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Actes wll, when the public conscience i sulicenely arose, Ting about thei final collapse from power. Their esknes Alesin the remazkable degen of rationalization and cetaication “high characterizes thie productive and diseiive organs factors wick render ultimate State expropriation compare ‘ively simple and immensely attractive operation would be quite impose in this book to full analytics {isc fo the peculiarities ofthe armament indus stnture foe the many technical aspects of private e:ms prosction Weenould refer any reader interested inthese subjects and in the ‘onder field of cartel polities to the two standard orks ine Adspensabl to any serious student. J. Noel Baker's The Piste Masfitrs of Armaments spd Lene Unperaism, ‘The Highes ‘Suge af Capitation. ‘iis book primarily concerned wih the grave cbictions Hoa splem of capitalist enterprise under hich a powerll ‘pinonty are able to derive profits and other mateial benefice fom the misery apd death of mallions of thet elow-betnsn. Summarily, the case agnnst private tading in arms is en Bodied in the flowing syllogism (6) Private trading in arms hos this in common with all ther formes of modern capitalise enterprises cll for the aggresive exploitation of actual and potential order; the Gitinaton, wherever pale ofteae competion, ant the vision of world markets between the leading groups ail co bine. Thee alms are mit efficiently and ret ‘by fall collaboration on an international sce (@) Arms manufsctiners ftablyachicred A ac in busin with one object and ‘pe object only—to derive the greatest amount of profit Sram 4s maximum ale of deatheningistcumcnts, Tas wo) finally abandoned aggrenion as an truer! ran enpiney ete arias maiers would go out of busines hey prose swith postive. hos . re aplete Gisarpamentenn the te pltal, ccmaeand ral “iia?” cue teed. The peatios adopted 10 overenme “ales ret Shee" range fou the Sancing of "patriotic" defence leagues fp the deliberate aggravation of international animosi Tes (ie concluding proposition be deemed cxcesively har and extravagant, we ould draw the reader's attention to a2 ficial League of Nation's Report which reads, in part, a In geneal, rated to untramim vivate manulteture may be grouped under the fall Headings: “Sa Thal armament fms have attested to bribe Govern That armament lime have diseminated false reports armament rings though which the smament race has been icztuate by plying foe cownty agaist ange armament trusts which have inereased the pre of armaments

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