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SDM 5004 System Engineering and Project Management

Multi-satellite Operations Control Center (MSOCC)

Communications Switching System (MCSS)
Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)
Revision 01

May 2011

Division of Engineering & Technology Management (D-ETM)

National University of Singapore
Faculty of Engineering
Block EA, #05-34 (Building EA, Level 5, Room 34)
9 Engineering Drive 1
Singapore 117576
SDM5004-TEMP-MSOCC-0000 REV 01
WBS: 00

SDM 5004 System Engineering and Project Management



Revision 01

May 2011

Submitted by:

02 May 2011 A0000660B

Aditya Nugroho Date Matriculation Number

Project Manager

Approved by:

May 2011

Dr. Joseph E. Kasser Date

Director Operational Test
and Evaluation




00 18.04.2011 TEMP Paragraph M Knowledge component in the Dr. Joseph E.

D TEMP shall appear in the Kasser



An introduction to Project Management and

01 Written Section 4 Page 17
Systems Engineering

02 Modern project management Written Section 4 Page 17

03 Project Selection and Strategy Written Section 3 Page 11

04 Project Organisation Written Section 3 Page 8

05 Project Planning Written Section 4 Page 17

06 Scheduling Written Section 4 Page 20

07 Cost Estimating Written Section 4 Page 30

09 Performance Monitoring Written Section 4 Page 35

10 Project Leadership Written Section 3 Page 11

Section 3 Page 12
11 Project Teams Written
Section 4 Page 39

12 Constraint Management Written Section 4 Page 40

14 Project Audit and Closeout Written Section 4 Page 43

Lessons Learned Written Section 5 Page 46

Footnotes the knowledge component Written Appropriate Section

Table of Contents

RECORD OF CHANGES ............................................................................................................. III

REQUIREMENT TRACEABILITY MATRIX ........................................................................... IV
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Assumptions ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 References ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.5 Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 MCSS Mission Description .............................................................................................. 4
2.2 MCSS System Description ............................................................................................... 4
3. PROGRAM SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Test and Evaluation Objectives ........................................................................................ 6
3.2 Test and Evaluation Methodology ................................................................................... 7
3.3 Management Organization and Responsibilities .............................................................. 8
3.3.1 External Interfaces..................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Internal Interfaces ...................................................................................................... 9
3.3.3 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................ 11
3.3.4 Documentation ........................................................................................................ 13
3.4 Resources Summary ....................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Integrated Test Master Schedule and Budget Summary ......................................... 14
3.4.2 Staff Resource Summary ......................................................................................... 15
3.5 Test Location and Equipment ........................................................................................ 16
4. TEST AND EVALUATION PROCESS PLAN................................................................ 17
4.1 Work Planning................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.1 Test and Evaluation Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ....................................... 17
4.1.2 T&E Schedule Allocation Plan ............................................................................... 20
4.1.3 T&E Staff Resources Allocation Plan ..................................................................... 27
4.1.4 Budget Allocation Plan ........................................................................................... 30
4.2 Test and Evaluation Control Plan................................................................................... 35
4.2.1 Budget and Schedule Control .................................................................................. 36
4.2.2 Quality Control ........................................................................................................ 37
4.2.3 Reporting and Communication ............................................................................... 39
4.3 Risk Management Plan................................................................................................... 40
4.3.1 Risk Identification ................................................................................................... 40
4.3.2 Risk Mitigation........................................................................................................ 40
4.4 Project Closeout Plan ..................................................................................................... 43
4.4.1 Post Performance Analysis...................................................................................... 43
4.4.2 Project Closeout Schedule Allocation ..................................................................... 43
4.4.3 Project Closeout Critical Path ................................................................................. 43
4.4.4 Project Closeout Resource Allocation..................................................................... 44
4.4.5 Project Closeout Budget Allocation ........................................................................ 45

5. LESSON LEARNED........................................................................................................... 46
6. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 48
7. APPENDIX 1. WORK PACKAGES DESCRIPTION .................................................... 50
APPENDIX A: PRELIMINARY DESIGN (SRR-PDR) .............................................................. 50
APPENDIX B: DETAILED DESIGN (PDR-IRR) ...................................................................... 60
APPENDIX C: DEVELOPMENT AND INTEGRATION (IRR-TRR)....................................... 71
APPENDIX D: QUALIFICATION AND INSTALLATION (TRR-DRR) ................................. 82
APPENDIX E: PROJECT CLOSEOUT ....................................................................................... 92
8. APPENDIX 2. RISKS FACTORS CATEGORIZATION............................................... 98

List of Tables and Figures

Table 1. 1 T&E Assumptions .......................................................................................................... 1

Table 1. 2 Document Reference ...................................................................................................... 2

Table 3. 1 Requirements Verification Matrix ................................................................................. 6

Table 3. 2 T&E Document Deliverables ......................................................................................... 7
Table 3. 3 Roles and Responsibilities of organization team for T&E activities ........................... 12
Table 3. 4 Basic rate of project team cost ..................................................................................... 13
Table 3. 5 T&E Documentation .................................................................................................... 13
Table 3. 6 Total budget allocations ............................................................................................... 14
Table 3. 7 Staff allocations per development phase ...................................................................... 15

Table 4. 1 WBS Dictionary of T&E activities .............................................................................. 19

Table 4. 2 Budget allocation Preliminary Design Phase ............................................................... 31
Table 4. 3 Budget allocation Detailed Design Phase .................................................................... 32
Table 4. 4 Budget allocation Detailed Design Phase .................................................................... 33
Table 4. 5 Budget allocation Qualification and Installation Phase ............................................... 34
Table 4. 6 T&E Management Control System .............................................................................. 36
Table 4. 7 Sub lower level work packages budget and schedule control ...................................... 37
Table 4. 8 Work packages depict the quality control process ....................................................... 38
Table 4. 9 Communication matrix................................................................................................. 39
Table 4. 10 Work packages of risk management plan .................................................................. 40
Table 4. 11 SRR-PDR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation ................................................. 41
Table 4. 12 PDR-IRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation .................................................. 41
Table 4. 13 IRR-TRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation .................................................. 42
Table 4. 14 TRR-DRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation ................................................ 42
Table 4. 15 Budget allocation Project Closeout Phase.................................................................. 45

Figure 2. 1 Switch configuration ..................................................................................................... 4

Figure 3. 1 MCSS T&E Vee Model ................................................................................................ 8

Figure 3. 2 MCSSRP External Interfaces........................................................................................ 9
Figure 3. 3 MCSSRP Matrix Organization Structure ................................................................... 10
Figure 3. 4 MCSSRP Organization Structure ............................................................................... 10
Figure 3. 5 Integrated T&E Master Schedule ............................................................................... 14
Figure 3. 6 Summary T&E Manpower Cost ................................................................................. 15

Figure 4. 1 Work Breakdown Structure for T&E activities .......................................................... 18

Figure 4. 2 Preliminary Design T&E schedule ............................................................................. 20
Figure 4. 3 Detailed Design T&E schedule................................................................................... 21
Figure 4. 4 Development and Integration T&E schedule.............................................................. 21
Figure 4. 5 Qualification and Installation T&E schedule.............................................................. 22
Figure 4. 6 PERT-CPM Preliminary Design. ................................................................................ 23
Figure 4. 7 PERT-CPM Detailed Design ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 4. 8 PERT-CPM Development and Integration ................................................................. 25

Figure 4. 9 PERT-CPM Qualification and Installation ................................................................. 26
Figure 4. 10 Resource allocation Preliminary Design Phase ........................................................ 27
Figure 4. 11 Resource allocation Detailed Design Phase.............................................................. 28
Figure 4. 12 Resource allocation Development and Integration Phase......................................... 29
Figure 4. 13 Resource allocation Qualification and Installation Phase......................................... 30
Figure 4. 14 Budget accumulative Preliminary Design Phase ...................................................... 32
Figure 4. 15 Budget accumulative Detailed Design Phase ........................................................... 33
Figure 4. 16 Budget accumulative Development and Integration Phase ...................................... 34
Figure 4. 17 Budget accumulative Qualification and Installation Phase ...................................... 35
Figure 4. 18 Project closeout schedule .......................................................................................... 43
Figure 4. 19 PERT-CPM Project Closeout Phase ......................................................................... 44
Figure 4. 20 Resource allocation of Project Closeout Phase......................................................... 44
Figure 4. 21 Budget accumulative Project Closeout Phase ........................................................... 45


1.1 Purpose

Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) describes the program Test and Evaluation (T&E)
objectives, requirements, general methodology (test flow and description of each T&E phase),
responsibilities, and scheduling of test phases for the the Multi Satellite Operations Control
Center (MSOCC) Communications Switching System (MCSS) switch upgrade. This TEMP is
a program-level management planning document for all MCSS T&E activities and as a guide
for developing T&E plans. In the MCSS Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) that
is described the TEMP is subordinate to the program SEMP1.

1.2 Scope

The process described in this TEMP applies to engineering activities associated with the
design, development, and operation of the MCSS over the life cycle of the program. These
activities include the testing of manufactured items. Activities related to items on the T&E
activities will comply with requirements specified in the MCSS System Requirements
Document (SRD) Section 5. Test and evaluation plans which specify actions to be taken in
implementing test and evaluation at the project level, will be prepared by project manager.

1.3 Assumptions

This section lists assumptions that are specific to the test planning.
Table 1. 1 T&E Assumptions

Assumptions ID Description

T&E BA.01 • The project manager will be responsible for reviewing all
Budgeting BA.02 cost/budget changes for this project.
• Sufficient capital will be available to fund the MCSSRP.

Test and evaluation is an integral part of the systems engineering process. Key aspects of the systems
engineering process, more fully described in the SEMP, are discussed in this TEMP to illustrate how T&E
supports the overall systems engineering process. Bell, David.W and Brown, David.C. Systems Engineering and
Test and Evaluation—The Integrated Process. ITEA Journal 2010; 31: 57–62

T&E TA.01 • The critical path method (CPM) schedule and milestone list that
Schedule TA.02 details the timeframes and deadlines for the completion of T&E
TA.03 activities are given based on fixed time estimation.
• No resource limitations for T&E (i.e, resource personnel) and all the
resources currently available for this project.
• The project will be conducted with resources from a matrixed
organization structure.
T&E Staff SA.01 • Personnel will be properly trained on the tools and techniques
SA.02 needed to support this effort.
• Upon completion of each T&E activities in project phase, staff will
transition to the next phase of the project, return to their previous
work on a full time basis.

Testing QA.01 • Testing environments will be stable during execute the system test
QA.02 • Users will commit adequate resources to User Acceptance Testing

1.4 References

This section lists all the documents referenced in the TEMP.

Table 1. 2 Document Reference

Document Name
An Enhanced Framework for the Management of Information Technology Projects, PPTO-
1 TM-002 Project Plan Template, Chief Information Officer Branch, Treasury Board of
Canada Secretariat January 2000.

2 MSOCC MCSS Systems Engineering Management Plan (SEMP). Presented in Session 8.

Defence Acquisition University Press. Test and Evaluation Management Guide 5th Edition.
FORT BELVOIR, VA, January 2005.

NASA/GSFC, Multi-Satellite Operations Control Center (MSOCC) Communications

Switching System (MCSS) System Requirements Document, 511-4SRD/0489.

Processes for Engineering a System, Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) Standard 632,

Systems Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes, International Organization for

6 Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 15288, ISO/IEC

1.5 Definitions

This section contains definitions for any specific terminology or acronyms used in this plan.

CI Configuration Item
COTS Commercially available Off-The-Shelf
DOD Department of Defense
DRR Delivery Readiness Review
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
IRR Implementation Readiness Review
ISO International Organization for Standardization
MCSS MSOCC Communications Switching System
MCSSRP MCSS Replacement Project
MSOCC Multi Satellite Operations Control Center
NASCOM NASA Communications Network
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PM Project Manager
QA Quality Assurance
RAM Reliability, Availability and Maintainability
SEMP System Engineering Management Plan
SOW Statement Of Work
SRD System Requirement Document
SRR System Requirement Review
T&E Test and Evaluation
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
TRR Test Readiness Review
V&V Verification and Validation


2.1 MCSS Mission Description

The MSOCC uses a switching system to route special synchronous RS-422-A type digital
data within the MSOCC and between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) Communications Network (Nascom) and the computer equipment within MSOCC.
The mission is to replace the data switch that routed signals from multiple low earth orbit
(LEO) satellites to data processing computers without loss of LEO satellite scientific data2.

2.2 MCSS System Description

The need were recognized for a single switch to replace the three existing switches with at
least twice the capability of the three switches combined. The switch will be controlled by the
DOCS, will handle data at rates of up to 6.312 Mbps, and will have a capacity of 255 full-
duplex connections (see Figure 2.1). The new switch system will henceforth be referred to as
MCSS. The MCSS function requirements are grouped into 4 subsystems which are:
1) Switch Matrix
2) Switch Control
3) Timing Generator and
4) Test And Monitoring.

Figure 2. 1 Switch configuration

Kasser, J. E. and Mirchandani, C. J., ―The MSOCC Data Switch Replacement: A Case Study in Elicitating and
Elucidating Requirements‖, proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of the International Council on
Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Rochester, NY, 2005. Page 2-3

From the result of the preliminary discussions with potential switch vendors have shown that
many of the MCSS requirements can be met by COTS switch available in the market. The
requirements not met by the purchase would be taken care of by inhouse development.
Therefore, the decision is to purchase a standard industry switch which will be modified to
meet the design requirements. The Timing Generator subsystem and Test and Monitoring
subsystem will be developed in-house.


