four: filly
COLORS AND MARKINGS gait: walk, trot, lope, canter, gallop, rack,
beige with black mane: buckskin volt, fox trot
beige with brown or light mane: dun gentle farm horse: dobbin
black and white: piebald half-turn: caracole
black speckles: medicine hat Indian: pinto, cayuse, mustang
bluish gray: grulla, smokey joint above hoof: fetlock
bronze or coppery: chestnut, sorrel leap, playful four-legged: gambado
brownish sprinkled with gray and white: leap straight up: capriole
roan male under age four: colt
palomino color: buttermilk, golden measurement of four inches: hand
patches of white over any coat color except mythological: Pegasus, centaur
black: skewbald nervous movement sideways or backwards:
piebald or spotted: calico, pinto, dappled, jib
paint newborn: foal
reddish brown with black mane: bay nose and mouth area: muzzle
stripe extending down back: eel stripe, dor- pen: corral
sal stripe pertaining to: equestrian, equine
white above fetlock: stocking race: steeplechase, derby
white below fetlock: sock riding competition: gymkhana
white marking around nostril: snip
riding pants, boots: jodhpurs
white marking between eyes: star
rising and falling in English riding style:
white streak on face: blaze, race
white with white mane: palomilla
shelter: stall, stable
yellowish cross of sorrel and dun: claybank
short-legged horse: cob
sideways gait: volt
Appaloosa, Arabian, Cleveland bay,
Clydesdale, Dartmoor, Exmoor, French smooth, refined gait for show: dressage
Trotter, Hackney, hunter, Lipizzaner, stand up on rear legs: rear
Morgan, palomino, Percheron, quarter strong horse used for pulling: draft horse
horse, saddlebred, Shetland, Shire, stan- stud’s herd: harras
dardbred, Suffolk, Tennessee Walking sweat: lather
Horse, thoroughbred trained: broken, bridlewise
GENERAL trot in place for show: piaffe
back, highest portion of: withers upjerk of head: bridle
bangs: forelock wild or half-wild: mustang, bronco
barnyard play area: paddock winker: blinder
bent-backed: swaybacked, hogbacked horseman n. equestrian, rider, jockey, rough-
breeding mare: brood mare rider, cowboy, broncobuster.
breeding period of mare: heat horseplay n. clowning, foolishness, antics, fun,
bushy tail: broomtail hijinks, tomfoolery.
care and feeding of, for a fee: livery horticulture n. gardening, cultivation, agricul-
castrated male: gelding ture, farming, vegetable growing, floricul-
cattle horse: cutting horse ture.
comb: currycomb hose n. hosiery, stockings.
command to turn left: haw hospice n. hostel, lodging, shelter.

292 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hospitable a. gracious, accommodating, socia- house n. home, residence, shelter, abode, habi-
ble, friendly, welcoming, neighborly, con- tation, domicile, homestead, castle, man-
vivial, genial, cordial, helpful. ANT. unwel- sion, duplex.
coming, inhospitable, unfriendly. WORD FIND
hospital n. medical center, infirmary, clinic, attic access hole: scuttle
sanatorium, sick bay, dispensary, ward, insti- beam supporting floor or ceiling: joist
tution, treatment facility, hospice. ‘‘That board siding: clapboard
blend of penitentiary and third-class ho- flooring of wood forming geometric pattern:
tel.’’—Henry Sigerist. SEE DOCTOR, MEDICINE, parquet
NURSE, OPERATION, SURGERY foundation without basement: slab
hospitality n. accommodation, welcome, frame made of heavy timbers: post-and-
friendliness, graciousness, sociability, neigh- beam construction
borliness, geniality, cordiality, warmth. ‘‘A framing member, vertical: stud
genial hearth, a hospitable board, and a re- glass-enclosed lookout on top of roof: belve-
fined rusticity.’’—William Wordsworth. dere
host n. multitude, group, throng, legion, horde, glass: glazing
flock, myriad. ornamentation, elaborate: gingerbread
hostage n. pawn, captive, security. SEE PRISONER passage between garage and house: breeze-
hostile a. unfriendly, antagonistic, malevolent, way
bellicose, belligerent, enemy, contrary, ag- projection, with window, on sloping roof:
gressive, nasty, contentious, warring, pugna- dormer
cious, cold. ANT. friendly, warm, amiable, roof dome or domelike structure: cupola
peaceful. roof framing member: rafter, purlin, ridge-
hostility n. 1. UNFRIENDLINESS antagonism, ma- board
levolence, hatred, ill will, enmity, animus, roof overhang: eaves
opposition, aggression, venom, bellicosity, roof walkway: widow’s walk
virulence, bad blood, anger, nastiness. 2. roof with double slope on each side: gambrel
roof with four sides, no gables: hip roof
HOSTILITIES war, conflict, dispute, clash. ANT.
roof with two slopes on all four sides: man-
1. friendliness, good will. 2. amity, peace.
sard roof
hot a. 1. TORRID blazing, fiery, burning, scorch-
stair railing spindles: balusters
ing, steaming, boiling, blistering, roasting, styles: adobe, bothy, brownstone, bungalow,
sweltering, feverish, sizzling, sultry, tropical. cabin, cajun cottage, Cape Cod, chateau,
2. SPICY peppery, sharp, biting, burning, pi- colonial, cottage, Creole townhouse,
quant, zesty, pungent. 3. PASSIONATE ardent, Dutch Colonial, Elizabethan, English
fiery, intense, fervent, vehement, impas- magpie, Federal, gambrel, Georgian, gin-
sioned, angry, raging, furious, violent. 4. gerbread, Gothic Revival, Greek Re-
AROUSED SEXUALLY *horny, lustful, lascivi-
vival, Italianate, octagon, pueblo, Queen
ous, salacious, libidinous, randy. 5. NEW AND Anne, Romanesque, row house, saltbox,
POPULAR trendy, fresh, in vogue. ANT. 1.
Second Empire, split level, Tudor, Vic-
cold, wintry, frigid. 2. bland, mild. 3. indiffer- torian
ent, apathetic, lukewarm. 4. turned off, re- tile mortar: grout
pulsed, cold. upper wall portion between slopes of roof:
hot dog n. 1. FRANKFURTER wiener, *weenie, gable
*dog, *foot long. 2. SHOWOFF crowd-pleaser, wall not requiring plaster: drywall, sheet-
grandstander. rock, gypsum wallboard
hotel n. motel, inn, motor inn, resort, lodging, window framework: sash
tavern, hostel, *flophouse. window strips or bars: mullions
hotheaded a. hot-tempered, quick-tempered, window that projects: bay window
touchy, explosive, volatile, testy, *short- SEE ARCHITECTURE, CASTLE, HOME
fused, combustible, rash, impetuous. ANT. housekeeper n. homemaker, housewife, house
even-tempered, levelheaded, easygoing. husband, domestic, maid, cleaner.
hothouse n. greenhouse, nursery, conservatory. housewife n. homemaker, lady of the house,
hound v. chase, nag, badger, harass, pester, pur- matron, domestic manager.
sue, dog, *bug, ride, *hassle, persecute, go hovel n. shed, hut, shack, cabin, shanty, lean-
after. to, *dump, *rattrap, *hole.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 293


hover v. float, hang, linger, flutter, stay sus- manlike, hominine, bipedal, civilized, mor-
pended. tal. 2. SEE HUMANE
howl v. wail, waul, bay, bellow, yowl, cry out, humane a. compassionate, kind, sympathetic,
bawl, moan, whine, ululate, caterwaul. merciful, good, understanding, humanitar-
hub n. center, axis, core, pivot, focal point, ian, forgiving, pitying, tolerant, magnani-
*nerve center, heart, middle. mous. ANT. *inhumane, cruel, unfeeling, vi-
hubbub n. noise, uproar, tumult, commotion, cious, merciless.
clamor, racket, confusion, pandemonium, humanitarian n. good Samaritan, philanthro-
hullaballoo, stir, fuss, *ruckus, unrest. ANT. pist, do-gooder, *Robin Hood, altruist,
quiet, silence, stillness. benefactor.
hubris n. arrogance, insolence. SEE PRIDE humanity n. 1. HUMAN RACE mankind, human-
huckster n. salesman, peddler, tradesman, kind, men and women, people, the masses,
hawker, vendor, concessionaire, merchant. society, man. 2. COMPASSION kindness,
huddle v. mass, gather, pack, crowd, cluster, goodness, sympathy, benevolence, mercy,
bunch, converge, herd, confer, *powwow. magnanimity, goodwill, brotherly love.
hue n. color, tint, shade, tone, tinge, cast. humankind n. humanity, mankind, human
hue and cry n. outcry, protest, outrage, clamor, race, anthropoid population, Homo sapiens,
uproar, hullabaloo, brouhaha. family of man, civilized species. ‘‘A tribe of
huff n. snit, bad mood, *stew, tiff, rage, resent- animals, living by habits and thinking in
ment, fit of anger, tantrum. symbols; and it can never be anything
huffy a. touchy, irritable, easily offended, testy, else.’’—George Santayana. ‘‘A farce.’’—
sensitive, hypersensitive, petulant, peevish, Mark Twain.
cross, crabby, waspish, nettled, irate. ANT. humble a. 1. MODEST self-effacing, unassuming,
cheerful, good-humored. unpretentious, reserved, deferential, meek,
hug n. embrace, squeeze, clasp, clinch, *bear demure, self-conscious, subservient, diffi-
hug. ‘‘A roundabout way of expressing emo- dent, obsequious, lowly. 2. LOWLY shabby,
tion.’’—Gideon Wurdz. simple, plain, ordinary, poor, undistin-
hug v. embrace, squeeze, clasp, clinch, hold, guished, rough, plebian, humdrum, unre-
clutch, *bear hug, take in one’s arms, cud- fined, inconsequential. ANT. 1. arrogant, pre-
dle. tentious, haughty, proud, conceited. 2. rich,
huge a. gigantic, colossal, immense, enormous, superior, ostentatious, illustrious, distinguished.
gargantuan, prodigious, humongous, great,
humble v. degrade, deflate, *take the wind out
whopping, tremendous, king-size, titanic,
of one’s sails, *bring down a peg, shame, hu-
monstrous, massive, jumbo, stupendous,
miliate, demean, disgrace, *make one feel
Brobdingnagian, mountainous, monumen-
small, *make one eat crow, *make one eat
tal, towering, elephantine, staggering,
humble pie. ANT. exalt, *put on a pedestal,
*eclipsing. ANT. tiny, small, miniature, Lilli-
putian, microscopic. inflate, puff up.
hulking a. heavy, large, clumsy, bulky, un- humbug n. baloney, *BS, nonsense, balder-
wieldy, ponderous, massive, awkward, cum- dash, *eyewash, *bunk, claptrap, poppy-
bersome, weighty, unmanageable. ANT. com- cock, *hogwash, rubbish, *rot.
pact, petite. humdrum a. monotonous, boring, tedious,
hullabaloo n. uproar, noise, confusion. SEE HUB- *ho-hum, dull, tiresome, routine, prosaic,
BUB uninteresting, *blah, flat, insipid, somno-
hum v. drone, buzz, whir, croon, intone, purr, lent. ANT. interesting, stimulating, fascinating,
murmur, sound, throb, bombinate. riveting, exciting.
human n. man, woman, person, Homo sapiens, humid a. moist, damp, wet, vaporous, muggy,
being, *naked ape, creature. ‘‘A pair of pin- steamy, clammy, sticky, *close, dank, sultry,
cers set over a bellows and a stewpan, the foggy, misty. ANT. dry, arid.
whole fixed upon stilts.’’—Samuel Butler. humiliate v. embarrass, mortify, shame, dis-
‘‘A proper engine for the soul to work grace, chagrin, *make a fool out of, abash,
with.’’—Joseph Addison. ‘‘A little cave- put to shame, degrade, deflate, demean,
dwelling virus mutated.’’—John D. Mac- humble, abase. ANT. honor, exalt, *put on
Donald. pedestal.
human a. 1. ANTHROPOID anthropomorphic, humiliation n. embarrassment, mortification,

294 Roget’s Superthesaurus


shame, disgrace, chagrin, degradation, de- hunt n. search, chase, pursuit, trailing, quest,
flation, humbling, humble pie, losing face, coursing.
*put-down, belittling. ANT. honor, exalta- hunt v. 1. LOOK FOR search high and low, ferret
tion. out, scour, seek, quest for, leave no stone
HUMILITY n. [hyoo MIL uh tee] humbleness, unturned, turn everything upside down,
modesty, the absence of arrogance or pride. rummage, probe, fish for, investigate. 2. PUR-
She accepted the award with great humility. SUE AND KILL hound, trail, chase, track, *beat
SYN. humbleness, modesty, unpretentious- the bushes, stalk, course, poach.
ness, lowliness, meekness, reserve, diffi- hurdle n. obstacle, obstruction, stumbling
dence, sheepishness, obsequiousness, block, barrier, impediment, difficulty, com-
self-abasement. ‘‘Nothing else but a right plication, block, snag.
judgment of ourselves.’’—William Law. ‘‘A hurdle v. jump over, clear, vault, leap, spring,
noble mind in a low estate.’’—Jane Porter. hop, bound, negotiate.
ANT. arrogance, pride, haughtiness. hurl v. throw, chuck, fling, sling, heave, toss,
humor n. 1. COMEDY funniness, jest, wit, face- pitch, lob, launch, catapult, propel.
tiousness, jocularity, buffoonery, slapstick, hurricane n. tropical cyclone, cyclone, tem-
drollery, whimsy, parody, satire. 2. MOOD pest, monsoon, typhoon, *blow, windstorm,
temperament, disposition, spirits, frame of rainstorm.
mind, bent. ‘‘Truth in an intoxicated condi- WORD FIND
tion.’’—George Jean Nathan. ‘‘Pleasantry in calm center: eye
pain.’’—Moritz Saphir. ‘‘Playful aggres- tide rise, rapid: storm surge
sion.’’—Emil Draitser. hurried a. hasty, quick, rushed, speedy, swift,
humorist n. comedian, comedienne, *stand-up, breakneck, superficial, cursory, perfunctory,
joker, comic, jester, wit, clown, caricaturist, slapdash. ANT. slow, leisurely, careful.
mimic. hurry n. haste, speed, swiftness, rush, celerity,
humorous a. funny, comical, laughable, ludi- hustle, dispatch, expeditiousness, bustle.
crous, hilarious, *side-splitting, facetious, hurry v. hasten, quicken, pick up the pace,
tickling, farcical, amusing, droll, jocular, *step on it, rush, run, lose no time, hustle,
whimsical. ANT. serious, grave, somber. *get a move on, zip, fly, race, speed, scurry,
hump n. bulge, protuberance, hunch, swelling, *make tracks, expedite, *get the lead out,
lump, mound, bump, knob, swell, hum- *beat feet. ANT. slow, decelerate, delay.
mock, hill. hurt n. injury, harm, pain, wound, trauma,
hunch n. feeling, suspicion, guess, idea, premo- soreness, ache, pang, *boo-boo, sting, stitch,
nition, inkling, intuition, notion, forebod- pinch, twinge, throb.
ing, impression. hurt v. 1. PHYSICALLY injure, harm, pain, tor-
hunch v. hump, bend, bow, huddle, crouch. ture, wound, damage, punish, abuse, sting,
hunchbacked a. humpbacked, crookbacked, pinch, ache, throb, bite, sear, gnaw, stab,
buffalo humped, deformed, gibbous. chafe, smart, pierce. 2. EMOTIONALLY insult,
WORD FIND wound, cut to the quick, grieve, anguish,
elderly, in: dowager’s hump sadden, depress, affront, offend, abuse, dis-
hunger n. appetite, starvation, famine, raven- tress, upset, torment, crush, *rake over the
ousness, voraciousness, famishment,*sweet coals.
tooth, *munchies, stomach pangs, desire, hurt a. injured, harmed, pained, wounded,
craving, longing, yen, want, need, lust, traumatized, sore, aching, stinging, throbb-
drive, thirst. ‘‘The best sauce in the ing, bleeding, bruised, stricken, damaged,
world.’’—Miguel de Cervantes. ANT. satiety. offended, crushed, devastated, distressed.
hungry a. starving, famished, ravenous, mal- hurtful a. injurious, harmful, painful, wound-
nourished, peckish, voracious, hankering, ing, traumatizing, deleterious, pernicious,
*got the munchies, *could eat a horse, crav- damaging, destructive, cutting, nasty, cruel,
ing, salivating. ANT. full, sated, gorged. spiteful, mean. ANT. helpful, benign, benefi-
hunk n. 1. CHUNK lump, piece, clod, slab, block, cial.
portion, square, loaf, glob, slice. 2. ATTRAC- hurtle v. fly, rush, plunge, charge, hurl, scram-
TIVE MALE *stud, *beefcake, Adonis, sex ble, *zip, tear.
symbol, *looker, *he-man, *dreamboat, husband n. spouse, groom, *hubby, *old man,
Greek god. mate, alter ego, sidekick, *ball and chain,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 295


companion. ‘‘A hero in his own home until hungry I could eat an elephant’’ is a statement
the company leaves.’’—Warren Goldberg. illustrating the use of hyperbole. SYN. exaggera-
husband v. preserve, manage, economize. SEE tion, overstatement, aggrandizement,
CONSERVE *hype, embellishment, *PR, enlargement,
hush n. silence, stillness, peace, quiet, lull, qui- inflation, magnification. ANT. understate-
etude, vacuum. ment.
hush v. silence, quiet, mute, shut up, stifle, hypercritical a. overcritical, hard to please, se-
muffle, mute, suppress, gag, shush. vere, fussy, exacting, rigid, strict, overparti-
husk n. shell, hull, pod, shuck, peel, covering, cular, captious, persnickety, hairsplitting,
case, bark. finicky. ANT. easy to please, unparticular.
husky a. 1. HOARSE harsh, rough, throaty, rasp- hypnotic a. soporific, somnolent, sleep-induc-
ing, croaking, whiskey-voiced, gruff, rau- ing, sedative, numbing, spellbinding, mes-
cous, guttural. 2. BRAWNY muscular, stout, merizing, mesmeric, entrancing, stupefying.
beefy, burly, *Herculean, powerful, strap- ANT. invigorating, awaking.
ping, strong, athletic, hefty. ANT. 1. clear, hypnotize v. spellbind, entrance, mesmerize,
fluid, fluting, shrill. 2. anorexic, scrawny, stupefy, bewilder, enchant, enthrall, charm,
puny. bewitch, sedate, put to sleep.
hussy n. loose woman, wench, *tart, Jezebel, hypocrisy n. lip service, pretense, insincerity,
strumpet, slut, whore, trollop, minx. phoniness, imposture, falsity, pietism, sanc-
hustle v. 1. HURRY *get a move on, bustle, timoniousness, Pharisaism, duplicity, two-
scramble, rush, *hotfoot, make haste, fly, facedness, crocodile tears. ‘‘A mouth that
run, *step on it, *work like hell, *move. 2. prays, a hand that kills.’’—Arabian proverb.
PUSH shove, jostle, force, knock about, el- ANT. sincerity, genuineness, honesty.
bow, nudge, shoulder. hypocrite n. pretender, *con, Pharisee, fake,
hustler n. Sl. con artist, *rip-off artist, flim-flam dissembler, phony, tartuffe, deceiver, Janus,
man, scam artist, grifter, swindler, *shark, whited sepulchre, Holy Willie, poser.
thief, fast talker, enterpriser, go-getter. hypocritical a. insincere, phony, hollow, dis-
hut n. shelter, shack, camp, cabin, cottage, honest, Janus-faced, deceptive, fake, Peck-
lean-to, shed, hovel, shanty, hutch. sniffian, pretending, sanctimonious, unnat-
hutch n. 1. PEN coop, cote, shed, cage, confine. ural, pious, self-righteous, dissembling,
2. CHEST box, cabinet, locker, trunk. artificial, duplicitous, pretentious. ANT. sin-
hybrid n. cross, crossbreed, half-breed, mixed cere, genuine, real, honest.
breed, mongrel, *mutt, composite, mixture, hypothesis n. theory, supposition, proposition,
conglomerate, combination, mulatto. ANT. assumption, conjecture, speculation, guess,
thoroughbred. thesis, inference, deduction, idea, *shot in
hygiene n. cleanliness, hygienics, sanitation, the dark.
washing, regimen. HYPOTHETICAL a. [hye puh THET i kul]
hygienic a. clean, sanitary, healthful, pure, dis- assumed, unproven, uncertain. There are nu-
infected, aseptic, sterile, germfree, prophy- merous hypothetical explanations for UFOs.
lactic, wholesome. ANT. dirty, infected, germ- SYN. assumed, unproven, uncertain, conjec-
infested. tural, speculative, supposed, presumed, in-
hymn n. spiritual, psalm, paean, choral, an- ferred, guessed, academic, theoretical, pre-
them, song of praise, canticle. SEE SONG sumptive. ANT. factual, established, actual,
hype n. Sl. exaggeration, promotion. SEE HYPER- confirmed.
BOLE hysteria n. hysterics, frenzy, madness, delirium,
hyperactive a. overactive, wild, unfocused, fre- craze, panic, mania, anxiety, agitation, fit,
netic, unrestrained, uncontrollable, unruly. outburst.
ANT. calm, sedate, tranquil. hysterical a. 1. OUT OF CONTROL wild, crazed,
WORD FIND frenzied, mad, delirious, panicked, manic,
related disorder: attention deficit disorder agitated, raving, carried away, rabid, *nuts,
(ADD) berserk. 2. COMICAL funny, *side-splitting,
HYPERBOLE n. [hi PUR bul ee] an exaggera- uproarious, ludicrous, *a riot. ANT. 1. calm,
tion, often used in figures of speech. ‘‘I’m so rational, composed.

296 Roget’s Superthesaurus


icky a. Sl. *yucky, *gross, disgusting, distaste- idiom n. language, tongue, dialect, vernacular,
ful, sickening, repulsive, sticky, gluey. ANT. lingo, parlance, jargon, colloquialism, ex-
pleasant, *yummy. pression, phrasing.
ICONOCLAST n. [iye KON uh KLAST] one idiosyncrasy n. peculiarity, mannerism, quirk,
who attacks popular institutions, beliefs, singularity, characteristic, bent, trait, dis-
public figures, etc., or who views such mod- tinction, habit, quality, eccentricity.
ern icons with skepticism and cynicism. The idiot n. moron, imbecile, *retard, fool, nincom-
true iconoclast believes that nothing is sacred. poop, simpleton, half-wit, lamebrain, *num-
SYN. cynic, skeptic, critic, detractor, non- skull, *chowderhead, *airhead, *dufus, ig-
conformist, image-shatterer, denouncer, dis- noramus, dolt, *boob, blockhead, *pinhead.
senter, nonbeliever. ANT. genius, *Rhodes scholar, *brain, rocket
ice n. glaze, icicle, glacier. scientist.
icon n. image, representation, picture, likeness, idiotic a. moronic, stupid, retarded, foolish, im-
symbol, idol. becilic, simple, half-witted, *lamebrained,
icy a. 1. FREEZING frozen, frigid, frosty, gelid, *numb, ignorant, dumb, asinine. ANT. bril-
glacial, chilly, wintry, biting, cold. 2. UN- liant, intelligent, clever.
FRIENDLY cold, aloof, distant, chilly, frigid, idle a. 1. WORTHLESS useless, vain, futile, frivo-
hostile, stony. ANT. 1. tropical, warm. 2. lous, unproductive, pointless, irrelevant. 2.
UNUSED inactive, out of action, down, still,
friendly, warm, genial.
idea n. thought, notion, concept, view, plan, unemployed, quiet, dead, mothballed,
design, inkling, scheme, theory, insight, be- empty, vacant. 3. LAZY unemployed, sloth-
lief, understanding, *brainstorm, inspira- ful, shiftless, indolent, lethargic, loafing,
tion. sluggish, resting. ANT. 1. useful, valuable,
ideal n. model, archetype, epitome, paragon, productive. 2. in use, active, working. 3. ac-
standard, example, acme, ne plus ultra, ex- tive, busy, employed.
emplar, ultimate, inspiration. idol n. hero, god, role model, star, superstar,
ideal a. 1. PERFECT model, supreme, consum- celebrity, luminary, favorite, darling, icon.
idolize v. look up to, admire, revere, worship,
mate, exemplary, optimal, classic, faultless,
venerate, deify, hero-worship, honor, *put
best, excellent, utopian. 2. CONCEPTUAL on a pedestal, *worship the ground one
imaginary, visionary, fanciful, abstract. ANT. walks on.
1. imperfect, flawed. 2. real, actual. IDYLLIC a. [iye DIL ik] pastoral and peaceful;
idealist n. dreamer, visionary, optimist, Polly- rustic and simple. They chose an idyllic spot
anna, romantic, utopian. ‘‘One who, on no- to build their house. SYN. rustic, charming,
ticing that a rose smells better than a cab- peaceful, pastoral, unspoiled, romantic, sim-
bage, concludes that it will also make a ple, picturesque, heavenly, blissful. ANT. ur-
better soup.’’—H. L. Mencken. ANT. realist, ban, frenetic, noisy.
cynic, skeptic, pragmatist. iffy a. uncertain, unsettled, doubtful, question-
idealistic a. unrealistic, visionary, optimistic, able, *up in the air, dubious, unresolved,
utopian, Pollyannish, dreaming, romantic, tentative, chancy. ANT. certain, settled, sure.
naive. ANT. realistic, skeptical, cynical. ignite v. 1. LIGHT set fire, burst into flames,
identical a. matching, alike, same, indistin- touch off, kindle, blow up, put a match to,
guishable, twin, duplicate, corresponding, flare up, burn. 2. EXCITE arouse, agitate,
exact, synonymous, uniform, *carbon copy. spark. ANT. douse, extinguish, smother.
ANT. different, distinct, dissimilar. ignoble a. dishonorable, base, low, contempt-
identify v. recognize, determine, distinguish, ible, despicable, shameful, corrupt, rotten,
know, pick out, place, *tag, *spot, *peg, mean, disgraceful, vile, deplorable. ANT. no-
name, label, earmark. ble, honorable, admirable, good.
identity n. individuality, self, oneself, ego, per- IGNOMINY n. [IG num MIN ee] shame and
sonality, character, identification, unique- dishonor. He suffered the ignominy of a jail
ness. sentence. SYN. shame, dishonor, disgrace, in-
idiocy n. foolishness, stupidity, imbecility, lu- famy, disrepute, discredit, odium, degrada-
nacy, craziness, madness, wackiness, absur- tion, loss of face, humiliation. ANT. honor,
dity, silliness. glory.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 297


ignoramus n. idiot, moron, *retard, simpleton, WORD FIND

dunce, fool, half-wit, *airhead, bonehead, illegible handwriting: griffonage
dolt, *dummy, *pea-brain. ANT. intellectual, poor handwriting: cacography
*Rhodes scholar, *brain. illegitimate a. *born out of wedlock, misbegot-
ignorance n. stupidity, inexperience, unen- ten, bastard, baseborn, *love child, illegal,
lightenment, illiteracy, denseness, naivete, unlawful.
unfamiliarity, unconsciousness, empty- ill-fated a. doomed, unlucky, star-crossed. SEE
headedness, innocence, nescience, green- UNFORTUNATE
ness. ‘‘The only slavery.’’—Ralph Ingersoll. illicit a. unlawful, prohibited, improper. SEE IL-
ANT. knowledge, experience, intelligence. LEGAL
ignorant a. uneducated, inexperienced, un- illiterate a. uneducated, unschooled, unlet-
schooled, stupid, retarded, unenlightened, tered. SEE IGNORANT
illiterate, dense, *thick, naive, unfamiliar, ill-mannered a. rude, beastly, discourteous, im-
unaware, unconscious, empty-headed, inno- polite, crude, coarse, uncivil, boorish, tacky,
cent, unlettered, obtuse, oblivious, mind- rough, vulgar. ANT. courteous, mannerly,
less, moronic, sophomoric, nescient, green, civil.
*dense as a post, *numb as a hake. ‘‘Confi- ill-natured a. moody, ill-tempered, conten-
dent in everything.’’—Charles Spurgeon. tious, ill-humored, grouchy, irritable,
‘‘What everybody is, only on different sub- crabby, touchy, sour, surly, waspish, cantan-
jects.’’—Will Rogers. ANT. educated, aware, kerous. ANT. good-natured, easygoing, amia-
experienced, schooled, conscious. ble.
ignore v. disregard, overlook, skip, *pass over, illness n. sickness, affliction, disorder, malady,
slight, nevermind, discount, *turn a deaf ear ailment, disease, infirmity, syndrome, indis-
on, neglect, pay no attention to, *bury one’s position, poor health, complaint, *bug, vi-
head in the sand, *give the cold shoulder. rus. ‘‘A great leveler. At its touch, the artifi-
ANT. regard, mind, heed. cial distinctions of society vanish away.’’—
ilk n. sort, kind, class, type. Max Thorek.
ill n. harm, injury, hurt, pain, trouble, misfor- illogical a. unscientific, unsound, fallacious,
tune, damage, evil, misery, calamity, bad senseless, wacky, *screwy, inconsistent, in-
luck, tribulation. ANT. good fortune. valid, incongruous, unreasonable, wrong, ir-
rational, *cockeyed. ANT. sound, correct, log-
ill a. 1. SICK ailing, sickly, unwell, afflicted,
*laid low, *green around the gills, *under
ill-suited a. unsuitable, incompatible. SEE INAP-
the weather, *out of sorts, *off one’s feed,
*out of commission, bedridden, feverish,
ill-tempered a. nasty, moody, explosive, ill-na-
nauseated, diseased. 2. EVIL bad, wicked,
tured, contentious, grouchy, irritable,
harmful, malicious, sinful, wrong, nefarious, crabby, touchy, sour, surly, waspish, cantan-
immoral, foul, nasty. ANT. 1. healthy, well, kerous. ANT. even-tempered, easygoing, good-
sound. 2. good, moral, kind. natured.
ill-advised a. unwise, imprudent, misguided, illuminate v. 1. LIGHT UP brighten, spotlight,
stupid, foolish, short-sighted, harebrained, radiate, beam, shine. 2. EXPLAIN elucidate,
*half-baked, rash, injudicious. ANT. wise, clarify, throw light on, shed light on, clear
prudent. up, define, enlighten, expound. ANT. 1.
ill-at-ease a. uncomfortable, self-conscious, darken, dim. 2. obfuscate, muddy, obscure.
anxious, nervous, uneasy, apprehensive, illumination n. 1. LIGHT luminescence, radia-
awkward, insecure, shy, bashful. ANT. re- tion, radiance, glow, shine. 2. EXPLANATION
laxed, calm, confident. elucidation, clarification, enlightenment,
illegal a. against the law, unlawful, prohibited, knowledge, instruction, wisdom, insight,
forbidden, criminal, banned, illicit, out- understanding.
lawed, wrongful, felonious, shady, *black illusion n. apparition, mirage, hallucination,
market. ANT. legal, lawful, licit. misconception, pipe dream, vision, phan-
illegible a. unreadable, indecipherable, unintel- tasm, figment of the imagination, delusion,
ligible, *hard to make out, scrawled, scrib- fallacy, deception.
bled, *clear as mud, *hen scratching. ANT. illusory a. unreal, deceptive, imaginary, false,
legible, readable. delusory, visionary, hallucinatory, fanciful,

298 Roget’s Superthesaurus


spurious, chimerical. ANT. real, concrete, imbecile n. idiot, moron, *retard, cretin, *pin-
true. head, simpleton, dimwit, fool, dolt, *mental
illustrate v. 1. MAKE CLEAR explain, demon- midget, *dummy, *chowderhead, dope,
strate, illuminate, cite, elucidate, expound, blockhead, ignoramus. ANT. genius, *Rhodes
clear up, make plain, describe, clarify, give scholar, *rocket scientist, *brain. SEE MORON
an example, exemplify. 2. DRAW depict, imbibe v. drink, partake, consume, quaff, swal-
paint, portray, sketch, diagram, delineate, low, guzzle, sip, *swig, *swill, *tipple,
decorate, adorn. *chug-a-lug, *hit the sauce.
illustration n. 1. DEMONSTRATION exemplifica- IMBROGLIO n. [im BROL yo] a confusing or
tion, example, anecdote, story, analogy, complicated situation causing misunder-
sampling, case in point, instance. 2. DRAW- standing and, sometimes, a fight. The police
ING depiction, painting, portrayal, sketch, are experts at disentangling neighborhood im-
diagram, cartoon, reproduction, design, fig- broglios. SYN. predicament, entanglement,
ure, artwork, picture. confusion, disagreement, mess, complica-
illustrious a. famous, renowned, distinguished, tion, confusion, problem, difficulty, di-
celebrated, prominent, eminent, notable, lemma, quandary, trouble, *Catch-22, stale-
well-known, outstanding, acclaimed, es- mate, squabble.
teemed. ANT. obscure, unknown, undistin- imbue v. infuse, saturate, suffuse, permeate,
guished. steep, fill, impregnate, instill, pervade, in-
ill will n. hostility, animosity, hate, malice, dis- spire.
like, enmity, antipathy, hard feelings, spite, imitate v. copy, mimic, match, emulate, follow
venom, grudge. ANT. goodwill, friendliness, suit, ape, impersonate, clone, simulate, rep-
love. licate, mirror, parrot, caricature, model
image n. 1. REPRESENTATION picture, form, like- after.
ness, resemblance, imitation, copy, *carbon imitation n. simulation, copy, fake, replica,
copy, mirror image, reproduction, facsimile, likeness, facsimile, *phony, counterfeit,
replica. 2. IMPRESSION concept, idea, con- *sham, fraud, clone, parody, caricature, im-
ception, mental picture, perception, personation, impression. ‘‘The sincerest
thought. form of flattery.’’—Charles Colton. ANT.
genuine article, *the real McCoy, original.
imaginary a. fantasized, fancied, unreal, fan-
imitation a. simulated, fake, artificial, syn-
tastic, visionary, invented, fictitious,
thetic, ersatz, phony, bogus, mock. ANT. au-
*dreamed-up, made-up, conceived, mythi-
thentic, genuine, real.
cal, hypothetical. ANT. real, actual, true.
immaculate a. clean, pure, flawless, *squeaky
imagination n. mind’s eye, mental imagery, fab- clean, uncorrupted, spotless, unsoiled, fault-
rication, visualization, *mental gymnastics, less, sinless, untainted, perfect, above re-
fantasy, illusion, reverie, dream world, fig- proach, pristine, virginal. ANT. dirty, un-
ment, fancy, *castle in Spain, delusion, cre- clean, tainted, sinful, defiled.
ativity, enterprise, inventiveness. ‘‘The true immaterial a. irrelevant, impertinent, unim-
magic carpet.’’—Norman Vincent Peale. portant, insignificant, trivial, inconsequen-
‘‘A ladder to the fourth dimension.’’—El- tial, meaningless, extraneous. ANT. impor-
bert Hubbard. ‘‘A warehouse of facts, with tant, vital, central, relevant.
poet and liar in joint ownership.’’—Am- immature a. young, undeveloped, incomplete,
brose Bierce. unfinished, imperfect, unseasoned, *green,
imaginative a. creative, inventive, original, in- infantile, babyish, childish, juvenile, sopho-
novative, *far-out, artistic, visionary, clever, moric, inexperienced, *wet behind the ears,
ingenious, inspired, fanciful, fantastic, sur- raw, unfledged, callow, puerile. ANT. mature,
real. ANT. unimaginative, unoriginal, prosaic, adult, experienced, seasoned.
shallow. immeasurable a. infinite, boundless, vast, ines-
imagine v. 1. PICTURE think of, fantasize, con- timable, incalculable, limitless, unfathom-
ceive, visualize, envision, conceptualize, able, inexhaustible, countless, neverending.
dream, invent, fancy, create, conjure up. 2. ANT. finite, measurable, limited.
ASSUME believe, think, deduce, expect, con- immediate a. 1. INSTANTANEOUS instant, now,
jecture, suspect, infer, surmise, suppose, present, current, sudden, prompt, swift,
guess. hasty, without delay. 2. NEAR next, close,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 299


direct, neighboring, adjacent, adjoining, immunity n. protection, resistance, defense, in-

contiguous. ANT. 1. slow, leisurely, eventual. oculation, safety, exemption, privilege, ex-
2. distant, remote. ception, impunity. ANT. vulnerability, liabil-
immediately a. instantly, at once, without de- ity, susceptibility.
lay, now, presently, *in a wink, *in a heart- IMMUTABLE a. [i MYOO tuh bul] un-
beat, *licketysplit, forthwith, *pronto, di- changeable. The rules of the club are strict and
rectly, *PDQ, *in a New York minute, *tout immutable. SYN. unchangeable, unalterable,
de suite, *before you can say ‘‘Jack Robin- inflexible, permanent, fixed, irreversible,
son,’’ *before you can say ‘‘Bob’s your un- unbreakable, stable, *carved in stone. ANT.
cle,’’ *in a jiffy. ANT. eventually, later. changeable, variable, flexible.
immense a. huge, gigantic, colossal, gargan- imp n. devil, demon, brat, troublemaker, puck,
tuan, prodigious, vast, enormous, massive, sprite, hellion, hobgoblin, rascal, hellcat,
towering, Brobdingnagian, tremendous, stu- scamp, tyke, mischievous child. ANT. angel,
pendous, staggering, *humongous, mon- little saint.
strous. ANT. tiny, miniature, microscopic. impact n. 1. COLLISION crash, bang, striking,
immerse v. 1. DIP submerge, sink, dunk, douse, slam, bump, smash, blow, whack, crunch,
duck, plunge, soak, baptize. 2. ABSORB en- jolt, concussion, thump, rock, meeting, per-
gross, involve, engage, occupy. cussion. 2. EFFECT repercussion, force, influ-
imminent a. impending, approaching, threat- ence, power, consequences, results, brunt.
ening, at hand, on the verge, close, immedi- impair v. injure, damage, weaken, hinder, de-
ate, looming, nearing, on the horizon. ANT. bilitate, harm, hurt, lessen, worsen, dimin-
far, distant. ish, undermine, deteriorate, disable, enfee-
immobile a. stationary, unmovable, fixed, sta- ble. ANT. strengthen, improve, fortify.
ble, motionless, rooted, riveted, still, frozen, impale v. pierce, transfix, stab, run through,
paralyzed. ANT. mobile, movable. lance, spear, stick, prick, spike, puncture,
immoderate a. excessive, unreasonable, ex- skewer.
treme, extravagant, unrestrained, too much, impart v. communicate, make known, inform,
inordinate, overblown, unwarranted. ANT. tell, announce, pass on, relate, transmit,
moderate, reasonable, just enough.
proclaim, convey, divulge.
immodest a. bold, shameless, unseemly, inde-
IMPARTIAL a. [im PAR shul] completely fair
cent, unblushing, risqué, unrestrained, bra-
and unbiased. We need an impartial judge to
zen, *cheeky. ANT. modest, restrained, shy.
immoral a. wrong, evil, sinful, bad, wicked, make the right decision. SYN. fair, unbiased,
nasty, depraved, unethical, unprincipled, neutral, disinterested, just, unprejudiced,
corrupt, unscrupulous, degenerate, *loose, objective, detached, equitable, dispassion-
debauched, perverted, disreputable. ANT. ate, nonpartisan. ANT. partial, biased, parti-
moral, upright, virtuous, good. san.
immortal n. SEE GOD impasse n. dead end, cul-de-sac, deadlock,
immortal a. deathless, everlasting, eternal, un- stalemate, gridlock, *Catch-22, morass,
dying, indestructible, enduring, lasting, standstill, standoff, dead stop.
timeless, never ending, ageless, perpetual. impassioned a. passionate, ardent, fervent, in-
ANT. mortal, temporary, ephemeral. tense, fiery, vehement, enthusiastic, ex-
immortality a. 1. DEATHLESSNESS everlasting- cited, burning, torrid, powerful, rousing,
ness, indestructiblility, endurance, eternity, emotional. ANT. indifferent, apathetic, cool,
infinity. ‘‘To rise upon some fairer shore.’’— dispassionate.
J.L. McCreery. 2. FAME renown, celebrity, impassive a. emotionless, calm, placid, stoic,
glorification, commemoration. ‘‘When a stony, cool, indifferent, apathetic, stolid,
man dies but his words live.’’—Carl Crow. dispassionate, unfeeling, matter-of-fact, re-
‘‘The genius to move others long after you served, phlegmatic. ANT. impassioned, ardent,
yourself have stopped moving.’’—Franklin fervent.
Rooney. ANT. mortality, death, obscurity, impatience n. restlessness, eagerness, agitation,
oblivion. expectancy, *ants in one’s pants, restive-
immune a. invulnerable, resistant, safe, pro- ness, itchiness, excitement. ANT. patience,
tected, exempt, unsusceptible, defended, in- calm.
oculated, spared. ANT. vulnerable, susceptible, impatient a. restless, eager, agitated, expectant,
liable. restive, itching, *antsy, *chomping at the

300 Roget’s Superthesaurus


bit, hurried, nervous, anxious, edgy, an- from leaking out. SYN. impenetrable, water-
noyed. ANT. patient, nonchalant, calm. tight, airtight, waterproof, impervious, im-
impeach v. accuse, charge, indict, discredit, in- passable, nonporous, sealed, leak-proof. ANT.
criminate, denounce, impugn, point the fin- permeable, porous.
ger at. impersonal a. unfriendly, detached, remote,
IMPECCABLE a. [im PEK uh bul] flawless, distant, cold, businesslike, formal, cool, dis-
without fault or sin. The general’s record was interested, objective, neutral. ANT. friendly,
impeccable. SYN. flawless, faultless, perfect, warm, personal.
immaculate, spotless, unblemished, irre- impersonate v. imitate, ape, caricature, do an
proachable, virtuous, sinless, pure. ANT. impression, mimic, double as, represent,
flawed, imperfect, defective. mock, parody, pretend to be.
impede v. block, hinder, obstruct, delay, ham- impertinent a. 1. IRRELEVANT not germane, im-
per, check, thwart, bar, foil, inhibit, slow, material, unrelated, extraneous, beside the
stymie, stop, hold up, retard. ANT. help, facili- point. 2. INSOLENT rude, impudent, disre-
tate, advance. spectful, saucy, brash, inappropriate, fresh,
impediment n. barrier, obstacle, hindrance, *smart-alecky, *flip, *mouthy. ANT. 1. rele-
block, stumbling block, obstruction, restric- vant, germane. 2. polite, respectful.
tion, bar, check, holdup, delay, deterrent. impervious a. inaccessible, dense. SEE IMPENE-
ANT. help, advancement, aid. TRABLE
impending a. imminent, coming, approaching, IMPETUOUS a. [im PECH oo us] acting
close, at hand, nearing, on the horizon, in thoughtlessly or without careful consider-
the offing, forthcoming, looming, threaten- ation. The impetuous youth drove without
ing. ANT. far, distant. brakes and crashed into a wall. SYN. rash, im-
impenetrable a. 1. IMPERVIOUS dense, hard, pulsive, headlong, hasty, careless, spontane-
solid, thick, bulletproof, impassable, unac- ous, reckless, foolhardy, precipitate, spur-of-
cessible. 2. INCOMPREHENSIBLE unfathom- the-moment. ANT. thoughtful, careful, pru-
able, inscrutable, unknowable, arcane, baf- dent, cautious.
fling, inexplicable, esoteric, mysterious. impetus n. incentive, stimulus, spur, motive,
ANT. 1. penetrable, accessible, passable. 2. spark, instigation, motivation, goad, cata-
knowable, understandable, clear, simple. lyst, drive, force.
imperative a. necessary, urgent, compelling, impinge v. trespass, encroach, infringe, invade,
pressing, important, mandatory, obligatory, intrude.
requisite, essential. ANT. unnecessary, volun- impious a. irreverent, sacriligious, blasphe-
tary, unimportant. mous, ungodly, atheistic, irreligious, agnos-
imperfect a. flawed, faulty, defective, deficient, tic, sinful, iconoclastic, profane, immoral.
unfinished, insufficient, below par, substan- ANT. pious, religious, devout.
dard, immature. ANT. perfect, flawless. impish a. mischievous, troublesome, naughty,
imperfection n. flaw, fault, defect, deficiency, prankish, devilish, *bratty, rascally, roguish,
failing, blemish, shortcoming, malforma- puckish, pert. ANT. angelic, saintly.
tion, weakness, inadequacy, disfigurement. implacable a. inflexible, inexorable, unap-
ANT. perfection, faultlessness. peaseable, unforgiving, relentless, merciless,
imperil v. endanger, jeopardize, hazard, *play vengeful, vindictive, unbending. ANT. placa-
with fire, risk, chance it, expose, *put one’s ble, merciful, forgiving.
life on the line. ANT. safeguard, protect. implausible a. unbelievable, improbable, un-
IMPERIOUS a. [im PEER ee us] domineering likely, incredible, questionable, doubtful,
and overbearing. He peered down his nose at dubious, inconceivable, farfetched. ANT.
us with his usual imperious expression. SYN. plausible, believable, likely, credible.
domineering, overbearing, lordly, arrogant, implement n. tool, utensil, instrument, device,
haughty, high-handed, tyrannical, bossy, contrivance, mechanism, apparatus, appli-
authoritarian, commanding. ANT. deferen- ance, gadget, contraption. SEE TOOL
tial, mousy, bashful. implement v. start, fulfill, carry into effect, per-
IMPERMEABLE a. [im PERM ee uh bul] wa- form, accomplish, bring about, execute, en-
ter or air-tight; impenetrable. An imperme- able.
able membrane inside the container kept liquids implicate v. involve, point the finger at, accuse,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 301


embroil, name, incriminate, entangle, insin- intercourse. The marshall was impotent with-
uate, connect, associate. ANT. exclude, ac- out his six-shooter. SYN. powerless, weak, in-
quit, exonerate. effective, helpless, debilitated, incapaci-
implication n. association, involvement, con- tated, emasculate, prostrate, inadequate,
nection, link, inference, incrimination, sug- worthless. ANT. potent, strong, powerful.
gestion, assumption, ramification. impound v. confine, hold, retain, keep, im-
IMPLICIT a. [im PLIS it] not expressed ex- prison, pen, confiscate, seize, take.
plicitly but implied or suggested. There was impoverished a. poor, destitute, poverty-
an implicit understanding that Joe was guilty. stricken, indigent, penniless, impecunious,
SYN. implied, suggested, unspoken, tacit, in- ruined, needy, broke, insolvent, bankrupt,
ferred, understood, unexpressed, deduced, *strapped, *hard up, receiving welfare, re-
hinted. ANT. explicit, spoken. ceiving food stamps, living hand to mouth.
implied a. suggested, implicit, unspoken, in- ANT. rich, wealthy, affluent.
ferred, hinted at, tacit, deduced, alluded to, impractical a. unworkable, impracticable, un-
indicated, insinuated. realistic, useless, wild, starry-eyed, chimeri-
implode v. collapse, cave in, fall in, fold. cal, impossible, unfeasible, speculative,
implore v. beg, beseech, ask, plead, entreat, ap- ideal. ANT. practical, workable, viable, realis-
peal to, request, pray, supplicate. tic, down-to-earth.
imply v. suggest, hint, infer, allude to, indicate, impregnable a. unyielding, firm, secure, invin-
point to, refer, insinuate, signify, mean. cible, invulnerable, indestructible, impene-
impolite a. rude, discourteous, ill-mannered, trable, strong, indomitable. ANT. pregnable,
unrefined, disrespectful, boorish, crude, in- yielding, vulnerable.
delicate, ungracious, uncivil. ANT. polite, impregnate v. inseminate, fertilize, fecundate,
courteous, respectful. procreate, make pregnant, *knock up.
importance n. consequence, significance, impresario n. producer, manager, sponsor, di-
weight, moment, substance, value, magni- rector.
impress v. 1. AFFECT influence, move, sway, stir,
tude, gravity, greatness, seriousness.
touch, grab, faze, strike, overwhelm, inspire,
important a. consequential, significant,
excite. 2. IMPRINT dent, indent, stamp, mold,
weighty, *heavy, momentous, substantial,
engrave, emboss, mark.
valuable, great, serious, critical, vital, cru-
impression n. 1. EFFECT influence, mark, im-
cial, paramount, far-reaching, big, huge, in- pact, feeling. 2. FEELING notion, sense, in-
fluential, *major league, decisive. ANT. un- kling, hunch, idea, suspicion, belief, sensa-
important, trivial, insignificant, tion, perception. 3. IMPRINT dent,
inconsequential. indentation, stamp, mold, engraving, mark.
impose v. place, set, dictate, charge, enjoin, as- impressionable a. susceptible, moldable, gull-
sign exact, demand, lay, force, prescribe, fix, ible, receptive, vulnerable, suggestible, in-
order, require, obtrude, *shove down one’s experienced, naive, pliable, malleable, eas-
throat, intrude. ily brainwashed, sensitive. ANT. worldly-wise,
IMPOSING a. [im PO zing] grand, awesome, impervious, sophisticated, hardened.
having a powerful presence. New York has impressive a. effective, powerful, striking, awe-
many imposing skyscrapers. SYN. grand, awe- some, extraordinary, profound, dramatic,
some, impressive, powerful, majestic, monu- imposing, moving, wondrous, admirable,
mental, towering, massive, commanding, momentous, breathtaking. ANT. unimpres-
striking, magnificent, mighty, stupendous. sive, *blah, *ho-hum, ordinary.
ANT. unimpressive, insignificant. imprint n. impression, stamp, signature, trade-
impossible a. inconceivable, unachievable, un- mark, seal.
feasible, unobtainable, insurmountable, un- imprison v. jail, incarcerate, immure, lock up,
reachable, beyond reason, unthinkable, pre- confine, cage, impound, put behind bars,
posterous, absurd, hopeless. ANT. possible, *throw in the slammer, hold in custody,
conceivable, feasible. hold captive, *send up the river, detain.
impostor n. pretender, masquerader, fake, ANT. release, free, liberate.
phony, fraud, con man, mountebank, imper- improbable a. unlikely, doubtful, questionable,
sonator, charlatan, humbug. implausible, dubious, unrealistic, unbeliev-
IMPOTENT a. [IM puh tunt] powerless, weak, able, impossible, farfetched, unheard of.
ineffective. Also, unable to engage in sexual ANT. probable, likely, reasonable.

302 Roget’s Superthesaurus


impromptu a. unrehearsed, extemporaneous, IMPUNITY n. [im PYOO ni tee] freedom

improvised, ad-lib, off the cuff, unprepared, from penalty or punishment. The looters
spontaneous, offhand, *off the top of one’s thought they could steal with impunity. SYN. ex-
head, spur-of-the-moment. ANT. rehearsed, emption, freedom, immunity, license, privi-
prepared, planned. lege, without liability, *free hand, amnesty.
improper a. unsuitable, inappropriate, unfit- ANT. punishment, liability, comeuppance.
ting, wrong, out of place, inapt, imprudent, impure a. 1. CONTAMINATED polluted, dirty,
uncalled for, incorrect, indecent, unseemly, adulterated, tainted, infected, sullied, foul,
indecorous, impolite, indelicate, offensive. defiled, unclean. 2. IMMORAL unchaste, de-
ANT. proper, correct, appropriate, fitting. filed, indecent, corrupted, degenerate, sin-
impropriety n. slip, faux paus, gaffe, mistake, ful, depraved, unvirginal. ANT. 1. pure,
blunder, indecency, misstep, fault, bad taste, clean, untainted. 2. moral, upright, whole-
bad form. some.
improve v. make better, better, upgrade, re- impurity n. contaminant, pollutant, foreign
form, rework, correct, *touch up, *doctor, matter, defilement.
revise, enhance, mend, fix, refine, polish, impute v. attribute, ascribe, blame, charge, as-
enrich, ameliorate, promote, heal. ANT. sign, credit, cite, implicate, accuse, associ-
worsen, damage, impair. ate.
improvement n. enhancement, enrichment, inaccessible a. unreachable, remote, removed,
amelioration, betterment, change for the distant, far away, beyond one’s grasp, out-
better, progression, advance, upgrade, recti- of-the-way, godforsaken, unattainable. ANT.
fication, furtherance, revision. ANT. worsen- nearby, close at hand.
ing, impairment, decline. inaccuracy n. error, mistake, fault, blunder, de-
improvident a. thriftless, shortsighted, incau- fect, miscalculation, bungle, slip, flub,
tious, happy-go-lucky. ANT. prudent, cau- *screwup, *boo-boo, *boner.
tious. inaccurate a. inexact, imprecise, wrong, incor-
improvise v. invent, *wing it, *play by ear, rect, false, faulty, erroneous, mistaken, slip-
make do, fake it, extemporize, make up, con- shod, *way off, flawed, fallacious, *wide of
trive, ad-lib, jury-rig. the mark, unreliable, *all wet. ANT. accurate,
imprudent a. unwise, rash, careless, indiscreet, precise, correct.
thoughtless, foolhardy, reckless, injudicious, inactive a. idle, inert, immobile, down, inoper-
unthinking, irresponsible, impulsive, impet-
ative, dormant, disengaged, still, unem-
uous, unwary. ANT. prudent, wise, cautious.
ployed, lazy, lethargic, sedentary, slothful.
IMPUDENT a. [IM pyoo dunt] boldly disre-
ANT. active, busy, bustling.
spectful, impertinent. The impudent student
inadequate a. deficient, unsatisfactory, lacking,
was removed from the classroom. SYN. bold,
disrespectful, impertinent, shameless, inso- unfit, wanting, insufficient, too little, short,
lent, saucy, rude, cheeky, brazen, audacious, scanty, scarce, incompetent, impotent, in-
fresh, *mouthy, *smart-alecky. ANT. respect- capable, unqualified. ANT. adequate, satisfac-
ful, reverent, deferential. tory, sufficient, capable.
IMPUGN v. [im PYOON] to attack or criti- inadmissible a. not allowed, unacceptable, un-
cize, especially for dishonesty or lack of in- fitting, inappropriate, unsuitable, objection-
tegrity, to refute. The attorney impugned the able, immaterial, unqualified, untenable, re-
witness for stretching the truth. SYN. attack, stricted. ANT. permitted, approved.
criticize, refute, call into question, vilify, inadvertent a. accidental, unplanned, uninten-
challenge, assail, negate, cast aspersions, re- tional, undeliberate, unwitting, undesigned,
buke, impeach. not on purpose, involuntary. ANT. on pur-
impulse n. urge, drive, instinct, itch, spur, goad, pose, designed, intentional, deliberate.
desire, feeling, whim, notion, impetus, in- inadvisable a. unwise, ill-advised, foolish,
citement, want, wish, inclination, reflex. wrong, imprudent, inexpedient, unrecom-
impulsive a. spontaneous, impetuous, spur-of- mended, injudicious, impulsive, inoppor-
the-moment, extemporaneous, precipitate, tune, reckless, irrational, illogical, senseless,
unpremeditated, offhand, sudden, thought- unintelligent, crazy. ANT. wise, opportune.
less, rash, hasty, whimsical. ANT. premedi- INANE a. [i NANE] empty, silly or foolish,
tated, cautious, planned. pointless. The TV show was poorly written

Roget’s Superthesaurus 303


and inane. SYN. empty, silly, foolish, sense- incapacitated a. disabled, crippled, handi-
less, pointless, fatuous, insipid, thoughtless, capped, debilitated, unfit, disarmed, put out
ludicrous, stupid, idiotic, mindless. ANT. of action, *hamstrung, paralyzed, immobi-
deep, profound, intelligent, meaningful. lized. ANT. hale, healthy.
inanimate a. lifeless, dead, nonliving, inert, incarcerate v. jail, imprison, lock up, *throw
nonmoving, dull. ANT. alive, animated. in the slammer, confine, hold in custody,
inapplicable a. unsuited, unfit, inapt, irrele- impound. ANT. free, release, liberate.
vant, immaterial, impertinent, incompati- incautious a. unwary, careless, rash, reckless,
ble, inappropriate. ANT. applicable, suitable, imprudent, impetuous, injudicious, *devil-
relevant. may-care, bold, unthinking, impulsive. ANT.
inappropriate a. unsuitable, unfitting, im- careful, wary, prudent, judicious.
proper, incompatible, inapt, incorrect, out incendiary a. rebellious, troublemaking, rab-
of line, wrong, unseemly, indecorous. ANT. ble-rousing, inflammatory, agitating, pro-
appropriate, fitting, suitable. vocative, stirring, ardent, electrifying, fiery.
inapt a. SEE INAPPROPRIATE ANT. pacifying.
inarticulate a. mute, incoherent, indistinct, incense n. aromatic, scent, pastille, tablet,
garbled, unintelligible, tongue-tied, speech- stick, spice, essence, fragrance, perfume, joss
less, taciturn, reticent, shy. ANT. articulate, stick, sandalwood, frankincense.
expressive, intelligible. incensed a. enraged, angry, outraged, furious,
inattentive a. absentminded, daydreaming, wrathful, infuriated, *up in arms, mad,
*out to lunch, negligent, distracted, unob- *pissed, irate, peeved, rankled, indignant,
servant, faraway, preoccupied, unconscious, *ticked off, fired up. ANT. calm, unruffled,
heedless. ANT. sharp, observant, *on the ball, composed. SEE ANGRY
aware. incentive n. motivation, motive, inducement,
inaudible a. silent, soundless, noiseless, unin- stimulus, goad, provocation, impetus, spur,
telligible, imperceptible, indistinct, low, consideration, enticement, lure.
muffled, out of earshot, below the threshold inception n. start, beginning, origin, outset,
of hearing, quiet, still, stone silent, silent as birth, commencement, debut, conception,
a tomb, silent as the depths of space. ANT. initiation. ANT. end, close, finish, death.
loud, deafening. INCESSANT a. [in SES unt] never ceasing,
nonstop. I’m sick of your incessant complain-
inaugurate v. 1. INDUCT install, invest, instate.
ing. SYN. unceasing, neverending, relentless,
2. BEGIN commence, start, initiate, launch,
constant, perpetual, continual, unremitting,
set in motion, get under way.
unending, persistent. ANT. infrequent, spo-
inauguration n. 1. INDUCTION installation, in-
radic, intermittent, occasional.
vestiture, instatement, *swearing in. 2. BE-
incest n. sexual abuse, molestation, statutory
GINNING commencement, start, initiation,
launch, outset, institution. incident n. event, occurrence, happening, ex-
inborn a. innate, inbred, congenital, natural, perience, affair, episode, occasion, circum-
indigenous, inherent, inherited, native, in stance, matter, scene, encounter.
the genes, in the blood. ANT. acquired, incidental a. casual, accidental, chance, ran-
learned. dom, odd, *fluky, coincidental, secondary,
inbred a. genetic, congenital. SEE INBORN minor, subordinate, unimportant, insignifi-
incalculable a. inestimable, immeasurable, cant, negligible. ANT. main, central, basic.
countless, infinite, innumerable, unfathom- incidentally adv. by the way, parenthetically,
able, endless, limitless, unknowable. ANT. speaking of that, by the by.
measurable, finite, limited. incinerate v. burn, cremate, consume, reduce
incantation n. magic spell, magic charm, magic to ashes.
formula, hocus-pocus, abracadabra, conjura- incinerator n. burner, furnace, crematory, cre-
tion, chant, invocation, mumbo-jumbo, matorium, gas chamber.
hex, jinx. SEE MAGIC incipient a. beginning, commencing, develop-
incapable a. unable, inept, incompetent, un- ing, newborn, nascent, initial, embryonic,
skilled, inadequate, insufficient, helpless, developing, early.
impotent, ineffective, unfit, powerless. ANT. incision n. slit, slash, scratch, score, gash. SEE
capable, able, competent. CUT

304 Roget’s Superthesaurus


INCISIVE a. [in SYE siv] sharp, penetrating unqualified, bungling, inexpert. ANT. compe-
to the heart of a matter. An incisive news- tent, skilled, capable, expert.
paper story on the homeless changed his atti- incomplete a. unfinished, lacking, deficient,
tude. SYN. sharp, penetrating, trenchant, wanting, imperfect, immature, short, insuffi-
acute, cutting, biting, piercing, to the point, cient, rough, fragmentary. ANT. complete, fin-
keen, crisp, probing. ANT. shallow, superficial, ished, done.
dull. incomprehensible a. beyond comprehension,
incite v. instigate, spark, prompt, rouse, stir, unintelligible, baffling, *beyond me, bewil-
spur, provoke, goad, inflame, whip up, agi- dering, *over one’s head, unfathomable, un-
tate, encourage, *egg on. ANT. dissuade, explainable, deep, profound, mysterious,
dampen, stop. *clear as mud. ANT. clear, plain, understand-
incivility n. rudeness, discourtesy, disrespect, able.
impoliteness, bad manners, tactlessness, inconceivable a. unimaginable, unthinkable,
roughness, coarseness. ANT. civility, courtesy, unbelievable, incredible, incomprehensible,
politeness. *mind-boggling, hard to grasp, unheard of,
inclement a. rough, stormy, harsh, severe, raw, fantastic. ANT. believable, reasonable, plausi-
nasty, foul, violent. ANT. clement, mild, nice. ble.
inclination n. disposition, tendency, proclivity, inconclusive a. undetermined, indefinite, un-
bent, penchant, propensity, leaning, drift, resolved, *up in the air, ambiguous, vague,
bias, predilection, preference. open, uncertain, doubtful. ANT. conclusive,
incline n. slant, slope, grade, cant, tilt, leaning, definite, certain.
rise, pitch, ramp. INCONGRUOUS a. [in KON groo us] not
incline v. slant, slope, cant, tilt, lean, pitch, fitting together, incompatible, inharmoni-
grade, rise, recline, list. ous. The new sports dome looked incongruous
inclined a. disposed, prone, tending, liable,
among the Victorian mansions. SYN. incom-
likely, predisposed. ANT. unwilling, reluctant,
patible, inharmonious, incongruent, discor-
dant, conflicting, odd, inconsistent, discrep-
include v. involve, incorporate, comprise, hold,
ant, clashing, out of place, jarring, unsuited,
embody, contain, comprehend, take into ac-
inappropriate. ANT. congruous, suitable, com-
count, number, accommodate, embrace.
patible, consistent.
ANT. exclude, preclude, omit.
incognito a. in disguise, masked, concealed, inconsequential a. insignificant, unimportant,
clandestine, anonymous. ANT. exposed, re- immaterial, neglible, *small time, *no great
vealed, unmasked. shakes, trivial, trifling, piddling. ANT. conse-
incoherent a. unintelligible, illogical, dis- quential, significant, important.
jointed, disconnected, incohesive, indistin- inconsiderate a. thoughtless, insensitive, un-
guishable, rambling, muddled, inarticulate, thinking, rude, inattentive, boorish, ungra-
mumbling. ANT. coherent, intelligible, under- cious, discourteous, self-centered. ANT. con-
standable, clear. siderate, sensitive, thoughtful.
income n. revenue, profit, gross, net, earnings, inconsistent a. 1. IRREGULAR erratic, variable,
pay, *take-home, wages, salary, yield, re- unstable, changing, fickle, inconstant. 2. IN-
ceipts, gain, proceeds. COMPATIBLE contradictory, contrary, incon-
incomparable a. peerless, unequaled, match- gruous, divergent, out of step, conflicting,
less, unrivaled, superior, supreme, beyond at odds, incoherent. ANT. 1. regular, steady,
compare, superlative, second to none. ANT. consistent. 2. compatible, harmonious, congru-
run-of-the-mill, average, *just another brick in ent.
the wall. INCONSPICUOUS a. [in kon SPIK yoo us]
incompatible a. unsuited, incongruous, clash- not standing out, attracting little attention.
ing, contrary, contradictory, mismatched, The shoplifter tried to remain as inconspicuous
inharmonious, conflicting, opposite, *differ- as possible. SYN. undistinguished, unappar-
ent as night and day. ANT. compatible, harmo- ent, indistinct, unnoticeable, low-profile,
nious, suited, *like hand in glove. invisible, hidden, unostentatious, plain, un-
incompetent a. inadequate, incapable, un- obtrusive, *fading into the woodwork, *like
skilled, inept, unfit, bumbling, useless, un- another brick in the wall. ANT. conspicuous,
able, out of one’s league, out of one’s ele- distinguished, obvious, *standing out like a sore
ment, inexperienced, ignorant, *all thumbs, thumb.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 305


inconstant a. irregular, erratic, variable, unsta- at, blame, involve, implicate, *blow the
ble, changing, intermittent, unsteady, whistle on, *squeal.
fickle. ANT. constant, steady, stable. incubus n. evil spirit, demon, devil, sex demon,
incontrovertible a. indisputable, beyond doubt, fiend, goblin, hobgoblin, nightmare.
established, certain, incontestable, solid, incur v. contract, acquire, get, gain, come into,
undeniable, irrefutable. ANT. debatable, ques- bring upon oneself, bargain for.
tionable, doubtful. incurable a. fatal, deadly, terminal, uncorrect-
inconvenient a. bothersome, troublesome, in- able, hopeless, inoperable. ANT. curable, re-
opportune, untimely, burdensome, disad- medial.
vantageous, cumbersome, discommoding. incursion n. inroad, infiltration, encroach-
ANT. convenient, advantageous, timely. ment, advance, penetration, invasion, raid,
incorporate v. include, involve, embody, com- foray.
prise, unite, join, integrate, consolidate, indebted a. obligated, beholden, bound, owing,
merge, combine, associate. appreciative, thankful, grateful. ANT. free,
incorrect a. wrong, in error, inaccurate, errone- unbound, independent.
ous, faulty, false, inexact, fallacious, *way indecency n. obscenity, foulness, offensiveness,
off. ANT. correct, right, accurate. vulgarity, filthiness, *raunchiness, vileness,
INCORRIGIBLE a. [in KAWR i juh bul] in- incivility, crudity, impropriety.
capable of improving or becoming reformed. indecent a. obscene, foul, offensive, vulgar,
The incorrigible youth was destined for the filthy, *raunchy, vile, crude, *dirty, *X-
county jail. SYN. hardened, hopeless, beyond rated, pornographic, lewd, unseemly, inde-
help, irreformable, irredeemable, lost, in- corous, indelicate, improper. ANT. decent,
tractable, incurable, recidivous, *unbreak- modest, *clean, wholesome.
able, *dyed in the wool. ANT. correctable, re- indecisive a. 1. UNCERTAIN wavering, faltering,
formable, curable. vacillating, waffling, irresolute, wishy-
incorruptible a. honest, moral, honorable, vir- washy, hesitant, undecided, *of two minds.
tuous, noble, principled, ethical, righteous, 2. INCONCLUSIVE unclear, indeterminate,
irreproachable, innocent, *squeaky clean. unsettled, *up in the air. ANT. 1. certain, pos-
ANT. corrupt, dishonest, immoral, dishonor-
itive, resolute. 2. conclusive, settled.
indeed adv. truly, certainly, surely, verily, by all
increase n. growth, rise, enlargement, addition,
means, positively, really.
expansion, enhancement, escalation, up-
indefatigable a. tireless, untiring, inexhaust-
surge, intensification, broadening, burgeon-
ible, unflagging, energetic, unfaltering, dog-
ing. ANT. decrease, reduction, shrinkage.
ged, unremitting, persevering, diligent, te-
increase v. grow, rise, enlarge, add, expand, en-
nacious. ANT. slothful, sluggish, anemic.
hance, escalate, surge, intensify, broaden,
burgeon, amplify, swell, advance, heighten, indefensible a. inexcusable, unjustifiable, un-
augment, *snowball, mushroom, multiply, forgivable, untenable, weak, insupportable.
ANT. defensible, excusable, justifiable.
build, inflate, double, triple. ANT. decrease,
reduce, shrink, deflate. indefinite a. uncertain, imprecise, ambiguous,
incredible a. unbelievable, improbable, incon- undetermined, inexact, vague, indetermi-
ceivable, farfetched, unimaginable, extraor- nate, unspecific, unknown, indistinct, ill-
dinary, fantastic, awesome, miraculous, defined. ANT. definite, specific, precise, unam-
wonderful, astonishing, fabulous, *unreal. biguous.
ANT. credible, believable, ordinary. INDELIBLE a. [in DEL uh bul] leaving a last-
INCREDULOUS a. [in KREJ oo lus] unbe- ing impression. The Kennedy assassination left
lieving, skeptical. The cop looked incredulous; an indelible impression on the minds of millions
clearly he didn’t believe the driver’s story. SYN. of Americans. SYN. fixed, permanent, endur-
unbelieving, doubting, skeptical, suspicious, ing, indestructible, unforgettable, ingrained,
dubious, distrusting, mistrusting, uncon- nonerasable, unfading, fast. ANT. erasable,
vinced, cynical. ANT. credulous, trusting, be- temporary, fading.
lieving, gullible. indelicate a. coarse, rough, crude, gross, offen-
increment n. addition, accession, step, in- sive, indecorous, tactless, unrefined, inde-
crease, rise, gain, augmentation, accretion. cent, immodest, rude, lewd. ANT. delicate, re-
incriminate v. accuse, charge, *point the finger fined, decent.

306 Roget’s Superthesaurus


indent v. dent, depress, dimple, push in, mark, INDIGENOUS a. [in DIJ uh nus] originating
impress, hollow. in a specific region, native. Cactus is indige-
independence n. self-determination, self-gov- nous to the American southwest. SYN. native,
ernment, self-reliance, self-sufficiency, au- aboriginal, natural, endemic, original,
tonomy, freedom, liberty. ‘‘Resistance to the homegrown, domestic, innate, inherent, in-
herd spirit.’’—Daniel Mason. ‘‘The privilege trinsic. ANT. foreign, imported, naturalized.
of the strong.’’—Friedrich Nietzsche. ‘‘To INDIGENT a. [IN di junt] poor. The indigent
live after your own nature.’’—Thoreau. ANT. family had no money for luxuries. SYN. poor,
dependence, subordination, subjugation. poverty-stricken, needy, impoverished, pen-
independent a. self-determining, self-govern- niless, destitute, *bad off, *hard up, *broke,
ing, self-reliant, self-sufficient, autonomous, *down and out, *struggling to keep the wolf
sovereign, free, nonpartisan, separate. ANT. from the door. ANT. wealthy, rich, well off.
dependent, subordinate, controlled. indignant a. angry, incensed, irate, peeved,
indescribable a. beyond words, inexpressible, *sore, furious, wrathful, miffed, *bent out of
nondescript, extraordinary, incredible, shape, fuming, resentful, exasperated. ANT.
strange, wondrous. pleased, happy, joyful.
indestructible a. unbreakable, lasting, durable, indignation n. anger, fury, wrath, rage, resent-
permanent, enduring, immortal, deathless. ment, offense, displeasure, ire, exasperation,
ANT. fragile, delicate, mortal. irritation, gall. ANT. delight, pleasure. SEE
indeterminate a. indefinite, inexact, vague, un- ANGER
certain, inconclusive, unclear, unspecified. indignity n. insult, affront, humiliation, embar-
ANT. exact, specific, precise.
rassment, outrage, *slap in the face, abuse,
indicate v. signify, denote, mark, show, point slur, disrespect, *snub.
out, express, tell, suggest, demonstrate, im- indirect a. 1. ROUNDABOUT circuitous, wander-
ply, designate, specify, symbolize. ing, divergent, tortuous, digressive, deviat-
indication n. sign, signal, symptom, hint, testi- ing, oblique, sidelong. 2. INCIDENTAL sec-
mony, evidence, manifestation, intimation, ondary, unintentional, ancillary,
clue, telltale, suggestion, attestation, warn- circumstantial. 3. DISHONEST backhanded,
ing, portent. deceitful, sneaky. ANT. 1. direct, straight. 2.
indicator n. pointer, dial, gauge, register, sign, primary, direct. 3. direct, honest, straightfor-
guide, index, barometer.
indiscreet a. imprudent, unwise, injudicious,
INDICT v. [in DITE] to charge with a crime,
careless, thoughtless, inconsiderate, insensi-
accuse. He was indicted by the grand jury. SYN.
tive, hasty, rash. ANT. discreet, sensitive, con-
charge, accuse, arraign, cite, incriminate,
impute, prosecute, impeach. indiscretion n. imprudence, injudiciousness,
INDICTMENT n. [in DITE munt] a formal blunder, impropriety, mistake, gaffe, mis-
charge of a crime, a written accusation. The step, faux pas, lapse, *slip, gaucherie, trans-
grand jury handed down an indictment against gression, offense.
three gang members. SYN. charge, accusation, indiscriminate a. random, careless, unparticu-
imputation, arraignment, incrimination, lar, casual, uncritical, undiscriminating,
implication, complaint, blame, allegation, haphazard, promiscuous, unmethodical, hit-
summons, prosecution, impeachment. or-miss, unselective. ANT. discriminating, se-
indifference a. apathy, disinterest, unconcern, lective.
nonchalance, impassiveness, lack of inter- indispensable a. necessary, essential, vital,
est, detachment, stoniness, disregard, insen- needed, requisite, required, crucial, funda-
sitivity. ‘‘The worst sin toward our fellow mental, basic, critical. ANT. extraneous, dis-
creatures.’’—George Bernard Shaw. ANT. in- pensable, superfluous.
terest, concern, passion. indisposed a. ill, sick, *under the weather, ail-
INDIFFERENT a. [in DIF ur unt] uncon- ing, *laid up, *out of sorts, *out of action,
cerned, not interested, apathetic. She didn’t *feeling crappy. ANT. hale, vigorous, robust,
care who won the election; she was indifferent. well.
SYN. unconcerned, disinterested, apathetic, indisputable a. irrefutable, incontestable, un-
impassive, detached, nonchalant, cool, deniable, clear, beyond doubt, incontrovert-
lukewarm, removed, blasé, uninvolved. ANT. ible, unquestionable, *open and shut, solid.
interested, concerned, passionate, involved. ANT. questionable, debatable, dubious.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 307


indistinct a. vague, fuzzy, ambiguous, obscure, industrious a. hardworking, bustling, on the

faint, dim, hazy, unclear, unintelligible, go, busy, *busy as a bee, hustling, *high oc-
blurry, undefined, out of focus, nebulous, tane, aggressive, productive, assiduous, dili-
undecipherable. ANT. distinct, clear, sharp, gent, dynamic, vigorous, constructive. ANT.
defined. indolent, lazy, slothful.
individual n. person, human being, body, soul, industry n. 1. BUSINESS manufacturing, enter-
character, man, woman, guy, girl, boy, per- prise, trade, commerce. 2. HARD WORK effort,
sonality. industriousness, labor, toil, diligence, enter-
individual a. single, separate, distinctive, sole, prise, activity.
lone, exclusive, peculiar, particular, unique, inebriated a. drunk, intoxicated, tipsy,
singular, characteristic, specific, special, *bombed, *smashed, *loaded, *hammered,
personal. ANT. group, general, common, uni- *sloshed, *drunk as a lord, *lit to the gills,
versal. *under the table. ANT. sober.
individuality n. personality, character, distinc- ineffective a. ineffectual, impotent, useless, in-
tion, difference, uniqueness, singularity, id- adequate, incompetent, vain, futile, unpro-
iosyncrasy, peculiarity, originality, self, tem- ductive, powerless, fruitless. ANT. effective,
perament. powerful, potent.
INDOCTRINATE v. [in DAWK truh nate] ineffectual a. SEE INEFFECTIVE
to teach or instruct, to transfer one’s beliefs inefficient a. deficient, unfit, inapt, inept, in-
to another. The cult thoroughly indoctrinates competent, *below par, ineffective, waste-
new members with its beliefs. SYN. teach, in- ful, time-wasting, slow, disorganized, sloppy.
struct, school, imbue, enlighten, train, im- ANT. efficient, effective.
plant, instill, *beat into one’s head, brain- INEPT a. [in EPT] awkward, clumsy, incompe-
wash, program. ANT. *deprogram. tent; unsuitable. Every beginning carpenter is
INDOLENT a. [IN duh lunt] lazy. He was inept. SYN. awkward, clumsy, incompetent,
homeless because he was indolent, not unlucky. unfit, unskilled, bungling, *all thumbs, un-
SYN. lazy, idle, slothful, *allergic to work, graceful, oafish, maladroit, wrong, unsuit-
listless, inactive, shiftless, do-nothing. ANT. able, inappropriate. ANT. competent, skilled,
industrious, bustling, *go-getting. graceful, appropriate.
indomitable a. invincible, unyielding, uncon- inequitable a. unequal, unfair, uneven, unjust,
querable, undefeatable, unbeatable, insur- unbalanced, biased, partial, one-sided. ANT.
mountable, dogged, steadfast, staunch, reso- equal, fair.
lute, tough. ANT. yielding, weak, *wimpy. INERT a. [in URT] inactive, motionless. The
indubitably adv. certainly, unquestionably, un- substance had completed its chemical reaction
doubtedly, surely, undeniably, definitely. and was now inert. SYN. inactive, still, mo-
induce v. bring on, persuade, encourage, pro- tionless, lifeless, dead, unresponsive, quies-
duce, influence, talk into, instigate, incite, cent, dormant, passive, static, sleepy, slug-
prompt, cause, abet, prevail upon, sway, ef- gish. ANT. active, moving, reactive.
fect. inertia n. inactivity, stillness, lifelessness, qui-
inducement n. incentive, motive, *carrot, escence, passivity, stasis, stagnation, paraly-
stimulus, spur, enticement, instigation, rea- sis, sluggishness, laziness. ANT. activity, mo-
son, cause, *come-on. tion, business.
induct v. bring in, install, instate, swear in, in- inevitable a. unavoidable, inescapable, inexo-
augurate. rable, assured, certain, irrevocable, unpre-
indulge v. gratify, humor, satisfy, spoil, pamper, ventable, ordained, fated, destined, prede-
coddle, accommodate, splurge, treat oneself, termined. ANT. avoidable, escapable,
*baby oneself. preventable.
indulgence n. luxury, self-gratification, immod- inexcusable a. unforgivable, unpardonable, un-
eration, extravagance, treat, excess, satisfac- acceptable, outrageous, indefensible, unjus-
tion, *wishfulfillment, intemperance, spoil- tifiable, reprehensible, intolerable. ANT. for-
ing, pampering, *babying, catering, givable, understandable, acceptable.
splurging. inexhaustible a. 1. UNLIMITED limitless, bound-
indulgent a. immoderate, extravagant, exces- less, infinite, bountiful, measureless, endless.
sive, *weak, intemperate, pampering, *ba- 2. TIRELESS unflagging. ANT. 1. limited, finite.
bying, splurging, lenient, overpermissive. 2. tiring.

308 Roget’s Superthesaurus


INEXORABLE a. [in EK sur uh bul] un- presume, *put two and two together, figure,
changeable and unrelenting, inevitable. arrive at, guess, surmise, reckon, judge.
Americans have two inexorable fates: death and inference n. deduction, conclusion, assump-
taxes. SYN. unchangeable, unalterable, ines- tion, presumption, corollary, supposition,
capable, inevitable, *carved in stone, un- figuring, guess, reckoning, judgment, inter-
movable, inflexible, unremitting, unyield- pretation, reasoning.
ing. ANT. changeable, alterable, flexible. inferior a. poor, bad, awful, second-rate, *bush-
inexpensive a. cheap, reasonable, bargain, low- league, lousy, mediocre, substandard, low,
priced, *dime-a-dozen, nominal, economi- *junky, *two-bit, subordinate, minor, jun-
cal, sale-priced, *budget. ANT. expensive, ior. ANT. superior, first-rate, *top-drawer, sen-
costly, exorbitant. ior.
inexperienced a. green, unseasoned, unfamil- infernal a. hellish, diabolic, Stygian, fiendish,
iar, unschooled, virgin, unfledged, imma- demonic, satanic, devilish, hateful, outra-
ture, innocent, young, untrained, raw, cal- geous, evil, damned, damnable. ANT. heav-
low, ignorant, *wet behind the ears, rookie, enly, angelic, saintly, godly.
naive, unsophisticated. ANT. practiced, vet- inferno n. hellfire, conflagration. SEE HELL
eran, seasoned, sophisticated. infertile a. barren, sterile, unproductive, un-
inexplicable a. unexplainable, mysterious, baf- fruitful, infecund, impotent, depleted, ex-
fling, puzzling, bewildering, incomprehensi- hausted, fallow. ANT. fertile, productive, fe-
ble, undecipherable, inscrutable. ANT. ex- cund.
plainable, understandable, explicable. infest v. overrun, swarm, populate, spread, per-
infallible a. unerring, accurate, unfailing, flaw- vade, flood, fill, overwhelm, teem.
less, perfect, reliable, dependable, trustwor- infidel n. nonbeliever, atheist, non-Christian,
thy, foolproof, impeccable. ANT. fallible, in- non-Muslim, pagan, heathen, heretic, dis-
accurate, imperfect, erring. senter, idolater, agnostic. ANT. believer, fol-
INFAMOUS a. [IN fuh mus] having a bad or lower.
scandalous reputation, notorious. The infa- infidelity n. unfaithfulness, disloyalty, betrayal,
mous gangster went on trial today. SYN. notori- treachery, perfidy, adultery, cheating, *two-
ous, disreputable, disgraceful, scandalous, timing. ANT. fidelity, loyalty, faithfulness.
villainous, dishonorable, shameful, wicked, infiltrate v. pass through, creep in, penetrate,
evil, low, wretched, reprehensible, despica-
intrude, invade, impregnate, permeate.
ble. ANT. virtuous, illustrious, noble, revered.
infinite a. endless, boundless, limitless, unlim-
infamy n. bad reputation, scandalous reputa-
ited, countless, immeasurable, innumerable,
tion, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, shame,
inexhaustible, astronomical, vast, immense,
villainy, evil, wickedness, notoriety, igno-
never ending, eternal, ceaseless, perpetual.
miny, opprobrium. ANT. honor, nobility, re-
ANT. finite, limited, ending.
infant n. newborn, tot, toddler. SEE BABY INFINITESIMAL a. [IN fin i TES uh mul]
infantile a. babyish, childish, juvenile, imma- infinitely small, microscopic. The odds of
ture, spoiled. ANT. adult, mature, dependable. winning the contest were infinitesimal. SYN. in-
infatuated a. enamored, smitten, charmed, be- finitely small, microscopic, tiny, minute, im-
witched, beguiled, taken with, spellbound, perceptible, negligible, inappreciable,
in love, *stuck on, *hung up on, *gaga over, atomic, miniscule, slight. ANT. gigantic, huge,
*hot for, *having a crush on, *carried away enormous, great.
with. ANT. repulsed, disgusted, repelled. infinity n. endlessness, limitlessness, contin-
infect v. contaminate, poison, taint, pollute, af- uum, eternity, inexhaustibility, infinitude,
fect, disease, defile, corrupt, befoul. immeasurability, forever, perpetuity, vast-
infectious a. catching, contagious, spreading, ness. ‘‘A fathomless gulf, into which all
communicable, transmittable, transferable, things vanish.’’—Marcus Aurelius. ‘‘A dark
epidemic, pestilent, poisonous, toxic, viru- illimitable ocean, without bound.’’—John
lent. ANT. nontoxic, benign. Milton.
INFER v. [in FUR] to deduce or come to a infirm a. weak, feeble, sick, faint, shaky, fragile,
conclusion, to suppose something from a set ailing, frail, debilitated, unsound, powerless,
of facts. The police infer that a lack of eye con- faltering, decrepit. ANT. strong, robust,
tact may point to a guilty conscience. SYN. de- sound, powerful.
duce, conclude, gather, suppose, assume, infirmary n. hospital, dispensary, treatment

Roget’s Superthesaurus 309


center, clinic, pharmacy, nurse’s station, breezy, *laid-back, loose, natural. ANT. for-
sick bay, medical facility. SEE HOSPITAL mal, ceremonious, stiff, official.
infirmity n. weakness, ailment, sickness, ill- information n. data, facts, intelligence, knowl-
ness, handicap, condition, disease, frailty, edge, *dope, *lowdown, news, communica-
affliction, malady. SEE DISEASE, MEDICINE tion, *skinny.
inflame v. fire, spark, ignite, agitate, excite, in- informative a. educational, enlightening, in-
cite, impassion, fan the fire, aggravate, en- structive, edifying, informational, illuminat-
rage, rile, intensify. ANT. dampen, extinguish. ing, explanatory. ANT. unredeeming, unhelp-
inflammable a. combustible. SEE FLAMMABLE ful.
inflammation n. redness, swelling, pain, im- informed a. educated, knowing, in the know,
mune response, tissue irritation, tenderness. advised, savvy, up-to-date, au courant,
inflammatory a. fiery, explosive, incendiary, briefed, *up to speed, knowledgeable, en-
provocative, inciting, rabble-rousing, riot- lightened, *up on, conversant with, abreast
ous, instigative. ANT. conciliatory, pacific, of. ANT. ingnorant, unaware.
mollifying. informer n. informant, tattletale, *rat, *fink,
inflate v. blow up, swell, increase, dilate, dis- snitch, *stool pigeon, *squealer, *weasel,
tend, expand, puff up, bloat, stretch, grow, whistle-blower, betrayer.
balloon. ANT. deflate, contract, shrink. infraction n. violation, infringement, breach,
inflation n. increase, runaway prices, oversup- lawbreaking, transgression, offense, malfea-
ply of currency, stagflation. SEE ECONOMY sance, trespass. SEE LAW
inflexible a. 1. HARD unyielding, rigid, firm, infrastructure n. foundation, base, framework,
stiff, unmalleable. 2. STUBBORN unyielding, underpining, support, structure.
adamant, firm, uncompromising, obstinate,
infrequent a. rare, seldom, occassional, odd,
rigid, unbending, intractable, fixed, pig-
unusual, exceptional, irregular, limited,
headed. ANT. 1. flexible, soft, malleable. 2.
*few and far between. ANT. frequent, often.
compromising, yielding.
infringe v. trespass, violate, transgress, intrude,
inflict v. impose, deal out, administer, visit
upon, wreak, bring to bear, mete out. encroach, contravene.
influence n. power, pull, control, clout, weight, infuriate v. enrage, anger, *make one’s blood
authority, leadership, pressure, force, effect, boil, outrage, madden, *burn up, incense,
dominance, sway. rile, inflame, *get one’s dander up. ANT. pac-
influence v. sway, control, persuade, move, in- ify, mollify.
cline, affect, act on, impact upon, impress, infuse v. instill, impart, imbue, inspire, incul-
direct, turn, shape, *pull strings, manipu- cate, fill, ingrain, infect, implant, suffuse,
late. permeate, introduce.
influential a. powerful, persuasive, weighty, ingenious a. clever, brilliant, intelligent, re-
compelling, authoritative, effective, conse- sourceful, creative, inventive, shrewd, imag-
quential, potent, inspiring, charismatic, inative, skillful, proficient, *crack. ANT. un-
forceful, important. ANT. unimportant, trivial, creative, stupid, unimaginative, *lame.
meaningless. ingenue n. innocent, naif, juvenile, *babe in
influenza n. flu, *bug, virus, viral infection, res- the woods, young woman, debutante.
piratory virus, grippe, chills and fever, Hong ingenuity n. cleverness, brilliance, intelligence,
Kong flu, Asian flu, disease, illness, sickness, resourcefulness, creativity, inventiveness,
bacterial pneumonia, bronchitis. shrewdness, imagination, skill, proficiency,
WORD FIND genius.
widespread: epidemic, pandemic, outbreak INGENUOUS a. [in JEN yoo us] unsophisti-
SEE DISEASE cated, unworldly, naive, artless and honest.
influx n. inflow, arrival, incoming, infusion, in- Most young children are naturally ingenuous.
pouring, tide. SYN. unsophisticated, unworldly, naive, art-
inform v. tell, let know, advise, apprise, fill in, less, honest, simple, up-front, innocent,
enlighten, notify, communicate to, *squeal, childlike, open, sincere, genuine, candid,
*rat on, tattle, snitch, fink. frank, direct. ANT. disingenuous, artful, so-
informal a. casual, relaxed, unofficial, uncere- phisticated, deceitful, insincere.
monious, simple, workaday, down-home, ingest v. swallow, consume, eat.

310 Roget’s Superthesaurus


inglorious a. shameful, dishonorable, disgrace- aloof, unsociable. ANT. hospitable, friendly,

ful, ignominious, odious, scandalous, disrep- warm.
utable, infamous, reprehensible. ANT. honor- inhuman a. beastly, cruel, inhumane, brutal,
able, commendable. cold-blooded, merciless, pitiless, heartless,
ingrained a. deep-rooted, fixed, planted, inher- savage, animal, vicious, barbaric, unfeeling,
ent, intrinsic, innate, *built-in, indelible, ferocious, malicious. ANT. human, humane,
dyed-in-the-wool, permanent. ANT. surface, compassionate, kind.
superficial. inhumane a. SEE INHUMAN
INGRATIATE v. [in GRA she ate] to court inhumanity n. beastliness, cruelty, brutality,
favor with someone or purposely try to get cold-bloodedness, savagery, viciousness,
on his or her good side. After the argument barbarity, maliciousness. ANT. humanity,
she attempted to ingratiate herself with her boy- compassion, kindness.
friend by preparing a special dinner. SYN. court, inimitable a. unequaled, unmatched, preemi-
blandish, *kiss up, *brownnose, charm, flat- nent, incomparable, unparalleled, unri-
ter, *get on one’s good side, *butter up, valed, unsurpassed, peerless, supreme. ANT.
curry favor, cajole, kowtow. comparable, similar, surpassed.
ingratitude n. ungratefulness, unthankfulness. iniquity n. wickedness, evil, injustice, sinful-
ingredient n. element, component, part, con- ness, wrong, immorality, wrongdoing, god-
stituent, item. lessness, abomination, infamy, crime. ANT.
inhabit v. live, abide, reside, lodge, dwell, oc- virtue, righteousness, morality, justice.
cupy, stay at, populate. initial a. first, original, primary, beginning, ear-
inhabitant n. resident, occupant, lodger, ten- liest, inaugural, opening, commencing,
ant, renter, boarder, citizen, native, denizen. maiden, embryonic. ANT. last, final, closing.
inhale v. breathe, draw a breath, gasp, inspire, initiate v. 1. START originate, begin, com-
sniff. mence, introduce, usher in, institute,
INHERENT a. [in HEER unt, in HER unt] launch, establish, kick off, pioneer. 2. TEACH
existing naturally, as an inborn trait, innate, instruct, train, acquaint with, familiarize
native. The drive to survive is inherent in every with, tutor, train, indoctrinate, inculcate. 3.
INDUCT instate, enroll.
living thing. SYN. natural, inborn, innate, na-
tive, existing, instinctive, hereditary, built- initiation n. start, beginning, commencement,
entrance, introduction, institution, launch,
in, ingrained, fundamental, essential. ANT.
kickoff, inception, debut, induction.
extrinsic, alien, foreign, unnatural.
initiative n. 1. FIRST STEP first move, start, lead,
inheritance n. legacy, bequest, estate, birth-
beginning, kickoff. 2. ENTERPRISE ambition,
right, endowment, gift heirloom.
resourcefulness, hustle, drive, *get up and
inherited a. genetic, inbred, in the genes, he-
go, dynamism, push, aggressiveness.
reditary, connate, in the blood, inborn, inject v. insert, introduce, put in, implant, in-
passed down, innate. ANT. acquired, learned. fuse, imbue, inoculate, *shoot up, *main-
inhibit v. hinder, restrain, check, repress, arrest, line.
cramp, hold back, obstruct, constrict, im- injection n. shot, booster shot, inoculation,
pede, forbid, prohibit. ANT. free, encourage, vaccine, vaccination, infusion, dose.
let. injure v. harm, damage, hurt, wound, maim,
inhibited a. shy, withdrawn, self-conscious, ret- bruise, impair, cripple, weaken, disfigure,
icent, reserved, guarded, uptight, bashful, mangle, afflict, mutilate, abuse.
self-censoring, stiff. ANT. spontaneous, outgo- injurious a. harmful, damaging, hurtful,
ing, uninhibited. wounding, maiming, bruising, impairing,
inhibition n. 1. SHYNESS self-consciousness, crippling, pernicious, weakening, deleteri-
withdrawal, reticence, reserve, guardedness, ous, disfiguring, destructive. ANT. healing,
uptightness, bashfulness, self-censorship, helpful, reconstructive.
stiffness. 2. RESTRAINT restriction, hin- injury n. harm, damage, hurt, wound, impair-
drance, check, constriction, blockage, pro- ment, *boo-boo, indignity, disfigurement,
hibition. ANT. 1. spontaneity, outgoingness, mutilation, trauma, bruise, cut, gash, contu-
unrestraint. 2. freedom, liberty. sion, laceration, sprain, break, fracture,
inhospitable a. unfriendly, forbidding, unkind, hemorrhage, scar, abrasion, concussion, dis-
ungracious, hostile, cold, unwelcoming, location, whiplash.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 311


injustice n. unfairness, inequity, mistreatment, discoverer, trendsetter, pacesetter, avant-

inequality, wrong, injury, crime, miscar- gardist.
riage, outrage, offense, inequity, discrimina- INNUENDO n. [IN yoo EN do] a remark or
tion, bias, grievance. ANT. justice, fairness, reference made indirectly that implies some-
equity. thing negative. He never insulted the company
inkling n. hint, suggestion, indication, glim- directly, but by innuendos and subtle hints. SYN.
mer, idea, clue, notion, suspicion, trace. insinuation, oblique remark, intimation,
inn n. lodging, hotel, motel, motor inn, motor suggestion, hint, allusion, implication, refer-
court, bed and breakfast, hostel, resort, road- ence, overtone, *winking compliment,
house. veiled sarcasm.
INNATE a. [i NATE] naturally present, as innumerable a. countless, numberless, myriad,
from birth. Infants have an innate ability to *umpteen, incalculable, infinite, untold.
grasp. SYN. inborn, natural, native, heredi- ANT. finite, limited, measurable.
tary, in the blood, inherent, inherited, in- inoculation n. immunization, injection, shot,
trinsic, indigenous, inbred. ANT. acquired, vaccination. SEE DISEASE
foreign, alien, learned, unnatural. inoffensive a. unobjectionable, innocuous,
inner a. 1. INTERIOR inside, internal, inward, harmless, clean, innocent, quiet, unobtru-
central, middle. 2. PRIVATE personal, inti- sive, wholesome. ANT. offensive, objection-
mate, mental, psychic, interior, *gut, spiri- able.
tual, emotional, psychological, secret. ANT. inopportune a. untimely, inconvenient, ill-
1. outer, external, exterior. 2. outer, public, timed, unseasonable, disadvantageous, in-
surface. auspicious, unfavorable. ANT. opportune,
innocence n. 1. FREEDOM FROM GUILT blameless- timely.
ness, clean hands, virtue, inculpability, clear inordinate a. excessive, immoderate, extrava-
conscience, purity, righteousness. 2. SIMPLIC- gant, unreasonable, disproportionate, un-
ITY naivete, harmlessness, unsophistication,
called for, exorbitant, unwarranted. ANT.
unworldliness, ingenuousness, artlessness, reasonable, proportionate, moderate.
INQUEST n. [IN kwest] a legal inquiry, such
gullibility, unfamiliarity. ‘‘The unbounded
as that made by a coroner to determine the
hope, the heavenly ignorance.’’—Lord By-
cause of death of one who has died under
ron. ANT. 1. guilt, unclean hands, corruption.
suspicious circumstances. The inquest offi-
2. artfulness, worldliness, sophistication, disen-
cially termed the death suspicious. SYN. inquiry,
probe, investigation, hearing, inquisition,
innocent a. 1. FREE FROM GUILT blameless, pure,
*clean, inculpable, above suspicion, sinless, inquire v. 1. ASK question, query, quiz, interro-
unimpeachable, guilt-free, guiltless, uncor- gate, pry, feel out, grill, pump, seek informa-
rupt, immaculate, irreproachable. 2. SIMPLE, tion, cross-examine. 2. LOOK INTO investi-
AS A CHILD naive, childlike, harmless, unso-
gate, probe, examine, scrutinize, inspect,
phisticated, unworldly, ingenuous, artless, *sniff out, study, track down, *leave no
gullible, guileless, pure of heart. ‘‘Those who stone unturned.
not only are guiltless themselves but who inquiry n. 1. QUESTIONING query, quiz, interro-
think others are.’’—Josh Billings. ANT. 1. gation, inquisition, *Q and A, grilling,
guilty, to blame, culpable, corrupt. 2. sophisti- *third degree, cross-examination. 2. INVES-
cated, worldly, artful, disengenuous. TIGATION probe, examination, scrutiny, in-
INNOCUOUS a. [i NOK yoo us] harmless, spection, study, analysis, exploration.
dull, or causing no controversy or offense. inquisitive a. curious, prying, nosy, inquiring,
Her comments were largely innocuous. SYN. questioning, interested, *dying to know,
harmless, benign, inoffensive, innocent, probing, intrusive, *snooping, *hungry for
painless, insipid, banal, dull, bland, mild, knowledge. ANT. uninterested, indifferent.
safe, *blah. ANT. harmful, malignant, noxious, inroad n. advance, encroachment, incursion,
offensive. intrusion, trespassing, infiltration, foray, on-
innovation n. change, invention, novelty, slaught, infringement.
*new wrinkle, modernization, *new thing, insane a. mentally ill, psychotic, *psycho,
*latest thing, *cutting edge, *last word. *nuts, deranged, crazy, demented, schizo-
innovator n. creator, pioneer, inventor, phrenic, *cracked, *loony, maniacal, para-
groundbreaker, father, architect, trailblazer, noid, mad, *mental, *out of one’s mind, *off

312 Roget’s Superthesaurus


one’s rocker, lunatic, *loco, scatterbrained, inscribe v. write, print, engrave, carve, sign,
not of sound mind, *cuckoo, *flipped out, mark, imprint, impress, autograph.
sick, touched, *wigged out, daft, unbal- inscription n. wording, message, statement, ep-
anced, *one brick short of a load, irrational, itaph, epigraph, blurb, imprint, impression,
delusional, non compos mentis. ANT. sane, signature, autograph, dedication, engraving.
rational, normal. inscrutable a. unfathomable, mysterious, enig-
insanity n. mental illness, psychosis, derange- matic, impenetrable, unknowable, indeci-
ment, dementia, schizophrenia, paranoia, pherable, hidden, incomprehensible, un-
madness, lunacy, craziness, unbalance, psy- readable, secret. ANT. knowable, readable,
chopathy, diseased mind, loss of reason. ‘‘A obvious.
perfectly rational adjustment to the insane insect n. bug, *creepy crawler, vermin, pest,
world.’’—R.D. Laing. louse, cootie, flea, gnat, mite, aphid, fly, ant,
WORD FIND tick, mosquito, beetle, termite, weevil,
alcoholic’s: delirium tremens, hallucinosis, horsefly, bee, wasp, hornet, cockroach,
Korsakoff’s psychosis midge, no-see-um, earwig, cricket, grasshop-
amnesic flight from reality: fugue state per, katydid, praying mantis, ladybug.
brain lobe removal treatment: prefrontal lo- insecure a. 1. UNSURE uncertain, anxious, lack-
botomy ing confidence, doubtful, diffident, timid,
conscience, without: antisocial personality, shy, apprehensive. 2. UNSAFE defenseless,
sociopathic vulnerable, unprotected, unguarded, ex-
corpse, sexual attraction to: necrophilism posed, dangerous, hazardous, perilous, pre-
delusion that one is great or powerful: delu- carious. ANT. 1. confident, sure. 2. safe,
sions of grandeur guarded, defended, invulnerable.
deteriorating behavior due to long-term insensitive a. unfeeling, thoughtless, inconsid-
stress: decompensation erate, indifferent, obtuse, callous, uncon-
emotional agitation, extreme: hysteria cerned, hardened, thick-skinned, unrefined.
excessive, irrational talking: logorrhea ANT. sensitive, considerate, thoughtful.
hands, delusion one has lost one or both: insert v. put in, inject, implant, introduce, pop
achiria in, tuck in, enter, imbed, place, stick, root,
memory loss, profound: amnesia inlay, *shoehorn. ANT. remove, extract.
mood swings disorder: manic-depressive psy- inside n. interior, middle, innards, soul, guts,
multiple personality: multiple personality,
INSIDIOUS a. [in SID ee us] working in a
split personality
treacherous or sneaky way and quietly pro-
nonstop talking: logomania
ducing severe results. Cancer is frequently in-
odor hallucination: phantosmia
overeating, pathologic: hyperphagia sidious; by the time victims learn they have it,
perception of sights, sounds, smells that it may be too late. SYN. treacherous, sneaky,
aren’t there: hallucination sly, tricky, quietly damaging, guileful, under-
persecution, delusions of: paranoia handed, subtle, stealthy, slippery, covert,
pregnant, delusion that one is: pseudocyesis shady, Machiavellian. ANT. overt, blatant, in-
primitive behavior, reverting to: atavism nocuous.
psychosis involving thought processes, insight n. awareness, observation, wisdom, sen-
moods, emotion: schizophrenia sitivity, intuitiveness, intuition, under-
schizophrenia marked by constant silly grin: standing, grasp, perception, discernment,
hebephrenia sagacity, ken.
shock therapy: electroconvulsive therapy insightful a. perceptive, intelligent, wise,
stupor marked by muteness, motionlessness: smart, thoughtful, sharp, understanding, dis-
catatonia cerning, aware, sensitive, observant. ANT. ig-
unstable or rapidly changing moods: lability norant, oblivious.
SEE DISEASE, MANIA, NEUROSIS, PHOBIA insignia n. emblem, badge, mark, patch, deco-
insatiable a. unquenchable, ravenous, vora- ration, regalia.
cious, unappeasable, gluttonous, greedy, un- insignificant a. inconsequential, unimportant,
satisfiable, wanting, desiring, *hungry for trivial, trifling, meaningless, petty, negligi-
more. ANT. satiable, satisfiable. ble, *no great shakes, inappreciable, not

Roget’s Superthesaurus 313


worth mentioning, piddling, picayune, mi- inspector n. examiner, tester, checker, investi-
nor. ANT. important, weighty, meaningful. gator, detective, sleuth, private eye, police
insincere a. ungenuine, *fake, dishonest, officer, assessor, reviewer, auditor.
phony, disingenuous, *put-on, deceitful, inspiration n. motivation, stimulus, provoca-
hypocritical, two-faced, pretended, slick, tion, prompting, spur, sparking, igniting,
pretentious, fulsome. ANT. sincere, genuine, idea, *flash, spark, flight of fancy, vision, in-
honest, *real. sight.
insinuate v. imply, suggest, indicate, hint, inti- inspire v. influence, stimulate, impel, arouse,
mate, allude, cast innuendos. prompt, motivate, spur, encourage, spark,
INSIPID a. [in SIP id] dull, lifeless, bland. stir, excite, ignite, inflame, trigger, give rise
Television programming is growing ever more to. ANT. discourage, stifle, dampen.
insipid. SYN. dull, lifeless, bland, vapid, taste- instability a. unstableness, unsteadiness, shaki-
less, prosaic, flavorless, *blah, uninteresting, ness, imbalance, precariousness, insecurity,
boring, tiring, colorless, weak, *lame. ANT. variability, inconstancy, impermanence,
interesting, stimulating, exciting, colorful. vacillation, fickleness, capriciousness, vola-
insist v. demand, require, command, *lay down tility. ANT. stability, equilibrium, steadiness.
the law, stand firm, urge, contend, maintain, install v. put in, place, fix, set, situate, position,
aver. locate, establish, induct, instate, inaugurate,
insistent a. demanding, commanding, tena- invest.
cious, laying down the law, won’t take no for installment n. 1. INSTALLATION emplacement,
an answer, determined, persistent, standing fixing, positioning, locating, establishment.
firm, urging, pushy, dogged. ANT. wishy- 2. SEGMENT portion, section, part, fragment,
washy, undemanding. division, chapter, serial.
insolence n. disrespect, boldness, impertinence, instance n. example, case, situation, sampling,
impudence, arrogance, nerve, gall, cheek, exemplification, time, particular, occasion.
effrontery, back talk, *lip, *guff, haughti- instant n. moment, split second, *heartbeat,
ness. ANT. respect, deference, courtesy. *wink/blink of an eye, *flash, *jiffy, *twin-
INSOLENT a. [IN suh lunt] boldly disrespect- kling, *nothing flat.
ful, arrogant. Insolent youths disrupted the instant a. immediate, quick, sudden, direct,
class. SYN. disrespectful, bold, impertinent, fast, prompt, swift, instantaneous, split sec-
impudent, arrogant, *nervy, *smart-alecky, ond, quick, direct, abrupt. ANT. slow, de-
*wise, *flip, cheeky, insulting. ANT. respect-
instantly adv. immediately, at once, instanta-
ful, deferential, courteous.
neously, now, directly, tout de suite, *PDQ,
insomnia n. sleeplessness, insomnolence, rest-
without delay, forthwith.
lessness, wakefulness, sleep disorder, sleep
instigate v. incite, foment, initiate, urge on, egg
deprivation, sleep latency, tossing and turn- on, spur, prompt, goad, start, begin, encour-
ing, *curse of Hypnos. age, *whip up, kindle, spark, rally. ANT. dis-
INSOLVENT a. [in SAWL vunt] unable to courage, stop, check, quell.
pay one’s bills or debts. The company became instigator n. troublemaker, *spark, *sparkplug,
insolvent and declared bankruptcy. SYN. in- spur, rabble-rouser, initiator, fomenter, in-
debted, ruined, *behind, *broke, wiped out, cendiary, *provocateur, *agent provocateur.
bankrupt, penniless, in arrears, *in the red, instill v. infuse, imbue, implant, impart, incul-
*in the hole, *strapped, *hard up. ANT. sol- cate, indoctrinate, introduce, engender,
vent, in the black, profitable. brainwash, program, inject, impress.
insouciant a. carefree, lighthearted, buoyant, instinct n. 1. DRIVE intuition, impulse, *gut
happy-go-lucky, untroubled, devil-may- feeling, urge, sense, prompting. 2. APTITUDE
care, airy, free and easy, sunny. ANT. anxious, tendency, bent, knack, talent, proclivity.
troubled, worried. instinctive a. innate, inborn, inbred, inherent,
inspect v. examine, scrutinize, look over, natural, reflexive, automatic, impulsive, in-
check, eye, scan, study, survey, peruse, tuitive, unthinking, involuntary, *gut. ANT.
probe, *give the once-over. acquired, learned, unnatural.
inspection n. examination, scrutiny, check, institute n. institution, organization, company,
scan, study, survey, perusal, probe, *once- establishment, society, association, union,
over, audit, inventory. school, academy, college.

314 Roget’s Superthesaurus


institute v. begin, establish, set up, found, origi- cloistered, secluded, cut off, provincial, nar-
nate, develop, *usher in, create, organize, row-minded. ANT. connected, urban, *in
launch, fix, introduce. touch, broad-minded.
institution n. 1. SEE INSTITUTE 2. CUSTOM law, insult n. affront, *put-down, slight, *slap in the
practice, convention, principle, system, face, dig, offense, snub, denigration, abuse,
code, tradition, bylaw. attack, *cheap shot, slam, impudence. ANT.
instruct v. 1. TEACH school, train, show how, compliment, praise, *pat on the back.
educate, tutor, enlighten, edify, indoctri- insult v. affront, *put down, slight, cut, *slap in
nate, inform, drill, acquaint. 2. ORDER com- the face, dig, offend, snub, denigrate, abuse,
mand, direct, charge, enjoin. attack, slam, *cut to the quick, ridicule,
instruction n. 1. EDUCATION teaching, direc- *dump on, belittle. ANT. compliment, praise,
tion, training, grounding, tutelage, drilling, flatter.
enlightenment, edification, indoctrination. insulting a. offensive, abusive, hurtful, dispara-
2. COMMAND demand, direction, order, di- ging, cutting, disrespectful, derogatory, ridi-
rective, mandate, charge. culing, denigrating, insolent. ANT. compli-
instructive a. educational, informative, en- mentary, flattering, respectful.
lightening, edifying. insurance n. security, protection, guarantee,
instructor n. teacher, educator, trainer, tutor, pledge, assurance, warranty, backing, in-
coach, mentor, master, professor, counselor, demnity, safeguard.
guide, pedagogue. insure v. 1. ASSURE secure, make sure, make
instrument n. 1. TOOL implement, appliance, certain, warrant, guarantee. 2. UNDERWRITE
apparatus, contrivance, device, mechanism, cover, protect, financially safeguard.
utensil, machine, contraption, *gizmo. 2. insurgent n. rebel, revolutionist, mutineer, in-
SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 3. MEANS agent, ve- surrectionist, agitator, malcontent, subver-
hicle, medium, tool, way, mechanism. sive.
instrumental a. helpful, useful, effectual, valu- insurmountable a. insuperable, unconquer-
able, serviceable, of assistance, contributory, able, invincible, unassailable, unbeatable,
influential, vital, determining. ANT. unim- formidable, impossible, hopeless, impass-
portant, trivial, useless. able. ANT. surmountable, superable.
insubordinate a. disobedient, defiant, rebel- INSURRECTION n. [in suh REK shun] a re-
lious, uncompliant, contrary, refractory, un- bellion or revolt against established author-
cooperative, dissentious, *too big for one’s ity. The insurrection of the masses stunned the
britches. ANT. subordinate, deferential, obedi- king. SYN. rebellion, revolt, uprising, revolu-
ent, compliant. tion, mutiny, sedition, insubordination,
insubordination n. disobedience, defiance, re- coup, overthrow.
bellion, noncompliance, noncooperation, intact a. whole, undamaged, all together, un-
dissension, revolt, insurrection, resistance. broken, sound, unimpaired, complete, un-
ANT. subordination, obedience, deference. harmed, unscathed, all in one piece. ANT.
insubstantial a. 1. SLIGHT flimsy, airy, tenuous, broken, damaged, shattered.
light, gossamer, ethereal, delicate, weak. 2. INTANGIBLE a. [in TAN juh bul] that
IMAGINARY unreal, immaterial, intangible, which cannot be physically perceived, im-
phantom, illusive, impalpable. ANT. 1. sub- palpable. The soul is intangible. SYN. impalpa-
stantial, hefty. 2. real. ble, imperceptible, invisible, nonphysical,
insufferable a. intolerable, unbearable, unen- insubstantial, untouchable, incorporeal, un-
durable, agonizing, impossible, too much, apparent, immaterial, indefinite, elusive.
excruciating, torturous. ANT. tolerable, bear- ANT. tangible, palpable, physical.
able. integral a. essential, central, basic, indispens-
insufficient a. deficient, lacking, inadequate, able, fundamental, elemental, necessary,
wanting, short, not enough, incomplete, component. ANT. inessential, unnecessary.
shy, scant, missing, unsatisfactory, incom- integrate v. unify, unite, combine, mix, merge,
mensurate. ANT. enough, sufficient, plenty. consolidate, combine, amalgamate, fuse, de-
INSULAR a. [IN suh lur] isolated like an is- segregate. ANT. divide, separate, segregate.
land, detached. The hermit lived an insular integrity n. 1. UPRIGHTNESS goodness, honesty,
lifestyle in the woods. SYN. isolated, detached, honor, morality, virtue, character, incor-
separated, sequestered, insulated, lonely, ruptibility, rectitude, probity, decency. 2.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 315


COMPLETENESS wholeness, unity, soundness. intensify v. concentrate, strengthen, deepen,

ANT. 1. improbity, immorality, dishonor, cor- sharpen, heighten, magnify, amplify, esca-
ruption. 2. fragmentation, unsoundness. late, raise, *beef up, step up, redouble. ANT.
intellect n. brain power, reason, sense, intelli- weaken, lighten, diminish.
gence, *brains, comprehension, understand- intensity n. force, concentration, strength,
ing, wits, judgment, cognition, intuition, power, magnitude, severity, potency, vigor,
aptitude, genius, *smarts, mental agility. depth, volume, ferocity, violence, sharpness,
intellectual n. *brain, *egghead, thinker, passion, earnestness, ardor, fervor. ANT.
scholar, genius, *Einstein, pundit, aca- weakness, lightness, emptiness.
demic, savant, mental giant, philosopher, intensive a. concentrated, thorough, profound,
highbrow, *walking encyclopedia, *know- exhaustive, strengthened, stepped-up, in-
it-all. ‘‘A person educated beyond his intel- creased, heightened, comprehensive, in-
lect.’’—Horace Porter. ‘‘A man who takes depth. ANT. weakened, diluted, diminished.
more words than necessary to tell us more intent n. intention, purpose, goal, aim, design.
than he knows.’’—Dwight D. Eisenhower. intent a. determined, resolved, resolute, in-
ANT. moron, imbecile, ignoramus, idiot. tense, concentrated, set, steadfast, commit-
intellectual a. smart, intelligent, *brainy, cere- ted, *hell-bent. ANT. irresolute, wavering,
bral, learned, scholarly, educated, well- hesitant.
schooled, literate, bookish, erudite. ANT. ig- intention n. purpose, intent, goal, aim, design,
norant, unschooled, illiterate. plan, object, end, target.
intelligence n. 1. SMARTNESS intellect, mind, intentional a. deliberate, planned, intended,
brain power, brains, *smarts, *gray matter, designed, calculated, meant, willful, on pur-
*IQ, reasoning, sense, comprehension, un- pose, premeditated, voluntary. ANT. uninten-
derstanding, wits, judgment, aptitude, ge- tional, accidental, unplanned.
nius, brilliance, cleverness, acumen, wis- inter v. bury, entomb, lay to rest, inhume, con-
dom, astuteness, sagacity, creativity. ‘‘The sign to the grave. ANT. exhume, dig up.
thing that enables a man to get along with- intercede v. mediate, arbitrate, advocate, plead
out an education.’’—Albert Wiggam. 2. IN- for, petition for, step in, intervene, inter-
FORMATION news, report, data, facts, *low- pose.
down, surveillance. intercept v. stop, head off, cut off, catch, seize,
intelligent a. smart, intellectual, *brainy, bril- arrest, check, confiscate, impound.
liant, bright, wise, astute, clever, sharp, interchangeable a. switchable, identical, same,
knowledgeable, ingenious, perceptive, equal, convertible, synonymous, reciprocal,
witty, resourceful, creative, quick, sagacious, mutual.
*having a good head on one’s shoulders, intercourse n. 1. COPULATION sexual relations,
sensible. ANT. stupid, moronic, dense, igno- coitus, lovemaking, mating, carnal knowl-
rant. edge, ‘‘Making the beast with two backs.’’—
intelligentsia n. literati, brains, geniuses, brain Shakespeare. 2. COMMUNICATION exchange,
trust, intellectuals, academia. interchange, interplay, correspondence,
intelligible a. clear, comprehensible, under- connection, liaison.
standable, plain, distinct, unmistakable, un- interest n. 1. CURIOSITY engagement, attention,
ambiguous. ANT. unintelligible, unclear, in- engrossment, attraction, notice, regard,
comprehensible. concern. 2. SHARE claim, stake, investment,
intend v. plan, have in mind, mean, aim at, right, involvement, percentage. 3. ADVAN-
aspire to, propose, expect, design, figure on, TAGE benefit, welfare, profit, gain. ANT. 1.
plot, scheme, devise. indifference, boredom, apathy.
intended a. planned, designed, meant, devised, interesting a. engaging, engrossing, fascinating,
intentional, expected, set, prearranged, de- riveting, entertaining, diverting, absorbing,
liberate, premeditated. ANT. unintentional, stimulating, intriguing, enthralling, provoc-
accidental, unplanned. ative, gripping. ANT. boring, dull, insipid.
intense a. concentrated, acute, strong, severe, interfere v. *butt in, intervene, meddle, inter-
powerful, deep, extreme, violent, sharp, cede, obtrude, intrude, interpose, horn in,
fierce, potent, high, vivid, passionate, ear- hinder, impede, obstruct.
nest, ardent, fervent, vigorous. ANT. mild, interim n. meantime, interval, interlude, break,
light, weak, gentle. pause, interruption, hiatus, intermission.

316 Roget’s Superthesaurus


interim a. temporary, stopgap, intervening, advertisement trading between Web sites:

provisional, makeshift. ANT. permanent, sta- banner exchange
ble. AFK: chatting shorthand for ‘‘away from
interior n. inside, center, innards. ANT. exterior. keyboard’’
interior a. inner, internal, inside, inward, in- animation and computation program: applet
nermost, central. ANT. exterior, outer. articles, collection of related: newsgroup
interject v. throw in, insert, interrupt, inter- ASAP: chatting shorthand for ‘‘as soon as
pose, introduce. possible’’
interloper n. intruder, meddler, trespasser, BAK: chatting shorthand for ‘‘back at the
busybody, outsider. keyboard’’
interlude n. pause, recess, break, intermission, BBN: chatting shorthand for ‘‘bye bye now’’
rest, lull, interval, interim. BBS: bulletin board system
intermediary n. go-between, mediator, middle- BCNU: chatting shorthand for ‘‘be seeing
man, agent, medium, negotiator, arbitrator, you’’
intermediate, referee, interceder, broker. BRB: chatting shorthand for ‘‘be right back’’
intermediate a. intervening, in-between, half- blinking line on computer screen marking
way, middle, median, midway, intervening, next character location: cursor
compromising. ANT. beginning, ending. browse, search or move about on the Web:
interment n. burial, entombment, inhumation. navigate, *surf, *cruise
interminable a. endless, eternal, neverending, browsing aid: browser
everlasting, limitless, ceaseless, continuous, BTW: chatting shorthand for ‘‘by the way’’
incessant, nonstop, infinite, constant. ANT. BWL: chatting shorthand for ‘‘bursting with
fleeting, finite, limited. laughter’’
intermingle v. mix, blend, combine, commin- business deriving income via the Internet:
gle, compound, merge, amalgamate, fuse. e-business
intermission n. break, pause, recess, interim, button that brings one to previous Web
interlude, breather, time-out, rest, lull, in- page: back button
C&G: chatting shorthand for ‘‘chuckle and
intermittent a. sporadic, irregular, periodic, off
CNP: chatting shorthand for ‘‘continued in
and on, broken, now and then, occasional,
next post’’
alternate, infrequent. ANT. regular, constant.
CYA: chatting shorthand for ‘‘see ya’’
internal a. inner, interior, within, inside, gut, CYAL8R: chatting shorthand for ‘‘see ya
innate, intrinsic. ANT. external, outer. later’’
international a. worldwide, multinational, decoding of encrypted messages: decryption
global, intercontinental, universal, cosmo- device for photographing hard documents or
politan. ANT. domestic, local. graphics and transmitting them on to the
INTERNET n. [IN tur net] a national or inter- Intenet: scanner
national network of computers and com- devious marketing trick using false keywords
puter networks. Many people are making con- such as ‘‘sex’’ to draw search engines to
nections over the Internet. SYN. computer a Web site: bait and switch
network, *information superhighway, café with computers and Internet access:
World Wide Web, the Web, the Net, me- cybercafé
dium, online network, cyberspace, *Info- camera used to send video or pictures over
bahn, *virtual city, *virtual village, *global Web: webcam
village. Capital letters, e-mailing or chatting using
WORD FIND all: shouting
abandoned Web site no longer maintained: coding data into math for security: en-
ghost site, orphan annie cryption
ACK: chatting shorthand for ‘‘acknowledge coding mathematics used to secure transac-
address abreviation,’’ such as .com or .org, tions: cryptography
at end of URL: domain college or other classroom learning over the
address, Web site: URL (Uniform Resource Internet: distance learning
Locator) commands for creating Web pages, format-
advertisement, Web page: banner ad, pop- ting: HTML (Hypertext Markup Lan-
up ad guage)

Roget’s Superthesaurus 317


compressed file, Windows-based: Zip file, FAQS: frequently asked questions

.zip file format change, rewriting to create a: encod-
communications allowing direct contact, ing
two-way: interactive handwriting recognition software: Graffiti
connect to a network or Web site: log in, head page of Web site: home page
log on host computer, network’s: server
connected to server or Internet: online image or the mechanism that creates it,
connector of networks, electronic: router standardized, compressed: JPG (Joint
conversations, online medium where users Photographic Experts Group), .jpg
can have real time: chat room image transformation effects: morphing
converse online in real time: chat; instant inaccessible due to technical difficulty:
message down
correspondence, electronic: e-mail inexperienced newcomer to: *newbie
criminal destruction or disruption of In- interconnection of two or more computers:
ternet communications: cyberterrorism network
decompress or open a Zip file: unzip junk e-mail, unwanted advertisements or:
disconnected from server or Internet: offline spam
discussion forum: newsgroup K: chatting shorthand for ‘‘kiss’’
discussions, reading but not participating in: KIT: chatting shorthand for ‘‘keep in touch’’
lurking know-it-all, Internet: geek
e-mail which must be downloaded, file large or very powerful computer: mainframe,
sometimes sent with: attachment Cray
failure of network resulting in frozen mouse L8R: chatting shorthand for ‘‘later’’
or keyboard: crash; meltdown lettering style: font
fight between two or more people, online: library of stored files: archive
*flame war link leading directly to a favorite site: book-
fighting verbally online: flaming mark
file page, online: Web page link made up of glowing text or graphics
fraud, online: cyberfraud that when clicked leads directly to an-
FYEO: chatting shorthand for ‘‘for your eyes
other Web page or site: hyperlink, hot-
FYI: chatting shorthand for ‘‘for your infor-
links to related documents, text system used
GG: chatting shorthand for ‘‘gotta go’’ to create: hypertext
G/S?: chatting shorthand for ‘‘gay or list of options to choose on screen: menu,
straight?’’ drop-down menu
IC: chatting shorthand for ‘‘I see’’ log of Web sites recently visited: history list
identification file automatically created and LOL: chatting shorthand for ‘‘laughing out
stored on hard drive after visiting Web loud’’
site: cookie loss of data during transmission: bitloss
identification marker used to legally protect M/F?: chatting shorthand for ‘‘male or fe-
original documents from unauthorized male?’’
use: digital fingerprinting magazine, electronic: e-zine
ILY: chatting shorthand for ‘‘I love you’’ mail downloading tool and clock setter: bot,
IM: chatting shorthand for ‘‘instant mes- autobot
sage’’ mailing list server: Listserve
IMHO: chatting shorthand for ‘‘in my hum- mail sorter used to block unwanted adver-
ble opinion’’ tisements: mail filter
IMO: chatting shorthand for ‘‘in my opin- mailing to a single recipient to wreak havoc
ion’’ on server, intentional mass: flooding,
frequent traveler through: *cybernaut, *in- mail bomb
ternaut mail that is undeliverable, to return: bounce
identification number assigned to every manners, online: *netiquette
computer on Internet: IP address medium, computer: cyberspace
identify person online from e-mail address, meeting with participants on video, In-
program or utility that can: finger ternet: video conferencing

318 Roget’s Superthesaurus


message medium: bulletin board ROTF: chatting shorthand for ‘‘rolling on

message, put up a: post the floor’’
miniaturized picture clicked on to display a screen portion one must scroll down to see:
larger version: thumbnail below the fold
money, electronic: *cybercash, e-money screen presentation without toolbars,
motion picture file: MPEG (Motion Picture menus, borders: kiosk mode; presenta-
Experts Group) tion mode
multimedia links allowing the downloading search system: search engine
of graphcis, videos, or audio files: hyp- searches new Internet resources, program
ermedia that: crawler, bot, spider
music storage and transmission in digital section of a Web page, separate or divided:
format, standard of: MP3 frame
music (MP3 files) downloading and trading sex on, pseudo: *cybersex
application: Napster sexual materials found on: *cyberporn
network confined to a single building or shopping mall, online: e-mall
floor: LAN (Local Area Network) simulation: virtual
network computer providing multiple ser- simulation of reality: virtual reality
vices, such as e-mail, for other comput- software copying, illegal: piracy
ers: host software, free: shareware
network of discussion groups called news- stealing a Web page and its files for unau-
groups: USENET thorized use: pagejacking
network, in-house company: intranet storage disk, data and graphics: Zip Disk
network, individual computer connected to storage and shrinkage, data: compression
a: node store, compress multiple files as one: archive
network, international: World Wide Web, storehouse of related data: database
the Web store of Web files on hard drive used for
networking method used in small areas: quicker access to previously visited Web
ethernet sites: cache
netgroups, giant network of: Usenet symbols illustrating sender’s emotional
NTMY: chatting shorthand for ‘‘nice to
state, shorthand: emoticons
meet you’’
SYS: chatting shorthand for ‘‘see you soon’’
OIC: chatting shorthand for ‘‘oh, I see’’
OMG: chatting shorthand for ‘‘oh my god!’’ talk medium and meeting place: chat room
online journal or forum with links to com- talking with others online in real time: chat-
municate with participants: blog, Web ting, instant messaging
log television online service: WebTV
overloaded data path resulting in no or slow transfer file from another’s computer to
response from server: congestion yours: download
PM: chatting shorthand for ‘‘private message’’ transfer file to another’s computer from
PMJI: chatting shorthand for ‘‘pardon my yours: upload
jumping in’’ transmission channel using fiber-optic or
portion of data transmitted or received, one: coaxial cable, high speed, high capacity:
packet broadband
programming wizard: *hacker, *cracker transmission circuit superior to regular
protocol for transmission and reception, phone circuit: DSL (Digital Subscriber
data: HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Proto- Line)
col) transmission service via telephone lines:
protocol of Internet, standard communica- dial-up
tions: TCP/IP (Transmission Control TTYL: chatting shorthand for ‘‘talk to you
Protocol/Internet) later’’
record of activity on a Web site: log video data transfer technique, live: stream-
reload Web page for updated content: re- ing
fresh Web sites, related and linked: Web ring
representation or picture of specific item virus disguised as a program, hard drive-eras-
that is clicked to activate program or ing: Trojan Horse
link: icon viruses, program that weeds out: anti-virus

Roget’s Superthesaurus 319


virus-safe programming language used for privy, secret, innermost, *gut. 2. CLOSE fa-
Internet use: Java miliar, friendly, acquainted, dear, chummy,
virus, self-replicating: worm personal, bosom. 3. COZY romantic, quiet,
visits to Web site, tallied: hits comfortable, warm, snug. 4. SEXUAL carnal,
WB: chatting shorthand for ‘‘welcome back’’ adulterous, erotic, impure, lustful. ANT. 1.
Web site architect or graphics designer: public. 2. distant, remote, aloof, formal. 3.
Web designer crowded, loud, uncomfortable.
Web site manager: Webmaster intimation n. suggestion, hint, clue, inkling, al-
wire-free Internet access: wireless lusion, insinuation, implication, tip, innu-
wireless Internet access unit: wi-fi endo.
WWW: World Wide Web intimidate v. scare, frighten, cow, threaten,
SEE COMPUTER daunt, bully, unnerve, terrify, terrorize, awe,
interpret v. 1. CONSTRUE read, understand, appall, silence, coerce, strong-arm, twist
view, define, explain, explicate, clarify, shed one’s arm, put the fear of God into.
light on, spell out, illuminate. 2. TRANSLATE intimidating a. threatening, inhibiting, demor-
transcribe, paraphrase. alizing, scary, frightening, daunting, terrify-
interpretation n. understanding, reading, slant, ing, unnerving, emasculating, silencing,
perception, meaning, definition, explana- powerful, formidable, commanding respect.
tion, view. ANT. reassuring, conciliatory.
interrogate v. question, ask, probe, cross-exam- intolerable a. insufferable, unbearable, unen-
ine, quiz, query, grill, pump, *give the third durable, agonizing, excruciating, unaccept-
degree, inquire, *pick one’s brains. able, too much, extreme, monstrous, unrea-
interrupt v. 1. INTRUDE *butt in, break in, cut sonable, outrageous. ANT. tolerable,
in, *chime in, interject, inject, horn in, acceptable.
speak out of turn, obtrude, disturb, interfere. intolerant a. bigoted, illiberal, closed-minded,
2. STOP suspend, halt, discontinue, break off. narrow-minded, prejudiced, uncharitable,
intersect v. cross, traverse, bisect, divide, cross- inconsiderate, biased, chauvinistic, sexist,
cut. racist, *homophobic, xenophobic, misan-
intersperse v. sprinkle, strew, scatter, pepper, thropic, contemptuous, disdainful, arrogant.
ANT. tolerant, liberal, open-minded.
distribute, diffuse, disseminate, broadcast.
intonation n. modulation, inflection.
intertwine v. entwine, tie, interweave, braid,
intoxicated a. drunk, inebriated, tipsy, besot-
crisscross, cross, mesh, reticulate.
ted, soused. ANT. sober, *on the wagon.
interval n. pause, rest, break, recess, intermis- INTRACTABLE a. [in TRAK tuh bul] un-
sion, hiatus, interim, gap, space, period, manageable, uncontrollable or stubborn.
spell, lull. The two-year-old is famous for his intractable
intervene v. step in, intercede, interfere, medi- demeanor. SYN. unmanageable, uncontrolla-
ate, arbitrate, interpose, come between, ob- ble, stubborn, disobedient, rebellious, obsti-
trude, meddle. nate, ungovernable, difficult, headstrong,
interview n. *Q and A, inquiry, press confer- contrary, unruly, wild, intransigent. ANT.
ence, probe, talk, conference, exchange, obedient, docile, compliant, easy.
meeting, parley, dialogue, *tête-à-tête, ex- INTRANSIGENT a. [in TRAN si junt] un-
amination, hearing. compromising and stubborn. Smith was in-
interviewer n. questioner, interrogator, in- transigent; nobody could negotiate with him and
quirer, inquisitor, prober. win. SYN. uncompromising, stubborn, obsti-
intestines n. bowels, guts, viscera, entrails, in- nate, mulish, pigheaded, unbending, un-
nards, alimentary canal. yielding, rigid, steadfast, die-hard, resolute,
intimacy n. closeness, fellowship, communion, *hard-nosed, persistent. ANT. compromising,
friendship, understanding, acquaintance, yielding, flexible, *easy.
confidentiality, sharing, disclosing, chum- INTREPID a. [in TREP id] fearless, coura-
miness, familiarity, affection. ANT. alien- geous. The intrepid explorers bushwhacked
ation, isolation, aloofness, estrangement. their way deeper into the jungle. SYN. fearless,
intimate v. suggest, announce, state, *tip off, courageous, brave, dauntless, bold, daring,
hint at, tell, *let the cat out of the bag, *spill *gutsy, *ballsy, adventurous, valiant, lion-
the beans, leak, insinuate, imply, allude. hearted, game, plucky, heroic. ANT. cow-
intimate a. 1. PERSONAL private, confidential, ardly, frightened, mousy, *wimpy, craven.

320 Roget’s Superthesaurus


intricate a. complex, complicated, involved, prowler, infiltrator, *gate-crasher, invader,

convoluted, knotty, labyrinthine, elaborate, unwelcome visitor.
sophisticated, thorny, perplexing, tough. intrusive a. obtrusive, invasive, unwelcome,
ANT. simple, uninvolved, easy. unwanted, meddlesome, interfering, *nosy,
intrigue n. plotting, scheme, machination, officious, *overstepping one’s bounds. ANT.
conspiracy, maneuver, finagling, manipula- welcome, invited, wanted.
tion, trickery, double-dealing, cabal. intuition n. sense, sixth sense, hunch, feeling,
intrigue v. 1. PLOT scheme, machinate, con- instinct, insight, *feeling in one’s bones,
spire, maneuver, finagle, manipulate, trick, *gut instinct, *vibes, inkling, perception,
double-deal. 2. INTEREST fascinate, pique discernment, apprehension.
one’s interest, attract, grab, captivate, ex- intuitive a. instinctive, *gut, innate, natural,
cite, appeal, draw, arouse. inherent, automatic, *seat of the pants, per-
intriguing a. interesting, fascinating, captivat- ceptive, psychic. ANT. learned, practiced,
ing, exciting, arousing curiosity, thought- dense.
provoking, enthralling, provocative, rivet- inundate v. flood, deluge, engulf, drown,
ing. ANT. boring, mundane. swamp, submerge, overwhelm, overpower,
INTRINSIC a. [in TRIN sik] naturally or in- glut, bury.
herently belonging. His success was partially inure v. habituate, accustom, harden, desensi-
due to an intrinsic aggressiveness. SYN. inher- tize, season, toughen, temper, acclimate.
ent, natural, essential, innate, internal, in- invade v. encroach, trespass, attack, assault, as-
bred, native, inherited, built-in, basic, fun- sail, strike, storm, swarm, blitz, occupy,
damental, constitutional. ANT. extrinsic, overrun, intrude, interlope, *gate-crash.
external, outer. invalid n. sick person, convalescent, cripple,
introduce v. 1. ACQUAINT present, familiarize. shut-in, patient.
2. START begin, open, *get the ball rolling, invalid a. 1. NULL AND VOID unenforceable, im-
launch, set in motion, usher in, lead off, potent, nonviable, inoperative, useless,
*kick off, initiate. 3. PUT IN insert, add, in- worthless, not binding. 2. FALSE unfounded,
ject, interject, work in, enter, instill, infuse. wrong, untrue, fallacious, baseless, unsub-
introduction n. 1. START beginning, opening, stantiated, unproven. 3. SICKLY weak, feeble,
lead, commencement, *intro, launching, bedridden, disabled, crippled, infirm, frail.
ANT. 1. valid, viable, binding. 2. true, substan-
initiation. 2. PREFACE foreword, prologue,
preamble, prelude. ANT. 1. end. 2. afterword. tiated, correct. 3. strong, able-bodied.
invalidate v. void, nullify, annul, cancel, repeal,
introductory a. opening, beginning, starting,
countermand, revoke, negate, disqualify,
initial, preliminary, first, inaugural, prepara-
quash. ANT. validate.
tory, prefatory. ANT. concluding, final.
invaluable a. valuable, priceless, precious, in-
INTROSPECTIVE a. [IN truh SPEC tiv] ob- dispensable, helpful, *worth its weight in
serving one’s own thoughts, feelings, inner gold. ANT. worthless.
self, etc. Joe was always analyzing his own invariable a. unvarying, unchanging, constant,
mind; he was introspective. SYN. introverted, steady, consistent, unwavering, stable, regu-
self-analyzing, self-examining, soul-search- lar, uniform, unbroken, undeviating. ANT.
ing, pensive, contemplative, meditative, variable, varying, changing, inconstant.
self-occupied, consciousness-raising, in deep invasion n. attack, assault, strike, storm, en-
thought. ANT. outer-directed, extroverted. croachment, trespass, incursion, intrusion,
introvert n. bookworm, loner, *lone wolf, onslaught, infringement, offensive, blitz.
*wallflower, quiet person. ANT. extrovert. INVECTIVE n. [in VEK tiv] a verbal attack,
introverted a. introspective, reserved, bookish, insults, criticism. He continued his invective
retiring, shy, bashful, taciturn, quiet, soli- until she was in tears. SYN. verbal attack, ver-
tary, preferring one’s own company. ANT. ex- bal abuse, censure, tongue-lashing, vilifica-
troverted, outgoing. tion, diatribe, tirade, disparagement, con-
intrude v. obtrude, invade, interfere, barge in, demnation, harsh words, sarcasm.
*horn in, infringe, meddle, *butt in, inter- inveigh v. verbally attack, rail against, assail,
pose, *gate-crash, encroach, trespass, inter- vituperate, censure, denounce, vilify, criti-
lope. cize, scold, castigate, condemn, remonstrate.
intruder n. interloper, trespasser, thief, burglar, inveigle v. entice, lure, seduce, *suck in, tempt,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 321


tantalize, manipulate, cajole, bait, *string backer, banker, shareholder, stockholder, fi-
along, *rope in, *lead on. nancier, speculator, developer, risk-taker.
invent v. 1. CREATE devise, come up with, think INVETERATE a. [in VET ur it] habitual,
up, originate, design, shape, conceive, forge, long-standing, chronic. She was an inveterate
fabricate, improvise, concoct, develop, fash- liar. SYN. habitual, long-standing, chronic,
ion. 2. LIE fabricate, fib, prevaricate, *tell a deeply rooted, long-established, ingrained,
white lie, distort, trump up, make up. deep-seated, incurable, entrenched, hard-
invention n. 1. CREATION innovation, concoc- core, dyed-in-the-wool. ANT. reformed,
tion, *brainchild, original, design, composi- cured.
tion, fabrication, construction, contrivance, invidious a. insulting, offensive, hateful, mali-
formulation, discovery. ‘‘Bringing out the cious, spiteful, hostile, odious, slighting,
secrets of nature and applying them for the baleful, discriminatory. ANT. complimentary,
happiness of man.’’—Thomas Edison. 2. LIE flattering, sweet.
fabrication, fib, prevarication, white lie, dis- invigorating a. energizing, enlivening, refresh-
tortion, falsehood, *tall tale. ing, stimulating, vitalizing, restorative, brac-
inventive a. creative, ingenious, imaginative, ing, strengthening, animating. ANT. tiring,
resourceful, artistic, gifted, *brainy, vision- somnolent, weakening.
ary, clever, constructive, productive, fertile, invincible a. unconquerable, unbeatable, inde-
*having a Da Vinci-like mind. ANT. unimagi- structible, indomitable, invulnerable, insu-
native, unoriginal. perable, impregnable, mighty, powerful, in-
inventor n. creator, originator, father, discov- violable. ANT. vulnerable, weak, conquerable.
erer, designer, deviser, innovator, craftsman, invisible a. imperceptible, imperceivable, im-
builder, tinkerer, pioneer. palpable, intangible, hidden, indiscernible,
inventory n. stock, goods, supply, reserve, out of sight, unseen, transparent. ANT. visi-
backlog, stockpile, store, backlist, catalog, ble, perceivable, palpable.
itemized list, survey, record, itemization, invitation n. bidding, summons, call, request,
tally, count, tabulation, census, account, solicitation.
register. invite v. ask for, beckon, summon, request, so-
invert v. reverse, turn inside out, convert, up- licit, bid, court, woo, petition.
end, overturn, transpose, flip over. inviting a. alluring, enticing, tempting, attrac-
inverse a. reversed, inverted, opposite, back to tive, captivating, magnetic, seductive, ap-
front, turned, contrary, transposed. ANT. ob- pealing, welcoming, beguiling. ANT. repul-
verse. sive, repellent, forbidding.
invest v. 1. INVEST MONEY venture, speculate, in vitro a. outside the womb, test-tube, artifi-
risk, put money into, *plow profits back cial.
into, entrust, *salt away. 2. GRANT POWER invoice n. bill, itemized bill, account, bill of
empower, authorize, confer, sanction, en- lading, statement, manifest, itemization.
able, license, entrust, ordain, charge. ANT. invoke v. call on, call forth, summon, petition,
1. divest. 2. divest, strip of power. entreat, request, implore, supplicate, appeal
investigate v. look into, inquire, probe, exam- to, conjure, solicit.
ine, explore, inspect, research, delve into, involuntary a. unintentional, reflexive, auto-
review, nose around, scrutinize, sift, muck- matic, instinctive, spontaneous, unpremedi-
rake, *check out, *case. tated, unthinking, uncalculated, forced.
investigation n. inquiry, probe, inspection, in- ANT. voluntary, intentional, calculated.
quest, *fact-finding mission, search, analy- involve v. include, comprise, engage, contain,
sis, review, exploration, scrutiny, study. incorporate, concern, affect, entail, encom-
investigator n. examiner, analyst, reviewer, in- pass, comprehend, implicate.
spector, inquirer, inquisitor, fact finder, re- invulnerable a. indestructible. SEE INVINCIBLE
searcher, detective, *sleuth, *private eye. iota n. jot, speck, scintilla, bit, shred, whiff,
investment n. financial venture, security, spec- mite, smidgen, atom, dot, particle, fleck.
ulation, hedge against inflation, risk, down IRASCIBLE a. [i RAS uh bul] quick-tempered
payment on one’s future, stocks, bonds, mu- or easily angered. Mike was irascible; we
tual fund, commodities, retirement fund, walked on eggshells around him. SYN. quick-
IRA. SEE BANK, ECONOMY, MONEY tempered, easily angered, touchy, testy, irri-
investor n. venture capitalist, capitalist, table, bad-tempered, *short-fused, grouchy,

322 Roget’s Superthesaurus


cantankerous, grumpy, ornery, crabby, snap- ANT. 1. regular, consistent, even. 2. normal,
pish. ANT. easygoing, good-humored, mild- typical, usual. 3. even, symmetrical.
mannered, serene. irrelevant a. impertinent, immaterial, unre-
irate a. angry, mad, furious, infuriated, in- lated, beside the point, not germane, uncon-
censed, *up in arms, livid, indignant, wrath- nected, inapplicable, neither here nor there,
ful, inflamed, *foaming at the mouth, *gone extraneous. ANT. relevant, pertinent, ger-
ballistic. ANT. placated, euphoric, joyful. SEE mane.
ANGRY irreligious a. atheistic, impious, faithless, ag-
ire n. anger, rage, fury, indignation, wrath, dis- nostic, unholy, ungodly, profane, heathen,
pleasure, choler, vexation, dudgeon, pas- pagan. ANT. religious, pious, faithful.
sion, irritation, *Irish. SEE ANGER irreparable a. beyond repair, irrevocable, ru-
irk v. annoy, irritate, *bug, aggravate, nettle, ined, irretrievable, *consigned to the scrap
peeve, bother, harass, fret, gall, *get on heap, *done, *shot, *kaput, hopeless. ANT.
one’s nerves, *try one’s patience, *get under repairable, salvageable.
one’s skin. irrepressible a. unrestrainable, insuppressible,
irksome a. annoying, irritating, aggravating, uncontrollable, uninhibited, unbridled, vi-
nettlesome, bothersome, vexing, troubling, vacious, lively, effervescent, buoyant. ANT.
troublesome, wearisome, tiring, problem- disheartened, dispirited, *down.
atic. ANT. simple, solvable. irreproachable a. beyond reproach, blameless,
iron a. hard, strong, powerful, tough, firm, un- faultless, inculpable, unblemished, above
yielding, unbending, rigid, steel, stony, suspicion, *squeaky clean, virtuous, inno-
cruel, merciless. ANT. soft, weak, yielding. cent, pure, upright. ANT. reproachable, to
ironclad a. unalterable, fixed. blame.
IRONIC a. [i RON ik] opposite of or incongru- irresistible a. overwhelming, overpowering,
ous with what is expressed or expected. He powerful, potent, compelling, invincible,
said he loved steamed clams, but he was being unconquerable, fascinating, charming, al-
ironic—clams really disgusted him. SYN. sarcas- luring, captivating, seductive. ANT. resistible,
tic, mocking, contradictory, paradoxical, powerless.
double-edged, sardonic, satirical, unex- irresolute a. wavering, indecisive, vacillating,
pected, surprising. ANT. straightforward, undecided, dubious, wishy-washy, doubtful,
frank, earnest. hesitant, undetermined, *hot and cold, half-
irony n. double meaning, contradiction, sar- hearted. ANT. resolute, resolved, firm, deter-
casm, incongruity, paradox, satire, mocking, mined.
lampoon, twist, wit. ‘‘Jesting hidden behind irresponsible a. careless, unreliable, undepend-
gravity.’’—John Weiss. able, devil-may-care, untrustworthy, lax,
irrational a. senseless, unthinking, unreason- immature, unaccountable, reckless, capri-
able, foolish, illogical, crazy, mindless, un- cious. ANT. responsible, dependable, reliable.
wise, stupid, unsound, unscientific, half- IRREVERENT a. [ir REV ur unt] disrespect-
baked, *cockamamy, idiotic. ANT. rational, ful. With today’s irreverent comedians, even the
sane, sensible, wise. pope is the subject of dirty jokes. SYN. disre-
irreconcilable a. irreparable, unresolvable, con- spectful, contemptuous, mocking, sneering,
flicting, hostile, incompatible, contrary, at *wise, rude, impudent, insolent, insulting,
odds, intransigent, inflexible. ANT. resolv- *smart-alecky, impious, blasphemous, pro-
able, compatible. fane. ANT. reverent, respectful, civil.
irrefutable a. undeniable, unquestionable, cer- irrevocable a. irreversible, unchangeable, fixed,
tain, indisputable, sure, proven, incontro- final, unalterable, permanent, irretrievable,
vertible, beyond a shadow of a doubt. ANT. *carved in stone. ANT. reversible, changeable.
debatable, questionable, moot. irrigate v. water, bathe, wash, flush, flood,
irregular a. 1. VARIABLE erratic, uneven, fitful, sprinkle, soak, drench.
random, sporadic, inconsistent, changeable, irritable a. grouchy, touchy, cantankerous, iras-
disordered, spasmodic. 2. ANOMALOUS ab- cible, crabby, testy, moody, snappy, grum-
normal, deviant, unusual, odd, unexpected, bling, quick-tempered, petulant, grumpy.
strange, eccentric, singular, peculiar, quirky. ANT. good-humored, good-natured, even-tem-
3. UNEVEN asymmetrical, crooked, variable. pered.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 323


irritate v. 1. ANNOY *bug, agitate, nettle, dis- issue n. 1. SUBJECT topic, matter, question at
turb, *get under one’s skin, try one’s pa- hand, bone of contention, controversy,
tience, exasperate, irk, *drive one up a wall, problem. 2. RESULT consequence, outcome,
peeve, *get on one’s nerves, plague. 2. MAKE end, upshot, conclusion, effect. 3. INSTALL-
SORE inflame, aggravate, hurt, chafe, sting, MENT copy, number.
rub, worsen. ANT. 1. please, delight, humor. issue v. 1. PUT OUT give out, distribute, circu-
2. relieve, soothe. late, dispense, disseminate, deliver. 2. EMIT
Islamic a. Muslim, Moslem, Muhammadan,
pour forth, emanate, exude, gush, effuse,
Mohammedan, Shiite, Sunni. SEE RELIGION
island n. land mass, atoll, islet, isle, cay, key, stream, ooze.
reef, sand bar. itch n. 1. URGE TO SCRATCH prickling sensation,
WORD FIND tickling, irritation, crawling sensation. 2.
group of: archipelago DESIRE craving, urge, yen, thirst, hunger, ap-
river, in a: holm petite, hankering, passion.
isolate v. seclude, separate, segregate, dissoci- item n. article, thing, part, piece, bit, element,
ate, sequester, set apart, confine, remove, matter, paragraph, story, feature.
quarantine. itemize v. detail, enumerate, count, inventory,
isolated a. secluded, separated, segregated, dis- tally, list, record, specify, spell out, codify.
sociated, sequestered, confined, set apart,
alone, lonely, removed, remote, cloistered, itinerant a. wandering, roaming, traveling, rov-
in quarantine. ANT. public, central. ing, transient, rambling, journeying, wayfar-
isolation n. seclusion, separation, segregation, ing, vagabond, nomadic, migratory. ANT.
dissociation, sequestration, loneliness, soli- rooted, settled.
tude, confinement, removal, quarantine, itinerary n. route, course, way, tour, path, plan,
cloister. schedule, agenda, *game plan.

324 Roget’s Superthesaurus


jab v. poke, thrust, punch, hit, strike, prod, stab. press, wedge, tamp, *squish, squash, over-
jabber v. chatter, gibber, prattle, babble, *run crowd, *stuff to the gills. 2. CLOG plug, ob-
off at the mouth, yak, prate, palaver. struct, congest, stick, *gum up the works,
jacket n. 1. COVER case, wrapper, wrapping, *bottleneck.
sheath, skin, envelope. 2. COAT blazer, jamboree n. celebration, party, gathering, rev-
windbreaker. elry, festival, outing, carnival, jubilee,
WORD FIND *wingding.
black, waist-length, wide-lapelled: Eton jangle n. clang, rattle, ring, reverberation, jin-
jacket gle, clatter, clangor, cacophony, racket.
Eskimo: anorak jangle v. clang, rattle, ring, reverberate, jingle,
fringed deerskin: buckskin jacket clatter, chime, crash.
khaki-colored with four large front pockets: janitor n. custodian, caretaker, cleaning man,
safari jacket, bush jacket *super, handyman, maintenance man, su-
knitted, sweaterlike: cardigan perintendent.
leather flight jacket: bomber jacket jar n. vessel, container, bottle, receptacle, jug.
lightweight jacket of waist-length: golf jar v. 1. SHAKE vibrate, jog, jounce, jolt, shock,
jacket, windbreaker jerk, rattle, rock, jiggle. 2. *FAZE shock, dis-
parka with hood: snorkel quiet, disturb, upset, unsettle, shake up, sur-
plaid wool: lumber jacket prise, discompose.
seaman’s: pea jacket, pea coat, reefer jargon n. 1. LINGO vernacular, cant, argot, par-
sleeveless: bolero lance, tongue, slang, idiom, dialect, phrase-
winter, insulated: parka ology, shop talk, *officialese, legalese. 2.
woman’s loose jacket: paletot GIBBERISH gobbledygook, mumbo jumbo,
wool with blanket-like patterns: mackinaw nonsense, blather, babble, drivel, twaddle.
World War II army jacket: Eisenhower jaundiced a. prejudiced, biased, partial, narrow-
jacket, battle jacket minded, warped, embittered, jealous, envi-
SEE COAT ous, hostile, critical. ANT. impartial, fair-
JADED a. [JAY did] wearied or worn out, as minded.
from overindulgence. He saw it all and grew jaunt n. short trip, excursion, outing, drive,
jaded. SYN. wearied, worn out, tired, sated, tour, cruise, stroll, *spin, day trip, airing.
played out, exhausted, cloyed, surfeited, jaunty a. sprightly, carefree, buoyant, self-con-
dulled, gorged, inured, bored. ANT. enthusias- fident, bouncy, frisky, pert, lighthearted,
tic, interested. lively, breezy, debonair.
jagged a. broken, serrated, rough, uneven, rag- jazz n. music, bop, bebop, fusion jazz, improvi-
ged, notched, saw-toothed, crenelated, sational music, swing, Dixieland, jive, rag-
ridged, denticulate. ANT. smooth, even, level. time, barrelhouse, hot jazz, cool jazz, boogie-
jail n. prison, penitentiary, house of correction, woogie. ‘‘A thrilling communion with the
*slammer, lockup, brig, stockade, hoosegow, primitive soul, or an earsplitting bore.’’—
*clink, *cooler, penal institution, *the big Winthrop Sargent. ‘‘Music that will endure
house, *pokey, *the academy. as long as people hear it through their feet
jail v. imprison, lock up, incarcerate, put be- instead of their brains.’’—John Sousa.
hind bars, cage, hold, confine, intern, im- WORD FIND
pound. ANT. release, free, liberate. nonsensical vocalizations: scat singing
jailer n. warden, correctional officer, guard, SEE MUSIC
turnkey, gaoler. jealous a. 1. ENVIOUS green-eyed, green with
jalopy n. automobile, car, *bucket of bolts, envy, begrudging, resentful, desirous, covet-
*junker, *clunker, *boat, wreck, *wheezer, ous. 2. WATCHFUL guarded, proprietary, pos-
*flivver, derelict, *heap, *lemon, *rattle- sessive, protective, vigilant, wary. ANT. 2.
trap. SEE AUTOMOBILE trusting.
jam n. trouble, scrape, bind, *hot water, jealousy n. envy, *green-eyed monster, resent-
*pickle, hole, predicament, mess, plight. ment, grudge, begrudging, covetousness,
jam v. 1. SQUEEZE IN cram, ram, pack, stuff, spite, distrust, paranoia, suspicion. ‘‘Jealousy

Roget’s Superthesaurus 325


is all the fun you think they had.’’—Erica pin, ring, earring, nose ring, tiara, crown,
Jong. ‘‘The fear or apprehension of superior- bracelet, anklet, beads, bijou, chatelaine,
ity.’’—William Shenstone. rhinestone, adornment, trinket, gewgaw,
jeans n. pants, Levis, Lees, dungarees. gimcrack, *ice. ‘‘Orators of love.’’—Samuel
jeer v. mock, taunt, hoot, heckle, scoff, ridicule, Daniel. SEE GEM
sneer, laugh at, tease, hector, deride, boo, Jewish a. Semitic, Hebrew, Israelite, Hasidic.
hiss. ANT. cheer, applaud, praise. SEE RELIGION
jeopardize v. endanger, imperil, hazard, risk, WORD FIND
put in jeopardy, chance, threaten, tempt languages of Ashkenazic Jews: Yiddish
fate. Jezebel n. whore, hussy, strumpet, harlot, loose
jeopardy n. danger, hazard, peril, trouble, *dou- woman, wanton, trollop, witch, harridan.
ble-trouble, threat, menace, insecurity, ex- jibe v. harmonize, correspond, match, fit, ac-
posure, vulnerability, liability. ANT. safety, cord, agree, dovetail, conform, square, go to-
security. gether.
jerk n. Sl. *dink, fool, *bozo, *chump, *creep, jiffy n. instant, moment, second, *blink of an
*dork, *dweeb, *goober. eye, *heartbeat, *two shakes of a lamb’s tail,
jerk v. pull, yank, twist, move, thrust, tug, push, flash, twinkling. ANT. eternity, lifetime.
shove, jolt, start. jiggle v. wiggle, shake, shimmy, twitch, joggle,
jerrybuilt a. shoddy, flimsy, defective, rickety, jig, bib, vibrate, rock, bounce.
unstable, *junky, faulty, unsound, thrown jilt v. reject, dump, cast off, drop, *give the
together, cheap. ANT. solid, sturdy, sound. mitten, spurn, break off, forsake, *give the
jest n. joke, gag, wisecrack, witticism, *funny, brush off, ditch, *drop a bomb on.
bon mot, *one-liner, prank, banter, riposte. jingle v. clang, tinkle, tingle, jangle, ring, clang,
jest v. joke, kid, fool, quip, poke fun at, *josh, chime, ding, tintinnabulate.
*pull one’s leg, wisecrack, tease, banter, jinx n. curse, spell, hex, invocation, evil eye,
gibe. *whammy, *double whammy, voodoo, hoo-
jester n. joker, clown, comic, comedian, buf-
doo, black magic, *bête noire.
foon, humorist, wit, *card, zany, prankster,
jitterbug n. dance, Lindy Hop, swing dance.
*cutup, *stand-up.
jitters n. shakes, shivers, anxiety, nervousness,
Jesus Christ n. Son of God, Savior, teacher,
trembling, quaking, *heebie-jeebies, *wil-
prophet, Messiah, Lord, spiritual leader.
lies, quivering.
jet n. 1. SEE AIRCRAFT 2. SPURT gush, stream, jittery a. shaky, nervous, anxious, trembling,
fountain, spout, spray, squirt, spring, geyser, quaking, quivering, tense, uptight, uneasy.
ANT. relaxed, calm.
jet v. spurt, gush, stream, spout, spew, spray, job n. 1. TASK chore, work, project, business,
squirt, spring, shoot, discharge, issue. assignment, mission, responsibility, duty,
jet set n. beautiful people, high society, glitter- obligation, role, charge, function, errand,
arti, fashionable society, beau monde, elite, venture, commission, burden. 2. EMPLOY-
MENT occupation, business, livelihood, ca-
*upper crust.
jettison v. eject, dump, get rid of, chuck, expel, reer, trade, post, position, vocation, profes-
cast off, discard, unload, *deep-six, heave. sion, craft, *racket.
jetty n. breakwater, sea wall, barrier, groin, rip- jobless a. unemployed, out of work, laid off,
rap. idle, collecting unemployment benefits.
Jew n. Semite, Israelite, Hebrew, Judaist, ANT. employed.
Hasid. SEE RELIGION jock n. Sl. 1. ATHLETE *macho man, letterman.
jewel n. 1. GEM stone, precious stone, semipre- 2. JOCK STRAP athletic supporter.
cious stone, *rock, birthstone, bauble, ba- jockey n. rider, equestrian.
guette, bijou, diamond, emerald, opal, ruby, jockey v. race, ride, steer, maneuver, direct, po-
sapphire, pearl. SEE GEM 2. RARITY treasure, sition, push, jostle.
prize, find, pride and joy, work of art, one jocular a. joking, humorous, funny, jesting,
in a million. playful, comical, fun, prankish, droll, jocose,
jewelry n. jewels, gems, precious stones, semi- lighthearted, jovial, sportive. ANT. serious,
precious stones, bauble, ornament, chain, grave, grim, solemn.
necklace, choker, locket, cameo, brooch, jocund a. cheerful, gay, blithe, in high spirits,

326 Roget’s Superthesaurus


lighthearted, breezy, happy-go-lucky, opti- slam, jostle, rock, shock, surprise, stun, stag-
mistic, buoyant, genial, merry. ANT. de- ger, *take one’s breath away, shake up, star-
pressed, sad, miserable. tle.
jog v. 1. RUN trot, speedwalk, dash. SEE RUN 2. jostle v. bump, push, elbow, shove, nudge,
SHAKE jerk, nudge, jostle, poke, jab, prod, crash, shoulder, crowd, scuffle, *bulldoze,
bump, tap. herd.
John Hancock n. autograph, name. SEE SIGNA- journal n. chronicle, record, diary, narrative,
TURE history, memoir, log, daybook, account,
join v. 1. CONNECT fasten, unite, fuse, link, cou- minutes, ledger, register.
ple, merge, attach, combine, unify, hitch, journalism n. news-gathering, reporting, writ-
splice, tie, consolidate, bind. 2. ENROLL sign ing, news, print media, fourth estate. ‘‘The
up, enlist, associate with, become a member, first power in the land.’’—Samuel Bowles.
subscribe to. ANT. 1. disconnect, detach, di- SEE NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE
vide, separate. journalist n. reporter, newspaperman/woman,
joint n. connection, hinge, coupling, junction, correspondent, writer, newshound, colum-
link, union, articulation, bend. ANT. single, nist. ‘‘Alarmists.’’—George Riddell. ‘‘Pup-
individual. pets. They simply respond to the pull of the
joint n. Sl. marijuana cigarette, *reefer, *doo- most powerful strings.’’—Lyndon Johnson.
bie, *joy stick, *goofbutt, *J, *jay, *mooter, SEE NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE

*ju-ju, *log, *number, *twist. SEE MARIJUANA journey n. trip, wayfaring, tour, excursion,
WORD FIND travel, expedition, odyssey, voyage, drive,
burned-down end piece requiring clip to journey, peregrination, trek, cruise, safari,
hold: *roach adventure, junket, hike.
cigar filled with marijuana or marijuana and journey v. travel, take a trip, tour, voyage,
cocaine: *blunt drive, cruise, trek, roam, globe-trot, ramble,
cigar filled with marijuana and crack: *woo- range, wander.
jovial a. playful, genial, cheerful, merry, mirth-
ful, happy, gleeful, blithe, jocund, glad,
cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in
high-spirited, effervescent. ANT. miserable,
malt liquor: *B-40
depressed, somber.
clip used to hold burned-down end: *roach
jowl n. cheek, jaw.
clip joy n. happiness, delight, euphoria, high spirits,
smoke, to: *fly Mexican airlines, *puff the gladness, bliss, glee, elation, cheer, jubi-
dragon, *toke, *toke up lance, rapture, transport. ANT. misery, depres-
joint a. combined, mutual, cooperative, shared, sion, desolation, despair.
united, concerted, allied, collaborative, col- joyful a. happy, delightful, euphoric, elated,
lective, hand in hand. high-spirited, glad, blissful, gleeful, cheerful,
joke n. 1. JEST *one-liner, gag, witticism, wise- jubilant, rapturous, transported, ecstatic,
crack, quip, humor, bon mot, *funny, droll- high. ANT. miserable, depressed, despondent.
ery, pun, *rib-tickler, prank, *knee-slapper. joyous a. SEE JOYFUL
‘‘The cayenne of conversation.’’—Paul jubilant a. joyful, elated, overjoyed, rejoicing,
Chatfield. ‘‘Sport to one . . . death to an- exultant, exhilarated, triumphant, celebrat-
other.’’—William Hazlitt. 2. LAUGHING- ing, thrilled, euphoric, *beside oneself, *on
STOCK butt, object of ridicule, target, clown, cloud nine. ANT. miserable, dejected, despon-
goat. SEE LAUGHTER dent, downhearted.
joker n. jester, clown, comic, comedian, Judaism n. SEE RELIGION
*stand-up, humorist, wisecracker, prankster, Judas n. betrayer, backstabber, traitor, Judas
*card, *cutup, wit, *punster. Iscariot, snake in the grass, rat, weasel, two-
jolly a. high-spirited, merry, jovial, cheerful, timer, Benedict Arnold.
playful, mirthful, jocular, joyous, glad, glee- judge n. 1. JUSTICE magistrate, jurist, *his
ful, gay, lively, exuberant. ANT. depressed, Honor. ‘‘Nothing but the law speaking.’’—
miserable, somber. Benjamin Whichcote. ‘‘A law student who
jolt n. jerk, shake, blow, jar, start, jump, jounce, marks his own papers.’’—Henry Louis Men-
bump, jog, slam, lurch, shock, surprise, *bolt cken. SEE COURT 2. ARBITRATOR arbiter, adju-
out of the blue, bombshell. dicator, mediator, referee, umpire, concilia-
jolt v. jerk, shake, jar, start, jounce, bump, jog, tor.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 327


judge v. 1. ADJUDICATE try, adjudge, hear, sit, juke joint n. bar, roadhouse, club, tavern, pool
rule, give a verdict, decide, settle, deter- hall.
mine, arbitrate, mediate, referee, umpire. 2. jumble n. mixture, hodgepodge, mishmash,
ESTIMATE guess, surmise, reckon, infer, de- medley, melange, tangle, miscellany, mess,
duce, gather, arrive, size up. 3. APPRAISE rate, confusion, assortment, goulash, hash.
assess, rank, evaluate, value, size up. jumbled a. mixed, scrambled, strewn about, dis-
judgment n. 1. SENSE common sense, wisdom, organized, cluttered, thrown together, disar-
intelligence, prudence, discernment, under- ranged, tangled, confused, in disarray. ANT.
standing, savvy, brains, acumen, reasoning. organized, ordered.
2. LEGAL DECISION order, decree, ruling, deci- jumbo a. huge, gigantic, king-size, industrial
sion, adjudication, sentence, verdict, award, size, oversized, immense, prodigious, ele-
damages. 3. OPINION estimate, determina- phantine, Brobdingnagian. ANT. little, *mini,
tion, appraisal, assessment, deduction, con- small, Lilliputian.
clusion, conviction. jump n. 1. LEAP hop, bound, vault, hurdle,
judgemental a. critical, disapproving, censori- spring, pounce, rise, leapfrog, buck, frolic,
ous, fault-finding, appraising, holier-than- bounce. 2. INCREASE upsurge, advance, up-
thou, self-righteous, discriminating, discern- turn, boost.
ing. ANT. accepting, liberal-minded. jump v. 1. LEAP hop, bound, vault, hurdle,
judicial a. 1. LEGAL judiciary, juristic, forensic. spring, dive, pounce, rise, leapfrog, bounce,
2. CRITICAL careful, thoughtful, analytical, lunge, buck. 2. RECOIL start, flinch, wince,
discriminating, discerning, perceptive, bolt, jerk. 3. INCREASE surge, advance, esca-
keen. 3. Unbiased. ANT. 2. obtuse, undiscrim- late, rise, gain, boost.
inating. SEE FAIR jumpy a. nervous, restless, jittery, skittish, edgy,
JUDICIOUS a. [joo DISH us] having or using on edge, fidgety, *on pins and needles,
sound judgment. We rely on the Supreme *having hair-trigger nerves, uneasy, tense.
Court to make judicious decisions. SYN. wise, ANT. relaxed, calm, tranquil.
sound, sensible, sage, sagacious, mindful, junction n. juncture, convergence, joining,
careful, well-considered, rational, thought- meeting, union, link, connection, crossing,
ful, astute, keen, persipacious, discriminat- intersection, crossroads, confluence.
ing. ANT. injudicious, senseless, thoughtless, ir- juncture n. 1. CONNECTION joint, joining, junc-
rational, careless. tion, coupling, hookup, link, seam, conver-
judo n. martial art, self-defense technique, gence, meeting, union. 2. POINT OF TIME mo-
throws. ment, point, stage, period. 3. CRITICAL
MOMENT crisis, turning point, crossroad,
martial arts: jujitsu, karate, tae kwon do *zero hour, exigency, emergency.
jungle n. rain forest, forest, woods, bush, *the
jug n. vessel, receptacle, container, pitcher, jar,
wild, the wilderness.
bottle, vase.
JUGGERNAUT n. [JUG ur not] any large, descriptive: lush, moss-bearded trees, fes-
powerful force or institution, sometimes fol- tooned and encrusted with parasites,
lowed with blind devotion. The cult had be- tangled gardens, steaming, rampant fo-
come a religious juggernaut, sometimes pressur- liage, leafy mosaic, ferns like lacy para-
ing its followers into selling all they owned. SYN. sols, soaring monoliths
god, idol, object of worship, institution, flowering parasite growing from cracks of
force to be reckoned with, religion, crusade, trees: bromeliad, orchid, epiphyte
movement, tidal wave, monster, colossus, ti- misty jungle: cloud forest
tan, giant, engine, tidal wave. rotting floor debris: litter
juice n. fluid, extract, distillation, liquid, serum, uppermost story: canopy
sap, nectar, essence, secretion. vine, great: liana
juicer n. food processor, blender, mixer, lique- vine, killer: strangler
fier. vines, slang: bush rope
juicy a. 1. MOIST succulent, dripping, watery, junior a. lower, lesser, subordinate, inferior, mi-
liquid, saturated. 2. INTERESTING provoca- nor, secondary. ANT. senior, superior.
tive, racy, sexy, spicy, sensational, fascinat- junk n. trash, scrap, refuse, waste, rubbish, de-
ing, colorful, risqué. ANT. 1. dry, dehydrated. bris, castoffs, salvage, garbage, crap, rem-
2. dry, dull, bland. nants, bits and pieces.

328 Roget’s Superthesaurus


junk v. throw out, scrap, heave, dump, discard, uprightness, integrity, honor, honesty, mo-
dispose of, trash. rality, goodness. 2. FAIRNESS impartiality, eq-
junket n. outing, trip, tour, fact-finding junket, uity, evenhandedness, fair play, objectivity.
excursion, party, banquet. ‘‘To give everyone his due.’’—Cicero. 3.
junk food n. snacks, fast food, processed food. LAWFULNESS rightness, legitimacy, validity,
junkyard n. scrap yard, auto graveyard, dump, legality. 4. PENALTY OR REWARD recompense,
salvage yard, refuse yard, recycling facility. compensation, reparation, just deserts, re-
jurisdiction n. 1. AUTHORITY authorization, dress, retribution. ANT. 1. immorality, dis-
power, command, sanction, control, domin- honor, corruptness. 2. unfairness, partiality,
ion, rule, sovereignty. 2. REALM OF AUTHOR- bias.
ITY domain, sphere, bounds, province, baili- justice of the peace n. magistrate, official, wit-
wick, district, area, territory, reach. ness, notary public. SEE LAW
jurist n. lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, justify v. vindicate, absolve, warrant, legiti-
counsel, counselor, legal advisor, judge, jus- mize, show just cause, substantiate, answer
tice, magistrate. for, defend, rationalize, support, exonerate,
jury n. peers, panel, judges, grand jury, petit excuse.
jury, inquest, jury of one’s peers. jut v. project, protrude, stick out, extend.
juvenile n. youngster, kid, boy, girl, youth, mi-
spokesperson: foreman, forewoman
nor, teenager, adolescent, lad, lass.
just a. 1. FAIR impartial, unbiased, equitable, juvenile a. childish, young, immature, child-
evenhanded, dispassionate, objective, non- like, babyish, teenaged, adolescent, pubes-
partisan, right. 2. RIGHTEOUS upright, cent, undeveloped, inexperienced, naive,
decent, virtuous, moral, ethical, honorable, *wet behind the ears. ANT. adult, old, experi-
proper, scrupulous, principled, good. 3. DE- enced.
SERVED justified, worthy, merited, earned, juvenile delinquent n. punk, hooligan, hood-
due, fitting, rightful. 4. ACCURATE right, cor- lum, malefactor, rowdy, gangbanger. ‘‘Other
rect, precise, sound, valid, true. ANT. 1. un- people’s children in trouble.’’—Jerry Dash-
fair, partial, biased. 2. corrupt, immoral, un- kin.
principled. 3. undeserved, unearned. 4. JUXTAPOSE v. [JUK stuh POSE] to place
inaccurate, imprecise. side by side. He had to juxtapose the pieces in
just adv. 1. ONLY merely, simply. 2. BARELY order to see where they fit. SYN. appose, place
hardly, narrowly, *by the skin of one’s teeth. side by side, pair, place parallel to one an-
justice n. 1. RIGHTEOUSNESS virtue, rectitude, other.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 329


KAFKAESQUE a. [KAHF kuh ESK] surreal kick v. 1. BOOT punt, drop-kick. 2. OBJECT com-
or nightmarish, as the writings of Franz plain, gripe, protest, remonstrate, grumble.
Kafka. As the drug took effect, the captive’s 3. Sl. QUIT give up, *go cold turkey, stop.
surroundings took on an increasingly Kafka- kickback n. Sl. percentage, payment, *payola,
esque quality. SYN. surreal, nightmarish, payoff, graft, cut, bribe, *money under the
weird, bizarre, fantastic, freakish, monstrous, table.
unbelievable, dreamy. kid n. child, juvenile, adolescent, youth, teen-
keen a. 1. SHARP cutting, razor-sharp, knife- ager, boy, girl, youngster, tot, lad, lass.
edged, honed, pointed. 2. PIERCING cutting, kid v. tease, fool, *pull one’s leg, *put on, make
incisive, penetrating, trenchant. 3. ASTUTE fun of, *josh, play a joke on, make sport of,
acute, sharp, bright, perceptive, intelligent, *rib.
discerning, quick, shrewd, wise, clever, dis- kidnap v. abduct, *shanghai, *snatch, seize,
criminating. 4. ENTHUSIASTIC eager, inter- hold for ransom, hijack, skyjack, pirate.
ested, avid, *gung ho, ardent, zealous, *psy- kill v. 1. MURDER put to death, execute, slay, do
ched. ANT. 1. dull, blunt. 2. shallow, in, dispatch, get rid of, assassinate, extermi-
superficial. 3. dull, obtuse, dense, stupid. 4. nate, *waste, slaughter, *rub out, destroy.
indifferent, apathetic, lukewarm. SEE MURDER 2. END stop, abort, halt, cease,
keep v. 1. HOLD retain, possess, have, own, save, terminate, turn off, cancel. 3. VETO defeat,
store. 2. TAKE CARE OF maintain, tend, look reject, *give thumbs down, turn down, ne-
after, support, board, provide for, protect, gate.
mind, guard, watch over. 3. CELEBRATE ob- killer n. murderer, slayer, assassin, executioner,
serve, commemorate, memorialize, regard. ripper, homicidal maniac, *hit man, serial
4. RESTRAIN keep back, hold in check, pre- killer, gunman. SEE MURDERER
vent, curb, check, obstruct, detain, arrest, killing n. murder, homicide, slaying, man-
stop. ANT. 1. throw out, discard, release. 2. slaughter, execution, extermination, assassi-
neglect, ignore. 3. disregard, ignore. 4. free, let nation, slaughter, foul play, death, fatality.
loose, liberate. killjoy n. *wet blanket, spoilsport, *gloomy
keeper n. guardian, protector, custodian, Gus, *partypooper, *prophet of doom, nay-
watchman, warden, caretaker, conservator, sayer, *stick in the mud.
curator. kin n. relatives, kinsfolk, kindred, sibling, fam-
keepsake n. memento, reminder, souvenir, me- ily, blood relative, relations.
kind n. type, sort, variety, class, order, category,
morial, token, remembrance.
breed, strain, genus, brand, genre.
keg n. barrel, cask, drum, hogshead, container,
kind a. nice, compassionate, considerate, good,
tank, butt, firkin, tun.
benevolent, generous, charitable, big-
ken n. perception, understanding, knowledge, hearted, understanding, loving, sympa-
cognizance, grasp, comprehension, range of thetic, humane, gentle, *bleedingheart,
vision. friendly, soft, merciful, forgiving, Christian,
kernel n. seed, grain, pit, stone, germ, nut, core, tenderhearted. ANT. mean, cruel, cold, brutal.
essence, heart, gist, center, crux, marrow. kindhearted a. SEE KIND
kettle n. cauldron, pot, boiler, vessel, vat, stew- kindle v. 1. SET ON FIRE ignite, burn, torch, fuel,
pot, teakettle. inflame. 2. AROUSE excite, inflame, *fire up,
key n. 1. SOLUTION answer, clue. 2. GUIDE man- agitate, incite, egg on, stir up, stimulate, fan
ual, code. the fire.
keyboard n. organ, synthesizer. SEE MUSICAL IN- kindly a. kind, nice, compassionate, consider-
STRUMENTS ate, good, benevolent, generous, charitable,
keystone n. principle, cornerstone, linchpin, bighearted, understanding, gracious, loving,
support, foundation, ground, basis. sympathetic, humane, gentle, friendly, soft-
kick n. 1. THRILL *bang, *charge, *rush, enjoy- hearted, merciful, forgiving, Christian. ANT.
ment. 2. THRUST jolt, recoil. 3. COMPLAINT mean, cruel, cold, brutal.
gripe, objection. 4. STIMULATION zing, bite, kindly adv. nicely, compassionately, benevo-
punch, snap, potency, power, sharpness. lently, generously, charitably, bigheartedly,

330 Roget’s Superthesaurus


understandingly, lovingly, sympathetically, rigging, supplies, tools, utensils, instru-

humanely, gently, mercifully, agreeably. ments, tackle, case, bag, pack.
ANT. meanly, cruelly, coldly, brutally. klutz n. clumsy oaf, lummox, bungler, *butter-
kindness n. 1. NICENESS compassion, consider- fingers, *bull in a china shop.
ation, goodness, benevolence, generosity, knack n. ability, skill, talent, dexterity, apti-
charity, bigheartedness, understanding, gra- tude, gift, propensity, genius, flair, com-
ciousness, love, magnanimity, sympathy, mand, *head, know-how.
humanity, gentleness, friendliness, mercy, knave n. rascal, bastard, villain, rogue, cad,
forgiveness. ‘‘The golden chain by which so- scoundrel, cur, louse, fiend, snake, *SOB,
ciety is bound together.’’—Johann Goethe. scamp, cheater, blackmailer, extortionist,
2. GOOD TURN good deed, service, accommo- *bum.
dation, helping hand, generosity, charity, knead v. press, work, fold over, mix, rub, mas-
assistance, relief. ANT. 1. meanness, cruelty, sage, manipulate, squeeze.
coldness, brutality. knickknack n. bric-a-brac, ornament, *what-
kindred a. similar, like, related, matching, cor- not, bauble, gewgaw, trinket, doodad, gim-
responding, parallel, close, allied. ANT. dif- crack, bibelot, objet d’art, conversation
ferent, opposite, unrelated. piece.
kinetic a. energetic, dynamic, active, lively, in knife n. dagger, switchblade, blade, dirk, sti-
motion. ANT. static, motionless, stationary. letto, scalpel, bowie knife, butter knife,
king n. monarch, His Majesty, crowned head, jackknife, penknife, Swiss Army knife, cut-
sovereign, ruler, emperor, czar, overlord, lery. SEE DAGGER, SWORD
chief, leader, boss, *top dog, *kingpin, knife v. stab, run through, stick, cut, slash, im-
*head honcho, *big cheese, *biggest toad in pale, pierce, wound, lance.
the puddle. ‘‘A name of dignity and office, knit v. purl, crochet, loop, cable, knot, inter-
not of person.’’—John Milton. ‘‘A highly twine, bind, weave.
paid model for postage stamps.’’—Anon. knob n. protuberance, lump, bump, projection,
kingdom n. monarchy, realm, empire, domin- nub, node, bulge, tumor, prominence, swell-
ion, domain, sovereignty, country, nation,
territory, turf, sphere.
knock v. 1. STRIKE bump, strike a blow, hit,
kink n. 1. CURL twist, bend, screw, coil, curli-
bang, punch, pound, pummel, batter,
cue, crinkle, knot, crimp. 2. MUSCLE SPASM
thump, rap, *slug, slap, smack, floor. 2. CRIT-
cramp, *charley horse, knot, stitch, twinge,
ICIZE *pan, find fault, belittle, pick apart,
crick. 3. ECCENTRICITY peculiarity, quirk, id-
*slam, *badmouth, disparage, *rake over
iosyncrasy, singularity. 4. DIFFICULTY defect,
the coals. ANT. 1. caress, pat. 2. praise, laud,
hitch, knot, snarl, *glitch, complication.
kinky a. 1. CURLY snarled, knotted, frizzy, tan-
gled, twisted, matted. 2. PERVERTED bizarre, knoll n. hillock, hill, mound, rise, hummock,
strange, eccentric, twisted, peculiar, de- hump, elevation, swell.
praved, warped, sick, outlandish, unconven- knot n. 1. TIE twist, loop, bow, braid, plait, in-
tional. ANT. 1. straight, smooth. 2. normal, tertwinement, tangle, entanglement, mat,
conventional, ordinary. kink, snarl. 2. LUMP bump, protuberance,
kinship n. relationship, kin, blood ties, close knob, gnarl, nub, node. 3. BUNCH group, ag-
connection, affinity, association. gregation, mob, swarm, gathering, mass, as-
kiosk n. booth, stand, stall. semblage. 4. COMPLEX PROBLEM complexity,
KISMET n. [KIZ met] fate; destiny. His early Gordian knot, puzzle, difficulty, horns of a
death was attributed to kismet. SYN. fate, des- dilemma, labyrinth.
tiny, fortune, Providence, *what is written knotty a. complex, puzzling, baffling, perplex-
in the stars, predestination, lot, portion. ing, complicated, troublesome, labyrin-
kiss n. peck, *smack, *French kiss, osculation, thine, intricate, thorny, involved. ANT. sim-
smooch, buss, *soul kiss. ‘‘A word invented ple, easy, elementary.
by the poets as a rhyme for ‘‘bliss.’’—Am- know v. 1. UNDERSTAND apprehend, compre-
brose Bierce. ‘‘The sure, sweet cement, glue hend, grasp, realize, *get it, fathom, recog-
and lime of love.’’—Robert Herrick. nize, appreciate, see, *have the hang of,
kiss v. peck, *smack, *smooch, *neck, osculate. *have down pat, have memorized,*know
kit n. gear, outfit, set, equipment, implements, backward and forward, *have down cold. 2.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 331


BE ACQUAINTED WITH be familiar with, be in- that is not subject to diminishing re-
timate with, be close to, be on good terms turns.’’—J.M. Clark. 2. EDUCATION school-
with, associate with. 3. DISTINGUISH discern, ing, erudition, learning, scholarship, in-
recognize, discriminate, differentiate. struction, enlightenment. 3. INFORMATION
know-how n. expertise, skill, capability, ability, facts, data, *low-down, lore, science, wis-
experience, savvy, talent, proficiency, dom. ANT. ignorance, unfamiliarity, uncon-
knack, flair, command, mastery, *the right sciousness.
stuff. ANT. ignorance, inexperience, incompe- knowledgeable a. learned, schooled, well-read,
erudite, educated, scholarly, literate, con-
versant, au courant, experienced, informed,
knowing a. knowledgeable, informed, aware, knowing, abreast of, wise, worldly, sophisti-
conscious, perceptive, astute, schooled, edu- cated. ANT. ignorant, unaware, unschooled.
cated, learned, enlightened, intelligent, so- knurled a. knotty, knobby, bumpy, gnarled,
phisticated, worldly, shrewd, clever, bright, warty. ANT. smooth.
insightful, wise. ANT. unenlightened, ignorant, kook n. Sl. *nut case, *loony tune, *fruitcake,
obtuse, dense. *wacko, weirdo, *screwball, eccentric, char-
know-it-all n. *walking encyclopedia, *brain, acter, *ding-a-ling.
intellectual, *professor, *blowhard, *wind- kosher a. Sl. all right, okay, proper, correct,
bag. acceptable, approved, fitting, permissible,
knowledge n. 1. ACQUAINTANCE familiarity, legitimate, permitted. ANT. unacceptable.
kowtow v. bow, kneel, stoop, genuflect, bow
awareness, understanding, apprehension,
and scrape, kiss feet, *kiss up, *brownnose,
conversance, appreciation, consciousness, toady, cringe, grovel, fawn.
cognizance, realization, perception, enlight- KUDOS n. [KOO doz] praise for an outstand-
enment, experience, recognition, memory. ing accomplishment. The restaurant critic
‘‘The wing wherewith we fly to heaven.’’— gave kudos to the chef for a magnificent dinner.
Shakespeare. ‘‘An unending adventure at SYN. credit, praise, honor, glory, fame, ac-
the edge of uncertainty.’’—Jacob Bronow- claim, applause, laudation, esteem, plaudits,
ski. ‘‘The only instrument of production recognition, prestige.

332 Roget’s Superthesaurus


lab n. SEE LABORATORY halfhearted, lazy. ANT. eager, spirited, enthusi-
label n. 1. TAG sticker, ticket, stamp, sign, astic, energetic.
brand, name, logo, trademark, seal, identifi- lackey n. toady, servant, footman, slave, stooge,
cation. 2. CHARACTERIZATION stereotype, *brownnose, *yes-man, flunky, underling,
classification, generalization, epithet. inferior.
label v. 1. TAG classify, differentiate, identify, lackluster a. dull, drab, colorless, bland, flat,
name, designate, ticket, stamp, mark, brand. *blah, boring, lifeless, dead, *ho-hum. ANT.
2. CHARACTERIZE stereotype, classify, gener- vivid, radiant, colorful, interesting.
alize, brand. LACONIC a. [luh KON ik] employing few
labor n. 1. WORK effort, toil, *sweat of one’s words, terse. The laconic waiter grunted a one-
brow, exertion, struggle, *plugging, *blood, word reply. SYN. terse, brief, short, concise,
sweat and tears, energy, *grind, strain, to the point, succinct, short and sweet,
*grunt work, *elbow grease. ‘‘The grand pithy, curt, taciturn, quiet, reticent. ANT. lo-
conqueror, enriching and building up na- quacious, talkative, wordy, garrulous.
tions more surely than the proudest bat- lacquer n. finish, coating.
tles.’’—William Channing. ‘‘The capital of lacy a. filigreed, webbed, tatted, delicate,
our workingmen.’’—Grover Cleveland. 2. meshy, frilly.
BIRTH PROCESS contractions, parturition. SEE lad n. boy, young man, youth, fellow, kid, chap,
BIRTH, BABY, PREGNANCY ANT. 1. rest, leisure, guy, *dude.
relaxation. lady n. woman, female, gal, gentlewoman, ma-
laboratory n. lab, testing room, testing ground, tron, girl, señorita, mademoiselle. ‘‘One who
analysis lab, chemistry lab, workshop. SEE makes a man behave like a gentleman.’’—
Russel Lynes.
labored a. strained, with great effort, forced, ex- ladylike a. refined, cultured, well-bred, genteel,
cessive, overworked, overwrought, stiff, proper, feminine, courtly, dignified, ma-
studied, unnatural. ANT. effortless, natural, tronly, polite, well-mannered, prim. ANT.
spontaneous. rough, crude, uncouth, boorish, *gross.
laborer n. worker, blue-collar worker, hand, lag v. fall behind, wane, ebb, flag, slow, linger,
*grunt, unskilled worker, drudge, peon,
poke, drag, stall, dawdle, delay, trail, dally,
*hardhat, wage earner, employee.
procrastinate, *take one’s sweet time. ANT.
laborious a. hard, arduous, difficult, back-
rush, race, accelerate, surpass.
breaking, strenuous, burdensome, heavy,
lagoon n. pool, body of water, shallow, tidal
ponderous, tough, *Herculean, demanding.
ANT. easy, light, effortless,*child’s play.
labyrinth n. maze, convolution, network, com- laggard n. straggler, slowpoke, dawdler, lagger,
plexity, intricacy, knot, tangle, winding dallier, *slug.
way, Gordian knot. lair n. den, hole, burrow, cave, nest, hideaway,
lace n. netting, mesh, tatting, openwork, web, hideout, retreat, lie, refuge, sanctuary.
embroidery, macramé, braid, filigree. LAISSEZ-FAIRE n. [LESS ay FEHR] allow-
lacerate v. tear, rip, cut, gash, slash, rend, muti- ance to do as one pleases without interfer-
late, stab, mangle, slice, wound. ence, regulation or control, a ‘‘hands-off’’
laceration n. tear, jagged tear, rip, cut, gash, government policy. The government’s laissez-
slash, scratch, rent, slice, mutilation, faire policy allows some businesses to set their
wound. own rules. SYN. *hands-off policy, free enter-
lack n. want, deficiency, need, dearth, insuffi- prise, nonintervention, noninterference,
ciency, shortage, shortfall, paucity, priva- permissiveness, deregulation, inaction, free
tion. ANT. overflow, excess, abundance. hand, latitude, *enough rope to hang one-
lack v. miss, need, want, fall short, be found self with.
wanting, require. lake n. pond, tarn, pool, basin, reservoir, loch,
lackadaisical a. listless, languid, spiritless, indif- Great Salt Lake, Erie, Ontario, Superior,
ferent, apathetic, unmotivated, languorous, Michigan, Huron, Tahoe, Geneva, Cham-
impassive, lethargic, careless, laid-back, plain, Mead, Loch Ness, Titicaca, Victoria,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 333


Baikal, Crater, Dead Sea. ‘‘The earth’s stretch, sweep, topography, lowland, high-
eye.’’—Thoreau. land. 3. PROPERTY real estate, grounds, acre-
WORD FIND age, plot, lot, parcel, holding. 4. COUNTRY,
bend of a river, cut off: oxbow lake AREA nation, region, motherland, father-
crater lake: caldera land, old country, district, territory.
desert, temporary, shallow: playa land v. 1. SET DOWN touch down, alight, dock,
diminishing process from lake to pond to drop anchor, arrive. 2. OBTAIN *bag, get,
marsh to swamp: eutrophication, succes- win, secure, catch, acquire, *collar.
sion landfill n. dump, toxic waste site, disposal area,
epoch when most lakes formed: Pleistocene hazardous waste dump.
expert on: limnologist landlord n. landholder, lessor, proprietor, slum-
glacial: ice scour, kettle, moraine lake lord.
glacial series of, resembling beads: paternos- landmark n. guide, marker, milestone, guide-
ter lakes post, beacon, benchmark, watershed.
Great Lakes forming glacier: Wisconsin ice landscape n. expanse, view, panorama, sweep,
sheet vista, scene, scenery, surroundings, prospect.
mountain lake: tarn landslide n. avalanche, mudslide, rockslide,
mountainside basin: cirque collapse.
oscillations of: seiche lane n. way, path, route, passage, alley, avenue,
outlet: bayou course, access, road, trail.
language n. verbalization, vocalization, com-
pertaining to: lacustrine
munication, linguistics, speech, parlance,
skimming insect: boatman
tongue, expression, articulation, wording,
vernacular, vocabulary, idiom, idiolect,
lambaste v. scold, berate, dress down, *rake
phraseology, prose, lingo, jargon, cant,
over the coals, reprimand, castigate, cuss
slang, slanguage, dialect, diction, colloquial-
out, censure, rebuke, *chew out, *jump ism, localism, Americanism, syntax. ‘‘A
down one’s throat. man’s language is an unerring index of his
lame a. 1. DISABLED crippled, handicapped, nature.’’—Laurence Binyon. ‘‘The armory
gimpy, hamstrung, limping, hobbled, side- of the human mind.’’—Samuel Taylor Cole-
lined, impaired, stiff, sore. 2. WEAK feeble, ridge. ‘‘Man’s deadliest weapon.’’—Arthur
poor, inferior, ineffectual, inadequate, un- Koestler. ‘‘A city to the building of which
satisfactory, insufficient, flimsy. ANT. 1. fleet- every human being brought a stone.’’—
footed, agile, nimble. 2. sound, strong, effec- Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘A series of
tive. squeaks.’’—Alfred North Whitehead.
lament v. mourn, grieve, weep, wail, cry, sob, LANGUID a. [LAN gwid] lacking vitality or
shed tears, sorrow, commiserate, bewail, de- energy, weak. The day after the party, we sat
plore, rue, *eat one’s heart out. around languidly. SYN. weak, drooping, list-
lamentable a. grievous, deplorable, regrettable, less, faint, enervated, lethargic, languorous,
woeful, pitiable, heartbreaking, distressing, sluggish, dull, slow, apathetic, indifferent.
sad, sorrowful, wretched. ANT. happy, fortu- ANT. vigorous, vital, energized.
nate, welcome. LANGUISH v. [LAN gwish] to grow weak,
lamentation n. lament, grieving, mourning, listless or dull, flag. After the drought, the deli-
wailing, weeping, crying, sobbing, moaning, cate flowers languished, then died. SYN.
commiseration, plaint, dirge. weaken, flag, grow listless, tire, fade, wilt,
lamp n. lantern, beacon, illuminant. SEE LIGHT wither, droop, decline, ebb, sicken, *fizzle
LAMPOON v. [lam POON] to satirize or par- out, *go downhill. ANT. flourish, revive,
ody, to ridicule. The comedy troupe loves to thrive, strengthen.
lampoon the president. SYN. satirize, parody, languor n. weakness, listlessness, sluggishness,
mock, ridicule, make fun of, caricature, bur- languidness, faintness, lethargy, torpor, fa-
lesque, *send up, pasquinade. tigue, apathy, indifference. ANT. vigor,
lance v. pierce, cut open, incise, stick, prick, strength, zest, vitality.
puncture, stab. lanky a. tall, skinny, lean, bony, slender, spare,
land n. 1. GROUND earth, soil, terra firma, turf, twiggy, gangling, skin-and-bones, spindly,
sand, loam, dirt. 2. TERRAIN expanse, *lean as linguine, *built like a broomstick,

334 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*could fall through a flute and not sound a lasting a. enduring, permanent, continuing, du-
note. ANT. stout, hulking, fat, Herculean. rable, undying, persisting, everlasting, inde-
lantern n. lamp, torch, flashlight. SEE LIGHT structible, immortal, abiding, perdurable.
lap v. lick, splash, slosh, slap, ripple. ANT. short-lived, fleeting, temporary, ephem-
lapse n. 1. SLIP error, fault, flub, blunder, mis- eral.
take, omission, oversight, *screwup. 2. GAP lastly adv. finally, in closing, ultimately.
passage, break, pause, lull, interval, in- latch n. lock, catch, hook and eye, bolt, fasten-
terim. ing, hasp, clasp.
larceny n. stealing, theft, petty larceny, bur-
latch v. lock, bolt, fasten, secure, hook, close.
glary, robbery, shoplifting, pilfering, embez-
late a. 1. TARDY overdue, behind, delayed, lag-
zlement, swindling, fraud. SEE CRIME, LAW
larder n. store, storage, pantry, supply room; ging, slow, held up. 2. RECENT new, modern,
supplies, provisions, stock. current, up-to-the-minute, fresh. 3. DE-
large a. big, sizable, great, huge, gigantic, im- CEASED dead, extinct, defunct, bygone, for-
mense, colossal, prodigious, hefty, towering, mer, past, previous. ANT. 1. punctual, on
enormous, *jumbo, voluminous, *whop- time. 2. early, old. 3. existing, living.
ping, massive, gargantuan, vast, extensive, lately adv. of late, recently, a short time ago,
expansive, roomy, spacious, commodious, now.
capacious, generous. ANT. tiny, small, micro- LATENT a. [LAYT unt] existing or present
scopic, minute, sparse, paltry. beneath the surface, hidden. He possessed a
largely adv. mostly, chiefly, mainly, for the latent talent that only occasionally emerged.
most part, principally, by and large, to a SYN. dormant, hidden, under the surface, in-
great extent, overall, generally. active, quiescent, *closet, slumbering, po-
larger than life a. legendary, storybook, mythi- tential, smoldering, undeveloped. ANT. ap-
cal, towering, imposing, impressive, awe- parent, obvious, active, developed.
some, extraordinary, fabulous, ANT. ordinary, lateral a. sideways, sidewise, sidelong, oblique,
down-to-earth. slanting, glancing, flanking. ANT. perpendic-
largess a. generosity, charity, giving, gift-giv- ular.
ing, philanthropy, benefaction. ANT. stingi- lather n. foam, froth, suds, spume, cream, bub-
ness, cheapness, penny-pinching. bles.
LASCIVIOUS a. [luh SIV ee us] lustful, ex-
LATITUDE n. [LAT uh tood] freedom to act
pressing lust, lewd. Her lascivious glance spoke
without restrictions. The governor was given
volumes. SYN. lustful, lewd, wanton, licen-
tious, *horny, lecherous, *hot, libidinous, complete latitude to choose the state’s fate. SYN.
carnal, goatish, salacious, blue, *raunchy, freedom, liberty, free hand, carte blanche,
lurid, obscene. ANT. celibate, pure, chaste, license, leeway, *slack, room, play, run, in-
frigid. dependence. ANT. restriction, confinement.
lash v. 1. THRASH whip, beat, flog, switch, lattice n. framework, openwork, screen, trellis,
strike, flail, flagellate, swat, scourge. 2. CEN- grid, grating, fretwork.
SURE rebuke, attack, criticize, tongue-lash, LAUD v. [LAWD] to praise or acclaim. The
berate, scold, chastise, lambaste, *chew out. critics lauded his latest work. SYN. praise, ac-
lass n. girl, female, young woman, maid, claim, applaud, extol, hail, compliment,
maiden, lassie, miss, *filly, colleen, made- sing the praises of, cheer, celebrate, com-
moiselle. mend. ANT. disparage, criticize, denigrate.
lassitude n. fatigue, weariness, languor, torpor, laudable a. praiseworthy, commendable, admi-
lethargy, listlessness, exhaustion, malaise, rable, excellent, exceptional, good, exem-
sluggishness, tiredness. ANT. vigor, energy, vi- plary, superb, worthy, meritorious. ANT.
tality. awful, contemptible, terrible, shameful.
lasso n. lariat, rope, thong, noose.
last v. endure, survive, persist, persevere, keep laudatory a. commendatory, praising, approv-
on, remain, continue, outlast, hold out. ANT. ing, eulogizing, complimentary, favorable,
die, wear out, give out. acclamatory, flattering. ANT. condemning,
last a. 1. FINAL ending, closing, concluding, ter- critical.
minal, ultimate, climactic, finishing, trail- laugh n. chuckle, giggle, snigger, snicker, chor-
ing, rearmost. 2. LATEST newest, current, re- tle, guffaw, roar, cackle, *tee-hee, horse-
cent, up-to-the-minute. ANT. 1. first, laugh, belly laugh, *great gust/gale of laugh-
beginning, opening. 2. oldest, earliest. ter, howl, fit of laughter, titter, snort, hoot,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 335


*raspy chuckle, *wheezing chuckle, shriek, lawlessness: anarchy

scream, squeal, unrestrained laughter. lured into a crime by police: entrapment
laugh v. chuckle, giggle, snigger, snicker, chor- punishment, laws regarding: penal code
tle, guffaw, roar, cackle, *tee-hee, convulse puritanical or overly strict laws: blue laws
with glee, double over with laughter, howl, reading of rights rule on arrest: Miranda rule
titter, snort, hoot, chuckle hoarsely, shriek, science and philosophy of law: jurispru-
scream, squeal. dence
laughable a. absurd, ridiculous, hilarious, ludi- second prosecution, law against: double
crous, comical, funny, stupid, silly, sidesplit- jeopardy
ting, amusing, *a scream, hysterical, non- time limit for judicial action: statute of limi-
sensical. ANT. serious, sad, depressing. tations
laughter n. giggling, chuckling, *great gales of unjust imprisonment, writ preventing: ha-
laughter, howling, squealing, shrieking, tit- beas corpus
tering, snickering, merriment, hilarity, SEE COURT, MURDER
mirth, glee, jollity. ‘‘A smile that burst.’’— lawbreaker n. criminal, violator, felon, of-
Patricia Nelson. ‘‘A noisy smile.’’—Steven fender, outlaw, transgressor, miscreant, de-
Goldberg. ‘‘A universal bond that draws all linquent, culprit, malefactor, scofflaw, re-
men closer.’’—Nathan Ausubel. ‘‘A tran- cidivist.
quilizer with no side effects.’’—Arnold Gla- lawful a. legal, allowable, legitimate, licit,
sow. within the law, sanctioned, permissible,
launch v. 1. START inaugurate, begin, com- constitutional, rightful. ANT. illegal, unlaw-
mence, institute, *start the ball rolling,
ful, illicit.
usher in, break ground, open. 2. SET OFF send
lawless a. anarchic, ungoverned, unchecked,
forth, propel, discharge, fire off, catapult, set
unruly, felonious, criminal, nihilistic, barba-
rous, uncivilized, savage, chaotic. ANT. law-
launder v. wash, clean, cleanse, scrub, rinse.
ful, civilized, law-abiding.
laurels n. fame, honor, credit, kudos, renown,
lawn n. yard, grass, grounds, turf, sward, green-
glory, praise, laudation, tribute, commenda-
tion, recognition. sward, green.
lavatory n. washroom, toilet, rest room. SEE lawsuit n. suit, action, litigation, case, claim,
prosecution, dispute. ‘‘A machine which
lavish v. shower, spend, squander, deluge, heap, you go into as a pig and come out as a sau-
give, waste, pour, fritter, be generous with. sage.’’—Ambrose Bierce. SEE COURT
ANT. limit, stint.
lawyer n. attorney, counselor, counsel, legal ad-
lavish a. generous, liberal, extravagant, profuse, visor, advocate, jurist, member of the bar,
abundant, bountiful, immoderate, exces- public defender, solicitor, barrister. ‘‘Peril-
sive, unsparing, lush, prodigal. ANT. sparing, ous mouths.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘A learned
scant, meager. gentleman who rescues your estate from
law n. regulation, code, ordinance, rule, princi- your enemies and keeps it himself.’’—Henry
ple, statute, restriction, control, act, com- Brougham. ‘‘Those who earn a living by the
mandment, enactment, mandate, legisla- sweat of their browbeating.’’—James Hu-
tion. ‘‘Reason free from passion.’’— neker. ‘‘One skilled in the circumvention of
Aristotle. ‘‘The embodiment of the moral the law.’’—Ambrose Bierce. SEE COURT, LAW
sentiments of the people.’’—William Black- lax a. slack, loose, remiss, careless, negligent,
stone. ‘‘The expression and the perfection inattentive, devil-may-care, sloppy, casual,
of common sense.’’—Joseph Choate. ‘‘The inexact, *asleep at the wheel. ANT. careful,
backbone which keeps man erect.’’—S.C. conscientious, strict.
Yuter. laxative n. cathartic, purging agent, physic.
WORD FIND lay n. position, layout, arrangement, configura-
evidence that incriminates oneself, refusal tion, form, orientation.
to give: taking the Fifth lay v. 1. PUT place, set, set down, leave, deposit,
habitual lawbreaker: scofflaw, recidivist rest, position. 2. KNOCK DOWN fell, level,
ignorance of the law is no excuse: ignorantia flatten, floor. 3. PRODUCE bear, bring forth,
legis non excusat generate, deposit. 4. IMPOSE place, exact, as-
jargon, law: legalese sess, levy. 5. Sl. COPULATE.

