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Tel Aviv University,

Gilman-Humanities Building

S4 European Modeling Tour

Modeling Mobility in the City
February 8 – 9, 2011
Israel, Tel Aviv
S4 European Modeling Tour 2011
Modeling Mobility in the City Space
Workshop Program
Tuesday, February 8, 2011 Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Integral modeling of mobility Following householders and pedestrians
Chair: Itzhak Benenson Chair: Arnaud Banos
Shlomo Bikhor Ferdinando Semboloni
Integration of Activity-Based with Agent-Based
Planning Without Plan: Evolution and Emergent
Models: an Example from the Tel Aviv Model
Strategies in the Florence Metropolitan Area
and MATSim
9:00 9:00
Jean P. Antoni Shlomit Flint
– –
Mobisim: A Cellular Agent-Based Model of Residential dynamics of the Ultra-Orthodox in
10:45 Traffic Distribution in Urban Areas
10:45 Jerusalem
Cyrille Genre-Grandpierre Itzhak Benenson, Erez Hatna
Residential Migrations in the City - What is the
Network Metrics and Modal Competition
Strength of the Simple Models?
coffee break coffee break
Yoram Shiftan Michal Isaacson
Studying Repetition and Routine using High
Using Travel Activity-Based Accessibility
Resolution Time-Space Data: A New Approach to a
Measures in Residential Choice Models
Recurring Problem
11:00 Tsvi Vinokur 11:00 Gabriel Cotlier
– Estimating The Effects of the Proposed Light Rail – Wayfinding Performance and Spatial Learning
12:45 Transportation System on Metropolitan Tel 12:45 Process: Investigating by Means of Virtual
Aviv: An Examination Using UrbanSim Environments
Nadav Levy Gennady Waizman, Eilon Blanc
PARKAGENT2: an Agent-Based Model Of Spatially Explicit Agent-Based 3D Model of Traffic
Parking Search and Parking in the City Accidents
13:00 – 14:00 LUNCH
Public transportation and accessibility
Chair: Yoram Shiftan
Tomer Toledo
Busmezzo: Simulation of Public Transportation
Systems Operations
14:00 Asaf Bar Yosef
– Vicious Dynamics of Public Transportation
15:45 Systems Development
Arnaud Banos
Improving Individual Accessibility to the City
with ABM
coffee break Workshop Location
Dominique Badariotti
Reticular Model For Urban Simulation (REMUS):

Do Urban Patterns Impact Mobility?
Yoav Lerman Gilman Building
Morphological and Functional Attributes of the
Urban Environment and Pedestrian Movement Room 262
Amit Rosenthal
High-Resolution Estimation of Accessibility with
the Public Transport in the City

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