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Princes and NlIti(K",s th~lI dlrap~3r from the fac, of the Earth ••• and this AI:YOLV TI x fhall be t!le \\0.': OJ" I1.CItI'T SOCIETIlS.

W.ititaup:·, DiJ=rft for the MJft"itr.


Sold by E. Boo II.. E R, No. ,6, Nt<W Bond-flrat:


[q,;nttreb at :etatloner~ 'aU]


! £r.ti" Edh.. ~ "l,l>ft iI.f,J!I'!;n ~,.", f,1d 6'.1" Ihe } .,'" Y.:"I:lt .. d "l t .fJ; 11flfl I r, JI i~~ir"",~ .UI.,.tfJl1g I~ d,.li-u,tly .. f .,frftUI1U ~ i. "''' i,' IN' r "~Jl'" r I tllltr I'~ /",bl"~lj. ~ of Ib, F ',J EJiri • ~"",iI , ,_.- '/I' t: / ... , '" r .pl.'"I, 'T~} ar« ~ rr~dJ fir t/,r""t'J. (I,d '''Y /;, • - • .1 r E, Boo"",., N>, 56, ./1"11 BlIIti-jlP7el, ~--Pri.t I.'. 8 r,

1'~lt A, t' ir Il:Id 0111)' I'ublilhtd his lirn Volume r,l!ring the life-time of I\,~t '·...:ur.t Combatant of French democracy, Mr. Burke; but the work, ryen in th,' "J~:i lUI" _nliI1<.1 tl,~ Author to that Gentl~:m'; appl:1ufe, as m .. y "" r,tll bj 'Ie follo"/in~ letter :

., Sir,

"1 ""01 < .illl}' cxprcf to )'00 how much I am inlhuChrl and <lrliiiltted

by I 1. fi,n Volun .e o, your Hiftory of J"co~inifon. The whole of the "on .; Iul r, "Tftli7e i Iapported b)' document' and proofs with the mon jund;c.ol l\1;uJ:lriIY Ir./1 t~~an.r~. Your n~f1<xionl ~nd rn[unin~'S are inIt/rt>crr~d ",;(h ir.linilc.' jJ~s..ment, .:&nd in tluir moll proper rhCC5, for kad,np; rhe f •. aimcntJ of the J T, and prc...,ntin~ tile f~rCl: of plAutibl; ,I j.e i,,~. The tt'1'~<r.ty u.!' ~,[,ok i, ~Jmir •. bk in every point of vi- '1', 1 'Ii·!, reUsiou , 1r,,!, 1, me lTP":c ufo of the :LiJuf~d word,

I"'liI"ropl ical. s. fur 1 CHI pnfumt to ju,l&e of a French Il)lc, tl.e

1 "~l" ;1 of the lira ILr I }Q"l8 imp..llicnlly f<)r the feccnd Volume j

l J! t ...,1 o! j~lll'l ',' 'fhe i, III t III work fhoohl h. vc <1 gre~

r u ,,' , in T'rule .. , i' by ny I .e !1J It ~ '" .-omp:.fTod; and (or fhllt cod, J 1110,,1,1 be &i " I. ,the rl~l~ of 1 poor individual, to become a lib, "Ill Coli f 1. r,

II l'Ill~ • .Yet in 3 1J1if,,~ ,L n te or h. ILlI; ~ntl if I ~·h·:m[c at all, it i .• erv 110"::', .:1\' ,I. nllny uUin!;l1 c .-1 jorgO! to ('1, Ihllt I have knovn m~' l • 1 u(, nall), h.c of ) our plinci,"ol oonfl,irdlor.; :m.I I ean un'rt '~ f,:' fnm mi own certain knov '-IS'" th~t fo r.1T b.lck a~ th .. )'""1 '1n, tl • t wen: bU(1 in t '.t 1':0( )'00 have (" well dduil>cd, lind ;JI ,!" I'" mn ., • .1 0" t~.l l.,-inclll. )OU h3\'c' fo truly feprc[cn(ed.-To thi I . .-1'1 [r lk "" ~ ,,;mcL J 1 •• 1\'. the honour to be, &c. &c,

""I I, 1~9", SigneJ)" ED. UllkY.F,"

Tt.e i...,dh L 'I:. p2If<d hil j,IJ ement on the work when the tl,r e tinl \, Irnt'. vere i ·ublilbeJ, ill the fDllowing terms :

,. L •. III \H a e, 1I,.:It ne i"oQQk hm ~pp red flnce tl,c commencement

f .. u, \, ' 10 W.:lt more nec~Ii::r)' (0 I:<: read, and w<'6ltfd anen-

l;vJ), loy ~C1/ J;;rl'ull or ~Dy property, whet~cr her<di(~ry Or cernmer~':&I, '~<U J rfOn t.c>ld·m& Dny r~nk in Cocitty; and every PHIOIl who b.s ithin I'" I~k (If. ~I, either for the hor:our of Cad, I;1r 1llt w.llluc.~ nran nJ.: ·.i.r~h ,?!),S, P~F' "'3')


0.11 t 1Jt' lIT(jrk' mtWed Mr M 0 I1~ SJ 111u./l;I"I1 'idg t~l~

lJij/ory Of J(IcolJi1Jifm. "

THE Abbe Barruel ha divided his Memoirs into three different confpiracies, naturally Rowing from each other,

The lid!: is, that of the SOl'hiJl.-n of impi&ty, confpiring againf1: their God, and impioufly denoting thc:il' hatred of Chrif], by [wCOIring to crufb t.b~ wretcb ; for thus °Chey blafphemouOy fiylt: the Saviour of the Worhl, He defcribes the divers means and :11 rs employed by them in their ANTICRRISTJAN CONSPIRACY, Ilcp by fi-ep; and the Chrill:iall need not dwell 011 th ~ proofs, when he is informed, that, ill Oclober, 1798, ~111 places of Chriflian worIhip were abolilhcd at Paris ; and that capital was no longer fubdivided into pariihes, but into 'Yards, each having a Temp!« dedicated to PAGA:-; WORSHIP, as follows -1ft. Ward-e- The church of St. Philip du Roule is 'law confccrated t» C'n~Qrd. - II. The church of St. Roche to GO/iut.-III. St. Euflache to Agricultlm~.-lV. St. Gcrmain-L' Auxcrrois to Gratitude, - V. St. Laurence to OM Age. - V 1. St. Nicolas .. in-the-Fields to HnlIlN. - VII. St. Merry to Camm(/,Ct'. - VIII. St. lVlarg:1r t to EQ,_UALITY and LIBERTY. - IX. St. GcrvaistJ YOllth. - X. St. Thomas of Aquinas to PUJee. - XL St. Sulpice to lillorj'. - XU. St. Jamb-du-Haut-bs to Bcncualence ; - St. ~ledard to Labour; - and St. Srcphen-on-the-Mount to filial Pi I)'.

A Chrif1:ian will Ihudder at this recital; but when the Abbe, early in 1797, allertcd, that the total fubverfiou of Chrifiianity was the obj<:& of the Sect, he was fcarcely lIe)i~vcd, and was ret down as all enrhufiafl : he tud, never-

<12 th- I r~







thclcr~, tWned the chiefs, Voltaire, D' Alernbert, Frederic II. King of Pruffia, and DiLlerat; he had dctcribed the means employed, and led us from haunt to haunt inhabited by the impious pretenders to philofcphy, whether at courts or petty meetings of female adepts, where everyone ranked ill fciencc according to the impiety or blafphemy of hi.

eli [courfc.

Thofeleaders that inhabited P;uis afT'embled, under the

direcfion of D' Alernbert, at the hotel of a Baron D'Holbach; there did there men begin to confpire againft Monarchy as they had confpired againf] Chri!l:ianity; and from. that club may be (;lid to have ifT'ued the Sophiflers of Impiety coah:fced with thofe of Rebellion, forming the //7It;mDnorchicol OmJpimey. Le Roy, the fecretary of that (ociety, repentant when he beheld the revolution, thu. defcribes the club: " The following were our occupations ; " the moil of thofe works which have appeared for a long " time pan againft religion, morals, and government, were , ours, or thofe of authors devoted to us. They were all " compofed by the members, or by the order of the fociety. " Before they were rent to the prefs, they were delivered " in at our office; there we revifed and corrected them, and " added to or curtailed them, according as circumflances " requirc:d.-We began by printing them on finc or ordi" nary paper, in fufficient number to pay our expences, and " then an immcnfe number on the commonefl paper. Thete " latter we fent, free of co!l:, or nearly fo, to hawkers and " book fellers, who were to circulate them among the people " at the loweft rate. Such were the means ufed to pervert " the people, and bring them to the ftate in which you " now behold them. I fhall not behold them long, for I " fhall die of grief and remorfe j" (Yol.1. p. 33s)-and he really died a fhort time after.

How different the deportment of COlldlJrt;et, (al fo a mernbel of that club,) who, ill the mid(I: of all the fanguinary tccnes of the revolution, proclaims the (uccefs of thefe tWOfold confpirarors, flying, " There was II daIs of 111m " t~'bicbfoo1!f(Jrmtd itft!f ill Europe with a ViCIN not fo " much to difcover and make deep r~(eoreb after truth as CI to diff"urc it: whcfe chief objeB: was to attack p:'ej'Jdices " in the vcry ;lfylums where the Clergy, the Schools, the " Government, and the ancient Corporations had received " and protected them; and made their glory to confifi: " rather in dc!l:roying popular error than in extending the " limits of fcicnce: this though an indirect method of " forwarding its progreC~) was not on that account either ~~ Iefs dangerous ar leis ufeful. - ~1jJii1l/.ing every tone, " takiNg rl}~l}' /hape, from the ludicrous to the pathetic, " from the moll learned and extenfive compilation to the " Novel or the petty Pamphlet of the day, covering truth U with a veil, which, '/paring tbe e)'t! that 'was too weak, " incited the reader by thr pltoJure of fimniji7lg it, infi" dioufl y carefling prej udice in order to !l:rike it with more " certainty and efFeCt; feldom menacing more than one 'It " a time, and that only in part; fomctimes Jlatterino:r the " enemies of Reafcn by jttmjng to oJk but jar a half "'tolL'" ration in Rtligio71 or (1 bal] Liberty ill palit)'; ,·o.Jpdl" ing DtfpotiJm uilun they impugllt1d rdigi9ll! abjurdities; " and RcligitJll whm they aUae/uti t)'mnrJ)'; combating " tlufo tum ptjls in their wry prineiplu, tbough appa" ro.tly inveighing ogair!fI ridiculous and difgrlling " abufos; jlriki"g at the! root of thaft prjli{ct"oltS trees, " wbi!Jl thty opp~artd only to tuijh to lop tb« JlragITli1l'T " brancbvs ; at one time marking out Jllpolj1ition, ;;hi"h " couers Dljpotijill witb its impnzetrabl., jhie/d, to tlJe " friends oj Libtrlh as the fidi 'lJi,;1im wbi.b IbiY are

·a :3 " to



" to immolate, tbe fil:Ji lln]: to bt clift a/under; tit another " denollncing it 10 D'fp~ts as tj,,' real amny of tbeir ~, pottle'", and frightening them v irh it- hypooitical plots and " fanguinary rage; but inncf •• ugablc when they claimed " the indeptnd,;nCl oj R~aJon and fbi" Libi ,-Iy of the Prifs " as the right and rafeguarJ of mankind; inveighing with " enthufiafiic energyagainfl: the crimes of F:l113tieirrn lind " Tyranny ;-" n fine, a opting; rttiftm, teleratien, and " bumanirf; as their C fl"nal and watch-\·:nrd.

" Sueh WlI5 the Mo ern Plnlofophy. - Irs cl.icfs had " the art of dearing vengeance, though expnfed to ha" r-ed: of hiJ;II" thmiftl'Un frQI/I P01C.' lion, tbough "JII{!icintly t"Dlljpicuous to laJt nothing 6f I !;,"j r glory:'

_(Vo!' II, r J}4·)

The learned Abbe next rakes a view of the Ji!Ferent

fyll:ems and I egrel: an 1..'\'1:;,1 de[cribcs the tri;lls mad> of their prillcipI.:::;, and particularly at Geneva, almoft uud r the rlireaion of oltaire, the premier cliivf,

It was natural that \ hen their conrpimcy hall ~ailled 10 much flrength, rhefc [elf-created Philofophvrs fhculd feek after and ~illefce with every other Ipecies of confpirator that was to be found. An ancient conrpiraey tl2,ainll: Chri r~ tianity and agninfc Monarchy had been handed down, and zcaloufly pro[c.:cuted in the OCCULT LODGES oLMa{ulHY;~ they were no other than the ancient myfteries of Jvlfl1U'S)

,. TI,e 1c;m:1~d AuthOT fay, o""il V,t!gu, all the rice_morons in s"neral were (.r fmm ht.ing 3.cqWlinlcd with tho .:onfpil":l,"ia; of til. 0"".1' Loti!."; and indeed many wet e ~p'e not to he umpcrcd will,. It might be abitB..:!, that all L~ wer I1ccult, wi~h regard to the public they were fo; but, b.c:fid. the c.,.. • ['..J:.n, there exillcd othm which were hidden from the gtnerJlity of ll.e Free-rnafons- It i~ chofe which the Authm" flyl,; AUII.RKI LocES, and that have been called OCCIIL'l'

LODC,U in the IngUIh Tranl1aucn.



ef indefinite Equality and Liberty ; and len- afTaffins ihould be wanting to the Sea the fellowing is the reception in the degree of Knight J(adoftb: "In the LClJges of tha " Knights K ad*" , after all the oaths, ceremonies, and " trials, more or leis terrible, wicke.l, and impious, " three figure;; arc lhown to the candidate, rcprclLllting " (./emmt r. Philipp, If Be], (the two petcntarcs woo " deflroycd the Knights T mplars,) arnl th~ C;,.(/ild " M!ft,·," of ."Jnltn \t, each attired in the ai trihutes of their "dignities. The unhappy fanatic i. here to Iwear ett'ILI,,1 " ha.t~ed and death to thcfe three protcrihed perfons, ell" tadll1g that hatred and death on their litrc..:nc I S in the ir "default. He then Ilrikes ofF the three 11I::ad~, which, as cC in the degree of ELECT, are real when l'll" call be (, procured, or filled with blood, if fi, icious; this he " does, crying out, wng c nnce ! vtlIgtaltctl'"-{Vol. IV.

p. 148.)

Th~s is an awful reflex ion for honel'l: Mafons, who in then full: degrees interpret their teerer of Eq!UllitJ and Libnty onl.Y as an Equality within the Lodge among each other, without any other difl:inCtion than that of the degrees; and a Liberty to do good, which, it is to be hoped, needs not the moll: bloody Oat/IS if 8,"O'LCY to practice,

But when we come to the third volume, a quite dilh:rent fc~n~ opens itfclf. Here all the myflcries of m.; minifm arc revealed, from the h.dt conception of it by

• It might be: objcaed, that the Kuights of Ma..UI pined admittance to

the Lodgt't jull ., other people could. Larrertv it "I -.~ .L_ . l'

• s v ~ 101101"" u.Ky cau ;

but It \Val only beaufe the sea had ch3flS.d in ho.'rleri~, a!ld thought pro!',:r to make ufe of the rime artifice n~lintl that Uml'"r, ~J it did agamrl the church, by mJking its adepl.l btcom~ membc:rs or'the Order : wirnef D:' • ."iDl and 110ft,'!". ; formerly the CfDJ. of MiIlll WJS :I hadge o:r ",elution irom the M,foJlj~ Lodge •.




SpartacllS- Wcifhaupt, to its mait horrid views for the ~efhutlion of Religion, of Government of every fp 0';5, and of nil Prop,;rty without exception. There reforming impofiors a{f~med the g:Hb of v jrtll~ and fC.ience_; :lllcl a letter of the founder will J.:Iille·de his prachcc or vrrtue, as well as the urI! he would make ()f fcit;l1ce. TYrijJ..aupt writes to his adept Hertel, "!\1 Y honour is in danger, an~

" I am on tb« cue of loJing that re iutation which gave me J' " great all autbsrity OVER our ptop!e. My 1i{l.!r-in~law " is with child. I have fcnt her to Mu.nich, to EI~rlptm, " to folicir a marriage licence from Rome: - But fhould " fhe fail, what Ihall I do? - rYt bau« ah',ady made " [eueral attrmpt s to dtjl1'oJ the child; Ihe ~"a~ determined " to undergo all; but Euripon is too timid. Y ct I " fcarcely fee any other expedient. But could I ~epend (I; on Baader's fecrecy, (he was a learned phyficlan at " Munich,) he could be of great Iervicc to me; he htlc/ " pt'omiJi1d me bis aid tbree j'tan ago (a pretty ufe or. "fcienc.:). Mention it to him if YOll think propcr.- It " you could extricate me fr m this unfortunate a(;p, y u " ~vould reftore me to life, to honor, to rell, aml t9 QUe: tbsrity" (that is) over his people). He next complains to his friend Zwa.:k, and fhows his hypocrify when he fays, " \-Vhat vexes me the moit in :1JI this i~., ~h~t my " authority o'Ver our ptop/~ 'will be gnat!), dlmlJli/hul; " that I have expo/cd a wtd fiJI!, of which they will " not fail to advantage rhemfelves ~tI/;em'V(r I lila), "prc-acb morality, and exhort them to 'virtue and

" matitjly." .

This will be fuflicicnt to pourtray the founder ot the

Atheiflical /llulI/inle!, who has, together with Zwack. and the Baron Knigge, compiled fo afl:oniiliing and progreffi VI': a code of rebellion, that one would be tempted to pro-




uounce it Iupernatural. The fondell parent never (0 {(Jlicitoufly watched his moil beloved child, nor bethouzbt himfelf of fo many arts for irs pr fervation as this afrontfhillg prototype of rebellion has inv::ntcd for rhe perdition of I'd:lI1 both in this life and the next, No; Satan, when ti:eking vengeance againH: his Divine Creator, would have been proud to become the pupil of the mod rn Srarracus.Singular to [1Y, the Sophiftcr of Impiety, Iceking to recruit their ranks, when become the Sophiflers of Rebell ion, had flecked to the l'dafouic Lodgcs; and it is rhrough the means c.F rhore ve0' Lodge~ :lifo that Jllumini(m hJS over, v helmed Ellrtlpe with its curfes,

'The Abh.', ~Ift.er hm'ing given every partiC'uhr (,f the code of Illumirrifrn, 01" of the ANTISOCIAL CONSI'IRACY


proceeds to delineate the hi U:orical part of lHuminifin, and then applies the triple confpiracy to the French revolution. He d Icrihes the Baron Knigge illtriguing at 'W'ilk:mfb;:d, \\'?erc the Freemafans f: om all pans of the world had al1cmblcd. The Baron prefently gained over about fi\''': hundred of ihe brotherhood; and foon after the Sea declarcs, " Of all tb« Legitimat« L~dger in Germ{lny, there " is ONLY ,)Nli that bas not cQa/tjedwith 1)"1' Sapniorr. " and tLis Lodge has been obliged to fll(pc:nd its labours."

