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I _ __ . - _'.. _

A Prim er on Dam D' ·le··S;··I·g' ... m

.. _ '. It·~ :_1 . !tV ~_':/ _ .'1 ='. " ,. I' , ..... ' /.', ," " I.. • "

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D· .. -! ' ' d" c·:···· .. v., '.' st -·,·········· I··t··,·····,·

__ eSlg,n a" lr... . ... ·..ons1ru'c Ion


Darren Doherty


- ·.E CBEAPESIT W A .' to S,' .ore large volumes of open

water is ion a water sto rage dam at pond. The po tent i al funetlon and aesthetics of a d~U11 ar ... re alized through good design.jhorough plannlng and, Investigation. and appropri-

ate ccnsrructton techniques, This article addresses these outcomes

by outllning the process we go through 'when designing and ii,

Ctens.t~uc~lng a dUl11 or series of darns on a client's property, ~ W'e_"'~ .is AusIFaJ'in .. F illx Permaculture, my' landscape deslgn flrm in

Bendigo, Cemml Victoria. Australia, Aust alia FelLI works

t'C." -'::;"U-Iob..t!'\'-llt ['11;1':1 sot 'llii"mr....~"::I[_'>'tia:!F1-n part o .of· A: U" tra 'I ~I G i: n iIIl- im ee rate coo ·'1

~-III IU L61~IIW ' . J'lwl .~'. '1·.~~lw"liii'.1Lti: .. ! _,':Q;.J .. ' '-.1' I .". [I d.!!llI, IJ_, ~'-'-I-I!f~~'l ~t.: 1- '. __ 1," :··,,1

.,~nlpetate., sem ~~ ari d a, nd M edlterranean !c'll imates, and, has

:,.;1,-, slzned an d develooe d· over 7'0'.' 0 .. ·· pro p'. erti ~.I[:I. ~"~""lf'g:.t,;IiJ, and srnal m I. [nee I'M.:!I,_ II ', ~. ""'., iQ,"~" U¥l' ..... I,1:"" _ .' '!i;". _." _ 1_""'" 1!l.-!J!:.,;r.:JI I,~,u~, !Io.!-", .-:JIu.u:_U ~ ~ .. ,,",""'"

w:·. start cd in 199 3 ~

In prlq:i eels where the d am wa U is. highe r' than five. meters ~ where dan] failure could result in ,10'58 ef' '~fe or serious damage to property, or-where the developer's expertise is Ilmlted, a (;'1"1] engineer shou ld be deft n itel y be, in via. vied" .A~_ SI ~u ide" hOW'L~'Vl~r" the following tntormauon wil; guide the desigr ":r/dev,-J_,p:,;" Ion the: issues to be considered in des igni 11.8 and eonstructing an. earthen water storage dam,

Wiry Build a Dal,11

The: sight of water storage darns is common in Australian rural, fn~rnling. II andscapes, Darn construcrien allows us to store large volumes 0"" water for a Inult~pHci~Y' of integra ted u ~ es, such as aquacu 'I. tu re. erosion control " g ra vi ty i rri gari on" .~ lock 3 nd dom,estilc: ·w.a~,e:r ;~rt'Qra.g·,e:, ····el~lr passive effec'Ui wildlife habitat, ue··the.-~lcs and ~·ecreat'~· n. A \vel~-de:~igned. dllllli car b·': 'Us._.d for






;all these th i ngs at once 1.

If you need to store anynhi.ng less than around lOO~.oOn liters of water or if potable wa I!er i.':·, needed then a ... ' ater ~. torage ta,,, k constructed of concrete .. , metal, elastic, or other materials mav be

~~ r- .3

a cbe:(it'~er and better opti n, Also, ":" the site desizn proc ~",~,~

(r, I~ I

indicates that darn construction 'i: 7 lnefficient and therefore

uneermomie. a, tank is preferab e ~ Tan ks can be 'Used by them-

'_I 1'·:. . or as a, source of effective :r vity storage in conju~n.c'tiou 'W ith a lower ~ e vel d a m 'i S tream ~ or groan d. water source,

Until relatively recently tho low COSl ease 0". 'constructien, and

la ck I' Q .. 4r.· 'J-~O:U' '1 at 1·:0:: n ~ 'n d r- "iI:rn', ....,,0. "n e ~lii1i "'C-:'·iII'l'· on J1 rni 'V-'· -·Ie·- 0:-; ft .'. e· .. ,C i;:"l1li ~t- ~;.~ ii n-:- ",~'II I·Q'Iw.- I . ,II 'I'LlrCI'_""'_:'= II. l~,1;11 " . it. I !WI" .. a!IL.J.I!'U ILr '~ll .. ~ ... . ,,! 1_' i1!!ldi,11 wU ~ 1_, ~,

lack o "pernl~lrU3:nCe effectiveness, ;tlrid aesthe .. tic: appeal. P .. ,A .. Yeomans was the fir,~,,-' to capture to. .true potential of dams on rurallandscapes through his integrated Keyline farm design , system which he and rls sons developed '~D' [he pest-war :'~ ars in :S'DU th eas 'tern Austral i: a .. Keyl ine h as been. adopted by

• II •

permaeulture designers as the best t~chniq'ue for broad . andscape

design layou,'[., 'his process starts with the use of the Keyline

SIC'C[ ~ e of P,e.J~ In anence in. con ~ un etion with permaculture de s ign ethic'S and principles, The k y curreat reference 'tor the Ye omans

X ~Y" ~ ii n ~ ~ ys tern ii~' It: he b :'O';f:"i,II,:,' 'W· -'. i:li'lil~.!".:i" j~~ 1-~'1Ii 1:1 ,Ii..... Fe '.I'.I.,.'U,. .'!..~ 'V·' ,~:'I" ~ b" '1] i ..

I~ lill I 1i.ir ~ L ll.w ~ ~ I.~}' _,I ~ .. U f"iu .a;,~.l~'!11· '3 ~·tfr ,e!li ~ r' 1i I: till '"111][1: fIi! U , 1".11 J dlUI ' . ,._

l : _" ~ ~

'I 'I.... "-11 'K 'I'; D" Ib . k I"

tnrougn tne . .i.' I)' une , .:e!"u,gns websit _-;www I,~ey me.com • au

L,6.'uaIPlaofli"lg···.· Requiremem»

'"l3i ,I. t _r., " ~'..:..:_ . ~ .• ' I. !.l~ ,_.l _.I'd

Th f:~ f' 'Ii.. ~ ' ..... ; ~ f a d ,.

e : J rst "an·~ tu e nr . c·, s,· In : I Wi _' c on ~tru. -1 i.OI ., - ~, .. ~ :a:m is 'to

~~ .

add .,.'. th .,.-.- ..... ,:. ;·.··t·· '. ~_C'I' .-ili· -·~·--I,-·t'.·,.·.- .. · I .• " '_.·11:·.· ·d· ....

i,fl, . ,ress ~_ ,_ a,p,propl!iI.,BII..'e: bov~mnt_[h. f~gu ,aLlons con. gl~. !l,g IH.m.

- _ -

rr'~o-· ~l·:~:~.rncuo· '.]-'1, ·ln~I' i!'he·.·' u,!!:"p. o:'f 'th- . ,. w· .. i L·t:~·r . .-t'nlf"ljtliJd' .. n ·t·.h, ~ p-:·,'Fio··· 'p'. 0:·' ... JJ!i1d· .

IW . II '"Jilii _" "I 1t __ ,.Ul ~ ,_ .. il...... '... ~ .. '- . VI 'W. ,._._ ,;11' • _U


storaO'e' '~) The p"urnosle of these' --'g' uat1ion jl l,o P-.'I-·.t~c~ Ithe

.. ' . '. e ...... :.. ,,' '_' - .. II!! r!" .~ -' II - _:. I·_:. ._" I •• [ ,.... iI.-' I'.' ~ .1ft! .. 1.. '. I'

'[;0111111 un.:ity fr1c)"nl pOrOr~y co:nstructed da.'m :·and 1,'0 ,pn"'u're tha'[ '. 'o10n NI ~-'·-:-'II'.· 'r-' 11··'~'~OUlr'l"~i ' ar' n" .. [

w. .. . .~ II ) ~.,~tJ"":" _I L_W ~ ,::...:L· !,~~. ,i ¥._ _ __ "_ ~ .' .

unf~,i:rl:y dL tt:iibuu~d ~ ... ··o,n,ltac your st~~],['CI or-I .·cal ,~O"I'crn:m .. nt '(\IJtho,_-it.y 'h) abi,a,in ~h' nec:,c;c..lary 'Ic,_ oJ ,and .ennL a~,v'!!ce,", T' eym' IY' ~ds'·· 'be ;", 50Ulrc.e- of

'U seJu ~I .. -gional and g ~ ·n.e'fa, I 'il n'r~oml ~il[ion E Gctti ng i"tl to'Uc,h with a [I.ocii~:l ci.,·. n en' . 'iineer ,ex'p' ,en_·tIC1. d 'w"th

, ,

d'· . I . '. ,- .. ··.,uu··· , .... : '1'" .: .. "' .. '. ,- ,- ~·-·,'f· I " d .. I.,.., (

.. ,lam, clons., C L ~on L _ very usc, 1m I, 31m)· . m:3,y Ill'.- I

requirrem,en t 0'" 1 ,8 "p:~a Ilnlng 1.- r bu'i Idi.n ~ p~:_'nnilt be ~ ng

~ I~~if!~ '1'Dd!II~~IU~·.: _,!!!!



(" . ...!II' -. .~. . "d .. , - .. -. - 0, f,lio- - . 11,- .

1.ln os,e rea.s~ ng or .• sir 10li p Sirman elncel'~ h.lem.5, I~ower

dow!n are mlora ea:s~ly changI8:d)

C:[lI"ima'ls' Land S,h,a.pe Water


IU.'~. lJk'_


IB u il,di ng's Su bd i.\"i:Si~Qn ,SIOUt




~ . ---- ~-. _

- .

Dam Site'ldelzti:h'c,a,tion


D···· ·,~,t·" id ····t'~"f·~'·' atio 11.·, ']d": b ., , ~",'I'~, ofs h ·1" ,,~,,' ,-.,

"Ul1 SL e ,I.· enu tea ion '5,11.10[1" ... e a "re..5U1L ,', c ,~ ;0, ,1SI~,H: property

. (I .J.

plann i ng ,'~' p .. irocess U sins perm ac ultn re desi zn n:rWJlfcl'p·. ~ es' \-v ith an

,".. '.' :~,: ,.' .. " ·"-""b " .. ' , .. , ". ,. '''''''0''' r·" .. , '" ,. " , , .. !t; .. ,

... ~,t.. . ,~.., t· .. he -' .-, .. 'f· ,t-"'l ... 'K',,·· .. , "1- '. .. S······ rle .. ·'fc-, p.".. . - ' .. ' .. ,.... F-'::-:'···, ·t·')- ....

empnasis on rr e use 0" I, ie ·.ey me ..... care 0, ,e·.rn1.du,e,nce,;.. . 'or ne

" .. ' ,'. .., ', :., ':f;-' f,i..,''''::" ii'i ~"I-.: 1-··· Lf. .. , ,'. t·, ".': ": ~"I(l1il _. .. ··'~i ,.. ~;;,,.., r ' .• 'I'" " ,r, ,je t· t .:' .,~ .. _'c.,.

purposes, 0. . nus ~ die: e I iowever, we wu . .J.oo,t\.. pnmaru y at I ne pm, ,a-

, et , .. ,'. , , ... 'f' '.I'il:'<:(,"~SS:' n· g" iil'.t. - . ";"'."'- tial iti '.'. ··f:" dan "-., 'j~'il...d [ ... -" -. d .. ', ,. ,

me ers 0:, ,a":;'.J!~·_.J:.". U.:I.e pel!i..e"Fl~J,a S,I.,:lng 0. ,a.lns m LU,~ an, scape.

