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private void drawMinimap()

if(anInt1021 == 2)
byte abyte0[] = mapBack.aByteArray1450;
int ai[] = DrawingArea.pixels;
int k2 = abyte0.length;
for(int i5 = 0; i5 < k2; i5++)
if(abyte0[i5] == 0)
ai[i5] = 0;
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray96
8, 25, 0, 0, 33, 25);
int i = minimapInt1 + minimapInt2 & 0x7ff;
int j = 48 + myPlayer.x / 32;
int l2 = 464 - myPlayer.y / 32;
aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1_1263.method352(151, i, anIntArray1229, 256 + min
imapInt3, anIntArray1052, l2, 5, 25, 146, j);
compass.method352(33, minimapInt1, anIntArray1057, 256, anIntArray968, 2
5, 0, 0, 33, 25);
for(int j5 = 0; j5 < anInt1071; j5++)
int k = (anIntArray1072[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
int i3 = (anIntArray1073[j5] * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
markMinimap(aClass30_Sub2_Sub1_Sub1Array1140[j5], k, i3);
for(int k5 = 0; k5 < 104; k5++)
for(int l5 = 0; l5 < 104; l5++)
NodeList class19 = groundArray[plane][k5][l5];
if(class19 != null)
int l = (k5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.x / 32;
int j3 = (l5 * 4 + 2) - myPlayer.y / 32;
markMinimap(mapDotItem, l, j3);
for(int i6 = 0; i6 < npcCount; i6++)
NPC npc = npcArray[npcIndices[i6]];
if(npc != null && npc.isVisible())
EntityDef entityDef = npc.desc;
if(entityDef.childrenIDs != null)
entityDef = entityDef.method161();
if(entityDef != null && entityDef.aBoolean87 && entityDef.aBoole
int i1 = npc.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
int k3 = npc.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
markMinimap(mapDotNPC, i1, k3);
for(int j6 = 0; j6 < playerCount; j6++)
Player player = playerArray[playerIndices[j6]];
if(player != null && player.isVisible())
int j1 = player.x / 32 - myPlayer.x / 32;
int l3 = player.y / 32 - myPlayer.y / 32;
boolean flag1 = false;
long l6 = TextClass.longForName(player.name);
for(int k6 = 0; k6 < friendsCount; k6++)
if(l6 != friendsListAsLongs[k6] || friendsNodeIDs[k6] == 0)
flag1 = true;
boolean flag2 = false;
if(myPlayer.team != 0 && player.team != 0 && myPlayer.team == pl
flag2 = true;
markMinimap(mapDotFriend, j1, l3);
markMinimap(mapDotTeam, j1, l3);
if(player.privelage > 2) //added if statement to
check if the player is a admin
markMinimap(modIcon[1], j1, l3); // draw
s gold crown
if(player.private == 1) //added of state,emt tp
check if the player is a mod
markMinimap(modIcon[0], j1, l3); // draw
s Silver Crown
markMinimap(mapDotPlayer, j1, l3);

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