336 Roget’s Superthesaurus


lay a. amateur, nonprofessional, ordinary, secu- leak v. 1. DISCHARGE seep, drain, drip, trickle,
lar, unschooled. ANT. professional. ooze, stream, spurt, dribble, flow. 2. DIVULGE
layer n. stratum, thickness, bed, course, tier, reveal, *spill the beans, disclose.
ply, fold, overlap, sheet, row, zone. lean v. 1. INCLINE slant, slope, cant, bend, tilt,
layman n. amateur, nonprofessional, laic, neo- pitch, list. 2. RELY ON depend on, count on
phyte, novice. ANT. professional, expert. for support. 3. TEND incline, be disposed,
layoff n. dismissal, discharge, firing, *downsiz- gravitate toward, have a preference for.
ing, cutback, unemployment. lean a. 1. THIN spare, emaciated, anorexic, skin
lazy a. indolent, slothful, unwilling to work, and bones, rawboned, gaunt, slim, slender,
*allergic to work, idle, shiftless, malinger- svelte, skinny, *lean as linguine, malnour-
ing, sleepy, loafing, inert, unindustrious, un- ished. 2. UNPRODUCTIVE meager, poor,
motivated. ANT. industrious, enterprising, scanty, unprofitable. ANT. 1. fat, plump, ro-
hard-working, hard-driving, *busy as a beaver. tund. 2. productive, profitable, rich.
leach v. drain, pass, percolate out, drip, filter, leaning n. tendency, inclination, disposition,
empty. preference, proclivity, propensity, bias,
lead n. 1. FIRST PLACE edge, top spot, vanguard, weakness, mindset, penchant.
jump, head, spearhead, cutting edge. 2. CLUE leap n. jump, spring, vault, hop, bound, bounce,
tip, hint, indication, sign. ANT. 1. rear, tail. hurtle.
lead v. 1. GUIDE direct, show the way, conduct, leap v. jump, spring, vault, hop, bound, bounce,
usher, shepherd, escort. 2. HEAD command, hurtle, soar, rise, leapfrog.
direct, govern, supervise, run, *take the learn v. 1. ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE *pick up, mas-
helm, rule, dominate, take charge. 3. INFLU- ter, understand, comprehend, apprehend,
ENCE persuade, incline, guide, direct, affect,
grasp, realize, absorb, become educated,
*sell on, prevail upon, prompt, cause. 4. PRE- memorize, become versed in, *get the hang
CEDE go before. 5. EXCEL surpass, outdo, out-
of, study, pore over, *cram. 2. DISCOVER find
shine, outperform, head the pack, rank first, out, hear, detect, determine, stumble upon.
stand head and shoulders above. learned a. educated, schooled, erudite, schol-
leader n. head, chief, commander, director, arly, literate, well-read, knowledgeable, let-
boss, supervisor, manager, captain, maestro, tered, intellectual, pedantic, bookish. ANT.
ruler, general, governor, dean, *biggest toad ignorant, unschooled, illiterate.
in the puddle, *big cheese, bellwether,
learning n. education, schooling, enlighten-
pacesetter, pioneer, trailblazer, ground-
ment, study, edification, erudition, research,
breaker, vanguard. ‘‘A man who has the
training, scholarship, cultivation, inquiry,
ability to get other people to do what they
questioning, growth, knowledge. ‘‘Dust
don’t want to do and like it.’’—Harry S.
shaken out of a book and into an empty
Truman. ‘‘The wave pushed ahead by the
skull.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘A companion on
ship.’’—Leon Tolstoy.
a journey to a strange country . . . a strength
leadership n. command, control, direction,
guidance, influence, domination, sway, mas-
tery, charisma, potency, authority, counsel, learning disability n. learning disorder, learn-
management, supervision, rulership, gov- ing deficit, learning impairment, dyslexia,
ernment, shepherding, pacesetting, trail- ADD (attention deficit disorder).
blazing, supremacy, dominace. ‘‘Action, not lease v. let, rent, hire out, sublease, lend.
position.’’—Donald McGannon. ANT. sub- leash n. lead, line, rein, tether, rope, choker.
servience, subordination, obedience. leash v. tie, restrain, tether, hitch, chain, collar,
leading a. foremost, preeminent, chief, main, restrict.
dominant, supreme, outstanding, greatest, least a. smallest, slightest, fewest, minimum,
ranking, most important. ANT. secondary, poorest, lowest, minutest, last. ANT. greatest,
minor, lesser. largest, most.
league n. alliance, association, confederation, leave n. 1. PERMISSION okay, consent, authoriza-
federation, coalition, organization, union, tion, allowance, liberty, concession, indul-
affiliation, partnership, fraternity. gence, tolerance. 2. TIME OFF furlough, leave-
leak n. seepage, drip, trickle, oozing, stream, of-absence, sabbatical, break, *R&R. ANT.
dribble, discharge, opening, rupture, crack, 1. refusal, denial.
puncture, gash, break, breach. leave v. 1. GO depart, exit, *split, take one’s

Roget’s Superthesaurus 337


leave, vacate, withdraw, *shove off, de- the entire forest, regardless of the jobs lost. SYN.
camp, flee, *cut out, bid farewell, run along, liberal, leftist, radical, progressive, far left,
take off. 2. ABANDON drop, desert, quit, give red, communistic. ANT. right-wing, conserva-
up, relinquish, forsake. ANT. 1. arrive, come. tive, rightist.
lecherous a. lustful, lewd, lascivious, libidinous, LEGACY n. [LEG uh see] something passed
salacious, carnal, wanton, *horny, licen- down from a previous generation or ances-
tious, randy, *dirty-minded, *raunchy. ANT. tor. Drug abuse is now commonplace, a legacy
chaste, pure, celibate. of the ‘‘anything goes’’ 1960s. SYN. inheri-
lechery n. lewdness, lust, lasciviousness, sala- tance, bequest, heritage, *hand-me-down,
ciousness, carnality, *horniess, nymphoma- gift, heirloom, birthright, carryover.
nia, *dirty-mindedness, *raunchiness. ANT. legal a. lawful, licit, allowable, sanctioned, per-
chastity, purity, celibacy. mitted, constitutional, right, just, author-
lectern n. desk, stand, support, ambo. ized, legitimate, judicial. ANT. illegal, illicit,
lecture n. 1. TALK address, speech, discussion, unlawful.
discourse, oration, disquisition, sermon, les- legalize a. make lawful, legitimize, allow, sanc-
son, instruction. 2. SCOLDING *dressing tion, authorize, decriminalize, permit, li-
down, reprimand, rebuke, criticism, re- cense, legislate. ANT. outlaw, prohibit.
proach, *talking-to, remonstrance, admon- legend n. 1. MYTH fable, lore, tale, story, fiction,
ishment, sermon. narrative, allegory. 2. CELEBRITY giant, star,
lecture v. 1. TALK give a speech, address, dis- superstar, hero, prodigy.
cuss, discourse, orate, give a lesson, give in- legendary a. 1. MYTHICAL fabled, fanciful, fan-
struction, expound, preach, hold forth. 2. tastic, fictional, imaginary, traditional, ro-
SCOLD *dress down, reprimand, rebuke, criti- mantic, epic. 2. REMARKABLE immortal,
cize, reproach, remonstrate, admonish, ser- great, celebrated, extraordinary, acclaimed,
monize, preach. renowned, heroic. ANT. 1. actual, real, true-
ledge n. shelf, overhang, projection, ridge, to-life. 2. commonplace, unremarkable.
mantle, shoulder, outcrop. legerdemain n. sleight of hand, deceit.
ledger n. account book, record book, journal. legible a. readable, decipherable, clear, plain,
leech n. parasite, bloodsucker, sponge, golddig- easy-to-read, intelligible. ANT. illegible, un-
ger, blackmailer, extortionist, *bum. readable.
leer n. salacious look, lascivious look, ogle, lust-
legion n. mass, multitude, crowd, throng, pack,
ful stare, stare, once-over, lecherous look,
army, swarm, horde, mob, scores.
sidelong glance, sneer.
legislation n. bill, act, law, statute, code, ordi-
leer v. eye lustfully, eye salaciously, eye lascivi-
nance, rule, regulation, charter, constitu-
ously, eye lecherously, stare, give once-over,
eye hungrily, ogle, look sidelong, smirk.
leery a. wary, guarded, suspicious, distrusting, legislator n. lawmaker, lawgiver, politician,
cautious, chary, skeptical, uncertain. ANT. representative, congressman, senator, se-
trusting, unsuspecting. lectman, assemblyman, councilman. SEE POL-
leeway n. room, margin, space, latitude, breath-
ing space, elbow room, freedom, slack, legislature n. congress, senate, house of repre-
range. sentatives, parliament, assembly, council.

ring to an insincere or dubious compliment, legitimate a. 1. LAWFUL legal, licit, *legit, statu-
one that is actually insulting. She told him he tory, constitutional. 2. GENUINE authentic,
had the ability to sing semiprofessionally, an- *for-real, true, *legit, *on the level, *ko-
other of her subtle left-handed compliments. sher, *OK. ANT. 1. unlawful, illegal, illicit. 2.
SYN. insincere, dubious, backhanded, ambig- fake, dishonest, fraudulent.
uous, questionable, ironic, veiled, sardonic, leisure n. repose, ease, freedom, liberty, rest,
mocking. ANT. sincere, unambiguous, genu- recreation, relaxation, unemployment, idle
ine. hours, respite, *downtime. ‘‘The time you
leftover n. remnant, remainder, surplus, leav- don’t get paid for and enjoy spending.’’—
ing, scrap, remains, oddments. Hyman Berston. ANT. labor, work, employ-
LEFT-WING a. [LEFT WING] liberal, leftist, ment.
radical. Left-wing activists wanted to preserve leisurely a. slow, unhurried, deliberate, casual,

338 Roget’s Superthesaurus


relaxed, laid-back, easy, lazy, *poky. ANT. lethargy n. drowsiness, sluggishness, tiredness,
hurried, breakneck, rushed. fatigue, listlessness, sleepiness, somnolence,
lemon n. *dud, *dog, loser, *piece of crap, torpor, languor, malaise, laziness, slothful-
*hunk of junk, reject. ANT. *piece of work, ness, apathy. ANT. liveliness, vigor, *get-up-
success. and-go.
lend v. 1. LOAN entrust, let use, accommodate, letter n. note, dispatch, message, missive, com-
advance, oblige. 2. IMPART give, provide, munication, memo, reply, acknowledge-
furnish, contribute. ment, billet-doux, *fax. ‘‘Servant of parted
length n. 1. DISTANCE span, extent, reach, mea- friends.’’—Charles Eliot. ‘‘An unannounced
sure, size, dimension, expanse. 2. DURATION visit.’’—Friedrich Neitzsche.
span, period, term. letters n. belles lettres, learning.
lengthen v. stretch, elongate, protract, extend, letup n. stopping, pause, cessation, interlude,
expand, increase, prolong. ANT. shorten, cut. break, lapse, lull, recess.
lengthy a. long, protracted, drawn out, ex- levee n. bank, embankment, dam, mound,
tended, prolonged, extensive, elongated, in- breakwater.
terminable, long-winded. ANT. brief, short. level n. 1. HEIGHT elevation, altitude, story,
lenient a. soft, mild, easy, merciful, tolerant, floor, stratum, extent. 2. RANK position,
permissive, liberal, indulgent, charitable, grade.
kind, forgiving, compassionate. ANT. strict, level v. 1. GRADE smooth, plane, flatten, even
harsh, tough, unforgiving. out. 2. RAZE flatten, knock down, fell, wreck,
leprechaun n. fairy, elf, little old man, dwarf, demolish, destroy.
gnome, brownie, sprite, pixie, goblin. level a. even, flat, flush, plane, uniform,
lesbian n. homosexual, sapphist, gay woman. straight, smooth, balanced, equable, propor-
lesbian a. homosexual, gay, sapphist. ANT. het- tionate, in line. ANT. uneven, tilted.
erosexual. levelheaded a. sensible, reasonable, prudent,
lesion n. injury, damage, hurt, wound, sore, composed, even-tempered, cool, calm, self-
trauma, cut, laceration, bruise, contusion, possessed, unruffled, unflappable, poised.
impairment, *boo-boo. ANT. unreasonable, thoughtless, irrational,
less a. fewer, smaller, slighter, shorter, lower, wild.
not as great, inferior, minor, subordinate, leverage n. weight, influence, *pull, *clout,
lower, secondary. ANT. more, greater, supe- power, control, upper hand, advantage.
rior. leviathan n. giant, colossus, monster, behe-
lessen v. decrease, diminish, reduce, lower, moth, titan, hulk, mammoth, whale, sea
abate, slacken, dwindle, shrink, fall off, cut, monster. ANT. shrimp, midget, gnat.
contract, downsize, pare, fade, subtract, LEVITY n. [LEV i tee] light or unserious be-
moderate. ANT. increase, multiply, expand. havior, frivolity. His jokes added much-needed
lesson n. instruction, class, exercise, lecture, as- levity to the occasion. SYN. lightness, frivolity,
signment, drill, study, homework, teaching. lightheartedness, foolishness, silliness,
let v. 1. ALLOW permit, authorize, enable, grant, buoyancy, mirth, merriment, whimsy, giddi-
*give the go-ahead, *give the green light, ness. ANT. seriousness, gravity, somberness.
give permission, license. 2. LEASE rent, sub- levy n. tax, tariff, toll, assessment, duty, reve-
lease, hire out, charter. nue, dues, fee, collection, imposition.
letdown n. disapointment, disillusionment, an- levy v. impose, exact, assess, tax, fix, lay on,
ticlimax, disenchantment, *comedown, charge, collect, wrest, tithe.
frustration, *washout, blow, *bubble- lewd a. lascivious, lecherous, lustful, libidinous,
burster. ANT. fulfillment, satisfaction, dream- salacious, licentious, obscene, vulgar, inde-
come-true. cent, immodest, suggestive, X-rated, lurid.
lethal a. fatal, deadly, mortal, killing, death- ANT. chaste, pure, upright, wholesome, clean.
dealing, murderous, dangerous, poisonous, lexicon n. dictionary, thesaurus, glossary, word
pernicious, malignant. ANT. harmless, benign. book, vocabulary.
lethargic a. drowsy, sluggish, tired, weary, fa- liability n. 1. RESPONSIBILITY accountability,
tigued, listless, sleepy, torpid, languid, *out burden, blame, obligation. 2. DEBT indebted-
of it, lazy, slothful, apathetic, somnolent, ness, obligation, due, debit. 3. DRAWBACK
dragging, comatose. ANT. energized, lively, disadvantage, hindrance, handicap, impedi-
hyperactive. ment, encumbrance, millstone, burden.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 339


ANT. 1. immunity. 2. asset. 3. advantage, plus. liberty n. freedom, release, emancipation, liber-
liable a. 1. RESPONSIBLE accountable, answer- ation, autonomy, self-determination, nonre-
able, obligated, subject, bound. 2. LIKELY apt, striction, independence, privilege, license,
probable, prone, disposed, given, subject, sovereignty, latitude, unrestraint. ‘‘A power
open, susceptible. ANT. 1. immune, exempt. to do as we would be done by.’’—John
2. unlikely. Quincy Adams. ANT. enslavement, restriction,
liaison n. 1. ALLIANCE connection, affiliation, restraint.
hookup, union, association, linkup, commu- libidinous a. lustful, *hot, *horny, lascivious,
nication. 2. LOVE AFFAIR romance, fling, lewd, randy, sensual, carnal, lecherous,
amour, tryst, *hanky-panky. turned on. ANT. turned off.
liar n. prevaricator, fabricator, fibber, deceiver, libido n. sex drive, urge, lust, desire, *horniness,
perjurer, cheater, dissembler, *con artist. *hot pants, hot blood, sexuality, Eros, bio-
LIBEL n. [LYE bul] published statements that logical drive.
are untrue, malicious, and damaging to one’s library n. book depository, institution, refer-
reputation. The tabloid was recently sued for ence center, athenaeum, atheneum, biblio-
libel. SYN. slander, defamation, smear, mali- theca, book collection, media center, lend-
cious gossip, falsehood, dirty lie, yellow jour- ing library. ‘‘The true university.’’—Thomas
nalism, innuendo, aspersion. SEE LAW, NEWS- Carlyle. ‘‘The ruins of an antique world and
PAPER the glories of a modern one.’’—Longfellow.
libel v. slander, defame, smear, scandalize, ma- ‘‘The diary of the human race.’’—George
lign, denigrate, *drag through the mud, slur, Dawson. SEE BOOK
discredit, *give a black eye. license n. 1. PERMIT permission, authorization,
libelous a. slanderous, defamatory, scandalous, entitlement, privilege, grant, right. 2. FREE-
DOM liberty, latitude, free hand, indulgence,
denigrating, untrue, false, malicious, injuri-
ous, maligning, discrediting, made up. ANT. presumption, immoderation, unrestraint,
true, proven, accurate. looseness, excess, boldness. ANT. 1. prohibi-
liberal n. progressive, reformer, leftist, left- tion, restriction. 2. restriction, restraint.
winger, libertarian, radical. *bleeding heart, license v. permit, authorize, allow, sanction,
*sucker for a sob story. ‘‘A man too broad- warrant, certify, accredit.
minded to take his own side in a quarrel.’’— licentious a. lascivious, lewd, immoral, libidi-
nous, wanton, abandoned, lecherous, car-
Robert Frost.
nal, promiscuous, lustful, debauched,
liberal a. 1. GENEROUS giving, free-handed,
smutty, unrestrained. ANT. chaste, prudish,
charitable, openhanded, lavish, philan-
wholesome, restrained.
thropic, bountiful, unsparing. 2. ABUNDANT
lick n. 1. HIT punch, *whack, smack, blow, slap,
plentiful, ample, copious, rife, rich, lavish, jab. 2. MUSICAL PHRASE *riff.
large. 3. NONRESTRICTIVE loose, unrestric- lick v. 1. LAP tongue, kiss, graze, brush. 2. BEAT
tive, free, unstrict. 4. TOLERANT broad- whip, defeat, trounce, overpower, *shellac,
minded, open-minded, unprejudiced, ac- trample.
cepting, unbiased, indulgent. 5. PROGRESSIVE lid n. cover, top, cap.
reformist, left-wing, leftist, radical. ANT. 1. lie n. prevarication, fabrication, fib, falsehood,
stingy, cheap, tightfisted. 2. sparse, skimpy. 3. story, *cock-and-bull story, little white lie,
strict, literal. 4. intolerant, prejudiced, close- *whopper, untruth, perjury, fiction, deceit,
minded. 5. conservative, right-wing. misrepresentation, distortion, stretching of
liberal arts n. academic disciplines, studies, the truth, barefaced lie. ‘‘The refuse of fools
general education, the trivium and quadriv- and cowards.’’—Lord Chesterfield. ‘‘An art
ium, language, literature, philosophy, his- in a lover.’’—Helen Rowland. ANT. truth,
tory, mathematics, science. gospel truth, fact.
liberate v. free, release, emancipate, loose, un- lie v. 1. PREVARICATE fabricate, fib, falsify, *tell
shackle, deliver, manumit, unbind, extri- a little white lie, perjure, deceive, misrepre-
cate, rescue. ANT. enslave, subjugate, shackle. sent, distort, stretch the truth, fudge, con.
liberation n. freedom, liberty, release, emanci- 2. REST recline, stretch out, be recumbent,
pation, unshackling, deliverance, manumis- be prone, be supine, sprawl, lounge. ANT. 2.
sion, salvation, extrication, rescue. ANT. en- stand.
slavement, subjugation, imprisonment. life n. 1. EXISTENCE being, vitality, animation,

340 Roget’s Superthesaurus


viability, consciousness, flesh and blood, or- inflame. 3. GET DOWN descend, alight, land,
ganism. ‘‘A vapor, that appeareth for a little settle, perch. ANT. 1. darken, dim. 2. extin-
time, and then vanisheth away.’’—Bible. guish, douse.
‘‘A little gleam of time between two eterni- light a. 1. BRIGHT illuminated, radiant, brilliant,
ties.’’—Thomas Carlyle. ‘‘A play. It’s not in shining, luminous, glowing, aglow, well-lit,
its length, but its performance that lambent, sunny, gleaming. 2. PALE faded,
counts.’’—Seneca. 2. LIVELINESS vigor, spirit, fair, bleached, blanched, washed-out. 3. OF
energy, animation, zest, vivacity, heart, en- WEIGHT weightless, slight, ethereal, *feath-
thusiasm. 3. LIFE SPAN life expectancy, dura- erlight, wispy, insubstantial, airy, lighter
tion, longevity, course, length, period. 4. than air, unheavy, sheer, scant. 4. WEAK
TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS peaks and valleys, mild, slight, soft, faint, gentle. 5. SIMPLE
the human condition, vicissitudes, *hand easy, effortless, undemanding, untaxing,
one is dealt, survival of the fittest. ‘‘A bridge *no sweat. 6. CHEERFUL humorous, amusing,
of groans across a stream of tears.’’—Philip gay, merry, blithe, funny, entertaining, friv-
Bailey. ‘‘One long process of getting olous, trifling. ANT. 1. dark, black, gloomy.
tired.’’—Samuel Butler. ‘‘Like eating arti- 2. dark, deep, vivid. 3. heavy, hefty, massive.
chokes—you’ve got to go through so much 4. strong, powerful, hard, harsh. 5. hard, de-
to get so little.’’—T.A. Dorgan. ‘‘A B-pic- manding, taxing. 6. *heavy, deep, serious.
ture script.’’—Kirk Douglas. ‘‘An onion, and lighten v. 1. REDUCE decrease, ease, unload, re-
one peels it crying.’’—French proverb. ANT. move, lessen, empty, disencumber, alleviate,
death, nonexistence, oblivion. mitigate. 2. LIFT cheer, perk up, buoy, glad-
life-and-death a. life or death, critical, crucial, den. 3. BRIGHTEN illuminate, light up, irradi-
important, vital, consequential, earth-shak- ate. ANT. 1. increase, burden, weigh down. 2.
ing, emergent, pivotal, climactic. ANT. in- depress, discourage. 3. darken.
consequential, trivial. lighthearted a. carefree, cheerful, happy, buoy-
lifeless a. 1. DEAD deceased, extinct, *dead as ant, sunny, jovial, playful, upbeat, blithe,
a coffin nail, *stone dead, defunct, *down glad, untroubled, joyous. ANT. downhearted,
for the count, comatose, unconscious, inani- heavyhearted, grave, depressed.
mate, inert. 2. COLORLESS dull, lackluster, lightly adv. slightly, softly, faintly, gently, dain-
flat, *blah, insipid, wooden, tiresome, spirit- tily, delicately, sparingly, gingerly, easily,
less. ANT. 1. alive, living, vital. 2. spirited, carefully. ANT. heavily, ponderously.
lively, colorful. lightning n. electrical discharge, bolt, thunder-
lifestyle n. way of life, behavior, habits, con- bolt, flash, chain lightning, stroke, jag. SEE
duct, orientation, inclinations. SEE LIFE CLOUD, THUNDER
lifetime n. lifespan, life expectancy, duration, likable a. winning, agreeable, charming, attrac-
day, age, being, *threescore years and ten. tive, nice, pleasing, pleasant, appealing,
lifelike a. natural, realistic, true-to-life, faithful, sweet, good-natured, warmhearted, friendly.
true, graphic. ANT. unnatural. ANT. repellent, mean, unappealing.
lift n. 1. HOIST heave, raising, boost, pull up. 2. like v. 1. FANCY enjoy, care for, delight in, *get
RAISING OF SPIRITS boost, *shot in the arm, a kick out of, be partial to, *dig, love, adore,
*pick-me-up, encouragement. take pleasure in, be fond of, appreciate, rel-
lift v. 1. HOIST elevate, heave, raise, boost, jack ish, *have a soft spot for, esteem. 2. WANT
up, erect, upraise, hike, heft. 2. STEAL swipe, choose, prefer, care, feel inclined. ANT. 1.
pinch, pocket, shoplift, pilfer. 3. REMOVE dislike, hate, abhor, detest.
cancel, annul, rescind. ANT. 1. drop. 3. im- like a. similar, alike, uniform, approximating,
pose. much the same, comparable, corresponding,
liftoff n. launch, take-off, blast-off, ignition, fir- close, equivalent, homologous, akin. ANT.
ing. different, unlike.
light n. 1. RADIANCE luminescence, illumina- likelihood n. probability, good chance, pros-
tion, radiation, glow, shine, incandescence, pect, possibility, potentiality.
effulgence, flash, glare, brilliance, glimmer. likely a. probable, apt, promising, liable, ex-
2. LAMP beacon, lantern, candle, torch, flare. pected, anticipated, presumable, plausible,
ANT. 1. dark, gloom, blackness. *in the cards, destined. ANT. unlikely, im-
light v. 1. ILLUMINATE spotlight, shine, irradiate, probable, doubtful.
brighten. 2. IGNITE kindle, spark, set fire to, like-minded a. simpatico, similar, of one mind,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 341


of like mind, compatible, in ageement, in strain, bloodline, genealogy, heredity, suc-

accord, en rapport, unanimous. ANT. at odds, cession, extraction.
opposite, clashing. linger v. stay, remain, hang back, hang around,
liken v. relate, link, equate. SEE COMPARE loiter, dawdle, dillydally, poke about, wait,
likeness n. 1. RESEMBLANCE semblance, similar- procrastinate, delay, hesitate.
ity, correspondence, sameness, uniformity, lingerie n. underclothes, undergarments, un-
analogy. 2. FACSIMILE replica, image, repre- derwear, *undies, underthings, panties, bra,
sentation, depiction, portrait, picture, teddy, camisole, chemise, garterbelt, negli-
photo, copy, model. ANT. 1. difference, dis- gee.
similarity. lingo n. language, dialect, jargon, vocabulary,
liking n. fondness, fancy, affinity, taste, appe- vernacular, argot, tongue, speech, slang, id-
tite, inclination, partiality, preference, at- iom.
traction, *soft spot. ANT. aversion, hatred. linguist n. polyglot, bilinguist, translator, inter-
limb n. appendage, member, part, extremity, preter.
leg, arm, wing, branch, bough. liniment n. ointment, salve, balm, lotion, em-
limber a. flexible, pliant, elastic, supple, agile, brocation, unguent.
loose, pliable, malleable. ANT. stiff, rigid, in- link n. 1. CONNECTION component, section,
flexible. coupling. 2. ASSOCIATION attachment, tie,
limbo n. nowhere. SEE OBLIVION connection, bond, contact.
limit n. boundary, end, extent, margin, maxi- link v. associate, connect, attach, unite, tie,
mum, ceiling, border, brink, utmost, farthest bond, couple, join, splice, bind, relate.
reach, termination. lion n. lioness, king of beasts, carnivore, preda-
limit v. restrict, bound, confine, put a ceiling tor, meat-eater, mammal, quadriped, cub,
on, inhibit, restrain, constrict, hem in, curb, wildcat, puma, mountain lion, cougar.
ration, check, circumscribe. WORD FIND
limitation n. restriction, check, curb, impedi- group: pride
ment, stumbling block, stricture, bar, block, hair: mane
hindrance, handicap, qualification. lionize v. celebrate, acclaim, glorify, exalt, ele-
limited a. restricted, bound, confined, re- vate, idolize, immortalize, worship, revere.
strained, checked, circumscribed, con- lip n. 1. RIM brim, edge, verge. 2. Sl. IMPUDENCE
trolled, curbed, fixed. ANT. unlimited, unrest- *mouth, back talk, insolence, rudeness,
ricted. *sass, *wising off.
limitless a. unlimited, boundless, unrestricted, LIP SERVICE n. [LIP SER vis] insincere
infinite, neverending, immeasurable, incal- agreement, empty talk or gesture. Politicians
culable, innumerable, vast. ANT. limited, fi- pay a lot of lip service to their constituents. SYN.
nite. insincerity, empty talk, empty gesture, to-
limp v. hobble, falter, favor one leg, drag one ken agreement, tokenism, show, hollow
foot, walk lamely, stagger, shuffle, hitch, words, flattery, smooth talk, duplicity.
move haltingly, hop, totter, take mincing liquefy v. dissolve, thaw, melt.
steps. liquid n. fluid, water, solution, aqua, juice, ex-
limp a. flaccid, drooping, wilted, soft, slack, tract, broth, soup.
flabby, weak, lax. ANT. rigid, firm, stiff, liquid a. fluid, running, flowing, aqueous, wet,
strong. moist, watery, juicy, molten. ANT. solid, dry.
limpid a. clear, transparent, pellucid, crystal, liquidate v. 1. SETTLE pay off, dispose of, make
like glass, translucent. ANT. cloudy, muddy. good, square, satisfy, discharge. 2. CLOSE OUT
line n. 1. LONG MARK score, underscore, under- sell out, convert to cash, sell stock. 3. KILL
line, stripe, stroke, dash, streak, slash, de- murder, *knock off, slay, *rub out, *bump
marcation. 2. ROW course, column, series, off, exterminate, assassinate.
succession, queue, procession, chain, series, liqueur n. liquor, alcohol, flavored drink, cor-
train, string, file, tier. 3. CORD string, twine, dial, aperitif, appetizer.
rope, cable, filament, thread, strand. 4. LINE WORD FIND
OF WORK business, calling, specialty, interest, almond-flavored: amaretto
vocation, profession, *racket. 5. LINEAGE an- bourbon and spice: Wild Turkey
cestry, descent, breed, stock, pedigree. cherry and almond: maraschino
lineage n. descent, ancestry, stock, family, chocolate and vanilla: crème de cacao

342 Roget’s Superthesaurus


coconut and rum: ron coco to read and write, scholarly, lettered, knowl-
coffee flavor with vanilla: Kahlúa edgeable, cultured. ANT. illiterate, ignorant,
cognac and orange: grand marnier uneducated.
French cherry: crème de cerise lithe a. flexible, limber, pliant, supple, benda-
French raspberry: framboise ble, lithesome, lissome, loose, agile, nimble.
Greek, anise-flavored: ouzo ANT. stiff, rigid.
green, licorice flavor: absinthe lithesome a. SEE LITHE
herbed brandy: benedictine, chartreuse LITIGATE v. [LIT uh GATE] to take a dis-
Irish whiskey, honey and orange: Irish mist pute to court, to sue. The damaged party
Israeli, chocolate and orange: sabra threatened to litigate. SYN. try in court, con-
Jamaican, coffee and spice: tia maria test in court, file suit, bring suit, sue, prose-
Japanese, honeydew melon: midori cute, bring legal action.
licorice-flavored: anise, pernod, sambuca litigation n. lawsuit, suit, legal action, legal pro-
mint and menthol: crème de menthe ceedings, prosecution, filing of charges,
peach: Southern Comfort court case, trial. ‘‘A machine which you go
plum gin: sloe gin into as a pig and come out of as a sausage.’’—
scotch, heather, honey and herbs: drambuie Ambrose Bierce. SEE LAW, COURT
SHINE, WINE with or file lawsuits, contentious, quarrel-
liquor n. alcohol, booze, spirits, whiskey, *hard some. America has become one of the most liti-
stuff, firewater, *rotgut, demon rum, intoxi- gious societies on earth. SYN. contentious,
cant, inebriant, potation, rum, gin, vodka, quarrelsome, argumentative, combative,
Scotch, rye. SEE ALCOHOL, COCKTAIL, LIQUEUR, belligerent, given to filing lawsuits, *sue-
happy, *lawsuit happy. ANT. accommodating,
lissom a. lithe, limber, supple, agile, flexible, compromising, peaceful.
pliant, loose, graceful, light on one’s feet. litter n. trash, rubbish, refuse, garbage, *crap,
ANT. stiff, heavy, awkward.
list n. checklist, rundown, inventory, roll, ros- litter v. strew, clutter, mess, scatter.
ter, directory, tally, lineup, schedule, index, little a. 1. SMALL tiny, wee, diminutive, minia-
series, menu. ture, pint-sized, undersized, dinky, shrimpy,
list v. 1. INVENTORY record, tally, schedule, tab-
Lilliputian, itsy-bitsy, minute, puny, micro-
ulate, itemize, note, post, index, record, file.
scopic. 2. SCANT insufficient, few, meager,
2. LEAN tilt, slant, incline, pitch, slope, tip.
skimpy. 3. BRIEF fleeting, passing, short, mo-
listen v. hear, absorb, harken, pay attention,
mentary, limited. 4. WEAK insignificant, in-
prick up one’s ears, catch, *tune in, monitor,
consequential, ineffective, faint, feeble,
heed, overhear, eavesdrop. ‘‘The only way to
entertain some folks.’’—Kin Hubbard. ANT. powerless, trivial, slight. 5. YOUNG imma-
ignore, disregard, turn a deaf ear on. ture, juvenile, undeveloped. ANT. 1. big,
listless a. languid, weary, apathetic, indifferent, huge, gigantic. 2. ample, sufficient. 3. pro-
lethargic, sluggish, *out of it, passive, fa- tracted, prolonged. 4. strong, powerful. 5. big,
tigued, drowsy, dead, torpid, leaden, spirit- adult.
less, *blah. ANT. energetic, lively, spirited. liturgy n. ritual, service, rite, ceremony, wor-
litany n. list, listing, repetition, recital, rendi- ship.
tion, rundown, account, compilation. livable a. habitable, comfortable, satisfactory,
literal a. exact, true, actual, word-for-word, adequate, tolerable, homey, *equipped with
faithful, real, accurate, verbatim, *to the let- creature comforts. ANT. uninhabitable, intol-
ter, undeviating, precise. ANT. figurative, erable.
metaphorical, loose, imprecise, paraphrased. live v. 1. EXIST live and breathe, draw breath,
literally adv. exactly, actually, word-for-word, survive, be alive, function, subsist, persist,
real, nonfiguratively, faithfully, verbatim, endure, last. 2. RESIDE dwell, inhabit, oc-
*to the letter, precisely. ANT. figuratively, cupy, lodge, *hang one’s hat. ANT. 1. die,
metaphorically, imprecisely, loosely. expire, perish.
literary a. bookish, literate, scholarly, erudite, live a. 1. LIVING alive, breathing, animate, vital,
cerebral, formal, artistic, stuffy. conscious, *alive and kicking, viable. 2.
literate a. schooled, educated, well-read, able LIVELY energetic, dynamic, hot, operative,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 343


active, vigorous, spirited. ANT. 1. dead, inani- The paper companies plan to lobby in Washing-
mate, lifeless. 2. dead, cold. ton for stronger lumbering rights. SYN. influ-
livelihood n. living, occupation, job, work, em- ence, *influence-peddle, *pull strings, per-
ployment, trade, profession, vocation, busi- suade, pressure, sway, solicit votes, sell,
ness, source of income, subsistence. push, politick.
lively a. full of life, energetic, active, *peppy, lobbyist n. special interest representative, pres-
bustling, vivacious, vigorous, *hyper, frisky, sure group representative, influence peddler,
spry, effervescent, perky, *bubbly, *high oc- string-puller, power-broker, mover and
tane. ANT. dead, sluggish, leaden, listless. shaker, persuader. SEE POLITICS
livid a. 1. BLACK AND BLUE bruised, discolored. local a. regional, neighborhood, community,
2. FURIOUS enraged, infuriated, irate, mad, municipal, divisional, district, close to
beside oneself with rage, incensed, indig- home, civic, parochial, provincial, native,
nant, red in the face. ANT. 2. calm, peaceful, limited, narrow, confined. ANT. national, in-
composed. ternational, worldwide, foreign.
living n. livelihood, subsistence, source of in- locality n. locale, spot, place, area, neighbor-
come, job, support, *bread and butter, occu- hood, position, site, point, region, zone, dis-
pation. trict.
living a. alive, existing, animated, breathing, localize v. confine, limit, narrow, restrict.
vital, vigorous, lively, conscious, viable, ac- locate v. 1. FIND detect, come across, uncover,
tive. ANT. dead, extinct, inanimate. discover, place, track down, pinpoint, un-
load n. 1. FREIGHT cargo, shipment, lading, earth, root out, sniff out, ferret out. 2. ESTAB-
haul, payload, consignment, burden, con- LISH settle, occupy, take root, house, take up
tents, goods. 2. BURDEN weight, encum- residence, squat.
brance, millstone, cross, albatross, hardship, located a. situated, stationed, placed, posi-
worry, care, oppression, *excess baggage. tioned, based.
load v. fill, pack, stack, stuff, lade, pile, cram, location n. place, spot, site, position, point,
weigh down, saddle, burden, encumber. zone, locale, locality, area, neighborhood,
ANT. unload, empty, unburden. district, neck of the woods.
loaf v. lounge about, *goof off, laze, idle, *sit lock n. 1. bolt, catch, padlock, latch, hook, bar,
on one’s butt, *not lift a finger, vegetate, deadbolt, clamp. 2. tress, curl, ringlet, tuft.
*lie down on the job, shirk, malinger. SEE HAIR
loafer n. idler, *lazybones, *layabout, *couch lock v. secure, latch, bolt, padlock, bar, close,
potato, *sofa spud, deadbeat, slacker, *goof- shut.
off, do-nothing, ne’er-do-well, shirker, ma- locker n. chest, footlocker, trunk, cabinet,
lingerer. ANT. hustler, go-getter, doer. compartment, closet.
loan n. advance, credit, allowance, mortage, locomotion n. motion, movement, progression,
*fronting. SEE MONEY traveling, driving, walking. ANT. inertia, sta-
loathe v. dislike, hate, abhor, look upon with sis.
disgust, regard contemptuously, feel sick at locution n. phrasing, phraseology, language,
the sight of, despise, detest, reject, scorn. ideolect, dialect, pronunciation, accent,
ANT. like, love, admire. brogue.
loathing n. hatred, dislike, abhorrence, disgust, lodestar n. 1. NORTH STAR pole star, Polaris. 2.
revulsion, repugnance, contempt, aversion, GUIDE ideal.
distaste. ANT. love, admiration, adoration. lodge n. summer house, cabin, camp, cottage,
loathsome a. abhorrent, disgusting, revolting, chalet, hostel, resort hotel, hunting lodge.
despicable, detestable, contemptible, dis- lodge v. 1. STAY room, house, abide, *put up,
tasteful, abominable, hateful, repugnant, de- reside, live, bunk, *hole up, sojourn. 2. BE-
plorable. ANT. admirable, likable, wonderful. COME STUCK stick, wedge, fix, catch.
lob v. toss, throw, loft, flip, pitch, fling. lodger n. guest, tenant, boarder, renter, roomer.
lobby n. 1. HALL entrance, corridor, foyer, vesti- lodging n. accommodation, hotel, motel, inn,
bule, reception area, anteroom. 2. PRESSURE bed and breakfast, hostel, boarding house,
GROUP special interest group, political ac- rooming house, quarters, room and board,
tion group, influence peddlers, lobbyists. pied-à-terre, billet.
LOBBY v. [LAH bee] to try to influence oth- loft n. attic, garret, storeroom, upper level, stu-
ers, especially politicians and their votes. dio, gallery, clerestory.

344 Roget’s Superthesaurus


loft v. throw, toss, launch skyward. hover, mill around, poke, *hang, loaf, vege-
lofty a. 1. VERY HIGH sky high, elevated, soaring, tate, dawdle.
towering, vertiginous, tall, aerial, cloud- loll v.1. LOUNGE lean, recline, sprawl, relax,
kissing, heavenly, celestial. 2. NOBLE OR SUB- slouch, lie on, repose, hang. 2. DROOP hang,
LIME exalted, elevated, great, grand, es- dangle, trail, sag.
teemed, renowned, celebrated, distin- lone a. solitary, sole, isolated, lonely, single, in-
guished, majestic. 3. HAUGHTY arrogant, dividual, unaccompanied, deserted, for-
high and mighty, lordly, supercilious, self- saken. ANT. paired, accompanied.
important, *snotty, *stuck-up, *on one’s loneliness n. isolation, emptiness, aloneness,
high horse, *uppity, pompous, proud. ANT. alienation, detachment, remoteness, seclu-
1. low, earthbound, short. 2. ignoble, low, sion, lack of intimacy, heartache, longing
common. 3. modest, humble, down to earth. for compaionship. ANT. intimacy, camarade-
log n. 1. TREE LIMB OR TRUNK stump, timber, rie, fellowhip.
branch, block, pole, beam, wood. 2. RECORD lonely a. 1. FRIENDLESS feeling empty, lone-
BOOK journal, register, account, daybook, di- some, companionless, lone, forsaken, iso-
ary, chronicle. lated, solitary, secluded, reclusive, *like a
WORD FIND hermit, forlorn, lovelorn, desolate, deserted,
game, knock opponent off rolling log: birl- abandoned, forgotten, estranged, shut in. 2.
ing REMOTE out of the way, unfrequented, unin-
logger: lumberjack habited, deserted, isolated, secluded, unpop-
logging slope run: flume, sluice ulated, sequestered, cloistered. ANT. 1. be-
mass of in river: drive friended, popular. 2. crowded, mobbed,
pile: rollway frequented.
log v. record, report, enter, note, register, loner n. *lone wolf, solitary, hermit, recluse,
chronicle, take down, keep an account, introvert, outcast, misanthrope.
tally. lonesome a. SEE LONELY
long a. 1. EXTENSIVE extended, expanded,
loge n. box, balcony, compartment, stall.
lengthy, elongated, protracted, prolonged,
logger n. lumberjack, woodcutter, forest
stretched out, drawn out. 2. TAKING TOO
MUCH TIME overlong, interminable, long-
logic n. reasoning, argumentation, deduction,
winded, unending, endless, dragging, te-
induction, syllogization, analysis, rationale,
dious. ANT. 1. short, brief. 2. brief, short, con-
sense, good sense, sound judgment. ‘‘The cise.
anatomy of thought.’’—John Locke. ‘‘The long v. yearn, hunger, desire, crave, thirst,
architecture of human reason.’’—Evelyn want, hanker, wish for, pine, *lust after,
Waugh. ‘‘The armory of reason.’’—Thomas *have the hots for.
Fuller. longevity n. long life, endurance, staying
logical a. reasonable, sensible, commonsensi- power, durability.
cal, rational, sound, analytical, intelligent, longing n. yearning, desire, hunger, craving,
smart, deductive, scientific, plausible. ANT. thirst, want, hankering, yen, wish, *itch.
illogical, nonsensical, unscientific. longing a. yearning, desirous, wanting, craving,
LOGISTICS n. [lo JIS tiks] management of hungry, wishful, pining. ANT. content, satis-
any large operation, military or otherwise, fied.
and particularly dealing with procurement, longshot n. outside shot, outside chance, one
distribution, transport and maintenance of in a million chance, *a snowball’s chance
materials and personnel. The logistics of feed- in hell.
ing, moving and lodging 100,000 troops in two long-standing a. long-established, deeply
days is nightmarish. SYN. management, orga- rooted, long-lived. ANT. short-lived, new.
nization, coordination, maintenance, pro- long-winded a. wordy, verbose, prolix, *windy,
curement, upkeep, systematization, gover- diffuse, rambling, circumlocutory, overlong,
nance, handling, direction, husbandry, endless, interminable. ANT. brief, short, to the
methodization. point.
logo n. trademark, logogram, logotype, name, look n. 1. EXPRESSION appearance, face, aspect,
symbol, trade name, emblem, colophon. bearing, guise, impression, air, fashion. 2.
loiter v. hang around, linger, idle, lounge, tarry, GLANCE glimpse, eye, regard, stare, gander,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 345


inspection, *once-over, scrutiny, examina- loot n. plunder, spoils, stolen goods, booty,
tion. take, haul, pillage.
look v. 1. SEE regard, behold, check out, in- loot v. plunder, rob, steal, despoil, pillage, *rip
spect, examine, view, observe, scrutinize, off, swipe, lift, ransack, pilfer, burglarize.
notice, *take a gander, *feast one’s eyes on, looter n. thief, plunderer, pillager, criminal,
survey, watch, *eyeball, *get a load of, gaze, grabber, raider, ravager, ransacker, pilferer,
stare, glimpse, glance. 2. APPEAR seem, strike opportunist.
one as, exhibit, resemble, manifest. lop v. trim, cut, remove, prune, sever, truncate,
look-alike n. twin, double, carbon copy, clone, chop off, clip, shear, pare.
mirror image, *dead ringer, match, *spitting lope v. stride, spring, *move right along. SEE
image, duplicate. WALK
lookout n. 1. WATCH guard, eye, vigilance, lopsided a. uneven, asymmetrical, one-sided,
heed, surveillance. 2. SENTINEL guard, sentry, unbalanced, disproportional, top-heavy,
watchman, patrol, spotter. 3. LOOKOUT STA- *cockeyed, awry, irregular. ANT. even, sym-
TION tower, perch, crow’s nest, watchtower, metrical, balanced.
observatory. LOQUACIOUS a. [loh KWAY shus] talk-
loom v. appear, take shape, materialize, rise up, ative, gabby. Talk show hosts are naturally lo-
emerge, threaten, menace, impend, cast a quacious. SYN. talkative, gabby, garrulous,
long shadow. ANT. disappear, vanish, recede. chatty, longwinded, voluble, babbling, ver-
loony a. Sl. crazy, nutty, demented, lunatic, bose, *bigmouthed, *motor-mouthed, *hav-
*daffy, *cuckoo, *wacky, mad, daft, foolish, ing the gift of gab. ANT. taciturn, reticent,
stupid, *out of one’s gourd, irrational. ANT. reserved.
sane, rational, sober. lord n. nobleman, master, ruler, monarch, gov-
loony bin n. Sl. mental health institution, men- ernor, baron, viscount, king.
tal health treatment facility, psychiatric lordly a. 1. NOBLE grand, stately, dignified, gra-
hospital, psychiatric ward, recovery center, cious, lofty, princely, regal, royal. 2.
mental hospital, insane asylum, *nuthouse, HAUGHTY arrogant, overbearing, high and
*madhouse, *laughing academy, *funny mighty, imperious, domineering, insolent,
farm, *psycho ward, *booby hatch, *nut col- condescending, supercilious, *snotty, supe-
lege, *rubber room. rior. ANT. 1. low, common, humble. 2. mod-
loop n. circle, ring, hoop, bow, noose, spiral, est, humble, down to earth, subservient.
coil, eyelet, bend, circuit. lose v. 1. MISLAY misplace, lose track of, lose
loop v. circle, encircle, ring, wind, coil, curl, sight of. 2. BE DEFEATED fail, fall, *blow it,
knot. *flunk, *go belly up, be outclassed, be out-
loophole n. escape, evasionary route, way out. distanced, fall short, surrender, *eat one’s
loose v. SEE LOOSEN dust, *meet one’s Waterloo, *take a beating,
loose a. 1. NOT TIGHT slack, relaxed, lax, limp, be humbled, *take a dive, *bomb, flop, *lay
baggy, unbinding. 2. UNRESTRAINED un- an egg, *take a bath. 3. ELUDE evade, escape,
bound, unfastened, untied, undone, unrest- avoid, *give the slip, rid, *throw off the
ricted, unconstrained, unsecured, unat- trail, outdistance, *leave in one’s wake. ANT.
tached, free. 3. INEXACT indefinite, 1. find, stumble upon, locate. 2. win, defeat,
imprecise, vague, broad, roundabout. 4. SEX- triumph, outclass, vanquish.
UALLY IMMORAL lascivious, licentious, pro- loser n. failure, *Charlie Brown, *schlemiel,
miscuous, lewd, lecherous, abandoned, de- also-ran, *dud, *flop, *dog, *sad sack, *foul
bauched, unrestrained, libidinous, ball, *turkey, *poor slob. ANT. winner, cham-
perverted, *having the morals of an alley pion, hero.
cat. ANT. 1. tight, snug, binding. 2. restrained, loss n. 1. COST debit, deficit, debt, forfeiture.
bound, tied. 3. exact, precise. 4. chaste, celi- 2. SEE DEFEAT 3. DAMAGE deprivation, detri-
bate, moral. ment, disadvantage, harm, injury, impair-
loosen v. 1. SLACKEN relax, unbind, ease up, ment, privation, misfortune, destruction, re-
moderate, relieve tension. 2. FREE untie, un- moval. ANT. 1. profit, gain, surplus. 2. win.
bind, let go, liberate, unfasten, untether, 3. gain, return.
undo, unlock. ANT. 1. tighten, restrict, bind. lost a. 1. MISPLACED mislaid, missing, disap-
2. tie, bind, fasten. peared, vanished, gone, strayed, down the

346 Roget’s Superthesaurus


drain, irretrievable. 2. OFF TRACK disori- lovable a. endearing, adorable, sweet, dear,
ented, astray, *going around in circles, off- warmhearted, winning, amiable, cute, cud-
course, adrift. 3. DESTROYED ruined, wiped dly, lovely, likable, charming, angelic. ANT.
out, wrecked, obliterated. 4. WASTED squan- repugnant, nauseating, loathsome.
dered, misspent, exhausted. 5. DEEP IN love n. endearment, devotion, adoration, fond-
THOUGHT absorbed, dreaming, rapt, preoc- ness, affection, warmth, esteem, friendship,
cupied, engrossed, abstracted, far away. 6. closeness, intimacy, attachment, regard,
BEWILDERED confused. ANT. 1. found, uncov- passion, infatuation, crush, enchantment,
ered, retrieved. 2. oriented, on course, having amour, ardor, rapture, desire, longing, *hots.
one’s bearings. 3. preserved, saved. ‘‘Our highest word, and the synonym of
lot n. 1. PARCEL OF LAND plot, acreage, tract, real God.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘An alli-
estate, subdivision. 2. PORTION share, allot- ance of friendship and animalism.’’—
ment, allowance, interest, part, percentage. Charles Colton. ‘‘Friendship set on fire.’’—
3. FORTUNE fate, *hand one is dealt, destiny, Jeremy Taylor. ‘‘The heart’s immortal thirst
portion, status, doom, *the way the cookie to be completely known and all forgiven.’’—
crumbles. 4. A GREAT DEAL much, quantity, Henry Van Dyke. ‘‘Spiritual fire.’’—Eman-
piles, slews, loads, scores, tons, abundance, uel Swedenborg. ‘‘Two minds without a sin-
plenty, oodles. gle thought.’’—Philip Barry. ‘‘A perpetual
lothario n. womanizer, lady-killer, seducer, hyperbole.’’—Francis Bacon. ‘‘When an-
rake, lover, *wolf, philanderer, Don Juan, other’ person’s needs are as important as
Casanova, Romeo. your own.’’—Abe Burrows. ANT. hate, dis-
lotion n. cream, ointment, balm, salve, embro- gust, contempt, repulsion.
cation, conditioner, liniment, unguent. love v. 1. ADORE be fond of, cherish, worship,
lottery n. drawing, game of chance, Lotto, hold dear, treasure, idolize, think the world
sweepstakes, raffle, numbers game, gam- of, like, be crazy about, long for, desire. 2.
bling. *MAKE OUT hug, kiss, cuddle, neck, embrace,
loud a. 1. BLARING earsplitting, deafening, pier- make love, romance, have sex, engage in
cing, thundering, booming, stentorian, in- foreplay, *have the hots for. ANT. 1. hate,
tense, clamorous, noisy, vociferous, dislike, loathe, detest.
*enough to wake the dead, powerful, roar- love affair n. affair, fling, romance, intrigue,
ing, cacophonous. 2. GAUDY flashy, garish, liaison, relationship, tryst, adultery, amour.
blinding, splashy, ostentatious, vivid, cheap. love child n. bastard, illegitimate child, whore-
ANT. 1. quiet, low, soft, silent. 2. tasteful, un- son.
derstated. love handle n. Sl. fat, flab, *spare tire, *middle
loudmouthed a. bigmouthed, obnoxious, blus- age spread.
tering, bellowing, vociferous, boisterous, lovelorn n. loveless, forsaken, lovesick,
strident, clamorous. ANT. reticent, shy, quiet, spurned, bereft, rejected, jilted.
taciturn. lovely a. beautiful, pretty, attractive, exquisite,
lounge n. 1. LOBBY waiting room, reception fair, gracious, winning, charming, hand-
room, anteroom. 2. COCKTAIL LOUNGE club, some, good-looking, comely, fetching, cap-
bar, saloon, disco. tivating, pleasing, graceful, nice, personable.
lounge v. relax, recline, lie about, repose, ANT. ugly, repulsive, hideous.
stretch out, sprawl out, loll, loaf, vegetate, lovemaking n. *making out, foreplay, inter-
idle, laze. course, coitus, copulation, sexual union,
lousy a. Sl. poor, rotten, inferior, awful, terri- passion, pair-bonding, mating, cuddling,
ble, *crappy, shoddy, inadequate, shabby, fondling, kissing. SEE SEX
bad, disgusting, contemptible, atrocious. lover n. 1. SWEETHEART flame, steady, *honey,
ANT. good, great, high class. *significant other, mate, sex partner, suitor,
lout n. boor, oaf, clodhopper, clod, bumpkin, paramour, stud, Romeo, beau, boyfriend,
hayseed, dolt, clown, *lug, *slob, yahoo, girlfriend, mistress, lothario, Don Juan, Cas-
*lummox. anova, heartthrob. 2. FAN aficionado, devo-
loutish a. boorish, clumsy, stupid, oafish, clod- tee, enthusiast, buff, *freak, *bug, *nut.
dish, dense, rough, churlish, *like a bull in lovesick a. longing, pining, *out of it, *gone,
a china shop. ANT. refined, gracious, urbane, lovelorn, *having it bad. ANT. repulsed, *over
suave. it.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 347


loving a. affectionate, warm, tender, giving, staunchness, trustworthiness. ANT. disloy-

fond, devoted, caring, doting, kind, friendly, alty, backstabbing, treachery, perfidy.
demonstrative, solicitous, passionate, amo- LSD n. lysergic acid diethylamide, hallucino-
rous, romantic, sexual, erotic, ardent. ANT. gen, drug, *acid, *blotter, *blue cheer,
hateful, mean, cold, brutal. *California sunshine, *dots, *electric Koo-
low a. 1. CLOSE TO THE GROUND ground-level, laid, *mellow yellows, *pearly gates, *tabs,
low-lying, low-hanging, low-slung, short, *strawberry fields, *yellow, *beast, *blue
squat, bottommost. 2. DECREASED dimin- heaven, *blue microdot, *blue moons,
ished, drained, depleted, dried up, ex- *Lucy in the sky with diamonds, *Zen, *bar-
hausted, shallow, expended, running out. 3. rels. SEE DRUG
UNHAPPY depressed, melancholy, *bummed WORD FIND
out, miserable, blue, downhearted, dejected, supplier: *travel agent
glum, discouraged, sad, heavyhearted. 4. user: *acid head
SMALL little, paltry, slight, modest, slim, lubricant n. grease, oil, coating.
puny, deficient, humble. 5. MEAN despica- lubricate v. grease, oil, slicken.
ble, bad, evil, base, depraved, contemptible, LUCID a. [LOO sid] clear, easy to understand.
disgraceful, wretched, reprehensible, igno- Also, clearheaded. The report was straightfor-
ble, vulgar, nasty. 6. QUIET hushed, subdued, ward and lucid. SYN. clear, crystal-clear,
soft, muted, muffled, whispered, murmured. transparent, understandable, comprehensi-
7. POOR plebian, humble, lowborn. ANT. 1. ble, plain, intelligible, easy to grasp, distinct,
high, tall, skyscraping, towering. 2. full, replen- apparent, obvious, unambiguous, clear-
ished, overflowing. 3. high, happy, joyous. 4. headed, rational, of sound mind, sensible.
large, generous, high. 5. honorable, noble, ANT. unclear, cloudy, unintelligible, irrational.
nice. 6. loud, amplified. 7. wealthy, highborn, Lucifer n. Satan, archangel. SEE DEVIL
aristocratic. luck n. 1. FORTUNE fate, chance, lot, destiny,
low-browed a. uneducated, uncultivated, unso- wheel of fortune, fortuity, happenstance,
phisticated, vulgar, unschooled, ignorant, il- *fickle finger of fate, *toss of the dice, provi-
literate. ANT. refined. dence, kismet. 2. GOOD FORTUNE *break, suc-
lower v. 1. DROP bring down, let down, let fall, cess, windfall, godsend, opportunity, seren-
depress, descend, submerge, dip, sink. 2. RE- dipity, fluke. ‘‘An explanation of the other
DUCE decrease, diminish, lessen, downgrade,
fellow’s success.’’—Harry Thompson. ANT.
2. misfortune, bad break.
depreciate, modify, cut, slash, shorten,
lucky a. fortunate, blessed, auspicious, provi-
soften, abate, relieve. 3. HUMBLE degrade,
dential, propitious, fortuitous, by chance.
dishonor, shame, humiliate, disgrace, de-
ANT. unlucky, unfortunate.
base, demean. ANT. 1. raise, lift, elevate. 2.
LUCRATIVE a. [LOO kruh tiv] producing
increase, boost, add, extend. 3. respect, honor,
profit or riches. His oil business turned out
exalt. to be highly lucrative. SYN. profitable, profit-
lower a. inferior, under, lesser, secondary, mi- producing, wealth-producing, income-pro-
nor, subordinate, junior. ANT. higher, supe- ducing, remunerative, money-making, high-
rior. paying, gainful, prosperous, rewarding,
low-key a. subdued, understated, subtle, re- worthwhile. ANT. unprofitable, money-losing,
strained, toned down, mellow, muted, quiet. unprosperous, income-draining.
ANT. loud, intense, blatant. lucre n. money, riches, wealth.
lowly a. inferior, humble, modest, common, or- LUDICROUS a. [LOO di krus] laughable, ab-
dinary, plain, simple, poor, plebian, prole- surd. The medical beliefs of the early Victorians
tarian, baseborn, obscure. ANT. superior, were often ludicrous. SYN. laughable, absurd,
high-born, lofty. ridiculous, stupid, preposterous, comical, hi-
loyal a. faithful, trustworthy, true, allegiant, larious, outlandish, crazy, silly, uproarious,
*tried and true, *true-blue, devoted, patri- nonsensical, *cockamamy. ANT. serious, sen-
otic, dedicated, staunch, reliable, depend- sible, respectable.
able. ANT. disloyal, unfaithful, treacherous. lug v. carry, drag, haul, tow, *schlep, hump,
loyalty n. faithfulness, allegiance, devotion, tug, pull, tote.
dedication, patriotism, fidelity, duty, honor, luggage n. baggage, trunks, carry-on, suitcases,
reliability, dependability, steadfastness, valises, packs, bags, gear, effects.

348 Roget’s Superthesaurus


lukewarm a. unenthusiastic, halfhearted, cool, *magnet, *come-on, attraction, tease, in-

apathetic, indifferent, tepid, impassive, un- ducement, allurement, draw, hook, bribe.
caring, uninterested. ANT. enthusiastic, pas- ANT. repellent.
sionate, hot. lure v. entice, bait, tempt, *hold out a carrot,
lull n. quiet period, calm, pause, letup, break, attract, tease, induce, draw, hook, bribe, al-
quiet, respite, hush, spell, breather, silence. lure, seduce. ANT. repel.
lull v. calm, soothe, reassure, sedate, pacify, LURID a. [LOOR id] shocking, horrifying or
quiet, put to sleep, tranquilize, allay. ANT. sensational, as a grisly crime. The news show
agitate, arouse, excite. provided all the lurid details of the murder. SYN.
lulu n. Sl. *dilly, *corker, *dandy, *humdinger, shocking, horrifying, sensational, startling,
*doozy, *ripsnorter, *something to write vivid, graphic, horrid, gruesome, appalling,
home about. grisly, revolting.
lumber n. timber, wood, planks, boards, two- luscious a. delicious, delightful, delectable,
by-fours, milled wood, studs, posts, beams. *scrumptious, tasty, flavorful, toothsome,
lumber v. clump, plod, stump, trudge, stamp, palatable, sumptuous, heavenly, succulent,
*clomp, drag, waddle, move heavily, move savory, *out of this world, mouth-watering,
awkwardly. ambrosial, *yummy, rich. ANT. disgusting,
lumberjack n. logger, woodcutter. nauseating, sickening.
luminary n. celebrity, star, *superstar, *VIP, lush a. rich, luxurious, luxuriant, profuse,
notable, personality, dignitary, *big name, dense, thick, flourishing, prolific, abundant,
*bigshot, *bigwig, *toast of the town. ANT. green, verdant. ANT. sparse, scanty, thin.
nobody. lust n. desire, *burning desire, passion, libido,
luminous a. 1. BRIGHT glowing, aglow, shining, want, hunger, longing, craving, urge, Eros,
illuminated, lighted, brilliant, radiant, lit, sex drive, hot blood, itch, licentiousness,
resplendent, luminescent, lustrous. 2. CLEAR lechery, heat. ‘‘The brutish passion.’’—Rob-
understandable, lucid, comprehendable, in- ert Burton. ‘‘A means for the satisfaction of
telligible, perspicuous, plain, obvious. ANT. animal needs.’’—Mohandas Gandhi. ‘‘A
1. dark, dim, black. 2. cloudy, confusing, honeyed poison.’’—John Taylor.
vague. lust v. desire, want, hunger for, long for, crave,
itch for, pant after, *have the hots for, ache
lummox n. oaf, clod, *klutz, *big ape, lunk-
for, be consumed with desire.
head, lout, clodhopper.
luster n. shine, glow, gloss, sheen, radiance,
lump n. clump, chunk, mass, gob, ball, hunk,
shimmer, gleam, burnish, glint, brilliance,
piece, bulk, scrap, bump, protuberance,
dazzle. ANT. dullness, drabness.
swelling, bulge, prominence, node, knot.
lustrous a. shining, glowing, bright, glossy, ra-
lunacy n. craziness, insanity, psychosis, mad- diant, shimmering, gleaming, burnished,
ness, dementia, folly, foolishness, idiocy, glinting, brilliant, dazzling. ANT. dull, drab.
*wackiness, *nuttiness, stupidity, silliness, lusty a. vigorous, hearty, strong, robust, hardy,
imbecility. ANT. sanity, rationality, sensible- full of life, hale, energetic, healthy, vital,
ness. virile. ANT. weak, sickly, frail.
lunatic n. psychopath, maniac, madman, psy- luxuriant a. 1. LUSH teeming, vigorous, abun-
chotic, sociopath, *schizo, *psycho, dant, profuse, rich, luxurious, dense, thick,
*whacko, *nut, *kook, *loony, *screwball, copious, overgrown. 2. EXTRAVAGANT exces-
crackbrain. SEE INSANITY sive, florid, ornate, busy, overdone, rococo,
lunatic a. SEE CRAZY showy, sumptuous. ANT. 1. sparse, thin,
lunch n. luncheon, dinner, bite to eat, brunch, scanty. 2. understated, plain.
meal, déjeuner. luxurious a. rich, extravagant, sumptuous,
lung n. respiratory organ. splendid, plush, ostentatious, fancy, indul-
lunge n. thrust, plunge, charge, pounce, jump, gent, posh, lush, immoderate, *ritzy, com-
rush, spring, leap, pass, jab, stab. fortable, sensuous. ANT. poor, shoddy, shabby.
lunge v. thrust, plunge, charge, pounce, jump, luxury n. extravagance, indulgence, riches,
rush, spring, leap, pass, jab, stab. wealth, affluence, superfluity, opulence,
lurch v. pitch, jerk, heave, slip, roll, stagger, *bed of roses, sumptuousness, abundance,
sway, lunge, plunge, toss, reel, tilt. lavishness, comfort, ease, immoderation,
lure n. enticement, bait, temptation, *carrot, *high living, hedonism, treat, frill, extra.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 349


‘‘Positive hindrances to the elevation of insincere, prevaricating. ANT. truthful, hon-

mankind.’’—Thoreau. ANT. poverty, want, est.
deprivation, bare necessity. lynching n. hanging, *stringing up, *necktie
lying n. dishonesty, untruthfulness, prevarica- party, execution, *mob justice, murder, vigi-
tion, deceit, fibbing, dissembling, fabrica- lante justice.
tion, storytelling, insincerity, mendacity. lyric a. songlike, poetic, musical, melodic, me-
‘‘A form of creativity; talking the truth is lodious, tuneful, mellifluous.
being only a reporter.’’—Eric Hoffer. ANT. lyrical a. expressive, emotional, soulful, deep,
honesty, truth-telling. heartfelt, rhapsodic.
lying a. dishonest, untruthful, deceitful, fib- lyricist n. songwriter, songsmith, poet, com-
bing, dissembling, mendacious, fabricating, poser.

350 Roget’s Superthesaurus


MACABRE a. [muh KAHB ruh] gruesome, maddening a. infuriating, aggravating, exasper-
ghastly, denoting the horrors of death. The ating, enraging, galling, provoking, riling,
macabre account of torture and murder was troubling, irritating, annoying, outrageous,
a bestseller. SYN. gruesome, ghastly, horri- frustrating, ANT. encouraging, settling, fulfill-
fying, horrible, grim, grisly, deathly, mor- ing.
bid, frightful, lurid, eerie, ghostly, spooky, made-up a. fictional, fictitious, invented, fabri-
unearthly. cated, contrived, thought up, dreamed up,
macaroni n. pasta, shells. SEE PASTA concocted. ANT. true, factual, real.
MACHIAVELLIAN a. [MAK ee uh VEL ee madhouse n. insane asylum, *loony bin, mental
un] deceitful and crafty, wily. The politician hospital, *laughing academy, mental insti-
was Machiavellian in his dealings with rivals. tution, psychiatric hospital, *nuthouse,
SYN. deceitful, crafty, wily, duplicitous, ex- *booby hatch, chaos, bedlam.
pedient, cunning, scheming, conniving, de- madman n. psychopath, psychotic, *psycho, lu-
vious, sly, unscrupulous. ANT. honorable, natic, schizophrenic, maniac, sociopath,
straightforward, honest. *sicko, *kook, *nut.
MACHINATION n. [mak uh NAY shun] a madness n. insanity, craziness, psychosis, lu-
plot or scheme, especially of devious intent. nacy, schizophrenia, dementia, derange-
He won the nomination through behind-the- ment, mental illness, *nuttiness, mania, de-
scenes machinations. SYN. plot, plotting, lusion of grandeur. ‘‘That reckless fire.’’—
scheme, scheming, engineering, string-pull- Edmund Gosse. ‘‘A common calamity; we
ing, design, contrivance, ploy, maneuver, are all mad at some time or other.’’—Johan-
artifice, *skulduggery, *backdoor dealing, nes Mantuanus. SEE NEUROSIS, MANIA, PHOBIA,
device. INSANITY

machine n. mechanism, apparatus, device, maelstrom n. 1. WHIRLPOOL vortex, eddy, swirl,

appliance, engine, motor, contraption, ve- Charybdis. 2. AGITATION turmoil, turbu-
hicle, *workhorse, automoton, robot, gad- lence, uproar, madness, confusion, unbal-
get. ance.
machinery n. SEE MACHINE maestro n. master, conductor, composer, mas-
ter musician, music teacher, instructor.
machismo n. masculinity, virility, manliness,
Mafia n. *the mob, Cosa Nostra, organized
dominace, strength, fierceness, aggressive-
crime, the underworld, Black Hand, the
ness, fearlessness, potency, toughness.
Syndicate, gangland.
macho a. masculine, virile, dominant, strong, WORD FIND
fierce, fearless, manly, aggressive, potent, advisor to chief: consigliere
tough, swaggering, cocky. ANT. weak, effemi- arrested: pinched
nate, *wimpy. blackmail or scare someone for money:
macrocosm n. world, cosmos, universe, all cre- shakedown
ation. ANT. microcosm. business enterprises: loan sharking, money
mad a. 1. INSANE crazy, psychotic, psycho- laundering, drug trafficking, gambling,
pathic, schizophrenic, *nuts, deranged, de- labor racketeering, counterfeiting, extor-
mented, *out of one’s mind, unstable, un- tion, prostitution, gangland killings
balanced, *loony, *off one’s rocker, chief: boss, capo, chairman, don
*mental, *wacky, foolish, harebrained. SEE code of silence: omerta
INSANITY 2. ANGRY enraged, furious, infuri- crime family: borgata, brugad
ated, incensed, irate, peeved, irritated, an- euphemism: waste management business,
noyed, vexed, *ticked, enflamed, *pissed, garbage business
livid, *gone ballistic. SEE ANGRY ANT. 1. sane, gambling profits without declaring on taxes,
rational, stable, of sound mind. 2. pleased, de- to take: skim
lighted, happy. gun: piece
madcap a. reckless, wild, impulsive, crazy, rash, gun, carrying a: heavy, packing
imprudent, foolish, foolhardy. ANT. prudent, inducted into the Mafia: made
sensible, cautious. informer: canary, rat, squealer

Roget’s Superthesaurus 351


interest paid to loan sharks: juice MAGNATE n. [MAG nate] a powerful or in-
intimidates, threatens, beats up, or kills; one fluential business person. The oil magnate
who: enforcer made a large donation to the library. SYN. *big
legal protection for testifying against: Wit- shot, *bigwig, tycoon, capitalist, industrial-
ness Protection Program ist, baron, leader, power, giant, VIP, *big-
loans money at exorbitant interest rate: time operator, *biggest toad in the puddle.
loanshark magnetic a. drawing, pulling, attractive, irre-
low-ranking member: soldier sistible, arresting, tugging, grabbing, seduc-
member of: goodfella, Mafioso, mobster, wi- tive, alluring, captivating, charismatic. ANT.
seguy repellent, repulsive.
mistress of Mafia member: comare magnetism n. attractiveness, charisma, drawing
murder, to: whack, hit, burn, put a contract power, hold, irresistibility, charm, appeal,
out on. dynamism, animal magnetism, sex appeal,
second-in-command: caporegime, under- pull.
magnificent a. grand, beautiful, stately, glori-
slipping away by various means from some-
ous, exalted, spectacular, grandiose, won-
one who may be following on foot or in
derful, splendid, majestic, imposing, awe-in-
a car: cleaning
soldiers, group of: crew spiring, elegant, gorgeous, sumptuous,
stolen goods: swag breathtaking. ANT. modest, humble, *nothing
stolen goods, one who receives or sells: fence to write home about.
underling, stupid: babbo magnify v. enlarge, blow up, intensify, en-
magazine n. periodical, publication, journal, di- hance, increase, expand, amplify, *beef up,
gest, monthly, weekly, quarterly, *rag, re- heighten, concentrate, exaggerate, blow out
view, *slick. of proportion, overstate. ANT. minimize, re-
magic n. 1. SUPERNATURAL POWERS wizardry, duce, diminish.
witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, necro- magnitude n. 1. SIZE extent, greatness, bigness,
mancy, conjuring, mysticism, voodoo, hoo- dimensions, vastness, measure, mass, vol-
doo, occultism, diabolism. 2. TRICKERY leger- ume, expanse, bulk. 2. IMPORTANCE influ-
demain, sleight-of-hand, prestidigitation, ence, consequence, weight, degree, mo-
hocus-pocus, *smoke and mirrors, conjur- ment, significance, import, enormity,
ing. prominence. ANT. 1. smallness. 2. insignifi-
WORD FIND cance.
gold from metal art: alchemy maharishi n. guru, spiritual guide, mystic,
magic words: incantation, abracadabra, teacher.
presto, mumbo jumbo, sesame maiden n. maid, girl, miss, lass, virgin, school
symbol: pentacle girl, damsel, *jailbait, *chick.
SEE OCCULT maiden a. new, untried, virgin, fresh, first, inau-
magical a. enchanting, bewitching, charming, gural, initial, original. ANT. old, hackneyed,
spellbinding, mesmerizing, entrancing, fas- *old hat.
cinating, hypnotic, seductive. ANT. ordinary. mail n. letters, postcards, correspondence, post,
packages, parcel post, *junk mail, circulars,
wizard, sorcerer, witch, necromancer, mys-
*snail mail, dispatch.
tic, conjurer, warlock, Merlin, shaman. 2.
TRICKSTER prestidigitator, illusionist, leger-
mail v. post, send, dispatch, address, ship, trans-
demainist, sleight-of-hand expert, Houdini. mit, *fax, send it UPS, e-mail, *snail mail.
magistrate n. civil officer, administrator, justice mailman n. letter carrier, mail carrier, postal
of the peace, judge, justice. carrier, mailwoman, postman.
MAGNANIMOUS a. [mag NAN uh mus] maim v. cripple, handicap, mutilate, disable,
high-minded or noble, quick to forgive and hurt, injure, wound, incapacitate, mangle,
not hold grudges. John was magnanimous in hamstring, dismember, damage, break.
his loss, conceding that his opponent was the main a. principal, chief, primary, central,
better man. SYN. noble, forgiving, high- prime, major, critical, important, head, pre-
minded, big, generous, liberal, tolerant, dominant, foremost, essential, crucial, out-
charitable, ungrudging, benevolent, chival- standing. ANT. secondary, minor, subordinate,
rous. ANT. grudging, petty, unforgiving. lesser.

352 Roget’s Superthesaurus


mainly adv. principally, chiefly, primarily, pre- makeshift a. temporary, expedient, *slapdash,
dominantly, essentially, mostly. emergency, stopgap, thrown-together, jury-
mainstay n. chief support, backbone, anchor, rigged, improvised, on-the-spot, substitute.
pillar, strength, prop, staff, foundation, but- ANT. permanent.
tress. make-up n. 1. COSMETICS foundation, rouge,
mainstream a. prevailing, general, average, typ- blush, greasepaint, beauty aid, mascara, face
ical, standard, predominant, main, princi- paint. 2. CHARACTER genetic heritage, na-
ple, middle-of-the-road, primary. ANT. ex- ture, personality, disposition, temperament,
treme, fringe, radical. individuality, composition, sums of one’s
maintain v. 1. KEEP UP look after, service, repair, parts.
mend, care for, take care of, sustain, pre- maladjusted a. maladapted, unadapted, unfit,
serve, conserve. 2. CONTINUE WITH carry on, neurotic, disturbed, *messed up, *warped,
prolong, keep, keep going, keep alive, sus- abnormal, stressed. ANT. adjusted, adapted,
tain, perpetuate, support. 3. ASSERT declare, normal, fit.
hold, contend, state, claim, testify, affirm, maladroit a. awkward, clumsy, bumbling,
insist, argue. ANT. 1. neglect, let go, destroy, *klutzy, blundering, bungling, *having two
ruin. 2. stop, quit, kill, end. 3. deny, disavow. left feet, *all thumbs, *like a bull in a china
maintenance n. 1. UPKEEP servicing, repair, shop, uncoordinated, cloddish, inadequate,
care, grooming, preservation, conservation. oafish. ANT. graceful, coordinated, adroit, dex-
2. SUSTENANCE support, livelihood, income, terous.
allowance, alimony, child support. malady n. disease, disorder, illness, sickness, ail-
majestic a. grand, stately, lofty, dignified, regal, ment, affliction, infirmity, disability, com-
princely, kingly, imperial, distinguished, pa- plaint, infection, *bug.
latial, imposing. ANT. modest, humble, lowly. MALAISE n. [ma LAYZ] uneasiness or queasi-
majesty n. grandeur, stateliness, loftiness, dig- ness, especially that which manifests itself
nity, regalness, magnificence, nobility, at the start of an illness. He fell into a state
splendor. of malaise and rarely got off the couch. SYN.
major a. 1. BIGGER larger, greater, chief, supe- uneasiness, queasiness, weakness, sickness,
rior, dominant, main, principal. 2. IMPOR- tiredness, exhaustion, *the blahs, discom-
TANT chief, principal, primary, foremost,
fort, lassitude. ANT. vigor.
top, critical, outstanding, significant. ANT. malaria n. infectious disease, mosquito-borne
1. smaller, lesser. 2. minor, secondary. disease, illness, sickness, malady, ague.
majority n. 1. THE MOST greater part, prepon-
malarky n. Sl. rot, poppycock, baloney, bull.
derance, bulk, more than half, mass, lion’s
share. 2. ADULTHOOD voting age, age of con-
malcontent n. complainer, faultfinder, grum-
sent, maturity, manhood, womanhood,
bler, whiner, *bellyacher, grouch, rebel.
drinking age. ANT. 1. minority, less than half,
few. 2. minority, childhood. malcontent a. discontented, dissatisfied, unsat-
make n. brand, kind, variety, model, style. isfied, unhappy, disgruntled, rebellious,
make v. 1. FORM construct, fabricate, create, complaining, faultfinding. ANT. content, sati-
originate, concoct, manufacture, build, as- sfied.
semble, compose, produce, devise, shape, male n. man, gentleman, guy, fellow, buck,
fashion, *slap together, cook up, brew. 2. *dude, boy, brother, father. ANT. female,
CAUSE bring about, effect, effectuate, start, woman.
generate, produce, do, accomplish. 3. FORCE male a. masculine, manly, *macho, virile. ANT.
compel, impel, coerce, prevail upon, press, female, feminine.
pressure, oblige, railroad, arm twist, *strong- malediction n. curse, damning, imprecation,
arm, require. 4. ELECT appoint, vote in, des- execration, anathema, vilification. ANT.
ignate, name, assign, install. 5. EARN bring blessing, best wishes.
in, clear, *take home, gross, net, reap, gain. MALEVOLENT a. [mu LEV uh lunt] mali-
ANT. 1. disassemble, dismantle, destroy, oblit- cious, wishing harm on others. He was se-
erate. 5. spend, pay, *blow, lose. verely abused as a child and had a malevolent
make-believe n. fantasy, imagination, pretend- disposition. SYN. malicious, mean, vicious,
ing, dream, fancy, fiction, invention, pre- nasty, hostile, spiteful, evil, malignant,
tense. vindictive, hateful, wicked, venomous,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 353


bitter. ANT. kind, benevolent, warm, big- mammal n. warm-blooded animal, creature,
hearted. beast.
malformation n. abnormality, deformity, mammoth a. huge, gigantic, elephantine, co-
anomaly, mutation, irregularity, freak, mon- lossal, gargantuan, immense, enormous, stu-
ster, monstrosity. pendous, monstrous, titanic, prodigious,
malformed a. deformed, misshapen, distorted, massive, Brobdingnagian. ANT. tiny, minute,
mutated, grotesque, irregular, crooked, mis- microscopic, Lilliputian.
proportioned, freakish, stunted, hunch- man n. 1. MALE fellow, guy, gentleman, boy,
backed. ANT. well-formed, perfect, impeccable. chap. 2. HUMANKIND mankind, human be-
malfunction n. breakdown, *glitch, *bug, ing, human, Homo sapiens, hominid, per-
*gremlin, *SNAFU, failure, snag, foul-up, son, creature, soul, mortal, earthling. ‘‘An
jam, *computer virus. ape with possibilities.’’—Roy Andrews. ‘‘An
MALICE n. [MAL iss] the desire to hurt oth- intelligence served by organs.’’—Ralph
ers, ill will. The humiliating loss filled him with Waldo Emerson. ‘‘An ingenious assembly of
malice. SYN. ill will, spite, maliciousness, ha- portable plumbing.’’—Christopher Morley.
tred, malevolence, evil intent, malignance, ‘‘The bad child of the universe.’’—James
venom, animosity, bitterness, vengefulness, Oppenheim. ‘‘The only joker in the deck of
viciousness, bad blood, meanness. ANT. love, nature.’’—Fulton Sheen. ‘‘The organ of the
compassion, kindness. accumulated smut and sneakery of 10,000
malicious a. spiteful, hurtful, vicious, malig- generations of weaseling souls.’’—Philip
nant, malevolent, hateful, bitter, venomous, Wylie. ‘‘An omniverous biped that wears
nasty, mean, wicked, pernicious, vengeful, breeches.’’—Thomas Carlyle.
harmful. ANT. loving, kind, compassionate, be- manacle n. handcuff, shackle, iron, chain,
nevolent. bond.
malign v. defame, slander, denigrate, disparage, manage v. 1. OVERSEE direct, govern, supervise,
vilify, run down, *bad-mouth, mudsling, in- control, take charge of, lead, regulate, ad-
sult, smear, revile, *drag one’s name through minister, conduct, guide, pilot, command,
the mud, slur. captain, quarterback. 2. ACCOMPLISH work,
malignant a. 1. DEADLY lethal, fatal, harmful,
succeed, contrive, bring about, cause, effect,
virulent, metastatic, cancerous, pernicious.
finagle, swing, engineer, wangle.
2. MALICIOUS malevolent, hostile, hurtful,
manageable a. controllable, governable, tracta-
harmful, evil, wicked, spiteful, vicious. ANT.
ble, docile, obedient, compliant, tame, sub-
1. benign, harmless. 2. kind, helpful, friendly.
malingerer n. shirker, slacker, loafer, clock- missive, meek. ANT. uncontrollable, unman-
watcher, idler, *faker. ageable, noncompliant.
mall n. 1. SHOPPING CENTER shopping complex, management n. 1. ADMINISTRATION overseeing,
shopping mecca, shopping plaza, strip mall, direction, government, supervision, control,
marketplace. 2. PROMENADE walk, alameda, leadership, regulation, guidance, operation,
esplanade. command. 2. ADMINISTRATORS administra-
malleable a. 1. PLIABLE flexible, movable, plas- tion, executives, supervisors, bosses, superi-
tic, moldable, yielding, soft. 2. IMPRESSION- ors, directors, leaders.
ABLE changeable, moldable, adaptable, sus- manager n. administrator, boss, overseer, direc-
ceptible, teachable, *like putty in one’s tor, governor, supervisor, controller, leader,
hands, tractable, docile. ANT. 1. rigid, inflexi- regulator, commander, foreman, officer, ex-
ble, hard. 2. intractable, unchangeable. ecutive, CEO, *biggest toad in the puddle.
malnutrition n. nutrient deficiency, protein de- ANT. subordinate, employee, laborer.
ficiency, malnourishment. MANDATE n. [MAN dayt] the will or order
malodorous a. stinking, *stinky, smelly, nox- of the people, as expressed through a vote
ious, offensive, foul, fetid, nasty, strong, or referendum, any order backed by author-
reeking, putrid, rotten, rank, vile, nauseat- ity. The governor received a clear mandate from
ing. ANT. sweet-smelling, flowery. his constituents. SYN. order, directive, com-
malpractice n. incompetence, negligence, un- mand, charge, decree, edict, dictate, *word,
professional conduct, misconduct, impropri- ruling, instruction, authorization, commis-
ety, carelessness, maltreatment, abuse, egre- sion.
gious error, mistake, ineptitude, mandatory a. required, obligatory, necessary,
irresponsibility. requisite, compulsory, demanded, needed,

354 Roget’s Superthesaurus


essential, imperative, *a must. ANT. elective, woods: hylomania

optional, unnecessary. maniac n. madman, lunatic, psychotic, *psy-
man-eater n. cannibal, anthropophagite. SEE cho, psychopath, sociopath, *nut, *nutcase,
MONSTER *mental case, *sicko, *loony. SEE INSANITY,
maneuver n. 1. MOVE strategy, scheme, artifice, NEUROSIS, PHOBIA
gambit, tactic, ruse, dodge, feint, subterfuge, maniacal a. crazy, insane, raving, *out of one’s
ploy, play, machination. 2. MILITARY MANEU- mind, demented, deranged, crazed, psy-
VER exercise, deployment, war game, tactics, chotic, *psycho, *flipped out, *nuts,
movements, operations, flanking maneuver. *wigged out. ANT. sane, rational, stable.
maneuver v. 1. MANIPULATE scheme, engineer, manic a. excited, agitated, *wired, *hyper, hy-
machinate, plot, intrigue, contrive, *finagle, peractive, *worked-up, frantic, frenzied,
*pull strings. 2. GUIDE direct, handle, steer, *high, hysterical. ANT. calm, tranquil, de-
drive, navigate, negotiate, pilot, jockey. pressed, down.
mangle v. mutilate, cut, tear, hack, rip, lacerate, manifest v. show, reveal, make plain, expose,
slice, slash, disfigure, crush, bruise, maim, exhibit, materialize, display, illustrate, ex-
damage. press, bring to light, demonstrate. ANT. hide,
mangy a. shabby, filthy, dingy, dirty, ragged, conceal, cover up.
scruffy, seedy, sordid, wretched, poor. ANT. MANIFEST a. [MAN uh FEST] obvious, visi-
fine, new. ble, evident. That he was sincere was mani-
manhandle v. strong-arm, dominate, abuse, fest. SYN. obvious, visible, evident, clear,
arm-twist, rough up, bully, beat up, mistreat, plain, apparent, distinct, showing, glaring,
*belt, *slug, batter, push around. in full view, unmistakable, prominent. ANT.
mania n. craze, obsession, mental disorder, invisible, unapparent, uncertain, ambiguous.
compulsion, fixation, preoccupation, desire, manifestation n. form, demonstration, evi-
passion, fascination, madness. dence, exhibition, display, indication, ex-
WORD FIND ample, illustration, expression, proof, testi-
alcohol: dipsomania mony.
animals: zoomania MANIFESTO n. [MAN uh FES toh] a public
books: bibliomania declaration of political doctrine and inten-
cats: ailuromania tions. The new government produced a written
children: pedomania manifesto of their beliefs. SYN. proclamation,
dancing: choreomania declaration, promulgation, notice, notifica-
death: necromania tion, announcement.
dogs: cynomania manifold a. varied, various, multifold, multifar-
eating: sitomania ious, multiple, multifaceted, diverse, miscel-
fire: pyromania laneous, numerous. ANT. simple, one-dimen-
flowers: anthomania sional.
food: phagomania manipulate v. 1. HANDLE operate, work, wield,
genius, delusion one is: sophomania use, finger. 2. FINAGLE *pull strings, con-
horses: hippomania trive, influence, plot, scheme, machinate,
kill, desire to: dacnomania engineer, jockey, trick, *wangle, *wheel and
money: chrematomania deal.
nakedness: gymnomania mankind n. SEE MAN
night: noctimania manly a. masculine, brave, strong, courageous,
pleasure: hedonomania macho, virile, tough, potent, red-blooded,
sex: nymphomania, aphrodisiomania *two-fisted, daring, unflinching, heroic,
sleep: hypnomania gritty, fearless, aggressive, chivalrous, mus-
solitude: automania cular, husky. ANT. effeminate, *wimpy,
stealing: kleptomania mousy, feminine, weak.
sun: heliomania man-made a. artificial, synthetic, manufac-
talking: logomania tured, fabricated, handmade, unnatural,
travel: hodomania fake. ANT. natural, real.
washing: ablutomania manner n. 1. STYLE way, mode, fashion,
wealth: plutomania method, system, pattern, custom, practice.
women: gynemania 2. BEHAVIOR air, way, conduct, deportment,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 355


aspect, bearing, mien, posture, appearance, mapmaker n. cartographer, mapper, topogra-

demeanor. pher, surveryor.
mannered a. affected, unnatural, pretentious, mar v. disfigure, spoil, damage, impair, injure,
put-on, posed, phony, artificial, *fake, stud- blemish, deface, deform, mangle, ruin,
ied, calculated. ANT. natural, genuine. wreck, scar, crack.
mannerism n. habit, idiosyncrasy, quirk, pecu- marathon n. cross-country race, footrace, en-
liarity, trait, tic, characteristic gesture, affec- durance run, long distance race.
tation, put-on. maraud v. raid, plunder, ransack, pillage, loot,
mannerly a. polite, courteous, well-behaved, ravage, prey upon, wreak havoc on, despoil,
civil, gracious, considerate, refined, nice, assault.
proper, respectful, gentlemanly, ladylike, marauder n. raider, attacker, plunderer, pil-
polished. ANT. rude, ill-mannered, discourte- lager, looter, pirate, ransacker, thief, robber.
ous. march v. step in time, pace, tramp, tread, pa-
manners n. courtesy, civilities, decorum, gra- rade, goose-step, walk, promenade, file,
ciousness, etiquette, politeness, formalities, plod, strut.
social graces, good form, refinement, gentil- WORD FIND
ity. ‘‘The final and perfect flower of noble manner of: lockstep
character.’’—William Winter. ‘‘The art of marching in formations: close-order drill
making those people easy with whom we Mardi Gras n. festival, parade, carnival, cele-
converse.’’—Jonathan Swift. ‘‘Oil that lu- bration, masquerade party.
bricates social contacts.’’—Leon Harrison. margin n. border, edge, perimeter, verge, pe-
ANT. rudeness, bad manners, impoliteness, riphery, brink, brim, lip, hem, skirt, fringe,
roughness. limit.
mansion n. manor, estate, chateau, villa, pa- marginal a. borderline, slight, minimal, limited,
lazzo, castle, stately home, *showplace, negligible, insignificant, trivial. ANT. signifi-
*dream house, *spread. SEE HOUSE cant, considerable.
manslaughter n. killing, slaying, homicide. SEE marijuana n. cannabis, hemp, *pot, *weed,
*grass, *dope, *ganja, *Columbian, *Indian
manual n. handbook, guidebook, instructions, hay, *Jamaican, *Kona gold, *Mary Jane,
directions, *how-to, bible, reference, *Panama red, *sinsemilla, *smoke, *Maui
primer, textbook. SEE BOOK wowie, *Thai stick.
manufacture v. 1. MAKE produce, mass-pro-
active substance: tetrahydrocannabinol,
duce, fabricate, assemble, build, create, for-
mulate, construct, fashion, hammer out,
block of pressed: brick
turn out, cast, forge. 2. CONCOCT make up,
bundle weighing one kilogram: *kilo
invent, think up, fabricate, devise, lie, em-
butt end of cigarette: *roach
bellish, *tell a tall tale.
cigarette holding clip: *roach clip
manufacturer n. maker, builder, producer, mill, cigarette: *reefer, *doobie, *jay, *joint,
assembler, assembly plant. *number, *bomb
manure n. dung, excrement, *crap, droppings, five-dollar bag: *nickel bag
mulch, waste matter, *do do, *cow chips, ounce of: *lid
fertilizer, compost. resin product: hashish, *hash
manuscript n. script, text, book, composition, ten-dollar bag: *dime bag
story, document, article, typewritten pages, water pipe: bong
many n. a lot, abundance, scores, tons, *scads, a marina n. harbor, dock, dockage, boat basin,
bunch, multitude, myriad, *galaxy, *heaps, moorings, berth, slip, landing, boat yard,
profusion. ANT. a few, none. pier, wharf. SEE BOAT, SAIL, SHIP
many a. abundant, several, numerous, count- marinate v. pickle, steep, soak.
less, multitudinous, innumerable, plentiful, marine n. SEE ARMY, MILITARY, NAVY
copious, *umpteen. ANT. few. marine a. oceanic, sea, aquatic, pelagic, mari-
map n. chart, plan, plot, graph, relief map, atlas, time, nautical.
street guide. mariner n. sailor, seafarer, seaman, *sea dog,
maple n. tree, acer, deciduous tree. *salt, bluejacket, navy man, skipper, mate,

356 Roget’s Superthesaurus


helmsman, boatswain, deckhand. SEE NAVAL interracial: miscegenation, mixed marriage

OFFICER, NAVY, SHIP, BOAT invalidation of: annulment
marionette n. dummy, doll. SEE PUPPET long-term cohabitation without benefit of
marital a. wedded, matrimonial, married, con- wedding: common-law marriage
jugal, connubial, nuptial. ANT. single. loveless couple joined for benefits other
maritime a. oceanic, sea, aquatic, pelagic, nau- than affection: marriage of convenience
tical, seagoing, oceangoing, naval, marine. man uninterested in: confirmed bachelor
mark n. 1. LINE, SPOT OR BLEMISH streak, tick, man who has sexually unfaithful wife: cuck-
blot, impression, trace, blotch, dot, stain, old
smudge, imprint, score, scratch, cut. 2. married to more than one spouse: bigamy,
CHARACTERISTIC sign, hallmark, indication, polygamy
symptom, symbol, brand, badge, signature, married to one spouse: monogamy, monog-
proof, evidence. 3. STANDARD norm, rule, yny, monandry
criterion, scale, yardstick, gauge. 4. TARGET outside the bonds of marriage: extramarital
goal, aim, end, objective, object, bull’s-eye. property brought into by woman: dowry
mark v. 1. BLEMISH streak, blot, leave an impres- seventh-year temptation: *seven-year itch
sion, blotch, dot, stain, smudge, splotch, unfaithfulness in: infidelity
mar, imprint, score, scratch, cut. 2. CHARAC- vow: troth
TERIZE distinguish, brand, stamp, imprint,
with others: open marriage
identify, label, indicate, symbolize, denote. SEE DIVORCE, WEDDING
marked a. noticeable, obvious, distinct, con- marry v. wed, *tie the knot, exchange wedding
spicuous, clear, apparent, prominent, out- vows, unite in holy wedlock, *say ‘‘I do,’’
standing, striking, glaring, pronounced. ANT. *hitch up, *walk down the aisle, *settle
indistinct, undistinguished. down. ANT. divorce, *split up, separate.
market n. store, mart, shopping center, grocery
marsh n. bog, swamp, fen, bayou, everglade, es-
store, outlet, mall, stall, stand, emporium,
tuary, moor, wetland, quagmire, slough.
market v. sell, peddle, hustle, offer for sale,
gas: methane
hawk, wholesale, retail, exchange, trade, ad-
vertise. hollow: swale
marksman n. sharpshooter, crack shot, dead plant: reed, sedge, cattail, bulrush
shot, good shot.
maroon v. strand, abandon, leave behind, cast marshal v. order, arrange, array, manage, direct,
away, desert, put ashore, forsake, isolate. coordinate, organize, distribute, deploy, dis-
marriage n. union, wedding, matrimony, cou- pose, guide.
pling, wedlock, tie, bond, nuptials, *wedded marshy a. boggy, swampy, fenny, wet, soggy,
bliss, *tying the knot, merger. ‘‘An armed spongy, mucky. ANT. dry, arid.
alliance against the outside world.’’—Gil- martial a. military, militant, warlike, hostile,
bert Keith Chesterson. ‘‘The high sea for combative, aggressive, bellicose, antagonis-
which no compass has yet been in- tic. ANT. peaceful, civil.
vented.’’—Heinrich Heine. ‘‘Fever in re- martinet n. disciplinarian, drillmaster, taskmas-
verse: it starts with heat and ends with ter, *whip, tyrant, slavedriver, authoritar-
cold.’’—German proverb. ‘‘A field of battle, ian, stickler.
not a bed of roses.’’—Robert Louis Steven- martyr n. sufferer, self-sacrificer, *poor me.
son. martyrdom n. suffering, torment, torture, an-
WORD FIND guish, self-sacrifice, persecution, crown of
after death of first spouse: digamy thorns, crucifixion, hell, vale of tears, or-
broker, Jewish: schatchen deal. ‘‘Proof of the intensity, never of the
divorce: dissolution correctness of a belief.’’—Arthur Schnitzler.
estrangement: alienation of affections ‘‘The only way in which a man can become
failing: *on the rocks famous without ability.’’—George Bernard
forced, due to sexual misconduct: *shotgun Shaw.
wedding marvel n. wonder, miracle, prodigy, sensation,
hater of: misogamist spectacle, *sight to behold, *mindblower,
hatred of: misogamy phenomenon, rarity.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 357


marvel v. wonder at, stand in awe, be awes- master n. 1. EXPERT pro, professional, *ace, au-
truck, be astonished, gape at, stare at with thority, *whiz, veteran, *old hand, master
wonder, be amazed. hand, proficient, mentor, teacher. 2. CHIEF
marvelous a. 1. WONDERFUL sensational, phe- overseer, boss, commander, director, ruler,
nomenal, miraculous, amazing, astonishing, manager, governor, leader, head, lord, *top
surprising, extraordinary, awesome, won- dog, *biggest toad in the puddle. ANT. 1. am-
drous, stunning, supernatural. 2. GREAT ex- ateur, beginner, tyro, rookie. 2. subordinate,
cellent, fabulous, fantastic, fine, splendid, employee, underling.
superb, *super, terrific, *out of this world, master v. learn, *get the hang of, *get down,
wonderful. ANT. 1. *ho-hum, ordinary, banal, understand, *know backwards and forwards,
everyday. 2. lousy, terrible, bad. *know inside and out, become proficient in.
masculine a. manly, macho, virile, male, master a. 1. EXPERT proficient, skilled, experi-
strong, tough, powerful, muscular, domi- enced, professional, accomplished. 2. MAIN
nant, potent, butch, bold, *gutsy. ANT. ef- principal, great, dominant, chief, leading,
feminate, feminine, *wimpy, weak. ruling, commanding. ANT. 1. unskilled,
mash v. smash, crush, pulp, squash, scrunch, rookie, inexperienced, amateur. 2. secondary,
grind, press, pulverize. subordinate, minor.
mask n. disguise, cover-up, facade, masquerade, masterful a. expert, proficient, skilled, accom-
veil, concealment, false front. plished, experienced, crack, *crackerjack,
mask v. disguise, cover up, hide, conceal, veil, virtuoso, dexterous, adroit. ANT. amateurish,
camouflage, cloak, screen, masquerade. bumbling, inept.
mason n. stoneworker, bricklayer, stone mason. mastermind n. architect, author, engineer,
masquerade n. disguise, costume, facade, put- leader, ringleader, wizard, genius, *brains,
on, guise, getup, mask, mummery, ball, cos- designer, orchestrator, instigator.
tume party, *Mardi Gras, imposture, pose,
masterpiece n. masterwork, magnum opus, chef
d’oeuvre, pièce de résistance, tour de force,
mass n. 1. MATTER body, lump, solid, hunk,
*jewel in the crown, showpiece.
chunk, pile, bulk, mound, load, block, heap,
mastery n. 1. CONTROL command, rule, domi-
deposit, gob, wad, accumulation, collection,
nation, authority, power, sway, upper hand,
aggregation, conglomeration, assemblage,
influence. 2. EXPERTISE proficiency, com-
host, number, assortment, crowd. 2. SIZE
magnitude, bulk, weight, volume, dimen- mand, skill, prowess, knowledge, ability, fa-
sion, greatness. cility, virtuosity. ANT. 1. submission, subser-
massacre n. slaughter, mass killing, bloodbath, vience. 2. ineptness, ignorance.
indiscriminate killing, wholesale slaughter, masturbation n. self-gratification, onanism, au-
carnage, butchery, decimation, annihila- toeroticism, self-abuse.
tion, genocide. SEE MURDER match n. 1. EQUAL equivalent, mate, double,
massacre v. slaughter, kill, butcher, slay, anni- twin, fellow, duplicate, peer, counterpart. 2.
hilate, decimate, kill off, liquidate, wipe out, COUPLE pair, pairing, partnership, duet. 3.

exterminate, eliminate. SEE MURDER CONTEST competition, meet, bout, game,

massage n. rubdown, back rub, kneading, ma- tournament, duel, rivalry.
nipulation, *Rolfing. match v. equal, go together, look alike, parallel,
massage v. rub, knead, stroke, press, roll, flex. correspond, make a pair, mirror one an-
masses n. common people, working class, lower other. ANT. clash, oppose.
class, peasantry, plebeians, proletariat, hoi matching a. twin, paired, like, coordinating,
polloi. ‘‘Mute, inglorious men and women corresponding, identical, duplicate, of a set.
who made no nuisance of themselves in the ANT. clashing, opposing, unlike.
world.’’—Philip Howard. ‘‘The nondistinc- matchless a. unequaled, unparalleled, peerless,
tive bulk of human kind—the average incomparable. ANT. comparable, akin, *on
man.’’—Robert Zwickey. ANT. upper class, par with.
aristocracy, elite, royalty, *upper crust. mate n. partner, twin, counterpart, fellow, dou-
massive a. huge, large, tremendous, stupen- ble, equal, one of a pair, peer, sidekick, alter
dous, colossal, enormous, prodigious, exten- ego, companion, *buddy, friend, lover,
sive, immense, gigantic, gargantuan, stag- spouse, colleague.
gering, monstrous, monumental, towering. mate v. pair up, couple, join up, marry, wed,
ANT. tiny, microscopic, miniscule. breed, procreate, copulate.

358 Roget’s Superthesaurus


material n. 1. SUBSTANCE matter, stuff, medium, full-fledged, ripened, in bloom, seasoned,

components, constituents, ingredients, ele- developed, in one’s prime. 2. WISE AND EXPE-
ments, stock. 2. TEXTILE fabric, cloth, dry RIENCED seasoned, practiced, responsible,
goods. 3. DATA facts, information, notes, dependable, independent, self-sufficient,
text, documentation. settled. ANT. 1. immature, juvenile, young. 2.
material a. 1. PHYSICAL palpable, tangible, immature, dependent, callow.
touchable, solid, concrete, corporeal, bodily, maturity n. 1. ADULTHOOD manhood, woman-
real, nonspiritual. 2. IMPORTANT relevant, hood, majority, age of consent, full bloom,
significant, consequential, weighty, funda- full growth, development, completion, per-
mental, germane, momentous, vital, crucial. fection. 2. WISDOM AND EXPERIENCE responsi-
ANT. 1. spiritual, impalpable. 2. immaterial,
bility, dependability, reliability, indepen-
irrelevant, unimportant. dence, self-sufficiency, seasoning,
materialistic a. acquisitive, greedy, *keeping up sophistication, refinement. ‘‘The ability to
with the Joneses, *like a yuppie. live in someone else’s world.’’—Oren Ar-
nold. ‘‘The day you don’t need to be lied to
materialize v. appear, take shape, come to be,
about anything.’’—Frank Yerby. ‘‘The abil-
emerge, turn up, rise, issue, come about, de-
ity to postpone gratification.’’—Sigmund
velop, form, manifest, accomplish, realize.
Freud. ‘‘The day you have your first real
ANT. disappear, vanish, fade away.
laugh at yourself.’’—Ethel Barrymore. ANT.
maternal a. motherly, parental, nurturing, pro- 1. immaturity, childhood, infancy. 2. imperfec-
tecting, caring, devoted, doting, sheltering, tion, incompletion, dependence, irresponsibil-
loving. ANT. uncaring, cruel. ity.
mathematics n. math, arithmetic, calculation, MAUDLIN a. [MAWD lin] overly sentimen-
figures, numbers, multiplication, addition tal to the point of silliness. The drunk em-
and subtraction, division, algebra, calculus, braced everyone and grew increasingly maudlin.
geometry, equations, trigonometry. ‘‘The SYN. sentimental, overly sentimental,
music of reason.’’—James Sylvester. mawkish, mushy, cow-eyed, *drippy, unre-
matriarch n. mother, grandmother, matron, strained, teary, weepy, *schmaltzy, *corn-
dame, dowager, queen, empress, *ruler of ball, overemotional, *laying it on thick,
the roost, *battle-ax. *laying it on with a trowel. ANT. cold, matter-
matrimony n. holy wedlock. SEE MARRIAGE of-fact, emotionless.
matron n. 1. MATURE WOMAN middle-aged maul v. beat, injure, tear, lacerate, bruise,
woman, matriarch, dame, dowager, widow. pound, batter, pummel, rough up, *clobber,
2. WARDEN head mistress, supervisor, house- trounce, thrash, manhandle.
mother, governess. mausoleum n. tomb, sepulchre. SEE GRAVE, CEM-
matronly a. dignified, sedate, mellow, mature, ETERY
serious, motherly. maverick n. independent, nonconformist, van-
matted a. tangled, snarled, twisted, knotted, guard, trendsetter, trailblazer, pioneer, dis-
full of snags, *like a rat’s nest, uncombed, senter, eccentric, rebel, individual, *lone
messy, disheveled. voice in the wilderness. ANT. follower, *one
matter n. 1. SUBSTANCE material, stuff, body, of the herd, conformist.
mawkish a. sickeningly sentimental, maudlin,
medium, element, object. 2. AFFAIR issue,
nauseating, mushy, emotional, *schmaltzy,
concern, situation, question, subject, doing,
teary, *gushy, *sappy. ANT. emotionless, cold,
business, topic, happening, episode. 3. CON- matter-of-fact.
SEQUENCE importance, weight, significance,
MAXIM n. [MAK sim] a saying that illustrates
import, gravity, magnitude. 4. TROUBLE diffi- a basic truth. ‘‘Blood is thicker than water’’ is a
culty, problem, dilemma, upset, distress. popular maxim. SYN. saying, truth, principle,
matter-of-fact a. unemotional, prosaic, dry, truism, adage, aphorism, proverb, axiom,
businesslike, dull, plain, unexciting, *cold- tenet, saw, *bromide, cliche. ‘‘Little ser-
blooded, sober, phlegmatic, impassive, mons.’’—Gelett Burgess. ‘‘The condensed
straightforward, direct. ANT. emotional, pas- good sense of nations.’’—James Mackin-
sionate. tosh.
mature v. grow, season, develop, ripen, bloom, maximum n. top, height, zenith, peak, pinna-
flower, *come of age, grow up, evolve, settle cle, climax, culmination, high point, ex-
down, mellow. treme, most, optimum, limit. ANT. minimum,
mature a. 1. ADULT fully grown, full-grown, bottom.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 359


maximum a. highest, greatest, biggest, top, meaning n. intent, intention, purport, signifi-
most, maximal, supreme, utmost, para- cation, denotation, sense, definition, con-
mount. ANT. minimum, least, smallest. notation, drift, suggestion, point, thrust, in-
maybe adv. possibly, perhaps, perchance. terpretation, essence, content.
mayhem n. destruction, violence, brutality, in- meaningful a. important, deep, profound, con-
jury, chaos, pandemonium, havoc, disorder, sequential, significant, weighty, momen-
confusion. ANT. calm, order. tous, purposeful. ANT. meaningless, insignifi-
maze n. labyrinth, convolution, meander, tan- cant, empty.
gle, knot, puzzle, jungle, confusion, perplex- meaningless a. empty, vacuous, senseless, non-
ity, muddle, bewilderment. sensical, useless, worthless, pointless, incon-
meadow n. field, grassland, pasture, range, prai- sequential, purposeless, hollow, trivial, fu-
rie, plain, lea, veldt, mead. tile. ANT. meaningful, deep, profound,
means n. 1. WAY method, resources, modus ope-
descriptive: Audubonesque tableau of birds
randi, system, apparatus, mechanism, power,
and flowers, grasses undulating in the instrumentation, medium, expedient, agent.
breeze, windblown timothy, Irish green 2. MONEY wealth, resources, assets, capital,
meadow, tawny tussocks of Autumn. cash, finances, *bucks, income.
open spot in a forest: glade meanwhile adv. meantime, at the same time,
SEE GRASS, FLOWER simultaneously, while, during, concurrently.
meager a. scanty, sparse, scarce, thin, bare, measles n. viral disease, contagious disease, ill-
lean, insufficient, inadequate, poor, lacking, ness, affliction, sickness.
skimpy. ANT. plentiful, abundant. measly a. Sl. paltry, skimpy, meager, scanty,
meal n. repast, *feed, feast, banquet, fare, poor, puny, trifling. ANT. large, substantial,
*grub, breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, generous.
brunch, *eats, spread, food, mess, chow, K measurable a. quantifiable, quantitative, calcu-
ration, entree. lable, assessable, computable, gaugeable, de-
mealymouthed a. euphemistic, insincere, indi- terminable. ANT. immeasurable, infinite.
rect, mincing, delicate, overnice, prim, measure n. 1. EXTENT share, portion, part, al-
oversubtle, roundabout, honeyed, vague. lowance, allotment, division, quantity,
ANT. direct, blunt, straightforward. quota, sum, ration, extent, dimension,
mean n. average, norm, happy medium, par, scope, span, capacity, volume, magnitude.
middle, rule, median. ANT. extreme. 2. STANDARD rule, gauge, benchmark,
mean v. 1. HAVE IN MIND intend, plan, think model, yardstick, scale. 3. ACTION act, step,
of, expect, propose, aim, anticipate, want. course, procedure, means, expedient, move.
2. SIGNIFY denote, indicate, designate, stand measure v. gauge, weigh, take dimensions, sur-
for, represent, symbolize, express, imply. vey, quantify, figure, calculate, compute, ap-
praise, size, figure, calibrate, judge.
mean a. 1. NASTY unpleasant, obnoxious, cruel,
measurement n. measuring, gauging, estima-
vicious, hurtful, rude, malicious, *dirty, rot-
tion, calculation, computation, assessment,
ten, rough, sour, unkind, contemptible, hos- dimension, volume, depth, capacity, height,
tile, insulting, petty, ignoble, spiteful, bru- width, weight, mass, density, length, magni-
tal. 2. STINGY miserly, cheap, penny- tude.
pinching, ungenerous, tight, parsimonious, meat n. 1. FLESH beef, veal, fat, pork, chicken,
grudging, niggardly. 3. POOR shabby, low, ham, bacon, sausage, venison, mutton, pas-
second-rate, humble, modest, squalid, pal- trami, hamburger, blubber, chop, loin, roast,
try, mediocre, menial, small. 4. AVERAGE cut, flank, steak, cutlet, rasher, sirloin, food.
normal, medium, middle, median, mid, in- 2. GIST heart, crux, essence, core, nub.
termediate. ANT. 1. noble, nice, kind. 2. gen- meaty a. meaningful, rich, *heavy, full of sub-
erous, giving. 3. rich, first-rate, superior. stance, profound, rich, pithy, weighty, deep.
meander v. wind, convolute, twist, snake, take ANT. trivial, frivolous, light.
a serpentine path, *switchback, zigzag, cork- meat-eating a. carnivorous, flesh-eating, preda-
screw, wander, go in roundabout fashion, cious, bloodthirsty. ANT. herbivorous, vegetar-
range, ramble, *go all over the place, follow ian.
a tortuous course. ANT. make a beeline. mecca n. center, hub, destination, goal.

360 Roget’s Superthesaurus


mechanical a. 1. TECHNOLOGICAL power- analgesic: acetaminophen, aspirin, codeine,

driven, motor-driven, machine-driven, au- ibuprofen, morphine, opium
tomated, *robotic. 2. SKILLED WITH ONE’S angina, relieves: nitroglycerin
HANDS dexterous, deft, proficient, handy. 3. antibiotic: amoxicillin, ampicillin, erythro-
EXPRESSIONLESS automatic, robotlike, emo- mycin, penicillin, streptomycin, sulfa
tionless, unfeeling, impersonal, matter-of- drug, sulfonamide, tetracycline
fact, lifeless. ANT. 1. manual, hand-powered. bacterial infection treatment derived from
2. inept, bumbling, clumsy. 3. emotional, feel- fungus: antibiotic
ing, spontaneous. blood clotting, prevents: anticoagulant,
mechanism n. machine, motor, generator, de- heparin
vice, contrivance, servomechanism, appara- blood serum containing antibodies: gamma
tus, gear, component, instrument, gadget. globulin
mechanize v. automate, motorize, rig, equip. blood vessel constrictor: vasoconstrictor
medal n. medallion, decoration, citation, rib- blood vessel widener: vasodilator
bon, award, badge, testimonial, recognition. body’s natural immune protein: antibody
meddle v. interfere, *stick one’s nose in where book listings of: pharmacopoeia
it doesn’t belong, *butt in, intrude, inter- breathing passages, opens: bronchodilator
lope, intervene, impose, horn in, *kibitz. cancelling out of one drug’s effects by an-
ANT. mind one’s business, *stick to one’s own other: antagonism
knitting. circulation, steps up: epinephrine, adrenalin
meddlesome a. interfering, intrusive, meddling, cough suppressant: antitussive, codeine
officious, obtrusive, presumptuous, busy- cure-all: panacea, catholicon
body, *snoopy, *kibitzing. ANT. removed, re- diabetes victim’s blood sugar regulator: insu-
strained, indifferent. lin
media n. press, communications industry, news dropper: pipette
industry, radio, television, publishing, re- epilepsy, seizure medication: diazepam, Di-
porters, paparazzi. SEE NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE, lantin
RADIO, TELEVISION, BOOK, INTERNET fever reducer: antipyretic, febrifuge
median a. middle, mid, central, mean. ANT. heart activity, decreases: beta blocker
outer, extreme. heart stimulant: digitalis
MEDIATE v. [MEE dee ATE] to take an inter- itch reliever: antipruritic
mediate position and help settle differences laxative: cathartic, purgative
between two or more parties. Better to have malaria drug: quinine
a third party mediate than to call in expensive motion sickness reliever: Dramamine
lawyers. SYN. settle, conciliate, compromise, muscle-building hormone: steroid
reconcile, bring to terms, negotiate, referee, nonprescription: over-the-counter
umpire, resolve differences, moderate. ointment: salve, unguent, balm, emollient
mediation n. settlement, peaceful intervention, organ transplant, fights rejection of: immu-
conciliation, compromise, reconciliation, nosuppressant
negotiation, refereeing, moderating, making painkiller: analgesic, Demerol, methadone
peace. Parkinson’s disease, controls: L-dopa
medicine n. medication, medicament, remedy, phlegm, helps bring up: expectorant
cure, elixir, preparation, drug, wonder drug, poison counteractant: antidote, antivenin
pharmaceutical, antibiotic, pill, inocula- polio vaccine: Sabin vaccine, Salk vaccine
tion, vaccine, physic, dose, treatment, ther- quack: patent medicine, nostrum
apeutics. ‘‘Consists of amusing the patient reduced effectiveness of medicine over time:
while nature cures the disease.’’—Voltaire. tolerance
‘‘A conjectural art.’’—Celsus. relieves symptoms but does not cure disease:
WORD FIND palliative
MEDICINES AND DRUGS simulated: placebo
acid neutralizer: antacid, bicarbonate of skin, applied to: topical
soda sleep, induces: hypnotic, soporific
alcohol, solution of: tincture spasm reliever: antispasmodic
allergy reliever that counters histamine: an- study of medicines: pharmacology
tihistamine tranquilizer: Librium, Miltown, Thorazine

Roget’s Superthesaurus 361


ulcer medicine: Xantac, antacid tissue removal for examination: biopsy

urine, increases excretion of: diuretic tube insertion in body part for drainage, di-
vaccine for diptheria, pertussis and tetanus: agnosis, etc.: intubation
DPT uterine fluid removal during pregnancy: am-
vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella: niocentesis
MMR uterine or cervical cancer test: Pap test
vessel: ampule, phial, vial X-ray image live on screen: fluoroscopy
vomiting, induces: emetic MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
PROCEDURES, SEE ALSO OPERATION bladder probe: cytoscope
alcohol, drug, toxin removal from body: de- bleeding, stops profuse: hemostat
toxification, *detox blood filtering machine aiding kidney func-
allergy test: patch test, scratch test tion: dialysis machine
blood cell count: blood count blood pressure cuff: sphygmomanometer
blood filtering to aid kidney function: dial- breathing apparatus: respirator, resuscitator
ysis colon discharge bag: colostomy bag
brain scan by tomography: PET scan, posi- colon probe: sigmoidoscope
tron emission tomography decompression chamber: hyperbaric cham-
brain’s electrical activity reading: electroen- ber
cephalogram, EEG ear probe: otoscope
breast X-ray or imaging: mammography electrocardiogram machine: electrocardio-
broken bone alignment by force: traction graph
cancer treatment with X-rays, beta rays, gown, green surgical: *scrubs, scrub suit
gamma rays: radiation therapy grasper: forceps
chemical or drug treatment for cancer: che- hammer used to check reflexes: plessor, per-
motherapy cussion hammer
choking maneuver: Heimlich maneuver holds body cavity open: speculum
CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation internal probe: endoscope
determination of disease: diagnosis joint probe: arthroscope
EEG: electroencephalogram knife: bistoury, lancet, scalpel
EKG: electrocardiogram knife, electrical: radio knife
enhanced radiology imaging: CAT scan larynx probe: lyngoscope
(computerized axial tomography) listening device, diaphragm: stethoscope
evaluation, general: workup, physical needle and syringe: hypodermic
fat sucked out, plastic surgery method: lipo- photographs internal body by radiation: X-
suction ray machine
feeling for body abnormalities by hand: pal- pole on which medicinal fluids are hung: IV
pation pole, *ivy pole
heart exam through ultrasound imaging: pump used in heart surgery: heart-lung ma-
echocardiography chine
heart fitness test: stress test rectal probe: proctoscope, sigmoidoscope
heart’s electrical activity reading: electro- respitory recorder: spirograph
cardiogram, EKG sterilizer, instrument: autoclave
imaging internal body with magnetic field: stretcher: gurney
magnetic resonance imaging, MRI stomach probe: gastroscope
intravenous introduction of blood: transfu- tissue retractor: retractor
sion, IV tissue scraper: curette
microorganisms, lab examination of body’s: tongue, moves out of the way: tongue de-
culture pressor
prediction of disease outcome: prognosis trachea probe: bronchoscope
prioritizing of most critical patients first: tri- tube drain: catheter
age X-ray screen: fluoroscope
stone destruction by sound waves: litho- FIELDS OF MEDICINE
tripsy aging: geriatrics, gerontology
tapping body part to aid in diagnosis: percus- anesthesia: anesthesiology
sion animal: veterinary medicine

362 Roget’s Superthesaurus


behavioral effects of drugs: psychopharma- WORD FIND

cology catapult: mangonel, trebuchet
birth: obstetrics, tocology chemistry: alchemy
blood: hematology duty and loyalty owed to lord by vassal: fe-
bones: osteology, osteopathy, orthopedics alty
children: pediatrics garden, villager’s: croft
cosmetic and reconstructive surgery: plastic land grant made by lord in exchange for ser-
surgery vices: fief
digestive system: gastroenterology land unit of eighteen to thirty-two acres sup-
disease identification: diagnostics porting peasant: virgate
disease: pathology, etiology lord’s tenant pledging military service: vas-
ears, nose and throat: otorhinolaryngology sal
ears: otology manager of lord’s manor: bailiff
epidemics: epidemiology musical instrument: lute, lyre, rebec
eyes: ophthalmology, optometry peasant: serf, villein
feet: podiatry political and social system: feudalism
female reproductive system: gynecology singer: minstrel, troubador
gums: periodontics sport: tilting, jousting
hearing: audiology tax paid to a lord: tallage
heart: cardiology town, village: bourg
hormones, glands: endocrinology tunic: gipon, jupon
immune system: immunology yard: toft
internal disease, noninvasive treatment of: SEE CASTLE
internal medicine mediocre a. fair, okay, ordinary, middling, so-
joints: arthrology so, okay, passable, tolerable, run-of-the-mill,
kidneys: nephrology garden-variety, *fair to middling, second-
liver: hepatology rate, poor, pedestrian, undistinguished. ANT.
lungs and breathing: pulmonology superior, first-rate, exceptional, outstanding.
malformations: teratology meditate v. think, reflect, muse, contemplate,
mental diseases, disorders: psychopathology, ruminate, ponder, brood, chew over, delib-
psychiatry erate, focus on, cogitate, weigh, mull over.
muscles: myology, orthopedics meditation n. deep thought, reflection, con-
needles, Chinese: acupuncture templation, musing, rumination, cogitation,
nervous system: neurology concentration, reverie, chewing over, mull-
newborns: neonatology ing over.
obstetrics and gynecology: ob-gyn medium n. 1. MEANS vehicle, agency, mode,
poisons: toxicology channel, way, instrument, mechanism. 2.
rectum, anus and colon: proctology ATMOSPHERE air, environment, element, cli-
rheumatic disease: rheumatology mate, surroundings, setting. 3. CLAIRVOYANT
sexually transmitted diseases: venereology psychic, telepathist, necromancer, seer,
skin: dermatology mindreader.
skull: craniology medium a. mean, middle, midway, intermedi-
spinal alignment: chiropractic ate, median, average, moderate, par, stan-
stomach: gastrology dard, fair, ordinary, normal. ANT. extraordi-
teeth: dentistry, orthodontics nary, extreme, unusual.
tumors: oncology medley n. mixture, hodgepodge, miscellany,
urinary tracts: urology jumble, mélange, assortment, potpourri,
veins: phlebology mishmash, variety, assortment, mixed bag.
viruses: virology meek a. mild, gentle, docile, compliant, peace-
whole body teatment: holistic medicine ful, passive, tame, patient, timid, shy, spine-
X rays, radiation: radiology less, deferential, submissive. ANT. aggressive,
SEE ALSO BIRTH, DISEASE, DOCTOR, HOSPITAL, pugnacious, rebellious, domineering.
OPERATION, PREGNANCY meet n. competition, match, tournament, con-
medieval a. of the Middle Ages, of the Dark test, game.
Ages, Gothic, feudal, archaic. ANT. modern. meet v. 1. ENCOUNTER happen upon, come

Roget’s Superthesaurus 363


upon, run across, *bump into, chance upon, he’d die without a new pair of jeans. SYN. exag-
face, see. 2. MAKE ACQUAINTANCE shake gerated, sensational, theatrical, stagy, overe-
hands with, get to know, say hello to, greet. motional, histrionic, overacted, maudlin,
3. JOIN connect, touch, converge, unite, mawkish, gushing. ANT. understated, subtle,
cross, abut, intersect. 4. ASSEMBLE gather, matter-of-fact.
congregate, convene, get together, muster, melody n. tune, song, *ditty, musical arrange-
collect. 5. FULFILL satisfy, execute, handle, ment, refrain, line, run, lyric, passage,
perform, carry out, discharge. dispose of. *hook.
ANT. 1. miss, avoid. 3. separate, disconnect. 4. melt v. liquefy, dissolve, soften, deliquesce,
disperse, break up. 5. shirk, fall short, renege. thaw, defrost.
meeting n. 1. ENCOUNTER engagement, con- member n. associate, enrollee, constituent, fel-
frontation, rendezvous, collision, conver- low, brother, sister, affiliate, part, element,
gence. 2. ASSEMBLY gathering, conference, component, segment.
*powwow, congregation, convention, get- membership n. members, associates, enroll-
together, discussion, council, *confab. ANT. ment, constituency, rolls, roster, rank and
avoidance, parting. file, fellowship, brotherhood, sisterhood, so-
melancholy n. depression, unhappiness, down- ciety, club, body, fraternity.
heartedness, blues, sadness, gloom, low spir- membrane n. layer, sheet, covering, lining,
its, funk, woe, misery, sorrow, despondency. film, tissue, skin, sheath, mucosa.
‘‘A hell upon earth.’’—Robert Burton. ‘‘The memento n. souvenir, keepsake, remembrance,
mind’s disease.’’—John Ford. ‘‘The pleasure reminder, token, memorabilia, record, me-
of being sad.’’—Victor Hugo. ANT. happi- morial.
ness, elation, euphoria. memo n. SEE MEMORANDUM
melancholy a. depressed, downhearted, blue, memoirs n. autobiography, biography, diary,
dejected, sad, dispirited, low, glum, *down life story, reminiscences, recollections, jour-
in the mouth, *down in the dumps, nal, chronicle, history, *bio. ‘‘When you put
*bummed out, heartsick, forlorn, disconso- down the good things you ought to have
late, gloomy, miserable, despondent. ANT. done, and leave out the bad ones you did
happy, elated, euphoric. do.’’—Will Rogers.
mélange n. mixture, hodgepodge, miscellany. memorabilia n. mementos, token, souvenir,
SEE MEDLEY keepsakes, remembrance, collectible, re-
meld v. blend, unite, merge, combine, mix, minder, records, archives, annals.
fuse, incorporate, mingle, amalgamate, com- memorable a. unforgettable, important, mo-
pound. ANT. separate, split. mentous, critical, crucial, historic, powerful,
melee n. riot, fight, free-for-all, *rumble, brawl, leaving an indelible image, noteworthy, ex-
fracas, donnybrook, tussle, scuffle, pande- traordinary, striking, remarkable, *red-let-
monium, *ruckus, scrap, hubbub. ter, meaningful, *once in a lifetime. ANT.
MELLIFLUOUS a. [muh LIF loo us] sweet- forgettable, unimportant, ordinary, everyday.
sounding and smooth. The mellifluous tones memorandum n. memo, note, reminder, mes-
echoed quietly across the stage. SYN. smooth- sage, notice, dispatch, minute, tickler.
sounding, sweet-sounding, honeyed, dulcet, memorial n. monument, statue, shrine, marker,
euphonic, liquid, fluid, silver-toned, reso- monolith, reminder, commemoration, rec-
nant. ANT. harsh, grating, rough, discordant. ord, inscription.
mellow a. 1. GENTLE mild, softened, easygoing, memorial a. remembering, commemorative,
placid, seasoned, wise, mature. 2. RIPE soft, retrospective.
sweet, aged, smooth, full-flavored, rich. ANT. memorize v. remember, commit to memory,
1. immature, aggressive, hard, troubled. 2. store, learn by rote, learn by heart, retain,
green, unripe, immature. imprint on one’s mind.
melodious a. tuneful, musical, melodic, song- memory n. 1. RECALL recollection, remem-
like, harmonious, euphonic, symphonic, brance, retention, retrospection, reminis-
sweet, pleasing to the ear, mellifluous. ANT. cence, photographic memory, eidetic mem-
cacophonous, discordant, unmusical. ory, hypermnesia, calling to mind. ‘‘The
MELODRAMATIC a. [MEL o druh MAT ik] library of the mind.’’—Francis Fauvel-Gour-
exaggerated or sensational, theatrical. The and. ‘‘What God gave us so that we might
teenager was being melodramatic when he said have roses in December.’’—James Barrie.

364 Roget’s Superthesaurus


‘‘The warder of the brain.’’—Shakespeare. professional soldier, legionnaire, hired hand.

2. REMINDER image, recollection, picture, MERCENARY a. [MUR suh ner ee] working
thought, vision. ANT. amnesia. for monetary gain and no other reason. His
menace n. threat, danger, hazard, peril, danger, motivation for fighting in the war was purely
troublemaker, sword of Damocles. mercenary. SYN. monetary, selfish, money-
menace v. threaten, scare, frighten, intimidate, grubbing, greedy, venal, acquisitive, for fi-
terrorize, endanger, daunt, imperil. nancial gain. ANT. altruistic, idealistic.
menacing a. threatening, scary, frightening, in- merchandise n. goods, products, wares, stock,
timidating, terrorizing, dangerous, hazard- commodities, vendibles, line, stuff.
ous, looming, hanging over one’s head. ANT. merchandise v. buy and sell, trade, advertise,
reassuring, calming. *move, market, deal in, traffic, distribute,
menagerie n. zoo, collection, zoological collec- wholesale, do business in.
tion, exhibition. merchant n. trader, wholesaler, retailer, dealer,
mend v. fix, repair, restore, correct, patch up, shopkeeper, salesman, businessman, jobber,
doctor, rectify, recondition, remedy, heal, vendor, hawker.
cure, right. merciful a. compassionate, forgiving, humane,
mendacious a. dishonest, lying, false, decep- humanitarian, kind, charitable, sympa-
tive, misleading, deceitful, fraudulent, un- thetic, sparing, lenient, pitying, mild, gen-
truthful, dissembling. ANT. honest, truthful. tle, soft-hearted. ANT. merciless, unfeeling,
menial a. low, servile, mean, humble, common, brutal, pitiless.
subservient, unskilled, abject, ignoble, obse- merciless a. uncompassionate, unforgiving, in-
quious. ANT. highborn, superior, noble, arro- humane, unfeeling, brutal, coldhearted,
gant. hardhearted, heartless, pitiless, stony, mean,
menopause n. change of life, climacteric. callous, cruel, ruthless. ANT. merciful, com-
mental a. 1. INTELLECTUAL cerebral, cognitive, passionate, kind.
thinking, phrenic, reasoning, of the mind, MERCURIAL a. [mur KYOOR ee ul] quick
psychic, psychological. 2. OF MENTAL ILLNESS or quick to change, volatile. She was known
mentally ill, disturbed, deranged, psychotic, for her fickle, mercurial manner. SYN. quick,
insane, mad, neurotic, psychiatric, phobic, changeable, volatile, unstable, quick to
*nutty, crazy. change, flighty, unpredictable, erratic,
mentality n. attitude, outlook, view, opinion, *blowing hot and cold, capricious, *up and
state of mind, *mind-set, way of thinking, down, lively. ANT. stable, predictable, con-
mental hospital n. psychiatric hospital, insane
mercy n. compassion, forgiveness, humanity,
asylum, mental health treatment facility, re-
kindness, charity, sympathy, pity, lenience,
covery center, psychiatric ward, *madhouse,
clemency, softheartedness, quarter. ‘‘Nobili-
*nuthouse, *loony bin, *laughing academy.
mental illness n. emotional disorder, personal- ty’s true badge.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. cruelty,
ity disorder, neurosis, psychosis, maladjust- meanness, cold-bloodedness.
ment, schizophrenia, delusions, phobia, ma- mere a. nothing more than, insignificant, tri-
nia, insanity, nervous breakdown. SEE fling, little, small, minor, only, simple, bare.
ANT. significant, great, major.
mention n. reference, remark, referral, utter- merge v. unite, combine, blend, consolidate,
ance, comment, note, acknowledgement, become partners, unify, marry, join, fuse,
statement, indication, suggestion. mix, confederate, join forces. ANT. separate,
mention v. refer, remark, speak of, allude to, split, diverge.
cite, bring up, comment on, touch on, make merger n. consolidation, incorporation, alli-
note of, acknowledge, indicate. ance, combination, partnership, unifica-
MENTOR n. [MEN tur] a teacher, guide, tion, union, marriage, joining, fusion. ANT.
coach or advisor. She couldn’t have succeeded separation, split-up, parting.
without her mentor. SYN. teacher, guide, meridian n. zenith, apex, highest point, crown-
coach, advisor, guru, master, instructor, ing point, acme, peak, pinnacle, summit, cli-
trainer. max, culmination. ANT. low point, nadir.
menu n. bill of fare, selection. merit n. worth, worthiness, value, quality, vir-
mercenary n. soldier of fortune, *hired gun, tue, excellence, integrity, credit.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 365


merit v. deserve, be worthy of, earn, have com- metaphorical a. figurative, symbolic, analo-
ing to, be entitled to, rate. gous, poetic. ANT. literal, actual.
meritorious a. praiseworthy, commendable, METAPHYSICAL a. [met uh FIZ i kul] not
honorable, good, worthy, admirable, laud- of the physical world, supernatural. The as-
able, deserving, exemplary, noble. ANT. un- tronomer uses hard science along with the meta-
worthy, reprehensible, despicable. physical to understand the universe. SYN. in-
merriment n. fun, gaiety, frolic, joy, celebra- corporeal, supernatural, transcendental,
tion, good times, enjoyment, mirth, laugh- philosophical, abstract, theoretical, imma-
ter, joviality, jollity, sport. ANT. misery, terial, impalpable, speculative, spiritual.
gloom, depression. ANT. physical, concrete, material.
merry a. fun, cheerful, gay, mirthful, joyful, cel- metaphysics n. ‘‘The attempt of the mind to
ebratory, jovial, jolly, laughing, happy, rol- rise above the mind.’’—Thomas Carlyle.
licking, festive, blithe, carefree. ANT. misera- ‘‘The art of bewildering oneself methodi-
ble, gloomy, depressed. cally.’’—Jules Michelet.
merry-go-round n. carousel. meteor n. meteorite, fireball, bolide.
mesa n. plateau, tableland, butte. meteoric a. dazzling, brilliant, flashing, fleeting,
mesh n. net, netting, network, web, webbing, ephemeral, short-lived, brief, sudden, swift.
screen, strainer, plexus, openwork, grid, meteorology n. weather science, weather fore-
grille, lattice. casting, weather prediction. SEE CLOUD,
mesh v. engage, fit, interlock, come together, STORM
enmesh, dovetail, interweave, entangle. method n. 1. TECHNIQUE way, system, mode,
mesmerize v. hypnotize, spellbind, entrance, style, formula, process, manner, means, pro-
enthrall, *cast a spell on, put under, en- cedure, program, course. 2. DESIGN order, ar-
chant, bewitch, fascinate, *do a Svengali. rangement, plan, scheme, regularity.
mess n. 1. CLUTTER jumble, disorder, disarray, methodical a. systematic, orderly, ordered, con-
litter, eyesore, debris, unsightliness, dump, stant, efficient, regular, precise, machine-
mayhem, pigpen, filth, *rat’s nest. 2. PREDIC- like, robotic, routine, step by step, struc-
AMENT trouble, plight, difficulty, *pickle, tured. ANT. loose, unmethodical, casual.
*jam, fix, stew, *fine kettle of fish, quan- methodology n. methods, procedures, practices,
dary. ANT. 1. order, neatness, tidiness. science, designs, programs, processes, tech-
message n. 1. COMMUNICATION note, word, niques, mode, systems.
communiqué, notice, memo, wire, dispatch, meticulous a. careful, detail-oriented, scrupu-
bulletin, missive, intelligence. 2. THEME lous, painstaking, precise, finicky, exact,
meaning, idea, moral, point. particular, demanding, perfectionist. ANT.
messenger n. courier, runner, carrier, bearer, lax, casual, careless, sloppy.
emissary, envoy, herald, delivery person. metier n. trade, profession, line of work. SEE
messy a. cluttered, jumbled, disordered, in dis- OCCUPATION
array, littered, unsightly, filthy, dirty, cha- metropolis n. capital, city, municipality, down-
otic, untidy. ANT. clean, neat, tidy. town, urban sprawl, megalopolis. SEE CITY,
sis] a change of form, transformation. We mettle n. character, courage, heart, *what one
studied the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a is made of, spirit, *guts, strength, spunk,
butterfly. SYN. change, transformation, *grit, makeup, nerve, backbone, resolve.
transmutation, conversion, metastasis, al- miasma n. effluvium, vapor, gas, fog, cloud,
teration, evolution, transmogrification, mu- mist, pollution, smog, stench, reek, meth-
tation, rebirth. ane.
METAPHOR n. [MET uh for] a figure of microbe n. SEE MICROORGANISM
speech comprised of a word or phrase that MICROCOSM n. [MYE kruh KOZ um] a min-
transfers its meaning to another use, as a iature world or reality. Bangladesh is a micro-
means of illustration. We are ‘drowning in cosm of a much greater population problem.
paperwork’ is a metaphor and not meant to SYN. miniature world, miniature reality, lit-
be taken literally. SYN. figure of speech, tle world, miniature universe. ANT. macro-
analogy, likening, image, simile, trope, cosm.
symbol. ‘‘The language of poetry.’’—Ra- microorganism n. microbe, germ, *bug, bacil-
phael Kraus. lus, bacterium, virus, pathogen.

366 Roget’s Superthesaurus


microscopic a. tiny, minute, infinitesimal, in- migrate v. emigrate, immigrate, drift, move,
visible to the naked eye, miniscule, imper- wander, rove, travel, range, relocate, pull up
ceptible, *wee. ANT. macroscopic, immense. stakes, *hit the road. ANT. remain, put down
microwave v. heat, cook, *zap, *nuke. roots.
middle n. center, midpoint, halfway point, mid- mild a. 1. GENTLE soft, easygoing, docile, good-
section, mean, epicenter, bull’s-eye, thick of natured, meek, tame, mellow, peaceful,
things, core, focal point. ANT. periphery, mar- tender, pacific, kind, passive. 2. TEMPERATE
gin, extreme. moderate, balmy, clement, gentle, fair,
middle a. central, median, center, mean, half- sunny, halcyon. ANT. 1. harsh, severe, hard,
way, intermediate, between, inside, equidis- aggressive. 2. stormy, rough, wild.
tant. ANT. outer, peripheral. mildew n. fungi, growth, mold.
middle age n. mid-life, middle years, forties. milestone n. landmark, turning point, high
‘‘The old age of youth and youth of old point, climax, achievement, accomplish-
age.’’—Nunally Johnson. ment, event.
middle class n. bourgeoisie, bourgeoise, com- MILIEU n. [mil YOO] environment, setting.
mon people, hoi polloi, Middle America, The classical musician was out of his milieu at
citizenry, working class. ‘‘The backbone of the heavy metal concert. SYN. environment,
a country.’’—Robert Zwickey. setting, surroundings, element, medium,
middleman n. go-between, intermediary, bro- arena, theatre, background, scene.
ker, agent, mediator, wholesaler. militant n. fighter, troublemaker, agitator, fire-
middle-of-the-road a. moderate, *on the fence, brand, aggressor, attacker, combatant, war-
neutral, noncommittal, nonpartisan. ANT. rior. ANT. dove, pacifist, peacemaker.
radical, leftist, rightist, liberal, conservative. militant a. combative, aggressive, contentious,
middling a. okay, so-so, fair, medium, adequate, belligerent, pugnacious, hostile, fierce, an-
moderate, mediocre, tolerable, nothing to tagonistic, warlike, offensive. ANT. peaceful,
brag about, run-of-the-mill. ANT. exceptional, pacific, passive.
outstanding, first-class. military n. army, armed forces, soldiers, troops,
midget n. dwarf, homunculus, pygmy, gnome, defense, service, air force, navy, marines,
*Lilliputian, midge, Tom Thumb, runt, militia. SEE AIR FORCE, AMMUNITION, ARMY,
shrimp, pipsqueak. ANT. giant, titan, monster. BOMB, GUN, MISSILE, NAVY, NUCLEAR BOMB,
midnight n. twelve o’clock, *witching hour, WAR, WEAPON
*dead of night. ‘‘Fairy time.’’—Shakespeare. military a. fighting, armed, combative, warring,
‘‘The outpost of advancing day.’’—Longfel- militant, martial, soldierly, militaristic, mili-
low. tant. ANT. peaceful, pacific.
midst n. middle, core, thick of things, hub, nu- milksop n. *wimp, mouse, *chicken, *wuss,
cleus, heart, center, interior. ANT. edge, pe- coward, pansy, sissy, baby, pantywaist,
riphery, outskirt. milquetoast. ANT. macho man, he-man, hero.
mien n. manner, bearing, air, demeanor, car- Milky Way n. galaxy, *backbone of the night,
riage, deportment, act, expression, look, *starry trail, *island universe. SEE ASTRON-
presence, attitude, aura. OMY, CONSTELLATION, STAR
miff v. insult, hurt, irritate, annoy, offend, irk, mill n. factory, plant, manufactory, works,
bother, *bug, aggrieve, upset, vex. foundry, shop.
might n. strength, power, force, muscle, po- millenium n. one thousand years, one-thou-
tency, command, energy, brawn, vigor, sandth anniversary, golden age, heaven,
steam. ANT. weakness, impotency. utopia, Second Coming.
mighty a. 1. STRONG powerful, forceful, potent, millstone n. burden, weight, load, cross, afflic-
commanding, influential, muscular, omnip- tion, encumbrance, albatross.
otent, vigorous, puissant, *strong as an ox. milquetoast n. SEE MILKSOP
2. HUGE gigantic, colossal, immense, titanic, mimic n. impersonator, imitator, mime, carica-
enormous, gargantuan, massive, monstrous. turist, pantomimist, *copycat, ape, parrot.
ANT. 1. weak, feeble, impotent. 2. tiny, small, mimic v. impersonate, imitate, mime, carica-
wee. ture, pantomime, copy, ape, parrot, bur-
migrant n. drifter, vagrant, nomad, mover, lesque, parody, mock.
wanderer, rover, itinerant, gypsy, transient, mince v. 1. CUT UP chop up, dice, cube, hash,
tramp, *hobo. slice, fragment. 2. SPEAK EUPHEMISTICALLY

Roget’s Superthesaurus 367


speak delicately, euphemize, *water down, glacial mineral deposit of loose particles:
minimize, soften, gloss over, moderate. placer
mind n. 1. INTELLIGENCE intellect, seat of con- largest vein: mother lode
sciousness, brains, head, thought, mental- lung disease caused by coal dust: black lung
ity, cognitive power, perception, wisdom, disease
reason, wits, intuition, psyche. ‘‘That little ore deposit: vein, lode
world.’’—Samuel Rogers. ‘‘An empire.’’— oxygen, absence or low level in shaft: choke-
Robert Southwell. 2. MEMORY recollection, damp
remembrance. 3. OPINION belief, view, out- passageway, main: gangway
look, attitude, feeling, sentiment, way of potential area containing ore: prospect
thinking, conviction, notion. 4. SANITY residue of: tailings
reason, rationality, stability, wits, judg- rich vein: bonanza
ment, soundness of mind, *marbles. search for ore: prospect
mind v. 1. HEED observe, pay attention to, no- stratum: seam
tice, attend to, watch, abide by, follow. 2. waterway: tailrace
LOOK AFTER care for, tend, babysit, protect, SEE CAVE
nurse. 3. CARE dislike, disapprove of, object, mine v. dig, quarry, excavate, tunnel, prospect,
be opposed to, detest, care one way or an- extract, pan, delve.
other. ANT. 1. ignore, overlook. 2. neglect, ig- mingle v. 1. MIX blend, unite, merge, inter-
nore. mingle, combine, join, marry. 2. SOCIALIZE
mind-blowing a. mind-bending, stunning, stag- associate, hobnob, *work the room, mix,
gering, mind-altering, hallucinatory, psy- fraternize, circulate, join. ANT. 1. separate,
chedelic, breathtaking. ANT. soporific, bor- divide. 2. snub, remain aloof, stay at arm’s
ing. length.
mind-boggling a. overwhelming, mind-blow- miniature a. mini, small, tiny, baby, midget,
ing, stunning, staggering, astonishing, amaz- toy, dwarf, pint-sized, pocket-sized, small-
ing. ANT. believable. scale, bantam, minute, wee. ANT. giant,
mindful a. aware, conscious, attentive, heed- jumbo, oversized.
ful, cognizant, regardful, careful, alert, minimal a. SEE MINIMUM
wary, on the lookout. ANT. unaware, heed- minimum n. least, lowest, bottom, slightest.
ANT. maximum.
less, oblivious.
mindless a. brainless, stupid, witless, imbecilic, minimum a. minimal, least, smallest, lowest,
oblivious, unintelligent, asinine, idiotic, slightest, bottom. ANT. maximum, maximal,
moronic, sophomoric, *bubble-headed.
minion n. follower, sycophant, dependent, sub-
ANT. intelligent, brainy, brilliant.
ordinate, flunkey, *lap dog, *kiss-up,
mind reader n. psychic, mentalist, telepathist,
*brownnose, *yes-man, fawner, lackey,
mindset n. attitude, disposition, view, opinion,
miniscule a. tiny, small, wee, minute, micro-
perspective, leaning, way of thinking, feel-
scopic, micro, mini, miniature, little, tri-
ing, sentiment, position, stance. fling, trivial, insignificant, pint-sized, infini-
mine n. quarry, deposit, excavation, shaft, tesimal. ANT. gargantuan, gigantic.
tunnel, pit, vein, lode, claim, diggings, bo- minister n. 1. CLERGYMAN cleric, pastor,
nanza. preacher, parson, deacon, priest, ecclesias-
WORD FIND tic, man of the cloth, reverend, servant of
claim: stake God, rabbi, father. SEE CLERGYMAN, RELIGION
coal cart: corf 2. ADMINISTRATOR diplomat, ambassador,
coal dust: culm envoy, consul, cabinet member, official, del-
combustible gasses in: firedamp egate, secretary.
discovery of ore: strike minister v. administer, tend, attend, serve, care
drain: sump for, accommodate, wait on, help, comfort,
entranceway: adit, portal relieve, nurse.
flume for washing out gold ore: sluice minor n. child, juvenile, youth, adolescent,
fraudulently scatter minerals about to de- teenager, *teenybopper, kid, schoolboy,
ceive prospective buyer: salt schoolgirl. ANT. adult.

368 Roget’s Superthesaurus


minor a. small, trivial, insignificant, slight, mirthful a. merry, gay, joyous, cheerful, gleeful,
light, low grade, trifling, piddling, bush- jolly, lighthearted, hilarious, jocular, blithe,
league, secondary, inconsequential. ANT. happy, glad. ANT. depressed, gloomy, sad.
major, severe, extreme, significant. misadventure n. mishap, accident, disaster,
minstrel n. troubador, singer, musician, lyricist, miscarriage, misfortune, *screw-up, slip, ca-
bard, balladeer, poet. tastrophe, tragedy, calamity.
minute n. sixty seconds, moment, instant, misanthrope n. man-hater, woman-hater, peo-
twinkling, jiffy, wink of an eye, *two shakes ple-hater, cynic, hermit, loner, recluse, mi-
of a lamb’s tail. SEE TIME sogynist, grouch.
minute a. tiny, miniscule, microscopic, infini- misappropriate v. steal, swindle, embezzle,
tesimal, teeny, atomic, molecular, small, pocket, defalcate, *rip off, filch, cheat.
wee, micro, mini, little, trifling, trivial, in- misbegotten a. illegitimate, bastard, out of wed-
significant, pint-sized. *itsy-bitsy, puny, lock, illegal, unlawful, disreputable. ANT. le-
miniature, negligible. ANT. huge, gigantic, gitimate.
massive, gargantuan. misbehave v. act out, make trouble, get out of
MINUTIAE n. [mi NOO shee uh] trivial de- line, offend, be bad, disobey, *raise hell,
tails. Don’t be so concerned with minutiae. SYN. *raise dickens, transgress. ANT. behave, show
trivia, trivial details, unimportant details, good manners.
trifles, minor details, inessentials, nonessen- misbehavior n. acting out, naughtiness, trans-
tials, useless information. gression, offensiveness, bad manners, rude-
miracle n. act of God, divine act, supernatural ness, impropriety, misconduct, *hell-rai-
event, marvel, wonder, spectacle, phenome- sing.
non, sensation. ‘‘The dearest child of miscalculate v. err, misjudge, miscompute,
faith.’’—Johann W. Goethe. ‘‘An event make a mistake, *mess up, blunder, miscon-
which creates faith; that is the purpose . . . strue, underestimate, overestimate.
of miracles.’’—George Bernard Shaw. ‘‘Life miscarriage n. 1. ABORTION spontaneous abor-
itself.’’—Christopher Fry. ‘‘Every cubic inch tion, stillbirth, premature delivery. 2. FAIL-
of space.’’—Walt Whitman. URE malfunction, misfire, mistake, miss,
WORD FIND nonfulfillment, washout, disappointment,
location of several: Lourdes debacle. ANT. 2. success, achievement, fru-
study of: thaumatology ition.
SEE GOD, RELIGION, FAITH miscellaneous a. varied, assorted, mixed, sun-
miraculous a. divine, supernatural, marvelous, dry, diversified, heterogenous, multiform,
wonderful, wondrous, phenomenal, sensa- motley. ANT. uniform, homogenous.
tional, anomalous, supermundane, magical, miscellany n. assortment, collection, combo,
superhuman, unearthly, freakish, extraordi- variety, potpourri, medley, mélange, anthol-
nary, mind-blowing, *unreal. ANT. ordinary, ogy, compilation, mixture, pastiche.
everyday, pedestrian. mischief n. 1. PRANKS playfulness, trick, mis-
mirage n. optical illusion, refraction of light, behavior, trouble, devilment, deviltry,
delusion, vision, specter, phantom, appari- *hell, shenanigans, naughtiness, funny
tion, hallucination, fantasy. business, horseplay, espièglerie. 2. HARM
mire n. bog, mud, ooze, soggy ground, slush, damage, injury, destruction, sabotage, nui-
marsh, fen, swamp, quagmire. sance.
mire v. bog down, sink, stick, flounder, slow, mischievous a. naughty, impish, devilish,
wallow, get involved. prankish, roguish, playful, troublemaking,
mirror n. looking glass, reflector. ‘‘A device rascally, sportive, boyish, puckish. ANT. an-
which tells us the truth is a terrible gelic, well-behaved, saintly.
thing.’’—Abraham Pollock. misconception n. erroneous notion, wrong
mirror v. copy, imitate, mimic, reflect, simu- idea, misunderstanding, distortion, misin-
late, personify, emulate, ape, mock, carica- terpretation.
ture. misconduct n. misbehavior, bad behavior,
mirth n. merriment, gaiety, joyousness, cheer, transgression, wrongdoing, misstep, delin-
frolic, high spirits, glee, jollity, good times, quency, malfeasance, impropriety.
lightheartedness, laughs, hilarity, sport. ANT. misconstrue v. misunderstand, misinterpret,
depression, gloom, misery. misjudge, mistake, distort. ANT. understand.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 369


miscreant n. criminal, evildoer, villain, sinner, the wrong tree, *off. ANT. well-advised, cor-
felon, hoodlum, outlaw, scoundrel, rogue, rect.
rascal. mishandle v. botch, *screw up, *flub, misman-
misdeed n. crime, sin, wrongful act, misde- age, mess up, bungle, fumble, *muff, blow,
meanor, transgression, offense, malefaction, *foul up, *drop the ball. ANT. succeed, mas-
malfeasance, felony, violation. ter.
misdemeanor n. misdeed, offense, misbehavior, mishap n. accident, miscarriage, misadventure,
misconduct, indiscretion, infringement, vi- *screw-up, blunder, mistake, misfortune, ca-
olation, naughtiness, wrong. lamity, casualty.
miser n. hoarder, penny-pincher, skinflint, mishmash n. hodgepodge, jumble, conglomera-
cheapskate, *tightwad, *money-grubber, tion. SEE MISCELLANY
*Scrooge, curmudgeon, misanthrope. ANT. misinform v. mislead, lead astray, misstate, mis-
spendthrift, philanthropist. guide, misrepresent, distort, lie, deceive.
miserable a. 1. UNHAPPY anguished, troubled, misinterpret v. misconstrue, misread. SEE MIS-
depressed, blue, forlorn, desolate, despon- UNDERSTAND
dent, suicidal, inconsolable, dejected, sad, misjudge v. miscalculate, misread, overesti-
melancholy, heartbroken, woebegone, mate, underestimate, overrate, underrate,
glum, mournful, wretched. 2. BAD poor, infe- err, mistake, misconstrue, misunderstand.
rior, rotten, lousy, disgraceful, wretched, pa- mislead v. lead astray, misinform, misguide, de-
thetic, pitiful, sorry, deplorable, second-rate, ceive, *lead down the garden path, bamboo-
abysmal. ANT. 1. happy, joyous, euphoric, zle, delude, *give the bum steer, take in,
elated. 2. good, excellent, superb. *pull the wool over one’s eyes.
miserly a. hoarding, cheap, penny-pinching, mismanage v. SEE MISHANDLE
tight, money-grubbing, misanthropic, mismatch n. SEE DISPARITY
stingy, parsimonious, niggardly. ANT. gener- misogynist n. woman-hater, male chauvinist,
ous, charitable, philanthropic. misanthrope, sexist.
misery n. 1. SUFFERING pain, anguish, depres- misplace v. lose, lose track of, mislay, displace.
sion, melancholy, unhappiness, woe, agony, misrepresentation n. distortion, misstatement,
sadness, distress, torment, hardship, sorrow, falsification, fabrication, misquote, *stretch,
heartache, desolation, despair. ‘‘A commu- perversion, adulteration, lie, exaggeration.
nicable disease.’’—Martha Graham. ‘‘Al- ANT. truth, accuracy.
most always the result of thinking.’’—Jo- miss n. young lady, girl, lass, maiden, gal, young
seph Jourbert. 2. ADVERSITY affliction, woman, mademoiselle.
trouble, ordeal, trial, tribulation, problem, miss v. 1. FAIL fall short, pass over, overlook,
curse. ANT. 1. happiness, pleasure, euphoria. *drop the ball, miscalculate, bobble, *blow
2. good fortune. it, *choke, muff. 2. LONG FOR pine for, yearn
misfire v. fail, fizzle, miss, *shoot a blank, back- for, ache with nostalgia, think of fondly.
fire. ANT. 1. succeed, catch, see.
misfit n. nonconformist, lone wolf, *square peg misshapen a. deformed, malformed, grotesque,
in a round hole, individual, *queer duck, distorted, misproportioned, contorted, mon-
*fish out of water, oddball. strous, ugly. ANT. well-formed, perfect.
misfortune n. bad luck, adversity, trouble, *bad missile n. rocket, projectile, trajectile, ballistic
break, trial, tribulation, setback, calamity, missile, air-to-air missile, ground-to-air mis-
affliction, reversal, hardship, blow, disaster, sile, guided missile.
tragedy. ‘‘Knives, that either serve us or cut WORD FIND
us, as we grasp them by the blade or the air-to-air: Sidewinder, Falcon, Sparrow
handle.’’—Herman Melville. ANT. good luck, anti-armor, wire-guided: TOW missile
fortune, blessing, godsend. antiship cruise missile: Harpoon
misgiving n. uncertainty, apprehension, qualm, antitank: Hellfire missile, Maverick
doubt, hesitation, uneasiness, question, fear, camera-guided: AGM-142, Have Nap mis-
distrust, suspicion. ANT. certainty, trust, con- sile
fidence. electronic beam, guided by: beam rider
misguided a. misled, ill-advised, misinformed, explosive portion: warhead
led astray, mistaken, faulty, wrong, errone- guided missile: cruise missile, Tomahawk
ous, *led up the garden path, *barking up intercepts enemy missiles: Patriot

370 Roget’s Superthesaurus


intercontinental missile: MX, Titan mistress n. 1. MATRON madam, authority, head,

multiple warhead missile: MIRV matriarch, head of the household. 2. LOVER
propulsion unit, additional: booster concubine, courtesan, sweetheart, kept
radar installations, homes in on: HARM woman, girlfriend, *other woman.
shoulder-fired: Stinger mistrust n. distrust, suspicion, doubt, uncer-
silo-deployed, three-stage nuclear missile: tainty, skepticism, apprehension, misgiving,
Minuteman wariness, qualm, leeriness. ANT. trust, confi-
tank-mounted: Shillelagh dence, faith.
underwater, launched from: Polaris, Posei- mistrust v. distrust, suspect, doubt, have mis-
don, Trident II givings, question, apprehend, fear, have res-
SEE AMMUNITION, BOMB ervations. ANT. trust, believe in, have faith in.
missing a. lacking, absent, elsewhere, lost, misty a. vaporous, drizzling, foggy, moist, gauzy,
gone, away, wanting, removed, mislaid, out cloudy, filmy, murky, steamy, hazy, fuzzy,
of sight, unaccounted for, *AWOL. ANT. shrouded, nebulous. ANT. clear, transparent.
here, present. misunderstand v. misinterpret, misconstrue,
mission n. task, undertaking, assignment, ob- misapprehend, misconceive, get the wrong
ject, objective, charge, duty, quest, errand, idea, misread, misjudge, miscalculate, *get
job, enterprise, calling. signals crossed. ANT. understand, get, see.
missionary n. evangelist, proselytizer, preacher, misunderstanding n. 1. MISINTERPRETATION
clergyman, minister, messenger. misapprehension, the wrong idea, confu-
missive n. letter, message, note, dispatch, com- sion, mix-up, misconception, mistake, mis-
munication, memo, report, word, bulletin, reading, false impression. 2. ARGUMENT dis-
*fax. agreement, difference, dispute, rift, quarrel,
misspent a. wasted, squandered, misapplied, dissension, squabble, *falling-out.
thrown away, *down the drain, *blown, misuse n. misapplication, abuse, misusage, cor-
prodigal. ANT. well spent, productive. ruption, misemployment, perversion.
misstatement n. misrepresentation, innacur- misuse v. misapply, misemploy, abuse, corrupt,
acy, misquote, distortion, mistake, falsifica- pervert, mistreat, wrong.
tion, perversion, lie, *blooper. MITIGATE v. [MIT uh GATE] to lessen the
misstep n. error, slip, mistake, wrong move, effect or severity of something. Mitigate the
gaffe, lapse, faux pas, trip, transgression, pain of a sprain by elevating the injured ankle.
blunder, oversight. SYN. moderate, lessen, diminish, soften, re-
mist n. vapor, fog, drizzle, fine rain, cloud, duce, alleviate, allay, lighten, check, blunt,
steam, spray, brume, moisture, haze, smog. ease. ANT. exacerbate, aggravate, worsen.
SEE CLOUD, FOG, RAIN mix n. mixture, blend, combination, combo,
mistake n. error, inaccuracy, fault, blunder, compound, amalgamation, composite, vari-
gaffe, *boo-boo, *flub, slip, miscalculation, ety, potpourri, goulash, mélange, medley.
boner, misinterpretation, goof, omission, mix v. 1. BLEND combine, mingle, compound,
oversight, failure. amalgamate, jumble, suffuse, conglomerate,
mistake v. err, blunder, *flub, miscalculate, unite, join, merge. 2. SOCIALIZE fraternize,
misinterpret, goof, omit, overlook, misun- hobnob, *work the room, mingle. ANT. 1.
derstand, underestimate, overestimate, separate, divide. 2. be aloof, snub, *be a wall-
*botch, miss, misconstrue, confuse. flower.
mistaken a. wrong, incorrect, inaccurate, off, mixed bag n. assortment, miscellany, odds and
inexact, imprecise, erroneous, in error, falla- ends, medley, hodgepodge, melange, mish-
cious, *wide of the mark, confused, *all wet, mash, jumble, potpourri.
*off base, misinformed, unsound. ANT. cor- mixed-up a. confused, muddled, lost, befud-
rect, right, accurate. dled, perplexed, puzzled, confounded, mis-
mistreat v. abuse, maltreat, wrong, rough up, understanding. ANT. clear, *with it.
manhandle, brutalize, disrespect, *step on, mixture n. SEE MIX
*walk all over, bully. ANT. coddle, dote on. moan n. groan, cry, lament, wail, sigh, plaint.
mistreatment n. abuse, maltreatment, disre- moan v. groan, cry, lament, wail, sigh, grumble,
spect, cruelty, brutality, torment, torture, complain, grieve.
manhandling, rough treatment. ANT. cod- moat n. trench, fosse, foss, ditch, gully, defense.
dling, kindness. SEE CASTLE

Roget’s Superthesaurus 371


mob n. 1. CROWD throng, mass, legion, flock, slacken, ease, blunt. 2. PRESIDE OVER control,
multitude, horde, collection, crush, host. oversee, chair, mediate, referee, lead, emcee,
‘‘Man voluntarily descending to the nature govern, supervise. ANT. 1. intensify, increase,
of a beast.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘Many aggravate.
heads, but no brains.’’—Thomas Fuller. ‘‘A moderate a. 1. TEMPERATE reasonable, sensible,
many-headed beast.’’—Horace. 2. GANG judicious, balanced, equable, conservative,
Mafia, underworld, syndicate, Cosa Nostra. restrained, neutral, unexceptional, mid-
mob v. crowd, throng, swarm, surround, jostle, dling, not extreme. 2. MILD calm, gentle,
elbow, descend upon, attack. soft, low-key, quiet. 3. AVERAGE medium,
mobile a. movable, moving, portable, locomo- mediocre, so-so, fair, middling, ordinary, in-
tive, fluid, transportable, on the move, trav- termediate, mean, common. ANT. 1. ex-
eling. ANT. stationary, immobile. treme, severe, excessive. 2. harsh, severe, vio-
mobilize v. ready, organize, summon, muster, lent. 3. exceptional, outstanding,
assemble, call up, call to arms, round up, extraordinary.
marshal, rally, activate. ANT. immobilize, dis- moderation n. temperance, happy medium,
perse. middle ground, discretion, restraint, judi-
mobster n. goon. SEE GANGSTER ciousness, forbearance, sobriety, golden
mock v. 1. RIDICULE make fun of, taunt, chal- mean. ‘‘Nothing to excess.’’—Anacharsis.
lenge, laugh at, *poke fun at, kid, tease, ‘‘The silken string running through the
scoff, jeer, burlesque, *thumb nose at. 2. IMI- pearl—chain of all virtues.’’—Thomas Ful-
TATE mimic, impersonate, caricature, ape, ler.
parrot, *do, burlesque, lampoon, parody. moderator n. master of ceremonies, emcee,
ANT. 1. show respect, honor, *put on a pedes- chairperson, referee, speaker, presiding offi-
tal. cer, mediator.
mock a. imitation, fake, artificial, counterfeit, modern a. contemporary, up-to-date, new, neo,
simulated, mimic, *bogus, make-believe, now, current, today, *cutting edge, *leading
substitute, sham. ANT. true, genuine, real. edge, *mod, fresh, late, up-to-the-minute,
mockery n. 1. JOKE laughingstock, farce, trav- *hot, fashionable, modish, trendy, *in, in
esty, *butt, fool, sham. 2. RIDICULE taunting, vogue, progressive. ANT. out of date, outdated,
kidding, disrespect, derision, scoffing, con- old-fashioned, antiquated, ancient, antique,
tempt, sport. ANT. 2. respect, honor, rever- passé.
ence. modernize v. update, renovate, remodel, re-
mode n. 1. WAY manner, method, technique, vamp, redesign, streamline, retool. ANT. an-
style, practice, approach, procedure, meth- tiquate.
odology, form. 2. FASHION style, look, vogue, modest a. 1. UNASSUMING humble, self-effacing,
trend, rage, craze. reserved, demure, unpretentious, down to
model n. 1. REPLICA mockup, dummy, proto- earth, shy, blushing, bashful. 2. ORDINARY
type, miniature, copy, imitation, facsimile. humble, limited, moderate, medium, simple,
2. IDEAL standard, exemplar, archetype, pat- plain, small, unpretentious, homely, ade-
tern, paragon, mold, role model, prototype. quate, middling, fair, unexceptional. ANT. 1.
3. FASHION OR ARTIST’S MODEL poser, sitter, arrogant, pretentious, *full of oneself, vain. 2.
subject, dummy. exceptional, extravagant, ostentatious.
model v. 1. FASHION shape, mold, design, con- modesty n. 1. HUMILITY humbleness, unpreten-
struct, base, cast. 2. SHOW show off, wear, tiousness, moderation, reserve, reticence,
display, parade. shyness, bashfulness, simplicity, plainness.
model a. ideal, standard, exemplary, classic, ‘‘The only sure bait when you angle for
perfect, archetypal. ANT. flawed, imperfect. praise.’’—Lord Chesterfield. ‘‘Meekness and
modem n. modulator/demodulator, electronic wisdom combined.’’—Solomon Ibn Gabi-
device, peripheral, data converter, transla- rol. ‘‘An index to nobility.’’—Solomon Ibn
tor. SEE COMPUTER Gabirol. 2. DECENCY decorum, propriety,
moderate n. *middle-of-the-roader, nonliberal, seemliness. ANT. 1. arrogance, pretentious-
nonconservative, centrist. ANT. radical, con- ness, vanity. 2. indecency, unseemliness.
servative, liberal. modicum n. bit, small amount, speck, little,
moderate v. 1. LESSEN soften, mitigate, restrain, iota, shred, snippet, drop, ounce, atom,
check, tone down, control, regulate, reduce, whit, particle. ANT. lot, *truckload.

372 Roget’s Superthesaurus


modify v. 1. CHANGE alter, rework, correct, ad- molten a. melted, liquefied, red-hot, smelted,
just, vary, innovate, reshape, reform, con- igneous, volcanic. ANT. frozen, hardened.
vert, moderate, transform, tweak, *fiddle mom n. SEE MOTHER
with. 2. LESSEN limit, moderate, reduce, moment n. 1. INSTANT minute, second, hour,
soften, tone down. ANT. 2. increase, intensify. point in time, *twinkling, time, *jiffy, short
modish a. fashionable, stylish, in vogue, chic, time, *wink of an eye, flash, *two shakes of
trendy, *in, up-to-the-minute, *hot, *all the a lamb’s tail, date. 2. IMPORTANCE conse-
rage, smart, fresh. ANT. old-fashioned, dated, quence, weight, significance, import, grav-
passé. ity, concern, substance, magnitude. ANT. 2.
modulate v. adjust, regulate, tune, fine-tune, unimportance, insignificance.
attune, balance, moderate, equalize, soften, momentarily adv. shortly, in a second, immedi-
tone down. ately, briefly, any moment now.
modus operandi n. mode of operation, method, momentary a. brief, fleeting, short-lived, tran-
technique, system, workings, means, way. sitory, ephemeral, transient, instantaneous,
mogul n. *big shot, *bigwig, *power, magnate, passing. ANT. long-lived, long, prolonged.
tycoon, baron, *VIP, personage, *mover momentous a. important, consequential,
and shaker, *heavy hitter, *heavyweight. weighty, of great moment, significant, deci-
ANT. nobody, *zero, peasant. sive, critical, crucial, pivotal, earthshaking,
moist a. damp, wet, watery, humid, muggy, vital. ANT. insignificant, trivial, unimportant.
dewy, dank, steamy, misty, foggy, drizzly, momentum n. impetus, force, push, drive,
rainy, clammy. ANT. dry, arid, dehydrated. thrust, energy, impulse, go, speed.
moisten v. dampen, wet, moisturize. monarch n. ruler, king, queen, autocrat, em-
moisture n. dampness, wetness, humidity, mug- peror, empress, sovereign, crowned head.
giness, dew, steam, mist, fog, drizzle, rain, monarchy n. kingdom, sovereign state, autoc-
liquid. ANT. dryness, aridity. racy, absolute monarchy.
moisturizer n. cream, lotion, oil, salve, emol- monastery n. abbey, friary, cloister, religious
lient. community, convent, nunnery, priory, re-
treat, hermitage.
mold n. 1. FORM cast, pattern, stamp, shape,
monetary a. pecuniary, financial, capital, fiscal.
impression, die, outline, cut, model. 2. FUN-
money n. currency, legal tender, cash, *bucks,
GUS mildew.
*dough, *bread, medium of exchange, *wad,
mold v. 1. SHAPE form, cast, make, fashion,
*loot, *scratch, *wampum, coin, specie,
forge, sculpt, model, construct. 2. INFLUENCE
change, almighty dollar, funds, wealth, capi-
model, shape, guide.
tal, riches. ‘‘A good servant but a bad mas-
moldy a. musty, stale, decayed, rotting, molder- ter.’’—Henry Bohn. ‘‘Slave or master.’’—
ing, crumbling, mildewed, decomposing. Horace. ‘‘A good soldier.’’—Shakespeare.
ANT. fresh, new, in good shape.
‘‘An eel in the hand.’’—Welsh proverb.
mole n. spot, nevus, blemish, birthmark, WORD FIND
freckle, blotch, discoloration, beauty mark. Afghanistan: afghani
molest v. 1. PHYSICALLY OR SEXUALLY ABUSE vio- Algeria: dinar
late, rape, *feel up, accost, fondle, make an Argentina: Peso
advance, solicit, approach, *paw, assault, Australia: dollar
mistreat. 2. BOTHER trouble, annoy, besiege, Austria: Euro
torment, plague, harass, upset, beset, irri- Barbados: dollar
tate, pester, disturb. Belgium: Euro
MOLLIFY v. [MOL uh FYE] to soothe, soften Bermuda: dollar
or appease. We gave the toddler a stick of gum Bolivia: Boliviano
to mollify him. SYN. soothe, soften, appease, Brazil: real
pacify, tranquilize, mellow, calm, tame, gen- Britain: pound
tle, tone down, mitigate, blunt, ease. ANT. Bulgaria: lev
aggravate, intensify, exacerbate. Cambodia: riel
mollycoddle v. pamper, coddle, baby, cosset, Canada: dollar
indulge, wait on, spoil. Chile: peso
molt v. shed, cast off, slough off, exuviate, exfo- Columbia: peso
liate, peel. Costa Rica: colon

Roget’s Superthesaurus 373


Croatia: Kuna North Korea: won

Cuba: peso Norway: kroner
Cyprus: pound Oman: rial
Czech Republic: koruna Pakistan: rupee
Denmark: krone Panama: balboa
Dominican Republic: peso Paraguay: guarani
Ecuador: sucre Peru: nuevo sol
Egypt: pound Philippines: peso
El Salvador: colon Poland: zloty
Estonia: kroon Portugal: Euro
Ethiopia: birr Qatar: rial
Finland: Euro Romania: leu
France: Euro Russia: rouble
Germany: Euro Samoa: tala
Greece: Euro Saudi Arabia: riyal
Guatemala: quetzal Singapore: dollar
Guinea: Franc Somalia: shilling
Haiti: gourde South Africa: rand
Honduras: lempira South Korea: won
Hong Kong: dollar Spain: Euro
Hungary: forint Sri Lanka: rupee
Iceland: krona Sudan: dinar, pound
India: rupee Sweden: krona
Indonesia: rupiah Switzerland: franc
Iran: rial Syria: pound
Iraq: dinar Taiwan: dollar
Ireland: Euro Tanzania: shilling
Israel: shekel Trinidad/Tobago: dollar
Italy: Euro Tunisia: dinar
Jamaica: dollar Turkey: lira
Japan: yen Uganda: shilling
Jordan: dinar Ukraine: hryvnia
Kazakhstan: tenge United Arab Emirates: dirham
Kenya: shilling United States of America: dollar
Kuwait: dinar Uruguay: peso
Lao: kip Venezuela: bolivar
Latvia: lats Vietnam: dong
Lebanon: pound Yugoslavia: dinar
Libya: pound Zambia: kwacha
Lithuania: litas Zimbabwe: dollar
Luxembourg: Euro moneyed a. rich, wealthy, affluent,*loaded,
Macau: pataca *well-off, *well-to-do, *flush. ANT. poor, des-
Malaysia: ringgit titute.
Malta: lira money-making a. profitable, lucrative, paying,
Mexico: peso gainful, successful. ANT. unprofitable.
Mongolia: tugrik mongrel n. mixture, crossbreed, mutt, hybrid,
Morocco: dirham half-blood, half-breed, cur. ANT. purebred,
Mozambique: metical thoroughbred.
Myanmar: kyat moniker n. Sl. nickname. SEE NAME
Namibia: dollar monitor n. overseer, watchdog, supervisor, ob-
Nepal: rupee server, advisor.
Netherlands: Euro monitor v. oversee, watch over, observe, *keep
New Zealand: dollar an eye on, check, supervise, police, scan.
Nicaragua: cordoba oro monk n. brother, monastic, friar.
Nigeria: naira monkey n. simian, primate, ape, chimpanzee,

374 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Monkey Business–Moon

rhesus monkey, spider monkey, orangutan. monstrous a. 1. GROTESQUE hideous, abnormal,

‘‘An organized sarcasm upon the human mutated, unnatural, repulsive, freakish, ter-
race.’’—Henry Ward Beecher. atoid, weird, wild, outlandish, bizarre, other-
monkey business n. Sl. foolishness, mischief, worldly, beastly, frightful, shocking. 2. HUGE
misbehavior, impishness, antics, high jinks, gigantic, gargantuan, colossal, stupendous,
*monkeyshines, horseplay. ANT. serious busi- hulking, enormous, titanic, immense, mam-
ness. moth, towering. 3. EVIL atrocious, satanic,
monolith n. slab, stone, block, monument, obe- revolting, heinous, hateful, gruesome, loath-
lisk some, vile, horrible. 4. OUTRAGEOUS shock-
MONOLITHIC a. [MON uh LITH ik] huge, ing, incredible, ridiculous, astonishing. ANT.
massive, and permanent, as a monolith. Our 1. normal, natural, beautiful. 2. tiny, wee,
monolithic government has hundreds of sub-bu- small. 3. good, moral, angelic. 4. normal, rea-
reaucracies. SYN. massive, huge, like a rock, sonable.
unyielding, gigantic, permanent, unchang- montage n. hodgepodge, jumble, patchwork,
ing, immovable, immobile. ANT. tiny, porta- mosaic, mishmash, potpourri, miscellany,
ble, yielding. arrangement, scheme.
monologue n. soliloquy, talk, discourse, lecture, monument n. 1. MEMORIAL statue, pillar, col-
speech, oration, one-man show, one-woman umn, monolith, obelisk, tower, stone,
show. ANT. dialogue, give and take. plinth, shrine, pyramid, tombstone, head-
monopolize v. corner, appropriate, own, domi- stone, marker, cross, mausoleum, cenotaph,
nate, *hog, keep for oneself, control. ANT. effigy, ossuary, sepulchre, solium, weeper.
share, divide equally. SEE CEMETERY 2. NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT land-
monopoly n. control, corner, domination, car- mark, magnum opus, masterpiece, master-
tel, bloc, exclusive possession. ‘‘The octo- work, chef d’oeuvre, watershed.
pus.’’—Frank Norris. monumental a. massive, huge, prodigious, co-
monotonous a. boring, tiresome, wearisome, lossal, towering, grand, exalted, enduring,
repetitious, unstimulating, unvarying, dull, permanent, outstanding, exceptional. ANT.
ho-hum, tedious, dry, *dull as dishwater, tiny, microscopic, insignificant, forgettable.
*blah, flat, somnolent, droning. ANT. vary- moo v. low, bellow.
ing, changing, stimulating. mooch v. Sl. cadge, beg, *sponge, *bum off,
monotony n. sameness, uniformity, boredom, *leach off, *panhandle, pilfer.
dullness, tedium, routine, humdrum, repeti- mood n. state of mind, frame of mind, spirit,
tion, dreariness, flatness. ANT. change, varia- temper, humor, vein, mind, disposition, ca-
tion, excitement. price. SEE ANGER, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, FEAR,
monster n. 1. UNNATURAL BEAST creature, mu- HAPPINESS, SADNESS
tant, miscreation, ogre, freak of nature, moody a. temperamental, touchy, grouchy, la-
monstrosity, boogieman, brute, thing, *it, bile, gloomy, glum, petulant, unpredictable,
*lab experiment, dragon, drake, sea serpent, cranky, *running hot and cold. ANT. stable,
kraken, hydra, Loch Ness Monster (Nessie), predictable, even-tempered, constant.
Champ (Lake Champlain), yeti, Bigfoot, moon n. satellite, orb, planetoid, celestial body,
abominable snowman, Frankenstein, were- sphere, *dustball, Luna, Selene, Diana.
wolf, vampire, ghoul, goblin, hobgoblin, ‘‘Magnificent desolation.’’—Edwin Aldrin.
zombie, incubus, succubus, troll, basilisk, ‘‘A corpse upon the road of night.’’—Robert
harpy, centaur, griffin, gargoyle, chimera, Burton. ‘‘A golden sickle reaping darkness
Gorgon, Medusa, Minotaur, Phoenix, Cerb- down.’’—James B. Hope. ‘‘The passionless
erus, Argus, Cyclops, Pluto, Sphinx, Orthos, bright face.’’—Dinah Craik.
Python, Pan, roc, demon, orc, satyr, hell- WORD FIND
hound, alien, extraterrestrial, little green crater: Alphonsus, Copernicus, Kepler,
man, man-eater, Godzilla, the Blob, B- Plato, Tycho
movie monster (Roger Corman Creation). descriptive: sickle, wan, albescent, sallow,
2. GIANT colossus, behemoth, Gargantua, sterile, stark, surrealistic
Goliath, titan, leviathan, mammoth, Brob- goddess: Luna, Selene, Diana, Phoebe, Ast-
dingnagian. ANT. 2. dwarf, midget, runt, arte, Cynthis, Lucina, Hecate
baby. halo around: nimbus
monstrosity n. SEE MONSTER hole from meteorite impact: crater

Roget’s Superthesaurus 375


horn of crescent: cusp open to question, controversial, at issue, un-

landing site, original: Sea of Tranquility settled, theoretical, academic, conjectural.
line or crack from meteorite impact: ray ANT. indisputable, uncontestable, resolved.
line where light and dark meet: terminator mop n. swab, duster, *squeegee.
mares: (maria): Mare Imbrium, Mare Nub- mop v. swab, wipe up, sponge up, dust, *squee-
ium, Oceanus Procellarum, Mare Tran- gee.
quilititis (sea of tranquility) mope v. sulk, pout, brood, grumble, put on a
mound: dome long face, fret, pine, moon, languish, lose
mountains: Alps, Apennines, Caucasus, heart.
Doerfel, Leibnitz moral n. lesson, principle, truism, adage, prov-
narrow trench or valley: rill(e) erb, teaching.
orbital point farthest from earth: apogee moral a. 1. RIGHTEOUS virtuous, ethical, good,
orbital point nearest to earth: perigee upright, scrupulous, honorable, honest,
phases: new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, full principled, trustworthy, fair, decent, consci-
plain originally mistaken for sea: mare (ma- entious, correct, aboveboard, just. 2. SEXU-
ria) ALLY VIRTUOUS chaste, immaculate, pure, in-
reflected sunlight: albedo nocent, respectable, *squeaky clean. ANT. 1.
seasonal: harvest, hunter’s immoral, unethical, unprincipled, corrupt, evil.
shadow: umbra 2. promiscuous, loose, wild.
study of: selenology morale n. spirit, resolve, attitude, confidence,
waxing, waning mood, state.
moon v. Sl. 1. DROP ONE’S DRAWERS *flash, *sa- morality n. righteousness, goodness, integrity,
lute. 2. DREAM daydream, fantasize, *go off virtue, decency, fairness, honesty, conscien-
into one’s own world. tiousness, honor, respectability, responsibil-
moonlight n. moonshine, moonbeams, albedo, ity. ‘‘A terribly thin covering of ice over a
effulgence, luminescence, radiance. sea of primitive barbarity.’’—Karl Barth.
moonshine n. Sl. corn liquor, contraband, ‘‘To enjoy and give enjoyment, without in-
home brew, bootleg, *white lightning, jury to yourself or others.’’—Nicolas Chamf-
ort. ‘‘Feeling temptation but resisting it.’’—
*mountain dew, *rotgut, *stump liquor,
Sigmund Freud. ANT. immorality, evil.
*bathtub gin, *the stuff that looks like water
moralize v. preach, sermonize, pontificate, lec-
and kicks like a mule.
ture, pass judgment, *climb on one’s moral
moonstruck v. crazed, deranged, demented,
soapbox, *look down one’s holier-than-thou
possessed, loony, insane.
moor n. heath, peat bog, scrubland, swamp,
morals n. ideals, standards, mores, scruples,
tundra, wasteland, marsh, prairie.
principles, ethics, ethos, manners.
moorings n. slip, port, harbor, anchorage, dock, morass n. 1. MARSH bog, swamp, fen, quagmire,
marina, wharf, berth, landing, pier. wetland, mire, slough, wallow. 2. ENTANGLE-
WORD FIND MENT mess, mix-up, jam, predicament.
deck posts around which mooring lines are MORATORIUM n. [MOR uh TOR ee um] a
secured: bitt suspension or delay of an activity. The city
dock or pier post around which mooring has placed a moratorium on new real estate de-
lines are secured: bollard velopment. SYN. suspension, delay, defer-
moose n. deer, elk, mammal. ment, postponement, discontinuance, stop.
WORD FIND MORBID a. [MOR bid] unhealthy, unwhole-
feeding place: yard some, gloomy or gruesome. He had a morbid
female: cow fascination with death. SYN. unhealthy, sickly,
kin: reindeer, caribou pathological, morose, gloomy, black, de-
male: bull pressed, somber, melancholy, neurotic, sick,
sexual season: rut gruesome. ANT. healthy, wholesome, happy.
young: calf mordant a. biting, cutting, caustic, bitter, sar-
MOOT a. [MOOT] subject to discussion or de- castic, acid, scathing, acerbic, venomous,
bate. Whether or not abortion is morally accept- pungent, acrimonious, pointed, sharp.
able is a moot question. SYN. debatable, argu- more n. additional amount, supplement, re-
able, disputable, contestable, questionable, plenishment, increase, extra.

376 Roget’s Superthesaurus


more a. additional, extra, further, greater, mortician n. undertaker, funeral director, em-
added. ANT. fewer, less. balmer. SEE FUNERAL
more or less a. approximately, about, roughly, mortification n. humiliation, shame, embar-
generally, thereabouts, in round numbers. rassment, chagrin, humbling, humble pie,
moreover adv. in addition, furthermore, over disgrace, loss of face.
and above, also. mortify v. humiliate, embarrass, shame, hum-
mores n. customs, codes, manners, standards, ble, disgrace, dismay, deflate, bring down,
conventions, ethos. *take down a notch, belittle. ANT. honor, ex-
morgue n. mortuary, funeral parlor, charnel alt, worship.
house, crematorium. mortuary n. funeral home, funeral parlor, mor-
moribund a. dying, expiring, failing, wasting gue, charnel house, crematorium. SEE FU-
away, on one’s deathbed, terminal, *circling NERAL
the drain, *sinking fast, *at death’s door. mosaic n. inlay, collage, tile-work, marquetry,
ANT. robust, healthy, vital. parquetry, miscellany, jumble, hodgepodge.
morning n. dawn, daybreak, sunup, sunrise, mosey v. shuffle, saunter, pad, amble, stroll. SEE
A.M., forenoon, the holy light of dawn. WALK
moron n. imbecile, idiot, simpleton, retardate, Moslem n. Muslem, Muslim, Mohammedan.
dope, dolt, nitwit, dullard, dunce, dummy, SEE RELIGION
lamebrain, *lunkhead, *meathead, *chowd- mosque n. temple, church, house of worship,
erhead, *airhead, *maroon, *one with the house of God, sanctuary.
IQ of a woodchuck, *one who cuts with a WORD FIND
dull tool, *one who is one or two bricks shy prayer tower: minaret
of a load, *one slower than a glacier, *one moss n. lichen, liverwort, Irish moss, Spanish
as dense as a post, *one as numb as a floun- moss, club moss, peat moss.
der, *one who is dead from the neck up. mossback n. *old fogy, *fuddy-duddy, fossil,
ANT. genius, savant, Rhodes scholar, Mensa mid-Victorian, ultraconservative.
member, rocket scientist. most a. greatest, largest, nearly all, majority,
moronic a. dumb, addle-brained, bovine, asi- *lion’s share, maximum, utmost, unsurpas-
nine. SEE STUPID sed, unequaled, furthest. ANT. least, smallest,
morose a. gloomy, glum, sullen, melancholy, lowest.
sour, dour, ill-humored, austere, saturnine, mostly adv. for the most part, principally,
stern, scowling, lugubrious, surly. ANT. cheer- chiefly, mainly, by and large, on the whole.
ful, upbeat, sunny. mot n. witticism, quip, bon mot, repartee, ri-
morphine n. narcotic, pain killer, pain reliever, poste.
anesthetic, opiate, *bang, *hocus, *joy dust, mote n. speck, particle, fragment, bit, flake,
*white nurse. SEE DRUG, NARCOTIC grit.
morsel n. bite, tidbit, spoonful, bit, a taste, motel n. motor court, inn, motor inn, road-
mouthful, scrap, piece, shred, speck, chunk, house, *stop and drop. SEE HOTEL
hunk, lump, smidgen. moth-eaten a. 1. THREADBARE tattered, ragged,
mortal a. 1. SUBJECT TO DEATH human, earthly, *holey, worn-out, decrepit. 2. OLD-FASH-
perishable, temporal, transient, fleeting, fi- IONED outmoded, outdated, antiquated, out
nite, ephemeral, transitory. 2. CAUSING of style, obsolete. ANT. 1. fresh, new, pristine.
DEATH fatal, lethal, malignant, deadly. 3. TO 2. recent. contemporary.
THE DEATH homicidal, murderous, death- mother n. 1. MOM matriarch, parent, matron,
dealing, suicidal, bloodthirsty, fatal, deadly, nurturer, caregiver, *hand that rocks the
unrelenting. ANT. 1. immortal, permanent, cradle, foster mother, adoptive mother,
everlasting. 2. benign, harmless. mother-in-law, *mama, *mum, *mumsy,
mortality n. 1. IMPERMANENCE transience. 2. *old lady. 2. SOURCE origin, originator,
DEATH ON A LARGE SCALE slaughter, carnage, womb, cradle. ‘‘What God made because He
bloodbath, holocaust, extermination, fatal- could not be everywhere.’’—Adapated from
ity. 3. DEATH RATE Jewish proverb. ‘‘God’s deputy on earth.’’—
mortally adv. gravely, seriously, fatally. ANT. su- Rahel Varnhagen. SEE FAMILY
perficially, slightly. mother v. nurture, raise, rear, bring up, parent,
mortgage n. contract, pledge, title, deed, lease, foster, nourish, protect, nurse, care for, over-
loan agreement. SEE MONEY protect, spoil, smother, coddle.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 377


motherhood n. maternity, mothership. distributes electricity to spark plugs: distrib-

motherland n. native land, home land, *the old utor
country. drive train: clutch, transmission, driveshaft,
motherly a. maternal, nurturing, doting, pro- differential
tective, solicitous. ANT. neglectful, abusive. energy unit: horsepower, rpm (revolutions
motif n. theme, pattern, subject, leitmotif, idea, per minute)
strain, device, form, concept. exhaust burner: catalytic converter, after-
motion n. 1. ACTION movement, change, mov- burner, turbocharger
ing, transition, drift, shift. 2. A PROPOSAL filters dirt and dust: air filter, fuel filter, oil
recommendation, suggestion, proposition, filter
submission, offering. frame: chassis
motion v. gesture, gesticulate, point, nod, friction reducers: bearings
beckon, shrug, pantomime. fuel vaporizer: carburetor
motionless a. unmoving, still, inert, static, life- heat exchanger: radiator
less, tranquil, dead, frozen, paralyzed, inani- knocking: ping, detonation
main framework containing cylinders: en-
mate, stationary, immobile, becalmed, fixed,
gine block
quiet, idle.
main rotating shaft: crankshaft
motion picture n. picture show, *flick. SEE overtaxing of: red-lining
piston housing: cylinder
motivate v. impel, induce, move, stimulate, sputtering after ignition turned off: dieseling
spur, goad, encourage, challenge, incite, turning force of motor: torque
prompt, inspire, start, arouse, *hold out a valve operator: camshaft
carrot, *light a fire under, galvanize, serve SEE AIRCRAFT, AUTOMOBILE, MACHINERY
as a catalyst, *give a good, swift kick. ANT. motor v. drive, cruise, ride, tour, steer.
discourage, deflate, *take the wind out of one’s motorboat n. speedboat, power boat, outboard,
sails, dishearten. cruiser. SEE BOAT, SHIP
motivation n. incentive, enticement, reason. motorcade n. parade, procession, caravan, cav-
SEE MOTIVE alcade.
motive n. motivation, purpose, reason, incen- motorcycle n. motor bike, dirt bike, motor
tive, stimulus, rationale, driving force, scooter, minibike, moped, *hog, *wheels,
grounds, enticement, aim, instigation, goal, *chopper, *iron horse, *rice burner, *bike,
spur, bribe. *sled. SEE MOTOR
motley a. heterogenous, diverse, many-colored, WORD FIND
assorted, miscellaneous, varied, varicolored, accelerator: throttle
variegated, kaleidoscopic, patchwork, jum- engine shutoff: kill switch
bled, multifarious. ANT. similar, uniform, ho- model: Honda, Harley Davidson, Kawasaki,
mogeneous. Suzuki, Triumph, Indian
motor n. engine, power plant, dynamo, turbine, safety bar, passenger: sissy bar
generator, transformer, transducer, *work- seat: saddle
horse; TYPES internal combustion motor, motor home n. trailer, mobile home, RV,
diesel, Wankel, rotary, steam, double-over- camper, *tin can.
head cam, two-stroke, four-stroke, V-6, V-8, motorist n. driver, commuter.
motorized a. powered, mechanized, automatic.
four-barrel, slant, transverse, supercharged,
ANT. manual.
turbocharged, inboard-outboard.
mottled a. variegated, streaked, dappled, pie-
WORD FIND bald, pied, spotted, shaded, motley,
alternating current producer: alternator splotchy, marble-patterned, flecked, parti-
carburetor replacement system: fuel injec- colored. ANT. monochrome, uniform.
tion motto n. maxim, adage, aphorism, saying, prov-
closes air to carburetor: choke erb, axiom, truism, principle, slogan, epi-
coolant: antifreeze, ethyl glycol gram, saw.
cooling system: fan, radiator, thermostat, mound n. heap, pile, mass, knoll, hump, hum-
water jackets, water pump mock, hillock, dune. SEE HILL
cylindrical plugs that move up and down, mount v. 1. ASCEND climb, go up, scale, sur-
compresses air-fuel mix: pistons mount. 2. INCREASE grow, pile up, burgeon,

378 Roget’s Superthesaurus


accrue, swell, mushroom, multiply, prolifer- vestigial nubbin: inselberg

ate, balloon, accumulate. SEE HILL, MOUNTAINEER, MOUNTAINEERING,
mountain n. peak, alp, mount, summit, pinna- MOUNTAINOUS, VOLCANO
cle, highland, elevation, ridge, pike, sea- mountaineer n. highlander, uplander, Sherpa,
mount, volcano, butte, mesa, plateau, mas- mountain climber, rock climber, adventur-
sif, matterhorn, monadnock, nunatak, ist.
uprising, cliff. FAMOUS MOUNTAINS Aetna, mountaineering n. mountain climbing, ascend-
Annapurna, Blanc, Everest, Fuji, Godwin ing, surmounting, scaling, rock climbing.
Austen (K2), Grand Teton, Hood, Kila- WORD FIND
manjaro, Krakatoa, Matterhorn, McKinley, climbing without mechanical aids: freeclim-
Pelee, Pike’s Peak, Rainier, Sinai, St. Hel- bing
ens, Vesuvius, Washington, Whitney. dangerous overhang of ice and snow: cor-
(Ranges) Adirondacks, Alps, Andes, Appa- nice
lachian, Appenines, Canadian Rockies, descend by rope: rappel
Cascades, Caucasus, Himalayas, Karakoram, diagonal ascent: slab
Pyrenees, Rockies, Sierra Madre, Sierra Ne- makeshift shelter: bivouac
vada, Tetons, Urals, White Mountains. narrow, vertical passageway: chimney
‘‘The palaces of nature.’’—Lord Byron. ANT. oxygen deprivation: mountain sickness
valley, dale, dell, crater. ring that connects ropes to pitons: carabiner
WORD FIND securing or playing out rope: belaying
air: rarefied short rope ladder: etrier
base: piedmont sideways movement across slope: traverse
bowllike hollow carved by glacier: cirque sideways rope traverse: pendulum
chain: cordillera, range, sierra spike, wedge or peg used to secure climber:
cloud: banner piton
crest: areête staff: alpenstock
descriptive: bell-shaped, flinty, spired toothed, metal traction attachment: cram-
elevation above 4800 ft.: alpine pon
erosion resistant: monadnock zigzag to counter steep slopes: switchback
flat-topped: butte, mesa, plateau mountainous a. alpestrine, alpine. ANT. flat,
formation: orogeny level.
frozen fog: rime ice, verglas WORD FIND
glacial ice, surrounded by: nunatak descriptive: rugged, towering, lofty, vertigi-
glow at sunrise/sunset: alpenglow nous, cloud-capped, supernal, washboard
gully: couloir ranges: cordillera, sierra
humpback: shoulder mountebank n. charlatan, swindler, quack,
lake: tarn *rip-off artist, *con man, *grifter, cheat, im-
leeward side: rain shadow poster, *huckster, *snake oil salesman.
low between summits: saddle mounted a. 1. SEATED astride, in the saddle. 2.
needlelike peak: aiguille, matterhorn FITTED attached, seated, backed. ANT. 1. dis-
nymph: oread mounted. 2. unattached, loose. SEE MOUNTING
oxygen deprivation: mountain sickness mounting n. frame, backing, support, seating.
pass: col, defile mounting v. growing, piling up, expanding, ac-
peak: horn, summit cruing, burgeoning, mushrooming, prolifer-
ranges, multiple: cordillera ating, accumulating, multiplying, snowball-
ridge: areête, hogback, sawback, spur ing. ANT. diminishing, shrinking.
rounded: knob mourn v. grieve, lament, bemoan, pine, bewail,
rubble: scree, talus rue, despair, miss, deplore, languish, agonize,
saddle: col yearn, ache, suffer, anguish.
sea: seamount mourner n. the bereaved, griever, survivor.
shadow illusion: specter of the brocken mournful a. sorrowful, bereft, desolate, woeful,
side: flank heavyhearted, downhearted, forlorn, grief-
snow collapse: avalanche stricken, anguished, heartsick, inconsolable,
steep, weathered rock: crag aching with nostalgia, disheartened, pros-
study: orography trate. ANT. cheerful, sunny, joyous.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 379


mourning n. grieving, sorrowing, lamentation, cheese, *chairman of the board, *kingpin,

lamenting, bereavement, grief, anguish. pathfinder, bellwether.
ANT. rejoicing, celebrating. movie n. motion picture, moving picture, film,
WORD FIND picture, show, screenplay, cinema, photo-
dress of: black, veil, sackcloth, mourning play, silver screen, video, *talkie, *flick,
band, widow’s weeds. SEE DEATH, FUNERAL documentary, docudrama, melodrama, epic,
mouse n. 1. RODENT vermin, field mouse, *spaghetti western, horse opera, B movie,
pocket mouse, vole. 2. SISSY coward, milque- blue movie, stag film, *skin flick. ‘‘Life with
toast, shrinking violet, weakling, *wimp, the dull parts cut out.’’—Alfred Hitchcock.
*wuss. WORD FIND
mousy a. timid, quiet, shy, timorous. ANT. bold, actor/small role: bit player, cameo appear-
aggressive. ance, extra
mouth n. 1. ORAL CAVITY lips, maw, orifice, actor who is partially created by computer
muzzle chops, *choppers, *kisser. SEE LIPS, make-up effects: synthespian
SMILE, TEETH 2. END OF A RIVER outlet, estuary, advertising/promotional clip: trailer
delta, drain. SEE RIVER 3. OPENING entrance, aerial shot: crane shot
aperture. award: Academy Award, Oscar
mouthful n. bite, spoonful, morsel. black-and-white to color process: coloriza-
mouth off v. spout off, vociferate, vituperate, tion
harangue, taunt, rant, rave, sass, *wise off. box office smash: *boffo
mouthpiece n. spokesman, spokeswoman, PR captioned drawings of planned camera
person, attorney. shots: storyboard
mouthwash n. mouth rinse, breath freshener, clapper: slate
gargle. daytime run movie: matinee
mouth-watering a. salivary, appetizing, savory, digital special effect that metamorphoses
succulent. ANT. unappetizing, distasteful. person or thing: morphing
directs actors and technicians: director
mouthy a. loudmouthed, vociferous, ranting,
double scene effect: split screen
obnoxious, sassy. ANT. meek, quiet, mute.
electrician assistant: best boy
movable a. portable, transportable, fluid. SEE
electrician in charge of lights: gaffer
end of shooting for the day: wrap
move v. 1. SET OR BE IN MOTION transport, fade out effect: dissolve
change places, impel, propel, advance, lug, gunshot wound effect: squib
haul, budge, relocate, push, pull, go, come, head of financing and hiring: producer
travel, proceed, walk, run, fly. 2. CHANGE joining of two pieces of film: splice
RESIDENCES relocate, transfer, pull up roots,
journals of the industry: trades, Variety, Hol-
vacate, emigrate, migrate, fly the coop. 3. lywood Reporter
AFFECT THE EMOTIONS touch, stir, arouse, play
library film: stock footage
on one’s sympathies, pluck or tug at the lip synchronization on short loops of film:
heartstrings, strike a nerve, melt the heart, looping
stimulate, disturb. 4. PROPOSE put forth, rec- location finder: location scout
ommend, urge, offer, submit. moving shot: dolly shot, trucking shot
movement n. 1. MOTION action, stirring, activ- music of: score
ity, advancement, propulsion, ascension, object: prop
descension, retraction, flight. 2. CAMPAIGN past, scene from character’s: flashback
grassroots movement, crusade, undertaking, photographer, motion picture: cinematogra-
drive popular front, fundraiser, push. 3. MU- pher
SICAL PASSAGE section, part, sequence, divi- prints from day’s shooting: dailies, rushes
sion, piece. proposal of movie to financiers: pitch
mover n. shipper, trucker, moving company. publicity: publicist
mover and shaker n. doer, producer, *player, record dialogue and sound effects: dub, Fo-
*heavy hitter, instigator, catalyst, generator, ley
*whip, *wheeler and dealer, *spark plug, rolling credits at end of movie: crawl, clos-
*lightning rod, *go-getter, enterpriser, en- ing credits
trepreneur, *biggest toad in the puddle, *big script continuity: script supervisor

380 Roget’s Superthesaurus


set or prop assistant: grip journalist, *keyhole journalist, exposer, gos-

sets and costumes head: art director sipmonger, scandalmonger, mudslinger, de-
sound effects room: Foley studio bunker.
sound recorder: sound technician, Foley art- MUCKRAKING n. [MUCK raking] investi-
ist gating and reporting corruption. Muckraking
stop-action photography: pixillation can sometimes be a journalist’s most dangerous
superimposition effect: blue screen, matte job. SYN. whistle-blowing, investigating,
shot exposing, *digging for dirt, gossipmonger-
studio and outside shooting area: lot, back- ing, scandalmongering, *dragging through
lot the mud, defaming, character assassinating.
wardrobe assistant: dresser mud n. mire, muck, ooze, sludge, slime, clay,
widening shot: pull-back slush, silt, dirt, wallow, organic matter.
wide-screen film process: Cinemascope muddle v. mix up, stir up, jumble, disorder,
wide side-to-side shot: pan fumble, blunder, puzzle, scramble, ensnarl,
writer: screenwriter, script doctor confuse, turn upside-down, mess up, foul.
writer’s outline: treatment ANT. order, organize, neaten, clarify.
zooming in effect: zoom shot muddled a. confused, befuddled, incoherent,
moving a. 1. IN MOTION going, coming, motion- addled, bewildered, disoriented. ANT. lucid,
ing, transporting, proceeding, advancing, clear-headed.
ascending, descending, retracting, reversing. muddy a. mucky, miry, sloppy, silty, slimey,
2. RELOCATING transferring, vacating, pull- slushy, gooey, dirty, oozy, soggy, swampy,
ing up roots, emigrating, migrating, flying boggy, soiled, filthy, grubby, organic, sedi-
the coop. 3. EFFECTING THE EMOTIONS touch- mentary. ANT. clean, pristine, spotless.
ing, stirring, rousing, stimulating, striking a mudslinging n. smear campaign, slander, defa-
nerve, plucking at the heartstrings, heart- mation, scandalizing, libeling, name-calling,
wrenching, gut-wrenching. ANT. 1. station- dragging one’s name through the mud, *po-
ary. 2. settled, fixed. 3. blunt, soporific, un- litical parry and jab. ANT. compliment, praise,
emotional. tribute.
mow v. cut, trim, shear, clip, scythe, hack, reap. muff v. bungle, botch, fumble, drop the ball,
*blow it, stumble, *choke, fail, miscalculate,
moxie n. Sl. courage, pluck, guts, mettle, chutz- slip, trip up, *screw up. ANT. succeed, accom-
pah, *balls. plish.
much n. great quantity, a lot, abundance, pro-
muffin n. bread, roll, biscuit, scone, bran muf-
fusion, plethora, myriad, deluge, scores,
fin, corn muffin.
wealth, bonanza, tons, *oodles, *all the tea
muffle v. stifle, deaden, dampen, mute, tone
in China. ANT. nothing, zero, pittance.
down, silence, soften.
much a. 1. TO A GREAT DEGREE OR EXTENT impor-
tant, remarkable, considerable, significant, muffler n. 1. CLOTHING scarf, neckerchief,
paramount, impressive, critical, of conse- ascot. 2. NOISE-ABSORBING DEVICE baffle,
quence. 2. IN GREAT QUANTITY abundant, mute, silencer.
plentiful, ample, sufficient, profuse, lavish, mug n. 1. DRINKING VESSEL stein, tankard,
generous, considerable, copious, liberal, siz- flagon, cup, toby, goblet. 2. FACE counte-
able. nance, puss, grimace, mug shot. SEE FACE
muck n. 1. MANURE dung, compost, fertilizer, mug v. hold up, assault, rob, purse-snatch,
*crap, ooze. 2. SCANDALOUS INFORMATION strong-arm, *jump, *stick up.
lowdown, *skinny, slander, gossip, *dirt, mugging n. holdup, assault, robbery, purse-
*goods. SEE MUCKRAKING snatching, *stick-up.
muck-a-muck n. Sl. big shot, *big gun, *big muggy a. humid, damp, moist, sticky, close,
cheese, *high muckety-muck, *pooh-bah, clammy, steamy, sultry, dank, sweltering,
*VIP, *bigwig, *biggest toad in the puddle. oppressive. ANT. dry, arid.
MUCKRAKER n. [MUCK raker] one who in- mulatto n. mixed breed, half-breed, hybrid, cre-
vestigates and reports corruption. News- ole, octoroon, quadroon.
papers train their best reporters to be muckrak- mule n. hinny, jackass, donkey, burro, jenny.
ers. SYN. *whistle-blower, investigative mulish a. obstinate, headstrong. SEE STUBBORN

Roget’s Superthesaurus 381


mull v. ponder, reflect, think, consider, medi- munitions n. ammunition, weapons, bombs,
tate, weigh, ruminate, deliberate, contem- ordnance, arsenal.
plate, marshal one’s thoughts, chew, brood, mural n. wall painting, panorama.
muse, cogitate. murder n. homicide, manslaughter, slaying,
multicolored a. polychromatic, parti-colored, killing, assassination, shooting, execution,
spectral, variegated, kaleidoscopic, mottled, knifing, lynching. ‘‘One murder makes a vil-
dappled, striped, streaked. ANT. monochro- lain, millions a hero.’’—Beilby Porteus.
multifaceted a. 1. MANY-SIDED many-faced, accidental or unintentional: involuntary
manifold. 2. INTRICATE complex, compli- manslaughter
cated. ANT. 1. one-sided. 2. simple. automobile, from: drive-by shooting
multifarious a. manifold, diverse, multitudi- brother: fraticide
nous, various, multifaceted, heterogeneous, ethnic group or race, of: genocide
multiplex. ANT. limited. father: patricide
multinational a. international, global, conti- gang-related: gangland killing, drive-by
nental, worldwide, multicultural. ANT. local. shooting, contract killing, *hit
multiple a. many, manifold, numerous, multi- hired: contract killing
tudinous, several, plural, various, duplex, infant: infanticide
triplex, sundry, myriad. ANT. single, lone. (in the) heat of passion without malice
multiply v. 1. TO ADD increase, compound, du- aforethought: manslaughter, crime of
plicate, triple, quadruple, burgeon, prolifer- passion
ate, grow, spread, mushroom. 2. PRODUCE mass slaughter: massacre
OFFSPRING propagate, procreate, generate,
mother: matricide
breed. SEE REPRODUCE planned: premeditated, first-degree murder
rage, motivated by sudden: crime of passion,
multitude n. mass, throng, bunch, horde, le-
gion, flock, mob, crowd, swarm.
random act: *wilding
mum a. silent, mute, tight-lipped, speechless.
self: suicide
ANT. effusive, talkative.
serial: serial killing
mumble v. mutter, maunder, murmur, speak in- sister: sororicide
distinctly, whisper, talk to oneself, *talk surprise, politically motivated: assassination
into one’s chin/beard, drone. ANT. project, suspected: foul play
articulate, shout, roar. unplanned with malice aforethought: sec-
mummify v. dry, shrivel, preserve, desiccate, ond-degree murder
embalm, swaddle. murder v. kill, slay, slaughter, assassinate,
mummy n. corpse, cadaver, the embalmed, the shoot, gun down, knife, run through, lynch,
entombed, *stiff. strangle, suffocate, decapitate, butcher,
munch v. chew, bite, crunch, snack, nosh, hack to death, bludgeon to death, asphyxi-
chomp, nibble, gnaw. SEE CHEW, EAT ate, poison, dismember, disembowel, dis-
munchies n. Sl. 1. SEE SNACK 2. SEE APPETITE, patch, silence, *waste, *finish off, *rub out,
HUNGER *wax, *hit, *ice, *smoke, *exterminate,
mundane a. 1. ORDINARY everyday, common, *grease, *eighty-six, *blow away, *pump full
banal, trite, humdrum, routine, prosaic, of lead, *take out, *put out of misery, *bump
stale, pedestrian. 2. EARTHLY worldly, terres- off.
trial, material, physical, human. ANT. 1. ex- murderer n. killer, assassin, slayer, strangler,
traordinary, rare, exceptional. 2. spiritual, di- psychopath, sociopath, sniper, lunatic, serial
vine, out of this world. killer, madman, thug, executioner, *ripper,
municipal a. civic, civil, metropolitan, city, ur- *trigger man, *gun, *hired gun, *liquidator,
ban, local, community, town; self-govern- *hit man, terrorist.
ing. SEE CITY, TOWN murderous a. homicidal, bloodthirsty, de-
municipality n. city, town, village, metropolis, ranged, frenzied, maniacal, savage, socio-
district, borough, suburb, bedroom commu- pathic, psychopathic, cannibalistic, violent,
nity, precinct, parish, hamlet. SEE CITY *rabid, *in a spitting rage. ANT. tranquil, at
munificent a. generous, lavish, extravagant, peace.
bountiful, openhanded, philanthropic, lib- murk n. darkness, gloom, shadow, haze, fog,
eral. ANT. cheap, niggardly, tightfisted. mist, brume. SEE FOG

382 Roget’s Superthesaurus


murky a. 1. GLOOMY dark, dismal, dusky, wrist straighteners: extensor carpi radialis,
dreary, gauzy, funereal, somber, hazy, misty, extensor carpi ulnaris
foggy, brumous. 2. OBSCURE unclear, vague, 2. STRENGTH power, force, weight, brawn,
nebulous, esoteric, veiled, hidden, obfus- heft, might, leverage, *elbow grease,
cated, occult, mysterious, arcane, impene- *oomph. ANT. 2. weakness, flaccidity, impo-
trable. ANT. 1. sunny, bright, clear. 2. clear, tence.
distinct, in plain view. muscle v. Sl. jostle, *bull, ram, shoulder, shove,
murmur n. mutter, whisper, sigh, coo, purr, cow, buffalo, plow through, bulldoze, elbow
mumble, sough, purl. one’s way, strong-arm.
murmur v. mutter, whisper, sigh, coo, speak muscular a. brawny, sinewy, husky, thewy,
softly, purr, mumble. strapping, rippling, slabbed, muscle-bound,
muscle n. abductor, adductor, flexor, constric- chiseled, Herculean, sculpted, corded, *cut,
tor, extensor, tendon, sinew, fiber, tissue, *pumped, *bull-necked, Olympian, *wash-
thew, brawn. boardlike stomach, *hamlike biceps. ANT.
WORD FIND skinny, flabby, frail, undeveloped.
abdominal support: abdominal obliques, muse n. inspiration, genius, creativity, talent.
rectus abdominus, transversus abdomi- muse v. ponder, meditate, reflect, ruminate,
nus consider, mull over, brood, cogitate, chew,
ankle bender: plantaris weigh, study, think about, turn over in one’s
anus: sphincter ani mind, deliberate, speculate.
arm extension, rotation, flexion: lattissimus museum n. gallery, institute, archives, treasury,
dorsi, pectoral, supinator exhibit, collection, repository, depository,
back/body bender: rectus abdominus library, storehouse, *gallery of the Muses,
back straightener: longissimus *nation’s attic, *history’s attic. ‘‘Cemeteries
breathing: diaphragm, serratus of the arts.’’—Alphonse de Lamartine.
chewing, clenching: masseter mush 1. BOILED MEAL corn meal, hasty pudding,
disease of muscle wasting: muscular dystro- porridge, cereal, gruel, mash. 2. EXCESSIVE
phy SENTIMENT treacle, pap, schmaltz, melo-
elbow straightener: triceps drama, bathos, *corn.
eye focusing: ciliary mushroom n. fungus, toadstool, meadow mush-
finger benders: flexor digitorum room, truffle, champignon, chanterelle,
finger straighteners: extensor digitorum death cup, shiitake, morel.
forehead/brow: corrugator, epicranial mushroom v. burgeon, spread, sprout up, grow,
frowning mouth: depressor, risorious proliferate, thrive, pop up, boom, swell,
goosebumps: erector pili snowball, multiply.
head bender: longus capitus, rectus capitus mushy a. sentimental, maudlin, gushy, *lovey-
head rotator: head oblique dovey, saccharine. ANT. unfeeling, cold.
jaw: buccinator music n. melodies, rhythms, vocals, instrumen-
kissing (puckered) lips: orbicularis oris tals, harmonies, singing, orchestrations, ar-
knee flexor: hamstring rangements, tunes, sounds, tones, composi-
lack of muscle coordination: ataxia tions, *canned, Muzak, longhair, rock, funk,
leg muscle aiding balance: soleus rhythm and blues (R&B), rap, hip hop,
leg/thigh extender: quadriceps punk, acid rock, heavy metal, top forty,
muscle pain: myalgia boogie woogie, jazz, bebop, Dixieland, rag-
penis erector: erector penis time, folk, country and western, bluegrass,
rump: gluteus maximus, medius and min- zydeco, swing, soul, reggae, pop, easy listen-
imus ing, salsa, bossa nova, classical, opera, eth-
shoulder: deltoid, trapezius nic, polka, march, baroque, primitive, new
swallowing: constrictor of pharynx age, gangsta rap. ‘‘The speech of angels.’’—
testicle elevator: cremaster Thomas Carlyle. ‘‘A fluid architecture of
tongue extender: genioglossus sound.’’—Roy Harris. ‘‘The universal lan-
upper arm: biceps, triceps guage of mankind.’’—Longfellow. SEE MUSI-
vocal cords: cricothyroid CAL INSTRUMENTS, OPERA, SING, SONG, RAP
withering muscles from lack of use: atrophy WORD FIND
wrist benders: flexor carpi radialis, flexor GENERAL MUSIC TERMS
carpi ulnaris above correct pitch: sharp

Roget’s Superthesaurus 383

Musical–Musical Instrument

arrangement: composition orchestra or musical society: philharmonic

bar: measure polyphonic composition sung sequentially
beats per measure: meter by two or more vocalists: fugue
below correct pitch: flat work or composition of a composer: opus
changing key of composition: transposing MUSIC DIRECTIVES
chord with notes played individually in boldly: fiero
quick succession: arpeggio, broken chord comically: burlesco
closing passage: coda decrease in volume: decrescendo
connection between two musical passages: delicately: delicato
bridge fast tempo: allegro, presto
dual melody: counterpoint loudly, very: fortissimo
emphasis on a particular note: accent moderate tempo: andante
highly skilled musician: virtuoso mournfully: funerale
horizontal lines on which notes are written: slow: adagio
staff slow, extremely: adagissimo
informal rock or jazz session: jam softly: sotto voce
in-tune, pleasant-sounding: consonance softly, sweetly: dolce
key and meter signs: signature softly, very: pianissimo
lowest notes or voice: bass spoken: parlato
multiple notes played simultaneously: chord volume, half the singer’s normal: mezza voce
multiple rhythms played simultaneously: volume, increase in: crescendo
polyrhythmic wildly: furioso
out of tune, harsh-sounding: dissonance, musical n. revue, musical comedy, burlesque,
discord Broadway production, show.
pause or silence: rest musical a. melodic, rhythmic, harmonious, lyr-
performance of multiple song portions: med- ical, soulful, choral, spiritual, mellifluent,
ley symphonic, sonorous, euphonic. ANT. disso-
performing music on sight: sight reading nant, cacophonous, discordant, noisy.
performing rights society: BMI musical instrument n. woodwind, stringed in-
performing without notes: by ear strument, percussive instrument, keyboard
return to the original theme: reprise instrument, brass, *noisemaker.
school of music: conservatory WORD FIND
science of sound properties: acoustics KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTS
second or third highest voice class: alto accordion with button keyboard: concertina
section or verse repeated: refrain automatic piano: player piano
short composition: bagatelle bell-like soundmaker in ‘‘Dance of the Sugar
short melodic phrase on jazz or rock guitar: Plum Fairy’’: celesta
riff, lick electronic sound recreator: synthesizer
study of music: musicology organ, steam whistle: calliope
teaching of pitch and rhythm recognition: piano, full-sized: grand piano
ear training piano, largest: concert piano
trumpeting intro: fanfare piano, predecessor: clavichord, harpsichord
words of song: lyrics piano, slang: *eighty-eights, *ivories
written music for movie or play: score piano, small grand: baby grand
SYMPHONIC TERMS piano, space-saving: upright
composition of arias, duets, choruses in sev- plucked instead of struck by hammers: harp-
eral movements: cantata sichord
final movement: finale squeezebox, handheld: accordion, *squeeze-
instrumental composition preceding opera, box
oratorio or play: overture wind or electric-generated keyboard: organ
instrumental composition with movements PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS
in varied keys, tempos: sonata bell: campanella
instrumental composition with several block, wooden: wood block, clog box
movements of dance music: suite Caribbean tinkling drum: steel drum
one section of a composition: movement clackers, wooden stick: claves

384 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Music Hall–Mustache

clappers clicked rhythmically: castanets flute, small: fife, piccolo

cow’s bell: cowbell flute, whistlelike: recorder, flageolet, fipple
crash, sizzlemaker: cymbal flute
Cuban drums played with fingers, hands: jazz woodwind: saxaphone
bongos *licorice stick, reeded: clarinet
drum for rolls, flourishes, fills: tom-tom military horn: bugle, cornet
hanging cymbal struck with mallet: gong pan pipes: pan flute
kettle drum: timpani potatolike whistle: ocarina
largest, booming drum: bass drum, *kick sad, comedic soundmaker: bassoon
drum Scottish skirling and droning windbag: bag-
rasping gourd: guiro pipes
rat tat tat beatkeeper: snare drum slide horn: trombone
rattling skeleton-soundmaker: xylophone trumpet with high pitch: Bach trumpet
seed-filled gourd: maraca tuba, tenor: euphonium
xylophonelike with resonant tubes: ma- wooden: woodwind
rimba music hall n. auditorium, concert hall, amphi-
xylophonelike with steel bars: glockenspiel, theater, dance hall.
bell lyre musician n. performer, player, artist, singer, vo-
STRINGED INSTRUMENTS calist, instrumentalist, minstrel, session art-
Appalachian lap instrument: dulcimer, ist, studio musician, longhair, bard, drum-
zither mer, guitarist, bassist, flutist, violinist,
barrel organ: hurdy gurdy troubador. SEE SINGER
bowed, quivering four-string: violin musing a. meditative, thoughtful, reflective.
country twanger: banjo ANT. oblivious.
dulcimer struck with small hammers: ham- musket n. breechloader, flintlock, blunderbuss.
mered dulcimer SEE GUN
electric guitar, slang: *axe muss v. mess up, tousle, tangle, disarrange, ruf-
guitar, hollow-bodied: acoustic fle, rumple, crumple, wrinkle, dishevel,
guitar, low-voiced four-string: bass scramble, disorder, throw into disarray. ANT.
guitar, very small: ukelele neaten, order, organize, smooth.
harplike: lyre must n. 1. REQUIREMENT imperative, necessity,
Hawaiian guitar with nasal tone: Hawaiian need, prerequisite, obligation, essential, exi-
guitar gency, fundamental. 2. MUSTINESS mold,
heavenly-sounding 46-string: harp mildew, fungus, dry rot.
Japanese national instrument: koto must v. have to, obligated to, required to,
lute, East Indian long-necked: sitar should, have no choice, compelled, forced,
lute, small four string: mandolin have no alternative, doomed to, bound. SEE
middle ages guitar: lute NECESSARY
rasper, husky: cello mustache n. moustache, moustachio, whiskers,
violin, large, velvety or husky-sounding: vi- *soupstrainer, *tickler, *cookie duster.
zither: dulcimer descriptive: wings of a B-52, twitchy, rat’s
Alps horn: alpenhorn dual crescents: mistletoe
alto clarinet with upcurving bell: basset long and drooping over chin: horseshoe, Fu
horn Manchu
bass tuba: helicon, sousaphone long and thick with turned-up ends: Hind-
brass instrument with three keys, flaring enburg
bell: trumpet M-shaped: regent
clarinet nickname: *licorice stick neat, thin line: pencil line, Clark Gable
clarion blasters: brass rectangular with squared ends: boxcar,
cornet with wider bore: flugelhorn toothbrush, Charlie Chaplin, Hitler
double-reeded woodwind: oboe T, forms with chin tuft: Roman T
elephant tusk horn: oliphant thick and overgrown over lip: walrus, soup-
English flute: recorder strainer

Roget’s Superthesaurus 385


turned-up: handlebar, Hindenburg, Kaiser, mutual a. reciprocal, give-and-take, inter-

waxed, waxed and twiddled changeable, common, joint, related, shared,
V-shaped: chevron communal. ANT. singular, sole.
mustang n. range horse, wild horse, bronco, mutual fund n. stock fund, bond fund, growth
bronc, cayuse. fund, investment fund. SEE MONEY
muster n. assembly, gathering, congregation, muzzle n. 1. SNOUT jaws, nose, mouth, chops.
turnout, review, line up, group, bunch, 2. RESTRAINT bind, bit, bridle, strap.
troupe, company. muzzle v. restrain, restrict, stifle, silence, cen-
muster v. assemble, gather, summon, call the sor, shut up, mute, suppress, still, inhibit,
roll, mobilize, convoke, marshal, convene, squelch, harness.
rally, collect, congregate, huddle, line up. myopic a. SEE NEARSIGHTED
ANT. disperse, fallout, scatter, disband. myriad n. ten thousand, a thousand and one,
muster, pass v. *make the grade, *come up to infinity, host, profusion, multitude, abun-
snuff, pass inspection, *measure up, *come dance, *truckload, *slew, *passel, *lots,
through with flying colors, *stand the test, *galaxy.
*come up to scratch. mysterious a. unknowable, unexplainable, in-
musty a. 1. MOULDY fusty, dusty, stale, decaying, explicable, enigmatic, inscrutable, cryptic,
crumbling, tainted, rancid, spoiled. 2. WORN unfathomable, secret, mystical, weird, ar-
OUT, ANTIQUATED stale, old, aged, moss- cane, esoteric, puzzling, dark. ANT. knowable,
grown, obsolete, old-fashioned, moth-eaten, obvious, clear, explainable.
passé. ANT. 1. fresh, unspoiled, vibrant. 2. mystery n. 1. AN UNKNOWN puzzle, enigma, per-
new, modern, fresh. plexity, conundrum, secret, closed book,
mutant n. deviation, mutation, alteration, mis- question mark. 2. INSCRUTABILITY obscurity,
creation, freak of nature. imperceptibility, secret, inexplicability, in-
mutation n. deviation, mutant, alteration, vari- solvability. 3. NOVEL/PLAY police procedural,
ation, modification, miscreation, metamor- detective story, *whodunit, *cat and mouse,
phosis, transformation, accident of nature. *cloak and dagger, *cozy. ANT. 1. open book,
mute v. muffle, deaden, dampen, silence, stifle, answer, explanation, clarification.
tone down, still, quiet. ANT. amplify. mystic n. seer, soothsayer, palm reader,
mute a. speechless, silent, aphonic, wordless, prophet, astrologer, sorcerer, witch, astral
mum, voiceless, tongue-tied, uncommuni- projectionist, new age follower, *past-lifer.
cative, closedmouthed, still. ANT. talkative, mystic a. occult, esoteric, mystical, oracular,
loquacious, communicative. magical, arcane. ANT. out in the open, scien-
mutilate v. tear apart, dismember, disfigure, tific.
maim, deform, rip to shreds, amputate, cut mystical a. inscrutable, inexplicable, intuitive,
up, hack, butcher, castrate, tear limb from spiritual, ethereal, metaphysical, transcen-
limb. dental, incorporeal, extramundane, other-
mutilated a. dismembered, amputated, torn worldly, supernatural. ANT. corporeal,
limb from limb, castrated, disfigured, earthly, scientific.
maimed, deformed. mysticism n. occultism, supernaturalism, caba-
mutinous a. rebellious, subversive, riotous, in- lism.
surrectionary, insurgent, revolutionary, se- mystify v. bewilder, perplex, puzzle, confuse,
ditious, traitorous, insubordinate, malcon- baffle, confound, hoodwink, *bamboozle,
tent. ANT. dutiful, subservient, compliant, *buffalo. ANT. clarify, explain, clear up.
cooperative. mystique n. aura, air, charisma, character,
mutiny n. rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising, insur- glamour, ambience, persona, charm, attract-
rection, overthrow, takeover, coup, strike. ion, fascination, appeal, magnetism.
mutiny v. rebel, revolt, rise up, riot, subvert, myth n. 1. STORY legend, tale, fable, allegory,
overthrow. fiction, parable. 2. UNTRUTH foolishness, fic-
mutt n. 1. MONGREL cur. 2. FOOL dull witted tion, nonsense, old wive’s tale, misconcep-
person, muttonhead. SEE DOG tion, fallacy, superstition, falsehood.
mutter v. murmur, mumble, grumble, whisper, mythical a. mythological, fabled, fictitious, fab-
grunt, maunder, *talk into one’s beard/chin, ulous, imaginary, fanciful, fantastical, story-
talk under one’s breath, grouse, complain. book. ANT. actual, true, real, factual.