T· - h , ... ·fi·,·'-··, t ,~;.- "'" Ii .. - .. -:, to , ... d': '.,l .. ',. ~ ,., .. " 'W··· '·:~h· !". [" th .. ,' j •• IF" • " ,.',: .• ', ..

, . ,e IUS" u, sues ,,0 3;.: ,ur,egs· are,m . '~. , : .a , ,are !\. _. ,e wa~e] res OUl 'ces

, 'J

.. , .. '1 'b'l'·· It. -- '1I' - . ,.., .. .- 'II... ' , th .. , fl'· .. " . 'I,;." ., - a, "." " tl', .,., b .

BV,2U_ a, ne LO ne "property" new ~L .. ,ey _,,,,OW., nOW can ureyne

capture d, what is the ""IIO:'·~,~ cost effec .tive ''tli,Ji'';iI(t/' ,o':'f"I1"~'Q'· " .... ;'Iiii'D., t· h 190m' - an ,d':

WU,I:-" __ '~ ... , .. IJtuL IJa! ., ,lil.··:·Oi!Llll ~ .. ,~ . \i;;. IL~ t ... " ~ ·""'·I";r .... ~I~ .. ·(11 ~ILI:IC II ~.I; .,.c .,' J

how' much is actually needed to be stored? .

I~= .' • _ ': 0 .... '. • It ~ .I J.1 .~'.. :, • '. ' " • .: •.•. .:. I....:. ee- •.. _. -!il! . .. Il I.:..:. .. I '!!

W'-c, alwavs start w,· 1" , .. h !'!:II .... H;lJ",-,.'I. ... , ;,-,.,' .• t analvsis whi ch id sntlfies

. 'e 180 wa",..", ,;:IIi~(;L. - "L. ,~~, ""'Ll'lCu11]eu"" all . ,yS.lS,~ w I.e I , . .1 ,erh,1 le,!i

h h wa fl' . h h- "U: . d '" th

.:-".-.,-. --~ '1· ,·1 1" -ii!"'· .•.. -j-.!'" . , ... -"io ...•. --(]II" 'I'l -' •.• I . ·jl··i-.·-· . I.: ·1 ~ .',iI'. , , , ' .

ow muc" w i;.~lte,], .. ,QW s t _ roub __ ,a_ property ~ , . n· !ers tanding t "e

,I and patterns, as shown on topographical In a p.s, ls cruc ia I, fa r [he' effective calculation of catch m en 'f.'F "T· h ;;'" is achieved b v reco sniz-

1!iJ .. ' .' .. '.' '''~ , ,"~!l;,;" LH.Ii.!!;;..IIU I~ ~~" "j, Ii;ri, lIOlJ" ",II;]! ,oJ (.,11. ,I .. '!;,;" 'J:' ,II....'.e ,,,IIi,jI'~

,.', .. "., t· h ,.. W" ,\,. ,: th . .. , .. . .. " ., .', 'f> ,-, ';" '~'~,.-, :' de ·'f! .., ' td 0'· . -~ •. , d'''' "';1'1'·· ,~-, I d

lug . I e ~" ay 1~1 te ,Ulap 51 CO.fb.OIJJ' unes .... Ie, me n ges, .sa. u, .es :dI11' .

vallevs 0·:·'· g'. '11''In: ies

'.' ·~U. I~ J .... ; I •..• ·'~l . .=.'. 1L11'~Ii~J ·!f~1V·~:1ii

'B egin by defin ing the W ater di'(i.de, , ,:i nes (or cen tier ~ ,ru nes) on 1 be ridges of the particular oatc hment area as ['h e boundaries of that

' ... '. ,. chm -- 'f O·:~ .'., , .. , -, 'i"-h"· " . d" ..... - -, ..... _ ... , .. ~' ... '1: ,. _. c ,- -, -" , .. -, - -: .c,-.,.·,· (,.', .. "'d-

,cat,c .. Inen t~> [u~;,e ,~, ,,1.8 18 ' .. one~ IJ.se grhJ, pa,per tra nsp,areo cy I g,r I, .•. ,

11'·· '" d· , " ) d· - , -b .'

' .. ' .•.... , .• ".::- , .• :-.; .'.:-: .-:-.:-:::. • .•.• . •• '.'.~. ,. :_.~. I . ill . !':J .... I.· .• _ .. !Ii'. I'. ":." \ . _. '. "1:_ I Jr., .

,p8:per P "otQCcOplel , onto clea.r tl'dnS,parency. [0 " eterrn.lne ~.I,J~; Sllie

,- .

lo··'f· 't,'1j.-.,1 '.' ~ ... .' ,~, ··'i3i.d- ., ·-1 l-h- .- . ~r-]':-d ..... , - ,j, Th·'·'"" .,' , 'b····· "':" ... ·-1]·· ·d·- '1,[ ...

.. L.Ue ar-e,il eue,IOSt:' , ,In. .~.' ,f c.a~.'c ,1]1l,enl,., . 18 ~lunl". e.r lS edt. ,e· 1..1 1 I'!

g'r·:e;-'!11 s't·,g·t·,r:Illnl'~il$ 'If~' 'lIO·' '[11""[8' ~nc· L ... 'V I;; ~''''e;- U· .... j[!i' t.'-ll,IP"ll \l'n'lll ~ ~'~ 1.."!'JI''Ij-~i ~ Q" 1!~'

~Ulj. :.a. ' ... UJ ,~J J '~'i, ~~ .. , J. i:1 ,iw. I;~I. :·Ir\,j· Illi'~'·' ill " Will] ,~:'\J.!I!Iid, ~~l. llG!L·'r·~· ;1;' .:. - 11,L]!

(G' ..... ·.c .. " ' L·,,;,, I ,i-:, , .. ,~' .,.- is''·· , · .. ·,t',· , , .. ,. -M··'~· .'1 ,e .... A:· !Ii-'1 .. 1~' , )

,e;qgrap,I:,~'U:~ n~,ornl~h,~,on :Iys ,e,[I:}.; e,.,g" " ,a,p,1 n I 0 -or ··,,fC¥ lC;W!

,·".·,'f··t,,· ',. ' ... , 'I"h·· ,t ... t." , iII,b ".- ... ~ ~r-:·t' .. ,.' ·-·I·'·'·"~ '.'.'i!i ,., , .. ]:".1<. , ,.-. ,. ·0· :.-. ,~ ..

,SQ, ware. L, I.,a, maries ~.ue· a:re,d ~ha'ern'en.~, JIL1S~ a. C.lC" away., ·.nce

, . .,'..,." .. " ·'k" I'd~ .... , t· ,id) .. ,:~ S ,- - 1'-' - C' b'· . '1-·']' ., . ".' . ·T··~ b'~ "if" A jih· ..c ,- - . ~I.

you 'Ie, 'WO;[, .. C, OU. ud.' ,[] tLn1 ~. er H le,n u.s,e , a~· ~,e, ,I 'dllu .. , _ e l ormu. ~a

,.' ']1 1- J - ]- f-"f~ ~'."

I I"·' . . I II!I". ,: •....•.. - -'7'.·. '_.r--'] -;-'j ..... } .'- •. jf1·'I·· •• - 1 , •. ,. .1'·,11 ,,-c. '- .. -. -"

l,n t· ,e .next co.:um n to generate t l e toUt . ~lvelage fu.n .. Q,' , ,. ~,gUtr'~;s

,t'o"·'r· ;.,t..it.'iI; r;~lt~·h·'ni"'iia'iiiI't A 'n· ~n·· 0·:;-;:-] (.li;.;m r- "W-' , o-·'uld' 'JIi'[C'·o'· "~'!l:'iC!~Jco1" 'l; [] ,-[']'].~] If" 'i']i Iii" 'I·~;;ll~-~ .:l i ,'. L,U"" iJi...; i::1.}'; . ,,: l .... Il,:l ,i ,1"\" , ~, . ,~r~,11 , ..... ,,"""~_. ". ,.... I. ,(~ oj..... c;~,oJ;, ':!I;", .. L~ w,: ,,' I ,'0:) 'L~1' ,j~:tw.~I!J"

of hi $, or her in v~esl:igil:Hon.,

F'o'£' i,r.rigatio n s·ch·e:meos a ,re 11 ab i 1.:i [1 0 f' Ie i g h~: y e urs Q U t of 'te:n.

, '. 'bl F-' d . '. d· 'k h 'n"·I"

I ,- t ." .... - •. ~-:-. IL• -.. •• (0... ',." . -.- ••.. ., • 'I .........'. ,: 1 ..•. ,.... . ..::. , .,..- .;':Ii ~' .• 1 ~... •••• • •• '11 .".. .~. .,

ii'S, acC,ep[iil .. e,; ,or . ,o,~,ne,S[lC an ... .s~,oc .... SC, e.rru~s 1. ."IC!; ~,~111 [I Iii n,ln·e



M' ··E··'··R· ·"-IC-C (C'·O····'··'N·:-V'·ER'S·~'D:'·'IN"S"·

_.- __ : -_ j jl I ... ~ .... " .. 1.: ., . ..... ".~ .. Il..~.· .t .. :.' <

,25, m un MI8!i,8'r'S, (m mJ := 1 'i nch ,3 meters (m) = 1 0 fee~'t

1 ~,16 Ik:i'lotne:~,ers _: 1 mlle


4·J5; l~ lte rs (I) =: '1 gal~ I an

1 .,25 me,g;rliit~i;rs (M 1)1 =: '; acre 'fC(lt 1 OiOa I ~ite'!rs = 11 c'Ubi~c, m.19'ter (,m,3)

"- I' 'I b , .. ,., ' •. _., n '-7-'·5· -b'~' - ,.j ,CIbilI ~ C mJe'l~e r :~' u;;'" cu _~ Ie yet rns

Discha'~g:~ e

I ..,. ..... , ••

1 CUb~iC mle:'~,er per second (oum,rae) :; 35

cubic, f'EHit: per s-e·coA·d !,

years nul of ten.

To estlmate the annual funo:ff "'ro,m ,a, Ica,tc':h~m,e:rlt" use the :fo.llowi·:n"O ror~mula:

Catchment runoff ';=:"100 x Ax R x Y llters 'w,h,e,re':,

. .. is; tll'e. f;9'lc lmeu'l 8ryciDi 'in, 'b.eC:.ta~rles, (JUt,)

'0 ~'.... t·lh - 1M _. - - ra· - - .. - '0,:1 - '!Ii, ~~ U 'i ';:11\'; t . I' ) ft IS: 1,.-1 e' a:ve, " .. g'(~' ,DD,DU'd, r-am:IJ,au mJ mll' IlI;me·J!'fS· ,(,mDI'·

Y· ~il"i t'"I1,- ,e. F'lriil'n- n,N' cQliI;", a-· "PO'Il·~'Din'lffil!1li (I'QI A:f-=' gOD' 'U' a,1 'r- -'~'II!!i'D~q [I'L

- 1t~1. 1'1 . til u~ .vltl] U~ I _1 1.- "-!Il ~!~. '~'~l~ U_ M_-·: .... j , l.' . ~ I;QI __ .