How f<Jrmitbblc is Lhi~ dcclaratinn in the eyes of him who has r .. cl the cod: of IIIuminilin ! How firnple the meal I of feduCl:ion! for when Weifhmipt wifhes to make hirnfelf mafler of the Lodges of Poland, h· only infiruc ' Zwack to make the following propofitions to the Polifh Malims: " I. That they fhould acknowledge but the firft three de.: gr es.-II. That each Lodge fhould he at l.bertv t€)

It h fJ h S . '

ave l!C. epenors, and as mallY of them, ~.S the",

" ph:afed.-HL That all Ludges fhould be indepmden't " of esch other, a~ !eaft as much Io as the Lodges of Germany



" many are of thnL: of Poland.-IV. That all their uni

" i11all'he carriedoa by tb« CORRESPO-':OP..NCE (/'JdVISITi

" of the brethrrli-lf we can but gain that point, we

«( fbsll have Iucccedcd in all we want ; i.ea'lu tlu rdf t"

" me:' (VoL IV, p. 193)' And in what light docs rhis :,rc:h-conrpirato~ view (1 will fay) the mofl: innocent Mafons ? "Though rbefc tn, 'fici"ious al1ociations Ihould not

" ;,ttlin our objeCt, they prepare the way for us; they

" gil-e a new int.rdl: to the caufc , they pn.:fent it under

•• 1 i, 'i of view hitherto unobl~rvetl; they fiimutllc

" the i w"'ltil-C powers ant! the expeCtation of mall" 'in'; til j- 1'0/10' men m~rt1 indill~r.mt as to tb

" .- urejlJ Df Z~v,,"IW/l'lts; they bring men of di vcrs

I .1 tin"" and rcligi(ln~ within the f'Jme bond of uni.: on i tbt_y deprive tb« cburcb and jl{lte ~f theil' ab/tll '( m. -lr.VI iabari,us man/urI; they bring men together <., who would never otherwifc have known or met ,. ,11 other. By this mcthod alsn« th"y lJ1uitr,rill(

I l/ot jountiotiolU of flaW, thfll,gh thtJ Hally bad It Tla filCh f'l"ojd/ in uieu». Th~'Y throw them together " and make them clafh one againll the other, 'They reach II mankintl the power ami force of union; they point out t< to them the ililplljiaiolH of" their pDliiical COI~/Iirlll;(i/fs, " and that without expofing them to ti~c fufpiciolls of " their enemies, fuch as magifiratcs and public govern"rnentl'_ They rnafk our progref5, alld procure us tIlt " facility of jncorp~HltilJg ill our piails allri ~f admitting " into our 01'£1,,", after the proprr trials; the mqj1 able " men, whole patience, '''Iff abllJed, thilftr Cl_ltn' the " Grana Ultimotum. By this means they weaken the " enemy; and, thougb they fhould never triumph over " him, they will nr Itoj? dimilliJh tb. numbers am! th~ "- zral at bis p(II·ti%ans. In proportion as rhefc new a(."




Ii: fociations or Secret Secieties, formed in dilferent frates, (-( fhall acquire firength and prudence, at the expencc of " the former ones (that is, of civil foeicey), till! latter " mrifl wudmz ami inJo:jibly foLl."-(Vul. 111. p, 2' 3·) - Aud what is to be tile Grand lrimarum of (h~i:: Secret Societies, " tl)(fo [cbsals, wbir:b have b ,'/I ill al! '" 'fS " the "rei iues of Nature and if tIlt RIGH rs OF , I. ~" l « 'l7)t/e fi"h~[ih Jhall (JIlt day retrisu« fiu ftlll 0/ Hv» ml " Nature, AND PRINCI:S AND NATIONS SfiAtL UISAP" P£t\R FROM TH£ l-'ACE OF TilE F.f.ltTH; {Iud t~'ot « w~thDfI,t ony oiolena: - Moralin fhall alone produce " this great revolution." But what is to be umlerfl:ood by moral~ty? He furs, " N~r is tru« mQrality any Otllfl" " than tl-'" art of teachillp; men to £hake olf their ward-

" 11 . .

11.11, to attain the AGE: OF" Mil. 'HOOD, and tbus to

" d . I. "

me nat rer pnllUI nor gO'1Jlfflurltntr." - (Vol. HI:

p. 199.) With refpeCl: to Proplrt)', it is reprefented as the bane of Libert}' and Equality: As families multiplied, « the ~<:alls ~r. fubliftcncc bCgllII to fail , tne nDn:adli (Dr « ~oalTIlng) 'ijlf ,;raj:", and PROP!R TY fiarte« into 0;" i_jlfllU ~ men chofe habitntions , i1gricultun: made them " mternux, L:lIIl!;u;'r;e became uuiverfal , livillg t06eth~r, " one man began to mcafure his fhengdl with ancrher, " and, the weaker Were diil:illguiflH;'d from the {hunger. " ThIS undoubtedly created the idea of U1utU:-:; defence " of one individual governing divers bmilies n:-Llnitcd' " and of thus defending their perfons anll their fields " agatnll: the invalion of an rnem,v, but bene LIBERTY

"{I '/"'f

uic s rumec tn its 'oundation, and Eo...U,\LITY di{ap-

" peared:" (V I ITI ) ~ "

t e a, 0.. • p. 175. 1 hus would the Illumi..

nees, i~ defence of Liberty and Equality, wifh to overturn every idea of property, and reflore us naked to the defens, there to lead [he li&lIl«de or jll'IJtJge. lifo. As to the

" j}lo'" /1 n t i If:


PRU.Ir.tI N ·lR Y

" lfilt,..'antife cr,·j/lt," as they choofe to fiyle the emmerci;ll part (If the flatc, " confer Oil it an}' rank or authority ., in the government, and you will have created pcrhap\ " rbc mofl: formidable, the meft dt!PDtic of all powers," They arc reprclented as enjoying the means of crcati~~, forciceing, and fatisfyin,;;, wants hence dall~erou". W LIbertyand Equality.-Sl' confident of fuccc[" IS ~~ c~{b.:J.Upt,

• be exclaimsv " All the effortC therefore, or I nnces to

tnat c exciaim: , , •

" ftO? our progrefs will be fruitle[~; the !park may lo,~t;

" remain bitiJm in the afhes , but the d:ay muf] come, III " which the general flame {hall burft forth."-( Vol. IlL

p. 214·) ,

The Abb~ has dwelt at full length on every artifice and

devicl:: of the Code, from the regulations f,Jr the Novice, to thoft: of the Mall-king. or Man rccognizin6 no mailer, either human or divine, but himfelf. It is fingular to Iee the art with which evcn the Novices arc prepared for the moft atrocious deeds. \Ve fcc them aflcnting to the fol. lowing obligations: "Can J~U and ~ui" you lOOK IIpon " the! wtlfm'.' if the Order as ]allr own ?-D~ you, " moreover, g;"allt tbr POWER OF LIrE A~;D DEA'HI to " eur Ord~r or S~(i<tJ ?-Do JOll I-I~ie{l JOillJt'I! to n " l1LINO CHlEDIRNCJ!:, WITHOUT Al'{Y RESTRICTIQN " waA TE v liR?" 'This is not all: when preparing Iuch defpcrate confpiratcrs, ldl: tbey {hou~d b"tr:lY their fC;!'Cl, they are queltioned unawares by their 1 ' cher or 1l1l111uator even fuddcnly awakened out of their Ileep, And fllie~dc was not 0111y encouraged, but dogmatic,all~' taught in the Order, under the formula of patet exitus, or tl:c exi t is free; a certain incxpreffible plcafure was. faid to cppertain to fuicide; and all this is ca~led the ~iftllfi~11 of light! "The mode of diffufing ulllvcr:al light I.S, " not to proclaim it at once to the world, out il) be~lIJ

" untb


"iuitb JlJurftlj; then turn towards your next n ighbcllli j « you two can mlightcn :t third and fourth; let there, in " the f.'lIue manner, extend and multiply the number of the " children of light, until numbers and fdrce {hall throw .. power illw)'ourh'uuls (Vol. Ill. p, 196,; th.,.'fw;/lJc.;! , D~ able to bind tb« hal/tis of Y(JIIT" oppollents, to jul>jllgat~ H them, and /(J Jlijlt .. vi.-I.t'tlmfi in tb« embrio ;" that is to fay, every principle of CL\'i! or poli tical fcciety, Left"\V IX· haupr's meaning Ihoul-l be llIiihkcn, when writing to two at hi favourite ad. pts, he fubjo:ns the following correfponding kale,




.-,~--, 1_ --1-_-,

I10 o a co or:

r ......... ·l r _..,_, r"""'__' .........

00 o 00000

,...",_,..,,~~""""""""""'"""'""'~~~, ooooooooouoouuuu

snd explains it to Zwack, " Imrnediatelv under me I hal e .. two adepts, iueo whom I infufe m~ whol.- fi'im ; each of " thefe correfprml" with t'NO others, and ('0011. By t~l " methed, and in the fimplcf] way poflible, I can inn,'Dle " and put in merion thoulimds of men at ollce,"'- He :llfu writes to Baader: " I h:1VC rent to Z .vack a fcalc, fhcw(( ing how one may methodically, and without much trou" ble, arrllng' a great IIIl1.ltitudF (J( men ill tbe jintjl srder " imaginab/~ - the fpirit of the firft, of the moil: ardent, (( of the moft profound adept, daily ~~IlJ inc fTandy comcc rnunicates itfdf to the two A.II, by the one to B B, " by the other to C C. - B Band C C communicate it " to the eight following; thefe to the next Iixteen, from " thence to the 'thirty-two, and to downwards - In 2

S " iVordJ



~lV I h' ..lid-Ma,·Dr bv WbDjt means h4

" word, 1!7.lITy mall nas IS .' .r •

. d'II' Iy llEl' 'T/ all !be others, T'he w/;o!e JOICe

" J.m'~t ' J v •

Ct firfi iJJ t s jrDm the centre, and then ftot_us bad .. tllflilt

• L" h e rubJ' eAs :1S i r. were t.o hIS OWIl perfon,

" tD .1. r. JC rn II 1,;.[., .

cc ttu» mr» 'U,!J~m /1, jtardHS 10 rl: bl1tfOlll, :,hom he ~b-

r. " f .. n.,", ,< and drills, :IS I t were, like

(t It.:..' i1ar.Jo _1-. .... "!J'u,u ,

' • it II t 1 V l"'~y hereafter t!u7"Ci{t and firt uiith

,I;. rl'C'fl!l::-, . "u -. 1

' ,. "ill P '09) - It I )Y

It (I e fu;,aj, ,'r'" 1 •• nt - \ 0.. .• 't '

hr .• the founder of Illuminifm, that order;

fuc mLl.'''. },.~ ~ ..

L • rji "ttf(t a!7d relitical Dpertrftms carried on.

art t ~·t tum "," . " .

',I Abb{ Ir. 1 -fcribes that famous afi"oclatlon

I he learned e a 10 uc.

. I D no' Bahrdt and known under the ap-

invented Ll}' :1 OC-I [, •

. I' f G "'/0" Unisn This was an urucn among

pel atlOll 0 t!"" • • ,

,,11 the bookfdlt;:Is that could be Ieduced Jl1~O lh~:Orde~ of the Illuminces, to fupprd's, by every means III t~(;lr po" er, ;'ill works that might lay open the vic~{s or I.mpccle the

, f h Sen. They were alto to circulate all

progrefs t e I,;l.

. . however fcditious, when written by the Sect;

wntillgs, • .'~ ~ _ . .

1 h h -ad of this litcl'flr}' affcciatioll was Nicolai, a

'lnG at • e c:,. •

, if I' h the learned .Ahbi: hDs hid

• Slich i~ We.' nature of lllurnini Ill, W uc .

'. rthdd'd:l foreigner l<ilt'ly tome to UIIS country,

en to the J'lIbllc, neve , B' .

op· ubI.i It'on under Ilu till¢ or Jl.1n'0Ilr< MlrlJfnI1IH .•

and who writes .~ ~nc'Ydl' ::~ph on th .. work, as fc.:urrilouB :J.I il il

I ( e 541) uneree a J>a . ..., ..

l~i p.:I! r. f. r :l!i to repnJent Illuminifrn as

tible In IIi, rage, he SOC!! 0 " ,

conlr.TIl" , fi J .~ .,<1"'1'~'!)' " and which he flip_

' /1' '/1. r ',I of a r.JJ po ~a ,,~ " ,

.. ,J, -" (.~.,' I l h' f IE H.3d not Lhi. l£3rned work

h A '. dot> "", Ln .. rrjiil~a 1m e .

p"('" I ~ ~ h::u'on of the Englin, nation at

It:ld) mu with the unparalleled apl'm I , • til 'Ur

• " .. fi cimtns here adduced, which ItTt "Ill ,e" "I 'KI • bIte, the Ie.. re . _ e Ervlilh reader lin idQ ohlle I'~rfpituity and wou,rl b fuft\"cnt 10 g.H th z- __, with the abure

d Abli ~ "cia.J.ly when compo"..... .

~mdo!J; of the I. lilt , e 1'- . ith " leafure 1 announce

. ,L.. ...... pb -It II ,,,,t rc ... p

tOl'lu.incd m the .wuT't pM:O,,__ • , . (t hl'Jhed RII Edifl In xlii.

d " tl ... t biL ['ruffian ~f3Jcl\y has JU pu j

10 my [<01 ~ , • 'f~. Ellia may be feen ill Mr. A "tidel, fupl'rcm 01: thtfe rcerc\. fo< e '''''.' d .... 11 b _I"

' S N CLXX "log-CII" 31'1 "I, ..

I' Iticr" rAUl l' &IH"AN T , 79. 0. :

to bl' 11<'1''''(1, tiwl i\1 \\ '/ into U I!I. publl e P' il~ of thIS country.



powerful bookfelIe;' at Bt;rlinl who \\'~, : IU"U ill his lau L('lurs by other adepts in thfrcrcnt C)u.<rters of Germany. The bulinefs of there chiefs wa much of the Lrnc nature

as that of Holbach's club, .. I ready dcfcribel by Lc i~oy in the furegoing pages. It was alfo under tl-e dird'ti,m of there adept", that R~l1dillg Socht;ts were fer on (oot, and lvetuJpr.ptrs nnd R!'Ulw)s pub jibed t caJumniate C\''''ry perfon that could not be brought over to their parrv, and CO fj)J'cad their principles. Amollg the rules for the Reg nr, we r d, that" E verr clfort mull be made to gain Over the " author; hut fhould :1f1 our attempts fail, and we fhoukl " be unable to tilt ice him into the Order, It! hiM be difIt cl'rrl£tuloJ EVER y mums pDjJible."-(VoL III. p. 343.) -Tel weaken the veneration of the people (or their prince!', and to aIru!TIc I/Q matter VAllI c!Qak, provided they dd but fucceed, is alf to be (ound in the inlhuCtions of the Regent, thougl: thr ilif,l'iDr LtJdgl!.J' of A4:4all1) are declared tw be the Jl/o/! ,g).vmitnt cleat:«, The very nature of this union Ibows the wifdom (I will even fay the neceffity), when profecutions are car: ied on ag;Jinfr incen, Jiary publications, not only to profecute the author, but lV'T.,)' hookft"tr U.';l/;I)ut di,!inBian who {hall have {old {uch publication. flhould the Jacobill exclaim a gainll fuch a propofition, let him Iearn, that his much adQ'lire.j French DireClory Dot only (e-nds the wr.rer af any publication that gives umbrage to their ferocious dig,ity t the deferts of Ca} ... nr-e, but the publi£her, the vendor, and even the buyer. But i, firucnons of a fiiH more [':-ficus nature to every parent are given to the Regenr awl Pr:felt: " Never lofe fight (fa) thcfe iufir ud:ions) of the

u. military-fchools, of tile academies, printing prc{fe,

I.e libraries, cathedral ch:1pters, or :my public dl:ablifh.

" Dlent5 that can influence education 0)' ("':lvemmem. Let

i -




" OUf Regent~ perpetuaHy attend to the various mcansy" and forrn pi:lns, for malting; us mafters of all there efta(t blillim~nts." - The PrefeCt will fpare 110 pains to l' gain puffeJioll of the JlhlJ~lf which lie within his dif" r"j,l, and allo if their teaclurs. He will find means of " phcing them under the tuition of members of our " Order; for this is the t .. ue m thod of infuling our prin- 4< 6'Jles ant! of training our 'cung men." It is with regret I find m:. /df ,IOJ)'\ ~~ j to lay, that farcely an Illli\Ocdit)' in the north of GamallY has cfcaped the plots of the Sea; and, ;It J COl3, the ma~iftrates were obliged to interfere, the [chol:lJS (m::ny of them not tell yrofS of 30'1') havinz formed one of thore teeret Iocicties under the

'" ~ to

name of !miriJIs, and were difcovercd to 'be noth:ng but

youl1£; Illuminces tr.lintng up, and nurtured in their abominable principles under th fecrer direCtion of more harden.:d {educers. The reports to the Sup~riors are irrefragabl:! proofs of their ba1..ful oonqudts in fchools and fcminaries, though the, never loR fight cf COUN TR Y SCHOOLS, ° one of me (UJdl: means for gaining over the common

p,op/~ to their plots.

W·hen Illnminiiin had fpreM itfelf throughout Ger-

many, ltd)" Slll'ltz.~rland) and Hofland, it was thou~ht rroper to make 3011 attack on France, which had not hitherto been tamper with, on account of the fiery and h:tll:f difpoiititlll of its mh:J>itaots. Mirsbc u. 'ho had been initiated by 1\ lauvillon, , .. as the perfon who iIlformed the German chiefs that it was now time to fend their cmifrarics. Amtlills-Bade anti BOJord.Bufche were accordingl)' r~nt, and were received at Paris by the Icerct committee of the Malonic Lad -c of the Amit Reunis, They fubmittd the code of Illuminifm to the Higb CouDcil, and it was a.~rced that the degree of £ f'~l~t alone (whence

I have

onSER V J.. TJON"i.

1 n:IVC c'lid!y m:de my extraCts) fh I..id De sdopted, but fhapcd out to t! e n lafonict rms. It was received w ith I.:;nlhuli~rm all over 1"]":1110', and Frcnc'. M.lfol1rv became illurninized wi rhout even hav.ng heard of the name of 1I~ luminee, thou: is to l~" of Alb itS; ... , Hluminces , f r in ther Ipecies ha 1 fl"' • n \' .rv cornmo.i ill France , ther ...

ver· called !\L"ni .. ,ij ~ and ' .. re r" ... L..me St:c1 ~$ the S vdl:nbnrgi.a1 Illurrun e . It w •• s : in"· d1t:ft: tl~ Mira~ u , rotc b s pamphlet 0' the Illuminces, and r • allv lJ;,l


or n all the i,l{f°i:;llts:ltId [urfuiB of th"r p.'!rt of LhJ:1"1 which pretended t<) the [lm ers of ;11011: failing, evoking; ijlir: s, :1111 r . .ifmg ".,_j interr"pt:i1J i'ie dead, Hut, with ri.:'gard 10 the rthcr p.lrt ut" t h ~IT', W he we re profecut ·II~ the m},n ries (If E qU·llity ,ud L I,.ort)', he is fil nr, and, i dee I, h;~ {Ibjca in writing was nn otr er than co miflea zh ,. n •• Ii tv e f d:c wor It! as to til,-· .• 1- nC"::' of the Athcifii I SCI.. It W'l'I bee. ufe the v: 'Ill Jr 6i:105 were P'II"t I Ilr t~;l-lnb of 'v: and of r; iri,-, th ... t they were fty:eJ Tlmijpp/Jiwl Illumiuccs, t tough tll.ir myi1.:. ies 1tl2~ to as lao!,: Atheilin a. thUle l f [he modern SilJrt:Jcu., only by dilf~rcr.t 1.11:;.30115. TIlt.,. had C, read all over Europ , ana tr.:wd'iillg adepts initiated inro the mdh!ri~ fuch ..... hfllrls as werv jud .... .:cl wortby of the ,ll. 0 Ji'i,.~ they repn:rcntrJ n~ tlu p,-in.-ip" r;( all thin"; ° A G:rpent " .. ith its t ,jl in it mou-h was the emblem f die ctern .Jy '.I. tIl: ., ,1.1, ha v ing neither hll.illni."." or eud, The 1""..:rpent "ii), h'! ·i.Ig "he prop crty of renovating as !kin, was lio -

ra ivc of e revolutons of ic U:'VCI(C ami of narurc ,

-d the phu:nil':, revivify lng from irs alhcs, denotes 11m\': tlie- u"i vel [c is reproduced, and Will ccnrinue to be fa; froIU i rei i. - But this 'Was merely I,.!..,ding rbe C J.JlIj;{te to It.-l:lt"rialifm: the next Faint """-!oj to obtain the oath

hieh in ft"glll::r-bl.lilt IrJdgcs took place a! fvllol'ls: the

b candi133te


f'RELBlI. AR r

" rain rhe revolution; to gain oyer to it, in ;:ll parts, ,. friends, parrizans, and pmtc8:ors; to propagate rh " RJ.me, to vivify the (pirit, to excite zed atu! mr/,r for " ;t, 1'iI EVERY STAT1:, and bJ .'·;'Ii!ry means ;11 their " t.lliL'.T."- (Vol.IV. p .. }64.,) - 1\0 Iooner was ihi: r - ceived, than Tom Paint! {brteJ up in c\'ery c uutry, 3mI • c honours of French cirizcnfhip well! the rccompenc of thefe incendiari s, Firll. app_J.r the C;I!/litutioIiU/ij1s,

r the l'rer'ch d1: !-In, fh~rs in cnnrl:ilu" 0 .5, uabblir g \ irh mct'ph)fie .. l ,1iC"'uffioIlS on rl c F ibhts of ~lan j he., tog ihcr \\ Lh t' ofc men cIl:ed f;Jr,nt1r~bi/1s (thlou h crifiurl, rr J.,al lv}, d -j :;it the Iccp rc, pilla~e the church, ar.d ll'~n ere aba .,1" u.:u by the sea, who no long:(!r w.!IIt rh f. I [lr;.r~ f tl-teir ecble 1~1 IH~. On fhtlc would I w'Ih Eagl(l11llL1I to n.Acc". "1 hLft: were (he trurupetei

n ~burc:~, inventors or porte.ntou~ n·form~, and were in their «wn minds to be the pcrfeGlOI!> ttf the art of g')vcr.unent. And what were they in n:ality? - the tools ernp ore!! by the SeCt to break. own the f.lcrcd pale of the french Monarchy. But why [hould I dwell on this, ill :. country where the laws [0 weil di!hngujlb each man'. [;uilt? D:1(;s not every LI1.;lilhman 011 a jury, when ;], J1CI f 'Ii is urou;,;ht before him on his trial for a burglary, k:l!'>,Y th.it the heinoufnels of the crime attaches to the br '/:illg the dwelling, though even (he theft fhould not be "ccumpi.L11:::d? Nor would the crime d' :H other baud of I u'ob.:rr, who r al 'J itole Ir. rn th: t hcufc which the f. .rmar had itft open, be fo hciaou iil tbe '} ~S of the: law as he Cl ime of the fermer bund, thl'Ugh the crime of the Luer is ,Mo J(;darLJ c. pi r 11 y the Ilanue I.tW of the land.

