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ee Selakici.Remunevieser. IESE AUER EBSCO: IER UIEEIEE EEE IEEE HH DOSAGEM RACTONAL DE CONCRETE a wx metodo da INT = Institute Nacional de Tecnologia wx ) ee a ( adaptado ac Rio Grande do Sul SHES EIEIO IIE SIGEEEEE HEE RIHEE IG ISHUIRR I EI JEIEI EEE GE III SI HR xe wm autor REUS BORTOLOTTO SAL INT ee Passo Funda, novembro de 1992. we ZAHEER EREEOE HEREC RIE 2H RGR EIR ISSR IERIE SISA III ARIES ERIE EAE AEE 28/Dez/1992 Segunda 16975 hs Determinacas da agregada graudo para LAJES de concreto 1 19.00 cm 33.33 om 1 Brita 2 Brita 1 Brita ® Espessura da laje.. Diametro maxima do agi Tipo do agregado para a laje. egado para a lajeserar. ntrada em Parka Alegre. Agregado normalmente enc Obs. Determinacao do agregado graudo para VIGAS, PILARES © @RCOS de concreto (om) vee da armadura no Menor dimensao da secao da peca Menor espassamento entre as barr sentida horizontalececnscenenene Menor espassamente entre as bar sentido Vertical cearsceseneneneneeneee Diametro maximo do agregadas... Tipo do agregada eeener as da armadura no Obs.i Agregade nermalmente encontrade em Porto Alegre Determinacag do agregado graudo para LAIES, VIGAS, PILARES & ARCOS de concrete armade Diametro maximo do agregado .se..eeeeeaee fl 35.35 mm Tipo do agregadO waveccccessavecvsvecrerevsret) Brita a Brita Brita ® Ohs.t Agregado normalmente encontrado em Parto Alegre. RESISTENCIA DE DOSAGEM Resistencia adotada nos Execucao da concretagem pa Resistencia de dosagem (Fe 150.08 heat fom? (2a. NORMAD . P BOG.AG kg t/em? Sera usade cimento do tipo Verificacao da durabilidade do concreto ~ tipo de Pecas delgadas (menor dimensao < 88 em) ~ Exposic Verificacao da durabilidade para o meio ambiente (tipo de exposicae) ~ Clima temperado ~ Concretos para edificios comins, revestide Tipo de adensamento ~ Vibracao moderada (edificios t vibrador) Fatores agua/cimento tafe) ¢ ~ ator a/c necessario para a resistencias... 9.5% - fator a/e necessario para a durabilidade.....1 @.65 ~ fator a/c nec rio para o meio ambiente....1 @. 4% fator a/c que atende todas as necessidades...: 9.55 * Atencac o fator a/c @" baixo para adensamenta c Vibrador, pode haver problema de plas ticidade TRACO FINAL Gem peso) t cimento areia i brita ® 1 brita 1 Ft BGS t L.a7 Aé. 0 indice dos agregados podera ser alterado para aplasticidade, desde que a soma dos mesmos (im) nao ada. NO CALGULO DAS QUANTIDADES : CONSTANTES ApoTapAs Massa especifica (real) AMENKOs cece ene eneeesennemesest SaG8 glems APELA SOCAL sense nee eneeeee 2.68 g/em3 Behe aeeee ee eeen ieee eect 2.58 g/ems - Massa unitaria (aparente = sem descontar os vazios) Cimento..eeseeeeeeen eee 1.35) g/em3 Areia si deeneenerner® 1668 gems 4638 gfems Umi dade % TnGhaMmentessseeeeeeneeer Quantidades EM PESO Gm: Cimento. eeeee Areia seca....eseeet Brita Qicusceeeenee Brite leveseusseere Brita Be eeweseceenpeaattn ita 4 Agua... BSA. 26 kg 76b.87 kg 319.98 kg 492.47 kg 255.36 kg 9.0% keg 9.98 kg 183.89 kg/Litros em VOLUM Cimento, (ms) meee 554.26 ko peer: 478,79 litros 258.52 litros 378.83 litros 196.43 litros 3.98 litros 9.00 litros arene Aguas eres zi 183.89 EM VOLUME (com areia umidad Cimento Areia.. Brita @. Brita 1 Brita 2 196.43 Brita 5, 8108 Brita fered 3.00 ier 153,25) AQUA seeaeenes EM PESO (por cms) Litros litre litros litros litros litros Litros litre saco de cimento de S® kg) Cimento... seeeeeenet 50.00 kg Are@ia GECArcunersee 114.59 ka Brita Oeecrereeeeee 46.38 kg Brita leeneresenrert 73.67 kg Br itaseeeeente 38.20 ky Bacay see eee ere 8.08 kg erica eee nye OB ko Ec Sacecoosopadeqcd 27.51 kg/litros EM VOLUME (par saco GiMeNtOs ene reseeeent 50.00 Areia peer 71.62 Brita peeeeeeee +6 Brita aeons 56.67 Brita peered 29.38 Br cae see ener 8.0% Brita 4icesesrseree 05 guaeeneene eee ert! 27.51 EM VOLUME, areia umida) sace de cimenta de SO kg (com por CAMEO. cae 58. Oo Areias..... 98.12 Brita Qreveer fl 35. 68 Brita pee en 56.67 Brita fl 29.38 Brita 0. O15 Brita 5.00 Aguas es 92 saco de cimento ade Rendimento por adens. de concreto (50,00 kg)ee cimento de Sd kg) ko litros litros litros Litre: litros litros litros kg litros litros litros litre) Like litros litros 149.58 Litros CONCRETO. FAS (oecerenesceateeasesenasetanscrsecesesseesetaneee) ee) a ) ) (4 autor ¢ REUS BORTALOTTD SAL. IN (data i setenbra/1992 (et funcaat calenlar tracos de concrete (e peto setodo do INT - Instituto oe Nacional de Tecnologia, (eeseeseencnaceceeeseaienccepnnceseneeeeseanetee) 19Re) uses crt printer dost abel DESVIO; const COR=113 type VARIAVEL © string (2515 var ESOOLHA, INP, VIBRA 7 neg DIALNAB, FL2B, fy By Hy 425 %3y My ARETA, BB, BI, 82, 33, BE 1109 i in “[eebeeecedceseececseeceeseecersceaecenncenens) (ee PROCEDINENTOS.