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Email Sent to TxDOT

The following information has been sent to the:

Texas Transportation Commission

Name: FBI Special Agent Ron Stern & Carol Ann Davis
E-mail: wparkspring@aol.com
25311 Sugar Valley Lane USDOJ Civil Rights Division Public Integrity Unit
City: Spring
State: Texas
Zip: 77373
Phone: 281- 350-2943
Dear Mr. Ned Holmes: I hope you don't think bad of me. when I was a an
impressionable kid the righteous of Harriet Tubman burned in my heart. When
Harry Ross attended Rice University he told me he was going to be Governor. I
liked that idea because I saw that as an opportunity "How to be like Women of
Influence". I intended to pattern Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman ( 1820-1913) felt
her way by her native cunning, or God given wisdom. " I look at my hands " in
Comments: cuffs "to see if I am the same person now I was free". Facing down Evil, Life on the
edge as from the perceptive of being kidnapped and held hostage, I have "reached
out" to CLINT VAN ZANDT, and perhaps you need to consider FBI SAC Ron
Stern has survival strategies in place. I am not the 'pawn' on the chessboard, the role
of the informant/turned special assistant affords Stern to position once a pawn, now
queen. I never had time for games, but I trust FBI Stern and I hope that 'sugarcoats'
the message conviction for you cross my heart. Carol Ann Davis

Thank you for visiting TxDOT's Web site. Our offices close at 5 p.m. weekdays, and we are
closed on weekends and holidays. Since we do not monitor or respond to e-mail messages during
these times, your e-mail will be read on our next business day. We apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause for you.

12/ 03/ 2010 5:37 PM

DJ – 144- 74- 6219

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