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Radio Station WEAM

A Weakly Commenta ry on Major Events from the Nation's Capital

Sunday, 14arch 19, 1961


COLONEL DUNN: I cancelled My scheduled broadcast today o bring you M�o t

Bl.yton Barron with a s0nsation 1 expose of
how the c on u ni �
s t appa atus is :
oa.ns mes unwlt16l.ngly
able to spread its poison and how loyal Ameri
Mr. Barron
lend themselves to ita propaganda and smear c�p8i gne.

MIl. BARRON: First pe l-m.it me to thank you, Colonel Dunnll ror J.:selinqu1ahing
listeners one of
you r t1we on this program today so that I might give our
the most shocking pieces of evidence of Communist activit y and influence
t the days or Alger H�9S
in this country tha han come to ou� attention s ince
a.nd the Yaltfl\ betrayal,. The specifics whioh I bring you are up un·till this
lazoge. 3 it" t.:e
very moment unknown to the American publio a t Unf'ortun e:tely
may judge fr om what we read in a national nsws mag�zine, in the Congressi on=
al Record or disoussions on the
floor of the S e n a t e � and in certain news�
papers. we may conclude that & lot of good people have, lndeod� fallen for
a piece of Communist propagan da a_ hook, line and aitikero For that reason
we are inviting reprosElzrtativea of the preas and certain Senator s and Mem­
bers ot COI"..gress to listen "ti'1th you at this tim e to what I have -to l'eveal.»

Let me beg1n by rerer�1ng to an article which appsared in the People's
World " for February 25� 1961& The PGo�lels World� I am advised by ths rQA
search �tatf or the Senate
Inte�nal ·geeurr£y·Suboo mm ittee� is the official
organ ot: the C ommunis t Party on th.e West Coast. Pl.ease noto this: the
PtOPlelt Wor�� as its title might suggest. has bQen ci t ed by Congreaeion­
a report as a m01.1thpiece of the Communist Party in Ams�1ea.. The �tlcle
to which I reter� and which I will quote in full in a moment, is entitled:
"Enter ( Xrom st age ri �t) the John
Birch SoeietY"e Note� too tho date .Q
February 25, 1961 - f or it is the first in an amazing om"ono! 081.
'" The
next date in this chronology is about a week later� when an article in 2
weekl� news magazine, using some of the same wording as the Co!nmunist
organ and presenting much of the same point of view� was included in the
post-dated i s su e or that magazine o£ March 10. On March 8, by which dat�
the issue of the magazine tiaa in the hnnds of tlubscribersll a United States
Senator put the �eha8h of the communist theme into the CongreSSional Rec�
ord in the eou�se or a spe e ch on the �loor ot Senate. the
And then one or
the wi�e news services, with 0qual naivety, picked up the tale and spread
it all over the eountl'7
� appar> ently never taking the time to check the
source. Even a �espeeted Washington newspaper was on I�ch 12 moved to
hasty and unwarranted ed1to�ial eommente

If this we:re the tl�st time this sort ot: thing had happ�nad ion our eoun·try �
it this �ere the only ttme that p�eaumably well-meaning Americans had
allowed thamselves to be a tran�as1on belt for c ommu nist propaganda� it
would be bad enoughe Bl.'fc every tr a i ne d observer knows full 'Wall that the
American people are constantly being brainwashed in this fashiono So it
behooves U8 to examine this typical bu·t flagrant case ·to see hell this
braiml8.shing 1s caJ."ried ono IT, wh.en I get through many of: our listene·�a
are still disposed to pal'"rOt the conmie line in thi� mattorll
then hGav�n�
help tis a3 a ne:i:;ion ...

