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Nerve Origin

Phrenic C5 root
Dorsal scapular C5 root
Long Thoracic C5 root
Subclavius Upper Trunk
Suprascapular Upper Trunk
Lateral Pectoral Lateral Cord
Medial Pectoral Medial Cord (with contribution from lateral cord)
Musclulocutaneous Medial Cord

Lateral antebrachial cutaneous Musculocutaneous nerve

Upper subscapular Posterior cord

Thoracodorsal Posterior cord
Lower subscapular Posterior cord

Axillary Posterior cord

Lateral cutaneous Axillary nerve

Radial Posterior cord

Posterior cutaneous Radial nerve

Posterior antebrachial cutaneous Radial nerve
Superficial radial Radial nerve

Median Contributions from Lateral and Medial cord

Median nerve

Ulnar Medial Cord

Ulnar nerve
Contribution to phrenic nerve
Rhomboids and levator scapulae
Serratus anterior
Subclavius Muscle
Supra and Infraspinatous muscle
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis major and minor
Skin of lateral and anterior forearm

Subscapular muscle
Latissimus dorsi m.
Subscapular muscle
Teres major m.
Teres major m.
Lateral Arm
Abductor pollicus longus
Extensor muscles of wrist and fingers
Skin of posterior arm
Skin of posterior forearm
Radial half of dorsum of hand to histal interphalangeal joints

All muscles in anterior forearm

(except flexor carpi ulnaris and medial head of FDP)
1st and 2nd lumbricles
Abductor pollicus brevis
Flexor pollicus brevis
Opponens pollicus
Sensory fibers to lateral side of palm
and palmar surfaces of fingers 1-3 and
lateral side digit 4

Flexor carpi ulnaris, medial head of FDP in anterior forearm

Abductors (palmar interossei) and adductors (dorsal)
of fingers, hypothenar muscles, 3rd and 4th lumbricles
and adductor pollicus
Sensory fibers to ulnar 1/3rd of palm and dorsum
of hand and to digits 5 and medial side of 4

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