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PRACTICE TEST 1: High Risk Pregnancy

1. The nurse is caring for a pregnant 8. Which of the following statements made
woman with herpes zoster or, shingles. by a pregnant client with a chlamydial
What should the nurse expect to find during infection indicates understanding of the
the initial assessment? potential complications
A. Rhinorrhea, small red lesions including A. “I need to prepare myself and my family
some with vesicles that are widespread over for a baby with congenital anomalies.”
the face and body B. “I hope this medicine works before this
B. A painful vesicular eruption following a disease gets into my urine and destroys my
nerve pathway kidneys.”
C. Blisters on the lips and in the corners of C. “I can have a normal vaginal delivery.”
the mouth D. “I need to treat this infection so it doesn’t
D. Painful fluid-filled vesicles in the genital spread into my pelvis because I want to have
area more children someday.”

2. The nurse is assessing a pregnant 9. A pregnant client tests positive for the
woman for sexually transmitted diseases. Hepatitis B virus. The client asks the nurse if
Which symptom would be most apt to be she will be able to breastfeed her baby as
present in a woman with a Trichomonas planned after delivery. Which of the
vaginalis vaginal infection? following responses by the nurse is most
A. A profuse bubbly yellowish-gray discharge appropriate?
B. White cheese-like patches in the vagina A. “You will not be able to breastfeed the
C. Perineal deformity baby until 6 months after delivery.”
D. An ulcer or lesion of the vulva or vagina B. “Breastfeeding is not a problem and you
will be able to breastfeed immediately after
3. A clinic nurse is caring for a pregnant delivery.”
client with herpes genitalis. The nurse C. “Breastfeeding is allowed if the baby
provides instructions to the mother regarding receives prophylaxis at birth and remains on
treatment modalities that may be necessary the scheduled immunization.”
for treatment of this condition. Which of the D. “Breastfeeding is not advised, and you
following statements if made by the mother should seriously consider bottle-feeding the
indicates an understanding of these baby.”
treatment measures?
A. “ I need to abstain from sexual intercourse 10. A hepatitis B screen is performed on a
until after delivery.” pregnant client, and the results indicate the
B. “I need to use vaginal creams after the presence of antigens in the maternal blood.
douche everyday.” Which of the following would the nurse
C. “I need to douche and perform a Sitz bath anticipate to be prescribed?
three times a day.” A. Repeat hepatitis screen
D. “It may be necessary to have a Cesarean B. Retesting the mother in 1 week
section for delivery.” C. Administration of hepatitis vaccine and
hepatitis B immune globulin to the neonate
4. A pregnant client has been diagnosed within 12 hours after birth
with a vaginal infection from the organism D. Administration of antibiotics during
Candida albicans. Which findings would the pregnancy
nurse expect to note on assessment of the
client? 11. A nurse is instructing a client with
A. Absence of any signs and symptoms hepatitis about measures to control fatigue.
B. Pain, itching, and vaginal discharge The nurse avoids telling the client to
C. Proteinuria, hematuria, edema, and A. Plan rest periods after meals
hypertension B. Rest in-between activities
D. Costovertebral angle pain C. Perform personal hygiene if not fatigued
D. Complete all daily activities in the
5. A nurse is caring for a pregnant client morning when the client is most rested
with a history of human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV). Which nursing diagnosis, if 12. A pregnant client is treated for syphilis
formulated by the nurse, has the highest during the first trimester with intramuscular
priority for this client? injections of penicillin. Her baby’s diagnosis
A. Self care deficit C. at birth would most likely be
Nutrition deficit A. Congenital syphilis C. Normal
B. Risk for infection D. newborn
Activity intolerance B. Stillborn D. Premature
6. A nurse performs an initial assessment
on a pregnant client and determines that the Hematologic
client is at risk for toxoplasmosis. The nurse 13. Which of the following conditions is the
would teach the client which of the following most common cause of anemia in
to prevent exposure to this disease? pregnancy?
A. Wash hands only before meals A. Alpha thalassemia C. Iron
B. Eat raw meats deficiency anemia
C. Avoid exposure to litter boxes used by B. Beta thalassemia D. Sickle
cats cell anemia
D. Use topical corticosteroid treatments
prophylactically 14. A pregnant client is suspected of
having iron deficiency anemia. Which of the
7. A client with gonorrhea asks the nurse if following would the nurse expect to note
it can cause cancer. The nurse tells her that regarding the client’s status?
the organism associated with up to 90% of A. A low hemoglobin and hematocrit level
cervical malignancies and may be linked to B. A high hemoglobin and hematocrit level
other genital cancers is C. Fluid volume excess
A. Neisseria gonorrhoea C. Human D. Fluid volume deficit
papilloma virus
B. Chlamydia trachomatis D. Herpes
simplex virus

