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“Le coq au vin”

Les Entrées
Entradas /Starters

Creme aux asperges …………………………...……10€

(creme de espargos/asparagus cream)

Terrine de foie gras ……………………………...…15€

(fígado de pato cozido no forno/duck liver baked in the oven)

Saumon fumé …………………………………...…18€

(salmão fumado/smoked salmon)

Soupe à l’oignom …………………………………..10€

(sopa de cebola gratinada com torradas de pão francês/onion soup
with french bread toasts)

Omelette fine herbes ……………………………...…10€

(omelete com ervas aromáticas/omelet with aromatic herbs)

Plat Principal
Prato Principal /Main Course

Canard à l’orange ……………………….…………25€

(pato com molho de laranja/duck l’orange ??duck with orange gravy)

Gigot aux soissons ………………………………..…30€

(perna de cordeiro assado com feijão branco/baked leg of lamb with white beans)

Coq au vin ……………………………………...…30€

(frango marinado em vinho tinto/rooster in wine)

Perdrix a Grand Mére ……………………………...25€

(perdiz assada com bacon, batatas e cogumelos/roasted partridge
with bacon, potato and mushrooms)

Risoto de caille et champignons Portobello …………...…20€

(risoto de codorniz e cogumelos Portobello/quail risotto with Portobello
Sole Meunière …………………………………..…42€
(linguado grelhado com limão e salsinha/grilled sole with ,lemon and parsley)

Truite aux amandes ………………………...………30€

(truta com amêndoas em manteiga derretida/trout with almonds in
melted butter )

Bouillabaisse …………………………………...…30€
(sopa de peixe e açafrão com camarão e marisco/fish soup and saffron
with shrimp and shellfish)

Samon Dijonaise …………………………….…....20€

(salmão grelhado, com tomate Cassé, uvas e molho de mostarda/grilled salmon with
Cassé tomato, grapes and mustard sauce)

Crevettes Poivre vert ………..…………………..….20€

(camarões servidos em molho de pimenta verde/shrimps served in
green pepper sauce )

Les Desserts

Crêpes Suzette ..…………………..………...……10€

Profiteroles ………………….………..…………..9€
(recheados com gelado e calda de chocolate quente/filled with ice cream
and hot chocolate)

Mousse au chocolat blanc,compote aux ftuit rouges …….…9€

(mousse de chocolate branco com doce de frutas vermelhas/white chocolate
mousse with red fruit jam)

Bananes flambeès ………………………...…....….10€

(banana flambé com gelado/banana flambe with ice cream)

Creme Brûleè ………….………..………………...10€

(creme de baunilha com cobertura de açúcar caramelizado/vanilla cream
with caramelized sugar topping)

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