«-—IICIO (seneeencenenerencenesornsceenscrnessennentts) procedure BIPI} BEBIN SND «15895 DELAY 110805 nostusd delay 1505 ends ‘(eRA ERR EERAREEEEOREESED procedure 81P25 begin sound (208) delay (188) sosounds end (estar erecceareenseeeneceeney) procedure ALERTA (Xareal hy begin texteator (COR); gotoxy (15,1104 write (70 fator a/c de ? XY chart # variavels 2,7 8 inferior 2 9.27, afnino necess rio para’}y gotory (15,120) write (as reaoes qu/micas, 0 TRAO DEVE SER DESCONSIDERADO’); BrPts BIP2; tentcolor (15) ends (eeeecesseccesecarecntaceenertansees) procedure DATA: var AND, MES, DTA, DIASEN, HORA, MINUTO, SESUHDO, SEGLO8 : words DIAZ, HES2: string (281; begin getdate (AND, HES, DIA, BIASEN); gettine (HORA, MINUTO, SEGUNDO, SEGLAE)s if DIASEM=B then DIAZ:="Dosingo?s if DIASEML then OA it DIASEN=2 then DI ‘thon KES2:="Nar’ 4 hen MEBZE=* Abe then MES2:="Hais then NES2:=?Jun’s if MESS? then NES: if NEG=9 then NES: if MES=9 then HES2: if WES Af WEBI then HESS writeln st,’ 10h"? NEB2,"7° AND,” ina,” *,HORA,":”IIMUT,":? SEGUNDO, hs?14 end (eee RHEE HERE FEOEEEREKHTCEEERGEEECESENEOHIREEE) procedure ALERTA2 begin witeln (st,? ATENCAD : 0 coeficiente a/c necessario e”? inferior 2 6.27, 0 ninino’s writeln st,” necessario para a reaceo quisica."); writeln (st)? (0 TRACO DEVE SER DESCONSTOERADD 111173 ends ‘eeeeseesseessiereccuscearesnnastet] procedure ALERTAS (Xtreals VIBRAS charls begin textcolor {COR} if 160.48 then begin gotory (10,1115 write MAtencao t 0 coeficiente a/c & haixo, vai haver groblern ‘gotory (18,1205 write ¢ de plasticidade’)} end ose begin 5 VIBRA=? 1? then begin 1f KB then begin gatoay (18,115 write (Atencao 0 fator a/c & baixo pera adensosento manual,” If gotory (1912) write ? pode haver prablesa de plasticidade")} ond end else begin if begin qotory (10,111) write (PAtencaa + 0 fator a/c & baixa para adensanento con ")4 goto (18,325 write vibrador, pode haver probleea de plasticidade")} end} end 6 then end texteolor (15)} ends (arecenseetenesceesanerseseecesenss) procedure ALERTAS (ts realy VIERA t char)s begin if 466,45 then begin writeln (ist? ftencao + 0 coeticiente a/c e* batxo, vai haver problersa de °1y vriteln st,” plasticidade.’)} end else begin 14 VIBRAS* 1? then begin if X(8,0 then begin witeln (ist,’ Btencao t 0 fator a/c e'? baixo para adensanento sanual,”15 writen (ast,” pode haver prablena de plasticidaie’)s end end else begin iF KGB6 then begin witeln (st,? Atencan : 0 fator a/c e°? baixo para adensanento con "04 ariteln st,” vibrador, pode haver problena de plasticidade’) ends ends ends end ‘Cteaceneeeeaeneaseeneneeeneseee) procedure EBPERAS abel 585 var ESPE:chor begin texteotor (COR); 55: while not keypressed do begin delay (1085 gntoxy (78,225 write (enter) delay (4503 gotory (78,2216 clreals end} ESPE:=readteys if ESPEQAIS then goto S6t gotory (78,225 clreols textcolor (15) ends (CEREE ERE ERE ER CHEE EEF EEESHEERSEEESE procedure APRESENTAS begin elrsert texteolor (1215 gatony (26,6; write (*HESSSESSSSSENssECsEESsOsEGss sa6g6555856°) gotoxy {26,713 write (758 wy gotory (26,8); write 5S PROGRANA PARR DOSAGER 58°} gotmy (26,9) write 58 1 cONCRETO wi gotory (28,105 write C88 satodo do TNT $574 gatory (28,11); write (°55 Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia 95°)4 gotory (28,125 write (°88 Rus Bortototto Salini 68°} gotory (28,13)3 write (58 Passo Fundo, novenbro de 1992 85°); gotory (20,1815 write (56 se otary (24,1515 write P S69SS55sUSsOsessssenseseesesssnsesessse" 5 tenteolor (1515 ESPERAS end (EREAEE FREES EE eeECECLCHEES ERS EEACEESEORAESUENOFEEE) procedure LINHA begin writeln (st? end (eneeecsceereaeeceseeexsseersenecieate) procedure CARECAE EGTN writeln (st,? #XFCERUHGHEECENeEHIMEEERERESEKEEcECKeeceeaneceneeeenséceneseeeeeceeeenet writeln (st? # DOSAGEM RACIONAL DE coNCRETO we); witeln (sty? fetode do INT - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia wy writeln (st? # ( adaptado ao Rio Grande do Sul} oon witeln (st,? UIROMGHKHsREEGaSHERIeEeEEEKEasunE CHEE EEEESHEEEEEEEEEECECHELIREREEEH SEES) writele (st? # autor: REUS BORTOLOTTO SALINE we; writeln (sty? Passo Fundo, novenbra de 1992. +; writeln (isty? s9#8es4EE9ScERESGcUyCEOACENSHrassaeEESHREGEESKEREOAUELUAAESHOSEEEEEEESECRE’ end (eenvesteereecesseeceeccececsreeccounaeeeneces) procedure JANELAS var jjtintegers begin ‘texthackground (8); textcolor (1215 clrsert for jjt2te 79 do begin gotony (ji,194 wite CP); gotosy (45,204 write (PD; qotory (154304 wite OP} gotoxy (66,35) wite PP} ens gotory (1,105 write (215 gotory (86,105 write 02715 gotory (1,245 write (78715 gotory £88,245 write CP) texteolor (1215 goloxy (25,105 write (° DOSEBEM RECIOWAL OE CONERETO "4 tentbackgraund (114 terteolor 15}; window «2,2,79,2515 clrsert ends {HREEEEEEEAE gE GEES EERE EERE SHERROD pracedure ZERAR (var TIPO:variaveljvar VIERA, TIPORS char var DIRWAX, £028,035 1, 12,43, RETA, BF,BL,B2,B3,BAzr eats (CoveueeESreENE EEE OEATCEESFEEEEEEEEEEEE REET HEREEA) procedure MENU (var ESCILHA t chars 1 beain cirseri gotory (36,214 vite (HEN PRINCIPAL? 5 gotory (15,40) write CBP fiw de opersan’)s gotory (15,817 write CLD Dosagen racional de concrete (eBtodo INT}?14 gotory (15,81; write (°2 B Deterninaao da resisicia de dosages”) gotory (15,184 write C3 D eterninaso do dismetro a vito dos agregados’)} gotory (15,1215 write (°4 P Deterainaao da resi stcia 20 Longo do tenpo? Is ‘potoxy (15,1715 wwite 5 P Safda dos dados C1 video’); gotory (15,18); write 1) impressora’)y textcotor (14)5 gotony (45,175 write 1°45 if inpe'S? then begin gotory (45,1895 write C81} ens texteolor 11515 gotoxy (25, 289} write ("Guat 3 a sue opao ? 715 ESCOLHA:=readkeys while FESDOLHAC)°9") and (EBCOLKAC?