I ~ I.] llS e. lUl le·x trm.:p I e t.o do 'theJ~ e c,a lc:u:~,:a.tlon8 ~ H'fld tbu~:n. conti :nue

irh·· .-. ',;i' , .. - e " .... ". ,.- .. ] : .. , {,t..., .:L, [~h·' ' ~"'il' ··'"F''' , • .1, .... , -.~ ·"iil :-.;

IL.6 sanl.· le,)t,amp ,e .. llrougl,1 ,.e .r~Sl. 0", (,U"e ar~lC.~e""

,oi\ ,--'- '.'J.~ ,,,,,., -1:_.,·- . _ ... t, 1 ",n I· ' .... ' ..• '~' .', ,t,·_, ·'-d- ,. ·d· .. ~.. . "'-[. ,;

,f'\. sU),a ,~ C,dtcllJl1ent (h OJ Uyl Jleclaujs ,~s ",oreste ' an ' t.~le sen, '~s.

;C'i • ..,. .. d·' ' " ... J ~. I't .. ~.~,. iii ,- .. '" ., .. " .. ' ,.. .. .. . 0 • , •• i .- ... ,.' 'n :l\"gJ l . ,;~: 7- '·5· '0' ., .. ,-' -. d

,~fa.n ""1 ~. ,!;!.y," . ,rth~e],Ves an. average ~Ull1.U,a.ilr,a.1 _l,g, QJj, ,.,_'. m ['n, a,n.

II, .. ,-. I· ·--'~··1- - .. -.~.,- .... , ...... ~, .,- -.,t '110'··0: n.." "Wl"·"!' ,. ·iI'" .'.1...:1 tJl,. '. -,.,'

rll,a,S Ian annu,a , eVd',pOrrtlllHJll.Qll . __ v lllnl;,,:,~ 18.,1. WlaLLu ~ue c.s ~'l:~

m.r~,'t'ad 'v iiotIo]d' 'b C', 4l0· '" -, - ,~' ... '" ;-, ~,' ,'- -. J'j; ,I" f) d.~.\;.I.· i n .• '_' .e, ••.. ] ,an Ul"U,g,il,ILI,on SC,I],e:lne~'

'labile '1

Runoff iSSI a ~/o of' avellrage 31nnllJ,aii r,a'inlall ('V)

I Shanow s,and I:and'y c[IIIIY'S Elastic' c'I,ay,s

Drl ,loam ,sc'ils ('0/'1) 1(~o/iJ,,)1


'1.0 to '15 ·S·· -5:' '·0' '1 "I

., .. ',.1-.-·.· ~t.·." ~ v.

AV··-:AlPf\a·'Q' ··e··· 'D··n- n·· u['i!!!iil"

I. J·.~II!"I:.· ,. : :.··1_ . !g_,

Ifall'n1',1111 ('R) (,lmllm)

,>, '1100'

Total ,B,n,nual:


R:e,1 i a,biiU1::y (v'ea,rs out


8 is

8 9 ,8

9 8 9

a 9

8 19

B, g,

10 to 15

le!lay IpllnlSI, ine~as,lic c,I'ay-·'s

, '

,O:f sh,ales ("0)

15 to 25

101.10 '16.5

15; tlo ::20

110, t, 1- ,~,

". _O Q

'110 '~O 15 Et5 t:o '10 1'0 to 15 16J3 'to 110

7 ~,5 '10 t~.L 5


1,5 to 2.0

~'5 "n 10'··

1!i:I,., I~~! .. 1,1


.. ,' "o! ,"_';

1 0 to '12.,5 0 .. 5 "to B '7'.,5 ''ttl, 10 5 Jo 0.,,5

5 '10 7'",5

3 :1:0 5

,2,·5 to ,5 '1.5 1:0 ,3

o to ,2J3,

'0, ·t··;Ii"'\ '1-,5··

._ u _ .l._.



f:'O' 1- ,:&, 9: 'o·n· u ,' .. ,liO::. "~_V'

h9S'S 'tha,n 11 aDO

. .

'1,SOO to l' 80.0


401 - ,_.,~'~ to ,500



'1i 0 to '15~ t:: 5-= ~I ·1 0-·

Ul~.~·' '·I~OI ~' '.: ....

12".,5· '~o' 2.0 S ts 13

'7,·· ,S·.. tn"-- ,'iIj ~: _ .1" .... u 1!iJ.

5 to '10

5 b1i to

a to '6.,fi ,2,,5 t'o 5 '7 '1 J; to S

Q '~O 2~5

o '~O tr5



1,.5 toS 2".,5 to 5 1 .. ,5 to's!

7'~5 "~a 15 5 to 1 0

5 '~n -1' '2:.1 5·'

_ '1l.~ ..... lIi'\:'

3 '~O 8 ,5 'to ·'0

~ tn I~ ,,5·

~ y y.! ....

o to',s

o t.o 3"

-0 to 2,.5 o to '1..5

5 to 8

it'] ,5: 't, .. ,· 7·'· .c::

~!! .. : :lO I.U

:Ela:s.t'ic clays; 'w"hen, dry d,evelo:p pronounced su-rfac'e, cmc:ki.ng.'l' 'which :reducea runoff~ lll,e~asti,c c),a.ys, arlc lde;n,t.i.fiedi~' when drv. btl a 'fine dust cover"· tn'is dugl' nr,e'Vl~[l'ls 'l:".if;e'Mao:e into the IDTound :and so i nClie,£~c't!s '-rLw"'io,'''vc'

:'·J·'I .J - :......--. I·· .': .. _.!i.;;,I'.J ••••• ~-' •• ill '. J •• ·._1 1:...:.1' l~' ••• _ •• _ •.•• ~ -····llF'~'·C·· ~- _ .. l,. lC- .... _ .. _". . ... [. ':' .··It'!i.JL"':·~rJ ... !illi.·· .. IL,I·.

--- - - - - - -

- - - --

A· - lO:-'{O' 'biilli

_, . ,.1 ... , I.,.,

'R r ..... : 7·t:o, n·i'lil'm· .

,,- ~,., _LI~;"

'V' - ['-:-:'.S·~ OJ'I ("I'*,nill"'!;~:b";I"lty" O· "f :0, 'in Ta 'bllQ, 1 ~I

I ~. , II! ' f. ' , .•. ~ [I. 1(1l, ,.J "' ,_ I r, . , ,_. I ~, 1 I

T- 'l erefo re r U D 0'0"=; 101' to ):;' oil 01 01 ¥ 7:5-: 0 'W' '7: -.5

•. 1 l ~1I1. ,~ ,ll _. . , l, , , . 1I nl • A _ II!

5'6 2' 5U")' '0' '0' I ~ I

-' ..... '. :. II I - 'I'~'-= :

- _'." -' .',.. . ,I_,CT.

=: S'6~25' m,e·'_ulite· ~-I Il~",>· 'J .

, '

,A, maior co' nponent of the .' nzineerins of ,"1. dam is It design

.]1 '1 ~ "- ~,

the eve rflow or s pll II 'W ~l jl of ,~i darn s 0 that ,. t can cope wi ~ h. the one'

run ~] hu ndred chance of the highest poss ble lood vc lume passing th rou: i h the d', 1. 1 s i: e, Cons u Iti [1.,g wi ~h y our Ioc a ~ war ~ [ [all th . r"'ty or eng i 'De er w lll e nahl e you to cal ell tale. th e am (1 U..I n Q f flood f1 CJlW in cubie meters per seconc and design ~1 spillway '~.ndlt trickle pipe s -·~,u.P '[" cope "J tth these potentially hazardous occurrences. [A n en .. ' ~I ne ~'r w i:l.:1 c ale ulate the floed fl 0\1' ~ us i u [b ;"._ method tha t

con Si'1 ,Jier.S th ra i, n fal l m nte n _- ~ .. Y' catclr In· '11 t eh aruc 11.,-, rls ',[j C' and

~ ,I ze. a verage SII: OPI~ Olf the W atcrcou rse, and th e ~ ength from the head ef . he catcl ment source to th .. dam site,

Sev '. r~tl different methods arc uvailabl - to i~lcf,e~u;"e the ~Ul110U:l1t of iii" ~ ila,IlL ' catchment to a darn where the catc hm ent of ,a hill slde or olfsr ream sf ·rag.e~1 tor example, 1:: y be tc . small f· . ." I1.C

H moun L of .' to rage y O;~I,'; re after. On e 'W'1:Y 'i s to des :i~" r-' n ;1 n d dev e lop 1 'Vs'te,lln 10 !l earthen drains, that lmercem 0' 'erhtndrun ;:f and

~ ,

d;I"~~'r':l w,. 'U,I' )J~' ~'o··· "1 ":~/.!'l,hI171i'r :~t·"""r-'.:10'e.·:-w:'-' .F-I'Io I!~~~il;~,~' ';'Il~"~ ifli:I;[i.~·l"· '1'1 d:-'[ .... ~l[;n~

, "p·wl _ " . _ ,L" 'I" '_ ~rr ~[,~ ~.\3I LiO' . ~ ~ujl ~ wwl _ U, '''-I. '_ '1 I ,(I,ll It ~1'1!1

TI, ·,e,!~H~;' fire c,hcap~y [C:O"-lS'lfU(.:'[[ed usin.g a ,~1"'';1,(I.:',r [~r e:'vt!111 blet'ier 'w'ith a rotnl ,"j' dnline-' (i<.'_~e. photo) .. 'These' dt[rli,n ·can u~s[ hI; :i:ntl" ,g'[Eii,Led with J"ond dr,u,ills;, ~~~ \\fe' ofle,F] use the da n w~d l ~lS '~ll a~ I, \~'~I Ithe:r

"~F"jfi'Q;!t"o~ ~lit·]·O~~ '}./:P'L- a~'i]' m ;ie~ ~I['ilid id"-I"~l'''I' 'n~ O'l~,;rm , P'If"1 :". ·.ion!'i, D'" :i ~L' '. a"'nl 1...,

[~n.,~"",o:'l!\ [ .... "".' .. ,,",' Y,·V_ by-,W,l!! ..'...<01 ,_ ,la' ., (;I., '''"''I.·!!i.o- u: . ,'. ~ ,'. "" ~'_ u;;:). ~. U

P ~ aced . ~. " .th~xL I be}~ r ,nk two or nl:ore, I [J ,a, cb fL·' 11 of d_ams by ,running OV,f,r,nO'W \V,t:tet fro.n] la, higher d,~un ,[,9 th[~ ne:xt lo\vell" d;tUll,~ a.nd ".':.,'! on VV nter ]~eu.:e drains: :'''an~dsQ'tucb I ,X!ce.,s,s, lood-,

.;. 'rr'I' Q ~~"I' I·' 0': 11 'w .. ' ~:l'["'::IW r" . '11' i~l ;~ I" '!j.·~.II:J.'iIr""t, ]'"l' 111'0' '~I Ij.,""to't~ ·(jJ"e' D If"fi i [Il'i:~ 'Il :!i'e:" Ito be

!Ii [ c·+!"'·· ", _"'"' "u U ,'!I!'",",,~i' , t'. ~i, ';;"]l~ '. ,QE-"~- " , [!;'-' ~.;,') ~~ .'.' ,' ..

de,signed '"l:nd (:'onsLructed conside.lr~ng s,'inliLilt 'flood :fl.ow' vo,nurne.s ,. to those used in l.les i,.flu in,:g, ~:he d[ltn1 ·I't::sel[ ,A,~ialn Jth~' use IOf an e'x,p(!denc-d engi:nleer w:i 11 a'ss~sL in t.his e,~~mtnl : "'(f the -I >,··:lO.[1,.