So .nO�j I t�ill quota vsrbat i.ra i'Fom ·1411.e ax>ticle which set the corm1!'l.,1nis t
'(;I'ana� tssi.on 'belt in motion. I Hould pSl'"'8onal1y be one of the last- to
d:te up garbage stwh as wh:�:t I tn.'1 e.bout ·to �Gsad to YO'Ll" hut Sll'lC0 others
have already p:(>smen:'Ged H; under m. seemingly r-eapeatable label � you BI'e
errti1:tlsd· to get it straight.. Plam-Be r 0Yllemlnn.... that,; what I re!d is �he_
Oommunist line, f'rcm the ao""oslled � tl9r1J! for the 25IJh of Las'b
m(..1nth ... - and that virtually every H'or� of' it i s ,, as you might expect; �
l'l ld!culo'Us beyond c1e!)seI'iption� So I l"ead:

8"l.UGELES ...... Suburban nm1SpalOel� columniats have

�iLOS 'bean devoting uneasy
Q).�ii";;cantly to an organiza:c1on lmot1n as 'llhe �),olm Bil:>ch Society,
npPuZ'0ntly a wel1 ...lleelac1 oU'/jfit spawned by the 001t1. \..Jar",

nThe Soci sty t s f'oundm." i.e Robex>t Welch� T(l ( here 1 0t ide pstuse f01'" So ,dO­
rno,n.t to l'1ote th�t; this i"il';St attemlYce d sts.temen:t of ':Ulci.:; is typically
1.na.ccu:i.<>ate" foY.> I�. t-/elch is 10 yee.rs youngel'" than the age indic�t0d), a
L'otir>ed Boston", 11&88 .. " candy ll1amlract;u�er� uno so'c up the opgauize.tion
D�cember 9� 1958� at Indian@poli8� Ind. .Neit��� the date nor place seem
';;0 be of significance but the socd,etyts tC611'�' method of organizing ( h0re
let HIe state pavonthstically �Ghe.t the tel� fcell t is purely a C01'1Y.f1Ul'list
attempt to misl'lepl"'e�0nt t-1he.t is norrdal in. the l'ormation or patrio·t:1.o a.t,.d.
f'rf).t.�rL'lal or'g€:!l:'"'llzations, namely=, the settiv..g up of' local tiohapters",
't'yhiob. io the tax:m u8Gd by The John Bil':'{}h Society) and tho 1"010 of its
foundej:> soems to have arot180d misg! v ings �

nUelc.h, 1>711.0 is c10scl::ibed 9.::1 the absolute boas of' the societY!i ,{>la.s born in
l�oI't;h C al"ol:i.na" finish.ed "Cb.e university thel"e;:; spent two years at Annapolis
�lnd anotho:& ','Wo at Hal�VIi1y.d" Hels livod in Boston sinca 1919·$

5t'DI3mom;>ac:�,. is li1e�ely a deceptive phrase", t Welc.h proclaimed on ono

occBsionl!' � a weapon of demagoguallY � and m. pe2?oEl..1'lial fraud .. r

r:Ue l ch SCGlUeJ to have taken f'r-ight; a.t soma of the liberal decisions of ');;he
U .. S .. Slxpr>etne Cou�t and his feel1s' 'W0�e commanded to wield pans ill a
latt0xt-w:t.?i ting cSJ.llpaig£4 calling XOJ'.;> the imp0achm.ent oX Ch i ef Just;ice

S�t'Jelch alao tackled thG Ei50nhowor monace to 1"ree enterpx>is9" He �(;hil'1k8

r"Ult on EifH�1'lhol>S0reJ Dl·othar of: tho f'o�mo:r president_ 'Vras a Coramunist� and
it 1tll this .fiE'm 'bel1of' th&t Dwight Eiaen..l}o�'1el') is a dedicated, cOl'lscious
ago:a.�(; (;f th.e Oommunis t ooo13pit>s.cy t ,,�

uThfifC appca�ed in tl 1958 booklet!> IThe Polltieian� � '(-n">itten by lfelch"

whi oh seems to have boen uithdr-awn f'rcm cil'"Culation af'tel� being seen by a
Zew leade�� or the movGment. (Parenthetically let me note that no such
'r)�)ok �ms publie\b.�d; �Ghe commies are tI'ying to drag in 80me private views
of X�h'>., ltrielch. pemned long before the Soeiet;y was f Ol?llfe d and in no lltT&\y tied
to i�B pu�poaGs).