15. A pregnant client is taking iron 23. A pregnant client is admitted to the
supplements to correct iron-deficiency hospital with a diagnosis of sickle cell crisis.
anemia. The nurse teaches the client which The nurse contacts the physician to question
of the following special considerations while which order documented in the child’s
on iron therapy? record?
A. Avoid taking iron with milk or antacids A. Intravenous fluids C. Bedrest
B. Limit intake of meat, fish, and poultry B. Supplemental oxygen D.
C. Eat a low-fiber diet Meperidine hydrochloride
D. Limit intake of fluids
24. A pregnant client is admitted to the
16. A nurse is preparing to teach a hospital with a suspected diagnosis of
pregnant client about the dietary sources of immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
iron that are easy for the body to absorb. Diagnostic studies are performed. Which of
Which of the following food items would the the following diagnostic results is indicative
nurse include in the teaching plan? of this disorder?
A. Cereals C. Fruits A. Bone marrow examination indicating an
B. Poultry D. increased number of immature white blood
Vegetables cells
B. Bone marrow examination showing an
17. A clinic nurse instructs a pregnant increased number of megakaryocytes.
adolescent with iron deficiency anemia about C. Elevated platelet count
the administration of oral iron preparations. D. Elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit
The nurse instructs the adolescent that it is levels
best to take the iron with
A. Water C. Tomato Renal and Urinary
juice 25. The most common microorganism
B. Soda D. Cola responsible for urinary tract infection is
A. Escherichia coli C. group
18. During a nutritional counseling session, B streptococcus
a pregnant woman asks why a person needs B. Staphylococcus aureus D.
more iron during pregnancy. The nurse Pneumocystis carinii
answers that increased demand for iron
during pregnancy is most likely caused by 26. A primigravid client in her 12th week of
A. A decrease in red blood cell formation gestation asks the nurse ways on how to
occurring in the third trimester prevent urinary tract infection. Which of the
B. The rise in blood cell concentration following responses of the nurse is correct?
occurring between 24 and 32 weeks’ A. “Do vaginal douching after intercourse.”
gestation. B. “ Void frequently at least every two
C. An increase in total blood cell volume and hours.”
hemoglobin mass by approximately 25% to C. “Wear loose, comfortable synthetic
50% during pregnancy. underwear.”
D. A decreased efficiency of iron absorption D. “Wipe from the back to the front after
during pregnancy and fetal inability to bowel movement.”
absorb the mineral
27. A nurse has provided instructions to a
19. A nurse is administering iron dextran to pregnant client with urinary tract infection
a client by the intravenous route. The nurse regarding food and fluids to consume that
checks that which of the following will acidify the urine. Which of the following
medications is available for use if needed as fluids, if identified by the mother, indicates a
an antidote to the iron? need for further education regarding fluids
A. Deferoxamine C. Ferrous that will acidify the urine?
fumarate A. Apricot juice C. Prune
B. Dirithromycin D. juice
Ferrous sulfate B. Carbonated drinks D.
Cranberry juice
20. A pregnant client with sickle cell
anemia is at an increased risk for having a 28. Which of the following medications is
sickle cell crisis during pregnancy. not to be used in managing urinary tract
Aggressive management of a sickle cell crisis infection during the third trimester?
includes which of the following measures? A. Ampicillin C.
A. Antihypertensive agents C. I.V. Sulfonamides
Fluids B. Amoxicillin D.
B. Diuretic agents D. Cephalosporin
Acetaminophen for pain
29. A pregnant client with chronic renal
21. A client in labor has a concurrent failure has been treated with sodium
diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. Because the polysterene sulfonate (Kayexalate) by
client is at high risk for sickling crisis, which mouth. The nurse would evaluate this
nursing action is the priority to assist in therapy as effective if which of the following
preventing a crisis from occurring during values was noted on follow-up laboratory
labor? testing?
A. Reassure the client A. Potassium 4.9mEq/L C. Phosphorus 3.9
B. Administer oxygen as ordered throughout mEq/L
labor B. Sodium 142mEq/L D. Calcium 9.8
C. Maintain strict asepsis mEq/L
D. Prevent bearing down
30. Pregnant women with renal disease
22. A pregnant client is admitted to the and taking corticosteroids at a maintenance
hospital with sickle cell crisis. The nurse level is highly likely to have newborns
monitors this client for which of the following experiencing which of the following
most frequent symptoms of this disorder? conditions?
A. Bradycardia C. Diarrhea A. Hyperglycemia C.
C. Pain D. Blurred Hypoglycemia
vision B. Respiratory depression D.
Increased irritability

31. A client at 16 weeks’ gestation is

receiving antibiotic therapy for
pyelonephritis. The nurse is aware that the
safest antibiotic for administration during
pregnancy is
A. Gantrisin C.
B. Tetracycline D.