*1") and (EBCOLHAG)?2*) and CESOOLHAG)*S?1 and (ESCORLMACD?4°) and (ESCOLHAC}’S°) do ESCOLHA := readkeys en Ceakecesecenesoceeececensecesesnerctecsenessesiersiatt) procedure DIA,LAJE ( var DIA.NAK : realy var TIPO : variavelt ne chars var ESP : reali Dt realy 1+ integers begin cirsert gotory (26,21} write (*Deterninaao do agregado grafdo para LAIES’)5 gotoxy (28,515 write (Inforne a espessura da Laje (cal t °)$ ESP: =E9PH185 Ds896/35 DIA MALS=D5 if DCI then rita 5 if (D)=76) then TIPO:="Rrita 4 gotory (18,15); write (Didnetro « xino do ayregado para a laje 1 *,0%722," aa?) gotony (26,15) write (Tipo de agregado a ser usado para a laje t ——’,TIPOVE if TIPO" Grita & then begin gotory (15,1615 write Brits 3715 gotory (15,1705 write © Brita 74 gotory (15,1815 write ° Brita i75 aotory (15,195 write C Brita #04 end if Tlete"Brita 3° then begin gotory (15,1615 write Brita 255 gotory (15,179; write Brita 174 gotory (15,1805 wite (? Brita 65 end it TIPD*"Brita 2” then beain Gotony (15,1695 write (? Brita 115 gotoxy (15,1795 write (° Brita #5 end if T1PO="Brita 1? then begin gotoxy (15,165 write (? Brita #13 ends gotoxy (18,2105 write (?08s.t Con base no agregado noraalnente encontrado en Porta Alegre’ )$ if INP?” then begin witeln (st)y witeln (Ist,” — Detersinaca da agragada graudo para LAJES de cancreto’ |} writeln distly witels st,’ Espessura da Laje.. writeln dst,” Diasetro aaxiao do agregado para a 1aje.. > HESPII 7:2," ws "722, aah witeln (Ist, Tipo do agregado para 2 1aje.... > TONS if TIPO"Beita 4” then begin witeln dst,’ Brita 4 witeln Uist,’ rita 2 writeln (ist,” frita 194 writeln Uist,” Brite 94 edi if T1PO="Brita 3° then begin writeln dst,” rite 25 witeln dst,” rita 4 writeln Ost,” Frita oH end if T1PO="Brita 2 then begin writeln Uist,” Brita 1" writeln st,’ frita "4 end if TIPO=*Brita then witeln (lst,’ Brita 95 writeln (ists ariteln (ist,” Qbs.t Agregado normalnente encontrado en Porto Alegre."?s Lani writeln (stl; ends SPER ends (evsecenecaesscuanseeesuiesesesacaceceesesseereseeteeeeae procedure DI4_VIGA { var DIAN var TIPO t variavels ne var By BH, BVPI, 12, 03, DIAN ¢ real} 1integert degin clrsers gototy (19,214 write CDeterninaan do agregado grafdo para VISAS,PILARES OU ARGUS"); gotory 110,515 write (Inforne a nenor disensac da seao da pee (ce) ¢ "04 readln (35 gotory (18,414 write (Tnforse o nenor espassonento entre as barras da areadure vo gotory (19,714 write © sentido horizontal (ca) "14readln (BAI gotory (18,815 write (Tnforae o menor espassanento entre as barras da arnadura no’l} gotony (18,814 write sentido vertical tca) £74 readln *2") and (ESCNC3"S?) do ESCOE=readkeys if ESCO="1” then 90:=495 if ESCO="2" then $0:=585 procedure EMPRESA COM (var SD:eeal)s var ESCchars Bx, Kiveals WE Langints begin clrsers gotoxy (25,21) wite 0 Enpresa con expericia’ 4 fgotery (28,305 write ( (conprovada con no ainino 26 corpos de proval’l4 gotory {15,5} write (Inforne o ruxero de corpos de prove rogpidos at& a aonento (a) "14 realn (M5 while HCO do begin totoxy (15,54 cleats read (Ws ends 13 gotory (18,714 weite ("orne valor de *SN" : "Isceadtn (Ss if (25) "then R635 34 W025) and (HCO than Ke $f DSO and (M209) then Ki=1.25 if (W206) then Ke=L.15 si=Ke5N5 iF SD(28 then 8D:=285 ends (eee PROGRAINA PRINCIPAL #888) begin elrsers DE="84 gotory (28,21 write (’Detersinaao da resistcia de dosagen’)s gotory (17,415 erite |’Inforae ck adotato nos c iculos (kyf/ewE) + 75 readin (FCKIS gotory (25,805 write (°6 B Estruturas en gerat"s ‘gotoxy {25,715 write {°1 2 Paviaentaan de concreto’ Hi gotory (25,915 write (informe o tipo de concretagen + 7140 while (OEC*S°) and (DEO?1") do DE:=readkeys write (0215 if OG="6? then SEB:=1.645 else SE61~8,045 gotory {17,135 write (-0-D Eapresa (prafissional) sen expericia’ ly gotory 17,145 write (°1 B Eaprese (profissional) con expericia, que j 74 gotony (17,1515 write (° — executou dosages racional (coaprovada cos resul~’}s tory (17,1815 write ( — tados de no a/nino 26 corpos de proval")5 gotoxy (15,18); weite ('Inforae 0 tipa de eapresa que ir executar a concretages ¢ 74 Dels=readkey! while (DELC)°6°) and (DELG°1) do DELS= readkeys if DEL="0” then EMPRESA SEN (80) else ENPRESA_COM (S015 Fo7B:=FCK*SEBeS0) cirseri gotory (18,1015 write (°0 concreto deve ser dosado para fc28 = 7 ,FC20:7:2," kgf cnt?¥4 if INP="S" then begin weiteln sti} weitetn sts weiteln (Ist,’ —_RESISTENCIA DE D0SASER"); writeln (Ust,” Resistencia adotata nos calculos (ck)... if E1=" then witeln fist,” Execucan de concretagen por empresa sen experiencia {Zo, NORA”) else writein (Ist, Execucao da concretagea por eaprasa con experiencia (20. NORKAD.”14 writeln fst,” Resistencia de dosagen (#28) svceed ' FCQ87E2,7 kghlea2"1 writein (3ths coed Fhe 2)? kgFca2"14 Ls ends ESPERAS end (CerenceaseeeneeeiceeteoueseEeeedaneeee eiseeceseeteebeenee? procedure DETERK Xi (var Uzeeals FL2B:real)§ var TIPO2: chart FOI ftreals begin cirseri Fae as=F028/105 gotory (26,214 write CDETERHINARD DO FATOR A/C PARA A RESISTENCIA’ 14 gotory (98,41) write (1 9 CP 25715 gotony (36,5) write 02 BoP 3204 gotoxy (58,6; write (3 9 CP 4871; gotory (15,715 write (Informe 0 tipo de cinento que ser usado t 715 14 TPO: =readkeys init (THPOZC"1°D and (TEPORGY?2") and (T1PO2C°S?) do HPO: if INP="3? then begin ‘case TIPO of writeln Uist,’ Bera usado ciaente do tipo CP - 25 (NPa)")4 writeln (1st)? Sera usain cinento do tipo CP ~ 32 ¢NPal”)s witeln (Ist,? Sera usaia cinento do tipo CP ~ 48 ihe)’ eadkeyt if TIPOD="1?_ then i if THROZ="2" then 1 if POY then 1 ends COAEREBSAUDEGGAAGEEAEELS GEES EES OES EEE SPREE ESEEEEREER) procedure DETERN,42 (var 12irealsvar TIPOP:char Vs const COR=165 var PROT: HARE TiPoAs chars (tn GFC28_A #6, 4342744819) -2, 138984) /(-1, 585149978) 5 in (FC28_A)#6,4342948819)-2, {9568871 /(-1.230922418)5 Im (FL28 AD #0 4342746819) ~2, 198950164) /(-1, 21250772205 begin cirsers gotory (28,21} write (°DETERNINGAD DO FATOR A/C PARA A DURABTLIDADE?)s GOTORY 122,81 write (°8 F Peas delgados (nenor dinensao < 56 cal"?