386 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND love, goddess of: Venus

Argonauts leader who retrieved Golden love, god of: Cupid, Eros
Fleece: Jason marriage, god of: Hymen
arts, nine goddesses of the: Muses Medusa, slew: Perseus
beautiful man: Adonis messenger of gods: Mercury
bisexual: Hermaphroditus minotaur, slew: Theseus
dawn, goddess of: Aurora, Eos moon and forest goddess: Diana
dog with three heads guarding underworld: moon, goddess of: Luna, Diana, Selene
Cerberus mother, married his: Oedipus
dreams, god of: Morpheus oracle of Apollo: Delphic oracle
earth, goddess of: Gaea prophetess who was never believed: Cassan-
earth on his shoulders: Atlas dra
ecstasy, god of: Dionysus punishment, goddess of: Nemesis
eyed beast, hundred: Argus Rome, founder of: Romulus
fire, god of: Vulcan sea, god of: Poseidon
fire, stole from gods: Prometheus sisters of hideous form who turned onlookers
fish and man combined, controlled waves: to stone: Gorgons
Triton sisters three who control human destiny: the
flowers, goddess of: Flora Fates
flying horse created from Medusa’s blood: sleep, god of: Hypnus, Somnus
Pegasus stone, rolled incessantly up hill: Sisyphus
forbidden box of human misery, opened by: strongman: Hercules
Pandora sun, flew too near and melted wings: Icarus
forever reaching for fruit and water: Tanta- sun, god of: Helios
lus twin protectors of seagoers: Castor and Pol-
giants, race of: Titans lux
giant with one eye: Cyclops unavenged crimes, three snake-haired fe-
god ruler: Zeus males who punish guilty: Furies
gold, touch turned things to: Midas underworld, god of: Hades, Pluto
gorgon, most famous: Medusa victory, goddess of: Nike
heel, hero with vulnerable: Achilles war, god of: Mars
horse and human combined: centaur whirlpool, turned into: Charybdis
laurel tree, turned into: Daphne wisdom, goddess of: Minerva
loved his own reflection and was changed Zeus, beautiful daughters of: Graces
to a flower: Narcissus SEE MONSTER

Roget’s Superthesaurus 387


nab v. grab, snatch, seize, catch, grasp, snare, nameless a. anonymous, untitled, unknown.
steal, snag, arrest, collar, apprehend, trap, ANT. named, known.
*nail. ANT. release. namely adv. specifically, to wit, that is, i.e.
nadir n. low point, base, depth, floor, bottom. nanny n. nursemaid, nurse, wet nurse, mammy,
nag n. 1. COMPLAINER *battle-ax, whiner, nee- babysitter, governess.
dler, kvetch, faultfinder, *pain, fishwife, nap n. 1. SNOOZE doze, siesta, catnap. SEE SLEEP
witch. 2. OLD HORSE plug, swayback, *bag of 2. FIBER fuzz, weave, fluff.
bones, dobbin, *crowbait, *dogfood. nap v. snooze, doze, catnap, *catch forty winks,
nag v. 1. COMPLAIN scold, needle, badger, *catch some shuteye, *drop off. SEE SLEEP
whine, carp, harass, grouse, henpeck, napalm n. incendiary, explosive, flammable gel,
heckle, berate, irritate, find fault. 2. TROU- *Zippo.
BLE distress, worry, prey on, torment, bother, nape n. scruff.
disturb. napkin n. linen, wipe, serviette, moist towel-
nail n. 1. FINGERNAIL claw, talon. 2. FASTENER ette.
spike, brad, pin, rivet, tack, staple, hobnail, nappy a. hairy, downy, shaggy, fuzzy, kinky,
tenpenny, box nail, finishing nail, roofing woolly, fleecy.
nail. narcissist n. egotist, braggart, peacock.
nail v. 1. DRIVE pound, anchor, fix, bolt. 2. NARCISSISTIC a. [nar sis SIS tic] vain, ex-
CATCH catch red-handed, nab, apprehend, cessively interested in one’s self. An egotisti-
seize, *pinch. cal, narcissistic man won’t make a good hus-
naive a. unsophisticated, innocent, unsus- band. SYN. vain, self-centered, egotistical,
pecting, uneducated, simple, ingenuous, egocentric, conceited, self-worshipping,
childlike, inexperienced, unseasoned, un- self-infatuated, egomaniacal, self-absorbed,
worldly, unschooled, trusting, gullible, im- *wrapped up in oneself.
mature, *wet behind the ears. ANT. sophisti- narcotic n. drug, opiate, soporific, sedative,
cated, experienced, wise, worldly. tranquilizer, anesthetic, pain reliever, hyp-
NAIVETÉ n. [ni eev TAY] or [ni EEV uh notic, depressant, *downer, morphine, her-
TAY] childlike innocence or unsophistica- oin, codeine, opium, hashish. SEE DRUG, MAR-
tion, lack of insight and experience. The con
narrate v. recount, tell, describe, recite, chroni-
man took advantage of her obvious naiveté.
cle, report, portray, relate, detail.
SYN. inexperience, childishness, innocence,
narration n. recounting, telling, description,
simplicity, ingenuousness, artlessness, sim-
chronicling, portrayal, detailing, account,
plemindedness, credulity, gullibility. ANT.
sophistication, worldliness, experience. narrative n. account, description, tale. SEE
naked a. nude, unclothed, bare, undressed, ex- STORY
posed, stripped, disrobed, uncovered, *in narrator n. storyteller, chronicler, reporter, au-
the buff, *in the raw, *without a stitch, *in thor, relater, recounter, raconteur, *voice-
one’s birthday suit, *wearing nothing but over.
goosebumps, defenseless, vulnerable. narrow v. attenuate, hone, diminish, thin,
namby-pamby n. sissy, pansy, mama’s boy, lessen, contract, constrict, compress,
weakling, milquetoast, *wimp, *wuss. squeeze.
name n. 1. APPELLATION nickname, given name, narrow a. 1. SLIM slender, thin, lean, spare,
surname, Christian name, epithet, designa- slight, attenuated. 2. CONFINED cramped,
tion, title, sobriquet, *moniker, *handle, tight, scant, sparse, meager, incapacious,
*pet name, diminutive, pseudonym, pen close, incommodious, pinched. 3. NARROW-
name, non de plume. 2. REPUTATION charac- MINDED prejudiced, bigoted, intolerant,
ter, repute. small-minded. ANT. 1. fat, broad, wide. 2.
name v. 1. CHRISTEN dub, call, title, nickname, capacious, roomy, spacious. 3. liberal, open-
denominate, style, self-style. 2. DESIGNATE minded, tolerant.
delegate, appoint, nominate, pick. narrow-minded a. small-minded, closed-
namedropper n. status seeker. minded, bigoted, prejudiced, blind, myopic,

388 Roget’s Superthesaurus


short-sighted, tunnel-visioned, one-sided, natural selection n. survival of the fittest, evo-

intolerant, pigheaded, biased, deaf to rea- lution, Darwinian law.
son. ANT. broad-minded, liberal, tolerant. nature n. 1. CHARACTER makeup, constitution,
nasty a. 1. DIRTY filthy, foul, soiled, unclean, personality, essence, identity. 2. DISPOSITION
revolting, gross, offensive. 2. INDECENT ob- temperament, temper, spirit, personality. 3.
scene, immoral, slutty, sleazy, lewd, licen- PHYSICAL WORLD cosmos, universe, creation,
tious, offensive, vulgar, coarse, crude, raun- environment, ecology, evolution, chaos, re-
chy, *morals of an alley cat. 3. MEAN ill- generation, natural forces, the wild, the
tempered, disagreeable, ugly, surly, mali- great outdoors, Mother Nature. ‘‘The never
cious, spiteful, hateful, vicious. ANT. 1. idle workshop.’’—Mathew Arnold. ‘‘The art
clean, unsoiled, washed. 2. decent, wholesome, of God eternal.’’—Dante. ‘‘The living, visi-
pure, chaste. 3. good-humored, good-natured, ble garment of God.’’—Johann W. Goethe
kindhearted, friendly, amiable. ‘‘God under a disguise.’’—A.E. Taylor. 4.
nation n.1. COUNTRY state, federation, republic, KIND class, type, sort, species, stripe, cate-
commonwealth, union, empire, sovereignty. gory, brand.
2. PEOPLE race, populace, natives, tribe, eth- naughty a. 1. BAD mischievous, disobedient,
nic group. SEE POLITICS prankish, impish, full of the devil, wayward,
national a. federal, nationwide, interstate, unruly, unmanageable, disrespectful. 2. IN-
coast-to-coast. ANT. local, regional. DECENT nasty, lewd, obscene, improper, of-
nationalism n. provincialism, isolationism, in- fensive, immoral. ANT. 1. good, well-man-
dependence. ‘‘A silly cock crowing on its nered, angelic. 2. decent, moral.
own dunghill.’’—Richard Aldington. nausea n. queasiness, qualm, indigestion, sick-
nationality n. nativity, citizenship, tribe, clan, ness, upset stomach, bellyache, motion sick-
race, extraction, native home, lineage, ness. SEE VOMIT
bloodline, ancestry. nauseate v. sicken, disgust, *gross out, turn
native a. aboriginal, innate, indigenous, domes- one’s stomach, revolt, disgust, *make one
tic, native-born, local, *homegrown. ANT. want to vomit.
foreign, distant. nauseating a. SEE NAUSEOUS
native land n. homeland, motherland, mother nauseous a. nauseating, unsettling, sickening,
country, fatherland, the old country, birth- revolting, repulsive, loathsome, disgusting.
place. nautical a. maritime, marine, naval, oceango-
natty a. dapper, neat, trim, smart, spruce, chic, ing, seagoing. SEE NAVIGATION, NAVY, OCEAN,
sharp, *spiffy, *snazzy, *dressed to the teeth, SAIL, SHIP
*dressed to the nines. ANT. sloppy, unfashion- navel n. umbilical, *belly button, *innie,
able. SEE FASHION *outie.
natural a. 1. MADE BY NATURE organic, wild, navigable a. passable, boatable. SEE NAVIGATE
pure, untouched, untamed, unspoiled, un- navigate v. steer, direct, plot, con, pilot, skip-
cultivated, unrefined, primitive, primordial. per, guide.
2. REAL genuine, authentic, true. 3. INHER- navigation n. course plotting, course charting,
ENT instinctive, innate, genetic, inherited, guiding, piloting, steering, conning, man-
natural-born. 4. UNAFFECTED unstudied, un- ning the helm, taking bearings, seamanship,
pretentious, spontaneous, real, sincere, celestial navigation, dead reckoning.
earthy, down to earth, ingenuous. ‘‘A very navigator n. course plotter, pilot, chartsman,
difficult pose to maintain.’’—Oscar Wilde. helmsman, seaman, aviator, explorer. SEE
5. NORMAL typical, usual, characteristic. SAILOR
ANT. 1. unnatural, refined, processed, man- navy n. fleet, armada, flotilla, sea force, argosy,
made, synthetic. 2. phony, unreal, unnatural. convoy, marine defense, squadron, task
3. learned, extrinsic. 4. affected, studied, pre- force, merchant marine.
tentious, phony. WORD FIND
naturalist n. zoologist, botanist, field observer, aircraft carrier runway: flight deck
environmentalist. aircraft carrier, slang: *flattop, *floating city
naturally adv. 1. BY NATURE innately, instinct- antimine vessel: minesweeper
ively. 2. OF COURSE as one would expect, antitorpedo defense: torpedo defense net
characteristically, normally. battleship nickname: floating fortress

Roget’s Superthesaurus 389


boundary marker for mineswept area: dan spiffy. 3. GREAT Sl. *cool, *neato, good, ex-
buoy cellent. ANT. 1. disorderly, untidy, sloppy,
disguised as merchant ship: Q ship messy. 2. sloppy, unkempt. 3. bad, awful. SEE
fuel ship: oiler, tanker CLEAN
group of ships: convoy, squadron neaten v. tidy, arrange, order, fix up, clean up,
guns/weapons of the same size or caliber: smooth out, spruce up.
battery neatly adv. orderly, tidily, in good order, uni-
heavily armed vessel: battleship formly, smoothly, cleanly.
high-speed warship: destroyer NEBULOUS a. [NEB u luss] cloudy, vague or
hostile shore position: beachhead unclear. The paper was filled with nebulous
medical ship: hospital ship guidelines. SYN. cloudy, misty, hazy, obscure,
mine clearing: mine sweeping unclear, shrouded, veiled, vague, indistinct.
mining ship: mine ANT. clear, distinct.
missile-armed: guided missile cruiser, guided necessarily adv. inevitably, of necessity, as a
missile destroyer matter of course, perforce, like it or not, un-
multipurpose vessel: ocean station ship avoidably, inescapably.
nuclear-powered submarine: Trident necessary a. essential, vital, needed, required,
officer: chief warrant officer, ensign, lieu- called for, requisite, prerequisite, manda-
tenant, lieutenant commander, com- tory, imperative, compulsory, fundamental,
mander, captain, rear admiral, vice ad- obligatory. ANT. unnecessary, unneeded, un-
miral, admiral, fleet admiral essential.
patrol torpedo boat: PT boat necessity n. must, essential, vital component,
readiness condition: general quarters requirement, obligation, requisite, prerequi-
simultaneous gunfire on target: salvo site, need, want, basic, fundamental, dire
sonic locator device: sonar necessity, exigency. ANT. extra, luxury, ines-
submarine detector: sonobuoy sential.
two or more ship divisions: squadron necking n. Sl. kissing, *making love, *making
underwater vessel: submarine, U-boat out, cuddling, *smooching, *sucking face,
vessel that lays dan buoys: dan runner *parking.
warship capable of acting independently: necklace n. chain, strand, choker, beads, pearls,
frigate locket, pendant, lavalier, torque, collar. SEE
naysayer n. pessimist, oppositionist, dissenter, necktie n. tie, ascot, cravat, bow tie, string tie,
opponent, critic, prophet of doom, defeatist. jabot, four-in-hand, Windsor, half-Wind-
Nazi n. fascist, nationalist. sor.
Neanderthal n. barbarian, savage, brute, *ani- necromancy n. sorcery, communing with the
mal, troglodyte, caveman. dead, black magic, conjuring, mysticism, Sa-
near v. approach, close in, advance, move to- tan worshipping, demonology.
ward. necropolis n. graveyard. SEE CEMETERY
near adv. close, nearby, close at hand, nigh, at need n. 1. POVERTY destitution, indigence, pen-
close range, within shouting distance, proxi- ury, privation. 2. REQUIREMENT requisite,
mate, neighboring, *cheek by jowl. ANT. dis- prerequisite, necessity, essential, obligation.
tant, far. 3. LACK want, dearth, paucity, insufficiency,
nearing a. approaching, coming toward, closing shortage.
in on, converging, impending. ANT. receding, need v. require, must have, want, call for, lack,
leaving. have use for, hunger for, desire, covet, got
nearly adv. almost, not quite, just about, all but, to have, can’t live without.
virtually, well-nigh, roughly, about. needle v. pester, annoy, goad, heckle, provoke,
near miss n. near hit, close call, narrow escape. nag, badger, *rag on, *bug.
nearsighted a. myopic, shortsighted, *blind as needless a. unnecessary, pointless, uncalled for,
a mole, *blind as a post, *blind as a bat. SEE unwanted, nonessential.
VISION needlework n. needlepoint, embroidery, sew-
neat a. 1. ORDERLY tidy, trim, shipshape, spot- ing, stitching, darning, knitting, crocheting,
less, spruce, immaculate, spic-and-span. 2. tatting, quilting, point lace, gros point, petit
FASTIDIOUS meticulous, exacting, natty, point, cross-stitch, weaving.

390 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Needy–Nerve Center

needy a. 1. POOR impoverished, destitute, indi- one’s pants, *hash out a deal. 2. PASS
gent, penniless, lacking, *hard up, *broke, THROUGH OR OVER surmount, get around,
*down and out, *in dire straits. 2. EMOTION- cross, clear, forge through, ford, maneuver,
ALLY INSECURE *clingy, clinging, desperate. step nimbly around.
ne’er do well n. *loser, wastrel, failure, good- negotiation n. mediation, arbitration, bargain-
for-nothing, *do-nothing, *bum, *slug, ing, give and take, dickering, compromise,
loafer. haggling, counteroffering.
NEFARIOUS a. [ni FAIR ee us] evil, wicked. negotiator n. mediator, arbitrator, diplomat,
They committed murders and other nefarious haggler, middleman, go-between, interme-
acts. SYN. evil, wicked, villainous, heinous, diary, *wheeler-dealer.
iniquitous, detestable, vicious, infamous, Negro n. black, colored person, negroid, ne-
sinister, bad, abominable, shameful. ANT. gress, African American, Afro-American.
good, moral, decent. neigh n. whinny, nicker, whicker.
negate v. invalidate, nullify, cancel out, coun- neighborhood n. community, vicinage, suburb,
teract, neutralize, void, annul, repeal. block, district, borough, *housing complex,
negation n. contradiction, denial, repudiation, *development, street, *hood, *projects,
refutation, cancellation. *home turf, *neck of the woods.
negative n. no, nay, not. neighborly a. friendly, sociable, hospitable,
negative a. denying, nullifying, voiding, inval- personable, harmonious, helpful, convivial.
idating, opposing, vetoing, contradictory, ANT. inhospitable. SEE FRIENDLY
contrary, conflicting, inverse. neither here nor there irrelevant, beside the
negative attitude n. pessimism, cynicism, *chip point, impertinent, not germane, immate-
on one’s shoulder, doubt, prophecy of doom, rial.
lack of confidence. nemesis n. 1. JUST PUNISHMENT retribution,
neglect n. laxness, disregard, thoughtlessness, comeuppance, just deserts, vindication, re-
inattentiveness, carelessness, slackness, venge, vengeance, ruin, downfall, Waterloo.
oversight, negligence, dereliction, indiffer- 2. AVENGER bane, adversary, opponent, ri-
ence. ANT. care, regard, conscientiousness. val.
neglect v. disregard, ignore, overlook, slight,
neologism n. new word, new term, new expres-
shirk, omit, pass over, discount, make light
sion, *buzz word, new meaning, new inter-
of, be remiss, *lie down on the job, forget,
let slip, let slide, brush aside, *blow off. ANT.
neophyte n. beginner, novice, tyro, amateur,
regard, consider, care for.
debutant, *rookie, *greenhorn, *tenderfoot,
neglectful a. careless, remiss, derelict, negli-
*new kid on the block, freshman, intern,
gent, inattentive, slack, lax, inconsiderate,
trainee, apprentice. ANT. veteran, *old hand,
delinquent, sloppy. ANT. careful, conscien-
tious, mindful. expert, master.
negligee n. nightgown, nightie, chemise, robe, NEPOTISM n. [NEP uh tizm] favoritism
peignoir, deshabille. shown to relatives in work, politics. Joe got
negligence n. disregard, carelessness, derelic- work through his father’s nepotism. SYN. favor-
tion, laxness. SEE NEGLECT itism, partiality, bias, discrimination. ‘‘A
negligent a. careless, derelict, inattentive, de- $10 word meaning to stow your relatives in
linquent, lax, slack, remiss, disregardful, a soft berth.’’—Ilka Chase.
thoughtless, inconsiderate, forgetful, casual, nerd n. Sl. *dork, *goofball, *geek, *jerk,
nonchalant, devil-may-care. ANT. caring, re- *dweeb, *goober, *goon, *nebbish, *schlep-
sponsible, fostering, conscientious, attentive. per, *wimp, *trekkie.
negligible a. minute, minimal, insignificant, in- nerve n. 1. COURAGE bravery, strength, spirit,
consequential, trifling, nominal, piddling, spunk, spine, mettle, pluck, *grit, *guts,
paltry, imperceptible, unimportant, minor, *gumption, *balls, *chutzpah. 2. IMPUDENCE
trivial, microscopic. ANT. sizable, significant, effrontery, insolence, gall, brazenness,
considerable. *balls. 3. SENSORY PATHWAY sensor, impulse
negotiate v. 1. BARGAIN deal, dicker, haggle, ar- pathway, neuron. ANT. 1. cowardice, timidity,
bitrate, mediate, settle, arrange, transact, spinelessness. 2. shyness, reserve, reticence.
conciliate, compromise, come to terms, fi- nerve center n. control center, headquarters,
nagle, work out, *give one’s shirt but keep HQ, command post, plexus.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 391


nerveless a. 1. WEAK impotent, powerless, help- net a. take-home, after taxes, ultimate, final,
less. 2. MEEK spineless, cowardly, timid, reti- remaining.
cent. 3. COOL nonchalant, collected, unruf- nettle v. irritate, annoy, vex, needle, irk, aggra-
fled, imperturbable, undisturbed, self- vate, *get on one’s nerves, *bug, *get under
possessed, self-controlled. ANT. 1. potent, one’s skin, hassle, *ride, rile, *drive up a
powerful. 2. bold, brash, cheeky. 3. ruffled, wall, *rattle one’s cage, *pull one’s chain,
upset, a nervous wreck. pester, pick on.
nerve-racking a. distressing, stressful, disturb- nettlesome a. irritating, annoying, aggravating,
ing, trying, grating on the nerves, aggravat- vexatious, vexing, disturbing, perturbing,
ing, frazzling, jarring, irritating, disquieting. irksome, rankling, thorny. ANT. pleasing, de-
ANT. soothing, calming, relaxing. lightful, relieving.
nerves n. tension, stress. SEE ANXIETY network n. 1. INTERLACING netting, mesh, web-
nervous a. anxious, tense, stressed, uneasy, bing, lacework, latticework, reticulum. 2.
ORGANIZATION affiliations, chain, system, or-
*uptight, *antsy, *jittery, jumpy, excited,
*keyed up, *wound up, *on edge, high- der, interconnection, relationship. 3. CHAN-
NELS labyrinth, circuitry, plexus, terminal
strung, flustered, ruffled, *wired, *hyper,
*butterflies in the stomach, shaky. ANT. system.
calm, relaxed, composed, cool. SEE ANXIOUS, network v. associate, make connections, hob-
nob, connect, fraternize, *rub elbows,
*drum up leads, interconnect, affiliate, con-
nervous breakdown n. nervous prostration,
sort with, enterprise.
emotional collapse, *burnout, nervous ex- neurosis n. nervous disorder, personality disor-
haustion, clinical depression, hysteria. der, emotional disorder, mental illness, dis-
nervous Nellie n. Sl. *Caspar Milquetoast, ordered thinking, maladjustment, dysfunc-
*chicken, *’fraidy cat, *pantywaist, *wuss, tion, anxiety. ‘‘The result of a conflict
*wimp. between the ego and the id; the person is at
nervousness n. anxiety, tension, stress, excite- war with himself.’’—Sigmund Freud.
ment, fluster, jitters, *butterflies, apprehen- WORD FIND
sion, uneasiness, angst, stage fright, *the accidental nature: accident-prone
shakes. ANT. relaxation, calm, serenity, tran- aversion to people: misanthropy
quility. aversion to women: misogyny
WORD FIND collapse, nervous: nervous breakdown
descriptive/symptoms: throat-clearing, gulp- combat neurosis: shell shock, Post Trau-
ing, teeth-grinding, hand-wringing, pac- matic Stress Syndrome
ing, nail-biting, stomach-knotting, hy- daughter’s sexual attraction to father: Elec-
perventilation, nervous tics and tra Complex
twitches, sweating. death, excessive fear of: necrophobia
nervy a. 1. INSOLENT rude, bold, brash, forward, depression, seasonal: SAD, seasonal affect-
cocky, brassy, *cheeky, impudent, fresh, flip, ive disorder
flippant. 2. BRAVE courageous, daring, dieting to the point of emaciation: anorexia
plucky, valiant, *ballsy, *gutsy, intrepid. nervosa
ANT. 1. reticent, shy, polite. 2. cowardly,
dieting with binging and forced vomiting:
spineless, *chicken. bulimia
fantasizing to escape reality: escapism
nest n. aerie, roost, *wattle and daub construc-
fault-finding, passively hostile character:
tion. SEE BIRD
passive-aggressive personality
nest egg n. savings, investment, *something for fear, irrational: phobia
a rainy day, piggy bank, *the oink in one’s fire-setting, fascination with: pyromania
piggy bank, *stash, *mad money, *stake. genitals, compulsion to expose: exhibition-
nestle v. curl up against, snuggle, cuddle, hud- ism
dle, nuzzle, *spoon together. health and symptoms, dwelling excessively
net n. 1. MESH webbing, seine, screen, trawl, on: hypochondria
network, lacework, dragnet, purse net, but- heart attack, excessive fear of: cardioneu-
terfly net, snare. 2. PROFIT earnings, gain, rosis
take-in, take-home, remainder. 3. INTERNET infant or childlike behavior, return to: in-
*information superhighway, *infobahn. fantilism

392 Roget’s Superthesaurus


inferiority, feelings of: inferiority complex, peculiar, untried, untested, unexplored, ex-
low self-esteem perimental. 4. RENEWED restored, revised, re-
isolation from others: withdrawal modeled, revived. 5. ADDITIONAL further,
obsession or crazed desire: mania more, supplementary. ANT. 1. out-of-date,
panic, prone to: panic disorder, panic attack old, dated. 2. old, used, stale. 3. familiar,
passive acceptance of another’s vices and known, tried-and-true.
abuse: codependency newborn n. infant, neonate, weanling, suck-
past, dwelling excessively on the: alethia ling, nursling, babe, baby, *bambino.
poor-me personality: martyrdom newfangled a. modern, new, novel, state of the
pregnancy, imagined: pseudocyesis art, *cutting edge. ANT. obsolete, passé.
psychological disturbances converted to news n. reportage, report, bulletin, informa-
physical symptoms: conversion disorder tion, message, account, announcement,
rapid breathing due to anxiety: hyperventi- communication, communique, dispatch,
lation flash, press release, publication, broadcast,
reality, denial of: denial, defense mechanism *scoop, lowdown, *skinny, *dope, *straight
repeated thoughts, rituals: obsessive-com- poop. ‘‘News is almost by definition bad
pulsive disorder news.’’—Marquis W. Childs. ‘‘When a dog
ritual that must be carried out: compulsion bites a man that is not news, but when a
self-love, excessive: narcissism man bites a dog that is news.’’—Charles A.
Dana. ‘‘The first rough draft of history.’’—
steal, compulsion to: kleptomania
Philip Graham. SEE NEWSPAPER
newscast n. broadcast, telecast, dispatch, bulle-
neurotic a. emotionally disturbed, mentally ill,
irrational, unstable, paranoid, anxious, ob-
newscaster n. broadcaster, reporter, news an-
sessive, compulsive, phobic, maladjusted,
chor, announcer. SEE NEWSMAN
hypochondriacal, manic, accident-prone, newsletter n. bulletin, report, journal, publica-
dysfunctional, *screw loose, *splinters in tion.
the windmills of one’s mind, *loopy, newsman/newswoman n. reporter, journalist,
*twisted, *warped, *off kilter. ANT. stable, investigative reporter, anchor, stringer, cor-
rational, of sound mind. respondent, photojournalist, muckraker,
neuter n. eunuch, gelding. *newshound.
neuter v. castrate, emasculate, geld, *fix, *cut, newspaper n. journal, publication, chronicle,
spay. daily, weekly, tabloid, scandal sheet, *rag,
neutral a. 1. IMPARTIAL uninvolved, nonparti- special edition, press, Gazette, Tribune,
san, unbiased, nonaligned, uncommitted, Herald, Examiner, Express, Telegram, extra.
indifferent, *riding the fence, dispassionate, ‘‘A circulating library with blood pres-
disinterested, unaffiliated, detached. 2. NON- sure.’’—Arthur Baer. ‘‘A device for amusing
COMBATIVE uninvolved, peaceful, pacifistic. one half of the world with the other half ’s
3. COLORLESS uncolored, drab, achromatic, troubles.’’—Leonard Levinson.
pale, vague, white, black, gray. ANT. 1. par- WORD FIND
tial, biased, involved. 2. combative, taking beat the competition to a story: scoop
sides. 3. colorful. cancel a story: kill, spike
neutralize v. counteract, offset, negate, cancel, checks for errors: copy editor
dilute, counterbalance, nullify, disarm, de- city news supervisor: city editor
activate. correction of an inaccuracy: retraction
neverending a. perpetual, infinite, timeless, ev- early edition: bulldog, bullpup
erlasting, forever, eternal, endless, relent- hawking of: bootjacking
less, persistent, continual. ANT. finite, ending. large print headline: screamer, second com-
nevertheless adv. nonetheless, notwithstand- ing type
ing, in any event, still, yet, be that as it may. large story: feature
new a. 1. CURRENT recent, fresh, up-to-date, up- light, human interest story: bright
to-the-minute, contemporary, novel, mod- London press: Fleet Street
ern, latest, *cutting edge, *hot. 2. PRISTINE material to be printed: copy
fresh, virginal, green, maiden, newborn. 3. nonstaff reporter: freelancer
UNFAMILIAR unheard of, unknown, strange, number of copies sold each day: circulation

Roget’s Superthesaurus 393


personal opinion piece: editorial comedy club, roadhouse, music hall, singles
prepare for printing: put to bed bar, honky-tonk, speakeasy, casino, *juke
reporter’s name line: byline joint, *watering hole. ‘‘A place where the
reference room/files: morgue tables are reserved and the guests aren’t.’’—
short news item: squib Fred Casper.
short stock item: filler nightmare n. 1. BAD DREAM incubus, succubus,
story in pictures: photojournalism phantasmagoria, hallucination, hypnogogic
story’s point of origin: dateline imagery, night terrors, night sweats, *night
story’s point of view: slant frights. 2. ORDEAL hell, horror, calamity,
syndicated pieces, press releases, prewritten trial, tribulation, *horror show. SEE DREAM
material: canned copy nightmarish a. surreal, terrifying, ethereal, hor-
trite publicity piece: puff piece rific, creepy, ghastly, otherworldly, unreal,
trivial news period: silly season weird, hallucinatory, Kafkaesque, hellish.
wire services: Associated Press, Reuters ANT. comforting, soothing.
newsworthy a. notable, important, remarkable, night stick n. *billy club, *billy, *hickory,
momentous, significant, consequential, *shill, cudgel.
weighty. ANT. insignificant, trivial. nihilism n. 1. DENIAL AND REJECTION renuncia-
New York City n. the Big Apple, Manhattan, tion, disbelief, atheism. 2. ANARCHY lawless-
Gotham, metropolis, Brooklyn, the Bronx,
ness, subversion. 3. NOTHINGNESS nonexist-
Queens, Harlem, Staten Island. ‘‘A city
ence, void.
where everyone mutinies but no one de-
nil n. nothing, zero, null, *nada, *zip, *zilch,
serts.’’—Harry Hershfield. ‘‘A beautiful ca-
tastrophe.’’—Charles Jeanneret.
nimble a. 1. AGILE spry, sprightly, deft, quick,
next adv. following, succeeding, successively,
lithe, light-footed, surefooted, swift, facile.
ensuing, later, upcoming, coming up, *on
2. QUICK-WITTED alert, quick, sharp, quick-
the horizon.
nibble v. chew, munch, snack, nosh, bite, pick thinking. ANT. 1. clumsy, plodding, slow. 2.
at, peck at, gnaw. dull, slow, *dense.
nice a. 1. APPEALING pleasing, attractive, agree- nip n. drink, dram, sip, jiggerful, *taste, *swal-
able, pleasant, satisfactory, desirable, enjoy- low, shot, swig, *snort.
able. 2. LIKABLE charming, kind, considerate, nip v. bite, nibble, pinch, cut, snip, squeeze.
gracious, amiable, sweet, well-mannered, NIRVANA n. [nur VAHN uh] a state of abso-
genial, cordial, kind, thoughtful, good-hear- lute bliss or sprititual enlightnment.
ted. 3. UPRIGHT virtuous, moral, chaste, gen- Achievement of nirvana was the mystic’s goal.
SYN. enlightenment, awakening, bliss, one-
teel, seemly. 4. REFINED delicate, proper, cor-
rect, seemly, appropriate. ANT. 1. unpleasant, ness, perfection, tranquility, heaven, bless-
unattractive, undesirable. 2. unlikable, rude, edness, paradise, ecstasy. SEE HEAVEN
mean, nasty. 3. immoral, unseemly. 4. unre- nit-pick v. split hairs, quibble, pettifog, niggle,
fined, indelicate. *make a federal case out of nothing.
niche n. notch, corner, cranny, nook, pigeon- nitty-gritty n. Sl. heart of the matter, crux,
hole, cubbyhole, recess, hollow. core, the facts, gist, kernel, root, *brass
nick n. notch, slit, gouge, indentation, scratch, tacks, *bottom line.
cut, score, slit, gash, scrape. nitwit n. dimwit, idiot, simpleton. SEE MORON
nickname n. pet name, moniker, *handle, di- nobility n. 1. EMINENCE prominence, fame,
minutive, cognomen, appellation. rank, aristocracy, pedigree, peerage, upper
niggardly a. cheap, miserly, stingy, penny- class, noblesse, blue blood, elite, ruling class,
pinching, tightfisted, parsimonious, First Family, king, queen, emperor, empress,
*nickel-squeezing, penurious, small, grudg- prince, princess, marquis, earl, duke, lord,
ing. ANT. generous, giving. viscount, baron, baroness, knight, chevalier,
night n. evening, after dusk, midnight, twilight, squire, count, countess. 2. INTEGRITY gentil-
sundown, moonrise, bedtime, *wee hours, ity, honor, morality, virtue, chivalry, char-
witching hour. ‘‘A stealthy evil raven.’’— acter, moral fiber. SEE ANCESTRY, ARISTOC-
Thomas Bailey Aldrich. ‘‘Vast sin-conceal- RACY, ROYALTY
ing chaos.’’—Shakespeare. noble a. 1. EMINENT renowned, famous, illustri-
nightclub n. night spot, club, lounge, disco, dis- ous, distinguished, preeminent, esteemed,
cotheque, dance club, cabaret, supper club, acclaimed, celebrated. 2. OF HIGH MORAL

394 Roget’s Superthesaurus


CHARACTER moral, virtuous, chivalrous, ide- fetid, reeking, rank, rancid, putrid. ANT. 1.
alistic, magnanimous, lofty, heroic, honor- beneficial, benign. 2. fragrant.
able, principled, decent, forthright, gallant, noisy a. clamorous, cacophonous, blaring, stri-
exemplary, ethical, scrupulous, humane, be- dent, shrill, uproarious, riotous, turbulent,
nevolent, valorous. ‘‘All nobility in its be- deafening, ear-shattering, nerve-racking.
ginnings was somebody’s natural superior- ANT. peaceful, silent. SEE LOUD
ity.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. 3. BELONGING nomad n. Bedouin, wanderer, gypsy, itinerant,
TO NOBILITY aristocratic, highborn, princely, rover, roamer, rambler, vagabond, transient.
royal, blue-blooded, pedigreed, to the manor SEE TRAVELER
born, regal, titled, patrician. 4. HAVING EX- nomadic a. wandering, roving, rambling, mi-
CELLENT QUALITIES superior, grand, stately, gratory, vagrant, drifting.
splendid, majestic, regal, august, superb. nom de plume n. pseudonym, pen name, as-
ANT. 1. unknown, obscure. 2. immoral, low, sumed name, nom de guerre.
dishonorable, ignoble. 3. plebian, common, nomenclature n. terminology, classification,
lower class, working class. 4. inferior, poor, naming, vocabulary, taxonomy.
shoddy. nominal a. 1. IN NAME ONLY titular, so-called,
nobody n. nothing, zero, nonentity, flunky, professed, self-styled, purported, supposed.
*lightweight, *small fry, *bush-leaguer, 2. SLIGHT minor, small, trivial, minimal, in-
*nebbish, *nobody to write home about, consequential, trifling, insignificant. ANT. 1.
*bench-warmer, *second stringer, *just an- actual, real, genuine. 2. considerable, large,
other brick in the wall. ANT. somebody, *big- exorbitant.
wig, bigshot. nominate v. choose, select, appoint, propose,
nocturnal a. night, nighttime, nightly, night- suggest for election, submit for approval,
prowling, night-roaming, night-loving. delegate, name, designate, denominate.
nod n. greeting, acknowledgement, gesture, sig- nomination n. selection, choice, proposal,
nal, consenting nod. SEE GREETING naming, designation. SEE APPOINTMENT
nod v. 1. GREET OR ACKNOWLEDGE recognize, sa- nominee n. candidate, appointee, aspirant, of-
lute, incline the head, bow. 2. CONSENT fice-seeker, runner, party favorite.
agree, concur. 3. FALL ASLEEP doze off, drop nonagression n. pacifism, nonviolence, passiv-
off, nap. ity, irenicism, *dovishness.
NONCHALANT a. [non shuh LAUNT] hav-
noise n. clamor, din, uproar, racket, cacophony,
ing a cool or casual attitude, lacking con-
ruckus, disturbance, blare, babel, ballyhoo,
cern. Fred’s nonchalant manner proved he
hullabaloo, outcry, tumult, crack, boom,
wasn’t nervous at all. SYN. blasé, casual, cool,
bang, thud, crash, thump, blast, thunder,
devil-may-care, lackadaisical, composed,
roar, bellow, rip, eruption, rumble, explo- detached, apathetic, insouciant, self-pos-
sion, shot, detonation, reverberation, pop, sessed, poised, carefree, disinterested, un-
clang, clank, clunk, twang, jingle, jangle, concerned. ANT. earnest, anxious, concerned,
ring, tone, plop, kerplop, plunk, trill, peep, wary.
tinkle, whistle, ululation, warble, chirp, rat- noncommittal a. undecided, guarded, cautious,
tle, screech, scream, wail, shriek, squeal, *on the fence, equivocal, playing it safe,
shout, snap, crackle, crunch, sizzle, buzz, *playing it close to the vest, indecisive,
hiss, fizzle, honk, bleat, trumpeting, whir, wary. ANT. committed, decisive, definite.
clatter, scrape, grate, rasp, tick, grind, drone, noncompliant a. incompliant, disobedient, re-
hum, murmur, purr, sigh, ripple, swish, bellious, insubordinate, unruly, rejecting,
splash, whoosh, honk, echo, static, white dissenting. ANT. compliant, assenting, agree-
noise, feedback, distortion. ANT. silence, able.
peacefulness, stillness, hush. SEE LOUD, SOUND nonconforming a. independent, *straying from
noiseless a. silent, still, soundless, hushed, the herd, individualistic, *marching to the
noiseless as the vacuum of space, noiseless beat of a different drummer, unorthodox,
as a tomb. ANT. loud, boisterous. SEE QUIET, radical, disobedient, nonadhering, deviant.
SILENCE ANT. conforming, *falling in step, obedient.
noiseproof a. soundproof, insulated. nonconformist n. maverick, rebel, insubordi-
noisome a. 1. HARMFUL injurious, hurtful. 2. nate, Bohemian, dissenter, heretic, individ-
MALODOROUS foul-smelling, stinky, smelly, ual, free spirit, eccentric, deviant, renegade,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 395


hippie, yippie, beatnik, *skinhead, *square nook n. niche, recess, cranny, corner, ingle-
peg in a round hole. ANT. conformist, *sheep, nook, retreat, alcove, cubbyhole.
lamb, follower. noon n. midday, twelve o’clock, high noon,
nondescript a. 1. INDESCRIBABLE undistin- meridian. SEE TIME
guished, unclassifiable, amorphous, undis- noose n. loop, snare, hangman’s loop.
tinctive, hard to describe, plain, vague, WORD FIND
*blending into the woodwork, *as distinc- cowboy rope: lariat, lasso
tive as a plain, brown wrapper. 2. DRAB unre- norm n. standard, rule, accepted practice, crite-
markable, colorless, common, dull, bland, rion, the usual, benchmark, yardstick, aver-
*blah, prosaic. ANT. 1. distinctive, distin- age, mean.
guished, eye-catching. 2. remarkable, colorful, normal a. 1. STANDARD usual, typical, conven-
eye-catching. tional, universal, traditional, regular, cus-
nonessential a. unnecessary, extraneous, unim- tomary, accepted, average, *par for the
portant, unneeded, uncalled for, unrequired, course, orthodox, established. 2. MENTALLY
superfluous, expendable, dispensable, extra. HEALTHY well-adjusted, sane, stable, *having
ANT. essential, required, basic, indispensable. all one’s marbles, *all there, *together. ‘‘The
nonexistent a. inexistent, fictitious, null, void, only normal people are the ones you don’t
made-up, make-believe, imaginary, mythi- know very well.’’—Joe Ancis. ANT. 1. abnor-
cal, groundless, extinct, dead, defunct, hy- mal, unusual, atypical. 2. abnormal, sick,
pothetical, immaterial. ANT. real, tangible. *twisted.
nonpartisan a. independent, unbiased, neutral, normally adv. usually, typically, convention-
impartial, nonaligned, unaffiliated, objec- ally, traditionally, regularly, customarily,
tive, unprejudiced, *on the fence, open- generally, as a rule, under normal circum-
minded, individualistic. ANT. partisan, stances.
aligned, left wing, right wing, conservative, lib- Northern Lights n. aurora borealis, solar wind.
eral. North Star n. Polaris, polestar, lodestar.
nonplus v. perplex, bewilder, flummox, con- nose n. snout, olfactory organ, proboscis,
found, baffle, *put at a loss, dumbfound, dis- *beak, *honk, *hooter, *snoot, *bazoo,
orient, fluster, rattle, daze, disconcert, dis- *schnozzle, *schnozzola, *bugle. ‘‘The bone
compose, take aback. and gristle penthouse.’’—Stewart Robert-
nonprofit a. not for profit, funded, underwrit-
ten, supported, sponsored, public service,
blocked nasal passage disorder: deviated sep-
subsidized, charitable, philanthropic, be-
nevolent. ANT. profitable, lucrative.
descriptive: skewed, gumdrop, potatolike
nonsense n. 1. SILLINESS foolishness, absurdity, flattened, somewhat turned-up: pug, snub
poppycock, folly, balderdash, rot, twaddle, hooked like an eagle: aquiline
drivel, blather, prattle, moonshine, *mon- large: bulbous
keyshines, *hooey, *baloney, *bunk, *ap- red and grossly enlarged: rum nose, whiskey
plesauce, *crock, *crap, *malarkey, *hog- nose, toper’s nose, rhinophyma
wash. 2. TRIVIALITY garbage, trash, junk, redness: rosacea
gimcrackery, trifle. ANT. 1. sense, logic, wis- turned-up: retrousse
dom, sound thinking. nose job n. rhinoplasty, plastic surgery, cos-
nonsensical a. 1. UNINTELLIGIBLE meaningless, metic surgery.
incomprehensible, senseless. 2. ABSURD silly, nosh v. snack, nibble, taste, pick at, munch. SEE
foolish, scatterbrained, ridiculous, prepos- EAT
terous. ANT. 1. comprehensible. 2. meaningful, NOSTALGIA a. [nuh STAL juh] a longing
intelligent. for the past or for one’s home, homesickness.
nonstop a. endless, relentless, ceaseless, never- We drove through our childhood neighborhood
ending, perpetual, everlasting, around the and ached with nostalgia. SYN. longing, yearn-
clock, continuous, ongoing, interminable, ing, sentimentality, reminiscence, pining,
incessant. ANT. finite. remembering, mourning, aching, wistful-
nonviolence n. peace, peacefulness, pacifism, ness. ‘‘A seductive liar.’’—George Ball.
passiveness, nonaggression, dovishness, pas- ‘‘Yesterdaze.’’—Leonard Bossard.
sive resistance. nostalgic a. reminiscent, homesick, wistful,

396 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sentimental, longing, yearning, pining, ro- *scratch. ‘‘A good thing to say, and always
mantic. ANT. forward-looking. a clever thing to say.’’—Will Durant. 2.
nostrum n. medicine, quack medicine, cure-all, NONEXISTENCE void, vacuum, oblivion,
panacea, *snake oil. nothingness, inexistence, emptiness, non-
nosy a. snooping, prying, eavesdropping, curi- entity, nullity. ANT. 1. infinity, *scads, a lot.
ous, inquisitive, sniffing around, meddle- 2. existence, being.
some, *goggle-eyed, *fence-peeping. ANT. nothingness n. nonexistence, nihility, empti-
indifferent, unconcerned, oblivious, *minding ness, void, vacuum, vacancy. SEE NOTHING
one’s own business. nothing to it a. Sl. effortless, easy, piece of cake,
notable a. noteworthy, of note, special, impor- *easy as pie, *easy as ABC, *no-brainer,
tant, remarkable, outstanding, of distinc- *cinchy, *a snap, *a breeze, *duck soup.
tion, exceptional, momentous, of conse- notice n. announcement, notification, bulletin,
quence. ANT. inconsequential, unimportant, communique, warning, caution, pronounce-
insignificant. ment, mention, information, *tip, advisory.
notarize v. certify, attest, authenticate, en- notice v. observe, heed, take note of, regard,
dorse, witness, validate, register, sign and pay attention to, recognize, perceive, look
seal. at, behold, discern.
notary (public) n. registrar, certifier, signatory, noticeable a. perceivable, conspicuous, observ-
witness, scrivener, recorder, clerk, public of- able, discernible, distinct, in plain view, pal-
ficial. pable, obvious, *standing out like a sore
notation n. 1. NOTE memo, reminder, annota- thumb, *plain as the nose on one’s face.
tion, footnote, transcription, shorthand, en- ANT. imperceivable, inconspicuous, out of sight,
try, log note. 2. MUSIC score, musical sym- camouflaged, hidden.
bols. notification n. announcement, communiqué,
not born yesterday a. Sl. wise, experienced, warning, message, notice, statement, advi-
*been around the block, savvy, seasoned, sory.
battle-scarred, *been through the mill, notify v. inform, give notice, advise, warn, cau-
worldly, been around, sophisticated. tion, let one know, apprise, serve notice,
notch n. nick, gouge, groove, cleft, slice, *tip off. SEE COMMUNICATE, TELL
scratch, crenel. SEE CUT notion n. 1. THOUGHT idea, concept, concep-
notched a. crenelated, serrated, saw-toothed,
tion, opinion, view, belief, feeling. 2. DESIRE
grooved, serriform. ANT. smooth, inlined. SEE
inclination, whim, intention, fancy, caprice.
notional a. 1. IMAGINARY abstract, conceptual,
note n. 1. MEMO reminder, letter, jotting, ac-
visionary, dreamed, fanciful. 2. WHIMSICAL
knowledgement, RSVP, transcription, en-
fanciful, capricious, frivolous. ANT. 1. real,
try, footnote, *Post-it. 2. MUSIC tone, sharp,
proven, tangible, sensory. 2. practical, down to
flat, whole note, half note. SEE MUSIC
note v. take note, record, regard, pay heed to, earth.
observe, notice, give thought to, consider, notoriety n. infamy, ill repute, renown, star-
pay attention to. dom, eminence, prominence.
notebook n. writing tablet, binder, chronicle, NOTORIOUS a. [no TOR ee us] infamous,
diary, memo book, blotter, scratch pad, jour- known for something bad. The notorious
nal, log, daybook, ledger. criminal was released, much to the dismay of
notes n. shorthand, transcription, scribblings, the community. SYN. infamous, disreputable,
outline, rough draft, briefs, thumbnail of ill repute, scandalous, ignominous, oppro-
sketch, jottings. brious, discredited, stigmatized, gossiped
noteworthy a. notable, of note, important, sig- about, prominent, famous, celebrated,
nificant, of distinction, remarkable, out- touted, eminent. ANT. reputable, respectable,
standing, prominent, newsworthy. ANT. un- uncorrupt. SEE FAMOUS
important, insignificant. nourish v. feed, nurture, fortify, sustain, foster,
not for profit a. nonprofit, charitable, philan- promote, suckle, support.
thropic, publicly funded. ANT. lucrative, nourishing a. nutritious, fulfilling, filling, forti-
money-making. fying, sustaining, alimentary. ANT. inedible,
nothing n. 1. ZERO naught, none, nil, *nix, *zip, unhealthy.
*zilch, *nada, *diddly, *squat, *goose egg, nourishment n. nutriment, food, sustenance,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 397

Nouveau Riche–Nuclear Bomb

subsistence, vitamins and minerals, aliment, now and then adv. once in awhile, occasion-
viands, daily bread, feed. ally, now and again, from time to time,
nouveau riche n. new rich, parvenu, upstart, *once every blue moon, intermittently,
*yuppie, status seeker, arriviste. sometimes.
novel n. narrative, story, fiction, saga, tale, nowhere a. no place, *nowheresville, *boonies,
yarn, chronicle, dime novel, best-seller, pa- *sticks, *East Jesus, *podunk, *North Over-
perback, novelette, novella. ‘‘A short story shoe, outback, *noplaceville.
padded.’’—Ambrose Bierce. NOXIOUS a. [NOK shus] harmful, injurious.
WORD FIND The car emitted noxious exhaust fumes. SYN.
characters are real persons under fictitious harmful, toxic, poisonous, injurious, hurtful,
names: roman à clef obnoxious, pernicious, deleterious, un-
cheap novel of yesteryear: dime novel, healthful. ANT. innocuous, benign, harmless.
penny dreadful nozzle n. spout, valve, conduit, snout, sprinkler
highbrow: literary novel head.
historical romance: gothic, bodice ripper, NUANCE n. [NOO ahns] a subtle difference,
Regency romance variation or gradation. The color nuances in
imaginative: sword and scorcery, fantasy, the painting became more apparent the closer
sci-fi, space opera we looked. SYN. subtlety, gradation, shade,
lengthy chronicle of a family or society: ro- shading, variation, distinction, refinement.
man-fleuve nub n. knob, protuberance, lump, bump, bulge.
mystery: whodunit, police procedural nubby a. lumpy, knotted, studded, knobbed,
rags to riches: Horatio Alger story textured. ANT. smooth, slick.
real events, based on: docudrama nubile a. 1. MARRIAGEABLE of age, ripe. 2. SEXU-
ridiculing life: satire
ALLY ATTRACTIVE sexy, sexual, captivating,
young person’s maturation: Bildungsroman,
tempting, seductive, foxy, shapely, curvy.
come-of-age story
ANT. 1. underage, prepubescent, *jailbait. 2.
novel a. new, first of its kind, unusual, newfan- unattractive.
gled, fresh, original, unfamiliar, innovative, nuclear a. atomic, subatomic, thermonuclear.
offbeat, unique, unprecedented, unheard of. nuclear bomb n. atomic bomb, A-bomb, hydro-
ANT. old hat, old-fashioned, trite.
gen bomb, H-bomb, thermonuclear bomb,
novelist n. storyteller, fiction writer, creative fission bomb, nuclear warhead, neutron
writer, freelance writer, wordsmith, teller of bomb, megaton weapon, kiloton weapon,
tales, *hack. SEE AUTHOR, WRITER *nuke, *the big one, *physics package,
novelty n. 1. SOMETHING NEW innovation, de- *peacekeeper.
parture, original. 2. FAD craze, *all the rage, WORD FIND
*the ‘‘in’’ thing, *the latest thing. 3. GADGET absorption of radioactive material after
*doodad, *whim-wham, trifle, knickknack, blast: contamination
trinket, *gimcrack. billowing cloud after blast: mushroom cloud
November n. autumn, fall, month, hunting sea- blast effect that causes damaging electrical
son. ‘‘The gloomy month . . . when the peo- surges: electromagnetic pulse
ple of England hang and drown them- bomb portion of missile: warhead
selves.’’—Joseph Addison. bomb with blast yield equivalent of millions
novena n. prayers, devotions, recitations. of tons of TNT: megaton weapon
novice n. beginner, neophyte, tyro, apprentice, bomb with blast yield equivalent of thou-
trainee, rookie, *greenhorn, *tenderfoot, sands of tons of TNT: kiloton weapon
*virgin. ANT. veteran, expert, *old hand. SEE fiery side effect of blast: firestorm
AMATEUR illness from fallout: radiation sickness
novitiate n. 1. TRIAL PERIOD training period, kills people, leaves buildings intact: neutron
probation, initiation, apprenticeship, indoc- bomb
trination. 2. NOVICE beginner, amateur, neo- location of detonation at, below or above
phyte. ground: ground zero
now adv. 1. THE PRESENT at this moment, today, minimum fissionable material necessary for
this instant. 2. IMMEDIATELY at once, this chain reaction: critical mass
minute, this instant, straightaway, without penetrate deep underground, able to: earth
delay, *chop chop. penetrator

398 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Nuclear Energy–Nut

precipitation of radioactive material: fall- INSENSITIVE apathetic, unfeeling, indifferent,

out, rainout uncaring. ANT. 1. feeling, sensitive, respon-
splitting of atom: fission sive. 2. empathetic, feeling, receptive.
spreads radiation only, low-cost, low-tech number n. 1. DIGIT numeral, integer, cipher,
bomb that: dirty bomb round number, whole number, fraction. 2.
unit of radiation: rem AMOUNT sum, total, count, aggregate, tally,
weapon with augmented radiation proper- quantity, score.
ties: salted weapon number v. count, tally, enumerate, add up, pag-
SEE EXPLOSION, MISSILE, NUCLEAR FISSION, NU- inate, reckon, tick off, compute, figure up,
CLEAR FUSION calculate, account, audit. SEE ADD
nuclear energy n. atomic power, fission power. number cruncher n. Sl. statistician, *bean
nuclear fission n. atom-splitting, atom smash- counter, accountant, tabulator, calculator,
ing, atomic reaction. computer, adding machine, *stat basher.
nuclear fusion n. atomic fusion. numberless a. innumerable, countless, infinite,
nuclear physics n. particle physics, quantum incalculable, myriad, endless, many, *ump-
physics, atomic science, quantum mechan- teen, measureless, copious. ANT. numbered,
ics. finite, limited.
nuclear reactor n. atomic reactor, core reactor, numerous a. many, myriad, copious, plentiful,
breeder reactor. innumerable, a lot, profuse, numberless,
nuclear weapons n. weapons of mass destruc- plenty, *scads, several, manifold, *umpteen,
tion, atomic weapons. SEE NUCLEAR BOMB considerable, rife. ANT. few, little, sparse.
nucleus n. core, kernel, center, heart, pith, nut, numskull n. dolt, idiot, *blockhead. SEE MORON
deuteron, proton. nun n. sister, prioress, ecclesiast, abbess, virgin,
nude a. naked, unclothed, bare, stripped, *au contemplative, mother superior, reverend
naturel, disrobed, *in the buff, *in the raw, mother.
*without a stitch, *in one’s birthday suit, nunnery n. convent, abbey, cloister, sister-
*wearing nothing but goosebumps. hood, priory.
nudge v. push, poke, prod, shove, jerk, elbow, nuptial a. matrimonial, marital, bridal, conju-
tap. SEE TOUCH gal, connubial.
nudist n. naturist, Adamite, gymnosophist, nuptials n. marriage ceremony, marriage, wed-
*free spirit. ding, matrimony, espousal.
nudity n. nakedness, *the buff, *the altogether, nurse n. medical technician, medical assistant,
*undress. caregiver, attendant, registered nurse
nugget n. lump, chunk, hunk, piece, bit, clump. (R.N.), licensed practical nurse (L.P.N.),
SEE GOLD, ROCK certified nurse’s aid (C.N.A.), nurse prac-
nuisance n. 1. ANNOYANCE irritation, plague, titioner, charge nurse, scrub nurse, orderly,
vexation, trouble, inconvenience, bother, therapist, *candystriper.
pain, thorn in one’s side. 2. PEST *pain in nurse v. 1. CARE FOR tend, attend, treat, aid,
the neck, *nudnik, bane, bore. ANT. 1. plea- minister to, medicate, cater to, provide ther-
sure, joy. apy, medicate, *provide TLC. 2. BREASTFEED
nuke n. Sl. nuclear bomb, nuclear reactor, nu- suckle, wet-nurse.
clear power plant. SEE NUCLEAR BOMB nursemaid n. nanny, wet nurse, babysitter, gov-
nuke v. Sl. 1. BOMB destroy, wipe out, obliter- erness.
ate, *blow back to the stone age, incinerate, nursery n. 1. CHILD CARE CENTER day care cen-
*fry, *grease, *wax, *smoke. 2. Sl. MICRO- ter, nursery school, preschool. 2. MATERNITY
WAVE cook, heat, warm. WARD 3. GREENHOUSE hothouse, cold frame,
null a. invalid, not binding, inconsequential, hot bed.
ineffectual, worthless, valueless, insignifi- nursing home n. convalescent home, *old folks
cant. ANT. valid, effectual, valuable. SEE VOID home, rest home, retirement facility.
nullify v. cancel, annul, negate, invalidate, re- nurture n. raising, fostering, guidance, care,
peal, revoke, veto, kill, neutralize, counter- rearing, training, education.
act. nurture v. nourish, care for, sustain, cultivate,
numb a. 1. BENUMBED unfeeling, deadened, foster, raise, bring up, rear, mother, educate.
dead, insensate, anesthetized, insensitive, SEE FEED
paralyzed, stunned, narcotized, stupefied. 2. nut n. 1. SEED kernel, fruit, peanut, *goober,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 399

Nut House–Nymphomania

acorn, chestnut, hazelnut, walnut, pinon, healthy, wholesome, *good for you. ANT. un-
Brazil nut, almond, beechnut, pecan, filbert, wholesome, unhealthy.
cashew, pistachio, butternut, coconut, hick- nuts a. Sl. crazy, insane, *wacko, *bonkers,
ory nut. 2. FANATIC buff, *freak, enthusiast, *crackers, demented, deranged, *gone
fan, aficionado, devotee, zealot. 3. ECCEN- ’round the bend, cracked, *loony, *bananas,
TRIC *kook, *flake, *butterfly case, *weirdo, *cuckoo, *food for squirrels, *gaga, *goo-
*foul ball, *loon, *nutter, *crackpot, mental goo, *haywire, *loco, *mental, *not tightly
case, *screwball, *ding-a-ling. SEE ECCENTRIC wrapped, *off one’s nut, *off one’s trolley,
nut house n. Sl. insane asylum, *booby hatch, *out of one’s gourd, *potty, *psycho,
*loony bin, *bughouse, *funny farm, *laug- *schizo, *spacey, non compos mentis, *off
hing academy, *nut college, *nut hatch, in the twilight zone. ANT. sane, rational, nor-
*rubber room.
nuzzle v. snuggle, cuddle, nestle, lie close, hug,
nutrient n. vitamin, mineral, nutriment, food, embrace.
protein, carbohydrate. nylons n. stockings, hosiery, hose.
nutrition n. nourishment, sustenance, bal- nymph n. spirit, sprite, goddess, maiden, dryad,
anced diet, alimentation. oread, naiad, mermaid. SEE FAIRY
nutritionist n. dietician, diet consultant. nymphomania n. lustfulness, goatishness, ero-
nutritious a. nourishing, sustaining, nutritive, tomania, carnal desire, prurience, concupis-
body-building, alimentary, fortifying, cence, libidinousness, satyriasis.

400 Roget’s Superthesaurus


oaf n. lummox, dolt, dunce, lout, simpleton, obey v. comply, follow orders, acquiesce, sub-
rustic, ignoramus, clod, clodhopper, ninny, mit, yield, mind, heed, abide, relent, concur,
*klutz, *boob. ANT. intellectual, sophisticate, serve, do one’s bidding, carry out one’s
genius. wishes, toe the line, *bend over backwards,
oafish a. clumsy, awkward, *klutzy, stupid, ig- knuckle under. ANT. disobey, defy, rebel.
norant, simple, rustic. ANT. sophisticated, in- OBFUSCATE v. [ob FUS kate] to darken, ob-
telligent, *smooth. scure or make unclear, confuse. His irrelevant
oak n. acorn tree, shade tree, hardwood. SEE arguments served only to obfuscate the issue.
FOREST, TREE SYN. obscure, confuse, muddle, darken,
oar n. paddle, scull, pole, blade, rudder pole. cloud, conceal, confound, bewilder, cover
oasis n. 1. SPRING watering hole, wadi, fertile up, hide, camouflage. ANT. clear up, clarify,
area, desert arbor, *island Eden. 2. REFUGE elucidate.
sanctuary, retreat, haven, sanctum, asylum. obituary n. obit, death notice, necrology. SEE
oath n. 1. PLEDGE promise, vow, declaration, DEATH, EULOGY
swearing, word of honor, guarantee, affirma- object n. 1. THING item, subject, article, entity.
tion. 2. SWEAR WORD curse, profanity, exple- 2. PURPOSE aim, intent, goal, objective, tar-
tive. get, end.
obdurate a. hardened, hard, hard-hearted, cal- object v. disapprove, protest, oppose, demur,
lous, heartless, unsympathetic, unmovable, inveigh, except, remonstrate. ANT. approve,
stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, intractable, assent, agree, support.
inflexible, dogged. ANT. feeling, tractable, objection n. disapproval, protest, remon-
flexible. strance, disagreement, exception, com-
obedience n. compliance, acquiescence, sub- plaint, criticism, admonition, dispute, oppo-
mission, deference, subservience. sition, grievance, dissatisfaction, gripe,
obedient a. obeying, submissive, compliant, ac- *kick. ANT. acceptance, agreement, approval.
quiescent, tractable, obsequious, amenable, objectionable a. offensive, revolting, disagree-
dutiful, nonresistant, servile, subservient, able, unbefitting, undesirable, unpleasant,
scraping, prostrate, docile, *at one’s beck inappropriate, uncalled for, unsatisfactory,
and call, *wrapped around one’s little finger, out of line, unacceptable. ANT. acceptable,
*under one’s thumb, *whipped, conform- agreeable.
ing. ANT. disobedient, insubordinate, rebel- objective n. purpose, goal, intent, end, aim, tar-
lious. get, object, quarry, point.
obeisance n. 1. GESTURE OF RESPECT bow, curtsy, objective a. unbiased, fair, unprejudiced, un-
genuflection, salaam, kneeling, salute. 2. emotional, disinterested, detached, indiffer-
DEFERENCE homage, worship, respect, rever- ent, impersonal. ANT. biased, partial. SEE FAIR
ence, subservience, servility, obsequious- objectivity n. disinterest, neutrality, detach-
ness, fawning, sychophancy. ANT. 1. *thumb- ment, indifference, distance, fairness, even-
ing one’s nose. 2. disrespect, irreverence, handedness, dispassion.
insolence. objector n. resister, protester, dissenter, nay-
obeisant a. deferential, respecting, reverent, sayer, detratctor, challenger, rebel, critic,
servile, worshipping, obsequious. ANT. disre- opponent, dissident.
spectful, irreverent, insolent. objet d’ art n. object of art, figurine, vase, curio.
obelisk n. monolith, shaft, column, monument, SEE KNICKKNACK
pillar, pylon, needle, tower. objurgate v. scold, rebuke, berate, chastise,
obese a. fat, overweight, corpulent, plump, ro- chide, upbraid, reproach.
tund, stout, chubby, roly-poly, blubbery, obligate v. bind, pledge, compel, force, con-
paunchy, pleasingly plump, full-figured, ele- strain, commit, require, necessitate, behold,
phantine, *sleek as a walrus. ANT. slim, lithe, indebt, contract. ANT. free, release.
skinny. SEE FAT obligated a. bound, beholden, indebted, re-
obesity n. corpulence, plumpness, rotundness, quired, constrained, committed, obliged,
stoutness, paunchiness, portliness, chubbi- pledged, contracted. ANT. released, freed, un-
ness, overweight, fatness. SEE FAT bound.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 401


obligation n. duty, promise, pledge, contract, revolting, distasteful, indelicate, lurid. 2. IN-
responsibility, requirement, charge, com- CITING LUST libidinous, pornographic, sala-
mitment, bond, liability, burden. cious, lewd, lascivious, nasty, smutty, *raun-
obligatory a. required, necessary, binding, req- chy, prurient, licentious, naughty. ANT. 1.
uisite, mandatory, imperative, essential, respectable, inoffensive, decent. 2. pure,
compulsory, peremptory. ANT. unrequired, chaste, prudish, puritanical.
optional, unnecessary. obscenity n. 1. INDECENCY vulgarity, smut,
oblige v. 1. ACCOMMODATE serve, help out, fa- lewdness, indelicacy, vileness, *raunch,
vor, aid, lend a hand, cater to, gratify. 2. filth, ribaldry. 2. SWEAR WORD four-letter
NECESSITATE compel, force, bind.
word, oath, cuss word, curse, expletive. ANT.
obliged a. 1. REQUIRED compelled, bound, 1. delicacy, decency, propriety. 2. euphemism,
forced. 2. INDEBTED. polite word.
obscure v. 1. MAKE INDISTINCT conceal, ob-
oblique a. 1. SLANTING sloping, inclined, tilt-
struct, hide, camouflage, muddy, obfuscate,
ing, leaning, angled, deviating, askew, can- cloud, confuse. 2. DARKEN dim, cloud,
ted, crooked, diagonal, listing. 2. INDIRECT shadow. ANT. 1. make distinct, define, make
evasive, devious, sly, underhanded, disin- clear, spotlight, expose. 2. lighten, brighten.
genuous, surreptitious, deceptive. ANT. 1. obscure a. 1. INDISTINCT vague, faint, ambigu-
straight, level, horizontal. 2. straightforward, ous, inconspicuous, unclear, indiscernible,
honest, open. imperceptible, hazy, nebulous, undistin-
obliterate v. 1. ERASE expunge, wipe out, rub guished, hard to make out. 2. DARK gloomy,
out, deface, scratch out, delete, blot out, re- dusky, murky, dim, hazy, shadowy. 3. LITTLE
move. 2. DESTROY annihilate, eliminate, KNOWN unknown, unseen, elusive, incon-
eradicate, exterminate, do away with, incin- spicuous, unheard of, remote, unsung, insig-
erate, wipe out, decimate. ANT. 1. put in, en- nificant. ANT. 1. distinct, clear, defined. 2.
ter, put in bold print, insert. 2. build up, fortify, bright, sunny, light. 3. famous, well-known,
create. notorious.
OBLIVION n. [uh BLIV ee un] the state of OBSEQUIOUS a. [ub SEE kwee us] servile,
being totally lost and forgotten. Most people fawning or overly compliant. The bully and
fear that their names will be lost to oblivion after his obsequious underlings started a brawl. SYN.
death. SYN. the forgotten, nothingness, void, servile, fawning, abject, abasing, submissive,
*never-never land, nihility, nonexistence, sycophantic, deferential, compliant,
space, obscurity, inexistence, extinction, *brownnosing, *apple-polishing, *kissing
unconsciousness. ‘‘The swallowing gulf.’’— up, *bootlicking, *ring-kissing, toadying,
Shakespeare. ANT. prominence, fame, notori- *falling all over oneself to please, ingratiat-
ety. SEE EMPTINESS ing. ANT. domineering, lordly, disrespectful.
oblivious a. unconscious, unaware, forgetful, obsequy n. funeral rite, ceremony, service. SEE
absentminded, abstracted, absorbed, mind-
less, amnesic, preoccupied, thoughtless, observable a. perceptible, perceivable, palpa-
*out to lunch, *off in space, *out of it. ANT. ble, noticeable, obvious, evident, in plain
view, distinct. ANT. hidden, obscure, camou-
conscious, aware, focused.
oblong a. elliptical, oval, egg-shaped, elon-
observance n. 1. CUSTOM rite, ritual, ceremony,
gated, rectangular.
celebration, commemoration, remem-
obloquy n. censure, vituperation, verbal abuse, brance, memorial. 2. OBSERVATION watch-
defamation, insult, discredit, dressing-down, ing, notice, attention, scrutiny, lookout, in-
belittlement. ANT. compliment, praise, adulta- spection, examination. 3. ABIDING BY
tion. adherence, compliance, heeding, obeying,
obnoxious a. offensive, objectionable, loath- regarding. ANT. 3. disregard, breach, noncom-
some, odious, unpleasant, disagreeable, dis- pliance.
gusting, revolting, hateful, insulting, repug- observant a. watchful, attentive, noticing, per-
nant, deplorable. ANT. pleasant, agreeable, ceptive, keen-eyed, aware, sharp-eyed, alert,
pleasing. mindful. ANT. overlooking, daydreaming, ig-
obscene a. 1. OFFENSIVE repulsive, foul, gross, noring.
indecent, unsavory, lewd, shameless, vulgar, observation n. 1. OBSERVING noticing, seeing,

402 Roget’s Superthesaurus


perception, observance, examination, at- broach, clear. 2. reveal, expose, spotlight, un-
tention, viewing. 2. REMARK comment, as- veil.
sertion, sentiment, opinion, observance, ac- obstruction n. impediment, obstacle, bar, barri-
count, declaration, thought, judgment. 3. cade, block, check, stumbling block, hin-
NOTING recording, sizing up, measuring, drance, restriction, bottleneck, stop. ANT.
scrutiny, assessment. opening, gap, hole, passage.
observatory n. observation post, lookout, obtain v. get, acquire, procure, gain possession,
watchtower. SEE ASTRONOMY seize, attain, net, capture, *get one’s hands
observe v. 1. WATCH see, look at, notice, view, on, pick up, harvest. ANT. lose, forfeit, give
eye, examine, study, behold, *get a load of, up.
*take a gander at. 2. ABIDE BY adhere, re- obtainable a. available, acquirable, attainable,
spect, recognize, follow, obey, heed, honor, winnable. ANT. unobtainable, *out of reach.
maintain, regard, acknowledge, comply. obtrude v. 1. INTRUDE impose, *barge in, med-
ANT. 1. ignore, neglect, overlook. 2. disregard, dle, interrupt, *butt in, *stick one’s nose in,
disrespect, ignore. *pry, *horn in. 2. EXTRUDE stick out, pro-
observer n. lookout, watcher, eyewitness, spec- trude, push out, eject, thrust forward.
tator, onlooker, bystander, examiner. obtrusive a. 1. PROJECTING protruding, promi-
obsess v. preoccupy, haunt, beset, possess, nent, protuberant, jutting out, sticking out.
hound, harass, torment, plague, occupy, 2. INTRUSIVE forward, brash, pushing, med-
dominate, *prey on one’s mind. ANT. ignore, dlesome, interfering, bold, invasive, inter-
forget, exorcise. ruptive. 3. CONSPICUOUS glaring, overt, bla-
obsessed a. preoccupied, haunted, beset, pos- tant, flagrant, striking, obvious, bald-faced,
sessed, fixated, dominated, *hung up, trou- outrageous. ANT. 1. flattened, smoothed,
bled, immersed in, *gaga over, gripped, planed. 2. retiring, reticent, shy, unobtrusive.
crazed. 3. inconspicuous, subtle, hidden.
obsession n. preoccupation, fixation, compul- obtuse a. 1. BLUNT dull, rounded. 2. STUPID dull,
sion, fascination, mania, delusion, fetish, in- slow, thick, dense, vapid, vacuous, pea-
fatuation, possession, passion. SEE INSANITY, brained, insensitive. ANT. 1. sharp, pointed.
2. sharp, intelligent, quick. SEE MORONIC, STU-
obsolete a. 1. DISCARDED useless, abandoned,
obverse a. 1. FACE front, top, head. 2. COUNTER-
cast off, defunct, extinct, retired, forgotten.
PART opposite, reverse.
2. OLD-FASHIONED outmoded, antiquated, obviate v. preclude, prevent, forestall, avert,
dated, passé, out of date, primitive, *old hat, avoid, evade, circumvent.
ancient, worn out, Victorian. ANT. fresh, obvious a. apparent, evident, visible, plain to
new, modern, *cutting edge. see, clear, conspicuous, manifest, overt, no-
obstacle n. impediment, hindrance, block, ob- ticeable, perceivable, glaring, palpable, pa-
struction, barrier, snag, check, deterrent, tent, prominent, unambiguous, *sticking
impasse, bar, hurdle, restriction, stumbling out like a sore thumb, *goes without saying.
block. ANT. imperceivable, mysterious, vague, incon-
obstetrics n. tocology, midwifery, childbirth, spicuous.
labor and delivery. SEE BIRTH, PREGNANCY obviously adv. unmistakably, apparently, evi-
obstinate a. stubborn, firm, inflexible, ada- dently, certainly, overtly, clearly.
mant, unyielding, resistant, tenacious, head- occasion n. 1. EVENT happening, affair, func-
strong, unwavering, bullheaded, mulish, tion, happening, incident. 2. OPPORTUNITY
pigheaded, hardnosed, dogged, unbending, chance, opening, golden opportunity, *shot,
stiff-necked, cussed, *stubborn as a bobtail *crack. 3. CELEBRATION holiday, festival,
mule, *stubborn as crabgrass. ANT. flexible, gala, carnival. 4. TIME juncture, instance,
tractable, yielding. point, case.
obstreperous a. noisy, boisterous, vociferous, occasion v. cause, give occasion to, produce,
unruly, rowdy, unmanageable, uproarious, bring about, prompt, induce, effect, create,
riotous, clamorous. ANT. peaceful, quiet. bring to pass. ANT. stop, end, quit.
obstruct v. 1. BLOCK impede, stop up, clog, occasional a. irregular, once in awhile, spo-
check, retard, hinder, bar, preclude. 2. HIDE radic, infrequent, every now and then, peri-
block, camouflage, screen, curtain, cover up, odic, casual, odd, from time to time. ANT.
obscure. ANT. 1. open up, release, unstop, frequent, regular, continuous.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 403


occasionally adv. now and then, once in curse or spell: hex, whammy
awhile, from time to time, periodically, dead, returns from: revenant
sometimes, infrequently, irregularly, once in demon through prayers and incantations,
a blue moon, sporadically. ANT. regularly, fre- casting out of: exorcism
quently, constantly. evil, magic used for: black magic
occlude v. obstruct, close off, shut off, seal, evil spirit, occupied by an: possessed
plug, stop, clog, choke, block, fill. ANT. open, feeling that one has experienced or visited
clear, unstop. a place before in a past life, eerie: deja
occlusion n. blockage, obstruction, seal, plug, vu
stop, clog, block. ANT. opening, hole, clear- formula or incantation causing trance state
ance. or other prescribed behavior: spell
occult n. mystical arts, cabalism, mysticism, oc- future by various means, reading the: divina-
cultism, channeling, astrology, voodoo, al- tion
chemy, tarot, Ouija board, psychic powers, future, knowledge of what will transpire in
clairvoyance, exorcism, satanism, devil wor- the: prescience
shipping, sorcery, witchcraft, telekinesis, te- future, one who has the ability to predict
lepathy, reincarnation, possession. SEE the: prophet, psychic, seer
MAGIC future, prediction of what will occur in the:
occult a. supernatural, secret, hidden, magical, prophesy
unexplainable, unfathomable, arcane, mys- future will bring, one who tells what the:
tical, cryptic, esoteric, orphic. ANT. earthly, soothsayer
tangible, explainable, known. SEE MYSTERIOUS future, seeing the: precognition
WORD FIND ghost, noisy: poltergeist
affected or demented by unseen forces: ghost who haunts its living twin: doppel-
touched ganger
assembly headed by a medium who sum- ghostly visitations or appearances: haunting
mons spirits: seance glass ball used to peer into the future: crystal
ball of glass hung in window to ward off evil ball
spirits: witch ball Haitian religion employing charms and fe-
beetle talisman of Egypt: scarab tishes: voodoo
black magic: black arts, sorcery, witchcraft,
healing through prayer alone: faith healing
hear the spirit world, ability to: clairaudi-
black magic, one who practices: sorcerer,
sorceress, witch, wizard
intuition, understanding the spiritual world
board game used to summon the spiritual
world and answer questions: Ouija board through: gnosis
cards, fortune-telling: tarot cards intuition, pre-Christians who believed spiri-
castle mirage: fata morgana tual world could be understood through:
celestial bodies, divining one’s fate by posi- Gnostics
tion of: astrology language without studying, acquiring of for-
celestial bodies used to predict one’s fate, a eign: xenoglossia
chart of: horoscope letters and characters, mystical: runes
celestial pathway divided into 12 astrologi- love potion: philter
cal signs: zodiac luck, bad: hoodoo
celestial bodies at a precise time to predict luck, one who brings bad: hoodoo
one’s fate, the plotting of: horoscope luck, thing that brings bad: jinx
Celtic order of priests who acted as prophet magic used for good: white magic
or sorcerer, member of a: druid meaning, having a hidden: cabalistic
charm to ward off evil: amulet, talisman memory of experiences before one’s exis-
coincidence, hidden meaning and intercon- tence: past life memories
nectedness of: synchronicity metal into gold, stone or substance once be-
communications, acting as a medium to re- lieved could turn: philosopher’s stone
ceive spiritual: channeling mind reader: psychic
corpse brought back to life: zombie misfortune, invocation of: curse
crystal ball, read the future by gazing into a: move objects with one’s mind, ability to:
scry psychokinesis, telekinesis

404 Roget’s Superthesaurus


Native American mysticism and magic: sha- witchcraft practiced for the good of the
manism earth and the environment: Wicca
numbers to determine one’s fate, study of: witches, group of 13: coven
numerology witch, male: warlock
object, such as rabbit’s foot, thought to have written word, spirit communication through
magical power: charm, fetish medium through: spirit writing SEE DIVI-
omens and signs, study of: augury NATION.
otherworldly: ethereal occupancy n. residence, residency, occupation,
palm reader: chiromancer living, tenancy, inhabitance, inhabitation,
perceive what cannot be physically seen, stay, tenure, lodging, possession. ANT. leave,
ability to: clairvoyance vacancy, absence. SEE HOUSE
perceive what cannot be physically seen, occupant n. resident, inhabitant, tenant, lease-
one who can: clairvoyant holder, renter, lodger, dweller, homeowner,
perception, all things beyond explanation or owner, lessee.
human: paranormal; the supernatural occupation n. 1. VOCATION job, work, career,
psychic ability: ESP, extra sensory percep- trade, profession, business, livelihood, call-
tion, sixth sense, third eye ing, pursuit, employment. SEE JOB, WORK 2.
psychic powers, referring to: psi OCCUPANCY tenancy, possession, inhabita-
psychic or other powers, study of: parapsy- tion. 3. CONQUEST seizure, takeover, over-
chology throw, subjugation, defeat, possession, rule.
quartz or other transparent mineral used in occupied a. 1. ENGAGED busy, preoccupied, en-
healing: crystal grossed, absorbed, employed, diverted. 2. IN-
radiance surrounding some people or ob- HABITED lived in, settled, taken. 3. CON-
jects, mystical: aura QUERED seized, overthrown, possessed,
reader of omens and signs, ancient Roman: defeated, taken, over, subjugated. ANT. 1.
augur idle, inactive, unoccupied, at leisure. 2. unin-
receives spiritual messages, person or thing habited, vacant, empty. 3. sovereign, indepen-
that: medium, channeler, oracle dent, self-ruled.
release of one’s soul from physical body, occupy v. 1. ENGAGE busy, preoccupy, engross,
temporary: out-of-body experience absorb, employ, divert, entertain. 2. INHABIT
Satan worship: diabolism, Satanism live in, settle, take, reside in, take up resi-
Satan worshippers, group of: Satanic cult dence. 3. CONQUER seize, overthrow, possess,
science, phony: pseudoscience defeat, take over, subjugate, rule. ANT. 1. dis-
sign, magical: sigil engage, make idle, bore. 2. vacate, *fly the
sign of things to come: omen, portent coop, leave, relinquish. 3. retreat, relinquish,
sorcery and witchcraft: black arts evacuate.
soul, belief that nature has a: animism occurrence n. happening, incident, event, epi-
spellbinding: hypnotism, mesmerism sode, transaction, circumstance, matter, ac-
spell utterance: incantation tion, experience, affair.
spiritual world, belief in: mysticism ocean n. sea, the deep, the abyss, deep blue sea,
summon a spirit, to: conjure brine, *the drink, *Davy Jones locker, high
thought transference to another: telepathy seas, the seven seas, *bounding main, Nep-
time and space eddy through which one may tune, Poseidon, expanse, *unbridgeable ho-
travel to another dimension: vortex rizon, Arctic, Antarctic, Atlantic, North
trance, put someone in a: spellbind Atlantic, South Atlantic, Pacific, North Pa-
travel, spiritual, out-of-body: astral projec- cific, South Pacific, Indian. ‘‘The wavy
tion waste.’’—Thomas Hood. ‘‘A highway be-
voodoo, form of Brazilian: macumba tween the doorways of the nations.’’—
voodoo priestess, Haitian: mambo Franklin Lane.
water by forked divining rod, searching for WORD FIND
underground: dowsing bottom and its creatures: benthic realm,
water by forked divining rod, one who benthos
searches for: dowser bottom, one region of: province
werewolf, ability to change oneself into a: circular currents: gyres
lycanthropy current of Atlantic: Gulf Stream

Roget’s Superthesaurus 405


current of Pacific that disrupts weather pat- single, unpaired, mateless. ANT. 1. usual, typ-
terns: El Niño ical, ordinary, regular. 2. matched, paired.
depression in floor: cauldron oddball n. Sl. *weirdo, eccentric, misfit, *crack-
depth between one hundred and one thou- pot, *freak, *nut, *screwball, *character,
sand meters: bathyal zone *queer duck, nonconformist. ANT. *regular
depth between one thousand and six thou- Joe, *average Joe, conformist.
sand meters: abyssal zone oddity n. curiosity, rarity, quirk, peculiarity, ec-
depth from six thousand meters down: hadal centricity, anomaly, freak.
zone odds n. 1. PROBABILITY chances, likelihood, ex-
depth, greatest trench: Marianas Trench pectation, prospect. 2. ADVANTAGE handi-
depth measurement of six feet: fathom cap, edge. 3. AT ODDS at sixes and sevens, at
eddy that breaks off from main current: me-
loggerheads, in disagreement, misunder-
ander, ring
flat calm, no wind region: doldrums standing, difference of opinion.
foam: spume odds and ends n. bits and pieces, oddments,
glow of sea creatures: bioluminescence miscellany, mishmash, hodgepodge, mé-
god: Neptune lange, mixed bag, assortment, patchwork,
graveyards of ships: Bermuda Triangle, remnants.
graveyard of the Atlantic oddsmaker n. statistician, gambler, bettor, tout.
hills: abyssal hills odds-on-favorite n. front-runner, best bet,
measurement of depth: bathymetry, sound- chalk horse.
ing ode n. poem, lyric, hymn, song. SEE POEM, SONG
mile, nautical: 6,082.2 feet odious a. offensive, abhorrent, repugnant, dis-
mountain chain in Atlantic: mid-Atlantic gusting, hateful, repulsive, detestable, re-
ridge volting, loathsome. ANT. pleasing, delightful,
mountain chain in Pacific: Emperor Sea- nice.
mounts odium n. 1. HATRED ill will, loathing, disgust,
mountain: seamount repugnance. 2. DISGRACE opprobrium. ANT.
seaweed region in North Atlantic: Sargasso 1. love, goodwill, benevolence. 2. grace, honor.
Sea odometer n. distance indicator, instrument,
sediment deposit, large offshore: submarine
mileage meter, gauge.
shallow area, navigational hazard: shoal odor n. scent, smell, aroma, fragrance, essence,
spray: spindrift effluvium, redolence, fume, emanation,
study of: oceanography whiff, stench, stink, bouquet, perfume.
tide, maximal low and high: spring tide WORD FIND
tide, minimal low and high: neap tide types: foul, fetid, rank, goaty, musty, spring-
turbulence involving bottom mud: benthic fresh, herbal, floral, pungent, spicy,
storm chemical, organic, fruity, sweet, sour,
waves, crash and crest of opposing: cross seas rancid, incense, civet, musk, potpourri,
waves: plunger, spiller, graybeard, swell, ea- frankincense, sandalwood, myrrh, bal-
gre (tidal bore), tsunami sam, antiseptic, dank, stale, honeysuckle,
wave, tidal: tsunami lilac, putrid, carbolic, spindrift, ozone,
wind distance and relationship to wave fishy, diesel, ambrosial.
height: fetch SEE PERFUME, SMELL
odorless a. nonfragrant, neutral, unscented, de-
oceanic a. marine, maritime, deep-sea, aquatic, odorized. ANT. scented, fragrant, odoruous.
pelagic, abyssal, nautical. ANT. terrestrial.
ocean liner n. cruise ship, luxury liner. odorous a. fragrant, smelly, stinky, distinct-
oceanographer n. marine scientist, oceanolo- smelling, redolent, odoriferous, aromatic,
gist, hydrographer. scented. ANT. unscented, odorless.
October n. month, harvest time, autumn, fall, odyssey n. wandering, trek, journey, quest, so-
Indian summer. journ, voyage, travels. SEE TRAVEL
odd a. 1. STRANGE unusual, weird, unconven- off a. 1. AWAY OR DETACHED removed, above,
tional, out of the ordinary, offbeat, unnatu- below, aside, behind, distant, not touching,
ral, bizarre, atypical, peculiar, singular, irreg- separated. 2. SHUT OFF, INOPERABLE stopped,
ular, queer, unique. 2. UNMATCHED lone, malfunctioning, disconnected, shut down,

406 Roget’s Superthesaurus


defunct, unpowered, down. 3. MISTAKEN in- disagreeable, affronting, abominable, objec-

correct, in error, wrong, inaccurate, errone- tionable. SEE MEAN, OBSCENE, VULGAR 2. AG-
ous, miscalculated. 4. OFF DUTY on holiday, GRESSIVE warlike, invading, pugnacious, hos-
not working, on liberty, on leave. ANT. 1. tile, attacking, belligerent. ANT. 1. pleasing,
on, attached, touching, astride. 2. on, func- honoring, respectful, nice. 2. peaceful, pacific,
tioning, running. 3. correct, accurate, right. 4. passive, appeasing.
on duty, working. offer n. proffer, proposal, proposition, overture,
offal n. entrails, guts, refuse, rubbish, waste. SEE bid, tender, offering, submission.
GARBAGE offer v. proffer, present, tender, bid, propose,
off and on adv. intermittent, alternately, vari- submit, put forward, advance, lay at one’s
ably, fluctuating, vacillating, starting and feet, suggest, counteroffer. ANT. withdraw, re-
stopping, sporadically, irregularly. nege, take back. SEE PROPOSE
off-balance a. 1. OFF-CENTER uncentered, unbal- offering n. contribution, donation, oblation,
anced. 2. UNSTEADY *tippy, tipping, uncoor- tithe, sacrifice, grant. SEE GIFT
dinated, leaning, toppling, inclining. ANT. off-guard a. unprepared, unalert, asleep, nap-
1. centered, balanced. 2. steady, balanced, sta- ping, *flat-footed, unwary, daydreaming,
ble, counterpoised. lost in thought, *zoned out, *spaced out.
offbeat a. unconventional, unorthodox, un- ANT. alert.
usual, *off-center, strange, novel, *kinky, offhand a. 1. IMPROMPTU unprepared, casual,
*freaky, *oddball, different, weird, atypical, *at the spur of the moment, unplanned, ex-
*far out. ANT. conventional, orthodox, tradi- temporaneous, unrehearsed, unpremedi-
tional, normal. tated, ad-lib. 2. BRUSQUE curt, blunt, abrupt,
off-center a. misaligned, off-balanced, askew, informal, terse, casual. ANT. 1. rehearsed, pre-
eccentric. ANT. aligned, centered. pared, studied. 2. tactful, mannered, polite.
off-color a. risqueé, improper, tasteless, inde- office n. 1. PLACE OF BUSINESS OR WORK AREA de-
cent, inappropriate, suggestive, lewd, racy, partment, headquarters, precinct, bureau,
*raunchy, dirty, offensive, indelicate, gross. command center, practice, suite, *nerve
ANT. tasteful, prudish, respectable, clean. center, *boiler room, base, room, work sta-
off course a. strayed, drifted, lost, lost one’s tion, cubicle, compartment, niche, cubby-
bearings. SEE LOST hole, pigeonhole, closet. 2. POST position,
offend v. 1. INSULT affront, annoy, slight, spite, service, role, function, charge, appointment.
disgust, outrage, mortify, vex, *ruffle one’s officer n. 1. POLICEMAN constable, magistrate,
feathers, *pull one’s chain, *rattle one’s deputy, sheriff, peace officer, patrolman,
cage, *rub one the wrong way. 2. DO A MIS- *cop, *fuzz, *John Law. SEE POLICE 2. OFFI-
DEED break the law, violate, transgress, sin. CIAL functionary, officeholder, bureaucrat,
ANT. 1. please, honor, compliment, praise. commissioner, director, minister, civil ser-
offender n. perpetrator, culprit, lawbreaker, vant, secretary, commissar, corporate offi-
sinner, violator, malefactor. SEE CRIMINAL cer. 3. MILITARY OFFICER MP, commissioned
offense n. 1. INSULT affront, slight, injury. 2. officer, noncommissioned officer, NCO. SEE
UMBRAGE resentment, pique, displeasure. 3. AIR FORCE, ARMY, NAVY
MISDEED transgression, violation, infraction, office worker n. *desk jockey, *pencil driver,
misdemeanor, felony, wrongdoing, pecca- *bean counter, *number cruncher, *hacker,
dillo, sin, charge. 4. ATTACK, ATTACKERS as- secretary, receptionist, accountant, com-
sault, siege, invasion, charge, raid, offensive, puter programmer, controller, comptroller,
blitzkrieg, blitz, run, attackers, aggressors, clerk, payroll clerk, VP, Chief Executive Of-
invaders, opposing side. ANT. 1. courtesy, ficer (CEO), file clerk, typist, word proces-
compliment. 2. delight, honor. 3. good deed, sor, billing clerk, data processor.
benevolence. 4. defense, retreat, submission. official n. 1. OFFICER functionary, dignitary, ad-
SEE CRIME, LAW ministrator, public official, bureaucrat. 2.
offensive n. attack, invasion, raid, assault, REFEREE judge.
siege, charge, counteroffensive, bombing official a. authorized, sanctioned, certified, en-
run, flanking maneuver, blitzkrieg, enfilade. dorsed, approved, vested, accredited. ANT.
offensive a. 1. INSULTING rude, obnoxious, re- unofficial, unauthorized, not recognized. SEE LE-
volting, disgusting, hateful, repugnant, out- GAL
rageous, discourteous, distasteful, sickening, officialese n. doublespeak, *gobblydegook,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 407

Officiate–Old Man

*federalese, jargon, *bloated English, *gassy oily a. 1. VISCOUS greasy, slippery, unctious, ole-
prose, *verbosity, *mush, *tapioca, *depart- aginous, fatty, lardy, tallowy, slick. 2. EXCES-
mental murk. SIVELY SUAVE slick, smooth, unctuous,
officiate v. oversee, preside over, chair, super- honey-tongued, flattering. ANT. 2. sincere,
vise, direct, emcee, referee, judge. SEE MEDI- artless, unpolished.
ATE. ointment n. emollient, salve, unguent, medica-
OFFICIOUS a. [uh FISH us] offering help or ment, balm.
advice when it is not wanted, meddlesome, okay a. all right, correct, fine, *okey dokey, co-
especially in a domineering way. His mother- pacetic.
in-law is particularly officious. SYN. meddle- okay interj. yes, sure, *okey dokey, *righto,
some, obtrusive, intrusive, pushy, interfer- *sure thing, *no problem.
ing, forward, prying, domineering, bossy, old a. 1. AGED elderly, venerable, advanced in
overbearing, high-handed, pragmatic. ANT. years, matured, past one’s prime, patriarchal,
reserved, unobtrusive, knowing one’s place. vintage, seasoned, *at a ripe old age, senior,
offing n. 1. horizon, far distance. SEE FUTURE retirement age. SEE OLD AGE 2. WORN OUT de-
off-key a. flat, sharp, out of tune, discordant, crepit, dilapidated, crumbling, decayed, de-
dissonant. ANT. in tune. teriorated, shabby, enfeebled, senile. 3. FOR-
off-limits a. restricted, prohibited, forbidden, MER previous, early, past, bygone, once. 4.
barred, out of bounds, banned, taboo, un- LONG-STANDING age-old, of the past, from
lawful, illegal. ANT. unrestricted, open, free. time immemorial. ANT. 1. young, newborn,
off-line a. disconnected, logged off, detached, immature, unseasoned. 2. new, fresh, 3. later,
separated. ANT. on-line. future. 4. recent, new.
offset v. counter, counteract, compensate, bal- old age n. retirement age, senescence, declining
ance, neutralize, equalize, even out, cancel years, *winter of one’s life, enfeeblement,
out, level out. dotage, senility. ‘‘To take in sail.’’—Emer-
offshoot n. branch, stem, tendril, sprout, de- son. ‘‘To be left alone at a banquet—the
scendant, offspring, heir, *spinoff. lights dead and the flowers faded.’’—Gilbert
Chesterson. ‘‘Whenever a man’s friends be-
offshore a. seaward, the offing, *the high seas,
gin to compliment him about looking
out to sea.
young.’’—Washington Irving. ‘‘The road’s
offspring n. children, progeny, descendants,
last turn.’’—Henry Van Dyke.
brood, heirs, clutch, litter, spawn, seed,
old country n. motherland, native land,
mother country, Europe.
offstage n. wings, backstage, green room, dress-
old days n. olden times, *yesteryear, horse and
ing room. buggy days, days gone by, *good old days,
off the cuff a. impromptu, offhand, unre- days of yore.
hearsed, extemporaneous, ad-lib, impro- old-faced a. cadaverous, careworn, timeworn,
vised. ANT. rehearsed. rawboned, craggy, crow’s-feet, fleshy wattle
off the record a. confidential, not for publica- under the chin, gap-toothed, goat-skinned,
tion, on the QT, unofficial, *between you, haggard, hollowed cheekbones, hollowed
me and the bedpost. ANT. quotable, public. eye sockets, jaundiced, leathery, liver-spot-
off-white a. antique white, ivory, blond. ted, mirthful crinkles about the eyes, skin
often adv. frequently, repeatedly, quite a bit, like scalded milk, mottled, prune-faced,
oft, time and again, regularly, habitually, rheumy-eyed, weathered. ANT. youthful,
generally. ANT. seldom, rarely. fresh-faced.
ogle v. stare, leer, goggle, gawk, gaze, *stare old-fashioned a. outdated, outmoded, dated,
bug-eyed, *stare saucer-eyed, *eye sala- obsolete, out of style, moss-grown, passé,
ciously, gape at. fusty, antiquated, behind the times, Victo-
ogre n. giant, brute, man-eater, boogieman. SEE rian, *horse and buggy, oldfangled, prehis-
MONSTER toric, traditional, conservative, stodgy. ANT.
oil n. crude oil, petroleum, lubricant, motor oil, modern, fresh, fashionable, *cutting edge, new,
machine oil, *black gold, *Texas tea, chic.
sludge, grease, ooze, lard, oleo, fat, vegetable old maid n. spinster, maiden, single woman,
oil, corn oil, olive oil, linseed oil, cod-liver virgin.
oil, mineral oil. old man n. SEE OLD-TIMER

408 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Old School–One-Liner

old school a. traditional, conservative, old- on adv. 1. ONWARD forward, ahead. 2. OPERAT-
fashioned, old line, ingrained. ANT. innova- ING running, going, engaged, working, func-
tive, nontraditional. tioning, powered. ANT. 1. stop, backward, be-
old-timer n. veteran, old hand, senior, moss- hind. 2. off, stopped, unpowered.
back, *antique, *fossil, Methuselah, gray- on and off adv. now and then, intermittently,
beard, centenarian, nonagenarian, octoge- start and stop. ANT. constant, uninterrupted.
narian, sexagenarian, golden-ager, *codger, on and on adv. constantly, continuously, never-
*geezer, *old fart, *duffer, *old buzzard, ending, relentless, forever, unremitting.
*gramps, *grandma, *old girl, *old hen. ANT. finitely.
old wives’ tale n. superstition, lore, folklore, onanism n. masturbation, self-gratification.
belief, myth, fallacy. on a roll a. *hot, *on one’s game, *in a groove,
Olympian n. athlete, world-class athlete, med- *cooking, *on fire, *in a zone, *hot-handed,
alist, competitor, champion. *smoking, *rolling. ANT. cold, ice cold, in a
Olympics n. Olympic Games, world champion- rut, in a slump.
ships, tournament, contest, challenge, inter- on call a. standing by, on alert, accessible, at
national competition, Olympiad. hand, at one’s beck and call, at one’s dispos-
omen n. augury, portent, sign, precursor, warn- sal, at the ready.
ing, harbinger, forewarning, token, hand- once adv. one time, one time only, never again.
writing on the wall, foreboding, premoni- ANT. repeatedly.
tion, *storm cloud on the horizon. once a. formerly, previously, in the past, at one
OMINOUS a. [OM un us] pertaining to time, long ago. ANT. currently.
omens, portentious, foreboding. A dark cloud once and for all adv. finally, decisively, conclu-
on the horizon is particularly ominous to one sively, positively, at long last.
on a sailboat. SYN. portentious, foreboding, once, at adv. immediately, now, this instant,
dreadful, prophetic, menacing, boding evil, *pronto, straightaway, forthwith, posthaste,
inauspicious, threatening, sinister, caution- *before you can say Jack Robinson/Bob’s
ary. ANT. boding well, encouraging, heartening, your uncle, *lickety-split.
reassuring. once in awhile adv. every now and then, every
omission n. exclusion, oversight, exception, so often, occasionally, periodically, some-
deletion, neglected item. ANT. inclusion, ad- times, *once every blue moon.
mission. once-over n. sizing up, inspection, examina-
omit v. leave out, exclude, delete, cut, over- tion, appraising glance, scrutiny, probe, *the
look, erase, edit out, forget, preclude, skip, eye, *critical eye, *piercing look.
pass over, expunge, neglect, strike out, ig- oncoming a. approaching, nearing, looming,
nore. ANT. include, put in, add to. impending, onrushing, emerging, bearing
omitted a. excluded, left out, deleted, over- down. ANT. leaving, receding, retreating.
looked, erased, precluded, forgotten, passed on duty a. on, working, *clocked in, *punched
over, expunged. ANT. included, put in, added. in. ANT. *off the clock, off duty.
omnibus n. anthology, compilation, collection, one a. 1. SINGLE individual, solitary. SEE NUMBER
collected works, volume, edition. SEE BOOK 2. UNITED undivided, complete, whole. ANT.
OMNIPOTENT a. [om NIP uh tent] having 1. multiple. 2. divided, incomplete.
unlimited or infinite power. Many dictators one by one adv. in succession, one at a time,
strive to be as omnipotent as God. SYN. all- individually.
powerful, almighty, supreme, unlimited, on edge a. jittery, anxious, wired, *hyper. ANT.
godlike. ANT. ineffectual, powerless, weak. SEE relaxed, calm. SEE NERVOUS
GOD, OMNISCIENT one-horse a. insignificant, small, *tinhorn,
omnipresent a. all-present, pervasive, ubiqui- *two-bit, limited, *bush, inferior, *small-
tous. SEE GOD townish, *piddling. ANT. significant, of conse-
omniscient a. all-knowing, all-seeing, god-like. quence, *big-time.
ANT. ignorant, unseeing, blind, unknowing. SEE one-horse town n. whistlestop, one stoplight
GOD, OMNIPOTENT town, *a U-turn and a mayor, tank town,
on prep. 1. UPON above, touching, in contact *podunk, *filling station, *jerk town, *wide
with, atop, covering, attached to. 2. NEAR place in the road.
by, around, beside. ANT. 1. off, away from, one-liner n. joke, crack, wisecrack, bon mot,
detached from. 2. away from, distant from. witty remark. SEE JOKE

Roget’s Superthesaurus 409


oneness n. unity, singleness, togetherness, co- quick, *on one’s toes, ready, alert, *plugged
alescence. in. ANT. slow, unprepared, asleep.
one-night stand n. 1. ONE-NIGHT SEXUAL AFFAIR on the blink a. Sl. broken, *out of whack, *out
tryst, *quickie, liaison. 2. ENTERTAINMENT of kilter, *on the fritz, *out of commission,
BOOKING engagement, one-nighter, *road in disrepair. ANT. functioning, in good repair,
gig. working.
ONEROUS a. [OHN ur us] burdensome, labo- on the brink a. Sl. on the verge, on the edge,
rious or oppressive. We were given the onerous at the threshold, at the limit.
task of mowing all thirty acres. SYN. burden- on the double a. Sl. *double quick, *pronto,
some, laborious, oppressive, troublesome, *lickety-split, *chop chop.
difficult, arduous, formidable, demanding, on the fence a. Sl. undecided, neutral, nonpar-
wearisome. ANT. easy, effortless, painless, tisan, noncommitted, half-and-half, *torn,
trouble-free. divided, *in the middle of the road, impar-
one-sided a. biased, partial, prejudiced, unfair, tial. ANT. one-sided, biased, partial, liberal,
narrow-minded, partisan. ANT. fair-minded, conservative, left, right.
democratic. on the house a. Sl. gratis, free, *on one, no
one-track mind n. obsession, fixation, passion, charge, *freebie, compliments of the house.
preoccupation, fascination, single-minded- on the level a. Sl. *on the up-and-up, *for real,
ness. legitimate, square, fair, straight, aboveboard,
one-upmanship n. rivaling, bettering, out- authentic. ANT. dishonest, illegitimate, *BS,
smarting, outfoxing, outwitting, outgaming, on the make, *on the prowl, out for.
cutthroat, domination, gamesmanship, re- on the nose a. Sl. bulls-eye, precisely, exactly,
sourcefulness, artfulness, finesse, cunning, *on the money.
cageyness, outmaneuvering. ANT. submis- on the wagon a. Sl. sworn off, sober, *dry, absti-
sion, concession, quitting. nent, abstemious.
on guard a. defensive, guarded, alert, on one’s on the whole a. Sl. for the most part, mostly.
toes, vigilant, watchful, cautious. ANT. on trial adv. under examination, in litigation,
asleep, oblivious, nonchalant, carefree. before the court, up for investigation.
onion n. shallot, scallion, leek, bulb. onus n. burden, responsibility, load, weight,
on-line a. connected, wired, networked, linked, duty, task, obligation.
onward adv. ahead, forward, forth, on beyond,
auxiliary, peripheral, plugged in, engaged.
frontward, advancing, along.
ANT. off-line, disconnected, independent. SEE
oodles n. slews, lots, piles, *scads, *zillions. SEE
onlooker n. spectator, eyewitness, bystander,
oomph n. Sl. 1. ENERGY vigor, muscle, power,
*elbow grease, exertion. 2. SEX APPEAL *it.
only a. sole, single, lone, solitary.
ooze n. mud, sludge, muck, mire, slime, *goo,
only adv. singly, solely, alone, solitarily. *crap.
on paper adv. theoretically, hypothetically, in ooze v. exude, flow, seep, percolate, squeeze
theory, in the abstract. out, discharge, bleed.
on purpose adv. deliberately, knowingly, inten- opalescent a. irridescent, rainbowlike.
tionally, purposefully, wittingly, con- OPAQUE a. [o PAKE] impossible to see
sciously, by intent, by design. ANT. acci- through or impossible to understand. The
dently, unwittingly, unintentionally. windows in the limo were opaque; nobody could
onrush n. rush, stampede, *blitz, storm, head- see through them. SYN. impervious, clouded,
long dash, tidal wave, deluge, flood, ava- murky, misty, blurred, nebulous, filmy, hazy,
lanche. foggy, nontransparent, obscure, vague, abs-
onset n. 1. START beginning, outset. 2. ATTACK truse, unclear. ANT. transparent, clear, trans-
assault. lucent, lucid.
onslaught n. attack, rush, charge, assault, inva- open v. 1. TO MAKE AN OPENING unlock, unlatch,
sion, *blitz, offensive, strike, incursion, undo, unseal, unscrew, uncork, loosen, free,
storming. untie, breach, broach, tear down, puncture,
on tap a. Sl. handy, at hand, in stock, available, slit, pierce, rupture. 2. SPREAD unfold, unfurl,
at one’s fingertips. unroll, lay out. 3. BEGIN commence, start,
on the ball a. Sl. *on the stick, *with it, sharp, inaugurate, initiate, launch, *get the ball

410 Roget’s Superthesaurus


rolling. ANT. 1. close, shut, cover, stop up, chance, availability. ANT. 1. closure, occlu-
seal. 2. fold, roll up, ball up. 3. end, close, sion, blockage, seal. 2. ending, closing, finale.
finalize. opening a. beginning, starting, commencing,
open a. 1. UNCLOSED unsealed, accessible, initiating, introducing, inaugurating, laun-
agape, unlocked, unobstructed, ajar, clear, ching, *kicking off. ANT. closing, ending, fi-
yawning. 2. EXPOSED uncovered, unpro- nalizing.
tected, open to view, unenclosed, uncon- open-minded a. receptive, amenable, unbiased,
cealed. 3. SPREAD OUT unfolded, unfurled, impartial, broad-minded, tolerant, under-
unrolled, laid out. 4. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ac- standing, liberal-minded, sympathetic, rea-
cessible, open for business, in operation, sonable. ANT. close-minded, narrow-minded,
ready to serve. 5. FAIR-MINDED receptive, intolerant, dogmatic, bigoted.
open-minded, unbiased, unprejudiced. 6. opera n. musical, melodrama, libretto, drame
HONEST OR CANDID frank, sincere, blunt, lyrique. ‘‘When a guy gets stabbed in the
communicative, revealing, disclosing, inti- back and instead of bleeding, he sings.’’—
mate, *real. ANT. 1. closed, shut, sealed, unac- Edward Gardner. ‘‘A magic scene contrived
cessible. 2. covered, hidden, enclosed, con- to please the eyes and the ears at the ex-
cealed. 3. folded, bunched up. 4. closed. 5. pense of the understanding.’’—Lord Ches-
close-minded, narrow-minded, biased. 6. re- terfield.
served, uncommunicative, secretive. WORD FIND
open-air a. outdoors, outside, alfresco. bass voice, sweet and light: basso cantante
open-and-shut a. simple, easy, obvious, incon- booming bass voice: basso profundo
trovertible, cut and dried, guaranteed, clear- brilliant and pure vocal tone: bel canto
cut, beyond argument, indisputable, *in the comical opera: buffa
bag, *sewn up, cinched. ANT. arguable, moot, composition with several arias, duets,
disputable, complex, convoluted, difficult. choruses: cantata
open-ended a. unlimited, undetermined, un- false high pitch of male: falsetto
restricted. highest range of male voice: tenor
opener n. 1. MECHANICAL OPENER key, skeleton highest singing voice: soprano
key, can opener, corkscrew, drill, punch, lead female singer: prima donna, diva
gouge, awl, borer, reamer, trepan, jimmy, lead male singer: prima uomo
crowbar, glasscutter, *jaws of life. 2. OPEN- light opera: operetta
ING ACT warmup act, supporting act. long composition of religious theme pre-
open-eyed a. 1. WATCHFUL vigilant, hawk-eyed, sented without scenery, costumes: orato-
eagle-eyed, awake, alert, wary. 2. WIDE-EYED rio
saucer-eyed, pop-eyed, goggle-eyed, spell- long vocal solo piece: aria
bound, enthralled, wonderstruck, thunder- low, comical voice: basso buffo
struck, bug-eyed. ANT. 1. inattentive, lax, lowest female voice: contralto
sleepy-eyed, unguarded. 2. sleepy-eyed, lowest male voice: bass
droopy-eyed. male castrated in seventeenth, eighteenth
openhanded a. generous, charitable, giving, un- centuries to retain high singing voice:
selfish, munificent, altruistic, beneficent, castrato
magnanimous. ANT. stingy, tightfisted, penny- manager or director of opera company: im-
pinching, cheap. presario
openhearted a. 1. CANDID frank, sincere, open, midrange male voice: baritone
straightforward, honest, ingenuous, genu- repetition of theme sung in succession by
ine, *from the heart, *real. 2. KINDHEARTED two or more: call and answer
good-hearted, softhearted, benevolent, short vocal solo: cavatina
compassionate, warm, humane, *Christian. SEE MUSIC, SINGING, SONG, VOICE
ANT. 1. aloof, insincere, dishonest. 2. mean, operable a. viable, serviceable, workable, feasi-
cruel, cold, brutal. ble. ANT. inoperable.
opening n. 1. HOLE gap, orifice, slot, aperture, operate v. 1. FUNCTION work, perform, act, con-
chasm, crack, rift, hollow, lacuna, gateway, duct, manage, carry on, do, run. 2. PERFORM
doorway. 2. BEGINNING start, commence- SURGERY amputate, incise, excise, trans-
ment, initiation, introduction, inaugura- plant, cauterize, cut open, explore, bypass,
tion, launch, *kickoff. 3. VACANCY position, suture, stitch up. SEE OPERATION

Roget’s Superthesaurus 411


operation n. 1. EXERCISE project, action, cam- tissue sampling: biopsy

paign, maneuver, organization, venture. 2. tonsil removal: tonsillectomy
RUNNING performance, working, discharge, transplant from one body part to another:
functioning. 3. SURGICAL PROCEDURE surgery, graft
incision, excision. tumor or mass removal: lumpectomy
WORD FIND uterus removal: hysterectomy
anesthetic used in localized area: local anes- violent reaction to transplanted foreign or-
thetic gan: rejection reaction
appendix removal: appendectomy operational a. functional, fit, viable, workable,
birth delivery through abdomen: Caesarian in working order, operative, usable. ANT. out
section, C-section of service, disfuctional.
blood vessel graft to improve blood flow: by- operative a. functioning, operating, running,
pass working. ANT. broken.
boring hole in skull: trepanning operator n. 1. TECHNICIAN worker, engineer,
brain, removal of front portion: lobotomy driver, handler, processor, keypunch opera-
brain, spinal cord or nerve surgery: neuro- tor, switchboard operator, PBX operator. 2.
surgery SWINDLER *con artist, fraud, *ripoff artist,
breast removal: mastectomy *flim-flam man, *shark, *hot shot, *snake.
burning away of abnormal tissue: cauteriza- opiate n. soporific, narcotic, tranquilizer, seda-
tion tive, hypnotic, *downer. SEE DRUG, NAR-
bypass: shunt COTIC, OPIUM
cornea incisions to improve vision: radial opine v. think, reckon, of the opinion, believe,
keratotomy imagine, maintain, suppose, assume, guess.
cutting nerve to relieve pain: denervation opinion n. conviction, belief, notion, thought,
cutting surgically: incising
conclusion, view, idea, judgment, inference,
cyst removal: cystectomy
sentiment, feeling, theory, point of view,
esophagus removal: esophagectomy
impression, conception, finding, estimation.
exploratory: exploratory surgery
‘‘Truth filtered through the moods, the
exposure of brain: craniotomy
blood, the disposition of the spectator.’’—
extreme cold used to destroy abnormal tis-
Wendell Phillips.
sue: cryosurgery
opinionated a. biased, prejudiced, dogmatic,
fallopian tube closure to prevent pregnancy:
tubal ligation headstrong, obstinate, pigheaded, con-
gallbladder removal: cholecystectomy vinced, close-minded, narrow-minded, one-
general pain blocker, unconsciousness in- sided. ANT. open-minded, broad-minded, trac-
ducer: general anesthesia table, neutral.
gum surgery: gingivectomy opium n. narcotic, opiate, soporific, laudanum,
inhaled anesthetic agent: ether *dope, *downer, *hop, *black snake, *leaf,
joint exploration: arthroscopy *tar, *mud, *poppy hops. SEE DRUG, OPIATE
kidney removal: nephrectomy opponent n. adversary, enemy, rival, competi-
large intestine removal: colectomy tor, antagonist, foe, contender, nemesis,
local anesthetic agent: lidocaine, procaine *sparring partner. SEE ENEMY
lung removal: pneumorectomy opportune a. timely, favorable, advantageous,
nose enhancement: rhinoplasty fortuitous, felicitous, expedient, auspicious,
pancreas removal: pancreatectomy suitable, appropriate, fitting, apropos, apt,
passage of tube into body part: intubation seasonable, correct, right. ANT. inopportune,
prostate gland removal: prostatectomy unfavorable, untimely, unseasonable.
removal of tissue or organ: excision opportunism n. exploitation, expediency, *go-
replacement of organ: transplant getting, *making hay while the sun shines,
restoring blood vessel flow: angioplasty *striking while the iron is hot.
scraping of tissue: curettage opportunist n. *gold digger, operator, *go-get-
sex change: transsex surgery ter, adventurer, enterpriser.
sperm-blocking surgery: vasectomy opportunity n. opening, chance, occasion,
spleen removal: splenectomy *window of opportunity, possibility, contin-
stitching of wound: suturing gency, *shot, golden opportunity.

412 Roget’s Superthesaurus


oppose v. resist, conflict, repulse, confront, re- opprobrium n. disgrace, infamy, shame, dis-
pel, counter, contest, refute, dispute, contra- honor, discredit, reproach, stigma. ANT.
dict, disapprove, reject, contravene, go up honor, regard, esteem.
against. ANT. support, embrace, advance, ad- oppugn v. criticize, attack, oppose, controvert,
vocate, concur. *shoot down, *blast, *light into, *rake over
opposite n. reverse, contrary, inverse, antithe- the coals. ANT. concur, compliment, agree.
sis, counterpart, *other side of the coin, opt v. choose, elect, decide, pick, elect.
*flipside. ANT. twin, mirror image, duplicate. optical a. visual, ocular.
opposite a. facing, face to face, vis à vis, inverse, optician n. optometrist, oculist.
obverse, contrary, contradictory, antitheti- optimal a. best, optimum, favorable, greatest,
cal, reverse. ANT. corresponding. superlative. ANT. worst, terrible.
opposition n. 1. OPPOSING INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP optimism n. hopefulness, rosy outlook, positive
adversary, opponent, rival, antagonist, com- attitude, great expectations, enthusiasm,
petitor. 2. RESISTANCE repulsion, antago- cheerfulness, anticipation, bullishness,
nism, conflict. 3. OBSTRUCTION hindrance, buoyancy, confidence, encouragement. ANT.
impediment, restriction, check. ANT. 1. pro- pessimism, negative outlook, gloomy outlook,
ponent, advocate, partnership, collaboration. cynicism.
2. attraction, acceptance. 3. opening, clear- optimist n. idealist, dreamer, Pollyanna, hoper,
ance, help, aid. *ray of sunshine, positive thinker. ‘‘Some-
OPPRESS v. [uh PRESS] to force or keep one who tells you to cheer up when things
down, especially by abuse of power, to tyran- are going his way.’’—Edward R. Murrow.
nize. The dictator tries to oppress the populace ANT. pessimist, defeatist, killjoy, *gloomy Gus.
through threats of violence. SYN. subjugate, optimistic a. hopeful, forward-looking, san-
suppress, persecute, tyrannize, *step on, de- guine, cheerful, upbeat, expectant, assured,
press, harass, crush, stifle, burden, saddle, sunny, bullish, confident, anticipating, posi-
weigh down, dominate, subdue, squelch, tive, *up, Pollyannish. ANT. pessimistic,
*rule by yoke and whip, *rule with an iron gloomy, cynical, negative.
fist, *straitjacket into conformity, *jack-
optimum a. optimal, greatest, foremost, most,
boot. ANT. liberate, free, emancipate.
highest, ideal, utmost, champion, consum-
oppressed a. downtrodden, harassed, tor-
mate, prime, select, superior, tiptop. ANT.
mented, persecuted, tyrannized, enslaved,
worst, lowest, poorest.
misused, subdued, dominated, saddled,
option n. 1. CHOICE selection, alternative, deci-
weighed down, burdened, abused. ANT. liber-
sion, substitute, preference, election, predi-
ated, honored, respected.
lection. 2. THE RIGHT TO BUY OR SELL claim,
OPPRESSION n. [uh PRESH un] the keeping
grant, privilege, prerogative, franchise.
or forcing down, especially by abuse of
power; tyranny. The inferior leader rules by optional a. elective, discretionary, voluntary,
oppression. SYN. tyranny, subjugation, perse- free, open, volitional. ANT. obligatory, com-
cution, suppression, enslavement, domina- pulsory, mandatory.
tion, coercion, torment, martial law, heavy- optometrist n. optician, eye specialist, oculist.
handedness, *bullied obeisance. ANT. OPULENCE n. [OP yuh lence] wealth or lux-
freedom, liberty, justice. ury. The opulence of Beverly Hills is evident in
oppressive a. tyrannical, despotic, domineer- the homes, stores and people one observes. SYN.
ing, heavy-handed, iron-fisted, severe, wealth, affluence, riches, prosperity, for-
harsh, burdensome, ruthless, brutal, abusive. tune, luxury, abundance, money, capital,
ANT. liberating, just, fair. excess, *easy street. ANT. poverty, squalor, in-
oppressor n. tyrant, despot, dictator, persecu- digence, privation.
tor, master, slavedriver, martinet, discipli- opulent a. rich, wealthy, affluent, prosperous,
narian, authoritarian, bully, tormentor, pup- moneyed, well-to-do, well-off, *loaded,
pet-master. ANT. emancipator. *rolling in dough, *on easy street, *in clo-
opprobrious a. 1. DISGRACEFUL shameful, infa- ver, *high on the hog, abundant. ANT. poor,
mous, despicable, dishonorable, hateful. 2. penniless, indigent, destitute.
ABUSIVE offending, insulting, contemptuous, opus n. composition, score, creation, work,
reproachful. ANT. 1. honorable, commend- piece, production, volume, title. SEE BOOK
able. 2. complimentary, flattering. or conj. else, otherwise, alternatively.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 413

Oracle–Order, Out of

oracle n. prophet, seer, soothsayer, augur, di- slipper, *puttyroot, *Adam and Eve. SEE
viner, fortune-teller, prognosticator, sage, FLOWER
priest, authority, judge. ordain v. 1. TO INVEST WITH AUTHORITY install,
oracular a. prophetic, prognostic, Delphic, pronounce, appoint, frock, induct, instate,
augural, authoritative, wise, knowing. swear in, consecrate. 2. ARRANGE prepare,
oral a. spoken, verbal, said, voiced, verbalized, put in order. 3. TO DETERMINE predetermine,
articulated, vocalized, uttered. ANT. written, preordain, predestine, prearrange, fate,
mental, telepathic. doom.
orange a. reddish-yellow, flaming, salmon, fox, ordeal n. trial, tribulation, trying experience,
tangerine, peach, pumpkin, tarnished sun- difficulty, hardship, nightmare, trial by fire,
set, ocher, tiger, apricot, burnt orange, burnt torture, hell, test, strain, trouble, torment,
sienna, mandarin, marigold, yellow car- misery, fiasco. ANT. treat, *walk on the beach,
mine, Titian, old gold, carrot. joy, pleasure.
orangutan n. ape, great ape, primate, *man of order n. 1. A COMMAND direction, directive,
the forest. dictate, demand, mandate, prescription, as-
orate v. speak, speechify, lecture, preach, ser- signment, bid, enjoinder, fiat, charge. 2. AR-
monize, pontificate, *get up on one’s soap- RANGEMENT organization, system, sequence,
box, *get up on one’s moral soapbox, hold progression, succession, alignment, group-
forth, declaim, rhapsodize, moralize, vocifer- ing, classification. 3. CONDITION state, dispo-
ate, bluster, talk, *grandstand. sition, shape, repair. 4. RESERVATION TO PUR-
oration n. speech, address, lecture, talk, dis- CHASE requisition, request, booking,
course, recitation, declamation, recital, dis- layaway. 5. SOCIETY OR CLUB guild, fraternity,
quisition, monologue. sorority, fellowship, lodge, council, Masons,
orator n. speaker, lecturer, preacher, reciter, Knights of Columbus. ANT. 2. disorder, jum-
declaimer, sermonizer, pontificator, rhetori- ble, mess.
cian, elocutionist. ‘‘One who can make men order v. 1. GIVE A COMMAND direct, dictate, de-
see with their ears.’’—Arabian proverb. mand, mandate, prescribe, remand, enjoin,
oratorical a. rhetorical, eloquent, declamatory, assign, bid, charge, instruct, *bark out an
grandiloquent, bombastic, fustian, bluster- order. 2. RESERVE FOR PURCHASE request,
ing, *rabble rousing, blatherous, silver- tender, bid, secure, buy, requisition, laya-
tongued. way. 3. TO ARRANGE organize, systemize, put
oratory n. rhetoric, platform rhetoric, public in sequence, align, group, classify, alphabet-
speaking, declamation, eloquence, grandilo- ize, index, codify. ANT. 1. request, ask for
quence, speechifying, preaching, sermoniz- nicely, beg, supplicate. 3. disorganize, disar-
ing, elocution, articulation. range, mess, jumble, mix up, scramble.
orb n. sphere, spheroid, globe, ball, heavenly order about v. dominate, badger, nag, com-
body, celestial body, moon. mand, *ride, lord over, henpeck, control,
orbit n. circuit, revolution, cycle, circle, course, dictate, master, bully, *put under one’s
path, ellipse, ring, flight path, gravitational thumb. ANT. supplicate, *cave in, defer.
path, *gravitational tether. ordered a. orderly, arranged, well-ordered, sys-
orbit v. circle, round, circuit, revolve around, tematic, in good form, organized, methodi-
gravitate around, cycle around. cal, shipshape, tidy, neat. ANT. disordered, in
orc n. killer whale, grampus, cetacean, whale. disarray, disorganized, messy.
orchard n. plantation, grove, stand, vineyard, orderly n. hospital attendant, staff, assistant,
garden. nurse’s aid.
orchestra n. symphony, ensemble, band, phil- orderly a. 1. ORGANIZED systematic, arranged,
harmonic, quintet, quartet, combo, group. well-ordered, in good form, in apple pie or-
SEE MUSIC der, methodical, shipshape, neat, tidy, trim,
orchestrate v. arrange, organize, conduct, lead, uncluttered. 2. PEACEFUL behaved, law-abid-
coordinate, direct, manage, guide, marshal, ing, well-mannered, civil. ANT. 1. disorderly,
command, *hold the reins, oversee. in disarray, disorganized, messy. 2. rowdy, ill-
orchestrator n. conductor, director, manager, mannered, riotous, uncivil.
arranger, organizer, leader, coordinator, order, out of a. 1. INOPERATIVE broken, out of
commander, overseer, stage manager. commission, busted, in disrepair, *on the
orchid n. epiphyte, flower, *moccasin, *lady’s fritz, *shot, *out of whack. 2. INAPPROPRIATE

414 Roget’s Superthesaurus


out of place, out of turn, indecorous, im- organization n. 1. A UNITED GROUP association,
proper. ANT. 1. functioning, *running like a corporation, federation, syndication, union,
Swiss watch, *humming. 2. appropriate, alliance, company, league, institute, club,
proper. guild, corps, confederation, sorority, frater-
ordinance n. order, command, decree, law, rule, nity, cartel, brotherhood, sisterhood, coali-
edict, injunction, regulation, fiat, sanction, tion, affiliation, network, consortium, team.
prescription. 2. ARRANGEMENT order, systemization, clas-
ordinarily adv. usually, normally, as a rule, most sification, coordination, ordering, construc-
of the time, customarily, generally, by and tion, assembling, institution, disposition,
large, regularly, routinely. ANT. rarely, sel- standardization. SEE ORDER
dom, infrequently. organization man n. *corporate clone, *an-
ordinary a. 1. COMMON everyday, usual, com- other brick in the wall, *sheep, follower,
monplace, conventional, typical, average, *corporate disciple, *company man.
normal, medial, routine, customary, general. organize v. 1. ORDER arrange, systematize, coor-
2. MEDIOCRE run of the mill, so-so, nothing dinate, methodize, align, collate, *get it to-
to write home about, banal, humdrum, pe- gether, *get one’s ducks in a row, *get one’s
destrian, plain, household, prosaic, bour- act together. SEE ORDER 2. FORM formulate,
geois, undistinguished, garden-variety. ANT. develop, create, bring together, give rise to,
1. uncommon, unconventional, unusual, out found, originate, establish. ANT. 1. disorder,
of the ordinary. 2. distinguished, exceptional, jumble, scramble, disorganize. 2. disband, dis-
extraordinary, significant. solve, break up, disorganize, fold.
ordinary, out of the a. unusual, uncommon, organized a. 1. ORDERED arranged, systematized,
strange, bizarre, odd, exceptional, off the coordinated, methodized, aligned, collated,
beaten track, unheard of, incredible, won- classified, categorized, *ducks in a row, *got
derful, unique, one of a kind. ANT. ordinary, one’s act together. SEE ORDERED 2. FORMED
normal, typical, *par for the course. developed, created, brought together,
ordination n. ordainment, holy orders. SEE founded, originated, established. ANT. 1. dis-
ordered, jumbled, scrambled, disorganized. 2.
ordnance n. artillery, weapons, armor, guns, disbanded, dissolved, broken up, disorganized,
bombs. SEE ARMS, MUNITIONS folded.
ordure n. excrement, dung, feces, manure, organized crime n. Mafia, Cosa Nostra, mob,
muck, droppings, guano, cow flop, filth, underworld, the syndicate, gang, Black
ore n. unrefined earth, rock, metal, iron ore,
organized movement n. campaign, drive, cru-
bauxite, lodestone, magnetite, pyrite, tin-
sade, popular front, grassroots movement,
stone, zincite.
lobby, ground swell.
oread n. nymph, fairy, mountain nymph.
organ n. 1. MUSICAL INSTRUMENT keyboard, syn- organizer n. coordinator, arranger, developer,
thesizer, pipe organ, melodeon, reed organ, creator, originator.
calliope, harmonium, barrel organ, hurdy- orgasm n. ejaculation, climax, spasm, convul-
gurdy, accordion. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT sion, throes, paroxysm, peak, consumma-
2. PUBLICATION journal, newsletter, news- tion, frenzy, shudder, shiver, quiver, *un-
paper, periodical, communique, vehicle, furling waves of pleasure. SEE LOVE, PASSION,
mouthpiece, bulletin. 3. LIVING COMPONENT SEX
part, member, element, heart, lungs, brain, orgasmic a. frenzied, abandoned, exhilarated,
liver, kidneys, bladder, gallbladder, pan- rapturous, elated, breathless, overcome,
creas, large intestine, small intestine, appen- blissful, *on cloud nine, *in seventh
dix, stomach, uterus. heaven, flying, *in orbit. ANT. unstimulating,
organic a. 1. LIVING alive, animate, biological. frigid.
2. NATURAL nonchemical, untouched by orgiastic a. bacchanalian, Dionysian, de-
man. 3. INHERENT intrinsic, innate, native, bauched, wild, abandoned, wanton, saturna-
natural. ANT. 1. inanimate, inorganic, min- lian, unrestrained, out of control. ANT. re-
eral. 2. unnatural, man-made, synthetic. served, peaceful, chaste.
organism n. life-form, being, creature, animal, Orient n. Far East, Asia, mysterious east, East
plant, cell. Indies, Eastern Hemisphere.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 415


orient v. 1. TAKE ONE’S BEARINGS orientate, situ- innovator, instigator, *spark, catalyst, archi-
ate, align, locate, position, fix, face, turn, tect.
get the lay of the land. 2. FAMILIARIZE adjust, ornament n. decoration, embellishment,
acquaint, adapt, acclimate, accustom, rec- adornment, beautification, dressing, acces-
oncile, conform, get used to, habituate, con- sory, trimming, garnish, garnishment, fes-
dition. toon, bauble, gewgaw, torsade, tassel, trin-
Oriental a. Eastern, Asian, Far Eastern, Asiatic, ket, spangle, knickknack, gimcrack, frill,
Chinese, Japanese, Tai, Korean, Indian. flounce, filigree, tracery, filet, gilding, fleur-
orientation n. 1. BEARINGS placement, fixing, de-lis, fretwork, storiation, fluting, tooling,
locating, position, coordination. 2. FAMIL- finial, beading, acanthus, palmette, emboss-
IARIZATION adjusting, adapting, conforming, ing, molding, inlay, relief work, scroll work,
acclimating, accommodation, accultura- checker-work, diamond work, floriation, as-
tion. 3. INTRODUCTION initiation, breaking tragal, swag, mosaic, wainscotting. SEE DECO-
in, indoctrination, reception, *showing the RATION
ropes, welcoming. ornament v. decorate, adorn, dress, garnish, fes-
orifice n. mouth, aperture, vent, opening, hole, toon, trim, finish, embellish, beautify.
lacuna, pore, cavity, slot, crack, gap, hollow. ornamental a. decorative, garnishing, enhanc-
origin n. 1. INCEPTION source, root, birth, begin- ing, adorning, beautifying.
ning, genesis, commencement, start, foun- ornate a. elaborate, showy, flamboyant, florid,
tain. 2. PARENTAGE ancestry, lineage, pedi- aureate, flowery, busy, fussy, fancy, flashy,
gree, extraction, descent, line. ANT. 1. end, gaudy, baroque, rococo, arabesque, rich,
death, closing. lush. ANT. stark, plain, simple.
original n. 1. PROTOTYPE archetype, model, ex- ornery a. mean, nasty, ugly, irritable, feisty,
emplar, standard, mold, first draft, template. surly, cranky, crabby, short-tempered,
2. CHARACTER eccentric, oddball, noncon- *short-fused, testy, cantankerous, grouchy,
formist. obstinate, stubborn, cussed, mulish, *ornery
original a. 1. FIRST initial, primary, earliest, fun- as an underfed grizzly. ANT. sweet, good-na-
damental, rudimentary, beginning, starting, tured, nice, pleasant.
opening, introductory. 2. CREATIVE vision- orotund a. 1. RESOUNDING sonorous, booming,
ary, imaginative, resourceful, inventive, in- resonant, projecting, stentorian, reverberat-
genious. 3. FRESH OR UNIQUE new, ground- ing, thundering, powerful, mighty, rich. 2.
breaking, visionary, unusual, GRANDIOSE IN SPEECH pompous, bombastic,
unconventional, novel, *cutting edge, *new fustian, bloated, grandiloquent. SEE ORATION,
wave, *new school, *new age, extraordi- VOICE ANT. 1. quiet, feeble. 2. simple, under-
nary, unorthodox, singular. ANT. 1. last, fi- stated.
nal, ending, ultimate. 2. banal, unoriginal, pe- orphan n. waif, foundling, stray, motherless
destrian, imitative, trite. 3. old, old hat, tired, child, fatherless child, castaway.
dull, banal, hackneyed. orphanage n. foster home, group home, institu-
originality n. ingenuity, inventiveness, vision, tion, asylum, refuge.
creativity, freshness, creative spark, imagi- orphaned a. left motherless, left fatherless, de-
nation, novelty, newness, ingeniousness, ge- prived, abandoned, forsaken.
nius, *blowing fresh wind through a stale ORTHODOX a. [ORTH uh DOKS] adhering
art. ‘‘Simply a fresh pair of eyes.’’—Thomas to a particular standard, convention or doc-
W. Higginson. ANT. imitation, plagiarism, or- trine, as in religion or politics; approved,
thodoxy, unoriginality. recognized. Their religious practices are ortho-
originally adv. initially, first, in the beginning, dox; they are not at all unusual. SYN. 1. AC-
at the start, *from the word go. CEPTED traditional, approved, customary,
original sin n. disobedience, fall from grace, conventional, sound, standard, established,
eating the apple. proper, correct, official, right, recognized. 2.
originate v. start, begin, emerge, spring forth, ULTRACONSERVATIVE OR DOGMATIC strict,
initiate, commence, inaugurate, generate, straitlaced, purist, puritanical, devout, faith-
arise. ful, fundamental. ANT. 1. unorthodox, radi-
origination n. origin, source, birthplace. SEE OR- cal, unconventional. 2. liberal, flexible, open-
IGIN to-change, radical, unconventional.
originator n. creator, inventor, father, mother, orthodoxy n. 1. BELIEF faith, creed, credo. 2.

416 Roget’s Superthesaurus


CONFORMITY compliance, obedience. 3. CON- OSTRACIZE v. [AWS truh SIZE] to banish,

SERVATISM ultraconservatism, fundamental- bar or shun. Society tends to ostracize noncon-
ism, puritanism, strictness, inflexibility, rig- formists. SYN. banish, bar, shun, exclude,
idness. ANT. 2. nonconformity, disobedience, eject, isolate, excommunicate, blackball,
noncompliance. 3. liberalism, flexibility, open- relegate, shut out, oust, *give the cold
mindedness, tolerance. shoulder, cast out, *freeze out, blacklist.
Oscar n. Academy award, statuette. ANT. include, embrace, welcome, accept.
oscillate v. 1. MOVE BACK AND FORTH swing, al- other a. 1. DIFFERENT dissimilar, distinct, sepa-
ternate, vibrate, pulsate, librate. 2. BE INDECI- rate, unrelated, disparate, variant. 2. ADDI-
SIVE vacillate, fluctuate, waver, hem and TIONAL extra, further, supplementary, more,
haw, change one’s mind, do an about-face, another. ANT. 1. same, alike, similar. 2.
equivocate, be on the fence, blow hot and fewer, less.
cold, shilly-shally. ANT. 2. decide, resolve, otherwise adv. 1. IN ANOTHER WAY differently.
oscillation n. 1. MOVING BACK AND FORTH swing- if not, on the other hand.
ing, alternating, vibrating, vibration, pulsat- otherworldly a. alien, extraterrestrial, un-
ing, pulsation, librating. 2. INDECISION vacil-
earthly, unworldly, ethereal, mystical, tran-
lation, wavering, hemming and hawing,
scendent, spiritual, supernatural, out of this
changing one’s mind, equivocating, blowing
hot and cold, shilly-shallying, fickleness, world, heavenly.
fence-sitting. ANT. 2. decisiveness, settling, re- otiose a. 1. LAZY idle, indolent, slothful, *do-
solving. nothing. 2. USELESS ineffective, futile,
osmose v. diffuse, dissolve, mix, undergo osmo- worthless, impotent, powerless. ANT. 1. am-
sis. bitious, active, busy, *go-getting. 2. effective,
osmosis n. diffusion, absorption, mixing, com- powerful, useful.
ixing, blending, comingling, dissolving. ottoman n. footstool, hassock, divan.
ossified a. hardened, hard, rigid, stiffened, ought v. should, is fitting, is natural, behoove.
bony. oust v. eject, remove, throw out, expel, banish,
ossuary n. urn, receptacle, vault. depose, dismiss, overthrow, unseat, evict,
OSTENSIBLE a. [uh STEN suh bul] seeming discharge, *send packing, *show the door,
or outwardly apparent but possibly mislead- *give the boot, *bounce. ANT. install, induct,
ing. The Peeping Tom’s ostensible motivation admit.
was to make money washing windows. SYN. ouster n. ejection, removal, expulsion, evic-
seeming, apparent, professed, outward, evi- tion, banishment, dismissal, discharge, over-
dent, manifest, pretended, external, as- throw. ANT. installment, admittance, induc-
sumed, implied, inferred. tion.
ostentation n. showiness, pretentiousness, ex- out a. 1. ABSENT away, elsewhere, gone, not
hibitionism, pomp, display, gloss, affecta- here. 2. EXTINGUISHED extinct, dead, ex-
tion, flashiness, flamboyance, swank, put- pired, inoperable, finished, over, done. 3.
ting on airs, immodesty, *glitz, foppery, OUTMODED obsolete, old-fashioned, passé,
flaunting. ANT. modesty, plainness, inconspic- out-of-date. 4. UNCONSCIOUS out cold, *out
uous, humbleness, restraint, understatement,
like a light, *down for the count, comatose,
blending into the woodwork.
OSTENTATIOUS a. [AWS ten TAY shus] anesthetized. ANT. 1. in, here, present. 2.
showiness, pretentiousness, overly ornate. alive, functioning, living and breathing. 3. in,
Her ostentatious finery drew stares as she en- *cutting edge, newfangled, modern. 4. con-
tered the room. SYN. showy, pretentious, scious, alert, awake.
pompous, affected, flashy, flamboyant, out n. alibi, escape, excuse, explanation, loop-
swank, immodest, grandiose, ornate, gaudy, hole, dodge.
glittery, *glitzy, foppish, garish, spotlight- out v. Sl. unmask, reveal, *bring out of the
seeking, *showboating. ANT. understated, closet, disclose, bring out into the open, tip
subtle, modest. off, publicize, announce, unburden oneself,
ostracism n. banishment, exclusion, exile, ex- *blow the whistle on, blab, tattle, expose.
communication, ejection, rejection, expul- ANT. keep secret, keep hush-hush, keep in the
sion, shunning, blackballing, relegation, dis- closet.
grace. ANT. inclusion, acceptance, welcoming, outage n. blackout, brownout, power failure.
embracing. out-and-out a. outright, complete, thorough,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 417


total, utter, absolute, arrant, unmitigated, outdoor a. out-of-doors, outside, open-air, out
flagrant, blatant, dyed-in-the-wool, down- in the open, alfresco.
right. outdoorsman n. sportsman, woodsman, natu-
outback n. back country, hinterland, wilder- ralist, environmentalist, camper, hunter,
ness, wilds, *boonies, *sticks, howling wil- fisherman, trapper, adventurer.
derness, desert, barrens, wasteland. SEE DES- outer a. outside, external, exterior, outlying,
ERT peripheral, outward, remote, fringe, extrin-
outbreak n. 1. DISEASE SPREAD epidemic, pan- sic. ANT. inner, intrinsic, proximal.
demic, manifestation, contagion. 2. OUT- outermost a. outer, outlying, peripheral, out-
BURST eruption, flare up, upheaval, uproar. most, furthest out, remote, fringe. ANT. in-
3. CIVIL DISCONTENT riot, insurrection, re- nermost.
volt, uprising, mutiny. outer space n. universe, cosmos, space, infinity,
outbound a. outward bound, outgoing, out heavens, interstellar space, intergalactic
flowing, departing, leaving. ANT. inbound, space, void, vacuum, firmament, *great be-
coming in, incoming, arriving. yond, *wild blue yonder, all creation, mac-
outbuilding n. auxiliary building, shed, shack, rocosm, nebulous void, galactic realm, solar
barn, outhouse. system. SEE COMET, GALAXY, MILKY WAY, MOON,
outburst n. eruption, explosion, outbreak, out- PLANET, STAR, SUN, UNIVERSE
pouring, flare-up, outcry. outfield n. playing field, left field, right field,
outcast n. pariah, exile, castaway, outsider, der- center field, warning track, *deep, *shallow
elict, untouchable, vagabond, outlaw, or- left, *shallow right. SEE BASEBALL
phan, refugee, runaway, *reject. outfit n. rig, gear, kit, trappings, equipment, ac-
outcast a. driven out, banned, shunned, cast coutrements, trousseau, getup, turnout,
out, rejected, exiled, ostracized. garb, attire, *togs, duds. SEE CLOTHING, SUIT
outclass v. surpass, outperform, outshine, 2. GROUP company, unit, crew, business, en-
outdo, outdistance, better, eclipse, over- terprise, battalion, troop, corps, detach-
shadow, outmuscle, dwarf, dominate, *leave ment.
in the dust, beat, defeat, rise above, *smoke outfit v. rig, fit out, turn out, equip, provision,
the competition, outhustle, *leave others furnish, supply, appoint.
swirling in one’s wake. SEE OUTDO outflank v. outmaneuver, outfox, outwit,
out of the closet a. out, exposed, revealed, dis-
outflow n. efflux, flow, effluence, effusion, out-
closed, out into the open, divulged, brought
pouring, outwelling, emanation, gush,
to light, uncovered, unveiled.
stream, spring.
out cold a. unconscious, *down for the count,
out-front a. straight, *on the level, *on the
anesthetized. SEE OUT
square, honest, up front.
outcome n. result, consequence, aftermath, outfox v. outwit, outsmart, outguess, *run cir-
end, upshot, *payoff, effect, aftermath, cles around, outdistance.
wake, repercussion. outgo n. 1. EXPENDITURE expenses, bills, outlay,
outcrop n. rock shelf, mantel, protrusion, ob- disbursement, cost. ANT. income, profit, earn-
trusion, bedrock, *knuckle of rock. ings.
outcry n. clamor, uproar, protest, outburst, ex- outgo v. outdistance, outhustle, outrun. SEE
clamation, shout, scream, cry, hue and cry, OUTDO
howl, holler, hullabaloo. outgoing a. 1. GREGARIOUS sociable, extro-
outdated a. obsolete, old, antiquated. SEE OLD- verted, friendly, amiable, congenial, affable,
FASHIONED convivial, companionable, unreserved. SEE
outdistance v. outrun, outmuscle, outdo, out- FRIENDLY 2. OUTBOUND departing, leaving.
class, surpass, overtake, leave behind, *leave ANT. 1. introverted, reserved, solitary, aloof.
in the dust, *smoke the competition. SEE 2. incoming, inbound.
OUTDO outgrowth n. product, byproduct, offshoot,
outdo v. outperform, outshine, outdistance, *spinoff, offspring, result, consequence, up-
outmuscle, excel, eclipse, dwarf the compe- shot, aftermath.
tition, *leave others swirling in one’s wake, outhouse n. privy, toilet, latrine, backhouse,
dominate, beat, defeat, run circles around, outbuilding, *necessary, *crapper.
do one better, out-Herod Herod. outing n. excursion, trip, expedition, *spin,

418 Roget’s Superthesaurus


jaunt, junket, ride, drive, walk, hike, stroll. boil, provoke, gall, affront, insult, offend.
outlandish a. bizarre, weird, strange, odd, ANT. pacify, tickle, delight.
queer, freakish, out of the ordinary, alien, outrageous a. 1. ATROCIOUS monstrous, vicious,
quaint, exotic, wild, peculiar, *far-out. ANT. savage, criminal, evil, abominable, disgrace-
ordinary, everyday, usual. ful, inhuman, barbaric, wrong, unspeakable,
outlast v. outlive, prevail, hold out, endure, heinous, wicked. 2. UNREASONABLE exces-
stand the test of time, survive, outdistance. sive, ridiculous, preposterous, exorbitant,
SEE OUTDO unconscionable, immoderate, uncalled for,
outlaw n. criminal, felon, *bad guy, desperado, unrestrained. ANT. 1. normal, standard. 2.
fugitive, brigand, highwayman, crook, rob- reasonable, within reason, fair, moderate.
ber, bandit, killer, gunman. outright a. out-and-out, downright, complete,
outlaw v. ban, stop, prohibit, bar, proscribe, total, whole, entire, wholesale, unqualified,
forbid, make illegal, disallow, restrict, limit. unmitigated. ANT. partial.
ANT. legalize, allow. outside n. outdoors, exterior, face, facade,
outlay n. expenditure, expense, disbursement, front, surface, veneer, shell, covering.
cost, outgo, charge, payment, price, fee. ANT. outside a. 1. EXTERIOR outer, external, surface,
income, gain, profit. extrinsic, superficial. 2. SLIGHT marginal,
outlet n. exit, opening, passage, port, vent, slim, remote, unlikely, faint, small. ANT. 1.
mouth, spout, egress, release, channel, race, inside, internal, intrinsic. 2. probable, certain.
conduit. ANT. entrance, ingress, intake. outsider n. stranger, alien, foreigner, interloper,
outline n. 1. PROFILE form, configuration, shape, *fifth wheel.
contour, silhouette, figure. 2. SYNOPSIS outspoken a. vocal, unreserved, frank, blunt,
breakdown, *rundown, plan, draft, frame- straightforward, candid, plainspoken, unin-
work, rough draft, sketch, *thumbnail hibited, unrestrained, *not backwards about
sketch. coming forward. ANT. shy, reticent, reserved,
outline v. rough out, sketch, delineate, summa- tactful.
rize, draft, abstract, synopsize, frame. outstanding a. 1. EXCEPTIONAL extraordinary,
outlive v. SEE OUTLAST superior, distinguished, superb, excellent,
outlook n. 1. LOOKOUT observation post, ob- standout, great, phenomenal, remarkable,
servation tower. 2. VIEW vista, panorama, impressive, marvelous, prominent, re-
sweep, perspective. 3. ATTITUDE point of nowned, noteworthy, sensational, *out of
view, *mind-set, viewpoint, standpoint, this world. 2. UNRESOLVED overdue, unpaid,
perspective, frame of mind, interpretation.
unsettled, due, owing, in arrears. ANT. 1. or-
4. PROSPECT expectation, hope, anticipa-
dinary, mediocre, so-so, fair, poor. 2. paid, set-
tion, forecast, future, horizon, probability.
outlying a. remote, distant, peripheral, frontier,
outward a. outer, outside, external, exterior,
rural, suburban, out-of-the-way, secluded,
surface, superficial, visible, apparent, evi-
isolated, outer, backcountry, God-forsaken.
ANT. nearby, neighboring, next-door.
dent. ANT. inward, internal.
outmoded a. antiquated, obsolete, outdated, outwardly adv. apparently, evidently, superfi-
old-fashioned, displaced, dated, passé, horse cially, visibly, ostensibly, to the eye. ANT.
and buggy, old school. ANT. new, newfangled, inwardly, secretly.
*cutting edge. outweigh v. surpass, transcend, exceed, domi-
output n. production, productivity, yield, har- nate, take precedence, overshadow, eclipse,
vest, quantity, work, efficiency, turnout, override, *tip the scales, overrule.
product, amount. outwit v. outsmart, outfox, outthink, beat, *put
outrage n. 1. ATROCITY vicious act, violent act, one over on, *get the better of, outdo, out-
crime, act of savagery, evil, abomination, shine, fool, trick, euchre.
monstrosity, disgrace, horror, barbarity, oval a. elliptical, ovoid, oviform, egg-shaped.
wrong. 2. INSULT offense, affront, blow, *slap ovation n. applause, cheers, clapping, *hand,
in the face, indignity, *put down, injury, outburst, acclamation, laudation, tribute,
abuse. 3. ANGER fury, indignation, wrath, curtain call, encore. ANT. boos, *Bronx cheer.
rage, *spitting rage. SEE ANGER over a. finished, done, completed, closed, ter-
outrage v. enrage, anger, incense, infuriate, fill minated, concluded, ended. ANT. beginning,
with wrath, madden, *make one’s blood opening, commencing.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 419


over adv. above, overhead, aloft, high. ANT. be- overrated a. overvalued, overesteemed, overes-
low, earthward. timated, *blown out of proportion, over-
overabundance a. excess, glut, surplus, over- praised, exaggerated, oversold, puffed up,
flow, overkill, plethora, overage, spate, *hyped.
flood, too much, superfluity. ANT. shortage, override v. surpass, prevail over, take prece-
dearth. dence, overrule, predominate, outweigh, su-
overall a. general, complete, from end to end, persede, cancel.
blanket, sweeping, comprehensive, long- overrule v. rule against, disallow, override,
range. overturn, annul, reverse, countermand, nul-
overbearing a. arrogant, domineering, dictato- lify, invalidate.
rial, high and mighty, supercilious, lordly, overrun v. infest, swarm over, invade, spread
high-handed, tyrannical, disdainful, pomp- over, permeate, cover, saturate, inundate,
ous, bossy, imperious. ANT. shy, humble, mod- engulf, choke.
est, deferential. oversee v. supervise, manage, watch over, run,
overblown a. excessive, exaggerated, inflated, look after, direct, operate, boss, govern, rule,
puffed up, overdone, overworked, immoder- regulate, administer.
ate, disproportionate. ANT. modest, moderate. overshadow v. eclipse, dwarf, tower over, out-
overcast a. cloudy, foggy, murky, *smoggy, shine, outclass, outdo, dominate, *stand
hazy, gray, dreary, gloomy, sunless, leaden. head and shoulders above, *leave in one’s
SEE CLOUD, CLOUDY wake, *steal the spotlight/limelight.
overcome v. defeat, beat, vanquish, conquer, oversight n. omission, mistake, negligence,
subdue, *get the better of, triumph over, rise carelessness, inattention, lapse, slip, blun-
above, win, outlast, survive, weather, pre- der, slight, slackness.
vail over, surmount. overstate v. exaggerate, inflate, *blow out of
overconfident a. arrogant, cocky, cocksure, proportion, magnify, embroider, hyperbo-
swaggering, strutting, boastful, egotistical, lize, *hype, embellish, play up. ANT. down-
pompous, headed for a fall, complacent, play, understate.
smug, *full of oneself. ANT. insecure, unsure, overt a. open, unconcealed, undisguised, obvi-
self-doubting. ous, patent, manifest, plain to see, bald, na-
overflow v. spill over, slop over, flood, run ked, explicit. ANT. covert, undercover, con-
over, deluge, drown, swamp, brim, gush, cas-
overtake v. pass, *leave swirling in one’s wake,
cade, inundate, engulf.
catch up to, outdistance, leave in the dust,
overhaul v. restore, repair, service, fix, recondi-
reach, gain on, *blow one’s doors off. ANT.
tion, revamp, rebuild, check, inspect.
fall behind, lag behind, drop back.
overhead n. expenses, costs, outlay, upkeep,
overthrow v. defeat, vanquish, conquer, re-
disbursement. move from power, unseat, unhorse, de-
overjoyed a. ecstatic, joyous, jubilant, thrilled, throne, depose, overcome, topple, bring
happy, elated, euphoric, delirious, *tickled, down, overpower.
rapturous. ANT. depressed, miserable, overture n. proposal, offer, introduction, open-
*bummed out. ing, bid, tender, presentation, suggestion,
overlook v. 1. DISREGARD neglect, pass over, ig- approach.
nore, fail to notice, miss, slight, omit, forget. overturn v. 1. CAPSIZE turn over, knock over,
2. EXCUSE *look the other way, disregard, flip, upset, tip, topple, upend. 2. DEFEAT con-
*wink at, let go, let ride, make allowances quer, vanquish, overthrow, overpower.
for, condone, ignore. 3. LOOK DOWN UPON overview n. survey. SEE REVIEW
front on, tower above, have a view of. overweening a. arrogant, proud, cocky, cock-
overly adv. excessively, too, exceedingly, un- sure, overconfident, presumptuous,
duly, inordinately, immoderately. ANT. in- haughty, disdainful, overbearing, imperious.
sufficiently, inadequately. ANT. modest, quiet, timid.
overpower v. overcome, beat, crush, over- overweight a. fat, obese, roly-poly, heavy, cor-
whelm, subdue, get the upper hand, get the pulent, stout, plump, rotund, blubbery,
better of, conquer, vanquish, master, *out- hefty. ANT. anorexic, skeletal, emaciated.
muscle, immobilize, dominate. ANT. *give in, overwhelm v. 1. BURY flood, drown, inundate,
*say uncle, surrender. swamp, engulf, crush, smother, overpower,

420 Roget’s Superthesaurus


overflow. 2. OVERCOME crush, devastate, worked up, in a dither, wound up, riled. ANT.
overpower, *blow away, stun, *bowl over, relaxed, calm, tranquil.
floor, paralyze, stagger, *knock off one’s feet, owe v. be in debt, be bound, be under obliga-
dumbfound. tion, be in arrears, have a debt to pay.
own v. 1. POSSESS have, hold, keep, retain, have
overwhelming a. overpowering, staggering,
the rights to. 2. ADMIT acknowledge, allow,
crushing, devastating, stunning, paralyzing, concede, confess, grant, recognize, come
dumbfounding, irresistible, awe-inspiring. clean.
overwrought a. nervous, excited, agitated, ov- owner n. proprietor, possessor, landlord,
erexcited, *wired, *strung out, *hyper, holder, titleholder, keeper, deed holder.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 421


pace n. 1. STEP gait, walk, run, stride, carriage. pageant n. exhibition, parade, spectacle, show,
2. SPEED velocity, clip, rate, momentum, extravaganza, display, procession, gala, pre-
progress. sentation.
pace v. walk back and forth, *wear a rut in the pageantry n. exhibition, parade, spectacle,
carpet. SEE WALK show, extravaganza, display, procession,
pacesetter n. pacemaker, leader, bellwether, gala, grandeur, splendor, festivity, glitter, os-
pacer. tentation, pomp.
pacific a. peaceful, appeasing, peace-making, pager n. *beeper, receiver, communication de-
peace-loving, dove-like, gentle, tranquil, se- vice.
rene. ANT. hawk-like, pugancious, belligerent. pagoda n. Buddhist tower, memorial, shrine,
PACIFIST n. [PAS uh fist] one who refuses to temple.
use force or violence; a peace lover. She was pain n. 1. PHYSICAL HURT ache, suffering, agony,
a dyed-in-the-wool pacifist who believed in discomfort, sensation, irritation, torture,
peaceful resistance. SYN. peace-lover, dove, torment, soreness, tenderness, smarting,
peacemaker, appeaser, *bridge-builder, con- twinge, pang, spasm, throbbing, stabbing,
cilitator, *peacenik, *lover not a figher, an- burning, sharp pain, chafing, clamping,
tiwar demonstrator, passive resistor. ANT. cramping, searing pain, stitch. 2. MENTAL
hawk, fighter, warmonger. ANGUISH distress, anguish, misery, torment,
pacify v. appease, mollify, quiet, lull, soothe, anxiety, worry, grief, woe, heartache, tra-
calm, tranquilize, placate, assuage, cool, vail. 3. Sl. PAIN IN THE NECK pest, bother,
soften. ANT. enrage, agitate, infuriate. headache, annoyance, trouble, nuisance.
pack n. 1. PACKAGE parcel, load, bundle, ANT. ease, comfort, relief.
packet, load, knapsack, bale. 2. BUNCH WORD FIND
group, mass, collection, crowd, throng, PHYSICAL PAIN
number, mob, flock, herd. facial expressions: wince, grimace, teeth-
pack v. load, fill, stuff, cram, jam, stow, insert, gritting, teeth-clamping, snarl of agony,
pile, crowd, compress, ram. cringe, clamp eyes shut, pout, wounded
package n. pack, parcel, box, carton, container, look in the eyes, face drawn and pinched,
bundle, bale, receptacle. pale, blanched, twisted/contorted in
packed a. full, stuffed, crammed, jammed, com- pain, brows furrowed deeply
pressed, chock-full, chock-a-block, filled, body language: writhing, thrashing, stiff-
overflowing, *bursting at the seams, wall-to- ening, convulsing, throes, doubling
wall, standing room only. ANT. empty, va- over, squirming, cringing, balling fists,
cant. gulping, recoiling, rocking in fetal posi-
packet n. parcel, package, bundle, bale, enve- tion
lope, sheaf. pain v. hurt, smart, sting, bother, irritate, harm,
pact n. agreement, compact, covenant, treaty, excruciate, distress, wound, torture, tor-
contract, understanding, alliance, league, ment, afflict, annoy.
arrangement, deal. painful a. hurtful, agonizing, excruciating, tor-
pad n. 1. CUSHION pillow, mat, padding, bolster. turous, sore, smarting, distressing, tender,
2. WRITING TABLET notepad, notebook, aching, stinging, biting, searing, sharp, un-
scratch pad, memo pad. comfortable, unpleasant, disagreeable, diffi-
pad v. 1. STROLL saunter. SEE WALK 2. FILL OUT cult, grievous, trying. ANT. comfortable, de-
stretch, expand, protract, elaborate. lightful, enjoyable.
paddle n. oar, blade, scull, pole. painkiller n. analgesic, anesthetic, palliative,
paddle v. row, scull, oar, pole. anodyne, morphine, opiate. SEE MEDICINE
padre n. father, priest, chaplain, parson, minis- painstaking a. thorough, demanding, exact-
ter, cleric. ing, meticulous, careful, precise, fussy,
pagan n. heathen, nonbeliever, infidel, atheist, strict, *persnickety, assiduous, conscien-
idolater. SEE RELIGION tious, *going the extra mile. ANT. slack,
page n. attendant, servant, errand-runner, mes- negligent, lazy.
senger, *gopher. paint n. pigment, dye, coloring, tint, oil paint,

422 Roget’s Superthesaurus


latex paint, acrylic, enamel, stain, varnish, palpitate v. flutter, throb, beat, pound, pulsate,
primer. quiver, quaver, shake, twitter, pump, ham-
paint v. coat, color, tint, daub, dye, brush on, mer.
stipple, wash, stain, varnish, prime. paltry a. trifling, worthless, measly, insignifi-
painter n. artist, portrait artist, watercolorist, cant, petty, cheap, slight, piddling, meager,
old master. inconsequential, pitiful. ANT. considerable,
painting n. picture, portrait, landscape, depic- significant.
tion, illustration, work of art, composition, pamper v. indulge, overindulge, coddle, molly-
masterpiece, watercolor, still life, fresco, coddle, spoil, baby, cater to, *wait on hand
mural, canvas, oil. ‘‘Silent poetry.’’—Si- and foot, *make things cushy for.
monedes. ‘‘A poem without words.’’—Con- pamphlet n. booklet, brochure, circular, leaflet,
fucius. ‘‘The art of protecting flat surfaces bill, *flier, book, tract.
from the weather and exposing them to the PANACEA n. [PAN us SEE uh] cure-all. Sci-
critic.’’—Ambrose Bierce. SEE ART entists are still looking for a panacea to stop
pair n. couple, twosome, duo, couplet, matched aging. SYN. cure-all, catholicon, remedy,
set, twins, combo, two of a kind. *fix-all, *magic bullet, elixir, nostrum,
pair v. match, mate, couple, yoke, marry, team. magic potion.
pajamas n. PJs, *jammies, bedclothes, *nightie. PANACHE n. [puh NASH] a dashing or flam-
pal n. buddy, chum, friend, *bro, alter ego, side- boyant style. The dancer had great panache.
kick, crony, comrade, companion, amigo, SYN. dashing manner, flamboyance, style,
*partner in crime. self-confidence, razzle-dazzle, flair, jaunti-
palace n. king’s residence, castle, mansion, ness, spirit, élan, je ne sais quoi.
royal home, manor, alcazar, chateau. SEE pancake n. flapjack, batter cake, griddle cake,
crepe, blintz, fritter.
palatable a. edible, agreeable, acceptable, pota- pandemonium n. disorder, chaos, uproar, tur-
ble. ANT. distasteful. moil, confusion, bedlam, anarchy, *hullaba-
palatial a. magnificent, luxurious, rich, ornate, loo, tumult, ruckus. ANT. peace, calm, order.
majestic, grand, sumptuous, stately, huge, pander v. cater to, satisfy, *suck up to, indulge,
monumental, imposing, noble. ANT. humble, gratify, attend, *play up to, serve, humor.
mean, plain, poor.
panel n. 1. BOARD sheet, plywood, plank, wall,
pale v. whiten, blanch, turn white. ANT. flush,
partition, section, divider. 2. COMMITTEE
bloom, blush.
council, jury, review board, group, round ta-
pale a. colorless, blanched, white, bloodless,
ble, conference, tribunal.
pallid, wan, cadaverous, ashen, sallow,
pang n. pain, spasm, twinge, ache, stab, throe,
sickly, lackluster. ANT. ruddy, rosy, deeply-
twitch, distress, discomfort, misgiving, an-
pall n. cloud, smoke, covering, cloak, gloom,
shadow, darkness, shroud, black cloth, spirit panhandle v. *bum, cadge, *hit up, scrounge.
of depression, spirit of desolation.
pall v. bore, cloy, become tiresome, become panic n. terror, fear, alarm, fright, hysteria, loss
dull, satiate, tire, weary, jade. of composure, *shakes, frenzy, consterna-
pallid a. pale, faint, wan, sallow, ashen, anemic, tion, *cold sweat, *sweating bullets, *rush
white, colorless, sickly, pasty. ANT. glowing, of adrenalin. SEE FEAR, FEARFUL
flushed, rosy, ruddy. panic v. be overcome with fear, *break out in
pallor n. paleness, whiteness, colorlessness, a cold sweat, become hysterical, become
wanness, sallowness, pastiness, lack of color. paralyzed with fear, freeze up, become un-
ANT. glow, ruddiness. nerved, *sweat bullets, soil one’s drawers,
PALPABLE a. [PAL puh bul] that which can become adrenalized, lose control, *lose it,
be physically touched or felt, tangible, per- be filled with a sense of impending doom.
ceivable. She had no palpable evidence of con- ANT. relax, calm, breathe easy. SEE FEAR
spiracy, only her own suspicions. SYN. perceiv- panic disorder n. panic attack, anxiety attack,
able, tangible, touchable, physical, solid, hyperventilation, psychological disorder.
real, obvious, evident, visible, conspicuous, panorama n. scene, view, picture, landscape,
discernible, plain. ANT. imperceptible, spiri- sweep, perspective, vista, range, stretch,
tual, abstract, invisible. spectacle.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 423


panoramic a. sweeping, far-ranging, far-reach- parade n. procession, march, train, cavalcade,

ing, extensive, bird’s-eye, broad, all-encom- promenade, column, pageant, spectacle, au-
passing. ANT. limited, short-sighted, focused. tocade, motorcade, exhibition.
pant v. gasp, breathe, puff, blow, wheeze, huff, PARADIGM n. [PAIR uh dime] a model or
huff and puff. example serving as a base for instruction.
pantheon n. temple. The real estate magnate’s investment strategy
panther n. leopard, mountaion lion, cougar, serves as a paradigm of successful wealth-build-
puma, cat. ing. SYN. model, example, pattern, standard,
panties n. underwear, undies, underpants, archetype, ideal, original, prototype, exem-
briefs. plar, standard, classic example.
pantomime v. mime, act out, gesture, commu- paradise n. heaven on earth, heaven, utopia,
nicate nonverbally, use body language. Shangri-la, *cloud nine, *Eden, bliss, rap-
pantry n. larder, room, closet, store room, but- ture, joy, euphoria.
tery, cupboard.
PARADOX n. [PAR uh DAWKS] a contra-
pants n. trousers, breeches, pantaloons, jeans,
dictory statement that is nevertheless true.
dungarees, slacks, *britches, overalls,
It was a paradox, the more money he made, the
*cords, corduroys, *Levis.
WORD FIND less happy he grew. SYN. contradiction, self-
army work pants: fatigues contradiction, incongruity, inconsistency,
athletic: sweat pants, *sweats anomaly, enigma, reverse, puzzle.
bullfighter’s: toreador pants PARAGON n. [PAR uh gawn] a model of ex-
calf-length, slitted, tight-fitting: capri pants cellence. Stephen King is a paragon of the hor-
cowboy leggings: chaps ror fiction genre. SYN. model, exemplar, stan-
Indian loincloth-like with broad legs taper- dard, ideal, paradigm, archetype, prototype,
ing to ankles: dhoti pattern, role model, cream of the crop,
jockey: jodhpurs crème de la crème.
khaki-colored sport pants: chinos parallel n. analogy, correspondence, match,
knee-lengths: surfers, *clamdiggers twin, mirror image, counterpart, equal,
leather: buckskins equivalent, duplicate, kin.
1960s favorites: bell-bottoms, hip huggers parallel v. mirror, match, equal, equate, agree,
puffy pants gathered at waist and ankles: correspond, double, imitate, approximate.
harem pants parallel a. 1. SIDE-BY-SIDE aligned, abreast,
shorts: Bermuda shorts, *cutoffs, *hot pants, alongside. 2. SIMILAR correspondent, match-
lederhosen ing, alike, akin, analogous. ANT. 1. perpendic-
skirtlike pants of various lengths: culottes ular. 2. dissimilar.
straight-cut and tight: stovepipe pants paralysis n. immobility, incapacitation, palsy,
straight-cut, cuffed, bike-riding pants of the disability, prostration, loss of sensation, spi-
1940s and 1950s: pedal pushers nal cord damage, insensitivity.
stretch pants: spandex pants WORD FIND
pantywaist n. sissy, *wimp, *wuss, *wussy, cry- complete from neck down: quadriplegia
lower half of body: paraplegia
paparazzi n. photographers, photojournalists,
paralyze v. immobilize, incapacitate, disable,
freelance photographers, celebrity stalkers.
paper n. 1. SHEET piece, stationery, letterhead, cripple, freeze, prostrate, debilitate, numb,
parchment, note paper, vellum, bond, onion anesthetize, *put out of commission.
skin, construction paper. 2. DOCUMENT cer- paramedic n. emergency medical technician,
tificate, instrument, title, credentials, affida- EMT, ambulance attendant, medical assis-
vit, deed, contract, charter, license, warrant. tant. SEE HOSPITAL, MEDICINE
3. SEE NEWSPAPER 4. ESSAY dissertation, the- paramount a. dominant, supreme, main, fore-
sis, composition, article, treatise, report, most, chief, leading, outstanding, principal,
monograph, study. prime, highest ranking. ANT. minor, second-
par n. average, standard, norm, usual, equal ary, least.
footing, mean, parity, equality. paramour n. lover, mistress, concubine, courte-
parable n. story, allegory, morality play, fable, san, kept woman, suitor, swain, *stud, Don
tale. Juan, Casanova, beau, boyfriend, gigolo.

424 Roget’s Superthesaurus


paranoia n. psychosis, delusions, mental disor- park n. common, green, village green, prome-
der, psychiatric disorder, mental illness, de- nade, garden, square, playground, grounds,
lusions of persecution, delusions of gran- quad, plaza.
deur, distrust, suspicion, wariness. parlance n. language, idiom, lingo, speech,
paranoid a. psychotic, mentally ill, delusional, tongue, vernacular, talk, wording, ideolect.
feeling persecuted, suffering from delusions parlay v. bet, wager, invent.
of grandeur, psychopathic, suspicious, dis- parliament n. legislature, congress, assembly,
trusting, wary. ANT. trusting. House of Lords, House of Commons. SEE
paranormal a. supernatural, metaphysical, oc- GOVERNMENT
cult, beyond explantion, mysterious. ANT. parlor n. living room, sitting room, front room,
mundane. drawing room, salon.
parapet n. barricade, barrier, breastwork. SEE PAROCHIAL a. [puh ROH kee ul] limited in
CASTLE scope, narrow, provincial. She had a parochial
paraphernalia n. equipment, gear, accoutre- perspective and cared little about the larger
ments, tackle, stuff, things, apparatus, in- view. SYN. limited, narrow, provincial, re-
struments, rigging, belongings, effects. stricted, local, regional, small-town, insular,
paraphrase v. reword, restate, transcribe, trans- myopic, prejudiced. ANT. worldly, national,
late, rephrase, interpret, rehash, repeat international, broad.
roughly, summarize, abridge. PARODY n. [PAR uh dee] a satirical or hu-
parasite n. leech, bloodsucker, *freeloader, morous imitation of a literary or musical
*sponge, dependant, *moocher. work. The canine sex magazine, Playdog, was
parcel n. 1. PACKAGE packet, pack, bundle, box, a parody of Playboy. SYN. imitation, lam-
carton, bale. 2. PLOT OF LAND tract, acreage, poon, takeoff, mockery, satire, spoof, *send-
lot, division. up, burlesque, mimicry, travesty.
parcel v. apportion, dole, divide, mete, allot,
parody v. imitate, mock, mimic, ape, lampoon,
distribute, *divvy up.
caricature, satirize, ridicule, *take off on,
parched a. arid, dry, dried up, *dry as a bone,
send up, burlesque.
*dry as a fossil, roasted, dehydrated, with-
parole n. release, early release, trial release.
ered, wilted, scorched, evaporated, desic-
paroxysm n. convulsion, spasm, outburst, sei-
cated, baked. ANT. wet, watery, waterlogged,
zure, attack, flareup, fit, eruption, throe,
pardon n. forgiveness, clemency, amnesty, re- spell.
prieve, release, grace, excusal, acquittal, len- parrot v. echo, repeat, mimic, imitate, copy,
ience, mercy, forbearance, exemption. ANT. ape.
condemnation, damnation, punishment. parry v. ward off, deflect, turn aside, fend off,
pardon v. forgive, condone, excuse, indulge, defend against, avert, sidestep, dodge, elude.
*look the other way, *wink at, absolve, PARSIMONIOUS a. [PAR suh MOH nee us]
overlook, tolerate, acquit, let off, exonerate, miserly, stingy. The parsimonious old fool re-
exculpate. ANT. punish, condemn, damn. cycled everything. SYN. miserly, stingy, cheap,
pare v. trim, peel, skin, clip, crop, cut down, cut thrifty, penny-pinching, nickel-squeezing,
back, decrease, slash, curtail. ANT. increase. close, *tightfisted, sparing, economical, fru-
parent n. mother, father, nurturer, sire, creator, gal. ANT. generous, giving, charitable, free-
folks, progenitor, *old man, *old lady, geni- spending.
tor, procreator, forerunner, predecessor, an- parson n. cleric, rector, clergyman, minister,
cestor, begetter, author, inventor, architect. preacher, pastor, man of the cloth.
‘‘The bones on which children cut their part n. 1. PIECE component, portion, unit, in-
teeth.’’—Peter Ustinov. SEE FATHER, MOTHER gredient, constituent, element, section, di-
pariah n. outcast, *reject, castaway, exile, refu- vision, segment, fraction, department. 2.
gee, Ishmael, expatriate, undesirable, leper, ROLE function, job, duty, responsibility,
untouchable. involvement. 3. ACTING ROLE character, bit
parish n. parishioners, congregation, churchgo- part, lead, supporting role. ANT. 1. whole, to-
ers, fold, assembly, flock, brethren, archdio- tal, aggregate.
cese, diocese, church, district. part v. 1. DIVIDE separate, disunite, split, sever,
parity n. equality, equivalence, balance, same- cleave, dissect, break, splay, branch out. 2.
ness, evenness, par, likeness, symmetry, uni- LEAVE go, depart, withdraw, break away, go
formity, affinity. ANT. inequality, disparity. separate ways, take one’s leave, *split.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 425


partake v. take part, participate, join in, share festivity, *blowout, get-together, *beer
in, eat, *have a taste, consume. bash, social gathering, soiree, *do, recep-
partial a. 1. INCOMPLETE limited, fragmentary, tion, *wingding, fun and games, orgy, shin-
deficient, unfinished, halfway. 2. BIASED dig, stag party, bachelor party. 2. GROUP
prejudiced, one-sided, partisan, discrimina- band, bunch, assemblage, assembly, com-
tory, unbalanced, unfair, unjust. ANT. 1. pany, crew, troupe. 3. INDIVIDUAL person,
complete, whole. 2. fair, impartial, neutral, ob- participant, man, woman, human being. 4.
jective. SECT faction, group, side, wing, denomina-
partiality n. bias, prejudice, favoritism, prefer- tion, alliance, set, bloc, league, confederacy,
ence, one-sidedness, unfairness, leaning, camp.
partisanship, predilection, predisposition, pass n. 1. PASSAGE opening, defile, gap, canyon,
weakness, affinity, fondness, liking. ANT. im- gorge, trail. 2. TICKET admission, permit, li-
partiality, objectivity, fairness. cense, furlough, *free ride. 3. PROPOSITION
partially adv. partly, incompletely, somewhat, advance, flirtation, overture.
halfway. pass v. 1. GO BY, MOVE THROUGH go past, pro-
participant n. member, contributor, accessory, ceed, cross, progress, move, leave, depart,
player, actor, partaker, a party to. advance, flow, course, fly. 2. OVERTAKE out-
participate v. take part, join in, partake, be a distance, leave behind, *leave in one’s
party to, contribute, engage in, play, have a wake, *blow by, outrun, exceed, surpass,
hand in. ANT. forego, beg off. beat. 3. ELAPSE flow, drag, slip by, race, pro-
particle n. bit, speck, piece, grain, fleck, atom, ceed. 4. DIE pass on, expire, run out, termi-
molecule, whit, mote, fragment, dot, trace, nate, *peter out, run its course, fade, dis-
iota. solve, wane, succumb. 5. SATISFY meet
particular a. 1. SPECIFIC exact, precise, single, requirements, pass muster, make the grade,
special, distinct, definite, peculiar, lone, ex- qualify, graduate. 6. ENACT legislate, en-
press. 2. FUSSY demanding, exacting, critical, dorse, certify, authorize, legalize, ratify,
finicky, picky, *persnickety, hard to please, adopt, sanction. 7. DELIVER hand over,
overparticular. ANT. 1. general, unspecified. throw, give, transfer, convey. 8. DECLINE re-
2. unparticular, easy to please, careless. fuse, skip, pass up, overlook, omit. ANT. 1.
particularly adv. specifically, especially, nota- stop, hold up. 2. lag, fall behind, trail. 5. fail,
bly, distinctly, markedly, exceptionally, ex- flunk, *blow it. 6. veto, vote down, defeat. 8.
plicitly, expressly. accept, take.
partisan n. adherent, party member, supporter, passable a. 1. TRAVERSABLE crossable, clear,
devotee, follower, backer, disciple, cham- free, unobstructed, navigable, unimpeded,
pion, stalwart, upholder. ANT. opponent, in- accessible, penetrable. 2. ACCEPTABLE okay,
dependent, nonconformist. fair, mediocre, adequate, good enough, satis-
partisan a. partial, biased, prejudiced, one- factory, tolerable, so-so. ANT. 1. impassable,
sided, factional, sectarian, limited, bigoted, blocked, impenetrable. 2. unacceptable, intol-
myopic, close-minded. ANT. nonpartisan, un- erable, unsatisfactory.
biased, open-minded, bipartisan. passage n. 1. ACCESS path, course, corridor,
partition n. divider, wall, barrier, panel, screen, hall, thoroughfare, way, door, exit, en-
division, separation, dermarcation, segrega- trance, passageway, route, channel. 2. EX-
tion. CERPT section, extract, quotation, portion,
partition v. separate, divide, wall off, segregate, selection, sentence, paragraph, verse, page,
screen, subdivide, section, apportion. chapter. 3. PROGRESSION passing, movement,
partly adv. partially, incompletely, somewhat, advance, transit, trip. 4. ENACTMENT accep-
halfway. tance, adoption, legislation, legalization,
partner n. ally, collaborator, colleague, associ- ratification. ANT. 3. obstruction, stoppage,
ate, counterpart, accomplice, cohort, con- blockage. 4. veto, defeat.
federate, teammate, sidekick, compatriot. passageway n. hall, corridor, alley, aisle, pas-
SEE FRIEND sage, gallery, path, walkway, gangway.
partnership n. alliance, collaboration, coopera- PASSÉ a. [pa SAY] old-fashioned, out-of-date.
tive, association, union, confederacy, mar- This year’s fashions will soon be passé. SYN.
riage, team, affiliation, company. old-fashioned, out-of-date, outdated, out-
party n. 1. CELEBRATION *bash, revelry, gala, moded, démodé, antiquated, obsolete, stale,

426 Roget’s Superthesaurus


old, dated, discredited, unfashionable. ANT. country, countrified, peaceful, simple, rus-
fashionable, stylish, *chic, *hip, in vogue, tic, bucolic, agrarian, natural, arcadian, idyl-
fresh. lic. ANT. urban, metropolitan, citified, sophisti-
passenger n. rider, commuter, *fare, traveler. cated.
passion n. 1. INTENSE EMOTION fervor, ardor, in- pastry n. baked good, sweet roll, cake, pie, tart,
tensity, zeal, fire, heat, frenzy, vehemence, cream puff, Danish, turnover, croissant,
enthusiasm, devotion. ‘‘The winds necessary éclair, doughnut.
to put everything in motion, though they pasture n. field, meadow, grazing land, grass,
often cause storms.’’—Bernard de Fonten- grassland, vegetation, pasturage.
elle. 2. ANGER rage, fury, towering rage, pat n. tap, stroke, slap, touch, rap, caress, poke.
*lather, wrath, *dither, hot blood. 3. LOVE pat v. tap, stroke, fondle, slap, touch, rap, ca-
adoration, fondness, affection, amour, infat- ress, poke.
uation, ardor, lust, desire, sex drive, eroti- pat a. glib, easy, facile.
cism, appetite, aching. 4. INTENSE INTEREST patch n. spot, piece, plot, tract, ground, lot,
obsession, mania, fixation, fancy, infatua- strip.
tion, liking, craze. patch v. repair, fix, mend, cover, recondition,
sew up, stitch.
passionate a. 1. IMPASSIONED ardent, fervid, fer-
patchwork n. jumble, hodgepodge, mixture,
vent, excited, burning, hot, fiery, heartfelt,
miscellany, mishmash, conglomeration, mé-
eager, emotional, enthusiastic, vehement,
lange, potpourri, pastiche.
vigorous. 2. LUSTFUL aroused, *turned on, PATENT a. [PATE unt] evident, obvious. We
desirous, *hot, *horny, erotic, amorous, li- all recognized his statement as a patent lie. SYN.
bidinous, romantic, sensual. ANT. 1. apa- evident, obvious, plain, conspicuous, appar-
thetic, indifferent. 2. turned off. ent, clear, open, blatant, glaring, manifest,
passive a. inactive, unresponsive, dispassion- overt, flagrant, unconcealed, transparent.
ate, lifeless, apathetic, impassive, unemo- ANT. covert, concealed, subtle.
tional, uninterested, spiritless, submissive, patent n. grant, right, protection, title, registra-
yielding, docile, meek, unassertive. ANT. ac- tion, license, certificate of origination.
tive, passionate, responsive. WORD FIND
passport n. identification, I.D., proof of citizen- protected right covering literary, musical or
ship, travel permit, official document, au- artistic work: copyright
thorization, credentials, visa. paternal a. fatherly, fatherlike, patriarchal, pro-
password n. code word, secret word, key phrase, tective, solicitous. ANT. maternal.
countersign, watchword. path n. 1. TRAIL walkway, footpath, walk, way,
past n. yesterday, *yesteryear, history, olden course, track, shortcut, rut, passage. 2. TRA-
days, antiquity, days of old, *good old days, JECTORY.
yore, horse and buggy days, dark ages. ‘‘The pathetic a. pitiful, piteous, sorrowful, moving,
best prophet of the future.’’—Lord Byron. wretched, grievous, deplorable, lamentable,
‘‘The misty black and bottomless pit of heartbreaking, poignant, miserable, woeful.
ANT. worthy, deserving, meritous.
time.’’—Thomas Duffett. ‘‘A funeral gone
by.’’—Edmund Gorse. ‘‘What’s past is pro- pathological a. 1. MORBID unhealthy, diseased,
logue.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. future, tomor- disease-borne, infected, contaminated. 2.
HABITUAL unhealthy, sick, compulsive.
row, days to come.
pathology n. infection, growth, contamination,
past a. gone, bygone, over, forgotten, finished, immune response, immune breakdown, dis-
old, historical, ancient, former, passed, ease, manifestation, malignancy, conta-
never to return, extinct, dead and buried. giousness, spread.
ANT. future, upcoming.
pathos n. pity, sadness, poignancy, suffering,
pastime n. hobby, diversion, amusement, recre- heartache, sentiment, bathos.
ation, avocation, leisure time activity, sport, patience n. endurance, perseverance, *staying
fun. power, stamina, stick-to-itiveness, tenacity,
pastor n. minister, priest, clergyman, reverend, diligence, forbearance, tolerance, under-
rector, chaplain, preacher, ecclesiastic. standing, *long fuse, *type B behavior, even
PASTORAL a. [PAS tuh rul] referring to the temper, composure. ‘‘Passion tamed.’’—Ly-
peace and simplicity of rural life. Many New man Abbott. ‘‘The life-long martydom.’’—
Englanders still live a pastoral life. SYN. rural, Longfellow.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 427


patient n. sick person, case, outpatient, victim, endure. ANT. look up to, flatter, *kiss up to,
convalescent, invalid, client. *brownnose.
patient a. steady, enduring, persistent, persev- patsy n. sucker, scapegoat, *whipping boy, *fall
erant, tenacious, diligent, long-suffering, guy, dupe, *easy mark, *pushover.
tolerant, imperturbable, easygoing, even- patter n. *spiel, pitch, *line, chatter, talk,
tempered, calm, long-fused, composed, re- monologue, recitation.
signed, stoical. ANT. impatient, restless, irrita- pattern n. 1. DESIGN motif, theme, arrange-
ble, exasperated, *intolerant. ment, composition, figure, scheme, device,
patio n. courtyard, barbecue area, deck. decoration, form. 2. MODEL guide, sample,
PATRIARCH n. [PAY tree AHRK] the male example, exemplar, standard, prototype,
head of a family or group. The tribesmen con- mold, archetype, template.
sulted their patriarch for guidance. SYN. head of PAUCITY n. [PAW si tee] scarcity, lack. A
household, chief, father, grandfather, elder, paucity of funds motivated him to find work.
senior, ruler, sage, graybeard, wise man, mas- SYN. scarcity, lack, dearth, shortage, defi-
ter. ciency, insufficiency, absence, sparsity, rar-
patrician n. aristocrat, nobleman, *blue blood, ity. ANT. wealth, surplus, excess, glut.
lord, *silk stocking. paunch n. potbelly, *beer belly, *beer gut,
patrician a. aristocratic, highborn, noble, blue- *spare tire, *middle-aged spread, *bay win-
blooded, upper-class, genteel, royal. ANT. dow, stomach, *blubbergut, bulge. ANT.
plebian, common, lower-class. washboard stomach.
patriot n. loyalist, *flag waver, nationalist, pauper n. poor person, *down-and-outer,
statesman, jingoist, chauvinist. ‘‘The seed of homeless person, indigent, beggar, hobo,
freedom’s tree.’’—Thomas Campbell. ‘‘The tramp, *bum, debtor, *panhandler, *street
dupe of statesmen and the tool of conquer- person. ANT. millionaire.
ors.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ANT. traitor, subver- pause n. break, stop, rest, time out, beat, delay,
sive, *turncoat, *Benedict Arnold. wait, gap, suspension, respite, halt, cessa-
patriotism n. nationalism, *flag-waving, *flag- tion. ANT. continuation.
kissing, allegiance, loyalty, jingoism, chau- pause v. break, stop, rest, take time out, delay,
vinsim. ‘‘A lively sense of collective respon- wait, suspend, halt, cease, take a breather.
sibility.’’—Richard Aldington. ‘‘The pas- ANT. continue, carry on, proceed.
sion of fools and the most foolish of pave v. surface, blacktop, resurface, tar, overlay,
passions.’’—George Santayana. ‘‘That per- lay asphalt, macadamize, level, cobble.
nicious sentiment, ‘Our country right or pavement n. blacktop, asphalt, concrete, sur-
wrong.’ ’’—James Russell Lowell. ANT. trea- face, road, tar, cobble, paving stones, mac-
son, subversion, *flag-burning, disloyalty. adam.
patrol v. police, secure, observe, reconnoiter, pavilion n. tent, shelter, gazebo, summerhouse,
*walk a beat, safeguard, eyeball, keep watch, belvedere.
make the rounds, inspect, *scope out, guard. pawn n. tool, instrument, hostage, puppet,
patron n. 1. CUSTOMER shopper, client, buyer, dupe, *stooge, patsy, medium, cat’s paw.
subscriber, regular. 2. SUPPORTER backer, pawn v. pledge, give as security, *hock, deposit,
sponsor, booster, benefactor, financer, mortgage, borrow on, venture, gamble.
champion, advocate, *angel. pay n. wages, salary, earnings, income, *take-
patronage n. 1. SUPPORT backing, sponsorship, home, profit, remuneration, fee, compensa-
benefaction, financing, aid, subsidy, advo- tion, commission, cut, percentage. SEE
cacy, promotion. 2. BUSINESS trade, purchas- MONEY
ing, buying, shopping, commerce, clients, pay v. 1. REMIT compensate, disburse, settle,
customers, clientele. *cough up, *foot the bill, spend, expend,
patronize v. do business with, buy at, deal with, *shell out, *fork over, *pick up the tab, con-
trade at, frequent, shop at. tribute, bankroll, finance, remunerate, rec-
PATRONIZE v. [PAY truh nize] to talk down ompense. 2. BE WORTHWHILE be profitable,
to as an inferior; to condescend. He always benefit, profit, serve, be advantageous. 3.
patronizes those without college degrees. SYN. SUFFER FOR *pay the piper, answer, atone, be
*talk down to, talk to as an inferior, indulge, punished. 4. GIVE offer, extend.
condescend, regard loftily, *look down one’s payback n. return, payment due, benefit, re-
nose at, regard superciliously, humor, suffer, bate.

428 Roget’s Superthesaurus


payment n. remittance, installment, fee, ex- peasant n. farmer, laborer, farmhand, serf, vas-
penditure, payout, outlay, remuneration, sal, rustic, provincial, commoner, *hick,
settlement, defrayal, recompense, sum, resti- *hayseed. ANT. aristocrat, nobleman.
tution. pebble n. stone, gravel. SEE ROCK
peace n. 1. HARMONY accord, friendship, con- PECCADILLO n. [PEK uh DIL oh] a minor
cord, friendliness, armistice, truce, treaty, fault, sin or offense. The media has a way of
detente, brotherhood, amity, goodwill. flushing out a politician’s every peccadillo. SYN.
‘‘Liberty in tranquility.’’—Cicero. ‘‘War in minor fault, petty offense, infraction, slip,
masquerade.’’—John Dryden. ‘‘A short lapse, misdemeanor, indiscretion, transgres-
pause between wars for enemy identifica- sion, false step, shortcoming, sin, faux pas.
tion.’’—Clemens Kirchner. ‘‘The white ANT. capital offense.
space between the chapters in the history peck v. pick, bite, poke, nibble, dig, prick, jab,
books.’’—Leonard Levinson. 2. QUIET still- rap, flick.
ness, silence, hush. 3. TRANQUILITY serenity, pecking order n. hierarchy, line of dominance,
peacefulness, quiet, placidity, relaxation, natural order, chain of command, corporate
contentment. ANT. 1. war, hostilities, conflict. ladder.
2. noise, clamor. 3. discontent, agitation, dis- peculiar a. 1. UNIQUE distinctive, singular,
turbance. characteristic, individual, exclusive, special,
peaceable a. peaceful, friendly, gentle, nonvio- personal, particular, limited. 2. ODD queer,
lent, amicable, conciliatory, peace-loving, strange, weird, offbeat, different, curious,
irenic, mild, pacific, accommodating, dov- unusual, bizarre, outlandish, quaint, *off-
ish, lamblike, easygoing, agreeable. ANT. hos- the-wall. ANT. 1. common. 2. normal, predict-
tile, belligerent, contentious, aggressive. able, unsurprising.
peaceful a. 1. HARMONIOUS friendly, pacific, peculiarity n. characteristc, singularity, trait,
agreeable, peaceable, nonviolent, nonag- feature, oddity, mark, idiosyncrasy, distinc-
gressive, conciliatory, accommodating, dov- tion, quirk.
ish, easygoing, irenic. 2. QUIET still, silent, pecuniary a. financial, monetary, fiscal, money.
hushed, noiseless, tranquil, serene, placid, pedagogic a. educational, academic, professo-
undisturbed. ANT. 1. warring, hostile, conten- rial, teaching, scholastic, instructional, tu-
tious, belligerent. 2. noisy, clamorous, cacoph- torial, pedantic.
PEDANTIC a. [puh DAN tik] overly precise
peacemaker n. diplomat, pacifist, dove, make-
or scholarly, nit-picking with facts and rules.
peace, conscientious objector, conciliator,
She was meticulously accurate with facts but
negotiator, mediator, intermediary. ANT.
had little common sense; she was pedantic. SYN.
hawk, warmonger.
scholarly, didactic, academic, learned, over-
peacock n. pea fowl, peahen.
precise, pretentious, pompous, professorial,
eyelike spot: ocellus meticulous, bookish, nit-picking, *hairsplit-
walk: strut ting.
peak n. top, pinnacle, summit, mountaintop, peddler n. salesman, hawker, vendor, coster-
crest, height, roof, tip, ridge, head, climax, monger.
zenith, limit, apex, maximum, acme, high PEDESTRIAN a. [puh DES tree un] unimagi-
point, crown. ANT. low point, depression, foot. native, dull, ordinary. The story was trite and
peak v. crest, climax, *come to a head, culmi- pedestrian. SYN. unimaginative, dull, prosaic,
nate, top, reach the zenith, crown. ANT. ordinary, trite, mediocre, run-of-the-mill,
*bottom out. flat, banal, uninspired, uninteresting, mun-
peaked a. thin, wan, pale, sickly, gaunt, hag- dane, inane. ANT. imaginative, original, pro-
gard, emaciated, wizened. ANT. healthy, ro- found, interesting.
bust, hearty. pedigree n. family tree, ancestral record, gene-
peal n. ringing, reverberation, thunder, boom, alogy, descent, lineage, line, bloodline, par-
rumble, roar, crack, blast, chime, clang, tin- entage, stock, roots, dynasty.
tinnabulation, clangor, toll. peek v. peep, spy, glimpse, eye surrepticiously,
peal v. resound, ring, reverberate, resonate, glance, peer, *have a gander.
sound, clang, chime, toll, knell, bong, tin- peel v. pare, skin, husk, strip, scale, exfoliate,
tinnabulate, rumble, thunder. decorticate, shuck, shell.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 429


peep v. 1. SEE PEEK 2. CHEEP chirp, tweet, pip, leaning, affinity, propensity, attraction,
twit, chirrup. SEE BIRD bent, predisposition.
peeping Tom n. SEE VOYEUR pendent a. hanging, suspended, dangling.
peer n. equal, fellow, compatriot, compeer, pending a. upcoming, impending, about to hap-
counterpart, equivalent, *bird of a feather. pen, imminent, in the offing, forthcoming,
peer v. look closely, squint, focus in on, *eye- on the horizon, coming, approaching, unset-
ball, scrutinize, inspect, peep, stare, gaze, tled, unresolved, *up in the air. ANT. past,
gawk. former.
peerless a. unequaled, unmatched, second to pendulous a. hanging, suspended, drooping,
none, incomparable, superior, unparalleled, pendent, dangling.
supreme, best, preeminent, greatest. ANT. in- penetrate v. 1. GO THROUGH pierce, pass into,
ferior, second-rate, mediocre. puncture, prick, bore through, break
peeve v. irk, annoy, irritate, *bug, bother, ag- through, encroach, broach. 2. SPREAD
gravate, *rub the wrong way, nettle, vex, THROUGH permeate, pervade, diffuse, infil-
gall, *burn one up. trate, saturate, fill, infuse, suffuse.
peevish a. irritable, touchy, cross, cranky, penetrating a. 1. PIERCING sharp, intrusive, cut-
grouchy, snappish, moody, impatient, can- ting, biting, mordant, strong, earsplitting. 2.
tankerous, waspish, ugly, petulant. ANT. DISCERNING acute, sharp, perceptive, keen,
good-humored, cheerful, easygoing. astute, sensitive, aware, intelligent, deep.
PEJORATIVE a. [pi JOR uh tiv] disparaging, ANT. 1. dull, blunt, muted. 2. imperceptive,
negative. His pejorative remarks upset the shallow, superficial.
teacher. SYN. disparaging, negative, deroga- penis n. sexual organ, male organ, genitalia,
tory, deprecatory, belittling, depreciatory, genitals, member, organ of copulation.
uncomplimentary, demeaning, degrading. penitence n. repentance, sorrow, contrition, re-
ANT. complimentary, flattering, favorable.
morse, regret, penance, compunction,
pell-mell adv. helter-skelter, hastily, carelessly, shame, self-reproach, regret.
recklessly, heedlessly, slapdash, hurriedly, PENITENT a. [PEN i tunt] sorry, contrite, re-
abruptly, impetuously, wildly. ANT. methodi- gretful. The truly penitent shall be forgiven their
cally, orderly, thoughtfully. misdeeds. SYN. sorry, sorrowful, contrite, re-
pellucid a. transparent, limpid, crystal. SEE gretful, repentant, remorseful, conscience-
stricken, ashamed, compunctious, atoning.
pelt n. skin, hide, coat, fur.
ANT. unrepentant, impenitent, conscienceless.
pelt v. throw things at, bombard, hurl at,
penitentiary n. jail, federal prison, penal insti-
shower, pepper, stone, beat, pound, wallop,
tution, *slammer. SEE PRISON
belt, pummel, punch, sock, whack, thrash.
pen name n. pseudonym, nom de plume, alias.
pen n. 1. WRITING INSTRUMENT ballpoint, quill,
style, fountain pen. ‘‘That mighty instru- pennant n. banner, flag, pennon, streamer,
ment of little men.’’—Lord Byron. ‘‘Wit’s banderole, bunting, colors.
plough.’’—John Clarke. 2. ENCLOSURE cage, penniless a. impoverished, destitute, poor,
pound, confine, corral, sty, coop, jail, prison. *broke, poverty-stricken, bankrupt, indi-
penalize v. punish, discipline, correct, fine, im- gent, homeless. ANT. rich, wealthy.
pose a penalty on, *throw the book at, sen- pension n. annuity, retirement benefits, pay-
tence, amerce, castigate, handicap, put at a ment, social security, disability income. SEE
disadvantage, disable, hamstring. ANT. re- MONEY

ward. PENSIVE a. [PEN siv] in deep thought, espe-

penalty n. punishment, discipline, correction, cially about sad things. We remained pensive
fine, retribution, sentence, imprisonment, long after the funeral. SYN. deep in thought,
forfeit, damages, handicap, disadvantage. meditative, contemplative, melancholy,
penance n. repentance, reparation, self-punish- withdrawn, ruminative, troubled, wistful,
ment, confession, remorse, retribution, pen- brooding. ANT. carefree, untroubled.
alty, absolution, atonement, mea culpa. penthouse n. apartment, dwelling, residence.
PENCHANT n. [PEN chunt] a strong fond- pent-up a. confined, restrained, curbed, held in
ness for something. She had a penchant for check, repressed, suppressed, held-in, bot-
cream cheese and bagels. SYN. fondness, lik- tled-up. ANT. released, relieved, vented.
ing, taste, inclination, partiality, weakness, penurious a. miserly, stingy, hoarding, frugal,

430 Roget’s Superthesaurus


thrifty, penny-pinching, cheap, parsimoni- autocratic. ANT. wishy-washy, tentative, in-

ous, tightfisted, mean. ANT. extravagant, conclusive, indecisive.
wasteful, generous. PERENNIAL a. [puh REN ee ul] continuous,
peon n. laborer, drudge, farmhand, peasant, perpetual, returning again and again. The
worker, menial, toiler, serf, slave. Wizard of Oz is a perennial favorite with chil-
people n. 1. HUMANS human beings, folks, hu- dren. SYN. continuous, continual, perpetual,
mankind, human race, mankind, man, per- everlasting, recurrent, returning, enduring,
sons, populace, individuals, Homo sapiens, unfailing, eternal, undying, immortal. ANT.
mortals. 2. MASSES community, electorate, dying, short-lived, temporary.
rank and file, working class, society, citizens. perfect v. finish, polish, smooth, *get the bugs
‘‘A many-headed beast.’’—Alexander Pope. out of, *put finishing touches on, refine, ac-
‘‘The vulgar popular cattle.’’—Robert Bu- complish, achieve, realize, complete, con-
chanan. ‘‘A wild beast.’’—Niccolo Machia- summate, fulfill, effect, culminate.
velli. perfect a. 1. FLAWLESS faultless, immaculate,
pep n. energy, vim, vitality, life, zip, vigor, get- spotless, unblemished, untarnished, superla-
up-and-go. tive, extraordinary, supreme, ideal, exem-
pepper v. shower, rain on, pelt, bombard, sprin- plary, pure, impeccable, consummate. 2.
kle. COMPLETE whole, intact, finished, realized,
peppy a. lively, energetic, *zippy, snappy, vig- utter. 3. ACCURATE precise, exact, correct,
orous, spirited, perky. ANT. sluggish, lethargic, true, right, unerring, letter-perfect, *on tar-
slothful. get, *dead on. ANT. 1. faulty, flawed, imper-
perceive v. 1. SEE notice, discern, make out, fect. 2. deficient. 3. inaccurate, imprecise,
observe, spot, detect, recognize, apprehend, wrong.
sense, distinguish. 2. UNDERSTAND compre- perfection n. 1. FLAWLESSNESS excellence, ne
hend, read, see, grasp, appreciate, conclude, plus ultra, precision, idealism, faultlessness,
decipher, judge. ANT. 1. miss, overlook. highest form, exacting standard. 2. DEVELOP-
percentage n. portion, part, fraction, share, sec- MENT achievement, accomplishment, con-
tion, cut. summation, completion, realization, fulfill-
perceptible a. discernible, noticeable, apparent, ment, honing, maturing.
visible, observable, detectable, distinguish- perfectionist n. stickler, nitpicker, fussbudget,
able, obvious, conspicuous, palpable. ANT. quibbler, pedant.
imperceptible, unapparent, impalpable. perfidious a. treacherous, traitorous, faithless,
perception n. awareness, sense, feeling, discern- unfaithful, disloyal, two-faced, backstab-
ment, apprehension, impression, insight, bing, treasonous, double-dealing, dishonor-
understanding, comprehension, recogni- able. ANT. loyal, faithful.
tion, cognition. perforate v. pierce, puncture, prick, penetrate,
perceptive a. sensitive, sharp, alert, acute, cog- punch, slit, bore, cut, make a hole in.
nizant, conscious, intelligent, insightful, perform v. 1. DO execute, carry out, fulfill, ac-
wise, penetrating, intuitive, *tuned in, *on complish, act, complete, satisfy, meet, *pull
the ball. ANT. obtuse, thick, dense, dull. off, discharge. 2. ACT put on, take on a role,
perch n. roost, stand, seat, post. enact, present, exhibit, *ham it up, depict,
perch v. light, alight, roost, rest, settle, sit, portray.
squat, nest. performance n. 1. EXECUTION carrying out, ful-
percolate v. filtrate, filter, seep, strain, leach, fillment, accomplishment, completion, do-
drip, exude, ooze. ing, discharge, realization. 2. SHOW enter-
perdition n. damnation, hell, fire and brim- tainment, presentation, production,
stone, destruction, punishment, ruination, exhibition, spectacle, portrayal, depiction,
loss of the soul. rendition, characterization.
PEREMPTORY a. [per EMP tuh ree] final, as perfume n. fragrance, essence, scent, cologne,
of the last word, with no further argument bouquet, emanation, aroma. ‘‘Any smell
or action. He made a peremptory order and the that is used to drown out a worse one.’’—
meeting was concluded. SYN. final, absolute, Elbert Hubbard.
ultimate, decisive, imperative, dictatorial, WORD FIND
commanding, irrevocable, incontrovertible, bag of: sachet
unquestionable, authoritative, obligatory, case: pomander

Roget’s Superthesaurus 431


East Indian: patchouli on the witness stand. SYN. lying, dishonesty,

smoking: incense false testimony, deception, falsification,
sprayer: atomizer bearing false witness, untruthfulness, pre-
substance used in: musk, ambergris, myrrh, varication. SEE LAW, COURT
attar, civet, bergamot, castor, orris perky a. lively, jaunty, spirited, energetic, vig-
SEE ODOR orous, vivacious, animated, dynamic, cheer-
PERFUNCTORY a. [pur FUNK tuh ree] per- ful, lighthearted. ANT. disspirited, plodding,
formed superficially and unenthusiastically, sedate.
often as part of a routine. The bank clerk gave permanent a. fixed, lasting, eternal, everlast-
me a perfunctory smile. SYN. routine, unen- ing, endless, long-lived, perennial, immor-
thusiastic, superficial, disinterested, auto- tal, perpetual, constant, stable, unchange-
matic, blasé, unthinking, apathetic, me- able, immutable, durable. ANT. temporary,
chanical, cursory. ANT. enthusiastic, intense, impermanent, short-lived.
careful. PERMEATE v. [PUR mee ATE] to penetrate
perhaps adv. maybe, possibly, conceivably, per- and spread throughout. Her perfume perme-
chance. ated the room. SYN. penetrate, pervade,
peril n. danger, hazard, risk, jeopardy, threat, spread throughout, saturate, imbue, diffuse,
vulnerability, insecurity, endangerment, overrun, fill, osmose, suffuse, choke. ANT.
pitfall, *sword of Damocles. ANT. security, dissipate.
safety. permissible a. permitted, allowed, okay, legal,
perilous a. dangerous, hazardous, risky, *put- lawful, authorized, acceptable, approved,
ting one in jeopardy, threatening, *playing sanctioned, proper, *kosher. ANT. forbidden,
with fire, *playing Russian roulette, *play- taboo, off limits, wrong.
ing with a hair trigger, *treading on thin ice, permission n. authorization, okay, say-so, con-
ticklish, precarious, life-threatening, sent, nod, go-ahead, license, permit, allow-
chancy, *dicey, menacing. ANT. safe, secure, ance, approval, sanction, endorsement, lib-
harmless. erty. ANT. prohibition, denial, refusal,
perimeter n. border, periphery, circumference, proscription.
boundary, limit, outline, skirt, rim, edge. permissive a. lenient, indulgent, soft, easy, lax,
ANT. center, middle.
liberal, accommodating, agreeable, obliging.
period n. time, interval, span, epoch, age, eon, ANT. strict, restrictive.
era, days, season, course.
permit n. license, permission slip. SEE PERMIS-
periodic a. recurrent, repeating, at intervals,
sporadic, every so often, intermittent, regu-
permit v. allow, authorize, license, consent,
lar, cyclical, daily, seasonal, weekly,
sanction, let, endorse, tolerate, entitle,
monthly, annually.
peripatetic a. traveling, roving, itinerant, walk- grant, give the go-ahead, *okay. ANT. pro-
ing, moving, migrant, wandering, nomadic, hibit, refuse, deny, ban.
roaming. ANT. stable, static, stationary. PERNICIOUS a. [pur NISH us] destructive,
peripheral a. outside, side, sideline, external, deadly, very harmful. The pernicious disease
surrounding, neighboring; secondary, mi- affected half the community. SYN. destructive,
nor, incidental. ANT. primary, main. lethal, deadly, fatal, harmful, ruinous, injuri-
peripheral n. auxiliary device, component, ous, hurtful, devastating, mortal, noxious,
module, adjunct; modem, printer, monitor. malignant. ANT. harmless, benign, innocuous.
periphery n. perimeter, outskirts, border, cir- perpetrate v. do, perform, carry out, commit,
cumference, boundary, limit, outline, skirt, transact, *pull off, execute.
rim, edge. ANT. center, middle, core. perpetual a. neverending, everlasting, unend-
perish v. die, expire, pass away, pass on, *croak, ing, eternal, continuous, permanent, im-
*bite the dust, *buy the farm, *kick the mortal, nonstop, incessant, ceaseless, ongo-
bucket, be destroyed, be killed, meet death, ing, infinite. ANT. temporary, short-lived,
vanish, disappear. ANT. survive, thrive. SEE DIE finite.
perishable a. liable to spoil, liable to rot, short- perplex v. confuse, puzzle, mix up, *discombob-
lived. ANT. nonperishable, inorganic. ulate, confound, muddle, befuddle, mystify,
PERJURY n. [PUR jur ee] lying while under baffle, bewilder, dumbfound. ANT. clarify, en-
oath in a court of law. He committed perjury lighten, *show the light.