3.1 Test and Evaluation Objectives

Test and evaluation is an integral part of the systems engineering process that is used to attain
system objectives. T&E objectives have been derived to support the systems engineering
process. Two general objectives of the T&E program for MCSS are:
(1) to support system design and development, and
(2) to verify compliance with requirements3.

To ensure conformance with requirements contained in the System Requirements Documents

(SRD), following Table 3.1 described the example of Requirements Verification Matrix for
each subsystems to be performed during test execution.

Table 3. 1 Requirements Verification Matrix

Req No Description Priority


5.2.1 The MCSS shall contain 255 ports
5.2.2 The MCSS shall switch binary digital signals
High Q101, Q201
5.2.3 The MCSS shall switch serial signals
5.2.4 This subsystem shall switch Data and Timing as signal pairs
5.3.1 This subsystem shall be the MCSS operator’s control interface
This subsystem shall require the use of passwords to control, assign or
modify switch connections.
High Q301
5.3.3 This subsystem shall perform a self test on the MCSS upon power up
This subsystem shall provide the capacity to allow the control interface to
select the active switch control unit
This subsystem shall contain identical primary and backup Terminal Timing
signal generators
High Q302
This subsystem shall distribute Terminal Timing signals to a minimum of
255 ports
5.5.1 This subsystem shall not affect the signals being monitored
5.5.2 This subsystem shall contain at least 10 NBG’s High Q303
The NGB shall be able to generate predefined valid Nascom blocks at the
timing frequencies identified

In the MCSS T&E integration, verification and validation will takes place over the systems engineering
lifecycle to show that the systems meets the objectives of each phase are satisfied. INCOSE., ―System
Engineering Handbook Version 2.0‖, Seattle, 2000

3.2 Test and Evaluation Methodology

The approach used to conduct T&E is based on achieving the T&E objectives described
above.Test approach defined in the MCSS SRD will involve Development Team and
Transition Team. Operations personnel, the Development Team and Transition Team will be
involved in testing the MCSS at MSOCC.

Test procedures will develop to perform the test in four categories; factory acceptance test,
site acceptance test, integration acceptance test and final acceptance test. Thus, each of T&E
activity will deliver the documents as described in Table 3.2.

Table 3. 2 T&E Document Deliverables

Phase ID Document Deliverables Due Date

F100 Test Plan Document 31 January 2011

Detailed 28 February
F200 Test Procedures Document
Design 2011

F300 Final Subsystem Test Report 30 March 2011
and Integration

Qualification Final Test Acceptance Report Document

F400 30 April 2011
and Installation (Verification and Validation)

Closeout F500 Project Final Report 14 May 2011

MCSS T&E will start from the subsystems development until the subystem installation is
replace the current MSOCC switching system. The T&E activity except the Purchased Switch
Test is interdependence and can be illustrated by using a Vee model4 in the project lifecycle
as described in Figure 3.1.

As we bought the COTS Industry Switch from the market, those purchase switch should have
immediately test for immediate feedback result and will be served as independent testing. The

The Vee model illustrate here is only for the purpose the interdependence testing; not all of the phases in the
Vee-model (especially validation phase) according to the MCSS System Engineering Management Plan would
be partof this document. Vee model was adapted from 1204 Test and Evaluation lecture notes and modified for
MCSS from Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 3rd edition, 2005. Page 145

black box in the Vee model indicated that the phase is already tested in the beginning and will
not be incorporate in this TEMP.

Identify User Needs Demonstarate and

Requirement and Test Concept validate system Handover
specification Document Acceptance capability
Test Plan and
Develop Test and Integrate system and
System Evaluation Master Plan verifify to performance Acceptance
specification specifications test
Test Plan and
Expand performance Assemble configuration
Preliminary specifications into item and subsystem and Integration
design ―design-to‖ Subsystem perform verification Test
Test Plan and
Evolve ―design-to‖ into Validate components
Detailed documentation and against ―build-to‖ Subsystem
design implementation plan documentation Test

Fabricate, Assemble
and Code to ―build-to‖

Figure 3. 1 MCSS T&E Vee Model

The Test Pass and Fail criteria for each T&E activity will be develop according to the MCSS
System Requirement Document in Section 4. This Test Pass and Fail criteria will be
explained more detail in the Test Plan work packages following IEEE 829-1998 Standard for
Software Test Documentation5.

3.3 Management Organization and Responsibilities

3.3.1 External Interfaces

This section describe the organizational between the project and external entities6.The
external interfaces for the MCSSRP project would be the members of the project committee
(Computer Sciences Corporation), MCSSRP project manager, Ford Aerospace
(subcontractor) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who is the stakeholder for this
MCSS T&E Work Packages will adapted the Test Plan format which contain: How the testing will be done,
Who will do it, What will be tested, How long it will take and What the test coverage. IEEE 829-1998 Standard
for Software Test Documentation.
With identifying project external interfaces it would covers the significance of stakeholders to project success.
Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd
edition, 2005. Page 12

Project Sponsor –
CSC Exec. Mgt External
Vendor of Environment

Project stakeholder –
Manager NASA - GSFC
Sub-contractor -
Ford Aerospace

Project Team
Figure 3. 2 MCSSRP External Interfaces

3.3.2 Internal Interfaces

This section describe the internal structure of the MCSS T&E project organization to include
the interfaces among the units of the development team. The matrix organization7 will be use
to create succesful implementation of the T&E activities and provide efficient project
execution environment with emphasis on the functionality of each discipline8.

The organizational interfaces between the MCSS T&E project and organizational entities that
provide supporting processes, such as quality assurance, and verification and validation, will
be specified in support T&E and system engineering process. Organizational charts in Figure
3.3 and Figure 3.4 described the lines of authority, responsibility, and communication within
the project.

As MCCSRP is considered medium tech project with low risk involved, matrix organization would be
appropriate for describe the internal structure of the project. Shenhar, A. J. and Bonen, Z., ―The New Taxonomy
of Systems: Toward an Adaptive Systems Engineering Framework‖, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 27 (1997), no. 2, 137 – 145
Under the matrix organization, all project tasks in WBS are assigned to each discipline through work packages.
This is what we will applied in this TEMP. Ichiro Koshijima and Tomio Umeda. Human Resource Allocation in
Project Management. Management Science Approach.



Build &
MCSSRP Project Test & Evaluation Configuration Quality Assurance
Manager Department Department Department

MCSS System and

Development Team

MCSS Test and

Evaluation Team

Configuration Team

MCSS Quality
Assurance Team

Figure 3. 3 MCSSRP Matrix Organization Structure

MCSSRP Project

MCSS System and MCSS Test and MCSS Quality Assurance

Development Team Evaluation Team Configuration Team Team

Requirements Configuration Item Quality Assurance

Team Test Team Engineer

Integration Test
Design Team

Delivery Team

• System engineer • System engineer

• CM Specialist

• Architecting eng
• Software eng • System eng
• Hardware eng • Senior Test
• Test Engineer
• System eng
• Software eng • Logistic engineer
• Hardware eng

Figure 3. 4 MCSSRP Organization Structure

10 Project Manager (PM)9

1) Internal responsibilities:
a. Approve all cost and schedule-related planning documents.
b. Approve all organizational work and WBS.
c. Control of all organizational resources.
d. Monitor and report all project performance
e. Evaluate trade-offs prior to major decisions and approve any deviations to approved
f. Monitor and assure that all corrective actions are completed in the specified time.

2) External responsibilities: The PM is the principal point of contact for maintaining

liaison with the Computer Science Corporation, coordinating and supporting meetings,
conducting program reviews, approving all deliverables and managing all subcontractor
(Ford Aerospace) activity.

3.3.3 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities

This section identify the organizational units or project team that are responsible for T&E
processes and activities. The Maturity Model10 will be use for assessment of competency in
allocating the resources in each work activity. Next table describe the roles and
responsibilities and basic unit rate for each team organization who is responsibles for T&E

Project Manager has roles in three different arena; the customer’s, executive management’s, and the project
team’s. Project Manager is like a conductor of orchestra, providing the guidance for all project teams to achieve
common goal. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 3rd edition, 2005. Page181 – 195.
The Maturity Model will helps to allocate the human resources more efficient in the MCSSRP project based
on assesment of Type of Engineers (Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V).Joseph E. Kasser and Moti
Frank, 2010. A Maturity Model for the Competency of Systems Engineers. Proceedings of the 20th International
Symposium of the INCOSE, Chicago, IL.

Table 3. 3 Roles and Responsibilities of organization team for T&E activities

Type of
Position Roles and Responsibilities Staff and Resources Code WBS Activities Status Organization Unit

Provides testing management oversight.

Responsibilities: M101, M102, M201,
MCSSRP Project MCSSRP Project
Project Manager (R1) Type V M202, M301, M302, Full Time
Manager  provide technical direction Manager
M401, M402, M403
 acquire appropriate resources
 provide management reporting
An organizational team, responsible for CI
Q101, Q102, Q103,
and Integration T&E, who reports to the  System Engineer (R2)
 Type II Q104, Q201, Q202,
MCSS Test and Project Manager .  Senior System Engineer (R3) Full Time
Q203, Q204, Q205, Test and Evaluation
Evaluation (T&E)  Senior Test Engineer (R4)  Type III
Responsibilities: Q301, Q302, Q303, Part Time Department
Team  Test Engineer (R5)
 execute tests, log results  Type V Q304, Q305, Q401,
 Logistic Engineer (R6)
 recover from errors, document change Q402, Q403, Q404

Configuration  System Engineer (R2)  Type III Q101, Q103, Q203, Configuration
Engineering staff responsible for CI Testing. Part Time
Item Test Team  Senior System Engineer (R3)  Type V Q205, Q302, Q303 Department

Engineering staff responsible for  Senior Test Engineer (R4)  Type V

Integration Test Test and Evaluation
CI/Hardware Configuration Item (HWCI) Q204, Q304, Q305 Full Time
Team  Test Engineer (R5)  Type III Department

Engineering staff responsible for on-site  Test Engineer (R5)  Type III Q401, Q402, Q403, Full Time Test and Evaluation
Delivery Team
deliveries, training, and testing.  Logistic Engineer (R6)  Type II Q404 Part Time Department

An organizational team, responsible for QA

functions, that reports to the Project Q101, Q103, Q203,
Manager. Q205, Q302, Q303,
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance
QA Engineer (R7) Type III Q204, Q304, Q305, Full-Time
(QA) Team Responsibilities: Department
Q401, Q402, Q403,
 decide on the scope of the Q/A testing in
agreement with Project Manager
 verification and validation
Table 3. 4 Basic rate of project team cost

Resource Unit Rate/Day

Labor Category Type
Code (8 hours)

R1 Project Manager (R1) V $500

R2 System Engineer (R2) III $250
R3 Senior System Engineer (R3) V $350
R4 Senior Test Engineer (R4) V $350
R5 Test Engineer (R5) III $250
R6 Logistic Engineer (R6) II $200
R7 QA Engineer (R7) III $150

3.3.4 Documentation

The MCSS TEMP is the top-level test and evaluation planning document. Project manager
will be responsible for developing test and evaluation plan. Documents11 will be produced by
using microsoft word and spread sheet. Test and evaluation plan documents will identify the
Table 3. 5 T&E Documentation

Documents Section

The methodology to be used for implementing test and evaluation. Section 3 Page 7

The organizational structure and responsibilities for implementing T&E. Section 3 Page 8

An integrated T&E schedule depicting major project milestones and T&E

Section 4 Page 17
activities in support of those milestones.

An basic work packages of each of the major T&E phases including

identification of the subsystem being tested, test objective, and scope of Appendix 1 Page 50-97
the test.

A summary of the T&E resources required for execution of the T&E

Section 3 Page 14-15

Documentation to be developed and maintained, including traceability and

Section 3 Page 6
conformance verification matrices.

Good engineering documents are critical to the cost effectiveness of systems engineering. Reducing the cost of
preparing effective documents is an approach that applied in any organization and will reduce the cost of the
SDLC (systems development life cycle). Kasser, J. E., ―Improving the Systems Engineering Documentation
Production Process‖, proceedings of the 5th Annual International Symposium of the INCOSE, 1995, pages 6-9.
3.4 Resources Summary

This section provide a summary of the schedule, budget and staff resources for the T&E
3.4.1 Integrated Test Master Schedule and Budget Summary

Master Schedule as depicted in Figure 3.5. Budget allocations are contained in Table 3.6 and
Figure 3.5. The supporting Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), cost, schedule, and staffing
requirements for the each increment of the Master Schedule are contained in Section 4.

Week January February March April May

WBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18






Figure 3. 5 Integrated T&E Master Schedule

Table 3. 6 Total budget allocations

1 Labor Cost Unit Rate/Day Working Days Subtotal

Project Manager $500 52 $26,000
System Engineer $250 8 $2,000
Senior System Engineer $350 10 $3,500
Senior Test Engineer $350 12 $4,200
Test Engineer $250 88 $22,000
Logistic Engineer $200 3 $600
QA Engineer $150 44 $6,600
Total Labor Cost $64,900
2 Material Cost Features Quantity
Nascom Block Generator (NBG) MCSS 10 $10,000
Block Error Detector (BED) MCSS 10 $10,000
Oscilloscope MCSS 2 $14,800
Test Rigs Test and Monitoring 5 $5,000
288 Ports Switch Matrix Switch Matrix 1 $360,000
Total Material Cost $399,800
Total Budget $464,700
Fixed Fee Contract (10% ) $46,470

MCSS T&E Manpower Cost







Cost $12,950 $12,800 $19,050 $15,100 $5,000
Cumulative Cost $12,950 $25,750 $44,800 $59,900 $64,900

Figure 3. 6 Summary T&E Manpower Cost

The T&E activities total budget cost is $464,700 and fixed fee contract $46,470

3.4.2 Staff Resource Summary

Required staffing allocations by development phase are defined in Table 3.7. The table
provides guidance for staff allocations for the overall T&E activities.