$ gotory (22,914 write (°1 7 Peas de grande seves "15 gotery (28,1211 write (*taforne 0 tipo de pee que ser concretada } "14 Ti0ss="4°5 vibe (TIPONO?1°) and (TIPOAO°#) do THeOA=readbeys clrser} gotory (28,214 write PDETERHINEAD D0 FATOR A/C PARA A DURRBILDADE? 5 ‘Tipos:=T1P08; if TIPO"? then begin textcolor (CORD) golory (5,45 write C1 0 EXPOSIAD PROTEGIDA’)s textcolor 11594 write + vigas,colunas,paredes © pisos de edif‘cios’ Ht gutory (5,5); weite ( interaos ou revestidos - fundaoes 2 seco de paredes ew quinas.")} texteolor «COR214 gotory (5,61) wite (°2 ~ EXPOSIAD NODERADA') 5 textcotor (1514 weite (1 p tios para aninais, silos, celeiros, pei'is’'s gotory (5,7) write (? —colunas-e paredes externas 42 evit/cios nan revestidos, pontes,’){ gotory 15,8); write (? peas delgedas de fosses siptices e bebedouros.’} textcolor (C02) gotory (5,994 write (°3 B EXPOBIAD SEVERA? 5 textcotor (1595 wite (2 reservat*rios e tubos para aguas nao agressivas,’14 gotory (5,18; write ° — cisternas, piscinas, revestinentos de canais, postes de cerca, pa-’)i qotoxy (5,11) write (ios e pisns de F bricas ¢ arnazens, acessos e escadas externas, '){ qotoxy (5,120; write (° — estradas e passeios, neios-fios e sarjetas'); texteolor (00215 sgutoxy (5,13); write (°4 8 ENPOSTAO EXTREMA’) s texteolor (1505 write ("+ reserat*rios, tubos © peas delgadas en geral’); gotoxy (5,141; write (° ep contato con quas agressivas') gatory (5,185 write moeavona PEAS OELGADAS —BDBDERIN'T; ends if THPDA"1" then begin texteolor (COR) gotony (5,41 write (1 0 EXPOSIAD PROTEGIDA "15 textcolor (1515 write (grades yeas erraturais interes ot 1 46 gotory (5,5)) write? —cevestidas , grandes fundages a sec0,"13 textcotor (COR2Hs sgotory (5,80 weite (°2 ~ EXPOSTAD NODERADA” 5 textcotor (1595 weite (? + peas de saior sean de grandes fossas sip") gotory (5,71) write (° ticas, fundaoes pernanentes abaixo do nfvel de guas conmuns,?)+ gotory (5,815 write — barragens subwersas.’ 1s textcolor (C0825 gotory (5,915 write (°5 D EXPOSIAD SEVERA *15 textcotor (1805 write (°t grandes reservatrias e canalisaoes, revesti-")} gotory (541615 write (° — aentos de canais, berragens, fundeoes alternadarente abaiso @ a-7)4 gotory (5,11); wite cine do n/vel da guas’)5 textcotor (COR2H qotory (5,124 weite (°4 D EXPOBIAD EXTREN#?)5 textcotor (1594 write (? 5 grandes reservat*rios © canalizeces en con-"} gotory {5,131} write tate con quas agressivas, fundaoes © auralhas en guas agressi-"}} gotory (5,14) erite (° yas, obras aar!tinas. 14 gatony (551615 wite aaDBDRDD PEAS UE GRANDE SEA RADDDEDR’); end GOTOKY (15,1895 write ("Inforse o tipo de exposiaa t "5 PROT=""5 white (PROTSD? 1°) and (PROTC)?2?) and (PROTCD?S?) and (PROTON?) do PROT:=readkeys if TTPO? THEN egin case PROT of Mg 328,885 1D 5 1218.65 PS 128.585 Paes 10588, 4B5 ends end} if THPOK= YY THE begin case PROT of yD end end if INP?” then begin weitetn (Ist); writetn (Ist,’ — Verificacao da durabilidade do concreto - tipo de exposicaa’)s if THPOS ="@" then weiteln (Ist,’ ~ Pecas delqadas (aanor dinensan ¢ 58 ct ” else weiteln (Ist,? ~ Pecas de grande secaa’)s case PROT of "Pt qriteln Uist,’ ~ Exposiceo protegida’)s °2 + ariteln (Isty’ ~ Exposican aoderada’)s "VY twriteln Ust,’ > Exposiceo severa’)} "Pt writeln Uist,’ ~ fsposicao extresa’}; end writeln (sts LINHA end end (OPERAS HED PPE EEEEECECSEGSUEEDEGEE LORE HERR EEEES EEE EREKEEE) procedure DETERHX3 Ivar K3trealsTIPO°:charls var PEGA CLINA:chary TaPOSs INTEGERS ERIN celrsers gotoxy (28,2) write COETERKINAAD DO FATOR A/C PARA © MELD AMBIENTE? 5 16 gatony (25,415 write (4 F Tropicals gotoxy (25,5); write (°2 T Teaperado’ + gotory (18,41) write (°Tnforae o tipo de cliga + °)5CLI while (OLTMRG°H") and (CLIRAC?2"Y do CLINAZ=r eadkeyt if TIPO?” THEN PEGA:="1"s TF T1PO¥="1” then PEDAL="2°5 elrsert gotoxy (28,20) write CDETERNINAAD 00 FATOR A/C PARA O HELO AMBIENTE”); gutory (5,4) write ( 1 ~ Goncreta sujeito a abrasaa por I/quidos a grande velocidade” ht gotoey (5,5)} WRITE (° 2 - Concreto sujeito a abrasao por 1!quidos a pequena velacidade’ Ii qntory (5,60) write (? 3 = Concreto om contato com aeia agressivo’)} gntoxy (5,71 write (° 4 ~ Pisos de concreto nae revestida’)y qutory (5,8); write 5 - Conereto subaerso, Tanado sob a qua’?i gotory (5,913 write (* 6 ~ Cancreto subaerso, as noldado a seco’); gutory (5,18); write 0 7 ~ Conereto sujeito a alternincia de seco e faido’)s gotory (110) write (8 ~ Fundaoes de concreta ee solo seco"); gntoxy (5,121; write (? 9 ~ Fundaoes de concreta en solo dado” 4 gotoxy (541315 write (°%8 ~ Fundaoes de concreto es solo alternadanente seco e Raid’! gotony (5,14); write (711 - Concreto para edifcios conuns, revestido’)s gutory (5,15); write (°42 ~ Concreto pare eif!cios coauns, aparente’); gotony (15,18) write (*Inforae o tipo de neio anbiente £7 repeat begin gotory (58,1805 clreoli readin (TIPO5}; end until (TIPO5ES) of (TEFOS=2) or (T1POS=3) or (THPDS=A} or (T1PO5=5) or {THPOS*6) or (TIPOS=7) of (TIPO5=) or (11PO5=9) or (TIPOB=181 or (THPOS=H1) or CTIPO5=1204 4 THPOSe1 then 13:=8,455 if T1PO562 then #3:=8.55) alkeys if PECA"1” then if THPO5=7 then begin if CLIN’? then if PECH=? 