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ΞϣΎϧήΑ Driver Genius Professional Edition v6.0.

1882 + SerialYY
ϪΗΎϛήΑϭ Ϳ΍ ΔϤΣέϭ ϢϜϴϠϋ ϡϼδϟ΍

ϙίΎϬΟ ϒϳέΎόΘϟ Ώ΃ ϙΎΑ ϞϤϋ ϲϓ ϒϳήόΘϟ΍ Ϧϋ ϲϨϐϟ΍ϭ ϊ΋΍ήϟ΍ ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΓΪϳΪΠϟ΍ ϪΨδϨϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϢϜϴϟ· !!

ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ΍ Ϣγ· : Driver Genius Professional Edition v6.0.1882

ϞϤϋ Ϧϣ ϚϨϜϤϳ ϮϬϓ , ϙίΎϬΟ ϒϳέΎόΘϟ ΔϴσΎϴΘΣϻ΍ ΦδϨϟ΍ ϞϤϋ ϲϓ Ξϣ΍ήΒϟ΍ ϞϬγ΃ϭ Ϟπϓ΃ Ϧϣ ιΎϴϨϴΟ ήϔϳ΍έΩ ΞϣΎϧήΑ
Ϟϛ , Ύ˵πϳ΃ ΔϠϤϤϟ΍ϭ ϪΒόΘϤϟ΍ ΖϴΒΜΘϟ΍ ΔϴϠϤϋϭ ϒϳήόΘϟ΍ ΕΎϬϳΪϴγ Ϧϋ ΚΤΒϟ΍ Ϧϋ ϚϴϨϐϳ ΚϴΤΑ , ϒϳέΎόΘϟ΍ Ζϧ ΔϠϣΎϛ ϪΨδϧ
ϭ΍ ΕϮμϟ΍ ϒϳέΎόΗ ϭ΍ ΩέϮΑ έΫΎϤϠϟ ΖϧΎϛ ˯˱ ΍Ϯγ ΔϠϣΎϛ ίΎϬΠϟ΍ ϒϳέΎόΗ Ϧϣ ϪΨδϧ ϞϤόΗ ϢΛ Ϧϣϭ ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ΍ ϞϴϤΤΗ Ϯϫ ϚϴϠϋΎϣ
.. ΓΪΣϭ Ϳ ϝΎϤϜϟ΍ϭ ϼ ˱ ϣΎϛ ΩϮΟϮϣϭ Ύ˱ πϳ΃ ΔϴΑήόϟ΍ ΔϐϠϟ΍ ϢϋΪϳ ΞϣΎϧήΒϟ΍ϭ .. ϙίΎϬΟ ϲϓ ΓΩϮΟϮϣ ΖϧΎϛ ϒϳέΎόΗ ϱ΍ ϭ΍ νήόϟ΍
ΔΑήΠΘϟΎΑ ϢϜΤμϧ΍ϭ Ύ˱ ϴμΨη ΔϣΪΨΘγ΃ Ύϧ΍ϭ ..

Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool features both

driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical
functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you
often reinstall your operating system, you may not forget such painful experiences of
searching all around for all kinds of drivers. If unfortunately you have lost your driver
CD, the search will be more troublesome and time-consuming.

Now with the driver backup function of Driver Genius, you can backup all drivers in
your computer before reinstalling, and restore them with the driver restoration function
after system reinstallation has been completed. This will dramatically save your time for
driver installation during the system installation procedure, and you will no longer
worry about where to find a driver. Besides, you can create an automatic installation
package for all drivers in your system by Driver Genius. After you have reinstalled your
operating system, you can restore all your drivers in just a click by this automatic
restoration program. It's really convenient. Driver Genius can automatically find driver
for a device that the system can't find a driver for it. It can recognize the name and
vendor's information of the device, and direct ly provide download URL for the required
driver. Driver Genius also supports online updates for drivers of existing hardware
devices. There are more than 30,000 most recent drivers for such hardware devices as
motherboards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, mice,
keyboards, digital cameras, video capture cards, etc. on Driver Genius web site. Besides,
there are daily updates for many drivers on our site. Our customers can obtain
information for latest drivers by Driver Genius's LiveUpdate program, which can
synchronize to the database on our site.

ΞϣΎϧήΒϠϟ ΔϴΤϴοϮΘϟ΍ έϮμϟ΍ ξόΑ ::

Home Page : http://www.driver-soft.com

Size: 9.05 MB





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