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Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) & Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)

Nuclear power plants are designed to withstand two levels of earthquakes, Operating
Basis Earthquake (OBE) & Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE).

Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE)

It is the earthquake which produces the vibratory ground motion for which all systems
and equipments of a NPP necessary for continued power generation without undue
risk to public are designed to remain functional.
For Tarapur Atomic Power Station site, OBE is 0.1g.

Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE)

It is the earthquake which produces maximum vibratory ground motion for which
certain systems and equipments of a NPP necessary for continued power generation
without undue risk to public are designed to remain functional. These systems and
equipments are necessary for ensuring:
• The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.
• The capability to shutdown the reactor and maintain it in shutdown condition.
• The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents, which
could result in potential offsite radiation exposures comparable to the
guideline exposures.

For Tarapur Atomic Power Station site, SSE is 0.2g.

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