1” then 13:98.5 else 1 55 else 1528.65 ends if TIPO5=8 then it PECA=1” then if THPO59 then if PECH=?1” then 2 if THPOS=46 THEN if PERE!” THEN W3te6,6 else 13: if THPO5 =11 then begin if CLINE’ then if PECRS 1? then 15ie8.6 else 33:=8.655 if OLIN??? then if PECA®?1? then 15:e8.65 else 1 ends it TIPO512 then GF OLIN? then 13 5 else 131 7 6 else KSr=866 J. else I= 855 3 it IMPS" then begin weiteln (Ist); witeln (Ist, Verificacan da durabilidade par o asia ambiente (tipo de exposicao!")s iF CLINGS" 1" then uriteln st,” ~ Clina tropical”? else writeln st,’ = Clins tenperado’ts case tipo of 1 writeln (1sl,” ~Concreto sujeito @ abresao por Liquidos de grande veloctdade’ It 24 writeln (Ist;? -Cancreto sujeito a abraszo por Liguidos de pequena velocidade’)} 31 writeln {Ist,? = Concreto en contato com seiv agressiva’ly 4 t writeln (st,’ ~ Pises de concrete nan revestido')s St witeln Ust,? -Conceeto subserso, lancado sob a agua"); 4 fwriteln (st,’ - Concreto subserso, was aoldado a seco"); Ti weiteln (st,? ~ Concreto sujeito a alternancia de seco ® weida’?s 8 t writeln (st,’ - Fundacoes de concreta en solo seco"ly 9 t witeln (st,’ ~ Fundacoes de concreto em solo usido’)t 16: writeln (Ust,? ~ Fundacoes de concreto em solo alternadanente seco © whido")$ 11: weiteln (Ist,? ~ Concretos para edificios comuns, revestido’); 12: writeln (sty? ~ Concretos para edificios comns, aparente"); end Linas ends end ‘EES EGETEGERST EREEEKSESEGLCGKEECOECPRCKSEEESERREEIEEEREOEE) procedure DETERN_A (var Atreal; TIPO:variavety var VIBRA:char}s var ViBtchary begin clrsert gotory (20,415 write (71 B Aiensanento manual’ )} gotoxy (28,513 write 2 2 Vibrao eoderada {editicaces: vibrador!")§ gotony (20,615 wite (°3 D Vibrean endegica (barragensirolo vibrador}*}} qotmy (28,913 weite ("Informe o tipo de adensanenta : "15 va vihile (VIROL?) and (WIBQ?2" and (WIBCO?S?Y do 1 Ena: =VERs if TIPO="Brita # then begin case VIB of ae carey p end eadkeys Brita 1° then begin case VIB of if TIPO=*Brita 2 then begin case VIB of Met on cs ends ends if TIPO" Brita 3° then begin case VIB of Me aLeRy OP t AteBy pn 6 ends ends if TIPD=*Brita 4 then begin case VIB of Mtg Aas8y aa 7 "3 AD ends ends if INP="S" then begin weiteln ‘Ist,’ Tipo de adensanento’ + case VID of °L + writeln ‘Ist,’ Adensanento manually "? twriteln Uist,’ ~ Vibracao aoderada (edificios ¢ vibrador}")} °F t weiteln (lst,’ ~ Vibracao energica tharragns + rolo vibrador) "15 ends LIN: andi ends (UEBSEREREKE EEG EOHADERGE CEE EEEE EAH KEEDESEAEEERSEEEEEEEEED procedure TETERH NM iAsrealsXzrealivar Hireal); then Wr =1881-9.85 5 then Heat, 2818.94 if eB then N:=12. 64GbRGBET-1, BobBE6SHES iF B85 then Mr=11,78%-0,985 if 899 thon Mi=U4.LHITHILEt-ty if A905 then HE=19.48%-8, 964 if etd thon Ne=Ldetety if STSHI-1. 83754 if felL then Hi=9.epag0ze9@90%- if eb then Ni=15.64B586860-15 if 86,9 then My ands ‘ERASE HERES EES ECEEGHESEEEEECERYECEESEEECEECEEEEEEOHEEES) PROREDURE DETERH P (VLARAschars TIPOtvariavels var BREIAS reali var BO,B1,02,85,84 treaty begin iF viRR=" 1? then begin if TIPO="Brita 4” then BR=125 oss then begin RETA: Basia end if T1POBrita 2” then begin REL end if TIPO="Brita 1” then begin then else begin if TIPDS*Brita # then begin BREDA=343 ead #9 end} end (sexuensessescouaeseneneasicesseees eceCeOREAEEAKEREAREND procedure SHIDA (var INPschar) var SATDAG chars beain clrsers textcolor 1143} gotory (18,1415 write TARKNNRNRT? 1s gotory (16,15) write (7: ri gotory (18,165 write 2 5 gotory (16,1715 write CHMOKRENKGHO? 15 gotoey (16,1095 write ( eNRDRDY" + gotoxy (56,1315 write © 25908007"); gotory (58,145 wite #1 gotoxy (50,1895 write TKS! FN? 15 gntory (56165 weite sts 36782")4 gotoxy (56,1715 write zeHREDORRDDYEY?)} gotoxy (58, 18)5 write ( HAARIMRRKRNHE? 15 textcotor (105 gotony (16,195 write Video")s gntoxy (58,19)5 write ( Lopressora’ ht texteodor (15)3 quiony (27,51; write (S808 008 94005") qotoxy (25,715 write (1 # Video's gotoxy (25,9}) wite 02 B Video e Inpressora’s qotoxy (25,105 write Bual 4 2 sa escotha hile (SAIDAQ"1") and (SADDK0"2") do SIDA if SADA??? then TAPE z if SAID?" then begin gotory (28,213 write (’Ligue a Inpressora inediatanente !!!"1s SPER ends ends ‘erEe EEE cmen pea CHEE AEE EEE EA ESAEGEEEEESEEE EERE EEREEAEEES) procedure 051 (APichar var RRP t ceali Tf string (1815 GA chart TIP: STRING (481), begin elrsers gotoxy (15,315 write (°1 = CIHENTO CP {comua)’)} gntoxy (15,45 write (°2 ~ CEMEXTO POD {pozoldnico)”)s gotoxy (15,515 write (°3 ~ CINENTO ARI (Alta Resiskcia Inicial)’1y gotoxy (15,73 write (*Inforne tipo de cinento usade t 74 while (CO"PT and (C0°2) and (CO°S?) do czereadkeys write (03 Gf Ce" then TIPt="CP ~ comue (CP Te CP 110°$ if C=??? then T1P:="PO7 ~ pozolanico (CP IIT @ CF 1¥)") if Ce"3" then TIPI="ARI - Alta Resistencia Inicial (CP Vi? gotory (18,195 write CInforne a Resistcia aos 28 dies (hgf/ce€l ¢ "Vireadin (Rts cleserd gotoxy 155,31} write 1-3 dias?)s gotory (35,43 write (2 ~ 7 dias)s gotory (35,55 write (3-14 dias?) gutoxy (38,6) write (74 = 29 dias’); gotory (35,71; wite (5 ~ 68 dias’); gotoxy 135,8)} write (6 ~ 98 dias’)4 gotory (35,901 write (°7 — 6 aeses"ly 21 gtony (35,185 write 8-1 ano?)s gutory (35,105 write (9 ~ 2 anos’is gotory (35,12); arite (8 - 5 anos?! gototy (28,151; write °Perfodo ara ser previsto £775 readkey} hide (APP and (8°20 and (HOEY and (HOT and (2°57) and HO") and HOT) and {AQD"SD and (APP) and (HOH do Arereadteyi case A of pal PT wn RET oR ET Tae OT Tis" aesest °e Te? ano 7F 7 2 anos? 8 1 Tis? § anos’y ends if C1" then begin case A of 70 RPLRIAB. ASS 72) 5 RFL=RING. 87} "Pf RFLERINO.BTT 2e t RESSRIE end if C2 then begin case A of PP RFSSRIAG, 345 iy "Pt RFsSRING,85 ra 6 > fa 2 t RFL=RENI. 585, 107 RESARDML en end if D2 then begin case A of ra on 1 7 a a > oo fa a end end clrsers gotony (16,65 write CPREVISAD 08 RESISTENCTA AO Low60 BO TENPO? 