432 Roget’s Superthesaurus


PERQUISITE n. [PUR kwi zit] a special privi- lookout, prospect, view, aspect. 2. POINT OF
lege or fringe benefit that comes with a job. VIEW viewpoint, standpoint, position, angle,
Having unlimited use of the company car was outlook, frame of reference, turn of mind,
a nice perquisite. SYN. *perk, fringe benefit, *mind-set.
privilege, right, extra, bonus, reward, em- perspire v. sweat, *break a sweat, glow, secrete,
ployee benefit. drip, lather, swelter, *sweat bullets.
persecute v. harass, oppress, torment, afflict, persuade v. talk into, prevail upon, influence,
victimize, plague, ill treat, crucify, torture, motivate, induce, cajole, sell on, wear down,
mistreat, abuse, bully, trouble. ANT. *put on urge, *twist one’s arm, coax, sway, prompt,
a pedestal, honor, *kiss up to, serve. brainwash. ANT. dissuade, talk out of, discour-
perseverance n. *stick-to-itiveness, persis- age.
tence, tenacity, steadfastness, grit, resolve, persuasive a. influential, convincing, compel-
doggedness, diligence, dedication, stamina, ling, effective, powerful, inducing, enticing,
drive, backbone. ‘‘The mother of good seductive, winning, forceful, swaying. ANT.
luck.’’—Ben Franklin. ‘‘Patience concen- ineffective, unconvincing.
trated.’’—Thomas Carlyle. ‘‘The greatest of pert a. impudent, forward, bold, insolent, saucy,
all teachers.’’—Arabian proverb. ANT. lack fresh, brazen, cheeky, nervy. ANT. polite, shy,
of resolve. deferential.
persevere v. persist, be steadfast, continue, pertain v. regard, apply, relate, connect, refer,
*keep chipping away, *never say die, *never bear upon.
say never, carry on, stick to it, *hang in PERTINENT a. [PUR tuh nunt] relevant.
there, be resolved, *keep plugging, *tough Stick to the subject at hand; your side comments
it out, *stay the course, be tenacious, *ham- aren’t pertinent. SYN. relevant, germane, ma-
mer away. ANT. give up, quit, admit defeat. terial, applicable, fitting, pertaining, con-
persist v. persevere, continue, carry on, en- nected, related, apt. ANT. irrelevant, imperti-
dure, *stick to it, keep up, be steadfast, nent, immaterial.
PERTURB v. [pur TURB] to disturb or trou-
*hang in there, survive. ANT. quit, give up,
ble, to upset greatly. The student would per-
turb the teacher with his rebellious attitude. SYN.
persistent a. persevering, determined, dogged,
disturb, trouble, upset, agitate, distress, dis-
tenacious, unrelenting, steadfast, resolute,
concert, discompose, unsettle, *rattle one’s
diligent, untiring, stalwart, stubborn, sus-
cage, bother. ANT. calm, pacify, quiet.
tained, incessant. ANT. quitting, irresolute. PERUSE v. [puh ROOZ] to read or study care-
personable a. friendly, nice, pleasant, warm, fully, to scrutinize. Also, to read through ca-
charming, people-pleasing, winning, agree- sually. She made it a habit to peruse the classi-
able, amiable, congenial, good-humored, at- fieds each morning. SYN. scrutinize, study,
tractive, magnetic. ANT. unfriendly, aloof. read, examine, pore over, scan, inspect, re-
personage n. VIP, notable, *big shot, some- view, skim, *flip through.
body, celebrity, dignitary, public figure, star, PERVADE v. [pur VADE] to spread through-
luminary, *bigwig. ANT. nobody, *zero, un- out, permeate. The odor of cooking fish will
known. pervade an entire household. SYN. spread
personal a. private, individual, own, intimate, throughout, permeate, diffuse, saturate, fill
familiar, inner, secret, confidential. ANT. up, penetrate, imbue, osmose, disseminate.
public, outer. ANT. dissipate, dispel.
personal computer n. PC, microcomputer. SEE PERVASIVE a. [pur VAY siv] spreading
COMPUTER throughout, widespread. The weak economy
personality n. 1. CHARACTER temperament, dis- gave rise to a pervasive disillusionment among
position, traits, makeup, identity, individu- the American people. SYN. spreading, wide-
ality, self, ego, psyche. 2. CHARISMA charm, spread, permeating, extensive, far-reaching,
magnetism, attractiveness, *star quality. broad, general, rampant, epidemic, preva-
personify v. embody, symbolize, incarnate, rep- lent.
resent, exemplify, anthropomorphize, hu- perverse a. 1. DEVIANT wrong, aberrant, abnor-
manize, illustrate. mal, odd, strange, weird, warped, backward,
personnel n. staff, employees, crew, workers, corrupt, wicked, depraved, perverted, im-
members, faculty, work force, labor force. moral, degenerate, evil, bad, nasty. 2. CON-
perspective n. 1. VISTA panorama, outlook, TRARY AND STUBBORN obstinate, intractable,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 433


difficult, disobedient, mulish, ornery, can- petrified a. 1. HARDENED solidified, calcified,

tankerous, wrongheaded, unruly. ANT. 1. mineralized, turned to stone, fossilized. 2.
normal, proper, correct, moral. 2. accommo- PARALYZED WITH FEAR terrified, stunned,
dating, yielding, tractable. *scared stiff, transfixed, immobilized,
perversion n. sexual deviation, *kink, fetish, frightened, shocked, stupefied. ANT. 1. soft-
depravity, twist, sickness, abomination. ened, dissolved. 2. emboldened, driven to ac-
pervert n. sexual deviant, *sex freak, sex fiend, tion.
sadist, masochist, fetishist, pedophile, voy- petrol n. gasoline, gas, fuel, petroleum.
eur, *flasher, exhibitionist, *weirdo. petroleum n. oil, gas, natural gas, fuel, hydro-
pervert v. corrupt, debase, subvert, warp, de- carbon, diesel, butane, propane, kerosene.
grade, debauch, lead astray; distort, twist, petty a. 1. UNIMPORTANT trivial, insignificant,
butcher, slant, misconstrue, misuse, misap- minor, piddling, frivolous, inconsequential,
ply. *two-bit, picayune, trifling. 2. SMALL-
perverted a. abnormal, deviant, depraved, MINDED mean, unreasonable, ungenerous,
warped, twisted, distorted, corrupt, immoral, grudging. ANT. 1. important, weighty, conse-
debauched, sick, unnatural. ANT. normal, quential. 2. *big, broad-minded.
healthy, proper. PETULANT a. [PECH uh lunt] irritable,
pesky a. annoying, irritating, bothersome, trou- moody. The hot weather made her petulant.
blesome, aggravating, irksome, disturbing, SYN. irritable, moody, cranky, ill-tempered,
nettlesome, tormenting, obnoxious. ANT. grouchy, crabby, *bitchy, peevish, touchy,
agreeable, welcome, pleasing. snappish, waspish. ANT. good-humored, good-
pessimism n. negative thinking, negative atti- natured, lighthearted.
tude, gloom, gloom and doom, hopelessness, phantom n. apparition, spirit, vision, phan-
doubt, cynicism, skepticism, belief in Mur- tasm, presence, specter. SEE GHOST
phy’s Law, *black outlook, despair. ‘‘The pharmacist n. druggist, apothecary, *chemist.
name that men of weak nerves give to wis- pharmacy n. drug store, apothecary, chemist,
dom.’’—Bernard De Voto. ANT. optimism, dispensary.
hopefulness, positive outlook. phase n. 1. PERIOD stage, time, point. 2. ASPECT
pessimist n. prophet of doom, gloomy Gus, de- side, level, angle.
featist, naysayer, doubter, doubting Thomas, phenomenal a. extraordinary, remarkable, out-
cynic, *killjoy, *worrywart, *wet blanket. standing, unusual, exceptional, rare, won-
‘‘One who builds dungeons in the air.’’— drous, uncommon, astonishing, unbeliev-
Walter Winchell. ‘‘[One who] burns his able, miraculous, out of this world. ANT.
bridges before he gets to them.’’—Sidney ordinary, everyday, *ho-hum.
Ascher. ANT. optimist, *Pollyanna. phenomenon n. wonder, rarity, miracle, specta-
pest n. annoyance, *pain, *pain in the neck, cle, marvel, sight, sensation, *one in a mil-
nuisance, irritant, *headache, bother, gad- lion, *one for the books, prodigy, happen-
fly, bore, *thorn in one’s side. ing.
pester v. annoy, bother, irritate, plague, *bug, philanderer n. adulterer, *swinger, flirt,
hassle, harass, torment, hound, *drive nuts, *make-out artist, *wolf, Don Juan.
*drive up the wall, bedevil, nag, get on one’s philanthropic a. charitable, benevolent, giving,
nerves. humane, humanitarian, altruistic, kind,
pestilence n. epidemic, pandemic, virus, generous, beneficent, magnanimous. ANT.
plague, disease, contagion, infection, visita- selfish, miserly, misanthropic.
tion, scourge. SEE DISEASE philanthropist n. humanitarian, giver, benefac-
pet v. pat, stroke, caress, fondle. tor, Good Samaritan, donor, contributor,
pet a. favorite, beloved, preferred, special, dear. sponsor, booster, financier. ‘‘A rich . . . old
petite a. small, little, slight, tiny, diminutive, gentleman who has trained himself to grin
wee, dainty, trim, pint-sized. ANT. huge, extra while his conscience is picking his
large, big. pocket.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ANT. miser,
petition n. appeal, request, application, solici- *tightwad, misanthrope.
tation, entreaty, invocation, supplication, PHILANTHROPY n. [fi LAN thruh pee] the
prayer. giving to charity or doing of good deeds for
petition v. appeal, request, ask for, apply for, society. She will long be remembered for her
solicit, entreat, pray for, supplicate. philanthropy. SYN. humanitarianism, charity,

434 Roget’s Superthesaurus


benefaction, altruism, munificence, gener- confinement in enclosed space: claustro-

osity, public service, assistance, donation. phobia
‘‘The wish to scatter joy and not pain around crowds: demophobia, agoraphobia
us.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. ANT. selfish- dark: nyctophobia
ness, miserliness, misanthropy. dead bodies, death: necrophobia
philharmonic a. symphonic, orchestral. death: thanatophobia, necrophobia
philistine n. ignoramus, boor, *yahoo, *low- defecation: rhypophobia
brow, barbarian. ANT. highbrow. depths: bathophobia
philosopher n. deep thinker, logician, Aris- dirt: mysophobia
totle, Plato, savant, sage, wise man/woman, disease: pathophobia
theorist. ‘‘One who aspires to explain away dogs: cynophobia
all mysteries, to dissolve them into light.’’— eating: phagophobia
Henry Amiel. ‘‘A blind man in a dark room fire: pyrophobia
looking for a black cat which isn’t there.’’— flood: antlophobia
Lord Bowen. foreigners, strangers: xenophobia
philosophical a. 1. DEEPLY THOUGHTFUL medita- germs: microphobia
tive, logical, cogitative, pensive, reflective, ghosts: phasmophobia
contemplative, deep, profound, learned, ab- heights: acrophobia
stract, metaphysical. 2. CALM AND RATIONAL homosexuals: homophobia
composed, reasonable, tranquil, unruffled, horses: hippophobia
impassive. ANT. 1. shallow-minded, thought- insects: entomophobia
less. 2. irrational, ruffled. knives: aichmophobia
philosophy n. knowledge, logic, pursuit of lice: pediculophobia
truth, wisdom, deep thought, reason, meta- marriage: gamophobia
physics, theory. ‘‘Unintelligible answers to medicine: pharmacophobia
insoluble problems.’’—Franklin Adams. men: androphobia
‘‘The purple bullfinch in the lilac tree.’’— mice: musophobia
T.S. Eliot. ‘‘Common sense in a dress missiles: ballistophobia
suit.’’—Oliver Braston. ‘‘A route of many money: chrematophobia
roads leading from nowhere to nothing.’’— monsters: teratophobia
Ambrose Bierce. night: nyctophobia
phlegm n. mucous, secretion, *loogie, *lunger. noise: phonophobia, acousticophobia
PHLEGMATIC a. [fleg MAT ik] dull, hard to number 13: triskaidekaphobia
excite, lethargic. Tired old Fred couldn’t be ocean: thalassophobia
moved to action; he was hopelessly phlegmatic. old age: gerontophobia
SYN. unexcitable, dull, apathetic, indiffer- open spaces: agoraphobia
ent, disinterested, dormant, unemotional, pain: alophobia
flat, unresponsive, impassive, lifeless, pas- poison: toxicophobia
sive. ANT. excitable, passionate, fervid, respon- precipices: cremnophobia
sive. responsibility: hypengyophobia
phobia n. irrational fear, obsessive fear, anxiety, ridicule: catagelophobia
dread, *hang-up, aversion, *thing, neurosis, robbers: harpaxophobia
maladjustment, horror. sex: coitophobia, genophobia
WORD FIND sharp objects: aichmophobia
alone, being: eremiophobia sin, committing: peccatiphobia
animal skin or fur: doraphobia sleep: hypnophobia
animals: zoophobia snakes: ophidiophobia
blood: hemophobia snow: chionophobia
blushing: erythrophobia solitude: autophobia
bridges: gephyrophobia speaking: lalophobia
burial alive: taphephobia spiders: arachneophobia
cancer: cancerphobia stars: astrophobia
cats: ailurophobia strangers: xenophobia
children: pedophobia sunlight: heliophobia
cold: psychrophobia thunderstorms: astraphobia, brontophobia

Roget’s Superthesaurus 435


touched, being: haptephobia long-focus lens, portrait lens, telephoto

water: hydrophobia lens, wide angle lens, zoom lens
women: gynophobia lens for photographing tiny objects: macro
work: ergophobia lens
SEE NEUROSIS, FEAR, INSANITY, MANIA light facing camera technique: contre jour
phobic a. anxious, fearful, afraid, irrational, ap- light-measuring device: light meter, pho-
prehensive, neurotic, conditioned to fear, tometer, exposure meter
disturbed, disordered, terrified, scared. ANT. microscopic photography: photomicogra-
fearless, at ease. phy
phony n. fake, fraud, counterfeit, sham, forgery, opening in camera lens: aperture
imposter, hoax. photographers, freelance celebrity: papa-
phony a. fake, counterfeit, sham, fraudulent, razzo, paparazzi
bogus, imitation, spurious, specious. ANT. photographs well, subject that: photogenic
real, genuine, authentic. room: studio, darkroom
photocopy v. copy, run off, reproduce, dupli- points, individual electronic image: pixels
cate, replicate, reprint, Xerox. sensitivity of film to light: film speed
photograph n. photo, picture, print, still, snap- stand, camera: tripod, high hat
shot, close-up, portrait, blowup, shot, *pix, three-dimensional photography: hologra-
negative, slide, *Polaroid, glossy, composite, phy
photocopy. three-dimensional photo: hologram, ana-
photograph v. shoot, take, capture on film, glyph
snap, film, tape. phrase n. expression, figure of speech, clause,
photographer n. *shutterbug, paparazzo, cine- idiom, saying, catchphrase, wording, saying,
matographer, photojournalist. motto, slogan.
photography n. picture-taking, still photogra- physical n. medical examination, checkup,
phy, portraiture, cinematography. ‘‘Instan- workup.
taneous art.’’—M.F. Agha. ‘‘A form of vo- physical a. material, tangible, solid, concrete,
yeurism.’’—Joseph Strick. substantial, palpable, corporeal, corporal,
WORD FIND bodily, somatic, fleshly, mortal. ANT. spiri-
altering photos with dye: airbrushing, re- tual, mental.
touching physician n. doctor, M.D., general practitioner,
border for photo: matte GP, health care provider, D.O., *sawbones,
borderless or faded border photo: vignette specialist, resident, intern, surgeon, *bones,
brushup work in lab: airbrush, retouch medic, specialist, surgeon. SEE DOCTOR, MEDI-
chemical solution used in developing: fixer, CINE
stop bath physique n. build, anatomy, body, shape, physi-
converts light to electricity in scanners, ognomy, frame, makeup, configuration,
copiers, camcorders: charged coupled de- musculature.
vice (CCD) piano n. *ivories, keyboard. SEE MUSICAL INSTRU-
dawn and dusk hours: magic hour MENT
details, bringing out: computer enhance- picayune a. trivial, trifling. SEE PETTY
ment pick n. choice, selection, preference, favorite,
dual-image photo: double exposure prize, elite, cream.
electronic: digital photography pick v. 1. CHOOSE select, opt for, take, settle
electronic memory chip for storing images: on, single out, cull, favor, prefer. 2. PLUCK
card harvest, collect, reap. ANT. 1. reject, spurn.
enlargement for photo: blowup picket n. 1. STAKE pale, paling, post, palisade,
enlarges photos: enlarger upright. 2. GUARD lookout, sentinel, sentry,
exposure, long: time exposure patrol, watch.
focus range of image: depth of field picket v. demonstrate, strike, boycott, protest,
glaring photo imperfection: overexposure sit in, march, rally, *make a stink.
illuminate subject from behind: backlight pickle n. bind, jam, *between a rock and a hard
lab: darkroom place, predicament, *hot water, *sticky situ-
lens aperture setting: F-stop ation, fix, scrape.
lens, effects: filter, anamorphic lens, fisheye, picky a. fussy, choosy, discriminating, finicky,

436 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hard to please, particular, fastidious, meticu- pile v. heap, mass, load, stack, stockpile, amass,
lous. ANT. easy to please, undiscriminating. bunch, mound, pyramid, hoard.
picnic n. outing, cookout, barbecue, clambake. pilfer v. filch, steal, thieve, lift, pocket, appro-
picture n. 1. REPRESENTATION illustration, priate, *walk off with, *palm, *rip off.
painting, drawing, likeness, sketch, draft, pilgrimage n. journey, expedition, sojourn, mis-
image, portrait, photo, photograph. 2. SEE sion, trip, excursion, *hadj, trek.
MOVIE 3. EPITOME perfect example, embodi- pill n. capsule, tablet, lozenge, drop, pellet,
ment, model, essence. dose.
picture v. imagine, envision, see, call to mind, pillage n. plundering, plunder, booty, loot,
conceive of. spoils, looting, stealing, robbery, rapine.
picturesque a. scenic, idyllic, vivid, striking, pillage v. plunder, loot, rob, sack, despoil, steal,
quaint, unique, charming, breathtaking, ar- thieve, maraud, desecrate.
resting, colorful, photographic, photogenic. pillar n. 1. COLUMN post, upright, support, pier,
ANT. dull, ordinary, *as interesting as a brown
piling, shaft, colonnade, pylon. 2. LEADER
paper bag, nondescript.
supporter, backbone, mainstay, upholder,
piece n. part, portion, component, bit, frag-
*tower of strength.
ment, segment, fraction, chunk, hunk, slice,
parcel. pillow n. cushion, pad, bolster, head support.
pièce de résistance n. 1. MAIN COURSE main pilot n. navigator, flyer, aviator, helmsman,
dish. 2. MASTER WORK accomplishment, mas- coxswain, captain, wheelman.
terpiece, feat, great performance, achieve- pilot v. navigate, fly, steer, direct, guide, *man
ment, master stroke, tour de force, consum- the helm, drive control.
mation. pimp n. whoremonger, agent, procurer, pan-
pier n. wharf, dock, landing, quay, anchorage, derer, *flesh peddler, madam, *hustler.
slip, mooring. pimple n. papule, pustule, *zit, eruption, in-
pierce v. puncture, penetrate, perforate, stick, flammation, boil, blemish, blackhead, acne.
cut, bore, stab, slit, incise, run through, pin n. 1. FASTENER safety pin, straight pin,
prick. bobby pin, hat pin, catch, needle. 2. JEWELRY
piercing a. 1. SHRILL loud, earsplitting, deafen- brooch, clasp, breast pin, stud, badge.
ing, high, blaring, screeching, strident, in- pin v. 1. FASTEN fix, affix, secure, bind, attach.
tense, penetrating. 2. SHARP, AS A GLANCE 2. HOLD DOWN OR BACK restrain, hold fast,
penetrating, intense, scorching, glaring, immobilize.
acute, boring, mesmerizing, withering. ANT. pinch n. 1. TWEAK squeeze, nip, grasp, clamp,
1. quiet, low. 2. cool inexpressive. cramp, twinge. 2. TINY AMOUNT *smidgen,
piety n. religious devotion, faith, devoutness, *tad, touch, bit. 3. EMERGENCY crisis, plight,
religion, belief, loyalty, godliness, holiness, predicament, exigency, jam, pickle.
zeal, reverence. ANT. irreverence, ungodliness, pinch v. 1. SQUEEZE compress, clamp, crush,
unholiness. tweak, nip, grasp, cramp, crimp. 2. Sl. AR-
piffle n. foolishness, nonsense, futile talk, use- REST nab, *collar, catch, apprehend, *bust.
less words. pine v. long for, desire, yearn, want, hunger,
pig n. hog, swine, porker, piglet, shoat, sow, thirst, crave, ache for, *carry a torch for.
boar. pinnacle n. peak, summit, top, zenith, crown,
pigeonhole n. compartment, niche, hole, re-
apex, crest, height, high point, acme, emi-
cess, nook, cranny, opening, cubbyhole,
cell, slot.
pigheaded a. stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, pinpoint v. locate, spot, *get a fix on, *home
bullheaded, mulish, unyielding, intractable. in on, *zero in on, triangulate, identify.
ANT. tractable, yielding, flexible.
pioneer n. 1. FRONTIER PERSON colonist, immi-
pigment n. coloring, dye, tint, shade, paint, grant, settler, homesteader, squatter, trail-
stain. blazer, explorer, forerunner, founder. 2. DE-
pigpen n. pigsty, dump, mess, *disgraceland, VELOPER innovator, inventor, father,
cesspool, refuse heap, hovel, hole, swamp, founder, trailblazer, groundbreaker, trend-
rathole, hazardous waste dump, wallow. setter. ‘‘A nail, driven wherever the country
pile n. 1. HEAP mass, load, mound, stack, collec- demands.’’—Vladimir Jabotinsky.
tion, accumulation, stockpile, quantity, pioneer v. found, trailblaze, invent, father, lead,
bulk, bank. 2. SEE POST innovate, break new ground.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 437


PIOUS a. [PYE us] devoutly religious, some- cast, *smoke one by, *throw smoke, *gun. 2.
times hypocritically so. He was always look- PLUNGE HEADLONG dive, dip, fall, drop, toss,
ing down his holier-than-thou nose; he was topple, lurch, tumble. 3. ERECT put up, raise.
annoyingly pious. SYN. devout, devoted, re- pitcher n. 1. JUG container, vessel, cruet, pot,
ligious, holy, zealous, faithful, reverent, ewer, bottle. 2. BASEBALL PITCHER hurler,
spiritual, righteous, self-righteous, holier- *fireballer, reliever, *closer, ace, *lefty,
than-thou, sanctimonious, hypocritical, *southpaw. SEE BASEBALL
unctuous. ANT. impious, irreverent, blasphe- pitch in v. help, *chip in, participate, lend a
mous. hand, contribute, work.
pipe n. 1. CONDUIT tube, pipeline, main, duct, piteous a. pitiful, pitiable, pathetic, heartbreak-
line, conveyor, cylinder, passage, drain. 2. ing, miserable, sad, wretched, deplorable,
SMOKING INSTRUMENT corncob pipe, meer- grievous, poignant. ANT. honorable, proud,
schaum, calumet, hookah, water pipe, jubilant.
*bong. pitfall n. trap, snare, booby trap, danger, peril,
pipe dream n. fantasy, *castle in the sky, *castle drawback, stumbling block, hazard, risk,
in Spain, daydream, flight of fancy, *fool’s *catch.
paradise, chimera, delusion, *pie in the sky, pithy a. concise, to the point, brief, succinct,
wishful thinking. meaningful, pointed, *meaty, tight, focused.
pipeline n. conduit, tube, passageway, sewer ANT. rambling, wordy, digressive.
line. pitiful a. pathetic, piteous, pitiable, miserable,
PIQUANT a. [PEE kunt] sharp or stimulating, wretched, sad, heartrending, heartbreaking,
especially to the taste buds. Also, stimulat- sorry, low, deplorable, grievous, lamentable.
ing to the mind. The sauce and the conversa- ANT. happy, joyful, bright, humorous.
tion were delightfully piquant. SYN. sharp, pitiless a. hard, cruel, cold, unfeeling, merci-
stimulating, pungent, biting, flavorful, zesty, less, uncompassionate, sociopathic, inhu-
spicy, lively, heavily seasoned, peppery, hot, mane, inhuman, ruthless, barbarous, savage.
*having a kick, provocative, exciting, racy, ANT. compassionate, merciful, caring.
interesting, titillating. ANT. bland, mild, dull, pittance n. *chicken feed, *drop in the bucket,
uninteresting, tasteless. *slave wages, insufficiency, modicum, small
pique v. 1. IRRITATE resent, affront, offend, change, *peanuts. ANT. wealth, *miser’s
wound, hurt one’s feelings, gall, irk, nettle, hoard, bounty.
displease. 2. AROUSE excite, whet, stimulate, pity n. 1. COMPASSION mercy, feeling, sympa-
provoke, *turn on. thy, humanity, brotherly love, understand-
piracy n. robbery, hijacking, thievery, stealing, ing, commiseration, tenderness, heart, ruth,
banditry, marauding, commandeering, loot- softheartedness. ‘‘The scavenger of mis-
ing, raiding, swashbuckling. ery.’’—George Bernard Shaw. 2. *CRYING
pirate n. buccaneer, privateer, corsair, freeboo- SHAME shame, misfortune, crime, sorry situa-
ter, hijacker, sea robber, sea wolf, algerine. tion, *bummer. ANT. 1. mercilessness, cold-
WORD FIND ness, cruelty, ruthlessness. 2. good fortune,
famous: Long John Silver, Blackbeard, Cap- congratulation.
tain Kidd pity v. feel sorry for, sympathize, feel compas-
flag: Jolly Roger, skull and crossbones sion for, *bleed for, ache for, commiserate,
ship: privateer, brigantine, picaroon grieve for, condole, have mercy on.
pistol n. revolver, six-shooter, firearm, *rod, pivot n. hub, turning point, axis, axle, center,
*Saturday night special. SEE GUN fulcrum, swivel.
pit n. excavation, hole, abyss, chasm, mine, pivot v. turn, twirl, wheel, revolve, swing, ro-
burrow, cavity, hollow, tomb, grave. tate, spin, twist, circle.
pit v. 1. GOUGE nick, dent, scratch, pock. 2. pivotal a. critical, crucial, vital, focal, impor-
PLAY OFF match, vie, oppose, counter. tant, determining, decisive, paramount.
pitch n. 1. INCLINE slope, slant, grade, steepness, ANT. unimportant, insignificant, trivial.
cant, tilt. 2. TONE timbre, key. 3. SALES PITCH pixie n. imp, elf, sprite. SEE FAIRY
spiel, patter. 4. THROW delivery, toss, fling, placard n. sign, notice, poster, posting, bill, an-
sling, fastball, curve ball, knuckleball, spit- nouncement, advertisment.
ball. PLACATE v. [PLAY kate] to pacify or soothe
pitch v. 1. THROW deliver, hurl, fling, sling, lob, one’s anger, appease. To placate the screaming

438 Roget’s Superthesaurus


baby, we gave him a bottle. SYN. pacify, look at, *short on looks. ANT. 1. unapparent,
soothe, appease, quiet, mollify, assuage, pro- unclear, ambiguous. 2. indecipherable, incom-
pitiate, moderate, conciliate. ANT. aggravate, prehensible. 3. disguised, indirect. 4. ostenta-
exacerbate, intensify, infuriate. tious, showy, colorful. 5. beautiful, attractive,
place n. 1. LOCATION locale, locality, spot, site, pretty.
point, whereabouts, space, position, *corner PLAINTIVE a. [PLANE tiv] expressing sad-
of the world, station. 2. REGION territory, ness. The lost fawn gave a plaintive cry. SYN.
zone, district, neighborhood, area, city, sad, sorrowful, melancholy, mournful, pa-
town, village. 3. RESIDENCE house, dwelling, thetic, piteous, pitiful, heartrending, wistful,
abode, *pad, home, domicile, apartment, doleful, heartsick. ANT. happy, cheery, perky.
room, habitation. 4. POSITION standing, plan n. scheme, strategy, design, outline, idea,
rank, pecking order, station, grade, footing. plot, course, agenda, schedule, program,
5. ROLE function, job, responsibility, affair, proposal, blueprint, scenario, intention.
duty. plan v. 1. SCHEME design, outline, plot, set
place v. 1. PUT locate, position, situate, lay, agenda, work out, schedule, program, pro-
plant, fix, set, install, stand. 2. IDENTIFY rec- pose, blueprint, organize, draft, project, map
ognize, remember, recall, *put one’s finger out, ready. 2. INTEND aim, mean, count on,
on. propose.
placebo n. sugar pill, inert pill, fake, inactive plane n. aircraft, jet. SEE AIRCRAFT
medicine, preparation, control substance, planet n. world, celestial body, heavenly body,
test substance. SEE MEDICINE planetoid, sphere, globe, Mercury, Venus,
placenta n. organ, afterbirth, fetal life support Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Nep-
system. tune, Pluto
placid a. peaceful, tranquil, calm, relaxed, se- WORD FIND
rene, composed, imperturbable, self-pos- forming body: planetesimal
sessed, quiet, gentle. ANT. agitated, high- pathway: orbit
strung, fiery, turbulent. shadow of: umbra
plagiarism n. copying, stealing, imitation, lift- study of: planetology
ing, cribbing, borrowing, cheating. ‘‘Steal-
plank n. board, stud, two-by-four, beam.
ing a ride on someone else’s train of
plant n. 1. VEGETABLE herb, flower, weed, grass,
thought.’’—Russel Curran.
greenery, perennial, annual, shrub, tree,
plague n. 1. AFFLICTION scourge, epidemic, pan-
seedling, shoot, cutting. 2. FACTORY manu-
demic, outbreak, pestilence, contagion, bu-
factory, mill, works, yard, foundry, assembly
bonic plague, Black Death, calamity. 2. AN-
NOYANCE nuisance, irritant, *thorn in one’s
plant v. sow, seed, set, scatter, implant, start,
side, aggravation, bother, *pain, headache. root, transplant, embed, install.
plantation n. farm, cropland, orchard, agricul-
plague v. annoy, irritate, trouble, bother, ha- tural site, estate, hacienda.
rass, torment, hound, vex, irk, disturb. plastic a. flexible, malleable, pliable, pliant,
plaid a. tartan, check patterned, checkered, supple, moldable, yielding, resilient. ANT.
crossbarred. hard, unyielding, rigid.
plain n. level land, expanse, grassland, field, plastic surgery n. cosmetic surgery, recon-
meadow, prairie, steppe, tundra, savannah, structive surgery, facelift, *nose job, rhino-
*land as flat and featureless as a Euclidian plasty, tummy tuck, eye tuck, chemical peel,
plane. liposuction, dermabrasion. SEE MEDICINE
plain a. 1. CLEAR evident, obvious, apparent, plate n. dish, platter, china, saucer.
visible, transparent, open, unmistakable, plateau n. mesa, tableland, highland, upland.
straightforward, clear. 3. STRAIGHTFORWARD platform n. 1. STAGE dais, rostrum, podium,
honest, frank, blunt, undisguised, unvar- stand, scaffold, soapbox. 2. PROGRAM poli-
nished, outspoken, forthright, direct. 4. UN- cies, beliefs, plan, party line, stance, mani-
EMBELLISHED unadorned, undecorated, aus- festo.
tere, stark, colorless, severe, simple, *no PLATITUDE n. [PLAT i tood] a trite or cli-
frills, bare, restrained, understated. 5. chéd remark, often given as original. Politi-
HOMELY ugly, unattractive, *not much to cians spewed platitudes to a jaded audience.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 439


SYN. trite remark, cliché, banality, bromide, plead v. beg, appeal, implore, beseech, entreat,
*chestnut, *saw, *familiar tune, *twice-told solicit, pray, supplicate, petition.
tale, *spent horse, *same old same-old, pleasant a. pleasing, pleasurable, enjoyable,
*corn, truism. gratifying, agreeable, nice, delightful, good,
PLATONIC a. [pluh TAWN ik] referring to welcome, likable, friendly, sweet, charming,
a love relationship based only on emotion, kindly, amicable, cheering, warm, gracious,
not sex. They had a strictly platonic relation- good-natured. ANT. unpleasant, painful, mis-
ship. SYN. nonphysical, nonsexual, emo- erable, disagreeable.
tional, spiritual, idealistic, celibate. ANT. pleasantry n. quip, kidding, jest, joke, banter,
physical, sexual, lustful. repartee, crack, bon mot, witticism, polite
platoon n. unit, two squads, group, detachment. remark, small talk.
SEE ARMY please v. 1. MAKE HAPPY gratify, satisfy, gladden,
plaudits n. applause, praise, approval, cheers, *tickle, suit, delight, cheer, warm. 2.
kudos, acclaim, raves, standing ovation. CHOOSE want, like, desire, be inclined.
plausible a. believable, credible, reasonable, pleasing a. pleasurable, gratifying, pleasant, de-
likely, probable, tenable, sound, possible, lightful, agreeable, enjoyable, winning,
feasible. ANT. implausible, unlikely, impossi- charming, likable, cheering, friendly, sweet,
ble. kindly, amiable, warm, gracious, goodna-
play n. 1. SHOW drama, stage play, production, tured. ANT. displeasing, disagreeable, unpleas-
performance, entertainment, melodrama, ant.
musical, comedy, farce, tragedy. 2. FUN pleasure n. enjoyment, delight, happiness, con-
amusement, recreation, entertainment, tentment, elation, euphoria, amusement,
sport, relaxation, game-playing, diversion, joy, bliss, gratification, good feeling. ANT.
frolic, romping, pastime. displeasure, pain, misery.
play v. 1. HAVE FUN recreate, romp, amuse one- plebian, plebeian n. commoner, proletarian,
self, engage in sport, *cut loose, *let down peasant, *plebe, man on the street, woman
one’s hair, clown around, kid around, frolic, on the street, *John Q. Public, *Joe Blow.
cavort. 2. COMPETE vie, go up against, con- PLEBIAN, PLEBEIAN a. [pluh BEE un]
tend, pit oneself against. 3. PERFORM portray, common, lower-class, vulgar. He objected to
take the part of. her plebeian lifestyle. SYN. common, low, ig-
playboy n. pleasure seeker, *swinger, stud, par- noble, humble, working-class, proletarian,
tyer, *pick up artist, flirt, philanderer, pedestrian, mean, uncultivated, coarse, vul-
smooth operator, womanizer, hedonist, de- gar. ANT. aristocratic, noble, highborn.
bauchee, libertine, rake, Lothario, Don pledge n. 1. PROMISE vow, word of honor, oath,
Juan, Casanova, *skirt-chaser, ladies’ man, guarantee, contract, assurance, agreement.
*make-out artist. 2. SECURITY bond, collateral, guaranty,
player n. 1. COMPETITOR team member, athlete, surety, stake, earnest money.
*jock, contestant, opponent, participant. 2. pledge v. promise, vow, give one’s word, guar-
ACTOR actress, performer, thespian, trouper, antee, swear, contract, pawn.
*ham. plentiful a. abundant, bountiful, overflowing,
playful a. frisky, frolicsome, fun, coltish, child- full, *chock-full, profuse, ample, teeming,
ish, spirited, lively, jaunty, impish, prankish, fat, great, thick, bumper, prolific, swarming,
mirthful. ANT. sober, serious, grave. copious, replete. ANT. scant, scarce, sparse.
playgirl n. pleasure seeker, party girl, *Cosmo plenty n. abundance, *loads, wealth, profusion,
girl, lover girl, hedonist, debauchee, flirt, lots, bunch, quantity, volume, scores, moun-
swinger, seductress. tains, overabundance, surplus, plethora,
playground n. recreation area, field, yard, park. glut, *oodles, whole slew, *miser’s hoard.
playwright n. author, writer, dramatist, screen- ANT. shortage, scarcity, dearth.
writer. PLETHORA n. [PLETH ur uh] an overabun-
plaza n. square, open area, court, quadrangle, dance. The politician made a plethora of prom-
piazza, green, marketplace, mall. ises. SYN. overabundance, excess, profusion,
plea n. 1. EXCUSE defense, explanation, justifi- flood, overflow, deluge, surfeit, overkill,
cation, alibi, apology, argument. 2. REQUEST *too much of a good thing, glut. ANT. short-
appeal, entreaty, begging, petition, solicita- age, scarcity.
tion, prayer, supplication. pliable a. pliant, flexible, bendable, malleable,

440 Roget’s Superthesaurus


supple, yielding, plastic, elastic, moldable, plunk v. throw down, plop.

impressionable. ANT. rigid, unyielding, hard. plural a. more than one, multiple, numerous,
plight n. predicament, situation, state of affairs, many. ANT. single, singular.
circumstances, trouble, tribulation, di- plus n. extra, bonus, asset, advantage, benefit.
lemma, *fix, *scrape, *pickle. ANT. liability, negative.
plod v. 1. TRUDGE walk heavily, tramp, slog, plus a. additional, added, extra, supplementary.
drag one’s feet, stamp, stomp, move labori- ANT. minus, negative.
ously, lumber. 2. WORK STEADILY drudge, plush a. luxurious, rich, lush, opulent, sumptu-
plug away, grind away, slave, sweat, toil. ous, posh, deluxe, elegant. ANT. stark, aus-
plot n. 1. AREA OF LAND lot, tract, parcel, subdi- tere, plain.
vision, piece, patch, acreage. 2. SCHEME con- ply v. work at, practice, engage in, carry on,
spiracy, plan, machination, design, intrigue. pursue, follow, employ, use, wield.
3. STORY theme, narrative, design, action, pneumonia n. lung inflammation, acute infec-
story line. tion, viral infection, disease, pulmonary dis-
plot v. 1. SCHEME conspire, plan, design, machi- ease, bacterial infection, illness, sickness.
nate, intrigue, collude, maneuver, *make SEE DISEASE, MEDICINE
backdoor arrangements. 2. MAP OUT chart, poach v. trespass, encroach, take game illegally,
draft, lay out, outline. steal.
plow v. break ground, turn over, till, harrow, poacher n. thief, pilferer, scofflaw, intruder,
furrow, cultivate, hoe, dig up, *rototill. trespasser, hunter.
ploy n. maneuver, device, action, trick, move, pocket n. 1. POUCH fob, sack, bag. 2. HOLLOW
play, tactic, gambit, stratagem, subterfuge, opening, hole, cavity.
goal, complication. pocket v. take, filch, steal, nab, lift, pilfer, shop-
pluck n. courage, fortitude, guts, mettle, spunk, lift, appropriate, *walk off with.
backbone, spine, boldness, *balls, nerve. pocketbook n. purse, handbag, wallet, billfold,
pluck v. pick, pull out, yank, jerk, harvest, clutch.
gather. pockmark n. pit, gouge, crater.
plucky a. courageous, brave, *gutsy, *ballsy, podium n. platform, dais, rostrum, stage.
*nervy, spunky, bold, tough, determined, te- poem n. verse, rhyme, composition, ode, son-
nacious. ANT. meek, cowardly. net, lyric, limerick.
plug n. 1. STOPPER cork, bung. 2. GOOD WORD WORD FIND
fifteen-line, three stanza with only two
blurb, advertisement, mention.
rhymes: rondeau
plumb v. fathom, probe, explore, sound, *get to
four line: quatrain
the bottom of, delve, penetrate, investigate.
heroic narrative: epic
plumb a. vertical, straight down, upright, per- Japanese: haiku
pendicular. ANT. horizontal. love: madrigal
plummet v. plunge, fall, dive, drop, nose-dive, pastoral or rural theme: idyll
descend, crash, tumble, *rocket earthward. rhyme and meter, without: free verse
ANT. ascend, rise, go up. rhythm: meter
plump a. fat, chubby, endomorphic, corpulent, satirical, witty and short: epigram
*chunky, rotund, full-figured, stout, obese, study of: prosody
zaftig, obese, tubby, moon-faced. ANT. an- talentless poet: poetaster
orexic, thin, slender. SEE FAT two line: couplet
plunder n. pillage, robbery, loot, booty, spoils, SEE POETRY
prize. poet n. versifier, rhymer, lyricist, bard, poetas-
plunder v. rob, take, loot, pillage, ransack, ap- ter, author. ‘‘The painter of the soul.’’—
propriate, raid, despoil, sack, rape. Isaac D’Israeli. ‘‘A nightingale who sits in
plunge n. drop, fall, dive, descent, nosedive, darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude
jump. with sweet sounds.’’—Percy Bysshe Shelley.
plunge v. 1. DIVE rush, descend, fall, drop, nose- poetic a. romantic, flowery, idyllic, symbolic,
dive, plummet, hustle, pitch, swoop. 2. metaphoric, musical, melodic, songlike, lyri-
THROW ONESELF INTO charge, lunge, dash, cal, singsong. ANT. prosaic.
leap, shoot, surge, pounce, spring, jump poetry n. verse, rhyme, poems, song, composi-
headlong. ANT. 1. ascend, rise, go up. 2. pro- tion, balladry. ‘‘Vocal painting.’’—Simon-
ceed slowly, move with caution. ides. ‘‘The impish attempt to paint the color

Roget’s Superthesaurus 441


of the wind.’’—Maxwell Bodenheim. ‘‘Talk- poker n. card game, draw poker, stud poker,
ing on tiptoe.’’—George Meredith. ‘‘Life strip poker.
distilled.’’—Gwendolyn Brooks. ‘‘The best WORD FIND
words in their best order.’’—Samuel Taylor facial expression: deadpan, poker-faced,
Coleridge. SEE POEM wooden, stony
POIGNANT a. [POIN yunt] moving or sequence, five cards in: straight
touching, especially in a painful way. The show hands: call
poignant final scene moved the audience to stake: pot, ante, chips, kitty
tears. SYN. moving, touching, painful, emo- suit, five cards of same: flush, royal flush
tional, heartrending, heartbreaking, soul- suit, four cards of same: four flush
stirring, sad, pitiful, pathetic, agonizing. three of a kind and a pair: full house
ANT. insipid, vapid, flat, emotionless. withdraw: fold
point n. 1. MARK dot, spot, period. 2. LOCATION POLARIZE v. [POH luh RIZE] to take oppos-
spot, place, position, site. 3. TIME instant, ing sides. Certain issues have the tendency to
moment, juncture, stage. 4. TIP end, top, polarize Americans. SYN. split, oppose,
nib, head, prick, spike. 5. FOCUS thrust, counter, contradict, take side, conflict, *be
meaning, idea, core, heart, essence, theme, on the opposite ends of the spectrum, differ,
issue, gist, object. 6. PURPOSE aim, object, diverge. ANT. join forces, ally, confederate,
goal, end, use, sense, value. 7. ARGUMENT merge, unite.
fact, idea. pole n. post, shaft, staff, rod, standard, stick,
point v. direct, aim, train, level, guide, draw a mast.
bead on. police/policeman/woman n. law enforcement,
pointed a. sharp, to the point, piercing, pene- *arm of the law, force, law, *heat, *cops,
trating, incisive, cutting, insinuating, tren- bobby, *John Law, *fuzz, constable, officer,
chant. ANT. vague, meaningless, wishy-washy. keeper of the peace, patrolman, highway pa-
pointless a. meaningless, senseless, irrelevant, trol, state trooper, *badge, sheriff, marshal,
inconsequential, vain, stupid, nonsensical, deputy.
purposeless, worthless, inane. ANT. meaning- WORD FIND
ful, useful, purposeful. arrest: *collar, *bust, apprehend
poise n. 1. BALANCE stability, equilibrium, baton: billy club, nightstick
book of recorded arrests: blotter
equipoise. 2. DIGNITY self-assurance,
bulletin or criminal alert: APB, all points
aplomb, coolness, confidence, sangfroid,
serenity, composure, savoir faire, equanim-
criminal running free: at large
ity, presence of mind. ‘‘The ability to be
cruiser’s rotating roof light: cherry, beacon
ill at ease inconspicuously.’’—Earl Wilson.
defensive spray: pepper spray, Mace
‘‘The art of raising your eyebrows instead DNA identification technique: DNA fin-
of the roof.’’—Howard Newton. ANT. 1. im- gerprinting
balance, instability. 2. insecurity, *loss of drugs and prostitution squad: vice squad
cool, panic. fingerprinting system: Bertillon system
poison n. toxin, deadly chemical, venom, germ, French: gendarme
miasma, toxic substance, carcinogen, informer: *snitch, *fink, *rat, *canary,
strychnine, cyanide, arsenic, hemlock, lead, *stool pigeon
carbon monoxide, caustic soda, mustard gas, interrogation of criminal: third degree
nerve gas, nightshade. ANT. antidote. investigates crime-related deaths: coroner
poison v. contaminate, infect, taint, envenom, lie detector: polygraph
make ill, kill, *slip a mickey, adulterate, per- London police: Scotland Yard
vert, defile. massive, organized crackdown of crime in
poisonous a. toxic, venomous, virulent, carcin- one area: sweep
ogenic, noxious, deadly, lethal, malignant, method of operation, criminal’s: MO, mo-
pernicious, vitriolic, caustic. ANT. healthy, dus operandi
beneficial, benign. microphone, carrying a concealed: *wired
poke v. 1. HIT nudge, prod, push, jab, punch, military: MP
shove, butt, finger. 2. DAWDLE loiter, putter, narcotics officer: *narc
lag, mosey along, drag one’s feet. navy ship officer: master-at-arms

442 Roget’s Superthesaurus


networking search for criminal: dragnet, senator, representative, bureaucrat, *baby

manhunt kisser. ‘‘Trustees of the people.’’—Grover
paramilitary squad: S.W.A.T., Special Cleveland. ‘‘A dealer in promises.’’—Ga-
Weapons and Tactics briel Chevallier.
photo of criminal: mug shot WORD FIND
plaster cast taken of object for evidence: appeals to prejudices of people to win them
moulage over: demagogue
reading of rights, rule: Miranda rule attacks opponents, associate who: hatchet-
record of criminal’s arrests, convictions: rap man
sheet candidate who already holds office: incum-
register criminal at jail: book bent
search criminal’s body: frisk candidate who is unlikely to win: dark horse
search, permission to: search warrant conservative party member: Republican
section of city covered by one station: pre- conserver of the past: conservative, moss-
cinct back
surveillance: stakeout extremist: radical
take law into their own hands: vigilantes liberal: democratic
vehicle: cruiser, squad car, prowl car, *paddy middle-of-the-roader: moderate
wagon, Black Maria older, respected politician: elder statesman
SEE COURT, LAW outsider who is resented: carpetbagger
policy n. custom, code, course, procedure, *the party leader: whip
book, rule, guideline, method, line of action, party, member of neither: independent
way, system. progress and reform, advocates: liberal
polish n. 1. SHINE sheen, brilliance, gloss, finish, serves party interests over his/her own: good
luster, buff, glaze, varnish. 2. REFINEMENT soldier
cultivation, finish, grace, elegance, poise, skilled, respected politician: statesman
savoir faire, suavity. ANT. 1. tarnish, grime. sob story suckers: bleeding heart liberals
2. imperfection, awkwardness, coarseness. southern conservative democrats: boll wee-
polite a. well-mannered, courteous, gracious, vils
civil, considerate, thoughtful, courtly, be- veterans: old guard
haved, gentlemanly, ladylike, refined, nice, weakened politician after loss of election:
diplomatic. ANT. rude, discourteous, boorish, lame duck
politeness a. ‘‘One half good nature and the TICS
other half good lying.’’—Mary Little. ‘‘Con- politics n. government, political science, legis-
sists in being easy about oneself, and in mak- lature, civics, affairs of state, statesmanship.
ing everyone about one as easy as one ‘‘War without bloodshed.’’—Mao Tse-tung.
can.’’—Alexander Pope. ‘‘The diplomatic name for the law of the
politic a. diplomatic, prudent, tactful, discreet, jungle.’’—Ely Culbertson. ‘‘The moral
delicate, shrewd, smooth, judicious. ANT. man’s compromise, the swindler’s method,
tactless, rude, cloddish. and the fool’s hope.’’—John Ciardi.
political a. governmental, civic, civil, bureau- WORD FIND
cratic, administrative, legislative, executive. ambiguous language used by politicians:
political action committee n. PAC, special in- doublespeak, weasel words
terest group, lobby, lobbyist, power brokers, analyst, observer, political: pundit
influence peddlers, backers, bankrollers. SEE appointment, cushy political: political plum
POLITICS, GOVERNMENT backscratching, reciprocal political: logroll-
politically correct a. socially acceptable, inof- ing
fensive, sensitive, sanitized, multiculturally breaking the law to make a point, protest:
sensitive, oversensitive, emphatic, consider- civil disobedience
ate, diplomatic, teactful, politic, self-censor- cause, one who works for a: activist
ing, mealy-mouthed. ANT. politically incor- corruption, profit from: graft
rect, offensive. demand of the people to carry out some ac-
politician n. public servant, office holder, polit- tion: mandate
ico, civil servant, statesman, legislator, law- dissenting group within larger body: faction,
maker, democrat, republican, congressman, splinter group

Roget’s Superthesaurus 443


engage in: politick uproar, controversy: brouhaha

expert investigative panel: blue-ribbon warming of relations between two formerly
panel hostile nations: detente
group with common cause or goal: bloc SEE ELECTION, CONGRESS, GOVERNMENT
hands-off economic policy: laissez-faire poll n. survey, sampling, census, canvass, tally.
heartland of America, how issue is received poll v. survey, sample, take a census, canvass,
in: play in Peoria question, tally.
hedge or be wishy-washy on issue: waffle pollster n. survey taker, surveyor, poll-taker,
hysterical investigation, finger-pointing: public opinon gatherer.
McCarthyism, witch hunt pollutant n. contaminant, toxin, toxic waste,
influence group or attempt to influence hazardous waste, scum, filth, runoff, pollu-
vote: lobby tion.
influences politician’s vote on issue: lobby- pollute v. contaminate, poison, dirty, taint,
ist, pressure group adulterate, foul, sully, spoil, corrupt, defile.
insults, trading of between politicians: mud- pollution n. contamination, toxic waste, haz-
slinging, smear campaign ardous waste, poison, taint, adulteration,
issue used to distract public from more im- fouling, defilement, sewage, runoff, smog.
portant issue: red herring ‘‘The reek that shall inherit the earth.’’—
local projects that are sometimes wasteful, Anon.
treasury for: pork barrel Pollyanna n. optimist, blind optimist, idealist,
member, supporter of organization, referring Dr. Pangloss, *one who wears rose-colored
to serious: card carrying, dyed-in-the- glasses.
wool poltergeist n. ghost, *thing that goes bump in
minding one’s own business internationally: the night, *spook, doppelganger. SEE GHOST
isolationism polygamy n. bigamy, group marriage, polygyny.
multiculturally sensitive: politically correct SEE MARRIAGE
negotiating concession: bargaining chip pomp n. splendor, show, display, grandeur,
neutral: nonpartisan spectacle, pageantry, ceremony, ostenta-
nonmilitary hostility between nations: cold tion, pomposity. ANT. simplicity, modesty.
war pompous a. pretentious, egotistic, self-impor-
opponents, bad guys: black hats tant, arrogant, haughty, supercilious, over-
party, dual: bipartisan bearing, condescending, patronizing, in-
party ideology: party line flated, overblown, ostentatious. ANT.
party line, following: singing from the party modest, humble, down to earth.
hymnal poncho n. cloak, raincoat, garment.
passing responsibility, burden or blame to pond n. marsh, bog, lagoon, pool, fish pond. SEE
someone else: buck passing LAKE
pocketbooks, issue that affects voters’: bread ponder v. think about, weigh, consider, deliber-
and butter issue ate, contemplate, meditate, ruminate, re-
popular issue jumped on to make politician flect, cogitate, evaluate.
look good or to help party: bandwagon, ponderous a. heavy, bulky, unwieldy, massive,
political football prodigious, awkward, cumbersome, clumsy,
popular support for an issue: ground swell, laborious. ANT. handy, lightweight, pocket-
grassroots support sized.
powerless nation that makes threats: paper PONTIFICATE v. [pawn TIF i KATE] to
tiger preach or lecture, especially in a dogmatic
project that wastes taxpayers’ money: boon- way; sermonize. He liked to pontificate on the
doggle dangers of beer. SYN. preach, lecture, sermon-
research trip taken by politician: junket, ize, harangue, hold forth, moralize, *get up
fact-finding trip on one’s moral soapbox, admonish, declaim.
speech, argument, persuasion: rhetoric pool n. 1. PUDDLE pond, lagoon, spring, swim-
speech, crowd-rousing: stemwinder ming hole, reservoir. SEE LAKE 2. COMBINA-
speech, long-winded: filibuster TION association, collective, trust, consor-
tactfulness, negotiation, art of: diplomacy tium, union, collation. 3. FUNDS *pot,
threat of military action: saber-rattling *kitty, bank, reserves.

444 Roget’s Superthesaurus


pool v. combine, share, consolidate, merge, porch n. veranda, stoop, steps, portico, gallery,
ally, join together. deck.
pooped adv. exhausted, tired, drained, sapped, pore v. read, study, peruse, look over, examine,
worn out, fatigued, *out of gas, *beat, weary, review, scrutinize.
tuckered out. ANT. energized, invigorated. pornographic a. obscene, sexually explicit, X-
poor a. 1. DESTITUTE poverty-stricken, impover- rated, indecent, dirty, filthy, lewd, titillat-
ished, indigent, *strapped, *broke, bank- ing, salacious, erotic, blue, sexy, lascivious.
rupt, *down and out, *hard up, needy, ANT. wholesome, G-rated, *clean.
homeless. 2. INADEQUATE lacking, deficient, pornography n. smut, obscene materials, X-
unsatisfactory, subpar, second-rate, inferior, rated materials, erotica, adult material, sex-
insufficient, sorry, low grade, substandard, ually explicit material, filth, dirt magazines,
cheap, pitiable, wanting, shoddy, shabby. 3. blue movie, *skin flick.
UNFORTUNATE pitiful, pitiable, pathetic, port n. harbor, dock, pier, wharf, berth, anchor-
hapless, miserable, unlucky, wretched. ANT. age, landing, mooring, quay, haven.
1. rich, wealthy, well-off. 2. superior, first- portable a. transportable, movable, transfer-
rate, superb. 3. lucky, fortunate, blessed. able, conveyable, light, compact, pocket-
pop v. bust, explode, blow up, bang, crack, re- sized, handy. ANT. immovable, fixed, un-
port, blow, go off. wieldy.
pope n. pontiff, bishop of Rome, patriarch, portal n. entrance, doorway, gate, ingress, pas-
vicar of Christ. sageway, threshold.
WORD FIND portend v. bode, foretell, predict, presage, fore-
ambassador: nuncio warn, foreshadow, augur, herald, harbinger,
answer to question of doctrine: rescript point to, bespeak.
cape: fanon; mozetta PORTENT n. [POR tent] a sign of things to
court: Curia come, a forewarning. A storm cloud on the
court office: datary horizon is one portent sailors should take seri-
crown: tiara ously. SYN. sign of things to come, forewarn-
decree: decretal ing, omen, harbinger, herald, augury, indi-
electing group: Sacred College of Cardinals
cation, threat, presage, *handwriting on the
envoy: legate
head piece: miter
letter to bishops: encyclical portentious a. ominous, foreboding, threaten-
meeting to elect new pope: conclave ing, menacing, doomed, prophetic, inauspi-
office or jurisdiction of: papacy cious, unpromising. ANT. reassuring, encoura-
residence: Vatican ging.
succession of popes: papacy portion n. part, share, cut, section, division, ra-
SEE CHURCH, RELIGION. tion, measure, segment, parcel, hunk,
poppycock n. *bull, rot, baloney, hogwash, rub- chunk, serving, allotment.
bish, bunk, nonsense, balderdash, *horse- portion v. divide, apportion, segment, allocate,
feathers, malarkey. section, ration, dispense, dole out, mete out.
popular a. 1. WELL-LIKED favorite, in demand, portly a. stout, large, heavy, corpulent, fat, ro-
sought after, crowd-pleasing, in style, in tund, plump, spherical, obese, pudgy. ANT.
vogue, *all the rage, beloved, *boffo, cele- thin, anorexic, skinny.
brated, renowned. 2. COMMON general, pub- portray v. depict, represent, characterize, limn,
lic, standard, conventional, universal, pre- caricature, profile, mimic, delineate, simu-
vailing. ANT. 1. unwanted, outmoded, late.
disliked. 2. uncommon, limited. pose n. position, posture, stance, attitude, air,
popularity n. approval, esteem, regard, acclaim, mien, guise, pretense, facade.
favor, adoration, acceptance, appeal, idol- pose v. 1. STRIKE A POSE position, posture, stand,
ization, demand, fame. model, sit for, assume an attitude. 2. AFFECT
population n. inhabitants, residents, populace, pretend, put on, feign, posture, put on an
census, citizenry, people. act, show off, *put on airs, *peacock. 3. PUT
populous a. crowded, dense, overpopulated, FORTH ask, offer, assert, posit, propound.
*crawling with people, mobbed, *wall to posh a. luxurious, elegant, grand, *ritzy, deluxe,
wall, *elbow to elbow, swarming. ANT. va- sumptuous, rich, opulent, *swanky, fancy.
cant, unpopulated. ANT. humble, modest, low-class.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 445


position n. 1. LOCATION site, placement, place, on hold, shelve, *issue a rain check, cancel.
locality, situation, *whereabouts, spot, postscript n. P.S., P.P.S., epilogue, appendix,
point, bearings. 2. ATTITUDE stand, point of addendum, conclusion, closing thought, af-
view, viewpoint, outlook, opinion. 3. POS- terthought.
TURE pose, stance, attitude. 4. JOB post, of- postulate n. assumption, supposition, presump-
fice, function, duty, responsibility, appoint- tion, theory, hypothesis, guess, speculation,
ment. 5. STATUS standing, class, eminence, fundamental.
station, stature, prestige. POSTULATE v. [POS chuh LATE] to assume
positive a. 1. CERTAIN absolute, express, ex- without proof. Astronomers postulate that ex-
plicit, definite, unqualified, categorical, traterrestrial life exists in the universe. SYN. as-
sure, emphatic, precise, specific, firm. 2. sume, suppose, guess, theorize, hypothesize,
BENEFICIAL useful, good, constructive, help- figure, posit, surmise, take for granted, spec-
ful, practical. ANT. 1. uncertain, qualified, ulate.
equivocal. 2. negative, deleterious. posture n. 1. STANCE position, pose, carriage,
positively adv. absolutely, certainly, surely, def- bearing, aspect, attitude, deportment. 2.
initely, undeniably, categorically, doubt- OPINION attitude, frame of mind, point of
lessly, unquestionably, emphatically. view, outlook. 3. CIRCUMSTANCES condition,
possess v. have, own, hold, enjoy, control, re- situation, state of affairs.
tain, occupy, be blessed with, keep, main- pot n. 1. KETTLE saucepan, cauldron, boiler, ves-
tain. sel, pressure cooker. 2. MARIJUANA *dope,
possessed a. bedeviled, bewitched, haunted, *weed, *grass. SEE MARIJUANA
cursed, crazed, entranced, under a spell, en- potable n. drink, beverage.
thralled, demonized. potable a. drinkable, fit to drink, palatable,
possession n. 1. OWNERSHIP custody, control, pure, non-toxic, clean. ANT. toxic.
hold, proprietorship, title, occupancy. 2. potato n. tuber, *spud, yam.
PROPERTY belonging, effect, holding, potent a. effective, powerful, strong, fertile, vi-
*things, *stuff, worldly good. tal, dynamic, cogent, vigorous, compelling,
possessive a. greedy, grasping, acquisitive, pro- forceful, *packing a punch, virile, influen-
prietary, controlling, dominating. ANT. gen- tial, moving, weighty, efficacious. ANT. im-
erous. potent, weak, powerless, helpless, ineffectual.
possibility n. chance, likelihood, odds, feasibil- potentate n. ruler, monarch, sovereign, em-
ity, prospect, probablity, plausibility, even- peror, king, prince, crowned head, presi-
tuality, hazard. dent, chieftain, dictator.
possible a. feasible, doable, conceivable, attain- potential n. capability, untapped ability, capac-
able, imaginable, obtainable, viable, poten- ity, *makings, possibility, promise, prospect,
tial, probable, likely. ANT. impossible, un- *sleeping giant.
likely, unthinkable. potential a. possible, latent, unrealized, *sleep-
post n. 1. UPRIGHT shaft, pile, column, stake, ing, dormant, promising, budding, future,
support, prop, stud. 2. JOB position, office, lurking, developing.
duty, appointment, situation, role, assign- pothole n. rut, chuckhole, frost heave, pit, cra-
ment. 3. STATION lookout, beat. ter, pocket, cavity, fracture, chasm.
post v. put up, display, affix, publicize, an- potion n. elixir, concoction, brew, drink, dose,
nounce, notify, report, circulate. medicine, *love potion, tonic, remedy, mix-
poster n. placard, bill, advertisment, picture, ture.
artistic work, print, lithograph, illustration, potpourri n. mixture, hodgepodge, medley,
reproduction. miscellany, assortment, *mixed bag, mé-
posterior n. backside, rump, rear, buttock, lange, *combo, mishmash, hash.
*butt, bottom, tail, *tush. ANT. anterior, fore. pouch n. bag, sack, pocket, holder, receptacle,
posterior a. rear, back, hind, after, last. poke.
posterity n. descendants, following genera- pounce v. spring, leap, swoop, jump, assault,
tions, successors, heirs, offspring, progeny. descend upon, surprise.
ANT. ancestors. pound n. enclosure, pen, holding pen, kennel.
postman n. mailman, mailwoman, letter car- pound v. 1. BANG beat, strike, batter, drub, wal-
rier. lop, hammer, hit, pelt, thump. 2. PULSATE
postpone v. delay, defer, suspend, put off, put palpitate, beat, throb, hammer, flutter.

446 Roget’s Superthesaurus


pour v. 1. LET FLOW spill, decant, slosh, drop, practically adv. just about, nearly, almost, vir-
drip, trickle, dribble, spew, splash, funnel, tually.
stream, gush, flow, cascade. 2. RAIN HARD practice n. 1. TRAINING repetition, drilling, re-
*rain cats and dogs, drench, flood, *come hearsal, discipline, preparation, condition-
down in buckets, *come down in sheets, ing. 2. HABIT routine, way, custom, fashion,
soak, splatter. manner, method, system, procedure, mode,
pout v. sulk, mope, put on a long face, roll out wont, convention. 3. PROFESSION occupa-
one’s lip, brood, *feel sorry for oneself, snif- tion, firm, business, work, trade, clientele.
fle. ANT. smile, grin, laugh. SEE CRY practice v. 1. TRAIN drill, rehearse, prepare,
poverty n. poorness, want, need, destitution, condition, discipline, perfect, exercise, pol-
indigence, pennilessness, privation, penury, ish, refine. 2. CARRY OUT do, perform, ob-
financial distress, *wolf at the door, *Dick- serve, follow, employ. 3. WORK AT be em-
ensian poverty, *hand-to-mouth existence, ployed with, pursue, ply, specialize.
homelessness, lack, scarcity, paucity, insuffi- practitioner n. professional, expert, specialist,
ciency. ‘‘The parent of revolution and master, pro, agent, artist, novice, hobbyist,
crime.’’—Aristotle. ‘‘The reward of honest doctor, nurse, scientist.
fools.’’—Colley Cibber. ‘‘Life near the bone, PRAGMATIC a. [prag MAT ik] actual, prac-
where it is sweetest.’’—Henry Thoreau. tical, real-world, as opposed to the theoreti-
ANT. wealth, riches, affluence, plenty, abun- cal or speculative. He looked for pragmatic
dance. solutions, not daydreamed ideals. SYN. actual,
poverty-stricken a. impoverished, strapped, practical, real-world, down-to-earth, utili-
broke. SEE POOR tarian, workable, sensible, sober, hard, hard-
power n. 1. PHYSICAL FORCE energy, strength, nosed. ANT. theoretical, idealistic, unrealistic.
might, brawn, muscle, horsepower, potency, prairie n. grassland, plain, meadow, veldt, pas-
*punch, virility, vigor, *oomph. 2. ABILITY ture, tundra. SEE FIELD
capacity, capability, aptitude, *what it praise n. compliments, commendation, ap-
takes, faculty, skill, endowment. 3. CON- plause, acclaim, good words, approval, trib-
TROLLING FORCE mastery, authority, domina-
ute, recognition, laudation, extolment,
tion, sway, clout, weight, command, might, cheers. ‘‘That which makes good men better
influence, *pull, importance, *friends in and bad men worse.’’—Thomas Fuller. ‘‘The
high places. ‘‘The application of intelli- sweetest of all sounds.’’—Zenophon. ANT.
gence to force.’’—Arthur Corey. ‘‘A drug, condemnation, disapproval.
the desire for which increases with the
praise v. commend, compliment, flatter, ap-
habit.’’—Bertrand Russell. ANT. weakness,
plaud, acclaim, approve, pay tribute, laud,
impotency, powerlessness, helplessness.
extol, hail, boost, put in a good word for.
powerful a. 1. PHYSICALLY STRONG mighty, po-
ANT. condemn, criticize, disparage.
tent, energetic, brawny, muscular, *built,
*strapping, robust, vigorous, hulking, mas- praiseworthy a. commendable, admirable,
sive, *built like an ox. 2. AUTHORITATIVE, laudable, meritorious, worthy, fine, honor-
EFFECTIVE commanding, dominant, in con-
able, sterling, excellent. ANT. contemptible,
trol, influential, controlling, potent, capa- despicable, awful.
ble, forceful, preeminent, important, *carry- prank n. practical joke, trick, antic, mischief,
ing a lot of weight, *having a lot of clout, *cheap trick, gag, caper, sport, shenanigans.
puissant. ANT. 1. weak, feeble, *wimpy, emas- prattle n. chatter, babble, blather, twaddle,
culated. 2. powerless, unimportant, submis- drivel, jabber, blabbing.
sive, helpless. pray v. plead, petition, bow one’s head, appeal,
powerless a. weak, impotent, helpless, pros- supplicate, implore, solicit, entreat, say
trate, incapacitated, emasculated, debili- grace, ask forgiveness, give thanks.
tated, ineffectual, incapable, paralyzed. ANT. prayer n. pleading, petition, appeal, supplica-
powerful, potent, effective. tion, imploring, entreaty, request, thanks-
powwow n. meeting, council, conference. giving, grace, benediction, worship, litany,
practical a. useful, realistic, utilitarian, sensible, communion with God. ‘‘A window to
down-to-earth, sane, workable, practicable, heaven.’’—Israel Baal Shem Tob. ‘‘A ladder
functional, serviceable, pragmatic. ANT. im- on which thoughts mount to God.’’—Abra-
practical, unworkable, unrealistic. ham Heschel. ‘‘A direct approach to the

Roget’s Superthesaurus 447


throbbing heart of the universe.’’—Israel guideline, standard, prior instance, classic

Bettan. example, pattern, paradigm, exemplar.
WORD FIND preceding a. previous, prior, earlier, foregoing,
beads: rosary antecedent, former, aforementioned, pre-
enemy, prayer calling for a calamity to befall liminary, erstwhile. ANT. following, upcom-
one’s: imprecation ing, succeeding.
evening: vesper PRECEPT n. [PREE sept] a rule to live by;
Islam call to adhan: azan maxim. He lived by the precept, ‘‘Live and let
Islam prayer mat: seggadeh live.’’ SYN. rule to live by, maxim, principle,
Jewish mourning prayer: kaddish direction, commandment, rule, axiom,
Jewish ‘‘standing’’ prayer: amidah canon, tenet, motto, guideline.
knee, get down on one: genuflect precinct n. division, subdivision, district,
meal: grace neighborhood, section, quarter, zone, ward,
mosque’s prayer leader: imam *neck of the woods.
nine day: novena precious a. 1. COSTLY valuable, priceless, inesti-
saint’s prayer made on behalf of others: in- mable, expensive, high-priced, rich. 2. BE-
tercession LOVED dear, loved, adored, treasured, cher-
shawl, Jewish: tallith ished, worshipped, idolized, darling,
sung or spoken supplications with congrega- esteemed, favorite. 3. FASTIDIOUS overre-
tional replies: litany fined, particular, finicky, overnice, fussy, af-
synagogue’s prayer leader: cantor fected, unnatural, pretentious, flowery,
trust, to: amen dainty. ANT. 1. cheap, worthless. 2. despised,
SEE CHURCH, CLERGY, RELIGION hated. 3. sloppy, careless, cloddish.
preach v. deliver a sermon, sermonize, spread precipice n. drop-off, cliff, ledge, height, brink,
the gospel, moralize, teach, lecture, pontifi- *vertiginous overlook, bluff, escarpment.
cate, evangelize, minister, exhort, get up on PRECIPITATE v. [pri SIP i TATE] to cause
one’s moral soapbox, counsel, admonish. to happen sooner than desired or expected.
preacher n. clergyman, minister, evangelist, The embargo precipitated the rise of oil prices.
pastor, reverend, man of the cloth, parson, SYN. hasten, quicken, speed, expedite, accel-
ecclesiastic, rabbi, cleric. ‘‘God’s ambassa- erate, advance, trigger, instigate, drive, im-
dor.’’—William Cowper. ‘‘A messenger, not pel.
an actor.’’—Ralph Sockman. precipitate a. hasty, rash, headlong, rushed,
precarious a. insecure, risky, dangerous, hurried, sudden, abrupt, impetuous, reckless,
chancy, unsafe, slippery, perilous, unstable, impatient. ANT. considered, planned, ex-
shaky, *out on a limb, *hanging by a thread, pected.
treacherous, unpredictable. ANT. secure, precipitous a. sheer, high, vertiginous. SEE STEEP
safe, stable. precise a. 1. EXACT accurate, specific, pinpoint,
precaution n. caution, case, safety measure, correct, *on the button, *on the nose, right,
safeguard, insurance, provision, foresight, *on the mark, definite, faithful, literal, flaw-
preparation, wariness, heedfulness, circum- less. 2. FASTIDIOUS finicky, fussy, scrupulous,
spection. particular, meticulous, exacting, punctili-
precede v. go before, antedate, antecede, usher ous. ANT. 1. imprecise, inexact, approximate,
in, preface, lead, predate, forerun, head up. rough, loose. 2. careless, casual.
ANT. follow, succeed, ensue. precision n. exactness, accuracy, perfection,
PRECEDENCE n. [PRES uh duns] priority. correctness, fidelity, faithfulness, rectitude,
The baby’s welfare took precedence over all *Swiss watch accuracy, attention to detail.
other matters. SYN. priority, preeminence, ANT. inaccuracy, approximation.
importance, preference, supremacy, rank, PRECLUDE v. [pree KLOOD] to prevent
superiority, right, *front seat, *front burner. something from happening. A felony convic-
ANT. *back seat, *back burner, second place. tion precludes any chance for running for public
PRECEDENT n. [PRES uh dunt] a prior in- office. SYN. prevent, stop, make impossible,
stance that serves as an example, model or foil, avert, thwart, check, rule out, forestall,
guideline, especially an earlier case in a law hinder, inhibit. ANT. facilitate, allow.
matter. The lawyer found numerous precedents PRECOCIOUS a. [pre KO shus] advanced or
to help support his case. SYN. example, model, mature for one’s years. The precocious child

448 Roget’s Superthesaurus


composed a symphony by the time he was ten- ruling, controlling, paramount, top, preemi-
years-old. SYN. advanced, mature, prema- nent, ranking, supreme, chief. ANT. subordi-
ture, ahead of one’s peers, progressive, nate, secondary, minor, inferior.
bright, early-blooming, intelligent, gifted, preeminent a. dominant, superior, surpassing,
developed. ANT. immature, behind, slow to de- unsurpassed, unrivaled, foremost, major, su-
velop, late-blooming. preme, peerless, incomparable, unparalleled,
precognition n. clairvoyance, vision, ESP, ex- number one, top. ANT. inferior, second-rate,
tra sensory perception, premonition, sixth minor.
sense, intuition, fortunetelling, divination, PREEMPT v. [pree EMPT] to take the place
prophecy, prediction. of another beforehand by rights. The World
preconception n. preconceived notion, pre- Series will preempt normal TV programming.
judgment, assumption, presumption, preju- SYN. appropriate, take away, usurp, claim,
dice, predisposition. bump, assume, seize, commandeer.
PRECURSOR n. [pree KUR sur] something prefabricate v. preconstruct, preassemble.
that comes before, forerunner. A rainy April preface n. foreword, prologue, introduction,
is the precursor of May flowers. SYN. forerun- prelude, preamble, overture, opening. ANT.
ner, harbinger, herald, predecessor, usher, epilogue, postscript.
vanguard, antecedent, groundbreaker, trail- preface v. introduce, begin, start, open, initiate.
ANT. close, end.
prefer v. favor, choose, select, pick, opt for, be
predator n. hunter, carnivore, meat-eater,
partial to, lean toward, desire, single out.
stalker, victimizer, killer, beast, prowler,
ANT. reject, pass on, dislike.
raptor, bird of prey. preference n. 1. FIRST CHOICE favorite, choice,
predatory a. eating, attacking, hunting, carniv- selection, desire, inclination, pick, leaning,
orous, bloodthirsty, predacious, bestial, vo- partiality. 2. PRIORITY advantage, prece-
racious, rapacious, omnivorous. ANT. paci- dence, edge, *leg up.
fistic, peaceful. pregnancy n. gestation, fertilization, incuba-
predecessor n. forerunner, precursor, anteced- tion, *the family way, parturiency.
ent, ancestor, forebear, forefather. ANT. de- WORD FIND
scendant, successor. abortion, spontaneous: miscarriage
predestination n. predetermination, fate, God’s before labor: antepartum
plan, God’s design, God’s will, destiny, blood discharge before labor: bloody show
karma, kismet, doom. brown patches on pregnant woman’s skin:
predetermined a. preplanned, fixed, arranged, *mask of pregnancy, chloasma
fated, destined, doomed, preordained, pre- dark line on pregnant woman’s belly: linea
set, settled, decided. ANT. uncertain, *up for nigra
grabs. embryo, earliest form of: blastocyst
predicament n. difficulty, scrape, bind, mess, false pregnancy: pseudocyesis
plight, trouble, jam, pickle, hole, strait, *hot fetal movement, mother’s first perception
water, pinch, corner. of: quickening
predict v. prophecy, forecast, foresee, foretell, fluid: amniotic fluid
divine, prognosticate, augur, envision, read fluid secreted from breast prior to birth: co-
the signs, guess. lostrum
fluid withdrawal from uterus, test: amnio-
prediction n. prophecy, forecast, prognostica-
tion, prognosis, guess, augury, divination,
genetic test sampling of placenta: chorionic
expectation, intuition. villus sampling
PREDILECTION n. [PRED uh LEK shun] a implantation of fertilized eggs, mechanical:
natural liking or preference. She had a predi- in vitro fertilization
lection for ginger snaps. SYN. liking, fondness, nausea: morning sickness
preference, partiality, predisposition, incli- optical examination of fetus through scope:
nation, propensity, penchant, leaning, bias, fetoscopy
prejudice. ANT. aversion, dislike. organ providing nutrients and oxygen to fe-
predispose v. make susceptible, influence, bias, tus from mother: placenta
sway, prejudice, impress, prime, affect, bend. premature birth, abnormality leading to: in-
predominant a. dominant, superior, leading, competent cervix

Roget’s Superthesaurus 449


semen, artificial deposit of: artificial insemi- premonition n. foreboding, presentiment, fore-
nation warning, feeling, *gut feeling, hunch, appre-
sympathetic pregnancy symptoms of father: hension, intuition, *bad vibes, omen, por-
couvade tent.
three-month division: trimester preoccupied a. busy, occupied, engaged, in-
ultrasound picture of fetus: sonogram volved, immersed, absorbed, *wrapped up,
uterus, development of egg outside of: ec- engrossed, removed, *lost in thought, *deep
topic pregnancy in thought.
SEE BABY, BIRTH preparation n. 1. MAKING READY arrangement,
pregnant a. 1. EXPECTING *in a family way, development, priming, establishment,
gravid, *with child, parturient, gestating, groundwork, anticipation, *prep work, pro-
carrying. 2. MEANINGFUL important, vision, framework, setting up, grooming,
weighty, significant, telling. training. 2. CONCOCTION compound, mix-
prehistoric a. early, primitive, primeval, ante- ture, composition, drug, prescription.
diluvian, ancient, antiquated, pleistocene, prepare v. ready, prime, groom, arrange, do
pliocene, miocene, oligocene, eocene, pa- groundwork, *prep, set up, anticipate, plan,
leocene, cretaceous, jurassic, triassic, per- develop, smooth the way, train.
mian, paleozoic, cambrian, pre-cambrian. preponderance n. dominance, supremacy, bulk,
ANT. future, modern. weight, predominance, *lion’s share, biggest
prejudice n. bias, preconceived idea, precon- part, majority, prevalence. ANT. lesser part,
ception, predisposition, jaundiced eye, fore- minority.
gone conclusion, bigotry, racism, sexism, preposterous a. absurd, ridiculous, outrageous,
chauvinism, homophobia, intolerance, par- ludicrous, asinine, foolish, silly, nonsensical,
tiality, discrimination, narrow-mindedness. crazy, insane, impossible, unbelievable, un-
‘‘An opinion without judgment.’’—Vol- thinkable. ANT. logical, reasonable, sensible.
taire. ‘‘Weighing the facts with your thumb PREREQUISITE a. [pree REK wuh zit] re-
on the scales.’’—Leon Aikman. ‘‘The child quired, necessary. Math may always be a pre-
of ignorance.’’—William Hazlitt. ANT. open- requisite course. SYN. required, necessary, de-
mindedness, objectivity, fairness, tolerance. manded, essential, imperative, called for,
prejudicial a. encouraging preconceptions, obligatory, mandatory, needed. ANT. elective,
damaging, misleading, delusive, misguiding, unnecessary.
presumed, biased, predetermined. ANT. unbi- PREROGATIVE n. [pree ROG uh tiv] a right
or privilege. It was her prerogative to close the
preliminary a. introductory, preparatory, ini-
store whenever she wished. SYN. right, privi-
tial, first, preceding, antecedent, opening,
lege, choice, authority, liberty, freedom, ad-
precursory. ANT. ending, final.
vantage, license, exemption.
prelude n. introduction, preface, preamble, be-
ginning, opening, overture, warmup, pro- preschool n. nursery school, day care center,
logue. kindergarten.
premature a. early, too soon, unready, green, prescribe v. direct, order, ordain, set down, rec-
immature, undeveloped, unripe, precipitate, ommend, dictate, assign, select, advocate,
hurried, *half-baked, *jumping the gun, un- exact, rule.
timely. ANT. late, overdue, behind. prescription n. order, direction, recommenda-
premeditated a. planned, prearranged, calcu- tion, directive, instruction, requirement,
lated, mapped out, studied, conscious, preparation, concoction, medicine, drug,
thought-out, intentional, deliberate, willful. dose.
ANT. spur-of-the-moment, in the heat of the presence n. 1. ATTENDANCE existence, occu-
moment, spontaneous, impulsive, unplanned. pancy, being, residence, proximity. 2. POISE
premiere n. debut, opening night, first showing. confidence, bearing, air, demeanor, cha-
premise n. hypothesis, argument, postulate, risma, personality, carriage, self-assurance,
proposition, foundation, theory, supposi- aura.
tion, basis, assertion. presence of mind n. calm, coolness, coolhead-
premium n. reward, bonus, prize, gift, incen- edness, clearheadedness.
tive, *carrot, extra, *gravy, fringe benefit, present n. 1. HERE AND NOW today, now, this
*perk. instant. 2. GIFT offering, favor, benefaction,

450 Roget’s Superthesaurus


donation, premium, gratuity, give-away, bo- pressing a. urgent, importunate, high-priority,

nus. crucial, exigent, critical, vital, imperative,
present v. 1. INTRODUCE have one meet, ac- important, compelling, momentous. ANT.
quaint. 2. EXHIBIT display, show, demon- unimportant, inconsequential, trivial.
strate. 3. PUT FORWARD advance, pose, sub- pressure n. 1. COMPRESSION squeezing, tension,
mit, proffer, *trot out for inspection, offer, load, heaviness, weight, force, gravity. 2.
profess, declare. 4. GIVE hand over, confer, STRAIN stress, duress, demand, tension, bur-
bestow, award, entrust, donate, submit. den, load, cross, millstone. 3. INFLUENCE
present a. 1. CURRENT contemporary, existing, force, power, coercion, persuasion, pull,
immediate, at hand, present-day, modern, at sway, compulsion, obligation, necessity,
this moment. 2. HERE at hand, in atten- arm-twisting.
dance, nearby, on hand, within reach. ANT. pressure v. compel, influence, force, push, per-
1. past, bygone, previous. 2. absent, away. suade, coerce, press, drive, arm-twist, con-
presentable a. groomed, dressed, neat and strain, *lean on, *railroad, *put the screws
clean, fit to be seen, acceptable, respectable, to, *put the squeeze on.
suitable, *decent, passable. ANT. sloppy, dis- prestige n. status, reputation, repute, stature,
reputable, unsuitable. standing, fame, prominence, esteem, dis-
presentation n. performance, exhibition, show, tinction, notoriety, rank, influence, power.
production, demonstration, display, offer- prestigious a. esteemed, distinguished, re-
ing, gift, bestowal, award, pitch. nowned, reputable, notable, eminent, great,
presentiment n. foreboding, feeling, *bad famous, illustrious, impressive, influential.
vibes, premonition, apprehension, *gut feel- ANT. unknown, disrespected.
ing, intuition, hunch, presage. presumably adv. probably, ostensibly, likely, in
presently adv. shortly, soon, directly, now, im- all probability.
mediately, forthwith. presume v. 1. ASSUME take for granted, think,
preservation n. conservation, maintenance, guess, surmise, suppose, believe, take it, pos-
protection, conservancy, safekeeping, sav- tulate, consider. 2. DARE venture, take liber-
ing, sustenance, upkeep, perpetuation. ties, have the audacity, overstep, go too far.
preserve n. reserve, game reserve, sanctuary, presumption n. 1. ASSUMPTION thinking, sup-
zoo, refuge, haven, park, conservation area. position, guess, belief, suspicion, conjecture,
preserve v. 1. PROTECT save, conserve, main-
hypothesis, premise. 2. FORWARDNESS effron-
tain, sustain, keep up, safeguard, perpetuate.
tery, audacity, gall, boldness, daring,
2. TO KEEP FRESH can, pickle, salt, cure,
*cheek, nerve, insolence.
smoke, dry, corn, refrigerate, freeze. ANT. 1.
PRESUMPTUOUS a. [pree ZUMP choo us]
ruin, neglect. 2. let spoil, let rot.
preside v. chair, oversee, direct, control, super- overly bold or confident and taking too
vise, run, officiate, *be in the driver’s seat, much for granted. It was quite presumptuous
*hold the reins, conduct, head. of her to take the blue ribbon before the winner
president n. chief executive, head of state, was even announced. SYN. bold, nervy, confi-
commander-in-chief, first citizen, chief ex- dent, audacious, forward, *ballsy, rude,
ecutive officer, CEO, chairman. ‘‘Chief ser- cocksure, brazen, lordly, arrogant, egotisti-
vant.’’—Mohandas Gandhi. ‘‘A link in the cal, insolent, pompous. ANT. unassuming,
long chain of his country’s destiny, past and modest, humble.
future.’’—Herbert Hoover. SEE CONGRESS, pretend v. 1. MAKE BELIEVE play act, imagine,
ELECTION, GOVERNMENT, POLITICS put on, suppose. 2. FEIGN fake, bluff, simu-
press n. 1. MEDIA reporters, newsmen, news- late, *put on, dissemble, fool, deceive, act,
women, fourth estate, TV, radio, journalists, sham, counterfeit, affect.
photojournalists. SEE NEWSPAPER 2. CROWD PRETENSE n. [PREE tens] a falsification, put-
throng, mob, pack, swarm, horde, crush. on, show or affectation. His claim of being
press v. 1. PUSH squeeze, depress, crush, clamp, rich was only a pretense to impress women. SYN.
compress, bear down, flatten, squash, put falsification, put-on, show, affectation, im-
weight on, cramp, compact, hug, embrace. posture, fake, display, act, charade, showing
2. IRON smooth, steam. 3. FORCE compel, im- off, facade, simulation, masquerade, posing,
pel, constrain, move. 4. REQUEST entreat, ruse, trick. ANT. truth, reality, honest.
plead, petition, importune, solicit. PRETENTIOUS a. [pree TEN shus] putting

Roget’s Superthesaurus 451


on airs, especially of importance or grand- expensive, *worth its weight in gold, *worth
ness, ostentatious. They were a bunch of pre- all the oil in Arabia, costly, prized, treas-
tentious snobs. SYN. affected, self-important, ured. ANT. cheap, *dime a dozen, worthless.
bragging, showy, ostentatious, boastful, prick v. pierce, stick, puncture, impale, jab,
pompous, assuming, conceited, *la-di-da, stab, cut, perforate, lance.
vainglorious, snobbish, *highfalutin. ANT. pride n. 1. SELF-ESTEEM self-respect, self-worth,
down-to-earth, unassuming, natural, modest, dignity, satisfaction, self-confidence,
humble. healthy ego, *amour propre. 2. ARROGANCE
pretext n. excuse, front, *story, alibi, cover, al- conceit, hauteur, haughtiness, egotism, self-
leged reason, *song and dance, subterfuge, importance, vainglory, overconfidence,
guise. smugness, presumption, cockiness. ‘‘Cap
pretty a. attractive, comely, beautiful, lovely, and bells for a fool.’’—Alfred Lord Tenny-
nice-looking, cute, appealing, eye-catching, son. ‘‘Pampered vanity.’’—Joanna Baillie.
foxy, becoming, ravishing, fair, handsome. priest n. father, minister, clergyman, man of
ANT. ugly, plain, homely. the cloth, ecclesiastic, vicar, padre, chap-
pretty adv. fairly, moderately, reasonably, pass- lain, pastor, deacon. ‘‘Crutches for the crip-
ably, adequately. pled life of the soul.’’—Franz Kafka. SEE
prevail v. 1. WIN OVER overcome, dominate, CLERGYMAN, PREACHER
best, succeed, triumph, conquer, master, priesthood n. ministry, clergy, the cloth. SEE
*come out on top. 2. PREDOMINATE be wide- CHURCH, RELIGION
spread, be prevalent, abound, preponderate. prim a. formal, proper, demure, correct, Victo-
ANT. 1. lose, fail, give up. 2. be rare. rian, straitlaced, prissy, prudish, upright,
prevailing a. superior, dominant, affective, stiff, decorous. ANT. loose, wild, unrefined, in-
prevalent, widespread, general, preponder- formal, casual.
ant, predominant, universal, popular, cur- PRIMA DONNA n. [PREE muh DONN uh] a
rent, principal, reigning, in style. ANT. out- moody, complaining and egotistical person.
moded, disappearing, failing. Also, the lead female vocalist in an opera.
prevalent a. prevailing, common, widespread, Her success made her an unappealing prima
abundant, extensive, general, popular, per- donna. SYN. 1. SPOILED BRAT crybaby, *snot,
vasive, rampant. ANT. rare, uncommon, infre- witch, grouch, loudmouth, temperamental
quent. whiner, princess, egotist, *hell on wheels,
prevaricate v. equivocate, evade the truth. SEE *jerk. 2. STAR headliner, soloist, lead vocal-
LIE ist.
prevent v. stop, prohibit, preclude, avert, stave primal a. primeval, original, prehistoric, primi-
off, arrest, *nip in the bud, thwart, bar, tive, aboriginal.
check, restrict, block. ANT. allow, facilitate, primarily adv. mainly, in the first place, funda-
cause. mentally, first and foremost, principally,
prevention n. stoppage, prohibition, preclu- chiefly, largely.
sion, arrest, restriction, blockage, deter- primary a. 1. FIRST original, earliest, primal, pri-
rence, obstruction, forestalling, intercep- mordial, introductory, initial, beginning. 2.
tion. MAIN principal, chief, basic, essential, funda-
previous a. prior, earlier, preceding, past, ante- mental, first, capital, major. ANT. 1. second-
cedent, anterior, erstwhile, aforementioned. ary, succeeding. 2. minor, secondary.
ANT. future, succeeding, upcoming, ensuing. primate n. simian, hominid, ape, monkey, pro-
previously adv. earlier, in the past, before, hith- simian, chimpanzee, gorilla.
erto, formerly, once, at one time, a while prime n. best days, youth, springtime of life,
ago. heyday, peak, height, spring, summer.
prey n. victim, the hunted, mark, quarry, kill, prime v. prepare, *prep, ready, groom, train,
spoil, *sitting duck. break in, coach.
prey v. hunt, kill, victimize, eat, devour, feed prime a. SEE PRIMARY
on, attack, pounce, consume, exploit, use. prime minister n. premier, cabinet head, head,
price n. cost, asking price, sticker price, charge, leader, chief executive, office holder, chief
retail, wholesale, bill, expense, value, rate, minister. SEE GOVERNMENT
assessment, appraisal, outlay, *damage. primer n. textbook, how-to, reference, intro-
priceless a. invaluable, precious, valuable, dear, ductory volume, reader. SEE BOOK

452 Roget’s Superthesaurus


primeval a. primal, primordial, prehistoric, jailer: turnkey

primitive, ancient, earliest, antediluvian, legal expert, prisoner who becomes: jail-
pristine. ANT. later, recent, modern. house lawyer
primitive a. 1. ANCIENT original, earliest, pri- life term, prisoner serving: *lifer
mal, primordial, primeval, primary, elemen- military: stockade
tal, rudimentary. 2. CRUDE rough, undevel- reforming of prisoner: rehabilitation
oped, simple, uncivilized, unsophisticated, return to life of crime after prison: recidi-
wild, natural, barbaric. ANT. 1. modern, con- vism
temporary, late. 2. refined, sophisticated, civi- section holding those sentenced to death:
lized. death row
primordial a. SEE PRIMITIVE ship: brig
primp v. groom, preen, beautify, dress up, smuggler of contraband: *mule
*gussy up, *doll up, *spruce up. spousal relations visit: conjugal visit
principal n. 1. CHIEF head, actor, performer, transfer of prisoner to other jurisdiction: ex-
player, star, combatant. 2. HEADMASTER tradition
dean. youth: reformatory, reform school
principal a. main, major, chief, leading, pri- war camp: concentration camp
mary, dominant, foremost, supreme, star, prisoner n. SEE PRISON
key, most important. ANT. secondary, sup-
prissy a. *goody-goody, straitlaced, prudish,
porting, minor.
prim, *goody two shoes, overnice, fussy, fas-
principle n. 1. TRUTH law, doctrine, fundamen-
tidious, particular, puritanical. ANT. wanton,
tal, standard, rule, foundation, basis, crite-
unruly, loose.
rion, precept, theory, canon. 2. PRINCIPLES/
PRISTINE a. [pris TEEN] unspoiled or pure,
MORALS ethics, code, policies, guiding prin-
as something in its original state. The pris-
ciple, belief, tenet, dogma, standards, credo,
tine mountains of Alaska should be left forever
scruples, conscience.
print v. compose, write, imprint, run off, type, wild. SYN. unspoiled, pure, untouched, vir-
stamp, hand-letter. ginal, natural, primitive, primordial, unsul-
printer n. typesetter, publisher, photocopier. lied, uncorrupted, clean. ANT. spoiled, ru-
prior a. previous, earlier, former, antecedent, ined, sullied.
anterior, preceding, preexisting, erstwhile, privacy n. solitude, separation, concealment,
aforementioned. ANT. following, upcoming, secrecy, isolation, sequestration, seclusion.
subsequent. private a. 1. PERSONAL secret, internal, confi-
priority n. precedence, leading concern, rank, dential, intimate, individual, nonpublic,
urgency, preference, weight, preeminence, own. 2. SECLUDED isolated, sequestered, re-
seniority. clusive, secret, concealed, cloistered, her-
prison n. penitentiary, penal institution, jail, mitic, remote, solitary. 3. UNDISCLOSED se-
house of detention, house of correction, cret, *under wraps, quiet, confidential,
lockup, cell, *cooler, *clink, *poky, *can, *hush-hush. 4. RESTRICTED off-limits, closed
*hoosegow, *slammer, *big house. ‘‘Stones to the public, exclusive. ANT. 1. public. 3.
of law.’’—William Blake. public, announced, out in the open. 4. public,
WORD FIND unrestricted, open.
castle: dungeon privation n. deprivation, need, want, scarcity,
cell search by guards: shakedown lack, poverty, hardship, destitution, indi-
convicts chained together for work detail: gence. ANT. wealth, affluence.
chain gang privilege n. right, advantage, due, favor, enti-
death penalty: capital punishment tlement, perquisite, liberty, prerogative,
division: ward benefit, birthright.
drunks, overnight cell for: drunk tank privileged a. entitled, favored, empowered, ex-
early release for good behavior: parole empt, immune, sanctioned, authorized, ac-
famous: Alcatraz, Sing Sing, Newgate commodated, given preferential treatment.
head: warden ANT. disadvantaged, underprivileged.
informer: *rat, fink privy n. latrine, toilet. SEE OUTHOUSE
inmates: convicts, *cons prize n. award, winnings, reward, title, blue rib-
isolation cell: solitary confinement bon, medal, trophy, loving cup, decoration,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 453


laurel, honors, jackpot, haul, stake, spoils, known, profess, voice, broadcast, herald, ad-
booby prize. vertise. ANT. hush up, cover up.
prize v. value, regard highly, esteem, appreci- proclamation n. announcement, declaration,
ate, hold dear, cherish, treasure. pronouncement, notice, statement, profes-
prize a. award-winning, winning, choice. SEE sion, manifesto, decree, edict.
BEST proclivity n. inclination, tendency, propensity,
probability n. likelihood, chance, prospect, disposition, predilection, penchant, weak-
possibility, odds, expectation, outlook. ness, leaning, bias. ANT. aversion, dislike.
probable a. likely, *odds-on, reasonable, ex- procrastinate v. put off, stall, delay, *drag one’s
pected, anticipated, possible, presumed, feet, *shilly-shally, postpone, dawdle, tem-
plausible, *in the cards, foreseeable. ANT. porize, prolong, protract, play for time. ANT.
unlikely, improbable, implausible. *get cracking, *get a move on, expedite. ‘‘The
probation n. trial period, test period, suspen- art of keeping up with yesterday.’’—Don
sion of sentence. Marquis.
probe n. investigation, examination, inquiry, procreate v. produce, beget, reproduce, breed,
inquisition, exploration, study, scrutiny, parent, propagate, spawn, mother, father,
feeler. engender, bear.
probe v. investigate, examine, inquire, look procure v. get, obtain, acquire, secure, come
into, explore, study, scrutinize, analyze, by, get one’s hands on, get hold of, pick up,
check out, poke about, interrogate. appropriate, buy, purchase, score.
problem n. 1. DIFFICULTY complication, knot, prod v. poke, jab, shove, elbow, finger, punch,
trouble, dilemma, quandary, mess, *pickle, *goose, nudge, shove, goad, urge, rouse, mo-
predicament, *can of worms, *headache, tivate, spur, provoke, incite, move.
*pain in the neck, *hassle. 2. PUZZLE brain- PRODIGAL a. [PROD uh gul] extremely
teaser, question, riddle, conundrum, wasteful or extravagant. Joe’s prodigal grand-
*stumper, *head-scratcher, *hard nut to son spent his entire inheritance within a week.
crack. SYN. wasteful, extravagant, excessive, squan-
problematic a. 1. DIFFICULT hard, tricky. 2. dering, spendthrift, lavish, immoderate, im-
QUESTIONABLE doubtful, debatable, uncer- provident, reckless. ANT. thrifty, frugal,
tain, unsettled, dubious, disputable, moot, penny-pinching.
suspect, hard to believe, *full of holes, unde- PRODIGIOUS a. [pruh DIJ us] huge, power-
termined. ANT. 1. easy, simple. 2. certain, set- ful, spectacular or astounding. Climbing Mt.
tled. Everest is a prodigious undertaking. SYN. huge,
procedure n. method, manner, process, course, massive, enormous, colossal, stupendous,
sequence, steps, mode, practice, formula, Herculean, immense, monumental, tremen-
way. dous, powerful, extraordinary, astounding,
proceed v. go, go ahead, go on, continue, prog- spectacular, phenomenal, impressive, amaz-
ress, move on, carry on, get on with. ANT. ing. ANT. tiny, trivial, pint-sized, common, or-
stop, halt, suspend. dinary.
proceedings n. business, matters, *doings, ac- PRODIGY n. [PROD i jee] a child of rare and
tivities, affairs, transactions, agenda, min- exceptional talent or intelligence, a young
utes. genius. The young prodigy attended college at
proceeds n. take, earnings, income, profit, re- the age of twelve. SYN. wonder, genius, *whiz
ceipts, gain, revenue, gross, net, gate, box kid, wunderkind, sensation, marvel, *freak,
office. SEE MONEY phenomenon, gifted student. ‘‘A child who
process n. method, workings, operation, modus plays the piano when he ought to be in
operandi, procedure, course, sequence, tech- bed.’’—John Morton.
nique, formula, way, steps, stages, mecha- produce v. 1. MAKE manufacture, create, bear,
nism. generate, form, fabricate, construct, invent,
process v. work, refine, handle, prepare, treat, devise, fashion, frame, turn out. 2. CAUSE
convert, cook, cure, deal with. effect, bring about, generate, result in,
procession n. parade, train, column, caravan, breed. 3. SHOW FOR INSPECTION display, pres-
cavalcade, file, march, cortege, motorcade. ent, offer, exhibit, show, disclose.
proclaim v. announce, declare, state, make product n. good, commodity, creation, work,

454 Roget’s Superthesaurus


handiwork, production, turnout, merchan- craftsman. SYN. competent, skilled, able, tal-
dise, result, end, yield, outcome, issue. ented, masterful, adept, expert, *crack,
production n. manufacture, creation, fabrica- *crackerjack, capable, accomplished. ANT.
tion, generation, formation, assembly, con- incompetent, incapable, inept.
struction, invention, outpost. profile n. 1. OUTLINE side view, figure, contour,
productive a. fertile, rich, fecund, fruitful, pro- form, silhouette, delineation. 2. BIOGRAPHY
lific, profitable, gainful, creative, rewarding, review, sketch, thumbnail sketch, charac-
worthwhile. ANT. unproductive, barren, terization, portrait.
worthless. profit n. gain, income, proceeds, net, revenue,
productivity n. output, turnout, capacity, yield, return, yield, benefit, *take, earnings, *bot-
production. tom line, *take-home. ANT. loss, red ink. SEE
PROFANE a. [pro FANE] irreverent and dis- MONEY
respectful, especially toward religion. Also, profit v. gain, benefit, yield, take, earn, make
that which is outside of religion. His profane money, clear, *clean up, *make a killing,
sense of humor got him in trouble with the reap, *make a bundle, advance, better,
church. SYN. irreverent, disrespectful, blas- learn. ANT. lose, suffer, go bankrupt.
phemous, impious, sacrilegious, irreligious, profitable a. lucrative, money-making, paying,
ungodly, sinful, crude, nasty. ANT. religious, cost-effective, worthwhile, rewarding, pro-
pious, devout, Christian. ductive, gainful, fruitful, remunerative. ANT.
profane v. desecrate, defile, debase, disrespect, unprofitable, costly, unproductive.
violate, blaspheme, corrupt, taint, abuse. PROFLIGATE a. [PROF luh git] shamelessly
ANT. revere, respect, worship. immoral. Also, extravagant and wasteful.
profanity n. swear word, swearing, cuss word, His profligate lifestyle left him penniless and
cussing, bad word, *four-letter word, dirty miserable. SYN. immoral, shameless, de-
word, oath, expletive, obscenity, blasphemy, bauched, wild, wanton, degenerate, promis-
irreverence. ANT. polite word, euphemism, cuous, fast, loose, abandoned, unbridled, ex-
reverence. travagant, wasteful, excessive, prodigal,
profess v. 1. AFFIRM declare, assert, admit, pro- lavish, immoderate. ANT. moral, virtuous,
claim, tell, state, acknowledge, confess, principled, thrifty, economical.
avow, announce. 2. TO CLAIM INSINCERELY PROFOUND a. [pro FOUND] deep or in-
purport, allege, pretend, feign, fake, simu- tense, either physically, intellectually or
late, *swear up and down. emotionally. Her theory of galactic formation
profession n. 1. OCCUPATION line of work, was quite profound. She remembered the pro-
trade, vocation, calling, work, career, busi- found sadness of the day. SYN. 1. INTELLEC-
ness, employment, specialty, job, field, mé- TUAL deep, intelligent, thoughtful, wise, in-
tier. 2. AFFIRMATION announcement, decla- sightful, abstruse, heavy, penetrating,
ration, assertion, admission, proclamation, esoteric, enlightened, scholarly, difficult,
statement, confession, claim, pretense. complex. 2. EMOTIONAL heartfelt, deep, in-
professional n. expert, master, pro, *old hand, tense, acute, sincere, keen, heartrending,
veteran, specialist, virtuoso, mavin, jour- soul-stirring, moving. 3. THOROUGH compre-
neyman, *crackerjack. ANT. amateur, dab- hensive, complete, utter, far-reaching, total,
bler, hobbyist. absolute. 4. BOTTOMLESS sunken, fathomless,
professional a. expert, schooled, experienced, abysmal. ANT. 1. superficial, shallow, mind-
trained, masterly, learned, proficient, ac- less. 2. insincere, unfeeling. 3. partial, slight.
complished, pro, practiced, big league, au 4. shallow.
fait, accredited. ANT. amateur, inexperienced, PROFUSE a. [pro FYOOS] pouring out freely
unschooled, incompetent. or excessively. Her profuse apologies fell on
professor n. teacher, academic, instructor, edu- deaf ears. SYN. pouring forth freely, abun-
cator, *prof, faculty member, doctor, lec- dant, excessive, free-flowing, overflowing,
turer, fellow, sage, *brain. SEE COLLEGE generous, copious, plentiful, extravagant,
professorial a. pedantic, pedagogic, scholarly. lavish, immoderate, prodigal. ANT. sparse,
SEE ACADEMIC, COLLEGE thin, limited, meager, moderate.
PROFICIENT a. [pro FISH unt] highly com- PROFUSION n. [pro FYOO zhun] a great
petent, skillful, able. He was a proficient pouring forth, or a great amount. A profusion

Roget’s Superthesaurus 455


of daisies colored the meadow. SYN. out- estimate, forecast, scheme, envision, con-
pouring, overflow, great amount, abun- ceive, draft, outline. 2. JUT bulge, stick out,
dance, lavish amount, extravagant supply, overhang, protrude. 3. THROW hurl, cast,
bounty, quantity, cornucopia, multitude, shoot, propel, fling, launch.
excess, flood, plethora. ANT. dearth, lack, projection n. 1. ESTIMATE calculation, predic-
scarcity. tion, forecast, guess, approximation, figure.
progeny n. children, offspring, young, issue, de- 2. JUT protrusion, overhang, prominence,
scendants, successors, lineage, stock, poster- bump, bulge, extension, shelf.
ity. ANT. parents, ancestors, forebears. PROLETARIAT n. [PROH li TAIR ee ut] the
prognosis n. forecast, prognostication, projec- industrial working class or working class.
tion. SEE PREDICTION The proletariat are speaking out against higher
prognosticator n. seer, diviner, forecaster. SEE taxes. SYN. industrial working class, working
PROPHET class, laborers, blue-collar workers, com-
program n. 1. AGENDA schedule, order of busi- moners, lower class, rank and file, plebians,
ness, card, bill, slate, lineup, plan, docket, bourgeoisie, the masses, hoi polloi. ANT. up-
calendar, timetable. 2. BROADCAST show, per class, ruling class, nobility, royalty, aristo-
production, presentation, performance, crats.
telecast, drama, sitcom, musical. SEE TELEVI- PROLIFERATE v. [proh LIF uh RATE] to
SION 3. PROCEDURE plan, course, scheme, multiply, increase or spread at a fast rate.
way, approach. 4. COMPUTER PROGRAM soft- Mushrooms proliferate on moist ground. SYN.
ware, instructions. SEE COMPUTER multiply, increase, spread, reproduce, breed,
progress n. advance, development, improve- *mushroom, grow rampant, *run riot, bur-
ment, furtherance, headway, strides forward, geon, escalate, teem, *snowball, metastasize.
ANT. decrease, die out.
progression, march of progress, evolution,
breakthrough, gain, growth. ANT. regression, PROLIFIC a. [proh LIF ik] richly productive,
retreat, recession. ‘‘The law of life.’’—Robert fertile. A prolific author, he once wrote three
Browning. ‘‘Man’s ability to complicate sim- books in one year. SYN. productive, fertile,
plicity.’’—Thor Heyerdahl. fruitful, generative, creative, fecund, boun-
progress v. move forward, develop, grow, gain, tiful. ANT. sterile, unproductive, barren.
improve, make headway, evolve, advance, prologue n. preface, introduction, foreword,
upgrade, improve, perfect. ANT. regress, de- opening.
cline, recede, retreat. prolong v. extend, draw out, drag out, protract,
stretch, lengthen, expand, sustain, perpetu-
progression n. progress, succession, sequence,
ate. ANT. shorten, curtail, cut short.
cycle, forward march, headway, continu-
promenade n. walk, walkway, avenue, footpath,
ance. ANT. regression, recession.
course, mall, stroll.
progressive a. forward-looking, modern- prominence n. 1. RENOWN fame, distinction,
minded, prodevelopment, cutting edge, eminence, reputation, notability, standing,
twenty-first century, advancing, liberal, vi- importance, greatness, celebrity. 2. JUTTING
sionary, revolutionary, evolutionary, re- bump, projection, bulge, extrusion, emi-
formist, dynamic. ANT. conservative, unchan- nence, peak, swelling, protrusion, protuber-
ging, static, abiding, regressive. ance, hump, lump. ANT. 1. obscurity, ano-
prohibit v. forbid, disallow, proscribe, interdict, nymity. 2. depression, indentation, hole.
ban, outlaw, restrict, prevent, stop, pre- prominent a. 1. RENOWNED famous, eminent,
clude, constrain, block, restrain, deny, put a distinguished, notable, celebrated, well-
stop to, *put a lid on. ANT. allow, authorize, known, important, great, acclaimed. 2.
sanction, permit. STICKING OUT jutting, projecting, conspicu-
prohibition n. ban, interdiction, proscription, ous, standing out, outstanding, glaring, ob-
nix, embargo, restriction, outlawing, disal- vious, striking, bulging. ANT. 1. obscure, un-
lowance, blockage, taboo. ANT. permission, known, anonymous. 2. inconspicuous,
allowance, authorization. indented.
project n. venture, undertaking, enterprise, job, promiscuous a. sexually active, sexually indis-
work, campaign, occupation, assignment, criminate, oversexed, fast, loose, easy, wild,
task, plan, scheme, proposal. whorish, of easy virtue, wanton, lustful. ANT.
project v. 1. PLAN propose, calculate, predict, celibate, chaste, virginal.

456 Roget’s Superthesaurus


promise n. 1. WORD OF HONOR word, vow, decree, proclaim, report, state. 2. ARTICU-
pledge, oath, commitment, assurance, war- LATE enunciate, say, vocalize, utter, sound,
ranty, guarantee, contract, swearing. 2. PO- express, frame a word.
TENTIAL hope, prospect, expectation. pronounced a. distinct, unmistakable, conspic-
promise v. 1. GIVE ONE’S WORD pledge, vow, uous, clear, striking, outstanding, promi-
swear, commit, assure, *cross one’s heart nent, bold, plain, obvious. ANT. inconspicu-
and hope to die, take an oath, warrant, guar- ous, subtle, concealed, hidden.
antee. 2. GIVE HOPE OF suggest, indicate, por- pronouncement n. declaration, statement, an-
tend, bode, bespeak, show signs of. nouncement, assertion, proclamation, de-
promising a. encouraging, hopeful, full of cree, notification, manifesto.
promise, favorable, bright, up-and-coming, proof n. evidence, verification, confirmation,
auspicious, rosy, *shaping up, heartening. authentication, corroboration, validation,
ANT. discouraging, disheartening, black. certification, substantiation, testimony,
promontory n. headland, head, point, cape, facts.
projection, bluff, hill, height. proofread v. copyedit, blue pencil, edit, read,
promote v. 1. PUBLICIZE sell, advertize, *talk up, check for errors.
plug, tout, back, *hype, push, ballyhoo, prop n. support, brace, buttress, pillar, stan-
trumpet, sing praises. 2. FURTHER advance, chion, upright, beam, post, column, joist.
foster, boost, support, cultivate, lift. 3. UP- prop v. hold up, carry, support, shoulder, brace,
GRADE ONE’S RANK advance, raise, *kick up- gird, buttress, shore, stand, lean against.
stairs, move up, graduate. ANT. 1. criticize, propaganda n. disinformation, brainwashing,
condemn, censor, *bad-mouth. 2. retard, in- indoctrination, lies, distortion, deception,
hibit, discourage. 3. demote, downgrade. dissemination, psychological manipulation,
promoter n. supporter, backer, advocate, orga- subversive PR. ‘‘Polished lying.’’—Lin Yu-
nizer, publicist, booster, champion, sponsor, tang. ‘‘A polite euphemism for decep-
proponent. tion.’’—Walter Lippmann.
promotion n. 1. PUBLICITY selling, advertise- propagate v. 1. BREED reproduce, multiply, gen-
ment, plugging, touting, backing, *hype, erate, beget, engender, raise, mother, father,
ballyhoo, hoopla. 2. UPGRADE IN RANK gradu- proliferate. 2. SPREAD disseminate, promul-
ation, *kick upstairs, move up, advance, gate, broadcast, publish, circulate, dispense.
raise. ANT. 1. condemnation, criticism, *bad- propel v. drive, impel, push, shoot, move,
mouthing, censoring. 2. demotion, downgrade. launch, throw, thrust, force, send, actuate,
prompt v. urge, provoke, incite, goad, evoke,
propellor n. prop, screw, blade, rotor, driver.
cue, stimulate, induce, spur, initiate, prod,
PROPENSITY n. [pruh PEN si tee] a natural
arouse, push.
inclination. She had a propensity for Swedish
prompt a. quick, punctual, timely, swift, rapid, meatballs. SYN. tendency, leaning, bent, par-
immediate, expeditious, meteoric. ANT. late, tiality, taste, liking, weakness, penchant,
slow, leisurely. predilection, disposition, proclivity. ANT.
promptly adv. at once, immediately, quickly, aversion, dislike.
swiftly, in timely fashion, punctually, proper a. 1. SUITABLE appropriate, suited, befit-
pronto, expeditiously, directly, *PDQ. ANT. ting, apt, right, fit, apropos, correct, sensi-
eventually, sooner or later, slowly. ble. 2. SEEMLY decent, genteel, polite, cor-
PROMULGATE v. [PROM ul gate] to pro- rect, *politically correct, mannerly, nice,
claim or state publicly, publish. The company decorous, acceptable, fitting, comme il faut,
will promulgate its new policies soon. SYN. pro- refined. 3. PECULIAR distinctive, distinguish-
claim, announce, make known, publish, ing, own, individual, specific, personal. ANT.
broadcast, declare, communicate, spread the 1. unsuitable, ill-fitting, wrong. 2. unseemly,
word, present, herald. rude, impolite.
prone a. 1. LYING FLAT prostrate, recumbent, su- property n. 1. POSSESSIONS belongings, *things,
pine, horizontal, face-down. 2. INCLINED dis- *stuff, holdings, effects, goods, assets,
posed, given, bent, likely, of a mind to, lia- wealth. 2. REAL ESTATE land, acreage, estate,
ble, apt. ANT. 1. erect, upright, vertical. 2. plot, lot, house. 3. CHARACTERISTIC quality,
disinclined. feature, attribute, trait, distinction, mark,
pronounce v. 1. DECLARE announce, say, assert, trademark.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 457


prophecy n. prediction, foretelling, forecast, appropriateness, politeness, good form, gen-

augury, divination, soothsaying, presage, tility, etiquette. ANT. impropriety, rudeness,
prognostication, presentiment, second bad manners.
sight, revelation. ‘‘Dreaming on things to propulsion n. force, driving force, energy,
come.’’—Shakespeare. SEE DIVINATION power, thrust, accelerating force, push.
prophesy v. predict, foretell, forecast, augur, di- pro rata adv. proportionately, in proportion.
vine, presage, prognosticate, soothsay, fore- PROSAIC a. [proh ZAY ik] dull, ordinary, flat.
see, portend. His was a prosaic story, the normal details of a
prophet n. predictor, fortuneteller, forecaster, quiet life. SYN. dull, ordinary, flat, unimagi-
augur, diviner, prognosticator, soothsayer, native, *ho-hum, blah, colorless, stale,
seer, astrologer, oracle, prophet of doom, humdrum, monotonous, trite, tedious. ANT.
Cassandra. ‘‘He who conjectures well.’’— interesting, colorful, imaginative.
Euripides. PROSCRIBE v. [proh SCRIBE] to outlaw,
prophetic a. predictive, oracular, foretelling, ban, condemn. The church proscribes pornog-
mantic, premonitory, augural, prognostic, raphy. SYN. outlaw, ban, prohibit, condemn,
prescient, portentious, ominous. denounce, forbid, reject, exile, boycott, em-
PROPITIOUS a. [pro PISH us] favorable, aus- bargo, banish. ANT. accept, allow, permit.
picious. Some claim that a full moon is a propi- prosecute v. file legal proceedings against, try,
tious time to plant. SYN. favorable, auspicious, bring suit, sue, bring to trial, litigate, take
promising, opportune, timely, good, advan- to court, seek redress, arraign, indict. SEE
tageous, fortunate, conducive, providential. COURT, LAW, LAWYERS.
ANT. adverse, inopportune, unfortunate, bad. proselytize v. espouse, persuade, talk into, con-
PROPONENT n. [pro PO nunt] a supporter, vert, convince
backer or advocate. The politician is a vocal prospect n. 1. OUTLOOK expectancy, possibility,
proponent of environmental protection. SYN. likelihood, anticipation, chance, specula-
supporter, backer, advocate, exponent, tion, probability, hope. 2. VIEW panorama,
champion, upholder, endorser, defender, scene, vista, outlook, aspect, lookout, per-
friend, booster. ANT. opponent, detractor, spective.
critic. prospect v. search, explore, look for, seek,
proportion n. 1. RATIO amount, size, dimen- probe, pan.
sion, portion, scale, volume, fraction, mea- prospective a. future, expected, likely, forth-
sure, degree, division, percentage, quota, re- coming, anticipated, possible, potential,
coming, on the horizon, destined, probable.
lationship. 2. BALANCE symmetry.
ANT. unlikely, far-fetched.
proportions n. measurements, size, area. SEE DI-
prospector n. mineral hunter, rock hunter,
rockhound, miner, gold panner, sourdough,
proposal n. suggestion, recommendation, pre- wildcat driller, wildcatter, forty-niner.
sentation, idea, proposition, pitch, tender, prospectus n. financial statement, investment
plan, scheme, offer, bid. summary, program, plan.
propose v. 1. SUGGEST recommend, present, prosper v. succeed, grow, thrive, make a for-
pitch, tender, submit, proffer, advance, of- tune, do well, get ahead, get rich, bear fruit,
fer, proposition, make a bid, put forth for arrive, *make a killing, *hit the jackpot.
consideration. 2. ASK FOR HAND IN MARRIAGE ANT. fail, go bankrupt, *go belly up.
*pop the question, affiance. prosperity n. success, growth, fortune, wealth,
proposition n. 1. OFFER proposal, suggestion, riches, affluence, boom times, *life of lux-
submission, presentation, deal, proffer. 2. ury, *easy street, plenty. ‘‘An instrument to
FLIRTATION sexual overture, *come-on, be used, not a deity to be worshipped.’’—
*move. Calvin Coolidge. ANT. poverty, failure, bank-
proprietor n. owner, landlord, landlady, deed ruptcy.
holder, master, lord of the manor. prosperous a. successful, flourishing, thriving,
PROPRIETY n. [pro PRYE i tee] proper be- growing, booming, fortunate, well-off, fat,
havior, decorum, good manners. The children wealthy, rich, affluent, *in the money, *on
conducted themselves with unexpected propri- easy street. ANT. failing, *going bankrupt, *go-
ety. SYN. properness, proper behavior, deco- ing belly up, *drowning in red ink.
rum, good manners, conformity, seemliness, prostitute n. whore, hooker, call girl, street

458 Roget’s Superthesaurus


walker, woman of ill repute, lady of the eve- charge, understudy, protégée, ward, appren-
ning, working girl, harlot, slut, *hustler, fille tice.
de joie, strumpet, trollop, demimondaine, protest n. objection, remonstrance, complaint,
tart, tramp, *ho. grievance, march, demonstration, strike,
WORD FIND riot, boycott, rally, sit-in, *stink, fuss, pick-
act, one sexual: *trick eting, challenge.
agent: pimp protest v. object, remonstrate, complain, file a
bought off, willingness to be: venality grievance, march, picket, demonstrate,
customer: *john, *trick strike, riot, rally, sit in, boycott, *put up a
district: red-light district stink, fuss, challenge, squawk.
euphemism: adventuress, escort protocol n. code of conduct, rules of conduct,
group: demimonde formalities, conventions, custom, propriety,
group of concubines: harem good form, etiquette, decorum, diplomatic
homosexual: *chicken code, manners.
homosexual’s old male customer: *chicken prototype n. model, pattern, original, arche-
hawk type, standard, exemplar, paradigm, first,
hostess mistakenly thought to be, Japanese: forerunner, antecedent, *mockup.
geisha PROTRACT v. [proh TRACT] to prolong,
house: brothel, *cathouse, house of ill re- stretch out, lengthen. They expect another
pute, *joy house, *sporting house, protracted war in the Middle East. SYN. pro-
bordello, bawdy house, massage parlor long, stretch out, draw out, lengthen, ex-
male, upper class: gigolo tend, *drag out, elongate, sustain, keep go-
mistress: concubine ing, pad.
mistress of rich man: courtesan protrude v. stick out, jut out, project, extrude,
proprietor of brothel: madam stand out, obtrude, bulge, swell, pop, over-
ring of prostitution featuring kidnapped hang.
girls: white slavery protuberance n. bump, projection, promi-
solicit customers: pander nence, jut, protrusion, outgrowth, bulge,
undercover: escort service, massage parlor swelling, node, lump, excresence.
prostitute v. sell one’s body, sell oneself out, proud a. 1. PLEASED WITH ONESELF self-satisfied,
lower oneself, demean oneself, debase, de- self-respecting, *swollen with pride, hon-
grade, cheapen, misuse, abuse. ored, dignified, great, big, puffed up, *stand-
prostrate a. 1. LYING FACE DOWN prone, recum- ing tall, winning. 2. ARROGANT *full of one-
bent, horizontal, flat, supine, in a position self, *cocky, egotistical, pretentious,
of humility, lying in submission, laid out. 2. vainglorious, lordly, pompous, conceited,
OVERCOME helpless, overwhelmed, overpow- haughty, *bigheaded, strutting. ANT. hum-
ered, crushed, paralyzed, humbled, power- ble, modest, ashamed, low, humiliated.
less, exhausted, weak, spent, fatigued, worn prove v. confirm, verify, evince, demonstrate,
out, tired. ANT. 1. standing, upright, erect. 2. corroborate, affirm, validate, substantiate,
powerful, emboldened, invigorated. establish, show, bear out, document, au-
protagonist n. principal, lead, central figure, thenticate. ANT. disprove, discredit, invali-
hero, heroine, star, exponent, champion. date.
protect v. shield, defend, take care of, safe- proverb n. adage, maxim, aphorism, saying, ep-
guard, fend, cover, stick up for, escort, igram, axiom, truism, bromide, saw, cliché.
screen, shelter, mother, father. ANT. expose, ‘‘The wisdom of the streets.’’—William Be-
leave vulnerable. nham. ‘‘A short sentence based on long ex-
protection n. shielding, defense, care, safe- perience.’’—Miguel de Cervantes.
guarding, cover, escort, screen, shelter, secu- provide v. supply, furnish, contribute, cater,
rity, preservation, safety, refuge. ANT. expo- provision, outfit, equip, stock, offer, bring,
sure, vulnerability. produce, accommodate, take care of, give,
protective a. protecting, shielding, defensive, lend, render, donate.
safeguarding, covering, sheltering, securing, provident a. prepared, farsighted, ready, pre-
preserving, maternal, paternal. ANT. unpro- cautious, foresighted, prudent, shrewd, eco-
tective, unsafe, insecure, damaging. nomical, frugal. ANT. unprepared, short-
protégé n. student, star pupil, dependent, sighted.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 459


province n. 1. TERRITORY division, district, re- prude n. *goody two shoes, *goody-goody, Vic-
gion. 2. RESPONSIBILITY duties, functions, torian, Mrs. Grundy, puritan, prig.
bailiwick, sphere, concern, jurisdiction, de- PRUDENT a. [PROOD unt] using good judg-
partment. ment, wise, cautious. The prudent thing to do
PROVINCIAL a. [pruh VIN shul] having a is buckle your seatbelts. SYN. wise, sensible,
narrow outlook, as one from a small town cautious, judicious, thoughtful, discreet,
or province, rustic. Their provincial concerns sound, reasonable, careful, sage, practical.
excluded the needs of outsiders. SYN. narrow, ANT. irrational, reckless, thoughtless, mindless.
limited, small-town, unsophisticated, rustic, prudish a. *goody-goody, prissy, squeamish,
rural, countrified, insular, parochial, local. Victorian, puritanical, strict, overnice, *up-
ANT. worldly, universal, metropolitan, cosmo- tight, straitlaced, prim, starchy, priggish.
politan. ANT. wild, loose, wanton, abandoned.
provision n. 1. SUPPLY furnishing, accoutre- prune v. trim, clip, thin, reduce, dock, lop, snip,
ment, outfitting, providing, giving, stock, cut, crop, shorten.
stores, food. 2. PREPARATION prearrange- prurient a. lustful, lewd, libidinous, salacious,
ment, readiness, forearming. 3. PROVISO lascivious, sexual, lecherous, *horny, carnal.
clause, stipulation, specification, term, re- ANT. prudish, puritanical, prim.
quirement, restriction, obligation, *fine pry v. 1. *STICK ONE’S NOSE IN interfere, meddle,
print. intrude, snoop, be nosy, *butt in, interlope.
proviso n. condition, stipulation, clause, arti- 2. OPEN wrest, force open, pull apart, lift off,
cle, specification, term, requirement, re- raise, lever, prize, jimmy.
striction, obligation, rider, provision. psalm n. hymn, song.
provocation n. provoking, incitement, cause, pseudonym n. assumed name, alias, pen name,
instigation, stimulus, motivation, induce- nom de plume, a.k.a., stage name, profes-
ment, grounds, offense, irritation, agitation. sional name.
PROVOCATIVE a. [pro VAWK uh tiv] pro- psyche n. soul, intellect, mind, self, ego, spirit,
voking, stimulating, exciting. The show was subconscious, anima.
so provocative, it incited a riot. SYN. pro-
psyched a. Sl. excited, *pumped, aroused,
voking, stimulating, exciting, disturbing, ag-
*rarin’ to go, inspired, charger, eager, *fired
gravating, inciting, prodding, goading, of-
up, *wired, roused, *on fire, stimulated. ANT.
fensive, instigating, angering, infuriating,
discouraged, demoralized.
arousing, erotic, sexy, seductive, titillating.
psychiatrist n. doctor, psychoanalyst, psycho-
ANT. inane, insipid, dull.
therapist, psychologist, *head doctor, thera-
provoke v. 1. STIMULATE excite, arouse, incite,
pist, *shrink, *headshrinker, mental health
stir up, instigate, goad, prod, generate, start,
practitioner. ‘‘Someone who will listen to
bring about, produce, evoke, kindle. 2.
you as long as you don’t make sense.’’—
ANGER infuriate, irritate, annoy, enrage,
*piss off, offend, insult, *get on one’s nerves, Maxwell Hyman.
perturb, incense. ANT. 1. *throw cold water psychic n. one having extrasensory perception,
on, inhibit, smooth over. 2. mollify, appease, mind-reader, telepathic, clairvoyant, me-
pacify. dium, supersensory, superhuman, prophet,
prowess n. 1. BRAVERY courage, valor, fearless- telepathist, telekinetic, preternatural, mys-
ness, daring, gallantry, spunk, *guts, mettle, tic, occult.
heroism. 2. ABILITY skill, expertise, talent, psychobabble n. jargon, lingo, vernacular, vo-
mastery, facility, know-how, proficiency, cabulary, phraseology, *gobbledegook,
knack, command. ANT. 1. cowardice, weak- mumbo jumbo.
ness, timidity. 2. incompetence, inability. psychological a. mental, of the mind, con-
prowl v. lurk, skulk, hunt, move with stealth, scious, subconscious, unconscious, psychic,
stalk, lie in wait, sneak, slink, steal, tiptoe. cognitive, intellectual, emotional, cerebral.
prowler n. predator, lurker, hunter, stalker, psychology n. SEE INSANITY, MANIA, NEUROSIS,
*sneak, thief, burglar, *peeping Tom. PHOBIA
proximity n. nearness, closeness, immediacy, psychopath n. sociopath, antisocial person, lu-
vicinity, propinquity, adjacence. natic, *loony, *nut case, *psycho, deranged
proxy n. agent, substitute, surrogate, fill-in, person, psychotic, madman, madwoman,
deputy, alternate, second. mentally ill person.

460 Roget’s Superthesaurus


psychopathic a. psychotic. SEE INSANE, PSY- was the terror of the school. SYN. combative,
CHOTIC quarrelsome, belligerent, given to fighting,
psych out v. Sl. intimidate, trouble, *play with aggressive, contentious, bellicose, antago-
one’s head, confuse, unnerve, demoralize. nistic, militant. ANT. peaceful, passive, paci-
psychotic a. psychopathic, mentally ill, de- fist, meek.
ranged, demented, disturbed, *nuts, delu- pulchritude n. prettiness, attractiveness, loveli-
sional, unstable. ANT. clear-headed, sane, ness. SEE BEAUTY
healthy. SEE INSANE pull n. 1. TUG yank, tow, jerk. 2. INFLUENCE
pub n. tavern, bar, public house, saloon, ale- clout, power, weight, sway, authority.
house. pull v. tug, yank, tow, wrench, drag, haul, jerk,
puberty n. adolescence, teen years, sexual mat- pluck, remove, withdraw, extract, rip out.
uration, development, awkward years, pu- pulpit n. lecturn, platform, podium, dais.
bescence. puke v. vomit, throw up, upchuck, *toss one’s
WORD FIND cookies, *blow lunch, *hurl, *ralph, *barf,
boy’s change of voice: ponticello heave, retch.
public n. community, people, society, citizens, pulsate v. vibrate, quiver, beat, throb, pulse,
populace, masses, nation, *man/woman in palpitate, oscillate, flutter, thrum, ebb and
the street, everyone. flow.
public a. 1. COMMON community, communal, pulse n. vibration, beat, rhythm, throb, pulsa-
popular, mutual, general, universal, open, tion, palpitation, oscillation, flutter, thrum,
unrestricted, accessible. 2. KNOWN not pri- ebb and flow, contraction, cadence.
vate, open, plain as day, visible, overt, un- pulverize v. grind, smash, crush, crumble, pow-
disguised, disclosed, publicized. ANT. 1. pri- der, break up, granulate, fragment, pound,
vate, restricted, exclusive. 2. private, shatter, atomize.
confidential, secret. pummel v. pommel, beat, pound, punch, hit,
publication n. book, magazine, newspaper, strike, drub, whale on, thrash, use as a pun-
newsletter, periodical, journal, bulletin, ching bag.
printing, pamphlet, report, dissemination. pump v. 1. DRAIN remove, suction, suck out,
publicity n. attention, promotion, notice, bal- siphon, draw. 2. INFLATE blow up, expand,
lyhoo, advertisement, puffery, spotlight, fill. 3. QUESTION interrogate, *grill, cross-ex-
hype, *plug, *blurb, *hoopla. amine, quiz, *give the third degree, probe.
publicize v. promote, hype, get attention, an- pun n. play on words, witticism. ‘‘A low species
nounce, tout, advertise, sell, trumpet, pro- of wit.’’—Noah Webster.
mulgate, *plug, air, spotlight. ANT. hush up, punch n. 1. HIT belt, blow, uppercut, jab, *one-
conceal, censor. two, *Sunday punch, cuff, *clip, thump,
publish v. issue, print, circulate, put out, dis- *clout, *smack, *sockdolager. 2. FORCE wal-
tribute, promulgate, report, broadcast. lop, impact, bite, *oomph.
pucker v. purse, crease, wrinkle, contract, fold, punch v. hit, belt, jab, cuff, *clip, thump, pum-
crinkle. mel, *clout, *smack, *one-two, uppercut.
puddle n. pool, wallow, drink, run-off, plash. punctilio n. nicety, convention. SEE FORMALITY
pudgy a. fat, dumpy, podgy, tubby, stout, roly- punctilious a. careful, exact, fussy, finicky,
poly, chubby, squat, overweight, chunky. strict, detail-oriented, meticulous, precise,
ANT. thin, skinny, anorexic. scrupulous. ANT. slack, careless, slipshod.
puerile a. childish, immature, young, juvenile, punctual a. on time, prompt, on schedule, *on
infantile, babyish, callow, silly, sophomoric, the dot, timely, dependable, reliable. ANT.
foolish. ANT. mature, adult, serious. late, tardy.
puff n. breath, whiff, huff, wind, gust, draft, punctuate v. emphasize, accentuate, stress, un-
waft, blow, expulsion, cloud, smoke, vapor. derscore, underline, accent, mark.
puff v. blow, breathe, inhale, exhale, huff, pant, puncture n. hole, opening, cut, slit, perfora-
wheeze, gust, draw, suck. tion, rupture, leak, *flat, *blowout.
puffy a. swollen, baggy, inflated, bulging, puncture v. pierce, prick, cut, open, rupture,
puffed up, distended, bloated, billowy. ANT. slit, perforate, put a hole in.
deflated, flat. PUNDIT n. [PUN dit] one who is an author-
PUGNACIOUS a. [pug NA shus] given to ity, a learned man or woman. The political
fighting, combative. The pugnacious bully pundit gave a witty and insightful lecture to a

Roget’s Superthesaurus 461


delighted audience. SYN. authority, expert, puny a. tiny, small, slight, pint-sized, little, un-
learned man/woman, sage, scholar, know-it- dersized, inconsequential, trifling, runty,
all, professional observer, master, savant. weak, underdeveloped, insignificant. ANT.
PUNGENT a. [PUN junt] sharply flavorful or massive, huge, gigantic.
sharp-smelling. Also, sharp or biting in lan- pupil n. student, schoolboy, schoolgirl, first-
guage or speech. Both the meal and the conver- grader, junior, sophomore, undergraduate,
sation were pungent. SYN. 1. SPICY sharp, bit- senior, scholar, disciple, apprentice.
ing, acrid, harsh, bitter, acid, stinging, puppet n. marionette, *muppet, doll, dummy,
strong, acerbic, piquant, flavorful, peppery. pawn, *stooge, *patsy, instrument, tool, fig-
2. BITING acid, penetrating, piercing, urehead.
pointed, salty, spicy, hot, peppery, scathing, purchase n. buy, acquisition, acquirement, pro-
caustic, sharp-tongued. ANT. bland, mild, curement, bargain.
dull. purchase v. buy, pay for, acquire, obtain, invest
punish v. penalize, discipline, correct, chasten, in, procure, bargain for, order, pick up.
chastise, teach a lesson, castigate, reprove, pure a. 1. UNMIXED clean, untainted, unadulter-
*come down hard on, *lower the boom on, ated, clear, unalloyed, undiluted, natural,
fine, sentence, whip, flog, beat, thrash, tor- genuine, real, clean, immaculate, unsullied,
ture, *slap one’s wrist. ANT. reward, praise, unpolluted, pristine. 2. UTTER absolute,
commend. stark, out and out, sheer, downright, thor-
punishment n. penalty, discipline, disciplinary ough. 3. SINLESS, CHASTE virgin, virtuous,
action, chastening, chastisement, retribu- clean, *squeaky-clean, *pure as the driven
tion, *one’s due, comeuppance, *just de- snow, immaculate, celibate, decent, good,
serts, castigation, penance, *the rod, repara- wholesome, moral, blameless, innocent,
tion, fine, sentencing, whipping, beating, guiltless. ANT. 1. impure, tainted, mixed, di-
torture, *slap on the wrist. ‘‘A sort of medi- luted, dirty. 2. rather, somewhat, a little. 3.
cine.’’—Aristotle. ‘‘Justice for the un- sinful, wicked, impure, unchaste.
just.’’—Saint Augustine. ‘‘Sin is a suppurat- purgatory n. limbo, punishment, torment, hell,
ing wound; punishment is the surgeon’s atonement, living hell, penance, suffering,
knife.’’—Saint John Chrysostom. ANT. re- retribution, expiation.
ward, praise, commendation. purge v. cleanse, remove, clean out, eliminate,
WORD FIND clear, purify, excrete, expel, banish, *dump,
beheader: guillotine eradicate, get rid of, exorcise.
board with head and hand holes to lock in purify v. clean, cleanse, sanitize, sterilize, clar-
ify, purge, decontaminate, wash, filter, re-
and humiliate offender in public: pillory
fine, distill.
eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth: talion
puritanical a. straitlaced, strict, severe, austere,
frame with ankle, wrist holes to lock in of-
rigid, stiff, stuffy, prim, narrow. ANT. wild,
fender: stocks
loose, fast, permissive.
hanging, instrument of: gallows, gibbet purloin v. filch, thieve, pilfer. SEE STEAL
illegal: cruel and unusual purple a. violet, plum, lavender, lilac, ame-
isolation from others: solitary confinement thyst, mauve, orchid, dahlia, fuchsia, royal,
neck, iron collar tightened around: garrote raisin, magenta, hyacinth, heliotrope.
ruler or stick to punish children: ferule purport v. mean, claim, profess, allege, hold,
soles of feet, beating with stick: bastinado maintain, pretend.
stretching device: rack purpose n. 1. INTENTION aim, intent, object, ob-
tar and feather: tar and feather jective, motivation, motive, goal, design,
vigilantes, execution by: lynching reason, plan, driving, force, point. 2. DETER-
yoke fastened around neck, Chinese: cangue MINATION resolve, will, single-mindedness,
SEE PRISON, TORTURE drive, persistence, tenacity.
punitive a. penalizing, disciplinary, correc- purposeful a. resolved, determined, deliberate,
tional, punishing, penal, harsh, hard, severe, intent, committed, decided, resolute, fixed,
strict. ANT. lenient, merciful. persistent, tenacious. ANT. unintentional,
punk n. hoodlum, *hood, hooligan, juvenile, purposeless.
delinquent, troublemaker, brat, *snot-nosed purposely adv. on purpose, deliberately, inten-
kid. tionally, consciously, by design, knowingly,

462 Roget’s Superthesaurus


willingly, calculatedly. ANT. unintentionally, lay, plunk, plop, drop, insert, park, situate,
unknowingly, accidentally. center. 2. EXPRESS phrase, word, present,
purse n. 1. POCKETBOOK handbag, clutch, wal- state, say, articulate, pose.
let, pouch. 2. PRIZE award, sum, winnings, putrefy v. rot, decompose, spoil, decay, *go
jackpot, stake. bad, deteriorate, taint, molder, *die.
purse v. close, press, pucker, contract. putrid a. rotten, decomposing, spoiled, de-
pursue v. 1. CHASE go after, run down, *tail, cayed, *gone bad, deteriorated, tainted, ran-
follow, give chase to, track, trail, hunt cid, moldy, stinking, rank. ANT. fresh, sweet,
down, *bird dog, stalk, *shadow. 2. STRIVE preserved.
FOR seek, work for, go after, contend for, as- putter v. tinker, fiddle, *poke about, *mess
pire to, aim for, try for. about, trifle, *monkey with, toy, dawdle,
push n. 1. SHOVE thrust, propulsion, nudge, fritter.
prod, poke, advance, drive, force. 2. AMBI- puzzle n. mystery, conundrum, problem, poser,
TION drive, aggressiveness, determination, riddle, enigma, maze, labyrinth.
*oomph, vigor, energy. puzzle v. perplex, confuse, bewilder, stump, baf-
push v. 1. SHOVE thrust, propel, nudge, prod, fle, mystify, confound, befog, *bamboozle.
poke, advance, drive, force, butt, press, ram, puzzling a. perplexing, confusing, bewildering,
muscle, shoulder. 2. URGE impel, goad, in- stumping, baffling, mystifying, confounding,
cite, prod, egg on, spur, pressure, motivate, mysterious, enigmatic. ANT. decipherable, un-
compel, provoke. ANT. 1. pull, yank, tow. derstandable.
pushover n. weakling, *wimp, *wussy, mouse, pygmy n. Negrillo, nomad, Akka, Batwa,
invertebrate, *lightweight. Mbuti.
pushy a. aggressive, bumptious, obnoxious, pygmy a. miniature, dwarf, midget, tiny, small,
domineering, bossy, controlling, officious, undersized, toy, stunted, Lilliputian.
overbearing. ANT. passive, submissive, defer- pyramid n. monument, memorial, landmark,
ential. architectural wonder, mausoleum, burial
put v. 1. SET place, position, deposit, stick, rest, shrine, heap, construction, ziggurat.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 463


quack n. charlatan, fraud, fake, pretender, mas- quarantine v. isolate, sequester, confine, se-
querader, humbug, *phony, imposter, clude, restrict.
mountebank, *con artist. quantum n. quantity, portion, amount, mass,
quagmire n. 1. BOG mire, morass, slough, fen, percentage, fraction.
swamp, marsh, quicksand, ooze. 2. DIFFICULT QUANTUM LEAP* n. [KWAN tum LEEP]
OR INEXTRICABLE SITUATION hole, predica- a radical change, departure or new direc-
ment, quandary, plight, corner, impasse, tion. The discovery took us a quantum leap
pinch, strait, mess, entanglement. forward. SYN. radical change, sea change, de-
quail v. cower, draw back, flinch, cringe, recoil, parture, new direction, advance, jump, prog-
wince, shrink. ress, reverse, flip flop, shift.
quaint a. unusual, curious, strange, peculiar, quarrel n. dispute, disagreement, argument,
charming, old-fashioned, antique, pictur- fight, difference of opinion, spat, conten-
esque, whimsical, eccentric. ANT. modern, tion, row, altercation, squabble, contro-
usual. versy, tiff, debate, bickering, run-in, falling-
quake v. tremble, shudder, shiver. SEE SHAKE out. ANT. agreement, accord.
qualification n. 1. MODIFICATION restriction, quarrel v. dispute, disagree, argue, fight, differ,
limitation, stipulation, condition, require- clash, *lock horns, bicker, squabble, debate,
ment, proviso, caveat. 2. ABILITY capability, battle, wrangle, feud, contend. ANT. agree,
skill, *the right stuff, attribute, competence, *see eye-to-eye, accommodate.
aptitude, eligibility, requisite. quarrelsome a. argumentative, contentious,
qualified a. 1. ABLE capable, skilled, *having belligerent, combative, controversial, fiery,
the right stuff, competent, well-grounded, peppery, pugnacious, contrary, disagreeable.
eligible, adequate, proficient, fit, certified, ANT. peaceful, agreeable, accommodating.
trained. 2. MODIFIED limited, conditional, quarry n. 1. PREY target, victim, prize, game,
provisional, contingent, dependent, con- the hunted. 2. PIT mine, excavation, rock
fined, circumscribed. ANT. 1. unqualified, in- quarry.
competent, inadequate, ineligible. 2. uncondi- quarter n. 1. DISTRICT neighborhood, barrio,
tional, unqualified. precinct, section, region, zone. 2. MERCY
qualify v. ready, measure up, certify, make fit, compassion, clemency, lenience, pity, for-
entitle, make eligible, prepare, *make the
cut, suit, ground, endow, enable, license.
quarters n. lodging, accommodations, abode,
QUALIFY v. [KWOL uh FYE] to modify or
shelter, housing, dwelling, domicile, room,
restrict. She qualified her answer. SYN. modify,
place, residence, barracks.
restrict, limit, soften, confine, tone down,
temper, mitigate. quash v. quell, suppress, crush, put down, sub-
quality n. 1. ATTRIBUTE feature, characteristic, due, squelch, stamp out, squash, defeat.
mark, trait, element, nature, property, pecu- queasy a. nauseated, qualmish, sickly, seasick,
liarity, quirk. 2. EXCELLENCE value, superior- *green around the gills, *under the weather,
ity, distinction, worth, merit, perfection, out of sorts.
eminence, caliber, stature, standing, class, queer a. 1. ODD strange, weird, bizarre, unusual,
virtue. abnormal, out of the ordinary, singular,
qualm n. uneasiness, misgiving, doubt, twinge, funny, *off the wall, quaint, extraordinary.
anxiety, sick feeling, uncertainty, pang, ap- 2. HOMOSEXUAL gay, lesbian. ANT. 1. normal,
prehension, compunction, scruple. ordinary, usual. 2. heterosexual. SEE HOMOSEX-
quandary n. predicament, dilemma, plight, fix, UAL
bind, strait, *pickle, corner, *Catch-22, quell v. subdue, crush, put down, defeat, stamp
jam. out, conquer, suppress, quash, vanquish,
quantify v. gauge, count, measure, put a num- end, silence.
ber on, determine, calculate. quench v. 1. EXTINGUISH put out, douse,
quantity n. amount, number, measure, volume, smother, snuff out, subdue, suppress, quash,
sum, mass, bulk, portion, lot, magnitude, quell. 2. SATISFY ONE’S THIRST slake, satiate,
dose, extent, total. *hit the spot, sate, refresh, cool.

464 Roget’s Superthesaurus


querulous a. fault-finding, complaining, criti- sharp, smart, acute, shrewd, savvy, bright,
cal, hard to please, caviling, grumbling, intelligent, quick on the uptake, clever.
whining, fretful, petulant. ANT. easy to ANT. dull, stupid, dense.
please, content, easygoing. quiet n. silence, peace, hush, stillness, calm,
query n. question, inquiry, enquiry, interroga- soundlessness, noiselessness, tranquility, se-
tory. renity, lull. ‘‘Noise you don’t mind.’’—Leo-
query v. ask, question, inquire, look into, inter- nard Levinson. ANT. noise, racket, uproar,
rogate, enquire, quiz, probe, pump, investi- din.
gate, cross-examine. quiet v. hush, shush, silence, shut up, muffle,
quest n. search, seeking, hunt, pursuit, enter- tone down, soften, squelch, muzzle, *put a
prise, adventure, exploration, expedition, lid on, *keep down to a low roar.
mission, crusade. quiet a. 1. SOUNDLESS silent, still, peaceful,
question n. 1. INQUIRY enquiry, query, interrog- hushed, soft, quiescent, inaudible, low,
atory, examination, investigation, poser. 2. muted, noiseless, *as silent as the vacuum
UNCERTAINTY doubt, controversy, misgiving, of space, *as silent as a crypt, *quiet enough
hesitation, debate, confusion. 3. ISSUE mat- to hear a pin drop. 2. NOT TALKATIVE close-
ter, subject, problem. ANT. 1. answer, reply. mouthed, silent, taciturn, reserved, mute,
2. certainty, confidence. tightlipped, not big on small talk. 3. CALM
question v. 1. ASK inquire, enquire, query, seek tranquil, peaceful, motionless, undisturbed,
an answer, interrogate, examine, quiz, still, serene, placid, halcyon. ANT. 1. noisy,
probe, investigate, grill, cross-examine, loud, deafening. 2. loquacious, talkative, *mo-
pump. 2. DOUBT challenge, mistrust, suspect, tor-mouthed. 3. turbulent, wild, agitated.
disbelieve, wonder about, call into question. quintessence n. 1. ESSENCE heart, pith, soul, dis-
ANT. 1. answer, reply. 2. trust, have confi- tillation. 2. PARAGON model, exemplar,
dence in. cream, *crème de la crème.
questionable a. 1. DOUBTFUL debatable, in ques- quip n. witty remark, witticism, jest, gibe,
tion, controversial, unsettled, indetermi- crack, bon mot, wisecrack, joke, retort, rep-
nate, controvertible, ambiguous, moot, un- artee. SEE JOKE
sure. 2. SUSPECT fishy, shady, suspicious. quirk n. peculiarity, oddity, characteristic,
ANT. 1. certain, settled. 2. believable, legiti-
trait, mannerism, idiosyncrasy, eccentricity,
mate, unimpeachable. twist, kink.
quibble v. *split hairs, *nit-pick, cavil, evade,
quit v. 1. STOP give up, discontinue, break off,
bicker, equivocate, carp, haggle, prevari-
end, *call it a day, cease, desist, *knock off,
*halt, *pack in, *hang it up, give notice. 2.
quick a. 1. FAST swift, rapid, speedy, fleet, expe-
LEAVE depart, abandon, withdraw, *cut out,
ditious, prompt, mercurial, *breakneck, *on
the double, hasty, immediate, sudden. 2. IN- take off, relinquish, surrender, bow out, walk
TELLIGENT smart, quick to catch on, sharp,
out on, drop, leave flat, forsake, resign from.
ANT. 1. start, begin, commence. 2. take up,
astute, bright, *on the ball, acute, savvy,
alert, receptive, keen. ANT. 1. slow, slothful, remain, maintain, sustain.
sluggish. 2. slow, dense, stupid. quite adv. completely, entirely, totally, fully,
quicken v. 1. SPEED UP accelerate, expedite, wholly, very, really, truly, surely.
hurry, speed, hasten, hustle. 2. ENLIVEN stim- quiver n. tremor, tremble, shake, vibration,
ulate, invigorate, stir, arouse, revive, ani- twitch, shudder, shiver, quaver, flutter,
mate, awaken, strengthen. ANT. 1. slow throb, palpitation.
down, mire, bog down. 2. kill, deaden. quiver v. shake, tremble, vibrate, shudder,
quickly adv. speedily, fast, expeditiously, shiver, twitch, quaver, flutter, throb, palpi-
swiftly, hastily, rapidly, hurriedly, briskly, tate.
full-tilt, pronto, *quicker than greased light- QUIXOTIC a. [kwik SOT ik] idealistic or ro-
ning. ANT. slowly, slothfully. mantic in a foolish or impractical way, like
quick-tempered a. irritable, touchy, *short- the fictional character Don Quixote. He had
fused, grouchy, cantankerous, volatile, tem- long entertained the quixotic notion of giving
peramental, hot-blooded, testy, waspish, fi- children the vote. SYN. idealistic, romantic,
ery. ANT. easygoing, placid, long-fused. foolish, impractical, unrealistic, dreamy,
quick-witted a. alert, *on the ball, nimble, utopian, fanciful, chimerical, *starry-eyed,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 465


visionary, chivalrous. ANT. practical, down- searching, unbelieving, bewildered, lost. 2.

to-earth, realistic. TEASING ridiculing, mocking, derisive, impu-
quiz n. test, exam, examination, pop quiz, dent, insolent, joking.
questioning, multiple choice, Q&A, cate- quota n. portion, share, cut, ration, allowance,
chism. percentage, lot, part, piece, dole, measure.
quiz v. test, examine, question, grill, ask, query, quotation n. quote, passage, citation, excerpt,
pump, inquire, interrogate, cross-examine. saying, selection, extract, reference.
quizzical a. 1. QUESTIONING perplexed, inquisi- quote v. cite, parrot, recite, paraphrase, repeat,
tive, confused, puzzled, inquiring, curious, excerpt, refer to, extract, reference.

466 Roget’s Superthesaurus


rabbi n. master, teacher, clergyman, clergy- noncompeting pacesetter at start of race:
woman. pace car
WORD FIND parachute, release at end of drag race: *hang
school: yeshiva out the laundry
SEE RELIGION passing method creating vacuum on lead
rabbit n. bunny, jackrabbit, hare, doe, buck. car: slingshot
rabble n. crowd, mob, the masses, commoners, pass one track-length ahead of competitor:
common people, lower classes, proletariat, lap
rank and file, hoi polloi, horde. ‘‘The dregs pit crew’s head mechanic: crew chief
of the people.’’—Cicero. ‘‘The venal production car: stock car
herd.’’—Juvenal. ANT. upper class, ruling racing tires: *shoes, *slicks
class, aristocracy. running start: flying start
rabid a. raging, berserk, maniacal, crazed, de- service area: pit
ranged, mad, zealous, extreme, *nuts, vio- service mechanics: pit crew
lent, fanatical, *foaming at the mouth. ANT. steel support network protecting inside of
sane, reasonable, moderate. car: roll cage
race n. 1. PEOPLE ethnic group, nationality, line, steel support tube protecting inside of car:
tribe, breed, stock, clan, folk, strain. 2. roll bar
SPRINT dash, run, marathon, footrace, heat, straightaway in front of grandstand: chute
relay, contest, meet, steeplechase, derby. straightaway race: drag race
AUTO RACING barrier: starting gate, post
aerodynamic wing or wedge that improves betting away from the track: offtrack betting
car handling: spoiler betting system: pari-mutuals
broadside crash into competitor’s car or bugle call: Boots and Saddles
wall: T-bone castrated male horse: gelding
bumper-to-bumper pressure tactic: dogging close finish: photo finish, blanket finish
coveted front inside position at start: pole costumes, riders’: colors, silks
position crouching riding posture: monkey crouch
curve or tight turn: ess-turn, hairpin turn, drug horse illegally: hop
chicane escorts horses to post: outrider
custom-built, nonstock race car: formula exercise or practice run: airing
car, Indy car favored to win: chalk horse
drag race, beat competitor in: shut down first two finishers, bet on: quinella
drag racing car: dragster, rail, funny car hold back horse to keep it from winning:
driving directly behind lead car to create stiff
fuel-conserving vacuum: drafting, slip- horse that does well on muddy track: mud-
streaming der
flag alerting hazardous car to leave the track: info sheet: dope sheet
black flag insider with ‘‘inside’’ information on horse:
flag, end of race: checkered flag tout
flag, final lap: white flag length: eight to nine feet
flag, go: green flag mile, one-eighth of a: furlong
flag, hazard: yellow flag money, horse that fails to finish in the: also-
flag, stop: red flag ran
flag warning of competitor on one’s tail: money-losing horse: hayburner
blue flag observation ring: walking ring
formula car race: Grand Prix odds board: tote board
long-distance competition: rally officials: clerk of the scales, stewards
low edge of track: apron pasture or saddling enclosure: paddock
NASCAR: National Association for Stock peripheral visions blockers, horse’s: blinkers
Car Auto Racing rider: jockey

Roget’s Superthesaurus 467


saddle and other horse equipment, collec- vigorous, zesty, exciting, peppy, vivacious.
tive term: tack ANT. 1. modest, wholesome, G-rated. 2. dull
short race: sprint sluggish, *dead.
stable assistant: groom RADAR n. Radio Detecting and Ranging Sys-
straightaway, farside: backstretch tem, tracking device, scanning system.
straightaway in front of grandstand: home- WORD FIND
stretch air surveillance, early warnings system:
surrounded position: pocket AWACS, Airborne Warning and Con-
three-year-old horse: sophomore trol System
three-year-olds, race for: derby image: blip
track condition, broken into clods and hoof- police radar detection device: *fuzzbuster
prints: cuppy sound: beep, racon
track condition, freshly harrowed: deep SEE AIR FORCE, AIRPLANE, AIRPORT, AUTOMO-
track condition, hard and fast: pasteboard BILE
track radiant a. 1. SHINING bright, glowing, beaming,
two-year-old horse: juvenile gleaming, luminous, refulgent, resplendent,
underrated horse: sleeper, dark horse brilliant, incandescent. 2. HAPPY bright,
weight, adding to equalize competition: beaming, glowing, joyous, joyful, cheerful,
handicap sunny. ANT. 1. dull, dim, dark. 2. gloomy,
weight assigned to horse in handicap race: black.
impost radiate v. shine, illuminate, glow, beam, pour
weighing of jockeys with tack: weigh-in, out, send out, shoot out, spread out, diffuse,
weigh-out throw off.
whip: gad, leather radiation n. emission, energy, particle stream,
winners of two races, correctly picking: daily nuclear decay, fallout, nuclear energy.
double radical n. extremist, fanatic, zealot, revolution-
winning Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes ist, leftist, left-winger, iconoclast, noncon-
and the Belmont Stakes: Triple Crown formist. ‘‘A man with both feet firmly
winning of three races by same jockey on planted in the air.’’—Franklin Delano Roo-
one program: hat trick sevelt. ANT. conservative, moderate.
win one’s first race: break maiden, graduate radical a. 1. FUNDAMENTAL basic, rudimentary,
win without prodding or whipping the elemental, foundational. 2. EXTREME thor-
horse: armchair ride ough, extremist, severe, progressive, fanati-
withdrawal of entrant: scratch cal, drastic, revolutionary, complete, whole,
racism n. prejudice, discrimination, bigotry, sweeping, far left. ANT. 1. peripheral, unim-
bias, segregation, apartheid, intolerance, portant. 2. modest, partial, moderate.
white supremacy. radio n. receiver, *boom box, *ghetto blaster,
racist n. bigot, white supremacist, black su- Marconi, CB, crystal set, ham radio, walkie-
premacist, xenophobe, Ku Klux Klan mem- talkie. ‘‘Television without eyestrain.’’—
ber, klansman. Max Gralnik.
racist a. bigoted, prejudiced, white supremacist, WORD FIND
anti-Semitic, xenophobic, intolerant. AM: amplitude modulation
rack n. frame, framework, stand, holder, scaf- amateur two-way radio enthusiast: ham
folding, grating, hack, flake. brief quote from someone in the news:
racket n. 1. NOISE din, clamor, uproar, commo- soundbite
tion, clatter, disturbance, pandemonium, broadcast sent from other station or net-
hubbub, babel, cacophony. 2. CRIMINAL AC- work: feed
TIVITY bootlegging, fraud, swindling, loan- DJ: disc jockey
sharking, graft, extortion, corruption, brib- FM: frequency modulation
ery, blackmail. identification letters: call letters
raconteur n. storyteller, teller of tales, spinner morning and evening time when commuters
of yarns. SEE AUTHOR, NOVELIST listen: drive time
racy a. 1. SUGGESTIVE risqué, spicy, bawdy, im- obnoxious radio show: shock radio
modest, off-color, dirty, indecent, porno- overseas political radio of United States:
graphic, ribald. 2. LIVELY spirited, energetic, Voice of America

468 Roget’s Superthesaurus


range of radio frequencies: band elevated: *el

station that only rebroadcasts other stations’ engine employed to clear cars in yard: trim-
shows: translator mer, *yard goat
switch used by DJ to block cough or sneeze engine: locomotive
from going over the air: cough button fast train: bullet train, express train
type of programming: format freight car: boxcar, flatcar, gondola, hopper,
unlicensed station: pirate station livestock car, platform car, refrigerator
radius n. extent, range, scope, sphere, compass. car (*reefer), tank car, *wagon
raffish a. careless, unconventional, casual, hitching clamp: coupler
wild, bohemian, rakish, vulgar, low, tawdry. holding area for train, cars: yard
ANT. prim, conventional, *straight-laced. locomotive’s front bumper: cowcatcher
ragamuffin n. tramp, *bum, *street person, ur- lover of railroads: ferrophiliac
chin, derelict, guttersnipe, waif, tatterdema- magnetically levitated train: Maglev
lion. meal car: dining car
rage n. 1. FURY anger, wrath, tantrum, fit, feroc- mountain track employing cogs to increase
ity, high dudgeon, hysterics, rampage, furor, traction: cog railway
*piss hemorrhage, uproar, hot blood. SEE passenger car: coach, dining car, Pullman
ANGER 2. FAD craze, *in thing, fashion, *lat- sleeper, lounge car, observation car,
est thing, *latest wrinkle, vogue, dernier cri. smoking car
ANT. 1. delight, calm, passivity. porter at station: redcap
rage v. *blow up, *explode, *go ballistic, be rail layers: *steel gang, *spikers
furious, fume, rant and rave, *fly off the han- rotating platform used to turn locomotives:
dle, *blow a fuse, boil, *blow one’s top, be- turntable
come livid, *turn purple, *spit tacks, *see second engine used in steep areas: booster,
red, *blow a gasket, *flip out, *get into a *rammer
lather, *get one’s Irish up, *go apeshit, shunting mechanism: switch
*have a conniption fit, storm. sidetrack dead-end: spur
ragged a. tattered, frayed, in shreds, worn, signaling apparatus: semaphore
threadbare, shaggy, moth-eaten, torn, full of signaling framework over tracks: gantry
holes, seedy, shabby, jagged. ANT. smooth, single rail track: monorail
whole, new. sleeper, luxury: palace car
raid n. attack, invasion, onslaught, incursion, slip off tracks: derail
offensive, foray, assault, charge, *bust. sorting cars in freight yard: marshaling
raid v. attack, invade, storm, strike, launch an steam whistle’s peep: crow
offensive, charge, sweep, maraud, assail, supervisor, fare collector: conductor
loot, plunder, *bust. supervisor of yard: yardmaster
rail v. complain, criticize, *tongue-lash, assail, switching tracks: shunting
denounce, condemn, censure, castigate, tie: sleeper, crosstie
chastise, *chew out. ANT. praise, compliment, turntable facility for switching locomotives:
approve. roundhouse
railing n. baluster, balustrade, banister, hand- wheeled trucks that support cars: bogies
hold, fence, parapet. width of track: gauge
railroad n. rail line, tracks, railway, subway, worker’s hand-pumped transport: handcar
monorail, *el. ‘‘Only a device for making X-like railroad crossing sign: crossbuck
the world smaller.’’—John Ruskin. railroad v. push through, force through, rush
WORD FIND through, expedite.
barrier or stop at end of track: bumper rain n. precipitation, rainfall, mist, drizzle, miz-
bed in a sleeping car: berth zle, sprinkle, spit, shower, cloudburst, down-
brake operator: brakeman pour, squall, thundershower, *gully washer,
bridge: trestle deluge, drencher, *cats and dogs, torrent,
cars owned by one company: rolling stock *rain of biblical proportion, sleet, hail.
crew’s tail car: caboose, *doghouse, *shanty, WORD FIND
*buggy, *van, *penthouse, *doodlebug moisture content of air: humidity
driver: engineman, engineer precipitation, all types of: hydrometeors
driving compartment of locomotive: cab rain and evaporation cycle: hydrologic cycle

Roget’s Superthesaurus 469


rain driven by wind: scud range, stroll, traipse, meander, stray, walk,
study of: hyetography saunter, hike.
sudden heavy rain: spate rambling a. digressive, discursive, circuitous,
temperature at which moisture condenses wordy, verbose, prolix, circumlocutory,
into rain: dewpoint roundabout, desultory. ANT. concise, to the
rain v. precipitate, fall, pour, drop, sprinkle, RAMBUNCTIOUS a. [ram BUNK shus] un-
shower, spit, mist, *come down in buckets, ruly, disorderly, raucous, noisy. Most two-
drizzle, weep, *rain pitchforks. year-olds are rambunctious. SYN. unruly, dis-
rainbow n. spectrum, arc, band. orderly, raucous, noisy, unrestrained, wild,
raise n. increase, advance, pay hike, boost, pro- unmanageable, boisterous, *hyper, hyperac-
motion, jump. tive. ANT. docile, well-behaved, quiet.
raise v. 1. LIFT elevate, hoist, erect, run up, jack RAMIFICATION n. [RAM uh fuh KA shun]
up, heighten, heave, loft. 2. INCREASE esca- a consequence, effect or result. One ramifica-
late, inflate, enlarge, heighten, magnify, am- tion of unbridled terrorism is outright war. SYN.
plify, boost, *jack up, double, triple, quadru- consequence, effect, result, outgrowth, off-
ple. 3. AROUSE stir up, rouse, start, activate, shoot, product, end, upshot, complication.
awaken, whip up, provoke, spur, incite. 4. ramp n. slope, incline, rise, grade.
REAR bring up, parent, cultivate, nurture,
rampage n. outbreak, fury, uproar, blowup, rage,
foster, breed. ANT. 1. lower. 2. decrease, de- tempest, storm, running amuck, *warpath,
value, lower. 3. dampen, inhibit. 4. abandon. furor. ANT. calm, peace, contentment.
RAISON D’ÊTRE n. [ray ZON DET ruh] rea- rampant a. growing, spreading, uncontrolled,
son for being. Protection of the company’s pro- rife, widespread, out of hand, unchecked,
prietary interests was given as the security’s sys- out of control, unbridled, epidemic. ANT.
tem raison d’être. SYN. reason for being, contained, limited, under control.
justification for being. rampart n. fortification, bulwark, defense, bar-
rier, embankment, earthwork, wall, breast-
rake n. roué, playboy, lecher, swinger, *make-
out artist, womanizer, Casanova, Don Juan,
ramshackle a. rickety, falling apart, shaky, bro-
Lothario, wolf, philanderer.
ken down, tumble-down, dilapidated, crum-
RAKISH a. [RAKE ish] dashing, jaunty. Also,
bling, derelict, decrepit. ANT. sound, solid,
highly sexual or debauched. A rakish gentle-
man entered the room, and all the women stared
ranch n. cattle farm, range land, grange, planta-
at him. SYN. dashing, jaunty, sporty, stylish,
tion, *spread.
debonair, dapper, chic, sharp, debauched, rancid a. spoiled, rotten, stale, rank, reeking,
oversexed, wanton, lecherous, flirtatious. bad, fetid, stinking, sour, foul, disgusting,
ANT. frumpy, out of style, unkempt, upright,
putrid. ANT. sweet, fresh, mouth-watering.
gentlemanly, chaste, virginal. RANCOR n. [RANG kur] long-lasting hatred
rally n. 1. GATHERING meeting, pep rally, assem- and ill will. The two parties were divided by
bly, meet, convention, revival, session, cele- rancor. SYN. hatred, ill will, malice, spite,
bration. 2. COMEBACK resurgence, revival, bitterness, animosity, enmity, malevolence,
recovery, renewal, road to recovery, renais- resentment, vindictiveness. ANT. goodwill,
sance, rebound. ANT. 2. collapse, decline, loss, friendliness, affection, love.
death, turn for the worse. random a. haphazard, casual, chance, acciden-
rally v. 1. GATHER meet, convene, assemble, re- tal, unplanned, arbitrary, fortuitous, desul-
assemble, mobilize, summon together, col- tory, blind, hit-or-miss, aimless. ANT.
lect, get together, unite, call to arms. 2. RE- planned, designed, premeditated.
COVER come back, surge, resurge, rise again, range n. scope, extent, reach, limit, sphere,
revive, renew, rebound, bounce back, turn sweep, parameters, boundary, area, radius,
around, come around, rejuvenate, *get a expanse, territory. SEE MOUNTAIN
second wind. ANT. 1. disperse, break up. 2. range v. roam, travel, wander, meander, rove,
decline, lose, die, take a turn for the worse. traverse, drift, cross, ramble.
ram v. drive, hammer, slam, bang, smash, butt, rangy a. gangling, lank, lanky, slender, long-
crash into, hit head-on, beat, tramp. legged, *split high, leggy, thin, skinny. ANT.
ramble v. roam, wander aimlessly, drift, rove, squat, stout, fat.

470 Roget’s Superthesaurus


rank v. classify, align, group, station, grade, ar- rear: booty

range, order, rate, position, sort. relax: chill
rank a. 1. OFFENSIVE stinking, strong, rancid, rich, excellent: phat
foul, bad, fetid, reeking, nauseating, revolt- rob someone: jack
ing, rotten. 2. LUXURIANT luxurious, lush, music with violent or ganster-related lyrics:
rich, vigorous, overgrown, flourishing, gangsta rap
dense, proliferating, coarse. ANT. 1. sweet- sexually, a woman who is promiscuous or
smelling, sweet-tasting, mild, pleasant, fresh. aggressive: freak
2. sparse, barren. sexual relations, have: freak
up, what’s: word up
rankle v. anger, inflame, infuriate, gall, embit-
rap v. 1. KNOCK tap, hit, deliver a blow, slap,
ter, irritate, *rub the wrong way, irk, *piss
cuff, punch, belt. 2. CONVERSE talk, chat,
off, *fill with venom, *make blood boil, fill have a dialogue, confabulate.
with resentment. ANT. delight, pacify, mollify. RAPACIOUS a. [ruh PAY shus] plundering,
ransack v. search, *tear place apart, *turn in- predatory. The rapacious pirates stole every-
side out, rummage, look over, rifle, *leave thing of value. SYN. plundering, predatory,
no stone unturned, overhaul, scour, plunder, thieving, marauding, pillaging, greedy,
pillage, rob. grasping, ravenous, voracious, savage. ANT.
rant v. rave, *sound off, shout, yell, roar, holler, generous, kind-hearted, kindly.
*spout off, fume, vociferate, bluster, de- rape n. sexual assault, molestation, forcible in-
claim. ANT. whisper, murmur, *talk under tercourse, ravishment, overpowering, viola-
one’s breath. tion, *date rape, deflowering, plundering,
rap n. 1. KNOCK tap, hit, blow, stroke, slap, cuff, pillage, sacking.
punch, belt. 2. MUSIC *hip hop, urban black rape v. molest, sexually assault, ravish, *force
music, street music, inner city music. 3. Sl. oneself on, attack, overpower, violate, de-
CONVERSATION dialogue, spoken word, talk. flower, defile, *have one’s way with, plun-
4. Sl. BLAME punishment, flak, responsibil- der, pillage, sack.
ity. SEE PUNISHMENT rapid a. fast, swift, quick, fleet, speedy, expedi-
WORD FIND tious, mercurial, hasty, winged, *quicker
STREET, RAP, AND HIP HOP SLANG than greased lightning. ANT. slow, slothful,
ad libbed rap lyrics: freestyle leisurely.
agree or be friends with: down on, down rapport n. harmony, agreement, *seeing eye-
with to-eye, *common ground, closeness, under-
attractive: fly standing, affinity, compatibility, *simpa-
bigot, white: cracker tico, *good vibes. ANT. hostility, alienation,
breakdancer: b-boy, b-girl *bad vibes, disagreement.
bullet: cap rapt a. 1. ENRAPTURED carried away, trans-
crazy: wack ported, rapturous, ecstatic, euphoric, emo-
crimes as part of a gang, commit: gangbang tional, joyous. 2. ENGROSSED absorbed, capti-
dance: breakdancing, hip hop, popping and vated, preoccupied, deep, *wrapped up,
locking spellbound, enthralled, oblivious, fasci-
nated. ANT. 1. depressed, dejected, down-
disrespect: dis
hearted. 2. distracted, bored, disinterested.
fight or kill, to: bang rapture n. ecstasy, euphoria, elation, joy, hap-
friend from the neighborhood: homeboy, piness, bliss, transport, heaven, exultation.
homegirl, homey ANT. depression, misery, melancholy.
good: def, fresh rare a. 1. UNCOMMON infrequent, scarce, un-
group one hangs out with: crew, homeboys, usual, unique, exceptional, *few and far be-
homeys, posse tween, extraordinary, singular, *once in a
home: crib blue moon, at a premium, *scarce as hens’
lowrider: car that rides low due to altered teeth, seldom found. 2. EXCELLENT superla-
suspension tive, superior, fine, exquisite, select, choice,
neighborhood: hood first-class, priceless, precious. 3. UNDER-
playboy: player COOKED half-cooked, bloody, red, raw, un-
prostitute: ho derdone. ANT. 1. common, frequent, abun-
qualities, having several great qualities: all dant, usual. 2. poor, inferior, bad. 3. well-
that done, burned.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 471


rarely adv. seldom, hardly ever, almost never, ravage v. destroy, ruin, devastate, wreck, de-
*once in a blue moon, once in awhile, infre- molish, lay waste, plunder, pillage, ransack,
quently, scarcely. ANT. often, frequently. despoil.
rascal n. scoundrel, scamp, rogue, knave, imp, rave v. 1. TALK WILDLY rant, carry on, *run off
rapscallion, devil, cad, cur, *bastard, *SOB. at the mouth, speak deliriously, rattle on,
rash a. incautious, reckless, impulsive, thought- speak incoherently. 2. PRAISE gush, speak
less, careless, hasty, injudicious, devil-may- highly of, enthuse, carry on, rhapsodize, go
care, unwary, foolhardy. ANT. cautious, care- on about. 3. RAGE roar, thunder, explode,
ful, judicious. storm, fume, sputter, *holler, *flip out. ANT.
rasp v. scrape, grate, scratch, rub, file, grind, 1. rationalize, explain, intone. 2. criticize, dis-
scour, abrade. parage. 3. please, pacify, placate.
raspy a. scratchy, rough, whiskey-voiced, ravenous a. hungry, famished, voracious,
hoarse, harsh, gritty, grating, gravelly. ANT. starved, starving, *could eat a horse, glut-
smooth, soothing, pleasant. tonous, insatiable, greedy, predatory. ANT.
rat n. 1. RODENT vermin, pest, mammal, scaven- satiated, full, sated.
ger. 2. INFORMER squealer, fink, stool pigeon, ravine n. gully, gorge, gulch, arroyo, valley,
backstabber. ditch, wash, chasm, coulee.
rate n. 1. AMOUNT degree, proportion, ratio. 2. ravishing a. attractive, enchanting, alluring,
PRICE fee, charge, cost, value, expense, levy, entrancing, gorgeous, bewitching, beautiful,
duty. 3. SPEED tempo, pace, velocity, prog- captivating. ANT. repulsive, ugly, disgusting.
ress, flow. raw a. 1. UNCOOKED rare, bloody, underdone.
rate v. appraise, estimate, evaluate, assess, rank, 2. NATURAL unrefined, unprocessed, virgin,
score, grade, weigh, value, deem, classify. crude, rough, undressed, unfinished. 3. INEX-
PERIENCED untrained, green, unseasoned, im-
rather adv. moderately, pretty, somewhat,
fairly, relatively, kind of, more or less. mature, callow, unfledged, new, ignorant,
RATIFY v. [RAT uh fi] to approve or pass offi- unschooled. 4. SORE inflamed, tender, sensi-
cially. They plan to ratify the amendment to- tive, abraded, exposed, open, bare, chafed.
5. COLD chilly, bitter, damp, bleak, freezing,
day. SYN. approve, pass, sanction, support,
nippy, biting. ANT. 1. cooked, well-done. 2.
affirm, endorse, authorize, back, warrant,
refined, processed, milled. 3. experienced,
*rubber stamp. ANT. disapprove, veto, invali-
trained, seasoned. 4. healthy, calloused, numb.
5. warm, pleasant, balmy.
rating n. rank, score, grade, mark, class, classifi-
rawboned a. lean, gaunt, wasted, hollow-
cation, evaluation, assessment.
cheeked. ANT. corpulent, obese. SEE THIN
ratio n. proportion, relationship, percentage, raze v. tear down, level, flatten, destroy, topple,
quota, distribution. demolish, wreck, knock down, fell, *total.
ration v. apportion, allot, allocate, mete out, reach n. distance, extent, range, grasp, span,
dole out, divide, *divvy up, split up. stretch, sweep, compass, play.
rational a. sane, reasonable, of sound mind, reach v. 1. ARRIVE AT come to, enter, *hit town,
clear-thinking, sensible, levelheaded, sober, get in, get to, land. 2. EXTEND THE HAND
*with it, lucid, logical. ANT. irrational, unrea- thrust out, stretch out, outstretch, strain. 3.
sonable, nonsensical, insane. TOUCH grasp, get hold of, clutch, grab, seize,
rationale n. basis, reason, grounds, excuse, ra- make contact, secure. 4. AMOUNT TO extend,
tionalization, motive, justification, logic, attain, arrive at.
explanation. react v. respond, act, counter, recoil, recipro-
rationalize v. justify, explain away, account for, cate, answer, return, acknowledge, reply.
make excuses for, intellectualize. reaction n. response, comeback, answer, feed-
rattle v. clatter, vibrate, jangle, clink, clang, back, counteraction, return, reflex, recipro-
clank, knock, jiggle, bang. cation, acknowledgement, recoil, backlash,
raucous a. loud, noisy, rowdy, boisterous, riot- fallout, repercussion.
ous, strident, vociferous, blaring, uproarious, reactionary a. retrogressive, right wing. SEE
clamorous. ANT. quiet, still, silent. CONSERVATIVE
raunchy a. sexual, pornographic, lustful, dirty, read v. 1. TO INTERPRET THE PRINTED WORD com-
X-rated. ANT. chaste, wholesome, pure. SEE prehend, understand, construe, interpret,
LEWD decipher, translate, peruse, scan, skim, pore

472 Roget’s Superthesaurus


over, flip through. 2. UTTER recite, deliver. reason v. think, deduce, analyze, apply logic,
readable a. legible, decipherable, intelligible, judge, cogitate, draw conclusions, use one’s
understandable, clear, plain. ANT. illegible, head, deliberate, rationalize.
incomprehensible. reasonable a. 1. SENSIBLE rational, sane, logical,
readily adv. quickly, without delay, unhesitat- intelligent, sound, thoughtful, levelheaded,
ingly, immediately, promptly, *at the drop judicious, commonsensical, well-advised. 2.
of a hat, willingly, cheerfully, freely, *on the MODERATE fair, within reason, conservative,
spur of the moment. ANT. hesitantly, slowly, judicious, equitable, evenhanded, right, un-
reluctantly. extreme, temperate. ANT. 1. unreasonable, ir-
ready v. prepare, set up, prime, equip, prep, fit, rational, nonsensical. 2. extreme, immoderate.
gear up, warm up. reasoning n. analysis, deduction, induction,
ready a. 1. PREPARED in place, primed, set, thinking, thought, logic, inference, ratio-
equipped, *all systems go, *on one’s toes, nale, deliberation, cogitation, ratiocination.
on call, expectant. 2. UNHESITANT willing, reassure v. assure, fill with confidence, encour-
eager, prompt, enthusiastic, cheerful, in- age, bolster, hearten, buck up, embolden,
clined, game. 3. CLEVER sharp, keen, intelli- put one’s mind at ease, comfort. ANT. un-
gent, bright, smart, astute, quick. ANT. 1. un- nerve, frighten, discourage, shake one’s confi-
prepared, *flat-footed, ill-equipped. 2. hesitant, dence.
unwilling, slow. 3. slow, dull. rebate n. reimbursement, bonus, discount. SEE
real a. actual, genuine, authentic, true, factual, REFUND
valid, legitimate, bona fide, honest-to-good- rebel n. revolutionary, insurrectionist, malcon-
ness, tangible, physical, material, sincere. tent, nonconformist, dissenter, insurgent,
ANT. unreal, fictitious, counterfeit, phony, in- mutineer, iconoclast, anarchist, indepen-
sincere. dent, opponent, traitor, young Turk. ANT.
realistic a. 1. PRACTICAL down-to-earth, prag- conformist, follower, *sheep.
matic, reasonable, *having both feet on the rebel v. revolt, defy, disobey, resist, fight, dis-
ground, unromantic, sober, sane. 2. REPRE- sent, rise up, oppose, mutiny, riot, over-
SENTATIONAL lifelike, true-to-life, faithful, throw.
photographic, graphic, exact. ANT. 1. im- rebellion n. revolt, revolution, defiance, insur-
practical, idealistic, unrealistic. 2. fake, rough. rection, disobedience, insurgency, resis-
realize v. 1. UNDERSTAND apprehend, compre- tance, dissent, opposition, uprising, mutiny.
hend, get, recognize, be cognizant of, grasp, ‘‘A medicine necessary for the sound health
appreciate, perceive, conceive, discern, see. of government.’’—Thomas Jefferson.
2. ACHIEVE fulfill, accomplish, effectuate, rebellious a. revolutionary, defiant, disobedi-
complete, actualize, *pull off, attain, carry ent, resistant, iconoclastic, nonconforming,
out. insurgent, insurrectionary, mutinous, recal-
really adv. truly, honestly, in fact, certainly, citrant, seditious, riotous, ungovernable.
surely, literally, indeed, verily. ANT. conforming, passive, *following the herd,
realm n. area, domain, sphere, region, empire, docile, obedient.
kingdom, dominion, territory, zone, field, rebound v. bounce back, spring back, recover,
reach, world, arena, orbit. return, recoil, ricochet, boomerang.
reap v. gather, harvest, collect, bring in, pick, rebuff v. refuse, snub, brush off, reject, spurn,
pluck, cut, gain, obtain. slight, repel, check, repulse, *give the cold
rear v. raise, bring up, grow, nurture, foster, shoulder, *cut. ANT. embrace, accept, wel-
breed, parent, train, groom. come.
rear a. back, posterior, hind, tail, aft, last. ANT. REBUKE v. [ri BYOOK] to reprimand or criti-
front, fore, first. cize harshly. He was rebuked for losing the doc-
reason n. 1. EXPLANATION justification, uments. SYN. criticize, reprimand, admonish,
grounds, motive, rationale, cause, why, oc- *chew out, berate, reprove, reproach, cen-
casion, excuse, basis. 2. THINKING ABILITY sure, scold, *call on the carpet, *jump down
analysis, intellect, intelligence, wisdom, one’s throat, *rake over the coals. ANT.
sense, smarts, logic, judgment, deduction, praise, laud, honor, *pat on the back.
wit, brains. ‘‘The only oracle of man.’’— rebut v. contradict, argue, controvert, refute,
Ethan Allen. ‘‘A harmony among irrational disprove, invalidate, discredit, *shoot down,
impulses.’’—George Santayana. retort. ANT. support, prove, validate.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 473


rebuttal n. counterargument, contradiction, receptive a. open, accepting, open-minded, ac-

refutation, invalidation, discrediting, retort, cessible, favorable, amenable, inclined, hos-
riposte, *comeback, disproof. pitable. ANT. closed, close-minded, unre-
RECALCITRANT a. [ri KAL si trunt] defi- ceptive, cold.
ant, disobedient. The recalcitrant mule had to recess n. 1. BREAK rest, intermission, halt, re-
be gently coaxed. SYN. defiant, disobedient, spite, breathing spell, *breather, hiatus, in-
insubordinate, rebellious, resistant, refrac- terlude. 2. HOLLOW niche, indentation,
tory, intractable, fractious, contrary, stub- nook, slot, cranny, hole, bay, alcove.
born. ANT. obedient, tractable, submissive. recession n. receding, withdrawal, retreat, re-
recall n. recollection, memory, remembrance, versal, regression, decline, downturn, slump,
reminiscence. ANT. forgetfulness, mental *hard times, economic slowdown, depres-
block, amnesia. sion. ANT. progression, advance, growth,
recall v. 1. REMEMBER recollect, reminisce, call *boom times.
to mind, think back, evoke, look back on, recharge v. reenergize, revive, renew, revitalize,
review, summon. 2. CALL BACK withdraw, re- rejuvenate, regenerate, bring back to life,
peal, rescind, revoke, retract, take back.
recipe n. formula, prescription, directions,
ANT. 1. forget, suffer amnesia, *have a mental
compound, ingredients, list, blueprints,
block. 2. support, *allow to stand, *stand be-
reciprocal a. mutual, interchangeable, ex-
RECANT v. [ri KANT] to take back state- changed, alternate, interdependent, *give-
ments formerly made. He recanted his story and-take, corresponding, shared. ANT. inde-
in view of the overwhelming evidence against pendent, autonomous.
him. SYN. take back, withdraw, disavow, re- reciprocate v. give and take, interchange, ex-
tract, back down, disclaim, recall, *eat one’s change, return in kind, trade, repay, share,
words, reverse, revoke. ANT. acknowledge, swap, retaliate, *scratch each other’s back.
confirm, *own up, admit. recital n. narration, account, report, reading,
recap n. recapitulation, summary, rehash. telling, performance, solo performance.
recap v. SEE RECAPITULATE recite v. repeat, read, deliver, narrate, speak,
recapitulate v. repeat, summarize, recount, re- tell, perform, report, relate.
view, restate, rehash, recap, go over again. reckless a. incautious, careless, devil-may-care,
recede v. withdraw, back away, go down, di- heedless, headlong, breakneck, wild, daring,
minish, dwindle, decline, retreat, wane, foolhardy, rash, negligent. ANT. cautious,
shrink, fade, ebb, regress, drain. ANT. rise, careful, responsible.
advance, increase. reckon v. 1. FIGURE UP add up, count, compute,
receipt n. 1. SALES SLIP proof of purchase, total, tally, calculate, estimate. 2. SUPPOSE
voucher, stub. 2. RECEIVING reception, ar- think, surmise, imagine, gather, guess, pre-
rival, delivery, acquisition, acceptance. sume, figure, fancy.
receive v. 1. GET take possession, acquire, col- reckoning n. count, computation, figuring-up,
lect, be given, obtain, pocket, gain, come by, totaling, tally, calculation, estimate, bill, ac-
count, statement, charge.
inherit. 2. EXPERIENCE undergo, encounter,
recline v. lean back, lie back, lounge, stretch
suffer, endure, bear, sustain, meet with. 3.
out, lie down, repose, sprawl.
TAKE IN VISITORS accommodate, greet, admit,
recluse n. hermit, loner, *lone wolf, solitary,
accept, welcome, host, entertain.
anchorite, monk, misanthrope, troglodyte.
recent a. late, now, current, fresh, modern, to- ANT. socializer, *social animal, *people person.
day, present-day, hot, new, up-to-date. ANT. reclusive a. solitary, secluded, isolated, lone,
past, old, bygone, ancient. hermitic, cloistered, unsocial, withdrawn,
receptacle n. holder, container, vessel, reposi- misanthropic. ANT. social, gregarious, outgo-
tory, box, basket, bin, bag. ing, friendly.
reception n. 1. RECEIVING acknowledgement, recognition n. 1. IDENTIFICATION realization,
welcome, greeting. 2. PARTY function, gath- detection, discovery, placing, recall, percep-
ering, levee, soiree. tion, notice, acknowledgement. 2. APPRECI-
receptionist n. receiver, greeter, secretary, of- ATION acknowledgement, approval, grati-
fice worker. tude, esteem, notice, *pat on the back.

474 Roget’s Superthesaurus


recognize v. 1. IDENTIFY know, place, *peg, dis- recording n. tape, CD, audio tape, record, LP,
tinguish, detect, realize, recall, discover. 2. cassette.
APPRECIATE acknowledge, show gratitude, recount v. tell, narrate, repeat, describe, *re-
honor, salute, approve. cap, detail, run down, relate, review.
recoil v. draw back, shrink back, pull back, recoup v. recover, get back, regain, make up
jump, withdraw, cringe, flinch, wince, start, for, compensate, reimburse, replace.
reel. recover v. 1. GET BACK reclaim, retrieve, win
recollect v. remember, recall, call to mind, rem- back, retake, recoup, resume. 2. GET BETTER
inisce, summon, place, evoke. ANT. forget, get well, restore one’s health, regain one’s
draw a blank. strength, convalesce, heal, recuperate, come
recommend v. suggest, advise, back, endorse, around, rally, *pull through. ANT. 1. lose. 2.
approve, favor, prescribe, tout, *put in a take a turn for the worse, relapse, fail.
good word for, advocate, sanction, counsel. recreation n. amusement, leisure, activity, re-
ANT. disapprove, reject, advise against. laxation, *R&R, play, fun, games, exercise,
recommendation n. suggestion, advice, en- sport, diversion, hobby.
dorsement, approval, prescription, *good recruit v. enlist, enroll, draft, induct, round up,
word, counsel, testimonial, reference, plug, muster, hire, sign up.
*word to the wise. rectify v. correct, adjust, right, amend, fix, rem-
recompense n. payment, repayment, compen- edy, revise, straighten out, square, calibrate.
sation, remuneration, restitution, reward, recumbent a. lying down, reclining, prone, flat,
reparation, return. supine, prostrate, stretched out, sprawled.
recompense v. repay, compensate, pay back, re- ANT. erect, standing, upright.
munerate, make restitution, reimburse, re- recuperate v. get better, get well, recover, con-
ward, return. valesce, heal, come around, mend, rally,
reconcile v. 1. HARMONIZE settle, resolve differ- *pull through, get back on one’s feet. ANT.
ences, make up, make peace, conciliate, win *take a turn for the worse, relapse, fail, *circle
over, appease, compromise, accord, *bury the drain.
the hatchet, mediate. 2. RESIGN ONESELF TO recur v. repeat, happen again, reappear, reoc-
accept, let go, adjust to, take in stride, make cur, return, come back, persist.
the best of it, *roll with the punches. 3. recurrent a. repeating, repetitive, reappearing,
MAKE AGREE square, harmonize, equalize, returning, persistent, frequent, regular, peri-
rectify, straighten out. ANT. 1. war, aggra- odic, cyclical, chronic. ANT. infrequent, er-
vate, antagonize, offend. ratic, *out-of-the-ordinary.
RECONDITE a. [REK un DITE] beyond the red a. crimson, blood, cherry, brick, ruby, ver-
average person’s understanding, difficult. million, wine, blush, coral, ruddy, scarlet,
Her theories of creation were recondite. SYN. rose, salmon, fuchsia, maroon, carmine.
difficult, abstruse, hard, deep, erudite, pe- redeem v. 1. CASH IN recover, collect on, trade
dantic, complex, complicated, *over one’s in, exchange, claim, turn in, convert. 2. DE-
head, arcane, incomprehensible. ANT. easy, LIVER FROM SIN atone, reform, rehabilitate,
simple, *child’s play. absolve, save, make up for, make amends.
reconnaissance n. survey, *look-see, scouting RED HERRING n. something that diverts at-
mission, observation, reconnoitering. tention away from another issue; an object
reconsider v. rethink, reevaluate, reexamine, of deliberate distraction. The threat of com-
*look at in a different light, change one’s munism was a red herring employed to make
mind, think twice, review, amend. the voters forget about the president’s miscon-
record n. 1. HISTORY register, account, chroni- duct. SYN. distractor, distraction, smokes-
cle, transcription, log, journal, minutes, ar- creen, show-stealer, diversion, diversionary
chives, documentation, diary. 2. PERFORM- tactic, dodge, false trail, attention-grabber.
ANCE HISTORY track record, book, resumé, redneck n. Sl. *good old boy, ignoramus, bigot,
*stats. 3. RECORDING disc, album, *45, *hot *yahoo, Neanderthal, hick, farmer, cave-
wax, single, LP, CD. SEE MUSIC man, *Archie Bunker, peckerwood, *white
record v. register, chronicle, transcribe, take trash, *cracker, conservative, southern blue
down, write down, log, take minutes, docu- collar worker.
ment, enter, set down, keep an account of. REDOLENT a. [RED uh lunt] fragrant. We
ANT. erase, delete. closed our eyes and inhaled the smells of the

Roget’s Superthesaurus 475


redolent sea shore. SYN. fragrant, aromatic, elegant. 2. CLEANED purified, washed, fil-
scented, sweet-smelling, odoriferous, smell- tered, strained, processed, clarified, distilled.
ing, evocative, reminiscent. ANT. reeking, ANT. 1. unrefined, coarse, crude. 2. unrefined,
putrid, fetid. unpure, rough, raw.
REDRESS n. [REE dress] a setting right, com- refinement n. cultivation, culture, polish, per-
pensation for a wrong. They will seek redress fection, finish, elegance, civility, gentility,
for the damages done. SYN. compensation, graciousness, good breeding, urbanity, deli-
reparation, amends, recompense, satisfac- cacy. ANT. roughness, coarseness, crudeness,
tion, righting, restitution, correction, pay- vulgarity.
ment. reflect v. 1. THROW BACK mirror, echo, rever-
redress v. rectify, set right, correct, remedy, berate, rebound, resonate, repercuss, re-
compensate, make reparations, make resti- sound, return. 2. CONSIDER think, contem-
tution, satisfy, put right, square. plate, ponder, ruminate, deliberate, weigh,
red tape n. bureaucracy, *bureaucrap, *paper meditate, cogitate, muse.
shuffling, delay, *jumping through hoops, reflection n. 1. MIRROR IMAGE image, counter-
*aligning ducks in a row, documentation, part, impression. 2. CONSIDERATION contem-
officialese, inefficiency, proper channels. plation, meditation, deliberation, rumina-
reduce v. 1. LOWER lessen, decrease, cut, dimin- tion, thought, cogitation, pondering,
ish, scale down, shorten, lighten, subtract, musing. ‘‘Wisdom’s best nurse.’’—John Mil-
contract, trim, deflate. 2. DEMOTE down- ton.
grade, lower in rank. 3. SOFTEN temper, ease, reform n. correction, change for the better, im-
moderate, dilute, mitigate, mellow, modify. provement, advancement, betterment, ren-
4. SUBDUE conquer, vanquish, crush, over- ovation, progress, rectification.
power, put down, break. ANT. 1. increase, reformatory n. penal institution, correctional
heighten. 2. promote, upgrade. 3. intensify, facility, reform school, training center. SEE
strengthen. 4. surrender, retreat.
REDUNDANT a. [ri DUN dunt] more than refrain v. do without, forgo, forbear, abstain,
what is needed, repetitive, wordy. His speech eschew, stop, resist, pass on, *swear off, de-
was long-winded and redundant. SYN. exces- sist. ANT. indulge, take up.
sive, unnecessary, superfluous, repetitious, refresh v. 1. RENEW freshen, rejuvenate, invigo-
more than enough, inessential, long- rate, revitalize, restore, revive, breathe new
winded, *de trop, wordy, verbose. ANT. nec- life into, vivify. 2. STIMULATE jog, activate,
essary, indispensable, concise. arouse, awaken, prompt, remind, cue. ANT.
1. wear out, drain, tire, sap. 2. dull, inhibit.
reef n. bank, bar, sand bar, ridge, shoal, atoll
refreshing a. 1. RENEWING freshening, rejuve-
shelf, ledge, coral reef.
nating, invigorating, revitalizing, restoring,
reek n. smell, stench, odor, stink, fetor.
reviving, bracing, energizing. 2. NEW fresh,
reek v. stink, smell, *smell to high heaven, different, original, novel. ANT. 1. tiring,
steam, vaporize, permeate. draining, sapping. 2. old, unoriginal.
reel v. stagger, sway, lurch, spin, pitch, waver, refreshment n. fortification, *pick-me-up,
teeter, whirl, rock, fall back. nourishment, sustenance, food, drink, bite,
refer v. 1. MAKE REFERENCE cite, allude, point snack.
to, touch on, mention, quote, speak of, bring refrigerate v. chill, cool, ice, freeze, aircondi-
up. 2. SEND direct, point, assign, recom- tion.
mend. 3. REGARD relate, deal with, involve, refuge n. shelter, retreat, safe haven, hiding
concern, apply, pertain, cover. place, hideout, asylum, sanctuary, cover, se-
referee n. *ref, umpire, judge, arbitrator, medi- curity, protection.
ator, intermediary, go-between, moderator. refugee n. emigrant, expatriate, defector, emi-
reference n. 1. MENTION citation, allusion, quo- gré, runaway, evacuee, outcast, alien, fugi-
tation, notice, implication, intimation. 2. tive.
RECOMMENDATION testimonial, endorse- refund n. reimbursement, rebate, return, repay-
ment, good word, certification. ment.
refined a. 1. CULTIVATED cultured, polished, refund v. pay back, reimburse, rebate, return,
perfected, finished, civilized, genteel, gen- repay, settle, recompense, satisfy.
tlemanly, courtly, ladylike, polite, well-bred, refurbish v. renovate, fix up, freshen up,

476 Roget’s Superthesaurus


brighten up, clean up, recondition, restore, ‘‘The beginning of a new life.’’—George El-
renew, rejuvenate, revamp. iot.
refusal n. no, rejection, *thumbs down, nix, regret v. be sorry for, *look back and kick one-
veto, nonacceptance, denial, turndown. self for, lament, bemoan, rue the day, have
refuse n. waste, trash, rubbish, litter. SEE GAR- pangs of conscience, have second thoughts,
BAGE never forgive oneself, repent, hate oneself
refuse v. say no, reject, *give thumbs down, for.
nix, veto, deny, turn down, decline, demur, regretful a. sorry, contrite, ashamed, apolo-
disapprove, spurn. ANT. okay, accept, agree. getic, conscience-stricken, guilty, penitent,
REFUTE v. [ri FYOOT] to prove or argue to self-reproachful, *sadder but wiser. ANT. un-
be wrong. They refuted his theories. SYN. dis- repentant, *having no qualms, brazen.
prove, prove false, confute, controvert, con- regrettable a. lamentable, unfortunate, shame-
tradict, rebut, discredit, *shoot full of holes, ful, grievous, deplorable.
counter. ANT. support, corroborate, prove. regular a. 1. NORMAL usual, customary, conven-
regal a. royal, stately, kingly, majestic, noble, tional, typical, routine, everyday, tradi-
princely, august, queenly, lordly. ANT. lowly, tional, average, stock, ordinary, standard. 2.
plebian. ORDERLY symmetrical, balanced, ordered,
REGALE v. [ri GALE] to delight, amuse or harmonious, even, aligned, straight, uni-
entertain. He regaled us with his adventures form. 3. CONSISTENT habitual, fixed, undevi-
during the war. SYN. delight, amuse, enter- ating, recurrent, set, established, daily. ANT.
tain, enthrall, enchant, divert, captivate, 1. irregular, abnormal, unconventional. 2. dis-
humor, charm. orderly, asymmetrical, uneven. 3. sporadic, ir-
regalia n. finery, attire, outfit, dress, livery. regular, infrequent.
regard n. 1. LOOK gaze, attention, heed, stare, regulate v. 1. GOVERN control, manage, direct,
mind, glance. 2. CONSIDERATION thought, administer, run, maintain, oversee. 2. BAL-
ANCE equalize, adjust, time, moderate.
concern, care, attention, heed, awareness.
3. ESTEEM respect, affection, liking, fond- regulation n. 1. CONTROL government, manage-
ness, approval, admiration, appreciation. 4. ment, adjustment, supervision, direction,
MATTER aspect, point, detail. ANT. 2. thought-
moderation, tuning, timing. 2. RULE law, or-
lessness. 3. disregard, disrespect, dislike. dinance, statute, code, requirement, order,
commandment, instruction, canon.
regard v. 1. LOOK AT heed, watch, see, behold,
regurgitate v. throw up, heave, puke. SEE VOMIT
eye, observe, take in, notice, pay attention
rehabilitate v. restore, reclaim, *rehab,
to. 2. CONSIDER take into account, think of,
straighten out, improve, reform, change,
look upon, deem, view, judge.
transform, save, redeem, change one’s ways.
regardless adv. in any event, anyway, anyhow,
rehearse v. practice, go over, run through, pre-
at any rate, nevertheless, nonetheless.
pare, perfect, drill, train, *have a dry run,
regime n. administration, government, leader- tune up, *jam.
ship, rule, command, party, management, reign n. rule, power, dominance, dominion,
power. sovereignty, sway, dynasty, governance,
regiment v. organize, systematize, coordinate, leadership, tenure, control, regime.
standardize. reign v. rule, hold power, be in power, govern,
region n. area, territory, zone, locality, location, command, manage, administer, hold sway,
district, place, ward, quarter, province, vi- lead, control, dominate, run the show.
cinity, spot, realm. reimburse v. pay back, repay, recompense,
register n. record, list, book, entry, ledger, roll, compensate, refund, make restitution, make
daybook, registry, roster, diary. good, settle, indemnify.
REGRESS v. [ree GRESS] to go back, reverse, rein n. harness, bridle, control, restraint, guide.
progress backwards. His behavior began to re- rein v. stop, slow, restrain, control, guide, bri-
gress to that of a child. SYN. retrogress, go dle, curb, check.
back, revert, retreat, degenerate, backslide, reinforce v. strengthen, fortify, *beef up,
retrograde, ebb. ANT. progress, advance. harden, stiffen, bolster, buttress, prop,
regret n. self-reproach, remorse, penitence, sor- toughen, support. ANT. weaken, soften, un-
row, self-condemnation, contrition, pangs dermine, cripple.
of guilt, conscience, second thought, qualm. REITERATE v. [ree IT uh RATE] to go over

Roget’s Superthesaurus 477


again, repeat. Some students nodded off when ANT. 1. get wound up, tense, labor, *drive one-
the professor reiterated for the second time. SYN. self into the grave. 2. tighten, tense up, wind
go over again, repeat, *recap, recapitulate, up.
restate, rehash, belabor, retell. relaxation n. 1. REST recreation, *R&R, fun,
reject n. castoff, outcast, discard, second, irreg- unwinding, *cutting loose, leisure, quiet
ular, pariah, loser. time, holiday, lounging, repose, *decom-
reject v. *nix, refuse, repulse, pass on, turn pression. 2. LOOSENING slackening, easing.
down, *give thumbs down, brush off, *give ANT. 1. work, labor, toil, stress. 2. tightening,
the cold shoulder, *turn one’s nose up at, intensification.
spurn, shun, repudiate, veto, rebuff, *spit release n. liberation, emancipation, liberty,
upon, *kiss off, jilt. ANT. accept, embrace, ap- freeing, deliverance, discharge, loosing, dis-
prove, *give thumbs up. missal, acquittal, letting go. ANT. imprison-
rejoice v. be full of joy, be happy, be glad, cele- ment, incarceration, capture.
brate, revel, be elated, exult, jump for joy, release v. let go, discharge, free, liberate, eman-
glory, delight. ANT. grieve, lament. cipate, deliver, loose, dismiss, acquit, untie,
rejoinder n. answer, reply, comeback, response, unshackle.
retort, repartee, rebuttal, countering. relegate v. consign, assign, delegate, entrust,
rejuvenate v. renew, restore, revive, invigorate, commission.
*breathe new life into, regenerate, revital- relent v. soften, let up, yield, give up, slow, ease
ize, refresh, reanimate. ANT. tire, sap, drain. off, mitigate, relax, slacken, drop, come
relapse n. recurrence, reappearance, *turn for around, bend, reduce.
the worse, setback, decline, regression, fall, RELENTLESS a. [ri LENT liss] unremitting,
deterioration. ANT. remission, improvement, incessant, pitiless. The enemy bunkers took a
progress. relentless pounding. SYN. unremitting, inces-
relate v. 1. RECOUNT tell, narrate, detail, state, sant, persistent, sustained, pitiless, merci-
report, communicate, describe, give an ac- less, unrelenting, hard, cruel, unflagging.
ANT. relenting, brief, mercifully short, sparing.
count of, repeat. 2. CONNECT correspond,
correlate, associate, link, pertain, apply, relevant a. relating, pertinent, applicable, ger-
have to do with, concern, bear upon. 3. mane, to the point, material, relative, apro-
IDENTIFY WITH empathize, understand,
pos, connected, apt. ANT. irrelevant, beside
*stand in another’s shoes. the point, unrelated.
reliable a. dependable, trustworthy, responsi-
related a. associated, connected, correlated,
ble, conscientious, faithful, unfailing, con-
linked, allied, affiliated, akin, kindred, cog-
stant, steady, trusty. ANT. unreliable, unde-
nate. ANT. independent, unrelated, unlike.
pendable, irresponsible.
relation n. association, connection, affiliation,
reliance n. confidence, dependence, trust, be-
link, relationship, kinship, alliance. lief, credit, certainty, security. ANT. distrust,
relationship n. association, friendship, alliance, insecurity.
kinship, affiliation, marriage, liaison, con- relic n. ruin, antique, antiquity, artifact, rem-
nection, rapport. nant, remains, vestige, keepsake, souvenir.
relative n. relation, kin, family member, kins- relief n. release, alleviation, easing, relaxation,
man, sibling, blood relative, cognate, mitigation, soothing, amelioration, succor,
mother, father, brother, sister, *kissing letup, respite, palliation, balm, help. ANT. in-
cousin, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, in-law. tensification, aggravation, worsening.
ANT. stranger. relieve v. 1. EASE alleviate, release, comfort,
relative a. 1. COMPARATIVE proportional, com- free, relax, mitigate, soothe, palliate, as-
parable, relating to, respective. 2. PERTAIN- suage, diminish, quell. 2. SET FREE unburden,
ING pertinent, relative, germane. ANT. 1. dis- take over, stand in for, substitute for, re-
similar, unlike. 2. unrelated, *like apples and place, release, spell.
oranges. religion n. belief in God, faith, spirituality, de-
relax v. 1. LOOSEN UP be at ease, *take it easy, votion, godliness, worship, piety, theology,
rest, unwind, let oneself go, calm down, *let persuasion, devoutness. ‘‘The life of God in
one’s hair down, take a break, laze. 2. the soul of man.’’—Lyman Abbott. ‘‘The
SLACKEN soften, let up, lessen, ease off, opium of the people.’’—Karl Marx. ‘‘The el-
loosen, diminish, relieve, lighten, moderate. der sister of philosophy.’’—Walter Savage

478 Roget’s Superthesaurus


Landor. ‘‘A universal obsessional neuro- Holy Land: Israel, Palestine

sis.’’—Sigmund Freud. ‘‘The soul of civiliza- kneel in worship: genuflect
tion.’’—Will Durant. laws, ecclesiastical: canon
WORD FIND Lamb of God icon: Agnus Dei
CHRISTIANITY Last Supper, day of: Maundy Thursday
abandonment of one’s faith: apostasy Lent, first day of: Ash Wednesday
Adam and Eve’s sin of eating from tree of literal interpretation of Bible, believing in:
knowledge: Original Sin fundamentalism
admitting sins to priest in Roman Catholic nonbeliever: atheist
Church: confession non-Christian: infidel
amending sacrament: penance offense to God: abomination
amends for sins: atonement oil, apply: anoint
amen: to trust oil used in Catholic confirmation: chrism
angel, high: archangel Old Testament scrolls: Dead Sea Scrolls
angel, second order: cherubim overlooking of transgressions in Roman
ascent to heaven, Christ’s: Ascension Catholic Church: dispensation
battle, location of final: Armageddon prayer: Angelus
(mountain of Megiddo) prayer beads: rosary
biblical texts questioned by some denomina- presiding priest at Holy Communion: cele-
tions: apocrypha brant
birth of Christ or Second Coming: Advent questioner or doubter: agnostic
blessed with gift of tongues, healing, or repentance for sins: contrition
prophecy: charismatic revelation of future in Bible: Apocalypse
blessing at end of service: benediction rising of soul after death: resurrection
bread and wine, body and blood of Christ, rites: sacraments
sacrament of: Eucharist, Communion, sacred, make: consecrate
Second Coming will arrive soon, denomina-
Holy Communion, Mass
tion believing: Seventh Day Adventist,
bread wafers: host
Second Adventists
casting out of church due to transgressions:
sect: denomination
sex, priest’s vow to abstain from: vow of celi-
container or chest holding Ten Command-
ments: Ark of the Covenant
song from biblical text: canticle
crucifixion of Christ, commemoration:
spread of word throughout the world: evan-
Good Friday
cursing of God: blasphemy study of religion: theology
declaration by Pope that deceased person is tongues, denomination known for some
blessed and worthy to pray to: beatifica- members who speak in: Pentecostal
tion Church
declaration by Pope that deceased person is tongues, speaking in: glossolalia
saint following beatification: canoniza- Virgin Mary: Madonna
tion washing before ceremonies: ablutions
dissenter: heretic water immersion ceremony: baptism
enemy of Christ: Antichrist, the beast wise men’s visit to Christ’s birth, commemo-
faith, statement of: Apostle’s Creed ration of: Epiphany
fellowship: communion JUDAISM
forgiveness of sins: absolution candelabra used to mark Chanukah: meno-
forty-day period before Easter: Lent rah
funeral mass, Roman Catholic: requiem discrimination against Jews: antisemitism
God, seeing: beatific vision eight-day festival commemorating exodus of
gospel, one of twelve who spread: apostle Jews from Egypt: Passover
guardian or protector of specific group: pa- festival of lights commemorating victory of
tron saint Maccabees over the Syrians: Chanukah
healing illness through prayer: faith healing, food fit to be eaten: kosher
laying on of hands God, name of: Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh,
Hebrew Bible: Old Testament YHWH, Adonai

Roget’s Superthesaurus 479


holy day devoted to prayer, fasting: Yom meditation word or phrase repeated to clear
Kippur head: mantra
Jewish New Year: Rosh Hashanah mental, physical exercises to achieve well-
minister: rabbi being: yoga
morning and evening prayer: Shema merchant caste: Vaisyas
non-Jew: gentile nonviolence doctrine: ahimsa
Old Testament of Bible: Hebrew Bible, To- peasant, servant caste: Sudras
rah peasants outside of caste system: Untouch-
prayer leader in synagogue: cantor ables
rabbinical writings, interpretations and the priestly caste: Brahmin
Torah collectively: Talmud release from endless reincarnation: moksha
skullcap worn by Jewish men: yarmulka spiritual teacher: guru
strict, orthodox Jews known for earlocks, supreme being: Vishnu
black coats: Chasidim, Hasidim yoga adherent: yogi
thirteen-year-old’s rite of adulthood: bar warrior caste: Kshatriyas
mitzvah what goes around comes around, doctrine
twelve- or thirteen-year-old girl’s rite of of: karma
adulthood: bat mitzvah worship: puja
adherent: Moslem, Muslim Chinese Buddhism, enlightenment through
authority on Muslim law: ayatollah meditation: Zen
call to prayer from minaret of mosque: azan domed Buddhist shrine: stupa
daily call to prayers: adhan enlightenment, path to: dharma
fit to eat, according to dietary laws: halal enlightenment, sudden achievement of: sa-
God: Allah tori
holy war, fighting for Islam: jihad festival: Wesak
month of fasting: Ramadan moral rules: five precepts
Muhammad’s birthplace: Mecca nonviolence doctrine: ahimsa
night of forgiveness: Lailat-ul-Bara’h one devoted to seeking enlightenment:
non-Moslem: infidel
‘‘Peace be upon you’’: Salam Alaikum
spiritual awakening, bliss: enlightenment,
pilgrimage to Mecca: hajj
bodhi, nirvana
prayer leader in mosque: imam
spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism: Dalai
prayers required five times per day: Salat
prophet of God and founder of Islam: Mu- Lama
hammad suffering, belief that everything leads to:
requirements of Islamic religion: five pillars dukkha
of Islam word or phrase repeated during meditation:
rule that women must keep covered in pub- mantra
lic: purdah
sacred stone at Mecca: Black Stone religious a. 1. PIOUS devout, godly, spiritual,
sacred text: Koran faithful, churchgoing, theological, righ-
teous, God-fearing, reverent, saintly. 2.
black god, avatar of Vishnu: Krishna CAREFUL scrupulous, exact, conscientious,
communal house: ashram rigorous, meticulous. ANT. 1. atheistic, nonbe-
elephant-headed god, symbol of luck: lieving, impious. 2. careless, slack.
Ganesha RELINQUISH v. [ri LING kwish] to give up,
incarnation of a god: avatar let go or renounce. He will relinquish his office
god of creation: Brahma in thirty days. SYN. give up, let go, renounce,
god of life and death: Shiva abandon, quit, drop, surrender, forswear,
god of love and desire: Kamadeva leave, forsake, surrender, abdicate, resign.
god of rain and war: Indra ANT. hold, keep, maintain.
god who will come to destroy the world: relish n. pleasure, enjoyment, appreciation, lik-
Kalki ing, love, fondness, fancy, zest, satisfaction,
guidance book, ‘‘The Song of the Lord’’: gusto.
Bhagavad Gita relish v. enjoy, take pleasure in, like, love, be

480 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fond of, appreciate, savor, adore, revel in, remit v. send, forward, transmit, mail, dis-
luxuriate in, *dig. ANT. hate, find distasteful, charge.
detest. remnant n. remainder, leftover, remains, ex-
reluctant a. hesitant, unwilling, disinclined, cess, extra, surplus, leaving, residue, scrap,
slow, unenthusiastic, hanging back, leery, odds and ends, relic, vestige.
wary, cautious, averse, loath. ANT. eager, remodel v. make over, redesign, rebuild, refur-
willing, enthusiastic. bish, redo, renovate, overhaul, retrofit.
rely v. depend, count on, bank on, have confi- REMONSTRATE v. [ri MON strate] to ob-
dence in, trust, entrust, put faith in, bet on, ject to or protest against. The demonstrators
swear by. ANT. doubt, mistrust. continued to remonstrate outside the mayor’s
remain v. stay, wait, sit tight, stay put, hold, door. SYN. object, protest, argue against,
endure, continue, abide, keep on, persist. challenge, criticize, take issue, expostulate,
ANT. go, leave, change. take exception, oppose, denounce. ANT. go
remainder n. the rest, leftover, remnant, re- along with, assent, agree.
mains, balance, surplus, residue, overage. remorse n. guilt, penitence, self-reproach, com-
remark n. comment, commentary, word, obser- punction, contrition, regret, sorriness, re-
vation, statement, note, thought, mention, pentance, shame, rue. ‘‘The pain of sin.’’—
utterance, reflection. Theodore Parker. ‘‘The echo of a lost vir-
remarkable a. outstanding, extraordinary, tue.’’—Edward Bulwer Lytton. ‘‘The fatal
noteworthy, noticeable, unusual, excep- egg by pleasure laid.’’—William Cowper.
tional, phenomenal, unique, striking, im- ANT. indifference, hard-heartedness, glee,
pressive, rare. ANT. usual, ordinary, common, pride.
everyday. remote a. 1. DISTANT far-off, far-flung, isolated,
remedial a. healing, corrective, restorative, cur- secluded, God-forsaken, outlying, lonely, re-
ing, therapeutic, curative. ANT. harmful, det- moved, out-of-the-way, inaccessible. 2. UN-
rimental. LIKELY slight, faint, slim, small, improbable,
remedy n. cure, treatment, medicine, restor- outside. 3. ALOOF distant, removed, cold, de-
ative, cure-all, panacea, corrective, therapy, tached, faraway, withdrawn, uninterested.
relief, antidote, elixir, prescription, drug. ANT. 1. close, at hand, nearby. 2. likely, signifi-
remedy v. cure, treat, medicate, fix, restore, cant, probable. 3. intimate, warm, close.
correct, relieve, revive, counteract, neutral- remove v. 1. TAKE OFF eject, expel, extract,
ize, alleviate, help, doctor. ANT. aggravate, throw off, cut off, move, transfer, get rid of,
exacerbate, poison, infect. oust, withdraw, uproot, disconnect, erase,
remember v. 1. RECALL recollect, call to mind, expunge. 2. DO AWAY WITH kill, assassinate,
reminisce, think back, retrospect, conjure take out, eliminate, execute, dismiss, de-
up, summon, memorize, commit to memory, pose, oust, discharge, unseat, unhorse, eject,
retain, learn. 2. KEEP IN MIND bear in mind, fire, *can. ANT. 1. keep, maintain, retain. 2.
don’t forget. ANT. 1. forget, draw a blank, hire, install.
have amnesia. remunerate v. pay, compensate, repay, reward,
remind v. bring back, bring to mind, spur one’s recompense, reimburse, indemnify.
memory, refresh memory, make remember, RENAISSANCE n. [REN i SAHNS] a re-
*ring a bell, awaken memories. birth, resurgence or revival. The agency is
reminisce v. think back, retrospect, recollect, hoping for a renaissance in space exploration.
remember, *ache with nostalgia, live in the SYN. rebirth, resurgence, revival, reawaken-
past. ing, resurgence, new day, renewal, rejuvena-
REMISS a. [ri MISS] lax or negligent in per- tion, regeneration.
forming one’s responsibilities. He has long rend v. rip, split, cleave. SEE TEAR
been remiss in his duties. SYN. negligent, care- render v. 1. PRESENT deliver, give, hand over,
less, lax, slack, neglectful, sloppy, lazy, inat- furnish, submit, tender, provide, impart. 2.
tentive, delinquent, irresponsible, derelict. CAUSE TO BE make. 3. PERFORM recite, repre-
ANT. responsible, careful, dutiful. sent, interpret, portray, play, treat, depict.
remission n. abatement, arrestment, lessening, rendezvous n. meeting place, gathering place,
subsiding, reduction, reprieve, letup, dimi- appointment, engagement, date, meeting,
nution, waning, quelling, stoppage, allevia- tryst.
tion. rendition n. rendering, version, interpretation,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 481


performance, presentation, arrangement, comebacks, snappy comebacks, witty re-

depiction, portrayal. plies, witty rejoinders, banter, quip, sally,
renegade n. rebel, turncoat, traitor, apostate, lively exchange, badinage, give-and-take,
betrayer, double-crosser, defector, deserter, jesting, riposte, mot. ‘‘A duel fought with
revolutionist, Benedict Arnold. the points of jokes.’’—Max Eastman.
RENEGE v. [ri NIG] to go back on one’s word, ‘‘Something we think of 24 hours too
to fail to follow through on an agreement. late.’’—Mark Twain.
If they renege on the deal, we will sue for breach repast n. meal, food and drink, feast, banquet,
of contract. SYN. go back on one’s word, eats, *feed, spread, *bite.
break promise, default, back out, *weasel repay v. pay back, reimburse, return, make up
out, *change one’s tune, *cop out, back- for, compensate, square, requite, refund, re-
pedal. ANT. fulfill, make good, satisfy. bate, settle, even the score, reciprocate.
renew v. begin again, resume, make a fresh repeal n. revocation, abrogation, rescission, an-
start, restore, rejuvenate, refresh, recondi- nulment, nullification, voiding, invalida-
tion, revitalize, replenish, regenerate, rein- tion, withdrawal, cancellation.
repeal v. withdraw, revoke, cancel, declare null
vigorate, *breathe new life into.
and void, rescind, abrogate, invalidate,
RENOUNCE v. [ri NOUNCE] to give up, re-
annul, abolish.
pudiate, wash one’s hands of. She renounced repeat n. repetition, replay, rebroadcast, rerun,
her belief in astrology. SYN. give up, abandon, rehash.
reject, *swear off, relinquish, quit, desert, repeat v. 1. REITERATE restate, say again, recap,
disavow, forswear, disown, repudiate, *turn recapitulate, parrot. 2. DO AGAIN duplicate,
one’s back on, *divorce oneself from. ANT. remake, reproduce, redo, echo. 3. TELL re-
embrace, hold dear, claim. count, relate.
renovate v. renew, revive, clean up, fix up, re- repel v. 1. REPULSE push back, force back, ward
condition, restore, remodel, refurbish, re- off, resist, drive away, fend off, check, refuse,
decorate, *give a face-lift, modernize, up- spurn, reject, snub, *give cold shoulder. 2.
date. DISGUST *turn off, sicken, revolt, appall,
renown n. celebrity, fame, reputation, promi- *turn one’s stomach, *gross out, *make
nence, notoriety, stardom, eminence, popu- one’s flesh crawl. ANT. 1. welcome, embrace,
larity, illustriousness. ANT. obscurity, ano- accept. 2. attract, delight, please.
nymity. repellent a. repulsive, disgusting, revolting, ap-
renowned a. celebrated, famous, prominent, palling, sickening, nauseating, offensive, re-
noted, eminent, popular, acclaimed, illustri- pugnant, obnoxious.
ous, distinguished, notorious, outstanding. repent v. feel sorry, be remorseful, be contrite,
ANT. obscure, unknown. be conscious-stricken, rue the day, apolo-
rent n. opening, split, rip, tear, hole, slit, fissure, gize, ask forgiveness, lament, deplore, be
rift. penitent.
rent v. lease, let, sublet, hire, charter, contract repentance n. penitence, sorrow, remorse, con-
for. trition, guilt, compunction, sorriness, regret,
renunciation n. renouncement, rejection, pangs of conscience. ‘‘The voice of God.’’—
abandonment, relinquishment, repudiation, Israel Baal Shem Tob. ANT. pride, self-satis-
disavowal, spurning, forswearing. ANT. ac- faction.
ceptance, embracement.
effect or consequence of some action. Open-
repair n. fixing, mending, restoration, service,
ing the borders to free trade will create serious
reconditioning, patching, alignment, over- repercussions. SYN. effect, consequence, re-
haul, correction, tune-up. sult, reaction, fallout, outcome, aftermath,
repair v. 1. FIX mend, restore, recondition, impact, backlash, echo.
patch, rebuild, reconstruct, align, overhaul, repetition n. duplication, repeat, rerun, replay,
adjust, tinker with. 2. GO move, head for, reiteration, recapitulation, recurrence,
proceed, retire. *broken record, rote, reprise.
REPARTEE n. [REP ar TAY] witty come- repetitious a. repetitive, redundant, tautologi-
backs, a series of quick and witty replies, cal, wordy, long-winded, verbose, boring, te-
clever conversational exchange. He was fa- dious, recurring. ANT. concise, to the point,
mous for his brilliant repartee. SYN. witty spare.