Soil S'u.itabi'lity

An important aspect ofthe deign P ocess is _0 complete a borehole lnvestigat 'oinslof the pro POI' ed site, 'Wle, use the services.

O;t .... , local seot eel 11'i;I"'~ I, en O'I~~ne',er .'. for this task The , · .. neinee rs use

. ,~H '~' _.' _ '_ [I _ 1~\.1i['=11' 1 ,J~ _,'_ ~l IJ.! '. ~l ,(;IL.;:)I.:.. .. ,.. . _ .-.~}'b.' r r l~ ILl,,;] .

"". d .. - 'r't"" 'II :il'f"i' 0 n ~ '!fIJ' a- t the S·· Ii 11i-~ 't" () Ii' ~1 ke c·· 0. '~, ~ '"1II1!1-"f11 'P' ~~, '["0" ,If"O':_- me dep .. ·'1., and

,~, ,. " 1l,Ii'U~. _ b '. . Ih""-" .' ii, LlI;;,p -: It Q..I\, :_ U'!!.". ,;J,CI, II I ~ ~ .1I.,-,- . .;",. , ['" .:_ .... .:. ,~,LJ,~ CII. [.. I

hen perform l ~ "'1 oratory te ~ us. . I bes', tests determ inc the sui tahility of the sue material for the construction of 3. darn a~ld also what the son profil e eonsi sts 0' ,',~ They exam i ne the depth of topsoil, clu)flsandlsill eomp :_:jjon. depth to wate If to, ,I Ie" ~ockt, and '_[0 on," 'From, this the enzineer will make recommene ations as to how '[be

..... . ,

d- am , shou ld b: , constru -11 Oi'd and 'w· h i1'h 111""'" r' not som am iending 0"['

"'_,,_,,_ -"Jill! .' .... L. ~.'.!Iw ":,_,_fJl~, ._> 11~1·"'.l [~Jll~",U ." _ ,[IL_.; _:jII :·1 _ ,Y. ,3lV1.llll" A.I __ ':'llj~.l, .. ~ !J.,'.-' .- 1

sealing material such. as 'be '_~i' Itl Ii tl or ~ypsunl is, requin :. Ii.

[T. [ 1...'[0, ·.uo .,~~. ~L- mlp" oi""iJ,ii\IIi '"!tRII' liP ~ 'I:'~"':I . ~~!II'~".'"'11- r'iil'il "'a"'1 jl:!IJ ngi n- ~'i'~r WOo -u. I d."

, J:~.~ .. ~jl ' , Ii .II1J!! I . V~ ~'.I,·I.,!&lL ~~~LI~ II! ~~gIL'~~~11 ~l~~~' l' IIiw .~ ~,-" l '_ I

, , .-

undertake.' would in. lud e:

,E",e,r..~'oll Te ~ t

The Bme IrS'D'U tes l de termi ue , the' be hav ior of c ~ ays in, conrac l 'with water- and te whate xtent, hev . 'ast, and und ':r 'wl,:J,~lf eonditions th.ey break down in water, Thi,' test de L:m,:ineg, the' sunability of the ,i te If aren l11 r r dam (:'0,"' t ~1l,C t i· n,

,Prol1 Ie ~eJ.~I'III" .. '

Determines the. proportion air CI3,,:·,-,-·"O:'Ht, sand, ~ . nd gravel throuah t'b· s: ,[i!L pre fn~ " f t, ,U! t st.·- 'nee' tested you ean get an Ii d €:,i oJ '11 O'W ''111 U C 11 s U 'I ~11h ~ I!,I un sui t ab ,I ," mater i al is in 't he

prop. ·.S,· "d :: il.e,.

AI,'ler/),erg Li""lits

T1ICS e a re Ii mit. es tab ,I tSI h . -'t~ b 'P~. I(~ le'fU, 81 ~ The I'" U~ Ii,,"' l',~~';n it ,is d,e:fin~d a,s thie n,.i:Sl.ure~.:nt~':n:~ ";1' vh\~,b s[:~ L , b·:,L·lns'c'

~'!Ii ~l '~II 'U!I§ ~cl~' a p ~ "'I {.,[t '1"[ ~ 'irifl' a'll - II\"~ i!lJIi A p- .. [~ "I ~ [t 'I~ ~ FillClil ,"111[( e f' ~ I ;"ii,~ n" b i~ IIl~ fli O'IJ ·,d· I.' : [d'-I

~jjI!~l,_"",·1h.r ~~~ _..: l"i~ILj~ 11;1 __ '. JjIiIU r.- lM .~·ci!ll,., IJlldllfill····"ilitlil "'-!IIi I, , .. ~ lILI, .~ .

, -

lnlo ,1 ,<b m~p e [m ud the n w U:I ret a"j ~l I b£ft s,b ap'c:" 'I f rne, 1110 i, S'lU re

c,onU~nt i 81 be Ilo'~ t le' plast:!c ~ im.'ii t, it 1.5 [CIO'luiid, "red to be:b.,~lv,e as a, sol i,d~ or 'll, non.:p~;ust ie, m~U:e':ria~., ,As the J]1otstlllre CO'D'tl,~ nL inc,r'el se ,p,381 the pl~l'~·-fi,c r,mi,t, the liquid .i'i';H[i'.r wi 1 '-. e a:pp'rga.ehed". ·[T-lIB ~,iquid li,rni" 'is def~nled ,as the 0:10:1' ,lure c'onle,nt at \.vbich t:h,e: soill bel~l' I.,·S, Uk!e 13. '~iq,'U.id"

S.i'e vie A Il'!ul.y.sis

SoH 'is 'pu~ ILtu~ou7gh a #200-tuesh .sie"v· to 'w,u'h aw y"lllY_S and sUts :atE,ach,ed to lands, "lIld, era;.· 'I' to aetenn'in.

_ _ _ .' , • ' "' ~ • Il 1 ~ - ., _ .....! " • 1 •. " "~ .,

a,c,c'U ra tely 'whe,re in the: [.s -,g'roup U'nified S ()i:~, [C:~ as,s" '1- cation I, U"SC) rhe ,s~u1Tlple' fidl:.-·@ Thi,:s, d,escribe's th,e

pr'o '·0·' ·rt";l·'I~[-·'~ o' 'f' ,ar"'a"v: ··'e.[~ "'and '. ;1'1' "lla-,V nrg""iFiini~' :c·o~~ "'a.'.:'ni,[d.~-I

. _ . ··1lI ;ri' __ ., co' "~ '111 .:. IILI,l~ ~~. _',J ,. UII '. ,II!,\;"- .. i! i,

pe'at i:n ~he .:·:tnllp[e:~ W'ben for:ma~~Y' Ic,l;as;s~'.1ed ilii'" pID'lvi:d,~',,' .~,1 : .~ :-'~"gin,eer/des'i8rlu~:r '.' ith, the basis, :~~ . .r de'ign:~tlg 'lb c:' am ,.. alL

Peml'mb:i,liI1' Te[s'll

. ,his les.ts ,the ],;njstull""_ holdin .. - .c,apa,cit;-: of the soL.

T:he ~tllbCl:r[£lln,~y les : detemline,s, the r,a:te.of peDD,.:abilily

of- 'm::-' n ;s~ [t-' U re 'p~'Ii" ce l' .~'.;; "lie ',Cf p' elf miFJ ~~1't .. , T"'L :j; S 1":0· ~i't 0'. ·.lilc r.'jfI,

_ ! U ~1Il' _ _ ~Il _._ l 'i Ii ~ ~l l I ~ r!l _ I!r~l~ ,~, !II l l~ IIJlIiIL ,!I-'" . II ~ W


the n10[":t 'U~'F" il1. ~uld 'lh ':, m ~ ~<'t ex:pensi v'le of 'lh, '_ I,

8e,otechni~1'~d 'E.est~,~ A, 'Vier)! ,·.Jln,p~,e ficldfho'fll,e' ~,leSI, c'ol ~.'c:d th:_ [·~b··:r l:_' t~.s,'· '~"ttn ~i:'v .. a, fDirty it. :c'Ura~e 'lpprox~nl~LiLift This i,., done us ~oUow~:'

'I,) R,[~f[il:10'\I[e tl'1l,e bO'l.[Onl of a, 7,501111 so:ft drink bouh~:-., ,~[ Inve:rt th,e btlte and ,'I,n lr~ w~,tb Itbe IOU, I!Q b:' te~:rt _d~ Th"~ c:'. ·il sbould be cJonlpact,e,d 'to rDll,g:b~y 'tb.:_' ·:"'fl;.mCI'" ,de[,·"'1 e· ,.1. 'if"[i:,I'r'l' ~"vilb]e i~ t'h'· id·' ollU'-

,UI I· _ Qil !!!Ii! I~, 1~ Ill,l. .. IJlJ. _ ,. ., ~ III '!II

I, .'

- - - - - - - -- -- - - -- -

- - . - .. .. -----------

3}FU] the 'bottle with water,

If no water seeps th rough the soil wi thin 24 hours then the : 0 ~,

h d wat h 'J" d ..

'.- '. g', ".,",:" . ',1:: jo - ,- :', ". ,'. ' .' (. '., "". -. ;'':i'" J[ ~

. 'as bOO" water or .mg properties.

W'e- use a soil 1..0 g for 0'0 r own field anal ysis I n CJ[)T~j U nction with other tests taken by others,

'W'hen the dam ~:S full of water, t., signiflcant proportion of the

d ,--. .- ". Fa! I '~ , ' 'I' . \II ted ,.""".~ . --- , .. , - [" .- - t t ,,' ""1 ~" - t'li· . t - -:- .. d ~ . ". ·

,I am, W _ . LS S~hUr.cl e .. , 11., ts· .fupor.all1 0 re, ",Ize ·~l,~l.· no. 4n. I.S,

completely watertight, a's some seepage W]·~~ always occur, To

... .;-1 .. ' . "h' .'-. -c.,., -., -:- .. ."j )1" . - "f £;. ··'1" - : ... - ~ 'I" .. '," '1" 'f' II'h~":'I , ·.'h'· ... ' '.' -.: -'., '-. th .'

reauce t e potentta 0, rauure as, (l resu .. ,[ 0, ~. U1 P' enom non re

dam must have Hat. slopes (or batters . and the soils In.US,[ be adequately compacted ~

TYP'e's of Dam 'Walls (Embankme .. ·ts)

There are three types. 'Of dam 'walls m use on farms: homog ... enous, zoned, and diaphragm e-

A, nOlno:u'enOJlS dstn is bu il 0.[ ~I. single materi al and ge:ne.-ralily

p ~ -,

is, made up of 20-30'% clay, with the balance mad', up' 0-'- 1·~,Ut~

sand and SORl.e gravel, This is 318.0 the simplest dam to construct. The. height of' the wuJ'~ of ~£ homogenou " dam should not. exceed five <or slx meters .. Where [he cl ays prove to be dispersive then the application of gypsum or bentonite U13.:Y be ec uired tOI provide add ~,t lonal seal i ng ..

