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Karnataka State Open University

B.Sc (IT) I Semester Practical Examination

Time: 3hrs Office Automation Max Marks: 100

1. Creating a document (a letter to principal) with setting of margins, color,

fonts, paragraph, line spacing, languages etc.,
2. Creating a merge document containing invitation for a college function to be
sent to invitees through a created address book.
3. Create a table containing information regarding examination /admission/
attendance/ faculty statistics.
4. Create a salary slip using a spread sheet.
5. Create a electricity bill with 3 different conditions using spreadsheet.
6. Create a students database of a class with register number, name, subjects,
IA marks and sort it in ascending order using a spread sheet and generate
different types of relevant graphs
7. Create slides for a topic of your choice with animations using any
presentation software.
8. Create a document using tables to display the college time table.
9. Create an inventory bill for a electronic goods display discount and also VAT.
10. Create 5 documents using icon and close them one by one , do the same
without using icons and save them simultaneously.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) I Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs DBMS 1 Max Mark s : 100

Write Programs and execute

1. Create a table ‘STUDENT’ to store the details of marks of a student.

Field Type Width constraint

Student_ID Numeric 5 Unique
Name Text 20
class Numeric 2
English Numeric 3
Hindi Numeric 3
Maths Numeric 3
Science Numeric 3
Social_Science Numeric 3

Create a table ‘Transaction’ to have the following fields.

Field Type Width constraint
Trans_No Numeric 5 Unique
Item_No Numeric 5
Item_Name Text 25
Trans_Date date
Quantity Numeric 5

After creating the tables, do the following:

a. Set field properties of each field.

b. Modify fields in the table.

c. Modify the table ‘STUDENT’ to include the following fields:

Field Type Width constraint

Total Numeric 4
Average Numeric 5 2 decimal
Result Text 10

d. Apply necessary validation rules to each field.

e. Rename the field ‘Total’ by ‘Aggregate’.

f. Delete field ‘Result’.

g. Add records.

2. For the tables created in above problem, do the following:

a. Apply filters to list students with marks greater then 60.

b. Apply filters to get transactions for a date.

c. Sort students by name.

d. Sort transactions by date.

e. Create queries to list students with Aggregate <300 and Aggregate
>= 250.

f. Total transaction quantity for a given date.

3. Using the tables created in problem number 1, do the following:

a. Create forms to view data.

b. Add, Delete and Save records through the forms created.

c. Change the structure of the above forms in design view.

4. Using the tables created in problem number 1, and/ or related queries,

generate the following reports:

a. List of students with marks >60 in English.

b. List of students whose Average is >80.

c. List of Items for a given Transaction date.

d. Day-wise transactions for each month under the month’s heading

showing total transaction at the end.

5. Create a table “EMPLOYEE” to store the details with following fields

(at least 10 records)

Field Type Width Constraints

Employee id Number 5 Primary key
Name String 20
Address Text 50
Basic salary Number 6 Validate for not
Net salary Number 6 accepting more
than 2 decimal

6. Using above table Generate the following query with reports

a) By Employee No
b) By salary wise
c) list the employees, whose basic salary is > 10000

7. Consider the following tables GAMES and PLAYER. Write SQL commands
for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)


GCode GameName Number PrizeMoney Date

101 CaromBoard 2 5000 23-jan-2004
102 Badminton 2 12000 12-dec-2003
103 TableTennis 4 8000 14-feb-2004
104 Chess 2 9000 01-jan-2004
105 LawnTennis 4 25000 19-mar-
PCode Name GCode
1 Arjun 101
2 Ravi 105
3 Jignesh 101
4 Nihir 103
5 Sohil 104

i). To display the name of players who plays CaromBoard.

ii). To display details of those game which are having PrizeMoney more than
iii). To display the details of those games whose name starts from character
iv). To display sum of Prize Money for each of the Number of participation
(as shown in column Number 2 or 4)

8. Consider the following tables EMPLOYEE and DESIG. Write SQL commands
for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)




102 75000 15000 MANAGER
105 85000 25000 DIRECTOR
144 70000 15000 MANAGER
210 75000 12500 MANAGER
255 50000 12000 CLERK
300 45000 10000 CLERK
335 40000 10000 CLERK
400 32000 7500 SALESMAN
451 28000 7500 SALESMAN

i). Display FirstName and City of Employee having salary between 50,000
and 90,000
ii). Display details of Employees who are from “PARIS” city.
iii). Increase the benefits of employee having W_ID = 210 by 500.
iv). Count number of employees whose name starts from character ‘S’.
v). Select MAX(salary) from desig;
vi). Select FirstName from employee, desig
where designation = ‘MANAGER’ AND employee.W_ID = desig.W_ID;
vii). Select COUNT (DISTINCT designation) from desig;
viii). Select designation, SUM(salary) from desig
Group by designation
Having count (*) > 2;