482 Roget’s Superthesaurus


replace v. 1. TAKE THE PLACE OF succeed, follow, express, exemplify, typify, embody, person-
supersede, supplant, stand in, *step into ify, betoken, act as, serve as. 2. DEPICT por-
one’s shoes, fill in for. 2. RETURN put back. tray, render, picture, evoke, describe, mirror,
replenish v. fill, supply, refill, stock, restore, re- illustrate. 3. SERVE AS AN AGENT act on behalf
place, provision, top off, reload. of, speak for, stand for, be proxy for, *go to
REPLETE a. [ri PLEET] filled, full, plentiful. bat for.
The cellar was replete with wine bottles. SYN. representative n. agent, proxy, stand-in,
full, filled, plentiful, abundant, crammed, spokesperson, *mouthpiece, advocate, dele-
stuffed, packed, glutted, *chock-full, loaded. gate, envoy, emissary, surrogate, congress-
ANT. empty, vacant, bare. man, councilman.
replica n. reproduction, copy, imitation, look- representative a. characteristic, typical, illus-
alike, *knockoff, duplicate, facsimile, clone, trative, model, symbolic, exemplary, indica-
photocopy. tive. ANT. atypical, unusual, different.
reply n. answer, response, reaction, acknowl- repress v. keep down, hold down, control, hold
edgement, comeback, return, rejoinder, re- in, check, restrain, contrain, crush, curb,
tort. suppress, stifle, subdue, shut up.
reply v. answer, respond, react, acknowledge, reprieve n. postponement, suspension, escape,
come back, return, rejoin, *shoot back, re- relief, stay, stay of execution, remission, de-
tort. lay, abeyance.
report n. 1. ACCOUNT statement, news, exposi- reprimand n. rebuke, scolding, admonishment,
tion, message, detailing, *blow by blow, reproach, *bawling out, censure, chastise-
communication, story, *word, rundown, ment, *tongue-lashing, upbraiding, castiga-
summary, communiqué, bulletin, an- tion. ANT. approval, praise.
nouncement. 2. RUMOR gossip, talk, *word, reprimand v. rebuke, scold, admonish, re-
*grapevine, *buzz, *scuttlebutt, hearsay. 3. proach, *bawl out, censure, chastise, *give
LOUD NOISE boom, explosion, bang, blast, a tongue-lashing, upbraid, castigate, *rake
detonation, crash, shot, crack, reverbera- over the coals. ANT. approve, praise, com-
tion. mend.
report v. 1. COMMUNICATE give an account, reprisal n. retaliation, *eye for an eye, revenge,
state, give news, give message, detail, *give vengeance, retribution, redress, vindication,
blow by blow, bring word, give rundown, counterattack.
summarize, announce, describe, tell, re- REPROACH n. [ri PROACH] blame, criti-
count, relate. 2. TURN IN tell on, *rat on. cism. She was above reproach. SYN. blame,
reporter n. newsman, newswoman, journalist, criticism, shame, discredit, rebuke, scolding,
member of the press, member of the media, condemnation, reprimand, censure, disap-
correspondent, newscaster, feature writer, proval, disgrace. ANT. approval, credit, praise.
snoop, scribe. SEE NEWS reproach v. accuse, blame, rebuke, criticize,
repose n. rest, sleep, ease, relaxation, quiet, re- shame, discredit, scold, condemn, repri-
spite, peace, tranquility, leisure, break. mand, censure, disapprove, find fault. ANT.
repository n. depository, warehouse, vault, approve, credit, praise.
storehouse, store room, archives, museum, reprobate n. sinner, criminal, villain, *bad guy,
depot, magazine, library, safe, safe deposit lost soul, profligate, miscreant, degenerate,
box. scoundrel, evildoer, lowlife. ANT. angel,
repossess v. reclaim, take back, recover, regain, saint.
retrieve. reprobate a. bad, immoral, corrupt, unprinci-
REPREHENSIBLE a. [REP ri HEN suh bul] pled, wicked, depraved, degenerate, evil,
that which deserves criticism or rebuke. The miscreant, foul. ANT. good, virtuous, moral.
criminals’ actions were reprehensible. SYN. reproduce v. 1. COPY duplicate, replicate, redo,
blameworthy, reproachable, sinful, shame- photocopy, reprint, clone, imitate, counter-
ful, felonious, villainous, criminal, heinous, feit. 2. PROPAGATE breed, spawn, multiply,
wicked, unforgivable, disgraceful, ignoble, engender, procreate, proliferate.
despicable. ANT. praiseworthy, honorable, vir- reproduction n. 1. COPY duplicate, replication,
tuous, noble. photocopy, reprint, clone, imitation, coun-
represent v. 1. STAND FOR symbolize, denote, terfeit, *mirror image, twin. 2. PROPAGATION

Roget’s Superthesaurus 483


procreation, breeding, proliferation. ANT. 1. command, obligate, call for, insist on, com-
original, model, master. pel, direct, dictate.
reproof n. rebuke, censure. SEE REPROACH requirement n. necessity, must, essential, need,
REPROVE v. [ri PROOV] to give or show imperative, requisite, prerequisite, condi-
one’s disapproval. She reproved the workers tion, term, provision, dictate.
for making too much noise. SYN. disapprove, requisite n. SEE REQUIREMENT
rebuke, reproach, scold, admonish, censure, requisite a. required, essential, prerequisite,
reprimand, condemn. ANT. approve, praise, needed, necessary, imperative, obligatory,
credit. called for. ANT. optional, elective, voluntary.
REPUDIATE v. [ri PYOO dee ATE] to reject, RESCIND v. [ri SIND] to repeal or abolish.
have nothing to do with. She repudiated his They rescinded the order. SYN. repeal, abolish,
views. SYN. reject, renounce, have nothing revoke, cancel, reverse, invalidate, declare
to do with, disown, cast off, disapprove, null and void, annul, recall. ANT. uphold,
spurn, refuse, disavow, disclaim, deny. ANT. confirm, defend, shore up.
embrace, accept, support. rescue n. saving, recovery, delivery, extrica-
repugnant a. offensive, distasteful, obnoxious, tion, relief, release, liberation, salvation, he-
repulsive, repellent, revolting, disgusting, roics.
foul, sickening, nauseating. ANT. delightful, rescue v. save, recover, deliver, extricate, re-
pleasing, appealing. lieve, release, liberate, free, bail out, re-
repulse v. 1. REPEL drive back, hold off, resist, trieve, *save one’s bacon.
check, defend, defeat. 2. DISGUST offend, re- research n. fact-finding, investigation, inquiry,
pel, revolt, sicken. 3. REJECT rebuff, refuse, *digging, legwork, study, probing, sifting,
spurn, snub, *give cold shoulder. ANT. 1. em- *detective work, delving, *R&D. ‘‘The pro-
brace, welcome, pull in, draw. 2. delight, cess of going up alleys to see if they are
please, appeal. 3. invite. blind.’’—Marston Bates. ‘‘If you steal from
repulsive a. repellent, offensive, revolting, dis- one, it’s plagiarism, if you steal from many,
gusting, foul, distasteful, *sickening, nause- it’s research.’’—Wilson Mizner.
ating, *gross, repugnant. ANT. appealing, de- researcher n. prober, investigator, data special-
lightful, attractive. ist, analyst, scientist, experimenter, medical
reputable a. respectable, in good repute, es- detective, scientific detective, medical
teemed, well thought of, acclaimed, honor- sleuth, tester, clinician, scholar.
able, honest, legitimate, principled, *on the resemblance n. likeness, similarity, sameness,
up and up, reliable. ANT. disreputable, ques- correspondence, closeness, semblance, par-
tionable, shady. allel, uniformity, affinity, analogy. ANT. dif-
reputation n. repute, character, name, regard, ference, dissimilarity, contrast.
stature, renown, *word of mouth, standing, resemble v. look alike, mirror, double, be simi-
*approval rating, estimation, *credit rating. lar to, match, bear a resemblance to, approx-
‘‘A bubble which a man bursts when he tries imate, mimic, echo. ANT. contrast.
to blow it for himself.’’—Emma Carleton. resent v. take offense, be offended, be indig-
‘‘What people gossip behind your back.’’— nant over, take exception to, dislike, bristle,
Henry Banks. harbor resentment, *get one’s nose out of
repute n. SEE REPUTATION joint, seethe over. ANT. appreciate, like, de-
reputed a. supposed, regarded, believed, as- light in.
sumed, presumed, alleged, thought, ru- resentment n. offense, indignation, displeasure,
mored. ANT. proven, actual. annoyance, outrage, disgust, umbrage, ran-
request n. petition, solicitation, question, ap- cor, bitterness, pique, hard feelings.
plication, want, desire, behest, plea, de- reservation n. 1. RESERVE preserve, sanctuary,
mand. territory, enclave, tract, habitation, settle-
request v. ask, petition, solicit, apply, appeal ment. 2. BOOKING retaining, place, *lock. 3.
for, seek, *put in for, beg, demand. QUALIFICATION condition, limitation, stipu-
requiem n. mass, service, memorial, eulogy, el- lation, reluctance, qualm, second thoughts,
egy, dirge, hymn, compostion. hesitancy.
require v. 1. NEED want, lack, miss, be short reserve n. 1. STORE cache, savings, *nest egg,
of, be deficient in, desire. 2. DEMAND order, stockpile, backlog, reservoir, *ace in the

484 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hole, *something for a rainy day. 2. QUIET- resolution n. 1. DETERMINATION decidedness,

NESS silence, self-restraint, aloofness, reti- purpose, resolve, tenacity, perseverance,
cence, shyness, inhibition, guardedness, dis- dedication, willpower, earnestness. 2. RESOL-
tance, coolness. VING solution, sorting out, working out, out-
reserve v. 1. SAVE hold, hoard, store, stockpile, come, end, upshot, settlement, finding. 3.
lay up, stash, *keep for a rainy day, conserve, PLAN proposition, proposal, motion, objec-
*squirrel away. 2. BOOK retain, secure, en- tive.
gage. resolve n. determination, resolution, purpose,
reserved a. self-restrained, quiet, silent, aloof, decidedness, intention, earnestness, firm-
taciturn, reticent, shy, bashful, inhibited, ness, steadfastness, will, stick-to-itiveness.
guarded, distant, cool. ANT. loud, demonstra- resolve v. 1. DETERMINE decide, make up one’s
tive, loquacious. mind, fix, intend, settle, will, *stick to one’s
reside v. 1. LIVE dwell, stay, inhabit, lodge, guns. 2. SETTLE solve, straighten out, clear
abide, domicile, occupy, take up residence, up, harmonize, work out, *iron out, answer.
*hang one’s hat. 2. EXIST IN be inherent, be resonant a. resounding, reverberant, vibrant,
present, lie in, dwell. echoing, loud, ringing, booming, full, rich,
residence n. home, inhabitation, house, abode, sonorous. ANT. tinny, tinkling, muted.
domicile, place, living quarters, address, resonate v. echo, reverberate, resound, ring, vi-
dwelling, lodging, apartment, condo. SEE brate, boom, have far-reaching effects, im-
HOUSE pact, have deep consequences.
resident n. inhabitant, occupant, lodger, ten- resort n. vacation spot, hotel, motel, *tourist
ant, citizen, denizen, inmate. trap, mineral springs, park, club, retreat.
residue n. remainder, rest, remnant, leftovers, resort v. turn to, use, utilize, take up, employ,
dregs, scum, refuse, leavings. have recourse to.
resign v. 1. QUIT step down, leave, abdicate, resound v. echo, reverberate, ring, repeat,
give notice, drop out, bail out, walk out, clang, resonate, peal, vibrate, thunder.
*hang it up, renounce. 2. RESIGN ONESELF TO resourceful a. inventive, clever, creative, inge-
accept, live with, submit, endure, comply, nious, handy, quick, imaginative, capable,
*grin and bear it, tolerate. versatile, adaptable. ANT. unimaginative, in-
resignation n. 1. QUITTING retirement, termina- capable, helpless, inefficient.
tion, withdrawal, leaving, notice, abdica- respect n. 1. REGARD honor, esteem, deference,
tion. 2. ACCEPTANCE submission, acquies- admiration, reverence, consideration, fear,
cence, tolerance, endurance, reconciliation, veneration, awe, appreciation. 2. POINT de-
passivity. tail, sense, aspect, way, regard. 3. REFERENCE
resigned a. accepting, submissive, acquiescent, relation. ANT. 1. disrespect, disregard, con-
tolerant, enduring, reconciled, passive, un- tempt.
resisting, stoical, long-suffering. ANT. unac- respect v. 1. REGARD HIGHLY honor, esteem, de-
cepting, rebellious, resisting. fer to, idolize, admire, revere, look up to,
resilient a. elastic, flexible, rebounding, fear, venerate, view with awe, appreciate. 2.
springy, pliable, rubbery, bouncy, supple, re- OBEY comply. ANT. 1. disrespect, *dis.
covering quickly. ANT. rigid, inflexible, stiff. respectable a. 1. WORTHY OF RESPECT admirable,
resist v. fight, oppose, withstand, defy, repel, estimable, worthy, reputable, honorable,
repulse, hold off, stand up against, thwart, dignified, good, esteemed, strong, decent,
check, weather. ANT. surrender to, yield, give principled, correct, proper. 2. FAIRLY LARGE
in, *cave in to. appreciable, substantial, decent, sizable, tol-
resistance n. fight, opposition, defiance, repul- erable, goodly. ANT. 1. disreputable, despica-
sion, withstanding, repellance, rebuff, re- ble, bad. 2. tiny, small, paltry.
fusal, blocking. respectful a. deferential, regardful, courteous,
RESOLUTE a. [REZ uh LOOT] determined, reverential, submissive, obeisant, polite,
resolved. When it came to quitting smoking, well-mannered, obliging, obedient. ANT. dis-
Frank was resolute. SYN. determined, re- respectful, irreverent, disobedient.
solved, fixed, firm, intent on, steady, tena- RESPITE n. [RES pit] a rest or break from
cious, decided, purposeful, strong-willed, something. The rain provided respite from the
*dead set on, earnest, persevering. ANT. heat. SYN. rest, break, relief, lull, breather,
weak-minded, irresolute, *wishy-washy. letup, time-out, recess, reprieve, remission.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 485


respond v. act, react, answer, come back, reply, restore v. renew, bring back, fix, recondition,
acknowledge, feedback, retort. rejuvenate, rehabilitate, revive, refresh, put
response n. reaction, answer, comeback, reply, in good repair, regenerate, overhaul.
acknowledgement, feedback, retort. restrain v. hold, limit, check, arrest, contain,
responsibility n. 1. DUTY charge, obligation, restrict, muzzle, suppress, bridle, hamper.
burden, onus. 2. ACCOUNTABILITY liability, restrict v. limit, confine, check, restrain, curb,
culpability, answerability. 3. CONSCIEN- impede, inhibit, constrain, hamper, circum-
TIOUSNESS dependability, reliability, matu- scribe, bind, hem in.
rity, trustworthiness. ‘‘The price of great- restriction n. limit, limitation, circumscription,
ness.’’—Winston Churchill. ‘‘A detachable proscription, check, curb, control, confine-
burden easily shifted to the shoulders of ment, restraint, *no-no, rule, regulation,
God, Fate, Fortune, Luck, or one’s neigh- provision, condition.
bor.’’—Ambrose Bierce. result n. outcome, effect, consequence, upshot,
responsible a. 1. ACCOUNTABLE liable, culpable, product, byproduct, end, aftereffect, fruit,
answerable, at fault, to blame, incumbent, outgrowth, fallout, denouement.
duty-bound, beholden, bound. 2. CONSCIEN- result v. issue, arise, happen, develop, ensue,
TIOUS dependable, reliable, mature, dutiful, eventuate, stem, occur, come about.
trustworthy, adult, grown up, sensible, ratio- resumé n. employment history, vita, curricu-
nal. ANT. 1. *off the hook, unaccountable, irre- lum vita, work history, biographical outline,
sponsible. 2. immature, unreliable, undepend- *bio.
able. resume v. continue, proceed, go on, begin
responsive a. reactive, reacting, active, respon- again, carry on, return, pick up where one
dent, reflexive, reciprocal, receptive, an- left off, restart.
swering. ANT. unresponsive, inactive. resurgence n. revival, rise, return, rebirth, re-
rest n. 1. RELAXATION inactivity, break, ease, newal, resurrection, renaissance. ANT. death,
respite, recess, sleep, slumber, nap, repose, petering out, decline.
breather, time-out, lull, pause, *downtime. resurrection n. rising from the dead, return to
‘‘The end and reward of toil.’’—James Beat- life, rebirth, revival, regeneration, restora-
tie. 2. REMAINDER balance, remains, excess, tion, *Lazarus effect.
surplus. 3. BASE stand, holder, seat, bed, cra- resuscitate v. revive, bring back, revitalize,
dle. breathe life into, perform artificial respira-
rest v. 1. RELAX take a break, recess, sleep, slum- tion, perform CPR, give mouth-to-mouth
ber, nap, repose, take a breather, take a resuscitation, bring around.
time-out, lounge, stop, hold up, pause, *put retain v. keep, hold, maintain, possess, save,
feet up, retire, *crash, catch one’s breath, own, hang on to, secure, grasp.
*recharge one’s batteries. 2. LIE lay, sit, retainer n. fee, allowance, charge, stipend.
stand, set, lean, prop. 3. DEPEND rely, hinge, retaliate v. strike back, get even, pay back,
hang. ANT. 1. hustle, bustle, *do double-time, avenge, revenge, *even the score, recipro-
work, *break a sweat. cate, *give tit for tat, pay back in kind, give
restful a. quiet, peaceful, relaxing, tranquil, re- measure for measure, *take an eye for an
charging, restorative, serene, calming. ANT. eye. ANT. *turn the other cheek, overlook.
restless, stressful, tiring, exhausting. retard v. hinder, slow, delay, obstruct, block,
restitution n. reparation, compensation, rec- impede, check, detain, hamper, restrict,
ompense, redress, amends, reimbursement, handicap.
remuneration, indemnity. retch v. gag, vomit, heave, *barf, *puke, *hurl,
restaurant n. eatery, dining establishment, *ralph, have dry heaves, *upchuck.
steakhouse, cafe, *greasy spoon, luncheon- RETICENT a. [RET i sunt] reserved, quiet,
ette, diner, cafeteria, drive-in, hamburger restrained. He tended to be reticent and barely
stand, commissary, *fast-food joint, night- spoke more than three words at a time. SYN.
club, supper club, bistro. reserved, quiet, restrained, taciturn, close-
restless a. troubled, disturbed, uneasy, stressed, mouthed, shy, bashful, silent, uncommuni-
*wired, unsettled, edgy, restive, fidgety, ill cative, *clammed up, retiring. ANT. loqua-
at ease, *uptight, anxious, agitated, uncom- cious, *motor-mouthed, talkative.
fortable, *ants in the pants, *hyper. ANT. retinue n. entourage, train of attendants, cor-
restful, quiet, content, relaxed. tege, court, personnel, escort, following.

486 Roget’s Superthesaurus


retire v. leave, retreat, withdraw, depart, exit, reveal v. disclose, expose, show, divulge, un-
part, run along, turn in, go to bed, *call it a cover, bring to light, make known, lay bare,
day, *hit the sack, quit, resign. bring out into the open, tell, confess, *let
retiring a. shy, bashful, backward, withdrawn, the cat out of the bag, *spill the beans, de-
unsociable, shrinking, quiet, reserved, reclu- clare, announce, *blab. ANT. conceal, cover
sive, keeping to oneself, private, solitary, up, keep secret.
preferring one’s own company. ANT. outgo- revel v. celebrate, delight in, *party, *party
ing, gregarious, sociable. hearty, take pleasure, *cut loose, rejoice,
retort n. reply, answer, comeback, snappy make merry, *whoop it up, enjoy, *get a
comeback, counter, rejoinder, repartee, re- kick out of, be festive, carouse, *have a ball,
buttal, riposte. bask.
retort v. reply, answer, come back, respond, revelation n. disclosure, eye-opener, exposé,
counter, rebut, rejoin, fire back, *return fire. exposition, news, divulgement, announce-
retract v. take back, recant, withdraw, back- ment, broadcast, bombshell, *bolt from the
track, disavow, recall, *eat one’s words, dis- blue, flash, shock.
claim, back down, forswear, reverse, repeal. revelry n. merry-making, partying, celebration,
retreat n. 1. WITHDRAWAL flight, departure, rejoicing, festivity, gaiety, carousal, romp-
pull-out, evacuation, escape, volte-face, ing, carrying on, *good times.
*backpedaling, getaway, retirement. 2. SAFE, revenge n. vengeance, retaliation, retribution,
QUIET PLACE sanctuary, asylum, haven, ref- talion, *eye for an eye, reprisal, vindication,
uge, hideaway, shelter, cloister. requital, *payback, *tit for tat, avenging,
retreat v. withdraw, flee, depart, pull out, evac- *getting even, countering, measure for mea-
uate, escape, *head for the hills, do an sure. ‘‘That recoil of Nature.’’—Ralph
about-face, backpedal, get away, escape, Waldo Emerson. ‘‘Nothing which we don’t
*beat a hasty retreat. ANT. charge, advance, invite.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson.
progress. revenge v. retaliate, take vengeance, avenge,
retribution n. requital, *payback, revenge, re- *even the score, *take an eye for an eye,
taliation, punishment, vengeance, comeup- give measure for measure, repay, recipro-
pance, reprisal, *just deserts, *tit for tat, tal- cate, vindicate, settle accounts, get back at.
ion. revenue n. return, income, gain, yield, pro-
retrieve v. get, get back, fetch, recover, regain, ceeds, net, gross, earnings, receipts, profit,
reclaim, recoup, reacquire.
cash flow, wages, salary. SEE MONEY
retrospect n. looking back, reminiscence, re-
reverberate v. echo, reecho, resound, resonate,
view, remembering, reexamination, hind-
ring, vibrate, have repercussions, have an af-
sight, reflection, afterthought, *Monday
tereffect, recoil, rebound, bounce back.
morning quarterbacking.
return n. 1. REAPPEARANCE rebound, comeback, REVERE v. [ri VEER] to look up to, respect
homecoming, recurrence, rebirth, revival, and honor highly. The mayor was greatly re-
renaissance, resurrection, reinstatement. 2. vered in the community. SYN. respect, honor,
PROFIT yield, interest, proceeds, net, income,
look up to, esteem, worship, venerate, idol-
gain, revenue. 3. RESPONSE comeback, an- ize, *put on a pedestal, admire, exalt, think
swer, rebuttal, retort, reply, rejoinder, ri- highly of, *kiss up to. ANT. disrespect, despise,
poste, repartee. look down on.
return v. 1. COME BACK go back, put back, reap- reverence n. respect, honor, esteem, worship,
pear, rebound, recoil, boomerang, reverse, veneration, idolization, admiration, exalta-
retreat, backtrack, recur, revive, resurrect, tion, awe, homage, regard. ANT. irreverence,
reinstate, restore, replace, double back, re- disrespect, contempt.
trace one’s steps. 2. PAY BACK reciprocate, reverent a. respectful, deferential, honoring,
requite, retaliate, replace, reimburse, recom- admiring, awed, reverential, venerating,
pense. 3. GAIN show a profit, yield, earn, adoring, worshipping. ANT. disrespectful, ir-
gain, net. 4. RESPOND answer, come back, reverent, impertinent.
rebut, retort, reply, rejoin. REVERIE n. [REV ur ee] daydreaming, fanta-
reunion n. reuniting, homecoming. sizing. I called her name twice, but she was
revamp v. renovate, revise, fix up, repair, make deep in reverie. SYN. daydreaming, fantasiz-
over, refurbish. ing, musing, contemplation, deep thought,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 487


woolgathering, flight of fancy, trance, ab- revive v. breathe life into, resuscitate, bring
straction. back to life, rescue from the brink of extinc-
reversal n. repeal, overturning, upset, with- tion, *bring around, wake up, reawaken, re-
drawal, retraction, about-face, turnaround, juvenate, renew, recharge, refresh, vivify,
switch. rally, recover.
reverse n. 1. OPPOSITE inverse, converse, coun- revoke v. abolish, repeal, withdraw, rescind,
terpart, antithesis, other side of the coin, annul, cancel, abrogate, nullify, void, de-
mirror image, back, rear, *flip side. 2. SET- clare null and void, recall. ANT. maintain,
BACK defeat, check, reversal, turnabout, mis- uphold, *beef up.
fortune, misadventure, mishap, disaster, ca- revolt n. rebellion, refusal, revolution, insurrec-
tastrophe, contretemps. ANT. 1. front, tion, uprising, mutiny, resistance, protest.
obverse. 2. promotion, help, boon. SEE REVOLUTION
reverse v. 1. GO OR TURN BACKWARDS back, revolt v. 1. REBEL refuse to cooperate, rise up
*flip-flop, revert, upend, turn over, over- against, resist, protest, mutiny, riot, oppose,
turn, invert, transpose, *turn inside out, defy, insurrect, boycott. 2. DISGUST sicken,
backtrack, backpedal, *do an about-face. 2. turn one’s stomach, appall, nauseate, *make
CHANGE revoke, annul, repeal, withdraw, one’s flesh crawl, repulse. ANT. 1. comply,
counter, overturn, rescind, recant, *change obey, accept. 2. delight, please.
one’s tune. revolting a. disgusting, repulsive, sickening, re-
reverse a. backward, opposite, inverse, con- pugnant, gross, offensive, abhorrent, *stom-
verse, contrasting, contrary. ach-turning, foul, obnoxious. ANT. delightful,
revert v. go back, return, regress, backslide, de- pleasing, appetizing.
generate, retrogress, relapse, deteriorate, revolution n. 1. REBELLION uprising, mutiny, re-
hark back. volt, insubordination, insurrection, out-
review n. 1. EXAMINATION reexamination, reas- break, uproar, riot, anarchy, coup, coup d’é-
sessment, second look, another look, run- tat, takeover, overthrow, unrest, turmoil.
down, survey, inspection, reevaluation, ret- ‘‘A phoenix rising like a flame from the bod-
rospection. 2. CRITIQUE evaluation, ies of the wretched.’’—Luis Cernuda. ‘‘An
commentary, appraisal, report, *write-up, abrupt change in the form of misgovern-
criticism, blurb, notice, rave, *pan. 3. FOR- ment.’’—Ambrose Bierce. ‘‘A thought in
MAL INSPECTION exhibition, parade, proces- one man’s mind.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson.
sion, exposition, demonstration. 2. ROTATION circle, orbit, lap, circuit, cycle,
review v. 1. EXAMINE reexamine, reassess, have spin.
a second look, have another look, run down, revolutionary a. 1. REBELLIOUS mutinous, in-
survey, inspect, reevaluate, go over again, subordinate, riotous, resistant, insurrection-
retrospect. 2. CRITIQUE evaluate, comment ary, subversive. 2. NEW progressive, radical,
on, appraise, report on, *write up, criticize, innovative, *cutting edge, novel, advanced.
rave, *pan, *trash, *slam. revolve v. circle, orbit, go around, rotate, spin,
reviewer n. critic, analyst, commentator, judge, wheel, gyrate, twirl, whirl.
evaluator, appraiser, connoisseur, summa- revulsion n. disgust, repugnance, aversion,
rizer, faultfinder, reporter, scrutinizer, nit- loathing, nausea, detestation, distaste, ab-
picker. horrence, hatred. ANT. liking, attraction.
revile v. scold, abuse, tongue-lash, curse, *jump reward n. prize, payment, award, winnings, re-
down one’s throat, *rip up one side and turn, compensation, recompense, dividend,
down the other, lambaste, upbraid, vilify, honor, bonus, requital, remuneration. ANT.
disparage. ANT. commend, praise, compliment. punishment, penalty.
revise v. correct, improve, change, amend, edit, reward v. pay, award, compensate, recompense,
*blue pencil, tighten, rewrite, polish, rec- honor, remunerate, reimburse, tip. ANT. pe-
tify, redraft, modify. nalize, punish.
revision n. second draft, corrected version, rewarding a. compensating, worthwhile, en-
amended version, editing, tightening, cut- riching, fulfilling, satisfying, paying divi-
ting, rewriting, polishing, modification. dends, productive. ANT. unrewarding, unful-
revival n. rebirth, return, restoration, renais- filling.
sance, rejuvenation, revitalization, resurrec- rhapsodize v. gush, rave, speak with passion,
tion, new dawn, new day, reawakening. wax poetic, dramatize, deliver breathlessly,

488 Roget’s Superthesaurus


get carried away, play up, ham it up, en- ricochet v. rebound, bounce off, recoil, glance,
thuse. deflect.
RHETORIC n. [RET ur ik] words and their rid v. free, do away with, get rid of, purge, throw
artful employment in speech or writing. out, clear, clean, evict, disencumber, re-
Also, high-blown language that says noth- lieve, remove.
ing. The crowd listened to the usual political riddle n. puzzle, question, poser, *brainteaser,
rhetoric. SYN. expressiveness, eloquence, *stumper, mind-boggler, complexity, co-
command of language, articulateness, flu- nundrum, knot, rebus, enigma, mystery.
ency, elocution, *way with words, grandilo- ride n. drive, cruise, trip, excursion, spin, jaunt,
quence, magniloquence, bombast, *hot air, outing.
fustian, verbosity, *BS. ride v. 1. TRAVEL cruise, tour, motor, commute,
rhetorical a. 1. EXPRESSIVE articulate, eloquent, tool, move, float, journey, be carried along.
fluent, persuasive, well-said, *silver- 2. TEASE torment, harass, *give a hard time,
tongued. 2. GRANDILOQUENT magniloquent, pester, make fun of, plague, ridicule, *kid.
bombastic, fustian, verbose, pretentious, rider n. addition, amendment, supplement,
high-sounding, oratorical, inflated. ANT. 1. clause, attachment, appendix, codicil.
inarticulate, awkward, stumbling. 2. under- ridge n. 1. CREST hill, spine, hogback, pinnacle,
stated, simple, subtle. rise. 2. RAISED AREA line, wale, rib, seam,
rhyme n. poem, verse, lyric, limerick, ode, allit- cord, corrugation, seam, wrinkle, fold.
eration. ridicule n. mocking, joking, taunting, teasing,
rhythm n. beat, meter, cadence, swing, tempo, making fun of, derision, poking fun at,
pulse, downbeat, backbeat, throb, flow. laughter, needling, caricature, sarcasm.
RIBALD a. [RIB uld] vulgar, earthy or coarse, ‘‘The fume of little hearts.’’—Alfred Lord
especially with sexual humor. The men sat Tennyson. ‘‘These paper bullets of the
around the bar and told ribald jokes. SYN. vul- brain.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The weapon of
gar, earthy, lewd, dirty, obscene, risqué, off- those who have no other.’’—Hubert Pierlot.
color, indecent, pornographic, X-rated, ANT. honor, veneration, respect, homage. SEE
gross. ANT. wholesome, decent, G-rated, JOKE
*clean ridicule v. make fun of, laugh at, poke fun at,
rich a. 1. WEALTHY affluent, *well-off, *well-to- mock, make the butt of a joke, taunt, tease,
do, *well-heeled, *on easy street, *rolling in deride, needle, caricature, belittle, lampoon,
dough, opulent, flush, comfortable, mon- roast. ANT. honor, venerate, respect, pay hom-
eyed, *filthy rich. 2. ABUNDANT abounding, age to.
replete, well-supplied, well-stocked, over- ridiculous a. preposterous, absurd, ludicrous,
flowing, copious, plentiful, prodigal. 3. LUX- laughable, stupid, foolish, nonsensical,
URIOUS elegant, costly, lavish, sumptuous, senseless, idiotic, mindless, moronic, insane,
elaborate. 4. FILLING heavy, sweet, *fatty, crazy, *nuts, *wacky, farcical, outrageous.
fattening. 5. DEEP intense, full, vivid, strik- ANT. sensible, rational, sober, sound.
ing, vibrant. 6. FUNNY comical, amusing, ab- RIFE a. [RIFE] abounding, widespread, com-
surd, *wacky, ludicrous, ridiculous, laugh- monly occurring. The show was rife with black
able. ANT. 1. poor, indigent, penniless. 2. humor. SYN. widespread, abounding, abun-
scarce, scant, meager. 3. plain, poor. 4. light. dant, plentiful, copious, profuse, numerous,
5. light, subtle, slight. 6. grave, grim, serious. bursting, overflowing, prevalent, teeming,
riches n. wealth, money, affluence, opulence, rampant, thick. ANT. scarce, scant, rare.
possessions, fortune, *big bucks, treasure, riffraff n. rabble, *dregs of society, peasantry,
property, abundance, resources. ‘‘A great commoners, hoi polloi, rank and file, lower
slavery.’’—Seneca. ‘‘A contented mind.’’— class, *scum of the earth.
Mohammed. ‘‘Not the end, but a change of rifle n. carbine, shotgun, musket, firearm. SEE
worries.’’—Epicurus. ANT. poverty, indigence, GUN
want. SEE MONEY rifle v. search, rummage, turn inside out, ran-
rickety a. shaky, wobbly, unstable, unsteady, sack, steal, strip, loot, thieve.
teetering, tottering, fragile, *jerry-built, rift n. 1. OPENING fissure, cleft, crack, rent, split,
*tumble-down. ANT. stable, sturdy, rock- crevice, fracture, breach, fault, split, tear. 2.
solid, sound. FALLING-OUT BETWEEN FRIENDS parting of the

Roget’s Superthesaurus 489


ways, split, separation, schism, break, dis- proper, fitting, appropriate, legitimate, au-
agreement, estrangement, breakup. thorized, lawful. ANT. wrong, illegitimate.
rig n. equipment, outfit, gear, tackle, apparatus, right stuff n. qualifications, credentials, experi-
rigging. ence, courage, *guts, bravery, drive, talent,
rig v. 1. EQUIP fit out, gear up, furnish, outfit, abilities, skills.
supply, set up, accoutre, clothe, appoint, rigid a. 1. UNYIELDING inflexible, hard, stiff, un-
array, slap together. 2. MANIPULATE fix, tam- bending, firm, nonpliant, unmalleable. 2.
per with, falsify, finagle, arrange, machinate, STRICT severe, exacting, harsh, uncompro-
contrive. mising, inflexible, unaccommodating, stern,
right n. 1. PRIVILEGE authority, prerogative, stringent, *bullheaded. ANT. 1. yielding, flex-
power, claim, license, title, birthright, say, ible, pliable. 2. *easy, compromising, accom-
favor, freedom, due. 2. GOOD virtue, moral- modating, flexible.
ity, morals, righteousness, justness, justice, rigmarole n. babble, blather, gobbledygook,
integrity, uprightness, honor, correctness. drivel, *bunk, *rot, claptrap, *bilge, hog-
‘‘The greatest good to the greatest num- wash, bull, twaddle. SEE NONSENSE
ber.’’—Jeremy Bentham. 3. CONSERVATISM rigor n. harshness, severity, hardness, hardship,
rightism, orthodoxy. ANT. 2. wrong, immo- rigidity, roughness, toughness, difficulty,
rality, incorrectness. 3. left, liberalism. trial, strictness, inflexibility.
right v. 1. CORRECT fix, straighten out, amend, RIGOROUS a. [RIG ur us] harsh, severe,
make right, mend, repair, doctor, rectify, ad- strict. Life in the Arctic is rigorous. SYN. harsh,
just, remedy, redress, balance. 2. PUT BACK severe, strict, hard, tough, rough, brutal,
IN UPRIGHT POSITION turn over, flip over. ANT. stringent, trying, austere. ANT. easy, unde-
1. *mess up, *screw up, ruin. 2. capsize, up- manding, soft.
end, upset. rile v. anger, annoy, irritate, peeve, *rub the
right a. 1. VIRTUOUS upright, moral, good, righ- wrong way, irk, aggravate, nettle, *get under
teous, honorable, scrupulous, just, honest, one’s skin, *get one’s dander up, *get one’s
ethical, fair, proper, *politically correct, so- Irish up. ANT. pacify, mollify, appease.
cially acceptable. 2. CORRECT accurate, pre- rim n. edge, border, margin, perimeter, brink,
cise, *on the money, *on the mark, *on tar- fringe, verge, ring, hem, lip, brim, skirt.
get, *on the nose, exact, true, perfect, valid, rind n. peel, peeling, skin, husk, hull, outer
sound, faithful, flawless, unerring, factual. 3. layer.
FITTING suitable, appropriate, befitting, cor- ring n. 1. CIRCLE band, loop, hoop, orbit.
rect, seemly, favorable, desirable, preferable, 2. FINGER JEWELRY band, wedding band.
opportune. 4. NORMAL sound, rational, sen- 3. ARENA rink, circus ring, bowl, coliseum.
sible, sane, competent, lucid, sober. 5. CON- 4. GROUP OR GANG mob, band, circle, party,
SERVATIVE right-wing, rightist, traditional, bloc, association, bunch, syndicate, outfit,
reactionary, orthodox, *old-line. ANT. 1. im- coterie, clan. 5. CLANG ding, chime, rever-
moral, bad, unethical, wicked. 2. incorrect, in- beration, knell, peal, tintinnabulation, tin-
accurate, wrong. 3. unsuitable, inappropriate. kle, toll, jingle.
4. irrational, insane, not of sound mind. 5. lib- ring v. 1. CLANG ding, dong, bong, chime, re-
eral, left, leftist. verberate, knell, peal, tintinnabulate, tin-
right adv. 1. VIRTUOUSLY morally, righteously, kle, toll, jingle, sound, vibrate, resonate. 2.
honorably, justly, honestly ethically, fairly, ANNOUNCE herald, signal, trumpet, broad-
properly. 2. CORRECTLY accurately, precisely, cast. 3. CIRCLE loop, orbit, encircle, circum-
*on the money, *on the mark, *on target, scribe, encompass, surround, go around,
exactly, truly, perfectly, faithfully, flaw- gird.
lessly, unerringly. ANT. 1. immorally, dishon- ringleader n. leader, chief, boss, *head honcho,
orably, unjustly. 2. incorrectly, inaccurately, *big cheese, instigator, orchestrator.
imperfectly. rinse v. wash, wet, cleanse, clean, soak, flush,
righteous a. good, right, virtuous, moral, ethi- irrigate, drench, splash, immerse.
cal, honest, honorable, just, fair, upright, riot n. 1. UPRISING disorder, outburst, demon-
noble, saintly, innocent, angelic. ANT. bad, stration, anarchy, uproar, protest, melee,
wicked, immoral, wrong. commotion, turbulence, ruckus, rebellion,
rightful a. right, just, fair, moral, ethical, revolt, insurgence, donnybrook, free-for-all,

490 Roget’s Superthesaurus


distemper, civil unrest. 2. SOMETHING HILARI- risk n. danger, hazard, threat, peril, jeopardy,
OUS *scream, *laugh-a-minute, panic, howl. uncertainty, *thin ice, vulnerability, expo-
ANT. 1. peace, order. sure, gamble, chance, insecurity. ANT. safety,
riot v. rise up, erupt, demonstrate, protest, raise assurance, security.
a ruckus, *rumble, rebel, revolt, engage in a risk v. endanger, hazard, face a threat, imperil,
free-for-all, go on the rampage, engage in put oneself in jeopardy, face uncertainty, ex-
civil disobedience. pose oneself, leave oneself vulnerable, gam-
riotous a. disorderly, run amuck, boisterous, ble, chance it, *take a shot in the dark, *roll
loud, out of control, wild, chaotic, rebel- the dice.
lious, rambunctious, rowdy, anarchic. ANT. risky a. dangerous, hazardous, threatening, per-
peaceful, orderly, placid. ilous, uncertain, chancy, a gamble, dicey,
rip n. tear, split, rend, slash, slit, cut, rift, rent, *treading on thin ice, *hairy, *out on a
gash, hole. limb, ticklish, *playing with fire, insecure,
rip v. tear, split, rend, slash, slit, cut, sever, venturesome. ANT. safe, risk-free, secure,
hack, divide, cleave, shred. guaranteed.
ripe a. 1. MATURE fully developed, ready, full- risqué a. suggestive, racy, daring, dirty, im-
grown, seasoned, aged, soft, prime, mellow. proper, ribald, off-color, indecent, vulgar,
2. READY timely, favorable, primed, set, pre- bawdy, *spicy, *blue, crude, provocative,
pared, opportune. ANT. 1. green. 2. untimely. lewd. ANT. clean, G-rated.
ripen v. mature, develop, grow, season, age, rite n. ceremony, ritual, exercise, observance,
soften, mellow. solemn act, procedure, practice, custom, for-
rip-off n. Sl. *gyp, thievery, theft, stealing, mality, liturgy.
cheat, larceny, fraud, robbery, gouging, ritual n. ceremony, rite, exercise, observance,
swindle, *con. solemn act, procedure, practice, custom, for-
ripoff v. Sl. *gyp, thieve, steal, cheat, commit mality, tradition.
larceny, commit fraud, rob, gouge, swindle, ritzy a. Sl. elegant, luxurious, posh, sumptuous,
*con, *stiff, *take one to the cleaners, *classy, high-class, deluxe, *swank, *snazzy,
*screw. fancy. ANT. low-class, shabby, poor.
RIPOSTE n. [ri POST] a quick retort; after the rival n. competitor, opponent, combatant, ad-
quick thrust made in fencing. His unexpected versary, contestant, contender, challenger,
riposte took the mayor by surprise. SYN. quick match, equal, enemy. ANT. colleague, partner,
retort, snappy comeback, rejoinder, repar- confederate, friend, ally.
tee, return, sally, reply, response, zinger, *re- rival v. compete with, equal, match, *go head
turned fire, rebuttal. to head against, *come up to, oppose, vie,
ripple n. wave, wavelet, riffle, undulation, lap, contend, contest, challenge, emulate.
purl, ridge, wrinkle. rival a. competing, combating, contesting, con-
ripple v. wave, riffle, undulate, lap, purl, swish, tending, opposing, vying. ANT. allied, sup-
splash, wash. porting.
riptide n. undertow. rivalry n. competition, contest, vying, opposi-
rise n. 1. ASCENT ascension, climb, lift, ad- tion, match, equaling, struggle, clash, con-
vancement, progression. 2. HILL elevation, tention, one-on-one, *fight for supremacy,
ridge, humpback, mound, knoll. 3. INCREASE emulation.
growth, jump, gain, upswing, hike, enlarge- river n. waterway, tributary, branch, estuary,
ment, expansion, upsurge, raise. ANT. 1. de- stream, brook, creek, feeder, torrent, rapids,
scent, plunge. 2. depression, hole. 3. drop, dip, freshet, rill. ‘‘A wet highway.’’—Leonard
loss. Levinson.
rise v. 1. ASCEND go up, climb, lift, elevate, levi- WORD FIND
tate, mount, scale, soar, go skyward, stand, artificial channel: sluice
get up. 2. INCREASE grow, jump, gain, en- brook, tiny: rill, runnel
large, expand, surge, raise, inflate, swell, in- cross a: ford
tensify, heighten, double, triple, multiply. 3. dam: weir
ADVANCE *climb the corporate ladder, *step deposits of silt left behind by: alluvium
up, progress, be promoted, get ahead, arrive. eddy that is foaming and violent: souse hole
ANT. 1. descend, plunge. 2. decrease, shrink, embankment protecting against flooding:
dip. 3. recede, get demoted. levee

Roget’s Superthesaurus 491


fear of water: hydrophobia dead-end: cul-de-sac, blind alley, impasse

flooding, area nearby that is susceptible to: descriptive: ribbon
floodplain dividing area of highway: median strip, is-
intertwined with several branches: braided land
river edge: shoulder
island in: holm elevated: skyway
loop of water sometimes separated from French: rue
main river: oxbow German expressway with no speed limit: au-
mill wheel, turns: millrace tobahn
ocean between high banks: fiord German: strasse
passage of smooth water between rocks: hole: chuckhole, pothole
tongue overhead crossover: overpass
rate of descent: gradient paving material: macadam, cobblestone,
referring to riverbank area: riparian gravel, blacktop, asphalt
referring to rivers: fluvial ringing a city: beltway
ridge of sand or silt: bar shoulder: berm
rotating current: eddy smoothing vehicle: grader, steamroller
science of water in motion: hydraulics Spanish: via
sediment left in triangular mound at mouth traffic jam: gridlock
of: delta zigzagging mountain road: switchback
shallow area surrounded by deeper water:
shoal roam v. wander, travel, wander aimlessly, ram-
shallow stream with ripples made by cobbles ble, rove, range, meander, stray, drift, gad
or rocks: riffle about.
roar n. howl, bellow, yowl, growl, shriek, bay,
slow-moving deep water: pool
cry, yell, bawl, thunder, rumble, explosion,
standing wave among rapids: *rooster, *hay-
boom, detonation, report.
roar v. howl, bellow, yowl, growl, shriek, bay,
steep, narrow stretch of descending water:
cry, yell, bawl, thunder, rumble, explode,
boom, detonate, blast.
surrounding area contributing water: water- roast v. 1. BAKE cook, brown, broil, barbecue,
shed sear. 2. RIDICULE make fun of, make sport
tidal: estuary of, put down, *rib, *kid, insult, slam, tease,
underground: aquifer, groundwater taunt.
upwelling or mounding water current: boil rob v. 1. STEAL burglarize, burgle, hold up, stick
waterfall: cataract up, *mug, *heist, thieve, filch, *swipe, loot,
winding section: meander, bend purloin, pilfer. 2. DEPRIVE withhold, do out
rivet v. 1. FASTEN bolt, pin, tack, secure, link, robber n. crook, thief, *mugger, bandit, crimi-
couple. 2. FIX ONE’S ATTENTION fascinate, en- nal, petty thief, *second-story man, house-
thrall, grip, engross, occupy. breaker, hijacker.
riveting a. gripping, fascinating, enthralling, robbery n. stealing, thievery, burglary, mug-
engrossing, occupying, spellbinding, mes- ging, armed robbery, theft, *holdup,
merizing, keeping one’s attention, entranc- *stickup, *heist, looting, break-in, piracy.
ing. ANT. boring, dull, bland. robe n. bathrobe, gown, cassock, garment, vest-
road n. street, avenue, lane, thoroughfare, ment, kimono, caftan, toga, frock.
track, boulevard, highway, freeway, park- robot n. automaton, mechanical man, android,
way, causeway, expressway, turnpike, inter- automated machine, golem, cyborg.
state, route, *main drag, artery, alley, pave- robust a. hale, hardy, strong, vigorous, healthy,
ment. sturdy, fit, hearty, tough, potent, strapping,
WORD FIND muscular, virile. ANT. weak, sickly, fragile.
bump to check speed: speedbump rock n. 1. STONE boulder, pebble, rubble, cob-
circle: rotary, cloverleaf, roundabout, circus blestone, gravel, bedrock, crag, granite, ore.
cliff edge road: corniche WORD FIND
concrete highway divider: jersey barrier broken rock layer used as breakwater or
curve: ess, hairpin bank: riprap

492 Roget’s Superthesaurus


conglomeration: breccia, conglomerate role n. function, office, character, characteriza-

digestion aid for animal: gastrolith tion, impersonation, part.
drawing or carving on: petroglyph role model n. hero, heroine, good example,
glacier-deposited rock: till, drift, boulder mentor, god, goddess, idol, star, superstar,
train one to look up to.
ground layer: bedrock roll n. bread, bun, brioche, scone, bagel, biscuit.
layers of: strata roll v. 1. SPIN revolve, rotate, twirl, gyrate, cir-
mass containing gems or fossils: matrix cle, wheel, twist, spiral, reel, pivot, trundle.
metamorphosed by heat, pressure: metamor- 2. THUNDER reverberate, rumble, roar, re-
phic rock sound, resonate, boom. 3. WIND coil, ball,
mineral-lined: geode furl, twine.
molten: magma, lava rollicking a. lively, frisky, playful, jolly, care-
projecting: outcrop, ledge, knuckle, shelf free, mirthful, jovial, spirited, rip-roaring,
sand, silt, organic material, made from: sedi- romping, boisterous. ANT. subdued, sad, de-
mentary rock pressed.
study of: petrology roly-poly a. plump, pudgy, dumpy. SEE FAT
volcanic rock: igneous, pumice, obsidian, Roman a. Latin, Italian.
basalt WORD FIND
windblown sand, shaped by: ventifact ampitheater, large: coliseum
2. ROCK AND ROLL rhythm and blues (R&B), arena: hippodrome
metal, heavy metal, disco, rockabilly, acid assembly: forum
rock, punk rock, boogie, doo-wop, funk, fu-
commander: centurion
sion, hip-hop, rap, new wave, Motown, pop,
commoner: plebeian
psychedelic, reggae, surf music. SEE MUSIC
fighter: gladiator
rock v. roll, pitch, swing, wobble, sway, seesaw,
garment: toga, tunic
jiggle, lurch, teeter, totter, undulate.
rocket n. missile, projectile, spaceship, space- hall or court: atrium
craft, space capsule. SEE MISSILE, SPACECRAFT highway: via, Appian Way
rocket v. soar, shoot up, fly skyward, skyrocket, hospital: valetudinarium
climb, *take off like a shot, whiz, zoom. jar: amphora
rock the boat v. Sl. *make waves, disturb, pro- merchandise house: emporium
test, *make a stink, complain, stir things up, sidewalk: crepido
challenge the status quo, *upset the apple stadium: circus
cart, agitate, rebel. temple dedicated to the gods: pantheon
rocky a. 1. STONY flinty, craggy, rugged, jagged, vehicle: chariot
petrous, gravelly, pebbly, bouldered, cob- wine room: apotheca
bled. 2. *TIPPY shaky, teetering, wobbly, tot- romance n. 1. LOVE AFFAIR relationship, *fling,
tering, unsteady, unstable. ANT. 2. stable, liasion, amour, pair bonding, *affaire d’a-
steady. mour, courtship. 2. LOVE STORY novel, melo-
rococo a. ornate, ornamented, florid, *busy, drama, *bodice-ripper, story, fantasy, fairy
profuse, involved, elegant, baroque, over- tale, fiction, epic. 3. ADVENTURE love, ex-
done, tasteless. ANT. simple, plain, un- citement, glamour, fantasy, exoticism, mys-
adorned. tery.
rod n. stick, pole, staff, shaft, cane, baton, bar, romantic a. 1. LOVING amorous, passionate,
switch, mace, scepter. sentimental, demonstrative, affectionate,
rogue n. scoundrel, rascal, cad, knave, bastard, tender, ardent, *hot, lustful, overemotional,
creep, scamp, villain, rapscallion, *SOB, *cow-eyed, *mushy, saccharine. 2. ADVEN-
ne’er-do-well, cur, *cheat. ANT. *goody-two- TUROUS exotic, exciting, fabulous. 3. NOT
shoes, *choirboy, *Dudley Do-Right. PRACTICAL quixotic, fanciful, unrealistic,
roguish a. unscrupulous, cheating, dishonest, idealistic, dreamy, farfetched, starry-eyed,
unprincipled, knavish, villainous, two-tim- visionary, fantastic. ANT. 1. antagonistic,
ing, crooked, mischievous, impish, devilish, warring, hateful. 2. humdrum, boring. 3. prac-
prankish, fun-loving. ANT. scrupulous, up- tical, realistic, down-to-earth.
standing, honest, principled. romp v. play, frolic, cavort, frisk, rollick, gam-
roil v. cloud, muddy, agitate, stir up, disturb, bol, prance, fool around, revel.
churn up. roof n. ceiling, top.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 493


WORD FIND rotate v. 1. GO ROUND revolve, spin, twirl, gy-

lookout: belvedere rate, wheel, turn, pivot, roll, circle, twist. 2.
types: mansard, gambrel, shed, *catslide, ALTERNATE switch, replace, exchange places.
dome, cupola, shingle, slate, thatch rote (by) adv. from memory, by heart, mechani-
walkway: widow’s walk cally, by routine.
window: skylight, dormer rotten a. 1. DECAYED spoiled, putrefied, putrid,
SEE HOUSE decomposed, *gone bad, rancid, sour, tain-
rookie n. Sl. fresh recruit, *greenhorn, *tender- ted, foul, rank, stale, stinking, corroded. 2.
foot, beginner, newcomer, freshman, *frosh, IMMORAL nasty, corrupt, dishonest, evil, dis-
raw recruit, *Johnny-come-lately, *boot, graceful, vicious, unscrupulous, bad, despi-
*snotnose. cable, dirty, mean. ANT. 1. fresh, good. 2.
room n. 1. COMPARTMENT chamber, cubicle, liv- good, honest, nice.
ing space, cell. 2. SPACE clearing, clearance, rotund a. 1. PLUMP stout, round, fat, obese, big,
expanse, play, elbowroom, opening, range, spherical, roly-poly, corpulent, *tubby,
leeway, latitude. pudgy, full-figured, burly. 2. SONOROUS full-
roomy a. spacious, large, capacious, commodi- toned, booming, stentorian, rich, resonant.
ous, voluminous, extensive, sizable, broad, ANT. 1. skinny, thin. 2. weak, unsupported,
wide, long, open. ANT. cramped, tiny, con- thin.
fined. roué n. rake, debauchee, womanizer, *swinger,
roost n. perch. SEE NEST *wolf, *skirt-chaser, profligate, playboy,
root n. 1. TAPROOT rootstock, radix, tuber. 2. Casanova, Don Juan, Lothario, philanderer.
SOURCE basis, seat, germ, heart, soul, nub, rough a. 1. IRREGULAR bumpy, uneven, course,
essence, nucleus, foundation, mainspring, jagged, scaly, craggy, lumpy, wrinkled, cor-
origin, fountain. rugated, broken, shaggy, fuzzy, bristly. 2. VIO-
root v. 1. DIG UP unearth, forage, nose about, LENT stormy, tempestuous, fierce, riotous, fe-
sniff out, uncover, pry out, grub. 2. CHEER rocious, intense, wild, furious, bumpy, rocky,
support, back, boost, applaud, hail, *egg on. choppy. 3. RUDE coarse, unrefined, crude,
roots n. ancestry, lineage, background, heri- impolite, uncouth, vulgar, boorish, indeli-
tage, birthplace, genealogy, family tree. cate, bad-mannered, ungentlemanly, unla-
rope n. cord, cordage, line, strand, hemp rope, dylike, gruff. 4. UNFINISHED unrefined, raw,
cable, painter, hawser, lanyard, shroud, rat- basic, crude, imperfect, unprocessed, rough-
line, guy, bungee cord, lariat, lasso, bola, hewn, inexact, preliminary. 5. APPROXIMATE
tether, jump rope, hangman’s noose. imprecise, inexact, *ballpark, *thumbnail,
roster n. list, roll, inventory, register, index, sketchy, quick. ANT. 1. regular, smooth, level.
muster, schedule, agenda. 2. smooth, mild, easy, gentle. 3. polite, refined,
rostrum n. platform, stage, dais, podium, pulpit, cultured, genteel. 4. finished, refined, per-
lecturn, *stump, soapbox. fected. 5. exact, precise.
rosy a. 1. PINK ruddy, reddish, blushing, bloom- roughhouse n. rowdiness, horseplay, frolic,
ing, glowing, flushed, roseate, rubicund, sport, *bull in a china shop, misbehavior,
sunburned, *apple-cheeked. 2. OPTIMISTIC wildness, unruliness, *hell-raising, scuffle.
encouraging, positive, promising, hopeful, roughly adv. about, approximately, more or
favorable, auspicious, bright, sunny. ANT. 1. less.
pale, sallow, wan, pallid, ashen. 2. pessimistic, round n. 1. BOUT OR CYCLE course, series, cir-
bleak, black, gloomy. cuit, sequence, turn, cycle, tour. 2. GUNFIRE
rot n. 1. DECAY spoilage, putrefaction, putres- load, burst, salvo, barrage, enfilade, volley,
cence, decomposition, corrosion, deteriora- fusillade.
tion, mold, blight. 2. Sl. NONSENSE rubbish, round v. circle, encircle, go around, circumnav-
*crap, *baloney, *twaddle, *hogwash. SEE igate, make a circuit, gird, flank, encompass.
NONSENSE round a. 1. CIRCULAR spherical, cylindrical,
rot v. spoil, decay, putrefy, decompose, *go bad, globular, hooplike, ringlike, ball-like, oval,
corrode, deteriorate, mold, *stink, rust, ovoid, elliptical. 2. ROTUND roly-poly, spher-
crumble. ical, fat, plump, *chubby, stout, obese. 3.
rotary a. revolving, turning, spinning, twirling, RESONANT full, sonorous, rich. 4. COMPLETE
gyrating, rolling. ANT. stationary. full, whole, unbroken, entire. ANT. 1. square,

494 Roget’s Superthesaurus


straight. 2. angular, thin, slender. 3. thin. 4. rowdy a. rough, quarrelsome, loud, noisy, bois-
incomplete, broken. terous, unruly, coarse, raucous, wild, rough-
roundabout a. 1. INDIRECT wandering, ram- house, rambunctious, trouble-making. ANT.
bling, winding, circuitous, meandering, mild, quiet, gentle.
straying, deviating, circumlocutory, long. 2. royal a. regal, kingly, queenly, princely, noble,
NOT STRAIGHTFORWARD indirect, evasive, lordly, majestic, aristocratic, imperial, mo-
oblique, digressive, devious, ambiguous, narchical, stately, sovereign. ANT. plebian,
hinting. ANT. 1. direct, straight, short. 2. di- common.
rect, blunt, straightforward. royalty n. sovereignty, kingship, queenship, re-
round up v. gather, assemble, corral, muster, gality, majesty, aristocracy, nobility, stateli-
herd, amass. ness.
rouse v. stir, arouse, stimulate, wake, awaken, rub n. 1. MASSAGE rubdown, stroke, kneading,
get going, *fire, rally, move, motivate, spur, caress, patting, petting, friction. 2. OBSTACLE
prod, excite, goad, electrify. ANT. tranquilize, hindrance, check, barrier, obstruction, diffi-
put to sleep. culty, catch, snag.
rub v. massage, rubdown, stroke, knead, caress,
rousing a. stirring, lively, brisk, spirited, ener-
pat, pet, apply friction, brush, buff, wipe,
gized, electrifying, enthusiastic, vigorous,
burnish, abrade, scour, scrub.
stimulating. ANT. sleepy, tired, dead.
rubber-stamp v. approve, okay, endorse.
rout n. defeat, humiliating loss, beating, con- rubbish n. 1. TRASH refuse, garbage, waste,
quest, *drubbing, whipping, thrashing, shut- junk, litter, debris, rubble, sweepings, scraps,
out, debacle, retreat, flight, *turning-tail. dregs. 2. NONSENSE foolishness, *poppycock,
rout v. defeat overwhelmingly, overwhelm, *hogwash, *baloney, *hooey, *rot, *bunk,
conquer, humiliate, beat, whip, thrash, shut *horsefeathers, *crap, *bilge, *balderdash,
out, vanquish, *skunk, *wipe the floor with, humbug.
*shellac. rubdown n. kneading. SEE MASSAGE
route n. way, course, passage, road, street, high- RUBE GOLDBERG DEVICE n. any overly-
way, path, trail, beat, round, itinerary, short- elaborate contraption, especially that em-
cut. ployed for a very simple procedure, named
route v. direct, steer, dispatch, guide, channel, after the cartoonist who drew such devices.
conduct. The young inventor constructed an elaborate
routine n. custom, habit, pattern, treadmill, Rube Goldberg device to make lemonade auto-
matter of course, convention, *beaten path, matically. SYN. contraption, contrivance, rig,
rut, *grind, method. apparatus, mechanism, appliance, gadget,
routine a. usual, daily, everyday, regular, habit- *whatchamacallit, *thingamabob, *thing-
ual, customary, accustomed, normal, typical, amajig.
standard, predictable. ANT. unusual, irregu- rub the wrong way v. annoy, *bug, *ruffle one’s
lar, abnormal. feathers. SEE IRRITATE
rove v. ramble, wander, roam, range, drift, ruckus n. disturbance, uproar, commotion,
hubbub, rumpus, upheaval, turbulence,
stray, meander, gad about, travel aimlessly,
racket, outburst.
ruddy a. red, reddish, healthy, glowing, pink-
row n. 1. LINE chain, file, column, series, se- ish, *apple-cheeked, blooming, flushed,
quence, succession, course, rank, queue. 2. rosy, rubicund, rosy-cheeked, sunburned.
QUARREL argument, fight, altercation, dis-
ANT. pale, pallid, wan, ashen.
agreement, dispute, *run-in, controversy, rude a. 1. DISCOURTEOUS bad-mannered, un-
*falling-out, wrangle, conflict, *set-to, tiff. mannerly, impolite, ungracious, inconsider-
row v. 1. QUARREL argue, fight, disagree, dis- ate, coarse, insulting, ungentlemanly, unla-
pute, *have a run-in, *have a falling-out, dylike, crude, vulgar, tactless, fresh,
wrangle, conflict, *have a tiff. 2. PADDLE indelicate, brutal, brusque, rough. 2. CRUDE,
scull, oar, stroke. SEE BOAT ROUGHLY FASHIONED rough-hewn, primitive,
rowdy n. hoodlum, tough, punk, *loudmouth, unfinished, unrefined, raw, simple, ill-
ruffian, *roughneck, *bad actor, *rabbler- formed, makeshift. 3. BARBAROUS ignorant,
ouser, thug, hellion, troublemaker, bully, savage, unrefined, uncivilized, uncultured,
*yahoo. ANT. gentleman, lady, choirboy. uncouth, wild, brutish. 4. VIOLENT harsh,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 495


abrupt, rough, fierce, uproarious, savage. 2. DESTRUCTION downfall, collapse, ruin-

ANT. 1. courteous, polite, mannerly, gracious, ation, undoing, failure, decay, devastation,
tactful. 2. finished, refined, fully developed. 3. doom, fall, desolation, skids, extinction,
civilized, cultured. 4. gentle, mild, soft. Waterloo.
rudeness n. discourtesy, bad manners, impolite- ruin v. destroy, wreck, devastate, wipe out, de-
ness, inconsideration, coarseness, lack of molish, decimate, desolate, smash, crush, lay
grace, conduct unbefitting a gentleman/ waste, bankrupt, defeat.
lady, crudeness, vulgarity, tactlessness, ruinous a. destructive, devastating, decimat-
freshness, brutality, impudence, insolence. ing, desolating, crushing, catastrophic, cata-
‘‘The weak man’s imitation of strength.’’— clysmic, disastrous, fatal, deadly, bankrupt-
Eric Hoffer. ANT. courtesy, politeness, good ing. ANT. prosperous, fruitful.
manners, consideration. ruins n. SEE RUIN
rudimentary a. elementary, basic, fundamen- rule n. 1. REGULATION law, statute, bylaw, ordi-
tal, primary, beginning, initial, original, em- nance, guideline, practice, policy, code, or-
bryonic, early, undeveloped, incomplete. der, edict, tenet, principle, doctrine, pre-
ANT. advanced, developed. cept, maxim. 2. CUSTOM habit, routine,
rudiments n. fundamentals, first principles, ele- practice. 3. REIGN control, authority, com-
ments, basics, essentials, ABCs, beginnings. mand, leadership, sovereignty, dominion,
rue v. regret, be remorseful, lament, *be sick domination, government, power, adminis-
about, deplore, repent, bemoan, fret over, tration.
be sorry for, grieve. rule v. 1. GOVERN reign, control, assert author-
rueful a. mournful, regretful, sorry, grieving, ity, command, lead, hold power, administer,
contrite, remorseful, *sick at heart over, *lay down the law, *run the show, *hold
heartsick, doleful, lugubrious, woeful. ANT. the reins, *be in the driver’s seat, *call the
happy, proud, joyous. shots, supervise, dominate. 2. DETERMINE
ruffian n. hoodlum, *hood, tough, rowdy, judge, adjudicate, settle, find, deem, hand
punk, criminal, *roughneck, thug, goon, down a decision.
bully, *bad actor, troublemaker, *animal. rule out v. exclude. SEE ELIMINATE
ruffle n. frill, trim, edging, flounce, pleat, bor- ruler n. leader, governor, administrator, sover-
der, ruff. eign, king, queen, prince, monarch, dicta-
tor, chief, tyrant, autocrat. SEE GOVERNMENT
ruffle v. 1. WRINKLE mess up, rumple, crinkle,
ruling n. judgment, determination, decision,
crease, ripple, tousle, dishevel, disturb. 2. IR-
settlement, verdict, adjudication, finding.
RITATE annoy, disturb, *rattle one’s cage,
rumble n. 1. ROLL thunder, reverberation, roar,
*rub the wrong way, *get on one’s nerves,
peal, grumble. 2. GANG FIGHT fight, donny-
*get under one’s skin, *pull one’s chain, up- brook, street fight, free-for-all, riot, melee.
set, aggravate, unsettle, nettle, chafe. ANT. RUMINATE v. [ROO muh NATE] to think
1. smooth, arrange. over or meditate on. He went to his room to
rug n. carpet, mat, runner, floor covering, ruminate. SYN. think over, meditate, turn
broadloom, area rug, throw rug, braided rug, over in one’s mind, deliberate, *chew over,
shag carpeting. weigh, ponder, contemplate, cogitate, re-
rugged a. 1. UNEVEN, ROUGH irregular, bumpy, flect on, muse.
jagged, wrinkled, broken, craggy, unlevel, rummage v. search through, fish for, go
rocky, weathered. 2. ROUGH-FACED weath- through, ransack, turn over, hunt, *turn in-
ered, wrinkled, lined, stony, strong, leath- side out, root, comb.
ery, hard. 3. STORMY tempestuous, violent, rummy n. Sl. drunkard, drunk, lush. SEE ALCO-
rough, harsh, severe, inclement. 4. STRONG HOLIC
powerful, robust, brawny, stout, hearty, big, rumor n. talk, *word on the street, gossip, hear-
tough, muscular, burly. ANT. 1. smooth, flat, say, *grapevine talk, *scuttlebutt, report,
level. 2. baby-faced. 3. calm, balmy, mild. 4. tattle, *scoop, *lowdown. ‘‘A pipe blown by
weak, *wimpy, skinny. surmises, jealousies, conjectures.’’—Shake-
BUILDING OR CITY remnants, wreckage, ves- rumor v. gossip, tell, tattle, *buzz, whisper,
tige, relics, debris, rubble. ‘‘Time’s slow fin- *pass on, leak.
ger written in the dust.’’—Anna Barbauld. rump n. rear, bottom, backside, hindquarters,

496 Roget’s Superthesaurus


posterior, butt, buttocks, seat, derriere, runway n. airstrip, landing strip, taxiway. SEE
haunches, *tush, *bum, ass, *duff. AIRPORT
rumple v. wrinkle, mess up, muss up, crinkle, rupture n. break, crack, burst, split, fracture,
crumple, crease, ripple, fold, furrow, bedrag- tear, rift, rip, cleavage, fissure, rent.
gle, dishevel. rupture v. break, crack, burst, split, fracture,
rumpus n. disturbance, commotion, uproar, tear, rip, cleave, rend, *bust, breach.
ruckus, tumult, stir, upheaval, noise, ado, rural a. country, rustic, backwoods, countrified,
storm. pastoral, farm, agricultural, undeveloped,
run n. 1. SPRINT race, footrace, jog, dash, rush, sylvan, idyllic, bucolic. ANT. urban, metropol-
clip, burst of speed, flight, bound, trot, gal- itan, citified.
lop. 2. TRIP, ESPECIALLY ONE TAKEN REGULARLY ruse n. trick, artifice, stratagem, deception, de-
journey, route, tour, round, spin, excursion, ceit, subterfuge, feint, *sham, maneuver,
circuit. 3. PERIOD course, spell, span, inter- wile, contrivance.
val, stretch, term. 4. COURSE progression, rush n. 1. HURRY speed, swiftness, haste, race,
passage, flow. expedition, bustle, dispatch, flurry, hustle,
run v. 1. SPRINT race, jog, dash, rush, bound, quickness. 2. RUN dash, charge, sprint,
*beat feet, *clip, bolt, *hotfoot it, scurry, storm, stampede, scramble, race. ANT. 1.
scramble, hustle, trot, gallop. 2. FLEE *ske- crawl, *snail’s pace, *glacial pace.
daddle, *make tracks, escape, *beat it, rush v. 1. HURRY race, hustle, bustle, dash,
*blow, take flight. 3. ASSOCIATE WITH con- make haste, *step on it, *get the lead out,
sort, *hang out with. 4. GO, MOVE FREELY *zoom, fly, sprint, scurry, scamper, *hotfoot
flow, roll, spill, discharge, gush, stream, it, tear. 2. ATTACK assault, blitz, storm. 3.
surge, cascade. 5. OPERATE drive, control, PRESSURE push, hurry. ANT. 1. crawl, *go at a
work, maneuver, propel, direct, pilot. 6. snail’s pace, *move slower than a glacier.
CAMPAIGN FOR OFFICE *throw one’s hat in the
rust n. oxidation. SEE CORROSION
ring. 7. SUPERVISE direct, manage, adminis- rust v. oxidize, decay, crumble. SEE CORRODE
ter, control, head, boss, oversee, regulate, rustic n. country person, country cousin,
conduct, operate, *be in the driver’s seat. 8. farmer, *hick, yokel, bumpkin, hillbilly,
LAST continue, elapse.
runaround n. evasion, delay, *buck-passing,
RUSTIC a. [RUS tik] rural, simple, plain. They
excuses, *migraine merry-go-round.
lived a rustic lifestyle. SYN. rural, backwoods,
runaway n. fugitive, escapee, deserter, refugee,
truant. country, agrarian, pastoral, bucolic, Arca-
rundown n. summary, outline, recap, synopsis, dian, simple, plain, unrefined, unsophisti-
sketch, briefing, abstract, short version. cated, natural. ANT. urban, sophisticated, citi-
run-down a. 1. TIRED fatigued, weary, ex- fied.
hausted, *dead, drained, enervated, sickly, rustle v. shuffle, swish, crackle, crinkle, crepi-
*pooped, peaked, out of shape. 2. IN DISRE- tate, sigh, brush, whisper, flutter.
PAIR dilapidated, broken down, tumble- rusty a. 1. CORRODED oxidized, decayed. 2. OUT
down, ramshackle. ANT. 1. energized, ener- OF PRACTICE stiff, impaired, out of shape, be-
getic, strong, fit. 2. intact, sound, solid. low par, unfit. ANT. 2. practiced, trained,
run-in n. fight, quarrel. SEE ARGUMENT skilled.
run-of-the-mill a. average, ordinary, common, rut n. 1. FURROW track, groove, trench, cut,
mediocre, fair, everyday, routine, so-so, reg- trough, score, channel, ditch. 2. ROUTINE
ular, *comme ci, comme ça. ANT. extraordi- same-old same-old, pattern, treadmill,
nary, superlative, unique. grind.
run out v. deplete, expire, exhaust, finish, end, ruthless a. cruel, pitiless, merciless, heartless,
close, stop, dry up. brutal, vicious, mean, cold, unfeeling, sav-
runt n. dwarf, pygmy, midget, *shrimp, *half- age, hard, callous, barbarous, ferocious. ANT.
pint, Lilliputian, pipsqueak, peewee. compassionate, caring, merciful, soft.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 497


Sabbath n. Saturday, Sunday, day of rest. ‘‘The SACRILEGE n. [SAK ruh lij] violation of
attuning of the heart to the comprehension something held sacred. Taking the Lord’s
of God.’’—Moses Maimonides. ‘‘A sponge name in vain is a sacrilege. SYN. violation,
to wipe out all the sins of the week.’’— desecration, profanation, blasphemy, disre-
Henry Ward Beecher. SEE RELIGION spect, mockery, impiety, irreverence, sin.
sabbatical n. leave, rest, vacation, holiday, sacrilegious a. in violation, profane, impious,
break. SEE VACATION blasphemous, disrespectful, irreverent, god-
sabre n. fencing weapon, cutlass, blade. SEE less, unholy, sinful. ANT. holy, reverent, pi-
SWORD ous.
sable a. black, dark brown, ebony, jet, raven, SACROSANCT a. [SAK roh SANGKT]
dark. holy, sacred. The teachings of Jesus are sacro-
sabotage n. destruction, demolition, treachery, sanct. SYN. sacred, holy, divine, godly, con-
obstruction, wrecking, impairment, under- secrated, hallowed, venerated, sanctified,
mining. religious, untouchable, inviolable, invio-
sabotage v. destroy, demolish, wreck, *blow up, late. ANT. profane, impious, sacrilegious.
obstruct, impair, undermine, cripple, *gum sad a. 1. DOWNHEARTED *blue, depressed, de-
up the works, *put out of commission, *put jected, unhappy, sorrowful, mournful,
out of action, subvert. *bummed out, despondent, *down in the
saboteur n. agent provocateur, terrorist, dumps, woebegone, melancholy, heartsick,
bomber, subversive, demolition expert, rev- forlorn, *out of sorts, dispirited, broken-
olutionist, anarchist, fifth columnist. hearted, glum. 2. HEARTBREAKING woeful,
SACCHARINE a. [SAK uh rin] excessively pitiful, tearful, poignant, moving, touching,
or sickeningly sweet. The happy ending was depressing, tragic, joyless, miserable. ANT. 1.
too saccharine for me. SYN. sweet, excessively happy, joyful, euphoric, elated. 2. joyful,
sweet, sickeningly sweet, sugary, syrupy, happy, uplifting.
honeyed, nauseating, cloying, maudlin, sadden v. depress, *bring down, grieve, dispirit,
*mushy. ANT. bitter, sour, acid. deject, dampen one’s spirits, *break one’s
sack n. bag, pouch, satchel, knapsack. heart, *make blue, distress, *bum out,
sack v. 1. FIRE discharge, *ax, *give pink slip, *make one’s heart heavy. ANT. cheer, uplift,
dismiss, *send packing, *give walking pa- gladden.
pers, lay off. 2. Sl. TACKLE down, bring down.
saddle n. seat, western saddle, English saddle,
3. PLUNDER loot, pillage, ransack, despoil,
mount, pad, perch.
sacrament n. rite, ceremony, ritual, vow,
pledge, oath, baptism, confirmation, the Eu- part: pommel, cinch, cantle, girth, stirrup,
charist, penance, holy orders, matrimony. latigo
sacred a. 1. HOLY consecrated, sanctified,
blessed, divine, godly, hallowed, venerated, SADISTIC a. [suh DIS tik] enjoying or being
religious. 2. INVIOLABLE protected, guarded, sexually aroused from dominating or inflict-
defended, immune, sacrosanct. ANT. 1. pro- ing pain on others. The sadistic dictator liked
fane, unsanctified. 2. violable, unprotected. to torture his detractors. SYN. cruel, domineer-
SACRED COW n. something granted immu- ing, bossy, strict, harsh, dictatorial, aggres-
nity from attack or disparagement. Social Se- sive, commanding, disciplinary, severe,
curity is the politican’s sacred cow. SYN. idol, nasty, dirty, perverse, *raunchy, sadomas-
sensitive issue, juggernaut, object of wor- ochistic. ANT. masochistic.
ship, hero, god, goddess, protected interest, sadness n. downheartedness, sorrow, depres-
protected institution, taboo object. sion, melancholy, misery, unhappiness,
sacrifice n. offering, concession, loss, relin- cheerlessness, woefulness, gloom, despon-
quishment, surrendering. dency, broken heart, heavy heart, *the
sacrifice v. give up, trade off, forfeit, let go, of- blues. ANT. happiness, joy, euphoria, elation.
fer, surrender, relinquish, dispose of, cede, safari n. hunting expedition, hunt, journey,
forgo. trek, caravan, shoot, campaign.

498 Roget’s Superthesaurus


safe n. strongbox, safety-deposit box, money dead calm area of sea: doldrums
box, vault. fin used in place of keel: centerboard, dag-
safe a. 1. SECURE *out of harm’s way, out of gerboard
danger, *out of the woods, safe and sound, lean of vessel while sailing: heel
sheltered, protected, guarded, invulnerable, line fitting on deck: chock
*home free, *in the clear, impregnable. 2. line fixture with prongs: cleat
HARMLESS innocent, innocuous, tame, risk- lines and wires: rigging
free, okay, secure, sure. 3. CAUTIOUS careful, line used to hoist sail: lanyard
conservative, wary, prudent, reliable, de- mast, aft-most: mizzenmast
pendable, circumspect, guarded. ANT. 1. in mast, angle of: rake
danger, in peril, *on thin ice, vulnerable. 2. mast housing on deck: tabernacle
harmful, dangerous, risky. 3. imprudent, out mooring bow line: painter, bowline
of control. overhead: aloft
safeguard n. protection, shield, security, de- pennant, yacht club: burgee
fense, precaution, guard, screen, safety mea- race: regatta
sure. rigging, mast: forestay
safeguard v. protect, shield, secure, defend, roll up sail: furl
take a precaution, guard, screen, take a rope stairway to aloft: ratlines
safety measure, assure, insure. sail, adjust angle of: trim
safekeeping n. protection, security, preserva- sail, aftermast, rigged fore-and-aft: spanker
tion, care, custody, guardianship. sail, forward, triangular: foresail, jib
safety n. security, protection, shelter, invulner- sail, large forward: Genoa
ability, sanctuary, refuge, safe haven, safe sail, largest: mainsail
harbor, immunity. ANT. danger, hazard, peril. sail, large, three-cornered: spinnaker
sag v. droop, sink, hang, wilt, slump, bow, dip, sail, lower a: strike, take in
settle, bend. sail, L-shaped: blooper
saga n. story, narrative, adventure, tale, legend, sail, raise a: hoist, set
myth, epic, chronicle, history, romance, ro- sail, reduce main: reef
man-fleuve. sail set forward of mast, any: headsail
SAGACIOUS a. [suh GAY shus] shrewd, sail, square, set abeam: square-rigged
sharp, having a keen power of judgment. sail, triangular, fore-and-aft-rigged: Ber-
The sagacious police officer sized up the situa- muda-rigged, Marconi-rigged
tion quickly. SYN. shrewd, sharp, judicious, sail used in weak winds: drifter
intelligent, acute, keen, discerning, wise, seat used for worker aloft: bosun’s chair
sage, smart, quick, perceptive, savvy, in- shallow water, sailing in: gunkholing
sightful. ANT. stupid, undiscerning, slow. sideways, moving: crabbing, making leeway
sagacity n. intelligence, good judgement, spar, large vertical sail: mast
sharpness, astuteness, judiciousness, wis- spar on bow to which headsail is attached:
dom, perceptiveness, insight. ANT. stupidity, bowsprit
dullness, dull-wittedness. spar on which bottom of sail is attached:
sage n. wise man, *brain, learned man, scholar, boom
intellectual, authority, savant, philosopher, steers, crew member who: helmsman
guru, Solomon. ANT. moron, imbecile, *re- tack downwind: jibe
tard, idiot. tack upwind: beat
sage a. wise, intelligent, smart, savvy, learned, vessel, tri-hulled: trimaran
astute, sagacious, sensible, judicious, sapi- vessel, twin-hulled: catamaran
ent, discerning. ANT. stupid, imbecilic, dense. wind indicators made of yarn tied to
sail v. ply the seas, cruise, ride the bounding shrouds: telltales
main, pilot, navigate, skipper, tack, float, wind-protected side of vessel: lee, leeward
drift, shove off, cast off. wind, run before the: scud
WORD FIND wind, sail with the: run
change tack: come about wind, side of boat taking: windward
close to the wind: luffing, close-hauled wires that stabilize mast: shrouds
come about: hard alee world, sail around the: circumnavigate
crew member: hand zigzagging course to counter wind: tacking

Roget’s Superthesaurus 499


SEE BOAT, NAVY, SAILBOAT, SHIP holy, angelic, spiritual, religious, devout,
sailboat n. boat, vessel, craft, pleasure craft, moral, pure, righteous, virtuous. ANT. un-
yacht, windjammer. holy, immoral, sinful, wicked.
WORD FIND sake n. 1. BEHALF welfare, good, gain, interest,
TYPES advantage, regard. 2. PURPOSE reason, ob-
fast nineteenth century freight and trans- ject, end, goal, aim.
port: clipper salacious a. lustful, *horny, lecherous, libidi-
fifteenth-sixteenth century Spanish: caravel nous, lewd, prurient, obscene. ANT. chaste,
fishing vessel: smack virginal, celibate, abstinent.
fore-and-aft-rigged vessel with two or three salad n. greens, vegetarian fare, lettuce and to-
masts: schooner mato, cress salad, endive salad, coleslaw,
Oriental: sampan, junk tossed salad, fruit salad, potato salad.
single-masted: sloop, cutter salary n. pay, wages, earnings, income, com-
small, two-masted vessel: ketch pensation, remuneration, *take-home, sti-
Spanish square-rigger of fifteenth-eigh- pend.
teenth century: galleon sale n. 1. SELLING trade, exchange, transfer,
square-rigged warship of eighteenth-nine- vending, marketing, transaction. 2. REDUC-
teenth century: frigate TION IN PRICES discount, cut, clearance sale,
square-rigger with three or four masts: bark bargain pricing.
tri-hulled: trimaran salesman/woman n. merchandiser, peddler,
twin-hulled: catamaran pitchman, solicitor, vendor, drummer, clerk.
two-masted: brigantine SALIENT a. [SAYL yunt] standing out, prom-
warship, fast, small: corvette inent, outstanding. He wrote down the most
salient points of the lecture. SYN. prominent,
sailor n. mariner, seafarer, seaman, navy man, outstanding, conspicuous, striking, impor-
sea dog, navigator, salt, shellback, skipper, tant, weighty, noticeable, primary, signifi-
helmsman, hand, first mate, midshipman, cant, glaring. ANT. inconspicuous, unimpor-
quartermaster, petty officer, bosun. tant, insignificant.
WORD FIND saliva n. spit, spittle, drool, sputum, salivation,
bag: ditty bag slobber, slaver.
dance: hornpipe
sallow a. pale yellow, yellowish, sickly, jaun-
hat: sou’wester, watchcap
diced, pale, pallid, wan. ANT. rosy, glowing,
inexperienced: lubber
kidnap: shanghai
sally n. 1. RUSH charge, attack, assault, blitz,
living quarters: forecastle
foray, sortie, raid, offensive, onslaught,
one who brings bad luck: Jonah
thrust. 2. QUICK REMARK witticism, quip,
rebellion: mutiny
song: shanty, chantey *comeback, banter, repartee, mot.
yes: aye-aye sally v. rush out, charge, storm, raid, assault,
attack, blitz, drive.
saint n. holy person, Christian, angel, martyr. salon n. 1. SOCIAL ROOM front room, reception
‘‘A dead sinner, revised and edited.’’—Am- area, saloon, drawing room, hall, living
brose Bierce. ANT. sinner, devil, evil-doer. room. 2. HAIR-DRESSING ESTABLISHMENT par-
WORD FIND lor, beauty shop, spa, hairdresser’s.
declare a: canonize saloon n. bar, pub, drinking establishment,
image: icon *beer joint, taproom, alehouse, beer garden,
patron saint of children: Nicholas tavern, *watering hole, *speakeasy, *honky-
patron saint of sailors: Elmo tonk, *ginmill, grogshop, rathskeller.
patron saint of the handicapped: Giles salty a. 1. SALINE brackish, briny, heavily sea-
qualify one for sainthood: beatify soned. 2. SHARP piquant, pungent, biting. 3.
study of: hagiography EARTHY coarse, ribald, off-color, risqué, dirty,
tomb: shrine racy. ANT. 1. fresh, clean, potable. 2. bland,
worship: hagiolatry mild. 3. decent, G-rated, proper.
SEE RELIGION, CHURCH, GOD salubrious a. healthful, wholesome, salutary,
saintly a. Christian, good, faithful, godly, pious, beneficial, good for. ANT. unhealthy, harmful.

500 Roget’s Superthesaurus


salutary a. healthy, healthful, wholesome, salu- license, consent. ANT. veto, disapprove, pro-
brious, beneficial, good for one. ANT. un- hibit.
healthy, harmful. sanctioned a. authorized, approved, permitted,
salutation n. greeting, hail, hello, salute, confirmed, *okayed, accredited, warranted,
*howdy, address. licensed, consented. ANT. prohibited, rejected,
salute n. recognition, respects, greeting, obei- vetoed.
sance. sanctity n. holiness, sacredness, saintliness,
salute v. 1. RECOGNIZE show one’s respect, greet, godliness, inviolability, spirituality, righ-
*snap to attention, show one’s obeisance. 2. teousness, piety, purity. ANT. wickedness,
PAY TRIBUTE honor, praise, commend, ap- godlessness.
plaud, recognize. sanctuary n. 1. HOLY PLACE church, temple,
salvage v. save, rescue, recover, retrieve, re- chapel, sanctum, altar, shrine. 2. REFUGE asy-
claim, recondition, redeem, recycle. ANT. lum, haven, retreat, safe harbor, hideaway,
dump, waste, squander. shelter. 3. ANIMAL CONSERVATION AREA re-
salvation n. saving, rescue, deliverance, re- serve, reservation, preserve, game preserve,
demption, release, liberation, emancipation, wild animal park.
conversion. sandwich n. club, grinder, hero, Italian, BLT,
salve n. ointment, balm, emollient, unguent, hoagie, poor boy, Reuben, *Dagwood, sub-
cream, lotion, liniment. marine, canapé, PB&J, open-faced sand-
salve v. soothe, ease, assuage, smooth over, re- wich, doubledecker, *fluffernutter, grilled
lieve, alleviate, heal. cheese sandwich.
salvo n. discharge, firing, gunfire, broadside, fu- sane a. of sound mind, rational, lucid, clear-
sillade, volley, cannonade, bombardment, thinking, right-minded, compos mentis,
hail, shower. possessing all of one’s faculties, *having all
same a. 1. IDENTICAL alike, ditto, equal, match- one’s marbles, *playing with a full deck, sta-
ing, twin, duplicate, comparable, equiva- ble, *in one’s right mind, *all there, sober,
lent, similar, corresponding. 2. UNCHANGED sensible, reasonable. ANT. insane, crazy, *out
changeless, constant, steady, unvarying. of one’s mind, deranged.
ANT. 1. contrasting, different, unlike. 2. SANG-FROID n. [sahn FRWAH] composure,
changed, varied. cool blood, coolness. Even in a crisis, she had
sample n. part, piece, bit, example, fragment, a certain sang-froid that people respected. SYN.
segment, cross section, portion, *swatch, composure, coolness, cool-headedness, cool,
*demo, bite, taste. cool blood, equanimity, calmness, presence
sample v. try, experience, partake, test, taste, of mind, equilibrium, poise, grace under
*take a cross section. pressure. ANT. anxiety, tenseness, hysteria.
sanctify v. make holy, consecrate, bless, anoint, sanguinary a. 1. BLOODY bloodied, blood-
hallow, glorify, exalt, beatify, canonize, ded- stained, gory. 2. BLOODTHIRSTY murderous,
icate. ANT. desecrate, profane. savage, predatory, homicidal, out for blood,
SANCTIMONIOUS a. [SANGK tuh MOH brutal, slaughterous.
nee us] pretending to be holy and righteous. SANGUINE a. [SAN gwin] cheerful, upbeat,
We were sick of his sanctimonious preaching optimistic. Also, reddish or ruddy, as a com-
and left. SYN. self-righteous, holier-than- plexion. She appeared sanguine most of the
thou, hypocritical, *up on one’s moral soap- day. SYN. 1. cheerful, upbeat, optimistic,
box, affected, overpious, unctuous, preachy, buoyant, happy, positive, spirited, hopeful,
*goody-goody, false. lighthearted, confident. 2. reddish, ruddy,
sanctimony n. self-righteousness, hypocrisy, rubicund, glowing, blooming, scarlet, florid.
sanctimoniousness, pietism, *goody-goody- ANT. 1. miserable, depressed, pessimistic, hope-
ness, pretense, affectation, *lip service. less. 2. pale, pallid.
sanction n. authorization, approval, permis- sanitarium n. sanitorium, resort, health spa,
sion, confirmation, endorsement, *okay, ac- hospital, institution, baths, asylum.
creditation, warrant, license, consent. ANT. sanitary a. clean, hygienic, healthy, uncontam-
veto, *no, disapproval. inated, antiseptic, disinfected, germ-free,
sanction v. authorize, approve, permit, confirm, sterile, sterilized, wholesome. ANT. dirty,
endorse, *give the okay, accredit, warrant, germ-ridden, unsanitary, unhealthy.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 501


sanitize v. clean, sterilize, disinfect, make anti- satanic a. demonic, devilish, evil, wicked, hell-
septic. ish, infernal, diabolical, fiendish, black-
sanity n. saneness, sound mind, rightmind- hearted, malevolent, vicious. ANT. godly, an-
edness, mental stability, mental health, *all gelic, saintly.
one’s marbles, rationality, sense, levelhead- satchel n. bag, valise, sack, suitcase.
edness, good judgment, lucidity, *both oars sate v. satisfy, fill. SEE SATIATE
in the water. ANT. insanity, psychosis, crazi- satellite n. moon, planetoid, orbiter, space sta-
ness, instability. tion, weather satellite, spacecraft, *Sputnik,
Santa Claus n. Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, *Skylab.
Kriss Kringle, Father Christmas. satiate v. fill, satisfy, sate, slake, stuff, gorge,
sap v. weaken, exhaust, undermine, drain, wear gratify, quench, glut, overload, *pig out,
out, enervate, enfeeble, deplete, impair, cloy.
bleed dry, suck dry, debilitate. ANT. invigo- satire n. caricature, ridicule, mockery, lam-
rate, energize, strengthen. poon, *takeoff, parody, burlesque, *spoof,
irony, sarcasm. ‘‘Moral outrage transformed
sapient a. sagacious, sage, discerning, intelli-
into comic art.’’—Philip Roth.
gent, smart. ANT. dim-witted, stupid, unwise.
satirical a. ridiculing, mocking, lampooning,
sarcastic, ironic, *kidding, smart-alecky,
sappy a. Sl. silly, foolish, corny, fatuous, senti- tongue-in-cheek, farcical, burlesque, cyni-
mental, *mushy, maudlin. ANT. unfeeling, cal. ANT. earnest, solemn, sincere.
cold-hearted. satirize v. ridicule, mock, lampoon, parody, car-
sarcasm n. mockery, jeering, snideness, ridi- icaturize, *kid, burlesque, *take off on, make
cule, scorn, irony, satire, contempt, *cut, fun of, make sport of.
*dig, wisecrack, put-down. ANT. compliment, satisfaction n. 1. FULFILLMENT gratification,
praise, approval. pleasure, contentment, enjoyment, delight,
sarcastic a. mocking, snide, ridiculing, scornful, happiness, reward. 2. SETTLEMENT compen-
ironic, satiric, contemptuous, *cutting, sation, restitution, reparation, recompense,
*digging, *wise, *smart-alecky, sardonic, reimbursement, redress, indemnity. ANT. 1.
nasty, caustic, sneering, jeering. ANT. compli- dissatisfaction, discontent.
mentary, approving, positive. satisfactory a. okay, acceptable, good enough,
SARDONIC a. [sar DON ik] mocking or sar- all right, sufficient, adequate, pleasing, ful-
castic, bitter. She has had enough of his sar- filling, suitable, up to scratch. ANT. unsatis-
donic observations. SYN. mocking, sarcastic, factory, insufficient, unacceptable.
bitter, nasty, disdainful, contemptuous, satisfy v. 1. FULFILL gratify, please, content, de-
*cutting, cynical, jeering, *smart-mouthed, light, make happy, reward, *fill the bill,
*smart-alecky, *wise, *wise-ass, acid, biting. quench, appease. 2. MEET fulfill, answer,
ANT. complimentary, positive, sweet. equal, match, comply. 3. ASSURE convince,
sash n. band, ribbon, belt, tie, scarf, cummer- persuade. 4. SETTLE discharge, make up for,
bund. compensate, make restitution, clear, pay off.
ANT. 1. dissatisfy, discontent. 2. come up short,
sashay v. strut, swagger, parade, glide, roll one’s
*miss the mark.
hips, wiggle pertly, slink, sway, bounce. SEE
satisfying a. fulfilling, gratifying, pleasing, con-
tenting, delightful, rewarding, quenching,
sass n. impudence, insolence, *mouth, *lip,
satiating, *filling the bill, *hitting the spot.
back talk, effrontery, disrespect, cheek, ANT. unfulfilling, lacking, unsatisfying.
*sauce. ANT. respect, silence. saturate v. soak, imbue, fill, drench, souse, wet
sass v. talk back, *mouth off, *give lip, be im- through, permeate, impregnate, suffuse, per-
pudent, be insolent, be disrespectful, *get vade, drown. ANT. drain, dehydrate, dry.
smart, *wise off. ANT. respect, *button one’s saturnine a. gloomy, morose, depressed, sor-
lip, defer. rowful, glum, sullen, sulky, downhearted,
sassy a. saucy, flippant, *mouthy. SEE IMPUDENT hopeless, dour, moody. ANT. happy, cheerful,
Satan n. the Devil, Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, sunny.
Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, fiend, demon, satyr n. lech, debaucher, playboy, *horny little
Lord of the Flies, Old Harry, Apollyon. SEE devil, profligate, rake, wolf, womanizer, Don
DEVIL Juan, Casanova. ANT. *choir boy, celibate.

502 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sauce n. gravy, dressing, relish, condiment, soy savor v. taste, smell, enjoy, relish, *smack one’s
sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Mornay sauce, lips over, luxuriate in, appreciate.
white sauce, soubise. savory a. 1. TASTY appetizing, delicious, mouth-
saucy a. rude, impudent, *smart-mouthed, watering, delectable, toothsome, ambrosial,
*mouthy, *wise, impertinent, flippant, dis- luscious, flavorful, agreeable. 2. RESPECTABLE
respectful, insolent, *sassy, bold, fresh. ANT. reputable, decent, moral, upright, virtuous.
respectful, shy, courteous, diplomatic. ANT. 1. unsavory, *gross, disgusting, unappe-
saunter v. stroll, walk leisurely, *mosey along, tizing. 2. unsavory, disreputable.
amble, pad, shuffle, promenade, dawdle, savvy n. Sl. know-how, *smarts, understand-
stray, meander. SEE WALK ing, shrewdness, intelligence, knowledge,
sauté v. quick fry. experience, proficiency, grasp, awareness.
savage n. primitive, aborigine, brute, barbarian, ANT. stupidity, ignorance.
beast, monster, animal, cave man, Neander- savvy a. Sl. in the know, knowledgeable,
thal, wild man, killer. ‘‘Animals in human shrewd, astute, sharp, *on the ball, edu-
shape.’’—Bernard de Fontenelle. cated, experienced, intelligent, *hip, profi-
savage v. attack, brutalize, tear apart, maul, rip cient. ANT. ignorant, uneducated, stupid.
apart, *beat to a pulp, kill, murder, torture. saw n. 1. CUTTING TOOL cutting instrument,
savage a. wild, fierce, ferocious, untamed, blade, handsaw, circular saw, crosscut saw,
beastly, vicious, brutal, inhuman, barbaric, bucksaw, hacksaw, coping saw. 2. SAYING
bloodthirsty, predatory, animalistic, brutish, maxim, proverb, truism, adage, aphorism,
cruel. ANT. tame, gentle, civilized, broken. epigram, cliché.
savagery n. barbarity, brutality, brutishness, saw v. rend, rip. SEE CUT
beastliness, monstrosity, wildness, cruelty, saw-toothed a. jagged, serrated, serrate,
viciousness. notched. ANT. smooth.
savannah n. plain, grassland, pampas, steppe. say v. utter, speak, tell, assert, give voice,
mouth, pronounce, vocalize, remark, phrase,
savant n. scholar, *brain, intellectual, learned state, articulate.
saying n. maxim, proverb, truism, adage, apho-
person, sage, *walking encyclopedia, wise
rism, epigram, cliché, slogan, saw, motto.
man, expert, authority. ANT. moron, imbecile,
scab n. crust, incrustation, scale.
scaffold n. framework, platform, staging, gal-
save v. 1. RESCUE liberate, deliver, bail out,
lows, gantry.
*save one’s bacon, *save one’s neck, re-
scald v. heat, injure. SEE BURN
cover, free, emancipate. 2. SQUIRREL AWAY
scale n. 1. SKIN layer, covering, crust, plate,
hoard, lay aside, stash, *sock away, *put
scurf. 2. GAUGE progression, order, grada-
away for a rainy day, salt away. 3. CONSERVE
tion, succession, degrees, measure, calibra-
preserve, be thrifty, be frugal, *pinch pen- tion, ratio.
nies, scrimp, economize, *tighten one’s belt. scale v. climb, ascend, mount, clamber up. ANT.
ANT. 1. put at risk, imperil. 3. spend, expend,
squander, *blow. scalp v. cheat, rob, *rip off.
savings n. security, reserve, *something for a scamp n. rascal, mischief-maker, troublemaker,
rainy day, hoard, investment, *nest egg, imp, rogue, scoundrel, scalawag, knave,
bank account, pile, treasure, amassed prankster, *little devil.
wealth. scamper v. run, hurry, scurry, scramble, dash,
savior n. liberator, deliverer, lifesaver, emanci- rush, sprint, dart, scuttle, scoot. ANT. saun-
pator, messiah, Jesus Christ. ter, *mosey along, creep.
SAVOIR FAIRE n. [SAV wahr FEHR] social scan v. look at, scrutinize, study, survey, exam-
know-how. He always knew what to say; he ine, inspect, search, scour, peruse, check,
had great savoir faire. SYN. social know-how, glance at, skim, *flip through, *thumb
sophistication, cultivation, worldliness, gra- through, browse, *give the once-over.
ciousness, suavity, smoothness, social grace, scandal n. disgrace, shocker, sin, atrocity, trans-
poise, urbanity, tactfulness, diplomacy. ANT. gression, vice, outrage, wrongdoing, crime,
tactlessness, clumsiness, awkwardness. infamy, *skeleton in the closet, impropriety,
savor n. taste, flavor, tang, scent, odor, aroma, misconduct. ‘‘Vice enjoyed vicariously.’’—
smell. Elbert Hubbard.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 503


scandalous a. disgraceful, shocking, sinful, space case, *off in the ozone, harebrained,
atrocious, outrageous, wrong, criminal, infa- *ditzy, *like duh. ANT. *on the ball, *with it,
mous, improper, shameful, odious. *savvy, sharp.
scant a. meager, inadequate, lacking, sparse, in- scenario n. outline, synopsis, script, sketch,
sufficient, deficient, tight, wanting, poor, concept, plot, story, plan.
spare, limited. ANT. plentiful, bountiful, over- scene n. 1. SETTING place, location, locale,
flowing. backdrop, site, spot. 2. VIEW scenery, pan-
scapegoat n. *fall guy, whipping boy, *goat, orama, vista, landscape, prospect. 3. SEG-
*patsy, victim, butt, dupe. MENT act, bit, episode, part. 4. DISPLAY OF
scar n. 1. DISFIGUREMENT scab, pockmark, scar EMOTION tantrum, fit, *spectacle, *blowup,
tissue, scratch, line, cut, gash, cicatrix, outburst.
mark. 2. EMOTIONAL DAMAGE psychological scenic a. picturesque, beautiful, panoramic,
wound, trauma, reminder, stigma, flash- breathtaking, grand, spectacular, awe-in-
backs. spiring, quaint. ANT. nondescript, ugly, un-
scar v. 1. DISFIGURE scratch, cut, gash, blemish, sightly.
mar, wound, lacerate. 2. EMOTIONALLY DAM- scent n. odor, smell, fragrance, aroma, essence,
AGE wound psychologically, traumatize, stig- bouquet, stink, whiff, trace, redolence, in-
matize, brand, hurt. cense.
scarce a. rare, uncommon, scanty, scant, insuf- scented a. odorous, smelling, aromatic. SEE FRA-
ficient, in short supply, *scarce as hens’ GRANT
teeth, not enough, meager, inadequate, at schedule n. agenda, program, timetable, calen-
a premium, tight. ANT. plentiful, abundant, dar, roster, docket, plan, lineup, itinerary,
bountiful. slate.
scarcely adv. barely, merely, only, just, hardly. scheme n. 1. PLAN plot, stratagem, ploy, machi-
scantiness n. rareness, insufficiency, shortage, nation, intrigue, conspiracy, maneuver. 2.
short supply, meagerness, inadequacy, SYSTEM arrangement, organization, order.
dearth, paucity, need, poverty, sparsity. scheming a. crafty, underhanded, sneaky, art-
scare n. fright, shock, turn, panic, terror. ful, tricky, conniving, calculating, sly, foxy,
scare v. frighten, unnerve, terrify, alarm, panic, slippery. ANT. artless, innocent.
daunt, shock, appall, *put the fear of God SCHISM n. [SIZ um] a separation within a
into, petrify, paralyze, *send chills down group, due to disagreement over a particular
one’s spine, *make one’s hair stand on end, issue. A schism has formed in the church over
spook, *scare the bejeesus out of, *curl one’s the abortion issue. SYN. separation, split, divi-
hair, *make one’s blood run cold, *adrenal- sion, rift, splintering, break, faction, dis-
ize, intimidate, horrify, fill with dread. ANT. junction, fragmentation. ANT. unification,
reassure, encourage, embolden. union, harmony.
scarecrow n. malkin, straw man. schlemiel n. Sl. loser, bungler, *schlimazel,
scarf n. muffler, neckpiece, bandanna, ascot, *Charlie Brown, *zero, dupe, victim, *sap,
boa, tippet. *patsy, *stooge, *sucker, fool.
scary a. frightening, unnerving, terrifying, schlep v. Sl. drag oneself, drag, lug, carry.
alarming, panic-inducing, daunting, shock- schlock n. Sl. *crap, garbage, trash, *cheap
ing, appalling, petrifying, paralyzing, *bone- stuff, junk, *dreck.
chilling, *bloodcurdling, *spine-tingling, scholar n. learned person, educated person, in-
*hair-curling, *hair-raising, *adrenalizing, tellectual, *brain, man of letters, *egghead,
intimidating, horrifying, creepy. ANT. reas- highbrow, professor, teacher, student, pupil,
suring, encouraging, emboldening. *walking encyclopedia, *know-it-all, au-
scathing a. harsh, searing, caustic, biting, acid, thority, expert, pundit, savant, polymath.
bitter, severe, vitriolic, cutting, sharp, nasty, ‘‘A man long on advice but short on ac-
pointed, brutal. ANT. mild, bland, gentle. tion.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ANT. ignoramus, id-
scatter v. 1. STREW sprinkle, litter, spread, iot, *airhead, imbecile.
broadcast, distribute. 2. SEPARATE rout, dis- scholarly a. learned, knowledgeable, educated,
perse, diffuse, dispel. ANT. gather, assemble, studious, erudite, literate, well-read, intel-
amass. lectual, academic, bookish, pedantic,
scatterbrained a. flighty, giddy, brainless, frivo- *brainy. ANT. ignorant, uneducated, stupid,
lous, *bubbleheaded, *airheaded, *dizzy, *a empty-headed.

504 Roget’s Superthesaurus


scholarship n. 1. KNOWLEDGE education, erudi- mapping of terrain: topography, cartography

tion, learning, schooling, edification, en- metals: metallurgy
lightenment, pedantry. 2. GRANT student monsters: teratology
aid, gift, endowment, fellowship. motion: kinetics, dynamics
school n. 1. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE academy, plants: botany
high school, elementary school, university, plants, ornamental: horticulture
college, institution of higher learning, alma population studies: demography
mater, seminary. 2. SYSTEM method, style, primitive societies: ethnography
mode, belief system, doctrine. societies and social behavior: sociology
school v. educate, teach, instruct, train, en- sound: acoustics
lighten, edify, indoctrinate, tutor. space, study of: astronomy, astrophysics, cos-
science n. hard facts, physical laws, truths, body mography, cosmology
of knowledge, discipline. ‘‘Trained and orga- time: chronometry, horology
nized common sense.’’—Thomas Huxley. water: hydrography
‘‘A knowledge of matter.’’—Fulton Sheen. weather: meteorology
‘‘Pearls strung on a cord of faith.’’—Joshua scientific a. systematic, provable, exact, empir-
Steinberg. ‘‘Only the tools in a box.’’— ical, physical, material, observable, mathe-
Frank Lloyd Wright. matical, technical, technological. ANT. un-
WORD FIND scientific, spiritual.
agriculture: geoponics, agrology scientist n. researcher, expert, authority, inves-
air, moving objects through: aerodynamics tigator, analyst, scientific detective, prober,
air: pneumatics scholar, inquirer, examiner, tester, scientific
animal, prebirth development: embryology sleuth, experimenter, lab technician. SEE SCI-
animals: zoology ENCE
aviation: aeronautics scintilla n. particle, trace, iota, hint, bit, speck,
birds: ornithology atom, whit, drop, spark.
building design: architecture SCINTILLATING a. [SIN tuh late ing] spar-
caves: speleology kling, flashing. Also, brilliant, as of wit. The
cells: cytology scintillating conversation made the party a suc-
chemicals, applied: chemical engineering cess. SYN. 1. SPARKLING glittering, brilliant,
chemistry of life processes: biochemistry glinting, glimmering, twinkling, gleaming,
civilization, uncovering facts about early: ar- shimmering, flashing. 2. WITTY clever, bril-
cheology liant, effervescent, lively. ANT. dull, lacklus-
classification, plant and animal: taxonomy ter.
climate: climatology scion n. offspring, descendant, child, heir, suc-
color: chromatology cessor, offshoot, shoot.
crime: criminology scoff v. jeer, mock, ridicule, deride, snicker at,
cycles, natural: chronobiology laugh at, gibe, dismiss, belittle, *pooh-pooh,
earth: geology discount, knock. ANT. respect, accept, praise.
earthquakes: seismology scold v. berate, rebuke, upbraid, reprimand, re-
earth’s moving plates: tectonics proach, *blast, *jump down one’s throat,
energy and heat: thermodynamics find fault, vituperate, *chew out, *give hell,
energy and matter: physics *take to task, castigate, *rake over the coals,
epidemics: epidemiology *rip into, *let have it with both barrels,
fish: ichthyology *bawl out. ANT. commend, praise, give a pat
fluids: hydraulics on the back.
fossils, animal: paleontology scoop n. 1. SHOVEL spade, spoon, bail, trowel,
heredity and genes: genetics ladle. 2. HOT NEWS *inside information,
human beings: anthropology *skinny, *poop, exclusive, *lowdown.
human beings, extinct: paleoanthropology scoot v. dart, scurry, skedaddle, hurry, *move
gene manipulation: genetic engineering, eu- it.
genics scope n. area, range, extent, span, reach, com-
life processes: biology pass, radius, breadth, sphere.
lines, angles, planes, etc.: geometry scorch v. burn, blacken, char, singe, parch,
machinery: mechanics sear, shrivel, brown, toast, blister.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 505


score n. 1. TALLY count, points, sum, total. 2. SALVAGE junk. 3. FIGHT argument, quarrel,
GRADE mark. 3. MUSICAL COMPOSITION ar- *tiff, conflict, tussle, altercation, disagree-
rangement, chart. 4. GROOVE nick, notch, ment, squabble, brawl.
cut, gash. scrap v. throw out, drop, ditch, get rid of, dis-
score v. 1. SUCCEED triumph, achieve, win, card, junk, *deep-six, jettison.
*rack up, *chalk up, *nail it, *hit it. 2. CUT scrape n. 1. SCRATCH scuff, abrasion, graze, scar.
crosshatch, gouge, nick, notch, gash, slit. 2. DIFFICULT SITUATION predicament, trou-
scores n. many, multitude, lots, throng, mass, ble, dilemma, quandary, fix, pickle, *mess,
myriad, crowd, legion. ANT. few, hardly any. *hole.
scorn n. contempt, disdain, hatred, loathing, scrape v. scratch, scuff, abrade, graze, scar,
disgust, distaste, derision, sneering, arro- scour, rasp, shave, skin.
gance, scoffing, mocking. ANT. admiration, scrappy a. game, aggressive, pugnacious,
respect, esteem. plucky, gritty, contentious. ANT. *wimpy,
scorn v. regard with contempt, disdain, despise, meek.
detest, hate, loathe, look down on, reject, scratch n. cut, laceration, incision, scar, abra-
spurn, revile, mock, ridicule. ANT. admire, sion, scrape, gash, line, score.
look up to, respect, like. scratch v. 1. CUT lacerate, incise, scar, abrade,
scoundrel n. rascal, villain, rogue, *SOB, *bas- scrape, gash, score, graze. 2. ELIMINATE can-
tard, cad, dog, knave, *creep, *rat, dastard, cel, drop, delete, erase, withdraw, strike.
wretch, *bad egg, *bad actor. scrawl v. scribble, scratch, *hen-scratch, doo-
scour v. 1. SCRUB clean, wash, rub, abrade, dle.
brush, wipe. 2. SEARCH OUT comb, rummage, scrawny a. skinny, thin, lean, slender, *skin
range over, pass over, *turn upside-down, and bones, emaciated, anorexic, bony,
*leave no stone unturned, look high and gaunt, malnourished, spare, rawboned,
low. *could slip through a flute and not sound a
scourge n. punishment, torture, torment, afflic- note. ANT. brawny, big, beefy, fat.
tion, plague, misery, tribulation, curse. scream n. cry, shriek, yelp, yell, hysterical cry,
scourge v. punish, torture, torment, afflict, strangled cry for help, wail, squeal, squall.
plague, chastise, curse, beat, whip, flog, scream v. cry, shriek, yelp, cry out hysterically,
thrash. wail, screech, ululate, let out a strangled cry,
scout n. spy, patrol, outrider, advance man, re- sing out, bawl, howl, squeal, squall.
connoiterer, picket, lookout. screech v. SEE SCREAM
scout v. spy, reconnoiter, *have a look-see, sur- screen n. 1. PARTITION divider, shield, covering,
vey, investigate, explore, observe, patrol, wall, fence, curtain, veil. 2. MESH net,
*check out. strainer, grating, lattice.
scow n. barge, flatboat. screen v. 1. PARTITION divide, shield, cover,
scowl n. angry look, irritated look, frown, block, wall off, fence off, veil. 2. SORT OUT
glower, *black look, *dirty look, glare, knit- cull, *weed out, sift, sieve, filter, strain,
ted brow, nasty look, lower. SEE ANGRY eliminate, winnow.
scowl v. frown, glower, glare, shoot an angry screw v. 1. TWIST wind, turn, wrench, cork-
look, shoot an irritated look, *give a dirty screw, crank. 2. Sl. CHEAT *rip off, take ad-
look, *shoot daggers. SEE ANGRY vantage of, defraud, *give the shaft, swindle,
scraggly a. scrubby, ragged, uneven, irregular, extort, chisel. 3. Sl. HAVE SEXUAL INTER-
straggly, rough, *like a rat’s nest, un- COURSE mate, *make love, copulate.
groomed. ANT. neat, trim. screw up v. mess up, bungle, blow it, muff,
scraggy a. skinny, lean, scrawny, bony, thin, botch, *flub up, goof up, mismanage, mis-
slender, gaunt. ANT. *hefty, husky. handle, *drop the ball, *choke.
scramble n. run, dash, struggle, climb, race, screwy a. Sl. odd, queer, peculiar, eccentric,
scuffle, competition. *nuts. SEE CRAZY
scramble v. 1. CLAMBER climb, crawl, struggle, scribble v. scrawl, scratch, *hen-scratch, doo-
rush, dash, run, race, scuffle, compete for, dle, dash.
strive for. 2. MIX jumble, stir up, disorder, scribe n. scrivener, transcriber, calligrapher,
mingle, tangle, confuse. writer, clerk.
scrap n. 1. BIT fragment, piece, shred, chip, scrimp v. be frugal, economize, save, be cheap,
speck, slice, hunk, chunk, particle, end. 2. *pinch pennies, *squeeze nickels, skimp, be

506 Roget’s Superthesaurus


stingy, stint. ANT. squander, *blow, spend. WORD FIND

script n. 1. HANDWRITING writing, longhand, bizarre human or animal figure: grotesque
cursive, calligraphy, penmanship. 2. STORY chip off stone: stun
dialogue, text, screenplay, manuscript. frame, framework: armature, butterfly
Scrooge n. misanthrope, *tightwad, cheap- Greek statue of marble: acrolith
skate, *penny-pincher, skinflint, miser, larger than life-size sculpture: heroic, colos-
hoarder, *miserable cuss, curmudgeon. ANT. sal
philanthropist, giver, altruist. low relief: bas-relief
scrounge v. dig for, hunt for, beg, scare up, for- medium: marble, clay, bronze
age for, bum, track down, *scrape up, pan- projection: relief
handle. smaller than life-size sculpture: statuette
scrub n. shrubs, bushes, trees, brush, thicket, tool: bushhammer, calipers, mallet, rasp
bush. trim: fettle
scrub v. scour, wash, clean, rub, swab, brush, scum n. 1. DROSS refuse, film, layer, froth, resi-
*clean with elbow grease, wipe, mop. due. 2. LOWLIFE *sleazebag, riffraff, *dregs of
scruffy a. shabby, grubby, straggly, unkempt, society.
ungroomed, untrimmed, unwashed, mangy, scurrilous a. vulgar, indecent, abusive, offen-
ragged, bedraggled, *like a rat’s nest. ANT. sive, insulting, obscene, gross, foulmouthed,
neat, tidy, trim, groomed. dirty, raunchy, *gutter-mouthed, nasty.
scrumptious a. tasty, mouth-watering, pleas- scurry v. scamper, run, race, hurry, scuttle,
ing. SEE DELICIOUS dash, scoot, sprint, dart, hasten, bolt, fly.
scruple n. hesitancy, doubt, qualm, misgiving, scurvy a. mean, contemptible, despicable, low.
second thought, pang, apprehension, cau- ANT. admirable.
tion, reluctance, *little voice. scuttle v. 1. RUN scurry, scamper, race, hurry,
SCRUPULOUS a. [SKROO pyuh lus] proper dash, scoot, sprint, dart, hasten, bolt, *beat
and highly principled, careful to do the right feet. 2. ABANDON scrap, scrub, scratch, quit,
thing, meticulous. He was a scrupulous busi- desert.
nessman. SYN. proper, principled, moral, up- scuttlebutt n. Sl. rumor, gossip, word, grape-
right, ethical, honest, upstanding, careful, vine news, talk.
meticulous, punctilious, painstaking, exact- sea n. ocean, the deep, *briny deep, *bounding
ing, particular, fussy. ANT. unscrupulous, un- main, *Davy Jones’s locker, high seas, surf,
principled, dishonest, sloppy. rolling sea. SEE BEACH, OCEAN
SCRUTINIZE v. [SKROOT uh NIZE] to look seafarer n. seaman, mariner. SEE SAILOR
at very closely. She scrutinized the will for her seal n. 1. STAMP symbol, emblem, imprint, im-
name. SYN. look at, examine, inspect, study, pression, logo, authentication, insignia, im-
pore over, *eyeball, peruse, explore, probe, primatur. 2. FASTENING adhesive, sealant.
*scorch with one’s eyes. ANT. overlook, pass seal v. 1. FASTEN secure, shut tight, lock in, wa-
over, disregard. terproof, make airtight, plug. 2. SETTLE as-
scrutiny n. inspection, close look, examina- sure, determine, decide, ensure, clinch,
tion, treatment, surveillance, study, prob- make certain, confirm.
ing, perusal, investigation, *eyeballing, seam n. closure, connection, juncture, junc-
search, exploration. ANT. quick glance, quick tion, stitches, suture.
glimpse. seaman n. seafarer, mariner. SEE SAILOR
scuba diving n. skin diving, snorkeling. seamy a. sordid, unpleasant, squalid, disagree-
scuff v. SEE SCRAPE able, rough, unwholesome, unsavory, objec-
scuffle n. struggle, fight, tussle, scrap, *set-to, tionable, revolting, dirty. ANT. pleasant,
commotion, *ruckus, fray, *rumble, brawl. decent, good.
scuffle v. struggle, fight, tussle, scrap, *rumble, seance n. communion with the dead, spiritual
brawl, *mix it up. contact, session, sitting, conjuring.
sculpture n. 1. STATUE statuary, bust, figure, fig- sear v. scorch, burn, brown, singe, toast, char,
urine, bronze, carving, abstract. 2. CARVING sizzle, wither, dry up, parch, shrivel, wilt.
chiseling, molding, stonecutting. ‘‘An art search n. hunt, exploration, quest, probe, in-
that takes away superfluous material.’’—Mi- quisition, *shakedown, *frisking, scrutiny,
chelangelo. ‘‘Mud pies which endure.’’— investigation, study, rummaging, foraging,
Cyril Connolly. research.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 507


search v. seek, look, hunt, explore, quest, insulated, cloistered, reclusive, private, hid-
probe, *shake down, *frisk, scrutinize, in- den, sheltered, lonesome, remote, deserted,
vestigate, study, rummage, forage, *sniff out, solitary, quarantined. ANT. public, open, fre-
*go over with a fine-tooth comb, *leave no quented.
stone unturned, *turn inside out, research, seclusion n. isolation, sequestration, segrega-
ferret, delve, ransack. tion, privacy, hiding, shelter, solitude, sanc-
searching a. penetrating, piercing, probing, tuary, retreat, quarantine.
sharp, intent, deep, inquisitive, curious, second n. instant, tick of the clock, wink,
quizzical. ANT. cursory, uninterested. *heartbeat, moment, flash, twinkling, jiffy,
sea serpent n. giant squid, oarfish, kraken, Loch *nothing flat.
Ness monster. SEE MONSTER second v. support, back, root for, side with,
seashore n. coast, strand. SEE BEACH abet, advocate, further. ANT. oppose, contra-
seasickness n. motion sickness, queasiness. SEE dict, dispute.
NAUSEA secondary a. lesser, inferior, subordinate, mi-
season n. period, term, spell, interval, quarter, nor, ancillary, subsidiary. ANT. main, first,
month, summer, spring, fall, winter, Indian primary.
summer. second-hand a. previously-owned, used,
season v. 1. FLAVOR spice, salt, pepper, lace, handed down, old, broken-in, pre-owned.
marinade, smoke, cure, corn, devil. 2. ANT. new.
HARDEN OR SOFTEN toughen, weather, tem- second-rate a. inferior, cheap, *crappy, poor,
per, acclimate, accustom. shabby, *two-bit, low-grade, middling, fair,
seasonable a. opportune, fitting, suitable, right. so-so, second class. ANT. first-rate, superior,
ANT. inopportune. SEE TIMELY *top drawer.
seasoned a. hardened, softened, toughened, secrecy n. concealment, covertness, confiden-
weathered, experienced, tempered, accli- tiality, privacy, surreptitiousness, stealth,
mated, accustomed, inured. ANT. green, im- hiding, underhandedness, sneakiness, si-
mature, inexperienced. lence. ANT. overtness, publicity, openness.
seasoning n. flavoring, spice, salt, pepper, mari- secret n. confidence, classified information,
nade, dressing, condiment, sauce, gravy, rel- privileged information, *skeleton in the
ish, hot sauce, mustard, garlic, onion pow- closet, mystery, enigma.
der, herbs. secret a. concealed, hidden, covert, confiden-
seat n. 1. CHAIR bench, couch, sofa, recliner, tial, private, surreptitious, furtive, stealthy,
lounge, loveseat, stool, settee, throne, underhanded, sneaky, quiet, silent, hush-
perch. 2. CENTER core, location, capital, hush, under wraps, classified, undisclosed,
heart, hub, headquarters, place. 3. BUTTOCKS clandestine, mysterious, cryptic, secluded,
rear, behind, rump, derriere, posterior, sequestered, out-of-the-way, undercover.
*tush, *duff. ANT. overt, public, open.
seaweed n. kelp, sargasso, wrack, dulse. secretary n. office worker, typist, word proces-
SECEDE v. [si SEED] to formally withdraw or sor, receptionist, filer, stenographer, book-
break off from a group, organization, gov- keeper, *guy/gal Friday, *desk jockey. SEE OF-
ernment, etc. The islands seceded from the FICE WORKER
mainland government. SYN. withdraw, break secrete v. 1. HIDE conceal, stow away, closet,
off, defect, quit, renounce, separate from, seclude, shroud, veil, bury, harbor, stash. 2.
split from, expatriate, pull out, disaffiliate, RELEASE discharge, emit, excrete, ooze, ex-
*wash one’s hands of. ANT. join, merge, con- ude.
federate. secretive a. private, tight-lipped, close-
secession n. withdrawal, breakup, defection, re- mouthed, silent, evasive, surreptitious, fur-
nunciation, separation, split, expatriation, tive, covert, clandestine, sneaky, backdoor,
pullout, disaffiliation. ANT. union, joining, stealthy, cryptic, mysterious. ANT. open,
merger, confederation. overt, public.
seclude v. isolate, sequester, hide, segregate, in- sect n. faction, party, group, denomination,
sulate, go into retreat, withdraw, quaran- body, order, cult, division, clique, splinter
tine. group.
secluded a. isolated, sequestered, segregated, sectarian a. partisan, party-minded, factional,

508 Roget’s Superthesaurus


denominational, cultish, cliquish, paro- sedition n. rebellion, treason, incitement, rab-

chial, provincial, narrow-minded. ANT. ble-rousing, mutiny, insurrection, revolt,
broad-minded, nonpartisan. subversion.
section n. part, segment, piece, component, seditious a. rebellious, rabble-rousing, inciting,
slice, hunk, chunk, parcel, quarter, division, mutinous, insurrectionary, revolutionary,
fragment, fraction, unit, share, district, re- subversive. ANT. loyal, subservient.
gion, neighborhood, community, ward, pre- seduce v. lure, tempt, persuade, lead astray, en-
cinct, borough. tice, trap, snare, beguile, *lead on, tease, de-
sector n. section, segment, division, group, bauch.
class, district, area, zone, region. seduction n. persuasion, enticement, tempta-
SECULAR a. [SEK yuh lur] unrelated to reli- tion, allurement, tantalizing, trap, beguile-
gion or the church, worldly. The church or- ment, tease.
ganist sometimes played secular music. SYN. seductive a. persuasive, enticing, tempting, al-
worldly, nonreligious, laic, lay, profane, luring, tantalizing, beguiling, attractive, flir-
earthly, temporal, mundane. ANT. religious, tatious, sexy, bewitching. ANT. repellent, re-
ecclesiastical, spiritual. pulsive.
secure v. 1. GET obtain, procure, acquire, pick sedulous a. diligent, hard-working, busy, indus-
up, attain. 2. BIND tighten, tie down, lock trious, assiduous, tireless, constant, persis-
up, fasten, fix, attach, set, anchor, stabilize. tent, plodding, dogged, intense. ANT. lazy,
3. SAFEGUARD defend, shield, shelter, pro- lagging, lax.
tect. see v. 1. BEHOLD discern, eye, *eyeball, per-
secure a. 1. SAFE sheltered, protected, de- ceive, regard, spot, *lay eyes on, notice, de-
fended, immune, out of harm’s way, unas- tect, look, view, peer, watch, glimpse, dis-
sailable, invulnerable, in the clear, in safe- tinguish, *get a load of, peep, stare, make
keeping. 2. CONFIDENT self-assured, carefree, out. 2. UNDERSTAND comprehend, get it, ap-
untroubled, certain, definite, settled. 3. FIRM preciate, catch on, *catch one’s drift,
stable, strong, fast, locked, set, tight, fas- fathom, recognize, perceive, grasp. 3. IMAG-
INE visualize, picture, conceive, think, envis-
tened, bound, anchored, tied down. ANT. 1.
age, envision. 4. LOOK INTO find out, dis-
unsafe, insecure, unprotected, vulnerable. 2.
cover, ascertain. 5. MEET encounter, run
insecure, troubled, doubting. 3. loose, unse-
into, come face to face, speak with, visit.
cured, unlocked.
seed n. source, wellspring, beginning, start, nu-
security n. 1. CONFIDENCE fearlessness, assur-
cleus, grain, kernel, nut, sperm, egg, germ.
ance, peace of mind, certainty, freedom seedy a. shabby, run-down, broken-down, di-
from worry. 2. PROTECTION defense, shield, lapidated, neglected, squalid, scruffy, un-
shelter, safeguard, safety, immunity, refuge, kempt, mangy, bedraggled, poor. ANT. luxu-
invulnerability. 3. GUARANTEE pledge, assur- rious, well-kept, groomed, sparkling.
ance, collateral, bond, surety, escrow. seek v. 1. LOOK FOR search for, hunt, *look high
sedate a. calm, quiet, staid, serious, serene, im- and low, cast about for, quest, *fish for,
passive, sober, dignified, tranquil, placid, *sniff out, *ferret out, *leave no stone un-
grave. ANT. *a nervous wreck, excited, agi- turned. 2. INQUIRE request, question, ask for.
tated. 3. PURSUE aim, set one’s sights for, aspire to.
sedative n. tranquilizer, hypnotic, sleeping pill, seem v. appear, have the appearance of, look
soporific, depressant, opiate, Demerol, like, give the impression.
Nembutal. seeming a. ostensible, apparent, outward, ex-
sedative a. tranquilizing, calming, relaxing, ternal, assumed, presumable, professed, illu-
sleep-inducing, tension-relieving, sedating. sory, quasi. ANT. actual, real.
ANT. stimulating, exciting. seemly a. proper, fitting, suitable, appropriate,
SEDENTARY a. [SED un tair ee] inactive, sit- right, correct, becoming, decorous, prudent,
ting around. She lives a sedentary lifestyle. SYN. in good taste. ANT. improper, unsuitable,
inactive, *couch-potato-like, *couch- rude.
bound, *chair-bound, sitting, stationary, seep v. leak, ooze, exude, percolate, bleed, drip,
unmoving, vegetative. ANT. active, busy, *on dribble, issue, sweat, weep, permeate.
the move. seer n. prophet, prognosticator, predictor, psy-
sediment n. dregs, grounds, deposit, settlings, chic, oracle, fortuneteller, forecaster, di-
lees, precipitate. viner, medium, soothsayer.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 509


seesaw n. teeter-totter. self-conscious a. shy, bashful, ill at ease, awk-

seethe v. 1. BOIL bubble, froth, roll, surge. 2. ward, self-aware, *redfaced, blushing, em-
RAGE *see red, *get steamed, *do a slow barrassed, anxious, sheepish. ANT. self-confi-
burn, *boil over, *blow one’s top, fume, be dent, self-assured.
livid, *storm, *foam at the mouth. self-control n. self-discipline, self-restraint,
segment n. section, piece, part, portion, frag- willpower, self-constraint, abstemiousness,
ment, fraction, division, parcel, bit, ele- fortitude, strength. ‘‘The hardest victory.’’—
ment, component, quarter. Aristotle, ANT. impulsiveness, weakness.
segregate v. separate, set apart, isolate, divide, self-defeating a. *shooting oneself in the foot,
insulate, split up, dissociate, quarantine. *cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face,
ANT. unite, join, integrate, desegregate.
defeating its own purpose.
segregation n. separation, apartheid, isolation, self-esteem n. pride, self-respect, healthy ego,
self-regard, confidence, self-love, self-assur-
division, insulation, splitting up, setting
ance, amour propre, dignity, belief in one-
apart, exclusion, quarantine.
self. ‘‘The most voluble of the emotions.’’—
seize v. 1. GRAB take, snatch, grasp, grip, clasp, Frank M. Colby.
pluck, catch, embrace, *jump on. 2. CONFIS- self-evident a. evident, obvious, apparent,
CATE capture, apprehend, arrest, *nail, *col-
clear, manifest, self-explanatory, undeni-
lar, *nab, commandeer, impound, take by able, plain, uncontestable, axiomatic. ANT.
force, appropriate, usurp, kidnap, hijack. questionable, doubtful, uncertain.
seizure n. 1. APPREHENSION arrest, capture, con- self-image n. conception of oneself, self-es-
fiscation, commandeering, impounding, ap- teem, self-regard.
propriation, kidnapping, hijacking. 2. CON- self-important a. conceited, overbearing, arro-
VULSION fit, attack, throe, paroxysm, gant, *bigheaded, egotistical, pompous,
epileptic episode, stroke. swaggering, smug, snobbish, *snotty, *high
seldom adv. rarely, infrequently, hardly ever, and mighty. ANT. self-effacing, modest, hum-
*once in a blue moon. ANT. often, frequently. ble.
select v. pick, choose, elect, opt for, single out, selfish a. self-centered, self-serving, greedy,
prefer, vote for, favor, cull, weed out. ANT. egocentric, egotistical, *wrapped up in one-
reject, *turn one’s nose up at, shun. self, narcissistic, *looking out for number
select a. choice, preferred, best, top-notch, A- one, *thinks the world revolves around one,
1, prime, finest, handpicked, cream, crème *piggish. ANT. giving, other-directed, gener-
de la crème. ANT. second-rate, mediocre, run- ous.
of-the-mill. selfishness n. self-centeredness, greediness,
selection n. pick, choice, preference, election, egocentricity, narcissism. ‘‘Consuming hap-
favorite, choosing, culling, weeding out, piness without producing any.’’—Joan Tep-
vote. ANT. reject. perman.
selective a. choosy, picky, discriminating, par- self-reliant a. independent, *standing on one’s
ticular, fussy, finicky, *persnickety, discern- own two feet, self-sufficient, autonomous,
strong. ANT. dependent, needy.
ing. ANT. undiscriminating, *easy.
self-respect n. self-esteem, pride, self-regard,
self n. ego, individuality, entity, soul, mind,
self-worth, dignity, *the ability to hold
personality, being, character.
one’s head up, *the ability to stand tall.
self-assured a. confident, self-confident, sure of ‘‘The corner-stone of all virtue.’’—John
oneself, cocky, *full of oneself, secure, self- Herschell. ‘‘The noblest garment.’’—Sam-
possessed, cool. ANT. insecure, lacking self-es- uel Smiles.
teem. self-righteous a. holier-than-thou, sanctimo-
self-centered a. selfish, self-absorbed, narcissis- nious, complacent, smug, hypocritical,
tic, *thinks the world revolves around one, preachy, *goody-goody, pious, self-satisfied.
conceited, self-serving, egocentric, egotisti- ANT. humble.
cal. ANT. other-directed, giving, generous. self-satisfied a. complacent, smug, pleased with
self-confidence n. self-assurance, inner oneself, proud, arrogant, *full of oneself,
strength, positive self-image, coolness, swelled-headed, bigheaded, content. ANT.
aplomb. ‘‘The first requisite to great under- self-effacing, humble, modest.
takings.’’—Samuel Johnson. SEE CONFIDENCE self-sufficient a. SEE SELF-RELIANT

510 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sell v. deal, trade, market, wholesale, retail, extreme sensitivity: hyperesthesia

peddle, vend, offer for sale, unload, auction, sensational a. 1. EXCELLENT exceptional, good,
barter, hustle. ANT. buy, purchase. superb, *out of this world, fantastic, fabu-
seller n. dealer, trader, marketer, wholesaler, lous, outstanding, extraordinary, marvelous,
retailer, peddler, vendor, merchant, auc- terrific, wonderful. 2. STARTLING shocking,
tioneer, hustler, broker, agent. thrilling, exciting, *mind-blowing, spine-
sell out v. betray, double-cross, *stab in the tingling, hair-raising, breathtaking, electri-
back, sell one’s soul, do anything for money. fying, staggering. 3. EXAGGERATED melodra-
SEMANTICS n. [suh MAN tiks] dealing matic, lurid, *tabloid, cheap, *yellow, scan-
with language and the meanings of words, dalous. ANT. 1. awful, lousy, second-rate. 2.
phrases, etc. They were no longer arguing boring, dull. 3. understated, dry.
over hard issues, but semantics. SYN. mean- sensationalism n. exaggeration, melodrama, lu-
ings, semiotics, lexicology, lexicography, ridness, *tabloid journalism, *keyhole jour-
linguistics, interpretations, connotations. nalism, *yellow journalism, scandal, shock
semblance n. appearance, look, aspect, air, reporting.
aura, resemblance, bearing, show, face, fa- sense n. 1. SENSATION feeling, perception, sen-
cade, image. sitivity, responsiveness, stimulus reception,
semen n. seminal fluid, sperm. sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. 2. AWARE-
semester n. term, period, interval, session, half- NESS perception, realization, impression,
year. feeling, consciousness, premonition. 3. IN-
SEMINAL a. [SEM uh nul] the first, originat- TELLIGENCE wisdom, judgment, reason, com-
ing or developmentally important, basic. mon sense, logic, brains, *smarts, sharpness,
Little Richard is regarded as a seminal rock and understanding, *savvy, intuition. 4. MEAN-
roll singer. SYN. first, originating, germinal, ING substance, point, content, gist, interpre-
innovative, developmental, first of its kind, tation, thrust, essence, core, significance,
fresh, pioneering, trailblazing. definition.
seminar n. group discussion, workshop, panel sense v. feel, perceive, pick up, get the impres-
discussion, forum, conference, symposium, sion, have a feeling, discern, *catch some
meeting, review. vibes, notice, *have a gut feeling, suspect.
send v. transport, transmit, deliver, transfer, senseless a. nonsensical, stupid, brainless, idi-
convey, direct, remit, mail, post, ship, relay, otic, foolish, insane, crazy, *nuts, mindless,
wire, shoot, propel, throw, fire off, broad- *wacky, ludicrous, ridiculous, irrational.
cast. ANT. receive, get. ANT. sensible, rational, smart.
send packing v. show the door, dismiss, dis- sensibility n. ability to feel, sensitivity, sen-
charge, give walking papers. tience, responsiveness, receptivity, percep-
senile a. disoriented, mentally deficient, forget- tion, perceptiveness.
ful, demented, feebleminded, *slipping, sensible a. smart, intelligent, judicious, pru-
confused, in one’s dotage, deteriorating. dent, rational, logical, sober, sound, level-
ANT. sharp, lucid, clear-thinking. headed, realistic, sane, reasonable, down-to-
senior n. elder, senior citizen, retiree, matri- earth. ANT. senseless, nonsensical, stupid.
arch, patriarch, grandmother, grandfather, sensitive a. 1. IMPRESSIONABLE responsive,
firstborn, doyen, superior, dean. ANT. junior, acute, keen, receptive, reactive, conscious,
inferior, subordinate. feeling, sentient, sympathetic. 2. EASILY
senior a. ranking, superior, chief, preeminent, HURT easily offended, touchy, hypersensi-
elder, older, higher, veteran. ANT. junior, in- tive, testy, thin-skinned, ticklish, irritable.
ferior, lesser. 3. SORE tender, painful, hurting, raw. 4. SYM-
sensation n. 1. FEELING sense, sensitivity, per- PATHETIC compassionate, understanding,
ception, reaction, response, sound, sight, empathetic, enlightened. considerate. ANT.
smell, pain, tingle, itch. 2. EXCITEMENT pub- 1. insentient, unresponsive. 2. thick-skinned.
lic interest, fuss, uproar, hit, wonder, phe- 3. calloused, numb. 4. insensitive, inconsider-
nomenon. ANT. 1. insentientness, anesthesia. ate, dense.
2. apathy, indifference, *hardly a ripple. sensitivity n. 1. RESPONSIVENESS feeling, sense,
WORD FIND receptiveness, acuteness, keenness. 2. SYM-
disorder causing confused sensations, as PATHY understanding, compassion, empa-
sight for sound: synesthesia thy, enlightenment, consideration. ANT. 1.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 511


unresponsiveness, insentience. 2. insensitivity, separation n. division, detachment, discon-

lack of understanding. nection, parting, removal, breakup, split, di-
sensual a. physical, of the body, bodily, fleshly, vorce, segregation, dissassociation, rift, se-
voluptuous, sexual, sensuous, carnal, lustful, cession. ANT. union, connection, attachment.
erotic, lascivious, libidinous, *horny, licen- septic a. infective, putrid, putrified, rotting,
tious, lewd. ANT. spiritual, cerebral, of the contaminated. ANT. antiseptic, sterile.
mind. sepulcher n. vault, grave, tomb, mausoleum,
sensuous a. stimulating, sensory, luxurious, crypt, resting place, catacomb. SEE CEMETERY
pleasurable, pleasant to the touch, pleasant SEPULCHRAL a. [suh PUL krul] gloomy,
to the eye, rich, sumptuous, voluptuous. dark, dismal, as of the grave. A sepulchral
sentence n. judgment, decision, punishment, silence fell over the proceedings. SYN. gloomy,
penalty, time, prison term, *stretch up the dark, dismal, black, like the grave, funereal,
river, doom. deathly, morbid, mournful, dreary, heavy,
sentence v. judge, rule, punish, penalize, give a Stygian. ANT. bright, sunny, cheerful.
prison term, condemn, term, doom, mete sequel n. part two, follow-up, continuation,
out, imprison, *send up the river, *throw consequence, aftermath, outcome, epilogue,
the book at. *spin-off, offshoot.
sententious a. 1. CONCISE short, pithy, succinct. sequence n. series, order, succession, lineup,
2. APHORISTIC grandiloquent, bombastic, progression, array, cycle, train, course,
pompous, moralizing, trite. ANT. 1. wordy, string, round.
long-winded. 2. sensible, meaningful. SEQUESTER v. [si KWEST ur] to set apart or
sentient a. feeling, sensitive, conscious, percep- isolate, separate. The jury will be sequestered
tive, receptive, responsive. ANT. insensient, during the trial. SYN. set apart, separate, iso-
unfeeling. late, seclude, hide away, secrete, remove
sentiment n. 1. FEELINGS attitude, opinion, oneself, withdraw, confine, quarantine.
SERENDIPITY n. [SER un DIP uh tee] acci-
thought, leaning, idea, way of thinking,
dental good fortune. We located the treasure
view, emotion, judgment. 2. SENTIMENTAL-
by pure serendipity. SYN. good fortune, fortu-
ITY romanticism, *mushiness, feeling, ten-
ity, chance, *Lady Luck, *wheel of fortune,
derness, emotion, *hearts and flowers. ‘‘Jam
luck, happy chance, happenstance, *toss of
without bread.’’—Sydney Harris. ‘‘The
the dice, *fluke. ANT. design, plan.
poetry of the imagination.’’—Alphonse La- serene a. 1. PEACEFUL tranquil, placid, calm, un-
martine. troubled, quiet, sedate, halcyon, undis-
sentimental a. tender, romantic, maudlin, turbed, still, composed. 2. CLEAR unclouded,
mawkish, *mushy, emotional, softhearted, bright, fair, sunny. ANT. 1. wild, violent, agi-
misty-eyed, weepy, nostalgic, *saccharine, tated. 2. stormy, cloudy.
*corny, *schmaltzy, *gushy, sloppy. ‘‘Hav- serenity n. peace, peacefulness, tranquility, pla-
ing a good cry for its own sake.’’—Myron cidity, calm, quiet, stillness, composure,
Schueller. ANT. unfeeling, cold, hard, stony. coolness, relaxation, imperturbability. ANT.
sentimentality n. mawkishness, *mush, soft- wildness, violence, agitation.
heartedness, weepiness, nostalgia, *corni- serf n. slave, villein, vassal.
ness, *schmaltz, *gush, sloppiness. ‘‘Osten- serial a. in series, successive, continuing, con-
tatious parading of excessive and spurious secutive, ongoing, sequential, progressive.
emotion.’’—James Baldwin. ANT. single, lone.
sentinel n. sentry, guard, watch, lookout, series n. chain, string, order, succession, array,
picket, patrol, scout. procession, sequence, round, line, cycle,
sentry n. SEE SENTINEL run.
separate v. remove, break off, divide, discon- serious a. 1. SOMBER earnest, grave, sober,
nect, detach, split, sever, divorce, take *meaning business, unsmiling, humorless,
apart, single out, segregate, secede, isolate. dour, stern, stony-faced, *no-nonsense,
ANT. connect, attach, join, unite. grim, staid. 2. WEIGHTY important, crucial,
separate a. unconnected, detached, discon- *heavy, no laughing matter, consequential,
nected, unattached, apart, divided, single, life-and-death, momentous, grave, grim,
individual, distinct, sole, lone, independent, critical, dangerous. 3. SINCERE earnest, hon-
autonomous. ANT. connected, attached, to- est. ANT. 1. silly, foolish, lighthearted. 2. triv-
gether, joined. ial, trifling, silly, inconsequential. 3. kidding.

512 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sermon n. lecture, speech, preaching, lesson, on, determine, decide, arrange, prearrange,
moralizing, homily, exhortation, *fire and fix, schedule, specify, establish, designate. 3.
brimstone, discourse, exemplum. ADJUST fix, position, ready. 4. HARDEN
serpent n. viper. SEE SNAKE stiffen, solidify, thicken, congeal. ANT. 1.
serpentine a. winding, twisting, coiled, snak- pick up, remove, lift. 4. soften, loosen, liquefy.
ing, tortuous, meandering, sinuous, slinky, set a. 1. SETTLED agreed on, determined, de-
labyrinthine. ANT. straight, direct. cided, arranged, prearranged, fixed, sched-
serrated a. saw-toothed, jagged, serrulated, uled, specified, ordained, ready. 2. USUAL
notched, crenelated. ANT. smooth. routine, normal, conventional, fixed, cus-
servant n. domestic, butler, maid, housekeeper, tomary, regular. 3. HARDENED fixed, firm,
cook, help, valet, chauffeur, attendant, me- rigid, stiff, locked, positioned, secured,
nial, slave, *guy/gal Friday. rooted. ANT. 1. unsettled, undecided. 2. differ-
serve v. 1. WAIT ON provide, tend to, *be at ent, unconventional. 3. soft, loose.
one’s beck and call, waitress, cater, deliver, setback n. reversal, disappointment, *stum-
minister to, help, assist, *be a gopher. 2. BE bling block, defeat, blow, loss, trouble, re-
OBEDIENT obey, respect, honor, be dutiful to. lapse, upset, check, regression, *one step
3. WORK perform, carry out, do one’s duties. forward and two steps back, *square one.
4. PASS spend, do. 5. FUNCTION be used, per- ANT. advance, progress, leap forward.
form for. setting n. scene, scenery, backdrop, environ-
service n. 1. ASSISTANCE work, help, labor, em- ment, surroundings, locale, site, milieu,
ployment, duty, use, benefit. 2. ARMED mise-en-scène, time, place, period.
FORCES military, army, navy, marines, air settle v. 1. PUT IN ORDER arrange, fix, straighten
force, active duty. 3. WAITING ON catering, out, resolve, rectify, *iron out, satisfy, clear,
waitressing, *gophering, serving, accommo- end. 2. SIT sink, sag, droop, plant oneself,
dation. 4. CHURCH FUNCTION ceremony, lay, repose. 3. TAKE UP RESIDENCE move to,
worship, sermon, observance, prayer meet- locate, colonize, populate, set up housekeep-
ing. 5. MAINTENANCE repair, upkeep, servic- ing, reside, come to roost, *put down roots,
ing. inhabit. 4. SINK clear out, clarify, precipi-
service v. repair, maintain, fix, tune up, over- tate. 5. RELAX calm, quiet, soothe, tranquil-
haul, restore. ize, compose, lull, sedate. 6. MEDIATE arbi-
serviceable a. usable, ready, operative, func- trate, resolve, negotiate, compromise. ANT.
tional, workable, durable, utile. ANT. inoper- 1. mess up, confuse. 2. rise. 3. pull up roots,
able, unworkable. *fly the coop, leave. 5. agitate, stress, *put on
SERVILE a. [SUR vile] submissive or subservi- edge. 6. stir up, unsettle.
ent, like a servant or slave. He smiled and settlement n. 1. COMMUNITY colony, village,
nodded in the proper servile manner. SYN. sub- outpost, peopling. 2. AGREEMENT arrange-
missive, subservient, yielding, slavish, obse- ment, resolution, compromise, negotiation,
quious, fawning, groveling, deferential, arbitration, disposition. 3. PAYMENT OF DEBT
cringing, sycophantic, toadying. ANT. rebel- satisfaction, clearance, liquidation.
lious, defiant, domineering. settler n. colonist, homesteader, frontiersman,
servitude n. slavery, bondage, enslavement, in- pioneer, squatter, *sooner.
denture, serfdom, service, yoke, subjugation, settlings n. dregs, sediment, lees.
serfdom. ANT. freedom, liberty. set-to n. fight, fistfight, struggle. SEE FIGHT
session n. 1. MEETING assembly, discussion, setup n. arrangement, configuration, structure,
hearing, conference, council, legislative ses- system, organization, format, plan.
sion, convention. 2. TERM period, semester, set up v. 1. CONSTRUCT erect, raise, build, put
course. together, assemble. 2. CREATE start, origi-
set n. 1. OUTFIT collection, assemblage, array, nate, organize, establish, found, institute.
assortment, arrangement, pair, group, series. ANT. 1. tear down, disassemble, dismantle,
2. THEATRICAL SETTING scenery, backdrop, raze. 2. terminate, end.
props. 3. GROUP clique, circle, class, pack, sever v. 1. CUT cleave, split, divide, separate,
crowd, gang, clan, fraternity. cut in two, slice, rend, chop off. 2. DISSOCI-
set v. 1. PLACE position, put, stick, lay, plant, ATE break off, separate, cut off, split up, dis-
plop, situate, locate, rest, deposit, station, continue, drop, divorce, disband. ANT. 1.
install, insert, mount. 2. SETTLE UPON agree join, attach. 2. join, unite, reunite.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 513


several a. 1. A LOT a number, quite a few, a feces, pleasure from: coprophilia

handful, considerable, numerous, some. 2. find a partner and have sex: score
SEPARATE distinct, individual, single, respec- forbidden: taboo
tive, particular, personal. ANT. 1. none, few. Freudian notion of daughter’s attraction to
2. joint. father, hostility toward mother: Electra
severe a. 1. HARSH stern, strict, hard, *hard- Complex
nosed, uncompromising, unsparing, rigid, frustration in males due to lack of ejacula-
unfeeling, merciless, pitiless. 2. SERIOUS tion, severe sexual: blue balls
grave, forbidding, stern, unsmiling, grim, group sex: ménage à tois, orgy, threesome,
austere, cold, stony. 3. GRIEVOUS serious, three-way, gang bang, daisy chain
acute, violent, nasty, critical, dire, life- hole through which two males participate:
threatening, bad, dangerous, fierce, intense, glory hole
extreme. 4. PLAIN unornamented, spare, hormone, sex drive: testosterone
bare, stark, austere, undecorated. ANT. 1. hymen, slang for: cherry
softhearted, easy, compassionate. 2. light- impotence: erectile dysfunction
hearted, smiling, jovial. 3. mild, minor, trivial. insatiable female: nymphomaniac
4. ornate, rococo, luxurious. insatiable desire in females: nymphomania
sew v. stitch, mend, tailor, seam, hem, embroi- kissing of another’s entire body as a prelude
der. to: around the world
sewage n. waste, discharge, runoff, foul water, lesbian sex, referring to: Sapphic
pollution. male or female, enjoys sex with: bisexual
sex n. 1. GENDER 2. COPULATION intercourse, murder for sexual pleasure, film showing
coitus, mating, marital relations, fornica- real: snuff film
tion, *making love, *making out, *birds and nocturnal emission of semen: wet dream
the bees, reproduction, procreation, *facts one partner for life, sex with: monogamy
of life, *roll in the hay, *sleeping with some- oral sex position, dual: 69
one. ‘‘The formula by which one and one orgasms, exercises to improve: kegel exer-
makes three.’’—Leonard Levinson. ‘‘An cises
emotion in motion.’’—Mae West. ‘‘An ap- orgasms, incapable of: anorgasmic
petite placed in humans to insure breed- overpowering behavior for pleasure, giving
ing.’’—Jonathan Benter. ‘‘The poor man’s in to another’s: submission
polo.’’—Clifford Odets. overpowering behavior that brings pleasure:
WORD FIND dominance
abstinence: celibacy own sex, physically attracted to one’s: ho-
anal or oral sex on a male: sodomy mosexual; lesbian; gay
aphrodisiac from beetle juice, alleged: Span- opposite sex, attracted only to: heterosexual
ish fly partners, interested in having sex with mul-
assault: molestation, rape tiple: polyamorous
baby, pleasure derived by acting like a help- perversion or fetish, any: paraphilia
less: infantilism pleasure derived from viewing erotic photos:
condom, slang for having sex without a: ri- scopophilia
ding bareback pornography, explicit: hardcore
counselor: sex therapist, sex surrogate pornography showing naked models or lim-
dominant woman as sexual pleasurer: domi- ited sex acts: softcore
natrix potency, sexual: virility
ejaculation period when no new ejaculation scent attractant, hormonal: pheremones
is possible, post-: refractory period sheath to protect against impregnanting fe-
ejaculation, removal of penis from vagina male, male’s: condom, rubber
before: coitus interruptus standard, woman-on-back position: mis-
erection, medical condition of permanent: sionary position
priapism stimulation: titillation
erection drug aid: Viagra姠 strangling or suffocating oneself for pleasure:
expose oneself: flash autoerotic strangulation, sexual hanging,
exposes himself, one who: flasher autoerotic asphyxia
family member, sex with: incest text, ancient Indian sex: Kama Sutra

514 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Sex Appeal–Shambles

tiring of sex, never: insatiable shackle v. restrain, fetter, handcuff, *cuff, man-
urinating on partner, sex act of: golden acle, chain, hobble, tie. ANT. free, loose, re-
shower lease.
urine, pleasure from drinking of: urolagnia shade n. 1. DARKNESS shadows, cover, dimness,
vaginal pleasure spot: G-spot (Granfenberg umbra, penumbra. 2. HUE tone, color, tint,
Spot) gradation. 3. BLIND visor, shutter, drape, cur-
virgin, to have sex with a: deflower tain, screen. 4. SLIGHT DIFFERENCE hint,
warm, relaxed feeling after orgasm: after- trace, touch, suggestion, tiny degree, nu-
glow ance.
warm-up activities: foreplay shade v. darken, dim, cover, veil, shroud, mask,
watches others for pleasure, secretly: peep- protect, hide, obscure, blacken.
ing Tom, voyeur shadow n. 1. DARKNESS dimness, shade, gloom,
whipping, pleasure: flagellation cover, umbra, penumbra, silhouette. 2.
sex appeal n. sexiness, charm, erotic charm, TRACE hint, suggestion, breath.
*oomph, magnetism, charisma, curvaceous- shadow v. follow, trail, tail, track, watch.
ness, virility, allure, *come-hither look. shady a. 1. SHADOWY dark, cool, covered,
sexism n. discrimination, prejudice, chauvin- shaded. 2. DISREPUTABLE crooked, question-
ism, sex bias. able, devious, underhanded, dishonest, sus-
sexless a. 1. ASEXUAL neuter. 2. HAVING NO SEX pect, slippery, fishy. ANT. 1. sunny, bright. 2.
DRIVE frigid, anaphrodisic. ANT. 1. male, fe- reputable, honest, honorable.
male. 2. *horny, hot, nymphomaniacal, satyri- shaggy a. hairy, woolly, furry, hirsute, unkempt,
asic. ungroomed, untrimmed, uncombed,
sexual a. reproductive, procreative, generative, snarled, tangled. ANT. neat, trimmed, bald.
coital, carnal, erotic, *hot, *horny, lustful. shake v. 1. VIBRATE rock, tremble, quiver,
ANT. chaste, platonic.
quake, jog, wobble, shiver, convulse, wiggle,
sexual assault n. rape, molestation, date rape, tremble, shudder, jounce, rattle, flutter. 2.
ravishment, violation, *gang bang. MIX jumble, combine, churn. 3. UNNERVE up-
sexual harassment n. impropriety, flirtation, set, discompose, disturb, disconcert, distress,
obscenity, pressure, sexual advances, inap- rattle, unsettle, disquiet, daze. ANT. 1. stabi-
propriate behavior, abuse of power, abuse of lize. 3. calm, soothe, put one’s mind at ease.
office, unprofessional behavior, misconduct,
shaky a. 1. UNSTABLE unsteady, wobbly, rickety,
overtures, suggestive comments, exploita-
precarious, loose, wiggly, jerry-built, teeter-
tion, teasing, indiscreet advances, intimida-
ing, unreliable. 2. NERVOUS quivering, trem-
tion, blackmail.
ulous, shivering, jittery, trembling, quaking.
sexually transmitted diseases n. STD, venereal
3. QUESTIONABLE doubtful, uncertain, dubi-
disease, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, herpes,
ous, speculative, unreliable, undependable,
chancroid, chlamydia, *clap, crabs, yeast in-
fection. suspect. ANT. 1. stable, secure, steady. 2.
sexy a. *hot, *foxy, charming, alluring, entic- calm, relaxed. 3. certain, sure.
ing, seductive, magnetic, charismatic, shallow a. superficial, surface, lacking depth,
erotic, sensual, attractive, curvaceous, vo- skin-deep, slight, weak, lacking character,
luptuous, titillating, flirtatious, desirable, ir- meaningless, empty, frivolous. ANT. deep,
resistible. ANT. repellant, repulsive, *gross, profound, in-depth.
disgusting. sham n. counterfeit, fake, imitation, fraud,
shabby a. 1. DETERIORATED run down, ragged, phony, forgery, humbug, hoax, deception,
dilapidated, poor, threadbare, mangy, pretense. ANT. *the genuine article, *the real
grungy, ragged, scraggly, scruffy, ratty, seedy. McCoy.
2. LOUSY disgraceful, poor, mean, shameful, sham a. counterfeit, false, fake, pretended, imi-
terrible, bad, miserable, despicable, cheap, tation, fraudulent, *bogus, phony, simu-
shoddy. ANT. 1. new, fresh, sparkling. 2. ex- lated, artificial, ersatz, spurious. ANT. genu-
cellent, good. ine, real, authentic.
shack n. shanty, hut, shed, cabin, hovel, shel- shaman n. priest, medicine man.
ter. shambles n. mess, disorder, destruction, chaos,
shackle n. restraint, handcuff, manacle, fetter, disaster area, disarray, pigsty, wreck, devas-
irons, chain, hobble, leg-iron. tation, *bomb crater.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 515


shame n. disgrace, dishonor, humiliation, em- sharp a. 1. HONED fine-edged, cutting, razor-
barrassment, loss of face, chagrin, stigma, sharp, knife-edge, acute, keen-edged, pierc-
scandal, infamy, degradation, ill-repute, ig- ing, pointed, pronged, barbed, peaked. 2.
nominy, pain, mortification, guilt, remorse. ABRUPT sudden, quick, rapid, precipitous,
ANT. pride, self-respect. extreme. 3. CLEAR clearly defined, distinct,
shame v. disgrace, dishonor, humiliate, embar- crisp, in focus. 4. SMART quick, acute, per-
rass, degrade, ridicule, mortify, fill with ceptive, bright, astute, *on the ball, atten-
guilt, *take down a notch, debase, scandal- tive, keen, discerning, alert, canny, shrewd,
ize, *take the wind out of one’s sails. ANT. clever, sensitive. 5. CRAFTY underhanded,
fill with pride, compliment, honor. deceitful, cunning, designing, shrewd, wily,
shamefaced a. embarrassed, ashamed, dis- conniving. 6. SEVERE intense, acute, violent,
graced, mortified, red-faced, blushing, hang- fierce, stabbing, piercing, biting. 7. Sl. WELL-
dog, crestfallen, chagrined, abashed. ANT. DRESSED well-groomed, chic, stylish, dapper,
proud. debonair, swank, *snappy. ANT. 1. dull, blun-
shameful a. disgraceful, dishonorable, humili- ted. 2. gradual, slow. 3. hazy, ill-defined. 4.
ating, embarrassing, mortifying, odious, stupid, slow, dense. 5. honest, artless. 6. mild,
scandalous, infamous, ignominious, wicked, gentle, subtle. 7. disheveled, frumpy, sloppy.
atrocious, contemptible, despicable, das- sharpen v. hone, edge, whet, strop, file, grind,
tardly. ANT. honorable, noble, good. taper. ANT. blunt, dull, round off.
shameless a. conscienceless, unprincipled, im- sharper n. swindler, cheat, *con artist, *rip-off
modest, wicked, antisocial, abandoned, un- artist, crook.
blushing, brazen, bold, outrageous, impu- sharp-tongued a. acid-tongued, critical, vitri-
dent, disgraceful. ANT. ashamed, modest, olic, rapier-tongued, biting, cutting, nasty,
principled. negative, mean, blunt, frank. ANT. diplo-
shanghai v. abduct. SEE KIDNAP matic, nice, mealy-mouthed.
Shangri-la n. utopia, paradise, heaven on earth, sharp-witted a. saber-witted, rapier-witted,
Xanadu, Eden. quick-witted, keen, acute, intelligent, as-
shanty n. shack, hovel, hut, cabin, hutch. tute, *on the ball, bright, smart, alert. ANT.
shantytown n. slum, ghetto, skid row. dull, slow, stupid, bovine.
shape n. 1. FORM figure, outline, configuration, shatter v. 1. BREAK burst, explode, smash, crack,
profile, contour, conformation, structure, blast, break into a million pieces, fracture,
lines, mold, frame, cut, pattern. 2. STATE split, pop, implode. 2. DESTROY wreck, dev-
health, fitness, order, condition, trim, fettle. astate, crush, demolish, ruin, *break one’s
shapeless a. formless, amorphous, irregular, heart.
nebulous, indefinite, ill-defined, asymmetri- shave v. cut, scrape, graze, trim, shear, crop,
cal, vague, misshapen. ANT. well-defined, clip, mow.
formed, symmetrical. shawl n. wrap, covering, manta.
shapely a. well-proportioned, fit, toned, curva- sheaf n. bundle, pile, bale, packet, package, col-
ceous, well-rounded, *wasp-waisted, *hour- lection.
glass, curvy, *built, *stacked, statuesque, shear v. cut, shave, clip, trim, remove, crop,
svelte. ANT. fat, roly-poly, obese, misshapen. snip, scissor, mow.
share n. allotment, percent, apportionment, sheath n. case, scabbard, covering, receptacle,
portion, allowance, cut, ration, *piece of the envelope, holder, casing, wrapper, sleeve,
pie, quota, due, parcel, lot. membrane.
share v. split between one another, *divvy up, shed n. shack, shanty, hut, lean-to, outbuilding,
divide, allot, allocate, apportion, dole out, shelter, hutch, outhouse, storage building,
ration, mete out, *go Dutch, *give and take. workshop, hangar.
ANT. monopolize, *hog. shed v. throw off, cast off, drop, discard, slough
shark n. 1. MARINE ANIMAL fish, predator, off, molt, peel, defoliate, exude, discharge,
*eating machine, man-eater, thresher, great give off, emit, pour forth, radiate, diffuse.
white shark, tiger shark, hammerhead, dog- sheen n. shine, brightness, luster, brilliance,
fish, basking shark. 2. SWINDLER cheat, *con gleam, glossiness, gloss, glimmer, dazzle,
man, chiseler, *rip-off artist, crook, *flim- sparkle, burnish, shimmer.
flam man. 3. EXPERT *crackerjack, *ace, pro- sheep n. ram, ewe, lamb, ruminant, ungulate,
fessional, *hotshot. Merino, Cheviot, Cotswold, Lincoln.

516 Roget’s Superthesaurus


WORD FIND shield n. defense, protection, guard, screen,

caretaker: shepherd safeguard, cover, aegis, armor, buffer.
cleaning solution: sheep-dip shield v. defend, protect, cover, guard, screen,
cry: bleat, baa, blat safeguard, arm, shelter, hide.
dog: shepherd, collie, shelty shift n. 1. MOVE change, turn, switch, variation,
flock: fold reversal, about-face, alteration, modifica-
leader: bellwether tion, veering, conversion. 2. WORK PERIOD
meat: mutton turn, stint, first shift, second shift, third
sexual period: rut, heat shift, *graveyard shift, watch.
wool: fleece, karakul shift v. move, change, turn, switch, vary, re-
sheepish a. embarrassed, chagrined, ashamed, verse, *do an about-face, alter, modify, veer,
red-faced, blushing, shamefaced, bashful, convert.
mortified. ANT. proud, bold, puffed up. shiftless a. lazy, unmotivated, inefficient,
sheer a. 1. THIN diaphanous, see-through, gos- slothful, unambitious, indolent, do-nothing,
samer, transparent, gauzy, airy, delicate, re- unenterprising, good-for-nothing. ANT. in-
vealing. 2. STEEP perpendicular, precipitous, dustrious, enterprising, *go-getting.
vertical, abrupt. 3. ABSOLUTE utter, com- shifty a. deceitful, tricky, dishonest, evasive,
plete, outright, out-and-out, pure, unadul- devious, treacherous, conniving, artful,
terated, unqualified, downright. ANT. 1. slick, slippery, sly, designing. ANT. honest,
opaque, thick, heavy. 2. horizontal. 3. quali- trustworthy, virtuous.
fied, partial, limited. shilly-shally v. hesitate, wave, vacillate, hem
sheet n. 1. COATING, PIECE coat, layer, film, and haw, fluctuate, *straddle the fence,
blanket, ply, leaf. 2. LINEN bed clothing. hedge, be irresolute, seesaw, *blow hot and
shelf n. 1. COUNTER bracket, cupboard, mantle,
cold. ANT. be resolved, decide, take a stand.
bookcase. 2. LEDGE overhang, outcropping,
shimmer v. 1. FLASH glimmer, shine, gleam,
projection, ridge, reef.
glow, scintillate, glisten, glint, sparkle, glit-
shell n. 1. MARINE ANIMAL CASING conch, mol-
ter. 2. WAVER ripple, shudder, sway.
lusk, mussel shell, clamshell, periwinkle, tri-
shindig n. *wingding, entertainment, dance.
ton, oyster, nautilus, baby bonnet, mottled
Venus, scallop. 2. CARAPACE casing, shield,
defense. 3. HULL casing, husk, pod, husk, shine n. brightness, radiance, luster, brilliance,
sheath, jacket, covering. 4. BOMB projectile, glimmer, sheen, gloss, polish, glow. ANT.
missile, shot, mortar, ball, shrapnel. dullness, film, patina, tarnish.
shell v. 1. SHUCK husk, peel, open. 2. BOMBARD shine v. 1. LIGHT radiate, glare, blaze, gleam,
bomb, barrage, fire upon, cannonade, strafe. luminesce, glow, glimmer, flash, illuminate,
shellac n. varnish, resin. flicker, glint, sparkle, scintillate. 2. POLISH
shellac v. Sl. beat, defeat, whip, *whoop, *kick burnish, finish, rub, buff, brighten. ANT. 2.
butt. dull, tarnish.
shellacking n. Sl. beating, whipping, flogging. shiny a. bright, brilliant, gleaming, glinting,
shelter n. protection, safe haven, refuge, asy- glistening, glossy, polished, lustrous, spar-
lum, *roof over one’s head, sanctuary, re- kling, scintillating. ANT. dull, tarnished.
treat, cover, hideout, hole, *port in a storm, ship n. vessel, craft, watercraft, boat, *tub,
harbor. *stormslogger, liner, cruise ship, freighter,
shelter v. protect, shield, provide a roof over ferry, transport. ‘‘Being in jail with a chance
one’s head, provide safe haven, give refuge, of being drowned.’’—Samuel Johnson.
give asylum, give sanctuary, cover, harbor, WORD FIND
house, hide. accommodations: first-class, cabin class,
shelve v. put aside, defer, postpone, *put on tourist class
ice, *put on the back burner, drop, dismiss, ammunition compartment: magazine
scrub. anchor: bower, kedge, sea anchor, stream
shenanigans n. mischief, nonsense, horseplay, anchor
pranks, trickery, *monkey-business, anchor chain winder, unwinder: capstan,
*hanky-panky, sport. windlass
shepherd v. herd, tend, lead, care for, look anchoring and securing of vessel: mooring
after, guard, protect, watch over, escort, se- anchor rope: hawser
cure. bed: berth

Roget’s Superthesaurus 517


boarding platform: gangplank pumps, motors, winches, collective term:

body: hull auxiliaries
bottom fin or backbone: keel pump that removes water: bilge pump
bottom, rounded portion of: bilges rear: aft, stern, astern
cabin, small: cuddy rising and falling fore and aft with waves:
captain: skipper pitching
cargo and debris lost from wrecked ship: rope-belaying fixture: cleats
flotsam and jetsam rope, collective term: cordage
cargo area: hold rope: lanyard
cargo conveyance: cargo net side-to-side motion: roll
cargo, list of: manifest steering apparatus: helm; rudder, tiller
chart and navigational instrument room: steer: navigate, conn
chart room structure above deck: superstructure
compass stand: binnacle supplier: chandler
course change: tack tarp securer of wood: batten
crane, hoisting apparatus: davit, derrick toilet: head
crew member: hand, mate trailing whitewater: wake
crew quarters, structure holding: forecastle vibrations of bow over waves: panting
deck: weather deck, poop deck waiter: cabin boy
depth below waterline: draft, draught wall, compartment: bulkhead
drain: scupper weight of sand, rocks, concrete or iron, sta-
drive: navigate bilizing: ballast
flag: burgee, jack weight of water, stabilizing: ballast tanks
floating dock that holds ship for repairs: dry width: beam
dock window: porthole
front: bow, prow, fore SEE BOAT, NAVY, SAIL, SAILOR
hatch: booby hatch, scuttle, companionway ship v. send, transport, mail, convey, forward,
hospital: sick bay dispatch, consign.
kitchen: galley, caboose, cuddy shipshape a. orderly, trim, tidy. SEE NEAT
knot: 6,080 feet an hour shirk v. neglect, evade, avoid, get around,
ladder: jack ladder, ratlines dodge, *goldbrick, malinger, slack off, side-
lean: heel, list step, *funk. ANT. be responsible.
left and right sides (respectively) looking shirker n. slacker, malingerer, *goldbricker,
from aft forward: port, starboard *deadbeat, *bum, dodger, truant, evader.
living quarters: cabin shirt n. article of clothing, blouse, pullover, jer-
lookout perch: crow’s nest sey, button-down shirt, dress shirt, formal
makeshift structure repairs: jury, juryrigging shirt, shirtwaist, T-shirt.
meal compartment: mess room WORD FIND
merchant ship or fleet of same: argosy African, loose, colorful pullover: dashiki
middle: amidships bare midriff, knotted in front: calypso
navigational house: pilot house false front: dicky
numbers of measurements on bow: draft floral print: Hawaiian, aloha shirt
marks loose-fitting smock: camise
observation platform: bridge necked, long-sleeved, high-: turtleneck
officer: purser, bosun, skipper, captain patch pockets, having large: safari shirt,
officers, upper-class passenger room: state- bush shirt
room plaid wool: Pendleton
pitch/roll indicator: clinometer ruffled: dandy
plants and animals living on ship’s bottom: short-sleeved pullover: polo shirt
foul sleeveless hot-weather or basketball shirt:
porthole cover: deadlight tanktop
position finder: Loran striped sport pullover: rugby shirt
protective shielding made of ropes, tires, voluminous: blouson
etc.: fender, pudding western: cowboy shirt
pulley system: block SEE SWEATER

518 Roget’s Superthesaurus


shiver n. shudder, trembling, quiver, quaver, low-heeled, woman’s: flats

quake, chill, goosebumps. low shoe laced over instep: oxford
shiver v. shudder, tremble, quiver, shake, maker: cordwainer
tremor, quaver, quake, have one’s teeth mender: cobbler
chatter, catch a chill, *break out in goose- metal tag at end of shoelace: aglet
bumps. oxford with holes or perforations for decora-
shoal n. 1. SHALLOW sandbar, ridge, reef, ledge, tion: wing-tip
bank, navigational hazard. 2. MASS crowd, put on, aid to: shoehorn
group, school, swarm, horde. raised platform sole, shoe with: platform
shock n. 1. IMPACT blow, jolt, crash, collision, shoe
jounce, jar, concussion, bump, jerk, whip- removing device: bootjack
lash, brunt. 2. SURPRISE trauma, thunderbolt, rope-soled canvas shoe, sometimes laced up
*bolt from the blue, *bombshell, *kick in the ankle: espadrille
the teeth, start, jolt, *eye-opener, stupefac- sandallike with wood or cork sole: clog
tion. 3. TANGLED MASS bushy mass, mane, sandals: clog, flip-flops, Ganymede, gladia-
mop, tuft, thatch, *rat’s nest. SEE HAIR tor, thongs
shock v. surprise, stagger, stupefy, traumatize, sole, narrow portion of: shank
jolt, start, electrify, *shake up, *hit like a sport traction shoe: cleats
ton of bricks, *floor, stun, paralyze, *take toeless: open-toed shoe
one’s breath away, astound, daze, horrify, walking shoe, laced: balmoral
*flabbergast. white oxfords: white bucks
shocking a. surprising, staggering, stupefying, work shoe, heavy: brogan, steel-toed shoe
traumatizing, jolting, startling, electrifying, SEE BOOT
*hitting like a ton of bricks, unexpected, shoo interj. scram, scat, get out, go away.
*flooring, paralyzing, breathtaking, shoot n. sprout, new growth, bud, stem, twig.
astounding, horrifying, revolting, appalling, shoot v. 1. FIRE discharge, pull the trigger,
disgusting, outrageous. ANT. expected, antici- *pump full of lead, *blow away, gun down,
pated, met with indifference. blast, open fire, barrage, strafe, kill, *smoke.
shoddy a. inferior, poor, second-rate, second- SEE MURDER 2. THROW hurl, pitch, *chuck,
class, bad, *crappy, cheap, *tacky, *cheesy, fling, sling, propel, send, launch. 3. MOVE
*junky, shabby. ANT. superior, first-rate, QUICKLY fly, tear, dart, spring, bound, rocket,
*top-drawer. bolt, dash, race, whiz, speed, hurtle.
shoe n. footwear, footgear, loafer, pump, shooting star n. meteor, fireball, bolide, comet,
sneaker, running shoe. meteorite.
WORD FIND shop n. 1. STORE market, boutique, retail outlet,
backless, woman’s: mule
five-and-dime, emporium, mart, stall,
back of shoe: cuff
*Mom and Pop operation. 2. WORKSHOP stu-
ballet slipper: toe shoe
boat shoes made of canvas and nonskid dio, atelier.
soles: deck shoes shop v. buy, purchase, sample the merchandise,
bottom of: sole look for, market, window-shop, browse.
brown and white oxford: saddle shoe shopkeeper n. merchant, small businessman/
child’s: Mary Jane woman, entrepreneur, retailer, trader,
Chinese, flat-heeled: Chinese dealer, monger, peddler.
flap: tongue shoplift v. steal, pocket, make off with, snatch,
fringe-tongued shoe with low heel: kiltie flat filch, pilfer.
high, ankle-supporting sneakers: *hightops, shopper n. customer, patron, browser, *shopa-
basketball shoes holic, bargain hunter.
high-heeled strapless: pump shopping n. buying, purchasing, sampling the
high-heeled, strapped: slingback merchandise, marketing, window shopping,
Indian, leather: moccasin browsing.
infant: bootee shore n. beach, seaside, strand, coast, seaboard,
instep cover: vamp waterfront, littoral, verge, brink. SEE BEACH
lace hole: eyelet shore v. support, prop, stabilize, buttress, brace,
loafer with front slot to hold penny: penny reinforce, strengthen, hold up, underpin.
loafer ANT. destabilize, weaken, loosen.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 519


short a. 1. LITTLE of small stature, tiny, *pint- shoulder v. carry, pack, bear, push, shove.
sized, wee, diminutive, *built like a fireplug, shout n. yell, holler, bellow, roar, cry, scream,
runty, dwarfish, *sawed-off, squat, Lillipu- exclamation, howl, whoop, shriek, outcry.
tian. 2. BRIEF abbreviated, short-lived, mo- ANT. whisper, murmur, mumble.
mentary, to the point, fleeting, condensed, shout v. yell, holler, bellow, roar, cry, scream,
compressed, succinct. 3. LACKING low, want- exclaim, howl, whoop, vociferate, fulmi-
ing, insufficient, tight, short-handed, scant, nate, thunder, shriek, raise one’s voice, cry
scarce, sparse, deficient, missing. 4. CURT out. ANT. whisper, murmur, mumble.
abrupt, rude, brief, terse, discourteous, shove n. push, drive, thrust, elbow, jostle,
brusque, gruff. ANT. 1. tall, towering, gigantic. shoulder, press, nudge.
2. long, long-winded, eternal. 3. sufficient, shove v. push, drive, thrust, elbow, jostle,
full, well-supplied. 4. polite, courteous, cordial. *bulldoze, shoulder, strongarm, muscle,
shortage n. shortfall, deficit, deficiency, dearth, *bull, press, propel, move, nudge.
paucity, lack, scarcity, insufficiency, want, shovel n. spade, scoop, implement, *digger,
famine. ANT. glut, surplus, abundance. posthole digger, dredge.
shortchange v. *gyp, rook, *pull a fast one. SEE shovel v. dig, excavate, spade, scoop.
CHEAT show n. 1. ENTERTAINMENT exhibition, extrava-
shortcoming n. imperfection, fault, drawback, ganza, stage production, spectacle, exposi-
defect, failing, weakness, flaw, peccadillo, tion, program, parade, play, theatrical per-
inadequacy, liability. ANT. strength, strong formance, burlesque, musical, revue, movie,
point, virtue. drama, comedy, circus. 2. DEMONSTRATION
short cut n. beeline, direct route. manifestation, exhibition, display, presenta-
shorten v. reduce, lessen, cut, abbreviate, con- tion. 3. PRETENSE act, facade, front, affecta-
dense, diminish, clip, trim, slash, *boil tion, pose, semblance, *Oscar performance.
down, edit, contract, shrink, prune. ANT. show v. 1. EXHIBIT demonstrate, display, pres-
lengthen, stretch, prolong. ent, reveal, expose, unveil, evince, produce,
shortfall n. deficit, deficiency. SEE SHORTAGE bare, trot out for inspection. 2. APPEAR be
short-lived a. fleeting, momentary, ephemeral, visible, manifest. 3. EXPLAIN instruct, dem-
transient, transitory, brief, *over in a heart- onstrate, simplify, define, *walk through,
beat, *over in the wink of an eye, temporary, *run through, clarify. 4. GUIDE conduct, di-
quick, passing. ANT. long-lasting, immortal,
rect, usher, point out. ANT. 1. hide, conceal.
permanent, neverending.
2. cover up. 3. mystify, confuse.
shortly adv. soon, momentarily, any minute
show business n. Hollywood, theater, enter-
now, any second now, presently, quickly, di-
tainment industry, motion picture industry.
rectly, before you know it. ANT. eventually,
showdown n. clash, confrontation, climax,
face-off, turning point, *moment of truth,
shortsighted a. 1. NEARSIGHTED myopic, *blind
as a bat, *blind as a mole, *blind as a post, duel.
half-blind, *squinty-eyed. 2. NOT CONSIDER- shower n. rainfall, downpour, cloudburst, driz-
ING THE FUTURE unthinking, stupid, myopic,
zle, sleet, hail, sprinkle, mist, spit, deluge,
blind, imprudent, rash, reckless, incautious, *gully washer.
*unable to see beyond the end of one’s nose, shower v. 1. RAIN spray, sprinkle, drizzle, down-
having no foresight. ANT. 1. farsighted, eagle- pour, drizzle, sleet, spit. 2. LAVISH pour forth,
eyed. 2. farsighted, thoughtful. heap.
short-tempered a. short-fused, temperamental, showoff n. *hot dog, braggart, swaggerer, exhi-
touchy, irritable, grouchy, testy, crabby, bitionist, peacock, *showboat, *grand-
cantankerous, waspish, cranky, hot-tem- stander, braggadocio, blowhard.
pered, fiery. ANT. long-fused, mild-mannered, show off v. *hotdog, brag, swagger, strut, pea-
easygoing, passive. cock, *showboat, *grandstand, flaunt, *strut
shot n. 1. DISCHARGE firing, blast, detonation, one’s stuff.
crack. 2. BULLET buckshot, birdshot, slug, showpiece n. example, *jewel in the crown,
ball, pellet, BB. 3. MARKSMAN. 4. THROW masterpiece, work of art, exceptional piece.
toss, pitch. 5. TRY attempt, turn, effort, showy a. flashy, ostentatious, gaudy, loud,
chance, go, *crack, *stab, *the old college flamboyant, garish, tawdry, cheap. ANT. un-
try. 6. INJECTION innoculation. derstated, dull, plain.

520 Roget’s Superthesaurus


shred n. piece, fragment, strip, scrap, ribbon, shudder n. tremor, trembling, shake, convul-
sliver, snippet, band, tatter, bit. sion, quiver, shiver, quaver, quake, spasm,
shred v. rip, cut, tear, fragment, strip, cut to jerking, twitching.
ribbons, snip, tatter, fray. shudder v. tremble, shake, convulse, quiver,
shrew n. nag, *witch, *battle-ax, henpecker, shiver, quaver, get a chill, quake, have a
ogress, virago, spitfire, harridan, vixen. spasm, jerk, twitch.
shrewd a. 1. SMART clever, astute, sharp, shuffle v. 1. MIX jumble, disorder, shift, inter-
*savvy, sagacious, wise, keen, intelligent, change, disarrange, displace, mess up. 2.
discerning. 2. ARTFUL cunning, wily, cagey, SCUFF THE FEET shamble, drag one’s feet,
sly, crafty, scheming. ANT. 1. stupid, dense, scrape, limp.
ignorant, naive. 2. artless, innocent, naive. shun v. avoid, turn away from, *give the cold
shriek n. scream, screech, cry, piercing cry, shoulder to, dodge, evade, reject, snub, steer
squeal, yell, shout, wail, shrill, howl. clear of, shy away from, eschew, forgo. ANT.
shriek v. scream, screech, cry, squeal, yell, embrace, seek out, face.
shout, wail, howl.
shunt v. divert, turn off, switch, shift, sidetrack.
shrill a. high-toned, high-pitched, piercing,
shut v. close, secure, lock, bolt, fasten, seal,
ear-piercing, ear-shattering, thin, sharp, in-
tense, piping, deafening, blaring. ANT. low, slam, draw closed, block, bar, occlude. ANT.
quiet. SEE LOUD open, unlock, unfasten.
shrimp n. runt, pipsqueak, midget. SEE DWARF shutout v. *skunk, *blow out, defeat soundly.
shrine n. tabernacle, altar, reliquary, temple, shuttle n. orbiter. SEE SPACECRAFT
church, chapel, mausoleum, sanctuary, holy shuttle v. go back and forth, commute, *go on
place, monument, memorial. one’s run, shuttlecock, transport to and fro.
shrink v. 1. DIMINISH lessen, dwindle, contract, shy a. 1. BASHFUL self-conscious, backward, ret-
shrivel, compress, deflate, wither, shorten. icent, retiring, diffident, reserved, a wall-
2. DRAW BACK cower, cringe, recoil, wince, flower, ill-at-ease, nervous, self-effacing,
flinch, retreat. ANT. 1. grow, inflate, expand. coy, demure, shrinking, introverted, modest,
2. confront, face. humble, schizoid, quiet. 2. LACKING short,
shrivel v. shrink, wither, dry up, dehydrate, des- under, deficient. ANT. 1. loud, overbearing,
iccate, waste away, wilt, wrinkle, contract, overconfident, bold, brash. 2. replete, abun-
curl up, wizen, mummify, deflate. ANT. dant.
bloom, expand, blow up. shyness n. bashfulness, self-consciousness, reti-
shriveled a. shrunken, withered, dried up, de- cence, diffidence, nervousness, coyness, in-
hydrated, desiccated, wasted away, wilted, troversion, modesty, humbleness, quietness.
wrinkled, wizened, contracted, deflated. ANT. loudness, overconfidence, boldness.
ANT. swollen, plump, ballooning.
shyster n. Sl. pettifogger, unethical lawyer,
shroud n. cover, winding sheet, burial sheet, *ambulance chaser, *fixer.
cloth, wrap, cerements, pall, veil, cloak. sic adv. thus, as is, as written, so.
shroud v. cover, veil, wrap, cloak, conceal,
sick a. 1. UNHEALTHY ill, unwell, ailing, run
keep under wraps, shield, screen, hide. ANT.
down, diseased, *under the weather, *green
unveil, expose, reveal.
shrub/shrubbery n. shrubs, bushes, brush, around the gills, *off one’s feed, queasy, nau-
hedges, underbrush, thicket, scrub, copse, seated, sickly, infected, feverish, bedridden.
boscage. 2. HEARTSICK sick at heart, heartbroken,
WORD FIND miserable, stricken. 3. FED UP *had it up to
aromatic: mint, lavender, rosemary, berga- here with, tired, disgusted, cloyed, sated, sa-
mot tiated. 4. DERANGED psychotic, *psycho, per-
dwarfed: bonsai verted, strange, sadistic. ANT. 1. healthy,
ornamental or animal shapes made of: topi- well, *fit as a fiddle. 2. delighted, happy. 3.
ary wanting more, hungry for more. 4. normal,
shrunken a. diminished, contracted, shriveled, sane.
compressed, deflated, withered, shortened, sicken v. nauseate, make ill, turn one’s stom-
wasted away, dehydrated. ANT. enlarged, ex- ach, disgust, revolt, make one want to throw
panded, puffed up. up, *gross out, repel. ANT. delight, please, at-
shuck v. shell, husk, remove, peel off, slough. tract.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 521


sickening a. nauseating, stomach-turning, dis- siesta n. rest, *catnap, snooze. SEE NAP
gusting, revolting, *gross, foul, vile, distaste- sieve n. sifter, strainer, filter, screen, mesh, col-
ful, repugnant, enough to make one vomit. ander.
ANT. delightful, appetizing, attractive. sift v. strain, sieve, filter, screen, winnow,
sickle n. scythe, *bushwhacker, grass-cutter, comb, separate, sort out, scrutinize.
cutting implement. sigh n. exhalation, deep breath, sough, moan,
sickly a. ailing, unhealthy, in poor health, un- groan, murmur.
well, run down, diseased, *under the sigh v. exhale heavily, breathe out, moan,
weather, *green around the gills, *off one’s groan, lament.
feed, weak, queasy, nauseated, infected, fe- sight n. 1. EYESIGHT vision, visual perception,
verish, pale, pallid, ashen, *circling the eyes. 2. RANGE OF VISION eyeshot, view, fo-
drain. ANT. healthy, well, *fit as a fiddle. cus. 3. SPECTACLE scene, vision, show, curi-
sickness n. illness, ailment, disease, malady, af- osity, picture. 4. MESS fright, horror, mon-
fliction, infection, *bug, virus, weakness, strosity, spectacle.
disorder, syndrome, influenza, flu, pneumo- sign n. 1. INDICATION mark, clue, hint, intima-
nia, queasiness, nausea, upset stomach, fe- tion, suggestion, trace, *dead giveaway, evi-
ver, infirmity. SEE DISEASE, ILLNESS dence, earmark, signal, symptom, manifesta-
side n. 1. EDGE border, right, left, brink, margin, tion, beacon, spoor, trail, herald, omen,
flank, front, back, top, bottom, face, aspect, harbinger, portent, foreshadowing. 2.
quarter, surface, section. 2. VIEWPOINT as- POSTED INFORMATION signpost, notice,
pect, standpoint, angle, facet, position. 3. pointer, marker, guidepost, warning, cau-
tion, billboard, placard.
GROUPS party, camp, team, faction, rival,
sign v. endorse, write one’s name, inscribe, au-
competition, combatant. tograph, authorize.
side a. secondary, minor, incidental, subordi- signal n. sign, indication, alert, indicator, cue,
nate, lesser, ancillary, flanking. ANT. main, *go-ahead, *thumbs-up, gesture, nod, no-
central, chief. tice, flare, flag, siren, beacon, foghorn, sem-
sideburns n. burnsides, *mutton chops, whisk- aphore.
signal v. indicate, alert, cue, *give the go-
side by side a. juxtaposing, abreast, cheek by
ahead, *give a thumbs-up, gesture, nod,
jowl, pari passu.
warn, shoot off a flare, flag, semaphore.
side effect n. by-product, reaction.
signature n. autograph, name, inscription,
sidekick n. Sl. companion, friend, alter ego,
*John Hancock, hand, X, endorsement, au-
buddy, pal, colleague, confederate, partner,
thorization, OK, identification.
*straight man.
sidelong a. oblique, sideways, lateral. ANT. di- significance n. 1. IMPORTANCE consequence,
rect. weight, consideration, matter, meaning,
sidesplitting a. hilarious, hearty, a scream, con- value, gravity, moment, import, interest. 2.
MEANING intent, point, sense, implication,
vulsive. SEE FUNNY
sidestep v. dodge, avoid, evade, elude, side- idea, drift. ANT. 1. insignificance, frivolity, un-
track, bypass, go around, duck, *steer clear, importance.
*dance around. ANT. face, confront, meet significant a. 1. IMPORTANT consequential,
head-on. weighty, considerable, meaningful, valu-
sideswipe v. graze, glance off. able, momentous, major, vital, critical, cru-
sidetrack v. divert, digress, turn off, shunt. cial. 2. MEANINGFUL indicative, suggestive,
sidewalk n. pavement, walkway, boardwalk. telling, expressive, symbolic. ANT. 1. insignif-
sideways adv. obliquely, laterally, edgewise, icant, unimportant, trivial. 2. meaningless.
sidelong, askew. signify v. mean, denote, represent, indicate,
siege n. encirclement, surrounding, invest- stand for, suggest, imply, express, communi-
ment, blockade, onslaught, offense, assault, cate, symbolize, connote.
campaign. sign language n. signing, fingerspelling, ASL,
siege v. besiege, lay siege, encircle, surround, nonverbal communication.
invest, blockade, contain, close off, beset, silence n. 1. STILLNESS quiet, peace, hush, qui-
assault. etude, noiselessness, dead air, calm, tran-
sierra n. mountain range, chain. quility, serenity, blackout. 2. SPEECHLESSNESS

522 Roget’s Superthesaurus


muteness, reticence, taciturnity, reserva- modest, humble, Spartan. 4. INNOCENT art-

tion, uncommunicativeness, secrecy. ‘‘The less, unsophisticated, down-to-earth, child-
sharper sword.’’—Robert U. Johnson. ‘‘One like, natural, naive, ingenuous, honest, real.
of the hardest arguments to refute.’’—Josh 5. STUPID foolish, dense, dull, dumb, mo-
Billings. ‘‘Unbearable repartee.’’—Gilbert ronic, slow, bovine, ignorant, witless, *clue-
Keith Chesterson. ‘‘The fence around wis- less. ANT. 1. hard, difficult, complicated, com-
dom.’’—Hebrew proverb. ANT. 1. noise, ca- plex. 2. qualified. 3. ornate, fancy,
cophony, din, uproar. 2. loquaciousness, talk, embellished. 4. sophisticated, artful, disingenu-
chatter. ous. 5. smart, sharp, *on the ball.
silence v. quiet, still, shut up, hush, gag, muzzle, simpleminded a. unsophisticated, stupid,
inhibit, censor, *squelch, strangle, put dense, dull, dumb, moronic, slow, bovine,
down, crush, repress. ignorant, witless, *clueless, brainless. ANT.
silencer n. muffler, mute. sophisticated, smart, *savvy.
silent a. 1. QUIET still, peaceful, hushed, noise- simpleton n. fool, idiot, *retard, *dumb-dumb,
less, soundless, calm, tranquil, serene, dunce, moron, imbecile, ignoramus, *dope,
dead, *deathly silent, *stone silent. 2. dolt, *dimwit, *lunkhead, *bonehead, *air-
SPEECHLESS mute, uncommunicative, taci- head. ANT. genius, savant, *Rhodes scholar.
turn, *clammed up, reticent, mum, simply adv. 1. PLAINLY easily, naturally. 2.
*tongue-tied. ANT. 1. noisy, cacophonous, MERELY only, just.
uproarious, earsplitting. 2. talkative, loqua- simulate v. imitate, copy, put on, act, mimic,
cious, *motor-mouthed. fake, pretend, assume, pose, feign, affect,
silhouette n. outline, profile, contour. counterfeit, sham, replicate.
silky a. smooth, satiny, delicate, glossy, sleek. simulated a. imitation, artificial, synthetic,
ANT. rough, coarse. fake, counterfeit, sham, fabricated, make-
silly a. foolish, childish, infantile, juvenile, asi- believe, mock. ANT. real, authentic, genuine.
nine, goofy, stupid, nonsensical, idiotic, ab- simulation n. imitation, fake, reproduction,
surd, laughable, wacky, ridiculous, zany, counterfeit, sham, fabrication, copy, mock-
funny, humorous. ANT. serious, grave, ma- up, facsimile. ANT. the real thing, *the real Mc-
ture. Coy.
silt n. sediment, settlings, alluvium, wash. simulator n. virtual reality apparatus, practice
silver a. sterling, argent, shiny. vehicle, mockup, model.
silverware n. silver, cutlery, flatware, eating simultaneous a. concurrent, at the same time,
utensils. synchronous, coincident, concomitant, par-
similar a. like, comparable, resembling, much allel, coexisting, *in sync. ANT. differing, di-
the same, kindred, equivalent, akin, homol- vergent.
ogous, nearly matching, analogous. ANT. dis- sin n. offense, transgression, wrong, wrongdo-
similar, different, contrasting. ing, evil, crime, felony, violation, fault, im-
similarity n. likeness, resemblance, compari- moral act, misdeed, affront to God, vice,
son, sameness, equivalence, correspon- peccadillo, wickedness. ‘‘The breaking of
dence, mirror image, semblance, homogene- one’s own integrity.’’—D.H. Lawrence. ‘‘A
ity, analogy, parity, affinity. ANT. difference, departure from God.’’—Martin Luther. ANT.
contrast, opposition. good deed, virtue, kindness.
simile n. figure of speech, analogy, comparison. sin v. do an evil deed, do an immoral act, break
simmer v. bubble, stew, boil, seethe. a commandment, do wrong, transgress, of-
simpatico a. 1. IN AGREEMENT of like mind, com- fend God, commit a crime, fall from grace,
patible, seeing eye to eye. 2. ATTRACTIVE trespass, stray from the path of righteous-
charming, pleasing. ness. ANT. do a good deed, do a kindness.
simper n. smirk. SEE SMILE sincere a. honest, genuine, real, heartfelt,
simple a. 1. EASY *child’s play, effortless, *cin- straightforward, open, ingenuous, up front,
chy, *a cinch, *a snap , *like falling off a *straight-shooting, earnest, forthright,
log, *piece of cake, understandable, clear, frank, candid, guileless. ANT. insincere,
straightforward, uncomplicated. 2. MERE phony, fake.
bare, sheer, pure, utter. 3. PLAIN unadorned, sincerity n. honesty, genuineness, realness,
unembellished, spare, bare, clean, austere, heartfelt emotion, straightforwardness,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 523

Sinewy–Sixth Sense

openness, ingenuousness, *straight shoot- overwhelm, scuttle. ANT. 1. rise, ascend. 2.

ing, forthrightness, frankness, candidness, increase, grow.
guilelessness. ‘‘Just what I think, and noth- sinuous a. 1. WINDING curving, serpentine,
ing more or less.’’—H.W. Longfellow. wavy, bending, tortuous, meandering, undu-
‘‘Plain dealing.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. lating, coiling, twisting, snaking. 2. DEVIOUS
ANT. insincerity, dishonesty, hypocrisy. crooked. ANT. 1. straight, unbending. 2.
sinewy a. tough, strong, muscular, strapping, aboveboard.
brawny, burly, athletic, toned, wiry, steely, sinus n. channel, cavity, conduit, hollow, ca-
Herculean. ANT. fat, flaccid, droopy, flabby. nal.
sinful a. bad, evil, immoral, wicked, wrong, sip n. taste, swallow, drop, sample, lick, *swig,
criminal, demonic, corrupt, vile, ungodly, nip, dram, *hit.
shameful, disgraceful, low. ANT. virtuous, sip v. taste, *slurp, sample, *take a swig, *take
moral, upright. a hit, sup, siphon, suck through a straw.
sing v. *belt out a song, carry a tune, carol, sir n. seignor, monsieur, sahib, my lord.
croon, serenade, warble, hum, trill, pipe, cry sire n. 1. YOUR MAJESTY. 2. FATHER genitor.
out, yodel, bellow, sing in a booming voice. sire v. beget, father, engender, procreate,
WORD FIND spawn, bear, generate, breed, multiply.
singing with a falsely high voice: falsetto siren n. 1. WARNING SIGNAL alarm, klaxon,
singing without instrumental accompani- whistle. 2. SEDUCTRESS enchantress, tempt-
ment: a cappella; *barbershop quartet ress, nymph, femme fatale, Lorelei, witch,
singe v. burn, char, sear, brown, toast, roast, sissy n. weakling, *wuss, *wimp, coward,
blacken. *chicken, effeminate man. ANT. *macho
singer n. vocalist, crooner, songster, caroler, man, *jock, he-man.
*pop star, soloist, recording artist, minstrel, sit v. 1. BE SEATED settle, plop oneself down,
troubador, nightingale, tenor, baritone, so- rest, squat, *take a load off, perch, roost,
prano, alto, diva, prima donna. SEE OPERA, lounge, recline, straddle, sprawl, deposit
oneself. 2. MEET assemble, gather, convene,
deliberate, be in session, come together.
single a. 1. ONE individual, sole, lone, singular,
site n. location, locale, locality, place, spot, po-
separate, distinct, solitary, isolated. 2. UN-
sition, plot, point, lot, area, grounds, scene,
MARRIED unwed, unattached, divorced, celi-
section, whereabouts.
bate, available, eligible. ANT. 1. many, sev-
sit-in n. protest, demonstration, strike, rally,
eral. 2. married, wed.
single-handed a. unaided, unassisted, alone, in- sitter n. baby-sitter, nanny, attendant, care-
dependent. ANT. assisted. taker, wet nurse.
singles bar n. bar, lounge, club, *pickup joint, sitting duck n. easy target, easy pickings, *dead
*meat market. meat, *toast.
SINGULAR a. [SING gyuh lur] unique, one situate v. locate, position, place, put, install,
of a kind. Watching Neil Armstrong take the set, set up, plant, settle, post, root. ANT.
first moonwalk was a singular experience. SYN. move, withdraw, leave.
unique, one of a kind, exceptional, extraor- situated a. located, positioned, placed, in-
dinary, peculiar, unusual, remarkable, rare, stalled, set, set up, planted, settled, posted,
odd, strange, different. ANT. common, usual, rooted, established. ANT. rootless, transient.
ordinary. situation n. 1. CONDITION predicament, plight,
sinister a. threatening, ominous, inauspicious, state, state of affairs, circumstances, posi-
portentious, menacing, black, malignant, tion, *ball game, fix, *between a rock and
malevolent, villainous, bad, evil, wicked, di- a hard place, *deep doo-doo, *sticky wicket.
abolic, satanic. ANT. good, auspicious, divine. 2. PLACE locality, locale, location, spot,
sink n. basin, washbowl, drain. point, site, position. 3. JOB employment, po-
sink v. 1. GO DOWN drop, fall, descend, sag, im- sition, office, duty, appointment.
merse, drown, submerge, dip, settle, slump, sit-up n. exercise, crunch.
plunge. 2. DECLINE decrease, diminish, fall, six-shooter n. revolver, pistol. SEE GUN
drop, subside, deteriorate, regress, wane, sixth sense n. intuition, *gut feelings, instinct,
ebb. 3. CAUSE TO SINK swamp, drown, engulf, *feeling in one’s bones, *vibes, extrasensory

524 Roget’s Superthesaurus


perception, ESP, second sight, telepathy, fall off and get hurt: slam
clairvoyance. front of board: nose
sizable a. big, large, considerable, great, hefty, get-together, skateboarding: jam
*whopping, respectable, king-size, industrial jump trick made by kicking nose of board:
size, huge. ANT. small, tiny, piddling. nollie
size n. dimensions, measurements, proportions, jump trick made by kicking tail of board:
scale, extent, area, magnitude, mass, square ollie
footage, volume, capacity, amount, stature, kicking or flipping the board into the air
breadth, length, height, width, diameter. with toe: kickflip
size v. measure, gauge, graduate, assess, ap- long skateboard made for cruising as op-
praise, survey, size up. posed to tricks: longboard
sizzle v. hiss, fry, splutter, sputter, crackle, fizzle. platform of skateboard: deck
skate v. slide, glide, glissade, roller-skate, roller- pushing with the front foot instead of back:
blade, ice skate, figure skate. mongo-foot
WORD FIND ramp: bank
FIGURE SKATING ramp park, skateboarding area: skatepark
arena: rink ramp, U-shaped: half pipe
dance: free dance rotation, half, mid-air: 180
figure of three circles: serpentine rotation, full, mid-air: 360
figure of two circles: figure eight rotation while riding fakie (backwards),
flying spin: Arabian midair, 360-degree: caballerial
flying spin ending in back camel: flying scrape axles on a curb or railing, purposely:
camel grind
glide with one skate pointing forward, the sliding along a rail or ledge: boardslide, rail-
other back: spread eagle slide
jump and splitting apart of legs: split, stag stance with right foot forward on board:
jump of one and a half revolutions: axel goofy-foot
jump of one revolution: Lutz skedaddle v. Sl. run away, scoot, leave, *beat
jump of three and a half revolutions: triple feet, vamoose, bolt, scat, *make oneself
axel scarce, *blow, decamp, *hightail it. ANT. loi-
jump of two and a half revolutions: double ter, hang around.
axel skein n. coil, quantity, hank, ball, loop, twist,
jump split and touching of toes: Russian clump.
split skeleton n. bones, framework, bony structure,
jump started off a back inside edge and scaffolding.
ended on opposite foot: Salchow WORD FIND
machine that resurfaces ice: Zamboni breastbone, center: sternum
moves executed to the sound of music: free- broken bone: Colles fracture, comminuted
style, free skating fracture, compound fracture, Pott’s frac-
pair move in which man lifts woman over- ture
head with her legs split: hydrant lift broken bone, sound of: crepitation
pair move in which woman is revolved with broken bones, realignment of: traction,
head held near ice: death spiral countertraction
propelling oneself over the ice: stroking cheek: malar
spin in an arabesque position: camel collarbone: clavicle
spin with one leg held high overhead: Biel- connective tissue: cartilage
mann spin disease of bones: osteoarthritis, osteofibrosis,
turn forward to back: choctaw osteoporosis, scoliosis
skateboard n. board mounted on small wheels ear bones: incus (anvil), malleus (hammer),
and ridden on firm surfaces like concrete. stapes (stirrup)
WORD FIND fingers and toes: phalanges
axles, front and rear: trucks foot bones: metatarsal
back of board: tail forearm: radius, ulna
backwards, riding: fakie funny bone between shoulder and elbow:
curving arc, to skate in a long: carve humerus

Roget’s Superthesaurus 525


hand bones: metacarpal bumpy or humpy snow field: mogul field

hipbone: coxae, pelvis, sacrum, coccyx cross-country: langlauf, Nordic skiing, ram-
jawbone, lower: mandible bling
jawbone, upper: maxilla form left in snow from fallen skier: sitzmark
kneecap: patella freestyle dance: ballet
leg, knee to ankle, outer: fibula jump made in crouching position: gelendes-
leg, knee to ankle: tibia prung
shoulder blade: scapula jump with skis scissored in midair: daffy
skull: cranium lift, covered: gondola
spinal column: vertebrae overhang of ice and snow known to cause
tailbone: coccyx avalanches: cornice
thighbone: femur parallel turn: christie
upper body framework: ribs rifle-shooting and skiing competition: bi-
vertebrae of neck, first: atlas athlon
wrist bones, collectively: carpal ski straight down mountain: schuss
skeptic n. doubter, cynic, doubting Thomas, slowing-down or stopping position: snow-
nonbeliever, scoffer, naysayer, questioner, plow
freethinker, atheist, agnostic. ‘‘Not one who snow, deep and soft: powder
doubts, but one who examines.’’—Charles snow, old granulated: corn
Sainte-Beauve. ANT. believer, *sucker. snow with hard surface: crust
skeptical a. doubting, questioning, cynical, un- turn in which one ski is lifted high in the
believing, scoffing, distrusting, mistrusting, air: kick turn, royal christie
dubious, incredulous, leery, unconvinced, turns, series of quick: wedelns
agnostic, atheistic. ANT. believing, gullible, uphill diagonal walking method: herring-
trusting. bone
skepticism n. doubt, questioning, cynicism, dis- uphill sideways walking method: sidestep-
belief, scoffing, distrust, mistrust, leeriness, ping
suspicion, agnosticism, atheism. ‘‘The mark winding, flagged race: slalom
and even the pose of the educated mind.’’— skid v. slide, slip, sideslip, *burn rubber, swerve,
John Dewey. fishtail, glissade.
sketch n. 1. DRAWING draft, outline, rough out- skill n. 1. ABILITY expertise, talent, proficiency,
line, diagram, blueprint, skeleton, design, command, competence, faculty, know-how,
plan, brief, synopsis, apercu, survey. 2. SKIT gift, mastery, adeptness, knack, aptitude,
act, scene, vignette. dexterity, adroitness, prowess, finesse. 2.
sketch v. draw, draft, outline, rough out, dia- TRADE art, craft, vocation, profession, forte.
gram, scratch out, block out, design, plot ANT. 1. inability, incompetence, inexperience.
out. skillful a. skilled, expert, proficient, adept,
sketchy a. rough, lacking detail, incomplete, competent, experienced, schooled, adroit,
unfinished, cursory, brief, crude, prelimi- dexterous, masterful, *crack, *crackerjack,
nary, imperfect, *half-baked. ANT. detailed, practiced, accomplished, talented, gifted.
thorough, complete. ANT. unskilled, unschooled, incompetent, inept.
skew v. twist, distort, pervert, shift, misrepre- skim v. 1. CREAM clear, remove, top. 2. GLANCE
sent, change, falsify, misconstrue, misstate, AT HASTILY read, scan, *speed read, thumb
slant, bias, embellish. through, flip through, peruse, spot-check,
skewer n. pin, spit, brochette. skip over. 3. GLIDE OVER skip over, bounce
ski v. schuss, slalom, snowplow, freestyle. over, graze.
WORD FIND skimp v. scrimp, stint, be stingy, be cheap, *be
absorbing impact of bump by flexing knees: tight, be frugal, *cut corners, *pinch pen-
swallowing nies, scrape, conserve. ANT. squander, waste,
acrobatic or dance-style skiing: freestyle *blow.
acrobatic side revolution like helicopter skimpy a. scanty, short, not enough, barely
blade: helicopter enough, lacking, inadequate, meager, insuf-
backward somersault with a twist: back ficient, slight, spare, *measly. ANT. adequate,
mobius sufficient, generous, ample.
bump or hump of snow: mogul skin n. epidermis, dermis, derma, cuticle, hide,

526 Roget’s Superthesaurus


pelt, membrane, *nature’s shrinkwrap, coat, skirt n. 1. BORDER margin, verge, fringe, edge,
membrane, sheath, husk, bark, rind, cover- rim, periphery, perimeter. 2. ARTICLE OF
ing, shell, hull. CLOTHING wrap, mini, midi, maxi.
skin v. peel, decorticate, excorticate, flay, husk, WORD FIND
shell, shuck, shed, slough, strip, pare, scalp, ballet dancer’s: tutu
trim. broad, nineteenth century: hoop skirt, crin-
skin-deep a. superficial, shallow, surface, oline
empty, external. ANT. deep, profound. calico with ruffled hem: prairie skirt
skin-diving n. scuba diving, snorkeling. grass skirt: hula skirt
WORD FIND Malaysian wrap: sarong
air flow apparatus: regulator narrow, restrictive skirt of 1910: hobble skirt
ascend slowly, stop, ascend: decompress narrow, slitted in back: sheath
breathing tube for shallow swimming: snor- peasant skirt: dirndl
kel puffy: bouffant, bubble
dangerous narcotic effect of deep water div- rear gathering, nineteenth century: bustle
ing: nitrogen narcosis, *rapture of the rustling of silk skirt: froufrou
deep Scottish, man’s: kilt
decompression sickness: bends shorts: culottes
diver: frogman, aquanaut, scuba diver, pearl skit n. sketch, vignette, play, playlet, act, par-
diver ody, takeoff, lampoon.
line tied between two divers to keep them skittish a. jumpy, nervous, easily frightened,
together in dark: buddy line jittery, excitable, anxious, restless, edgy, res-
red signal flag with white bar: diver down tive, easily spooked. ANT. calm, relaxed, tran-
flag quil, composed.
responsibility for fellow diver: buddy system
skulduggery n. sneakiness, trickery, craftiness,
rubber suit: wet suit
deception, deceit, artifice, wile, treachery,
sharing of air with another diver: buddy
machination, underhandedness, conspiracy,
foul play. ANT. honesty, innocence.
water pressure, lessening of: decompression
skulk v. lurk, slink, sneak, prowl, creep, lie
weight regulator: buoyancy compensator,
back in the shadows, steal, hide, pussyfoot,
weight belt
move stealthily.
skin flick n. Sl. X-rated movie, blue movie,
*porno flick, dirty movie, adult movie. skull n. cranium, head, sconce.
skinflint n. *cheapskate, miser, *tightwad, nig- skullcap n. cap, zucchetto, yarmulke, beanie,
gard, *Scrooge, penny-pincher, curmud- calotte, pileus, swim cap.
geon, hoarder, money-grubber. ANT. spend- skullduggery n. trickery, deception, fraud, sub-
thrift, *big spender, philanthropist. terfuge.
skinny a. thin, slender, lean, skeletal, emaci- skunk n. 1. ANIMAL polecat, vermin, *stinker.
ated, bony, scrawny, lank, malnourished, 2. BAD PERSON *SOB, *bastard, *creep,
half-starved, raw-boned, gaunt. ANT. fat, stinker, scoundrel, *rat, rogue, cad.
obese, roly-poly. sky n. upper atmosphere, firmament, cloud-
skip v. 1. HOP bound, spring, leap, caper, romp, scape, vault, *the wild blue yonder, welkin,
jump, cavort, gambol, prance, frisk, bounce. biosphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ther-
2. SKIM bounce, ricochet, skate. 3. OVERLOOK mosphere, exosphere, ionosphere, ether.
pass over, omit, exclude, leave out, forget ‘‘The roof of the world.’’—Willa Cather.
about, disregard, nevermind, ignore. ‘‘That beautiful old parchment in which the
skipper n. captain, master, mariner, pilot, sea- sun and the moon keep their diary.’’—Al-
man, officer. SEE BOAT, SHIP fred Kreymborg. ‘‘Earth’s ethereal armor.’’—
skirmish n. fight, flare-up, encounter, battle, Mark Clarke.
engagement, conflict, tussle, brush with the WORD FIND
enemy, scrimmage, clash, *run-in, fray, color: azure, cerulean, celeste
heated exchange. highest point: zenith
skirmish v. fight, encounter, battle, engage, referring to: celestial
conflict, tussle, scrimmage, clash, combat, SEE ASTRONOMY, ATMOSPHERE, CLOUD, SPACE
have a run-in, have a heated exchange. skydiving n. parachuting, freefalling.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 527


WORD FIND slam v. 1. SHUT bang, close hard, heave, ram,

arms at side position to increase speed of push, crash, smack, dash, clobber, bat, ham-
freefall: delta position mer, *bodyslam. 2. CRITICIZE *dig, *pan,
automatic deployment line attached inside *take a swipe at, shoot down, *blast, attack,
aircraft: static line *rake over the coals. ANT. 1. open. 2. compli-
auxiliary chute: reserve chute ment, praise, laud.
cord that deploys parachute: ripcord SLANDER n. [SLAN dur] damaging, untrue
descent portion without deployment of statements made publicly. Celebrities have a
parachute: freefall harder time proving slander because they are
hazard in which chute fails to unfurl com- public figures. SYN. lies, untruths, smear,
pletely: streamer mudslinging, defamation, denigration, mis-
hazard in which chute is turned inside out representation, aspersion, false statement,
after deployment: inversion libel, calumny. ‘‘The revenge of a cow-
horizontal soaring: gliding ard.’’—Samuel Johnson. ANT. praise, com-
joining hands with another diver in midair: mendation, compliment.
slander v. lie, misrepresent, smear, mudsling,
landing area: drop zone
positioning the body for horizontal move- defame, denigrate, cast aspersions, make a
ment: tracking false statement, libel, malign, *drag one’s
small chute that helps deploy main chute: name through the mud, slur, tarnish one’s
pilot chute name. ANT. praise, commend, honor.
spread-eagle falling position with arms up- slang n. colloquialism, jargon, argot, lingo, ver-
raised: frog position nacular, vocabulary, *slanguage, pidgin,
steering lines: toggle lines language of the street, shoptalk, dialect,
supervisor of jumps: jumpmaster Americanisms. ‘‘Language serving its ap-
skyrocket v. shoot skyward, soar, take off, prenticeship.’’—Henry T. Buckle. ‘‘Lan-
shoot up, zoom, catapult, *go through the guage that takes off its coat, spits on its
roof, *blast off to the clouds. ANT. nosedive, hands, and goes to work.’’—Carl Sandburg.
plunge, plummet, spiral earthward. ANT. formal language.
skyscraper n. high-rise, *cloudscraper, mono- slant n. 1. INCLINE slope, pitch, lean, tilt, angle,
lith, building, superstructure. cant, grade, camber, rake. 2. VIEWPOINT
slab n. piece, hunk, chunk, plank, slice, block. point of view, side, position, angle, opinion,
slack n. excess, play, give, leeway, looseness. attitude. 3. DISTORTION bias, prejudice, par-
slack/slacken v. slacken, loosen, let up, relax, tiality, leaning.
untighten, ease off, lessen, decrease, dimin- slant v. 1. INCLINE slope, pitch, lean, tilt, angle,
ish, soften, moderate. ANT. tighten, increase. cant, grade, skew. 2. DISTORT bias, prejudice,
slack a. 1. SLOW idle, slow-moving, sluggish, color, twist, weight, orient. ANT. 1.
dull, quiet, lethargic, down. 2. LOOSE re- straighten, level, flatten.
laxed, not taut, sagging, drooping, limp, lax, slanting a. inclined, sloping, tilting, leaning,
flaccid. 3. CARELESS lazy, negligent, remiss, canting, oblique, diagonal, askew, at an
sloppy, slipshod, *asleep on the job, lax, angle. ANT. straight, level.
lackadaisical, nonchalant, indifferent, indo-
slap n. 1. CUFF blow, smack, hit, hand across
lent, uncaring. ANT. 1. fast, fast-moving,
the face, *slap upside the head, swat, buffet,
busy, *hopping. 2. tight, taut. 3. careful, me-
ticulous, exacting. clap, swipe, *belt. 2. INSULT *crack, *shot,
slacker n. shirker, idler, loafer, malingerer, *dig, rebuff, offense, *put-down, snub, *cut,
*goof-off, *goldbricker, *deadbeat, clock affront, slight.
watcher, truant. slap v. cuff, smack, hit, *slap upside the head,
slake v. quench, hydrate, satisfy, sate, satiate, swat, buffet, clap, swipe, *belt, *slap silly,
relieve, gratify, allay, extinguish, alleviate, spank.
appease, assuage. ANT. aggravate, increase, slapdash a. careless, hasty, impetuous, haphaz-
exacerbate. ard, sloppy, slipshod, casual, harum-scarum.
slam n. 1. LOUD NOISE bang, boom, crash, wham, ANT. careful, meticulous.
crack, clap, burst, impact, collision. 2. CRITI- slaphappy a. dazed, punch-drunk, dizzy, light-
CISM *dig, *pan, brickbat, disapproval, bad headed, *woozy, reeling, giddy, silly. ANT.
press, *swipe. sober, clearheaded.

528 Roget’s Superthesaurus


slash n. stroke, swipe, cut, gash, slit, wound, *raunchy, nasty, sick, gross, *skanky, greasy,
laceration, incision, score, tear. oily, disreputable, low, contemptible. ANT.
slash v. 1. CUT stroke, swipe, gash, slit, jag, high-class, refined, cleancut, virtuous, whole-
wound, lacerate, incise, slice, score, tear, some.
hack, rip open, mutilate, open. 2. REDUCE sled n. sleigh, toboggan, bobsled, luge, cutter,
cut, decrease, drop, lower. sledge, pung.
slat n. strip, lath, stave, picket, paling. sledge n. sled, sleigh, travois.
slate n. ballot, ticket, list, roster. sleek a. smooth, shiny, glossy, lustrous, satiny,
slaughter n. massacre, bloodbath, murder, mass glistening, groomed, combed, trim. ANT.
murder, butchering, carnage, killing, slay- dull, lackluster.
ing, mass execution, mutilation. SEE MURDER sleep n. slumber, rest, somnolence, *shut-eye,
slaughter v. massacre, murder, butcher, kill, *Zs, snooze, nap, catnap, dozing, *forty
slay, execute, mutilate, savage, decimate, as- winks, siesta, repose, hibernation, under the
sassinate, annihilate. spell of Morpheus, land of Nod, uncon-
slaughterhouse n. abattoir, shambles, butchery, sciousness, dreaming. ‘‘A holiday from real-
meat-packing house. ity.’’—Victor Ratner. ‘‘Brother of death.’’—
slave n. bondman, servant, indentured servant, Thomas Browne. ‘‘The death of each day’s
chattel, drudge, serf, laborer, menial. life.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. wakefulness, con-
slave v. drudge, break one’s back, *work one’s sciousness, alertness.
fingers to the bone, toil, labor, grind, sweat, WORD FIND
plod, slog, *bust one’s hump. bedwetting: enuresis
slavery n. bondage, servitude, forced labor, between wakefulness and sleep: hypnagogic
slave labor, enslavement, captivity, en- breathing disorder of: sleep apnea
thrallment, subjugation, serfdom, grind, toil. children’s waking nightmare: night terrors
‘‘A prison for the soul, a public dungeon.’’— deep sleep: sopor, stupor
Longinus. ‘‘Yoked with the brutes, and fet- dream sleep: REM sleep (rapid eye move-
tered to the soil.’’—Thomas Campbell. ment)
WORD FIND drowsy: somnolent
black woman servant who served as mother excessive: hypersomnia
to white children: mammy expert in: somnologist
degrading term for slave in nineteenth-cen- god of dreams, Greek: Morpheus
god of sleep, Greek: Hypnos
tury United States: boy
god of sleep, Roman: Somnus
elimination of: abolition
grogginess caused by sleeping too long: Rip
elimination, one who favored slavery’s: abo-
Van Winkle syndrome
litionist hypnotized: trance
field supervisor on plantation: driver, over- inability to: insomnia
seer inducing sleep: soporific, somniferous, som-
free from: emancipate, manumit nolent
fugitive slave: maroon internal body clock controlling: circadian
group of slaves tied together: coffle rhythm
master’s personal slave: body servant presleep visions: hypnagogic hallucinations
slave owner: master, massa sex demons of: incubus, succubus
subservient, deferential slave, degrading sleeping sickness: narcolepsy, encephalitis
term for: Sambo, Uncle Tom sleepwalk: somnoambulate
slavish a. servile, submissive, subservient, def- sleepwalker: somnoambulist
erential, subject, obsequious, obeisant, faw- twitch of body or leg just before sleep: my-
ning, cowering. ANT. domineering, intracta- oclonic jerk, hypnagogic jerk
ble, arrogant. unconsciousness, prolonged: coma
slay v. kill, murder, run through, slaughter, as- SEE DREAM
sassinate, execute, *do in, massacre, annihi- sleep v. slumber, snooze, drowse, *catch some
late, destroy. SEE MURDER Zs, rest, *hit the sack, *get some rack time,
sleazebag n. Sl. creep, *slimeball, *scumbag, go to bed, *conk out, nod off, turn in, *saw
*sleaze, slob, *pig, *dirtbag, *scuzzo, filthy wood, *crash, *hit the hay, take a siesta, fall
wretch, *bum, pervert, *scum of the earth. under the spell of Morpheus, hibernate. ANT.
sleazy a. Sl. cheap, *scuzzy, dirty, foul, *creepy, wake, regain consciousness.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 529


sleeper n. *up-and-comer, *late bloomer, slim a. 1. SLENDER thin, narrow, lean, skinny,
*sleeping giant. willowy, reedy, twiggy, *thin as a broom-
sleepless a. insomniac, restless, wakeful, stick, svelte, slight, tenuous. 2. MEAGER
*wired, *saucer-eyed, *tossing and turning. slight, scanty, small, *skimpy, inconsider-
ANT. sleeping, dreaming, *out like a light. able, bare, deficient, scarce, remote. ANT. 1.
sleepwalker n. somnambulist. SEE SLEEP fat, obese, brawny. 2. large, considerable,
sleepy a. 1. DROWSY tired, exhausted, weary, great.
*dead-tired, fatigued, slumberous, nodding slime n. mucous, mud, ooze, muck, mire, scum,
off, *beat, *dopey, lethargic, asleep, somno- sludge, *gunk, *goo.
lent, falling under the spell of Morpheus. 2. slimy a. covered with mucous, viscid, viscous,
INACTIVE idle, still, quiet, dull. ANT. 1. muddy, mucky, scummy, sludgy, *gunky,
awake, refreshed, alert, invigorated. 2. active, *gooey, disgusting, repulsive, foul, vile,
bustline, busy. *gross.
sleet n. frozen rain, precipitation, hail. SEE sling n. slingshot, thong, weapon, stone-
WEATHER thrower.
sleigh n. sled, cutter, pung, *booby hut. sling v. throw, fling, hurl, cast, pitch, shoot,
sleight-of-hand n. legerdemain, hand skill, de- heave, catapult, chuck, toss, fire, launch.
ception, trickery, magic, prestidigitation, slingshot n. SEE SLING
palming, feint, hocus-pocus. slink v. skulk, sneak, creep, steal, lurk, pussy-
slender a. thin, slim, lean, narrow, skinny, wil- foot, prowl, slip quietly, tiptoe, move fur-
lowy, reedy, twiggy, *thin as a broomstick, tively, move stealthily.
svelte, lithe, spare, tenuous. ANT. fat, obese, slinky a. 1. SKULKING sneaky, creeping, steal-
brawny. ing, lurking, prowling, slippery, quiet,
sleuth n. detective, private detective, P.I., *pri- stealthy, furtive. 2. Sl. GRACEFUL sinuous, fe-
vate eye, *private dick, *bloodhound, inves- line, sleek.
tigator, *Sherlock, *gumshoe, shadow, *tail. slip n. 1. FALL trip, stumble, misstep, slide, tum-
slice n. piece, cut, segment, sliver, wedge, slab, ble, spill. 2. ERROR mistake, lapse, slip of the
hunk, chunk, rasher, shaving, share, por- tongue (lapsus linguae), slip of the pen (lap-
tion. sus calami), *Freudian slip, faux pas, blun-
slice v. cut, segment, section, divide, carve, der, *boner, *howler, oversight. 3. WOMAN’S
split, sever, pare, shave. UNDERGARMENT petticoat, chemise, lingerie.
slick a. 1. SLEEK smooth, glossy, satiny, slippery, 4. SLIP OF PAPER note, receipt, voucher.
oily, greasy. 2. CLEVER tricky, crafty, smart, slip v. 1. FALL trip, stumble, misstep, slide, tum-
sophisticated, ingenious, creative, inven- ble, take a spill, topple, lose one’s balance,
tive, sharp. 3. SUAVE urbane, smooth, take a header, go head over heels, flop. 2.
worldly. ANT. 1. rough, coarse, abrasive. 2. MAKE A MISTAKE make an error, err, let slip,
moronic, imbecilic, stupid. 3. clumsy, bum- lapse, blunder, bungle, *goof, *screw up,
bling, unrefined. *blow it.
slide n. 1. CHUTE ramp, trough. 2. GLIDE slip, slippery a. 1. SLICK icy, oily, greasy, slimy, waxy,
coast, glissade, skid. smooth, sleek, satiny, glazed, wet. 2. DECEIT-
slide v. glide, slip, coast, glissade, skid, sled, ski, FUL deceptive, slick, *like a snake, shady,
skate, skim, drop, toboggan. dishonest, sneaky, devious, shifty, treacher-
slight n. snub, insult, *cold shoulder, *slap in ous, elusive, evasive. ANT. 2. honest, reputa-
the face, *cut, rebuff, *put-down, indiffer- ble.
ence, neglect. ANT. courtesy, notice, kindness. slipshod a. careless, slapdash, slap-bang, sloppy,
slight v. snub, insult, *give the cold shoulder, haphazard, shoddy, messy, slovenly, dishev-
*give a slap in the face, *cut, rebuff, put eled, bedraggled, unkempt. ANT. careful, me-
down, neglect, overlook. ANT. regard, notice, ticulous, groomed.
honor. slipup n. error, blunder, *goof. SEE MISTAKE
slight a. 1. LIGHT frail, fragile, delicate, spare, slit n. slice, tear, slash, gash, rip, rift, incision,
slim, gracile, flimsy, attenuated, tenuous, rent, hole.
weak. 2. INSIGNIFICANT small, little, tiny, slit v. slice, tear, slash, gash, rip, incise, pierce,
light, minute, fine, minor, subtle, trivial, sever, split, rend.
negligible. ANT. 1. heavy, sturdy, rock-solid. slither v. slip, slide, sneak, crawl, *belly along,
2. huge, gigantic, large, considerable. wriggle, slink, *snake.

