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2 | ARCHAEOLOGY AFTER STRUCTURALISM Post-structuralism and the Practice of Archaeology Edited and introduced by Tan Bapty and Tim Yates London 440 7 for their help and suppor: ot Sok Baker and J. D- Hills the ad Chis Tiley; Julian Thomas ie Miy for encouragement and MKavtvopoogy andthe University Ad ings for generous financial sou ngt have gone head on ssh 2 beaterot at Routledge, whose wonas enabled the contributions Introduction: Archaeology and Post-Structuralism lan Bapty and Tim Yates 1 If it recedes one day, leaving behind its works and signs on the shores of our civilisation, the structuralist invasion might become a {question for the historian of ideas, or perhaps even an object. But the historian would be deceived if he came to this pass: by the very fact of considering the structuralist invasion as an object he would forget its meaning and forget that what is at stake, first of all, is an adventure of vision, a conversion of the way of putting questions to fany object posed before us, to historical objects ~ his own ~ in particular. (Derrida 1978, 3) Nearly a decade has passed since the symbolic and structural archaeology conference announced a coherent challenge to to the existing paradig~ matic and epistemological structure of archacology. These ten years have been momentous ones for the discipline. Not only has its practice been transformed with the introduetion of new conceptual frameworks (such as the notion of the archaeological record ~ material culture ~ as text) but ously unthinkable have become relatively commonplace - debates about the social also whole issues, questions and debates that were pr implications and embeddedness of scientific and academic study, about the polities of archaeological production, about the context of archae- ‘ology and the social sciences in late capitalist society, about the Construction of gender relations in the past, and so on. The framework provided by the New Archaeology had provided litte, if any, space for Consideration of these issues, and although the last three to four years have seen a general mellowing of the initial opposition to structuralism mobilised by the positivists (as elements of structuralist theory are diluted fand wash over the international scene), for many processualists it is not ‘only still possible to distance archaeology from these issues, from the present, from society, from contemporary systems of representation, but 1 FOLOG continue to do so (see, for example, Schiffer in Chapter 5). The strength of the reaction against the innovative and experimental work ig from Cambridge in the late 1970s and early 1980s is nowhere more clearly demonstrated than in the confrontational and of course, to students offered of the new orthodoxy, but also, one suspects, by the that it transformed processualism into that orthodoxy. There had been structuralists before of course ~ Leroi-Gourhan in France or Jarl Nordbladh in Sweden ~ but neither had any widespread effect even within their own institutional systems, and on an international scale they worked largel lation. In the late 1970s, however, these diverse major force which has fulfilled the future fortunes of the Almost overnight, the bright young things of the New logy = these Binfords, these Renfrews, these Schiffers - were transformed from the avant-garde into the old guard, a metamorphosis, their self image has yet to recover. The New Archacology was, suddenly, the not so new, and fus self criticised for even being particularly new in the first place. And, for the last decade AFTER STRUCTURALISM. is this formation which has been on the defensive while the initiative has been t heresy. Despite the structural y has, then, taken root and establish ‘The strengths of the ‘movement’, which, in the typology of supposed s since become known by the generic term shown most clearly in a number of volumes that ive emerged in the Cambridge New Directions series. The symbolic and c (Hodder 1982) communicates clearly the jon, and the papers it contains statement of the structuralist y ~ always pethaps largefVllusory ~ fergent postures as, th anos closely ( distance, and. ha associated with British