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Human Resource Management - ADL-09-

Assignment - A
Question 1. What do you mean by Human Resource Management? Also discuss in brief
both the managerial and the operative function of Human Resource

Answer: Human Resources Management is one of the most complex and challenging fields
of management, it deals with the people dimension in management. Over the past eighty
years, various approaches to human resource management have been adopted by companies.
The human resource approach which is currently in vogue, has redefined the way people are
treated and managed in organizational contexts. This approach requires that employees of the
work force be treated as resources and not just as factors of production (as in scientific
approach) or emotional beings with psychological needs (as in the human relations

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Question 2. Define the term ‘Human Resource Planning'. Also explain in brief, the
process of Human Resource Planning.

Question 3. Write short notes on any three of the following:

Job Analysis
Job Enlargement
Job Enrichment
Sources of Human Resource Supply
Process of Selection

Question 4. Discuss in brief, the methods of training.

Question 5. What are the skills required by executives? Also explain the methods of
developing such skills.

Assignment - B
Question 1. Distinguish between ‘Performance Appraisal’ and ‘Potential Appraisal'.
Also discuss in brief, the methods of performance appraisal.

Question 2. Distinguish between ‘Monetary Rewards’ and ‘Non Monetary Rewards'.

Also enlist various types of monetary and non monetary rewards.

Question 3. Write short notes on any three of the following:

1. Emerging HR issues in knowledge industry
2. Incentive plans for operative staff
3. Functions of Trade Union
4. The Expatriate Problems
5. Existing machinery for settlement of industrial dispute in our country

Case Study
“You call this Selection Interview”!

Suresh Kumar was production manager for Singer Industries Limited, a Noida based
electrical appliance company near Delhi. Suresh had to approve the hiring of new supervisors
in the plant. The HR manager performed the initial screening.

On Friday afternoon, Suresh got a call from Anil Dhavan, Singer's HR Director. ‘Suresh’
Anil said, “I have just talked to a young engineering graduate from a regional engineering
college who may be just who you're looking for to fill that supervisor job you asked me
about. He has some good work experience in a multinational firm located in Pune, but at a
lower salary level. He wants to come over to Noida where his parents live”. Suresh replied,
well, Anilji, “I would take care of the boy”. Anil continued, “He is here right now in my
office, I am sending him to you, if you are free”. Suresh hesitated a moment before replying,
“Great Sir”, I am certainly busy today but I can't afford to displease your either. Sir, send him

A moment later, Ranga Rao, the new applicant arrived at Suresh's office and introduced
himself. “Come on in Rao”, said Suresh. “I'll be right with you after I make a few urgent
phone calls”. Fifteen minutes later, Suresh finished the calls and began interviewing Rao.
Suresh was quite impressed. The merit certificates, the best suggestion award from previous
multinational firm and Rao's quick responses revealed the candidate's potential. Meanwhile,
Suresh's door opened and a supervisor yelled, “we have a small problem on line number 5
and need your help”.

"Sure”, Suresh replied, “Excuse me a minute, Rao”. Fifteen minutes later, Suresh returned
and the dialogue continued for another few minutes before a series of phone calls again
interrupted him.

The same pattern of interruption continues for the next forty minutes. Rao looked at the
watch embarrassingly and said, “I am sorry. Suresh, I have to go now. I have to catch the
train to Pune at 9 P. M.”.

"Sure thing, Rao, “Suresh said as the phone rang again. “Call me after a week”.

Question 01. What specific policies might a company follow to avoid interviews like this

Question 02. Explain why Suresh and not Anil should make the selection decision.

Question 03. Is it a food policy to pick up candidates through ‘employees referral

method? Why and why not? Explain keeping the case in the background.

Assignment - C
1. The secret of the success of Japanese companies lies in the fact that:
A) they use state of the art technology
B) they pay higher wages to their employ
C) they view employs as there most valuable asset
D) they are hard task masters

2. Human resource management does not look after:

A) procurement and development of human factor for the human organization
B) Compensation and integration of human factor for the organization
C) Maintenance of human factor in the organization
D) dehumanizing in the organization

3. Which of the following is not a true statement in respect of objectives of hrm?

A) HRM ensure respect for human factor in the organization
B) HRM motivates satisfies and maintain high moral of the employees
C) HRM helps in promoting well being of the society
D) HRM helps in enhancing the rate of labour turnover

4. New concepts like TQM, kaizen, QWL and Employment came into prominence during:
A) 1950s
B) 1970s
C) 1990s
D) 1930s

5. The concept of welfare stage in HRM started from:

A) 1920-1930
B) 1980-1990
C) 1905-1910
D) 1915-1920

6. Which of the following in managerial function?

A) Staffing and directing
B) Procurement and development
C) Compensation and integration
D) Maintenance and integration

7. HRM is now being considered as:

A) Disciplinary department
B) Strategic management function
C) Inter disciplinary department
D) Auxiliary function

8. Which is not true?

A) HR planning is helpful in detailing the number of kinds of personal required
B) It spell out the qualification skill and expertise of personal required in all organization
C) It give lead times for recruitment Selection training and development of personal
D) HR planning integrates the employees into the organization

9. Which of the following is not a stage of the process of the HR planning?

A) Identifying objective
B) Developing manpower
C) Assessing Business plan
D) Manpower audit