Table 3. 7 Staff allocations per development phase

Development Qualification
Preliminary Detailed
Labor Category and and Closeout
Design Design
Integration Installation
Project Manager 1 1 1 1 1
System Engineer 1 0 0 1 0
Senior System Engineer 1 1 1 1 0
Senior Test Engineer 1 3 0 0 0
Test Engineer 2 2 6 2 0
Logistic Engineer 0 0 0 1 0
QA Engineer 1 1 3 1 0
Subtotals 7 8 11 7 1

3.5 Test Location and Equipment

The T&E activity other than Site Acceptance Test will be performed in in–house
Development Lab. The Site Acceptance Test is done at the first delivered location (EDF). The
in-house Development Lab has a sufficient facility and equipment for running the required
Test. However some of the equipment is not available and purchased independently in System
Requirement Phase. The complete listing of the Equipment used in the MCSS T&E is given

 Frequency counters, serial data analyzer, logic analyzer

 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector (BED)
 Nascom Block Generator (NBG)
 Test Rigs
 Software test programs

4. Test and Evaluation Process Plan

4.1 Work Planning

This section specify specify the work activities, schedule, resources, and budget details for the
MCSS T&E activities. Work packages for each work activity, necessary resources, estimated
duration, work products to be produced, acceptance criteria for the work products, and
predecessor and successor T&E work activities are contained in Appendix 1.

4.1.1 Test and Evaluation Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

System Life Cycle Processes ISO/IEC 15288 would be adopted in support of WBS T&E
activities. Detail of the phases will describe in next section. The MCSS project phases after
SRR is divided into 5 phases, they are:
1) Preliminary Design (SRR-PDR)
2) Detailed Design (PDR-CDR)
3) Development and Integration (CDR-IRR)
4) Qualification and Installation (IRR-DRR)
5) Project close out phase

The WBS will use the Top-Down approach12 which identifies the needed tasks, resource
allocations, and cost estimates. Figure 4.1 described the WBS of T&E and coding scheme. Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary

To better understand the nature of the work required to satisfy each element, a complete WBS
dictionary13 will be use in MCSS T&E activities. Table 4.1 described the WBS dictionary of
this project.

Top-Down approach of work breakdown structure (WBS) will be use to explained the test planning from the
highest level into the lowest level for each phase. By using WBS the Project Manager could identifying the
implications of WBS to budgeting, scheduling, risk assessment, and cost collection during planning of MCSS
T&E activities. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 2005.
By using WBS dictionary it will help clarify the distinctions between WBS elements. Practice Standard for
Work Breakdown Structures (Second Edition), published by the Project Management Institute, ISBN
1933890134, page 8


300 400
100 200 500
Development and Qualification and
Preliminary Design Detailed Design Project closeout
Integration Installation

Management Testing Management Testing Management Testing Management Testing Management

M201 Technical M301 Technical

M101-Technical Q101 Execute Q201 Execute Q401 Final MCSS
direction and direction and Q301 Execute M401 Handing over M501 Perform
direction and purchased switch modified switch subsystem
management management Switch Control test documentation client closeout
acquire resources test matrix test operational test
reporting reporting

M102-Risk Q102 Prepare Q202 Prepare Q302 Execute Q402 Final MCSS M502 Perform
M202 Risk M302 Risk M402 Risk
identification and modified switch modified Switch Timing Generator subsystem factory organizational
management management management
management matrix test plan Control test plan test acceptance test closeout

Q103 Prepare Q203 Prepare M403 Test and Q403 Final MCSS M503 Conduct
Q303 Execute Test
integration test plan Timing Generator Evaluation subsystem site subcontractor
and Monitoring test
and procedure test plan completion review acceptance test closeout

Q204 Prepare Test Q304 Finalize Q404 Final MCSS

Q104 Introductory M504 Write the
and Monitoring test whole subsystem subsystem customer
training project final report
plan integration test acceptance test


M505 Conduct team
Subsystem design integration test
RAM analysis (verified)

Figure 4. 1 Work Breakdown Structure for T&E activities

Table 4. 1 WBS Dictionary of T&E activities

WBS ID Work Package Name Description Milestones

Technical direction and To facilitate a smooth running of T&E activities including required
acquire resources resources at SRR-PDR
Risk identification and This element include how to identify and conduct risk management at
management each T&E activities at SRR-PDR
Execute purchased Switch
Q101 To test whether Purchased Switch is meet the requirements MCSS SRD SRR-PDR
Prepare modified Swith
Q102 Planning the Modified Switch Matrix Test Plan SRR-PDR
Matrix test plan
Prepare integration test
Q103 To provide a MCSS integration test pland and procedure for the tester SRR-PDR
plan and procedure
Implement IntroductoryTo train the manpower who will performed in the T&E with the MCSS
training system to maintain the Test Quality
Technical direction and To facilitate a smooth running of T&E activities including management
management reporting report at PDR-IRR
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M202 Risk management PDR-IRR
activities at PDR-IRR
Execute modified Switch To test whether the Modified Switch Matrix is meet the requirements in
Matrix test System requirements Document Section 5
Prepare modified Switch
Q202 Planning the Modified Switch Control Test Plan PDR-IRR
Control test plan
Prepare Timing Generator
Q203 Planning the Modified Timing Generator Test Plan PDR-IRR
test plan
Prepare Test and
Q204 Planning the Modified Test and Monitoring Test Plan PDR-IRR
Monitoring test plan
MCSS Subsystem RAM Assurance that design maturity is sufficient to begin detailed design and
analysis review the status including achieved results
Technical direction and To facilitate a smooth running of T&E activities including management
management reporting report at IRR-TRR
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M302 Risk management IRR-TRR
activities at IRR-TRR
To test whether the Modified Switch Control is meet the requirements in
Q301 Execute Switch Control test IRR-TRR
System requirements Document Section 5
Execute Timing Generator To test whether the Modified Timing Generator is meet the requirements
test in System requirements Document Section 5
Execute Test and To test whether the Modified Test and Monitoring Test is meet the
Monitoring test requirements in System requirements Document Section 5
Finalize whole subsystem
Q304 Combined 4 separate review subsystems integration test IRR-TRR
integration test
MCSS subsystem Verified combined 4 separate review subsystems integration test meet
integration test (verified) the requirements
Handing over The purpose of this document is to assist a smooth handover for the
documentation customer
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M402 Risk management TRR-DRR
activities at TRR-DRR
Test and Evaluation
M403 To review project completion and identify any lesson learnt TRR-DRR
completion review
A Factory Acceptance Test witnessed by the transition test to test
Final MCSS subsystem
Q401 whether each subsystems of the integrated MCSS is meet the requirement TRR-DRR
operational test
in SRD section 5 and can operate as expected by customer
Final MCSS subsystem Review the result of the test documented in the Factory Acceptance Test
factory acceptance test Report for verification and validation of the MCSS
Final MCSS subsystem site To ensure reliable performance of MCSS subsystem and minimum impact
acceptance test to the MSOCC
Final MCSS subsystem To test fully integrated MCSS after being installed but before Final
customer acceptance test Acceptance Test by NASA to be considered fully operational
4.1.2 T&E Schedule Allocation Plan

This section provide scheduling relationships among MCSS T&E work activities. Techniques
will be use for depicting schedule relationships in activities include activity Gantt charts,
critical path networks14, and PERT chart15. Bottom-Up approach16 will be use to estimate the
project time. Thus the schedule plan will follow one iteration of the Waterfall system and
system development lifecycle (SDLC) in T&E activities and fit within a timeline of 16 weeks.
Following section describe of the schedule plan fot each phase. Preliminary Design (SRR-PDR)

The schedule for SRR-PDR phase will be start on 01 January 2011. This phase will cover the
technical direction for T&E activities, risk identification, test plans, resources and
introductory training.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
acquire resources
Risk identification and
Execute purchased Switch
Prepare modified Swith
Matrix test plan
Prepare integration test
plan and procedure
Implement introductory

Figure 4. 2 Preliminary Design T&E schedule

A good project network is very useful to determine the critical path and slack time, and a good start to project
resource scheduling. Larson,Eriik W, and Gray,Clifford F.,Project Management, McGraw-Hill ., 5th Edition,
2011. Page 188
PERT chart can shows the dependencies between the various tasks and activities unlike Gantt Chart. Howard
Eisner, Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2nd Edition,
2002, Page 91 - 122
The Bottom-up (micro) approach is suitable in MCSSRP project, where the cost and time is important
Larson,Eriik W, and Gray,Clifford F.,Project Management, McGraw-Hill ., 5th Edition, 2011. Page 188

20 Detailed Design (PDR-IRR)

The schedule for PDR-IRR phase will be start on 01 February 2011. This phase will cover the
management reporting (budget and schedule review), Reliability Avalilability and
Maintainability subsystem designs, test plan and procedures, and execute subsystem test.
Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
management reporting
M202 Risk management
Execute modified Switch
Matrix test
Prepare modified Switch
Control test plan
Prepare Timing Generator
test plan
Prepare Test and
Monitoring test plan
MCSS Subsystem RAM

Figure 4. 3 Detailed Design T&E schedule Development and Integration (IRR-TRR)

The schedule for PDR-IRR phase will be start on 01 March 2011. This phase will cover the
management reporting (budget and schedule review), risk management, final design, execute
susbystem test and verified subsystem integration test.
Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12
ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
management reporting
M302 Risk management
Execute Switch Control
Execute Timing Generator
Execute Test and
Monitoring test
Finalize whole subsystem
integration test
MCSS subsystem
integration test (verified)

Figure 4. 4 Development and Integration T&E schedule

21 Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

The schedule for PDR-IRR phase will be start on 01 April 2011. This phase will cover the
handing over documentation, risk management, final MCSS subystem test results and delivery
final MCSS subsystem to the customer.
Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16
ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Handing over
M402 Risk management
Test and Evaluation
completion review
Final MCSS subsystem
operational test
Final MCSS subsystem
factory acceptance test
Final MCSS subsystem
site acceptance test
Final MCSS subsystem
customer acceptance test

Figure 4. 5 Qualification and Installation T&E schedule

22 Critical Path Preliminary Design (SRR-PDR)

The T&E Critical Path (CP) 17 during SRR-PDR phase is the longest path of the expected time of the T&E activity. The time metrics is a
week which is 5 working days. Critical Path for SRR-PDR phase = M101+Q101+Q1012+Q103+Q104 = 5+4+3+3+5 = 20 Days

Figure 4. 6 PERT-CPM Preliminary Design.

By using the Critical Path analysis, the Project Manager will easy to identify the minimum length of time needed to complete a project and reducing project risk.
Larson,Eriik W, and Gray,Clifford F.,Project Management, McGraw-Hill ., 5th Edition, 2011. Chapter 6-Developing Project Plan. Critical Path Detailed Design (PDR-IRR)

The T&E Critical Path (CP) during PDR-IRR phase is the longest path of the expected time of the T&E activity. The time metrics is a week
which is 5 working days. Critical Path for PDR-IRR phase = M201+Q201+Q203+Q205 = 7+4+3+4 = 18 Days

Figure 4. 7 PERT-CPM Detailed Design

24 Critical Path Development and Integration (IRR-TRR)

The T&E Critical Path (CP) during SRR-PDR phase is the longest path of the expected time of the T&E activity. The time metrics is a
week which is 5 working days. Critical Path for IRR-TRR phase = M301+Q302+Q304+Q305 = 7+5+3+5 = 20 Days

Figure 4. 8 PERT-CPM Development and Integration

25 Critical Path Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

The T&E Critical Path (CP) during SRR-PDR phase is the longest path of the expected time of the T&E activity. The time metrics is a
week which is 5 working days. Critical Path for TRR-DRR phase = M403+Q401+Q402+Q403 = 5+4+4+4 = 20 Days

Figure 4. 9 PERT-CPM Qualification and Installation

4.1.3 T&E Staff Resources Allocation Plan

This section provide a detailed itemization of the resources allocated to each major work
activity in the MCSS T&E work breakdown structure. Resources18 include the numbers and
required skill levels of personnel for each work activity. Required staffing allocations by
development phase are defined in the following section. The tables and figures represents
number of resource required to complete each work package. It shows the types of personnel
by Maturity Model and project roles. Preliminary Design Phase (SRR-PDR)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
ACTIVITY RES DUR ES LF TS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
M101 1 5 0 5 0 1 1 1 1 1
acquire resources
Risk identification and
M102 1 2 0 2 0 1 1
Execute purchased
Q101 3 4 5 9 0 3 3 3 3
Switch test
Prepare modified Swith
Q102 1 3 9 12 0 1 1 1
Matrix test plan
Prepare integration test
Q103 1 3 12 15 0 1 1 1
plan and procedure
Implement Introductory
Q104 1 5 15 20 0 1 1 1 1 1
Total Resource Load 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SRR-PDR Staff Allocation Engineers Type

QA Engineer (R7)

Logistic Engineer (R6)

Test Engineer (R5)

Senior Test Engineer (R4) 2

Senior System Engineer (R3)

System Engineer (R2)

Project Manager (R1)

0 1 2 3 I II III IV V

Figure 4. 10 Resource allocation Preliminary Design Phase

In this MCSS T&E activities, scheduling would allocates resources personnel to jobs (tasks) in order to
minimize total lateness. Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
Third Edition, 2004 Project Management Institute, Inc. ISBN 193069945X Detailed Design Phase (PDR-IRR)

Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

ACTIVITY RES DUR ES LF TS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
M201 1 7 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
management reporting
M202 Risk management 1 3 4 7 0 1 1 1
Execute modified Switch
Q201 3 5 7 12 0 3 3 3 3 3
Matrix test
Prepare modified Switch
Q202 1 3 12 15 0 1 1 1
Control test plan
Prepare Timing Generator
Q203 1 3 12 15 0 1 1 1
test plan
Prepare Test and
Q204 1 3 12 15 0 1 1 1
Monitoring test plan
MCSS Subsystem RAM
Q205 1 4 15 19 0 1 1 1 1
Total Resource Load 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

PDR-IRR Staff Allocation Engineers Type

QA Engineer (R7)
Logistic Engineer (R6)

Test Engineer (R5) 4

Senior Test Engineer (R4) 3

Senior System Engineer (R3) 2

System Engineer (R2)

Project Manager (R1)
0 1 2 3 4 I II III IV V

Figure 4. 11 Resource allocation Detailed Design Phase

28 Development and Integration Phase (IRR-TRR)

Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

ACTIVITY RES DUR ES LF TS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Technical direction and
M301 1 7 0 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
management reporting
M302 Risk management 1 3 4 7 0 1 1 1
Execute Switch Control
Q301 3 5 7 12 0 3 3 3 3 3
Execute Timing Generator
Q302 3 5 7 12 0 3 3 3 3 3
Execute Test and
Q303 3 5 7 12 0 3 3 3 3 3
Monitoring test
Finalize whole subsystem
Q304 1 3 12 15 0 1 1 1
integration test
MCSS subsystem
Q305 3 5 15 20 0 3 3 3 3 3
integration test (verified)
Total Resource Load 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3

IRR-TRR Staff Allocation Engineers Type

QA Engineer (R7)

Logistic Engineer (R6) 8

Test Engineer (R5)
Senior Test Engineer (R4) 5
Senior System Engineer (R3)
System Engineer (R2) 2
Project Manager (R1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I II III IV V

Figure 4. 12 Resource allocation Development and Integration Phase

29 Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16

ACTIVITY RES DUR ES LF TS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Handing over
M401 1 3 0 3 0 1 1 1
M402 Risk management 1 3 0 3 0 1 1 1
Test and Evaluation
M403 1 5 0 5 0 1 1 1 1 1
completion review
Final MCSS subsystem
Q401 3 4 5 9 0 3 3 3 3
operational test
Final MCSS subsystem
Q402 3 4 9 13 0 3 3 3 3
factory acceptance test
Final MCSS subsystem
Q403 3 4 13 17 0 3 3 3 3
site acceptance test
Final MCSS subsystem
Q404 1 3 17 20 0 1 1 1
customer acceptance test
Total Resource Load 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1

IRR-TRR Staff Allocation Engineers Type

QA Engineer (R7)
Logistic Engineer (R6) 8
Test Engineer (R5)
Senior Test Engineer (R4) 5
Senior System Engineer (R3)
System Engineer (R2) 2
Project Manager (R1)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I II III IV V

Figure 4. 13 Resource allocation Qualification and Installation Phase

4.1.4 Budget Allocation Plan

This section provides a detailed breakdown of necessary resource budgets for each of the
major work activities in the work breakdown structure. The activity budget will estimated the
cost for activity personnel where the type of cost is price contract19. The estimating project

In this MCSS, as there is low risk involved (using mostly existing technology), the cost contract for personnel
could be awarded as a fixed price contracts. Howard Eisner, Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering
Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2nd Edition, 2002, Page 91 - 122

cost will use the Bottom-Up approach20 21. Required budget allocations by development phase
are defined in the following section. Preliminary Design Phase (SRR-PDR)

Below is a listing work packages from SRR-PDR. The amount allocated for each is
determined by the daily rate (8 hours), and the number of people assigned to each work
package . Total manpower cost from is $12.950.

Table 4. 2 Budget allocation Preliminary Design Phase

Code Activities Description Manpower resources High level

Working Manpower Cumulative
Unit sub-total
100 Preliminary Design Phase Engineers Type Number days cost cost
Rate/day cost
Technical direction and
M101 $6,000 $6,000
acquire resources
M101.1 Resources plan for T&E Project Manager Type V 1 $500 5 $2,500
M101.2 Cost and schedule plan Project Manager Type V 1 $500 5 $2,500
M101.3 Subsystem test direction Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
Risk identification and
M102 Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $7,000
1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 4 $2,000
Q101 Execute purchased Switch test $2,600 $9,600
2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 4 $600
Prepare modified Swith Matrix Senior Test
Q102 Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $10,650
test plan Engineer
Prepare integration test plan Senior System
Q103 Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $11,700
and procedure Engineer
Implement Introductory
Q104 Systems Engineer Type III 1 $250 5 $1,250 $1,250 $12,950
Sub-total $12,950 $12,950

In the MCSSRP project, every phase or milestones have applied WBS packages. Which component of WBS
packages has contain, budget, schedule, resource. Bottom-Up approach can serve as a check on cost elements in
the WBS by rolling up the work packages and associated cost accounts to major deliverables at the work package
level. Larson,Eriik W, and Gray,Clifford F.,Project Management, McGraw-Hill ., 5th Edition, 2011. Chapter 5.
Page 126-155
In addition Bottom-Up approach could provide accurate estimate of the cost during product life cycle. Hari,
A., Shoval, S. and Kasser, J. E., ―Conceptual Design to Cost: A new systems engineering tool‖, proceedings of
the 18th International Symposium of the INCOSE, Utrecht, Holland, 2008.

Preliminary DesignPhase
M101 M102 Q101 Q102 Q103 Q104
High level sub-total cost $6,000 $1,000 $2,600 $1,050 $1,050 $1,250
Cumulative cost $6,000 $7,000 $9,600 $10,650 $11,700 $12,950

Figure 4. 14 Budget accumulative Preliminary Design Phase Detailed Design Phase (PDR-IRR)

Below is a listing work packages from PDR-IRR. The amount allocated for each is
determined by the daily rate and the number of people assigned to each work package . Total
manpower cost is $12.800.

Table 4. 3 Budget allocation Detailed Design Phase

Code Activities Description Manpower resources High level

Working Manpower Cumulative
Unit sub-total
200 Detailed Design Phase Engineers Type Number days cost cost
Rate/day cost
Technical direction and
M201 $3,500 $3,500
management reporting
M201.1 Resource plan review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500
M201.2 Budget and schedule review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
Subsystem integration test
M201.3 Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
M202 Risk management Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500 $1,500 $5,000
Execute modified Switch Matrix 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 5 $2,500
Q201 $3,250 $8,250
test 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 5 $750
Prepare modified Switch Senior Test
Q202 Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $9,300
Control test plan Engineer
Prepare Timing Generator test Senior Test
Q203 Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $10,350
plan Engineer
Prepare Test and Monitoring Senior Test
Q204 Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $11,400
test plan Engineer
MCSS Subsystem RAM Senior System
Q205 Type V 1 $350 4 $1,400 $1,400 $12,800
analysis Engineer
Sub-total $12,800 $12,800

Detailed Design Phase







M201 M202 Q201 Q202 Q203 Q204 Q205
High level sub-total cost $3,500 $1,500 $3,250 $1,050 $1,050 $1,050 $1,400
Cumulative cost $3,500 $5,000 $8,250 $9,300 $10,350 $11,400 $12,800

Figure 4. 15 Budget accumulative Detailed Design Phase Development and Integration Phase (IRR-TRR)

Below is a listing work packages from IRR-TRR. The amount allocated for each is
determined by the daily rate and the number of people assigned to each work package . Total
manpower cost is $19.050.

Table 4. 4 Budget allocation Detailed Design Phase

Code Activities Description Manpower resources High level

Working Manpower Cumulative
Development and Integration Unit sub-total
300 Engineers Type Number days cost cost
Phase Rate/day cost
Technical direction and
M301 $3,500 $3,500
management reporting
M301.1 Resource plan review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500
M301.2 Budget and schedule review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
MCSS subsystem integration
M301.3 Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
test direction (verified)
M302 Risk management Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500 $1,500 $5,000
1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 5 $2,500
Q301 Execute Switch Control test $3,250 $8,250
2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 5 $750
1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 5 $2,500
Q302 Execute Timing Generator test $3,250 $11,500
2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 5 $750
Execute Test and Monitoring 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 5 $2,500
Q303 $3,250 $14,750
test 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 5 $750
Prepare finalize whole
Senior System
Q304 subsystem integration test Type V 1 $350 3 $1,050 $1,050 $15,800
MCSS subsystem integration 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 5 $2,500
Q305 $3,250 $19,050
test (verified) 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 5 $750
Sub-total $19,050 $19,050

Development and Integration Phase





M301 M302 Q301 Q302 Q303 Q304 Q305
High level sub-total cost $3,500 $1,500 $3,250 $3,250 $3,250 $1,050 $3,250
Cumulative cost $3,500 $5,000 $8,250 $11,500 $14,750 $15,800 $19,050

Figure 4. 16 Budget accumulative Development and Integration Phase Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

Below is a listing work packages from TRR-DRR. The amount allocated for each is
determined by the daily rate and the number of people assigned to each work package . Total
manpower cost is $11.950.

Table 4. 5 Budget allocation Qualification and Installation Phase

Code Activities Description Manpower resources High level

Working Manpower Cumulative
Qualification and Installation Unit sub-total
400 Engineers Type Number days cost cost
Phase Rate/day cost
M401 Handing over documentation System Engineer Type III 1 $250 3 $750 $750 $750
M402 Risk management Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500 $1,500 $2,250
Test and Evaluation
M403 $2,500 $4,750
completion review
M403.1 Budget and schedule review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 3 $1,500
M403.2 Project completed review Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000
Final MCSS subsystem 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 4 $2,000
Q401 $2,600 $7,350
operational test 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 4 $600
Final MCSS subsystem factory 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 4 $2,000
Q402 $2,600 $9,950
acceptance test 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 4 $600
Final MCSS subsystem site 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 4 $2,000
Q403 $2,600 $12,550
acceptance test 2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 4 $600
Logistic Engineer Type II 1 $200 3 $600 $600 $13,150
Final MCSS subsystem
Q404 1) Test Engineer Type III 2 $250 3 $1,500
customer acceptance test $1,950 $15,100
2) QA Engineer Type III 1 $150 3 $450
Sub-total $15,100 $15,100

Qualification and Installation Phase
M401 M402 M403 Q401 Q402 Q403 Q404
High level sub-total cost $750 $1,500 $2,500 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,550
Cumulative cost $750 $2,250 $4,750 $7,350 $9,950 $12,550 $15,100

Figure 4. 17 Budget accumulative Qualification and Installation Phase

4.2 Test and Evaluation Control Plan

This section will specify the metrics, and control procedures necessary to measure the
requirements, schedule, budget, and the quality of work processes and work products22.

The control plan will place at each project milestones23. Project Manager, will develop
detailed plans based on established work assignments for T&E activities. The Management
Control System (MCS)24 tools will be used to document and track the work against major
program milestones. Table 4-6 identifies the primary tools that support T&E control plan.

The purpose of the Control function is to provide adequate visibility into actual project progress to allow
effective management action when the project performance deviates significantly from the plans. Forsberg, K.,
Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 2005.
Chapter 14 Project Control Page 254 – 277
Project control process should be in place at all level of the project. So that any deviation from planned events
can be quickly corrected. Kezsbom, D. S., Schilling, D. L . and Edward, K.A., Dynamic Project Management. A
practical guide for Managers and engineers, John Willey and Sons, New York, 1989.
Management control system is an integrated technique for collecting and using information to evaluate
performance. The MCS tools, supported by the WBS, cost, schedule, requirements and quality to be reviewed at
any T&E activities phase. Horngren, C., Sundem, G. and Stratton, W., 2005. Introduction to Management
Accounting, New Jersey, Pearson. Page 404.

Table 4. 6 T&E Management Control System


Bottom-Up Cost Estimating x x x x

Bottom-Up Time Estimate x x x x

Earned Value Schedule

x x x x
Analysis Control
Earned Value
Budget Control x x x x
Quality Control x x x x
and Validation
Microsoft Reporting and
x x x x
Word Communication
Documentation x x x x

4.2.1 Budget and Schedule Control

Project Manager is responsible for monitoring cost and schedule for the activities and for
estimating cost to complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis. The PM shall take
immediate corrective actions necessary to minimize project deviation from cost and schedule

Using Earned Value Analysis (EVA)25 for each product component, the PM generates
variance analysis reports by comparing Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP), Budgeted
Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS), Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP), and Estimate
at Completion. In addition, the Critical Path Method (CPM) will be used to control the
activities most crucial to completion of the project on-schedule.

The critical path illustrated in the section shall receive special attention with respect to
completion on schedule26. Following Table 4.7 sub lower level work packages depict the
budget and schedule control performed by Project Manager.

Earned Value Analysis (EVA) is used to assess the current cost situation as a function of performance to date.
Three cumulative cost curves (budgeted cost of work scheduled – BCWS, budgeted cost of work performed –
BCWP, Actual cost of work performed – ACWP) are shown from project initiation time to current reporting
time. HE: Eisner, H., Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management, 3rd Edition Page103
Failure to complete these activities within their allotted time will cause slippage of the entire schedule. HE:
Eisner, H., Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management, 3rd Edition Page103

Table 4. 7 Sub lower level work packages budget and schedule control

WBS ID Work Package Name Description Milestones

Cost and schedule To plan estimating cost tocomplete and schedule completion for the
M101.2 SRR-PDR
plan T&E activities
Cost and schedule To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost
M201.2 PDR-IRR
review to complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis at PDR-IRR
Cost and schedule To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost
M301.2 IRR-TRR
review to complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis at IRR-TRR
Cost and schedule To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost
M403.1 TRR-DRR
review to complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis at TRR-DRR

4.2.2 Quality Control

This section specifies the mechanisms to be used to measure and control the quality of the
work processes and the resulting work products. Verification and validation27 will be use as
quality control mechanisms.