J 1..,fl: fo do we lc;1;; tin: plundered Church and dctcnct',l:fs Ki Ilg of F i ance c.l~ ;ivc:rcd over [(1 the f!:COIHI A ucmhty ; that is the .t.Era UI the bloody loth or A u,!;uit, of the burcheri Ilg September.



S ptember. This AffclT.bly makes place for 3. third, when hecatomb of po i:::fh a.nl pontiffs are (ubmergcd iii the ocean; death l;u,m them in every Ihapc : the Monarch, his Royal Conforr, his Sitter, arc dr:l.Jgcd to the guillotine by the ruthl fs conrriratorc! T1111s du we Iee the plots :l.gainfl: the 'hwch and Monarchy accornplifhcd , the plots againrt I'RU!'ERTY had been profccuzcd "lith frightful tuccefs, In tile fidl ~dlcmbl y, thJCe confpirators who now cal! tho:mjii'iJcs ConJlituti()llnl~lJs had annihilated the property of the CJer.;y. fa the next :>!Tcmbly, that f the N blcs wis ("i:r,C\1, under pretence of cmi~rat;C\n) while thefe who remained in F ranee w rc p I .. !!.~~, under the pretence c.f conlifcat ion. During the ':lirLl, .lppe.:~.r rh adepts BI'IIijf:21·t, RGb~fpj"nfJ, and the tw t Julion j and they wei te, that thl: rJ\'ourabl·~ moment j:. now nme to c.'(fir-pate t'.e r.tr.RCA:-:TILt: AR15T(Jcr~I'.CY as tue]! at that if tbe NOBLES. III their Iecret correfpondeuce, as !n \V eifhaupt's :.\1.y!l:cries, thev ':echrc, th •. ~ Ai. r.:b,mt.Jil1 7JJIf}f be cnJhd; that Whfft vrr Q lal'll: nUlI/IN,- ~f ,·:.:b mercbant s wert tl) hI' foil I"!, t':' re user» Jure to be /oullf1 (IS mOllY cheats, and LibtrlJ to ,Id nst '1id"'I~'h ifs ''''-P:I't: tho re, Acc.udingly, fpol: .. tiulls :1110 requ.Iirions have robbed {he 1111:. chants and citizens of their prop~,·ty, juft as the CH.IJY and • c..bility 11:111 been rubbed before [hem. l:ul [his was not me accon.phfhmenc uf the Grand Endor the ultimate views t the S,:d, \\ hich was the oblit .rarion of a.l property whatever. Accord;n,11y Drouer, Habceuf, and La l",ciot appear. Th 'ft! declare, thot tb« i'n:!Jch R ".)ollltilJl! is tilt tb« forerunner if (1 r...e'il~/:.tilJn g"eat&r ":' [J1' (J'It! mur.h morr ja/el1l1l, all" u-bicb ~:Jiil be the 10./'1. Then from the nobleman to rhe cottO.ger all arc tu he {hipped of their pfopeny. But, tremendous as is the profpe8, how (tn,IIl, when W~ leek b.wk, the fpark fidl

fan ltd


• 1

P1ULIMLl. .... ll:, &c •

f Ilen~d by impiety! y~t how irnrner f~, how univerfal, it, progrefs ! The P latinate, Bdgium, Holland, Spain, Portll~al, Naplc-, Italy, the Armies of the Princes, Malta, Con. fhllltillople and thcCaH, Africa, AnH!r.CJ, Swirzeri.md, Sweden, Ru;;Ja, Poland, Auflria, P'lIiJi3, have all felt the ct:"c!ts of it ; and each has its ft!PJr~'c .. tide in this volume.

'Youh! to God. that Fng' nd were not erotit'ed to lid it. pl.lc::: 011 t tis black lin I but tho! lea! I e author s UIlIOrlWlnc,ly trace the nserll~ of Illuminifin even to

ur fhnrf~. \Vc fee R ntr n rem by the Superiors of 11- lumitllfm; the bo..fEo.,.s of Zimllunnan (.IJf fll'Dfii "flU, to u:fhnguilh h m from til.: 'rtflt m,UI of B.:rnj; the p rc.... nnauons of a Daftor 1til:.-" ~JllI of a ~'ir, .R~gil:b(l,·t) are but \O~ cl, T. Jr, nfrer ll.ie, he tUIIlS his l'Yes toward Ireland, and toward Sc ulnud , :f he reads the Reports (If the ecrcr Committees r Lhe Irilh M Englilh Leglll"tlJrI.s ;

'ill n)t e\·"r~ . ~:lIkr he induced to r:l,('; his hands tu dC.,lVCI1) and return thank- to the all-merciful and I'0W\.'~flll GOlI) that h~s in big g<J Jnds prtLrn:J us from (.lc.n l.umbcri".rs d:m.:;:crs ,

ri'hus far ha the Tranflator attempted to give a f:l!nt h:l!ll of the nature (1f [: . .,; A bbc's v.Juablc work, \"\ hidJ it has been his aim to by Clptll to Iuch of his couutrymcn as may not be lu!licitnrlj vcrf-d in the French .l.:llgu:lge to read it it th or: .... inal. The: pphc ri ,11 of t.1l: \11.- 1':1Oi s rf J eob.nifm fu tilde Kintodoms, being the objt-B: nf the nut.c Cubjoir:.J t J the- fourth volume of the tranfhrioll of that work, :1110 it hl).vir:g been thl'u~ht prrpcr to p:..;'lfh it f~paralil. thi preliminary Jk~tt.n LIS b 'en

r.fiXC<,ll that the reader, who, from his wo.Id I ~ [.ccup::.tionr, IT.::ly not have rime to perufi, till': wo k at I:llgt:, l1u1 ;ot r on ain cntir ly unar-p-ized "f the IInin:dal Janscr, ~ d m.:l.y thus gnard a_;ailTlhhe AR TSOF SI:DUCT 10:;-the I .• It powerful 'we_polls of J~cohinirm.


For the End of {'oj. a: a{ tbe Alt'moirs illujlrfltiJlg tb« Hijlol'y of Jt1,·cbinifi~.

ON publilhing the T'ranflarinn of the Firil Volume of tbefe l'.1cmoirs, I declared that I confidered myfelf as only fulfiilill;r a tillt_y in hvinp: open (0 excellent a work to rhofe cJ my couutryrncn who w rc not fUfneicntlr vcrfed ill the French bnguagc to read the ori~in:lt. Th'e objt'et of t/u .1"t/'o1' t hroucihout has be-n t) {hew the uni VNti.ll havock and d"r..lation wiri; W!1·t'11 tI".li: d prcJ:lf(lrV Sets have threatened all Europc ; .11il/, h ~ been to e .. ~ite the vigilant attention (,I'mI' l:ountrym.n, leCl: rh v flll into the Inarc: th.it arc bid 1(, entrap them. Thi will, I hope, be lhou~11 :l Iufficicnt rcafon ,ur he f IIl\': n, more circumfl •• nrial application to 1 eland ~ 113 (; rear Bri- u.. of the dreadful plot; chat have been [kt. rled in thefe 1I.'1cmoil'S.


Il'cLrd, ever fince tho YC'1r 17F1, lIa'" preli:.,+cd a perpctual fcene of JiIT"r;.;nt . fiix:iat. ms for cliff'.:: cnt ... hJects. The Volunteer!'> I ,til glve,J rii: to much J~ba[e; the R04 man CaLl".llics had been :ldn ciy mj I 'yed in p ·titioning the legiflature i Ir ~!1C redr f~ of certain grl"vunces under which they laboured ; and their prayer 'was at IMgth par.lj cceded to.

The lidl: appc;!rancC', however, of the allrlciation to wi.ich we now n'Iude w .. s in June, 179T. T',£, propofals for it arc couched in the {lyle and o:~ct terms of the Hie-

a rophants

( '- J

rophants of Jlluminifin. They recommend the i~)l'matiol1 of an anoci~tiol1, or, us it is fiyled, " a beneficent conn (pi rae! " to Icrve the people; alTiHning " the ferrec, " and Iomcwhat of the ceremonial attached to 1"rc(.:111:1- "filmy;' SNr(!L) I:; declared tv be ncccflary to make (~ The bond of union more cohcfive and the fpi.it of unicn ,~ more ardent , to envelope the ph'lI with ambiguity, to " facilitate it" cvn agency, to C mfound and terrify its " enemies or their ignol':l.11ce of the dclign, extent, and .. drrecrion," &c. _[t~ Cfr, »nl :' is :ufo l\1afi.mic in order

creare enthufiafm, "I cc l very member wear (day .~ and nl.,.ht) an amulet nund his neck, conraining the ec gre::t principle which unites the brotherhood, in letters t. of gold, on .• ribbon, firiped \' i rh all the origin«] coH lours, and inrlofed in a {heath of .. vhitc filk, to rcpreIl rel.t the pure union f the mingled lay::, and the aboliII tion of aU [u. erficial tlill:inaions, all colours, and 'l fhades of difference, for the f.1.kc of om: illullrious End. ,.. Let this amulet of union, (aid,) and honour, depend .c from the neck, an b .. -bound ebour the body next to the u Ikin and clofe to the heart.' Malonic Secrecy, Equ.alir,', and Union, cannot poOibl}' be bcucr dcfcribed.

1 ts members are to be churcfl from among men H1 the prime of life, without dinin8-ion of rdigion; true phil.mthropills, " who ar not bound down to obedience to ., that WiztJl',i ~V()rt! r.;.!prr.r:, ncr to the tovcreigne . of " tv .... o founding fj·lla!:llcl>;" from among men, in Ihorr, <C who l:now IIhel"~; who wifh [0 have it, 3 I •• who are .: devrmincd to hv' _nd die free-men" ('!livre libf( OIl msur i r ;.

This aJToci:uion (at firfr called the Tliili BrotherhooJ, and ~rtcrwllrds the Unit Ii Iriflimcn) "will have, it iii " liici, an eye provident ami profpettive, a reach and

8 " amplitude;


( 3 j

~mrli.t~d: of conception cornrn -nfurate ~o the- progrer" live dlffuhon of knowleJg ; - it will make the light..r " philantl,rory cI1nvergc." Its In:D is declared to be, " 'l7Jti ,·jgbts of men in Irtland i the grcatel1: happinefs of H rhe greatefr number in this Hland : the inherent arnl in" defeafible claims of every free n.uion :" For," the " rights of man are the rights of God; and to vin ieate " the one is to maintain the other. "'c mull be free, in " order to ferve him whofc fervice is perfea freedom.

The Hierophsr.t next proceeds to fl:atc, that " to form " a fummary (of the national will and pleafure in points " moll: interefiing to national happinefs, :111d then to put " this dul!,.in.J as fpecdily as may he into practice, will " be the purpofe of this Centra] So.-iety, or L,tige, from " which other looJes in the different towns will radiate." The difi:inClions of rank, of property, and of religious perfuafions, ale to be abolifhed j but whether any tiling fhort of" gr&ot c3nvuljion" can elfOCh.ally and f:Jcedil; procure the reform propofed, is to be, with many other principles of fedition, the fubjeet of future di(cuffion by the alfociati<.m.

The whole body was to meet four times a ',""'l.r, and the (regulating) committee once a month. Th~f(; meetings were to be " convivial; c,"vor/ati,na/, not a deba, " ting focietyj and cOIl_lidmti{l, the heart open and the " door locked." Their external bufim.fi to confifl, " 1 ft7 " in publications to propagate their principles and effeS:u_ " ate their ends. All papers for this jJurpore are to be " (anclioned by rhe committee. - zdly, Communication " with the different towns to be aGiduoufiy k.ept up, and " every exertion ufed to 'lCC0!11[.LOl a National Convcn" tion. - 3e1ly, Communication with Jimzlar [ocleties " abroad, as the jACODIN CLUB at Paris, the Revolution

a 2

~' Sue;,t)

[ 4 ]

'~s,::ttj N E 'eLA '1>, the Commiu,« of Reform m .. SCOTLAND."

Eulogies were to be pronounced (:15 ill the Miml"vt11 Sclljols) " (Jll Iuch men as {hall have dcferved well of " their country unt il deatb, whole works fhould live in a .. library to hI.: form d by the ((lciet y anrl dedicated to Ii· cc bertj-." -" Th.: ariftC"!cr;:cy (poor dupes) were to. ~~ " made their inflrumenrs." - (Jrijh RI'/iort, Appt'llrl:.\', No. IY.) - Such was. the plan on which this aflociation was to i,l; fOimeo, ;..nJ it was recommended to the people of Belfafl: bv a Mr. Tone. On the 9th of November, 179 I, the d~}' 011 which the ailcciation was infhtured at Dublin, a firnilar invitation was publifhed hy it, and was 1"igneu Napper Tandy. Thus do we fin~ that Liberty, Lqualitv, S .. crecy, Union, and the Rights of man, were till: real (,bj~ of this aflcciation, It is true that Parliamentar.y Reform and Catholic Emancipation were held out as their onl (;hieLq_~; but it h~1~ fince appeared upon oath, that theie w~re (JIll)' pretext", and that " the people in Lein" th-r, ;,,1 uufler, ami Connaught JiJ not care the value of " ,I pen, or the drop of ink it contained, for Parfiamc:," tor .... R.flrm or ClitJ)~IiI' Ffl/QlI.-ipati:m." - (Apptmdl:r, \0. XXX1.)

Their Forms and Rl'gUlJtiUlls were alio Mafonic.Vlcmbers were honorary 01" ol'Ji:l;ny, and admitted betWCLU rwo Jij(mj~l"i, who v IIdKJ lur Ie characters and principles of the cmdidates. The lign and word were .1 opted. Funds were produc d b) admiflion fees, 10:-lIlS, and voluntarv ccntribution- of the" A,·Ulfifl'tlts." 'Taxes ;jlro or one 1:<:1111) per month ", .. ere. lev.cd all the individuals of the alli:!cialiul11 and were gener;:il_v rranfmitted thluugh regular gradatiuns to the High Superiors. J\-!any dl\tJ1ges) however, took place on this fuhjcct, and Innerly

three-p nee

[ 5 ]

three-pence per month was levied. There funds were not even entrulted to the Provincial Committees ; but a member of the Executive attended to c;l!'IT away the monies as (0011 as they were received. -It is true, indeed, that the Executive accounted to the Provincial Committee once every three months,

A Chairman, or Malter, prefided over the Lodges, whofe duty it was to prcferve order and dir B: debates; he had the power of fining refractory members to the amount f five fuillillgs, and even of expelling the ~ember if he continued to be conturnacious , as alia to erafe [uch members as did 110t attend their duty after they had been Icrved with a regular notice. Officers were appointed, anti the fecrctaries ahvays belonged to a higher dcgr~c. The cnJ!catenation of the degrees perfectly coincides with \\r cifhaupr's plan, as the follOWing fcale of corre(pondcllce (of National, Provincial, County, and Baronial Committees, emanating from the Individual Societies) will demonthntc,

p p
r- -, r ---'-----,
I r~ I I r ,
II n IJ 13 B B n II B .B IJ ]~
- ,_.__, "' .... - - ,.. ..... - .... ,....-. - - ....
III III III III III 111 HI III 11.1 III III HI When an Individual Society arnoullte.1 til thirty-fix members, it was equally divid~d hy lot. The firft cighteen drawn by the Iecrerary Were conf:dercd J$ tile fenior (deiery, the rem2ining eighteen formed the junior ljllit~ <lad received its number from the Baronial Cl1mmitt.c throujh the medium of the (cllior fjllir.

a 3 The

[ 6 J

The 13aroni~,l Committee was cnmpofcd of the (ceretaries, trea[urers, and a delegate from each individual filciety under their direction. The Ccunry and Provincial Com .. nittces were to he compofed of the fceretaries, treafurcrs, and a delegate from the Committees immediately under them.-( Ibid. No. I I.) Ireland was fubdividcd into its four Provinces, and its thirty-two Counties; but as foen as two County Committees were fo~mcd, the Provincial Committee of that province was to be chofen. When two Provincial Comrn: ees had been deacd, the National was formed of flv,> members from each Provincial Committee.

No perfon whatever could mention the names of committce-mel~: they were not even Known to tho(e who had cleC:l:ed them in the ca(c of the National or Executive Committee, the fecretaries of the Provincial that examined the ballot only informing the perfons who had the majorit}' ()f votes, without reporting to the Elcaors. Thus was the fociory entirely governed by unknoum Superiors.

When any queHions were propofed in an inf rior Iociety, and this focicty wifhed tel tranfmit them to other focictirs (either to get inforrnation on the (ubjc8:, or for any other r:::':1fon) it was to fend them to the committee under whore immediate direction it might be.

Strange members were admitted to the meetings (or, as they termed it, " to tbe ",mours of tbe fitting" ) on producing their credentials; but the fecrctaries made no returns in their prefence.

A teft was taken by every candidate previous to his

admiffion, in a Lparate room, in prefence of his two fponfors and of a member d legated by the ll/lafter for that purpofe. The ten was declared to be " a [ocial and facred compan," and was in the words following: " I, ./I. B. " do voluntarily declare, that I will pcrfevere in endea-

~ vouring

[ ]

~; . (

vounng to rorm a brotherhood of affcaioD aml'lll'7

" Irifhrnen of tvn:v religious perfuafion, and that I wiO " alfo pertcvere in my cndenvours to obtain an equal, full, " and adequate repretcntaricn of all th.:: people of Ire"land. I do further declare, that neither hopes nor fears, " rewards nor punifhmcnts, {hall ever induce me, directly " or indireCtly, to inform or give evidence ag~il1fi: any

" be . .. ~

rnem r or members of this or firnilar focieties, for any

:: ~a.o~, c~prc~on of theirs done or made coHectively or individually, HI or out of this fociety, in purluance of " the fj)irit of this nhligatioll."-( fbid. No. l!.)

