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USA srk nis amr pro a htt ip human decency tasting, crac ced chlishonent weve to saps tread highy-derope magnate eli thes tiga, he rarage to pestade lhe portant mer Est ge eo sce to one Tien sacs» fas whch tok the form ofa day Shearer, fom Bean set aget The dary wert 0 Ise Way whch sot srpngs ork ten by eh a Melt Much valisble work was done dsig i pero to ke hs he fable tint the eerpesent “meet” of Usiutasen Giie Brng era, which i taken or» pang write see on bette hs epopers, tlsectyng ths Pertti pedal actors propaga whee ado eer ete ea foc wich they span From October, 1014, the weight of internationalism, and ‘communion was developed, the members of which, pai Aeleaite, radicals of many Ives, and foreign ages, co units, LWW. and socal, included in this merge dozen or more organizations wilh npresive natn de ieee Keres teed fered el tothe coc. As ated wth these agents and organizations of these ant-Amer: Bodies were statesmen, senators, banker, lawyer, actor (iret wes asta atl yormen of American birth vi Wwere wed to Sght the exiting Government of the United States... «All names, records, cliques from promine people in this country instruetions from Mossow, spect, thee, questionnates indeed the workings ofthe undergro ‘rganiction, working secretly though ‘egal’ bodies in aboor cles, isonet, in profesional group, in the Army a Navy in Congres inthe shoot ant ellaes ofthe counts, in Ipoh acl busines concerns amon the farmer nthe ro Picture industry, in fact in nearly every walk of lil fafoemation and authentic doeunientary proof of conspiracy agaist the United States were selzed by ¥ ‘ficial dare in posse ofthe authorities” * Ta the son anotier ole Shipbuilders ‘ed for pa The public now strange alliance of ww had slfered fom vitriolic a Uiseemament, played curiosity. Se dlereed. Te called Me, Paten and M and Me Grace of the Bethlehe (Grace's ruperior Mr. Charles A. Se to sumimon Mr. Shearer. He appear aa insisted that he be hea Anerange spectace followed, It was odd, indeod, to observe how thse titans of American industry sought to portray them= elves as bungling, inficientexecitives nx innocent but stapid Teployer: Te was extraordinary 10 observe Sdimiteel that they had exaplyed 3 man al Irnew nothing; and hove they had sent him to Geneva for tout the ature of hich they had only the faintest dea That they had pad out €25,000 fr this nebulous enterprise sented to the hiring of Mr, Shearer. He admitted that he Iinew nothing ahout the man, and conceded that by so doing The had violated one of the principal rules which be had ales followed as an employer. He was equally obscurein hisunder~ standing of the objective which ths strange employee was t0 fvork for, According to this preident of the New York Ship= Drildng Company, Shearer was sent to Geneva simply as server to report the ren ofthe conference to that te ship ilers would have nore information than was available in the newpaper. ‘The results ofthe conference, bededared, did

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