10. Once job analysis is conducted, the data reviewed is:

A) Job description
B) Job enlargement
C) Job enrichment
D) Downsizing

11. Which is not true regarding job analysis?

A) It is a process of data collection
B) It is a procedure through which fact are gathered for rich job
C) Information about the job is systematically discovered & noted
D) It is a process of data dissemination

12. Job description does not consist of:

A) Job summary
B) Job evaluation
C) Hazards involved
D) Pay

13. Who of the following is not the source of job information in connections with job
A) Job holder
B) Independent observers
C) Interviews
D) Pay commission

14. Recruitment is not:

A) The process of searching for prospective candidates and simulating them to apply for
job in the organization
B) Attracting lot of potential for the company
C) A positive concept
D) Selecting the best candidates

15. Which of the following is not a stage in the process of selection?

A) Advertisement
B) Initial contract
C) Screening
D) Physical examination

16. Which is not a Pseudo way of selecting applicant?

A) Astrology
B) Phrenology
C) Graphology
D) Ecology

17. Career planning is:

A) All the jobs that are held during ones working life
B) Future position ones trives to reach as a part of career
C) The stage through which a person's career evolves
D) The process by which one selects career goals and the path to these goals

18. Which of the following is not the step in the career planning and development process?
A) Analyzing the skill aptitudes & knowledge of the employ
B) Formulation policies
C) Identifying and analyzing career opportunities
D) Preparing action plans and periodic review

19. Which of the following is not on-the- job method of training?

A) Apprenticeship
B) Position rotation
C) Vestibule school
D) Role playing

20. Which of the following is not off-the- job method of training?

A) case studies
B) simulation
C) sensitivity training
D) special project

21. Which of the following is not the technique of developing executives?

A) Business games
B) Case studies
C) In basket exercises
D) Apprenticeship

22. Which of the following is not the principle of training?

A) Motivation
B) Active participation
C) Perception
D) Re-enforcement

23. in the paired comparison technique of performance appraisal, which of the following
formulae is applied?
A) no. of comparison =N(N-1)/2 B) no. of comparison =N-(N-1)/1
C) no. of comparison =N-(N-1)/2
D) no. of comparison =N-(N-1)/131

24. Which of the following is not one of the modern methods of performance appraisal?
A) 360° Technique
B) Human resource accounting
C) Descriptive evaluation
D) Bars

25. Which of the following statements regarding MBO is not true?

A) MBO has emerged as reaction to the traditional management practices
B) MBO has a special provision for mutual goal setting
C) There is no special provision in MBO for appraising of progress by both the appraiser
and the appraise
D) MBO is based on behavioral value of fundamental trust in the goodness of human

26. Which of the following incentives plans is not for blue collar employees?
A) straight piece rate plan
B) salary plan
C) differential piece rate plan
D) straight piece rate with guaranteed minimum wages

27. Which of the following incentive plans is not for while collar employees?
A) salary plan
B) salary & commission plan
C) commission plan
D) bedaux plan

28. Which of the following is not an incentive plan for individuals under blue collar
A) Priest man plan
B) Rowan plan
C) Emerson plan
D) Bedaux plan

29. Performance based rewards do not include:

A) Social security benefits
B) Piece work
C) Commission
D) Merit pay plan

30. The objectives of compensation administration are not to:

A) Simplify collective bargaining
B) Boost the moral of employee
C) Plan for effective manpower training
D) Eliminate chances of favoritism

31. Which of the following is not a closely related aspect of wage administration?
A) Compensation survey
B) Job evaluation
C) Performances appraisal
D) Merit rating
E) Incentives

32. Which of the following is not one the principles of compensation administration?
A) Wages policies need not be clearly expressed in writing
B) Job description and rating should be periodically checked to keep them updated
C) Wage decision should be checked up against carefully formulated policies
D) It is a management's responsibility to make the wage policy known to every employee

33. Which of these is not an internal cause of indiscipline?

A) Divide and rule policy
B) Biesed attitude of management
C) Defective supervision
D) Violence and disturbance in the country

34. Which of the not the objectives of labour relations?

A) To promote general welfare of workers
B) To promote industrial democracy through workers participation in management
C) To enhanced labour turnover
D) To improve productivity of the organization

35. Which of the following is not a measure to prevent industrial disputes?

A) Works committees
B) voluntary arbitration
C) Collective bargaining
D) Labour co partnership

36. Which of the following is not a part of adjudication machinery?

A) Labour court
B) Board of conciliation
C) Industrial tribunals
D) National tribunals

37 Which of the following is not the feature of collective bargaining?

A) It is a group action
B) It is a static and rigid process
C) It is a continuous process
D) It is an advanced form of human relations

38. Which of the following is not a sub part of negotiating stage?

A) Identification of problems
B) Preparation of negotiation
C) Negotiation of agreement
D) Workers of participation in management

39. Which of the following is not a type of negotiating procedure?

A) Haggling bargaining
B) Price bargaining
C) Continuous bargaining
D) boulwarism bargaining

40. Which of the following is not the cause for limited success of collective bargaining in
A) Multiplicity of trade union
B) Weak trade union
C) Difficult accessibility of adjudication
D) Interference of political parties

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