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Tumour. DEFINITION ‘A tomour is an abnormal mass of tissue the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of normal tissue and persists in the same excessive manner after cessation of stimuli of which evoke the change. CLASSIFICATION: (A) Benign: (a) Soft Tissue Tumours: 01. Papilloma. 02. Fibroma. 03. Lipoma. 04. Myoma. 05. Neuroma. 06. Neuro-ectodermal tumour of infancy. 07. Haemangioma. 08. Lymphangioma. 09. Pyogenic granuloma. 10. Pregnancy tumour. (6) Giant Cell lesions: 01. Giant cell gralnuloma- (i) Central. (ii) Peripheral. 02. Osteopjastoma. 03. Cherubism. (©) Odontogenic Tumour: 01. Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour: >> No inductive change in connective tissue. (i) | Ameloblastoma. (i Adeno-ameloblastoma. ') Calcifying odontoganic epithelial tumour. >> Inductive change in connective tissue. (i) Ameloblastic fibroma. (ii) | Ameloblastic Sarcoma. (iii) Dentinoma. (iv) Odontoma. (v) Ameloblastic o¢ontome. 02. Mesodermal Odontogenic Tumour: (i) Odontogenic myxoma or fibromyxoma. (ii) Cementifying fibroma. (ii) Cementoma. (@) Osteogenic tumour: 01. Osteoma. 02. Osteoblastoma. 03. Osteochondroma. 04. Chondroma. 05. Fibrous dysplasia. 06. Myxoma. (B) Malignant Tumour: (a) Carginoma : 01. Squamous Cell carcinoma. 02. Adenocarcinoma. 03. Varicous carcinoma. 04. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (b) Sarcoma: 01. Osteosarcoma. 02. Chondroma. 03. Fibroma> (c) Malignant Odontogenic Tumour: 1. Odontogenicg carcinoma. 02. Odontogenic sarcoma. 02. Multiple myeloma. 03. Hodgkin’s desease. 04 Ewing’s disease. Odontogenic Tumour: Odentogenic tumours are neoplasm that arise from the dental lamina or any of its derivatives. Most of them are benign and at least one is malignant. In United States odontogenic tumours constitute about 09% of all tumours of oral cavity and 2.4% of all lesions biopsied in dental office. By contrast in some part of Africa one odontoenic tumour alone constitutes more than 25% of all tumour at the jaws. Thus are incidence of this group of lesion has a geopraphic variation. Classfication Of Odontogenic Tumours: (A) Epithelial tumours. (B) Mesodermal tumours. (C) Tumour of unknown origin. (A) Odontogenic Epithelial Tumours: (a) Benign tumours. (b) Malignant tumour. (@) Benign Tumours: Tumour producing minimal inductive changes in the connective tissue. 01. Ameloblastoma. 02. Calcifying Odontogenic tumour. 03. Adeno-ameloblastoma. 04. Ameloblastic fibroma. 05. Amelobrastic fibro odontoma. 06. Odonto- ameloblastoma. 07. Compund composite odontome. 08. Complex composite odontome. (b) Malignant Tumours: 01. Primary intra-alveolar epidermoid carcinoma. 02. Malignant ameloblastoma. 03. Ameloblastic carcinoma.

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