9. Consider the following tables BOOKS and ISSUED. Write SQL commands
for the statements (i) to (iv) and give outputs for SQL queries (v) to (viii)


Book_Id Book_Name Author_Name Publishers Price Type Quantity

C01 Fast Cook Lata Kapoor EPB 355 Cookery 5
F01 The Tears William Hopkins First 650 Fiction 20
T01 My C++ Brain & Brooke FPB 350 Text 10
T02 C++ Brain A.W.Rossaine TDH 350 Text 15
F02 Thuderbolts Anna Roberts First 750 Fiction 50

Book_Id Quantity_Issued
T01 4
C01 5
F01 2
C01 6
T02 3

i). To list the names from books of Text type.

ii). To display the names and price from books in ascending order of their
iii). To increase the price of all books of EPB publishers by 50.
iv). To display the Book Name, Quantity_Issued and Price for all books of EPB
v). Select max(price) from books;
vi). Select count(DISTINCT Publishers) from books where Price >=400;
vii). Select Book_Name, Author_Name from books where Publishers = ‘First’;
viii). Select min(Price) from books where type = ‘Text’;

10. Given the following LAB table, write SQL command for the questions
(i) to (iii) and give the output of (iv).


No ItemName CostPerItem Quantity Dateofpurchase Warranty Operational

1 Computer 60000 9 21/5/96 2 7
2 Printer 15000 3 21/5/97 4 2
3 Scanner 18000 1 29/8/98 3 1
4 Camera 21000 2 13/10/96 1 1
5 Switch 8000 1 31/10/99 2 1
6 UPS 5000 5 21/5/96 1 4
7 Router 25000 2 11/1/2000 2 5

(i) To select the ItemName,which are within the Warranty period till
present date.
(ii) To display all the itemName whose name starts with “C”.
(iii) To list the ItemName in ascending order of the date of purchase
where quantity is more than 3.
(iv) Give the output of the following SQL commands:
(a) select min(DISTINCT Quantity) from LAB;
(b) select max(Warranty) from LAB;
(c) select sum(CostPerItem) from Lab;
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) II Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs HTML and WebpageDesign Max Marks : 100

Demonstrate the following:

1. Configuring the machine for TCP/IP account.

2. Using Netscape navigator make yahoo web site to be your default home

3. To find the answer for the question “Which is the highest mountain peak in
the World?” using search engine.

4. Create your won email id using any one popular website.

5. Download some documents/ software’s (free) from internet

6. Send a e-mail with attachments to your friend and read received e-mail

Using HTML Design the following web pages:

1. Display KSOU in different Heading format make background color is Green
2. The webpage contains name of the organization and introduction with logo
3. Connecting individual WebPages as shown below




4. Webpage of a college which gets the student information like Reg. No,
name and password and display details of a student.
5. Create a HTML page to Display the syllabus of 4th semester with suitable
designing issues like font color alignment and etc..
6. Create a HTML page to Display the exam time table of an college using
7. Create a HTML to display your biodata.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) II Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs C programming Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1 Given two numbers PROGRAM to perform arithmetic operations using

switch statement.
2 PROGRAM to generate Fibonacci series upto N numbers using do-while
loop and for loop.
3 PROGRAM to find the reverse of the given number, sum and count the
number of digits and check whether the given no is palindrome or not
using while-do loop.
4 Program to check a no is prime or not .
5 PROGRAM to generate prime numbers from 1 to 100
6 Program to genereate sin series.
7 Program to generate cos series.
8 Program to find the sum of polynomial series
9 PROGRAM to add and subtract two M X N matrices.
10 PROGRAM to multiply two M X N matrices using functions
11 PROGRAM to transpose a M X N matrix using function.
12 PROGRAM to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
13 PROGRAM to swap two numbers using function and pointers.
14 PROGRAM to find the length , concatenate ,copy the strings using
inbuilt functions.
15 PROGRAM to calculate the marks card of student using structure declare
result and declare class for three subjects .
16 PROGRAM to convert binary to decimal and decimal to Binary using
17 PROGRAM to trace and norm of a square matrix and prints its principal
diagonal elements.
18 PROGRAM to exchange principal and secondary diagonal elements of a
square matrix.
19 PROGRAM to generate the payroll of a employee to the output file using
20 Write a C program to find the roots of the quadratic equation.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) II Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs DBMS II Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute



2 DIWAKAR 450 COMP. Sc. 68 I
5 ARJUN 500 MATHS 70 I
9 RUBINA 500 COMP. Sc. 62 I
10 VIKAS 400 MATHS 57 II

(a) List the names of those students who have obtained DIV 1 sorted
by NAME.
(b) Display a report, listing NAME, STIPEND, SUBJECT and amount of
stipend received in a year assuming that the STIPEND is paid every
(c) To count the number of students who are either PHYSICS or
COMPUTER SC graduates.
(d) To insert a new row in the GRADUATE table:
11,”KAJOL”, 300, “computer sc”, 75, 1
(e) Give the output of following sql statement based on table
(i) Select MIN(AVERAGE) from GRADUATE where
(ii) Select SUM(STIPEND) from GRADUATE WHERE div=2;
(iii) Select AVG(STIPEND) from GRADUATE where
(iv) Select COUNT(distinct SUBDJECT) from GRADUATE;

2 Write SQL command for (a) to (f) on the basis of the table


Student NO Class Name Game1 Grade Game2 Grade2

10 7 Sammer Cricket B Swimming A
11 8 Sujit Tennis A Skating C
12 7 Kamal Swimming B Football B
13 7 Venna Tennis C Tennis A
14 9 Archana Basketball A Cricket A
15 10 Arpit Cricket A Atheletics C
a) Display the names of the students who have grade ‘C’ in either Game1
Or Game2 or both.
(b) Display the number of students getting grade ‘A’ in Cricket.
(c) Display the names of the students who have same game for
both Game1 and Game2.
(d) Display the games taken up by the students, whose name
starts with ‘A’.
(e) Assign a value 200 for Marks for all those who are getting
grade ‘B’ or grade ‘A’ in both Game1 and
(f) Arrange the whole table in the alphabetical order of Name.

3 Employees

Empid Firstname Lastname Address City

010 Ravi Kumar Raj nagar GZB
105 Harry Waltor Gandhi nagar GZB
152 Sam Tones 33 Elm St. Paris
215 Sarah Ackerman 440 U.S. 110 Upton
244 Manila Sengupta 24 Friends New Delhi
300 Robert Samuel 9 Fifth Cross Washington
335 Ritu Tondon Shastri Nagar GZB
400 Rachel Lee 121 Harrison New York
441 Peter Thompson 11 Red Road Paris

Empid Salary Benefits Designation
010 75000 15000 Manager
105 65000 15000 Manager
152 80000 25000 Director
215 75000 12500 Manager
244 50000 12000 Clerk
300 45000 10000 Clerk
335 40000 10000 Clerk
400 32000 7500 Salesman
441 28000 7500 salesman

Write the SQL commands for the following :

(i) To show firstname,lastname,address and city of all employees
living in paris
(ii) To display the content of Employees table in descending order of
(iii) To display the firstname,lastname and total salary of all managers
from the tables Employee and empsalary , where total salary is
calculated as salary+benefits.

(iv) To display the maximum salary among managers and clerks from
the table Empsalary.
Give the Output of following SQL commands:

(i) Select firstname,salary from employees ,empsalary where

designation = ‘Salesman’ and Employees.empid=Empsalary.empid;
(ii) Select count(distinct designation) from empsalary;
(iii) Select designation, sum(salary) from empsalary group by
designation having count(*) >2;
(iv) Select sum(benefits) from empsalary where designation =’Clerk’;
4 To create a table STUDENT with Roll, Name, Age and Marks.
And perform various select oprtations on STUDENT table.
5 To create a table with the following structure as DEPART.
Deptname Char(10)
City Char(20)
Perform update delete, alter, Rename queries
6 Create a menu Application SJCE . The following menu tree for the
application SJCE explain the relationship among the various menus
and menu items.