530 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sliver n. splinter, fragment, shaving, bit, snip, molasses, snaillike, sluggish, slothful, plod-
shard, segment. ding, gradual. 2. LATE tardy, behind, de-
slobber v. drool, slaver, dribble, salivate, drivel. layed, overdue, detained, belated. 3. NOT
slob n. pig, hog, animal, *grunge, *grub, Nean- BUSY inactive, sluggish, quiet, slack, off. 4.
derthal, *caveman. PROLONGED protracted, long, extended, in-
slog v. plod, toil, laboriously make one’s way, terminable, drawn-out. 5. STUPID obtuse,
labor, grind, trudge, drag, pursue doggedly, dull, dense, *thick, dim, dimwitted, re-
put one foot in front of the other, persevere. tarded, moronic, bovine, *out to lunch,
slogan n. catchphrase, motto, shibboleth, say- *dead from the neck up, *dumb as a box of
ing, jingle, battle cry, byword. rocks. ANT. 1. fast, swift, fleet, quick. 2. early,
sloop n. vessel, craft. SEE SAILBOAT punctual. 3. busy, *hopping, *jumping. 4.
slop n. slush, mush, snow, mud, swill, puddle. brief, short, contracted. 5. intelligent, bright,
slop v. spill, splash, overflow, slosh, spatter, smart, quick.
gush. slowdown n. downturn, slump, decline, fall-off,
slope n. incline, inclination, declivity, slant, slackening, recession, depression, *bottom-
pitch, grade, gradient, ramp, tilt, cant, lean, ing out, economic cycle. ANT. boom, upturn,
tip. ANT. acclivity. expansion.
slope v. incline, slant, pitch, tilt, cant, lean, tip, slowpoke n. sloth, slug, laggard, snail, dawdler,
skew, ascend, descend. foot-dragger, procrastinator.
sloppy a. messy, dirty, muddy, slushy, soiled, sludge n. mud, ooze, mire, sediment, muck, oil,
grubby, grimy, *grungy, wet, splattered, un- grease, goo, slime, *gunk, *goop, deposit,
kempt, bedraggled, slovenly, careless, slip- sewage, waste.
shod. ANT. neat, tidy, orderly, meticulous. slug n. Sl. drink, swig, *hit, *shot.
slosh v. splash, slop, spill, overflow, spatter, slug v. hit, whack, slam, punch, *clock, pound,
wallop, belt, clout, hit, whale, *coldcock,
*clean one’s clock, haul off on, *round-
slot n. 1. HOLE slit, aperture, groove, channel.
2. POSITION opening.
slugfest n. fight, donnybrook, brawl, battle
sloth n. laziness, indolence, idleness, slothful-
royal, *rumble, riot.
ness, shiftlessness, lack of ambition, slug-
sluggish a. slothful, slow-moving, lethargic,
gishness, lethargy, listlessness, inertia. ANT.
listless, dull, sleepy, torpid, dragging, inac-
*get-up-and-go, ambition, drive. tive, languid, inert, lifeless. ANT. energetic,
slothful a. lazy, indolent, idle, shiftless, lacking fast, lively.
ambition, unenterprising, sluggish, lethar- sluice n. channel, passage, waterway, flume,
gic, listless. ANT. energetic, ambitious, *go-get- trough, floodgate.
ting. slum n. ghetto, inner city, skid row, shanty
slouch n. *klutz, oaf, lout, *duffer, bumbler, town, warren.
clod, lazybones, idler, loafer, laggard. slumber n. rest, *snooze, *shut-eye, land of
slouch v. hunch, slump, droop, stoop, bend. Nod. SEE SLEEP
ANT. stand tall. slumber v. rest, *snooze, *catch some shut-eye.
slough n. swamp, bog, marsh, backwater, SEE SLEEP
muddy hollow, mire. SEE SWAMP slump n. downturn, fall, decline, decrease,
slough v. shed, molt, discard, throw off, cast drop-off, recession, depression, crash, *fall-
off, get rid of. ing-off, rut, *hard times. ANT. boom, good
slovenly a. careless, slipshod, slapdash, sloppy, times.
messy, shabby, bedraggled, unkempt, un- slump v. 1. DECREASE droop, drop, fall off, re-
groomed, disheveled, untidy. ANT. neat, cede, crash, *experience hard times, de-
trim, careful, meticulous. cline, slip, *go downhill. 2. SLOUCH hunch,
slow v. decelerate, brake, slacken, taper off, let droop, sag, bend. ANT. 1. boom, expand. 2.
up, restrain, check, restrict, curb, delay, hin- stand tall, straighten.
der, moderate, *take one’s foot off the gas. slur n. smear, *black eye, insult, blot, aspersion,
ANT. accelerate, speed up, *step on it. slander, innuendo, insinuation, affront,
slow a. 1. NOT FAST leisurely, crawling, drag- *dig, stigma. ANT. compliment, praise, com-
ging, lagging, *slower than a glacier, *slower mendation.
than the Second Coming, *slower than cold slur v. 1. SLANDER insult, smear, *give a black

Roget’s Superthesaurus 531


eye, cast aspersions, insinuate, affront, *dig, smart-alecky a. *wise, *smart-assed, *smart-
stigmatize, blot, blemish one’s name, sully, mouthed, cheeky, flip, sassy, impudent,
disparage. 2. MISPRONOUNCE garble, get cocky, nervy.
tongue-tied. ANT. 1. compliment, praise, com- smash n. 1. COLLISION crash, wreck, shattering,
mend. 2. enunciate. breakup, burst, smashup, crack, blow, col-
slurp n. Sl. sip, suck, slobber. lapse. 2. SUCCESS winner, hit, sensation, sell-
sly a. wily, foxy, cunning, crafty, tricky, clever, out.
*cagey, artful, shrewd, sneaky, *weaselly, smash v. shatter, break, hit, bust, burst, wreck,
underhanded, furtive, secretive, stealthy. crack, splinter, pulverize, disintegrate, break
ANT. artless, simple, naive. into a million pieces, fracture, demolish.
smack n. slap, blow, clout, clap, sock, hit, smashing a. great, excellent, extraordinary,
crack, spanking, cuff, whack. outstanding, superb, wonderful, terrific,
smack v. slap, clout, clap, sock, hit, crack, splendid, exceptional, *spot-on. ANT. lousy,
spank, cuff, whack. awful, terrible.
smack adv. directly, squarely, exactly, precisely, smashup n. wreck, collision, accident, *fender-
point-blank. bender. SEE CRASH
small a. 1. LITTLE tiny, undersized, diminutive, smattering n. small amount, slight amount,
short, wee, teeny, miniature, *pint-sized, sprinkling, touch, dash, trace.
*pocket-sized, puny, petite, Lilliputian, smear n. 1. STAIN spot, smudge, blot, mark,
dwarf, pygmy, baby, minute, microscopic. 2. splotch, smirch, streak. 2. SLANDER defama-
SLIGHT paltry, insufficient, meager, incon- tion, mudslinging, denigration, slur, asper-
siderable, poor, picayune, modest, trivial. 3. sion, character assassination, blot, stain, li-
MINOR insignificant, trivial, light, trifling, bel. ANT. 2. honor, praise, compliment.
unimportant, inconsequential, bush-league, smear v. 1. STAIN spot, smudge, blot, mark,
*rinky-dink. 4. SMALL-MINDED mean, nar- splotch, smirch, streak, dirty, daub, wipe on.
row-minded, petty, selfish, cheap, ignoble, 2. SLANDER defame, mudsling, denigrate,
vindictive, prejudiced, grudging. ANT. 1. cast aspersions, character assassinate, blot,
large, huge, gigantic, towering. 2. generous, stain, libel, drag one’s name through the
rich, lavish, considerable. 3. important, major, mud. ANT. 1. clean, wash, scrub. 2. honor,
big, consequential. 4. generous, liberal-minded, praise, commend.
noble. SMEAR CAMPAIGN n. an underhanded
small-minded a. mean, narrow-minded, petty, campaign to ruin someone’s reputation. The
selfish, cheap, ignoble, vindictive, preju- politicians launched smear campaigns against
dice, grudging, ANT. broad-minded, liberal- each other. SYN. mudslinging, character as-
minded, noble, generous. sassination, slander, public denigration, def-
small talk n. polite chatter, pleasantry, chit- amation of character, maligning, *dragging
chat, light talk, idle chatter. one’s name through the mud.
small-time a. minor, bush-league, *one-horse, smell n. 1. SENSE OF SMELL olfaction, perception.
petty, *low-rent, piddling, *tinhorn. 2. ODOR scent, aroma, fragrance, stink, reek,
smart v. sting, burn, tingle, throb, hurt, ache, stench, fume, perfume, bouquet, emanation,
stab. whiff, essence. SEE ODOR
smart a. 1. INTELLIGENT bright, brilliant, sharp, smell v. sniff, inhale, sample, get a whiff of,
knowledgeable, educated, *savvy, astute, snuff, breathe.
*brainy, learned, clever, genius, wise, keen, smidgen n. bit, tiny amount, iota, trace, speck,
witty, *on the ball. 2. NEAT spruce, trim, sprinkling, pinch, jot, whit, scintilla.
groomed, stylish, chic, dapper, natty, ele- smile n. grin, smirk, simper, beam, happy look,
gant, dashing. 3. STINGING harsh, painful, *alligator smile, gap-toothed smile, snaggle-
rough, hard, sharp. 4. BRISK vigorous, lively, toothed smile, Cheshire cat smile, idiotic
energetic. ANT. 1. stupid, dumb, retarded, mo- grin. ANT. frown, scowl, black look.
ronic, slow, dense. 2. sloppy, bedraggled, un- smile v. grin, smirk, beam, smile ear to ear,
fashionable, frumpy. 3. soft, gentle, mild. 4. smile broadly, smile like a Cheshire cat.
lethargic, slow. ANT. frown, scowl.
smart-aleck n. *wise guy, *wisenheimer, smirk n. smile, simper, grin, sneer, leer.
*smart ass, *comedian, *bigmouth, *know- smirk v. smile, simper, grin, sneer, leer, make
it-all, *wise apple. a face.

532 Roget’s Superthesaurus


smite v. strike, hit, *whack, attack, beset, de- import illegally, traffic, deal in contraband.
feat, punish, kill, destroy. smuggler n. runner, *bootlegger.
smitten a. taken by, *head over heels, struck, smut n. pornography, *porn, obscenity, dirty
in love, enamored, *swept off one’s feet, talk, X-rated material, *raunch, indecent
infatuated, captivated, enthralled, having material.
a crush on, stricken. ANT. repulsed, turned smutty a. pornographic, obscene, dirty, X-
off. rated, *raunchy, indecent, *blue, prurient,
smock n. frock, camise, coverall, shirt, gar- lewd, filthy. ANT. wholesome, G-rated, clean.
ment. snack n. bite, nosh, *munchies, light meal, tid-
smog n. air pollution, haze, smoke, fog, pall, bit, nibble, morsel, refreshment.
particulate, gas cloud, soot cloud, carbon snack v. have a bite to eat, nosh, nibble, eat,
monoxide. ANT. fresh air, *ozone. *munch out.
smoke n. fume, gas, soot, vapor, exhaust, smog, snafu n. Sl. mix-up, *screw-up, mistake, confu-
carbon, reek, smaze, pollution, carbon mon- sion, disorder, mess, disaster, chaos, diffi-
oxide. culty.
smoke v. fume, give off exhaust, pollute. snag n. catch, obstacle, difficulty, stumbling
smoked a. dried, cured. ANT. hydrated. block, hindrance, road block, impediment,
smoke detector n. smoke alarm, fire alarm, fire hitch, complication, block.
detector, early warning system. snake n. serpent, ophidian, viper, python, ana-
smokestack n. chimney, flue, funnel, *stack. conda, boa constrictor, rattlesnake, coral
smoky a. burning, thick, smoldering, fumy, snake, adder, cobra, garter snake.
gassy, sooty, polluted, reeking, choking, snap n. 1. CRACK crackle, pop. 2. *CINCH
hazy, smoggy, foggy. *child’s play, *breeze, no problem, *walk on
smolder v. 1. BURN smoke, fume, combust, char. the beach. 3. FASTENER clip, buckle, catch.
2. SEETHE stew, fume, suppress one’s anger, snap v. 1. CRACK crackle, pop, click. 2. COL-
simmer, fester, steam, boil over. LAPSE break, crack, fracture, burst, give way.
smooch v. Sl. kiss, smack. 3. BITE nip, lunge at. 4. LASH OUT yell, bark,
smooth a. 1. NOT ROUGH even, level, leveled, roar, shout, scream.
planed, unwrinkled, unruffled, flush, glossy, snappish a. irritable, cross, short-tempered,
glassy, slick, sleek, satiny, silky, velvety, pol- touchy, testy, crabby, grouchy, quick-tem-
ished, glabrous. 2. UNTROUBLED gentle, calm, pered, waspish, peevish, *short-fused, edgy.
serene, uneventful, peaceful, undisturbed. 3. ANT. easygoing, good-humored, mild-man-
SUAVE slick, urbane, graceful, silver- nered.
tongued, *having savoir faire, polished, re- snappy a. 1. LIVELY vigorous, quick, swift, in-
fined, practiced, facile, flattering, oily, unc- stant, brisk. 2. STYLISH fashionable, chic,
tuous. ANT. 1. rough, bumpy, lumpy. 2. trou- smart, dapper, sharp, natty. ANT. 1. slow, life-
bled, rough, disturbing. 3. coarse, awkward, less. 2. unfashionable, frumpy, dowdy.
simple, bumbling. snare n. trap, noose, net, pitfall, *booby trap,
smorgasbord n. spread, banquet, buffet, feast, decoy, lure, *set-up, *come-on, trick.
meal, appetizers. snare v. trap, catch, seize, snag, capture, bag,
smother v. 1. SUFFOCATE asphyxiate, cut off ensnare, land.
one’s air supply, stifle, choke, strangle, snarl n. 1. GROWL rumble, grumble, throaty
throttle. 2. SUPPRESS stifle, hide, conceal, warning. 2. TANGLE snag, knot, kink, twist.
put down, squelch, quash, muffle. 3. EXTIN- 3. COMPLICATION disorder, confusion, snafu,
GUISH put out, cover, snuff out. problem, hitch, catch, difficulty, trouble.
smudge n. smear, blot, stain, mark, blotch, snarl v. 1. GROWL rumble, grumble, threaten,
streak, blemish, smirch, smutch, spot. warn, bare the teeth and raise one’s hackles.
smudge v. smear, blot, stain, mark, blotch, 2. TANGLE knot, snag, kink, twist. 3. COMPLI-
streak, blemish, smirch, smutch, spot. CATE confuse, make trouble, mess up,
smug a. self-satisfied, complacent, proud, *full *throw a wrench in the works.
of oneself, *puffed up, superior, pompous, snatch v. grab, grasp, seize, take, clutch, grap-
pleased with oneself, self-righteous, holier- ple, *snap up, pluck, snag, *nab, get one’s
than-thou. ANT. insecure, self-doubting, hands on, wrest, swipe, kidnap.
sheepish, humble. snazzy a. Sl. stylish, sharp, flashy, smart, showy,
smuggle v. sneak in, bring in, run, *bootleg, snappy. ANT. dowdy, unstylish.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 533


sneak n. weasel, snake, *snake in the grass, sure of their position.’’—Berton Braley.
thief in the night, dastard, *eel, scoundrel, ‘‘Pride in status without pride in func-
*backstabber. tion.’’—Lionel Trilling.
sneak v. creep, skulk, pussyfoot, stalk, lurk, snobbish a. snobby, *stuck-up, *uppity, putting
prowl, slither, move stealthily, slink, steal, on airs, pretentious, haughty, conceited,
*weasel. *snooty, supercilious, proud, *up on one’s
sneaker n. running shoe, *hightop, sport shoe, high horse, class conscious, above it all, ar-
tennis shoe, boat shoe. SEE SHOE rogant, hoity-toity, high-falutin, high and
sneaky a. underhanded, sly, secretive, under- mighty. ANT. down-to-earth, humble, modest.
cover, backdoor, stealthy, *weasely, feline, snoop n. busybody, eavesdropper, gossip.
furtive, surreptitious, clandestine, devious, snoop v. spy, nose around, pry, stick one’s nose
treacherous. ANT. open, honest, aboveboard. in.
sneer v. smile sarcastically, smile with con- snooty a. haughty, snotty, *la-di-da, uppity. SEE
tempt, mock, scoff, ridicule, make fun of, SNOBBISH
curl one’s lip, taunt. snooze v. doze, nap, drowse, *catch some Zs,
sneering a. scoffing, mocking, disdainful, take a siesta. SEE SLEEP
scornful, derisive, ridiculing, sarcastic. ANT. snore n. *sawing wood, stertor, snorting. ‘‘That
respectful, deferential. tuneful serenade of that wakeful nightin-
sneeze n. reflex, ejection, sternutation. gale, the nose.’’—George Farquhar.
sneeze at v. disregard, take lightly. snort n. snuffle, sniff, sniffle, honk. SEE SNICKER
snicker n. snigger, snort, sniggle, giggle, laugh, snort v. snuffle, sniff, sniffle, honk. SEE SNICKER
chuckle, suppressed laugh. SEE LAUGH snotty a. impudent, offensive, insolent, cheeky,
snicker v. snigger, snort, sniggle, giggle, laugh, flip, sassy, smart-alecky, fresh, snooty, sniffy,
chuckle, titter, suppress a laugh, tee-hee. SEE arrogant. ANT. deferential, humble, respectful.
snide a. derisive, sarcastic, malicious, nasty, snout n. nose, muzzle, nozzle, beak, trunk, pro-
cutting, insulting, mean, hurtful, low, insin- boscis, nozzle. SEE NOSE
uating, sly. ANT. nice, friendly, kind. snow n. 1. PRECIPITATION flurry, flurries, hydro-
sniff n. inhalation, sniffle, snuffle, snort,
meteors, snowflakes, sleet, hail, blizzard,
drift, slush.
sniff v. inhale, snuff, snuffle, sniffle, snort,
snigger v. SEE SNICKER bump or mound of snow on ski trail: mogul
snip n. cutting, snippet, piece, scrap. collapse on mountain: avalanche
snip v. cut, clip, shear, crop, trim, dock, bob, glacial snow: névé
prune, chop, shave. granules, old, refrozen: corn snow
snipe v. ambush, take potshots, shoot, hunt, house of: igloo
attack. old, compacted snow: firn, crust
sniper n. ambusher, gunman, assassin, shooter. pellets of: graupel
snippet n. cutting, snip, piece, scrap, fragment. shelf of snow that collapses and triggers ava-
snippy a. curt, sharp, insolent, short, snappish, lanche: cornice
abrupt, impertinent, smart-alecky, brusque. zero visibility due to blizzard: whiteout
ANT. polite, courteous. 2. Sl. *coke, *blow, heroin. SEE COCAINE
snit n. fit, pique, *tizzy. snow v. 1. PRECIPITATE flurry, blizzard, storm,
snitch v. Sl. 1. STEAL pilfer, lift, pickpocket, sleet, hail, blow. 2. Sl. DECEIVE *buffalo,
shoplift. SEE STEAL 2. INFORM ON tell on, *rat *bamboozle, mislead, *sell a bill of goods,
on, *squeal, tattle, turn in. *fast talk, *pull the wool over one’s eyes.
snivel v. cry, whine, sniffle, snuffle, fret, whim- snowboard n. board ridden to navigate down-
per, blubber, boo-hoo. hill over snow.
snob n. elitist, *high-hat, *stuffed shirt, upstart, WORD FIND
highbrow, parvenu, name-dropper. airborne, getting: catching air
snobbery n. snobbishness, elitism, airs, preten- backwards, riding: fakie
sion, pretentiousness, haughtiness, conceit, crash, fall: bail
*snootiness, hauteur, superciliousness, legs straightened, to ride with one or both:
pride, *high horse, class conscience, conde- bone
scension. ‘‘The pride of those who are not ramp of snow, U-shaped: half pipe

534 Roget’s Superthesaurus


rotation of 180 degrees: alley-oop ANT. 1. drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, *ham-

rotation of 360 degrees: caballerial mered. 2. silly, giddy, jovial. 3. flashy, loud,
strike a rock or log: bonk ostentatious.
turn, to make a: carve sobriety n. abstinence, soberness, temperance,
vibrations at high speed, board: chatter teetotalism, moderation, self-denial, self-re-
snowy a. niveous, wintry. straint. ANT. drunkeness, inebriation.
snub n. slight, affront, *cold shoulder, *slap in sobriquet n. nickname, pet name, agnomen,
the face, rebuff, cut, oversight, neglect, ig- moniker, *handle, assumed name, alias.
noring, insult. sob story n. tale of woe, heartbreaker, plea.
snub v. slight, give the cold shoulder, rebuff, so-called a. professed, alleged, supposed, self-
cut, overlook, ignore, neglect, insult, shun, styled, commonly named. ANT. actual,
*give the brush-off, pass over, offend. proven.
snuff v. 1. PUT OUT smother, pinch out, douse, soccer n. football, sport.
extinguish. 2. SNIFF smell, snort. WORD FIND
snuffle v. sniff, breathe, snort, snivel. curving pass: banana pass, banana kick, curl-
snug a. 1. PROTECTED sheltered, under cover, ing the ball, bending the ball
secure, warm, cozy, comfortable. 2. TIGHT dirty player: hacker
close, body-hugging, close-fitting, restric- goalie’s long kick: punt
tive. illegal position: offside
snuggle v. cuddle, nestle, nuzzle, hug, curl up, issue a card for a foul: book, card, caution
*spoon together, hold close. keep the ball in midair by bouncing off body
parts: juggling
so adv. therefore, thus, hence, ergo.
kick ball between defender’s legs: nutmeg
soak v. saturate, wet, drench, douse, souse,
kick with legs upended high overhead: bicy-
steep, sop, impregnate, drown, flood, perme-
cle kick, scissors kick
ate, submerge, immerse. ANT. dry, dehydrate,
officials: linesmen, referee
out-of-bounds sidelines: touch
soaked a. saturated, wet, drenched, sopping,
pass then receive quick return pass: give-
sodden, soggy, drowned. ANT. dry, dehy- and-go
drated. penalty situation in which one team is a
soap n. detergent, suds, lather, wash powder, man short: power play
cleaning agent, cleanser, solvent, shampoo. positions: back, center back, center half-
soap opera n. melodrama, show, drama, pro- back, forward, fullback, goalkeeper
gram, play. (goalie), halfback, sweeper, winger
soapy a. sudsy, lathery, bubbly, foamy, frothy, run the ball downfield with one’s feet: drib-
saponaceous. ble
soar v. fly, rocket, jet, sail, glide, wing, zoom, soccer field: pitch
rise, go skyward, ascend, go aloft, cruise. steal the ball from opponent: tackle
ANT. nosedive, drop, plummet. stop the ball’s motion with body part: trap,
soaring a. high, towering, lofty, vertiginous, kill
skyscraping. ANT. plummeting. three goals scored by same player in one
sob n. weeping, cry, sniveling, bawling, whim- game: hat trick
per, wail, blubbering, moan. sociable a. gregarious, outgoing, extroverted,
sob v. weep, cry, snivel, boo-hoo, bawl, whim- friendly, amiable, folksy, social, warm, com-
per, wail, blubber, shed tears, moan, mourn, panionable, cordial, approachable, genial.
lament. ‘‘The art of unlearning to be preoccupied
sober v. sober up, dry out, *go through a detox with yourself.’’—Oscar Blumenthal. ANT.
facility. unfriendly, aloof, cold, reclusive.
sober a. 1. NOT DRUNK temperate, *stone cold social a. 1. COMMUNAL public, community,
sober, rational, lucid, clearheaded, *on the group, common, popular, civil, civic, hu-
wagon, *detoxed, *dry, in possession of man. 2. GREGARIOUS outgoing, extroverted,
one’s faculties, abstemious. 2. SERIOUS sol- friendly, amiable, folksy. ANT. 1. private. 2.
emn, grave, unsmiling, somber, dignified, aloof, reclusive. SEE SOCIABLE
sedate, staid, earnest. 3. PLAIN quiet, under- socialism n. Marxism, communism. SEE POLITICS
stated, mellow, subdued, dull, drab, simple. socialize v. be friendly, mix, mingle, fraternize,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 535

Social Security–Solar System

get together, befriend, associate, entertain, merciless, cold, brutal. 5. hard, demanding,
hobnob, *chum with. ANT. withdraw, be re- challenging, stressful. 6. hard, toned, fit, cut.
clusive, shun. soften a. moderate, mitigate, mellow, temper,
social security n. retirement income, disability diminish, ease, lighten, lessen, assuage, mol-
insurance, unemployment insurance, old lify, tone down, slacken. ANT. harden, inten-
age insurance, entitlement program. SEE sify, toughen.
GOVERNMENT softhearted a. soft, tender, compassionate, sym-
society n. 1. COMMUNITY civilization, public, pathetic, merciful, easy, human, lenient,
people, mankind, humankind, humanity, forgiving, *big-hearted, *having a bleeding
populace, culture, the world, the nation. heart. ANT. hard, merciless, brutal.
‘‘The vital articulation of many individuals softly adv. tenderly, lightly, gently, mildly,
into a new collective individual.’’—Thomas slightly, moderately, delicately, faintly, eas-
Carlyle. 2. ORGANIZATION alliance, associa- ily. ANT. intensely, strongly, loudly.
tion, club, group, sorority, fraternity, broth- soft-pedal v. play down, tone down, understate.
erhood, sisterhood, affiliation, institution, soft soap n. praise, cajolery, blarney. SEE FLAT-
league, guild. 3. UPPER CLASS upper crust, TERY
high society, the elite, aristocracy, nobility, soft-spoken a. quiet, low-keyed, gentle. ANT.
gentry, beau monde, haut monde. ANT. 3. loud, boisterous.
lower class, working class, hoi polloi, common- soft touch n. Sl. *softie, *bleeding heart, dupe,
ers. *sucker.
sociopath n. psychopath, antisocial personality, software n. program, *shareware, disk, file
lunatic, maniac, psychotic, *nut case, de- management system, instructions, com-
ranged person, crazy person, mentally ill mand. SEE COMPUTER
person. soggy a. saturated, soaked, sodden, drenched,
sock n. stocking, hose, hosiery, footwear. waterlogged, sopping, poachy, dripping,
sock v. hit, strike, punch, belt, wallop, smack, moist, damp. ANT. dry, dehydrated, desic-
pound, slap. cated.
socket n. fitting, receiving end, chamber, soil n. earth, dirt, loam, humus, topsoil, ground,
holder, mortise. clay, terra firma, turf, loess.
sod n. turf, clod, sward, divot, grass chunk, soil v. 1. DIRTY muddy, begrime, stain, smudge,
clump. spot, mess, smear, foul, besmirch. 2. DIS-
soda n. pop, soft drink, carbonated water, soda GRACE dishonor, malign, discredit, blot, de-
water, beverage, cola, ginger ale, root beer. fame, taint, *drag one’s name through the
sodden a. soaked, soggy, wet, sopping, satu- mud. ANT. 1. clean, cleanse. 2. honor, praise.
rated, waterlogged, drenched, poachy, drip- soiree n. party, social gathering, get-together.
ping, damp, moist, steeped. ANT. dry, dehy- sojourn n. visit, temporary stay, stopover, lay-
drated, desiccated. over, vacation, temporary residence.
sodomize v. engage in anal intercourse. SOJOURN v. [SO jurn] to visit or stay some-
sodomy n. anal intercourse, pederasty. where temporarily. She plans to sojourn with
sofa n. couch, lounge, divan, davenport, ches- her family in Califonia. SYN. stay temporarily,
terfield, love seat, futon, convertible. visit, stop over, tarry, reside, vacation,
soft a. 1. YIELDING EASILY spongy, squishy, lodge, linger, *hang out for awhile.
doughy, mushy, fluffy, cushioned, pliable, Sol n. Helios, sun god, the sun.
supple, malleable, flexible, ductile. 2. SOLACE n. [SAWL is] a comforting or relief
SMOOTH fine, silky, satiny, downy, velvety, from anguish. He took solace in the fact that
fine, delicate. 3. GENTLE mild, light, slight, work would be over in one hour. SYN. comfort,
moderate, delicate, faint, mellow, muted, comforting, relief, easing, consolation, suc-
subdued. 4. TENDER compassionate, kind, cor, condolence, encouragement, cheering,
softhearted, merciful, easy, easygoing, hu- buoyance. ANT. pain, anguish, exacerbation.
mane, lenient, forgiving. 5. EASY *cushy, solace v. comfort, console, relieve, ease, con-
simple, plush, *piece of cake, *a snap, *no dole, cheer up, encourage, hearten, *buck
sweat, unchallenging. 6. FAT unfit, untoned, up, inspirit, buoy. ANT. pain, anguish, aggra-
fleshy, blubbery, doughy. ANT. 1. hard, rock- vate.
hard, solid, unyielding. 2. rough, coarse, abra- solarium n. sunroom, sun porch.
sive. 3. intense, strong, loud. 4. *hard as nails, solar system n. planetary system. SEE SPACE, SUN

536 Roget’s Superthesaurus


soldier n. 1. WARRIOR fighter, fighting man, GI, gel, jell, thicken, congeal, clot, coagulate,
infantryman, *leatherneck, *grunt, *dog- freeze. ANT. liquefy, melt.
face, service person, airman, marine, sailor, SOLILOQUY n. [suh LIL uh kwee] the act of
commando, gunner, bombardier, foot sol- talking to oneself. Also, the dialogue of a
dier, Green Beret, cadet, mercenary, cannon stage actor revealing his thoughts to the au-
fodder, *storm trooper, *doughboy, draftee, dience. Shakespeare liked to use the soliloquy
enlisted man, enlisted woman, guerrilla, as a dramatic tool. SYN. monologue, aside,
paratrooper, POW, MIA. ‘‘Food for apostrophe. SEE DRAMA, PLAY
power.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The sinews of solitary a. lone, alone, lonely, lonesome, single,
war.’’—Niccolo Machiavelli. SEE ARMY, companionless, friendless, separate, solo, re-
NAVY, WAR 2. SUPPORTER booster, party mote, by oneself, isolated, secluded, reclu-
member, worker, follower, zealot. sive, desolate, forlorn, sequestered, hermiti-
sole a. lone, single, solitary, alone, only, exclu- cal, antisocial, cloistered. ANT. social,
sive. ANT. several. gregarious, popular, mixing.
solely adv. only, merely, entirely, singly. solitude n. aloneness, seclusion, isolation, lone-
SOLEMN a. [SAWL um] serious, earnest, dig- liness, privacy, peace and quiet, withdrawal,
nified, formal. The funeral was a solemn af- retirement, reclusion, remoteness. ‘‘The
fair. SYN. serious, earnest, dignified, formal, soul’s best friend.’’—Charles Cotton. ‘‘Di-
somber, sober, funereal, *no-nonsense, vine retreat.’’—Edward Young. ‘‘Often the
staid, grave, unsmiling, ceremonious, rever- best society.’’—William G. Benham.
ential, sacred. ANT. jovial, frivolous, light- solo a. alone, lone, unaccompanied, single-
hearted. handed, unassisted, unaided. ANT. accompa-
solicit v. 1. ASK FOR plead for, beg, appeal, peti- nied, group.
tion, implore, beseech, supplicate. 2. PROPO- solution n. 1. ANSWER solving, key, explana-
SITION tempt, entice, accost, hustle, *drum tion, resolution, clarification, uncovering,
up business, tout, hawk, peddle. interpretation. 2. MIXTURE compound, dis-
SOLICITOUS a. [suh LIS uh tus] concerned, solving, blend, combination, emulsion, sus-
worried, showing one’s concern. The mayor pension.
appeared solicitous about our problems. SYN. solve v. answer, explain, clear up, figure out,
concerned, worried, caring, attentive, trou- work out, clarify, uncover, crack, fathom, re-
bled, apprehensive, disturbed, anxious, solve, decode, decipher, *put the pieces to-
gether, *put two and two together, unlock,
heedful. ANT. unconcerned, untroubled, undis-
*get to the bottom of, unravel. ANT. mystify,
confuse, complicate.
solicitor n. attorney, counselor. SEE LAWYER
SOLVENT a. [SOL vent] financially stable,
solicitude n. concern, care, worry, regard, un- able to pay one’s bills. The company remained
easiness. solvent, even throughout the recession. SYN. fi-
solid a. 1. HARD dense, firm, heavy, thick, rock- nancially fit, *out of the red, *in the black,
solid, compact, concentrated. 2. STRONG on sound financial ground, profitable, able
sound, sturdy, stable, substantial, massive, to pay, able to maintain cash flow. ANT. in-
hefty. 3. COMPLETE unbroken, continuous, solvent, bankrupt, *in the red.
undivided. 4. GENUINE pure, unalloyed, un- somber a. gloomy, dark, depressing, black,
mixed, 100 percent, complete. 5. UNANI- bleak, dreary, mournful, melancholy, fune-
MOUS undivided, of one mind, united, uni- real, gray, solemn, grave. ANT. bright, sunny,
fied. 6. DEPENDABLE firm, rock-solid, reliable, cheerful, jovial.
constant, trustworthy. ANT. 1. fluid, porous, somersault n. flip, tumble, roll, revolution.
gaseous. 2. flimsy, airy, unstable, delicate. 3. somebody n. celebrity, *big shot, *bigwig,
incomplete, broken, interrupted. 4. mixed, al- *VIP, star, superstar, *name, dignitary, per-
loyed, impure. 5. divided. 6. undependable, sonage, *heavy, *high muck-a-muck, lumi-
shaky, unreliable. nary. ANT. nobody, *zero, *second stringer.
solidarity n. unity, unanimity, union, single- someday adv. one day, eventually, sometime,
mindedness, oneness, harmony, accord, sooner or later, one of these days, in the fu-
concord, consensus, strength in numbers. ture.
ANT. division, dissension. sometimes adv. occasionally, at times, now and
solidify v. harden, set, stiffen, cake, concrete, then, every now and again, once in awhile,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 537


every so often, periodically, intermittently. presently, forthwith, anon, before long,

ANT. never. promptly.
somewhat adv. rather, to a certain extent, soot n. carbon, ash, grit, particulate, grime.
pretty, fairly, partly, to a certain degree, soothe v. calm, comfort, quiet, ease, salve, mol-
*kind of, a little. lify, appease, pacify, tranquilize, relax, as-
somnambulist. n. sleepwalker. SEE SLEEP suage, allay, soften, settle, lull, cool, relieve,
somnolent a. sleepy, drowsy, dozy, nodding off, lighten. ANT. aggravate, exacerbate, intensify.
half-asleep, *dopey, sleep-inducing. ANT. soothing a. calming, comforting, quieting, eas-
wide-awake, alert. ing, mollifying, appeasing, pacifying, tran-
song n. tune, melody, ditty, ballad, serenade, quilizing, relaxing, softening, settling, pal-
lullaby, hymn, carol, number, *oldie, liative, relieving. ANT. aggravating,
*golden oldie, *moldy oldie, hit, air, aria, exacerbating, intensifying.
glee, theme song, signature song, *cut, soothsayer n. predictor, prophet, seer, fortune-
track. ‘‘The licensed medium for bawling in teller, forecaster, augur, oracle, diviner, psy-
public things too silly or sacred to be uttered chic, Cassandra.
in ordinary speech.’’—Oliver Herford. sop v. soak, saturate, wet, drench, steep, im-
WORD FIND merse, dip, dunk.
advertising: jingle sophisticated a. 1. WORLDLY worldly-wise, expe-
award: Grammy rienced, cultured, refined, urbane, *hip,
busy vocals with arpeggios, trills, runs, etc.: *hep, *cool, cosmopolitan, *citified, ma-
coloratura ture, adult, seasoned, *with it, knowing. 2.
catchy part: hook, chorus COMPLEX complicated, advanced, highly de-
collection: anthology veloped, modern, elaborate. ANT. 1. simple,
counterpointing vocal: descant naive, unseasoned. 2. simple, unsophisticated.
demonstration recording for contract-seek- sophistication n. worldliness, experience, cul-
ing musicians: demo ture, refinement, urbanity, *hipness, matu-
evening: evensong, vesper rity, seasoning, development, advancement,
funeral: dirge, requiem knowledge. ANT. simplicity, naiveté, inexperi-
improvisation: vamp ence.
instrumental accompaniment, sung with- SOPHISTRY n. [SAWF is tree] argument or
out: a capella reasoning that is clever but fallacious, de-
jazz vocalizations imitating instruments: scat ceptive or misleading. His lawyer was adept
multiple-voiced: polyphonic at sophistry. SYN. fallacious argument, decep-
multiple-voiced, singing counterpoint: tive reasoning, subterfuge, misrepresenta-
madrigal tion, chicanery, idolism, false reasoning.
multiple-voiced with same lines begun and ‘‘To reason correctly from a false princi-
sung at different times: canon, round ple.’’—Delos Emmons. ‘‘The lawyer’s chief
passage: refrain weapon.’’—Michael Axt.
popular in more than one genre or market: SOPHOMORIC a. [sawf MOR ik] immature,
crossover hit inexperienced or foolish. His jokes were pain-
religious or from Scriptures: anthem, canti- fully sophomoric. SYN. immature, juvenile,
cle, chorale, psalm, hymn inexperienced, foolish, silly, unsophisti-
repetition of theme by two or more vocal- cated, naive, green, callow, reckless, child-
ists: call and answer ish, shallow. ANT. mature, experienced, so-
sailor’s: shanty, chanty phisticated, seasoned.
triumph, of: paean soporific a. sleep-inducing, somnolent, somnif-
Venetian gondolier’s: barcarole erous, sedative, hypnotic, tranquilizing, opi-
words: lyrics ate, narcotic, sleepy, drowsy, tired. ANT.
SEE MUSIC, OPERA, SING, SINGER stimulating, energizing, invigorating.
song and dance n. *line, *snow job, *jive, sopping a. wet, drenched, saturated, dripping,
*bull, story. soaked, soggy, sodden, wringing wet. ANT.
sonorous a. resonant, resounding, deep, boom- dry, dehydrated.
ing, loud, reverberating, powerful, full, rich, sorcerer n. necromancer, wizard, witch, war-
vibrant. ANT. mute, silent. lock, magician, shaman, sorceress, sibyl,
soon adv. shortly, coming right up, directly, practicer of black magic, alchemist.

538 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sorcery n. black magic, black art, magic, super- sot n. drunkard, drunk, *wino, *rummy, alco-
natural powers, witchcraft, necromancy, holic, *boozer, drinker, *barfly, *alky, *gin
wizardry, mysticism, Satanism, voodoo, hound, *souse.
spellbinding, diabolism, conjuring, alchemy. soul n. 1. SPIRIT entity, mind, self, ego, psyche,
sordid a. dirty, filthy, foul, rotten, wretched, conscience, anima. ‘‘A guest in our body,
bad, mean, ignoble, base, seamy, immoral, deserving of our kind hospitality.’’—Hillel.
corrupt, low, wicked. ANT. clean, wholesome. ‘‘A portion of the Deity housed in our bod-
sore n. wound, injury, lesion, cut, laceration, ies.’’—Josephus. ‘‘The life whereby we are
scar, scrape, bruise, abrasion, ulceration, joined into the body.’’—Saint Augustine.
blister, boil, painful area, tender area. ‘‘A god within each human breast.’’—Ovid.
sore a. 1. PAINFUL tender, aching, burning, 2. WARMTH OF EMOTION spirit, feeling. 3. ES-
throbbing, stabbing, hurting, smarting, SENCE heart, vital part, meat, quintessence,
stinging, sensitive, raw, bruised, irritated. pith, center. 4. PERSON human, being, man,
2. ANGRY offended, mad, *pissed, irritated, woman, mortal, individual.
annoyed, peeved, irked, indignant, resent- soulful a. emotional, with feeling, deep, mov-
ful. ANT. 1. numb, healed. 2. pleased, de- ing, meaningful. ANT. shallow, trivial.
lighted. soul mate n. lover, friend, confidante, compan-
sorrow n. 1. GRIEF lamentation, sadness, heart- ion, alter ego.
ache, heartbreak, heavyheartedness, melan- soul-searching n. introspection, self-examina-
choly, despair, depths of despair, misery, tion, self-analysis, reflection.
woe, mournfulness, desolation, pain, depres- sound n. SEE NOISE
sion. ‘‘A rainy corner in your life.’’—Jean sound v. 1. MAKE A NOISE vibrate, reverberate,
Paul Richter. ‘‘The great idealizer.’’—James echo, resound, ring, resonate, boom, thun-
Russell Lowell. 2. LOSS trouble, adversity, der, detonate, thud, slam, rumble, roar,
hardship, disaster, tribulation, affliction, bang, crash, crack, clap, blare, burst, crunch,
misfortune, bad luck. ANT. 1. joy, happiness, clang, chime, ding, ping, jangle, tinkle, buzz,
light-heartedness. 2. fortune, good luck, bless- hum, drone, whir, purr, creak, rustle, swish,
ing. fizz, sizzle, grate, rasp, hiss, rattle, clank,
sorrowful a. grieving, grief-stricken, sad, heart- honk, trumpet, squeak, squeal, whisper. 2.
broken, heavyhearted, melancholy, plumb- SEEM look, look like, come across, read, give
ing the depths of despair, miserable, woeful, the impression.
mournful, desolate, pained, depressed. ANT. sound a. 1. IN GOOD WORKING ORDER healthy, fit,
elated, euphoric, happy, joyous. whole, solid, *in good shape, intact, strong,
sorry a. 1. CONTRITE remorseful, regretful, con- perfect, unimpaired, *running like a Swiss
science-stricken, compunctious, guilt-rid- watch, normal. 2. STABLE secure, safe, firm,
den, apologetic, repentant, penitent, reliable, on solid ground, on solid footing,
ashamed. 2. SORROWFUL pitying, commisera- solvent. 3. ACCURATE valid, sensible, logical,
tive, sympathetic, empathetic. 3. POOR infe- rational, grounded in fact, judicious, true,
rior, cheap, bad, *crappy, worthless, pitiful, correct, right-minded, intelligent, common-
pathetic, paltry, mean. ANT. 1. proud, de- sensical. 4. ACCEPTED established, orthodox,
lighted, pleased. 2. uncaring, indifferent. 3. su- recognized, *tried-and-true, traditional,
perior, excellent. standard. 5. THOROUGH solid, complete.
sort n. 1. KIND type, order, style, variety, brand, ANT. 1. unfit, unsound, impaired. 2. unstable,
class, set, make, category, genus, race. 2. NA- insecure, insolvent. 3. inaccurate, unsound, in-
TURE quality, ilk. valid, nonsensical. 4. new, unaccepted, radi-
sort v. classify, class, arrange, order, organize, cal, heterodox. 5. partial, incomplete.
categorize, group, file, alphabetize, system- sound bite n. excerpt, snippet, quote, passage.
ize, catalog, grade, rank. ANT. mix up, jumble. soundless a. still, mute, quiet. SEE SILENT
sortie n. raid, charge, offense, attack, assault, soundproof a. soundproofed, silent, noiseless,
sally, rush, mission. insulated. ANT. noisy.
so-so a. okay, fair, fair to middling, not bad, soup n. broth, bouillon, stock, consommé,
tolerable, passable, mediocre, run-of-the- bisque, pottage, chowder, stew, gumbo,
mill, *nothing to write home about, aver- borscht, minestrone, split pea, gazpacho,
age. ANT. superb, first-rate, extraordinary. bouillabaisse, lentil soup, vichyssoise.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 539


soupçon n. suspicion, trace, suggestion, hint, gas cloud, massive: nebula

dash, drop, pinch. measurement, unit of: light year, parsec, as-
sour v. turn one against, *turn off, disillusion, tronomical unit
embitter, disenchant. stars, mass grouping of: galaxy
sour a. 1. TART acid, vinegary, sharp, *mouth- SEE ASTRONOMY, MOON, PLANET, SUN, UNIVERSE
puckering, bitter, fermented, bad, rank, spacecraft n. rocket, rocket ship, spaceship,
spoiled, curdled, rancid, repulsive, unpalat- shuttle, orbiter, capsule, space probe, satel-
able. 2. SURLY cross, bad-tempered, irritable, lite, Apollo, Gemini, Mariner, flying saucer,
testy, touchy, nasty, crabby, ill-humored, UFO.
grouchy, morose. ANT. 1. sweet, sugary, sac- WORD FIND
charine, fresh. 2. sweet, good-natured, nice. activities of astronaut outside of spacecraft:
source n. 1. SPRING wellspring, fount, fountain, EVA, extravehicular
origin, beginning, start, dawn, root, founda- activity, spacewalk
tion, provenance, derivation. 2. REFERENCE agency: NASA, National Aeronautics and
authority, author, documentation, database, Space Agency
*horse’s mouth, informant. astronaut’s life-support cable used outside
sourpuss n. Sl. *crab, grouch, *bellyacher, craft: umbilical
*picklepuss. cancel mission: scrub
souse v. pickle, steep, soak, saturate, brine, cancel mission in progress: abort
marinate, immerse, dunk, plunge, submerge. cargo: payload
soused a. Sl. intoxicated, inebriated. SEE DRUNK chamber between pressurized and unpressur-
souvenir n. memento, keepsake, relic, re- ized compartment: airlock
minder, remembrance, memorial, token, distant measuring science: telemetry
trophy. electronic monitoring systems: avionics
sovereign n. monarch, ruler, king, queen, entry into earth’s atmosphere: reentry
crowned head, prince, autocrat, emperor, firing of thrusters or rockets: burn
empress, czar, overlord, dictator. flight path: trajectory
SOVEREIGN a. [SAWV run] the greatest, su- fuel: hydrazine, hydrogen peroxide, LOX
preme, ruling. Also, independent from the (Liquid Oxygen)
rule of others. We studied the evolution of a gravity force equal to earth: g
sovereign state. SYN. greatest, supreme, rank- gravity force in earth orbit: microgravity
ing, leading, preeminent, chief, ruling, dom- gravity slingshot method to boost craft fur-
inant, kingly, queenly, royal, regal, mon- ther into space: gravity assist
archal, imperial, autonomous, independent, ground station: tracking station
self-governing. ANT. dependent, powerless, hazardous flying sand grains: micrometeor-
following, subject. oids
sovereignty n. supremacy, independent power, independent system on board: module, sub-
authority, domination, dominance, domin- system
ion, preeminence, rule, jurisdiction. ‘‘Some launchpad pit: flame pit
power or other from which there is no ap- loss of orbital altitude due to earth’s pull:
peal.’’—Samuel Johnson. decay
sow v. plant, scatter, seed, broadcast, strew, dis- orbit that matches earth’s rotation: geosyn-
perse, spread, imbed, drill. chronous orbit
spa n. resort, health facility, therapeutic facil- orientation in orbit: attitude
ity, health club, bath, tub. payload, launching into space: deployment
space n. 1. UNIVERSE outer space, cosmos, infin- power source: solar cells, photovoltaics SEE
ity, heavens, ether, *eternal horizon, inter- FUEL
stellar expanse, *the great beyond, macro- propellants that ignite on contact with one
cosm, galactic expanse, solar system, galaxy, another: hypergolic propellants
cooling fires of creation, interstellar regions, radio signal from earth to spacecraft: uplink
void, celestial sphere, vacuum. 2. AREA radio signal from spacecraft to earth: down-
room, expanse, range, scope, elbowroom, link
capacity, volume, territory. rocket, extra lifting: booster
WORD FIND rocket, slowing or reversing: retro rocket
distant, bright, mysterious object: quasar rolling craft to diffuse external heat: barbe-
galaxy we live in: Milky Way cue mode

540 Roget’s Superthesaurus


shuttle’s nickname: *flying brick sparkle v. 1. FLASH spark, glitter, shine, flicker,
space probe nerve center: JPL, Jet Propul- scintillate, glint, glimmer, twinkle, wink,
sion Laboratory dazzle, shimmer. 2. BE BRILLIANT be the life
space shuttle nerve center: Mission Control of the party, shine, effervesce, dazzle, be ani-
speed of sound, five times the: hypersonic mated, be lively, be vivacious.
(above Mach 5) sparse a. scanty, meager, slight, scarce, thin,
speed of sound: Mach spare, spotty, scattered, few and far between,
speed of sound, twice the: Mach 2 skimpy, poor. ANT. thick, abundant, plentiful.
timespan within which craft must be Spartan a. disciplined, strict, rigorous, demand-
launched: launch window ing, severe, rigid, abstemious, austere, sim-
wall: bulkhead
ple, frugal. ANT. undisciplined, lavish, luxuri-
spacey a. Sl. *spaced out, *lost in space, *in a
fog, *out to lunch, out of touch with reality, ous, *cushy.
eccentric, weird, *in a zone. spasm n. contraction, convulsion, jerk, twitch,
spacious a. roomy, commodious, large, vast, ca- tic, nervous tic, seizure, fit, throe, cramp,
pacious, extensive, immense, voluminous, shudder, orgasm, cramp.
expansive, uncrowded, generous. ANT. spasmodic a. convulsive, fitful, spastic, twitch-
cramped, crowded, confined. ing, intermittent, sporadic, periodic, on-
span n. spread, reach, width, length, height, and-off, irregular. ANT. regular, steady, con-
breadth, stretch, distance, period, time. tinuous.
span v. cross, traverse, extend across, stretch spat n. dispute, quarrel, disagreement, argu-
across, reach across, bridge, arch over. ment, fight, tiff, row, squabble, *run-in, fall-
spangle n. paillette, sequin, glitter, bead. ing-out, misunderstanding.
spank v. swat, slap, smack, hit, strike, rap, pad- spate n. flood, deluge, outpouring, overflow,
dle one’s behind, take over one’s knee, cuff, downpour, freshet, inundation, heavy rain,
lick, wallop, thrash, whip. cloudburst. ANT. drought.
spar n. pole, beam, mast, sprit, boom, yard, gaff. spatter v. splash, scatter, spray, shower, sprin-
spar v. box, shadow box, *mix it up, practice, kle, scatter, dot, speckle, dabble, spot.
work out, trade punches. spawn v. produce young, reproduce, bring
spare n. extra, stand-by, backup, auxiliary, sub- forth, generate, engender, bear, give birth
stitute, fill-in, surplus, leftover. to, beget, *hatch, create.
spare v. 1. TREAT MERCIFULLY save, free, liberate, spay v. sterilize.
go easy on, forgive, excuse, pardon, exempt, spaz n. Sl. *nerd, *geek, oddball, *goofball,
release, let go, reprieve. 2. GIVE UP part with, *goober.
donate, let go, do without, grant, afford. speak v. 1. UTTER talk, say, state, mouth, voice,
spare a. 1. EXTRA stand-by, backup, auxiliary, vocalize, articulate, verbalize, communicate,
reserve, substitute, fill-in, superfluous, emer- express, enunciate, pronounce, babble,
gency, odd, surplus, leftover. 2. LEAN thin,
blurt, cry, shout, bellow, shriek, rant, rave,
skinny, slim, slender, slight, bony, scrawny,
exclaim, mutter, mumble, whine, murmur,
lanky, rawboned. 3. SCANTY meager, sparse,
whisper, stutter, stammer. 2. MAKE A SPEECH
modest, frugal. ANT. 1. essential. 2. fat, obese,
lecture, give a talk, discourse, orate, address,
flabby. 3. rich, abundant.
sparing a. 1. FRUGAL thrifty, economical, hold forth, preach, pontificate, deliver a ser-
*tight, stingy, cheap, saving, parsimonious, mon. 3. CONVERSE talk, chat, *shoot the
miserly, stinting, grudging, niggardly. 2. breeze, confabulate. SEE TALK
SCANTY meager, sparse, modest, spare. ANT.
speaker n. talker, lecturer, orator, speech-
1. generous, charitable, giving, lavish. 2. rich, maker, spokeswoman, spokesman, keynoter,
abundant. spellbinder.
spark n. 1. FLASH flicker, scintilla, flare, sparkle, spear n. lance, javelin, dart, bolt, shaft, har-
glow, discharge, glint, glimmer, trace, tinge, poon, pike, trident, leister.
particle. 2. STIMULUS spark plug, goad, spur, spear v. pierce, stab, stick, run through, impale,
motivation, impetus, inspiration. lance, puncture, harpoon.
spark v. 1. FLASH flicker, scintillate, flare, spar- SPEARHEAD v. [SPEER hed] to start, pio-
kle, glow, discharge, glint, glimmer. 2. STIM- neer or lead. He spearheaded the environmen-
ULATE ignite, start, activate, goad, spur, mo- tal movement. SYN. start, pioneer, lead,
tivate, energize, propel, inspire. ANT. 2. *blaze the trail, *get the ball rolling, launch,
extinguish, douse. originate, initiate.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 541


special a. 1. PARTICULAR specific, specialized, spectator n. onlooker, watcher, observer,

appropriate. 2. DISTINGUISHED exceptional, viewer, witness, passerby, bystander, *rub-
extraordinary, distinctive, different, un- bernecker.
usual, unique, out-of-the-ordinary, singular, specter n. ghost, spirit, apparition, *spook,
important, *red-letter, momentous, marked, phantom, phantasm, bogey, poltergeist,
select. ANT. 1. general, standard. 2. usual, or- wraith, shadow.
dinary, standard, normal. spectral a. ghostly, phantom, phantasmal, ee-
specialist n. expert, authority, master, profes- rie.
sional, connoisseur, ace, virtuoso, scholar, speculate v. 1. THINK ABOUT meditate, ponder,
devotee. ANT. *jack-of-all-trades, master of reflect, deliberate, contemplate, cogitate,
none, amateur. weigh, ruminate, muse, *chew over, deliber-
specialize v. concentrate on, practice, major in, ate, *turn over in one’s mind, mull over.
devote oneself exclusively to. 2. RISK invest, venture, *toss the dice, buy
specialty n. line, forte, area of expertise, spe- stocks, sell stocks, gamble, *play the market,
cialization, métier, major, bailiwick, profes- trade.
sion, skill, strength. speculation n. 1. THINKING meditation, ponder-
species n. variety, class, line, type, sort, breed, ing, reflection, deliberation, contemplation,
order, genus, division, stripe, genre. cogitation, rumination, musing, mulling,
specific a. specified, particular, express, desig- weighing. 2. THEORY guess, guesswork, as-
nated, explicit, precise, exact, clear, defined, sumption, conjecture, forecast, presump-
spelled-out, unequivocal, unambiguous, ob- tion, suspicion. 3. RISK OF CAPITAL invest-
vious, concrete. ANT. vague, indefinite, am- ment, venture, *toss of the dice, playing the
biguous. stock market, gambling, trading.
specifically adv. particular, expressly, explic- speculative a. theoretical, hypothetical, con-
itly, precisely, specially, exactly, clearly, def- jectural, presumptive, questionable, as-
initely, especially. sumed, suppositional, experimental, un-
specification n. detail, particular, item, spec,
proven, iffy, risky, unpredictable. ANT.
feature, ingredient, stipulation, measure-
certain, sure, guaranteed, unquestionable.
ment, size.
speculator n. guesser, theorist, gambler, stock
specify v. be specific, detail, spell out, be pre-
cise, name, designate, itemize, define, ex-
press, explain. speech n. 1. SPEAKING communication, verbal-
specimen n. sample, sampling, example, in- ization, vocalization, talk, expression, artic-
stance, exemplar, cross section, model, rep- ulation, utterance, pronunciation, elocu-
resentative, individual. tion, conversation. ‘‘The index and mirror
SPECIOUS a. [SPEE shus] plausible but in- of the soul.’’—Thomas Robertson. ‘‘Speech
valid, having only the appearance of the is power: speech is to persuade, to convert,
truth. Lawyers are adept at putting forth spe- to compel.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2.
cious arguments. SYN. plausible, sophistic, LANGUAGE vocabulary, dialect, idiom,

seeming, conceivable, possible, misleading, tongue, vernacular, parlance, lingo, patois.

credible, unsound, ostensible, deceptive, fal- 3. LECTURE talk, address, oration, discourse,
lacious. ANT. true, valid, unquestionable, gen- keynote, sermon, salutation, dissertation,
uine. recitation, soliloquy, stem-winder, filibuster,
speck n. bit, spot, fleck, particle, grain, drop, tirade.
iota, mite, jot, dot, atom, molecule, crumb. WORD FIND
spectacle n. sight, curiosity, display, exhibition, aptness in expression: felicity
show, scene, *eyeful, sensation, marvel, art of word usage: rhetoric, oratory
wonder, pageant, exposition, extravaganza, ecstatic: rhapsody
performance, parade. figure of: metaphor, simile, litotes, trope
spectacles n. specs, lenses. SEE GLASSES fluency, expressiveness: eloquence
spectacular a. striking, sensational, breathtak- graduation: valedictory
ing, extraordinary, exceptional, staggering, impairment: dysphasia, speech impediment,
*eye-popping, stunning, impressive, daz- dysphonia
zling, grand, wonderful, magnificent, awe- incoherent: gibberish, glossolalia
some, marvelous, glorious. ANT. mediocre, incongruous figure of speech: oxymoron
dull, boring, *nothing to write home about. individual dialect: idiolect

542 Roget’s Superthesaurus


individual dialect quirk: idiologism spelunker n. cave explorer. SEE CAVE

informal, conversational: colloquial spend v. exhaust, disburse, squander, pay out,
insertion of words like ‘‘um,’’ ‘‘like,’’ ‘‘you *blow, use up, expend, fritter, consume, dis-
know,’’ etc.: embolalia pense, outlay, splurge, *fork over, deplete.
long and tiresome: screed ANT. save, conserve, hoard.
loss for words, be at a: aporia spendthrift n. squanderer, *big spender, *free
loss of: aphasia, muteness spender, prodigal, profligate, wastrel, high
lying, artful: mendaciloquence roller. ANT. Scrooge, miser, tightwad, *penny-
modulation, change in tone: inflection pincher.
obscuring: obfuscation spent a. exhausted, consumed, burned out,
pompous: bombast, fustian worn out, used up, blown, depleted, ex-
pronounce clearly: enunciate pended, drained, prostrate, *beat, *pooped,
pronunciation, poor or improper: cacology *fagged out. ANT. refreshed, energized, invig-
recall word, inability to: lethologica orated.
showing off one’s education through: ped- sperm n. seed, semen.
antry spew v. gush, flow, issue, spit, eject, vomit,
slip of the tongue: lapsus linguae, Freudian throw up, disgorge, expel.
slip sphere n. 1. BALL globe, orb, spheroid, globule,
speaking easily, fluently: voluble moon, planet. 2. PROVINCE range, domain,
Ssss or Shh sound in: sibilance realm, scope, territory, field, bailiwick, de-
style of: elocution, locution partment, turf.
understatement for ironic effect: meiosis
spherical a. globular, spheroid, orbicular,
unexpressive: inarticulate
round, oval, elliptical.
word and sentence construction: syntax
speechless a. tongue-tied, at a loss for words, sphincter n. constrictor.
mute, struck dumb, inarticulate, aphonic, spice n. seasoning, flavoring, flavor, herb, con-
aphasic, voiceless, silent, *choked up. ANT. diment, piquancy, zest, *zing, pungency,
loquacious, talkative, *motor-mouthed, volu- sharpness, bite, relish, excitement, allspice,
ble. angelica, anise, basil, bay leaf, black pepper,
speed n. swiftness, quickness, velocity, fleet- bouquet garni, calamint, capers, caraway
ness, rapidity, celerity, hustle, promptness, seed, celery seed, chervil, chicory, chili pep-
acceleration, rush, pace. ANT. slowness, slug- per, chili powder, chives, cilantro, cinna-
gishness. mon, cloves, coriander, cumin, curry, dill,
speed v. rush, hurry, fly, zoom, race, whiz, go fennel, flaxseed, garlic, ginger, lemon grass,
like the wind, hustle, dash, tear, sprint, *go licorice, mace, marjoram, mint, mustard,
like lightning, run, hightail, *go like hell, nutmeg, oregano, paprika, parsley, pepper,
*floor it, accelerate. ANT. move in slow mo- peppermint, poppy seed, rosemary, saffron,
tion, crawl, drag. sage, sweet basil, tarragon, thyme, turmeric,
speedy a. fast, quick, rapid, fleet, *quicker than white pepper.
greased lightning, expeditious, hurried, nim- spice v. season, flavor, enliven, enhance.
ble, prompt. ANT. slow, sluggish, slothlike. spick-and-span a. neat, clean, trim, fresh. ANT.
spell n. 1. INCANTATION charm, invocation, untidy.
hex, jinx, voodoo, hoodoo, magic, enchant- spicy a. 1. FLAVORFUL pungent, *zippy, tangy,
ment, bewitchment, entrancement, sorcery, sharp, hot, zesty, seasoned, savory, lively, pi-
mesmerism, hypnotism, trance. SEE OCCULT quant, biting, aromatic, fragrant. 2. RISQUÉ
2. TIME period, interval, *stretch, course, racy, bawdy, suggestive, off-color, *raunchy,
run, turn, tour, shift, bout, episode, fit. obscene, titillating. ANT. 1. bland, blah, dull,
spell v. relieve, give a break, take over, stand tasteless. 2. G-rated, clean, wholesome.
in for, cover for, take turns. spider n. arachnid, *daddy longlegs, black
spellbind v. enchant, entrance, bewitch, mes- widow, tarantula, wolf spider, violin spider,
merize, hypnotize, charm, fascinate, hold, trap-door spider.
rivet, enthrall, transfix. WORD FIND
spellbound a. enchanted, entranced, be- web-spinning appendage: spinneret
witched, mesmerized, hypnotized, charmed, spiel n. Sl. sales pitch, speech, talk, *line, *song
fascinated, held, riveted, enthralled, trans- and dance, hard sell.
fixed. ANT. distracted, bored. spiffy a. Sl. spruce, dapper, smart, neat, trim,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 543


sharp, well-dressed, natty. ANT. disheveled, vivacity, energy, animation, enthusiasm, ea-
bedraggled, frumpy. gerness, zeal, ardor, courage, bravery. 5.
spigot n. tap, faucet, valve, cock. MEANING intention, intent, sense, aim, pur-
spike n. nail, bolt. pose.
spill n. tumble, *header. SEE FALL spirited a. lively, energetic, dynamic, animated,
spill v. 1. SLOP overflow, slosh, dribble, pour, vivacious, fiery, *charged, eager, enthusias-
run over, brim over, splatter, splash. 2. DI- tic, zealous, effervescent, spunky, perky.
VULGE *spill the beans, *let the cat out of ANT. dead, slothful, lifeless, dispirited.
the bag, disclose, make known, reveal, con- spiritless a. listless, *out of it, *dead, suffering
fess, *sing. from malaise, *down in the dumps, de-
spin n. rotation, twirl, roll, twist, revolution, pressed, *bummed out, melancholy, indif-
English. ferent, lifeless, slothful, sluggish, passionless.
spin v. 1. ROTATE twirl, roll, revolve, go ’round, ANT. spirited, *charged, lively.
whirl, gyrate, wheel, pivot, reel, pirouette. spiritual a. 1. OF THE SOUL incorporeal, immate-
2. TELL weave, fabricate, narrate, concoct. rial, extramundane, unearthly, other-
spindle n. shaft, rod, pin, axis, axle. worldly, ethereal, metaphysical. 2. RELI-
spindly a. thin, slim, slender, scrawny, bony, GIOUS sacred, devotional, holy, divine,
long, tall, lanky, gangling, weak, frail. ANT. pious, godly, pure, righteous, heavenly. ANT.
fat, squat, stout. 1. of the body, corporeal, of the flesh. 2. secu-
spindrift n. sea spray, foam, scud. lar, worldly.
spine n. 1. BACKBONE vertebrae, spinal column. spit n. 1. SALIVA spittle, drool, *loogie, sputum,
2. NEEDLE thorn, prickle, barb, quill. 3. WILL- slaver, expectoration. 2. SKEWER broach, ro-
POWER intestinal fortitude, determination, tisserie, pin.
courage, pluck, resolve. ANT. spinelessness, ir- spit v. expectorate, hawk, spray, drool, dribble.
resolution. spite n. malice, ill will, grudge, hard feelings,
spineless a. 1. INVERTEBRATE. 2. COWARDLY resentment, malevolence, maliciousness,
*wimpy, irresolute, *chicken, weak, weak- vindictiveness, vengeance, hate, meanness.
willed, timid, lily-livered, without back- ANT. goodwill, warmth, affection.
bone, *gutless, fainthearted. ANT. 2. tough, spite v. hurt, injure, offend, get back at, harass,
determined, courageous, resolute. annoy, frustrate, be nasty. ANT. *give a hand,
spin-off n. by-product, offshoot, outgrowth, off- help, be nice to.
spring, derivative. spiteful a. malicious, viperous, venomous, vin-
spinster n. old maid, widow, divorcée, femme dictive, vengeful, nasty, resentful, mean,
sole, single woman. catty, hateful, malevolent, vicious, bitter.
spiny a. barbed, spiked, tined, pronged, bristly, ANT. sweet, nice, helpful.
hispid, thorny, prickly. ANT. smooth, sleek. spitting image n. mirror image, twin, likeness.
spiral n. helix, corkscrew, coil, gyre, curlicue, spittle n. SEE SPIT
vortex, whirlpool, eddy, whorl. spittoon n. cuspidor.
spiral a. helical, coiled, winding, corkscrew, splash n. 1. SPLATTER squirt, jet, spurt, spray,
twisted, whorled, spiroid, turbinate, volute, sprinkle, slosh, slop, plop, *kerplunk. 2.
curled, scrolled, cochleate. SMALL AMOUNT drop, touch. 3. SPECTACLE
spire n. steeple, belfry, tower, bell tower, fleche, display, sensation, show.
campanile, minaret, shaft, peak, pinnacle. splash v. splatter, squirt, jet, spurt, spray, sprin-
spirit n. 1. SOUL consciousness, anima, life kle, slosh, slop, plop, *kerplunk.
breath, mind, psyche, self, heart, ego. ‘‘The splatter v. splash, spray, sprinkle spatter, streak,
life of God within us.’’—Saint Teresa. ‘‘A stain.
vital breath of more ethereal air.’’—H.W. splay v. spread, expand, extend.
Longfellow. ‘‘An inward flame; a lamp the spleen n. malice, spite, hatred, ill will, hard
world blows upon but never puts out.’’— feelings, venom, resentment, malevolence,
Margot Asquith. 2. GHOST phantom, phan- petulance, waspishness, grouchiness. ANT.
tasm, spook, apparition, specter, poltergeist, warmth, friendliness, affection, good humor.
shadow, supernatural entity, wraith, pres- splendid a. 1. LUSTROUS magnificent, shining,
ence. 3. MOOD disposition, frame of mind, brilliant, splendiferous, dazzling, gorgeous,
attitude, humor, feeling, temper, morale, luxurious, sumptuous, elegant, *ritzy, *posh.
tone, outlook. 4. LIVELINESS vigor, vitality, 2. EXCELLENT exceptional, great, fabulous,

544 Roget’s Superthesaurus


fantastic, wonderful, outstanding, fine, su- overprotected, smothered. 3. DECAYED rot-

perb, sterling. ANT. 1. drab, dull, poor. 2. ten, putrid, gone bad, decomposed, sour,
poor, inferior, awful, lousy. moldy, addled, deteriorated, rancid. ANT. 1.
splendor n. 1. BRILLIANCE luster, brightness, enhanced, improved. 2. disciplined, hardened,
shine, resplendence, radiance, glitter. 2. deprived. 3. fresh.
MAGNIFICENCE glory, grandeur, pomp, show, spoils n. plunder, booty, property, pillage, loot,
spectacle. winnings, bounty, prize, reward.
splenetic a. irritable, grouchy, bad-tempered, spoilsport n. killjoy, *wet blanket, marplot,
nasty, waspish, petulant, crabby, grumpy, *party pooper.
peevish, sour. ANT. good-humored, easygoing. spoken a. uttered, vocalized, said, articulated,
splice v. join, unite, wed, weave together, bind, voiced, expressed verbally, declared, pro-
connect, twine, braid. nounced, oral. ANT. unspoken.
splinter n. sliver, fragment, bit, shiver, shard. spokesman n. spokeswoman, prolocutor,
splinter v. split, break, fragment, crack, sepa- *mouthpiece, *PR man/woman, voice,
rate. speaker, representative, deputy, intermedi-
split n. 1. BREAK crack, tear, fragmenting, sepa- ary, agent.
ration, splintering, rip, slash, gash, rupture, sponge n. Sl. *sponger, *moocher, *bum, *free-
rift, cleft. 2. DIVISION OR DIFFERENCE OF OPIN- loader, beggar, *leech, parasite, *blood-
ION schism, dissension, fragmentation, dis- sucker, *deadbeat.
union, breach, rift. sponge v. *mooch, beg, cadge, *bum, *freeload,
split v. 1. BREAK splinter, separate, divide, sever, scrounge.
crack, tear, cleave, fragment, rip, slash, rup- sponger n. SEE SPONGE
ture, halve. 2. BE AT ODDS be at opposite ends spongy a. porous, absorbent, elastic, springy,
of the spectrum, polarize, fragment. 3. DIVIDE mushy, boggy, marshy, moist, waterlogged.
*divvy up, allocate, apportion, share, mete sponsor n. underwriter, endorser, financier,
out, subdivide, distribute. ANT. 1. join, unite, supporter, backer, *angel, patron, guarantor,
bind. 2. unite. 3. collect. advertiser, advocate, champion, godfather,
split up v. break up, separate, divorce, go sepa- godmother.
rate ways, part company. spontaneous a. unrehearsed, off the cuff, ex-
temporaneous, unprepared, spur of the mo-
splotch n. spot, stain, blob, mark, splash,
ment, unplanned, impulsive, impromptu,
*off the top of one’s head, ad-lib, unpreme-
splurge v. indulge, *spend like there’s no to-
ditated, reflexive, natural, instinctual. ANT.
morrow, *blow, squander, *go overboard,
planned, premeditated, rehearsed, prepared,
*go whole hog, be extravagant. ANT. con-
serve, *tighten one’s belt, *pinch pennies.
spoof n. parody, satire, *takeoff, *send-up, cari-
splutter v. sputter, spit, hiss, spatter, *spray, cature, lampoon, burlesque, travesty, joke,
stumble, stammer, stutter, *trip over one’s comedy.
words. spoof v. satirize, parody, *send up, caricature,
spoil v. 1. DAMAGE ruin, destroy, injure, impair, lampoon, burlesque, travesty.
wreck, harm, *mess up, *louse up, demolish, spook n. ghost, specter, apparition, spirit, pol-
mar, blemish. 2. OVERINDULGE pamper, cod- tergeist, phantom, phantasm.
dle, mollycoddle, cosset, baby, wait on, cater spooky a. ghostly, spectral, supernatural, eerie,
to, *kill with kindness, overprotect, weird, scary, unnerving, frightening, creepy.
smother, lavish, shelter. 3. DECAY rot, pu- spool n. bobbin, reel, cylinder.
trefy, go bad, decompose, sour, turn moldy, spoon n. eating utensil, implement, silverware,
addle, deteriorate. ANT. 1. enhance, better, ladle, scoop.
improve. 2. harden, be strict with, deprive. spoon-feed v. pamper, coddle, mollycoddle,
spoilage n. garbage, waste, refuse, damaged baby, indulge, overindulge. SEE SPOIL
goods, rotten food. spoor n. trail, track, footprints, markings, drop-
spoiled a. 1. DAMAGED ruined, destroyed, in- pings.
jured, impaired, wrecked, harmed, *messed sporadic a. irregular, on and off, infrequent, in-
up, *loused up, demolished, marred, blem- termittent, spotty, random, occasional, peri-
ished. 2. OVERINDULGED pampered, coddled, odic, erratic, fitful, scattered. ANT. regular,
mollycoddled, *bratty, cossetted, babied, steady, constant.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 545


sport(s) n. 1. ATHLETICS recreation, pastime, di- scrutiny, *fishbowl existence, *public mi-
version, competitive activity, contest, com- croscope, limelight, center stage.
petition, game, play, amusement, entertain- spotlight v. light, illuminate, highlight, cast in
ment. ‘‘War minus the shooting.’’—George the limelight, flood, focus on. ANT. obscure,
BOXING, BULLFIGHT, FENCING, FOOTBALL, GOLF, spotted a. speckled, flecked, spotty, dotted,
MOUNTAINEERING, RACE, SKIN DIVING, SKATING, dappled, mottled, blotched, piebald, guttate.
BALL, WRESTLING 2. OBJECT OF TEASING butt, spotty a. irregular, sporadic, inconsistent, inter-
object of ridicule, laughingstock, *easy tar- mittent, patchy, uneven, erratic, fitful, on
get, *fair game, *patsy, ridicule. 3. JOKING again off again, *running hot and cold, vari-
AROUND fun, frolic, teasing, jollity, merri- able. ANT. consistent, regular, even.
ment, *jollies, antics, tomfoolery, skylark- spouse n. mate, husband, wife, groom, bride,
ing, kidding, ridicule. partner, companion, consort, *old man,
sporting a. fair, sportsmanlike, even, equitable, *old lady, *better half.
*on a level playing field, gentlemanly, hon- spout n. nozzle, spile, spigot, faucet, lip, snout,
est. ANT. unfair, dishonest. mouth, tube, outlet, jet, discharge, spurt,
sportive a. playful, fun, romping, merry, joking, geyser, squirt.
frisky, roguish, frolicsome, gamesome, spout v. 1. FLOW shoot, jet, discharge, spurt,
jaunty. ANT. serious, grave, earnest. squirt, gush, pour, surge, emit, spew, issue.
sportscaster n. *play-by-play man/woman, 2. RANT AND RAVE harangue, *shoot off one’s
color commentator, broadcaster. mouth, *go on and on about, orate, gush.
sportsman n. hunter, fisherman, outdoorsman, sprain v. wrench, twist, strain, tear ligaments.
adventurist. sprawl v. spread, stretch out, spread-eagle, loll,
sportsmanship n. integrity, honor, honesty, slouch, recline, lounge, slump, lie.
fairness, courtesy. ANT. dishonesty, cheating. spray n. mist, drizzle, sprinkle, spritz, vapor,
sportswear n. casual wear, informal wear. shower, *mizzle, spindrift, spume, jet, cloud.
sporty a. flashy, showy, loud, casual, informal. spray v. atomize, drizzle, sprinkle, spritz, vapor-
ANT. formal, conservative. ize, shower, jet, mist, nebulize.
spot n. 1. STAIN blot, speck, smudge, mark, spread n. 1. EXTENSION expansion, spreading,
splotch, discoloration, speckle, dot, patch, increase, mushrooming, growth, broaden-
daub, smirch. 2. LOCATION locale, position, ing, contagion, proliferation, diffusion,
point, place, site, area, section, setting, re- span, extent, range, scope, expanse. 2. FEAST
gion, space. 3. DILEMMA bind, *sticky situa- banquet, smorgasbord, meal, buffet.
tion, fix, mess, predicament, *pickle, jam. spread v. 1. UNFOLD open, unfurl, stretch out,
spot v. 1. STAIN blot, blemish, smudge, mark, stretch, sprawl, splay, uncoil, display. 2. EX-
discolor, speckle, daub, dirty, splash, sprin- PAND extend, increase, mushroom, grow,
kle, fleck. 2. SEE detect, recognize, make out, broaden, proliferate, cover, disperse, per-
pinpoint, discern, spy, sight, catch sight of, vade, permeate. 3. SCATTER strew, distribute,
find, identify. disperse, sprinkle. 4. DISSEMINATE broadcast,
spot-check n. random sampling. publicize, trumpet, circulate, publish, pro-
spotless a. 1. CLEAN immaculate, unstained, un- mulgate, advertise. 5. APPLY slather, daub,
blemished, untainted, laundered, washed, smear, paint, plaster. ANT. 1. close, fold, curl,
scrubbed, *squeaky clean, pristine, virgin. 2. contract. 2. shrink, contract, recede. 3. gather,
IRREPROACHABLE above reproach, pure, in- amass, pile. 4. censor, keep quiet.
nocent, uncorrupted, above suspicion, spreadsheet n. accounting program, bookkeep-
*having clean hands, faultless, impeccable, ing program, accounting software. SEE COM-
virginal, chaste, *squeaky clean. ANT. 1. PUTER
dirty, filthy, spotty. 2. faulty, defective, tar- spree n. frolic, *field day, party, celebration,
nished. orgy, carousal, *binge, *tear, *bender,
spotlight n. 1. LAMP klieg light, *spot, flood- *drunk.
light, arc light, search light, pin spot, beam sprig n. twig, spray, nosegay, stem, slip, sprout.
projector, *bon-bon, limelight, *ashcan. 2. sprightly a. lively, spirited, gay, energetic,
PROMINENCE recognition, notice, public brisk, vivacious, animated, playful, jaunty,

546 Roget’s Superthesaurus


chipper, blithe, cheerful, spry. ANT. sluggish, spur v. goad, instigate, provide an incentive,
lifeless, glum. spark, stimulate, trigger, prod, jolt, *give a
spring n. 1. LEAP jump, bound, vault, hop, swift kick, prompt, incite, *goose. ANT. put
bounce, resilience, elasticity, springiness, re- a damper on, discourage, slow.
coil. 2. COIL shock absorber, spiral, helix, SPURIOUS a. [SPYOOR ee us] false, counter-
compression spring. 3. WELL upwelling, feit. The purported Jack the Ripper diary turned
gush, fountain, waterhole, *drink, pool, spa, out to be spurious. SYN. fake, ungenuine, bo-
baths. 4. ORIGIN wellspring, source, foun- gus, phony, simulated, fraudulent, forged,
tain, fount, beginning, motive, impetus. 5. sham, pseudo, mock, artificial, apocryphal.
SEASON March, April, May, *rebirth, *new ANT. genuine, authentic, real.
beginning, blossoming time, mating season. spurn v. reject, refuse, decline, scorn, snub,
‘‘A true reconstructionist.’’—Henry Tim- *give the cold shoulder, *turn one’s nose up
rod. at, *nix, *give a thumbs down, have no part
spring v. 1. LEAP jump, bound, vault, hop, hur- of, rebuff, disdain, sneeze at. ANT. embrace,
dle, lunge, skip. 2. SPRING BACK recoil, re- accept, welcome.
bound. 3. RISE *pop up, crop up, emerge, spurt n. 1. SQUIRT jet, rush, gush, spray, spate,
grow, emanate, stem, originate. geyser, surge. 2. BURST OF ACTIVITY rush,
springy a. elastic, resilient, rubbery, spongy, surge, flurry, flare-up, spell.
bouncy, flexible. ANT. stiff, inflexible. spurt v. squirt, jet, rush, gush, spray, surge, well
sprinkle n. light rain, mist, drizzle, spit, spray, up, spout, ejaculate.
shower, dash, smattering, pinch, scattering, sputter v. 1. SPLUTTER *spray one’s words, spit,
dusting. ANT. deluge, flood. stammer, stutter, *gibber-jabber, *trip over
sprinkle v. rain lightly, mist, drizzle, spit, spray, one’s words, talk excitedly. 2. SIZZLE spit,
shower, dash, sparge, scatter, dust. crackle, pop, snap.
sprint v. run, race, *go full out, dash, *run like sputum n. spittle, saliva, spit, phlegm, mucus.
hell, *beat feet, tear, rush, *hotfoot. SEE RUN spy n. intelligence agent, secret agent, under-
sprite n. fairy, elf, pixie, nymph, brownie, cover agent, double agent, secret service
gnome, goblin, hobgoblin, leprechaun. agent, CIA agent, operative, snoop, investi-
sprout v. germinate, grow, shoot, bud, bloom, gator, *mole, *tail, informer, *private eye,
burgeon, develop, flower. ANT. die, wither. scout. SEE SPYING
spruce a. neat, trim, smart, natty, dapper, chic, spy v. 1. WATCH SURREPTITIOUSLY observe, stake
well-groomed, sharp, *spiffy, *slick. ANT. out, keep under surveillance, shadow, *case,
sloppy, bedraggled, frumpy, disheveled. *tail, *check out, scout, reconnoiter, eaves-
spruce up v. clean up, neaten up, groom, *fix drop, *bug, snoop, investigate, pry, engage
up, *doll up, *spit and polish, *gussy up, in espionage, infiltrate, gather intelligence.
primp. SEE SPYING 2. CATCH SIGHT OF see, perceive,
SPRY a. [SPRI] active and nimble, lively. He make out, detect, spot, sight, glimpse.
was surprisingly spry for a ninety-year-old. SYN. spying n. espionage, intelligence gathering, re-
active, nimble, lively, vigorous, vital, connaissance, infiltration, eavesdropping,
hearty, *peppy, robust, brisk, quick, agile. bugging.
ANT. lifeless, lethargic, bedridden. WORD FIND
spume n. foam, froth, fizz, cream, suds, lather, agent who does not spy but works to confuse
spindrift, scum. enemy: confusion agent
spunk n. courage, heart, *guts, spirit, intestinal coded communication, science of: cryptol-
fortitude, pluck, backbone, mettle, nerve, ogy
*moxie, grit, mental toughness. ANT. timid- code form, put information into: encrypt,
ity, *wimpiness, cowardice. encipher
spunky a. courageous, brave, *gutsy, spirited, concealed microphone: *bug, listening de-
game, plucky, gritty, tough, nervy, lion- vice
hearted, red-blooded, resolute. ANT. timid, decode: decrypt, decipher
*wimpy, cowardly. decoding encrypted messages: cryptanalysis
spur n. goad, impetus, incentive, motivation, expose as a spy: *blow one’s cover, *burn
*spark, *spark plug, stimulus, trigger, prod, group: cell
jolt, *swift kick. ANT. damper, discourage- infiltrator of enemy intelligence agency:
ment. mole, double agent

Roget’s Superthesaurus 547


information, secret: classified information, cube, box. 2. PLAZA park, common, village
top secret information green, piazza, quadrangle, quad.
International Criminal Police Organization: square v. 1. EVEN UP adjust, align, true, plumb,
Interpol fix, rectify, straighten, fit, settle. 2. SETTLE
misleading or phony information: disinfor- ONE’S ACCOUNTS pay off, clear, satisfy, dis-
mation, counterintelligence charge, balance, even up. 3. AGREE corre-
penetration into enemy’s affairs: infiltration spond, match, dovetail, coincide, synchro-
safe haven or meeting house: safe house nize, coordinate, harmonize. ANT. 1.
secret code: cipher, password misalign, skew. 2. go into debt, be in arrears.
traitorous work performed for enemy: col- 3. disagree, contrast, contradict.
laboration square a. 1. QUADRANGULAR four-sided, quad-
undercover, secret: covert rate, boxy, equilateral, rectangular, cube-
U.S. government agency: CIA, Central In- like. 2. Sl. OLD-FASHIONED *straight, conser-
telligence Agency vative, prudish, conformist, straitlaced,
squabble n. quarrel, dispute, argument, fight, *uptight, prim. 3. EVEN straight, level, true,
tiff, disagreement, difference of opinion, accurate. 4. HONEST straightforward, just, on
controversy, row, wrangle. ANT. agreement, the level, *on the up and up, fair, equitable,
harmony, accord. ethical. ANT. 1. round, circular, triangular. 2.
squabble v. quarrel, dispute, argue, fight, have *hip, *cool, *with it, nonconforming. 3. un-
a tiff, disagree, have a difference of opinion, even, inaccurate. 4. dishonest, unjust, unethi-
*lock horns, wrangle, contend. ANT. agree, cal.
get along. squash v. 1. SQUISH flatten, compress, press,
squad n. group, team, crew, company, unit, pla- smash, mash, crush, squeeze, compact,
toon, battalion, band, gang, *outfit. crowd, jam. 2. QUASH bring to an end, stop,
bring down, suppress, stifle, crush, squelch,
squadron n. 1. GROUP OF VESSELS convoy, unit,
*crack down on, *pull the plug on. ANT. 2.
two divisions. 2. FLIGHT FORMATION esca-
fortify, strengthen, support.
squat v. crouch, hunker down, sit on one’s
SQUALID a. [SKWALL id] filthy or run-
heels, sit on one’s haunches.
down due to neglect. The tenement building
squat a. short, *built like a fireplug, stubby,
was in a squalid section of town. SYN. filthy,
stumpy, stocky, pudgy, dumpy, *fubsy,
dirty, foul, unclean, grungy, dingy, grimy, thickset, tubby. ANT. tall, gangling, lanky.
rat-infested, stinking, slummy, run-down, squatter n. settler, claimant, applicant.
dilapidated, wretched, miserable, seedy, sor- squawk n. 1. CRY shriek, screech, call, scream,
did. ANT. clean, immaculate, well-kept. squeal, crowing, cackle, outcry, howl. 2. Sl.
squall n. 1. WINDSTORM gale, blow, gust, blast, COMPLAINT fuss, protest, objection, gripe,
tempest, downpour, cloudburst, shower, shout, yell.
gale, storm, flurry. 2. DISTURBANCE blow-up, squawk v. 1. CRY shriek, screech, call, scream,
furor, tumult, commotion, trouble, fuss. 3. squeal, crow, cackle, outcry. 2. COMPLAIN
CRY scream, wail, shriek, bawling, yell, yowl,
put up a fuss, protest, object, *cry foul, yell,
howl, outcry, outburst. fume, gripe.
SQUALOR n. [SKWALL ur] filth and pov- squeak n. cry, peep, cheep, whine, mew, squeal,
erty, wretchedness. Many in the inner cities creak, screech.
live in squalor. SYN. filth, poverty, dirtiness, squeak v. cry, peep, cheep, whine, mew, squeal,
foulness, grunginess, dinginess, slum condi- creak, screech.
tions, seediness, wretchedness, misery, sor- squeal v. 1. CRY scream, whine, shriek, howl,
didness, *Dickensian poverty. ANT. luxury, wail, screech, yelp, squeak. 2. Sl. INFORM
wealth, *bed of roses, *clover. *rat on, turn in, *drop a dime on, *snitch,
SQUANDER v. [SKWAN dur] to waste. She tell, tattle, *sell down the river, *blow the
squandered the last of her inheritance. SYN. whistle on, betray.
waste, *blow, be extravagant, fritter away, squeamish a. oversensitive, dainty, delicate,
throw away, *spend like there was no to- queasy, qualmish, prudish, prim, easily of-
morrow, lavish, play the profligate, dissi- fended, easily shocked, *having a weak
pate. ANT. save, conserve, be frugal. stomach. ANT. tough, *having a cast-iron
square n. 1. QUADRATE quadrangle, rectangle, stomach, thick-skinned.

548 Roget’s Superthesaurus


squeeze n. embrace, hug, clasp, *clinch, grip, calm. ANT. 1. unstable, shaky, unsteady, unre-
compression. liable. 2. unstable, crazy, insane, unbalanced.
squeeze v. 1. PRESS compress, squash, squish, stack n. 1. PILE heap, mass, mound, hill, load,
crush, contract, tighten, constrict, wring. 2. assemblage, pack, bundle, sheaf, rick, cord,
HUG embrace, *bear hug, enfold, take in pyramid. 2. SMOKESTACK chimney, flue.
one’s arms, clasp, *clinch. 3. CRAM crowd, stack v. pile, heap, amass, mound, load, assem-
jam, pack, wedge, ram. 4. EXTORT extract, ble, stockpile, pyramid.
wrest, blackmail. stacked a. Sl. built, curvaceous, full-figured,
squelch v. squash, suppress, silence, crush, put well-endowed.
down, quash, extinguish, kill, smother, stadium n. arena, bowl, sports complex, ath-
shoot down, stifle, defeat. ANT. help, boost, letic field, football field, baseball field, ball-
strengthen. park, astrodome, circus, hippodrome, coli-
squib n. firecracker. SEE FIREWORKS seum, amphitheater. SEE SPORT(S)
squint v. focus intently, peer at with half-closed staff n. 1. STICK rod, pole, shaft, walking stick,
eyes, look at narrowly, peer, peep, *screw up cane, alpenstock, crook, crosier, truncheon,
one’s eyes, skew. shillelagh, mace, scepter. 2. ASSISTANTS em-
squire n. gentleman, landowner, proprietor, at- ployees, work force, crew, team, personnel,
tendant, armor-bearer, servant, valet, es- help, cadre, cast, faculty.
cort, gallant, attendant, date, companion. stage n. 1. PLATFORM rostrum, dais, *the boards,
squirm v. wiggle, wriggle, writhe, twist, turn, podium. 2. THEATER show business, *show
twitch, contort, fidget, flounder. biz, footlights, set, limelight, spotlight,
squirt n. spritz, jet, spurt, spray, fountain, Broadway. SEE THEATER 3. PERIOD phase,
stream, gush. step, point in time, juncture, moment. 4.
squirt v. spritz, spray, spurt, shoot, spout, jet, LEVEL grade, rung, position, echelon, status.
stream, discharge, spew, gush, ejaculate. stage v. present, exhibit, put on, perform, pro-
squish v. compress, flatten. SEE SQUASH duce, arrange, engineer, mount, carry out.
stab n. 1. PRICK, PAIN piercing, puncture, cut, stagecoach n. concord, coach, *mud wagon.
gash, laceration, wound, sharp pain, shoot-
ing pain, twinge, pange, searing pain, ache.
escort who protected against robbers: shot-
2. TRY shot, crack, attempt, effort, chance,
gun rider, outrider
*whirl, *go. SEE STAB IN THE BACK
robber: road agent
stab v. pierce, prick, stick, slit, gash, puncture,
run through, knife, cut, impale, penetrate, section of road between relays of animals:
lance, plunge, thrust, gore. SEE KILL, MURDER stage
stability n. steadiness, sturdiness, firmness, so- section of road comprised of several drives:
lidity, equilibrium, balance, strength, soun- division
dness, permanence, constancy, dependabil- section of road comprised of several stages:
ity, reliability. ANT. instability, shakiness, drive
unsteadiness. trunk: boot
stabilize v. steady, secure, firm, equalize, bal- stagehand n. grip, callboy. SEE MOVIE
ance, strengthen, root, fix, ground, fortify, stagger v. 1. TOTTER reel, sway, stumble, wob-
brace, set, support. ANT. destabilize, weaken, ble, careen, weave, bob, lurch, falter, pitch.
undermine. 2. SHOCK bowl over, stun, *hit like a ton
stab in the back n. backstabbing, betrayal, of bricks, take one’s breath away, astonish,
treachery, *doublecross, Judas kiss. overwhelm, *blow away, jolt, take aback.
stab in the back v. backstab, betray, *double- staggering a. stunning, shocking, awesome,
cross, backbite, sell out, sell down the river, overwhelming, astonishing, mind-blowing,
give the Judas kiss, turn traitor. mind-boggling, amazing.
stable n. barn, stall, shelter, pen, paddock. stagnant a. unmoving, still, standing, station-
stable a. 1. STEADY secure, firm, sturdy, equal- ary, dormant, inert, dead, foul, stinking,
ized, balanced, strong, solid, sound, rooted, stale, putrid, polluted, dirty. ANT. fast-mov-
fixed, grounded, fortified, braced, set, stead- ing, flowing, fresh, clean.
fast, immovable, permanent. 2. MENTALLY stagnate v. stand, idle, stop, be motionless, lie
SOUND sane, rational, compos mentis, sensi- still, go stale, die, rot, decay, putrefy, deteri-
ble, of clear mind, composed, self-possessed, orate, stink. ANT. move, flow, freshen.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 549


STAGNATION n. [stag NA shun] lack of mo- *stonewall, slow down, postpone, filibuster,
tion or activity, decline, death. The economy dillydally, procrastinate, waste time, hem
underwent a period of stagnation. SYN. mo- and haw, put off, temporize. 2. SHUT DOWN
tionlessness, inactivity, decline, deteriora- conk out, break down, run out of gas, *sput-
tion, death, stillness, quiet, inertia, dor- ter and die. ANT. 1. rush, hurry, expedite. 2.
mancy. ANT. activity, movement, growth. start, run, perform.
stagy a. theatrical, melodramatic, affected, stallion n. stud, steed. SEE HORSE
*hammy, ostentatious, overdone, showy. stalwart n. supporter, staunch supporter, loyal-
STAID a. [STAYD] sedate, restrained, serious. ist, upholder, mainstay.
He was a staid, bookish character who rarely STALWART a. [STALL wurt] strong, firm,
laughed. SYN. sedate, restrained, serious, so- brave, resolute. The senator was a stalwart
ber, solemn, conservative, subdued, quiet, member of the Republican party. SYN. strong,
grave, dignified, proper, formal, decorous, firm, robust, powerful, hearty, vigorous,
settled. ANT. wild, abandoned, jovial, frivo- brave, courageous, tough, fearless, daring,
lous. valiant, heroic, resolute, determined, stead-
stain n. 1. SPOT discoloration, streak, smudge, fast, staunch, unflinching, unwavering, te-
mark, blotch, speck, spatter, blemish, nacious. ANT. weak, fearful, irresolute, half-
smirch. 2. DISHONOR stigma, shame, guilt, hearted, spineless.
taint, disgrace, *black eye, odium, infamy, stamina n. endurance, *wind, fitness, heart,
blot. strength, staying power, energy, vigor, aero-
stain v. 1. SPOT discolor, streak, smudge, mark, bic power, *steam, conditioning, *legs, in-
blotch, speck, spatter, blemish, smirch. 2. testinal fortitude. ANT. weakness, lack of fit-
DISHONOR stigmatize, shame, taint, *drag ness.
one’s name through the mud, disgrace, *give stammer v. stutter, splutter, hem, trip/stumble
a black eye, tarnish, discredit. over one’s words, speak haltingly, falter.
stairs n. steps, stairway, staircase, flight, perron, stamp n. 1. IMPRINT mark, seal, impression,
spiral staircase, escalator, companionway. symbol, brand, hallmark, emblem. 2. CHAR-
stake n. 1. POST stick, pale, picket, pole, shaft, ACTER kind, type, variety, sort, class.
peg, upright, boundary marker. 2. PRIZE pot, stamp v. 1. STOMP tramp, trample, step on, beat,
jackpot, purse, pool, winnings, bet, wager, pound. 2. IMPRINT mark, seal, impress,
ante. brand, label, engrave, print, emboss. 3.
stake v. 1. MARK OFF demarcate, bound, limit, CHARACTERIZE brand, style, tag, distinguish,
delineate. 2. BET wager, risk, venture, classify.
chance, gamble, pledge. stampede n. rush, mad dash, flight, run, race,
stale a. 1. FLAT, TASTELESS flavorless, old, bad, panic, scattering.
musty, dry, hard, unfresh, moldy, bland, va- WORD FIND
pid, spoiled. 2. UNORIGINAL old, overused, slow or stop stampede by making cattle cir-
trite, hackneyed, clichéd, tired, threadbare, cle around: mill
*old hat, stock, shopworn, dead, banal, va- stamping ground n. stomping ground, haunt,
pid, insipid. ANT. 1. fresh, tasty. 2. fresh, orig- hangout.
inal, new, imaginative. stamp out v. extinguish, snuff out, crush, put
STALEMATE n. [STAYL mate] a deadlock or out, squelch, stop, kill.
draw. The negotiations ended in a disappointing stance n. position, posture, standpoint, view-
stalemate. SYN. deadlock, gridlock, standstill, point, attitude, stand.
*Catch 22, impasse, stop, standoff, check, stanchion n. support, beam, post, upright,
draw, tie. brace.
stalk v. hunt, pursue, sneak up on, follow, tail, stand n. 1. RESISTANCE defense, counter, repul-
trail stealthily, creep up on, shadow, track sion, opposition. 2. POSITION stance, view,
down, terrorize. viewpoint, standpoint, attitude, belief,
stall n. 1. COMPARTMENT booth, stable, pen, point of view, policy. 3. PLATFORM stage,
shelter, cubicle, cell, cubby hole, stand, ki- dais, podium, rostrum, pulpit, lectern, wit-
osk, enclosure, room, chamber. 2. DELAYING ness box. 4. GRANDSTAND bleachers, seats. 5.
TACTIC evasion, *footdragging, *stonewall- KIOSK booth, stall, counter. 6. TABLE holder,
ing, ruse, subterfuge, ploy. rack, shelf, cradle.
stall v. 1. DELAY play for time, *drag one’s feet, stand v. 1. RISE TO ONE’S FEET stay on one’s feet,

550 Roget’s Superthesaurus


be erect. 2. ENDURE take, put up with, with- staple a. principle, leading, main, basic, funda-
stand, suffer, abide, tolerate, bear, weather, mental, chief, foremost, vital, important,
brave. ANT. 1. sit, recline. 2. *cave in, col- necessary, essential. ANT. secondary, minor,
lapse, buckle. unnecessary.
standard n. 1. CRITERION guideline, norm, mea- star n. 1. sun, *flaming gasball, celestial body,
sure, model, ideal, rule, gauge, mean, me- heavenly body, burning orb, *cooling fires
dian, specification, yardstick, principle, reg- of creation, *candlelight of the gods, *heav-
ulation. 2. FLAG ensign, banner, pennant, enly beacon. ‘‘The forget-me-nots of the
streamer, Old Glory, Stars and Stripes, angels.’’—H.W. Longfellow.
Union Jack. WORD FIND
standard a. regular, conventional, normal, brightness measurement: magnitude
stock, accepted, established, customary, brightness, star with variable: variable star
classic, orthodox, usual, traditional, *run- bright star: Sirius, Polaris
of-the-mill, general, basic, *garden variety. chain of galaxies stretching across universe:
ANT. unconventional, unusual, out of the ordi- Great Wall
nary. chart of positions: ephemeris
standardize v. normalize, regulate, systematize, closest: Proxima Centauri
homogenize, equalize, regulate. cloudy, gassy birthplace of: nebula
standby n. fill-in, substitute, backup, replace- collapsed star with massive gravity forces:
ment, stand-in, understudy, pinch hitter. black hole, neutron star, pulsar
stand for v. mean, represent, signify, denote, concealment by another celestial body: oc-
symbolize, indicate. cultation
standing n. 1. STATUS position, rank, stature, constellation, group of stars not belonging
place, class, station, reputation, repute, to any: asterism
place in the pecking order, prestige, emi- cool red star of massive proportions: red gi-
nence, importance. 2. DURATION longevity, ant
time, tenure. double star that may appear as one: binary
standoff n. draw, tie, deadlock, gridlock, stale- effect that reveals whether star is approach-
mate. ing or receding: Doppler effect
standoffish a. aloof, cool, cold, reserved, with- erupting, brightening star: nova
exploding star: supernova
drawn, reticent, remote, distant, unsociable,
galactic-like superobject at ends of universe:
antisocial, unfriendly, unapproachable,
snooty, snobby, haughty. ANT. friendly,
galaxy, nearby: Andromeda
warm, sociable.
group of stars forming a distinctive configu-
standout n. *phenom, winner, star, superstar,
ration: constellation
ace, *crackerjack, talent, *one for the
group of stars in which earth is located:
books, *hit, *smash, *whiz kid. ANT. *sec- Milky Way galaxy
ond-stringer, *benchwarmer, *nothing to write group of stars or island universe: galaxy,
home about, *just another brick in the wall. globular cluster
stand pat v. resist, resist change, stay put, *stick hazy group too distant to be seen with naked
to one’s guns, *stand one’s ground, hold out, eye: stardust
*die hard. mapping of: uranography
standpoint n. point of view, P.O.V., position, motion unrelated to earth’s rotation: proper
perspective, viewpoint, stance, outlook, be- motion
lief, opinion, attitude. referring to: stellar, astral
standstill n. stop, halt, impasse, *dead end, ces- shooting star: SEE METEOR
sation, deadlock, gridlock, *jam-up, *bottle- tiny star with immense mass: white dwarf
neck, arrest, stalemate, draw. ANT. progress, twinkling of: scintillation
movement. X-ray emitting: pulsar
stanza n. stave, quatrain, sextain, triolet, verses. SEE ASTRONOMY, COMET, CONSTELLATION, ME-
staple n. chief commodity, essential product, 2. ASTERISK pentagram, pentacle, hexagram. 3.
primary product, necessary product, basic, CELEBRITY superstar, luminary, *name, *big-
fundamental, essential, necessity. shot, *bigwig, *celeb, personage, leading

Roget’s Superthesaurus 551


lady, leading man, matinee idol, headliner. *scare the living daylights out of, *scare the
ANT. nobody, unknown. pants off of.
star v. headline, be featured, lead. starve v. go hungry, become emaciated, be mal-
star a. leading, prominent, outstanding, stand- nourished, waste away, die of starvation,
out, celebrated, main, famous, renowned, il- perish, succumb, be ravenous, be famished,
lustrious. ANT. unknown, secondary. fast, diet. ANT. *stuff oneself, gorge, *pig out.
starch n. 1. STIFFNESS formality, rigidity, prud- starved a. hungry, famished, starving, ravenous,
ishness, decorum, manners, primness, pro- *hungry enough to eat a horse, malnour-
priety. 2. ENERGY vigor, pep, vitality, drive, ished, emaciated, wasting away. ANT. full,
spirit. ANT. 1. casualness, informality, folksi- *stuffed, gorged.
ness. 2. sluggishness, lethargy. state n. 1. CONDITION status, circumstances,
starchy a. stiff, formal, rigid, prudish, decorous, form, shape, situation, mode, position,
mannered, prim, a model of propriety, stuffy, phase, stage, station, standing, footing,
strict, conservative, puritanical. ANT. casual, mood, frame of mind. 2. NATION, STATE re-
informal, relaxed. public, union, commonwealth, country,
star-crossed a. doomed, unfortunate, unlucky, people, land, government, kingdom. ‘‘Great
ill-destined, ill-fated, damned, cursed, con- engines moving slowly.’’—Frances Bacon.
demned. ANT. fortunate, lucky, blessed. ‘‘A secular deity.’’—Georg Hegel. ‘‘Embod-
stardom n. superstardom, notoriety, fame, ac- ied morality.’’—Georg Hegel. ‘‘That cawing
claim, greatness, renown, celebrity status, rookery of committees and subcommit-
prominence. ANT. anonymity, oblivion. tees.’’—V.S. Pritchett.
stare n. gaze, gawking, ogling, eyeballing, glare, WORD FIND
withering stare, glower. SEE ANGRY
stare v. watch, gaze, gawk, gape, ogle, eyeball, Alabama: Cotton State, Heart of Dixie
glare, *rubberneck, peer, fix one’s gaze on, Alaska: Last Frontier
*burn holes with one’s eyes, *scorch with Arizona: Grand Canyon State
one’s eyes, *regard saucer-eyed, stare down. Arkansas: Land of Opportunity
California: Golden State
Colorado: Centennial State
stargazing n. SEE ASTRONOMY
Connecticut: Nutmeg State, Constitution
stark a. 1. BARE desolate, unadorned, undeco-
rated, plain, simple, Spartan, austere, bald,
Delaware: First State, Diamond State
naked, stripped, barren, bleak, empty, de-
Florida: Sunshine State
serted. 2. UTTER sheer, downright, outright,
Georgia: Peach State, Empire State of the
absolute, complete, unmitigated, out-and-
out. ANT. 1. ornate, adorned, decorated. 2.
Hawaii: Aloha State
partial, mitigiated. Idaho: Gem State
starry-eyed a. unrealistic, impractical, roman- Illinois: Prairie State
tic, optimistic, dreaming. ANT. pragmatic, Indiana: Hoosier State
down-to-earth, realistic. Iowa: Hawkeye State
start n. 1. BEGINNING commencement, opening, Kansas: Sunflower State
outset, onset, *blast-off, conception, incep- Kentucky: Bluegrass State
tion, birth, origin, genesis, dawn. 2. SHOCK Louisiana: Pelican State, Creole State
fright, surprise, jump, startle, flinch, jolt, Maine: Pine Tree State
turn. 3. HEAD START lead, advantage, *jump, Maryland: Old Line State
handicap, allowance. ANT. 1. end, termina- Massachusetts: Bay State
tion, finish, death. Michigan: Wolverine State
start v. begin, commence, open, *blast off, de- Minnesota: Gopher State, North Star State
part, *get the ball rolling, set off, get going, Mississippi: Magnolia State
get underway, *dive in, initiate, conceive, Missouri: Show Me State
give birth to, give rise to, found, pioneer, Montana: Treasure State
institute, create, introduce, invent, spring, Nebraska: Cornhusker State
arise, emerge. ANT. end, stop, die, terminate. Nevada: Sagebrush State, Silver State
startle v. surprise, alarm, shock, frighten, scare, New Hampshire: Granite State
jolt, *give a turn, stun, unnerve, astonish, New Jersey: Garden State

552 Roget’s Superthesaurus


New Mexico: Land of Enchantment 2. POST battle station, assigned area, depart-
New York: Empire State ment, position, location. 3. HEADQUARTERS
North Carolina: Tar Heel State, Old North base, command post, nerve center, office. 4.
State SOCIAL STANDING status, class, position,
North Dakota: Flickertail State, Sioux State rank, caste, grade, footing.
Ohio: Buckeye State stationary a. fixed, unmoving, immobile, mo-
Oklahoma: Sooner State tionless, static, anchored, rooted, at a stand-
Oregon: Beaver State still, stable, still, inert. ANT. moving, mobile,
Pennsylvania: Keystone State on the move.
Rhode Island: Little Rhody stationery n. letterhead, writing papers, enve-
South Carolina: Palmetto State lopes.
South Dakota: Coyote State, Sunshine statistician n. statist, demographer, pollster,
State *number cruncher.
Tennessee: Volunteer State statistics n. facts, hard data, *stats, *numbers,
Texas: Lone Star State percentages, *the book, track record, *dope.
Utah: Beehive State ‘‘The heart of democracy.’’—Simeon Strun-
Vermont: Green Mountain State sky. ‘‘Statistics are like a bikini. What they
Virginia: Old Dominion reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal
Washington: Evergreen State is vital.’’—Aaron Levenstein.
West Virginia: Mountain State statue n. statuette, sculpture, figure, figurine,
Wisconsin: Badger State colossus, bust, monument, icon, acrolith,
Wyoming: Equality State rendering, carving. SEE SCULPTURE
statuesque a. tall, graceful, dignified, well-pro-
state v. say, declare, assert, put forth, utter, portioned, beautiful, handsome, imposing,
voice, express, articulate, deliver, announce, majestic, stately, *like a Greek god.
speak, avow. statuette n. figurine, *Oscar.
stately a. dignified, majestic, grand, august, im- stature n. 1. HEIGHT tallness, size, length, mea-
posing, distinguished, regal, royal, impres- surement. 2. STANDING status, rank, posi-
sive, elegant, formal, palatial, ceremonial. tion, importance, eminence, station, devel-
ANT. undignified, cheap, modest, poor.
opment, growth, prestige.
statement n. declaration, assertion, announce-
status n. 1. CONDITION state, shape. 2. RANK
ment, utterance, pronouncement, com-
position, standing, station, class, *place in
ment, remark, profession, proclamation,
the pecking order, *place on the corporate
communication, verbalization, articulation,
ladder, stature, grade, rating, prestige, dis-
revelation, testimony, affidavit, deposition.
tinction, eminence.
state-of-the-art a. *cutting edge, *leading edge,
STATUS QUO n. the present state of affairs.
*twenty-first century, advanced, new, mod-
ern, ultramodern, up-to-the-minute, trend- They weren’t interested in progress but in the
setting. ANT. antiquated, old-fashioned, out- preservation of the status quo. SYN. present
dated. state of affairs, current situation, existing
statesman n. politician, diplomat, elder states- condition, state, present reality, norm.
man, legislator, solon. ‘‘Somebody old statute n. regulation, law, rule, ordinance, leg-
enough to know his own mind and keep islation, edict, act, bill. SEE POLITICS, LAW
quiet about it.’’—Bernard Baruch. SEE POLITI- staunch v. stanch, stop, close off, seal, lessen.
CIAN STAUNCH a. [STAWNCH] strong, stead-
static n. 1. ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE *atmo- fast, loyal. Her father was a staunch Republi-
spherics, discharges, noise. 2. CRITICISM can. SYN. strong, rock-solid, firm, steadfast,
*flak, *grief. unwavering, resolute, faithful, tried-and-
STATIC a. [STAT ik] unmoving, stationary. true, unflinching, devoted, stalwart, reli-
Electric batteries are a static power source. SYN. able, constant, red-blooded, dyed-in-the-
unmoving, motionless, stationary, inactive, wool. ANT. weak, uncommitted, irresolute, un-
fixed, still, constant, inert, stagnant. ANT. faithful.
dynamic, active, moving. stave off v. ward off, hold off, fend off, avoid,
station n. 1. DEPOT terminal, terminus, stop, repel, block.
end of the line, transfer station, substation. stay n. 1. STOP stopover, holiday, visit, sojourn.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 553


2. POSTPONEMENT delay, suspension, defer- steep a. 1. PRECIPITOUS sheer, high, abrupt, ver-
ment, reprieve. tical, vertiginous, dizzying, *steep enough to
stay v. 1. STOP halt, freeze, remain, wait, abide, scare a mountain goat, sky-high, lofty. 2. EX-
pause. 2. VISIT stop over, sojourn, lodge, live, PENSIVE high, costly, exorbitant, unreason-
dwell, reside. 3. CONTINUE endure, last, per- able. ANT. 1. gradual, horizontal. 2. cheap,
sist, abide. low-priced, reasonable.
staying power n. endurance. SEE STAMINA steeple n. spire, minaret, belfry. SEE TOWER
STEADFAST a. [STED fast] constant, fixed, steer v. guide, direct, navigate, *man the helm,
resolute. He remained steadfast until the end. drive, pilot, take the wheel, skipper, captain,
SYN. constant, fixed, firm, resolute, resolved, point, plot a course, *be in the driver’s seat.
steady, dedicated, devoted, loyal, faithful, stein n. SEE MUG
settled, firm, persevering, stalwart. ANT. ir- stellar a. 1. OF THE STARS astral, starry, galactic.
resolute, unfaithful, wavering. SEE STAR. 2. OUTSTANDING excellent, shin-
steady v. stabilize, secure, firm, balance. ing, splendid, chief, leading. ANT. 1. terres-
steady a. 1. SOLID fixed, stable, rock-solid, bal- trial. 2. mediocre.
anced, secure, anchored. 2. CONSTANT un- stem n. stalk, branch, shoot, petiole, pedicel.
changing, unwavering, continuous, inces- stem v. 1. ARISE rise, originate, issue, spring,
sant, unceasing, unremitting, nonstop, emanate, derive. 2. STOP check, dam, plug,
endless, perpetual, regular. 3. FREQUENT reg- curb, end, arrest, slow down, staunch, block.
ular, habitual, long-standing, loyal, faithful. stench n. smell, odor, stink, reek, fetor, foul-
4. CALM composed, controlled, cool, col- ness, rankness, rottenness, malodor.
lected, levelheaded, self-possessed, poised. stentorian a. loud, booming, thunderous, pow-
5. RELIABLE dependable, stable. ANT. 1. un- erful, resonant, deafening. ANT. quiet, low.
stable, insecure, shaky, wobbly. 2. inconstant, step n. 1. FOOTSTEP footfall, stride, gait, pace,
irregular, broken. 3. rare, infrequent. 4. ner- tread, walk, hobble, forward movement,
vous, shaky, agitated. 5. unreliable, flighty, un- footprint. 2. DOORSTEP stair, tread, riser,
stable. rung. 3. ACT action, maneuver, process,
steak n. cut of beef, sirloin, T-bone, filet mi- measure, phase, stage. 4. LEVEL grade, degree,
gnon, porterhouse. rung.
steal v. 1. TAKE burgle, burglarize, rob, filch, step v. stride, walk, shuffle, carry oneself, pad,
pocket, shoplift, thieve, *rip off, walk off tread, saunter, march, ambulate, traipse,
with, swipe, pilfer, *pinch, purloin, misap- trudge, plod, slog, hobble, limp, tiptoe. SEE
propriate, lift, embezzle. 2. SNEAK creep,
step down v. resign, quit, abdicate, retire.
prowl, skulk, slink, pussyfoot.
steppe n. plain, grassland, savanna, wasteland.
stealth n. secrecy, sneakiness, surreptitiousness,
stereo a. binaural, stereophonic. ANT. mono.
covertness, slyness, furtiveness, stealthiness.
STEREOTYPE n. [STER ee oh tipe] a fixed
stealthy a. secret, secretive, sneaky, surrepti-
idea, impression or characterization that ig-
tious, covert, sly, furtive, clandestine, nores individuality, a habitual but often in-
undercover, feline, quiet. ANT. open, loud, accurate characterization. Her misconception
public, conspicuous. was based on a stereotype. SYN. preconceived
steam n. 1. VAPOR heat, condensation, mois- notion, type, faulty characterization, classi-
ture, cloud, mist, fog, fume, exhalation, gas. fication, convention, mold, average, stock
2. POWER energy, force, muscle, horsepower, character, cliché. ANT. individual.
drive, vigor, strength. stereotype v. characterize, *paint with a broad
steamship n. paddlewheeler, sidewheeler, liner, brush, *tar with a broad brush, pigeonhole,
river boat, *floating palace. typecast, generalize, brand, label, prejudge,
steed n. charger, stallion. SEE HORSE categorize.
steel v. harden, toughen, inure, brace, fortify, sterile a. 1. UNPRODUCTIVE barren, fruitless,
strengthen. childless, infertile, infecund, impotent, fal-
steely a. strong, tough, hard, hardened, severe. low, unprolific. 2. GERM-FREE antiseptic, dis-
ANT. soft, pliant. infected, pure, sanitary, aseptic, clean. 3.
steep v. soak, saturate, imbue, souse, douse, DULL bland, uninteresting, lifeless, unstimu-
drench, sop, marinate, bathe, immerse, sub- lating. ANT. 1. productive, fruitful, fecund. 2.
merge. infected, unsanitary. 3. interesting, lively.

554 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sterilize v. 1. DISINFECT purify, cleanse, decon- hot. 3. TROUBLESOME difficult, awkward,

taminate, sanitize, autoclave, fumigate, kill tricky, delicate, ticklish, thorny, painful.
germs. 2. GELD castrate, emasculate, spay, ANT. 1. dry. 2. dry, cool. 3. simple, easy, pain-
fix, alter, neuter. ANT. 1. infect, contaminate. less.
sterling a. excellent, superb, A-1, first-rate, stiff a. 1. RIGID inflexible, unyielding, unbend-
high-quality, superior, supreme, choice, se- ing, hard, firm, rock-solid, inelastic, impli-
lect, the best, superlative, meritorious. ANT. able, tight, taut, *stiff as a board. 2. TIGHT
poor, inferior, second-rate. sore, not limber, cold, arthritic. 3. THICK
stern n. aft, rear, back. dense, solidified, firm, viscous. 4. STRONG
stern a. 1. HARD severe, strict, authoritarian, powerful, potent, intense, brisk, vigorous. 5.
tough, rigid, harsh, frowning, hard-nosed, HARSH severe, punitive, merciless, tough,
critical, demanding, dour, ironhanded, so- stringent, extreme, sharp. 6. FORMAL, AWK-
ber, grim, austere. 2. FORBIDDING grim, black, WARD wooden, forced, unnatural, labored,
dour, grave, cold, icy, frowning, hard, steely, self-conscious, *uptight, constrained, prim.
stony. ANT. 1. soft, easygoing, permissive. 2. 7. DIFFICULT formidable, hard, challenging,
friendly, warm. laborious, heavy, trying, complicated. ANT.
stevedore n. loader, lumper, longshoreman, 1. soft, flexible, yielding, pliable. 2. loose, lim-
dockworker. ber, warmed-up. 3. thin, loose, watery. 4. gen-
stew n. soup, mishmash, goulash, mélange, tle, mild. 5. soft, easy, merciful. 6. relaxed,
hodgepodge, ragout, burgoo, chowder, beef *folksy, spontaneous, warm. 7. easy, simple,
stew, salmagundi, *mulligan stew. unchallenging.
stew v. 1. SIMMER bubble, heat, seethe, boil. stiffen v. harden, firm, firm up, tighten,
2. FRET fume, seethe, fuss over, worry over, thicken, congeal, set, gel. ANT. loosen, soften,
brood. liquefy.
steward n. major domo, seneschal, chamber- stifle v. 1. SUFFOCATE smother, choke, asphyxi-
lain, domestic manager, attendant, maitre d’ ate, strangle, throttle. 2. SUPPRESS repress,
hotel, butler, manager, administrator. stop, check, curb, squelch, silence, shut up,
stewardess n. flight attendant, hostess, host. still, quash, squash, put an end to, scotch.
SEE AIRPLANE STIGMA n. [STIG muh] something that
stewed a. inebriated, intoxicated. SEE DRUNK brands one with a negative reputation, mark
stick n. branch, twig, limb, stalk, bough, of disgrace or shame. He fought hard to escape
switch, cane, rod, pole staff, stake, stave, the stigma of mental illness. SYN. mark of
bat, club, billy club, truncheon, nightstick, shame, disgrace, brand, blemish on one’s
cudgel, shillelagh, baton, wand. reputation, blot, taint, scar, odium, dis-
stick v. 1. ADHERE cling, hold, grip, hang on to, honor, *black eye, reflection.
stay, cleave, bond, bind, fix, attach, fasten, STIGMATIZE v. [STIG muh tize] to brand
paste, glue, tape, pin. 2. PRICK stab, poke, with a characterization that detracts from
jab, puncture, pierce, impale, penetrate, one’s reputation. It’s easy to stigmatize the
spear. 3. PUT place, lay, set, position, de- learning-disabled with negative labels. SYN.
posit, drop. 4. ENDURE persevere, persist, brand, characterize, disgrace, ruin one’s rep-
hold out, *keep on plugging, *stick to one’s utation, defame, *give a black eye, label,
guns. ANT. 4. give up, quit. mark with shame.
stick in the mud n. conservative, diehard, stiletto n. knife, blade. SEE DAGGER
*fuddy-duddy. still n. silence, quiet, hush, peace, tranquility,
stickler n. *nitpicker, *fussbudget, perfection- serenity, calm, motionlessness. ANT. racket,
ist, disciplinarian. noise, bustle.
sticks, the n. *the boonies, boondocks, back- still v. silence, hush, quiet, shut up, muzzle, sub-
woods, country, *tall timbers. due, calm, becalm, soften, tranquilize, pac-
stick-to-itiveness n. persistence, pertinacity. ify. ANT. amplify, intensify, agitate.
SEE PERSEVERANCE still a. 1. SILENT quiet, hushed, noiseless, sound-
stickup n. Sl. holdup, heist, mugging. SEE ROB- less, peaceful, tranquil, serene, *quiet as a
BERY mausoleum, *quiet as the grave, *silent as
sticky a. 1. TACKY adhesive, viscid, viscous, the vacuum of space, mute, subdued. 2. MO-
gummy, gluey, gooey, glutinous, *clingy. 2. TIONLESS becalmed, lifeless, static, unmov-
HUMID muggy, steamy, sultry, close, clammy, ing, inert, dormant, idle, quiescent, dead.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 555

Stillness–Stock Market

ANT. 1. noisy, uproarious, loud, deafening. 2. stint n. task, duty, assignment, chore, job.
bustling, active, busy. stint v. limit, restrict, scrimp, conserve.
stillness n. silence, quiet, hush, peace, tranquil- stipend n. payment, allowance, wage, salary,
ity, serenity, calm, motionlessness. ANT. fee, compensation, remuneration, honorar-
racket, din, noise. ium, earnings.
stilted a. pompous, overly dignified, affected, STIPULATE v. [STIP yoo late] to specify a
wooden, pretentious, bombastic, stiff, pe- requirement, especially in a formal agree-
dantic, grandiloquent, mannered, formal. ment or contract. He stipulated in the contract
ANT. casual, natural, *folksy. that work would begin on the first of the month.
stimulant n. excitant, *pick-me-up, energizer, SYN. specify, lay out, require, spell out, de-
jolt, *upper, bracer, *shot in the arm. ANT. tail, fix, set terms, contract, condition, des-
soporific, depressant, *downer. ignate.
stimulate v. excite, rouse, energize, spark, stir, stipulation n. specification, requirement,
invigorate, initiate, prompt, *turn on, jolt, agreement, condition, obligation, article,
revive, incite, instigate, goad, prompt, demand, provision, proviso, item.
*light a fire under, *fire up, *fan the flames, stir n. commotion, excitement, tumult, uproar,
galvanize. ANT. depress, *turn off, tranquilize. hullabaloo, ado, fuss, furor, pother, turmoil,
stimulating a. exciting, rousing, energizing, bustle.
stirring, invigorating, bracing, exhilarating, stir v. 1. MIX mingle, blend, commingle, churn,
heart-quickening, pulse-quickening, *adre- whip, beat. 2. MOVE shake, wiggle, shift,
nalizing, interesting, fascinating, thought- budge, jiggle, flutter. 3. EXCITE move, dis-
provoking, titillating, provocative, gripping, turb, stimulate, rouse, electrify, spark, *work
enthralling. ANT. soporific, somnolent, boring. up, galvanize, prompt, awaken.
stimulus n. incentive, incitement, provoca- stirring a. rousing, moving, exciting, stimulat-
tion, impetus, goad, spur, fillip, motive, ing, electrifying, exhilarating, inspiring,
push, spark, stimulant, impulse, *shot in the *mind-blowing, dramatic, soul-stirring. ANT.
arm, *good swift kick, catalyst. ANT. tranquil- boring, soporific.
izer, soporific, depressant. stitch v. sew, fasten, thread, suture.
sting n. 1. INJURY INFLICTED BY INSECT OR ANIMAL stock n. 1. MERCHANDISE inventory, products,
bite, wound, venom, poison. 2. PAIN burn- goods, supply, assortment, variety, array,
ing, tingling, smarting, soreness, hurt, irrita- range, stockpile, reserve, hoard. 2. FARM ANI-
tion, twinge, pang, painful sensation. 3. PO- MALS livestock, herd, flock, horses, cows,
LICE ENTRAPMENT *sting operation, *come- pigs. 3. ANCESTRY lineage, family, bloodline,
on. 4. SCAM swindle, *con, *flimflam, *grift, pedigree, heritage, extraction. 4. INVEST-
*suckering. MENT shares, security, mutual fund. SEE
sting v. 1. PRICK bite, wound, envenom, injure, STOCK MARKET 5. RAW MATERIAL, MAIN INGRE-
burn, stick, infect, urticate, nettle. 2. HURT DIENTS makings, *fixings, essence, broth,
smart, burn, tingle. 3. MAKE UNHAPPY dis- foundation.
tress, hurt, cut to the quick, insult, cut, stock v. supply, provision, fill, provide, equip,
grieve, offend. stockpile, furnish, lay in.
stingy a. 1. CHEAP tight, tightfisted, miserly, stock a. common, in ready supply, in stock, *off
*penny-pinching, niggardly, penurious, par- the shelf, *run-of-the-mill, plain, *garden
simonious, grudging, stinting, thrifty, frugal. variety, everyday, overused, tired, trite,
2. SCANTY inadequate, insufficient, sparing, hackneyed. ANT. original, fresh, custom-
meager, skimpy, paltry, *measly, lean. ANT. made.
1. generous, charitable, giving. 2. generous, stockade n. enclosure, fort, palisade, pen,
abundant, plentiful. prison, jail.
stink n. stench, smell, odor, reek, foulness, mal- stocking n. sock, hose, nylon.
odor, fetor, *BO, putridness. stock market n. stock exchange, stock broker-
stink v. 1. SMELL reek, fume, offend, *smell to age, American Stock Exchange, Wall
high heaven. 2. BE BAD *suck, *bite, *bite Street, New York Stock Exchange,
the big one, be lousy. NASDAQ.
stinking a. smelly, reeking, offensive, malodor- WORD FIND
ous, odiferous, fetid, foul, rank, noisome, agent who buys, sells on behalf of another:
spoiled, putrid. broker

556 Roget’s Superthesaurus


Amex: American Stock Exchange order to buy or sell at predetermined price:

average daily price of thirty blue-chip com- option, stop order
panies: Dow-Jones Industrial Average OTC: over the counter
Big Blue: IBM, International Business Ma- overlooked stock with great potential:
chines sleeper
Big Board: New York Stock Exchange pessimistic about economy: bearish
blue chip: common stock of a large, high- plunge dramatically, day on which stock
quality company prices: Black Friday, Black Monday
broker’s frequent trading of client’s stocks to poorly performing stock: dog, turkey
generate more commissions: churning private company offering shares for the first
buyer and seller: trader time: going public
buying from one market, selling to another privileged information, one who has access
at higher price: arbitrage to: insider
buying just before price drops, selling just privileged information, trading on: insider
before rise: whipsaw trading
buying strategy that is opposite from what purchase large volume of stock to control its
most others do: contrarian price: corner, corner the market
collapse of market: crash reflects market as a whole, individual stock
collecting stock certificates as a hobby: that: barometer, bellwether
scripophily skirt lengths, theory that market rises and
company’s history, earnings, finances, circu- falls with women’s: hemline theory
lar of: prospectus speculating on a company takeover: arbi-
credit, buying securities on: buying on mar- trage
gin stock owner: shareholder
stock’s price divided by earnings per share:
corporate credit information, company that
price-earnings ratio
publishes: Dun and Bradstreet
takeover blackmail: greenmail
declining market: bear market
takeover of company with borrowed money:
diversified stock investment: mutual fund
leveraged buyout
dividends paid preferentially over common takeover, one who attempts a company:
stock, stock with: preferred stock raider, shark
dollar, stocks selling under a: penny stocks unstable: volatile
earnings distribution: dividend SEE BUSINESS, MONEY
electronic display of trading activity: ticker stockpile n. supply, reserve, hoard, store,
expert: analyst amassment, nest egg, larder, cache, stash.
Fed, the: Federal Reserve System, Federal stockpile v. stock, hoard, store, reserve, amass,
Reserve Bank cache, stash, squirrel away, save, lay in. ANT.
51 percent of company’s voting shares, own- expend, spend, deplete.
ing: controlling interest stocky a. thickset, short, heavy, stout, sturdy,
growing or rising market: bull market *built like a fireplug, stubby, pudgy, squat,
high-quality, high-profile company’s stock: husky. ANT. skinny, tall, lean, lanky.
blue chip stodgy a. uninteresting, drab, *blah, dull, te-
high-risk investing: speculating, taking a dious, *dull as dishwater, boring, wooden,
flyer dry, stuffy, formal, staid, old-fashioned. ANT.
high-risk trader: speculator exciting, lively, *hip, wild.
holdings, investor’s: portfolio STOIC a. [STOH ik] showing indifference to-
inexperienced investor: lamb ward pain, grief pleasure or any other emo-
inflated market, downward trend that cor- tion. Although he was bleeding profusely, the
rects: correction accident victim remained stoic. SYN. indiffer-
investment services, ratings, index, com- ent, impassive, cool, philosophical, stony,
pany that offers: Standard and Poor’s dispassionate, apathetic, uninterested,
load: service or sales charge stolid, detached, resigned. ANT. emotional,
membership on an exchange: seat passionate, hysterical.
moving assets to another investment: roll- stoke v. stir, turn the coals, tend, fill, refuel.
over STOLID a. [STAW lid] showing little emo-
optimistic about economy: bullish tion, impassive. The prisoner remained stolid

Roget’s Superthesaurus 557


throughout his sentencing. SYN. emotionless, stoned a. Sl. 1. DRUNK intoxicated, inebriated,
impassive, stoic, stoical, indifferent, apa- *buzzed, *plastered, *bombed, *crocked,
thetic, stony, disinterested, dull, phlegma- *three sheets to the wind, under the influ-
tic, stupid, bovine. ANT. hysterical, emotional, ence. 2. HIGH ON DRUGS *buzzed, *baked,
wild. drugged, *blitzed, *doped up, *flying, *fried,
stomach n. belly, abdomen, gut, midsection, in- *polluted, *spacey, *tripping, *wasted, un-
testinal cavity, digestive organ, bowels, vis- der the influence. ANT. sober, *stone-cold so-
cera, esophagus, craw, rumen, *breadbasket, ber, clearheaded, lucid.
*spare tire, *beer belly, paunch. ‘‘The great- stone-deaf a. *deaf as a post, hard of hearing,
est of deities.’’—Euripides. hearing-impaired.
WORD FIND stonewall v. impede, obstruct, be close-
backing up of food into esophagus, causing mouthed, *clam up, stall, refuse to cooper-
pain: reflux, pyrosis, heartburn ate.
digestive chemical: gastrin, hydrochloric stony a. hard, cold, unfeeling, merciless, piti-
acid, pepsin less, indifferent, heartless, uncaring, callous,
infant’s stomachache: colic tough, harsh, severe, steely. ANT. soft, warm,
inflammation: gastritis sympathetic, compassionate.
lesion caused by too much acid: ulcer stooge n. foil, dupe, pawn, flunky, victim,
muscular contractions that push food out of: dummy, underling.
peristalsis stool n. 1. SEAT footstool, ottoman, bar stool.
rumbling: borborygmus 2. FECES excrement, dropping, waste, *crap.
soupy mixture made from digested meal: stool pigeon n. informer, spy, *narc, decoy.
chyme stoop n. porch, platform, portico, veranda.
tube leading to stomach: esophagus stoop v. 1. BEND OVER bow, crook, crouch, lean
upset: nausea, queasiness, indigestion, dys- forward, tilt, slouch, slump, nod. 2. LOWER
pepsia ONESELF degrade oneself, sink, condescend,
stomp v. stamp, tramp, crush, squash, kill. deign, demean oneself, resort.
stone n. rock, boulder, pebble, granite, cobble- stop n. 1. HALT cessation, termination, suspen-
stone, gravel, crag, jewel, gemstone, gem, sion, discontinuance, standstill, *freeze,
precious stone, semiprecious gem, *ice, letup, end, intermission, interlude. 2. STOP-
birthstone, bijou, diamond, emerald, sap- OVER destination, sojourn, visit, layover, de-
phire, ruby, pearl, topaz, amethyst, tourma- pot, station, terminal. ANT. 1. start, com-
line, onyx, garnet, zircon. mencement, progression.
WORD FIND stop v. 1. HALT cease, terminate, suspend, dis-
bits and pieces: rubble, spall, grit continue, stand still, *freeze, hold it, let up,
capstone on ancient monument: dolmen
end, arrest, turn off, shut down, quit, finish,
cutter: mason
break, stay. 2. STAUNCH stanch, plug up,
cutter, polisher, engraver: lapidary
cutting, polishing, engraving, art of: lapidary stem the flow, seal, check, block, occlude,
excavation pit: quarry choke off. 3. OBSTRUCT impede, restrain,
fire-starting: flint block. 4. DEFEAT put down, check, put an
giant: boulder, megalith end to, crush, quash, silence. ANT. 1. go, pro-
globular stone with a crystal-lined center: ceed, continue. 2. open, unplug. 3. clear the
geode way. 4. strengthen, fortify, help.
memorial pile or trailmarker: cairn stopgap a. makeshift, temporary, emergency,
piles found on mountain slopes: scree, talus, provisional, improvised, substitute, jury-
cairn rigged, impermanent. ANT. permanent.
polishing: pumice stoppage n. 1. STOP halt, close, ending, shut-
sharpening: whetstone down, layoff. 2. OBSTRUCTION blockage, im-
stony: petrous, lithoid pediment, check, hindrance, obstacle.
transported far from native land by glacier: stopper n. cork, plug, bung, tap, tampion.
erratic, glacial erratic storage n. stowage, stockpile, storehouse, store-
turn to: petrify room, cache, arsenal, depot, bin, silo, gra-
SEE ROCK nary, repository.
Stone Age n. Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neo- store n. 1. SHOP market, mart, retail outlet,
lithic, prehistoric times. *Mom and Pop operation, emporium, *five

558 Roget’s Superthesaurus


and dime, supermarket, department store, WORD FIND

mall, factory outlet, boutique, convenience category of: genre
store, drugstore, thrift shop, business estab- long, pointless story with anticlimactic end-
lishment, canteen, PX. 2. SUPPLY stock, ing: shaggy dog story
stockpile, reserve, savings, inventory, pro- real-life feeling given to characters, setting:
visions, hoard, cache, *nest egg, stash. verisimilitude
store v. save, reserve, put away, stow, *squirrel warning, story given as a: cautionary tale
away, stock, stockpile, lay in supplies, hoard, SEE NOVEL, BOOK
cache, warehouse, stash, provision, load up, 2. LIE fabrication, *tall tale, *fish story, false-
*salt away. ANT. spend, *blow, deplete. hood, excuse, fib, canard, hoax. 3. REPORT
storekeeper n. shopkeeper, grocer, proprietor, scoop, news, dispatch, rumor.
merchant. storyteller n. raconteur, author, writer, novel-
storeroom n. repository, depository, cache, ist, narrator, spinner of yarns, historian.
warehouse, depot, arsenal, silo, granary, but- stout a. thickset, fat, big, obese, portly, stocky,
husky, rugged, sturdy, corpulent, heavy,
heavyset, strong, bull-like, brawny, hulking,
storm n. 1. WEATHER DISTURBANCE cloudburst,
hefty. ANT. skinny, anorexic, bony, puny.
thunderstorm, thundershower, *thunder- stouthearted a. brave, courageous, daring,
boomer, electrical storm, deluge, downpour, nervy, lionhearted, valiant, undaunted,
*gullywasher, squall, tempest, gale, wind- fearless, *gutsy, bold. ANT. cowardly, timid,
storm, hurricane, monsoon, tropical storm, *wimpy.
typhoon, tornado, whirlwind, cyclone, stove n. range, oven, microwave, toaster oven,
*twister, snowstorm, northeaster, blizzard, heater, wood stove, furnace.
hailstorm, blow, inclement weather. stow v. pack, store away, put away, load, stash,
WORD FIND deposit, save, stockpile, cram, wedge, stuff.
fair weather spot in center of storm: eye of straddle v. 1. BESTRIDE sit astride, split. 2. TAKE
the storm BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE straddle the fence,
line between clashing air masses: front hedge, waffle, *talk out of both sides of one’s
raising of shoreline water during storm: mouth. ANT. 2. be committed.
storm surge strafe v. pepper, gun down, spray with bullets,
sandstorm of North Africa, India, Middle bombard, fire on.
East: Haboob straggle v. stray, wander, ramble, meander, de-
whirlwind over water that sucks up funnel viate, drift, range, rove.
of water: waterspout straggler n. stray, wanderer, lagger, late arrival.
SEE CLOUD, RAIN, PRECIPITATION, SNOW, WIND straight a. 1. UNBENT undeviating, linear, di-
2. UPROAR controversy, outburst, distur- rect, even, vertical, horizontal, in line,
bance, brouhaha, furor, eruption, hubbub, plumb, square, aligned. 2. HONEST straight-
attack, hysteria, outcry, squall. forward, frank, candid, upfront, forthright,
trustworthy, reliable, sincere. 3. UNDILUTED
storm v. 1. RAIN blow, squall, rage, pour, thun-
pure, whole, unmodified, unmixed, *neat.
der, boom, thunder and lightning, snow. 2.
4. CONTINUOUS nonstop, unbroken, sus-
CHARGE attack, assault, rush, blitz, blitzkrieg,
tained, uninterrupted, consecutive, con-
assail, invade, besiege. 3. RAGE blow up, lose stant. 5. ORDERLY in good order, neat, ar-
one’s temper, rant and rave, fume, *throw a ranged. 6. Sl. *SQUARE conventional,
fit, roar, bellow, *go on the rampage, *go conformist, conservative. ANT. 1. bent, curv-
ballistic. ing, wavy, deviating. 2. dishonest, unreliable,
stormy a. turbulent, wild, tempestuous, violent, insincere. 3. diluted, mixed, modified. 4. inter-
rough, windy, squally, blustery, howling, rupted, broken. 5. messy, sloppy. 6. *hip, un-
pouring, raining, snowy, inclement. ANT. conventional, *cool, wild.
calm, becalmed, balmy, mild. straightforward a. honest, frank, candid, up-
story n. 1. NARRATIVE account, tale, chronicle, front, forthright, direct, plain, explicit,
myth, legend, fable, yarn, fairy tale, short aboveboard, unambiguous, open. ANT. dis-
story, parable, allegory, folktale, saga, epic, honest, insincere, ambiguous.
drama, comedy, tragedy, romance, history, strain n. 1. STRESS tension, pressure, force, pull,
novel, novella, novelette, anecdote, plot. tightness, exertion, effort. 2. INJURY sprain,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 559

Strain–Street Smart

muscle pull, wrench, cramp, twist. 3. ANCES- strapping a. well-built, tall, husky, athletic,
TRY lineage, extraction, bloodline, stock, brawny, muscular, sinewy, rugged, powerful,
pedigree, family, descent, descendants, fit, healthy, hearty, robust. ANT. puny, sickly.
breed. 4. TRACE hint, suggestion, streak, stratagem n. trick, scheme, plan, ploy, subter-
shade, touch, suspicion. fuge, maneuver, set-up, machination, arti-
strain v. 1. STRETCH tighten, draw tight, pull, fice, deception, tactic, play.
exert, overexert, tax, force, struggle, labor. strategic a. essential, crucial, critical, vital, im-
2. INJURE sprain, pull a muscle, wrench, portant, key, decisive, significant, tactical.
cramp, twist. 3. DISTORT stretch, exaggerate. ANT. unimportant, inconsequential.
4. FILTER sieve, screen, sift, refine, percolate. strategy n. plan, *game plan, design, procedure,
strained a. labored, forced, unnatural, stiff, blueprint, plot, scheme, approach, machina-
studied, affected, uneasy, tense. ANT. relaxed, tion, tactic.
natural. stratified a. layered, laminated, multileveled.
strait n. narrow, channel, waterway, inlet. SEE STRATUM n. [STRAT um] a layer or level, as
STRAITS that of sedimentary rock or a socioeconomic
straitjacket v. confine, immobilize. SEE RE- group. He came from the upper stratum of soci-
STRAIN ety. SYN. 1. LAYER level, grade, bed, stratifi-
straitlaced a. prudish, prim, strict, severe, up- cation, seam, tier. 2. CLASS station, standing,
right, proper, puritanical, rigid, stiff, stuffy, position, rank, echelon, *upper crust.
priggish. ANT. wild, immoral, *fast. straw in the wind n. indication, indicator, sign,
straits n. difficulty, plight, emergency, predica- omen, portent, harbinger.
ment, dilemma, bind, hot water, mess, jam, straw vote n. poll, opinion poll, unofficial vote.
hole. stray n. wanderer, rover, waif, orphan, vaga-
strand n. thread, fiber, filament, line, string, bond, lost pet, maverick.
cord, hair. stray v. 1. WANDER roam, rove, drift, range, get
strand v. maroon, run ashore, run aground, lost, ramble, straggle, meander. 2. GO
beach, wreck, abandon, leave in the lurch. WRONG deviate, digress, err, go astray, go off
strange a. 1. FOREIGN alien, exotic, unfamiliar, course, be in error.
otherworldly, new, novel, remote, outland- streak n. 1. STRIPE mottle, marking, bar, line,
ish. 2. UNUSUAL weird, peculiar, odd, bizarre, dash, smear, slash, stroke, ray, vein. 2. TRAIT
uncommon, unconventional, singular, atyp- strain, nature, characteristic, idiosyncrasy,
ical, queer, outlandish, uncanny, extraordi- touch, trace, tendency, vein.
nary, curious, funny, eccentric, *far out. 3. stream n. 1. BROOK creek, river, tributary,
UNEASY ill, ill at ease, uncomfortable, odd, branch, freshet, creek, rill, runnel, water-
peculiar, disoriented, out of place, out of course, waterway, beck.
sorts. 4. REMOTE reserved, distant, aloof, re- WORD FIND
clusive. ANT. 1. familiar, everyday, common, sound: murmur, purl, babble, gurgle, white
native. 2. usual, typical, conventional. 3. nor- noise
mal. 4. friendly, gregarious, sociable. SEE RIVER
stranger n. unknown, outsider, foreigner, alien, 2. SERIES succession, steady flow, torrent,
*new kid in town, interloper, *just another outpouring, flood, deluge.
face in the crowd. ANT. friend, acquaintence. stream v. flow, rush, pour, flood, run, gush,
strangle v. 1. CHOKE throttle, strangulate, as- surge, course, spill, overflow.
phyxiate, suffocate, *cut off one’s wind, gar- streamer n. flag, banner, pennant, ribbon, strip.
rote, hang, smother. 2. SUPPRESS stifle, re- street n. road, avenue, lane, thoroughfare, bou-
press, check, curb, restrict, stop, squelch, levard, drive, *main drag, artery, highway,
silence. alley, dead end, route, pavement, rue, via.
strap n. thong, cord, lash, band, rein, halter, streetcar n. tram, trolley, rail coach.
leash, belt, strop. street people n. the homeless, transients, street
strap v. tie, tie down, bind, lash, secure, truss, urchins, gamins, vagrants, derelicts, *bag la-
tether, fasten. dies.
strapped a. penniless, *broke, destitute, impov- street smart a. cunning, shrewd, experienced,
erished, poverty-stricken, needy, *down to seasoned, aware, worldly, savvy, *hip,
one’s last dime. ANT. wealthy, *rolling in *streetwise. ANT. naive, inexperienced, un-
dough. aware.

560 Roget’s Superthesaurus


strength n. 1. POWER force, vigor, muscle, particular, fussy. 3. AUTHORITARIAN disci-

brawn, punch, *oomph, horsepower, might, plinary, firm, stern, rigid, hard-nosed, tough,
energy, potency, drive. 2. MENTAL TOUGH- dour, demanding, rigorous, puritanical, no-
NESS stability, mental health, intestinal for- nonsense. ANT. 1. inexact, loose, broad. 2.
titude, courage, *guts, *nerve, character, loose, easy, permissive.
endurance, durability, will, willpower, te- stricture n. censure, *slam. SEE CRITICISM
nacity, backbone, grit. 3. SOLIDITY impreg- stride n. step, gait, pace, walk.
nability, durability. 4. INTENSITY concentra- stride v. step, walk, swagger, strut, tread, trudge,
tion, potency, power, effectiveness, pace, march, traipse. SEE WALK
forcefulness. ANT. 1. weakness, impotency. 2. strides n. progress, advancement, headway.
weakness, instability, cowardice, timidity. 3. STRIDENT a. [STRI dunt] shrill, harsh. His
flimsiness. 4. weakness, impotence. strident screaming got the governor’s attention.
strengthen v. fortify, prop, beef up, reinforce, SYN. shrill, harsh, loud, noisy, vociferous,
bolster, buttress, harden, temper, steel, raucous, grating, piercing, stridulous, high-
shore up, intensify, heighten. ANT. weaken, pitched. ANT. silent, quiet, hushed, soft.
undermine, sap. strife n. conflict, discord, dissent, fighting, con-
strenuous a. vigorous, hard, arduous, demand- tention, controversy, struggle, squabbling,
ing, difficult, laborious, backbreaking, *ball- war, clash, contest, feud, unrest. ANT. accord,
busting, tough, Herculean, burdensome, peace, harmony.
taxing. ANT. easy, simple, effortless. strike n. 1. MILITARY ASSAULT attack, offensive,
stress n. 1. STRAIN tension, pressure, anxiety, bombing, bombardment, air strike, on-
nervousness, disquiet, fear, worry, dread, slaught, raid, invasion. 2. LABOR DISPUTE
burden, intensity. ‘‘Nature’s fight or flight walkout, protest, wage dispute, shutdown,
mechanism overburdened by modern soci- lockout, sit-in, hunger strike. ‘‘A labor
ety’s prohibition against fighting and flee- pain.’’—Leonard Levinson.
ing.’’—Harmon Maxwell. 2. EMPHASIS ac- strike v. 1. HIT deliver a blow, punch, pound,
cent, force, importance, weight. ANT. 1. smack, knock, clobber, box, cuff, whack,
relaxation, peace, tranquility. pommel, crack, rap, slap, slug, thump, wal-
stress v. emphasize, accent, underscore, under- lop, clout, smite. 2. ATTACK assault, launch
line, accentuate, highlight, *spotlight, play an offensive, bomb, raid, charge, invade,
up. storm. 3. BUMP crash, smash into, collide
stress out v. fill with tension, tax one’s nerves, with. 4. DISCOVER find, unearth, uncover,
encounter. 5. PROTEST go on strike, dispute
unnerve, disquiet, agitate, overburden,
one’s labor contract, walk out, shut down,
frighten, worry, make anxious, *adrenalize.
picket, demonstrate. 6. DAWN ON register,
ANT. relax, tranquilize, calm.
*hit, impress. 7. REMOVE delete, cross out,
stretch n. 1. EXTENSION expansion, elongation,
erase, cancel.
reach. 2. EXPANSE area, run, spread, tract, strikebreaker n. *scab, *goon, *fink.
space, distance, sweep, area, extent. 3. DU- striking a. noticeable, outstanding, remarkable,
RATION spell, time, period, span, run, inter-
conspicuous, impressive, extraordinary, out
val, tour of duty, term. 4. EXAGGERATION. of the ordinary, arresting, awesome, promi-
ANT. 1. contraction, retraction.
nent, astounding. ANT. inconspicuous, unno-
stretch v. 1. EXTEND expand, elongate, reach, ticeable.
protract, lengthen, span, traverse, inflate, string n. 1. CORD twine, rope, strand, thread,
prolong, drag out. 2. STRAIN force. 3. EXAG- line, yarn, fiber, filament, gut. 2. SERIES suc-
GERATE. ANT. 1. contract, retract. cession, row, chain, train, file, progression,
stretcher n. litter. procession.
strew v. spread, scatter, sprinkle, disperse, STRINGENT a. [STRIN junt] strict, rigid,
broadcast, distribute, diffuse, sow. ANT. tight. The bar had stringent rules against rowdy
gather, amass. behavior. SYN. strict, rigid, tight, restrictive,
stricken a. afflicted, affected, beset, struck, hit, rigorous, exacting, tough, harsh, stiff, severe,
wounded, injured, hurt, burdened, plagued. demanding. ANT. loose, relaxed, casual, easy.
strict a. 1. EXACT complete, accurate, perfect, stringy a. fibrous, ropy, long, thin, sinewy, wiry.
precise, faithful, meticulous, unerring, abso- strip n. length, cutting, piece, swath, band, sec-
lute. 2. STRINGENT punctilious, exacting, tion, segment, ribbon.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 561


strip v. 1. UNDRESS disrobe, peel off, slip out of, strongbox n. safe, chest, lockbox, coffer, vault.
shuck, bare, divest, remove one’s clothing, stronghold n. fortification, fort, fortress, defen-
doff, *drop one’s drawers. 2. REMOVE peel, sive position, citadel, castle, bastion, bul-
decorticate, excoriate, pare, uncover. 3. DE- wark, battlement, rampart. SEE CASTLE
PRIVE dispossess, rob, plunder. strong-willed a. strong-minded. SEE STRONG
stripe n. 1. BAND streak, line, bar, strip, stroke, structure n. 1. BUILDING construction, edifice,
slash, striation, mark, chevron. 2. TYPE kind, erection, skyscraper, high-rise, tower,
sort, ilk, variety, style, breed, race, strain. 3. bridge, dam. 2. ORGANIZATION arrangement,
WELT wheal, wale. makeup, framework, shape, form, configura-
stripling n. sprig, youth, adolescent, young tion, construction, infrastructure, composi-
man, lad. tion, fabric.
strive v. try, make an effort, struggle, labor, toil, structure v. construct, arrange, organize, frame,
apply oneself, *bust one’s hump, *break shape, form, compose, plan, put together, as-
one’s back, drive oneself, *burn the mid- semble.
night oil, *work one’s fingers to the bone, struggle n. 1. EFFORT exertion, strain, labor,
go after, fight. toil, striving, work, grind, *long haul,
stroke n. 1. BLOW impact, hit, punch, rap, *never ending battle, trial. 2. CONFLICT
knock, belt, whack, cuff, slap. 2. CARESS pat, fight, contention, battle, tug of war, strife,
rub, massage. 3. SEIZURE apoplexy, brain war, tussle, rivalry, combat. ANT. 1. a cake-
hemorrhage. 4. ACCOMPLISHMENT feat, coup, walk, *a snap, *a breeze.
coup de grace, blow, move. struggle v. 1. STRAIN exert, labor, toil, put in
stroke v. caress, fondle, pat, pet, rub, massage. great effort, strive, work, *break one’s back,
stroll n. walk, constitutional, amble, saunter, *bust one’s hump, *work like a dog, sweat,
excursion, ramble, jaunt. *plug away, *fight an uphill battle. 2. CON-
stroll v. walk leisurely, take one’s constitu-
FLICT contend, fight, battle, fight a tug of
tional, amble, saunter, ramble, meander,
war, war, combat, vie, grapple, tussle, wres-
take in the scenery.
tle, wrangle. ANT. 1. hardly break a sweat,
strong a. 1. PHYSICALLY POWERFUL mighty, mus-
*breeze through, *coast through. 2. harmonize,
cular, athletic, rugged, strapping, robust, fit,
reach accord, make peace, unite.
able-bodied, brawny, stalwart, Herculean,
strum v. thrum, stroke, pluck, pick.
*strong as a bull, *strong as a locomotive,
virile, fit, hale, healthy, hearty. 2. HAVING strumpet n. harlot, whore, hussy, slut, tramp,
trollop, *lady of the evening, *call girl,
ethical, secure, self-confident, courageous, streetwalker. SEE PROSTITUTE
plucky, tough, *thick-skinned, indepen- strut n. 1. COCKY GAIT swagger, promenade,
dent, hardened, resilient. 3. STRONG-WILLED cakewalk, peacock walk, prance. 2. BRACE
determined, resolute, staunch, firm, tena- support, upright, prop, bolster.
cious, strong-minded, *having a mind of strut v. swagger, sashay, peacock, *strut one’s
one’s own. 4. DURABLE well-constructed, stuff, show off, parade, promenade, cake-
well-built, solid, sturdy, heavy-duty, tough, walk.
impregnable. 5. FORMIDABLE powerful, stub n. end, butt, piece, remainder.
mighty, challenging, tough, intense, *big- stubble n. whiskers, bristles, beard, *five
time, *major league. 6. INTENSE potent, con- o’clock shadow, growth. SEE BEARD
centrated, severe, harsh, bright, deep, undi- stubborn a. obstinate, unyielding, inflexible,
luted, acute, sharp. 7. EARNEST fervent, zeal- uncompromising, strong-willed, mule-
ous, rabid, *gung-ho. ANT. 1. weak, feeble, headed, pigheaded, tenacious, headstrong,
lame, out of shape, *atrophied. 2. immoral, un- dogged, intractable, bullheaded, resolute,
ethical, insecure, cowardly, thin-skinned, de- unbending, fixed, willful, pertinacious. ANT.
pendent, needy. 3. irresolute, indecisive. 4. yielding, compromising, reasonable, irresolute.
flimsy, jerry-built, weak. 5. weak, *light- stubby a. short, thickset, stocky, squat, pudgy,
weight, inconsequential, *bush-league. 6. mild, *built like a fireplug, heavyset, stout. ANT.
soft, diluted. 7. half-hearted, apathetic, impas- tall, gangling, skinny.
sive. stucco n. plaster, cement.
strong-arm v. twist one’s arm, intimidate physi- stuck-up a. snobbish, haughty, arrogant,
cally, beat, punch, coerce, force, lean on, snooty, uppity, conceited, *carrying one’s
squeeze. nose in the air, high hat, hoity-toity, snotty.

562 Roget’s Superthesaurus


ANT. down-to-earth, folksy, modest, humble. balance, totter, pitch, *take a spill, *take a
stud n. stallion, Casanova, Don Juan, *make- header, tumble. 2. TRIP OVER ONE’S WORDS
out artist, *wolf, *studhammer, *skirt- slip, blunder, flub, bungle, trip over one’s
chaser, *tomcat, *buck, playboy, breeder. tongue, *get hung by the tongue. 3. STUMBLE
student n. pupil, schoolgirl, schoolboy, fresh- UPON chance upon, come upon, bump into,
man, sophomore, junior, senior, collegian, meet, hit.
cadet, trainee, apprentice, disciple, apostle, stumbling block n. roadblock, impediment,
follower. hindrance, obstacle, barrier, obstruction,
studied a. calculated, practiced, rehearsed, pre- drawback, hurdle, bar, snag.
pared, affected, self-conscious, stiff, unnatu- stump n. butt, stub.
ral, forced, contrived, labored. ANT. unstud- stump v. baffle, perplex, puzzle, confound, be-
ied, natural, spontaneous. wilder, mystify, confuse, muddle.
studio n. workshop, atelier, room, work room. stun v. daze, stupefy, shock, paralyze, *floor, lay
studious a. bookish, scholarly, academic, flat, *blow away, *blow one’s mind, *drop a
thoughtful, literary, well-read, hard-work- bomb on, stagger, overwhelm, *bowl over,
ing, industrious, *hard at it, *plugging away, *shake up.
lettered. ANT. illiterate, ignorant, unschooled, stunned a. dazed, stupefied, shocked, paralyzed,
lazy. nonplussed, dumbfounded, *bowled over,
study n. reading, investigation, review, exami- *floored, *blown away, *seeing stars, over-
nation, research, scrutiny, inquiry, survey, whelmed, astonished. ANT. composed, unruf-
analysis, instruction, edification, erudition, fled.
memorizing, book learning, schoolwork, ac- stunning a. 1. STUPEFYING shocking, paralyzing,
ademic work, training, course, subject, les- staggering, overwhelming, mind-blowing,
son. ‘‘The noblest exercise of the mind astonishing, incredible, jolting. 2. BEAUTI-
within doors, and most befitting a person of FUL attractive, lovely, dazzling, gorgeous,
quality.’’—William Ramsey. ravishing, striking. ANT. 1. *ho-hum, *blah,
study v. read, pore over, *bone up on, *crack boring. 2. plain, homely.
the books, learn by rote, *cram, go over, stunt n. feat, trick, *daredevilry, act, exploit,
*burn the midnight oil, scrutinize, review, performance.
examine, research, inquire, survey, analyze, stunt v. check, dwarf, hinder, impede, restrain,
instruct oneself, memorize, learn, train, shorten, slow, arrest, restrict.
weigh, consider, ponder, think about, con- stuntman n. daredevil, double, stunt double,
centrate on. acrobat.
stuff n. 1. MATERIAL raw material, substance, stunted a. dwarf, dwarfed, pygmy, undersized,
things, contents, *nuts and bolts, elements, runty, short, miniature, stubby. ANT. over-
makings, debris, *crap, cloth, fabric. 2. BE- sized, giant, towering.
LONGINGS effects, things, possessions, *junk, stupefied a. stunned, dazed, *out of it, stag-
gear, paraphernalia, goods, trappings, ob- gered, knocked out, struck dumb,*stupid,
jects. 3. ESSENCE substance, character, *the benumbed, *floored, shocked, paralyzed,
right stuff, heart, core. 4. FOOLISHNESS rot, *seeing stars, astounded, amazed, aston-
idiocy. SEE NONSENSE ished. ANT. placid, composed, *collected.
stuff v. 1. LOAD pack, cram, ram, jam-pack, fill, stupefy v. stun, daze, stagger, knock out, numb,
squeeze, wedge, crowd, press. 2. GORGE glut- *floor, shock, paralyze, astound, amaze, as-
tonize, glut, gormandize, *pig out, surfeit, tonish.
sate, *stuff to the gills. stupendous a. great, gigantic, huge, prodigious,
stuffed a. crammed, full, loaded, filled, jam- gargantuan, colossal, vast, titanic, immense,
packed, full, replete. ANT. empty, deficient. monstrous, massive, overwhelming, aston-
stuffing n. fill, wadding, padding, innards. ishing, breathtaking, spectacular, stagger-
stuffy a. 1. STALE close, oppressive, poorly ven- ing, mind-boggling. ANT. tiny, puny, modest,
tilated, stifling, airless, suffocating. 2. trivial, ordinary.
STODGY prim, straitlaced, dull, conservative, stupid a. 1. NOT INTELLIGENT dumb, dull, wit-
staid, old-fogyish, stiff, starched, *square, less, retarded, intellectually challenged,
old-fashioned, *button-down. ANT. 1. fresh, thick, dense, ignorant, moronic, brainless,
breezy. 2. wild, casual, fun-loving. mindless, dim-witted, imbecilic, bone-
stumble v. 1. TRIP slip, fall, stagger, lose one’s headed, *dense as a post, *chowderheaded,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 563


*dead from the neck up, *down a quart, ANT. coarse, unrefined, rude, clumsy, impolite.
*birdbrained, *pea-brained, *three bricks subconscious a. unconscious, unaware. ANT.
shy of a load. 2. IRRATIONAL foolish, silly, conscious.
brainless, idiotic, nonsensical, senseless, un- subdue v. 1. CONQUER vanquish, overpower,
wise, ridiculous, poorly conceived, *half- crush, overthrow, overrun, put down, quell,
baked. ANT. 1. brilliant, bright, smart, intelli- silence, subjugate, *get the better of, tame.
gent. 2. rational, thoughtful, wise. 2. LESSEN reduce, diminish, soften, mellow,
stupidity n. dumbness, witlessness, mental re- moderate, temper, tone down, allay, mollify,
tardation, thickness, denseness, ignorance, mitigate. ANT. 1. surrender, give in, *cave in.
brainlessness, mindlessness, dim-wittedness, 2. increase, intensify.
imbecility, low IQ, idiocy, simple-minded- subject n. 1. TOPIC issue, matter, theme, ma-
ness. ‘‘Unconscious ignorance.’’—Josh Bill- terial, problem, question, point, affair, the-
ings. ‘‘Not so much brain as ear-wax.’’— sis, lesson, course, study. 2. CITIZEN national,
Shakespeare. subordinate, follower.
stupor n. shock, paralysis, numbness, stupefac- subject v. put through, make vulnerable, ex-
tion, insensibility, daze, bewilderment, pose.
trance, dreaminess, lethargy, torpor, dull- subject a. 1. BOUND BY answerable, governed,
ness, apathy. ANT. clearheadedness, sharpness, controlled, subordinate, owing, under, sub-
lucidity, alertness. missive, dependent, servile. 2. LIABLE prone
sturdy a. 1. WELL-CONSTRUCTED strong, solid, to, apt to. ANT. 1. ruling, dominating, control-
rock-solid, well-built, built to last, rugged, ling.
tough, sound, stable, stout, muscular. 2. FIRM SUBJECTIVE a. [sub JEK tiv] personal, as felt
resolute, unyielding, uncompromising, or seen through the eyes of one individual,
steadfast, staunch, determined, fixed, tena- not objective. It was a subjective opinion,
cious. 3. PHYSICALLY STRONG hardy, vigorous, based only on personal observances. SYN. per-
fit, healthy, strapping, robust, hale. ANT. 1. sonal, individual, biased, prejudiced, nonob-
flimsy, rickety, jerry-built, unstable. 2. irreso- jective, emotional, idiosyncratic, introspec-
lute, indecisive. 3. weak, unhealthy, unfit. tive. ANT. objective, impersonal, impartial.
stutter v. stammer, splutter, *trip over one’s SUBJUGATE v. [SUB juh GATE] to control
own words, *get hung by the tongue, falter, or bring under one’s power. He felt it was a
hesitate, stumble. man’s responsibility to subjugate women. SYN.
style n. 1. MANNER mode, design, way, type,
conquer, control, dominate, boss, lord over,
form, sort, kind, variety, genre, method, cut,
rule, yoke, subject, keep down, *keep under
expression, execution. 2. DISTINCTION flair,
one’s thumb, enslave.
voice, technique, originality, character.
SUBLIMATE v. [SUB luh MATE] to refine
‘‘The dress of thoughts.’’—Lord Chester-
or put into a socially acceptable form, as
field. ‘‘A man’s style is his mind’s voice.’’—
Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘The creation of channeling one’s anger or animal urges into
one’s own language.’’—Roger Hemings. 3. constructive outlets. He sublimated his rage
STYLISHNESS high fashion, fashion, vogue,
by playing the drums. SYN. channel, redirect,
rage, fad, craze, trend. transfer, refine, make acceptable, suppress,
stylish a. fashionable, chic, smart, *hip, in repress.
vogue, *chichi, *riding the cutting edge, SUBLIME a. [suh BLIME] exalted, grand,
modish, trendy, modern, sharp, dapper. ANT. magnificent, majestic. The ballet presented a
passé, outmoded, antiquated, obsolete. sublime performance. SYN. exalted, grand,
STYMIE v. [STI mee] to impede or thwart. magnificent, majestic, lofty, ennobled, high,
Travel was stymied by a traffic jam. SYN. im- awe-inspiring, superb, overwhelming,
pede, thwart, obstruct, stop, block, check, breathtaking, glorious, stately. ANT. hum-
foil, prevent, hinder, frustrate, throw up a drum, *blah, *ho-hum, pedestrian, ordinary,
stumbling block, get in one’s way. low.
SUAVE a. [SWAHV] smooth in social inter- submarine n. sub, U-boat, submersible, *steel
actions, gracious, tactful and diplomatic. He shark, *pigboat.
made everyone feel at ease; he was very suave. WORD FIND
SYN. smooth, polished, refined, gracious, ur- body of: hull
bane, tactful, diplomatic, charming, cul- crew member: submariner
tured, worldly, polite, courtly, ingratiating. exhaust and air intake: snorkel

564 Roget’s Superthesaurus


hazard: mine, depth charge, shoal suborn v. SEE BRIBE

locator: sonar, sonobuoy SUBPOENA n. [suh PEE nuh] a written order
miniature: submersible to appear in court. The witness was served a
missile: torpedo subpoena. SYN. summons, written order,
nuclear-powered: Trident court order, writ, notice, notification, in-
observation tower: conning tower, bridge struction, demand.
propellor sound that gives presence away: subpoena v. summon, serve a court order, serve
cavitation notice, order to testify, instruct, demand.
rudder that helps sub to submerge: hydro- subscribe v. support, favor, approve, agree to,
plane consent to, believe in, accept, endorse, go
safe haven: submarine sanctuary, submarine along with, sanction. ANT. reject, disapprove,
haven oppose.
scope: periscope
subscription n. purchase agreement, sales en-
stabilizing rudder: sail plane
submarine-like observation vessel: bathy-
scaphe, submersible subsequent a. following, succeeding, later, lat-
water tanks that control submerging: ballast ter, ensuing, future, resultant, next. ANT.
tanks previous, preceding, prior.
submerge v. sink, submerse, plunge, immerse, subsequently adv. later, afterward.
dip, dunk, descend, go down, dive, swamp, SUBSERVIENT a. [sub SERV ee unt] submis-
drown. sive and compliant, servile, subordinate.
submersible n. SEE SUBMARINE The misogynist divorced his wife because she
submission n. 1. SURRENDER capitulation, sub- wasn’t subservient enough. SYN. submissive,
mitting, compliance, giving in, *caving in, compliant, servile, subordinate, obsequious,
yielding, acquiescence, deference, subordi- deferential, fawning, sycophantic, grovel-
nation, subjugation, obedience, complai- ing, cringing, *brownnosing, *bootlicking.
sance. 2. REMITTANCE mailing in, handing ANT. dominant, dominating, ruling, control-
in. ANT. 1. domination, resistance, rebellion. ling, rebellious, disobedient.
submissive a. nonresistant, nonresisting, yield- subside v. sink, fall, lessen, abate, wane, ebb,
ing, docile, meek, tame, *broken, prostrate, decline, level off, settle, decrease, recede,
compliant, obeisant, deferential, passive, die down, ease, diminish, let up, *peter out,
servile, subservient, *bootlicking, *brown- fade. ANT. rise, increase, intensify.
nosing. ANT. dominant, ruling, resistant, rebel- subsidiary a. secondary, supplementary, auxil-
lious. iary, subordinate, supportive, in a support-
submit v. 1. SURRENDER capitulate, comply, give ing role, ancillary, accessory, lesser, inferior,
in, *cave in, yield, acquiesce, defer, minor. ANT. main, major, primary, chief.
*knuckle under, abide by, relinquish, *say subsidize v. aid, support, back, finance, fund,
uncle. 2. PRESENT offer, suggest, propose, put underwrite, sponsor, *pick up the tab, *foot
forth, remit, hand in, mail in. ANT. 1. domi- the bill, bankroll.
nate, rule, resist, disobey. 2. rescind, renege. subsidy n. aid, support, grant, subvention, ap-
subordinate n. inferior, junior, underling, sec- propriation, money.
ond, attendant, servant, slave, dependent,
subsist v. exist, live, survive, get by, maintain,
subaltern, *flunky, *second fiddle, *low
be sustained, *eke out a living, *make ends
man on the totem pole. ANT. superior, senior,
boss. meet, persist, endure. ANT. die, perish, starve
subordinate v. subject, dominate, *keep under to death.
one’s thumb, control, *boss around, order subsistence n. livelihood, living, support,
around, *keep down, reduce. ANT. empower, means of support, means of survival, suste-
raise. nance, provisions, maintenance, upkeep,
SUBORDINATE a. [suh BORD in et] inferior sustainment, daily bread, survival, exis-
or secondary to another. The subordinate tence, endurance.
members of the group had no power to vote. substance n. 1. MATTER material, element, stuff,
SYN. inferior, secondary, below, under, jun- constituent, ingredient, something. 2. REAL-
ior, *under one’s thumb, minor, lesser, sec- ITY solidity, substantiality, concreteness. 3.
ond-class, submissive, subaltern, ancillary. ESSENCE meaning, gist, spirit, core, heart,
ANT. superior, first-class, higher, major. meat, nucleus, thrust, sense, point, *bottom

Roget’s Superthesaurus 565

Substance Abuse–Success

line, *sum total. 4. WEALTH resources, pos- slight, airy, ethereal, rarefied. 3. KEEN sharp,
sessions, affluence, assets, worth, riches, acute, astute, discerning, shrewd. 4. CLEVER
property. sly, skillful, deft, smart, adroit, crafty, sly,
substance abuse n. drug abuse, addiction, alco- cunning. ANT. 1. obvious, conspicuous, heavy,
holism, drug dependance, *monkey on one’s blatant, direct. 2. heavy, dense. 3. dull. 4. stu-
back, *huffing. SEE DRUG pid, undiscerning.
substandard a. inferior, poor, below average, subtract v. deduct, take away, detract, lessen,
below par, subpar, second-rate, below nor- remove, withdraw.
mal, lousy, shoddy. ANT. superior, first-rate, suburb n. residential district, bedroom commu-
above par. nity, suburbia, *burbs, suburban district,
substantial a. 1. CONSIDERABLE large, ample, hamlet, outskirt, neighborhood, develop-
generous, sizable, great, big, healthy, signifi- ment, division, subdivision. ‘‘The home of
cant, meaningful, goodly, hefty. 2. STRONG the middle class.’’—Louis Harris. ‘‘Where
solid, firm, sound. 3. REAL concrete, actual, the developer bulldozes out the trees, then
physical, material, bodily. 4. IMPORTANT val- names the streets after them.’’—William
uable, fundamental, essential. 5. WEALTHY Vaughan.
rich, affluent, well-to-do, well-off, prosper- suburbia n. suburbs, *burbs, residential district,
ous. ANT. 1. tiny, paltry, insignificant. 2. bedroom community, environs, city out-
weak, flimsy, fragile. 3. imaginary, abstract. skirts.
4. unimportantal, inessential. 5. poor, impov- SUBVERSIVE a. [sub VURS iv] contributing
erished, destitute. to the overthrow or destruction of a govern-
SUBSTANTIATE v. [sub STAN she ate] to ment, institution, etc. He was expelled for his
prove to be true by showing evidence. The subversive actions. SYN. destructive, under-
detective tried to substantiate her story with cir- mining, insurrectionary, seditious, insur-
cumstantial evidence. SYN. prove, confirm, gent, treasonous, traitorous, revolutionary.
authenticate, verify, corroborate, support, ANT. helpful, constructive, valuable.
validate, demonstrate, attest to, certify. ANT. subvert v. undermine, destroy, weaken, disrupt,
disprove, refute, discredit. ruin, corrupt, poison, upset, damage, over-
substantive a. actual, solid, real, substantial. throw, topple, destroy. ANT. support, fortify,
ANT. flimsy, abstract.
substitute n. alternate, *fill-in, sub, backup, re-
subway n. underground railway, *tube, rapid
placement, stand-in, understudy, *temp,
transit system, tunnel, metro.
double, *pinch hitter, *second-stringer,
succeed v. 1. ACCOMPLISH achieve, make good,
*bench warmer, surrogate, proxy.
win, triumph, *pull off, arrive, fulfill, *make
substitute v. alternate, fill in for, sub, replace,
switch, stand in, *temp, double, *pinch-hit, it, prevail, work, score, *nail it, *pan out,
*come off the bench, spell, supplant, surro- *fly, *come through with flying colors,
gate. reach one’s goals, realize, *make it big, *hit
substitute a. alternate, alternative, backup, the jackpot, ace, *go over with a bang, *lay
temporary, reserve, acting, stopgap. ANT. pri- them in aisles, *knock ’em dead, *get off the
mary. ground, *set the world on fire. 2. COME AFTER
SUBTERFUGE n. [SUB tur fyooj] a trick or follow, ensue, replace, supplant, take the
deception, a device used to conceal one’s place of, inherit. ANT. 1. fail, lose, *blow it,
true purpose, actions, etc. The spy used a flop, *bomb, *lay an egg. 2. precede, antedate.
clever subterfuge to get by the guard. SYN. trick, succeeding a. successive, following, subse-
deception, device, ruse, stratagem, artifice, quent, ensuing, next, upcoming. ANT. pre-
scheme, evasion, maneuver, dodge, machi- ceding, prior, former.
nation, Trojan horse, pretense. success n. fulfillment, accomplishment,
subterranean a. underground, below ground, achievement, attainment, realization,
sunken, subsurface, buried, hidden, secret, reaching one’s goals, arrival, triumph, win,
concealed, under cover. ANT. above-board, victory, *big time, hit, *smash, *succès d’es-
displayed, mainstream. time, fame and fortune, winner, sensation,
subtle a. 1. NOT OBVIOUS slight, delicate, faint, good fortune, prosperity, wealth, riches,
fine, suggestive, understated, quiet, incon- *Easy Street, blockbuster. ‘‘The reward of
spicuous, implied, inferred, indirect, insinu- toil.’’—Sophocles. ‘‘Not the result of spon-
ated, elusive. 2. THIN tenuous, rare, light, taneous combustion. You must set yourself

566 Roget’s Superthesaurus


on fire.’’—Reginald Leach. ‘‘The child of heartbeat, *in a wink, instantly, meteori-

audacity.’’—Benjamin Disraeli. ‘‘The bitch- cally, all of a sudden, all at once, *like a
goddess.’’—William James. ANT. failure, de- flash. ANT. gradually, eventually, slowly.
feat, *bombing, *washout, nonfulfillment. suds n. foam, froth, bubbles, lather, soap.
successful a. winning, accomplished, trium- sue v. bring court action, file a lawsuit, prose-
phant, victorious, favorable, prosperous, cute, bring to trial, bring civil action against,
well-off, well-to-do, achieving, thriving, litigate against, petition the court.
booming, fortunate, lucky, *on top, *mak- suffer v. 1. EXPERIENCE PAIN hurt, ache, agonize,
ing it big, *on top of one’s game, profitable, be racked with pain, writhe in pain, endure,
lucrative, meeting one’s goals, *climbing grieve. 2. EXPERIENCE undergo, endure, bear,
the corporate ladder. ANT. failing, losing, un- encounter, live with, *stick it out, *tough it
fortunate, unsuccessful. out, tolerate, withstand. 3. ALLOW tolerate,
succession n. 1. SEQUENCE series, procession, permit, admit, grant.
progression, train, cycle, course, round. 2. suffering n. pain, misery, agony, torture, tor-
ACCESSION assumption, rise to power, taking ment, ache, distress, grief, depression, heart-
over, crowning. ache, despair, anguish, ordeal, hell, discom-
successive a. succeeding, consecutive, follow- fort, burden, *cross to bear. ‘‘A cleansing
ing, sequential, ensuing, continuous, one fire that clears away triviality and restless-
after the other. ANT. inconsecutive, random. ness.’’—Louis E. Bisch. ‘‘A test of faith.’’—
successor n. follower, heir, next in line, re- J. Messner. ANT. comfort, pleasure, peace.
placement, descendant. suffice v. serve, do, satisfy, be enough, be ade-
SUCCINCT a. [suk SINKT] brief and to the quate, be sufficient, answer, *fill the bill,
point, concise. The politicians were asked to *do the trick.
keep their speeches succinct. SYN. brief, to the sufficient a. adequate, enough, plenty, satisfac-
point, concise, pithy, condensed, short, tory, ample, commensurate, passable, ac-
compact, terse, *in a nutshell, *boiled down ceptable, tolerable, okay, all right. ANT. in-
to its essence, *short and sweet. ANT. wordy, sufficient, inadequate, unsatisfactory, short.
long-winded, prolix, verbose. suffocate v. smother, choke, stifle, cut off one’s
succor n. help, aid, relief, assistance, helping air, strangle, throttle, asphyxiate, burke, gar-
hand. rote, kill, silence.
succor v. help, aid, assist, relieve, give relief, suffrage n. right to vote, the vote, voice, fran-
give a helping hand. chise. SEE ELECTION
succulent a. juicy, moist, fleshy, dripping, suffuse v. overspread, spread, bathe, infiltrate,
pulpy, mushy. ANT. dry, dehydrated. permeate, pervade, fill, saturate, imbrue.
succumb v. 1. DIE perish, expire, pass away, sugar n. sweetener, sucrose, saccharose, dex-
*croak, *bite the dust, *kick the bucket, trose, fructose, cane sugar, brown sugar, ma-
*cash in one’s chips. SEE DIE 2. YIELD submit, ple sugar, saccharine.
give in, give way, surrender, capitulate, sugarcoat v. sweeten, gloss over, make agree-
*knuckle under, acquiesce, defer to. ANT. 2. able, make palatable, honey, candy. ANT.
hold out, resist. poison.
suck v. draw, sip, inhale, slurp. sugary a. 1. SWEET-TASTING saccharine, can-
suck v. Sl. stink, rot, *blow, *bite, *bite the big died, honeyed, confectionary. 2. OVERLY
one, *stink on ice, *suck eggs. NICE OR SENTIMENTAL mawkish, sickeningly
sucker n. 1. DUPE *patsy, *chump, *sitting sweet, flattering, oversweet, cloying. ANT. 1.
duck, *pushover, victim, fool, fair game, sour, bitter, acid. 2. curt, frank, abrupt.
easy mark. 2. LOLLIPOP. suggest v. 1. PUT FORTH propose, offer, submit,
sudden a. abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen, recommend, proffer, advance, *throw out,
quick, *out of the blue, fast, *in a heartbeat, move, advise. 2. BRING TO MIND imply, insin-
*in a wink, instantaneous, meteoric, *pre- uate, hint, intimate, allude, evoke, infer.
cipitate, *like a flash. ANT. gradual, eventual, suggestion n. 1. PROPOSAL offering, submission,
slow. recommendation, idea, thought, proffer,
sudden infant death syndrome n. SIDS, crib proposition, presentation, tip, counsel. 2.
death. TRACE hint, intimation, insinuation, suspi-
suddenly adv. abruptly, unexpectedly, without cion, allusion, inference, telltale, reminder,
warning, quickly, *out of the blue, *in a shade, tinge, touch.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 567


suggestible a. impressionable, pliable, easily a pity party, brood, fret, be gloomy, be sul-
manipulated, susceptible, easily brain- len, put on a long face. ANT. rejoice, jump for
washed, naive, gullible, malleable, un- joy.
guarded, *like putty in one’s hands. ANT. de- sulky a. sullen, gloomy, down in the mouth,
fiant, resistant. moping, pouting, self-pitying, glum, morose,
suggestive a. 1. INDECENT improper, risqué, off- moody, depressed, withdrawn, resentful, dis-
color, racy, bawdy, dirty, sexy, erotic, ob- satisfied. ANT. happy, cheerful, elated.
scene, ribald, titillating, *raunchy. 2. REMI- sullen a. withdrawn, morose, resentful, sulky,
NISCENT signifying, evocative, expressive. glum, moody, depressed, glowering, petu-
ANT. 1. respectable, pure, innocent. 2. mean- lant, peevish, brooding. ANT. happy, cheerful,
ingless. jovial.
suicidal a. 1. SELF-DESTRUCTIVE *harboring a sully v. soil, stain, dirty, blemish, smudge,
death wish, reckless, rash, clinically de- blacken, taint, disgrace, dishonor, defile,
pressed, despondent. 2. DEADLY lethal, un- corrupt, *drag through the mud. ANT.
wise, reckless. ANT. 1. cautious, joyful. 2. cleanse, shine, honor.
careful, safe. sultry a. 1. HOT steamy, muggy, humid, swelter-
suicide n. self-destruction, self-murder, self-im- ing, torrid, baking, tropical, sizzling, *roast-
molation. ‘‘The severest form of self-criti- ing, suffocating, oppressive, fiery. 2. PAS-
cism.’’—Leonard Levinson. SIONATE hot, inflamed, lustful, amorous,
WORD FIND *horny, ardent, torrid, erotic, seductive.
agreement by two or more: suicide pact ANT. 1. cold, freezing, chilling. 2. turned-off,

Japanese dive-bombing in World War II: ka- frigid, cold.

mikaze sum n. 1. AMOUNT money, cash, quantity. 2.
TOTAL aggregate, whole, entirety, lot,
Japanese ritual of disembowelment: hara-
kiri, seppuku *whole shebang, *works, mass. 3. GIST es-
one who commits: felo-de-se sence, point, content, crux.
suit n. 1. SET group, series, ensemble. 2. LAW- summarize v. run down briefly, encapsulate,
condense, outline, give main points, *recap,
SUIT case, litigation, trial, court action. 3.
recapitulate, synopsize, review, abridge.
summary n. rundown, brief, gist, synopsis, out-
semble, costume, uniform, *threads, *getup,
line, precis, *recap, recapitulation, conden-
*Sunday go-to-meeting clothes, *Sunday
sation, compendium, abstract, short version,
best, *bib and tucker, formal evening wear,
review, sketch, core.
dress suit, leisure suit, sack suit, seersucker
summary a. prompt, expeditious, quick, swift,
suit, sport suit, business suit, three-piece
hasty, peremptory, brief, direct. ANT. de-
suit, tuxedo, zoot suit, jumpsuit. SEE COAT,
tailed, in-depth.
summer n. summer solstice, *dog days, school
suit v. 1. BEFIT satisfy, meet one’s requirements, vacation, season, *lazy days. ‘‘Days dripping
meet one’s needs, *fill the bill, be appro- away like honey off a spoon.’’—Wallace
priate, accommodate, please, conform, fit. Stegner.
2. ADAPT fit, adjust, tailor, change, propor- summit n. top, peak, apex, high point, zenith,
tion, modify. crown, height, pinnacle, crest, acme, vertex,
suitable a. fitting, fit, befitting, appropriate, head, cap, limit, climax. ANT. bottom, depth,
proper, right, correct, acceptable, apt, meet, low.
becoming, seemly. ANT. unsuitable, improper, summon v. 1. CALL FOR call in, beckon, request
unacceptable. one’s presence, invite, send for, subpoena,
suitcase n. valise, case, grip, travel case, carry- order to appear, page, muster, assemble,
all, overnight bag. convene, rally. 2. GATHER collect, rouse, call
suite n. 1. SET OF ROOMS penthouse, apartment, up, invoke, muster up.
flat. 2. ATTENDANTS servants, retinue, en- summons n. subpoena, writ, warrant, call, or-
tourage, train, company, cortege, court, es- der, court order, command, evocation, sig-
cort, following, staff. nal, alarm.
suitor n. courter, admirer, boyfriend, wooer, sump n. pool, cesspool, pit, well, cistern.
*beau, *flame, *steady, swain. sumptuous a. lavish, extravagant, rich, costly,
sulk v. mope, pout, wallow in self-pity, *have expensive, magnificent, luxurious, fancy,

568 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Sum Up–Superfluous

posh, deluxe, splendid, *ritzy, opulent. ANT. WORD FIND

cheap, poor, *ratty, plain. goddess of dawn: Aurora
sum up v. close, finish, summarize, review, *re- sunscreen n. sunblock, sun cream, lotion, prep-
cap, recapitulate. aration, skin protection.
sun n. *flaming gasball, star, fireball, flaming sunset n. sundown, dusk, nightfall, evening,
orb, sphere, luminary, heavenly body, Sol, gloaming, twilight, eventide. ‘‘Like the
Helios, Hyperion, Horus, Ra. ‘‘The fire that spreading of a peacock’s tail.’’—John Ash-
severs day from night.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The berry.
glorious lamp of heaven.’’—Dryden. sunshine n. sunlight, sunbeams, rays, radiance,
WORD FIND brilliance, daylight. ‘‘Gold embroidery on
dark spots: sunspots the grass.’’—Paul Horgan. ‘‘A shower of
gas: hydrogen, helium gold.’’—Silvia Tennenbaum.
massless particles produced by: neutrinos super a. excellent, superb, outstanding, ex-
mock optical illusion: parhelion, sundog, traordinary, great, terrific, sensational, fine,
mock sun out of this world, *superhuman, superior.
obscuring of by moon: solar eclipse ANT. terrible, awful, lousy, inferior.
orbit: ecliptic superabundance n. overabundance, surplus,
outer atmosphere of: chromosphere, corona excess, glut, plethora, flood, overflow, more
plant’s movement following: heliotaxis than enough, surfeit, oversupply. ANT. short-
plant that bends to follow sun: heliotrope age, dearth, lack.
referring to: helio, solar superannuated a. old, worn out, *over the hill,
sunlight therapy: heliotherapy *put out to pasture, past one’s prime, anti-
sunspot cycle of eleven years: solar cycle quated, obsolete, old-fashioned, outdated.
sunspot’s dark, inner region: umbra ANT. young, fresh, new, modern, contempo-
surface: photosphere rary.
tongue of flame and gas, huge: solar flare, superb a. excellent, great, superior, superlative,
solar prominence first-class, first-rate, select, choice, magnifi-
variable intensity, sun with: variable star cent, grand, noble, splendid, super. ANT.
worship: heliolatry poor, inferior, awful.
SEE STAR supercharger n. blower, compressor, power
sunburned a. burned, red, *red as a cooked lob- booster.
ster, scarlet, crimson, blistering, peeling. SUPERCILIOUS a. [soo pur SIL ee us] haugh-
ANT. pale, lily white. tily disdainful, proud, regarding with raised
Sunday n. sabbath, the Lord’s day. ‘‘The golden eyebrows. He found the restaurant critic to be
clasp that binds together the volume of the shallow and supercilious. SYN. haughty, proud,
week.’’—H.W. Longfellow. contemptuous, scornful, disdainful, lofty,
sunder v. separate, split, part, sever, break condescending, imperious, arrogant, high
apart, cleave, divide, halve, quarter. and mighty, superior, snobbish. ANT. down
sundry a. miscellaneous, assorted, various, di- to earth, humble, modest.
vers, diverse, diversified, many, myriad. ANT. superficial a. 1. SURFACE exterior, outer, exter-
single, uniform. nal, outside, outward, peripheral, skin-deep,
sunken a. hollow, depressed, caved-in, fallen- cosmetic. 2. SHALLOW obvious, apparent,
in, concave, indented, submerged, sub- lacking depth, minimal, not profound. 3.
mersed, drowned, inundated. ANT. raised, QUICK cursory, perfunctory, hasty, slapdash,
swollen, bulging, elevated. hurried, slight. 4. FRIVOLOUS shallow, feath-
sunny a. 1. CLEAR bright, radiant, brilliant, erbrained, unprofound, silly. ANT. 1. inter-
cloudless, dazzling, blazing, sunshiny, nal, inner, deep. 2. deep, profound. 3. thor-
golden, *honeyed light, clement. 2. HAPPY ough, careful, complete. 4. serious, deep,
cheerful, cheery, beaming, smiling, optimis- profound.
tic, blithe, lighthearted, joyous, mirthful, SUPERFLUOUS a. [suh PUR floo us] unnec-
buoyant. ANT. 1. cloudy, gloomy, dark, over- essary, more than what is needed. They light-
cast. 2. grim, gloomy, miserable, unhappy. ened their load by getting rid of all superfluous
sunrise n. dawn, daybreak, sunup, daylight, provisions. SYN. unnecessary, extra, un-
break of day, *the holy light of dawn, crack needed, excess, surplus, redundant, inessen-
of dawn, cockcrow, twilight. tial, nonessential, spare, expendable, more

Roget’s Superthesaurus 569


than enough. ANT. necessary, needed, indis- succeed, displace, supplant, dethrone, oust,
pensable, vital. outmode.
superhighway n. freeway, autobahn. SEE HIGH- supersensitive a. ultrasensitive, thin-skinned.
superhuman a. supernatural, divine, omnipo- superstar n. *megastar, idol, celebrity. SEE STAR
tent, godlike, preternatural, omniscient, superstition n. irrational fear, fallacy, old
otherworldly, extraterrestrial. ANT. subhu- wives’ tale, delusion, false belief. ‘‘Religion
man. which has grown incongruous with intelli-
superintend v. direct, manage, administer. SEE gence.’’—John Tyndall. ‘‘The religion of
SUPERVISE feeble minds.’’—Edmund Burke.
superintendent n. 1. DIRECTOR supervisor, over- superstitious a. fearful, naive, irrational, de-
seer, manager, chief, administrator, boss, luded, apprehensive, obsessed.
head, foreman. 2. CARETAKER custodian, supervise v. oversee, manage, direct, superin-
janitor, super, maintenance man. tend, look after, head, administer, run
superior n. boss, head, senior, chief, leader, things, *call the shots, *call the plays, quar-
*head honcho, *biggest toad in the puddle, terback, command, boss, control, guide, reg-
master, higher-up, supervisor, CEO, com- ulate.
mander in chief, ranking officer, *big supervision n. management, control, direction,
cheese. ANT. inferior, junior, *low man on the superintendence, running, administration,
totem pole, subordinate. guidance, leadership, regulation.
superior a. 1. HIGHER greater, above, better, su- supervisor n. boss, overseer, manager, director,
preme, superlative, first-class, first-rate, superintendent, head, administrator, quar-
peerless, excellent, outstanding, *a cut terback, commander, guide, regulator,
above, *tops, unrivaled, predominant, pre- *whip, *CEO, chief, foreman.
eminent, incomparable, *A-1, exceptional. supine a. 1. LYING DOWN flat on one’s back,
2. HAUGHTY arrogant, snobbish, high and prone, recumbent, horizontal, laid out. 2.
SLUGGISH listless, inactive, lifeless, inert,
mighty, proud, supercilious, stuck-up, con-
descending, patronizing, pretentious. ANT. motionless, *brain-dead, vegetative. ANT. 1.
1. inferior, lower, second-rate, poor. 2. down standing, upright. 2. lively, active.
to earth, humble, modest. supper n. dinner, repast. SEE MEAL
supplant v. replace, take the place of, super-
superlative a. superior, supreme, highest, great-
sede, displace, succeed, oust, dethrone, un-
est, best, first-class, first-rate, peerless, excel-
seat, bump.
lent, outstanding, *a cut above, *tops, unri-
supple a. 1. FLEXIBLE bendable, pliable, pliant,
valed, nonpareil, paramount, preeminent.
resilient, malleable, elastic, plastic, springy,
ANT. poor, inferior, worst, lowest.
rubbery. 2. LIMBER lithe, loose, lissom, agile,
superman n. superwoman, god, champion, nimble, willowy. 3. COMPLIANT yielding,
hero, immortal, idol, Renaissance man, Re- nonresisting, passive, complaisant, acquies-
naissance woman, Olympian, Hercules, iro- cent, easy. 4. ADAPTABLE adjustable, flexible,
nman, giant, *mover and a shaker. resilient, elastic. ANT. 1. inflexible, hard,
supernal a. celestial, heavenly, divine, from the rigid, stiff. 2. tight, stiff, out of shape. 3. resis-
sky, ethereal, lofty. ANT. prosaic, down-to- tant, rebellious, unyielding. 4. rigid, unchange-
earth, earthy. able, inflexible.
supernatural a. superhuman, otherworldly, un- supplement n. addition, extension, attach-
earthly, not of this world, out of this world, ment, amendment, addendum, appendix,
supranatural, metaphysical, transcendental, augmentation, complement, rider, insert,
spiritual, paranormal, occult, psychic, heav- postscript.
enly, divine, breaking the laws of nature, mi- supplement v. add to, augment, complement,
raculous, ghostly, mysterious, unfathom- enlarge, increase, reinforce.
able, incomprehensible. ANT. mundane, supplementary a. additional, augmenting,
earthly, natural, normal. attached, appended, supportive, auxiliary,
SUPERSEDE v. [soo pur SEED] take the place secondary, ancillary. ANT. main, primary.
of, replace. The automobile superseded the supplicant n. petitioner, solicitor, applicant,
horse and buggy as a primary means of trans- pleader, beggar.
portation. SYN. take the place of, replace, supplicate v. request, pray for, petition, plead,

570 Roget’s Superthesaurus


appeal, beg, entreat, ask for, implore, be- dark, silence, shut up, hide, conceal, check,
seech, adjure. restrain, curb, *put a lid on, muzzle. ANT.
supplication n. request, prayer, petition, plead- 1. throw fuel on the fire, unleash, free up. 2.
ing, appeal, entreaty, solicitation, applica- broadcast, amplify, publish.
tion, plea, cry, begging. suppression n. crushing, quelling, squelching,
supplies n. provisions, stores, issues, rations, squashing, silencing, extinguishing, censor-
stock, necessities, essentials, equipment, ship, smothering, stifling, muzzling, re-
victuals, food. straint.
supply n. reserve, stock, stockpile, store, inven- suppurate v. fester, discharge, maturate, ooze.
tory, amount, quantity, provision, fund, supremacy n. dominance, preeminence, pri-
hoard, cache, load, mass. macy, superiority, transcendence, predom-
supply v. provide, furnish, stock, fund, provi- inance, rule, authority, mastery, sover-
sion, equip, outfit, cater, accommodate, eignty.
contribute, give. supreme a. greatest, superior, preeminent,
support n. 1. BRACE foundation, buttress, prop, dominant, leading, transcendent, highest,
underpinning, substructure, bed, joist, ultimate, paramount, crowning, predomi-
beam, girder, stanchion, stay. 2. BACKING nant, first, superlative, finest, excellent, ut-
help, aid, assistance, hand, lift, encourage- most, top, ranking, peerless, ruling, chief,
ment, advocacy, approval, promotion, com- sovereign, *eclipsing all others, *overshad-
fort. 3. SUBSISTENCE living, sustenance, live- owing all others, *standing head and shoul-
lihood, upkeep, provisions, necessities, food, ders above all others. ANT. worst, lowest,
money, child support, alimony. poorest.
support v. 1. HOLD UP brace, buttress, prop, surcharge n. fee, overcharge, sum, surtax, addi-
shoulder, carry, bear, bolster, sustain, shore tional charge, amount over and above.
up. 2. BACK help, aid, assist, give a hand, sure a. 1. CERTAIN definite, assured, doubtless,
give a lift, sustain, comfort, encourage, bol- unquestionable, fixed, set, incontrovertible,
ster, foster, advocate, approve, promote, en- positive, conclusive, proven, demonstrated,
dorse, subscribe. 3. PROVIDE FOR maintain, unmistakable, certified, *beyond a shadow
pay one’s way, finance, bankroll, subsidize, of a doubt. 2. RELIABLE dependable, trustwor-
underwrite, *pick up the tab. 4. CORROBO- thy, tried and true, trusty, faithful, steadfast.
RATE verify, substantiate, confirm, attest, 3. CONVINCED confident, certain, satisfied,
validate, authenticate. positive. 4. INEVITABLE assured, bound, un-
supporter n. backer, advocate, champion, de- avoidable, guaranteed, inescapable, *iced.
fender, stalwart, helper, proponent, abettor, ANT. 1. uncertain, doubtful, questionable, un-
adherent, fan, benefactor, patron. proven. 2. unreliable, undependable. 3. uncon-
supportive a. bolstering, encouraging, helping, vinced, uncertain. 4. uncertain.
helpful, sympathetic, strengthening. ANT. surely adv. certainly, doubtless, undoubtedly,
criticizing, denigrating. absolutely, positively, unquestionably, *be-
support system n. family, friends, allies, social yond a shadow of a doubt, definitely, indubi-
network, contacts, support group, *safety tably.
net, companions, morale boosters. sure thing n. safe bet, certainty, *shoo-in,
suppose v. assume, presume, figure, expect, *cinch.
think, guess, imagine, reckon, suspect, theo- surety n. security, guarantee, bond, assurance,
rize, believe, conclude, understand. pledge.
supposed a. assumed, presumed, figured, ex- surf n. waves, breakers, rollers, combers, spin-
pected, thought, guessed, imagined, reck- drift, seaspray, swells, foam, swash, riptide.
oned, suspected, theorized, believed, under- WORD FIND
stood. ANT. known, proven. common wave with convex back: plunger
supposition n. assumption, hypothesis, pre- gray-crested waves: graybeards
sumption, thought, guess, suspicion, theory, hollow between waves: trough
belief, conjecture, postulate. series of waves: train
suppress v. 1. PUT DOWN stop, crush, quell, sound: rote, swash, crash, thunder, lap
squelch, squash, crack down on, subdue, si- SEE BEACH, OCEAN
lence, extinguish, kill, put an end to. 2. CEN- surf v. ride the waves, *hang five, *hang ten,
SOR keep quiet, withhold, stifle, keep in the cruise, flip channels, channel surf, explore.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 571


WORD FIND *put two and two together, *hazard a guess,

fall off: wipe out conclude, deduce, assess, hypothesize, *take
ride under a breaking wave: *shoot the tube, a shot in the dark, assume, suppose, specu-
*shoot the curl late, presume, reckon, opine.
shorts: baggies, jams surmount v. go over, climb over, mount, clear,
show off: *hotdog prevail over, get the best of, overcome, con-
surf without a board: body surf quer, vanquish, subdue, triumph over, mas-
surface n. exterior, outside, top, skin, shell, fa- ter, top.
cade, face, crust, veneer, finish. surname n. family name, last name, cognomen.
surface v. 1. SMOOTH level, plane, even, pave, For lists of ethnic surnames and given names
finish. 2. ARISE emerge, break the surface, SEE NAME
ascend. 3. BECOME KNOWN materialize, come surpass v. excel, beat, exceed, outdo, better,
up, come to light. outdistance, eclipse, *leave the competition
SURFEIT n. [SUR fit] an excessive amount, swirling in one’s wake, *leave in the dust,
fullness, overindulgence. The baker made a *run circles around, overshadow, trump, put
surfeit of cookies for the party. SYN. 1. EXCESS to shame, outperform, outrun, top, tran-
surplus, overabundance, superabundance, scend, *blow one’s doors off.
too much, glut, overflow, flood, inundation, surplus n. excess, surfeit, glut, overabundance,
overkill, exorbitance, plethora. 2. SATIETY overstock, overkill, extra, plethora, spate,
fullness, satiation, overindulgence, sickness, oversupply, remainder, residue. ANT. short-
nausea, disgust, discomfort. ANT. 1. dearth, age, shortfall, deficiency.
shortage, lack. 2. hunger, craving, emptiness. surplus a. extra, excess, spare, leftover, unused,
surfeit v. overindulge, *stuff oneself, overfill, superfluous, remaining, residual. ANT. short,
gorge, satiate, glut, *pig out, overdo, cloy, deficient.
overeat. surprise n. 1. SHOCK start, bombshell, thunder-
surge n. 1. SWELL wave, billow, flood, torrent, bolt, bolt from the blue, eye-opener, stun-
rush, heave, sweep, mass, storm surge, gush, ner, unforeseen turn of events. 2. AMAZE-
rising tide. 2. INCREASE escalation, skyrock- MENT astonishment, astoundment, wonder,
eting, growth, expansion, explosion, jump, shock, incredulity.
rise. ANT. 2. decline, drop, plunge. surprise v. 1. SHOCK give a start, startle, *drop
surge v. 1. SWELL billow, flood, rush, heave, a bombshell on, stun, open one’s eyes, as-
sweep, roll, amass, rise, gush, wash. 2. IN- tonish, astound, amaze, *take one’s breath
CREASE escalate, skyrocket, grow, expand, away, *blow away, *knock for a loop, flab-
explode, jump, rise. bergast, daze, take aback, floor. 2. CATCH OFF
surgeon n. medical professional, doctor, physi- GUARD catch napping, take unawares,
cian, specialist, *sawbones. ‘‘An eagle’s eye, *catch flatfooted, ambush, *catch red-
a lion’s heart, a lady’s hand.’’—John Ray. handed.
SEE OPERATION, DOCTOR surprising a. unexpected, unforeseen, shock-
surgery n. medical procedure, *the knife, exci- ing, sudden, startling, stunning, eye-open-
sion, biopsy, bypass, mastectomy, trans- ing, astonishing, astounding, amazing,
plant, angioplasty, neoplasty. SEE OPERATION, breathtaking, *out of the blue. ANT. ex-
DISEASE, MEDICINE pected, foreseen.
surgical a. accurate, precise, exacting, pin- SURREAL a. [sur RE ul] having the strange or
point, ticklish, delicate. ANT. rough, approxi- bizarre quality of dreams or the unconscious
mate, inexact. SEE OPERATION mind. Salvador Dali’s paintings are known for
surly a. bad-tempered, sour, moody, rude, their surreal quality. SYN. strange, bizarre, fan-
nasty, cross, sullen, brusque, dour, ugly, hos- tastic, grotesque, weird, nightmarish, Kafka-
tile, unfriendly, harsh, short, grouchy, esque, *far out, *reminiscent of the Twilight
grumpy, gruff. ANT. friendly, cheery, cheerful, Zone, odd, queer, peculiar. ANT. ordinary, ev-
warm, good-humored. eryday, normal.
surmise n. guess, conjecture, deduction, assess- surrealistic a. strange, bizarre, fantastic, gro-
ment, hypothesis, *shot in the dark, assump- tesque, weird, nightmarish, dreamlike, Kaf-
tion, hunch, supposition, idea, speculation, kaesque, *far out, *reminiscent of the Twi-
presumption. light Zone, odd, queer, peculiar. ANT.
surmise v. guess, conjecture, imagine, infer, ordinary, everyday, normal.

572 Roget’s Superthesaurus


surrender n. yielding, submission, giving up, one can spit, disbelieve, question, doubt,
giving in, *crying Uncle, capitulation, *smell a rat, *harbor suspicions. 2. GUESS
*throwing in the towel, *white flag, relent- imagine, conjecture, surmise, suppose,
ing, prostration, acquiescence, resignation, think, believe, assume, presume, theorize,
relinquishment. hypothesize, infer, gather. ANT. 1. trust, be-
surrender v. yield, submit, give up, give in, *cry lieve.
Uncle, capitulate, *throw in the towel, suspect a. suspicious, *fishy, suspected, unbe-
*raise the white flag, relent, *cave in, pros- lievable, questionable, doubted, mistrusted,
trate oneself, acquiesce, resign, relinquish, *shady, dubious. ANT. believable, reliable,
cede. ANT. defy, *hang tough, *dig in, fight. trustworthy.
SURREPTITIOUS a. [sur up TISH us] suspend v. 1. DEBAR exclude, dismiss, throw
sneaky, secret. He took a surreptitious glance out, expel, evict, ban, blackball, shut out.
at her wedding band. SYN. sneaky, secret, 2. STOP TEMPORARILY postpone, delay, defer,
stealthy, clandestine, furtive, covert, hid- *put on the back burner, hold off, *put on
den, sly, undercover, *on the QT, under- hold, put off, discontinue. 3. HANG dangle,
handed, confidential. ANT. open, public, sling, swing, pend.
overt, conspicuous. suspenders n. garters, braces, galluses.
SURROGATE n. [SUR uh GIT] a substitute suspense n. tension, anxiety, uncertainty, an-
or stand-in. She served as a surrogate until the ticipation, expectation, build-up, *white-
boss recuperated. SYN. substitute, stand-in, knuckle anticipation, *cliffhanger.
representative, *sub, agent, replacement, suspension n. 1. BARRING exclusion, dismissal,
proxy, deputy, understudy. expulsion, eviction, ban, banishment,
surround v. envelop, encircle, enclose, encom- blackballing. 2. TEMPORARY STOP postpone-
pass, circumscribe, ring, bound, hem in, ment, delay, moratorium, stay, deferral,
fence in, confine, blockade. hold, discontinuance. 3. HANGING dangling,
surroundings n. environment, environs, set- slinging.
ting, habitat, milieu, background, neighbor- suspicion n. 1. MISTRUST distrust, doubt, dubi-
hood, ambience. ousness, disbelief, *bad vibes, leeriness,
surveillance n. observation, watch, spying, wariness, *funny feeling, *gut feeling,
*stakeout, vigil, scrutiny, shadowing, *bug- hunch, suspicion, qualm, misgiving. 2.
ging, wiretapping, reconnaissance. TRACE touch, hint, suggestion, shadow,
survey n. inspection, study, examination, ap- tinge, shade, inkling. ANT. 1. trust, belief,
praisal, exploration, review, overview, scru- confidence.
tiny, inquiry, probe. suspicious a. 1. SUSPECT questionable, *fishy,
survey v. 1. EXAMINE study, inspect, appraise, *funny, dubious, peculiar, *not kosher,
explore, review, scrutinize, inquire, probe, doubtful, *doesn’t have the ring of truth,
canvass, assess, measure. 2. LOOK AT view, shady. 2. DISTRUSTING mistrusting, doubting,
regard, scan, study, eyeball, *give a once- disbelieving, questioning, wary, leery, in-
over, watch, observe. credulous, skeptical, cynical. ANT. 1. above-
survival n. living, subsistence, endurance, du- board, *kosher. 2. trusting, believing, confi-
rability, continuity, lasting, toughing it out. dent.
survival of the fittest n. law of the jungle, natu- sustain v. 1. KEEP UP maintain, continue, keep
ral selection, Darwin’s law, natural law, so- alive, prolong, protract, preserve, keep go-
cial Darwinism. ing. 2. SUPPORT nourish, nurture, feed, pro-
survive v. live, endure, continue, last, tough it vide for, aid, nurse. 3. CARRY THE WEIGHT OF
out, remain, persist, hold one’s ground, carry support, hold, prop, uphold, shoulder, bear.
on, withstand, *weather the storm, *ride out 4. ENDURE withstand, tolerate, suffer, brook,
the storm, *stay afloat, outlive, outlast. stand, live with, abide, undergo.
susceptible a. vulnerable, exposed, sensitive, sustenance n. livelihood, support, living, sub-
ultrasensitive, thin-skinned, prone, subject, sistence, upkeep, nourishment, food, daily
liable, open. ANT. invulnerable, hardened, re- bread, victuals, rations, provisions, bread
sistant. and butter, nutriment, groceries, *grub.
suspect n. the accused, defendant, *shady char- suture n. sewing, stitching, joining. SEE OPERA-
acter, supposed perpetrator. TION
suspect v. 1. DISTRUST mistrust, *trust as far as SVELTE a. [SVELT] slender and lithe. The

Roget’s Superthesaurus 573


svelte dancers moved as gracefully as cats. SYN. moss: sphagnum

slender, thin, lithe, graceful, lissome, wil- tree islands: hammocks
lowy, thin, lanky, slight, trim, lean, slinky. SEE LAKE
ANT. fat, obese, roly-poly, awkward. swamp v. flood, overwhelm, submerge, sink,
SVENGALI n. [sven GAH lee] one who per- engulf, inundate, drown, deluge, wash over.
suades or brainwashes another to do his bid- SWAN SONG n. a farewell or final appear-
ding, often for evil purposes, so named after ance, performance, accomplishment—espe-
the hypnotist in the novel Trilby. He was a cially one of distinction—so named after
Svengali who mesmerized women wherever he the legendary song sung only once by the
went. SYN. hypnotist, mesmerizer, charmer, swan at its death. Last night’s stage appear-
persuader, seducer, spellbinder, charismatic ance was the crooner’s much anticipated swan
person, dominating figure, brainwasher. song. SYN. farewell, last hurrah, goodbye, fi-
swab n. 1. MOP. 2. COTTON, CLOTH sponge, wad. nal performance, final appearance, parting
swaddle v. wrap, bind, swathe, bundle up. song, adieu, last gasp, crowning achieve-
swag n. 1. FESTOON decoration, valance, gar- ment.
land, loop, chain, ornament. 2. LOOT plun-
swap v. trade, exchange, switch, barter.
der, stolen money, booty, *haul.
sward n. grass, turf, lawn, sod, yard, meadow,
swagger n. strut, parade, bluster, pomp, *the air
field, green.
of one who thinks he’s the cock of the walk,
peacock walk, braggadocio, bravado, boast- swank n. style, ostentation, stylishness, showi-
fulness, *muscle-flexing. ness, fashion, flashiness, flamboyance.
swagger v. strut, parade, bluster, *act like the swanky a. stylish, ostentatious, showy, fashion-
cock of the walk, *peacock, brag, boast, able, flashy, chic, glamorous, snappy, smart,
*flex one’s muscles, show off, flaunt, grand- dapper, classy, *snazzy. ANT. frumpy, unfash-
stand, vaunt, *blow one’s own horn, stride ionable, out of style.
pompously. ANT. cringe, skulk. swarm n. hive, cloud, flight, crowd, throng,
swaggerer n. strutter, *cock of the walk, blus- multitude, mass, horde, shoal, school, as-
terer, *blowhard, peacock, braggart, show- sembly.
off, *grandstander, pompous ass, swashbuck- swarm v. mass together, crowd, throng, cluster,
ler. flock, gather together, herd, congregate,
swain n. lover, suitor, gallant, beau, boyfriend, concentrate.
flame, sweetheart, squire, country boy, rus- swarthy a. dark-complexioned, dark, dusky,
tic. black, brown, olive-skinned, coal-black, eb-
swallow v. 1. GULP down, ingest, guzzle, eat, ony, chocolate, tawny, nutbrown, obsidian,
drink, *choke down, gobble, bolt, *wolf *dark as the Rio Grande, *dark as the
down, *chug-a-lug, quaff. 2. ENGULF absorb, Congo. ANT. light, white, pale.
devour, overwhelm, envelop. 3. PUT UP WITH swash v. splash, wash, dash, strike.
tolerate, endure, suffer, bear, ignore. 4. BE- swashbuckler n. swaggerer, fighting man, ad-
venturer, fencer, soldier of fortune, pirate,
line and sinker, *buy, take on faith, accept, blusterer, daredevil.
swallow whole, *fall for, be naive. ANT. 1. swashbuckling a. swaggering, loud, boastful,
regurgitate, vomit, throw up. 4. disbelieve, re-
strutting, adventurous.
ject, mistrust.
swashbuckling n. derring-do, daredevilry, blus-
swami n. lord, master, fakir, teacher, mentor,
guru, mystic, yogi. tering, fighting.
swamp n. bog, marsh, slough, quagmire, fen, swat n. blow, hit, spank, smack, slap, whack,
bayou, morass, everglade, swale, mire, wet- wallop, belt, slug.
land, muskeg. swat v. hit, spank, smack, slap, whack, wallop,
WORD FIND belt, slug, clout, smite.
filling in of a lake by vegetation: eutrophica- swatch n. sample, piece, bit, scrap, specimen,
tion example.
floating island of decayed vegetation: bat- swath n. clearing, stripe, path, opening, cut,
tery space, strip.
gas: methane swathe v. wrap, bind, swaddle, bundle up, dress,
luminescence seen at night: foxfire bandage.

