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The United States Supreme Court has no interpretation.
All interpretations are interprets of inters.
If there was one, there was never just one.
Definitions are lies forgetting the truth of illusion
The Choice of one is one such meaningless substitution.

Violation Our opponents attempt to assert non-figural meaning on
this dead metaphor.

Implications Even from a purely utilitarian epistemology
It’s impossible to determine whether their particular heliotropes are flowers
turning the sun or do they merely turn to the reflection of light on water?
Another implication that they’re avoiding specifying is emphasizing
symptoms of separate signs and signified as if there existed any proof
implied as to what things called words are doing in their free time and if
those activities are worth abiding by

Limits This interpretation limits the debate to their subjective
understanding of the resolution

Ground There isn’t any. Angels float, PICs float, blunt smoke
floats. If something does not float it’s either dense or one of Andrea Yates five kids.

Predictability How the hell were we supposed to know what their

individual interpretation would be?
Don’t tie me down to what you throw around as common understanding
I call it the closest misconception to you received at perception
Sealing signs with sounds so that other sources are digression.
The USSC can be understand conventionally as either that address in DC
Or the influence of Clarence Thomas’ pornography collection
or is it really the corporations buying judges,
or is it really the salesman selling the judges Porsches.
It’s the butterfly of your favorite effect caught in a net benefit
Pinned under glass to fix meaning so we can stare and say isn’t that pretty.
Or isn’t that pretty?

Framers Intent Fuck the framers and fuck their intent. This is an
independent voter for fucking.

Better source We don’t have one. Never try to find one. All sources are
Sleeping with the illustrator. By not having one, we dodge their flawed
diseased nature

Grammar is dumb. A tool utilize by Literati Dictionazis to get

Their mouth’s moving when they’re not actually creative.

Fairness doesn’t exist. Get up Get out and Get used to it.
Education is a myth. Substitute incarceration. The buildings where
They harness dispropriaty of the prevailing behavior. It’s
just another word for nothing left to lose

Tradition is a way to reference opinions so that we forget it’s all

Opinion so that we can worship habit like it was the next
best religion that’s like worshipping cancer cuz it spreads.
The decision is often confounded by dreams and the mustard they had before
bed. What are we really sending via these propagation methods whereby
they gain truth-value like frequent flyer miles traveling through prisons like
your mind. Tradition is only the long line of ritual turned habitual turned
dismal day after divorced from laughter. See also, another word for how
they can now do whatever the fuck they want to. See also, the gospel of the
blind leading the blind, see also, there is space for another time for where
you find the beginning there too shall the end be. Freed from all axiomatic
syntaxrobatics, Freed from logical positivism. This is not about God,
This is about Telos, This is about the snake eating its own tail and that
entwined with another chained all together in an infinite caduceus
stretching across the universal fabric like reformatted lucid magic.
Voters on recognizing the ancient blueprints
and destroying the aff’s tropical habits

A Counterplan text: Allow snakes on the plan (put snake stickers on plantext)
B Competition
1 Snakes on a plan is not topical. Snakes are not in the resolution.
2 If it is topical than cross-apply every neg’s-gotta-be-topical
arguments you’ve heard for the last 2 years. Be Topical. Don’t be FX
topical. Don’t be extra-topical. Vote them down for vagueness mixing
burdens prima facie ipso factor make it a reverse reverse reverse independent voter.
3 Snakes are naturally competitive. The will fuck you up.
4 Plan Plus CPs are competitive

Subpoint a They can fuck up snakes.

b If they say plan plus CP justify things like ‘do the plan plus save a
baby’ that makes them baby-hating nihilists. This is an independent voter.

c If we cannont have plan plus counter-plans we can only have plan minus
counter-plans and no one likes negative nelly

d Answering our CP is a time skew. This is an independent reverse voting

E Abuse arguments prove competition. If arguments were fair they could
not win. Fairness is the antipode of competition.

f Having a plan without snakes is unfair. Snakes are unjustly represented in

our predominatly Judeo-Christian activity. Snakes find our community
inaccessible and boring. We have a moral obligation to increase meaningful
serpent participation in debate. Thus our proposal is to
Take It To The Snakes
Sub sub point I The Judge has the neg block find a snake. We will give
the judge a stick, a carrot and a plastic halo.

Double I The snake will slither toward the team of its choice and that
team will be the victor.

Triple I if the judge cannot find a snake Neg wins for discursive change.

I V If the aff rejects this proposal interpret it as Speciest

V If this is unfair Bard wins for being unfair
VI Arguing that our claims have no warrants is a forfeit by proxy.
V double I if this is unfair, cross apply V
V triple I the snake cannot be domesticated. Domestication is speciest.

The claim that ‘negative existential propositions cannot be proven is itself a

negative existential proposition. But the claim that there are no proofs for an
negative existential proposition is itself a negative existential proposition but
the claim that there are no proofs is itself a negative existential proposition.

Additionally, Harris 92
Being is being and not nonbeing. Non-being is thought as being but
nonbeing is not, not being thought which as identitity is exclusion of
everything i.e. nonbeing

Double I this means they have no proof and we do. It’s called evidence-
Based debate.

Our second Net Benefit is Fantasy

A We actually put snakes on a plan
B They did not do their plan, they proposed a fantasy world

God is dead
Nietzche 1883 ‘the Gay Science’

‘whither is God? I will tell you. We have ‘ we have killed him.

They occupy a certain position within the hierarchy of ideas. Our subversion of hierarchy is proven by their
procedural arguments.
Taylor 1984 

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