liberal historians such as Collingwood, theories of agency developed by Anthony Giddens and Pierre Bourdieu. Associated with this latter development has been the emergence of gender archaeology, the strategic aims of which at present seem rather INTRODUCTION limited, but which is perhaps set to have a more general influence on atchacology as a whole. is thus possible to say, ten years on, that post-processualism is here {0 stay even if, at the same time, the identity and coherence of the movement is becoming increasingly unclear. This book is through and beyond the traditions in which post prove has immersed itself and of forging, on the basis of taken a decade to complete, new directions for a questions, new ways of conceiving both what it is archaeologists do. and why they do i fement in philosophy ism’ ~ although the fly in the face of ferature which is known as “pos! of this label is op. the wide diversity and often contradi absorbed a version of contemporary theory that, in the work of Giddens and Bourdieu, could be described as leading beyond some of the Positions articulated by Lévi-Strauss. And, indeed, Wwe faced when compiling this volume was that of should be put into this category, a problem especi many of the ideas discussed below w archaeological context. Anyone reading the papers we have s be struck by the variety of ideas represented ~ the stock and standard names are there to be found, Roland Bart es Deleuze ichel Foucault, Julia Kristeva, Jacques Lacan, but alongside them are not only a number of less well-known figures (who are none the less important for being that), but also a number of unus unexpected names that seem to carry off whatever meaning. this categorisation of ‘post-structuralism’ may have had in ‘Thus there are ext to Freud, Marcuse and Marxists like Louis Althusser and Pierre Macherey, to ant like Gregory Bateson, ce Jorge Luis Borges, Angela Carter or Franz Kafka. All this emphasises not simply the categorisation, but more importantly that none of the ec book would co he ideas with which they are he problems that face the construction of the and socially ‘aware’ archaeology. P ble on prescription, as t ing who and whi ly pressing given not be. fa nature of post-structuralism, which at no po enclosed body of thought. The necessity is always within their existing teadi ARCHAEOLOG ABTER STRUCTURALISM. ~ the ntity, as discussed by Bagnal and Nordbladh es below, which produces a chain of references that runs through structuralism and poststructuralism into feminism and psychoanalysis. 1 ism cal traditions within structural anthropology (Burr), with Marxism (Tilley; Walsh; Waterman), with Foucauldian analytics (Burr; |. oF with Nietzsche (Bapty). A host of possibilities is opened up by ides (chapter 7) the question has become ised by Hegel and fraught as they ity, in order to 1g and means of expression whieh do ¢ (relatively) esoteric. They countenance a note of caution, Whether or not they are successful in attempting to develop a subversive and reflexively self-conscious style is not as important as the fact that these questions are raised and discussed, and that the writing of the past, its forms and features, becomes the subject for debate. Walsh (chapter 10) similarly raises questions for post on to the development, during the 1980s, of the -d past, and is scepti ‘work of Baudrillard for mounting a critical And this is an area in which our vigilance and eriic to be particularly sharp, are with problems of priv experiment with new styles of writ rot return to reliance on n and which form fon the referet upon archaeology once the effects of structural anthropology filtered down through the dis anmeworks (frameworks, the only function of which is to limit the horizon, control the range of d 1d so, ultimat notion of difference that Saussure brought to the study of linguisties, basis of structuralism as a movement by its insistence sign into two elements, the signifier and the signified as the sensible and le. Thus the signifier ‘LEMMING’ is connected to a signified is represented (supposedly) by the signifier, and lar group and order of this precise combi ters having this signified, no reason why this creature should led this