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Monitoring our progressour progress

Robust and relevant governance

The 10 sustainable development priorities were agreed by the group CARAC and the
SABMiller Executive Committee in 2006. Since then we have continued to review and refine
our approach in consultation with internal and external stakeholders.
The group Corporate Accountability and Risk Assurance Committee (CARAC) is a sub-
committee of the SABMiller plc board and is responsible for overseeing progress against our
10 sustainable development priorities. During the year CARAC was chaired by Lord Robert
Fellowes, the Senior Non-Executive Director of SABMiller plc.
Expert capability is provided by the corporate affairs team which co-ordinates activity across
SABMiller and promotes the sustainable development priorities to employees and external
stakeholders. We also have a pool of dedicated technical experts, each of whom has specific
knowledge relating to one of the priorities or a specific market.
Each region has its own CARAC, led by the regional managing director who oversees
activity at a local level and agrees the most relevant local strategy. The group CARAC is
regularly updated on each region’s progress and performance.

Measuring performance: The Sustainability Assessment Matrix (SAM)

To monitor and measure our progress, we have developed the Sustainability Assessment
Matrix (SAM). This is a bespoke management system that enables us to monitor the
performance of our operating businesses against the 10 sustainable development priorities.
Each priority has a ‘stairway’ that plots a course through four levels of performance from
minimum standard to best practice. To achieve each performance step (or level), a business
must meet a series of assessment criteria which includes both quantitative and qualitative
measurements. All SABMiller subsidiaries must achieve level one of each priority or have an
action plan in place to ensure they do so within an agreed timescale.
Each operation is required to complete an online assessment every six months. The results are
collated to create a ‘scorecard’ for each business and region and, ultimately, for the group.
The scorecards are assessed internally by regional and group CARACs and form part of our
wider business performance reviews and planning processes.

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