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Take time to look back on your writing and your writing process. What did you learn
about writing as you actually completed each essay? For each individual essay, consider
the following questions. The questions should help you look deeper into your writing
process. You will discuss your responses with Mrs. Griffith during a Skype session on an
assigned day and time.

For each individual entry:

1. What I like best about this work….

2. What I like least about this work….

3. If I were to complete this assignment again, I would….

4. The next time I write, I would like to try….


1. What were your initial writing goals?

2. When reflecting on your four essays, what strengths and weaknesses do you see?

3. Compared with your current work, how would you categorize your earlier work?

4. What entry makes you most proud?

5. Did you achieve the goals you set at the onset of English 101? Why or why not?

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