The Quality Assurance team under the direction of the QA Manager provides the Project
Manager with the assurance that all quality and control requirements are being accomplished.
In performing these duties, the QA Manager monitors adherence to all processes, procedures,
and plans through the delegation of responsibilities to the QA Team.

Following Table 4.8 work packages depict the quality control mechanism performed by
Quality Assurance team.

Verification: proof of compliance with specifications ―Was the solution built right?‖ Validation: proof that the
user(s) is satisfied ―Was the right solution built?‖ This Is a whole life-cycle process - V & V must be applied at
each stage in the system process. Forsberg,K.,Mooz,H., and Cotterman,H., Visualising Project Management,
John Wiley & Sons,Inc., 3rd Edition, 2005. Pages 361

Table 4. 8 Work packages depict the quality control process

Verification Responsible
WBS ID Work Package Name Verification and Validation Description Validation Techniques Milestones
Techniques Team
Execute purchased Verification and Validation of preliminary design to ensure it meet Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q101 Analysis SRR-PDR
Switch test requirements the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Execute modified Switch Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the specifications Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q201 Testing PDR-IRR
Matrix test and requirements of the subsystems entities are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Execute Switch Control Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the specifications Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q301 Testing IRR-TRR
test and requirements of the subsystems entities are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Execute Timing Generator Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the specifications Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q302 Testing IRR-TRR
test and requirements of the subsystems entities are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Execute Test and Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the specifications Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q303 Testing IRR-TRR
Monitoring test and requirements of the subsystems entities are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
MCSS subsystem Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the requirements of Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q305 Testing IRR-TRR
integration test (verified) the integration of subsystems are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Final MCSS subsystem Verification and Validation of MCSS integrated system to ensure Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q401 Demonstration TRR-DRR
operational test the system requirements are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Final MCSS subsystem Verification and Validation of MCSS integrated system to ensure Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q402 Demonstration TRR-DRR
factory acceptance test the system requirements are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Final MCSS subsystem Verification and Validation of MCSS integrated system to ensure Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q403 Demonstration TRR-DRR
site acceptance test the system requirements are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
Final MCSS subsystem Verification and Validation of MCSS integrated system to ensure Phase reviews with end user to ensure Quality
Q404 Demonstration TRR-DRR
customer acceptance test the system requirements are met the user satisfaction is achieved Assurance team
4.2.3 Reporting and Communication

This section specifies the reporting mechanisms and information flows to be used in
communicating the status of the project. The methods and techniques of communication will
be specified in this section.

Reporting Plan: The PM provides monthly progress reports to the stakeholders summarizing
work completed, a financial report, issues, and meetings.

Communication Plan28: The PM holds progress reviews at least every week for the purpose
of monitoring internal progress towards milestones, reviewing problems encountered,
presenting proposed resolutions, presenting near-term plans, reviewing risks and mitigation
plans, and presenting a financial review using Earned Value data (performance report).
During project team meeting, STALL29 approach is adopted to regulate matters.

Table 4. 9 Communication matrix

Communication WBS
Objective Frequency Audience Owner Deliverables Reference
Project Team Review status of the Project Minutes M101,M201
Weekly Project Team
Meetings project Manager Meeting M301,M403
Discuss technical problems
Technical Project Minutes
raised in the As needed Project Team M201,M301
design meeting Manager Meeting
Project status Reports on the status of the Executive Project M101,M201
meetings project to the management Management Manager M301,M403
Project Project
Project status Report of the status of the Project M101,M201
Monthly Sponsor, Sub Status
reports project (activities progress) Manager M301,M403
contractor reports
Sponsor, Sub Final project
contractor, Project report
Project closeout Report of the final project Once M503,M504
Executive Manager Signed
Management, acceptance
Project Team

To make project communication effective, we go directly to the most likely problem solver, regardless of
organization structure. Project communication can be represented by Participants, Techniques, Environment,
Language = Communications. Project participants encompass a wide array of stakeholders. (e.g. team members,
management, policy makers, contractor, customers, users). Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H.,
Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 2005. Page 48 – 68.
STALL is an acronym for (Stay calm, Think, Ask questions and analyse, Listen, Listen). The key element in
bridging the communications gap between systems and software engineers is to use active listening enhanced by
―pattern matching‖ during discussions. Kasser, J. E., A Framework for Understanding Systems Engineering,
Booksurge Ltd, 2007, ISBN 978-1-4196-7315-3. Page 62-70
4.3 Risk Management Plan

This section specify the risk management plan30 for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing
project risk factors. The PM, in the role of Risk Manager, analyzes risk-related measurements,
reviews individual database entries as needed at weekly status meetings with the project team
members, and holds a review of the database on monthly schedule with the sponsor and other
senior management. Table 4.10 work packages depict the risk management performed by
Project Manager team in overall life cycle phases31.

Table 4. 10 Work packages of risk management plan

WBS ID Work Package Name Description Milestones

Risk identification This element include how to identify and conduct risk management at
and management each T&E activities at SRR-PDR
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M202 Risk management PDR-IRR
activities at PDR-IRR
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M302 Risk management IRR-TRR
activities at IRR-TRR
This element include how to conduct risk management at each T&E
M402 Risk management TRR-DRR
activities at TRR-DRR

4.3.1 Risk Identification

An identified risk will be categorized in the table format which will be maintained by the
project manager for the duration of the project. This table will list the potential project risks,
and the indicators that determine the rating (High, Medium, Low). The risk categorization
table will produce ―Top 10 Risks‖32 which will be reviewed at monthly project status
meetings (see Appendix II).

4.3.2 Risk Mitigation

The resolution approach, and responsibility assignment will be included in risk mitigation
efforts. Following tables shows the risk identification and mitigation which would be incur on
T&E activities at each life cycle phases.

The process will concemed with conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis, responses, and
monitoring and control on a project. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK" Guide),
Project Management Institute, Upper Darby, PA, 2004
Opportunity and risk is ongoing that is we have to perform the risk management activities in every phase of
MCSS T&E. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 3rd edition, 2005. Page223 – 253
Top 10 risk factor was adapted from the most failure of IT systems development projects. Tesch, Debbie;
Kloppenborg, Timothy J; Frolick, Mark N. IT Project Risk Factors: The Project Management Professionals
Perspective. The Journal of Computer Information Systems. July 1 2007.

Table 4. 11 SRR-PDR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation
Risk Action Overall
WBS ID Work Package Name Risk ID Probability Mitigation Action by
Exposure when Risk
Technical direction and R7, R17, Monitor progress and accelerate agency staff training and other Project
M101 Likely Low (L) As needed
acquire resources R18 support measures as needed. Manager
Execute purchased Switch R14, R16, Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address Project As per
Q101 May
test R19, R22 (M) unforeseen problems Manager plan
Plan a staged implementation, seek additional funds, during
Prepare modified Swith R12, R20, Project
Q102 Probably Low (L) system integrator selection consider cost and benefits of off-the- As needed
Matrix test plan R21, R26 Manager Low (L)
shelf solutions
Plan a staged implementation, seek additional funds, during
Prepare integration test R12, R20, Project
Q103 Probably Low (L) system integrator selection consider cost and benefits of off-the- As needed
plan and procedure R21, R26 Manager
shelf solutions
Implement Introductory Medium Arrange staffing and their training well in advance, ensure Project
Q104 R25 May As needed
training (M) concept of operations is realistic. Manager

Table 4. 12 PDR-IRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation

Risk Action Overall
WBS ID Work Package Name Risk ID Probability Mitigation Action by
Exposure when Risk
Technical direction and R7, R17, Monitor progress and accelerate agency staff training and other Project
M201 Likely Low (L) As needed
management reporting R18 support measures as needed. Manager
Execute modified Switch R14, R16, Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address Project As per
Q201 May
Matrix test R19, R22 (M) unforeseen problems Manager plan
Plan a staged implementation, seek additional funds, during
Prepare modified Switch R12, R20, Project
Q202 Probably Low (L) system integrator selection consider cost and benefits of off-the- As needed
Control test plan R21, R26 Manager
shelf solutions
Plan a staged implementation, seek additional funds, during Low (L)
Prepare Timing Generator R12, R20, Project
Q203 Probably Low (L) system integrator selection consider cost and benefits of off-the- As needed
test plan R21, R26 Manager
shelf solutions
Plan a staged implementation, seek additional funds, during
Prepare Test and R12, R20, Project
Q204 Probably Low (L) system integrator selection consider cost and benefits of off-the- As needed
Monitoring test plan R21, R26 Manager
shelf solutions
MCSS Subsystem RAM Medium Evaluate system for ability to address unforeseen problems, Project As per
Q205 R11 May
analysis (M) coordinate with agencies on plans for systems requirements Manager plan
Table 4. 13 IRR-TRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation
Risk Action Overall
WBS ID Work Package Name Risk ID Probability Mitigation Action by
Exposure when Risk
Technical direction and R7, R17, Monitor progress and accelerate agency staff training and other Project
M301 Likely Low (L) As needed
management reporting R18 support measures as needed. Manager
R14, R16, Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address Project As per
Q301 Execute Switch Control test May
R19, R22 (M) unforeseen problems Manager plan
Execute Timing Generator R14, R16, Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address Project As per
Q302 May
test R19, R22 (M) unforeseen problems Manager plan Medium
Execute Test and R14, R16, Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address Project As per (M)
Q303 May
Monitoring test R19, R22 (M) unforeseen problems Manager plan
Finalize whole subsystem Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for stability and delivery Project As per
Q304 R11 Probably
integration test (M) track record. Manager plan
MCSS subsystem Medium Evaluate system integrator proposals for stability and delivery Project As per
Q305 R11 Probably
integration test (verified) (M) track record. Manager plan

Table 4. 14 TRR-DRR Initial Risk Identification and Mitigation

Risk Action Overall
WBS ID Work Package Name Risk ID Probability Mitigation Action by
Exposure when Risk
Handing over Project
M401 R8, R13 Likely Low (L) Monitor progress and other support measures as needed. As needed
documentation Manager
Test and Evaluation R7, R17, Project
M403 Likely Low (L) Monitor progress and other support measures as needed. As needed
completion review R18 Manager
Evaluate system for ability to address unforeseen problems,
Final MCSS subsystem R14, R15, Medium Project As per
Q401 May allow time for dealing with the unexpected, have a process ready
operational test R19 (M) Manager plan
for dealing with the unexpected.
Evaluate system integrator proposals for ability to address
Final MCSS subsystem Medium Project As per (M)
Q402 R14, R23 May unforeseen problems, coordinate with agencies on plans for
factory acceptance test (M) Manager plan
node systems, plan backup communication links.
Evaluate system for ability to address unforeseen problems,
Final MCSS subsystem R14, R15, Medium Project As per
Q403 May allow time for dealing with the unexpected, have a process ready
site acceptance test R19 (M) Manager plan
for dealing with the unexpected.
Final MCSS subsystem Medium Evaluate system for ability to address unforeseen problems, Project As per
Q404 R4, R19 Probably
customer acceptance test (M) coordinate with customer to ensure requirements are met Manager plan

4.4 Project Closeout Plan33

This section describes the nature of the activities that will be used to closeout the project when
it is completed. Project Manager will be fully involved in the approval of project closeout.

4.4.1 Post Performance Analysis

Upon termination of the entire project due to the objectives being met, there are a number of
closure activities that will be performed before the project is considered closed. Project
participants will be gathered for the purpose of a Post- Performance Analysis (PPA)34.

4.4.2 Project Closeout Schedule Allocation

The schedule for project close out will be start on 01 May 2011. This closeout cover the client
closeout, organizational closeout, subcontractor closeout, final report and team closeout.

Week 17 Week 18
ACTIVITY 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
M501 Perform client closeout
Perform organizational
Conduct subcontractor
Write the project final
M505 Conduct team closeout

Figure 4. 18 Project closeout schedule

4.4.3 Project Closeout Critical Path

The time metrics is a week which is 5 working days. Critical Path for Close out phase =
M501+M502+M503+M504+M505 = 2+2+2+2+2 = 10 Days

In this MCSS T&E the closeout work packages to be performed during the execution phase were listed in the
work breakdown structure (WBS) section 4.1.1. The only difference between the usual work packages and the
closeout work packages is that the latter are usually short in duration because they are small in duration. Guy L.
De Furia. Project Management Recipes for Success. CRC Press, December 2008, ISBN 10: 1420078240. Page
The PPA allows data to be gathered about their performance and experiences so that project processes may be
tuned to improve performance on future projects. Robert T. Futrell; Donald F. Shafer; Linda I. Safer. Quality
Software Project Management. Prentice Hall, January 2002, ISBN 10: 0-13-091297-2. Page 1090-1092
Figure 4. 19 PERT-CPM Project Closeout Phase

4.4.4 Project Closeout Resource Allocation

Project Manager will be fully involved in handle project close out. Detailed itemization below
shows of the PM (Type V) allocated to perform major closeout activity in the MCSS T&E
work breakdown structure.35

Week 13 Week 14
ACTIVITY RES DUR ES LF TS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
M501 Perform client closeout 1 2 0 2 0 1 1
Perform organizational
M502 1 2 2 4 0 1 1
Conduct subcontractor
M503 1 2 4 6 0 1 1
Write the project final
M504 1 2 6 8 0 1 1
M505 Conduct team closeout 1 2 8 10 0 1 1
Total Resource Load 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Figure 4. 20 Resource allocation of Project Closeout Phase

Since the Project Closeout only perform by Project Manager which is in Management stream activities
therefore, the graph of Engineers Type and Type of Labor not included in this section.

4.4.5 Project Closeout Budget Allocation

Total manpower cost is for perform project closeout is $5000.