Undergraduate Postgraduate Evening Other Exit




7 Write a PL/SQL program to Generate Students marks card Use

Exceptional Handling
8. Write a PL/SQL program to Generate Electricity Bill Use Exceptional

9. Create the following table using suitable SQL Statements for each of the
table created , create the default form .
The table names along with description given below

Employee Accounts Student

Name Data type Name Data type Name Data type
Emp- No Varchar2(6) AccNo Number(6) Regno Number(6)
Emp- name Varchar2(25) CustName Varchar2(25) StuName Varchar2(25)
Dept-name Varchar2(15) AccType Varchar2(5) TotalMarks Number(3)
Salary Number(6,2) Balance Number(7,2) Result Varchar2(25)

10. Consider two tables STUDENT and MARKS generate the report. Display all
the details from both tables.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) III Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs Data structures Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1) Write a C Program to sort the array using Bubble Sort Technique.

2) Write a C Program to sort the array using Selection Sort technique.
3) Write a C Program to sort the array using Merge Sort technique.
4) Write a C Program to sort the array using quick Sort technique.
5) Write a C Program to sort the array using Radix Sort technique.
6) Write a C program to search the element using sequential search
7) Write a C program to search the element using Binary search
8) Write a C program to create simple binary tree and thread it.
9) Write a C Program to insert , delete and display the data using linear
queue .
10) Write a C program to thread the tree in post order.
11) Write a C Program to insert, delete and display the data using circular
queue using liked list.
12) Convert the given expressions into prefix expression
a*a + 2 * b - c
13) Write an interactive program to PUSH ,POP and DISPLAY the elements in a
14) Write a Program to Delete a NODE after the specified node and Before
the specified NODE using Single linked List
15) Write a Program to insert a NODE after the specified node and Before
the specified NODE using Single linked List
16) Write a C program to evaluate polynomial expression of two variables.
17) Write a C program to generate a sparse matrix.
18) Write a C program to find the degree of the vertex.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) III Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs C++ OOPS Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. Write a C++ program to perform arithmetic operations using objects and

2. Write a C++ program to find volume of cube, cylinder, rectangular box using
function overloading.
3. Define a class Competition in C++ with the following descriptions:

Data Members:
Event_no integer
Description Char(30)
Score integer
qualified char

Member functions:
• A constructor to assign initial values Event_No number as 101,
Description as “State level”, Score is 50 and qualified as ‘N’.
• Input(), To take the input for event_no, description and score.
• Award(int), To award qualified as ‘Y’, if score is more than the
cutoffscore passed as argument to the function else ‘N’.
• Show(), To display all the details.

4. Write a C++ program to concatenate & two strings using operator overloading
5. Write a C++ program to demonstrate virtual function
6. Write a C++ program to create a base class called student , from this inherit a new
class called Exams, containing marks1,marks2 and marks3 as its data members. Also
create another base class called sports having sport_grade as its data member. Now,
create yet another class but a derived class of Exams and Sports classes and call it
as awards. Use the suitable member functions in all the classes. You can use the
name ,roll number and semester as the member of the base class.
7. Write a C++ program to declare result of a student using multi level inheritance

8. Write a program in C++ to add Co-ordinates of plain . The class contains X, Y

Coordinates. Create Three objects . Use a constructor to pass one pair of
Coordinates and a function to accept the Second pair. Add these variables of two
objects and store result in the third object.
9. Write a program in C++ to accept details of N Employees. Generate the
employee number for them using the static variable and static functions.
10.Write a C++ program to define a class box with length, breadth and height as
data members, and inputvalue(), printvalue() and volume() as member
11.Write a C++ program to define a class called customer with account number
,name, address as data members ; deposite(), withdraw() and balance() as
member functions .consider the bank ing transactions carefully.
12. Write a C++ program to create an object of a class called employee
containing the employee code, name, designation , basic salary,, HRA,DA, gross
salary as data members. Process 10 such objects using constructors and
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) IV Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs Computer Graphics Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. Implement DDA Line Drawing Algorithm using C language

2. Implement Bresenham algorithm using C Language
3. Generate a circle Using DDA
4. Write a program to translate a point from a point (x, y) to (x’, y’)
5. Implement Sutherhand – Hodgemann algorithm
6. Write a Program to do the basic transformations for 2 dimensional
7. Write a program to convert windows coordinate (xcw, yws) to view prot
8. Write a program to implement transformations for 3 dimensional objects.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) IV Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs Javascript Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. Write a Java script program to generate a Login form with following Fields
LOGINNAME and PASSWORD use “Submit” and “Cancel “ Button in the
form and allow for the data entry to made in the form .
2. Write a Java Script Program that’s simulates the working of Simple
3. Create an application format to get admission to a college .
4. Create a enquiry form to prepare a list of voter id’s.
5. Write a java script that accepts a text and blinks it in a browser window at
the end of every second. Blink the text with alternate colour
6. Write a java script function called “DELETE COOKIE” that will delete a
cookie which is created.
7. Write a cookie in javascript to maintain the history of URL’s which are
recently browsed.
8. Develop a website of college information which contains at least five static
9. Write a java script code that will display an alert message “ YOU
FOCUSSED ON THE TEXT BOX” , whenever a user puts mouse pointer on
the text box.
10. Write a javascript program to display a message “ Welcome to homepage”
Use the following commands one at a time
( Alert(), confirm(), prompt() )
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) V Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs Algorithms Max Marks : 100