Respiratory 39. A nurse is conducting a clinic visit with

32. A pregnant client is screened for a prenatal client with heart disease. The
tuberculosis during her first prenatal visit. nurse carefully assesses the client’s vital
An intradermal injection of purified protein signs, weight, and fluid and nutritional status
derivative of the tuberculin bacilli is given. to detect complications caused by
The client is considered to have a positive A. Hypertrophy and increased contractility of
test for which of the following results? the heart
A. An indurated wheal under 10mm in B. The increase in circulating blood volume
diameter appears in 6-12 hours C. Fetal cardiomegaly
B. An indurated wheal over 10mm in D. Rh incompatibility
diameter appears in 48-72 hours
C. A flat circumscribed area under 10mm in 40. A prenatal client is admitted to an
diameter appears in 6-12 hours obstetric unit during an exacerbation of a
D. A flat circumscribed area over 10mm in heart condition. When planning for the
diameter appears in 48-72 hours nutritional requirements of the client, a nurse
would consult with a dietitian to ensure
33. A pregnant client who had asthma which of the following?
claims that her asthma attacks became A. A low-calorie diet to ensure absence of
infrequent since she got pregnant. Which of weight gain
the following conditions during pregnancy B. A diet low in fluids and fiber to decrease
could have contributed to the decreased blood volume
frequency of attacks? C. A diet high in fluids and fiber to decrease
A. High circulating levels of corticosteroid constipation
B. Increased histamine release D. Unlimited sodium intake to increase
C. Increased lung capacity circulating blood volume
D. High circulating levels of progesterone
41. After instruction of a primigravid client
34. A nurse is reviewing the results of a at 8 weeks’ gestation diagnosed with heart
sweat test performed on a pregnant client disease about self-care during pregnancy,
with cystic fibrosis. The nurse would expect which of the following client statements
to note which finding? would indicate the need for additional
A. A sweat sodium concentration less than teaching?
40mEq/L A. “I should avoid being near people who
B. A sweat potassium concentration less have a cold.”
than 40mEq/L B. “I may be given antibiotics during my
C. A sweat potassium concentration greater pregnancy.”
than 40mEq/L C. “I should reduce my intake of protein in
D. A sweat chloride concentration greater my diet.”
than 60mEq/L D. “I should limit my salt intake at meals.”

