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Meaning Of Culture :

Meaning Of Culture In a restricted sense, culture refers to the advance development of

human body, mind, and spirit. Culture is the sum total of human achievements, material
as well as non-material, capable of transmission. The literature, religion and social
practices of the people, reveal their culture. Anthropologists define culture as an acquired
behaviour in human beings.

5.They have no language, no way of symbolising and so they are without any
understanding of social interaction. In other words without culture.

6. Of course animals have culture how do you think they live? by laying around all day?
seroiulsly monkeys culture is eating banannas and sloths culture is hanging by trees all

yes, some animals do possess culture like dogs cats and other more.

Difference Between Man and Animals

I think it was that brain development after we evolved "opposable thumbs." No other
animal's hands/paws work like that. Previous thinking was that we use tools, but there
have been some primate families that do, too.

• the animals worship one of their own kind, and make their ruler.
the bees live their life for the queen bee,the ants for the queen ant, in aples one
becomes vthe ruler and dominates all.
but man has installed in him, a sense that there is somthing greater than himself, a
being greater than himself.
man was born to worship god, they try to with idolsv idils and all type of thingg,
but man knowns someone greater than himself made all, and continues this until
they find god.

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