A zoned dam ·'IS the 010.81 stable of -h.~ farm .",U~l1S, and is built


W·b-'IR'I.~ ,jj;'[:.;, e. reoul I. -ed 'm' ~'II te .... ~ .!;~ 'I ~~. are ''-11.'\ ~ i']j :rl ] .~~ 11".;11 •. A'·. se leered hi g' h-

.,I!.IJ .. ilJlIi...i U~_ !!I!~:1, .. I~_~L! J _I _kll.~I;lIIU,ill. C:~IJ U,,·gl.,,~ •. U .• I t 6:J. Nw. __ ,_I _ ._J _

q uaHty clay core is cons tructed i . he cenn .. r £rf the :. ·mb~u1k:m.~ ':nl" with the outer' and inner slopes co .. istructed 0'; lest er material. A~· \ a, rule of thumb the bottom width of 'the C:.l,HJI core should be no Iess than the. height of the wnll an . Sh.iUL·, be joined IlO an,

I'm (Jarvi o us.' cote trench ...

,A tJ'iclpllrclgrn ,.l(JlIU ts used wh ere suitable dan construction malrflrial ,s lin:d.ted .. A .hl,yerr O'F th-' rn:-)st >,uU' h~ ':'l,lY l'VllHabl".·: L: 'Used on th.e. i'n te:nu~] batte.r to He t, ct.'" it L1 i nlpe'rv~' : . US ~', - 'ct ~ oln i ml the. 'wan and ,l),g,ain 111U.st b ,c.onne€l~d 10 tbe,]:. - -lnc-oo·.cg,.· in the Q"pplicati.o·n, o~: gy-ps.un1, or bonto11,ile 11lay be -req'Ulin::d ..

COlre Tr;Bi,,!:ch Q'I:zd' F;o Illzdatio liS'

TIle.. cons,tru.cti . .on of a;n adequat.e c'f11ban.krn.,cnl foun.d·il:tlon 'i~· vital t'D the sU'cc'es.s of t' 1,1 storag;./_.I :_- h.:_- d:alu -:'a - ' .. nlU:s'l support the Wtl~',g'ht of' w,al'c:r and. W8,U il-:-;,e" f 'with~ ·ut. s,U.bS(,ilnt· at ," .·:Ulel-1 . O't :·~nd. be relative. y j,rnpe~rV'-j;ous tv e·xucss s~epl~l,gle. SrL"s t,b,~,~ baV'e .land.sUps" and to a less'el."xt.ent ",' r·~r'.' ' un~ sonks"~1 nee.d. t. ,be

a \lo.i de.d due. ~lo.ln he.ren t. s o·i ~ ~ n sta'bi.l, 1. t,~" P~iO fes's'~,on ft ~ s,:i ·te· 'i n\, e:sti=, ,g.ation. land !B.d~v'ice. \vill b._' ne'quired ~:n these arefl'i"

The 'COD'strUC'[.iOlll ,cOlr,e lr'f:::nch (aJisa, c,~llled l,he: ati ,:.e:y ': .r CUU'J,ff'

~,yn~l'itf. - [t"o"It~) ; os' IU ~~'e"d'-' Ii:." p-' rev-e"rt· L eIVllfTilifilii,-!3_.!!i;il i_~lD '~!iIl7fj~nil!!liltrp 1"111d·.&tir IrrL.p ·d· 'nlill !O.!lA~U.'I!I:a, 1.'. U·. ~.' ~,., L"",," .. ~ .~', -, ,_ I A,'\.oiI!i;.'SSI . ''I''I!i.t, .":'l~~.1"''' Ci'~ '1;,;'. ,,,",, t,U ..... I, , •. ~~"

w.aU over tbe nfl't.LIral land .surf,ajc~ It ~,.' U .·:r!~nch duo: und ''1'' ~be

dan" sit,e~ iconstructed t.o .a d.i:n1e l' ~on r,e.~tlti'V',:_~ 'to file ~i?~ ~uld w'idth, of thle W,St II ,and shOll. d extend ~.' .-yond th.L! ( 'XC~lV'tl.t~d '~ank t.o ,p.re'Ve:n,t outWiard sC1ep,m,ge .. ":~ h.e ,core 'lr'Uch~ which 1··cI~s -'. t,· du.n~ lnto ·the sn,lTou~nd'i,:ng iearr.h~ :is on~y efli!cLi'v'e who r'e· it i·s '~'ln. into reJaUv'e.ly imperv iOL!ls 11r18'(6f'i,at Wh ·""f"e de1epl I,ay,er~ 1'- SilJld or grs'V'el e,)t,'i!;,t it n111)1 be nec;es .. ary t() IUS, _. a ho,ri ~-rn.l:a' bhn~d~". -t ':f .35'm, Of' more 'in I.t!ngt_h froln, the on,se lof til ~ :_:m.ban'kl, ]en.t. and

600 nun, thIck U,p lthe b4J :'~ of 'the f,-: :servo~r, Th ~.,: lJiCrL,t~n,enl is . ft 11 'very cos'tly and cuus.'f:;S ·,;(une ~dle~: .. to be 11llI1v.';ab~c.~ M.OSl f"ann dan]'·:' will only ne:e::_, fi COI',e trenc'h ,a·f ffdail ' .. 1 Y 'n~·'lr·~ dhncn:'_ ion,

T·ab:lle 2 SI:or'sge

,A've:ra~gle A~--nual Rs "nf'a,I;1


-"'iCnds for V'a'f'i'DI: 5, . _: 's.i n,ta_Us. Dluratio,n of' :St'Df,age

P,e,r'iio ~·-:e-- uiired,



45,1 ..... 650 2501.-,450


. 2'"

.. :"

18, 2·

'310-' - 3· 6" '

........ ~ - II,.

'in compurlson v "iU' the "\1._ ,·~:I~I base width, We: g: "I, eraJ~y 'Only make il "'. bu lldozer blade' _ '~. :dth f2~.'i.ru·+ r aml '. round 60 -nUl1 Il..- ]i

~-! d

n::l'f:'IL,er ... C:_'P ~

Typ,es rfJf Das I.

There are several types of da ns the . ,~s:i~1:1I a'nd placement of which depends I .. i!j'r,g'e~·,yn (:11 .. ' tepogn ,p'I1.Y of the p:r iI1e·n:·., and how the water uored ~, to be used, A .. ; a '1~"UII' .of the whole Iarm-plan

exercise .. one should bit! n1111e to answer the quesdon ., I .. f '~" hiJ.~ go-~'/'

where and \j\ here ~upp' rti e ek met lSI J,' ,~. d 'r.. I b ~·h;lt:,_.~ The

. j 01 age rat lo I . f d i r . e:t . nl d~ .111 '[Y'p, .. :, . ,1 nd 5.]. I,:_'S ,.e i f~~'r ~ ,", (UI.d this rat i 0 determines the eeonorrr of eael site In ter .TlS 'of the volu me of excavati . In versus '(he volui, It::O.-( st '1, 'ag ': ',. ~ '. T' sample ~ U. 'li lL_,:i:d,

dam on a slope 0" in a ',' teep '~u[1 ~ , f i.e .. above a . "'e.y'-· oint) .\}_ . .i~ ~ have [1 ,PI. ·OtJ.· '-ace rrrli .I.~ '\,\fl .' reas a tank dam or ~.I" .. :0 r-c rainage de'_ .. ression zull: darn 'wU I, have nuch areat . I Crtl · a ·'it.'-·,- Ir every CU~· ic R1 :11_ r of earth moved IduJn,n,g iC.O'fI~'[ ructi .. ,. In"

The t pe and .. irnension ' .. _:l": the at v ill' J, so depenc _p~"11 d e climate and the. . rrnu'Ilnl of av rage' ~'V:~ poratlon 111S'SC~i' I n semiarid and arid .7.OQr,- s the «. l' 'lUll' II:" C,"'~lp -'r~dlon , .. H~ 11:· quite large compar ~ d t .' I •. , .. :~ I, cllmat es, 'jj;nT1S ~ n the h itt er l" me ne- '.' I b· de'. p in Jrde r t .ive.rC'Elm.i' ~nllua~ iC!\lun.,·r;,lt1: Ii lo.s·~e"S v,ih,~ch are' .. ~


:si~ni.fi,c.nt_'[, treat ,. '~l',red~1 '.-~~,(;U.~ ill pr:r]:n~·_~d d:fL'U.gh·'.·" ]:n

C'o~ d c l' i nl a I.e: s 'W 1, . t::·f,f· J~ 1.] r:rce' j. '11~ 0[:c1I'rs un e ngi, III e. .. 'r" $ ;i Il,'\~'O I' . ·'c·_ n1.e'l'U '" i !I.~ be fleeded due I tl ~ he I ~ ".-Tee·· .', . . f ~'. us ' n:31. frtez'i: n 21'


!.h~lWilld' .·n the b~l.nk~, ,.trul.""I.U,J0 ,[,ndi -,t"clbiHty"

,;'h. effect'S ,of ~cdi.me~ltafow) I~ sihingJ nlla.y~aus·e ,.8, d~U1~ "afl,ure~ lh~·-u,gh _:~!.e!,. ,·-pl;'~''''[Y~ I~:'on]e ';.In··.~ 'k'_di'm,nL (a'n wiU ,al\~l~. ~

o :_:,_·u.r· .panic'll :;)r'I,Y ~n .. -'r con~n'ul ~'~,i'.n,., uno tl~'i -' c~· ~1 tr_ hcnen.':'~~:~d in fOIUl[ng, ~l \\ ~ltern(ghl.· ,ill. ·l tl,t': -·.tl5e I.r th~ 'Fe",'. -:l"'VO; r.. Th .. · tin. hn;e_

of I:·ons'[tUc'f.in [10 fn~L'[ch ~ CI~] rin' li U fJaU,c'm" \F if r",l" tl, I'

ri··.k IOf til.e. dnlf 'n 1 U ng ~. JrO qu~cklly t \v'hic'n CI~ln bring ~v.'i:nh 'i~,

hlc'~e~l,s,ed sJ.d,i m,-nl ~Q'a. J. I Tb c'nHillll~t~ "1[1. ~"lf, . j, : II :··edt ile·n [

.pond(sl) ~ib, ''1 _ 'lJ 'e s't ··f"H,g·e ,-r in ,1 !'~<nd: n .: di . ,et~i'-Hl, d'f~·1. J ~'Y'idJ reduce.:. )iW 've~·. _ ~l"i'e~ ~ c,a~.c'h : ~ dirn!t· ~l,nd rutr~e[l.l~\ ,~ nd Cdn'wh""'I'l _ .··Ii UIJ .·.1)~' d .. : i/::_,I,ed ........... ;a~ 'f as 8\-vet ~ nd ']"' . -i..P~ rian·'rf!~.~"(a .... U ~.n and w-ndH,r~ to'

O,II.!ll'· (EmbQnlk'll':~_ ',1~) 1J,(lr:"~,

'Tb.,_·, . mire tll ' ·:_·'D Jm.ne~' . rf ~" U d~~·tn '~ Cn,g[nHo'::'[· U aC]iS~. u

guny Qir drc(li.:n:'l.,gr ' d _p'n~'s~i'on ~\the:re ' _ ,aIel: i'~, mos,'i .. Hk ... ly t) fl . W I, Thi· n.1a~ ... '·- Ilh . ..:ln th~' '-:-.~l'lJ,'SL '. {'Of;; ge o~lfon Gully d;U.nl~'·· l·~l'. if' !~l iocd,.::'tor'".ge ,~ati, wh,re llh, :'y aL~ nl ::,::·:·,,·'tLoncd abO'\f,e dlc

'k- . ~'y' ..... "1' 11"[ I( W"·' . b' . p'r-e- 'tho ~ . I-U- '1'1- v'·, l' . nl~ .. e· - .', :[1 <n' c··~ 13 - (1, ,: fri ·'m ~', C. ' • .0 ... ,', V. -

L l' IJIw1 . ..' . II ~ l. I l~ I."", ,! k < . I j J" It ... w f,"" ,I,.. , . - ,I [~' • R, .