Rheumatoid 42. While caring for a primigravid client

35. A nurse is assigned to care for a with congestive heart disease at 28 weeks’
prenatal client with juvenile rheumatoid gestation, the nurse would instruct the client
arthritis. The nurse reviews the plan of care, to contact her physician immediately if the
knowing that which of the following is the client experiences which of the following?
priority nursing diagnosis? A. Mild ankle edema
A. Body Image Disturbance related to B. Emotional stress on the job
activity intolerance C. Weight gain of 1 pound in 1 week
B. Potential for Self Care Deficit related to D. Increased dyspnea at rest
C. High Risk for Injury related to impaired 43. A nurse is providing diet teaching to a
physical mobility pregnant client with congestive heart failure.
D. Pain related to the inflammatory process The nurse tells the client to avoid
A. Leafy green vegetables C. Cooked
GI cereal
36. A pregnant client with hiatal hernia is B. Catsup D. Sherbet
asking the nurse for something to drink. The
nurse offers the client which of the following 44. A nurse is assessing a pregnant client
items? with left sided heart failure. The client states
A. Tomato juice C. Grapefruit that it is necessary to use three pillows
juice under the head and chest at night to be able
B. Orange juice D. Apple to breathe comfortably while sleeping. The
juice nurse documents that the client is
Cardiovascular A. Dyspnea on exertion
37. A nurse is performing a cardiovascular B. Dyspnea at rest
assessment on a pregnant client. Which of C. Orthopnea
the following items would the nurse assess D. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
to gain the best information about the
client’s left-sided heart function? 45. A primigravid client with heart disease
A. Breath sounds C. Jugular vein who is visiting the clinic at 8 weeks’
distention gestation tells the nurse that she has been
B. Peripheral edema D. maintaining a low-sodium, 1,800-calorie diet.
Hepatojugular reflux Which of the following instructions should
the nurse give the client?
38. A nurse is performing a cardiovascular A. Avoid folic acid supplements to prevent
assessment on a pregnant client. Which of megaloblastic anemia
the following items would the nurse assess B. Severely restrict sodium intake
to gain the best information about the throughout the pregnancy
client’s right-sided heart function? C. Take iron supplements with milk to
A. Breath sounds C. Presence of enhance absorption
dyspnea D. Increase calorie intake to 2,200 calories
B. Peripheral edema D. Respiratory daily to promote fetal growth
46. A pregnant client is diagnosed with
thrombophlebitis of the left leg. A nurse
documents in the nursing care plan that the
client should be placed on bed rest with
A. The left leg kept flat D.
Bathroom privileges
B. Elevation of the left leg
C. The left leg in a dependent position
47. A pregnant client with mitral valve 55. A woman who has had diabetes mellitus
prolapse is receiving anticoagulant therapy for 3 years becomes pregnant. On her initial
during pregnancy. A nurse performs an prenatal visit, she asks the nurse how this
assessment on the client and expects that pregnancy will affect her insulin
the client will indicate that which of the requirements. Which of the following is true
following medications is prescribed? regarding insulin needs during pregnancy?
A. Oral intake of 15mg of warfarin A. Insulin needs during pregnancy will be
(Coumadin) daily essentially the same as before pregnancy, as
B. Intravenous infusion of heparin sodium, long as the client maintains a well-balanced
5000 units daily diet.
C. Subcutaneous administration of heparin B. Insulin needs will vary throughout the
sodium 5000 units daily pregnancy and will need to be watched
D. Subcutaneous administration of closely. It is not possible to predict when
terbutaline (Brethine) daily insulin needs will be greatest.
C. With a proper balance of nutrition and
Endo exercise, the client may not need insulin
48. A primigravid client with diabetes at 39 during pregnancy. This is because the baby
weeks’ age of gestation is seen in the high- will be producing insulin, which will be
risk clinic. The physician estimates that the available for the mother’s body to use.
fetus weighs at least 4,500g. The client D. Insulin needs will vary throughout the
asks, ”What causes the baby to be so large?” pregnancy. Need is likely to decrease during
The nurses’ response is based on the the first trimester and then continue to
understanding that fetal macrosomia is increase throughout the remainder of the
usually related to which of the following? pregnancy
A. Family history of large infants
B. Fetal anomalies 56. At 38 weeks’ gestation, a primigravid
C. Maternal hyperglycemia client with poorly controlled diabetes and
D. Maternal hypertension severe preeclampsia is admitted for a
cesarean delivery. The nurse explains to the
49. Clients with gestational diabetes are client that delivery helps to prevent which of
usually managed by which of the following the following?
therapies? A. Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
A. Diet B. Congenital anomalies
B. Long-acting insulin C. Perinatal asphyxia
C. Oral hypoglycemic drugs D. Stillbirth
D. Oral Hypoglycemic drugs and insulin
50. Which of the following problems 57. Which of the following rationales best
typically result from uncontrolled gestational explains why a pregnant client should lie on
diabetes? her left side when resting or sleeping in the
A. Maternal hyperglycemia C. Insufficient later stages of pregnancy?
amniotic fluid A. To facilitate digestion
B. Fetal demise D. Maternal B. To facilitate bladder emptying
hypertension C. To prevent compression of the vena cava
D. To avoid the development of fetal
51. A 27-year old primigravid client with anomalies
insulin-dependent diabetes at 34 weeks’
gestation undergoes a nonstress test, the 58. A 21-year-old client arrives at the
results of which are documented as reactive. emergency department with complaints of
The nurse tells the client that the test results cramping lower abdominal pain that radiates
indicate which of the following? to the shoulders and mild vaginal bleeding.
A. A contraction stress test is necessary Pelvic examination shows a left adnexal
B. The nonstress test should be repeated mass that is tender when palpated.
C. Chorionic villus sampling is necessary Culdocentesis shows blood in the cul-de-sac.
D. There is evidence of fetal well-being. This client probably has which of the
following conditions?
52. A primigravid client with insulin- A. Abruptio placentae C.
dependent diabetes tells the nurse that the Hydatidiform mole
contraction stress test performed earlier in B. Ectopic pregnancy D. Pelvic
the day was suspicious. The nurse interprets inflammatory disease
this test result as indicating that the fetal
heart rate pattern showed which of the 59. Before surgery to remove an ectopic
following? pregnancy and the fallopian tube, which of
A. Frequent late decelerations the following would alert the nurse to the
B. Decreased fetal movement possibility of tubal rupture?
C. Inconsistent late decelerations A. Amount of vaginal bleeding and discharge
D. Lack of fetal movement B. Falling hematocrit and hemoglobin levels
C. Slow, bounding pulse rate of 80 beats per
53. When teaching a primigravid client with minute
diabetes about common causes of D. Marked abdominal edema
hyperglycemia during pregnancy, which of
the following would the nurse include? 60. A 36-year old multigravid client is
A. Fetal macrosomia admitted to the hospital with possible
B. Obesity before conception ruptured ectopic pregnancy. When obtaining
C. Maternal infection the client’s history, which of the following
D. Pregnancy-induced hypertension would be most important to identify as a
predisposing factor?
54. After teaching a diabetic primigravida A. Urinary tract infection
about symptoms of hyperglycemia and B. Cocaine use during pregnancy
hypoglycemia, the nurse determines that the C. Episodes of pelvic inflammatory disease
client understands the instruction when she D. Use of estrogen-progestin contraceptives
says that hyperglycemia may be manifested
by which of the following? 61. A multigravid client is admitted to the
A. Dehydration C. Sweating hospital with a diagnosis of ectopic
B. Pallor D. pregnancy. The nurse anticipates that,
Nervousness because the client’s fallopian tube has not
yet ruptured, which of the following may be
A. Progestin contraceptives C.
B. Medroxyprogesterone D.