9s qoioxy (18,815 write (Tipo de cinento,...t ” TPIS qntoxy (16,105 write CResistcia aus 28 dias... gotoxy (19,1205 write (Previsen da resisicia ne idate 4 qoloxy (16,1495 write (Resistcia (,1,°2. gotoxy (19,16)F write ('Voriaao addia no resultado, if TH8"S" then begin nay witeln (Ist, PREVISRO DA RESISTENCTA aD LONGD OD TeA¥PO’?s writeln (ist,” Tipo de ciaento....2 ,TIPIS weiteln (ist,” Resistencia aos 28 dias writeln Ust,? Previsao da resistencia na iésde de witeln (ist,? Resistencia 0,1," writeln (1st, Variacao aedia no resultadoss.e+» ny EAD; ESPERRS end} (oesesuveeneestsncesecosssaceeecesnarescansceceeeceneeeteet) procedure 052 (i#Pichar var REAP + reali Tt string (1005 22 + RU:18:2," kgflcae?)5 Di sRFL10:2," kyF/cae?)5 rh "Rl: au sRESID:2,? kgf cal? 94 15 geen? CA: char} TIP + STRING (453 begin cirsery gotoxy (28,315 write 1 ~ CINENTO CP (comun)?$ qotmy (28,05 write (2 ~ CINENTO POL {poz0l&nico}”)5 gutory (28,5); weite (3 ~ CIENTD ARI (Alte Resistcia Inicial)”1s gutoxy (28,715 write ('Inforse tipo de cimento usado °14 Cis} while 1C0*1") and (GOP? and OPT do € write (0s if Ge"1" then T1Ps="CP ~ coma (CP Te CP 1T)"§ adhe if (2°2 then TIPs=?PO% ~ pozolanica {CP 111 © OP Wis if C273? thon TIP:=ARI ~ Alta Resistencia Inicial (CP V)"s clrser gotory (35,3); write 1-3 dias’); gotaxy (35,415 write (2-7 dias’; gotoxy (35,51; write (5 ~ 14 dias’); gotoxy (35,6)5 write (4 ~ 28 dias?)s gotory (35,715 write (°5 = 66 dias’); gotoxy (35,85 write (5 ~ 90 diasts gotory (35,99) write (7 ~ & neses’ls gutoxy (35,105 write (8-1 ano"); utory (35.1195 write (9 ~ 2 anos??s Gutovy (55,125 write C8 ~ 5 anos gutory (28,1815 write (Pingorne a idade do concrete 15 readhey} While (OM and O°2) and (AC)°9°) and HO") and AAC") and (ACH) and YT") and (80°87) and {8O°P1 and (HO°H) do Atereadkeyt write (al; case A of 3 dias’ Pot Tis 7 diasty 7 1” 8 oa - 1 a . end gotoxy (20,18); write {"Inforae & resishcia ua idade de *,7," 3°05 readin (RFIy if C21? then 23 begin case A of Pg RILARF/BL ASE y 18.875 "OS RIRE/LAS end} end if C22" then begin case A oF bf 1 ‘7 Po) RIIAP/L, 385 PRL 8 RL et RI: °° 1 RISSREIL 62s ends enti if C23" then begin case A of PRL PERL "yt RT me RL ny RL met RT 17g RL 2B RL oP RE °8 t RIseRE/ HT clrsers gotory (28,41) write (*PREVISAD DA RESTSTENCEA AO LOWO 00 TENPOY)s gotoxy (18,815 write (Tipo de cinento.... °,TIPH gotory (18,1815 arite PResishcia 20s 28 dias. sessressresent "98 gotony (18,149) write (Resistcia (°,T,7).s 21822," kgf fone 22,7 kgf (eae) gotory 119,183} write (°Variae0 addia no resultado... 1 if TAPS” then begin NWA writeln (Ist)? PREVTSAO DA RESISTENCTA AO LONGO DO TEKPO Ds writeln (ist,” Tipo de cinento.s..s TIPS Writee Ost,” faites tess writeln (Ist,’ Resistencia (",1,").. witeln list,’ Variacac wedia no resultados.secees LINHAS os ESPERAS ei procedure BS (i8:hars 24 var tear vesin cia qotoxy 115,215 write (*PREVISAD TA RESISTENCTA AD LONGO 00 TEMPO? Hy getny 0 ite PD= Infant fk ans 20 das clear opr‘) Site B/)) ate O2~Interasde resshie vo Lengo fe tego clear geany 0); write fens 7 es" Siow 24115 aite afrne Titre tie CIPO? 7) AO eOLKO"D 10 TPL sates V4 TPO ten BY che 0 wn procedure GTHDES (AREIA, BG, 81,82,03,B4:real; Ysrealls Met 1 SEP ME, PORE, as ALT, PROBL chars te ret begin Wes =35 ALSOE2,* kgf /cn2"15 11022)" kgf lea2’)5 Wey clrseri gotoxy (38,20) write CCONSTANTES + goloy (25,43 write (’Nassa espec!Fice éreal)?)$ gotoxy (20,59 write (1 Cinentossssesseoet ?yHNCH ‘tony {26,615 write (72 ~ Areta secasvveecet ” HM gotoxy (26,714 write (°5 ~ Britavesssessecest *sHABH antoxy (18,9); write ("Hossa unit ria (aparente: gotory (28,1895 write (74 ~ Cimettosseess qotory (28,115 write 5 = Areia sece. gotory (26,12)3 write (°6 ~ Brita, gotory (15,1415 write CAreta’; gotory (20,1505 write (°7 = Unidad oo 7 UNIDADE:SE2,7 224 gotory (28,161; write CB = Inchanentovssvsect ?yIWCHSSE2,” 25 gotory (26,2013 write (PInforse cango a titerar 9 # nechus) + °)5 ALItsreadkeyt if ALTOO"O? then bevin 2," gies 6 gical? )5 2° ahead 5 sen descontar 05 varios) I}, 2,7 gies") * giea3"I5 gotoxy (28,2105 write (Informe nova valor £ °)4 case ALT of PP t readin (HAC) s 2D 1 readin (HRBDs °37 tread (WKB) °P t readln (HH oS? f readla OHI} Pet readin (N84 "7 t readln CUNIDADED 5 °B t readla (INDH)} end goto 195 25 ends CINE = 189 (1/ RHC) «(ARENA HAR) «(B07 HB) BRE + C82/ OB 8 HB) + (NH 415 clrsert if CONEYSA6 then begin gotory (16,1605 weite (°ATENAD : A quantidade de cinento & de °,CIME:7:2,° kg/aS, Ficando’)$ gotory (18,105 write 0 acina dos 588 kg/@3 reconerdado cot “aaxian devido 20”)} gotony (18,1215 write C problesa de retrazo do cancreto.”)4 if CTNECGOR then begin gotory (18,1515 write (*Usando aditivo retardador de pega ou wna cura’) gotoxy {18,16)} write (ertrenanente fnids taiver resolv o problens,’){ ends BPH 125 gotoxy 115,285 weite (Yocdeseja prosseguir na dosagem (6/N) 2°25 PROSLE=upcase (reakey)s while (ROGICO"S") and (PROSLO"N'D do PROSLE® upcase ‘readkey)s if PROBL ©°8? then goto 884 clrseri ends gotory (28,211 write Suantidades’)s ‘potory (28,5); write (7 EH PESO (a3): 704 gotory (28,611 write ('Cinent. ‘gotory (28,7); write CAreia seca... gotory (28,804 write Brita Besse. gutoxy {28,915 write (Brite tee gotoxy 12618) write Brita 2. gotory (28,105 write (Brita See. gotozy (28,1205 write (Brita Aveesseesseeet 75 CINEEBAG10%2," ka’)5 gotory (26,13)5 write Agu > CINERK: H:2,? kg/litros?)