Table 4. 15 Budget allocation Project Closeout Phase

Code Activities Description Manpower resources High level

Working Manpower Cumulative
Unit sub-total
500 Project Closeout Engineers Type Number days cost cost
Rate/day cost

M501 Perform client closeout Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

M502 Perform organizational closeout Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000
Conduct subcontractor
M503 Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000
M504 Write the project final report Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $4,000

M505 Conduct team closeout Project Manager Type V 1 $500 2 $1,000 $1,000 $5,000
Sub-total $5,000 $5,000

Project Closeout Phase







M501 M502 M503 M504 M505
High level sub-total cost $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Cumulative cost $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000

Figure 4. 21 Budget accumulative Project Closeout Phase


This section describe and discuss the lessons learned session which incorporate in the TEMP.


 Defined the types of activities performed in the development of

An introduction to Project Management a TEMP
and Systems Engineering  Defined the SPARK element as part of Project Plan to
incorporate in the TEMP
 Construct work packages for the processes of TEMP
02 Modern project management  Applied the monitor progress through incorporate in the work
 Applied the five types of engineer-leaders to allocate the
human resources more efficient in the TEMP process.
 Introduced the difference between a role (job) and an activity
03 Project Selection and Strategy
to be performed in the TEMP
 Used the Waterfall view as the basis for the work performed
between each of the 4 formal major milestones in the TEMP.
 Able to applied and defended choice of matrix organization as
04 Project Organisation
management structure for the MCSSRP TEMP
 Able to applied the essential elements of a project plan
(SPARK) in the TEMP
 Understand how to create and use a Work Breakdown
05 Project Planning
Structure (WBS) by using Top-Down approach which
identifies the needed tasks, resource allocations, and cost
 Able to developed scheduling estimates to T&E activities by
using Bottom-Up approach to estimate the project time
06 Scheduling  Able to develop the project network, the critical path and its
 Applied resource allocation to schedule T&E activities
 Able to applied the methods for estimating project times and
costs. Bottom-Up approach is used in the TEMP.
 Able to applied different types of cost contracts for work
07 Cost Estimating
activities in the work breakdown structure. The activity budget
estimated the cost for activity personnel where the type of cost
is price contract
 Able to applied the project control process tools to incorporate
09 Performance Monitoring
in the work activities to mitigate and prevent project failure
 Able to defined the scope of the project manager for the
10 Project Leadership

 Able to defined the human element in the TEMP process and
11 Project Teams managing personnel skills and competencies, conflict and
communications through perform in the work activities.
 Applied risk management process through work activities to
12 Constraint Management
mitigate and prevent project risks.
 Able to applied project closure activities to be performed and
14 Project Audit and Closeout evaluate project personnel by using Post Perfomance Analysis

In overall the TEMP documentation keep the project controlled, standardized the T&E
process and improve the communication and the understanding of the T&E process. Using
Vee model and System Approach for Test and Evaluation can prevent a big loss and improve
the system development, since the failure detected earlier, not after the production of the
MCSS system. Milestone is needed as a correction control across the project and also for
verification and validation of the MCSS system.


1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK" Guide), Project

Management Institute, Upper Darby, PA, 2004
2. Bell, David.W and Brown, David.C. Systems Engineering and Test and Evaluation—The
Integrated Process. ITEA Journal 2010
3. Eisner, H., Essentials of Project and Systems Engineering Management, 3 Edition,
Wiley Interscience, 2008, ISBN 978-0-470-12933-3
4. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project Management, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 2005.
5. Gray, C., and Larson, E., Project Management, 4th Edition, McGraw H ill, 2007, ISBN
6. Gregory S. Parnell, Patrick J. Driscoll, Dale L. Henderson (2011). Decision Making in
Systems Engineering and Management, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. Guy L. De Furia. Project Management Recipes for Success. CRC Press, December 2008,
ISBN 10: 1420078240.
8. Hari, A., Shoval, S. and Kasser, J. E., ―Conceptual Design to Cost: A new systems
engineering tool‖, proceedings of the 18th International Symposium of the INCOSE,
Utrecht, Holland, 2008.
9. Horngren, C., Sundem, G. and Stratton, W., 2005. Introduction to Management
Accounting, New Jersey, Pearson.
10. Ichiro Koshijima and Tomio Umeda. Human Resource Allocation in Project
Management. Management Science Approach.
11. INCOSE., ―System Engineering Handbook Version 2.0‖, Seattle, 2000
12. Kasser, J. E. and Frank, M., ―A Maturity Model for the Competency of Systems
Engineers‖, proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of the INCOSE, Chicago,
IL., 2010.
13. Kasser, J. E. and Hitchins, D. K., ―Unifying the different systems engineering processes‖,
proceedings of Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Hoboken, NJ., 2010.
14. Kasser, J. E. and Mirchandani, C. J., ―The MSOCC Data Switch Replacement: A Case
Study in Elicitating and Elucidating Requirements‖, proceedings of the 15th International
Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Rochester,
NY, 2005.
15. Kasser, J. E., ―Improving the Systems Engineering Documentation Production Process‖,
proceedings of the 5th Annual International Symposium of the NCOSE, 1995
16. Kasser, J. E., ―The Hitchins-Kasser-Massie (HKM) Framework for Systems
Engineering‖, proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of the INCOSE, San
Diego, CA., 2007.

17. Kasser, J. E., A Framework for Understanding Systems Engineering, Booksurge Ltd,
2007, ISBN 978-1-4196-7315-3
18. Kasser, J. E., Applying Total Quality Management to Systems Engineering, Artech
House, Boston, 1995, Chapter 10.
19. Kasser, J. E., Frank, M. and Zhao, Y. Y., ―Assessing the competencies of systems
engineers‖, proceedings of the 7th biannual European Systems Engineering Conference
(EuSEC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2010.
20. Kasser, J. E., Hitchins, D. and Huynh, T. V., ―Reengineering Systems Engineering‖,
proceedings of the 3rd Annual Asia-Pacific Conference on Systems Engineering
(APCOSE), Singapore, 2009.
21. Kezsbom, D. S., Schilling, D. L. and Edward, K. A., Dynamic Project Management. A
practical guide for managers and engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989.
22. Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W. N. (2003). Systems Engineering Principles and Practice.
Hoboken: John Wiley ISBN: 0-471-23443-5.
23. Practice Standard for Work Breakdown Structures (Second Edition), published by the
Project Management Institute, ISBN 1933890134
24. Project Management Institute A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
Third Edition, 2004 Project Management Institute, Inc. ISBN 193069945X
25. Robert T. Futrell; Donald F. Shafer; Linda I. Safer. Quality Software Project
Management. Prentice Hall, January 2002, ISBN 10: 0-13-091297-2.
26. Shenhar, A. J. and Bonen, Z., ―The New Taxonomy of Systems: Toward an Adaptive
Systems Engineering Framework‖, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
– Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 27 (1997), no. 2, 137 – 145.
27. Tesch, Debbie; Kloppenborg, Timothy J; Frolick, Mark N. IT Project Risk Factors: The
Project Management Professionals Perspective. The Journal of Computer Information
Systems. July 1 2007.


Appendix A: Preliminary Design (SRR-PDR)

Task ID 100

Name of Activity Preliminary Design (SRR-PDR)

Priority High

Start of the project, after requirement has been given and up to when the
Narrative of activity
preliminary design is chosen.

To plan for the testing & evaluation activities of the new MCSS according to
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
the requirement and agreed by stakeholders.

Schedule (+accuracy) 20 days (90% accuracy)

Product F100: Test Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during customer review meeting

Prerequisites Pre-System Requirement Review (Approved)

 R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
 R2:System Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Part Time)
 R3:Senior System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
 R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
Resources  R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)

MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $12,950

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably, Low risk, M101, Q101, Q102, Q103, Q104

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by SRR meetings

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID M101, M102, Q101, Q102, Q103, Q104

Task ID M101

Name of Activity Technical direction and acquire resources

Priority High

To provide a plan for activities to be conducted, assigned required resources

Narrative of activity
and provide technical direction and guidance for the T&E activities

To facilitate a smooth running of T&E activities including required resources

Reason of activity [CONOPS]

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

F101: Resources, Schedule and Cost Plan

F102: Methodology for Testing and Validation

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during review meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $6000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID M101.1, M101.2, M101.3

Task ID M101.1

Name of Activity Resources plan for T&E

Priority High

Allocated resources to each major work activity in the T&E work breakdown
Narrative of activity structure. Resources include the numbers and required skill levels of

Reason of activity [CONOPS] To assure that the necessary resources are made available when required

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F101.1 : Resources Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved by PM

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $2500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M101.2

Name of Activity Cost and Schedule Plan

Priority High

Plan a detailed breakdown of necessary resource budgets and schedule for

Narrative of activity
each of the major work activities in the work breakdown structure.
To allocate resource budgets for each of the major work activities in order to
Reason of activity [CONOPS] minimize the over cost during execution of the task and to ensure the
necessary resources schedule are allocate properly.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F101.2 : Cost and Schedule Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved by PM

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $2500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M101.3

Name of Activity Subsystem test direction

Priority High

Planning guidance for subsystem test to be performed in testing stream work

Narrative of activity

Reason of activity [CONOPS] To provide detailed planning and direction of the test program are in order36

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F101.3 : Subsystem Test Guidance

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved by PM

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Subsystem direction planning is needed to encountered the faults during execution of individual subsystem test
which will have greater potential impact on overall program cost and schedule. Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W. N.
(2003). Systems Engineering Principles and Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley ISBN: 0-471-23443-5. Chapter 10:
Integration and Evaluation Page 292

Task ID M102

Name of Activity Risk identification and management

Priority High

To document initial risk assesment and risk mitigation efforts at major work
Narrative of activity
activity in the T&E work breakdown structure,

To identify and mitigate risk at major work activity in the T&E work
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
breakdown structure37.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F103: Risk Management Plan

Acceptance criteria of product Approved by Project Manager

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions Project Manager act as a role of Risk Manager

Lower level work packages ID None

Opportunity and risk is ongoing that is we have to perform the risk management activities in every phase of
MCSS T&E and depicted in the work packages. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., Visualising Project
Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd edition, 2005. Page223 – 253

Task ID Q101

Name of Activity Execute purchased Switch test38

Priority High

The Purchased Switch Test is performed following the Test Procedure

document. Test has to satisfy the Test Pass/Fail criteria defined in the MCSS
Narrative of activity
SRD including Verification and Validation of preliminary design to ensure it
meet requirements.

To test whether the Purchased Switch is meet the requirements. To learn

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
if the Purchased Switch exceeds the system requirement.

Schedule (+accuracy) 4 days (90% accuracy)

Product F104: Purchased Switch Test Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites M101.3 Subsystem test direction

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
 Test Rigs
 288 Ports Switch Matrix

Estimated Cost $2600

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

As we bought the COTS Industry Switch from the market, those purchase switch should have immediately test
for immediate feedback result and will be served as independent testing. This decision eliminated a major risk,
and determined that the requirements for the replacement switch would be feasible, and achievable within
budget. Kasser, J. E. and Mirchandani, C. J., ―The MSOCC Data Switch Replacement: A Case Study in
Elicitating and Elucidating Requirements‖, proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of the International
Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Rochester, NY, 2005. Page 7

Task ID Q102

Name of Activity Prepare modified Swith Matrix test plan and procedure39

Priority High

Planning the Modified Switch Matrix Test. This is including the Test
Narrative of activity Objective, Test Methodology, and Test Pass/Fail Criteria for the Modified
Switch Matrix

To modify COTS switch components in step by step to meet the requirements

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
and interface of MCSS to the MSOCC

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F105: Modified Switch Matrix Test Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Before designing the test equipment it is important fully to define the test procedures, so as to avoid later
redesign to achieve compatibility between test equipment and the component or subsystem under test. This again
emphasizes the importance of early and comprehensive test planning. Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W. N. (2003).
Systems Engineering Principles and Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley ISBN: 0-471-23443-5. Chapter 10:
Integration and Evaluation Page 283

Task ID Q103

Name of Activity Prepare integration test plan and procedure40

Priority High

Planning the MCSS Integration Test Plan and Procedure. This is including the
Narrative of activity Test Objective, Test Methodology, and Test Pass/Fail Criteria for the
Purchased Switch Test.

Reason of activity [CONOPS] To provide a test plan and procedure of MCSS for the tester

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F106: MCSS Integration Test Plan and Procedure Document

Test Pass/Fail criteria based on MCSS System Requirement Document and

Acceptance criteria of product
the test procedure is according to the Test Plan.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R3:Senior System Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Low risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Integration test plan and procedure is needed to translate requirements into a description of each test even and
to develop detailed test procedure for each event. The integration of a subsystem from its components parts is
normally a stepwise assembly and test process. Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W. N. (2003). Systems Engineering
Principles and Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley ISBN: 0-471-23443-5. Chapter 10: Integration and Evaluation
Page 281-288

Task ID Q104

Name of Activity Implement Introductory training

Priority High

The System Engineer will be introduced to the MCSS System

Requirement. The Senior Test Engineer will be trained for developing the
test plan and procedure and familiarize with the Test Equipment.
Narrative of activity
The Test Engineer and Quality Engineer will be trained to perform the
Test in MCSS system and be familiarized with the MCSS nature and
To familiarize the manpower who will performed in the T&E with the
Reason of activity [CONOPS] MCSS system, Test Methodology and Test Equipment to maintain the
Test Quality standard and to prevent defect in T&E activity

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F106: MCSS Integration Test Plan and Procedure Document

Test Pass/Fail criteria based on MCSS System Requirement Document and

Acceptance criteria of product
the test procedure is according to the Test Plan.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R3:System Engineer (Type III) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones SRR-PDR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions SA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Appendix B: Detailed Design (PDR-IRR)

Task ID 200

Name of Activity Detailed Design (PDR-IRR)

Priority High

Choosing a single preliminary design which has been approved and purchase
the COTS products, the in-house engineering team will build the MCSS and
Narrative of activity
the test team will plan for the testing & evaluation of the integrated MCSS
and to test the subsystems in a stand-alone manner
To document consensus that a single preliminary design is chosen from a
range of options, document decision to move to construction phase and
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
moving on to construction phase as well as stand-alone testing of the

Schedule (+accuracy) 20 days (90% accuracy)

Product F200: Test Procedures Document

Meet requirement and the MCSS subsystems pass the stand-alone test
Acceptance criteria of product

Prerequisites Preliminary Design Review

 R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
 R3:Senior System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
 R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
Resources  R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)

MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $12,800

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably, Low risk, M201, Q201, Q202, Q203, Q204, Q205

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Plan approved by PDR meetings

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID M201, M202, Q201, Q202, Q203, Q204, Q205

Task ID M201

Name of Activity Technical direction and management reporting

Priority High

Monitor progress and accelerate agency staff training and other support
Narrative of activity
measures as needed.