62. A woman who is 8 weeks pregnant 70. Which of the following findings would
comes to the emergency department with indicate that a woman might be developing
moderate bright red vaginal bleeding. On complications from an abruptio placentae
examination, the physician finds the client’s A. The woman’s temperature is 100 degrees
cervix 2cm dilated. Which term best F
describes the client’s condition? (38.3 degrees C)
A. Incomplete abortion C. B. Fluid-filled vesicles appear in the vaginal
Threatened Abortion discharge
B. Inevitable abortion D. Missed C. A venipuncture site continuous to bleed
abortion for 15 minutes
D. Urinary output is approximately 50ml/hr
63. A multigravida is admitted to the
hospital with a diagnosis of threatened 71. In assessing the client with vaginal
abortion. Her initial nursing management bleeding in the third trimester of pregnancy.
would include which of the following? Abruptio placenta is suspected. Which of
A. Examining all perineal pads for tissues the following procedures would the nurse
and clots perform?
B. Placing the patient in Trendelenburg A. Monitor urine output by inserting a Foley
position catheter
C. Preparing her for a Shirodkar procedure. B. Perform a vaginal examination to
D. Restricting all physical activity and fluid evaluate progression of labor
intake C. Check the client’s vital signs every 30
64. The physician tells a woman who D. Conduct an abdominal examination for
experienced bleeding in the first trimester signs of tenderness and rigidity
that she has had “a missed abortion.” The
woman asks the nurse to explain what this 72. In providing nursing care for the woman
means. Which response is most with abruptio placenta, which of the
appropriate? following measures would be appropriate
A. “It’s another name for a miscarriage.” and provide the most benefit to the fetus?
B. “The baby is deformed, resulting in an A. Turn the client every 30 minutes
abortion.” B. Administer oxygen
C. “The baby is no longer alive and growing, C. Estimate amount of blood loss
but your body hasn’t expelled it yet.” D. Observe for changes in the pattern of
D. “There was no pregnancy; your body just uterine contractions
responded as if there was one.”
73. The nurse is caring for a woman with a
65. A client with painless vaginal bleeding diagnosis of abruptio placentae. What
has just been diagnosed as having placenta complication of this condition is of most
previa. Which of the following procedures is concern to the nurse?
usually performed to diagnosed placenta A. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
previa? syndrome
A. Amniocentesis B. Pulmonary embolus
B. Digital or speculum examination C. Hypocalcemia
C. External or fetal monitoring D. Urinary tract infection
D. Ultrasound
74. Which of the following symptoms occurs
66. A pregnant client who reports painless with a hydatidiform mole?
vaginal bleeding at 28 weeks’ gestation is A. Heavy, bright red bleeding every 21 days
diagnosed with placenta previa. The B. Fetal cardiac motion after 6 weeks’
placental edge reaches the internal os. This gestation
type of placenta previa is known as which of C. Benign tumors found in the smooth
the following types? muscle of the uterus
A. Low-lying placenta previa C. Partial D. “Snowstorm” pattern on ultrasound with
placenta previa no fetus or gestational sac
B. Marginal placenta previa D. Total
placenta previa 75. A client is being admitted to the
emergency room for hypovolemia secondary
67. After giving instruction about the cause to hyperemesis gravidarum. Which of the
of the vaginal bleeding to a multigravid following factors predisposes a client to the
client at 36 weeks’ gestation diagnosed with development of this condition?
placenta previa, the nurse determines that A. Trophoblastic disease
the teaching has been effective when the B. Maternal age older than 35 years
client says that the bleeding results from C. Malnourished or underweight clients
which of the following? D. Low levels of human chorionic
A. Diminished clotting factors gonadotropin
B. Exposure of maternal blood sinuses
C. Increased platelet levels 76. A 21-year old client has just been
D. A large-for-gestational age fetus diagnosed with having a hydatidiform mole.
Which of the following factors is considered a
68. A woman in the eighth month of risk factor for developing a hydatidiform
pregnancy has mild vaginal bleeding mole?
associated with a diagnosis of placenta A. Age in 20s or 30s C.
previa. In caring for this client, the nurse Primigravida
would B. High socioeconomic status D. Prior
A. Prepare for a vaginal examination molar gestation
B. Expect an emergency cesarean birth
C. Keep the woman on bedrest 77. After suction and evacuation of a
D. Place the woman in Trendelenburg complete hydatidiform mole,
position The 28 year-old primigravid client asks the
nurse when she can become pregnant again.
69. A woman is hospitalized with placenta The nurse would advise the client not to
previa. Which of the following is most become pregnant again for at least which of
important for the nurse to teach this client the following time spans?
regarding her condition? A. 6 months C. 18
A. Reduce external stimuli in the room months
B. Decrease fluid intake B. 12 months D. 24
C. Limit physical activity months
D. Avoid emotional upset

