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1) select AIRPORT.city from Airport join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.

city where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Toronto'
2) select AIRPORT.city from Airport join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.arrive_
city join PLANE on FLIGHT.plane_type = PLANE.plane_type where FLIGHT.arrive_city
= 'Toronto' and FLIGHT.arrive_time > 20:59 and PLANE.capacity > 149
3) select * from (select Airport.city from Airport join FLIGHT on Airport.city =
FLIGHT.arrive_city join PLANE on FLIGHT.plane_type = PLANE.plane_type where FLI
GHT.arrive_city <> 'Toronto' and PLANE.capacity > 149)temp where FLIGHT.flightID
in(select FLIGHT.flightID from Flight join PLANE on PLANE.plane_type = FLIGHT.p
lane_type where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Toronto' and PLANE.Capacity > 149)
1) select FLIGHT.flightID from FLIGHT join PLANE on PLANE.plane_type = FLIGHT.pl
ane_type where PLANE.capacity < 50
2) select * from (select AIRPORT.city, FLIGHT.flightID, FLIGHT.day, from AIRPORT
join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.depart_city where AIRPORT.runways > 2)temp
where (select count(FLIGHT.flightID) from FLIGHT where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Pa
ris' and FLIGHT.day = temp.day) > 1)
1) select AIRPORT.city from Airport join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.arrive_
city where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Toronto'
2) select AIRPORT.city from Airport join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.arrive_
city join PLANE on FLIGHT.plane_type = PLANE.plane_type where FLIGHT.arrive_city
= 'Toronto' and FLIGHT.arrive_time > 20:59 and PLANE.capacity > 149
3) select * from (select Airport.city from Airport join FLIGHT on Airport.city =
FLIGHT.arrive_city join PLANE on FLIGHT.plane_type = PLANE.plane_type where FLI
GHT.arrive_city <> 'Toronto' and PLANE.capacity > 149)temp where FLIGHT.flightID
in(select FLIGHT.flightID from Flight join PLANE on PLANE.plane_type = FLIGHT.p
lane_type where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Toronto' and PLANE.Capacity > 149)
1) select FLIGHT.flightID from FLIGHT join PLANE on PLANE.plane_type = FLIGHT.pl
ane_type where PLANE.capacity < 50
2) select * from (select AIRPORT.city, FLIGHT.flightID, FLIGHT.day, from AIRPORT
join FLIGHT on AIRPORT.city = FLIGHT.depart_city where AIRPORT.runways > 2)temp
where (select count(FLIGHT.flightID) from FLIGHT where FLIGHT.arrive_city = 'Pa
ris' and FLIGHT.day = temp.day) > 1)

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