To provides monthly progress reports to the stakeholders summarizing work

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
completed, a financial report, issues, and meetings.

Schedule (+accuracy) 7 days (90% accuracy)

F201: Resources, Schedule and Cost Review Report

F202: Methodology for Integration Testing

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during review meeting

Prerequisites F101 Baseline Schedule, Cost and Resources.

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $3500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Approved by the Stakeholders

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID M201.1, M201.2, M201.3

Task ID M201.1

Name of Activity Resources plan review

Priority High

Allocated resources plan to each major work activity in the T&E work
Narrative of activity breakdown need to be review in monthly. Resources include the numbers and
required skill levels of personnel.
To review allocated resources of each major work activity which has been
Reason of activity [CONOPS] performed in the T&E work breakdown structure to ensure that the resources
are available during execution of the task.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F201.1 : Resources Review Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M201.2

Name of Activity Cost and Schedule review

Priority High

Plan a detailed breakdown of necessary resource budgets and schedule for

Narrative of activity each of the major work activities in the work breakdown structure need to be
review in monthly status.

To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost to
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F201.2 : Cost and Schedule Review Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Plan review approved by Project Manager

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M201.3

Name of Activity Subsystem integration test direction

Priority High

Narrative of activity Defining guidance plans for integration and system testing

To provide detailed planning and direction of the integration test program are
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
in order41

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F201.3 : Subsystem Test Guidance

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved by PM

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

In this MCSS T&E, the PM provides guidance for successful implementation of integration subsystem testing.
The success of the integration is highly dependent on the advance planning and preparation for this effort that
was accomplished during the previous phases. Kossiakoff, A. & Sweet, W. N. (2003). Systems Engineering
Principles and Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley ISBN: 0-471-23443-5. Chapter 10: Integration and Evaluation
Page 273

Task ID M202

Name of Activity Risk management

Priority High

To monitor risk assesment and risk mitigation efforts which would be occur
Narrative of activity
at major work activity in the T&E work breakdown structure.

To identify and mitigate risk at major work activity in the T&E work
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
breakdown structure.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F203: Risk Management Plan

Acceptance criteria of product Approved by Project Manager

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Monitor by Project Manager

Assumptions Project Manager act as a role of Risk Manager

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q201

Name of Activity Execute modified Switch Matrix test

Priority High

The Modified Switch Matrix Test is performed following the Test

Plan document. Test has to satisfy the Test Pass/Fail criteria defined in the
Narrative of activity
MCSS SRD including Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the
specifications and requirements of the subsystems entities are met.

To test whether the Modified Switch Matrix is meet the requirements in

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
System requirements Document Section 5.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F204: Modified Switch Matrix Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q102 Modified Switch Matrix Test Plan and Procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope

Estimated Cost $3250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q202

Name of Activity Prepare modified Switch Control test plan and procedure

Priority High

Planning the Modified Switch Control Test. This is including the Test
Narrative of activity Objective, Test Methodology, and Test Pass/Fail Criteria for the Modified
Switch Control

To prepare switch control components to meet the requirements and interface

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
of MCSS to the MSOCC

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F205: Modified Switch Control Test Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q203

Name of Activity Prepare Timing Generator test plan and procedure

Priority High

Planning the Timing Generator Test. This is including the Test Objective,
Narrative of activity Test Methodology, and Test Pass/Fail Criteria for the Modified Switch

To prepare timing generator meet the requirements and interface of MCSS to

Reason of activity [CONOPS]

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F206: Timing Generator Test Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q204

Name of Activity Prepare Test and Monitoring test plan and procedure

Priority High

Planning the Test and Monitoring test. This is including the Test Objective,
Narrative of activity Test Methodology, and Test Pass/Fail Criteria for the Modified Switch

To prepare test and monitoring components meet the requirements and

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
interface of MCSS to the MSOCC

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F207: Test and Monitoring Test Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Low risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q205

Name of Activity MCSS Subsystem RAM analysis42

Priority High

The reliability data, in terms of MTBF will be evaluated for each individual
Narrative of activity subsystem. The reliability of the system is refering to MCSS SRD.
Maintainability is defined according to MCSS SRD.

To ensure subsystem design components meet the operational requirements

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
and interface of MCSS to the MSOCC

Schedule (+accuracy) 4 days (90% accuracy)

Product F208: RAM Analysis Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the MCSS SRD Operational Test

Prerequisites MCSS System Requirement Document

R4:Senior Test Engineer (Type V) (PartTime)

Estimated Cost $1400

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones PDR-IRR

Decision points Approved by PM

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

In MCSS T&E, the RAM analysis is performed to ensure the subsystem process operates properly for a
specified amount of time (design life) under stated use conditions without failure. What constitutes failure for a
component, subsystem, system, or process must be clearly defined as the item or process is developed. Gregory
S. Parnell, Patrick J. Driscoll, Dale L. Henderson (2011). Decision Making in Systems Engineering and
Management, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Chapter 8 Page 228

Appendix C: Development and Integration (IRR-TRR)

Task ID 300

Name of Activity Development and Integration (IRR-TRR)

Priority High

To install and integrate the new and tested MCSS into the existing system
Narrative of activity
and to finalize the final acceptance test plan

To ensure that the MCSS is installed and integrated and to plan for the final
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
acceptance test

Schedule (+accuracy) 20 days (90% accuracy)

Product F300: Final Subsystem Test Report

The integrated MCSS can function and the Final acceptance test plan will test
Acceptance criteria of product
the MCSS according to requirement and to the satisfaction of the client

Prerequisites Integration Readiness Review

 R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
 R3:Senior System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 6 (Full Time)
Resources  R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 3 (Full Time)

MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $19,050

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk, M301, Q301, Q302, Q303, Q304, Q305

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Plan approved by IRR meetings

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID M301, M302, Q301, Q302, Q303, Q304, Q305

Task ID M301

Name of Activity Technical direction and management reporting

Priority High

Monitor progress and accelerate agency staff training and other support
Narrative of activity
measures as needed.

To provides monthly progress reports to the stakeholders summarizing work

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
completed, a financial report, issues, and meetings.

Schedule (+accuracy) 7 days (90% accuracy)

F301: Resources, Schedule and Cost Review Report

F302: Methodology for Integration Testing

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during review meeting

Prerequisites F101 Baseline Schedule, Cost and Resources.

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $3500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Approved by the Stakeholders

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID M301.1, M301.2, M301.3

Task ID M301.1

Name of Activity Resources plan review

Priority High

Allocated resources plan to each major work activity in the T&E work
Narrative of activity breakdown need to be review in monthly. Resources include the numbers and
required skill levels of personnel.
To review allocated resources of each major work activity which has been
Reason of activity [CONOPS] performed in the T&E work breakdown structure to ensure that the resources
are available during execution of the task.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F301.1 : Resources Review Plan Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions TA.02, TA.03, SA.01, SA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M301.2

Name of Activity Cost and Schedule review

Priority High

Plan a detailed breakdown of necessary resource budgets and schedule for

Narrative of activity each of the major work activities in the work breakdown structure need to be
review in monthly status.

To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost to
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F301.2 : Cost and Schedule Review Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Plan review approved by Project Manager

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M301.3

Name of Activity MCSS subsystem integration test direction (verified)

Priority High

Narrative of activity Defining guidance plans for integration overall subsystem testing

To provide detailed planning and direction of the integration test program are
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
in order

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F301.3 : MCSS Subsystem Test (Verified) Guidance

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved by PM

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M302

Name of Activity Risk management

Priority High

To monitor risk assesment and risk mitigation efforts which would be occur
Narrative of activity
at major work activity in the T&E work breakdown structure.

To identify and mitigate risk at major work activity in the T&E work
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
breakdown structure.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F303: Risk Management Plan

Acceptance criteria of product Approved by Project Manager

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Monitor by Project Manager

Assumptions Project Manager act as a role of Risk Manager

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q301

Name of Activity Execute modified Switch Control test

Priority High

The Modified Switch Control Test is performed following the Test

Plan document. Test has to satisfy the Test Pass/Fail criteria defined in the
Narrative of activity
MCSS SRD including Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the
specifications and requirements of the subsystems entities are met.

To test whether the Modified Switch Control is meet the requirements in

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
System requirements Document Section 5.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F304: Modified Switch Control Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q202 Modified Switch Control Test Plan and Procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope

Estimated Cost $3250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q302

Name of Activity Execute modified Timing Generator test

Priority High

The Modified Timing Generator Test is performed following the Test

Plan document. Test has to satisfy the Test Pass/Fail criteria defined in the
Narrative of activity
MCSS SRD including Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the
specifications and requirements of the subsystems entities are met.

To test whether the Modified Timing Generator is meet the requirements in

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
System requirements Document Section 5.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F305: Modified Timing Generator Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q203 Modified Timing Generator Test Plan and Procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope

Estimated Cost $3250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q303

Name of Activity Execute modified Test and Monitoring test

Priority High

The Modified Test and Monitoring Test is performed following the

Test Plan document. Test has to satisfy the Test Pass/Fail criteria defined in
Narrative of activity
the MCSS SRD including Verification and Validation of MCSS to ensure the
specifications and requirements of the subsystems entities are met.

To test whether the Test and Monitoring is meet the requirements in System
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
requirements Document Section 5.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F306: Test and Monitoring Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q204 Modified Test and Monitoring Test Plan and Procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources  Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope

Estimated Cost $3250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q304

Name of Activity Prepare finalize the whole subsystem integration test

Priority High

Finalization preparation of the whole subsystem integration test performed

Narrative of activity
following the integration Test Plan document.

To test whether the final assembly of whole subsystem is meet the

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
requirements in System requirements Document Section 5.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F307: Assembly Subsystem Integration Test Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q103 Subsystem Integration Test Plan and Procedure

R3:Senior System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)

Estimated Cost $1050

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Medium risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q305

Name of Activity Final MCSS subsystem integration test (verified)

Priority High

The Final Whole Subsystem Integration Test is performed following the

Assembly Subsystem Integration Plan document. Test has to satisfy the Test
Narrative of activity Pass/Fail criteria defined in the MCSS SRD including Verification and
Validation of MCSS to ensure the specifications and requirements of the
subsystems entities are met.
To test whether the final assembly of whole subsystem is meet the
Reason of activity [CONOPS] requirements in System requirements Document Section 5 and to ensure the
whole final assembly subsystem are verified to be test on on-site test.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

Product F308: Final Assembly Subsystem Integration Test Report

Acceptance criteria of product Test is performed according to the guidance provide by the PM.

Prerequisites Q304 Assembly Subsystem Integration Test

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
Resources  Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector
 Nascom Block Generator

Estimated Cost $3250

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Probably and Medium risk

Internal key milestones IRR-TRR

Decision points Test approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01

Lower level work packages ID None

Appendix D: Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

Task ID 400

Name of Activity Qualification and Installation (TRR-DRR)

Priority High

To conduct the final acceptance test for the MCSS and to prepare for the
Narrative of activity
handing over/delivery of the MCSS to the client

To document consensus that the final product is tested, defect free and is
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
ready to be delivered

Schedule (+accuracy) 20 days (90% accuracy)

Product F400: Final Acceptance Test Report

Acceptance criteria of product Products meet requirements and pass the final acceptance testing

Prerequisites Test Readiness Review

 R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
 R2:System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)
 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 6 (Full Time)
Resources  R6: Logistic Engineer (Type II) x 1 (Part Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 3 (Full Time)

MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $15,100

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk, M401, M403, Q401, Q402, Q403, Q404

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by TRR meetings

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID M401, M402, M403, Q401, Q402, Q403, Q404

Task ID M401

Name of Activity Handing over final document

Priority High

Narrative of activity Handing over/delivery of the MCSS document to the client

To document consensus that the final product is tested, defect free and is
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
ready to be delivered

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F401: Final MCSS Document Report

Acceptance criteria of product Products meet requirements and pass the final user acceptance testing

Prerequisites None

R2:System Engineer (Type V) x 1 (Part Time)

Estimated cost $750

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by TRR meetings

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M402

Name of Activity Risk management

Priority High

To monitor risk assesment and risk mitigation efforts which would be occur
Narrative of activity
at major work activity in the T&E work breakdown structure.

To identify and mitigate risk at major work activity in the T&E work
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
breakdown structure.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F402: Risk Management Plan

Acceptance criteria of product Approved by Project Manager

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Monitor by Project Manager

Assumptions Project Manager act as a role of Risk Manager

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M403

Name of Activity Test and Evaluation completion review

Priority High

Review the test and evaluation work activities has satisfy the requirements to
Narrative of activity
indicate project status and schedule

To ensure the test and evaluation work activities performed at the entire
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
system life cycle.