name. The image could have been represented by any number of alternative combinations ~ donkey, filing cabinet, Munich, Professor of Archaeology ~ any would have done, ¢ tray. dU is only convention that INTRODUCTION establishes this connection between the only criterion that the signifier need fulfil is that it be different from the | other signifiers of the system, and it was in this insistence that Saussure departed from the body of tra ics wh fan approach in favour of the assumption ~ or at any rate isolation ~ of inguistic forms which can then be compared to other forms and their development over time studied, Saussure insisted on the priority of the synchronic over the diachronic, and thus went against the grain of ‘orthodox practice. Because the signifier was articulated differes could only be understood as it was related and referent to all the other signifiers at any one moment in time. The sign only made sense if it was studied against the background of a syst snguage, therefore, Saussure was ab fier is purely negative and differential write the letter d in countless different ways a bout all that i necessary for it to signify is tha her letters of the system ~ that the letter d is letter ¢ of the letter b and so on. Thus, Saussure wrote, in language there are only differences without positive terms. Attention to the system of language forees us to look closely at the underlying structural rules that govern the generation and correct combination of signs. Thus any particular speech or writing act ~ parole — is seen to be conditioned by a system of grammar - langue ~ comprising regulations that are never. of couse, present all at once, but exist only as they are activated by parole. ‘A certain reciprocity therefore exists between langue and parole, which are always articulated in a relation of mutual dependency. ‘This brief - and inevitably reductive ~ account of Saussure’s is to set out the basis around which the main strand of struct means of analysing cultural phenomena, has grown up, and it is also. therefore, necessary to begin to understand what difference the f ism makes, The search for underlying rules between lism of Lévi-Strauss’ cross-cu 10 assert that the value of the writing, it is possible to forms, ‘order to examine a structure it must be totalised, it must be stopped ‘dead. This, of course was not a problem when dealing with the relatively time frame of the unproblematic ‘present’ stability of the kinship system, or the anti y it did mean that history became something bracketed off, returned to fonly subsequently as an afterthought. an annoying loose end. problem was how to return to this later. And it can be said that post ime a ny, by rethinking the diachronic within the synchronic. And this move. crucial as 5 ssod oy) jo Bumns “soajssuioys wodf 3243p worsis sty umyiH® asneaaq “29U9I}Ip Jo Woy) UYU aDes 1p aye Kou) ~ saanteUsaye se a}gryeae s98Uo| ue soUDso1g “SYsPUL LaYIO WOH} parrajOp pue OU EY a20Ut OU aq pinOM Aayp JO} “siUDWAROLE 0 aq uea BUNON “aAnoe ay PUP aatssed a4 og Supuais “ysuosg ayy ul 2 puogas 4p 105 ws oy Sq ‘amde9 or sidan ~ aoumaajfip jgWOAOW SIy1 O1 SaAI EPLUDG) sWeU ayy -sooUDL94)Ip Bu} eu uals aug, ‘s9081} Jo saDe pue Ss0UaIayp YL “IasqE 10 UDssid uowaye ay) Suowe Jo swuswa|9 s9yjo ay. 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Jog sith eg) adoy 24y "soueUOHOd Jo paeds ayy Zuiswassut NOMONGOMLNE Aiquaonow inoysia asiou ayp asearour (eypouIUTT] BuIseay) [PPA pas aAvy ~ papmyout sisenss92010-Is0d oALOs ~ SI yotuss 4g suvaus yensn ogi Bur9q siuauuisnfpe pur si jnus|osjsnoso8u 210M NON “SHaustt tou “suoHsaN ynoge S| YOog SINR “>siNOD JO “sparen | Boyes yojuns} a20u! © Aare [pur ‘2su9s 10U “20105 DHL -2suodsas arnjosqe Aypenbo av wey ss9y umpc tu ased 24) Jo uoneudosdde waar ayy Tune coyduis “Ansmpur adertiay aq) pur wisifezmia Luonierapisuos sty Ut siqnop paiejos sasnods> Jo pron st (¢ 201d st paford ( (z aadeya) 4a ABojooeyoue ysypeamion oy durddors mo4p jo) uruuaw.ay SHEETS pur “pauonso usdyreatBojoaeyaue s,yyneanoy Jo & WX 104 ‘MORNE Jo s>qOU AuRW AIP aHD4p LEsIUED STUD, sod @ jo s0uafsaua ,qyy, Aq SS yaz99HIP Jo 19g peu sf iulod sty Apmis Jo piay pam tumo sit Sundaooe s98u0] ou A Sit pue “yoo siyp ot