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Vittorio Orlando (Italy)-Kate

Georges Clemenceau (France)-Lauren
David Lloyd George (Britain)- Petra
Woodrow Wilson (U.S.)- Armani

Wilson: Ehhh guys lets get together and settle this peace issue.
George: Cool dude this gotta get done my brotha.
Clemencau: Well umm lets make sure we leave germany out, theyll kill the buzz.
Wilson: Why i mean they were apart of this as well.
Orlando: Im just hear of the land, yall can take the revenge.
Clemenceau: They out alsace-lorraine and we want it back, they better not seek r
evenge against us
George: I know there so vindictive.
Orlando: yeah were the big four we dont need anybody else apart of this descisci
Clemenceau: Well can we get the rhinelands
Wilson: That goes agaisnt my idea of self-determination
George: Also germany needs to accepted all the blame for this war
Cleamenceau: Totally dude they are going to pay for this war.
George: Germany will never mess with us a again,
Wilson: lets not be harsh on germany because we were apart of this was as much a
s we were.

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