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• Care should be taken to provide sufficient contrast between the signature and its background.
Therefore, when white is not an option as a background color, the signature should appear in one
color: either reversed into white on a dark background, or entirely in blue on a light background.

• A black and white version of the signature is provided for use in newspaper advertising and
trade publications.



Below are more examples of how not to use the AvalonBay corporate signature.

Lorum ipsum dolor site omet constetuer un adipisong ein,sed alism et

nonummy nipn autem ut dignissum. Lorum ipsum dolor site omet
Always keep the protection zone clear; constetuer un adipisong ein, sed alism et nonummy nipn au em ut
dignissum. Lorum ipsum dolor site omet constetuer un adipisong ein, sed
do not wrap text around the signature. alism et nonummy nipn autem ut dignissum. Lorum ipsum dolor site omet
contein, ipsum sed sed alism et nonummy nipn autem ut dignissum. Lorum
ipsum dolor site omet constetuer un adipisong ein, sed alism et nonummy
nipn aut em ut dignissum. Lorum ipsum dolor site omet constetuer un
adipisong ein, sed alism et nonummy nipn autem ut dignissum. Lorum
ipsum dolor site omet constetuer un adipisong ein, sed autem sed alism et
nonummy nipn autem ut ipsum a dignissum. ipsum dolor site omet

Do not print the full-color signature
on a dark-color background.

Do not print the full-color signature
on a distracting pattern or photo.

Only reverse the signature out of photo
backgrounds that provide sufficient contrast.


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