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Had hardly slept that night, during his fifty years, had never thinks about what

it meant.
However, this particular morning, he had carefully observed how the darkness of
night gave way to a new day.
Aspired with all the strength that his lungs were able to cool air coming in thr
ough her window, and as far managed to hear the birds began to sing his ode to n
ature and their daily activities.
He thought of all the times he got up without having observed all these details,
the sun peeking over the horizon, the way they sound, the sounds, some are goin
g to increase, as people were incorporated and ready to go to work taking childr
en to school or go shopping.
He imagined the smell of coffee in the family breakfast, combined with a fried b
acon on the side of fried eggs, the sound of the dishes placed in the sink when
you finish eating all their food, and the voice of the mother rushing to all tha
t it was getting late.
He touched the wall first enjoyed the texture of it and almost instantly began t
o touch their hands, which led to his face and ran it until it ended in his nose
and mouth, feeling his breath as conclusive evidence I was alive.
As was considered a man of simple ways, this special date, eat her special dish,
a hamburger with fries, which once arrived at his table tasted so slow and your
mind came the idea that humans eat for delay the inevitable.
He tried not to stain your clothes and I wanted to be perfect on this date in pa
rticular, where all the details had become especially relevant.
A loud buzz, accompanied by rubbing a metal gate to open it out of its lethargy,
and while he was handcuffed by guards who would direct to the gas chamber, insi
de which he admitted was only fair, having taken ten children the opportunity to
enjoy life as it had from the dawn.

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