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The SGI is a Destructive Cult

The SGI is a Destructive Cult.

August 10, 2010Mark Rogow16 comments
The SGI is a Destructive Cult by Definition

1). Destructive cults actively recruit new members, often through deceptive “front”
organizations. The SGI has the Boston Research Center, the Institute for Oriental Philosophy, and
others where their affiliation to SGI is rarely if ever mentioned.

2). Destructive cults claim to offer absolute Truth. Their teachings are not (to them) mere
theory or speculation. The most effective cult doctrines are those which are unverifiable
and unevaluable. The SGI claims that their believers are the only Nichiren Lotus Sutra believers
capable of obtaining Buddhahood, going so far to claim that all SGI members are Buddhas while
those of the Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke are “deluded Shakyamuni worshippers”.

3). Destructive cults reduce everything to a bi-polar attitude: “for us, or against
us.”Anyone who criticizes the SGI, no matter how wise, is a fool and anyone who praises the SGI,
no matter how foolish, is wise. Daisaku Ikeda writes, for example:

“Seven years have passed since then. The outcome of the struggle of good and evil and the
workings of the law of cause and effect have been strict and uncompromising. The decline of the
crazed and destructive Nichiren Shoshu is clearly apparent. The victims, unfortunately, are the lay
believers who practice with the temple, who are not aware of Nichiren Shoshu’s evil and have been
deceived by the priests.”

4). Destructive cults generate some kind of external “pet devil” with which to threaten
their members if they should doubt, or fail, or ever leave the group. The SGI has dozens of
“pet devils”. Those who leave will have misfortune on their jobs, in their families, in the social lives,
have accidents, fall into hell, etc. President Toda stated: “If you keep this up, you’re going to come
to a pitiful end in life.” and “Betraying the Soka Gakkai is betraying the Daishonin. In the end, they’ll
receive the punishment of the Buddha, you’ll see.” Ikeda says, “To take action to fight against
whatever forces appear as the enemies of the Soka Gakkai is our most noble mission.” Matilda Buck
says, “How tragic it would be for even one person to have found the great means of bringing forth
Buddhahood only to be diverted to another, seemingly similar, path that is incapable of leading that
individual to his or her deepest happiness.” This is the jist of the Gakkai’s attempt to chain the
members to the Gakkai way of life. The Biggest ”pet devil” is Nikken of the Nichiren Shoshu:

“When Buddhism speaks of “devilish functions,” what does that really mean? These represent
whatever tries to prevent us from advancing in our Buddhist practice. In a sense, they are
frightened when we expand the Buddha?s forces, because the realm they want to control will then
be changed into a pure land. In our case right now, this function is being manifested in the current
high priest of Nichiren Shoshu.”

5). Destructive cults lead their members to believe they are somehow superior to all other
humans on the earth. In many of Ikeda’s speeches we see how the SGI members are to view
themselves: “Sons of the Gakkai”, “inheritors of Myoho”, “Lions of the Mystic Law”, “the sole group of
true believers”, “Truly praiseworthy are you who resolve to work hard for kosen-rufu and the SGI.
You are the most noble of all people.”

6). Destructive cults put the will of the group above the will of the individual. This is often
reinforced with simplistic games or rituals of some type designed to make the individual
subservient to the group. If you search, you will find such quotes from the eternal Soka Gakkai
mentor, “the Soka Gakkai is more important than my life.” We also see the special Soka Gakkai
holidays like May 3rd, day of mentor and disciple, and such slogans as, “reaffirming the prime point
of the Soka Gakkai” We can see inordinate references to Soka Gakkai, SGI, and Ikeda in nearly
every experience given by an SGI member. There used to be dress and hair (short) and beard
(none) codes for the SGI Young Men’s Division and on saturdays everyone had to dress in white
pants and white tee-shirts.

7). Destructive cults teach that the end justifies the means. How they misuse upaya
(expedient means) is a travesty. Flirtatious shakabuku by young women’s division, telling people
they can get new cars and even drugs if the chant, teaching people that they will immediately
become Buddhas if they join the SGI, and the list goes on and on how they utilize the ends justify
the means philosophy of Machiavelli, the antithesis of the Buddha’s teachings.

8). Destructive cults teach strict obedience to superiors and encourage the development
of behavior patterns that are similar to those of the leader. Is there any doubt why the Soka
Gakkai is known throughout the ten directions as the Ikeda cult? Guidance division, never criticizing
leaders, “follow no matter what”, this is so apparent to everyone but the brainwashed SGI member
himself. Lately, the SGI has abandoned any subtle pretense with such overt youth division guidelines
as, “Reveal your true identity as Shinichi Yamamoto” and “I want to be Shinichi

9). Destructive cults offer acceptance by the group for good performance, and conversely,
withhold it for poor performance. Moving up the ladder from Jr Group Chief, to Group Chief, to
District Chief, to Chapter Chief, to Area Chief, to Territory Chief, to Joint Territory Chief and so on.
Busting people from their position or moving them at the leaders will.