} ESPERRS elrscrt gotcry (20,811 write (° ER VOLUME (a3) 3°94 tory 128,615 write (Ciwento > CONE: 1622,” ho") gotory (28,704 write (Areia seca, > ;CIMERARETA/WAS1B:2,” Litros’)s qotoxy (26,8); write (Brita 6 > /CINESRO/HBS 18:2,” Litras!s gotony (26,915 write (Brita be. » /CINEeBI/HB: 1822,” Litros?)s gotosy 126,185 write Brita 2, > CINERRD/MB: 18:2," Litros”)5 qutory (26,115 write (Brita 3, set" CINEEBG/MNB: 1622, Litros?)} gotory (26,12)5 write Brite 4. > CINE SBE/HBS 18:2," Liteos?)} gotory (28,1393 write (Aqua, + °,CINEGI: 16:2,” Nitros’; ESPERAY cirsers gotory (22,514 write (? EM VOLUME Icon areia Amida) (93i"15 gotory (28,65 write (Cimento... 27 CINE:18:2," kg")4 gotory (26,704 write (reia > ACUMESARET BCT +CINEH/109)))/MRE1622,° Tiros?) $ gotory (28,8); write ("Brita 6. » {CINEEBO/NB:19:2,? litros? gotony (28,994 write Brite 1 soot? QTRESRENBS1922,” 1iteos?94 gotoxy (28,1815 write (Brita 2... 1? CIREKB2/NB:18:2,? Litros’)t aatoxy (26115 write (Brita 3... » /CINEFRS/NBS 10:2,” Litres") CINE ABZ," ht » /CIMESARETA: 152,” kg" 15 4022," kg! kg 852," ka" » DINE 1° DINESRS! 18:2,” bg?) Gotony (28,125 write OBrite 4, qotony (26,15)3 write (Aqua... ESPERA elrscrs gotory (23,404 write OE PESO"); qotory (23,514 write ("por saco de cinento de 56 4a)"Is gotory (28,804 write (Cinento. 50.08 kg") gotory (28,71; write (hreia > SOWAREIA 16:2," bg? )$ gotory (28,804 write Brita BBO: 18:2,” kg" gotory (28,91; write ("Brita 1. 8:2," ka? gotory (20,161; write (Brita 2 > SHHDT:1622,? bg?) gotory (28,11); orite (Brita 3 2» SOWBTS 16:2, 4g?)4 gotory (26,1215 write (Brita Aesvvesversvet 7 sSOABALIBS2," bg?) gotory (28,1315 write (Aguassesse SOR 1822,” kg/Litras?)} SPERAY clrsert gotory (25,405 write © EN VOLUME °94 gotoxy (25,5); write (por saco de cisento de 58 ka)")5 > CLMESRS HB: 18:2,? Litros?)s > (CINE®1)~(CINESAREAeUNTDADE/ 160) 2:2,? Liteos? 5 gotoxy (28,414 write (Cinento. 5B86 kg? foto (5,75 write Vivta seca sect" SOAREISMRCI:2” Str’ 26 gotoxy (28,81) write ("Brita Litres? gotory (26,91; write ("Brita 1, SBHDLIND 18:2," Litros? 5 gotoxy (28,1015 write Brita 2, 2 ,SORBZ/NE: 0:2," Vitros?)4 gotory (26,11) write Brita 3 SE 7 SDOBT/NBE 1022,” Vitros? i gotory (28,1205 write (Brite 4. 25" Liteos? 4 gotory 126,15)5 write (Agua... 4:2," Litros’) ESPERRS elrseri gotory (28,405 write (7 EN YOUNE (con aria Ainida) "25 gotory (28,5); write por saco de cimento de 58 ka’ls gotory (26,815 write (Cisent 30,08 ko" hS gotory (26,71; write Pireta, » ASBEAREIA/HAYA(1+(HCH/989)31822,” Litros!1F gotory (28,805 write CBrita Besssvessveet ?) SOWBO/NB:IN:2," Liteos"?; gotory (26,915 write (Brita i. > Litros’)s gotory (28,1095 write (Brita 2. a? Litros? gotory (26,1105 write (Brita 3 22,° Litros? gotory (28,12); write Brita 4, 32," Litres?) gotory (26,130) write Agua 15891) ~(SBRRELARUNTDADE/168):18:2,? Tiros”): gotory (28,1615 write CRendiaenta por saco de civento (58,08 ky gotory (28,17; write (Litros de conereto adensado’ Is sPeRAy if THP2"9? then begin elrsery gotoxy (20,2904 write (lepriaindo 25 quantidaies da dosages. . 415 writeln (st witeln (sth; writeln (Ust,? CORSTANTES ADOTADAS HO CALCULO DAS QUAATIDARES :°)5 writeln (sts writeln (Ist,? = Massa especifica (reall); writeln (st? Cinentoy witeln (Ist)? Areia seca, writeln (st? Brita, weiteln (stl weitetn (Ist,? ~ Massa unitaria (aperente + sew descontar 05 vazios)”)s writeln sty? Cinentossssesseerse *MOr5:2,? gfead")4 writeln (st)? Areia seca, 512, gen") witela st,’ Brita 2,7 glen? }§ writeln (Istly writeln (Ist)? —~ freia’ts weiteln (Ist? Unidad weiteln (ist,? — Inchanento. writeln (stly 1? gird 15 22," gles 5 2 7sHMBIS22,? glewd 734 2 Ne wh my fs UMTDADE: > INCH52,| witeto (st,? witeln (st,? witeln (1st,? witeln dst,’ witeln (st,? witeln {1st,? writeln (st,? witeln (ist)? writeln (ist,? weiteln (st,? writeln {0sths weiteln st,” weiteln {1st,? weiteln Ust,? writeln fist,” writete (st,’ witeln (ist,? writeln (st,? witeln Ust,? weiteln st,” writeln (sts writeln Ust,? writeln (st,? witeln {ist,? weiteln (1st,” weiteln (st)? weiteln fist,” writeln (st, witeln Ust,? writeln st,” witeln (st)} witeln lst,” writeln (st,? witeln Ust,? weiteln fst,? witeln fist,” writeln tIst,? weitein (ist,” witeln (ist)? writelo st,” writeln (stl; writeln st,” writetn (st,? writela Ost,” writeln (st,? writeln (st,? writeln (ist,? witeln (Ist,? writeln 1st,” witeln Hist,” writeln (st) writeln (ist,? writeln {Ist,” writetn (Ost)? writeln (Ist)? witeln st,” writeln (Ust,” writeln Ost,” witeln (st,? weiteln (ist,’ writeln (st,? writeln (sts witeln (st,? writeln (st,? weiteln (1st; Quantidades’); EN PESD (a3) 705 Cimento... £7 ,CINES1622,” bg?) Areia seca...sesscet * CIMERBREDAL 16:2," kgs Brita 8.. 227 CENERRGS36:2,? kg?) wita 1 > JOUMESBL: 18:2," bg"1s Brite 2a SUMERRD: 1852,” kg?) Brita Beas * SCIMERHS: 16:2," kg") 2+ Irita 4. *VCIMERBELI6:2," 8g"? fgua... + "CHREHIS 18:2," kg/Liteos* EN UOLURE Gn) 2 715 > CHM: 18:2," ba? 14 > /CHMESARETAVIAG 1022,” Litros’I > CIME®BB/NB: 18:2,” Litros?)