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monday, october 25, 2010 2:14 pm posted by worldbreakingnews Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini
IN THE summer of 1912 Harry Houdini was clapped in manacles and leg-irons, stuffed into a

crate that had been weighed down by lead, and dropped from a ...

friday, october 22, 2010 6:08 pm posted by worldbreakingnews

Harry Houdini
Sanctions begin to hurt Iran's economy

(Oct 2010)(21)Ahmadinejad is still sitting

pretty a year after the election (Jun 2010)

(31)Topic page:

Europe's economic recovery has been

strong but is threatened by the euro

crisis(10)Charlemagne: The euro zone

risks being overwhelmed by the markets

(16)Leader: A break-up of the euro would be a disaster(269)

The traveller, historian and author of "Monsoon" on his new cartography, China's vertical strategy

and India's horizontal response(30)

It's still not clear what markets are signalling(2)Economics by invitation: Why are government

bond yields rising?Economist asks: Will bond vigilantes attack in 2011?(7)

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin are presiding over a system that can no longer change(139)

Leader: Western leaders should be much readier to criticise Russia(29)The Moscow rioting

exposes the weakness of Russia's political system(62)Our correspondents discuss the state of

Russia(2)Vote: Should the West take a harder line on Russia?(36)

Audio: a new "third force" for Italian politicsLeader: If he cares about his country, Italy’s prime

minister should head towards the exit quickly(57)Like its founder, Mediaset is tacky, unfairly

advantaged—and resilient(20)Topic page:

Chile attempts to get incentives right in the classroom(6)Improving schooling must be a top

priorityA chequered start for Uruguay's laptop initiative(17)Topic page:

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