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Metropolia Ortodossa di Aquileia Arcidiocesi di Milano Al . S. Cromazio &i Aquileia Evloghios 1 Metropolita Primate DECRETO NR° 542 We,Evloghios,by the grace of God,Metropolitan of Aquileia and Archbishop of Milan ,First Hierarch of the Holy Synod,acting within the boundaries of Our territory of Western Europe and the Americas and with the agreement of our brother Hierarchs of the Holy Synod,do hereby grant permission to the Orthodox Metropolitan Chur ch of Nort and South America and the British Isles to self-govern,as their Principal Headquarters the God-protected Metropolitan City of New York eae ‘The Metropolitan of New York shall perform his holy apostolic duty to the churches, communities and parishes which would be directed to him and his brother Hierarchs of the Metropolis. This Metropolis will be under the primacy of the Orthodox Metropolitan Church of Milan and Aquileia. We further nominate and bless the present ruling Archbishop of New York, the Archbishop John as the First Hierarch of the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolitan Church of North and South America and the British Isles of the Synod of Milan and Aquileia, and hhequeath to him the rank of Metropolitan and the appellation of His Beatitude. This has been done in our Holy Synod for Western Europe the day of the celebration of the Hieromartyr St, Valentine (Feb. 14, 2041, 0.8.). Socal Ente gh Yope aus Soprear 26/43 - T- 20M Evloghios 1, First Hierarch of the Holy Synod Archbishop of Milan and Metropolitan of Aquileia Primate We 9) b maa Fi fh me he Mowe Ss

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