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Chapstick Productions RISK ASSESSMENT

Site Name Carlton Drive Risk Assessment Number 1 Page 1 of 1

Project Movie Trailer Assessor Name Caroline Jane Chapman
Location House Assisted By Kevin Barton
Date Assessed 7th October 2010 Date for Review 6th October 2010


(R=L x S)Risk
What hazards have What is the potential What are the existing People What additional Who is G
been identified? injury or damage from controls in place to at Risk control measures or responsible
the hazard identified? prevent injury or action is required? for action? A

Different levels of floor, Serious injury Floor area is clear. All 1 3 3 None
stairs household items Stairs have a handrail
on the floor
Slips Trips & falls
Family dog. Serious injury Dog is trained and good All 2 3 6 Lock the dog in a room CJC
Risk of being knocked with people away from those
over or bitten by the dog involved in filming
Using electrical Electrocution, burns All three pin plugs are All 1 4 4 Ensure all equipment is CJC
equipment. Camera, insulated. in good condition before
lighting. House has RCD built in use. Check cable, plug
Risk. Contact with live to consumer unit and equipment
electricity Segregate actors from
All equipment supplied
by the school is portable
appliance tested.
Manual handling, Back strains Person carrying out Ac 1 3 3 None
Risk manual handling manual handling is
related injuries trained and competent

People at Risk – Ac= Actor, E = Employees, T= Teachers, P= Public, V= Visitors, Al= All
Likelihood (of contact with hazard) – 1 = Rare, 2= Possible, 3= Occasional, 4= Common, 5= Routine
Severity - 1 = Trivial Injury, 2 = Minor Injury, 3 = Lost Time Injury <3 days, 4 = Reportable >3days, 5 = Major/Fatal Accident
R, A, G – R = Red (immediate control required), A = Amber (reduce to lowest level practicable), G = Green (monitor annually)

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