Dublin, Belfall, and NC',HY, were now become the head-quarters of the new contpiracy, The latter tow 11 even enjoyed the exclufive privilege of printing the conIlitutions of t~c aflociation, till by a decree of tl: 7th De~cmber 1796 It was refolved, that they fhould be printed III three different parts of the Kingdom for can-oenicnty's fake. A delegate was alfo deputed from thence into the county of Cavan and the province of Leinfler where he

. '

founded a number of focictics, The whole counry of

Antrim was foon in a ferment; its inhabitants were diffearers, whofe religious tenets bordered on democracy. - The new-fangled Rights of Man began to be the fa\'~uritc theme of all the difcontented in Europe; Paine's ~Vorks were profufely difh ibuted amonz the lrilh· publications

.. 0":'

of all forts and Iizcs were circulated, holding out" ign!J-

" ranee as the demon of difcord - Union; as power, wif-

" d d ..

am, an I the road to liberty," and teaching the riling

brotherhood " that a more unjllfl conflitution could not C( be devifed, than that which condemned the natives of a " country to perpetual fervitude under the arbitrary doce minion of Ilaves and ftrangers ;-that the fidl :md indif" penfrblc condition of the laws in a free fbtc is) the :Incur

a 4

" of

[ s ]

" of thofe wh ... Ce obedience the), require _ that the " will of the nation muf] be declared, - Away from us " (cries the Hit'rnph;lllt) and from our childrel! t}lo(e " puerile antipathies fc) unworthy the ?nanhlJlJd of nations, (t which illfulatc man as well as countries, and dr ive the " cirizen beck to the fav:.ge." No longer {hall man con:fine his attention to Ierne few fragments of the t mplc of Liberrc, In future, " the ample earth is to be its area, cc and the arch of heaven its domc."-( Ibid. No. r.)The means of accomplifhing thcfe grC':-t things wer the union of the whole people , and England, Scotland, and Trclarnl, were umultanccuflv to raife their voice, In fhorr, the clergy, gentry, and g(wernment, were held out as the real opp~ .:Ilors of the pcoplc , and thus were all the principles of anarchy and ddhuCl:iun of property to be .ntufed into that fame people. Chrbs 'nJ rr-eerings were held under various Jcnorninaeions ; the Defenders were invited to unite and ma!.-= :1 CO!1l1nUII caufe , and t~lC Coullty Comminces were p, rticularly entruft c d with the care of making an union between the Orilnge Men and the Catholics, through great precaution was to b. obfervcd in fp~" . ing of th .. l.rtter, Idl the Pr [e!bll[~ fhculd take alarm. Ui.ron arnr ng tce.nf .. lv.s ar.d J:Lrtl.~lion to govern:ncllt was to cOI.!hutc their whclc Il:n.:agth. It ,\";1S fe .. red that the Cathcl-c Clc~gy ',HLui,! impede their finifler ddig is; repons \I't re fi':'C::!, " th~t the titular RJillOPS h I been " furnrnc !let! bd;re the Prh'y Council, and that they h:.:d " rccei v~J :!. b. ibc ,; 11\·::; hundred ;;uineas' that they " w CI C to fumnu.n .. ll tll ir PI': flo, and command r m U to cit ;!!1 in thr ir PO\ rr to difcover fud'! of their flock " as were United Inihmcn, or had any connection with " fuch." - (ll'id .. N«. 11.) - In rhofe palts where the whole population was Catholic, hand-bill were dillributed,


[ 9 ]

pu,"poning tc be the Confhturiuu uf the Orange 1\11cn, which was death and J·.1rudiol1 co every Catholic, for, if the common people could be OIlC': (tin'cd up to irbelliou, ,it was calr to tUfII their minds agaillll government as the centre of the Or:!llgc: union (and whnr ;;rcat wcig!1t mull: this afkniol1 h;I\'e' latcl y acqui fed, when that b:.ldg'~ was worn by p:::l Ions whole duty it is ever to be above party prej udice l) while, as in the COUllty of Armagh, which had been the iccne of much £triti: bctw en th .. contending parties, the Sea fuccecded in uniting and leaguing them III one common 'OIufc againf!: tho(~ who v vere held out as the opprclli,:r5 of the fiate-.

The chain of correfpondcnce OIlCc' pcrfcCl:ly elhbli{bcll, communications were' opened with tll£"bnd and Scotland, and ncgociai ions carried on with rhe French cluring the Jail: fix mor.th. of 1795; and in April 1796 the outlines of a Treaty with Fr ince was drnwn up by the National Commiuce, a",1 tranfmitted to the French DireCl:ory.In the me.in time the Sect continuc.l to propag:ltc it, prin iplc and enroll recruits, and IJ;'! tic 8:h of Novem; ber all the n(f:lci;ltions received orders to hold rhcmfelves in rcarli nefs to rife, and to procure arms and ammunition, as the French were illlJllcdiat.-iy exptlled.

On the 2+th of December the French really did make their appeara.nc~ at Bantry; and, firangc to (:lY, they were not rccunclcd ill their attempts by the people, who univenally rcfc in the South to oppofe their invaders; but this is acceunnsl for in a fiill more extraordin,ary manner. The Executive had received news, th.u the French had dt:ferred their expedition till fpring; this circumflance threw them " oft" their guard, and in conlequence of it " no mC:l(UL'S were taken to prepare: the people for the " reception of thr French army. r/Jt 'I""~il; were lift to

" thcm-

[ JO ]

[ II

(prinrr aflizes of 179i, beld in the county of Dowo, 7501. w re expe.nded, and ;1. (:Ltc conveyance h.J been procurc-d to the pnf~l:ers that were confined in the jail of that county. 1" IH~, however, W3S nut the only means cf defence d.cvifi:dj for it wns gi·;en as till'; opimon of a County Committee, " that if there is any United Iri'hmcn 011 the " jury that will commit any of ~h. prii"'v!r" that is c - " fine I for being Llni ed Irifhmcn, ollgl' 13 IaF fht;,· "t.\·!/hm;i!." The cxpcnc.:': hCCU11e fo hl:::1\'11 at Ieneth

J ",'

from buying crrns and fu • orting and ul'fl.:nuing plirmu:'"!i, that a lottery was f-.:t on foot i but what read r would Iufpea (~S was really the fau) th."1.t this rncafurc was objcCl:ed to, on the plea that it t:1JW. ,.ogai lIlt imrnouJiity of the Pt?~1'lc?

To return to the new military org:mintion of the SeS:.

It was ordered, that every Ilaronial Committee Ihould form its three individual focietics into a comp.my of MlC hundred men, choofinz one ra t in, two li.utcnanrs, :-l!.l five lerjcauts ; toed lOS. The reader has already [cell how ;.;0.61'y the corrcfponding fcale coincided with VV cifhaupt's 11Iuminifm; but when the military formation began to t..kc dfta, and tbe numbers increafcd beyond. :111 expectation, it " v as deemed neeeffary to extend and' chanae certain parts of this fcale. Greater tb.l1ger attendinz 'he taking of :1:1115, the individual focicties began to fplit;J.S foon as their numbers amounted to twelve. There were to be ncrr neighbours, the better to watch over ecch other's aJ:ion:, and to cnture fecrecy. The fccretaries alone were to form the higher ccmrnittces. They were the bearers of all orders from the hi~hcr to the lower degrees j they reported the progrcfs made by, and the views of, the Sc.:.t, in as much as it was thought neceflary to let them into the (1;;C'I:t j for we lind that even the County


" themfthus. II I hope in G, d that this avowal, rna t: by ODe of rbcir Intended G!lvcrnor~, mar prove a wholeJomo leffi.m to that f7,mc people, and encourage them to follow the loyal and genuine diaatcs of rheir hearts. - (lbiduJt, No. _,rXXI.)

In future, the bufincfs that will chi.QOy OCCUpy" the

'omlllitt~c; will he reports em rnen, arms, and money.

, hich latter article appears to have been a {ubjc r of gre . .Il con cetion. Each degree thr:ught itfdf inritled to difpofe of at Iraft ~ J' rt of their funJ;; and fuch had been the law origin311} ; but the High Sup.criors Iound it neceflary to declare, that no Committee bclo- .... the County ihould he empowered to di{~Jole of the funds. Soon after this power was confined to the Provincial, :1nU ultimately one of the Executive Diretlors always attended at the Provincial Committee to carry away with him to the National Committee whatever contributions had been levied on the brotherhood. The jcaJoufy of the brotl.erhocd obliged the National Committee at one time to ilTue a ptociam:ltion, declaring that not " one pam} of their mlJTUY bad been tspt'J/4ttl any ather u:ay thew that it was intended [sr;" The vigilance (If Government greatly contributed to augment the expences of the SeCt, as many of the members were taken up and brought to trial. Thefe were defended at the expellee of the brotherhood. A regu ar Committee for the def::nce of prifoners travelled the circuits; and the eminent talents of Mr. Curran (employed at a great expence) will ever ftand a voucher that jufl:icc WlS done the prifoncrs wherever he W:.l.S prcfent. Large fums were fubfcribed by all clafles, nnd the du ped arifl:oerats (or, as one of the lecretaries fiylts them, the Ar(~fll)l"rjcks) contributed at one lingle Iubfcription, in the county of Antrim, 3741• At the


[ 12 ]

Committees were not in the fcc ret as to the nature of the engagements entered into with the French. \Vhat unhappy deluded people then were the lower a([ociators, who were informed of nothing, but were to be the mere agents of rebellion and murder, and were hurried 011 into this abjfs of horrors by a few political libertines who grafped at dominion, and wifhed to v::'dc to the helm of' the fiate through the blood of their countrymen! Ncvcrrhclefs, every pe[ty piece of information that wa tranfmitted to the lower degrees was fiykd II Rtport to tbcir Corflituen:«.

According to the new fc::1c it was nrdl:ncd, that TEN Imiividlinl Suit!tits fhould be under the dlre~liOI1 of one Baronial Cml1nitlu; TEN Barrmials to onr IIPf'U Bnr»: nial ; and in large towns TEN upper Raroniair to one t1ijlritl. But as foon as a County CQnHlillCt! ((Jur or more Difhic1 Committees, the County Committee was created, When cornmittees had been appointed in two counties, the Provincial Committee was formed of two delegates from each, and the National Committee (or the Executive) of five delegates from each of the four Provincial Cornrnitrees, though the National Committee was formed as 10011 as two Provincial Committees had been c1c8:ed. A part of this Executive was ilationary ill each province; and it appears that Dublin, Cork, and Galw,!\', were their refi&nce in three provinces; but with re(p~t1 to Ullter, it docs not appear whether Belfafl, Armagh, or Newry, could claim the honour. From this new formation, each upper Baronial will be found to contain a regiment.

( Ibid. XXIJ7.) -

0. ne Jndi,-jr!u:J'. !lOCi~. ry I J2 Men.

One lb, onial I 1<;1 r ao

One upper };aroni,l! I l\l 100 !zoo


[ 13 ]

The captains elcl~ed the colonels and the latter propof..:d three perf OIlS, one of whom was created adjutantgl:neral by the national committee. It may not be irnprol'er here to remark the care with which thefe higher confpirarors f(JlIght to preferve their authority in their own hands, even ill cafe of a revolution; for when there was ~ queflion afterward of forming a national {l.lftmb~v, it was retolved that each of the thirty-two counties Ihould depute: one perfon to be added to the executive, all lower fvcietici bt"ing call: out of the balance, and only to ba confidered 3S agents, who, after having been robbed or every moral and civil virtue, were to raife on high their r.lI1guinary chiefs and Ieduccrs, glutted with the blood of their lawful governors.

Here we fee the amazing progrcfs made and the great power acquired fince the 9th of November, 1791. Every thing now took a ferious and military turn. The newelected officers uure ini1rutled to fludy tallics and acquire every Ipccics of military information w.th rcfpeCl: to roads. magazines, mill", &c. Plans were dcvifcd for the fupport of the wives and children "during tb« e xrrtions of tb« Bra" tb"dJo!JfJ in tbe fielcl." Erery thinz that could thwan govcrnlllt:nt was difcufled and refolvcd. The confumprion of Cpirits W;'S prohibited, in order tu hurt the excife ; bank-notes were cried down; a.nd eV~1I the buying of quit-rents was expreflly forbidden. In the rneun time the High Su criers (;,w that this armed mob could not be CfJn1- petent of themfelves to cope with the king's troops; a 1Tl.:1 of debauching the lncter from their allegiance was therefore contrived. Hand-bills were privily circulated, holdi.Jlg out their officl:% C::'5 tyrants that had rebelled agaillft " tli« riy/tr of 11)(1/1, and whofe orders were darnrublc /' bills, in fhcrr, of the moil; uflamrnatory nature WeI" .: die.

1 p .rfed

[ 14· ]

\\00 fed among the military by the towns-people, who were t';har!!CJ with the (eduCtioll of the troops of their garriJoll. The~ j\'. nrc-in rome few of the' !illdiel S; thde [wore ot:he;'s; and when their number was fuffic:icllt, focieries were fnrrncJ in the regiments. Here a;;aill we find the ji~n an.i word, which were changed every moiuh , the

catechifin j"r recognizing a true brother; and the oath, which W;IS, cc to be true to the F rcnch republic, ami to " take the life of any man who would attempt to dif- 6{ cover. •. The rule for reckoning on friends among the militarv was, "thJ.t in cafe the perfon fworn is an .. United Ililllman, and has not taken any aaive {h~ps .. againl1 tbe body or an}" of its members, out 0/ the l:"t.c " of his .tWIJ/fjJim, he was to be deemed !till the Friend of " the United lri{hmen."-( Ibid. N". XII/.) - The better to propagate the ,},(lem, it was held out to the military, .. that when the r I ench Ihculd come, the feldiers were to « be fuch as thern , that tber» wert to be 110 1";<"11, hut ALL C{ EQ_yALI1'Y; and that there was no ufe in their going

r agrJinfr the French, becaufe when ali the Powers were " ;)g. ,1111 them, they could make no ln.nd of them." They were alfo tampered with reli.)(:Cling their P;')'. ,Vhen ail this had Cufficit:ntly fucccedcd, "a ,;Adicr in (t each company was appointed to make a return of united ~, men in his nfpeCth'c compa:1Y, while two of the " fl:cadieft men" from each regiment " ' vr ere employed to " carry thefe returns" to the towns-people. Thefe, in return, informed them of the prcgrefs made by the Se;.9: in Ireland, and of its numbers on-board the EngliJh and Frrncb fleer , as _110 of all kinds of news from the latter. A plan was flo: tied, " that upon a lignal given, (and .c this was (etting fire to a houfe, or fome Iuch token,) if IC it was by day light, the men Ihould tum out of the

" ranks ,

[ IS ]

~~ ranks j and if it was by night, and it could be [0 COII'" trived, an United Irifhrnan fhould be fentry ar tflU' ~ate, " who was to fdl the: barracks j and fuch United Irifh" men as wc.e within the barrccks were to exert them" fdves in r-:izine: fuch arms and ammunition within ao;


" th y could gct.-If there were but thirty friends in the

" ban acks, by having them diCperfed up and down in the " rooms, when the attack was to be ronde, they could give " the arms to the towns-peopl ." If an}' pal t of rhe garrifon were not to be depended upon, the cannons fl.'iz d were to be pointed on the barrac '5, or whole C"{~rp'· w r to be cut off for refuling; to coalefce with them. Some of the brotherhood even went 10 fdr as to :lu"mpt to fer fire to the flores j but the burning co .. 15 were luckily difcovered by a dragoon. Such was rhe pl.m for ,;znilun& and towns; the mode of proceeding in camp is exemplified in that of Bandon: "011 the dl: of July, 1797, the " country. WaS to be fct on lire on both ends and in he" middle; and then, with what frien~5 Mr. O'Brien " near Bandon could fend them, and what friends they " had i 11 camp, about F our Hundr J, they intended firit (I taking the c.:IJ1I10n, and then taking the bell tents, wi til " the f:nall arms, which they would {rire to the country

'"' .

" people Icnt by Mr. O'Brien, and then go Plit G'nural

" C,OI& find ell maTIJ ojlie.:r. as tluy e,:dd to dUlth, and " retreat to Bantry, take poffcfiion of the battcrv, and " keep it if poflible till the French would bud." Ic appeared that at a future time, when a riling was alfo to have t..kcu place, that the foldiers wtre to pl/t all their o/fic(rs t» deatb (lml tlu J<'DmanrJ a~(o if tllty I1ppriftd tbem, In return for 10 fignal a Lrvic.:, the town of Skibbereeil was to begil'en up to tl: foitii,'rs for piJl"gt r'i,'o'ing tight Lours, _ ( Ibid. XXiX) - Thus do we lee the gradual progrets or


[ 16 )

this horrid aflociation toward its cruel and i:!ngtlin::lry oh~ je8: - THE GREAT END!! The committecs in future proceed with the greatef1: eagernefs to prepare every thing that can involve their country in [(·bellion and hloodfhcd, After the example of the bloody iv1arat, and according to the true principles of the Sea, a paper entitl,.tI the U:-;lQ.;-J STAR WII.S publifhed at Bel f,1f1:, printed urn;' on one fide, fl) thar it could be pailed on the. W:III~ of th Ifre~ts. Let this paper defcribc irfelf: " As the Union " ..: tar i" an official paper (of the Brotht:rh[ od) the mann" gers p.ornife th public that no cnaraCl:ers {hall he ha" znnlcd but [uch as arc denounced by authority, as being « (he partners and creatures of Pin and his fanguinary CI journeyman Luttrell" (that is to fay, Lord Carharnpron, the commander-ill-chid). "The Star offers to public " jufl:ic1. the follul'.il1g J:.:tcll:ablc traitors, as fpies and " perjured inforn1(;r~. Perhaps fomll arm more ludy than " the reft mar reach their hearts, :11111 free the world from cc br,r .age." Tht:1 was givClJ.l HI: of profcriptiolls, ex;teU., fuch as .'our< e g, ve when he fiyled himfclf the politica] calrulator, bCC;lUfQ', when four men had been torn to pieces by the dcmoniacs of Paris, he Ilated, that fubtraCl:ing 4- filln. 30,000 there Hill remained 29,996I1rif1:ocrats to r,~11 beneath the national vengeance. 1'0,· .. this official wr.ter, ir, his frantic ragl', thus addrefles his Su, • .:reign :

,. Let the indignation of mall be railed agaia-A: the im-

" pious wretch who prophanelv :!ffilmcs the title of rcign-

., iug by the grace tit" God, and impudently tells the

L< world he em do no wrong. - Oh, man! L1t I, thcr lefs,

.. Oh, king! will the fmothercd Q"oans of my coun-

" rrymen, who in thy name fill the innumerable dun-

It g..:cn<; y .. m have made, !\It" nffini'l~; the ~i!/'i if maN,

,- be

[ Ii ]

ct h confi ered no wrongs ] - Go, impious blafphemer , I( and Tour hypocritical forcerc s, 10 fbi fat' PHILO!i()~ " PHY, Jufl:icc, and LIBERT)' conlign!'. thee. 'Tis in'( evi table, thv impofitions are deteCted; thy kind have: " been brought to juilicc. The fuH Ildlfdfor of thy " trade has recently bled for till' crim of the crnfr." We appeal to thy noble and venerated name, 0 Bru-, " tus ] who bravely aI1a.m.nat~·J the tyrant of }"Jur COUIl~ " try amidft his cohorts and in the pr fence of his pen(" fioncd fenate." - (XXrll.) - 'Thcf arc literal extraCts from this pap~r; and no Knigbt K.ultfth of Mafollry nor A-1{/n.l';lIg of I1luminilin could hold more violent language. Another papcr, nearlj- :IS wild, called THI>:

PRESS, W:lS publifhed by ~1r. Arthur O'Connor, with a [imilar view of infiamirlti the minds of the people. The: violence of his own produe ions may be pretumed from the fcntcnce he paJfcs on all the moll: violent p:tpcrs of England ill his letter to his Brother, "\Vc (Burdett awl " him(l'lf) ordered YOIl the Co . RIER; :l! to the morning " pnp rs they nrc mere lumber in your offic.:; fo we did " not (end you more than the COURIER, as in the bufi .. U nefs cf the Prefs we found it ufclefs to lJ.1vC any other.'~ -(r"ia/s at Moidj/olli'.)

