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Instructor McKay Erickson Email Address Mlerickson@lcsd2.

Phone Number 886-9018

Course Description
Psychology is the study of human behavior. This course will determine both genetic and
environmental influences that effect the developing person. Psychology will give insight into
understanding and dealing with different developmental issues. The course also examines common
abnormal behaviors and the different treatments available.

Social Studies State Content Standards Covered in this Course

#2 Students demonstrate on understanding of different cultures and how those cultures have
contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which we live.

#5 Students demonstrate an understanding of interrelationships among people, places, economics and


#6 Students access, organize, synthesize, evaluate, and interpret information using appropriate
resources and technology to collaborate, make decisions, solve problems, and report results in any of a
variety of formats.

#7 Students demonstrate the ability to use appropriate technology to access and process information
applying a variety of resources to the study of history, geography, economics, and social institutions.

Course Material

Material will be provided for this course including text and additional reading material. Also most
lab material will be provided.

Student and Parent Signature

Student Signature____________________________________________

Parent Signature_____________________________________________
Units of Study
Units Standards Benchmarks Assessment
1- Learning and 2 1,2 Tests and Projects
Cognitive Processes 5 2,3
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
7 1
2- The Workings of the 2 1,2 Tests and Projects
Mind and the Body 5 2,3
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
7 1
3- Personality and 2 1,2 Tests and Projects
Individuality 5 2,3
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
7 1
4- Adjustment and 2 2,3 Tests and Projects
Breakdown 5 1,2,3
6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
7 1

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