78. In complete hydatidiform mole, which of 86. The physician orders betamethasone
the following karyotypes is typically found? (Celestone) for a 34-year old multigravid
A. 46XX C. 69XXX client at 32 weeks’ gestation who is
B. 69XXY D. 69XYY experiencing preterm labor. The nurse
explains that this drug is given for which of
79. When caring for a multigravid client the following reasons?
admitted to the hospital with vaginal A. Enhance fetal lung maturity
bleeding at 38 weeks’ gestation, which of the B. To counter the effects of tocolytic therapy
following would the nurse anticipate C. To treat chorioamnionitis
administering intravenously if the client D. To decrease neonatal production of
develops disseminated intravascular surfactant
coagulation (DIC)?
A. Ringer’s lactate solution C. 5% 87. When preparing a multigravid client at
dextrose solution 34 weeks’ gestation experiencing preterm
B. Fresh frozen platelets D. Warfarin labor for the shake test performed on
sodium amniotic fluid, the nurse would instruct the
client that this test is done to evaluate the
80. Which of the following drugs is the maturity of which of the following fetal
antidote for Heparin toxicity? systems?
A. Calcium gluconate C. A. Urinary C.
Hydralazine Cardiovascular
B. Phytomenadione D. B. Gastrointestinal D.
Protamine sulfate Pulmonary