The Committees continued to receive daily reports of the motions and determinations of their allies, the Frcnch; of their friends in England and in Scorl-ud , and of the irnrncnfe progrefs that the SeCt was making. November, 1796, thcy are informed, I' that four 7lC'W Societies are " organized in Scotland, and that the County of Kerry " Militia required one hundred conf1:itutions for their own "ur~." III April, 1797, that "their numbers are im" mcnfc in Lcinfler, though unfil:fjuainted with the fyl:'

b" WI1J..

[ IS ]

« (em of org::miution. In UUh:r there were 1 16,8# " men organi~ed."·

In ,l\ifay, a new tcene opens itu;lf, which lI'lf ... rtunarclj' {hews us, that the Irifh Brotherhood were no firangers t~ deliberate alfafiin:lcion. Between the hr. urs of eight and nine on a Sunday rncrr.ing, the ilh of ~hr, 1797, a man of the name of J:1mes Dunn (a fmith and farrier, wh J had been in Lord C:uhampton's fervicc fc.[ the Ipace of fifteen years, and lived in a houfc at his l.rJihi/s park-gate) prefented himfelf at a Barr.niul {~~JII.ittrt:, held in a publichoufe, Srrand-Ilreet, Dublin. Mau ice DUJlIl, the keeper of the heufe, was hili fropfar, and "would engage his " life for him th:lt he was r.p orJlTliiglt." Hereupon the figns of the Brotherhood were put to him; and having by his anf rs pr ved that he was a true and accepted Brother, the chairman took the chair, Jalues Dunn then Iubmittedto the Society, "that he and a fiw more friend; " were thinking of tI~iflg cut (!hooting) Carhzmpton,

it The re:(oiutillR. elltem.:i into by the nnlted f"ti~ties of Don, hadee end lt6 i 'in,t:; {and (ciz.c1 on d.e qth of AI".:i, 1797)"~ t c"I'ii;it to be llllnitted here, 'l'hcy ~ful\e.1, ililtl "all pow~e is ra.diclly ill the I'c'" ., pIe;" thllt "at the prefeut c :111 the ~l I, 6(; 'l •• :I;:';! fhould 3[[11, "' chufe II1"ir office!'. .,\J uk" ;1 n'it, l~ 'O\1<',.J th:r, ~uineiQn aE " (lIch:r; BII'l' al~ to (;0 ~)t til W" . in .{, _. If 1<-' riJ;b!< as men ;' II tb.:lt if zny prove bot\ilc to Iii- rly, 'J""" clb!es or property (b.1l h. Ie "xlDlif.:atcd, IUld con ... rtcd to the n,u; ,ui fund." lUI. enemies to tile e,luu, W~ to b: lTitcd by.1l jury," r:cllrdin~ 10 the law Ibm <xift;" ;" and a RrwW;'11Jj 0.-;/" wano bI! clbblilbed. It ie true, 111.11 tilis p1Lio. lie ual "'. ecmdo:mned by the Pre-"int; i ComrniUCe:iS }uWllJU.r.t i but it iJ 10 be remembered, It.:!t t~ Hir;1I Supcriol"li of the Sea fumi n ll,ing Jlu~ a premature infurredion; " fbr," fay they, hl' r11nt mt'3l1s Govern~. ment would have it in their power 10 put us down, never to I ife, at " leaft IQr a ccntD.ry j and Ilkew ire we h~\7. paid ~ gt ... t deal of monry to ,. the pct!pIe in pI, "nJ it ... Ill [dee ~ I~ ( In oj' m !1~)' I') a!lifi: ~~ UKm aU win\::r.I' - ( LlJ1 "Ii"" S,. u.)

" becaufe

[ 19 ]

(C becaufe he was a great hindrance to matters getting "forwarJ." This news elellrificd the whole committee with joy. One exclaimed, cc Ie is gnat news." "It is Ct glorious news," cried another: "It is the beft news we " have heard yet," Iaid a third; and a fourth declared, that '~it would do marc fur the caufe than had ever been done before." D1Inn then mentioned a narrow part of the road leading to Lut:r(;lft~lwn, and a {lone wall from whence he might have njial at Lord Carh::.mpton, who he faid was damned wary, ann ill ways carried pillols with him; but one good hlunderbufs would do as much as tell piflols, He then declared that four friends, John Broderick, PeW!' Reilly, Patrick Carty, and Ed. Marrin, had engaged to join him; on which the committee named feven of their members to deliberate on fo important a bufinefs, and ordered them to meet at (even o'clock the fame evening, when Dunn and his companions were to attend. The cuflomary oath of I~cr~cy W:lS taken by all prcfenr, to the number of J 7; tbcy then parted, after giving ::5 the new word" I\ GOOD A(:T." At fcvcn in the evening the delegated members met, one excepted. The oath of fecrecy h;wing been adrniniflcred to the four friends) they were introduced. Thomas Byrne then {aid, " r fuppofc " thofe are i,"iuuir and gmt/.:m01; I fuppofe we :JII UlI,~ derfland what we are met ab .... ut ?" -" If they were " nut," anfwered Dunn, "I woulJ not bring them here." -" 'Ve know the bufin .. fs WI,; arc met about (fhys Byrne); let I1S proceed." \" arious plan. were then pro,· pored for dom his Lordfhip out, Dunn repeated his; Byrne would have at ler.fl: a party of nine rnounted , but John Ferral, with t:ll1guinary zeal, in1ificJ that cv~ry perIon prcfent Ihould par rake of the foul dced , and his opinion was adopted. Another rcfolution propofed by Byrne

• 2 ' then

[ 20 J

then palfed:" at hree : t kill !hollld go out IJirgllifeJ " with loefc coats artd blunderbufles ; and the rcfl, :IS " yeomen en'alry. to be armed with riflo} .' The plan of execution was, that Ie rhofe with blumlrrhu!Tc were tn ec come at the back f the carri.:ge ::\I1U to li,t" in; thcfe lC with the piftoJs were then to ride ell, amI fire in at the (t windows, Ie!!: the fin." [rom behin fhould not have rc taken eWe ; an. as th"y , .Iui. ..... 1 rhe f :; till an and poj7illion cc they were alfo to difparch them , they were d'cn to ret( charge their pieces, ride on ill a but.iy towards Dublin, " aud keep tog. tiler, r. as (0 Lure their rctrcat " A new oath was then taken, "to be ftawJch and fleady, ami rrac " to ope a iorhcr in the bufincf s, " \\ hen the book came (0 John Ferrel, he cntnufi:tll:icJlIy exclaimed, :, .iJ this " bufincfs milles, I r proviiion he made for my f~mil :', I " will undertake to /0 him in the fircet~," Several meetjllg'l wei t: af[e·w~·Js hell 0:1 the fubjdl; fur never was a murder more dclib-ratcly planned. Ioncy bing nccefia.ry for procuring arms, tile chairman f he committee arpli.i:c1 ('0 the Bar nial S ere-tar)', who referred him to the T'reafurer , and the Sunday after (l\hy 14 J~mes Dunn and Pair ick C~rtr 'were arrefled ill tl1C: Phcenixpill k. Cart~' had, tO~('ther with his f.thcr (a Ct elfea pl:'1fin"Jcr) bern :I conlh t 1 b aurer on Lord Carhampion's cicmc:I;,e, and had a houfe rent-free. The day after the arrcfl Lord CarlOlI11ptoll .. diteci Dunn in prifon, i1 the hope that he would difcover what was become uf the thre ulilu :>Ii~ffin , but h received no utisfadory :'I I. rver. On hi, Lor Ihil cxprdEng his lilrprizc that the prifoner

oul he car;.,blc f (.) ~t .. ocious a deed, the :J.{lalllil iU [ -ere I . har " he th',L1ght it was (1 good fiB; lhJt he haJ 10 ~1i'llllll i!'hk·: to I 1- Lordfhip, ~nd would never execute U It. e, .... J van bi~ ,r.·mr; that he had never iurrcro::d


II anr

[ 21 ]

t 3ny injury from him; but til:1t he was (worn to execute (( it, ~lid if he were out f that (the prifon) he would (, execute it if he could." As to the mu.rdering the poor inuoc nr poflilhon, " it W'JS to J th~ thillg C nnpletely." A ft':l" this are we to he furprized at the horrid murders that have taken place. Lord Carhamrton, [orne time after the arrefl of the fbn, had :1Il interview with Carty, the f~ther, ;~1J LvlJ him cc that if his rOil would g1vc exami.. nation. he was inc] ined to let him do [0; a HI in that ., cafe. h (bollf)U hi, life might be raved; and he defircd 'c the father WQul,I tell the fun fo.' "The faJi.:r f;,id, he " W:l5 a prehcnfivc that if his Jon gavc cxaminarions, b~ " tl.'fJ!lld bo' .'!I «rdere«. " l have dwelt on this example, as it WaS ihc fuh,;eB: nf a trial, in which the Attorney-Gener profecured for the crown, and feu- counfel attended 011 the part of {he prifoner, Mr. Curran, ,Mr .. M'Nally, Mr. Greene, and i\lr. Emmett, who had himfelf been a member of the Ex;:,cuti\'c Diredery from l~lIu;lry till the beginning of .i\1ay. Such able counfel and fo public a trial will ever Ilamp this as all authentic document.-( S t:

Rep~rt of tlu Trials of C.IT!Y an.l Dvnn, pllblifl:td I'J Rid6tW".~.)

In Junc, the captains were informed, that the national committee hr.d been fitting fifre n day ; but, as only 10,000 men of the Count) of A rtrim would rife, the bufinefs was rcn rded, The olon Is of the County 0 Down were unanimou for the filiI g. In July their hopes \V re buoyed up hy an intimation that 75,000 men were embarked at the Texel for Ireland , but thefe were irreparably broken by the immortal Duncan on the I rrh of O~ob0r.

III Augllr~ they received nCI"(~, that a number of fociciies had been jQrmul it! NGr//J Alilaica, and that tbefe

b 3 had

[ 21 J

had tr:numittcd :11 I dollars to their Brethrcn in Ireland. In Oaobe.r a perron, jufi: arrived from Scotland, :ltcndcd at the count}' meeting, held at Down Patricic, and" .nltWltl (t a Scat.!, '~I!flitut;on, wbich tvas, WORD FOR WORD,

t( tb« fi.mt as tnt hiP:; 011/) rJJat rlu words NORTH

" BRl~ONS unr« put in til.' t>/aLt if lRl.HMEN." 1\0- "ember 14-, inqu'ric<> were made ot the de eg tes of the Pro v ince of UHh:r, (t W 1 ther they thtlught that they t( could rlifarn the military within themfdvC'S; and they (t all fa;d that they could, except Arlll".:;h."-( fippmaix, No. XIl/.J - On the 28th of DecLmbcr, " One conflit' tution was voted to a member, to be givcll to part of (t (J /hip's '~1!1Ctlj ling if' eelf:li1:- L(,u;:h, for the rrop~" !;;iltiOLl l'f rhe g_lll:ral principle.'" At the Pl'Ovmc.d ~ll!c,.1 _' I, r _lHer, held the JfllJi" l'Lbru;"y, 1;90, it

"" ' . -

"a< >:url'-": tll"[" urree dd· .. lLS '\' (,f \'. .u.m ii,._: unt .;._

,,, ,"" l"'r ,k.,~." ~. ;::.

" tun;;.t.: Q.I~ q-, fill c l..A~.c.U:l:ll at ~111,1Il.'1 c, \'Ii.~ one)

" had juft ar~lvcJ [rom pl'CI: J ~h, r t'I': t ,.CI;I.::I \ ~erl! " rO'II" 011 \';ith Ii, I."<Lc!i ior ; :uA lIlat It , .. S 1I1 a

t, ~ t: t

" bre..l~"r {tare: cf f..,~\ ... olll.ls It.'lf1 Yo as l.)(i1LLh ,; but

" Wh.!l WJS !lwll ilatLCring, was, that tbrce ,,'_:c6attJ bad

" bun JOlt 1" Ooll t!u UNIT ED BUTOK S (0 t};t !til/:

" N,1ti!)IUil COII:/;zitta j mid that jrGnl lilal 'Utr} mOl1ltnt

" tl}ey Wirt! to cOlljidlr EI.GLAf'D, SCOTL oXNfl, anrllRE" LAl, D, as om: people ; Bing far ne common caufc ; " There were JJe~iflators now chofen f.om the three " kingdom. to aC\: as an executive for the whole." They we're al[" informc , that ~igl<!y ami one Arthur Mac Mahon, of Hollywoou) had been the two principal perfons who, dUI'illl ;/J( jty"udill!Jfillllllltr, bo I Dprnt' I tlt esmmulliwtiorr fuith tbl! United Britons- (Ibid.) The delegates from Englanr.l brought an addrcfs from the U niteu Britons to the United IIi ... In hif;b flown and p:m'otic lan-


It appears on the evidence of John Hughes (Lords, No. /.) a printer of lh:lr..:ft4 that the delegate was a Mr. Bonham, who was accompanied by Citizen Baily and the younger Binsa, The latter, who was introduced to Hughes by Q!ligley, laid that he had difi:ributed mofi: of the printed addrcfles, and defired to have an addition of them printed. Accordingly a rhoufaml were printed, and rhrce guineas paid for them by a pcrfon of Belfaft

During this month a regubr military committee was appointed by the Ex<.cuti.c, " to confider and digeft futh

b 4 " pl3.ns,

[ 23 ]

~uage, the United Briun« in~rmed their FELLOW MEN, that" various political fncieties had been in1t_ituted for " the purpofe of R.I!FGRM. - But they had vanifhed, of " difcontinued theit exertions. The LQ~;ooON Cons e" SPOND1NC Soeilty, and other focietics in union with it, " had rifeu upon their ruins." ._ That England was never without friends to fubflanual Liberty; but that the Harne of Liberty had been for a I ng time fmoibercd, "till the " Fren h revolution again fanned its dying embers into " a "low, which, th~y hoped and truft 07 would never be I' cxtinguilhed. - Our numbers (fJy they) arc immcnfe, " our influence fl:il! m re confiderable, and our [cntiments " accord with YOlln. \Ve; r unthinned by the tyral~ny " of the law or of the fword-Our de1eg-.ltc is entruflcd to " lay before yOll our proceuJings." And they conclude cc \ V ith beft willies for the amelioration of the condition of " man, and hope that your exertions and virtues, aided " by an, united people, will Ipcedily emancipate your " country: \ e remain, in bonds of Brotherhood and

" Union,

" Y ours fraternally."

( S .. u/.)

[ ~4 ]

" plans, and direa the military force in Iuch manner, as " might be necdtary il1 cafe of infurrcction , and in cdc " of invafiou to C -opcrate with the French."

On the 27th f February it was reported, that the Affoci;.tion had at that time fourteen delegtltes in France, and that there had bUll l16id ill L~r.d(m a meeting of al! the tirugot" of Englt11ld 811f1 Scotland. In March, the brotherhood of the province of Leinfler fullaincd a confiderable {hock, by the arrefi of ferne of its leading members; but on the 251"11 of the lame rnonth it nppe~ , that " the Provincial Committee of Leintlcr had perfectly ren covered from the ihoek; they (the delegates of Leinlter ] Ct were only fou.r dayo; from the time they were taken before c:, they ha 1 the hole province in a complete Ilate of orga" nization , the Go"~nmeI1l had alto taken three of the " Executive, but there were three appointed ill their place " the vcry evening after they were taken." How truly does this demonilrate \Veilhaupt's allenion, that when he once bas properly organized his bands, he will bid defiance to all his opponents.

Another principle of that prototype of rebellion had, unforrunatcly, been too well underftood by the founders of the lri(h brotherhood, and that was to make themfelvcs malhers of the education of youth. Many fchoolrnafbers (35 I have been credibly informed) have Ihown thcmfdves extremely aain: in the whole courfc of this onfortunate alF.lir. Tile very firfl man who was tried and executed in Ireland, for fwcaring-in the dduded Irifh to be tru« to tbe F"tJ. rb, W:lS a fcheol-rnafler called Laurence O'Connor. - The following are extra& from his p::tpers, and proved on his rrial : " I, .£1. B. do fwcar in " the prefen c f Almighty Gexl, that 17.,Ui/l be true to U tb« prefint United States of France and Ireland, and

" e'U(1J

[ 2:) J

(( "'';81"Y Dtlur Killgdom in CIJrijlitJl;ily, without its b~ing « hurtful to I(Jut r bod)', as long as 1I.~ Y prove f" to me. l< And that I will net 'Olll~ (1$ '·Vi.ltrlc( itc\ainfi :my of Ul1 " brethren or comnuuec-, ill anv court or I ace whatfo" ever, excepting in COUI t-rn.irrial, under pCI1:!I[y of heing " excluded, or deatb tuitbeut fflfr(y-All brothers ro live " IO'/ing)y and h:1!TJloniouH_ 2 d (!Wlrrcllous to be ex" eluded, as the Cwnmntl:c tJ .nxs proper."

" There artie es "re accord I J to the F orcign United " Stat s of France and Ir -land, by order of our committee " of L. G. I o, 16."

1\ Iecond p;>,per W15 in there IN rds: ct <J'be bearer, JtJ. B. " was iniciatcd into our fublirne lle:,;n.:e of 1. L. L. by me " C. D."