yeruawepuny 23 Jo wowsuedxs oy ulm Suiddeyio.0 * oot luz a9unoWue 1 1u>tUL ¥aiuoo Jo aumidns axp pue Funti0 jody Jo suoneaguuer 94 ) sanyno ou 9q ueD 210g) 291 oyu Jo Apmys a4 SP \q “BOE 9g, SOUL Y>IyAL 1x91 # St 2AM yo Aajun 9g) Suiganisip po[eanas st jrudyrus axp Jo Ho! arsinasip, a JO 9410, 94D St [wLAICUE 9M Shuai si saieoseurop aunyjno [eri1ew! jo apou onu! ayy “zanamoy “wsyjemanns-Isod U7 ysinosip fjaind v st uaiew, ay) “¢oqoaeyaTE WSTIVAALOMLS HALIV ADOTOAVIDY ARCHAEOLOGY AFTER STRUCTURALISM Post-structuraism, on which see also Ryan (1982) which should be read bearing in mind the comments made by Eagleton (1986). Lentrcelts (1983) discusses the impact of the French avant-garde on Amen m. and surveys the American Yale ‘school’ of deconstruc. tion (de M: ) in 4 manner more critical than that of Leitch (1983) Who covers the same material REF R, (1973) Mythotogies ans: Granada R (974) New York: Hill & Wang. Heath, Condon: Fontana hes rans. R. Howard, New York: Hill & Wang. Ecology of Mind, London: Imertext ondon: Methuen Fuattari, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Deconstruction and Ideology, Ontord: Onto Barthes, Medusa’, rans. P. Cohen and K. Cohen, in on (eds) New French Feminisms: An Anthology ‘of Massachusetts Press, Predicament of Culture: Twenten-century Ethnography, ‘ondon: Harvard Press J: (1997) Language and Materialism, London: Routledge & London: Routledge & Kegan Paul London: Fontana 984) Antt-Ocdipus: Capitalism, and Schizophrenia, A Deleuze, G. Schizoph Derrida, 1988) A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and mn, Evanston iniversity Press 6) OF Grammatology. Press 1g and Differ ts. GC. Spivak, Baltimore: Johns fon: border lines’, in H, Bloom et a.. Deconstruction trans. A. Bass. London: Athlone Dasseminatin ‘Athione. ins. R. Rand, New York: Columbia University "in D. Wood and R. Bernasconi ton: North-Western University Prese, Siructuralism and the Claims of P. (1982) Michel Foucault: Beyond Structralism a: Harvester, id Hermeneutics, Bright 30 —_— INTRODUCTION » T (1986) Against the Gra -M, (1967) Madness and Ci Reason, trans. R. Howard, New York Foucault, M. (1972) The Archacology of Knowledge. trans. A. Sheridan, London Tavistock. M. (1978) The Order of Sciences, trans. A. Sheridan. Londos London: Verso yn the Age and S. Simon, Oxford: Blackw« Foucault, M. (1977b) ‘Language to infinity’, in M. Fos Memory, Practice: Selected Essays an F. Simon, Oxford: Blackwell Foucault, M. (197%) Discipline and Sheridan, London: Allen Lane Foucault, M. (197%) “My body, this paper, Oxford Literary Review 41) Foucault. M, (19796) The Hi R. Hurley, London: Foucal Language, Counter 8. DF Bouchard and ish: The Birth of the Prison, trans. A. is fire’ trans. G. Bennington, The me 1: An Introduction, trans sche, genealogy, his ‘Reader, London: Peregrine. Foucault, M, (1986) The History of Sevualty, Volume 2: The Use of Pleasure trans.'R. Hurley, London: Viking, Foucault, M. (1988) The His tans, R. Hurley. London Allen Frosh, $, (1987) The Polites of Psychoanalysis, London: Mact Hodder, 1. (ed.) (1982) Symbolic and. Siruct Cambridge University Press Hodder, 1. (1986) Reading The Past: Current Approaches to Interpretation in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Prose Hy", in PL Rabinow (ed.) The + Volume 3 The Care of the Self. Cambridge tivron (eds) New Fr University of Massachusetts Prese Jameson, F. (1972) The Prison House of Language, Princeton: Princeton University Press Jameson, F. (1983) The Pot ‘Art, London: Methuen Kristeva, J. (1980) ‘Woman can never be defined’, trans. M. A, Marks and 1, de Courtivron (eds) New French Feminisrae Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. Laplanche, J. and Leciaire, M. (1972) “The unconscious: & poye sfudy’, Vale French Studies 8, 118-7, Leitch, VB. (1981) “Deconstuctive London: Hutchinson, Lentricchia, F. (1983) After The New € MacCannet, JF. (1986) Figuring Lacae London: Croom Helm, Merquior. 1. G. (1985) Foucault, London: Fontana Miller, D. (1987) Material Culture and Mass Consuy D. and Tilley, C. (eds) Cambridge: Cambridge Univers ral Unconscious: Narrative as a Soetally Sy Part One INTERDISCIPLINARY READINGS

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