10). In destructive cults, fear is a major motivator. Guilt is a close second, and shame is
third. Only the cult leader is perfect, so everyone below is fearful that those above will
find out their shortcomings. Cult members feel constantly guilty for having those real or
imagined shortcomings, and are ashamed that they haven’t worked harder to get rid of

“Never talk about your problems to the members until they are resolved.” “Did you know that so
and so got hit by a car and is paralyzed. He should have stayed with the Soka Gakkai.” “She turned
in her SGI Gohonzon and lost her job and her house.” “He committed suicide not soon after joining
the Nikken sect.”

11). Destructive cult members swing from emotional highs, to emotional lows regularly.
Lows are not long tolerated, and result in more indoctrination, or even ejection from the
group if they last too long.

“You have weak faith.” ‘You had better go for guidance if you want to quickly resolve that problem.”
Rumors to stay away from depressed individuals. Not inviting less than enthusiastic members to
certain meetings or not telling them about “important” meetings. Lectures about “emotionalism”
unless the emotion is rapture. Every last former SGI cult member will attest to this.

12). Destructive cults tend to re-write their members’ past, manipulate their present, and
distort their future. Disrupting time orientation is an honored technique of all such
cults.Human Revolution, New Human Revolution, New New Human Revolution. Need I say more?
13). And, finally, there is never a legitimate reason for leaving a destructive cult. The only
reason members leave a perfect system, is because they are imperfect in some respect,
and will be punished for it. “He was angry.” “He was jealous.” He couldn’t get along with his
leader.” “He had weak faith.” (even if he continues to chant three hours a day and does shakabuku
with the Nichiren Shu or the Kempon Hokke). “No matter which destructive cult you choose, the
above 13 items will almost universally apply.

The author of these 13 points [whose name escapes me] then goes on to conclude:

Study the methods of est, LaRouche, Transcendental Meditation, Truth Station, Soka Gakkai, The
Way International, Children of God, Temple of Set, Synanon, Scientology ®, The Peoples Temple,
Unification Church, Hare Krishnas, House of Judah, Ramtha, Garbage Eaters, Rajneesh, ECK, Church
Universal and Triumphant, Elan Vital, Posse Comitatus, or any of the others…. they use the same
techniques, even though each of them claims unique and absolute ownership of the “truth.”


• Comments (16)
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• #1 | Written by Mark Rogow about 9 months ago.

That’s # 3 above.
•#2 | Written by j about 9 months ago.
‘intolerance of other faiths’
and you think that Nichiren wasn’t intolerant of other faiths?you either read the wrong info about Nichirens faith,
or your on heavy drugs/delusion
• #3 | Written by Masaru about 9 months ago.

“or your on heavy drugs/delusion


Haha. Am I the only one who gets the irony in that little morsel? I just can’t be.
• #4 | Written by j about 9 months ago.

cl-its a matter of interpretation.nichiren preached the ONE BUDDHA VEHICLE.the others are
provisional,leading to the ONE BUDDHA VEHICLE.all people who practice sincerely seem to be practicing
correctly,but nichiren didn’t agree,which is obvious from the gosho (actual,unadulterated that is), not the crap
from nichiren noshu or the gak.learn to read japanese and read it in the original form.it makes a difference.you
can buy books that have pictures of the originals that exist,and read the kanji that nichiren actually wrote, not
some bozos mind control version.
• #5 | Written by j about 9 months ago.

‘I;m not familiar with this translation. If you are going to conjure up conspiracy theories like this, you will
need to post up actual documents(PDFs) and tutorials that prove this’

sorry about that.its in the Lotus Sutra,about the One Buddha Vehicle.makes a good read if you want to
practice buddhism in the latter day of the law.
• #6 | Written by j about 9 months ago.
“its a matter of interpretation”
not if you want to practice the buddhism that nichiren expounded.(reading the lotus sutra)
• #7 | Written by greg r about 9 months ago.

nichiren noshu …….. ok j, you make me laugh.

•#8 | Written by Jennifer about 8 months ago.
I have been practicing for two years now and have never incountered any of which has been written
above. I have never been asked for a dime of my money nor have I been forced to beleive in anything other than
myself. And that true happiness comes from within my our heart and action. It is asame that you cannot see the
• #9 | Written by Mark Rogow about 8 months ago.

Have you accepted Ikeda as your mentor, Jennifer?

•#10 | Written by Tedet Navu about 4 months ago.
I find your article on the SGI is slanted and ill informed. You are accusing the SGI of intolerance but
your article intentionally distorts facts about the SGI organization and the role of Daisaku Ikeda. His contribution
to global discourse is widely accepted and his scholarly works are well respected. The separation of the SGI and
Nichiren Shoshu priesthood was a terrible tragedy. It is important to remember the contribution of all Nichiren’s
followers. The SGI, yes imperfectly, has made Nichiren Buddhism a world religion. It’s biggest contribution was
the compilation of the Gosho (Nichiren’s writings) and it’s translation as well as working with world Buddhist
scholars translating the Lotus Sutra.
• #11 | Written by Mark Rogow about 4 months ago.