There were a1['. found Oil the prifoner three regular certificates, one of Free lItloJimr, a Iecond of Ro)'a! ."r,·b, and a third of Knigbts Tcmpiars; fhowing that O'Connor was of there Orders. One of rhc Counfel attempted to explain away the oath, rcpreCenting it as " the mere rhapfody of a warm imagin~lti(Jl1, ufed to exercifi, itfclf on Malonic myA:eries; II he: reprefentcd to the jury, that cc it would be a cruel verdiCl: indeed that would convict a man of high rreafon, mr'rdy fer ufing a fi w ctlhali.flical 'u.·o7·dr ttnJ /ymbo/s." I will venture to affirm, that Ihould the learned counfel ever chance to pewee the Mtlll~irs if Jacobi/J1m, he will have a dearer in{j~ht into the C<.lufc: he had to defend, than when at Naas at the adjournment of the fummer· flizes ill 1795.-( Sec bis Trial.}

\Vhat a niclanchcl y IC~l1e ciid the feat of fcience (1 mean the Univerfiry f Dublin) prefent, wh n 011 t.he 19th, 20th, and 2111: of April, 1798, it appc.l!" J on the clearefl evidence that ;1 body of United Irifhrncn had organized rhemfelvcs within the walls of the CuI lege ! had


confulted about providing tl1fmfcl'fe. wi .. : arm, and h'! ek61:ed officers! 1'~ inetcen fl:udcnts were ~ pellea, and fomc other perfon9 cenfurcd. -- (Y'ijit(Jti()n btU by LDrd


In the mean time open n:bdllon continued its progrcfs;;

and on the If'r of April it is report d tD a eommittee, ih t a letter h:lli been received" from Bartholomew Teeling ,. (executed in September 1 i'9 , being taken in arms with the Frc~lch in their invafiou at Ki\i",\a) " who was one

" of the deleg:)tcs in Fr.mce, iLtillg, that the rene

" troops woulJ moO: certainly be on board by the middle

" of this In! nth. The troops from Bref\: and that m:i~ -

" bourhood were deterl"ill~d to try to cv:ule the Dritifh

" flcet, and to bod in lleiand; of courfe the I1ritifh fleet

" would follow them; and while thus drawn off, all the

" other troops e:nb:lrlc.cd at other pn:tS would make a " dr-iCent 0:1 England. Wbatcver mioht rcfult frnm this

" attempt, it was the fixed dl't~rminatj II f the Nation31 " CommiLtcC, in cafe the Frenc.h {h~uld be frufbatcd, " that the bro/h,d 5/ flu;' U 0/ thf71Jd'lJl!l 71Ioh (1 rifing. it The citizen .. of Dublin, it was fuppnfed, with the afC( lilbl1cc (.f the army, could fc;zc the capit?l at :U1y "momenl." Unfor!uf'lI{(;'.". the principles of the Sea had m:ulc fucb a llr~grc(-) that \15 carl)' as February the relurn;; decl:trcd the numbers uf the brotherhood to .-illlount in Ulfrc.r to 110,990) in "1unfter to 100,634, lind in Lcinllcr to 68,272; and out of 8,000 military in Dublin alene, it was ftatcd that 3,800 would aE\; againfl: Governmemo The Execulivlt prcx:c~dcd to carry their det rminQ.lion into cxc~ution. Dublin, Chapc1-izod, the camp and the g;o\,crnmcnt, were to be fci'l.cd on at one and the {arne rimc ; lind the fign"\ was tn be given tn the whole wuntry, by tl:c burnLl1 of the mail coachci.But.in


[ '-7 ]

rder to get potreffion of the camp at Lehaunflown, the IVlefl:'~' Sheares applied to Csprnin Annflrong, who, true to hIS JUt.v (ud happily for his country), hid open the whole or the pi n to his commanding officer, at whofe exprefs J:fire he continued to commune with the confpirator- He was queflioned by them as to the {\:rong and w~~k fides of the CJm?; an :!. Ir. Lawlefs (a filrgeon), with the natural humanity of the Sea, obferved, that "the trees 0.1 the right of the c. "llP would be verv convenient for h:mg:ng people." At length it was azreed, between the r..ldfrs. Sheares (john was am mber ~f the Executive') :lI1J C.'ptai II A nnllrong, that the latter Ihould " ered ;l " Randanl upon the night to befixed UpOIl for the attack " upon we camp, which Was to be jDined bv ;:11 whom

'" had . -'

ne ad prcvioufl y known to be United Irifhmen : that

,,·l - '

no 1't:1";IJn was fIJ I,,· /taytti; and they were not to be

" given <he option of joining at th time of the an ck "

'rile carnl) one; carried .J D bli - II . . ..

_.. ,anu u 1II ra en Into the

hands of the conipirators, we may judge of the ufe they m~:lIIt to rnak~ of their victory, by the following pa.f1ages of a procbma~lon rllund in til' pulleffioll of Mr. Henry Shea res, and li1 the hand-writing of JOI.1' SI"'" »c; I

.. 1 , ."".r ~'" t 1C

member of the Executive:

" t ifh '

" 1"1 men! you,'. count:· is free, and vou are about

to be avenged. T hat vile gOI'crnmcnt which has to " long and f cruelly opr~elled 'OU, is no more, Some of

,,' fl .

" Its, m: . O~r(;C1~;(S 1RrmJhrs bave aireD'~" paid rl.'.: Jor-

f~:t if their ltv 5, awl tb« rc.ft are ;11 OUT hallds." Arif then, United SOilS of I eland I Rife like a great " and powerful people, dcterm m:J to be free or die I - " Arm yourrdvcs I,y tV!'')' meuns JII }'our power 'and

" rJh fit ,. '

" ~·u 8' I . t ~'01l SOil ):m r [e. s - In the csu fe of Liberty,

ina ion IS cowardice, and the coward Jb(dl/~r[l.'it tb« ~( pl'D/urty

[ 28 ]

" proptrty he has not the courage to protta: let his arms " be f~izeJ, 311ll tran ;t.rrd La tho(e g-.Llhnt fjlirits who " want and will ufc them. Y t;:" Irinlmco, \',.; fwcar by " that d(r'IUJI j!Jfiu, in whore c~uL }OU fight, that the (( brave pan iot ,,110 furv.vc- ,he pr Lnt gi.Hious fbuggle, " ami lb..: family of him "'.10 has Li! 11 er Ihall fall here(. after ill it, lb. II ICC iv" f' um the 1,.1JS of a g~t • .Iul iii: nation an ampl rcccmpc .. L out of that propcrt)' which (1 the crimes of our C) emit: have forfeited in I) it h.sn . ct Bnt flU lil..,wifo fw(ar, to 1 u1Jijb I :;bL,ry u.'i,h d'mn

" and illfamy !.I _,

cc As for t~lofc dc:gcnerate wretches \', ho turn their " {words a gainft their nauvc counuy, the naliollal 'Ul1t" g,am:/! mcain :1)</1: : let tl Il1 f.nJ JiO quurut') unless " they Ihall prove their :"Cpt:nt:lJ1CC br Jpwlily dtftrt(t ;11g. -&e. s.c.

" ?o.fany military fed the love of liberty glow within c1 tlli.. brcafls, :II It have joinl.:d the national n. ndard, it Receive with open arms (uch as .£hall foliow (o glorious " an example, but for the vret h who turns his fword ct ae-.:inft his native country, itt tbe nati ana] ~';lIlgMl1" I'e b; 'iJijit.'d on b;"Il, tel bir,; find MJ qual tn."-(?r;o! ~f A1,j(n. Sheores.)

The f.,regoing is more than fuffieicnt to fhow the nature lJf this affl,e'3LiolJ. l.fy OI>,:L-£1: has I1'-H br.!~n to write the hiflw)' of the late rebellion, but merely t fhow that its fib_i,;[!, aul, and means; w re entirely limib.r to that of the infernal Seas dcfcribed ;n the Memoir, that howe jult been hid befor the l!:nglilh reader. flby my countrymen profit of this awful example ill Ir land, and guard againi1 ri.e infidrous progrcfs ot that SI:t,..'1: in Gn.:at Britain!


[ 29 ]


W HEN we turn rur eyes towar.l Great 13r;tain, alfll~ ciations of a fimilar rendcncv zppear , unfolcr a grc ~ diverfiry of names indeed, but all u'1u ted hy ? fimiIar fpirir, Their fir!!: ObjL... was, to c;'f'li\'3rl.' th minds of the people hy means of " lc.2ure5 delivered 011 ! liucd 1< fubjcc s, calculated bi their V( f} extravaganc;: to cate" " the attention of the cu lience , and in the courfe f " them every tcI(lic ..... 35 employed t at could inflame their " minds, alienate them from the laws and canfiiluti 11 rr " their country, ami habituate them to princples of fe" clition and rebellion. The mol]; violent ;lu.bliGLtionl " to the r<l.mc crt-~a were (ccrcll), but generally circulated " in hand-bills, horh in the metropol.s and in the re1I',: " parts of the c u.,try. Every point that could excite " difcontent, accorc il g t the Pill uits, imcrefls, or pre(t judices, of different clafles, II:! been rucecffi~'ely dwelt " on, and always in tuch a manner as to connect it 'irh " the leading deli ,n. The attempt t accomplifh this " End hns arpen,' d ill the fb~· e C\'<':II of play-bills . nd " fangs; fcditious toafr~, and ;1 ftudied fdecrion of the: " tunes which have he-en melt in ufe ill France fincc the , Revolution, have been applied to the fame purpofc, of " endeavouring to render deliberate incitements to every " fpccies of rreafon familiar to the minds (;f the people."(EI/g. 2d Rel/ort, p. 20.) -" Ln the Jam/: manner (fay " the confpirators) that a fanntr may bt TO f..d b), tht " mention of tithe's, tbr jhoal/oJ. rs moy f,y flu o:alfot " dearnr], of lanl'a, ti}O' inn-I:ttpu h.l' tlu numerous and " lInm.-d[ary jlanding a rilly, and ALL bj Q tn;ptratt " IIlId Ji{pfJJ!i011att rc!alirm of 11", immtllp HlJ.mbu' if fl-

C< nccur«

(, naure piauJ alld lifo/if o{jicu, in which the corrupt " and profbitute favourite., agents, &c. of the Rich and " Great riot in the (poi Is and plunder wrcHcd from the " hufbandmnn, mechanic, t'x,c.-( ~fp. C. p. 28.)

The aili:>eiation that took the lead was, THE SOCIETY FOR CO'l"STITUTWNAL b:FORMATlON, which on the 23d of March, 1791, voted thanks to Thomas Paine for his work on the Rights of Man.-(Ibid.2I.) Other focietic , fuch as thofe of ShefficlJ, Maucheflcr, &c. paffed fimilar votes, fur his havir 'r dernonilrated tlrc ,·ightr of man in a mariner fa clear and canuincing, In t1;'1Y, Ii 2, this facierr refolved, rhat a communication fhould be opened \'."i~h the .la(obin Ch:b of Paris j and an addrefs to that club was tranfmitted, llgned by- the chairman. An addrefs \":33 ,.1(0 \ otcd to tbe Natiol1l.\l Convention on the 9th of November, t i9:i'., in confequence (If the attack of the loth of Augufi Oil the French Monarch, !1:}"in~ tnt! Convention" ft1"'lJf1f1iJ if tlu /ovt!nigll propl.:, and hee, llifafiors of ma1lkilld. 'Th.' ben fit.< (they fay) will in " part be ens, but the glory will be all your own; and " it is the reward of your perrevcr2nce; it is the prize " of virtllC."-( Ibid, 24·)

Another :UlOciation, c:llling irfelf T!IE Loxno» ('OR-

RESPONDINC SOCIETY, was ird1ituteJ in J~~nu:Hr, 1792• It immediately formed a clofe connection with the Suciety for Conflitutional Information; on the rzth Oaobor, 1792, it framed an ad reb to the F rench Convention ; the deputies wh prclenrcd it <t after pointing out their willies H to eIteEt in this country a revolutiou funilar to that cc made ill France, confider the xarnple of France as " bowing made ,·~'f)JllltilJns ea~v; adding, that ir would not " be extraordinary, if in a fhort rpact: of time the F renc.h U [hould fend addrefles of congratularion to a Nstiena! Can-

" 'lJt1Itioll

[ 31 j

ft IIItion if E'lgillll.l; and the prefidem in his :mfwer favs, " tlJeTllmmt, without doubt, approaches when the Fr~cl1 " will bring congratularions ro the J.VfJlional CM'lJlntiofl 1:, of G,·.ol llr;/Jzi"." - ([hid. 25.) The fraternal embrace and the honours (If the fitting were the natural recornpenfe of fuch patriotic de larnation. The fanguinar, Barrere, Sr. Andre, and the : , fvlent Roland, were declared honorary mcmhl..r',. J the fpccd es of the two former Oil the trial of L u' :x VI. were entered on the hooks of tbe h.citty.

Variuu~ fociet i s W(.:I": now for.r.cd ill different p;1rtS or England, aU cMrcfp>mling w.rh thofc in London, as their centre. Rc:.form in parliament, univcrfal fuft"r.<gc, and annual eJ.eajon~, ,vcr(' the obju:h held out to the over-credulous, Soon we find the Lm(/M Soci·ly for CONSTITGTIO IAJ. IKFORMATlO!'O an.l the L~n,flUl CORRESPONDII>G SoCIETY In clofe connedlion with, and altll>llly dirc8illg, Emilar focieties at HERTFLHlD; at CAMnRlDG1;; ill NORFOLK, at }:lJrzvich; at LEICESTER; in ,\VAR\\'ICKSUIR£, at w'Umlry and Birmingbam j at 1\OTTIN<JHAM; in DERBl!>HIPE at norby and Bt/ptr; in C!'1ESRI.RE:, at StoclpDrt; in LANtAslll R E, at Li"JcrpOfJl and A1JJr:cbyt,r; in YORKSHIR.E, in the \VeI!:-Riding, at ShcjJilld, Leeds, Brot!ford, Hal!ija.'(, HlldJI1iji~/d, and lJ"'dtjitldj in N"RTHUMIJERLA!>:D, at Ntf.Lc'!f!le UpON Ty.l,·, &c. AlTuciations were alfo formed :it BRISTOL. VV ith refpeCt to SCOTLAND, E iillj,urgh appears to have been the ceo tral point r.~,. that country. correfponding with London. In the interior of Scotland, and under its diredion, we lind many towns, fueh as Lr;'h, Dundtt, Pertb, Stir!illg, Ki/fytIJ, Krt"J:iul !//torb, Gla/gow [which alio correfpondcd with London) Paijlry, Str(J.thovcn, 1>01- jtitb~ &c, The fame. rules of prcceeding, and for fub-


[ 32 ]

dividing he rocicli ", are to be traced 3}!;ain. But nothill~ can better illuflratc thc,.atun. of thefc affociations than rhat of Shdfidrl.

This aflociatien, they tell u~ (Appendix D.) themfelves, re originated in an U "l'l"bly of fi11' OT ji.\: mahallics, who ,e by their mectirrr "t Iornc f IlC of [heir houfes, and (once TJn/ilfl abC'll tlu UI' "l1~:H I,; /J pri .. tJ/ pTlJ'u;fionr ; the " gror; .• bufcs (his nation I bour under from the un" bO'II"U .. d . uthor' ·'1 of the .lfIJmpfJ1ifi rs of :tll ralllui,fnmr " tb c KIKG Ii) the l'EAS,,;'T; the wafk and lsvifh of the " public property bl' placernen, penfioncrs, luxury, and "debauchcn', [ources tJf the rrreivou5 burthens under " wh i ch the' nation gman <;; to~cthf"r wi th the mock re" prefentation nf the p. 'QP!!:! ; _:_ thcfe being the ~ubj('as " of their convcrfation, tlh}' r01Jdu(/, tI, that nothing but " DARKJo;ESS :1I1U HltWRANCE in tbe p"oi~/( could fuffcr " the rights of c\,(.ry freeman t» be THUS 'lJiolat(d.~· They then invited their neighbours to deliberate on this patriotic diicovery , th y reprinted an edition f 1600 copies of Point'; RiJ; bts Df ,Ha . ." and fold it at fixpcnce, to enlighten their fellow-countrymen, Tbey t~yle lhe~felves the Society for Conf!:itution:l..! Information, write up to London, on the T 5th (If Jal'=r. 1792; to requ.cJl the favour " of forming a conm:8:ion with all the like " focieries in }~ngl:lI1d, and efpcciallj: with thofc or (orne (( of them in London, the Tharched-houfe, the London" tavern, or othcrs,and humbly f"licit their advice and " affillance in the cccompl iibing thereof, in erda' to form (' OUT ,.plver jmilar t» tbeirs ; becaufe, as we are aC\ua'" ted by the SA 1\1 E CllIIft and prir.ciplt, and all our in" tcrefu bcil,g om, Qllrfi"fil1l0lts lJugbt alld muJl bt tlJl (( Jam.-." In about four months after, they inform the London Society, that (I not Dilly their large and populous

. " townl

[ 33 ]

to'. n, hut the 'iuho/( nri .~~oIlTho, / ('-'e many m:I.'1 m:.;n-i II about, have an attentive eye upon them; and that m!l!t ~I of the towns and vilh gc, were forming tbemfdvc'i into ce firniJ<IT afficif1tilJ1fr, jJrie7/y f'PJin" aftrr us." The_\' o,lfo declare their obje8 to be, ":1 RADIC.\L nEf'ORM (If se II" COllntlj as Ioon as p{'lIdtnu and dij~Ttti,:1't woul t ( permit, and eft blifhed n that (v{tcm which is con(i(" tent with the,i tr of UPl1." They requcfl that certain members Of their :-ffi elation m:1y be at! nitre to ' London m~ering, lii..:'1 t,o r becomes the reg-ulatinf; cnm , mince, that "a mere dofe conm:8io:l m;",',t he formed " and communiea.cn be maintained,' [or the extenfion o[ Ie ufeful knowledge from lOWI! to villa"'" and from \'illn!!;.! Ie to town, until the whole nation he fuffici_ntly r.o:f,'g.&It tened and rmitt{l in tht Jame er1'}, which cannot f.1il of " being the C.:l[C wherever the moil: excellent works of (( Thomas Paine find fl-;:ption." Should m1y perfon with to be convinced, ( ;or.,11 theft.:, as well as Lht'l Iri!h Iocieties, were f\)rmell on ,\V eifh upt" corrt:f?ondin.; Icalc, let him :1 rend to tile rrn rev ernent which the She: lie J people were about to :ldo? at t 1 • en of the +th month, and after this off" pr.ng of the I iCc mt. nred mee:':l.Ilics had correfpended with London: tC It i~ certainly {they fol}'} Ll the hdl: way' f m;l!J:lginrr lar ho it' I as in g: " e :11\ 1 " populous towns; viz. div drng them into (01111 boili !i " or meetil,!!s of ten penon c. ch, and rh fe ten to a _ " point a dclcgn.-c. Ten I: t', f e d legates fa:;:, another " meeting, an I f., on, dele . ing from I DC to a roth r, " till at l:til th!!), are reduced pr per number f~i" {"":II fl:ituting the Csmmltter or G .v;v CI)UN~·IL." rl.ft~r this, it is r<:;:;,II.I' ufelefs to trouble my realer with a!lr tning more on the nature or prillC'r s of the C;c e ie~ .r GrClt H, itain, 'Ve (;11'.1 i"Jb.criptio:b carried 1:1


[ "'! ]


[ 35 ]

defence of the profccutio C!'l" rnenced :lgainll Thorn.