nS�.id Bill S'lJll1iO.er, in th6 Pasadena. Indopendsllt: (and this inclusion by

'che eormnj. Els 1s gU:I?pris:tng) ' Local1y:s and in this area,. the Society S0ems

to be att!'9.ot1ng men SJ."'ld women of 301110 su'bs'Grulce. It would not pay to

dism5.t2!1ll tham £le a group o� f'an�9.t:icg and cre.chlJota worthy Oil1y of a passing
snort .. :
Sesidea Pasadena� the society has picked up recruits in Santa Barbarao
Signifioantly, both. eOlWlur!ities are dominated by the retired. we 11 ... t 0"" do "

"On Welch Ws council are (and nob}' note these ctufl.racterizat:i.ona of out ..
standir� Americans) such veteran enemies or demooratic rights as Dean
Clare nce Manion. TG C
ol eman Andrews. former income tax collector;
Spru111a Bradeng fOI1mSr Latin-American 'expert' of t he U� So State De­
partment, and Adolph Menjou, unsavory relic of the House Un�Amer1can
'raid' on Hollywood�

"Rscruiting is done at house meetings by means of G. 4""houx> movie on t-lhich

We l ch appears alone and explains why there must be complete obedience to
the leadere That, he says, will keep out Communists and others who mig�t
create dissentQ

"Each c e ll has its director HaO in turn consults with a district director
monthly who transmits ordors from above", Dil"'E>ct1vEIS also
approved in the
monthly John Bi rch Bulletin, edited by \voleh ..

Letter writing to publie officia ls and ,to nst-uspap@r:s has been the main
activity of the Society but lately ita attention haa turned to the PTA,
which Welch feels is too much to the lerto

n'l'he society is named f or John Birch" aU., S., Army captain who is sup.".
pOSGd to have died ill China 10 days after VJ day., Welch blames h�.s
C n
death on ' h i e s e Commun1ets!,tI

So there you have the eOlnmie lineQ

What I have jUflt l""eadl1 par'c1culsrly the more blatant portions!, will sound
very famlliar to those \tIDO read So similar article in III �leekly news mage.""
zinoe In t he latter we find, ro� example, the same use or the communist
term agell"; there, too, we f' in d the same lndlllidufll� mentioned. ... Dean

Manlon� Spruille Braa0n, and Ado lph Menjou whom the

�- r.eople!� �rl�haa
l i sted disparagingly, but wham you and I know as able and dedfcated
Amel'ieans among ths many connected
with The John Birch Society., \lIhy II if
the weekly magazine did any research at all in the matter, did they in­
clu de only names which tha eormnies mentioned? Why" for example!' did they
not inolude the nam� of Cardinal CushinSg Archbishop of Boston? HGre is
an excerpt rrom what the la tter ha s written: "I beg to advise
you that I
do not know of any more dedicated anti�communist in the country than
Robert WelCh., I unhesitatingly recommend him to you and endorse hi s John
Birch Society,,"

The magazlno
a rt i cle mentioned does add one thing to the contribution or
�he ��plai�Wor1a. It tells us in its not�to=be imitated style that
one Chicago conserva.tive" does not favor The John Birch Society" Intel�­
estingly enough � the magazine does not give us the name or the one crltic0
That 18 hardly impreasiv60

When Senator Yeung or North Dakota unwittingly gave further circulation

to commie propaganda� he did say.
on the floor ot the S®nata that in his
state The John Birch SOCiety "has among its members marne or the most able
and � �
n.fl e!ltial people ineach communlty;t;n That much vould certainly
chec�c wilih my own obse�vat;1on in Xilany areas whe.r0 I have D0€)l'l ..
... 4 -