Dear Tedet:

SGI doesn’t know what do with all its money. Trust me, if the Kempon Hokke had one one thousandth
of the wealth of the Soka Gakkai, it would translate the Gosho based on the original Showa Tehon
collection of the writings, not the self serving modern Nichiren Shoshu collection [Gosho Zenshu]. The
SGI has changed and altered Gosho and lumps all writings, authentic and inauthentic, as authentic
writings of Nichiren. Instead of edifying, the SGI confuses the masses of beings. There are four
dangers of the Soka Gakkai from a religious perspective:

The first danger of the SGI teachings is mixing the clean with the unclean. No dog would ever
intentionally eat ground glass. No infant would ever intentionally ingest a toxic substance nor would
any mother intentionally give her baby a toxic substance. However, a dog will eagerly eat a steak
inundated with ground glass and an infant will readily drink tainted breast milk. A mother, not knowing
that the noxious drug is excreted into her breast milk, inadvertently gives it to her baby. This is what
the SGI members serve to the children of the Buddha. They serve the poison of the heretical doctrines
of Nichiren as True Buddha, The DaiGohonzon, and the Oneness of Living Mentor and Disciple to their
children in the milk of Namu Myoho renge kyo. Or they, like a mean and deranged farmer, serve their
loyal dog the ground glass of slander of the orthodox sects in the steak of the Jiga-ge.

The second danger is as noxious as mixing the clean with the unclean: Taking a piece of the teachings
from the middle, a piece from the end, and a piece from the beginning and re-attaching them in
reverse order or mixing them up. The former practice is like a surgeon who reverses a vein when
creating an arterial bypass. The flow of blood ceases and the patient dies. The latter practice (that of
mixing up the teachings) can be likened to a physician who is ignorant of adverse drug-drug
interactions. He mixes two or three safe and efficacious drugs together which turns them into a
powerful poison. The former practice of rearranging the teachings is commonplace in the SGI. For
example, those teachings that Nichiren Daishonin taught before he had fully developed his faith are
given precedent over the later complete teachings or they promote the theoretical teachings of
expedients over the essential teachings of abandoning expedients and the exclusive faith and practice
of the Lotus Sutra. An example of the danger of mixing several efficacious practices which when mixed
have a deleterious effect, are the practices of shoju and shakabuku in the Soka Gakkai which are
practiced without understanding the times or the circumstances in which we live. They practice shoju
towards the slanderers of the Dharma such as the Zen men, Nembutsu adherents, and believers in
Islam and practice shakabuku towards the members of the Kempon Hokke and the Nichiren Shu.
These sundry practices the SGI perpetrates on the children of the Buddha. Neither Greg Martin nor
Dave Baldshun nor any of the salaried SGI leaders are good persons and neither is their master,
Daisaku Ikeda. Both have the mission of destroying the teachings and harming the children of the
Buddha, Daisaku Ikeda from above and the salaried SGI leaders from below.

The third danger of the SGI is that they arbitrarily add doctrines and concepts to the Great Pure
Teachings where none exist and claim them as “the original and authentic teachings of Nichiren
Daishonin”. This is worse than forging Gosho because it is more insidious. By altering a word here or a
word there, to already extant and authentic Gosho (literally putting words in Nichiren’s mouth), they
become adept at fooling the people. This cunning and treachery they inherited from the perverse
seven hundred year tradition of the Taisekaji priests and their Gosho Zenshu, Oral Teachings, and
faked transfer documents. Fortunately, we have the unadulterated Showa Tehon Collection of Original
Gosho (as well as expert linguists), to keep them honest. We also have the disciples and believers of
the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin whose correct faith and understanding
renders them capable of clarifying such matters.

The last danger is, many innocent people fall prey to the SGI’s “Nichiren said this but meant that”
arguments which are the teachings of the delusion of fundamental darkness. Since this is a visceral
and emotional argument and the people are steeped in the Three Poisons, no amount of logic or
scholarship will suffice to overturn it. Most people can no more see their own eyebrows than heaven in
the distance [Nichiren]. It will require the wisdom of the Buddha born of faith in Nichiren Daishonin’s
Gohonzon and the Lotus Sutra to destroy these arguments and devils.
• #12 | Written by Joshua Bridges about 4 months ago.

SGI Soka Gakkai is a Destructive Cult!

For more information about Destructive Mind Control Cults, take a look at this website I came across recently:
• #13 | Written by Dave Smith about 3 months ago.

Fuck SGI
•#14 | Written by Dave Smith about 3 months ago.
Fuck SGI, A bunch of brainwashed mother fuckers
• #15 | Written by Sera about 4 weeks ago.

Your definition of a cult sounds exactly like Christianity.

•#16 | Written by Mark Rogow about 4 weeks ago.
They too are a destructive cult but, in the light of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin, far less
dangerous than the Soka Gakkai.

Article taken from: http://fraughtwithperil.com/markrogow/2010/08/10/sgi-fits-the-definition-of-


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