[';,' ne. The Scotch Sccieti(;s agree w ith rnofe of England to bold a Co.ivention, which, though not ;;;cl'crd from England, met in oa"b~r, Ji9::;. - ~Appen,lix F.) ---: A

1 eu r was there rend from the: f( ur LI ni red (o,C i cries of I reland, Ciuz ens Hamilt 71 R~tuar. and Silll3n BUller attended from Dublin, but suer« 1I0t dl1"~atd; however, the latter made it report to the convention on the. [late of Irelan • 11ft1rg(I"o~, a London dtlcb:ltc, faid, «The {',cicties in <t Loudon arc very numerous, though femewhar fluCtU.l.. lU'l1' III (urn\: p:lrts of England whole towns arc r-:"' forrucrs ; ShdE.dtl and its environs have 5°,000."Tn r,)fwich rhcrc ar 30 Iocieties ill one. - 1 f we could ~, g' t a convrution of England and Scotland called, .w.-; H mi 'J ht rc prefcn t f~' or .f.. W II b rmd,··d tb,:.fo nd mates, " which is a 1TI:I}mty uf : l.l. thc adult in tb . I. ingdom ; <'. and minillrv w{.uld not d .. re to refufc us ur rights." 'Thev h:ld heiel fourtan fittin:;c;, v. hen the ma£ilhates thou~ht p. p~ to put a frvp to it and arrcft fume of the mcmbcrs ; oth rs aped the conciu(} at the tin's ct at at V crfaules, when orclci cd to difpcrfc, and :ldjourncd from place to place ; happi '» however, thcv dill not (.Jeceed. All their f "rmt., ;1\1d C\'\;IJ their !TInGCS of Cpl.\.:ch, were ,:':rviid, cuj)id fL ';11 th~ rr-.;"ch. Aflcr th numerous adhe el;t~ lhat they had LJ\:c~ , i, i, ;"l\ur:1.ll0 thi 11k that the te .. c .c: uf til ''\,-It th{)u:!;~t it irne I~ bird tlu mon» ";'I who Jared orl'0.i: till 11 i to dfcdulte lhi" p'kes

J, ere 1~.1"2"' J in dilLrcnt p:ll"tS of (i reat Britai.]. "A .. plan (:\Iit~ the Iecrcrary of the Sheffield flCi_ty, j 1 ..... "m!, li9+) 1:15 be n formed fllr carrying into elft .. ~1: ,. [his l1~ct:nJ.r) bufiu [~ (of arming:). Pike-blades arc " made with h()c.r~ for the !hafts to fit the top en, 'i the <t benom C:1U of the C:1afts flmu1Q be ~bout :111 inch thick" cr. and fir is fCC :ll.mend.d fur the fu.lrts, re k~h:d by

" pcrlU!l~

t' crfons will) arc ;udgC5 of wood. The blades an " hoops will be raid at rhe rate cf one {billing, pnp~rly c: tempered ~IlJ polifhcd, The motlcy Ient with the or« ders.' - (2d R.,.bart, p. 2.) - Tb« /artfar] iiI tIJr:

C~ll'.fp(J/I,!illg S5c;dy gave diNa:OIlI ·wh{r., tbc piht mj .. bt /;, proc1Jrd (pag", 5); thofe wll') could procure rnufkets learned the ute of rhern, exerc.Iing by candle light, (,r umle: pretext of loyal alfociations , t 1:11 which alTumetl the name of LoY' I L..1II1beth w ulJ admit none but 11 ,ie who were members of the Corrc(pondinb" Society, or who prornifed to become (,; nor h;ld this armed aifuci:uion been authorifcd by gon;rnment. i Je:lllwliiie Sc~tI.UlJ hJU malic fuch progrds, that the brethren th .. re not OIl!Y bcg.ul to arm with pikes, bur alfo turned their minds towards aCling! The plot was fo: l:iIl:ltely JifcovercJ. A fheriff' '5 officer went to Iearch the hnufe of a Mr. fVntt, for fume goods whi .h were fuppofed to have been f;creted, as belonging to a bankrupt of the name of Nir!fon, and who has fince cornrnc need preacher in En~L1nd. In rhis fearch he found fome pikes; and in :1 fecond (rnade in the fame week, on the 15th of I\'l.ty, '794) many more were dilcovered in :. clofer, This gave rife tu inquiries, and it was found that no kt~ than 4oco pikes h r. d been ordered for Perth, befide thole wanted for EdL\burgh. It was farther difcovercd, that this frat! was a member of the C~lflmittu of l 'nYI and liIrolls ddcgatetl from the remnants of the convention; t11:!~ he had in this committee read a plan (t For [cj,:ing on the Lord Jufiice Clerk, the Lords of " SdJion, and the Lord Provu(f:. A fire w."\.~ to be light" C at the Excif .. ·, and when the Ioldicrs were coming " clown rhe people were to fall Oil them and feize the t< Danks." As !u(ln as this had fuccecded, :l proclamation Wit:; to be iuut'tlj " Defiling all farmers not to rCIlJO\'e

C 2. " their


" th 'r grnin U uler pain of death, ;l!:J all ~ent1cmen not

(, t 1 1:0 three mile' f'O,11 their houfes." 'This "ra,,:{ fioll : ... s ccmrnun' ted to the Societies bY,m,e:J..lls of tra-

1 I inp, adepts, l' ho had a ccnific"te curheriz.ing the 11 to 0'1 at the Societies. It w.1S not fi;ned. but Ieals were ',lI?dll.:d to the c('l1l(llillion. The plan executedj and the " .ArijIDn·n:I Jti'Ltt1,'· couriers were to be Ienr to the country with the news, In IPalt\ houfe were alt"o found th t es of the hand-bill contained in Appendi7.. A. No. r. and lLted Dundee, April 12, 1794. which ",<1.9 diIhibuted :lmol1!; ihr- F enciblc=, to {lir them lip to revolt. The manner C'f Jifl::rihuting them is worthy of remark, as being (OIl/Ill.'11 !~ Bllgland as well :IS to Scotland, Dmmie, who VI.!S al(o a member of the Committee of 'Vaysand Means, and who was can ieb.! with Irall, after giving Iome to a perfon who W:l~ to diflribute them, tC defired t( rim to throw the psrcel on the floor; and if :lny body " afked b'm where he ,.,c·t it, he mi;:rht fay he found it," A fhort time after, thefl' hand-bills found their way to the foldicrs ill garrifon nt D;.lktith. - (Su tIlt Trials if If/att 011J D07JJnit, in Ilgufl (lIId S~.b(cT1I!Jf", 179-t.,)

On the rzth of April, Ji97, Engla.nd witndTd the awrul light of its fleet ill open i' rurrtB:ion. Here, as on land, we finJ 03 15 of fl!cr cy aml of union) dd ~ "at. s, and accord (If f)frem pervading the whole mud I" At portfmouth it was happily qucllc 1. in ::I gr" t clep;rc.::, bf the 20th of April; feme ftm!!gling Ihips w uld in ccd {how fympt{)ms of revolt, from lime to tirn-, both there and at Plymouth: at Lngth the gr I IT'll: )' at the ore brc ke out an tbe T'lib af • l' )', 7IlId was .. t fupprcfli fU the month of J une, 1\ I. ny of the mutineers, re broughr to t· i31; and Par Iter. th~' r It::ad ., W.:lS bnged on the 3o:h ti June. No au.hentic dC' .. m • t :lPP arcd on rhefe trials,

6 i rl ,l~

[ 37 ]

indeed, that could connell: tni mutiny with t!IC fecret {ocietics 011 Iand , but, if we look to' dat.s, it will be evident t.iat rhe CQrrrJp~r.. itt[ So ht; didtlot \<C','I this jnrurrettioll of the Ace. \ i til all imlllfcrC'l1t eye. I he e :ill ude to the :,;1,,, ~ that appeared on the t ri I of 3 man of the name of FdIQ~VfS, who ha I kCI1 ;J jcurn ymm earp liter be rc he took: to the patriotic 1:7r i h.: was tried at Ma', rorrz on the 13th of hlurch, 179'3 (his trhl ha\"'I1C; been defcrf ) at his own fcq'!['fl) and lentCIlCl: i to two yca s irnprlfonmenr, The cccounr of the tran(;lcl:! n £ ivcn by the pri ((In' r, as appeared in evidence, .. :"IS fc 11,"\~,: « That he lod.:rcll at a 'Mr. "lat~~rl'~ (C heufe in '~'J111': j ~hat :l parcel carne there on the " 19th if .~ (I)". J 797 (t!ll~ fleet in full mutiny) directed " to Mr. \ 'raUtll, h\ ,I Ch:trin:;-cfnf~ coach. T he wife " open d the pare ); anJ,:l :\ Ir, 'Vrat en was from home', " he [Fellowe ) told the wife, that the p:tp;:r .. it con«( rained belo " .. I to OIlC of the fiu:'il.!tic ; there W:lS to ee b.: a me til g, he told her, all that night at the .R jt: cc and Cr« t' j that he would cnrrv them there, nud take " the lei [e of the rne ... ting, He ac:c:ordingly did fo i read II one of them, and :1011e of the f.x:icty made :lly ob~I je8ion. Ht lIun laid tbtm 011 lIJt table, and the " members of the (ocicty hdptd Ihtmphl(,s as tluj II; Itg/.ol " prflp.r" (or, perhaps, fll/nd 11.· In, as \ 'as [!1.: ,fc with the hand-bills in Scorland). Sum' of the bills were carried fcm this m"<:tin~ to another Ji\'ifiml 01 the fociety, fitting at the Cf1}U Inn, un ler the pretence of knowing whether thty were le I; but, wh'L'1cr legal or not, they were difiributcd before morning among the (., _ diers th-n at J\laillfione. The plpcr began thub :-" To

" till. J3rltijh Arm)': - Comrad " are we not men r Is it II not hiSh time we Ihould prove we know ourfclvcs to

c3 "ho

J' be fuch ? Arc we any where refpc&ed 35 men, end

" why arc we not ] II;!.",!! not wrone; notions f difei-

" plinc 1':0 us to our p,ef(.:nt dl·rpifc,,1 conduion ] Is there

" a man among us who dne .... not with to defend his

'I country, 3.1,! who would nut \\ Ill:n;l} no it without

I' b~ing fublCCl ro the i.lfJknce 31111 ruelty of effeminate

cc puppies 1 Tf er« 110t THE Si\lLORS (at that time in

~ full iafurr ... Ctioll). li.~·t II!, mOc/I..·d P" {('(nIt of tl_ought.

" though not C.l much ucfrifc! reI' pon:ln' ;.~ w c :\I'c?

" Hau« th,y 'lot pnn!td tlsat the), CAt-" 'J'Hl'\'K. ml'i ACT

" far them} iva, ;,U1d pr..Jl:rvt' every urdul point l r d.iC ..

" cipl.nc lull cs wdl., or bdf,,. tJuw 11..Iun under flu

<4 t)rmmy ~t th ir rJJiul'S ?" Then cernes a heap of de .. cl,l1-:1alioll ag,,;nfi: the officers, :Jgaintl Pnrliarneui , a~;!\nfl: balrlc;'s (a rcrr.h'e grlevancL, .IS It g;uanl~ the foldier s fn,m f:llLnJ; 111 cary pr )' to the JiicolltcmcJ), end on the fyficm of cllllhing; the Addrcfs then plI'CCCJ!i: " Th fI

(, are a few of our gric\'al ces , and 1 ut a le.{; what {ball " we: c.o? The t'.'('unny of what is f • .:lfdy called .Iifciplinc " p,., .. ."Js II! from aflirlg lilit' athf r 1111 PI. We cannot « even gin: in a petition fur that which CQ,l1mOIl honefly <I would flt',ly have given us long, ago. 'Ve have o,lIy .. two ,ho;us ci the!' 1:0 Iubmi t to the pn Iem impor.liullS, cc or ,;or.and tile treatment prcpcf for men. Tb« P 01.1.: (I' is " nil " r CUll, 'The l'tg;mlllls .... hich fCI.d you this are cc wilJ;ng to do their part" (Can the Corrclponding Society here denominate ihcrnfclvcs regiments, in onfeqUc"CC of their pike .. bufinefs j) "1 hey Coil'! 11K.\.' t~~cil" " countr ymcn t!J.-y call be Jolditrs 'il'i(~'ol.l btin:; ja'L'tJ, " and v. III male their dema.lds QS fia,.. as fhf'! 11l0W you t< ... ill I'OT DRAW THE TIHGGF.R \G.'UI'S'l' THEM. " or this WI!: \'. ill juuge when we knew you have die .. H tributed lhi~ bill, not only among your comrades, bu~

" tD

[ 39 ]

c.c to ~'lJnJ ftltlirr ~l'h~11l W'l lll~:1J TN ~\'ERY I'.ART ty <J tb» f~Ufltl}'-Bc '"b~~Bc ready.' The whole of this tri·.! took place in prefenc , of ft\ eral of thl: uu.mb ·r., ( f the Corrcfpollding Su-eicry of ~ l:..Jfion..:; .. I'd aha I~l': fenrence of two yeilrs impr ifcnment was p .. ITi.:,1 0 I F.Jlowe" and that he W:J~ takillg (rom the 11.11", 1( me of his friends ccnfoled him by f:lying, " Two} ears! that i. a l( long while; but Buonnpartc will he here before that." However, this vapcu'ing; C.,mclean is li-rle to be dread .. cd by 13r' tor ~.

Hand .. hill> of the t: ... me I :J.lU, e were dir,J1~rrcJ 1m :m<r


tile army in other rart~, and parricularlj in Lornlon ; but,

like true tl-Jlr\iero, the-y only anfwered h} ofrer;llg rcwar " (collctl:cd from their P;ly) fur the difcovery of the mifcremes who had conceived [0 mean :1:1 opinion of them ~.S to think they cculd be feduced from tilt-ir duty. i\ parc:! of hand-bills, in the \ll'J'}' terms here mentioned, was thrown into the jhbles of tl e Second R gimcnt of Hor'e Guards, between the hours of ne and three ill the morninj-, but was treated with the contempt it defcrvcd, The dilhibutioJl of Iuch hand-bills, and the proof adduced ,H ]"laiJflonc, will caulc n.uch L fs Iurprize, when it is known, that " the ddign of Cndl3VQuriug to Icduee the It army from their Juty bad. been the frctjuellt (ubjc<.9: cf (I converfation :!mong (001(." member cf the Correfpond" i'lg Society; it even :lp cars, that a pn.jr.:tt W;JS rep.·atC( cdly ;igictcd :'.mong rhcm, of .riking a fudden blow, " ami beginning by Ii.:curin:; he l' \':11 Family c-ul the " IV embers of bath Hnull:s of I'.Hli,~mcIH, ,·,';th the hope " (;.:5 it W;lS LhplC:"h~J) I/),H tb« 01171.)" "ling wit/;ol;t " leaders, ,'.:oIlM 7IQ I.nc,'/" O~~Jb)~' t \ . 'r att<1IIptJ."-(2J Rrpm, p. 17.)



'To he I I ifh fyfiem W~ now full), adopted i I Smtl:1I1d; ~ (III the :ufl Ut!obcr, 1797, a pe fem jllft :lTTW..:d from Scorbnil hrought a SI: en Confkiurrion to a County lVlcetin." at Down P3tr' c' , " \\ l.ich ,',,1:;' nm·J for 'Wud


" the fame as lh_a.t of tlh. Irifh, only the words Uuited

" ~ OR Tn-Ii It1 TOI'S were: fub!,jtutcd for U"i(LU IRISHt: U1N:'-{! ifh Appau/i.,<,) J. ro, XIl~,;'-l\, d orl tile 5th of J nuthy, 1~9R, 'T.:t "iIi! II flril tu fen..! til .. addr rIO alre .. J) mention J in t it account of Ireland, d elating that "The Saitl)' ~f tit' 'l'ria:Ji if tlu PcopJ( and that " for C J?it/l~i n •• 1 In/armatia,. h:!u dT~o(].inu"u their '( e err, 1"..5 j that the Eeu 'DTI Corr _{p,nJing S;citly, :utd <I other ( c;'.:t:,,5 ill /11 j II with it, had arifeu upon their c, ruin ," _ (Iii 'ik) _ Til: ddcg:1te~ wbp CilI'ril'd it infl-ri I d t 1e Iational Committee of Ir .. Lind, that I' Eng« 100Ll.I, Scatland, and lr ... land, were in future to be conH fid;: cd as o[}c pcopl • Hin.,. for one common c ufe ; " th.. Iq,ijl tsrs 'IUL/'& n .. u ch''./Jl fnm tbe I/;r<c fil,!-

E . r. ,.

C'thins, I, all as 011 sscntt > J"r 'IHE ~'HOLE. -

Vhhhcr does t~,is i"~ rmation nacurally i .. d us? Surely to th~t pa;,c[ W11i h gave ri rl! to the famous trial at !'-tbicliloa,:: of ~tiglLTl Binns, O'Councr, &c, r It b~gan til I:: (I 'The Sun! C~mroitt(c if Et:gland to tho Exel( Clot;';.'. Dirc{!orj of i~'"r:cl' - He-Ith nnd Frarernitj--« " the 6_'1 of Pluv iore ( '!' January 25, cxa~lly tv;enty days " after tl.e addrcfs to Ireland}, CITI:z.U: DIRECTORS" we <Ire called t getl. r, c. the wing of the moment, to " communicate to you our rent' aenis , the cirizer; who " now prefents th m to }' tI, :lI1U who was tl,c bearer of « tl.em before, havi B but a f.:\ hours to remain in town, " exp .1 net a 1. boured ~"!':rc~~ from us; but plainnef is " the p-reat duraCl:.criftic of republic;ms.


tl Affo.lr~

.,; AlTairs are now dmwing to a gren! and owfoltrijis ,

. tyranny, £b...:.I:.l"n tn i s bafis, Ii ms about to be buried cc in its 0\\ n ruins. lKith tnt tjrolI1lJ if Engltmd tl1:>;t of 1.1. nil .Europe mufl: fuU. HUle then, Great Nation, pour "forth tbi' ligarrtic fora'! Let tb« bcjt tkjpJi feel thine r.( avenging !hoke, and let one oppreffi d n:ation C"'..rol fortlI " the pnai{es of Frnrn=e at the alt r of liberty,

cc \Vc [; .. with r~p UfO your j.r8dllllwti11f!; th.:y met ,. our wllrm • .fi: \. :1hc5, and removed doubts from the minds " of millions. Go on! Er.gli}hm nail! 01 r.D~. to ftrmd " )'Gur f'.D~rls l l l " 'What Ipurious breed of Englifhrnen are th~rt.:? 1Vhat race (If Engli1hmen have fu1fcre!l themfelves to he led :lwa) by fuch bafe-bcrn cowards? Is it in thc life-fmc of I! Howe, 3 HooJ, a Bridport, a ::it, "incent, a Duncan, or a Nl:lfon, that they dare invite thert: enemies of the human race to come and piliage this Hourilhing Cl unlry? Arc the {,,,is (ul!Jt/ts then to Jord it ill London fl:reet" bearing on pi!.. ~s in c'lI1guinary triumph the head' of [he bell men of E glanJ, with the hideous yells or Equality :'Jhl Libtr'J'? YaiJ1ly Ihall fuch fycophants, in the hope of partaking of the general pilhgc and of de[pojlinti their. fel!olll-clJuntryml:n (for, from the 1:;11% to tb« P(ojrJlrt, A LL are declared monopoliztr;) Ipread the terror of French arms and the impoflibiliry of rcfifling them. No i far from us be fuch teachers and Iuch leaders, who only beguile the; unheedy to lead them to b gg r}', wretchednefs, or the gallo,,~s, ENCLISHIIlEN' arc loyal, II!O".j', and br/'l'Vl'; end when once they fhall hav unm ifkcd thde i. fidious brethren, they need never doubr of viB:ory. But to return to the addre(s: - The nation is reprefentcd to be on tbc eve of bankruptcy; as making great progrcf in democracyj and as placing little


[ .p. ]

crJllEidc:nc~ in the lenders (\f oppolition (at lean Iuch wa .. the cXplan;nio:l of that pa!f:tge given by the Cc unfel fur l\ I r, O'C onncr}. It rhen pwcecds:-

" A1rL.ldy have the Englifh fraternized with the Irifh " and the Scots j alld 17 delegat« FR.OM F.Aell now fill " with us. The Iacrcd flam£! of liberty is rekindled, the " ['Diy ob/ig,;fi11l OF BROTIIl,RIIOOD ;S ru~j'IJtd witb 11- " tlJllJiQfm. E7Jfn II' THE Ii'I.F.F.TS tmd .drmio it mak«: " forno- profTrrft. DI!\,\FFE TIO~, prt'1Jn.iis in bctb, and " United Britain burns to break her chains."

I had furgottcn to (pc~k of :.l cirrumflance relating to the: fleels. Englifhmcn bave viewed with horror the fcene of the Hcrmiene frigate, whnfe crew ro[u on their officers, murdered them, and carried rhe {hip into an enemy's port. Th.e; have fecn mail}' other plots laid (but :orlwlat I)'

i[co\'I.'n:d) to murder the OiliCCfS ann give: u:) the (hip, to the enelllJ'. Looking back to L:U~ oath a rninif red [0 the mi it:lry ill Irelan , " to be true t tb - French," and the plans :l;;n:::..:d upon" to murder their Qllictr and deliver the arm!' up to the to":)1S-pc"pk," the reader will not btl fo much at a lofs to jud '0 whr.nce rUl,;h :'\LroCiOl1S pilL, could arife, or what th~ :"ogl'ljs ~f IL.· BRO'nn:1U QoD in Ih~ flcrtI C:l11 mean. GOll forbid, that I Ihould mention this with :my ide:! of reproach to thole g.11lant men who have Iince fo giuri un)" obliterated evc.y {bin that could have attached to their c0llth,a durir-g the mutiny. They law with regret that they had Iallen viCtim. to tcdlltlion, and they glorioufly revenged themfelves 011 the enemies of their country, 'They have counteracted the atrocious plans of the conrpiring Brorherhced , and when I mentioned LIllO mutiny, it \".1S Ollly ttl remind them, th'ilt crajiy f ,':rcrrs CQulJ 11<:r,II01r(1 furpr ize their natural hUI:cHy.

