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KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .576

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 880.532

Df 210

Sig. .000

Rotated Component Matrix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Variety -.217 .252 .191 .092 .514 -.012 .340
Quality .091 .288 -.070 .107 .757 .064 .037
Location .536 .172 .165 -.178 .277 .441 -.120
Private Label .024 -.168 -.008 .095 .811 .137 .185
Phone Order -.014 .054 .002 -.062 .226 .784 .072
Convenience .015 .110 -.100 .826 .228 -.090 .030
Long Working Hours .177 .320 .342 .551 .287 .096 -.281
Reasonable Price .139 .126 .778 -.169 .024 .097 .052
Value For Money -.068 .224 .550 -.064 .022 .174 .500
Proximity to Home .280 -.085 .007 .620 -.133 .274 .380
Better Lighting .800 -.005 .264 .084 -.083 .025 .355
Store Design .841 -.170 .026 .127 .076 -.039 .059
Home Delivery .277 -.028 .356 .395 -.124 .580 -.155
Social status .101 -.138 -.456 .131 -.033 .632 .069
Fast Billing -.093 .837 .164 .198 .028 .085 .000
Good Service .176 .810 -.125 -.028 .075 -.171 .041
Accepts Credit cards .307 -.106 -.066 .032 .258 .040 .566
Shelf arrangements .310 .139 .427 .038 -.048 -.105 .571
Clean & Appealing .552 .340 .140 .300 -.266 .102 .305
Returns and
.612 .197 -.282 .060 .137 .190 -.119

 The KMO measure of sampling adequacy of 0.576, which is nothing but the summation of all the
squared correlation coefficients divided by the sum of all the squared correlation coefficients plus the

sum of all the partial correlation coefficients, is well above the suggested value of 0.50 thus indicating

to proceed with the factor analysis.

 From the plot it is identified that the initial Eigen value is above 1. Also from the plot the polygon it is
steeper for first two component variables, so the optimum number of factors could be extracted is “7”

 Among 21 variables, Formations of factors are as follows

Store Design
Clean & Appealing
Shelf arrangements
Better Lighting – FACTOR.1

Fast Billing
Good Service – FACTOR.2

Reasonable Price
Value for Money – FACTOR. 3

Proximity to Home
Long Working Hours– FACTOR. 4

Private Label - FACTOR. 5

Phone Order
Home Delivery
Social status – FACTOR. 6

Accepts Credit cards

Returns and Adjustments – FACTOR.7

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