} > {CIMESBI/"Bs 1822,” Titros!)s Brita Dessessvessned ”CIMESBZ/NE:8:2,? Titros?)} » {CUMERBS/NB: 1822,” Ditros! 4 » CENESBA ING: 18:2,” Titros”)s » UNGER: 1952,” Litras’ 5 ER VOLURE (con arta unio) (9314 Cinento.. <7 CIMES1022,” kg? 1° (CIMESAREIAR(1¥(TNCH/1B6))1/1H1822,” Litros? 4 feet °yCIRESBO/AB: 10:2,” Vitros?)¢ » {COMER M82 1922," Litros!)5 ood? DIMEARDONB: 1622,” Liteos?94 > CIMESBS/HB319:2,7 Titros’ 4 » CIMESB4/HB: 18:2,” Viteos” 3 > ACEME}~(CEMERARED WL TERDE/ 1981: 2,? Litrost)} EM PESO (por saco de cinento de 58 kgi"}s Cinento., 5,66 kg? 5 2 SORBHEIAI2,? ka"? + 50151022," Hg/litros}s EN VOLUME (por saco de cinento de 58 ky)?)$ Cimento. 156.65 kg’); Breia secay es » /SOEARETAINR: 16:2," Litros?)} Brita 6. )SoeB@/R 1822,” Litvos?)5 > 50m 22, Tiros’ )s > S0e2/MB: 10:2,” Litras’)} > ,S0®BS/ABE10:2,” Litros? Hf sok? SOXBAMBELOS2,” Litras? 1} 1 °,SOEH:1022,? Titros?)4 EN VOLUME con areia unida) °24 por saco de cinento de 58 49); 50,008 bg?) > ,(S0SAREIA/WA) #+{THCR/1O81) 10:2," Litras? 5 sot? ,SO9BOMBS1G22,? Vitros?)s 7 Titeos )s » /SEBDINR 1922,” i tros?)4 >| SBRBS/AD:L0:2,? itros?); > SOeB4r 5 Tiros" 1 (SB*1)~(SBXRRETASUNTDADE {98} Brita 4, gua. Hi,” Litros?); Rendinento por saco de cinento (50,68 kg)... de cancreto adensada’)} 2,7 Vitras’ dy if CINEDSWO then begin writeln (sty? STEWCAD + A quantidade de cisento 2”? superior a 588 bo/a3, vat haver?)s writeln st,” problena de retracao do concreto.’15 if CIMECHBE then begin witeln st,” Utilizando aditivo retardador de peya ou una cura extrena-")5 writela Ost,? sente unida talvez evite 0 problema." ends writeln (sts end LINAS nds 360: ends CebeeneseesneeeeaeeneseeeceesececsseraereeeeseeeeneeeeEey) procedure DOSAGENINT (IAPs chart var FODBsreals var VIBRAZchars var RT realt DIA Halireals TIPO: WARTAVELs var 111,12 W3tresly var terealy var AREIA,B0,B1,82,83,84zreal Tipov:char}y label 560; var ABUARDAZChars CIM, P,BEPtreals integer PROS,PROSL ¢ chars begin clrsers if INS" then begin CaBECAS DATA aang ends OTAMHETRO,MAE (DIA, WAX, TTPO, THPDs RESIST OOSE (NP, C2005 DETERM( XL (21, F028; DETERW_ 12 (%2,11P09)s DEYERN_15 (13, 1P0915 DETERH A (hy TIPO, VIBRANS DETERKN 1h, 5 105 DETERK_P (INRA, TIPO, ARETA, BA, B1, 82, B3, BAYS com=1807 ihe 5 (188-C1N) 1685 ARELARNEP) (C1 = CBEDEPD /CINS Ls ={B1 DEP) (01% 12r=(BOADEP) (CIN 3: =CBSHDEP) /C1M (BESDEPD ICING cuRsoRy gotory (38,21) write CDUSAGEN RACTONAL DE COWRETO" 5 getory (28,315 write Cadtodo do INT ~ Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia’) gotery (29,41) write (adaptado a0 Rio Grande do Sui1")s gotory (15,81) write (PFatores aqua/cinento (a/c) 3704 antoxy (15.717 write (°D fator a/c necess rio para a resishciay...s.t *,HIE5:205 qotoxy (15,8); write CD fator afc necess rio para a durabilidae, gotory (15,9) write (7 fator afe necess rio para 0 cio anbient qulry (15,105 write CD fator afc que atende todas as necessidades, if 169,27 thon begin RLERTA (0s gotony (16,204 wite (Prosseguir no c Leulo (6/0 7°04 Fil s+ teat eae 27 eae a wi else ALERTAS (2, VIBRAI; (5,155 write CTRAG FINAL (eu peso) begin gotony (1,145 write (HY gotony (1,17)5 write C95 ens for I:=15 to 18 do begin gotory (3,115 write 037; gotory (7b,l)surite (37H end gotony (3, 1415 write C215 gotory (3,171 write (2 gotory (76,1895 write (7°55 gotory (76,1715 write CPs gotory (5,15); write Ceisent areiat brita @ {brite 1 ¢ brite 2: brite 3 1 brita #4 gotory (5,16); write 1 t *yareiatS:2,? ¢ °,b8522,7 BEG," f 7 y8IS52, gotony (5)19)5 write Cascseeseet ?y@2522,"s 0 indice dos agregados podera ser alterado’ls gotory (5,20; write 0 para beneficiar a plasticidade, desde que a sona dos’? gotory (5,215 write © ‘wesnos (@) nao seja alterada.?} if WPS? then begin witeln (sts witeln lst,” Fatores agua/cinento fafel $715 weiteln fist,” ~ fator a/c necessario para a resistencia, writeln Hist,” = fator a/c necessario para a durebilidade weiteln (st,” - fator a/c necessario para 0 acio ambiente. weiteln list,” ~ fator a/c que atende todas as necessidade: if KCB.27 then ALERTAD else ALERTAS (1, TBRR)s writeln (Ist) tig weiteln {Isthy weiteln {Ist,” TRACO FINAL (em peso 2794 weiteln (Ust,? cisento : aria brita $ brit weiteln (st)? 1 "are weiteln {Ustly writeln sty witeln (sty! Sesseseed 1 indice dos agregadas podera ser aiterado para’) weiteln Uist,” heneficiar a plasticidade, desde que 2 soa dos resins tn) neo?)} writel (Ust,’ soja alterada,’)s >yBUSS22,? 27 BED, Linas ends ESPERAY OTDOES (ARELA, BB, 81, BD, B3, 84, Ly 508; endj (eens eects enaeuenceesceeneeceeKeEEhceneeeate) (4 PROGRANA PRINCIPAL - INICIO. #4 (CeeReAEEE CHE CCHEECHECEEEEEEECEEGOHEEEEEEEAEED begin clrsers NEL PRESENTS SALDA (IMP) DesvIa: TERAR (TIPO,VTBRA, T1POP, DIA NAL, F°28, AyE5 X15 12, 3M, AREIA, BO, B1 82, 83,8495 % FScoLNA while ESCM (78? do begin TERAR (TIPO, VIDRA, TIPO, DIA, MA, FOZ, Ay XsK122, 13,1 AREA, BB 82,93, B4V5 EMU (ESCOLKS,1HP)5 case ESOS of "17: DOSAGEN_INT (IHP,FC7B,VIBRA,A,DIAMAX, TIPO, K, Hi, 82, 13, Hi BRETA, BB, BL, 82, 83, BH, TIFOPIS °D RESTST_OUSE (INP, FC2B05 °3) ¢ DIANETAOMAK (DIAM, TIPO, IHP)s op 05 NP °5 SAID (TMH, ends ends clesert gotory (26,2015 write (Retorno ao sistena (8/1) 7 714 ESCOLNA:=readkeyi if upcase (ESCOLNAD="N* then goto DES window (1, 1,88,2505 textcotor (7it texthackground (85 clrseri end. 39

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