. \ ·l1ve': prfiJ.-·, .. ·.nd 1~J,rle nt.·nl;uJl._~o __ : 1 ·UC.l_::c \; "mth "1. :-.u.'l,ld .~ .r

[lll.dbJrW'" ::.cra.p,er., - ~icltlie p'ipc~. siz1e: rc'lativ~' t,c cl'u,c'hll1cnl. ·tlood

~ 'I()~V v.~lUm,.~· .. are Isu~,lly J·'ql!:l'ired . ifl. d-Il"· t:h . au_oun rlf'

- - - - -- - --

, - - - - -

pressure on the s.piilw.ay" Lockpipes through the base of [he wall can make large va:Jilume,s of water available fa . gravity irrigation supply ... a~. in a Keyline system),


These ds :111.8 "are buih on the side of hills and usually have '} three-sided or curved bank .. Di version or overflow drains; " e the 'p F-'~ 'i'./"ii ~i 'II":\j sou rce !O· ..•. f' wa ter co' ,If·' .~~, ;1' '~, sty ~ e o fO" ~ 1iI·,0· - rase 'Th··· - se d: 'in _ ..

_~ ,11 ,II!" ),\I~~ J. ~~I • ,¥ .:.' ~ ", L~ l [ ,II ~ I; I I I' .~, ~ _. U I ,iiJ. 111.. . " ~~~' . I. _,~, 111, I ~

ha v'[e .a r,ehlt.i-v<L~'i y poor storage rat lo and are I.Defe·· ore ex pensi v c to build compared 'wi h guUy or tank dams .. They de have ··t clear advantage ;ifl_pro,vidi·n.g g.ravity si.ora,ge~ Bulldr zers and/or scrapers ar;e 'the preferred constnn .. t~.O,E1. machlnery .

. R'i),I:g ta,l.k:!l Gild' T:urk",':s Nest .D6'''-S/

These C" ;; rcu II a '. r d ,o,Ul1",S' are ~~1 il [I~I \J 1:. mi I\' JDIi,d.-· 1;; 'Ifi'i th i!3, i1r, ) '''Ii[P'' p': _-.] i ~., lI~·L[~["~ .

. ~"~ ~ .. _.1, ~._ ~ . '. -UlIL U. ~ L'!.tldli! ,j,;] ItI,.,_~ IL~ I I III II . .:'~' ~I C'1Ii -=-! I _~·~11IL,·U I!!

CZ'onstl7iJ,c'ted with excavators, theu low storage raf'o, nl;~ kes them expenslve for the amount of water store :'~ Their best application

I i~.,. as .allf eE~rth:· n ~·tbck trough filled with underground. '\va: ret by ()~fli'PfS [0.'1" windmil ] s. This type of dam has [he hi):-i,I,l.es·t evaporation '1IQss'c;: ~I h a VI~' seen one 'very fu nc t lorn 11 turkey's n es ~ dam th '.£11 'wa·. ~U~',IL 0]1~a small flat-topped ridge for flood ii: . i,g,~.tm·: .n., Jl bad ~~.~l~ ~DW walls and \\'tas filled by gr~v·t.ty v'a a .~[e'yH:ne irrigution ·~\}'SleD.l~ and overflowed when JU 'd toir ;i:iFl!at~ abo!ult 300 de.Jgr-ees

,':/' .. l~ ~

._,_f nh _ rtdge that pro' ided ,~Ull.pp.,~e:lncn.l[tlry sutr mer "Fodder 'in: a

w.Li_o.~er~nlii n f"ffi ~ I dis trie t

-lall.'./c" Dt,,,,!

',h'is ,lype of durn 1S usuaUy a 'square or rcc"[all;guhu~' e,x,crii ~:vnl'~ofl ~ut b~ L·:w Ilhe: n.cL:tura~ su.rfa.c,e.,~ This lS t:·h.o se'_'ond 'co:m·lrh[ .. ne$t [type ~,f dtun D~. i1~ 'ha, -, the highest stor.age ,rtttiD.~t any·. r:f tbe d,cUll, :lype.~ ~Ul.d is 'weJ ~ sllire'd 'to areas. 'wUh 11a[[' ":~- and :~:: ·:nUy unduhltiind

~·-p.:Tc\O'Ii·~lp·'Jl'Vl W'·:~' Ira' 'v:' ~a']' €' lI'il'ir.fJed· . C'e"~'I,e' '10\~~J o· '-'f= .. h::- e- ~.~ o' "n' tb-'p ''Iii.II:;a'i·~nii;!l

-u L. VCjWI~ .. _I,J l~ ~ v I;~ '._ ~., 'J ~l . .JI,'lUl~L.'· ~ .. " _ ,"11, .'~ ~I I': ~~ I __ ' ~,_!IiP. ~~!kL~~' illl

c!efun~r,Y in ",·estern and noJ1,h • ·.ru ViC[,o'rk ,3; nd ~u: h'~ ev .' ~d . i g n i'f1.ic'an. " 'w'at;e:r v·:· ilu:nls tior fh.e. re,lative. ,C()··~, of r:ol1s·ln,l·ti_'Q:n~ O'mu~ '1'a~uab~e

. ,

, .

~e:a.uJre· of ttluk. d~Ull,S IS they c'an b,e ext_nded\Nitoout rnucb

Li.m 'b '. 'b' 'l '~Il I ..,'1 b [-b ·-1

trOtJuw'B' W~· e.n U1JC·:t - ·tl<:t.get a ~O!W'S E~ . nrg,~r uB,m, to. _:.I~- !'lU ,I-

Their only downside is that grcPiB - 01'" sand·'e·arl s, 'm·~ly rende,F

them leaky ,or shallow groundwater tables may create a . alini ,"1 problem,

Spill'lVllJ,S, iO'I}',erjlo'lf1S, alld' Freeboard

The fi rst fluidine. consideraticn ~'~th overflows is 'that 110 :more

"'- ".;.

'1:1.."..·· "1 'S' , i' ~.~ .. - r'- .,[t., .~' .', .. '~ -:; :".- "'';:010' ,"'rt····· /. '._ .' .... .l'. ._L .. · Id' :f]r', ...... t~ul[l '_'. CUu.IC 111[ed~rs per s.econ .. · _. , ... ..) . '. ,b,e), ... "e.[conW, ,SJ,IOU.I- ... QW

ll' I' .r zh : ' ','1 J "'. _. d'-' sol '11 i, [ . . -. - ..... .' - ,.,.. . ;.. ,·"k· ... - - IC'" .' I '. , '~., iI:"..·."

:lr'OIJ,I:.l,L a ltV u-grasseo .. p.,1 ,IWB.y or er()SIOI1 L, ~,.ie,y~ .. >a~CUJllhl.on

ofthe one-chan e-in-a-hundred tlocd now vo ume is [he ki~'y to desi.,gn.hl~ a ~!fp;in:' il\ . capable 'Of taking overflow waller with the lowest n .' k to he em bankmen 't ~ I nlet and outlet w,t dths vary according to th,.- f O~· volumes available tsee Table 3'.

As, the spillway determines the ulriman water level in it d:2Ul1 .. :Il :~s important Ito dc'sign its level so [that there' is adequate freeboard

~ ~

(distance f om top 0' [be bank to the w ·ter :1,c\I. J), Freeboard

depth ·~s determined by the a.nlOUJ111. 0" fetch . ~ .. " ngest exposed water- ~U face on ~h. st.or·~ge'·· and should he at cal750m:nl:: Jim

t.-. d .. ,- ·.lia.·',L·"'C'··"'h'·:·-'---d·-I:·O'O---· 0""1... -- ;.,.' '.-. ~~ .... ~ ... -,-

,I .. or I. 3 ~ n s w ~1 ere I ne . e tc _ ,IS un. er '0, m "' . tnerw l' e e,r ~~ rye \~ ave

acti ... _--', f" d· '.".' ·:t· ~'. " ... I··" ,( .. - if·· .. - -:!. - .. ~, t·::t. .~.'" ba ~..... . - ·[t \ -. --:- - ,

,(j{:.... .o I anc ov 1'1 .. ppmg ! water gomg over rne ern 'an .. DI1.en ,I may

OCClUr~ causin g da nl fa '] u re and poten tial d am age o life and property, [GIve consideration [, . ~". :'illingr . f th .. danl r·aU, after US~ consolidation by inereas ing the construction height of the 'wan abcve the . 'd I .. ,. 1-' .bv a -.-.,- -[ d SOl T-h' .~. "". ';o..-.- .. '~ - II "i . anove tne ueec ea am unt I Y arounr . ve ... r 1,1'- I Pdni.clJhUr~.y

;~. ,-, [. 'I' ~f'" 'iii k - ". '1 ~ ~ - ,'. '. . - '" d i'l' • -

u· n par .~ J'h I. ~ t.u· '''' a., ~ 1 li;O'.:; U s,e.- iilS, it ron·· ,~

A tric'kle p·:·i'ne ].~ ·often u:sc~d ~ ~ reduce ·t.hl! IlJJ'\'em,enl~' ~-II.:-.\V .'[-'

. ,I~

ie'v_'-':~'I 'I~[ -o ·d·- '1::),.·1JI. ~ 'l'"h-lr:o'-Ul'O . t'h\ .' fli"V·.[-. j_if .1 .. _ T'-'-h~',~ ;,~ '0' ,C'~-1I'iiI ,., "fiElllq"- l"'f,P-I-

11_ ~, 11_,1 I,) ,_.~ '.1 __ "~' t,I,· '~J.! .. ~, r r~ ., •• _lI,l!li!ll~ ~.l.~l!tIJ _J L~"_ ,!!W

me,n.t" as you :·hOll~d. neVre:r lall,o·Y. even' ·m.H[ll :n,QW,· [.:, .go 'LhrQiugh a

l'~ . "i·I·I-'w·' '-8'1: 1'·····,_· -'-'.- f"~:, -: .,'.' ·d. "J-' d'· . ''I' .. t" "'" '.' II! . ·1' i -:', " .. --- '. -~,,,

Spl ",' '.' ~,~ longer ~~lan .Sf \t[era·, .'., _ ,y's .• a· IL,II ~s can. cau ·e nl,Qi.r,e erO[,.· ton

IfL.,· .. ··'h<rt· ii' . -, L'·I· 1).;.. ·.e ,.-.11 '--.- " ,n ... , .. - .-.:'. -'--'·.'1' ]1 'h'···c!"h· d'· .- ,.'.

