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Dakkel Vungaw

why Massacre happened?

M-magdalo revelation of massicve corruption was still nevr resolve

A-Ampatuan still are on the loose because the masterminds are still in position and
S-SMALL FISH and small buwaya are the sacrificial lamb

S-security of the whistleblowe and eyewitness are not protected and even killed . this is
seen in Dacer case

A-aquino -Galman case till now the real masterminds are still in power..and not only that
they also occupies being top legislator from Senator, Congressman and Governor.

C-cory Aquino voice as Peopple Power in the past did not change much our republic it
will surely sooner maybe be change for 100 percent if NOYNOY will do the Margarette
Thatcher Iron hand...to remove those governing the republic wihout CESO such as
ongoing RO2 BFP DIRECTOR Sergio Malupeng Soriano who faces various criminal and
admin case in ombudsman in 1990's tilo now and he is still in power despites he also
failed twice the CESO exam ..he is not only one there are still there around
100hundred..this is already his 100 stay in office and this Iam telling r still protected.

C-climate change because of denude forest and deforetation cause more flood and people
who suffered from canceroius genes because the ozone layer on the place they are staying
was already acidic and destroyed by chemical and pharmaceutical industries and

R-rape and other heionus crimes are pardoned and other crimes as robbery and graft
corruption are thrush or garbage by the office of the ombudsman despites of the solid

E-empowerment to provide jobs and projects of Fidel Ramos Republic act to inculcate
seminars and Moral and ethical issues having and allotment of billinof peso each year to
all govenmental and private institution are pocketted by the Arroyo Administration...that
why the moral and ethical fibers of those manniing the system from lowest mammal to
highest mammal is very low...See More

22 hours ago · UnlikeLike · FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" 16 peopleYou,
Nagasgasngin Marikkun, Nasingat Apapet, Dakkel Vungaw and 12 others like this. ·

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