Write the Programs and Execute

1. Implement binary technique to find time and space complexity

2. Implement prim’s algorithm to find minimal spanning tree
3. Implement Optimal search in binary tree.
4. Implement the Knapsack problem algorithm and execute it.
5. Implemnt inorder traversal of tree.
6. Implement post order traversal of tree.
7. Implement preorder traversal of tree.
8. Implement Depth first traversal in a graph.
9. Implement breadth first traversal in a graph.
10. Implement backtracking algorithm.
11 Implement backtracking algorithm recursively.
12 Implement Traversing salesman problem.
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) V Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs JAVA Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. A cloth showroom has announced the following discounts on purchase of

T Shirt 10%
Silk sari 30%
Baba suit 40%
Trousers 15%
Cost of the items can be assumed.
Write a program using switch and if statement to compute the net amount to be
paid by a customer.
a. a) Design and test a class to represent a bank account. Include the
following members.
Name of the depositor, Account number and type of account, Balance Amount.

To assign initial values.
To deposit an amount
To withdraw after checking balance.
To display the name and balance.
3. Modify the program in (a) to incorporate a constructor to provide initial

4 Assume a table for annual examination results for 10 students.

Write a program to read the data and determine the following:-
a) Total marks obtained by each students.
b) The highest marks in each subject and the roll number of the
students who have secured it.
c) The student who obtained the highest total marks.
Use appropriate classes and methods.
5. Write a program to illustrate importing classes from other packages.
6. Write a program to illustrate the concept of multiple inheritance using
7. a program to illustrate subclasses an imported class.
8. Write a program for creating threads using thread class.
9. Write a program to illustrate the use of yield( ), sleep( ), and stop( )
10.Write a program to illustrate the effects of assigning higher priority to a
T hread.
11.Write a program for creating threads using Runable interface.
12 Write a program to illustrate the use of try and catch for exception
13 Write a program to illustrate the use of wrapper class methods.
Write a program to illustrate the use of user defined subclass of throwable
14.Write a Java program to demonstrate Arrayindexoutofbounds, &
Arithmetic exceptions.

15.Write a program to illustrate the implementation of interfaces as class

Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT) VI Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs UNIX Max Marks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. Using co processor write the Unix Program to illustrate the operation of

single streams pipe
2. Write a Program to read two numbers from its standard input & computes
their sum to display on the standard output
3. Write a function get pass that, rends a password from the user at the
4. Write a Program to find all the blocked signals of a process
5. Write a Program illustrate sleep function
6. Write a Program to differentiate vfork from fork
7. Write a Program that takes the names of resources and prints their limits
for the process
8. Write a Program using three output functions
9. Write a Program that accepts a strings of command line arguments and
returns the type of file indicated by arguments
10. Write a Program that catches either of the two user defined signals
Karnataka State Open University
B.Sc (IT)VI Semester Practical Examination

Time : 3hrs Visual Basic Max Ma rks : 100

Write Programs and Execute

1. Create an application in VB to Compute Employee salary Bill by accepting

necessary data through a data entry form
2. Design a student details form , store the data in a database and do the
following operation 1. insert 2.modify . 3.Navigate data
3. Design a book details form to store book details in a database and do the
following operations 1) add 2)delete 3) update 4) search
4. Create an application to display list of drugs available in a drug house
using menu editor
5. Create an application to prepare a bill in grossary shop by using menus
6. Create MDI form which should contain file menu , edit menu and view
7. Generate a student marks card by taking the student data from the data
8. Generate report in VB to display Employee details
9. Create application In VB to read from a file and write into a file Using
binary files.
10. Create a VB application to explore different files in different directories
which are in different drives using drive control, directory control and file
control tools in a system.
11. Simulate a super market with the following specifications in the form.
a. Use text boxes for Custname and CustAddress
b. Use list box to display the items
c. Use list box for selected items
d. Use frames option button to select credit or cash
e. Use checkbox to select the invoice by e-mail or post.

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