'Fllan $;,. 10 .-' L,C,rnl ,I: ~ I, g ~ l~.r"'" vo. u. m.,. u: W~ 'i ' ... ' U1. ",8"_,, _'" 1::: -, n:n y

prO]y~'~hy,l[e:tu'!' (HOP ~)[ [r~,ck'c pip·.·~ of :1 SO~·300n~;:m di" m,eter to iu's'[ be:liw I "t; ,mu,dla:r'l,n1, \Mat~r te·v~'.li., =nt::t a_nd otUle~ls C'o.nsist of 1- m'lhe-rplr,e: -~a,-_:r~ca~,ed c. ''l:iI .::·uL [.·'-lL2Ir .: or end·w3J.IU s or theY' nlay be

~ fll- (I;"' a.nl e t r Pl'P'~ lUi. lu 'mllied" I U l.':iiled 'to:" :'. os' III ~ top!! 'W ith It be: [r~cklc, .- ipe illse·rt,t! . throu.gh '[h[e ;.ide and s_'~ded .. ~I'f w'eU ,S'~'_ h~ U~u~: 'vOllu'f,11e .,.yf "~-. ,·lte.lr 'fh1);win.~. ~ho.u~h Ithe pi:pe 'wil!]! be q.uit .

Ib- it' .11--1'. -1 A' -io . ['I ~", .. -. ~ --.~,n [.11 t . .,;i 'I ~ .- - 'd 'I" .

·"u, '!S[IW,;a n IU a, to .i, t· [~I r 0,. _ If.~L u e p,~·a",e \\1 ,k ~ nee ~.:

be p,I,~,c[ed al- un.d [the .. ," pt, in 'th_ nli Icl.· "f th.· .

'1'1 - •. - •. l'll ,.,

- ,I ,,'. -. ".~ I I '1 -.! .' I. ! I ! I, . ~:- _:-', !II 0' -, " 1 ,,--',' , 'J It', " l

Wi~' " t_ r _S[,lrI,,:.L nllOt.:tUlI[_: . eca',e-::' ,t . ni'- [ ,t;! ,1;'Upll!

h·· '1 Id ~ d ~. d I

.. I I r 'rlll .. ' ~ - . N'. ~.' I ; -;- r ~, , '" r" ,-. -, . III -;- • '

W lc.l cou . __ d,_ to [t.unne ,rO~,lQ.n t ._1· ,vat

I~·.i!'i~ ~I'U -_ ~ -:.. 'm' 13 .,1)". t""O' ~ - l'1n'U[ lid l.. -, plac 'd .. _ t, . h:uW. C ... ,:'NO..,~.U\..'.' ~.f~,.I,".v:.~',u:-_ ,fJ._.·_:·.· •. ·[_r.L.,f:

:i n h:~t nrQ renn· V'c tile. - hi,k c< b lockal eC'si n (h ~


i'--·~IC.'I ... ~ -, , 'I:'M "'!JIll,.,' .1-. , " . '. I' it ~, -: d- ~f' fi'" ,"I' 11·'-:~r ... I:'!i.II,C· pIIP,"",~ "n~Cu are. S,_ nlL.dmc.,' [~ I,.~. , " [I, .'.1

r·,11 .~~r-· e .. ~·r;~F"it·' iVI,~I['\I.

'-' J.. ~-~ . I, ~II'!~ L, ,~ ~I J '!II

T· p' 'ro' - ·""~"d··, ~ [~m' '1' .'i1h ;. . w· -- .. o'·r'· i~ .. '- ,d·, [ ·w~· c. Ij'·-r\·:··

= ) '. ." .' I • iII,;_ j _) • t I '...... llr'··... .~. !!I" .. _ l Ik.!

I -

'r'hrt;Jrllgh (he ·~plU.'v'dY,- imrnedi.a ~[. iy ~fter

t;ons[:r'"u,ctitln j.t ~,htluJd be oo\l'( ,red wil'h to,psoil

d d d- .,.~ '[1 'k'·k- '11

( , [.~ " .' '~:'Ii i ~, -, , !-:!i~" -, • ,_ -:' .', , '. ~ tr '.. . 1 I . - - ,. [- ~'. :. I -:--

~ln ,S '.-' e. '_ W1t 1. ~,I ~lS" ,·s 'Urc, . Il:IS[ d:,1_, .. uyl:m, c,ou.c. ['"

par~, ,grass ,or o~'h,err,s;oM.ech·l'nic,al nlti'shing .·.r

. '0.1'·' :ddng clf ,;.\Ill e 'l:":'"llV' . ,ted ~urf,u::es Ct\O be' d' ·D~._ by n fouf' 'wh~cl ilri!v,c CUT:' o:r·· :aclo:r' dr,a"g!!illgr a ':.c'[ion o,'~ [I'e'it~f~ ~intf'll nne·h 'w.-.li·ghed down wifh

1 1_.1. ~t ti' ._. ~l" I,_"_' .', le-ll .. - .. ' .. , .

'.: ,~d [ti res ~ Th'b~, '\V i U p.nl'v'[id. nn f!\x[ce Uent .. m'oo'tb

'fI, n i'sh (..' l he d~~nl ~~nd : - [s·s ~st i ~c- 'tbe .. ·rep\~ltalion of a .s::: ~ .... _ b . d, ~~or so-wi.n·:_ ~ur: .. re:~ flQwth. In ['ighter ~U·ie·a~; pnnicu~~lIt~Y a:.--· "Ill[ld ·the o,vertlo'~ .. " r rther

h· - ,I:'nd ;.,,,,, '11 ii ~ 11, .," nl lUI in".!' fI h' . . - t"I" ,', "1 b~' d·' - 0" '. n· ... · W'" "'Ii,. ~

'-I .1, ~I ,1'_ Jj~l~' I I = ~I.~ !I I:_ I, 1l111'.'_ L.lI, . Lr I. " .'~ . IU:I, itt,

""L'lII./' II' "'II'll'~~ " k~A Toh'··.'l·'- ;illIo'Y'''r- "~- 1t-· ill!" I II. 'I,Y'

,i'l·n C·¥· . .' . ~I!!. ~y Iii: . "-",,, ..' ~,;illli.IL.~a C:I, lOr I :~~_ ~WC;~,: ,:,



"- - ---- --

10'" -!l'I·... '~'d-'t-h-

~",UL;e'L: WII'~'~ , I

A '"4Pit. (:'- - -) .. ~'. L':;;, il,o"m ,




't:li4~ _


Fl100dl ,F.D'W (Ic:umr~,elcs:)









l' ,"





'In!let 'Wi:dlh

( " im,J

;c::,c;:' V~y

IOUit:l:et 'w,ld'lti @1 ,41%, (m,)

'1' 9

~ ~,


, ,"

I :1

22, 2'7 1'l'1



40 45 49 ,541'

58 62 6'1i'

OUI:I,et 'w'idthl @ 4,% ~"m).'·

\1 ;



'10 12 14 1,6

1'7 19 22 24 2,B


J ••••


'7~,5 '9~.-O

,., 1- n


40 47 :54 60 67 '7,'4

·80 ,87

94 '1'10:-:'0'-:'

_' .,'" .:_",

1'2" 5

1··.··· .c


"6':-: 5'

I '.'~ , . .-

.... _ ... ii' ._ "

1',B~,5 2,0.0 '2""2',·· 0"'"

.... / .. :. .

. i!.,"

n~Q -5~_' ~:U.l[·'


,n:?,' .Iii:: ~l · .. ·0

'al so are 'more difficult to repair, Ups tream 'Val yes, are more diffieult to access as they art: submerged, and a remote winding spindle 'w'i n be aeed (.0 operate it. 'HO'\VIe.V'er ~ they have less pressure IQ,m them and ,1'1) ake 1 t

, " ~~, t - '." .. :", . t,:t. .. _. ~ .

easter to repau~ me pipe,

Siphons are !MI DUi, er ~Ofllnton w,a.y' ofpiping water out of dams" Prefabrlcaeed 'J;I:DI:P:B siphons are now available and 'they- remove some of the natu ral difficu HI es f3,C'Bd. bv manv who have made siohons them selves

J J.' , ~ ~ - ~ - - - _. '-;'" ,._ l~" " ;Ij. ,!.'J lLr~, ~ I I H 1..:...l!~J. I Wl~11II

Compared ~:IQ' outlet ptpes, DI.ing equivalent diameter

'. h

,pIpes, , r owever, the volume of water a,b le to b-e' di s~

charsed j s verv small ,and th i 'S often 1 i mi t, thei Ii" ~i:I'!?,~

~ '~',;J' - - ._- -' -.~'-'--' .--'~'~'. "._-'., , .,' H ,·,111 '!I.;Ji~~e.,

Butwhere applicable, I, small s,ipnG'll can be a cheap

!!lII nd effecti 101 :r~1 ':- .', ' .. '-, " .' ,,4i''':I''~ ... t... .- , -,-, ~, '-, - ,'". Illl ' '.. ]-, . f'c

,~U,L,_ ' "'" ,l~L. II, ',"' ~ meiilfJ-S 0 I, ru S,C.!l t:ar,g I Wig S,[Jl ch, Vi[) Ulllie ..... 10 ~

stored water,

a ut I st s I op,e~6: oaJcu~a,jt'e d '~'o r- return ,Sliop as; ofi ,2i4:'~\O 11 1! 4,~/o~, en d 4',0,4 ~ S'ee'k rerf'e,re noes Of P nJf'e',s,smon.a~adv'j.cet fo r 'fu IFthe~r "i nfo.rm';edion on diRe rent slopes,

worthwhile .. and you wi 11' thank .. yourself for doing ,i'l: :i n the years '~D

~." --

come, s lJH;~1. ts the effect,

IOllltlet', Pipe»

Out let pipes are i n stal led for the fOU'0W ing purposes;

'. Gravity supply ~Qf water 'fOif' do,w'Os:rre:am/dGw,nslope uses .' Sucti on pi P,C:. 'W'3 ter sup'ply for pumpi n,g;

'. Brll:ptY'lng the dam for- repairs, including silt rem {'IiV al and leak I OC1~lt len

• BnJ'Viron,lneu,tall:y nec!3J,suy Flows i,n sensltive earchmears (:U" 'where 'I~q'IJ,l red by [Iolc~d authorltles.

IOU t hl!;'[ 'pipe s present some tn f:F.hc Ld ties hl the construction phase and are expensive 'to install. However, their applications makes the-Ill S uch a u sefu 1. i, ",e'lll (hat th,ey shou I d be consl dered where

PO(]' ~; 'b.'11 ~

, .. ~~"1l1l,~. J,~~

'Co-H,ars or baffles are ;rcq uired ,(110118 the lengtb, of the pip e to pre vent seepage ~ Jon g the ~ ength of the' pipe, and are ge nerally

" made .of steel pl ate, each of around 7~c,m, to 1 ~2nl square, Al least three are needed for pipe lengths' of up to 20m,. Pipes 2:j;rn long win need 4 baffh!'s~ 4,O:n1 pipes need '7 il and SOm will need 8 ~ The pipe , made of J=1DP E"~ rubber-jointed concrete or g~d van lzed i ron, is in s tal] ed by han d ttlto a prepared tren,c'b," S'oH, is, compacted around. the p,w ~pe and th en co vered c~n·eful1y ·w"i'n:h. ,the machinery available n,r<l~ .. cavator, backhoe, or bulldozer are best) and tben careful 'l:y b uil,t ucp and track rolled '! We pl ace star pickets around. the inlet and OD.'Uet5 and put an upturned 0 i'l drum.over them t;IO 'protect them from damage for the remainder 0:[ the: construction 'pro,c-e,s 8,. A g a kn ~ a. mesh cover i I recomme nded to cover the, Inlet 'W il h both 'the i nlet and outlet secured in an anchor block rtd3ti ve in volume tOI ~:he' dlalneter of the pipe, The Keyliae Designs webslte and books ha ve some excellent pi e ttl res of p Ip e baffles

, r~ ".

land. ,i nl let mesh .gnards.