Preterm Labor PROM

81. A client is diagnosed with preterm labor 88. A multigravid client at 34 weeks’
at 28 weeks’ gestation. Later she comes to gestation visits the hospital because because
the emergency department saying,”I think she suspects that her water has broken.
I’m in labor.” The nurse would expect her After testing the leaking fluid with nitrazine
physical examination to show which of the paper, the nurse confirms that the client’s
following conditions? membranes have ruptured when the paper
A. Painful contractions with no cervical turns which of the following colors?
dilation A. Yellow C. Blue
B. Regular uterine contractions with cervical B. Green D. Red
C. Irregular uterine contraction with no 89. When premature rupture of the
cervical dilation membranes (PROM) occurs, which of the
D. Irregular uterine contractions with following provides evidence of the nurse’s
cervical effacement understanding of the client’s immediate
82. A client hospitalized for premature labor A. The chorion and the amnion rupture 4
tells the nurse she’s having occasional hours before the onset of labor.
contractions. Which of the following nursing B. PROM removes the fetus’ most effective
interventions would be most appropriate? defense against infection
A. Teach the client the possible C. Nursing care is based on fetal viability
complications of premature birth and gestational age
B. Tell the client to walk to see if she can get D. PROM is associated with malpresentation
rid of the contractions and possibly incompetent cervix
C. Encourage her to empty her urinary
bladder and drink plenty of fluids, and give 90. A primigravid client at 30 weeks’
I.V. fluids gestation has been admitted to the hospital
D. Notify anesthesia dept. for immediate with premature rupture of the membranes
epidural placement to relieve the pain without contractions. Her cervix is 2cm
associated with contractions dilated and 50% effaced. Which of the
following would be a priority assessment for
83. A 31-year old client at 32 weeks’ this client?
gestation, is admitted to the hospital with A. Red blood cell count C. Urinary
contractions of moderate intensity occurring output
every 3-4 minutes. The client, who has B. Degree of discomfort D.
previously delivered two nonviable fetuses at Temperature
30 weeks’ gestation, is crying on admission.
The client asks, “What causes preterm 91. A primigravid client at 34 weeks’
labor?” After giving instruction about various gestation is experiencing contractions every
risks for preterm labor, the nurse determines 3 to 4 minutes lasting for 35 seconds. Her
that additional explanation is needed when cervix is 2cm dilated and 50% effaced.
the client says that preterm labor is often While the nurse is assessing the client’s vital
associated with which of the following? signs, the client says, “I think my bag of
A. Age older than 30 years C. Chronic water just broke.” Which of the following
hypertension would the nurse do first?
B. Polyhydramnios D. Multifetal A. Check the status of the fetal heart rate.
gestation B. Turn the client to her right side
C. Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper
84. A multigravid client at 34 weeks’ D. Perform a sterile vaginal examination
gestation is being treated with
indomethazine to halt preterm labor. If the Trauma
93. A primigravid client comes to the clinic 100. Magnesium sulfate is given to clients
for her initial prenatal visit. She is at 32 with pregnancy-induced hypertension to
weeks’ gestation. The client says that she prevent seizure activity. Which of the
has had periodic headaches during her following magnesium levels is therapeutic for
pregnancy, and that she is continually clients with preeclampsia?
bumping into things. The nurse notes A. 4 to 7 mEq/L C. 10 to 12
numerous bruises in various stages of mEq/L
healing around the client’s breasts and B. 8 to 10 mEq/L D. greater
abdomen. Vital signs are: BP=120/80, pulse than 15 mEq/L
72, respirations 18, and FHT 142. Which of
the following responses by the nurse is best? 101. A client is receiving magnesium
A. “Are you battered by your partner?” sulfate for severe preeclampsia. Which of
B. “How do you feel about being pregnant?” the following adverse effects is associated
C. “Tell me about your headaches.” with magnesium sulfate?
D. “You may be more clumsy due to your A. Anemia C.
size.” Hyperreflexia
B. Decreased urine output D. Increased
94. A pregnant woman who is at 32 weeks’ respiratory rate
gestation is admitted to the obstetric unit for
observation after an automobile accident. 102. Which of the following drugs is the
The client is experiencing slight vaginal antidote for magnesium toxicity?
bleeding and mild cramps. The nurse does A. Calcium gluconate C.
which of the following to determine the Hydralazine
viability of the fetus? B. Naloxone D.
A. Inserts an intravenous line and begins an Protamine sulfate
infusion at 125ml/hr
B. Administers oxygen to the woman via 103. A client is receiving magnesium
face mask at 7-10L/min sulfate and asks the nurse if the drug will
C. Positions and connects the ultrasound affect her baby. What would be the best
transducer and the tocotransducer to the response?
external fetal monitor A. “No, the placenta acts as a barrier to the
D. Positions and connects a spiral electrode medication.”
to the fetal monitor for internal fetal B. “The doctor wouldn’t order it if it would
monitoring hurt the baby.”
C. “It has a minor effect; however, the
PIH effects of a convulsion are much more
95. Which of the following maternal severe.”
complications is associated with obesity in D. “We don’t know if this drug crosses the
pregnancy? placental barrier.”
A. Anemia C.
Preeclampsia 104. When developing the teaching plan for
B. Placenta previa D. Rh a primigravid client at 30 weeks’ gestation
isoimmunization diagnosed with mild preeclampsia who is
being treated at home, which of the following
96. At 32 weeks’ gestation, a 15-year old would the nurse identify as the most
primigravid client who is 5 feet, 2 inches tall appropriate client-centered goal?
has gained a total of 20 pounds, with a 1- A. Return visit to the prenatal clinic in
pound gain in the last two weeks. Urinalysis approximately 4 weeks
reveals negative glucose and a trace of B. Decreased edema after 1 week of a low-
protein. The nurse determines that which of protein, low-fiber diet
the following factors increases this client risk C. Bed rest on the left side during the day,
for preeclampsia? with bathroom privileges
A. Total weight gain C. D. Immediate reporting of adverse reactions
Adolescent age group to magnesium sulfate therapy
B. Short stature D.
Proteinuria 105. After instructing a primigravid client at
38 weeks’ gestation about how preeclampsia
97. A primigravid client’s baseline blood can affect both the client and the growing
pressure at her initial visit at 12 weeks’ fetus, the nurse realizes that the client needs
gestation was 110/70mmHg. During an additional instruction when she says that
assessment at 38 weeks’ gestation, which of preeclampsia can lead to which of the
the following data would indicate mild following?
preeclampsia? A. Hydrocephalic infant C. Intrauterine
A. Blood pressure of 160/100mmHg on two growth retardation
separate occasions B. Abruptio placentae D. Poor
B. Proteinuria, more than 5 grams in 24 placental perfusion
C. Serum creatinine concentration of 106. When teaching a multigravid client
1.4mg/dl diagnosed with mild preeclampsia about
D. Weight gain of 2 pounds in the last week nutritional needs, which of the following
types of diet would the nurse discuss?
98. Magnesium sulfate is given to pregnant A. High- residue diet C. Regular diet
clients to prevent which of the following B. Low-sodium diet D. High-protein
conditions? diet
A. Hemorrhage C.
Hypomagnesemia 107. When reviewing the prenatal records
B. Hypertension D. Seizures of a 16-year old primigravid client at 37
week’ gestation diagnosed with severe
99. Which of the following would the nurse preeclampsia, the nurse would interpret
identify as the priority to achieve when which of the following as most indicative of
developing the plan of care for a primigravid the client’s diagnosis?
client at 38 weeks’ gestation who is A. Blood pressure of 138/94mmHg
hospitalized with severe preeclampsia and B. Severe blurring of vision
receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate? C. Less than 2 gram protein in a 24-hour
A. Decreased generalized edema within 8 urine sample
hours D. Weight gain of 0.5 pound in 1 week
B. Decreased urinary output during the first
24 hours 108. A primigravid client with severe
C. Sedation and decreased reflex excitability preeclampsia exhibits hyperactive, very brisk
within 48 hours patellar reflexes with ankle clonus present
D. Absence of any seizure activity during the and two movements after the reflex. The
first 48 hours nurse documents these findings as which of
the following?
A. 1+ C. 3+
B. 2+ D. 4+