574 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sway n. 1. SWINGING leaning, undulation, fluc- pullover with wedge-shaped neck: V-neck
tuation. 2. INFLUENCE control, power, com- sleeveless pullover: shell
mand, domination, rule, hand, reign, au- white, cable-knit pullover: tennis sweater
thority, mastery. sweathouse n. sweatlodge, sauna, steam room.
sway v. 1. MOVE FROM SIDE TO SIDE swing, move sweatpants n. running pants, gym pants.
to and fro, move back and forth, waver, sweatshirt n. pullover, gym shirt.
wobble, fluctuate, undulate, oscillate, rock, sweatshop n. factory, labor mill, shop, manu-
teeter, vacillate. 2. INFLUENCE persuade, talk facturer, plant, work room, industry, *salt
into, divert, control, brainwash, prevail mines.
upon, move, convince, impress, win over, sweatsuit n. exercise suit, running suit, *bag-
lead, guide, *sell on. gies.
swaybacked a. sagging, broken-backed, caving sweep n. 1. RANGE scope, reach, stretch, span,
in, slumping. ANT. straightbacked, sturdy. width, breadth, compass, extent. 2. SWIPE
swear v. 1. PROMISE vow, pledge, take an oath, stroke, swing, cut. 3. COMPLETE VICTORY
give one’s word, warrant, avow, attest, de- *skunk, *clean sweep.
clare. 2. CURSE cuss, use profanity, use dirty sweep v. 1. WHISK take a broom to it, brush,
language, use four-letter words, *spit barn- clean up, tidy, clear. 2. CLEAR destroy, re-
yard epithets, take the Lord’s name in vain, move, strip, drive out. 3. RUSH hurry, race,
use gutter language. fly, charge, zoom, *zip, glide, tear. 4. WIN IT
swear by v. have confidence in, recommend, ALL *skunk, *pull off a clean sweep.
believe in. sweeping a. extensive, broad, widespread, far-
swearing n. cussing, cursing, foul language, bad reaching, all-inclusive, blanket, general,
language, four-letter words, obscenities, ex- across-the-board, comprehensive, thorough.
pletives, profanity, dirty words, *barnyard ANT. limited, partial.
epithet, *cow pasture vulgarism, vulgarity, sweepstakes n. lottery, contest, drawing.
*henhouse epithet, X-rated language, gutter sweet n. candy, confection, dessert.
language. ‘‘The garlic in the salad of sweet a. 1. SUGARY saccharine, honeyed, nec-
taste.’’—Cyril Connolly. ANT. polite word, tarous, candied, confectionary, tasty, lus-
euphemism. cious. 2. PLEASANT agreeable, enjoyable, de-
swear off v. give up, abjure, renounce, forswear, lightful. 3. FRIENDLY kind, gentle, good, nice,
forego, quit, *turn one’s back on. charming, angelic, pleasant, agreeable, ami-
sweat n. 1. PERSPIRATION sudoresis, excretion, able, helpful. 4. SWEET-SMELLING fragrant,
moisture, lather, body odor, *BO. 2. HARD fresh, perfumed, pure, aromatic. 5. SWEET-
WORK toil, labor, drudgery, grind, back- SOUNDING dulcet, melodious, harmonious,
breaking work, slavery. 3. ANXIETY appre- euphonic. ANT. 1. sour, bitter, tart, acid. 2.
hension, stress, tension. unpleasant, awful, miserable. 3. unfriendly,
sweat v. 1. PERSPIRE excrete, *glow, *work up a sour, grouchy. 4. sour, rotten, spoiled. 5.
lather, *sweat bullets, swelter, ooze, exude. harsh, discordant.
2. GET NERVOUS *stress out, fret, worry, suffer sweeten v. 1. ADD SUGAR sugarcoat, honey,
anxiety, suffer distress. 3. TOIL labor, break candy, dulcify, mull. 2. EASE soften, lighten,
one’s back, strain, struggle, slave, drudge, mollify, *take the edge off, alleviate, tem-
work. per, mellow, moderate.
sweater n. pullover, turtleneck. sweetener n. saccharine, sugar, *Sweet ’n Low,
coatlike: cardigan sweetheart n. darling, love, *sweetie, honey,
coat sweater with school letter: letter *honeybunch, *honeybun, *honeybunny,
sweater dear, *sugar pie, lover, pet, girlfriend, boy-
deer or geometric pattern on front: jacquard friend, flame, *steady, love of one’s life,
diamond-designed: argyle, Aran Isle sweater heartthrob, turtledove, *baby.
goat hair: cashmere sweetmeat n. sweet, confection, delicacy, treat,
Irish, water-repellant: fisherman’s sweater cake, candy, preserve, nougat.
long: fanny sweater sweet-talk v. flatter, *butter up, cajole, soft-
natural-colored, with bands around neck: soap, *lay it on with a trowel.
Icelandic sweet-talk n. *bull, *blarney, flattery.
pullover with rounded neck: crew neck swell n. 1. BULGE wave, roller, surge, surf, rise,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 575


mound, hill, hump, protuberance, promi- swimmingly a. easily, successfully, readily, ef-
nence, protrusion, distension, expansion, fortlessly, beautifully, well, smoothly, *with-
growth. 2. SMART DRESSER dandy, clothes- out a hitch, perfectly. ANT. with great effort,
horse, Beau Brummel, fop. with difficulty, unsuccessfully.
swell v. 1. BULGE rise, billow, balloon, inflate, swimsuit n. swim shorts, swimming trunks,
blow up, puff up, bloat, mound, form a bathing suit, *jams, bikini, two-piece, T-
hump, protrude, distend, dilate, expand, back, swimwear.
grow, surge, become turgid. 2. PUFF UP FROM swindle n. fraud, cheat, *rip-off, *con, skin
PRIDE swagger, strut, stick one’s chest out, game, trickery, scam, shell game, hustle,
parade, show off, be pleased with oneself. gyp.
ANT. 1. deflate, shrink, collapse. 2. be crest- swindle v. defraud, cheat, *rip off, *con, trick,
fallen, cringe, shrink. *scam, hustle, gyp, dupe, rook, fleece, *chi-
swell a. fine, excellent, great, first-rate. ANT. sel, *burn, bamboozle, *take to the cleaners,
inferior, substandard. *screw, bilk, extort, *flimflam, *sell a bill of
goods, *take for a ride.
swelling n. lump, bulge, distension, bump,
swindler n. cheat, *con artist, *con man, fraud,
growth, enlargement, edema, puffiness, in-
*flimflam man, chiseler, *rip-off artist,
flammation, knob, welt, abcess. crook, *bunco artist, *grifter, *sharper,
swelter v. sweat, perspire, drip, *slow cook un- *hustler, shark.
der the sun, *burn up under the sun, suffer swine n. 1. PIG hog, porker, piglet, sow, boar. 2.
heatstroke, roast. DESPICABLE PERSON *SOB, creep, pig, animal,
sweltering a. hot, humid, roasting, scorching, rogue, cad, scoundrel, *rat, *jerk.
torrid, sultry, stifling, baking, broiling, swing n. 1. OSCILLATION pendulation, sway,
muggy, close, oppressive. ANT. cold, frigid, swaying, undulation, arc. 2. PUNCH blow,
chilling. stroke, uppercut, *roundhouse, left hook. 3.
swerve v. turn sharply, deviate, veer, diverge, RHYTHM beat, cadence, meter, pulse, mea-
dodge, sheer off, shift, careen. sure.
swift a. 1. FAST quick, rapid, speedy, hasty, swing v. 1. OSCILLATE pendulate, sway, rock,
fleet, express, *quicker than greased light- teeter, seesaw, waver, wobble, move back
ning, supersonic, hypersonic, faster than the and forth. 2. TURN pivot, come around, spin,
speed of sound, prompt, brisk, winged, wheel, rotate, whirl, swivel, pirouette. 3. DE-
breakneck, meteoric, *on the double. 2. LIVER A BLOW deliver a roundhouse right,
SHORT-LASTING fleeting, brief, quick, tran- punch. 4. HAVE AN EXCITING RHYTHM *have
sient, ephemeral, *passing in a heartbeat, a groove, *groove, rock. 5. BE LIBERAL SEXU-
*passing in the wink of an eye. 3. QUICK- ALLY swap partners, *bed-hop.
ACTING alert, *on one’s toes, ready, prompt. swinish a. piggish, *like a hog, beastly, filthy,
ANT. 1. slow, sluggish, *slower than the Second gross, disgusting, brutish, gluttonous, coarse.
Coming. 2. long-lasting, permanent, eternal. ANT. refined, cultured, delicate.

3. slow, *asleep, *out to lunch. swipe n. blow, slap, smack, roundhouse, punch,
swig n. mouthful, gulp, slug, *hit, drink, quaff, swat, cuff, wallop, clip.
swipe v. Sl. steal, pilfer, pocket, take, shoplift,
swill, draft.
filch, pinch, appropriate, thieve.
swill n. garbage, table scraps, slop, hogwash, re-
swirl v. whirl, twirl, twist, eddy, form a whirl-
fuse, waste, remains.
pool, revolve, circle, whorl, rotate, gyrate,
swill v. swig, guzzle, gulp, wash down, *take a spin, churn.
slug, *take a hit, quaff, *chug-a-lug, *knock swish v. hiss, brush, whoosh, rustle.
off, drain. switch n. 1. CHANGE swap, exchange, reversal,
swim v. 1. *GO FOR A DIP breaststroke, crawl, about-face, 360-degree turn, *flip-flop, new
backstroke, do the butterfly, dog-paddle, tack, change of course. 2. STICK rod, lash,
stroke, *skinnydip, tread water, float, bathe, whip, cane, branch.
paddle, snorkel, scuba dive, skin dive. 2. BE swivel v. turn, rotate, swing, pivot, revolve,
SATURATED be soaked, be steeped in, float hinge, spin.
in. 3. BE DIZZY be lightheaded, be off balance. swollen a. enlarged, distended, bloated, puffy,
swimming a. dizzy, lightheaded, dopey, reeling, puffed up, bulging, inflated, edemic, tumid,
whirling, off-balance. ANT. sober, in control. turgid. ANT. deflated, contracted, shrunken.

576 Roget’s Superthesaurus


swoon v. faint, pass out, lose consciousness, symmetrical a. balanced, even, uniform, cor-
collapse, go limp, keel over, feel light- responding, similar, matching, proportion-
headed, suffer from syncope. ate, harmonious, regular, parallel. ANT.
swoop v. 1. DIVE plunge, plummet, drop down asymmetrical, unbalanced, uneven.
on, pounce on. 2. SWEEP UP snatch, seize, SYMMETRY n. [SIM uh tree] similarity or
scoop up. correspondence in form, uniformity, bal-
sword n. weapon, blade, cutlass, saber, broad- ance. They evened out the forms to create a
sword, rapier, samurai sword, scimitar, *cold rough symmetry. SYN. similarity, correspon-
killing steel. dence, balance, parity, proportion, unifor-
WORD FIND mity, evenness, congruity, harmony, grace.
belt: baldric ANT. asymmetry, imbalance, unevenness.
dagger that is notched to catch and break sympathetic a. 1. COMPASSIONATE concerned,
sword: swordbreaker commiserative, caring, feeling, solicitous,
fencing: foil, épée understanding, kind, sensitive, tender, pity-
handle: haft, hilt, pommel ing, humane, empathetic, charitable, *hav-
Indian saber with curved blade: shamshir ing a bleeding heart. 2. CONGENIAL agree-
legendary, owned by King Arthur: Excalibur able, like-minded, companionable,
Scottish Highlander’s duel-edged broad- simpatico, having a good rapport with, *on
sword: claymore the same wavelength, compatible, *en rap-
shaped like: ensiform, gladiate port, friendly. ANT. 1. uncaring, indifferent,
sheath: scabbard cold, stony, unfeeling, insensitive. 2. disagree-
short: skean able, clashing, incompatible.
side projections at hilt: quillons sympathize v. feel for, understand, have com-
smaller sword used as a backup: hanger, side-
passion for, pity, commiserate, care, empa-
thize, condole, feel sorry for, *have one’s
swordplay: fencing, dueling
swordsman: fencer, blade heart go out to, *have one’s heart bleed for,
sworn a. pledged, promised, bound. ANT. avail- feel compassion for.
able. sympathy n. 1. COMPASSION concern, commis-
SYCOPHANT n. [SIK uh funt] one who flat- eration, caring, feeling, solicitousness, un-
ters and kisses up to others to gain their fa- derstanding, kindness, sensitivity, tender-
vor. The boss had a retinue of sycophants and ness, pity, humanity, empathy, charity,
yes-men. SYN. toady, flatterer, *brownnose, *bleeding heart. ‘‘A fellow-feeling.’’—Rob-
*bootlicker, yes-man, fawner, groveler, ert Burton. ‘‘Two hearts tugging at one
*flunky, *apple-polisher, parasite. load.’’—Charles Parkhurst. ‘‘Dissolved self-
syllabus n. summary, outline, synopsis, ab- ishness.’’—Ludwig Boerne. 2. AFFINITY OR
stract, brief, condensation, digest, abridge- AGREEMENT BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE harmony,
ment, epitome. like-mindedness, rapport, compatibility,
sylvan a. woodland, wooded, woody, forested, *same wavelength, accord, congeniality,
arboreal. ANT. urban. friendship, unity, mutual attraction. 3. AP-
SYMBIOTIC a. [sim bee AW tik] referring to PROVAL agreement, assent, consent, *okay,
a relationship that is mutually beneficial. acceptance, acquiescence. ANT. 1. indiffer-
Bees and flowers enjoy a symbiotic relationship. ence, coldness, stoniness, insensitivity. 2.
SYN. mutually beneficial, mutually advanta- clash, conflict, discord. 3. disapproval, dis-
geous, give and take, commensalistic. ANT. agreement.
parasitic, harmful. symphony n. 1. HARMONY OF SOUNDS euphony,
symbol n. character, design, letter, emblem, fig- polyphony, multiplicity of sound, chorus. 2.
ure, insignia, sign, trademark, representa- MUSICAL COMPOSITION opus, piece, concerto,
tion, badge. arrangement, suite, score. SEE MUSIC (SYM-
symbolic a. representative, illustrative, meta- PHONIC TERMS) 3. CONCERT performance. 4.
phorical, indicative, characteristic, symp- ORCHESTRA philharmonic. 5. GENERAL HAR-
tomatic, emblematic, allegorical. ANT. lit- MONY unity, correspondence, concord,
eral. agreement.
symbolize v. represent, stand for, signify, de- symposium n. conference, meeting, gathering,
note, express, epitomize, mean, connote, discussion, panel discussion, seminar, forum,
personify. round table, debate, assembly, congress.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 577


symptom n. indication, sign, warning, warning sketch, brief, epitome, abstract, précis, con-
sign, prodrome, dead giveaway, earmark, densation, digest, rundown.
manifestation, tip-off, signal, evidence, tell- syntax n. word arrangement, sentence struc-
tale. ture, word order, phrasing.
symptomatic a. indicative, suggestive, charac- synthesis n. 1. ASSEMBLY composition, combi-
teristic, peculiar, signaling. ANT. unusual, ab- nation, integration, mixing, blending. 2.
normal. WHOLE FROM MANY PARTS conglomeration,
synagogue n. place of worship, temple, shul. SEE mixture, compound, alloy, blend, amalgam,
CHURCH composite.
synapse n. connection, junction. synthesize v. assemble, combine, integrate,
synch v. Sl. SEE SYNCHRONIZE mix, blend, conglomerate, compound, alloy,
synchronize v. coordinate, regulate, make si- fuse, meld. ANT. separate, divide, disassemble.
multaneous, *put in sync, harmonize, set. synthesizer n. electronic keyboard, *sound ma-
synchronous a. simultaneous, *in sync, con- chine. SEE MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT
current, parallel. ANT. separated, *out of sync. synthetic a. artificial, man-made, manufac-
syndicate n. association, group, organization, tured, unnatural, synthesized, imitation, er-
cartel, joint concern, consortium, pool, satz, sham, fake. ANT. natural, real, genuine.
company, conglomerate, partnership, coali- syphilis n. venereal disease, sexually transmit-
tion, trust, Mafia, mob. ted disease (STD), lues, pox. SEE DISEASE
syndrome n. disease, condition, group of symp- syringe n. injector, medical instrument, blood-
toms, disorder, sickness, affliction, malady, drawing device. SEE MEDICINE
spectrum of complaints. SEE DISEASE syrup n. treacle, juice, sugar water, molasses.
synergy n. working together, collaboration, co- syrupy a. sickeningly sweet, cloyingly sweet,
operative action, coordination, teamwork, overly sentimental, *dripping with sweet-
joint action, pulling together, *hitching ness, mawkish, maudlin, *mushy.
horses, symbiosis. system n. arrangement, organization, structure,
synod n. ecclesiastical council, conclave, meet- scheme, set-up, method, plan, operation,
ing of bishops, convocation, assembly, procedure, course of action, approach, tech-
council, session, meeting, tribunal. nique, standard operating procedure, pro-
SYNONYMOUS a. [si NAWN uh mus] hav- gram, way.
ing a similar meaning. Cat is synonymous systematic a. orderly, regular, methodical, ar-
with feline. SYN. similar, same, equivalent, ranged, organized, ordered, routine, regu-
parallel, comparable, corresponding, like, lated. ANT. disorderly, random, unarranged.
alike, interchangeable. ANT. antonymous, op- systematize v. arrange, order, regulate, orga-
posite. nize, methodize, standardize, coordinate,
synopsis n. summary, abridgement, outline, program.

578 Roget’s Superthesaurus


tab n. 1. FLAP strip, tongue, tag, projection, tackle n. gear, apparatus, equipment, outfit, rig-
loop, ring. 2. BILL check, cost, expenses, gings, paraphernalia, implements, trappings,
tally, account, record, reckoning, score. rope and pulley.
tabernacle n. 1. PLACE OF WORSHIP temple, tackle v. 1. THROW DOWN knock down, sack,
shrine, sanctuary. 2. TENT dwelling. drop, down, seize, pounce on, grab, inter-
table n. 1. FURNITURE board, counter, sideboard, cept, *collar, wrestle to the ground. 2. UN-
stand, dining room table, drop-leaf table, DERTAKE take on, *take a shot at, endeavor,
coffee table, end table, parsons table, buffet, work at, *take a crack at, attack, deal with,
writing table, desk. 2. LIST chart, graph, dia- try, set about, *give it the old college try.
gram, column, tabulation, index, register. tacky a. 1. TASTELESS unstylish, cheap, *chin-
table v. postpone, delay, shelve, *put on the tzy, unfashionable, in poor taste, gawdy, gar-
back burner, put aside, suspend, hold off, ish, *schlocky, loud, shabby, dowdy, frumpy,
sideline, defer, pigeonhole, freeze. *grubby, frowzy. 2. STICKY gummy, gluey, ad-
tableau n. picture, scene, view, depiction, spec- hesive, viscid. ANT. 1. tasteful, stylish, ele-
tacle, illustration. gant. 2. dry.
tableland n. karoo, mesa. SEE PLATEAU tact n. diplomacy, grace, good manners, deli-
tablet n. 1. WRITING PAD pad of paper, note- cacy, sensitivity, savoir-faire, finesse, discre-
book, scratch pad. 2. SLAB piece, stone, tion, thoughtfulness, consideration, cour-
plaque. 3. PILL capsule, lozenge, troche. tesy. ‘‘The unsaid part of what you think.’’—
tableware n. flatware, silverware, glassware, Henry Van Dyke. ‘‘Tongue in check.’’—Su-
dishes. san Dytri. ‘‘In the battle of existence, talent
tabloid n. scandal sheet, *rag, newspaper. is the punch; tact is the clever footwork.’’—
taboo n. prohibition, restriction, *no-no, Wilson Mizner. ‘‘The art of making a point
*don’t, *thou-shalt-not, proscription, ban, without making an enemy.’’—Howard
limitation, forbiddance, reservation. Newton. ‘‘The ability to tell a man he’s
taboo a. prohibited, restricted, proscribed, open-minded when he has a hole in his
*frowned on, forbidden, banned, verboten, head.’’—F.G. Kernan. ANT. insensitivity,
unacceptable, out-of-bounds, against social rudeness, bluntness.
convention, anathema. ANT. accepted, tactful a. diplomatic, gracious, well-mannered,
*okay, allowed. delicate, sensitive, discreet, thoughtful, con-
tabulate v. list, put in columns, graph, chart, siderate, courteous, polite, politic, civil.
inventory, index, formulate, figure, arrange, ANT. blunt, rude, insensitive.
systematize. tactical a. strategic, cunning, tricky, clever,
TACIT a. [TASS it] implied but unspoken, skillful. ANT. blundering.
unexpressed. They had a tacit agreement to tactics n. strategy, *game plan, battle plan, stra-
stay sober while hunting. SYN. unspoken, un- tegics, stratagems, plans, scheme, ploys,
expressed, silent, implied, implicit, under- moves, maneuvers, machinations, tricks,
stood, unsaid, unvoiced, inferred. ANT. spo- course of action.
ken, expressed, explicit. tactile a. touchable, tangible. ANT. intangible,
TACITURN a. [TAS i TURN] untalkative, insubstantial.
uncommunicative, quiet by nature. He was tactless a. rude, blunt, insensitive, inconsider-
a taciturn old farmer who rarely said anything ate, boorish, indiscreet, thoughtless, rough,
more than an obligatory ‘‘nope’’and ‘‘yep.’’ undiplomatic, disrespectful, frank, direct,
SYN. untalkative, uncommunicative, quiet, gauche, sharp, offensive. ANT. tactful, diplo-
closemouthed, reticent, reserved, speech- matic, gracious, sensitive.
less, withdrawn, tight-lipped, mute. ANT. tag n. label, card, ticket, *ID, identification,
talkative, loquacious, *motor-mouthed, volu- logo, stub, sticker, tab, slip, marker, trade-
ble. mark, emblem.
tack n. 1. NAIL thumbtack, pushpin, brad, rivet, tag v. mark, identify, label, name, call, title,
staple. 2. COURSE heading, direction, way, style, designate, earmark.
route, path, approach, line, plan, zigzag. tail n. 1. REAR rump, backside, buttocks, *butt,
tack v. nail, pin, attach, fasten, fix, affix, staple. hind end, posterior, behind, derriere, *tush,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 579


*ass. 2. APPENDAGE extremity, brush, whip, knack, flair, aptitude, facility, bent, capabil-
scut, coccyx. ity, expertise, faculty. ‘‘Each man has his vo-
tail v. follow, trail, shadow, dog, hound, stalk, cation. Talent is the call.’’—Ralph Waldo
tag. Emerson. ‘‘To do easily what is difficult for
tailing n. waste, refuse, leavings, remains. others.’’—Henry Amiel. ‘‘Like a grain of
tailor n. garment maker, seamstress, clothier, pearl sand shifting about in the creative
designer. mind. A valued tormentor.’’—Truman Ca-
tailor v. fit, suit, adapt, shape, adjust, modify, pote.
alter, cut, style, fine-tune. talented a. gifted, naturally endowed, capable,
tailor-made a. made to order, custom-made, *having a knack, *having a flair, having in-
custom-fit, tailored. ANT. ill-fitting, sloppy. nate ability, having an aptitude for, *having
tailspin n. nosedive, dive, stall. the right stuff, proficient. ANT. deficient, lack-
taint n. corruption, blot, blemish, disgrace, dis- ing, inept.
credit, stigma, black mark, *black eye, con- talisman n. amulet, charm, good luck charm,
tamination. fetish, ring, stone.
taint v. infect, corrupt, contaminate, pollute, talk n. 1. SPEECH conversation, verbalization,
affect, poison, blemish, blot, disgrace, dis- words, communication, utterance, articula-
credit, stigmatize, *give a black eye, muddy, tion, expression. 2. DISCUSSION chat, dia-
dirty, defile. ANT. clean, purify, enhance. logue, *confab, conference, tête-à-tête, *rap
take n. proceeds, profit, yield, *haul, return, session, *powwow, consultation, argument,
gate, net, income, gain. *gabfest, interview, *heart-to-heart. 3. LEC-
take v. 1. SEIZE gather up, get, secure, grab, TURE address, discourse, oration, speech, ser-
grasp, acquire, snatch, pocket, steal, appro- mon, recitation, allocution, tirade. 4. GOSSIP
priate, purloin, *nab, *swipe, borrow, help rumor, scuttlebutt, *buzz, hearsay, word,
oneself to, pick up, obtain, carry off, pluck, *grapevine, blabbing, idle talk, *hot air,
reap. 2. CHOOSE select, pick, *go with, opt drivel.
for, single out, settle on, prefer, favor. 3. talk v. 1. SPEAK converse, verbalize, frame
CONVEY carry, bring, deliver, transport, haul,
words, communicate, utter, articulate, ex-
tote, lug, *schlep, usher, bear, drive. 4. EN- press, voice, say, pronounce, enunciate, in-
DURE stand, withstand, put up with, suffer,
tone, chatter, babble, prattle, palaver,
bear, abide, tolerate, weather, brave, stom-
*shoot the breeze, *yak, *gab, *run off at
ach, *hack. 5. REQUIRE demand, necessitate,
the mouth, blurt, cry, fume, grumble, huff,
call for, need. 6. CHARM captivate, enchant,
rant, rave, shout, snap, sputter, exclaim,
win over, bewitch, fascinate, dazzle. 7. Sl.
grunt, murmur, stammer, whisper. ‘‘To open
CHEAT trick, *rip off, fleece. ANT. 1. give,
and close the mouth rapidly while the bel-
leave, let go. 2. reject, pass over.
take after v. emulate, imitate, copy, act like, be lows in the throat pumps out the gas in the
like, resemble, look like. brain.’’—Elbert Hubbard. 2. DISCUSS chat,
take back v. retract, recant, backpedal, dis- have a dialogue, confer, consult, *have a
avow, *flip-flop, *eat one’s words. ANT. stand powwow, *rap, confabulate, *interface,
by. *touch base, parley. 3. DELIVER A SPEECH de-
takeoff n. 1. LAUNCH liftoff, departure, leaving. liver a sermon, address, orate, give a talk. 4.
2. SATIRE parody, send-up, spoof, burlesque, GOSSIP *fuel the rumor mill, blab. 5. CONFESS

caricature, lampoon, mockery, comedy. SEE *spill the beans, *let the cat out of the bag,
JOKE divulge, disclose, *sing, reveal.
take off v. leave, *split, *blow, *book, *beat talkative a. loquacious, garrulous, voluble,
feet, *scram, depart, skedaddle. *motor-mouthed, *long-winded, chatty,
takeover n. overthrow, usurpation, coup, coup *having the gift of gab, *gabby, rambling,
d’état, vanquishment, conquest, subjuga- verbose, *bigmouthed. ANT. taciturn, quiet,
tion, rout, dethronement, deposition. reserved, uncommunicative, *clammed up.
tale n. story, narrative, account, fairy tale, fable, talker n. *chatterbox, *motormouth, *wind-
myth, legend, yarn, cautionary tale, drama, bag, *bigmouth, *magpie, gossip, mouth-
saga, chronicle. piece, spokesman, spokeswoman.
talent n. gift, endowment, natural ability, in- talk show n. chat show, program. SEE TELEVISION
nate ability, *God-given talent, genius, tall a. 1. TOWERING high, big, of great stature,

580 Roget’s Superthesaurus


lofty, sky-scraping, sky-high, soaring, ele- tank, reservoir. 2. ARMORED MILITARY VEHI-
vated. 2. EXAGGERATED unbelievable, far- CLE combat vehicle, Abrams M-1, Bradley
fetched, hard to believe, outlandish, prepos- M-2, Sherman tank, armored personnel car-
terous. ANT. 1. short, squat, ground-hugging, rier.
low. 2. believable, credible. tankard n. cup, mug, stein, pottle.
tally n. total, reckoning, account, score, count, tantalize v. tease, tempt, entice, bait, plague,
sum, number, amount, *bottom line. *make one’s mouth water, titillate, *lead
tally v. add up, total, reckon, account, score, on, bewitch, frustrate, *give the Tantalus
count, sum up, register, enter, mark, list. treatment.
talon n. claw, nail. SEE BIRD TANTAMOUNT a. [TAN tuh mount] equal,
tame a. 1. TAMED docile, domesticated, broken, equivalent, same. A prison sentence in some
housebroken, trained, gentle, submissive, third world countries is tantamount to torture.
manageable, tractable, obedient, *busted. 2. SYN. equal, equivalent, much the same, like,
SPIRITLESS lifeless, half-hearted, boring, dull, as good as, parallel, synonymous, compara-
tedious, uninteresting, *blah, bland, dry. ble, identical. ANT. different, opposite, un-
ANT. 1. wild, undomesticated, spirited. 2. spir- equal.
ited, lively, wild. tantrum n. rage, outburst, fit, fit of temper,
tamp v. pack, pound down, push down. *blowup, rampage, eruption, seizure, storm,
tamper v. interfere, meddle, mess with, fiddle, temper tantrum, conniption, *hissy fit,
fool with, monkey with, *doctor, alter, *nutty, *freak-out.
change, corrupt, bribe. tap n. faucet, spigot, spout, nozzle, valve, cock,
tan v. flog, thrash. SEE WHIP stopper, bung, plug, cork, spile.
tan a. tawny, brown, golden brown, bronze, tap v. 1. POKE hit, touch, rap, pat, drum, smack,
copper, fawn, sand, leather, buff, beige. strike. 2. DRAIN draw, siphon, empty, bleed,
tang n. 1. SHARP FLAVOR OR SMELL scent, aroma, milk, pump, broach, pierce. 3. WIRETAP
piquancy, bite, pungency, sharpness, punch, *bug, eavesdrop.
zest, zip. 2. TOUCH OR TRACE suggestion, hint, tap dance n. SEE DANCE
tinge, dab. tape n. strip, band, binding, ribbon, roll, adhe-
tangent a. touching, contiguous. ANT. apart, sive tape, masking tape, electrician’s tape.
severed. tape v. 1. BIND fasten, band together, stick up,
tangential a. divergent, digressing, off on a tan- mend, close. 2. RECORD put on tape.
gent, straying, shifting, rambling, periph- taper v. diminish, decrease, dwindle, taper off,
eral, barely related. ANT. related, on course, lessen, fade, wane, decline, thin out, con-
constant. tract, abate, die out. ANT. grow, broaden, in-
TANGIBLE a. [TAN juh bul] touchable, pal- crease.
pable, having physical form. The tire tracks tapestry n. wall hanging, decorative cover, dos-
were tangible evidence that a motorbike had torn sal, Gobelin.
up the field. SYN. touchable, palpable, solid, tar n. pitch, asphalt, bitumen.
concrete, physical, hard, substantial, real, tardy a. late, overdue, past due, delayed, slow,
material, perceivable, tactile, corporeal, vis- belated, behind, behind schedule, unpunc-
ible, actual, definite. ANT. intangible, immate- tual, detained, held up, lagging. ANT. early,
rial, imperceptible, imaginary. on time, punctual.
tangle n. knot, snarl, entanglement, mess, mass target n. 1. OBJECTIVE aim, goal, bull’s-eye, des-
of confusion, snag, kink, *ball-up, ravel, tination, mark, point, quarry. 2. SCAPEGOAT
web, mat, jumble, labyrinth, *bird’s nest, butt, *mark, laughingstock, victim, *patsy,
trap, complication, mishmash, mix-up. *easy mark.
tangle v. 1. KNOT snarl, entangle, mess, become target v. set one’s sights on, *draw a bead on,
a mass of confusion, snag, kink, *ball up, aim for.
ravel, web, mat, jumble, mix up, enmesh, tariff n. tax, import tax, charge, toll, excise,
entwine, trap, catch. 2. FIGHT wrangle, quar- assessment, fee, levy, duty, bill.
rel, argue, bicker, *lock horns. tarnish n. dullness, discoloration, oxidation,
tangy a. sharp, flavorful, biting, piquant, zesty, patina, stain, blemish, wax buildup, cloudi-
tart, spicy, pungent. ANT. dull, bland, mild. ness, haziness, smudge.
tank n. 1. VAT receptacle, tub, container, ves- tarnish v. 1. DULL discolor, oxidize, fade, dim,
sel, cistern, boiler, holding tank, storage smudge, stain, darken, remove luster,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 581


blacken. 2. SULLY ONE’S REPUTATION spoil, betray, leak, give away, *spill the beans. 2.
ruin, taint, disgrace, dishonor, discredit, de- CHATTER talk idly, gossip, *gab, chitchat,
fame, degrade, damage, slander. ANT. 1. *yak, *run off at the mouth, prattle, babble.
shine, add luster, polish, brighten. 2. honor, tattletale n. informer, *squealer, *snitch, *rat,
credit, clear one’s name. tattler, telltale, blabbermouth, *stool pi-
tarpaulin n. tarp, canvas, cover. geon.
tarry v. loiter, stay, linger, remain, wait around, tatoo n. drum signal, bugle signal, call, sum-
hang around, dilly-dally, lag, dawdle, pro- mons.
crastinate, stall. taunt n. mocking, ridicule, jeer, sneer, sarcasm,
tart n. 1. FRUIT PIE pastry, flan, turnover, Dan- *swipe, crack, provocation, teasing, jibe,
ish. 2. SLUT prostitute, hussy, strumpet, trol- barb, insult.
lop. taunt v. jeer at, mock, reproach, ridicule, sneer
tart a. sharp, sour, acid, *mouth-puckering, at, *swipe at, provoke, tease, insult, harass,
acidulous, acerbic, bitter, biting, piquant, make fun of, *razz, *rag, ride.
tangy, pungent. ANT. sweet, honeyed. taut a. 1. TIGHT tense, strained, stressed, drawn,
task n. job, chore, assignment, duty, charge, stiffened, rigid, firm. 2. TRIM neat, tidy, effi-
work, responsibility, occupation, undertak- cient, shipshape, spruce, in good order. ANT.
ing, stint, burden, mission, errand. 1. relaxed, calm. 2. slack, lazy, sloppy.
taskmaster n. overseer, *whip, slave driver, tautology n. repetition, redundance, redun-
boss, commander, supervisor, superinten- dancy, reiteration, verbosity, prolixity, pleo-
dent, manager, disciplinarian, tyrant. nasm.
taste n. 1. FLAVOR flavoring, savor, tang, sensa- tavern n. bar, saloon, pub, taproom, drinking
tion, bite, *kick, piquancy, zing, zip, after- establishment, ale house, roadhouse, inn,
taste, saltiness, sweetness, sourness. 2. SAM- watering hole, cocktail lounge, public
PLE spoonful, bite, mouthful, sip, bit, morsel, house, nightclub.
touch. 3. PREFERENCE liking, leaning, fancy, TAWDRY a. [TAW dree] cheap and gaudy,
predilection, penchant, love, affection, par- loud, showy. She spent all her money on tawdry
tiality. 4. GOOD JUDGMENT fashion sense, dis- jewelry. SYN. cheap, gaudy, loud, showy,
crimination, sense of style, discernment, flashy, sleazy, tacky, garish, meretricious,
cultivation, refinement, feeling, tasteful- *chintzy, tasteless, raffish. ANT. elegant,
ness, grace. ‘‘A fine judgment in discerning tasteful.
art.’’—Horace. tawny a. brown, brownish orange, fawn, wheat-
taste v. sample, savor, relish, discern, try, eat. colored.
tasteful a. in good taste, stylish, smart, refined, tax n. 1. LEVY toll, tariff, charge, assessment,
cultured, restrained, decorous, aesthetically duty, excise, surcharge, impost, *Uncle’s
pleasing, elegant, discriminating, correct, Sam’s share, *the Governor’s share, *the
fitting. ANT. tasteless, in poor taste, tacky, federal treasury’s share, the state treasury’s
ugly, loud, unrefined. share, custom, percentage, income tax,
tasteless a. 1. WITHOUT FLAVOR flavorless, property tax, sales tax. ‘‘The sinews of the
bland, insipid, flat, stale, watery, weak, thin, state.’’—Cicero. ‘‘Capital punishment.’’—
vapid. 2. TACKY in poor taste, unrefined, Jeff Hayes. 2. BURDEN demand, onus, strain,
cheap, graceless, vulgar, crude, garish, loud, weight, responsibility, *albatross, *mill-
flashy, gaudy, ostentatious, offensive. ANT. stone.
1. mouth-watering, delicious. 2. tasteful, in tax v. 1. LEVY A CHARGE assess, charge, appraise,
good taste, refined. exact, demand payment, tithe. ‘‘Consists in
tasty a. good-tasting, delicious, mouth-water- so plucking the goose as to get the most
ing, *yummy, *scrumptious, toothsome, de- feathers with the least hissing.’’—Jean Col-
lectable, savory, appetizing, flavorful, palat- bert. 2. BURDEN weigh down, strain, stress,
able. ANT. disgusting, gross, nauseating. drain, encumber, saddle, load, push, drive,
tatter n. shred, scrap, piece, torn piece, rip, rib- exhaust. 3. ACCUSE charge, blame, indict.
bon. taxi n. taxicab, cab, hack.
tattered a. shredded, torn to pieces, ripped, rag- taxing a. draining, strenuous, sapping, exhaust-
ged, cut to ribbons. ANT. whole, complete. ing, burdensome, wearing, heavy, demand-
tattle v. 1. TELL ON inform, blab, *squeal on, ing, backbreaking.
tattletale, *snitch, *rat on, divulge, reveal, tea n. 1. DRINK beverage, brew, decoction, green

582 Roget’s Superthesaurus


tea, black tea, oolong, pekoe, Lapsang, Dar- a rise out of, pester, mock, bedevil, tantalize.
jeeling, herb tea, mint, sassafras, camomile 2. COMB brush, card, fluff, fluff up.
tea. 2. RECEPTION get-together, party, klatch. teat n. nipple, *tit, mammilla.
teach v. educate, instruct, instill knowledge, technical a. mechanical, technological, *high-
school, enlighten, edify, tutor, indoctrinate, tech, scientific, professional, specialized,
*show the ropes, train, drill, *beat into one’s special, methodological. ANT. simple, *low-
head, ground, explain, guide, coach, ac- tech.
quaint with, program. ANT. learn, be enlight- technicality n. minor detail, minor point, spec-
ened. ification, formality, *nitpicky rule.
teacher n. educator, instructor, tutor, professor, technician n. specialist, expert, master, profes-
mentor, trainer, preceptor, schoolmaster, sional, mechanic, authority, journeyman,
schoolmarm, pedagogue, coach, guide, *pro, *techie.
counselor, guru, don, faculty member. ‘‘The technique n. method, execution, style, ap-
child’s third parent.’’—Hyman Berston. proach, artistry, way, procedure, mode,
‘‘The mediocre teacher tells. The good manner, fashion, course, tack, craft, system.
teacher explains. The superior teacher dem- technology n. scientific instrumentation, tech-
onstrates. The great teacher inspires.’’— nics, mechanics, mechanization, industrial
William Arthur Ward. science, machinery, robotics, scientific
teaching n. education, instruction, training, know-how, electronics, automation, tele-
schooling, tutelage, pedagogy, inculcation, communications, computers, hardware,
grounding, indoctrination, tuition. ‘‘To cul- software, labor-saving devices.
tivate talent until it ripens for the public to tedious a. boring, tiresome, wearisome, dull,
reap its bounty.’’—Jascha Heifetz. monotonous, uninteresting, *humdrum,
team n. squad, crew, band, company, troupe, prosaic, sleep-inducing, drawn out, long-
corps, duo, trio, quartet, club, gang, string, winded, repetitious, bland, flat, dry. ANT.
unit, faction, partners. stimulating, exciting, electrifying.
teamwork n. collaboration, pulling together, tedium n. boredom, monotony, ennui, dullness,
tandem work, cooperation, synergy, syner- sameness, routine, rut, repetitiousness, flat-
gism, concert, interaction, *logrolling. ness, deadness. ANT. excitement, stimulation.
tear n. 1. TORN PLACE rip, opening, split, slash, teem v. abound, swarm, be full of, brim, burst,
slit. 2. HURRY scramble. SEE RUSH 3. Sl. SPREE overflow, bristle with, be overrun with.
teeming a. abounding, swarming, full, brim-
*bender, *binge, carousal, *drunk, party,
ming, packed, bursting, thick, overflowing,
revelry. SEE TEARS
bristling with, overrun, crawling with,
tear v. 1. RIP cut, slash, slit, open, split, shred,
swimming with. ANT. bare, empty, scanty.
fray, tatter, rend, rive, run, come apart at
teenager n. adolescent, teen, juvenile, youth,
the seams, lacerate, mutilate. 2. RUSH fly, minor, teenybopper, sophomore, *bobby
bolt, run, dart, hurry, speed, shoot, hustle, soxer, *punk, high school kid.
*zip, *zoom, *go like lightning, *go like the teeny a. tiny, teentsy, *teensy-weensy, minute,
wind. microscopic, wee, Lilliputian, miniature,
tear down v. raze, level, flatten, bulldoze, de- pint-sized. ANT. huge, gigantic.
molish, dismantle, destroy, pull down, teepee n. wigwam, wickiup, lodge, tent.
wreck. tee shirt n. pullover, T-shirt.
tearful a. lachrymose, *weepy, *misty-eyed, teeter v. seesaw, totter, oscillate, wobble, pivot,
teary, dewy-eyed, *brimming with tears, wa- balance, rock, waver, vacillate.
tery-eyed, sobbing, crying, sniveling, blub- teeth n. molars, bicuspids, incisors, canines,
bering, wailing, sad, mournful, heartbroken, *grinders, fangs, *pearly whites.
sorrowful. ANT. remorseless, stoic. WORD FIND
tears n. teardrops, weeping, gushing. ‘‘The si- adolescence, last molars that erupt: wisdom
lent language of grief.’’—Voltaire. ‘‘Holy teeth
water.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘Remorse code.’’—I. baby or temporary teeth: deciduous teeth,
Masai. SEE CRY milk teeth
tease v. 1. MAKE FUN OF taunt, ridicule, ride, cavities: caries
*razz, *josh, *give a hard time, *pick on, cut one’s first teeth: teethe
kid, *rib, harass, *pull one’s leg, *roast, *get eruption through gums: dentition

Roget’s Superthesaurus 583


gum disease: periodontal disease, periodon- digits of phone number, first three: prefix
titis, pyorrhea eavesdrop electronically on another’s phone
gum inflammation: gingivitis line: tap
hard covering: enamel hand instrument: handset
false: denture line kept open and accessible without dial-
gnashing or grinding: bruxism ing: hot line
large teeth, condition of having: macrodon- long-distance service for companies: WATS
tia (Wide Area Telecommunications Ser-
loss of: dedentition vice)
meet, clench or align properly, failure of up- loudspeaker, phone with: speakerphone
per and lower to: malocclusion message system: voice mail
pointy part: cusp number identification system: caller I.D.
small teeth, condition of having: microdon- rest for handset: cradle
tia room-to-room or interoffice communica-
sound of clicking: chatter tion device: intercom, PBX (Private
sticky film that forms on after eating: plaque Branch Exchange)
tipped over and pushing on adjacent tooth: science: telephonics, telephony
impacted telescope n. optical instrument, scope, spy
yellowish concretion on: tartar glass, binoculars, field glass, radio telescope.
teetotaler n. nondrinker, abstainer, *dry. telescope v. contract, condense, shorten,
teetotalism n. abstinence. SEE TEMPERANCE shrink, truncate, consolidate. ANT. extend,
telecast n. SEE BROADCAST lengthen.
telecommunication n. telephone transmission, telethon n. pledge campaign, charity drive, ap-
electronic transmission, online data trans- peal for funding, fundraiser.
fer, e-mail, telegraphy. televise v. broadcast, transmit, show.
telecommuting n. desktop commuting, remote television n. TV, *tube, *boob tube, video,
data entry. *telly, *idiot box, console, set, entertain-
telegram n. wire, message, telegraph, cable, ment center, *one-eyed monster. ‘‘Chewing
*telex, dispatch, transmission. gum for the eyes.’’—Frank Lloyd Wright.
telegraph n. wire, Telex, cable, ticker, news ‘‘An invention that permits you to be enter-
ticker, signaling system. tained in your living room by people you
WORD FIND wouldn’t have in your home.’’—David
code of dots and dashes: Morse code Frost.
national service: Western Union
ABC: American Broadcasting Company
typed wire message and printer itself: tele-
affiliated TV stations, collectively: network
type audition for TV show, open: cattle call
telemarketing n. telephone solicitation, tele- award: Emmy
phone advertising, telephone canvassing. background scene slide: balop
telepathy n. extrasensory perception, *ESP, BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation
clairvoyance, mindreading, sixth sense, brief clip of politician’s or other newsmak-
thought transference, psychic power. er’s remarks: soundbite
telephone n. phone, *horn, line, extension broadcast: air, telecast
phone, car phone, cellular phone, transmit- broadcast on radio and TV at same time:
ter, receiver, rotary phone, touchtone simulcast
phone. ‘‘brought to you by’’ opening of show: open-
WORD FIND ing billboard
alerting click signaling another call: call camera crane for moving, outdoor shots:
waiting cherry picker
automatic dialing: auto redial, speed dialing camera crane operator: crane grip
beeper: pager camera dolly, one who pushes: dolly grip
buzz: dial tone camera elevating device: riser
conference held with speakerphones, closed camera shot, moving: crab shot, dolly shot,
circuit television: teleconference truck shot
connecting phone lines, apparatus for: card with performer’s lines on it: cue card,
switchboard idiot card, flip card

584 Roget’s Superthesaurus


CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System device that allows actor to: prompter,
color test strip: color bar, colorburst teleprompter
commercials, group of: pod record a program: tape
credits at end of show, moving: crawl recorded as it happened with no takeouts:
directing and engineering room: control live on tape
room record in sound effects, music: dub, foley
distribution of TV shows to subscriber sta- red light on camera that lights during re-
tions: syndication cording: tally light
distributor of TV shows: syndicate regulating commission: FCC (Federal Com-
8 P.M. to 11 P.M.: prime time munications Commission)
electrician head in studio: gaffer royalty paid to performers for reuse of their
goofs made by actors or crew edited out of work: residual
tape: bloopers, outtakes satellite used for television transmission:
hand or assistant in studio: grip, hammer, *bird
set carpenter scrambling pay television signals: en-
high resolution television: HDTV (High cryption
Definition television) show where performer or camera will stand
identifying, introductory scenery of televi- or move: block
sion show: signature montage situation comedy: sitcom
light, studio: floodlight, klieg light, scoop, sound effect: foley
basher sound effects, one who performs: foley artist
local prohibition of program to attract big- sound effects studio: foley studio, foley stage
ger audience at live show: blackout studio scaffolding where lights are hung: cat-
local station part of national network: affili- walk
ate superimposed script read from television
microphone boom, long: *fishpole camera’s lens: prompter script
minimum standard fee for performer: scale superimposed text on screen: legend
monitor console from which director superimposes bulletins, news, weather on
chooses which camera shot will air: pre- bottom of screen, apparatus that: flash-
view monitor caster
superimpose text on screen: key
moral standards, department that assures
talk show, cancel a guest at the last minute
program meets society’s: standards and
on a: bump
talk show waiting room for guests: green
narrator’s voice heard over program: voice-
over tear down a set: strike
NBC: National Broadcasting System time off between show’s taping: hiatus
network performers under contract: stable trailer with dressing rooms for shooting on
optical effect: freeze-frame, superimposition, location: honey wagon
split screen transmission of show from network to local
optical effect used to create a ghost: Pepper’s station: feed
ghost tryout episode of television show: pilot
optical transition device: wipe, dissolve, union for performers: AFTRA (American
fade-in, fade-out, fade to black Federation of Television and Radio Art-
performers in a show, collective term for: ists)
cast videotape cutter, splicer, arranger: editor
portable television news camera: minicam ‘‘We’ll be back after these messages’’ transi-
prerecorded laughter: laughtrack tional device: bumper
prerecorded material: canned unscrambling of pay TV signals: decryption
promo piece of upcoming show: trailer, video disk jockey: veejay (VJ)
teaser, preview SEE MOVIE
rails on which camera may ride in outdoor, tell v. 1. COMMUNICATE relate, state, say, de-
moving shot: dolly tracks clare, make known, speak, divulge, disclose,
ratings company: Arbitron, A.C. Nielson reveal, impart, voice, announce, utter, *spit
ratings months: sweeps it out, inform, mention, report, confess, as-
read script from front of television camera, sert, let slip, *spill the beans, *let the cat

Roget’s Superthesaurus 585


out of the bag, blab, admit, *break the news. strengthen, anneal. ANT. 1. intensify, harden,
2. TATTLE *blow the whistle on, *squeal, increase. 2. soften, weaken.
*rat, betray. 3. GIVE AN ACCOUNT narrate, temperament n. nature, frame of mind, disposi-
chronicle, recount, relate, detail, describe, tion, character, makeup, mood, mind-set,
recite. 4. DISCERN recognize, distinguish, dis- inclination, natural tendencies, humor,
criminate, make out, detect, ascertain, de- constitution, personality.
termine, recognize, identify. temperamental a. excitable, *hot-headed,
teller n. 1. NARRATOR storyteller, chronicler, re- *hot-blooded, moody, easily upset, volatile,
porter, raconteur, recounter. 2. CASHIER touchy, irritable, unstable, tempestuous,
clerk, bank employee. high-strung, *thin-skinned, *short-fused.
telling a. 1. REVEALING indicative, suggestive, ANT. even-tempered, easygoing, stable.
expressive, telltale. 2. FORCEFUL striking, ef- temperance n. moderation, abstemiousness, ab-
fective, weighty, important, potent, influen- stinent, self-restrained, unindulgent, self-
tial, decisive, consequential, momentous. control, sobriety, soberness, forbearance,
ANT. 1. inconclusive, unrevealing. 2. ineffec- teetotalism. ‘‘The moderating of one’s de-
tive, inconsequential, insignificant. sires in obedience to reason.’’—Cicero.
tell off v. rebuke, reprimand, upbraid, berate, ‘‘The golden mean.’’—Horace. ANT. indul-
admonish, *ream out, *lambaste, *rake over gence, abandon, immoderation.
the coals, *give one a piece of one’s mind, TEMPERATE a. [TEM pur it] moderate, mild,
*chew out, *bawl out, *call on the carpet, restrained. Hawaii is known for its temperate
*dress down, *give hell, *jump down one’s climate. SYN. moderate, mild, restrained,
throat, *let have it with both barrels, *read agreeable, *middle-of-the-road, fair, clem-
the riot act, *rip into. ANT. commend, give a ent, unextreme, medium, reasonable, con-
pat on the back, praise. servative. ANT. intemperate, extreme, immod-
telltale a. revealing, indicative, demonstrative, erate.
giveaway, meaningful, betraying, illuminat- temperature n. hotness, coldness, heat, cold,
ing, informative. ANT. meaningless, inconclu- degrees, body heat, fever.
sive, unrevealing. tempest n. 1. STORM blow, hurricane, typhoon,
wind storm, squall, tornado, cyclone,
TEMERITY n. [tuh MER i tee] foolhardy bold-
*twister, blizzard. 2. OUTBURST outbreak, tu-
ness, recklessness. I can’t believe he had the
mult, disturbance, unrest, turmoil, ferment,
temerity to scold the boss. SYN. rashness, bold-
eruption, uproar, upheaval, *tempest in a
ness, recklessness, foolhardiness, gall, care-
teapot. ANT. calm, tranquility, serenity, quiet.
lessness, audacity, indiscretion, nerve,
tempestuous a. stormy, wild, violent, turbu-
*balls, precipitateness, *chutzpah, impu- lent, raging, intense, furious, tumultuous, fe-
dence. ANT. timidity, cautiousness, cowardice, verish, impassioned. ANT. calm, quiet, tran-
judiciousness. quil.
temper n. 1. FRAME OF MIND mood, disposition, template n. pattern, guide, outline, prototype,
temperament, spirits, humor, attitude, out- gauge.
look, character. 2. TENDENCY TO BECOME temple n. place of worship, house of worship,
ANGRY *short fuse, *hairtrigger temper, *low church, cathedral, synagogue, holy place,
boiling point, *low critical mass, *hot shrine, sanctuary, pagoda. SEE CHURCH, RELI-
blood, *hot head, explosive personality, vol- GION
atility, impatience, irritability, touchiness, tempo n. speed, rate, pace, measure, velocity,
petulence, *hypersensitivity, *type-A per- time, meter, cadence, rhythm, pulse, beat.
sonality, *walking time bomb. 3. ANGER temporal a. 1. TEMPORARY transitory, fleeting,
rage, tantrum, outburst, fury, wrath, ram- ephemeral, short-lived, momentary, passing,
page, *blowup, storm. 4. COMPOSURE calm- impermanent. 2. WORLDLY mundane,
ness, equanimity, good humor, sang-froid, earthly, mortal, of this world, terrestrial, ma-
coolness. ANT. 2. *long fuse, *high boiling terial, nonspiritual, secular. ANT. 1. perma-
point, easygoing personality, cool head. 3. com- nent, long-lasting, eternal. 2. spiritual, heav-
posure, calmness, tranquility. enly, godly.
temper v. 1. MODERATE soften, lessen, tone temporary a. impermanent, transitory, short-
down, ease, mollify, assuage, dilute, miti- term, passing, transient, fleeting, ephemeral,
gate, relieve, pacify. 2. TOUGHEN harden, brief, pro tempore, stopgap, makeshift,

586 Roget’s Superthesaurus


make-do, provisional, interim. ANT. perma- unhardened, soft, raw, vulnerable, *wet be-
nent, lasting, eternal, fixed. hind the ears. 4. TENDERHEARTED loving,
temporize v. evade, parley, stall, procrastinate, kind, compassionate, sympathetic, caring,
delay, hem and haw, tarry, equivocate, filli- warm, understanding, supportive, sweet,
buster. considerate. 5. PAINFUL hurting, smarting,
tempt v. lure, entice, bait, tantalize, seduce, at- sore, raw, sensitive, inflamed. ANT. 1. hard,
tract, court, *suck in, *hold out a carrot, stony, tough. 2. rough, hard. 3. mature, sea-
draw, captivate, bewitch. ANT. repulse, repel, soned, experienced, hardened. 4. uncaring,
turn off. cold, indifferent, cruel. 5. calloused, rough.
temptation n. lure, enticement, tantalization, tenderfoot n. newcomer, beginner, novice, am-
seduction, attraction, courting, *carrot, cap- ateur, *greenhorn, *rookie, neophyte, tyro,
tivation, bait, *come-on, draw, snare. raw recruit, *new kid on the block.
tempter n. enticer, temptress, tantalizer, se- tenderhearted a. tender, loving, kind, compas-
ducer, seductress, teaser, Satan. sionate, sympathetic, caring, warm, under-
tempting a. alluring, enticing, tantalizing, se- standing, supportive, sweet, considerate.
ductive, attractive, magnetic, appetizing, ANT. coldhearted, brutal, cruel, uncaring.
mouth-watering, baiting. ANT. repulsive, re- tenderness n. tenderheartedness, love and
pellant, sickening. kindness, compassion, sympathy, caring,
TENABLE a. [TEN uh bul] defensible, can be warmth, understanding, support, sweetness,
argued for. His alibi was entirely tenable. SYN. consideration, humanity, pity, mercy. ANT.
defensible, defendable, indisputable, incon- hardheartedness, brutality, cruelty.
testable, ironclad, solid, maintainable, rea- tendon n. sinew, connective tissue, muscle fi-
sonable, credible, viable. ANT. untenable, in- ber, thew.
defensible, unjustifiable. tenement n. apartment, flat, house, duplex,
TENACIOUS a. [tuh NAY shus] persistent, boarding house, *dump, *rat’s nest, slum,
tough, not giving up readily, holding fast, rookery.
stubborn. His tenacious spirit helped him to TENET n. [TEN it] a principle or belief. She
continue, even in the face of great hardship. didn’t agree with all the tenets of her church.
SYN. persistent, tough, stubborn, resolute, SYN. principle, belief, doctrine, dogma, con-
dogged, perseverant, strong, steadfast, un- viction, creed, credo, canon, rule, teaching,
yielding, unwilling to let go, determined, maxim.
unwavering, staunch. ANT. irresolute, weak- tennis n. racket sport, lawn tennis, game,
willed, yielding. sphairistike.
tenacity n. persistence, toughness, mental WORD FIND
toughness, stubbornness, resolve, resolution, boundary line marking end of service boxes:
backbone, doggedness, perseverance, service line
strength, *stick-to-itiveness, grit, endur- championships held in England: Wimble-
ance. ANT. weakness, weak will, spinelessness. don
tenant n. renter, leaseholder, lessee, occupant, court area between net and service line:
lodger, roomer, resident. forecourt
tend v. 1. TAKE CARE OF care for, mind, minister court on which ball bounces, skids quickly:
to, attend, cater to, look after, wait on, man- fast court
age, assist, aid. 2. INCLINE be apt, be liable, court rectangles in which ball must land
lean, be likely, have a tendency, be disposed. when served: service court
tendency n. inclination, disposition, leaning, diagonal shot: crosscourt shot
bent, propensity, proclivity, proneness, pen- doubles player’s move into partner’s court
chant, predisposition, course, drift. for surprise shot: poaching
tender n. 1. OFFER proffer, proposition, presen- drive the ball directly at opponent’s body to
tation. 2. CARETAKER sitter, watcher, main- throw off balance: jam
tenance man. finesse player: touch player
tender v. offer, proffer, present, proposition, put 40-40 tie situation: deuce
forth, submit, advance, give. four players, game with: doubles
tender a. 1. SOFT delicate, fragile, frail, weak, injury or inflammation of elbow tendons:
feeble. 2. GENTLE mild, light, soft, easy. 3. tennis elbow
YOUTHFUL immature, young, unseasoned, lines at ends of court: baseline

Roget’s Superthesaurus 587


long back and forth exchange without a 2. NERVOUSNESS stress, anxiety, edginess, jit-
miss: rally ters, strain, restlessness, apprehension, *but-
officials: baseline judge, linesman, net judge terflies, *sweat, jumpiness, pressure. ANT. 1.
original name: sphairstike looseness, slackness, relaxation. 2. relaxation,
racket grip: Australian grip, continental calm, tranquility.
grip, eastern, *shake hands grip tent n. canvas shelter, pup tent, tepee, wigwam,
racket, middle of: sweet spot wickiup, yurt, pavilion.
return ball before it hits ground: volley TENTATIVE a. [TEN tuh tiv] indefinite, not
rotation imparted on ball: topspin, backspin firmed up, as one’s plans to do something,
score of zero: love uncertain, conditional. Also, hesitant or
scoring unit or point: fifteen timid. They made tentative plans to hike the
serve in two tries, failure to deliver a legal: north face of the mountain. SYN. uncertain,
double fault unsure, not firmed up, conditional, possible,
serve on first try, failure to deliver a legal: proposed, contingent, indefinite, *not
fault carved in stone, subject to change, uncon-
serve, stepping over baseline while making: firmed, hesitant, timid, doubtful, cautious.
foot fault ANT. certain, firm, definite, confident.
serve that nicks top of net and must be re- TENUOUS a. [TEN yoo us] thin, weak,
played: let flimsy, insubstantial, rare. His excuse for be-
serve that opponent is unable to return: ace ing late was tenuous at best. SYN. thin, weak,
showoff play to impress spectators: gallery flimsy, insubstantial, rare, fragile, slight,
play light, negligible, fine, shaky. ANT. solid, rock-
spectator area, stands: gallery solid, firm, substantial, strong.
stroke: forehand, backhand, lob, smash, tenure n. 1. TERM time, occupation, stay, resi-
drive, slice, chop, chip, dink, volley, dence, incumbency, reign. 2. PERMANENCY
punch volley permanent status, lifetime position, perma-
teams tournament, international: Davis nent seat, job security.
Cup tepee n. wigwam, wickiup. SEE TENT
tie-breaker game: sudden death tepid a. 1. LUKEWARM room temperature, barely
tournament open to amateurs as well as warm. 2. UNENTHUSIASTIC halfhearted, cool,
pros: open apathetic, lukewarm, indifferent, mild,
win a game against the server: break, service moderate, limp. ANT. 1. hot, boiling, scalding.
break 2. enthusiastic, passionate, fervent, wild.
winning best of three or more sets: match term n. 1. PERIOD OF TIME duration, time, span,
winning point: game point timespan, cycle, session, semester, quarter,
winning point in a set: set point spell, course, interval, stretch. 2. PHRASE OR
winning point in a set-winning game: game WORD description, designation, expression,
set name, denomination, terminology. 3. CON-
win of six games: set CLUSION close, end, finish, completion,
wins a game against the server, point that: limit, limitation. SEE TERMS
break point term v. name, designate, call, label, title, dub,
tenor n. 1. ALTO falsetto. SEE MUSIC 2. MEANING style.
intent, sense, drift, purport, gist, tone. terminal n. station, depot, junction, end of the
tense a. 1. TIGHT taut, stressed, strained, line, terminus.
stretched, drawn, stiff. 2. NERVOUS stressed, terminal a. ending, concluding, final, closing,
*uptight, *bundle of nerves, anxious, edgy, last, extreme, fatal. ANT. beginning, first.
jittery, strained, restless, apprehensive, terminate v. 1. STOP end, cease, discontinue,
*having butterflies in stomach, *keyed up, conclude, close, finish, cancel, eliminate,
*sweating bullets, *on pins and needles, halt, desist, fire, dismiss, let go, abort. 2.
jumpy. ANT. 1. loose, slack, relaxed. 2. calm, BOUND limit, demarcate, circumscribe. ANT.
composed, relaxed, tranquil. 1. start, begin, open.
tense up v. stress out, *choke, *choke under termination n. stoppage, end, cessation, dis-
pressure, *swallow the apple. continuance, conclusion, close, finish, can-
tension n. 1. TIGHTNESS tautness, stress, strain, cellation, elimination, halt, firing, dismissal,
stiffness, rigidity, pressure, pull, stretching. aborting. ANT. start, beginning, opening.

588 Roget’s Superthesaurus


terminology n. wording, phraseology, vocabu- terrorism n. fear campaign, intimidation tac-

lary, nomenclature, terms, language, *lingo, tics, arm-twisting, bullying, extortion, coer-
jargon, cant, argot. cion, firebombing, hostage-taking, bomb
terminus n. end, limit, boundary, extremity, threats.
margin, pale. terrorist n. extortionist, vigilante, bully, arm-
terms n. conditions, particulars, specifications, twister, radical, revolutionary, rebel, anar-
provisions, provisos, stipulations, *fine chist, subversive.
print, qualifications, points, agreement. terrorize v. terrify, frighten, scare, fill with ter-
terrace n. 1. PATIO OR VERANDA garden, lawn, ror, intimidate, threaten, menace, bully,
gallery, colonnade, balcony, piazza. 2. STAIR- browbeat, arm-twist, strongarm, coerce.
STEPPING EARTH FORMATION berm, plateaus. TERSE a. [TURS] concise, to the point, brief.
terra firma n. earth, solid ground. He gave a suprisingly terse speech and left. SYN.
terrain n. ground, topography, lay of the land, concise, succinct, brief, to the point, short,
tract, landscape, land, turf, country, region, taut, pithy, condensed, trenchant, compact,
territory. sparing, laconic. ANT. long-winded, verbose,
terrestrial a. earthly, worldly, terrene, tellurian, wordy.
mundane. ANT. extraterrestrial, spiritual, ethe- test n. 1. EXAMINATION exam, quiz, multiple
real. choice, midterm, trial, evaluation, probe, as-
terrible a. 1. BAD awful, lousy, inferior, *crappy, sessment, questionnaire, inspection, in-
horrible, appalling, objectionable, disagree- quest. 2. TRIAL experiment, assay, try, dry
able, *rotten, revolting, atrocious, dreadful, run. 3. STANDARD criterion, *acid test, *lit-
poor. 2. FRIGHTFUL terrifying, fearful, dread- mus test, measure, touchstone, proof.
ful, harrowing, horrifying, horrific, distress- test v. examine, quiz, try, evaluate, probe, as-
ing. 3. EXTREME severe, intense, acute, fierce. sess, question, inspect, investigate, analyze,
ANT. 1. excellent, great, wonderful. 2. reassur-
conduct a trial run, assay, check, *see which
ing, encouraging, comforting. 3. mild, light, way the wind blows, sound.
moderate. TESTAMENT n. [TES tuh munt] that which
terribly adv. very, extremely, awfully, thor- testifies to the validity or truth of some-
oughly, frightfully. thing. That the number of highway fatalities
terrific a. 1. GREAT fabulous, fantastic, excel- have decreased is a testament to better safety
lent, wonderful, first-rate, superb, marvel- regulations. SYN. testimony, testimonial, af-
ous, good, sensational, *out of this world,
firmation, confirmation, proof, evidence,
superior, outstanding. 2. TERRIFYING scary,
profession, statement.
frightful, fearful, dreadful, appalling, terri-
tested a. tried, proven. ANT. unproven, un-
ble, harrowing, horrifying, distressing. ANT.
1. bad, awful, lousy, terrible. 2. reassuring,
comforting, encouraging. testicles n. testes, sex glands, gonads.
terrify v. frighten, scare, fill with terror, petrify, testify v. 1. PROVIDE TESTIMONY bear witness,
*curdle one’s blood, *paralyze with fear, give evidence, attest, affirm, vouch for, cor-
*put the fear of God into, alarm, *scare stiff, roborate, swear to, declare, verify, uphold,
shock, startle, frighten out of one’s wits, support, substantiate. 2. BE EVIDENCE OF
*make one’s hair stand on end, *scare the prove, show, indicate, be a testament to,
bejesus out of, *make one’s hair curl, panic, provide testimony for, demonstrate. ANT. 2.
trigger one’s fight or flight response. ANT. disprove, contradict.
reassure, comfort. testimonial n. commendation, recommenda-
territorial a. proprietary, defensive. ANT. giving. tion, *plug, tribute, compliment, affidavit,
territory n. 1. AREA region, district, province, endorsement, certificate, letter of recom-
land, country, terrain, locale, zone, vicinity, mendation, letter of reference.
precinct, neighborhood, tract. 2. DOMAIN testimony n. 1. DECLARATION profession, affir-
sphere, realm, turf, area, field, bailiwick. mation, attestation, proof, evidence, wit-
terror n. 1. FEAR fright, panic, dread, horror, ness, corroboration, statement, sworn state-
alarm, shock, awe, dismay, heart-pounding ment, affidavit, deposition, documentation,
terror, paralysis, paroxysm of fear. 2. UNRULY avowal, support. 2. INDICATION evidence, at-
CHILD hellion, rascal, pest, nuisance, *holy testation, confirmation, affirmation, dem-
terror, *hell on wheels, imp, troublemaker. onstration.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 589


testosterone n. hormone, male hormone, sex alcove in center of stage where prompter
hormone, steroid. hides from audience: prompt box
testy a. irritable, touchy, grouchy, grumpy, allegorical drama illustrating Christian
cranky, petulant, *snappy, ornery, thin- teaching: morality play
skinned, *short-fused, quick-tempered, pee- anxiety, performance: stage fright, *flop
vish. ANT. good humored, easygoing, cheerful. sweat
tetched a. demented, neurotic, *not right in award: Tony
the head, *a little crazy, touched, *nuts. SEE background scenery: backdrop, olio, ground
CRAZY, INSANE, NEUROTIC row, cyclorama
tête-à-tête n. heart-to-heart talk, conversation, backstage area: wings
intimate discussion, talk, discussion, confi- box in front of balcony or mezzanine: loge
dential discussion, face-to-face chat. Broadway, play not produced on: off-Broad-
tether n. rope, leash, chain, halter, restraint, way production
cord, line. brochure of cast and description: program,
text n. words, wording, main body, body, playbill
printed matter, written matter. comedy featuring wit: high comedy
textbook n. text, schoolbook, reference book, comedy of exaggeration: farce
manual. comedy on morbid subject: black comedy
textile n. fabric, cloth, woven material, fibrous comedy satirizing manners of fashionable so-
material, cotton, wool, yarn, dry goods. ciety: comedy of manners
texture n. surface quality, feel, character, com- comedy, slapstick or physical: low comedy
position, grade, smoothness, roughness, comedy that spoofs: send-up, parody
coarseness, weave, grain, nap, pile, woof, company producing several shows with same
wale. performers: repertory company
thank v. acknowledge, show one’s apprecia- company production of plays in summer:
tion, show one’s gratitude, bless. summer stock
thankful a. grateful, appreciative, obliged, in- cues a song, line of dialogue that: dakota
debted, beholden. ANT. unappreciative, dim lighting used for effect: pool hall light-
thankless. ing
thankless a. 1. UNGRATEFUL unappreciative, district of theaters: white light district,
rude, inconsiderate. 2. UNAPPRECIATED unre- Great White Way, Broadway, Rialto
warded, unnoticed, unrecognized, unac- draw attention away from another actor: up-
knowledged. ANT. 1. thankful, grateful. 2. ap- stage, steal the show
preciated, rewarded. dress rehearsal before an audience: audience
thatch n. mat, straw, rushes, palm leaves, roof- dress
ing. emotions are exaggerated, play in which:
thaw v. 1. MELT liquefy, soften, warm, defrost, melodrama
dissolve. 2. LOOSEN UP warm, relax. ANT. 1. exaggerated acting or overacting: histrionics
freeze, harden, solidify. 2. become stiff and for- explosion or flash, device that creates: flash-
mal, cool. pot
theater n. 1. PLAYHOUSE opera house, audito- falling in love with theater: stagestruck
rium, ampitheater, theater in the round, financier, backer: angel
boards, odeum, dinner theater, hall, arena, hit show: boffo
movie house, cinema, drive-in. 2. STAGE PER- horrifying, macabre or gruesome drama:
FORMANCE dramatic arts, drama, show busi- Grand Guignol
ness, the stage. ‘‘An escape from reality.’’— Japanese, all-male: Kabuki
George Nathan. ‘‘A tradition of villains and large-scale act or musical number: produc-
heroes.’’—George Bernard Shaw. ‘‘A win- tion number
dow open on the life of our fellow crea- lights: footlights, limelight, *ace, *ashcan,
tures.’’—Mario Fratti. baby spot, bon-bon, flood, house lights,
WORD FIND *keg light, klieg light, pin spot
above stage, walk or platform for lights: fly list of characters: dramatis personae
actor’s emergency fill-in: understudy makeup: grease paint, pancake makeup
advertisement at front of theater: marquee mark the stage to direct actors where to
afternoon show: matinee stand, move: block

590 Roget’s Superthesaurus


musicals, theater that specializes in: lyric theme song n. signature song.
theater theologian n. student of religion, religious
musical with sketches: revue scholar, divine. SEE RELIGION
musician’s area: orchestra pit theology n. study of religion, divinity, study of
narrator to audience: raisonneur God, theosophy, doctrine, dogma, Scrip-
object used in show: prop ture, the Gospel. ‘‘Science of mind applied
open audition: *cattle call to God.’’—Henry Ward Beecher. ‘‘The
outfit a stage with scenery: dress rhetoric of morals.’’—Ralph Waldo Emer-
pack theater by distributing free tickets: pa- son. SEE RELIGION, GOD
per the house theorem n. assumption, proposition, hypothe-
rehearsal, rough: walk-through sis, theory, postulate, principle, law, rule,
religious play centering around suffering of formula, equation.
Christ: passion play theoretical a. hypothetical, speculative, aca-
remember lines during show, helps actors: demic, conjectural, abstract, assumed, no-
prompter tional, untried, unproven, presumed, *on
sad or heartbreaking play: tragedy paper, untested. ANT. practical, applied,
segment: act proven.
serious performances as opposed to vaude- theorize v. hypothesize, speculate, conjecture,
ville: legitimate theater suppose, guess, presume, assume, imagine,
set, take down a: strike formulate, posit, think.
set that is real, as opposed to that of facades: theory n. hypothesis, speculation, conjecture,
practical set supposition, guess, presumption, assump-
skyline or horizon scenery piece: ground tion, formulation, idea, thesis, surmise, pos-
row, cyclorama tulate, hunch. ‘‘A hunch with a college edu-
sound effects made from offstage: noises off cation.’’—J.A. Carter.
SRO: standing room only therapeutic a. curative, remedial, healthful,
stage, front of: proscenium, apron healing, corrective, restorative, beneficial,
stage props, functioning: practicals medicinal, sanative, helpful. ANT. harmful,
talk with audience, actor’s solo: soliloquy unhealthy, detrimental.
top balcony for lowerclass patrons: peanut therapist n. counselor, psychologist, psychia-
gallery trist, doctor, physician, psychotherapist,
union for actors: Actors Equity Association *shrink, adviser, analyst, sympathetic ear.
unsuccessful play: *flop, *bomb, *turkey, therapy n. treatment, regimen, regime, remedy,
*dog healing, curative, homeopathy, rehabilita-
variety show, old time: vaudeville, burlesque tion, *rehab, physical therapy, speech ther-
waiting room, performer’s: green room, apy, group therapy.
dressing room thereabouts adv. near, about, around, approxi-
wardrobe assistant: dresser mately, roughly.
worker: stagehand thereafter adv. afterwards, after, later, subse-
writer of plays: playwright quently, thenceforth, following.
written music: score therefore adv. consequently, thus, so, hence,
SEE MOVIE, TELEVISION ergo, for that reason, as a result, accordingly.
theatrical a. 1. SHOW BUSINESS staged, stagy, thermal a. warm, hot, heated, thermic. ANT.
thespian, operatic, Broadway, off-Broadway. cold, unheated.
2. MELODRAMATIC dramatic, histrionic, thermos n. bottle, flask, insulated container.
*hammy, showy, campy, pretentious, af- thesaurus n. lexicon, word treasury, synonym
fected, overacted, overwrought, *fake, *put finder, word book.
on. ANT. 2. sincere, natural, real, understated. thesis n. 1. PROPOSITION premise, assumption,
theft n. stealing, larceny, grand larceny, petty belief, theory, hypothesis, argument, belief,
larceny, thievery, burglary, robbery, purse- opinion, idea, theorem, position. 2. DISSER-
snatching, *holdup, mugging, looting, pil- TATION treatise, research paper, essay, study,
ferage, shoplifting. investigation, monograph, composition.
theme n. topic, subject, idea, motif, leitmotif, thespian n. actor, actress, player, performer,
matter, point, question, keynote, strain, re- *ham, tragedian. SEE MOVIE, TELEVISION, THE-
current pattern. ATER

Roget’s Superthesaurus 591


thick a. 1. DEEP extensive, fat, massive, thick- the beam. 2. full, thick, teeming, swarming.
set, obese, wide, large, solid, bulky. 2. DENSE 3. condensed, concentrated, thick. 4. opaque,
closely packed, concentrated, close, crow- heavy, dense.
ded, heavy, condensed, compact, imperme- thing n. 1. ARTICLE object, item, subject, ele-
able, luxuriant, viscid, viscous, glutinous, ment, substance, matter, entity, it, body, be-
congealed, caked. 3. HAVING A GREAT NUM- ing, creature, organism. 2. THINGAMAJIG
BER CLOSELY PACKED crowded, teeming, gadget, device, contrivance, *doohickey,
chock-full, bursting, numerous, great, *thingamabob, contraption, apparatus,
swarming, replete, overflowing, *jam- gizmo, widget, mechanism, *whatchamacal-
packed, crammed. 4. STUPID dense, retarded, lit, *dingus, *whatsit. 3. DEED act, event,
dull, bovine, slow, dim-witted, obtuse, happening, action, feat, performance, ac-
dumb, moronic, imbecilic, simple, *chowd- complishment, exploit. 4. MATTER affair, cir-
erheaded, *lamebrained, *dense as a post. cumstance, happening, situation. 5. SEE
ANT. 1. thin, slim, slight. 2. thin, sparse, scant, THINGS
watery. 3. empty, rare, thin, scarce. 4. bril- thingamajig n. SEE THING, 2.
liant, smart, intelligent, sharp. things n. belongings, possessions, stuff, personal
thicken v. concentrate, condense, congeal, effects, paraphernalia, outfit, equipment,
compact, solidify, harden, clot, coagulate, trappings, accoutrements, gear.
jell, curdle, set, cake. ANT. thin, liquefy, di- think v. 1. CONTEMPLATE meditate, cogitate,
lute. ponder, concentrate, focus on, study, ana-
thicket n. underbrush, shrubs, bushes, brush, lyze, intellectualize, turn over in one’s mind,
scrub, brake, copse, bosket, tangle. evaluate, reflect, deliberate, mull over, ru-
thickset a. stocky, stout, beefy, heavyset, big, minate, consider, deduce, reason, conceive,
chunky. ANT. skinny, slim, slender. SEE FAT imagine, picture, remember, marshal one’s
thick-skinned a. hardened, tough, insensitive, thoughts. 2. BELIEVE judge, opine, suppose,
callous, hard-boiled, unfeeling, strong, assume, presume, surmise, gather, guess,
stony. ANT. thin-skinned, sensitive, ultrasensi- imagine, understand, reckon, conclude, esti-
tive. mate.
thief n. *crook, robber, burglar, shoplifter, thinkable a. conceivable, imaginable, compre-
mugger, swindler, bandit, criminal, klepto- hensible, feasible, possible. ANT. unthinkable,
maniac, *klepto, cheat, *rip-off artist, *con inconceivable.
artist, pickpocket, filcher, purse-snatcher, thinker n. philosopher, deep thinker, sage, wise
embezzler, larcener, rustler. ‘‘One who just man, scholar.
has a habit of finding things before people thinking n. thought, brain power, contempla-
lose them.’’—Joe E. Lewis. tion, meditation, cogitation, concentration,
thieve v. steal, rob, burglarize, *rip off, pilfer, study, analysis, evaluation, reflection, delib-
filch, shoplift, snatch, *swipe, *walk off eration, reasoning, logic, deduction, specu-
with, purloin, appropriate, *heist, embezzle, lation, *putting two and two together. ‘‘The
swindle, cheat. magic of the mind.’’—Lord Byron. ‘‘The
thievery n. theft, robbery, larceny, grand lar- talking of the soul with itself.’’—Plato.
ceny, petty larceny, burglary, stealing, pilfer- thin-skinned a. sensitive, oversensitive, ultra-
ing, shoplifting, kleptomania, embezzle- sensitive, hypersensitive, easily hurt, deli-
ment, swindle. cate, vulnerable, easily offended, touchy, ir-
thin v. dilute, cut, reduce, rarefy, water down, ritable. ANT. thick-skinned, hardened, callous,
decrease, trim, weaken, attenuate, prune. insensitive.
ANT. thicken, concentrate, condense. third world n. undeveloped nations, emergent
thin a. 1. SLENDER slight, slim, skinny, lean, nations.
emaciated, bony, spare, wispy, *thin as lin- thirst n. craving, desire, want, longing, hunger,
guine, skin and bones, half-starved, scrawny, hankering, appetite, yen, lust, thirstiness.
gaunt, rawboned, spindly. 2. SCANTY sparse, thirst v. crave, desire, want, long for, hunger
rare, few and far between, meager, skimpy, for, hanker for, have an appetite for, have a
deficient. 3. WATERY diluted, weak, runny, yen for, lust after.
rarefied. 4. SHEER transparent, airy, fine, di- thong n. strap, strip, leather, lace, whiplash,
aphanous, delicate, translucent, wispy, leash.
flimsy. ANT. 1. fat, obese, heavy, *broad in thorn n. 1. PRICKLE needle, barb, spike, point,

592 Roget’s Superthesaurus


spine. 2. THORN IN ONE’S SIDE irritation, trou- conclusion, opinion, surmise. 4. ATTENTION
ble, nuisance, pain, plague, torment, afflic- consideration, regard, study, notice.
tion, curse. thoughtful a. 1. THINKING meditative, reflec-
thorny a. 1. PRICKLY brambly, barbed, briery, tive, introspective, pondering, lost in
spiny, spiked, bristly. 2. DIFFICULT compli- thought, intellectual, meditative, pensive,
cated, ticklish, delicate, troublesome, chal- abstracted. 2. CONSIDERATE kind, mindful,
lenging, nettlesome, trying, touchy, sticky. attentive, solicitous, graceful, diplomatic,
ANT. 1. soft, smooth. 2. easy, simple, *child’s sensitive, unselfish, nice, sweet. ANT. 1. min-
play. dless, unthinking, brainless. 2. thoughtless, in-
thorough a. 1. EXHAUSTIVE complete, total, considerate, inattentive.
comprehensive, thoroughgoing, in-depth, thoughtless a. inconsiderate, insensitive, un-
*A to Z, all-out, all-inclusive, *whole hog, thinking, selfish, inattentive, careless, negli-
full, painstaking, *down to the last detail. gent, heedless, oblivious, rude, impolite, dis-
2. ABSOLUTE out-and-out, utter, total, com- courteous. ANT. thoughtful, considerate,
plete, entire, perfect, unmitigated, sheer. 3. attentive.
EXACT accurate, painstaking, precise, metic- thought-provoking a. provocative, stimulat-
ulous, careful, scrupulous. ANT. 1. partial, in- ing, challenging, interesting. ANT. boring,
complete, superficial. 2. partial, qualified. 3. shallow.
sloppy, slipshod, careless. thrash v. 1. FLOG whip, beat, lash, flail, strap,
thoroughbred a. 1. PURE unmixed, full- switch, cane, scourge, flagellate. 2. DEFEAT
blooded, pedigreed. 2. EXCELLENT first-rate, SOUNDLY *skunk, *kill, *blow away, rout,
first-class, trained, educated, cultured, re- drub, *kick butt, *whoop, *whip, trounce,
fined, genteel, aristocratic. ANT. 1. half- shellac.
breed, mongrel, crossbred, mixed breed. 2. sec- thread n. 1. LINE filament, string, yarn, strand,
ond-class, second-rate, unrefined. cord, fiber. 2. THEME motif, subject.
thoroughfare n. street, road, passage, highway, threadbare a. 1. WORN ragged, tattered, mo-
avenue, boulevard, thruway, beltway, ex- theaten, frayed, holey, raveled, *ratty,
pressway, turnpike. shabby. 2. STALE overused, shopworn, com-
thoroughgoing a. 1. THOROUGH exhaustive, monplace, clichéd, banal, tired, stock, hack-
painstaking, precise, in-depth, *down to the neyed, *old hat, *ho-hum. ANT. 1. new,
last detail, precise, exact, meticulous. 2. plush, luxurious. 2. fresh, original, new.
COMPLETE utter, absolute, unmitigated, out- threat n. intimidation, scare, menace, danger,
and-out, unqualified, sheer. ANT. 1. superfi- peril, hazard, jeopardy, dark cloud on the
cial, partial, careless. 2. partial, incomplete, horizon, *sword of Damocles, portent,
qualified. *sleeping giant.
thoroughly adv. completely, utterly, entirely, threaten v. intimidate, scare, menace, *put the
totally, absolutely, downright, wholly, quite, fear of God into, *scare the bejesus out of
exhaustively. ANT. partially, superficially, in- one, terrorize, frighten, alarm, bully, cow,
completely. put on alert, loom.
thought n. 1. THINKING cogitation, intellection, threatening a. intimidating, menacing, terror-
cerebration, concentration, reflection, con- izing, frightening, scary, sinister, ominous,
sideration, cognition, study, meditation, de- impending, looming, foreboding. ANT. en-
liberation, contemplation, rumination, re- couraging, bright, reassuring.
flection, pondering, speculating, weighing, threesome n. ménage à trois, trio.
brown study, reasoning, rationalization, cal- thresh v. beat, flail, thrash.
culation, deduction, introspection. ‘‘Dreams threshold n. 1. DOORSILL entrance. 2. BEGIN-
till their effects be tried.’’—Shakespeare. NING start, opening, entrance, brink, verge,
‘‘An electrochemical soup stirred by plea- dawn, starting point, debut, onset. ANT. 2.
sure, pain and nervous impulses.’’—Jack E. close, end.
French. ‘‘Feelings gone to seed.’’—John Bur- thrift n. thriftiness, frugality, economy, econo-
roughs. 2. INTELLECT imagination, brain mizing, saving, conservation, parsimony,
power, intelligence, reason, smarts, *gray penny-pinching, scrimping, cheapness. ANT.
matter. 3. IDEA concept, notion, theory, hy- waste, improvidence, extravagance.
pothesis, *brainstorm, belief, assumption, thrifty a. frugal, economical, economizing,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 593


conserving, saving, parsimonious, *penny- throw up v. vomit, regurgitate, upchuck, puke,

pinching, miserly, stingy, provident. ANT. disgorge, *spit up, *barf, *ralph, spew, hurl,
wasteful, improvident, extravagant. *toss one’s cookies, *blow lunch, retch,
thrill n. 1. EXCITEMENT *rush, *adrenalin rush, *have the dry heaves.
*head rush, kick, *spine-tingling experi- thrust n. 1. PUSH shove, lunge, drive, advance,
ence, chills, blast, titillation, *charge, propulsion, stab, plunge, poke. 2. ATTACK
*mind-blower, *high, exhilaration, sensa- blitz, blitzkrieg, onslaught, offensive, charge,
tion, *heart-pounder, *hair-raiser. 2. push, drive, raid, strike. 3. ENERGY power,
TREMOR quiver, fluttering, tingling, vibra- drive, horsepower, lift, pickup. 4. POINT gist,
tion. force, meaning, essence, substance.
thrill v. excite, stimulate, electrify, *adrenalize, thrust v. 1. PUSH shove, lunge, drive, force, ad-
*give a rush, exhilarate, titillate, *blow vance, power, propel, throw, stab, plunge,
one’s mind, stir, *turn on, *give a charge. poke. 2. IMPOSE ONESELF intrude, force one-
ANT. tranquilize, put to sleep. self into, inject.
thrive v. flourish, prosper, grow, blossom, thud n. thump, bump, bang, *whack, *clunk,
mushroom, burgeon, luxuriate, succeed, rap, boom, crash, slam, clump, plunk, blow.
boom, progress, do well, be vigorous. ANT. thug n. hoodlum, *hood, brute, gangster, mob-
fail, die, wither, languish. ster, mafioso, ruffian, hooligan, *roughneck,
throat n. neck, gullet, larynx, pharynx, trachea, *goon, gunman, killer, murderer.
Adam’s apple. thumbnail a. brief, concise, small, minute. ANT.
throaty a. hoarse, guttural, husky, gravel- grand, large-scale.
voiced, raspy, whiskey-voiced. ANT. squeaky, thump n. SEE THUD
high-pitched. thump v. strike, hit, beat, pound, pommel,
throb n. pulsation, pulse, throbbing, beat, *slug, slam, drub, cudgel, bludgeon.
tremor, palpitation, thump. thunder n. thunderclap, boom, rumbling,
throb v. pulsate, pulse, beat, palpitate, thump, crack, *whiplash, roll, crash, peal, explo-
pound, flutter, vibrate, quiver, drum. sion, roar, discharge, report, reverberation.
throes n. spasms, pangs, pains, convulsions, sei- thunder v. 1. BOOM rumble, crack, roll, crash,
zures, paroxysm. peal, explode, discharge, reverberate. 2. FUL-
throne n. seat of power, cathedral.
MINATE roar, boom, shout, bellow, yell,
throng n. crowd, multitude, horde, bunch, con-
growl, curse, bark, denounce.
gregation, swarm, mass, mob, flock, army,
thunderbolt n. lightning.
flood, pack, press, host.
throng v. crowd, gather, assemble, congregate, thunderstorm n. thundershower, thunder
swarm, mass, mob, flock, flood, pack, press, squall, *thunder-boomer, cloudburst, elec-
*stand cheek to jowl. trical storm.
throttle n. accelerator, gas pedal, choke, butter- WORD FIND
fly valve. cloud: cumulonimbus, thunderhead
throttle v. 1. CHOKE strangle, garrote, suffocate, lightning: ball lightning, chain lightning,
smother, stifle, asphyxiate, *cut off one’s heat lightning
wind. 2. SUPPRESS censor, shut up, silence, mythical creature of North American Indi-
squelch, gag, inhibit. ans thought to cause: thunderbird
through a. done, finished, completed, over, SEE CLOUD, RAIN, STORM
ended, concluded, terminated. ANT. under- thunderstruck a. shocked, floored, staggered,
way, beginning. amazed, astonished, dumbstruck, dumb-
through prep. 1. IN ONE SIDE AND OUT THE OTHER founded, flabbergasted, *knocked for a loop,
from one end to the other, from start to fin- *bowled over. ANT. unmoved, unruffled.
ish. 2. BY WAY OF via, inside, in and out of. thus adv. therefore, so, hence, ergo.
throw n. pitch, lob, toss, pass, shot, delivery, thwart v. obstruct, hinder, frustrate, slow, stop,
hurl, cast, fling, heave, chuck. roadblock, foil, defeat, check, inhibit, pre-
throw v. pitch, lob, toss, pass, shoot, hurl, cast, vent, block, preclude, confound. ANT. facili-
fling, heave, chuck, deliver, propel, cata- tate, help, assist, ease.
pult, launch, peg, thrust. tiara n. crown, coronet, diadem.
throw out v. throw away, dispose of, dump, dis- tic n. spasm, contraction, nervous tic, twitch,
card, scrap, cast off, dispense with, junk, jet- jerk.
tison. tick n. click, tap, beat, pulse, second.

594 Roget’s Superthesaurus


ticket n. 1. PASS admission, voucher, receipt, tiff n. quarrel, argument, spat, fight, alterca-
stub, token, coupon, *ducat, raincheck, cer- tion, squabble, wrangle, run-in, clash, dis-
tificate. 2. LABEL tag, sticker, slip. 3. BALLOT agreement, *words, *row. ANT. peace, ac-
slate, roster. cord, *meeting of the minds.
WORD FIND tiger n. predator, *big cat, carnivore, hunter,
free ticket or pass: *Annie Oakley stalker, saber-toothed tiger, jaguar, leopard.
resell tickets far above cost: scalp tight a. 1. CLOSE snug, skintight, form-fitting,
traffic ticket: summons, citation, fine close-fitting, confined, cramped, taut,
tickle v. please, delight, thrill, excite, gratify, drawn. 2. FIXED secured, secure, set, made
*tickle to death, *tickle pink, amuse, make fast, immovable, firm, locked. 3. AIRTIGHT
one smile, make one laugh. watertight, sealed, plugged, secure, sound,
ticklish a. delicate, sensitive, prickly, dicey, hermetically sealed, impervious, imperme-
touchy, risky, slippery, difficult, thorny, able, nonporous, leakproof. 4. RIGOROUS
tricky, awkward. ANT. simple, uncomplicated, strict, stringent, severe, restraining, de-
straightforward. manding. 5. DIFFICULT trying, precarious,
ticky-tacky a. Sl. cheap, *tacky, poor quality, delicate, ticklish, tricky, perilous, tough,
dull, shoddy, shabby, *rinky-dink, *chintzy, prickly. 6. STINGY tightfisted, sparing, frugal,
*cheesy, tawdry. cheap, miserly, penurious, parsimonious,
tidal wave n. tsunami, tidal bore, eagre. *penny-pinching. ANT. 1. loose, slack, baggy.
tidbit n. morsel, bit, mouthful, spoonful, piece, 2. loose, unsecured, slack. 3. porous, holey. 4.
titbit. undemanding, mild, easy. 5. easy, simple. 6.
tide n. flood, wash, ebb, neap, spring tide, rip generous, charitable, giving.
tide, high tide, low tide. SEE BEACH, OCEAN tighten a. firm up, close up, fix, secure, lock
tidings n. news, information, report, word, up, tauten, tense, stretch, contract, squeeze,
communication, *scoop, *lowdown, *scut- constrict, screw. ANT. loosen, slacken, unfas-
tlebutt. ten.
tide over v. keep one’s head above water, keep tightfisted a. cheap, stingy, miserly, sparing,
one going, help, assist, *bridge the gap. frugal, *penny-pinching, penurious, parsi-
tidy v. neaten, clean, order, unclutter, arrange, monious, niggardly, greedy. ANT. generous,
pick up, spruce up, fix up, straighten up, charitable, giving.
groom. ANT. mess, clutter, disorder. tight-lipped a. silent, mute, taciturn, reserved,
tidy a. 1. NEAT clean, shipshape, orderly, reticent, quiet, close-mouthed, secretive,
*spick-and-span, trim, well-ordered, spruce, mum. ANT. loquacious, talkative.
uncluttered, *in apple pie order, organized. tightwad n. miser, *cheapskate, *Scrooge,
2. CONSIDERABLE large, substantial, generous, *penny-pincher, *pinchpenny. ANT. philan-
respectable, healthy, ample. ANT. 1. messy, thropist, giver, free-spender, spendthrift.
sloppy, unkempt. 2. small, piddling. till n. cash box, cash drawer, cash tray, cash
tie n. 1. FASTENING fastener, connection, knot, register.
link, catch, clip, string, rope, strap, cord, till v. plow, harrow, cultivate, work, turn over,
cinch, sash, binding. 2. NECKTIE ascot, string dig, hoe, spade, dress.
tie, cravat, bow tie. 3. RELATIONSHIP associa- tilt n. incline, inclination, slant, slope, lean,
tion, bond, tie-in, connection, kinship, pitch, grade, gradient, rake.
friendship, liaison, affiliation. 4. DEADLOCK tilt v. tip, incline, slant, slope, lean, turn, up-
draw, standoff, *sudden death faceoff. end, list, cant, angle.
tie v. 1. FASTEN connect, knot, bind, link, timber n. 1. WOOD beam, joist, girder, rafter,
catch, clip, string up, strap, cinch, lash, in- pile, board, spar, log, lumber. 2. TREES forest,
terlace, moor, secure, tether, leash. 2. RE- woods, woodland, timberland.
STRICT limit, stop, hinder, inhibit, hobble, timberland n. woodland, forest, stumpage.
check, bind, fetter. 3. MATCH UP be dead timbre n. tone, pitch, voice.
even, *be neck and neck. ANT. 1. unfasten, time n. 1. DURATION span, stretch, spell, period,
untie, loose, release. 2. facilitate, free, liberate. interval, term, age, epoch, era, juncture,
tier n. row, line, file, rank, echelon, grade, point, second, instant, moment, hour, day,
level, story, floor. month, year, century, millennium, eon, in-
tie-up n. snag, gridlock, bottleneck, logjam, finity, continuance, chronology, fourth di-
traffic jam, *snafu, stoppage. mension, *tick of the clock, *water under

Roget’s Superthesaurus 595


the bridge, *sand through the hourglass. ‘‘A tincture, pigmentation, complexion, touch,
file that wears and makes no noise.’’— trace, hint.
Henry G. Bohn. ‘‘A flowing river.’’—Chris- tintinnabulation n. ringing, tinkling, jingling,
topher Morley. ‘‘A sandpile we run our fin- jangling.
gers in.’’—Carl Sandburg. ‘‘The moving im- tiny a. small, diminutive, little, wee, puny,
age of eternity.’’—Plato. ‘‘A storm in which miniature, minute, miniscule, Lilliputian,
we are all lost.’’—William Carlos Williams. dwarf, pygmy, *pint-sized, *pocket-sized,
‘‘Time like an ever-rolling stream bears all teeny, *itsy-bitsy, microscopic, infinitesi-
its sons away.’’—Isaac Watts. 2. OCCASION mal. ANT. huge, gigantic, gargantuan, tower-
opportunity, opening, chance, shot. ing, massive.
time-honored a. classic, vintage, time-tested, tip n. 1. INFORMATION *word to the wise, ad-
venerable, respected, traditional. ANT. new- vice, *pointer, *hot tip, suggestion, helpful
fangled, untested. hint, clue, warning, tip-off, inkling. 2. GRA-
timeless a. eternal, neverending, everlasting, TUITY percentage, compensation, consider-
ageless, perpetual, immortal, immemorial, ation. 3. POINT nib, head, top, peak, pinna-
infinite, undying. ANT. temporary, passing, cle, apex, summit, crown.
ephemeral. tip v. 1. COMPENSATE *take care of, pay, reward
timely a. opportune, well-timed, favorable, aus- for service. 2. TILT incline, overturn, upend,
picious, convenient, fitting, propitious, sea- capsize, upset, topple, slant, lean, turn over,
sonable. ANT. untimely, unfavorable, inoppor- cant.
tune. tipsy a. intoxicated, inebriated, unsteady,
timepiece n. clock, watch, sundial, hourglass, *three sheets to the wind, woozy, *pickled,
horologe. *loaded, *crocked, under the influence.
timetable n. schedule, chronology, timeline, ANT. sober, *stone sober.
plan. TIRADE n. [TYE rade] a long, scolding or con-
timid a. afraid, fearful, timorous, mousy, faint- demning speech. Before we knew it, he was
hearted, *wimpy, *lily-livered, *chicken, launching into another tirade about faulty gov-
sheepish, cowardly, spineless, shy, bashful, ernment policy. SYN. harangue, diatribe, lec-
nervous. ANT. courageous, brave, bold, *bal- ture, denunciation, condemnation, *jere-
lsy, fearless. miad, invective, vituperation, censure,
timorous a. SEE TIMID *tongue-lashing, outburst.
tinderbox n. explosive situation, volatile situa- tire v. 1. EXHAUST wear out, weary, fatigue,
tion, *hot spot, trouble spot, war zone, pow- drain, *run out of juice, *run one’s battery
der keg, time bomb, combustible situation. down, enervate, *bush, *poop out, burn out,
tinge n. trace, touch, hint, suggestion, smatter- flag, fail. 2. GET SICK OF lose interest, be
ing, drop, tincture, shade, tint, color, color- bored with, lose patience with, lose fascina-
ing, tone, pigment. tion with. ANT. 1. energize, invigorate, revive.
tinge v. shade, color, tint, give a touch of, give 2. interest, be fascinated with, stimulate.
a trace of, flavor, season. tired a. 1. EXHAUSTED worn out, weary, fatigued,
tingle n. tickle, electrical sensation, sting, drained, *out of juice, out of energy, *run
prickle, thrill. down, enervated, sleepy, drowsy, *bushed,
tingle v. tickle, sting, prickle, crawl, creep, *pooped, burned out, *all in, *beat, spent,
quiver. flagging, *dog-tired, *dead, *tuckered out.
tinker v. putter, fix, mend, doctor, fuss over, 2. SICK OF bored with, *fed up with. ANT.
fiddle with, *monkey around with, *mess 1. energized, invigorated, revived, refreshed. 2.
with, toy with, *diddle, fumble with. fascinated by, stimulated by.
tinkle n. ring, jingle, tingle, tinkling, ding, tin- tireless a. untiring, energetic, *high octane,
tinnabulation, plink, chime. unflagging, hyperactive, *supercharged, in-
tinkle v. ring, jingle, tingle, ding, jangle, tintin- defatigable, determined, persevering, indus-
nabulate, plink, chime. tious, unremitting, slogging, plugging. ANT.
tinsel a. gaudy, showy, glittery, flashy, garish, tiring, flagging, faltering, failing.
ornate, tawdry, cheap. ANT. authentic, qual- tiresome a. wearisome, tiring, exhausting, fa-
ity, valuable. tiguing, arduous, demanding, wearing,
tint n. hue, tinge, shade, tone, color, cast, tinge, strenuous, laborious, boring, dull, tedious,

596 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*humdrum, monotonous. ANT. energizing, in- WORD FIND

vigorating, stimulating. ash left in pipe after burning: dottle
tit n. Sl. teat, nipple, breast, *boob. SEE BREAST box: humidor
titan n. giant, colossus, deity, Zeus, Prometh- chew: quid, plug
eus. poor grade: shag
titanic a. gigantic, colossal, gargantuan, tower- powder inhaled or chewed: snuff
ing, huge, massive, immense, enormous, smoke, aversion to the: misocapnia
Herculean, monstrous, Brobdingnagian. smoke, one who has an aversion to the: mis-
ANT. tiny, microscopic, Lilliputian. ocapnist
tithe v. levy. SEE TAX stinky: mundungus
TITILLATE v. [TIT ul ate] to stimulate or tocsin n. alarm, bell, warning.
arouse, excite. Rock videos are often designed to-do n. fuss, commotion, bother, uproar,
to titillate. SYN. stimulate, arouse, excite, *brouhaha, stir, *flap, *hoopla, ado, hub-
*turn on, thrill, *stir one’s blood, provoke, bub, furor, excitement, hurly-burly, *tem-
tantalize, seduce, *tickle one’s fancy. ANT. pest in a teapot.
repulse, annoy. toddle v. falter, totter, be unsteady on one’s
title n. 1. NAME appellation, epithet, designa- feet.
tion, *moniker, nickname, *handle, cogno- toddler n. baby, tot, child, preschooler, *rug
men, denomination. 2. HEADING caption, rat, *holy terror. SEE BABY
legend, name, label, subtitle, inscription. 3. toehold n. foothold, footing, purchase.
CHAMPIONSHIP crown, claim, right. 4. PROOF toga n. robe, gown, garment, wrap.
titter n. giggle, laugh, suppressed laugh, snicker, belt formed by the twisted folds of: baltaeus
snigger, chuckle, cackle. dark toga for mourning: toga pulla
titter v. giggle, tee-hee, laugh under one’s purple toga with gold embroidery, worn by
breath, snicker, snigger, chuckle, cackle. emperors, consuls: toga picta
tittle n. dot, particle, iota, speck, whit, jot, scin- together adv. 1. AS ONE all at once, all at the
tilla, mote, drop. same time, in unison, in concert, collec-
titular a. nominal, by name only, by title only, tively, simultaneously, en masse, conjointly,
so-called, honorary, token, self-styled. ANT. concurrently, *in sync, in tandem. 2. IN SUC-
actual, real. CESSION consecutively, in a row, succes-
toady n. sycophant, flatterer, *kiss-up, *brown- sively. ANT. 1. singly, alone, separately. 2.
nose, *yes-man, bootlicker, apple polisher, randomly.
lickspittle, fawner, flunky, lackey, groveler, togs n. clothes, clothing, *duds, outfit, wear,
toadeater. apparel, *toggery, attire, dress, garb, gear,
toady v. flatter, *kiss up, *brownnose, fawn, *threads.
grovel, kowtow, *apple polish, bootlick, toil n. labor, work, grind, drudgery, *sweat of
curry favor, *suck up to, *fall all over, bow one’s brow, exertion, struggle, pains, *elbow
and scrape. ANT. disrespect, defy, abuse. grease, slavery. ANT. ease, leisure, relaxation.
toast n. drink, salute, salutation, compliment, toil v. work, labor, sweat, exert, struggle, slave,
honor, *cheers, *to your health, *here’s *break one’s back, *bust one’s hump,
mud in your eye, *skoal, *salut, *salud, *ma- drudge, strain, *plug away, *knock oneself
zel tov, prosit. out, *drive oneself into the grave. ANT. re-
toast v. 1. SALUTE drink to, honor, compliment, lax, *take it easy, rest.
share a sentiment, raise one’s glass to, hail. toilet n. 1. BATHROOM *john, rest room, wash
2. BROWN BREAD heat, warm. room, *little boy’s room, *little girl’s room,
toastmaster n. master of ceremonies, emcee, head, latrine, *can, *privy, *loo, *throne
M.C., speaker, host, moderator. room, outhouse, *potty, commode, flush,
tobacco n. weed, leaves, perique, caporal. ‘‘Per- urinal, bidet. 2. GROOMING dressing, toilette,
nicious weed.’’—William Cowper. ‘‘That clean-up, bathing.
hell fume in God’s clean air.’’—Carry Na- toilsome a. laborious, hard, arduous, difficult,
tion. ‘‘A lone man’s companion, a bache- backbreaking, strenuous, fatiguing, exhaust-
lor’s friend, a hungry man’s food, a sad man’s ing, wearing, demanding. ANT. easy, simple,
cordial, a wakeful man’s sleep, and a chilly effortless.
man’s fire.’’—Charles Kingsley. toke n. Sl. puff, *hit.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 597


token n. 1. INDICATION sign, evidence, mark, manner. 3. SHADE hue, color, tint, tinge,
expression, manifestation, testimony, testa- cast.
ment, symbol. 2. KEEPSAKE souvenir, me- tone down v. quiet down, moderate, temper,
mento, reminder. soften, mute, dampen.
token a. superficial, symbolic, nominal, mini- tongs n. pincers, clamp, forceps, *graspers.
mal, perfunctory, for show. ANT. genuine. tongue n. language, dialect, speech, talk, ver-
tolerable a. 1. ENDURABLE sufferable, bearable. nacular, idiom, lingo, parlance, native
2. FAIR passable, acceptable, all right, okay, tongue, jargon, slang, argot, articulation. ‘‘A
good enough, *so-so, *not bad, mediocre, wild beast; once let loose it is difficult to
middling, adequate, sufficient, satisfactory. chain.’’—Baltasar Gracian. ‘‘The only
ANT. 1. intolerable, unbearable. 2. excellent, edged tool that grows keener with constant
first-rate, unacceptable, unsatisfactory. use.’’—Washington Irving.
tolerance n. 1. ACCEPTANCE understanding, tongue-in-cheek a. jokingly, kiddingly, in jest,
open-mindedness, broad-mindedness, grace, in fun, ironic, insincere, facetiously. ANT.
sensitivity, liberal-mindedness, magnanim- sincere, serious.
ity, goodwill, lack of prejudice, sympathy, tongue-tied a. speechless, at a loss for words,
receptivity, indulgence. 2. ENDURANCE dumbstruck, mute, inarticulate, shy, bashful,
strength, mental toughness, stamina, sto- reticent, reserved, *hung by the tongue.
icism, sufferance, grit, fortitude. ANT. 1. prej- ANT. loquacious, verbose, long-winded, *mo-
udice, bigotry, intolerance. 2. weakness. tor-mouthed.
tolerant a. accepting, understanding, open- tonic n. *pick-me-up, restorative, *shot in the
minded, broad-minded, gracious, sensitive, arm, *bracer, stimulant, *upper, drug, medi-
liberal-minded, magnanimous, sympathetic, cine, beverage.
receptive, indulgent, unprejudiced. ANT. re- tony a. Sl. stylish, fashionable, luxurious, chic.
jecting, prejudiced, bigoted, intolerant. ANT. frumpy, cheap.
tolerate v. 1. ACCEPT understand, recognize, re- too adv. 1. ALSO as well, additionally, likewise,
spect, be open-minded toward, be broad- to boot, furthermore, besides, moreover. 2.
minded toward, be sensitive toward, be lib- EXCESSIVELY in excess, unduly, beyond, ex-
eral-minded toward, indulge. 2. ALLOW per- tremely, inordinately.
mit, put up with, look the other way, let go, tool n. 1. IMPLEMENT instrument, utensil, gad-
condone, bear, stand for, be lenient, in-
get, labor-saving device, apparatus, mecha-
dulge. 3. ENDURE bear, suffer through, stand,
nism, machine, contraption, contrivance,
put up with, take, *tough out, *stomach,
*gizmo, *doohickey, *whatsit.
*sit still for. ANT. 1. reject, be intolerant, dis-
approve. 2. prohibit, forbid, proscribe. 3. col-
lapse, *cave in, *lose it.
band, saw comprised of rotating, toothed:
toll n. tax, charge, fee, user fee, levy, tariff, as-
sessment, duty, impost, dues. SEE MONEY band saw
toll v. ring, sound, strike, clang, chime, peal, chained blade: chain saw
knell, announce, summon, signal. circular saw, stationary: buzz saw, bench saw
tomb n. vault, chamber, grave, crypt, mauso- curve-cutting, electrical saw: jigsaw, saber
leum, sepulchre, catacomb, ossuary, ceno- saw
taph, monument. SEE CEMETERY curve-cutting handsaw: compass saw, key-
tomboy n. hoyden, gamine, *one of the boys. hole saw, coping saw
tombstone n. gravestone, headstone, monu- curving ornamentation, cuts: scroll saw
ment, stele, grave marker. SEE CEMETERY grain, cuts across: crosscut saw
tome n. book, volume, reference book, opus. grain, cuts with: ripsaw
tomfoolery n. silliness, foolishness, childish be- hand-powered saw used with sawbuck:
havior, nonsense, *monkeyshines, *shenan- bucksaw
igans, antics, joking, jesting, *horseplay, hole-cutting saw: dial saw
high jinks. ANT. seriousness, gravity. Japanese craftsman’s hatchetlike saw for
ton n. load, truckload, mass, huge amount, pile, cutting dovetails: dozuki
two thousand pounds, short ton, long ton. Japanese craftsman’s saw with dual-edged
tone n. 1. PITCH intonation, sound, note, modu- blade that cuts on the pull stroke: ryoba
lation, voice, frequency, timbre. 2. ATTI- metal-cutting: hacksaw
TUDE spirit, quality, mood, tenor, air, mode, miter-cutting circular saw: miter saw

598 Roget’s Superthesaurus


miter-cutting guide: miter box tack driver, magnetized: tack hammer

shallow-cutting or veneer-cutting saw: ve- WRENCHES AND PLIERS
neer saw adjustable jaws, pliers with: slip-joint pliers,
stationary, electrical saw with mobile blade- tongue-and-groove pliers
holding arm: radial arm saw adjustable jaws, steel wrench with: adjust-
two-person hand-powered saw for cutting able wrench, *crescent wrench
timbers: whipsaw clamping pliers: locking pliers, *Vise-Grips
wire coated with tungsten carbide, used by English term for wrench: spanner
campers: pocket saw L-shaped, hexagonal rod: allen wrench, hex
axlike tool for trimming wood: adz lug nut tightener, loosener: lug wrench
brush or sugar-cane cutter: machete needle-nosed pliers for manipulating wire:
fabric-cutting shears: pinking shears long-nose pliers
glass-cutting device: glass-cutter open jaws on one end and closed, toothed
grain-cutter with short, curving blade: sickle ring on the other, wrench with: combi-
grass-cutter with long, curving blade: scythe nation wrench
hole-piercer, esp. for leather: awl oversized nuts, large-mouthed wrench used
metal shears: tin snips, hawk’s bill snips to turn: spud wrench
pencillike precision knife for cutting light pipe-turning wrench equipped with power-
material: precision knife, *Xacto knife assisting chain: chain wrench, pipe
pipe-cutting tool: pipe cutter wrench
pole with hook on end, used by lumberjacks: plumber’s flat bar with varied openings
pickaroon down its length: faucet spanner
retractable blade, hollow handle with multi- plumber’s heavy adjustable wrench: monkey
ple-uses: utility knife wrench, pipe wrench
wedgelike tool that is hammered: chisel ratcheting wrench with variable socket fit-
wire-cutting pliers: wire cutter tings: socket wrench
screwdriver-like wrench for turning nuts
abrader: file, rasp and bolts in tight spaces: nut driver
gouger: router toothed rings for tightening or loosening
planing tool: bullnose plane, chamfering
nuts, wrench with: box wrench
plane, planer, spokeshave
wire-manipulating pliers: lineman’s pliers,
polisher: buffer
electrician’s pliers, long-nose pliers,
sander: belt sander, disk sander
fence pliers
stone for sharpening blades: whetstone
wood-turning machine used to cut, plane
and shape: lathe crisscross driving head, screwdriver with:
Phillips head screwdriver
automatic, mechanical nail-driver: nail gun powered screwdriver: screw gun
brad driver: brad pusher ratcheting screwdriver turned by pushing
clawed, nail-pulling hammer: claw hammer down on handle: return spiral ratchet
claws, hammer with straight: rip hammer screwdriver, impact driver
hammer with rounded instead of clawed short screwdriver: *stubby
back: ball peen hammer, machinist’s S-shaped tool that is cranked for use in tight
hammer spaces: offset screwdriver, cranked screw-
long or short-handled hammer with very driver
heavy metal head: sledgehammer DRILL AND RELATED TOOLS
mallet filled with shot to prevent rebound- bit-holder: chuck
ing: deadblow hammer borer: auger, trepan, gimlet
nail-pulling steel bar resembling crowbar: drilling part, variable sized: bit
cat’s paw hand-cranked drill: eggbeater
sledgehammer, small: engineer’s hammer hole enlarger: reamer
sledgehammer, sometimes having one ax stationary power drill: drill press
edge: maul 2. PUPPET instrument, pawn, dupe, *stooge.
square or cylindrical head made of wood or toot n. honk, whistle, crow, beep, blast.
rubber, hammer with: mallet toot v. honk, whistle, crow, beep, blow, blast.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 599


tooth n. 1. MOUTH GRINDER OR CUTTER molar, agony, distress, misery, hell, irritation, trou-
incisor, fang, bicuspid, tusk, *chopper. SEE ble, plague, rack, scourge.
TEETH 2. TINE OR COG prong, projection, torment v. torture, punish, hurt, agonize, abuse,
sprocket, snag, spur. distress, trouble, bother, pain, irritate, bully,
toothed a. notched, indented, serrated, den- hurt, persecute, harass, aggravate, *drive
tate. crazy, plague, hector.
toothpaste n. dentrifice. torn a. 1. RIPPED cut, slashed, slit, lacerated,
toothsome a. tasty, palatable, flavorful, good- ragged, rent, split. 2. DIVIDED undecided, of
tasting, delicious, *yummy, scrumptious, two minds, *on the fence.
mouth-watering, savory, appetizing, *finger- tornado n. whirlwind, twister, cyclone, wind-
licking good, delectable. ANT. disgusting, storm, tempest.
gross, *yucky, nauseating. torpid a. dormant, sluggish, slow, inert, mo-
top n. 1. HIGHEST POINT peak, pinnacle, summit, tionless, hibernating, unmoving, lethargic,
apex, zenith, height, roof, crown, crest, ver- languid, listless, phlegmatic, lazy, dull, apa-
tex, cap. 2. LID cap, cover, stopper, cork. thetic. ANT. active, lively, energetic.
ANT. 1. bottom, low point, foot. TORPOR n. [TOR pur] a state of inactivity or
top v. 1. SURPASS best, beat, outdistance, out- sluggishness. The oppressive heat caused wide-
perform, outclass, eclipse, exceed, outshine, spread torpor. SYN. inactivity, dormancy, in-
outdo, dominate, *leave the competition in ertia, sluggishness, slothfulness, deadness,
one’s wake, *blow away, *skunk. 2. COVER lifelessness, languor, listlessness, *the blahs,
cap, crown, put over. ANT. 1. fail, lose, lag drowsiness, laziness, apathy. ANT. liveliness,
behind, trail. pep, vigor.
top a. highest, uppermost, topmost, leading, torrent n. flood, rush, stream, deluge, gush,
chief, dominant, greatest, best, paramount, white water, rapids, waterfall, cataract, cas-
highest-ranking, capital, most important, cade, overflow, tsunami, outpouring, down-
supreme, foremost, preeminent. ANT. bot- pour, cloudburst, spate.
tom, lowest, worst. torrential a. flooding, rushing, streaming, gush-
top-drawer a. first-rate, first-class, excellent, ing, cascading, overflowing, drowning,
the best. ANT. mediocre, second-rate. swamping, violent. ANT. gentle, leisurely.
top hat n. gibus, stovepipe hat. TORRID a. [TOR id] scorching hot. Also,
topic n. subject, subject matter, point of discus-
highly passionate or ardent. She was having
sion, issue, question, material, theme, prob-
a torrid love affair with her boss. SYN. *hot,
lem, text, business, thesis.
*red hot, *white hot, scorching hot, blazing,
topical a. current, contemporary, in the news,
blistering, parching, fiery, burning, flaming,
up-to-the-minute, up-to-date, popular, lo-
sizzling, sweltering, boiling, broiling, pas-
cal, provincial. ANT. out-of-date, *yesterday’s
news. sionate, ardent, lustful, amorous, sexually
top-level a. high-echelon, top-ranking, rank- charged, sexual, erotic. ANT. icy, cold, frigid,
ing, chief, leading. ANT. low-level, minor. wintry.
top-notch a. first-rate, first-class, top-drawer, torsion n. twisting, turning, torque, stress,
excellent, the best, supreme, the greatest, strain.
A-1, *blue-chip. ANT. the worst, poor, low. tortuous a. 1. WINDING twisted, twisting, sinu-
topple v. fall, totter, pitch, collapse, tip over, ous, crooked, serpentine, zigzagging, curvy,
founder, overturn, tumble, knock over, up- meandering, labyrinthine, involute, convo-
set, knock down, bring down, overthrow, luted. 2. DEVIOUS tricky, deceitful, decep-
vanquish, unseat, unhorse. tive, dishonest, misleading, indirect. ANT. 1.
tops a. SEE TOP-NOTCH straight, direct. 2. straightforward, honest,
topsy-turvy a. upside-down, upended, wrong forthright.
side up, inside-out, mixed up, jumbled, con- torture n. agony, torment, suffering, pain, an-
fused, backwards, *ass-backwards, helter- guish, hell, crucifixion, persecution, excru-
skelter, *pell-mell, chaotic. ANT. right-side ciation, punishment, abuse, misery, distress,
up, orderly. trial, tribulation, rack, third degree. SEE PUN-
torch n. light, flambeau, taper, firebrand, bea- ISHMENT
con. torture v. torment, pain, hurt, put through hell,
torment n. suffering, pain, torture, anguish, crucify, persecute, punish, abuse, distress,

600 Roget’s Superthesaurus


agonize, mistreat, afflict, excruciate, rack, touched a. 1. MOVED affected, stirred, impres-
*work over, *make one cry uncle. sed, shaken, disturbed, softened. 2. DE-
toss n. throw, pitch, lob, cast, chuck, fling, MENTED unbalanced, unstable, crazy, *nuts,
heave, flip, pass. insane, cuckoo, non compos mentis, men-
toss v. throw, pitch, lob, cast, chuck, fling, tally ill, mad, deranged. ANT. 1. unaffected,
heave, flip, pass. stony. 2. sane, competent.
tot n. child, toddler, preschooler, baby, infant, touching a. moving, affecting, heartwarming,
*rugrat. soul-stirring, *heavy, disturbing, heart-
total n. whole, sum, entirety, totality, bulk, breaking, heartrending, poignant, tear-jer-
amount, aggregate. king, pitiful, pitiable, arousing emotions.
total v. add up, tote, number, figure, sum up, ANT. unemotional.
count, compute, calculate, reckon. TOUCHSTONE n. [TUCH stone] any mea-
total a. complete, whole, entire, thorough, sure or test for worth or genuineness, a stan-
comprehensive, *A-Z, thoroughgoing, all- dard. His masterpiece was the touchstone
inclusive, combined, full, absolute, uncon- against which all others were judged. SYN. mea-
ditional, unqualified, unmitigated, all-out. sure, standard, yardstick, benchmark, gauge,
ANT. partial, limited, incomplete, qualified. criterion, test, acid test, ideal, model.
TOTALITARIAN a. [to TAL uh TAIR ee touchy a. 1. IRRITABLE oversensitive, ultrasensi-
un] authoritarian, autocratic, controlled by tive, hypersensitive, easily offended,
only one party or group. They suffered under grouchy, testy, grumpy, cranky, petulant,
a totalitarian regime. SYN. authoritarian, au- moody, churlish, thin-skinned, tempera-
tocratic, fascist, dictatorial, tyrannical, mo- mental. 2. RISKY ticklish, delicate, prickly,
nolithic, despotic, undemocratic, Nazi. ANT. precarious, sensitive, tricky, *dicey, touch-
democratic. and-go. ANT. 1. easygoing, imperturbable,
totally adv. completely, entirely, wholly, com- thick-skinned. 2. safe.
prehensively, fully, utterly, absolutely, thor- tough n. *tough guy, bully, *roughneck, *punk,
oughly, unconditionally. ANT. partially, thug, hoodlum, ruffian, hooligan, *goon.
slightly. tough a. 1. STRONG pliable, *tough as shoe
leather, unbreakable, *tough as nails, rug-
tote v. carry, haul, lug, transfer, convey,
ged, hardened, durable, enduring, sound,
*schlep, transport.
firm, vigorous, solid, conditioned, fit, hardy,
totter v. falter, rock, stagger, wobble, topple,
brawny, strapping, muscular, Herculean,
lurch, shake, stumble, sway, waver, bob,
burly, robust. 2. CHEWY uncooked, stringy,
leathery, gristly, *tough as shoe leather. 3.
touch n. 1. CONTACT feel, stroke, pat, kiss, ca- STUBBORN obstinate, unyielding, inflexible,
ress, tap, fingering. 2. SENSE OF TOUCH feel, *hard-nosed, headstrong, firm, adamant,
tactile sense, tactility, sensation. 3. TEXTURE unbending, resolute, strict, severe, rough,
feel, grain, surface. 4. SKILL technique, way, bullheaded. 4. HARD demanding, difficult,
sensitivity, finesse, art, flair. 5. TRACE hint, troublesome, vigorous, laborious, toilsome,
suggestion, slight amount, tinge. 6. COMMU- brutal, harsh, rough, trying, formidable,
NICATION contact. complicated, complex, violent. ANT. 1.
touch v. 1. FEEL finger, handle, stroke, pat, ca- weak, soft, fragile, breakable. 2. softened,
ress, palpate, fondle, paw, palm, massage. 2. tender, tenderized, cooked. 3. yielding, acquies-
BRING INTO CONTACT strike, brush, tap, hit, cent, irresolute. 4. easy, undemanding, simple.
graze, bump into, come up against. 3. ADJOIN toughen v. harden, temper, anneal, season,
border on, abut, join, meet, converge, im- strengthen, inure, steel, fortify, acclimate.
pinge upon. 4. AFFECT move, *pluck at one’s ANT. weaken, enfeeble.
heartstrings, *strike a chord, make an im- tough-minded a. realistic, practical, unsenti-
pression, influence, arouse, excite, stimu- mental, *hard-nosed. ANT. weak, mawkish.
late, stir one’s soul, *hit home, *strike a toupee n. wig, *rug, hairpiece, peruke.
nerve, disturb. 5. REGARD bear upon, have tour n. 1. SHIFT turn, stint, spell, stretch, period,
to do with, involve, deal with, concern, per- cycle, round. 2. TRIP sight-seeing expedi-
tain to. 6. COMPARE WITH equal, rival, *hold tion, journey, cruise, voyage, excursion, jun-
a candle to, *be in the same league, match, ket, jaunt, expedition, itinerary, grand tour.
*be on a par with. tour v. visit, sightsee, travel, journey, take a

Roget’s Superthesaurus 601

Tour de Force–Tradition

trip, go on the road, *globetrot, cruise, voy- toxin n. poison, noxious substance, venom, vi-
age, take a junket, go on an excursion, ex- rus, pathogen, contaminant, botulism, hem-
plore, *barnstorm. lock, arsenic, deadly nightshade.
TOUR DE FORCE n. [toor de FORS] a feat toy n. plaything, game, doll, ball, teddy bear,
of exceptional skill, talent or strength, a bauble, trinket.
spectacular achievement. The critics called toy v. play with, entertain oneself with, trifle,
his latest book a tour de force. SYN. spectacular dally.
achievement, feat of strength, feat of great toy a. miniature, dwarf, pygmy, small-scale.
skill, grand achievement, accomplishment, ANT. huge, giant.
masterpiece, masterwork, chef d’oeuvre. trace n. touch, hint, tinge, suggestion, shade,
tourist n. traveler, visitor, sightseer, *globe- suspicion, taste, whiff, vestige, evidence,
trotter, wayfarer, day-tripper, jet-setter, pinch, breath, drop, speck.
*rubbernecker. trace v. 1. TRAIL track, follow, search for,
tournament n. contest, tourney, competition, shadow. 2. ASCERTAIN dig up, root out, in-
duel, meet, match, sporting event, joust, tilt. vestigate, discover, unearth. 3. DRAW OVER
tousled v. mussed, messed up, disordered, disar- duplicate, copy, sketch, delineate.
ranged, tangled, entangled, disheveled, track n. 1. PRINT footprint, tread, imprint, trail,
rumpled, unkempt, uncombed, ungroomed. spoor, mark. 2. COURSE race course, roadway,
tout v. 1. RECOMMEND puff, ballyhoo, praise, railway, path, walkway, passage.
*talk up, brag about, extol, *hype, idealize, track record n. history, statistics, *stats, per-
exaggerate, *plug, acclaim, promote. 2. SO- formance history.
LICIT peddle, *drum up business, hawk, tract n. 1. EXPANSE stretch, acreage, parcel, lot,
vend, pitch. ANT. 1. condemn, denigrate, area, extent, real estate, plot, spread, land.
*badmouth. 2. PAMPHLET booklet, brochure, leaflet,
tout de suite adv. at once, immediately, right study, sermon, propaganda.
away, pronto, without delay, now. ANT. tractable a. obedient, docile, manageable, com-
eventually, in the future. pliant, controllable, tame, submissive, yield-
tow v. pull, drag, haul, lug, transport, yank, ing, meek, pliant, malleable. ANT. intracta-
trawl. ble, disobedient, wild, unmanageable.
toward prep. in the direction of, facing. traction n. grip, adherence, adhesion, *bite,
towel n. wipe, hand cloth, wash cloth. purchase, hold, pulling, drawing.
tower n. 1. TALL BUILDING skyscraper, high-rise, tractor-trailer n. truck, *semi, trailer truck,
spire, monolith, obelisk, belfry, steeple, eighteen wheeler.
minaret, belltower. 2. FORTRESS castle, trade n. 1. LINE OF WORK occupation, business,
prison, dungeon, donjon, keep, bastille. profession, vocation, job, metier, craft, skill,
tower v. rise over, soar, overshadow, eclipse, employment, calling. 2. BUYING AND SELLING
loom, *stand head and shoulders above, as- commerce, marketing, exchange, merchan-
cend. dising, mercantilism, barter, interchange,
towering a. 1. HIGH tall, skyscraping, *cloud- transaction. 3. CUSTOMERS clientele, pa-
puncturing, *cloud-kissing, sky high, lofty, trons.
soaring, airy, titanic, gigantic. 2. GREAT trade v. 1. SWAP exchange, barter, switch, inter-
huge, intense, powerful, extraordinary, mas- change. 2. DO BUSINESS WITH buy and sell,
sive, extreme, tremendous, stupendous, un- deal, transact, patronize, shop.
rivaled, unmatched, unequaled, *head and trademark n. symbol, brand, label, logo, logo-
shoulders above. ANT. 1. low, short, stubby. type, identification, insignia, colophon.
2. insignificant, small, trivial. trader n. merchant, monger, buyer and seller,
town n. village, settlement, hamlet, commu- dealer, retailer, trafficker, vendor, hawker,
nity, township, whistlestop, municipality, peddler, business person.
city, burg. ‘‘Where there is no place to go trade secret n. proprietary knowledge.
where you shouldn’t be.’’—Alexander tradition n. custom, practice, convention,
Woollcott. habit, unwritten law, institution, obser-
toxic a. poisonous, unhealthy, harmful, nox- vance, ritual, belief, folklore, lore, *genera-
ious, deadly, lethal, fatal, nocuous, venom- tional hand-me-down. ‘‘What you resort to
ous, virulent. ANT. nontoxic, harmless, when you don’t have the time or the money
healthy. to do it right.’’—Kurt Adler.

602 Roget’s Superthesaurus


traditional a. customary, conventional, habit- training n. preparation, schooling, drilling, ed-

ual, handed down, established, practiced, ucation, teaching, coaching, qualification,
institutional, accustomed, fixed, classic, or- instruction, discipline, practice, condition-
thodox, time-honored, familial, historic. ing, workout, exercise.
ANT. new, untried, unconventional. traipse v. walk, wander, tramp, roam, gad, rove,
traduce v. vilify, defame, slander, malign, slur, ramble, meander, walk aimlessly.
cast aspersions on, smear, libel, denigrate, trait n. characteristic, quality, attribute, distin-
*bad-mouth, calumniate, *drag one’s name guishing feature, idiosyncrasy, quirk, prop-
through the mud. ANT. praise, extol, honor. erty, hallmark, trademark.
traffic n. 1. VEHICULAR MOVEMENT congestion, traitor n. betrayer, *backstabber, turncoat, Ju-
*bottleneck, jam, gridlock, *bumper-to- das, renegade, *double-crosser, Benedict
bumper traffic, rush hour, transportation, Arnold, *snake in the grass, one who com-
movement, commuters, travelers. 2. BUYING mits treason, recreant, deserter, defector.
AND SELLING trade, commerce, merchandis- ANT. loyalist, patriot.
ing, marketing, exchange, business, barter, traitorous a. disloyal, treacherous, treasonous,
smuggling, black marketing, transactions. betraying, *backstabbing, *double-crossing,
traffic v. buy, sell, trade, merchandise, market, sneaky, untrue, Janus-faced, renegade, turn-
exchange, do business in, deal in, peddle, coat, recreant. ANT. loyal, faithful, true.
smuggle, sell on the black market, *bootleg. trajectory n. course, path, track, flight, arc,
tragedy n. 1. MISFORTUNE disaster, catastrophe, curve, orbit.
adversity, calamity, blow, heartbreaker, bad tram n. rail car, streetcar, trolley.
luck, hardship, shock, reversal. ‘‘The differ- trammel n. restraint, shackle, constraint, im-
ence between what is and what might have pediment, hindrance, fetter, yoke.
been.’’—Alfred North Whitehead. 2. trammel v. restrain, shackle, restrict, constrain,
TRAGIC PLAY drama, melodrama. ANT. 1. confine, impede, hinder, obstruct, fetter.
blessing, good fortune, boon. 2. comedy. tramp n. 1. HOBO vagrant, transient, *bum, vag-
tragic a. disastrous, unfortunate, catastrophic, abond, derelict, street person, homeless per-
calamitous, sad, heartbreaking, unlucky, son, panhandler, beggar. 2. HIKE OR MARCH
shocking, unhappy, crushing, dreadful, terri- walk, trek, expedition, traipse.
ble, grievous, pitiful, wretched, lamentable, tramp v. stamp, tread, trudge, plod, stump, slog,
horrible. ANT. blessed, good, wonderful, fortu- hike, march, wander, travel, ramble, trek,
nate. traipse.
trail n. 1. PATH pathway, footpath, track, trample v. stomp on, crush, walk on, tread on,
beaten track, footprints, bridle path, course, tramp, flatten, run over, stamp, squash.
rut, trace. 2. SPOOR scent, markings, telltale. trance n. hypnotic state, altered state of con-
trail v. 1. DRAG BEHIND haul, tow, pull, train. sciousness, daze, stupor, spell, glaze, trans-
2. FOLLOW track, shadow, hunt down, *dog, fixed state, dream state, abstraction, reverie.
stalk, sniff out. 3. HANG dangle, depend. 4. tranquil a. calm, peaceful, serene, quiet, still,
LAG BEHIND bring up the rear, fall back, drop relaxed, sedate, motionless, unmoving, hal-
behind. ANT. 4. lead, head. cyon, untroubled, restful. ANT. wild, noisy,
train n. 1. RAILROAD TRANSPORT *choo-choo, troubled, uproarious.
steam train, locomotive, monorail, subway, tranquility n. serenity, calm, peace, peaceful-
el, maglev train, express. SEE RAILROAD 2. ness, quiet, stillness, relaxation, sedation,
PROCESSION caravan, line, cortege, retinue, motionlessness, restfulness. ANT. wildness,
following, cavalcade, parade, entourage, se- agitation, uproar.
ries, chain. tranquilize v. sedate, calm, quiet, relax, hush,
train v. 1. PREPARE school, drill, educate, teach, pacify, soothe, put to sleep, *settle one’s
coach, qualify, instruct, discipline, practice, nerves. ANT. agitate, stir up, stress out.
condition, work out, get in shape. 2. AIM transact v. carry out, carry on, perform, make
draw a bead on, point, level, sight. a deal, execute, accomplish, do, discharge,
trainee n. apprentice, student, pupil, novitiate, prosecute, take care of, handle.
learner. transaction n. deal, agreement, bargaining,
trainer n. coach, instructor, teacher, mentor, contract, buy, sale, business, arrangement,
manager, handler. performance, operation, enterprise.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 603


TRANSCEND v. [tran SEND] to exceed, sur- SYN. sin, break a law, break a command-
pass or go beyond. The event transcended ex- ment, overstep one’s bounds, go beyond the
pectations. SYN. exceed, surpass, go beyond, limit, violate, trespass, disobey, infringe.
outdo, pass, go above and beyond, excel, TRANSGRESSION n. [trans GRESH un] sin,
eclipse, top, outshine, outdistance, outper- a breaking of the law. The courts will not for-
form. give major transgressions. SYN. sin, crime, of-
TRANSCENDENTAL a. [tran sen DENT ul] fense, violation, felony, evil, disobedience,
beyond human experience, supernatural, trespassing, infringement, infraction, misde-
spiritual. Also, excelling, surpassing. Deep meanor, wrong, breach.
meditation brings him transcendental experi- transient n. drifter, vagrant, vagabond, tramp,
ences. SYN. 1. SUPERNATURAL spiritual, oth- hobo, migrant worker, traveler.
erworldly, mystical, intangible, preternatu- TRANSIENT a. [TRAN shunt] temporary,
ral, metaphysical, abstract. 2. EXCELLING passing quickly. The blue moon is a transient
surpassing, extraordinary, supreme, unsur- phenomenon. SYN. temporary, passing, fleet-
passed, unrivaled, unequalled, incompara- ing, impermanent, short-lived, transitory,
ble, superior. ANT. 1. worldly, earthly, physi- ephemeral, momentary, short-term, brief,
cal, tangible. 2. common, ordinary. evanescent. ANT. permanent, long-term, last-
transcribe v. write out, type out, type up, re- ing.
cord, copy, transfer, translate, transliterate, transit n. passage, conveyance, transport, prog-
decipher shorthand. ress, transition, change. SEE TRANSITION
transcriber n. stenographer. transition n. change, transformation, switch,
transcript n. copy, written copy, typed copy, shift, conversion, changeover, metamor-
printed copy, translation, transcription, re- phosis, passage, transmogrification, trans-
cording, transliteration. mutation.
transcription n. SEE TRANSCRIPT transitory a. transient, passing, temporary,
transfer n. transference, transferal, transposi- fleeting, impermanent, short-lived, ephem-
tion, repositioning, relocation, move, trans- eral, momentary, short-term, brief, evanes-
plant, displacement, transportation, con- cent. ANT. permanent, long-term, lasting.
veyance. translate v. 1. INTERPRET metaphrase, decipher,
transfer v. 1. MOVE remove, relocate, convey, transcribe, transliterate, *put in English,
reposition, transplant, transpose, transport, render, spell out, clarify, decode, paraphrase,
send, deliver, forward, transmit. 2. SIGN
rephrase, reword. 2. CHANGE convert, trans-
OVER deed, convey.
form, alter, transpose, metamorphose, trans-
transferal n. transference, transfer, move, re-
mogrify, turn.
moval, relocation, conveyance, transporta-
translation n. interpretation, rendition, tran-
tion, transplantation, transposition, dis-
placement. scription, metaphrase, paraphrase, reword-
transfix v. 1. HOLD ONE’S ATTENTION put in a ing, rephrasing, version, rendering, deci-
trance, spellbind, hypnotize, mesmerize, fas- phering, decoding, decryption. ‘‘Not
cinate, absorb, enchant, paralyze, rivet, versions but perversions.’’—Saint Jerome.
freeze. 2. IMPALE pierce, nail, spike, skewer, ‘‘Like viewing a piece of tapestry on the
lance, spear. wrong side where though the figures are dis-
transform v. change, convert, metamorphose, tinguishable yet there are so many ends and
transmute, alter, remodel, *do a chameleon, threads that the beauty and exactness of the
transmogrify, mutate, switch, *change one’s work is obscured.’’—Miguel de Cervantes.
spots, reinvent. translator n. interpreter, linguist, polyglot.
transformation n. change, conversion, meta- translucent a. semitransparent, clear, pellucid,
morphosis, transmutation, alteration, re- gauzy, diaphanous, see-through, transpar-
modeling, *a chameleon, transmogrifica- ent. ANT. opaque.
tion, mutation, transfiguration, metastasis. transmission n. 1. TRANSMITTING transference,
transfuse v. transfer, infuse, permeate, instill, passage, sending, conveyance, carrying. 2.
imbue. BROADCAST telecast, relay, airing. 3. GEAR-
TRANSGRESS v. [trans GRESS] sin, break a BOX drive train.
law, overstep a limit or boundary. A recidivist transmit v. send, transfer, convey, conduct, dis-
can be counted on to transgress again and again. patch, transport, forward, relay, impart,

604 Roget’s Superthesaurus


carry, communicate, broadcast, telecast, ra- trap n. snare, pitfall, deadfall, *booby trap,
dio, air. ANT. receive. spring trap, net, ploy, trick, artifice, ambush,
transmitter n. conductor, transceiver, beacon, bait, lure, hook, deception, machination,
signal source. stratagem, ruse, decoy, blind.
transmogrify v. change, metamorphose, mu- trap v. snare, catch, capture, nab, corner, cor-
tate, transmute. SEE TRANSFORM ral, net, entrap, ambush, trick, take by sur-
transmute v. mutate, change, metamorphose, prise, hook, bait, lure, *suck in.
transmogrify. SEE TRANSFORM trappings n. articles, articles of clothing, adorn-
transparent a. 1. CLEAR see-through, glassy, di- ments, outfit, gear, equipment, trimmings,
aphanous, crystalline, sheer, translucent, accoutrements, attire, apparel, parapherna-
gauzy, limpid, pellucid, lucid, invisible. 2. lia.
SIMPLE plain, obvious, understandable, ap- trash n. 1. RUBBISH refuse, waste, garbage, junk,
parent, self-explanatory, straightforward, leavings, remains, litter, debris, *crap,
evident, patent. 3. OPEN frank, honest, can- scraps, dregs, rubble. 2. NONSENSE foolish-
did, forthright, ingenuous, direct, real. ANT. ness, drivel, *bilge, *rubbish, *bunk, *crap,
1. opaque, nebulous, cloudy. 2. complex, un- *hogwash, *malarkey, balderdash, tripe,
clear, confusing, murky, *clear as mud. 3. dis- *baloney. 3. CHEAP LITERATURE yellow jour-
honest, underhanded, disingenuous. nalism, tabloid journalism, *crap, sensation-
transpire v. happen, come to pass, occur, come alism, kitsch, dime novel. 4. RIFFRAFF *bum,
about, take place, materialize, befall, arise, criminal, *dregs of the earth, scum, *good-
evolve, ensue. for-nothing, scoundrel, rogue.
transplant n. graft, donor organ. trash v. Sl. 1. CRITICIZE pan, insult, knock,
transplant v. 1. GRAFT transfer, relocate. 2. RE- *bad-mouth, *dump on, disparage, put
PLANT repot, uproot, transfer, relocate. 3. down, slam, *rank out, lambaste. 2. VANDAL-
MOVE resettle, relocate, transfer, remove. IZE destroy, wreck, ruin, demolish, tear apart.
transport n. 1. TRANSPORTATION transporting, trashy a. worthless, junky, *crappy, no good,
conveyance, movement, carrying, transit, cheap, useless, *crummy, *cruddy, *tinhorn,
shipment, hauling, trucking, delivery. 2. JOY *two-bit, *schlocky. ANT. worthy, meritori-
rapture, ecstasy, bliss, euphoria, *seventh ous, quality.
heaven, exaltation, *high, *rush, *cloud trauma n. shock, blow, injury, wound, jolt,
nine, happiness, nirvana. ANT. 2. depression, bombshell, upset, *emotional minefield, or-
misery, melancholy. deal, stress.
transport v. 1. CARRY convey, move, ship, haul, traumatic a. shocking, injurious, physically
truck, deliver, send, cart, transfer, run, lug, wounding, psychologically wounding, upset-
*tote, relay. 2. ENRAPTURE fill with joy, over- ting, disturbing, stressful, horrifying, deeply
joy, carry away, make ecstatic, entrance, emotional, scarring, damaging. ANT. reassur-
thrill, enthrall, make euphoric, bewitch, ing, comforting.
charm. ANT. 2. depress, fill with melancholy. traumatize v. shock, injure, wound, upset, dis-
transportation n. transport, conveyance, carry- turb, *stress out, horrify, *put through hell,
ing, carriage, transit, transferal, movement, *put through an emotional minefield, scar,
shipment, hauling, trucking, flight, delivery. scar for life, *drop a bomb on, jolt.
transported a. enraptured, overjoyed, filled travail n. 1. WORK toil, labor, sweat of one’s
with joy, carried away, ecstatic, euphoric, brow, strain, grind, exertion, drudgery,
blissful, entranced, enthralled, *in seventh pains, slavery. 2. PAIN agony, torture, an-
heaven, *on cloud nine, experiencing nir- guish, torment, hurt, suffering, distress. ANT.
vana. ANT. depressed, melancholic, miserable. 1. leisure, relaxation, recreation. 2. pleasure,
transpose v. interchange, reverse, exchange, joy.
switch, change places, swap places, *flip- travel n. traveling, journeying, touring, transit,
flop, commute, transfer. voyaging, cruising, globe-trotting, sight-
transsexual n. epicene, transvestite, cross- seeing, day-tripping, riding, flying, passage,
dresser. excursion, trek, jaunt. ‘‘A fool’s paradise.’’—
transverse a. crosswise, athwart, crossed, cross, Ralph Waldo Emerson. ‘‘An experience we
horizontal, diagonal, oblique. ANT. vertical. shall always remember, or an experience,
transvestite n. cross-dresser, *drag queen, fe- which, alas, we shall never forget.’’—Julius
tishist, transsexual. Gordon.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 605


travel v. 1. JOURNEY take a trip, tour, voyage, treasure n. 1. WEALTH riches, money and jew-
cruise, globe-trot, sight-see, day-trip, ride, els, fortune, hoard, pirate’s hoard, miser’s
fly, see the world, go on an excursion, take hoard, *tidy bundle, treasure-trove, king’s
a junket, *hit the road, go abroad, explore, ransom. 2. VALUABLE THING OR PERSON gem,
ramble, roam. 2. PROGRESS advance, move, jewel, pearl, rarity, prized possession, prize,
go forward, pass. ANT. 1. *have an armchair *find, *pride and joy.
adventure, stay put. treasure v. cherish, prize, value, appreciate,
traveler n. tourist, journeyer, voyager, sailor, adore, love, esteem, hold dear, regard
cruiser, globe-trotter, sightseer, day-tripper, highly. ANT. dislike, hold in contempt, disdain.
rider, flyer, *frequent flyer, explorer, ram- treasure-trove n. SEE TREASURE
bler, roamer, wayfarer, vagabond. treasurer n. bursar, purser, controller, banker,
traverse v. 1. CROSS pass over, go over, travel clerk.
over, cut across, span, bridge, intersect, bi- treasury n. 1. BANK vault, coffer, depository,
sect. 2. OPPOSE thwart, hinder, impede, ob- repository, safe, strongbox, safe deposit box,
struct, check, foil, frustrate. thesaurus. 2. FUNDS revenue, savings, assets,
TRAVESTY n. [TRAV is tee] a farce, an ab- money, reserve.
surd caricature or imitation. The bungled treat n. rare pleasure, rare delight, special favor
murder trial was a travesty of justice. SYN. or gift to oneself or another, a special joy, a
farce, imitation, poor imitation, caricature, welcome change, goody, tidbit, indulgence,
mockery, parody, burlesque, spoof, mimicry, extravagance. ANT. *same old same old, *the
perversion. usual.
travesty v. imitate, caricature, mock, parody, treat v. 1. ACT OR BEHAVE TOWARD use, deal
burlesque, mimic, lampoon, ridicule, per- with, handle, look upon, manage, react to-
vert. ward, relate to. 2. DOCTOR nurse, tend to,
trawl n. net, dragnet, line. mend, fix, care for, minister, prescribe, rem-
tray n. holder, receptacle, platter, salver, server, edy, heal, medicate, dress, bandage. 3. DIS-
serving plate. CUSS cover, talk about, write about, exam-
treacherous a. 1. DISLOYAL traitorous, backstab- ine, go over, consider, touch upon, review.
bing, untrue, unfaithful, duplicitous, dou- 4. PICK UP THE TAB FOR ANOTHER pay for,
ble-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced, perfidi- cover, *spring for, pick up the check, foot
ous, treasonous, *like a snake in the grass. the bill.
2. UNRELIABLE untrustworthy, insecure, haz- treatise n. study, article, work, essay, discussion,
ardous, slippery, undependable, precarious, dissertation, thesis, examination, treatment,
dangerous, unsafe, unstable, shaky. ANT. 1. composition, paper, book, monograph,
loyal, true, faithful. 2. safe, secure, reliable. tract.
treachery n. disloyalty, betrayal, traitorous be- treatment n. 1. HANDLING behavior towards,
havior, *stab in the back, backstabbing, per- dealing, usage, processing, management,
fidy, duplicity, double-dealing, treason, infi- conduct toward, manner toward. 2. MEDICAL
delity, *double-cross, *two-timing. ANT. CARE doctoring, nursing, prescription, rem-
loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity. edy, medication, cure, therapy, therapeutics,
treacle n. syrup, molasses. regimen.
tread v. 1. WALK OR WALK ON trod, trample, treaty n. agreement, contract, pact, entente,
tramp, march, trudge, step on, plod, hoof, covenant, compact, deal, alliance, arrange-
stride, stomp, stump, crush. 2. OPPRESS sub- ment, mutual understanding, suspension of
due, crush, trample, suppress, *jackboot into hostilities, cease-fire.
submission, subjugate. treble a. high-pitched, shrill, soprano. ANT.
treason n. betrayal, sedition, subversion, disloy- bass.
alty, treachery, stab in the back, insurrec- tree n. hardwood tree, softwood tree, conifer,
tion, insubordination, rebellion, revolt. ANT. evergreen, shrub, sapling, timber, acacia,
loyalty, patriotism, faithfulness. alder, apple, ash, aspen, balsam, banyan,
treasonous a. betraying, traitorous, seditious, bayberry, beech, birch, breadfruit, butter-
subversive, disloyal, treacherous, *backstab- nut, cacao, camphor tree, cashew, cedar,
bing, insubordinate, rebellious, mutinous. cherry, chestnut, chinaberry, cinnamon,
ANT. loyal, patriotic, faithful. clove, coconut, cottonwood, cypress, date

606 Roget’s Superthesaurus


palm, dogwood, ebony, elder, elm, eucalyp- uppermost story of leaves: canopy, crown
tus, fig, fir, frankincense, gingko, grapefruit, walk, tree-bordered: alameda
guava, gum, hawthorn, hazelnut, hemlock, wartlike protuberance: burl
hickory, holly, hornbeam, ironwood, juni- wind, knocked over by or off by wind: wind-
per, larch, laurel, lemon, lime, linden, lo- fall, windthrow
cust, magnolia, mahogany, mango, man- wind, line of trees planted to check: wind-
grove, maple, mimosa, mountain ash, break
mulberry, nutmeg, oak, olive, orange, palm, wood between bark and heartwood: sap-
papaw, papaya, peach, pear, pecan, persim- wood
mon, pine, pistachio, plum, pomegranate, SEE JUNGLE, FOREST
poplar, redwood, rosewood, sandalwood, trek n. journey, trip, odyssey, walk, hike, expe-
sassafras, satinwood, sequoia, spruce, syca- dition, peregrination, march, migration, ex-
more, tamarack, tamarind, tangerine, teak, odus, voyage.
tulip oak, walnut, willow, witch hazel, yew. trek v. walk, hike, *hoof it, slog, plod, trudge,
WORD FIND tramp, *beat feet, hobble along, journey,
bristles growing out of leaves: beard travel, migrate, roam, rove, range.
center of trunk: heartwood trellis n. lattice, latticework, espalier, pergola,
covering: bark grate, grid, arbor, bower.
cultivates, one who: arborculturist tremble v. shake, shiver, quiver, shudder,
cultivation of: arborculture quake, quaver, flutter, shake like a leaf,
dwarfed or stunted, Japanese variety of: bon- tremor, oscillate, throb.
sai tremendous a. 1. ENORMOUS huge, gigantic, co-
fantastically shaped, as an animal, by prun- lossal, monumental, massive, titanic, whop-
ing: topiary ping, great, grand, monstrous, gargantuan.
flaky bark, such as birch: scurf
2. WONDERFUL great, extraordinary, fantas-
fungus sometimes growing out of side: conk
tic, fabulous, *super, excellent, marvelous,
garden of: arboretum
*out of this world. 3. TERRIFYING horrifying,
giant: redwood, sequoia
dreadful, unnerving, frightening, scary,
growth rings to determine past climate,
*bloodcurdling, shocking, horrendous,
study of: dendrochronology
monstrous. ANT. 1. tiny, miniscule, puny, mi-
leaf-shedding: deciduous
croscopic, insignificant. 2. terrible, awful, rot-
pertaining to: arboreal
ten. 3. comforting, reassuring.
pitch hole: pitch pocket
region, trees of a: sylva tremor n. shaking, tremble, shiver, shudder,
ring marking past location of branch, tough: quaking, quaver, fluttering, throb, quiver,
knot ripple, trepidation.
rings of trunk from which age can be deter- tremulous a. 1. TREMBLING shaking, shaky,
mined: growth rings shivering, shuddering, fluttering, throbbing,
root, central: taproot quivering, quavering, rippling. 2. FEARFUL
rope and thread, inner bark used in: bast scared, timid, timorous, cowardly, flinching,
rotting leaves and debris collected under a fainthearted, anxious, nervous. ANT. 1.
tree: litter steady, still. 2. fearless, calm, relaxed.
sap or resin, excretes: gland trench n. ditch, furrow, hole, excavation, chan-
secretion: resin, sap nel, gully, fosse, moat, arroyo, gutter, con-
shady recess created by boughs: bower duit, drain, cut.
stub: stump TRENCHANT a. [TRENCH unt] sharp,
studies trees, one who: dendrologist scathing or penetrating. He gave a trenchant
study of: dendrology critique of the movie. SYN. sharp, scathing,
thicket of shrubby trees: chaparral, copse cutting, biting, pointed, caustic, acerbic,
thick with branches: ramose sarcastic, penetrating, incisive, keen, strong,
top cut to stimulate growth, tree with: pol- forceful. ANT. mild, dull, weak, *watered-
lard down.
trunk: bole, stock trend n. direction, course, drift, tendency, prev-
tumor in which insect lives: gall alence, inclination, track, flow, fashion,
twisted: gnarled style, *in thing, rage, craze, fad, vogue.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 607


trend v. run, tend, course, flow, incline, go, tribute n. gift, testimonial, gift of praise, ap-
lean, drift, gravitate, move. plause, eulogy, accolade, honor, respect, ac-
trendy a. Sl. en vogue, fashionable, *in, stylish, claim, recognition, acknowledgement.
current, *now, *mod, modern, *hip, *up-to- trick n. 1. DECEPTION artifice, dodge, ruse, *fast
the-minute, *cutting edge, *with it, con- one, machination, device, ploy, subterfuge,
temporary. ANT. old-fashioned, outdated, ob- hoax, fraud, evasion, feint, fake, cheat, con,
solete, passé, *out of it, *out. decoy. 2. PRANK joke, gag, practical joke,
TREPIDATION n. [trep uh DA shun] anxi- stunt, antic, *monkey business, *funny busi-
ety, fear, trembling. We approached the ness, *shenanigan, caper. 3. MAGIC STUNT
haunted house with trepidation. SYN. anxiety, sleight of hand, presdigitation, *fast shuffle,
fear, apprehension, uneasiness, nervousness, rabbit out of a hat, *smoke and mirrors, leg-
worry, dread, misgiving, cold sweat, fright, erdemain, hocus-pocus, illusion, *mind-
panic, terror, *butterflies, *cold feet, con- reading, *mentalism. 4. TECHNIQUE method,
sternation. ANT. calm, composure, *nerves of skill, secret, art, knack.
steel. trick v. deceive, fool, cheat, take in, *pull a
trespass n. 1. ENCROACHMENT overstepping of fast one, hoodwink, hoax, delude, *pull the
bounds, infringement, invasion, intrusion, wool over one’s eyes, *fake out, *sucker in,
incursion, *offsides. 2. TRANSGRESSION of- *rope in, decoy, defraud, swindle, *play for
fense, violation, wrong, sin, misdeed, crime, a fool.
criminal act, felony. trickery n. deception, deceit, subterfuge, cheat-
trespass v. 1. ENCROACH overstep one’s bounds, ing, fraud, hoax, imposture, delusion, arti-
enter unlawfully, invade, infringe, intrude, fice, *razzle-dazzle, sleight of hand, *fast
*gate-crash. 2. VIOLATE offend, commit a shuffle, ledgerdemain, hocus-pocus, *smoke
wrong, commit a sin, sin, commit a crime, and mirrors, chicanery, *funny business,
break the law, transgress, misbehave. skulduggery. ANT. honesty, truthfulness, open-
tress n. lock of hair, plait, braid, ringlet, hank. ness.
triad n. trinity, trio, threesome. trickle n. dribble, seepage, weeping, flow, sprin-
trial n. 1. TRYOUT test, try, run, dry run, check, kle, leak, stream, running, percolation, driz-
experiment, venture, *shot, *crack, *go, ex- zling.
amination, essay, trial balloon, road test, lab trickle v. dribble, seep, weep, flow, sprinkle,
test, clinical trial, *double blind, qualifying leak, stream, run, percolate, drizzle.
run. 2. HARDSHIP tribulation, test of one’s tricky a. 1. DECEPTIVE deceitful, artful, crafty,
wily, sly, *clever like a fox, cunning, under-
mettle, trial by fire, ordeal, travail, torment,
handed, *crooked as a three-dollar bill, slip-
torture, trouble, difficulty, distress, adver-
pery, cagey, shrewd. 2. COMPLICATED com-
sity, misfortune, hard times, suffering, grief,
plex, intricate, delicate, ticklish, sticky,
*cross to bear. 3. COURT PROCEEDING legal
knotty, thorny, touch-and-go. ANT. 1. hon-
proceeding, hearing, inquisition, jury trial,
est, truthful, open, artless. 2. easy, simple, *a
court case, suit, lawsuit, litigation, action, snap.
examination, arraignment, prosecution. tried and true a. tried, tested, proven, proved,
trial a. testing, experimental, tryout, observa- trustworthy, dependable, reliable, standing
tional, exploratory, probationary, pilot, ten- the test of time, reputable, *okay.
tative, provisional, preliminary, *watch and trifle n. 1. TRIVIAL THING triviality, insignificant
see. matter, nothing, no big thing, *nothing to
triathlon n. *iron man contest, marathon. sweat about, *nothing to get worked up
tribe n. clan, family, group, ethnic group, race, about, *tempest in a teapot, *molehill. 2.
kin, stock, *blood brothers, dynasty, com- SMALL AMOUNT paltry amount, pittance, plug
munity. nickel, little, speck, *thimbleful, drop, *tad,
tribulation n. misery, distress, suffering, an- smidgen, mite. 3. BAUBLE knickknack, gew-
guish, woe, affliction, misfortune, pain, gaw, trinket, gimcrack, bagatelle, toy. ANT.
grief, hardship, trouble, adversity, tragedy, 1. *big deal, monumental matter, weighty mat-
ordeal, burden. ANT. pleasure, good fortune, ter, *mountain. 2. wealth, bonanza, deluge,
joy. mass.
tribunal n. court, judiciary, forum, bench, bar. trifle v. treat lightly, make light of, play with,
tributary n. branch, fork, feeder, stream, brook. toy with, mock, fool with, dally, discount,

608 Roget’s Superthesaurus


shortchange, laugh off, pass over, *play a buzz, *have a psychedelic experience, *fly,
games with, disrespect, *dis. ANT. respect. experience an altered state, hallucinate.
trifling a. trivial, frivolous, unimportant, insig- tripe n. Sl. nonsense, *baloney, *BS, *crap,
nificant, nominal, inconsequential, petty, *rot, rubbish, garbage, bilge, drivel, trash.
minor, worthless, miniscule, piddling, slight, TRITE a. [TRITE] unoriginal, worn out, lack-
small, negligible, *not worth a hill of beans. ing freshness. His writing is uninspired and
ANT. important, weighty, monumental, crucial. trite. SYN. unoriginal, stale, worn out, over-
trigger n. impulse, spark, impetus, goad, spur. used, hackneyed, lacking freshness, cliché,
trigger v. set off, initiate, spark, fire, goad, spur, clichéd, stock, threadbare, pedestrian, com-
touch off, cause, generate, launch, trip. ANT. monplace, uninspired, stereotyped, tired,
dampen, inhibit, stop. shopworn, routine. ANT. original, fresh, imag-
trill n. warble, vibrato, tremolo, quaver, chirr, inative, new.
tiralee. SEE BIRD triumph n. 1. VICTORY success, win, achieve-
trill v. warble, quaver, pipe, chirr, tiralee. ment, accomplishment, hit, feat, conquest,
trim n. 1. CUTTING clipping, pruning, shaping. score, *home run, *grand slam, *touch-
2. CONDITION order, shape, fitness. 3. DECO- down, *slam-dunk, coup, tour de force. 2.
RATION ornamentation, trimming, adorn- CELEBRATION elation, rejoicing, happiness,
ment, border, edging. jubilation, exultation, acclamation. ANT. 1.
trim v. 1. CUT clip, prune, lop, shear off, snip, failure, loss, flop, *goose egg. 2. humiliation,
shave, crop, bob, pare down, sculpt, reduce, shame, dishonor.
boil down, edit. 2. DECORATE ornament, triumph v. 1. BE VICTORIOUS win, best, master,
adorn, bedeck, embellish, dress, garnish, fes- defeat, beat, *blow away, conquest, prevail,
toon, *spruce up, edge, border. *leave swirling in one’s wake, succeed,
trim a. 1. WELL-PROPORTIONED shapely, fit, achieve, accomplish, score, *hit a home run,
toned, statuesque, slender, thin, svelte. 2. *hit a grand slam, *throw a touchdown,
NEAT orderly, tidy, shipshape, organized, *in
*slam-dunk, *skunk. 2. CELEBRATE rejoice,
apple-pie order, uncluttered, groomed. ANT. exult, be elated, bask in the glory, revel,
1. out of shape, fat, roly-poly, obese. 2. messy, gloat. ANT. 1. lose, *blow it, *choke, flop. 2.
sloppy, disarranged. mope, fret.
trimming n. overwhelming defeat, loss, beat- triumphant a. 1. VICTORIOUS winning, success-
ful, masterful, undefeated, unbeaten, con-
ing, thrashing, *skunk.
quering, *on top, champion. 2. REJOICING
trimmings n. side dishes, extras, fixings, appe-
celebrating, exultant, elated, proud, basking
in glory, gloating. ANT. 1. defeated, beaten,
trinity n. triad, trio, threesome, unit. SEE TRIO
*blown away. 2. moping, fretting, humiliated,
trinket n. bauble, trifle, ornament, toy, gim-
*taken down a peg, crestfallen.
crack, gewgaw, knickknack, bagatelle, to-
trivia n. 1. INSIGNIFICANT MATTERS trivialities,
ken, souvenir, keepsake. trifles, minutiae. 2. USELESS INFORMATION
trio n. group of three, unit of three, triad, trin- tidbits, fascinating facts, memorabilia.
ity, threesome, ménage à trois, trilogy, trian- trivial a. unimportant, insignificant, inconse-
gle, triplets, troika, triumvirate. quential, petty, trifling, slight, picayune,
trip n. 1. JOURNEY voyage, cruise, excursion, piddling, frivolous, worthless, meaningless,
trek, expedition, jaunt, junket, outing, hike, minor, slight, *rinky-dink, *penny-ante,
flight, run, drive, errand. 2. STUMBLE mis- paltry. ANT. important, significant, weighty,
step, fall, tumble, slip, loss of footing, monumental.
*header, pratfall, flop, mistake, blunder, triviality n. trifle, nothing, no big thing, *no
faux pas. 3. Sl. MIND TRIP *rush, hallucina- big deal, *nothing to sweat about, *nothing
tion, euphoria, *psychedelic experience, al- to get worked up about, detail.
tered state, consciousness raising, *head troglodyte n. caveman, cave-dweller, Neander-
trip, *high, *buzz. thal, anthropoid, brute, beast, animal, ape,
trip v. 1. STUMBLE misstep, lose one’s footing, recluse, hermit.
fall, tumble, slip, *take a header, lose one’s troika n. triumvirate, trinity, group of three. SEE
balance, go headlong, *fall flat on one’s TRIO
face. 2. MAKE A MISTAKE blunder, *screw up, troll n. mythical beast, giant, goblin, hobgob-
slip, err, *blow it, *muff, *flub, commit a lin, ogre, monster, imp, gnome, dwarf, trog-
faux pas. 3. Sl. GET HIGH FROM DRUGS *catch lodyte.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 609


trolley n. streetcar, tram, cart. maintenance person, technician, service-

troop n. group, herd, flock, throng, crowd, man, *Mr. Fixit.
band, gang, assembly, assemblage, bunch, troublesome a. difficult, bothersome, distress-
swarm, host, multitude. ful, stressful, hard, challenging, demanding,
troop v. walk, pass, march, parade, file, swarm, tough, taxing, trying, burdensome, tricky,
tramp, hike. complex, complicated, thorny, convoluted,
troops n. soldiers, military, men, infantry, G.I.s, vexing, irritating, irksome. ANT. easy, simple,
armed forces, army, marines, corps, squad, undemanding, untroubling, *a breeze.
combatants, cannon fodder. SEE ARMY trough n. channel, gutter, hollow, trench,
trophy n. prize, award, cup, loving cup, medal, ditch, culvert, drain, sluice, moat.
laurel, plaque, blue ribbon, recognition, trounce v. beat, thrash, whip, flog, *whoop,
honor, citation, memorial. *whale on, defeat, *lick, *skunk, *kick butt,
tropical a. hot, humid, sweltering, torrid, sultry, rout, drub, best, overwhelm, *walk all over,
*like a steambath, steamy, sticky, damp, *kill, *shellac. ANT. lose, *choke, fail, be
muggy, close, oppresive, equatorial. ANT. beaten soundly.
frigid, icy, snowy, polar. troupe n. troop, cast, company, band, group,
trot n. jog, run, lope, gait, canter. SEE HORSE performers, actors, thespians, stock com-
trot v. jog, run, lope, canter, amble, hurry pany. SEE THEATER
along, move along quickly, *clip-clop. trousers n. pants, slacks, breeches, *britches,
trot out v. show, display, exhibit, parade, show pantaloons, jeans, dungarees, overalls, cor-
off. duroys, *cords. SEE PANTS
troubador n. poet, songwriter, balladeer, lyri- trousseau n. outfit, clothes, bundle.
cist, singer, minstrel. truant n. absentee, malingerer, shirker, dodger,
trouble n. 1. DIFFICULTY distress, problem, pre- *goldbricker, idler, *goof-off, layabout, ju-
dicament, hardship, *hot water, *fix, mess, venile delinquent.
*scrape, *deep doodoo, spot, dire straits, truant a. absent, *playing hooky, *cutting
class, *skipping school, absent without
bind, hole, jam, *pickle, *sticky wicket, ad-
leave, AWOL.
versity, bad news, misfortune, heavy
truce n. armistice, cease-fire, peace treaty,
weather, danger, calamity, tribulation, pain,
peace agreement, cessation of hostilities,
suffering, misery, grief, woe. ‘‘The tools by
suspension of hostilities, reconciliation,
which God fashions us for better things.’’—
*white flag.
Henry Ward Beecher. ‘‘What you make
truck n. 1. *BIG RIG eighteen-wheeler, tractor-
it.’’—Edmund Cooke. 2. DISTURBANCE agita-
trailer, trailer truck, *semi, *flatface, flat-
tion, turmoil, disorder, unrest, rebellion, dis-
bed, dump truck, *pickup, van, panel truck,
cord, upset, discontent. 3. BOTHER effort, lorry. 2. DEALINGS relationship, association,
pains, inconvenience, difficulty, headache, business, transactions, commerce, barter,
work, labor, stress, strain, exertion, *pain in trading, buying and selling.
the neck, *pain in the ass. 4. TROUBLING PER- WORD FIND
SON OR THING *pain, *pain in the neck,
cab with sleeping department: sleeper
*pain in the ass, *bad news, troublemaker, driver and passenger portion: cab
nuisance, nag. ANT. 1. ease, pleasure. 2. truck v. haul, transport, carry, ship, transfer,
peace, tranquility, calm. convey, run.
trouble v. 1. DISTURB bother, inconvenience, truckle v. cringe, toady, *kiss up, *brownnose,
put out, discommode, *bug, impose upon, kowtow, bow before, bow and scrape, grovel,
harass, burden, distress, perturb, pain, worry, *fall all over, *suck up to, fawn, *bootlick,
upset, stress, agitate, fluster. 2. MAKE AN EF- submit. ANT. dominate, stand up to, resist.
FORT take pains, exert. truculent a. fierce, mean, harsh, pugnacious,
troublemaker n. agitator, mischief-maker, imp, nasty, hostile, belligerent, combative, bru-
devil, hellion, pest, rebel, agent provoca- tal, ferocious, savage, vicious, ruthless, mur-
teur, *pain in the neck, *pain in the ass, derous, cruel, rude. ANT. pleasant, good-na-
instigator, incendiary, firebrand, malcon- tured, good-humored, nice.
tent, enfant terrible. ANT. pacifist, peace- trudge n. walk, tramp, slogging, plodding, hike,
maker, angel. *schlepp.
troubleshooter n. repairman, repair person, trudge v. walk, tramp, slog, plod, hike, traipse,

610 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*schlepp, clomp, *drag one’s feet, stump, monopoly, cartel, company, conglomera-
hobble. tion. ANT. 1. distrust, doubt, reservations.
true a. 1. FACTUAL real, actual, valid, legiti- trust v. 1. BELIEVE IN have confidence in, have
mate, bona fide, accurate, correct, genuine, faith in, set store by, rely on, take stock in,
authentic, veracious, verified, proven, con- depend on, bank on, count on, swear by.
firmed, straight, literal, beyond question, 2. HOPE be optimistic, assume, anticipate. 3.
right. 2. FAITHFUL loyal, allegiant, devoted, ENTRUST give for safekeeping, assign. ANT. 1.
dedicated, trustworthy, steady, reliable, de- distrust, disbelieve, have reservations about.
pendable, constant, staunch, pure, dutiful, trustee n. warden, custodian, agent, executor,
patriotic, *true-blue. 3. RIGHTFUL lawful, le- fiduciary.
gitimate, legal. 4. FITTED aligned, level, trusting a. trustful, believing, credulous, gull-
plumb. ANT. 1. untrue, false, fictional, imagi- ible, unquestioning, unsuspecting, confi-
nary. 2. disloyal, unfaithful, backstabbing. 3. dent, naive, innocent, oblivious. ANT. suspi-
illegal, illegitimate, unlawful. 4. misaligned, cious, wary, cynical, skeptical.
skewed. trustworthy a. reliable, dependable, honest,
true adv. truly, truthfully, honestly, accurately, honorable, tried and true, upright, ethical,
correctly, precisely, exactly. ANT. falsely, un- responsible, truthful, loyal, faithful, princi-
truthfully. pled, *okay. ANT. dishonest, dishonorable, un-
true-blue a. faithful, loyal, tried and true. SEE reliable, irresponsible.
truffle n. fungi, mushroom, delicacy. truth n. 1. REALITY facts, factualness, actuality,
truism n. platitude, cliché, bromide, saw, com- veracity, verity, *gospel, *naked truth, *un-
monplace, axiom, fact, maxim, aphorism, varnished truth, plain truth, truthfulness,
truth, universal truth. accuracy. ‘‘The heart of morality.’’—
truly adv. truthfully, honestly, accurately, cor- Thomas Henry Huxley. ‘‘The strongest ar-
rectly, genuinely, unquestionably, really, gument.’’—Sophocles. ‘‘A jewel which
sincerely, actually, literally. ANT. falsely, should not be painted over; but it may be set
questionably, inaccurately. to advantage and shown in a good light.’’—
trump v. surpass, outdo, outsmart, outwit, best, George Santayana. 2. FACT principle, rule,
defeat, outperform, excel, beat, outscore,
universal truth, certainty, truism, axiom,
platitude. ANT. 1. fiction, imagination. 2. lie,
trumped up a. false, made up, fraudulent, con-
cocted, invented, fabricated, devised,
truthful a. 1. HONEST straight, candid, plain-
*cooked up. ANT. legitimate.
trumpet n. 1. HORN wind instrument, bugle, flu- spoken, frank, *on the level, *from the
gelhorn. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 2. CLAR- heart, sincere, straightforward, forthright,
ION BLAST toot, trumpeting, fanfare, blare,
veracious. 2. ACCURATE precise, exact, lit-
honk. eral, true, factual, real. ANT. 1. dishonest, in-
trumpet v. proclaim, announce, herald, cry out. sincere, deceitful. 2. inaccurate, inexact, exag-
truncate v. cut off, shorten, lop, clip, trim, gerated.
prune, pare, dock, curtail, abbreviate. try n. attempt, *shot, *crack, *whirl, *go,
truncheon n. baton, billy club, cudgel, stick, *stab, effort, trial, turn, essay.
bat, blackjack, mace. try v. 1. ATTEMPT endeavor, *take a shot at,
trundle v. roll along, wheel. *take a crack at, *give it a whirl, *give it a
trunk n. chest, box, footlocker, coffer, con- go, *make a stab at, make an effort, take a
tainer, case, *Saratoga trunk. turn, make a bid for, undertake, essay, ven-
trunks n. shorts, swim shorts, breeches. ture, strive, *knock oneself out, struggle, do
truss n. framework, bracing, girders, support. one’s best, work hard, labor, vie for, *buckle
truss v. 1. TIE bind. 2. SUPPORT hold up, prop, down, *go all out, *give it the old college
strengthen. try. 2. TEST experiment, try out, evaluate,
trust n. 1. CONFIDENCE belief, faith, hope, store, examine, assay, *put to the test, *check out,
reliance, assurance, certainty, conviction, appraise, prove, sample, taste. 3. BRING A
security. 2. CARE keeping, safekeeping, cus- CASE TO COURT hear a case, adjudicate,
tody, responsibility, charge, guardianship, judge, examine, decide. 4. STRAIN stress,
protection, watchful eye. 3. CORPORATION burden, tax, weary, trouble, sap.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 611


trying a. stressful, taxing, exasperating, drain- broken-down, shaky, unsteady, ramshackle,

ing, irritating, annoying, irksome, tiresome, *ready to collapse at the word boo, crum-
wearisome, burdensome, hard, troublesome, bling, rundown, decrepit, condemned. ANT.
aggravating. ANT. pleasurable, easy, relaxing. rock-solid, secure, stable, sturdy.
tryout n. audition, test, *cattle call, trial, dem- tumescent a. swollen, distended, bloated, tur-
onstration, hearing, *shot, opportunity, gid, puffed up, enlarged, tumid, *ballooned
*opportunity to strut one’s stuff. SEE THE- out, bulging. ANT. limp, flaccid, deflated.
ATER, SPORT(S) tummy n. abdomen, belly, gut. SEE STOMACH
TRYST n. [TRIST] a secret rendezvous made tumor n. growth, mass, tissue mass, neoplasm,
by lovers, an appointment to meet. The boss lump, carcinoma, sarcoma, cancer, mela-
and his secretary had a tryst every Friday night noma, malignancy, cyst, polyp. SEE CANCER
after work. SYN. rendezvous, meeting, ap- tumult n. uproar, commotion, disturbance,
pointment, date, engagement, assignation. hubbub, clamor, hullabaloo, pandemonium,
T-shirt n. tee-shirt, undershirt, pullover, *mus- upheaval, turmoil, furor, bedlam, ferment,
cle shirt. SEE SHIRT *to-do, ado, riot. ANT. peace, calm, tranquil-
tsunami n. tidal wave, deluge, flood, tidal bore, ity.
eagre, surge, giant sea swell. SEE OCEAN TUMULTUOUS a. [tuh MUL choo us] up-
tub n. bathtub, bath, hot tub, washtub, vessel, roarious, loud, wild, turbulent. The meeting
vat, tank, cask, keg, barrel. turned tumultuous after it was announced that
tuba n. helicon. SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT taxes would be raised. SYN. uproarious, loud,
tubby a. squat, chubby, chunky, fat, pudgy, noisy, wild, turbulent, clamorous, riotous,
dumpy. ANT. lithe, slender. stormy, tempestuous, vociferous, raging, vi-
tube n. cylinder, pipe, conduit, hose, duct, olent, raucous, out of control, rowdy, bois-
catheter, drain, conductor, line, inlet, out- terous. ANT. peaceful, calm, tranquil.
let, shaft, tunnel, subway. tundra n. plain, wasteland.
tubercle n. projection, growth, wart, nub, knob, tune n. 1. MELODY song, *ditty, air, number,
node, nodule, protuberance, tumor. composition, piece, aria, strain, ballad.
tubular a. cylindrical. WORD FIND
tuck n. fold, pleat, crease, gather, pucker. catchy part: hook, chorus
tuck v. 1. FOLD OR STICK enfold, gather, pleat, SEE OPERA, MUSIC, SONG
insert, stuff, cram. 2. WRAP enfold, cover, 2. PITCH agreement, harmony, concord,
swaddle, swath, enwrap, blanket. conformity, calibration.
tuckered out a. tired, exhausted, worn out, tune v. adjust, put in tune, pitch, harmonize,
weary, fatigued, *wiped out, spent, drained, align, calibrate.
*pooped, *dog tired. ANT. invigorated, ener- tuneful a. melodious, melodic, musical, harmo-
gized. nious, lyrical, euphonious, euphonic, sym-
tuft n. clump of hair, cluster, bunch, knot, wisp, phonic, pleasing to the ear, *catchy. ANT.
thatch, lock, shock, cowlick, topknot, cacophonous, discordant, jarring.
plume, tassel, tussock. SEE HAIR tunic n. coat, toga, frock, jupon, gipon, gar-
tug n. pull, yank, heave, tow, drag, haul, jerk, ment, blouse, vestment.
wrench. tunnel n. subway, subterranean passage, tube,
tug v. pull, yank, heave, tow, drag, haul, jerk, mine, mineshaft, *chunnel, underpass, bur-
wrench, draft, *lug, draw, wrestle, *muscle. row, hole. SEE CAVE
tuition n. schooling fee, charge, cost of educa- tunnel v. dig, burrow, excavate, cut, mine, blast
tion. out.
tumble n. 1. ROLL OR FALL somersault, hand- tunnel vision n. narrow outlook, shortsighted-
spring, stumble, trip, *header, *pratfall, ness, myopia.
spill, flop, crash, slip, dive. 2. DISORDER mess, turban n. headdress, head covering, hat, scarf,
confusion, jumble, disarray, chaos, heap. bandanna, tarboosh.
tumble v. 1. ROLL OR FALL somersault, hand- turbid a. muddy, cloudy, murky, unclear, dirty,
spring, stumble, trip, *take a header, *do a filthy, opaque, thick, soupy, roily, agitated,
pratfall, spill, flop, crash, slip, dive, drop, stirred-up. ANT. clear, crystal, transparent,
pitch, topple, plunge, *lose one’s footing, limpid.
*go flying, collapse, plummet, nosedive. turbine n. engine, motor, power source, *work
tumbledown a. dilapidated, rickety, unstable, horse, generator. SEE MOTOR

612 Roget’s Superthesaurus


turbulence n. agitation, violence, swirling, tainted. 6. SICKEN nauseate, unsettle. 7.

commotion, instability, roughness, distur- TWIST, AS AN ANKLE sprain, wrench, dislo-
bance, turmoil, tumult, storminess, wild- cate, throw out of joint.
ness, wind shear, gustiness. ANT. calm, quiet, turnabout n. about-face, reversal, shift, volte-
motionlessness. face, turnaround, *switcheroo, *a 180, *flip-
turbulent a. agitated, wild, violent, riled up, flop, backpedaling.
swirling, full of commotion, unstable, rough, turncoat n. traitor, betrayer, renegade, Judas,
disturbed, tumultuous, stormy, tempestuous, Benedict Arnold, backstabber, *double-
gusty, choppy. ANT. peaceful, calm, tranquil, crosser, *two-timer, snake, *squealer, *fink.
still, smooth. turndown n. rejection, no, rebuff, *nix,
turf n. 1. SOD earth, clod, clump, divot, sward, *thumbs-down, refusal, declining, disap-
grass, patch. 2. Sl. ONE’S TERRITORY neigh- proval, *no-go, veto. ANT. acceptance, ap-
borhood, ground, home ground, domain, proval, okay.
*stomping grounds, backyard. turn down v. reject, say no to, rebuff, *give
turgid a. 1. SWOLLEN distended, bloated, puffed a thumbs-down, refuse, decline, disapprove,
up, tumescent, tumid, inflated, *ballooned *nix, veto, *shoot down. ANT. accept, okay,
out. 2. BOMBASTIC inflated, overblown, gran- approve.
diose, grandiloquent, florid, pompous, oro- turning point n. crossroads, pivotal moment,
tund, flatulent. ANT. 1. flaccid, deflated. 2. critical moment, crisis point, juncture, *zero
concise, succinct. hour, Rubicon, point of no return.
turkey n. Sl. 1. FAILURE flop, *bomb, *dog, turn off v. Sl. bore, disinterest, *put to sleep,
loser, *clunker, *clinker, *dud, *Edsel, disgust, *make one sick, nauseate, sicken,
*lemon, *washout. 2. JERK loser, ass, *bozo, *turn one’s stomach. ANT. turn on, excite.
clown. turn on v. Sl. stimulate, excite, titillate, arouse,
turmoil n. turbulence, commotion, tumult, up- *get one’s motor running, *charge one’s bat-
roar, disturbance, agitation, unrest, wild- tery, impassion, *make hot. ANT. *turn off,
ness, chaos, confusion, disorder, pandemo- disgust, sicken.
nium, bedlam. ANT. peace, calm, tranquility. turnout n. 1. GATHERING, NUMBER crowd, multi-
turn n. 1. REVOLUTION rotation, gyration, circle, tude, gathering, assemblage, gate, showing,
curving, circuit, cycle, gyre, spin, twirl, collection, mob, bunch, swarm. 2. OUTPUT
eddy, whirl, roll, about-face, deviation, production, productivity, yield, amount.
pivot, twist, shift, winding, convolution. 2. turn out v. make, produce, manufacture, fabri-
CHANGE OF DIRECTION change of course, devi- cate, build, construct, put out.
ation, swerve, turnabout, reversal, diver- turn over v. flip, overturn, upset, upend, cap-
gence, shift, switch, curve, detour, fork, size, tip, *turn turtle.
shunt, deflection. 3. CURVE bend, hairpin turnpike n. toll highway, toll road, interstate,
turn, S-curve, zigzag, U-turn, arc, tack, dog- expressway, superhighway, pike. SEE STREET
leg, oxbow, hook. 4. OPPORTUNITY *crack, TURPITUDE n. [TUR pi TOOD] depravity,
*shot, try, move, time, chance, go, *whack, wickedness. She divorced him because of his
spell. 5. SHOCK fright, start, scare. 6. ACTION moral turpitude. SYN. depravity, wickedness,
act, deed, favor, kindness, service. immorality, corruption, vileness, baseness,
turn v. 1. REVOLVE rotate, go round, wheel, gy- evil, nastiness, sinfulness, vice, perversion.
rate, circle, make a circuit, cycle, spin, twirl, ANT. morality, virtue, uprightness, goodness.
eddy, whirl, roll, pivot, wind, crank, curve, turret n. tower, bartizan, watchtower, lookout,
swerve, veer. 2. CHANGE DIRECTION change cupola, steeple. SEE TOWER
course, curve, swerve, veer, deviate, diverge, tush n. rump, *fanny, rear, gluteus maximus.
detour, sidetrack, shunt, *take a fork in the SEE BUTTOCKS
road, diverge, reverse, loop, do an about- turtle n. terrapin, chelonian, tortoise, snapping
face, make a U-turn, follow a serpentine turtle, reptile.
path, zigzag. 3. REVERSE invert, transpose, WORD FIND
flip over, turn upside down, turn inside out. shell: carapace, plastron.
4. CHANGE transform, alter, metamorphose, tusk n. tooth, fang, ivory.
convert, transmute, mutate, transmogrify, tussle n. struggle, scuffle, fight, wrestling
reconstruct, remodel. 5. GO SOUR go bad, match, boxing match, *scrap, contest, com-
spoil, ferment, curdle, putrefy, rot, become bat, *tug-of-war, battle, conflict, fray, brawl,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 613


clash, *locking of horns, melee, donny- pain. 2. REMORSE qualm, regret, pang of con-
brook, *rumble. science, misgiving.
tussle v. struggle, scuffle, fight, wrestle, box, twinkle n. scintillation, flicker, flash, sparkle,
*scrap, contest, combat, *have a tug-of-war, glint, glimmer, shimmering, gleam, glitter,
battle, conflict, brawl, clash, *lock horns, spark, wink.
grapple. twinkle v. scintillate, flicker, flash, sparkle,
tussock n. tuft, clump, thicket. glint, glimmer, shimmer, gleam, glitter,
TUTELAGE n. [TOOT ul ij] teaching, in- spark, wink.
struction or care. Under the tutelage of his cur- twinkling n. instant, split second, wink, blink
rent coach, he won three championships. SYN. of an eye, heartbeat, flash, moment.
teaching, instruction, tutoring, schooling, twirl v. spin, rotate, whirl, wheel, turn, pirou-
training, coaching, guidance, direction, ette, revolve, pivot, gyrate, twist.
care, guardianship, supervision. twist n. 1. KNOT turn, winding, twine, twining,
tutor n. teacher, private teacher, instructor, braid, kink. 2. ROTATION twirl, spin, revolu-
private instructor, coach, mentor, educator, tion, torsion. 3. SPRAIN wrench, turn. 4.
trainer, guide, guru, master. TURN IN THE ROAD curve, zigzag, S-curve,
tutor v. teach, instruct, coach, educate, train, hairpin turn, bend, snake. 5. QUIRK eccen-
enlighten, cram, *show the ropes, *drum tricity, idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, ab-
into, drill. normality, aberration. 6. DISTORTION perver-
TV n. *telly, video, *idiot box. SEE TELEVISION sion, misrepresentation, misinterpretation,
twaddle n. nonsense, foolishness, balderdash, falsification, slant. 7. UNEXPECTED DEVELOP-
*rot, *rubbish, *crap, claptrap, drivel, prat- MENT plot twist, surprise, invention.
tle, tripe, blather, hogwash, *piffle. twist v. 1. KNOT turn, wind, twine, braid, kink,
tweak n. pinch, twist, turn, squeeze, nip, yank. entwine, tangle, plait, braid. 2. ROTATE turn,
tweak v. pinch, twist, turn, squeeze, nip, yank. spin, twirl. 3. SPRAIN wrench, turn. 4. TURN
tweet n. chirp, chip, cheep, chirrup, twitter. SEE IN THE ROAD curve, zigzag, bend, snake, fol-
BIRD low a serpentine pattern. 5. DISTORT pervert,
tweezers n. nippers, pincers, forceps, tongs. misrepresent, misstate, misinterpret, falsify,
twiddle v. twirl, tweak, twist, spin, finger, fiddle slant, lie, misconstrue.
with, toy with, trifle with, fool with. twisted a. 1. KNOTTED wound up, balled up, en-
twig n. branch, limb, shoot, bough, stick, stem, twined, full of kinks, tangled, plaited,
sprig, offshoot. braided, convoluted, crooked. 2. DISTORTED
twilight n. 1. DUSK gloam, sundown, sunset, wrong, inaccurate, mixed-up. 3. PERVERTED
eventide, nightfall, evening, moonrise, eccentric, weird. ANT. 1. smoothed, untan-
*shank of the evening, *gauzy light of dawn, gled. 2. true, accurate. 3. normal, sane.
*premonition of dawn. 2. DECLINE last days, twister n. cyclone, whirlwind. SEE TORNADO
*last gasp, swan song, ebb, *final curtain, twit n. idiot, jerk. SEE MORON
passing, retirement. twit v. reproach, tease, taunt, *dig, *razz, gibe,
twilight zone n. hallucinatory state, hypnogo- make fun of, kid, *rib, *rag on, disparage.
gic state, *dream world, nightmare world. twitch n. jerk, spasm, tic, quiver, shiver, qua-
twin n. double, match, fellow, duplicate, mirror ver, tremor, shake, throb.
image, carbon copy, clone, counterpart, twitch v. jerk, go into spasms, quiver, shiver,
*dead ringer, mate, alter ego, brother, sister, quaver, tremor, shake, throb, convulse, flut-
identical twin, fraternal twin, Siamese twin. ter, vellicate.
twin a. dual, double, paired, duplicate, match- twitter n. chirping, singing, chirruping, whis-
ing, same, corresponding, mirroring, identi- tling, tweeting, warbling, trilling. SEE BIRD
cal, fellow. ANT. different, dissimilar. twitter v. chirp, sing, chirrup, vocalize, call,
twine n. 1. STRING thread, cord, cordage, yarn, chatter, warble, trill, tweet, whistle. SEE BIRD
rope, hemp, braid, line, cable. 2. TANGLE two-bit a. cheap, inferior, gaudy, *bush, *bush-
knot, snarl, twist. league, dime-a-dozen, *one-horse, *tinhorn,
twine v. intertwine, interlace, entwine, twist, small-time, piddling, second-rate. ANT. first-
plait, braid, knit, weave, coil, wreathe. rate, superior, big-league.
twinge n. 1. PAIN pang, stab, stabbing, stitch, two-faced a. deceitful, insincere, double-deal-
twitch, pinch, cramp, prick, spasm, shooting ing, treacherous, Janus-faced, hypocritical,

614 Roget’s Superthesaurus


disingenuous, dishonest, backstabbing, dis- typify v. exemplify, represent, personify, epito-

loyal. ANT. loyal, *real, honest, sincere. mize, embody, characterize, stand for, de-
two-time v. Sl. betray, cheat, deceive, backstab, note, serve as an example.
stab in the back, be unfaithful, be disloyal. typist n. word processor, secretary, clerk, office
tycoon n. industrialist, mogul, financier, mag- worker.
nate, capitalist, *big shot, bigwig, *big typo n. typographical error, spelling error.
wheel, big-time operator, enterpriser, busi- tyrannical a. despotic, dictatorial, autocratic,
nessman. SEE BUSINESS ironhanded, authoritarian, high-handed,
tyke n. child, toddler, *little shaver, brat, imp. domineering, oppressive, cruel, harsh, un-
type n. 1. KIND sort, class, breed, order, species, just, arbitrary. ANT. democratic.
variety, persuasion, cast, genre, form, classi- tyrannize v. dictate, rule with an iron hand,
fication, genus, family, stock. 2. EXAMPLE dominate, oppress, bully, order around,
model, archetype, pattern, standard, epit- *jackboot into submission, *keep under
ome, personification, essence, rule. 3. CHAR- one’s thumb, step on, intimidate, subdue.
ACTERS typeface, printing, font.
ANT. rule democratically.
type v. 1. CLASSIFY categorize, sort, stamp, class,
tyranny n. dictatorship, autocracy, totalitarian-
grade, order. 2. TYPEWRITE *hunt and peck,
ism, despotism, oppression, reign of terror,
*touchtype, *bang out, key in, word process.
Type A n. hostile personality, *high octane iron hand, *jackboot authority, iron rule,
personality, *hot reactor, aggressive person- domination, authoritarianism, brutality,
ality. cruelty, severity. ‘‘Oppression, and sword-
typewriter n. word processor, office machine, law.’’—John Milton. ‘‘The worst of trea-
portable. sons.’’—Lord Byron. SEE GOVERNMENT
typhoon n. tropical storm, cyclone, hurricane, tyrant n. dictator, despot, autocrat, authoritar-
rain storm, deluge. ian, *Hitler, fascist, bully, absolute ruler, op-
typical a. normal, standard, average, common, pressor, overlord. ‘‘Nothing but a slave
regular, usual, conventional, expected, ha- turned inside-out.’’—Herbert Spencer.
bitual, stock, par, ordinary, run-of-the-mill. tyro n. beginner, novice, amateur, *rookie,
ANT. atypical, unusual, extraordinary, unex- *greenhorn, neophyte, novitiate, raw re-
pected. cruit, *tenderfoot, trainee. ANT. expert, mas-
typecast v. stereotype. ter, professional, *old hand.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 615


UBIQUITOUS a. [yoo BIK wuh tus] present extreme, best, superlative, preeminent. 2. FI-
everywhere at the same time, or seemingly NAL conclusive, last, concluding, ending,
so, omnipresent. The faithful believe God is completing, finishing, terminal, terminat-
ubiquitous. SYN. everywhere, omnipresent, ing, closing, furthest, farthest, eventual.
widespread, all-over, pervasive, universal, ANT. 1. lowest, minimum, worst. 2. beginning,
worldwide, far and wide, to the four corners initial, opening.
of the earth. ultimately adv. in the end, finally, eventually,
U-boat n. *steel shark. SEE SUBMARINE sooner or later, at last, after all, after all is
UFO n. unidentified flying object, flying sau- said and done.
cer, *bogey, extraterrestrial spacecraft. ultimatum n. last offer, final proposal, demand,
ugliness n. unattractiveness, repulsiveness, last chance, warning.
homeliness, grotesqueness, unsightliness, ultra a. extreme, beyond, excessive, radical, ex-
plainness, deformity, monstrousness, hid- travagant, inordinate, extraordinary, above
eousness, eyesore. ANT. beauty, attractiveness, and beyond, drastic.
loveliness. ultramodern a. futuristic, advanced, ahead of
ugly a. 1. UNATTRACTIVE repulsive, homely, its time, *cutting edge. ANT. old-fashioned,
hideous, unbecoming, grotesque, unsightly, archaic, passé
plain, deformed, monstrous, revolting, ululate v. howl, wail, lament.
*gross, misshapen, unappealing, *toad- umbrage n. offense, resentment, indignation,
faced, *rat-faced, *fish-faced, *not much on hurt, displeasure, grudge, pique, anger, huff.
looks, *has a great personality, an eyesore. ANT. pleasure.

2. DISAGREEABLE, BAD offensive, objection- umbrella n. parasol, shade, sunshade, cover,

able, unpleasant, disgusting, nasty, repug- canopy, bumbershoot. ‘‘A portable roof.’’—
nant, repellent, obnoxious, sickening, nau- Leonard Levinson.
seating, vile, distasteful. 3. THREATENING umpire n. judge, referee, arbiter, arbitrator, me-
ominous, menacing, forbidding, portenti- diator, adjudicator, *ump.
ous, dangerous, black, sinister, malevolent, unable a. incapable, not up to, helpless, power-
malignant. 4. CROSS ill-tempered, *mad, less, incompetent, ineffectual, ineffective,
impotent, unskilled, unfit, unschooled, un-
angry, *pissed, quarrelsome, bad-tempered,
qualified, inoperative, *out of commission.
surly, mean, nasty, cantankerous. ANT. 1. at-
ANT. able, capable, effective.
tractive, beautiful, lovely, appealing. 2. agree-
unabridged a. uncut, whole, complete, full-
able, pleasant, good. 3. auspicious, harmless,
length, total, intact, unshortened. ANT.
promising. 4. good-natured, good-humored,
abridged, cut, condensed.
easygoing. unacceptable a. unsatisfactory, unsuitable, not
ulcer n. ulceration, sore, peptic ulcer, canker, acceptable, improper, *not up to snuff, *be-
abscess, festering, lesion. low par, unfit. ANT. sufficient, adequate,
ulcerous a. ulcerated, cankerous, cankered, fes- proper.
tering, sore. ANT. healthy, healing, clean. unaccompanied a. alone, lone, solo, sole, soli-
ULTERIOR a. [ul TEER ee er] undisclosed, tary, unattended, single. ANT. accompanied,
hidden, beyond what is spoken. John said he paired, escorted.
wanted to judge the beauty pageant for the unaccustomed a. inexperienced, unseasoned,
money, but we suspected he had an ulterior mo- unused to, *green, raw, ignorant, unac-
tive. SYN. undisclosed, hidden, unspoken, quainted. ANT. accustomed, experienced.
unexpressed, covert, remote, unrevealed, unadorned a. unembellished, undecorated,
concealed, personal. ANT. expressed, obvious, bare, bald, stark. SEE PLAIN
evident. UNADULTERATED a. [un uh DULT uh
ultimate n. greatest, highest, best, height, top, rate ed] pure, unpolluted, undiluted, un-
pinnacle, summit, peak, last word, ne plus mixed. We found the national park still unadul-
ultra, culmination. ANT. lowest, minimum. terated and pristine. SYN. pure, unmixed, un-
ultimate a. 1. UTMOST maximum, highest, diluted, unpolluted, unalloyed,
greatest, uppermost, supreme, paramount, uncorrupted, untainted, uncontaminated,

616 Roget’s Superthesaurus


unspoiled. ANT. adulterated, contaminated, unprofitable, fruitless, worthless. ANT. fruit-

impure. ful, worthwhile, productive.
unaffected a. 1. NATURAL real, sincere, down- unavoidable a. inevitable, inescapable, bound
to-earth, unstudied, *folksy, *down-home, to happen, fated, unpreventable, inexora-
unpretentious, genuine, plain, simple. 2. ble, predestined, fixed, certain, *in the stars,
NOT AFFECTED unmoved, impassive, cool, required, obligatory, requisite, compulsory.
hard, callous, *thick-skinned, unimpressed, ANT. avoidable, preventable, optional, elective.
unconcerned, unchanged. ANT. affected, unaware a. unconscious, unknowing, ignorant,
phony, pretentious. oblivious, unsuspecting, unwitting, blind,
unafraid a. fearless, brave, courageous, bold, deaf, asleep, *out to lunch, *off in space.
*having nerves of steel, *having ice water in ANT. aware, conscious, knowing.
one’s veins, dauntless, unflinching, *gutsy, unawares adv. unexpectedly, suddenly, by sur-
*ballsy. ANT. cowardly, fearful, timid. prise, without warning, unknowingly, un-
unanimous a. undivided, universal, united, wittingly, off guard, *flat-footed, *out of the
like-minded, of one mind, concordant, in blue.
accord, in concert, as one, solid. ANT. di- unbalanced a. 1. UNSTABLE OR ASYMMETRICAL
vided, split, disagreeing. off-balance, unsteady, uneven, lopsided, ir-
unappetizing a. unappealing, nauseating, sick- regular, top-heavy, unequal. 2. CRAZY *nuts,
ening, *stomach-turning, *gross, disgusting, deranged, insane, mentally ill, psychotic,
unpalatable, unsavory, distasteful, *yucky. *psycho, erratic, irrational, eccentric, de-
ANT. appetizing, mouth-watering, appealing. mented. ANT. 1. balanced, stable, symmetri-
unapproachable a. 1. ALOOF cold, distant, re- cal, steady, even. 2. sane, rational, stable.
mote, standoffish, *snobby, snobbish, inac- unbearable a. intolerable, insufferable, unen-
cesible, forbidding, unfriendly, unsociable. durable, too much, unacceptable, more than
2. INCOMPARABLE unbeatable, unrivaled, un- one can stand, agonizing. ANT. bearable, tol-
equaled, unparalleled, without equal, peer- erable, endurable.
less. ANT. 1. approachable, warm, friendly, unbecoming a. unattractive, unappealing, in-
open. 2. second-rate, mediocre, poor, average. appropriate, unsuitable, improper, offensive,
unarmed a. defenseless, disarmed, weaponless, unseemly, indecent, tasteless, indecorous,
unprotected, vulnerable, exposed, weak, ill-fitting, unladylike, ungentlemanly. ANT.
open to attack, assailable. ANT. armed, *bris- proper, befitting, appropriate, ladylike, gentle-
tling with arms, unassailable. manly.
unassailable a. undeniable, incontrovertible, unbelievable a. beyond belief, incredible, far-
indisputable, beyond argument, sound, cer- fetched, suspect, questionable, outlandish,
tain, firm, rock-solid. ANT. assailable, open to inconceivable, impossible, implausible,
question, dubious. doubtful, dubious, improbable, *fishy. ANT.
UNASSUMING a. [un uh SOO ming] modest believable, credible, conceivable, probable.
and unpretentious. They were surprised to unbeliever n. doubter, skeptic, *doubting
find the famous actor to be shy and unassuming. Thomas, disbeliever, scoffer, nonbeliever,
SYN. modest, unpretentious, humble, self-ef- agnostic, atheist, infidel. ANT. believer, faith-
facing, retiring, down-to-earth, unaffected, ful, adherent.
natural, quiet, diffident, shy, bashful. ANT. unbelieving a. skeptical, doubting, disbeliev-
arrogant, loud, pretentious, conceited. ing, scoffing, questioning, suspicious, cyni-
unattached a. detached, unconnected, discon- cal, dubious, incredulous, agnostic, atheist.
nected, apart, independent, separate, loose, ANT. believing, faithful, *buying, *swallowing
unaffiliated, autonomous, single, on one’s hook, line and sinker.
own. ANT. attached, connected, associated. unbending a. rigid, firm, stiff, resolute, inflexi-
unattractive a. repulsive, homely, plain, hid- ble, unyielding, uncompromising, *holding
eous. SEE UGLY one’s ground, *sticking to one’s guns, deter-
unauthorized a. unsanctioned, uncertified, ille- mined, hellbent. ANT. flexible, compromising,
gal, unlawful, unapproved, unlicensed, not yielding.
permitted, illegitimate, illicit, unofficial, unbiased a. fair, unprejudiced, impartial, objec-
criminal. ANT. authorized, sanctioned, legal. tive, uninvolved, neutral, disinterested,
unavailing a. futile, ineffective, ineffectual, to evenhanded, equitable, nondiscriminatory.
no avail, vain, unsuccessful, unproductive, ANT. unfair, biased, prejudiced.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 617


unbidden a. uninvited, unasked, unrequested, uncivilized a. 1. BARBAROUS barbarian, bar-

unprompted, spontaneous. ANT. urged, co- baric, primitive, uncultured, savage, wild,
erced, prompted. brutish, crude, coarse, rude, discourteous,
unblemished a. perfect, flawless, spotless, un- vulgar, animal-like. 2. UNDEVELOPED wild,
marred, clean, stainless, immaculate, un- remote, unsettled, untamed. ANT. 1. civi-
marked, undamaged. ANT. spotted, stained, lized, civil, cultured, refined, courteous. 2. de-
flawed. veloped, civilized, settled.
unblushing a. shameless, with no sense of mod- unclean a. dirty, filthy, soiled, befouled, tain-
esty, bold. ANT. ashamed, mortified. ted, grimy, polluted, nasty, impure, contam-
unbounded a. boundless, unrestrained, unrest- inated, vile, infected, germ-ridden. ANT.
ricted, unconfined, uncontrolled, un- clean, washed, antiseptic.
checked, wild, free, loose. ANT. restricted, unclear a. vague, ambiguous, hazy, fuzzy,
limited. blurred, veiled, cloudy, foggy, muddy, indis-
unbridled a. unrestrained, wild, loose, unrest- tinct, obscure. ANT. clear, distinct, obvious.
ricted, uncontrolled, unconstrained, un- uncomfortable a. 1. PAINFUL agonizing, irritat-
checked. ANT. restrained, restricted. ing, excruciating, awkward, harsh, cutting,
unburden v. unload, relieve, get rid of, *take a pinching, biting, cramped, troublesome,
load off, disencumber, lighten one’s load, bothersome. 2. UNEASY ill-at-ease, self-con-
*get off one’s chest, confess, disclose, con- scious, nervous, anxious, distressed, on edge,
fide, *come clean. ANT. burden, saddle, weigh tense, restless, miserable, *on pins and nee-
down, encumber. dles, troubled, *sweating bullets. ANT. 1.
uncalled-for a. unnecessary, needless, unwel- comfortable, pleasurable, agreeable. 2. relaxed,
come, inappropriate, unwarranted, gratu- comfortable, at ease.
itous, uninvited, unjustified, undeserved. uncommitted a. undecided, neutral, not bound,
ANT. welcome, invited, wanted, needed.
free, unpledged, *sitting on the fence, non-
uncanny a. 1. STRANGE, MYSTERIOUS weird, bi-
aligned. ANT. committed, pledged.
zarre, queer, eerie, unfamiliar, unusual,
uncommon a. 1. RARE unusual, unique, excep-
spooky, creepy, scary, preternatural. 2. RE-
tional, odd, freakish, infrequent, extraordi-
MARKABLE extraordinary, amazing, incredi-
nary, novel, unconventional, different, un-
ble, exceptional, astounding, astonishing,
heard of, singular, peculiar, queer, one-of-a-
fantastic, unbelievable. ANT. 1. normal,
kind, scarce, few. 2. REMARKABLE outstand-
usual, commonplace. 2. unexceptional, usual.
uncaring a. indifferent, impassive, remote, un- ing, exceptional, extraordinary, incompara-
involved. SEE APATHETIC ble, superior, unique, distinctive, peerless,
unceasing a. incessant, continuous, endless, unequaled. ANT. 1. common, usual, ordinary.
perpetual, unending, neverending, nonstop, 2. average, typical, ordinary, mediocre.
unremitting, undying. ANT. interrupted, halt- uncommunicative a. closemouthed, *tight-
ing. lipped, secretive, silent, mute, reserved, reti-
uncertain a. unsure, indefinite, questionable, cent, shy, taciturn, *clammed up, quiet,
hazy, indeterminate, unfixed, undecided, guarded, speechless, aloof, distant, remote.
iffy, *up in the air, unpredictable, doubtful, ANT. talkative, loquacious, *motor-mouthed.
unreliable, changeable, unsettled, uncon- uncomplicated a. easy, *child’s play, *a snap,
firmed, conjectural, vague. ANT. certain, *a breeze, uninvolved. ANT. difficult. SEE SIM-
sure, doubtless, definite. PLE
uncertainty n. doubt, doubtfulness, question, uncompromising a. inflexible, rigid, *won’t
indefiniteness, dubiety, ambiguity, unpre- give an inch, stubborn, obstinate, unbend-
dictability, guesswork, guess, speculation, ing, single-minded, unyielding, set, immov-
conjecture, unknown. ANT. certainty, assur- able, hard-line, unrelenting. ANT. flexible,
ance. yielding, open to compromise, conciliatory.
uncharted a. unknown, unexplored, un- unconcerned a. uncaring, careless, carefree, in-
mapped, mysterious. ANT. known, discovered. different, apathetic, dispassionate, unin-
uncivil a. rude, discourteous, coarse, uncivi- volved, detached, cool, uninterested, disin-
lized, barbarous, nasty, unrefined, boorish, terested, above it all, oblivious, distant,
impolite, indelicate, ungentlemanly, unla- remote. ANT. concerned, caring, interested,
dylike, ill-mannered, unfriendly. ANT. civil, passionate.
courteous, gentlemanly, ladylike. unconditional a. unrestricted, unqualified,

618 Roget’s Superthesaurus


complete, total, absolute, categorical, down- uncovered a. exposed, bare, nude, unclothed,
right, outright, out-and-out, utter, unlim- unprotected, open. ANT. shielded, hidden.
ited. ANT. restricted, qualified, limited. UNCTUOUS a. [UNGK choo us] overly slick
unconnected a. disconnected, detached, sepa- or suave, insincere, oily. The unctuous tele-
rate, unattached, divided. ANT. unified. vangelist talked some of his followers into giving
unconscionable a. 1. IMMORAL unethical, up their lifesavings. SYN. slick, suave, oily, in-
wicked, criminal, sinful, unscrupulous, anti- sincere, honey-tongued, smooth, ingratiat-
social, shameless, perverse, inhuman, ing, slippery, sycophantic, mealy-mouthed,
beastly, barbaric, Satanic, uncaring. 2. UN- smug. ANT. sincere, plainspoken, genuine,
REASONABLE outrageous, extreme, excessive,
inordinate, unforgivable, extravagant. ANT. undaunted a. intrepid, bold, *gutsy, fearless,
1. moral, ethical, of good moral conscience. 2.
determined, courageous, lionhearted,
reasonable, fair.
unconscious a. 1. IN A SLEEPLIKE STATE asleep, plucky, *having icewater in one’s veins,
comatose, *out cold, *blacked out, *having nerves of steel, unshaken, unflinch-
*knocked out, insensient, *out like a light, ing. ANT. fearful, frightened, cowed, intimi-
*passed out, *dead to the world, oblivious, dated.
stunned, stupefied, anesthetized. 2. UN- undecided a. 1. UNSETTLED undetermined, un-
AWARE ignorant, unknowing, unwitting. 3. certain, open, unsure, up in the air, unre-
UNDELIBERATE accidental, inadvertent, in- solved, *a question mark, unknown, pend-
voluntary, unintentional, unpremeditated, ing. 2. INDECISIVE wavering, unsure, of two
unwitting, reflex, *gut, instinctual, subcon- minds, ambivalent, vacillating, *torn, *be-
scious. ANT. 1. awake, alert, conscious, aware. twixt and between, *on the fence, irreso-
2. aware, knowing. 3. deliberate, conscious, lute, *blowing hot and cold. ANT. 1. decided,
intentional, premeditated. determined, known. 2. decisive, resolute, sure.
unconstitutional a. unlawful, against the law. undecipherable a. illegible, unreadable, indis-
SEE ILLEGAL tinct, incomprehensible, unclear. ANT. legi-
uncontrollable a. ungovernable, wild, out of ble, readable.
control, unmanageable, intractable, out of undeniable a. indisputable, incontestable, in-
hand, carried away, unrestrainable, frenzied, controvertible, beyond argument, unques-
beside oneself, rabid, *gone ballistic, riot- tionable, certain, beyond a shadow of a
ous. ANT. governable, manageable, tractable.
doubt, irrefutable, solid, sure, proven, estab-
unconventional a. unorthodox, unusual, un-
common, irregular, nonconforming, non- lished. ANT. questionable, debatable, uncer-
conformist, different, weird, unique, odd, tain.
out-of-the-ordinary, eccentric, avant-garde, undependable a. unreliable, irresponsible, care-
*off the beaten path, experimental. ANT. less, untrustworthy, *fly-by-night, unpre-
conventional, orthodox, conforming, standard. dictable, fickle, capricious, unsafe, unsound,
unconvincing a. open to question, open to insecure. ANT. dependable, reliable, responsi-
doubt, unproven, weak, *full of holes, ble, sound.
flimsy, suspect. ANT. convincing, incontrovert- under a. inferior, lower, subordinate, lesser,
ible. junior, subsidiary, ancillary. ANT. superior,
uncoordinated a. clumsy, *klutzy, bumbling, higher.
ungraceful, awkward, *can’t walk and chew under adv./prep. beneath, underneath, below,
gum at the same time, *graceful as an ox, on the bottom, lower, nether. ANT. over,
ungainly, blundering, *like a bull in a china above.
shop, *all thumbs, uncouth, lumbering. ANT. underachiever n. *late bloomer, slow learner,
coordinated, graceful. one with a learning deficit, *sleeper.
uncouth a. boorish, crude, coarse, rude, vulgar,
uncivil, uncivilized, ungentlemanly, unlady- underage a. minor, juvenile, immature. ANT.
like, unrefined, uncultured, crass, *tacky, adult.
loutish. ANT. refined, civilized, gentlemanly, underbrush n. brush, bushes, shrubs, under-
ladylike. growth, scrub, thicket.
uncover v. reveal, expose, remove, lay bare, un- undercover a. covert, secret, clandestine, un-
wrap, open, unearth, unveil, unmask, dis- derground, under wraps, concealed, private,
close, divulge, make known. ANT. cover, con- hush-hush, *incognito, stealthy, surrepti-
ceal, hide. tious, sneaky, CIA, FBI, KGB. SEE SPY

Roget’s Superthesaurus 619


undercurrent n. feeling, aura, *vibes, atmo- undersized a. stunted, dwarfed, puny, underde-
sphere, suggestion, hint, overtone, sense, la- veloped, tiny, little, pint-sized, midget, un-
tency. derweight, emaciated. ANT. strapping,
undercut v. weaken, undersell. SEE UNDERMINE brawny.
underdog n. *long shot, *dark horse, loser, understaffed a. shorthanded, undermanned.
weakling, *low man on the totem pole, understand v. 1. COMPREHEND grasp, know, ap-
*benchwarmer, unlikely winner. preciate, figure out, *catch the drift, get it,
underdone a. rare, bloody, raw, uncooked. ANT. *get the point, *get through one’s head, see,
well done, burnt. recognize, master. 2. THINK gather, believe,
underestimate v. *sell short, *shortchange, take it, reckon, perceive, hear, assume, in-
*discount, minimize, slight, underrate, terpret.
*consider a lightweight, scoff at, belittle, understanding n. 1. COMPREHENSION knowl-
*sneeze at. ANT. overestimate, *make a moun- edge, knowing, grasp, appreciation, recogni-
tain out of a molehill. tion, mastering, intelligence, intellect,
sense, perception, savvy, discernment,
undergarment n. slip, chemise. SEE UNDERWEAR
awareness. ‘‘Hearing in retrospect.’’—Mar-
undergo v. experience, go through, endure, suf- cel Proust. 2. INTERPRETATION inference, es-
fer, be subjected to, encounter, abide, stand, timation, judgment, belief, thinking, reck-
withstand, sustain, tolerate. oning, perception, sense, idea. 3. MUTUAL
undergraduate n. sophomore, junior, *frosh, AGREEMENT meeting of the minds, covenant,
*plebe. promise, deal, compromise. 4. EMPATHY sym-
underground a. 1. SUBTERRANEAN nether, bur- pathy, compassion, commiseration. ANT. 1.
ied, below ground, below the surface, under- denseness, stupidity, misunderstanding, igno-
foot, sunken, subterrestrial. 2. SECRET co- rance, befuddlement.
vert, undercover, clandestine, under wraps, understated a. restrained, subtle, downplayed,
concealed, private, hush-hush, surreptitious, minimized, soft-pedaled, quiet, modest. ANT.
backdoor. ANT. 1. aboveground, aerial, sur- loud, blatant.
face. 2. public, open, overt. understudy n. stand-in, substitute, fill-in, dou-
underhanded a. deceitful, tricky, sneaky, dis- ble, backup, alternate, apprentice.
honest, sly, secret, devious, crafty, dirty, undertake v. take on, enter into, assume,
crooked, treacherous, two-timing, schem- tackle, make a commitment, engage in, en-
ing, cunning, unscrupulous. ANT. above- deavor, venture, shoulder, promise, pledge,
board, open, honest. contract. ANT. avoid, shun, reject.
underline v. emphasize, stress. SEE UNDERSCORE undertaker n. mortician, funeral director, em-
underling n. subordinate, inferior, flunky, balmer. SEE FUNERAL
lackey, *low man on the totem pole, *low undertaking n. project, endeavor, enterprise,
man in the pecking order, junior, subaltern, venture, effort, job, commitment, affair, ad-
*brownnose, minion. ANT. superior, boss, venture, operation, task.
chief. undertow n. riptide.
underlying a. basic, fundamental, elementary, underwater a. submarine, submerged, sub-
mersed. ANT. grounded, exposed.
rudimentary, essential, primary, root.
underwear n. undershorts, panties, *skivvies,
undermine v. weaken, impair, cripple, under-
shorts, *undies, briefs, boxers, jockstrap,
cut, debilitate, sabotage, subvert, disable,
slip, lingerie, chemise, teddy, *long johns,
erode, wear away. ANT. help, reinforce, flannels, underclothes, unmentionables, T-
strengthen. shirt, bra, brassiere, corset, girdle, garter
underneath adv. beneath, below, under, lower. belt.
underpinning n. foundation, base, footing, sup- underweight a. emaciated, undernourished,
port, framework, prop, undercarriage. malnourished, underdeveloped, *skin and
underprivileged a. disadvantaged, deprived, bones, boney, skeletal, ANT. overweight,
impoverished, poor, needy, poverty- obese.
stricken, indigent, destitute. ANT. affluent, underworld n. 1. NETHERWORLD nether regions,
well-off. Hades, hell, Erebus, Sheol, Orcus. 2. ORGA-
underscore v. underline, stress, emphasize, NIZED CRIME Mafia, Cosa Nostra, the mob,
highlight, accent, play up, bring to the fore. syndicate, criminal element.