[ H ]

Ir continues: (C United as we arc, we only wait \'lith U impatience to fu' the Hero or Italy, and the brave " veterans of the Gr •• rt Narien • .i\lyriads will hail rheir " arri val wi th fhcuts of joy; they will roan firufh the " glorious camp~ign! TyranllY 'wilL 'Va'-lijll ji'IJIII II;, " fore oj tbc rartb, and, ""'UII d ulith laur, Is, tlu in" 'IIincibll army of Frane» will ret arn 19 ;If /1(itifJ: " country, th cr« b;ng to mjDY tbr 'tlJcI:-r:aoud p".lift 0/ " ,/ gra/lfai 'warM, 'luhvft frm/olll they ba u« 1"1 ell 1(1

" w;th tbeir biw:." (L. S.)

Did rrcr,phants ever beg more earneflly for the plunder . lid Je\ all:a[iOll of their fcl [ow-coun ryrnen j f. r till"] could no 1001e-cr plead ignorallce d the "it \15 of the French ? Colonel Tate had m:.:.':c his de!clot on th.; coal] of '-V;l.les the 22d of February, 1'i97, and his i11- ftrutlioIlS, figned by Heche, - the fairhlefs conqueror of ~Iiberon) ordered him" to ex cute a "'gll} de linin all " Brifl:ol;" for its de!l U3:iOll was " of the Yen' hfr tI import,n ce, and every poClib e (·£Furt Ihcul.l be m;dc to " . ccornpllfh it," on account of its riches and commerce.

• Till r~ iDflruaiQn~ were: much c3l'ill:d a~ loy lbor~ P3FCl'll thor are ever foundil1_ . re pr,j(o of the French Revclurien ; ~nd .V~l1 CO iJr~ ~. the j 1 a of OB",btT, '793, I he C<I U R Ii;.j bol<lly declares rhem to I ~ n clun.f, fllbric!\tion "r rl ~ minifkri.1 \."fit rs, 'fLlc LIlgli111 mu:on :u Lary;e flrOITJd kn",v rhar thnre in!lrufbOIlJ were never d.mi·rcd of by .My well irLOrmc..l pcrfon, (r, m !.Icr lirll f.;ZIIr~ of them by Lord C.1w,lar in feb. l797; IhH they were <l'1'''llIcd .:II Ll. !;eu<IM)' of State'S offie<: ; th.1t Ih<)' lITC "Uut!tJ 0 In lllO' ltron mild., 111 1)111 c.f !'.Lly, li98, l,y the Houf. oL CO'lm"r.· 011 t_. lJ';.1Ir. t of ",~:r. J'" ". ;mrl are I ublithcd in [lit. Appmd.x (_'i. N~, XC.) to UM report Whm th .. r.meler is inmrme th •• t

olfic. is tl\. li,l1nl, R.u.l~ S" 1, filr I'lt oj livery 'If the Co~. J n 3t 1'111 , II U iL is firol1g1y recernrncu.tec hy 3 en uure ur rhc Dir>:flory, in nne" their r< iOO;,,:11 [lUr .. r., wlule a.l oeher E.IlSlilh P"P''', 1_:"", are pr"r,ri d. hi ("l1'r;z~ ..... ill t ,fe. :u it is n.,Iur,oj IQ ",q,.ll thnt fume retu m rnu fl be I112de 10 Ih. Ji'''~lorJ 1>, the r.jilor "r this pJp.r (ur (0 markfd a "IOllf, thou(;h it wen: ~t lilt .• P'DC\; of truth,


[ H ]

The troops were to be landed by nigbt " within live " miles of the town, in the greatefl: filence, and, bing Ie rupplied "'ith combuflible rnaucr, were to advance ra" pidly in the da.k, on that fide of Briflol which might " be to windward, ami immediately ret fire to that quar"ter. Ir the enterprize be condufled (they fay) with .. , dcxtericv, it C:10110t Lil to produce the tsta] ruin of « the to\';n, the port, the docks, and the vd1'<.I<, and to " {hit::! rc ror and amazement into the vel y hc:ut d he .. capital or Ensland." L t the Lih ',i Lalli. of Hrill:ol


now C'l!!i 0.1 thore illfiJiou.s br r:t1, r -n \,110 d,U\: r'cmm une

with them, and ~'(k them, 'Yh.eth.:r t;l~y di!) nppreve of this inviraticn of the rothcrhood to the F: cnch, as they K (lp/ laulid an« opprD';,',llbl rtja/J,t;1J1I if forming IIn~Ct tber gtl/fro' CM vm I ion " on the 2+1h of April J79·41 after the difperfion of the Scotch Con:r'nlion in De ember Ji93. After reading Heche's bftruflions, t'I ill they write :lnin to the London Cl.lrrerponomg Society - H we ,. rcau:_ we blufhcd - we look courage - we did marc j " for we refolved on re-alTcmbling." If fo they de, it is tn be- hoped that they will do it for the purpofc of making oublic atonement to their (cllow-townfmen elr their paIl:

comlua; for they C~ no longer fay" 'tis n nob/t'-'tis

" a virJUous - 'tiJ a gqJ~/iJ:~ find immsrtal ({tuft - in (C which we are now mutually ernh . irked." - (Appcndix IL)

The inll:rucbons proceed: C( The expedition under " Colonel Tate has in .... .ew three: principal objc8s; the " nrft is, if poflible, to raif- :U1 iufurre&on in the coun" try; the feeond is, til ir.turupt (1nti tmhon'nft tb» ,. commerce if tb« tntfllY; r.nd the ihird, to prepa.re and rt faci J i tate the 'vay for a defcen t, by difiracbng the atten.' tion of the Englilh governmern,

" In

r 45 ]

" In :111 countries the r are tl cl f' mofl: pr(l~e t

'I intilm:a:on; tl.1lJ /!Jis nil oJit 'Dn is to bt d'i"r~'l: tI h

" d' II'/; . .

I" 'f ufmg tnsn }" and drill' i 1::; II. ~'£l(l HIr.'C a "i ,1

cc fht gDVII'lIJt:a:I, AS: l' I" I: U E OF TU!! I>UJiLIC n sI( T R E ~S; by rec tnm 'naill an I f.! . ita in~ a ri lin.... to

.., b1

" plun ic:r rh ' public ftares a d rna zi'i ,:u th~ pT _

Ie [}t'ny of the ric • whof . m~ race i the natural tilbjc. " of envy W the P r," By Ii 1 means C; numb .f " • ·.i~n and workmen, r va 11 1II ~ a ul idiers, and " even ml'efaCl:of"t were til h attra.:l:ed and" formed " intI) n;:w companles under the command of French II( offie rs."

« The cemmeree of the enemy in the country is to be " interrupr-d by breaking down bridges, cuttillg olf dykes, " and ruining caufeway!>, which is, at the fame time, " elfenti~lI}' ncc;,.1ruy for the pre(crvation of the army; by " plundering all convoys of fubfill:encl", the public lb,g~ U and waggon", and even pri\ ate carriages; the cutting .( olf the fupplies of provifions from the principal towns, " burning 0111 vclTds and boats in the rivers and canals, u ucfl:roying magazine», (cuing fire to docks and coalU yards, rope-walks, great m:J.llltEu..9:.ories, &c. &c. It (I is to be ohfril'vt,{ likewife, that by thtft mUlTIs II crQiI,}" c, of artiz.or.r will h( thro'lUn Qut if tmplo)',anJ of courfe (( be ready to embark in anv mcafure which holds out to " them fubfifl:ence and plund"(!J"" without labour or fatigue." To be (ure, the poor, the workmen, and artisans, :fr. here held out as a molt profligat .. ICC; but Heche, it is to be remembered, j1k~ s from the exam' Ie of France, where the dellruttion of mnnllf.! rlurin' lo,"" ,";.1'> looked unon


25 a means of n:cn.:ul1l! tl-c J~c ill ranks, S cret focit:-

tics had prepared them for fueh horrid deeds in Fr 1lC':!' asd Sheffield, Birmingham, l1U iU cb fier, O!ppear to


h ive been the 6dl nbjech of the Pllh';oti, bours of the f..:c:, d focieties in Ens land.

cc Subfrll:er,cl! is to be fcize I wherever it ccu be foulid j .e if any town or village rcfufe to fur!':}' it at the moment, " it is II) b .. gi'Ual tip to imm,'dilltt piliog,; your Ioldiers " are tn carry with them nothing but their arms: they " 'Wi!1 find e~try where dot her, 'inrn, an.l jhOtS ; tile " inhabitants 1Iw)1 Jitpply you,' wonts, 311d the feats of the .. > ntrv are to be your magazincr;.\VhenNer the legioll, u or an'y of its c~lumn~, i~ polled, if the neighbouring .. pll.l i1h~s do n«: s!= i.yltmt 111(; c c of tb« approad] if tbe " tllemy by ringing bells, or orher wife, thry ({/.' t» be ,~ gl7.JCII up TO FIRE AND SWORD.

" \Vith bnl"Jltl~ and intelligence combined, YOll may " cafilv p,fI~-(s yourL'lf of Chdhr IJ/' LiufI'/,ol1l, which " you \\',11 ruin "1 bllrning thr magazintJ, and fiNing liP " tbr tnt,-, or ar leaf] you will cut ofF all communication « between thofe cities and the interior. - In order to , iJlre:ld the c nllematicn and afioni(hl11cnt as widely as " poflible, after the deflru :tinn or Liverpool, (for tbi s u I,a;nt is ct1f':ta!,) you muf] follow your blow, and [~;ze " upon rome frn:lll town or fea-port on that coafl, which " vou will by under contriburion." 'Vas it (1 would at'k) to prepare the town of Liverpool for Iuch a fate that (0 early as 1 i92 (orne of its inhabirants entered into 3 &retl correipondence with the London focieries that were at that time: :ldrlreffing t e Jaeobins of Paris and hailing tbem a s lm;tb I'J? Did they then conceive, that within the (pace of fix ye:lfS fIJI addrefs would he rent to invite thofe jacobir.s into Engl:mo!, bearing fuch inll:rllll.iolls as are now' hid before the reader ?-During this time Hache, in perfan, was fuppofcl to be in Ireland; and my reader may ldily conceive, by there inn: ucbons, the horrors that he


would have committed him[df, had he Iuccceded iII his attempt at nantr;;-n:w. Two Other French parties were to h;\~' b~el~ ;H~l:;Ilg- ill concert ,\" irh T3t(', in :,11 prohabili, ty With Iimil .. r injhucl:ion~, in Ynrl,dhin', Durham, :mJ Northumbcd .. nd; and wi.hout doubt rhefe p rties, if (,ccefsfu 1, would have as r(J.li,,,IIJ ":'/1) HI, d the conll:tutioll as could have been lUi ed by t at alI( cration at 1.\~ '('.-rJj}k~JPl.'m-r; It , wi jc~ wro ,., 011 the 2+l'h (,;- April, IiCJ,f, to J. form Iht. London C ·r(;(ponjin~ , cil.Ly how ""l11ingiy the; met ev ry wed" "adrni t:ng non b t b.awllJI ;t'fldl ce d·tr: ' ,

an ;ilJll:TIll'g no 113m.: t:I_ tlJot of x: W l'J.PFR.- 0 T-

" !'A '1:1 ES." . News indeed! their ((1IV:l burnt, their port dl.'fhoyed - Great news _ bloody news for the 1"" I I:: NO,). SfJuuld th,cy, however, J10t h:l\ c been the firfl CJbject of the rap:lclty o~ fh~ jmpJ~cable enemy, and, l.:arnillg by rl:c c~al~plc 01 Bnfrol, have mccrved hopes of prder\,Ing their town, b.\ petitioning his I\Iajefiy for :t rnilitar _ for~e, wo.u~d they (1 make bold oa(k) patriotically fUli{h their pctrtron, by': F:1rcwc1J, hopilH: tb« HYD!tA OF ,e TYRA""Y AND UIPOSITJON fllall joan fall under Jb~ " CUILLOTINE: OF TIlt'T~1 A J:> RE SON! 1" Le: [hem learn before it i~ too latc.-( hfp<'ndi .• ; H, p. 1'::1.)

In, rcbrlJa~. lafl-, the united Britifh were fw~'riIlg.i'l pro((;!Jytcs In the Burough; and tilde fcJuccl1: would 11:'1 e 1.:00 [i.1 !.lui their Icditious praClict", h~lJ tll..:y no: been lilt to flWI,t by tIL Ilnrritirates of t- .icn-hall , :I!d ]"hn Cormick, in his J.C'br:uir'n of July, liIJ , lbtcJ, U13t

'" k I'

Me now' t ic e I~ :1.11 ' gene f ir the U:.i.( 1 fir it;{h rcfi-

" d nt in P:1r'~, 2nd that ther .. rc ~gcnts both flr the " n~tcd Dritilh un I Irifh ref I fit ::t H. mO!lrg."-r /,.ijh .1p,2\'D .. XX.nI.J-"llu are we It'd to July, ligS, by aucht:ntll': d lLumt'nt5, whicn \\ 11 be more than ('!lou"!! (0

. I b

CUJwrncc L It: mort Clhrti:1.n~ fi:cj"~i(k, th.it tuis c.:nfpir'116


~t _ is ever aain~ and "igilant to h~ray it~ (Ollltr)' men into thr- hand of the mOil imphC'3ble of ~nCll1j _

'Vould to God that every En lifhm n ow uld rcSea on the procectliJlg~ of S eret Socie::ic ! how c~"r. Iy might he perceive th if two(ulJ nhjcCl: - of overturning aconfii utian that ha .. led EngllLnd to the fQmmi of glory and profpe ity; and of creaing '" power, on bleedih...-d, rapine, and the neglccl of CV...:rr foci I duty. On the one {ide, we fcc the Ri..'t· of man, Equality and Libl:Cty, fet forth by there infidiou« teachers, to prove to the jnduftrious 1. bourer and unwary ar,izan, that it is "breach of ~heir rights to fcc ~e inhabit".l1ts of the earth diflinguiih!!d rnto ~hLTe~ Iirbcrdinare to different ranks ;Md fubje8 to Su periors j thtwerc I h...-ft. di II i ntlions of m~1I 'foiiun once broken, the people would then be repc lfdfc;d of their impreferiptible rights j that ryrannical bws W' -uld no lOllger reprefs the glorious zeal tor tho welfare of ni:lnk~nd, and derpotically condemn thore !"IaJ JIll/riots, the fn~n~s of man and the def~ndcrs of th~ir righrs. The exdbng governments are reprefented as an il~fringtmel1! of the rights of the people 1 the magiflrates ;100 rnilitnrv 3S agents of dcfpatifm; the clergy :\" impoll:o(~. On he other fide, to dlah/jIb the rebellious powe of the S,- rec Societies, any number of rl'di)-~ bcin6 rcndn ed Ji: 011- ":'d b~ hearing the pcrpctua tlcd ... mations r.f lh-f tol ica, I:Ul'rlmu, an oath of fecrccy • nd unio-, i 1 n It:rrd to them j their curiofity and cnthufutin i I., 'xr wor! LJ upon by the hopes of (c;crets of high impurt.::'1cc,; th r make prorc.lrtcs,; their aflcmblics frlOn b::comc too numerous - it

;, hinted tb:lt it wou Id be dangerous; UIlU r tI exifi~n"'" cilcmnibnces, to meet in fuch nurnbers , it is propofed lind a~rced that they ilioliid divide, by lOti ~, exarnple ; thilt~ III order to efiablilh a (iJft or Iuhordir l-' .1) each


r 49 ]

r.' lbnuld choofe r .e1egate; the: the rcu delegates

II etY t- r- d

t., of rhelrs t' :l 1 ighcr degree i o rom ~gree to

IK:Pllt' a 11" _ E- _

--.1 [0 th' Grand (UI t Regulating <,.;Mllmtiu. d~rrree we I'

O~c waul thi~k they haLl forg(Jlt~1l their dcelnrnaeieus

a-:rJinl1 r:tlic a "I Sup;;rior\. The le.ift breech of f.:crec: i~" to b unif) (\ hey poifon or tl e d.lgger. lJif·Jbedlen~. -~ r: ely ~l111ifheJ; an.l W1h.' .ve look to the jaecbin

I ievo • R I -

;Ith \\~ find that neither Fat]: 1", ,11dtiotJ',Fritlll, rtatisn,

rrJt1I }'{'f!r I,:l to be fp:u-cd, when the good of the is in qu !liou. L it th t a few reb .ls, ll)'lin~ themli.:l,l's ; Secret t JmminCf', may in cOlljlmCtion with the mon I1ycterarc enemies of th fe kin .. J!Jm~ plunderan dcfpfJ il th'- r L 1I0w- CO\! n tr ymen, th"t f:ngl i ~m en \:1111 hlr\ {'j [II lhd", Ii ducers r Sh:111 a few f anne Jacobm, b C;jU"': rhly ",c arrived at [hr' furnrnit of the pj,ami~, th'rl tJ receive the loathlorne fum" of blatphcmy and rch Jljo , lord it over a n, rion that on b Jaft of a S.,\ crtiLn whofe virtues and patern .. l affeCtion h:.J.\'C rather made him rh f. ther than the ruler of the nntion ; - f a Houte of Lord, d ... fcribcd CI-CI1 hy the jacobin Lacroix, c. as P eciif 0115 ru the nation, bccaufe it is :l ramp rt of its lib rU ties," _ of a Houfe of Commons ever \.\-Ol'C!lful of the rcn] ri£ht5 of the people, ill [pite of the dcclarnation of the Brotherhood to reprcfent it ali t~c c.:lntnry:; over a


Few p«Ipk "',(lwo:I (11I,,.n, dWI Ih<~(h res in l'lrl~~1 I (oui' t'l/cr he (ol1nrlnl into a [uol lor the prop" arion r tl e v,.:u of the C"f1Con":,nl: ocltty. The" 110"1n;; I rter, nowever, ""II 11low I,ow care- 1111:; our n:l~ n ,J h.d IQr f n C"CIY clanK'r, ,,,ht" tl,)' 0:d.'10 01 III t

he clebal'" i110ul,' not Ix pUb.,tll(tl; it ...... )1 (u r rye 1(1 ~'<p""'D the \"Ch(mence oi lI1:my. on !I,e {1~ofion of the rece t cl<arilJ1; of t It &,Utri • and , r c~ring ccrtam <lebal" or high and [,d-jit1-, iml'oMancf, Cueh, for uamp!~, D5 the !ruh huii"cr~, 'lll1 leerer L om the Lendon Cnm:fponding '::;""'CI; (il.pt'cndix: E. ]\l~"h.;,. 1~9.i) i1 ", ritren 10 1I r~ic~)' M Storl1i.!!, I .. \\ ILl, f,!",d to I"CJUoning .&'~r!-,l1nmr. we e umn.imoua .in tlre ~ri-

.. .. l..on.

[ so

".Irion, in ilIon, th:Jt can h :lfl of aws wl"ch, formed by the mutual Cor'{e.1t 0 Kin::" Lon];;, and C(/nmon~, have led it to unp:mll!deJ ~Ion', p 'o(perity, nd i"ic1 ! IS to men W.IO ha\'e been {i ar ... J on 'uri " l;he.. hay attc n j d the public C"'>[I ts of jufhce, t~.It tJ.· (C. fedU':rs h .. fI hol forth on the m },:lurn ni(h:uion or juT! i ~? Shalla loy;J :z 1'J17 anJ vk oriou nav y be reprc[enteJ as the a. nt: or dd;,o,ifm and tyranl1', b_::3ufe they will ne r lJIurdf-. their OiSceL and d"f.:rr .0 l~' cntm;'? -_ NC', Er3) JUncn' .t. 'h elf'orcs fll .. :1 ever meet o\'lth IIlL contempt rh y de_. .ervc ; t..nion, honef.. , and lop't.') iliall lead us In victor),; an,l, eve. minJlli1 of ClUr duties to G J(.j :jft. IJ r, \ v- m ., " bid d 'i lee to the maJi_:nity of Our ir:terr I, all the rllp cit. ot 01.., ext"rna! roes.

So ~~ it'

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