109. A 28-year old multigravid client at 37 117. Which of the following doses of Rho (D)
weeks’ gestation arrives at the emergency immune globulin (RhoGAM) is appropriate for
department with a blood pressure of a pregnant client at 28 weeks’ gestation?
160/104mmHg and 3+ reflexes without A. 50mcg in a sensitized client
clonus. The client, who is diagnosed with B. 50mcg in an unsensitized client
severe preeclampsia, asks the nurse, “What C. 300mcg in a sensitized client
is the cure for my high blood pressure?” D. 300mcg in an unsensitized client
Which of the following would the nurse
identify as the primary cure? 118. Rh isoimmunization in a pregnant
A. Administration of glucocorticoids client develops during which of the following
B. Vaginal or cesarean delivery of the fetus conditions?
C. Sedation with phenytoin (Dilantin) A. Rh-positive maternal blood crosses into
D. Reduction of fluid retention with thiazide fetal blood, stimulating fetal antibodies
diuretics B. Rh-positive fetal blood crosses into
maternal blood, stimulating maternal
110. A 16-year old primigravid client at 37 antibodies
weeks’ gestation with severe preeclampsia is C. Rh-negative fetal blood crosses into
in early active labor. The client’s blood maternal blood, stimulating maternal
pressure is 164/110mmHg. Which of the antibodies
following would alert the nurse that the D. Rh-negative maternal blood crosses into
client may be about to experience a seizure? fetal blood, stimulating fetal antibodies
A. Decreased contraction intensity
B. Decreased temperature Multiple Pregnancy
C. Epigastric pain 119. One of the most common causes of
D. Hyporeflexia hypotonic uterine dystocia is
A. Twin gestation C. Maternal
111. As the nurse enters the room of a anemia
newly admitted primigravid client diagnosed B. Pelvic contracture D. PIH
with severe preeclampsia, the client begins
to experience a seizure. Which of the 120. Usually, individual twins will grow
following should the nurse do first? appropriately and at the same rate as
A. Insert an airway to improve oxygenation singletons until how many weeks’ gestation?
B. Note the time when seizure begins and A. 16-18 wks C. 30-32
ends wks
C. Call for immediate assistance B. 18-22 wks D. 38-40
D. Insert a padded tongue blade in her wks
121. In twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome,
112. If a client at 36 weeks’ gestation with the arterial circulation of one twin is in
eclampsia begins to exhibit signs of labor communication with the venous circulation
after an eclamptic seizure, for which of the of the other twin. One fetus is considered
following would the nurse assess? the “donor” twin and one becomes the
A. Abruptio placentae C. Placenta “recipient” twin. Assessment of the recipient
accreta twin would most likely show which of the
B. Transverse lie D. Uterine following conditions?
atony A. Anemia C.
113. The nurse evaluates that the danger of B. Oligohydramnios D. Small
a seizure in a client with eclampsia ends fetus
A. After labor begins C. 24 hours
postpartum 122. A nurse in the prenatal clinic is
B. After delivery occurs D. 48 hours monitoring a client who is pregnant with
postpartum twins. The nurse monitors the client most
closely for which complication that is most
114. For a multigravid client at 39 weeks’ likely associated with a twin pregnancy?
gestation with suspected HELLP syndrome, A. Maternal anemia C.
the nurse would immediately notify the Hemorrhoids
physician for which of the following B. Postterm labor D.
laboratory test results? Gestational diabetes
A. Hyperfibrogenemia C. Decreased
liver enzymes 123. The presence of multiple gestation
B. Thrombocytopenia D. should be detected as early as possible and
Hypernatremia the pregnancy managed with high risk in
mind because
115. For a multigravid client at 39 weeks’ A. Postpartum hemorrhage is an expected
gestation with suspected HELLP syndrome, complication
the nurse would immediately notify the B. Perinatal mortality is two to three times
physician for which of the following greater than single births
laboratory test results? C. Maternal mortality is much higher during
A. Hyperfibrogenemia C. Decreased the prenatal period in multiple gestation
liver enzymes D. The mother needs time to adjust
B. Decreased RBC count D. psychologically and physiologically after
Hypernatremia delivery

Isoimmunization Fetal Death

116. Which of the following answers best 124. A nurse receives report at the
describes the stage of pregnancy in which beginning of the shift regarding a client with
maternal and fetal blood are exchanged? an intrauterine fetal demise. On assessment
A. Conception of the client, the nurse expects to note which
B. 9 weeks’ gestation when the fetal heart is of the following?
well developed A. Elevated blood pressure, proteinuria, and
C. 32 to 34 weeks’ gestation (third edema
trimester) B. Regression of pregnancy symptoms and
D. Maternal and fetal blood are never absence of fetal heart tones
exchanged C. Uterine size greater than expected for
gestational age
D. Intractable vomiting and dehydration

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