It is not the purpose or this broadcastD however. to discUEO ilS merits

or demerits of T h e John Bi�eh Society., Those who tdsh to l:-aol what the
Society stands tor can, I am suros rind its objectives and pujpoaes
clearly set forth in the m anual or Blue Book of the SoeietI. Certainly
one should not turn to the ContmUnist £!;OR�...!.! \!Qt.14
or any of 1_ts dupes
for guidance on mattE»rs of high. patriotic pUr p01.Hh I sse no ! c eaaion to
dig i nto the private writings of Mr� Welch that
-- is, of cou ' � e, unless
one wishes to somehow d1vert and d ist rao t attantion� for uX8m i le, from
th e movement to i mpeach Earl Warren -- ror Mr$ Walch 1s p:t'obB. I '-y as much
en ti tled as the rest of us to his private opinionm 0 It 111 l' !J.'loovea 0 0-=
called liboral s who are always wanting us to .forg$t th0 pllI . at \.if c ertai n
of their spokesmen to now dig u p and garble the private t:<:lin :'.ng of'
Robert Welch yeara prior to too foundi ng or The ·John
Biroh [.r;:iety" It
is Just another phase of the 8meru.� taotics of which WE) s pec' i. Howevers
it anybody want s to argue the point, let me remind him that ttiO yaars or
more ago when the New York TlmGs and the Washington Post, \�� State De=
partment and tho vlhi to Hou s e were lavishing their praise or. Fidel Castro
as the savior of Cuba, our fI·1.end Robart \<Yeleh was ona or H\s very few
in America. who had the insight and the courage to describe i;hat Red puppet
in print for exactly what he vasa Let those who may be dl:posed to
ch allenge Mr. Welch's Judgment on current iaeuss put that :'(1 their pipes
and smoke it f)

Why at this time, why at this moment in our history� two y nra after the
organization of The Joh n Birch Socioty, and several Yf.)G.I-S ij�teI' the
private writings which they distort, do the conmies and thlir dupeD now
Beek to discr8dit Mro Welch and The John Birch Society? T d.s questS.on is
a fnndamental one; it s trikes to the very heart of what w� have to say
today 0 The answer Is clear� even from the article which . read youo The
John Bir ch Society under Mr. Welch's leade�shlplI has insp:ped thousands
ot' thoughtt-ul Americans to protest against the trend of t:�v lis.r-.pen Court
decisions in recent years.. A ll ove r the nation thors is r:. mounting de=
mand :for the impeachmen-i; of Earl Warren. And the ocmniE" � are fighting
back tor him, not on the merits of the issue, but with :i09 and smears$ as
we saso

To those who are active 1n the nation-wide movement to o�fect a hou8e�

cleanIng of the Warren Court, th is 11.1 all as h e arto nin } as it ohould be '

revea11ng to the public at large" The demand fOI" impfHchme nt 121 r eally
beginning to be .folto A mouthpiece of the Communist :';).rty in Amerioa has
rushed to Warren's aido You may respond accordingly, �ora certain than
ever of the need to press tor 1mpeachment�

One other thought in cloB1ng� The shocking demonstr/:i.iion of Commu nist in""
fluence on thinking in this count17l1 which I have re'lealed to day in a
spec1fic instance, should help alert some who might otherwise be dupedo
Watch to s ee how many or your r rie nds simply parrot th. commie line in
this mattero

Th1s 18 Bryton Barron concluding and nay-ing "Thank :,·ou" ..

Thank you M.t"o Barron.. You have been lis t eni ng to MJ'o Bryton Barron,
veteran of' 26 yeva in the State Departm®nt and tht) 1uthor or "Insic.1o the

stato Department. which canb� purchased from the Buokmail6r� Box 101�
Murray Hill Station; New York 16. No Yo

This 1s Colonel Dunn in Washington"

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