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Item Price Quantity (10) Cost/hr (10) Quantity(25) Cost/hr (25)

Flask of Steelskin 295 2 590 3 885
Flask of Flowing Water 180 3 540 6.5 1170
Flask of the Draconic Mind 200 2 400 6.5 1300
Flask of Titanic Strength 160 1 160 4 640
Flask of the Winds 190 2 380 5 950
Deathblood Venom 2 0 0 0 0
Total cost 2070 4945
Uses per night 3 3
Cost per night 6210 14835
Raids per week 3 3
Cost per week 18630 44505

Flask of Steelskin 295 1 295 2 590
Flask of Flowing Water 180 3 540 6.5 1170
Flask of the Draconic Mind 200 1 200 2 400
Flask of Titanic Strength 160 1 160 2 320
Flask of the Winds 190 1 190 2 380
Deathblood Venom 2 8 16 16 32
Total cost 1385 2860
Uses per night 2 2
Cost per night 2770 5720
Raids per week 3 3
Cost per week 8310 17160

Savings per week 10320 27345

Cost to obtain cauldron

Flasks needed 550
Loss from crafting Goal Proc percenta Number to crafCost to cra
Flask of Steelskin 41.8 175 17.65% 149 253.2
Flask of Flowing Water -14.4 150 17.65% 128 194.4
Flask of the Draconic Mind -110.8 75 17.65% 64 310.8
Flask of Titanic Strength -70.4 75 17.65% 64 230.4
Flask of the Winds -98 75 17.65% 64 288
Total 550 469
Sales of profitable flasks
Net cash

Herbs needed
Mat Flasks Herbs Price each Cost Checksum
Volatile Life 469 2814 10.50 29547
Cinderbloom 213 2556 4.95 12652.2
Twilight Jasmine 213 2556 10.90 27860.4
Heartblossom 128 1536 4.95 7603.2
Stormvine 128 1536 6.00 9216
Azshara's Veil 128 1536 9.75 14976
Whiptail 128 1536 9.00 13824
Total 14070 115678.8 ok

Weeks to break even 10's 25's

Cost 86178.8 86178.8
Savings per week 10320 27345
Weeks 8 3
Cost/hr (25)

Total cost Total loss

37726.8 -7315
24883.2 2160
19891.2 8310
14745.6 5280
18432 7350
115678.8 15785
Flask of Steelskin Mat Prices
Item Price Quantity Cost/hr Volatile Life
Volatile Life 10.5 6 63 Cinderbloom
Cinderbloom 4.95 12 59.4 Twilight Jasmine
Twilight Jasmine 10.9 12 130.8 Heartblossom
Cost to craft 253.2 Azshara's Veil
Cost to buy 295 Whiptail

Flask of Flowing Water Flask Prices

Item Price Quantity Cost/hr Flask of Steelskin
Volatile Life 10.5 6 63 Flask of Flowing Water
Heartblossom 4.95 12 59.4 Flask of the Draconic Mind
Stormvine 6 12 72 Flask of Titanic Strength
Flask of the Winds
Cost to craft 194.4 Deathblood Venom
Cost to buy 180

Flask of the Draconic Mind

Item Price Quantity Cost/hr
Volatile Life 10.5 6 63
Azshara's Veil 9.75 12 117
Twilight Jasmine 10.9 12 130.8

Cost to craft 310.8

Cost to buy 200

Flask of Titanic Strength

Item Price Quantity Cost/hr
Volatile Life 10.5 6 63
Cinderbloom 4.95 12 59.4
Whiptail 9 12 108

Cost to craft 230.4

Cost to buy 160

Flask of the Winds

Item Price Quantity Cost/hr
Volatile Life 10.5 6 63
Azshara's Veil 9.75 12 117
Whiptail 9 12 108

Cost to craft 288

Cost to buy 190

Craft Buy Cost to Craft

253.2 295 41.8
194.4 180 -14.4
310.8 200 -110.8
230.4 160 -70.4
288 190 -98
6 2 -4

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