620 Roget’s Superthesaurus


underwrite v. pay for, finance, fund, bankroll, undone a. unfinished, uncompleted, incom-
sponsor, subsidize, back, support, endow, plete, unperformed, unrealized, unfulfilled,
guarantee, insure, cover. *half-baked, half-done. ANT. completed, con-
underwriter n. backer, financier, sponsor, cluded, accomplished.
*angel, supporter, insurer, insurance com- undoubtedly adv. without a doubt, doubtless,
pany. *beyond a shadow of a doubt, unquestion-
undesirable a. unwanted, unpopular, objec- ably, beyond certainty, surely, assuredly, in-
tionable, unwelcome, unappealing, unsatis- dubitably, definitely.
factory, offensive, unacceptable, unsuitable, undreamed-of a. unexpected, unimagined, in-
disliked, rejected, scorned, disagreeable, conceivable, unforeseen. ANT. predicted.
nauseating, repellant. ANT. desirable, wanted, undress v. strip, disrobe, remove clothing, doff,
appealing. peel off, shuck, unclothe, *strip to one’s
undeveloped a. immature, unripe, unfinished, birthday suit, *strip to one’s goosebumps,
underdeveloped, latent. ANT. developed, ma- *strip to a growing state of deshabille, *do
ture, ripe. a striptease. ANT. dress, put on, clothe.
undignified a. unseemly, beneath one’s dignity, undue a. excessive, immoderate, extreme, ex-
degrading, childish, juvenile, inelegant, travagant, unnecessary, unwarranted, un-
tasteless, crude, rude, indecorous, ungentle- justified, uncalled-for, needless, undeserved.
manly, unladylike, *goofy, out of character. ANT. due, appropriate, reasonable.
ANT. elegant, proper, decorous. undulate v. wave, ripple, swing, move sinu-
undiluted a. pure, 100 percent, unadulterated, ously, roll, billow, flap, sway, swell, heave,
uncut, *unwatered down, umixed. ANT. oscillate.
thinned, watered down, weakened. undulation n. wave, ripple, roll, billow, flap,
undisciplined a. lazy, unregimented, self-indul- sway, swell, heave, oscillation, pulsation,
gent, overindulgent, unrestrained, uncon- surge.
trolled, inconsistent, unsteady, unreliable, undying a. immortal, eternal, everlasting, nev-
undependable, irresolute, irresponsible. erending, perpetual, unceasing, unending,
ANT. disciplined, strict, regimented.
endless, infinite. ANT. mortal, finite, short-
undisguised a. unconcealed, open, overt, frank, lived.
candid, up front, glaring, blatant, loud, ex- unearned a. undeserved, unmerited, gratis, free.
ANT. merited, paid for.
posed. ANT. disguised, secret, covert.
unearth v. dig up, exhume, excavate, dredge
undisputed a. indisputable, unquestionable, ir-
up, uncover, bring to light, discover, find,
refutable, uncontested, clear-cut, accepted,
root out, expose, reveal, disclose. ANT. bury,
unmistakable, recognized, undeniable, be-
cover, conceal, hide.
yond question. ANT. questionable, contested,
unearthly a. otherworldly, extraterrestrial,
disputable. alien, out of this world, ethereal, heavenly,
undistinguished a. mediocre, *run of the mill, supernatural, extramundane, spiritual,
*same old same old, ordinary, average, typi- ghostly, weird, strange, nightmarish, myste-
cal, common, pedestrian, plain, so-so, rious. ANT. earthly, mundane, terrestrial.
*nothing to write home about, unexcep- uneasiness n. apprehension, anxiety, fear, inse-
tional, *nothing special. ANT. distinguished, curity, worry, troubled mind, edginess, rest-
exceptional, extraordinary, rare. lessness, angst, qualm, misgiving, disquiet,
undivided a. whole, complete, total, unbroken, unrest. ANT. tranquility, serenity, relaxation.
uncut, solid, in one piece, intact, in its en- uneasy a. apprehensive, anxious, nervous,
tirety. ANT. divided, split, fractured. tense, fearful, insecure, worried, troubled,
undo v. 1. UNFASTEN unhitch, unlock, untie, restive, fidgety, edgy, restless, *on pins and
unbuckle, unbutton, loosen, free, detach, needles, having qualms, having misgivings,
disconnect. 2. REVERSE rescind, annul, can- fretful. ANT. relaxed, tranquil, serene, calm.
cel, nullify, void, make null and void, invali- uneducated a. unschooled, untrained, unen-
date, offset, erase. ANT. 1. fasten, tighten, tie, lightened, illiterate, ignorant, uncultured,
knot, attach. 2. uphold, strengthen. unsophisticated, unrefined, stupid. ANT. edu-
undoing n. ruin, ruination, destruction, down- cated, schooled, literate, enlightened, scholarly.
fall, defeat, collapse, overthrow, fall, bane, unemotional a. dispassionate, unresponsive, in-
disgrace, shame. different, apathetic, disinterested, remote,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 621


cold, *having ice water in one’s veins, im- unvaried, tedious, unexciting. ANT. eventful,
passive, deadpan, phlegmatic, unexcitable, exciting, momentous.
laid-back, stony, staid, reserved. ANT. emo- unexceptional a. ordinary, mediocre, run-of-
tional, passionate, demonstrative, excitable. the-mill, garden variety, common, com-
unemployed a. out of work, jobless, laid-off, monplace, usual, *same old same old,
fired, idle, free, off, available for hire, *on *nothing to write home about, *dime-a-
the breadline, *on welfare. ANT. employed, dozen, undistinguished, *just another brick
working. in the wall. ANT. exceptional, extraordinary,
unending a. everlasting, eternal, neverending, out of the ordinary, remarkable.
ceaseless, incessant, unceasing, immortal, unexciting a. dull, boring, prosaic, humdrum,
infinite, continuous, perpetual, permanent. *blah, *dull as dishwater, *ho-hum, monot-
ANT. temporary, finite, ending. onous, uninteresting, dry, routine, tedious,
unenlightened a. SEE UNEDUCATED tiresome. ANT. exciting, thrilling, stimulating.
unequal a. 1. UNEVEN disparate, different, dis- unexpected a. unforeseen, unanticipated, sur-
similar, unlike, mismatched, unmatched, di- prising, shocking, stunning, unpredicted,
verse. 2. UNBALANCED asymmetrical, lop- unprepared for, *out of the blue. ANT. ex-
sided, disproportionate, uneven, irregular. pected, foreseen, anticipated.
3. UNFAIR unjust, not equitable, one-sided. unexplainable a. inexplicable, beyond explana-
ANT. 1. equal, same, alike. 2. balanced, sym- tion, mystifying, puzzling, baffling, incom-
metrical, regular. 3. fair, just. prehensible, unaccountable, bewildering,
unequaled a. unparalleled, peerless, incompa- strange. ANT. understandable, explicable.
rable, unmatched, unrivaled, second to unexpressive a. inexpressive, expressionless,
none, unsurpassed, supreme, preeminent. undemonstrative, deadpan, stony, wooden,
ANT. rivaled, surpassed, second-rate.
*poker-faced, unresponsive, vacant, dead,
UNEQUIVOCAL a. [un ee KWIV uh kul] bland. ANT. expressive, demonstrative, respon-
clear and unambiguous. For a change, the pol- sive.
itician’s answer was unequivocal. SYN. clear, unfailing a. never-failing, reliable, dependable,
crystal-clear, unambiguous, plain, explicit, constant, steady, unflagging, inexhaustable,
unmistakable, absolute, straight, direct, cer- consistent, persistent, faithful. ANT. unrelia-
tain, definite. ANT. equivocal, ambiguous, ble, undependable.
*clear as mud. unfair a. unjust, partial, biased, prejudiced,
one-sided, bigoted, inequitable, discrimina-
unerring a. exact, precise, accurate, certain,
tory, uneven, unethical, *not playing on a
sure, infallible, perfect, unfailing, flawless,
level field, unsportsmanlike, unsporting,
faithful, true. ANT. inaccurate, imprecise,
*dirty, cheating. ANT. fair, just, equitable, un-
prejudiced, *on a level playing field.
unessential a. inessential, unneeded, needless, unfaithful a. 1. DISLOYAL faithless, untrue,
unnecessary, unimportant, dispensable, ir- treacherous, adulterous, *two-timing,
relevant, superfluous, extraneous, extra. cheating, backstabbing, false, fickle. 2. IN-
ANT. essential, necessary, needed, indispens-
ACCURATE imprecise, inexact, imperfect, in-
able. correct, *off, faulty, erring. ANT. 1. loyal,
unethical a. wrong, unfair, immoral, dishonest, faithful, true. 2. accurate, precise, true.
dishonorable, illegal, *dirty, *shady, disrep- unfamiliar a. 1. UNACQUAINTED ignorant, un-
utable, underhanded, unprincipled, conversant, uninitiated, unversed in, inex-
crooked, unprofessional, corrupt, criminal. perienced, unaccustomed, untrained, un-
ANT. ethical, honest, upright, moral, reputable. schooled. 2. UNKNOWN strange, alien,
uneven a. 1. CROOKED bumpy, slanted, unbal- foreign, exotic, new, novel, unusual, out-
anced, misaligned, not level, broken, rough, landish, peculiar, rare. ANT. 1. familiar, ac-
jagged, rugged, not smooth. 2. UNEQUAL lop- quainted, versed. 2. known, familiar, common,
sided, one-sided, unmatched, different, everyday.
asymmetrical, unbalanced. ANT. 1. even, unfashionable a. unstylish, old-fashioned, out-
smooth, planed, level. 2. equal, matching, sym- moded, antiquated, passé, out of style, out-
metrical. dated, obsolete, frumpy, dumpy, *as fashion-
uneventful a. quiet, peaceful, dull, monoto- able as a potato sack, *tacky. ANT.
nous, routine, *same old same old, boring, fashionable, chic, sharp, stylish, in vogue.

622 Roget’s Superthesaurus


unfasten v. unlatch, unbuckle, untie, unclasp, unforeseen a. unexpected, unanticipated, not

uncouple, undo, loosen, detach, unbutton, bargained for, not predicted, unplanned,
unzip, disengage. ANT. fasten, tie, buckle, surprising, *catching by surprise, unpre-
clasp. pared for, *out of the blue. ANT. foreseen,
unfathomable a. incomprehensible, inscruta- expected, anticipated.
ble, beyond comprehension, impenetrable, unforgettable a. memorable, *mind-blowing,
unknowable, deep, profound. ANT. shallow, indelible, meaningful, important, memory-
simple, decipherable. making, powerful, notable, striking, historic.
unfavorable a. adverse, poor, bad, negative, un- ANT. forgettable, insignificant, trivial.
promising, contrary, hostile, unhappy, inad- unforgivable a. unpardonable, inexcusable, in-
visable, ill-advised, inauspicious, unlucky. defensible, unconscionable, shameful, de-
ANT. favorable, lucky, good, auspicious. spicable, contemptible, unjustifiable. ANT.
unfeeling a. 1. CALLOUS cold, apathetic, indif- forgivable, pardonable, excusable.
ferent, unsympathetic, heartless, unemo- unfortunate a. unlucky, unfavorable, hapless,
tional, stony, *having veins filled with ice ill-fated, *jinxed, cursed, *star-crossed, un-
water, cold-blooded, pitiless, merciless, timely, ill-timed, inopportune, inauspicious,
hard. 2. INSENSATE insensient, numb, para- unhappy, sad, bad, deplorable, lamentable,
lyzed, unconscious, comatose, dead. ANT. 1. adverse, regrettable, unsuccessful, pitiful, di-
feeling, sympathetic, warmhearted, emotional. sastrous, tragic, grievous. ANT. fortunate,
2. sentient. lucky, blessed, timely, happy.
unfinished a. incomplete, uncompleted, half- unfounded a. baseless, groundless, unproven,
done, *half-baked, unperfected, lacking, unsupported, unsubstantiated, fallacious,
rough, wanting, crude, deficient, undevel- false, untrue, tenuous, speculative. ANT.
oped. ANT. finished, perfected, done. proven, true, substantiated.
unfit a. 1. UNSUITABLE inadequate, unaccept- unfriendly a. cold, aloof, hostile, standoffish,
able, inappropriate, ill-equipped, useless, distant, remote, unapproachable, snobbish,
out of place, inexpedient, inapplicable. 2. haughty, unsociable, inhospitable, nasty,
OUT OF SHAPE unhealthy, unconditioned,
mean, surly, not on speaking terms. ANT.
sickly, ailing, weak. ANT. 1. suitable, fit, ade- friendly, warm, approachable, nice.
quate. 2. fit, healthy, conditioned. unfruitful a. unprofitable. SEE FRUITLESS
unflagging a. unfailing, inexhaustable, tireless, ungainly a. awkward, clumsy, oafish, *klutzy,
undying, unfaltering, indefatigiable, con-
cloddish, bumbling, lumbering, ungraceful,
stant, persistent, unremitting, unceasing.
uncoordinated, gawky. ANT. graceful.
ANT. failing, tiring, wearing.
ungodly a. 1. SINFUL wicked, evil, Satanic, dev-
UNFLAPPABLE a. [un FLAP uh bul] calm,
ilish, hellish, criminal, villainous, immoral,
not excitable. Even in the midst of the riots,
the mayor was unflappable. SYN. calm, unex- impious, not religious, profane. 2. OUTRA-
GEOUS dreadful, horrendous, god-awful,
citable, imperturbable, cool, collected, com-
posed, self-contained, unruffled, level- frightful, intolerable. ANT. 1. godly, pious,
headed, self-possessed, nonchalant. ANT. moral. 2. reasonable.
excitable, *high-strung, temperamental, *hot- ungovernable a. wild, unmanageable, uncon-
reacting. trollable, out of control, out of hand, unruly,
unfledged a. undeveloped. SEE IMMATURE intractable, rebellious, defiant. ANT. docile,
unflinching a. unblinking, unfaltering, stead- controllable, manageable.
fast, resolute, staunch, firm, unshrinking, ungracious a. rude, discourteous, impolite, ill-
unshaken, undaunted, unafraid. ANT. shrink- mannered, uncivil, ungentlemanly, unlady-
ing, flinching, shaken. like, insulting, boorish, rough. ANT. gracious,
unfold v. 1. SPREAD OUT unfurl, open, unroll, courteous, polite.
outstretch, unravel, undo, straighten out, ungrateful a. unappreciative, unthankful,
fan out. 2. MAKE KNOWN disclose, reveal, *looking a gift horse in the mouth, dissatis-
show, expose, describe, divulge, set forth, fied, *spoiled rotten, *biting the hand that
expand on. ANT. 1. fold, furl. 2. conceal, feeds you. ANT. appreciate, thankful.
cover up. unguarded a. 1. UNPROTECTED exposed, vulner-
unforeseeable a. unknowable. SEE UNPREDICT- able, defenseless, unwatched, unpatrolled,
ABLE assailable. 2. OPEN honest, sincere, genuine,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 623


frank, candid, artless, aboveboard, straight- uniform n. outfit, costume, attire, dress, *getup,
forward, ingenuous. ANT. 1. protected, suit, livery, habit, vestment, work clothes.
guarded, defended. 2. guarded, discreet, self- uniform a. 1. UNCHANGING unvarying, unvari-
censored. able, the same, undeviating, consistent,
unguent n. salve, ointment, balm, lotion, lini- even, constant, level, stable. 2. CONFORMING
ment. the same, symmetrical, alike, identical, like,
unhappy a. 1. SAD depressed, melancholy, similar, comparable, correspondent, *like
downhearted, miserable, *blue, *down in two peas in a pod. ANT. 1. changing, varying,
the mouth, *down in the dumps, low, grief- uneven, inconsistent. 2. unconforming, differ-
stricken, mournful, downhearted, heavy- ent, dissimilar.
hearted, gloomy, despondent, disconsolate, unify v. unite, join, bring together as one, bring
forlorn, long-faced, disheartened, desolate, together, combine, couple, wed, consoli-
cheerless, anguished, glum, *bummed out, date, amalgamate, combine, confederate.
wretched, somber, crestfallen. 2. UNLUCKY ANT. separate, fracture, divorce.
unfortunate, inauspicious, hapless, cursed, unilateral a. one-sided. ANT. multilateral.
star-crossed, ill-fated, jinxed, infelicitous. unimaginable a. incomprehensible, beyond
ANT. 1. happy, joyous, glad, beaming, elated,
comprehension, *beyond one’s wildest
euphoric. 2. lucky, fortunate.
dreams, inconceivable, unheard-of, un-
unharmed a. unhurt, uninjured, unscathed, in-
dreamed-of, *out of this world, fantastic,
tact, okay, all right, safe. ANT. wounded, in-
jured. *mind-boggling, *mind-blowing, incredi-
unhealthy a. 1. SICK sickly, ill, unwell, diseased, ble. ANT. imaginable, conceivable.
in poor health, unfit, weak, run-down, *un- unimaginative a. unoriginal, dull, trite, hack-
der the weather, debilitated, bedridden, *in neyed, clichéd, mindless, tired, stock, stale,
bad shape. 2. BAD FOR YOU unwholesome, dry, bland, uninteresting, *same old same
hazardous to one’s health, unhealthful, det- old, boring, pedestian. ANT. imaginative, orig-
rimental, deleterious, noxious, toxic, viru- inal, creative, inventive.
lent, harmful, malignant. ANT. 1. healthy, fit, unimportant a. trivial, trifling, insignificant,
in good shape, robust. 2. good for you, whole- petty, minor, *lightweight, frivolous, pica-
some, healthful. yune, inconsequential, worthless, irrele-
unheard-of a. unprecedented, unknown, new, vant, paltry, meaningless, *mickey mouse.
novel, outlandish, exceptional, unique, lit- ANT. important, crucial, critical, vital.
tle-known, unusual, unbelievable, outra- uninformed a. unaware, unenlightened, igno-
geous. ANT. known, usual, ordinary. rant, unschooled, *in the dark, uneducated,
unhinge v. upset, confuse, unnerve, throw into unacquainted, uninitiated. ANT. informed,
a panic, make crazy, disorient, fluster, agi- *hip, enlightened.
tate, discompose. ANT. calm, pacify. uninhibited a. free, open, unreserved, not self-
unhitch v. unfasten, detach, release, undo, un- conscious, relaxed, spontaneous, loose, ex-
tie. troverted, outgoing, unrestrained, informal.
unholy a. wicked, evil, sinful, ungodly, im- ANT. inhibited, reserved, self-conscious.
moral, corrupt, sacrilegious, unhallowed, uninspired a. lifeless, spiritless, lacking creativ-
not sacred. ANT. holy, sacred, godly, hallowed. ity, dull, tired, trite, hackneyed, pedestrian,
unhorse v. overthrow, upset. dull, bland, uninteresting, prosaic. ANT. in-
unhurt a. SEE UNHARMED
spired, original, imaginative, creative.
unhurried a. slow, leisurely, deliberate, snail-
unintelligent a. dumb, moronic, imbecilic. SEE
like, sluggish, *slower than molasses, non-
chalant. ANT. hurried, rushed, impatient.
unidentified a. unknown, unrecognized, name- unintelligible a. incomprehensible, incoher-
less, unnamed, anonymous, secret, mysteri- ent, undecipherable, illegible, unreadable,
ous, incognito, undercover. ANT. known, rec- unclear, muddled, meaningless, Greek, jum-
ognized. bled. ANT. intelligible, legible, clear.
unidentified flying object n. UFO, flying sau- unintentional a. unintended, inadvertent, un-
cer, *bogey. planned, accidental, undesigned, uncon-
unified a. united, joined, one, together, com- scious, unwitting, unpremeditated,
bined, coupled, consolidated, amalgamated, chance, haphazard. ANT. intended, planned,
confederated. ANT. separated, fractured. designed.

624 Roget’s Superthesaurus


uninterested a. disinterested, indifferent, apa- center in the world.’’—Richard Nixon. ‘‘A

thetic, uncaring, bored, uninvolved, blasé, large, friendly dog in a very small room. Ev-
incurious, remote, *turned off, cool, *above ery time it wags its tail, it knocks over a
it all. ANT. interested, fascinated, passionate, chair.’’—Arnold Toynbee.
involved, riveted. unity n. oneness, togetherness, wholeness, uni-
uninteresting a. boring, dull, tiresome, monot- fication, union, agreement, harmony, ac-
onous, tedious, prosaic, *ho-hum, *blah, *as cord, concord, solidarity, unanimity. ANT.
interesting as a plain brown wrapper, *dull separation, division, discord.
as dishwater, unexciting, *humdrum, un- universal a. general, generic, common, catho-
eventful. ANT. exciting, fascinating, riveting, lic, all-inclusive, comprehensive, all-over,
heart-stopping. worldwide, planetary, intercontinental,
uninvited a. unwanted, unwelcome, undesired, pandemic, global, widespread, broad, preva-
uncalled for. ANT. summoned, requested. lent, unlimited, unrestricted. ANT. local, ex-
uninviting a. unattractive, unappealing, repel- clusive, limited, restricted.
lent, repulsive, repugnant, stomach-turning, universe n. cosmos, space, outer space, *coo-
nauseating, sickening, unappetizing. ANT. ling fires of creation, creation, macrocosm,
appealing, attractive, desirable. infinity. ‘‘One of God’s thoughts.’’—Fried-
union n. 1. JOINING combination, unifica- rich Schiller. ‘‘One vast symbol of God.’’—
tion, consolidation, marriage, merger, Thomas Carlyle. SEE SPACE
amalgamation, unity, fusion, incorpora- university n. institution of higher learning,
tion, coupling, blend. 2. GROUP WITH COM- graduate school, college. ‘‘A place of light,
MON INTEREST alliance, coalition, league, of liberty, and of learning.’’—Benjamin Dis-
confederation, guild, trade union, labor raeli. ‘‘A thought-control center.’’—Joan
union, federation, association, partner- Tepperman. ‘‘Sophistry and affectation.’’—
ship, cartel, syndicate. ANT. 1. separation, Francis Bacon. SEE COLLEGE
segregation, breakup. SEE MARRIAGE unjust a. unfair, inequitable, wrong, unethical,
unique a. one-of-a-kind, single, sole, unparal- unjustified, unwarranted, prejudiced, par-
leled, lone, only, incomparable, distinctive, tial, biased, one-sided. ANT. even-handed, im-
unprecedented, extraordinary, special, pe- partial, fair.
culiar, strange, in a class by itself. ANT. com- unjustifiable a. unwarranted, unpardonable,
mon, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, *common indefensible, inexcusable, unmerited. ANT.
as a brick. justifiable, warranted.
unison n. harmony, agreement, concord, ac- unkempt a. disheveled, messy, sloppy, bedrag-
cord, concert, consonance, unity, togeth- gled, rumpled, tousled, tangled, uncombed,
erness. ANT. disagreement, discord, disso- ungroomed, shabby, shaggy, *grungy,
nance. grubby. ANT. neat, groomed, sharp.
unit n. part, piece, quantity, member, element, unkind a. mean, cruel, brutal, unfeeling, un-
section, segment, constituent, component. sympathetic, cold, harsh, unmerciful, heart-
unite v. combine, join, bring together, marry, less, inhumane, inhuman, vicious, cold-
couple, link, merge, connect, unify, blend, blooded, insensitive, barbarous, nasty, ven-
consolidate, incorporate, amalgamate, affili- omous, insulting, cutting, offensive, rude,
ate, confederate, cooperate, band together. callous. ANT. kind, nice, friendly, compassion-
ANT. separate, disband, break up, divide. ate, merciful.
united a. combined, joined, brought together, unknowing a. unaware, unenlightened, igno-
married, coupled, linked, merged, con- rant, uninformed, unschooled, unwitting,
nected, unified, blended, consolidated, in- oblivious, *out to lunch, *in the dark. ANT.
corporated, amalgamated, affiliated. ANT. aware, enlightened, informed.
separated, disbanded, divided. unknown a. mysterious, undiscovered, hidden,
United States n. U.S., U.S.A., America, land secret, obscure, unrecognized, undeter-
of opportunity, Uncle Sam, North America, mined, unidentified, anonymous, unnamed,
Land of Liberty, Columbia, *the great melt- unexplored, uncharted, unfamiliar, un-
ing pot. ‘‘Half-brother of the world. With heard-of, strange, foreign, alien, dark. ANT.
something good and bad of every land.’’— known, famous, celebrated, familiar.
Philip Bailey. ‘‘A nation of immigrants.’’— unlawful a. illegal, illicit, prohibited, against
John F. Kennedy. ‘‘The largest shopping the law, forbidden, criminal, illicit, banned,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 625


proscribed, felonious. ANT. legal, lawful, legit- unqualified, pure, downright, outright, out-
imate. and-out, absolute, complete, thoroughgo-
unleash v. release, let loose, free, untie, let go. ing, sheer. ANT. weakened, watered-down,
unlike a. different, dissimilar, opposite, un- moderated, partial.
alike, disparate, contrasting, unrelated, unmotivated a. uninspired, indifferent, apa-
*like night and day, *like comparing apples thetic, impassive, lazy, goalless, unambi-
and oranges, clashing. ANT. alike, similar, tious, unenterprising. ANT. motivated, in-
matching. spired, *sparked.
unlikely a. improbable, implausible, hardly unnatural a. 1. ARTIFICIAL imitation, synthetic,
possible, doubtful, inconceivable, dubious, man-made, manufactured, fabricated, pro-
questionable, *as likely as snow in July, re- cessed, ersatz. 2. AFFECTED contrived,
mote, *as likely as the sky falling, *as likely strained, forced, theatrical, put-on, not
as pigs learning to fly, having an outside spontaneous, studied, stiff, labored. 3. AB-
chance, *a longshot. ANT. likely, probable, NORMAL strange, queer, monstrous, gro-
certain. tesque, freakish. ANT. 1. natural, organic, of
unlimited a. limitless, unrestricted, boundless, the earth. 2. sincere, genuine, spontaneous,
endless, immeasurable, countless, infinite, unstudied, unaffected. 3. normal, ordinary.
vast, complete, total, unqualified, indefi- unnecessary a. unneeded, inessential, needless,
nite. ANT. limited, restricted, bounded. unrequired, noncompulsory, uncalled-for,
unload v. remove, unburden, disburden, gratuitous, superfluous, extraneous, redun-
lighten one’s load, dump, disgorge. dant, surplus, expendable. ANT. indispens-
unlock v. open, release, turn the combination, able, essential, needed.
unlatch, unbar. unnerve v. *shake up, *fill with the fear of
unlucky a. unfortunate, ill-fated, cursed, God, upset, disconcert, discourage, scare,
jinxed, hapless, star-crossed, *down on one’s frighten, daunt, intimidate, spook, demor-
luck, inauspicious, unhappy, unfavorable. alize. ANT. encourage, embolden, fortify.
ANT. lucky, fortunate, happy. unobtrusive a. unnoticed, unnoticeable, in-
unmanageable a. ungovernable, intractable, conspicuous, low-key, quiet, *minding one’s
wild, out of control, uncontrollable, indoc- own business, retiring, unassertive, modest.
ile, rebellious, defiant, indomitable, stub- ANT. obtrusive, loud, conspicuous, noticeable.
born. ANT. manageable, governable, controlla- unoccupied a. empty, vacant, open, free. ANT.
ble. taken.
unmannerly a. rude, discourteous, impolite, unorganized a. disorderly, sloppy, disarranged,
uncivil, uncivilized, indelicate, unrefined, unarranged, haphazard, unsystematic,
uncultivated, ungracious, ungentlemanly, mixed-up, confused, jumbled, cluttered,
unladylike. ANT. polite, courteous, gracious. scrambled, muddled, random. ANT. orga-
unmarried a. single, unwed, unattached, eligi- nized, arranged.
ble, available, celibate, virgin, maiden. ANT. UNORTHODOX a. [un ORTH uh doks] un-
married, wed, *spoken for. conventional, not standard or accepted. He
unmask v. reveal, expose, unveil, *blow one’s was slightly eccentric and had an unorthodox
cover, disclose, *come out of the closet, way of painting. SYN. unconventional, non-
*out. ANT. disguise, mask, cover. standard, abnormal, out of the norm, out of
unmistakable a. clear, clear-cut, plain, obvious, the ordinary, uncommon, deviant, noncon-
evident, sure, definite, certain, beyond ques- forming, unaccepted, unofficial, eccentric.
tion, unambiguous, positive, patent, un- ANT. orthodox, conventional, standard.
equivocal, *plain as the nose on one’s face, unparalleled a. unmatched, unequaled, incom-
*beyond a shadow of a doubt, glaring, bla- parable, peerless, without rival, unrivaled,
tant. ANT. unclear, ambiguous, questionable, without equal, unprecedented, one-of-a-
hazy, fuzzy. kind, unique, unheard-of. ANT. equaled, ri-
UNMITIGATED a. [un MIT uh gate id] not valed, common.
lessened or weakened in any way, absolute, unperturbed a. calm, unruffled, cool, com-
out-and-out. He had the unmitigated gall to posed, unflappable, unflustered, tranquil, se-
call the mayor a buffoon. SYN. unlessened, un- rene, placid, sedate. ANT. unnerved, dis-
moderated, unweakened, unwatered-down, turbed, flustered.

626 Roget’s Superthesaurus


unpleasant a. disagreeable, nasty, painful, un- inadequate, unskilled, unschooled, ill-

welcome, irritating, annoying, aggravating, equipped, unequipped, not up to the job,
bothersome, irksome, repellent, repugnant, unfit, incompetent. 2. UNMODIFIED absolute,
sickening, nauseating, offensive, bad, objec- unmitigated, total, complete, downright,
tionable, negative. ANT. pleasant, agreeable, out-and-out, thorough, utter, sheer, categor-
nice, enjoyable. ical. ANT. 1. qualified, fit, competent. 2. modi-
unprecedented a. a first, new, novel, unheard- fied, qualified, partial.
of, unique, singular, original, unexampled, unquestionable a. without question, without
unparalleled, extraordinary, unusual, one- doubt, doubtless, certain, sure, incontro-
of-a-kind, uncommon. ANT. precedented, vertible, incontestable, indisputable, irrefut-
usual, common. able, indubitable, definite, unmistakable.
unpredictable a. unforeseeable, *iffy, left to ANT. open to question, doubtful, uncertain, du-
chance, impossible to predict, uncertain, bious.
unsure, *up in the air, random, changeable, unreadable a. illegible, undecipherable, incom-
erratic, *as capricious as the wind, fickle. prehensible. ANT. clear, plain, legible.
ANT. predictable, foreseeable, certain. unreal a. imaginary, fanciful, make-believe, vi-
unprejudiced a. unbiased, fair, equitable, even- sionary, hallucinatory, nonexistent. ANT. ac-
handed, unbigoted, impartial, nonpartisan, tual, factual, genuine.
objective, neutral, just. ANT. prejudiced, bi- unrealistic a. unreasonable, impractical, ro-
ased, bigoted. mantic, starry-eyed, *pie in the sky, *castles
unpremeditated a. unplanned, unplotted, un- in Spain, *castles in the air, fanciful, idealis-
intentional, spontaneous, *spur of the mo- tic, fantastic. ANT. realistic, reasonable, practi-
ment, *in the heat of passion, impulsive, im- cal.
promptu, off the cuff, impetuous. ANT. unreasonable a. 1. EXTRAVAGANT outrageous,
premeditated, thought out, planned. preposterous, extreme, immoderate, exorbi-
unprepared a. not ready, *caught off guard, tant, unjustifiable. 2. IRRATIONAL nonsensi-
*caught napping, *caught flat-footed, cal, illogical, senseless, stupid, foolish, un-
caught by surprise, ill-equipped. ANT. pre- reasoning, unwise, witless, *without rhyme
pared, ready. or reason. ANT. 1. reasonable, moderate. 2.
unpretentious a. humble, modest, down-to- rational, logical.
earth, unassuming, unaffected, *folksy, sim- unrefined a. rough, coarse, crude, unfinished,
ple, plain, natural. ANT. pretentious, affected, unpolished. ANT. polished, smooth, finished.
arrogant. unrehearsed a. extemporaneous, spontaneous,
unprincipled a. immoral, unethical, unscrupu- off the cuff, impromptu, spur of the moment,
lous, dishonest, dishonorable, corrupt, un- unprepared, unplanned, ad-libbed, impro-
derhanded, crooked, devious, shady. ANT. vised, *off the top of one’s head. ANT. re-
moral, ethical, principled. hearsed, prepared, planned.
unproductive a. fruitless, nonproductive, unreliable a. undependable, irresponsible, un-
worthless, unrewarding, unprofitable, vain, trustworthy, unstable, fickle, changeable,
barren, useless, counterproductive, unavail- capricious, *blowing hot and cold. ANT. reli-
ing, to no avail, a losing proposition. ANT. able, dependable, trustworthy, steady.
productive, fruitful, successful. unremitting a. relentless, unrelenting, inces-
unprofessional a. 1. AMATEUR amateurish, sant, continual, constant, unending, un-
sloppy, inexperienced, unskillful, inade- abating, perpetual, persistent. ANT. ending,
quate, unschooled, untrained, second-rate, stopping, irregular.
inferior, *bush-league, nonprofessional. 2. unreserved a. uninhibited, outspoken, bold,
UNETHICAL unprincipled, improper, indeco- forthright, unrestrained, unabashed, blunt,
rous, unseemly, unfitting. ANT. 1. profes- frank, to the point, not shy, loquacious, ex-
sional, skilled, trained, experienced, expert. 2. troverted, outgoing, *motor-mouthed. ANT.
ethical, principled, proper. reserved, reticent, inhibited, shy.
unprotected a. undefended, vulnerable, open, unresolved a. unsettled, *up in the air, unde-
assailable, unsafe, insecure, pregnable, ex- termined, undecided, pending, debatable,
posed, unarmed. ANT. protected, defended, open to debate, unfinished, *hung jury. ANT.
armed, guarded. resolved, settled, decided.
unqualified a. 1. NOT MEETING REQUIREMENTS unrest n. restlessness, agitation, disturbance,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 627


discontentment, trouble, uneasiness, dis- from office, unhorse, dislodge, dethrone, de-
quiet, turbulence, rebellion, protest, upset. pose, overthrow. ANT. install.
ANT. peace, tranquility, serenity. unseemly a. improper, unbecoming, indeco-
unrestrained a. uninhibited, unrestricted, free, rous, in bad taste, undignified, unbefitting,
unhampered, unconfined, abandoned, unre- out of place, inappropriate, indelicate, inde-
served, unbridled. ANT. restrained, restricted, cent, vulgar, crude. ANT. seemly, proper, ap-
inhibited. propriate.
unrestricted a. free, unbounded, unhampered, unselfish a. giving, generous, selfless, other-di-
uninhibited, unlimited, unregulated, *no rected, charitable, altruistic, philanthropic,
holds barred, unchecked. ANT. restricted, lim- openhanded, magnanimous, kind, big-
ited, regulated. hearted, considerate, compassionate. ANT.
unripe a. green, immature, premature, unsea- selfish, self-centered, greedy, *a taker, *think-
soned. ANT. ripe, mature. ing the world revolves around oneself.
unrivaled a. peerlees, matchless, unmatched, unsettle a. disturb, unnerve, upset, disconcert,
unequaled, unparalleled, supreme, superior, trouble, agitate, bother, ruffle, rattle, dis-
*number one, incomparable, unsurpassed. quiet, perturb, *shake up, discompose. ANT.
ANT. equaled, mediocre, run-of-the-mill, aver- relax, calm, soothe.
age. unsettled a. SEE UNRESOLVED
unruly a. unmanageable, uncontrollable, un- unsightly a. ugly, unattractive, *an eyesore, re-
governable, intractable, rebellious, reckless, pulsive, repellent, *gross, hideous, gro-
refractory, riotous, out of control, disorderly, tesque, homely, revolting, repugnant. ANT.
insubordinate. ANT. manageable, governable, attractive, beautiful, pretty.
controllable, docile. unskilled a. untrained, unschooled, inexpert,
unsafe a. dangerous, hazardous, perilous, amateurish, inept, incompetent, incapable,
treacherous, threatening, insecure, unsta- unable, inexperienced, bumbling, *all
ble, precarious, life-threatening, *on thin thumbs. ANT. skilled, proficient, trained, ex-
ice, menacing, *dicey, *ticklish, *touch pert.
and go, *a tinderbox, *a powderkeg, ex- unskillful a. SEE UNSKILLED
plosive, risky. ANT. safe, secure, protected, unsociable a. unfriendly, aloof, cold, remote,
harmless. distant, hermitlike, antisocial, withdrawn,
unsanitary a. unclean, dirty, unhealthy, unhy- introverted, shy, *standoffish, *stuck-up,
gienic, filthy, contaminated, foul, polluted, preferring one’s own company. ANT. extro-
germ-infested, tainted. ANT. sanitary, clean, verted, outgoing, gregarious, friendly.
sterile, antiseptic. unsolicited a. unasked, unsought, unrequested,
unsatisfactory a. inadequate, unfulfilling, un- voluntary, spontaneous, free. ANT. solicited,
acceptable, deficient, insufficient, lacking, asked-for, sought.
wanting, unworthy, *not up to par. ANT. sat- unsophisticated a. simple, naive, innocent,
isfactory, good enough, adequate. unworldly, childlike, inexperienced,
unsavory a. 1. TASTELESS OR BAD-TASTING unap- green, *born yesterday, uncultured, unre-
petizing, nauseating, sickening, stomach- fined, unpolished, *down-home, *folksy,
turning, unpalatable, disagreeable, rotten, *like a hick, *like a hayseed, artless, in-
*yucky, *gross. 2. OFFENSIVE, OBNOXIOUS genuous. ANT. sophisticated, worldly, experi-
nasty, objectionable, repugnant, repellant, enced, *hip.
revolting. ANT. 1. tasty, delicious, *yummy. unsound a. 1. UNHEALTHY unwell, sickly, ill,
2. pleasant, good, agreeable. ailing, infirm, afflicted, diseased, abnormal,
UNSCRUPULOUS a. [un SCROOP yoo insane, crazy, psychotic, *psycho. 2. UNSAFE
lus] unprincipled, immoral, unethical. He insecure, unstable, flimsy, shaky, unsteady,
was unscrupulous enough to steal all of the unreliable, dangerous, perilous, hazardous,
church’s money. SYN. unprincipled, im- rickety. 3. INACCURATE unreliable, untruth-
moral, unethical, dishonest, dishonorable, ful, erroneous, invalid, irrational, weak,
without conscience, indifferent to right groundless, illogical, fallacious. ANT. 1.
and wrong, corrupt, underhanded, crimi- healthy, fit, normal. 2. safe, solid, stable, se-
nal, antisocial. ANT. principled, moral, ethi- cure. 3. accurate, valid, true, reliable.
cal, scrupulous. unsparing a. liberal, free, lavish, profuse, gener-
unseat a. oust, remove from power, remove ous, giving. ANT. meager, sparse.

628 Roget’s Superthesaurus


unspeakable a. bad, horrible, terrible, beyond hard, *hard as nails, *having ice water in
words, beyond description, unimaginable, one’s veins, insensitive. ANT. sympathetic,
evil, wicked, vile, horrendous, heinous, compassionate, caring.
monstrous, atrocious. ANT. good, wonderful. untamed a. wild, unbroken, ungovernable, un-
unspoiled a. fresh, pristine, untouched, unadul- controllable, unmanageable, spirited, undo-
terated, unpolluted, perfect, whole, pure, mesticated. ANT. tamed, broken, domesti-
unblemished, undamaged. ANT. spoiled, ru- cated.
ined, rotten. untangle v. disentangle, unravel, extricate,
unspoken a. unsaid, silent, tacit, understood, straighten out, unsnarl, untie. ANT. tangle,
implicit, assumed. ANT. spoken, expressed. snarl.
unstable a. 1. UNFIXED unsteady, unbalanced, untarnished a. stainless, spotless, clean, bright,
variable, wobbling, shaky, rickety, teetering, unblemished, uncorrupted, innocent, pure.
unanchored. 2. CHANGEABLE erratic, capri- ANT. tarnished, corrupted.
cious, fickle, unpredictable, mercurial, untenable a. indefensible, insupportable, weak,
vacillating, volatile. ANT. 1. fixed, rock-solid, flawed, *full of holes, groundless, unsound.
anchored, secure. 2. constant, steady, unchan- ANT. tenable, sound, secure.
ging. unthankful a. ungrateful, unappreciative. ANT.
unsteady a. SEE UNSTABLE obliged, grateful
unstudied a. natural, unaffected, spontaneous, unthinkable a. inconceivable, unimaginable,
unconscious, offhand, unlabored, im- incomprehensible, beyond belief, unbeliev-
promptu, *off the cuff, extemporaneous. able, incredible, out of the question. ANT.
ANT. studied, affected, labored. possible, feasible.
unsubstantiated a. uncorroborated, unproven, untidy a. sloppy, messy, slovenly, disheveled,
unconfirmed, open to question, question- bedraggled, unkempt, disarranged, disor-
able, unauthenticated, uncertified. ANT. cor- derly, cluttered, littered. ANT. tidy, neat, or-
roborated, proven. derly.
unsuccessful a. a failure, a loser, *a turkey, *a untie v. unfasten, loosen, free, undo, unlace,
dog, *a flop, *a bomb, unprofitable, fruitless, unbind, loose.
futile, vain, useless, abortive, ineffectual, untimely a. ill-timed, inconvenient, inoppor-
unfortunate, unlucky, unhappy, ill-fated, tune, inexpedient, premature, early, unsea-
doomed, disastrous, catastrophic. ANT. suc- sonable, inappropriate, unfavorable, unfor-
cessful, profitable, winning, fortunate. tunate, inauspicious. ANT. timely, opportune,
unsuitable a. inappropriate, unfit, wrong, im- well-timed.
proper, inadequate, unacceptable, unsatis- untold a. innumerable, countless, incalculable,
factory, unbefitting, inapt, out of place, ill- uncountable, myriad, *umpteen, immeasur-
fitting. ANT. appropriate, fit, right, accept- able, infinite, limitless. ANT. finite, limited,
able. few.
unsung a. unrecognized, unacclaimed, unap- untoward a. inappropriate, unseemly, im-
plauded. ANT. applauded, praised, extolled. proper, indecorous, in bad taste, unbefitting,
unsure a. uncertain, doubtful, in doubt, ques- out of place, tactless, indelicate, ungentle-
tionable, *iffy, *up in the air, undecided, du- manly, unladylike. ANT. proper, appropriate,
bious, skeptical, not confident, insecure. seemly.
ANT. sure, certain, confident. untrained a. unschooled, uneducated, inexpe-
unsurpassed a. supreme, superior, unrivaled, rienced, green, raw, unskilled, *not knowing
peerless, unparalleled, the best, incompara- the ropes, unqualified, incompetent, inex-
ble, greatest, leading, preeminent. ANT. sec- pert, ignorant. ANT. trained, schooled, edu-
ond-rate, average, worst. cated.
unsuspecting a. trusting, naive, gullible, credu- untroubled a. unperturbed, unruffled, calm,
lous, unknowing, unaware, innocent, un- cool, relaxed, worry-free, *unflappable, dis-
wary, inexperienced, believing, unsophisti- passionate, tranquil, placid. ANT. agitated,
cated, oblivious. ANT. wary, suspicious, troubled, worried, anxious.
questioning. untrue a. false, wrong, incorrect, erroneous, in-
unsympathetic a. cold, uncaring, indifferent, accurate, not right, in error, fictitious, falla-
apathetic, heartless, lacking compassion, cious, specious, spurious, distorted. ANT.
unfeeling, stony, unmoved, callous, mean, true, factual, correct.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 629


untrustworthy a. undependable, unreliable, unwind v. relax, take it easy, calm down, re-
dishonest, deceitful, devious, false, disloyal, lieve one’s tension, recreate, *loosen up,
unfaithful, treacherous, disreputable. ANT. *kick back, wind down. ANT. tense up, *get
trustworthy, dependable, honest, loyal. wound up, *make oneself a nervous wreck,
untruthful a. lying, dishonest, deceptive, de- *stress oneself out.
ceitful, mendacious, fraudulent, misleading, unwise a. imprudent, injudicious, not smart,
insincere. ANT. truthful, honest. unintelligent, dumb, stupid, ill-advised,
unusual a. out of the ordinary, odd, rare, atypi- thoughtless, foolish, naive, moronic, brain-
cal, unfamiliar, singular, uncommon, excep- less, irrational, illogical. ANT. wise, smart,
tional, unconventional, peculiar, queer, prudent, intelligent.
strange, bizarre, weird, extraordinary, unwitting a. unknowing, unaware, uncon-
unique, unheard-of, unprecedented, unpar- scious, oblivious, inadvertent, accidental,
alleled, different, abnormal, distinguished, unplanned, chance, involuntary. ANT. know-
refreshing, *far-out, unexpected, unortho- ing, aware, planned.
dox. ANT. usual, ordinary, common, run-of- unwonted a. uncommon, unusual, rare, unac-
the-mill. customed, unfamiliar. ANT. typical, common.
unworldly a. 1. UNSOPHISTICATED naive, inex-
unvarnished a. plain, straightforward, unembe-
perienced, innocent, *born yesterday, *like
llished, unpolished, naked, raw. ANT.
a babe in the woods, raw, unaffected. 2. SPIR-
adorned, elaborated.
ITUAL divine, religious, godly, ethereal,
unveil a. reveal, expose, show, uncover, dis- heavenly.
close. ANT. cloak, hide. unworthy a. undeserving, unmerited, un-
unwarranted a. uncalled-for, unjustified, inex- earned, unqualified, ineligible, worthless,
cusable, indefensible, groundless, baseless, inferior, no good, unacceptable, disgraceful.
gratuitous. ANT. warranted, justifiable. ANT. worthy, deserving.
unwary a. incautious, heedless, unguarded, un- unyielding a. immovable, inflexible, firm, stub-
thinking, careless, unsuspecting, rash, reck- born, obstinate, unbending, uncompromis-
less, imprudent, unobservant, naive, igno- ing, headstrong, resolute, determined, hard,
rant. ANT. wary, cautious, guarded. stiff. ANT. flexible, compromising, yielding.
unwavering a. steady, firm, consistent, unfal- up a. excited, *psyched. ANT. down, depressed.
tering, staunch, resolute, determined, sin- up-and-coming a. rising, *climbing the ladder
gle-minded, persistent, steadfast, unswerv- of success, *growing by leaps and bounds,
ing. ANT. wavering, faltering, unsteady. succeeding, growing in status, promising.
unwelcome a. unwanted, not wanted, undesir- ANT. *over-the-hill, passé.
able, rejected, spurned, *shut out, *as wel- upbeat a. positive, optimistic, bright, cheerful,
come as the plague. ANT. welcome, wanted, rosy, sunny, happy, heartening, uplifting,
desired. encouraging. ANT. down, negative, dark.
unwell a. unhealthy, sick, sickly, ailing, ill, dis- UPBRAID v. [up BRADE] to reproach or
eased, bedridden, *out of sorts, *under the scold. The officer upbraided the motorist for
weather, *green around the gills, run-down, driving drunk. SYN. reproach, scold, rebuke,
*off one’s feed. ANT. well, healthy, fit. reprimand, chastise, *bawl out, *chew out,
unwholesome a. harmful, unhealthy, deleteri- admonish, berate, reprove, censure, *give a
ous, not good for one, unsound, detrimental, tongue-lashing, *rake over the coals, *take
to task. ANT. commend, praise, approve.
hurtful, noxious, pernicious, poisonous, in-
upbringing n. raising, rearing, breeding, groom-
salubrious. ANT. wholesome, healthy, good for
ing, training, nurturing, schooling.
one. upchuck v. vomit, throw up, *puke, spew,
unwieldy a. hard to handle, awkward, unman- *hurl, *ralph, *toss one’s cookies, regurgi-
ageable, clumsy, cumbersome, bulky, hulk- tate, *blow lunch, be sick.
ing, massive, unhandy, ponderous, heavy. update v. bring up to date, modernize, revise,
ANT. handy, pocket-sized, lightweight. renew, *bring into the twenty-first century,
unwilling a. against, disagreeable, loath, op- renovate.
posed, reluctant, not in the mood, disin- upend v. invert, turn over, upset, topple.
clined, unobliging, unenthusiastic, averse, upgrade v. raise, improve, promote, elevate, en-
unaccommodating, resistant, contrary, hance, better, make better, advance, enrich.
balky. ANT. willing, enthusiastic, eager. ANT. degrade, downgrade, demote.

630 Roget’s Superthesaurus


upheaval n. eruption, blowup, explosion, earth- upset v. 1. DISTURB make unhappy, bother, agi-
quake, cataclysm, destruction, catastrophe, tate, trouble, distress, worry, disquiet, hurt,
revolution, overthrow, change. ANT. peace, make angry, disconcert, perturb, unsettle,
quiet, tranquility. grieve, *stress out, make anxious. 2. OVER-
uphill a. laborious, arduous, hard, difficult, tax- TURN upend, turn upside-down, capsize, top-
ing, strenuous, grueling, labor intensive, ple, tip, flip, turn over, knock over. 3. DE-
backbreaking, ANT. downhill, easy, effortless. FEAT overthrow, triumph over, beat, *get
uphold v. support, hold up, maintain, stand by, the better of. ANT. 1. make happy, fill with
sustain, carry, back, champion. contentment, soothe. 2. turn upright, stand up.
upkeep n. maintenance, repair, running, costs, 3. lose, be defeated.
overhead, outlay, expenses, expenditure. upset a. 1. DISTURBED unhappy, bothered, agi-
uplift v. raise, elevate, inspire, lift, improve, tated, troubled, distressed, worried, disqui-
hearten. ANT. bring down, depress. eted, hurt, angry, disconcerted, perturbed,
upper hand n. advantage, control, domination, unsettled, grieved. 2. OVERTURNED upended,
*driver’s seat, whip hand, catbird seat, su- upside-down, capsized, toppled, flipped.
premacy, rule, a leg up. ANT. 1. contented, happy, blissful. 2. upright,
uppermost a. highest, top, loftiest, foremost, standing.
greatest, superior, ultimate, chief, maxi- upshot n. outcome, result, conclusion, end re-
mum, leading. ANT. lowest. sult, end product, effect, payoff, eventuality,
uppity a. arrogant, snobbish, haughty, stuck- culmination, consequence, aftermath, con-
up, *high-falutin, lofty, proud, uppish, *full summation.
of oneself, conceited, presumptuous. ANT. upside-down a. inverted, bottom-side up, top-
*folksy, down to earth, modest, humble. side down, reversed, wrong-side up, back-
upright a. 1. ERECT standing, vertical, perpen- ward, *bassackwards, topsy-turvy. ANT.
dicular, on end, straight up. 2. HONORABLE righted, right-side-up.
honest, moral, ethical, decent, good, righ- upstage v. steal the spotlight, steal the show,
teous, upstanding, scrupulous, principled, draw attention to one’s self, outshine.
virtuous, reputable. ANT. 1. prone, lying, hori- upstanding a. upright, honorable, honest, repu-
zontal. 2. dishonorable, disreputable, corrupt, table, virtuous, moral, ethical, good, princi-
dishonest. pled, uncorrupt, of sterling character. ANT.
uprising n. rebellion, revolt, revolution, insur- corrupt, low, disreputable, immoral.
rection, insurgence, mutiny, riot, unrest, an- upstart n. parvenue, nouveau riche, arriviste,
archy, outbreak of violence, overthrow, pretender, status seeker, jackanapes, whip-
coup d’état. persnapper.
uproar n. stir, turmoil, ado, *to-do, clamor, upswing n. advancement, expanding market,
*flap, furor, fuss, noise, riot, brouhaha, bull market, upsurge, improvement, rise,
*blowup, *hoopla, outburst, *ruckus, distur- progress, recovery, uptick.
bance, *big stink, hullabaloo. ANT. peace, uptight a. Sl. nervous, tense, anxious, on edge,
quiet, tranquility. edgy, uneasy, troubled, restive, worried. ANT.
uproarious a. 1. NOISY loud, clamorous, tumul- relaxed, calm, cool.
tuous, boisterous, wild, riotous, deafening, up-to-date a. current, up-to-the-minute, con-
earsplitting. 2. HILARIOUS *a scream, side- temporary, *cutting edge, *state of the art,
splitting, hysterical, *a laugh riot, rollicking. new, modern, in vogue, *all the rage, au
ANT. 1. quiet, peaceful, still. 2. somber, sober, courant, fashionable, stylish, trendy, late,
grim. *now. ANT. outdated, out-of-date, old-fash-
uproot v. root up, root out, extirpate, pull out, ioned, antiquated, passé.
rip out, move, weed, remove, eradicate, de- upturn n. SEE UPSWING
stroy. upward adv. skyward, overhead, above, aloft,
ups and downs n. peaks and valleys, highs and atop. ANT. downward, below.
lows, feasts and famines, vicissitudes. upward mobility n. social climbing, climbing
upset n. 1. DISTURBANCE unhappiness, agita- the corporate ladder, status seeking, *claw-
tion, trouble, distress, worry, shake-up, per- ing one’s way to the top.
turbation, illness. 2. DEFEAT overthrow, re- urban a. city, citified, metropolitan, cosmopoli-
versal, surprise loss. 3. TURNOVER flip, tan, densely populated, municipal, civic.
tipping, toppling, capsizing. ANT. rural, country, deep woods.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 631


URBANE a. [ur BANE] smoothly polite, usher v. 1. GUIDE escort, lead, conduct, show
suave, refined. The tour guide was charming in, marshal, direct, accompany. 2. PRECEDE
and urbane. SYN. smooth, suave, polite, cour- herald, pave the way, introduce, inaugurate.
teous, polished, refined, gracious, debonair, usual a. ordinary, customary, common, every-
mannerly, elegant, poised, charming. ANT. day, conventional, normal, standard, regu-
rude, coarse, impolite, offensive. lar, habitual, routine, accustomed, tradi-
urchin n. kid, boy, youngster, child, imp, *little tional, stock, run-of-the-mill, average,
devil, troublemaker, rogue, rascal, gutter- typical. ANT. unusual, uncommon, abnormal,
snipe, brat, juvenile delinquent. irregular.
urge n. drive, yearning, desire, hunger, longing, USURP v. [yoo SURP] to take over a position
impulse, craving, compulsion, yen, passion, of power by force, overthrow. The rebels at-
hankering, stimulus, goad. tempted to usurp the president’s office. SYN.
urge v. 1. ENCOURAGE press, push for, implore, take over, overthrow, depose, dethrone,
plead, exhort, beg, beseech, advocate, en- oust, unseat, unhorse, commandeer, wrest,
treat, ask, solicit. 2. STIMULATE provoke, in- seize, expropriate.
cite, push, drive, force, spur, accelerate, utensil n. implement, tool, instrument, fork,
speed. knife, spoon.
urgency n. matter of life or death, emergency, UTILITARIAN a. [yoo TIL i TAIR ee un]
crisis, extremity, exigency. useful, practical. He chose a car that was utili-
urgent a. a matter of life or death, pressing, tarian rather than showy. SYN. useful, practi-
crucial, critical, exigent, requiring immedi- cal, functional, pragmatic, serviceable, effi-
ate attention, imperative, first priority, para- cient, down to earth, sensible. ANT.
mount. ANT. unimportant, insignificant, triv- impractical, romantic, fanciful.
ial. utility n. usefulness, practicality, service, func-
urinate v. micturate, *pee, *piss, relieve one- tion, benefit, adaptability.
self. utilize v. use, put to use, employ. SEE USE
urn n. vase, container, receptacle, jar, vessel, utmost a. 1. GREATEST highest, maximum, max-
ossuary. imal, most, uppermost, supreme, preemi-
usage n. custom, habit, practice, tradition, con- nent, best. 2. FARTHEST most distant, outer-
vention, routine, way. most, extreme, last, remotest. ANT. 1. lowest,
use n. 1. SERVICE *mileage, usefulness, employ- smallest, worst. 2. closest, nearest.
ment, worth, benefit. 2. UTILIZATION appli-
utopia n. Shangri-la, paradise, Eden, best of all
cation, employment, exercise. 3. FUNCTION
possible worlds, heaven on earth, perfect so-
service, usefulness.
ciety, idealized society, land of milk and
use v. 1. UTILIZE employ, make use of, work,
practice, operate, exercise, manipulate, ply.
2. ABUSE take advantage of, exploit, *walk Utopian a. idealistic, ideal, visionary, perfect,
on, *play for a sucker, *bleed dry. 3. EXPEND fanciful, chimerical, grandiose, *pie in the
spend, consume, exhaust, deplete. sky, romantic, fictitious, make-believe, im-
used a. secondhand, pre-owned, hand-me- practical, unfeasible. ANT. realistic, down to
down, passed down, recycled, old, castoff. earth.
ANT. new, fresh, brand-new. utter v. speak, say, vocalize, emit, articulate,
used to adv. familiar with, accustomed to, ha- enunciate, voice, state, verbalize, assert, de-
bituated, acclimated. clare, shout, come out with, mouth.
useful a. serviceable, helpful, valuable, prac- utter a. thorough, complete, absolute, outright,
tical, utilitarian, beneficial, handy, of use, out-and-out, total, sheer, pure, perfect, un-
functional. ANT. useless, worthless, of no mitigated. ANT. partial, rather.
help. utterance n. vocalization, articulation, expres-
useless a. worthless, of no use, unavailing, un- sion, speech, statement, verbalization, asser-
serviceable, ineffectual, ineffective, to no tion, declaration, shout, sound, wording,
avail, unproductive, unprofitable, futile, mouthing.
vain. ANT. useful, valuable, helpful. utterly adv. completely, totally, entirely, thor-
usher n. usherette, guide, escort, doorkeeper, oughly, wholly, absolutely, purely, perfectly,
attendant, page. fully. ANT. partially, partly.

632 Roget’s Superthesaurus


vacancy n. opening, space, emptiness, gap, vagrant a. wandering, roaming, wayward, vaga-
room, void, vacuousness, hole, nothing, hol- bond, nomadic, rambling, roving, aimless,
low. Bohemian, gypsy.
vacant a. 1. EMPTY open, unfilled, unoccupied, vague a. indefinite, unclear, uncertain, obscure,
clear, bare, deserted, void, devoid, hollow, fuzzy, hazy, foggy, nebulous, amorphous, in-
uninhabited, unused. 2. MINDLESS stupid, distinct, unspecific, imprecise, ambiguous,
blank, vacuous, oblivious, expressionless, equivocal, questionable. ANT. definite, clear,
dull, bovine, *bubbleheaded. ANT. 1. full, distinct, explicit.
filled, occupied, used. 2. intelligent, thoughtful, vain a. 1. WORTHLESS of no use, useless, empty,
alert. hollow, futile, unproductive, fruitless, point-
vacate v. leave, give up, leave behind, quit, de- less, unsuccessful, unavailing, idle. 2. CON-
sert, withdraw, depart, abandon. ANT. fill, oc- CEITED proud, vainglorious, *full of oneself,
cupy. egotistical, self-important, arrogant, pomp-
vacation n. holiday, time off, *R&R, rest and ous, self-admiring, primping, preening,
relaxation, recess, furlough, sabbatical, re- haughty, dandyish, foppish, swaggering,
spite, hiatus, break, trip, cruise. ‘‘A semi-an-
strutting, *in love with oneself. ANT. 1. pro-
nual reminder that doing nothing is hard
ductive, effective, worthwhile. 2. modest, hum-
work.’’—Art Hinkle. ANT. daily grind, hard
ble, self-effacing.
vaccination n. inoculation, *shot, immunity. vainglorious a. proud, boasting, vain, singing
VACILLATE v. [VAS uh LATE] to waver or one’s own praises, bragging, *blowing one’s
be indecisive. He couldn’t make up his mind own horn, *talking big, swaggering, strut-
and vacillated between choices all day. SYN. wa- ting, arrogant, pompous, basking in one’s
ver, be indecisive, go back and forth, fluctu- own glory. ANT. modest, humble, self-effacing.
ate, hesitate, shilly-shally, *blow hot and vainglory n. pride, boastfulness, vanity, pomp,
cold, be irresolute, *sit on the fence, hedge, ostentation, arrogance, bragging, swagger-
equivocate, hem and haw. ing, strutting, haughtiness. ANT. modesty,
vacuity n. 1. EMPTINESS nothingness, vacuum, humbleness, shyness.
void, blankness. 2. EMPTY-HEADEDNESS stu- valance n. drapery, curtain.
pidity, ignorance, dullness, denseness, min- vale n. dale, dell. SEE VALLEY
dlessness, lack of intelligence, *bubblehead- valedictory n. farewell speech, goodbye speech.
edness, imbecility. ANT. 1. substance, matter, valedictory a. farewell, parting, goodbye, de-
fullness. 2. intelligence, brains, *smarts. parting, last. ANT. welcoming, greeting.
vacuous a. stupid, empty-headed, dumb, dense, valet n. dresser, manservant, servant, groom,
unintelligent, ignorant, imbecilic, moronic, foot servant, attendant.
*bubbleheaded, blank, bovine. ANT. intelli- valiant a. brave, courageous, fearless, bold, he-
gent, smart, bright, knowledgeable. roic, unflinching, lionhearted, unafraid, in-
vacuum n. emptiness, nothingness, void, blan- trepid, *gutsy, manly, *macho, virile, gal-
kness, vacuity. lant, chivalrous. ANT. cowardly, *chicken,
vagabond n. vagrant, drifter, tramp, wanderer, timid, craven, *wimpy.
transient, *bum, hobo, nomad, rambler, ro-
valid a. 1. LEGAL legitimate, authorized, certi-
ver, floater, itinerant.
fied, sanctioned, lawful, warranted, ap-
vagabond a. moving, wandering, drifting, trav-
eling, roving, rambling, roaming, wayfaring, proved, authentic, genuine. 2. SOUND well-
itinerant, homeless, shiftless, idle. ANT. grounded, well-founded, solid, validated,
rooted, responsible. logical, substantiated, correct, accurate, un-
vagary n. caprice, whim, whimsy, impulse, no- assailable. ANT. 1. illegal, illegitimate, unau-
tion, fancy, crotchet, idea, oddity, *flash. thorized, invalid. 2. flimsy, unsound, un-
vagina n. sex organ, private parts, genitals, gen- proven.
italia, reproductive organ. validate v. 1. MAKE LEGAL make legitimate, au-
vagrant n. wanderer, roamer, vagabond, no- thorize, certify, sanction, warrant, approve.
mad, rambler, rover, Bohemian, gypsy, 2. CONFIRM verify, prove, substantiate, cor-
tramp, hobo, *bum. roborate, back up, support, authenticate,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 633


certify. ANT. 1. invalidate, cancel. 2. disprove, vamp v. seduce, tempt, flirt, charm, beguile,
invalidate. lure with one’s feminine charms.
validation n. 1. LEGALIZATION legitimization, vampire n. bloodsucker, Dracula, ghoul, bat.
authorization, certification, sanctioning. 2. van n. truck, wagon, lorry, trailer.
CONFIRMATION verification, proof, substanti- vandal n. despoiler, wrecker, destroyer, mutila-
ation, corroboration, support, authentica- tor, graffiti artist, defacer, hoodlum, juvenile
tion, certification. ANT. invalidation. delinquent.
validity n. 1. LEGALITY lawfulness, legitimacy, vandalism n. destruction, defacing, grafitti,
authority, sanction. 2. SOUNDNESS solidity, *trashing, wrecking, smashing, breaking,
correctness, accuracy, authenticity, genu- disfigurement, tearing apart, spoiling.
ineness. vandalize v. destroy, deface, spray paint, *trash,
valise n. suitcase, bag, travel bag, handbag, car- wreck, smash, break, disfigure, tear apart,
ryall, luggage, case, grip. ruin, spoil.
valley n. dale, dell, vale, canyon, gorge, low- VANGUARD n. [VAN gard] the leading or
land, basin, gulch, chasm, hollow, glen. ANT. front members of an attacking army. Also,
mountain, highland. the leading or pioneering members of a
valor n. courage, bravery, boldness, fearlessness, movement, project, trend, etc. He was
*guts, nerve, heroism, daring, *derring-do, among the vanguard of the new age artists. SYN.
backbone, *moxie, stoutheartedness, bra- front, forefront, fore, head, front line, ad-
vado, confidence, manliness, gallantry, vance guard, cutting edge, leading edge,
chivalry, heart. ANT. cowardice, fear, *wimpi- leaders, trailblazers, pioneers, trendsetters,
ness, spinelessness. innovators, avant-garde, forerunners. ANT.
valorous a. courageous, brave, bold, fearless, rear, back, followers, stragglers.
*gutsy, nervy, heroic, daring, stouthearted, vanish v. disappear, fade, evanesce, dissolve,
confident, manly, gallant, chivalrous, tough. dematerialize, pass from sight, vanish into
ANT. cowardly, fearful, *wimpy.
thin air, vaporize, evaporate, leave no trace.
ANT. materialize, appear, come into view.
valuable a. costly, priceless, precious, dear, ex-
pensive, high-priced, valued, prized, in de- vanity n. 1. PRIDE vainglory, self-admiration,
mand, worthwhile, invaluable, important, conceit, ego, *ego trip, egotism, narcissism,
useful, profitable, beneficial, helpful. ANT. arrogance, boastfulness, self-importance,
worthless, cheap, *not worth the powder to smugness. ‘‘[That which] keeps persons in
blow it to hell, unimportant. favor with themselves who are out of favor
with all others.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘The great-
valuation n. appraisal, evaluation, estimate.
est of all flatterers.’’—La Rochefoucauld.
value n. 1. WORTH market price, appraisal, as-
‘‘An itch for the praise of fools.’’—Robert
sessment, equivalent, return, face value. 2.
Browning. 2. FUTILITY uselessness, worth-
MERIT use, importance, weight, desirability,
lessness, emptiness, hollowness. ANT. 1.
esteem, respect, benefit, profit, power, util-
modesty, humility, humbleness, self-efface-
ity, marketability. ANT. insignificance, useless- ment. 2. worth, usefulness.
ness, unimportance. vanquish v. conquer, defeat, overcome, beat,
value v. 1. APPRAISE assess, evaluate, rate, valu- best, overpower, overthrow, master, subdue,
ate, estimate, put a price on. 2. TREASURE crush, destroy, trample, prevail over, tri-
prize, cherish, hold dear, respect, esteem, ap- umph over. ANT. lose, be defeated, submit.
preciate, consider important, love. vantage n. advantage, *leg up, leverage, superi-
valued a. treasured, prized, cherished, dear, re- ority, high ground, edge, *inside track,
spected, esteemed, appreciated, highly re- *jump.
garded, admired, loved. ANT. unimportant, vantage point n. perspective. SEE POSITION
underappreciated. VAPID a. [VAP id] dull, flat, tasteless. He
values n. principles, morals, ideals, standards, watched one vapid television show after another
ethics, beliefs, mores, what’s important. and finally fell asleep. SYN. dull, flat, boring,
valve n. stopper, shutoff, cock, gate, flap, plug, uninteresting, tiresome, tedious, tasteless,
lid. flavorless, colorless, insipid, inane, lifeless,
vamoose v. *skedaddle, go, *git. SEE LEAVE bland, lame, unimaginative, *dull as dish-
vamp n. seductress, temptress, seducer, flirt, water, *blah. ANT. interesting, stimulating,
vampire, femme fatale, siren, enchantress. imaginative, exciting.

634 Roget’s Superthesaurus


vapor n. moisture, mist, fog, haze, steam, cloud, vase n. flower holder, pot, jar, vessel, pitcher,
spray, breath, exhalation, humidity, con- jug, amphora, tazza, potiche, urn.
densation, miasma, smog. vast a. huge, immense, enormous, extensive,
vaporize v. humidify, mist, steam, fume. boundless, colossal, astronomical, gigantic,
vaporous a. humid, misty, steamy, foggy, damp, titanic, massive, infinite, far-reaching, im-
clammy, muggy, moist, hazy, gaseous, fumy, measurable, stupendous. ANT. tiny, limited,
murky. ANT. dry. small, microscopic.
variable a. changeable, changing, unstable, vat n. tub, container, tank, cauldron, cistern,
fluctuating, irregular, inconstant, vacillat- cask, tun.
ing, wavering, *like a chameleon, on again vault n. 1. CHAMBER mausoleum, safe, security
off again, *blowing hot and cold, diverse, room, strongroom. 2. JUMP leap, hop, bound,
fickle, capricious, as variable as the wind. spring.
ANT. unchangeable, invariable, fixed, steady, vault v. jump, leap, hop, bound, spring, hurdle.
stable. vaunt v. boast, brag, crow, *talk big, gloat,
variance n. 1. DIFFERENCE discrepancy, diver- swagger, strut, *lay it on thick.
gence, deviation, disparity, departure. 2. DIS- veer v. turn, swerve, curve, change direction,
PUTE argument, quarrel, disagreement, alter- change course, wheel, deviate, shift, di-
cation, division, contention, difference of verge, tack.
opinion, conflict. 3. PERMISSION pass, *okay, vegetable n. 1. PLANT herb, root, produce, po-
pass-through. ANT. 2. agreement, harmony, tato, tomato, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, tur-
accord. nip, lettuce, spinach, cucumber, onion, scal-
variant n. different version, variation. lion, leek, beet, green bean, asparagus,
variation n. change, difference, alternative, de- artichoke, eggplant. 2. NONFUNCTIONING HU-
parture, turn, fluctuation, break from the MAN comatose patient, *brain-dead patient,
norm, aberration, variant, modification, va- imbecile, idiot, moron, blob.
riety. ANT. sameness, uniformity. vegetarian n. vegan.
varied a. various, assorted, diverse, diversified, vegetarian a. herbivorous, plant-eating. ANT.
mixed, miscellaneous, different, motley, carnivorous.
sundry, multifarious, heterogeneous, *a vegetate v. wither and die, languish, stagnate,
mixed bag. ANT. 1. the same, uniform, homo- be brain-dead, be comatose.
geneous. vegetation n. plants, greenery, plant-life, flora,
variegated a. particolored, varicolored, multi- herbage.
colored, polychromatic, streaked, mottled, vehemence n. intensity, passion, force, vio-
dappled, spotted, striped, kaleidoscopic, lence, fierceness, emotion, zeal, fire, fervor,
*like a rainbow. ANT. monochromatic, one- ardor, fury, enthusiasm, power. ANT. indiffer-
colored, uniform. ence, apathy, mildness.
variety n. 1. VARIATION diversity, change, dif- VEHEMENT a. [VEE uh munt] intense, pas-
ference, heterogeneity. 2. ASSORTMENT mis- sionate, fervent. She denied her part in the
cellany, *mixed bag, potpourri, mixture, crime vehemently. SYN. intense, passionate,
hodgepodge, collection, melange. 3. TYPE fervent, ardent, forceful, violent, fierce,
sort, kind, class, make, category, species, ge- emotional, zealous, fiery, furious, enthusias-
nus. ANT. 1. sameness, homogeneity. tic, powerful. ANT. indifferent, apathetic, mild,
various a. 1. VARIED different, diverse, assorted, passive.
sundry, manifold, mixed, motley. 2. SEVERAL vehemently a. intensely, passionately, fer-
many, countless, numerous, abundant. ANT. vently, ardently, forcefully, violently,
1. same, similar. fiercely, emotionally, zealously, furiously,
varnish n. lacquer, shellac, enamel, stain, gloss, enthusiastically, powerfully. ANT. indiffer-
veneer, coat, finish, glaze, polish. ently, passively, mildly.
vary v. differ, alter, change, modify, deviate, vehicle n. 1. TRANSPORT automobile, car, truck,
diverge, diversify, depart. tractor, van, wagon, *buggy, *heap, jalopy,
varying a. variable, changing, alternating, dif- motorcycle, wheels, *gas hog, *bucket of
fering, different, fluctuating, deviating, di- bolts, *clunker, *crate, *hunk-of-junk,
verging, departing, *blowing hot and cold. *puddle jumper, boat, bus, train, carriage,
ANT. steady, constant. coach.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 635


WORD FIND VENDETTA n. [ven DETT uh] a feud or fam-

boxlike coach of 1800s: brougham ily feud fueled by the need for vengeance.
bus traveling regular route, small, passenger: He launched a personal vendetta against his sis-
jitney ter’s abuser. SYN. feud, blood feud, family
cab, old-time: hackney, hansom cab feud, retaliation, fight, quarrel, bad blood,
carriage, enclosed: coach war, vengeance campaign, vengeance-seek-
carriage, four-wheeled: landau, phaeton, ing, revenge.
surrey vendor n. seller, salesman, peddler, retailer,
carriage, two-wheeled: chaise, curricle, gig, hawker, dealer, monger, merchant, trader,
sulky merchandiser, huckster.
carriage, Western, open, four-wheel: buck- veneer n. 1. SHOWY LAYER facade, facing, sur-
board face, overlay. 2. FALSE FRONT front, facade,
funeral: hearse cover-up, show, pretense, guise.
Oriental cab pulled by one or two persons: VENERABLE a. [VEN ur uh bul] esteemed
ricksha, jinrickisha because of one’s age or character. The vener-
parade: float able judge was retiring after 30 years on the
sledlike conveyance: sleigh, bob-sleigh, car- bench. SYN. respected, revered, esteemed,
riole, cutter, pung worthy, venerated, honored, time-honored,
stagecoach: Concord august, dignified, old. ANT. disrespected, dis-
streetcar: trolley, cable car honorable, undignified.
three-wheeled motorcycle for backwoods: VENERATE v. [VEN ur ate] revere, look up
ATV, all-terrain vehicle to, worship. Everyone venerated the local
wagon, covered: Conestoga, prairie schoo- priest. SYN. revere, look up to, respect, es-
ner teem, honor, worship, adore, idolize, *put
SEE AIRPLANE, AUTOMOBILE, BOAT, MOTORCY- on a pedestal, hallow. ANT. disdain, scorn,
CLE, SHIP, TRAIN regard with contempt, disrespect.
2. MEANS medium, instrument, tool, agent, veneration n. respect, reverence, esteem, wor-
channel, intermediary. ship, adoration, awe, idolization, regard, ad-
veil n. cover, covering, gauze, net, drapery, miration, homage. ANT. disrespect, disdain,
cloth, caul, shroud, curtain, screen, purdah, contempt.
mask. vengeance n. revenge, retaliation, retribution,
veil v. cover, shroud, curtain, screen, mask, dis- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, tit for tat,
guise, hide, conceal, obscure, darken, cloak, reprisal, requital, vendetta, settling the
shield. score. ANT. forgiveness, turning the other
veiled a. disguised, hidden, covered up, con- cheek, letting bygones be bygones.
cealed, obscured, shrouded, screened, dark- vengeful a. vindictive, seeking revenge, re-
ened, shielded. ANT. exposed. vengeful, *launching a personal vendetta,
vein n. 1. BLOOD VESSEL capillary, artery. 2. retaliatory, avenging, unforgiving, spiteful,
TONE quality, feeling, style, manner, mode, bitter, *out to settle the score, punitive.
strain, mood, way, fashion. 3. STREAK seam, ANT. forgiving, tolerant.
load, line, layer, stratum. venial a. forgivable, pardonable, excusable, tol-
velocity n. speed, rate of speed, pace, quickness, erable, allowable, understandable, minor,
swiftness, fleetness, rapidity, celerity, miles *human. ANT. unforgivable, inexcusable, in-
per hour, revolutions per minute, rate. tolerable, sinful.
measuring device: tachometer spite, malice, hatred, animosity, malevo-
velvet n. velveteen, velour, silk. lence, malignance, resentment, ill will, bit-
VENAL a. [VEEN ul] easily corrupted or terness, hostility, acrimony. ANT. 1. antidote,
bribed, corrupt. He was the most venal judge antivenin, antitoxin. 2. love, goodwill, friendli-
the courts had ever encountered. SYN. corrupt- ness, warmth.
ible, easily bribed, unscrupulous, greedy, venomous a. 1. POISONOUS toxic, lethal, deadly,
buyable, unprincipled, immoral, unethical, viperous, stinging. 2. FULL OF NEGATIVE FEEL-
mercenary. ANT. scrupulous, principled, ethi- INGS spiteful, malicious, hating, malevolent,
cal, honest, incorruptible. malignant, resentful, bitter, hostile, acrimo-
vend v. sell, peddle, market, retail, hawk. nious, caustic, antagonistic, vicious. ANT. 1.

636 Roget’s Superthesaurus


harmless, nontoxic. 2. friendly, warm, full of verbiage n. wordiness, long-windedness, prolix-

goodwill. ity, verbosity, logorrhea, repetition, redun-
vent n. 1. HOLE opening, outlet, aperture, ori- dancy, loquacity, tautology. ANT. concision,
fice, mouth, passage, flue, exhaust duct, ven- conciseness, condensation, pithiness.
tilating shaft. 2. EXPRESSION release, voicing. verbose a. wordy, long-winded, prolix, tauto-
vent v. 1. DISCHARGE release, let out, expel, give logical, loquacious, garrulous, talkative, re-
off. 2. EXPRESS air, spout off, voice, verbalize, petitive, redundant, voluble, *motor-
let out, tell, unburden oneself. ANT. 1. hold mouthed. ANT. concise, succinct, to the point,
it all in, pent up. 2. remain silent. pithy.
ventilate v. 1. BRING IN OR EXPEL AIR circulate, verbosity n. wordiness, long-windedness, pro-
freshen, renew, air, air out, refresh, fan. 2. lixity, tautology, loquaciousness. ‘‘Shooting
BRING OUT INTO THE OPEN air, voice, discuss, without aiming.’’—William Benham. ‘‘Su-
verbalize. perfluous breath.’’—Shakespeare.
venture n. undertaking, enterprise, adventure, verdant a. green, grassy, leafy, lush. ANT. arid,
business proposition, endeavor, project, in- sandy.
vestment, risk, gamble, *long shot, stake, verdict n. finding, decision, judgment, ruling,
speculation, experiment. conclusion, determination, adjudication,
venture v. 1. RISK take a chance, gamble, wager, opinion, sentence.
dare, attempt, *take a shot, *lay it all on verge n. edge, brink, border, margin, limit,
the line, *go out on a limb, *take a flier, threshold, boundary, extremity, fringe, skirt,
speculate, endeavor, undertake. 2. DARE SAY rim, lip, outer limits.
express, hazard an opinion. verge v. incline, tend, lean toward, approach,
venturesome a. daring, risky, chancy, brave, come close, edge, neighbor, touch.
courageous, bold, *gutsy, *nervy, audacious, verification n. proof, authentication, certifica-
intrepid, enterprising, adventurous, specula- tion, corroboration, substantiation, confir-
tive. ANT. safe, cowardly, guaranteed. mation, affirmation, attestation, validation,
venue n. locale, locality, location, place, scene. evidence. ANT. discredit, invalidation.
Venus n. goddess of love, goddess of beauty, verify v. prove, confirm, substantiate, authenti-
Aphrodite. cate, certify, corroborate, affirm, attest, vali-
veracious a. truthful, honest, true, factual, ac- date, testify to, support, demonstrate. ANT.
curate, trustworthy, dependable, reliable, *shoot full of holes, discredit, debunk, invali-
faithful, straightforward, *on the up and up, date.
straight. ANT. false, dishonest, untruthful, in- verily adv. truly, in truth, certainly.
accurate. verisimilitude n. realism, appearance of reality,
VERACITY n. [vu RAS uh tee] honesty, appearance of truth, truth, credibility, belie-
truthfulness, accuracy. We never doubted the vabilility.
veracity of her statements. SYN. honesty, veritable a. actual, real, for real, true, bona fide,
truthfulness, accuracy, dependability, relia- genuine, authentic. ANT. false, questionable.
bility, credibility, authenticity, reality, in- verity n. truth, reality, actuality.
tegrity, faithfulness. ANT. dishonesty, decep- vermin n. 1. PESTS varmints, bugs, flies, lice,
tion, deceitfulness, inaccuracy. fleas, cockroaches, rats. 2. *CREEP *sleazebag,
veranda n. porch, portico, gallery, deck, stoop, *scum of the earth, dregs, *scumbag, weasel,
balcony. snake, riffraff.
verbal a. in words, oral, spoken, uttered, articu- VERNACULAR n. [vur NAK yoo lur] every-
lated, expressed, by mouth, voiced, infor- day language or idiom. Even though he was a
mal, unwritten. ANT. written, formal. highly intellectual author, he always spoke in a
verbalize v. speak, say, voice, utter, articulate, relaxed vernacular. SYN. native tongue, dia-
express, communicate, put forth, put into lect, native language, conversational En-
words, *spit out. glish, plain English, colloquial speech, slang,
VERBATIM adv. [ver BAY tum] word for idiom, lingo, cant, argot, shoptalk. ANT. for-
word. She quoted passages of the book verba- mal English, formal language.
tim. SYN. word for word, exactly, literally, vernacular a. native, regional, local, provin-
precisely, as written, faithfully, to the letter, cial, common, popular, vulgar, indigenous,
line for line. ANT. by way of paraphrasing, informal, conversational. ANT. formal, ele-
roughly, inexactly. vated, proper, stilted.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 637


vernal a. fresh, young, youthful, *spring-fresh. lobby, reception area, waiting room, ante-
ANT. old. chamber.
versatile a. multitalented, multifaceted, *Jack- vestige n. trace, ancestral remnant, relic, me-
of-all-trades, all-around, multipurpose, re- mento, surviving evidence, shadow, glim-
sourceful, ingenious, clever, multiskilled, mer, token, remainder, *ancestral hand-me-
handy, adaptable. ANT. limited. down.
verse n. line, stanza, poem, poetry, rhyme, com- vestigial a. obsolete, ancestral, degenerate, at-
position, lyrics. rophied, nonfunctional, rudimentary, re-
versed a. learned, acquainted, experienced, maining, passed-down. ANT. functional, ad-
trained, schooled, educated, practiced, fa- vanced.
miliar with, informed, conversant, skilled, vestment n. garment, robe, gown, alb, amice,
proficient, *up on. ANT. unschooled, un- cassock, surplice, tippet, cope.
trained, ignorant. veteran n. professional, pro, seasoned pro, *vet,
version n. rendition, rendering, interpretation, experienced hand, *old hand, old-timer,
reading, depiction, account, story, para- past master, senior, authority, expert,
phrase, form, translation. trouper, *war horse, ex-soldier. ANT. ama-
vertex n. apex, summit, highest point, high teur, neophyte, beginner.
point, pinnacle, peak, crown, zenith, acme, veteran a. experienced, old, seasoned, profes-
apogee. sional, senior, practiced, hardened, mas-
vertical a. upright, up and down, perpendicular. terly, battle-scarred, worldly-wise, weath-
ANT. horizontal. ered. ANT. inexperienced, immature, young,
vertiginous a. causing vertigo, dizzy, dizzying, untried, amateur.
*making one’s head spin, whirling, reeling. veterinarian n. vet, animal doctor. SEE DOCTOR
ANT. steady, calm. (WORD FIND)
vertigo n. dizziness, unsteadyness, whirling, veto n. prohibition, no, refusal, rejection, dis-
reeling sensation, loss of balance. approval, *thumbs down, *nix, nay, stop-
verve n. energy, spirit, liveliness, vivaciousness, page, proscription, denial. ANT. approval,
enthusiasm, vitality, animation, vigor, pas- yes, okay, acceptance, ratification.
sion, gusto, *pizzazz. ANT. dullness, sleepiness, veto v. prohibit, refuse, reject, disapprove,
weariness. *give a thumbs down, *give a no vote, *nix,
very a. 1. COMPLETE absolute, total, entire, out- stop, kill, proscribe, deny, bar. ANT. accept,
and-out, downright, unqualified, sheer. 2. approve, ratify.
SAME identical, precise, exact, perfect, fit- vex v. irritate, annoy, aggravate, trouble,
ting, suitable, needed. ANT. 1. partial. bother, *bug, irk, peeve, ruffle, *rattle one’s
very adv. 1. EXTREMELY excessively, exceed- cage, pester, plague, rile, harass, perturb,
ingly, profoundly, unusually, highly, *terri- *get on one’s nerves. ANT. please, delight,
bly, *awfully, uncommonly, vastly, extraor- soothe.
dinarily, deeply, richly, notably. 2. EXACTLY vexation n. irritation, annoyance, aggravation,
precisely. ANT. 1. slightly, barely, hardly. 2. trouble, bother, *pain, *pain in the neck,
roughly. *headache, *thorn in one’s side, distur-
vespers n. evening prayer, canonical hour. bance, affliction. ANT. pleasure, delight, joy.
vessel n. 1. BOAT craft, sailboat, trawler, ship, vexatious a. irritating, annoying, aggravating,
freighter, barge, tugboat, tanker, ocean troubling, bothersome, irksome, nerve-rack-
liner, cruise ship, *tub. SEE BOAT, SHIP 2. CON- ing, ruffling, disturbing, perturbing, nagging,
TAINER receptacle, holder, utensil, pot, pan, nettling. ANT. pleasing, delightful, joyful.
kettle, bottle, vase, jug, tub, vat, cistern, via prep. by, by way of, through.
cask, keg, urn. VIABLE a. [VI uh bul] able to live or survive,
vest n. waistcoat. workable, doable. We came up with a number
vest v. place in control, invest, entrust, bestow, of viable plans to make the company more prof-
authorize, empower, assign, confer, grant. itable. SYN. capable of surviving, workable,
vested a. fixed, absolute, set, inviolable, in- doable, practical, feasible, possible, within
alienable, guaranteed by law, protected by the realm of possibility. ANT. likely to perish,
law, warranted. ANT. spurious, unwarranted. impractical, unworkable.
vestibule n. entrance, entranceway, foyer, viaduct n. span. SEE BRIDGE

638 Roget’s Superthesaurus


vial n. phial, bottle, ampule, vessel, test tube, Victorian a. respectable, prudish, proper, strait-
syringe. laced, stuffy, puritanical, prim, priggish, an-
vibrant a. 1. VIBRATING quivering, resonating, tiquated, obsolete. ANT. free-spirited, loose,
resonant, reverberating, reverberant, re- fast, liberal.
sounding, ringing, pulsing, throbbing. 2. victorious a. winning, conquering, vanquish-
LIVELY alive, spirited, vigorous, energetic, ing, triumphant, successful, champion, on
animated, throbbing with life, vital, spar- top, prevailing, dominant, undefeated. ANT.
kling, radiant. ANT. 1. still. 2. dead, weak, failing, losing, defeated.
sleepy, dull. victory n. success, win, triumph, superiority,
VICARIOUS a. [vye KAIR ee us] experienced mastery, sweep, upset, killing, *grand slam,
indirectly or imagined through the experi- *landslide, *wipe out, the gold medal, the
ences of others. Although she could not attend silver medal, the bronze medal, vanquish-
it herself, she received vicarious pleasure from ing, overthrow, subduing. ‘‘A matter of stay-
watching the concert on television. SYN. indi- ing power.’’—Elbert Hubbard. ‘‘That which
rect, imagined, fantasized, secondhand, sec- must be bought with the lives of young men
ondary, sympathetic, empathetic, surrogate. to retrieve the errors of the old.’’—Gordon
ANT. direct, firsthand, personal. Munnoch. ANT. loss, failure, defeat, flop,
vice n. sin, evil, wickedness, depravity, wrong, *choke.
indecency, debauchery, immorality, degen- victuals n. food, foodstuffs, provisions, grocer-
eracy, corruption, prostitution, bad habit, ies, rations, *grub, *eats, *chow, *three
weakness, compulsion, failing, fault, flaw, squares, sustenance, nourishment, larder.
shortcoming, wrong, crime. ‘‘Servility.’’— video n. TV, television, tape, videocassette,
Karl Marx. ‘‘Instruments to plague.’’— movie, picture transmission. SEE TELEVISION
Shakespeare. videocassette n. video, tape, movie, *flick. SEE
vicinity n. proximity, neighborhood, area, MOVIE
*neck of the woods, region, surroundings, vie v. compete, contend, rival, match up
environs, vicinage. against, struggle, contest, *lock horns,
vicious a. 1. MEAN, NASTY bad, fierce, cruel, ma- *fight tooth and nail, challenge, *jockey for
licious, murderous, brutal, merciliess, blood- position, *establish a pecking order.
thirsty, savage, ferocious, hateful, venom- view n. 1. LOOKING seeing, observation, exami-
ous, spiteful 2. EVIL wicked, sinful, base, nation, inspection, scrutiny, scan, look-see,
corrupt, depraved, immoral, debauched, vil- once-over. 2. SIGHT vision, range. 3. SCENE
lainous, degenerate, perverted, shameful, scenery, vista, panorama, outlook, prospect,
bad. ANT. 1. nice, kind, sweet, good. 2. moral, landscape, seascape. 4. OPINION judgment,
virtuous, righteous, Christian. perspective, thoughts, feeling, observation,
VICISSITUDES n. [vi SIS i TOODS] point of view, belief, impression, convic-
changes, ups and downs, difficulties. He tion, attitude.
learned to accept the vicissitudes of life. SYN. view v. 1. LOOK AT see, behold, observe, exam-
changes, ups and downs, peaks and valleys, ine, inspect, scrutinize, scan, check out, sur-
ebb and flow, changes in fortune, reversals, vey, *get a load of, regard, peep, eyeball. 2.
variations, mutability, uncertainty, difficult- CONSIDER regard, judge, deem, think, look
ies. at.
victim n. 1. SUFFERER fatality, casualty, injured viewpoint n. point of view, opinion, perspec-
party. 2. DUPE target, *patsy, *fall guy, tive, attitude, way of thinking, position,
*sucker, *sitting duck, *easy mark, quarry, standpoint, feeling, vantage point, angle,
prey. slant.
victimize v. prey on, attack, kill, destroy, abuse, vigil n. watch, standing-by, overnight watch,
torment, molest, sexually abuse, rape, mug, surveillance, lookout, observation, monitor-
rob, wrong, injure, pick on, take advantage ing.
of, single out for abuse, *rip off, trick, *burn, vigilance n. watchfulness, caution, alertness,
fool, *sucker, con, swindle, *flimflam, de- wariness, attentiveness, circumspection,
fraud, *frame. lookout, carefulness, heed. ANT. carelessness,
victor n. winner, champion, *champ, gold disregard, letting down one’s guard.
medalist, conqueror, vanquisher, *top dog, vigilant a. watchful, alert, on the lookout, cau-
*number one, master. ANT. loser, failure. tious, wary, attentive, circumspect, careful,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 639


*on one’s toes, on guard. ANT. unwary, in- *SOB, cad, *creep, *rotter, *stinker, *bad
cautious, off guard, *flat-footed, asleep. actor, *bad hombre. ANT. hero, *good guy,
vigilante n. member of a lynch mob, member good Samaritan, law-abiding citizen.
of a vigilance committee, night rider. villainous a. criminal, evil, wicked, sinful, un-
vigilantism n. taking the law into one’s own lawful, lawbreaking, mean, knavish, black,
hands, mob law, mob rule, lynch law, lynch- fiendish, dastardly, ignoble, blackhearted,
ing. antisocial, vile, low, felonious, shameful,
vignette n. sketch, scene, cameo, skit, bit, de- reprehensible, immoral, diabolic. ANT. he-
piction. roic, good, kind, Christian.
vigor n. 1. STRENGTH AND VITALITY energy, zip, villainy n. crime, dirty deed, felony, evil, wick-
power, pep, fire, vim, liveliness, drive, force, edness, sinfulness, knavery, meanness, de-
potency, might, hardiness, heartiness, linquency, blackheartedness, antisocial be-
health, *get up and go, *punch. 2. INTENSITY havior, antisocial act, vileness, immorality,
force, spirit, passion, enthusiasm, vehe- heinous act. ANT. heroism, goodness, kind-
mence, fire, fervor. ANT. 1. weakness, feeble- ness, Christianity.
ness, failing health. 2. feebleness, halfhearted- vim n. vitality, vigor, energy, strength, robust-
ness, weariness. ness, liveliness, *pep, *get up and go, *zip,
vigorous a. strong, vital, energetic, *full of zip, potency, vivacity, spirit. ANT. feebleness,
powerful, peppy, *full of fire, lively, forceful, weariness.
potent, mighty, hardy, hearty, healthy, ro- VINDICATE v. [VIN duh KATE] to clear one
bust, intense, spirited, passionate, enthusias- of blame, charges or suspicion; to absolve.
tic, vehement, fervent. ANT. weak, feeble, The new evidence vindicated the accused and
sickly, failing, impotent. he was promptly released with apologies. SYN.
viking n. pirate, sea rover, Norseman. clear, clear one’s name, exonerate, prove in-
vile a. 1. BASE immoral, wicked, evil, sinful, de- nocence, absolve, acquit, exculpate, excuse,
based, bad, degenerate, venal, iniquitous, pardon, uphold one’s innocence, defend,
villainous, depraved, Satanic. 2. OFFENSIVE support. ANT. damn, implicate, convict.
disgusting, sickening, nauseating, stomach- VINDICTIVE a. [vin DIK tiv] seeking re-
turning, rotten, loathsome, despicable, venge, seething with the desire for ven-
monstrous, atrocious, obnoxious, contempt- geance. The divorce made both parties mean
ible. ANT. 1. moral, good, wholesome, virtu- and vindictive. SYN. vengeful, revengeful, re-
ous. 2. pleasant, delightful, agreeable. taliatory, retributive, spiteful, unforgiving,
VILIFY v. [VIL uh FYE] to defame, slander, resentful, hostile, out for revenge, out to
put down. He vilified nearly everyone in the even the score, nasty. ANT. forgiving, *turning
organization. SYN. defame, slander, put the other cheek, accepting.
down, mudsling, libel, smear, criticize, vintage n. 1. TIME PERIOD season, year, date, pe-
abuse, denounce, *slam, malign, denigrate, riod, model. 2. CROP harvest, yield. SEE WINE
revile, calumniate, vituperate, *bad-mouth, vintage a. 1. CHOICE the best, select, prize, ex-
*drag one’s name through the mud. ANT. cellent, superior, good, fine. 2. HISTORICAL
praise, compliment, commend. past, period, retro, old-time, old-fashioned,
vilification n. defamation, slander, mudsling- antiquated, antique, outdated. ANT. 1. the
ing, libel, smear, criticism, verbal abuse, de- worst, poor, inferior. 2. future, modern, con-
nunciation, *slamming, maligning, denigra- temporary.
tion, calumny, character assassination, vintner n. wine merchant, wine maker. SEE
*bad-mouthing. ANT. praising, commenda- WINE
tion, acclaim. violate v. 1. BREAK A LAW transgress, breach, dis-
villa n. country house, country estate, summer obey, trespass, defy, disregard the law, in-
house, *spread, vacation home, hacienda. fringe, commit a felony, commit a crime,
village n. municipality, hamlet, small town, commit a misdemeanor. 2. RAPE molest, sex-
crossroads, burg, community, settlement, ually abuse, ravish, assault, deflower, take by
township. force. 3. DESECRATE profane, disrespect, dis-
villain n. criminal, *bad guy, scoundrel, evil- honor, defile, blaspheme, degrade, corrupt.
doer, wretch, knave, antihero, *black hat, 4. BREAK IN interrupt, invade one’s space, in-
fiend, rogue, rascal, *weasel, *snake, *rat, vade one’s privacy, disturb. ANT. 1. comply,
*Simon Legree, dastard, cur, *the heavy, observe, respect. 3. respect, honor, revere.

640 Roget’s Superthesaurus


violation n. 1. BREAKING OF THE LAW transgres- maidenly, wholesome. ANT. impure, tried, ex-
sion, breach, trespass, defiance, infringe- perienced, defiled.
ment, felony, crime, misdemeanor, nonob- virginal a. SEE VIRGIN
servance. 2. RAPE molestation, sexual abuse, virginity n. chastity, celibacy, purity, maiden-
sexual assault, deflowering. 3. DESECRATION hood, innocence, virtue, modesty, conti-
disrespect, defiling, degradation. 4. INVA- nence, abstinence. ‘‘A frozen asset.’’—Clare
SION OF PRIVACY invasion of one’s space, in- Boothe Luce. ‘‘Peevish, proud, idle, made of
terruption, disturbance. self-love, which is the most inhibited sin in
violence n. 1. PHYSICAL ANGER AND DESTRUC- the canon.’’—Shakespeare. ANT. promiscu-
TION brute force, manhandling, brutality, ity, experience, immodesty.
roughness, terrorism, bloodshed, killing, virile a. manly, masculine, male, *macho,
murder, destructiveness, barbarity, savagery, strong, powerful, forceful, vigorous, potent,
ferocity, fisticuffs, *rumble, rioting, physical red-blooded, lusty, two-fisted, strapping,
abuse, pummeling, cruelty, torture, *when muscular, fearless, *gutsy, bold. ANT. effemi-
push comes to shove. ‘‘The state calls its nate, *wimpy, weak, impotent.
own violence law, but that of the individual virility n. manliness, masculinity, maleness,
strength, power, forcefulness, vigor, po-
crime.’’—Max Stirner. 2. INTENSE FORCE OF
tency, red-bloodedness, lustiness, muscular-
NATURE energy, explosiveness, storminess,
ity, fearlessness, gutsiness. ANT. femininity,
ferocity, fury, turbulence, wildness, inten-
*wimpiness, weakness, impotency.
sity, fierceness, upheaval, cataclysm, erup- virtual a. practical, in effect, just about, tanta-
tion, blowup. mount to, essential, equal to, implicit. ANT.
violent a. 1. DESTRUCTIVE brutal, beastly, man- not at all, absent.
handling, rough, terrorizing, killing, mur- virtually adv. practically, for all practical pur-
derous, barbarous, savage, ferocious, riotous, poses, in effect, just about, tantamount to,
physically abusive, assaultive, cruel, blood- equal to, basically, essentially.
thirsty, homicidal, rabid, maniacal, berserk, virtue adv. 1. MORALITY goodness, righteous-
rowdy, hurtful, crazed, out of control, vehe- ness, uprightness, moral excellence, de-
ment, furious. 2. INTENSE powerful, strong, cency, character, integrity, incorruptibility,
extreme, severe, acute, rough, explosive, honor, Christian values, principle, ethic.
turbulent, stormy, ferocious, wild, fierce, ‘‘The fount whence honor springs.’’—Chris-
cataclysmic. ANT. 1. nonviolent, pacific, pas- topher Marlowe. ‘‘Forebearance.’’—F. Scott
sive, peaceful. 2. mild, gentle, slight. Fitzgerald. ‘‘Reason in practice.’’—Marie de
violin n. string instrument, fiddle, Stradivarius. Chenier. ‘‘A mean state between two vices,
SEE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT the one of excess and the other of defi-
VIP n. very important person, dignitary, *big ciency.’’—Aristotle. ‘‘Blood is an inheri-
shot, *big enchilada, *brass hat, *top brass, tance, virtue an acquisition.’’—Miguel de
celebrity, *high muckety-muk, nabob. ANT. Cervantes. ‘‘Virtue is insufficient tempta-
nobody, *lightweight, nobody special. tion.’’—George Bernard Shaw. 2. CHASTITY
viper n. *snake, *snake in the grass, scoundrel, chasteness, purity, virginity, celibacy, inno-
rogue, villain, cur, cad, rat, *heel, worm, cence, modesty, abstinence, continence. 3.
*rotter. ANT. nice guy, choirboy, good Samari- EXCELLENCE merit, effectiveness, value. ANT.
tan. 1. immorality, evil, wickedness, sin. 2. promis-
viperous a. malicious, vicious, spiteful, nasty, cuity, immodesty, impurity. 3. inferiority, inef-
venomous, malignant, mean, vindictive, Sa- fectiveness.
virtuosity n. skill, proficiency, greatness, mas-
tanic, deadly. ANT. nice, sweet, harmless.
tery, expertise, command, artistry, crafts-
virago n. shrew, nag, scold, witch, *battle-ax, manship, brilliance. ANT. inexperience, in-
spitfire, fishwife, *biddy, hag. competence, ineptness.
virgin n. maid, maiden, celibate, vestal. virtuoso n. master, expert, artist, *whiz, crafts-
Virgin n. Mary, Mother of Jesus, Madonna, the man, genius, prodigy, ace, professional, pro,
Virgin Mother, Queen of Saints, Blessed *crackerjack, maestro, mavin. ANT. amateur,
Virgin Mary. beginner, bumbler, neophyte.
virgin a. virginal, chaste, celibate, untouched, virtuous a. 1. MORAL AND EXEMPLARY good, righ-
pure, immaculate, unused, innocent, pris- teous, upright, principled, decent, incor-
tine, unspoiled, inexperienced, without sin, ruptible, honorable, showing character,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 641


having integrity, having Christian values, FORESIGHT OR IMAGINATION astuteness, far-

ethical. 2. CHASTE virginal, pure, un- sightedness, understanding, insight, wis-
touched, innocent, celibate, continent, abs- dom, perspective, keenness, intuition.
tinent. ANT. 1. immoral, evil, sinful, wicked. visionary n. 1. DREAMER daydreamer, idealist,
2. promiscuous, impure, immodest. romantic, Utopian, castle-builder, Don Qui-
virulence n. 1. TOXICITY noxiousness, harmful- xote. 2. PROPHET seer, mystic, fortune-teller,
ness, deadliness. 2. ANIMOSITY venom, hos- psychic.
tility, malevolence, rancor, malice, acri- visionary a. imaginary, fantasized, dreamed,
mony. fanciful, impractical, unrealistic, idealized,
virulent a. 1. POISONOUS noxious, toxic, ven- idealistic, starry-eyed, romantic, specula-
omous, harmful, unhealthy, lethal, deadly, tive, ghostly, spectral, prophetic. ANT. realis-
fatal, malignant, deleterious. 2. ANTAGONIS- tic, down-to-earth, practical.
TIC hostile, venomous, malevolent, rancor- visit n. social call, stopover, stay, sojourn, ap-
ous, vicious, malicious, nasty, acrimonious, pointment, talk, chat.
bitter, spiteful, vindictive. ANT. 1. nontoxic, visit v. 1. DROP IN ON call on, stop in, stop over,
harmless, benign. 2. friendly, nice, warm. stop by, see, look up, look in on, pay a call,
virus n. *bug, germ, microorganism, microbe, stay over, sojourn. 2. AFFLICT inflict, assail,
infection, pathogen, prokaryote, cold virus, befall, wreak, smite, attack.
flu virus. visitation n. affliction, punishment, plague,
visa n. endorsement, authorization, certifica- curse, blight, disaster, catastrophe, tragedy,
tion, passport stamp. calamity, reward, just reward.
visage n. face, countenance, expression, ap- visitor n. caller, guest, houseguest, company,
pearance, aspect, look, cast, bearing. drop-in company, sojourner, tourist, trav-
vis-a-vis a. face to face, opposite. eler.
viscera n. internal organs, intestines, guts, bow- vista n. view, outlook, scene, scenery, pan-
els, *innards, entrails. orama, sight, prospect.
VISCERAL a. [VIS ur ul] instinctive, intu- visual a. 1. OPTICAL optic, ocular. 2. VISIBLE see-
itive, felt in one’s gut. The desire to hunt is able, observable, perceptible, discernible,
largely visceral. SYN. instinctive, intuitive, perceivable. ANT. 2. invisible, imperceptible,
*gut, internal, natural, unconscious, sub- auditory, olfactory.
conscious, reflexive, emotional. ANT. intel-
visualize v. picture, imagine, envision, con-
lectual, cerebral.
ceive, fantasize, see in the mind’s eye, envis-
viscid a. SEE VISCOUS
age, conjure up, form a mental image.
viscosity n. cohesiveness, stickiness, tackiness,
vital a. 1. LIVING live, life, animate, life-giving,
adhesion, viscidity, gumminess, pastiness.
viscount n. nobleman. life-supporting, life-sustaining. 2. ESSENTIAL
viscous a. cohesive, sticky, viscid, tacky, gluey, necessary, indispensable, critical, crucial,
gummy, adhesive, syrupy, mucilaginous, fundamental, basic, important, life or death,
pasty. ANT. dry, solid. key. 3. VIGOROUS energetic, lively, full of
vise n. clamp, holder, grip, gripper. life, spirited, animated, vivacious, vibrant,
visibility n. range of vision, clearness, clarity, dynamic, full of zest. ANT. 1. dead, lifeless,
cloudiness, cloud ceiling, fogginess, percep- inanimate. 2. inessential, unnecessary, dis-
tibility. pensable. 3. lifeless, sluggish, sickly, tired.
visible a. seeable, perceptible, observable, per- vitality n. vigor, energy, liveliness, life, spirit,
ceivable, discernible, palpable, apparent, animation, vivacity, zest, vim, robustness,
evident, obvious, conspicuous, distinct, get up and go, power, strength. ANT. weak-
clear, plain, manifest. ANT. invisible, con- ness, sluggishness, lethagy, dullness.
cealed, hidden, imperceptible. vitriol n. bitterness, sarcasm, nastiness, venom,
vision n. 1. EYESIGHT sense of sight, sight, acid, maliciousness, malevolence, hateful-
seeing, perception, optical perception. SEE ness, contempt, disdain. ANT. sweetness,
EYE 2. DREAM hallucination, fantasy, day- kindness, pleasantness.
dream, illusion, mirage, apparition, ghost, VITRIOLIC a. [vi tree AWL ik] caustic, bitter
specter, phantom, visitation, prophecy, pro- or sarcastic. His vitriolic speech drove many
phetic vision, revelation. 3. MENTAL PICTURE people out of the conference room. SYN. caus-
image, imagining, fantasy, concept, idea. 4. tic, bitter, sarcastic, nasty, venomous, acid,

642 Roget’s Superthesaurus


malicious, malevolent, hateful, biting, cut- vociferate v. shout, clamor, holler, bellow, rant,
ting, disdainful. ANT. sweet, nice, pleasant. rave, thunder, fume, fuss, *raise a stink, raise
vittles n. victuals, food, edibles, *grub, *chow, one’s voice, carry on vehemently. ANT. whis-
eats, nourishment. per, speak softly.
vituperate v. scold, berate, censure, verbally VOCIFEROUS a. [vo SIF ur us] loud, bellow-
abuse, revile, reprove, reproach, rebuke, up- ing; making one’s point in a noisy manner.
braid, chasten, disparage. ANT. commend, Both sides had become increasingly vociferous
praise, compliment. over the gun control issue. SYN. loud, bellow-
vituperation n. scolding, berating, verbal ing, shouting, hollering, clamorous, ranting,
abuse, abusive language, castigation, *dress- raving, thunderous, fuming, vehement, vo-
ing down, condemnation, criticism, revile- cal, uproarious, loud-mouthed. ANT. quiet,
ment, denunciation. ANT. praise, compli- reserved, silent, shy.
ments, commendation. vogue n. mode, fashion, style, *fad, *rage,
VIVACIOUS a. [vi VAY shus] full of life. She *craze, trend, latest thing, custom, dernier
was bubbly and vivacious. SYN. lively, bubbly, cri, *last word.
effervescent, spirited, animated, ebullient, vogue a. in vogue, in fashion, fashionable,
vital, bouncy, cheerful. ANT. lifeless, dead, trendy, *in, current, stylish, *on the cutting
dull, sluggish. edge *hip. ANT. old-fashioned, outdated, obso-
vivacity n. life, liveliness, bubbliness, efferves- lete.
cence, spirit, animation, ebullience, vitality, voice n. 1. SPEECH power of speech, vocal
bounciness, cheerfulness. ANT. deadness, life- power, vocal cords, tongue. ‘‘An arrow for
lessness, dullness. the heart.’’—Lord Byron. ‘‘A second
vivid a. 1. BRIGHT brilliant, intense, striking, face.’’—Gerard Bauer.
strong, rich, radiant, resplendent, glowing, WORD FIND
brightly colored. 2. CLEAR crystal-clear, descriptive: alto, baritone, bass, bellowing,
strong, powerful, realistic, graphic, distinct, booming, breathy, cackling, childish,
picturesque, sharp, loud, impressive. ANT. 1. cracking, croaking, cultured, deep,
dull, faded, faint, pale. 2. vague, dull, faint. drawling, droning, falsetto, faltering, fee-
vivify v. give life to, animate, vitalize, quicken. ble, flat, fluting, gargling, gravel, gut-
vivisection n. animal dissection, animal re- tural, harsh, hoarse, hollow, hushed,
search, medical research. husky, inflectionless, lilting, lisping,
vixen n. shrew, witch, *battle-ax, virago, fish- monotone, nasal twang, powerful, pon-
wife, scold, hellcat, spitfire. derous, purring, quavering, rasping,
vocabulary n. lexicon, glossary, word stock,
reedy, resonant, robust, scabrous, sensu-
vernacular, language, slang, jargon, lingo,
ous, Shakespearian actor’s, sharp, shrill,
cant, tongue, terminology, phraseology, dic-
singsong, soothing, soprano, spluttering,
tionary, thesaurus.
squawking, squeaky, stentorian, stran-
vocal a. 1. SPOKEN oral, verbal, voiced, vocal-
gled, subterranean, sultry, tenor, thick,
ized, uttered, articulated, expressed, put into
thin, throaty, thunderous, tremulous,
words, sung. 2. OUTSPOKEN expressive, artic-
velvety, warbling, wheezing, whining,
ulate, vociferous, *not backward about com-
ing forward, loud, noisy, blunt, forthright,
making oneself heard. ANT. 1. mute, silent, loss of: aphonia
written. 2. shy, reserved, reticent, quiet. loud: megalophonic, megalophonous
vocalist n. singer, soloist, crooner, diva, prima organ: larynx, vocal cords, voicebox
donna, *songbird, song stylist, songstress, re- pertaining to: phonetic
cording artist, pop star, minstrel. SEE MUSIC, pitch, variation in: modulation, inflection
SONG quality: timbre
vocalize v. verbalize, voice, put into words, ar- voiceless: mute
ticulate, express, speak, utter, say, commu- SEE SING, SPEECH
nicate, phonate, sing. 2. SAY vote, choice, opinion, *two cents
vocation n. profession, occupation, trade, call- worth, part to play, preference.
ing, line of work, career, livelihood, employ- voice v. express, articulate, say, verbalize, state,
ment, job, line, metier, business, *racket, announce, air, vocalize, utter, communi-
field, *bag. cate, put into words, sound off, vent.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 643


void n. emptiness, vacuum, empty space, vacu- rock produced by, dark igneous: basalt
ity, nothing, nothingness, hole, oblivion, reaction of lava when it meets water: base
blank. surge
void v. 1. NULLIFY invalidate, cancel, annul, science of: volcanology
abolish, repeal, rescind, reverse, revoke, scientist: volcanologist, vulcanist
stop. 2. DISCHARGE evacuate, empty, clear, sleeping, inactive: dormant
eliminate, excrete, purge. ANT. 1. validate. superheated gas and fire cloud: nuee ardente
2. fill. vent, secondary: monticule, fumarole, blow-
void a. 1. EMPTY vacant, devoid, vacuous, deso- hole, cinder cone
late, barren, unoccupied, bare, hollow, truncated cone left after eruption: basal
blank. 2. INVALID null, ineffective, can- wreck
celled, ineffectual, not in force, annulled, SEE MOUNTAIN
worthless, meaningless. ANT. 1. full, occu- VOLITION n. [vo LISH un] will, a conscious
pied, filled. 2. valid, in force, binding. choice. She went into the dangerous area of her
VOLATILE a. [VOL uh tul] unstable, liable own volition. SYN. will, free will, willingness,
to change quickly. Also, likely to explode choice, choosing, election, determination,
due to instability. Tensions between nations desire. ANT. coercion, arm-twisting.
created a volatile situation. SYN. unstable, volley n. barrage, rain, shower, peppering,
changeable, rapidly changing, unpredict- burst, salvo, fussilade, enfillade, discharge,
able, unsettled, erratic, explosive, tense, wall of fire, bombardment.
fickle, capricious, up and down, hot and volleyball n. sport.
cold, mercurial. ANT. stable, steady, predict- WORD FIND
able. fake spike in which ball is tapped very
volcanic a. explosive, violent. SEE VOLCANO lightly over net: dink shot, off-speed
volcano n. vent, mountain, crater, Pelée, Vesu- spike
vius, Etna, Mt. St. Helens. jump serve that hooks: *candy cane
WORD FIND powerful, driving shot into opponent’s
avalanche of hot gas and ash: pyroclastic court: spike
flow, nuee ardente save near the floor, underhand: dig
blob of lava ejected from: bomb sets ball for spiker, one who: setter
cavern formed by lava flow: lava tube soft serve easily returned: *lollipop
cinderlike lava: scoria spike into opponent’s face: *facial
crater that eventually fills with water to be- spiking directly into opponent’s armpits:
come lake: caldera *sizzling the pits
descriptive: devil’s throne, hellish forge, fes- spin on the ball: English
tering boil touching net illegally: netting
device that measures bulge in side of moun- transfer of serve to other team: side out
tain: tiltmeter violation: fault, foul
device that measures vibration: seismograph voluble a. talkative, loquacious, garrulous,
ejaculate: clastic, tephra *motor-mouthed, long-winded, effusive,
eruption: cataclysm, upheaval, paroxysm, blabby, *having the gift of gab, fluent, ram-
belching bling. ANT. quiet, silent, reticent, taciturn.
‘‘fireworks’’ associated with: pyrotechnics volume n. 1. BOOK work, tome, opus, hard-
glass, volcanic: obsidian cover, paperback, album. 2. CUBIC SPACE cu-
god of fire, Roman: Vulcanus bic feet, cubic inches, size, dimensions, ca-
inactive permanently: extinct pacity, mass, extent. 3. LOUDNESS
lava that hardens and stops up volcano amplification, intensity, sound.
throat: plug voluminous a. 1. HUGE large, sizable, big, great,
molasses-like lava found in Hawaii: pa- vast, extensive, bulky, full, expansive, capa-
hoehoe cious, spacious. 2. FILLING VOLUMES prolific,
molten rock after it is expelled: lava comprehensive, profuse, abundant, abound-
molten rock before it is expelled: magma ing, plentiful. ANT. 1. small, tiny, slight. 2.
mouth: crater brief, succinct.
mud or ash flow, heated: lahar voluntarily adv. of one’s own free will, will-
rock, porous: pumice ingly, of one’s own volition, volitionally,

644 Roget’s Superthesaurus


electively, freely. ANT. by force, by coercion, down, *yea, *nay, go to the polls. SEE ELEC-
unwillingly, against one’s will. TION
voluntary a. of one’s own free will, willing, of vouch v. affirm, back up, support, swear to, tes-
one’s own volition, volitional, elected, op- tify, attest, bear witness, substantiate, cor-
ted, unforced, gratuitous, free, optional, roborate, guarantee, warrant, authenticate,
spontaneous. ANT. forced, compulsory, co- certify.
erced, against one’s will. voucher n. receipt, chit, debenture, note, IOU.
volunteer v. offer, sign up, donate one’s ser- vouchsafe v. give, grant, confer, bestow, con-
vices, step up, come forward, present, prof- cede, allow, condescend.
fer, tender, contribute. ANT. *go kicking and vow n. promise, pledge, oath, word, solemn
screaming, resist, refuse. word, word of honor, troth, assurance.
voluptuary n. sensualist, sybarite, hedonist, vow v. promise, pledge, give one’s word, give
pleasure seeker. one’s solemn word, give one’s word of
voluptuous a. 1. SENSUAL sensuous, pleasure- honor, swear to, solemnly swear, assure,
seeking, hedonistic, sybaritic, sexual, erotic, *cross one’s heart and hope to die, guaran-
libidinal, erogenous, fleshly, lustful, lascivi- tee, warrant.
ous, licentious. 2. SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE voyage n. cruise, pleasure cruise, ocean-cross-
*built, shapely, *stacked, buxom, curva- ing, sail, trip, passage, journey, tour, junket.
ceous, well-endowed, gorgeous, *hot, *foxy, voyage v. cruise, cross the ocean, sail, take a
good-looking. ANT. 1. abstemious, puritani- trip, journey, tour, travel, go abroad.
cal, ascetic. 2. ugly, repulsive. voyeur n. *peeping Tom, pervert, spy, watcher.
volute n. spiral, twist, whorl. vulgar a. 1. COMMON popular, everyday, gen-
vomit v. throw up, upchuck, puke, disgorge, eral, plebeian, folk, of the masses, proletar-
*barf, regurgitate, spew, retch, *hurl, *ralph, ian, working class, colloquial. 2. CRUDE
*blow lunch, *toss one’s cookies, expel. coarse, unrefined, *gross, rough, boorish,
voodoo n. black magic, witchcraft, hoodoo, uncultivated, ill-bred, ill-mannered, uncivi-
obeah, sorcery. lized, loutish, impolite. 3. INDECENT ob-
scene, tasteless, disgusting, *gross, dirty, of-
fensive, X-rated, blue, ribald, off-color,
animated corpse or snake deity: zombie
smutty. ANT. 1. upper class, aristocratic. 2.
object thought to have magical power: fe-
refined, civilized, well-mannered, well-bred. 3.
tish, charm
tasteful, decent, clean, G-rated.
vulgarity n. 1. CRUDENESS coarseness, lack of
VORACIOUS a. [vo RAY shus] extremely refinement, roughness, ill manners, bad
hungry or greedy, insatiable. He had a vora- manners, rudeness, boorishness, grossness,
cious appetite and ate every three hours. SYN. impoliteness. 2. OBSCENITY expletive, swear
ravenous, gluttonous, edacious, greedy, hun- word, four-letter word, profanity, smut, por-
gry, starved, devouring, insatiable, un- nography. ANT. 1. refinement, good manners,
quenchable, wild, rabid, out of control. ANT. tact.
moderate, dainty, satiated. vulnerable a. 1. ASSAILABLE open to attack, de-
vortex n. whirlpool, maelstrom, eddy, gyre, fenseless, undefended, weak, helpless,
whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, *twister. *helpless as a baby, exposed, susceptible, un-
votary n. monk, nun, devotee, worshipper, dis- protected, pregnable. 2. SENSITIVE thin-
ciple, follower, adherent, fan. skinned, easily hurt, ultrasensitive. ANT. 1.
vote n. say, voice, choice, option, right to unassailable, strong, impregnable, invincible.
choose, suffrage, franchise, ballot, poll, ref- 2. thick-skinned, self-assured, confident.
erendum, show of hands, *yea, *nay. SEE vulture n. 1. BIRD OF PREY raptor, condor, scav-
ELECTION enger. 2. RUTHLESS PERSON shark, con man,
vote v. cast one’s ballot, choose, elect, decide jackal, bloodsucker, parasite, user, oppor-
on, opt for, *give thumbs up, *give thumbs tunist, *gold digger.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 645


wacko n. Sl. *nut, *fruitcake, oddball, *sicko, wait n. delay, holdup, stop, halt, suspension,
*psycho, psychotic, deranged person, unsta- pause, layover.
ble person, neurotic, *screwball, mentally wait v. hold up, hold, stop, halt, suspend, pause,
unbalanced person. delay, procrastinate, linger, abide, bide one’s
wacky a. crazy, *loony, demented, deranged, time, *sweat it out, dally, *hang back, *hold
*screwy, *psycho, psychotic, eccentric, irra- the phone, *freeze. ANT. go, proceed, start.
tional, *goofy, *buggy, *kooky, *zany, *off waiter n. waitress, server, steward, garçon, car-
the wall. ANT. rational, sensible, reasonable, hop, host, hostess, maitre d’, servant.
sober, sane. wait on v. serve, attend to, tend to, minister to,
wad n. mass, ball, lump, hunk, chunk, gob, be at one’s beck and call, *wait on hand and
clump, plug. foot, *gopher.
waddle v. toddle, wobble, walk like a duck, waitress n. SEE WAITER
sway. waive v. 1. GIVE UP relinquish, surrender, for-
wade v. slog, slosh, plod, ford, bathe. bear, forgo, renounce, dispense with, for-
waders n. hip boots. sake, abandon. 2. POSTPONE defer, put off,
wafer n. cracker, cookie, snap, disk, biscuit. table, *put on hold. ANT. 1. keep, retain,
WAFFLE v. [WAU ful] to speak or write claim.
vaguely or ambiguously, to equivocate. The waiver n. relinquishment, disclaimer.
senator waffled on the issue and told us to get wake n. 1. WATCH vigil, funeral service, rites. 2.
back to him. SYN. equivocate, dodge, *dance BACKWASH wash, trail, track, path, contrail.
around an issue, sidestep, hem and haw, wake v. 1. AWAKEN wake up, awake, get up,
duck, hedge, speak ambiguously, speak rouse, stir, *rise and shine, open one’s eyes,
vaguely, tergiversate, evade, *beat around *shake the cobwebs out, come around. 2.
the bush. ANT. be decisive, come to the point, ACTIVATE animate, come out of dormancy,
be straightforward, be direct, take a stand. revive, stir. ANT. 1. sleep, nod off, doze. 2.
waft v. float, fly, sail, glide, drift, blow, puff, quiet, deactivate.
carry, propel. wakeful a. awake, alert, wide-eyed, bright-
wag n. shake, wiggle, wave, waggle, swing, eyed, wide-awake, restless, insomniac. ANT.
sway, waver, jiggle, bob.
sleepy, tired, dull.
wag v. shake, wiggle, wave, waggle, swing, sway,
walk n. 1. STROLL hike, tramp, amble, march,
jiggle, bob.
promenade, constitutional, perambulation,
wage n. pay, wages, salary, income, earnings,
traipse, step, stride, gait, saunter, trek. 2.
stipend, compensation, remuneration, hire,
WALKWAY sidewalk, boardwalk, path, path-
*take-home, net, recompense.
way, trail, lane, esplanade, promenade, mall,
wage v. engage in, carry on, maintain, conduct,
undertake, make, prosecute.
wager n. bet, gamble, play, *long shot, *flier, walk v. stroll, hike, tramp, amble, pad, march,
speculation, *toss of the dice, stake, money. promenade, *beat feet, *hoof it, tramp,
wager v. bet, gamble, put money on, speculate, traipse, wend one’s way, go on foot, peram-
venture, risk, chance, hazard, stake. bulate, shuffle, mosey, step, stride, waddle.
waggish a. merry, playful, funny, comical, jest- WORD FIND
ing, humorous, clowning, teasing, jovial, angry: stalk out, storm out, stamp out, stomp
jolly. ANT. serious, grim, sober. out, catapult into the room
wagon n. cart, trailer, dray, Conestoga, prairie baby: toddle
schooner, truck, carriage, buggy. SEE VEHICLE backward: backpedal, double-back, retrace
waif n. orphan, homeless child, stray, found- one’s steps
ling, street child, gamin, ragamuffin. brush, through: blaze, bushwhack, pick one’s
wail n. cry, outcry, lament, moan, whine, howl, way, negotiate, weave
sob, boohoo. casual: walk with elaborate nonchalance,
wail v. cry, cry out, cry out in mourning, bewail, mosey, shuffle, pad, saunter, stroll
weep, moan, whine, howl, sob, boohoo, complicated path, through or around: pick
bawl, whimper, lament, grieve, mourn. one’s way, negotiate, step nimbly

646 Roget’s Superthesaurus

Walking Papers–War

around, thread one’s way, edge along, wander v. 1. ROAM rove, range, wend, wind,
inch forward, take mincing steps go about aimlessly, ramble, drift, meander,
crowd, through a: sidle, jostle, elbow, shoul- trek, straggle, gallivant, gad, idle, stroll, lose
der, jockey for position, bull one’s way one’s way, stray, go off the beaten track. 2.
through, be borne along by DIGRESS get off the subject, deviate, get side-
difficult or laborious: dodder, falter, hobble, tracked, ramble, go off on a tangent. ANT. 1.
limp, lumber, plod, shamble, shuffle, make a beeline, go directly. 2. stick to the sub-
stagger, stumble, totter, trudge, slog, ject, stay on track.
slosh wanderlust n. urge to travel, urge to explore,
drunken: stagger, falter, blunder forward, ca- urge to wander, restlessness.
reen, totter wane n. ebb, decline, fading, decrease, drop,
fours, on all: crab recession, falling-off. ANT. increase, growth.
graceful: with feline grace, with the grace of wane v. ebb, recede, decline, fade, decrease,
a porteuse, with calculated grace drop, shrink, diminish, dwindle, abate, sub-
group: parade, march, file out, tramp, troop, side, lessen, fall, lapse, die out. ANT. increase,
swarm, flood, spill out, be borne along by wax, grow.
the crowd wangle v. *finagle, machinate, make happen,
military march: goose-step *pull off, *pull strings, engineer, *swing,
show off: swagger, strut, peacock contrive, *wheel and deal.
slide by the soles of one’s feet: glissade want n. 1. DESIRE need, longing, wish, yearning,
sneaky or cautious: creep, edge, inch, slip hunger, thirst, craving, appetite, hankering,
away, slink, steal, tiptoe, shrink, skulk, requirement, demand. 2. LACK absence,
prowl, withdraw, lurk, shadow need, dearth, shortage, scarcity, deficiency,
wet or mud, through: slog, slosh, squelch, paucity, privation. 3. POVERTY destitution,
splash, wade indigence, impoverishment.
wind, against: lean into, battle forward want v. 1. DESIRE need, long for, wish for, yearn,
SEE RUN hunger for, thirst for, crave, have an appe-
walking papers n. dismissal, *pink slip, lay-off, tite for, have a hankering for, require, de-
*the door, *the boot, firing, *sack,*heave- mand, covet. 2. LACK be deficient, be with-
ho. out, require, need.
walk on v. walk all over, take advantage of, use, wanting a. absent, lacking, missing, deficient,
abuse, trample, dominate, exploit. insufficient, inadequate, incomplete, bereft,
walk out on v. leave, turn one’s back on, aban- short, substandard, subpar, poor. ANT. suffi-
don, *leave high and dry, leave in the lurch, cient, adequate.
*dump, reject, jilt, depart, strike. wanton a. 1. UNMANAGEABLE undisciplined,
wall n. partition, divider, screen, bulkhead, wild, intractable, unruly, wayward, refrac-
load-bearing wall, non-load-bearing wall, tory, unrestrained. 2. SEXUALLY UNRE-
panel, barrier, parapet. STRAINED loose, libidinous, promiscuous,
wallop v. beat, thrash, pound, pummel, punch, lustful, licentious, salacious, carnal, lewd,
slug, hit, bash, thump, sock, *drub, batter, abandoned, fast. 3. UNPROVOKED groundless,
cuff, *clean one’s clock, coldcock, knock uncalled-for, unnecessary, unjustifiable,
senseless, smack, *clobber, belt, bop, defeat, senseless, needless, gratuitous, malicious,
*skunk, *blow away, whip, lick, rout, *bury, cruel, mean. 4. RECKLESS rash, unrestrained,
*eat for breakfast, massacre. careless, *devil-may-care. ANT. 1. manage-
wallow v. 1. ROLL AROUND lie in, lounge, slosh, able, disciplined, well-behaved. 2. chaste, celi-
splash. 2. INDULGE luxuriate, bask, relish, sa- bate, prudish, puritanical. 3. provoked, neces-
vor, take pleasure in, revel. sary. 4. judicious, careful.
waltz n. valse. SEE DANCE war n. warfare, hostilities, conflict, clash,
wan a. 1. PALE colorless, pallid, white, ghostly, strife, contest, struggle, battle, combat,
pasty, blanched, anemic, ashen, cadaverous. military operation, confrontation, engage-
2. WEAK faint, feeble, sickly, tired, half- ment, crusade. ‘‘Death’s feast.’’—George
hearted, weary, sad, gaunt. ANT. 1. rosy, Herbert. ‘‘A passion play performed by idi-
apple-cheeked, ruddy, flushed. 2. bright, ots.’’—William Corum. ‘‘A biological ne-
strong, wholehearted. cessity of the first order.’’—Friedrich von
wand n. stick, rod, staff, baton, scepter, switch. Bernhardi. ‘‘That attractive rainbow that

Roget’s Superthesaurus 647


rises in showers of blood.’’—Abraham Lin- aside, block, defend, *keep at bay, rebuff,
coln. ‘‘The most successful of our cultural check, repulse.
traditions.’’—Robert Ardrey. ‘‘Only a wardrobe n. 1. CLOSET clothes closet, cabinet,
cowardly escape from the problems of armoire, locker, bureau, chest. 2. CLOTHES
peace.’’—Thomas Mann. ANT. peace, COLLECTION clothes, clothing, apparel, at-
friendship, accord, harmony. tire, outfits, garments, costumes, garb, togs,
WORD FIND duds, *threads.
aircraft, unmanned spy: drone, Global WORD FIND
Hawk, Predator bride’s outfit: trousseau
attack, intense, all-out: blitzkrieg, sweep ecclesiastical garments: vestments
attack or action: offensive warhead n. bomb, payload, explosive charge,
ceasefire: armistice, truce, peace treaty *the business end. SEE MISSILE, NUCLEAR BOMB
chemical and biological agents: anthrax, warehouse n. storage facility, storehouse, stock
botulinum, cs (tear gas), cyclosarin house, stock room, depot, depository, reposi-
(nerve agent), ricin, sarin (nerve agent), tory, armory, arsenal, magazine, wholesale
sulfur mustard (blister agent), tabun store.
(nerve agent), VX (nerve agent) wares n. merchandise, products, goods, stock,
games: maneuvers line, articles, stuff, commodities.
god of: Mars, Ares warfare n. SEE WAR
holy: jihad, crusade wariness n. caution, circumspection, alertness,
nuclear attck to prevent enemy nation’s nu- guardedness, carefulness, watchfulness,
clear attack: preemptive strike mindfulness. ANT. carelessness, inattentive-
operation: campaign ness, devil-may-care attitude.
presence of military force in control of an- warlike a. combative, pugnacious, aggressive,
other’s nation: occupation militant, bellicose, belligerent, hostile,
pretext for or provocation: casus belli, act of hawkish, contentious, martial, *bristling
with arms. ANT. peaceful, pacifistic, nonvio-
referring to: martial
ruining an area before returning it to the
warlock n. sorcerer, wizard, magician, conjurer,
enemy: scorched earth policy
practicer of black magic, necromancer, sha-
science of organization, procurement, de-
man, witch doctor, male witch. SEE MAGIC
ployment, etc.: logistics
surrender: capitulation, white flag warlord n. tyrant, autocrat. SEE DICTATOR
tensions between hostile nations: cold war warm v. 1. RAISE TEMPERATURE heat, simmer,
threatening another nation with: saber-rat- toast, cook, thaw. 2. FILL WITH EXCITEMENT
tling, gunboat diplomacy excite, stimulate, *turn on, *fire up, stir. 3.
GLADDEN make happy, fill with joy, delight,
victory won with extremely heavy losses:
Pyrrhic victory cheer, *melt one’s heart, make smile. 4. BE-
COME FRIENDLY *break the ice, thaw, become
winnings: spoils
intimate, *loosen up. ANT. 1. lower tempera-
LET, GUN, NAVY, NUCLEAR BOMB, SOLDIER, ture, cool, chill, freeze. 2. bore, tire, *turn off.
WEAPON 3. depress, *bum out. 4. cool.
war v. conflict, contest, fight, battle, contend, warm a. 1. HEATED thermal, lukewarm, body
struggle, *lock horns, take up arms, attack, temperature, *toasty, room temperature,
cross swords, skirmish. comfortable, tepid, sunny, hot, sultry,
warble v. sing, trill, quaver, carol, yodel. sweaty, roasting. SEE HOT 2. FERVENT fervid,
ward n. 1. WING section, division, room, annex, ardent, enthusiastic, passionate, eager, ve-
pavilion. 2. DISTRICT quarter, area, zone, pre- hement, *hot, excited, spirited. 3. GENIAL
cinct, borough, diocese. 3. CHARGE foster cordial, friendly, affectionate, nice, loving,
child, dependent, minor, protege, incompe- heartfelt, amiable, warmhearted, hospitable,
tent. amorous. ANT. 1. cold, freezing, cool, chilled,
warden n. keeper, guard, custodian, caretaker, frigid. 2. indifferent, apathetic, lukewarm,
superintendent, watchman, overseer, prison cool. 3. cold, unfriendly, cool, hostile.
superintendent. warmhearted a. warm, friendly, genial, cordial,
ward off v. fend off, deflect, avert, parry, turn affectionate, nice, loving, heartfelt, amiable,

648 Roget’s Superthesaurus


compassionate, sympathetic, understand- soak, washing, shower, shampoo, launder-

ing, hospitable, tender, amorous. ANT. cold- ing, ablution. 2. SURGE rush, sweep, wave,
hearted, hard-hearted, mean, heartless, *veins gush, flow, swell, roll.
filled with ice water. wash v. 1. CLEAN rinse, scrub, bathe, soak,
warmonger n. hawk, militarist, jingoist. shower, shampoo, launder, hose down,
warmth n. 1. HEAT glow, temperature, *toasti- freshen up. 2. WET drench, moisten, rinse,
ness, room temperature, fever. 2. EXCITE- soak, flood.
MENT enthusiasm, ardor, zeal, vigor, fervor, washed-out a. faded, pale, bleached-out,
passion, intensity, vehemence. 3. WARM- blanched, dull, wan, colorless, lackluster.
HEARTEDNESS friendliness, geniality, cordial- ANT. bright, vivid.
ity, affection, love, tenderness, compassion, washed-up a. finished, through, done, *done
sympathy, understanding, hospitality. ANT. for, *shot, *kaput, *over the hill.
1. cold, chilliness, frigidity. 2. boredom, indif- washout n. Sl. flop, failure, *bomb, *dud,
ference, apathy. 3. coolness, coldness, un- *clinker, *loser, *turkey, fiasco.
friendliness. washroom n. lavatory, restroom, bathroom.
warn v. caution, advise, alert, signal, forewarn, washy a. watery, weak, pale. ANT. strong, potent.
admonish, exhort, apprise, give fair warning, WASP n. Sl. White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
notify, threaten, give a word to the wise, waspish a. bad-tempered, hot-tempered, irrita-
*put the fear of God into. ble, petulant, testy, venomous, *ornery,
warning n. caution, advisory, alert, signal, fore- touchy, peevish. ANT. sweet-tempered, agree-
warning, admonition, exhortation, apprisal, able, pleasant.
notification, threat, *word to the wise, wassail n. celebration, carousal, party, *bash,
*wake-up call, caveat, portent, sign of *beer bash, spree, revelry, *shindig, gala,
things to come, omen. *binge, *bust, bacchanalia, drunk fest, toast,
warp v. 1. BEND OUT OF SHAPE distort, twist, de- salute.
form, contort, curve, turn, misshape. 2. PER- wassail v. celebrate, party, carouse, drink, get
VERT twist, bias, prejudice, jaundice.
drunk, make merry, *whoop it up, revel,
warrant n. 1. AUTHORIZATION authority, sanc-
*cut loose, toast, make a toast, salute.
tion, right, word, *OK, permission, license,
waste n. 1. TRASH rubbish, garbage, refuse,
permit, mandate, subpoena, summons, writ,
junk, leavings, scrap, debris, rubble, *crap,
order, justification. 2. ASSURANCE guaran-
hazardous waste, discharge. 2. EXCREMENT fe-
tee, surety, security.
ces, droppings, *crap, sewage. 3. WASTEFUL-
warrant v. 1. AUTHORIZE sanction, give author-
NESS squandering, extravagance, excessive-
ity, give the right, *OK, permit, license,
allow, invest, certify, empower. 2. JUSTIFY ness, lavishness, *spending like there’s no
give grounds for, account for, excuse, de- tomorrow, consumption, conspicuous con-
fend, provide a reason for. 3. ASSURE guaran- sumption, misuse, dissipation. ANT. 3. con-
tee, back, promise, pledge, vow, swear to, servation, frugality, economy, saving, thrift.
insure, vouch for, underwrite. waste v. 1. SQUANDER lavish, fritter away,
warranty n. guarantee, assurance of quality, as- *blow, *piss away, *spend like there’s no to-
surance, contract, covenant, promise, morrow, dissipate, misspend, mismanage,
pledge. spend extravagantly, splurge, throw away,
warrior n. fighter, soldier, combatant, com- idle, loiter, fiddle and diddle, loaf, procrasti-
mando, G.I., service man, infantryman, nate. 2. LOSE ONE’S HEALTH OR STRENGTH
*grunt, *leatherneck, brave, samurai, gladi- waste away, dwindle, fail, weaken, emaciate,
ator. SEE ARMY, SOLDIER atrophy, *circle the drain, wither, deterio-
warship n. man o’war, battleship, missile rate, decay, decline, *go downhill. 3. DE-
cruiser, destroyer, frigate, aircraft carrier, STROY ruin, devastate, wreck, demolish, lay
dreadnought, galleon. SEE NAVY, SHIP waste, spoil, strip, ravage. ANT. 1. conserve,
wart n. growth, tumor, papilloma. save, economize. 2. strengthen, grow, put on
wary a. cautious, on one’s guard, careful, weight. 3. build up, repair.
watchful, circumspect, chary, vigilant, *on wasted a. 1. GAUNT emaciated, wizened, atro-
one’s toes, leery, alert, on the lookout, suspi- phied, deathly, cadaverous, rawboned, with-
cious. ANT. careless, off guard, unsuspecting. ered, anorexic, deathly. 2. Sl. *high,
wash n. 1. CLEANING rinse, scrubbing, bath, *buzzed, intoxicated, *baked, *fried,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 649


*loaded, *out of it, *stoned, *tripping. ANT. Waterloo, Belgium in 1815. We were afraid
1. healthy, robust. 2. sober. that the match against the crosstown team
wasteful a. prodigal, extravagant, lavish, would prove to be our Waterloo. SYN. defeat,
spendthrift, improvident, excessive, immod- downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction, upset,
erate, free-spending, overgenerous, penny- rout, conquest, beating, vanquishment,
wise and pound-foolish. ANT. thrifty, econom- massacre, comeuppance. ANT. victory, win.
ical, frugal. watershed n. turning point, pivotal event,
wasteland n. waste, tundra, dust bowl, desert, landmark, milestone, crucial event.
badlands, *Devil’s backyard, *Devil’s gar- watertight a. airtight, solid. ANT. leaky.
den, barrens, wilderness. watery a. diluted, thin, watered-down, weak,
wastrel n. spendthrift, prodigal, waster, free- washy, bland, mild, tasteless, flavorless, ane-
spender, good-for-nothing. mic. ANT. strong, intense, undiluted, concen-
watch n. 1. OBSERVATION lookout, surveillance, trated, condensed.
eye, sharp eye, weather eye, attention, ob- wattle n. weave, plait, intertwining, twigs,
servance, vigil, supervision, inspection, sticks.
guarding, sentry. 2. TIMEPIECE wristwatch, wave n. 1. SURGE OR SWELL surf, breaker,
chronometer, horologue, *ticker. comber, plunger, spiller, bore, eagre, white-
watch v. 1. OBSERVE look at, eyeball, eye, pay cap, billow, undulation, ripple, ridge.
attention to, inspect, scrutinize, gaze at, WORD FIND
view, regard, keep one’s eyes on, see, behold, abnormally large wave in a train of smaller
examine. 2. GUARD watch over, *baby-sit, ones: rogue wave
protect, look after, oversee, keep an eye on, concave-backed wave found offshore: spiller
patrol. convex-backed wave, common beach:
watchdog n. guard dog, guard, sentry, patrol, plunger
sentinel, lookout, guardian. frothy, gray-crested waves: graybeards
watchful a. observant, alert, wide-eyed, on giant, formerly called tidal wave: tsunami
guard, attentive, vigilant, on the lookout, high dangerous wave caused by tidal surge:
heedful, wide-awake, cautious, wary, cir- bore, eagre
cumspect, *on one’s toes. ANT. inattentive, high point: crest
*asleep at the wheel, *out to lunch, unobser- hollow between: trough
vant. marine vegetation washed ashore by: wrack
mounds of sand left by waves breaking at
watchman n. guard, security guard, sentry, sen-
right angles: cusps
tinel, lookout, patrol, policeman, police-
ripples in sand left by receding waves:
woman, police officer, warder.
watchtower n. lookout.
roughness at sea: chop
watchword n. 1. PASSWORD countersign, shib- series of: train
boleth. 2. SLOGAN cry, battle cry, catch- shallow sweep up a beach: swash, backwash
phrase, rallying cry. sound: lapping, crashing, booming, white
water n. H2O, liquid, fluid, rain, aqua, mineral noise, hiss
water, soda water, *Adam’s ale. ‘‘The no- spray: spindrift
blest of the elements.’’—Pindar. SEE LAKE, structure erected to prevent wave erosion:
OCEAN, RIVER jetty, groin
water v. wet, soak, drench, dampen, irrigate, tiny: wavelet
hose down, saturate, spray, wash, sprinkle. towering crests formed by opposing waves
waterfall n. falls, cascade, cataract, chute, colliding: cross seas
whitewater, deluge. upward heaving of ship caused by wave:
descriptive: falling like a bridal veil, stair- wind shore receiving smaller waves, low: lee
stepping. shore
SEE RIVER wind travel distance and its relationship to
waterlogged a. saturated, soaked, sopping, sod- wave size: fetch
den, drenched, heavy, swampy. ANT. dry, SEE BEACH, OCEAN
arid, parched. 2. UPSURGE surge, rise, rash, flood, deluge,
WATERLOO n. [WAW tur loo] defeat. A explosion, groundswell. 3. CURL curve, roll,
metaphor coined after Napoleon’s defeat in twist.

650 Roget’s Superthesaurus


wave v. 1. UNDULATE swing, sway, oscillate, rip- frail. 5. FAINT soft, dim, mild, gentle, pale,
ple, flutter, flap, waggle, shake, move to and thin, feeble, low, muted, diluted, watered-
fro, move back and forth, rise and fall. 2. down. 6. LACKING deficient, poor, inade-
SIGNAL gesture, gesticulate, *flag down, ac- quate, wanting, unsatisfactory, shaky, inept.
knowledge. ANT. 1. strong, powerful, fit, robust, effectual,
waver v. 1. VACILLATE go back and forth, blow muscle-bound. 2. strong, headstrong, coura-
hot and cold, *waffle, *see-saw, be irreso- geous, bold, *gutsy, 3. smart, intelligent,
lute, dilly-dally, flip-flop, fluctuate, equivo- sharp. 4. stable, fortified, rock-solid, unassail-
cate, hem and haw, be indecisive. 2. SWING able. 5. strong, intense, powerful, undiluted.
sway, move to and fro, move back and forth, 6. adequate, satisfactory.
wobble, wave, shake, oscillate, flutter, flap. weaken v. drain, sap, debilitate, cripple, ex-
ANT. 1. make up one’s mind, be resolute, decide
haust, flag, impair, tire, enervate, enfeeble,
one way or another. droop, slow, run down, deplete, handicap,
wavy a. rolling, curling, snaking, serpentine, diminish, reduce, wane, ebb, fade, *lose
sinuous, undulating, curved, curvilinear,
one’s charge, *run one’s battery down, *run
rippling, winding. ANT. level, flat.
wax v. grow, enlarge, increase, expand, build, out of juice, dilute, water down. ANT.
swell, develop, spread, intensify, magnify, strengthen, fortify, invigorate, energize.
strengthen, brighten. ANT. wane, decrease, weakling n. *wimp, milquetoast, *pansy,
diminish. pantywaist, sissy, coward, mouse, *light-
way n. 1. METHOD mode, style, technique, form, weight, *pushover, namby-pamby, *mama’s
practice, usage, approach, course, system, boy, *creampuff, crybaby. ANT. Hercules,
manner, procedure. 2. DIRECTION route, scrapper, hero, strongman, *iron man.
course, path, tack, bearing, approach, weak-minded a. irresolute, indecisive, mealy-
course, passage, track, trail, road, lane, ac- mouthed, wishy-washy, spineless, feeble-
cess, entry. 3. NATURE personality, charac- minded, dumb, stupid, *weak in the head,
teristic manner, behavior, custom, habit. 4. retarded, moronic, slow, dense. ANT. head-
WILL wish, desire, demand, choice. strong, resolute, decisive, intelligent, smart,
wayfarer n. traveler, roamer, rover, hitchhiker, bright.
walker, wanderer, nomad, drifter, gadabout. weakness n. 1. LACK OF STRENGTH feebleness,
wayfaring a. hiking, hitchhiking, walking, exhaustion, depletion of energy, enervation,
traveling, roaming, roving, wandering, drift- anemia, frailty, fragility. 2. VULNERABILITY
ing, nomadic, on the move. imperfection, flaw, weak spot, *Achilles
waylay v. ambush, attack, lie in wait, entrap, heel, *chink in one’s armor, deficiency, fail-
ensnare, surprise, take by surprise, ambus- ing, soft underbelly, shortcoming. 3. LIKING
cade. fondness, passion, penchant, taste, apprecia-
wayward a. 1. DISOBEDIENT headstrong, rebel- tion, soft spot, sweet tooth, propensity, in-
lious, defiant, nonconforming, contrary, clination. ANT. 1. strength, vigor, energy, ro-
willful, delinquent, incorrigible, stubborn, bustness. 2. strong point, strength. 3. aversion,
obstinate, bullheaded, unmanageable, un- dislike, hatred.
governable, refractory. 2. UNPREDICTABLE er-
weal n. ridge, welt, wale, line.
ratic, fickle, capricious, changeable, unsta-
wealth n. money, riches, resources, plenty, for-
ble, impulsive, unsteady. ANT. 1. obedient,
compliant, deferential. 2. predictable, stable, tune, security, affluence, opulence, prosper-
steady. ity, abundance, luxury, capital, property,
weak a. 1. FEEBLE powerless, frail, enervated, assets, means, holdings, stocks and bonds.
impotent, limp, faint, flaccid, ineffectual, ‘‘The savings of many in the hands of
exhausted, anemic, worn out, spent, sickly, one.’’—Eugene Debs. ‘‘Evidence of great-
debilitated, unfit, out of shape, infirm, emas- ness.’’—Thomas Reed. ‘‘A contented
culated. 2. MORALLY OR MENTALLY WEAK cow- mind.’’—Mohammed. ANT. poverty, destitu-
ardly, fainthearted, faint of heart, spineless, tion, indigence, want, lack.
mousy, wishy-washy, weak-kneed, irreso- wealthy a. rich, affluent, well-off, *rolling in
lute, *wimpy, timid, timorous. 3. STUPID dough, comfortable, prosperous, *well-
dim-witted, unintelligent, retarded, mo- heeled, *well-to-do, moneyed, opulent,
ronic, imbecilic, dense, dull. 4. INSECURE un- *filthy rich, *on easy street, *loaded, finan-
stable, easily broken, unfortified, vulnera- cially secure. ANT. poor, destitute, penniless.
ble, delicate, fragile, rickety, flimsy, shaky, weapon n. arm, arms, armament, firearm, gun,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 651


rifle, pistol, knife, sword, defense, offensive weatherman n. meteorologist, forecaster, cli-
weapon, weapon of mass destruction, spear, matologist.
halberd, lance, pike, poleax, trident, bow weave v. intertwine, interlace, entwine, inter-
and arrow. SEE ARMY, BOMB, BULLET, GUN, MIS- mingle, interweave, braid, plait, combine,
SILE, NAVY, NUCLEAR BOMB, SWORD mesh, piece together, blend, incorporate,
weaponry n. SEE WEAPON merge, wattle.
wear n. 1. CLOTHING clothes, dress, apparel, web n. webbing, network, net, mesh, skein, lat-
garb, attire, formal wear, evening wear, tice, tangle, trap, snare, gossamer.
sportswear. 2. DETERIORATION decay, ero- wed v. 1. MARRY join together in holy matri-
sion, wear and tear, corrosion, decomposi- mony, *tie the knot, *get hitched, *say ‘‘I
tion. do,’’ become man and wife, espouse. 2.
wear v. 1. DON put on, dress in, be clothed in, UNITE join, marry, merge, fuse, link, com-
fit out, attire, slip on. 2. DETERIORATE decay, bine, ally, connect, unify. ANT. 1. divorce,
erode, corrode, decompose, abrade, tatter, *split up, separate. 2. separate, split, divide.
fall apart, degenerate, rub down, grow wedding n. 1. MARRIAGE vows, nuptials, matri-
threadbare, weather, fray. 3. DISPLAY show, mony, espousal, holy wedlock, ceremony.
put on, sport. 4. TIRE exhaust, fatigue, sap, ‘‘When the blind lead the blind.’’—George
drain, overwork, tax. Farquhar. SEE MARRIAGE 2. UNIFICATION join-
wearing a. tiring, exhausting, fatiguing, taxing, ing, marriage, merger, fusion, linking, con-
draining, sapping, strenuous, laborious, ar- nection. ANT. 1. separation, divorce. 2. divi-
duous, wearisome, hard. ANT. invigorating, sion, split, disconnection.
energizing. wedge n. 1. CHOCK cleat, shim, quoin. 2. OPEN-
wearisome a. tiring, tiresome, exhausting, fa- ING beginning, start, *foot in the door.
tiguing, taxing, draining, sapping, strenuous, wedge v. split, force apart, force in, squeeze in,
laborious, arduous, hard, tedious, boring, cram, open.
monotonous, humdrum, *ho-hum. ANT. in- wedlock n. matrimony, union. SEE MARRIAGE
vigorating, energizing, stimulating. wee a. tiny, little, diminutive, pint-sized,
weary v. tire, get sick of, burn out, exhaust, pocket-sized, Lilliputian, microscopic, mi-
fatigue, tax, drain, sap, enervate, bore. ANT. nuscule, miniature, *teeny-weeny. ANT. gi-
invigorate, energize, stimulate. ant, huge, Brobdingnagian.
weary a. 1. TIRED worn out, exhausted, fatigued, weed n. ‘‘A plant whose virtues have not yet
taxed, drained, sapped, *wrung out, been discovered.’’—Ralph Waldo Emerson.
*trashed out, spent, *pooped, bushed, tuck- weed v. remove, pull, yank, uproot, cull, get rid
ered out, all in, *beat, *dead, burned out, of, weed out.
*shot. 2. SICK OF *had it, fed up, disgusted, weep v. cry, bawl, shed tears, sob, wail, blubber,
bored, intolerant, jaded, burned out. 3. TIRE- boohoo, whimper, snivel, *break down,
SOME tedious, boring, monotonous. ANT. 1. *lose it, lament, bewail, mourn, grieve, be-
invigorated, refreshed, energized. 2. fascinated, moan, get misty-eyed.
stimulated. 3. stimulating, interesting. weepy a. tearful, teary-eyed. SEE SAD
weasel n. sneak, snake, *snake in the grass, weigh v. 1. MEASURE WEIGHT put on the scales,
cheater, crook, snitch, *double-crosser, *rat, tip the scales, heft, gauge. 2. CONSIDER pon-
*squealer. der, deliberate, think about, contemplate,
weasel v. avoid, evade, dodge, equivocate, waf- consider the pros and cons, evaluate, mull
fle, hedge, duck, double-talk, *dance around over, study, examine, reflect on.
an issue, skirt an issue, get out of, *worm weigh down v. saddle, encumber, load. SEE BUR-
one’s way out of, renege. DEN
weather n. climate, clime, atmospheric condi- weight n. 1. HEAVINESS mass, pounds, tons, ton-
tions, temperature, humidity. ‘‘A social in- nage, burden, heft, gravity, g force, gs, den-
vention to facilitate small talk.’’—Anon. sity, volume. 2. BURDEN responsibility, load,
SEE CLOUD, FOG, METEOROLOGY, PRECIPITATION, millstone, cross to bear, albatross, *ball and
RAIN, SNOW, WIND chain, encumbrance, saddle, handicap,
weather v. withstand, stand, endure, resist, be onus, hardship. 3. IMPORTANCE conse-
exposed to the elements, face, season, quence, significance, seriousness, influence,
harden, survive, *tough out, *ride through. value, import, clout, power, moment, mag-
ANT. die, succumb. nitude.

652 Roget’s Superthesaurus


weight v. weigh down, make heavy, load, bur- well adv. 1. SATISFACTORILY successfully, ade-
den. quately, happily, nicely, splendidly, fa-
weight lifting n. power lifting, working out, mously, capably, ably, in fine fashion. 2.
conditioning, weight training. THOROUGHLY sufficiently, completely, prop-
weighty a. 1. HEAVY hefty, massive, ponderous, erly, right, correctly, adequately, carefully,
cumbersome, dense, hard to lift. 2. BURDEN- conscientiously, competently. ANT. 1. unsat-
SOME hard, difficult, oppressive, demanding, isfactorily, poorly, badly. 2. insufficiently,
backbreaking, onerous, taxing. 3. IMPOR- poorly.
TANT consequential, significant, serious, in- well up v. flow, spring, gush, stream, run,
fluential, valuable, important, powerful, trickle, spout, bubble, boil.
momentous, crucial, critical, life or death. well-advised a. wise, smart, intelligent, pru-
4. INFLUENTIAL powerful, forceful, persua- dent, judicious. ANT. imprudent, foolish.
sive, having clout. ANT. 1. light, airy, light as well-appointed a. well-equipped, well-fur-
a feather. 2. easy, effortless, simple. 3. unim- nished. ANT. inadequate, lacking.
portant, insignificant, inconsequential. 4. pow- well-balanced a. sensible, reasonable, rational,
erless, unconvincing. prudent, intelligent, sound. ANT. unreason-
weir n. dam, milldam, fence, fishtrap. able, irrational.
weird a. bizarre, strange, odd, fantastic, un- well-being n. welfare, health, happiness, pros-
earthly, otherworldly, alien, supernatural, perity, profit, good, comfort, contentment,
mysterious, outlandish, nightmarish, surre- benefit, success.
alistic, Kafkaesque, peculiar, queer, gro- well-bred a. mannerly, cultivated, refined, po-
tesque, eerie, uncanny, *freaky, unusual. lite, courteous, civil, gentlemanly, ladylike,
ANT. ordinary, conventional, usual, normal. polished, groomed, genteel, courtly, gra-
weirdo n. Sl. oddball, eccentric, character, cious, finished, sophisticated. ANT. ill-bred,
*space case, *space cadet, *strange bird, unrefined, coarse, vulgar, uncouth, beastly.
*flake, *geek, freak, *kook, *queer duck, well-defined a. clear, distinct, sharp, clearly de-
*screwball, *sicko, *wacko, nonconformist. lineated, graphic, clear-cut, unambiguous.
ANT. vague, hazy, nebulous.
ANT. conformist, *Joe Average, *just another
brick in the wall. well-founded a. factual, based on hard facts,
welcome n. greeting, reception, salute, saluta- based on hard data, solid, rock-solid,
tion, *red carpet treatment, hospitality, ac- proven, substantiated, authoritative, well-
ceptance, hail. ANT. rejection, snub. grounded. ANT. unfounded, based on specula-
tion, questionable.
welcome v. greet, receive, receive with open
well-informed a. schooled, trained, au courant,
arms, receive with a handshake, *roll out
conversant with, savvy, up to date, aware,
the red carpet, hail, salute. ANT. reject, snub.
versed, *with it, *hip. ANT. ignorant, *in the
welcome a. wanted, accepted warmly, pleasing, dark.
pleasant, agreeable, happily received, in- well-known a. famous, famed, prominent, cele-
vited, delightful, esteemed, desirable. ANT. brated, illustrious, infamous, notorious, no-
unwelcome, unwanted, uninvited. table, renowned, *on the map. ANT. obscure,
weld v. fuse, unite, bond, join, solder. unknown.
welfare n. 1. WELL-BEING health, happiness, well-off a. rich, well-to-do. SEE WEALTHY
good, benefit, profit, prosperity, success, in- well-preserved a. youthful. SEE YOUNG
terest, contentment, commonweal. 2. PUB- well-read a. widely read, bookish, literate,
LIC ASSISTANCE relief, financial assistance, scholarly, educated, au courant, versed. ANT.
city aid, food stamps, the dole, Social Secu- illiterate, ignorant.
rity. wellspring n. source, supply, reservoir. SEE WELL
well n. spring, wellspring, reservoir, shaft, well-to-do a. well-off, rich, prosperous. SEE
chasm, pit, hole, fountain, water hole. WEALTHY
well a. 1. HEALTHY fit, in good shape, strong, welsh v. Sl. cheat, swindle, *rip off, renege,
fine, hearty, vigorous, sound, in fine fettle, dodge, *weasel out of.
*fit as a fiddle, hale. 2. GOOD fortunate, welt n. ridge, wale, weal, mark, swelling.
happy, lucky, proper, right. ANT. 1. unwell, welter n. turmoil, turbulence, confusion, toss-
sickly, in failing health. 2. bad, unlucky, unfor- ing about, commotion, hubbub, distur-
tunate. bance, tumult, uproar, bedlam, *to-do.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 653


wench n. girl, young woman, young lady, toothed whales, order of: odontoceti
maiden, lass. toothless whales that feed on plankton: ba-
wend v. go on one’s way, make one’s way, go, leen whale, mysticeti
proceed, journey, travel, progress. young: calf
wet v. dampen, moisturize, water, drench, soak, whale v. whale on, beat, whip, pound, whack,
sprinkle, wash, rinse, hose down, humidify, thrash.
irrigate, submerge. ANT. dry, dehydrate, desic- whammy n. Sl. jinx, evil eye, curse, spell, hex.
cate. wharf n. dock, pier, marina, slip, landing, quay,
wet a. moist, damp, watery, liquefied, berth, mooring, jetty.
drenched, soaked, waterlogged, soggy, sod- whatchamacallit n. Sl. *thingamajig, *thinga-
den, dripping, humid, clammy, dank, rainy, mabob, *doohickey, gadget, contraption,
foggy. ANT. dry, *bone-dry, dehydrated. *dingus, *doodad, *gidget, *gizmo, *jigger,
wet blanket n. Sl. killjoy, spoilsport, poor sport, *whangdoodle, *whatsit, widget.
*drag, *gloomy Gus, *drip, *grinch, wheedle v. wangle, cajole, persuade, coax, in-
*prophet of doom. ANT. good sport, life of the veigle, influence, flatter, charm, *charm the
party. socks off of.
wetland n. marsh, swamp, everglades, fen, wheel n. tire, caster, roller.
quagmire. wheel v. roll, revolve, rotate, spin, turn, trun-
wetness n. moisture, dampness, liquid, water, dle, whirl, twirl, pivot, swivel, gyrate, pirou-
humidity, clamminess, mist, fog, rain. ANT. ette, reel.
dryness, aridity. wheeze v. rasp, gasp, whistle, puff, huff and puff,
whack v. strike, slap, hit, smack, punch, slug, have an asthmatic attack.
*bop, belt, wallop, bash, rap, cuff, crack. whet v. 1. SHARPEN hone, edge, grind, file, rasp,
whale n. cetacean, leviathan, aquatic mammal, strop. 2. STIMULATE make keen, arouse, ex-
humpback whale, blue whale, finback,
cite, kindle, stir, awaken, *jumpstart, pique.
sperm whale, beluga, rorqual, gray whale.
ANT. 1. blunt, dull. 2. dampen, inhibit.
whiff n. 1. PUFF OF AIR wind, gust, breath,
air hole: blowhole, spiracle
breeze, waft. 2. SMELL scent, aroma, odor,
beaching of: stranding
trace, hint, suspicion.
biblical survivor of ingestion: Jonah
whim n. caprice, impulse, passing fancy, no-
bone or tooth carvings: scrimshaw
carcass: kreng tion, crotchet, idea, *brainstorm.
comblike strainer in the mouth of some whimper v. cry, sob, whine, snivel, *choke
breeds: baleen back tears, *have a hitch in one’s voice,
cut blubber off from: flense moan, sniffle.
diving: sounding whimsical a. fanciful, odd, out of the ordinary,
fat: blubber weird, peculiar, quaint, fantastic, unusual,
fatty substance used in candles, ointments: capricious, amusing, playful.
spermaceti whimsy n. SEE WHIM
female: cow whine n. pule, whimper, mewl, cry, sob, snivel,
fictional hunter: Ahab moan, complaint.
fin: dorsal fin whine v. pule, whimper, mewl, cry, sob, snivel,
fins, tail: flukes moan, complain, fret, *bellyache, fuss.
horned: narwhal whinny v. neigh.
hunter’s whale: right whale whip n. bullwhip, horsewhip, *blacksnake,
killer whale: orca lash, switch, scourge, rawhide, quirt, thong,
leaping out of the water: breaching crop, cat-o’-nine-tails.
male: bull whip v. 1. LASH flog, flagellate, flail, flay, horse-
perfumes, waxy substance used in: ambergris whip, hit, beat, scourge, whale, *take the
prehistoric: zeuglodon strap to, *tan one’s hide, *whallop, cane,
school: pod, gam spank, punish. 2. JERK whip out, yank, pull
slapping tail down hard on surface: lobtai- out, whisk, snatch, grab. 3. DEFEAT SOUNDLY
ling *lick, beat, *cream, *skunk, *blow away,
sound location: sonar trounce, clobber, rout, *shellac, overpower,
study of: cetology *get the better of, vanquish. 4. BEAT mix,

654 Roget’s Superthesaurus


stir, whisk. 5. AGITATE stir up, spark, kindle, prodigy, ace, virtuoso, pro, *whiz kid, ge-
spur, incite, instigate, foment, prompt. nius.
whippersnapper n. upstart. whiz v. buzz, hiss, hum, whir, drone.
whipping n. thrashing, flogging, flagellation, whole n. total, sum total, aggregate, all, en-
horsewhipping, *whalloping, beating, tirety.
spanking, pounding, punishment. whole a. complete, total, entire, full, undi-
whipping boy n. *fall guy. SEE SCAPEGOAT vided, intact, uncut, unbroken, perfect, in
whip up v. SEE WHIP one piece. ANT. partial, incomplete, broken.
whir n. buzz, hum, birr, vibration. wholehearted a. earnest, all-out, sincere, en-
whirl v. spin, twirl, wheel, gyrate, reel, turn, thusiastic, eager, complete, emphatic, dedi-
rotate, revolve, swirl, pivot, pirouette. cated, unqualified, fervent, ardent, hearty.
whirlpool n. maelstrom, vortex, eddy, swirl, ANT. halfhearted, lukewarm, reserved.
whirl. wholesale a. extensive, sweeping, massive,
whirlwind n. tornado, cyclone, twister, hurri- broad, comprehensive, far-reaching, large-
cane, typhoon, *blow. scale, general. ANT. limited, small-scale.
whisk v. 1. BRUSH sweep, flick. 2. BEAT whip. wholesome a. healthful, healthy, good for you,
3. MOVE QUICKLY whip, dart, hurry, rush, has- beneficial, helpful, hygienic, nutritious,
ten. nourishing, virtuous, moral, clean-cut,
whiskers n. bristles, beard, sideburns, *five decent. ANT. unhealthy, harmful, bad for you.
o’clock shadow, stubble, hair. SEE BEARD, wholly adv. totally, completely, entirely, ut-
terly, fully, thoroughly. ANT. partially.
whiskey n. liquor, alcohol, *hard stuff, spirits, whoop n. yell, shout, cry, *holler, scream,
*firewater, drink, booze, *moonshine, *rot- shriek, hurrah, cheer, *yahoo, hoot.
gut, scotch, rye, bourbon, *sauce, *tarantula whoop v. yell, shout, cry, *holler, scream,
shriek, hurrah, cheer, *yahoo, hoot.
whopper n. 1. GIANT *mother of all, colossus,
whisper n. 1. HUSHED VOICE murmur, mutter,
titan, monster, Goliath, mammoth, behe-
undertone, soft voice, mumble, sigh, confi-
moth, leviathan, *grandaddy of them all,
dential tone, conspiratorial tone. 2. SECRET
jumbo. 2. BIG LIE tall tale, *fish story,
rumor, gossip, confidence, insinuation. 3.
stretching of the truth. ANT. 1. midget,
SOFT NOISE sigh, sough, breath. ANT. 1. roar,
dwarf, shrimp.
bellow, shout.
whopping a. great, huge, large, gigantic, gar-
whisper v. murmur, mutter, speak in an under- gantuan, massive, colossal, extraordinary,
tone, speak softly, mumble, speak confiden- enormous, prodigious, immense. ANT. tiny,
tially, speak in a conspiratorial tone, insignificant, little.
breathe, intimate, confide. ANT. roar, bellow, whore n. prostitute, lady of the evening, *call
shout. girl, *streetwalker, *hooker, *working girl,
whistle v. pipe, flute, trill, toot, blow. woman of ill repute, tramp, courtesan, es-
whit n. bit, jot, iota, speck, grain, pinch, mite, cort. SEE PROSTITUTE
atom, particle. whorl n. spiral, coil, convolution, volution.
white a. 1. LIGHT-COLORED alabaster, argent, wicked a. 1. EVIL bad, immoral, depraved, sin-
blond, bone, chalk, columbine, dove, egg- ful, villainous, fiendish, shameless, rotten,
shell, ivory, milk, oyster, pearl, platinum, nasty, iniquitous, nefarious, blackhearted,
snow, snowy, hoary, albino. 2. PALE unprincipled, low, lawless, criminal. 2.
blanched, bleached, wan, pallid, sickly, NAUGHTY mischievous, devilish, rascally,
bloodless. 3. CAUCASIAN light-skinned, fair. impish, roguish, misbehaving, prankish. 3.
ANT. 1. black, dark, ebony. 2. rosy, ruddy, SEVERE bad, awful, nasty, fierce, intense,
red. acute, harsh, horrible. ANT. 1. good, moral,
whiten v. bleach, blanch, fade. virtuous. 2. well-behaved, well-mannered. 3.
whitewash v. gloss over, cover up, smooth over, mild, gentle, easy, slight.
conceal, tone down, soft-pedal, palliate. wide a. 1. BROAD roomy, extensive, ample,
whittle v. carve, cut, shave, pare, slash, shape, spread-out, spacious, expansive, capacious,
sculpt, reduce, decrease. commodious, vast. 2. SWEEPING broad, com-
whiz n. 1. WHISTLE buzz, hum, whir, drone, hiss. prehensive, all-inclusive, general, large. 3.
2. Sl. EXPERT wizard, crackerjack, master, OPEN outstretched, extended. 4. OFF TARGET

Roget’s Superthesaurus 655


off, off course, inaccurate. ANT. 1. narrow, disturbed, wind-whipped. 6. EXCITED frantic,
cramped, restricted. 2. limited, specific. 3. frenzied, maniacal, hysterical, enthusiastic,
closed, folded. 4. on target, accurate. eager. 7. DISORDERED in disarray, confused,
wide-awake a. alert, watchful, sharp, *on one’s tangled, messy, tousled, unkempt. ANT. 1.
toes, *on the ball, vigilant, *bright-eyed and unnatural, domesticated, tame, man-made,
bushy-tailed, wary, wide-eyed, *saucer-eyed. civilized, urbanized. 2. civilized, refined, pol-
ANT. asleep, sleepy, unobservant. ished. 3. restrained, polite, well-behaved. 4.
wide-eyed a. 1. NAIVE inexperienced, innocent, moral, prudish, puritanical. 5. calm, mild, gen-
green, childlike, unschooled, unsophisti- tle, quiet. 6. calm, reserved, low-key. 7. neat,
cated, *born yesterday. 2. SURPRISED orderly.
shocked, astonished, saucer-eyed, agog. ANT. wilderness n. wilds, *howling wilderness,
1. jaded, blasé, *ho-hum. 2. bored. woods, forest, jungle, uncultivated area,
widen v. broaden, expand, extend, spread, en- wasteland, desert, badland, backcountry,
large, swell, distend, increase. ANT. narrow, outback.
restrict, taper. wildlife n. animals, fauna, beasts, creatures,
widespread a. all over, far-reaching, far-flung, game.
pervasive, extensive, nationwide, world- wile n. artifice, artfulness, trick, trickery, cun-
wide, universal, rife, rampant, common, ning, stratagem, ruse, craftiness, machina-
prevalent, epidemic, pandemic. ANT. con- tion, deception, fraud, ploy.
fined, local, limited, rare. will n. 1. POWER OF CHOICE choice, decision, de-
widget n. gadget, *gizmo, device, contraption, sire, want, wish, determination, conviction,
*thingamajig, *doohickey, *whatsit, volition, prerogative, intention, mind, pref-
*thingamabob, *whatchamacallit, *doodad. erence, discretion, command, decree. 2. RE-
widow n. widower, surviving spouse, dowager. SOLVE willpower, determination, single-
width n. breadth, wideness, broadness, girth, mindedness, commitment. 3. DOCUMENT DIS-
span, thickness, diameter, spread, extent. POSING OF WEALTH AFTER DEATH bequest, leg-
wield v. 1. HANDLE use, ply, manipulate, bran- acy, testament, last will and testament, dis-
dish, swing, hold. 2. EXERCISE employ, con- pensation.
trol, command, hold, exert. will v. desire, wish, choose, want, determine,
wife n. spouse, mate, bride, partner, compan- demand, command, direct.
ion, *better half, consort, squaw, soul mate. willful a. 1. DELIBERATE intentional, intended,
‘‘A crown to her husband.’’—Bible. ‘‘A for- planned, purposeful, volitional, premedi-
mer sweetheart.’’—Henry Louis Mencken. tated, willing, conscious. 2. SELF-WILLED
wig n. hairpiece, toupee, *rug, *fall, peruke, stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, bull-
periwig. headed, pigheaded, mulish, intractable, un-
wiggle n. jiggle, wriggle, wag, waggle, squirm, compromising, inflexible. ANT. 1. involun-
worming, writhing, shake, jerk, twitch, tary, unintentional, accidental. 2. flexible,
quiver. compromising, acquiescent.
wiggle v. jiggle, wriggle, wag, waggle, squirm, willing a. agreeable, unreluctant, inclined, en-
worm, writhe, shake, jerk, twitch, quiver. thusiastic, eager, accommodating, obliging,
wild a. 1. NATURAL undomesticated, unculti- ready, amenable, in favor, consenting, dis-
vated, organic, untamed, feral, native, un- posed, game. ANT. unwilling, disinclined,
broken, uncivilized, primitive, primeval, averse.
primordial, untouched, pristine, uninhab- willowy a. slender, slim, svelte, thin, skinny,
ited, overgrown, wooded, desert, godforsa- twiggy, graceful, lithe, lissome, pliant, sup-
ken. 2. SAVAGE barbarous, rough, beastly, ple, limber. ANT. obese, fat, inflexible.
brutish, primitive, ignorant, uncivilized. 3. willpower n. self-control, will, firmness, drive,
UNRESTRAINED, UNCONTROLLABLE out of con- determination, resolve, strength, backbone,
trol, unmanageable, intractable, rebellious, iron will, discipline, grit. ANT. weakness, lack
unruly, rough, rowdy, crazy, undisciplined, of control.
reckless, impulsive, lawless. 4. MORALLY wilt v. droop, wither, slump, slouch, sag, sink,
LOOSE unbridled, unrestrained, dissolute, shrivel, flag, wane, diminish, ebb, weaken,
profligate, wanton, debauched, immoral, or- die.
giastic. 5. STORMY rough, turbulent, tempes- WILY a. [WI lee] sly, crafty. The wily coyote
tuous, violent, explosive, gusting, windy, always manages to survive. SYN. sly, crafty,

656 Roget’s Superthesaurus


cunning, tricky, sharp, designing, shrewd, inkling, report, rumor. 4. NONSENSE *hot air,
*cagey, artful, sneaky, foxy, underhanded, pomposity, idle talk, bluster, empty talk,
astute, slippery, slick. ANT. stupid, dull, claptrap, balderdash.
dumb. wind v. turn, bend, coil, curl, crook, roll, twine,
win n. victory, triumph, conquest, success, twist, furl, screw, corkscrew, twirl, reel,
sweep, gold medal, achievement, accom- crank, meander, snake.
plishment, coup. ANT. loss, defeat. windbag n. *blowhard, *chatterbox, *motor-
win v. 1. BE VICTORIOUS defeat, best, beat, tri- mouth, *big-mouth.
umph, succeed, vanquish, *take home the windfall n. fortune, stroke of luck, jackpot, god-
gold, sweep, clinch, prevail, come in first, send, manna from heaven, boon, lucky
*leave competitors swirling in one’s wake, strike.
carry the day. 2. ACHIEVE accomplish, gain, window n. opening, glass, portal, casement,
obtain, attain, get, earn. ANT. 1. lose, be de- dormer, bay window, oriel, skylight, roun-
feated, fail, *choke. 2. fail. del, deadlight.
wince v. flinch, cringe, blink, recoil, draw back, windy a. blustery, gusting, breezy, tempestuous,
shrink, cower, grimace, duck, quail, brace stormy, blowing, windswept, wind-whipped,
oneself. drafty. ANT. still, calm, becalmed.
wind n. 1. BREEZE gust, draft, breath, waft, wine n. fermented grape juice, alcohol, red
zephyr, air current, puff, blast, blow, gale, wine, white wine, champagne, vintage, port,
tempest, whirlwind, cyclone, tornado. muscatel, brandy, Chablis, Chianti, Char-
WORD FIND donnay, Zinfandel. ‘‘The blood of
aircraft hazard: windshear grapes.’’—Bible. ‘‘Bottled poetry.’’—Robert
Asian wind accompanied by heavy rain: Louis Stevenson. ‘‘[That which] makes man
monsoon mistake words for thoughts.’’—Samuel Joh-
breeze that ripples water’s surface: cat’s paw nson.
debris knocked down by: windfall WORD FIND
dry, desert wind of west coast of Africa: har- addicted to: vinous
mattan aftertaste: finish
dry: foehn American red grape: Catawba
force source: Coriolis force California wine region: Napa Valley
god of: Aeolus California winery: Gallo, Inglenook
Hawaii, light, consistent wind of: trade wind city of, French: Bordeaux
high-speed, high-altitude wind: jet stream deposit: lees, dregs
hot wind of the Asiatic and African deserts: distilled from: cognac, brandy
simoon driest of champagnes: brut
indicator, direction: anemoscope flavor, crisp: flinty
indicator: sock, weather vane flavor, dull: flat
measuring device: anemometer flavor, having delicate: finesse
Mediterranean, cold, northerly: mistral flavor intensity: body
Mexican, hurricane-borne wind: cordonazo flavor, lively and acidic: piquant
mountain, warm and dry wind descending flavor, multiple: complex
leeward side of: chinook flavor, poor: flabby
North African: sirocco flavor, sharp: tart
pertaining to: eolian flavor, soft and full: mellow
recurring winds over the Mediterranean: flavor, rough: coarse
etecians fragrance: bouquet
scale: Beaufort French red: Beaujolais, Cabernet Sauvig-
shifting: variable, veering, backing non, claret
sound: sough, moan, howl, whistle French region: Burgundy
squall of North American southwest coast: French white: Chablis
chubasco German white: Moselle, Rhine
sudden burst, accompanied by rain: squall god: Bacchus
windless sea region: doldrums inventor of champagne: Dom Perignon
2. BREATH air, expiration, inhalation, respi- Italian red: Bardolino, Barolo, Chianti, Tus-
ration. 3. INFORMATION scent, smell, news, cany

Roget’s Superthesaurus 657


Italian white: Soave wipe v. rub, brush, wash, sponge, clean, dust,
lover: oenophilist towel, dry, remove, swab, polish.
merchant: vintner wipeout n. Sl. fall, crash, collapse, spill, dive,
new: must tumble, nose-dive.
pink: rosé, blush wipe out v. destroy, eradicate, annihilate, oblit-
Portuguese: Madeira, port erate, exterminate, demolish, get rid of, kill,
pour: decant slaughter, abolish, decimate.
pucker factor in red wine: astringency wiry a. lean, strong, tough, sinewy, muscular,
rice wine: sake strapping, athletic, agile, fit, trim, in shape,
shop: bistro, bodega hardened. ANT. fat, obese, out of shape,
Spanish wine and brandy: sherry flabby.
steward or waiter: sommelier wisdom n. knowledge, experience, erudition,
storage: cellar good judgment, insight, sagacity, common
sweeten: mull sense, *horse sense, intelligence, smarts,
sweet, not: dry *brains, discernment, acumen, savvy, en-
vineyard, stone-walled: clos lightenment, foresight. ‘‘A special knowl-
white wine flavored with herbs: vermouth edge in excess of all that is known.’’—Am-
year of grape’s harvest: vintage brose Bierce. ‘‘The soul’s natural food.’’—
wing n. annex, addition, unit, arm, section, ex- Jacob Anatoli. ‘‘[That which] comes by suf-
tension, part, flank, branch. fering.’’—Aeschylus. ANT. ignorance, inexpe-
wing v. fly, soar, glide, zoom, hurry, speed. rience, stupidity, foolishness.
wing it v. Sl. improvise, ad lib. wise a. 1. KNOWLEDGEABLE experienced, eru-
wink v. blink, bat an eyelid, nictitate. dite, prudent, judicious, insightful, saga-
winner n. victor, champion, *champ, medalist, cious, sage, informed, learned, sensible, in-
gold medalist, *number one, titleholder, telligent, smart, *brainy, shrewd, astute,
*top dog, conqueror, vanquisher. ANT. loser, discerning, sharp, savvy, enlightened, un-
failure, *also-ran. derstanding. 2. Sl. FRESH smart-mouthed,
winning a. charming, attractive, delightful, impudent, *smart-alecky, insolent, imperti-
pleasing, enchanting, bewitching, captivat- nent, *sassy, disrespectful, flippant, flip.
ing, disarming, charismatic, engaging, ANT. 1. ignorant, inexperienced, stupid, unin-
sweet, winsome. ANT. repulsive, nasty, dis- formed, foolish. 2. respectful, polite, deferen-
gusting. tial.
winnow v. sift, separate, extract, cull, divide wiseacre n. *wise guy, *wiseass, *smart-ass,
the good from the bad, screen, glean, weed *smartaleck, know-it-all, *wisenheimer.
out, differentiate, separate the wheat from wisecrack n. joke, dig, gibe, flippant remark,
the chaff. quip, retort.
wino n. Sl. drunk, drunkard, alcoholic. wise guy n. Sl. SEE WISEACRE
winsome a. charming, sweet, attractive, nice, wish n. desire, want, pleasure, aspiration, hope,
engaging, winning, delightful, pleasing, dis- prayer, will, hunger, thirst, longing, yen.
arming, likable, lovable. ANT. repellent, re- wish v. desire, want, need, aspire, *set one’s
pulsive, disgusting. heart on, fancy, hope for, pray for, hunger,
winter n. season, cold season, snow season. thirst, crave, hanker, request, ask, order.
‘‘Trees stooping under burdens of snow, win- wishful a. desirous, longful, hopeful, aspiring,
dows filligreed with frost, shadows of drifting yearning, hankering, wistful, impractical,
hummocks turning blue-cold as northerners unrealistic, daydreaming. ANT. practical.
mummify themselves in coats and wishy-washy a. indecisive, irresolute, unde-
scarves.’’—Henry Clayborne. cided, blowing hot and cold, equivocating,
WORD FIND vacillating, feeble, weak, spineless. ANT. res-
of or like: hiemal, brumal, hibernal olute, decisive, decided.
SEE SNOW wisp n. strand, shred, strip, trace, hint.
wintry a. hiemal, hibernal, brumal, cold, frigid, wispy a. slight, slender, thin, delicate, frail.
bone-chilling, raw, biting, bitter, snowy, ANT. heavy set, stocky.
frost-patterned, filigreed with frost, stark, WISTFUL a. [WIST ful] longing sadly or with
pristine, frozen, icy. ANT. summery, hot, a troubled mind. He looked back wistfully at
warm. his childhood. SYN. longing, yearning, pining,

658 Roget’s Superthesaurus


desirous, wishful, heartsick, pensive, nostal- *birdbrained, *dumb as a post. ANT. intelli-
gic, daydreaming, reflective, melancholy, gent, smart, *brainy.
forlorn, introspective. witness n. 1. EYEWITNESS observer, onlooker,
wit n. 1. INTELLECTUAL POWERS intelligence, bystander, spectator, corroborating witness.
reason, *brains, *brain power, intellect, 2. ATTESTING testimony, evidence, attesta-
sense, common sense, sagacity, understand- tion, proof, corroboration.
ing, judgment, acumen, perception, wisdom, witness v. 1. SEE observe, watch, view, notice,
comprehension. 2. CLEVERNESS sense of hu- behold. 2. TESTIFY provide testimony, give
mor, humor, drollery, satire, irony, repartee, evidence, attest, prove, corroborate, con-
banter, bon mot, jest, wordplay, wisecrack, firm, certify, verify.
pun, joke, witticism. ‘‘Educated inso- witticism n. clever remark, witty remark, bon
lence.’’—Aristotle. ‘‘The salt of conversa- mot, quip, wisecrack, crack, *one-liner,
tion.’’—William Hazlitt. 3. CLEVER HUMOR- joke, pun, retort, riposte.
IST comedian, satirist, jokester, comic, *wise witty a. clever, sharp, funny, comical, humor-
guy, wiseacre, quipster, *cutup. ANT. 1. stu- ous, *saber-witted, *having a razor wit,
pidity, dullness, slowness. droll, quick-witted, amusing, whimsical, en-
witch n. sorceress, enchantress, magician, prac- tertaining, quick, *wise, sarcastic. ANT. dull,
titioner of the black arts, *spellcaster, hex, serious, morbid.
warlock, crone, hag, she-devil, ogress. wizard n. 1. CONJURER magician, sorcerer,
witchcraft n. sorcery, black magic, black arts, witch, warlock, necromancer, Merlin, en-
spellcasting, wizardry, magic, enchantment, chanter, diviner, practitioner of the black
diabolism, Satanism, necromancy, voodoo. arts. 2. *ACE *crackerjack, genius, prodigy,
SEE MAGIC *whiz, *whiz kid, virtuoso, master.
witch doctor n. shaman, medicine man. wizardry n. 1. MAGIC conjuring, sorcery, witch-
with prep. among, in the company of, alongside craft, necromancy, black art, diabolism, Sa-
of. tanism. 2. CLEVERNESS genius, magic.
withdraw v. 1. TAKE BACK take out, remove, wizened a. withered, dried up, shriveled, wil-
draw, extract. 2. MOVE BACK retreat, shrink, ted, wrinkled, brown, shrunken, dry, dehy-
recede, retire, leave, pull out, quit, evacuate. drated, wasted. ANT. fresh, new.
3. RETRACT recall, recant, take back, back wobble v. shake, tremble, totter, teeter, seesaw,
down, *do an about-face, backpedal, re-
stagger, waggle, rock, oscillate, sway, reel,
scind. 4. ISOLATE ONESELF *go into one’s
move unsteadily.
woe n. 1. SORROW grief, anguish, sadness, mis-
withdrawal n. 1. REMOVAL extraction, retreat,
ery, suffering, wretchedness, distress, pain,
shrinking, retirement, leaving, leave, exit,
heartache, unhappiness, depression, melan-
retraction, disavowal. 2. CRAVING distress,
longing, hunger. choly. 2. TROUBLE trial, tribulation, afflic-
withdrawn a. introverted, reserved, shy, bash- tion, adversity, blow, burden, hardship, or-
ful, reticent, introspective, retiring, aloof, deal, misfortune. ANT. 1. happiness, joy, glee.
unfriendly, distant, remote, reclusive, soli- 2. fortune, blessing.
tary. ANT. extroverted, outgoing, friendly, so- woebegone a. sad, depressed, melancholy, mis-
ciable. erable, mournful, grieving, unhappy, woeful,
wither v. shrivel, wilt, droop, dry up, decay, downhearted, heartbroken, wretched, deso-
waste away, fade, wizen, shrink. late, disconsolate. ANT. happy, joyful, gleeful.
within prep. inside. woeful a. SEE WOEBEGONE
withhold v. 1. HOLD BACK keep, detain, reserve, wolfish a. predatory, carnivorous, rapacious,
deduct, retain, restrain. 2. REFUSE refrain. 3. beastly, vicious, bloodthirsty, fierce, fero-
HIDE conceal, deny, cover up, keep from, cious. ANT. benevolent, kind, helpful.
keep secret. woman n. lady, female, girl, gal, lass, *broad,
withstand v. take, tolerate, bear, put up with, maid, maiden, *colleen, damsel, matron,
endure, stand up to, weather, brave, face, miss, Ms., matriarch, mother. ‘‘A minister-
cope, *ride out. ANT. *cave in, collapse, give ing angel.’’—Sir Walter Scott. ‘‘A creature
in. between man and the angels.’’—Honore de
witless a. foolish, nonsensical, stupid, mindless, Balzac. ‘‘[One who] has to be twice as good
dumb, imbecilic, moronic, idiotic, brainless, as a man to go half as far.’’—Fannie Hurst.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 659


womanizer n. Don Juan, Casanova, *skirt- James Howell. ‘‘The dress of thoughts;
chaser, lecher, *wolf, *ladies’ man, stud, which should no more be presented in rags,
playboy, *make-out artist, Lothario, heart- tatters, and dirt, than your person
breaker. should.’’—Lord Chesterfield.
womanly a. womanish, feminine, matronly, la- WORD FIND
dylike, motherly, sisterly, soft, gentle, acceptable word used in place of socially un-
tender. ANT. manly, male. acceptable one: euphemism
wonder n. 1. ASTONISHMENT amazement, won- antiquated word: archaism
derment, awe, fascination, enchantment, arrangement, construction of words and
surprise. ‘‘The root of knowledge.’’—Abra- sentences: syntax
ham Heschel. ‘‘The seed of our science.’’— baby words: lallation
Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2. MARVEL miracle, backwards, reads the same: palindrome
phenomenon, spectacle, curiosity, rarity, book: lexicon, dictionary, thesaurus
sight, *mind-blower, *mind-boggler, oddity, characterizing: epithet
freak occurrence, freak of nature. coiner: neologist
wonder v. 1. MARVEL be awestruck, be fasci- combining words or word parts to form new
nated, gawk, gape, stare saucer-eyed, disbe- word: agglutination
lieve one’s eyes, be amazed, be astonished, confusion, transposition of letters: dyslexia
be stunned. 2. TO BE CURIOUS question, pon- contradictory juxtaposition of: oxymoron
der, think about, speculate, doubt, deliber- difficult to pronounce correctly: *jaw-
ate, puzzle over, meditate. breaker
wonderful a. 1. MARVELOUS amazing, astonish- disgust for certain words: logomasia
ing, awesome, fascinating, unbelievable, mi- exact or appropriate word: mot juste
raculous, spectacular, curious, odd, *freaky. incorrect use of word confused with another:
2. EXCELLENT great, extraordinary, terrific, catachresis, malapropism
fantastic, fabulous, superb, sensational, first- incorrect word that sounds like another:
rate, out of the ordinary, *out of this world. catchfool
ANT. 1. *ho-hum, common, ordinary. 2. terri- individual word stock: ideolect
ble, awful, lousy. informal: colloquial, colloquialism
wonderment n. amazement, astonishment, fas- invention of new word: coinage
cination, curiosity, wonder, awe, surprise, figurative: metaphor, simile, trope
spectacle, sensation, sight, rarity, marvel, foreign word sound English, make: Anglicize
*mind-blower, *mind-boggler. forgotten word, obsession to remember: lo-
woo v. court, seek, coax, pursue, persuade, ca- ganamnosis
jole, urge, *curry favor, *butter up. humorous transposition of word sounds,
wood n. lumber, timber, board, plank, beam, such as ‘‘Hoobert Heever’’ for ‘‘Herbert
firewood, kindling, slat. Hoover’’: spoonerism
woodcutter n. lumberjack, logger, sawyer. initials, word constructed of: acronym
wooden a. stiff, rigid, awkward, graceless, for- local: localism
mal, tense, expressionless, blank, stony, dull, loss for words, at a: aporia
lifeless. ANT. loose, limber, relaxed, informal, new: neologism
expressive. nonstandard use: barbarism, corruption
woodland n. woods, forest, timberland, bush, opposite in meaning: antonym
grove, thicket, wilderness, *howling wilder- origin of: etymology
ness. SEE FOREST, JUNGLE, TREE pronounce clearly: enunciate
woods n. SEE WOODLAND pronunciation, poor: cacology
woolgathering n. absentmindedness, day- recall word on tip of one’s tongue, inability
dreaming, dreaming, reverie, *castle-build- to: lethologica
ing, abstraction, preoccupation. restate in different words: paraphrase
woozy a. Sl. dizzy, dazed, muddled, befuddled, reversal of standard meaning, such as ‘‘bad’’
unsteady, reeling, unclear, *punch-drunk, meaning ‘‘good’’: melioration
*seeing stars. SEE DRUNK showing off one’s knowledge of words: ped-
word n. 1. TERM noun, verb, adjective, pro- antry
noun, expression, name, lexeme, mor- similar in meaning: synonym
pheme. ‘‘Words are loaded pistols.’’—Jean- sounding like the thing it names: onomato-
Paul Sartre. ‘‘The soul’s ambassadors.’’— poeia

660 Roget’s Superthesaurus


sounding the same but having different workmanlike a. skilled, well-done, well-
meanings: homonym, homophone crafted, professional, meticulous, expert,
study of meanings: semantics competent, thorough. ANT. incompetent,
wrong title, wrong name: misnomer slack, amateurish.
2. NEWS report, communication, announce- workmanship n. craftsmanship, skill, artistry,
ment, communique, dispatch, bulletin, in- expertise, proficiency, handiwork, tech-
telligence, information. 3. TALK chat, meet- nique, style, mastery.
ing, consultation, conversation, discussion. world n. 1. EARTH planet, globe, Gaea, sphere,
4. REMARK statement, comment. 5. PROMISE biosphere, terra, terra firma, orb, ocean
pledge, solemn word, oath, word of honor, world, heavenly body. ‘‘A small parenthesis
vow, assurance, guarantee. in eternity.’’—Thomas Browne. ‘‘God’s
word v. put into words, frame, phrase, rephrase, epistle to mankind—his thoughts are flash-
paraphrase. ing upon us from every direction.’’—Plato.
wording n. phrasing, phraseology, language, ‘‘The truth of the existence of God.’’—Wil-
syntax, terminology, choice of words, style. liam Hocking. 2. ALL CREATION universe,
wordy a. verbose, long-winded, windy, prolix, cosmos, macrocosm, nature. 3. HUMANKIND
redundant, rambling, loquacious, garrulous, humanity, human community, human race,
voluble, digressive, tautological. ANT. suc- mankind, civilization, society, people, men
cinct, concise, to the point, terse. and women, everybody. ‘‘This great stage of
work n. 1. LABOR exertion, toil, effort, struggle, fools.’’—Shakespeare. ‘‘A comedy to those
drudgery, *daily grind, *elbow grease, mus- who think, a tragedy to those who feel.’’—
cle, sweat, slavery, pains. 2. JOB employ- Horace Walpole. 4. REALM domain, sphere,
ment, occupation, *daily grind, livelihood, area, province, kingdom, field, group.
line, trade, profesion, vocation, business, worldly a. 1. EARTHLY terrestrial, mundane, ma-
calling. ‘‘A remedy against all ills.’’— terial, human, fleshly, physical. 2. SOPHISTI-
CATED experienced, worldly-wise, knowing,
Charles Baudelaire. ‘‘Paid struggle.’’—Max
Gralnik. ‘‘The refuge of people who have learned, urbane, cosmopolitan, *wise in the
nothing better to do.’’—Oscar Wilde. 3. ways of the world. ANT. 1. spiritual, heavenly,
CHORE task, duty, assignment, charge, bur-
divine, godly. 2. inexperienced, unsophisti-
cated, naive.
den, responsibility. ANT. idleness, sloth, lei-
worldly-wise a. SEE WORLDLY
sure, play, relaxation.
worldwide a. global, international, multina-
work v. 1. LABOR exert, toil, put in effort, strug-
tional, universal, general, from the four cor-
gle, drudge, *apply elbow grease, *put mus-
ners of the earth, extensive, pandemic. ANT.
cle into it, sweat, slave, take pains, *break local, localized, limited, domestic.
one’s back, strain, *plug away, *keep one’s worn a. 1. THREADBARE worn out, frayed, rag-
nose to the grindstone, *burn the midnight ged, tattered, weathered, deteriorated,
oil, *work one’s fingers to the bone, be em- abraded, *shot. 2. EXHAUSTED weary, tired,
ployed, do business, earn one’s living, burned out, haggard, drained, *wrung out,
*moonlight. 2. OPERATE run, function, per- *the worse for wear, drained. ANT. 1. new,
form, tick, go. 3. SUCCEED be effective, *fly, fresh. 2. fresh, refreshed.
effect, fulfill, bring about, produce, create. 4. worrisome a. troublesome, anxiety-provoking,
HANDLE maneuver, run, use, drive. 5. SHAPE disturbing, distressing, disquieting, unnerv-
manipulate, knead, mold. ANT. 1. relax, re- ing. ANT. reassuring, calming, relaxing.
create, play, take it easy. worried a. anxious, distressed, troubled, dis-
workable a. doable, practical, practicable, fea- turbed, apprehensive, uneasy, having mis-
sible, viable, possible. ANT. unworkable, im- givings, uncertain, concerned, sick with
practical. dread, *on pins and needles. ANT. at peace,
worker n. employee, laborer, blue-collar relaxed, reassured.
worker, white-collar worker, hand, work- worry n. anxiety, distress, troubled mind, dis-
man, wage earner, *working stiff, *nine-to- turbance, apprehension, uneasiness, misgiv-
fiver, slave, *temp. ‘‘The wealth of a coun- ing, uncertainty, concern, disquiet, trepida-
try.’’—Theodor Herzl. ‘‘Soldiers with differ- tion, care. ‘‘Interest paid on trouble before
ent weapons but the same courage.’’—Win- it becomes due.’’—William Inge. ANT. peace
ston Churchill. of mind, reassurance, tranquility.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 661


worry v. distress, trouble, disturb, make appre- wrangle n. quarrel, dispute, argument, fight, al-
hensive, make uneasy, concern, disquiet, fill tercation, tiff, disagreement, row, squabble,
with trepidation, gnaw at, perturb, fill with clash, spat.
dread. ANT. calm, soothe, reassure. wrangle v. quarrel, dispute, argue, fight, alter-
worsen v. deteriorate, degenerate, take a turn cate, have a tiff, *lock horns, disagree, have
for the worse, slip, decay, decline, lapse, *go a row, clash, *have words, *cross swords.
downhill, *hit the skids, diminish. ANT. im- wrap n. covering, shawl, overcoat, jacket,
prove, get better. cloak, cape, mantle.
worship n. homage, reverence, devotion, ven- wrap v. cover, envelop, package, bind, pack,
eration, honoring, idolization, adoration, bundle, giftwrap, swaddle, swathe, shroud,
love, admiration, glorification, genuflec- tuck.
tion, exaltation, church service, rite. wrath n. anger, rage, towering rage, spitting
‘‘Climbing the altar stairs to God.’’— rage, fury, temper, passion, *hot blood, in-
Dwight Bradley. SEE GOD, RELIGION dignation, resentment, venom, virulence.
worship v. pay homage, revere, show devotion, ANT. good humor, pleasure, cheerfulness.
venerate, honor, idolize, adore, love, ad- wreak v. inflict, cause, bring, vent, bring down
mire, glorify, look up to, put on a pedestal, on, unleash, execute.
exalt, adulate. ANT. disdain, despise, dispar- wreath n. band, garland, decoration, festoon,
age. chaplet, laurel, crown.
worth n. 1. VALUE merit, benefit, greatness, wreathe v. entwine, encircle, coil, twist, fes-
worthiness, importance, weight, desirability. toon.
2. AMOUNT quantity, price, cost, expense, wreck n. wreckage, destruction, devastation,
appraisal, valuation, estimation. 3. WEALTH ruin, debris, smashup, crash, accident, dere-
riches, assets, possessions, holdings. lict, *heap, *junker, *hulk.
worthless a. valueless, useless, good-for-noth- wreck v. destroy, ruin, tear apart, smash, devas-
ing, unproductive, unprofitable, profitless, tate, demolish, raze, flatten, *total, sabo-
vain, futile, impotent, ineffective, empty, tage, vandalize, *trash, spoil, shatter, break,
*not worth the powder to blow it to hell, gut, blow up, level, bulldoze. ANT. fix, repair,
*not worth beans. ANT. valuable, worthwhile, protect.
profitable, effective. wreckage n. debris, flotsam and jetsam, rubble,
worthwhile a. valuable, useful, profitable, lu- detritus, bits and pieces, fragments, ruins,
crative, remunerative, gainful, beneficial, smoking remains.
rewarding, worthy, worth the trouble, pro- wrench n. 1. TOOL spanner, monkey wrench,
ductive. ANT. worthless, waste of time, unpro- pliers. SEE TOOL 2. TWIST jerk, turn, pull,
ductive. sprain.
worthy a. meriting, deserving, meritorious, wrench v. twist, pull, jerk, turn, wring, sprain,
good enough, praiseworthy, creditable, esti- strain.
mable, worthwhile, commendable, exem- wrest v. twist away from, take, jerk, pull, wres-
plary, excellent, virtuous. ANT. unworthy, tle, extract, wring, grab.
worthless, undeserving. wrestle v. grapple, struggle, fight, combat, mus-
wound n. 1. INJURY trauma, cut, laceration, le- cle, strong-arm, tussle, battle, contend, tan-
sion, gash, tear, scrape, scratch, abrasion, gle, *lock horns, *put in a half-nelson,
contusion, bruise, *black-and-blue mark, *body slam, *put in a headlock, *put in a
hurt, sore, tender area, bump. 2. HURT FEEL- hammerlock, *give a bear hug, throw, flip,
INGS offense, insult, anguish, pain, grief, *turk, *deliver a flying dropkick, clinch,
heartache, blow to one’s self-esteem. pin.
wound v. 1. INJURE cut, lacerate, gash, rip open, wretch n. 1. *MISERABLE SOUL *poor soul, mar-
scrape, scratch, stick, stab, abrade, bruise, tyr, unfortunate, victim, outcast, *loser,
bump, traumatize. 2. HURT ONE’S FEELINGS of- *sorry sight. 2. SCOUNDREL *creep, *jerk,
fend, insult, grieve, *touch a nerve, *break *rat, dog, cur, rogue, criminal, villain.
one’s heart, affront, *cut to the quick, trau- wretched a. 1. MISERABLE unhappy, depressed,
matize, mortify. melancholic, sad, brokenhearted, down-
wow v. Sl. *bring an audience to their feet, hearted, forlorn, dejected, disconsolate,
*bowl over, fill with awe, stagger, electrify, *bummed out, pathetic, pitiable. 2. *LOUSY
make one’s jaw drop, impress. awful, terrible, miserable, poor, inferior,

662 Roget’s Superthesaurus


*rotten, pathetic, bad, inferior, cheap. 3. novel, short story, poem, poetry, belles-let-
CONTEMPTIBLE despicable, *rotten, mean, tres, nonfiction, letters, correspondence, ar-
low, shameless, detestable, beneath con- ticle, editorial. ‘‘All writing is a process of
tempt. ANT. 1. happy, cheerful, joyous. 2. elimination.’’—Martha Albrand. ‘‘The art
good, superior, superb, excellent. 3. admirable, of applying the seat of the pants to the seat
commendable, good. of the chair.’’—Mary Vorse.
wriggle v. wiggle, squirm, jiggle, waggle, worm, wrong n. wrongdoing, sin, crime, offense, mis-
twist, writhe. deed, injustice, evil, insult, wicked act, ineq-
wring v. 1. TWIST squeeze, press, compress, uity, infraction, mistake, blunder, oversight.
wrench, choke, throttle, strangle. 2. EXTORT wrong v. hurt, injure, insult, offend, commit a
force, strong-arm, twist one’s arm, make, ex-
crime against, sin against, abuse, mistreat,
act, coerce.
wrinkle n. 1. CRINKLE furrow, ridge, crease, exploit, use, aggrieve, transgress, malign,
crimp, pucker, line, rumple, fold, pleat, dishonor, defame, slur.
crow’s foot, laugh line, frown line. 2. IDEA wrong a. 1. INCORRECT inaccurate, imprecise,
trick, device, gimmick. faulty, erroneous, false, mistaken, untrue,
wrinkle v. crinkle, furrow, crease, crimp, off, amiss, erring, unsound, *wide of the
pucker, line, rumple, fold, pleat, corrugate, mark, *off base, *barking up the wrong tree,
scrunch up. *all wet. 2. IMMORAL bad, improper, unethi-
writ n. order, legal order, legal document, court cal, sinful, illegal, criminal, corrupt, dishon-
order, warrant, injunction, summons, sub- est, crooked, wicked, naughty, felonious,
poena, command. dishonorable, reprehensible. 3. INAPPROPRI-
write v. pen, compose, print, jot, scrawl, ATE unsuitable, inapt, improper, unfitting,
*scratch out, scribble, inscribe, *dash off, set unseemly, unbecoming, malapropos. 4. OUT
down, draft, type, draw up, record, author, OF ORDER amiss, awry, out of kilter, *out of
sign, autograph. whack, *haywire. 5. REVERSE back. ANT. 1.
writer n. scribe, calligrapher, stenographer, au- correct, accurate, exact, precise. 2. good, virtu-
thor, wordsmith, poet, reporter, journalist, ous, righteous, moral. 3. appropriate, apropos,
columnist, novelist, freelancer, hack, man suitable.
of letters, playwright, screenwriter, ghost- wrongdoer n. sinner, criminal, felon, offender,
writer. ‘‘Apprentices in a craft where no one
evildoer, perpetrator, miscreant, malefactor,
ever becomes a master.’’—Hemingway. ‘‘A
transgressor, culprit, trespasser, *bad guy.
frustrated actor who recites his lines in the
hidden auditorium of his skull.’’—Rod Ser- wrought a. formed, shaped, fashioned, made,
ling. built, constructed, crafted. ANT. natural.
writhe v. twist, contort, squirm, thrash, worm, wry a. 1. TWISTED distorted, turned to one side,
wiggle, recoil in agony, flail. lopsided, crooked, awry, askew. 2. IRONIC
writing n. 1. HANDWRITING penmanship, long- distorted, sarcastic, sardonic, mocking,
hand, calligraphy, printing, print. 2. COMPO- twisted, perverted. ANT. 1. straight. 2. seri-
SITION work, publication, prose, fiction, ous, earnest.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 663


X-rated a. adult, obscene, pornographic, hardc- X-ray n. roentgenogram, roentgenograph, ra-
ore, dirt, blue, carnal, appealing to prurient diograph, radiogram, fluoroscope.
interests, nasty, raunchy, graphic. ANT. G-
rated, innocent, clean.

664 Roget’s Superthesaurus


yacht n. boat, cruiser, cabin cruiser, pleasure yeoman n. assistant, attendant, servant, subor-
craft, vessel. SEE BOAT, SAILING dinate, petty officer.
yahoo n. Sl. brute, *blithering idiot, barbarian, yes adv. yea, aye, *uh-huh, affirmative, *yeah,
savage, Neanderthal, *redneck, *clod, *yep, *ayuh, certainly, positively, doubtless,
*clodhopper, *dumb ox, *farmer, *jughead, surely, *oui, *sı́, *da, *you bet. ANT. no, nay,
hick, yokel, lummox, *nitwit, hillbilly. negative.
yak v. talk, chatter, gab, yap, babble, *run on, yes-man n. Sl. sycophant, toady, *brownnose,
jabber, prattle, blather, *blah blah blah. *kiss-up, *bootlicker, *apple-polisher, fawn,
yammer v. whine, complain, whimper, moan, flatterer, underling, groveler, kowtower.
gripe, grumble. yield n. production, output, proceeds, harvest,
yank n. jerk, pull, tug, plucking, wrenching, ex- crop, profit, return, gain, earnings.
traction, grab. yield v. 1. PRODUCE furnish, generate, return,
yank v. jerk, pull, tug, pluck, wrench, extract, pay out, put out, give rise to, bear fruit. 2.
grab. GIVE UP give in, surrender, back down, *cave
yard n. lawn, property, grounds, lot, plot, court, in, submit, acquiesce, relinquish, accede, ca-
courtyard, gardens, patio, quad, garth, en- pitulate, *knuckle under, grant, concede.
closure, compound. ANT. 2. resist, fight.
yardstick n. measuring rod, measure, standard, yoga n. Hindu discipline, ascetic discipline,
test, gauge, guide, guideline, touchstone, meditation, posturing.
benchmark, criterion. WORD FIND
yarn n. story, tale, fairy tale, fable, narrative, athletic, fast-moving style of: Ashtanga,
fiction, *fish story, adventure, myth, legend. power yoga, Vinyasa
yaw v. swing, pitch, swerve, roll, veer, deviate, bliss, state of: samadhi
wheel, go off course. centers of life energy located between base
yearn v. desire, long for, want, crave, hunger of spine and head: chakras
for, thirst for, pine for, hanker for, ache for, chant used during meditation: mantra
wish. chanting and breathing, ancient style fea-
yearning n. desire, longing, want, need, crav- turing: Kundalini
ing, hunger, thirst, hankering, ache, wish, female practicioner: yogini
*yen, fancy. folded-legs position: lotus position
years n. decades, generation, lifetime, centu- gentle style featuring thoughtful affirma-
ries, millenium, eon, period, age, epoch. tions: Ananda
yell n. shout, *holler, bellow, roar, thundering, hand gestures directing life current: mudras
howl, scream, shriek, bark, cry, whoop, yelp, life energy: prana
hoot, *Stentorian bellow. meditation or quieting of the mind: dhyana
yell v. raise one’s voice, shout, *holler, bellow, meditation word repeated over and over:
roar, thunder, howl, scream, shriek, bark, om, aum
cry, whoop, yelp, hoot, cheer. ANT. whisper, one who practices: yogi
speak softly, murmur. path to enlightenment: samadhi
yellow a. 1. GOLDEN flaxen, straw, lemon, saf- position of arching chest while on back: fish
fron, sunny, canary, amber, honey, butter. position of curling upper body up and back-
2. COWARDLY spineless, craven, fearful, ward while lying on floor: cobra
*mousy, *wimpy, *lily-livered, *chicken, position of raising straightened legs off floor
fainthearted, *afraid of one’s own shadow. while face down: locust
2. SENSATIONAL cheap, melodramatic, exag- positions: asanas
gerated, lurid, *keyhole-peeping. ANT. 2. retreat where yoga is taught or practiced:
brave, courageous, *gutsy. ashram
yelp n. cry, bark, yip, yap, squeal, howl, shout. scriptures: sutras
yelp v. cry, bark, yip, yap, squeal, howl, shout. teacher or spiritual guide: guru, swami
yen n. desire, longing, want, hunger, appetite, yoke n. 1. BOND harness, collar, coupling. 2.
thirst, yearning, craving, hankering, urge, BONDAGE servitude, subjection, enslave-
itch, passion. ANT. aversion, revulsion. ment.

Roget’s Superthesaurus 665


yoke v. link, couple, bond, join, pair, unite, years, school years, young years, teens, ado-
harness. lescence, pubescence, puberty, minority, de-
yokel n. country bumpkin, rustic, farmer, hick, veloping years. ‘‘Life’s morning march.’’—
hayseed, clodhopper, *Okie, hillbilly, *sod- Thomas Campbell. ‘‘The glad season of
buster, yahoo, *one who just fell off the tur- life.’’—Thomas Carlyle. ‘‘A feeling of eter-
nip truck. nity.’’—William Hazlitt. 2. CHILD youngster,
yonder a. yon, faraway, away, beyond, distant, kid, boy, girl, teen, teenager, adolescent, mi-
remote, further. ANT. near, close, here. nor, young man, young lady, juvenile, chil-
young n. children, offspring, litter, babies, dren, boys and girls, youngsters, teens, ado-
progeny. lescents. ANT. 1. old age, adulthood,
young a. immature, undeveloped, unfinished, retirement years.
youthful a. young, immature, unseasoned,
growing, youthful, tender, fresh, newborn,
growing, developing, fresh, new, maturing,
infantile, fledgling, childish, juvenile, teen-
juvenile, childish, rosy-cheeked, bright-
age, adolescent, pubescent, school-age, boy- eyed, full of life, vigorous, callow, naive, in-
ish, girlish, junior, new, untested, unprac- experienced, carefree. ANT. old, aged, ma-
ticed, unseasoned, unhardened, ture, experienced.
inexperienced, naive. ANT. mature, devel- yummy a. delicious, tasty, *scrumptious,
oped, old, experienced, adult, aged. mouth-watering, delectable, ambrosial, sa-
youngster n. baby, infant, toddler, tot, child, vory, good, heavenly, out of this world. ANT.
boy, girl, schoolboy, schoolgirl, youth, kid, disgusting, nauseating, *gross.
adolescent, teenager, minor. yuppie n. materialistic person, urbanite, status-
youth n. 1. CHILDHOOD infancy, preschool seeker, young professional.

666 Roget’s Superthesaurus


zaftig a. Sl. full-figured, shapely, buxom, zero hour n. crisis point, turning point, cross-
rounded, rotund. roads, pivotal moment, appointed hour, *D-
zany a. foolish, crazy, silly, comical, ludicrous, day, climax, moment of truth, *crunch time.
*loony, hilarious, uproarious, *goofy, zest n. 1. FLAVOR relish, zing, piquancy, spice,
*nutty, slapstick, *madcap, funny. ANT. som- zip, *pizzazz. 2. GUSTO enjoyment, pleasure,
ber, serious. *kick, spirit, liveliness, elation, excitement,
ZEAL n. [ZEEL] great passion, enthusiasm. His eagerness. ANT. 2. boredom, apathy.
zeal for reform was contagious. SYN. passion, zip n. 1. HISS whiz, whistle, whine, hum. 2. EN-
enthusiasm, ardor, fervor, drive, fanaticism, ERGY vigor, *get-up-and-go, vitality, life,
zest, intensity, devotion, gusto, spirit, fire, pep, strength, livelines, drive, zest, spirit. 3.
earnestness. ANT. indifference, apathy, disin- Sl. NOTHING zero, *zilch.
terest. zip v. speed, fly, zoom, rush, tear, bolt, dart,
zealot n. fanatic, enthusiast, devotee, extremist, dash, hurry, jet.
radical, *nut, champion, disciple, dogmatist, zippy a. energetic, brisk, vigorous, full of life,
believer, crackpot. lively, peppy. ANT. tired, lethargic.
ZEALOUS a. [ZEL us] enthusiastic, passion- zit n. Sl. pimple, pustule, papule, blemish.
ate. He was a zealous supporter of gun control. zombie n. the living dead, walking dead, corpse,
SYN. enthusiastic, passionate, devoted, fer- weirdo, oddball, *dope, dullard.
vent, fanatical, radical, eager, intense, rabid, zone n. area, district, sector, section, region,
impassioned, vehement, earnest, *gung-ho. quarter, tract, band, locality, territory, pre-
ANT. indifferent, apathetic, uncaring. cinct, domain.
Zen n. Buddhism, quest for enlightenment, zonked a. Sl. drunk, intoxicated, inebriated,
meditation. under the influence, high, *flying, *out of
zenith n. high point, summit, pinnacle, top, it, exhausted, unconscious.
peak, height, apex, acme, apogee, maxi- zoo n. menagerie, animal park, animal conser-
mum, crown, culmination. ANT. bottom, low vation area, zoological garden, wildlife park.
point, nadir. zoom v. 1. ZIP fly, shoot, rocket, whiz, speed,
zephyr n. gentle breeze, gentle wind, west wind. dive, streak, buzz, hum. 2. RISE climb, sky-
SEE WIND rocket, surge.
zeppelin n. dirigible, blimp. zydeco n. Cajun music, French Caribbean mu-
zero n. nothing, naught, *goose egg, *zip, noth- sic, Louisiana blues.
ingness, *thin air, *zilch, blank, *nobody,

Roget’s Superthesaurus 667

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