Schedule (+accuracy) 5 days (90% accuracy)

F403: Schedule and Cost Completion Review Report

F404: Completion Report

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during review meeting

Prerequisites F101 Baseline Schedule, Cost and Resources.

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $2500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Approved by the Stakeholders

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03

Lower level work packages ID M403.1, M403.2

Task ID M403.1

Name of Activity Cost and Schedule review

Priority High

Plan a detailed breakdown of necessary resource budgets and schedule for

Narrative of activity each of the major work activities in the work breakdown structure need to be
review in monthly status.

To monitor cost and schedule for the activities and for estimating cost to
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
complete and schedule completion on a monthly basis.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F403.1 : Cost and Schedule Review Document

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated Cost $1500

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan review approved by Project Manager

Assumptions BA.01, BA.02, TA.01, TA.02, TA.03

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M403.2

Name of Activity Project completion review

Priority High

Project completion review is prepared by Project Manager. Project

completion report finalizes all project activities completed across all phases
Narrative of activity
of the T&E activities to formally complete the project and transfer the
completed as appropriate.

To assess the project, ensure completion, and derive any lessons learned and
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
best practices to be applied to future projects.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F403.2 : Project Completion Report

Acceptance criteria of product Reviewed and approved during project meeting

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Full Time)
Resources Equipment
MS Office
 MS Project

Estimated Cost $1000

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

Likely and Low risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions SA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q401

Name of Activity Final MCSS subsystem operational test

Priority High

A Factory Acceptance Test witnessed by the transition test to test whether

Narrative of activity each subsystems of the integrated MCSS is meet the requirement in section
5 and can operate as expected in user demanded simulated condition

To assess the project, ensure completion, and derive any lessons learned and
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
best practices to be applied to future projects.

Schedule (+accuracy) 4 days (90% accuracy)

Product F405: Final MCSS Subsystems Operational Test Report

The 4 subsystem meet the requirement MCSS SRD section 5. The

Acceptance criteria of product subsystem can work as expected in user demanded simulated

Prerequisites Q304 Final whole subsystem integration test plan and procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector
 Nascom Block Generator

Estimated Cost $2600

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01, QA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q402

Name of Activity Final MCSS subsystem factory acceptance test

Priority High

Review the result of the test documented in the Factory Acceptance Test
Narrative of activity
Report for verification and validation of the MCSS
Test Engineer reviewed the result of the Test to verify and validate the
Reason of activity [CONOPS] MCSS being tested. With this review, an Early faulty/failure can be
detected and reported during the DRR

Schedule (+accuracy) 4 days (90% accuracy)

Product F406: Final MCSS Subsystems Factory Acceptance Test Report

The 4 subsystem meet the requirement MCSS SRD section 5. The

Acceptance criteria of product subsystem can work as expected in user demanded simulated

Prerequisites Q304 Final whole subsystem integration test plan and procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector
 Nascom Block Generator

Estimated Cost $2600

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01, QA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q403

Name of Activity Final MCSS subsystem site acceptance test

Priority High

The integrated site acceptance test will occur before and after each transition
Narrative of activity
stage. The transition team will use designated milestone test procedure.

To assured the usability of the MCSS at each of the transition stage during
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
system installation

Schedule (+accuracy) 4 days (90% accuracy)

Product F407: Final MCSS Subsystems Site Acceptance Test Report

The 4 subsystem meet the requirement MCSS SRD section 5. The

Acceptance criteria of product subsystem can work as expected in user demanded simulated

Prerequisites Q304 Final whole subsystem integration test plan and procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector
 Nascom Block Generator

Estimated Cost $2600

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01, QA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID Q404

Name of Activity Final MCSS subsystem customer acceptance test

Priority High

The fully integrated MCSS is tested. Quality Assurance Engineer reviewed

the result of the Test to verify and validate the MCSS being tested in
Narrative of activity
customer site. Logistic Engineer ensures the reliability of all subsystems and
modifies system design accordingly to achieve customer requirements.
To test the fully integrated MCSS after being installed but before Final
Acceptance Test by NASA to be considered fully operational. Review the
Reason of activity [CONOPS] result of the test documented in the Factory Acceptance Test Report for
verification and validation of the MCSS in the customer site before being
handled to NASA.

Schedule (+accuracy) 3 days (90% accuracy)

Product F407: Final MCSS Subsystems Customer Acceptance Test Report

The 4 subsystem meet the requirement MCSS SRD section 5. The

Acceptance criteria of product subsystem can work as expected in user demanded simulated

Prerequisites Q304 Final whole subsystem integration test plan and procedure

 R5:Test Engineer (Type III) x 2 (Full Time)
 R7:QA Engineer (Type III) x 1 (Full Time)
 Test Rigs
 Oscilloscope
 Block Error Detector
 Nascom Block Generator

Estimated Cost $2550

Accuracy of Cost Estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation

May and Medium risk

Internal key milestones TRR-DRR

Decision points Plan approved by Project Manager

Assumptions QA.01, QA.02

Lower level work packages ID None

Appendix E: Project Closeout

Task ID 500

Name of Activity Project Closeout

Priority High

A project closeout activity is to end the project in a professional manner one

Narrative of activity that reflects well upon the team, the organization, and especially upon the
project manager.
To assure that the activities will be conducted in an appropriate manner and
Reason of activity [CONOPS] that the resources (people, money, and time) for the activities will also be
available at the end of the project.

Schedule (+accuracy) 10 days (90% accuracy)

Product F500: Project Final Report

Acceptance criteria of product Products meet requirements during the stakeholder meeting

Prerequisites Delivery Readiness Review

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $5000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Stakeholders (NASA GSFC) and Executive Management (CSC)

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID M501, M502, M503, M504, M505

Task ID M501

Name of Activity Perform client closeout

Priority High

Validate deliverable(s) submission and document that all deliverables were

accepted by the customer: If no documentation exists, write a memo to the
Narrative of activity
customer with a retained copy indicating that the deliverables were submitted
and the date of the submission.

Reason of activity [CONOPS] To ensure that all deliverables were accepted by the customer.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F501: Validation Deliverables of Document

Acceptance criteria of product Products accepted by customer

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $1000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Stakeholders

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M502

Name of Activity Perform organizational closeout

Priority High

Release the project room by sending a memo to the facilities management

office stating that the room will be vacated by a certain date, and available for
other uses. Finalize financial records and funds by preparing a finance
Narrative of activity
resolution memo. In it, indicate any outstanding invoices against the project
or invoices expected, plus the balance of money that will remain after these
invoices are paid.

To conclude the team’s use of organizational resources and to make a final

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
resolution of the remaining resources.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F502: Organizational Closeout Document

Acceptance criteria of product Products accepted by Executive Management

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $1000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Executive Management

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M503

Name of Activity Conduct subcontractor closeout

Priority High

Determine whether subcontractors are finished: Document this in a memo for

Narrative of activity record with a copy to finance so the subcontractor (Ford Aerospace) can be

To ensure that all subcontractor responsibilities and work have been

Reason of activity [CONOPS]

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F503: Subcontractor Closeout Document

Acceptance criteria of product Products accepted by Subcontractor

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $1000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M504

Name of Activity Write the project final report

Priority High

Write the report as the basis of a briefing. Project manager will be enhanced
Narrative of activity
by a well-organized and professional final report.

To inform upper management of the completion of the project and to assure

Reason of activity [CONOPS]
these people that all aspects of the project have been properly closed.

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F504: Project Final Report

Acceptance criteria of product Products accepted by Executive Management

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $1000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

Task ID M505

Name of Activity Conduct team closeout

Priority High

Conduct the final lessons learned session43: Something that the team did that
worked should be retained as a lesson learned because the next time the team
Narrative of activity
is faced with the same problem, it will want to use the action that was
successful in the past.
To release team members back to their functional departmentsand use the
lessons learned to get a sense of the team’s morale and shape behavior. The
Reason of activity [CONOPS]
result of these sessions will be to highlight, reward, and clarify desired

Schedule (+accuracy) 2 days (90% accuracy)

Product F505: Lesson Learned Report

Acceptance criteria of product Products accepted by Project Team meetings

Prerequisites None

R1:Project Manager (Type V) x 1 (Full Time)
MS Office
MS Project

Estimated cost $1000

Accuracy of cost estimate -10%, +30% (Bottom up approach)

Risk (probability, mitigation


Internal key milestones Closeout

Decision points Approved by Project Manager

Assumptions None

Lower level work packages ID None

A lesson learned is an incident of experience that may be used to improve performance or repeat good
performance. Guy L. De Furia. Project Management Recipes for Success. CRC Press, December 2008, ISBN 10:
1420078240. Page 210

Risk Risk Factors and
Low Risk (L) Medium Risk (M) High Risk (H)
ID Categories
Organization management factors
More than three key project
Project staff are expected to One or more key project staff
staff are expected to leave
R1 Project team stability stay with for the duration of are expected to leave before
before their accountabilities
the project their accountabilities are met
are met
All project processes are One or more important and More than three important and
R2 Project processes defined and being followed complex project processes not complex project processes not
defined or being followed defined or being followed

Customer factors
End-users are highly End-users have no previous
End-users have experience
experience in similar projects, experience with similar project,
R3 Customer experience with similar project and have
have specific ideas on how unsure of how needs can be
needs in mind
needs can be met met
End-users accept concepts End-users accept most
End-users do not accept any
and details of system, process concepts and details of
R4 Customer acceptance concepts or design details of
is in place for end-user system, process in place for
approvals end-user approvals
Budget/cost factors
Cost Variance (CV) shows that Cost Variance (CV) shows that Cost Variance (CV) shows that
R5 Budget fit project is in line with or under project is exceeding budget by project is exceeding budget by
budget 1-5% more than 5%
Cost Performance Indicator Cost Performance Indicator Cost Performance Indicator
R6 Cost performance (CPI) has a value of (CPI) has a value of 0.9 <= CPI (CPI) has a value of 0.9 >
0.95 <= CPI <= 1.1 <= 1.2 CPI > 1.2
R7 Cost controls Well-established, in place System in place, weak in areas System lacking or non-existent
Schedule factors
Unstable, fluctuating
R8 Delivery commitment Stable commitment dates Some uncertain commitments
Schedule Variance (SV) shows Schedule Variance (SV) shows Schedule Variance (SV) shows
R9 Schedule fit that project is in line with or that project is exceeding that project is exceeding
under schedule schedule by 1-5% schedule by more than 5%

Schedule Performance Schedule Performance Schedule Performance

R10 Schedule performance Indicator (SPI) has a value of Indicator (SPI) has a value of Indicator (SPI) has a value of
0.95 <= SPI <= 1.1 0.9 <= SPI <= 1.2 0.9 >SPI > 1.2
Project content factors
Most or all of the
Software requirements easy to Some requirements hard to
R11 System testability system hard to test, or no
test, planning underway test, or test plans insufficient
planning being done
Some elements of the system No clear plan or schedule for
Clearly defined dependencies
are well-understood and how the whole system will
R12 System dependencies of the software effort and
planned, others are not yet come together
other parts of the system
Little chance of getting
Documents will be available on Some documents may be late documents on time, many
R13 Documents stability
time and will contain few errors and contain minor errors corrections and changes

Risk Risk Factors and
Low Risk (L) Medium Risk (M) High Risk (H)
ID Categories
Performance factors
Modular design allows for Modular design aids No modular design or ability to
R14 Test capability easy coverage test planning developing test harnesses for easily establish test coverage
and execution unit test planning
Good estimate available, Rough estimate of test time, Poor or no estimate of test
R15 Expected test effort readily fits system acceptance may be a bottleneck in the times, definite chance of
process process bottleneck
Defined software product Defined software product has Defined software product has
R16 Functionality highly functional, meets all good functionality, meets most little functionality, many
customer needs customer needs customer needs not met
Clearly communicates goals Rarely communicates clearly to
Communicates some of the
R17 Communication and status between the team the team or to other who need
information some of the time
and the rest of the organization to be informed of team status

Project manager has no

Project manager very Project manager has moderate
experience with this type of
R18 Project manager experience experienced with similar experience or has experience
project or is new to project
projects with different types of projects
Development process factors
Quality assurance QA system established, Procedures established, but No QA process or established
approach followed, effective not well followed or effective procedures
Development process in place,Development process
Use of defined engineering
R20 established, effective, followed
established, but not followed No formal process used
by team or is ineffective
Change control process in
Change control for work Formal change control process No change control process
R21 place, not followed, or is
products in place, followed, effective used
Development environment factors
Tools invalidated,
Tools available, validated,
Tools in place, documented, proprietary, or major
R22 Tools availability some development needed (or
validated development needed, no
minimal documentation)
Complete support Adequate support at Little or no
R23 Vendor support at reasonable price and in contracted price, reasonable support, high cost, and/or
needed time frame response time poor response time
Staff factors
Staff in place, no turnover Staff not available, high
Staff available, some turnover
expected, working on assigned turnover expected, many
R24 Staff adherence to task expected, some conflict in time
tasks, few diversions and little members spend much time fire
allocation, some fire fighting
fire fighting fighting

Training not Training for some areas not

Training of team No training plan or training not
R25 required, or training plan in available or training planned
readily available
place and training ongoing for future
All milestones met, Milestones met,
Productivity low, milestones
R26 Team productivity deliverables on time, some delays in deliverables,
not met, delays in deliverables
productivity high productivity acceptable
Maintenance factors
In place, experienced, Missing some areas of Significant discipline or
R27 Support personnel
sufficient in number expertise expertise missing


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