IOU Uets us e gl'te va.lv'es b) c:ootrol t11e am.a u,n:[ o:f flo'w" oot. of th"e del n] '. V' aI ve-s ,~l.re, .p I il:eed ':itber d OW'D.S t ("'Oa nl o,:r u,pstre:am :o,f the w,a:ll. Dow,nstre'al]1, 'v aJ'V'e'Si are 'more, pOplllI] ar,~ a I,thou 8',h, they -;0 fie

'I 'i ke I, yto le~lk m,Qll"(!; dUB to CO]~ s.tanl pn~s:sure ,ap'pH,ed t.o thBrl1,~ and

W,a.-I:er S'IBra ~:e V'O,IIll:UIlU!,

.J • -- _._ --

'V' 8 c1'l .I.:I'~' 'D" L "U " =: ."i~~ 11:, "~I X ,1'1 X 1_., X a


V' =: vol.-om,·' of'w,ater' ,~dorea, (ml),

, -'" ,=: ,11~Dg;est, ,)e:ujgtb, of' w'later' !iiurfalce (:mjl

"W =: wbJ:lb of"w'ater' aeress 'tl;,!e dam w'lall: r(:m'

'01 :~ water: Idep-I'(b at tbe base ,n'f i.'he te:'m'ban'k;'men' (0 ~

_. ... .. . . __ l __ . ! '_ l,'. I _,~, _.l. •• I il ._. _ . 1 •• "_ ~ _ "_' _', .' 1.1

K:,·· ' ". '.' - -,-. - ,~, -" _.. ·-'m' _.,_1Ii t ~""' '.- ]], - . 'b' .~

, '~"" aplprop,[fIJI,I.JB' ~,oe'" I.CI,!R, ~ :1]01" ,go. y ,5, ap;-

Atn0i'(henr ,acc:Plali~ ,m,e'thod ,~b:r' c,lil"culati"n.1 gu ,'1 ,eroljDJ:U11"n~u~n'l vol'Ll me s IlJ ~es lbe, 11; riZQ;fltld, sFilce m,lcthlodll' Th I,s r,~rqu iles a plot (!)' the d~un 'wall orno ifJ, SlJrve:y p ,iln of t.bc si.'tc~ ,~ior bi,ghe:r aC'CU[,iThCY ,~'I,C'U e:an tben cUv'i,de I,he !Cia,ln and s'tlo:r.,a,g,t into,.fl. _e:ries of O. ~rn

slices, then with theaid of a planimeter calculate the volume of each of the. 81 ices, 'with the total volume being: the sum of all of the ,:d ices You can al so u se the grid pa:pe.'r tran spa rene y over thee survey plan, and count the area contained ln the squares for a similar, less accurate result,

The Queensland Water 'Resources, Commission developed [be. following method "which involes derermining the shape ~f tbe gully 81 ice cross sect lon and then sel acting a eorrespondi ng sha pe from a, list. each of which has its' own eoefficient between 0,.5 and. 'I .6.

To estimate embankment volume and gully storage.we CU'Il11Sle the f gu res fro III the prev i,QUS examples:

E"'" 'b- . .,." I. 'D'" -- .-. D'''''' - -.,. -'"iI

_. ml ~anA.meD,Ii:anl '. ,1,m,(~D;Slu,nS"1

E'DI'b,ankm,en,'~, 'V'olum:c (V)

~, :),05',,0'.,5 (K) x ,SO (W]:x 4 (R) x:.5 (8+1,') t=: 52,5 m,3

'Theil we can decide W'h,efhe:r the amount g" water st'O'£led

J·'u5,tifles th:e: amount of earth 'mo,ted' ,(how ecODomjc:a'l our


. '·.h·~-.·-·' - dam is).'· blJ' dete,r,milli:l1g': the ratio' of 'the w3,ter stored to

c.. ,{)se,n L_ _ ~ .}; _ _ _ .. . '_'_ . _ • _ _ . . , .• _ _ . .. • •

''''h:< t·c .• ·t: -"1 'd:: .', and r·' er 'I'if" '" - I ", T(lt-' ,'." . I'll "d' the ..... ". -. L .- ':-',

~"I ,Ieoa_am, ll~., __ , _c es_, __ YO,,___o_ume. __ , IS, IS 'f,all~e. ' .' ,e. sllo,rag,e

r,a't_io~ e aleulated ,as 'follt) .. ws·:

T· ~ t Hi bh b II . '-, U '''h' t d- " ,', . ith ,t,'Ij:.,,~' ~ _. --' - '" - - ,. "i.,. , ue,d,~,·_:e _'e,~ow t~:~,~s us l~' ,2 .. la, ,·,8,m W[l~ :,' L.~J~18 :s~ora,g.e .rano I:S wortn


D'Rm ,S,t',Drag. ,e' Rati'n Fe',IL~lb!l~it~· _ _., _ . _ _ _ I. - - - -. - - - - S - - t - Y

S'torage, Ratio




. . , .1'

4·-,6' .>6

Mader-aha iHi'gh'

'Very H'rng,h

Da',~~m':::", Planning & Design Checklist

. ~ ! II. '. . If .. . , '". I ... . - . - _- . _. '-.' ..

. -

I", Permaeulture Farm Pl an ~ Gather ,map resources and

- l h ] ,i • II, di !, d' desi 1 'i ,

deve op it ' : 0, rsnc. .~'I,a~l[108lS' an.'~ '.BS,:~,g·l1, p anmng approach to

as ses s the in regrate d need, for water storage' s pel' se t he catchments available, wheredams fi-l into the overall landscape.

2., 'W'hy do (' need a chun? Is lt the most appreprlate water storage cho lee 71

3" Legal 'P1 ann i n,g, Requirements=Contacr ,~,ocal/s,l"~ te authori-

-. ., d h,· ,. "t ·

t.1,eS',!1 eX:pe,il~n.ce·:, c.onSlh'ILl ng ·c I, V~I, engineers ~

4 I' S (j,i:1 Ci~,as siflc:a:tio:n- Take goil S:,fun plles,~ '8 e s.t tOr use Oeo()tec'h-

'" "I E' ~ 'h "'b' 1- . ar; b

. -. -,.',r. -. - . .-,:', ';)I I "'I' riO •. '-_.' .. ··'t··~~ '" ':7. ',_. "'I .. .. .. - ';'. " - .. ':, . -'i ...• ~ -._ -.- ..

n],c(J"., ,·ngll'l.eer.s W, ,_,ere POS,$I, ... ,e t.o ensure s·_ est, . -est OlltCQ,lllle, •

- - ~

5. Dam Design=-Use cllmare/soil/earchment/site analysis to

a- ssess tbe best Ant-,;'[' ons A- aain profe ('I1C':l' on al consultetion W' ise ; f

~;"""',~;;;1; ne ',-,0", v"f1 ,,' ,.~~,·_~Cil, ~,.IJ protesstoruu ~O:I~I,.:i,'U,"'~,!1l., ,I~ j.'_i_' .. se n

the experience or knowledge base. is low. May be legally required

051 n 'yo wa" ,l,r

~"Ii:. _ ... , .. ;j."".

6., Outlet Systems-c-Dc I need them? Does the cost warrant the i nstal lation 1 Look for S:'U p p'] iers, etc,

7., Earthwork and Storage Volurues=-Catculste-them t.01 assess '[he cost/benefl l ratio"

g,,. Contact local earth rnovers-s-What ~ s their experience? 'Check out references and examples-of their work, Find our how U1UC h. they c cst pier ho ur or per ell bic meter ceq u i val ent, How' much earth can they move per' hour/day, Get set price quonulons and quality guarantees,

9., Constructi on·-,Fi nalize canst ru ction tirnerables, Mark-out, and YOll:F personal finances, And read the next issue of this



, ~

Thi s W s the nTS,n i nstall me n t of ,a m u:ltl"ptI1:t. artie] e on earth darns,


N elson ~K~ D, D,e~\·'~f4 n and C onstructi OJ.~' qj·Snu'llt' Eel rt h Dams.

I: nkara Press, Me ~,bou me, '~99]

Southom, Neil..Fllrn1 Welter ~~UI'J,fi,e:.\:, lnkata Press, Melbourne, 199.5

Irvine- Will lam, Sur i!'ii.Jil'J(~ (h,t C 'onstruction. M' .' ..... e,r';!'I"a-w' t H~=~;i I'] ,U,"~'-

_ I!l . - --- --- -1iiy--tIl~tl/"f- .. [~~J~'·liIL~·~~I'J~~ t Utj . r , 1.].11, .. ~ . .,

1'980 ~

Yeomans ,P,,,i-\,; Ulld K; B YeOltlC1ns.,Wtl'l'er tor Ever» Farm:

,,.1:' .. ,

:Ye'nnan.~ ,Key,U:ne ,Plan~ Keyline Designs, Queensland, '1' .· .• 3

www.keyline.com au~'Keyl in e Designs (Ken, Yeomans) Il

Darren J. "DrJ.herty ts a .f7ft h= generatton Bendigonain commlrted t» the sustainable deveiopment oj''',u~'I~z'!''aiilcl. He ;q'r(;!).fl.',1 up' en! the land has been n il"hef'~"£P:l'''''''' certiiied aroani«: 'fitl"',(I':~"~,..r::o!i!jil eartlener.

. - - . ill - -) - J"_. _ _ _ .. ~. _ --i.. _._"iIi~1 "- ~ ,. !ti !Il.~ u 'J·u~~ t" L·iI'IlI,'tr riljl~I:" I\ .. ~ ill, 1,~!bC'" ~ ~ '~J~ If ;.

Darren has .,;t}·(j,l1'8' lInks ,In 1'h£~,!(i{:rI11: .J(:'resr1~J~' industry, and

. .... -- .• , . ct'. "A' .. 'tn J'.~ .:r:;'l !:.!!'J' '. '.' p' 'J',. . .. I.. "';' iii' kn .. /. -, I ,-. ,- - ~" -'j .t',.,

operate» russtruun reus . t,,f111€lCU,rlU/~,, a tana p~,(,nnun8 tirm.

8 A- 'R" T"_j"WO' ". R' Vj~ .Po" 'c'N'C'iEi'G" Y N'O·:·.··: V' .. ,"c··,'M··· .' 'S . .' '8-' R. :., ..... t'!iiru,' ·····"]·,0···

<_ •• ," - .~.,_: i:.- .. l-:l .... >.,/. ..,. \: 'lr\.,a· oc u ...... , ~~~. ~ 1 < . ,,_ ,0,_ '_' _ :0 _'.. ,~!'Jl .


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